Mil= Esti,jjils um ns6.' YLH "") I ' I, 641; tid*O 9P. g " rrre rigA4lni""rt, IMWM • DelY_Per. e• - •"'..!. ' '''''"'.7.47,"P?:,WP. 'Fri-wee•,:y.....---...."..i...1-.. go ‘.. . _, Weekly, in advanee)-•--- • ZOO ' . ',„ ! ~ Do. , o Glebe, at a =dined tatio. - )IA Cl ' OD , 414Frilna ~, ;, ! ADDEr , D.V.COPC--.' --.---. .-.. ay - TI 'e PITTSIRIIIIOIIpitess. ........:—.,•• One Sem ie,itelittee of Nenparel or kas), , , one t isernon----•-• - ^ —4 0 , 0 Ono Nut re, cask Walla:Al lemirtion•, ,, n,rs -. Do. one meek ,: , , 5 Da. . terovreeks , "--:•••_•; H,..! i Ds, • three weete•••— • •;,•,•," ..., , w,„ tt lb. coonth• -,•-•• ••••••,..,, • ±,,,! , t , ..., ewe, Do. .' thronotolia..:.,:-:.4...-...-- .7,00, . - , J. th ree sontifini•• • r ....7.7.1.••• ' o p : Do. - ' lour montlo, . "--.-. . -.—,1 , Do. mrehmientmlbs. , •• ....—. ~ MP 1 &tooling Card (Glum or less,) per asituutt,lael Om lame eloingeable at pleasure gpeSnSt nat e lmilosive el Um ` Mao „,:tnerlb, For e eildidonal squate, Insetting Mao u "' r " ..b nAtilibfitel eiPmitenseriMaadint Ina I yawl ly rate., half mice, ~ • ~•„ , 1aer,..,... Adveniaentents exceeding, a .146. es . and Inn - Ovn fifteen fines, to be elanced le neaten and a bait. Pebliithers not seem:rabid fot'iegid advartthement. beyond this anotrant•charged tar their pabllentleme_ / ne Astra slAke nuteing catididathe ibrofficei,,r,ttilbMit,l,M, Advertisemesame e. deer nts not mask teeAe ed °tribe copy - rti spec led mother of limen 010ucd h ten ins, will beetaitinned iiilforb and payatenter islt accord_ _ Ile privilege. at yearly nil vertils mil cen ' Ishii,. to th eir regales blame., a nd all Miley. adverl• titemeath not pertaining' to tioir mgeler,,baelni,ink 9 agreed to be paid ItIVIL. .- -. ~-",, ~L ~ ,i • All advenisementslor ellintabletking ICialltsoi,:, - companies, mud, Itnauslilp and eine:public' sleeting.; end such ltlei te.bc,o ll oind hallPrieesPeatebie Wien! in advance.. Alloriege neliee. to beAbarged 50 eenie. • Death notie.o.rted witbeeeebarge, =leo eeeenni gobbed by &bend A1,21311=1. or obito4o notch; dad whet's. teeompaoted.lo be paid OA • • • • odoellittelli and all otktellierAL • [lieut.:um, Of t ego/dog Dab., &Aimed te eel sawn bon to Pato, Beano,. Cameos, or - oaf pablie enter+ twoments. when Chattel ettetnible ;ter admiulnee— all co.. 9r private Itaitlotationo—ooety oodoo do: .tr,w4 to tall stamina. .8 Morale eatetynsee L ealanle: Wended to ponestelbeilioltial Want, eat en ly be hbotted.with the inderstentdleg that the Italie le to be plod for. -I(lnteedetl to be , boened in the lord ooiowo, the Auto will be cloned at Melillo of nollost ttitbep W tigNotierii Toverti LlOOftot Potitlons,ll3 mob. • Legal and 11.11eal ealentieemenle•le be:ehoired at Itool haute Old altOlkol6olll.ll Vol to he ciliated andor yearly rateti4 bet lobe illoloed di.xotiot of rump throe And am tlyaoo2l W.ILLT_OIi.2I,4II/1= 811110- one ADVCIITINVOIttris 4.wlraebtiam. , • One Annete,oo Ilnes,) ewe Do-- etch anlOoonal 105erd0e,25... • All Innelent adrenhoeo ♦ emHolro itaktitrAoTene& • NOWT AA JAMng C. BAUR & FOSTER & BROTHER, Loopett,.,, t. JOS. SNOWDEN, Aletrory:. , JAMES •WZBIDULE, Magritte.' — uzzuicansr.,p , p,9,rre. Pirtswmott, Dn. 1, IRA- BUSINESS CARDS. Denjamia einton• ... •• ••• , ••••••• , Valamktakavreii .PATTOBiI A ORNEIS AT L4,l46.oles*.Tilikasaillali El Want suet:tory to Cairn Boum,. , ; • ALMSAAM*I3. AIVAFAAB94 I / 4 ATTORNEY AT 14.117-.01500, on Fourth ntTel, above Bn4tltheldzLoirtie'd Bail .4!ll:r—.4gp ALKILANUKA IAANI, IN.AunrAcT Lire ATToRNEY AT 1:/kW AND CO FON PENNSYLVANIA, &Atom., Ne. , 1 ; All comammeadow. prom • t ariviveruL oet93-1 tißaurritum t citoOlt,co klOrCtl/11111 nod bealers Prodeee,. No. 49 2deret., L uther A TTORNEY &Rd Counsellor et Law, adad siwer Or the Stns of Pennaylnala, dr. ',Lowy 40. (late v PituboritiL) • • • • gorre awa—Pi Loth oleo Hoe:W. Forward, Ramp too & Minor, Wththolleas4,:ld'Clore, John' EL Pule . , wells & lempleadoCord & Cur. _ • • a. r iratm. _ A Tr ORNEVP - .A.ND tOUNSWXIII.II, AT'ffitg, 41. Fourth Intel, between' PlALltaAileland Grant, •ftusbarth, LARGJE Ai mummy,- TTO . AM - U 11. T. LAW, FoutO urectomar • asalEis ty 7TORNEYA AT LAW.-oiffx.ip Alee . on me. Salthileld *AA Oran . _ h. salaam, _ lona craourA! I . Ir. a.' waeinvi&a. , 4---4----aitra BAOALEY. WOODWARD & Co., Whapaata Dna atm Na.32ll , larket caset,Philaaelphiat naoi7 Plttetsulrgb AlkaLl Miro7llllu. , BENNNIT, BERRY k CO, Ma mW tmrera of Bed /ca. BWehin6. Powden, .111axistir. andSalpheri Watehosse No. —ON itTstst.belicLtrnt•• 121311130.1.1 MUMS xualwasznar. p i RAITIt REITER, Wilakale 'MI Itetalo/raii. EN, ;seer of Liberty mad 84 aair'suTett, Flu*vl4 tna I=== . - CRA'S L SKINNER, Forvranlltti lad Cormatisuop. %a-Merchants Nato Market 0, .1103 el d hIcANULTY Is C 6, Forip . latinirand Codi J. zoksba Merchants, Canal nap; Tituborgla ' Socha f Arr.: KANT, Wbolesal• Woe.. Caagnutiyigr..fl j. Forwtrlmg 'Lerch.; No. 41 - Water I Duquesne Illprling. AxL, . ISF*6I 864,1r0n1i • ' atiki• fICILEMADVHAILMALX.A".Co; mennactuvit Coach and EUptits ➢ Spring.; ltamsaarcd-fule 1n . t . afr y,0 111;14613, ke..lVate . lso, dealers utf emelt Tdaustinigsiiiii , Idatibl• TANGLIBII k—LIENNETT, Ca Cf.) WltotcsaleOrnecrs, Commumioa sod wardiqg Merekikau, and dealers tn Produca e nd kit burgn Manutaetatos, No. Wood a - , betwen *Liu crecto. 1;1 J. !Mornay . sad Canovanas at , - .01, Cinemas% bwo Inikooltexn 9 and m Indiana, and lailientaety, promptly =dm fully attended tn. COII.O2i.IiVOLT Mrthe State of 11. ayl 'anis, for taint DepiOrickw 112b1011111% Scram so—lion. Wm. WI ft Son, Can% .. thlucli ro Cathers, Wm. Ilays. Ec, Wi ll ock 1 La Ira lloroey . Andrew Floating , M.& Etektogf. iumultLY;* PLPIngo 4 1 ' co. , ' COMMISSION kIERCRANT£I, , 1,30 R tba 'ash, of Domande, Woolen and Cat.* r Goals, al., Damien. ad Madge( Tailand rym lama*, No. 117 Wood sneei,,loatth, ck.r Nan ficromooc. M e w,. y A,k Co.,uter.o J. C. : ........:.....E. /4 -QUM. • isai.yrroaLs i cLaturs4 MIORWARXIING AND COMISINION 11161.131* ..r ANTot, dealers in Window Glatsi - Wlei L ... .EL0i,A1 ‘ ,..,N0. lON Seconirtt. . - ClORlVAtigritrt" AtratOila No. 11$ Second stmet, Piuthmix.- A 0. VYKS(7FriIWeb W. 151511111 . Aka:P.o3room= IX and Ito Dolton, Pitt tet, Putsborgh. . apart (IP.6lt6riXodrat.AN, Common= and Itorwudt oF Morodant, No. SD Woodotscet: Pinstninittj tat 114511MLNAOtttePAOVIRI. 4 Attill.TON PTEWART, nannotaktnror of llw{ Shirtingsi Meek; h-p.i "'apt/. al At cottony. • - tot , I — ma; onneugar to his , Phr &Leal WoolDea~ er a2I4ICNIIISUSateII Itlerekans, Co, lieut. di AClCTienti Wooten,LlWlty, opryulle Gibs!. -115b17 I 9ne. uluia;ll . altuncore: . • ..4.% a. 1. iOCIOIOI4 101 W ASP 7.1‘1..1.. St. 1.19d116:...; D. C.1.14..101011. IMO a. WARM,„ EALD & 130011,14011.; Tebt.erco commifflrferet • Ilte(- 1 a runts, 4t North Walef sty & Nora Viinirt.l, . • nevalPif : WX..talara ARDy, jor:a3 ,Ca: k (sgeensora ur Amami, Joan & Co.) Corsonssion and F n daalen, Pitabiarga Niztafacted , Gooda, IPStutnnen. en. 1,27, 0 . IL B. BLoyay wn. n. urn.Limai 00. - ; BARKERS AND EXCHANGE,DIIOO. II : 3 , Nana test canter of Wood and Third Wee* , r In" PITISSOIMIL A. asuset4at 2 ATTCcsosol 7a moms; C. " MPOKT6.I a. Dealer In Frencralid Maenad - Par I pir Hangirigs and Borden, Window Shades: 6176 a7d Pnals. Printini and Wrao. yinic leper, No. 67 Wood wee, botareP 7 7,} o6 _ni APO and lattoood anay, , orc oldo, 1'in047716. 66- iSalAit =IVY. • immgolClll7, TBAIAII AICICI:Y l Co., Wholoodo °mom. COM. .11 solution ktereluustry and Union Ls ProdocoiNOlLT Water. and 107 Front woven. Fins h. .770,8 1 Nth AX•AtiLiiilo, tee Lake :Ede end okP Mail= line tellesart and tbe .fte the corer of .Water sad Saathield $111: J. 14 Joha if, Ddwonh•-- , •—.—• NI 00111 DILAVORTII & CO, Wholesale , GrocerrOtad ad. Alma. tarifa:awl Powder Co, No. 22 V 146641, I /S. 1/11.WWITtr iS Co, Wlwilesele Grocers, Yr* •el duce sad CommlteleriMerelisets, and .Mgenls for the Must Powder CO. of bl..tairs27.Woo4 TWIN M. -111 W 2 - Abateg t N 0.4 s Marta st.three dam itbresTbiTd uL tom All, will bare emstmty en hal *Ana seletted I witiment of the best amt. frabatltedrelamertilell tus will Ira en the Mal .1741106ab1e terms. PkyebelW I " sdi°4 °Om , will to PrbstADY Emma ta l sad se?, plied with saielesthey Tata nay mein is imams . Phriasisne ramededami wilt be mewl, and A ssay e•nisred from Ma brat steberfals, am/ bear of le dgmnlshl Ai. br isale, a Mimi Web Of CMitirMa goad X* l6 : _ JOT- W - A - Tr. (steeltssor to Ewell Gebbaral _ Wholciale Grocer end. Connentssion Maraud. dealer in Predigested Pittatiargh Manureetaren, m uter MLlbtt awl Sand streets, Pittsburgh P. IF Cowie /Imelda= 'PC &_,Co, Coutanaston Merchants, end Agents ~ of tbe Lanni o Ste= Suer Refuterl: NO 4 1 krator Nutt* trentoseetiaittsbcOk• OUN - ICTSECfrStI trassehtioo 'Retell dealer el fa Musiestod Mericaljestruceeete,,Seboel Seem Pew, Matta, Steel Pens, Stustls,,Printerat can* and' Sufic..ry genersll7,No.BlWood staritnsblugh -17.0 bP.Mht or tate* St tibt* "P/ 5 11 -GA SKVSF4-1. - Couniellor at Laec—Ofi U lee oa roineleht, above Smithfield. (lam of Wane^ 01110,Consaiir • okonainiklimnrlSlNOfiomg sad wholesale dtNei lii,VVemese HAMM- Chem, JOllte,r Pot and .Paari !LW awl 'Western' Produce c Woo. ftenuri; Water rbr I , mieen efi xter :ditfifirld a tn e t J J.°4 l ll4ll74l l lrOil i ftMbrii i ii . WoOd aneelionedomidonth of Diamond Adel., Pius. !mode 4 - 6 - 1 ' stinieti; Pituditinth; itt:t PPOCOON,`Poolizoo Meer. • r*Franitastaitft,lfo:44 Hoaxer:, Mem birth. , - _ . J FLALTYDieWkolsaide Grocers, Commissioe -CP .: h le, urtd,,Dealree,lg grant. . Rod GhorhitGuldhaCsatoctistly; w ood and Qt. fames, Pittibutch, • . rote 1000 /MIZELL: Whitlessio timer, Gammissioh ur Alm unt, and desist. ouProdoce sod Pittsburgh Ilsratacones.- 3Vo.4l.Waltr se.Pituburgh- ihhih T .Ii6WETIZEit, Money at .Laer, Mina Uopposite St Charlet Irate, finehalky •liltend pneetttlyto,Colleetiatts, la Wa.hinpla,Pa7e tp staelHebkL• • 'HEVER TO , 134:1 cleiq • Chhiell wirothers, *— 7 • DPliToirrri,' VILNA Forwarding ea —' ; —. d . l &manumit hitt 'M. Achim. Maim in Pinnace IndPittsbugh mane. M M urs PITTSBURGH, PA. • rIiiNNEDV,VIIILbS ikr").; hinvithent,nn "Pe - ingeliot 44 Sheeting', Carpet: Mule; Co e.g. Twine in , / • • WAIT non ir AA USlsar, Skeet, Boiler hod 'aid - Nada of the aesr Watclioaad, 5i water and lt*ftoat at. s. WATMINAN,WhoIcsaIe Grocer, Forward . •.Ing liNlCaularciaat,Dcaler in Pim .bargh MenaLc rui 4 Prodnea, Nos. ..11,Waitr COMmyksION MERCHANTS, icrlabinaladea inuie on coningincents. Vlidaj7.s c. w. accersos7Kiisbatib.. -11,1 ULM RlClCETSON,WhalcsaleGrocers.and• Isaporms-of 17**114174,eortietof Liberty and Irwin stmt., Pao burgh, I roo:i Coucaltaralq /cc . con imamics !.!!‘ mw frvux. • tab. V.43.:Eirac NLLStI G, u 4 ale Nn.-194 Lamm' It s Pittibarty. -I, IV ;11,1 A •; A i Muttrin - ,wiitsumit 00,11e 1 ,lories, Murphy k ca,, plboleole .Deeier!i. m pry, 11:663 ' . merit Mter. Room., corner of Past Otfieo Allgy sad Fourth street, c,rlt7Der orr..tb treartiptryet. ati.f.A101.24.113 Marta 01.01ecoltd door*. tOrIIC I' Of .Fpunhol.Wers rq Fomign iknues**.ls al:Exclmagps,Cenifacsuca of Dept*. Collietroris inad Jhe p • tbroughcrat 1.1 NW a elect: BUi: Li ZirmT 1111, .A.,:aaraficeacanh 44, ; *arm Suu:airld, costa Jade. I-Cnrcrynaciargall &ma Vg.t. 2 . 1 cass acA haral accuracy, -•- 1111uu Lc Aral tisane examined. , • ._.actla-ty - VAMP. if am Let , lstyllBooll., STKEM betarenniVeyneynd Hmd, has .I...rentuand Inn professumni• duven,rnag Warne- W3 'I:IIIr...IPEDZMOSR.I 4 4 II .4Y°..4k 31 .ia• latltAtod-,eur gmantitita of Green and k;Tens,',4ol2op, nunner, hnlf, and P.410§ . PlFOgt.j TUMg ct..""per Pound 11_,121, J L -2.53.2111b r Pekin Den Co. - 4.111111310URt, INZLI.II r. 00.. • 7iiriirrittortitteOP'oP-REN 0E139-WARE. Mi g inO it traiTetit i r pt=l= boulea, tra gorkt; agdMintaAl-,lyater ttpttles, of Panicalar auntithipaw b Pri-nici koalas.. UaLSUIy, Lk, i t trrt; tv„ G rio..l22 Vberty su:eetj Lkonnisuonterilnlas; '164 des]oi 'ir. 44anafacture. - - - • h • Oa= L=2lll. WEL =mom.: 1,70810 LT teVU - Tn - T — Insecr. - 11cctifying 1.16 Drs Zia etualerut Proems*, Ponibarenigszufac toonsetne.ell kinds of - romp and DoLuer.ile Wine. and Liquor', No.ll Liberty raw., On tonul e vote , larr .sieelc• of insperior old- liTenonfratiela eriuskey, lamb will tie /sold tow tit cacti. apLe.ty EVNLILLIS t aaEE PP gaud Co=atisaion Aterabasta Earths Allegbany River Trada deal -man - 61cseerira" Proanetrillttaburgh SitanoSsaatret Tta'alitme Ink.. isb, paid at ll:haft for Cana yr num Corner of Penn sad Irwin sta. lima m' -Vatetaltiatt sad ..Forwzdtilg Atacama dealers Protlaca and Pittsbatet Alat!afacattata iaborty St. C NNINGILeaI, Wholesale Grocer, n, Dealer -la Ploduee iced Plusbargh llanufte)ares I=l ==il • - REMOVAL. =. • COGOBAILLTUSIIIMGIZEI .1 chine, hes iesnoved to N. S 7 Front, bccioceo Wood tad Smithfield. streets.. •• = - .see QIN GEL 'lt Af MA N & ff et CO.. Uheeld• Imo od -1.7 Fleet -Works—OLooditetoters: of Am. U. Boling awl Ylongh tUeeL Asko, Vices; An -They Unit" thofnuonuon of bfeiebams nod emsoniaem to U.etritoe k. before putehatengelsowbeta Tbe*eratfetik thek.anielm to be equal . to eni • made in diecielatfy of Imparted.' ' ' - ' • fibt4 , :s7Zsnerwutrr, rum s. warm IINCIgSM Viliolesato Dealers In F=r Do.dtestle Dry Good. N0.0014r0 . 4 , 1r. A&ILLIALIGU, Wool DmitnetnTtli;an. Vela Mar and riodamgenendlg, and Fomenting 'inf ConliMil44ll,blerchants,,,Dlo. El Water et., Pius. ger.), tilleXklyTl ani?Genrrareom tnesnortZerehluitt,' .17 VbenT . Ptuspurgb. Sperm; LlyseettakittLasd Oft , ~ , SO,NUORST, C9.,,Wholcsata tiro fxerzt ./,onntAtn== Merclums, 4avarrmee to th eir paw wirebonse,t lV"tem ar — d) , X.3, 5 ,..iner of. Front 44 and Ctuuteery 1,41:11:1 WACO, B 8 £ CO., cal, and Sunday &boot !v. an3rdoalevain 11 kinds of Writina 3,3 in l c.w a.ldcWraPping rapEr, No. 79 Wood strocyleo: Awee.O. Paoli* and Diamond Pittsliurgh, Pa. itfplitrat. UPST, Wbolesaleracers and COLO=I.- non Merebanka and dualuea in Poodle. No. 73 nod !t.:;2973!tanitu y - A. 3' t!;213,_ . • -3 .11.72./2 . 11. • 311AX.001...DP3a4.2.1k Cossmisalon klereitauffot iho 33123 , Pala at Ankeln4ll2 Walaldn Giooda•Libeny suet', . alogilLiT 20111 a. cowman,. 11:33DAL /k. (3434 Magmata Gra ears, 19 'an4 fa WNW/street Pataburglt., . nov27 13tr." - erliSlifTol2lliLTlll2ll, • Wifor.mitts afloct:us„ ; ugerliniNG 3T.11.13VU.: 4 ,, and V. IN E and LIQUOR AIERCH AN 1 - 93 3 '.A13,o—Itnyortariof Soda Mband ISlonebtog Va1adar,134.3 . . , 14611.3dx5ty at, lapposila Sixtb ai.,) ;;•-• ; • • ' • P 1 5 .3. I rPr. !•1" ,md T 1 Witk=lV...GGre.oce% (roes NG., Gt...., ' 4,A C"'W' arn i . "i irialast "' and Plug ,. tngh .r Wood and Wnter • Eltal 117; AVALLAC,I stow and Mill Fumul ' • In6:edlalishpant,Na.l4 , llAberri . n., taw Ow I W7W;VILKIN, Wateheadewelry; simr l ,l !o. l #l l 4rtGoodJ, earner of :1:M and lth lu Mb, "Pat: - N. Et...,-Watc4s and Clacks • dee4 yIirESD DOWltti—stamatmaatte Sind. tasnrardng ,111nekalstorts. to Front Bt. bettintr.-0 .arkersarteaa • - 4 b 24 alie I is . , ts , tail meow ,Dry. Goods, storn east arose sot Market Ind Fouttb at. anal no. s. 11Cc4ln. AIIIZNOI*IIk Ca—Deem to leaner bides, tn. Ty- IC Many .ans..ananoutax... . non. srearcnots• . . . .1)17 . fI.2d.CI3TaIEON, Wholeonla Gmeers,-n -de .e.lary!ln:Produr.e, Iron, Norls,.ol,nos, and 12nts. M tdrrnalactures generally, Uri Liberty rt, Pitts- .. =- - ---. 4kavon.Nsnr-AT LAIN, - , lvdti , ---..,. Ihithri Ps , L • VTILIP nlO attend la callectona and. all othertusl• .' wasadairdand in hinlin Millar and. Azdnatrang 1 ; 4. &R. V 1 2 .1 ,4 i n betty as. • ••••• : : , . do Jason Maraud • do Plusbnrgh. ary,4 ..., Ear ld en-, Wvaal nl. . • jan7 • • ' ' CO.. f,ga S • TEAM BOAVAGENTS 0713 C -1•11.11 M. ALL. & Co, o No. 41 Water greet. a , - - Age^ J..lThParlE.,l 3 ook Abiders. Vare still Chgagell In the above basin' " earner oraWood 4usirand wreets; Phut:mail: when, we . are rep it do any work in ow Una with de. Wiallenit ow *lnk persopally. and au. Lunen regard to U. rienthesmand du fah yilit , ',Mann-Books wiled anY P.M. and bend sub ganliattitafebralitnelibers Ofilld bOOksboiind cage fay at/Wired, Neg..o. Out on books in . gilt lesterc Those 1h; Asee_worU,. WORT li no are invited meal. Prlca irliffibb.7,,, WAIXACII/V,CO., .11nund Church, comer bilbs .s, and Wood linnet', 'manufacture In cent for wee rin,"..lnfor and Counter Scales, Ir.( the Mat !mote quality;'Ceoking Stoves, torso und'enkly.Egg thrice of mien" sizes, Parlor mod comma . Crutesjiollorr Ware; be. Ca . They also tuanufachare the Vlchenitange, which du given sunk general etilefactSo3l to those having it In ow,to all of the they %weld re'pectfallyineite the atndon of the citizen. and the publingenenally. 0e1124111 NAIfIUAS NILL.10:1- U. S. BAIT PAL ell IiAISISIA _... lo Iteeseilenus 4 Co. ANEERS:EXCIIAIiGE int KERS, and nie - B Fbreign and Dom Erthonge, Ceni rs fteetee of Depasite ,Dunk 'Nous; and Speoe—Fearth wee; venleue the think of E.lttibargh. cureat ate: ed depoete—Enieht Cheek@ Do sale, and .g aleell:knede 0/1 Inlay el/ Ne pflnelp.l rt." Viii he htitle.etV!epheiaipe4ll4 Fore sn4 =codas Aftiiieei nud l e on eon4nEeentil of Produce, ehiP• . . TINWERGH • . 11ACKLETT NO. 911 WOOD STREET, AVE now In Moroa luxe and general assortment H of DRY GOODS, widen they odor to City and County Merchant. at tedeeed prices; and which they talll Sell as gt ed inducements to nosh boyars. or for approved ere lanle BENNETT .41r BROTHER; QNBWARE MANINACTURER:% litztalsittsmaXsis , r Piii.blarffbr/ Pa. .itgrchowc, No. 137, .Wood street, Yintburgh. iIIiWILL constantly keep on hand • good .0011. Ment 01, Ware{ of our own manufacture, and snperlormmhty. Wholesale and coudtry Mar , • chants are respectrallrovlted to call and ei• amiss for themselves, as we are determined to sell thomporthanhUovesbaforo been offered to tho pub* Irr bode rs Will e mall, se can:panted hi the cash or ny referee. promptly ananded to. mylti - - - Plll2l. nsolalwi /bop. 1:1" WHIRTMAN--ldrulefactarer orall kinds of cols g tan and woollen machinery. Allegheny tit?, Pa . The being now lo fall and asecental op oration, I an prepared to exuata colter. with digratel for of machinery ht.-11ms, tioh as willow., rickets, spreaders, card., grinding muting., railways, drawing Gatos, armlets, thiessils, imam, woolen cards,rioablo or ringle,for reetekantor country work, Wales, lacks, he.; slide and hand lathe. and tools Its gen erals All Kathie .hafllog made to order, or plans gia. CO torgesaring factories or mills at reasonlible charge. Rama ro—Yetioedy, & Co, Blaskstock, 13ell & W & Wog, Pennock C0.,,1n5. A. Gray. . BELL *BM BRAIN iN)UNDILY. AL A FULTON, Bell and Braes Foander t hes re : built and commenced business at his old stand r where he will be pleased to see his old custom. • - .. en and friends. . tbareintiteam bestowal Bens °revery die, from 10 to 10,000 polmds,tast from patterns ord.. most Rotas. ed models, and warranted to be °rule best elute nal.. Atineref Water_ Perept,Counters, Railing, !cc., lute. ther with errerrratiety of Brut Ceiling", tt requited, tuned eed flushed is the neatest manner. • A. F. is the sole proprietor of Masts 3, Atrn•Amn of Mar., so justly celebrsted for the reduction of friction In Maehipery. The Doses and Coropornion can behad alum at all time. natty 'OM... MOSS. lAlrm £fII.CON. BOAIPE £ ATKINSON, Ira irsr,_merammi Wool, /ND Mawr, Pm-mamma rsANTINUE to maburseture all kinds of COPPER, \J TIN AND SlialT IRON WARE. Also, Block samh Work. Steam Boats Malt to order. ta ala. r. o t o steanrrt n t ont =t .t r f & p.,im Nadel, TM Waxy Steamboat Cooking §tovep, Portable Forger., nations atria—a very convenient nolo for stsamboats, California tulips-nu, or nut mad companies. 'We would 'eventfully loin, mom boat men and 'Whiny> eall and wo oar article* and plea bean porelkaains clamber/. /•:17 ALCOHOL AND PURR SPIRITS, Corner Front and Vine streets. 0111Ci3110l0. 0. riRDERS from Potrburch far Alcohol, Pure EOM. fi,„P Rawer Rectified Whiskey, will he promptly at ended co at lowest market pore. =oblately 7- 111loskefwahirla Lihr , H7 !HAW. noutar IL PATTtikatON has opened the terse staple OD First it, 11110 Do through . 111 Ito Second stOtetween Wood and Istayin- nee the Monenselteln With an entirely neer stock of Horses sod Cason,. ni the best quality and latest styles. Horses kept et Dee. Ty in the best manner. INSURANCE, . . . TIIR DELA WARE MUTUAL SAFETY INKY. 1. RANCE CUM NY.—Omer North Room of the Exchange, Third avert, Philadelphia. Ems Ilinumaism—ltaildings, Merchandise and other property In Toga and cornereT, insured against less or damage by fire at the lemma rum of posinium. Kamm hounaram—They aloe imam Vessel., Car goes and Frelights, foreign or costumier., under opener special policies, tulle assured may desire. bilailliTZLlNl7l).l6otom—They also Insure meninx. dine Dampened by :Wagons, Railroad Cars, Canal Boca most l aniberal d Sown Boats, on rivers and lakes, on the Lerma. . • . DIRECTORS—Jaseph H. 'Deal, FAmund A. Sondes, John 0 Dens, Faust Harm, John R Penrose, Soon el Edwards, Gm 0 Leiper, Rbrani Darling:Lon. Issue R Davis, William rep.% John Newlin. Dr R. M Ilan Speneer Meltraln; Cloves U 7. J 0 Johnson, Wil barn Ray, Dr 9 Thomas, John Sellers, W. m, Jr. DIRECTORS AT .PITTSI.III9OII-11. T. Morgan, Wes. Dooley, Rm. T. WILLIAM MARTIN, President. Melton S. Nornotn;Seeretary. Ornee of the Company, No. 42 Water .veer Pusher& Iml9,tlt( P. A. MADEIRA, Agent. -LIFE INSURANCE! 'Croton Solna Life imuranee Company SATES or.rirciou RIDUCED 25 ITS, CUT. Capital. 11120,000. JAMB DURNO A CO., Agertts at Pitubargb, ROA= 01 0111.101, AT 1111003, am =MM. Janes lloytJr. I P . Penil l'" elet, P 47i` ' . Benjamin John A. Wean. • Eli Marra, Secretary. 12==M2 ==l 11w 1r0.2.•• PIRLADELIMIA. &npin,ller of New Valk. I Ilan. James Campbell. Goings Wood. J David 11. With. John F. Ilaekle. Alexander Canuninva David Malley Fiala. IW.J. Y. Whitos Y. M. Joseph Doyle. - - - • - . .. Ms ESe. Clor. Haines. Er-Gov. Vroorn. W. L. Ssytach U. EL Sen. Isaac Wildraek, AL C. O. D. Wall, E x- U. S Sr.. Wm A. Newell, 11. C. Ex• Gov. I L. Dickerson. Ilos. S. TIM =Laos. MEDICAL LS MAINERS. A.Sidney Dome, XD. W. W. (Sashimi, M. D. 3i Warren at., N. Y. Mil Walnut at, Phil'. Wett.M , R.lfforkan, M. D., H. R. Dell, N. D.. George WCook. M. D.. Alleatieuy aim, Pa. PlDsbaratt, P. The Agentsof th is Company, at Pittsimph. are auth orized to take eiery ant elms risk on Loa at a raise time denary--in per nat. tram the usual rates of pre mium as charged try other Con:pante. for o no Thou man 30 years of •gaDollars -urking • Palley of Insurance sand . Torun for oneseven 10 year, pays only ,00. do " do gammen 11117,10 And int the mine prop:anion for may sum up to 10000, *bleb is the extent taken on arty one s lif Thiscompany commenced operation on the lot Ort., 1813, MA its monthly in op to the Ist (Oct., 1010, Shims it plegreel =main due of any other Life COM- P.L" Trie oo first drvidend of profits will be declared to the unwed an the Ist Jai:nary, MO. Pamphlets conutining the various tabl. of ra*s, and all the lICCGHty information on the impolvent subject of Life Assurance will be furnished on appit- ClUten to JAMEN DURNO & Agents, Odtea Buildings. - PUCE , 1N51111.61110.5. • TETRENTON bILITUAL LIVE AND FIRE IN- St:RANCE COMPANY Will issue Poarks of In- Stilltne rintl Loss es Mt.. by Far, upon Dwell. and imam, Store*, Onods, In., on uppb nation to JAhIES CURNO & CO, Agents, dell Odeon Buildup. MidALTEI INSOILAZIG wt. Pittaburgn. The Bpring garden Health lC, Inineanee Con OF PHILADELPHIA-CAPITAL eleo,ooo, INSURh.N Maio and Foetal. against the Expense and Low occasioned by lacknes or Accident, by an immediate allowance at from 83 to 6.9 per week, far one, two, three, or four years. The method of effecting this linonance. and the marmot of manta the sick allowance, will be folly embied by the t., • innweis: A porno can mart against"' Sick.. or Accident winch will detain into from kis ordinary Lesions, es follows, vim For one year, by paying 114,20, and receive $3 41. week. For two b,7u, 4 For thise 7P3 " " 3 For fon Or, for a period of tone years, the sum of 1414,40 paid nanny, will senre per week addle net. Every neensaryloformanon grill be afforded on the abject of !neurone° itencrollhbl /AMES DUR NO ik CO, Arvin, dell-ddm Odeon ihmlllege. Llt• wad health Insaranea. THE Mutual Life and HealthWirance Compacp of Philelphia, M IneorporatO by the Lei..hourc of Pennsylva ad nia, arch, IbM Chance pe g rpc Ciplial L lStoo,ooo. Runs Low. =AN lni Panto.t alms Coatrairr, and full W.) per cent. lower than the natal rates of Life loaarance, as the fallowing com parison will show: Thea,• person of the age age in sating for POO for life. mint 1.) , in the Chid 1 1 24 i Penneg i lvania, W.Ll6,:onn Equ itable, f2AdAl bion,;s2A titer o d d Health, rick, A w York Aft dladelphia,iLe Lhascroac—ltamitel D. Orrick, Charlea D. Hall. W. F. Mow Hobert P. King Chula P. Rayon, AL W- Le wis AL AI. Reeve, h i D., Ch 0.11. Campbell, Lewis Coop_er, I. Rodman Darker,Bodor, Pclwin Copp... Preahlank—llawael D. Orrick; Vico Presi dent—Rai P. King; fiecretary—Francla Ulnekhvne applleafiona will be received, and every inhumation given by EMAIL. DIJON &STOOK, Agt, °lce, Comsat rclal Rama, corner of Wood and Third sts, Piushargli linittat AND MARINE lIIIIIVILA9CI6I. 111113 INPURANCE CO. of North America will make permanent and limited Innocence on pro perty In this oily and vicinity, and nn shipments by 'Canal, Rivera, Lakes, and by Bea. The properben of this.Complay are well itivested, and famish an avail able food for the ample indemnity of all hcnoono who dealt° to be proteated by insurance. toyl9 WM. P. JONES; Agent, 41 Wnter The Fnmi, Fw. busman= CA of Philo,isipitio. IRECITIORB.--Charles N. Rancher Thomas Ilan, D Tobias Wagner, Samuel Grant, Jacob R. Booth, tice.W Richard., Mordecai D. Lewin, Adolphe E. Bane, David B. Mown, Morrie Patterson. Cusaum N. Banes.. President. Charles G. Butcher, Secretary. Continua to make insurunce, perpetual or limited, en every description or mbpeny In town or country, at rates as low as ate consistent with &county. 'Z o e =TX,' hove " . ` ,l l t i :Ny n n invest edraford ample protection to the awned. The assets or the company, on January Ist, If no ppbluhed recably to an act of Assembly, were as Ito li p Real ac e s Tl, T 1,047,423 41 114,771 ha Temporary Leans MIAMI e 5, Stomas • 61,AC1 ttS Cult, t o 3a,m14 37 11,728,442 it Since their lneorporatloNalserirel of El Year., they have paid Simard. of one million fear hundred thous and dollars, lasses by fin', thereby nfording evidence of D. advantages of lusaranee, swell.s the &Whir and asp/union to nteeliviVromptness all liabilities. J. ti EA COFFIN, Agent, enslAily ()Leo E corner Wood and Zlet ate The PesasteglveadsConapassy Pot Itoutesnen an Inn ken Guanno Annorna. Mkt? first Life Insurance %loug h !: the p U. Picea. ter cepetnal. Incorporated patd m. 11.1ng autborued the ooderairoed>a receive appli cations for okwhich policies will be Ineed, Coaeeotdlnp thee. PrePretals and rates, which will be . made known to appbeants at his office, No. VG Wood street. spa COCHRA.N. M°WINING PRlNTG—llandsome black & white and black and dove colored Prints, for bfourinag be fogad at the liFy Ooods i tio ase or W R XIIRPIIY PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY MORNING. MARCH b, 1850. COTBTNERSHIP& Co-pwal.zransun , . . - . JC. BREYFOGLE, baring associated with him the FA. U. CLARE, for the purpose of transacting arwardmg and ONDIIIII3IOrI bushier., will Om tin. that butanes at the old stand uf ••Cope A FirrY• (ogle," and respectfully asks a continuance of the fanner patronage of has friends and the pnbile genet; Za . sty T i l e te o l;naluesa will b Baerrooet e conducted under the n • es. J. C. BREYFOGLE, A. IL. 'CLARKE. Fittsbansb, ; Dimelutloik of I:lo.Partuarehlp. THE C'Partnership exisung between the under:. silted, ender the mile of -F. ElllOll it CO. on, dissolved by. routusi consent, Jan. WM. F. 11. Eaton, having purchased the entire interest of W P. Idarahtll, who retires, will extend to the settlement at the busbies. of the late firm, at the old stand, No G 2 Fourth street. F. U. EATON. feb2 • - W. P. hLARSHALL:. F. L. MATON.. rbEALER Iti Glove. and Hosiery,Trlmminge,Fenay 15 Goode, Itibbons,Laersand Embroideries, Zephyr Worsted, Palterer and C1411.W..N. 6d Fourth street, Flusbaratt. A toll Impute' of Fine' Shins end Gents' Under Ummenna " 04,44 m DIBBOLUTIQII•. HE Partnership heretofore existlegbetween•Ellteit & English, in the Book and Paper lloriness, cots / solved on the inn, by mataal consent. The !Hainaut seta be continsted at the old stead, N 0.29 Wood street, under the finn of "A. H. English & Coo" by venom the business of the fermi k,eneership be settled. BANUAL ELLIOTT, rebid A. 11. ENGLISH. • I == Dla. LONG, betelhg parclued the interest of • J•rnes Kell', Jr., in the firm of James Kerr, Jr. is Co, tbe Ship ebendlery rani hoot Store business will be cursed on Rs I,sretefort nt the old stand,No Water street, between Wood and Market, under tie style of lebehttn LONG, DUFF K.110._ • DIBSOLVTION. • riEl CrePannersh.p heretofore existing ender the T style of Wiapo & y foioe,” hi Ws day aisasisrd by mutual C0U1f..1.. Ibe besinetewill be milled by J. C. Breyloglo, at their old stand Na. 107 tiocondatrret. L. S. COPF ian9 J. C. uneikorn.v: I:l'numb:Awn. TCterartnersesp heretofore existing under Me J. style of ul.ll. Clouse & Co," IA this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business or We flrro will be ruled by L. S. Waterman, at their old stand, No VA Liberty street. • Iv. N. WATERMAN. (of& • J. IL CLOUSE. DlMOollitielk of JPototantirehlp. DV MUTUAL CONSE N T thia donate fine herein. D care eziattak ender the wile of BUSIIPIELD LEADER, has b. dissolyed a r floury Leader sell ing ins MUMS ittteltAl in mud Ann to John McGill, All business connected with the Arm of Benefield l Lenll er will be settled by A. IL Iloahheld A. Co., !who ute duly ambotiwd to make all collections and tabus! all elalmti TIUSHFIELD A LEADER. Plusher!, h, Oct. V. 184.9. ' N. /I.—Si & 170. Will continue the Wholesale and retail Div (load. and Grocery beater', at the ohl more mac. No. 2 . 4)l.lbarty at, where they sell be pleased to have their measles nod o.loloore call and camels their stock of 1.. , neell , S. IL BUS .I H FIRLDk NOTIGIC. rl , ll pathnewhip heretnford existing under the firm of A. S. C. lIICADLET, Illdtwolved by the tierce, or Mr. C. lb..ley. The hollnew.ll be earned on by A. Wadley, who wrU scuba the biome... of the lane firm. REAIOVAL —A. Ilmet..h. removed hit Flounder %Tambours from No. 11* Second street, to No. 11? Wood mreet, between Finn and Second wroms, Jo the warehouse lately occupied by G. A. Betty, where he , will keep comeantly on hand e general assonmenrof Cunene Grates, Stove. Cooking±toyea, 41* MILE ....partneriship !wren:Moth calming between the embee tabors, in the name of Consfaible. Beebe A. Co., is this day thwelyell by mutual cormeet. Mews.. Barka & Barnes .11 settle the busier,. of the seer eem, for wrisee purpose they are embanked to ate flie name of the minerals. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE, EDMUND BURKE, THOMAS BARNES. The undersigned 'are this day associated themselves in the name of BURKE & BARNES,. ter the purpose of maneaeuniog Fire Proof Safe., Doom, he. he, at the stand of the late hem of Countable, Simko A Co., where they will be pleafed to receive the pa lrormge of the ensunnen ofthat house andrheir friend. EDMUND BURKE, THOMAS UAttNlt In retiring from Ms firm or Constable, Corks &170., 1 with eineere piaaaa e recoil:mewl bleests. Make & Domes to the confidence of my friends end the public. Feb. 9, lon. NATDANIEL CONSTAR L.ll FORWARDING it COMMISSION. J. db J. Tudor, COVilikialll.ll.M•VClthantag . NO. el Old Levee Id., N. Orleans, kery egagagudy on band a large aegortmeut of Bngodieta tbe n we- Ang brands, gehleh they offer (or gale ....acute ford. De• red Co, Modena, vlx. Kegler}, J. Ening, J !jugend Co, Latuebelle, J. J.Du rand Ceguae, AI outesue, A. 4 Blevi Ile, A. de giondore, /eau Louie, te; also, A n eherGiu, Bordeaux Red mgd White Wineeln east. and rage.. aeleeted With.. by Join Durand k Cm, besides Champagne Wino a. duvet Ugugundy Yon. ffeb7-I1• A. I. MAIM j TAM 1. STUART 1c SILL, Grocers, and Prodoce and Com. mission Merchants, No. Ile Wood sL Pittsburg,. • Dealers In Homeric*, Plow, 'Wheat, Ric,Hut& Cam, Harley, Pori, Bacon, Rutter, Isud, Litman; Cloicri Tumidly and Flax Bemis; &c.ihe. dce. Particular attention paid nit the sale of Western Produce. Rvemescui—hicasrs.ehlyers Hunter, Rolm. 'mil & Roe, Hampton, South & Cp., June. May, King & Moorbead,l Pittsburgh. Yonne , & tiPhrttlau, klasallion. Jos. Si Alorrison, Req.,i St. Louie. L splittely JOUR OW. law of N. Lbsbon, O. .L noism CRAIG 41,10C1/1/11Z114 . . rIENERAL AItENCY, Csionnl.lon and Forward. 131 frig Merchants, No. 241 Marto rt., Pittsburgh, Pa_ (lZrPrompt attention given to the parchave and sale of all kinds of Produce. Qum so—John Waui Co., Marphy, Wilson &Co. Pittsburgh, Pa.; Lawson b. Gill, M ahlon Mania, Wellsville, 04 John 11. Brown fr. Ca., angg, Elliott tc Co., Philadelphia; H. W. Snodgrtua &Co., Gregg & Naee, New Lisboa, 04 Pr. lanes, lion. C. IL Coffin, Clout's.% J. P. Yeller, Youngstown,-0., W. L. &mo dem, Cleveland, 0. auedi GEORG& COOl/11.M. Comilla*salon wad Forwarding /loraßunts di WOOD sr, mammon, CONTINUES to transact a central Commission bud nem, especially in the purchase and sale of Ameri can hiarodoetares and Produce, and in receiving and forwarding floods eosin /mod to his care. As Agent for the Mosulactures, he will be constantly supplied with the principal! articles of Piusburgh hlonsfsmnro at We Lowest wholesale prices. Orders and consignments are respectfully softened. ihi HOTELS FOUNTAIN HOTEL 70.1 Let. Tasman, rioneerees. STllls establishment longand widely known as Irving one of the most commodious in the city of Ilainenote, ban recently undergone yery exten sivealteraions and imptovemenu. An enure new winl . hm been added, containing numerous and airy sleeping apartments, and extensive bathing moms. The Lathes' department hat *lon been completely reorr.imid and hued op In a no w.inne and beautt fal style. In fart the whole arrangement of the Ilona has been remodeled, with a angle eye en the pan of the proprietors, towards the cornrow .d pleasure of their Guests, and which they confidently &sum will challenge comp,rieon with any Hotel In the Ham Their table wll always be •upplied In. every sal, Manta multaxary which the market affords, served a .petiOf style; while In the way of Wines, they will not be urpas.d. In conel.ioa the proprietors beg to say, that nothing will be 101 l .dons on their part, and on the pane( their amistants, to render this Hotel worthy the continued pa n:nage of thelr friends and the yobbo generally. The puces for board have also been reduced to the following rata: Ladies' Ordinary, 11,75 per day. Gentlemen's " LSO N. 11.—Tha Baggage Wagon a Um Home will way. be finuad at the Car and Steamboat Landing*, which will convey baggage to and from the lintrb See el.aree. tont-St COMM OP 10010 U AMP aaali rtlelITX, 1.11731111111011• THE sahseriber respectfully annOpliem thol I. bits now opened hag nrw and rarelient 1101 for We ac commodotion of travelers, Monte., and the public generally. The houee and titratiorr are entirelyand no pains or errettAc heave hero spared to render new, II One Of the most comfortable and pleasant Hotels In the ally. The subscriber is determined In diturre, and there fore solicits, a Marco( public patronage. oetlWly JACOU Proprietor. MISCELLANEOUS. RPOOILD i COt, to ht , Cont & Kiag) 104 , W•shfonable ll•tt•rse Corner of • Wood and rya Stratf. "'PARTICULAR allealloa paid to our Retail Trade, Gentlemen eau rely upon gelling their Cats and Caps from OUT Glitablifittftelll Of 010 man and wotenotantr, of the LLTICITTSITIM, and at l/10 LOWY . ; 14=6 . • Coanigy fderchents, parehasing by wholeside, are respectfully Invited to cell and examine oar Stuck; et we can any with confidence that as rcourds green and macs, it will not ender in a comps on with puy house in Philadelphia . 14.1 BHT IGIUt sbt 7 '1•01IN D. M'CREARY, Printtng Ink hlumfacturer, 0 Nos.:Gland lad Summit Meet, NNW Yttlt/E--Ire. pat N 0.3 SNOOD StrOnl—Woold roll the intention of Printers to his improved Printing Inks al Vann. kinds and orders, in the following prices : Extra bee Jet Black, for Card and Wood Cute - - no and :1 tin per lb. Vine Book Ink - u 75 I OU - Ekren nk h 40 " a 50 • " News Ink • • rt 19 Oat: " U line Bed Ink -75 c tOO Moe, Yellow, Green mut intle 75c IMI 1 w " Gold slat al Balm, lb, and Bronze at 50, 75 rte and SI per os : A spetinfen of Noon ink Can be teen on this paper. 'For sale by JOHNSTON a STOCKTON, , Pittsburgh, Pc . . c. Uorsw is Co. Cincinnati, Ohio. ?durum &Grist/could, Loot.vllle, KV. octal:dant NEW COACU FACTORY, ...MT. • A. WHITE & C(.1., Would respeetfully inform the public that they have erected a sho. lacock, between Federal and Sandusky streets. T hey are now making and are prepared to receive orders for every description of vehicles, Coaches, Chariot's, lie rdficu'si Unties, Pluctons, ,ke., which from their I.g experience to the manufacture of the above work, and the faellgies they have, they feel confident they are enabled to do work on the most reasonable terms with those wanting articles In their fine. Paying panienlar mention to the selection of mala rial*, and having none bin competent werkmen, they hats no healtation in 'surmising their work. We therefonsuk the attention of the public to this matter. N. U. aelwiring done in the best manner, and on the most reasonable turns. Old. BUTTEIL bble lo store and for wok by R feblbt ENGLISH & BENNETT . V ~ ,~1, , MISCELLANEOUS 11A11Y at the sevrimosr, riiMADEIRLEW 1.1 NEW YORK. BOS roN AND NEW ORLEANS GENERAL AGENCY AND COMMISSIONOPTICE Young MEN In wholesale and retail stores, and other respectable business, to act as BOOk•keepent, wen,Pniters, Bar-keepers, Walter., Fannent,Ormen men, Car Agents, Book and /dap Agent*, Collectors, Overseers in all branches of basins, fee." We have at all times a lam number of good situations on build, which pay from WO to 11,000 per annum. Those in want of altuallona of any kind would do well to litre as a call, as we have agenda in auk of tthe . a . idve which will enable as to place every applicant in aei suitable situation at the shortest notice. We have • large acqUaintance In all the aboveumeled cities, winch wetrast will enable us to give enure satisfac tion to ell - who may furores with a call. • " TAYLOR to TAY/JAN, No-69 Second at, between South and Bay. • N. 8. -Persons living In any tract of the O. Stowe; and wishing too ptain a situation In Baltimore, or el• thee of the above tides, will have their wants imam , diately attended to by addresung us a line, (post-paid) pc by m doing they will cattail both trouble and.W. Pens., which they otherwise *mild Incur by coming to the cityi and waking employemet 'rer themselves Address, TAYLOR fa TA YhIAN, N 0.59 Second Street. myttidif Baltimore, told TITS MIFF. attroalon of the public is reepeeuhuy sense J. the following nertineatrai Ma. 8.. Becuse—having tooted arcade of 6016 weighed by your AreolTster, 1 Mud e Meal your Instrument correct; lan room...inn the to those going to California. oaths best native for 0b Wang ;Captor value of Gold. Rasp. you:. J. B. DUNLEVY,CroId nectar. • Pinsbazatt,'Marolt 9,164.9. . • Prrreetmett March 7,1EM1, Eaxam—Dcar Etln firming twicolucdthe "Aram. meter,” manufactured at your NOM', 1 do not bealhallh hlhhh commend it to the use of than gentleman who it, aboukremosiog m Colifomie In mamba( Gold. It rises a clove approximation to the specific graSl ty of metole, and Will tertillnky Mahler We adventurer to tomartaitawheri his placer r. sicidtist Cold. • mull You. rehtry. U. weLINTock", INDIA NCDItf:H Culi'lllNl —loci reversed for the C•llfornia Expedition, a omplete ihasailUielit of Gum Eleatic Clothing, at price. ranging frOm 111/4 , 1 to 101,00 for cult Memo, pants and hat. For ale at the India Ru b ber Depot, N o b Wood at. PIIIIAJP3 oit7eoeSali — " ---- CVO6sub.enber offers for lode, Ste tjTEAhI BRICK WORKS, above lonsteneeville, comprising Stearn Engine, 2 Boilers, II Wolff Mangier, capable or manafireturtug.2o,oW Pressed linclo (out •of dry cloy, taken Rum the bak,) per day; with door acres of land on the Allegheny near, . which oro 1 kiln. until ebeds, m.chtoa end cloy etiedt i orbexiburours, Melo, shovels, epodes, de., every rig requisite to eon ounce operation. at on hours Douce. Prim. ineludirq the paient ogid ow sold machine, 117,00D—intlnts payment made easy. Without the fond, laff,ooo. Polr particulars, address HENRY AIERUITP, 1_2 . 1E; n'idtf No lin hloaangaheta • Wrought end Coat Iroillstling. • TIRS salwribets bey lesve a inform the public thrth they Lave dale d front the Est all the late and fashionable Scant. for Ironithillea, bulb for ho .. snit cemeteries Persons wishing to Feature some patterns will pirate tallied examine, end Ablitc for themselves. flailing will be furnished at the short est nonce, . 31 . the best manner, at the corner of trait He ea streets, Allegheny city. . auen-ltf ' A. LAAIONT y•ta rat Oritiont BURICE: h. CO'S Daily Eipreas la now regularly de• Ilverinf Cass.d Shell OYSTEIIti, Wltiolt ate of lewd to dealer.. and faanlies at the lowest' quality warranted equal to any broiled to Wt. wan ket. and for salo J. C. Art, Water st, • Also—Al the (ollowleg depots—fteia It &riser, eon. ner eunadteld and/Juana sun E. Ileasleton,l/nuriondi Siemer A llotnnson. Federal at Alleabene. own.% W 1:.5, made osr siiWtmkrek - Wd I' V phut, es cot to (teem us Ms coldest wenther. Persons wanting tees articles, are invited to mill and see Cum at SCAIFE fr. ATKINSON'S, meld between Wesed 'darks, as NUM BOOK.III NEW 110044113 • II : COlselitalloll and Blonder:1 ,rf the statoelatit T Reformed Cl:tuck. North America: Enro, bawW in sheep. The Other Side; ot Natetforibe !Dmitri of the War between Medieoaind the Vetted Blistee, written in Neale°, nod trenalaued nom the Spenuth, with notes: lty M. D. Ftsintey. • Sketches of Rotor= and Reformers of Great Retain: and Deland: By U.D. Stanton , The Works of President Edward', in 4 volt a re print of the Worae-sam edition, with add:Bons, and co,r—gener,,,,„Kkx., . le Mom ettunirof Egypt. or Egypt n‘Vitnetifor pus Iliblet By F. 1.. • i Memods of Diva Halo, 'late ,editoe of Jasurnoh, of Commerce, with *Neel ens from Ma Mrscellnecana Wettings: By Row. 3. P. Thompso n g The Puritan and ills Daughter: by J.E. Pauldtng..• • • Les Inside View of lilditeo nal Mal ifbreur LicoU,Wise, ts. Navy. Letterri g n:Llia n r on ls.l:l'.'onutf We Irivieer daai Uyy Woh /Beau.. • The Poems nod Prose Writiegs ot ILA. Duna: . Nineveh and .cite : By Layar4.. For sale by ELLIUTp ENGILI3II, - name • Won4-pa= A Prorent tor Your /.sally. • MORRIS &WILLIS , HOME JOURNAL. Przinurs %Yr:our—ft ra Arroat. best paper In the Union." [F.eeningrlar. "Rather gel in coal than ege eviebontii . "llkeslon Poet, N. rabiteribers eon be supplied from .Jan. 1, PM, if immediate apylicanon be made teltherponbacally of by letter) at the Office. of Publication 61 Wood st. lenle 1. L -LOCKWOOD. ~n~ ~ ~s-i SACRED SCENES ANU CHARACTERS, by 1. T. Deadly, mite origthal design. by Dash'''. - The Poems and Prom Wring. or.R.ll.l3tha. Payne.. and Patina, or a Practical View of the Mend Dunes, Relate. and Inteream of the Medical Profession and the Corainuniiy; by W. Heather, Si. The Paritaa and Ilth D auehters by J. IL.Psuldlits, author of the Dutehasan'. Fireside. Lo. (hinges. of an Inside Viewer Mexico and Cat. Honda: with Wan d ering. an Peru, Obit's.' Polynesia' by Lieut. Wite, ' For sale by deal ELLIOTT & ENGLISII.79 Weed at MISELLANEOUS LITERATURE, AT LOCKWOOD'S, 63 WOOl3 6T7313141's [WINN'S &merle. Angler's Gaidm fall of ilium XI nations, 11..0. Paulding 's Puritan and 111. Da.bier, 12mm. Dr. Hooker's Physician and Pnuent: Demo.. Mrs. Kitts' Ileum sad Humes; boo. Neauder's ; Lana Carl. evo. Neander'v History or Christi. Church; 3 yob., Sno. Rev. Dr. Spring's Memoirs of IC. Murray: el•o. Aracrie. A 119411., ibM), MIO. • JAhIES . D. LOCKWOOD, Dole ilootecller & Importer,6lWood se Bow I. lb. tlm• to Satmerible. QIFFICE of eeon's Reprints of the font Qurter• lies and Blackwood; 111 per year. orris & Whilst Rome Journal, published in New 'York weekly; 6.1 per annum. Downing's nonteultrualist, monthly; *3 per year. Invaluable. The Cultivator, monthly; IR per annum. The Agriculturatist, monthly; Si per year; The Democratic Revicir, monthly; Siper annum. The Drinkers' ...inn, do 831 do JAMES D LUCK WOOD. jan2 Bookseller & Imponor,l63 Wood .t 12t1=1 rirranoaram JTIN WRIGIIT.ft Co., are pre Wto pared build Cotton and Woolen Machinery of every description, such as Cardiny, Machines, ,Spinnlng Frames m Speedors, Drawing Prunes, Railway 'leads, Warr:mt., Spade., Dressing Frtuncs, Loorns,9ard liruaders,ko. Wrought Irma Shafting turned; all saes of Cast Iron, Pulbetand Haagen of the latest patterns, allde. and band Lathes, and tools of all kinds. Casting. of every description famished on short notice. Patterns made to order fur lftlll Geanter, Iron Railing x .km Seam for beat ing,riiMel, Cast Iron thr metals Sash and fanny Cas ting generally. Orders left 01 the Warehouse of.). Palmer rt. Co., Liberty street, will leave prompt anon. don. .1 . . Refer to Ohrekstook, Ben &Co J. IL, Moorehead & Co U. M Warner, John Irvin & done. Ps where h C. &J. 11. Warner, !neatened]. ianld ein.nosi — • • lIE aabeeriber olfrri for Vile a largo and splendid assortment of rorowood and mahogany grand Ac tion Pianos, with and without Coleman's celebrated Nalian Attarliment. the above Instruments are Wrtr• rained tc be equal ta any mauuramared in this coun try, and will be sold lower Mar any brought from the East. F. BLUME, No 112 weal sl, 2d door above Ath N. 11.—City Sem, will be taken at par for . (ow o he above amoroneor. my 2 • F. U. WII: MURPHY canon. ta keep. band a full a wlO.lll of the WO. llitshrionable Flan nels and ha. recently received • .apply of the finer uaint.. Alm Swanolown Flannels, a scarce aril q ele and well adapted Mr the wear of initials, and others wanting santrfidug warmer than anal. Aloe, remota and Flannel. for Infants wear; goner with a full supply of American .manfueleted Flamm!, of dlifetent qualities. Ai., idllittsUltlNU FLANNELS, of all the &derma widths, at the Ninth Mast corner of and Market sm. • }p-Wanle Je Rooms op where dealer. wl alaray• Gad a goad .sortateot of new .ay le gouda }ant Diaphragm Plitarl - reor , Hydrator. W Tlll6 Is to ectrgy. that 1 Lave ap: pointed Livanrstott, itoggro A Co. Pole Agents for the sale ofienuligts Patent Dtaprahon Pater, for the oil to. of Pittsburgh sad 'Allegheny. JOHN GIBSON, Agent, for Walter 1116itstm,3401.1ruadwtty Nit', . . OeL 10,1849. We have born acing one of the emit irides al ll.• otky, 0, the Nasally Works fur three months, an Ina', lOW led perfeedy sausGed li.oo it Ifa ogee in vett..., nod soy take pleasure to rho ding dictum u u.e luo urlicl, to all who love pure water. Order's will bo tharttiully received and promptly elevated. mita LIVINGSTON. HOLD FN A CO F:=l=! fieria Jum received, ono elegant llovearnal X} OCIIIPq Yibno rune, from the evic. Lasted factory of T. Gilbert a Co, Ltomten.. This io.truaeot a minutia• ble for brtiliattey and BUlMetuessof w ' oe and elastiellY of touch. The above . brut Is extuaillered. one of the very brat in Roston, and - their Plan., for elegance o exterior, beauty of tone, and duration, are not carpss ed by thine of any other make. Poe isle an M.O. ble arms by H. ____ ULEUER., jantl: al J. W. Woodyrell'a. 41% Coy MATZ ran 414L1t, • FROM PAYRITEMANUPACTIIRINO COMPANY SI eaves roperior Family Slanteta, 10 by 12 gm; WO pair Steamboat ' do 6by7 14 OM do do do 4by 7 fir • 156 do red and white Ilene do 101 do colored California do 0 picee• while Flannel,ALSOt Yr:monied all wool; 100 do 4-4 do 'do do .do 110 do 3.4 do do do do 1W do 114 Ind do do jdo 73 do 7.4 yellow do do i • . Bennetts, Tweeds, Jewand Woolen Yam, at aut. ern maontaetater'e 'meas. co-War:house, No 127 Wood at, ithdtior rmm Fifth 1M) • V LLLLL PII. Caxpet. w .M . LF . LIN . ZOCK is now openiniihnhandsornee ever afore offeredlrt ' zra -a kei v v u:w f hr 'i chtb i ; i C nT ' ate the attention ariareltasere. '• ' • aprearpet Ware Rooms, 71 Minh int. . 'Juan MEDICAL. toAIeCARD TO LADIES AND PHYSICIANS.—Nri recomennedation is w completely sasisfsetory, es eteelleace and complete stteeess of my blebs• don, so the united testimony of shown sem - Aims orpe , neared its bow:Ka During the last fifteen years 10 L an pttru of the Opited Sillies, our UMW Womb, and . :emEbrobphybleinno, here 4.11 T born tityltillOllT to the. superionty, ease, nod comfort of Mrs. BETTS haven, 'dons for Lain' Suffering.' They do not coo:bray by &toe pressure, , vshleh I. sper_proved to be attended by bed erects, emetic more difficulty thsn before-egg a s ' .ed Her long donate In Philadelphia, and bergs ,' resew h both,Wholesee end Retail, is' ,to n 411 4 .nunee , orde trorrectness of this above. To protons hos: ilermino Popportor, iipplp only to THORN,,Druggist, 03 hlsdket tt,. Prtlshorghi— all others am conitunfeit, JAMES BETTS, Wholotale Agent, Philadelphia.. febe.dicod _ CLOVER SEEO , II bhls reed .and for see by . feta.) !; • JAMES DALZELL - PROFJOIOI3 OMILILH , D THICIOHRIDIT , oos oa nOrgoelrup, CONILPOVIID. TNPALLIBLE for,renewlng, Invigorating,. end been. J. tyfying the Hair, removing Setirf,'Dandruff, and All Mantises atilt., ffsalpiand curing. Eruption. on the Skin, Di.ease. of the Wend., blocks and Diego, metals, and relieving Stings, Cots, Brahien, - Spraise, de • ke.. With Ws prepansin, tllnere nq mach word as fail." The first joornels In America, medical men of the highmit eminence, prominent citizens of all profession., and ladles who have used lt for yearein their dressing rooms and nurseries, adadtwith one rte yard, that, for laspareng Mime, glass, luzurisneo and earl to the heir, eradicating scurf and daudreff, held. leg Wounds, eating contusions, sprain., stings, do, and relieving diseues of the skin, the glands, and the. muscles It hum ; equal among the multitude of tom. Pollude advertimd in the nubile printsiortmed . fn mse.Prsell.a. 14 Cheapness a. wellies etheacy, Bar. ryhr Tneophcrous a unrivalled. - The affinity befween; the membranes ',limb tenni state the skin:and the hair which:dream its sustenance from this triple etiveleph is very dote. All diseases of the . hair origi/ „ ate. in the shin or the head. - If the pang of the sem ere clogged, or If the blood and other (aids do -t etrentate Welk throngh the small vessels which feed the roots with mehrture and Impart file to the fibres, the revolt is scarf, dandrair.shmidind of the hair. grayness, dryness, and !terseness of the ligamdnt., and entire haldticsa on the can may hew. Stimulate the skintn healthful action with the Triespe dermas and the totpld vessel., recovering their activ ity, will annihilate the disease. 'wall affections of the skin, and of the substrata of mantles sod Intetitmenta, the proems and the effect am the same. I It Is neon the: skin, the muscular. thee, and the glandeithat the Trieopherous has its special, action, mid In all affections and Wane. of Innis, organs, it is • severeigr. remedy. Sold, in large bottles;rtrice 23 nerds, at the pristelmil Offme, It r.alo Broadway, N. Y. byIL E. SELLERS, :IPittsbarr. PMN:)LAII . ./LI . IIDN . ... . . _ . .. . KNOW all men who am sick and talkie.% with dia. rice of the bladder and kidneys. with ' rheumatic pun la back she linibt,.turioita., nth mt./ ranaMll ~., Wan, /kr, that th y can be cored by takine the Pe- Mimes! Von mi . ;talk about to being a noetrum u markets yon pl but thie doer not make h ea, for we proclaim in the flee of an_honest community. that It hat virtues vrhi h •re teal contained in any ether remedy. The men who is reeked with pain and suf. forms front disease ' ~ tan for GI eon. get relief from any of the. 111. etimnseratal al va Header! it coin -very Lillie to mate * treat. Tun Petroleum is no mix. tare—yo compond, pat up for the porpose of imposing on the consnanity; Ibis a tea rrmedy elaborated by I the master hand of nature. and bubbles up from the be. tom of oar mother earth in in original purity and of• fere to suffering hasten/ y a ready remedy, a certain and cheap cure. ' It has cared Piles after "Other melliciaes have-tailed lo render any miter. It has eared Ithinnualismef long 'tending, and of the wont and mon paintel chancier. It h. eared Cholera Ilderbna by one or two dome- It has eared old rues of Diarrhea, in which every other remedy has been of no avail, As • local remedy in bunts and sea/de / It be beset than any medical mitt• wander ointment thet we know of. It will eine chili Wain. or Coated feet. in • few applications; undaubt 'ad lestimenty cm be tarnished of the tenth contained la Ma above statement by calling on Samuel hl. Icier; Canal Bann, 7th street; or either of die agents_ ! R•yver"lr. McDowell, comer of Wood rirme and Virgin Alley H. . Seller, 3y Wood erect, 11 A. Eli list k aat D. hr- encl . / Allegheny city, are the emeriti.. 1. -I, CAPTION NITTA A man by the name of DUEL CLAYS has engaged with • young mad of the name of S. P.Tersremend, and Bee Ida names° pin sp a Baremmeills, wide h they Oall Dr. Townsend , . Sammemills, denominating It VUINIS. Ong Mal, etc. Toorneend le no doe- Me and Wee ens, bet wm.fonnettly a weekeron roads, canal., and the like. Vet be unitises the title of De,Rti the putpove Of gaining eftdit for what he Is 40 t• its I sending ant emds heeded "Tricks of Quacks," to which be sem I have sold the use of my mime for g 7 a walk. 1 will give S. P.TownnentiOne Blot will produce one Lingle solitary proof of dd.— This Ia m collation the nubile not to be deceived, and purchase 00811 bat the GENUINE OBJUINAL OLD Dr..Tareolt Townsend'. Sanaparilla, Luring on it the Old Ws likeness; his family coat of neMs, and his Lig. """0" 'l4 !'" *t• JACOB TOWNSEND. • - • Principal Ofere;lo,lNessan et, New York City. -"" 'ICON _„ TOWNSEND; ORIGIN 4 . DISCOyEREII OP TEI CCM= TOWNS:ZS° BAJUIAPAIIILIA. • Old Dr. Townsend is now shoat 20 yean of age, and bee long been, known as the AUTHOR and DISCO. WC EC of the'Or2l2olloE ORIGINAL 'TOWNSEND So "'SdPARILI4. O Delug poor, he was compelled to lit, manufacture, by which means It has been kr of ...Am, and the salon eircermeribed to three only who bad proved in worth and known ita value Tbi GLAND snD Uromeausn Pacessamon is osamitictured on the largestemde, and I. called for itiroagiont th e length and breadth of the land. Unlike young S.D. Townsend'., It improves with .age,iind never ehanges, but for the better; because it is prepared on ante:tale prix. 'ales by a ,meanie man. The highest knowledge 0' malstry, and the latest dimovenm of the Art, ha.e been brought Into re• anblitinn in the manufacture 01 Me Old Dr.'s Sarno. The Sarsaparilla mot, It Is known to rued. deal leen,contains - medicinal mammies, and mote pre pertica which are inert or useleari and others, which, 'if retained In preparing it for use, produce fernient. don end acid, which Is *Wuhan to the system. .'tome thfthe properties of Samaparilla are ao solmile that ey entirely amerce end in lost in the prepare en, if they are 000 p ate by a scientific process, nownonly to them experienced in its manafacture. fLorease o r these redonle principle& which fly off LI en. for, m or a. an exhalation, ender heu,.ane the Tory es. ential medical perucy of the • root, which ewes to t all its valeta. The- • GiGNIJINZ OLD DR. JACIDDIPOWNSENDS SARSAPARILLA Is oaaleamoetd a ; r h e a fia t heMvnmpm Min; tchep Cae ofhemming acid Or of ItrintlitsitiOn, is cosseted and mooted; then every particle of rnednal virtue is se.- red in a pare and concentrated form; and'ilms it la rendered meaftable of lama any of its valuable .1 beating proper., Prepared in dos way. it la mans the most powerful Levet m the CURED! , INNUMERABLE DISEASES Vence the tenon why we hear commenduions on very ludo toys Inver Lemon, women and children. e We 6nd It dotegwonders In the care of Consumption, Dyspepsia, and Lives Complelm, and In Rheamansm, tterifule and riled, Costiveness, all Cutaneous Erop- U''' =MIM2III It potimmen a marvellbas °Mosey In nll complaints 'arising front Indirstion, from deidny of the dinniaeh; from unequal eiretilauon,detennlontion of blood to the head, palpitation Of the heart, add fnet and cold,handa told chills and hot dashes over the body. It has not hod Da equal in miughs and el:Ras; and promotes vary a:pent...Won, and gentle peraplratim, reining ante. tore of the lunge, throat. and every other pen lint W nothing la its .C 4114444 wars maaitmly aeon and aotoowledaod than in all kinds wastage, of t . FEMALE COAILAINTS. It midis mondani In ease. ( door Alban or "'Mtn, Failinrofthe Watub,Obttni d.Sunpremed,ortaiii fal Menses, Irregalaritr of the metiainal penal., and the tits; and la edentaal to cluing all (onus of the ifid. a c y lK m.. By removing tibsomotions, and retail .% the garienlsystsm, it pm to. and strength to W e whole bode, and mires all forme of NERVOUS DISEA/3M3 AND DEBILITY and thee pteventi or •relleve• a great variety orothet dlseitsee, as ElptiNllnitatloa, Mandale, SL Mom uter, Swoosung, Epileptic Fite, Cons Who., he. Is so this, then, saxMenzetne TOO MunEnhistoron Nasal Baleen any of them things be said of 8. P. Tose. send 's interior article? This young rates liquid moot to he COMPARED WITII THE OLO because of the Grand Fact, that the one is Mennen , of Deterioration and NEVER SPOILS, while the oth er LK/E.B;. it soars, ferments, and blows the bottles connalideg h ininfragmeno; the soar, acid !Muhl ca. • ploding rind damaging other goods! Nest not this her. nide comprand be poisonous to the system? What! put acid Imo. a system already dbleamd with acid! tVhat caawa Dyspepsia buincidt Do we not alt know, , that when food Mum In our stomachs, what mischiefs 0 predurest—detidence; heartburn, palpitation of the heist liver complaint, alio rhetnts drsanierY,cholic and mnruption of thahloall W butts rlensfuln bat on mid humor in the bilidy? • What prothscegall the tounore which bring orr Eruptions .of the Skin, Scald Wad, Sall ItheurnEryslyelas,White dwellings, Fever-Sores, end all ulcerations Menial and external! It is coin ing Simla( hot an geld otbstimee, which Soon, and than spoils all the Maids of the body, Mere er lens. What ceases Lthesoutuna but h sour and fluid, which insinuates itself between the Joints and cl,cwl i cic, casting and infillnllng the louder nod Jelieule twine* open Vidal It lOW NO of flrtVgaln discos, of tilino• city of the blood, of deranged circulations, and nearly all the Now, is It not horrible to make and sell, and Infinite. ly worse to use this uSURINO, .FER.P YOE EV . TINO, W ACIDND!' I'COMPOUNIP TONSE and let ha yr oul4 fain have it undercoat that Ohl Ja cob fowasendbt X)ennuse Original thamparille, ii an ,oumtion of his ioferior preparation!! !leaven forbid thnt eve should deal In an tinkle which would Lear the least distant regemblence to K. Townsend's cadets! and which should tiring down open the Old Dr:lirtieti a imaginal loud of complaints and criminatimer from agents Wbo have sold, and pur chasers who have ailed in. I...Townsend', Fem.:none Compound! ' • We wish It understood, brogue it IS the absolate tnh, that 8. P. Townsend 's article and Old Dr. Jacob TograseudliSesseparilla are licesetnwide apart, nod infinitely dissimilar; that they are unlike in every our. ' neuter, Laving nut one single cling In coati/101i. It is to Well fiends upon the en initanam,• to porn -Lem into wounded humanity, Gi kindle hope in the despairing bosout,to restore health and bloom and vi gor Into the crushed and broken and to banish infirmi• ty—that old DR. JACOB TOWNSEND hat B.OUMIT =I FOUND the Opportunity and means to Lang his I Dad a UNIVERSAt. CONIJENTILATED ILYA? ED I!. Its Kock, and tb the knowledge or on who mixt Mrthat they ratty kern and know, by Joyful ea• perierice, iisTl•lloCSlnianc rowan so L1C.41.1 Foy, Sale b y J. ELDD tr. CO., Wholesale Agent for Western Pennsylvania! J. Birmingham' Dr. .T.BALLUEANlTotileghenyv lye. J. CABBI.-LL, 'nth ward. O. %V. tIAILDNKII. ink ward.Pittsburgh.2ko COMFLAilat—Another care perfonned by o gnuaolY kn. asid limo:Liao Ida,' 4,,e0em01, Boom co., a, March 20,1517. hi, R. k;,, Se April hearsay ante was anock• ed olih Liver Complaints, end had the advice or two' physicians, who tried astwus remedtes Without ipro• dodos wy Good ,rirca Unseal heard figar Pole. brimd Liver Pals, I concluded to IMO them a Adz trial: I purchased dee be: of Mt Roos, Of aad rava the= erconAio the directleno, by. which .he was gmeilyjellee I practiced a: sauna:Lin, w hid, r r i iiivivc dyad Me r maid she sow cAidla . 1,,,,t401ib, 3 hare Used diem emelt, add proaohnce them the bete facallyragalleraa I ever to • lioorai . lA, • • !dash: Baum picaimed andjeold by L. SELLERS, 67 Wood sii sold ] rico by Dlwists prearally in the two cities. . saris. A MEDICAL. :, ..111 , 411.4.101WKWA pillir'X'X*NT, CP"viminii! MlA.requgh lu'' °ai r 21i. " 4 ; . THE following tcatimonial Was given by the geld. brated.Dr.itleoklel Beach:the &Whored the gee medical moth entitled. "The , Ameeica'?YrC ti 2 ~ I Medicine and Family PhY steam"' Having been made seq./WM with dm ingembert i which clarity:me Pied Dame% Altlicaling ,Ointeste, atul having presenbeig and tehedlt In wyeeni eases . eagyrivatif prune. I have no. heal/napalm saying r °acting that it, in a Yellen:ile gatilledy, COntapil no anal substance whmeve , than its Ingredien , eattibbidit as,. they are, and used as directed by Prapnetor, are not only harmless, Luc of great insin ,' being a truly nicialSe Remedy at great pnweriand t 1 cheerfolly nommen* it as a compound which h . "..10.1 and which h o adapted in the core f a great vannW,of cases. Th.:inch I bite never eith r nteonnoended be engaged in the sale'of went me -' nines, regard fog the truly hosed, conscientious, it - mane character of the PtoOtietor of this `Menu t, and the ethic of his discovery, oblige: rue to say th n mach recanting 8., AY. BEACH, D. D." • Now. York, Aped , YildlSln. . BURNS.—It lb use Of the best things in the weld for Brim, PlLES.—Thousinds•nn; yearly cored by this CROP, moot, It never falls to giving mitaL .. . i For Tomer', Veers, and all kindi of Sores, it . 11 x ~ • i " •11Td ' o . t ' itorillan ' d. iiurne kite., its vat. ' In cues of Swollen or Sore Breast, tbby would always Imply It. Insnelt cases, Mimed Recording to directlona,„ii gates edict in, a eery few hours,. , . ... , Around the box are direeliOns for eslng Me Allizter's Ointment 'Me Scrofula.; Lilies Oompleint, Erysinelis Totter. Chalbinin, Scald, Bead, Sore--X,Quiarry:. Sdre Throat,' Dronetines, Nervoiri'Arc on es, PRilpt, Disease of th e gyine, Head Ache, An ,Deallows, Ear Ache, Burns, Corns, all Diseased of ,be Skin SW* Limbs. ;sores , 14e..rav, , egone,fefirledor Ltsu ken Ilesam, Tooth AelimAgne in the Face,tie. , . . ' From the Rending l'Aele ; There was never; perhaps, tralddirine Mesabi ho. fare tho . pohlic, that:has ht do shim a time won Arch; o reputation as McAllistcr's All-Ilea:in! or Wotil Salve. Almon cam person awaken outtle trial °rift speaks warmly in Its prat's.. One hos been cured 10y It of the most painful racumwisriblanotber of lb., pit , a third of a troublesome pain hi th e rid.:, a fourth o a swelling in the lambs, he. If it does not give h., • dime iellef, in every core, it can do no injury, beiii • applied optwardly., . . As another evidence of thd wonderfut healing poi. er possessed by this "Ise, we•subloin the follow: . g. certificate, from • vesper tobleteilisen of /UoidencreTk. township, in this roma,: hlaldencreek, Betas co, MoiclaStl.l4•l7.! Messrs. Ritter teC0,...-I desire to inform you [ha I. war entirely cured of a wrens pain in the back, by t el use of hlcAlllstera All.RealWat Salve, which I p • chasal from you. .Isuffeied with it for oboist iro yea s and at night was unable toileep. Daring dun Ins I tried vaneas remedies, which were A...Set/bad car e byphyakiane and ether personsauttoutteeeiving a y relief, and at last mode stint of this Halve, with a rd. soh favorable beyond expeotspon,.. I at now entT at ly free from the pe , and enjoy at eight a peeve I and sweet sleep. I have elm used theSalvesinee • Moth ache and other complaints( with wordier 18 epos" remits. Year friend, Joan !loud:ter ch.) . ' • JAMES AIeALLINTER, Solo pre primes of toe above inwlicine.: Principal Office, No 20 Ninth Third street,Philudsl. phis. . PRICE 23 CENTS PER 110 X., i AOINTZ IA PrIrPOCIIGH.—/4111111A. Reiter, corner of Liberty mud So Clair streets: and L. Wilcox, Jo, cm , ner of Market street and the Diamond, also comer Of Fourth and Smithfield .trees; 3. it: Cassel, comp, a Walnut and Penn Wee., Filth Ward; and sold at l Bookstore in Smithfield street, door from Second. 1n Allegheny City by 11. P. Schwartz and J. Serge o By J. G. Smith, Drugged, Birmingham: D. Nosh. , East Liberty; 11. Roseland, McKeesport; I. A'esand r &Son, Monongahela City; N. R. Boma. is co,. a J. T, Rogers, brambonlle; Jota Realty, Beaver, • John Walker. fehl fondly . Jarld , a Medicated ' Istquild Criatal as TMs is undoubtedly the best preparation ever dia.' cormq, Sor dressing flares, Scald. Cat; Chit: bMMs, ~ Bruise or any kind Of fresh' wound., also r 'sore Nipples a rentedyuseqaaled. , , This snide la intended for hinds ase, and should be found la the ponession of every family' in the Wk.. Weber.* who are In constant docker of ardor) , ) o their persons through accident., and the improper earalem use Of tools, trill Ehd this article to be Waal - able to them, and alter a fair trial will consider Li ' • dispensable. It Is an excellent subilltute for adhesive platter of all hinds, withoaa any of its lacontontruces, Rita is o medicated as to allay till pain, immediately and men` perfectly. ft very little applied any whereon ti, surface sidle: skin, ipmethately Mims a firm, smooth coating very. similar lathe natural Cuticle or tinter skin; which may be freely washed with water anitisoap i without any ip. jury tbe wond. , The to u to a freelrased hlshlu.scoommendrd by the most eminent physic of New England,. other rani of the coin For sale none by .6 E SELLERS, Ol Wm. , all D"N. It—The mad; supplied al the manufactures price. feb4i Sellers' Vermliug. T lIAS NEVER, itraalogle idaupice, failed to cl.- pel Worm, e'r_u ' 1317' FL V.: ;111;e " c1;117;rqiiitr - rrelren vo were in I htzbargk, in November.last, rent 'paraded salsa Utley to your Vermifuge, to test Osrain, Iya 'did so, and through the winter we sold -what we pur chased, whirl, gave it a fair reputation. In Mai list wepurchmed more, which was disposed , of immedi• stay. We then ordered more, which reached CO on thiel3th of the.preseat math. and on yesterday Se mild the last - of two dozen bottles We find it so MN cable a medico., that every permit of a lanai) laiitt• ea to have it In their possessiort • • Thom' who have pnrcfiased it would be'perMelly -sealing to give certificates of its .eacelleney. Oot!of the quantity we have vended, it has never, tea single' nistmec, Fdletttoexpelwarmz :. • .Thar friend, - . Mn. C.Musa it. Co Prepared arnd gold by IL E. EELLERS, 57 Wood nit, d' solri2 d by Druggists generally In the two eines. • fet jL v . ,- , -•-•,, ile 1- ;=:- . 1 r;• 1, -JO j' G' . '': r- ‘l , ,I _Ncfbrd la 11 I 7.' - ' I-' N i f " $ '''gi'''' 2... ' - ' l. • - r 'VIII. '-''''.. ' - - . IN goosam .130TTLES ON TIM anaovia ♦YD . rat.ARECIT CURIO/ ALL DLSILWM ORIMEMMiI . .... . .. . . Strutsla or lane's Evil,itheumatism,.oll:ninste Cita. news Eruptions, Pimples or Pallides on the Face, Blotches, Riles, Chrome Mans Era, Rine Wen. or Toner, Scold Head, FUllssuesneut nod Pniu'of the ltones and Joints, Stubbont. Ulcers, Syphd tic Symptons, Sciatica or Lumbago:N-Iml dlic Ties arising from Iniudicious use of Mereary, Aei iit4s or Dropsy, Exposure or Imprudence in Eire; • Also—Chronic COL4fitutional Disorders, Re. In this preparation are stionglyetincentrataltill i the Moilminalpropenies of Saisapuralla,,combined With the most effectual aids, the most salatary us, the most potent simples of thevtgetable kingdom; and It has been so fully tested, not only by,puicata selves, but also by physicians, that it has receitred their utiguelltied recommendations' and the upproba• tioo of the public; and has estsblithed, on So dere merits,. mputallen for votes and moms= for Opt. ride to the various compaunds bearing the name of Sarsaparilla. DisCILICA hove been cured, such aware not furnished In the records of time plat; and what it has already done for the b... 0 who have used It,, It Is capable of doing for the millions still suffering land straggling with disease. It parities, cleanses, Lind strengthens the founmin springs of life, and luaus new vigor throughout the whole aniinal frame, l ANOTHER CORE OF SCROFULA. - - - - The Silicone' striking. mb—as will be icon—per• tuaneritcure of an nrelCfalo ease of Scrofula, epric mends itself ro all similarly offline& Sonoran, Conit., Jan. I, le4P. Messrs. Sands: Gemlemen, Sympathy for the rain ed Induces run to inform yoa of the remarknde nue effected by pout Sarsaparilla, in the ens of my wife. She was severely afflicted with the Serotala on differ. nit pert. of the body; the glands, of the neck Were greatly enlarged, and bee Stabs mach swollen. Abu suffering over • tear, and Sndlng no relief (rain, the retnedrea used, the disease attacked ono leg, Mud , be low the knee suppurated. Sloe , physieirm tolvind it should be laid open, whirl WWI done. hot Vautany permanentbonen In this situating we be ofnd . were induced to use, Sands' Sarsapurilla. The rat booth predated a decided and favorable <lke; re: ea; is her more Wan any prescription she had ever takers and before she used sox bottles—fo the astonishment and delight of bar friends—she fond her health gotta restored. It is now leer a yearsine the eon wain. footed, and her health ' good, showing the the diwne was thoroughly eradicated from the sy .m. liar neighbors are all knowing tothese fans ; and think very highly of Sandie Sersupatill. - I Veen with respeet, JULIUS PIEE. Extract from • letter received fon Air. If. W. ?far. ris, e gentlemen well known to-Pluisinna en., Vu. 4 Gentlemen, I have cured a negro boy of none your Sarsaparilla, who Ira. attached with Pero la, and of a scrofulous lentil). "boar.. truly, ft. W. HARRIS. "Fooderielts Ilan, Va., Jolt 17,1548." Ann Tie }teals 1111110,1611,10aCiatl. ry to direct allentiaa ry man article so welt known, r od so deseedly pop On, as tbls Oceanid., bate ati noon who Wirt (Si ibla the extrail of Surnpartila, are Ir:denote try worthless e ompnalaiii heal ilia the name, but contaiaing little or mine of the virtue of this r able roan and we think we morn confer gre iter . !madden au tinders than in directing their atten,ion to the tilvertintne•t of the ?limn. Sands, fit anoih column.. The bottle has recently, hems enlarge to held • gall', and those who wish Si realty good ele will hod concentrated In thin all the meditinal sales of the root, The examen. of ILlnbrands has Peaked it. Siteltay in curing the various diantiaaS for whi it is recommended; and ne w thand' thee tore g r in any inner, ptif intr., IS 144 MOS:line uaerul, to Flew ring the system tor a °hence of sessoa—illete Jeur. ent,Sept. Woo. , Prepared siol sold, wholesale wd retail. by A. D. D. SANDS, Druggist told Chew., Irro Colton Ar6ci, corner of %V1M..., New York. Sol 4 dor by. 41 1. gists gescrelly through°. the United Suitt, .4. rola Price SI per brae; six bottler 1. For We by L. WILCOX, Jr, D.A. FAIINESTOCK • CO„ card EDWARD FENDER ICII, Poobarcb. 'AI. o. by Dr. S. tOIITIII. NIV:II. NURt'QY keeps on bond Ali os b •Orouent of ISleacbcd I.itooll'ao/n Dspol,' of di areal .rw:ba and youloirs. Ako—Tat,lo Clloha and INoptios, Toweling wooer. und Towels, Alla a full of house fornitbiox Cd AItIBLITUNOT HAS jort returned tram the Enstrtn Chien i renew v renewing k lama ariety or searonulde rotpretrunr invnes Wa nnentten Or me ek Wt. and o.ll.rit. No ed Wo& at. feldth 1091:d7INU YAPtiR—A kit supply el all Med& Cove leave op hand outmode to order. feb&l REMOLDS &BRIX ''4'.ot; - :•XVIL , 7'N(K 7 it;Itf.V PANLUaIIciinTEMI MllA , Reened Session of tka•madardsivasionur ..i ! ,of lam rigeninE 9 c,rief February rear, erilloolionedee on ago teirt, 111 the Mete buildings, No. street. ,• ~:;;.f1 .1i +=l • Arrangomenu havo Wisen-o4 ' IM Mob tbly win laablo fornisk rota, ladtp_oatt Latin Went, for obtanung a al, and Omatoeutal edanatgres4slV isopbice - and •Cbesoleal Locatoas nal ibelliattletad daring :Jan winter, II luatrated by mama& 41:0= amtL .4 4=fVbeaFinur Inbtroatellta] Wonky Dm*" and Pouning,sikkollabbaittlilar the cannot a competent Prufeuce. By close =Mos to the sobnd and Mellen:ad EmprOrtantoit Of ibeitinn iNumprbtailekloopo:to meta a easbniatiooggill literal prafonago they bece Inthe:lo ter:oven tironWof applyto the • g. 120! 4 (4.1 T . • ilEntiands:aftil 11111Coadlnaborglt corpectfeny• ,ntfortaul that the Aforse.Tel= Lmei are now complete operation between and ashboom,fwashfugtore hli ssol saber Easlnsetialles, collletting at Washington ty sialletiltle • the only'end South to ttle ad: Aagaturcillavenash, .Nlwhislie; all NeW collecting in this city with hare nannielt Weld add Nardi to the Vrionipal sawn* and titles tetherlitaLlay of delt aliariarirtfa, mat on the deleo.: - Tlonentikatata . receive and rend nreisagee Cheap Of Sol Line, and the operators and dlettanfillllOwledlaw• nesse* allaccesamodatipg. 4 . • W-Olrite in the lower story of the ca p ws ll ortn, , Wood street: .• • • ACIRCULAR sell as bye fraud, pentautelpg formation of ' a new Transportaull Coinparty:fill oar hole Agents at Deldrnatel on&Critlltiblni /*rain thus nutty to apprize oar Mande and Um Aped= sell makes no alteration whatever b mom the chime,: of oar agents son rocauserestow worchoulls at those points , both of which ,son,have effected aderunnycourly for ourselves endear carom- With the experience of hficen yeais the Tuna. portinon torsions, self teepee, so eatn esigistd the totelliseare 'of our patrons. forteld=o , at i r credulity, of the public, or cater far Its lengthened profession. In print, We beg Istkerdlicar f° axTrtff ' l i y "' re i nrene e nireidelle and ea- u paelly of oar wasehoases, Pills * tesseriPll/11.101011. Baltimore and olombia unsarrelleed; entspectptlcs for regularity and dispatch Inereesed; lade= tefeases nbeml as that of ar e ruposollds host sal sa our freight,,whegter in depot Of la frana4 It always insured free Of expense to the owners. ' Wcappeal to our past coonactras to earnetstoderar finute;nad confidently lark (tweeted to a combnunnes of that p o t s welch enterer been oar way to dateren and one licantes• to re *red Under sell llerellions, we shell be prepared it µlnane to me., honorable competition' show 'ttseirling krill other we all Penh. envy all ti. THE ,PITTSBURMI PORTABLE TiOAT LINE wilt be condoetedas tisnal r l A Ath r e . trofellholle 4 .." comer Of Penn and WiV s il.s,. I mate • THO 278 rdukdFdlr And [ewe tidloroing Agents: HAIN bIeCULtAUCiI fr. CO, ea North et, Hatthaine; P. B. DURK & , 'CO. ti Doane at, Baste.;) W. & J. T. TAPSCOTT & CO; 00 Bonin sf; PL Tars; JAMES WHEELWRIGHT,Gitwinunt. SCAMS ISOILI.OIWISM sad Iliaanallostareas , by Stigma.. . RE , . rerpectfolly Warmed that 'a "anti Orabent Aone route of their CRAWFORD'S PATENT STEAM BLOYMRIII AIR HEATERS. By the oPeration' of the 'Steens - Btmtrers, the draft at Defame' eanhatanbteseed to almost say extent, withoot vegan d to the halettli shlsaney, as in any way daymadttatratilltrtiatartt drat, whits [ theAtr Demean:claims huge portion of the waste heat tram the does, and.returas it, IS ' furnace -in heated air, winch also'tera peat date,. neutralises the deliuniouselket oL Dm oil m en in She sir wilful suppbta the draft, theteby-produeteg mOte perfect combustion, and a anehbrisiter and hentrite. In hunting coal, it will save the ataw-ban geMi being burnt cot. by kat Ring them Clean and tree if clinker, end the ire lemur. less airing' or. eakellegip.” For further perimeters rekr to Caput:leaden, sesam bpat.Wave N 074, rapt . Sterling and Kr. J L Ta - for, Rentiorce of memo but A J. Cri Ratetusen, steam boat Isamblearton,Mtd Beige At kinson, Front street. Pittsburgh. " NOTICE is hereby given to dna whdhowbem using Siesta Blowers , 'to ignore:tee of the ,Dghtil JM cured under , 'Fluent, that an opportoait mn them em examine the Patent ititetf, by caUlegfaer Bag lab trLknueu, Wood M s MC:WM Si. Chant,. Pittsburgh,. and porehmius the privilegassfarbig thli improvement All who do not' avall - thenuielves of this, wilbe•proceeded against, • with= eteeptlOD, if diby continue to inirhuge onsaidonbrat fat, ' BENJAWN CRAWFORD. =l==i THF. Partnership herebafbre' egistatir Vitamin the - bragt h ot ri e b e=on thl b rl3th b.u elt i i the Arm will be settled by John Parker, ist theabideltentl, of eoreer South Common OM' F. 54 ... 1 10 .7a 1 0 , • J.' W. Allegheny. Feb. 1:141, ll3sA—M.taillek A Groat. National. THE OAL!..EHY OF ILLUKTHIOOS AIHE*IO.I4.IB. -kimemaLyre. ,bg 1 1 5.*:,X.rated . 2 Aidgia..- - Edited ni-Asicaratins.4o • 1 4 .. . v Trit 11& iDFIR this title will be pubhahakihtrit a 4= at 113,Awetity Partrailli 12d Bsetcheit of American citizens, who have inmates ll 'martens In the lenticepf **country. Seely patine of tbe,work receive. th e most carafe( tUUMISsa, and nothing Will be spared to reader It a eirentbrand enduring monument to the penmen of the ikepulthe. The Typography will tei executed ea oarefally and in a. superb style as the engrayingatheunialves.' 74 entire work will bo au meanest traperlektailtypepar, 16 by ,d I inchee, suede eipreedy far 1 1 4 g e l! , • Tuts Work has nolhing sectional faits therefore, be comprehensive et its spirit ~,T*m ood of Nose men poly will be tadmirted,wbosa telex:. mtd public servicesi have won for them an bithoralgetfama throughout leanation. • Each of the great deperhiMath of life will have its representatives. Art Mu' Leers ine are universe! in their spirit, and thief:lady bin. tended to be a lamely and enduring momenta; to, the meat men of the Republic, whose itehleVemenle and fame cortraimus the chiin glower tidy MUM: We hope th at every lover of art and friend &nu elation Union, will respond to our appeal for encouragement, and' aid In in comaten•able an undertaking, dad Us publica.ion may make an era hobo_ p r ogram of Am- Vital An, end, by event its the illustrious isetted the Union meet,. conl.ol,4nlC . As ow• fa of this hes appeared in Amalie... mid the prices they the. n or Would prate it beyond the conch of moon 0 0 oniseataiamgoablata. [VI bloc rcsolveo to mein ai large Carephl.l3, by ettarethe • very low one°. vim gt perldo;evillM for the enure macs of U Nos !ii Two Non arc now publiatteli,containloglortratta of Prendent Taylor and lion Joan en Galheen.i , JAMES 1). L0CKW001.1,63 • febe.l Agent for Western Peltnigl • Now Mutate.. •,'• • LEMUEL; or, Going down to Ili antigun:4W • kJ clew and eery popauu Ethiopian Song, so mwg by Christy'. !Wastrel., of Nem York. Composed by 8. C Poster, author "Uncle Ned,...lstammta, " Neily wee a Lady; by S. C. Foster. ~,, {llea Lkdk—the genuine “pyi by Nelsen Karma. Speak Gently; a very popular so by VAVallaea. Indian's Prayer; by the whole .He LaudP. Be Kind to the Loved Ones at Florae.. , „,.. . Thou host wounded the splrtt Mal loved thee. Frior Pollm'by kirakoach. co Polka; by praus. and 'Wells, by Professor Rollback. - Aliquippa - " -• Eder. La Piece de, Perle:PGraud Waleq by Daboarne. 0 The wild !lowan main will shed thesr,bioonai from the opera of Luels do Laeoutersooor. ' CO(IP., or May Day io the 014orslizacq by.C. E. Howe. , Hers. Easy Variattees m M ite Last Rae of Saiskter,” by Theo Art Cone; seas bola Um opera of Ainalti. The Groves of Illseney; , feeat Birthetsek, When the Moon on the Lake Is Beanung. A• Voice hem the Wave.; deems by C. Clkher.: Joys that %Veva Tasted. • . • Wake me no 'gaudy Chaplet; from laerelia Btt•pria. Low Backed Car: • Dearen Mac; with easy variations for begging. lloruparin's Grave. We are Happy and Free. Welwo Polka; by H. Hewn. • Reed wd for ro le by JOHN G. KELtbli, ion= No. EILWoog sneer. N. 13.—. large stock of new PI.NOS, to arrive this week. Oleo loweerlits Maga.lna. end'thd Blrilltluk lawarterly Rewrievrec Tun Tun Nos. Stamm : , Tot Wrerangsvga Rtyxawl; And—litnenueon's Eaurrnmair blnessunt.''' • . • For toy one of the (our !review.; .11:kOtt pee ammo; For Inlet...pod be thee ' 10,00' Payments to be mate in all e awe in viragos. Pabusbed almultaneourly in New ' Yerk' and Pitts burgh; Othee, el Wood.treeL• fix liteekwrod rod Edinburgh Iteview tor 7.4..rf -are now ready. • ' . (eb • • lAMFA D.11.400D. Great Arrival of 111ew lawsedle., • eobeettecre are now prepared Do- °Cori still greater inducements to perebasere of ,Dri Goods: Taw established law prices and immune swept of Goats, (heelers received wver. 100 pankageagame and 4.lvirable good al comprisein peal • 103 dos Preach Wrought Collars and Caper, to ps Rich DresiSilks; „ . Dat pr Moue", from 10 to 50 emits per plat 0 CAZCS Ildoesho D'Lsins, fame l 0 to Carpal pod: MerimiS Prods, all styles; 3 11 • Mourning from 10 toY'l!i a pat 10 11 Glagaems:good styles, 12/e per 1 1 heetings, Shirtless, and floasekeep dads, In geat ,nrictiek, all of whieltwill booting atalinasr low prices, nl febd A A'MASON/SCO'S;OO karlrel 119111111181 RCMP.° thin dAj, at the thirpot"Wirtebeesk, No .., 70 Fourth et, a new and nettatykeerceoper . gram Camas. Also—Visie !synth', which we iodate pot chz+e rs as cheap as my - eastern fable' -OP .61eCIJ CAVED HER 0 cit Lisiwnds, Va.i issuaitlitt • Mr. 1.. - Nona—Dear Et, 'lts 'vial stlidlers' Verrustara 1 boa& host yoa, was tbasillgo,;broiilki fttan tap gill five JOU) OItIOO L• 1001417 =MOOT Of fire hundred warm, I be eve- she'vros lived a nary slam tims, but for this med.*. Prang red and pold by IL E. SILLICSSriaINded .1d lab. by psalmists sesetallj is dlib 1.23 The Milli . .kifACHINIST AND MANUPACTUREtede aL rutmeco, Mum sad ISMS Seams of tidq Brats essungr nod Van Wart. "geaarallys , Conar alretry sad nret streets. " THE sultscriber, having yorelunted rartory of Jasimt Piiiteroui, Jr., located at Ilte . ‘tioiro ruspsuttlinty iithino Ins Oita& iand shintahlto thst be is outfoxed to till any Gem tst Ilia Wow= I. mod 4 . lituotia ! mous and wittraispateh, o 4 ferkgrusful for their parson.. • • ritOgell• - • Pittrburgb, J.. 1 , lt3a. , t . , HAYING dispered of -my 'establialiatean..C.Mr• Mom". Partmoon, 1 Lake. the _litreart 311., Fru.% for Lour ihn poungtoge in snider:Or - 1W the pablia. roulirlerst 140 •ny talons matter be . daly approcuLted and proc est attleadof rATTSII2O2III /t. IqUatiareh
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers