--TELEGRO'. BigleOsTßO & TRIAIROL/LegRIF FOR THE Pl* fiBURUH DAILY GAZETTE oolsozuceszosau W=thoma4 Mireb 4 Lithe Bono", btr.Diekinton presented a memo tial from a Coovention of Inveatas, whine a modiGcation of the Patent Liam, aced panied by a draft of which he Wear ezOlaincO• Demerara petitions were presented and refer. . In the Hen Mr. Jackson', elected in place of Mr. King. a ared and'wu called riPa. PPe . andtook his se . Mr. Doty d the lipase had given him the Privilege, a Gras days ago, to send to the Commit. tee of the Whole on the State is( the. Clain, a bill containing all the objeela embraced in his resole dons, lastractrag the Committee on Territories to bring in a bill Sr the admission of California, with her present bov.adaries. He, therefne, voald withdraw his reseentide, having Os desire to priis Mr. McLane moved that the Homo go late Committee of tee Whole. . The House went into Committee of the Whole' dismissed the Calitomia message and adjourned: M thp &paha Mr. Call:ma's speech, was He says, 'Justice mustbe done to the South or 'the Union will be inevitably diuolied.. He fur. Hier says neither Hr. Clay's compromise, nor G... Titylor7sicommetlations will do, and eannoi preserve the Union. He thinks the than now in great danger, and windsas by saying that unites something be damn to satisly ‘ theSMith regarding' the slavery question, more than has yet been sr( - mud, the Union moot be 4 ii..iVer./.. He tepee the South will haulier 61bn/secured and this ea.: lunity be arrested. The speech goes into various dry details, bet this ta thetnaln idea and Rebalance of it: lat the close of dm ameash , the Senate au., Wan:ll4m, March 4. C Mr. Calhoun's speech wan read by - Mr. filuen, in tke Senate, to day. The lines being oat of order, vu the reason why it wunot sent yester- Mr : Calhoun commences by elating that there is danger to the Union. and trace, the, prognms of discontent to the South. :00 says it is nett., re cent, bat or elow and patient growth. Hi Still Anther traces thardiatmatent to thi . seuled-belieb that under the present state or things the Siang cantiot, with honor and safety, remain id the Unton—snd again, he demeta the begin china belief; in the long continued agglesskm of the . 'North. He takes the census or 1790 and -IMO. nail sheers that the equilibriiim between the North sod the South has been destroyed by the Inreik= . ranee of the Government; end then lays down', three modes ie which this goverimental peals,* Lew been accomplished. He !Ltd chews that the, South has been cm:toiled Pons all interest In Territories common to the Union. Secondly, That the adoptionwr a system of ree venue and embossments ruinous to the Scutt., have been forced upon the country. taking away . an 'indite proportion of the proceeds of the litonth.r. and imputation upon her unequal =Maim Mr the benefit of the North. Thirdly, Ho charges that a astern of political =names boa been cherished, that has changed the original character of the federal compact—anti next proceeds b show !tom lt le thai the. equi: !Arline bat been dmareyed, and. the solidi power cern:Wired io a sesnemal majority.. Ha refers tirst to the cinilnanse of 1937, by the result of the provisions of which, the North necks to be 'the nikr of three fourths of the territory. • . From this be punt to the tuff and madam:, sure; and ton general survey of natterspertan.. ing to protection, and concludes thin division of change in the original chancier of the Goren anent, by usening, that instead of living us • re public,'we are swayed wholly by a' ational con.. solidated Democrsey. The Government has as' zoned powers-fad as intakes!" of sections an not one, therefore there springs op - hostility bei tweak the North and the South. , Mr. Calhoun hero entersupon full details of the history ef the abolition movernint. lie adverts to the opPowition to the right of petition on slavery toiden and lollows can the natural results of the . agitation, till he finds it endingin disunion. From this point the bin which bound the Matta tooth. or are , surveyed Church organizations. and brotherhoods are examined, and the Whence of agitation upon them deputed.: The Untie then becomes the chief theme Land with no sparing' voles, be 'lovingly declares the unroof the loco of Union in the hearts of those 'Ube carry en the agitation, and alludes to Washington, and the Xs. Isolation of the colonies Gum the mother country. The nest stap in his discourse is devoted to. wards the plan of the administration. Mr. Clay. is warmly waned Ile draws the datierticin line between the Wilmot and Executive -Proviso, sod counts, In no slight measare, the r..tovements to wsrds the cannuuctlon of s State oat of entrants. HeOpposes the admission of that State, and cite precedents. att.:once:ides with an upped m Seo• non, upon their dutles—iatimiting that the ad. minim of California well be intficisat evidence of the fatale intentioned the North * and will enable the South tosdopt such a emcee as veil_comport iiiih - ber bona sod safety., ' This is but ■ 'emigre skeleton of ths.body el the speech. The hesllh of bile. Calhoun is such, that be eau scarcely recover. Ha loop era diseased, and ha has bade severe stink of influenza. In the Rosso, yesterday, the Presidents fomis Mews. 1721 di sourst 3.f., WAsitirTox, March 5 Hoora—The,Hottie, to day, ex* up the mita. Intlotivaptiring the Seeretary of the Navy to pm; chase Aineticari Water Hotted Hemp. listened to the Committee. on Naval Attain. A message was mortised (rem the President, transmitting the correspondence between the t3emetary of State and the Meath Minister, Mr.: Delwin. Among other duns, it remonstrated pins an increase of doty on hon. The menage end novo:181)0411race were referred to the COM . mitten on Foreign Attain. • The House then Went into committee of the whole on the President's California Message. Sanars—Toe Committee on Facets intimated skis morning, that It .weittld not renew Mr. Wood: - wonh's Patent bra Planing Machine. , A bag discnnsion between Foote and Calteinn, *wive to the speech of the teiW yesterday. the Senate thee resumed the considention of alite Pmaident's California Message, Mr. Banat baring the bor. _ • BANK DEFAIIi.TEIL Ow. J. Bullock, Cashiel . alike Savannah - Beak, Own* bsa thscOnded, taking with him a bine amount chummy. Five Manama dollar' reward V °Tared for . his apprehension. ' DESTRUCTION OF, STEARIERS. , New Yoss,March 4. A ire thu evening destrvied the iteem boats Clartet Oek and Mies, at the Dry Dxk. UNION MEETING IN-BALTIMORF.I. 8A14=014 Pd.agh 4 Au taunters Union Meeting vu held in Montt me& t, Equals to sight Ten 'tb:rosena persons wer e , yonsont. The Mayor 'presided. Various • , ,net , iesonniam, in Coos tot the Union, wean utotaitneyiniT adoPted• _ They ant...mine compose:die on the Shively consigns. . ' Sevenl speeches were mode. FROM "CALIFORNIA. Nsw Oatlam, March t. ThedeameyOhioaalkd ficat Chaves with4SD ymmengern The steamer Alabama wind on Me 25th et brury. with dates frodi Bii Franellie to j i mmy .She brinp a good . halfmiWouta • Sacramento city he been lituadmid, Wilk: the lop of amillion dollars. • . The Chiba= base had 'fight with the Anieri. .. a a, &mini of the - firmer were killed and rounded. B.ettOvel from the Fourth' Cone revelasalDistriet. CONyeate choice. The free lea vote has • . . Aig]asoaE BIARICET. BALTneou, fdszelt Th . m eats are quiet.' MOO banal' olfloai km bean sold at 54,668i4,02.. Cow 48 . iaM. Proviszaaa aaggyea smalltime& . NEW oularts MARKET. . 4,00.„ l a µ l ady, sales 05,0006µw middling at /11; rOdSai da g 11.3' ==E • sf voaEnigurET. - -.-21frw Yosz, March 4. Coltoi4 4 -is6flWaiere Sold to dir; Air dptlnd '.2;Otleans 131. Flour Is steady. 3000 bbls western wore aold at Grain—White oheat,lll,lB. Sales 30,000 bus. orcom, white at 57e; yelkrw Provisions—Nail Folk," 1110,44. Bales of 700 kegs lacd at Ole. - Otoeerfee-300 bads agar 41. /51olisses 27w, 'Whiskery 23c. —• • t;ODIMELIWIAL RECORD. -PITTIEOVIIGH 80/LELD 01 TILADM - xanuer's =uses ' COMMITTEE 'l , old rovrra smart, • • r. To. 2021010221....020. *roam pu ts b w rge nooks, and Money Market 11•IIC1 6, 1650. Dank of Pittsbargh—Capital, sl,3lXl.ooge ' Dhidnd, ltday and N0r.14 t eent.• • VA.= 351 Faehanne Bank—Carne/,81,000,0:0,Din. (May and N0v.14 iet • 50 49 49 Merchants , and Mausfseutrare Bank.— alPis" , 7 116 : 10 , 4 "X.; Dividend, (May end Novl4 ir 50 51 50. Pittsburgh Gas Ca—Dividend, (Jan. and. Joily)4 50 50 501 Allegheny Midge Company 03 35 37 Monongula 35 Hand Street w• • " N. Liberties ". 50 'Western Insomnia Co 50 61 Ohio & Penns)lvania Railroad, 515 Paid 50 Pennsylvania Rai1r0ad....—...—:......53 Pittsburgh City.... r• ••• 100. Allegheny .... UM 00 01 ts:LIVI C A A ,VoIo ' pperir — nt.... ' 71;c - di 100 100 Ira North American_ " " 10 20 Pittsburgh& Isle Royal " (last 19 .00) Pittsburgh. einelnitati te Louisville Tel. . egraphCo—CapitalAll79,(o; Dividand, • Sanitary, April, July nod October; lasl, •4 P eeng shares. 1150---- -• • 60 • & Otdo Telegraph Co—Capitai, • *M, April. and October snares.. -• • • • . 77. th• PITTAIBVROII BIAILICET. rat =MIMI IMMO ICALIB 5. Li reviewing this market for the week just closed,we eve nothing new vo nonce. In the natty put et the reek, the weather mat clear and pieuint for outdoor reelections, and buineas generally bad begun to as: _sum a lively appearuce;' bat within the past fee{ days we beveled a heivy know storm, eines whici the weather has been intensely cold—which hu had the tendency to mar vhat ,generel activity in wide, whikh might otherwise have gravelled. The river continues In fine navigable eider, and rot= withstanding the oldie weather, qune • lively butiners has been doing in that quarter, The receipts Lir . ri ver, of Grocer/et and Provisisns have been quite . fiell.and the market. Is now amply supplied with the satiny. article. under these beads, for the opening of an active spring trade. • Froniibm present serattitY at the reuther, the time • set by*. Corausissionera for the opening of the Canal ma) be viewed as rematire ; Inert= the lateness of .the ietraen, we au:tale eat improbable that by the kith Of the preetat . month our canal communication with the east wilt be opened, end an Retire spring business - wilt be the - • , • ASIIES—PeIts moderate buil:teal tow been done in..leheit Acting the past week, and we twdee no chute. With mall openttions we me the following figure.:-Bode :Soh. at 41tlike, Pearl. Ash at de; Sale ofolos u. Sin: Potash at Se, and • • APPLES , —The supplies of green apples are limited, noel may he quoted st a range of 8 tgo to 1/3,60 ♦ bbl, enceinte to entity. ALE—Sales 4t Pittsburgh ennufactured Ale, in a reinter way, ar Stlo9, cask included. '• receipts of Bans dating the week 'have been heavy, and the market Is now well smoked with wnterriand city cored meat. In a emend way, the Wes of the Week bare beenm a fair anon at the -folloving-naes t—Sagar eared ennased hams, Ire; plain tams, 614 sides, CI; and shoulders so 4}o4{e o . lh—the market elosiag very firm. BULK MEAT-The receipts of bolt mesa bacchant heavy, bat as the greater portion of it is designed sr (or ear eurtny'estehlishments, or for shipment not, we hove beard of no been transaction during the week t-3104e,•eash and time, for bog round, may be given as the rolingfigeres of the mark. BUTTER—The mains of butter have been very light, and witlismall supplies, the market is natter dell. Moderate Wes of net entities roll in cloths, by at. Lox, at 12{6514c Is lb. Keg is in moderate demand, 9, 911951, according Co quality. • BUCKAYBEAT FLOUR—The mpply Is less abun dant, Wed better prices are obtained—say, US V owl, $ll.O P eh of sDlbr, from More. BLOOMS—We may onto $65 V. ton. 4 ours, so about the; rant Atm, with Smallsales. • , 11800518—The market is gettanalt well se/awl salt a g4od ankle, and in tbe way of tear.' nalas., pieta mhos tom *RAO to CIAO • doz. ^..-_ • BUCKETS it. TUBS—The musket is well supplied, with saki of buckets fronistate at 1fit,20022;13, and of • .Tabs et $3,500185 4 1. BRAN—The supplies in store are Botha, with mod erate seiesAt 143110 I. he. CRACK4.37.8.-A resole baguets le doing at the fol. ereriog quoted Mee: Watt., Bracken, per bbl ---p,75 Better; do pr Ue de. 4,50 • . • --..---... 3,73 ?dot Bread, ..... 343 Sagar.Crae cm, per it, --.—.... 7 Se& 7 BEAN)-Satin of beat white bean, at 75e; and of ordinary or tidied at 65270 e • has. COTTON SUEETINGS-Fittsbanrh manaraeutred brown Weeders are sold readily from the mill. at 710 p yard for Nonatook, and Pe for Fenn A No 1. COPPER-Sales t Clid Mine eilto and ingots at 19 &Mem of sheet attic, and of old copper at 180 r lb. CORDAGE-For Oto Yuman uncles molar this head,. Ogre ij a regalia steidy demand; at tho following pricmc . • Atinalanme, by • •—•lsc WhitaßOpe, by coit,.--- _ ~ • Ilk Tarred Pope, by 110 " - do - coy-- • •Ift • Packlmr, Yarn, " • 11.06. 10,0040004,00 do IP , coil,••• .15e ." lb. Sid Hemp, 61,023,50 23,25 IP dos. , p eoit,• •••ioe. PLOOOII lOUs st Mtn gyaidred Cordage is rem:tarty a fp COTTON TARNS-The following is a corrected Roof the valloas articles ander . thrs hod: PNa 1110. eta rill. Na 13 tier 1s" 0; 16 . :t 9 O; ' " •do a 1173 21 19 . • " •• -.--.29 a 1 .% 5, etexer StAels ter d01 ..... 11 "7 7 90 , , • 9 "loco, • " Comet Chet., —23 Canclicwickg ..... --•• 19 Coverlet Vont, -Art Sag Filling ,••• Twin, • OS Etsning,No 1.2, 0-1.412,11 111IERStl-T4 market Is quiet, sol talcs have boon congaed to low, to the legator oily trade, at, for good <Mil. W 1462610; for Cream, 61; and for Gosh. • i ' DRIED FRUIT-e9pbss nonlinne name, and te fur demand; at 01,4621050 Irbe, aestording to easliry.. Of Peaches, so nodes fair 'applies in the markat, with sale* itt'a regular way. at 1112,190 9 , 25 r he. DEIIED.IIEEF-Saleg of Western cured dried beef, al So f DRUGS, MEDICINES, k DYE STUFFS-The gab- Weed la corrected ILI of prleea,',o some of dm most praiditent wittiest- • Aloes:, Os 15017 ' Alum, " • • .310 4 Antaithis, lbs. -WOO Arrow Rot," • .10012 Aenefortut, • -10201 Borax, refined- • .2100 'Balsam Pcr0..2,5002.75 do _Copoia-23033 Brfinstone. 13. •• 41 Camphor, ref, 40043 Chloride lime, .00510 6 Cochineal 1,5001,75 Cream Tartar 15021 Copperas 110 2 • . 40603 Galls ^_. 17 `060140 -. 16019 Masde ..... Ipeese 1710201 Jalo, powdered,9o4 7l , oo LithoO . 4406 k 1 FLoun,-70 Boor market daring the pot welt, biebeen very quiet, with no material chore in priers. Very little is aoudad forward, add sales hoe b e en confined to small has from firm 'hands, at 54,4504,45; and from atom at 51,02E4,79 " • ,Eel. FLons-Wille . light sapphea in the market, we map gouts 01,75 chid, es the !al r riling 000 n.• . ' . FISH-Tne market council grin, with guise a good donned, et the following ratec-No 3 Meeks:el, at,, $7.55 Pbbl; No 9 is sollizeg at 1110,03,ind Pin lat 002915 {kV A, Other descriptions Of fish ant dna, at (Oily toted rxtei..say, for Salmon, 15191/ 4 Ithl, and WI f. Scree' Sales of Salvador Ifertimg 06425, and emir soo. Eastern, 55 ilk itbk• Wins& may, be gaited at, 67,21053; Cod Orb, ' mut Nalki at 113,11. • FEd.II.IERS- 4 11 market l" 01110,,w1* „Wes of ood oesrain 0,53031 e fr b„ . • . , FRUIT-Nor crop Resins , are seine, and are sold 47, 25 1 9 63, 75 • bog; Sales of Almonds, at 20e lIN of Groped ozds, $l,OO .• In* Of Pocono at Se ilk,e4of Filberts; at 71c; of Cream nuts, at 7e; of dame Carrots, at, 001 and of English Waloia u6O P ! Oraores;s7,o3 per beg, Figail2olslC4l , m. . GROCERIES-We have heard if an heavy Masse. 'Sens la the Grocery market; Other the work. Sale. 4Ti.beetisainly confined to the regalia inane trade, at the following sates :-Rio flkee,l6olole; N 0 60- or 41, 4 mos; Loaf Sugar, 4010 e. N O Idoluse4 211 ppo f gall, to oak bbts, and 231027 in eyprus; sales o i Sn.l lioase Molasses at 3.3211 e ; sale. of Rice by the er , 4 4011e, and by tko bbl,' 41054 p of Onear and Molasses have been (ale, , and the market is amply supplied. GLASS- 7 0f the Orions Arnett* of window gloom wooed.% terchitiga 'OM 1.0190na1l Pnew oo .7 OgNaitilleboollos eidtog littaissfer the varionsami Of city ild,ioano7 brander. .Barron, March 5 8 by 10— ---841,751111114 1 Odurr Area la pinpartioo; - - 11 by 14----*- 61,76 to or If by,l7 . .1 73 101iy 14 12 by 16 10 by 15 ' 4,60 12 by 17 ILO by 16 4,60 12:br.16 10 bll7 24 by .70 - - .......••.7 A 6 OB:AIN—Tbe maim of Corn and Oats have been fair, abd sales to a emalder•ble extant bass been ef. footed on the wharf, 01420430 for Cern, and 310720 for Oalla ViOnO.itoto we note sales of Coin it 46018, and of Oats at 35074 bo. Other grains are scarce d .1.. Iliad, at 1.5060 Star 1011;650N for Wheat, sad AIM for Barley. HOPS—Modanue sales,. at noon angina from OW 23e, is in Quality. • HAY—llegalar sales of timothy from wagon. at • 10=0 of MI to all I 100, according to quality. lion arm Narto—Blnee the opening of the fall trade a rad bOxioasz has been doing In the Iron market at the folloanng range of priest—Plat Barra 4403 k, a 0• oording n slam Board t eqwe Bar, 43014: Band Goa, I 6.5030; Mop Iron, 3107 e; Pleat lron,llo6e. Nano . -10 to 20d, MOS fr keg; 6d to od, 23,50; ad to 7d NI , 1i1.16424 4d, IMAM 3d,113,60 fr keg. Brae:—Cot' 41 inch, keg; 420 ind a inch, 64,7 q 61 and 71nob, SS klir LUMBER—The following are the ruling prices for Lumber, from the yards:—Boards. clear, TA do com mon, ill IP AI; ;Shingles, 1257703,50 • Al; Bowling, 612013? M. LEAD—Smoke are fair u pre•ont, with sales of pig at 4k; and of Bar at 11011. Lana Peis—Tbe pretent rangoof prices of Lead Pipe 11 1 to 12k fr foot, semolina to size. Bow La.—Bales age by the sheet, and 610 111 when east. Warn. latitn—Pate load is selling at 111, and No 1 at SIP P keg. Pit ftl. Of- Mt. oe. - fed. al: LARD-Saks ol 41 tibia m lots,. 54,and of 40 kegs, at& 0 lb, 4 Mos. LEATHER-The 1050801 maintains Its usual firm. nes. for all descried.. New York sole is milling mg . Wetly at 19020 e; and Baltimore sole at2lo2'2e • lb. MALT-We note sales from more at suataas • barbel, for Barley. MARINE INSURANCE-Rates of Insonmee of cam., Of steam and keel boast From Pinsbargh to Wheeling, Va.,•—• • • .4 Oh • " " ' to and from Cincinnati, 0.. h 01 to Louisville, Ky.,. -•-• • • •1 4 7 . : to St. Louis, Mo.,•— ..... 00 u " to Boonville, do 1 Intlependenee, ..... —I 04110 to Galena, 11 " " to !demob.. Ten, —• ••400 to N. Orleans,• -•••-. I 01 From N. Orle.s to Pinaborgh,• - • •-- • --1 01 SL LOU* •,-•- ••-••••• • •-••••••• •-•••••••..14 01 1 OILS-Linseed Oil-A nolo of 10 tibia at 81,05, cash , No 1 Ludt. Is sold oink, and No 2 at 49059 e reel. Sales of Tamers , Oil at 1160819 p bbl. Bleached wittier sperm oil is sold a stpol,so If gall. Fall do, at $1,3301,0 f galL Bleached winter whale oil, eso ligic; emde whale, at 9006.5 e I /Olen POWDER-11mA .d Dupont Rine Powder nory be gaoled in large qu.tities, 14,75; .d by single keg, i lat $4,9303.110 fP keg. Rook Powder .33,124 to 170 1 for large and small quantities. • ' '. 7 • POTATOMI-Sale• of best Neska . nrnock at 51,10, and good common or mixed .111,50 • bbL SPICES-Cionmuon, 31011 e; Cloves ate, and Nat. mega at 411,2001,0 /I 0. SEEDS-Sales of Clover seed, at RIME. b. Sales In smut gelatines, at. 84,21 r bo. Saks of Tim' (thy seed at 10,0, ano of Flax seed at ILO 0 bo. SOAP &CANDLES-Sales of Coy and Cincinnati manufactured rosin soap, at 400 e per B. Chyme. clamored Star Caudhs are In fair tequest, 01 2100 et of mould tallo 4 at Ice, and of common dipped at 9e 0 D. -TALLOW-We boor of no sales to any large ex. tent, trot may continue our quotation', at flu for allow and 7374 for beef talloil. WOOL-Very Mae has been dotog in Me Wool man tot for some time, bot we may continuo oar quinineas nominally, as follows: For Comamn.--------0o P S. [ blood. ---,- g7c " do .-- -—3 W " " do.-----.—.--....23e a " all Blood•----- --- • -351 " Prime " --- 3710 " WHISKEY-Sales of Rectified, at ale 0 gall. raLLSOZIOR, Maroh t. BEEVES—The *demurs at the yard oo hiondaT were Lat., =omitting to atom 45011mad-210 to XV of which were told at 510543 11 , 100 Ihs net. 011.F.EP—the number ordered was mall, and pus. ranged from 111p0u.40, Hoe weight. HOGS—Arc dull, at EA* ► lOO tbt. PORT OF PITTSBURGH. Rtns—There were 8 reiet 0 inches in the clamed Wt avecing, and ARRIVED. Caleb Cope Murdock, Dearer. hltebitan. Mica, Beaver. Deaver, Gordon, We ll.Nk. Viroqa, DaDowny, Minconrabela City. Fashion, Peeblea, Eizabeth. Atlantic, Vacuum, Brevreavllle. Rabic, Jacobs, Drown/vine. Camden. Hecciriclicin. MnKenpott Witham, Grant, Cincionnti. • caabier,-, Cincinnati. Weil Newton, DalleY, J. J. Crittenden, liatebiaen. Loa's. Lms bleLana, DEPARTED. - 2 , Caleb Cape, Mordoirk, Dearier. Bearer Gordon, &Dawdle. /Malkin, Blles, Beaver. Viroges, Galloway, Sionontahela Citv Camden, Hendrickson, McKeesport. Fashion, Peebles, Elisabeth. Baltic,Jacobs, Brownsville. Mimetic, Parkinson. Brownsville. Pilot Pio 2, Duval, Hocking-port. }hernia, Haebelor, Ciwannari. Gladiwor, Cbcoesearib, Moab; Rim. Itosigoid,Cope s Carrell:marl. Jefinon, Cincreaall. /awes Nemo. hinore BOATS LEAVING 'MIS DAY. NAstivime—uva to L. r. LOVISVILLE—Fanner, 4 r. r. WABASll—Cmderella, 4 r. MILE' LINO—Lea/a McLane, 9 a. al. Pot LAIMMIin —This niendld passenger Man For. ever, CAS_ Benedict, are aro pinned to see,kae become one of the regalarsteame re forming tha Pittsburgh and Leaindlte Line, and orb] leave W u afternoon, at six 'clock, the regain advertised boor of &Tartars. We acknowledge the kind wenuons of oar Incod Wave, of the ant West Neesunt, for the lawn river P.Pen• IMPORTS BY lIIVEIL Louis—Ps. Li-Cans Esssa-200 grans hides. 12 aka bn000.2 tea do.IO Dbl. best 100 d lodes, k bb 25. k. hams, 09 kgs spikes, 42 cks bacon. 14 mks lesilteti., PA Ws c andles bss II mu, 0 , / csks soda ask, 02 bk. sat , 2 rue bosses, 40 bbls beaks. LesellsvUta—PosCosmso-3 03 eke bum; 140 bd. der. Cluelssaall—Pas Now 11005.999-161 bbls key stave, 1 wok, 4 by:4l4olas oasp . lk at ladles. 34 991:1. ems. ea bkds 9.94 149 9 .her 25 oh. haeon, 3Y tihda 'boers, 5:1 do I tod tab, Yt da brooms, 1 bz anibbory. 9 bbl . chutes!, 13 horses. • Idatom.trx or Now Easmmea No 2—Met moor Z Taylor at 4 mdloßar, Cllppert Wyoming at Idanellos ton Bambara at Oayandotto; Alesmoger Noll Straight Ripple; CoMitamon at Cotpor Ilactoye State at Nam. Amy Ilan Cumin:tad at MIN Wharf Boat: gaymona Sam stilettoes Island; Fairmont at Freedom. Pass ed Manta Not at Beset bottom. JOHN WALLOW/GU i lON. FORWARDING k COMMLBSION MERCHANTS ILLICIMMtWat. Ps, 'WOULD respeetfally Ballot the consignment of iferrishargh freight, from Western Merchants, as th ey are prepared to receive any amount Li. and Section Mats running night and day, the freight will not be detained, as they will unload finch boats at all boars. fetraftini lianisbergb, Feb.lo, Its LEMONS -41 bze tble day tteAßred, and for male febn ARMATRONO CROZ Ell. Paer (et, Z7 iER: 70 30.7 AR t - aat.. ro , STRONG L CROZER. Lion:deo r b zti . :• • • •1 7 8 0 Lie • ..... .2°040 Mmeesta Cu b• • • zuman Madder Umbro• • • .14010 blyrr b, Turkey. • • .90050 OH —•• • 40 5 • Castor, soiree, *2 55 " Cusla—• ••5.0003,50 o Cloves ••• . 2 , 50 0 3 0 , o Lemon •• • 4,000125 o —30:101.91 • Tuley,ssoslsWt Iltaloloo • —4;10000 abarti, root. • • •500 lOU Rol lizoonse• —152120 L i ar " kg. No I, for . b i MeCANDLEB9 T AR-2S LLb N C Tan I blo do for solo by kW& WICK & AUCANDI.F.SK 1111PRECIAli MOTU'S' TO TEAOHICIIB. EIROFEsBOII. CHARLES PAVIES has of pre• 1. pared a new aritketelleal work, • copy of which will be presented to earth sod every Teacher in the United Ideates anthent charge, upon their ePPlie.thni to A. /1. English & Co, 70 Wood street, Pittsburgh, (post paid The work is entitled, GRAMMAR OF ARITHMETIC ; • Or, An Analysis ef the of of alleta and Pol . care of Number. The following notice m copied from the New York Tn.. of Jan. ad, 1.50. "Gassous as Aaffll2lllolC, or Cosa.Dam, L.L. D. HElmo , pp. 144.)—1n this work the larnotage of kens., and coostraction of numbers. are carefully analysed. The alphabet, composed of len figures—the words de• Gansconnectedt. and the laws e re i the are, with each o th er, clearly explained. The analysis shows that there are but foor hon. dudeighty eight elementary combinations in Arithmetic each corresponding to a word of our com mon l e; and than theta COalbtalthath .0 connected toeether as to be all expressed by only sixty three din wor t word.. The system proposes to commit these d. to memory, •nd then read the results instead of spelling th em, as now practised. In another respect the system prolate. a Imp. ( ' ant chaste, namely: to eataider and treat attractions attend,. liana, having a elves relation to the unit oat, from murk they were derived. "We inanely need say that the Mile work evinces the ingenuity and skilful analysis, for which Professor Devi.' writing on this stoical are justly celebrated. We commend tt to the attention of practical teachers. believing that they will and Li crowded with mcW and valuable aggertiona. From the Pro avert m Wed Point. "Mturstr. Ace eon ov U. 8. War Pear, Jos W. "The Grammar of Arithmetle, by Prefeeser Davies, premien the subject . In a new light It eo analyas Arithmetic ai to impress the mind - of the learner with the ant principles of mathematical science In tsar right order and connection, and the new Tula for the reading of figures are of great peacoat aloe. 81encd, W.ll. O. Banta; Prof. of Nat &EL Phil. A. P. Church, Prof al Mathematics. D. IL Blau Prof. of Erie:lonize Jo Pros. s. 8. BARNES & Co. would respectfolly announce Mt teachers, and to all interested in talthEalatiOai in meanie, that they Inn publish, on or before the lot AND 11117aViAsrarelies; Or, an Orla Anayees of the prtneiples of the Stionce,.. the Nolan of the maculae—and of the beat Meth od. of Imparting isistrunion. 13y Chas. Device, L.L.D., Author of ..A Comp/out Spism efMalhematin N. 11.—. A. 8. Barnes & Co., are the publishers , of Matta' System of Mathematic. - • Far We in this thy by A. H. ENGLISH & QV& 711 Weed OMR I€olll Tartarle held 44050 Vitriol Bine 11011 Camwood, bb 4 i50.40 Dubee ••• .210 3 Logwood, elappcd, ail . . LOCAL LiTITIIB.- lifer= rat TU nrnanai: nand illantrl /101 , 71 11.-- """ 4 1'1 M105 Tuxlitmus —We ate plediett to tears that Mose beautiful augers, the Babers,wul glee one ornate concerti Mom dig, 110/60 time east meek. They Mailed this city some years alma, sad were much admired, and bur aliens vat be delighted to greet them *gam. Nuke will be ;Oven, in due time, attic time and place admit lemmata. The prospects of the Iron' Manufacturers are wry encoorsging. The mills of Meant. Sheen• bemer „Blair, Bailey, Brown & Co., and Gra. ',many do Co., are in full operation. Mesas. Le! Venn, Sterling de Co., staged yesterday morning; with 13 forums in full blast. Mr. Semple, Bin sells & Co.,expect to commence this Morning,and Messrs. Wood'and,llcitnigli its making armee. meats to wart text week. We am Informed by one of ditileen Masters, that a =indent supply of men will anise In • few days to All all the tells, and every thing will than proceed as . before the sinks occurred. There bu been no farther disturbance. The mills at whiebthe riots occurred hate been spr rounded with wrong fenou, and are well guar. ded. Um Kure, CONCEIT, last night, ors attended by a large and exe.edingly fishinaable audience. The BUCCeeI of the detstautcwas unogiaroxn/. MGT Sot voice and brilliant execution ounpleteli captrrated her audience. • Order other petniresera We need only ray that they aequhtedetheeuXelves in a manner becoming their high reputation. Animus Canamec—lidessrv. Saner and Land man advertise • Concert for Thursday riming:at Wilkie's Hall, lower room, These feritlemen beer • high reputation as artistes, and we hope they witi receive the :patronise of our mule tastes clams. Anomie RIOTER Azeirrm—Peter' &chef sue:mated yesterday, by Mew Pinkerton, Oar participating in the late dots at the rolling ea& lie wan held to ball in $5OO, by the Mayor, for tda appearance at Goan. ANYIWAILD Parreourmer.—A !gentleman gun* plained berm the Mayor yesterday, against ta r.= keeper on Liberty Street, for uojeatlisie. telling his hat,in payment eiLlt_kunr bill kir &Tail. lie had been rolling ten pins, and falling a little behind in his play, had run. Into debt, and was ..Wilted to leave tbeloose with his head exposed. An either vas sent to the house, who amid the hat which the niee young mini thankfully ranee! ad, paid we; end walked away. SUNDAY SHAVIIIO.—The IR. u beginning to be enforced in regard to Sunday shaving. Eve bar bent yen: brought before Alderman Steele, puler. day, far tom offence. They were fined it and corm. The pavements are in a very alipperreoadi. ice. We saw mental persons 'taking the Diets , f 0 of ea unmade {rave,' yesterday. AMA= WED BATTI27. —Peter Maud was brought before Alderman Parkitueon, of the Fab Ward, yesterday, for an =mutt and battery upon John Bremer. Bremer had goon to the house of Smsard to collect a bill due him, when he was violently auattltad by the lutes, with • chair, nod coniderebly hut. Bruard wu eamnthted for trial. Taa Ettnommuts will be kero gain in a week Of two. and will give another wiener their Elmo. tire concerts. We shall be - clad to 800 them Maim A Bete aus.—We bawd of a &stooges ease yesterday. A poor, loud working woman, who bed been deserted by her hatband, was anabla to pay the rent of a wretched room in a cellar; which the occupied, was turned oat with her helpless children, into the street, by ber hard hearted laza 05oerPiakerton, mho wn celled epos to ambit In the ejectment, generously pre the roe ensnare the kW deb: whlce he received for his services, and immediately 01410 heresstknown to the overseen of the poor, who took her in chore. San Acetnerr.—A emelt boy, the son of Major Paul, U. S. a., felt Som the third wory of the hionoophela House, down the stairway to the Ara door, dny betne •yesterday, tweaking hie kg by the fall. The little fetoir had beam Pailding on theleautintets," when be fell Nitriairegtad to hear that he is doing well, His escape Ins al• moat a miracle.— Se. Tnhaiss. irare nom metaled oar reeler mantle. of De. meatie and Foleidu Ditl GOODS, which aro car prepared to sell SLIM Lowell market prices ao eaelt bu yer and prompt tmainees men. We weed ark dta atteabon of City sad Women Merchants to nue even, believing in coo offer moor tadaerraanta to parch.. boot as SHACKLETD t WHITS, let& Dry :Ada. Jobber; 99 Wood a DOHS NNW GOODS. (1 , 11 FIy,CM beaatital 1;1)16.44 Fonds Priam UV 3 eases-!tons de Lalns, dond at)ieal Aho—Maarnlng bands, Lemma, !Poach Wiens& Capes, Callan and Cads, Dols Silts, Mantillas, Alai. arden. itrd Gloves, Fos French and Stoma Mai. Was, all of *Web Save been selected with pasture and will be found at loss prices K at MASON Z CCM, Irbil CO Market as Fr '.terra Now gabloplan Usledlarle i WINE se Ron all !Gehl; Dolly Day; LI Way Joao; Go down lode Como Fidel Nally arm a Lady, dm. ALSO: Be Klnd w De Loved Orme at Hum; How thy Mal Ildttly; True Lowy, by T. Hood: Oar way across the wa. danq A aro medley wry. by Co n; Jemmy Gray, mule by Mailer, Joys tbahwere crowning, Wedding Muck; Gad bleu the hardy warts.; Sehrlylkl.llWOM Conscript'. Deyanars, by W. C. (Amen /toned. lion Item . Walrus, Itcyermartleche Co: Lanßine of alworiter, ee r y wartaurrart by Ilan United States Polltw. Lather' Soareelt Polka. Cora Cracker Qaadnlle Loahnrille Qsadytile{ DUO. of Italy; Oven s, Trig:m.lo. A large ascortowat of New Wale on brad. m Mak addluoca are wads erectly. For sae b y &WO H J. H . lIELIAHL II Wood HD3-180 des best qa ty Cast Mee Kees. let We by febl7 L 8 WATERtdAN. FORKS -50 dolt Mn Cast Stoat Hay V. k% GI dos do Mantua Forks; 40 dos do 3 Ttna4 FarkE for _ L 9 WATERbIAN. /IR-ADLF.a-44 L'9OrikiiVnidles In atom tor aale by fobll L IS WATERMAN. S - L 1 7 C I VE 1 .11- -4 7 da t polished a...llpoint canal shosele 30 dot do do Deform/4nd* . lOdolgyalnLabantol t. s i _ . lo w ein Tx ior aita sal N. by tm .4,1,13.1 nvaur. poison, mea t and ftWty _. feb37 _ JAMES DALKELL. friNlitlflictlll.-Id bit. asoriloolva, and tor talo j filla27 JAIRFS PALZELL BULK HAMS i SUOULDERS-40,MM lbs Ivry bandatnam ca. packed IA DM Seen blidsiattimillo lar adonis,. m. to anise anti fo sato by mrt • I DICK 'V Cfl, Float st 8-2 co UNA MANUFACTURE TOBACCO- - John Rooker IFL P L Dudley rimudam lb% P L Dudley P. Jams Mare Lt. A TAtillia. i's: John A Lewis lb% Homo A Amber Ps; Kabe+Litto.U. lbni That Metcalf IP. Oscar drum lb.; Deafens unrivalled Ps; It King lb. • Pickwick Vs; Lamartinn 1..; Wm SanithYs; Rishard 'lawny lbs; 0 W King 31; Nil Tyne 11w; A Jackson Ps; Wm Millar lb.; Ilan A Cox 6.; ' Wm Stoonawood lb. Tho sham Including some. of I the moat popular Lynchburg and Richmond 'brands Tobacco on tow alma:lent bum istantfaquar. and for tale til L S VVATER &N, • 31 Want and 011 Front ma AGESATUS-7 oasts Salerata ld do . do l S do palearlaed; IA do • For. ..le by WICK i *CANDLES% NM , comer Wood gad Water sta yIoUITER-3 6bl. Fresh Roll. sit reed, for eby DR fern WIC St MeCANDLESS 13 OLLAMITEEL-3 bala received instate, tor sale by IA (eb 95 FEATHERB —4O vac Its pm.. Illinois Feathers fa tal. by L 0 WATERMAN. "Vil aVi E fo n r s " a e Pi ry ''' " ntow-A-T,r..11.-.-.- and RUCKETS Vet; t 5 ER00.5115-16 dos Panel .d Brooms, "3 des good Gamma do. for sale bt fob .13 L . . WATERM &N FIAU@-91 brio noel, • per man:ter Lows Arbon' mod for solo by febts . LAIIII-0 brie and 5 kola tot a... (673 JAL] MOH ACC4I7 kola lisogiVa N 4 I and tor aalt : :: MO JAlmt— sTaiiirotl tato bay. 2PIECES Bayer Oho. French Cloth{ II •do do • Blast 4 . 147; • 0 0: Ftoc y F l3Vostirgt, nsfrely as." sty • all of ashleb 6 Will make to ardor the latest .6716. 1" 11 low pees.. WM. DIGS , 135 I.lbany at. The !toting Fashions lust :ratios fate4s CO Ifisakki I PAIrA7-150 lb. tia , rAa; 3 l . b y : fab2s , 57 tiVood at. rtAPiIIiCES PLANTINGS-50 - 1z for sale irf , ‘...7 feb7s 1 15 B PFLLERII. bifizas Cincinnati Sonot for ante by 0 Cara GINE/MIS-4p dos Sellita Swath* of and 0 common qOalines, for L aale,_ao manufactory'. primp, by 6 W TRBMAN, - kW] - NO. Ol Wam i tand Frontal. Parnietsbip henna." urban betlnfan JIMA= T TnswY .4,4 John Des; la tbe Grocery, Profane and ComWation bantam, seas diaiolyed by . rantaal consent, on thel lib Inst. Illy..Jobn I Best banns par• abased the tte ire itnnt or Tawny, In th e Ws; th e boll o. will be settled by him; at tlielr old µand, No. ZS Wool .L JAME'S TAMMY, ' fetal JOHN BRIM kJ CL O t ak% beammha, I kW I INioasylvmds. Beat ofrki4,.nrki Exchange Balk --••• 4.= I t Wm. Bent -Paz ■PRIBO DRY GOODID 11-8-00 do o !aokelo. 8 dot Tubs, for We by L WATERNAN DALZELL 1.6 MA maned IES DALZELL. 5-11. break ..oniman of fXI 4eets,..to ent Msiv a l r a c asd .4 :a to '7; !aft RAMS OF DISCOUNT err—ouat&Wßam No & 60Alh • •:' :- ~-, 1 6 Mut& street, on, 4La . Indiana. !IN:MB% liikauxbes.• A , rip • • . ' ' El f . . h,: o i f L i I t V , .. r r o B r lsl r V ill o il o . :1 7 7 . r 1 . ~ a o, 4 ..••• : ":. N. W. Bmt Va--- i do Wollsburs•--•• i do Padcarsbara•—• " Tosnossoe. BY.ortennesseo•••• - A Fan*. NorelVioNk-.-" Pliuston , -Lik.--•••• • " Un1008k....----•• " : al&oarl. i Statollkollasoott*- i' rido24l sairsioiliscou Bank of lienktoknins.• I Chimer Coa,. .4 Delavuo Co, —par antemoery....par Nonkkinballkad• •pa. l cotwobiaßage Ce.-. 7 par Dolleasown qtar Fariners , B ierpar Famers'Bk. Backs Co. p FAIISOLTO B , k Lakeas , r•F J. Lancaster Co. Bk. Paz , LicieJumerßk..—.... pa: I I.l.ll.tate. ainrurrilla Bk.-- ..... igrialutspani { - 7 - Creitag. ectrobtrosk.......". Bk.of Cape ...... 2 Qualberabors• —.. a March% klk.,Nearborn• 2 BasqubsanaCo.Bk.— Sista Bank 'Wrath Carolina. Naldlettrurn I Quad. Bk ..... • -• • • Cattalo Bk. of Clinicians... •• • I Eras 0 I Cogonersaal C Farmers' and Doyen' Bk“"ccanunni" — I Bank, Wineskin.. rot klurbans ....... ffa o m —. sbary..—...— kteroluusts • Planters kleeensillk• ' Lebanon pas Bk. of Beath lArrotins• • I ...... Maryland., Wyoming ..... Bellmore Bk. ..... •••pa. York 8k..• • Betas% &O Illtßerlp .10 We t BI amberland 1311.0felle• Relief Nowt ihany as kink. Pnta.do. F. , . ak•ef 1.1 1 1. 0. • Coannyl. Flarmeno & Ildoehanies askew, I3k. Frederick Ohi s . Frsdeslekßo. Bk.-- • " Belaa ittk.led Buzau I 111110aram" B 3 Mount Pleasant••••• ••• Biltabeartlle,me t. Parsji n4 wott a W a italtatMS7 ••• • New Liakon. a 110 ibiltnaa. Cnotnnatl Bak. a Gk. of Columbus do. u Blnof River Lassa-- . _ Nulls. Ina. C 0... •• I noose.-. N Par.& Mach% Bk 6 rooms a WI/cowls 'Verrill. Wooster7o•Mar.klF,se d.'a ifassillon ••••••••••••••••• • alaWitaa• Sawdust) ' po solvent Ci ßank. • Bok u land „ o lo s te . s .. • flold‘lleelelValn• Xents..--. Napoleons 960 a Ducats. —• •'I 160 • k 0 Eiiiiri;eid • ::::714 Franklin Irk Colton,." Et& 40 8 —• 1000 Csonnons e leoncesentanal 00 Lake Ern , DePannt•--- 10 60 Wow.- Sonorsion 0 E 3 Lamm alum 07 Cassuons.—..• riskadkos.....ll7 SS Granville ....... •• .64 VOIBITS. .• 7 77 Farsa'nß'k Casson...Of a u b wr o•—• • 300 Urbana • ...... andNoror•-• I • 464 Kentucky. Kiek446loll** 'BY of Kresseky aw Yolk •••••--- IMB ce Bi LoansUls•••••• • ladalpkie • • • Eaffl Norhern Bk. Itentaly.! Calslonore -• Pus Now Fcirk-Kt4 DanJOI.O4I. faunas 71110-•-• - - - - - MISCELLANEOUS. - WiNTIID. VURSI FURS! PURS!..The solooribers will pay r for C 0.., Wok, Musk Ray Ong and Rod Fox, and ill kit& of 11/Lipping Fin_ao o Wool Rom misc. OcCORD & CO robin corm FlNmod Wood ow • • "I .8 far Ors *use. mbseriber affirm for sale. a visitable and soma 1. alma cam, for mmerving and blomsdnit Winter and Spring Pluto, being cannily tree from the Lir at. .1.1 . 0 1 1:11%4= T o rim It.tnieterf kee an x mesifedly imbed to eall a ll nd examMe Punta. at tho maralmaas of IDe. ' wiU earocref-likod and Sixth au, from Ma sells= urea WADIDINIP. ••• • Di Lime it 8110A2—fttit e till i ni4ll1 4 Lli t t c p . a. fa 69 Y• A GORDON D7.2 4 =1.7" 4 ,...t 'TETE : 1 :17b; Met • .ge74 "63 Als NICOL! D RIED APPLES be la SIM, SIA Re goy J.,/ tab= Jk.S rED kRI PEACHED-6e sm sum k II and for nut by 11 febt2 J FLOYD Q RAD & USHRINGS—For We by febil HDALSELL & Libel .AZOE CHEDIE-03 boo avocado', on hand and .14 for aslo byD4WIELL k. CO, (obit b moat flitEEI APPLES-OoBRETY blasts OULE am end WARN Wog.. try IX GLNNYBAI3I4.4II) In R Km fettlY VI4COO-10 blab Leb d te c ar i z a earate by Ibbel • HiLiP—american JAM al ways ea Saud sad far wile by_ _ &MN 7AS A HUTCHISON & CO PAKCY CA antnitlitt...-3 eines now ottos IC of (inns, Grua blixonroons, and Brown and Olsen Used, and kW varlotits. jut met ky IRIACIUZTT kW ITRaWood a_ S lais-174181z r ,.. en Woods jiltkaltiCV—likTeditattart 10461a --- Cana• — •Tinrain. lbaesaraz and Tuantby Seat, an eatuddranant and for Ws by MILLER & RICEETSON, ILI and 174 Labatt & C.4, , 5r-rrzTr , rrrrt ., rmi 1110 • • 0 114t0Z; bbla Inantsuoi guoaa. I•4=t Ws by JAMES 1 HUTCHISON & CO .~. VTIALYON-1/10 V k 0.13 to Inure `d ied (or eat. by any LE MARIE, 169 9..41 al L•RD—• bbls No I, Ax sale by febt3 EREVFOGLE & CLARICE niCre mare And iii 7 •l7tibi I) kb=, BREYFOOLIC & CLARKS COOl 0600/115-IAO boa toy sae by fabt) BRENFOULER CLAIRE BRICK I CLAY—We nu. appry girder. r Vim Mick .d Clay all dm.. fb • RRIEVEOGLN a CI.4IIICR .. . XEITU - 110171.871--1 0 lAN asal, (or iNii f. 44 2 , BIRTFOOLT6* CLIME MOI AH*43-01.1 bids Irtsriaairiu 40 n Ili Jame* 8 11.*Isa reed and for ul. •by MILLER i. 111CEEMON, Inb93 171 and 174 Liberty la W a-llart;-• , Tr ,, yrrrwrrtrr^viril W RAPPING PLPER-61:1 roam Dori " *mail; an band J 4. FLOYD erul fablq MtIOLASSE6-07 eats am crop Plantation, boo yj tectl pet Martha Weahrogtan, for tura by feattl J h. It ?LOYD DO ABB-16 cook. as 614 and for Wo by j. &MI J&IFLOYD .S — AL b E c itATOIS-416 cut* Adams.,forarri 81Z 3 1 , 1-10 bzi PNm lima/J.l s i tit i bi um , -1"1""'"1 Caro • brut by J • BINCIFIISON *. CO M ACKEREL -1: Ids labl3 oAMOM.bumstlmy J A r a i act'som lt°4o LEAD it SHOT—Ne Ars Galena Lead; pa keep ase'd Shot; fir ad. la ,J • HUTCHISON t.CO utirciusom co FRUIT-62 ba prise ' • be.: 1 .1 1 ; W de lLTAr K sjit " W nle ood sbir Ord ATUEIS-4 des Bout's, On re by Merl D WILLLIOLS MEAT FLOUS—A pun Mad. fm sale by J D WILLIAMS tfiITURNL WINg-10qr cant. jaat ran' la and km sale b 7 NILLPJI & 111CitET/SON; MAP ITI and 174 LAbartvat SUGAR—ft hid. Now Odium 3u Ws N. 4 am! 7 Loa* Lamar' entsbal; do ICI Palrain4l • In more and for secft lebSi 2 MILLER*. RICKETSON• ABB OIL-4 bbl. No I, nioNiand for W. by _ _teb3l JAMES DALZIN.L COR - TiOldula'Rest roots and for We b RINI JAMES DA UELL FLOOR -16 bb s Extra, ree'd so for We .1, , fetal JAMES DALZELL f i INS - Reb OIL-3 big. Nut read iitilaTib-T -ROBISON, LITTLE B. 0 fabe 0, ILI LAWN,' ot I 6A r a " VA4lnrl= by A 6UTIIr 115 Liberty. at " JOJN D MORGAN . for JOHN D MORMON • d coared - 1, or Bala by .110111 , 1 D MORGAN EV, QPONOR-3 CP fetal JDERRIES-1 belt lot a% by IJ JOHN D DORGAN litrilNlNCl ALPACCAS—Uombalina FIMANI Ley Alois ens, for Mooning, to be (nand at Ike Dry Goods Mose of W a blilltPlll - , rebel corner Foanh and Market els t rig is FLAN Ed 4 ENGRAVING:of the Demi HMI Selma of REV JOHN WESLEY, publish./ by ne se dettort, engraved by Wm. Overseut Genet, of Leaden, boat thou riginal Writing by Idenhat Waz• ton, ha. jut been nadvad, and 4 now bunk by H. HOPION9, Apollo Itelgtega, Fourth • LINSEED OIL-10 bbts Woos and for gabby NM .11.11EY MATTHEWS A CO LITE IIEANS-30 •Ms in stare a2d ley se a r V MIL &HEW, ederrnrove &co ~.. Sou P-010 tax Ne 1 Clll. Soo* fey gale by hba , EMT — MATTHEWS • CO ----...."-........”,•---- umacAraric6 , I bi11.,1%=.0" Bt'ti - i° ) "`" r4l, i mdiueb~~~~ DILWORI 400 Utrisa-60 k 40+0 axe fatal - IS! iW - DTOI , - 481 0030 606 • Dm iiis4 340 • Xy. dxr, 660 •60 da: jut rec,elol6 wad far uls by (Oft J 8 DILWORTH I S CO p lrrns-64 . MI6 sunsA ET. "14 "4.4 "4 r" .101114814114 1 111' le bit h "mtilJolorsuni LARD •4I hi. fel ../4. br (.611 .WM JOHNSTON Etrrriir7r — arTv•nr. merr men Buis Dlttax-4 Wit bait berry Sabin and ',nark Ono DM& &Wand and far Ws by • ,' &Da 4 SHACKLE - IT & wurni 0, 80.1:44—i sash Ika sale r 4 WAG JOBS katozam SISTERS ISIORIACE OCT:2IP OF PITTSBURGH. CHM $lOO,OOO. J. Fumn,Jr., Seary, I R. Airway Jr., Prat what ell kinds of Wake, FIRE AND NAIUNE. A Lgeses will be liberally edjusted gad pm v ity .11)10:00 _ate Witt' uaged by Directors who are well known in the tut manor, and who am deurrnin ed by promptness sad libuslity to maintain ihs char sctsrldiett they him, assumed at orcrinnhe but protection to those who desire to be Inured. Drurrowt...l2. Miler, it., G. Blank, N. II alma, rr., Wm. D. Holmes. C. ThmsuLftco. W. Wm. hf. Lyon, Jas. Llypineou, mos. K. Littlylimos Walden Alex. Munch, Thos. Scott. Omen, So. 37 Water street, (waraboue of Sous 4 Co.. op stairs ' ) Pittnbargb. • colotlly olOrlismokehomAea. TyE subscribers, :berths !.,,ur huge Smokehouse rue prepared, at alt times, to 'rash, hen; and smoke Pork an ressonable terms. KIER & JONES, Proprietors, . 0 31 Cartel Ruda, near Ilk si • mUE mbettibers, haling been appointed emu for the gale al Salt, by seuend of the me eg best man. ewers. Moe now an hand and will continue to keep a comaant supPlp. Orders left at not warehouse, ar with Peter Peter. KM, will be promptly filled at all thane. JOHN bIePADEN & CO, Penn st, febto.4. : Caned Rada, Pittsburgh. Oats &mei PS/Illanyitelida AEU 'Laid. THE fßoelaoldeni Or the Ohio and renneyfrania, Rail Road Company wo hereby notified fa MY Me' fourth instalment of Flre:Dollan on each shwa el Mob, On or before LIM ?Anti day of Bluth mai, at tha axe of the Companyi In Third si, as hermorora feblB-41 , WM. LAMER, Jr, Tree. odera . and AutiquO`Farditare JANES W. WOOD WELL, 83, TEM ST, Parsmon. sTs lii% W. ' 2: 14erpectfaly informs the ;labile his thin he has eons ' pieta springelt of FURNITURE, the lewdest and mosba sm sned s:sorintrot OM? offered for RIO in this city, coniorlrint several eons of ilaexwoon, li/encase's, and I . l.act Watson,' gaZiOg on anr}3:l=, tr :1 r It ' i t g inrl c be r solt u4"4""'Pfk ri • Firritt of description, :Vary rp e y s i i bliox al I a nd eZe bts , aht o l n i ..thr 4 do. T r : dOqintion, from the c ' heapest and pletnest to e most elegant and 0,1111, Of which the following. c mean pun ilea fete Ng , Tete a Tete Divans; Conversation Chairs; Ellsabetel. flours; Reception do Louis XIV do nunalon ' do Beget Moe; What NotN 1„ Toilet Tables; Goals yay Commodore; Date of York's Coach; 60 Sofas' with Plash and Bair-cloth soros% 10 Dimes, !do do do; 40 dos Pipolyany Parlor Chairs; • I 0 " ood do do; /6 ' 0 Pt W.;bwt dp ri aa . Gam Aom Rocking( q 4 " hiaborsoy moraing a • ' II " do !. 'Piano Stools; • SO Marble Top Centro Tables; _ SO do do Wash Stands; 0 hlahriony 13edsteadr, le di Wardrobe 10 Mt Walnut i do; ' 41 Cherry ! OP. _ gyVell ' Asi " trdroln, o t r ogrog. PP 841" 444 sib 0* Stearn Doge tarnished on llO .hottest notlea. A lr7l l . t Mnelgr4trillPpOlied Rath abseils of /deboteof, stunt, and yeneent, at considerably reduced prima , fel:ad • ommlv o-Abou, the ONLY ORIGINAL AAND GE.NUINE WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CLIERRY, the great remedy for • cossug pzlon I IR r t k g3 t ; 4 .= tr, Liver Console fironeblus, Inenenes,Coughsomlds, Diteditig pf the Lungs, Shortness of Breath, ' NaalllgiAnum t r e,u, the n -; PULMONARY ORGANS. A very ImPortsat disease over which thiaßelsent ex erts e very Deispaarws del il LIVER. famines Is that of a D In lkis ra.pylA44 4 lu,m4plibtcd4 prirt.com emco.pguwoz goy retatuy al&perip mop eye , and in morterops Instances *ley patients hod endued long 5d umer:rfering from the doom% wnhost reedy -1 the le benehl Dom various remedies, and when army been resorted to in vain, the use of this Balsam barrestored an Liver to a healthy sedan, and In luny incomes' erected permanent mires, actor every well known remedy had 'sodden this desired crept. &alder Ito 'unlashing effteae7 in the disease above mentioned, we also And It a very effected remedy in Atlhtna,pT.plaint In winch it has been extensively Reed 'mph deeWed nteess, even in outset etandlng. With the IPOIMPO•r intelligence has VPIPO op t k now i ¢ l gee!f the elerneout ofberthh red L re. gird for them, sod eoanamisarately with Mantillas of minute have Ins amminal the means of amerting eau, and awning ha mew. Crorwitlsstandieg the progrema we have made, menthes now that even now, ova sixth of the whole maim:lea the annually of consuromina Ora .r tha saemineat..sre• in ameliorating tiohattlith Of do. large ,i. Masa of Inf lenog humanity, is DIL WISTALIPS BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. Whines itshere or Wild Cherry is • line Warhol Medicine, composed chiefly of Wild Chary Bark and tie femdwleet.yd Moss, (We leiter Imported . tzpress. iY lit. plapMe t ) the fin otoditiatd woos of which aro also combined hy • Imo thorniest pivot's, with the Sittain , of Tar.. thus etaderinir the whole tampoond the NOE cortein and eiSeacions rimed) disteeerod CONSUMPTION OF THE LUNGE nteSer eVideriats of the remarkable carat'. propertle. of this inestimable preparation: • Reannran.ra. Brew co . , 0, keg. ZAMA Means. egralfOrd 4 Park bentlemen. About all wensw I received the agency of Wane. Balsam of Wild Merry, humid, some relecteace on my part, for the KY= that I had been the agest of so many pull, and esker 1203.1111, which were reacted op to le something wondered, bat which turned oat in the rad to be or.ae account whatever, except ton.. man. metarar. lest candolly admit that this time I have nee demised, fra na egyartatinary th at "+ by Mazes BaLsani have mormeed ma that vgood can come out of Nazareth" Veer scent left me one doz en honks, widelktra all gone—having been the means of clung several obetintue cum of Canna:pilot:l— and uo awake' for what I am and knew I ma booed en betters.. One vase rat pamiralan young gentle man in Winchester. Adams manly, 0., 10 miles rtm. Mitplara,man eared of Courtsmytims whoa the doc tors bp mtest Min qp, OT LI least could do nothing fee him, acid - u was Ma niteation of his friends to mum him to your elly:rad ;decokes under the can of seam eminent phy Menu there. Oat a Maud told him of Wiens's Branca, lad that he could obatin It of me. Ha snot fey th and before the second Wile eras gone he was soled turd well, and attending 'obis every dsp Fastness. A. there are neer." Inquiries for the mal t ace. It wauld be well to fervent an additional supply wyth.gt delay. j Very Le j =c,ria v Vu oin. The alinee froM L. Newland, En., a highly respect able canary merchant, commends itself fortibly um candid , exesaktn of sil Masa who have deabled W. gram mail of Wawa Wild Cherry Balsam. - aminmeher the original aad only gamine Wlstar's Wpm ogWild Cherry, arae Introduced in the year ISM,. ask./ been well tasted in W complain for - Wldell It it recommuded. For 17 years it has proved Mere alicsainur as • remedy for Cong., Colds,lnthy crist‘Hro...aus,'Asthrus, and. Consumption in he in cipient stag s. than lather medicine. urn' , VOIC it.FSTORED'. an Theory., Aug. 10, 1949. Pawky Having wen many certificates patilishodin relation to Dr. Wiese. Balsam of Wild Cam,. I sake this °peanut:dry of °deans • • word in ite favor, lortleltiou are also at Deny to publish. A few month sine my wife's lams became w marl af fated with • sadden .14,M0 she lye her voles, and sabered severely from puns in the breast. Her situ. Yoe ...sod her.friends mach alarm. Having beard you Ream strongly neommended by thaw who anal il,/ warehased • bottle from your agent in Rh pleat. She took It according to dinretkum, Lath pro dated. zonderfe ether, Repro one bottle cbs hod CO. nob , recovered bared., the p.m sane& ad, and I health woo wish fully reatablistwd. • Yours, meg, HENRY G. BRIGHTMAN. To Dahmer" atm Daum tot Olarocton—Thi eel.. armed and Infallible remedy for the awe of Comely tior• Anthem and Liver Complaint, has by Its own me rits, been :mildly, sue and ealbly working way thraligk the Opposition of quacks and ettanterfeitere, .214 by Its trot vales and outlook excellence, it has gidned for Itself a most enviable popearity, an 4 est.. !tithed Mel( In the ecaddence of an intelligent and at. liebtenel public, from one end of the continent to the other. 'rho testimony of thousands vibe have been re. bond nal cued oy this valuable anlele, will show •tb•ttl mends activalled. , nt the head rof all other me. diatom for the cure of diseases for which It,. recom mended: The gentiles Dr. Wistar's Ream of Wild Cherry now RI sale by dilly appointed Agents, and all table. 'dealers In medicinal, in all lama cities and important towns throughout Me United Mates. Puma St per !kale 181 x Dad. for &S. Sold by J. D.'PARIL, (enamor Plandßrd &Parra Flinn!, Mod Wile. sheen, Cecina., Ohio, General Agent Air. the South and West, to whom all orders most be diddreseed. Wilcox, Jr; Janne A. Joarei J. Kidd & Co; B. A. Pentestock & Co, Plitsbargh. 1.. T. Russell, We h 'moon; W. IL , Lunbetton, Franklin,. L. 0. Dowirra Uniontown; 11.: Welty, Greensborght 90001+AND“.. ..t; Scott* Gilmore, iledfordj laud & don, Hawing. dont Hrs. Orr, Hellidayabarg, 1111debran I Is Co,lndi. J. _ Ifithoolegi Evans a. Co, Brook. vine; AoWilson & Sao, Waynesburght OPlrarland ec, Weeder, 'Reedville; Barton & Co, Ps Maga Metier; James, Kelly & Co, Duller; S. Slosh, Heaven' .D. Smonnenon, Warren; Y. L. &GR./only Condenport, P. Croaker, Jr, Etrownevlth. feb•direleilefT Paoogan wrioN. ny vial= of a precept under the hands of lion. Us Wes. D. ideCiare. President of the Court of Cord. mon I.lgas. in and for the Stit• Judicial Distriet of Pennsylvania; and Just!. of the Court of Oyer and .Terminer, and General Jail Delivery in end (or aid ;Markt, and Samuel /nes and William Ken, Engrg, !Associate Judges of the saute Courts, in and for the coati of Allegheny, daunt the Ilth day of February, In the year r of OW Lord one thousand eight hundred !end fifty, end to me directed, for holding a Court of Oyer red Terminer, and General Jail Deltvery, at the Court House. In the City of Pittsbargb, on the Fou rt h Zdandsy In Much next, at 10 O'clock, At M. Petals notice I. hereby given to all Justices of the Peace, Coroner, and Constables, of th e County of Al. legheny, that be then and them, be their proper person., with their rolls, records, Inquisitions, exam.. s t .nation and other reMemb mem no do those things which, their respective offices to their behalf, op peat to donentl also, those diet will prosecute 'the psi Oen Abet now aro, Of mey be, in the Jail of ' .. said boanty of Allegheny, to be Men ea tam, to pts • swum against them as Mall be leM lilacs ander my hand, at Pittsburgh, this UM dryer Pebmary, m atm year of oar Lord,' MP, aod Me Catomommedth th e lath. CARTER CURTIS,- • febledamulT Shand*. noricz. L . 4 J r A r Would a re;:perfolZ in b fogi that stontroLo w th eTige r La Liclrutl b u o s stn a eai. at the old - store , E 5, Chestnut street, Philadelphia— where can be found, a groat satiety of Wines and Lunar', o t various grades and vintager, consisting in Part of Sherry,' Port, Madeira, Claret, Boca, Ix. Brandy, Giet Idonongalkela, and Irish Whiskey, St. Croix - Ram, and Jamaica Spins; Brown Stiott and Scotch Ale. yery .saperior n lot mf Champagne; Ave traria view*, pot uti by specie! order. oil at whleh b !Millar low prices. At. J. BAILIE. • ' • SS, Chealmit at.. Phila. fsblidim . , Next door to Cain toss Hail Hotel jr 'R4 .,'rov3lide,b;t iL.,,Vbr", at "nag* My es and • istutcri ort WIITTR a ii tioas ni , Patep /Ir. CA the 328 maXerl r itera, *h. ele 7: 4 6 T Otleans7 4 pe:hipe Atale,'Boad !mai., RALAuctsia, which will be eckW., ea minket din Inweet marketpric e,.lben by .1 , LVJJELTHEE, Ice 1y egV:ey aceirtitilire largo sepplies doing the, a lredbilelphla am! Italiusurcs : -• • • HOMER, LOT& RAlob;,sa. L'ROM lit or April out, the stIMPOUSHIsoIy oecuyied by Tway & Best. No OS Wood k l - gilre of Nob JOHN DES?. N'er Bale, rAItGE fide, Madam Beals, CbsaberMsek, sr! .L 1 ether articles °seamy In I. • Wlubstals;o.o , eery business. Inquire auni Wood t 31 =To • DOB lati. • TM undersigned offers Gi sale the entire steel of Groceries of the late Erns of TASSEY t BEST, with the store fixtures and seer thin ltai e 'sble n"" commodore the tranaetion ore heavy besiness,which has been Wilt up by fix years *lose attention, end • large custom obtai the good will of which fib'w transferred to the me prer. and possession warehouse given on the Ent de) of April next, er sooner If repaired. The meek WI be reduced r( no. quired, and payments made easy shedgeod - pope* Se good an opportanity of an establi bholeess Is sel dom offere4;and but for other engagements repairing my attention, weed not he given ep. Satisfactory information eau be obtained on the pt. raises, No. MS Wood meet - JOttli BERT. moms HE now at pm« hea, .m D .:, ft"P'ed by MAR& the second booze fra me s n D6 "° ° Ail " .ney..er of Lhalmna "P' , BOYLE IRWIN. rpHAT !stye and commodious DWELLING lIOUSE 1. on Webster meet, near netreeth, at Renew oven. pied by Mr. A• Vanturk. Pessession is le be peen on the Lst ANIL Inquire on the arenas., or of M. B. LOWRIE, Wylie at, near Chatham. FOR BALE, A LOT OF GROUND, 61) feet front on Bank Lane! 11 running back to Rebecca as, NO feet; • Cottage Holm and Carriage Roam In good repair. This pm. Noy thheautintUy situated on the. Rank of 'la Ila - Oen) , our , and si centered one of the coon deaths.. ble and pleasant attnationa In the City _of kilaght.y. For price and Muth apply to R. SCOOTER, •fchßtt No lineament tn. E=Ul 3, IMES ACRES OP LAND, sltmul abort 81, Miles &gm the City, nos the reside-ate of Dm. itiehard A as the Clemsbarst, Turnpike, amiable for Com .117 Rerldmete. Aloo-100 Acme of Lend. sheeted In Prink Lin town ;hip, about Itimiles from Pituburyb. net the Frank lin Ac. Aleo—A Let of Ground, neat the new Dwn, In the Seventh Ward, being 100 het square, on winch is • two story I flak Dwelling. House. Per particulars and tempt of sele, enquire of DV,/ rt BRUCE. AMMO.. at Law. febl3.lm Path sR bet'e Weed and dmitbfiehl. VALTIABLIO BABE IVOR SALIM, SITUATE In Noon townibip, Beaver County, Men taining about 150 AORPS, 730 f which are elan ed. and-the =idea well timbered. ' There le a large Oreluffd of Apple. Peach, and Cherry Trees. of good quality cm in sum,' eomfanable Dwelling Deese and Banc. • The land Is in good order, well watered, and Let e 8 miles below Pittsburgh; q talkie hut Phillips burgh, the Ohio riven - add rally toUso from the. depot, of Borherter, Me Pennsylvum and Ohio Rail Road. The tide le indispumble, and the land will be *old on reasonable meta Poamrusegiven.ifee cessaq, on the Ist of April neat This but of lend, from its convenience market, and situation in a pen of the coortgy where real es• tam is rapidly Hang ii•Voldr, uoheo ft drattablo to, the looms:Rent of capital. lad for gardening and ard• cultural tarpons l N. P. . er o. L. B. :de Cunha paa s. nq re l eui of fetal Anon:des at Law. ttsh sreL jolt, for Solo: . WF of Modena lei= 16 UM lot of glaond CO Pennsylvania Av• g , e:i .o tra i ltr 7 e i et s being w itoltlO,l feet In depth td. That fee t on Penneelextdet A .'emv, ;pal d hrs. Muscat's propene-64111N feet deep by CI beyond 71Inehes wtdth.l 1.1 U • of oir Put behind the ti Lot above ect-L.he 130 feet feet deep by 2$ feet n Inches wilds, extending foie Gibbon to Lomat et, IL W. # A. 6 MELIA f.bsi w Attonlere tt Lew, eme.tettrsiViattd. - Te Let, ACOUNTRY RESIDENCE, dtaalo within a unto alba eity,in the Identity of Ilinenteilleoontaire log RE ACRES of Oround, on whieh is metal It two awry BRION 11008E,Suadlna, to. Abo—An Crete , and of rinth Ills property le desirable, either In e plane of residence, or for _gardening pat inae, Enquire of W, U. LL PUSEY, At the Lacher Yard Othe of Boothe Itattmx rter of flay arid Liberty ais. PILE Uses tree ivory Itrtek Warehouse, on Water, Woo; Vero street, ranting than Water to 11114 Weal, on reasonable tams Possession given imine• distal). MAKI= of' feblll•tf M7I7M =CCM! rriLIAT baaollthl aitaasion for a Private Residence, on the bank of iha Ohio river, la tho Womb of blanehuter. For tenor apply la lebta GEO COCIIRAViIecaI at IN ALLEWIRRY, witiltl • p os e of the enact, a oombee of lite. story Met Dwelings, with back bolldleys. Moe ma sight moms In eats Meow and 'tie peas tee payed, with ydrettts Um seam ' Rent - era low. FOR SALP—TIneo Poops, In good enter weld me for wells ham IS to feet deep. Eniinire of JAMES RAY, Raadetir et. no., Roust Chunk CZ= =3 . • • banal.. am of savairrrive W E DIRECT ACTING STEkal• HAMMER. arab Merrick A Tome. id:prevent= Mania& It la In rnal order, mid can be men as mar worts. It is ad mirably. adapted to drawing iron. and aldadinal blood. For tardier Informidnly_an rabbi SINGE ian R. FlalindAN CO. Per Stash WM SECOND AND THIRD STORIMII of Oran. loom No 5 Mario:oat...l, sort door to Ilhairazy k Lealkoo Olen Mont. Elogniro of (obi • JOHNSTON &STOCKTON' A Pam foe Sala, • • CONTAINING 160 ACOES, about half of vidett b cleared, slowed is Washingloa mem, Ohio, about eve =des from ibe Ohio River. Posessaloa glom irossedsately. &quire of ROBERT caufg.t., & co, THE enbseriher whl roll or rem He Very dell rattle Camay tterldene, AllegbeligetrY.Mt; waled en Ohio Lane and Allegheny Avenue, west of the Comma. The tome is • hate doable bliet hula*, In complete order. There is a Cery liege House, Rabic, nod goat water oh. the gram* wlitch campfire two acres, wen heprirreg, oreanideg every dmietlptim of Alw—s spring house and smoke lows. To•semilea givestylenog ism math of ,hlensh. lebt.tr JOHN GFICHAHT. r i ll pples TO BiT=On wood non, MSS la Omer 11. Pooonisa AOl4l. __lean ISAIAH RIC66Yt 00, Irmo a - - S T N I M a F t s ;4 1 1 r " -SCI Tailr e sn'a ISAIAH DIC k. CO, se ILAt desirable Beselenee, shosied en tee Meer Bank. Flru Ward, Allegheny City. &metre ex Yea Odes, er. et lan. teeelerayn, on the - ballet( IBundling' Lou. 1 of ' l ,,Nlt!'" -t.. W•yoteeordleir W • pow to be Phew , at this, *See, where hum sad condttioat will be made bloom. jean Vet neat, HOM the F .ratio ItitialgVolWalwliVg no ly stomad on the Odle titer s .*alog amber:meter Manchester, with about Roar sem of Loa* a number of Rah 11az . te large Wok Vara sad . Stable, oad other oat b toast JaM a. HUTCHISON IVCO. To L . • ASHALL OMAGH HOUSE, la Antelme.ath Eiplanals MM. lan !Kens ot Jan • TAMMY A Illtirr 73 Wood a. = l aM=9 LOT OF GROUND, salvable for e Brink Yerd, end sit no= the eft y Line, in the vicinity of k'bo thi4lio, will be recce en a tens of yews. A ,p• Ply i j l aa E. D. GAZE MIL Third 41/00t, Moo am Wm Pow Mee. 1=E2121 A ROM .2.4" "X" " y " 1 " w-VAr A THREE STORY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, 01111berristreet, benie — ettO , Harsand Walnut meets, RNA Ward, at present ossap/ed Is_y the saboarLbet Pomade:lllsta= the Ist A dl . aim of larded , W. Y. .n. - Par Seats /DOE BASEMENT caner of the Dimond ong .L Union streets well and to any ;labile Densest. h has been occupied as a Coffee, or Ewing &Leath. meat, for a naming. amis. ALSO—Several 011eca and'Arinis Rooms, well lighted, with entrance frost the Diamond, o.r the .tore of the sabserlbers. north weal corner of the Dia mond and Market meet Apply to WWI ALEXANDER /t. DAY. 011:7111 1 1P1S -- . two pleZirat sneatoi mote L" Dwelling Home, with there adjoining, at Oakland. ressewlort can be van ea the Matter April nett. lad HA JONES it CO. - rPIIR Back ran of the Wansbau• Das aetapial by laysalt, ana fnonslng am Frew .12.1. El GRANT 41 Wenn at AGOOD THREE STORY BRICE DWELLING, on Smithfield ureet, , Coar doom Rom limn* dde west . Inquire of S. SCIIGTER, Jan? llO Socond.k.... ID on rug SPOSILK, soon Wu 4 op fat Dry V Cioods, on Maxim as, bemoan Thud sad Foirth. Possession given ors the let of At DOA Alao—tleveral 800.118 and OffICIES. Possession, given Inisindlsisly. E.D GAZZA.II, dole Mese ova the Postolllleo,ybinist, won HZ IST.—Tbe WAREHOUSE at par. sans aeaupied by Mama Beltq, He and & Ca, cm Waist wain, nom Mat or Aril next.- - • ma& /MIMI A HUTCHISON & CO jaiP^oll *ALE—A - Bela House, (bat One yeas boiltd and Lot, on Roblnwe meet, - Allegheny, Rev old Bridge. Pelee low End Mhos easy.— IndOlre of 1724 B BCIIOYER.IIO fleeend 10011SALE—Plw lots eligthly stlllloo M law. iddng town of )WlllllB6l= The lota are sons. ted on Denman runt, numbered in V Benzoate* plea 73,79, al, 8 t and ti—Let No 73 fronting 20 feet cella ry Ann street,7o feet deep; the other loon IN feet front each, by 80 foot deep. • Terms—Greater part Ofperaue money may rep =Lit for eLt years, wetted by mortra. no Ft, E pertlel mrn;ir r**t 110 soern i t et VALUABLE REAL MATSON PENN STREET FOR BALE.—A Lot of Ground situate on Penn street, between nay and Marbery streets, ailieiniaa the hone and lot note occupied by Rieltard gitearda, baring a from of 23 feet, and in depth LSO feet, rill sold= faverableterme: Title unexceptionable. En• quire of • O. O. L005118,4th at, near Wood. ottli.dtfa • eiSLLING OPP AT ILMOUOND PEACIMAI A LERANDER ADAYeeerner el tie Diamond mid CI.. Market attest, are now sellina 05: radaeed Poeta, their stook of Winter Goods, conataing of !Shaw. and Lain& Dress bloods. In gram variety. Also—liimk au and F lame* Cloths, Rwaiwea Satin etta, end a fa assortment of heavy. Cotton Goods. Corfident that il batter bargains canard be had else where, era init. the attentio n of boyar& ALEXAN DER t DAY, • • 75 Parka/ anent. idea stiai.aftturuktil2lo endat..rots.z.. alma 4= the slog favorable twos. , _ • . FIiIIAMP &ROM% . WS KILGALETS' lig:E.—too il. feb93 _ =2MMI • t EXELIANOiII DIU DA T LIVF . 9I.' , taa commeeanca of ifitscluipms tae rscOsai wiz mut orkaartaxinf, Acriflll2l,... ,- PHILADELPHIA AND PITTAIIIIIMIL• GODS forwarded by Ws U luTi lie ird eeCleiiks Gmail crab to Chambershmit, lad Me bamiatem• l i r , loaded la Wagons Ong alibi and 411fYlfartel la The bones am rade:tett testy IS AlDlMOitiesli Mamas the prompt demo, of goods widely Webs promi. The W sed agons will Irase oar wartime., elMIl,lAb,e -day•.ateeyt.e‘t) at 2 &dock, P.- le • - .• ___-•-: *Weer, are maned that ea shore goods 'MI be babe each day than am la tpasetaalty . 4401.11 dams& . _ . • .c, . : • JAMEIS sr DAM s, c 6 ,,, • . * Market atteet,Phil 1 • JOHN hf , FIiDEN C. 3 .1 Hu* Altigfu* ... . . /ORM AIePADEV it CO., For/rasps, Cannann. eras Mascaann, Canal Basin, Pena Km; Pllndanija. - • JAMK' M. DAVIS iota. FZero Poems udiecoo• iinwos hliscooslo, V 27 Norte; turd 64 Cotelloetce a, • PtitadelpAts. • _ "Advance. undo brattier ofthe above, Clit Plear• Wool, sale. and other serritonclize, ocomignog to Owl fir oema LINIC• , WINTER ABRAM/Ml:Mgr T - . MUSE sabsesit4”, n lB5O, ew ng In Saesessliklakea / Sion an Iftioress Wagon Lino benreenTOnsbugla andifinladephia sea prepared te for 0004'iba freight daily. Sub asst darnfarib. l l l , mro.gb; is ewdanaz HENSTORAVP Postal Basin. Pitulartgl,`,. DITTILLE HULIPIIII6YB CO::, , ~ICO Qatar 73 Mlles. Illitteglaffr 71a Browniminstand Comberlind' Ditti*e:ll4 V t raitnlnf boat leave. the Wharf, IMO* th e bridge., , dm 7, at 8 - o'clock premed). 71me, ' Dahlman.; SehecrA time to Philadetrdda,4o hair, The evening boat leaves daily, leslma Siendathel mecca •at 4 o'clock. Pentagon 674 - Cathleen 111 .cetiice boat, enter the eneantainv ninank P9 3 "dee, and that avoid .l. grareL • • • ' • ace you askew el ine !an!: It i oltatiehel, ilease,'or tt. Charles HoteL: • kllninOni , 4ol„o.: t iti ----7. 11412112M.8.ut.Ant,, MM%T777. . • 185 Q . EItPREE3 WAGON TaROUGH FIVE 06Y81 ': ripuE subscriber.; having adageoded their:ciaW eratione emit the opening of the • *mat ?balm uon s have establiehed an EvpreeeLlneby Rallrencland Wagon between Philwlelebta• and, Mahwah. bg Wile!. they are prepaxed foment ctlOßPonnde Mal da_y, and receipt fox Via delivery of Me same io4 days. They beg 'nave to same Wit Mead and the pat. lie that thew arrangements regarding roosa,mplissiG and acepateh, cannot fail tepee saliafactionikali who Myer themesith their command. ' . • • TAAFPE t O'CONNOR, (aclney Pane and Warm whylusbalgt. ' • TRUMAN VEI Market strew. Pbitadelpenli • GEE, WO! GEE, WO' WINTgR MEMIa 1850 . • um mar ma our conserross. : • .'• •. ~,, 4 BIN tf Rip '9 EXPItESS • WAGON - LINE 7. ruts b ant PhdladelyaiitsC. - ''' A 8 di a b ess en the canal is shoo being Siaikel Cl fin. the se We wenehl Inform the Dahlia that . we lute ma& brotiglit the Conestoga Wages, Into ws• 3:l i ry ti , r "'I egi.rol=s l yrtte=intif P r a 4 leaving Pluladelpfee daily by the hull teal& tetchiest-2., beriberi, and the Wagons Inrftling day Land, night. images the dells.? or (heeds in five days'. Apply In. • -- - Wag. itteiGHAM, DatebbrSK•... 1 DINO M & DOCK, N 0.183 blarketwateg - nordo PhiladelP l 4! 6 ;,. . . . Wild ind. ARELANGI '.ll/SONT.. '•—•. - 1850 LII I I SL * , EXPRESS. W 4130 1 ,1 L1N.E., , ,:, PITTAINIEDH AND PHILADELPHIA:: TY= Flea Days, (Handwa exesyled,) itunedny 11 xht, h ,. ty: , THlrbbilt V. illro ff isVagtl n flpe 6i ntne l li, yoarlows winters, will again commence rannhil est Monday, the F o. of November. • - A Car will ye Philo:tenths and Chaniberstnialt , daily each way ilk the Nail Train. aalifrom MOW' bendungh with relays of horses reneing day andrughau We are pre:tared to forward neta lba weight daDrb7- the above Lim I Apply to . D. LEECH te tlo,.Pfnaintripti7 ' ' or to—HalUtte tLEECH, ' - . . No 13 Sou= Third street, Phlll.4ldphil." • oorlodtf PITTSBURGH. ;STEM WORKS AND . . IMMO AND AILE FACTORY. • • t Tans Rom : . JONES 1113114310, - _ Alploy; b ated, a steel 1,1% 7rinp,saa bU teach Ina gpruqra, hsuar i :ed iron and deslcil in eabLe <wings, engine lampl.and coach =V . ranerally,comet =I Front .agra., PittLb . . 'two: &taws, Lis, SIGN OP TDB PLANE AN I' SAW; - ' So. lie :Wood street. PICO - tbargtbs EICAPLD LAWMAN, Inpor . ant cralcis Iri n a Foreign and Doeurout HARE.' WABIG, in are new prepared to sell as;= . bn ussaaonswe terms mean he pnrehusce We solicit our fiends, and tha DOW- squirillYsio 'cal end examine oar P O C KET whieh eens . ll:o in purer wirvm sad FORKS, end PEN SCISSORS, SHEARS, RAZORS, Hone Tdmemnp, etteh as Locks,lattehect, Hinges end Sonoma:. blltalintr, - with entry ernes annuity kept in Hardwa:e mores. We incise the au Lion ef Carpenters and ktehasies generally to oar Lot man of Tools, welch bt redeem indecutd with greet eve, ea which we ere - tri ten/tad ed Is will an ea metre satisfactita. -‘• inShAel , • Inl• LADIES ARE ceerrioNO'') — , awn-ET SING ClOhilHON PREPARED CHAIN, .. hay are not aware how frightfully Inisrioni tt th! to tke skint how cosine, how mei, bow self low, yellow, Ltd wheal:thy the skin iv,' ' - peva 'demising prepared ehalkl ride It 1....,..t1.4°*"1/2„,ruthn loWe have p e - owed a be 'Labial wecall ' JONES , SPANISH YWI It is poffectly buteecta, being purified of ell &lend eat gallues; fad It imparts lathe elan a etisnuahloac elstar, living whito; el she suet OW alabaster,as a cosmetic oaths skin, outing it sett Kid Sold by the Agent, WH. JACKSON, lOLA any st.Pittabareit. Puce 1.1 cents. anoraltrT.,, pan twamaa the ir rib i ranee " 66" the al qo a r=ll4. heale ". 32- Jaunt! Coral Hair litestorauwa: lf.they. doubt Wu word who ahey cannot thew highly res- MU— elifseall Mr. Geo. Boatel, Elwa r Now Tort. Mr.. Matilda aftr6.l, M av, Broeltlps." - Mr.-Wen.Toniptios, 92 it, tio* York, ' ' Mr.Thoa JaeltroufMotnours Island, nem Picea Igh 11. E. Cambia barber neninboat Aserion And twro than.. blutderd When mate.. Gimlet t eta wart gales, that it will forte the hair togrow. Orl AA lend or floe, atop It falling a. sowlitthen GU - to, watt and dandeillown the wow I. l llhA la ar gray hair ammo a Sae dark look, w k dry, hash or wiry hair oudss. oak, tlua .010 baud , very, wry long time. , Fold by the diem, WM. SAMSON, BR Lawry pittabergh. price 371, SO emit, and one d011ar., . .:, .„ • ak.vrT m i r Tea ruse ex a ryas Rama as not roam Emu mu than a bail, putrid breath, or due, yellowaltemm, ed teeth. Wm.la have these It is &dr own trait.': can, for two shillings, bay an article that add. make &els breath pure .4 sweet ea the EwOu Atte It earn diorama of the o=l4 4. 1 . 1 1{7 'ol . ,aleented, ea Anew Teeth It V .equalled, removing ttaftartax, ileate&M the teeth In the gum, and 'elean Iltuan we' whoa ao therms of thfr.eat North. •• Bach, r uler ,,re tke propeniu of Joe.% lather... 2boNPule,without Felting at ourrelve* %War what one of oat mem tespeetable and eelentalle Dm, tVk hir &Meld, of New York, ea,. .1 have both lased and analiun tam twainfal palpable snide, (Jones' Amber Tooth Puletlae4 t eon reemamend it u powering ell the qoalithaou t 44 for it.. Reader, we eon aty no more to contalartki only that Ilya* try duo MIMI you will he welliolmeteNf to It pot op In li:tali& China Pots: famt.4.r. tents. Sold by the Agent, WU. JAC111101.1;84 Libe et, ty guest. Pin&verta. • oneandUoT tXtrIIO.I. MED SU% 1 / 02 1,101011VALIIIC1 BW.esamas aOw peraptralito, Amite Ow sante nme istles, settees, and wAltans lieseAka /wing tt the testate and beauty of an tedaniki. • • g ogi ,g, SOW Ream arm Sous, are wen ice osE, healed, bat eared by its no, no az least awes ay* , titans in New York knew who no it in ends caner I'm The iluncroa, Fazettos; or any Won IN It aase. The reader is assured Watt da no OttletWf rand tram, es one WWII will prom I opag Inc. inmate at least 60 pent= oared of : s a n lir.o.Eloce we Sou lit Ike and are it, and the reader is again Waned I woud., m i cr eepy sell it far the above whets I bowl, to all 1 Oslo Those , , egulDituenz, at Cum Rm. In Ode' ewe. Any ono allitetedwith en' ed the aloes, gait ; , Ear &teases, will dad this all and ernalllo2.l (a lolotO,„; bi g t k prepeatiesEhan I stabs. • • Bat, reader, the stores are hooded wish and be acee yea tat fin JONES'S Italian Al Seal , Eedd bY W ',MESON, NI Llheer7 Pinsburgli ' • auetaa , .operty, !,s &Milieu'. City for it p 1.,. E. 4l .i big Intel: i t 17 3 =als4=-41:ie s W.WH.qo ° Arcat 7 , 11 =VI a or ofJABROUIPISONom theortmim. lavl7:llkanflP fiF.C.I6 J. W. C 166 TIVORM their Mendes , . thlroblie 1. OA longer soy calmer. L Rut. rear la- 0.10414 mantic rELLILtIeCt4IIO I L. a t 6. ‘. debar% . Iframi Mg= removed thus en: 6 z..vailms to r POOC, wVetV, IP 16•21 D /LSD MILL PM ISALS.. Cr subscribe r offers, at inirste see; -miry ..- AORES OF LAND, about tinny Are of width Si , Wired ! and twenty Are [rodlmam =midair, std os which • erected • Flostuag Attli, srbteh can be Taw, y'tierrteuo or ',wet poorer. Then is ea dm ftald, , Fame, TWO DWELLING liOUStal, the 12102 , 1•1 f r, sat homes, and an ORCHARD of helmet Pendants. 'Ms mdl gearing is made of sus Iron, with tame twa of wanes. The *bore premise* are situated In • good Writing Doperrelltownsbip, Bearer county,throo miles from Economy, eight miles from Beaver, on the soath side of the Ohio weer, wutin three tan' amid sod twenty Milts from Pittsburgh. ' Title innmatable. . For farther information and ionditiona of aidrq' entre of th e sebseriber, on the premises, or Of .13 - Hiss selton. Gower, in the Diamond, Pittsburgh • noVa-onfill • • WALTER') 41INWPOrp :strrium. , 1111,shaaa City and Perryntilla Piard ',Rau; /VIE fitacktogno of Allegheny Coy aarm*, atila Ylauk Do. Corm., m mu." tom, Igoe Dalian,. cash abate of mak MLA by then,. tbs tati dm of Lamm. Febraary,liar. and APIA. man. TM work n now prom... sod too b o w. mom an, expected to b4 i ttaarity. By onlat Utelktud. nirzwAar, • • . Q ;A- Bots,T Road tianmOtott WWI Pieces, Com and Hart lbps alarap oa nand W upple es order. chaito sa/tenon of DizithipsakazaL , saigtrirlys
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers