LLzt,TEOT'TS; B. cioi 1.11 . _ - Vi----: TT."—i-lr5V, ete.------IFia s..." ; ~,, .... -,.....-2.-'4,'=, • --, .a.- - -. ir. 614.1ckERINGIS• PIANOS. . Johirll.Stlior; St IVood:Stteet, Pittsburgh, . yiolodjhn in Western Pertheylnsalrt, let the sale of PllloBlllWillPe t Grails). and St'llllSo 1.10310 Fortes, .CBrin intoin his friends er.6 the ueteal me.. PBant Ire hie now invoices, mreceive •rul expo'fiAtecale, daring the present month, the lame. and Merl dud/CLIO stank of Piano Fortes ever effAT' t for sleek; the strest—ituteng the number will be fC1911(1 a full Vapply• of Serreruly ,eireedllearmorel Grand 1'19210 Porte:, croft olteleseernt imprervements reeebantsm a style of rsirript. thin curved Ilmetemel peace f us eScuri7 Piano Fano*, LatsLett to me P.m/italm so leou ety lee With , lame mewl( or vanr,irs sty:arose...l Year. Fortes, varying ot prices fee, 8/75 COW, I,oNROftd by Ale. Cnielivlng for e pre* .a. Year. UM.) Purchasers are sseurt•d that th . e l prare of (ti hici th h; . at P 101,05 bale Leer, and i I continue e, sante ait at she rtinattl emery in 1 4 1.n i , i ton,evithuu s te t heree CoMrallepoftoboo; and will c Iseredc h ap perfect order, in any part of the coy, without e once A CAlt O. • I.4l in i:gtr o ln , othcat,l,l4l,l4iicy the , D.Vin4l,l, anltt:aue .fie Avenue and Cam. atiolun hu,stants at ite eirl stand i emelt of Wood mud Pia streets, awl for whom Le weuld-itilleit eontia 110=00010,116013.1patronar,CLcitocure beeluwed On U. 4001. .10/IN D. LANK, Atoll gal, 10141. P. RI. DAVIS. (511CCFA,SOR TO JOHN D. DAW/F , I AIXTIONERD AND COMMISSION MDICIIINT , VOSTIVIA 01 v.l4nOn /0 , 11 Mtn 'snnlivln. `NTT ehan/so aole., on I,l•eral terra, of Pomp, 1 1'1 ,, Mmes. Mochamdor, Real Estate, tnAckv. trene., by cop, ir nee n c!n•e onent inn In lntinell, to llleln n nontnno.nce of the ropport and pwortaite Ito liberally eilendrd lo the 101111er nouns. April Ilth. INat. Notice to our Patrons. BBILIANCE .POILLT ABLE BOAT LIPIVE• 11414..1re...es of the actor partner, in Ph lnterrnplliladelphta , on Interwar 'sow , NI t•todurns IA the bnainen—arrancentenn have been node which 111110Ota Abe, none name.. preeteells• wind , tn.. herttotato eillwd. The lantana m entunned code; the same name J•aea M vyt "o, Jona hl 'VA m ,te tea. The enntinuattee th , p 010..., 01 our to Irlendil rentectfully runetie.i. u y have demands rtgritt me toner ore t0:1...d to p them forthwith. tar pay.m..l ll . l'intlongh, Apo) to, 'tat. /01IN 111 . 1',11)EN , .7 Stowing tottuer... 0 Ilats. Ribbons, &e. 111 IL PA Nolo s I,lllflicl i. preps, ed to offer Yoe treat iollovemov, to buyers ot FDaw 111,1Itnery tidods, of every doeoptoo. oodk taligOlll of every tic..srahle .0e of Pinot end Faller:Bran. Brunt, Limp. of Lace 01111 other Isomer. Jenny 1,11 4 . Othforma, Hound tend Ihnt.e 'Coe hint , end Intent.. Irrtyl , Bahr, ill ereat variety. Men , . Leghorn, Strew, Braid, China Pearl.; soil Sultan lint.. nth t,enl4. In tee itolllle and other Millinery tee ar. TOrcimrn, Phillips 1. -t, tweee o'oed ono dinner, sheer will he krp me 'sale, of Weir otanufartterine, tull ax.orttnent hot. Nails, Sintea, Canner.. nd tot Pipe, watinnled of the lic.t natllty. c' the lower* peace.. Mr: JOHN cf the late fan: ot lc having pureign.,.l nn In the firm will tote charge of the Worehou.e, ond will devote hi. entire attention to the Mow. , owl en. 1 ,,, ren'ler rot. widcti.n to the triend. hi• oral Mho , who may favor u w,ll, 11:en pn,ronun , .. ligoWN, ICI I A CO, 7 1. t'tti.hargit. ------- titt ACES.I•IKTT r& WIIITIL, No. nil. 00011111 sTRI .ET, IXAVF.in store and ore treetving • large Smek c• JA..DILV GOODS. selected wait great care tor th. warm trade. and to which they 0,11.1 the .turttue , of city and we merchants. Great tutlaerrnent °flared to Cash bus e r • Ist, hin4 ilisattua.ntid ./ eters ibllssus AV I RPIII & IIItIICIIFIEI.I, hi, prepared to fu, ..11,110 11 sh their criiittitners snit but er• Fetter tily 1/rd the very brat make uf, Ihe ea ts.. e.t.d., ond will In f at th e old prices, note an the stlvanee of en. Peale extra floe Itosina Linetts.c . .trlniell hilro ff..: lately reCeivett,-01,0. it suppir ni Lint 0 Tali 0 Cloth Diapers, Cmsh, Ar..nist reecived. Bordered Towels a. low as I, of per dozen, c 111 cents it tater, nt tort., cost Corn , r of Fourth an Matketsts. npl. -- ;•A SOLIT ONE FOR XI 0 or £5. 111TANNIA bi.litl IN(; POR TRAIT CLUI B.eirtecs, George street, Plymouth, Englund. TI. mantreetsitare to riequiiiat errs numerous patrons. , tte next !Ranh - Wino of d ' tnarstte Ist Ile , c !Doses. wt Neu those lor the lortlicnneng limo Nnuottal Derby Rae, t`te number of vim,. to I limit. to thAti c.telt eta.... n‘ot OR, m ber em lb second e 1.,. ditto 1.,. torn' eppitranon for the 111 appropriated shores Is nece•sary. A party eta/sera tog for iota, 111011 010' share has the chance of gamin .04011 number hnituses. These 11-Miche withho dit to the ..ranotts Porno. sr PI lie presented wtoe lowing wont:— Portrait of 101 class bongoes al ditto Winner, or First Horse 1 Al, on 110 tati Second Itore , •• - 10,000 5,0 t 0 a 'Mort Cot. ~.tsat 4.1m0 molded among. Stone" 111 110 an.. •• s e Nen-Smriers ••,00 3101. There aro VI) Gomiseata enah eines, that henna the tuber of hones enteral . itte the roe, .The Drawing wilt be conducted nylon am same legitimate onnc,pas a. thane vanish ...eters:co the late St Isecee a nd otitcrfrpscstchirrr. Foil csrcesittra of the ir result wid heel,t to a., it, 10010 ,e • t , nail , ,ts l ) aer the In e,.ten, that garb , .ty 1., t -n. I, . tee. t ~, a Slsb,mober. r - gt a r,, , .., ti •et, 1.., warded rei r, • ceitit of a rent.v.-s , , 11 .. ex, i....,5, Droll:. 1:,r4 Notes, Ad, todt.- t• ea. 0,. t ut:i l• i• t1 .. 1, . th . Pdatoginc Ihreen le ' ' IV I A SIES A. Co. rive pre - sera 1 1 ounute..on to he reduced on the pre.eittaison 0( hnnuset_ I s U; s •tt.. 6 Cciate",,‘:i.!:±l.4.: V s o ' r * Y ", ;i l,. . l 11Zri.te . 1 111' rapid . _ait_a_.-:o___nt r. t:ormnernial Sketches with Pen astl Pencil, The rder , of Cow:screen, Atedi hoe, sesille111•11s upon the Tr [MS faro! Prmarty; The 1011 0 1 end PlitloeophY of Ronk - tgm The Proder WM LI S 1.11 New Nor., itanksnlaVY 14.1,0ing, de ; tlurice,--litter-ti--Pinducuoa net 'erode vs PloteCtive 'rand, Of Stet/quer , urn lite re port oohs ioirri-Inry cit Tre.iiury oi the United .timmi for Itsln, relearn, to t'olnit,cae. 1 1 annsion of the Ra. elan Empire tit 0,0 La,. he.ae ut...kci:vic 'oil, tar Nt urch I-, P.:3.t.:0r1v sA. 1.%.21m , .. .iir .1 pill, rat Ilo'nien Literary ',spot, Tbi,.: ~.., .i.e.., the Post Office. ------ A Pii CliifilTe l li S. I All new preen red to (u push Apnle'Tree., from Ito I I well looser. Nureety of Joent. N. Brown. 110 trees soli he dein:err,' at the wharf at Pittsburgh 101 et'f 1..03 leave the , . • • . . . .- . I,- .et 4. sit. Perfumery I) an. - 1 .1111 • •. , • I - 1 1 11,1 ~ 11 . - IL Ai b r.i: 13 tato tL Zs L.O-, W IIaLEZS/ 00d0 it a Li 0 1 . : .; 1 1 1 .. : , 1 , - 1 , .. 1 ., - . . 1 :; . i ' . 7..: -cll : .i „Z . .r . I..o.bblit Whltio, eill do Alum; 300 do Dye " obdi•i ....' i' . t'i.i , 1. 1 i II: do lautploi.t.,s, nsler cl.. 1...,......, Itolati TO do Von. R.' I, .• n I n , m„..,, O do tainploot; 1., 0 110 , 1 Pnepaat; Id no !trait. Itrowa; 1 , do t ammel Amer.; IX do 1, <now lb ehrli 35 do do hoed 111 do lit ilistoste; 200 Jo Cacher Lease.. id do Cloves; 3to do Rhubarb Root; 3 do Chant. Flower:, 41.11 do Sorge!, do; II ease. 141. thank; .-1111 Ito ticritrail do; ed do Castile Soap, gal do Sal Itocheele; 15 do Prato.. Iglu :Nu do Scellim illialarei 14 do Cain. Dlagite•ta, 5,0 do Pow'd Illothorli; VI do Chrtnite 11 reen; bla d o in Sli - t. Elm. 5 do do Yellow; 100 do •••• do G.:Arabic 5 do Am: Vermilion; WU Jo ,do I.m. Roo , Oa reams Sued Parr, RIO tin . tin Jet.; 25 Imp thrily Samar; tV.O do do ArCayennt 2.5 bales llottle Cori I II ) e do Sulph. Zinc; 7102-Salph. hl 01 do Tarrant 121.0 Ibis Cepa Alm, 200 do Tamarind.; PAM 10 11...Chroin ;'arras}; 220 1 do Quick Stiverl ?...110 do ribt 1L101; zu , do Caller P''''' (Lund. Turkey limber; 75 do Coe Initetti; Aral do Cream Tuner, 21 do II)d Potash; Inddo Tartaric Atitl, GO tin Mae.: . Ind do Urn Gnu; 23 do Granettle Lotin , ItieS.l&erhaT . TLR . . PEROKUPL, OIL OCII. OIL. ' I'Ttirre are more things In heaven Roden-rat Than are dreompt of to philosophy." TILE vurrt;Es 01 dits winaskatile remedy, and the constant applmation for a, to the proprieter. has induced loin to nave a put up in hottle. with I, bola and direction. for the benefit of public. The 1`1.7111.111.E1 1 el i procured from a well in ta. Contra, at • depth of four hundred feet, to a pure unn dalterated erode, siehout any chemical change. Ins jaist as flow, fro,. NIIIIIIP: , GI , . Lalotosorin That it contaircrpropertle. reocl.iiie . 00 0 + 400 . 1 diseoee ,, Is 0 0 10151,11 matter nf oneertninty. Thera ote Ins. y things lathe areima of tiature.wlttels, if knowantlght be of vest awhilne•• in al:eat:aim; suffering, lank re storing:he blimm of health and vigor to many e zoi. ferer. Lone beforelhe propnetor thought a pulling tt up is bottles, It ant n enpotetion for the Memo( di.. ease. The constant Dill dolly titereustng calls for it, mut several remark Ode enter It hog perfbrined,l. a %are indication n 1 Its funtre popularity and wide spread application in the gore of shwas, We do not wish to mart n long parade of Certifi cates, us we are conscious that the medicine can soon work •Its wry Into the fityor of those who golfer a.. 1 WWI -to be healed. Wlntst we do not plaint for it a ' animated appiiennon tu distao-, we unhe.t.u tinglY say. that in a number of Chronte Disease% It II nn elsalle,l Among the.e may be enumerated -all diseases of themoron% 111..05, such as CHRONIC 11RONCIJITIS, CONSIISIPTION On its early stage. Asthma, and an dieeasr o of the alt caviares, lel 0 Lit ) COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA. Dierinna. Disease. of ,be-1111Ader and Kidneys. rains to the Bock nr Sle, Nctlreas Diseases, Neu rale'', l' may, Rh. am atie Polo, Go.l.,•EryofreiffS, 'fetter, ltingworms, Darns, 000140, Brakes, Old Sores, &e., he. In rases of debility i. salting from exposere, or lone sand P . m. - me .t P . m. - meted e.a, o r disease, this medicine will bong relief. It will act as a Momral TONIC and ALTERATIVE in stab eases, impart-SPg lone and energy to the whole frame, new,. ingrObalmetions, opening the sloggi.h funetions,,,L„., emir. disease and. broken constitution., end gismo inepeased end renewed energy to all the organ. ot Waft. The proprietor knows of several cures 11l u P l i rai t e h l a . t .e ."o7 I‘t‘ted every It r 1;.1 grit " ; ' 0 01 .15% ' t tone The proof • earl be peen in any person who desire. it. Norm gerstithe Wlll,Olll the signature of Me proprietor. POld by the proprietor. ' 9.11. KIER. Canal Ilesin. near Sle`Venth st. A tso ..y It E SELLF.R.S. 57 Wood et; untI—KEVSF:I I & mliowEi,L, ..,n ,, Wood st. runt Virgin tiller who are his n0e1...11Y regularly sprinted Agent . • lIAII:intNi & C()'• n ,./ rairAITI.DE;iI&'CO. c*om'sitiintuten7f:rinOgtnpe.r.s.on furfrom any part of El - gland, 1,1.1. Seollimd o ales, eipon the mast liberal tonna, with thei ionetuali) and aitenumi in the ant. and eon f Of ClllllllSlCrits We 40 nut allow our ptchrerthl rs t Id robbed by the awicillmg scamps that infert the set porta, sot we take charms of them the moment the, r , • port themselves. and .ee to their well being, and di spalett the. without any delgottun by the first %hips, • 5A,.,,,,,„,, 11111 fenrlessly, as we defy one of our pose, ger. Ili show dial they were detained 4S. tem.. by ini in lAyerpool, whilst tholtsatuls of other. • ein detnined mitts, until they could be rent In some 14 .. 7 . 1 1,„,,, d , pn ,„,,hi,h too frequently proved itteir coffins. '1 *c introit to perform 000 earttraCts donorsidy, colt what _it may. end not art as WAS the ease Oat amnion, wide ether. odieerst—wlen either perforcteil not ICI. or when it salad their convenience. • MAIM 'armor.' at Titlshorgh for any awn from .f.I to m ow payable at 001 of - the taoriXerrd'lfitnke lit /re laudiPX6l.ld.ecatland and Wales. 4 . -..spe, ll' ~, . „lowly/. sonteisoN, 1.44 ,V-174..;-. , Eicopean .1.11 Gestated Agee, • I Ruth Arco, oaf dd.:ll4lov Wood; N..,iz • . TRANSPORTATION OM ik AIM '4 to Mina.lBso.laliMi PENNSYLVANIA ROUTE- . Two Daily . Line - Express Packet Boats, - And 11.11 ItosA Cars, ($,-4u..vlovlLY cos Paansmosit•,) TO PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE, Via the New Central flail Dead and Pentia Canal. Time—Whoa. Fare—SP/through. 236 mllca Bail Read, and 150 tulles Canal. (N the Ist inst. the new Central flail Road Comps -IL.I eacerneneed running TWO DAILY 1111.1. ca."- ',WKS C.O. from Jackstown to Philadelphia, leaving there immediately ailer the arrival el the Packet Dents Irate the West. Ity this arrangement passen• go ,. alit go through without detention. A Packet Dom will leave eveTy morning at 5 o'- clock. and every evening at 9 o'clock. This mute, for Safety, Speed, and C fo t rt u'e Is not " ca ned by any now in use to the Easmru Far passage or information apply to W BUTCH. blonougahela Rause; a 5 D LIU:CH tc ell, Canal Rusin THE PENNSYLVANIA CANAL IS'OPEN. PITTMIUHUII TRANSPORTATION LINE =114a18.50 Vla Pennsylvania Canals ic Ball Ito.ls. nonnaoe GOONNOR., Desin, Llbeny grew, Pi...burgh; ATKINS, crcomion h Co.. 249 A. 250 Market street, Philadelphia. - • •anurrs, ('CadenceCo, :0 North alma, Baltimore; F. BLOC, New Vorki • EL1.1011 . & GROG, II Doane streeL Boston; . 11.41110 M GnaT, blaysville, Kentucky; HALL. h CO., Columbia street, ancient.; E. Mises, Lnuirville; Baca., Ikea, & Cp., Si. I.oUis. To Shows of /licYchienelare and Troduco to and /Yams I heloclaphia, Batsman . , X Tart, it Boaion. our route being now In fine order. we are prepared. in forward good ses above at eery karat put, We enema all freight fret °fan] , charge baying policies fofor over $620,01M, and with the followingit,. erterteme rock of Boma tael confident of giving e all businese enmested to Our care. Our boats arc all ltelx, and commanded by captains of expeMenrct el° oar enure line is condaCted on stria tattbadt keeping and tempo , emu , principles. Boom. Captain. Boats. Captains . Bon CKT. Hagan Pennsylvania .0 Layton, Maryland, handbell Rt. Louis, Cowden Citteinnatl, Rand. Col. Howard Ridley Ruth Anna, Cliatcara glary Deborah Sian. Wen Atkins, Raymond Enterpnee, Karon Impott. Alquado Juniata . Blown ' Boston, Alter Gen. Scott, Gore Garlieula Riley Ton h 4 'Shields; ca Celia Hawkiem Point Mill lloyblqunde atlivertrvichGrisaer olten'eClippoeßtlcy • &Merles Perry Ohio Belle Kearney Mermaid M'Coltenn Bunter Biagio The Fog btlialide Julia Ann Layinie Aurora bl'Dowell Telegraph No2Bayls Look Sharp Berry North queen Wei de eqiippera wilt bud it to their advantage in give O'CONNOR, ATKINS A CO., 1 ; nt•lft Canal flamin Liberty at., Reimburf — l4 r Traa•p lon Company. ilWzij 1850.,, D. LICECII & CC'S LINE, BETWEE.N PITTSBURGH, PIRIADELPIMA, BALTIMORE & NEW YORK, By Pennagdosubiss Canal and Rail Road, Mill: Boats and Caw of this Line bare been pot i compete order, and with the addition of sever new ones to the Line, enables us to cam alarg. quantity of produee and goods. 'rho entire stock of the Line is owned and contro• ed by the Proprietors. • AMY Tr.-- HARRIS Er LEECH, No 13 South Third at, And at the Tobacco kYarchours, Dock et, Phi adephia. Pia; JOSEPH TAYLOR tc SON, No 114 North lloarard at. Bariconre, ; cipiripp:, No %Teat at, Near York; L. D ESCII Cr. CO, Cana Rutin Pc. Fl, 11103 1.1114611r.rh 1 S 5() . UNION LINE, ON TILE PENN'/ AND 01110 CANALS CLARK, PARKS & CO, RochcoeL P.N.+, JOHN A CAUGHEV, Arent, Office roe Smithfield and ter W.H. Pittsburgh. r. A M IJERIAN, CRAWFORD& CO, Art, Cleveland. Ohio. HID. hell known line me prepa - ed in transport freight mid Passenger. from PI FFSIJURfiII and .I.IDIEI,AND. to any point on the Cimal and hake. The Moldier of the Line are unsurpassed in nomla quality and rapacity of Boats, experience of cap,. and efficiency of Agri., One Boat'lnieves Fittalito rgh and Cleveland daily, a Line of Stearn Boa d DEAVER, and a LAI Propeller. and Ve,eal nit.g eennecuon watt en ITITSIII.III6II . Fins tines Steam Scat., CONSIGNCES: Clerk. Parke & Co. Roehreter , , ro; N Perk• k Co. Vout,,,tow rOu r., Id II Taylor, NVerrett. innClre, Ne deem (,; ton It Co. Re oi G;nnell k Co. Fre II A Mai, Cuyahoga Fan , 'ler Lee & Cu. Alrro. 0,. C " h a ' Aer . lin, Crawford & Co. l.levelnud, 0; & Co, Saudasky, It M V ; Peckham & Scott, Toledo, 0; l WtiLatoe & Co, Dew... William. b. Co, Nltlweukieo , .., Itlurfey k Dutton, Home, N li te, George A Garbs, Chwogo . .. ; T"'" Agrn; curter Water.. 14 genillgold iIMEiMI 1850. LAJ MDID AND MICHIGAN LINIZ ON TIIF: ERIE EXTENSION CANAL. CI.A.RKE. PARKS' & CO. lineheprr. I.,oprietor. Ili.: Pup, Ici..ts of this old and well known Lan. I ol.ld Inform the public that deyin now in op ta.l tar the 1 , 11,C1.1 0,3./1: and have commence reccming Frcieut and Pa.i.icocere, whit they ar folly prepared to carry to all poirite nn the Canal am LAKES ERIE AND miciitun N. At Ito lowest mice. line of the Roam of the len Win constantly at the landing', Itc:ow . Monortaalrel Bridge, to ram lye frerrht. JODN A. CAU(IIIEY, Agent, Office, eor Slitter and Smithfield am, Panthurgit. Ct INS:KNEES: R tV Camainchato, New Cmtle, Pa; 11110m:tree dr Co. Pulaski; IV Milian. Sharon: J A S Sharpentra, %t ink. Ache & Co. Greenville, 'Via henry, llnostown: Wm Power, Conneacnville; John (learn & Co. Erie, John J Ilolltster A Co. Buffalo, NV. web. .Ziii. 1850. aliii!M 11.11DW ELL & 811.0TIIEB s 1./11W AItDI N 6 11:11CIIANTS, BOCA IRP f FR, P., illesver Point.) Fr/trent+ for tuotve,Lvs PITLSBURGII AND C..EVKI.ArtI) LINE: ERIE 'AND MEADVILLE: I.lNit 11.11 E; WARREN AND NEW cAsTLI: PAt g PS; towing and shipping betweeis Pittsburgh snit Itnehester by strain boats Michigan, Lake Erie, and Heaver. Irr Goods reeelpted d promptly delivered to all pl sera on the Canabt and tm Lakes ' at the lowest rater. Shippers will please - diesel goods Line." J. C. BIDWELL Agent, mrsll Water st, Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh Portable BORIC Lime, 1/aa 1550.M.Mia TOY VIA VIAN,PORTATION OA /MA AS SO AND riltlll ITTSBURGII, PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE. NEW YORK, BOSTON, &c. Trumaas BOZBILIDGA, Tux. & O'Comme, Philadelphia- . PltuMurgh. TIIEC.aI being now open, the propnetors thi• long established Line aK as usual at their old %tands, receiving and forwarding glerchandise and Produce at low rates, and with the pre:ripeness, eel:- minty, and safety, peculiar to their system and made of transportation, where intermediate irmohipment it avoided, with the consequent delays and probability of riamege. Merchandise and Produce shipped east or west.and Rai Lroling forwarded free of charge for commis redn adag, or storage. Having eo intermit di. . or indirectly in meernbc.ts, that ant. Owner! solely consulted when alupping their goods. All communications to the fallowing agents prompt ly attended to: F1L0P0.1.02. 3 : THOAIAS DORBRIDGE, Markel street, Philadehi TAAPFE & O'CONNO Ip R, a. id Wayne Ntreeta, Parabargh. •0.1116: John NleCallogh & Cn, Ge North et, B ay P. 0.5100 & Co. 25 Doane ai, Boerne, W. J. T'ratite. & -6 South al, New York; Jemet Wheelwright, Cinrir inr2s 1850. EaM 1850 BIDWELL'S PITTSDITH.OII & CLEVELAND LIME MIIIS ',INF, with onsurpothed facilities, is no 1. prepared to transport Freight to •Cleveland, th• tbhee Lake ports, Ohio Canal, and intermediate places, o most favorable terms, and with the greatest de thatch. Shippers see referred to dome who have heretafor patronised this Linn. Send goods to “Elid weirs Line Aourre—.l (I Bidwell, Water le, Pliteburgh; & Brother, Rochester; I. 0 Matthews, Cleveland; • Rhodes & Green, do. CONSIGNEES: A D Jacob*, VolumWow.; Lefringwell & Co, Warren; & N Clerk, Newton Falls. J Brayton & Co, Ravenna; Rent, (irennell m Co, Franklin Milk; Th maos ar C l, do do; AII Mille E r, uyahoga Falls; J W Stephens a Son, Akron; Wheeler, Lee A. Co, do; & J SI Edion, do; J J Id.ffman ' • Cummins & Co, do; Wm Monteath & Co, Buffalo; It J Gibbs & Co. SanduslY; It Digging & Co, do; F. Haskell & Co, Toledo; II N Strong, Detroit; Murphy &..Duttori, Racine; 11.11 & EWA., Southport; Doom. kCo,11111w•ukle; D 0 Dickinson, Little Fon: Kirkliand & Taylor, Sheboygan; Dole. Rums, & Co, Chteago,• Thomas Ilale, do. Pittsburgh, March no, 011). MOUES TRANSPORTATION LINK, gaitagi 1850. Between Pittsburg/. and astern The Canal !dung owe cpeu, we are ready to r end forward promptly, produce and uterchandr . Id west • - Freights always at lowest rater, charged by reopen- Able Roe& Predate and merehmntive will be received and for warded rapt and Wept, without any Charge for for warding or edianeing freight, commloion or ingrate. Inns of lading forwarded, and all directlona faith. (oily attended to. Addrms or apply to WM. BINGIIAM, c.0.l Daele , tor. Liberty and Wayne eta. Pittsburgh. BINGHAM& DOCK, No Market at, AS. WILSON , Agt, between Ith Asfolt, Phil'. No 162, North Howard mi. Baltimore. JAS. BINGHAM tnthd , - "No 10, Wen rest, dew Teak. 111 1 Cl 2 CARPET W So 75, Pa • APC141 , 4 YOCK n • ‘l . Ppriog Stock of Trimallaga, de., eomptitin, Extra Soper Royal EngEA end Amerie Extra Superfine lm ~•2 Superfine Superfine Ingrain Carpets Extra fine Common, all Wool, " notton 4-4, I and ITap Von Cnr. 4-I, I and Tin itPil Carp. 4-4, 1,1 and 2.4 plain Car: 1.8-41 and Rag Carpets, Printed Cotton Carpets. MIESSMI 14, nod / %11 , 9 11 a. plea w cloths Costa c or.d mob Cloths; • on Plu.b; Couch Oil Cloths; Diormaks far 1,,1ng, Watered-Morrins. Buff Holland for Dr Shades; Transparent French teni , sp Veneunn Blinds; Bunting for Flags; 7.4 and 114 Tabla Linen; RlltAll Crash; Scotch Diapers; Drown Linen Napkins; tiie' rm. Oil Cloth Table Covers; - - Snort OIL Chorus from oh and ALllefle6ll month . width, mbielo wi,l be e rubles of any size or eh The undersigned having his Velvet Pile and T SWAP, which are of rh• tyles and patterns, and o ill be sold ut prince as lo •4'in any of tbe eastern en •ufo, Having the large. assortment of the ',chew and most fnehlonntile itistisr.Ls, IMPERIAL THREE PLY and INURAIN CARPETS which far eurpasses an quality and cheapness of price any sesortment ever before brought to this city. Ile also invites Steamboat Mon and Coach Idanufarturers to hit largo and well selected awortruent orriuSlMlNUS,and other articles neeeseary to their hustlmana The undersigned I. ace agent for the only Stair Roil idannfactory ut Philadelphia, and a prepared to st II lower than can be purchased elsewhere in lbw city. mrl6 WM. A A. MASON A. CO., &O Market street, between !I s Third and Fourth, arc node receiving a large as• sortment article; ege Ds Cr Persian Cloths. an en tire nese ar Pallet is, Crape Ge Lains. &el with large assortment of and. other Dress Goods, of the latest sty:l, sti.d most f.shinnablo colors. ap.l COFFK6-50 Imp prone mo and Jima; 10/0191.6-4U bus mmld, clipped, and spergi; Comma-1531ms Cream and Engli•ti Dairy; Craos-20 dos Hemp .d Manilla; Casma-50 Malts; Cum.-4 barrel; Croaas--1.0 51 Common and half Spanish; Frao-20 biloand half Ws Mackerel and S•lino. IMas.-50 ho. assorted rixesi Ilasni--1200 Fru. Venison; Sugar Cured; lamoo-100 lbs and Manilla; 1.-10 do. liar:mons Blank and Copying; ISlMarsco N Orleans; 15 ball bile Sugar bloom; MC,TAID-20 dos iissoriod ministers: l'ilaccalioni-5 0 1ba Italian; V 8111.01.L1- 6 0 Ms do Nrittoi—V.OU kegs untried; ritimmi.-.5 &ajar* ...rind; rucau—llu bashele kalyes; Purn—ZO ream+ assorted: l'annu— 11. lb. llorlicau; SOAP-30 tag 'tom and Cast Steel; Scosa-10 . 1clals OrMans and Clarfied; Tea—ml packages Green and Had; has Icl, 5, ft 1 Mum; { b da patrut "1 For sale by Corner of Filth an d Wood =IS .Aii. • _ VJANT.W.D.• OURS' FILMS! FUltr, •obterober4 will pay r for t'oon, Nltrot . Musk not. (.ray and fled lox, 1.1 nil kond• of...Lwow& luta AlceOttlr tote hoches A t CO • t wastr. corner Filth nod %Veen' sot. DISSOLUTION• p.t..er.l.ip heretofore ext.tinx between Jane. 'Yo..ey nod John Ilr.t, on the Grocery, Produce and Comornr•ono 0.n.0...., was dorre.ved by routtorl concent, on the I rth om.o. dlr. John MO Loving pur• eha.ed th. enure tn.erer.t of Janie , . no the Gnu, the bo.onc•c will be ectged by lalnt, et their old No :Id Wood et. TAI4I3EV, JOHN 131:+r. P•per I.laoglngs. I.IIING lON —Will oi eceived, I.y fir. canal nhipnirnt, a new alai choice .•ortmeni raper. cm' lateAt rteurh and l'Autc lEt rt)l.• Lti go:0, cfiamo.. oak, pima and high colers W. l' MAII.-.HALl..pnte C. HA) • 2, Wood ...tort 11,15,01..VT10N• 1111: ea.', twer.l4,ll , retolore ei ta , mg between S 11 110 , 11Leal nod JO,hn under the Imo ol 11. llo•utt , 1.1 I• ibt• day di active.' by matual The ltwoners of the old firm will be ,itied by 11 Itufhlield, at the old .tend, n aatl Liberty otter t, ittithargb tt 11 Mooch 1, l:5.1. JOHN .11HIILI., S. D DUSIMELD dud F:DRGE RICHARD and continue the Wholeaalc old Detad Dry Goode and Grocery bustne, at the old ttaltd. No tr:o latterty 31, under the film of S. D. DIJSIII , IkII.III a. CO Mateo I, —[mrl2 IGAN' to lOLA day mcsoctuicaLec. c me, o to< 55 oul 1. nate Grocery, LA . mooe.oni, and Forwitdiag hu my two tlona, It. N. and SV . 11. Wate,man. TI Waterman future wlal be conducted order the style y.Watcrtnim tr.. gone, at the ohl atand ' No 31 W w e and 52 Front sheet. L WArEItSLAGSI. eittal.orgt, blurch I.t, A CAUTION—About ONLI OItDiINAL AND DKNUINE WI? , AN'S DAI.S3AM Of WILDUp. v•metly for CONSVMPTIONT And Um, ber.t f.ltira or, to roan tor A 2 of ever; ,trtc., r . . . Contphar at, !Cv:orhitt:, inflocr..: Ciphe r ., Cold. Illcethog of the Lunav Shnrrov ., of MY oi.h, Pion. and Woukoev• tSr Nap ltrea.t, Ac , and all other drseavo• of O.r I•IILNItt:VAIZI' t.Itt:ANS A very unportsot dtvearo over wlf which thtr e,rarn ar" nary " ' •ot • , DISEASED this complaint It list undauntedly pd more idteactous than any remedy hitherto emplo roveyed. anilin numerous instances when patients had endured Mei and ,thsere suffering t tom the disease r,watnna receiv ing We least benefit fromvarious remedies, and when Mercury has been resorted to in vain, the use of this Malsam has restored the Liver to a healthy action, and numy Instances effected permanent core., after every well known remedy had failed to produce this desired effect- Besides ins astonishing effieucy in the diseue above mentioned, we la /.0 find it a very effectual remedy in Asthma, a complaint in which it has been extensively used with decided success, even in eases of years' standing With the increase of intelligence has grown up s knowledge of the elements of health, mid I gard (or them, and commensurately with the strides of science have we nrquired the means of arresting dis ease, and averting Its ravages. Potwithstanding the progress we have made, statistics show that even now, one Sixth of the whole population die annually of cosumption. One of rhe moat important discoveries of the age. in amehorating the rob Won of this large dam of sat - faring humanity, to DR. WISTAR'S DAL. ANI OF WILD CHERRY. Wistar's Balsamd chiefly of Wild of Cherry is a finßark e Herbal Medicine, compose is and the granule Iceland Moss, ithe latter imported express -1 tor tins parpose,l the rare medicinal virtue* of which are also marnittnad by a neve chemical process, with the extract of Tar, thus rendering the whole compound Dte most certain and efficacious remedy ever discovered for CON 11ifIFTION OF THE LUNGS. Shit further evidences of the remarkable curative properties of this inestimable preparation! RreveLLTO-Lx. Brown to., , Aug.2l, WO. Muses Pandford A Park: Gentlemen, About ms weeks ago I received die agency of Wintar's Italeam of Wild Cherry, but with some rel.:wee on Tay paw, for Umreason that 1 hail been the agent of m many C, Its and other nostrums, which were cranked op to be something wonderful, but which tamed oat in We end to be of no account whatever, except to the man aactorer. Ilat I candidly admit that Cuts lime 1 have been deceived, for Ilia eltraordinary oures•ffected by Wistara Dolman have convinced me that "good eat, ce out of Nazareth.. Your ag ent ntleft me one doz e bottles, which are ail gone—having been the means of curing several obstinate caws of Constimpuon— and no mistake; for what I we and know I am bound to believe. One ewe in poetical:os A young gentle. man in Winchester, Adams county, 0.. 10 miles fro a thin place, wu eared of Consumption when We doc tors has given him up, or at West could do nothing for lure, and it wit We intention of his friend. to convey loin to your eity ; and place him under the care of some emlnuit physician Were. But a friend told him of Wpdar's Balsam, and that tie ewid obtain It of eta. Ile gent for it, and before the second bottle was gone he was wand and well, and attending to fan every day bunt.... Aa there arc several Ingatne• for the meth eine, a would be well to forward an additional supply without delay. Very respectfully, your LAMBERT NEWLAND. The above, teem L. Newland, Eon., • highly respect- able country merchant, commends itself forcibly to the candid lineation o( all tho who have doubted A. great merit of Winar'n Wild se Cherry Balsam, Remember the original and only gerittipc Wistrabi flotsam of Wild Cherry, was introduced in the year KO, sod has been well teated in all ceumitunts far which It is recommended. For 17 yentait has proved more efficacious ass remedy for Coughs, Colds, Inas, a, Bronchitis, Amlima, and Consumption In its tn. enz ciPteol sielf., than any other medicine. LOST VOICE; Oa., RESTORED! Now linroap, Aug. 10, 1549. Mr. S. W. Powlm Raving seen many certificates published in relation to Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, I take this oppo rtun ity of offering a word in pool its favor, winch yetisre oleo at Marty polib. A few months since my wire's lungs became se mach af fected with a sudden cold, that she lost her voter, and solfered severely from pains in the omen. Her gams. non ceased her friends much alarm. Having hoard your Balsam strongly recommended by those who used it, I purchased & bottle from your &gent in this place. She took It according.to directions, and it pro. doted a 'wonderful effect. Before using one bottle afar bad completely recovered her voice, the pain. subsid ed, and her hegairri was swan fully rwertablialted. Yount, troll, HENRI O. BRI(11ITNIAN. To DIMOOMr. mon Llmitans eel. cbrated and infallible remedy fertile cure of Consump tion, Asthma and Liver CeMplaint, him its own me. Gm, been rapidly, sure *Mr safely working us way through the oppoeitiou of quacks and counterfeiters, unul, by I. true value and uaritwic excellence it ha ni'lfor'ltel*t nvable popularity,a,estal tisheitseilni fdenceof on intelligent and en lightened pohlim from of end of the continent to the o ther. The testimony of theassnds lobe have been re. keyed and cured ey this valuable article, will show that it stands uurmallcd—at the bead al all other Me dicines. for the core of discuses for which is reek.- mended. The genuine Or. Wigton, Balsam of Wild .Cherry' now for sale by duly oppoinmd Agents, and ail respectable deniers in medicine/I,in all large cities and all important town' throughout the Untied 'Slates. Pirrell It per Bottle I Su Bottles for ES. B o ld by J. D:pARK, (successor toSandfOrd &Parz,) Pourah and Walnut streets, Cinciffnati, Ohio, General Agent for the South and West, to wham all order* mumbo addressed. Wileog; Jr, James A. /cora; I. liadd & Co, Fahnestock & Co, Pittsburgh. L. T. Russell, Wash. Inman; W. 11. Larnbeooo, Franklin; 1.. It. D.A., Osamu/min; 11. Welty, Greensburgh; S.Korints,SONICV ma Scou & Gilmore, Bedford; Reed A Son, Bonier. don; Mra Orr, Hollidaysburg; Ilildebran I & Co, Indi. anal I. K. Wright, Kittanning; Evans a. Co, Brook. ville,• A. Wilmn & Son, Wortesboraiii hrFarland & Co, N. Callender, Meadville Ennon & Co, lEr'e,• J. Magoeln. ?demon James, Kelly & Co. Huller S. Smith, Beaver; J. P. Sot:memo, Warren; V.1.-a C.S.lonea, Conde parr: P. Croaker, Jr,ltreernaTills. feb4-dkeely(la)i SLOAN'S COLUMN. Er Al. the Medicines adverused , by W. D. SLOAN ' lLt d . ;TILERS, Wood sticet, and /01IN P. SCOTT Libettyo, Pittsburgh. hooingliso by 30101 11. A11, K b,.., city, by HENRI( P. SCHWARTZ tw D. hi CURRY. ANEOUS AREHOHSE, t. eminently trtiving hi. CARPET OIL CIATtIIS, Vln pare tbe elvet Pile Cnrietr, Tapeeiry an Mamie '' perial 3 ply " Tlos Bast and Cheapest. liaise Madlo.l IN THE WORLD. 13140ANM OINTMENT OWDER AND CONDITION P. Ha. tamale peat same. For putty, MM.... Safe sy,etad Defeats lna, SLOAN'S OINTMENT Eaves Aud je rapidly supeneding all other Ointments an.l Linits.as navein use (or the core of the following dig Ulm super patentChentlie Hugo; Hugel:int to do Bogs; Tufted Hugo; Vice Common Extra Wllmn Common do Chemlie Door DUD; Tufted Sheep Skin /Weald Fresh wounds, galls of all kinds, sprains, bruise, tracked heels, nngbone, windbone, arindgalii, pol lctl, callus, sport., .weeny, fistula. stncsna ameness, sand crack, foundered feet, 'crutches or gretue mange or horse distemper. The Powder will remove all inflemonaion an 4 fever purify the blood, loosen the skin, denote the water and strengthen every part of the body' end bas proved sovereign remedy for the following disc... • Distemper, hide bound, loss of appetite, lowan, strain, yellow natter, Inflammation of the eyes, fatigue from and exercise; also, rheumatism, (commonly cal led stiff complaintd which proves solaced to many val• noble horses in this country. It is•alto a safe and cc, um remedy for coughs alai colds which aenerate so many fatal &sense. W. D. SWAN, Grand Depot, 40 Lake at, Chicago, Illinois. ESA,. grin le :I covet. Eathosied Plano Table Printed 'rob]. embossed Stand Linen and wostaid Damask Star Linen; turkey Red Chintzes; Milan Bordering; English US Cloth Table Covers; Brown Linen crumb cloths Woolen 11 [Bus Sta"r Rods; Sour Drawn; Carpet Ithlings; JPIC and Coco bleu; A 1 leant and Skeleton Mats; 3.4 and 4.4 [Been Oil Cloth W for inds; Hatekebuck Diaper, li the most AM. , " En g" arta' era (rota 12 to 24 feel cur to fit rooms, halls, and ta imported diem from Eng 'apestry CARPETS. Thoth ie In'est and moat elegant t the Moat gorgeous colors, ati they can be purchated het. Extract from the "Galena North Western Onsets.% Ily the use of Sloan's Ointment and Condition pow der, I hare entirely cured a fistula on my hone and otherwise illlOTOOfti his condition more than 500 pe cent. on the cost of the cothieine And is/ cow widen was so feeble as to be considered worthless by myself and nein hbors,was watered to good health and strength by the use of lees than half a pmehoge of the powder, tuld isw doing better than any other cow I have. Small no Pox, Slay 13,1e4d. WSL VINCENT. . I heby certify that one of my children, when nu ked, fe er ll into a large fire of live coals, end was burned mverely from head to feet. The best or medical aid and attention whit given to the child for four or five days without any relief—each day's sufferings me reas ed till his kroans could be heard at a great distance, at which critical period one of toy at itchhora recommen ded and presented to me a box of Sloan's Ointment. and in less than fifteen rnlarttea eller the application of the ointment to the aggravated sores of the suffering child, the pain ceased milady, and he apeedily began to recover. My residence Is in Ileit township, Ver.. million county, and State of Indiana. THEODORE L. fAYLOR. Chicago, August XL Into. EXTRAORDINARY CURE April II INS. Four mike north of Chicago (on the road m hlawaultied Cook county, Illinois. fdr. Sloan—Dear Sir: One of my horses had a large bony tumor on his breast bone, immediately under the collar, which lamed him and renderal his services at very little value. I fenhfially applied several bottle. of Dr. Taylor's Nerve and Done Lin toneat, without the least .benefit. I then procured Wittler's Celebrated Horse Ointment, and used that until I became fully satisfied that it ; would never relieve the animal. Fi nally I obtained a boo of your truly valuable Clint. ment, and in lens than GO days from the first appltcu. lion the tumor entirely disappeared, end the borne was well. Yours, EDWARD ARMSTRONG. POPULAR OPINION. If popular opinion IS any criterion of the worth of an article, we Invite the Incredulous to read at leen a fete of the many voluntary certificates that appear In our coleus,. respecting the greet variety of remarkable sures eflected by the nee of Sloan's Celebrated Obit ment and Condltion Powders.. These remedies no longer remain among thee. or doubtful utility, they have parsed from the tide of •x. perisneut, and now stand Welter in reputation and •11 becoming more xtensvel used than all other aid. tiles dui. kirid.— e Atlch. i City y News. THE HALF HAS NOT DM'S TOLD. Fox Riven, June IX, Dear Sloan—Sir. Please send by the bearer a new supply of your Horse Medicines. They are the beat articles of th e kind that I have ever used, newer hay. Ins been disappointed in their effect,. I hove been it the use of others, even the most celebrated Ointments Liniments, So., of the day. I like eery much this feel tore in them, utat that they do all that Is promised, and upon a thorough trial one la ectitrained to add, that "htlf has not been told." Rammethilly, TILE DIFFERENCE. The ordinary ointments and liniments it wet known are severe and partial in their operation.- 13Ioan's Ointment is mild yet diorough—it veaehes and removes the eatie, kerma it gives real end permanent relief. For purity, widows, safety, certainty, and se al thoroughns Swan's Ointment exeelsomi is rapidly mrpereeding other Ointments and Liniments now m WE CAN'T GET ALONG wrniouT IT. Dune , Guovv, 111., Oct It, 1,49. Mr. Sloan—Sin I have tested the virtue of your Ointment In the core of ramesnake bites, sore throat. burnt, and many other ninnies. and in every caw it has surpassed our expectations. As a family Oita. eat, I have never seen its equal, and for beasts we can't get ong without it Y al ours, /se., MILES M. JOILNSON. F.XCELLENTOINTNIENT. Mr l Sloan—Dear Sir: For a considerable lenteth ot im e vsas scnously alllicted with the rheumatic eon-- plaint and applied freely the various Witmer., paint kale, A s., without obtaining any relief. After which your Kg. az at this place Influenced me to try yam Ointment, and within two weeks from the time I cont. nienced using it. the pain crowd, and I was •,ffectuall, cured, and shall recommend all who ate ml arty at. dieted with the distressing comnlam au t, to procure yoa , excellent ointment without delay Reap'y yours, OSCAR F. morn Princeville, Peoria no, May I. P.A.a. [Er From the Ilan 11. V N. Brooks, Agent of the Illinois and 311eIngan Canal Parket llont Company. Cmcsoo,June 21.184 v; Dr. W. O. Sloan—Dear Sir For Om last 30 yea:. I have had neras.n to y ho n es. and have use.l J great variety of It and ointments in use, but have ne•er found any Mom eq ual to Your mut. mein for innate, nil hones. Within the last two mnths I have appned your ointment to mum to homes, for o various imurlea. and In every instance it ban pro ved • soveremn remedy. A FINGER BITTEN ENTIRELY OFF. Two antes ,ouch of Chscapo, Sept 14, 1410. Dr. Sloan—Sin On the Rh instant my urn had a fir• er lat., entirely off by • bora, We tomeedlawlp pl3rd your celebrated augment. which relieved hint of path in a few M.., and prevented the finger front .wellinc the least particle, and the wound re healing apully. Reop`y yours, S. BROCKWAY. DOCTORING IN GALENA Mr.Sloan—Dear Sir. Annul three years ago I was severely toured one of my legs by the fallow of • pile of wood which occasioned large running Meer.. Nearly every doctor in Galena tried m cure therm. but tried in vain, until from sympathy and improper trea'• mem my other leg became as bad as the one original ly wounded. I despaired of ever being well again— but in order that I might neglect no means dillao my reoch. I purehmed of your agent in Galena some 14 your ointment. and you can lodge of my sumnse an I gratitude better than I can repress it, to find myself entirely well before I had finished using the second lir The. farts I make known that others Maimed may believe and not delay using sotaluable on ointment an yours has proved to be. Resp'y your grateful fed, Galena, 111., Dec. la, led?. EVAN DAVIS. Ilefore the following order, Messrs. Vaughn k Co purchased • Large supply of Sloan's prepations /season, film& Feb. VI, le4l. S. K. Hibbard—Dear Sir I am out of Sloan'a Conds non Powder and Horse Ointment. The solo lar ex ceeds my expectation. Upon coo manage to sand roe I dozen Oinwten I will pay for them the first htru that you are here, and presume I shall he able to o large quantity to the cont . .< of the year. It will he on object to you, as well as to myself, to keep me con stantly supplied. Very resp'y yours S. S. VAUGHN a co. MISSISSIPPI RIVER I.Ands, Feb. Z 2.1349. Dr. Sloan—Sir. About two yea. ago, while ralung on the Missiasippi river, in miming aver the rapids, wag plunged bite the water, and by the ran dashing aganuit a rack, creaking my led. leg and otherwise se. riously insiong me, so much Mai I low all sensibility. When gamete... returnid I found myself in St. Louts, aurrounded by rny weeping family. Gowl mos- Mg and medical aid, enabled me in about two month. to hobble around with the assistance of a crutch. The wounds only partially he leaving large running sores at the knee, which Mr many months discharged blood and matter of the mt. offensive character. My Gain were megrims/till , at ti mes my wienns was groat groat that death would have received • hearty wet conic. Fortunately Mr. Wilson, lone MmY rd Mowed me to try yom Ointment. I or es a Ime applied it accordnig to dtrection —the wren an on began to assume a lindtby appearanee, and in three months I was eutirely cured, and enabled to do hard labor. Your obedient germ., HIRAM W. THOMAS. We, the undersigned, neighlront of 11. W. 1110171. N, were acquatnied awoh the care above ntaied, and kno w ing the etreumrtance, most cheerfully confirm stud Thomas' statement. HIV J. 1/013iLASS, JAMES WILSON, PETER LAMB. • . . CHICAGO, /an fith, Mfg. Sloan-41r One of my horse* was hoof bound , mid Om wounded in the male, in which he tonic cold, and became ro crippled that he could ocareely travel. Ily the free application of your valuable ointment, him hoofs were moon softened and the mine permanently cured. I have alto used the Ointment In the came ot Roll-Evil and an mevere gall. with equal corer... On a snamhed finger that war very painful, it opera ted like a charm. Yours, tr.c , A. VAN ORDEN. TESTIMONY FROM IJTTI..E FORT. Bloan'e Ointment and Condition Powder ere ac knowledged by all who tome need them to he :he I est remedy for homes end cattle that has been discovered. Fresh , spaying, bruises, meiotic, poll evil, and in short every outward disorder or injury con be cured by this wonderful remedy. The Powder M designed Or inward strains . , distemper, hide bound fatigue from hard exercise, thecased eyes, kc.—Lake Coady Chronicle. Wtmarrirr, Cook Co. Feb. 13,1818 Mr. Sloan—Bir: I have a fine young horse that war Imam with the wretches last fell. I paid out about twee dollars for medicine to cure him, but he grew worn. I then bought a boa of your ointment at your °Oleo when in Chicago last, rather doubtingly, but I thought I would try it. Judge emy surprise and toy opieron of its beneficlajountnies, when I round my borse's legs inionth and well in four days from the time Icommenced applying it. Your obedient, E. F. COLBY. EITEIZZI IMIEII MEE= =EI 'RATHER DOUPTINGLY TR , Y IT."BUT I THOUGHT WOULD 15=1 More than fifteen years of unnvalled suceees in the eure of every variety of external discaees and imurice such as spmni., bruise, Cut., burn., cutaneous crup. non., sore lip., sore breams, chapped bands, chill blatne, Meer., earn, pain. in the back, side., or other parts of the symem, .11lie.litt • bite., be.. beam ample te.mosty that Sloan's Ointment is NM the thing for the hour. Cerufmatee Without number have been received by the Propnetor from disintereeMd todividm. als, giving details of remarkable cure. by its arc. Granville, Nilsen/fie en. Wis., Oct. 13, 16414. Mr. Sloan—Dear Ric Recently my horse. ran away with a lox chain attached, which cut and otherwise Injured them acnowly, at much so that I considered commanded ruined for bush... Fortunately • friend re. commended the use of your Ointment. I went to Nil. wank. en , and purchased • box. It soon removed 934 inflammation, and in • fear days the wounds healed The great benefit derived from the as of your 0 nt ment, on iny heroes, induced me to acquaint you with the fact, believing na publicity would benefit you and the public. Respectfully years, GEORGE COMBITICH. IT IS A POSITIVE PACT, And hat became a common saying, that Sloan'. Ointment and Condition Powder am rapidly oaperse ding all other remedies for chomp,. of horse., and cattle. The beauty of the conditions congas in (belt Parity and anfety , In wit they may be nand ever so injury 'without any donger of taking cold, or any other injury resulrieg from their (regnant use, one never fall le fin If *tang WO =owed, Waling c IL.LEXlo :it:ref S. FANIILV lIEDICE'IIai--`l - hey are rks Medicthe day." Ilsanast's STATION, 0119, May :.,1840.E. E. Sellers: think It right for the benefit of others to mate soma facts in relation to your excellent Farris ly Medicines hare card your Vermitage hergmy in my uwa fem. Sy. one via• frequently answering for expel:ins 'lce gertraities (my Ito :[.of worms from two childist 1 bars also ssed your Liver Pills sail Cough hyrop my family, and have. in every instance produced W effect dr...red. As I am aligned in mereliandiring, I am able te state that I Imre yet to bear ef tee first Nilo: e where your medic tici Imre been used m my section of the country. lo conclusion, I may state that they are tar methemes of the day, and are destined h. hove very extensive pspalarity yours, eel ii ....du1l . Py, csgs.ox.. Prepared and sold by R. I SS,No 57 Wood street, and sold by Draggo • • carnally in the ovo ci. ties end vicinit y . m vll rd..ecr OF LIVER 4.70 - S,IPLAIN'f, LT original, only tree, and genuine Liver Pill. Sumo Oacas, Ohio county, Much 26th,1540. Mr. R. E. Sellers: Dear Sir-1 think it a duty I over te you and to the publiC gvnera ly, to state that I have been sigietcd with the Liver Complaint (or a long moe, and so badly that an abet. formed and broke, which left roe in a very low state. Raving heard of your celebrated Liver Pills being for sale by A It Sharp, in West Liberty, and recommended to tar by my physician, Dr. E. Smith, I concluded to give them a fair trial. I purchased one box, and found them to , Just what they are recommended, TIIE IIEsT LI VER PILI. EVER USED; and after taking four bores I bnd the dimes,' hay entirely left me, and I an now per well. Respectfully yours, DII COLIL7I N. West Liberty, :notch 26, let I certify that I am personally acquainted with tlr Calm,: and Tim eambear testimony to the truth al rho a 00 ....4tifteate. A It SHARP gl ...ermine Liver Pills are prepared and sold by WC t LEERS, No 57 Woad strew, and by druggists in timewo clues. TO POE PUDLIC.—Th reriginaL only true and gen. his Liver Pills are prepad by II Sellers, and have his name stamped to black wax upon the lid of each 'ha, and his signature on the eutelde wrapper—all edicts are countrrthlts, or base imitations. . It SIILLItita, Proprietor J A Y l EIS CAIL➢IIR ATIVIC !PALS L , ROM the Rev AAA SHIN N, a well known and pop aloe Clergr man oi the Protestant Methodist Church Poe undermined hoeing been afflicted during the past wet e r with a disease ore the stomach, sometimes pro nuts n arestp aia in the stomach for tenor twelve hours without:Merin..'ca, and after baying tried various reinellita with effect was furnished with a bongs Dr DJ aymnal: mauve 'Salaam: This he rased ae• cording to the direct ens, aril found invariably that medicine caused the pain to abs•a in three or four min Me., and in fifteen or twenty minutes every cures? sensation was entirely quieted. The medicine was at terwardsosed whenever indica:Masai the approach of pa In Were perceived, and Oa pat n was thereby Prevent. ed. Ile continued to ure the medicine every earning and • iimetimes tr. •he morning. and in a few areas health war SO iar r tore d. that the sufferer was relies ad from a large amour; of oppressive pain. Itrom es perienec, thereat, t r.Can Concniyiniy re end D Jaynn i a Carminative slum, as a sir misty mettle in for ib of the stateseli and bowels A SION NU AI it. he ity iii,iy:ll For gals in Plttaliorgb at rO . tta I N IPA 77 Fourth street,neer o t and also at the Drug Stare of II P SCOW A 111y..r ral Meet. A Iterffirmt - ---- VirfaTictit - irtiVieffiratti r i ---- CONSUAIPTIVES, BR OA YOUR GUARD. DR. SWATNE'S COMPOUND SIRUP OP WILD CUERAY, Tn. antes I. 1•01 Couturnotion, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Lie. ar Complaint, Spitting Blood, Difficulty Breth ing, Fain in the Side and 'freest, tatPalpiion of the Dean, Influenza, Croup, Broken Con atllution, Sore Throat, Nervous Dahill ty, and all Dimates of the Throat. Breast and Lungs; the omelet factual endspeedy CUM ever known Sur any of the above direst a. to DR. S s A Y E Compound Syrup of Wald Charryl Tllls,maieine is no longer .tong tboac of doubtful tailing. It has passed away from the thou•ands daily launched upon the tide of experiment, and now stands higher in repo and i• /.ecomlng more extentt•e• ly used then any other p,paration of medicine ever produced for lit teller or audering man. It has been etroduced very generally through the Tubed States and tiorepe, and ties* aro importuice hut what Centalrt tame Truorrkahle roto donee of its good edema. For proof of the folegonic naternenta, and of the value and new of thin meth the ~,rjottro will Moen fear of the many thou : amid testinsoniels which have been presented to him by cite of the , ram tespectability—men who have !other views of moral t espontibility and junto, thnn ear- Iffy to feet, because at will do another a favor_ end themselves no infulnice. Such loatonorry prve's colt cluoively, that Its affronting excellence i• esmbli•Led by s intrinsie uteri., and the unquestionable authori ty 01 public opinion. The inetnillancon• relief it nf. lards, and the soothing influence diffused throngh the whole frame by its use, renders n a molt rigrecable remedy for the affideted. "pm, m en, acting from c➢ onortentroya snrottisc, •Olyttlortly nearu to the truth of a flung, or particular fact, torch WMII4IIIOI, trying cOntrory rn their utldly intrtcL. and porpoles., coerces conviction of its truth. arid commends itself in • •pecial manner to ,-,.,l,,,_olltocan'a Moral Maxon,. READ TIIE 110i11l CERTIFICATES. Stitt ArrOTlllit CC. OP l'olotorronT trorloritrrtolo — There Caner Was OClnctly that has been or. surce,ortut in •dcopernte mien of CoarotopttOn. or. Dr. Sivaynet: Comnound Syrup of Wild Cherry, It rtrengthOn• t:tr• aprlCrr appear• to heal no older.. the lune-. hivete and nen blood; poster possessed by no other {Stelae. Cocci-01CD., April .2SOI, r Dr. Fa sync—Mar Pim I verily believe our Com poucif ffi,rup of Wild Cherry hus been the means of serum lifo. I caught • revere cold, which codo• ally . grew Nvorre, attended with a severe cough, that restated all the remedies w Mob I had recourse to. mill increasing WWI My cease exhibited all thr of-minion. of Pulmonary Consomption. Irlvery thing reared seemed to have no effect, end my Complaint increased wirapid ly that friends. well as myaetf, gave up all hopes of my recovery. ,well OW Lino I was recommended to try your invaluable medicine: I tbd se with the inc. hap. py results. The fast Louie. had the edect to loosen the cough. miasma roe to caw-Mora. freely, aLd Ly the thine I had stied My ttottles,l was entirely well. and a= now as hearty usage man as ( ever vow In my lac, and would Le happy LO e any ittformatoineespecting my esm, that other rers may derive the lanaLt for whteh sec so grateful. For the troth of Via above stateent , I refer you m Veter Ithoh, Gower, Wast Chest m er, 1•L, of whom I purchased Olt Gespetwffolly years, awn Mohaast. WM.logo/ Cars of a Naha: Alinsatirri. Dr. Swayn—Drat Slr. I feel a debt of gratitude doe to you—and a duty to the ealcted generally, to oiler icy humble testimony in favo safeour Compound Sy. rup of Wild Cherry. Some threyears once andently attacked with 'cold and a i d inflammtion of the Langs., which seas accompanied with istrersing coug.h, pain to the breast and head, • very eon der ble dischargeof offensive mucus horn the langs. trpe- At pretty soon convinced that I was rapidly going man coneuMp• don. I grew dials weaker, and at length was eratce. ly able to walk about, or speak &hove whisper. such leue the exceed.ng weakness of my lungs. During thl. time Thad tried various preparations andme pre.ripuon uns, h„, bond no tenet—growing all the ti wow... J how 1 was advised and persuaded by a dear friend to tVilmington to wake trial of your Syrup of Wild Cher ry. I must con,. that previously I had been prem. diced against patent mil:eines, and I ism snit against Diver coming out of the bends of emperies, but under standing your claims to the profession and practice of medicine, and hiving implicit faith in the saying of my friends, I forthwith purchased of Dr. Shaw, one of your agents, a few loathe, and commence-Ins use. kly Be suse wits at Dias nine of SO or 05 months' standing.con. sequently it woe deeply seated. I found, boa... ever, considerable relief fire th om e tote of the first four or five Insides. Dot hung a public speaker, I frequently at temilted to preach with my Increasing strength, and thereby ruptured those veuele that had already begun to heal; in this way, doubtless, my cure wox greatly retarded. In consequence of acting thus imprudent. I had to nse nosier or fifteen bottle. before I vesoL Moly restored I hove no question,a much small number of.hottl.s would have made me lla so d the und, Infee s the above indiserenon. The SyraP aye nib habil, took .•retr the distressing rough, put et • to Ono discharpo of meter front the lungs. and gay them and the en.sre system good health. I have def. wd odenng Doi certificate until now, for the urpos. of being perfee.se satisfied with the permanency of the cure, and now giant If eel perfectly well I offer it with pleasure. Ray. J. P. .101teell Duhlin county, N. C. doter Caution—Read' Read! there is genuine preparation of Wild Cherry. and that is Dr. Swsmses, the first ever offered to the which ..as been sold largely througbool the United Suites alai some parts of Eurnpe,• and all pre panther. canes by the name of Wild Cherry have been put out music this, under cover of some deceptive eireummance., •a order to give currency to thOr sales. g liWr o bservation, no person needmistake the genuine false. Each bottle of the genuine 11 Mo tu enveloped wit a beautiful steel engravtng, wit h t h e likeness of Witt... Penn thereon, also, Dr. Swayneis signature: and • • farther security, the portrait of Lir. Swayne will l...dded hereafter, so as to distinguish his preparatiou•rom all others. New, if It wan not Mr deg curative properties and known virtues of Hr. Suraynes Conmeand Syrup of Wild Cherry, persons would not be andeavoting to give currency to their "fictitious now. ems" by stealing the name of Wild Hamm Remember, always bear in mind the name of Dr. Swayite be not deceived. Frincipal Oasos, corner of gighth and Rime meeets, Philadelphia. For sale wheirsale and retail by OGDEN A SNOW DEN, car W Lai Wood au , LI A FAHNESTOCK h Co, cur Ist a. Wood, and ' Cith and Wood Stn, WAI THOFEN,S3 Meeket Ott S JONES, 1.0 Liberty et; JAS A 'tows, rot Wand and Penn ma; JOHN MITCH ELL, Alice.. city, and by all respectable dealers in octl3 medicine. Dr. W. P. Inland'a Pr•mlurti Plaster. TAIL W. Y. INLAND, of the Medical College bf 1.1 adelphia, uoar ode. to the public-Ins Indian Veg etable Premium Plainer, the qualitmeni which, attar long, and tried experience, has been wousfarterily es tablished. To all women who may be afflicted with Prolapsits Merin or Felten Womb, he recommends Lis plaster, guaranteeing "We and speedy cure in Me short space of from two to thee weeks, if applied with rare and rest--disenrding all the countless instruments and expensive bandages so long in use. This he fuels conscienuous in statin, inasmuch as he haa not failed in one case out of three hundred and fifty-three -pa- Air. tor }thews:mums and Weak Breast or Pack, at tended with pato, there is nothing to excel this Plaster tn affordmg is or effecting a earn- For sale by L Waco, corner 01 Diamond and Market at Union Ic Reiter," Liberty and Sti Clan at. ys, j Sargent u Federal at mod Manictti, Alla- J.= at, Denman and Diamond Ihrming ham. • le3 • •••!. EXUACT OF COFFEE- o A w n a att4,l iillouTuge'rnagoec,'Lfet7l. mohrekplc.;treZht:aurt stable thut cowman Coffee, and tar cheaper, as n tmall piper cog.. only .n cents, will go at /or as four pounds of Coace. Manufactured by JOHN S. !al Pttteborgb, P. Sold at wholesale by 11 A FAHNE...4IIn:Ii A Co, corner of Fast and Wood and Sloth nod Woodsmen. Pittsburgh.____ ap2l - - RUBBER GOODS—Jow received, 39 Comp Blankets; 20 °timer come; Id pr Ponta; Id pints nett lined Mamie Hoots; each Inthmed Dago; 2 water Twat. and 12 gallons h; 50 canteens, gallon each; 1 dor Bedlam Money y pn 0 1 1 ; I do oiled eatobric de do. The above good. for role at the Cali. (amid Outfillqg Estabhatimerd. Nob Waal rt. mehM J fr- 11 PHILLIPS .• 411.5-7Wrovitbt Do.rtaviiii, (reto die Temper. uireville works, warranted; will be co:weny re order, by " "PPli'd 65,11 aN. nil Wand 1,141/6115-47tipliti.parald4-0., tard, Denny, &a; bolts N Muni 400 Irlda Whiikeyi form ile by novs W 111 rci lELTRER L EisCMisaiNiW uvr.ll e. 1144 - bone brand, a anperior cuticle, for aide by nov6 W AI MITCIISII.TRF.F. idASKS Siurpratta Mb. and du crisis I tfl Bleaching FOWd[f,arrited per ahip One and now twang on by canal, for male by W & 55 bIITCHELIWEE N. B.—They will reeeivrioltannj the wunsi, Ingo supplia, via New Orissa* Ewa) liminia SPKCIAL NOTICE TO TEACUERS. riROFFsSOR CHARLES DAVIES has just pre pitied a nes. arithmetical waft, he 01which will be preiented to each and even. Teuehet in the United States. without charge, upon their application to A. 11. English A Co, Th Wood street, Pittsburgh, (post pita) 'The work is entitled, GRAMMAR OF' , ARITHMETIC; Or, An A..naiya:s of the Langu age =her,l, of ,r.res ' an,l ,Set race of .I`r The followirg nonce ts copied mom the Now Veit Tribune of Jan. thid,l9lXX— “thassixsa or Antrmssittc, IT Ca.. DAVITS, 1... 1.. (1,..m0., pp. 1444-10 this work the tangs:lse of lt n coi extinction nf namtiers. are carefully The alphabet, composed of to ligares—inc words de rived from the alphabet, arid the iaws by which the figures are cermeeted with each other„nre clearly explained. "The analysis shos that there are but fear hurb. diva and eighty eight elementary combine on. in A rithintuc, each corresponding to a word or 0. co.- mon lanacuge; and that there cominrinnocch 111 0 to eonnerted together sr to be all earrrsicil only sixty three iniferrint word,. 'The syitein propiwesito Conatit there worth. to Me 111.117, /,:p1 then rood the es.alls instead of spelling them, as now , practiced. "In another respect the system proposes un import ' ant chance, namely: to er usider nod treat air:tenons as entire things. having a Oben relation io the cancan, from which they were derived. 'iWe scarcely need say that the little work evinces the ingenuity and skilful analysis, for which Professor Davies' writing on this stadect are Justly celebrated. Wemmend it to the attention of practical teachers, co believing that they will find.it crowded with new and rata:One suggestions n From eke l'refe.ors at Wow Point. ''))lmermtc ACAUCNITOr U. S POINT, Jan.l7, s"Plic Grammar of Arithmetic, by Pro.essor Davies present) the subject in a new l It so analyse• mltcucuc no to impresit mind of the learner will the first principle. of nuitheinatieul science in 11l er right ord and connection, and the new rules (or Wt reading of ficurns are of great practical value. Cig nod, W. 11. C. Bartlett, Prof. of Not &Es. Phil A. P. Church, Prof of Mathematics. I). 11. Mahan Prof. Cl Engineering. ), In Press. A. H. BARNES A Co. would respectfully announce to teacher, and to willbt indtbetnancal sttion, that they publ,4l, on or below De lot of Augury led:0, the follow-mg work:— THE LOGIC AND UTILITY OF MATHEMATICS, 0, nn Analyse, of Me Principlrs of Me Science—of the Nature of the ressnostrog—und of the bort Illetherl. of Imparting Instruction By Chas. Davies. L. L. Author of “A Complete System of MOALCOMIIt's " N. 11.—A. S. Barnes & Co.,are the publishers of Davies' System of Matt:cm:Wien For sale in this city by A. H. ENGLISH & CO., 710. 79 Wood street frtil7 Fo•ter's Now Ethiopian Nolodloo. UW, INK to Run all Night., Dolly Day; lbecy Jones; (Jo down rode Cull. Field; Nally was a Lad), &e. ALSO: Bs Kind to Do Loved Occv at Horne: Row thy boat lightly; Tore Love, by T. Ilona; Our way across the sea. duo.; A new medley song, by It Covert, Je . nny Gray, bowie by Mullen, Joys that were crawoutg, Wedding Notch; Gnd bless the hrady nanria, t.Guy:ttll Welts; Conscript's Departure, by W. G. Glover, Sounds from pow; Waltzer, etc)ennarkwche lost Rose. of Sumner, erey variation. try hers: O red State: Poltu; Larlit , ' Souvenir Palk.,; Corn Cracker (tundra', Louiceillr quadrlllr; Beauties of Italy; Dore., 'friar, Av. A large .sormiont ul Newhose on hand. to which additions aro mark weakly. Foe sale by fe bee J. 11. MELLOR, el Wood rf 11F.WAR WITH MEXICO, loy R Ittpley, 2 Elentrnta of Ithotort, comprising an Analysis 01 the Laves of Moral Evidence and 01 Pen:oat...ow 1) Itechard Whotely, D. D. Essay on Cluisuan Baptism; loy Baptist W. Noe, M 'rho Ogilvie", a Novel. Fairy Talcs, from all Naiion% by Anthony It. Mon talba; with 21 Illustrations by 11.1y1g Just rec'dby JOHNS FON STOCKTON, dell) comer Tntrd and Market streo Now and kiegraot Olft Booksl ACRE!) SCENES ANTI CIIARACIERS; by J ID Headley, with eleven oriy mai de,ans by Harley Poem. and Poor Writings, by Itichild 11. Itom; • v 01.., Illuminated Grms of Stterrd milli tax Illuntre um. engraved on 'teal. ty John Sanwa Jura reeetved try Jt rtiSla , N STOO,"TON, dea! ea si rner Thal and !liar!: vt st• 13IIVSIIIIAN ANI , or n Prnetienl Vtrui of tim mutual dont, relation. and interest. of lb. Medirni I.,.<•men and lit. Communny, 1.1 WorM• melon llmmer. NI. D Tt, Wuric• of Slt , heirl I>r Mo...trur, coml. r...rt Leiter, he. Ily Won NlllrVal 0114 us llrmaJon. 1.1) Alistrit ll•tury Lay . rad. .11. C 1.. Wilar-re of Spain; or NotrA of nu I.7nruimbed Tun in I*l7. Ily S. T. Walla , . Typpre. Trnverlual l'hi'.o.ophy, new rtlit/on, inns tented. J./ received oy JOHNSTON tr. triIICKTON, ~n,21 ror,.r\lnrketnna Ttord 111 1.111 locAwoollS 11.1.13sTRATED WWII:S-10u 1 111.101,./ richly carved t/cnd.ll 11.ummaLcd an., tiArtraled—ltonl• vorrl.iy I,nuna i Ve.lye:. S.A. hlaraera,l,ad Com timAtin al Itte%Ad. Ace.-1:o1.•• no I Vraver lanand ar Vrlert end Mat ocro. n0,.....ta1y a °mac rated Lad ill ununated, roc ral , y JAM S D I,oh WOOD, Wr.Od A. CI 1111 l ma. owl New rear A piiroa. thug ELELIA NT AND 5L M TA NTI V., BOOKS, In lilagwVirent Antivit Llin , r , • for the Ilultdays. I/. I.(a..IKWOOD, Llok e:ler nod Iporter, Iht and rwevt. ha. reers‘ d • .eauteful coll.:chop of Warw.,. Book, hout, o heIto•I ma.• new LI the bent l.wroa nod A. cro hin•terr —ornotte them tony hoot, Ihnrt. at A ow, • nutrd r.. ro . Woritt. I in gold a., , or ',worth, Caere, r. ..u.rrowtl. Tor• ache, dltrininuted by /welt Jane+, and Loth, carvr. wo.d. 'I:, ...nag of rarver. cad thew Irtasllt Ur itof Slink •renrr, Cio,ritted. Mr. Jnosestett , Chttrwett ot Wnont., red. For rule by JA M 1..l•l• Whrtpl,, dell I=l= • • EDIIURNI Eme. Vol. nuttor I,l"Tyord.” l•I Ind.," hr. y of lidlFAltrrd of England, l• y I &rob Abbott; With rrigniv,, , g , tlidonla the Sorcerer, I , y Wm 51dInIdlid. JOIE\ rl FON h noon corner , Tldrd sin.l "Om of ika Nw, RensarLabin Irorl, of MA Aga." INEV Ell AND era III.:MAINS, with an 11,otint 11 of fa the Chan.lwan Chrietious of Kurd., tan, and L. ld., or Deeil.Weedalptirr., ai, Inquiry into th Mannr. and Arts of thr Ancient A•' } With Ily Henry 1-ayerd. It. C. L. With Ireroducinry Note. by Prot FL Robinson. lb. 1,. I.L. It. Illustrated with If plat., and mope, and pJ wood rota. 2 vale era. cloth, 94,.. - The book has a raw amount of genuine, pie. ture•one narrative '`—T,,bone. work of Layard I. the mart prominent ronirl. been to the study of antiquity, Mat hoe appeared for W nny yeara'—Christ. In “Not one egret in tnteront the account of Nineveh and~ ' H. Ruins, given by Mr. Layard."—Waslongtott Intelligene, • we e follow the digaem with breatlitrae inte rent in thew excavations. and euddenly hrd unreel era be fore a rnesolve Evan carved with noon. amiracy, now to gigantic brad from the dun of 3110. e•ri, we are early try out with the astoninbed Arabs, .%Vallah, it is wonderful, but it et true "—ln. dependent. For sale by nrivt6 JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, Ca Wood g New Hoote. imr, WOMEN of tut. Old u I Now Testament. Rlnted by F. 11 Sprague, D D 1 vol Imp zero., elegantly boundi eartuottely finished engravings; with dercornons by celebrated Amenenn Clergymen. POMIS BY AN ELIA,CIInt. Welby, of Ky.,l • now and enlarged edition: illustrated ay enemy toga from enamel &slam by Wter. I vol. *roam avo , elegant ly bound nod ft I. Also—la variety of splemlal Anna end Gift nook, Se well's Cloblls Ciro Rook of the llistory of Rome. I vol. loom. TOE 31F:CIIANIC'S ASSISTANT, adapted for the one of Carpenters, edupwrlghts, Wheelie rlghts, Saw yen o ~ Lumbermen. Studenta . , and Arita*. generally: lining a thorough and praccal Treausc on Alensura. 11011 and the Slidlng Rule. Dy D 11. Koper, A. 31. Boise's Treatise on Greek Prose Comproutton. Olteltdorda Elementary French Grammar. Ily Prof. Greene. of Brown Omer raltV. 1 vol. turo. Roedif ()emu.' Hebrew Grammar, by Conant. IL:creams n ' Hebrew Lextron. Loomw — Ertgoometry and Logarithmic Table, I trot (sheep.) The F:nglisholan's Greek Concordance. 1 not Once- Anthon`a Classical Series. Webster's Dielionifly, revised ed. 1 vol do dounabridged. t vol din Dar 's Notes and questions on New Testainent Whately'r Logic. Alosheini's Ecclesiastical History. 3 vols. and vols. 'sheep.' Vestiges of Creation 1 vol. Mornings among the Jesuits at Rome. I vol. (cloth and aperd S p cenes where the Tempter has Triumphed. 1 vol. (cloth andpaper.) AAogae's Theological Lectures. vol. goo. (cloth.) lder's Pronouncing Royer'. French Dietionary. eman's Horace. For sale by R HOPKINS, Apollo ago, Fourth at EW ROOR3 . .IIJkIT ItSCEI V kac.-- l'he w orn, , • Montaigne, edited by 11. Htt alli, comprising Ins Essays, Letters, nod Journey through Germany and Italy, with notes from oil the Commentators, Biograph ical and lithlsographical Notices, Sm. Theory and Practice of Teachn or, the Mottoes and Aletheids of Good School- i Kee g; ping, by Davie Plage, Ak SL i Panropal of the State Normal School, Albany, N. 1. Frank Forester's Fish rind Fishing of the U. Stairs and Provinces of North Asnerica, Reno Win. Herbert. JOHNSTON dr STOCKTON, novd corner nord nod Market so Tit* Olden Tinte. JAMES D. LoCKWOOD, Bookseller and Impwier. No. 03 Wood street, has for male a hew ropier roiii• pies., (the rcmarnder of the edittok,) of this valuable woi lc, devoted to too Valloll of Documetits, and other authentic tnformation relating to the rally rx. plorauons, settlement and =prominent of the count) around the head of the Ohio. lip Neville D. Craig Ere., of Pitotiorgh, In I vole 800. novID J. D. LOCKWOOD. 13 . OMAN uuratry: A Ilistory, ...to a view of the It Liberty of other Ancient Nations. fly Samuel • Fie(. Illustrated with twelve encravin,s, exe cuted. Roma 2 vols., Sao., uniform with PrescoiCk 'Doormat Work.. Just published and for wile by JAMES D. LOCKWoOD, Bookseller and nvin ' Importer. lid Wood at I,3AAINVKEIIIIII.E IN ITALY, authorized edition, 12rno. 73 ets. MRS. FANNY KEMBLOS YEAR • CONSOLATION. "The reading of this hook has =pressed as with a mach higher opit f its author than we had homed from perusing (lee other writings. It displays a deeper tone of llinagilt, united to morn pure womanly grace ot feeling than any other production of the female mind with which we ore acguatnird.”—Eve. Mirror. ` . II is a very ngtheahle and readable book, written in F e „,,y t w ig sty ic—beld, spirited and enter taining. We recommend it to oar readers as the best publication of the senson."--Reaing contains the of a tr a ce!a Cutups, and fidialee 111 Italy; and if one of the plemanicat and moot interesting books of We acroon."—Gout. and •'A very characteristic book. We have read it from title page to li fe with unabated interest. A Vld picture of life tit Roma. all respects eminently F For sale by JAMES DLOW CKOOD, novts Bookseller k. Importer, 6.1 Wood at =f=t 301 V.R.'...',". 1 ,T(':11 11,Mtitt°r:ettil7hIo 3 Mn• able styles, 're'd for day at A A MAKIN & CO, sPa Markets) D lll . l:o of ß .. Eff k ;l=lss lc by llugar cured rounds.) • .1. )3Y , ' 4 tr. NICOL/3 X. lIOLEI3CII As 30/1113, Datsker•, Eiehassg• rrrrr 11,1 Ala vaArtta NOTES, DRAFTS, AGGF.PTANGEI4.OOI.IASILVER AND BANK NO PPP. COLLECTIONS.—GraIIor Notes and Acceptances r payable in arty part orate Lnlnn, collected on the most i ExcliAsni: on Nolo Yor, Philadelphia and Bal. I Onto,. also, Cincinnati, hootsville, Gaint Louis and Nets Orleans, constantly for sale. RNI: NOTEs:.—Nolcs oolvent bankc in the 1:,:c,1 :mate, discounted at tlko lowest tote.. All k3cds of Forcicn aezd Amerman Gold nod SileerCoin si,d told. Olen No. 33 'Market intent, between 31 and .Ith, itod.afgh, ocuts 13L iK3iineiSiir.errifrk rTetal ! rlt daertdrlt Ron. r i E " zc u k gh nge. Drafts pavut.le in nny pan of the Oid Countrie, from ti to ' at the rate of $3 to the L Stertinr, of I.I:6COWIL by JOSHUA ROS• Euiii,en And °mend Ageut,e•l IN" 1..0r ir. .:. n0.,,J - tauwar.D Laud stELALItrtR G. 12/1.111 1 1.. i.A.i51.r.11 . , AND 1...5, lU.Nt•t.. 111,01,1.:11.3. dealers in I .dr.,,: r.nd 1,, , r1,,,.. 1;.:, of Exchange. Cr:- - '', I , :., ',tr. 1;,.. , N,••, nwl Cain, comer of ~,, •tr,c:., , ~, v ..i.pr-tte tit. Cheralesylt,dly 110. sus Kentactl. DaaNc.,:wei .arctia-cd at t'la tovroat rate, 1, N. 110:.:1i F:3 t SONS, hluikrt %trcct._ I ILLH UV I.Cll.lA.Nllll—e,g!tt Chrct 3L. Near fort. l'hiladelphla. • ,1,1 Ila , tamora, Cllr fin anb 1 0 7 N. /lAll .S h SONS. aer .5 :Ott. st.. tai PSCELLANEOUIS j‘r oc: of 117 U\IAN IV AV I:oltL\—llarw•ork and Lerrc l'....teirrellursna,' ..To seen. and to be " eul Lniter l'amphle•g, No I: Negev 0500. liY l'e4monot Carl). r. CuA uu of Liie and hoir/sere, IS IS I. IS Yrrlretion. on Butter's A o.loge. Poky , Erldt.ricem 01 striattunlii.ninl 11.11's Lt.t.lue• ISseteote, eruct 100 lutruductury Lectures fro m Ail del Sere I in th- New l'rleee, I.'l".trargh, by boon, D L. U. I vet Cet. l vm e.. —Lsir us Jolsot'9lvmeonsrilea from oullaen. tic oe st, end p., r.. 1.2 u;.., I)' f,orn lu. eurreeputntences. Ity Those, 11 it, p..etruit I yeti 11. mo. Fur •., , e I y 111/PKIN.. opt; .:,itn..o llulldings. Fourth rt. Den.... Cured. From the New York 'frtbdr.c. A FR 111 , ...N1:1, wont is innit relinhle, and %rho j be• no p0...1 , 1 , - utterc th• mailer, tut Oro of grantutle, dP•irro u• t -ay, that he tee been cured of inveterhte ee enc.*, by the oe of ••: ,, earpa's Compound A e..uou.• t 41" n lade'plua turthevue, whicll IF 110‘ lof e.3lr 10 t elty, hut voluelt he Think. 0114:111 to too, u.r v.enl o f the xilhete.l. ue Ice a tooter who hoe also been rutte ty u. Ile urgently colvio , r4 all 10110 are utfern . , both .11no. to. to Iry Ih/owith an a-veva:s:e un,•• ev•e 1., traortanary, tho, e1p,1111 , 111 well prove at.nrelitroly omeeeploul. on, 31 ' 1 /it: Pl. KIN TEA $11 , 111 , ., 70 Fourth ot, Pttt.lourgh - 20 • 5 . 1):, - !: ' , l7l7,7!,4 l' ,o o ro b d ' o ' very oiler l'o ' ;,:lr 2 glforn Itl ,Cu l'oet.m Comb, " Woo •I.::t..rine 10000.• In , redowl for sole' . 1 FM:I:U.1o, 761mket IS WI 11611fax6 1 Muff llollnnrli T AN I: NI I W Ctmtn..k Ilits Jay 1,0,, of the li n tel end Lc ot Bud Wuuluair I lu,.ruld, wl. ich Lc ulna. remiceif ul cull tl ly , zatenti.:. LI !I, ru,,ztlirri and the public iu War, I . ,..rttr.t. roulth .t. jntirrl Gutto.ra, e•.ry 'TARS. rcr'd 4 . 1 -6curatcd nurnufactory of C. Mratry, 1111. i to F 'IP., J 11 Wood 61. Books Just Itscetwed 11.• bathyal u.1.! . ..•., 1 ,,, a11. School Geogrgi.ly i.r.v work; tcO.l:7no. late••I Jol• : %\' l. II Sowzad; 1 7,1 1...!m0; 111..3,m l'orm• I• 7 ll•mar.r. 1 v..%tau•lin: got. St•Lol,'• . .••••ttuo , • TIMM, i•rotebr ' d upon •te Vera area.... 4. t , v ,• , 41•• 0. , n posy cdtuon, vat • .) i• , •••,itgu•us Il.m.•aur••••". n,— I 7. r.rt:g.; o 1 . • r a:e 1y 1101•Ii.1:•:S, c• Moi.:.••,•••,l,outtls CAGT•E FOUNDRY, nacnri.aor.. to A alit. , O d :ray+ to inform at.e at Pidn.burt.la inil lasi, retool. the EA ri LE DR Y nail ore lawn an full opern.on, aud have pan of tainat patinr, rc.ily for the market:— 'tont. , ern Conkid, Finvon, Cord and Wood witii e eplnaidul Coal Sieve. wltirli now •diwrrniling in tilhdt r the lad A:.l, niinap rind I . ..iota:in Stove, well molar- Ind animater. wiLh a. at Of con, inn i and ta.dinil ail weia Wc would pariieulariy n altent.lNl ol pc n:. budding In call al our 6clor, piawloviing, and exam:ant Spiellilid an4o , n: etininUlelled Grown, tual‘lind 111 Got elylo— rnidiiiy aro. an a nrlint. Woo ' -nu*. No. Liiiinrly et, oppii:iiac Wood na NIiIIIOI,IION t I'AyNE PITTSIJUILOII IMPORTATIONS. V 1 \ 1..1t:Rll. Importer ,and Dealer,lr. .r. ['ANC), AND vnitimA (imps, Cam, lit- MAO: et it, Pitr,burgh, I'a Wc.,lllpod Other. Vl±l.llr 1 . 11,1 , u rvh, to porch.,;(roo.r... are ii.l.ro,e,r,oly 4, 7 ,4 ca;l and rig:nth , : Me extenrlve aa.orunent of Fug rltuf rtr Freurl, and Geri:lnn rano y rino‘l -20: Forewn Goods , till,. erful.:l,:rntent are unroort rl 1 oureln....r• , rely on rrc. Irrou -t handl. I Iwo, 11,c la ”re , ,11 of 'it-1,, 1., the vatiriy lir, in the 'it)' or l'iltslarrrth—a o of winch v. 1.1 Le roll low Ir,r c,rla or c,y veerotnnees. The Slovk eoro•irt , , part, el L•ree /lo•ntry,l:love, trt:thoar. eraver•-r , ,• and l'uteert reed, 5c0.::11.41K, :Tool llotton. Taper, Sunrclol,rs, krat:ona, Cuthrry. rink: and traoe, Watcher', Gold Jewelry, all kinds or I:rwtheri, Com, and liazor•. i,reu.rion Cap, Revolvers, Clork, Sat & PUTAC. S.tel A 11.311. Doze, Tr,t Iraq. awl 11,1.1. r. Natio:cr. FIP(11,1,1 nn,lThramtnc , Tot; • an.l Fent' y torrtlor ..tth •a la,: Irv', y of Fancy and Stap!gr Ilia s, 0r11.D., tr. VEAti alrLo agent for Cr.: celebrated Lan. raster Corni... novl7 Great ICanglish Maracay • Coughs. Cold, Asthma and Connantpuont Ti,, GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY fur the cure of the ' above cltsetsses, by HUNGARIAN lIALSAI LIFE, clts,royered by Hie celebrated 'Dr. Ruch., o• ondon. Eneland, and tutroduercl intn the Dtitt.cil State, Under the nomedinte sit penownclence of-the inventor. The r straurdittary RUCCCR.I of this coetlicit.e th care of Pulmonary diseases, warranis Hot Al , 1...M./II Agent to solictung for i n thc worn posstlde ea. res Iltai can be found in the community-4,6, k rebef tit vain from any of the cordown remenhes nt nos day, and hate been peen up by MC 11”/I11141122.01, ph y Amato. 115 confirmed and toeurable. The Hangar, an Ualmta cured, and wi:l cure, Me most cleaperate nf eases. It mno quark nostrum. but • standard En, listi medicine, of ittlevr l n anti cstahlted cclicagy. Every Huroly in the Caned mates ahould be suppliet. Go th Hoeft:Ws Hungarian Ihtl , un of Lifr, not only to cot.. ract the cottsaittpuve tenth...telt of the a WI. so r bs toted a preventive inedeme to all clues to courhs, spithug of blood, pa-tn in the sole and irrtinuan and soreness of the langs,lbroclotit. ditheolty of lamming. hectic fever, night ,wens elllor. atom and general debility, acthma, inEuensa,whoot OLIO4 and troop. Sold to large bottica. nt SI pet bottle, with full dire, Units for the restoration of health. Pamphlets, contain/IMa an•a At t uer , ean and other evidence, showing no equalls.l meritsof this great Engli.th Remedy, may 111 obtatned of the Aaron, eratunously... Ear slle by Ii A I AIINE-srPOCK & Co , corner it et and Won,' at., Von.' and Gth etc. iithdtcwii TIRE STAR OF THE WEST V EN ITIAN BLIND MANUFACTORY _,4 East pule ah the Diamond, where Votoon %V , Finale of all the different sums nod colors are kept on hand er loud. to order elle the latest and most approved Eastern rash lona, et the Monett notice and on the mos rena A nnable terms. 6n, the cheap Boman roil or split Itlihd Transpa rency and Paper Conant. of ell the difikrent slue end pattern., on hand and for sale low ft:aerial, Old Vent nan Blind. painted over and repaired, or token in part payment for new it Pro'pr. N. B —All woo. done with the tees material and workmanship, and warranted to please the ntost Ms auglll4ll Allegheny city, Ang 10. 0.0.1,9. EI.LERS' rtIPEIVIAL er Oita II SYRUP—Tauten NOTI.O Lila Oct Podauchon, March 27, ISO. Mr. IL Selters—ln mance to you and your mum, parat , rue, 1 bee Wave t? state, for the ben eta of the community, that my wile hat been mama] moo: tilllined wins la moat distree•ing cough. pur• hosed. id lanuvr, lust. hurtle 01 your Syrup, which mired couc,i On two months' .da:dhac. Atm. ono 00. rough returnod, 4,1,1 an era thin aim you hardly salve, from weakness so the la 'i., I rent dow orate of your Cough Symp, and a part ot OW I wile cred the cough oave the other to a morn, m whirrsevoolk alllicied, who had, to u-0 lita no, • 'kid, ' e n enact, CM.. I, cough comfy to au ac ad Me pr.,. a id Plitahurgh,' . it the candy had 1000, sa .63 r,P11,1t1,41V1. Your, Amami It. Ilatetk. Pr , p, dmt •,0,1 ay It • 1 01.4 ~..d •Irret, amd I.y Ilidgetas. Mc t .v. ALLEGHENY VENETIAN AN I) t•Alawr J. A. BROWN would re,mert ally /atom the public, that he . kep. on hand at his stand on the west fide of the 11:amond, AU- ' grotty est), a complete staler, mcnt of Ventlian Illittils;• also Ve nitian :Mutters a made to or der in th e hest st y le " le, warranted equal to any tn the Rutted :Rams: Ilis Minds eau Isv rernoveil with ▪ ona the ant of a screw driver. Raving purchased t e stock, ▪ tools, and wood of tha ( . 11111/1. CA. • •-•••••-•••••-1- It.thittent of Ii um..ay h W(;ld land, I am prepared to tarnish their old coma/errs, as well as the public at lame. arab every tinng , hoot Agency, No Wood street, Pittsburgh. Agency, J. A. lIROWN. . - T UST reed, un ViC•glll{plan Ito.rweed r, oct. Nan& r) from the celebrated manor - Actor) , of Nunn. & War k. N. V.,,,1 superior tune, and very ibOtirralt prise. For ante by 11. KIXIIER. .109 at Wobdwells. k: I I.LIASIS . IVORY PEAR!. I OOTII POWIO. V V for mimeo', Tartar, t , eurvY, Canker, .utooritter, de.tructive to the Teeth. It ts dettetois to the twit, etc...tog the mouth. healing and strengthen. Ina the Sums, and pont', ,ne the breath. For sole ,wholesale and 'Math by dznai R N. 51K1. Wood rt VVATCTIK.I3 I t--CIIVAPIuft THAN EVER!— .low read, an invoice of fail jewelled 'potent le ver Warner, In carets fine easel,, which I eug sell no teeEt• thin}' and taint , five dollars, warranted to keep gond 11111 C. AL,o—A splendid awortroent JEWELRY, cow "ja tl / 1 . /7 , lift27o a rr, 1 1 ;1 0 tell y a l g; a :Al:ar t acme Matta and Ford' maw. III'AELISTIMPS OINTMENT * Cordainta .1. ow Mercury, 'Roy. other . 21tneral. Wowing' It 5111110111•1 4104 Riven by the cries t ,,, g d Dr. Wooster Desch , the author of Ile g real medical w entitled The American Proattce or and Faintly Famtly Vbysietan.s . stlav,ng been made acquainted with the inerethents which compose filo/Omer , A.ll-11milloc Ointment arid ban fly prescpbed and tested it in several CS.a in my porno omen , . I have no hesitation in saying or certifying Oat it Is a Vegetable licomtly,.contamtng min,al substimco whatever; Mot Its mgrediants, combins , l as theyand used or directed by the I Protractor, ore ma only harmless, but of grew value. I truly scientific Remedy of artat power; and rhecreuby re commend it as a compound whteh has done witch good. amt which is adapted to tbe cum of a great variety of eases. Thou rave nev,rcnber recommended or enga truked ttor, s gh I al secret medi -smes, regard for the ly honr-1. conscientious, bus loans character hit of the Ytoprictor of fats Ointment, and the value of h discovery, °Mice the to ray th. g much recardmg ., D. Ii" New York, Apr,' al, 1k If. 111.30:5.—1t is one of the best things in the world. fur Burns. NIA'S. —Thousands are yeariy eared by this Oints meat. It rioter fans in glenue For Tamers, Ulcers, and all kii.ds of Sores, It has goeqal. lf filothors: and Nurses knew its value In caeca of s eollen or Sore Breast, they would always aOPIY ta tech eases, if used according to directions, it give, relief ana very few boars. Around the boo nee directions for usinv. Ala Allisteee Ointment or :Scrofula. Liver Complaint- KeYslnelas. Tette, tn ilblain, Scald Head, Sore Eyes, (Idiocy, Ibsen,n Itrunielutes; Nervous Adreetnotia, Pet se rie, of i tbn i Spine, Bend Antic, Antoine, Far Ache. !Wier, Corns. all Ili-ewes of the Sk in. Sore Lips, Pimples. tic., Swelling of Ilse Limbs. Sores,— Mieninatisin. Piles, euld Feet, Croup, Swelled or Wu kn.. Wrest, 'Cora Ache. Ague in the Farr, de. From the Reading F.aele There atis never. perhapi, Medirtne hrooada be fore tee public, that hag in PO short tint, lean arch a eim:atioa es Mc Allistere All-Mahn, or Word' Tale, Milton every perren that ha. trade ttisl of it eeeaio vithrtaly rrei , e. (Inc th. cured by of the most imirtfut thettined.i:dn. of the i.dr, n trialtdemme hain in the tenith ore 4welltna ain the limbs. hr. If itsoe, net kiVef 11[119.- dvate tenet; in every cute, it can en, na tojary, briny applied outwardly. As another evidence of him NVOlleCr 'tat hennac pow er po•we.ed by thin s tlve. tat onNein tide followdne cerufiente, front a resttectoble clued of Mai iencreck ovvo•lar, in ill:scow:Iv: Nlaldritcrect, Tierks en., Myrrh To, 1.17. . Ritter & 11,4rc to inform you elut t— wo,ely cured of n re vrre pain tolto back,by the V, of NljAlliwer , All.lleuliaG o,llor. whichint. chared from you. I vaircred with it cur shout :10 year, and at tor,lit'svu+ unable to Orep. Muria; 0.. I tried various retartlir g. whieh werFfir,rilwil tor 'no by phy•inians and uilu.r ry roll" witlout tcreivill,, AL V rt. la-f, nod at lammaLto trial ,f wish r•- Full faon•ahle I.ryond rro ,,, ttou um "" t '" - ;y ft, rem the punt, nod r.u.toy at y • h r e i Nl.tlve peace :al to , th Eche ani other h e.nuoiniot, tS ini n h e l ' Y rvault.. Your (total, JAME , Me Solo Proprietor of tae nbovr modtrine. Principal Off., No 2, North Th.td .treet. PRICE d 5 CENTS PER It(r.. An run 11 Plii•Bll.ll.—Brnion k Reiter, comer of Ltherty and St. Clair street.; and Wtent, Jr., ern , r Marl:ct rtreet and we Itatinand, also cornet of Fourth and Smithfield .tive - .; J. II t7a.e.cl, corner ni Walnut and Penn streets. 1. 1 ,111, Ward: nod ra the Met:store Sitothheld street, :I.ld. or front Second.. In Atecheny City lI.P. Srliwortx awl J. Sargent. BC (.. Smith, Ilthecipt, Ilittninglanna Ll. Neteel• Past Lit.erty; 11. notvland, ItleSee•portt J. A'elnntler I. Sem, :lonciig.lieln city; N. natPTao I. T. Heger., John Barkley, Beaver; Po, John Walker, Jr., Elient.eth.. frlellendly U. W. 121.1)I.:. 13•1•11 at REMOVIM to neve three story laic. Smithfield street one door bcltsta Sixth street. Tertli from one ID RIO entire set, on the suction principle, with a Lean tlful repregentaaon of the natural gain ic e•trtaa %Lit orinal of Scthe (nee. N. It. —Teeth extracted with little-or go pair. r , Llcenyed Teeth permanently saved Li venting the tenth ache, a•tarli I. ;Inch I.etterc . Co, a, though it should he done .11{--fi tap2l:atta,al-1,,P, anew it :tartly. --- • • itiA7l;ll6llT.4 i'INSENG PANACEA! IloE S SUFFERING WITH DISEMED 11. LUNfis„-The unprecedented ...cue.. which has ttenfled the Use Or it. GINSENG PANACEA all the' on: lout forms which Irclustior, of the lungs as. names, Ima oftioced the proprietor again to call alum. tom to Mc , WONDERFUL PREPARATION. Che chancohle weather which marks our fall and• wooer months, to always a fruitful scarce of COLDS AND COUGH. Chew. If oeglected, are but th S e precursors of that fell Imeroyee COSELLCTION. FLA qac.tion, then, how shall we nip the dostroyar tn he budt how shall we get clear of cue coughs and olde is of Vital importance to Luc public. GREAT AND I•NL. wdl bobound to the G.nrong Cadarca. In Ilturrlli a , ' hove from tune to time rat • ilied the cartihrstts of beaus of our SCst known e.tizens, who have expert timed its curative powers. There, with a 111133 of ow Stoop from ail parts of We county):.—from 11211 , 10 AL MEN OF THE FIRST STANDING, hlliduiciv of the Gospel, Au., together with impious uti) ,cos from the JOI'RNALS OF Tlll.l DAY, we have embodied in pantpLiet form, mid tar bs frltis ti any of OCT lgrula throughout ths o 1111NDREati OF 1101T1 bays. been used in this city. THOUSANDS AND TENS'OD THOUSANDS thieughout the United States .a thinuts, and we eta 'Cit OA any clan te point cut a - INSTANCE nwhich, when tikkell;:mOrding to direction., cad b.- fore the lungs had became foully ilitorgenra.g, II he, .en felled to EFFECT A FERFECT ow:L. Why, then, nand the &Slimed hesitate( %any reeorr to tho ini,rable nosmums, gotten up by mi own indica. sal, ler the Resumed name of some ce ^litntsl Irby ilman, and puffed into notoriety by coteries,. ci parr sons equally unknown! NVhilat a medicine of UNPACALLELED EFFICACY is to be had, whore vouchers are at borne,—aer calif) tors,—many of whom it has ,NATCIIELI FROM TILE GRAVE. In order Oat this invaluable mcdmine ar be we iese within the reach of Cm poor aa well the r e ich, we bays put th e price ut ONLY FIFTY CW.NTIrI, .e.t nne half dm usual cost of cougli medicine.. .ti I. •e:, by our &genie in neatly every town and riling. over Vie erect, vita, nee prginred to eere pill informs. den relative to it. 'l. SALTV.V., V oprictor, man.. eon. Fact• for the Puhlle. In-rrlanno to that unrivalled tannly Satre, lIALLItY'N MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR. ry weather, IL', Inn. Str: A seri. of duty compels me I give toy trilane 011110511 !11 : 1 0 T . Ileing opposed tu quack s ry an all nostrums having for their 01ijPirl motives—hu remising much good nein the ..IStag of l'ain r."—l am itnliteeil to le r you this ccrtm eate. I hove used it in my family, my practice, and with nil the happy and wonderfu l r elects Mut coM, pos-ildy intagioed. IJ VI:001R, NI-11. Itrodie is the senior partner of Uralic Ix f.wie, Druggists. Inflammatory Rheum,: in.q. The following testimonial corner, front a you're fa) ior to marry ol those traveling on our Western wri• Itef. , Mr. tilime, the well 01111 fau n , ably kilo,. pro rietor of , air Parkersburg 'lntel, 14 husband to the lady who. loner I vine/ : l'AnavaseVan. Vv. , A prli 111, 1019. To Henry Dailey, Chernist..V.c.—Stri having for merly. rren long afflicted with vtolent inflammatory Ititeurnan, winch appeared e“ h, mix - seated as to dr * 6‘,oll ordmary appbancrii to allay the severe pa. attending 11, I wits induced 10 It y our Mugleal l'axa Etll.llololl and it havtng sheeted, 1• 1 11100) ,Is if by ma gi, ar ton uedlate relief, and UIPO, 10 all apprnralicar 011,fe perfect mire, I am noluced for the bens , hl of others who may be afflicted with pain, eaused by any kind of inflanuttauoit, to write ro you, deeltixiox 'that M myopinion, founthvl oil clptriCilre yOll P l ainlill1T1C10( 1110 valtrable COM, ry of the pre nt age or the 117010,1131 e extraction of bodily pain. It i• an almost tram-diate Mid a per- loll cure fur limns and ate:: all minimal IL:lman.. • . . e - . _JIILViIIc many twill...tonecs formed by the/ at my hushtuols hotel to Ong plarc, I have oupposoil by your showing theta these foto •, it !nay poostbly. be of benefit toth to them and h. . . . - . GUM& (I entertain tie Lupe dint Mr, liliiue Will pardon thr. publicity I ttiter to her lettpr. a we.l an inn non. PI ht.outitity nft of itp being the 111.1teSt 111Csal: 0( bringlueL/ to fir nouie of her frientlp—ii. PAL.t.e•.l - I'don Cantle FA trim of a leiter, timed n) N0v.19,1119. It7 - 1/olley: "I have tried yam Earn Extractor in a ease of lelon, in my own fussily, or limb a 'chewed and cured n very ahem Bum' , In haste, you re , apettfully, la., Si. b.en. 11.7 - Burns and Scalds, riles, Sore Niel., Broken Breast, I.:req....tons Sores, Cats, %Vona., tool an ke - ' Hamm:Moo, )welds readily to Ike wonderful properties of this unrivalled family lolln. MI, in the sante pro port m on Mat you will receive bend own the genuine, you will he ousted by the delete... caes of the, counterfeit 921VG,1. CAUTION-1M cur a•nd apply only to the Inventor., 11. DALLKT, 415 Brut ,:vew Yost, or to ha au thorivea agents. JOHN It MORGAN, General lhmet, Pittsburgh. Theory g p. s u b ene ,,, opegheny, Agrtll; J. 11,4 k.,, F Witr,llllg. Va.; /amen W !Minato, Ky.; F. 3lerry weather, etneinnah, 0., General Depot: . " N. 11 —ln lon revered Burns and 'Scalds it extracts the pain in n few minute , —it norm [odes' lull CURE FOR WORMt.t. D. A. VALIAAISTOCK , S VAMSIIFILIGJG. • • • - MANGE or Itree aL NVASI . F.I4. • IN order to indent all poamble see nrity to the public,. well as to ditemselves, ann.: fraud and tiny... ti hnn from counterfeiting, Me proprietors Lave Mai. at,oc ut the exterior wrapper or lab. Vers. rutin.. The new label, which is a civet engraving or' the moat exquisttr dettge and witilran.ltip, has beer. intronlueril at a very groat expense, and is from the: bru of ...Ma °Me first talent. The design is new s end trie ...cation elaborate. Severed figures and a portmit aro most prominent., but the word 'Yearn e, ex," pr.. in White letters On a maxim! finely ca. itraved eround. ...Id be particularly ex:muted.— .. bee iv trin light the lent., shading of Ma Ir,re I...sceVcr llllt,uacmg t.oct Plc n Limo • ii.irt mg r ntu mat. Iv, erten! as t been on side .y, ttsramh it Is actually printed u„ 1t sta stiles pi tho paper. Tins sloaht in all marten he obacered. Ala. MI alien each dozen is also printed iVreel also both stiles, and ahould to examined in the same manner. T.. preparatton has now stood the test of many year. trial, and is confidently recimmended as a rune and effectual medicine for expellind worms from the ayatem. the unexampled success that has nurndesl administrabon in every ease where the patient wax really Reacted with wormy certainly renders it war thy the attention of bhp meta.. proprietor has made itaitint to ascertain the result Sir. use In such cane, ea within his Unowledge and obvervation—an he Invatiobly forint tt to produce the tomtsatutary eflecm—norunfrequents. ly after nearly nil the ortlntary preparauoim recent, mends! for worms tilt been previously resorted to without any permmtent advantmse. Thi. tact is ab. tested by the cernfientes and .1.1 . 111[111. of hundred:, of respectable persons Ist didereat parts of the coun try, and should induce (moister alaraya to keep a Mal of the preparation in their postea.ma. Ma mild in na operation, and may be administered with perfect aaf• - ty to the most delicate tefent. TLr only Kentune is preplreci Lp • BO= Ii A FAIINKSICICIC, Pllteberct !Saadi ii••• 11 SF.I.I.F.IRS' COUr;tl SYRUP. -From W . .Idttdeat C:cr ‘dourl of quarter ertmons Lteaver Coo; Mr. R. r stern • -at some time in the trixer MI al it was afflicted NUL • larlf eta nod roage, anti bearing of your .nvaluable Cosign it; rup, I PM: - abased a boote if JRI S. T. 'Priralde, of }lodger/otter, and after Minna ponton of two or three: evenings on going to hed, she (mend immediate retie! as al., nevern: friends Lave been relieved in severe eases. m therefore mitotbed that It Is a kale nod vatuahla medicine, and would cream cod ato those mho may he adlteted meth severe Cough., and Cold:.. Mdrett me, 1043. 110DE.N. Prepared and sold by R. E. SELLER'!, 57 Wood I and sold by dreggbne generally, in Pinabergit and .4 IRmy
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers