-v„- BY MlKKEriil TELEGRAPH COMMERCIAL RECORD. REPORTED ft TRLEGOAPQEO PITTSBURGH- DO&BO OF. TRAP* lOR THE ‘PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE un xnaoir'i **cnx*«*- ■■■ ■■■ ;■ COMMITTEE FOR JANUARY. > CONGRESSIONAL. >• —t.k. , WASHiaonw, Jtfl. 22. • Me»«F Bcutx—Mr. Webstar submitted a resolution, ÜBUM r *3, 18 80 - of.Ask granting lo every male of the United States who fr*d. ed. settle* upon and cultivate* the same for three Bank of Pittsburgh-Capital, w .. n Teui. • quarter section of tho pnWicUndc.wM „ -JTI« laid over. _] idenrt, (May and Nov.) 4 P eent*’. 1 The spectr.l order of the day, Mr. Foote’sreso* M *° d *o la lotion fa’formic lemtoriil governments, was L taken up. , / Jaly)4 W cent.—— •***—■ ■*"*■*'“* S 2% ,j! Mr. Caas having the floor!he resumed, and con- AUctkcnr Bridge’ Ceng any- iJS w K eluded hi* remarks on tfceWilmot PrOTiso. He Hand'tfueei “ “ ® «a..*lbdl.vc ttis; Union wiU mnrlve HI. lb. g" .» dangers with which ;l may be menaced, however OUo & p eani |ie«u*RaUro»d. >lspaid « trying the circumstance* in which it may be plac* j l» 00 61 ed; bnt to mintnln ibis pn.ndpo.Uion,thi. in- ;—;;;; J“ », g tegrily of political existence, on.which *o much a Bomm Copper Mining Co. 90 103: uo faMHrili«wo.ld-dcpcnd.,w..bonlda«fnaT ! ■; “ lOMtu.aij avoid these rational questions, so much, and so, , lMtl Jj e> tu 00) • feeder"**'"' t ’V t ' falh ,"“;°^l R SSs^^’WS'ii°dS; and cultivate a spirit of mutual regard—adding to * jjauaryt April, July and. October; last, tb. »Mtden,.lsu cf interest, which holds n,to- * aether, sad'v?l;l be the day when the first drop oi $300,000; Dividend, 60ep share for Jan* blood i» shed in tho prccenration of thi. Union. esq, gri^md dotobetj.n»b «»; Tint day deed never come, if tho urns spirit of of Plluh , tlk „ 4 Bo llm Copper Minin, Co., compromUo and concctficn by each to the feelings |UX .| C Bt gioo, fin: dir. eff ol ail, which Animated ci'r fathers, continues to The Piaiburgh Gas Company, declared a dividend of animate us and our children. Bat if powers of* 4 p eent. on the 14th iasu, which aecoann for the ds* iensire to one portion cf"ihe country, and of eline in the offered rates,from S 9 to at*, doubtful obligation, to bay the least ol it, ate lo be exercised by another, end under circumstances of peculiar excitement, this confederation may be rent in twain, leaving another example, of that judicial blindness with which God in his provi dance some times visits the sins ol national Now, Sir, as a mere practical question, is the legislative adoption cf this Proviso worth tho h*r xard at which alone it can be secured—the obsta cles and dangers to which I havebriefly alluded— | theriihouid be great advantage*, inestimable in*; deed to be gained, before such a measure should * be forced upon the country. Can any man say that they at n II with the magnitude © f the citl which must follow in their train? Formys*ir, I do not believe that the slightest good wiU result, under the most favorable circum fltneea, from’ tb!« Congre?uoaal interference with therigbts of.lbe people of the Territories. The ofcjeot avowed, is to prevent the introduction t lf>wry. Can it eo there even if left without thi* pioUbiiiool I Hciiev'e itcannot; and 1 believe then are very few here, or elsewhere, that think it e*m The Wilmot Proviso is urged upon the ground of .its expediency—it is opposed upon the ground of its unenn^titutionality. Now, ia the contest worth the cost to place this barren—as l believe, unconstitutional—proviso otr the statute booh? I will engage in no such ertt* ude against thu South, from whatever motive it originates! I will endeavor to discharge my doty as an American Senator, to the country—ibo whole country,—and when I cannot do this, I shall cease to have any duty here to perform. My sentiments upon the Wilmot Proviso we * i nowbeforc the Sriisie, and I am precluded from voting in confirm:.y wrh them. I have been ln> atrocied by the cf Michigan, to vote in favor of this mr.injrc. I am a believer in the right cl Instruction, when fairly exercised under proper clfcomstancicy. I acknowledge the obligations of instructional have received, and cannot act In opposition jto my own .convictions of the true meaniogofthe constitution. When the time comes> and I am rtqri-ed to vote rpon this measure,as a practical one i:: a bi’l providing for a Territorial Government, I shall know bow to reconcile my duty to the LegttliUurr, with my doty to myself, byaurreadcrirg the u«*t l can no longer fulfil. Mr. Cass herecoachtdedySfiul Mr. Butler gain* «d tbefloor for to more >w< The Bill proyiaing-ft}J lhV berianddara, was pujrii.! ■ After'the regular bw ate adjourned. Qlu the House, nemng of interest transpired. Mr. CUngman’s aijvcry speech, on President Tavlor’s Message, relilivo to California, was do* livered yesterday. repair of the Com- (e of bnainets, ibe Sen* CRANUERRIES—LIgIU inppliei are held in the 1 jnLiket, u *707,33 tor beat, end #6,50 for & common BURNING OF THE STEAMER OREGON. j >n iei«rbbL St. Lotna, Jan. 22. CRACKERS—A regular baimcu u doing ai lie fo!- The IrtV» steamer Oregon waa burned at Chi- r*te»: c, O , on Saturday mnrnin*. She we, .entiled end b »' , trank to the guards. None o! the property on board - Drrpeoiie do “ was raved. jThefire aanppoaed to be the work sigijCtaefcer*,per lb —* 1 ° ! owned by D. G. Chipu.ee. CORDAGE—Fbf the ™oueiUel~e»JerlU.be.d She wu .Seed el City Ibiueend doltate, end in- lb.« D e renter nemdr demwol el d» 6Uo«w nied for twenty thnneand, to the feme, Howyd. p '“ : “ nllItto]1 „ | bJ ctaJt lie r■. Columbus and North West insurance oorapaaie*. , &, cui, - * ~Vhito Rope, by coll, J*e “ “ do cm,— - We “ “ fkrrtd Pope, by coil,——: ** e „ „ do cm, »o “ “ •acling- Yarn, fino,-—— " „ u . do common,--*—*' •• »c Vanilla,' r dot" - Hemp. rf dji. do 0 coil, 10c “ ft. CINCINNATI MARKET. Circwjuti, Jao. 22. j The mer i* slowly reading at ibis point, and ! . Pi to weather is p'easmt. ! Mesa Pork—Sales at $S 75 perbrl. , Linseed Oil—Sales at 87c per gallon. - j The market generally isqaiet and unchanged, ; —■, Manilla, VI Hemp, 87»e 0 do*. Lo.t or Stol.n. : i Ky.nired U .old reptlui, .t IS* * «t: ONU»eToi.i»r»l !*«. 7th imt,—l3 ban- I COTTON YARNS-Fo. .t0 ...n00* hrucld mule •die* end 17 bardof.lton, (majked W.MeG. A Co.) following i» * correct lint of prie *t from thewharf,nboyatneMoijongahele Bridge. Any n kwhdtam. j-No-fc tupeilb •-■l|t No. 13 ( First street, bet*n Wood ftMarket. 1 **7, « “ -do “ W “ “f».u l7 “ •utfL « *‘..~»-.do u IB “ “-.—-*BB, • .m? .< « 20J 0 19 M “ r-87 1 SOZSJI TAM. ! 1 No. SOO, ttiptr Ih 10 No. POCt ct* perdu fl ! •* fioo! “ “ 000, “ “••••■do | i « 70S “ St “1000, « “• ••* *do j Cupit Cholo, --- g CoodltwiokJ lIS : coeerlet Yem, —S3 Bag Filling,••- *-—do . Twine, Betting, Nos land B—ll.l2 1 j COTTON SHEETlNGS—Pittsburgh manufactured | brown sleeting* are sold readily from tie mills at 710 ! 8e 0 yard for Nonatook, and Be for PennA No 1. 1 COPPEB—SaIes ot Cliff Mine cake and ingots at t 9 ! i flajc; of sheet at 28c, and of old eopper at 18c 0 .ft. 1 ri. DRIED PBUIT-There is only a limited Inquiry In! 1 the market, and prices hare declined—ssy, for peach* 1 es, t2ff ,J |1 g 4. and for applet, 31 0 hu, are about the | : miijij figure*. Pealed Peaches are worth 34,1204,33, ' from fiitt hands. -! 1 DRIED BEEF-ReguUr sales of Cincinnati cored, at Sc 0 ft, by the tree. . DRUGS, MEDICINES, ft DYE STUFFS-Thetub* Joined is a corrected Ust of some of the v prominent articles >— vox tu* aa»oV*L asn rrauta**ST ecu* of all sagau Aloes. 6s If® 1 ’ rso* a* utrean nan wn* *lood Alum, “ ••••• • ■ -fj®* : oa tuurr or th* ststw, Vim _ Asatelide, ftsvl4o-5 <<flrefula or King’* Kail, Rheumatism, Obstinate Cat** Arrow Root,” ••••lOgl* Aqoe&ms. “ •••■•WgU Beebes, Biles, Chronie Sow Eyes, Rio* Worm Boras, refined- ArTt-tut Sc aid Head, Enlargement and Pain of Balsam Peru tte do C 0j.,u..a ; 2» ?JLrntcms Aciaiiea or LttmbagCh—and disease* Brfmstone.o »•■• 40 3 8 Camphor, ref,-••••40043 ?,M Ihopsy,‘Exposure or Imprudence# -Life; Chloride luae,c£.Uo 0 AUo-Cbronic Constitutional Disorder*, dip Cochineal •••••1^>0i.73 r .i?fr«.niiraiionaro*u»nglycooccmratedelltho CreamTsrtsr 33023 In lhls prepay of Sariapartila, combined with Copperas 140 2 Medicinal pr pc salutary productions. Glue 111013 the most encctual aid«t wo mo 1 V-50080 “r’kja-.rzSß . «MriS,ar J ep P nWs Ipee °-’--i7SOrS E KSs£« to the tboo.'md. FLOUR-Th. ttthtk't ho U Is eapabie cf doing for the millions still «ulertng etness during the past weel KSk’S 1 £7ST»' htpricet. I 0 «oh-,»u». Erroot thtonkhoiil tho iholo utimJtruho. the receipt, bj virtuhnt ‘lnotKtS CORE OFSCItO ULA. nre.hrt. boooo Tho fohovutj itrtSioß. niid-ok vittoo OO wl „ t ■anenteareofaniaveterato ease ofScrofaia, S _ Thn *i aends iuelf to all similarly aflheted: bbU Tho si Coon., Jan. I,IMI confined in regular dray loi • Seun. Sands: GenUcaen, Snupathy for tin f 0 bH. Rk.^k,_7Viu. U ,h.« n .ii«^o».re U Bha was aererely afflicted with the Scrofula on l differ |j 3104.12 eta pans of the body; tho glands.of the n«* Co»a Mast,—Very little is airielng, and supplies aro grestiy enlarged, and herlirubs much f ooderate. We quote nominally at 32,2302,30 0 bbl bd; FISH-Tto thtvk.. cothtoo. hm «. low tho knee soppunted. lief physician adnsea it WM^f- qaatstlona Bale* of Salmon, 318 for bbls, .should be laid open, which was without any M d 327 for Uerees. Mackerel No 1 3l8;:No 2,31ty»; N03,*7,50r bbl. Sktc. or Lkhredo, Hereto,... bottle predueed a decided and favorable effect, reuor* gg and com. Eastern.at 0 bbl. Lake Fish , tag her more than any prescription the bad erer taiM, • d „ obbl; Cod Flib at 31,750 and before the used six bottles—to tha astonislxmeat may no quote* « , and delight efher friends—the found her health quite 4 rum. » restored. It la now cret a year since the euro was ei* FEATHERS—With a quiet market, wo. quote xooo fected, and her health remains good, showing that the m 1 diKtse was thoroughly eradicated from the system, western at 34 T andhsTesd- Oat neighbors are ailknowingtothese facts,and think . FBUIT-Newerop Raisins arc scarce, and km ad Ttry highly of B*»ls , Sarsaparilla. »*need to 0 box; Sales of Alirmnds at 1840170 Yours with respect, JUUUS n?® V**™***, m 630700 obu; cf Pe«.n. at 7c Extract from a letter received front Mr. N. W. Uof. »• —. ll#Tt . ne- of Cream nuts, at 7ej of Zanta ris, a gentleman well known in Louisiana co., 0 ft; of raberts, at «•“"'“ Walnhu at Be 0 “Gentlemen, I ha?o eured anegro boy of mine with Curntnts, at 6084 c, and of English your Sarsaparilla, who was attacked with Scrofula, . "‘faKSSr '““ T ' N- W. HARRIS. ! OROCERIES-Wilh to . '.Fretltrjokillall, V.. Jhl, Ht IW9” ; «,™M.I»RUiCG«<*.“ 1 * raU,i f' Ul ?“^ N °®?' .Bast»'Si»i*r*aui*A—ll *oemsalmostuannecetta* i ■ A aneerr market, la rrery particular,!* the rjr to direct attention to an article so well and f* » “ lam weekly reportf Bio Coffee, to deserredly popular, x« this preparation, bat pauenta some as gi«a Inoar lastweexiy report.x often who wuu to u*a too extract of Sarsaparilla, uOnk, ha* attained pretty nearly its UfißMt point, Induced to try worthle** compounds bearing the name, , y' - bit degree of firmness, at 140150 but containing little or none of the virtue of this Tala- - and now presents a tsir ocgw 1. , t SSbrocmS we think we cannot confer a greater + ft, whieh is just double the price of this {time benefiioootir ready* yrsr. The arrisals of Sugar and tho Sito?Tte“bWi‘bi £lda quart, andiose who sriah a really good artiela * thalr spring supplies pretty well in. NO Bttgar mjy wlUfindcouneTiiraicdinUusail tho medicinal tsJuo aew be fairly quoted, at a range according to quality^ Si'S® !<“«“«•» «h.«uto. NPMoto. Is recoMended; and at the present time more than et coatinus* steady, at '28027e 0 gall, at*d 8 H do, any other, perhaps, I* this medtcine P«P»- J at 40043 c 0 gall. [At New Orleans on th«' 12th, sugar for a change of scnsoa.-lHomo Jour- and sold, wholesale and retail, by A. B. ft J letenall9tol24 for good to prime lota, pio Cefibu D.SAND9. DtuggUt and Ctemist, waa aelltag in that market at 111 to 12a 0 ft, with Ck5- "'“‘'J?* 1 ' h " ai '•«*»“"«tob mds! PrLo *1 per tittle; six botticafwfth i •• BOPS-Bert Eastern'sorii arc held atl®o2sc; west . For tale by ITwiLCOX, Jr a U. A. FAHNESTOCK em may bo quoted at Uo 0 ft. t ° NAY-*Coastd«*bl* quantitiM am arriTli|g by river Raview of the PITTSBURGH MARKET, rot thi wtxa OJDIZ9 j*a*r 22. The weather darinr the put-week hu continued Te rr unsettled, being for the mosr part, extremely mild for the KtictL The heavy mow which we alluded to in oar last weekly review, vu of short duration, and ; In consequence of the hoary rains, end the general thaw, the river continues at high stage; and there is nowvery little prospect of any serious obstruction to navigation from ice, Curing the remainder of this win* ter- . The market has presented nothing sew during the past week. Pm l "*** hu been of a limited character, aad n* marked change hu occurred in general quota tions. ASHES—Soda Ash has undergone a slight decline,, and sales during the week have bun transacted at 4(0 4i, mostly at the lower figure. Other descriptions of Asheahave been rather Inactive, and sales limited at the following rales :-Pesil Ash, Midi; Saler*tu*,s|o fc; Pot Ash, 4|ose. and Seotehings at 3* ¥ ft- APPLES—Owing to the-lightneuof the receipts, the supplies of gTeen apples are becoming limited. Prices from store range from’*2 to 81,50 * bbl, uin quality- ALE—We notice no change in the prices of Ale.— Quotations may be given at a tango of 81 to 83, euk included, according to quality and description of paek- age. BACON—The receipts of bacon from the lower mu • kets hare been moderate, and we have no heavy tract rollons to report daring the week. We quote best , Cincinnati cured bacon at, for Shoulders, 4|oscjfiides* J 6, and Hubs, at 7c ¥ ft. Prime sugar eured canvass- { ed hams, in trcs, are soli at fie ¥ ft. For country cur- i ed. bacon, in loose lots, 4|, 54, aad 64, are fair quota* - Hens. . I BUTTER—'We have no change to notice in this af : tide. Sales have been regularly ellcied in llmiiedlott , 1 .1, fount. prim. W R roll, 14815 C, nl UOUcL for a fair aad prime article. Keg beuer la in fair request,- , . at BoiOe, according to quality. I BULK MEAT— Receipts have been light, and wo have no heavy sales to report. From 3| to 4e ¥ are the ruling figures cf the market. , BEANS—We notice fairsnppUesinihem*rket,whh sales of best quality white, at 70979, and of second quality, at G2063c ¥ bo. | BRAN k. BHOBrS—' We notice very light supplies ; in the'mvket, and prices are nominal. | B BpOM3—We notice full sapplies in the muket, | with sales at prices ranging 7 according to quality, 81.62 to 82,25 ¥ dox. i have heard of no aales daring the j week, 865070 ¥ ton, are the ruling figures, 4 and 6 months. j ‘BUCKWHEAT—The market is fully suppl ed, and | dull, at 8100 to 8t,73 4P-160 fts. | BUCKETS A notice the receipt of sev* | oral considerable lota during.the week, and supplies • | ere quits fulL Sales of backets Bom store, at 82£O0 : 2,25, and ef Tub* at 88,50069 4P dox. ! CHEESE—The mukewif any thing, is inactive, and 1 sales have been confined mainly totheei-y trtdeat, lor 1 coxa. WB, 6c; tor Cream 64061, and tor Goshen 7* ' ¥*■ Liauoriee root---- 70 9 “ ball.••• 16050 Lac Dye »0« Magnesia Carb-«-55035 Madder Umbro- • • • 14010 Myrrh,Turkey'-"* o ®* o . Oil Vitriol, 40 0 : “ Castor, searee, 35,00 « Cassia 3,0003,00 11 Clorea •• • *510003,00 - Lemon ••♦•3000300 “ Fep’m’t—3,oo3 WO Opinm, Turkey ,5,6006,00 QainiM • l 4 > SSo4jiO Rhubarb, root---**3HOSO gal Arnonac-——160510 gal Soda *• 40 6 gcnna ISO2O Tartaric Aeid *4050 Vitriol Blue 11015 Camwood, bbU-*640 0 Faauc I Logwood, chipped, ‘O2l u maintained its ostial qui* k, with very little, variation oftbebad atato of the'roads, re been very light. * T ‘ confined to limited lots, with anting to 000 to $OO bbls, at, ialea from store bare been )td lota, to the home trade, at and wagon. The regulu rates from wagon, tor g®°d timothy, t*BUol2 ¥ , . GRAlN—Nothing new haa transpired in the Grain market, with moderate receipt*, sales have beat con fided to smalitots, at the foilowlng.iuies s—Wheat, M 990; Rye,ss; Buley, 80969; Cora; *5046; Oats, 3403 s ¥ bu. * 4 • GLASS—Per the vuioue articles ol window glass, we notice no change. Ho following list of priees may be*given as about the ruling figures of the market: Bby 10 83£S U by 16— 10 by 1* 0,60 1! by J»2 10 by 14 U by 16 —■ — 10 by IS 4po Üby 17— * K 2 10 by 16 . 12 by 19 W by 17—-4,50 21 by - 00 Finn Gloss— The following table is * 1 tst of the out aide prices of many of the most prominent articles o Mat glass manufactured and sold in this muket: . Plain Tumblers per dot, ;* • SSSg, Goblets, 4 ° Jw Lemonsdet, ** Jelly stands, esek . nnatliao *?*?■' do heavy pillared,perpeir, do heavy cut flute, each *“ |g Molasses cans, . 4 do Britlanla tops. per pair • 75a 4,T0 Flower vases, per dox, S’fffio’on do do cnlp.tp.lt, Jelly Glasses, per dox. ’Siio no • Pressed sweet-meat drakes, l* T J?* rS® 1 ?]?? do do bowlo, p«r poir Bareui knob, and pin., per do*l.ooa 1, 30 Tinctures, ground stopper, P do* 1,00a12,T0 Show Bodies, each , laoa an Ntns-Since the opening of, the fall trade a good business has been doing in the Iron muket at the following range ol prieest-Flzt Bar,s 4-595*, sc cording ts size; Round A Square Bu, 2 4-5064; Band Iron, ««03c;HDoplron, 3*o7c; Sheet Iron, 4*oOe. Naru-10 to2od, $3£S ¥ keg; M to fld, 83,50; M tO 7d 84; sd, 84,93 4d, 84,50; 3d, ¥ keg. Sirs**—Cut, S, 4,41 inch, 84 Pkeg; 5,24 and 6 Inch, 84,0; 6) an! 7 inch, 85 ¥ ker LEAD—Stocks are quits full at present, sritb sales af pig at 4*; und of Buai 4)04f. , tin, Pmt—The preient range of prieesof Lead Pipe is bj to 19* p foot, according to size. Bsxzr Lass—Salas at 6e by the sheet, and.6* ¥ ft when cut JjAßD—Sales during the week have been to a fai extent at 51051 in bbls and kegs. LEATHER—The market maintains its usual firm ness for all descriptions. New York sole is selling reg ululy at 19020 c; and Baltimore nl«-at 21022 ¥ ft. MiT.T_.We note colas' from store at 61,1901.25 ¥ t bushel.' MARINE INSURANCE—Rates of Insurance o targoes of steam and keel boats: From Pittsburgh to Wheeling, Va~ 1 01 « *• toahdfrom Cincinnati, O*-4 01 - “ to Louisville, Ky n 1 <3i «> “ to St Louis, Mo., 191# ' « “ to Boonville, do l|o2 a »* to Independenee, -2 021 “ “ to Galena. lit ,-•-♦* 11011 «r “ to Memphis. Ten.,- —— 1011 M to N. Orleans, 1011 FromN-Orleans toPiiuborgh, I 011 SL. Louis, —llOl4 OIL—No. 1 LurdOQ is selling, at 53055 e and No 2at at 49050 c per galL Unseed is celling at 60c ¥ gallon. Bleaahed winter sperm oil, at 81,(391.-50; Fall do ¥ gall; bleached winter whale, at 95090 e; of crude whale at 60065 c ¥ gall ' POWDER—Hazard's Rifle at and of Rock a' 83J303Jd per keg. - POTATOES—SaIes of best Nesbannock at 81,50; good common or mixed at 81,23 ¥ bbl. SPlCES—Cinnamon, 31033 c; Cloves 29c, and Nut megs at 8130L2S IP B 80AP A CANDLES—Sa!e* of City and Cincinnati manntoctnred rosin soap, at 404* per ft. City man ufactured Stu Candles are in fair request, at 21022 c; of mould tallow at o*lo, and af common dipped at Oc ¥ D, TALLOW—SaIes of mqtton tallow at 7c, otmmc.— Beef tallow is selling at 74 ¥ ft lymggF.V—'The muket Is fully supplied, with sales of Rectified at 23024 c ¥ gull. notice very iiulo doing at presaat—the following ue the nominal quotations: For Common-— —r—t — ——9Se ¥ ft « * blood ** u ; do 29e “ “ Full Blood Prime “ --37* Cattle Markets. Axuacxrr, Jan. 21. The offerings at the yard were fair, and we noticed no muked ehango in prices. Beef Cattle were sold at 84085 PlOO lbs, net Sheep, each.— Hogu. 84,25 ft 100- ~ PORT OF PITTSBURGH. Rrexa—There were 13 reel 6 Inches in the channel tst evening, aad rising. arrived. Caleb Cope, Murdock, Beaver. Michigan. Bries, Beurer Beaver, Gordon, WelUnlle. Ylroqoa, r Galloway, Monongahela City. Futuon, Peebles, Elizabeth. Atlantic, Pukiion, Brosrnsvllle. Baltic, Jteobs, BnnrusviUe. Camden, Henurickaon, McKeesport. Hamburg, ColwelL Cineinuati. Lucas, Cineinnati. Memphis, Mann, Cincinnati. Lidy Byron. Smith, Cincinnati. Jeffereou, Cincinnati. Louis McLane, Connel, \Vheeltbg. DEPARTED. Caleb Cope, Murdock, Beaver. Beaver, Gordon, Wellsville. Michigan, Briea, Beaver. Viroqus, Galloway, Monongahele Cur. Camden, Hendrickson, McKeesport. Fashion, Peebles, Elizabeth. Baltic, Jaeobs, Brownsville. A<t»mi«. Parkinson, Brownsville. . shenaonoah, Bowman, Cincinnati. No * England No- 2, Vcta. Cincinnati. James Nelson, Moore, Wheeling. ' BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY. BROWNSVILLE PACKETS, at oal *. and 6 w •- BEAVER PACKETS, 8 a. *. and 4. r. *. wellsvuxe packets, s *.«. ST. LOUlS—Wyoming, 10 a. *. BT. LOUlS—Niagara, 10 a. «. WHEELING—LonIa Me Lane, 9 a. M. Thi Qmo—We are Informed by the officers of the Zachary Taylor, whieh arrived here yesterday, tb*t the steamer Ohio wa» not sank,as we had been inform ed, but ran a very narrow escape. She was ran into by the Friendship, but bad succeeded in landing, and .wheapassedby the Taylor, she was lighting off, for the parpose of securing the leak. IMPORTS BY RIVER. Clnctonsitl—Psa llaisatmo-to hhds sagar, C luSSrado do, Wm Holmes; 37 bn a 'V m Stoey x eo; 1« hhds gngar, Jat Daisell A eo, JS tre ■ nec 7 hhds sagar, 70 bx« raisins, 34 bbls, 164 do too lEser.» do tar, they. Matthews A co, 3 bbls If J« , Ellearelton: Sbxs books, FprSyth A eo; 100 bbls-whis key; J Flaek;7exppkta, l hhd auxar. # bbls molasses, J.B.bell, tW.tcs haas*s fc W Htrbangb;69 esks shenlders, I.Urty, Jones A cr, 24 aeks wool, W Barter, 3 bxs, HKlebcr. . Ps«Mxanris—lOctksbristles, Wo BlghantjOhhds md£ltreed*6 bbls, wax, J Forsyth.4; co; 80 bbls lsrdo 11 !owner?6ekshams, 13bxs, por r opstcr chest, 1101 l A Maltby. Pxa La« Btxoh—23 bbls time, W Dy« 7 3° do sere wh?fkn iv A !&* Swheliree; 18 hhds breon, Kier A » _jl Hatehison A co; 16 tc« nee, Hea- Msn«# k. Rieketioa; 60 bis broom corn,Taaffe A O Lon- lC «iw.«Uri Clark A Thaw, ao bl# broom corn, 56 : MliiM ffldido, (l Iw o “«• P‘* Hardy, Jones A eo. 3*sas?Sg®£ S bxs, D Leech A eo, 1 bxv, W m Bia S bam. P«a JxxrxnsoN—loo bbls molasses, Jno B Black, .0 a* A? WeChirtko:l6hbdstob,l box mdse, Clark A AMsm der, owners. OFFIOR* T™ jisgssv i inM a™ now In complete operation between this city i?«n7«ia? In tMacUy with lines running West and dissolution. Ttn? Co-Partnerahip heretofore existing under the A Breyfogle," u this Cay dissolved «,’&*! mum! Th* business will be settled by J. £'mS"(i”“tei.old.u»d INo.IM 1 No.lM ) B«ond.>r. sl . j. C. BREYFOGLE : 00-pah.'t sEaaniP. T f naEYFOGLE, having associated with him •T a! U CLARKE, for the purpose of transacting X* ftvPmrdtnt and Commission business, will con tinue thattoriaess al the old stand of‘ Cope A Brejr and respectfully asks a continuance of the fafmir wnouis of his friends and the pobnc gener- busihess will be conducted under the name It,b of BliTlool, k. bkeypoglb, A. H. CLARKE. Pinsbtrgb, Jan. 7,lB6oo—flanO fbomM PmWjuob, StaCaSSi Brass Work, generally. Corner of Fcttt andflrst sireets. • , TUE TS'/’ WSid h: dUp.*h, .»d -111 tool pabionson. Piiutrcnh,Jin*!. 1650 - ' HAVING l°uko T » ffsr ass LOCAL MATTERS. ROOMS) TOX TH» HTTSBUMH OaILT OaZCJTS CoxxxsiaßLX.—We tiro glad to use the spirit manifested by onr uister city, in relation to tier Common Schools- A society Imu been organized there, termed, “the Director* ond Teacher’s Insti» tale of Allegheny, ° the intention of which in to es» tabliih dissuasions of the modes of teaching, gov erning, with readings, recitations, demonstra tions, addresses, criticisms, dec., dec., and to pro mote a free and mutual interchange of thoughts and experiences. The prime mover* ere men who are always in earnest, energetic, and in whatever they under* take, know no other course bol tuttaight forward one, which is a sufficient guarantee for its utility and entire success, Their next meeting will be.gt Ute Fourth Word School House, Allegheny, on Thursday evening, the 21 in inst. We hope our c'ty will *‘go and do likewiau.” COURT OP QUARTER SESSIONS. Present—Judges Jones and Kerr. ALLEGHENY RIOT CASE. The jury yesterday morning returned the fuU lowing verdict in this case: u Tbat the defendants, George Slevick, Daniel M. Curry, William - Wolfendsle, and William Blakely, ere not guilty, but that the aaid defend dants, D. M. Curry, W. Wolfendale, and Wo. Blakely pay the costs." Commonwealth vs. James Wilson—Surety of the pence, on oath of bis wife, Mnry Wilson. Oa hearing, the Court sentenced defendant to pay the cost*, and enter into bail SlOO to .keep the peace. Commonwealth vs. Charles Foulk—Two in* dictments for larceny. First, tried by jury and found not guilty. On the second, be plead guilty, and was sentenced to six months imprisonment in the County JaiL Commonwealth vs.- Samoel Tidus—Two - in dictments for larceny. Oa both found not guilty* and discharged. Ths Court then adjourned to ten o’clock this norning. Colored LvsTmrrx. —We paid a visit, yester day, to the' elegant edifice erected, in the upper part (if Allegheny city, by the Rev. Chss. Avery, for the benefit ol the colored population. Wc were shown through the building l*y the politeness of the .munificent donor, and gleaned the following particulars, relative to its construction. It ia 75 feci in length, by 55 ia breadth; and three stories in height. The upper story is designed fora place of public worship, and covers the entire building. This room is finished in an exceedingly chaste nad elegant mannet; the wall* and ceilirg ornament ed with fresco,skilfully executed by Mr. Mitchell, a German artist. The first and second stories nro tot npart '.for educational purposes; the building being separated by a partition lengthwise, one de partment devoted exclusively for the use of the male scholars, the other for the females; each de partment being subdivided according to conveni ence. The entrances to these departments are from opposite sides of the house, eo.lhatThe Sexes aro kept entirely separate. The whole ia com fortably heated from furnaces below. The external appearance is in keeping with the interior. Elegance and utility have been every where‘csnaidcred. It ts substantially built with brick, surmounted by a dome, containing a dock and bell. In front is a tablet, bearing the inscrip tion "Allegheny Institute, and Mission Church.” jt is expected to be opened on next Sunday week, by the Rev. Mr. Paiaavant, of thfs city. j. i 9 needless to eulogize the hberahty of Mr Avery, in thi* benevolent enterprise. The influ ence which the institution wtii exert among the neglected class of our population for which it is intended, will be foil beyond tho present genera, lien. . _ _ Heivt Costkact.—We observed, yesterday, that the Street Commissioners have engaged twe men to clean the mud from Wood Street, cut the ice out of the goners, flee. When this contract is hope thai the Commissioner* will remember Grant Street, in the neighborhood of the Court House, ct least. The spirit of reform 1 appears to rule among our municipal officer*! The street* of Allegheny are in n desperate condition. We hope that the recently elected Commissioner, thoughnot exactly a‘•new broom, * will ‘‘sweep clean.’' We had a atght, ence more, of the bright aud cheering sun, yesterday. The heavy gale of wind on tho preceding night, deared away the "cloud* and darkneß»”which baveenvelopod us for tho laid few days. MAYORS OFFICE. AixxoQKrr.’Jan. 82. A man was Good 91 00 and coala, by Mayor Fleming, to day,, for huckstering. One case of drunkenness, nod one of assault and battery, were commuted to jail. John Agnew, tho keeper of a tippling honse, was fined $l4 00 for permitting gambling spun his premises. Matos’* Oir.cs, January ».—The Mayor had hi band* fall of business this morning. Eight caw* o drunkenness, disorderly conduct, and vagrancy, wen bronchi oat ol ihe tomb*. They were disposed of i tiipi usual manner. Two persons were brought np daring the day, charged with forestolling the market; but aribey ap peared to hare misnnderatood the ordinance, they were d scharged npon the payment of a fine of one dollar. A rattier ama/ung affair occurred, it; the arrest of M{. Green, the Clerk of the Market, by order of the Mayor. Vllit Honor was giving direction* for the re moval ol the hucknerV alalia from the market plaee, which were stonily reaiated by] Mr. Green, and in rather abutive language. Hie latter wu uken tn i cuaiody, but, npon acknowledging hia error, was dis charged. A Good Exejiplk.—Mayor Barker, and foorof his ntfic-rn, were imitated into the Order of the Son* of Temperance, last night. plttsbargh Stvlgatlon and Pin Inan ranci Compaay> 4 MEETING of the Ptoc kholfiem of the Pittiburgh A Navigation and Fire Insurance Company, will bo held at the Office, No HI Market street, on fiatnr lUy, the 2Clh day of January, at Uo’clock, l - M janl'J-td R-FINNIA . See >. MERCER *.AHTEI<Ot GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, —PBUjtDKLPUIa—• advance* made on consignmeuu. J O'CONNOR retire* from our firm from'Jilsdate, , going into the hou*e» of Atkina, O’Connor a. t-0., I'btladclpTiin, and O'Connor, Atkina « Co., The “General Commission and Forwarding Business, a* well rt» the “Pittsburgh Transportation Line Agcn i.t.” will be continued by na at our Dopot, 70 I street, Baltimore. We retumour ttiankstoourfrleiid* nnd the frieuda of the I.lne for past favor*, aud hope to ra-nl and receive a continuance and increase ot | O'CONNORS * CO. | Baltimore, January lit, IS3O. PITTSBURGH TRANSPORTATION LINE. Atkins, o’connor & co,'No*.sw a2mM“£ ket street, Philadelphia; O’CONNOR, ATKINS A CO., Canal Ha*ln, Liberty at, PUuburgh; 0 COW ifORS A CO., 7U North street, Baltimore. This old established.LlNK, having changed It* firm# and agents as above, and extenJeSil# arrange manta, bees leave to inform its friends and thepublic that »l wilt'be prepared, on the opening of the Pennsylvania Canals in the spring of lfcfiO, to give all freights un equalled despatch and care, at very low rate*. janlC-Ct . ——— - narahal'i Bale, Inman, Gault A Co. ") _ against >|n Chancery. Steamboat Telegraph No. I, Ac. J And the same 1, _ against fin Chancery. Steamboat Telegraph No. 2, Ac- ) -m. rt,an. BY VIRTUE of an Order ot the UnUrtHe Ch»» eery Court, mado In the above cause*, we,‘im undersigned, or oue of ua, will, on Monday, th d«y of January, U*o, sell to thc higbe»t bidder or bid dcr», at pnbUc auction, on board o? Bala boau, «»»«•. [ whurf in the city of Louisville, the whole oftho •?«*■« ■mat Telegraph No. 1. her engliusa, uekle, A«., *na, I nl»o, three foanhs of the aleamboal Telegraph Nu. •, ici.rfinr*. tackle, Ac . . The terra# of sale to l.e—one fourth cash in J“ n “i remainder on credits of 4, W, and 111 month* for fl I 1 Purchaser or purcbaier* will bo resjtilr»ive I bonds, with approved security, bearing Intereal f me day of sale until paid. Sale to take place about II j' n day. JOHN A. CRITTENDEN, M- L- U. O. 7 CHARLES j. MENU, lieputy Janlft-dJOt . , KOTICB3. decca«c of June* Croitan. Jj* 1 * 11 '*,** > , |fMUIIII MonooffthelikUo'Wfl, Doc. S% - T~TVFR COMPLAINT.—A.!IoIIi*f cure permitted \>i m Aifimia Drown eo., 0., W, |b<7. Mr k fMWjSrSin April tMiioy wlfawiwntiMk ,£^S7SY°filf«rrh4SnrK,«; U>ca *« t*.l (.»« -'ll* 1 '»• 1 ‘"HJSf. U«*.L T . jys|p££#£’ praSSESta* “ftrassaKhr rates of discount. fix— I CUIiKECTiII. L' as & bos Si • HATE :■ OfiJiSCOU’ is. IiOLMt ti'-isa-s* i»iokit s - So. 3J Feuu*y* v “ nlm * Biai:o:'iv. luarpa .•■'•"•{‘a*,' E*cUu/<: t * i,nk L'"V'E" iVlcrcli. <i "Un.|Ua”S -fai uldpaifc'—Pa-' (iinud ilt***’ Paf Bajjt uf<3t riaaa»»n- -par it ChcaV-T County-••par • «i Delav/ar© Co.- **par is M*riet Rtfett, ueai <•.* * iadtr.UA. k~i- .tUiuncLc* - } 3**te£oril» • “ Virginia; ElciitflK 6 ' « Farmer* Bk.of V*. ‘ Bk. ofthe Valley,— “ ■ Bk.of Virginia----; — ‘ rM.&M.BS., Wheeling * i da Murgaiuovrn- - I r N. W. Bank Va i do Weliahors*—J do _ParkeTibnts— H ii iionL.’oroeryCo.-'pa. )< fJorJ umberland* *par Ciiambis J*.rWff«Co.*- par DoyJ«4»TM UtLflk pw Farmers’ !'fc. KemhQK-par Faincts'U <• Bucks Co.parj Farmer? J .'r Lancas'r-par f.flnrastji Cu. - par Laiscoitsr Bk.••*•* per U. Siaw? Sank*—*-*—3o Bfownsvti •« Ig.* *• • • '‘pßr CeltysbJ’V 'h B*.—- • I Chambe/f Jorft;*--—•• “ Sasqaeka: mi <-c. Ex.- Tinnatae*. Bk. of Tennessee * Far. & Metch’tt Hk —— Flamers’Uk.~- * * Union Ck.> Missouri • StaießkofMißWuri—■• I North Corolla** Uk.of Cspe Fear 2 Merch's 2 Sale Bank 2 South Corollas* Camden Dk 8 Bfc. of Charleston 2 Commercial Blr 2 Bt.ofUeorrewwr.*—• 3 Uk.of Hamburg .8 Merchants B*-~ 2 Planter* fltMeth*’»Uk- 2 Levietnw.t*——*.••—* MiiiJlctc»Ti ♦ # •JaiUslt u in* - ok.- ■ 010 Farmer* end I)ro*er»’ Usnt, Wavneabarg** I Ilamsbuft—“ Ilo.ts»d*l ***—•—•——• I Lebanon pourriUe - Wyoming f WMiBMMhBi- J Relief Notes I M&Mltt Pan.do* “ gCflp—Pitub. 1: Coumyt " Allegheny, S® Olilo, ; Uk.of South Carolina- 2 SarfUad> Baltimore Uk*. -par lliim'nAO R RSerip >lO Cumberland Uk.of Alle- gharry*"*' I Far.Dt.of Maryland - “ Farmers 1 te Mechanic* “ Bk. Frederick “ FrederiekCo.Bk.——• “ Hagerstown Bk ** Mineral Bk- I State Bi-.tna Branehei I \loum I‘l'sutua Stcube n v :1 !e —*« • * • ■ •• *• fl Mnneiui NcwLiskjr* •••• ‘ Cinelan3^K aa k , Colamb'-: i do Circled e~—• - ••• Patapscoßk* 1 Waaatnrtonßk. ■ — ■ “ Bk.ofWesuninster • •• • *• Mtchlffau. Bk. of St Clair* *\— — Uk.of River Raleen»~— Michigan In*. Co*" 5 Far.i.Mecfa'sßk 5; Wlaeoaala Tarrlt*y, Max.Wireln.Co.Milw’at Z*aesv:t'c PBtnBQI -■ —— '■ • WoofW -* *~~ ' MomM-ji ■ — Caaadti* Allsoiveatßank* 6 Bank of UnglnudNoies , ... s4;o*i»tr. Gold A Sped* Valoa Napoleon*— 2 Ducats- *••• • *2 IBP 2 20 Katie,old *0 60* Kagle,new 10 bO Doubloon*,Spamah. 1® 00 Do'Patriot^— — • 1 5 Ml ’Sovereirn«***r • • < W Guinea* * ! iM Frederieksd’ors— —•*? H> Ten Thaler* ? f 0 Ten Guilder* ••• • 3 Locisd'or* <5O Ksthaag*- New York kpttr Philadelphia •••*— Ipn? Baltimore .——*•• * t i ,,n :*, par. Interior IPk*— SandusW Geauga • • Norwr.iv ? Clcrelw * Xenia* DaT' •*—*—•—-• 'Wetierr lle«er»e-*' — „ Pranklli. B’k Cotambaa “ ChlHiretlie —** Laic Ifrie*** • - * 'Vjiota —• L.neanrr 1® Hamilton ” « Farm’:* irk Canton—W I'rlmn.-- » fi.eata.cky, I'k nl R'.iuockv I ni.on.'iti**>Ue “ Norbrrti Bt. Kentu’ky- “ Mew York-Übtv Banki DELAWARE 11VTVAL SAFKTV IH BUBAICB COBPABY, OFFICE. IN NORTH ROOM OF EXCHANGE, Om Third Slrert, Philadelphia THE following 'iftlcmcni of the nffoif* of the Cob p»ny,U pabliihed in conformity with npnmuo of it* rbsttfi. n Premiums rtatved during the year ending Uat her 31 et, 1849, Oa Murine nn<i Inland Ri»k«. On Firr BUk«, Earned Prrmiums during the year ending at On Murine atid Inland KUk», 60 Iniere*t, Salvage, and oilier I’rotts 74 * Lusitt, Expiates, Je-, during sods line,— Man:ic and Inland Natation Loi*ee, *120.945 Fire Lorn*, '- Clt 49 SIO9.ISC 71 Retorn Premiums, 1?, Re-itißirances ’ l *’£7 l^p«aLt b fe R nt* £«•**»«■•Stationery, lc., VMM Tit Auat tf the Company art a* follows. Bon !i>, Vortynfjcs and Ground rent*, ’■& Linii'-il State* Six percent l«oa-t. 13A*0 00 Pcunsyiram*. 5* <}* Wg g Do free do do f’JJ® !* Philadelphia Ciry Six per cent. Loan, 1U,50d 00 BUI* Rreetrablr., _ S)5 * S76 61 70 Sham Slock Union Back of icnr.es »ej, .. , 3 >‘*" oo SO do do Merchants and Manufac turer* Bank, PiHsburgn, 120 *Uure* Stoek American Mutual Inrar 5 Share* Stock I»'hiladelphi* and HMrre de . Grace Steam Tow-boat Company. 500 w 80 Share* Stock Delaware Mutual ln*ur- OJ.ec Company, , °d 2 Shares Sdoek Philadelphia Exchange Company. „ , , 73 00 100 Share* Stock Pciia*ylrama Rail-road C-Hnpany, 9° , Cash on hand, ** jt c r,p of Mutual Insurauce Companies. J,o*u <u Balance* in the hand* of Agents, and Pre ttjarai on Marine Policies, reeeutly i»- “ sued. ® a Interest dae, .“g g SaLscnption Doles, 10Q,0W 00 Ninaun sm, IS4O. The Board of Director* '.hOTe lhl» day declared a dividend or BIX PERCENT. in.ca«h, on the Capital Black and Scrip of the Company, P*y*i>e *«J «£ I.r Uecmbtr l.t, IMS. Al;o, a “TO*" 4 ° rTEN PER CENT, in Be rip,'on the Capita! Stock, and ear"- ed Premiums, certificates for which will he twaed DIRECTORS. Joseph 11. Seal, 11. Jane* Brooke. KJmund A. trader, Hennr bloin, JohnC. Dari< Hnt;h Cm}. Robert Baitoti, (Jrorße John R. Penrose, \\m. hj te. Jr. Samuel Edward*. Charles kelly, iicor B e fl. Leiper, Joh S! B “’ Edward Dariinfion, William Hoy. 1. n*c R. DurU, - WUhara Folwell, JohnßrUer*, Jciiin S. Newlm, *p«neer Mellram, Dr n M. HuM'.n, J T. Lopan, PiUsburpti James «. Hand. D-T- Nor«n, do . TUeophilo* Paaldin*. v 'Si 4,0 WILLIAM MARTIN, President. GKOROF. SERBILL, Vice Pretidcnu IHCfIARD y. NKWUOLD, Secretary. Ur ihe Act incorpcmtlng thl* Company, ike rartie* in»unur property therein, are entitled la a Biuaicf U.r protiu of the twatulion, without subjecting ihcra te'vr* 10 any liability beyo-.d the premium paid. TL- Capital t*toek and Subscription Notes are nl.-d-rrd by the Charier for the payment of losee* { and ili,- profits of the Company are directed to be invested „ n | remain in the po«*er*iou .of. the Corporation, a* a (u ill for the further security of the aisuied. Hits fund will l.e represented by senp, bearing an ilnaresl of six ur r c-nu divided among ihe Insured aad Stockhold ers pro rata, upon the amount of earned Premiums oni Capital Stock. _ . janWtf \ UNSHRINKABLE PLANNELS. ~ WB MURPHY couUnueato keep oa hand a foil , assortment of the Welsh Unthriakalile Flan nel*, and haa recently received a supply of the finer dualities. Also Swansdowa Flannel*/a scarce orti cle and well adapted for the wear of invalid*, and cthrr* wanting aometUiijc warmer than usual. Also, IVr-ttut and Cause Flannels for Infarns wear; to- Vrth.-r with a full supply of Atneriean manofactuied FST, “f diflcrciit quoliticfc Al.o. SHROODIKO. FLANNELS, of all the different widths, at the North Hast corner of 4th and Market ‘ls ir--Whole*iil<s Rooms up stairs, where dealer* will olwuy* find a good assortment of new style good*, junt ' IV LST K B R IBRORANCB CUBPARt OF PITTSBURGH. CAPITAL |IUO,OOO. J p.mui.J,, B«T. . I „ £ M“A“. t' ' Will uuurc against nil klmls of n»x», rillE AND MARLNF a LL losses Will be liberally adjusted and promptly A i-orae Institution—manafiod by Directors who are r,vl. known in iho community, and who axe delormin cJ ! y promptness and liberality to maintain the ebar acur which they base assumed, aa offering the best protection to those who desire to bo . DiarcTOKß R. Miller, Jr., Oeo. Utack, J. W.Butler, U. Holmes, Jr., Wm. D. Holmes, C. lhmscn, Oeo. W. luerwn, Wm. M. Lyon. Jas. Lipnincott, Thos. K. Litrh, James M’Anlcy, Ale*. Ntmick.Tlios. BoolL t'rttc*. No. 33 Water street, (warehouse of Span*, fc * ■o., op stairs,) FiUsburgh. ( b ” M ' ln •' or ' “ctua“t A SILL, j srUAUTA SILL 11 DLL UUnT.II-0 bSU prime Re.lyco’d 111. d.j IV and for sale by janll __f A»»I.Y A Übbl K';'.‘," urrKl1 ~ s r “ ■'"TrssLTi'ui&T j jir.'.v” 1 SOOilcm:i> SALi‘S-0 bbis, a pnino ■rteTe.iree^ uud lor sale by jn,ntl TABdhA t_UEST_ , . ALKllA'nJS—d bUls and" i» boxes In store and for fc> *.& by jßtill_ TA93EY & UEST SOftAAHH— 33 casks on bimd-*Hd for salo by jaiill IA3SKY Alll.ST I / iIOVER BKtfD-tS I-bls new, onihind and fnr sale 1 ( Mi£ _ |n.,ll_ ■ TAoSKV A HE3T ’ mrAlirrify dELD-Übbls lursadSby'' J. j«nll TAhhßl k DE-ST I i LACK hNUL)hli"cllA'l*f' n 7or'Trimming, To be I > luund at the Dry Cloud* Huuse of 1 W It MURPHY, (tint | N K ouriier Poutlh ami Market sts JI.NNV LIND andPancy'Vprvcrtiimmiiigt.ofTu] eolor., ui l» tend «l lire -Idle MUR ,. |ly Bl.ACii Hli.U LAClin” Inclotilnjt e few piece* of oiuu width, (>to found, etjow price*, »t «to»eof ,*„» ’ W R MURPHY I.TVMNING D»®SJiS-^A.Tkflioirr'Co..<»Tla? S koi iiieei, will litis day open another lar** to*, vuir-o of lliowi i'teneh Krabroldered KreniDg Dreueo, H very daiirable article for I'artle*, Soiree*, Ae. lyU'PrEU—VCl'iiTrcifi"B(»TT7Jt«i rocNl anXfofaile 15 tty janll KOUll&N. UTTER* CO . I*oll f Al<l6~lo NcwT.mpiy Uacnn Ciuka. JC JOHNMcPADBNkCO, jailiO _ _ Canaljßaim, Penn meet IJUtUIIHIM b¥iaKzUs"P«ioijy; Tor aale by < joJilO STUART tJ*ILUH»Wood at tilOAßjt— cfcooo Common, on hand and for aale by t junHt A CULUbRTHoH, 143 Übertyjit, FS?_g^i b r^"^uKßE®L! i L® w “’ gK|v|rßCcEExßn^^^^r OAHU* 5- H. Iloliim, t* 1 ' Ou coaufntaent by 1 *•s . Jta4 RBlalAHCfi PITE D& T LIHE, yea the or xxaouiisizx'axs pacuao, with- intro ura cniilsn, arrwra rHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURGH. GOODS forwarded by thU Line are carried in ihe mall train la Cbaabenborjrto, and are immediate ly loaded in Wagons getiny night and day through, to Pittsburgh. The bone* are •rationed every 15 miles, whteb 'nsures the prompt delivery of good* Within ute time -tromUed. , ’’'•Woos will ’ pronu»v— ~ The Wagon* will leavi oar warehaose daily, (Sun. day* excepted.) at 2 o'clock, l». hL Shipper* are bj fared that no more goodawill be taken each day than eon be [puactoallr carried 'through: JAMES M DAVIS A CO, £27 Market street,! Pmladeiplno. JOHN M'FADENiA CO, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. JOHN MeFADEN A CO., Foawtintao A Cojoc** ion Mdchasti,Canal Batin, Penn ttrcet, Piuiborgh. JAMES M. DAVIS A C 0„ Fu>e* Facto 13 aJo Com mjmios Mxtciuni, 827 Market, and « Commerce si, Philadelphia. i i nnn _ iryAdTanees made by either of the oboTe,on Flour, Wool, and other merchandize, consigned id them for .«!«. . I“!_ UNION LISK. : WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 1850/ i „ TOHE übietibm, now having in successful opera . .lion an Express Wagon Lite between rUtsbaw and Philadelphia are prepared 10 receipt tor COCO lbs freight daily. Each wav deliverable; through in days, Sundaysexcepled. i ‘ HENRY GRAFF A CO. €anal Rosin. Pittsburgh. DUTILLE HUMPHREYS k, CO., 107 Market st, rtm’a- EXPRESS WAGOB LISE. Ifegfet 1849. i THROUGH IN FIVE UAYSS riIUE «übieriberi are prepared to receive COCO pounds . . Freight daily, afterMonday, loth;ln*utoforward to or from Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, by Wagon, throagh in Five Days. Rates a* Jowl at by any other conveyance at this teaton of the year. JOHN MeFADEN A CO, Canal Batin, Pitttboxgh. JAMES N. DAVIS A CO, dc« No 337 Market atj Philadelphia. _ HOBOBGAIIBLA ROUTE, msmtSSL jtflStt Only 73 Mila* Staging asvilleand Cumberland to Baltimore and * Philadelphia. ; aornin* boat leaves the wharf, above the {e, daily, at 0 o’clock precisely. Tune to Balnw *, 33 hoar*; time to Philadelphia, 40 hoara. The evening boat leave* daily, (except ‘Sunday ev ening*,) at 4 o’clock. Passenger* by leatilns on the evening lioai, will cross the mooruins tn stage* next d*y, and thus avoid night travel. j peenre yonr tickets at the Office, Monongahel INmse, or SL Charles Hotel. ; - i octl3-ly J MKSKIMKN,’Agent VIHTER ABlU’<i<l|llfiaT. EXPRESS WAGON LINE—TUROUGH IN FIVE DAYS! f rnilE subscriber*. haring tuspeadid iheir canal op -1 erations until ine opening of Ike Spring Naviga tion, haveestabUshed an Expre** Um by Railroad and Wagon between Philadelphia and by whictTlhey are prepared to forward GCOG pound* each day,'and receipt for the delivery of jho aarae in 5 day*. Tafe£. beg leave to nature their friend* and the pub lic thuitheir arrangement* regarding rates, regularity and despatch, cannot fall to give satisfaction to all who ( ,»or; t hcm wnk Ik.lr c~f ?E ± O , cONNOBi p "“ "th&Ss Sgßm’DoSf • ,jc7 273 Market street, Philadelphia. . GEE, WO! GEE, WO! : WINTER ARRANGEMENT. SSktiEL 1849.; uaai coma nut old cosustoca. BINGHAM’S EXPRESS iWAGON LINE, to ASD maul PUtabwrgb and Philadelphia i S the buainca* on the canal ialabout being elored tx for the Kaura, we would inform the publie that we havo again brought the Conestoga Wagons into rc quMition, and will be prepared to forward &XX)pounds daily, (commencing on Monday, the *JUh ioaU A Car leaving Philadelphia daily by. the mall train for Cham bervbnrg, and theWagona traveling day and night, ensures the delivery of Goods In five daya. Apply to t. \ VM _ BINGHAM, Pittsburgh, * BINGILvM A DOCK, No. 18-1 Marketsueet, nov2o Philadelphia. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. jm&bl. 1849. EXPRESS WAGON LINE IV A.IU PITTSBURGH AND PHILADELPHIA. Taix: Five Daya, (Sundays esceptedj rurmlng.Day TUB poblie i» respectfully informed ’hoi this Line, which baa been la successful operation the twD previous winters, will again'commence running, on Monday,"the 2fsth of November, j ' A Car will leave Philadelphia and Chamberabargh daily each way with the Mail Train, and from Cham berabargh with relay* of horsearunningday anJ night. Wo are prepared 10 forward COOO Iba freight daily by the above Line. Apply to D. LEECH ,& CO, Pittabuigh, or to—HARRIS A LEECH, No 13 Soutn Third stjeet, Phitadelphir AND VALUABLE INVENTION! GUNK'S WINDOW Ioq£ JND SPBINU. ' Patkxtzs, Drcman ID, XS4D. 11 HIS is an article of great value to ; alI persona en gaged in building, ar to those wko have already boitiT and ate without window fastening. While it furnishes a perfect substitute for pullie* and weights, at a saving of at least *2 to each window, it afford* the safest (aliening that has ever been broasnt into Tha otility and convenience of this Spring over all others, la, that by ono thumb piece, both sash of the window can be raised or lowered. It requires only to be: known to be appreciated. Person* wishing to bay the article, or to have them pul into thetr windows, or the right of selling It lor counties in thi* State, may apply to the subscribers at -the PERRY HOUSE, on the Allegheny river. Pitts burgh, Pa. J. S. TURNER, novan-d3mj is ]sp O P. MAYO- MEDICAL ASD BUB.GICAL OFFICE, .. j No. 68, DIAMOND ALLEY, ft i few doors below Wood street, W , i wards market. : flHg on. BUOWK, having been regularly educated to tbe medical profession. and been for some time general practice, now confines attention to the treatment of jjose private and delicate com* plaints for which bis opportunities «ud espcrieace peculiarly quality vvSffi' \ bint- 14 year* assiduously devoted w .rod, i Ite.tmeol ofthoie compltums,iduilns which J? ”vl. had mor- practice and has cured more pa* SSu lhd“i «" »4 <° ** >« “ f *w prl»»u> P>“; tWonert »aSy Qualifies fei» 10 «*«* asMrunccs of U^S e satisfactory cdreto allxlfbctod K* .ffiE aSiU* n " rn Brown would inform lho>e.aiicted with pnx.te disea seTwhieh have become chronln by tune or a*- JESS by tbe use of any of the common nostrum* of ste day,lh.l their ..mpl.fi* «“ bomliCll y nnd ouehiy cured; he haring gtren hi. cnrcfrß nncnl.nn to the tre.tmenlor.uclr ctmed, rind ■uceecded rn hundreds !rf ii..f.rM. In eurinc persons of uitlanimation of the neck of the bladder,*aad diseases which often :;"„Thim, when e.cty .ntur.etion will r.e ore; •?»»•».! their case* treated ina cartful,thorough and SfflSml timneer, pointed out by mums experience, XV, und Sve»tifiSom*hkh jl i. imj.o...t!e foe m... 0 engaged in general practice of tnetlictre to give to °'Vn-Hernia or Rupture.—-Dr. brown alsoinvito p*T aonsalfik'led with Uemia to csll, ai be bitpaldpanic*. alar alW.ntion to this disease. O VNCKRS alsocured- Skin frwajes; Also i! «, Palsy, etc ~ speedily eared ch |s , Si*i!£rfi''or dli " •“ hrio|t “ hr •tntinx lUeit dimnrur in wrtunif, IftTinp nijlhe.ymi can obtain rrediernee with directum* for nse, by 3SS»TTiIKnWN . M 1)., poet pin, end tnclm. ‘“SSm Np.;« Duunond rj-f. oppo.lt.the W.verty ’'SSra.TM.-Df. Urown'. newly dmcoxeted tome dy far Rheumatism is a speedy and c:nain remedy to V«m, So.OS lit. U irPMe euro oorny. 1 ° ■B. lfttt. W' ' cilKtidK— yuu bx* in More aad for »al<s t>y , imB WM UAGALKV A. CO \~i TiCKWUEAT"FU>UR—I39 tack* tec’d and for K.alobv W *. R McCUTCHEON, IJ I J*7 by 1 a Liberty «t : ]f F S wf >f ifs{ftfl«LES clVrub" pUHN PMLV FLOUWWy^J^S^'* DRI KD Al r . lan3 j^UTTKR— 13 bbU Frtth Rob, o’ J Tt:Tiu nw ks-i art lYS 1 Vi- '£ Su e B. and '-- ■'» )™» u M UAUAI ' T '' * 4L. iLEs-u-SSFyybr^^^ U»ic» lie too H oiM'OQ*i«Sment ind tat »•!« *7 GORDON : norgKlP TATIONER’S jnairec'a and for | lho Rubber Pcp<m 7 J^u p jjyjjp^; a) if-STMoEBsra-; 2 ? 1 bbu .!» crop, Fluuuoa N.J« «•*■« “* F"X»sjs3oo tsr and for ule by Jan 3 , - Promt. jB-fiOOboxeslnttoteandforsaleby - .. ISAIAH DICKEY ±oo^ t -}•.■ » . Proatit, j»nil ' FES* Coar 'i»*ar irere itoo- X._TrflbelrWbole«<l* b««lo» »■ j Siefar. reeemlr by tfwn. M.H.Browo * emhcrs, No. VO Jererr tow, lo Okie )UiWORTH fc CO.. ,J .’^dPU< ~ ~ *? t C r — T« L<t> HOUSE, ia illtsheoi Citr, 7\ oa itreet Boa* low.-Jlnguue of - TAS3EV* BESTISWood n., _,. F*T B*MU "' ' .' A ROOM at the comer of Pean and Hind streets, SVodsnpM bT Mr. Jont. u .Dns Slot. 0,1 r! • Brtf v Tud for Boat*. ■■ ■ i A' LOT OP GROUND, suitable for a Brick. Yard; and situated near the slty lino, In the vtelmnr of Soho Bridge, will be «nted for n.tenttofvjeuaj ;Ap-; ply to E. D. GAZZAM, Thud street, p 7 j. n yt office over the Feet Office. ••• Forßenu, ' A. ROOM on the second story of .tto; Wtteheuse A. ho. fid Wood street. ~ •'■»]«*» ALARGE' BRICK DWELLING HOUSE,-with Hghteen Acre* of ground in a good state of cul tivation, together with good stabling, fee., situated _3t miles from Pittsburgh, sear the Greeuabuigh tumj>ile, and adjoining the AilrghenyCemeterv. There u.an excellent spring near toe dwelling. .Poaaesaion given on the Ist April. . . ALSO—A three story Brick Dwelling House, on: Liberty street, between O'Hara and Walnut streets, Fifth Ward, at present occupied by the subscriber. Possession givenen the Ist April. Enquire of janlO-tT WM. YOUNG, lb Liberty at... For Bent, THE BASEMENT, corner of the Diamond and Union streets, well adapted totaypubUe business. It has-been occupied as a Coffee, or Eating Establish mem, for a number of years. ALSO—Several Offices and Artist's Rooms, well lighted, with entrance from the Diamond, orer the store of the subscribers, north westeoraer of the Dia mond and Market street. Applv to jania ■ • ■ ALEXANDER A DAY. ; FOR RlffT) two pleasantly situated Brick Dwelling Houses, with the-grounda adjoining, at Oakland. Foaiesaioa can be given on the first of ApriVne* l - . (imi) . . HARDY, JONES A CO. For Boat* friiE Back Part of the Warehous now oeeipled by I myself, and fronting on Front street. jtn9 Q. 11. GRANT, 41 Water st^j i ■ Por Beari A STORE in Market street, near Liber* . . Also—The Store on the corner orHaiket and Liberty streets. - Alao-A Dwelling and Store on Penn street near the Canal. - Poasession given on the Ist April next. Also—A Briek Yard in,,the Eighth Ward. . Also—A Stone Uuaixr in the J3ghth Ward. Po»- session given immediately. • • . Inquire of DAVID GREER, Penn St, lan7-Im* 3 doors front 8. E. corner Hty st . Per Beat- A TWO STORY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE on. Bay street Enquire of . ’ ' ' Jan 7 J*S«t DALKELL, 84 Water st A GOOD THREE STORY BRICK' DWELLING, on Smilhfield street, four doom from Seventh, west aide. Inquire of S.' SCHOYER, Jm7 HO Seeond at, uoa RKBX-A convenient Dwells, r Federal street, Allegheny city, with a. Possession riven.on the Ist of ApnL. . __ ALSO—Several Booms and Office* in PUuborgß, MU the Poet Office. E. D. OAZZAM, dcS5 Office, Third si., otct the Port Office^ Fm SALK.—An Iron FaoadCT. HlaeFsmhtfand Maehino Shop, with Steon Engine of IS horse poweT,pood stock of tools, machinery, pane ni*,flask». ladle*, fnmacea and'ovens, all now in use and in rood rnnoinr order. Said promises have 150 feet front by 90 deep, with priaalege of an adjoining Jol 27 bjLSO feet* Being on* of the oldest and best stand* in the. City of Cincinnati, with a liberal patronage. . Apply to; dcl7 O. . i;UR{IUCBT—A sTOKK, -well fitted op tor llry JD Good*, on Morkettt, between Third end Fourth. Possession riven on the Ist of April next.. -» . Also—Several UOOhIS and OFFICER Poiieision riven immediately. K. B. GAZZASI, , dels Office otct the Pott Office,Third «L W Foa lUBHT.—The WAREHOUSE at rtf* sent occupied by Henri. Bailey, Drown & Co., ““•'on Water street, from first of April next. noras JAMES A HUTCHISON A CO FOU BBBT. W, A WELL FINISHED ROOM v suitable for a KM Variety or Geallemen’s Furnishing Store. AJ roomi ml table for offiecs orAr> lial’a rooSf E D GAZZAM, oeaetf Office Third street, over Pott Omee. " For Hall orUuint- ’ M- THE Tory desirable residence in Allegheny City, lately occupied by a W. Poindexter, ana possession riven immediately. _ For terms, apply at this office, or to W. W. WIL SON. Mattel -t. ; t>ct9 - ■ FOB UJ£NT—The taansion home now gift occupied by Mrs. Atwood, simated atOaUand, JuLwith 20 acre* of ground attached.' The Jjauso Inpaaotta and convenkut, and *he ground well Im proved. Apply to HARDY, JONES A 00, oortl Woter n FOR SALE—A Urlek House, (Sol one year inilt,) and Lot, on Robinson street, Allegheny, ie»r old Bridge. Price low and terms easy.— ,of jyi4 8 SOHOYER, HO Seeo.nd at T?OR RENT.—The three ixoit Bnek Welling p House, on Liberty, between Hey and Martary streets, now occupied by W. Graham, Jr. Possession given inuaediatelf. Esquire of Wo. Graham, or at the Bookstore of JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, jy27-dtf corner Market and Third street* FOR SALE—Five lots eligibly ritnated in toe m»a! uhing town of Birmingham. The lots are situs ted on Denman street, numbered la F Bauman’s pla 7i 73 go gi aad et—Lot No 76 fronting SO feet on Mi ry Ann street, 70 feet deep; tho other four SO feet Dor each, by GO feet deep. Terms—Greater part of purchase money may n main for six years, secured by mortgage. Ferparut uJars, inquire of S feCKOYER, mytd -' ' ‘llosceondst ALUXiLE UEAIZEaTATEON PENN STREET FOR SALK.—A Lot of Ground situate on Penn street, between Hay and Maibury streets,. adjoining the house end lot now occupied by Richard Edwards, having u front of S 5 feet, and.in depth ISO feet, will bo sold on favorable terms. “IWo unexceptionable. Eh; quire of C. O. LOOMIS,4th st,near Wood, octg-dtf' ' ’ IiOCTOa WISTIR’B BALSAM OF WILD"CHERRY. THE following article we eopy with pleasure from tho “Boston Mercantile of March, 1840, and we hope that if any of our readari are suffering from any of tho eoaplaists which it is said to cure, they will speedily avail themselves of it: — 1 BE. WIST AH’S RATJtAtf OF WILD CHEERY* It wu well Knows nosy yean ago that the wild cherry bark tree of this ‘climate possessed valuable medicinal qualities. Tmtw«d this fact wu knows to the aborigine*, and decoeiionaof the leave* ar bark o( Uiij tree bu ever been regarded by thpir physicians u one of tho mott effectual remediet in many diseases. This feet, several yean since, arrested the attention of Dr. Wiitar, a highly rupee table practitioner of Vir ginia. He investigated with Care thn healing proper ties of the wild cherry—tea lei its effects when admin* itered alone, and when in combination with othei medial agents. He found that Its natural virtue might be greatly improved, and by combining it with ingre dients whose properties were all well proved and gen erally recognised, a medicine wu produced which constitutes a remedy of great importance in pnlmona 'ry affection* and dls asei of the chest and throat— diseases which are proverbially prevalent in our cities and large towns, and often prove fatal, swelling the bill of mortality to amuch greater extent than is the cue with most others, we k&d almost said all classes Of disease. The genuine Wiitar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry bu a fao simile of the signature of Henry Wlstar, hL D., Philadelphia, and Sandford and Park on a finely exe cuted steel engraved wrapper. None other are gen* Wearojutin receipt of the following voluntary V> beta to the curative power of Wistar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry, from B. Hall, M. D,.of Ml Clemons, Michi gan, who CTa physician of high standing, and on ex- tnslvc drtiggiaU- Mt. CUXBU, Mich., Oct. 20th, 1818. To the affiioted, <hl« may. ccnity tout Mrs. B. Rob erts, of this village, three or four weeks after confine ment, wu attacked wiih a violent cough aid great ptostraiiou, and seemed hastening to the grave with fearful rapidity. I advised her to use Wiitar’* Balsam of Wild Chom—sho did so, end with that valuable : medicine alone wu restored to health, and is now a living proof of tho value of Wistar’s Balsam of Wild • Cherry., L>HALL, Physician and Druggist Read on and be convinced still further of the remei kable virtues of Wistar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry; Messrs. Sandfordk Parki Cents, As a matter ofjus- I ties to you, and for tho benefit of the pubUo; I would | offer the following suimemofa cure edited by.your mdJßine, known as Wlitai’s Balsam of Wild Chemr. j lu the spring of 18*7 my wife wu. «**rely attacked with Peripneumonia, or Pleunsy, which resulted in a j deep seated pain in the side, accompanied with x se- I vere codgh; she woe allowed by some. of the but I physicians in Chicago, but to no purpose; tewrt» th. .offered, Wiihoal relief, cowMoff“"•ffSfr.Sg* aud day. T enme to the conclusion that ail tho reme dies enownjto the physicians could not help her, ana | was induced to try your Wild Cherry, l procuredone bottle, and commenced whig it according to direc tions; before it wu all gone—tho cough.stopped, the oain in hertlde left her, and wiia tho aid of another bottlo tho wu restored to rxumcs hxjMH- In con siderutlou of these cireumsuinces, I would recoomend , it to the pubUc u a valuable medicine. Yours, respectfully, - R. N. GARRATT. I OftAJTO Karas, MicX OCL 8,19*9. JUodAtfeJlavtag Tertomanials* Of all the that have been recorded, ttasre are certainly n«t equal to the one first msnuopj«l, which plainly Vhowa the curability of Caasamption, even in soma of Its worst forms: Csown P«a*, Jjtko co Ja n June IS) 1349. J. D. Part: Dear Sir, As I havo a deep eoipml*era» Uou for the afflicted, penal: mo to give younbnef history ofmy affljeUona, ana tho benefit* aenved front the ai e of Pr. NVUtaPsPalsam of Wild Chenr* InJoly, 1844) .1 was attacked with a fever of the U phod character, which left me to a very debilitated •late, when m tho following winter J was taken with a *cTcre colj, wb’ich redneed tae to each an extent as to rive me (he ar;pearanee pf a confirmed consumption. 1 labor ed coyer a severe cough—expectorated a great deal,end wu troubled with cold feet and night sweats. I frouaently raiaed b lood Cram my long*. I cob* •anned,’ta tSU. awe, gr*4aaDy diking under the dis. r ease, until January, IW V when 1 was wain attacked with fever. My friends, despaired of my life, and my I nhyxidans thought 1,-could survive huts abort time. Mr extremities, especially my feet, constantly cold, and almost lost* then feeling. Under these «r* : eamstaacea it. may <*;xuly be maid that I wn* a living , skeleton. I finally determined to quittaking medicine prescribed by physicians,and try vr. Wlstartßalsam ' of Will Cherry, ai id from tho first week that 1 eom imeneeil taking it, J.can.dito a rridnal recovery- * ; continued its use u * months, at t£o end of which time I was - cured,' and h avo enjoyed rood health ever since, and ehcgrfMTjßbemmendiho BalsaiatoaUthoseafr flitted With offer ise of the long*, and waald those comaenetw t its use*' not to be D -or: three bottles * > not efleet agon; hut P® l *®!*” ?V| hnto ilone, andThavo ho doubt batman eases cl tr« wilfbc Me safel with renewed health Mlhnre Man. . EPH JA cSBOS. Agent for. the South and West, to wnom oustlrtaddreiisod. ‘ _ v k Cor B. A.' •L. *ttlcox,. ir, iL^f’wuh* - tUI 'w 4 SMirKST* Co, eh* 1. tcloths, ferule by J B CANFIELD, Etra and 8. F. Flow, inisiore 8. A W. HARBAUQU. Kesiiatrabeks, far tale by ARMSTRONG A CROZT; l mb new, for sale by’*""-" ARMfITRONQ ACB'mTR iTlß—For tale by J KIPP k 00, No. PRXhVTKSUI BOOKIOOUi u> . NOTp WOOD STREET, WHERE will be found for sale, an assortment of . valuable reiigibu* Book* aadTi**ts.wcipli*4 In a series of about FOUR HUNDRED different pah Ucati9Qt } (of which qatalognescanbe had on applica-, . turn,) embracing nafay standard work* in Theology Biography; : Ac. AcJ selected and .pnbUshed by Uei. Ftesbyterimn Board of Publication', in Philadelphia;.. > andwell adapted for Sabbath SehooVCosgrexiltoaaf, ... Ministers’ and Private Libraries . temiM wishing topurchase inehbooks, arelavV . todto tall and examine the assortment.-- ■ . .. ... • v . I^ p ? ti ' ory ° r{ ** Pennsylvaaia Bible Soadcty , is kept at these room* -. » • oatAdAw3mS L_, ■: . TO PkiWTsena. .• ~ rpHEscbsenber bason hand and tattle, as-Ageat JL of L. Johnston A Ce^ofPhiladelphlarthafbi&w^- iflgJ -r -*., SJpairofCases; • .., 45 founts Faney letter,different«W • 300 Newspaper Cats; • .. 600'lbs. Leads, eat to order; IttCompoaing Sticks; ' 100 kegs Prom’s News Ink; , llßrass Galley, Column Rules, Brass Rales stall descriptions, Ac. A. JAYNES, Pekin,Tea Store, 70 Phuram ' N —Orders, received for new Type. ’aulOdAwS For Rsnb THE subscriber has just received at the Pekin Thu Btore, 70 Fourth street a very lane and well se lected stock of pure GREEN AND BLACK TEAR, from New York, all of which has been received inthii country since the first ofFebruarv last, consisting of all as different grades grown in the Celestial Empire* Our stock being among the largest la the Weil, we are;' prepared to . wholesale, on better terms than any ether' bouse in the city. Wo invito retail grocer* to call and examine our stock and prices. They eaahaveitpaek. ed in I, i, and 1 B packages, 6 B tin cannixtero, or by, half chests. u> suit their convenience/ ... • . • Out rttail prices vary for Oolong, Black Teas from SOct&toGljoOperlb.; Nlng Young Souchong, 90 ets; Congo 50. and English Breakfast £O, Young. Hyson, Gunpowder and Imperial, from 35CU.10 per lb. Families are requesledto send.and get staples Of of our Teaa, and try them before purchasing. .. . myl7alAw3 A. JAYNES. 70 Fourth street; INFORM their friend* and the public thauhsyhtvo no longer any connection with their lateestablish 1 meat'ln Penn street, known asihe bavins removed their entire business to the POINT-. nRKIVTIRY.ic Pir atiW :• tnylfcd ' V% EBsmon aro gpa itai .. lan. Chemical Soap causes a freo penptntlonf and h‘:‘ the same time monlies, softens, and whiten* US till ; giving!! the texture and beauty of unlmant**. - . : ' Sectr7,SaixßaxmaaspB<an,are soon not only healed, but cured by its use, as at loastteven Physt* ; eians in New York know, who an j tt is tatV eases, - ; and find it unfailing—as also in'. .! . Pixnxs, Blokeo, Faxcxucs, or any other akin di*4' - turn The reader is assured that Bus u nosaeles* ; puffed nostrum, as one trial will prow. I could ena-' mertts atleastSO persons cured of | . SOu Him, Sox* Lusaks_S9.u ilsaxn^—Buy IL-.' and use it, and tho reudeVia Bgain assuredJ woa9 not cruelly sell it for the above onliiis I.inew it to be ‘ ail I state. Those who are liable to' ■ ■ Coarzn, Cosmutn, qi Cnarsn Ftxsn, will ftnd this u 1 curt. Any one afflicted with say of the above, or slm* liar diseases, will find this el! and even more (admire* ble in its properties) than I state. Bui, reader, the stores arc: flooded with lialtatiwtfc~ and be sue you ask for JONES’S Italian Chemleal Soap. Sold by WM. JACKSON, 6» Liberty rQtwt,' Pittsburgh. ' '■ ungftdmwT-, ■■ - it;* AlLeoon emmets are honorably aasnttdthaf tbe following are tbe actual qualities of a 3a. boUle-o< - Jons*s Coral Hair ReStoraiivc. If they doebt on word, they cannot these highly rerpeetablo-eidua* ■ who have tried it— • !. - - - ;■ • • Mr.Geo.Beeket,4l EJmstiNowYork.!-.^ Mra. Matilda Rsseves, Myrtle av. ■ - v Mr. Wm.Tompkins,W Kingst, NewjYorfc; •• Mr. Thos. Jscbson, Montouis Island, near Pißsborgh 11. E. Cullen, late buber steamboat.B/America. And more ilian a hundred others raids, though this must suffice, that U wilt force the hair to grow_os lbs head or face, sup it falling off, strengthen the roots, removing scurf and dandruff from the root*, making light, red, or gray hair assume 'a fibe dark look, and keeping dry, harsh or wiry hair moist, soft, clout and betniilfll, a very, very long lime. . I - Sold by the Agent, WM. JACKSON, &9 Liberty ft, ritubargh. Pace 5O contr, andjonb dollar. au&dAwT • y' "■ ~" •'/. ARE CAUTIONED V-':. SING COMMON CHALK. . They are not aware how fnghi/uJly injaxious.ltSls ; - to the skin! how coarse, how roughs how sal; low, yellow, and unhealthy the skinap; . . pearsafterasingprcporeuchslk! Be- * : ' ,".. A sides it is injurious, containing a Urge quantity of Lead 1 We have prepared a bcautifuL vegetable artiolujt which wee&ii JONES’SPANISH LILY WHITE.: It is perfectly innocent, being purified ©fall deleoti. aui qualities; and. itimp&ru to tho skin anattral,heal-" thy, alabaster, clear, living whim; ot thc same ttma. aeung-aaa costnetie ou the ckia, making It soft and 1 smooth. Sold by the Agent, WM. JACKSON, £0 Lib;, cny st, Pittsburgh. Pnce2s cents. ;,..ang7MAwT ' HEW UdRDW&Rfi ITORI SIGN* OF THE PLANE AND BAW,. • ,7 . : No- 7H Wood street, Pittsburgh- Huber and LaUFMAN,. Imnorton' unddaalere in Foreign end Domestic, T7 \RPWARRi, 1n... all iu varieties, uxo now prepared to sell as low and: ' on as reasonable terms as can be purchased elsewhere- . - We solicit our friends, and tho public generally, to., call and examine our stock, which consists in partaf. : KNIVES and FORKS, POCKET andiPEN KNIVPS,''' SCISSORS, SHEARS, RAZORS, House Trimmings, K such us Locks, liatches, Hinges and Screws, tbgelfier';, witlteveryuittcw uiutliykcplin Hardware Wo invite the attention of Carpenters and Mechanic* , generally to our tbsortpiciuofTooU, whichhavebcen , selected with great cate, and which we are deteitma» ;w ed to eell eo as to give sausiaetion. - apSalAwT/* . Tux aijsx ir a vc.k RxmLXis - live than a bud, putrid breath, or dark, yellow tUwre*--; edtcelh. If persons have these uis their awn faalt—.< they eon, for two shillings, buy an artielo that will maxe their breath pare ana street u» tW QplcfJbr*- '. Arabia.' 1; cures diicascs of the Gums, spungy or uleerema,! and iot the Teeth It )• unequalled, removing tho lartax, fastening the toethlln the guasj/and elcsn'thema*, white u the uuu KariX. ' j '• <*•«'•* Such, reader, arc\Uic properties of Jones’s Amber Tooth Paste, praising it oonelm, hear: what one ol our mosi respectable and sdentina Don; lUts,Mr. B.Field,olN6w York,' aays; • •• » ' ' U 1 have both used and snaiisca this besntinri and Im palpable article, , (Jobes 1 Amber -Tooth PastoA a»dr can recommend it as pbaussingallUto qualities claim ed for iL n Redder, we-cun say no more to convince, - only that if youtry thmbnce you will bo reellpleased. U is put up in : besutiful English China Fuv for fit cents. Sold by the Agdst!, Wax. JACKSON,:tSBl*ber ly street, PiUsburgh. u .. aagwdAwT- .... FKKIS TEA STOHJC, GEOrWa SMITH * CO-t tortj la Ailagbaajr City for 6«U< tnbunben o2er\for »a]a a asmlwrof ebote* i, iitasie iaihcßecond Wart) froadnf oa let i CToaad,onea*f icrcu. Isaaireol- - rr U-O’IL ROUINSQN, Aujrat L4W, St Clair *; orifJASUODlASON.ontiiaprßailsM.* eTlV.dkwtfT; \ V : ■ ' ; '■ COFFEE— ISO bias priiAd Rio, arrivmgand for sale by novtf & -.;. W A aIMITCuELTKEB, Gunpowder aadVficir iqusltty, in W chetUjl sii r^rro^L^EEE\ IMIKSM 1 liygnu Tcaij-of tuperioX and 0 pouad bzt, joti recM At aorO W\i \\ ,'INES—7O cslcs Port, Madeira, Sherry »ad 3w*V VV MiHga Wines for sate by’lheeaik or in qaan uu" “ p * rcU “"\;4' M Mi-rcnCTLKEE^ . novfi No ICO Liberty rf UGAR—3I hbd* from new,crop landing (toa lto iteamerßrilliant, and for sale by . - * j.n3_ __ JAMES A. HUTCHISON A CO. Molasses— 30 mu pianuuoa aew crop; ,u»d ; ina from steamer-Hamtiarg for male by • * I jauo —* JAMES A. HUTCHISON & CO. GKEKN APPLES—<W buia ttoipanllc -and Fippln _ A PP ,„,. pn» •^SS^Sitk fIXALLOW—uSbbL pare Tallow, in More and < T.ilciy ItIIEY.MATTIIKWBAOO. lei Couou m store anu lor iaie oy RUBY, MATTHEWS * CO, BLUE A ORANGE PRINTS—I case* new wy»o4 X& briS “ "^^KLETTAWHITE CXASsLMERES-- 3 case* Fancy ana Wool Dye ' S 1 ’ ° p "" 1 - f ° l k. WHITE jUTTER-i U* *>». M^CUtcWn Linseed OlL—l* bb!« in store arid foraaleby Sfl7 _ ROBISON.LTrTLEfcCO I-xrfhiTkoLL S UTTER—WO lbs Ja«t ree'd tad fei r..,.Kv ti 7 ROBISON, U rTLK, ACO BUckwheatVloUß4sm»U», inbbUnadbogi, £f “ d for “ l 0 by ßomsQN.-EinLEACO MACKEKKL-CO bb!» No 3Large; o'qrbblj IS* L _„„ a - HE"*!#'** p :;°k.v. !l m^ctue^£ , (S u i .^•^Si^WliSSSgSf* OU CASKS ABAM-S SUP. PEADJ^SM^wi - i w ro y «j^'cM£tg£uS«. : 1 B 'ROOMS—W dosen Corn t*le by_ l* o3 • Uroocu m ( «wt* isd tot H. k W. HARBAUOH. SUGAR— *1 hhd», now-crop, leading frfttt Mumv No. a, co ElCt— 2> tiercel prime, now lintlmj ftoauetJKU MO LAPSES-P 7 bbU Plenuttfoornewetop,we 1 ■«^SBKSSSSSSoi»^ . ._j»nS _ , N* o' SUGAR'-IM fchdiprinw, WWCtoPj J**l *** • i„t Nam 1H and 20 Wood »t y . A Br M<> ' l w.y£» T «<*>■, r«°v«- ~00 O MPANY ' ket pnce» heretofore tnknowa Blaakeu and Flannel*, ** DEPOT, > l^-° 11 tt ■ - - ■Mo 60 Market it ,q T ATOES-m bu , iin K PORK—I2.OOO lbs this day rcc’d and for sate jSa , ARMSTRONG * CEOZER iEACUES— lOOTjwlieb.dried pe&tiieajbett quilt 7 XST' *CO. TALUUB—WM>W» 2.’ H 100 do Old Whealßstnbisnora udto AiftbT ' jan* - AgMBTHONQACaOIEE -200 bills ia 6? ARMSTRONG ft CROZES Butter— 10 bb' i iRoIT - , 60k*»prio» do ' do'• frfttl re&ciTod gnd fotudoby;.j_; -i. i ASMSIEOKCFkCSOZSB ' Itnl • ' -*•• : ■•’•■'••. "• *•' ; •• L- - 71 kefs in : Raie tad lor nia br [ ' jsa3 ’JAMEa A. HUTCHISON * CO. B~~6VnXLQfL!a U£REING«-flbtolsinßtora *nop nktT linT • RQHISOX. LITTLE fc CO__ N" oTgqGXB—l-i N.-orangtrttnmaj « ateuwt Bnlliaai «nd fot «J« *7—. j „ I - • Ju3 JAMESP£VSUj»t»V«MM|
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers