u ,"Wo== BY MAGNETIC, TELECRAPB 12==afr1ri=i1tri KIR THE PITTSBURGH MAHN GAZETTE CONGILZISIONA.L Wummovßt. A pril 25 Suss.—ln Senate, to dap, numerous peti tions were presented and referred to the appropne ate commltteea. The bill to catablish a board of accounts to tat tle Private claims, was taken op and made the speeal order of the day, for Tuesday next. The Senate then proceeded to the conildetatioo of the report from the committee on printing, in favor of abandoning the contract eystem of pro cooing the public printing. An unintermting debate ensued upon an amend ment submitted, by Mr. Walker, directing of against contractors for nou•pertormanee of con tracts. The .abject was debired by Messrs Borland. Walker, Foote, Butler, and other', without coma log to any cooeletion. The Senate then went into Executive Session, and after a short time spent therein, adjourned. Hoorn —Mr. Stanley sated leave to ores • re. sPlutlen that a select committee be appointed to investigate the charge. against Thomas Ewing,. and to inquire what clerks, appointed by him, corresponded for neserpapers. Also, what per sona holdimeotlce under the late odor nistratioa, as clerks, beads of bureau., comml.runtrs of pa. tent., or toxicant postmaster General, VITCte or edited . newspapers — their eflellelletelio2l and salaries; end who the "Boodelcond Essays; what office he held; and whether della( the can. van for the Presidency, any of tbrm absented themselves from their. codices to snake election. luring speeches, and were caged on to aubacribe money to Operate agelnest General Taylor. Mr. Johnson, of Arkansas, “ohjectbd to such trash." Mr. Stanley raid that the clijection came with a good grace frito the putt' who pr,,f4ased to be anxious for an investigation. Tina ehjectiou proves that they are opposed to a fair invcatign• lion. If It wea .trash" it would be proper mete rial lot the crinkle:Eton i f the gentleman from Arkansas—suitable matter for his appreciation. Mr. Kaufman—' Is not this the enure resole. tion,offered on Monday, and to which Mr. Toombs objected." Mr. Stanley— . No sir, it in not the acme." Some emfusion here took place, and the Speak• et knocked loudly to eupprem it. The Haute then took up the resolution declaring that the term ..honorab!e discharge;' in eels giving extra pay and bounty land to those mho served to the Mexican war, obeli menu any discharge. except for delinquency of du.y. The resolution was referred to thaCemsosittre of the Whol: od the state of the Helen. Mt. Stanton, of Tennessee, from the Naval Com mates, said that three memorials on the subject of the Expedition to acarch for Sir John Franklin, had been referred to them, and he wished to re• port a joint resolution, authorising the President to accept and attach to the Navy, the two veneb offered by Henry Grenell, to proceed In the Arctic• Ocean in .earth for Sir John Franklin end his companions. Mr. John•dd, of Arkansan, objected. Mr. Bayley moved to refer the resolution to the Committee on Ways and Mean, The Speaker said the reselut.on had not yet been read, and risked its reeding. The resolution antsorises the President to re. ceive the vessels, and detail from the Navy 'such Oommianldns, Warrant 01fieers, and Seamen, as may be necessary, who will be willing to en gage Therein—mpply them with suitable ration., net exceeding three years; and to give them use of all such necessary instruments as cube ,pared from the Navy, Tho officers and men, in all re spects to be under the laws of the Navy, until they return, when the vessels shall be delivered to Mr Drench. Mr. Josea—"W bat amount is to be paid ?" Paring to some interruption is the tolegraphi• wires, the !loose proceedings are Moosupleto. Ens On SENATE CONFIRMATIONS. Welmuurroe, April 25. William V. Brady, Postmsetar at New York. Ricbad Weal*, Marshal of the District of Columbia. The river has risen is inches within the last 24 hours. There are now lilac feet water in chan nel on the Falls. Freights are very scarce. About sixty of the passengers of the Belle of _the Wait left today for St. Louis, on the Diadem. The Belief Committee distnbuted 8500 among them. Some fourteen of the passengers are yet at the scene of the disaster. They are the wound ed, and the relatives of the wounded. The steamer ben. Lafayette bringe New W ieses dates to the ISch. The Mississippi is extra ordinarily high, and rising very fast. it is feared that there will be a Loom disastrous overflow be low. PHILADELPHIA MARKET. Puit.azu.rim, April 25 Flour—The market continues firm, but there is no demand for shipment. Sales 600 Ibis Common and good Mande, for export, at $5,121a5,25 per b`rl. Hrilders generally firm at the latter rate. Rye Flour—The market has slightly improved, with males of 500 this at SZEill per bill. Corn Meal is held at $2,621 per bbl. Gram—Receipts of Wheat continue very scarce, sad it is warded at full prices. Sales of Red at 116,t, and of White at 1200121 c per bushel, which is • further advance. No sales of ale. Core continues to come in slowly, and is in good tic. oozed. Sales of 3000 to 4000 bu Yefiow at 69git9 cm Oats are sewer,. and held higher. Whiskey—The market Is firmer, with sales in bbls at 24c, and in hhds at 23e per gallon. NEW YORK MARKET. KAI+ You, April 25 '41.; Float—ln anticipatiou of short supplies from the West, a good speculative demand prevails, with. out, howeveromy maim tracheae° in print Corn. mon State bread. are veiling at 55 060518; straight State brands m S 5 180531; favorite State at 55 31 05 37; mixed Ohio and Indiana, $5 IEOS 31, and of mixed Michigan at $5 310 5 31; sates of extra Ohio at $5 9706 12 per hbL Eye Flour—Sales at $2 13102 57 per Orals—Wheat is Mill Leading upwards, with moderate sales of good mixed Ohio at $l. 1001 IS, sales of Genesee wheat at $1 3301 35 per bu Corn, owing to the light supplies, is held firmly at 61c062 par be; for the better qualities, sales rime yellow Southern at 60c061 per pa. Provisions—Nothing in doing. Pork is heavy I at $lO 12010 25 for Men, and $9 3738 50 for , prime, with sone sales below these figures. Lard as quiet, with a downward tendency. Gnomic,—Sugars and Coffee remain firm. Sales of clar,fied Cobs Molasses at ISt eOl9, end of N- O at 234326 per galloo; sales of N 0 Sugar a t 4005 t al of Porto Rico at 5;c0.5t; of Cuba at 410051, and of brown Havana at 4 i ¢661 Per Sale, of Brazil Coffee at 9c091; and of Lsguara, Marsesiho, Porto Rico at 0c; Java is sold at 11c0 11z, on umial time; sales of St. Domingo at 75:0 Cull. o.lt—Sales Linseed at 60,: for English, and fills" or. Sales of boat American at 63c09 3 per Sall quid, $5 25 for American samples. Iron—Sales of Scorch Pas at $2O per ton, cash. Tobacco—Very little is doiag la tobacco. The market to kaa active s but no charge in prices. Sales of Kentucky at hfc. of Megaliths at 814310. Kentucky stem to Belling at 75s per 100 lbs. Mr narectured tobacco is atilt In fair demand, and the market continues Sen. The receipts of low grader, latterly, are very mall, and the stocks of Mona descriptions are mach reduoed. Wlaskey Is qaiet, at 93c02ii„ Tke Ceasbris is elementally expected. NEW ORLEANS MARKET. Naw. Elauturs, April - 18. Sugar and Molasses aro without change FkoarSales of ISO Ida Ohio at sS,tOc per Darrel Cltain--Salcs of Cara at 67070 e—stock light ait r il bold at 'inc. Prosiidons—Small sales of Map Polk at 59,15 bbl. • gap—Salta of Western at 817. Coffee—Sales of 425 bags Rio at E 1951, and 400 prime do at Bo Vlbiakey—Saba 100 bbla at 191 c for rectified , and 211 c for raw. CINCINNATI MARKET. Cr+Glossal, April 25 7kltr—We knee no new (eaten, to notice In the A c k ert et. Pales of 6CO brie al &SOW leper bit Oroia—No =auctions 'of.astancat. Corn le held air at advance, a: 4T, but dull at 400. Provisions—Mars Is a fair Inquiry far kasas: bat Abe only Wes we hey at were 18 bbd, attoalders, at 31c Hams are selling at 6;613146c per lb. Nothing I doing in pork or lard. Whiskey is without change. The river ens risen 16 Inches since last report, and Hill sureking utiMMERCIAL RECORD. PITTYYJUIWU 110/117.D OF TAILOR •SO r=ccrt•+z'• uca•aGl. COMMITTEE FOR APRIL. JOYS It • • • • wr. r. 11.Plli• • • .1. X. roovnan Tnt Ocsais Streak. —The following are the dates of depai tare of the Ocean Mesmer., daring the month of May AIII.LICL, from Weston, Wednesday, let M 47 c. 1 .1.1 1 No w Yort, Wedoesday, - May OM, Cahues, tram Batton, Wedne•diY, May 15u, Sit too, from New .Wort„ %Wednesday, May 4211. merles. Prrramsim IliazernLy Friday scorning, April :0, The weather yesterday was dark and gloomy, with several showers of rate daring the day. Maine. gen - mil,. was quiet, and very little of interest trans:rived In the Marken Fl.ollll—None of consequence eaten forward yes wiray, and we heard of very little Mang in fast 1,1.10 Operations. The holding prices from first hand t' me b7.31,M1. The holding pore from store war ft i , M winch Caere, however, sales were quite soodere.e.-- at, Vine extra El or, war selling 'yesterday Ly the dray load let, at 65,45 9 LW. ftva Fume—We noM . nawlerate sales, at 137871:11.00 9 Covi McAL—Wo nole tal. from .tore al soassa 47' buohtl. GRAIN—Tim supplies of Grain generally aro moJe• roe, and former prices ate wen sustained. Sales of Wheat IR the City Stills yesterday and day before amounted to IMO Liu, ICOC iamb an adranzing te-idener. We continue our quotations for Corn from first hsnils, at 4.5341:1, and from store at 4701e1. Sales of Oats from fimtuinilia at 34.11 , 37.0, and I ram atoro It 3713rT. Barley oily be quoted at eye, and RT.. , ne from store—no soles. GROCERIF-4—Every thing under this head remains arm It lot gemstone. Coffee, if any thing, area little firmer, and bolden well, asking 12e-11 to IV, may he given al the notional rates for Rio Sales of N 0 Sugar, at Otlic ♦ b Salsa of 40 tails Molasses at 170271. - . BACON—We new sa: of 12,CRJ lb. from make house, at Ike for ',Ladder, es 1.1 z for bales, and 01 for beam. Sales 16 casks from suite, at, for shoulders, Ie; sides, se; and hams at Eke It ID Sales of a lot of 41.0.) D. harem, at 67.16. tet LARD—The merle is quiet, al 11361 in Ws and keg.. SIESS PORK—Sales IS WA., al 53 40' bbl • LEND—Recgipts of lead continue very light. With light ,applies in Mors, we notice a firm mark, t, with sales of Pig at sc, Bed of Per at See p Lign Fmg—The present range of peens of Lead Pipe Is to 13c P foot, according to am. Sam Lean—Salon at air by Mr abeet,uld eae f b often eat Wing Lean—Pure lead is selling at St, and No 1 at SI,M) S. leg. FRUIT—The demand is fair, with sale, of raisins at SIAS'S:I,W P bar: Sales of Slmonda, liis2oe P IS; of Ground nonfat 81,00 P bus; of Pageant at Se St; of Filberts, sue; of Cream nuts, at 7e; of Zante Curren., at Ito, and of Digital. Walnut. et Se p lb; Oranges, none, Figs, 11017 came per lb; Lemons -114,03; Cocos Nut<Sl,7s P WO. OILS—We note sales of Not Lard Oil at 20530; and of No Ydo at Cog. P gall. Linseed ([6llllo, firm at title Cala... OP isand in demand at £2 53 gall. Sales of Tanner'sscarce. Oil at 510015 p bbl COMM Sant.—We notme the see, in pmledelplrhs, en the .20th mgr., of Wri eg Allegheny County Gta at 94i, which Is an advance of fe co for mar sem . FOREIGN SigLURETS. 'Loney If arks[—Bank of 'England An account for the week ending Mulch Id, tn:O Note. issned• --• • •-• Goircroment:Unla• Other Scconnes•—• • Gold Co n and Bullion Siiver 1.1ollton•«•—• • • • ovairraizirr Proyrietnral capital .14 533,00 3,504?3:1 Publio Deyotiia, including Vo chequer, Savings Butt, Cotn• in iaritoner• of National Debt, di Dividend Accoanta 9,571,647 Oilier Deposita ........ •••• • • 6,9 , 6 6rd Seven day and other bills- •••• • 1,060,3gf 1.4313,i42 Gavemmrnt deear4tea, Inelud• nag Dead %Venda Arunnty• • ,•5 , 4.418.5.5.1 Other see 111 flirt- •• •• .• ...... 12,167,7t9 Notes ........... 10,E19,361 Gold and Sliver solo-.-.... r 7,00 £'x!.ll7; V 4 Liverpool Iron llorket Aran. s.—The market for Iron Is gat, wid price. am &premed; .t the pteparatery meeting of Iron in Sthefordahite la•t week, it ma. determined to main. Me present prices, the present rates beteg Imprefits. tile; as the mats is found to exceed the demand, it is Intended to diminish the supply; this, we expect, will shortly be carried out; the makers generally are now smnunigordert; and in Scotch Pig the stocks are s ae cumulating. The following see the present rates in Liverpool :—Alerchant bar, Si 7s S o beet rolled, NIS, Hoop, 71 k; Sheet, Eli n I I Scotch Pig, SI GJ; Wales, 41 Ws 64; No Pigs In Glasgow, Sr L . 4pril 25 A eutt..s —Only a Darted supply of F_ns bah and For. sign What, but Millers &etc] with caution. and the bustnew done eras small at last Mondays tetms. Fleur met a doll sale, and shin samples, of which there was • rood supply, were sold at tather.easier terms. Eng lish white wheat 06149.; red,llol3s. Liverpool American Produe• Markets Arm s—The Wain trade ts again doll, a change of wont having brought up many yemels. and the wealh• er haying become milder, the market is now without ae troy; and lbe [moment,. going forward are of very limited kind Wmtern Canal Flour as (petrel at rallna P 41141 & Yds 11/102:11, Canada, extra a. f., trr.3dagds CS, Indian Cam l ler• rearm.. and the Wm current 17a lee Nortlern yellow, and 27022 a for white; Southern la also worth 250271; lo dine Meal, 13011 a fld Liverpool American Prevision Market. Aram s—We eau crpoit no material alteration in the market for Beef—prices ate well maintamed, in the trade continue to buy sparingly, bailee the sale* for the fortnight have only been on a medersts male; new Pork far StOiell, has been taken to some extent at the quotatioue; for old there Mu been • speculative int n. CesZlir pdroafirthre'ildermanecoVTorlitt,h::::::nrle."4.° holders have given way await Is ?mat, without lead. Me to much business; there a no alteration to Chtiti era films we quote lower, with a lair demand; with large & meld. of Lard; holders cedeb tree milers, the once b. lit consequence ree lully Is V mat; d the Was since our lest, Mare MI taro. Ilaannoat, April 22. Cattle—The mpply of De care at the scales to. del area very small, being i.e. than cm any preredin minket day for some time past. Priem consequently ruled much higher. The offerings 'cached Ittal bead of Beeves, of which 101 were sold to city butchers, and 06 were driven toPhiladelphia. Prices ranged fr 12,50 1111 50 on the hoof, equal to 11708,75 net, a d averaging 114 23 gross llog•—•The market ass little core active, We quote fawn 115 to 15,50 —Amer. RATES OF DISCOUNT. rIATES OF DISCO°. Ms CIOLJII. tischawge BlOk[ll, O. I slant of Pittsburgh --Par sehauseassik Pas March. &Van. lista •Par Girard Ittr.ofrbilidelphia• —Par P Dank of lierstse Dar r " Chester CostuO• • •Pu " Delaware Co,: • -Pas bloolgosonsk Nostrainberland• •par Colombia Bridge Co••• P. Doylestown liank• •—• Pro Flusters , Bk. Reading•po Famers'Dk. Bucks Co. pa Pszmars Lanoaril•parl Lama.. Co. Illa• • • •Pos Issonasser Bk.• —• P. U. States Dank-- --A Brownsville Bk. pas Washusgson Ilk.• • i•—• • • 11 Gettystiorylilik.-- • I Chambersbors• • • —• • Bossinehanna Co. Bk.• • Leminatown.--, - Middletaiwn • I Carlisle Erie Bk. 0 1 ; Fume.. and Drovers , Bank. Waynesborg• • 1 flarnsbuol •-••-•-•••-• " Ilimtesdale—•-- • I Lebanon • •••• ........ Park •• Wyoming ....... • • ,• ' Beliefranch Bk.• •• •• • I Notes I Ai k M ilk. Pats do• Sorip-Pittsb. I: °minty% O " Alleghioheny, I . State Bk.and Blanches I M.0•1111P10•34.12t • • Steubenville—. ..... St.Clairaville•---• • Marietta •••••••—.• • New Lisbon. ••• Cincinnati limas. Columbus do• •: Circleville...-. • •• • . Zanesville romans • • • Wroster 7; Massillon •-••••7 . - ..... . 0 7 1."1 ..... I 6"'""' ...... : . lu ; Norwalk • •• • Cleveland Xenia-- --- • - ..... Baylor, Western ilesenot•- - • Franklin Irk Colasnbei Chillicothe Lake Erii••• • ........ , Gossamer • ....... • • • • • 5 „..° Fann•re Irk Canton—ov Urbana • 0 glosatotoky. Bk e l Bewitch y• ..... • ' &Le loaisville •••••• • " Norhern Bt. lientidkV• " a. 11•11.11150NIIIMMFM LL, AITORNEY AT LAW, qIRO STATE. COMMISSIONER for tilting lIMP • oloos, Aelitiosoledgmen. of Deed.. AA ffiee—Fau rill =eat, above Smithfield ' trirAdhseT MOLVBBKS-34 barrels Jam lamdlos from steama Sella of tho Wert, sad for r ale by - apt B CANFIELD J. 111301 2 14 .C1E1115.100 0931910 16 037,005 01041] London Corn M 171= T—CORRECTED BY ■ swne, Market Street, pear lte a State IP% It Ilfauc•e• • I S'ate6<rip • • .. —. ~ Virginia. Exchume Bt. of Va:• • I Ffv•••ls Bk.of Vs-- • " Bk. Witte Valley,-- " in. of Vifigtrua..-- bl.i.. fd. Bk., WlL•awt 0 do Morgsmuown• • I N. W. !lank V•-- • I do Well•bufs•— • • I do Pll/keffilnilip..... 4 El=t2 Ilk of Toemssee• •• • • 2 Fu. k. klerehqs Wks/acre Nk.•—• •• • • 3 U oton —• Massenet . . • . Statel3k °Missouri— 1 North Carol's.. Ilk. of Cape Feu Mach's 131‘..,Nevnero. V Sum Dank 2 Booth Bk. of a arle.toa ••• • • 2 Coomental Ir • --- 'Elk. of Georsetumn•—• 2 Ilambm11 — •• •• 'Merchants llv•—• IYlantrn & Mentes itt• ,(12.0 &nab Cermma• • V ) Maryland. 100 more U.' • pro ataltm'e ft 0 RRBerip la Cumberland Bk.of Alla- xhaay Far. 13k. of Maryland• • ;Farmers' fr. Mectimic. 1 Bk. Frederick IFrederie k Co. Bk. • • Illagersto..Bk ..... • • kinzeral Bk•--- Yalaeco B n k :.o Wkdoiroi ier • • • • Michigan. Ilk. of M. Char..-- In. of Raver Ralson- IMlchigan Ina. Co••• -• I Par il.lM&M Meek'. Ilk I iW r.&FAoI. Tarok MaCzxaliheol All aolventßanle tflank of England Nome ; 70 SP Lae. 'Oold Value. Napoleons --- -- • 3 PO Enteau• —• • 3 20 Eagle,old •9 ts • ••• • 10 60 6.•agle, new —• • • 10 00 Doabloona,Sennab• 10 DO Do. Patriot. —• IP se • Sovereign. ..... -• • 4 es Guinea. I 00 Frederiekad'ore—.Bl 60 Ten Tkalers• •• 701 Ten Gollders ••• • • 3 10 Loaisd'ors• •• • • I DI izolOasolo. Neu York •--••—• IP • ipeiledelphis • • • .ar. ',garter U'N• PORT OF PITTSBURGH Rteaa.—There were 7 feet 6 inches water lar ellen eel Jur everting. and falling. ARRI V ED. Caleb Cope, filardock, Beaver. Michigan, Beira, Beaver. Viroqua, Galloway, Monnntiabela Coe Fashion, Peebles, Ettgabeth. Atlantic, Parktsoa, Brownsville • Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville. Brayer, Gordon, Wellsville. Camden. Hendrickson. McKeesport Lake Eric, Clark. beaver. Empress, Cot, Zaccieille. Shenmdush, Boarmad. ti Hapbratu, Crilboun. iobville. Farmer, l\'r 1.0,110. Louts McLane. eillll • . Wheelitie. (EPA ItTED. Caleb Cope. '‘ 0,.100 L. Center. Michigan ". Ile - en Viroqua. • M .nont shrla City. Camden, 1 . • • 414 , , Baltic. it 0.4. tHowistville. Atlantic, reit town, Brownsville. Beaver, Gunton, Wellsville. Lake Eric, Clark, Waver. hammy, Orate, thlicitiatu. Fairinount. Ebbert, St Loom I .risc Newton, Hate bi.on, St 1., au. Ringgold, Cope, Lonissi lc. Fortner, :Burdock, stoles Nelson, Stuart, Whcrliine• ' , OATS LEAVING THIS DAY i 4.11 % 11.1.11—Pere Pin 4 r. r. '-T LOUlS—Hamburg, We. Is Z tir.+VlLL—Vmpreoc IMPORTS BY IUVER B & WeHavana—Pea I's nuea-0 o t ttatt, ttat hart., 02 shoulders, 155 mtddltuas.Arawtroag & Onset: la, httl, & Ltd ends, own.er. I dn. 2IV to, G IV Smith; 2 Ws brandy, rotes k cot 3 hoses Jones& Qatgg; 15 mks rags, 10 kg. Lull-t, 1 Stewart, 3 cY s earthenware, 30 lags pot Woes, Lc Parlaral, 4 empty bath Lyon. Bearer—Pia Alter. sa--52 Loxes cheese. Geoz,.l. ton, J eka blob & s tads dn, J & II Floyd; 0. ho. cheese, Stewart & Sill, It Ithls twang Hays & Plumb; 2 bga alts, J II Melton 13 has 14 Canfield; 13 Itga starch, Kennedy & '1,101; 39 twa catalogs, Sheriff & Shirk, tto• chrese, 3 Md. hum, do taltow, 2 gab potash, 1 kr g eggs, Canfield; 2 Ittt's Latter, kg do, Lttil potatoes, Stilwell:3 Ithht, 1 by, sugar, latts rye, 21 do potatoes, Stewart & Sill, Wheeling—Pau Jaaata Nor.S. , 3 lag,. Gak , & Forayth; hods Leash & co, 3: lth s tallow atal Zara ai',Wartter, I LI, Fatturstock, 01 kg s lord, 101 ps meat. McColly. .• Clocirmall—rza ever. No I—II 1,1,15 2Jo castor oil, Et.lle, 11,0 z. Iltu : ham, 13 t 0.1... Wl*, lifer It Jones: 4 ..I.os cmg, 11,1141 . 1 , 1 c, W 1 4,0 co, 7 had, tot, I ha', !tor a co, 10 I. hey, Ilengliam; 0 bLds lsal °,1,/ Itichardna ,, , 2 1.1.6 taints, II Monte. St. Louts—Pia StI.AND , ..II-1 clk. I bld scrap ir,•u, Wood, Ll+mord+ &. NIcK sato; est bacon, J Ala linear; 4a IN hemp, 25 LL's laid, Il 1;u d A ini hero. car 00;0,2 do furs,t9 Leaumic, W I.bdt too. Clam k & Thaw; al et. bacon, lOU 00 ham, OConnor & At • kats; s eta bacon, Carson & Sbaght; it .0•10 , 0 & fur, W 'Lames & bro: sks gag , Ot d 1 . 6 a 6 . 3 are .re, I do batter, 2 hi Jo peat, 4 bp do, la auls, J Laughlin, b at, bacon, J A Ilutcalson, lot ondrt, Markham. Nambortlle —Pan Ocraassrs-7 l.bo Ned, 6 e.k bacoo,2ll Ids cotton, Maier* bro:s ht., tab, kir CI6 & CO; 22.d0 boson, b 7 10 , 0 a... 1, .1 bt u•. 1p . .14, hi do grease, e Las icalbeis. 1..1.050 A ca, too, 1.003 & ala:lapice; 7 1.10.14 bseoa, klet , .trk so & en; .14 aids lard, .1 ht dn. C II tirant la Mats ink 211.1 s do, Geo Weyman:9l lads clod,. Wood & 51r l:,ubbr, WO ins p Iron, rorsyth .0 co, 3 Ohl. tot,, COO. & 'Pl•w, 5 sits feathers. Dalsed & on. 11IRONIE Gab:l:N-11 ca.ea ts nnrm . .!;,..by apt, BRAUN x 1,1,1 I ER 1 ? AearN=2l Cl. Lams; 14. ~ LP 10 do stles: - 7 do aboulders, now landtne from Tout TO, and I*.sr sn!e by ISAIAH HICKEI & CO •pl 7 11l Waif, to. i - ALERA I'ES-- . 1 , " costa i:cvei•nd coler,us for L. rale by apls WICK .1. AIsTANIII.I.S.I ciAs.rrETRE- 5 -Rs renneal,ar A d u li i o rt r f :::!; . c r l i . , l 1.. apl7 I >ATENT 131.ACK-20.. Bra Just reK IDed• •oD&s1 losCOl salt by J apt: No 0' ‘':nod slrect l IAIILS GHEEN-5 cases tcr'.l and for /sic , •I apl7 BRAUN .0 RFITCH 'ULAN. SEED 011.-20 Lc.. rre, •ca tor 1:` apt? IIRAI NA It F:III. II ,_ .- (~...; ALTPF-THE-. 110 11l crude .o l• 1.01 onr, nod :or 1.,_ see by 1801.111 DICKEY AL CO, Ppi., 112 Water la. , A 1 Et ALLIe PAINT-5 I'o+ 1001 reed per steam", OVA and for sale by 11L• tot,rcl or single round ni tbo Drug, Seed. and I`criono sy Walebouss, corner of S•ith and Wood strottn. .3 N WICKI:IteIIA.M. aril H E...14 . 1;? ,.. 11 , 4: 11 .-corl dew lolled. lust rcre Wsa apld JAMES A HUTC/111 1 0N & CO C nd ,iOAI P -I oi• Czusuitantrn - Elor ask I , ) cl .014 l S DILWRTH &CO . .. O_ / 101 IN 1.1tt0U31. , -ti) es x Just 11. , .1:ny, .r talc by %.,_/ •plB j 8 im, , A ORTII tr. CO C p lo OFFEE-20 bogs prame !tin just lee t ssie by DROWN & KIRK TA MICK, 1913 11.1 Lsberly strccl. . , _ 13AND BOXES lor sale, ....bole.. end r, tad. by 1) nor' W p NI AIIBIIAI.I, B ACON, Ac-u 1 ~O , F0rn1y ,, 1 ,, a ,, im r,,, 1101 do Jowls, A bOo No I I,erd, In Fillre and for 507 111100 WATT A CO sale I, eeKIKKEL, ac—o loto , No I. do No 2, ..to WO° No o, zo blf do No 3, E duuns Co 16, In Aura •ncl fur gal, I, JoIIN xArr SCO FLAXSLIEDOiL—Iu pute. to arrlve Imu 'Join onset COUS3I7, fur gala br .17 JCIIIN WATT & 4'o BACkng ewe et J i rah, •nl7 HOG L I kliti.—to kegsWOl, tor male by & ROY. CORN BROOMS-175 d). tor imir by spyl.l 4 k 'ECUCARa MOLASSES—Y. M,A. N O [lager, C-1 3110 bb!•N 0 A1010r.,,,0ak For .a 4 by apl7 Pi tr. URIC) PEACIINA-100 b . o-la for e•i+14.,...0., sieumeot, for.le by opt] & ROE rru us—to dos Pstenl Putoled Tul.s, or snl • by Th-611.1.t , & HOE le7— " Volierees Ire Rice. . Ri. rc,l e. per situr la bind No 2, and fur cal.: I,y apl7 BariWNl & KIRKPATRICK S Q° 4 l l7 ""-15 B ACON-1 e e , :k . s j l w ou ,, te . ..ra th, nitl i St , , d In More and for sale by • • apl7 tIROV. & I,IIInPAT I:l7a g ety tp.I7E"TROVI..&'.VII77';''A 11IFFEE-100 baFt 1,1 cud for ra %./ by spi7 J & R HMV" SMEET VOTATOkZ-6 Lyle far Need, TWA, and R.ir .ale by apl7 ARMSTRONG A CHOLER OLABSEM-3O bay N 0 !UohassYY in w ore, •nd d tr. U feu Ante by spl7 ARMSTRONG ROZ ()OFFER-1001mm Rio Coffea landiay 1.3-11 e alba %Vcsi, end for .11e lam, to cit..e cot.stga meal, by JA AIRS onucnt.t.., apl7 :u Water • . 1 bllg now lantling trona sinroncr Fun 11 .14antl for .1alt• I.y npl7 IS. I/ill DICKEY le ao L. Edall .tict• gtrout ex.., r P4t, and fur by ISAIAII DICKEY d. CO COUHTBIt fur low J ,CHOONM A g Elt C 1211 %Vsne w"Nu 1 p ...tit V —Lest London for pole by XI apl7 l sCIICONMAKI'II & C , SPIIT.TORRENTIpt.z:-.30..14,1-7,,...}..,abz "I, jNDI P I.:O-2 cares best Merolla fo ' r ante ; I 1 _ apl7 J BeIsOONJIARER h. CO CIIIIRRED LOOTWOOR-1110 Ltla . f . tr ante by kj apl7 J SCIIOONNIAKER k CO Kit irrifEl.-14U bola No 3 large to amp , . by canal, and for sale by 1 L It FLOYD, apt 7 Round Cbarelt u.i:d.,, Bictini—taripesaspined or oore and for nalr 14 apl7 1 IL It 01,0Y0 DOTAAII-16 cada pore, on ban! and or anlt. by L •ply 1& It FLOYD IjARP —l2 bbl . No I w our. and rOf 'Ale by' I , apl7 J h It FLOVD RWJACCII—,ISRn: R i. u ., m , l , A . t r olt:lsaon . a lump, R/ t is assorted brand, Sr lu op, in note and for sale by J lc 111 LoVP t l V : 8g" "A"S - 1 '. 7 ' :1 '' Clala by.; . VIIrNOIPT;.,1:: MiU2.DCA!.z-14Zie ,r.,,1.1A. , ; ,.fn;. l e ; vi n;,,, zin . P°:Assll-1"'"' " c `, . '; lvit I/ocrNclloAbI:II1.10 Greet AMllltati Mechanical AC oak.. DAPPLETON . A. CO., Near VOlt,llavc to rotor of publication, in pen., roc twenty fire trite ench . , n DICTIONARY of Marbinci, I.6l,hanirt VoeZogrki&enndsoFr ineriem n de • d i t d he E i ris cue Profession. Vditcd th by Oliver Dame. This work I. *florae R. sire and aid) eentain thousand page, and opwards of six tbourand limas. It will present amain. - drawings and de,ecip lions of the most important ll...chines in the Untied SAM, ludependent of the re•ult• of American 1. , 'tenuity. It will contain complete practical trcatt•cs r... Idechanics, Machinery. Engine Work, and Mnpinee inx, with all that t useful in more then cite thourn , dog.. worth of folio volume , . massy:ie. mad oth.. book,. Six number• received, and row Leant, R apt& 74 Apollo Ilvedihr r, rt REMOVAL. , rilE shbseriber tef peetfully Informs Ins ifs hh J the pul.be. that he hap removed Ins MOOT SIRIE MANUFACTORY to No Market - .tract, ta., doors above Wateroshere he has en hand a own largo asaortment of EICIOTS AND t+llOE-4 of ht , anufacture, statith he will sell I.olVilli than een be purchased in the city. DANIEL 1111 EA. souhdrat DILICSS 1111.11[121. A A. MASON & CO. are receiving another large Li. Invoice itch Fancy Deers Silks of all quali d ties and pricer; Chameleon do; Plain [Back do, all withs, qualities, and piers, Barred and Figured do, Al. Au' Persons wishing to purchase are particularly T , quo., ed to tall and entwine their stock, as they will ficil it math the Largest and cheapest In this eny. RIBBONS, he Ake. 450 pee choice style. Bonnet Ribbons, IYA do Ono do; thaw rich figured Silk OTICIASII Parasol, with heavy fringe; In do wi h and without fringe, from 73c and upwards,reed and t._ rzp , 21 7:4 Market at. between 3d& 4th St. Alto, received and opening 3 eases Punted every variety of etylos and colors. Eau DBACTICAL MACHINISTS—An egeellent opoor. .1. tunny now occurs to a practical hinctnnist, oi well established reputation, and some capital, io en• gage extensively in the glum Envista, 80..., .no Peconal Manus. An estabilshmetit Is now featly for busluess, ample in all its details, including .extensive wharf room, for 1 any stud steam boats, and from tts position, if pro- atOOKJit nem conducted, will doubtless command a large I NilifltiVll of the United Stamm Expedition to the share of business. River Jordan and the Dead Pea: By W. P. Lynch, A plawical Meehinist, ea a partner, is requited, to U. S. Nave, Memoir. of sgswor.ilnary Popular Re. conduct Me whole establishment, and only MOM MIT ' limiting: By Charles Ma-kay. Weemn in Vtatice competent need apply. Addreva. (pmt hold) "MA- . daring the Eighteenth Century. Humboldt a Aspect. CHINE CO" Ma No 111, Philadelphia * Pa •of Natar, Bletionagy of Poetical quotationst By . apl7.dam John T Wamen. Live. of the Qacen. or England, . N SUGAR—SO S om the Norman Conquest: By Awes Strickland.. Smopion's Journey iiollll4 the World. Ebwrdng l e 11 Mid. Stole had. Prime N 0 n Clanhcd, ap., Jost received and for ado by 1 Memoirs, The Mercy year Dy_Carilmerttnncg D.D. For sale by J LI LW:IEO'OOD, BROWN A KIRKPATRICK. 1 sole No ,N 4 Youths. ma- 1N Liberty meet LOCAL MATTERS. airORTIED YOU TIM ■ITIWUUGU DAILY GAZErilf TUN 11.7tEG muar.—These entertaining alo7 eiciaos will give noother of their popu'ar concerto at Wilau'e Hal', co We craning. The lavers 0( made will not tulle no good no opportordiy to erjay ea hoar pLamantly. Wc st.c glad to a/MCCMB to OM` readers that 01..9 U. Rant.; Read will read 'The Mee bent of Venice," et \Vill.•ine Hell, to morrow evenicg Mien Read lo raid to be an ezeellent reader, and will dal:h;lcn• have a good home. • lle“log of the Member. of Ike Oar. A meeting of the members of the Pittsburgh Her W.. called yederday afternoon, to tulo'meaeures rulaut c to the ritelaneholy death of Alexander Fisk, limes Ihiolup, Esq., called the meeting to order. and bstl, occasion to pass a touching and well [huntd eulogy upon the virtues and talents dale deceased. Though young in years, be had already achieved it respectable standing at the liar, and with his tulenbt and Industry, seemed to be, had lie been spored to us a little longer, on the high road to Ile had been thl.eti awn in the midst of his use fulnee.s., and his buss would be keenly felt by his le gal brethren. Mr Dunlop concluded by moving that Judge Lowrie be called to the Chair, and Jaines liarri• son Sewell he appointed Secretary, which wan car ried. • . Oa taivion the Court adjourned until ten &click en Monday morning. lodge Lowrie then took the Chair, end in a few brief, though elorment sod imprmelve reroute dwelt upon the mournful event which bud called the members of the Bar together. It was but a Mw, a very few days, omen they had assembled to pay the 10,,t sad tribute of reaped loan older broth er, cut of M the prime of lite, nut now death bad again summoned them mamher to grieve over the umm•,ry of one young to genre, though old in wiadern, whose eqameter nod latent, had given o brz.ila I.:online of, future earmlletem Wall!, Sewell, and Fittatra in, were him appointed • Gam:alma to draft the Canal ree- On tnoturn, the meeting adjourned to meet in he tonal of the D.strlet Court, at niaa o'clock this THE Can or Cita...mt.—lt will he seen by the fallowtog, which we copy from • Wioconain parer, that a charcoal coed has been constructed :a the Want, at • my cheap We, and with ad. mow. of • very decided characlor. Cimarron. Merck 25, 1650. Mr. LYYtori—Dear bit: Yours of the i.U.h vom received Salurday before the 233. I have made icy au x. aroma.: of the pone:psi nen iiitermied in the thaimo and Port 111.0 Coal. Road. Our road is not canm road as they intended to make. There nut more than mx toclies of coal in the. eCtit,; Lot thoa rind of ..urn to tioi rest road le Ott, la the: apritig tit the lc. ; when (1 . 0 . 1 1 t 3 full of water...l/ ILL bandied load toe a good trent on eon:anon turnp, Om coal toad is sold and hard as n rock—forty bun. tired on • acmes, oil not cut inte the road more thin !all an loch, and in the summer, ed•lon it is dry ton oot very duet); nod d, amon attic Is wheal a al road in the a beet r o d t most dum We road t- o access be mode, and require. the leant rprtirm eft t the otadolg is Cone. Seven hundred Madam per mile, thiough a country where the timber is goad lormatiling, will build a road a no teen le-et tool', with one fiat coal to the ci titre, olop.hg each wily to the ditch. and $l,OOO fn. !Lad of the came width, and 10 inches of coal to the Centre. One (Out of meal co low wet !Red, aches a pod , and ettbslLUl.l.l road. The attlAllt. loc. deep ehough, and rut to such duel, lions re w I tote the tartar , elf, and act tl.w 100 track. I bcheve I have answered all cf your to. qua.., Any further itifOrtn4ll.ll that you may wgot. I 0.11, a , c. time, give. so ler as I am able. . Yawls, She., A. S. TAYLOR. A prtroner lr.r.a brought up ta °curt, the fol loWtog elelokue patu .1 bytween Luta and the ate tug rots:wrote— ' How do you hr. • Pretty well, alr—at ;totally a Paint and pudding for done , ' I mesa, rat, bow do you act your broad?' "I bra your worattu.'s pardon; twowitmes at the baker's and et - tenet...a at the goat-y.l'a." You airy be no IF My on you please, oar, but I wean aionuy to nak, how da you Tokrably well, I thank your wuratrp ; hop, your wcrehtp as well" A Stxitch Gyologist, belly in the country on the Sabbath, and having his pocket ballNilee with ion, took it oat, and was chipping the rock by the way ride, lot examination. His preceedings did ter e-cape the quick aye and ready tongue of to old Sralon W 01.12. "Whet ore rev do:nzthere, mu r "Can't you see,l ant breaking a stone." o , ln'ie doing malt then the'; yet* breaking the Sabbath nom Groat Joy to th• DVorWl—Health and Doppia." to lOankto.ll Dr. e. D. DOWD'S SHAKER SARSAPARILLA! troneor so.] Prepwa aleavn, and put up In qUART POT. t,,e removal and per cure et all g r%om on =pore state or the blood, or the .1orn• CI,III.I.AINTS, I aver CesePlathr , Pe •o. fain, Picup:ca or Pus , u!es o the Fa, Chrome Sore Er.... rm or'Pettc•, Scald tired, itheutua nsrn, .n the 11.1 rs or /moo, and ull Miens. fro i.iodlemos use of co , y. tte For elpher and further particular, opod one of o•ur egent. and yet a parophlct, rend it carefully, and udge II Or S , SIIAKI.:R SARSAPAR ILLA 10 r.ot the V<ly toedletne to core sou N Remember eve label oc the bottle Lan the Doctor bgan:n re. -A. 11 Roare.o Nene other Rena to,. l'rt .rSI per b or G Lome. for SS. For 'We I.y our .gent.: -1. SeLtoonms) ,, k Co., 3. A. Jones, Poluborahi I , A. F- 14 . 0, Ailegl'enY; p, 0 100 0e0, , An R. McClelland, Man. eh; SI, and by drusgarts gener al. E'..A). Al4O, Ly Ito 110 W prop, tutor, oror I r 1 College Ilan, Csnetunatl, 0. LOGAN, WILSON & Co., 129 Witl4l) sTrawr, A UOVE Flllll, IMPORTERS OF RARDWARE, CUTLERY, A.k the attention of purrhanerr to their FRESII grnitmo STOCK., WlLieh they think will compare favorably, both in catont mot cliesonets, with that of any other trued, either here or to the Eastern Ghat.. rct.%.44..iYT - - (Er MCLANE . % WORNV lENELIEUEN. —. t he popnlartly which this otedich • has acquired to Western Penn •) as a EU I c guarantee of its excellence. The re:lowing gent'emea. highly respectable citizens of Allegheny and Beaver counurs, have used this Ver. onfuge in their families, and offer the assurance of Its great medical properties. jam,. Stratton. Fourth street Road, Pittsburgh. Mary 3 Stratton, do do Mary Stratton, do do Nary Burt. Braver county. Swell Ilashereer, Manchester,fien, Pitt. hlatgaret I.itel•ey, d 13 MC. RE 1 , Sqatrrel Agnes (trek, . du I frf For sale by 1. 611111 h CO, No EN Wood street. attt.0.d.41•5 Another WIln••• on Me Stand CHRONIC RHEUMATISM. my his. S. M. Kr o:—Allow ina to * captca*to you heartfelt thanks for the great benefit I have re rimed Irani an asiete coped PETTIOLLUM.oe Roca Oit a of lOW L yno arc the sole proprietor. I hod °certain° to use it oboe the Ist of January,ln a violent attack of 11.1,coar•ts - a, winch was very painful, 'lying shoot front place place, arecinpanieu withinurb gavelling, ari aa yep merit runetaia torture. I tired the Pe irnicum eo,”1•117, • taw applications of which re. uv,red oil pals, sod every uyttptour of the &acese. I um now entirety omit, and would toad this occasion ih•commend the Patroletou to all whuniay raider. ing 11,3•1•" 1, 11•11•1104 pa... of Jerd , ISip.e , ll riitisect Witaiaa, . . utur Perry Iluauo, Plusbulch. CrF., gracral •Juelt , ursucni In uuother column Intipita;erironc• In Min • Mt. G. O.:tn.:MC . od, lute of ii.lf.lll, I. prepared to artnumeture and net Iliad Tana in wine end porn , I .r.O, upon Surtton or Atutospnene Suetinn Plates C.lll. IC rya ntrittal, saber: Abe nerve id da,amed. 011ie. , and remarnee neat Jour to the Mut nen office, Fourth utradt. l'ltt•huren Haw. It. hl'Faddatt.F II Marna 011 Ul[. U. JfVnTr ; nottim Cw.e t .` .*.d Llerittur. I...twecit Proposals WILL Ise ',rived ny the Subeeritteth for-the de livery el from filty to one hundred thourend huthe Is of Coal st their warehouse during the rummer, allowing ite it,• to the Iwithel; the weight to he de tertnlned by the colludor's return et the weigh lock. dull dd.. TA AFFE B. 0 CONNOR lIMEEI el Wittig E. ARNOLD CO. hone opened 00 'irtzetoliod 05 elm N 0.74 Fourth Wert, next dont ' tothe Hank of ritt.butch, and are prermted to fs". art, on reasonahln term., any bowie., in their line that rosy Im entrusted to the to Exchange, Coin, Plank Notes, de., knight end sold. Conceder. made In all the pnnetpal eines and towns in the United State. Deposit. [scored In par fund. and carper:tel. They respectfully Whit • there of the custom of the Femme.. community rnt2l-tm J".2%i"..7.'4BgmeeniethoTol'al'and. Mr. per.' new edition; cloth. Vol. 2nd Si -utticy,x Common Place Book. Pad:tend p• er binding. Carlyle'. Latter Day Pamphlets, No. 2. Subject— " Model Niters." Ilalicer's New Noyet—Night and blaming. o_ol_ EIMElf131:1 MISCEIALANEOI I S Ormcs Otrio &Pavoins, R. R. Co, Third m. t Yrrresocael, April IS, IS= rpitr. Stockholders of the Ohio and Penntylvama I Rail Road Company arc hereby notified to pay the filth instalment of Fire Dolton per *ham. at the office f the Illampthy, as heretofore, on or before tie &lob dry of Hoy roczi; and the remaining instalments of rive I. liars per skare each,on or heforn the ebth day of each ut.cceding month. mad the whole are paid. Ire o er of the Board of Directors. apt? • Id W. !ARIA'S% Jr., Trcasurer. COAL WAITED pROPOSALA will be received by the subscriber for the delivery of Ffty' Thousand Cash<ls of earl, suitable for Gas PorO01108; the eoal to 110 fresh, clean and dry, ellen lag rigbty r rounds to toe bushel. To weight to be determined by Cotlector's return at the aerie, muss. WU. BINGHAM. Pittsburgh, trortll3. apt; DIEIBOLUT/Oa PARTNERSHIP beretuforo aiming between J. James Laughlin and James Steele, under the firm Cl J , Steele &Co., was dma-leed by mutual consent. en Path March. Iha bonnets tithe late film vitt be nettled up by James Laughlin at their former place ul bovine., St. Clair Iltret. JA NISH STEELK pld JAaIE3 LAUGHLIN. The Cl...peat and Boat Medicine Ins the World. • II J. D. CAMPBELL'S BALSAM OF WILD D CS inr the cure of Cold., Coughs, Cour Inmptinn, Bronchitis, Droves Potuplantis, nod ell Pu oncry Allectmita, Liver Compimeir, .111 i Female itetntity, and fnr Impuritie. of th. kilned, Camilla Ferry, Asti on, Croup, Inflows., Whoa*. Cough, Ae. For rule in Immtinier, or by the Magic bottle, at Me Ding, Sec., and Petits:wry Warchowe, corner of WWI we Wood Ms. Price only too per bottle. el PI WICKERnIIIAM - - -- Cheap Standsza KKKKK ory. MIME'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND I.newpub jy listaug by 'torpor & LEW., in 6 no:a alma and paper. et 4,1 cents per vol. Three vols received, and lor sulc by it lIUI'KINS, apt r 75 Apollo Iluildinus. Fourth st. lOEI lomi T . have Ida to Tee for vale, in arrive. Dealers and Hotel I v eliers will find to then advantage to call en OICONNSR, ATKINS A CO, Canal Racist, Liberty in. JJMIN 11 BAYARD haying this day ascociated with hon his aan, D Ilsgard, will continue the Leacher, Inde, and Oil Llnsioces, under the style of John II lie, and is Son, In his buildings, corner of Pete and Walnut Meets, in the Fifth Ward. They would In. rite the attenuan of purchasers to Little well selected stock of bloom Leather now being received, consist ing or New Sort sod Baltimore polo Leather, and !Anther and Morocco, of every derewirtiorl, together with etery micry of our own mannfactore, hpanlsh a,.d Shrograer Sole, Upper, KIM Calf SIM., flame& Stirtlog, Uralic, and Hand Leather, Seating, Lace handier, he. be. Also, Tanners. Oil and Cor ners' Tools af the beet (polity. All of which will he told at the lowest possible rates for oath. ant:bal. Pittsburgh City Flouring Mills. (Formerly he Comoix Cotton Foamy, 316 ward.) womenzu.l rt... poor.. Rround Family Flour. CO Corn Meld; ea, Rye Flour Dr. and Shortie, Ctopßed Grain far barren and nowt, for sale by WILMARTII It NOBLE I=l A• WESTERVELT &.,SON, tk; ELL KNOWN VENITIAN lILIND MAKERS, V V keep conatently ou hand to ake to order tne hem article an their line, at their ol d rand, N 0.13 St. Clasr etrert; alto, at No. f(1 Market street, .mood story, entranc ill ttre Diamond.Diamond. Venitien Shutter, made to order, n od old hliodr neatly repaited. aplo C OLITILIO.L. , , CI , I • ArE SHAWL,S.I-Phun tir.d MURPHY etunclirttLu, .pin N IG comer of Fourth h. Placket sta. RMOVAL. COICRCII, CAROTHERS & CO. lave renioved to No 97 Water et, betureco Wood & Market, In the Louse tormeily occupied by nerdy, /ones te Co. upit.Pat SteulsOt;lile Water Work.- fßlii'tiSAL3'aitl he received by the Water Works A Committee. el the ',Nemo: ryes Cittee, oar I Toribeley, the of April. .t Y o`eloek I' 0l , for lorinthing en. t if 04 pipes, as follows, to art:—ClA pipes 6 inel.cs bore, ti feet long, weighing each -19,3 pounds: lb branch es for inch pro, to pipes 4 inches bore, 0 feel lone. Wflet Long citeli AM pound, club the usual complifilnt eeft.lop, slreirrs, Sc. ball to be delivered befo t re the loth of July, the belsnee on or before the 10th or eeptertther. Testing end delivery et . ..Steubenville to be a: the erywinse at the eoutrector, for which, werwity will be wowed. Payment as follows: 10.10 dollars in cosh, upowthc delivery of the amount of pipe, end the balance inane Scar itorn the ronpleqon of the con tree. with interest Addwrs Steubenville Water Work. Committer, LOUIS AW A LICER, spill dM DROPOSAL% will he recesved at tl.e eine of the I. Balinnore atul Ohio Railroad Compaay, at Coln mere Cumberland and Wheeling, bp to Weeneaday, M.. thdtbilvy of liter neat incl./ye, for the gracestion and nmmury of the reform of that Road, extending (rem the bridge on the notth.weriern utuplte, over Ib t. Tyeares valley neer, toe paint o the moth (ork ht Fah Creek, near the month of Lon Brain, embus. r ing some .be a.cnorm. Also, the eig t matons be n the mouth of Grave Creek and the city of Wheeling. A variety of work will be per-meted by the line to he Wh, which will seclude light and moderately heavy grading. Several ohort lannelo, and • ...Jumble •mount of moronry. Brcifiembuna may he had at the above named of ficer on and eller the las of May caroms, mid farther information obtained fro a t e E-mineet opne the If ne Unexceptionable Maumee/ale of chancier must accompany the bide, and the bidden ate requeed to elate what other atom, Many, they are engaged in. and when it will be competed. The wort moot be eocr,E.c.l l y Ptolecated. Ily older of the Perritir ut und threetors, BEWASiIIN 11. LATROBE, Chief Engin. , r. Dalurnose, April In. MO apl7,llm New 0 ood.ll Near Goodall t CLEAR THE. TRACK. IKr to Sin, ur and Summer DI Goods fur 15:0. VW ILlLiall L. lIUSSELL, ~,,.. t e ti ~. Wnsthreata and Retail Dealer in antiFl3, .• French, and American DRY GOUDA. hlartet street, between Third and One rth, Men of the the Ito. Divs. has lent commenced reeriving and open.). one el the mon rich, splendid, covxtensive eine Ls of Senn, owl hhiromer liry A ll er offered for sale in the Western courtier. All of there Imported bole are (tech neened, end received per the ist,i stremers from Fran, ad Eneland, ae also Irish Linens, imptor.ed .bet from firlhat . all p••• bleached. end warmer ted the pure article; these Linens are all imported I.) the subscriber, and arc all pare Ills yarn, warranted. Alan,lrtabLinen llama. Table Cloths, al vrty best manufacture; •nd 'lrish Linen Good; rel kinds, linter - led direct horn Belfas , by the subscriber, sod will be found the real hate-g. brag!, LADItM DRESS GOOD?. New etyle rich Task Matins, all colors, splendid good; black 'Turk aune, oh prier, rich gouda; black glace Suite, all emu, lota itaportailem, French I Rid Werth, all velars, the best imported; plaid black Annette', per leer French steamer; neva sty le punted Mows, splendid .gtveds. Alen, a superb and kW liels of wide black I r vela Lace, for tnennlne dress., very rich gently; plain Barrer. in all ruler, eetremely low. beauntal good.; black Silk Fr.ner, .11 idth% and Hers, very cheep; French Lewes, new sitter, rt . last Ficiteh werinter; plain black tiro De Rhin, high Matte, sttp-rb good.; Mock bleated Gra De Rhine Brocade, rich goods, French and Fitgliah Cashalcrs, new styles, beautiful enoJe ; splendid fi,ared eyries coeds far dre•scr. nett embroidered Swiss Mull. for evening drew es; b.. FAemg and lescrung, the beet Unported; Silk Tissues in all colors and qualitic., new style, plain and satin etrird black all pricey; printed Lawns.' new styles, from ti to 1.5 cents-per yv iil; Soiree do Lnin., a new article for ladies' dresace. Alan, a large and superb srock • style cynics Bonnet Ribbons, the very ported. best altnew. SHAWLS, SHAWLS Canton crape Shawls, all colors, fresh from the Cr tom (louse; 'Sorb Satin Shawlasplendid goods, In colors, per last stammer; beautiful changeable era_ ilk Shawls, fresh imposation whste embroidered Canton Craps Shawls, superb good.; green embreidtro ed Canton Crape Shawls, rpreudid grads; Lupin'. French made Embroidered Th.., finc.t importation; Pans paroled Cashmere Shawl., all prices and qualo Der ; ladies , armorer Cravats and Searfr in great va riety; French workjilCapes,Collars, nod Cosy a large assortment. A Large Sleek of DOMESTIC AND STAPLE GOODS. :Abates unbleached Mnshny from 5 to 10 tents per yard; 15 coos bleached Muslin. from 4 to Id/ CC.. per yard. 11 eases Irish Linea. Leaned direct from Della"; II bales Ticking, hoot A to 25 cents pert•rd e rests blue Drlll, H In WI ceno per yar he. rude n feda rnorouriit of Sommer Cloths Alen. I:Re. athletes, Tweeds, Dstmens, and Koriturky Jerthr 50 cases dark Calico. fast colored, from 3 re PO cent per yard; 5 01 , 011 & Sons' English Prima, he, unposed, 5 bales Resells and Scotch /hyper, extreme ly ow Alms, Hutt eitectung Goods of kinds, seri cheap; 6•10/1 Russia Crash, front el to I na a pe. yard, besides a large stock of Cheek and Shinto; Stripe. Also, Denton Flanotlr, all colon and mthlr at low Pricer, red, white, and v yellow Elarreels, very Cheer, ,leeched end unlrlen.dred Drilling., full r, cows Mau Merril:melt Calicoes, ex tremely low: black rand arable ach ed Table Diapers, all prices; Bud's eye Diapers, all piteen and it...lines, very cheap ; colored Combrics, a full astantinent, cheaper duos ever. 3 bales Burlaps. from 101 le •u cts pei d y , o , r . d i,s. A . !.o. a large suet of Cotton Table Diaper.. -Inning -A fud asrortment, very cheap. PARASOLS! PARASOLS: I The thrgest and most splendid stock or Porasnla ever opermd by Kafir one Inane in Pritsburgh, is this day received, and ate all of the newest Emmett styles, "Ouch, for richer+. and brßoty, cannot be 00, paved. fAr ore have three lot of these Pasols, ci t y 0,111 he • old elteleer than any other hono ar r In th can al lard to s-_'l the same quality of goods 1 The (Adler are respectrolly invited Melamine there ens Is, no they will find Venue of the richest and newest styles e•er imported Dam Europe These 'erasers are all of tne ochest and moo fashionable colors, sod are worthy of the envois. of the ladles I All of the above goods moil be Fold off at prices far beinor any Louth sit the nay; and in order to prove I this tool, the public will please call and prier these I eau!, sad compare them with any other Loose In the 0,00, and be consumed of the shove assertion. The subscriber would here 500 to his nurnereas errs intners end the public] In general- that there are two „rt., bee hoc -Errs In market street, pr, tendtrig to with the Mg flee Hive, which is alone the only I W a nted.... and far firmed Dry Goode ertabliehment In Pittmureh. Tim subscriber would therefore oaf to ell pureiw.ers of Ur. Goods, enter wholesale or retort I that the Dig Bee Ilive, art slurkel street, between Third and 1100011.. if 0010 opening I.lth largest, riche•r, and mat rplettilid stork of paring and summer Di y Good. t•Cf Offered for sal e Pinslarreh 110. NETS! DONNT.TS! Nov SM.. FOR th.511-The thirst and mart fashion; able mA of Donna d s ever opene In this only, is lust l receiv .l ed at the Den eel the Dig Dee Dive, on Market etreet, between Third and Fourth streets, where Dry Goode of every description are wiling cheaper than any other house Itl the city. The prairie will please take notice that there ore two other bee hive more. 011 Musket sneer, who pretend to compete with Dee Hove, between Tined and Fourth streets, where t h e wan,. will Luther ad dales. the largest and newest atyles of D ry linker, fresh opened. ILT,Please take nobee, Drat the Dore Is between Thud nod Fourth strrers, sign of the DID DEE UWE, where , Dry Goods of every dercription are eelling CRIZAPSR than at any other house In the t ity. api3.43sa WILLIAM 1.. RUSSELL. Q ALERATDS- WO Lis and 13 corks reed and the O sale by OOl7 J 11 CANFIELD nACON-19 ensks alanard Bacon, now landing, and for oar by npl7 C II GRANT. I IfirßEN-lUbagy pruneßin for cal. by J R DILWORTH A CO - A CLELD. PR. 301 IN MARTIN respectfolly annonnees to the citizens of rittshurgb, that he hu permanent], itted Memel( in dm city, for the purpose or Ps. , tieing Medicine and Surgery, in ad Its •amens branch• en. 1110 office I. oo South street., No IRO. Residence apiLiAtalmeT BMW oLoTn 81011 E. JJ . D. STUART & CO, of Pblladetlpblsi, wl st , on the. Ist of April. on entire new ,net o il f eTe CLOTHS. CASSIMEKES, VESTINGS, And TAILORS' TRIMMINGS, nt cautim peen, very low fur oath. no No. H 0 Wood t, cost to McKenna's Anollon ainpo. 44.1-40%wifT EtAll BOATS PLIPTIIIII3IIOII AND zaiiisyst.Lw. ,_ ...... si a l g o STEAM PACKET LINE. ENCI/1111 AGED bv the liberal patronage extended in ell regular and well condueted Line, the own• mu of Iltc following fine uteasnery havearranged them illIO a LIT, between P.ltulturch and [Autumn.. flit of the boats will re...yell' to re Patel.ll,ol on every :donna, Winahhtnar, and Fmcav Ecmaba, at (I o'clock—full or 0,11011. 'I he brat haat of the Line n di gum on Monday, Februney 217th. Steamer llenesue•—••- • •Car WM T. Moore. Ilarnburg u J latnefelter. Farmer a ltr. eeltei ••• r,,, miat o .—. it NI k.ttbrut. For freight or pauvice apply to febl 1 An MA. IL alll•TihNlif• REVD. it. Cr. It Ettli LA It WEDNESDAY PACKk:T CINCINNATI, Curain WILLIAM 1. Eottrrn. ~.... t . This vitlctultd beat wit. Molt IT the 1 - .4 ORTICI. of the .miter Dane Newton, and otbcru, !m a ma thetonnnt. mid Pittvlturgh Put let trade, ut.el will leave every Wednesday, fur Ctnettsnan, in place al the New Englund, No '2 For freight ur ' severe apply on Icier', onto mr_il 6 11 511L.1 ENID:SDI:IE Agt virreasunoti AND WilEll.llitrr PACKEP. The oplendid fart running Meaner tiaWLOUIS bIeLANK, W E. Cbnloellt nouttee, rhavote undergnne a Mar. °ugh repair,) w:llran WI hereafter 0 s regular packet between PoDitergb an I Wheeling, leaving Pittelanrgh every Monday, lliednesday , and Friday mornings, al 0 o'clock. For frotght Or postage apply on hoard, or in larri W. It. WIWELER,Agent. RIOSONOAILELA nouTsc. • I' Sia Only Ti nal•• Staging. Vie Drownivilli and Cumberland to Baltimore and Philadelphia. Yong ro Ils Yak goad • •• • --•910 00 Oa. Ylitt.gorhrtim. • • IR 00 ItidE mornieg hoot leave. the wharf, ...ye tbr I bridge doily, et 2 o'clock preciseiy Time tc Baltimore, , 30 liehry, time to Milady iphia, 40 110:11.. Thu evenug boat leay.a doily. imiteern Sunday c. enings i i et 0 o'clock. Yterers by !caul,: rm the evening haat, will . ern. t he as moue Lairs to stages next day, .d Was uvinil night travel. Scroll your Octets .al the OSeq Monongahela iiOl.C, or 1/. Charier Ilotel. net .4.1 y J. hlgfilaMEN. Arent RI lUULAR PACKET FOR MARIETTA AND ZANESVILLE_ The splendid steamer EMPRE-S, ACox, master, emit leave for the above mid all intennesilate pores, on this day, the 90:h MG. at 4 o'clock, P. Al Far freight or passage, apply on hoe rd, or ne W p WHEMER, Agt REGULAR LOUISVIL im LE m PCKET. The ardcedid ser A I EFFERS(IN, lohnston reamer, a; 01 leave for Me above and aU ietermediate twos on Friday, Awn dith, nt e P Fos. frcigrd or passesc, enO I I nnhoard, of to any; ' W It WHEELER. /sacra F"lt YT I,llUle T" S], trnt.lcr, t'l leave It, bnve 41,1 Qll taternte , “ntr port:, 111,3 Jay, :WI 11,1, nt 4 tie , r.cl. I'. . F.freichlarapp , s mr.ki lin) Hmii.TEutsr.mo - r. AU ,I Tn, hoe new and .I...toteh •tearner • - NAVIt.A roil. Wnt n. Innate, %alit ten .r the .o.ovr atol owl-mediate 1.0(1.1 on Ilia day. the 4fith April. at 4 o'clock, 1.. Pd. fur fret4ht or paavtge,app:y en board. arv:4 The virodul Cramer I:eyefor ton t i :e th a e rs r ;l TtrgermeJtale bons on dmy, he e5:4, iesL, et 4 o'clock, P. M. ly on board, or to P4"3r' ' 'P cV p WIIEFLI:R, ACt =4l Th' ' P lend d lekrt atrurn •r ISAAC tI N EwroN, . 46 .4 . 2 7 Capt Ilutehimaa, 'raves for the shoe and u:inhale pa all 'Merrts on this &r, the I'Stti milt/ o'clock, A M. Vet ftright er pm•xmae. appl, tplen4llll ihtcarner Capt. roue, unit Iruve fur the abov oar tnternu,luate puns thi duy, the 2"mitt,l.t., ns 4 P. M. nmunrely. Fur fr...uht or pa•ußge •pp,y no hnter.l. up2s • kplcndid arearrter FAIRMOUNT. Ehbv rt. Master. will I.avr for above and or errstednve ;rails en This day, the 2511 r.f April,. II A \I. Enr fr.S h' or apply nn bnnrd. nr.ls m , Tlte rplendul ononaer FORT PITT, AlaiL. din lowan,. veil lean, 101 . above end nll tr.rerturdta.e 'ports on this d•r, We lith tont., nt 10 o'r.oct. FOr frrtnits or Notsene, apply on b0.t0.1. WESTKRII 11181111ANC6 CII3IPANY OF PITTSBURGH. CAPITAL A:00.000. J. Pmt.'s, Jr.. Sec`y. I II Mnseu. Jr., Prest Will insure against all kinds of rieks, FIRE AND MARINE. AI.L toast. will be Ithnr.lly adjutted and promptly paid. A home ioentution—menaded by Directors who ore wall known :o the community, and who are determin ed by promptness and laterality to maintain the et..- acter whoa they have w.eutned Re offermr the best protecuan to thorn who cetdec to be I neured. rhantroe•-11 Mnled. Jr., Gee. Mack, .I.W W. Butler. N. Itoln.e., in. It llnnncs, C Itn+rn. I .ro inek•on, Wm. M. Lyon, lan. Lippmcolt, 'fin,. E. Loeb. Jame. M'A y, Alex. Ninneb. Thos. nnon. Orme, Net. 30 Water street, (warehouse of sons, & ebott.)lhttehureh. totally NNCOUIRAGE lIONW INSTITUTIONS CITIZENS' INSURANCE sb COMPANY, Of Piturgh CC: S. MARK..9Ier. Office—No. 45 Water rivets, In the war. house of C 11.1i14.1NT. n i b e: o r .° , p T o : : I . inerrhandt, .tarry and tmtri:u On ample guaranty tart ability nod ititer,ity ol the Intonate!, t• a l l it the er.tiraeler tie Do rector., who ere all mom. of ”in.burch, welt cod MTorably known in the community for their prudence, intelligence, and intecrity. 1122oas— , . lu•rey, Wm. Ilagnley, Wm. 1-nr inter, Jr Wither Ito ant, Met D. lit nc, Edward lienaelinn, Z. Hun:, y, Ilarbauth, S. M. Kier. rorrti.tf [Journal and Polt ropy j ' BIeCUILDY'S Farollare Wemahous•, Arijomtng the Patsburgh Bonk, OH Thsrd weer. TlloSli ',non, who cleat.. to .2Te from twenty live to thirty per (04 in purchtoong Furutture, SIC re—pecotat.y , Irvin al to call et ray warehouse, wherr VeLii he found nJuree and n.,11 releeted amok of the most approved style of wort manship, both mod,n sod o< rat. and eit.:cula,l to plea., the •nete of all thorn who doom either closnotor auhata. tint Furniture. Hating determined to dispose of my pr,ent onore cork, at Tory 'educed price, I feel confadent M.. there whn dentre coy article in my line, will not foil of Wag nulled. inr,2ll A. MeCURDV. BOARDUVU 11LEASA NT R 0071 1 4, to n plen•nra putt of the ettr, COaClakealn Inmor••....table tor a named terot.eman, Iron AMU i,t. La.:Malin for it. , VTOUIII4 real/C.I,M 4:,141.11f nt OM Wilk,. ntr,t,ti BARNUM'S HOTEL, NEW YORK, Broadway. of Bla'dela Lane. eatedatee itorEt. her been leared by the sabre .'bar, and bar been completely refried in the moat elegant manner. Large additions arenow lu.trr made, whet! completed, will make it the ost extensive in New York. It wine den rail. m anima a the proprietor, n make it entrat, In every re rpet, to arty other Rouse in the Snorer. tr• I.r. el s e .1114, moat de•imble and contra: in the crir, be 're tit Om fir.lnon•L'e part of liroAd way, convenient to all the por.he bather,. •. placer of amusement, and hardneor. Grateful to. •be pstronairo reeeived on, or western mends, ,-htle at Cumberland, Nld., more recently at the Weddell House, Cleveland, r lila, he respectiully rube!:. tr renewal of their p taron. age, fur his newetitablirhment, at New York, and beg , to uraure them thar creel , effort on . bra Pert ell glVco to il.ficas.t.ur to there nonlfoel red pleasure. A. S. UARNUM. New York, March, 11-,40.—1mr46-3ro .9 J. Wa - ruatiM., of Ft. Loom ._ SAMUEL J. IN ETISEKILL & CO., /1011:01:3:1101 , 7 & FOYMAIIII MFTS, j No .57 Levet, and No 0 North ClNii ommercll:NCllA strNeet, Ft. Louts, Mo. I:artAloctx Pc9•lry & CO, St. 1.01.0 t, Ra.ril l Rennet, 0. Gale, June. Told, 1.11.13v511e, 1:y, Jame g Let.rner, einetptmu. II PinTharol,. P., E=RMEIM= AhIEILICAN UI)LI) :118 ;env Lotris, Dont& Eagi” am, Gold Dollars. EXCUANON AND ['AMINO HOUSE A. WILK INS & CO., r t.E NI A RKLT h THIRD ITREETS. Flttlbargh. op•A GEORGE E..,A LHS EUVOLD & CO., vi:AL IN EXCIIANGIe, COIN, DARK NOTEdr Ad., No. 74 Fourth street, riciedoor to the Dank or Pitts burgh.aroXl.ltsa ('1 Raumil , CA.I4:TC--..3 i.x. p,,,,: .; round Delp e IT for sale by WICK A Mr:CANDLE:3S `lAittlif—eh - be• Iroobrichni extra Dtarea rre'd• L (or sale by spl3 D. ICK. & iIIiCANID.V.S.i li Ildl4.otilt-30 brisii.Z.4 ....ii,:a;,.. , • rote 11 1 , 1 5 WICK * MeCANDI.Ktixt 7 2, - BiE6A.rizi, ~6,,T__,- by. for i4ri - 1, v apls Ws - ii 3 kIrCANDISXXS IIk.ACIIKS-- 0 1 racks gri - id leitics Cilwile low, 1 to 910.10 consignment, try gold RIIEV, X,IATTIIEWS & CO riCkVrgr. D:0 1 -ff brie for sale by 111, 0910 HURT, MATTHEWS &CO POTASII—GX riks first sort, fur sole be opIS HUEY, IDATI'IIEWS & CO EARL ACHE i..-20 cake just recd en consignment, llfor sale by laplsl HARM', JONES &CO 1 POD/Well-9 I.hds Leaf Tobacco . just la&dine, for i sale by (sold] HARDI, JONLS ACO BACON DAMP--J casks just landing, for sale by mold HARDY, JONES & Cr) LAft ro-4rfig • j ost landing, and for sale by apls HARDY, /ONES & CO LEAD LiCliCI--.2.3-bsts fir and for solo by t Idi:figV[l4.K WHITE LISIG— W br Is fresh burnt. LI tee's per Genesee, fur sale by CII GRANT I. — ftWi " S.— dos ""Titc°};`,V.ZitZANDLis /o I Leaf Loot /on 1701 (.pis( C If GRANT SYTIIE ENE STILS-3010 dos patent, for mile by apls NIGH & klcCAtipLEB3 a o i' HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS. & Two BRICK DWELLINGS enrage of Robinson and Corry streets, Allegheny. Possession ;at any Apply to SOWN SCUOYER, ume.' sylp 110 Por„ss,_!l_ onset A LARGE and comfortable OFFICF;and if rl gaited, Rune Rooms In Warehouse Not ItEiscon ea d it; a desirable location lot brilliants. Require at the Holm. I a• 3 Pe 11•10. ACRES F E W NR, Dimas about 3 miles 1. tram the city, near the reticence of Rev. Richard Ler, oii tpa Urecusburgh Turnpike; suitable for an.- ity residences. M.so—Four hundred Acres of Land, situate in Franklin township, about IS miles from Pittsburgh. near Franklin Road. This will be divided to nit pars chasers. There Is an excellent suLt. tits on It Amo—A Lot of Ground near the ?few Bann, Set , emit %Ward, being 11/0 feet square, on which I. a two story Brick Dwelling House. For yartieulors end memo of ante enquire of DAVID D. lIRUGP, Attorney at Law, Fifth st, leVit Wood and Smithfield. =M! A kl . lt i li d D.92ll , F. STOILE, ro Markr slret!, bctween Wh a t, ta • :,:ta-j:gr r. rs.ent oecapard by Mr. . • . A6.—Hamawen r &Idled ROOM . in W..roma story, Dem doer to AP . Ma's !germane Col/ca . . mom to snue!mi, .nd nimble Cor a musical aloe. w Academy, coald b. maretneaily armaged a doable odic... E D GAZZAM, d at, war the Poot OdSea. For Bale, A TWO STORY BRICK DWELLING, whho no A bat.ement story, saituble for a Grocery. The boa" subriantielty built, and is 24 fee front by DO feel deep, run o tng bet to an alley. It, Is row occu pied by foe 'fen ie. Terms very reasonable, and papa •nuf made cosy m if M3== A BRICK BUILDING, RS by 50 feet, three •torics A lalg with Engine, &or located in Birmingham, immothately below the Ferry. 'inquire of BOLLSIANK ac GARRISON, tur23-If Pittsburgh Foundry /IVO — LW—The store on &target st,next door to Find will be tented low to • good tenant, and posse.- mon gluon immediately. For tering apply to mrl&dtf WALTER BRYART. le l Liberty st. li b na r tto v un ' z, , Tl ß Lig,.thr Smithfield, 110. Ahm—kr Hi ' . or moth yearn, shale large Leta of Ground, in the Ninth Weed, on and near the fryer, tonal.. for Lumber Yards. Enquire of JOHN M. DARLINGTON, or of mth-tf IL DARLINGTON. Fourth at. • - !MUT large and commodious DWELLING HOUSE on Webster street, near Deventh,.al present °gen -.led by Mr. A. Possession is to be riven on he In raptiL Inquire on the premises, or of N.ll. LOWRIE, Wylie at, near Chatham .To Let, THE belowrg lae three story Brick Warehouse W , on Wilt. Filet street. street, running from Water to let street. on reasonable tenas. Possession given immes diately. la- Fallout, of fibtf THE solwenbrr will sell or rent hi. very desi wade Country Elesidence, In Alegbeny etly, sit unted-on Ohio Lyon and Allegheny Amen. Term of the Common. The bowel Is a lunge. double brick 'budding, in complete order. There Is n Car nage Hol, McLln, and good water on the pound, whmh commit , two antra, swell noproycd, containing every thwerptlon of Fruit. Also—a sown,/ house an d mok• home. On. ',rustoo given duente the month March. febt-tf . JOHN GERHART.. wig ate. F OR SALE, on very liberal terms—Fifty Nine Lob of Ground, situated on Penn, W.T..1. , d Pike and the trognesne Way, according to a plan to be seen it this ogler, where ten= and condmon• will be made nown. j nn'23 - - gee Rama, A THREE STORY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE. on Liberty street. between O'llara and Walnut street', 1 7 sIth Ward, at present ow,upied by the aubaeriber Scow...ion gtvcn on the 10 April. Enquire of tents tf WAI. VOUNG. 143 Liberty 0. VA LUABLV, REAL F.STATE ON PENN STREW' FOR SALE— Lot of Ground altuttte on Penn qtrret, betwee tin yand Alarbury streets, adJoinini the house and lot now occupied by /Behead Edwards, having • front of 5.5 feet, and In depth 150 feet, will be sold on favorable terms. Tottr unexceptionable. Et* qaire of C. 0. LOOHIS,dth at, near Wood. octil-dtf GREAT IMPORTANT CUEMICAL DIRGOVERI. CHEMICAL COMBINATION Front aka Vegetal. Kingdom, to repo! Diorama ! Dr. Guystitt's Extract of Yellow Dock. and Sarsaparilla. Costs consumption, scrotal.., erysipelas, rheumatism, coin. liver complaints, spinal offeCtions, dicers, `.kilt.,sy dropsy. asthma, piles, scurvey, erections of bdd and kidney., mercurial di•casea, cor rupt humors. rash of blood to the head, fever and ague. remote complaints, genersi dehillty, dyrpcp m. los. of appeute, headache, colds. costiveness, gra night sweats, choke, organto affeet.d., capitaln of the bean, bites, pains in the side, chest, back, he. It is infalhbla in all discoscPNarising trans an too pure stem o , the Rascal. or irregular, notion of the spa In the Vegetable Ringdona, nn Ali-wise Being bar deposited plant• and bort., congenial to oar firStitn. non, and edentel to ha rare of disease; and to th vegetable ktn¢dnm doe• the reason el man, as well a the instinct or ant ale," turn for antidotes to pain. The Syrup is a Pelentlfie compound of the most vat Liable plants in nature, entirely free from deletenou and enervating mineral substances., and as it expel disease from the system, imparter:ger and strength a corresponding degree. An ratrsowlinatT rase of Scrofula Erysipelas and Ub errs, eared by the sole use of Dr. GuysotVa Com. 'mood Syrup, Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla 1.1.0011.1., Nov. 17, MS Da. Grvrerre—Sn I tender m sincere th the Treat benefit I ) bare derived f y ank . for rom the use of your valuable syrup I have been troubled very bad with a scrofulous sore, which made its appearance on my rain I did nn pay much attention to It at fint, aup rowite it to he nothing . but an eruptino that appear! no perso far Ii finally bream to Memo., until ,proad to lb T ark pat! of the head. I applied to ph,•,ei tn. 01110 attended mr all to no PurPo aw se• 1 Ind tried every thin e Mot Timid be tried. I • year Syr. ei Yellow Iltek Ssowspenra, and concluded 'or I brew that Hitt+ Dock wig.. one of the most 'talent,. emelt, is the world fur the blood. I I bi your Styrup, nod from the use of one bottle, I rou .1 we a Treat t bailee in toy system. I continued to otittl I was a well muo. I now feel like a bow p, rson, toy nMo I is periretly clentomd and free wont a., nop,toes The re Is not a qUGFiiOII but that your newly cl.,...•eren compound la tar superior to a rtsportlla syrup ever told lbw et. ruheate ts at your 1,1.00.111 i IO it Too aod noy one ye n may rotor in me I shall he hap. py toe toe the all the to f ormation I eau ;dawn my en tkr. I remain out obedient arrvaut, Gmooos. 0. lotorSoN, 113 Market street: Tb hest female medicins Ynown. The Extract 01 7 elle,. Duck codaparilla is a po,itive, speedy al.d permanent cute f or all complaints incident to It• milJ, •Iternove OW/M.V.te M . rende , Pee.'AY upplteaitle to the 'lend. RAW elel4,ain carattnalinn Of the female. It it onnyttlied lit Ititlficept spin such dt.eniei a 4 incipient conanniption, itinenttac, leti• corrhore, er who., Irceenlar raensirallion, nranr, ono petit, al rostret Inorth' sy,teca. It t n n edotely counteracts that distrecolng nervous nes• end laisttude so common to Om female fine, and Itnputi. an energy and Imoyimey a smarming Ka tare are grateful. We have evidence on file which Induces ut sir .nely to recommend this medicine to married permto who hang not been binned with off spring. emits:Ws , Ur.% or Failing o the Womb, of firs T ear,' winging, cured by Dr.. f Guynott'a Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla, enter every mbar known remedy had been tried without relief Wasting...l, Ohio, Feb 1519. This certifies that rgy wife, aged 27 years, has been suaciing uder Me aboe complaint for fora years—nefor foarluy all ot thm time confined to her bed. I have r years constantly employed the best med eal mlent mut could be rocured this section of the country, without any be p nefit whatever. I have also purchased every instrument recommended for the cure (dimit diseases, all of which proved worthless. In the spring of 0640, I was induced by my friends to try 1/r. Guysott' Yellow Dock and Sarrapartila, which was used for a four months. A ft er Om bad used it for shoat four weeks. ti was evident to all that she war improving, and from this nose she improved rap mod gamed ♦ 11 soh and streitmh, until the disease ar•s entirely removed, aml she is now enjoying most exi client health. WM. Mt •NFORT. We being neighbors of Win. and Julia Monfort. know oat the above'. element, On to the steknem of airs. slonfort...stiol as in sie cure heing effected by Gomiett's Fellow Dock and Sarsaparilla. to ba strictly tree. JANE EDDY, SARAH POWERS. Groat Caro Of Consumption. ii•MILTON, January' 2, IBM Mr. licence—Dear Sir: The great benefit winch I have derived from your Extract of Yellow Poen , and Sara villa, induces me, as an net of Asti., to mete the following statement: After wting' for two years from general debility, which fina lly terminated in consumption, I was given up by top friends and physician. as beyond 'be aid of inedmino. A. a lost resort. I was induced to try your Extract, and haring used but two bottles, to ci:m.llg to your directions, I am entirely well. I woold therefore earnestly resommend lour M.P.'. led Compound to the afflicted who desire a powerful, pi , vent and sale remedy. Gratefully yo WAITur friend, M. E. None genuine tinier.. put op in c lon e s Matte., containing quart, and the nam of syrup blown in ;e g'sso, tvith the written signature of S Hen nett on the outside. wrapper. frier SI per bottle, or Ihut I. for Ad t I..rid be J. IT Park, corner of Pooch and W nut .1 rtr. Cincinnati, Crnecal Arent ft. I &m ill and West, to whom all cedars mast be addre ed Carter as Pro, Erie, W. P. Jodsqn fr. Co, WA fore; rain Clemons, Crossingaille; Abel TIM 111.1133 Ali., Towanda; Robert Roy, We bor., 1.. [leak-rick, Callensaurn PI bore, enr.ler of Market street and the Diamond. ell I:dressl) The Brownsville Water Cure Establishment, UNDER THE CARE OF DR. C. DAELZ, CONTINUES mbe open for the reception of Wea lids. Many improvements haw, been added for the comfort and accommodation of patients. This, to sealer with the success during Hs ycars t egpericnee. enables M. 11.12 to give the SOLLIIILOCC to the public that Mt ettabludwarnt shall and continue to merit We patronage uf those WOO ruay place themselves ander his core. The daily intercourse between Pittsbargh and Drownsollte. with boats, atords easy accomsfrom the Knuth and We.. 510 towels, two cotton sheets. three comforts, and linen for Lenges., see necessary to undergo the treatment. Tennt—Sis Dollars per week, payable weekly. te.a.disoraWkor 10. LADIES ARE CAUTIONED AGAINST H. I SING COMMON PREPARED CHALK. They are not aware hoer frightfully inJurlous it I. to the skinl bow amuse, how rough, how salv low ; yellow, and , unhealthy the skin ap• pears allernsinkprepared chalk! Re sides It lalnjutiose, containing a large quantity of Lead I We have prepared a bcantiful veyetable article; which we call JUNES , SPANISH LILT WIIITI. It is perfectly innocent, being pued of all heal thyus qualities; and Hinman.. to the slnn a natural, , alabaster, clear, living white; at the tam' ung as • cosmetic on the Hun, mines it sell and MOOlti. Sold by the Agent, Wld, ac JACKSON, e 9 Lib eny et, PiusburelL Price !..5 enlAwT - - WALL PAPER,W. P. blasuluhh to constantly yT receiving, frbm the largest manefactortes in New York and Philadelphia, and elm o from French sitencies, the newest and most approved style, of Pa ver linr.ginge, together with Borders, tire Board Prints, end Tester Top,. For sale KIPS Wood .1, be tween Fourth at and Inamond'alley, (nieces., t a i. C 11111) a • • MEDICAL aluditao floe ANEMIAS era= lid Mason oa Karr ad sat Senate la or Rani hbil , illieumaince, Madams CU. Denis Ennuons,lhoeples or Pesten on*. ray. Blotches, Biles, Chrorde Bore Eyes, Rimy Wain or Truer, Scald Head, Enlargement an& Path ad the Bonr• and Joints, Saubbon . l./im f= „ Spumes, Senate& or Lamb arising from en aim of BaI . I•CIDT, Ad. • fit. or Uneasy, Exponent Of IMpflideOSO Uhl Mao—Chronic Conatitadoullltsonienqta. This medmine ties acquired a very extended' dad establined potation wherever It hen been nod, betted entirely on Es OVfO WhiCk itl Melfier efficacy has alone rustalned. The weettonwas viedw of benditaredneue, with swollen gland., estalresaell luews, and L one. half carious, haa been minced health and vigor. The anTafulau patent, owiresel with Mears, lombeeme to hheuelf and his attendants, has been made whole. Hundreds et Einem, WOO had grinned hnpelr..ty fee years ander ortanooda mid glandular disorder., chronic nomad:m e and many ether complaints springing from a derangmegat of the secretive onus sad the circulation, bus been f ell.!O as it were Rem the rack of disease, and mwrir,, with regenerated tonialladon, gladly testily ur tba effircey of this inestimable prepersden. "TRUTH 18 BTILINGER THAN FICTION.* The lunation of the reader is called to tie Mine* ...lavishing nun, erected by the an of dude , Sans. unlit -Tea Is to unify that 1 bare • colored worn lobo has been afflicted for the last five years with Eltdadala. and all the remedies 1 used bad no effect in arrewisty the progress of the unnisiot; cm the teranni ones count:oy mew wont; and after espdading bawled 570 and with physicians, besides astray mist pointer remedies without mecum, till W diesasekidi eaten away the cartilage or her sae, Midi tee We punnet , ou carious panne( her body and bad WORT commenced in racemes lane root oiler month "In this dreadful saltation. with the prospect of death meting her to the feu, 1 mated Imam be DR Disouray, the nun far Sands , Sarsaparilla'. New born, N. C., by whom I was advised to nos that eNdli and to my surprise and that of my aelinbets,to wham hereue was known, after usin four and a tall bon ties she was tutored to petfeet health, and that to the space of three week., and was able to work In two wrelts am the time the commenced taking 11 "In wantas in the truth of this stnement,l ban Lerman° affixed m i y o gine li ttl=rif i grahor, 1047. "Month of Neese River, Craven so. Mc. SORE THROAT. The following ieoi extinct Boma letter mated • m Mre. Bevan, wno had been affected several yam lib Scrofeloss Ulcers, Dyspep.la, 80., sad messily .affection ofilto throat end chest,— ullustessourh Va., Dec U, MM. "Means. A. B. D. thana—Beforgi 1 emattannlid ming your Sarraparilla, my sullarings ware th orn past expression; my throat was completely aleansad. I had a dreadful cough, .4 there wen fraisaaatly weeks together that I could sot speak above • velar per, cud besides, the tedammatirett Creamy Bantu eV tended m ray head, so that my hearing tonts werT meek impaired. After taking the klarsaparola a alum doda my health wee Improved, and my throat is :Law walk I am as free Porn cough .d lighuroa of the chat ever I au!, and can hear quite distinctly. My tiffellS has been well *boat tams mouths, the care at lalnali has been effected entirely by the am of your Sarno Your Mend. LOUISA IL BEVAN. . - Ite following testimonial to the setae of the BUM . _rills. is front the Res Luther Wright. aged7ll year; Congregations.' Minister, residing m Weber. "Weems, Mass., March .10,124/. uhlespri. Sands: Gentlemen—From mbar I levet parier.crd.•nd from theistformation I have MMortlY received tom a number of parsons of .high readlta• bib:) , mho have or d your Sarsaparilla. I ILO* Nur the lomat doubt but that it al • mom valuable ant that the numeral. certif... you liant= of its efficacy are fully pastained by exparianciaillia although its rep nation and Wilily nos vary egtenalVll, and sapid in no need of my humble efforts to Wel .611.t1i1l thrui, I want .1141171:11111M. C4OlO acquainted with the efteacy and poster Of Dorf valuable medicine. “I ant, gentlemen, grerfally and verVneePeO 6l : l 7 yours. LUTHER WRIOHT! Prepared and sold, wholesale and renal. by A. IL Jb D. SANDS, Druggists and Cheroots, ICOFelton Wri s t. corner of Wi th out, New York. Sold also by DiAp Kilns generally throughout the Veiled States 1141 CY" ads. Price Ithpar bottle; six books WIS. For sale by L. WILCOX, Jr, U. A. FAHNESTOCIL a CO, and 0. EDWARD PENDERICII , Pittsburgh. A 1 .., 11,1(711 itritloang., fa, /441.1 La er5.....5..1,111111 .166il11,1•1.J.IL• TOE AMERICAN RII EU AI ATIC BALSAM NEW remedy lately discovered in the Vegebible g Klagdnin—n sure and permanent aarr for SU Rbettmedic compluinto, suck as indiunmutory, Chronic, Acute snd idereerial Uheureaterni Gout, Lumbego, Affectionf,&e. This medicine has long been sought for. Ithrut het said that Rheumatism could not be cured; bat Meals • a remedy designed by nature for the ewe or weary rUr ease dint the human Wyttem te subject to..At lest a re medy bar been found that cure. Rheumatism alba worst form--ouls of the most veritable vegetable pm ductione of the earth—the greatest sad mogiarpo.l.6l - of the age, and a wonderful bleseleg m tbe barna)] failial7. It cures withoutaickeniegordeblLSr ting, and renews strength and vigor to the whole tyro tem. It boa cored, during the past three meats, era =cases that were coned... Incurable Cerefientes of the earntive properties of Bat GlNMedi ne can be seen by calling on the An one genuine Waal, put u with a n n e x eared label opon the outside wrapper, signed by the proprietor, 1 URN EU, Buffalo, N. Y. Sold by H. SHYSEIIi, earner Third and Market at, new Sold also by G. F. Tlloll4lt No lee Blain at, Cincinnati. fctir.dfewrtaiS E:IICIMOI6 Awn Sam uhmasza.—JUN ma Chemical Soap earn= • so ften : panyttrehenh •Nti a US ,lie enter nate amides, softens, and wane. the akin Riving it the texture and brassy of an Imre/a'. scoter, Sect Roma too Solo, are soon ael oaly healed, - brit cured by ha a., no at least eaten I erpq, van, in New York know, who u. it in each cam s and find it uniaiLing—as also in Yntrims, Ilumcnct Fa..., or any orh: l iklfie ease. The rewler is colored Martine la pulled noncom, . one trial will proms I Oh morale at least 60 persons eared of So. Brn, So. Laos I. 80. Burch—l:L .l l and use it, and the reader Is again teemed I not cruelly sell it for the above anicas I beim. to 66 ail I state. Than who are liable no Charen,.C.Ct.,ot Guerra Pt.., will Ind tide are. Au? one niiimlcdwith any of above, a Gish liar&seance will Sad this all and even more labillline ble in its propertieshhan 1 soda. Bat, reader, Mc mores ate goaded with loth ailerne and be ..re yea list for JONES'S Eel. Q eeswat Soap. Sold bp W hi. JACKSON, to Libetey . Moe.. Piusbergh aulkda lEr Tito stilling MP • ert.i RIMILII II riot ow sepal live then a bad, putrid breath, or dark, yellow i/11010.. ' ed teeth. If persons have these it - is their own boali t+ tubea, for two 'Wifoy eel Wilde that will their hived, pure ands= out ankle Spic i y Air • Arabia. It Gem. diseaus Mate Gams, spumy or alearalid,, and for the Teeth it inonenuelled, removing the tartan. fastening the teeth in tho gnu., sad Mean UK= al white as the maw qf As puns Moil - Sorb, reader, are the properties of Jones". Maul Tooth Paste, and, without praising It ourselves, hare whet one 01 oar niostrespeemble and *dandle Dm . lists, Mr. E. Field, el Nevr York say., .1 have both used and arialiseithni beau hi and In palpable article (Jones , Amber T to,) un can recommend l't as possessing all t idal m: edict it.." Reader, we can nay no to venire, only Met lf Toe try this coca yea will be Indigene L It is pm up in beantiful English ChinaPula, Cat A cents. Sold by the Agent, WAL JACKSON, Bs. in ty street. Pinsborib. • ALL soon examen. are nonorabry angs.Bo tks the °norm. are the actual qualities of aIabOIRO Jortn's Coral flair Restormive. If Usay.deleit word, they cannot untie highly reapeetablo elattall who have tried It Mr. Coe. Becket., 41 Elm at, New York: Mrs. Matilda Reeves, MIMI. aVllrookint: Mr. tyro. Tompkine,S2 King at, New York.' Mr. Thor. Jackson, Montour. Island, near Pinalungt 11. C. Callen, late barber steamboat S. Amer Lea. And more than a hundred others state, though t must imam, that it will force Me hair to grow on thre heed or fere, stop it felling off, erangtben ehe rt is, removing scarf and dandruff from the mors, malt light, d, or gray kale miser. a fi ne dark look, eat keeping re dry, harsh or WITY hair moon, foil, Memo and twattufol. n very, very long nate. Sold by the Agent, WM. JACKSON, EN Liberty lit, rittibure h. Pince 371, SD cents, and ona dollar. anent. wT MEDICAL AND 1011.GICAL OFNION, efls DIAMOND ALLEY, • • Lek few doors below Wood etrestoe. wants market. DA. 11114/1 1 71, having hen rtd arly edacated to the medical r • profession, end been kw its• • . gement practice, now coziest , his attention to the treatment 41 those onsets and delicate muss plastic for which his oppernmilthre • arid exence culltk IrAin assidinady l deveted to study &Veal:Meat of those complaimsAdminsopta time he has had more practice and has cured more pee tents than ran ever WI to the lot of any prime peue intoner) amply quallfiea him to offer assunutees speedy, permanent, and ommfacto - ry mire to an Mead with delmate diseases, and W dlSesie• arising duet. from Dr. Brown weld Inland Rum Meted vita pseralll diseases which have become chronic by time or Sr . graveled by the in of any of the comma Rommel. et the day, that their complahttacaa be radicaLyied that thecuret he having green his careful nettelan le the treatment of nth Cues, and weeeaded la baadtati of Rowsee in curing warta of lassenallou et tl• neck of the bladder, mid kindred diseases wtd .... th . result from those eases where others have them to hopeless despair. Ile particular" trisa as base been long and unsucemehdlytreated try Nina to consult boo wheh every sails/Scans srW to them, and their cum treated in • cued, tit....= Intelligent manner, pointed out by • long menisci, liedY,Sed invesugsuon,which it m impa-sible (asthma engaged in general practice of mcistit to ghte toe one class of dues.. temls or Ropture.—Dr.Browst else Innen pets eons selicted wok Benda to call, as he hes paid parstla War attention to tho disease. CANCERS slso cared. Fain diseases; also II s, Pala, ay ' iltstedill Wel Charges very low. N. 11—Pettents of either sex Reim et saloons. by tag their disease in settees, ng ..11 mor_ m., mat obtain medicines with direction ter =7 addressing T. BROWN, ht. D., pen paid, sad W iollertdo. SS Diamond alleTtePPent• the Waxer/ Nos.. • RIISCIUTIIM—Di. Brown , . newly disowned MOP dy for Rheamatism is • speedy and certain nelesdi tot Mat Wen trouble. It neves (Ails. Mee nod Private Consulting aeons, No. SI Dte• mood alley, Pinaborgh, Pa. The Donor is always el home. IT, NO ears I. Dell• PrOperty ri Allegheny City toll ptlfr eubscribers otter for eats • ambers time L014,11.11.111tt In the SeCond Ward,fteutlng ea Rig VVlrl d taigiga n A; a i tta l l, if dr • os-ofJ AR RORINSON.on thastreethe ny17,d11.117 . HofleitT MeK21161111 , , ATIVELNEY AT Law-0,2„,,, Fount. st, 4a.weeu C- , errtintiry sakensts& api-dindmisa •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers