THE PITTSWYGH GAZETTE. PUBLISHED BY . WHITE lc CO GU==Ml FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 28, 1850 117 . V . 0 Pala. Is Agent far this psper at Ids menial agendas in Nair Elora, Philadelphia, and 13oston and h authorised to recelva subscriptions end advents= ours for os. • arAsmOrnaan are ea:neatly nmaested to band In hair favors before b r. x, and as early in the der as practicable. Advertisements not maimed for a n g.tret• 164 War vlll invariably be charged anal orde oat. reel and alrrProiana nupe* beeeptions for OA. 'Valuale par ill be recoved •d Onward ed (mos assasssoastinacs.—fsabscriptio.sand !advertise ments far this paper reserved and annulled, free of aunt.= Ti. oak.. A.l4lsmasenais wad Whig COO sty Oen. . • weatl•s. IN penance orate tall of the Chairman, the Whig and Antimasoulo County Committee of Correspond ence Ma at the Court House. The following resole. sloe was edoirted, te wit! — oltersolverl. fiat the Whig and Antimasonla voters of the wearer Election Distnets of Allegheny County he, sad are hereby requested to meet at their usual Owes for holding elections, on Barazday, the lan day of tae next, than and there rocket two delegates to the County Convention to be held at the Conn Dense, itsWeenesday, the sa day of Jane, at U o'clock, a. N. Bald Conflation to make the usual aud necessary umelnatlens for the ensuing October Eleetions, and else appoLet Ire delegates ho d t presmt the County In the Iltaie Convention, to be hel in the city of Phila delphia, on Wednesday, the lath day of Jane.. The primary meetings in;the Towtutbips to be held between the boon al two and boa o'clock, (except Finland those In tlmWards and Boroughabetercen the hour, of seven ead nine sgelock. P. 11. A LULAIiDS, Quinlan. Ise. E. Pam, Aunt. VlUMlN,}Seeretarles. Thos. Blur; Plnablangla, Apnl 10. 1851'. WHIG STATIC GONITHITION. It a maniac of the Whig State Central Committee, held at Harrishorg, March 13, PM, it was Risranneo, That the Whigs of the uereral counties OrMht State be requested to select a number of dale- EIL , CII equal to their rerpeenve representatirea la the Legbdatorm said delegates to meet In Coneentton at theoily of Philadelphia, on the N th day of lane, 100. for the purpose of nominating a eaadiaa. for Cane Comstusaioner, to be voted for at the coronas General Election. • MORTON MehIICHACI.., Chairman °solos fl ILsr, Secretary. 111:713E2 NEXT PAGE FUR LOCAL DIATTEE Q==l Our Harrisburgh eorrespondaat's eulogy, or do fenos, or whatever *L9B we may call it, of Dr. Jo nas R. Ciintoek, ataolllll.3 to illlgth is, that the Doe tor„ as a mania a very elevor fellow, and tries hon orably and fairly fo dinharge his duty—but that, as a jwogrman ha will do a wrong, unfair, uncon Illtittlliollll, and unjust action. He will farther, it al may be, try to keep his party within wome bounds, ' but feeling, be wilt go with them, even if they plunge long into lb. slougli of infamy.. Now we bold the saga accountable for the acts of the politician. We cannot see that party can es. ease a Legislator, who has taken an oath to keep the Constitution, and to make good,wholesome • ad just laws,for voting fora Bill which for rank injus.. tics and shameless political profligacy has not a par allel In the muds of legislation. Toe CAlnurr.—lt is not wonderful that the op position Press should housing all exertions to cre ate disaffection, In the Whig patty, towards Gen. Taylor's administration ; sad one obvious mode of doing so is to scatter abroad insinuations against the members of the Cabinet. But we must conu fess our surprise to see that prominent Whig pa pers, ILI the North, ildo giving currency to injurious imputations, made by anonym°us and irresponsi ble letter writers, against the advisers whom the ident has called mound him. In view of the ptlpable injustice and unfairness of this coons, on the part of such journals, we eau conceive no ere explanation of its. befog adopted.—Rich- Tunas We are-glad to ace this spire of fault finding and complaining, and prognosticating evil, and circulating all manner of ridiculous remora about the Cabinet, which are got up by our opponents, of originated by some disappointed office hunter. whose wish is hither to his (thought, is receiving a proper rebuke from the most reliable and ludo antis' Whig papers, of differeat sections of the country. There never was a cabinet in existence but what rumors of this character were circulated• concerning it, by its opponents. There may be s change lathe cabinet at some period of Gen. Tay let's terth--such a thing is possible, and it may br probable...but there Is co fauna to suppose the' such an event is near, or that any coons exist In produce it, anima, one member may be inducted tc leave, on account of the Gslphiu claim matter. Warisn•Ratt. RIAD Larneo.—Seldom ho, there been a more spirsed competition for con tracts on any public work, than at the leumg of that portion of the Ohio arid' Pennsylvania Rail . Road between this city and Beaver. The whole number of firms bidding,was 129, some of them for all the sections. The gron number often& bide counting a bid for a section as one bid, woo about 1100! The Mils are to many cases very low great competition existing among well known, ex pertenced,.d:good contractors. The Baud, it, making the allotments, hove sought to let the work to good contractors, at low mem, and this, from the great viriety of bids, they found hat tittle dif. Acuity in doing. Many of the bidden" offer to take 'lO per cent. in the stock of the company. Those who are ditrapPolcied row will have another op. portanity at the fit,i r iu Saittu, US . O, on thr Bes of May next. Aprj 25th, lEstO Sections 3 and 4-1. W. Reilly sod Co. Bandon. 5, 0 and 7—D. /1. Lentz 6t Co. Sections hi land 10—hicGrann and Gaynor. Section 9-11srman Golden & Co. Sections 11 and 12—Shattuck & Ramsey. Section 13—W1ndram, Madison & Cu. Section 14—Jasne. R Kerr & Co. Sedicine 15, 16, 17 and 19—Ritner 6: Urban Section 19—Francis McGrath & Co. Section 20—P. Crow;ey dL Co. Stabil 91—L. Johnson & Co. Section 22-Ira Ransom & Co. Sactiona 23 and 211—McCaitlin and McGee. Mona Locoroco•Randaurr.—The letter from ilarriaburgh to day exhibits another beautiful and honorable trick of the Locofoco majority in the Harm. Failing in forcing * this unjust Apportion- moat Bill upon the people, through the &furless of the Governor, and another Bill, not much batter, baying reified in the Senate, they have taken the unprecedented step of, taling their defeated Ape.- __count. To Aircosrmu“—The nomination imminent bill, upon the appropriation bill thus vio- / Frederick A. Be t :lg, c a, m l b FiLtsb . Pittsburgh, the listing their own silts, and outraging every prin icah°r7fPu'lthe New York erat /that Mr. B. goes YVe Mph, of decency and honor: r i They wish to nut on an important Commercial Mi7SlOl2. We are compel the Governor to approve of a bill which fortunately acquahlisal with Mr.13,,t an w d e wlile w w & e l he repudiates as unjust and unconstitutional, or do regtl i te w l ,l: o l4 . r po ul l.m o r - I,,ny. you . gen ' t without money carry on th e Government.— , plea sed of the Uoit t e ' d States, but has lo the ng since 'we hope this vile sch '" e will be the berg entrusted with heavy commercial responsibil. Senate, but if it is not, and we fair it will not be, , hies in Venezuela from u Ho chili , cr iw nt o ry w h: tine as Mr. Speaker &Ws new county of : I tt s i <rt W e l lu r ia n nungreas of 1849 urea grant for hom tacked on to the bill also, we ho Governor lohns• the exclusive navigation by stenm of the Oronoco ton will resolutely and immediately vein, it, and and Apure rivers, and had the honoT . of ir being . one the people will souk. him in the act. If this pre- of thei.,foe-t.", in ? hty waken . We wish him nedent can be pennitted to pass, all fair and honest ter r u e w 'u h those ever il tg mey go, and feel satisfied he legislation will be banished from`the State. The will never reflect anything but credit on his comp co-ordinate power of the Governor will be virtual. , try.—[Baltimore American.] ly nullified, and matters the most incongruous will „ rum Harm—The steamer Gel he piled up together, one being male carry th e la C ar te ain Claggett, has arrived, with dates from because they could not stand alone, until tho po rt Prince to the 21" . 11 . Ih•l"1"-rind High meeting of the Legislature wilt be considered ... neva, Fangio I, still delights la show and parade. calamityiinstead of a blessing. /its has forced. (with but few exceptions) all the young men of the place to become soldiers; and it shortly Intends to attack the ALixarula Pl4rurrju. E"'—"The sadden and to reported Fauttin has par ch for death of this excellent and "." 1 " dined two r more large brigs which he intend to leg young lawyer, throw • chill over ottr comma. convert into vessels of war—viz the Hanish brig any yesterday. A day or two ago be wahaatomr us, hale, vigorous, aetive,ever engaged In some awful avocation, with a fine promise of &tore naefolneas and fame; when twidenly the glartar g Intelligence reached u,, be ia dad! fits disease wall Look Jar, caused by a' alight operation upon Due of his Japers, which was crooked from an hu. jay received in early life. Seldom has a young man of more promise been cat down in oar Com• The amtiveraary of the battle of Lexington was celebrated at Concord;Slasstichmetts, 012 the 19th. The State Government, hetukd by the ancient and honorable artillery company of Boston, and bwar in a drum beaten at the battle of Booker Hill, pro ceeded to the spot, and thousand. et persona throng. ed to the scene. The !awn waa beautifully decora ted with Hap and evergtcene. Gioia AND Gleam—The New Orleans Cres cent aityc—A gentleman wbo has-Mat returned trom California," basing been absent from the State about kAuuen months, Mates that when he reinihar CsVornia curiosity . ledthissold visit a graveyard, where he found only eleven IMO • nine months from that time ,he follawcd th e las: renters of a friend to the mime grave yard ono daring the time intervedion between the two vis its, them had been no lea than femme". Anethea penons Intoned in the stuns yarn Mr. Boeblieg'e plan of a transadanUe which we noticed yesterday. is to oink a strong WITS"?' apse the bottom of the ocean. The wire rope to be composed of twenty strands of No. 13 or 14 wire, perfectly separated from each other and isolated, an that they w3l formtmenty ant and distinct transmitting wirer, by twenty machines eon be operated at each end, Ind twenty menages despatehej'at one time. it op. pour, be ram that iron wire of No. 14 eine, cue:- suing 50 reaper lb.. possesses sufficient conduct. tog comity for the transmission of telegraphic currents, provided it is perfectly insulated, a ne. essay) condition, no matter whattaise of wire is employed. The wires being perfectly insulated sad protected against th e action If the sea water, quietly resting on the bone& of the ocean, where nothing whatever can disturb them, their efficien cy may at all times be depended On—they will re• main free from those vexatious interruptions which are constantly interfering with land telegraphic op. enema. FROM OTAIIRINOTOS Correspondence oral., Pittsburgh Grisette. Wnsurnoron. April Rod, 1650. More Investigation-. Elora Committees— Borne Peyton's Accounts—Commodore BILITOSV.BPeneIon-Galphin Cialm—Nl - Treaty—Denton and Clay up on Parliamentary Law—.Confirma lions. The House of Rapreaentatives have been all day engaged in disposing of another awiardi upon the cabinet. It its only a day or two no that I referred el length to a string of charges against Mr. Ewing, amounting simply to this. that ho had paid half &dozen claims of longstanding. I then said that the inquiry au not whether the pay ments were in satisfaction of debts doe from the government; but only, had they been made. The proceedings today, fully prove this. Mr. Rich. ardson again presented the resolutions of nominal inquiry, butleally of condemnation in advance which were not admitted the other day. Th Whigs said they,had no objection to an in vestige lion, but they wanted it to bo lair and general, I. take in the net. of the pest tw well as of the pre. sent administration. However, all snob proposi tions were voted down, after a long struggle, and the special committee eked for by Richardson was r,lorod to too routed. Ho will, of 'course, be There is aitory that some time last year, Bailie Peyton q, obtained an allowance of a charge of 512,000 for extra service in certain land cases while he was U. S. Attorney tir Lmistans, from 1841 to 1815. II no turns out that the money was paid to Mtn in pursuance of an opinion given by Mr. Polk'. Attorney Getters!, Jo in T. Mason, in 1515. Why Mr. Peyton did not draw the ma. ney at the time, is not quite saVatactorily explain: ed, but the fact seems clear that he might have gc t it under that Democratic decision. Another fee , quite clear in, that Mr. Butler of New lork,reeeiv ed much larger sums than thir,•every year, while acting in a similar capacity. Bayley cf Virgino, While advocating an loves. ligation, declared that one of the claim. or, - the bit was, In his belief,iperfect!y valid. When requeated, he declined to centiliter:se, but every body wee well enough aware that he meant to re fer to the payment of 531,000 as interest upon C =modem Barrow'. pension for cornice, in the provincial army of Venial. Being all Virginia, of coarse, made it all right. . The committee on the Galphin claim, have ex • &mined Almelo every body presumed to have or y knowledge of the business, and will limsh the ta king of testimony to morrow. Two or three re ports will probably be' made, but none of them within a fortnight... The treaty negotiated by Mr. Clayton and Si Henry Balmer on the Nicangue dispute wid probably be sent in aboat Wedneeday next. It b suite that by it Great Britain limits her claim growing not of bee protectorate over the Marini. coast within very tolerable confines, and engage. not to build torts nor to perform other act. hereto Gore complained of es aggression. by the Central American States. She also stipulates to interpose no obstacle to the speedy canstractlon of the abn canal under the contract at present held by th American company, provided the work be begun in earnest within a year from the ranfication o the treaty; but both panics agree that if ouch a commencement be not made, the wnrk 'lsbell be leflopen to any othete a witling to engage in it.— The treaty will no doubt be ratified. Senators Benton and Clay had a tilt upon par. liamentary law, this morning, the farmer underta king to proyo that Mr. Clay's proporition to com bine other aubj,cts with the ado:imam of Califor nia, was not in consonance with it. Mr. Benton spoke from behind a breastwork of authoritlee over which he would fire at his adversary as from the erohrasores of a fortress. Mr. Cloy turned all his heavy amines) , by some good natured ear rwmr, bat ,aid he would reset., his argu ment for the actual work upon tho bile them selves. An executive session of some length was held to day, at which • number of Important nomina tions were confirmed. Among them, were those of Wm. B. Kinney, the able and accomplished ed itor of the Newark Advertiser, to be charge to Sudinis. Charles Bunker of Massachusetts, to be Consul at Honolulit, end last the humorous French Resist:miens, Hey debert, to be Consul at Lyons. Jeans. The packet slop, John P. Sl:iddY. lost on tins carrick Peach, county lVezford, as announced by the lust steamer's news, belonged to New York and was one thousand tons burthen. She was val ued at about 5'73,000, and was fully unused in sev oral offices in Wall street, New York. .I lee cargo no doubt, was very valuable, my Ikllo,ooo, a larg - portion of which is insured in New York. Th. Captain complains greatly of the natives. ;J -ulys " I think the natives of this part of the country are the most abnildoned set of villains it has ever been my misfortz came to fall in with. They commen ced robbing and hindering the moment they me on board, and as a boat hind of I%•gages fir store‘ landed, they were'iminediately sewed on by the lawless villains, In defiance of the coast guard or police." It is supposed that another New York ship was lost in the same hurrimme that wrecked the Skiddy. Advicea from Dundrum Bay of the 3J instant state that part of the upper works and the sternboard of a vessel, with the name of "Niagara," have fliwt7d ashore near Annalong.. The ship Niagara, Cap tain Smith, sailed from Liverpool, March 'llth for New York, and fears are entertained that the is wrecked. . .... . . O and a Beredtth brig. The business of the I Wand appears to be improving. .There was a . great deal of logwood in the market, and Coffee had begun to come into Port au Mace in large quantities—N. Y. Herald. Rev. Walter Colton, in his "Deck and Pow" npeaktnii of the aquatic habits of C.r• Kansan.. so m — . Water leas much their element ao that of the dab be which they angle. They can Mee from ten to fifteen fathoms try bring no &hells, or mint may miles without fadgrea. There .15 • wive woman living Is Honolulu, arbo, beieg wrecked at sea, sworn twenty miles to the sheik of • neighboring Wand. Her hatband, of fccbfe , a ,gitudop, gave out, she buoyed him up, Ma - ming with him till they bad come In eight of the shore, when be sank overpowered; mill she clang to him, sod brought the hinlessforni to the beach. Give me • Hailacka wife in a gale.", ACIN3WISOQINO Tee Fscr.—The old paved, that •rang • true word le epoken in sest,e was forcibly Illustrated • few Bandage since. q F ree Church sadder in Glargair,gave oat us the fitora hie lesson the Mathew!. of the OM and while the colutmgadoo were linking out at "portion" to their Bibles, the Dr. look out his mull, and minium a busty pinch with finger end thumb, /elided his nose via the snuff—he them began the lesson: .My soul cleaved) unto the duet 1" The tlner that ran around rho church, and the contusion of the poor pried, showed that both the congregation and he telt the Psalmist's pawn IItEUISBUUU. Corzenroadenes of Me Plitstrturii 22,1E50 The Senate this morning, resumed the Second reading and conaideration of the Bank bill,— They were taken up in regular order, and after they had passed through second reading, on mo tion of Mr. Sadler, the role which :prohibits the reading of a bill twice on the same day was die- panted with, and they were all taken rip, as well as itim e . passed through second reading, and road a third time, passed, and sent to the House for concurrence. The bale passed were as kJ , lows, to wit: To inemplrate the Mocha:dos ' Bank of Pit• ore, • To extend the chaster of the Bank of Pius. burgh. To extend the charter of the Egehange Bank of Pittsburgh. To confer 'upon the Pittaburgh Deposita Bank, the privilege of Inning notes iodic amount of the stock actually paid in. To extend the charter of the Femora' Bank of 1 Lancaster. To extend the charter of the Lancaster county Bank ; To extend the charter of the West Branch Bank_ at Williamsport. To extend tte cheater of the Yotk Back. To extend the charter of the Kensington Bank of Phdadelphis city. • To incorporate the Minors' Bank of Pottoutlle In the county of Schuylkill. To extend the charter of the Harrisburg Bank. To incorporate the Farmers' rind Mechanic'. Bulk of Easton. To extend the charter of the Dant in the coun ty of Lebanon. To incorporate the Anithracito Beak of Tam. . . There was a good deal of factious opposition to all these bills, •on the part of six or seven of the moat Inveterate Locofeco member,. whose only object was to recommend themselves to their anti-bank constituencies. They knew very tell that their opposition would amount to nothirg. That it would do nothing more than consume time. It wa•Cfullyjapparent, from the fleet day of the are akin, that the mass of the Lemur.. would go, not only for re-chartering all the banks then to exist. team, but all the new ones Mit asked besides The leaders of this factious opposition, were Brawley, Hague, Drum, and Fenton. They gen erally mustered from five to twelve, as the Bank happened to be more or lea. popular. la the House, the Appropriation Bill again or. copied the entire day. 1:)r. McClintock succeeded :in getting as ail` propriation ofsloo,ooo, for the avoidance of the inclined planes on the Portage Rad Road After the bill had passed through second read ing, there arose one of the most outrageous scenes that has dirgraced,,the present sesaion. Mr. Klotz moved to go into Committee of the Whole for the purpose of generally amending tho bill, wh , ch was agreed to. Mr. Porter being the best tool for the busmen, was called to the Chair by the Speaker, and im mediately Mr. Klotz uttered the fate House Ap • portionment Bill no an amendment. The join rule torbidding the Union of incongru ous b lls con invoked lir the pio:ectloo of the minority, but the chosen instrument of the Speak. er decided that this rule did nut apply in Commit. tee of tae Whole, and the monstrous outrage pro. creticd, Toe bdl was read thronzh, and adopted by sec tions, by nearly a strict party vote; when Mr. Baker, of Franklin, rose very gravely and offered the Montour county bill as an additional amend meal. Mr. Fortner, of Calumbi3, offend an amend ment to the amendment, providing that the JCS ttan should be submitted to a vote of the people of the county; end the amendment thee amended was adopted. Several other amendments were offered at thin Moment, but the Chairman who had been chosen in view of his excellent qual,ff cations fir this ape,. cial dory, decided that the hilt was gone through with, and called the Speaker to the Chair. The bill was then reported to the Horne, and .o lies over on third and final reading till to morrow. I am mailed that the bill It its pretest. shape can never 'puis the Senate. There coed, theft• fore, be:no fear that it will ever go to the Gover nor. What desperate pine the Locobece will attempt next, cannot even he guested. But you need not be surprised at any thing. They have stomachs for any thing, however iniquitimi. You think toy compliment. of Dr. fdcelint.k are not deserved; but if you had witnessed hi. course here, as I hove, you would have come to a different coachmen. You have ortaconsuned my language to some extent, however, and my principal object now, to to correct that miscall stroetton. le all my remark., not immediately connected with his action in regard to the Appal. tionment Bill, I:designed to apeak;of him as a man and notes a poluiene. In regard to hie action on the Apportionment Bill, it could hardly be ex. peeted that he would separate from his party upon such a measure. lie did move to amend by giv ing Allegheny six member., and advocated sev eral other liberal propositions while the bill was on second reading. as I said before, however, he was beaten down by thegreat man onus party, and wu of count compel Led to entomb. It was no part army in tention to represent the Dr. as being "above par. ty." lem aware that his party attachments see quite u strong as tame of toy other member of the Hods°. Pant Maxico.-'--The New °dean. paper, have dates from Mexico p the tat April, which furnish the aulijoined The Mexican Convene was in mean in the cite of Mexico. The re.rguanization of the army --of the military tribunal:—the planting of cote. rues oc the northern frontier, were enartmalrft the attention of Congress. A project for building • railroad from Vera Cruz through the city of Mexi co to San Juan, on the Pacific, had been adopted. The *mean lowan's predict, confidently, its apecdy termination. Capitalists and property bolder. ih the capital, and to the Staten of Mexico and Vera Crux, ere dispos,d to make liberal ad vances for the lortheranCe of the enterprise. The city of Mexico was tranquil, and proem,. • Memento mongers seemed dummied to allow the republic some repose, through the summer at least. The monarchical party alone continue to wage • tierce newspaper war egaintt the present adminia tration—President Herrera being just now the mom point of attack. Garcia Conde, the President of the Communion for defining the boundary hoe between the United States nod Mexico, relurned to the Capital on the 27th, and will proceed in November next to com plete the labor entrusted to him. It is acid that Sir Charles Bankhead, the British Minister it Mexico, is to leave that country and return home by the next packet. On the night of March 27th, Data Juan de Dios Cando, a Deputy of Congress, was auaseinated in his own house, in the mist of Mexico. He must have boon murdered while he was taking has ales. la, His servant entered his chamber about ten o'clock at night, and Mumbled over the dead body of hls master. He had received more than thirty nubs, all on the left ade of the body, and thus must have bean killed while asleep. i No clue has been discovered to lead sespleion to any person. A. cloak and a palto alone were tam and they probably were need for disguise. Private venge. twee must have been the motive. . . The cholera prevailed exteusively In the States of Zacatecas, New Leon, Michoacan, and to other parts of the Republic. There had been from 13 to 19 cases ■ dayin the city of Zacatecas dosing the past month. Tackiest° and the Hacienda of Solcdad, in Michoacan, were severely scourged by the fearful plague, am ease. in seven proving CAUL The lodian war in Yocatan was drawing to a close; the Indians had been worsted In several engagements. Not so In Sonora and Chihuahua. The unprotected inhabitants of these Stain are continually bemused by the savage hordes which, from Texas, New Mexico, mod California, Oval , run their. country, destroy or wry away theft PT"' murder their women and old moo, and ea their children Into captivity. Our govern ment Le under solemn treaty obligations, besides the obligations of humanity and toed neighbor hood, to restrain these fiends. It Is time that a Imething should be done to redeem the faith of the nation, pledged io the treaty of Guadeloupe. The Legislature of Sonora, the the protection of 'heir constituent,, haveestablished Guerilla corps and offered rewards for the heads of theme savage robbers nod murderers. The Legialniato of Chi. bonbon did likewise. Bat It appears that the libiefs of those guerillas- among the number an American, by the name of John Glantoa—have Wade themselves as feartlit a name for murder, ripe; and 'amino 's any °fib° Can:troches or Ape• the older, whom they undertook to destroy. oven the northern frontier is on the macrame. The revenue from customs Is dwindling down to nothing—not enough to pay Inc Mae:pewee of collection. The Governor of New Leon, in a ccentuottication to the Minister of Filialate, 'amigos, among many other reasons for this decline of the receipts of the customs, the participation of the collecting % came to the bail. neve of smuggling carried on by the people= the American side of the TIM Grande. FOUR thorwazcla on ran Lein.—The Md• teatime Telegraph repeas the belief whim. Astor. Michigan, Raleigh and Lamence, and with the latter,l4ooo bagel" of wheat. FOREIGN NEWS. By ibe Steamer America Corresp o n dent e of the N.Y.Commercial Advertiser Lotcoon, Arad 5, IESO. Owing to the Easier recesti, there has been little moving either in the political or commercial world during the past fonrogh The foreign news boo also beet], wholly devoid of interest. The advises from your side, in consequence of the continuance of the California einignmon, and the general cur rent of enterprise to that qtatrter, are now regarded as more important than those front any other part, although in this respect, as in every thing ebe, there is a total absence of any tendency to Incite mem, and even, apparently, of the smallest de sire to seek any active participation in what is going forward. Louis Napoleon rind his advisers ore still work ing with every prospect of success for their own downfall. Taunts and angry threats are all their weapons, and they ore merely tolerated in their itn. potenee until the Legitimists and Democrats ere prepared to corm face to face in the clear struggle which is approaching. Immediately Miter their dc. • feat in the recent Paris elections, the government showed. filmic terror that almost took the shape of courage, sod there was nothing in the way of re• pression that was not forthwith to ho put in force. All this, however, has borne little fret, except the vituperations by which it was accompanied. The proposed restrictions on the press seem in a I fair way of being abandoned, as also the summary laws for the seizure and transportation of suspected persons. The animus with which they were conceived has act been softened but defeated. Lamartine„. °airtime, Napoleon, Jerome Bonaparte, M. La- rochmaquelin, Gustave de Beaumont, end Victor Hugo, all spoke egainet them, and the only men on the other aide were Thiess, Mole, and perrors of that stamp. At the same thee all the provin. cial papers, that had hitherto belonged to :be party of "order showed, a disposition to becouns trop- I Weems° if the measures were persevered in. and the government had therefore no comae 1,11 but to back out of their Intentions, and to pretend that they had over estimated the urgency et the den. ger. They have met also with no better norm in the constant feelers which are pet forward by their partisans to favor, of a revision of the cowl tation. "Theta can be no peace oar proaperity," it is slid, "if the nation is to be expired to agita tion every three or four seam for the election of a President," and rumors are industriously spread every now and then that the sense of the legialas Uve assembly on the subject is cheat to be testod by a distinct motion from wino independent mem ber. But nothing ever comes of all these solicitas tame. Neither the military nor the populace, nor . the chambers, can be prevailed upon to regeoll Prince Louis to save France by becoming then master for life; and while the Government arc employed in wretched attempts of the kind, the only real plink/ in the awe are also in favor of tntrisne. Not a tingle meancire, therefore, I. bronght forward on any aide having Inc alig facet relation to the welfare of the country. Ingenious devices fur yew tines are the only points of pree n.' discussion, and mow awe, an excise duty on paper is one of the latest things snaked of, an impost which, besides what it would yield, would have the additional recommendation of iuterfering as far as it went with the diffusion of knowledge. New duties are also to be plat.' on codeetand anger. Ode thing i perfectly plain. The government cannot In the face of their pecuniary dffienlties, and their total ineptitude fur the conception of any broad and original plane, remain much longer wdhout eurrenderiag to the socialists. or resorting unequivocally to physical force. It Is also plain that in the latter emergency they will not be imp* ported by the Irsptimists, who will sec little gain ln Incurring unpopularity for the sake of parrots- Mina no imposture, which liar not now suriment vitality to command a magle real adherent. The time is come, when if the legitimate fight at all, it will be for Henry rite Kith. In the next crisie, dietefurs, whenever it stay approach the chapter of French history, devoted to Loves Napoleon, must surely end. The Minister of France Lronght forward his hod. get yesterday. New tax. are proposed to the amount of neatly g 000060, and on the other hand, some existing imposts are to be reduced. Under these circumelarcea the estimate for 1551 will show an expenditure of 255000,000,f. and a total revenue of Z6,600,000,f. leavings surplus of 1,60e,000r. No roe, htwever, who is conver sant with the usual teml;l of the ealerceuth of French finance ministers, will attach mach value to these Nimes. The surplus, as it did last yea-, Dona of Temperate - 4i and the year before, win turn into an meted defis Irpm: members of the Order will meet at the Ball cit. 1 comer on Wood and Third ituceo, THIS Evg . * , 120 , at half pate riven 'lock. The O. We II *pecan that on the 2Sti of the present month ;4 ate will to prefent, end dellver an address. Paris will again undergo the trial of an e 'seven. By order et D . aw. P , fttesburgti District. Vidal, one of the successful caodidates in the lad ."1481', also "P" een "' tARD brie etnikluigts No t. far stir Ly - nye for the Sae Rhtn, has dectded in favor of his U A PA !INS:STOCK .t CO, provincialconstituents. It is pretended that the Corner st er Fa & Wood arr. socialist. were extremely anxious that should NN Its far sale by sit for Pans, rather Mao expo.. them in that city u A FAIINF..'*'TOCK at CO to Me chance. of a tiewmintest since everything barns been already gained their, the posaibilay Vt.* brls English, for sale by of a fresh victory can hardly be ofeofficient value I •I'L B A FAIINEWTOCR & CO to warrant the rob o frying Inc it. On the actual A LeolloL—'3,oll, and 02 . p l ue i r i t fr o s c ale by chances, however ,' ea impossible tocipeoulate.— & 'CO The government, by popular measure*. might dourn . reed from the PhllliptvilleoACloth Factory much in the interval, but we shall siouteirwr hear g Voce yards 4-4 Floor Oil Cloth, 14 do do' 01 a miceneanna of Slanders be which ititxr ~o e e do do': emstrive to commit [Meld. The tespeCtlve ese• Con do 54 es do; didelev are not at present named. The °mina.o4 Jo do; lion of M. Girardin by the umalists memo ron• Fe, tale at ' We %aircrew:Li, No 4 7 and y Wow/ street sidered doubtful, and M. Eugene Sue is mention apob 1a II PHILLIPS ed as likely to be adopted by them. L'HIHNITCRE OIL Cl OTHS-120 down entitled !PM., r nun sod styles of 'Cable, Stand, sod Bureau jenverii, for sale by 0p26 J& II PoII.LJPS It in at length positively neserled that in cons,— Mt 0 SHAMS—A I.lllCnaild assortment lust quenee or renewed luterventioa, on the pan of rr,'d end hsr sale by k II PHILLIPS lbe King 01 the Belgians, diplomatic relatio, Inc. ' twee. Ortut Britain and Spain are likely forthwithS„: ll . E l ,fF,t.ll,P.lt_ 0 yard , O. Cbt?rf i l-.O de ~o h o n , n fhasa:- to be renewer'. An apology will be given lir the ld , order. any axe, treatment of Sir Henry Hula., et ea. use weelesale prices. J esaeeh we will tat A ritiLues B:atemeate are also eireulated with increased op 4 force of the great anxiety felt by Spain reverdne the tenure of her power in Cuba. It in mid that, IN SO I RE ED HOUSE, ties° necks the lots of the bland to be one day Inert. sgp,sTis R. suss B&B, Pr o p ....... table, she he anxious to eell it while yet she Is able, ' matte Square, Err. Pa. and a Is likewise affirmed, that so smog is the- OFNEIIAI. BTAGE OFFICH-14aftem, Weston;, at Madrid, of t immediate probability n. , and Scutheto Stages, leave this haute daily. Car revolution being brought about by American 'mum te and from swain and Packet Boats, Gratis. agency, that orders fusee been despaiehed,Lir the el W. Kura, late of the American Hotel, Erie, Pa. slaves to be let loose on the first elm. of tiny at. G. W. naeseta, lam of the Klaaman Hotel, Ohio. tempt to &MUM the existing government. N o .P'l s great credit in attached to London to any of these Changeable 5111 k Shawls, vague Marie', bet they naturaily canine strong to. (IP different shades. end very low for quality, lately terest from their bearing on the .lava trade, and ei received at me Dry Goods house of ales on commercial affairs. tiltatlNlY & BURCHFIELD, N E corner of Fourth and Market nit. owes, aro. . Gloria and aleatory. According. to anticipation, the thunders against' ST cern], g pply of Ladle.' Black, Whitey LIM Palmerston, on the Cheek question, have all , J U N ix at ed. and llnblenclied Ilouery; Embroider dad away. Scarcely any thing far th er has been cd dm 'Spun MN and Moravian do; •nd Alen's Miat beard of it. Baron Oro& the French mediator, itl White Unbleached Comm do; Merino ditto. Lisle PO now in the thick of the Mailer, but it was ram. Glover for Ladies and Gentlemen; Embroidered Lisle [ and Silk do. All at tow cash prices. at tore of p lately •• foregone cenoloaion that no •dviee could rota- 115' & BURCIIF lELD,• Is tendered by any one to King 01110, but to live ; „pi; In E r,of Fourth end Market sta. redress with all possible epee', that hole intereat Dar solo. has been awakened about the result. Indeed, his I SPLENDID NEW FAMILY CARRIAGE AND Maiesty hanow assumed the humble and grates . A_ HA ILNESs, at the Coach Factory of C. %Vint & sal vein so as to win the sympathies of the Bugs Co . Penn atreet, wlli be gold low,for cash; or on time, lish pu blic, and to convince them that there was ' well secured. a0214d5t ismer any osseaston for the cruelty of our foreign Colored and White Wadding. Minister in using coercion 'Avenel him. He is ' 11 'l IiALES superior quality, just received from qo to anxious to pay, only ho requires time, and I QVmanufactuter, on consignment, and sal. at meanwhile be begs hard Gor his Gaps, which ere eastern price, at the rannufectmer'' oo r. bunco, still held fast by Admiral Parker. HUSEW, FLEMING &CU, '' 4 At Vienna the apprehension, of a rupture be. np 1301 Woud at .. tween Prussia nod Wurtembenr, in consequence of Dwelling llama and Otlis• to L•t. the dishonest secession of the latter from the union ' 9111 E Dwelling Homo occupied by the 1.. subacritier, la Third street, above which she had agreed upon, has added severely to 3 . 3 , ...113 t b,,, t a am,,, „,,,, o r the money t J J VP, Li) istrailhfield street, with With lIo”o and . 5 . , ...In. Cg ; mace, from the Ist of June, law. discount on the norm of the National Bank w quo. Einjuire of HENRY WOODO -, tad at tEI per cent; the apprehension being that Atm- apthLdif 'Tlitid. er Water sir. trin may back the resistance of Wurtendserg, analsc p . 00 ---- . Mu cipiNte a German war. • rs ACON e stag prime Shoulders just receiving Ere tig by Al Rome, it seems to be generally' understood etimigurasto, for nod . ' .1 le s DILWORTH k. CO that the talk about the Pope's return has again been j apvo 33 Wood st. a mere trick, and that the socialist success at Purls l have Lord, as was anticipated, the effect of throw. ki n L'‘,,R7 6 '`,',`",/' ° ''.g . ; 8 7,1 . 17,,,Vdn'ir log his advisers into utter perplexity. Lis said al. i ''-' ' ' ''''' ` r " so that his Holiness has damaged hisstodurnee of 1 - ARD—ni. kegs No I Lard; . Spain by demanding the establishment of reelect. .1i.1 ., 10 hrls do tiumr i l i elltap i r l sale anion] tribunals, entirely independent orate Queen's .I ' 4 Government, and in conammetwe, the Govern. ' )UTTER-40 kegs Butter for sale by meta have revoked the permission which had been 11l arr. _ J S DILWORTH it CO 101. AFTER PARIS —Stro hilt of superior quality given for the fonnation of a Spanish legion to be ' placedat the Foetal's disposal. 1 finely ground, whale, pare, and unadalterated r and F,ew gnelant Paper., cf April 5. suitable Mr laud, Zee., or rale low by Agricultural operations, both In England and %V W WALLACE., nr , g , Ireland, are being Carried on this year on a moat ' --- sin a :121 LiberlY at. extensive scale. Li 11:1141/1.1s1 CEMENT fur “l b use WALLACE An experimental trip has been made by the . I-L Pr__ _ w _....._ New York and (Dugsw new screw steamship ____ City o(Glargow. In fair Gaming, she made ten and a quarter knots an howl exceeding the ra• pectailona of her beildem and Goners by ahem two knots, althoexh not In the best trim for speed. It is expected that ander canvass, far which she has been especially constructed, the City of Glas gow will prove slime unequalled In speed. She would leave for New 'fork on the 16th of April, under command of Captain Matthews. TRIMAND.—There la bat t i tle news of interest boot Ireland. An unusual quiet appear to pre. vall—a quiet scarcely broken even by no agrarian dilliOfbAtlCO or row. The Limerick Chronicle ways that emigration is again amsetegly on the increase, not, however, •n much to Canada at the United Suites, and the train from tidy to Dublin Is daily crowded with in tending emigrants, mostly arriculinraL who em• bark for their destination at this port. The bonito in Limerick are hourly paytag out money upon the orders remitted by the friends of those people In America who emigrated the loot and preceding yearn There are nine vessels at the quay. ta king passenger, Una. for New York, and air for Quebec. Wreak at the Dublin Company's Steam- The City of Dublin Steampacket Company'a ship Royal Adelaide, Capt. lohn Batty, plying between the ports of Cork and London, tell the former city on the afternoon of Wednesday, March 22, with • full cargo of goods and about 2ho pas mutters, touched of Plymouth on Thorsday even ing, left that port. 1.1, London on 'Friday morning at 3 o'clock, and was totally lost on the Tongue Sand, off Margate, at 11 o'clock on Saturday night, when there is too mach reason to fear every wed on board perished. • • On Monday morning a signal from the Tongue light 'hip canned a tog boat called the Nelson to pot off, and from the informs ion furnished she bons down upon the wreck at the unfortunate steamer kLoyal Adelaide. The bodies of two men Were picked op Dear the light ship. Mr. Frown), of Matgiteohe ower of a pilot boat and lugger, had an interview with Mr. W. IL Voi der, the repteeemative of Mr. Hammond. Lloyd's gent. Mr. Frewin txplaioed to Mr. Yalder the exact petition of the wreck, •nd informed bite that he bad failed in all hie attempts to make an examination of her, and that he had returned loco port only to provide himself with his diving app. , . rates. by meiaty of which Le bad some hope of being able to =IMMO the state of the ship and Wt augoi The Royal Adelaide was between 400 and 500 tons burden, and had two engines of 150 horse power snob, supplied by three boilers. The Tess set won commanded by Capt. John Batty, of Cork, who has been in the service of the .IMblin Steam packet Company upward of twenty tears, during a great portion of which time he has commanded ships on the London and Dublin, and Loudon and Cork stations. The crew, in addition to the Cap tain, coasisted of three mates, one carpenter, two engineers, two coal trimmers, six firemen, six men before the'mast, a steward and stewardess, and a cook. Tue come of the first engineer was William Reilly4the name of the first carpenter was Handy Turner', The name of the rest of theorem,. are not knowni no record of them having been kept in London. The Royal Adelaide is said to be fully under written at Lloyd's. The RI fated vessel had, it is believed, upward of' A 2.50 passengers of all grades on board. Fourteen passengers got mg board at Plymouth. Of these, 7 were cabin, and 7 steerage passengers. .1 I 14EISAL :CANg WISCIB ON4ol.—The Madison, WiscOnsin, Argus, publishes a statement showing hot iliere is, in that vicinity, a huge cave contain. ing iihmense deposits of lend and copper. The quantity of mineral lend seen in a distance of three miles only, (cave distance—perhaps three hundred yards,) was computed at about tM,OOtl tons The discovery created great excitement at Foxtown, liens the cave, and preparations for the erection of smelting furnaces were immediately made. ILICHMOIM (TS) AND TtIiSOUTHELII CONVILITION. —Tnere was a very !ergo meeting at Richmond. Va ,on Saturday, and a committee, appointed at former meeting reported resolutions an favor et ten lion delegates to Nashville. Mr. McFarland offered a substitute, that in the present promising state of things in,Wmilitington, it was not expedi. cut to adopt the proposed measure. Afters long discussion, the meeting adjourned, without doing soy thicy, to meet again on Friday next. MI SOIL J. P. J. O'Llettes, an alerts well known fur his gallant exploits at Boen• Vista, died on the Solli ultimo, at Indianola, in Texas, of Cholera. FANKT Kcyntc has written to Mist Bass, of the Awes Plate Theatre, that she cannel retain to a profession which was always distaateful to her. The Grand Jury of Sinapthanna County, during their sittings lost week, foundnn indictment against Ansel St. John, hue Cashier of the Bank of Susque. bacon. County, for transactions connected with the Batik of Susquehanna county.--New York Herald. A thief helped himself to a kiss on the fair check of a sleeping lady at New Orleans, while robbing the house of her husband. W. W. Goddard, of Cincinnati, who has been a confirmed infidel for a number of years, has been converted by the preaching of Rev. Mr. Stockton. Hon. Job Mann declines a re election to Con• gross from Penusylvapia. The Bentonites recently. elected their candidate for Mayo:, at Jefisrsou city, Mo. Why; is Father Matthew like the Mississippi river. "Bayou clap "' Because he never stays at a &I. —IN. U. C - e'en!. tieorge W. Jamieson, the actor, his arrived at Ciactenatt, and the Despatch, now that he is at the come of the alledged "nitre' between himself and Mrs. Forrest, calla upon him to explain hut equivo cal position. That paper doubts not that "he is the man to ilo it." Co Wetfaraday nicht , nt half past tane:ye o'clock, Es 4. fueetal krill take place thin day, at ao•ebck, tram Ike residence of lea rathet, corner of Centre Avenue and Robert street, deneuth Ward, to proceed to the Allegheny Cemetery. On the t'lh but, ranagesl daughter of Joss, J. and Mum R. Henderson, aged I year and moon,. • The (mends of the family are stetted to attend L funeral, from the remdence of Ler omen.. Si Clear this mummer, at In o',Suck. Pollee to the 00000 f Temperance. q 1111.: Sons of Temperance ,n acneralrare requelled j, to rat the Hall, corner of Wood and Thlrd on friday, at 121 o'clock, to attend the funeral of Alexander Frankho, Imo of Ocean wale •p2tl VRENCII BURR AND LAUREL Ilia MILL bnIN ES, best quality', won - suited, end •t prien• lOW.' num have betore been °tiered in this ensign B o w L . T r, ln et ( i lL . o nd rvo u ti ce n d ...= best quathy W W WALLACF. . A o : l o o N o T o E i tc3 o : the Len %. o . : I T. : o rt t o y oodno. e,W %V WALLACE nprs dgw.4 ra2ruS QUGAII-71 bLdr N 0 Sugar, on consignment ' no 0 larding trona Jrdireon, and for sale by IBAIA DICKEY & CO, 0p?.5 119 Winer at. brls C 0t . ' , 1 , 11.: le2 bags Rin,;... , ..11 - w, i co i reril,evbl TAlt—tro brle, to arIIVC for aalc by greet,' DICKEY* CO F m-2 111 n r ia '3 d7 M t g : a k r: and far sale by 1911 ISAIAH DICKEY a. CO 7I )AC MT.7 101:00 Lbs 227 , I s d A ers ui i i n , note, R.. sa c le o by •p 25 l' '" ep T, tr :RS " 7 . " 1: " A1 . 2;VL7C741:V . 1 CO " K1 -6'd bacon k., fur S7llUlat CO CKEREL—IGO rods large port po MA"P""n' i'" JOZraterYt;c„cg ' i CSI mpg:. Canal Brian, Pam street. Sellers' Vormitor . ,7“ .. Tho Boat POW la • Duets Vert., 0., April 1.1850. Mr. R. F.. Bow.stur—Dear Sir—Raving used some of your Vet minge in our famines, with great surto., Shil Leber:lts, Item the very 0. 0 witersetion It bon Own in our tngliberboai. that It is the beet now in uth, we are mums le pros.* the agency for Ills place. We hove sold all we obtained of roar Ohio ascot. Yours, thipeetrally, FA A JULIAN. ImMe 1.,- P Worm M lip ed arente 'oid always procure th e most re. icine. . •• • • •. Prqbtredby II E SELLERS, No 27 Wood emd told by Droggiat ,genetelly la the two • .p 23 Ditiett . 1111.10 K I TyIIICIL-44a0,0110 Solon Prosood Brack of the be 1) quality; aloo MO. of lloro.oll }lnca. for sal . F.,..porr of larell Nt N.OMUY FCIIOYER. PALAIER, HANNA L have removed their Exchange °Mee to north west corner of Wood had Third strata spa 11. IL BLIPIte EltegritglL To o f 14 L. s ... t Is . , s e r g s Q EALED Pr oposals; will be meeived at the office of it --- ' - P R E (. 1 1 4, bk. attention t. "lig e VraTurigiVt 'l it la the gurveyor of the Port of SL Lards, Misseeri, SabSerg/a , ..P lO 1 fl u tes P. erfumery. Saps, Shoving mull the 10th of May next, for Go erection al a 2 . l ".' nnn°n° n ‘ d 's kef err silver and two ((olden Marine limpital,upon the lot of pas. on which the L.l l motor tn.,. !...'°-..." • been awraded Magsrane now mends, small of the AmenaL The Medals have , wait.. me Ice six Sean, hide will inelode the cremation., masonry, and sock Mr the Institutes of New York, o lito n sto . rt,a , n4 . ..P e nU ve m , Poratons of the carpenter wort as is necessary whim delphia, the latter being be 011 , 1 . 1 .. I , ld , a d , M e d al„ the twat . , are going Up. arid/ the roofing of the build- awarded for perfumery eithe r . Log. Sneeilleatiort• of the work, with the pl., will ..antsy. be exhibited until the day of levier(' EDWARD WATTS, Supetintend.t. Ambrosia l) universally acknowledged to a.. ito! . ...fsUvi sin Smaymo Crux, Igslinned, St. 1.,114. April IL MO. C. YEAGER, °PM - dn. be n. orior to any Shaving Cream in Mrs country or 0LT...012 FOX 88Av1116—Beaulthugy trazepwill, s .d emolliect lOn Market lltrest, luau LI ***** 0 nod S ing highly p, r""T A . 1 ,,,,,,j.1 shay- MOS.. al= DWAIN IS P.a.tlell; Baronet...Canteen° , AMERICAN, ENGLISH. AND GERMAN FANCY ' rlf T aber 01d!!° , 3,,_ 5 ° .nm ,n B° „ ° ,, , d • R e ., migedeum, GOO 1301 HOSIERY, RIBBONS, LACES, B ,; - ,r nn e ln ....,9nr."...” — ,, ~,'''.,,,t,„1,' ~m a s,}lol• OLOVEH, THREADS, 0N.331.1343, BUTTONS, SUS. ~,,g: t n , e,,,' tnp " . ,.,° ' ,.„° ; ,° , ..,Xj1,1:(4.4,- W - I n- d :S&C, etttlCHcos = rtnn: PEN VERB, le. Also, Batts and Fanny IP/stings, ...tutu /s ilia 11.01ZIC ./ L nd. Mo ram BLACK AND FANCY SILK CRAVATS, PONGEE, , D gn.n‘" Coo . turt Gen.... , in ... VC,: tailie /IANDANNI,agd LINEN HDRFS, a genteel es. _. , Jockey Club, Magoon.. 01 e.° , s . ~, sartment of FANS, and every variety of uumallogo. ° 1." ,..a ..../ ". , "..i .Li ‘k M " "" ''fi- e •p 2 4 , , iser &Mc,. Term, Wamat—Florida Water. kin de Votl 1 !t To Ball Ilona Centrasters. Orange Flower Water, suss a great Villety of C o- L bees and Lavender Waters , oil keep ...My on hand a large stock of 'row Ear .d Sledge Moulds Sure and Black. Dear '. A L7 1 .7 . 0 . 1,011. n ° 4 1 m .Z. F 1 1: , ‘nc . ( .. .1 0 ,.., u , , ..1 ) ,; .n , , Core ! smith Sledges, and Steel of every kind. , 11ARTIMAN t CO, M. O . & Morrow, Rate Di er ' holm/ ond inmmlert SINGER 111 Wager st. , tot Phtloreme r Ric intim, nod d Irony Lind Footed.. ' ODO.ALCIC Pall,avtuts—faterimie Elillt, Rote Tooth Paste, Cbareostl bentrifiee, oJontine, Tooth Paste, and Tooth Powder. Commnes—Vesetablo Cornelia Cream, Amaniltre for chopped heeds, Cold Cream of Rorer, Cream di Perm, Lip Salve, Raspberry Cream, &e. Depilatory Powders, for removing ramerfinoos holr, "pearl powder, Vinalgre de Roage, Aromatte Vinegar VleteHa !lair , Composition, Preston tel., hcsulro a treat 'variety of other eruct., too numereos to be named in thia ad renisenten t. The subscriber hertz to motnoin rho reputation which Gm establlslimeat bri ne, med, by dispfmag of orating but first rate wir end will be hag pp to whothose who may wish to pattonise him rather lesale or retail, on ts reammble terms ail any es tablishment in the United Moire . XAVIER RAZE'S, Successor to and form r Director of the Lehr' story of EUGENE ROUS&EL. 111 Chemin street. Mr. Sarin% Perfumery is for sale by all toe princi• MO In the country .17tdiv sINGER, HARTMAN t CO, Sheffield Works.— Mattufaeturets of Springs. Affies, Steel Anvils Itlees A Dollar sad Sheet / eon, as. ha., 'ratchet,. No, 1( Water street. .14-ffit 10 DARILELS LkItD.OIL No 1, for rale by spit SOLOIMN SCIIOYER 101.Urtit—te eh. r Boger et store •ad,for sale by 8 k W HARB&UGH ud ARD— for sale WO k by eys Leaf Lard for&W family use, la More, L: ArOULD CANDLES—be beau Mould Candles, la MO store, end tor oale by W lIARBAUOII WINDOW OLABS-100 bozos fizleg 100 do 1051% ' 60 do 11 zlo,Jost reeeind and foe We by spll Bt W HADDAD:Of OUISVILLE LIME—RO brle In store, and fut male by spll 8 & w HARLIAUtiII FOULARD mom superior assortmeut now opening by aplll _A _ A ALLISON & co BAREGES & TISSUES-2 eases elegant re. AP eelved per late European steamer, end now <Tee l.. tor ante A A MASON & CO Viral= GOODS—MaII, Swiss, Book, !Recast, and TY limed Malarial, to great variety, arty A A !AMON A. CO G ROCEBIEI.4, k hjLli y ens . Oreer Blue! Tea ags 30 b tapir Lag.yr• Off.; CI bap 810 l.c Ireei 10 bags old Gov. Java Codee; 10 Midi prime N O Sugar; to tills refined and Lord Sugar; 40 tills N 0 blolasses;• tO bf br• • 8 tUdelasses; 3 brie Golden Syrup; fdr brls clarified Cider Vinegar; lee dos assorted Coni Brooms; 40d. poem ZinaWesb Boards; 10 boo Cocoa and Ctreolate; 4 b. Superfine Mee Flour; AO nis English Dairy Meese; For side by J D WILLIAMS & CO sp2l Comer Wood t Fifth us. BACON-JO' lb. ado Hams; 30,0d0 lb. do IshonWon; 1140001 bl do Sides; Jon rooming from smoke boom, and for We by • 44 8 & NV If ARIJAUOII W IN DOW GRABS—IOW tag well waned ail. En "re ' nod COT Nk IYRY HANNEN k CO ap2l 21 ikluket streeL WHITE. LEAD—ZOO begs pile awl No I White VII Lead ln Oil, J Ironton re Co.'s brand for sale by HENRY HAtillEN a co ORIBLEIWOOD GARDENS, Dk. LREAR H O E PAlnis a leit t il tale by Two wiles Woo the Cut, on the Ohio Rito r. R ED oo9; MS Summer Retreat, having undrgone repel. Dr ARASOLS—A. A. MASON k. 00,12 Merlin at., T...., iMplOVelliel., addles much to hi . farmer A lint, received per Slilfeell. . 1 1 0 . mob. 1 ,1. PflYlob.. beauty, a. now open for visitors. 'lee Creams, lem of the OCIlt manufactures, IMQ 01 all queliues. apes p.m. cc u ks, Fuse., ceoie,tionery, fic , butt es TACONKTB 1 t PRINTED MUSLINS—A largo in- .0001 mthe saloon. t o voice of lite above {NAB received, and opeoThlr by Pablm attention Is part eolorly invited to a large •ple A A &fggaer &cc collection of ever blooming plants of 101 varieties, usually found in oreenhoures; also, the choicest kinds CRAPE SILAWLS—Another large stack of Crops of annual flowering phut. and dahlias wit be ready Shawls of the moat alegaat embroidery , received for deleiery the tat of May. ler azorese by A A MASON ,Y. CO ' The Steam Boat will commence running from the foot of Pie street in the Darden., the IC day of M es. Two liner of Omnibuses are now conning from the Old Allegheny Bridge. Gardens kept on tel9p..fa , lCt principles. and closed on Sunday. arab d3t, W 1111134.11 JA.1414. lo<y UA B•BAL.. fi Z. Ban PAUSES. HANNA da CO., (Successors m Hassey, MOIL k. Co.) BANKERS, EXCHANGE ISROXERS, arid dealers EDEACIIIM-110 bathe.. prime halves, dried pesoh. in Foreign and Demesne Exchange, Certificates es, for sale by L S WATERMAN & SONS of Deposits, Bank Notes, and Specie—North west apt* corner of Wood and Thad sorrow Closest money received en deposit.—Sight Cheeks fors ale, and colleetions made nearly the principal points in the United States The highest premium paid for Parelgo and ItElai=l Gold Advances made on consignments of Produce, ship ped E.; on liberal mans..o3 May M•gaallags and Nan Basks, AT 110LNES' LITERARY DEPOT, Tman 5r...., opposite the Post Orr . GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK Gar May. Grab , m's Mafaxlne do Pertain's Magamna do Morning Call, by Mrs. Ellis. Women In Ansedem her work and her reward. By Marla J. Medullae.. /doneypcony, or the Mart of ;ha Would. Littell's Living Age, No 310 Diary of a Py laicism hi Calif trots; being the result of actual experience, inCloding notes Or the / 40 = 4 / by land and water, observations on the climate, soil, _ __ — &o. .p s 3 MOO IRON-510 tons this day ree'd, and for sale by 44,CIEN OITY BLURT /TOILE. X sp23 WICK & MeCANDLESS_ XVII RS ST. CLAIR STREET, near the Bridge rIOFFSE a TEAS-33 bags prime Rio Coffeci, 1:11 Coroner Rhino nada to order ponopdy. Oar t._, 73 ball' chests V IL Lea; *binn are made by measurement the tame as gar- 43 do G. P. do menu. All skirts warranted to RI, otherwise ea- 51 caddy boo co; ; changed, Or the money retuned. We beep in the Sto half cheers Black Tea, re. store a large assoruneno those whining to purchase reining per canal, and for sale by we tube Weir measure, ode., akin to coricspoud, esV/3 JAMES DALZP.LL and thus they are correctly hoed. We have shins with magnificent embroidery,,,,, the humor,..hia, TANNERS , OIL-33 his for 'Me by vse call the attention of gentlemen in the habit of WV JAMES DALZELL going to parties, as they would add much to their per- Wanted, tonal No shifts sold at ma store bat 'DIVE enure and intelligent young men to vent , , it those made by isarselyce. d. a N. - AUL rmaking preparations fora Directory of the ClO apt 3 dlw . of Pittsburgh, apply Immediately to • ,-. SAMUEL PAID:PARC/11R, Roams of Board of Trade, corner of Third and Word stn., scen;vl story. Matah IJerwa BRAUTIFt!L PAM OF BLACK MATCH „p.,31,,, HORSES for sale by J C DREYFOGLE, np'tlllllSecond at T., , XTRA. CREAM CHEESE-60 bus Cream Cle X,O of extra quality, in store and to arrive, and sate by R DALZELL Cn, apti 21.5 Liberty at_ ZUMERIRINO A LL persons haying numbers pot of their houses, -. !A in conform ty to a revelation of Columns. will c ol of it. JOHNSTON & STOCKTON havelost reed for meond story, corner of Wood and Third sts, and p.y v Volume -sth Mars Humor or E:181,17O, Hamm Mr the same. SAMUEL FAIINESTOCK new .d 1""". cloth Pittsburgh, April 1/0.1150. Tint Fran ow TEM Wotan, or Living for APPoI =lees, with Illastrations. By the Brothers Maher. 6,000 TOMS RAIL ROAD MOIL ap2o 'Chronicle, Post, American, and Journal, copy.' THE Ohio and Pennsylvania Rail Road Company with to contract Lir eight thousand tons of Rad ('ILOVER & TIMOTHY PEED-003 bushel rein Road Iron, forthe easterndivisionoltheir road s eztond- 0 cloverseed, and 30 bu Timothy in Mere, and it i me westward teem Pittsburg h. Three thousand tons sale by ap23 R DALZELL AC O Id be delivered on the Ohio River, at Pittsburgh and Beaver, before the close of canal navigation in the WHITE 00001. present year, 1133 es and the rematader In the syringe( itrURPIiY & BURCHFIELD invite the attention nem year. The rails are to be of the II pattern, in 171 buyers to their large stock of While Goods, su lengths of twenty feet, and are to weigh LO pounds per as Cambrics and Jackonets, Bisnmok. and M llama paid. They arum be eublect to the inspection Mashes, 'visored Swiss Mullins. Embroidered dit of Solomon W. Roberts, Chief Engintmr. Far foram.. Queen's Lawns, Book and Swiss Meslins, Bar Information, pleue address the President of the nom- Jeekeasts, Cambric &mines and Stripes. \Nem pany, Ptusbatteli. By order of thie Board of Di- Lisle, F t rypttan, Thread, Bobbing. /satinet. rectors. WAL ROBINSON, Jr., President. Swim Edgings and Inserungs; Needlework, Coil Pittsburgh, April M11,1E130. app-d3w &e. &o. - • t- _A.. As thescoods ale poretthsediromthe ago INLB--110 imzeit Claret Wines, dudca brands; th :lzci f i m e wcr, iw e i i a - t 7 , ; , ...- ol a ;I- lo- O 8 price baskets Champagne do do ap2o Anal reed pet steamer Navigator, and for sale by A CULBERTSON, T eau--No I Laid apti _._ 195 Liberty at Is and for sale by Is and half bill, in mob R DALZELL 8 CO Idastdas Cards. i bWV CIIU 11115-ILI bales Cotton Csneborga, suited Q lIEFT CAR.DS for Waal Carding Machines, comb A... 1 for koala W 1 feed bacs, impauins, steam bat 0 plate and cleancrt, for sale by fire gement, de., lair received, and for sale by OEURGE COCHRAN, H LEE, •p.O 26 Woad rt. ADZ) • 1P.9 Liberty strmt. prime oo C HEESE-7s llt h s e i t red al the butter and cheese depot, to Frootatreet. opal J 11 CANFIELD y INpl SEED OIL-13 brle put rered, and for sale by o 3 • / II CANFIELD DL , TrER-7 bds and 0 keg.freal jot reed, d LP for yak. by app J D CANFIELD an _ Mvaapratts. Palau' Nods Avih. 464 CASKS of the above celebrated brand and „high test, direct from the mancracturen; 12, casks now on the way from New Orleans, and ex pected here this week and 311 will eitonly arrive via Baltimore per 'hips Juniata, Chesapeake,h e andd Allots, which wilt be sold on arrll, at the emarket price for cash or approved bills. W & N hi/TCHELTREE, ern No 100 Liberty et. SVG R—l3o hhd• N 0 &Liar, In Core, for sale by apM W M MITCHELTREM M C L"t9e.P rTZ Olk"'". 'lareti; tote r /or !ale ipll_ W k N diTCHELT REE Mosquito Dim, FOUNDATION /dIMILINP, U.OTTZI B,ck rams, Cotton Yarn from 3to tras. Also, WICK INO—Best Sperm Dralded Wiek, Chandlers , Wick, Wadding, Dads, Do., martafamared and for in. e lowest terms, apt dim MiWiM A&SORTED FRENCH CORDIALS, ABSINTH, ANISETTE, OUIGNOLET, k. Jut ree'd, and car sale Al April A CULBERTSON ,iithlaell NM& —a ea. a, a au, jam reeohed, amt for aala by . sow LIEMIZIMIM SUGAR -20 bele Levelled'. Powdered and Crooke Sugars, jest reed, and for sale be .pr! A CULBERTSON B ":: • tget 5 do Ham, Jest reed, nod for .ale by 501 t lildtES T e b luse M ku,..y f A I lon received. art: - HAVE taken WA!. CAS H into partherahtp with I me in my business, arida wl from this dale be curried on under the name of "Jobe Parker t Co.. March Ist, IbSO. JOHN PARSEE. William Carr. j E=M= JOHN Psnsma & 00. Wh01a,74 Grscrrs, Dealers As Prodoc; Foreign Winw Liquor.,, Old Monowoheis and &a %d Witia No. 5, Commercial Row, Labetty groat, mau Pittsburgh, Pa. PAR'S GREEN-5 cans corrode G. rot'd, Arid Rot sobs by spl9 BRAUN k REITER UO&R-7I bbd. N U Sugar, to ant. by neamir U Jefferson, for We by MAUI! DICWEY &CO aplio 119 Water SIESSILS, DRAPES 49 CO., - DANK b OTF. ENTOR AVERS, have um:Tien:4 with /3 thew CHARLES WELSIkfto fa v er n ly the ltoo_w4 for the put &eruct vertu r. oAT . T .p., l . el le We - --- --- i bzcstren"ort"'lliflealaYntnt Le_sondoete4 ender . the Sim WINES-Sumer qualities of 0 Eel end Chain I of DRAPER, WELSH & Co. 9V b y Winee tent constantly on hand, and for 1 JOHN DRAPER, me bY, . API , A CULBERTSON I ROBERT DRAPER, CHARLES WELSH, 78 . B . W. t - I; LE • and - SU 1 . , E hynye, April 4.1850. apSD.Ht yLOUISVINIT Uld lttlatitTSON I n '''` " " • " P VE,NIPONI HAMS AND DEER REINS But NW& . DEARL STARCH-1! 04;;.tiZto&oxrbl Starelt, end for'sale by ap 9 A CULBERTSON ; A 4 4. 4 4' 44 " . 7 4 ,,,,,y" j yn ' L ' en . df r rale by "' °'°' tiii3ISVILLE WHIYLIDII I -iso bill friiik, Jun .. , ,l e. on ""'''"---- ' lIADY, JONES &f 0 Le ree'J, and for We by C H GRANT, 4 F`'' WO " Wm e...i .. -rmewouE OF DEVILS—A. few espies of thin '''s 4 V ' ''..ettle by JOHNSTON A. SITOSET.ON. LIKANDIES—A ceoiu wiection of pare Bra.lea, DDan. & CA'. manuractare, kept eta. !Andy . h.d, .4 for ulle A eirumasorl, 114 Liberty Wm. ABIS Ica saw clued kaass,Jast ree'd , a Hi°r sato by JAMFS A HUTCHINSON*. CO LE - AD 7-100 0 pigs °alcu eis,i - ree% per cleanser aFsCOTre CONQUEST OF PERU: Milton, and for sale be I p ra ucoTrs CONQUFST OP MEXICO; matt JAN In A HUTCHISON tCO 'l, fa.. motes of each of the shove works just reed LI 110 T-36 kp caned numbers for sals by Nog) JOHNSTON A STOCKTON 0 Amid JAMES A HUTCHISON ICO . by ( Journal,. Aroniele, Ametieut, ant Post, copy.i aitylfilt.lsß en d , l SCHWARZ.% PATENT PAILS GREEN &Heap IA and for sale by JAMES A HUTCHUSON ACO on bard, and for slldo Paw lowest prices h . age tyrsius St. Log!" Mown' ElapZ isliserr, 44 }RAN IA ~ . , Wall Paper 'Warehouse, DO. 47,;111AREIST !STREET. between Thud and Fourth streets, Plueburgh, Pa. TUOMAS PILE /IR would respectfully call the attention of his friends and customers, to his present extensive and genend stock of mereLandite. It will he round to corn. Prise every d .setiption of American and French Wail aper and Border or Parlors, Halls, Pining Rearm, Bed Chamber., Counting ROOll., he., ranging (ram Itl cents to a piece. Yo great dreamt, of priers and quallues ran hardly fail to snit the circumstances and tastes or purchasers who may favor with them patronage, the old established stand on Market street. meld Con Orphans , Court Bale PURSUANT to an order of the Orphans' Court, held at Pittsbargh.on the lot deg of April, A. D ws!l be exposed to public sale, on the Mh day of Apnl, PEO, at three o'clock P. M , on the premises, all that certain lot of grouud situate in the city of Pittsburgh, Werthed as foll ant t h e on the side of Stem. the distance of forty irons fret emtwarlly from Grant st.thenee by the line of A. Sullimen's lot, and panelle:with Grant of forty Mrec ft. to a three feet airy common to potions owing lots on either side, thence by said alley and parallel with Second st. twenty seven fee., to the line of William Antlers' lot thence by the tail lino of Wm Arthur.' lot, and powilel with Grant ere. forty thiee feet to Second street, thence stony Second at. twenty seven feet to the Isee sf beginutes. Terms of Sate—One hundred dollars to be paid upon delivery of Ms deed, the balance in two equal pay• meets at six sod ten years resfeenvely from the date of sale, with Interest pot shim annually. end to be se cured, he hood and mortgage on the premires. For Ruttier particulars, apply to G F Appletoo, Attorney in law, Foutth street, or to the undersigned, ROBERT DUNCAN, Ousrdian of Ann Almira le Christi. ) arj.J.d.p29 VTISR—IS b*ls prime pocked Boon; 33 kg. do do for "le ky 9 WATERMAN & SUNS SEEDS -33 brio prime Clomoseed; ID bap prima Timothy Semi, for We by •P 42 L 8 WATERS! AN h FOSS SCVTIIE lONE:ATMS & RAKES-1.0 dpyon moo Scytho Sneartio; 30 dot Rorer. (Or onFir by mar L'S WATERMAN & SONS 13UTA31,1—V1 cack• rec'sl t and lot vale by ap2ll WICK tc tkIrCANDI.F.ItS SALEILATUS—M ealdrieleveland Sale do m.; 25/ brim do bxs do do in paps dd. day reserved, and for sale by ATM WICK t areflA NTLEBN brla N. C. Tar; 20 half taba do, recd and for 551 r by aps2l WICK A hIeCAN I/LESS BROOMS -128 dos Corn Brooms for sale by .p 23 WICK A IItIeCANDLES4I DURLAPB-31 bales 40 incl. b•.my burlaps received and far sale by apt: , II 1.100 WOOL BACKS—Borlap and Conan Wa, Pack. an nand, and for sale by H LEE I WINE-400 Ills wool tying end sewing twine, f 1 by ap9D II LE E VENISON HAMS—I cask Temloon Hamr, far I'll spot C II GIIANT C uary-5,0 Do aLCIIW , m stara,sytyrknasbax, 1115 Woad rt. BELVER BUCKETS— VD dal. in ..ore, far sal" 1,7 lopto STUARTA SILL l ATT .p ga—so bales No I, lo slta i jaztfoMay A LCHOIIOL—r9 brls iu more, and for mile by •PA JKIDD& CO F _ RENCH CATION GOLDLEAF—Wpactarer rust reel, for 110 e by ap N J KIDD ACO PATENT BLACK—ioo lbs for We by arab ' .1 KIDD re CO LF.910:1 SYRUP-24 due myelin, quality. for rale by sun . J KIDD & CO ... TUINDOWGUES-80 1i7i91 . " - 79 bra E 219. in store, and for WINDOW I ItP 9 RI STUART & SILL B lbs shoulders; 300011 m hams, city cored, In More and ape° ETUART PAL DROOMS--90 dor different Com in more, and f or it ale b ant° STUART A SILL COTTON YARN -1000 lb. assorted. for sale by al& ' STUART & SILL CANrawicic—soa lbs Ss store. asd.for sale by sp2o STUART b. SILL PEARL ASH-7 cub. Past re c d D a A rsaiTtl l b c y o .F 2 Liberty et. 1' ABll-3 cu. received, .d for eide by DALZELL it CO p•PER-00 nu. Crown Straw' IV, rippi rur - ISO do Medium Straw du d. To:ethor with a largo auturtmeni Primitil e, on Lan and for rale. by A II ENGI.t.9II a CO. &Immo of ELLIOT I' a LLNOLIF I No 1 . 9 Wood ore, COD L.Ple3t OIL—GO gallons white, oror tamed poto, for role by B A FAIINIB3TOCK k CO, Corner of Pint nod Mono.. --- ADIIB,AVE PLASTER--300 yerds, for sale by B A FAIINESTOCK k ro 0%9'1-100 lb. new c roc W. by Irk ' FA If N EsToch: /r co 0 UM AIIAPIC—no lb. strictly white, for sale i y Xi . iseito B A FAIINFS/Oag & CO "tillirtoo r-vm. lls superior easlity. fast on Iliad .1 for sale by J KIDD & CO, •p4O • No 60 Wood meet. work °too - - —re it o 0p.9 Boot *ellen, owner of Market Lo(Tkintlik IMUSEMENTS T H E'A'T R E! Levure and Manager. •C. 9. PORTER Ore,. Circle and Paiqueite Second and Third Tiers•.. Gallery rfor colored personsl•---ky o - Doors open or 71; Canal, will - 11w at 9 o'clock. fLwo night but one of Mr. SILSBEE. C=l ...... •Slr. Silsbee ..... R ishosten —Mr U W Jokiest*, Mr Taylor Mrs Porter Mrs Caplan Solari Stan& •• Hobert Gavelled Charles Oda• • • Or Otis Mrs Gus Ithrieg the evening, TWO VANKEK To conclude mob YANKFIt IN JERSEY - Sibgee Mr tilmalowd • Mr Labay • • lltasPorter •Mn Frey c ul t u a rtib i la i r r al it a drama at intonee interest Calie] IYILKIN WALL BIOLOGY., WONDICEISL - 1 AND 'ANCSING BURR will glen their Levorre twd Ex• 1.11 penmen" on the new end wonderful science of Bio!ogy, at Wilkins hall, on SATIJILISeY,IIO77• DAY`II7F,ADAY. end WED!'ek. 'AY Evenings, April 2711:4790, Minh end MCI let.leso Letrennemm, Lectuie on Someday evening, PUKE!! A series of &contains expetimente with mind will be inuoduced. Boon open at 7 o'clock, to commence at pPrectstely. For particulars, ace bills. apts— SHAKSPEREAN READING. SATURDAY evening, April SI. Tlekeia, ddi/ et, r 0; 10 to had et the book atone nr L. Looms., Kay & Co. and lohneton & atackha, uld the Monahan' tin Howe, Exchange Ildtet and St Cbatles It. tel, and at the door. D 0.4 01 en at 0, reading to cotoms:tee at 'df o'clock. aptd ddt •_ SECOND TYROLEAN CONCERT. Chaiage or Programme THE HAUSER FAMILY, Cr moos of dot celebrated Rama Ell(11.7, will Site, by pat Ocular requeob n second gonad OCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL -CONCERT, At Wilkins 11211,0 n Friday, 26th taut d'A N whieht occasion, they Intl sing, li their Nagano' %,5 Costume, a number of their Natrona' Airs, Wil ling Duette. nine, Quintettes, !he , accompanied by Gutter sod 7.irlato, a Tyrolean instreenent r lntrodnced for me [net time into thi. country by es Hauser, and pronounced one °lite cornett lousiest novelties or the y TidsollllW to be had at Riebardronis jewelry store, Market el, Wileox's drug etwa, Sad th field and Fourth street., and at the door on the evening of per formance. Door open at 7, coneem to comment at 8 o'clock, reniorlv. aptia-dtt WASHINGTON HALL, Furman, 137/ 39 Wood , above Fifth. TIIAT ep'endi,7 ortablishment elTered for Rent It te Odmirably orterred non. for Concerto, .eetums, Eibibitlons, tee. For terms. srepts to JOHN A FITZ•=I33ONS, 137 Woad 0. PITTSBURGH MUSEUM. APOLLO EALL:—YOURTIEI STREET: OPEN DAlLY—from 9 tol2 in the mornituv; 2 to m the eltemotht, and from 7 to 19 o'clock in the eening. W i tmittene n.m e 23 tent.; Children under 12years h. C. L. ASSIIO3I . & SIM TOM. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS A. A. MASON & CO, Market bstrraou Tlttrel & Fourth, Pitts/. argb, Pa. , WOULD reopectfully call thetstentlon of city and Ty comtry oncrohnuts, to one of the most entennve Stocks in Me country, compliiing over Fourteen Modred Claes and rsekures of Foreign and Domes , tie Dry Goods, condoling, in part, of 100 mem best otylc Callcooi toolmmned Muslin, all grader " Summer Stuffs mid Cottounfni 30 '' Muslin de !Aim, qn " Lawns and 50 " Stittnetts and Tweeds; 11) " Cassimeres, Cloths; IWI " and bales of Ticklage,Cheeke, Iv.; TOt Drown Muslin& Together with the moat extensive amonment of Imponed Goods in this market, possessing the most ample fseillues for the transaction of their business, and one of the partners hem; constantly in the camera markets, thus presenting every advantage enjoyed by eastern houses. They believe that they can offer greater inducements to merchants generally in styles, qualities, and pores, than any eastern market. [Ni goods constantly arriving. Merchants intending par chasin East, am particolarly solicited to examine &air as g sortment. [AMU A A MASON &CO rat lye. BEFORE producing a remedy for any disease,it to always imee.ary lopossess a thorough know ledge, nut only of the disease itself, bat of the ;throw logy of the organs caught to le acte-I upon. 'Roe above allele ts offered to the public as n remedy for disease• of the liar, and es the result of many years , experence arid research. Jules Hand's Lusuale hair Restorative is, prob• 3 thy, the steal efficacious and agreeable a-i:to that it ti us ever been the lot or the cheinissut insect It pm sessesevthe tooth eche htful berfutne, end will render the Ilea glossy, luxuriant trod beentilul, cleatthing it tho roughly from oil senputities, mot by nth station upon e minute organs of the Hair, gore to it n tone and ewe r before unit now.. It w.II alto totally eradicate all scurf, dandruff, pimples, sores, or other imparts er from the scarp It Is imknown that each both la a b.,110w tuba, hares tog a root to the SY in, through wlttel, there If a s net ritetlitllo 3 of Ith:3orl, nod when, beta eicknew, the tiectimulstir n of dathriff, or other causes, the capillary tubes LICCOISIO clogged, three organs raise to perfcrm their functions, and the Hair Leto:Dell harsh, rusty, and gradually felts off, thereby lodoeing premature trahlocas. It Is to roses olleb on this that the Fan Loe:eule Restothuve is peculiarly, ado; led, • aftimpurities, enhvsnum and pa tfyt• propethies mill remove aft impurities, and give lifts end freshness to the dry and deed hour. Ii . is.for ru nor to toy other article fur dressioß the /lair, no it ria:tl the snort delieuto and caquinto odor, nod imparts to me flair a beatnif al and hag. uppenyntice. at to probably dm only really let cmificittly cotnpuunded preparauon s ow before the public, Rodin, , ncreasing popularity in &proof that** public •ppreciate its wank. Enure end•frattun Olen to the purehorer in every ea.. Pr-pare) only by JULEA IIAUEI.. Perfamer owl Chet:aid, ICO Melanin Wect, below Foust/. For rale wholesale stud wail by 11. A. Fabovnock A. Cu, And R Ii Pellrrs, Putoborgli: and Jahn Par. Kant and J. Alicateily city, r. ' .1.17,11/ 1110111:IS & 11AIVOILTII. TEA AND WINE MERCHANTS. East sole Diamond, Pittsburgh. apto TEA YUMA ENGLAND p li ffe vo lSF red ALlit , o h a a r t on am e k r i e n t d ai Lf d D i r n a%t e rs o ri l a i d ,.e ßgear n. et 4s and Sa per lb. can be obtained for Sin and 75e err round at Ton Tim tarmacs, east aide of the Diamond, Poo! urgb, moms Moe Store, Federal Smirch, Allealmny. The abuse Pass Cams Cosa we ICTGiVe. throllnb our Engl,4l .5 viol, direct frost lie 'Clueeb's flooded Warelouses, May free, tieing for C3l.otUtlloo. apL_l Tll/5 TiCA EAST CIDE OF MY .1)15,51,1ND, Pencil:alma A. Al trilE It nothing mo-e ree.hi.., time scup of gond Tea, but the re greht Jttuctty mobteuolOg it • her i n.tmle impelled on orb.. h w great/ r deeeptiutt pruelined. Ton B t ACK TEAS aald by ere rrn.rally, arc went and Wheby, Ind the (rein Te. with a 1 , -w egeefdlnar, u Chrome Afro , rw r“Ett. arne r,11,. fine bloom ouwh, h, bra g rupoc rf V/1.10,14 tee. se en.nlyramn wt t tirn prove. trn..h ougut to be err Ord from one market Eth ..Pohosong.' • - We have commenced the Tea Trade in Pittsburgh with the full determination or se Cur 6 ." m T"* only; and having been t cafe. in that article upwards of meaty years, Ore of Which eselualarly in Tett,/ we flatter oar•elves to be jadgcsor it. Pad Teas, aro Cln sid or lIMAII ax •01 PCICE, and a Lad twins Is abets obtained by veiling liftoff bat if relict a GOOP .110.1 at a mast table price, will obtain evelom, why we tie sure of our share. Onelniee, T its•y e.heidetedj shall alwayq be as low as any other lea Dealers to the United State.. Owe Piless par Pots ed. Good Clack Te— -- 0 ft Good Guru Tea-- o go Finn Flavored do.•— 0 Ck Slrengditta•— 0 Dr Stu:warmish flavored Strong mad Sac Ilay'd n 75 "Eng,lish kind,u•••• 0 501 Very taunter Benoist al arookahe u 75 Extra quality und - best Very best Imported• • I Imporled ..... •e. ka,ry hone and Roush flavored 111. k Tas, - 75 eta. per lb.i tbliiTea Iwo gOceive direct from the , Loadon Docks, duty free, it befog for espottation; Is orepre e the tome that retatled D e . j• in Esigland, Ireland, end Scotland, n il 3sper pose& Trost who stady economy will 00 nto Use this kind of Tea, Ts above Teas we retail direct beta the original chests, es Imported from China. Ttslre who prefer Package Teas, sre horn tech always on band, from go t ound. uwards. Also, Crak; Cocoa, •uhocolste, Loaf and Crashed Sagan d Forces and Piekles oi all kind.. MORRIS h. HAWORTH, PlOpr/eintr of die Tea bletket, east aide Diamond. f ani/ ,IXTV IitiLLARS. The limbs, will libetally iewarund by lenvin thIS ant. 13.000 LEIN. LW LIC PORK, in puma oniervi.e. rens:red, and for mile by pttl F VON lIONNIJORST 412 CO SUG .n A..I 4 2-24 Wale N Bogor (or ma% by P VON RONNHORST ir.oo STUCCO r aplB -TER—. brio for oaks by S F VON BONNHORST &CO= L.l G b*LULIL-17 brlb &Limb, in b... a, br me by LI. ablb 8 kW:Lilt 1.3.) TA.6,-.40, nx i sAttl oirrn Co. C OD tp F:lsll-4 drama far 41.1: 3 tir o.wonTo no pa .p A I III-6 eats pm lardzwit,G7T.guitZb Molar&lag 'Wash Bilk.. irtIRPHY & BURCHFIELD invite attention tf 1.71. their alsoilment of above goods. ayl7 AND GRENADINFZ-41iiiiivid V/ od Outage*, Tutor, grenadine., and other dm& good& An agotunent arm...est styles reed by Piz__MURPHY lc BURCHFIELD 14 . 0LA5556 bblsWavitalion Maiontl, 25 lidsy Hagar Iliidun do A:riving per steamer Tilton, and Id: est* Sy epl7 BROWN & YaRIPATHICE I UUISVILLE WYII fr. LIMEZA -146-Tran,--,rocirl J..d and for sale by A CULBERT/3 0 X Ypl7 HS Liberty U. IrENISON tiAblitis{l.ll.aibil , V dbr,) , ..;rYYA for ••ty bY A CUEGIELLTYVN tIKINS—d bundles just reed, and for We by apt: A rULIIPRTSON lA . s . roOrss ree'd, an4l for mile by / c•l7 ALCIIOIIOL-3 4114 zcv'd, [lnd lot silo by • .17 BRAUN - At RFITER Err 011..-2 casks reed and or law L ama, epl7 B k. RAUN
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