. , ..... •'. •• .1 +IN :tj I I ..-• .. . . -uszatinnErnnince ..::,Aaroitik-w.d..4.m,,,,..ae.•. .. .. g.. 1"... ' Bebe. Lexicon, Toomendi • : •••• • I . arch, Milseas ' ... 4 "9 .. .: Jermanali 41 . 4'.; ' ''''.': , :r:• - •; ) BueI•CAK entft4lo .... - 1 Ileratalkota• v :Aialt&ftlfibr ic 'artaballita43od's -•• . 11c.:Sio - 1.44:13111, /+tr+ ~ armoe..,..+ _ c~iaan¢i 1' 11 7- 014 , 1'ilitternitaTA111 ,IthillAtifiCellriparill bet 'ready Mr engraver in 10 tays. rtTKIZIB who Way. wish to e,,,,11ant imers om prartgeata pattliet ma airgi l l. Mont* th.- last To doliaj the ammo f ...Ma wawa 'a-se-ces- all . ba'araired. to oda ' • Is: dm prim of thatarat..-naln R. E bIeGOWAN if.,411f *T.:',:".VPVUIS kwrac.. . 111:1VT liar pan n itin wtoe ce, 1 .p... 4. r isie S r .L el t hig m thM d.y. ' . 11 . 110 1 01 a,„._ MI A angular lama sobstea , 11.kr, Ell .. soliailai ". :, =to be...othf:lto.thr."i'ahse"ol7re.alne,::.,rt (coif ... .0. e it might be made men!: bet , .. I had not the least idea Ico .... V,_ ems by baming it, bolting it, and m " flq -0. 0 .11 a, and Matolpoultams n with. ammtotance Ma i " strong was my confolmee tat there was mine In M • u I gave tip ml mete time and watts in the Illipmaion of awe aperisanta 1.4 if'.. , 1'.. , 6 . 1 ~,.o VS* llatre attended to no _ 2mm:c i t . oh:tamps. _to:: of about martiz t : t mIY 'ft . oy i 7 ri dhr seed toll se :thr,:r the r0n.t.,:.4.= p t eee,•A . leletll.4lthir w and with a bred, that this e • le • fro mottle woahl ammo a perfect stone o slag ati that the substance when applied ems eta asts in s lima Ma; modal! large mown of ' . OXMAN =peas sod weather ide of bon AALI. A cto 'Mined, naidered It boat weather snd fire moot as th .kairer espowl; the harder and LIMO permanent i Mau is bee me, and a. the coada atm it t ine sae) la of Wolf Laarrectibbi 1.7 bre, ecisseguently it, protects the weed aim:a with it from the alr, and whom there 1. ng air, Mem la no.blase er combustion; Miadons as Item will away char, bonne the slate I the dlsecereryaf the" Maitest impart.: • ; LISA and applied to Government for a patent for my. ~ xnealagot dimosery, fondly. l•og that I etrould . f lieWbeienetteerete4, for all mya lo Wee md me neyi: no iltevnameat, alba:say, may .• eeillitie tenets pant for the sobs right to manufac uss, sell ma um my Imprevenica in the monfacmra oft 'Member and Eire Proof Composition. or AM 'eslinllttabo." falonneen mare .Anon 14, lAD. - VOXthe hthabituts of ithoton, hair out the &ben etattement of Mr. Blake, and believe Co be =bet.- ,IlanY mune; ea we are knowing to must of the toe - Meats therein atesednedi amt we will (other auto, that We do not believe that there cue was a pilau mom and labothausly earned, or Imre deservedly per b= = as he pond his orpAiments with the wart =liereutruce ander the mot dlseouregi es, as the public had ma the lust con& donee Vert there — could be say thing saleable made from the othetance. Ile therefore bad to encanner for theitters and aeon of nearly then/hole Meta. Ideterlthsteding aU this, he wo ^ pereanden of his experiments, arult ig erert bellerre thee there Is one man in athouudwhourould have persevered under all the cireumstueu. Bat he hall et lot tchundied over all obstacles, and we. be. lienre there is VOW but one °lonian In awarding him the cult if this valuable discovery. 'ma W. ca.earE, junco's of LIORACEGIB the JOPLATILSS ikE/IfIAIID, Fuca. • • LF.WII3 U CL L CHATFIELD . , .Tresuaith w. h • of BEENIAMINZONE, Tw.a.44. ■ ALI.S W111.1. N IfEIIEIT, To p • 'MUTTON. TO THE PUBLIC. Ikrrsineettelnedthat there wee indlriduls engaged h.:=o „, dlrof, and preemies for talc, the above reti to be mired with oaoind used pre. Ouija.'use my patented ankle I have been to those perdu and shown them my patent. TheYreth • ao.y *0 ad !mend I 3 Infringe or thymus :mammy tiOnst ikattldry have a right to dig, pine, and WM/. powder,lf they can And puchuers that th ey em not NeM no.know what th ey ere to do . that At is W inftthument until It Is edged with the oil to make the eampoomd; and that 1/4231, who bay,saix endue it, Inn Oka the topennbllny. Mot of them say Ant CM Wine that the patent le good against those that Mfg end Sall the Otunpound, and. some have soul that What Owl wanted to use they should }.mainly push en of me, ea they do not intend to makel , •uulves Iltda In say way. Now I fed myself in dutyboud to =this barefaced thug open the yobbo.; eta can' by no milder elate, whore a eau sells and m enthes pay for an article, the use of which he well tomtitbit:eta the purchaser and user to a moue ' lion and flue. Some of these who are engaged in this adobes tradie, unquestioubly contend t. tit balk ant piterthullaornand, nod that I due . not preeessute. Na., to take this argument some from urea/ went to some of those who were protaireing gnaw poentwas of no value, wad Made the follow ft/proposition: nit they might...tee{ a ledge and two '. /aware who have had soot prunes la patent eurs, and we would tothnit th e pout so theta, not if they Outdid thin the patent was i gifithatthey should atop =l "nb eitli=sitlntrt, ;pitin if , I woad agree to let them go on sod g el Unto , could. Urban Baum any thing m o bs pabito abet them This pet they weld nt accede to. Sofa as she vtldity of my punt it concerned. I do not de• Bard entirely upon my own 'adamant, although I hue the of confidence tri in butt hue rebutted it to many of the pikes, w ad of the most en palest lewyers, who have, without exception, decided that ill then opmion it was good, and would protestom ut my discovery. • I grind the article to a gee power and put it tip in barrelsdhe which are =rhea: “Iltairs Pavan Yu am Wutstre Pamir Aurnms.t. Burn" I-theredore give nonce to all woo boy and use the • Ono Mendota Unreel for the purpose not forth. in my patent, except from me or my tonhonud menu, that WWI bold them to a trio aecoutablithy, art Nati commence nuts at law against those who thus lafongerepon my.nen. HUCK Ilmsaas, Medina to., 0., Aug. 14, tE49.' grrTWCETUNIS of the above Fire and Weather Fled Artificial Slate to. bawls and for sale. The Otero We dtter mostmind, for we hare been using it forsonte Amin. and Snow it to be what It is set forth uur verdure', 101. PHILLIPS, A4it. - 110/10.0na EXCELSIOR! E. HI EATON & CO., 3114. In Peatla lit.Fett. PAttsbargh, .• Mint nom ItiStorettalifull Vsorttrient of - . Trhamings, gloves, hosieryand and; Goads Alual'..,= - 11.";="1Y,:ria"Lna spared ut peedeat Ow- dawned and most-fa/atonable style of Gdodsin IMboo. Tlteit stock consists In pandf tho DRESS TRIACZONGS. .Vsi _lad Gasps, of eyery In am . s top 68 Galloons; Algenne and Imperial Braids; wyle sad 114179 W Mk and Worsted Embroidering Brads; ieved vtd eutVel .. re%R ß i=s; tin . do do; . .C.ord? arias :nd octet Laces; 76; rimming; do, 44 faimmr, wild a fell assortment of Dress Damns, Drumm An.ted, Sgaroped or Embroidered to order.. , . isbnAdened Lee and Bailin Capes,' Cbcodzates, Batakikit and Retiring Caps and ilid‘Bleevea, French IVarked Collard and Cad ., vaiietr, Lane Wily Undid nddoPmlina, ag Chamhellu,' lars,.(3aik.and Ralf Bloated; Luton Lawn Hdkis, Aida cabsaidarod and trenuaddied do, plain Linen do; ate Unread Lae. and lidaln Inn do do; Bobbin, LW, Lana Bailin and 0013011Maings wad bawling. - BOITIVBT Yleh am eV* Boom Ribbons, FrenchßanoFlow: en, Banat Tabs,.Volveba, Satins and Blandon, Silk Illasions sad TAdotonaddonnet Frames and Tips. - Bait sainißictura, with most approiad Winnings, Badeboineat colors. Azie.renaive assortment *liana A Mat - variety. of Bilk, Wool, Cotton; Merino' and . Outuncie, for Ladies and Att...: .Tarcan Plaids. and I. WWI anon:dent other styles IknaY Odd-Adj. Chad': raa'a Moe; tamest ailed Infanta , Boots and fleekE• OnaLP nu= Vigonia, Merino, - Galan and dna . GLOVES. a All smoortinent for - men, 1.91.11 11.214 cldldren, miming ailek are Derby Ribbed, Folmar, and-plain ribla= 4 iii plain Caidonera Chamois Lined fler. Its Merino, Far-Ilud Beaver, hem and Sass Baikal* Military and LisleThresdand Cotton. _ WOOLBIY GOODS,. Back as-La d ies' and Children's Honda Child..'. Wooten Banks, Bid* Sours andll Cbildren'a OOP srnwaa Worsteds j sl r s ' eW 1 4! Var 'u n's= Co tsinforta also, fine Cadman, pearta, for ladlea LAMES' DEPARTMENT. Zephyr and noun". Worsteds, Canvas. Praterna, Floss and Emb'd en, Bristol and l'erf'd Boards, Fa pall/nom Materials, Lamp Mats, Tidies, and £4,- arida:red Work. Also.--Ladlea'Sdk and Marino Peas aadDraeresc Eenbtoidenrd Sacks indFlannela, Prone Worked Capsinil Wohns lerlnfarda andßman's-lown ' - GENTLEMEN'S WEAN l'inaßlillta-Cravats gout Collars, Merino, Bilk and COMM Wllepsr, sad Drawers tiospenders;Shoalder Broad and Drawl— ng (Hurnic gat and Liatil CONES,:IBIIB2E6.S AND PERFTMIERY. _Papal. patter= canal and planned Bank Combs; Waal, 110. do; Shell Side and Long Casaba be. den Barralo. Bain and Rosewood Ibilr Brushec Banks and Jena Ilona Drawing and fine Ivory Combs; wig an assortment of Nail and TeamUntsbes. . _ Peed Plan, Tones, Steel Rags and Parsee, Anton. and Steel Goode, hullo Wire Sestets, Farr T. 1 .1,04 Re'wleffs, El. Rosewood Resta and Cast andings &Galleons, Fancy Work Baskets Cloak Coil gad Tassel!, Portfolios, Pankow., and Mind le Shade Tritamings, Lutlee , tattortary, Palpit & Banner Tassels, French Cork Soles, Upholatemes Fringes, Silk &6i Umbrellai, Baff Llools,Ausl widths!, Paresr Masons& Ilollands, lesallsk Oil Cloths, Moue Bends ebbing,. net Chinni Blaning, RPVTaII C&B.Pertal—Ree'd.this day, at, W.lt , Carpet Warehonse, N. 73 Polinha; gggehar waysy of Carpets, of the rams end sneer Ifj. Par.a..171011, w which we Invite the mention ot. Steamboat men, and those wishing to faints!, Rowse. to mill and efferent° the largest assortment in the city, arida ws will sell eheaper them ever before offered in tho western market. nor.tl W APCLINTOCK Mahwah% Longs Shawls. Laos oas recd • supply of the ' &Colt*, • - •rtlele, of the best quality; ato,_plida Black Long Blalotls; black nombayines, Af owning Al , .. = e, . Persltto Cloth,. black Cobatim, Faro:tett.. es, Mous de Lams and French Merinos, blaelt. Cravats and lloaadasCollin, blawnass Banust Rib =sent del, and • full •snotuattut of fttoarttots . P BLACK SILKS,' • . A tarp attwortment, toe tattler a few plectra - very wide aN sautruh Hams are invited to look at Ilona, at North Earl cornet of Roma sad Mutat sta.:. . lAbalosale Room up antra, whore * Ivse sawn mot al Nat. Ulm late:y . bora received. ' Loy 20 _ EINZSEN:M!M= . . Wilma° aeon Informed by Mrs. Rose of aeon ore. I oggig.ri either by Dee Jaya''' Altresetivo t ereh papa lts. ssperierity over every other remedy or the sus She has been afflicted for the hit aigieeo yesss with ZILVROSM or WHITE SWELLINGS, &headed Ruh steers:kw and creel:rules of various hooes,do aggwkieb tuat Ruby pests have Lees discharged how the trowel bone of the easiest, from both her ar ea, arms and bands oand fans both legs, sad frockars left fasergitiose. - ted fast the right knee betides paisfel . Aleut on Mar part. or her permit, whirl hive hatße4 the skill of a eamtisrof the most seninerit thatches of ear City-drug ash Of tie time her iogerings hale been examen= and deplorably: - About three meths • since vni istiseed to try Dr-faysteh Sheathe; *huh AU bad aa eshialstaggly happ7 effeetssm her; • Or seattnete all min and rwellings, and isomer the' gads tolielarsalle St thewastetiate hergetital health bebiniecomptetetynnteredoto 'betake new weigh!, IS tin mere than she did before ibe.eogtteneed the au of this WO unable ennaton,atiEve.lbett. • Fe? failhea infmnenentinnannefhtte•fc?all, mina. rta=" • ' - Sal gals In LIN at tie PA= 1111A-111701.ey • - s cow etr.. is ~.,A m.... ..u . o . y rAlNkiwwor Li l t="''''' "- . ; , .. F: -- - ---.1- ~7--‘, • •-.4i1: 7 4 8 nE. N° 411717' : .., ' '-.. .' v. tre,... , -,'',- - .. `...:-....,' .....43..... ; 4.4",' *- r , '• e4raptst. Ears* ' + l '. .4 , - 4,-; ' ' 11,118 WORLD; . 4 - „ 4 '; i d wilk o k a rff FFT AND 00 •. :,..i,i.ja • . .. " SI Hereadraida rear none. Far Purity, m - • . 4 = ty,andlionnelogesi, SLOAN'S OINTAIF ". .... And is rapidly adpertedint all other Ointroegyi ' • LIAMOM arr. id lire !drilla care orate follovrintdii Fresh wands, galls of all kinds, sprains, breisch eraeked heels, rtugbooe, arindbotte, windfall, pot j, cans, spawns, meaner, fistula, sham, strains, lamenom, sand othek: Mannered feel, wretches or m.re or horse distemper. . The Powder will remove-all indarrunationiai fever purl,]' Om blood, loosen the Ohs, cleanse' Me water -and strengthen over, part of the bodyt and has passed savercign rmedy iOr the following disease. , • ' Distemper, hide bound, lora of appetite. lowers grain, yellow water, Imilansmation of the eyes, fatigue from hard exercise; also, rheuxuatiam, (commonly cal. led atircomplaint,) which proves so fatal tO many rat. table horses In this eountry. It is also asafe and the in remedy for msoghsand Colds which generate re many fatal Macaws. . W.ll. 81,0 AN,• • Grand Depoi,lo Lake at, Chicago, Mine& • . THE PROOF. Extract from the .Galena North Westenti Usgette.% By the use of Sloan's Ointment and Condition Pow. der, I have entirely eared a fistula -on my borne and ,otherwise lammed his. condition more than Mame cent. °mho eon Gnu medicine • And a* row ...hien wad as feeble as to be considered worthless by mysell and nelabbots,was restored to good health and stremah by the ran eflees than half a package of the powder, and hi nosy doing boner than any other mho , I. have. Small Pon, May 11,1649. WM. VINCENT. -RIM SUFFERING CHILD - Thereby certify that one of my "children. when as had, Mil into a large firaof livecoals, and was Mimed severely from head to feet. The best of medical ald and attention was given to the child for four or five days without any relief—each darssulteringra mere.- id till Ma %roans could be heard at i great - oilmen:ice, at which critical peilod one of my neighbor. recommen ded and presented to toe a box of S loon's Ointment.' and in leas than fifteen Initiates after the application Of the ointment to the aggravated sores of the nattering chlid,the pain ceased entirely, and he speedily began to reenact. My residence is in llelt Winship, Yu million county, and /Rata of Indiana. I•. THEODORE L. TAYLOR. BLAKE: Chicago, Attguat SS, le4B. ' EXTRAORDJILLRY CURE. • Aprill3,lB4B. Foursoile. north of Chicago. (on the road to lildwaukie,) Cook eottuty,llllnols. Mr. Sloan—Dear Sin One of no home tad a lame bony tumor on Lila breast bona, immediately under the. collar, which lamed him and rendered his service. at very little...ale. I &nattily applied saypial•bottle. of Dr. Taylor's Nerve and ElOl. Liniment, without the least benefit.- l itthton protocol Wilder's Celebrated Bone' Oinunotit, ad• used that until I became fully satisfied dust h would rover relieve the animal. Fl. nay I obtained a box of your trod valuableCant menkand In le than 60 days front the first 'soonest. holt the tamer entirely disappeared, and the horse was iron.. Yours, `EDWARD ARMSTRONG. . . . 'POPULAR OPLITON. • XrPOPltlet offirrion warty criterion orate worth clan article, we Levitt the ineredulties to read at 'e.t.a taw of the mazy nor oamry certificates that appear In on, cohnorta meeting the great varier) , of remarkable cum ogee by the ase at ofiloan's Cerebrated Oint meet sad Condition Powders?, Them. mr,mlioe no honter remain among thou e , donhtfal aedlry,they have paned from the mde of ex. perboant, Mal now stand higher In reputation and an teeming more extensively mad than all other sell else of the kintL-44:ieh. City tigers. ..TIM HAS NOT DEEM TOLD. Fax Mrs; Jove La, 1948. Dear Sloan—Biro. Please need by the bearer a new nerdy of your Hone liedisinu. They are the but attieles of the Ulu! that I have your nand, never hay. ing been disappointed In their *feet, as I Pave bean is the am attempt, even the seat celebrated Cnntmenta Liniments, itei of the day. Hike. vet y. mach tido fee. tare in theta, au: that they do all that is promised, and upon a thorough trial one ta eontisieed to add. that "lialthaa slot been wicL" X. DUDLEY. 111 . 121 DrETKRIFNCTE: The ordinary ointments and liniments It it vrtl , known' are severe and partial in their operation.— Stamen Ointment it mild ytt thorough—lt mune., tnd oun. Limb..., keno: give. teal and pe rmanent reLieL ..For panty, mildness,-.step , eenernty, and thorotmbrama Itutankt Ointment excel., and is rapidly es rpetroding whir Qintmente and (mime,:, now nee. . • WI CAN'T GET ALFING WITHOUT. IT. Bases Ulna; 111, Oct. 14, X.Sta. MI. Slone—Sir Thaw tested Ow virtue cf yens: Mesas= in the mire of rattlesnake tiltesosore throat, arns, mammy other Wastes, and le every ease has surpassed our expetnanoes. As a family (het. meet, I have never Kell 11l equal, and far beasts we can't eel along without la • Veers, ' ' MILES V. JOHNSON. Mir-Sloan-Dear Bin For a considerable length of nue I wait seriously afflicted with the rheumatic com plaint; avid appliedlfreely. the various liniments, paint killers, dr without obtaining any relief. After rkiek your agl.nt at this place inluenced me to try yam Ointment, and within two weeks frenn the time I elm- Intoned nringit, the pain ceased, and I was effectually cared; and shell recommend all Ishii are aintilarlv a/.. flirted with the distressing complaint, to procure your etrellent ointment without delay. Reiter Mira, OSCAR F. MOTC- Prineert Pen en. Iday I, Irr From the lion. /I. V. S. !kooks,' Agent of the Michigan Canal Paekat Cons Company. CJane 91, Syr; Ft. W. IL Sloan—Dear Sir: For the hut 30 years I have hod occasion to ass many hone., and have need the grade rancor of Inuments and to es in ale. hut have never found any bung equal to your 'tint; meat for iniartoi... tuna- Within the last two months 1 have applinlyouruinttn-ni to some tO borate, for various ittluries, la in every Instance It hits pro ved a soverrin remedy. A FESNER RMEMI. ENTIRELY OFF. . , Fantail ...nth of Ching*, Seph IC, ISIS Dr. Sloan—Sin On the Bth Instant my .on had a fin ger bitirr entirely of ity ahorm.'We mintoiliately aft , plied your niebrated ointment, which relieved him of pain Ma few nalinitini, and prevented Me .Briqer from startling the least particle, and thi mound Wheeling tapidiyi Reap.? yours, - 9. BROCKFYA Y. IrRING OA - LILVA Slo. tr Sir: About flare years ago 1 Ifni lissomly Inmie in one of my legs by the Whey of a pile *reread which oremooned 'large runifteg ulcers. Neartr, every doelet Dalett• tried locum them; but Med in `whin, mini from sympathy and improper usaf. meat my other leg became u bad es the one origlnsl ty wounded.. !despaired of ever .being welt agent— bat in Meer that I might neglect no metns want. my . rrathi 1 purehmed of 'plangent In Galena some ts Your eintmentiend you emtjudge.of my impose an I gratitude !mum than I can express It. w and myself endrelywell before !had fuddled fixing the emend be r. Them fame I /sake knowu that others Mingled may believe and not delay ash* so saleable an 'olunnen, as rams has proved to be. Messy your grateful WO, Galesa,ll3., Dee. ln, - 'EVAN DAVIS. ? • ONLY 1.)M: Before the following order, %hors. youghe & Co. &retooled a largo simply of Sloaa's preparations; - Jah. Feb. ,484&. , S. Ilibhard.—Dear Sir. I m am hitc ono( Sloan' 24 s 100 Powder Powder sod Horse Ointment The mde tar ex , eadsmy eePeetattod. If roe ears Maltreat to send in< 4 dozen Ointment, I will pay far them the first tiros thatyoa ate lade; and presome [shall be able LO tell a largo quantity to the toorne of the year. It loth be an object wpm., as melt as Morsel; to keep me eon. smelly sapplied: 'Very reaVy your; ' S. S. VAUG & CO, MISSISSIPPI RIVER .. th...Lornt, Feb. Dr. likaltt7Strt .ASW. trro, leer. ' , bile made; on the... Mississippi near, passing aver the rapids, I weeplmaged uno Me water, and , by Me raft dashing ktrunst a rock, crashing my left kg and °Menus° sot. rtortal itslamtpg Me, 110 much that 1 lon all sensibility. When • eometeasnem ISt/trued I (nand myself in St. Loins, carrot:laded by my weeping family. Good nuns i to about Iwo month. tMgt t tl m'll e are e a n n ' ti .l o 4 iitt ' lV "'m f woe s dsonly partally healed, leaving large em,moc sore at the kn e e: whichfor many materths' discharged blood assi matter of the most offensive character.. My puns were in at times my slatting was so great Mat death...old Imre remised a hearty w et come.. Fortanstslylls.llfilson, (fte of my neighhont advised mato tryl your. Ointment. I obtained a boa applied it according to direction—the sores won began to autumn a healthy appearance; and in three moral I wee entirety Cured, and enabled to do turd labor. • ' .• Y.onr obedient serval., • , - W. THOMAS. We; the ondentigned, neighbor. of IL W.Thono, ovens aeqrminted 'nth the cue above stated, and know. tog the artron.lances, most cheerfully confirm sad Tttomm.V staicment. REV. J. DOUGLASS, .IAME9 WILSON, CFOCAGO, eth,lB.lP. W. D. Mean—Sin One army hones was hoof bound and also wounded in the stifle, In which lie took cold, and because so erinnled that he could acareely trawl. tly the free-application of your valuable ointment, hi. hoofs were swan softened .and the stille permanently cured:" .1 have also Used the Chuunent in. the case of rall-Essit and on severe Inas with equal sneer.. On a mashed finger that west very painful' it opera. wpm, . a chart, eats, An, A. VAN ORDEN. TESTIMONY FROM LITTLE FORT. Ildetan'a Ointment and Condition Powder are sc. k ...edged by all who have wed thein to be !he 1 cre creaedy.tor horse. and wale slisit bits been discovered. Feashwounds,gallicsparbw, bruiecs, ringbone, poll evil, and in short awry 'atitward disorder or Injury cun Le cum; by this wooderftil remedy. The Powder Is designed , for inward . sendos, diwewPer, bide Wood, fatigue from bard exercise, diseased eyes, 'Ser.—Lake Comfy Chronicle: , quvrimel)burrnmatx,_ nurr Tirouoirr ',WOC/JITICY IVicabbres, Coo' Co Feb. 13,1545 Mr. Slaare—Sitel have a fine young horse that we, taken with Om scratches !an fall. I paid not alum; tnneo dollars for. Medietne lo care him, barbe grew worse.i lama bought a box of yogic ointment at you other when in alines/go lest' rather dealnansly, ball themda I would try O. Judge af [co surpow and my opinion of tia beneficial qualm,. s„ when I found my bone's legs mouth and well in Morally., from the lose I commenced applying it Your obedtenl, F. COLBY. I=l .filere Min fifteen years of unrivalled meets In the or e.enwiety of external diseases .d Injuries suds IN sprints, bruses, cu., bur., CI,IIO/1COU• !IMP, tides sore bps, sore breasts, eliapped band, elan blias, biles, ulcers, earns, pain. in th e baek,-sides , et oilier pasts of~ rs, tbe system, rettlesnake bites; kenr bears maple testimony that Shun , . Ointment islusttke &Mao for the _hour. • Certificates without number bean been reached by the Previews from disinterested in - deride. ellsi giving &tilts of remsskable ruses b) lu use- WISCODNIN Miler:main co. Wie., Oct. 17, PM& Mr. Slottu—Dear Sir Recently my' horses ran away with clog chain attached, which cut and atherwim inimed them ander:sly,. so much coucd47,4 soy team muted for honucw. Fortunately- a friend re commended the use ofyour Ctuttnent. I went to Mil- Inaba sad - pi:relived a bor. It soon removed the Indanistusion t and In 'a few dap: the wounds healed The great benent derived , from the use of your Gins mem, on air Yemen, indoced me to acquaint you vent tho fackbentig its publicity would benefit you and the Rabb. B.pm:fully yours, -.- . - GEORGE WARMER- al etext.ET MOUS. DS LAMS—W. R. Murphy has .3 Just MOM it lot a( high mutated Mona ZAMA IT 19 A: POSITIVE PACT, - sorb at Cherry, &Ariel de., at lois pike of IV. And in became 'common saying, that Sloan , . Pct Pod. Phan Wide Brown, ad Ing to Ihf Olntoseau and condition Powder are rapidly to pas y . a .. td; and a largemaortnient of neat styles ding retheeierfon dmessea 'of horses me basrod - Mo 'do Ulm, a tvenom. ate Maki; Mary of th e medicine. mulcts In then ".."-Mt* afro.. Goods geneolly; purity and safoty,:l6.lriti they 'may' be used ever so seek us Fancy French alerts:ea, , Cuhmerea • freely !riding any &Arena( taker gold, or nog mho Caws and Lyoneso at the . ,• • • , idhlr7.lvlo4lW bun tagirfrmaem ask and never-fail N. E. miner of row* la Minkel ats. • Io gni igniesais anninnsuln.'. • . 1. 1111 .-4211 , 44 t . #-. Sala •g , (hod* *AO*, rtes or.icia • ';',lhitA SO N! :'Wl.l—;f94lA-I"....taiu^'•voaorj:". mat, and tinie7h;',Watiiiiiirleir ImM web :( j" estaT2i s sh 2 oVn ' t (including nit glair WhOtyrtale Iloorns,) will be Open for Entail Teedeossid then 4 cadre Wholesale Buick will be edema 41 , 31analt, on ibis occasion, at fully oat rocs:num thasphsnal Often.. t,Their Shawl nalooneendsins moretban3CCOPltairls, qkanprislng every description of Long and blame Wool Sbasols, Cul.ere,Broche, is. Also, Versus., Cloaks, Blawillss x Backs, he., at no inunetmer rabic. -on Dorn ante ruts. I _ . DEESE AND CLOAK GOO DS.' Their stock comprises more that IMO receaThibei Cloths, Merinos, PVIUIPZULIN Alpagess, r..Tonese.Dl. en and Pelisse Cloths, will be and (Wm EP to 40 per cent. lees than nasal prices.- I Alsa,..lon pieces rich plain and daM SILKS, Wdri.: red :leper rent. MI eases Cashmeres and De Loins; entire new styles, AlsorMline Goods, Mourning do., Embroideries, Luisa, Ribbons, Gloves and•tiodery, Trimmings, to. Weaves Flannel., 70 eases new style Calicoes, Wee. see &beached Malthus, WO bales Drown do., 70 bawl Tiekinp. Also, Cloths, Casstmeres, Jeans, Cuslnettsi dtd, 11.1!extmdely low wires. • Together with an lannense s varlets of othir Goods, tusking an assorimed one orthe most ex naive is nee country—all at which have, boric dowel at mach lower pricesibatt their c taw( ve anneal .1. 14 . January Isst. They invite an urly call, as many of Weir @wk..) uoods will be sold. ID - The lowest price named at first. jann A. A. MASON t CO., 60 Market st. , “Norway Pislns^ Blankets. - 'TIT R. MURPHY, at Nerth,East comer of Fourth y y and Market streets, bas lately received a sup: ply of the above superior make of Blankets, and In 4 vitas those in want of the article to look at them be. fore baying. 114 has also on hand Home Made Man. kets, • good heavy FLA NN E LS, , he is selling low. also—lteene Mad brown, barred.d white; of a superior quality. Pearlet,FLANNEttli, to.which inviteathe auentiou of buyer,. - D — A large ..P Ply of Goads stonily opened In the tt holesele Rooms, up mein, makes his assortment very full and worthy the attention of deal. g — BLLEBS , LIVLit PILLS WAS MY //t.lCTlllt-4 Dumas, PC, Sept 23, IBM Mr. IL E. Sellers—ltem Sc: I feel it le a duty I owe to the public, ras well as to the credit of your Liege Pills. to mus e the good edema preduced by Melt tomb tray own case. During the month of lane, ioldi 1 lodh very unwell, my appetite failed, end my strengthwes entirely prostrated, with macre Pun luny aide and shoulders. I was told by medicate= thatmy disease was • revere meek of liver cannibal.. I matey. rut boxes of ItPLane'a Liver Pills, and some map; which I was told was good for Mat dimes.", bat alter all I we. getting wore. I trolly cormbiled to plate myself under the ewe of a physician for boner or worse; but, fortunately, Pat at this tiaras, I was told by the Rev. I. Niblock, of this place, that a Wend had sent him a box of &Ilene Liver PHU from Pittsbagh, which bed benefated him very much. I fortlith sent fora box of your Lwow Pills, and by time I was done using thent,l was satisfied dm it watt last the medicine that stilted my ease. I sent for more, and took five or six boxes, and band myself almost entirely cored; but in March Last 1 eadght • severe Cold, which braced back the diseaaa, and In &short time I was ashades ever. I again had recourse to your Liver Pills, and took them every other night for neek; and occasionally eino; d I can noway, Mot I can now wy, that I feel litUe If any aybpllßMl of the Liver Complaint, sad my gepend health is as good now os it has been foe the Lam years. My ,oeighbors elk me who woo my !doctor. I tall them that Sellers' Liver Pills was m doctor, end by the blessing of Divine Providence thmaned cuing 1 101 confident that when the p ki te became no. mutated will, the wan of yoor Li te r Pills, tho dit. t mud for them will Increase. !deny f my - neighbor; to whom. I have recommended the pill; can testify to their value, as well u to the facts shore Mated. . limpet:trolly your; —w. To ye. Prauc.—Tho Original, only troe rand genii. nine oe l ILiver.n Pill ame = r i e n p t i zi k b . r . 4. K. Ston upo ers, Ile s e, : , . and cub Box, and his signature on t h e Inlaid. wrapper. 07 - All others are cannterfens, or barb Imitations. • OP.= U. E. SELLERS, • • rie •r, S 7 Wood a Jaya's , ZzyselLormat: Barmy Columbiana c0.,04, 1841. DR. D. JAYNIM: Dose Roe—l lbound to you and the anima pnblio, td avail yaelfof Weeps portunity of givingpublicity to the c Winery erecta of your Expectorant on myself. Having been &filleted for several years with a severs coigh, hectic fever and its concomitant diseases, and seemed wily doomed to linger out a short but , re .seve r ettoneey anti! the fail of. Deer when being more ly attaeked, and having resorted mall my %rater ream. es, and the pre. scripuum of two of the most respectable Amadeus an the neighborhood without deriving mt benefit, or ths consolation of survivins but a few days or weeks al farthest—orb. the It gloom of hope lou alma vanish, I had recommended to =Oyes, Expectorant— and blessed by that Being who' does all things In tha use of the mesun—aad mammy to the I l an_ of fromphysicium and friends, I was in a w day. raised from my bed, and was enabled by the ni i ts ic of a boOle, to wend to my business njoying mace r hearth guns I had for tea years pe erless, Respectfully yours, Re., J. For sale is Pittsburgh, u pa Feb Fourth street. XVI. ELIJAH EATON'S CERTIFICATE TO DR an, J.l VNK—Tbis certifies, that unmedletely atter having anesekd my brother, who died of conenentelon in Monty 1e42, Iwo taken deb wnh the fbasereption or Laver Com plaint, and was reduced Ito low with Ms . diaeaae t that for roar year, I was astable to spud to my eoni at heed or slued, beteg for the most em, fined to my bed. Daring Ms above pert. od of limo, I had impended for medical attendants • regal. Phyateram mid mediums. to the amain of wlthont receivieg any' benefit Mene. In Jail, 1E43, 1 commence,' taking Dr. Jayr r '.e Medi cines, and have taken them MOM Or 11.41 eve/ some, and believe that it was by permuting in their rue, that I can now Daly my that I have umipletely came. aerial my health. believe that inyne's eaniativo Pala tittal EaPectertell et* Me beet iendly mcdieinen now is - - . . maide fipmgleld, Otsego county, N.Y. and carry on .urnace and machine shop in that plane, and am not intemsted to any manner in tap sale of the above medicines and mate th is certificate tootle ben • era of Mote attiMed. ELLIALI EATON. Spriugaeld, N. Y., gel. 1$ 1933 1.4 - Itrcin PA 1.4. ,GlO-0113 ALEXANDEK fr. DAIL carom of the Diorama and /Jacket .tree, amity their friends and M. pa bbe that they have waived their stock of Fall and WM. ter GOODS, Monet frinn the importer., mansfactarers said emotions at the east. Tick stoat ofreem tryle and fashionable Goode fs lama, and mamas stroogattra, Aims to purchasers. le Ladies Dress Goods and Shawls, Ma soma aplecalld arra fashimnabla Good* of . the mama are now otietraLarremartablY lomprlees monsishog Or part of pm antasia? . - LAMS' DREW trOODlt New style Drachm. Egn eilia4Zo • ' CaPil and Mack Sum Da Charms and Tarn Satins; ' Cord Caraelian tirodeMints, of the be.. quallner Mack glossy ldroderiern of the celebrated Daila mum future.' The above named Black Mks are vrirreated net to bet In the wear; for & ems and mandrils duty are the banana& ! Neat Le'd Came-lima 13150 DrChas, the handionten Bilks of the settee. Mar style Wachs Silk 644 red Franca Sienna., • near wad aplendid anisle far ladle. , ...Inking anises. Silk Embroidered Franca De Lalma, for crasaaand packs, an entirely new article. Caahmarea, De Laines, ALUM., Alpacas, cad Par Metals, a large mamma. SHAWLS AND SCARFS! Mocha Long and Square Shawls. of the bet Plaid Lang Shawls, or the LICIFCEL delayer, menthe 'eplYlrene keri Shawls, alireaaaT reddeag Pao.. Cam c etion +t r a w ls:l s c i i ik pa m er d, hl 6, th grew eale4 : CrffrltreAssidgag ° AND vilin7C;,. San Sedan real French Twilled Cloths, all prices; tat Sedan real French Castimere4 new uyle *mar lean Caulmerest sneer Satin Veultass. LADIES' CLOAKING CLOTHS! French and Bale. Black stud Ohs. Cloths, for L a.., Cloak. BLANKETS! A splendid amonment of Mune. and, in:monad Blankets, at remarkably loarmices. DOMESTIC AND STAPLE GOODS! A to and complete assortment now on hand.- Many of our present stock of Staple Goods were bought from the manufacturers previous to the present advance in prices. A principal part of oar stock of French and English good. knee been porehased at the great /action Sales to Philadelphia and Now York, which enables. to oder decided bargains istralmon every description of goody in our line of business. Country Merchants, Merchant Fallen, sod all wholesale and retail boyars, are invited Man earlp examinanoo et oar stock and prices. *, ' ALEXANDER Se DAY,73 Market et, on= north west corner of the Diamond. - T - tril 1 t:sff ----- 1 - sor - bliirtioblVirr -- R. MURPHY, at north nut earner of FourthWs and Masker ma, is now receiving his emend supply for the Want, and . C. °Ter indatements to buyers rare/ to be met with His assortrowl of LADIES' DEEMS GOODS Is very full, consisUng of French Merinos, Cashmeres, Cob ergs, Lyoneso Cloths, super Printed French Cnatt meres, at prices considerably lower than they meld tor bought early in the mason. Ills crock of LONG SHAWLS. Is largo, and embraces many of the boaathid Mike now on exhibition at Franklin Inautme, Phllast'a, BONNET ; AND NECK RIBBONS, Of now and very handsome styles, Velvet' Trim mings, be. . . • SACKING FLANNELS , Of se rlon”tyles and enalitiai, plain and embroidered Black Silk Lorna, Needle Worked CoHark and Cuffs, Bonnet Satins and Velvet Flowers, Capsand Feather.. HANDSOME DR.D. , S SILKS, Of the newest style., and at lower prices than astnil; and rich changeable Silks and Sanas, for Idandlits, Ae.; and a large Poet of STAPLE - AND HOUSEKEEI'IN,OOOOB, at lowest prices. And In the gentlemen's department will he found fresh FRCNCII BLACK AND FANCY CO: 1., , D CLOIIIII, ey Cnattroem, I, roekat Nand• Mark Medina, Winl . er — Verii . ngs;Vatit Undershirt* and Dnarcro, Cravats, kerchiefs, (X),Sterchiults are Invited o visit Wholesale Roomy, up Rain. Y.!.*Y_.!1.9.1 rity . EKFUL 11.1:1-6151.1...Cnia , A irififtal. _ , ' . . Mauna, Mercer co., Pa., Sept. P.SIS•I9. 11 E. Salute: Dear Sir, 1 bought ono bottle of your . Vormiruge at the Iron City Pumice elore,at MD place, nod it tom performed what we consider out lines won der:ld cure- en one of my boys eight years old; haled bent unwell for some years, 0y much so that I hod sly. en up all hopes of his recovery. I was advised by one of my neighbors to try a bottle of your Verndfuge— aud oatnappy to inform you of it having the desired elfeet of relieving my,son. lie passed, to the. short space of ill hoots, 101 worms, Mete of them mama , tug es much as 12 awl 14 inches long. If l bound to Justice to give you the above statement, SO 11 . you may make any um of my name that you thick proper. yours, very respectfully, Aural - nen LTrut. 67 - Prepired and sold by R. &BELLE:11807 Wood street; and sold by Druggists generally In the two cities. • novIS g• le Agro s. Lti.lS I...iEI.L.EILS , thr UOll SY n, RCP—From W. X. !Wen. Esq., Clerk of the Court a Quarter Sessions of Beaver Covets: Mr. It. E. SeJlerm Eir, Some time in the I/drama:ly' wife watt afflicted with a revere and dlatmemeguegh, ar.d heath', of your invalueble Cough Swap, I par alleled a honle from S. T. Trimble, of Bridgestater, and after inking • portion o(11 two or three rferdege on gai n ? to • bed, she found immediate - relief; vjalg. several friends hero been relieved In severe eases: I am therefore itallsSed that Ii is sinfe and velaeble me. dicier; end would recommend it In those who map be afflicted with severe soughs and colds. W. X BODEN, rit SELLERBrS7 We 44 Ma . a g. by l l Nareh ZUll. gencrally tape tono duet dea, HD,T currei-3 ewes Moo .ad Drab iy.l r cloth, ju. rec'd aod for sale by . . MURPHY, WILDON k 48 Wood at t .r, it ~,9 , 7 111111i5n, -' /L - IBM.. ..Piinalf..Ngwv - saw-n—•••ataste I As, • isuaraliEN tt3o.nottunite , m biting - mono from aurr-pert of Ragland, tr^lvd. Scott. d e Wales, upon the most liberal terms, with the usual poetuallry and - attention to tior=ins. fort of enstedgrame We do poteditifirel . 111 to Le robbed by the ortedlingiseamps that ofest the .ear we tlw. r ilt r tl ' Eselves, '' an tb rre ° to thalrVell bein . di Wethem oriMmt any ion by the beet hps. W at? this feorlesnlY, OS den' one of oar p m its to show that they. we etairted OS Mos es I Liverpool, whilst thousandi- of othero• we de es Tuba, tunil they , eeold be sent in . 00rtut rid war at ? p row, which too frequently pewee -their eo nu ' We intend to perform our contracts sumorablyi cod what' it mayeu:6l not let Ox wry the cal.. tact 11 .4.? 0 .1. with ether o —who either performed• not all, 0. when it ladled r coven/ante. - • . ~4 - Dona drawn at . Pittsburgh for any awn flow LI land, payable at any of the florist:nal Range Sal land, b..ogientl, Scotland and Wale,, • . . , . I __ .1011/IU/. ROBINSON, i l : • . European auSfienstal Amu; 1 , Fl Mb Wrest. Mks door below Wendl Ira= VA:C/FJETB..:. tilteruniatllCillart No. 2,Go : "pl.tilaint.... - j. " LAXIS ERIE, - Gordon.. - I rill/S.Bhour regal. nod well Inman Iteaverriekt atm have mutate-need staking their daily Irina to and from Beaver, and will eouttnue to run lietwene Plus/ue' and Beim reaalvtly during the sumo, ar .- I I lollowc— /dietn N 0.2 leaves la 9 Oclick A.. Al., and Dealer at V.-o'clock; 0,2 d... Lake Erie leans Beaver duly atSoNtleek, A. 31., and Pittsburgh at 3 o'clock, P. Id. • , , Thews steamers" will rurt In connection with G Parke Vagrant Packet Line for PA.; Taylor tk LeffungyelPs Warren Packets; • Won Line ofFrught notta for Cleveland; Clarke &Co's /Imbue, tut ClevelandLlaa Pralihl •„ , R 0 Parks di jig _New Coale , CLARE PAINS &CO, DesTer:Ageatt JOHN A. CAUGIIIW, Agent, Pittsburgh, moh3/ cor Water and Smithfield aka 1849. igiEma IND CLEVELAND ON THE PENNSYLVANIA. ANDOIIIu IaANALS; LINE, T 'Z'i!,'TX. 2 rie s ougrd;;3l'l MTV Boats, cameo oy -thentaelvas and mnai n etn eonnno_ non arlth • the steam boats BEAVER ANDiCALRM DOPE, am enabled to oabr iu:equalled Incilltiosa the tramportattrut of Fre Caaal ight and pasty:4% s T that rane ry i ttgattd Li._ and the lakes} • E. FITCH it Co Cleveland. BIDWELL A. BaoinEn, ; Agents, Beaver. O. BIDWELL, Afant, • tuara • Water street. ritarga. , a no. isannil4 Pittsburgh. . Bearer. .BIDWELL•.4 BROTHER.. Forwardfag Bertha% ,lIRAVER, PA., Lssul,Pita V:e - oy ti llEne.Lime . via ?de trie, '4' Z far gams loan Beaver mug edit . _ • Haring panthased the hum and subotantiol Whorl Boar.joaroilt_forthe./danangahelo Packets, hard with the addition of • Warehouse; the most =plc ore comatedattons! fort nieeirrag sod. &mottling, and pledge their =moat wreat:44 pro an loptheaaand despatch Ito conalgartterne to their earn, d rely an their (needs for atrial. Otaa4lY,, T,.A 'Ma— TI (man the maattfactosia• et Calcilaqtay Dastani and ihiColllC,Raar4,New , Yerrk.' " AO—A , lekAntilr.earvti PIANO STOOLS{ for sale at maaafarsarer'• prices, by • JOJIN 11. MELI.OR, til Wood . Sale daeat. Chickena Plamos, deli - . . for W•stera Vennsalvanti.. • Ilippood ONR Fooood hand Plano, 6 octaves; Nice lisa I " 81 0 .4 4.5 . 1 • " " St •." • • 40. 1 • n • n - For sale for cub at Ma More peers, by. dein JOHN II MELLOR. El Wood n ' , TIONiHriM - PLlVEltd.=itinerite .1 Sown', aliened and conneeted from die last Een• lislt us correspond swab "Valles oeiva e l Reboot of Violin playhm, by big pupil U.C. HIII. nay arguments am ropurod to roommate". 44,...,0; h. may be observed Mu Spolts himself abases &Ideal'. to Ma system laid down In the above work, and Htnt be has by the same mode a ina.ara., prodarml creates tomb. of 4MM:unlace pupils dna any other muter in Europa." A apply of Mo above lust meld, (pHs. 17.1 sod Mr, I[lll. by der? J H MELLOFL el Weed of ' W. Errac. Tea Storc,7o mars 4.1.... r. '--. ' 7 " ..- - ' . --14. •,4V.:::: ...r j ..„..c. „ 111 - 37 - * -- AIT. krov' P:'t 1 V.i . z 4 • i t . 4 : i ;. f . 1 f 4'%."4V. , -:- ,- - .7-grif,'s;„,..Z% '' ' '' 4 ' r allilk i l t Ir 0-1t44.0; • A N EMINENT sad oxposiamed l'hvsimast from the Ewa, of 29 rearm modiste, otters to Mat slims. of • Denman Nolote mitb planiptosm 11 , 14 BM comma la . Eafalo and other Wire cnies ha. been proverbial. In chews am sumisram. mot Isis cares permanent Oht currofOloet; Sobs fulx, near Ilbeirmatma, gm, siroilia, or am ehronse or Emote:ow ease* salaam& - • .• core wserletted, er ehalge vellAnded. reze, St. Clair etreet,:i done from the Brido, T ts Teeth Extracted. Ai dee to the ;rota etatia. N. /I.—Dr. A. solletti the orotst elopt °tsar dieee•• eo ettahlitgh . to • v _ par.Ttuit p 4, oa Roc* oIL. "There are mote thmdre blames endears!, ••":_ Menem dreampt of En philosophy." • VIRTUFS of this retnertableremedy,. and the constant applicatiort for it, to 11m propremor, has Intoned boo le have it put op in bade. erne la. hell and directions for thghonebt of Use pad!, no PETROLEUM Is promote from a well in His county, at a depth of fear hem/red fen, tea pure Stow detained article, wlthinn any chenueal change. bat tutu douse Item Natoma GreatLabratoryn Thotit contains properties- reaching aaamboo of dlseasesja Obit:MO:I • mater Of .11COMOnly. There am many things to the arcena of amens, which,lf know., might he of vast I:sentinels to alleviating saterhm, end re- coring the bloom Of heallkand vigor to many a sat Pam. Long totem He proprietor thought of pulling 11 op to Maim, lt hod a orputallon for He cure of dis- Th ease. 'e COoStial and daily inereasing calla ferlt, and several remarkable cures it bas performed - , Is a sate iodloation of its fame jimmalatity and wide eprod application in the eons of Macaw. We do not wish to make a long paPhde of contd. rates, its One ate bertittiOOS that the medicine con pen work Its way Imo the floor of those who ander and wish of be healed. Whilst we do not elahe for II • anivental applleatton in evert disease we linhedles tingly say, that Ina number of Chronic ' Diatoms it is enlivened._ Among ' thew mop be enernmated=all diseaset of the mucous 'names, such 0.• CHRONIC BRONCHITIS, CONSUSIFTIGNOn he early sited Asthma, and all dlwasos of MC air tost i. cs, LI M VER COPLAINT, DIOSPENIA, Ulm Dioceses of the Bladder and Kidnap.- Pains in the got Side, Nervous Diseasiss,Neurals44:7, Rhcamstle Pants, Omit, Ermspelm, Tenor, rm., Burns, Scalds, Brauca,ol4 Sere., ho.,lck. • eases of debihty ye. What Intel Mesa-Mot long and protracted mat of disease:y.6U medicine will OntiArellef- ant en a general TONIC and ALTS 'FIVE In 500/0 imparting lone sod energy to et whale frame, moos. ing obstree nom, opening the largish fnuctloos,veltick came disease and a bream, cooallltiliSa, and giving increased and Teemed energy to all the inane of The prOprleter knows of several CUM.' of PIM:73, that ?misted every other treatment, got .roll nod. the .0 of the PETPROLEUDI Mr • short tiros Thu proof can he given to parson who deems tr. None genultUt willbont she tie signature of the pmprielot. Sold by He proprietor, B. AL WEB, Canal Uncle, near Seventh it. Also lig R is SELL6RIi.37 Wood an and—REYBER• WHO WELL; -• corner Wood at. imd PO& alley; who are hi. noladly I IVg9lllly appointed Agents TUBS AND CAIMANS. PINE AND. CEDAR WARE atnNuricrour. No. ST, corner Alarkat sod Fifil—or 49 llAtket,. • - torte. Third arid Fourth sta. EE subscriber keeps constantly oohed& whole, T sad retail, the following article; viz Wash Tubs, " Staid Churns, ' ArsatTribs, Darrel Chorus, Bath Tobs,' Half Bashellk . • . Wow. dom., • i;TitTri;iiilot Wash Boards, • Brans Bound Buckets, Biotite* Pies, Towel Rotten, Wood. Ladles, Bread Ratters, • , Clothcsi Baskals., " • Market Bukco, SAMUEL 1:110ESBN, do BOisround alley , l'iusbulgh J.7lllas_pratik. Mon7 o7 o7:ll4ll. 7 iiiidi:iiii. .34R•cABILI arid Soap =drew Soda Ava, isnporicd direct from abr. abavg relnaratad maauficulrora, E 7 put cent A mellean rasa arriving and for gala ay nova 'ty z ! . dl pIITCtIELTUEIS ALuel--60:bbla doable ftbood, tor .ale low by 4bt4 •• BUltkitt(DOE, WILSONA tU) ALOES—at! lb. prom Cape; Dry• • •HO do - soccatihq for see by fob)! H E SELLERS U EFEE-7''4, l7t3;reili t lCP r tsita, fsblA • - . 144 Übe-1y Motalca,..EdilLlTN - 8U: ree'd, fat Isla br fsbl6 , • BROWN & KIRKPATRICA CITtiAR-Lui blot N Co, 8.• We 8 - y . • feblA BROWN & KIRKPATRICK 71E1 . 0- , .ielfierreitiestiiplvlng and for 'lsle br iar BRA WN & ILIRKPATRICk. feblll 144 Liberty 11 14 1 1XIBR-1011 barrels Elmo: A: 1110 Donde Sopedloe; VA bar rels Hee , on band and (or Isla by; _feblA BRONAy. uguitATlqu__ OCfelibN-CW jacks l Yi lltt fn 4V a . KtIIIiPATRICK CORN--211ssolii re ' e ' cliqns V ner str Nelson, end for 441 .4 Asbl 6 JAairs led • •said by ;few "JA111).:.4 DALZELL 8.4 1 ..1 &GIS .1 - AMIN DA-1.11:144, BUTTER4,4I/. -1111,11, niOLT.krirs.llnOrri , - 4 mks Feather.- far sale tebls - JA640,3 DA LZElj_t_: by • • JOHN 01101100" YE PINII-Z6 - 1 - tip - "Filor, fir rale F' DO febl/3 JOHN D MORGAN - G hold bo ar road and far ede D 7 •— • • BRNYFOOLE • CLARKE Yebl4 'No :17 Wood al g o te ctg i u do: Wooreo,gisaristraffirss4 Vry. Irlfß - DUNR 7 - - 11 - Ibls - lu try k 4l4 ' : ' KNOUSIi & nmaierr OPS-1 bale In store na in onto by H &WA ' • 111GLISII & DENNF.TT trttlku.uu 12 pin Sbln ging ed Le c • - altemb los .. andlowe; • 12 Poo Conn; , 8- NoY r ' 71: . 'No 3* % DUI nadiod for otile it lie Etco:;ber Delia; SO 5 iyoo St ;- . ,tobl9 ' • U PHILLIPS, . Tr - oCOHOL.4lDianall end to oldest 7 . 77— r1 AL:O4B ; JOHN I:IA[0110M ~~ ._-._ W of the dayr • • ' CisensaPs re..sso3tohio, Shy ...gam* . think it right Earths. Ilene& of other. to stius mate &eta intention hi ye ar Pend- I have used year Vers . :Doge 'teeny in my own tem one vial , frequently enswenng for expellingl• vie vlooMilitv Owl 1. SOO) worms •Itont two ehildret,l I have else used your Liver Pills and Cough Syrup to err frurtilv: led they have in every iesmileeprodeeed the egeet desired.. . . . As I aro saimied InMerchlaing, I itia — ahle state that I [mos.. yet to hear of th e Inn &Rare vat' your niediCtllell have been used in my 401011thme country. In conclusion, I may state th.t they are As medicines al the day, and are destined have a very extensive pspalteny • Prepared and sold by 1,88,N0 57 Wood street, and Mid by Dream.* enetelly in dm tat el. .des and vicialt3 , LiazkedirritinYtivaFewdri-tuttivit. %.6 original, only - true, std genuine Liver rut. emu. Okineminry, Va..s ihlarch 2611,1849. ' R. &Seller= Dear SI D. think it a dual owe - Mites and io Mayo-WM gene ly, to suite that I have beenniMeted with the Liver; Complaint for a king time, and msbailly 'Slat an ".Dena' fanned and broke, ethic/skit mein a very law g H ate. aving heard of your celebrated Liver Pill. beide - for for. by A R Sharp, inWeat Liberty; and recommendeCto me by my physician, Dr.E. Smith. I Concluded to mo them a feu trial: I 'parchased one box, and 'found them to jest vitae they are: recommended, TUE EMT LI. VER PILI. EWER REIM and after taking four boxes I bad the disease has entirely lett me, and rain now petfectly Ressectiallryours, Liberty D.II COLEMAN. • " ' • West , March 26,1849. • I tertity that Imu penonally Acquainted with Mr Colon, , and can bear testimony to the truth of the an , ye ...ertificate. A R SHARP Tar 'ermine Latin's are prepared and sold by RR S - .1.A.51113, 56 57 Wood Erect, and by druggists in me wo ewes. •• . • • - . TO TIER PUBLIC.—The origlnal,only tree and ken. nine Liver Pills aro prepared by it ESellers,and hare ha owns stamped in black wax apes the lid of each !atoned his stemware on the! entslde wrapperall ethers era onualerfeitlf, or bees ipidfanaffas , R E SLLLEREVL po Winer lA u Ar NAVE VAILIIIIIIRTIViC BALSAM L's RUM the Rev AtA ISILINPL a weaker:ma and pop £ stir ele r is . aln or the Protestant Methodist Church . The mule imams bectraldieteddering the past " ester with a please ofthe stomach, sometimes pro. 0 solni vamp, is in thesteroachfortenortwelvebnurs without interen rionomd after tutu: uied Tamar remedies with: MUM was furnished with is bottle orDr DJaynefsG: mance Habana Thisbe aged an. cording to the dire.{ on!, tad found Invariably o:alibis medicine tense/Me pal to these in three Or !oar Mb, sues, and In fifteen or twenty minutes every uneasy sensation was entirely quieted. ~ The medicine was ef. terwardsmoub wheerrerindiesdionsof the 4T...be , painwere perceived, and the pant was thereby prevent: ed.. ' lie combined to an the medicine every evening end emeetionn s r reel and in a few wet health war so far re stored, that Idle sufferer was roll y eilfrom a large suncentof oppressive pain. Freer ea pariacca, the refore.l e eau eonfidently. recemmeudi D li Jaynes, Cared eatiy• nature; NJ a salutary tnedtai a for diseases ofthe stomach and bowels. A SUIN ND Allegheny chy.lyal ' For Ws In Pittsburgh at It it MEIN IRA nett TSFourth stmt. near Wo . d else at facile* Store of II P SCHWARTZ. Ye ral street. Alteribs 1 V IAB DDIVOVAIR' I CONSUMPTIVES, BB Oh YOUR GUARD. SWAYNE'S COSPOUND RUPP OP MILD CURBS. . . 1111611 UT WEPT Poi Onsuroption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, LI,. of 1 um Heart, luil lu the uensa, Craiiisuroken CON. 1 eer y, Sere Thneat,NeFons De lll. ry, and /WAN.= of Throat, Dremtand Lange: twe e most ' dental and tweedy. ears • evel'illalrn 10114411 d Iha ebille DR. St% AYNC , 9 C am eommad Ryomp ett Wild Obarryt • mt. je no longer among thane of doubtful salter. It Sim pmsed away from the thens and.d ail nched upon the tide oi emporinteliOnd now mind* higher lit repPll,4loll, and :I.l,...Ecunir more extensive ly ~,,,,,g thee coy other preparati on of Medici. Or.; predneed for the relict ot ausiering •It ICU. been LlPOPltteed very gettersAy through the Coltestßonev and RorvYw,send them are few tonna ol Importance but What =mem nal= remarkable eel. =nest at good elem. For proof of the foregoing suinothente, end of the value and elficaey of this meiti. eine, the.promtear eras:men few of Use many Uwe. aa=.temosioniale which have been ha la Min by men of Ilia Brat respeetabitiry—men who have higher views of Morn: reeponsiby and inane., Man to een. usy to. tor ts, because R will do another a favor, and ta.weeedvee no injestice.• Stich testimony proves con: ebiltively, that its sulpnsini zeellenee 4. eitibbibel by intrinsic p1ea;1411.61/ IM.plesporiable auSlon• to of. paha opinion. The instantaneous relief it af fords, and the soothing Influence &Oared M. 1.6 the whole ti its um, reniter.lo matagmeable remedy for the aglietriL • REATEMBERi "When men, acting from conecienhons imputhes, voluntarily brae testimony to the truth of • Mum, or pane la Out. such lesnotooTt boiNg contrary. to tneir worldly interests and purposes, cortree conviction of ith troth; atid coon:mend.. Intel( to vpectal manner to tuslyental coadehee.^—LX Hogan's Slural Maxim, RF-1DTIII:110hIE CERTIFICATES. PIMA Amman Cite au Pramaithav Catutnitertom— , There paver aras a remedy that has be all as aneceeillil in tteaperaut cases of Coubimption, ll Dr. Swaynea Cernvound :Syrup of Wild Cherty, It amoeba. the smart, sod=pes to heal th e deers to the lung., meant,[ nend ar nob blood; power poasethed by ho other Caserta Co, April 05th,15W. Dr. aim—Dear Sit I verily believe your Com pound Snap of Wild Cherry has been the means of c o ma my Wm, eanght a metre cold, which gradu ally mew worm, attended with • seven,. cough, Mat revived all the remedies which I bad meson. to t sun tnetessing until coy cue exhibited ail the symponnts of P to almobary thusainapuotx kleets 14.4 I mod accrued bat,to a e,„„••• my complain toteu r•id y that friends .1 well as Myself, R. , . op WI Impel, of my recovery. Arabia time I ems recommetcled to try your invaluable medicine: I did CO with the matt bap n results. The brat bottle trod the Oboe: to loosen the -.4..gb:auxi•-..0 to eapeetormo fedi' and by she ime; had aware]. bottle ~1 .me ounleliarell,.aftn am ma. as hoary a cian •ler.W. in my Pao, IMO ."'nx:l4e, litibeleTrurtro r,li".,l=".;t'fr,"; iso grateltaL For the truth a the above whi laataniN w eerfor you to Fens Ruh, Woad. Wut Cheater, of rah= I the msdieina. m r . ymtm, Jaatits /gambit.. Dr( Curs of a Atsfuntaxi Dr( Swayne—Dear gin I feel a debt °remitted. doe a yea—and • dilly to the Milleted generally, to 00, s t y , getable tenimany to favor of your Comp nl oco nap of Wild Omni. game three yea. eta. wa. fielently attacked with cold and inflatumatiaa of the I.a Indeb seal accompartied with a Metres..g eouirli, pain in the breast and head, a very considera ble discharge of offensive tate.s from the lea" wtpe eiallyupon change of weather, however slight. At first I fella° elmm about my condition, bat MU pretty soon convinced dull sou rapidly going lateconaulare ilecri. I grew daily weak. and et length as scene ty able to wall about, qtrat above a whisper, such eras thaeseeedntg weakness ofatY 1 .11. Dating this thee I IliadtriedLione preparations and preeetipuom, but loud an eel (-Spearing all the time wane. Just hero I was ado,- d and persuaded by &dear friend le Wasting*. e trial of twar Syrup of Maid tn,e, ry. I mutt come. that J i LeFsly I had been viviD. &cellaoMM want in ARO / still against those canting oits of Wok. o easperles, bat ander sanding year claims io the profeiwea ead practice if Medicine, and Living implicit faith La the iaymn of my friends, I forthwith purchased of Dr. Phew, one of year agents, a leer Wales, and rommenoml it* WC. My dis ease was at that, rime et Marla mouthy standing,con ewe:catty it was deeply mated. I fatted, however, rattef from the sure Of the first &afar Lee bottles. tint being a publis speaker, I frequanily at tempted to prioek with my inersaanag Mgength, and thereby ruptured those vessels that bad already began to heal; in We way, doebtices, my nere.erea greatly retarded. to ceasequeste° of wile{ thus imprudent! bud to nie mum ur line. bottles beton f.reLre4tro,:riA , I , l , ttzt d 11,....21, me a :a:1 , 1t?l! the above intirsitrODOn. Syrup allayed the few, ta b nem!, iv,* .ney 1110 - &III:MINIM rough, pat an , to the dischtreonf matter from the lunge, and one them end the esAire 'Totem good health. - I defei red offering W. eardheate .tif now, for the parpoa opbeing gerfce...ne eatierted with the permanency eat* cure, and now itut I feel perfectly wall I offer it with please.. , Rim J. P. Josinun. Dublin bounty, N. C. harormaur Cannon—Rea& Rea& There is but w e genuine reparation of Wild Cherry, and that M Dr. DWartes, the first ever offered to the rnahlte, winch roe been sell largely throughout the United State, Mal so me mum of hkrope; and all pro. paratione calla name of ild Cherry have been pat out that thrs, under rover o f I.ll e deceptive cirmunstancea, ut order PAM. ...neer to their sales. By • little emanation, no person need mistake the mutate (rem Of false. ach bottle of the genusno is enveloped wit a beauti E ful steel engraving, with the likeness of Witham Penn thereon; also De. Swayne's signature: and to further &comity, the ' perusal of Dr. Dwayne will to added hereafter, so as us distingalah We peparalloo . rom all ethers. Now, Uit was not for the groat maims, properties and known virtues of Dr. nwaynel Comoeund Syrup of Wild Cherry, perms would not be endeavourer to Om ....el to' Malt ofiemieum nos. ems. by mcaltng the . frame of Wil d Cherry. Remember, always bear la mind the name of Dr. Swayne ad bo not deceived. Principal Wine, comer. of Eighth and Race ateeets, Pl A d L l Se h tjunuatale and. retail by OGDP.N . I SNOW DEN, t ear thl and Wood.sts; 11 A VellNEsTiicK & C o .e, suu. Woo and fith .d Wood sun Will TDORN, NI Market r S JONPU, led Liber ty /OS JONES, cm %Land and Penn sts; JUIN Y IIITCII. ELL, Alleghen., thy, and by all respectable dealers to Itle.ocild -- - Dr. Iv. P. Dawkins ?remittal Plaster. rk B. W. P. INLAND, of the Medical College bf Phil. if Adel pliin,aser oilers to tha pedalo him hull. Veg etable Premiere Plaster,' the qualities or mhieh,. after long and tried experience, has bents satisfactonly CS labile:led. To all Women who may be afflicted with Prolapses Mole Or Talton Womb, he recommends his ',hater, guaranteeing core and speedy mire la the short apace of from troop thee weeks, If applied with care and tess—ducarding all the to.l.l<sa HISIMMONtiI .Xpensive ,tquidages so long in use. Tina ha foals rohuleutions in Mating, Inasmuch as betas not failed in one ssan .of Ihr...hundred and fdit , three pa. ti Also for Rheetnatmin and Weak Breast or Back, at. tended 'rah pain, there 16.ne1/tins to eicel lids Pluto in allhalingenlief or effecting cure. • Foe rat by, I. Wilcox, corner of Diamond and Mar/mist Omen a Beller," Liberly and St. Clair ma Dr .1 Bargent Tederal aand Dimmed, Ails. Jet g cqVg:lV l ZO, " Beaman and Diationd Enemies. taq E - xTRAcr OF' COFFEE- art Which is ra- Mtg . coming man use *ma wholesome, nourishing soddening beverage, belog more pleasant and pal atable than gammon Coffee, arid far cheaper, 4.• smell paper csung only ven cents, will go as far as four pounds of Cope. Monafactured b S. MI Pittsburgh, Ps.' Sold wliolesale by II AR& ' OCK fr. Co, corner of First end Woodand binds and Wood streets, Pittsburgh. . . GAI;IPORNIA, ROBBER GOODS—Jost reeolved, 39 Camp :10 otbeer coats;• 121 , ra /tutus; 10 parrs nea lined Munn( Boots; 12 Istkotos Bags; 3 water. Tanks; 0 nd 12 gallons 50 canteens, gallon each; / dos a Buckskin Money each; Bel* 'I do Wed cambric do da Tao above goods for Sale at 'lna CULII !oral& Outfulng Establistunent, Nu 5 Wood at. - sada/ • J& II PHILLIPS 21. A PI,/ILS—Wroaglit Iron Anvils, from the Temper &ocarina works, warranted; will be constantly on band and applied to cyder, by • . y aa 4lEtI CAHIIIRAN,an Womt st gri pipes pes ItAland (11n; Desks N llltunt; • 400 - bbla Whikey; for sale by W MMI PCHELTRP.II IjILEACHINGPiitraWA-I—tre coals Museum lb IJI Bo brand, I impeller article, for saia by - soya 'IIIITCHELTRIIF: /iA::ll4pr. i . 1U tas l)llc6l4lrder 2 artiTnlmr tblp Uienbridge, .14 now P u . bY .- µV.YI.III I TAIELTILEE • N. E;4'.fug 'l2l Meer% 111 , 114 the .rota, large efOtWAS "1 DV''. T HE WAR WIT!! 2 , " q); by ELS. Ripley; II Elements of Rhatitriereompising 1n Analysis of 'the lams orAletml Evidence , And' of ree?assiont /Wham) WbatelY, D. Ift Fi~q.nn Bptl.t IV. Noel; hl • The Ogihries, • Sant • j Fairy Cale., from all Salinas; by Anthony IL Non Om; with 24 tilestration• by rloylai /ant reed by JOILNSP/I1 &STOCKTON, - dela - corner Tend and Market ISlteel - • New .ad Nlege. t Gift 'lA.:du QACREDSCSNIZ AND CHARAGTERS; - by I. T 1,7 Headley, with eleven original &mans by Darla). Poems and Prose Writings,. by ginhard H. Dans; naualin • IllantinaleA Gems oiSaered Patti e with ail Matra Dena engraved on eteel, by John Sartain. Just rer . ClrCti by JOHNSTON &STOCKTON, de22 earn. Third and Market sin, PIIYSICIAN AND PATIENT; or cl . raetical View of the mutant duties, relations and intern-ma( tbo Medical Profemlon rind tin Community; by Womb- Dimon Hooter, al. D. The Worts of hllehael Da ilfantalane; comprising his guars, Loners, Ji.e. By Wl:main:Mu. Nineveh and its Revraina. Austen Henry Lay- E..q, D. C. Olimpms of Spain; or Notes of an Unfinished Tout in ISO. By .9. T. Wallin. "Topper's Proverbial Pliflosophy, new edition; ill.- fated. Just received by JOHNSTON A. STOCKTON.' nor2l corner Market and Third stream E=l LOCKWOOD'S ILLUSTRATED WORKS—Mu minated Books—Dinka in richly ensued InndtriF Illuaunated and illortrated—llooes superbly bound m n imitation o V,l ti r indl i tale M Ar ' erfliit d s C' sr:Prnrr'dreAs, bean tidally bound in PolvetaudAldroceo' on gnifineudy or unmerited and Illomiliated. For sale by JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, deter linkrullor A Importer. Wood m. Ohrtatmas sad Nevulrear.Appiesoitlngi ELEGANT AND SUBSTANTIAL BOOKS, livlfragnijfatte Antique Biaingjor the Hi s. AtilUS D. LOCKWOOD, Bookseller rind Irdrr, ite 03 Wood meet, boa received • beautifitl eel eetion of Illestraird Books, bound la the most splendid man ner by the Lest London and Ameriminbindars—among them may be tbendi Pawls of Amen Yocum magnificently Murillo. W e Lays of the Wettt rn Worhti itittotinatedingold and re. IVocisworiti's Greccosi richly lihratrated. The r eacher, illataunual by Owen Joan, and °bad c carved wood. • a( Sou.; illoaddiged by Jones. d tbau Kindrtd Thodgbis; illominaisd by of Et halopenre; illustnated. son's Cltarneteristles ot Women; illostrx ode by JANES D LOCK WOOD, 03 Wood street I:==3 10 EDBVg Ntlit.Flrat Voyage, by Sermon hlellrid nothaVoNTypec," “Ornoo,” dc. Illotoryor King Alfred or England, ley Jacob Abbott arid. fine ornmayings. Sidonta the Sommers; by Wm. Neinhold. • - 3011mrrox & STOCKTON, corner Third and Menet emote "owe of the most Resoegthible "Works of the Age." XTINEVEII AND ITS REMAINS; wait an Recount .1.11 of er visit to the Chandrean Christians of tan, and the Vesials, or DreeiblYurableipers; and an !Natty into the Moaners mall• Arts of the Ancient As. syrtans. Ily Austen Henry Layard, Esq.. D. C. L. prof With Introductory Note by E. noblemen, D. D., I.L. D. Illustrated with 13 Flaws and maps, and 90 wood ems. 2 vois.b•o. cloth, sip. "The book.hair a rare amount of graphic, vivid, pin truemue unrourre "—Tnbutie. "The Work of Layard is tbe most prominent contri bution to the study of suniqulty, that has appeared for many r oare."—Chnstinq. "Not one excels In interertthe account of Nineveh and its Itau,s, eV.. by Mr. Layard."—Washington Well:genera "As we for is , the diggers with breathless interest In their mea‘ntions, 411,0 soddenly God ourselves ho • lore a malt a figure carved wall min,. weursoy, now Lining Jr, smsnue head from the dust of WWI years, WE alc ready to cry out with the imionished Anil., Wallah , it is wonderful, bat it I. true!'"—ltt . dependent. For sale by JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, novl6 AI Wood at EL=El==l Tit: WOMEN al me Old and New Testament. Edited by tipraguv, 4D. Ivol. Imp. Eva., elegantly honest; In exquintety finishedengravings; with dereviptiont by celebrated An:eerie. Clergymen. lIY MitEla A, (Mrs. Weltry, of Ky. 4 n (1151 V and enlarged edition: illustrated by engramny• from I;a n nt l attrg,t y ale and Gill Cooks. SE4El===ll TITS ISECIIANIC , sI ASSISTANT, adapted for the si..of Carpenters, Swpwrlght• Wheelwright, Saw yes., LanStones Students, •rSI Aro - tails generally . being a Siwalik!, and prmsleal Treat,. on Measure non 044 the Slidiwrllala Ily U. M. Kay., A. 51. licasee Treatise no Greek !'rose Compassion. Illmodoi laenteittary French Gramusw. Uy Fro! Ureene. of Brown University. I vol. Imes - . • . •• Koealiger`o (ieseAm. , Ild,r lir ()mum:tar, by Conant lieu.n.br.' Hebrew 14[21C041. • • Lonium. pt,ononntri and logarithmic Tablas. 01 ( o, <<P.) • The flngliattrain's Greek Ganeordanee. I enl.atat ha.l /Lathan', Classical ,cries: Wetandra Dietteruary, relined ed. ` I Tar.nen. do Co unalq.lged. I val. Co. Games Sole, and Quertitien on New Teetantent. Merely, latitte. Masarttat'. tiereuameal Gwen'. ] and '2 vats tr.hre t t Verunea et Crandon I sal lento. Mormn,among the insults at Gotta, I eel (cloth end fral.er.l Seen, Where dm Tempter has Maculae& I vet. relent, and paper.) }ogee'.Theological Lectures. I iraL Sea (01.15.1 Amer's Pronerntereg Iloyer's French Waltman% • nano Ilusyre. Fat tyl,b b R HOPKINS, uovl3 Abblie tluildarts, Fourth rt I\TEW kift:cd vvvri.:.• .111 Alontaigne, Wiled by Huhu, .01p1ISIRK 111. FAaaya. Letter, and Joaroey through Germany and 11. ly, .nab notes from all the Commentator., lliovaptt tom and Ibblingrapltioal Nobccs, az. Theory and Practice of 'Teaching; or, the Motive: and AirtbNl: of Goal Sybool.liceping, by David Play, A M., P.Unripal oche !Hate Normal tdebool, Albany, N. V. Uninb Forester's MA: and Firlting of the U. States H d :inns% Province: of NoriA Anierteci, by HenrW.ny erbert. JOUNSTON A tiTDC.ATON, none Darer, Third and Market at* I=! JAMI D. lAirIKW001), Bookseller, and Importer, No. Cd %Vt.d street, has for sale • taw copies cow pietr, ilhc remainder of the edltion,) of 111111 valuable votle devoted to the Prescfrallott of Documents, and otter zullmotle information relattne to the early en. plorattone, settlement mad claprovement of the conattry atOalld.the bead of the Clbla Hy Neville. D. Crabg, Esq., of Pi.tehursh, do it vols. evo. outdid J. n. LocKytrooD. t Y' ittletrilittrot ‘ it. ' 11;75 " th ue a i Ulm, Esq. Illurratal 1.214 twelve 22222222 m 22 eutcd Ram. 2 vols., boo., whifurth with Prescou2l Ilittettcht Jul published .4 fOr utte by JA2.I4S u. I...ULIKWOOD, llookseller and . Inoyp _Lonyanet. C. 3 Wood @ . . VANNInCiaIIZVIN ITALY; authormedealtiont J: 19no. 73 co. MILS.. FANNY NEMBLI:B YEAR OF CONSOLATION. °The reading of rots boot but impressed as with a mach higher apnoea of its author than we had brutal from perwirog her other sirloin's. It dtsplays a deeper to of itought,aniteo rOMPre pure wootaelg grace of feeling than any other prodection of the frmalit mind with which we are acquoititad..”--Eve. Mirror. It it a very agreeable odd readable boot, written In Fanny Eatable's beat onyte- 1 -bold, spirited and enter taining. We recommend it to oar readers as the best publiciroon Of the seosonftetallng Oat. -It contains the Journal of a travel through Europe, and =tide..e to indft and; is one of ttro pleasautest rod mast utteresting boots of the season.*--Cour. end Enquirer. book. We iliac' read it from lopOon with' unabated interest A al fe w Roma.; to all rupeeni emlneinly iekerbaaker. _ . A very chars title pogo to Col. vld, picture or h J&MFS D LOCKWOOD, Dook.ellet & Importer, dJ Wood 0 Italthogrfiablo Ustabllalimeak • OF WM: SCIIIICIIMAiSIN,Third at, opposite tho MU -Office, Rittsburgli.—blvs, Landscapes, Bill. heads, 1111o,vbilla, Label*, 11foluteetual and Machine Dr. ..a, nosiness and Viaitlag Cards, OF nrata, R on atone, and ' , doled Irt, coin.. Gold, !fouls br 111. k Ifflhe moil approved aqle, 'ol the'nioat roononablommin. • •• K1.411/1 Ull —33 key for an. by ' WICK fa. 111,1ANDI,1 S ULM/ R—allbbls Family Pious, for sale by JL: del? WICK fAIciI&NpLESS fur IiTrON 11AlitS=4 bb!. for 'sic y 111. del? J U CANFIELD CIIEAP. MOUS. DE LAINS-3 cares good style, (on colored Id. do Odor, at tho eirrensely low price or lie. per yard. AA lErlditEg CO, del4 I No Gil ?Milk. at KliYll riarltidts. t.Tok.acallde..e,e 6 " Pino. rric ipples; 3 hers; 3 " Faramborriati 3Totoatcear " 3 turlf gal. bottles Pleklos; " quart 3 " laucy do. Reed and far sale at 'eltra Tea Stare, Founh erect.' dcol6 • rti - Vi.bit:i3VliiiiiCTialori:glT --- Lt, deli ma II JUIINSTUN.III Second nu DECLIVHD Twa D&Y w we India /WV. De -1.1 pot—l ease Wootentsaletallie Runbernanilals; S topers, 5 0 ' tt Buskins; :nippers; Overshoes; " Sandals; 1 Miemeo I u Men% 1 . . " le. lad " Overshes; All of which will be said; wholesale or retail s /owes than at any house in the city. J [lll , - . 1 No Co Wood street DEM.EU I•EACHES-5 Obls just rec . ‘l, tut ma. by dell !7 s W lIAHIIAL'Ii 11 'OO DtwfdasT-sib ry for isale by aclt , W H lIUTTEII-13 bbbi sod ya ,err, pocked, in prima II order for slopping, fur isle by 1. 8 WATERAIA QUI/A ASkt—toi colOrot to or Tor IrOtiiititt, for 0 Mile by TASSEY tiEsT 111-iirk Wit/JOING-10,balea large oil - el - WObettor Jug toed by 011.{ 1 / 4 CKLEIT O. WHIM, No DO Wont ti__ V utters, extra trunutiust,rre'll ezp res., dedt A AMASON lc CIYS s UNDRIES—o baldCouoto 4e bbla No I Lord, 44 bags ' , eche.; 1 ileren ° IR Fuck* Wool; r - . • 0 doz Lamb Skin., ye'. wool;; 3 don Sheep ekbis, -. 0 ', 3 do, " I , nretaid; 1 To artiva na Warn. Pon Tin, nod for built lei 4414 ISMAJE eTDISk & '3l,,PrOal at fiIINSENGI-- ,Illags Clarified , for ealo by i s, .lel7 WICK tr. ur.ceivialLess • oacta pnmo,' for eatle by j. 'doll Vir.l3l6 MOAN -119.91- Tiat.) , SE VuVEKS--6lipm }Jute tlor•e 11 Z4TllCir.ttrctil7l:jcliaT deAr - :" "" .V.:11 PM Ullrl bbl .tore antrfor - • - . J KIDD& CO .12 Lads jost , 7ll'd ltEld foiriggia TV E LP ETh sabinet wlllg u eue • ahla E-D• ,glore; titichanu, for 11 Me Canvniflt4tt ha All km. .MILTVIBKRO _ --- ' ''-'7-- 'TROOP - '`- • '''' ; ' 77- ' 7.2 ~' . : i..', ' ?l, ' ;'l'-;- , 7 ,' :;, ' , 4 , ; -'o;c.=-'4;&=.4-.:-,:‘:-. , ..,,,-,,... ... , P . '.7.i , .•...: ,-f.'' ''; ; '' ! '''' ..::: ' . : . '" - '7 .-: '. r .' ; ; ;. ! ..-5, :7 - - .: -' , : - '.1.F.'•" .,1 , 1 ;Z.' - .' - ;: ., ''':. -- ..•'_:','.;•7, -. f'-'t :.::'-':._-;'.:,- Als.a & sox", u•iagsx!,,x NOTEZ,DRAFTO,ACCEPTNCYAGOLD,BI I :O3L AND BANK NMl's. • OOLLECTIONS.—Dronei Notes and Aereptances payable in any past of the union. eau tad on dumps* tamable terms. -4 , ,XCLIANGEots -Nair Iterti Philadelphia and Bal timore; also, CincimuiSti,LAtasetliey Dam loots and New Orleans, consually for sala • DANK NOTED.—Notaa On all4elvent banks in the United states discounted at tbe Lowest rate. All tin& of Forelin and American Bold and Sneer Coln bought and 06ea No. 53 Market street, between 3d f hb, a - gh.ra. • • „ Possum amouision. 'pawl bbutand, Deland, and Scotland beaght any amount at Us- Gwent Rates of 11==. Also, Diana payable In soy plat of the Old Alm „t 1 to fatixa, al the rabli el BS 10 Use; t titteektAr without dedaction or dueottat, by JOSIRIA ROOM S ” , Ed"oPann and °canal Agant, diets Bth at ordt door oust aflame& • —• • • ; oetlatt aline atutas in id i coWalta man 'BANilnFForoju 054 xaB AND Eanastio o f BRf XacO ng al a r titOß% Otcates of Dc Billatuo• Deposita, Dank Nowa and Coin, comer of 3d and Wood streets, directly opposite St. Charles !to tal. W---,4344/5/524618D 144723a1l • I . p arc based at Ohs lowesz istaa, by • • N. HOLM® & . . tpazzar iracaportuc - r g itisianiii7 .u* Ner York u.uup Co.mntlY 'COPT 2%. aciLmEs sore. sepl3 Mutat MISCELLANEOUS; Dealings* Curs. froto the Tien York Tribune. , . A FRIEND, w hose ward Is most rellablo, and who /1. has.no possible lowest Is the matew, buta of graitudo, dunes os toss" limbo his hese of "Welt ISte deafness, by the ascot. Bcanra's Co od Acoustic OiLo svPhiladelpitia me t h inks which is not for sale in this eiry,bat which ho thinks ought to be, tor the good of thnitfdicted._,Ne has a sister who ban also been eared by It, .ffe - urgeitay, Odriscs ho assafferins;om de abtess,lo try this remedy, with an. assaranco anteSs the saw Ito entraOrdiMm7, the! experiment wi proye ationdantly_suceessrul. For sale at ' THE PMNTEA STORE, tabs - 7a Ponrik Pittsbargh Combs! Combat 20 GROSS super Polka; 10 do do nary fine; SO u , ileVd Reddlov . ~ 11 u upor English Horn Reddlog 8 u " Poeta Combs; 300 u ' u weed 14 I 1000 do: need b - me 17 . 1 1 30 41 Shall/31de Co • • 1 10 . " roper in Bono; 'ffXlgnias sea Side Comlng reed and for sale by; lebS , , C YEAGER. I Alaaket at ! Boa' Holland? Mar Holland! ' 'VASE NOTICE—That W. IdeCllntoaas h dayl received several cues of the finest 'and best 'Bac Window Holland; awaken be would mast respectloltr call the attention or bl." enatenurs and the public /a; general. • 117• Carpet Were leonine, ZS Fourth td. ADZ =tM A 071. Tory fine GUlTA3tirt teed from ihrir, ..de by lona Ai% 131 4h"orTdlo!" ==l .• el 8 T I L E I C . ° 7:II!=gdZSIZ:ii i ; ' ; ' ,V. "4 Mitchell'. Ilibhcal and Sabbath Belt Geosnipbn a 110,1 work; 1 vol,l2ino. Town's AoolY•to ood Life of John Q. Adams; by Wm. a &mord; 1 rol, qato; snusbn 'Poems by Mrs, Ilemans; I mob Barn mullmet. i Soeth's Sermoss—Retsionspresebed upon several! oessoinso, by Robert Bosib,p. D.; a sass edition, A stli7; Including Pontius:taus DUICOUISC.. ; ause-1 vols. in t.g sheep, extra; era For Me by B. HOPHINIS, tebil Apollo Buildings, Fourth et. EACiLS VOUNDEL4 lolnl NICTIOUIOIII W. a. ealflW ; /VIII: undersigned, successors to Authors lc Niael, I son, beg leave to inform the citizens of Pittsburgh!, ud pablio generally, thsithey have 'rebaih -the. EA, Ful.lfsawav and are new In foil rteerlaim, hod! hue pan of their patterns ready for the market—t Amongst which are Cooking Stoves, Coal and Wood' Stases, onth a splendid airtight Coal Stove, orliteh isi now auperceding In o th er eltios the common spud' Stove. Also, • eicap coal Cooking Ito., well ads,p; ted for small (m1142,151°1 a fall amottment of com, mon and mantel °taloa We aroalA .particalarly! site the attention of Reruna bailding to call at oar; warehouse before purchasing, and examine • splendid' article or enmamelled Grams, finished In Inc style—l entirely new in this market. Wuchour., No. lel Liberty st, opposite Waal si augstSidtl NICHOLSON PAYNE. ! _ F 44,44 0t0:f.,),ti1.it:),•1.4, YEAGER, Importer and Wholesale Dealer I. C FANCY AND VARIETY GOODS Sign of Me Gilt Comb, 109 Market et, Pitribergh,PA.: Westete • Altriehante, Pedlars, anta where vatting Pitribergh t. pniehase Goode, are tespeetfally Invited to call and examine the tattiest° Geo:Mout of fish, American, French and GOMM. Fumy Goads: All Foreign Gaited* at this tritablialtmetri are Mout-, ed direct by myself, surd purchasers 131.14 y• Oa got-: neatoo from first haffis. I have the steesotti mOf artiolte, the variety line, e city G. l'itribergh—all of which will be Gad 1011/ for cash or city aceeptencee. Tim Stack conslau, to part, of Lure Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons. - Fitt Crams, dhostand Patent Threeds,Sewing Silk; epoot Comm, trisperiders, llauems, Pins, dies and Cutlery. • • . Gold and Silver Watebes, Gold Jewelry, all told-sot Litn.hos, Comb. and Rasa t. Percussion Caps, Rovolsers, Pistol., Clocks, Silk is Omen Purses, tycetosies, &eel Pons, JAW. Bosom; csaa n li r F s and Baskets. • • todulgs and Trluoallig.. Toys and Fatal , Uorel.; together with 1. large vale. ty Fancy uld Staple DRY GOODS. C. YkletiElt is aka agent ler Uwe...kerma Lan.' eager Comb.. , Great guys Dab lisimediry F . OR Coutths, Cold% Asthma and Gensareptionl The, GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY for the care °Mc above diseases, -is the HUNGARIAN BALSAM UV LIFE, discovered by the celebrated Dr- Meehan, or London, Faglend, and introduced bun the United Sums under the immediate superintendence of the inveraoZ The extraorilnary wee. , thia medicine, In Ht.' , cure of Palsoonary diseases, infants the American Agent in soliciting for treatment the Worst possibbs ca.• nes that can be (hood in the community—eases that seek relief in vain Ram any of the oononon remedies of day, and have been given up by the mostll:4 physicians as manned and incerable. Th,= ofßalsam has cured,and etre, the meat _..erau,. of eases. 11 is no quack nostnun, bat a standard Dv.' heti medicine, of known and established efficacy. ' Every family in the Coned States should be supplied' with Bechan's Hungarian Balsam of Life, not only to. counteract the consumptive tendencies of Me clime be: to be, used as a preventive medidine is all cones ol• colds, coughs; Spng nf blood, paha the ode and; chest, arritation and soreness of the atags, lune/tins,: diSeulty of breitiing;hee.rtio fever, night imeats, contd. ationand generalileinlir4 ' aithroz, Induatma, whooping cough and croup: Bold in large betas, at ti per . hoofs,' with tau dim, bans for the restormion of health. Pamphlets, containing a mass of English and Amen.' eon eet?ifientee, and other evidence, showing the nri- iibenore—.madeonttie .d most fashionable , Rmpetterau and colors. Also THE CHEAP ROLL or Bosrord ;SLUM, au heath or made to order ef and ptiem. -. ' . Country Met cheats and others are :naiad to oall and I ersmine the above for Memsolvee,as all will be Iola• • wholesale or retml,and a Ilbaral degeotten made to wholesale bertha/an. coldly - A WEITTERVELT TUE lITAU OP TUE %POST . A*.YEOMAN BUNOMINITACTO RY • . East aide of the DlOnandi thereVenettan• Mb& of all the different sises sad ealen! am keptoa hand or made to order albs the latest and etest approved Eastern hat, • . ions,at the shorter 12611C11 wet on the mea axonabie term. Also, tho cheap Boston roll or. split Mad, , fancy and Paper Cattail:la of all the dirt:tern aims and: patterns,. laud mid far We lota foreash... Old Veld.. on, Winds painted over and repaired, taken In part; payment for mm. R Wk=Ell. ELT. Prop?. •N. 13 —All arms door with thfrhast material and: tiorktatutablp, and crummad to. plaaia the meet laa i Mott.' ' " Allegheny car, lag. 10, lettk S ' ELLEREP INPERLAUCOUO STltUP,TAiima's NuT unto Lax • rtrrannten;hiarch 97, !NZ: Mr. R. K Itere—lnjustice l o o yo u aud you nacos. Peruble Cone+ %Ton, (beg leave to atalt for the ben• etit of the community, that my wife hoe boa sorest doles uttllcted with a most duo:easing cough. I pur chased, hi tannery last, a bottle of yoe r.kly ran, whielt cured a conga Of two mamba' standing...Alma' one notalt since, the cough returned, audwen so sailer* that she could hardly move from .weaknosa la the er,,asti sent for ono bottle ory•ur .Coegh gyrop;all - 1 a part of Ono . bollle cured the cough !gave the other to a hiarneyntart who was macaws , altlieted,, who had, ase Ida own words, t'eatert enough cough candy to care elf 'the people 10 tittahursh,u If the candy had Ueon as good so reOrettantod, . • Ir ours, mpectfolly, ' Attest. 11. Kam. Prepared and sold op R. F. SELLERS, 37 Walla stout, and sold by Engem generally In the two dale ALLEGIBLENT VialleClAßl BLIND, . AND CABINET .WALLE.T.OOM., I. 4. LISOWN weeld respest , cep, at Ll. u.ndOn the arestside of the sheay city, a templet. assort. soma ofPennies Blinds; Ve nitian Shatters are mule or der to the best style, warrld egnal to nay the United S tate . s Ills /Studs can be removed leslt• out the kid or screw 4,1'0. Haile; purchased the steel, topla, apo WOad cabin-Met.' tabliskikant of Sammy& /Mel . land, am prepsired la Walsh their old 'osmium-114 as welt as the pubiic at i litre, with every thing In th Mr hpe. AlteheY, Na h Weed street, Yitvoar . £ ,_kur . • Tula ice d , ano,lp : a plain Boacwoodd oat. Plass' el from the. ; celebrated. manufactory of SUMS & Clerk, N. V.iotaapkrier tarteAnd yezy_mosterkte deta ~..*:lLLEJlEWokwitolls,'-':.. 1h 711.14 ANS , IVORY PiaRI...TOOT/1 rOWDER.,. V V fer reneevaag, Tbrter, , Octal% (Sulker, bad ad tubstenses destree uve tbe Teeth . , It is delteiotai he thole, eleen.des• the mire* biallat add et:imitated., brg thbvtuds, and verifying'the breath, , For sale,vbaleable and retail b v deld RRSPI.L , • UTATCHTES I T•*CHEAPEE. THAN EVER I T T.jast Teed, m InTolno fall jearellnl patent h od Wardle., •18 tarn. Ana taws,' Inlet I tan mil as taw m nutty mi thirty imAollan, and ararranird to 6 Weald amortoreat - ormvEraY, tom • ptialm the mita and latest and best pasterns. • ' W. WILHONI Waldman:sand lavotar, • zi0n1tg.14.411144 tIgCPMtYF MN% . _.._~:xisx. y~ _ - - • O. W. SIDDLZ. REMOVED 11, • 3.• tuft 'nary brie[ 114• •• • K i n rdthfie t td street,""one door below Erec Teeth rh=l“," ut u entire net, teethe 'Elkin prineiplo; wuh a b t ... T r h ru e l=r the newel ,. N 11.—Znelh eitrtosted Co no pale, nun D—T.4 lletb v=;:„..^2 gTtt l i P eltar ring ai. though it shonld tee done in fire ednete QT. Itently,. InT= GINSENG , PANACEAI:. "110 T110:1F. BUFFERINO• WITII. DISEASEM j LUNGS.—The — enpreeedented esteem whieh headed the age of the . . ; . a all the 'Various (onus latch Irritation o rth* indtl4`ll=ll traletced .the proprietor eirslo tall amm. tioa tes this WONDERFUL PRFINIEATION. Ifs etsagable apaches which masks oar AD mit whims months, is always a (might sasses at. ; COLDS AND COUGH& - • If nerlseiegi; ire bet the preclulors at 0u ._ IW de4'3"7"' cceompriort The 'pardon, them, how dual we nip the nnuensi,,, the bee lans . shil l we pt clear ol ear snick, surd olds? la of vital itoporuume to the Public. • TAR GREAT AND ONLY REDEEM win be fond in the airmen Dane-ea. In proof of Ws we have from tome mtune ea ftlehed the nu:Mines of donna of our beat known e.nons, who have experi enced its motive powers. These, with a moos of in OMNI' from all pout of the entannry,---ftron MEDICIAL MEIN OF THE FIRST Moisten of the Gospel, AA, together with emplon no' Ices from the JOURNALSDAY, we have embodied in pamphlet forta, and map be had fretio.ej ileYg l ir i gge,Lt i nt o ttiro, ol i3 m 3 it the coition' : have been need In this • TfIOUSA.NDS• AND troND OP THOUSANDS threagbeat the United States and Duna, Wane sin log e anyl' AitiLE "a llt3TANCE ' fit reigt " tad Dawn fus.l1 1 111. sa dir." l:4 l ri f •n, ftlltd to . :.16trzta. A PERFECT OVA!. Why, tiei, need the" licia badtitst "Why mart to ttu inissrablisOCUlZlMM sedan op by Unit , 01•11 hnthlld• nes o, lar the v... m.d as= of unas co 'bested Ay deism, sad puffed into =today by certificates pi pot. sans squally antsso. nt , Whibit.a medic/nip of . .• UN.PAB•T ri) EFF/CACV Is to be had, whom vonehem am at hometr—Oar ntlelts _ . bats,—many of whose it has - • - . SNATCHED FROM THE GRAVE. , coder that this inralaabla medicine may berplatifid within the math of.tha porn as kris rot the price at ONLY WITTY ON,NYNs imrt one half the tomateast of cootsmedietnea nis MTaala bloottapromist nearly eters town and 'Ulna tmcc Mc wen, who are me_ptired to Five fall informa -1 deo talstbritts It . T. SALTI,R, Proprietor'. . . Broadway, Cineirmadro., 'IIOI'ALLISTEII ,I B .OINTMENT CONTAINING N 0 MERCURY,orotherhfin • :; 1 •7111 . ° WEI:Vet' • 80 " AS, SCROPULOU . f3 • / HUMORS,. sitiN_Dls. • 4 • •..EASES, POISONOUS -• WOUNDS o_disehmto patrrmatem,and en hea them. lt lota cifhl termed . A LL-LING.... for • • ease external or eel nterati; i •. . that it will. not benefit. . - I halos Seed it Ibt tfio . kl.ll daises yews for andlassass noi th o ohs., i o o o lolog the asolost danger sod nospobill , g, sad I deebso before' helms and man, Matron in ono the his e Wad to ftnelt whert tbe, gateatmastrithh2 the read, of mortal =cum , I have hed Physitterhi Lima in the profession. I have ministea of the gospel, indflll of tbe hatch { al dermen, lawyers, SWUM Of OD highest erudition, sad remilitedem of the poor use it in every variety. 'et mum end therm has been but ono voice—one universal 18 voGlt. e OO iginir7ohI'ALLLIEJTER YOUR OINTBUZPIR p!” • - 111filfitfAllf311-11 mums almost itnatadlalcrY the inflammation and swelling, when the pain sew. the directions emend tee hogl , - r • D-ACIIE.—The salve has cured parsonnpf the Lead-ache of twelve years stooling, and who had ii Zrl nowt, reit 17E, t i r rk i ( WEV P ATF/tt asetiod with likesuccess.-- ' SW .llllE&D—e have eared camas that actulV des 'seven , thing known, as well as thunekillty of N ome -0 twenty datum. One elan he ed; s he had spent Cu on his Children withon•nall when It fit. , sates of Ointment cured them. • • TETTER-There Is nothing bolter for the earit et Ihrit.NSL•ll le ox. or the be= thing. in the Warta for Sams. PlLES—Thonsanda are yearly cured Oint ment. It arum fails in giving relief for the Piles er Aroma the box are dlrettions for airing MtAl. /Lamle Orommujor liver Complains, W, how, CASSUirt, Scold Sore Eya QMary, Smorkrook i c i oultisniNAtlna , yhe. tau etas Head nelsOurkest,Dealieco, Ear arAe, Bum, Come, Diseases ,e/fAI Skin, Sort Lips JVa,&rake of the Linter, Sens, ILlauaegtims, tetrY,Fseerirp, Smeller er Atoka Burst, Smut Itlf.el.lT—Lrertotrialol." . P.M thumps and Side, fallUje *Sof the, or the other mumps, del cold feet Mat Ointment is the tree remedy) ,It lea sore alga of diseue to have eold feet, • • , RNS,Oceadooll use of the o f will al ways keep torn. from glowalir. People ' need henry be troubled with them I/they e rg frequantly..., co- This Castmera in rood for arg put of the body_ r ee k e d. when inflamed.' In - sonie eases it Uotihr be. CAUTION-1.10 Ointment will be /ended-sanestl4m name ofJAldllh3 MeAI.I.ISTER is written m p h l e a on ever/ tabeL . • , • - For tale by my Atits i n . ill the principal . eldei ands towns to the tinned Mate. JAMES aketaaark#,.. - , Sole Proprietor of the above medicine. Proudest Mee, No North Third sweet, .delphia. - PSICEif CENTS PER BOX. damns as • Prteratoran—Brno & Relreri conies of Liberty and St Clair it .d L Wileor,Jr,corner of Market at and the Diamond, also corner of atit and Smithfield str; I II Cassel, earner of Wabratar4 Peter Jaz, 6111 ward; and sold at the bookstore in Staithichl st; 94 door from Second in; 'hi Allegheny city by H P Schwartz and .1 /3atica4 by i tiStnith. Onsiosha,His salaghawy D Healey, East Liberty; Ibitowfink lireesport; J Itlezindbr & Son, Monoresakela City N 1.3 Bologna & Co, and J_T Rotten, Utownarillef John Ltstkley Bearer, Pa; RIO wholesale wet. Valeta frit the Patine. ' le relation se Mar narivalled faxtely:Salves, , DALLEVII MAGICAL PAIN- EXTBACTO6' . rIPLYTIMONY. of a respectable Yhysleiam—rend We folhrwriae, addressed le my 36ent,h1r. F. hkr--- ryweather, Mum:matt: ' • • . Crxentaam, Feb. I2,lgdia.. Sin ksense of day eompela me - to give in, tribute to Dailey% Pa. Extractor. :Being 'opposed to quack- . err and all omtrams baring for Wit object sinister motives—but to:alleles mach good from the. ."Ring of- Pain Rillersn—l ant induced to tender you this earda caus. I have noels hemp family, in my practice, and with all - the happy and wonderful effects that could possibly be imagined • H..J. BitooralL D.- Dr. fondle Is the senior partner of Brodie & Levi, . • /4froorrodory 'Hinussatinsn The (allow ing testimonial conics from a scarce M miller to many of those traveling en our Western wa ters.. Mr. , GLiarie, the wall and favorably knownme prietor of the Parkenburg Hotel, is husband to the lady whose letter I annex t , .Passarranins, Va , April 1.3,16111. , To. Remy. Dalley,Chernist. ke.—Sin 'Having for , • merly been' long afflicted with violent inflammatory - Rheumatism: which appeared so firmly petted gave. ' defy all ordinary appliances to allay the severe Pain.. attending h, I was induced to try your as Pain. Extractor and it bavinreflected, almost as if by mv. gip; ar.lnietheliate relief,. and also, to all appearances. an entire en perfect core, I am m inced forth, bene... fit of other& wbo may be aMieted with pain, mated by any kind of inlommatlon, to.write to you, .declarior that In my opinion, founded on actual experience yessliftioal-Pal4 Extmabor is l e most valuable dis covery of the present ago for dos immediate. extraction, of bodily pain. It is an almost Immediate' and - a per fect cone for Burns and bealda and all ememal in 1ta.15161.1101. slaving many acquaintances foneed by rapt deli. . at my bagmen:Ps hotel in this place, I have supposed by year Mowing them them tow lines, it may pOSSibl./ be of benefit both to them and yourself. Dentertaln the hope that Xis. Blithe will pardon the publicity I give to her letter, as well en the'. score of huntaidty as alas being the sweet mode of briegiag it to the notice other friends.—lL Dath.er.l . /Wow Cured Estniet of a letter, dated • ' -..-. • utheo.vr, BNov. V, Leta. PI, IL Beller have ß t ri ed yet, P aid ratractor in II case oilcloth in thy 01•12 Gmitywhich-it relieved .- • endeared in a very. alien that." in h.IIS 15". re.. spectrally, • • Jo. Ai. YoUrra: , Err Barna and Scalds, PUes, lierc Nipples, Broken, Dressy Erapuone, s em. , Cos, Wounds, and all in- . gatereallott, yields middy tome wonderful propertici , of this unweaned family salvo. ilth, ht the seam pro- portion that you will receive Leacht (oho the genuine„ • you will be Injured by the drdeterious checie•'of the counterfeit salves. _ - • CAUTION—Iie sure and steely why to the ineedi,„--- 11. 'Uttar, 415 Broadway, New York, or to hts an- . • thenzed agents. . - : 01114 / 1 1ORGItN, Gen J ral Dope+, Phtsburgh... • Henry P. Schwartz, Allegheny, Agsuu Wheeling, V.; /awes W Johnston, illaysville, Ey; F. Merry usalher, Metal:mu, 0, General Ditad. o.—ln the severest Burnt and Scolds it egtws6l7 the pain in a few minutes—is never CURE. FOIL NVOILU.S. • • P B. A. AUNICATOCH 9 I3' irgtlidfatieUGE w man.. attnNtz anturta. TN order to afford .all possible accority mete public, la well as to themservesi against eland .4 trope. anion from ddaludrre-igngt Preprieton have made a change in the eZt.Mr'reerapper or table of their Ver. edema. The new labeloshinh ls Angel engraving of ' the 150.1 exquisite design and workmanalip, hu been tatioduced at • very great expense. and is from the .• brain o( an artiste[Metirsitaleut. The deeigu and the extended elaborate. - Several figures and a. portrait am meal preedneuti bat the - word *Tun:, organ printed in white letters on a red and finely, ete , - geared ground, `Mould be particularly' ersouned—.• When held no to thalighl the letters; .shatturet of , the , letters and every line, however mum; throughout the, whole of this panat of the engraving match as era., as ;1 the nnyrcsonintd bitera,Mad 7 e ape* ea* aide en— ly, although it is &enmity printed on bah sides of thei paper. Teas abould in all ceaca - be obtelyed, -- A , lna bet upon each dos. is also printed in red upos both sides, and should be examined in the same sestina. Tea preparation .has now mood the test of many years trial, arid - n tainfidently rev...mended . a Mao and dr.dtddl d.ndiente tat expelling wanes from the Splent. the eirenuapled *access that boa attended ate cane where the patient we. really rained with aroms, certainly residers it worT thy tho attention of phymet.s. . The proprietor has made it a point to ascertain the easels of its tae-in smab moult os came withirtJdo knowledge and observation=and he loeariebly foiled it us prWatiethe Mom salutary inlochs—oraketfrateMb ty afere nearly all the ordinary 'preparations recd.- mended for warren had.been previously named bd.. llBBrdutran) , Inirement_ This-fact 5005 tested by the certMeatu and statements of banslntele of respeetalihr pent.. In different parts or the conf,:. try, and *tumid induces' faihiliea slumps us torpawee of the preparation in their possession. Ills mild islet - operahon, and nay beedramistered with perkelso. o ! ty to the most delicate infant. The only genuine la prep.. by . - - . . B A FAUN LSTOCY, • Ottil 15171111 P.--Prom lit7ll.llOdeet 1 -7 EMI., clef ei•h. :oat of Quarter ,fdessimn!. Beaver Colin dlr. It. P. Sets • —II Same time in the irtuteirrt vette was adlieta erne a wvem and distreming coegfir and hemring.if jeneatiralaahlii C.atigh .Syrep, I Pa` abased a bottle pset S. T. Trimble, of Bridgewater , and after toeing a ;mnion of it two or three eveniate. an Being " In bed, the fogad istamiliabe tw irl,, 'WO? severe riende have been relieved In tevere mues s ma therefore eatielet that It fa saiki and vandals medicine, and would recommend It b those WO mat be afflicted with scamp Coughs and Gads: March ft 3,1843. . BODM Prepared tad said bp Q. E. MYERS, Sif Wood _l l l. maul saldlmdragglayksenepalp, fingbiugh and Al i ' 90131
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers