-ti'Affillfi PUBLISHED BY WHITE dc 00 WEDNESDAY -MOKKIKO, JAM, a?, 1850. irym»mnM are asmesttv reqaetteu to band W hi?Tf.»ww before sr.it, and u early ihtbedsy as sractfeable- Advenlsemenuiact inserted fora-speeL Invariably be charted ontll ordered eu pfiiLADslfau south ABsaiflAff. Adventsetaanra and nbaccptxru to the North Amar on tad UiaUedmilea Gazette, Philadelphia, reeeire J Bd forwarded from this office. - Cact>XJtt>-C..W. Jatte*, fto. l Ctoenn»a,l«<mt«*.mftr ibuciir • «yt Un-will receive pre«p» NEXT PAGE FOB LOCAL KATTEHB .TELEOBAPHICNEWS,**- (OrFor. ror IMpgiMt ■” tot P** 8, ,0m correspoadenx, “Arcana*” we ihiult, sliowe wrrecadoiirelj that,!**® Ptuoa-s term has eoioddd. with him ia hiixemaiks comraditofyofibe nalriog Judge. Oar opinion* '■ip wmn haw tradergono a great change yf.La.tho laattwo yeara. Webave found but ljqto_toobjecttoiahUadniiaietrttioQ ol jattice, •ad in oar iauaeoane with him we have round obliging Wd gentlemanly. Our best wishes go with him to his new western heme. OsiitVLast’s Boas, lor Pebnury, is to hand, .with its van! mrmbro of fins lilostiritiotis iutd em* among which Is the; portrait of Mr. Gddoy . himsolf. Sixty thousand copies of this work are now printed, a most wonderful circula» tfett indeed. • ' Qts. Cixs.—We may aoou look for thin famous to resign his teal ia the Senate* ' We infer this from the following circumstances. A letter from General Cast t$ his friend, in JeSenon e&y,MJtoOßri<is published fa the lut, u 3t*npeli m, 1 of that place, and contains the following ex tract:* - •i am instmeted ty the Legislature of Michigan to vote for the Wilmot Proviso. “ Tiit 1 tXall no irds. Bnl .when the time comes, I shall give my views la foil .upon the subject, snd resign my sett : ia the Senste." . By our telegraphic despatches, we tee (hot Mr. Out bos commenced a speech on the *Wilmot Proviso,* snd we msy conclude, that, according to'promise, his resignation will-immediately fol low. Michigan will then elect toms one who will carry out her wishes. In theaboToextraot, General Cass has clearly defend his position on t#o important -He admits the right ol instruction, and stows his opposition to the Wiimot Proviso. Under such circumstance* it is not possible' lor him to repre< ■eni Michigan. ' Ailhlestlott oTProsperM. Wetmore, Isle -Hsvy Agent sS HeW York, proven. Cerrapoadesee of N. Ameries:! sad U. 8. Gsseue. ' WsiuiHarmt, Jan. 15.. ; '; The ooccan ting officers have at length termiu* < died the investigation of Mr. Wetmore 1 * accounts, upon the vouchers presented by him, very few of , which—perhaps not onto than ssoo—have been ; disallowed- Allowing him thoadinotsge of the*e credits, end same $29,000 paid over to Mr. Ls ' Hoy,the present navy agent, and there still .ap> 'pears to ms debit the sum of €191,589 TO, which : ts regularly certified by the comptroller sad sudi* . tor. Upoii these official abstracts a treasury draft will he immediately issued for the apparent de fiejeacy, and if it-is. protested, recourse will at once be hod to -the sixteenth section of the Sub Treasury act- which applies to' disbursing agents 'j'vrho are in defoub. - A greatemoant of sympathy, and, a strong effort to dcrecn this gentleman from the obloquy which Is BUnraify associated with ao era to amisde /meteor, has been,made.by.the Democratic, as well Bs a partioaoftbe Whig press. “Fad*,how . ever,srd stubborn things”and Mr. Wetacre and hfefrienda will, we think, find it a difficult ma:t:r to prove his innocence. Too high position here* tofbre miinisised by this'gentle man is urged ns e&o of the reasons why the public should not be too hasty ia condemning him. Now,' if oar mem ory serves its, some twenty year* ago, or more, this gentleman,with several other persons of some notoriety then in New. York, was indicted for a cnoiplraty to defraud- There were &: ihst time •eversl Insurance and Life' and Trust Companies ia New York, fehlch hod. the .right to issue and sell ihelr bonds. This they did to an immense amount, *nd at their maturity the cocnp iulea'all broke, and were found comp'etely gutted by tht /effieeraand directors. Hugh-Mexwcll, £sq,the /present Collector of New York, was tbeo District Attorney, end procured bills U iadietzem /the officers sad s portion of the director, among whoa was Henry Eekford, Mark Speoccr, Thosl JHystt, Jacob Barker, Rfbspcr'M. Wctraoro, eed Hyalt was President-of the =ompar.y. of - was Vice President, and ia the principal manager. Hyatt was a siu&ll merj - «hat ifli, the Bowery, possessing bot little captciry for basinet, and was merely a tool in the hands -«f others. Ihyatt vu, lowevtr, convicted' cun ; Sentenced imprisonment for one year, news oltpooe or mo others. Wetmore and ibe balance . «s-is usual ia iraeh cases, escaped punishmeaL After tbi*, be became a poet, and published a, volume ef hi». poems; -ho also turccJ poUilciae, and became a viofent Democrat—his brother Rob ert C. aad himself taking ■ opposite being a Whig. The latter tees appointed under Mr. Tyler, Navy Ageat, from which Mr. Polk re-' moved him and appomted his brother in his steed— . an exeeUent family arrangement, by the . Which piece te held noli! Taylor very wireiy etw fit to relieve him Iron the duties' of die office. Wetaore is a great patron of the Arts, befog at the present' time President of the National Arts Union of New York. Ho live# in splendid style, has a magnificent collection of picture!, and fo altogether a ;i bug of the first water." We have Do objection to this, however, providing it is done out of hie own private, fortune; but wo object in aOoWiag him, or any one else, to pocket severe! hundred thousand dollars of tho money bclooTisg to the pnbiic, end eppropriatiog'it to his own pri vate bent fit. CslUbmis Items. , v We give to dag some exceedingly intererting Uem« aeleeted TaTLoa’s letters frota ; . „ .CtlUorola. The following'late- letter from J. H = • feszn, corresponding editor of the DeapatelT/asd '. / potliahed la thatpaper of yeaierday, contains iq« lereatieg news Jn relatf on to Pittaburgher*. We • Atepteued tD see that Mr. Foater appeal* to be doing welh We regret to hear of the death of Mr« -1 - ■ Braggart Fciixarroi, who wo* well known and respected by oor eitixen*. We keealyrym ■ with the bereaved fatally, m well its with i ‘, that of Mr. JoH-timt Lzcxrr, who also felt a vie* ft® to .disease in that country. These two ftmi i ■ ika reaide Bear each other, oaiiebeeea street, io ; : .tka.Pirst Ward, Allegheny, and sboald receive *&• kindiy eytnpathles and attention of the com* •; aunity.' ■ -' ' „ *». San Fxaxcuco, Nor. 25L1849. rf you and your readers V* ‘ * re .*r **“» wo commence with our ‘stereotyped’ uofdnr abort tetters, and lrust to bo able to . diapenw with it next steamer. Homphrey FaQerton died In the valley last - . yel> fiw cbwdo dlirtbcea, contracted some •.*»«s** months amce.oa the iathmua. Ho .. ettCned kql UlUe pain, and might hare recovered tad.he'not neglected the orgeat cdvlco of bi» , fttottda to come uptown, a* bo waa hampered by , ooatracU with men as home, cad feared ibe iraepf don of expen ding too mneb, even upon the com* . &rti abaofotelf requisite tar a tick man. IL* «oo . vtU how ge to work end, no doubt, do.very well • here.►•Thomas May ia admioieterlng upon the . preyerty, by Hr. F.’a Urt reqoest, confirmed by ..; OpL Oecnr, who. aa Pint A Icaldc, (and * the laet of : IbnAleeldea *} ie ex-qtfScipTrdbate Judge. ■ Mr. Qntalin will give ap the Ba’tery Hoate, Which be Jem rented at $7OO per month: It woa't ...... ftf without gambling table*, and he won't have t -'-itameofciapremleea.... • W«. Benioni» quite ttawall at Qatnlia’a, Mor • • ‘ raylfwell—eo an Dyer and'Briekle; Neal Mo. ■' : Bwaln in better; Parker ia edhng lumber; Ju»«ph . JUddJe overseeing eotne workmen: Hamilton car* ... pottering; Aakzia stage driving; Jos. Hhoderaon driving nwagon: Meredith' dalng well a* & city Marshal: T.Perkins, jr., ‘helpiog r»p a* tho Al* flude’t;BufTma looking aroaad.furn chadw. WiU • Black,R.B. Butler, Gallagher, Fallon, Horbaeb, S&d some half dozen otter Piiubojgteis, rathe -' MQB Hit. Airies, Stone aed Bigelow, are camp ed oponoaaofmy lot*, having.arrived a week, ago. ten or olerrn months Irani the Iraq City!' ' j. wekarefeally/io timoto wrllo fully Iron: the :Bb«,tagheBroar boya'tu^doing'Etidy.there. .Energy, indoatry and labor,;*re"a»tteoeuary for soocesa hark as elsewhere. Oar election la over. Wright.and Gilbert are ; oar Coojpeaamea— ry ran. he atio&id hare beaten Qjye/nCrB. soma: EawnnottnawHriais.-yci received scariyonc half Ihs wbolq Totaof Stn district, a flat. • Ifow, carpScirabusy <«lktdcfc '.Houoeds of booses are going'tuxaH thafch** iW.veO to Inmber, an inefo board 21 * Jhtt hr?P»*ka* coming at leastoloreildoUaiv : loogfr, nndthreo Inch plant In prosortion! Ton sut tnut, bo we ret, to the papers for more news, - ea we are almost worn cat, baring been engaged la r" ,vt "g otrt 6nr handred and ten deeds cfciiy lots sold in the test two wetb st auction. We asesrsd a half Interest in property—**aboai in snot!,* equal to m lot 975 by 249 fcet square—for 91,000, and hare dons pretty well, wo rsvtker rnesa. Bat, w oar ronersbio oditoirtl. parent of the tfslea ynte wcottoabeerre.aimas«rmw. rv. ' Alooooftho Ur, B»». Wbmiß Ut iu, uimiiM lo tto crowd Uni itwnCtß ,a fa . Socc oa. Bonrecd piulcm««<|y«‘c£»"“wii!lLE4h? H.gnlbiJ.Mdy>«™TBorWT<w,Wn.M.Edjr. Eh, rohntceti tottrrwy apccuom^—«ow» fjSmmUiaolAMCaMtteM MpwwM| to carry cot thelf poatfto *iCTh, t*T» tiev BWet, we tirut «ai belieTß, «Q 1 cam la to ,(,» Lejtotorara. Chare]* Beam to a? fee Ctork 6r lie Hooee. Lear not lets, yon area fkoaditf editor is “a Notary PiibUrf* to tUs dfa»l i trici, and pets to oocasbaai **ciaeaa MS par I nMaf* Com bis MexTeea "M&im 1 ' Be toita 1 tfeoenl Bfley tar haHodncf ■ ... •_ . We are still la teat,ap by lbs Foal Office, ttd Bob Thompson is putting up • boots ia wttek we shall wiater. HseesY seen udat a roof oror night since last April, la Bio. - Toon, u ever, ia great haste, . J. HEftOW mTE&e For th* Ptotabmfgk Ocmttt CLOU OF PATTOH*! TfißX. . Ur. WxiTf-la answerto year"query,® of this morning, allow me to say, that Judgo Phttotfa term of office does expire this diy. I understand hi* commission it dated S3d January, 18tQ»and if ■o, ilia constitutional period he* ran ottt. The 2d reetion pf article sth, deekrea that the fftrefc deal Judges of the Coam of Go— Ptesa,® fee. •‘aboil hold their office* for the term of tea year* ifthey shall so long behave themaslrea wall* Ibe exercise of any judicial fhaetroa by Judge Path®* after tbit day, orralher after'l9 m. tart night, would be without authority, aad therefore urnps atioo. Ithiakhohaafivett.tha right Interpret* tba of the oonititutioo la the ease, aad has acted discreetly in declining any farther offidalagucy. 1 have beard it suggested, that aa Jndgo PiOoa vu appointed to aappty the vaeaaey occa tinned by the death of Judge Palls* he waa therefore to fill ont his term, and hia ova coaatarioa would then commenoe to run for the tan yearn I regard this aa an error. There in bo UUpba ed term in the judicial office. la the Hflttaa of Representatives of the foiled Btxtea, Wfcu a vacancy ocean, it may be filled by cxecßtlre pcrinuneoi; end ia the Mentis, tf ssc sanies happea, the execotive of the Btala may make a temporary appointment, antil the next moating of the latore, fto. In Ptnnaylvinla,. when "racaadre happen in either house the Spealcer shall iaaae writs of election to fill anch vaeaaey.* la both governments the Senators are cteatifiod,ud there l fora great conhuioa would result, if when death occurs, e new member aihoald be appointed 0 elected for the whole period of teanre. . Tfeeaa— reason does not exist in the case of e judgA Having thus answered year query, permit me just to add a word commendatory of the geademaa who haa jart retired from the bench. X have » lieed bis judicial coarse, and have soon tunes practised in hia oonrt. With no £1 vocable prea possessions towards him, I perhaps have often done him isjntbce in the opinions I have eater* taioed of his official conduct. For e otntiriftraMe time, however, I have great pleasure la declaring, that my eallmate of Usxlegal learning and the general aim of his administration has tmdstgoas a decided change. I think bp in* manifested adi* position to Impose the salutary restraints of penal justice upon the lawless and insabnrdlnate, when brought before him for ontisgei committed against the pjace and order of the community. fttt this ’ the country la indebted to him* la several fa* etwees, involving' the highest -interests of the peopje, I have read his charges with much retie* faction. They have contained mod expositions of the law, and elevated sentiment* of mouldy* well expressed. I think Hus efty wtßecn—wtfc me in saying that be has does mash good, aad that he baa intended end endeavored la do note* ARGAKUSI ToduMmUtijd* fifth PratgUng* C&oreh, sa dths CArittaim-PaUie. The Pastor of the Fifth Presbytenaa Ghareh having been making ttae of the pulpit, far several S*bUths,;for iheparpoee or ecnviactof the con gregation of tho necessity of their wizttffliwto* t.-om the Pittsbntgh Presbytery, (fioattlrethmai PresbytcrianVendof their uniting with the Ohk Presbytery,'standing in. connection with another branch of the Pieabyteriu Church. Ia view of this feet, ibe updersigßed woald re* specifolly arete that it does not meet with (bate approbation. For the following reason*—vw the of the division ere the same.this day, ia principle, that they were when tho nrhiding act of 1837 wu adopted. We folt that act wrewsoqg then, wo feel that it la wrong now; alteration has ever bees made 10 ehaage the spirit of (has aajast procedure, is cattingoFreme five hundred, • Uintoer*. sad nearly sixty thousand commute ctot>, without hearing, trial, 0 conviction of oy error whatever. The enactments of ’39, ud exampto of 'FI, in* thoruc tho lower jadicatotiea to proceed In fiko tasacer, with brethren who may not submit to roch measure*. ■ Corfotdering (aa we do) anch measures foreign to the spirit of the constitution ofthe Frafoytotan Ciurcb, and anti republican-tn their oatare, the Fifth Presbyterian Church was founded, aad a congregation formed of those who sympathised ,ia'these views, which bos exltted In that relation uh ins present time. Bnt Bnfoftnaaialy,as wo bo* lie vc, for oar present pesce/tl the test meeting of the Pittsburgh Presbytery, oar Pastor waa ato mrti by that body, for his conduct as Moderator of Session, a* being arburtsrf and omrimnaf, and for an tme varruatabU att/unptitm of ptmr. Srnce this lima an aaeatltpu end wstlremr— his beco producedin regard to ecclesiastical re lationship, tad no doubt the praest movement has resulted from ibis action ortho Presbytery. Though having beaa long is coansctioa with the church, having expended time and fflias, having boroa the heat tad burden of (ho day, (wuifl or os from the beginningjltere are, ws to- the efforts that bare boot made by .oor Pastor with the people, personally u weD as through the pulpit, a number to approve oftbo ob ject sought far. Notwithstanding many do aot know the'origin, or eaotea lemdiog to the building of the church, and consequently hare never con tributed toy thing to that purpose, yet we are to be crowded oat by them,- which wo think is aot just, and Ibe church transferred to [a body uoru intended. We do act wish to be considered os opposed to a union with oor Presbyterian brethren of (he oth» er braneh.whealt can be feiriy sflbetodj 90, os the contrary, we desire It. Bel we am opposed to union on the surrender of principle, which ought to be with every man above all price— therefore, we protest egslait It. WM. L. DENISON, W. C. AUGHiNBAUGH, J. RAMALSY, B. T. & MORGAN, . B. PRESTON, JAMES MOORE, WM. TITE, JACOB BERGER, ROBT. WRIGHT, . GEO. P. DIBM, ‘ ' WM. VANHORN. [ Pittsburgh, Jan. 83,1930. For UU Ptojhugk GsiWts The Iron Strike—HoAmars* Ma. Wnn*—la a former comwuilcatioa you were furnished with ail the facte in relation to tte wagea now paid and proposed to be paid to jmd* diets and boilers. In (he present article I intend to . furnish some ftems owaemißg another breach cflsbqr in cur rolling mEI* namely, refining. • i*t—Refiners, like psddlcn and boilers, tasks e’even tarna in every two weeks 2<l—The time required for a turn is fata 9 to 10 hours. ■;< - 3d—The prioe for refining leone doUar per ton. [ , 4ih- i Eaph refiner hires one helper tiU,3S per turn. i. ' stb—Each refiner will, in eleven tarns, or Kwo weeks, refine from seventy to eighty toes of ires. Prosit the above, we can Ojtsrty fyfewi*** the earnings ofthi* due of workarea. Bey a refiner mabcsln two weeks 70 tons ineo at weft per toe,.la. - $7O 00 and pays Lis helper for U tarae «t $1,83 per-taro, j.’, 1$ 79 he bu left for klaeetf Ob very petty '"stmt of $36 89 , frfyjdz.dollan and twenty fit* twenty eighi dollars and twelve easts per week, ■ Now* it to proposed 'to reduce the price of refftiaf ». ttjtot teats per ton, which would loan h.» WO weeks wages'jest feortte*' doHare, ufh«t foot forty two doQara and twenty five qah, or twenty on doiltn aad twelve east* per weeL— Is ibaredoctioatn oajjsdaosahla Cftef Is Ansi any thing iirit lib-n> r p.f.y,. ff a propcae to pay this clue of workmen m tmM twe»> | tyooe dollars per week for ttetr worit tet b*l They mam have twoaty eight, aad cay thing fo them to the date.® jtngaee . mostly •VbM every thlig She the pretention of Ameri cw rndmiif ftea the cvenrbetoußg bloenceof ***%3 capital, ..worth at home bat one per cent, pm mwb, tad ferefea labor worth lossihan one halfthe price cf home hhei atm contones tonrge I •ad cseotaage waik—it to stand oat agiissfc mod em* aad trerenible jwiditntifm* la their wages, fodsred aw—ary by that prmectfca wtfoh (Ua British ahesf iaao violently opposed to. More spoo. FAIR FLAT. fiiimjHsiflsnu 11 filn piusbcrghOsaeOa. ■ ; Baaanasxott, Jta. 19th, 1850. Ia the flenato, tUa morning, after the presents* tioaof petitions, Mr. Dank submitted a resolo* ties inftraetiog the Committee oa Finaaoe to 10 qeire late the expediency cf appointing a joint Gamimttocofthe two Boo—, to meet sit .Barrie* burgh* daring the tec— of the Legislator*, for the parpoee of revising the laws relating to the fisaaoee of the Oommoa wealth, tad hanaoaitlag their confiictlafpreviilaas. Mr. Daisie mated Us views open the mshjeet eemewhgt as length. He said that the kwi, a they now mood, were ecst* treed over many vein mas were diffieatt of con* mr—lon, aad many of them cbytoaaly nonfllming la —ialat; and tntoretL It was iapottiUo for (fan —mb— of the Legfriatark ia the midst of rta rf IWwl# —atarion, to obtola the hre—airy apan thk aohjeet, aad digem the laws, ea they shonld he digetod, so thatthe revenge ofloers, ta thevariaas eoanties, would have no difficulty in eeamralag tham. At present, he ondentood that IhaStauTreasorer vis overwhelmed with let* ttAutitfb his ooamraetioß of th—lawa.— Tharaototioa wotgreed to, aad tho sohjeet re ferred u directed. The order of th* dty.Uthia body,waa the ns* ftdmtht of jhe qwmloa apoa the amendmeet o> the OoMtitttipa, la regtrd to the electiaa of Jadg- OA aad echo pattern bvoaght op, by Ur. MoCsi? Rib lb. Drem entitled to the floor, proceed ed 0> tddnre the Senttott length, ia opposition to (ha abetiot offadgea by the people. Mr. Dram aaema to hare beta opposed to the proposed asmadmaal, rimply beeaare he ihoegfas there waa ao demand for ft by the people, there not having been a single petition pwaeated asking te the ohange. Upon (he great priadplea which an in* vahed laths qoemfoa«be had bm'.littla to say.— lodeml. he did not too eh tho merits of the qoea* tioaat aO. The remi obfoetiaa to ihe rwohstiona adopted at the bat saculm of the Lagiatstnre axe, that the tana of office preecribed is maeh too baited, sad Ihreftmakre thaiaeambcai ioaligihle to the offioe afire the expire!— of the firm tens. Under this protista, the Judges woald inevitably become politielana; and the rights aad toterems of par ties, aad people who have bosuem before the Ootnts, woald oftea be 'reerifleed 0 edvaaoed, •oeerdiag as they coaid be made eoheovtat to (he pciwxial mtertott ofthe Jodge. There eaa be bo rearenable objoetta raised to the atoatta of lodges by the people, for it matters hot little how they obtain their appointment!, as that they are afterwards kept free tram all ondoe lafiaaseet, whether proceeding fiom the peopP* 0 b—other departmenaol the government. The foot ia, ihm, aeoordlog to the theory of 00 gov eameai,iho Jodkiary ooght to be elected by the pwpfob jam as the other ce*6rdiane department! dieted. To-be emliety free, end independ ent of gxaeotive fogfoktivo infietnee, they asmbdeederea. Of all the departaeate ofthe goveameat this should bo tbe mom free, teritw ftreoaUatrehe tho oMa pare end onioned ia aS ae trmwrttae teßivm It fe caSed upon to deal with iadivldßi) tad pcraocal rights nod no| Mb the odaoerea of the masses ; aad beeaare great lsjeatiee —y tedoae to lodlvideals, ia the •dntifitsrttidd of the la—, wifeost arooring the —lda of tbs people, aaa provoMag tbeaearch* bglaqeiriea whlsfo —Cm—dto the connect of the ethre depaii—am. The Jodieiary oaght to he iadepeadret, are oaly of the people, bo of the ether depaicmests; end the oaly— y ia which oea he preserved, ia to make th— alemlve hy the people, bat fore tens floffideatiy extended make the ofltoe deebaUe to ofthe highamriperfry; ud whhacoadf tfomofinaiiglbQlty teaaecosd tom. With these aoMSd— to toe lertations pa—d at the : hut aaam—thay woald set oaly mhm the entire con ex— of latrißg mea, ia ovary aectma of thaporeafla—ahh,bsl woold reaDy present an aaapbef epm —4 oasamaded Jodidary, «eh as Upoairewd by sn.Si— la thaUata* Wevyala the—rid.' The Eagilah anakgice in regard ta toe appet— l eflodgre win not hold good ta this country. Tie theory of the govern* a— is altogether diSmati The utagoalmn of the dtfhaat eleaeats which eater two the British Ctamlfatta; mam alaa be preecrvvd In the Jodi* dary. The Grown mam hav*Mhe powerof pro iisriC here is elmwbire,.to««ae extent, against the a—ore!meats of <£a people. Bat U 00 governmwt there are no tatsgealmlo ptfnel pl« whaiever, and at aarsgnnlma to be preser ved, as ebadodag to tho harmony ef the whole. Tba popttiar prisdpie fo diFaaed thronghout ihs whole fobrio ofthe gov W—eat; xadlheoniyeb* jees to be obtained ia the perfect independence of eaeb of the emovdia— depart—of the other. This weald give 0 the —m perieet system that eaa yoreibfy be devisod. . ; , le the Honse of Bepreaeatstire*, (be calf thing thxl occurred, which is worthy of adtiie, waa the refiualof the Hearn 10 take np the resotniicus ofihftd e few days ago, expressive of the views of the Legislators in regard to the extension of slavery 10 territories now Gee. The resolutions were highly recommendatory ofthe paaregeof a law prohibiting aaeh extanriea,ead the Hoots re* fused to taiee th— op a strict perty votoi every {a the Ohambo voting sgitiast ft, and moat ofthe Whigs to fever of the propoaSta.— This is aa ladex ,to the coo— which wtU be nbl laamty pnnood, ia regard tothisqmestion.by the p— Legisltixre. Tho threats of disaata, la thefloaih, will be met by tame and eootesptible •ohmisrioaoa the part of the Locofoco*. Ffta the very interesting fottcre of Bayard Taylor, the special conespnadsmtcfthe New York Triteae, wo have ficaned the following pare- Ths world sever witnessed a more wonderful growth tkaa that of this place. I left hare for the country. oa thsfid üb., cad retimed oothe Sfithr-yetia that interval the city; was so ehaated that I bo iocgsr recognised the street*. natanß, on.ur wooctortelMlap-kiaiij. afoeed the teak etaadiag when I fim leaded la lugs*, hod been moved to the suburbs, and spa does three and foer Rory tenses befit agin their stead. The vacect sporeikadi been filed opt Gotta ofbrick began to tasks thrir amanpee; large teftfe and mturtantir tbowlly furnished, stared tt' foie |> bnsocastomed places: the throng (artfae streets ssamrd dabbled, end ell the hurry, eoafbsfoa, find noise of a great city was so well imitated, that Oft leading from the Senator oa a dear moonlit eveaiag, Itauld sosllaie'difference between CUrft Petal tad Pier No. 1, Montgom ery wrest, cad the lower peri of Broadway, or Fuif innnrti Macro, tod the Park. A year ago there might bats bee# COO fohibitacts la Ban ftiad*eo./ftertsreaow, st a tow calculation, upward* of 80,000. Prices are higher than ever, sad Chare is no pro bably of their frlßftf, before .spring, at tout, niavians of til Mid* I am informed, are more , thaii they were at this time tut year, SSm Ohs,2siee» Sandwich lalaada.— There is so tiriitioaia the eeei of living, except that bdftas* fasy he had at a cheeper Me. Hoa« mi meSed «p oow, ship fluhS, wUh state tooat, etch of which eoatslas four berths. Is MnrWMkT Bon4tafc.f »rt3»ktaa,nnb» bafiItUMJCMPf tre*6s»l no-oftt. MifutoUMltflPO l M.DO|Wb«* la pile tbt * TOlo —V la Tt>* uTlta aaonaoa. npenaa oflb. umiai- »*r. <*•» l» iJlLiirt. Mrima b, On QraeodOor. anneal for tba |>roi)M itanotHaa iaail no foneftfc. —BT. MT T» nd all lb. dTil offi llmwKrt. Tn esrpntm kav. fold anil* ken, at »dl aa ia SMtawaß dtt, and ntnd ijMlf petit. Witm git MM pv Bank Uu, penaaiiiam eoaa ten 6m tba ataH <nUo* aaiilßiant M Ufo Btettt. Ikm aa dastt Sna »ffl*a anaa af *aat tad dattaatka kera, aa tmr Btam - flnanl aolctdn fcira baaa mnmnrd tkn 1 ' 11tiTTr~Vtini nd dnpoo* dm, ap)Mta>taiiw«il wttk tha kg— Mi UM ata that tkqknata manattflßnßliilWtiktmni .aaawi *, tta tadfat. amniaTßlaa « caU. WMIk, At Ink ctft. Tm kajaia aa. Ont' •" : 41 aS Iknrf BlaMnalmaaUk ha«tTß taill, r aa ahaUafeoana. tmi nnlatigea nt—ML I eaaaantolUa la amifliin wtlk mcdit- Utf lanaf ika.aeaaßT; Akka—tkaanteli, Than at whatever cow, order aid aaeority' preserves, and when the State orguixsiioa have been completed, the mtotog eommnnitiab for an extent of five uadred mOeA will, by a quiet and assy precaw, paw into regnkriy ooaati* tnted towns, and u good cover— and 00(00 tioa as any other part cf the State. Nothlnrin California eeema more this spontaneou levcdntion of tto .taßMt. of tfisieh,. nu a leaon worth all the gold. numrnujo or iutuxax. * ■ ponfooe toyoptheriwto the Middle Bar. Ounbing the moontalei behind that piaee.— took a line for the Batte,a lofty, talatodpStwlS jflj, milM, wo wuku £>d!uu3l, wUh trail tiui> opoa u. Tho ihlok duuotriil. hoi, .ad ihero. 01 ihioh wo ootoW mmo musloml, ,ad tUenUr thu wu ccodfnL Ia the deep nook. »ad recene. or^?2 001U * ill ', 1,0 **•«* raised hst. ud the y t “*.f ofll l**rf‘ a ?‘>* | ra. Tha (ilcha la an to mmJtfSZ-ZfSmZ ‘jgZ.rfS amoont of gold obtained ftom U ansi have been orihoooraula out of which the Butte towered a thousand fret above u. Ovtntiled eastward ficcatie foot,to* ward the Sierra Nevada, whose ahlofog s—mite ——dclorem hand. The m do« 3 with for. ema orpine and oak, manv epeeimes tsot the farmer o«e nring to the bight of two hus'dred and fifty fort. The cones, of a dark red color, vere fttilv la length. The groond, to the sheltered hollows, was covered -with Urge acorns, veiy little informs to chestnuts ni taato. The deer and bear become very fet at this eearen. fiom feeding upon them. *T»ey form the witeinelanU rimsnoe of the Indian trfoea dnrtogSrwinter. In one of the ravines found an “ oil', m the miners call u—e fiat rock, with half e dosan circular boles oa ife smfeee, ***** «which lay around atone, naed to pulverising theacorokWo paired one or two inhabited camps e short distance flora the/ trail, bat were apparently unobserved. The stutoeea and beauty of the shaded dens alod *•” impressive. Threaded by ctar stream* which tamed the tu* riahtiy holes left by the miners into pools ofem ul, mirroring the boughs for above, their fresh, cool aspect waa very difiereut from the (Sowing foresees they make to summer. The foliage ia stiU very little changed; only the leaves of the bn dr eye havefellea, and its polished nuts fIU the paths. The tab has turned to a biasing gold, and makes a perpetual sunset In the woods. Bat the uukhore en| evergreen livery: the grew U already shooting up overall the atoL and the winter at hand will be ao decked in the trappings of summer, autumn ud spring, that shell hardly recognise him. iirt tKPTO CITT. The plan of Sacramento city l* very simple.-* Situated an the eastern bang of tha Beeramento, at tti junction with the Rio Aibwlmm the itown plot embraces ! square or about 600 and a half milea. It is laid out to regular right angica, to Philadelphia style, those running **** »»3 west named after tha alphabet, ud those north and south after the. arithmetic. The present of the town extend to nearly one square mile, the Bomber of inhabitants, in teats and fc—ft, will tall little short often thousand. In April lam, those were just four houses ia the pteoe’ Can (he world match a growth like ihfef The original forest trees, *«"*>ng to all paitsof the town, give n very picturesque appearance to this space. Many cf the streets are lined with oaks end eyes—ran six feet in diameter, and spreading ample boughs on every aide. Th« em igrants have mined the fiaeat of them by building camp fires at their basis, which to some tnttaneee have homed completely through, leaving a char* red ud blackened arch for the snberb tree to rest upon. The storm of lest Friday napped asunder revere! trunks whleh had been thus weakened, ooe ofihem crushing to the earth a canvass hoore to which amu lay asleep. A heavy bough •trnek oa each side of him saving hia life. Too destruction orthew trees ia the mere to bo regret ted, ee the utteese beat ofthe eommer days, when the mercury stands at one hundred ud (warty de» giecs, renders their shade a thing ofo fib-fate BH'' >y ■ ' The value of real estate "here le only ttrefeJ by that of 8u Fruaisco. Lota twenty by reren* ty five foot, to thn beat locations, bring horn 93,000 to 99,000.. Boats are on n seals equally eoor* moos. Tha (Sty Rote), which was formerly a saw mill, enomd by Captain Sutter, pay* t 90,600 C* lannm. A new hotel, now going uoa the rtr, haa boon already rested at g 35,001 Two drinkteg ud gaining rooms, oa n basureoi street, pay each 91,300 aasmthly, invariably to tdvaoe*. Muy of the stew here do aboaisesa treraglag Dorn 91,000 to $3OOO daDy. Boarding b twenty doflare per week at the res—reata, aud Ire fioi* temper dayal lbs City RoteL But *U isthe •seof repeating igurtsl There dead tfixifUes eanveyno idea of the tnarveteat state <f things here. It ia barite seegh for oe to eee to bdlm, and lean only hope torvprodaee ta theo(opi|ties the wry fdnteat iopreamon of ihoptettnbmbre tba eye. Ton wonder, no doubt, whn&e gold dual doe* not go home to larger qoantin when at least 4&O0O men jare lurstng up the ptemn. The feet is, it is wanted as currency belt/ ud. the amoontto circulation may be coasted Iqf mffitan Why,the boilding up oft w'ngte wrest te B#era« memo city <X Street) baa coat half xmSiiot,' U toast. The meeut value of til the bm— igiho city, ftnil ud pe risk lag u muy of then are to not teas thu 93,000,000. '{ It atari be sekaowiedged there is mother tide to the ptetore. Three fooilbs of the people who rettie hrn are visbed by txues, dltrrheiu| sad other red seing ooaplatnts. Ia saaua th* pises ii afarstce, ia winter little better tbtaiwwamp; and the influx of emigresta aad dlscoWMefi ml* aersiometlmes exceeds the detaaadt A beshhy, asasihle, wide-awake am, fowever, esneot fiui to proeper. Ia a country eke Unr rules every chief* so sound ana fen fyiafct 'to compliia. When carpenten make a arifor b— cum they only get nrvfwdbUan e dey.yro may be tare there is room enough for industry md eiu terpriaaefailkioda. ll- Tbe amoßst of guabUng here is very gfofc aed the estiectoeal of masio u employed evu to « greater extent thaa la Ban Fnacisca Adklads ofiawnimeatsaadtnaes tasks night dfoaedsaL The uei formers are paid as ouece alghtiy. peers is also aa * Eagto Theatre * wth a choice ict at actors. The teals eharsetoitro done bv Mre. Kay. * of tbeßoyal Theatre. lev Zealasd," who reocim 820 Q per week fsr \e* 'sit-rending hareiag. The prices of admimtopM: Boxes $3, pit and thc houu averages fttla retd to the foxt, tbe mala streets, abd tie levee, are coitaaUy thronged with the teams ff emlgreat* coming lAjkn the- moataiaft i Bed wore, westber.bcettt'ijidlvidaalsl never Won beheld. Tbm» tests tig pitched by kmtdredt ia the thicksts trousd ibe. tows, whew they rest a fow days before etuttog towiamr Ia the and elsewhere. - 4*times tbs torse, will be Ailed throughout its who* length by their teamed, three or fear yoke afafcea to every wsgoa. Thubeuts andenexpreatoa cfpatic&thxpcrieacewkiehpuin ly showed that ao rends yet to bf traveled woyld astonish thsaia the leaaL. The cow woe pied in with the oxea, end made te de equal doty. The women who came overtand appear fo have stood the jeurhey remarkably well, and do aot eomplaia half so toodto u titemea. There to a large dtiaklag bouse here called “The Ptatas.* which is much freqoe&tad by the caignnts. Some western artist* who came across the eouory, has adorned its walls with •oeafoißawnt'oes of the reuse, nek u Independ ence Roek, The Sweetwater valley,Fort Lareale, Wind River Mountains, dec. Another 1 place 1 have visited with mueh interest ia tht horss mare ket. Here, at all hours cf the day, hone* oxea, sale* aad asses are sold, the owner ahreyeaou lag as auctioneer. Iman peokmales, that km teen starved iathsGrsht Bari* oxeti that hare leaned to digest oak bark, terse*-riddek to the ruin of thdrbaek* aad all otter Maid* of riding, and haalicy animals, are there taken for bidden The piece rtngsfoomltt tof!0O> good mules being the most eougfat after. * PimsvsqaarotTsEmrmags.—The Pittsburgh Osasoe gives the fo&owiug estimates of the popu» Istioo of P.ttabuTgh and its envtroa* csiculsted upon lbs basis of 'hereoeotceasasoftketaxables: Ktuborgh Bt Pitt township, Manchester, 2335; Daeoesa* 9ifi; totai porre» tarioa of the dtyaad sabarh* WJfffi* The populatfoa oithe county, (Alleghefiy )is :l62,ti£, according to tits same eaten Wop. This eviaoes ■ rapid growth, and demonstrates tte JaqLAu lbs vast treasures of ima tad cost ceataiiiCafin the soil of our great State will sooo make Kttsbbrgb the Qneen of the West, as tbef hare mtdb FMl* odelphia of the East. H*y ««n»rinm<#rey : at the head oftbe Ohio moat ieevitlbly bring to ter the trade and commerce cf a wide extent of, country, which will find, its ostarsl outlet j ua» ward at Philadelphia. Pitubcfgh sad ' Pbllsdel phin, tte respective centre* of trade in Eastern cad Wojtern Pennsylvania, wBI soon hire ttelr interests more firmly uaited by the great Central Railroad.—iVmA Aaurim*. pOßßlpfi nin. nxraftxo von rex nypaup roar. The LoadoaHhiitralcd News urnnhe growth of the Batted Statu I* In reality, the dowafoll ef Groat Britain* All the uahtppy Mrcamsisncee that are of prejudice to u% are ft benefit to item.* 1 f ■ - Two hundred and fifty of Ormages are annually lmpotted into Great Britain. Poultry in large quantities fs sent to Imadoa fioa Antwerp end Ostend. I Tte words 4 'Preaab Repabtie, liberty, Equali ty aad Fraternity,» have beefi removed from the exterior oftbe residence of Ixrais Napoleon. The dlpldaatie i&tereotuso between Spain and England remains sospeaded. A dock Aced indicator, toexpreu the force of t£e premnre of tho stetm (a e boiler baa been in vented, aad patented la England. • The births la London for the week eadlog Deo. 1&, were 1309/tbc death* 10&2. , Tte last eceounta from the Smith of Ireland are to the that the rain oi the petauttry to oosh pleta. Six tenth*of there are now otitceri* lire fng ia kotos nod ditchet, aad mostly without cloth ing. This U attributed to the operation of the poor Law* which, though well intended, have B&eriy foitodof their eflect. I Six thousand soldiers arS to be enlist I efi for tte service of the Pope. • Lftri Cimpbeg jg itat to becomn Chief Jatfiee of tie Queen's Bench, la place of Lord Drppand, ehoet to mite. The inhabitants of Brighton bars purchased the pavilion,formerly occupied by the Priaee Re ftM. A meeting of merchant* and s!up owners of Ltr rerpool, has been held, to consider the expedien cy of alioerihglights‘end faeLoa board the ships lying In the docks, now prohibited by law. The change is demanded aa dne'to humanity and ehristiao principles. Captains Knight and Bora* ley,of this port, were present, and did themselves baser, by their speeches in bvor of the abroga tion ot the old regulation. The London Marcfcalsea Palace, and Peverel = Goans, havegboea rery properly abolished. The Elbe ia covered with lee five Inches thick. Seren Urns of fine l&af tobacco have been seis ed In the Medway, by the British revenae officers, tod condemned. LolaMonteae and her husband, Ur. Hetid, are in Cadis. —- Miss Roberts, a balkt dancer at iheMary*ld- Bona the sire, baa nearly lost her life, by the burn ing d her dress, which took fire from the foot lights. • ; - j Madame Laborde (a about to appear at the grand Opera, In Parir, in the character of Morg nerite. Her pbwerof vocalisation la pronounced tobemanrelloha. One of the at Ashley’s was called ** Yankee Doodle on bis pretty li:t!e pray,” in which sundry jokes are played off at the expense of the Yankee*, and Britannia is ihe great personage of the piece. Ur. Judd, and the Hawalan Princes, have reach ed Liverpool. Mrs. Mowst delivered the opening address at the London Olympic, whb admirable effect. The * Prophet” has been played in Paris thirty seven times, and has produced $73,000. The harbor of Trieste Is to be improved. Tytler, the Scottish historian, is dead. #W*vxa Conrtanre.—The only remedy ever offerr od to the poblie, which has never failed of working a core, when directions are followed,is MeLane’t Live- Pill. It has new been several years before the pablict and has been Introduced in all section* of the Union. Where tibia been aasd.ithubsdibemotttriaaphsn. sneeea*, and has acta ally driven eat of use all other medietnes. It has been tried under all the different phases of Kepsus, and has been found equally efflea aloes ia all. Per tale by J. HDD A No. 80, corner of Fourth end Wood Pittsburgh. [jul9-d*wtw9 A Owe and Certificate at Home. ET Rut wear a asm or m Psteolsom.— I hereby certify that thorn two weeks ego I was seis ed with a violent auack of writing and purging Chol era Morbus, with very distressing ptlns in the stomach and bowels, which was coapletely relieved by two leeapoeofU dotes of Petroleum, taken In a little wa ter. After having taken the first dose, l slept soundly sad comfortably for three boon. [Signed] HENRY WISE, Jr , On board (he steam boat Aiiadoe. Pittsburgh, Dec. llth, 1849. I am Captain of the Ariadne, aid was a witness to the astonishing effitet* of the PeUoleum, in the ease of Henry Wise, who is one of the hands on the boat [Signed] NIMROD GRABELL. Pittsburgh, Dee. Uth, 1519. general advertisement la aaothsr colei Pimatrs La on seoax.—Prepared by J. W. Kelly William street, N. Y~ and for sale by A. Jaynes, No. TO Fourth street. Thu will be found a deiigalftil arti cle of beverage in families, and particularly tor sick rooms. Bean's improved Chocolate prepare- DOB, being a mahinttloe of Cocoa nutj innocent, in vigorating and palatable, highly recommended partic ularly for invalids. Prepared by W. Raker, Dorebe*. ter, Mass* and for sale by A. JAYNES, at the Pekin £gu Store. No. re Fourth u meblS Isiprevißsats.ia Dewtistry. DR. O. O. STEARNS, tats of Boston, is prepared to manufacture and fet Htort Txsnr la whole and pan* ef ku, upon Suction or Atmospheric Suction Plate*/- Toomcucous txrrrxattnnm, where thenerven exposed. -Oflee and residence next door to the May ors office, Foanh'street, Fitubarxh. Riraro—J. B. JFFaddon. P. fl. Eaton. jilt no*T, Dentist. Corner ofFmmh and' Decatur, between Market aed Ftm eueata. oeU-dlvit HiRRIED, On Moaday, tho fist iasL, by Rev. H. Gilmore, Jtti Enunm Dixx, to Mlas Matt Ucaass, all of AUegbe ny City. 'Y Balidiag Leu. T7OR BALE,oa very liberal terns—Fifty Nine Lou JC of Ground, Minted on Penn, Wsyce,and Pike rts and the Uuqeeane Way, aeeo/ding to a p an to l>« reer at this often, where terms and conditions will to made fcarwn. janSJ LADIBV WAIB QLOVKB. JUST RECElVED—SdotftlirXadlni’ Wash glotci a aploodig article, for sale at the India Robber Di No. f Weed street Jaafl L JAHPHIU.iPrt WILKINS HALL. Tht KOfSRPBAII will eaaUaus thkii csAtrs akb iwwm immnxnTli ! it tks ibon BtUt«aMaad«F,Tsntfarwd Wulat d*v Brafspt. Juaur C«, *4d, sad Si ’ M ««au. • «es Profrmimaa. DIUOXitTVIOS. rrHEfan«fi.i<QtuanikC«.' I tbs SiißU. Tb* baaincta will be •or tka oadsralfaed, u 79 Wood kml J.J.GILLESPIK > . - A< FINKHINK ' - Tfcfl (Bl«'*r>l*r will eoatiaoe iba LOOKING GLASS, axd VARIETY BUSINESS, ml 78 Wood clrect, and (nuts, bj ttaremittm f pmeaal atteaii&n, 10 ruder tar tatouoa to lie c Jaa&wtaS 3.J. GILLESPIE. Ttittbii tioiilbv iuii. SIX BUILDIftO LOTSLaa Second itreet, between Ferry tad Beiwbt nltef, each SO feet by £5 beek fatten feet alley. Itef are dutiable forlrootdweU lays, end will beaoU ea bpe. Apply to T - JOHNCALDtVELLASOM, v ebr gecacd it. tad ttedoebt alley. BY : EXPBR&, last rec'd—4 nin Men's Robber Ovtriuoes, tot Mie at No. 9 Wood *1 )HC ■ J fc UPHILUP3 aasAV ukovcbshehtb, PERRONS wishing la care from 23 lo 30 per oem. in oarshasing Dry Goods, will please ctllat A. A. iO.Uarket street, who«e extensive Wholesale tad Bejiil Rooms an dally open for.majl trade., - . Jia23 ' AL&RG6IOt ef'Triamiogi, Ribbons, Hosiery, Giovaa, As.; reduced 9b per eenl below asual prices, may bo foaad at O Marcel si lapg A A MASON A CO SHAWLS, Blankets, and all kinds el Winter Goodr, telling ai ttannfaainm's pricer, by JaaO- A A MASON S CO Lest at Blalald, A PROMISSORY NOTE, drawn by Edward Hill r\. and dames MsCaughlry, for One Hundred and lfiy Two Dollars, payable to Wo, M Dawson or or dr. and by him endorsed, and also endorsed by David Leery ana afterwards endorsed by Wm. M. Dawson; dmd, Phtubargh, Jans try Id, 1919, at twelve months efts dale. Payment having been slopped, it is only vai able tolhe last csdorssr, to whoa the Under will ple*» return the earns, in Allegheny city, unity-.. How Basil! OISMUEL; or, Ghlfig down to the Cotton Field; a _J**r and very popalar Kihbpian Song, as tang SyCbhty-sMinstreU, Hew York. Composed by ft. Esq., aathor of “Uncle Ned,** **o, Susanna,” jftHt*tsALady;byS.C.'Foster. , r Bn Bb—the gsaaioa copy; by Nelson Raeass. fP«u%ntlyi a very popular aoag; by V. WaJlaee. udluwmrenby uo anther of c Bo Kiod, fto. n Be Hnd> the Loved Ones at Home. Thea.h&Swoanded the spint that loved thee. FltHmioEPol ka; by Btraxoscb. byfepraos. C«*| Wab by Pmfcuar Robboek. L* dTeriu’ Grand Waits; by Osbourne. Xho wild overt Mott will shed their bloom; from the operaofLOa de Laamemoor. How?*’ or “T Day la the Olden Tune; by C E. jjEmj YkriftUn to “TJto L»*l Bsm of Stunner, n by Aea Art Grtaegoßf Iron the opera of Ameii*. Tb« Ci&tejor from BettioTen. WhjintieMooaqUipLtkeUDeaßtdr ; A Wm duetto by C. Glorer. t JoyTthet W«*to *utedT front Luc retie Borfi» l)eere»t Mu; wltk'uy TerUtlon* for bo»iunen. Boneperu 1 * a rare. ■' Wow* Happy nd W Fbeluon PoUa: by J 4. Hewitt BteHl and far ealo by , JOHN H. MSLLOft, • t ... . . _No._6l^Woodatree’t 0„„ PlANOS,' uirtVo til FormUbjr WBAQALEY k CO, i»W _No»lBaadW Wood st PLANTATION MOLABR3-600 bbU N O. for tale VM BAQALEYACO RAISINS & RICE—SCO t>x*Tunch Rnitint; * ii , w, Ae«hßicei IwiiUngfroi steamer Lowell, fot tala by • : .7. .Jw* 1 . Wf BAOALEY A CO CLOVER SEED A LARD-ttbh Clover Seed; 10 11 T,p Hi handles andfbr eaiaby imaM __ WMtAOALKV A CO For Boat* A ROOM on Harlot nreet, 0* Water, iuittble for an office. - Eaqaire of l JgaEMf OEO.R. Water »t fflgg^gr^^SSSajwgr s'isssr 1 ' “ i,N 1 *" laaS3 „ ■ XVaier «trert SUGAR A MOLASSES—7 Ihdi nswrop Hcsar: „ <4 blaPlantajn jioinMt; lan dim from steamer Hambarj, aad lor a« br lanO • RHEYiMATTHtvAco Golden syrup—«bbu and is hr t>« un<uog from iteamor Hamharr. and fir (ale t ■ lanO RHEY, MATTHEW t CO SUNDRIES-*! tea Fmb Riem 90 bxo Baneh Rallies; ,00hf do “ « XSbbii North Carolina ;T|r|aadlag from •tfanjsr Hambary, yd forsalo br . |«wM CO . ■ • , WABTAOI ' AOIHL todoHooseWork. A permanent station .at coo* va|4s can bo board of by ecqaiiW at this Office. > • • ■< : i«« ~ : RRBSBTi PIiRHIIO *1 00., P COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ■fyjg iba tale of Domestic. Woolen and Cofe §4 goods, also. Dealer* la aU bind* of Tailors Sno. No. U 7 Wood street,fcartb door fromFi^ Meaira W AHiil A Co. JanSl' y»I01«00T i ' BOYLE .v HATCH will WBtinao to tectare and Exptn««a, it the Apollo', upon foe wonderful, intfmetißg «nd:U«ttiißg derelopament of ifcu Be lew* of Mi'mi every evening this week. Persrm* of mdoubte* ebarmete? who eoae forward volants rit; out q! foe audience, will be deprived of the powir o( Ppeeeb,‘He*riDg and Sight, at the word of tß*'<>p«nM«rr They will be nude to forget thetr ownHdentitr, and that SMheir neatest friends and ret ail ve*. Waurwillb* tuned, to wine* or brandy, to perfectly, as to produce all the effects of intoxication, and a obkat vAiirtt of other nalTtuto sjo mrarsT uo uxuiMxan will be performed! The grratlmpoffanceOr this Science as a uxxxctat. agent, is tdoh MfoddmiU)&theti&&isiedftßeßn«n and setiout tHTcatigaliOß c/every lover of troth and of DU. 1 ' • v A elm Ter instruction will be. tbnaed. u soen u convenient. . tr : ■ ■ . Jaa«S3t« _ OEST ABLINS, AUCTIONEERS A COMMISSION'MERCHANTS, No. 17 Ftrrtr St, ‘CieenrsA-n, Otno. WOULII respeetfWlf solicit Consignments from the Merchants tuul Mannfaeturers ofPitttburgh,and would refer to : Me.irf \V. A R. B.Phillip*. Pittsburgh. “ Hrown, Phillip** Co., “ .•* Chambers, Arne* A Co-, “ JahnD.HcPadden ACo-, * June* Dklteil, Esq., “ jnng-lin* county loan, 970,006. f|l|lE Commissioners of the County or Allegheny J. having been authorised, by an Act of Amiably, paired tbe Bth day of January, IrfiO, to borrow, on temporary loan, a sum of mousy, not exceeding iir aarr nvs tbousasb dolcass, to be applied to the re* dempiion or Coonty Scrip, tha certificates of loan to be eierapt from all taxevozeept for Stats pur poses. • , _ PROPOSAIsS will be received; at the Office of said Commissioners, in the City of-Fittsbnrgh, within three weeks fronsthe date hereof, from sueh persons or cor* pomions at may be dtsirOtuol taking the whole or any pan of .said loan. 1 S 3 thousand cl which to bo redeemed on the Ist day of April, led*. stt thousand on the first of April, 1(54, and 23 taoasitnd on the Ut of April, los3—interest to be paid semi-annually at the Office of tte Coonty Treasarer or elsewhere, as may be agreed apon. THOMAS PERKINS, WILLIAM BENSON, JAMES MITCHELL, CountyCommUsioners. Commissioner's Office, Pittsburgh, January £2,1650. jinlN-tf CIOFFEE— U3Baga Trine Rip-arriving and for said /by TIROWN A KIRKPATRICK, janS-1 ", 144 liberty »L SUGAR A MOLASSES—4O hhd#N. O. Sugar. 73 barrels N.O. Molasses, arriving per steamer Winfield Scott for sale by BROWN A KIRKPATRICK, jang . - 114 Libeny st /~4LOVtR SEED—l2obarrels •'prime new” arrlv- V/ >ng and for aalo by BROWN A BIRKPATHICK, janV3 144 Liberty st. FLOUR— 60 barrels “ Extra." ICO barrels Superfine; 73 barrels fine, on hand and for sale by jinfti BROWN A KIRKPATRICK. RICE— 19 Tierces prune new crop "landing and for sola by BROWN A KIRKPATRICK. Jang ; SH. MOLASSES—a barrels Sb James BeCcery. • 14 half dn do do (or saloby BROWN A KIRKPATRICK. OAUBL* SUGAR HOUSE MOLASSES—For sale OU low bv J S DILWOBTH A CO jan22 inaBIILa PLANTATION MOLASSES-Forsale JUU by J 8 DILWORTH A CO jvn« . - 50008S?K2* ,o “- 10 bbls Roll do, ip store and for sole by jan22 J S DILWORTH ACO OH BALES WESTERN HOPS-Por sale by •&U Jsilg J 3 DILWORTH ACO MOLASSES— 40 bbls receiving this day, and lor tale ldwto close the lot by jink* = JAMES DALZELL ItOBACCO—S 3 kgs No. I 0 Twist, receiving per , steamer Hindoo, and for sale by James dalzell, jatftl 1 ____ No 24 Water st CRANBERRIES— 20 bblaui store and for sole by RHEY, MATTHEWS A CO janga 23 Water st NO. SUGAR—S hhds, new .crop, landing from • steamer North River, and for ante by jantt RUBY, MATMHEWS A CO NO. MOLASSES—43 bt>ls NO.Volasrct, landing 4 from steamer North River, and for sale by rang : , RIIKV, MATTHEWS A CO, E ICE—16 tierces, a prime article.-“landing (rom steamer Nona Riser, and fo- sslr by jamta i RHEY, MATTHEWS A CO UVTTKR-7 bmcli ibis day re- X. Cclred, and lor sale by ' jau2J ; , ARMSTRONG A CROZER S' 11. MOLASSES—CO half bbls 8> 11, Molasses, iu • «tdrc;aad tor sale by JsnVJ ' RUBY, MATTHEWS ACO ROLL BUTTER—2 bbls In store and for sale by jan22 ' RHEY MATTHEWS ACO THE Subscribers to (he Sloe* of . the Cititens lan* ranee Companv wilt please take jtebee that on Election for nmo Ixrrrturs of >»i<t I'-oiopsny will be held in the Rooms of the Hoard of Trade on Monday the 4lh of February at 4 o'clock, P M. By order of ibe Commissioners. jawSl tot Feb H.l). KING, See. For Rsnt* THE Large Uriehj MANSION, at BroddoekH Field, with requisite, Grounds around it, suitable (or the putjwve of a rerprtiabls summer boarding boose. It is believed that such an establishment at tins bcastiiul locality wouk) do well. Enquire at my other, corner Wood and Fobnh streets. . jtngMf : . JAMES W. BUCHANAN. LARD— 14 bbls and 3 ke*a for vale by jantt ,H F VpN BONN HORST A CO ROLL BUTTER—2 bbls for sale by JanSl , t» F VON BOXNHORgT A CO CtI£ESR-dO bn W R, for sale by jamlti • B F VON BONNIIORST A CO CtLOYEIt VTIMOTHY’ SPED—Por rale by 1 J*a3l |. S P VOS UONNHOR3 VK CO BROOMS— IPO dor, varieM'qoeiitie*, for sale br jar.gl l - ■* V VQN jSONNHORsT A.CO SMOKED UKRRING-V0 boxes Isr s *le by janllt . S ¥ VON BONNHORBT A CO SUGAR— V bid* new crop, foraale by jsntn ; a p vus bonnworst a co RICE— 4 tierce* for sole by \ JatflH I a F VON PONNHORST A CO SHOT— 60 bags, asi'd Nos, Cot sale by \ janfl S F VON UONNHORST,A CO ROCK POWDER—*OO keg* for sale by \ jsrtt SP VON DQN.NHOftSTA CO FEATHERS— SO ueks for sale by -\ tanSt , C H GRANT, 4t Water »t DRIED PEACHES—LC sacks and 0 bbl* for sale by jangi; « 11 GRANT DRIED; APPLES—« bbl* for sale by jsnVf, Cll GRANT Flaxseed— to bo for tale by lantl • C H GRANT PARED TEACHES—6 bo for salsby Jittgl: • O II GRAN I* LARD— iO bids Leaf, for sale by lanil, CH GRANT /'"HIACKLINGS—IS bbl, for sale by U JanBl ~ , CH GRANT O. SUGAR«3t bbds N. O. Sarar, jut received 1> * and foraale by a. CULBERTSON, j«n*i ‘ ' : . .... 145 Liberty _*t_ Na MOLASSES—IOjbbU N. O. Molasses, jast • received ami lot dale by A. CULBERTSON, jantlt ; US Liberty it. fftEAS—Joo received a superior lot of Green and X Block Teas, and for tala by A. CULBPRTBON, jan3l 145 Liberrr «L SH M OLAShliS—ii bOU H Aloiatrca (i> ern . , and for sole by A. CULBERTSON, lantl t<s Liberty si. LARD— “S bbl* No 1, in sure and for sale byi Jaatl ARMSTRONG A CRotER WHITE DEANS—SO bbl* in store and for sale by jaoSl ARMSTRONG k. CHOZEH FLOUR— iso bbis Extra Family, in store snd for rate by >r.n»l ARMSTRONG A CSOZKK HOPS— S bales juit rcc’d and for solo by Jin'll; ARMSTRONG A CRQ2F.R UTTER—bo keg* Extra, in rtore and tor sale by Janri ARMSTRONG A CKQ2KR l.'LOUtt— vjw obltlnTlore ajnl for sale by I 4 Jintfl : WM II JOHNSTON, Wi Sccm.d tt bbl* rroM and for «Me by JanYl ; WMHJUUNsrON KOL.U uuntm—g bbta for as'e by janSl \-\ WM II JOHNSTON r)MATOES— aOO jujl for ialu tiy ' “ janVl ; j WM H JOHNSTON I jvttu-tfj kegs fresh, lor sale' by 1 i jm’Jl WM » JOUN3TON by r jso'il WM H JOHNSTON SAPK9— itcosU baud Safc*, lor sale low by janPl . WM « JOHNSTON PBOFEHSOa BAttRI’H ;TKICOPHER. oca on MEDICATED COMPOUND, INFALLIBLE for icnewing, invigorating, ami beau* tyfying (bn Hair.vrmoving Scarf, DanaruiT, and-ali affections of, the Scalp, and caring Eruptions on the »«la, Disea»e» of «be islands, Muscle* and lutegu* menif. andl relieving Sllngt, Can, tiraitcn, Sprain*, fcc, *c. With ‘Lia preparation. “there It no inch word a* fail" Thr.firti joamalt in America, medical men of the highest eminence, prominent citiaens of all professions, and ladle* who nave used it for years in their dretsihg rooms and nurseries, admit with bc* cotd, that, ib' imparting vigor, glos<, luxuriance and carl to the 'bait, eradicatingscurf and dandroff, heal* ing wounds, cu»in.*r crmiasioos, sprains, stings, Ac., and relieving disease* of the skin, the glands, and the muscle* it ba* no rqunJ among ibe multitu.le of com pounds m urn publicjutnu, or u»nd iu pri* yam pnicunc. In cheapness as well as efficacy, Uar j~ , Trifoi'llcrou* is unrivalled. jrfTho affinity between! the mctoliuue, wluidi const:* slate the sklji. sud the b air which draws iu»u>tr nance froiaJhi* triple envelope is very ciote. Alt.diieu*'* of the hair originates in the skin of the head. If the pores of ihflsealp are elogged, - or if the blood and olber fluid* d" not circalitlc ireely through die siui.U TCtsels which feed the roots with moisture nail impart life to the Wires, the remit it «nrf, dandruff,»iird«ling of the hairJgrfiynest, dryness, and harscuess of the llgnmenu, aid entire baldness as the case may be.— Stimulate thi skin to healthful action with dip Tricop* herons, end diet torpid vessels, recovering their activ* ity, will annihilate iho disease. In all nflections of Uio skin, and of tbo substrata of mnselesand liilesameats, the process and theetfect are the same. ; It Is uodn the skin, the rantcalarl fibre.: and the glands, thsiI the Tncunheroui has it* specific action, and In ail affections and injuries of these, oigons, it U t sovereign remedy. Hold,in large bottles, price 23 cents, at the princlpal Office, 137 Broadway, N.Y. * - lE7T* ?0P b 7 R. E. SELLERS, janlt ; ? Pittsburg. SUACKLETT * WBITB, NO. M WOOD STREET, HAY E cow in atora a large and genera) ai»ort»ent of DRY WOODS, which they offer to City and Coonty Merchants at redaccd price*; and which they will tell o> great iadueementi to caih boyora. or Tor •pproted credit, j ; JattU) To the Btoekholdtra off th« charticri 3 Coal Company* . > , , NOTICE |« hereby given, that, inponuance of the Act of; the General Anessbly of thU Common* weallh, entitled “An Act to Incorporate iba_Chanicn Coal Company, in the Connty of Ap*fheny, n aa Ueo* Uon will be'held at the MooeafShda Roue, in the •City of Pittaburgb, on Thnnday, ibc'JJ»«aj; of Feb •ruarT-nexVal 3o*elack In the afterco&n-of M>at da?, lor the parporeof electing. Director* of the ■iig~jCom i nany. JAMES DDNUIfi ; , * Z. W. REMINGTON, .AUCTION SALES. Bj joka D. D»Tt* AMtIMHVt . | Dry Goodi.Hsu, Cap, BoaU,Skoa, G*n*U*m, -V"--. •■■■■■ - At lue Commercial Sales Boobs, comer of Wood and Fifth streets, on Friday aornis* ttafWllßia, u 10 o'clock, will be told-Ao stocfc of a retail ittw, flannel, alpaecas, aerinos. d« Was, M® oB *! satin, eashmere and do lain abcwfa, aUk, satin hdkfi, atupeaders. ladles’ collars and jimp?; Klorea_and'Bitt«, a«®»;,k*®djj *»ary, bonnet ribbons, linen and eO cloth table cloths. Ben's ar.d boys* bats, cloth, tor and plash earn, Bttb iM boys’ tioou aid shoes, Wooten’s and ausoee* bootees BuferCi*tk* t Camm*m t taJC*rdmt^. ■Will be added to thoeetalocno nl* of toe Shirts, on Teesdsy morniac* tbs IPth last, it tbs CcttMmsl BiJli.Bsoai, comer of Wood ud Fifth streets 4 pieces caper French and EogUA Oothg *» u “ Saxony, London, Goldsa Brown do; * “ Mtxt Breed Cloths 1 Meek sad fancy Cassia eres; 3 “ Cordsroy tad Beaverteon. jtn» JOHN tt DA VIS, Aset Catalog** Sal*# 143 data* Fm* EkirU, On Toeiilay sonuufiSßOi , st 10fifLil(hs Commercial Seles Booms, eorner or Wood sad Fifth streets, milt be sold, withcat reserve, on S credit of 90 days, tor approved endorsed paper, on asms over SlOO —an excellent assottaent ofTua Shirts, selected ex* presily for this market eomprisisf llaalls-Bhifts,litt* en boeomr, ititebed plaits, sad narrow plait shins, with linen bosons, cellars, superior shirts, with Preneh embroidered esper shirts, with yoke neck and Freoeh sleeves; Mtu Maslm and English Lou Cloth Shirts; do. with spies* did open work bosoms, Ae. Janl7 JOHN &. DAVIS, Aset PILLOW CASK KUBZtUYS. MUSLINS, of ssitsble widths for FiUow Cues, CODMUtIf on hud. Alto—*Sbo*uogt, from 11 to 3 yards wids, sad sa ss* i-ortiaeni of Towelling sod TsUsDUpexi) sad hoots keeping toodtftnenliy. Alto—Tickings of the sott spprored mißtfsetsre, including very ssperior of extra width, si tks Dry UvodsllosseoT ._WRMURPHY, Eut comer of Third taTjfirtßt to. •Wholnaic goona Bp miff. ~ jmnl> SHAWLS. AVERY See article of Hoarataf Leo g Shawls, fall size, jut received, former pne* 814, aad bow only 83. _A AMABONAOO, janlP 60 Market street DlMkwood'e ■•(smlme tad tke Bwtlrt l)Mn«ri)r Rewievr*. VIZ: ThiLosbok Qoumtax-T Rsvtxw; Tni KpqipEeg lirnw; TRs Nobib Bxmn RsTOnr; Tbk ffuuinun Rxnßir, And—Btaerwoos’s Esmcm Miatim For any one of the fear Reviews, 83*00 per annan. For ell fonr of the Reviews, AOO ** For Blackwood's Msyixlaa, 3*oo “ Forßlaekarooda&dtbed&eviews, 10j)Q u Payments to be made la all eases la advisee. Poblubed simaltaneoulr in New York and Plus* bnrch; Office, 63 Wood strAt. janto JAMES D. LOCKWOOD. » E DOINGS A FRENCH MERINOS are selUsf very cheap at jaalß A A MASON 4 00*8 C CALICOES—10 eases, Cut colors, at tyc: former y price Ife. JaolO A A MASON A CO BLUS CH ECKS—I ease very dark Shirtlag Cheeks, jut opened by BHACKLEIT A WHITE, BROWN SHEETINGS—SObaIes heavy 4*4 Brows Sheetings, jest ree*d and for tale at old price* tty lanl> BHACKLBIT A WHITE BLEACHED SHIRTINGS—A rood assortment of Bleached Goods, la store aad for tale bT-, JaolO SHACKLgfT A WHITE Tha NEW ENGLAND No. VcipL 8. D*.*. wi:» leave Piuabonh. every Wednesday' momsa |£t K' o’eloeks'Wheelmievery Wedseadareveamra it>» «- TBuissexirFimET. Tbo BRILLIANT, Copt. Gun, will leave 1 Piaa j bnxgk every Than&xj morninj at 10 o’clock: Wkeeli=e •rerr Tlmreday eremny at 16 r. k. wtm&nxmser* v Tbs CLIPPER No. % Copt. Pnt Dittos, wilrieavv Pituberjk every Friday morningal IDo’cloek; Whee a* every Friday evezunx at 10 r. K. ' . _ , , ... ™ TICKINGS— 25 bales various ffiadea, eakasdaad for sale by BHACKLKTT A WHITE, janlO 68 Wood street TALLOW— SO bbla, rac'd and for tale by jaalO SAWHARBAUGH rilGAßH— sofiOO (Common) jut we’d tad for tala by l/jma a a w harbauoh T* ARD—SO ken No 1, far ule by Xj janlP SAWHARBAUGH HOPS— 7 kales prime, jut rac'd tad for sale by jtnJg SAW H ARBAPUH POTASH— SS bbla Jut rac'd and for tale by jcalfl SAW HARUAUGH UNNY BAGS—IAOOIa store and for sala by * VT janlP SAWHARBAUGH C HANDLES WANTQb>Aa rzperieuad Ouod* icr will bear of a coed aitialien by applyipcto ianiO 8 A W H A&BAUG II tIOPAL VARNI9 —l3 bbts Tamtam > 10 ht bbla do; 8 kef* do; ibli Coeetfdot Shfbl* do "do; . tlt|i do dojforaalabr JanlO ISAIAH DICKEY A CO, From »t CHEESE— 350 boxes for tale by Jaaw I&AIAH DICKEY A CO SUGAR—« bbdr, for tala low to elose eoasifameaL Jaol9 ISAIAH PICKEYA CO POTASH— id casks, first ran, for tala by janlß ISAIAH DICKEY A CO &COKCIIED SALTS—XO bbl* ia store aad for sala by ij jaalO ISAIAH DICKEY A CO FIRK BRICK A TILE—For sale by jm> ISA/AH DICKEY A CO BUTTER— 20 boxes dairy, made expressly for foal, ly are, rac'd ibis day and for sale by ■■ janlP JAR FLOTP" Buckwheat floub-» neks rac'd tbls day aad for sale by jaalO JAR PLOTD HONF.V— OOTib. prime,tneomb, ree’d this day ud for sale by Jsal9 j fcgFLOYD CORN MKAL-r6 sacks tad 87 bbb arriving aad far nle b r ' EURBRIDGE, WILSON faCO, )mio . Wtamwi IORN—B tacks and 81 bbls Shelled Coral far saleby ?iul» ' BUBBRIDQE, WILSON ftCO WHISKEY— 35 bbls enpertor Old Moo. Rye, far <ate by BURBRIDGE, WILSON ft Oft ! , _ i»«I9 Water maa r WXW BACON-440 Hama, 460 Bboaldera, a&dSM .XI Side*, in smoke honae, and reedy far delivery mo by juft TAB9KY ft BEST POTATOES—I6O bbls Bali. Sloes, for sain by L janiO TflSaBY ft BEST INDIA SENNA—4(IO lbs Jast rveM and far sale by jenlO ■ i KIDD ft CO, CO Wood st SAL.SODA-^fOOO lbs in store andforsaleby janlfl J KIDDft OQ ■\7T£.V. RED—9O bbu ree'd and Cor sale by Y.jinHJ - J KIDD ft 00 CASTILE SOAP—KG lbs Car sale by •! JsalO JPDPftOO SILVER SAND—4 bbls ju»r ree’d and Cor sals by jar.l3, , - J ODD ft CO BUTruft—tr bbis Roll, ln-doliu; to bxs do; U kgs park' d do; for sale by „ _ janlS J B CANPIELP, Front si TA L LOW—7S bbl 1 in store and for tala by janlS J D CANFIELD SCORCHIfrGS-6 casks janlg ■ i and for sale by J B CANFIELD CtHKESU— 15C0 bxs prime, Instore and for sals by / jnnlj- v JB CANPIELP SALERATUS— 75 bxs and 10 casks, far sale by JanlS i ;\ JB CANFIELD CANDLES— 40 bxs Moald.fortalsby • JanlS. ■ J B CANFIELD LINSEED OIL—9O bbls for sale by \ . janig jb Canfield Gunny bags—aocojostree’d and for sale by _ • janlS •: BRKVFOOLE ft CLARKE /YKLENAVI’ms—SO bblsfaood winter} ferule by VT jantS BREYFOGLE ft CLARKR - BUTTER— to firkins rood RolLtn eloths, for sale by jsnlri BREYFOGLE ftCLARXK \ (THEEhe— A smalt lot. lor taletow to elose ootutn* J menu by Janlß BREYFOGLE ft CLARKE EGGS— to bbls rood.Jast ree’d ud for sale by jinH - BREYFOGLE ft CLAHKE NEW BACON—co,ooo. Ibs Hoff Round, prime, in smokehouse, tor sale by - Janlfr SELLERS ft NICOL 3 SOAP— so bxs Palm Soap, jast ree'd per steamer Pike No 9, and.lor sale by ■jams JAMES DALgP-i-t, VAST COLOIUBO POINTS, TTT R. MURPHY Invites tbe attention of borers to Ty • bis present choico stock of Prints at 18) per yard, «f fast colors and newest stylat. - Also—Newest styles English Chintzes, from’lB) to 161 ; | Also—A full assortment of small fi fared IlghtPrints on-l Chintzes, bnl hloe, pink, laloek, parple,'orange, Ac- ' ITT^lVbolesalo Rooms np stairs. r IsoiS* SCORCHED SALTS—4 bbls In store and far sals by , jpnty HARDY, JONES ft CO CREAM CHEESE—47 boxes large, In atom and far sale by Janlß HARDY, JONES ft CO pOTATOES-140 sacks Id store and for tale by x. jania HARPY, JONES ft CO UNNY DAGS—6OO jast ree’d and for ale by VX:3anlB - BTUART ft SILL CHILES E—4oo bxs prime, in store aad far sale by / JanlS STUART ft SILL OUGAR—SO bids NO, new crop, jast ree'd and fa Ossie by janl» McGILLS ft ROE DRIED PEACHES— too bn on band ud for sale by July McGILLS ft ROB T|\BlKb APPLES—A small lot. ebolcfc far sale on .11/ consignment by jsnl7 McGILLS ft ROE \f CLASSES—SO hf bbls NO, in store and far tale iu to ckto consignment by . i _ . jani; * McGILLS ft ROB Iv< ‘T.vrOI—C ca.'ks far sale by | janty McGILLS ft ROE LAny— ao keit and 6 bbls No Lea bsnq end for tale by janiy McGILLS ft 808 Cl I DKll-25 bbls Crab Cider; . j SLfLhU-‘ “ jast ree’d ud for sale by HLABRIDGE, WILSON ft CO, jai>!7 ' ' Wytet street Molamuis— ObO-bbis N o, new exep, jast ree 1 ami iur sale by . I j.,U7 DURBRIDGE, WILSON ft CO HiriNlxnv GIJISS—ICOO bxr, ars'd jj*** £btr> W hran'sinskejfarsalaby ■ ■■l ’%!? BURPRIDOE, WlLflOfl ft CO Pkaki.aSll— 5 eaaks ree’d aad far tale by „„I7 BURBRIDGE, WILSON ftCO GI.ASS-5i j bzs su’d, in store and far sale br j««i l JOBNWATTfcCQ C ,.OVKK E~UTTKK-6 bbl* Frtii H®U, tor nl« by i ■ “ imt7 - JOHN WATT * nr> CHBKBt-fiO bi* pnms wK} • 7 . ■ SOekiOcwiMjlttitowuidfcjiai**. i»n> 7 John watt t op T'vRIED FRUIT—gOO btt <0 “ L3HUUM>fc.KS-mtT F* jMlg, ' a rm«Bt hr Vm AIOKRISfc WILLIS*. HOME JOUBIYAL. Pmussss Wnm—39 td *nmi “Tiobest paptr In tbe UoIob:® fEreliraßm “ Buber jei In cml ihna go wUboat It* ißoMoa Poo. New eabtcribers can be eappUed Cron Jan. 1,1620, 'lt immediate application be made (either peraonaily or by ieO»n at the Office of Pabliaeupa.O wood at Janie J. D/LOCrwOOD, EAM BOATS. FOR CINCINNATI 1 b sass\ff?ray3a*as at Wedlock, A. M. and paatay* apply on board. - - u oa Thursday,! Fbr freight I SFOR CINCINNATI. ~T7 Tbe splendid steamer R.TAYLOB, will 1t,,,. .. shove aad all latensediate non. T? ttts day,' tbe SSd Inst, at 10 o'clock, A. M. P ° n * oa Flff.tteighi *r passage apply on board. • FOR SIL LOUIS AND ILLINOIS RIVER. "" n. puit, A. CoX, tauter, will leata far BBBHBfoe above aad all intermediate earn ihiidayetio oUe*k ( AM. , 7 U ' For uatgtu or passage, apply on board, or to , jana QB MILTENBEBOER |j Tbt ' Baxter, will’leave for.Um ■■HHBBBabeve tad all Intermediate ports oa ibis day, at tOd’eloek, ill Fw freight oj passage uppiyo'n’board. jantl FOR NEW ORLEANS. —^) The splendid steamer ' i g 7. Jll- GEO. W. KENDALL, Norton, Baxter, will leave for the SOBBEaHMsbeve aim all intermediate portstbis freight or passage apply oa board, or to jaaiff UEQ-fl MiLTENBEKGEK. Agents ' *OR CINCINNATI. A u Tbe spJeodid steamer rH,*.. ,J»li ... . RINGGOLD,' . Cepe, will leave for the above —i—Rtna all intermediate pons on Thors day,tbe 27tb lastl el 10 A. M. - ror freight or pfrssago apply oa board. jao!7 PITTSBURG HAND WHEELING PACKET. —'- Tbe apleadid fast running steamer rffHk LOUIS MeLANE, W. S. Conwdt, . UHNr master, (having undergone a tbor* repair,) wQI ran beraaller as a regular packet between Pittsburgh tad Wheeling,* leaving Pittsburgh every Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, atO o'clock. For freight cr passage apply on board, or to Sn 4 ' W. B. WHEELER, Agent. OiaonißAVl * PITTSBURGH dBSftQ dS» DAILY PACKET LINE. rpHIB vrell known lino of splendid paxsenger Sleam- JL ere Is now eomposed or tbe lesgeat, swiftest, bea inlsbedandfonishmaadmostpowerfolboats on tbs waters of (be West, every accommodation and ecm. fort that money ean proeure, has been provided for pas sengers. Tbe line has bent In operation for five years —baa carried a million of people without the leut injo* rata their persons. The boat* will be at the foot cl Food streeithedaypreviou to starting, for the recep tion of freight and the entry ol passengers on the regis ter. In ell eases the passage money mutt be paid in advance. SUNDAY PACKS*. T AAC NEWTON, Captain Hemphill, wil leave Pittsbargh every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock Wheeling every Eoaday evening at 10 r. v. ’ ; HOIDAY PACKXT. The MONONGAHELA, Capt Bros*, will leave Pica burgh every Monday morning at io o'clock; Wheeling every Monday evening at 10 r. k. TVRil)im''OEaiT. The HIBERNIA No. S, Cepe J. KunxT£Z.m, will leave Pittibergh every Tuesday morning tst 10 o'clock: Wbeelinx every Tuesday evening at 10 r. u. WBDttSSSirFSHicK'r. 'OULD CANDLES—IOO bxi'ta more and foraalo , by JanlS HARDY, JONES A CO TJACON HAM3—CitT Cared In store and for sala by M> MM3 STUART A BILL, 119 Wood St XfEWNEGRO SONG, by B.C. FaernL—>K)llLem it ueL go down to de Cotton. Field,"—» new Etblo man Melody, jut rco’d and for sale by janlS J H HELLOR, 61 Wood st rpANNERS* OIL—SO bbla StnHH OiLJbr tale bf X lanlg JAMES PAL2ELWBI Water at SOLE LEATHER—3OO aides Spanish, fortaiefow _by_ JAMES DALZELL T ARD—9O kegs No It ot> band tad for tale by ’’ iilaalS J A R FLO VP PKABIiAfIg— RStbls Adaau*, oa hand and for sale’ by jenH n <• JARFLOYD POTASH— U euka in itote and for tale br . ' jul« JAB KLOYP T?BATUEBfI—IOCO iba prime, for n’abf' J janlfl JAMES DAI AT AILS—6OO ken Oliphaai’a brand, for sele 1* JanlO * ■ JAMES DAL: \TEW BACON—HAMS, SIDES & SHOULBEHS XT 10)000 Jbs ia Smoke Honre. for rale by , KICK A JONES, Canal Sarin,' JmW near Serenih atreot- ■I?LOOB—ISSbbIa in etere and for raJe by • •" JC Jaalfl CRAIOAPKINNKB.ggfeaitnn /AAIB—4SB ba In etpre tad £n tale by* VJ>nlO CRAIG * SKINNER ONIONS— 10 bbla rac'd and fi»r aaie by . c ianlf . . CRAIQ k. BPNNSB TARfV-8 kert,la Bore and far tale by AJiaalO CHAIQ A SKINNER Ub 1 iwt—lo bbl» Freth Bril in cloths, to <Ur jea'd, O not for alt by jtnifl CRAIG A BKJHNCB /??\ W BEANB— W bbU SsuU White, for tide br . • i im* craig feSKtwrea " D foaS FEACHE8 ‘‘~ 25bnJ CTLUQtagSSS? 7 ICKOHY NUTfr—lo bblaia core and Tor ul« br )*Pld CRAIG A SKINNER IRREN APPLES-83 bbU la «iorc and for tale br r Jaald • ' , CRAIG A SKINNER T)OTATOEB—4OO bbls la stare and for tale by X JanlO CRAIOfc SKINNER,23^Jnltetc UUTTER— B bbls (Plainpore) Fresh Roll.Jsst'ree’d 1 J and for sale by JtnlQ—- JAR PLOVD *DBACHBP—9OObo. to close consignment, for silebr JL janlO ' STUART A SILL COBURG CLOTHS are telling wotj cheap (same as low as 25 cents per yard) at . •, * • jaan - a a mason a.00*9 LAMPBLACK— 90 bbls in store and for sale by JtaM J KIDD A CO, 00 Wood st GUM KUiO—fl3 lbs (True) jut rec’d as I for sale hr jtai» J KIDD ACO ' CH. PENCILS—4O gross, us’d, jatt ree’d a t,a f ot . aaloby. _jiaW.’ JRIDDVco TIN. FOIL—IS lbs jest rec’dand for salelF. -■ - , “a : lK ' T J*co OANCY SOAP—SO boxes us'd, for sr’». v - — JtCla -—1-— KIDD A CO, SRILtSQ OFF AT RBDVC m pbiobs, T ;o'iT «'■n pnoea, their, stock 1 of Winter g!^!L 0 M^isSsr 6 ol - Shawls tad Ladies* Dress r ? M P' consisting of Alio—Blankets and pSane* ZVifiZ' eus, and a fall asaomner *•> C[°Uis, Canines, B*un- Conftdent that betterbsrii. of he,Ty H* 110 ? .. k.itoih. •u'JC”r c b "“A. ' . ALEXANDER ft DAY, —: ■ - 73 Market street. JOIL-10 bbls oore, (will stand SELLERa ft WOOLS BBED-4CO be la store and for rale by Vjaalb . JAMES AJIUTCHIdONfttxi' OIjOYEA BEED-3 bbls leu reeHi-end for «Blbby \J janl4 RHEY, MATTHEWS ft Co GLAB3—4OO boxes us’d sites, Frank- Jf\ -I^®»3o<ll B«ith ft Ilerron’s Brands, in store and for sale by\ janli RHKY.ItATTHKWa * rff bbls Extra Family aad Bopettnej prime R yet in store and" for sale br ' \ ,L 3 WATERMAN, - _ \ at Water and MF.onist M^Vr 18 6Wi Coni Meal, to store and for rate by illjanM \ LSWaTERMaw - LARD-30 bbla No 1 Leaf, ~ 159 kegs do \for rale by ' __j*s** _ L 8 WATF/iMAN REACHES— HOucks Dried Peaches} ' »ba prime p*redVfor tale by ■ L 8 WATERMAN Ba«r Cored, ja*t rrc’d u<l Jar aaio by jiaU ftfcW DaRWaUGH rjLGjKa * SfcW HARhaL’QH oawbartbr S fc W HARBAUGH n °* *» flora tad for u!c br SJiHi SAW HARRAUCH BttBaOIDKXUBg. ■ A gSHP.VES? O * of Pose* Wroojht C»pe»„ fitted, Terr cheap, *t - lKjJ< AAMASOMAm^MMarketK rac’d uul for u!c br SfcWHARBACGH ' x fcsr boclrcJ 1 Kl 'r. KAI :^ KS Jt APPLES—.. •J ba , J«’d «ud for tale by — lllOl4 S & \Y HARD/ LIMB—IOO bliii la atore and for n!a f- 1 , r - 8& W HAUHAUOH . .. 20 kej» »• 'ferttleby iial * LB WATERMAN C'lSf E_ “ ‘j S ilru>% , ri „ ’S&g&g gbbU iTkite, . S WATER**-**. O pniae mi* CioTerßwJ; .. 0,,." SOhoiuleUf prittfl Ti»«tb* (S? 2 «a< fertile by juf« -Lfl WATgU**” "■OBW&Y FLAUS” j THESE nroorlor BUakeUs m*4c of ti* . foo»a Uooaoof i ’ ~- iW B loot* 1 NE toraet Foortb 7Toinffa-f»Es=sjassris3rwE» Golubed cotton. vEEvßrac 2 Mafliek MAWm.- lul? 11 ’ W^priee '’ 11 • AUAK)»»C<rs SI fegg-B! '%fia#SiSSS& fl^> y pen cocHBAN,» Wood n g^Wmi7HSSs^.^ 2 ~^to^r *OOL—S tacks la jack '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers