iprr'- - W* 1 . ESTABLISHED IN 178 b, PUBLISHED BY WHITE L CO. ». a. white . I*, ttumrt- • •«um ami tbju> *mx7 t -imT soo& to ; Tmc roar amcs. D»,ly paper—**. .*—87,00 per annum. Tri-Weekly*..— **-..;. 5.U1 •' Weekly, (la acvhnce)— StjiG ** Do. toClubs, tie reduced rale.' RATSB OP ADVERTISING K AGREED UPON BY TUB PITTSBURGH PRESS. One ?qu*re,{lClcic* of Nonpareilor less) ..§o^o Oucxjuare, each additional insertion** • 0^25 J>u. cue week 1,75 Do. n o weeks 3,00 Do. three weeks* 4,00 I)o. one month**—••*— 5,00 Do. two months*——»——•••■ -7,00 D<. three months-.*• -—..A. 0,00 Do. tear months *...*10,00 Do, - six months ■-■** 12,00 Do. twelve months —— • • 19,00 Standing Card (0 lines or less,) per annam* 10,00 One Square, changeable atpleasore (per an* innmj exclusive of the paper*——* 85,00 For eaeh additional square, insetted over one mimih, ana for each additional square Inserted under the year ly rales, halt price. ' Advertisements exceeding a square, and not aver fifteen liuei, to bo charged as a square. and a half. Publishers not accountable for legal advertisements beyond the amount charged .for their publication. Announcing candidates for office, to be charged the same as other advertisements.- < Advertisements not marked on the copy for a ipeci '' fied number of Inst rtiuns, will be continued till Joibtd, and psjmenlexactel accord. ' The pnvilegesof yearly advertisers will be confined rigidly to thtu regular business, and all other adver tisements not pertaining to their regular bmtneu, as agreed lorj to be paid extra. All advertisements for charitable ir.*titaiions, fire companies,'ward, township and other public meetings, and such like, to be charged haHprice, payable strictly in advance,'' Alamage aptiec* to be charged 50 cents. .k Death notices inserted wilhorft charge, ttnleasaeccm panied by funeral invitations or obituary notices, and when so accompuned to be paid for. Regular advertisers and all others sending commu nication*, or requiring notices designed to call atten tion to Fajra, Soirees, Concert#, or any publie enter*, uinmests where charges are made ler admittance all aotici* of private associations—every notice de ; signed to call anention to private enterprises calcula ted or intended to promote individual.lnterest, can on ly be inserted with the undemanding Uut the same is to'ttk-pifdfori If intended to be inserted In the loea column, the same will be charged at the rate of sot less - than lu e> t* per hue. Bishop >r rmNotices to be charged tnple price. -Tavern license Petitions. 92 each. - Legal and Medical advertisemenis to be charged at *• fall price#. Real Estate Agents and •Auctioneers’ Advertisement* not to be cJusca noder yearly rates. be.to be allowed discount n< intrty throe and one third per cent, from the aaouutol bill*. wsmu.t on mmiLi xh dailt runs. One Square, three insertions—— ft,so Do. each additional insertion— 37 Due Pqoart>(lo tines.) one insertion---•Mels* . Do. , cactiailmtiscaliQreruon-*SS .** AH Uanrir ut advertisements to be paid-in advance. WHITE & CO , Gazette. ; L. HARPER, Post, R( »BT M- RIDDLE, Journal. JAMES P. BARR fa CO-, Chroaiele. FuSTER fa BROTHEK r DUpach. JOB. SNOWDEN, JUcrtmy. JAMES W. BIDDLE, American. Dec. 1,1&49. BUiSLNESiS CABIIS. a LEXANDER FRAN RUN, Attorney at Law, Ay Fourth »L • • novl3-ly 7 DAVID C. fVfTLR. ‘ A TTOJtNEY AT LAW AND COMMISSIONER [A Foil PENNSYLVANIA; St. Louis, Mo, r All cotmniinieatious promptly answered. oct&-Iy ARMSTRONG faCROZER, Commission Merchant* and Dealers in Produce, No. 23 -Market street* ■ Pnaliurgri deeg t- —--jnsiarenaanEmy A TTOKNEY nr.d Counsellor at Law, and Commis- A soier for the State of Pennsylvania, Bu Loui*, Mo. (late ot Pittsburgh.) ftxxaas'.CKs.—Pittsburgh: Hon. W. Forward,J!amp ton fa Miller; M’Candless fa M’Clore, John E. Parke, •i shells fa Semple, AT Cord fa King. _aogl4:dly . t. si. sat<ii>. . j.MTKaaerr. : BAIBOfaSTERREI'T, Attorneys and counsellors .ai* law, Fourth Unix, between Smltofieid uud G'raut, ■ritxabnrgh, Pa. ' _Jnls : jobs m Lana a.. . u«. c. naan. LARGE A FRIES)!* ATTORNEYS at LAW, Fourth su»-et, near Grant- Jnl6:ti 3AJJIEBF7KERR, ATTORNEY AT LAW.—Office on Fourth su, be tween Smith field and .Grant st, -Pittsburgh. sptlfcdly wv. -losa a. coesKavz. w. tt. wooßwaxn— — —ttaira saaatxr. BAGALEY. WOODWARD A Co., Wholesale Cro eere,No.gaMarket*tteet, Philadelphia, nonff Pittsburgh Alkali Wo vita. BENNETT, DERRY a CO, Mannlacturer* of Seda Ash. Bleaching Powders, Mu ristie apd Sol phene . -AtM u- -Watalwwso tin. '** -"aovao-iy •' _ nxsxgj uutrs, arose* asm*. BRAUIii A REITER, Wholesale and Retail Drug rials, t truer cl Liberty and Su Clair street*, Pius bnn&Pa ; “Til. T> A- i’AHNESTOCK A Co., Wholesale and Re fs. t»n £ruggistsj eoruer Wood and 6th at*. )y» _ C~HARLL2) NAYIXTk. Attorney at Law, Third si, lit door above Smiuifield. _ noTIS-Om 3rnri?sll¥f£a>S£nK •NO. IBS SPRUCE STHECT, PUtLADELPUIA, CONTINUES to git© his particular aucnuon to.the treatment of Diseases ot the SKIN, SCROFULA, and Diseases of the THROAT. ; Office honra: B A. M., 1 F. M-, and 7 P M. oel&dUm" luranu CTRMG SfaiUNNER, Forwarding and CommUuon t M»w»h«nt».Na.saM«rkci«U Fuuburga. ; «pi» VS aTWcAN L’LTY &. Co., Forwarding and Com v>« mission Merchants, Canoi Basin, Pittsburgh^* 5 hTCkaNT, Wholesale Oroeer, Comrmssuro nd ! J* Forwarding Merchaot,No. 41 WaUnt. taVi pmqnasna Stool «*d Iron COLEMAN,' HAILMAN. A Co, manuTaetiirtr. of Coach *nd Kliptie Spring*, Hammered Axle*, Spring and Plough Sleel, Irou, Ac. Warehouse on Wue, ud Front *treel», Pittsburgh. 1.-,:' Also, dealers inj Coach Trimming* and MalleaLU Casting*- ® ■ "stk. B. xntm ' • , i«o» {• T?NGLIBH & BENNETT, (Ule GalWber Hi h Co.) Wbole«aie Grocert, Commit «on and l'or wtxiSnx iderehanu, and dealer* in Produce andJPitu- Is^ a n H <aetare*.No.37 Wood Al and Sdttrcct*. ; 2Sii- J. HRNRV. Attorney and Councellor at f*?"! f<j- Cincinnati, Ohio. Collection* in Southern Otto, £4 to !"*■"», wd to Kentucky, promptly andwre. folly attended to. Commi**ioner tor Uio.tftato ©££s"»* gylrania, for taking Ifcpotiuon*, acknowledgment*, *Mto—non. Win.BoU 4 Bon, CortL,Chuieb4 Carothen, Win. Hay*. E*q-, Wiltock h. Paw*. "J.C.Breylofle— — A * H,Clafke. BIIETFOOLK 4 CL&KKE, Forwarding and commission ! merch- dealer. In Window Clru*, White Lead. 4e. No.ltafeemdit. —; . —wli, u.-JoiitfsTON, FOBWARDINO a commission merchant, No. US Second ctreel, Fnubargh. . dc!4 _____ w «iSu. jajm ».*»*«*. GKnHt; E wT SMITH 4 CO., Brewer*, Jllnltter* Hop Deale*, Fill at, Pitubargh. < *pt« . y-... T=7>nHKA"IS. ConmuMion and Forwarding G®£Sf^»wss^J^!!4!^i£2« ■■ -HQMKI IiBAQIIK FACTOIiy* ‘ ttaMILTON STEWART, manufacturer of Deary unt il. L SkTc%S&M Tj-.w-n Woolens. Liberty, nth »t . ftM7_ wxl uuir, Baltimore. ■ :! A. J. WCl3O*, *OW*»» =*“*» { PWl»dfc -« Noil. W,»■» ** 18 w°"l‘"jaKfl ■ i ■ VA> F»iUpH> TJABUV^'j ONES fc Co. 1 ‘" a° jajssgyu m*bMrt,Fa. • SSISE—. ~ ■ SOTIOB. , u . ~ T UAVE *Moci»led I.' B. MeVAY with mo u» t>.e Wm. n.wmum*.- B - WH. a. WILLIAMS * CO.l ' BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROILERS, « Norik Eut corner ©t Wood ond Third ©rued** jaol • Pa-_ iuua~pnn, ” ISAUifoiciitor & o»- morale a'l*ccT*.’con* minion Merchants, and denier* in Pr/Mncc, Water. and lOT grant afreets, Pittsburgh no**L uu worth—— —..7. Jq *eph Uilwortb JB. JMLWOBXU k. CO., Wholesale Grocer*,-awl • Agents for Uuud Powder Co.» Mo. 87 Wood at, Pttiabanth.« ■ • ' dcs-y_ job* a cawoam. iqata oilwostu. JB. DUAV OATH fc Co, Whole tale Grocer*, Fro* • B sr„ Co *¥ Q l J,,ia ® Mert/aaoia, and Ageitfs for the J Inurd Powdeaco. of N. Y, No. 87 Wood at, Pittsburgh sort JUltM£L.‘ft’Y ,N ?t~ N 1u tand Apothecary, No-*5 Market it,three doom abore Third k. Pittd i bwri», will hare constantly on hw* a well aelected aaj ■ertmont of the beat and freshen Medicine*, which, ha I ■wiil aell on the mott reasonable tenna.. Phyeielant | undine order*, wui,be promptly attended to, and tap* ; -Hod with aitidea they may rely npou u genuine. p lO" Physician* Preacneuona wUi bo accurately and _n2r prfp**** l bwl *»aieriaU, at any hair of I MdaT«r aj, f b '- . : 1 Alio lor sale, a largo stock of freah and good Perful 1 luia - Law.-or uo?s-Iy , ? 1/ llAftHl*UN StiWilLl*, CaanteUor at. A - tee on-Fo«rtb tb, above Smith&tSd.., B % «■* n. ■caNFIELB, Cate of Warren, Ohio,);connia» J aioa and Fonr arcing MerebacL tad wholesale Z,T«t in Western Rerenre' Cheese, Bouct, pot and Ash, and Western Prodace generally, Water Cjt, between gmitUfield acd V» ood, Pimbargh. apa VonN'WATT. Uaccesjor to Kwatt * Ocbban,V 1 w ivbole«ale Grocer and Comndaiioa Merchant, 7 \2? in Produce and Piiwbnrgh Manufactures, eor **7lr Liberty and llarid atreeu, Pittabarsh Pa. Ju9l , Co.—Successors to Hutchison A Co., Commission Merchants, "a aS»u «f >1" »>• twi Siena .SdW IMitrr. {f*<s waljif andK front streets, Pittsburgh. WoS «5? one.door South of Diamond Fm svfirijsTtEßßr ift A Co 3 (successor toJeaephti. j WateritreeL. _oc3i * Wholesaled I gTa£\Vood street. Pittsburgh. ~ . gv.MgTlTlAVltf, Amcotaecr, corner6tft and wood lu ; •, • ( THU NTTSM Rf.il CARDS, ; 1 0UN ZL UELLOR, Wholesale cad - Retail dealer -•I in Mnaic and Musical Instruments, School Boose. Paper,Slates, Steel Fens, Quills, Printers’ Cards and Stationary generally,No, 81 Wood su, Pittsburgh. pp Rags bought or taken in trade. ypU tDHKSTON“i STOCKTON. Booksellers, Printers if and Paper Manufacturers, No. 44 Market si, Pitta* bttrgh. ’ --’Johh Flotd. Riciuan Flotd. J 4, K. FLOYD, Wholesale Commission # Merchants and Dealers in Produce, Round Qhureh BtsUdlngs, fronting on Liberty, Wood and 6th streets. tnyd DALZELL, Wholesale Grocer, Ceami«>io» %|. Jdetchant, and dealer in Prodace and Pittsburgh Manufactures, rip, at Water si, Pittsburgh. . jaiilß JU. BWEITZKK, Attorney’at Lav,office tid si, 4 opposite Si Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh, will also attend promptly to Collections, La Washington, Fay AM and Green counties, Pa. ' REFER TO Blaekstoek, Bell A Co, Y Church A Caro therm, > Pittsburgh. ___ P- T. Morgan, J ocl3dly KIER A JUNES, Forwarding and Commission Mer* chanU t Dealers in Produce and Pittsburgh mnna* faetured articles, Canal R*«tn, near7th tl d2l PEKOIIL. PITThOVRaU, PA. KENNEDY, CHILDS a CO-, Manufacturers of v superior- 4-4 Sheetings, Carpel Chain, Twine and Batting. JaJO-lytiflu VsiuTlui Iron Works, . T KWIS, DALZELL A Co., manufacturers of all si* JU zes Bar, Sheet, Boiler Iron and Nails of the ben quality. Warehouse, Mwater and 103 frout si • janlp LS WATERMAN, Wholesale Grocer, Forward' • inr and Commission Merchant, Dealer m 1 ms* burgh Manufactures and Produce, Not. 31 Water si* and 68 Front tl . W*. sms- VtillwHa.' C. W. aiCOTTSOX, Pittsburgh. MILLER A KICKETSON, Wholesale Groeer*.an4 importer* of Brandies, Wines and Begars.No*. 1W and 174, comer of liberty and Irwin streets,-Pitu* burgh, Pa. Iron, Nails, Cotton Yarn*,. Ac. Ae. con stantly on hand. ioiui wgrri- ujl~s. ■’em. wai.tkac.KoS> MeGILLK A ROE, Wholesale Grocers and Commis sion Merchants, No. IW Liberty si, Pittsburgh. MURPHY, WILSON a CO., (late Jones, Murphy A Co.) Wholesale Dealers in Dry Goods, No. 46 Wood street, Fiuabnrgh. _ novt>!_ S 4 Art HEW WliSONTPortralfand MlniaturePaia* iVi xer. Rooms, corner of Post Office Alloy and Fourth'street, entrance on 4th near Markel <lec6-dl£ _ ft-rreFURGU STEEL WORKS AND BERING . AND AXLE FACTORY. aasc rom, . Jonn ». qgteo. JONES * UTTIGG, . MANUFACTURERS of Spring and blister reel, plough steel, steel plough wings, coach aud clip, lie springs, hammered iron axles, and dealers iu tnai }e*b;e ca*Oflgt ( fLje engine lamps, aud coach trimmings generally, corndr of Roes and Front sts_ Pittsburgh, Pa. fishy N HOLMES A BON, No. » Market sl, second • door*from comer of Fourth, dealers in Forcign ind Domestic Bills of Exchange, Certificates of Depot* ■t, Bonk Notes and Specie. |p* Collections mad on all the principal euies throughout tbc United States. dec!7 NBUCKMASTER, AlDXXsan—Office. Fourth sl, .. third door above Smithfield, south side. Conveyancing of all kinds done with the greatest care anil legal accuracy. Titled tc Real Estate examined, Ac. oct3D»ly PROF. UEKRY ROHQOGK, PENN STREET, between Wayne and Hand, has resumed hts professional duties, giving instruc tions oaths Piano,Guitar, and in Vocal Mamie. . augl4.-dtf ‘ P£S3K~¥isX STOBJC-—No. TO Fourth |vlB Hj'neai Wood—All quantities of Green and Ihbß Black Teas, done ap in quarter, half, and one pound packages, ranging from 30 eta- 'per pound f LfiU. . iyd A. JAYNES, Agl for Pekin Tea Co. OBISON, LdTl LE A CO., No,- Itrti Liberty street. Pittsburgh, Wholesale Grocer*, Produce and Commission Merchants, and dealer* in Pittsburgh Jdantifsetnre*. ly" Karr, aanox tho*. trraa. tswt- a. aosisna. 1> U BERT- MOORE, Wholesale Grocer, Rectifying Xv Distiller, dealer tn Produce, Pittsburgh Monufac rare*, and all kinds of. Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquor*, No. II Liberty street- On hand a very large stock of superior old Monongmbcla whiskey, winch will be sold low forea«h. apl&ly l. o. amrnoun, j. t- sax*. * REYNOLDS A SHEE, "Forwarding and Cemmlsiion Merchants, forihe Allegheny Rinr Trade, deal* min Groceries, Produce, Pittsburgh Manufacture* end Chloride of Lime. UIU Ul h<l»V. The highest price*, in cash, paid at all times for coon ryra-.'s. Comer of Penn ana Irwin its. i«nS3• RORERT~DALZELL A Co n Wholesale Grocers, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, dealers a Produce and Pittsburgh Manufsetates, Liberty st. Pittsburgh. Pa. . teb34 RO UT, A. CUNNINGHAM, Whole-ialelSroeer, Dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh. Manufactures <.<■, i >4 m*nv si Iria *- t. Hisuian, > »• »“»“ SHACKLETT A WHITE, Wholesale Dealers In Foreign and Domestic Dry Good*. No. W Wood *l Wimt.argn. : C’-.iTW. HARBAUGH, Wool Merchaau,“Deafer* Oe iaFloar and Prodace generally.xod Forwarding and Comminios Merchants, No. & Water si, Pju*. r. najJds RimntlL' joui ittrsou, juju LaJip. SKI LEES A NICOLS, Produce and General Com a. tsaton Merchants, N 0.17 Liberty st-, Pittsbtyxn O k\ VON BON'NUORST, A Co., Wholesale Gra ft. cere, Forwarding and'Commission Merchants, Dealer* in Pittsburgh Manufactures and Western Pro duce, have removed to their new warehouse.(old stand) No. 3.'-, comer of Front it and Chancery Lane. • nov7 ' riIASSEY & UEST, Wholesale Grocers and Cammis -1 si on Merc hauls, and dealers is Prodace. No. 35 Wood sh, Pittsburgh- P*® . . vr. u wooowio aaxra aaoat.n. WM. BAGALKY A CO., Wholesale Grocers, 13 and g> Wood street Pittsburgh: J»v27 W* A M. HITCnELTEIE, II7HOLKSALE GROCERS, RECIIFYING DIR* - W TILLERS, and WINE and LIQUOR MERCH ANTS. Also—lmporters of Soda Ash and Bleaching Powdor, No. 160 Liberty rt, (opposite Sixth «*.) PtU*- ' burgh.'' * gt23 loan o. wicx. BAvn>.-*yajn>j»*j loan n. wicx. WICK A M’CANDLESS, (successors to L. A J. D- Wick,) Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding and Commission Merehtma, deaiers in Irtm,Nails, Glass, Cotton Yams, and Pittsbnrgh Manufactures genendly, of Wood and Waier streets. Pittsburgh. l,y W a 1 .1 . a rv_. Mill" slang and Mil Furtuih , ing establishment, No.2«, Liberty su, neartha canal* * ' / XtT ""WrWirSoNTWatobes, Jewelry. SilrerWEe, W . and MUitary Goods, corner of Market and 4th streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. N. B.—Watches and Clocks carefully repaired. dec * \arEST • BOWEN —Comnuaaioa and .Forwarding W Merchant, No. 90 Front si between Wood, and Market streets. , : / _ . *#2^ Vfy MUSI'JIY/Wfiatetale and Beiali dealerin W • Foreign and itemestie Dry Goods, north'eart eomerof Market and Fourth sta. xnc toctio,' JWO. a. rfwwi WM. YOUNG A Co.—Dealm In leaUar hide*, An. XO Liberty it.' _««££- n, UWTCSKnI. ' v " *” WKS, WCUTCBEOH, WhMtoOwcMWtoj . ler. la Proveslron, JtijlfcOl"*. *■“> ™“- bargh Manufactures generally, 153 Liberty st, Pitta burgh. / dcc *—- W -W WILSON, Dealer -in Welches. Jewelry . Silver Ware, MUitary Goods, Ac., No. 57 M*r tat atT / i P°y7_ t-wh. tiMbeintt” attobhky at law, / i Butler. Pa -fl WOJs also attend tocolleetioa* and all otierbuxl- Bftt t trailed to him tn Butler and Armstrong „ u!H bc[tyi W.W.Wallace, do I- u JameaHanhall do mtuburgh. dir- Kay ACo-,Woodst. I : T ~~Z >KTIIOBIW * CO., . ST II AM BOAT AGENTS lysttfgfiEL OrrmasorxM. AtxxtiACo, < -gfSMggw 00 *i No. *g Water itreeL HOTELS POVRT&IB HOTEL. LIGHT STREET BALTIMORE. toon aro *buwto* raonuxrow. a THIS establishment long and widely known aa ■being one of the most commodious in the city oh Baiunoro, baa recenUy undergone eery extra-, alee alteration* and improvements. An enure new' wing has been containing numerous and airy sleeping apartment*, and extensive bathing room*. TheLadiei' department haa also been completely reorganixad and fitted up in a me runlque and beauti ful style. In fact the whole arrangement of the House baa been remodeled, with a tingle' eye on the part.of the proprietor*, toward* the comfort and pleasure of their Guests, and whieh they-confidently assert will challenge comparison with any Hotel in the Union. Their table will alwaya be supplied with every sub ■unial and luxury, whieh the market affords, served up ina superior style; while in the way of Wines, Ac., they will not b* surpassed. - In conclusion the proprietors beg to say; that nothing will be left undone on their parted on the part or their wi«, in render this Hotel worthy the continued nalrooaae of their friends and the public generaUy. prices for board have also been reduced to the foU °lsS| r ' a Sdinary, •j.™ P« dI T- Gratlem Wagon of the Hoot* will a!- wJrs bo Steamboat Landings, ■ZSStwIU convey baggage to and from theUoidjfrw ef charge-' . L—— ' - y f HMAB.TIM— . MMn aw »ob*th awn 9WAXT CTlim, fJTIISPI* J_«T Tire »al»*c fiber re*pccilally announce* tin '«■ keha* now opened hi* new and excellent Jlote 'wM-r a £~~i«tb»n of traveler*, boarder*, iSnonJlY. The boa«e*nd lurruture * nd new*and no pain*or expense have been. P*!^** 101 wlfhjrUdete rm lnf d to deserve, and there* JSSfigl**** Proprietor. oetl4-dXy — * === ■ ■ ~* J Brick Woik«<or»fcl«. foraale, the STEAM BRICK THEanbaerlber onett cotnpminc a WORKS, *£°m“ U™d JUeJifoe, capable of k# (081 . o fjry e i a y wilh Hiree acre* of utaken from ike.hank,) 4 kiln* and Iwd on iheAUeghcuynTi on whec!biJTOW4j track*, ibeda. machine »Pd cltt / regniilto to com •horela, ipade*, Ac., noSre. i’rirc, including me nee operation* at an bonra nou • __mrw«9Baa of to p.KnVnjM w me Fo, rin^gk where lie will be jileeeed loleo tin oil ceiien en and friend*. . • : Charch,Steamboat,and Bella of 6***7 to 10,000 poaa da. e*M from pattern* of the mo«t appror ed models, and warranted to be of-tbebeit materials. - Mineral Wale r Rumpa,Counters, *®S®* therwitheterr variety ofßra** Casting*, u retjoiren, tamed and ficlthedin the neateit maimer. A. F. U the sole proprietor of Baearr’s Asn-Aww* nos M»*i,eo jnttijr celebrated for tho reduction, or frietion in machinery: The itoiea and Composition can bo had of him ai all ilu>. . JaSOtlf INSURANCE. LIFE INSURANCE! Trenton Snlnal life lniorante Company »iin or .nxxn’a tavcoo 25 m corr. Capital. *150,000. JAMES DKHNO A CO., A*cnu « PilUb»r s h, I'u Bonn or muctioa, ai Junes Hoy. Jr* ( Benjamin rub. | John A. Wear*. , Jonathan FW imrTOiK. Coraptrollerof New York. George Wood. JobnF.Mackie. , David Dudley field. Joseph lloilc. , irxw Ilia Exc. Got. Uainei- W. L. Dayton, U. 8. Sen. G. D. 'Wall, Ex-U. 8, Bea- Ex*Gov. 81. Diekeraon. , , MEDICAL 1 A. Sidney Dome, M. D 34 Warren it, N. Y. Wm.M’K. Morgan, M- D-,, George M*Coofc, M. IX, . . . . Piluburghi Fa. I The Arena of thi» Company, at Ptuaburgh. are auth orized to take every iret dui n»k on Lite at a rtJue tibn frcr tcni. Irons the urual rale* of pre mium at charged i>y!oQier Cotnpanlea. : m»IX A man 3D yen* of ; age, taking a Tolley ©(.lnsurance for One Thousand Dollars— To run far ano year, pay* only »,SO. do seven “' “ •* 810#)—annually, do Lifetime, “ “ 817*0 * And in the nm« proportion for any stun up to 86000, which Is the extent taken on any one life. This company commenced operations on tbe I si Oct., ISIS, and its monthly business up to the Ist Ocu, I*lo, shows a progress czcttding that of any other Life Com paq* on record. The first dividend of profits will be declared to the assert don the Ist January, 1930.' Pamphlets containing the various tables of rates, and alt the necessary information on the important subject of Life Assurance will be furnished on appti cation to JAMES DCRNO A CO., Agents d;l7 * Odcon Building*. FIRE IHadtASCB. r IE TRENTON MUTUAL IJFE AND FiRK IN SURANCE COMPANY Will issue Policies oNo snranee against Loss oa Dasuoaby Fra*,npon Dwell ings and Furniture, Stores^Goods. Ae., Ac- on appli cation US JAMES BURN 6 A CO, Agents, dct7 Odcon Buildings. .HEALTH ISSURABCKt at Flttibargh. Tbe BpriQg Garden Health Insurance Co., OF PHILADELPHIA CAPITAL HOOpoo, INSURES Males and Females against the Expense and Loss occasioned by Sickne* or Accident, by an immediate allowance of from 83 to BSper week, lor-one, two, three, or four year*. The method of effecting this Insurance. and iho manner of awarding the tick allowance, will he fully explained by the Agent. A person eta insare against Siekness or Accident which will detain him from his ordinary business, os follows, viz: For one year, by paying *4,30, and receive (3f week. For two “ “ “ ** 4 * For three “ ** “ “ 5 For fosr u “ 10,*5, “ “ ® u Or, for a period of four yean, the sum of *14,40 paid annually, will secure *s per week while nek. Every necessary information will be afforded on the rbleet of Insurance generally, by JAMES DUBNO A CO, Agents, i ‘Odeotr BuUings. Tlf* ucfßialUi laiurane*. THE Mutual Lire and Health Insurance Company of Philadelphia, Incorporated by the LcgUlatnrc or Pennsylvania, March, IH9. Charter perpetual. Capital. 8100,000. Ram lowxu this am Prs;ttTL vaxia Coxrain, and full SO per eent. lower than the usna] rates of Life Insurance, as the following com parison will show: That, a person of the age ol 3tf in suring for 8100 for We, must pay in the Girard 88,35 Pennsylvania, 88/30, Penn Mutual, 88,36; Knuhatilc, 81W; New England, 83J8; New York Life, Al bion, 88,49; life and Health, Philadelphia,#!,#!. Dtaacroas.—Samuel 0- Orrick, Charles D. Hall, W. P. Boone, Robert I*. Hint. Charles P. Haves, M. W. Baldwin, M. M. Reeve, M. Chi*. O. B. Campbell, Lewis Cooper, I. Rodman Barker, JilLßatlcr, fcdwm a. Cope- President—Samuel D. Orrick; Vice Presi dent—Robt. P. King; Secretary—Francis Blaekbumc. Applications will he received, and every information riven by SAML. FAHNESTOCK. A*t, Office, Commercial Kooms. comer of Wood and Third «t*. Pituburgb PEOTBCTIOS FXIUC AND MARINE4N9URANCECOMPA nTryir NYOF HARTFORD, CONN. U3a|Z» ' CEOOtfOXATXS IX lßtiA Annual Premiiras, Capital Stock, and Surplus Fund, 91,000.000. This old and responsible Company continue* tn I*- *ue policies on.the noil fuvoraMe term* on Dwelling ] loiises, Household Furniture, Stores, Stock* of Goods, Wurehehsesund eontenu; Mill* and Manufactories, Ac. Ac-, against LOSS OR DAMAOEBY PIJtE- Alio, on -Goods, WaJe* and Merehandiie, again*! tbebuardsoflHLannTtiJamrraTtos, and open the Cargoes of Sea Vessels. J t . . . The Protection Itunmaea Company having, in foe last t£ years, paid **at mmiossof notnaas at their sevrral agencies throughput foe United Slate* and foo British Provinces, barn established a iurt reputation for solvency and fair dealing, which challenge* eom puison with any other insurasee' company on the CuuttJii.muf A TIT,rh * — -*~' <rhß * ga ** g| l CJUaer-fTOa an article os the subject of Insurance Companies, taken frocr the “New York Day Book,” exhibits briefly the Handing and policy of the Company. , '•lhe •moneyed men’of the ancient and always pros perous city of Hanford, have for half a century b*-cn famous throughout tho Union for the care, discretion, rigid honesty,and unvarying success. with which they' have formed and managed corporations of this de icrin'.ion, No Hsrtford Bank or Insurance Compauy has ever- foiled! These CompaaJe* have for more than a whole generation scattered iheir risks nt near ly every-Sute of the Union, and have never failed to pay the innumerable leases whiea they have insured' **AII losses arising upon policies issued by the under signed, will be promptly adjusted and paid at the Gen-- end Agency office, located at Cincinnati, O. A large I portion of the funds of the Company, (including all premiums received at the Western agencies,) isdp posited with the General Agent of the Company at Cincinnati, for (he payment of Western andl Southern losses. Apply to FAYCTTK BROWN, Agent for foe city of Pittsburgh, and for Allegheny conmy. octflidtot ' IBBdKAXOK. mHE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSU- I RANCECOMPANY.-7<KBce. North Room of the and other property in Town and ooobtzt, uunicd against loss or damage by fire at the lowest rate of premium. ■ Mason liwnuac*.—‘They also insure Vessels, Car goes and Freight*, foreign or coastwise, under epenor special policies, as the assured may desire. LaikaTiaJtsPptxaTwn.—They also insnre merchan dise transported by Wagoas, Railroad Cars, Canal Boat* and Steam Boats, on river* and lakes, on the moat liberal terms- ,' _ . ‘ DIRECTORS—Joseph 11. Beal, Edmund A. Bonder, John C Davis, Robert Burton, John R Penrose, Bantu, el Edwards, Geo G Lciper, Edward Uarliriglcn, Imoc R Davis, William Folwell, John Ncwlia, Dr R M Hus ton, James C Hand, Tbeophilus Paulding, 11 Jones Brooks, Henry Sloan, Hugh Craig,Ueorge fiernll, Spencer Mellvaln, Charles Kelly. J G Johnson, VVI Uam Hay, Dr S Thomas, John Sellers, Wm. Eyre, Jr. DIRECTORS AT PITTSBURGH—D. T. Morgan, Wm. I*mic, n 0. .& MARTINI e „ d.»L pirrrun S. NrwsoLD, Secretary. ITT Offiee of the Company, No. 49 Water streei, PitßnifS. |3*dtf_-L P- A. MADEIRA, Agent. PIRE AND BARISB IjraCBABCB. TUB INSURANCE CO. ol North Ameriea will make permanent and limited-insurance on pro perty In thiaeitvand vicinity, and on shipmenu by Canal, Rivers, Lake*, and by Sea. Tho properties of this Company are well invested, and famish an avail able fund for the ample indemnity of all persons who desire to be protected by lasaranee. ervia WM. P. JONES. Agent, 44 Water »t. Ths Franilin Fire liiturcnue Co. of PkilatUlpkia. DIRECTORS.-Charles N.Bancker. Thomas Han, Tobias W ugaet, Samuel Grant, i«oob .IL Smith, Oe«.W Richards, Mcrdecai D. Lewis, Adolpho fc. Doric, David 8. Brown, Morris £»««»“• . * ftnnii N. Bascid, President. Charles 0. Baneker, Secretary. . . Continue to make insurance, perpetual or limited, on every description of property In im « country, at rate* as low u arc consistent with seenrity. To Company have reserved a large contingent Fund, which with their Capital and Premium*, safely invent ed, afford ample protection to the as«J»£ ■He UMti of the company, on , January Ist, IM9, aa published agreeably to an art of Assembly, were «w fellows, via; 31,0(7,(38 41 Temporary Loans § •1,329,492 71 OlEeoN Keorn*!r\%ooaaJJd3u*u ®SiSSu,^nir™« T i u, -rccj« .PP' i: cationa Far innnrance, on w l blc . h s°'‘ which will hr according to Ihcir proro.al. ■“£ £££ Woo.] »*dc known lo npplieuu «l hia "“"'(.Sell® AN. Htcct. «pu ._ - _ .„„ p"3SSs“S'|£Vse : mpjs&jmszs. :e house, In Ihe W.reboo.e of W 11. Uotao. * 8.0., JrT 7 Wmiet near Market ctreet, PKUuargh. fifiliiSllgi fSiiSni; itaeouSdeiKe “ d >’S n ’ , S!tow«« m's?’™- SL?SSS?t,U£SSI “»& ssff^s^jaaWjsaif'S operation of Its eboncr 1* coaitaotly yielding to eub penon lit.orad bio due_obcw of tte profile of tbo company, without Invol.in* UmraartJ rcopoaoibility whatever, and therefore “ WSJMgJ tbe Mutual principle diveoled of every ClpnllOß* lute, and in iumod attractive form. HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS. b'oobd *• co.. 0 (Saeeeisor* to M'Cord & King) fHL FMhi«k»M« H» tl *W D TT OSrtur of Wood <mi F'M PAETICUIoAH apesttaa paid to oarßetaU Trade. Gentlemen can rely upon getting their Hat* »&“ can» from onr establishment ofthe nn m«auu ana of. the LITXST ittub, and at the hovnst Merchants, pawhasinf by wholesale, w? resneetfally lathed to call and examine oar Stoer, a* : « can tar with con&deace. that as regard* mtixn gjssffisa^r a, ‘ n * w, 2b,7 ,r PITTSBURGH’ TXTESDAY MOIfNING, JANUARY L . COPARTNERSHIPS. Dissolution of I'arlwrsUip. BY MUTUAL CONH'NT this day, the »m*t Uaiew- Coro existing under itm stylo of lllloHVjlobD A LKADKR, has been ilis.«Uedf.y Henry lfV c ,? ing his enUra interest In said firm !*■ Jolui I Hiitiill A I business connected with tb« Hr in of liusbftslil A I au4> er will he soiled by 8. U. Uuahfield A On-, Wj ,rt f*Pj duly authorised to make all cftHeeilun* claims. m»*mnri.u a i.kawiil Pittsburgh, Oct. f?, IMl&* taixros, jtxw nun. Joseph C. Potts, PrePu 0. A. Perdicniif, V. I*. Ri Morris, Secretary^ c. Treasurer. N. U.—a. n. HUBIIFnUJ> A UO. will continue U p wholesale and retail Dry Goods nml Gruoary business, at the old store mom, No.’ ; W Liberty *l, where they will bo pleased to have their friends and cu.inuiors call and examine ibeir stock of aooda. oejl tt, H. nUHIiriKI.U A 00 FQtIAOKLFUU. Hon. James Campbell. David H. White. UIIIUIHMHHI THE partnership of the undersigned, under the firm of llagalcy a Mrflith, was dissolved by Biutugl consent on UtfVh September, W, Hagoley t.urrbitniyg the interest of J. R. Sumh', who retires. Tuo ImslbcSfc of the firm will bo settled by their successor*, Wui. Bagatoy A Co., at Nifs. IB and IW Wood sL William iiaoalky, Pittsburgh, Oot. H, M 9. ISAAC 11. SMITH Alexander Comnuntts. W. J. P. White, P, W. Ex*Gov. Vrootn. Isaac WUdrick, M.a Wm. A. Newell. M. C. lion. 8. IL Hamilton. XAMINERS. \V. W. Gerhard, M. D. 30t Walnut IL R. Bell, M. D . Allegheny eity, Pa. CO-PARTNERSHIP.—Win. Uagaley having ass®- ciaicd with him Wm, 11. Woodward of Phllaiieliiliiß, John ft. Cosgrave arid Ralph Uagaley of Pittsburgh, will continue ih* Wholesale Uronary Business, at No* li and to Wood si, under the firm of WM. UAGALKY A CO., Pittsburgh;, and HAUALEV. WOODWARD k CO,, I’kllsd'a. oetO Dissolution ofCo-Porinarthtp, rpilK co-partnership heretofore existing between the X subscribers, under the style of Brown A Culbert son, was dissolved on the Ist tost, by mntusl oansen). M. 11. BROWN, Pittsburgh, Oct. ft, 18AU. The subscriber wit) continue the Wholesale Groce* nr and Commlf lion Basinets, aa howto fore, at ilia old aland, Hi liberty it. oetd A.CULBERTSON, *. ycaira. • *»■<•— SCAIFB * ATBISBOS, Fit am- axtwxra Wood asd Maun, Ptrmcson, /"WNTINUK to manufaetnre all kinds of COPPER, l_/TIN AND SUEET IRON WARE. Also, Black eunth Work. Steam Boats built to order. Swetal attention /Iren to •team boat work. Have on band* anno assortment of Copper ana Brail Kellies. Tin Ware, Ac. Ac. Uicamboal Cooking titpves, I'onable Forges, various *Uc*— a very eonveuient ar ticle for steamboats, California emigrants, ©r rail road companies. We would tei others to call an purchasing elsewhere. Diiiolttlloft of'TutMrshfjh milß copufincrihip of HENRY IIANNEN ikCO., X formerly Hannen, Muller fc Co- in the Window *A ColoreaGlus basinets. is this day dissolved by the withdrawal of Mr. Frederick Muller. . TOe business will be continued by the ttdersifned, under the firm of HENRY HANNEN A 00. Wire house No. ICWSecond st, where we will h»T««es>t*B! supplies of superior Window Gists. • . JOHN HANNEN, , HENRY HANNEN, HUGH ROBERTSON,. Pi'»«buryb. Auk. 87, *49. KKNRY IJMyrKA^^ Cop4rta«rfUp< THE undertUrncd Csve thl» d*T uaociued with the® in btuineis JACOB L. SCHWARTZ,tad will con e the borweia as heretofore, under the firm of B. a. FAHNESTOCK A CO. )yi3 Jttlf a,JS43. m|IE partnership herein lb re existing under the firm' I ofA. AC. BRADLEY, Ddissohredby the decease oiMr. C. Bradley. H» bathes* will be carried on by A. Bradley, wu> will settle the butinrs* of the late REMOVAL—A. Bkadlxt has removed hi* Poandry Warehouse from No. 113 Second street, to No.'J® Wood street, between First and Second street* 10 the warehouse lately occupied by O. A. Berry, where he will keep constantly on hands general assortment of | Casting*. Grates, Stores, Cooking Store*, Ac. jyt3 Dissolution. THE eo-pannership heretofore existing between the subscribers, in the name of Constable, Burke A Co., I* this day disMlved by mutual contest. Messrs. Barke A Barnes will settle the business of the con cern, for which purpose they are authorised to as# the name of the concern. NATi 1 ANIFX CONSTABLE, EDMUND BURKE. THOMAS BARNES. . Hie undersigned hare this day associated themielTes m the name of BURKE A BARNES, for the purpose of manufacturing Fire Proof Safes, Vault Doors, Ac. Ac., at the «taod of the late firmnf Constable, Burke A Co., where they will be pleased to receive the pa tronage of the customer* of that house and their mends. EDMUND BURKE, THOMAS BARNES. |n retiring from the firm of A Co-, I with sincere pleasure reeonuueud Me*»r».Burke_A Dantes to the confidence of my friend* and the public. Feb. 0,1«4D. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE febIA-dtf FORWARDIMI & COMMISSION. a. i. sroan. Tttoa A smt* STUART A SILL, Grocers, and Produce and Com mission Merchants, No. 118 Wend «t.. Pittsburgh. Dealers In Groceries, Floar.Whest, Rye,Oats. Coni*- Itariey, Pork, Bacon, Butter, Lard, Cheese; Glover, Timothy and Flax Seeds; Iron, Nails, Glass, Ac. Ac. Ac.' Particular mtientioa paid to the sate of Western ‘ &iyer4~A~ TfnnlCT, cell A Co., M’tnlJs A Roe, Hampton, Smith A CO4 James May, King A Moorhead, Pittsburgh. Fenner A M'Mill an, Massillon. Jos. S. Morruon, Esq., St. Louis. sprJfltty roa.t a. caais. late of N- Lisbon, O. w. u. sttsuo CRAIG * biuhker, GENERAL AGENCY, Commission ami Forward ing Merchants, No. Ufl Market »t, Pittsburgh, Pa- suention given to the purchase and «ale of all kinds of Produce. Berea to— John Wall A Co., Murphy, Wilson A Co. Pittsburgh, Pal Lawsoii A Hill, Mahlou Marlin, WelUville, O.: John 11. Brown A Co., Gngg, Elliott A Co-Philadelphia; B. W. Snodgrass A Co., Gregg A Nace, New Lisbon, O ; Fr. Skinner, Hon. C. D. Co bid, Cincinnati; J. P. Keller, Youngstown, W. L. Rian* dart, Cleveland, O. auggl Commission and Forwarding Merchant* gn. 36 wood mTsscacn, CONTINUES to transact a general Commission busi ness, especially in the purchase and sale of Ameri can Manufactures and Produce, and in receiving and forwardiiig Goods consigned to his cue. As Agent for the Manufactures, he will be constantly supplied with the principal articles of Pittsburgh Manufacture at the lowest wholesale pnees. Orders and consignments are respectfully solicited. i 9? p«nn Okoblß* Shop* HWIGHTMAN— ManifacUirtT olall kinds of c*t> , loa&nd woollen machinery, Allegheny city. Pa, Tbe above work* being now in fell and aaeeciifil op eration, 1 am prepared to exe«*t* oifer* with dknateh for all kind* of machinery in *y lice, txeh aa willow*, picker*, spreaders, card*, grinding rauline*, railway*, drawing frame*, ipeodctt, thtsiril*, loom*, woolen card*, dohble or*insle,for mejehantor country work, mule*, jack*, Ac.; slide and band lathes and tool* in gen eral. All kinds of aborting madatoordef, or plans giv en for-gearing factories or mills at reasonable charge. Burii to—Kennedy. Child* A Co-, Ulackitock, Dell s. Cn.. Kino. Pannock it Co* Jas. A. Gray. . tomtfmsr JOHN D- M’CREARY, Printing Ink Manofaetarer, No I *. 331 and 333 Stanton street, NE>V.yoßK—De* P»t No. 3 Spruce street—Would call the attention of rioter* u» hi* Improved Printing Ink* of varion* kind* and order*? at tbe following price* : Rxua fine Jet Blick, for Card and wood Cuts - !- 83 00 and 3CO per lb. Fine Book Ink • 075 “ 100 *' Book nk • - . 040 “ OSO New*lnk • old oao “ Ota Rneßedlnk -75 c 100 1W « 3(w Bloc, Yellow, Green and White 75c 1001 50 ' Gold size hi 83 per lb, and Bronze at SO, 75 cts and 61 perox. . , A fpeeimen of New* Ink ean be *een On this paper. For tale by JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, Pittsburgh, Pa. C. Morgan A Co. Cincinnati, Ohio. Morton A Grlswould, Louisville, Ky. j'a MBII W^VfbODWiiiLL. modern and Anliqne Fnrnlturt, 83, THna Siaxxr. Ptttsscxbh. JH__ suitable for Steamboats, GHHi Hotel* and private dwel ling*, constantly on hand and made to order. The present stock on hand cannot he exceeded by any manufactory In the western country. Persona wishing to purchase would do well to give me a call, as lam determined my prices shall pleas*. Part of the stock consists in— Tete a Tete; Buffet Euqele; Louis XIV Chairs; Qneeo Elizabeth chairs; Tea J’oyse: ' Fruit Tables; Toilet Tables; Louis XV Commoder; French Mahogany Bedsteads: Piano Stools; SO sofas with Fluyh and Hair-cloth covers; U) Mahogsny Rocking Chairs; 40 dox Parlor do 30 u Fancy - do 2S cefltie Tables; •jO pair Diranar. 4 pair pier Tablet; IS marble top Dressing Bureaus; 8 Wardrobetjij Secretaries and Book cases; •JO marble lop Wash Stands; 4 pair Ottomans; 8 pair fancy Work Stands; A very large assortment of common chairs and other furniture too numerous to mention. (Ty Steam Boats furnished on Ibe shortest notice, andon the most reasonable terra*. decl3_ Diaphragm Pillsr, fbr Ilydrsat Water* THIS is to certify that 1 have sp; pointed Livingston, Roggcn A Co. Agents for tho sale of Jcnning’* US TAP Patent Dinprahgni Filter, forthecij Ym ties of Pittsburgh and Allegheny. ■ H JOHN GIBSON, Agent, for Walter M Qilison, 319 Broadway, I N.YI g|| Oct. 10,1848. We have been using one of the above articles at ilia office of the Novelty Works for three months, on trial, and feci perfectly satisfied that it 1* a useful invention, and wo take pleasure in recommending them as a use; ful article to all who love pure water. Orders will be thankfully received and promptly executed. wttl9 LIVINGSTON, JIOOGhN A Co lUraralbla Fllterliif Cock, A r FOR PURIFYING WATER, fl Which renders turbid water pure hy yjHjy Mu ring cock, show* a largo deposit impure substance*, worms, Ae. -Thu la the case more or less with all The ReversibleFUlerer i* neat “f not attended with tho inconvenience iaeidut .to other FUierers,** it Is cleansed without toinjyleuched from the water nit>e by merely taming the key or hands sssiS&SkaSSEa topur. inbiunoc. .re wittonlunierewinjllre Filret. P sash.« vTTtv'nVwiNS Shells'—£o qr boxes abaga Cocoa ahelta rec’d and for ilp Lto KStc.sK«,»*n*i drew Dissolution, A. CULUEUTSON. usd aikimoa. sspectfully iorite steam boat men and jiu see oar articles and prices before GEORGE COCURAS, MISCELLANEOUS- l! 4Ui¥ Ct l:s^TTli_ MISCELLANEOUS W Bf Wwil «na Tmu.l l*im«*Hflfc* , w s » «?u Kb PiipdrcU ffj Jti any work m ,j !** I 1 " 12 '’V'*?!’* pan*, wt ailoud lu pur work ptfjuuuH?, »i 4 ‘r’V* 5 famiftii uil) be gjveu iuftgmJt"! l * ».cuip«Mi» gud ou '*& &*ot»ruic4 u»KuypuH«fi «n*t i>oup4 *iJ> siuudaHi'. fiuuji« iu uuiuUu fliuldliuoV.i !<o«M f falll'jw repaired.Naiucipulon luiplii in pill Ik)M>F*> Tbntp tbu» l.sve w«rV m«uiU*»ba>" Jpviicd a»*.uu. **•?.&*: - u&Tit i ixL'uniucr liberty and Wwhl «rw»i mtiurjicrord. iita plTtf tur talc i'laliunii, t-'Juiif «ud OouuUf r.cu|oi,| ftfUi9U|u»liuiprnvuil<|uai>lki L’rt6fc|ujj«Stuve*,i«>r woon ■jul fcoui; tutM hUtvti* or ¥»nou» hH e »i l ariui *w« SSIiSS'oSIS., iKwWiia, A..4H. ’l'J.ry.Uo rqaiutfaoiure ibo UiloUeu ttauaa, wiach ps» '“ c * geiMsittUululttuliHiuu UkO«« bavin* H l« U<«, l*> *>> «J which they would lotpecuully InvUa ibo lire p||ii«p« and |J'n» l*uMiu generally. o««r*«iii Mpi' duaiefi gei AumJIUSn TOJUCOO-IV 1.1 Kttll l|u> ktlaiili.M t>r lli« ally IfuJ's *IIJ tuirally. UHlw fiillowiii* formula 14 in wnvo, wWeh lieiu* cniwlftuW'iou .4*- nikuuittciu»nr», fon I* enamed to uni *1 ea*l- iu store «ni reel from n ero p|ioe»t « : tit ' Ki ,«J .. ia T H ■ li fekfl bn n w «uoii»hi»w s"' *• /tine* M4Miu)ii ait *' jjUUBfUI»B fl»» «• Wlf*bcnu B«{ 4* “nJ l», •* Uob«rl» t flifion 4«i « (Hear Jlurl o*} >• Johu» & Uwli l*i •» Warwick. »upr J»i Pitt Huchina Works *n<i Faundrjr. rtmeoiMU, ra. JOHN WRIGHT 4! Co., we urepared lo build Cotton *u4 Woolen Machinery ofover? desorlptnni, such w Cording Machine'*, HpiimJnp Frames, tipeeden, Drawieg Frame*. Railway Head., Warper*, >re»*lfc* Fram'd, Loom*. Card Grinders, Ac. Wrought Iron Bhanin'r turned! all *iie»ofCaat Iron, Politer, and Hanger* of tho Utesl patterns, slide and bund Lathee, and tool* of all kind*. Casting* of e ' ,e n’ description fumiiMd onehon notice. Pattern* made to order for Mill Gearing, Iron Railing, Ac. Steam I’ino for heat ing Factories, Cat! Iron Window Bush and fancy Cos- Uuga generally. Order* left at Ihe Warehouse of J. Painter A Co., Liberty etreet, will have prompt atten- U °Ref« lo Clackftock, Dell A-Co., J-K. Moorebead A Co., U. R. Warner, John Irwin * Hone, Pittsburgh; O. C. A J. 11. Warner, Steubenville. |aalJ_ IBW COACH P&CTO&T) Atxxonairr. Ml. WHITS A CO., would respectfully inform • the public lhal they hare erected a ebon on Laeoek, between Federal at'd Sandusky street*. They are now making aod are prepared tt> receive order* lor. every description of vehicle*, Coaches, Chariot's, Ha roUChcfc Buggies, Plurton*, Ac., Ac., which from their lour experience in the manufacture af the above-work, andlhofaeililie* they have, they fcelconfideUUhey are enabled to do work on tho most reasonable ternp with those wanting - arucleain their Une. ' Paying particular attention to the selection of mato ri ai», and having none but competent workmen, they hare no hesitation in warranting their work. t>e therefore ask the attention of the public to uu* matter. N. B. Repairing done In the beat manner, and on the most reasonable-term*. jaJtW_ piAlfOßl , , ... THE subscriber offervfor *alc a large and aplendld assortment of rosewood and mahogany gnuid Ac tion Pianos, with and without Coleman’*- celebrated yOvuiMt. guifbuH*" l The above instruments sre war ranted to be equal to any manufactured in this coun try. and will bo sold lower thar any brought from the East. F.BLUME, NolM wood it, £d door above but • N. ScnpjwiU ba taken at par for a few of be above assortment. my? _ WABTRDi Daily at the Baltimore. Philadelphia. new yore. bosrON aSdnkwuhleanv GENERAL AGENCY AND COMMISSION OFFICE. Young MEN In wholesale and retail More*, and other respectable badness, to act as Book-keepers, Sales men, Porter*, Bar-keeper*, Waiters, Farmer*. Cooch rico, Car'Agents, Book and Map Agents, Collector*, Overseen in all branches of business, Ac. » c have at all limbs a large number of good situation* on hand, which nay from aooto GV*X> per annum. Those in want otgjtnition* of would do well to give us a cal Was we have agents in each of the n >ove Cl ues, which will enable u« to place every aPPheant In a mil tabid Mutation at the shortest notice, tv e bavo a large acquaintance in all the above named ciue*, wlurh sve treat will eushleus to give enure-sati«fac lion to att who may favor us with a call. TAYLOR A TAYMAN, No. St) Second rt., between South and (iny. N. B.—Persons living in any part of the U. States, and wishing to obtain a sttuauon in Baltimore, or ci ther of tbeabove cities, will have their warn* imme diately attended to by addressing u* a line. Iposl-paidJ as by so debug they will curtail both trouble and ex pease, which they otherwise would incur by contfng to the city, and seeking employment for themseiv.-s Adilrt..,? TaVuiRATAVMAI,. • N 0 .6!) Second vtrert. jny.’Wy _ Baltimore, M_d BE JN ETT ft. BROTHER, QP ICNSWARE MANUFACTURERS, BlSnSk*A*n*il“* ar FUtatmrßhjjP*. WareA« SINo. 137* Wood itruly l'lliiburgk. mA-v ILLeonstanlly keep on h-uid agood asi wt jSSSJm oiot Ware; of our own manutacture, utd atf * snores kitty. Wholesale and country : far iWT-t\ tots arbyespeelfolly invited to cl ‘ arn-na Aw&.cmselVes, as we are determined to sell UMbra h*gn atfereika Ua ab*_ [nr Orders sani by mall, accompanied by the cash or ity be promptlyattended to. m> 1C TO THK LADIKS—JaiI received, a fall assortraea of gold and silver Thread. Coni and Braid; alio. Spangle* and Bullion, for embroidering and other-or n omental work. Also, gold ond stiver Tassel*, bnngc and Lace. Jewelry of the latest fashions, in great variety. Watches of superior quality und i^autifu, 1 patterns, «nJ t\>r sale at Eastern prices. VV W 'ylbsOJ'i corner Market mid Fourth rts ATUENJEim BATHING VCTABLISH MENT—Open from 6A.M. to U P. M. SBttf® iiath XJeer.u,orO fori dollar. Ladies department open from Stoll A. M. and from 3 to S P. M. . The Refreshment Saloons are unequalled m style attendance. Recherche IccCreurost . toß ia T. M’FALL, Proprietor., ■ ‘ — THK AREOUETEBi TUE attention of the public is rerpecUuUy called to the following certificates: Ma. 8. EaxinS—Having tested • Quantity of OO.a weighed by your Areometer. I find the malt prove* Tour instrument correct; anu recommend the use of 'tt to those going to California, as the best method forob uining tho real vaJae of Gold. Resp.youn. J. B. DUNLLvY.GoIu Beaur. Piusburgb, March H, 1&I9. Prmstraan, March 7,1849. M*. EaxEts—Dear Sir Having examined the “Areo taeu~, n manufactured at your rooms, Ido not hesitate u> commend it ta the use of those' gentlemen who are about removing to California in search of Gold. It give* a'closo approximation to the specific gran ty of metals, and wilt certainly enable the adventurer to ascertain when hi* piaeer U yielding Gold. marld Yours, re*p*y. J- H- M’CLINTGCK. TNDI A'RUBIIEB ust received for the I California Kxpediuon, a ccmpleto assortment of Gum Elastic Clothing, at prices ranging from *V&to H;iO for suit of coal, pants and bat For sale at the Bubbd, ftp«.WlV^ t H p „ ILUp3 Bfoßoagabsla Llvsryßtihls, cfl ROBERT H. PATTERSON haa opejicd large stable on First st, running through to Second st, between Wood and smilhfield the rear of the Mouonsahela House, with an entirely new stock of Horses and Carriage* of the best quality and latest styles. Horses kept at live ry in the best manner. jytWly PITTSBURGH PRHALH INSTITUTE THE Second Session of this Institution, under tho cart of Mr. and Mrs. Gorauas, for the present academic year, wUI commence on the first of Februa ry next, iu the same buildings, No. fti Liberty street Arrangements have been made by which they will be able to furnish young ladies facilities equal to any in the West for obtaining a thorough English, Classt; cal, and Ornamental education. A. full course of rhi lisophicoi and Chemical Lectures will be delivered during the winter, illustrated by apparatus; The de partments of Vocal and Instrumental Music, Modern Languages, Drawifig and Painting, will each be under the care ofacoopeteh; Professor. By closo attention to the matal and intellectual improvement of their pi* oils, the Principals hope lo merit a continuation of the Überol patronage they have hitherto enjoyed. For term*, see circular or apply to the Principals. JaSO-dtf ________ FtTTSBDBOU, ScpL IP, IBIU. MR. THOR. K.HIBBERT:—Dear Sir, Your WRI TING FLUID wo have now been using more than a rear, and on looking over the cutries made by it, we find the color a bright blue Msec. It is pleasant ta write with, flows free, and does not clog the pen like the ordinary inks in use. Wishing tou the ready sale its merits demand, we are, yours JN’i I to For sale, together with Uibbert’s Red Ink. and Ma chine Copy Ink, by B. A. Fahnestock A Co- IL 1* Schwarts, Allegheny City, and by the manufacturer T. K. Hlbbcrt. Druggist and Chemist, corner of Liber ty and Stnithficld sis, Pittsburgh; ocUJ watiuuhVxuiii*. josupa ua-via. wu. *.tu*r PAbHKB, HANNA * CO., (Successors to Hussey, Hnnna A Co.) BANKERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, and dealers in Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Certificates ofDeposilc, Bank Notes, and Specie—Fourth street, nearly opposite the Bank of Pittsburgh. Current run. nef received on depowta—Sight Checks for sole, and collections made on uearly all the principal points iu the United States. The highest premium paid for Foreign and American Gold Advances made on consignments of Produce, ship ped KaM on liberal terms. apt-* GREAT IN VENTKiN!—VALUABLE HSCOVF.RY Patbmt Sxcbixd Jaotaut Ist, 1819. Patent cross-ievfr extension Tables, Sofas, Jiurr<ti 800 l Cases, Writing Desls. LEVFIR OF WROUGHT IRON. ritUß TABLES far surpasstpg every other tn- Tcnlion of the kindnow extant. They con be ex tended irom ten to twenty-fivo feet, and when closed the leaves ate all contained inside; they uro made to all sizes and shapes, and are admirably adapted for Steamboats, Hotels, and largo private families, form ing when closed a complete centre tabic. SOFAB AND BUREAUS—These articles are inval aable, particularly 10. those who wish to econo mise room, and convert a sleeping apartment into a parlor or silling room, at they can be opened and shut ut convenience, and when that, the bedding is enclos ed. A great saving la room oqd rent All the bed steads when elosed form a beautiful piece of furniture for a parlor or sitting room. BOOK OABES—A neat and useful article for parlor or drawing room. WRITING DESKS—Forlaw offices, counting rooms, and other offices; when opened u most convenient bed stead, when closed a perfect Desk and Library alone is visible. All these articles need no recommendation: the beauty oflhe whole isithey are warranted not to get onupf repair. It will be for your interests W call arid examine thn articles, at the manufacturer’* store, No. 83 Third street, Pittsburgh. In addition to the above “"TSH7' U “‘ r tS^wWoODWELL^ FLGTCnBBt uconei. AND FORK SPIBIVB, Cornor Fronlaudl Vine streets. Cincinnati,©. . ORDERS from Pittsburgh for Alcohol, Pure Spirit*, Raw or Rectified Whiskey, wUi bo promptly at ended to' ut lowest..market pried. . mehlKtiy DRY GOODS, &c. PAVST7JS VUKniCn DLASKKTB, WHITE ANP BHOV/N DOMESTIC FLANNELS Xl.rfc u** new! receiving (tom the factory a'large W tiipyly ul £<*>44, which ws Are selling low. ertbsn*uebg«'>de«M*i>*Ud«l*ewbere.lß this erty. V/a hk m aci/is {a Uicac&iflg, ibaltejores tie goods; ? ViMithaxiK^*a*.«.- At ike ware roomd ©fthe I'eyeli* PUnafa* taring Co, MgflbfMW* *» titty, by Mr. John Bean, **■* »d** ** ll<e wo ll s l * w&W ««• , “2ML ' A»*»ie*B"W®o»i*i Ooodsr rn|iE*ubiarU.erbMOH Mud, (r*«*W«< Qg ***_«£? J. season,) eoutigiteri hom the in*nitfaeui«i*,»e «»- (owing Heeds, whir* be i» sutbeflsed loctoMU ynee* very u*wi !Wiji*«:AAyAriirM<BM rß 4K»Aiwgf. «;* Ktfualrs WbitfUed lilaajuu, ribbon !*»«» «* bounds Ui ibe pair - j> . 1 ea*w Ui pairs rstesmboai Blankets; ribbon bousd, * very jpperinr Article. , . 4 etari (tab naUa) Grey Miked Blanket*- 60 paJn Dark (ienuawtia Was Blankets, a VfJ n* perlor article. ; ft cases Grey Arid Blog Blanket Coating.- . 40 nieoes Tweed, titeabcnvilLs make. i c Me MaoO*. ed plain aud barrfcd jeans, Steubenville •ttsanfsetory. Too above foods are alt consigned dlttct (toto tte naker, and will be.told very low fur cash or approved notes. ©ce» n. X.V.vL ay opporite ML_ /*f^AllßCTiiWOT'fias commenced toreeeiv®*. ly, largo assortment of Woolen Ceatfona and lioods; llaskin, Berlin, buckskin and woolen 43 loves, Thibet, cloth,moos de lain and blanket Sbawus; **■» mere, worsted and woolen ltoae; Pongee and unen Hdkfa; silk and satin Cravat* and Bearfs; Cupps and 'Pringea; Irish Linen, Table Covsru, Crapes, Binboaa, Laces, bleached hnd colored Mu situs, Tabby Velvets, Patent Threads, peering Bilk, Battens, Cast Suspen ders, Pins, Percussion Cans, Almanacs, commoa and gold Jewelry, goM and Bifrer Watches, Comba, pock et and' table Cutlery, and many other good* wrnen country and city Merchants are /espectfeUy irrrttea. o examine. v ' CO.* MANUFACTURE and will keen on hand Paauly and Steam Boat Blankets, Domestic Flannels, blue, brown andidrab Blanket Coating, Satinets ana Woolen Yarn, which they will sell at Eastern pooea. Warehouse No Itf Second at; Pittsburgh, Pa. Factory. New Haven, FaTetta co. Pa. sptla ••* S£W OOODe'.' ‘ 1 “ XTTE have Inst received a large and complete slock VV 0 f CLOCKS, Variety ana Fancy Goods, satta ble-for the fall trade, to which,' with every desenptton of Looking Glasshs manufactured at our own «eam power shop In this city, we ask the attention of West ern Merchanis and outer dealers. ..... - 'KENNEDY* SAWYER, tptio corner Wood and Fourth sis DRY QOODB MURPHY, WIL9OI ACO.f . No. 48 Wood St., Prrcsßcaaa, ARB now receiving their uiaal snpptie* of Good* (ortho Foil Wesson, which they will bo happy to exhibit to their old customer*, and u many now ones ns may feci inclined to preseaVthemselves. Always inking great pain* to lay in isch good* u arc adapted to t»« want* of the W e*tejn tTHoe, whicti long experience enable* them to do, they can say with ranch confidence and withoet entering into a detail of their stock, that the Western retail merchant will find with them all that hi* ea*lomer» require. Thou who have formed the unprofitable habit of repairing to the Eastern cities lor their stocks of Dry Good*, would do wall to call, a* a candid companion of on ce* would in many ease* result in the conviction that the expense of gding farther may bo obviated by boy ingin Pituburgh. _ _ c _ TM? atfA r GSfiBTV * WHIfK, DRY GOODS JOBBERS, ta WOOD STREET, ■ Anv. now receiving- a very large stock or ireih Goode, of recent parchase and tmport*noo,waieh ibey will *eilio the trade at sochprlces as cannot fail lo give entire satisfaction. , ,1 . City and Country Merchants are ranted to COR tad examine oar stock before parebosing elsewS—”- my 9 ' ■ REIBINGER, WELLS 4 CO., Manufacturer* of Green Glass Ware, No. 7! Market street, PtU»- burgh. Po- keep constantly on band and mako to or der ati kind* of Vials, Ac. Porter and Mine rat Water Bottle*, of superior quality. Particular attention paid to Private Mould*. nortlMy . _ _ WroughUad OuVirot Raliinc* THE subscriber* -bee leave to inform the public fiat iher have obuineu from the Ea*t aif the law and fashion able designs for Iron Railing, both for touse* ana cemeteries- Person* wishing toprocaro hand some patterns anil please call and examine, and judge for themselves. Railing will be famished at the short est notice, and in the best manner, at the comer of Oyitsnl Oystoral BURKE A CO’S Daily Express is now regularly de livering Can and Shell OYSTERS, -which are of fered to dealer* ami families at the lowest price*. Quality warranted equal to any brought to this mar ket, ami for sale by ... i . C. UIDWELL, Agt, Water it. Al«o—At the following depot*:—Rci« & Bcrjcr, cor ner Smilhfield and Second it*; EcHeaxleton, Diamond} Mercer & Robinson. Federal *t-Allegheny. ocOS uHRR N Woo D~cnQ&ktEK # WILL remain open for visiter* luntil the Ist Janua ry, ledU. Oyster* and other Refreshments lull ed to the season will be kept.. Thfc Greenhouse, con taining a largo collection of rare) and choice Plants, will bo open to visiter*. Boqueis neatly put up at short .notice throughout ths season. An Oagibtt* leaves tbe Allegheny end of the BC Glair Street- Bridge, every half hoar during the day, running to the Garden; and tlie ferry boat, Captain Walker, runs from the Point, landing a ihoildistanee above the Gar den. Parties wishing to spend tbo evening, will be accommodated with a return Omnibus at tOo’eloc* P. M. Kept on Temperance principle*, and closed on unday. *ptl3 J. APKAIN. & KBCQO VAL. and Commission Mer chant, ha* removed to No. tv Front, between Wood ■rM*tfi>tihfi»ld streets. . np -* E have mbs PUMPS, mode on an. unproved plan, 10 u nol to freexe in the coldest weather. Persons wannntr snob article*, an invited to eall and •ee then at SC AIRS A ATKINSON’S, uiriS tat. between Wood Manat st* ’ View, of Pittsburgh. MV TIBW will bo published in as abort a time as possible; and I can assure my subscribers, and the public generally, that it aball be scraaroa— both in fidelity pf detail sad beanty.jofexecntionrr» any oiber whatever. • bet those wbftoonbt, wait ajew »«k..u..1 ice. E WHITEFIELD. New You, Dec. stb, 194ff.-Kdelt I- .. SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF I GIFT BOOKS ABB AIBVALB tor 18B0! TltK GEM OP THE SEASON, with sixteen elegant engraving*; ediledby N.'P. wlljis. • _ The Sacred Annual, a QtA tor all Season*; by H. ' V TUe Floral Keepsake, for 1S50; with forty aix beauti-' ftti colored engraving; edited by J.Keeae. 1 Leaflets of Memory, an lllamwaied Annual foi 1850. Gem* of Beauty, or Literary Gift by E. The Opal, a Pare Gift for the Iloly Para. • , Harvest Gleaning*,—* Holiday Bonk-,—by MJ A. **GmLeavea of American Poetry; edited by R.IW. Griswold. . , , ' The Romance of Nam re, or Poetical Langnage of Flowers: by Thomas Miller. „ , > The Forget-Me-Not, tor 1S50; by Mrs. b. 8. Smith. The Mom Bose, “ by Mrs. E.P. Howard. The Snow Flaks, “ beautifully illustrated. The Chaplet of Literary Cans, with colored engra- Tbo Home Offering, or Glimpses of Home Life; by The Oifl*o7Friendship, a Token of Remembrance. The Hyacinth, or Affection’s Gift, for 1850. Tbo Gem, for 1840; edited by Father Frank.. Apple* of Gold in Pictures of Stiver, by E. B. Eal lows. Flora’s Gem. or the Boqset tor all Seasons; with beautiful embellishments. The Drawing Boom Scrap Book, with seventy illus tration*. , • * • Toe Characteristics or Women; by Mrs. Jameson.- . The Heroines of Shakspeare; with tony fivf engra vings, ftom drawings by eminent aitiiu. ; •• Uibles and Prayer Books, in every style of binding to suit the taste of parchasers. ■ Pqj nig by ELLIOTT A ENGLIBU, No. TP Wood street, between Fourth gc2-j and Diamond alley. &BIOAI.BI ABBT&LBt LEAFLETS of Mcmorr, Lady’s Gift; Gems of the Seasons; Gems of Beanty; Rosselae;Gift ot Friendship; Floral Keepjake: Romance :of Nature; Hyacmch ChilU’sKeepsake; Chruunas Blossoms; Gill Leaves of Am. Pools; . Golden Gift; Friendship's Offering; Poet’s Offering; Ueade's Female Poets of America; The Brilliant; Proverbial Philosophy, ill.; ‘ Sacred Annual* Harvest Gleanings; ’ guow Flake; Keepsake of Friendship; Young Lady’s Offering; Uibles and Prayer Books, bound in vdTCtand too* , occo. with clasps. Beeeived.by JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, deao corner Market and Third sis. FLOUR— ISO bbls in Store and for sale by dclt WM U JOHNSTON, Ilk Second st Chfiiifflu anil New leu’s Appraaetlng! Elegant and substantial books, *aiu nle for the coming holidays, at LOCKWOOD'S; PEARLS OK AMERICAN POETRVi Illuminated l,y v. W. U. Mapleses, Esq., 4 to, elegantly bound in ijark morocco, gill edges, antique style: fli “Some of the papo'ieil effusions of Hoffman, Long* fellow, Bryant, waits, Whittier,-Ilallefck, Sprague, Dana, Mrs. Sigourney, and Mrs. Embury, among oth er*. enrich the volume.*—{Watehman. ; / *• These are printed moat delicately and perfectly, in lithographic German Tell, on Bristol board, each page being framed 1 by a rich illamlnated arabesque bonier, in gold, and colors, with vlgnetts wrought in the borders.”—lComtnercial. • , . , “Tlu» first Illuminated volume thatbas been attempt-, cd on this aide of the Atlanlic-and with regard to the beauty of designs, and the elocution of t&sm, may be mid to rival, if not surpass, any thing of the kind in “LAVS OPTIIE “Love’s Requiem,” by Cfaaneo Fenco Mow; -The Mother of Moses,” by Mrs. Osgood; . Land or Dreams” by WbL C.. Bryanti’‘Lee* in the Cup of L?K” by Mrs. 8. G. Howe; “Tko Night C°®eth.’ hr Mp3t.-w.niw* ••Tho Tournament at Acre,” by IL W. tlniS Pindar; “Wcithip,” b “Th» Chiia’i by Sin. Em py mis* i>*y»r i illuminated in thn most anperb »” d printed in Kc'd, .H.br. '.nd eclOTii bound in morocco, 1 .ivler-fomtng tho most elegant and re cherche took X kind over produced tnlhi. con«- try. Price, Bid. F jAMESii). LOCKWOOD; dclB Bookseller and Importer. 63 Wood at - . Saw Books. * nvsTEM of Anoient and Mediceval Geography, A tot torasc of Schools and Collegia; by Charles of Spanish Literature; byGeo.Titknor. 3 t received. , . t . > » The Whale and his Captives; or the Whaleman’s Adventure*, and the Whale’s Biograpby, as gathered in the Homeward Cruiso ‘Hjornmodore by Rev. Henry T.Cbeew-' - .... . ChalawPa 4 m!*. Just teeM br i; I JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, ,dc» js ■- comet Thlrdand Market sts. CJ IQ tfTa&d «hoatimaßlU<B OF EXCHANGE, p»jr- O St Leal*, par- Sued on die iaott Atonkle Km - V' 1 - - N.UOUOS4SONB. MEDICAL. : ■ ■ CAonira sxtba. !••• A bus by «boA«in« of JHUEb GUAFP hu earned wiih a yoon; nua of the name of S.‘P-To>wn*eno] and ®J* M» name to not op :a fiartapanfla, which Sarsaparilla, denominating u UENDiftti Opgiaal, etc, Tail Townie ad* i noape tor and oernjni, bss w»» formerly-a worket on ,‘raß* load*, caaali, and iho; like. Yet’ be aesame* tbautle f l of wining eredir forwhal he l» *«. lie. U aeadiM ooi cardekeaded .“Tnckavif ~ w hich £e lays. 1 hare told the nse of ray *raraeTor«7aweek. 1 vriUtfr* 8- P.Towoaena SWO *fhe will produce one tingle solitary proof,of. tbit— •Tbu uto caßiioatbepabuenotto be deceived, and jttrchaje nmie bm the GENUINE ORIGINAL OLD SJfV Sanapaiilla, haviag oalt the Ola Dr. ■ likeneas, his family coat of anal, and hid sis* aataroecToathaeoaxofaraar /. - | JACOB TOWNSEND. Priaelpal O&ce, 103 Ntuu «, New Yotk City. OU> I DOOTOtt , UCOB JOllfitalD,'' TUB OtICINAL MfcSM. - DISCOVEEIPIR. . TOWS**VD IABIAFiBIUAj Old Dr. Townsend is BOW abbot fllyearsAf age. *ad < haslon* been knows>as. the AUTHOR andDISCO VERER ef the GENUINE ORIGINAL “TOWNSEND SARSAPARILLA.” Toeing poor,' ire *u compelled to laaatU BiMtftrtßteif'by wMea-meoaa It hu been kepi out of market, m tho sales circumscribed 10 thon only who bod proved its worth and known its value. This Guana abb UnqcaiAKß fwainaa U tnanofaetared on the largest scale, and la called &r thramrfaottt Oio Kaxth ua bretdft of tba lead.' . UaUxs jreong is. F, Townsend’*, U improves with age, and sever changes, lint tat the better: -because n is prepared on oelenuSopfiSfliptes bjr n scisntiie nun. The highest.knowledge of Chemistry, nod:the latest discoveries ofthe Art, have aB been brought intpre <pt«ti(a* \tftWm the Old-Dr. 1 * Sarsapa rilla. The fiansparilJa root, it is well known to med-' leal men, contains Bmdidnal properties, and seme ps>*. pertles which are inert-, or useless; and other*, which, If retained in preparing it for nee, produce ferment** tion and acid, which Is injurious to the system. Some, ofthe properties of Sarsaparilla are so. volatile us! they entirely evaporate arid are lost in the prepaxa* tton, if they are not preserved by a selentiflb process, known only to those experie&eed in its muuuactare. Moreover übse volatile principles, which fly offln w per, or as an exhalation, vnder beat, are the very es sential medical properties of the root, which gives to It all its value.'The* _ • OLD DR. JACOB TOWNSEND’S SARSAPARILLA Is so prepared; that all the inert properties of the Bar* sapifilia root are first removed, every thing capable of becoming acid or of fermentation, is extracted and rejected; then every partiele ofmedleal virtue is seeu* red.ina pure and eoneentrated torn; and thus Itll rendered inespahle of losing any of Its valaableaai healing properties. Prepared in this way, it is cwoer the most powerful agent in the : CURE OP INNUMERABLE DISEASES. Hence the reason why we hear commendations on every sidn in its favor by men, women and children. We find h doing wenders in' the cure of Consumption, Dyspepsia, and Liver Complaint, and in Rheumatism, Scrofula and Piles, Costiveaess, all Cutaneous Erup tions, Pimples, Blotehea, and all affection* arising from IMPURITY OP TUB BLOOD. It possesses a marvellous elSeaey in all complaints arising from Indigestion, from Aeidity ofthe Stcmaeb; from unequal circulation, determination of blood to the hoad, palpitation ofthe heart, cold feetand eoldihands . coldenillsaadhot flashes over the body. It has not had its equal in coughs andcolds; and promotes easy 1 expectoration,' and gentle perspiration, relaxing strie tore of tha lkng*> throat, and every otberpart But In nothing is its excellence more manifestly teen and acknowledged than in all kinds and stages of; : - . FEMALE COMPLAINTS. It works wonders In cases of floor albtu or whites, Foiling ofthe Womb, Obstructed, Suppressed, or Pain ful Meases, irregularity of the menstrual periods, and the like;' and is effectual in caring all forms of the Kid ney Diseases. By Temovmg'obsuruetioas, and regula ting the general system, it gives tone and strength to the whole body, and cures allibrms of NERVOUS DISEASES AND DEBILITY, and thus prevents 01 relieves a great variety of other diseases, os Spinal Irritation. Neuralgia, feu" Vans Dance, swooning, Epileptic Fits, Convulsions, Ac. is not this, then,rax ftlsmcm tow Pax-Emax-mv Naso! • But can any of these things be said of 8. P. Town- send’s interior article! This young jnan’s liquid is uot to be . COMPARED WITH TOE OLD DR.’S, , because of the Grand Fact; that the one 1# Incapable of Deterioration and NEVER SPOILS, while theoih er DOES; it tours, ferment*, and blows the bellies containing it into fragments; tie sour, acid, liquid ex ploding and damaging other goods! Must not this hor-. rible compound be poisonous to the system? Vfhat! put aeid.imo a system already diseased; with pod! tVhet cause* Dyspepsiabutacid! Do we not all know, that when food sours in our stomachs, what mischiefs'' it produces!—flatulence, heartburn, palpitation dfthe. heart, liver complaint, diorThma, dysentery, cholic and eorroplibn of the blood? What is Scrofolabut anacid humor iu the body? What produeesall the humors which bring on Eruptions of the Skin, Scald Haul, Salt Rhrtun,Erysipcias, White Swellings, Fever-Sores, and all ulcerations internal and external? His noth ing under heaven but an aeid substance, which sour*, and thus spells nil this fluids ef the body, more or'Jess. What causes Rhexmatism bat a sour acid fluid, which insinuates itself bet ween the joints andelrewher^,.ir ritating and inflaming the tender and delicate tissues upon which it acts? So ef nervous diseases, of Impa rity ofthe blood, of deranged circulations, and ndarly all the aliments which ofiuct human nature. i ' Now, isitcothomhle to make and tell, and mfliure ly worse to uw this 2 OSUBING, FERMENTING. ACID “COMPOUND 1 OFS. P.TOWNSEND! . ■ . f : and yet he would fain have it understood that Old Ja cob Townsend’s Genuine Original Sarsaparilla, U-aa Imitation of his inferior preparation!! ' ~ Heaven frrtmrthsr -t- an uittol* which would bear the iport distant rcscmblaaceio Sr P. TpvruMcd’s artielsl and which should bring down upon the OldDr.sueh'amoshtala lend of complaints and criminations from agents who have soldiwud pur chasers who havo used s. P. Townsend’s Fcfflnmung Compoand! ■ ' r J - : ’ -- •‘"f. Wo wish it understood, because it is the ob«hrte troth, that S. P. Townsend’s article and Old Dr. Jacob Townsend's Sarsaparilla are heaven-wide infinitely dissimilar; that they are unlike in every par ticular, having not one single thing in common. ! It is to arrest frauds upon the unfortunate, Uo’ponr balm into wounded humanity, to kindle hope in the despairing bosom, to re store health and bloom and vi gor into the crushed and broken and to banish infirmi ty—that old DR. JACOB TOWNSEND has SOUGHT and FOUND the opportunity and means to brink his Gaann UNIVERSAL CONCENTRATED REMEDY, within the reach, and to the knowledge of all‘who need it, that they may learn and know, -by joyful ex> perience,ittTxa»cKSßxxTrowxßn>uxai.|. , j For tale' by J.'KIDD &CO-, Wholesale Agent for Western Pennsylvania; J. SMITH, Birmingham! Dr. J. SARGEANT, Allegheny; Dr. J. CASSELL, iFilth ward, G. W. GARDNER. 6th ward, Pittsburgh, gpu) mdßlßlLSßroirfißQLAflD Vdtn tor taie X it* property in the city of Pittshiurgh, situated at the comer of St. Clair street and Duquette Way; hav ing 194 feet oa 8l Clair street, S4l reel on Doqaesno way. and S<o feet on Barker’s alley. ; This property contains OVER ONE ACRE of Valu able ground, is susceptible of a subdivision would prove highly profitable Jo one wishing to ft-sall in building lots os the usual tixe, ortnimprorL. A planet tho subdivision can b« esen at the office Ofthe undersigned. . . .. 1 ' " On the property are erected five substantial Brick Building* on St Clair street,. (Inetadlng (he tavern known as the “Red Lion,”) a number of smaller Build ings on Duquesae Way and Barker’s alley (partly ©c enpied by Townsend, Carr&<&,).and the atablss at tached to the tavern. 1, The rental is tSSOO per 1 unnum- and the property but •ne third improved, 1 Apply to 11. B. WILKINS,— defli Attorney at Law. Fourth street . Haw Books Just ikrrtvadi j DACRED SCENES AND CHARACTERS, byiJ.T. O Headly, with original designs br Dariey. . [ The Poems and Prow Writings of R. 11. Dan% Physician, and Patient, or aPxactieal View of the Moral Dutiej, Relations and Interests of the Medieal . Profession and the Community; by W. Hooker, M. Ik Tho Paritsn and itisJJsughicr by J. K. Paulding, author ct the Dutchmsa’s Flresiae. I Lot Gringoo, or an Inside View of Mexleo and Cal ifornia; wlm Wanderings in Peru, Chili and FolyAetia; bylicutWlw. ' ‘Forsaleby T . ddl ELUOTT A ENGLI3IL 70-Wbof at - Sow Is thi tlsu to Bsfeufllu. /"OFFICE of Scott 4 * Reprint* of tboFoor Qairwr* \J lies and Blackwood; <lO per year, v Mom* ft Willi*' Home Journal, pabUsbod in Now York weekly; 83 per annum. • Downing** HomeilturaiUt, menihlyj <3 per *y“r Invaluable.. ; The Cultiraior, moathly; tl per annum. ; The AgTieoUaralirt,womhly}#lperyear. - t Tie Democratic*Berlew, monthly; sapextnnfcaa. The BiokerV Magazine, do $5 do J JAMES DLOCSWOO?, jaal ,1 Boofcadlcr A Importer, OVToopt ALBXAJIDBtt Jt. WATBiIHi ■ ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office, oa Fourth ctrcet, j iboro BtailhfieM—Lowrie'i Bujjdmfi—up |uin. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. THE BDRNIKO 0F HQBCOW. | ?A GRAPHIC PICTVRX. “ | [The following splendid description df the burning of die Russian Capital is taken horn “Napoleon and his Marshals.” By J. T. Headly, jolt published. It is superior to any thing of,the kind we. have ever read, and will well pay for a perusal. The work is to be had at the Methodist Book Room, Pittsburgh. At length Moscow, 'with its domes and towers and palaces appeared in sight) and Napoleon, whb had joined the advanced guard, gazed long and thoughtfully od the goal of his wishes—Murat went forwarc and entered the gates with his splendid cavalry j but as he passedthroughthe streets. h 4 was struck by the solitude that sunoundedihizn. Nothing was heard but the. heavy, tramp of his squadrons, ashe passed along, for p de sorted and abandoned city was the meagre prize lor which such unparalleled efforts had been made-' As mghtdrew itscurtaml over the splendid capital, Napoleon 7 entered the gates, - and immediately appointed Montier governor.. InhUdirectious, he commanded him to abstain from all pillage. ‘Jorjtlus, said he, ypo shall be answerable with; your life,' Defend Moscow against all, whether friend or foe. J -. ’ • . The bright moon'tose over the mighty ci- tipping with wire.’ the doinei ot ntore than twonundied ciurehes, and pouring, a flood bf light over i thousand -palaees, and the dwellings o£ three thousand inhabitants. The weary anny snuk to restj but there was no sleep forMortiezV eyes. Not.the gorge one anS Ywmgaud pjice. MdJheM Mh ornament!, not tie park» anit nod oriental rounded him, kept him weM, tad the ominiran foretodin* that eomo dueealunity trie hamrinff eter the mlentcnpituL ;When be entered it, mereely » hnug Kmlmethia XVIL NO. 142. VOL. gaze aa'he looked doWnto«^loim.*fr® e jj , > and when he broke open too-bnilningaM - found parlors and bed- rooms. allfarnisbed’and in order,'bntno. occupant*- - ;Xhis abandonment of-their.-boffi®* betokened 'some secret yet tobe JaLSlTed--;,The midnight moon vnta siding. . over the city, when the ciycf “fire” reach ed toe.ears /of Mortier, .first light [VoTfli INippl eon/a fall en'etapire was kindled, landthat; most wondrous - ■ scene of modent ; times commenced. _ __ -.'’f I '*'".' i Mortier, asGofernor.of dlately"' issued’h'e'"ordersi and' -wss tfUtting f at day light Na -1 poleon ; hastened’ to' him! *. Affecting to di*» believe the reports that toe'inhabitants yrere 'firing- their own ' city,- hepuf mor<rrigid commands cnMoitier,'to keep-the hdldisia. the work of destruction. •-aha Marshal simply pointed to some iron covered houses that had not yet beemopened, from wy crevice of which smoke. ,was. issuing tine , steam from the. sides of the pent-up volea* no.. Sad and thoughtful Napoleon-tamed towards the Kremlirij the ahcieotpalace. of the Czais, whose,huge structure rosebigh . above the surrounding edifices!' _ j lathe morning. Moitier, by great exer tions, was enabled to subdue tne tire. But next night, Sept 15th, at midnight, toe.-aen tinels on the lofty Kremlin,; saw ' below them the. names bursting, through the houses and p&laces, and the cry .of, “fixe 1 fire!! fire!!!” passed through toe .city.—' The dread scene, was now} feirly opta.— fiery, baloonsw ere seen, dropping from the air. and lighting upon the houses; , doll, ex plosions .were heard oh every side, from toe shut up. dwellings, and'the.next a. bright lightbnrst forth, and die flames were raging' torongh' the; apartments.' . All ; was uproar'and coofusion. The serene air and moonlight of thenlght before had, g)ven way 'to : driving clouds, that swept with toe roar of the sea'over thacity.. flames aroseoA every side, -blaring- and - crackmg in toektorm, while clouds of sinoko . and sparks in an incessant shower '-Waul - driving towards toe JCremiiiL The clouds ~ themselves seemed .turned into fire tolling ■ in “Wrath over devoted Moscow.:, Moitier, crushed with the responsibility thrown.upon, his shoulders, moved with his -young guard grp Id toe desolation;' closing -up toe houses and facing the tempest andiiames-—strug gling nobly to arrest toe: conflagration: ' He hastened from place to place amid the 1 Maying mins, his face .blackened with' toe smoke, and nis hair .and eyebrows singed ..... with toe fierce heat > At length -toe day dawned, a day of tempest and of flame, and Mortier, who had etramed every 1 nerve for thirty-six hoars-entered a palace and?drop-. ped down from fatigue. ~ The. manly form and stalwart arm that had so often espied death into toe ranks of toeenemy, atfength gave way, and the gloomy maranailjtgy and. pantedin utter exhaustion. Butthenightcf tempest had been succeeded bya'day of tempest ; and when night' again' enveloped ’the oity,.itwaa one broad flame, ’wtodng to andlroin the blast . The wind had ihcreas- , ed to a perfect hurricane, and shifted'from quarter to quarter, as if ou purpose-to swell - ; the sea of fire and extinguish'every hope.— The fire was .approaching toe Kremlin, and already toe roar of flames and toe crash of falling houses, 1 and crackling' of burnt tim- j bers,’were borne to' the earn of the startled f Emperor. Herose'and walked to and fro, stopping convulsively and gazing on the ter rific Beene. Murat,- Eugene and_Berthier rushed into his presence, and on their knees besought him iofiee; but ho-stiU;clnng to thai| haughty palace, as -if.it were his Era-i pire; . Bat at length the shout,- line Kremlin is on fire!' was heard above the roar of the conflagration, and Napoleon reloctanUy: con sented to .leavi He descended liuo the streets with his staff/and looked abont'for a wayVregresa; bntthe flames blocked eve ry passage. At ’ length they discovered a • postern' gate", ‘lead*ng to theMoskwa) and entered it, bat they had entefed.still farther into danger. As Napoleon cast his eye around the open space,,girdled ,and arched with fire, smoke, and cinder) he saw one yet open/bat Into--4 - this he rushed, and amid the.crash of falling j' houses/ and raging’ of. fhe, flames—over - j burning rains, through clouds'of ; rolling -; smoke, and between walls of fire.' he passed on; and at leijgflt/hWf 'suffocated, - emerged, - in safety froni city and took np his quarters in tbstfmperial palace of Petrow sky, nearly three miles distant. Merrier, re lieved from ins anxiety forthe Emperor, re doubled his efforts to arrest the conflagration. His men cheerfully .rushed into, every dan ger. Breathing smoke and ash es—canopied by 4£?ie 7 Ehoke, and cinders —surrounded by walls'of fire that.rocked to and fro, and fell with a crash''amid the - blazing nuns, carrying down-with them red hot roofs of iron—be struggled against an enemy that no boldness can awe, or courage . overcome. These brave troops had heard the tramp of thousands of cavalry sweeping to battle without fear; but now they.stodd in still terror before the march ol the esnffa gration, under whose-ljnming footsteps was v heard the incessant crash of falling Houses, palaces, and churches. The continuous roar of the raging Jmrricane) mingled with that of the'flames, was more'terrible than the thunder of artillery; andbefore thisnewfoe, in the midst of tnis battle of the element,, the awe-struck army stood.poweriess and affrighted. When n»ght again descended upon the city, it presented a spectacle -the like of -which was never seen before, and baffles all description. The streets were’stieets of fire, the heavens a canopy of fire, fed by a hurricane that whirled the blazing fragments in a.constant stream through the air.' .Inces sant'explosions from the blowing up. of stores'of oil/tar, and spirits, shook the foun- * dations of the city, and sent; vast volumes of smoke rolling furiously towards the sky. Huge sheets of canvass on fire came floating like messengers of death through the flames, - tbe towers and the domes of lira churches - and palaces Rowing with a red hot heat over me wild sea, below/'then' tottering a moment on their basis,'were levelled bythe tempest into the common rain. Thousands of wretches before unseen, were.dnven by theheat from the cellars and'hovels, and , streamed in an incessant thiongthroughthe streets. "Children were seen carrying their parents, the strong the weak,: whfle tbou- . sands were stranding under the loads of plunder they had’anatched from the flames. This, too, would take. :fire in the falling shower, and tha poor creatures would be compelled to drop it and flee for. their lives. Oh it was a scene of wound fear inconceiv-' able and indescribablui-A mighty and close packed city of houses, churches, palaces, wrapped fromlimit to limit in flames which are ted-by A whirling hurricane, is a sight . this world will seldom see. _ _ But this was all within the city. To. Na poleon without, the spectacle was stUi moro. shblimb and terrific. When the. flames had overcome all obstacles/and swapped every thing in their red ’ mantle, that ■ great city looked like a. sea of rolling fire, eweptby a i tempest that drove itinto vast billow*. Huge domes and towers throwing off spark* !ike_ blazing fire-brands,now disappwredm maddening flow, as they rushed and broke hiaK over their tops, scattering their spray ; of’gre against the clouds. The heavens . themselves seemed to have caugnt the con ,'flagralion; andlhe angry massesthnl swept UjoUnd OTera besom o .fire.. Column. of ffame would rise and wnk along thororface bf thi» sea, and huge volnmeß of black »moko suddenly shoot mlo the air. aajfyol- • ; itooes were working below. The black form __ of the Kremlin alone towered above the cha o«' now- wrapped in .flames, and smoke, again emerging into view—standing amid 5e aceneof desolation and terror, like virtue iathe midst of a borning world, enveloped but unscathed by the devouring elements. Napoleon stood and gazed on the,scene in silentawe.. Though nearly three.iniiesdis tant, the wicdpwsandwsllsof his'apartment- • were so hot that he could , scarcelyl>ear his band against them. Said he years after wards, “It was the spectacle of a sea and billows of fire, a sky and clouds of flames, like immense waves ofthe sea/ alternately ’ bursting forth and elevaflng: themselves to .skies of fire, and thea ranking into the oceanof flaznebelaw. ,Ohl it waathemost grand; the most sublime, and the 'most ter -1 rifioiightlh»tsbtid ever beheld i” •' ; , W. * " ' r ** • ♦; ■ i : \£\£ : ■ -
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