• • • ." • • • 71118aLLAMIl& .79: TIIIIPI/1111les HOOT . fedit.years Mace, I us omega, 6..0 .the Bate ef Ohio; while spendittCylik. ,• , d tg - :. i dw0rm54..... - dAre.. me= 1 .' ,., k,r and sabsenuently teamed that It hao cm or val,but front IMMO. =imported so. ne be Of no. _, ..,,,,, 1 na indlleinnkri of 412.11414 .4 4 0.,.. 4PP. waLlad Mr believe .h,stigkt be et". °ed.' , bm . T, vltlel=bed not tee Man Ides. .I . commerce ill won g h. boiling lt, and pulses. ffille. Asia Moimorntarg st with venoms substance.; 50R4011=g14444114•41116ence th at ti ere vrao. 'awe le lt, that 1 pee sp my entire time and means tut.. Premaddeatif doomaxperietenta and from that time to thia,-1 hula rett.ded to no other benne. al the ex ' elf abr. tem years. I finally dtscorrred, eau„ V i r ' Seethe It to a fine powder .4 mixing It with lin seed ult. aoet.the coMistency of.thich. paint, and apptylegibis emerrand wi th a brush, that this costing, to eiders months would b e en perfg.nt stone or Maul all that tlHasabstance whim a p eed was actually &wan 4 tlquia nate, and the I -amenmt of silica, almartus, meintraia tuni black eel of iron that neon. tainedonidertd it bete weather dye proof, as the Outer _Upend,' the balder and permanent It came to becomef end as the ee . tn,i ttg larter_it mzs y to i, . libel Is of itself indartramibta by ._ conas.l lad protetUthe wooirdoVerted With it from the r, Metre there fano air, there IA no blase or comn; therefere the weedlorill attamly elm, before Baalte eentigilglins IN I e d lite too of the gremest import. =ON-and lied to OeY: ernment for • I t ovuo'led or , fondly hoping that I m oul d mereloe rettannersted r all my oat ST In and too. noV., - Tter iterntilmant, without any bealuttlan, rant. to to aue-LetterliPsoirotror dot oohs tigbt ter manatee. rare, isedi endue my Improvement in the manafacture of a nWeathstand lire Proof Compositioe or Ard. letlYSlMia n Ist funeen years. . awurlliika.' ' ' " WM. SLAKE. , ........ IrAtlli.irie Of Shawn, balm, read the abate stantactant Mr.. We ar se knowing bedew, It to be atibstan• dilly oontetiss wit to most of the state. Inents thereto eatable; ants we will farther mete, the Mit es do not bano,o dish there ever was a potent meet hontly add laborloosly earred, or more deservedly granted; es ir• purlned hls expedments with the-cornt Indotaitab . e perseversecounder the most discouraging, chaistaMances, u the public had not the least con& dence - lhat there •cotdd be any thlos valublo made them the sebnahes. Ho therefore had to encounter for yenta thrteertf, and !coifs of nearly the whole comma %,Notritlistantoe r&all this, bezett,oddefati we Labusio, badM U pmso tter. Is ono Mtlin in ateohand who would hen piesamed ands,. all the circumstances. But lie Us attest triamplusi over all obstacles, nod we be. Thera these is now bet ono opinion to &winding hint the unit otthie val.ble dithaverT. ...GED. %V.CHANE, invitees of ..• :./d08110.13 OMB, JONATHAN EVERHAILD, Peace. .•.,.. , ILSWIR C. CILS.TIVIELD. Mum.. W. . of .:: .• , BENJAMI JOKE, . Tom:whip. Wed. EVERETT, Towns 1p Clerk , —ALLEN HOWE, Treasurer. rZIAITIION TO THE PUBLIC. Mu ascertained that there aro individuals ensued i i =st 'and rht i r i :P r i le P r mg rdWh ' o r iVa onto, d th a . : c . d b IT- emelt. I useitry 'patented article. I have been to thou 'unions 'Mid shown them my patent. They sty they' do Bet intend to Wrings or tre: pus axon ore lige* that they have a right to dig, grind, and sell the Penrder, If they can led purchung that they are not bund tel know what they ere to do with en that his no larlagempat until It I. mixed with the oil to me. the Oblettonnd; sod thatthou who boy, mix and use It,' must take dairemensibillty, Most of them nay that they believe - that the .petent Is good against those that mix and am the sompoand, nod some here mall that -what they wantod to use they should certainly parch .* of elte,' as they did net intend to mate• themselves lialt 1w any sm. Now I feeler's.' In ditty bound to rthis bad•aed hand op. the putillepts I eon ty 1:0 Milan name, where a man sells and re. calves pay for an article, the eta of whleh he well knows ruble= the purchaser and user to a muses. se es and Ina , Done of those who am engaged in thls =thrifts 'Mee, will u.neestionably contend to the pahlie that my ,patent .II not ten and that I dare not irrossantre New, to take Wit co mut sway from thema went to mane of Mom •tal wore stonier:dna that my sosont.vres or no valuer, and made the follow ing propulsion: that they might select& I edge and two lawyers who have had same praatice to patent cases, and we whold submit the paten , to them, and if they decided that the patent wisdom!, that - they should stop all , farther proem:dome In the bummers; but if they should decide that It would not, In their opinion, hold, I would agree to let them go on and sell ail they could, without saying .any thane to the palate about then. . TMa proposition they woold not accede to So far as the validity of my patent is concerned, I do not de peed entirely upon my own judgment, although I here the fullest "confidenoe in It; .but I have submitted it to 1 may of the Judges, and several of the mom CO:liner. patent lawyent, who hens, without exception, decided that in their opinion it was good, and woula protect me to my discovery. I ivied the article to a fine power, and pith up in barrels, the which ere marked . . "threes Psnar bat en Waage:. Sages Astanctsr. Stun^ • I thierektru pre notice to all who buy and use the above atentioned mineral for the purpose to; forth in my patent, except from Ms or my, muttons. mess, that I shall bold them to a airiet secounteldlity, and. shall comm.oe saint et law agatut theme thuswh Wives epee my nght. Whi. ItLaKE Bassos, Medma Co., 0., Aug. It, ISM , ra-rwo TONS of the afore Fire and Weather Proof Artificial Slate en hands and for salt. The above we can recommend, for we have been toing it fur some I, yeara and know it us be whet it io set forth in evert Ordeal. J. A li. PHILLIPS. A gt, nos27.thlot • No 5 Wood se E&CE► SIOR! It-EATON - 8z CO. , NS. B.Wtrarth Street, Inma:lags, • • • • Hare rum In Sion Moir fall assortment of Trimmings, Gloves, limier) , and Lace Coeds ADAPTED o the wants of every elus of Merchants and Coasamme. No pante have been spared to present. the Weir and most fashienable style ol Ooods in them hash Their saxnentliss m part of Mr i= and sod Gimps.' of every *mien_ to:. MY!. Galloons d*enne d Imperial Braids; wide and' narrow BIM and Worsted Embroidering Braid% Snared and eat Velvet Ibbbons plain do do; Corded Munoz and plain Bann Ribbons, for trimming; black, white and eclired Bilk Laces; extra wide do do, for donnas witha fall anorimmt of Dies s Buttons; Dresses raked, Bisorped'Or Dnbialdered to order. LAGS GOODS. Reststedered Laes and Maths Capes, Clicroisettei, Bnialtfus aridiletiting Caps and Ilaif Sleeves, Brenta Worked Coda. and Con. In greatvariety;Lece lappets and gera Ties; Yenrning Climinseues, Co , Cal. sod Half Sleeve.; Linen Lawn irida., plan embredricred and bernsiiehed ,p i do ain bi Linco do; real Gonad - Lae. and Edieings; o do. Bobn, Lia*Laore Munn and Cotton Using, and do . on 'BONNET TRIMMINGS. n*ei new seybs Bonnet Ribbons, French Fe Mow- Hmed Tabs, Velvets, awl. and Pa. .., bilk Wade. wad Winton*, Bonnet tram. and is r .. • KID GLOVES. Rest Mannfantare, with most approved fastening - and choicest calor. All ...Bre assortment al.reY ad 111011. HOSIERY. ♦ put minty of 13.1 k, Wool, Conon, Merino and Costumers, for La th es and Misses; Tanen in and gran assortment other .t 7/.. Mod rines Hose; noised cyles Infants Boots ond Sock,. pats' Grampian, Vigo:tin, Menne, Conon and AL woe ugr - GLOVES. • 'A fell assortment fcrt men, aromen and children, ti try Derby Bib b d, Foramina and plain BM.,_ribbed and plain Cashmere; Chamois Lined Be n . Mk Calialimere, Merino, Fur4ined Beseerofibeavy um •fikaßaokskte,-balitarg Ind Lisle Masud an d Cotton. .- . ~. , WOOLEN GOODS, ' easti.si's Ladies' sod Cialeten's Hoods, Children's Mails, Sacks, Knit Beggs sod Boas, Children's Bait. cgs sad Long atins,'Worsid C o d.. Knitting WOoneds end Woolf= Varna, California Camforu; also fine OulttOrms Bone. for Ladies. - Th ...- 7 . _. _ itEIEirDEFARYMENT. r Zeiler, god Tapestry Worsteds, C• 11,123 Patterns, rota WI Esob'g Elk, Bristol and Pored Boards, Pr, Pok_giaann• fdarMikß , L*ar,p Mi., mai., ands En, btabilered Work: Also--LaMea' 5 , 11 r .d Dimino Vest, and Drwers; Embroidered Baths andFlannols, French WorlunlCapstuld Waists for Wants; and Syran'adosra . 1. 1 4 4 ..,,. . uELIT'LESIEN'S WEAR. ..,Ftßii Slang. Cravass sad Collars; Merino, Silk and \ -QOM Nitr•Pars and Emma, Snspanders, Shooider \ L. IltaiMisazd Dresaing (Mara% Silk and Linen WIEN; \ ,Olova Lad Haim , \ \ COMBS, BRUSHES AND PERFUMERY:: . V. irsr.pok patters carved and plain nail Back Coma.; •illatralo' and Int.. do; Melt Bide and Long Combs; bal. • tic 4 Beate; Sato and Homrsrood Hair Emile.; .Shell, • &4WD and m e ri t o Dressing and fino !vary Comb.; •lirith an amo of Nail and Teem Brushes. ~. Virotherill'a `Gold M e dal. Perfumery. . •••. . '' • • 'VARIETY GOODS. 1 Noodles, Pins, Tapes Steel Bap and Parade, Barton* and Steel Goods. Bann Wire Baskets, -.Pam Twist mod Sowings Fine Bosearood Desks and Co. knoltairs & Gslicwsis. Farley Work !Wham - tiirllerwarid4f Wei mmi s, . Poggsol, s l:splortres and --- repws, RujicT r.....e1f:' Prq.chtor:f ` 3:lG7' Upholsterer's Fringes, L Silk S Gitirm Umbrellas, . ' - Bar Linea, ”s'd widths, Paper 2dusims& Ilionands, ' Toglish l'il Cottle, Elude Bands A Webbing, -Med Osinre Maims, - Cor.et and Mho, Lure,.. -- - - • NE ,;AND VALUABLE. IN VBN/iu:,: GLYNN'S WINDOW LOCK AND SPRING Diddraarl 19,1519. HTb ia .1 oniclo of peat value to 11 Po,lona " • Cited In boltdint; or to am. who hare already bow, andate 'franca window. (wooing. While ArrtiOloto aperreot sasntate ter palnes and weightx, tisvitig or orloost 1111 to cub. window, litoit offord• the oiroot fasts/sing OM .r boa e twen osot tato . , vow re , ' Witty and convonlen;o of Oki. Spring ' over al wham la, alma by , •ono lao.la Ploos, both gala of till irleflovredul be mood or toward. It TOVltTalt OCO7 M km.. to bokappreciated. rename crialaroa io boy the ankle, or to bite thrt put IMO gt,Ar Riodol.l l , or the fled of soling it to SC ,11173E311:11101.11A co LlP P .i l argheny "b ire; Poo burik, J. a. TOR4EII, " acefiffoOrofieleo • ' C. P. MAYO. C/Lak'Gre4:—Bee'd mu sayfat taloloek's Caroet Wasehonse, math , d. or the latest and won ay- Me g a C t7 , fels see Invite the attention obeli amen,ld thaw wishseg to fetnish Anse ° , as call and examine the largest ••14011tEllent the en y , WIWI WO will .11 cheaper than clot I.clueo offered la . the vresunt reasket. nor/J W hi'CLINTOCK - Itgoaralaig Loa' annals, R. MURPHY tun rtes`napplr crib° above Lydda, of the bee queniako, nbun Mach l Long assist blank Botabniinee, bloomiing Al- Ckrth, black Collins, }NU alctind, =ran, Meru de Lad. and Froth Merinos, black Rama and Moaning Collars, Mamie; Monet ; bons, nak do, sad a fall assoruneat blonnung OtifternevsliW4ilsol • • • P BLACK SILKS, buipiresscrunext, Winding a for pl.. very wide sowtor. Boyers ore invited toil et it them, at • • ' North ran rem. or Fourth .4 Mark sin W.f.. , Booms. stairs, where • large' assort , Mos a Nes! Goods tuts leafy:Wee reeased. (oir YO DBr JAYBESI ALTERATIVE. have lean intassoct by Mrs. Bose or ae.o feresed on be r by Des Jotiraliht Altsentiv•ovhich m oan ;.anp.e.rion=scru.rtr,sredy of the ••••- ' Hallit9E6 or WHITE HWELLeittra= • . woe slifinsticas mrat eatblintion of ...Tick. benesA.• guswhiet pate many pieces haveban discharged from 4b• Ronal bowel the amino, from bah her 176. arias and hands. and lboos both legs, act trots the kfi faxicels. bone and from the tight teeth besides polneel t::, g luts en parts ofd t person, loath hay? bilged, ef a =mbar of the mate/anent p'nyuctans et dityo-dsnhg - cost et the Rao her soferinga lace' be icgastsuott and atable. About' three Mahe o I f figop yao was indiseed to try Dr.Joyeeke Alloatire, wldell Us had an asiely happiefeetspe4 her, he- and swelbego, g 'tensing the ebini 1141givo‘PAIMA the Hiatt tune ber general testa beecae completegrocradzit= ro i tt7 I ra orb% be" bat rO • i n.s moire of htra.ltees; fit. le ,„„k erglia"l iz paka.argh, 111141 TORR, Zi 9. 1 t nr .l. • • O S I ~,,, ~:, ME"T(IA'L- 00M.OPSD ESTR&CT OP SARSAPARILLA, The ;nod Wonderful Medicine of the Age, 1,500,000 BOTtLES MMOEEIR;iIMI 100,000 Oases of Chronic Maass, within . tha bat Tea Tema—Rana Ss Gumbo SEWN Caned er O. P. TOWNILICIED. EXPOSE. DT READING THE FOLLOWING AV7TDAVIT • the Public ollnotra the mien, or Tatham when tha natio for stakket the eta, they call Old Dr. Jacob Towsend. Seroyorilla., came ham—ord will N dam to Judge obkh I. the gamine mad sad ad, ard of the hroaditrof t he men oho are =played la nth:4 li.. the or ialml Dr. Tom:tooth Seroparilla Dr. B. E Toomoad .or the original proprietor aoi tavaator of Dr. Tooraatura .ad hie =Webs haa 31 , at=putatioa tarsd jta , t no other tend) test and martafacturt4 at t 1,000 bottle. par i day. ;We no awn Bane arid Tallow Psok la oar 'ortatdithateat och day, that, Nl the other Banaparilla 'Btanalletttran he the world. Prioatpal Othoe, LIS BEAD TEE AFFIDAVIT. Ctry eml Cowell , 1 Iflarrowks. VIM= Anutrate, of the' old CIO, botra nrorn, ddb depose w/ that he it . Armin =A Chord& Thal ono time In tgle — rar 1 ar.142T . " at a rtfoTetrtutr,..'.l th blt= Paohlet paddlo, called upon Uproot% tha boom of-Hr. Ttestoroa,lio Hadmavetred, *ham OP. ' Baal b oarded. and named doomed to write him a r2Xwhich to make I Byrup of Ilaroputila D• farther salt, that he became aogadatad add Tooromad at the cam of Theodore Foto, 6a, Book ?al :Daher with .ham saki Torment dealt That old TcrernOmd had had freeload 000 verso • tloas with daporead ropectlot the mthafacf=e of aa • Wide of Sarsaparilla to he rota molar the =as of Dr. Jacob pnnmaa._ That - Si - Id Worland Raul be wee a tdd ma, and poor, mid war not At for hard labor—end wished to maks some mesa, In order to las easy In his old days, ard thatal lanaperilla ruder the noes of Town and old to well, end so mach money am made by ft. , be could see so ream Why he might not make amething out of it? N. none being TowneetalJ Vie mai , got aea • pea= to papule a mu it him. Deponent hi one o r liti cativenstione inked aid Townsend LI tie som h e 6 Irn S. Tonna. to width he reAled, that he Dr. P. P. Tawroand Monk% be down on hM after eaturedd oaztaostom DM that he Akt toot care Am es bet ad brad a co:spearmint:tip with area who tothia the agnate =ocelot capital—ad me t o.rd ia lilaseelf agabed my Mack Pamment Lather tip that puma to the mad lif aid Jacob Townsend, he wrote a recipe Am ths etarrulbobtre a a Syrup of Sataparlth. ii , gave tt a bim. Mdd Towneemd Moaned that he washidAs take a agar to asbiblt to ble prtota Pm Star it s i = l l' , :r aA•l " th .1 a/ 1 I h b a r t eV t e • • itl 'e V= 1 :1 g e; told deponent Qat . there to me were tO be of the sum sae mod .rep ave Dr. L P. Tara Sad% and deponent, at the meat of odd Jaen mend. went to the Mthoe of Dr. S. P. Toweesod, Mat prannal one of ha labal. , .And deponent father says, that he hes boa intr. rel, and verily alarms the Syrup of Ithresperals. old to Old Jamb Townea , rs, le med. abet the reaps for., Wished by Mama; no Jamb Tamen& a allorreid , Lod tatther apnoea nal tot WILLIAM ALMITLON3. . Ihrore to beim Ms, Oth Seth der of Lia MR C. a. woofattax, Mane of the City of Pam Tart PROOF!! PROOF!!! Han Le proof ornoclusive that Ds L P. Townsends ;threspentla le the caiginat Thai following •la loom awe of th• sot rapatabl• papers In this FROM TILL Albany Zwenfing Jammed. Dr. Tcrarcssztas Sarsaparilla. There y never has been ea popular a remedy, or pad 7orip i es Dr. Townsend...B Eanapotth, which was ori • y. end continues to be mtholho. • tared In tide ni y, a first by the Doctor himself, end aterwerde for wend years and to the mean tina, by Clapp la Townsend. the present proprietors. Sias the partnership wee fomed, the Doctor Me resided In Mew York-where he kap. • mom mode:Mode toe. Maness that eatimulato at that point The Mt. factory le In Cla p p ty, and le conducted by the Junior =er, Mr. —Ma all ta medicine b mar l Ice Of OUT claretabeve thy idea of the lama of this medicine that b marnotactured end sold Saida the ala to this conntry, it la chipped to the Ceram Wert India !stud. Booth A 10.1.4 .., . 0 . 0 I. Cu. op. in boalderable quthUtlea .At the manufatory they employ a Meat then. besides • large number of ma, women and girls. La the preparetion of th. medicine, making tome. printing, L.; and turn out, ready thr shipment, over as dam pa day, or nearly taMboalea Tat Le .natonsoma quthtity. The greet ale the medicho has aspired, has is. Mica • number of month at up Imitation. and there hi at preens time, other median. for sal, that ere called " Dr. Townsentii Barataria.. Orm in par. tinnier darted abort th roe ego le New York is ca ll a Old Doctor thoob Towneenda Sassaparal.. end et. parsonly with • view, by dot of Manning, end the mold meals retorted to to met *dorm to •ppropi. eta the rasa of Dr. S. P. Townsendl great remedy. ma thus phi all the ads. soups resulting bum the =,ofpatient the name which he Ma acquired for It, years of =l espendr•Lam. formerly of this cIS • se ts well known • • • mod w• think ems meow echo ere ' d. town • their article we tbs gamine, eimmkt be en YROSI THE New Turk Daily TrOmose. We puldiehed u advettleament inademtently some thee since that did injustice to Dr. a. r. eerd who le the wished proprietor of the prepe T ratbn d fiensperilia known is Dr. Towneendb. Other parties hare within the pest Gm months enraged or connected Hummel , . with a mm by the name of To who put op • medicine and calls It by the woe wee Thhe medicine o ederrtiud In 714 Trillsee se the orialmd‘ hG 71Lie advertisement also tontalned matter dement:7 to the ebLISCUT of D S. r. P. alented' and the t ends medicine. We ret epp T eand, and jeettue to the Dr. sulks WYe gre yinestkm. FROM Tilt Wow 'Work natty 81111. Da. Torearcwo's eatraordicary admrtisementorhirJa =ca SA entire page of the Bay, will 604 reaps static. Dr. S. P. loruseod,mhe u Ws milithel wrietor of Dr. Townserath Ssr•sparilia, sod whore of See am west door to ours, whore he hr teen for nein el yeses, lo &inns ut immerse hvrlura Re receiver no ler than four hundred dozen of Lan sidle per day, sad *Ten this •120t100[1.1 quiddity does oolmiyply the " r tfle="parilnll: rdrior of " Alardserfor 1949 cost SUMO, end he bss paid the New York Sr. for advertisiog, tithe Wt four yea" ores , 110.060, and be acknorriedger M t it I. the cheeped wirertedug be tar had &me Mir medicine is exported to the Caned.; West 16 dies, South America and Europe, cousiderable gum:Mies, and is coming into guard use in thus coonthire, as well es here. Swindlers. Drtiggiets, and ahem that toil thuselperlDe err the t rains sad origins] Dr. Trorreend's Elaraperilln, that is not Waned by P. T commita fraud. and minas. the curb:mem. Men that wotild be guilty of such an am. would weassit any other food —end co Dragnet of commas intelligence but knows that own is the Maly genuine. • Old Jacob Town:bd. SOO. 1.10011 Who to. Oa isdnused, mid have eel nod the mem sad cot tow our advertrennenta,_ haw lon led to euppme, that became 1.02.1 MD COL vertise their Mud J mob Towteenda" that it mustoef worse, he the original It is bee than ono yew dace they commenced to mei. then eseeliclue - essne sea own la the market on[ tan yen. ebb. Old Jamb Townsend. ......01.1111 1 . paths off 021 1.10 rabbi as so old Phyncian, ku He is Lei • meta . doomed Phyilcielt, end never attempted to unusulacture a med. Wry until thew men hired hies for the we of his name. They . say they do not wish the people to to. hew that their earearorilla Is tremor the swm—but thr bettor to dweive the public. they .t the tome time mart thet theirs b the Old Dr. Townsend% end the qiud kind endesvor to maks the beanie believe thal the Muff they mennfacture, im the Do t 7 garseperille, the! has primed so many wonderful cum for the pest tan yews. and which Las pleads - reputation which re other medicine ever eeloyed, which is • base, eillehmee. rutPrindpied feleebow.. We have commenced suite wrest thew men lir demise. We wish it to to usidershad that the adman , Uno ralatkm to Dr. Townsend whetever lo their ad vartisements end eirculare, they onblith • Number ot gram falsehood! , reopecting Dr 'lerd„ which we will not notice , raise anent. oppowen haw published In the pawn, that Dr. IL-P.Toomend was dad. This they mid to their rabout the eountry, who report ties we hew van up bosimm, kn. kn. The public Judd be ao ir guard, ad not be deceived by thew unwind. plant own. • Necks ef Reforgal—Allsr the glut of September; . 1849, Du 14 Y. Townsend's New York Dace will be in the South Baptist Church, No. tI2 which to mow undergoing a thennigh change, ezA will be 0110 in the better scostonsoall= or the pro. wisdom and the public. Take pertfoder Ifeefecr—No Sersepsrllla is the genuine end edema Dr. Towssousdn flanteparilla run We dated by IL F. Townsend. Aocerre.—Baddlog k Co, N. 0 5t.t.4.4...a Mn. L Mlder, No. PM CourLetreet. Booboo ‘• Karma - Kidder, Jr, Lowell Henry Pratt, Palma /woes P. Onmee, • Wcsuotal Allison k °soft, Cooeord Nu J. Bala k 800, Prorldeoce lard by Draggista and tkaote creamily throughoot dm United &et" West Wk. ead the Cued.. For We by 'FL E, SELLERS, Sole Agent for Pitt. Rh; D. Bt. CURRY, Allegheny; A. PAITERSON •moirrtern wont:art YERY WONDERFUL CURT'—SELLERS' Aldmistoa. Mercer c, a, SepL 23, lE4O. R E. Sellers, Dear Sir f u r nace uht one bottle of Toot Vermibure. angle Iron 'City Fr store. at this pose., and ills. performed witatlve consider out here won daffe CMS on one of toy eight years old; be had . berns unwell for some years, to reach 1 , 0 that Iliad w e op all !motto( his sceovery. I aims advised by we of toy nstgitbom to try a bon, of yaw Vcimilbge— aod I am happy to Inform you of It having the desired apace of relieving my ann. Ile passed, in the short apace of 24 boo, storm% some of them measur ing as-mneb Pt and It inches long. I feel bound in ID give you the above at to as you May make toy me of toy name that you Mink proper. OU., very rsspettfully, lovarnto S. igrrna. trr Prqs , d iojd by R. KIS Ka.t. Sr wood al.. nod by t-trtiggista generally in tine Savo Chloe. uals . .. . - . Fiii,/,C . ctraitS.--3 ear', Blue and Drab Fl cloth...,Just read and (or talelry MURPHY, IYILSON & CO, 4e , Wood .1 QcAitxr MOUS. 0 los, nol a lot or hie, colored Mott such Alf Cherry. Snarler, tee.. at the low. p•,.. pet yard: Alva, Plant lhae, - 13rown, ate. at lai cWu per 'soda loran nraerunent of neat sty!, figartA Maas. de Laina, or vanotte price% letethe, with a enaiee assertinent or Dress Good. generally suet a* Fancy Allis, French Merinos, Cuhtnereir Cabana. d Lionear Cloth, at the ke N. E. corner of Foatah and r L t .1 Frv/nta op Mir. no•i2 L — ARD ----- °u• — "m"' - nztris. ,74 : l Vg`rr , No 37 Wca smet . . A /. 45 r , et; r.pp.r. Cleves, Nutmegs, Madder and A/also, with a general as ortnrent of all sons of Groceries and Piusuogh Mansfacurred articles, on 1.113034 far ale by IV &A McCUTGII M EON,, noyli . . 169 any 'T 11113110N3--A•fa anottmeni Tee pet WIL Ai" 61=Ps• Penn. and Bindles. A • sumo go iiliS MEM TW9Is:._i'OIITATION LINES • — 1(17: rs' • ay. Patilltßolleo and • Itatatitionois: 0111isis 1 & CO:aontutoe blaring .persou hem soy Part of England, h-iaod. &inland or Wales,. open the mat liberal tenon, with their usual ponittiality and attention to the wants and coal. fort of esuniannu We do cot allow oorpasseellere be robbesiby the swiedling seasons than infest the sea ports, as we tato charge of Rem the moment they ro• port themselves, and see to their ascii end de patch thou without any detention by the first Al"— , We say this fearlessly, as we defy one of onr passen gers to show that they were detained 48 hours by so in Lteerpool, whilst thousands of others were detained menthe, tuttil they eonid be wilt in acme old craft, at • eh: p rate, which. too frequently proved their coffins. We Intend to perform our contracts honorably, Colt what it may, and not act no as the ease last season, with ether oMeerA—who either performed not all, or when it sailed their convenience. Drafts drawn at Pittsburgh for soy sum gem all to 21000, pa at any of the provinmal Bongo in Imo land, ...gtartd, Scotland and Wales. JOSHUA ROBINSON, Fl and General Agent, fobs Ftfth street. roe door bele. Wood. NEW ARRANGEMENT. SPEED INCREASED. NXPRVigh PART PACKET LINE, • ' (kachisively for Paiit.gera,) • Ylik THEO HEAT CENTRAL RAII., ROA TO PILII.ADELPILM'AND BALT7MBIII3. r I blic are Informed that an and at. &larder. the lii of September, th e paseengers by this Lane will by earned the Central Rail Road from Lew. own to arab, and from Mee. to Ralladcl.. pia by thp Herrivburgb anal Colombia Rail Romig.— By this now arrangement passengers will go through in a. nav Leas n.a than heretofore. Tao P.k as of this Una are mw and of the heat class. This mote for safety, speed and comfort, to the mote orderable now inn. to the Eastern cities. RaFg.gca are all passed In day light. Time, 3 MO. F. re, Tea Dollars. For informed= apply to W BUTCH, Monongahela House. oaf i or Dto LEECH & CO, Cual Buia.•• • • NEW ROUTE TO BALTLIOoIia - AND POILODELPOIi. THE BHORTE3TROUTErr TWENTY-SLYMILES • 'rt. Youghiogheny River. eY The splendid now .d fat canning U.S. Mall steam peeket, 3PARAMEte • A.D. Ikla.ter, will roe es paCkellßundaye excepted> betas...PITTSBURGH Y WEST NEWTON, on opening of navigation on Youghiogheny riven Loaves West New...l from the caning,arf Boar, every motel. at 9 o'clock. Re. loner. Pituborgh from Wharf Nom chore the Monongahela Bridge, every evening at 4 o'clock 009 as received by Agorae on board the WWI au boon hunt expreasly far she Boats. (17 - The Farmer hat been befit expreasly for le )(eaghloghenv rivet, andthe pablie may toly on hot remaudeg permanently in the trade. 1 Particular atmadon pale to all way freight Mater" me*. Vonswtow... tied 'IIIE. packet DELVER, O. gunny, will Inn BORTEr regularly on Marday, W .nesday and •Fnday evenings at 6 P. M., and anise at Yoangstown next menace at 8 Welock—retaming, leases Young. roam Tuesday, Tberaday sad Saturday swatting. at 4 P. M., aid ranit Beaver in time for the morning boat, ALLEGIiEVY CUPPED, arrisuag n Plusbnit n 11 o'elock. The patokin IIAREAW&Y, Capt. Downing , will lean Beaver Tuesday, 21tareday and Samni a Ines at 6 P. M., returning, loan Naar Castle, Monday, Wednesday and Friday oval:dogs alto eon. nnting with the morning boat far Pittsburgh. _ These plc gear.. Rued up in complate order,.ka•- ing fine accommodadon for passengers, and nipper. any way., more paticuality and Imam, dr:spank than bas before been intendoa new routes. E. M. FITCH & C., Proprietcrra • 1. C. Btawell, Agens,Pilantnak Bidwell & Dna, Deaver. A. D Jacob+, " Youngetown. CrisideibemeNem Cutle. Tie elegant steamer, A.I.LLYIHMKY CLIPPER, berms Bearer, deity at 8 A. M., and Pittsburgh at 3 v.; M., =Mug In ornmertion with tbs above boats. tell 1849. Wastrels and Clawalsiad Petasse la tigeV Cane Parket—SWALLOW.' CU o —OCEAN. 9NE of Me. above Packets leave Beaver every day (Sundays excepted) and arrive tot rooming at 1. arm, when they connect with the Mait Stages for Akron and Cleveland, art-brunt at reek of thew plates before mild One of die packets leave Warren daily at 5 P.M, and satire at Beaver In time to take the morning homier Pateburgh. C'E 8 LEFFINGWELL k Co, W.... 4 in, M B TAYLOR, do $ al3 . JOHN A CAIJOHEY, Um, corner Water end Smn.hld ste latdall 1849. „atilt, UNION LINE, ON T/113 PUNNTA AND 0010 CANALS. & 15 , ainsame,Clevelarid, 0 t G. Pm. Bearer, P. $ THIS lane will be prered on the opecting of nen enr CVErhl.l4, F to an n t e goir f tt on dm Canal and Lake. Tbe Meanie. of Ms Line are aionopoaed in namber, qualtty and capacity of oats, erpenenee of captains, and eNeieney of Agems. One Boot Mame Pumburgb and Cleveland daily,ran ning in connection with the seamen LAKE ERIE AND &GCMG AN, Between Pittsburgh and Brave', and a line of 1if11011133 B.alltra Propellers and Vessels on the Laken Aucers—R G Parka, Beaver, P. mean Balder., timingstown,OhM. -53 a i-I fi Crawford F Chamber o, G , 'end, 0 143 3° _7 * G ION B A! ;lilt I_ A,gent f 010.60 W ater end ots, Mitsoarah. nite.2ldy 110A14111. PAC TS. Somme, MICHIGAN .11--Capt. LAKE E Gordon. TILE above regular an w U known Beaver Pack ets, have commeneed making . . their daily trips lc and from Beaver, and 1011 contince to ran Wormy Pondmirgh and Beaver regularly during the 1.1119012, Michigan Nal leaves Plusburati daily at 90'0.k, A:. /I, and Beaver at II o'clock, P. Lake Erie naves Bearer daily 0.0 o'clock, and Piusbaratt at 3 otelocki P. M. These oteamers will Om in eouitection with ' a GTOO' Express ...ire, La.o, for Edai Taylor a. Lethingwell t s Warren Par-om,, , Coma Line of Freight Boats for Cleveland; Clarke & Co'. Pittsburgh and Cleveland Line Praigto Sony 80 Puts B 1 E. Curie Packets. PARKS ft Co, Beaver, Agents. .101 IN A. CAUGIIIEY, Agent. Pinsbarah, one Water arid Smithfield sts AIL 1849. E PITTSBURGH AND CLIIVISLAND ON THE PMINBYLITI.NLI AND OHIO CANALS. T ILE Proprietors of this old established and popular dada line,eonalsiing of BrITEEN first close Canal Boats, &vaned by themselve. and running at romme son vsub the Mutt boats BEAVER AND CALEB COPE, are enabled to offer unequalled (belittles the transportation of freight and puseagen, on for the of Canal navigation, to all points on the Penn sylvanta and Ohio and N. York canals and the Lake. 11 . 11 r I HM ti li& C Hrit, "' m arents, Boone:. I. O. BID • • Water Ise4litburglt. • • I. C. =MCA, I C. V. C amran t, Piusburgh. Ream. BiDWELL 6 BROTHER. • 'forwarding Kerman% BRAYER, PA., , Agents for did Pittsintrghoarlarmiimadamm,Picts. burgh atuiEns„Lias via Eris, and for seem!boar, boar, Berwier and Caleb Carat Raving parchaied We large add substantial Whitn float just built for Monongahela PliC4ol3, have with the addition of ' Warehouse, the mist ample as vommalattons for eceising forsratdblg, and pledge their atmost attention, p mptnesa snd despatch to consignments to their care, rely oelleit (nand. ro, • ,n o. • astara4ll BRO. PITT LEL-"SX,.. 1849. Old Establithed Line. ON THE ERIE. EXTENSION CANAL. TDE Proprietor of this . well known Line of Canal Boats,. now prepared to Budapest Passengers anJ Vied& to all polnta on the trip Extension, Now York Canals and the Lakes, upon the most favorable I terms and,with despatch. Tins Line runs in' eOrin.SettOn with the steam boats , IIEAVER and CALEB COVE, between Pittsburgh 1 sod C Reed'. Line of steam boats and Yes I WV on the Lakes, and the Troy and Michigan Lake Boat Line on the New York canal. W, Pd. REED, Propriedef, Erie, Pa. Aifwell A Brother, Agents, Beaver. W T Mather Agent at J bleskLmnsoPuseag e t Omee Monenoke 110ule, Pittslnirsh. CONSIONLTR W C Mato, Shmon; .1 E &Snell,' Oharpsbusg; Smith A Doming do; J B Plunlmer, Weal. Ereenilille; Wick, diehre Co, do• Wen Henry, Renzi...en; Dams &Sutton, Buffalo,• Paine Gibbs & Co; Sandusky;Armstrong, Detroit; Ru klDwie tland & Newbera,PhrbOggan; hie - Klieg, Murray & Datum, i t JO. ILlinte, PENNSYLVANIA DANA & DITADIL OBIAMI 1849. EXPRENS FAST PACKET LIN% „ Pittsbyrrghlo .PAilmildpitiss and E . atistrs. Emissive'' , for Passengers., th lsl . are.., :e=f n e , :l2i n irgo o Tr i tu ny il , thA t t. The t e iri , t ns a. "thts , .L.aciieevaim o g f iv a . s r up e e . rlo , r Llasz, o ; t rith .. passengers. A boat will always be in port, and travelers. awe quested to mill and ens:nine them before entsapogpino sage by other routes. They will leave the tandlew . ,;s: . polite the U. S. Hote l , cores Perm street and every n i t , gll IA DOLLARS THROUGH. Tiors--3I ays. For inforisation, apply' at the on., r, Monoichela House,.oelo - D. LEECH re • • in, Creel n. N. H—The propriethis of the above bone are sow building additional Line of Peehetsi to eon ste alms. oor s bent Jane conneetion with the Penney!- v n anisaail Road from Lawistown to Phildelphls. At I that nine a packet will leave every mooting and even. inn. Tune thrinjet, gl day.. I II.IDCriATIS TM POR 18 ABLE 49. -DOAN 1-.IISII, atibl=l.. Ina For Um BETWEEN PH iIIOODS carried on :kis Wee are not transhippe ar d UV between Pinsburgis and Philadelphia, being e tied In four section Portable Roam over land and wa ter: —to shier.. of merehabdiu requiring carafe', handling, this Is of 11111.0132.11C0. No charge wall for receiving or shipping, or for advancing ch."... goods forwarded with nig...telt, and on as reasionsble Semi ruby any other Line. JOHN IWFADEN A Co, Canal Basle, Pena shPlusburgh JAS M. DAVIS & Inert IV !duke & 64 Cononeree at, Phis. JOHN McFADEN & Fwaiding Omni* glen Merchrs, Canal Duln, Perm 114 Pittsburgh. JAMES MI DAVIS & Co, Fluor Factors and Commis. don hierebeium 187 Market and OS Commerce wen, Philadelphia. ID m•-mdcameee made by tithe: of Om abovapn Fla, end other merabentine eneeig&lull athezt*, 43 TRANSPORTATION. NEW EIPELESE isitANGSIMIT. i 849. &p.n. & 00 , 8 LINE. Pr HE claw. of PrTTSBURGH and Its vicinity are I respectfully informed that we have no connection with any other Western Express. and are now pre wts.ed to forward PACKAGE.% MERCHANDISE, fte., from Boson New York. Philadelphia and Baltimore, to Pittsburgh and other Western Cities, with estrum dinsr7 expedition and aurae:tants cornea At Baltialotewe have associated with as Dr. W. S. WOODIII., who was for fifteen yttrli soperimendentor the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company; Haws. ZIDNII/T, Esq., for many years principsPeonfidenual neat or the Post Office, and G. W. arra, Esq.,of Brownsville, Pt. Thew gentlemen will give personal npervision to the Liao from Baltimore to Pittsburgh. 1.1061 Philadelphia we shalt mn THREE Daily Ex pm* Lines, arriving at Pinsbumh respectively in Tory, Throe and Four Days. Che Two Day Line will nut at mall speed, and Is pnrielpally in ended for smell and valuable Packages. We shall invariably receipt Ibr nata and rota We have an arrangement with newts. Eowsaxo, Ito& & Cr'. TBANSaTLANTIC EX.r.RESS, by think we can forward Packages to, or transact Corn. Missions in, Great Britain, France, and most of the Continental CM!. Mesas. Edwar ds Hale kCo .unas lb England with the well known great forwarding honor of Meson. C 11•2/. & Hoag, and in Franca with the "Messagerice Nationale." ; We shalt spare no expense or exertion to get our good. through with the Swim despatch, and endeavor to &mak the yobbo with a really well condsicted Ex press. Small parcels and packrs will be earricd by ex at eitremoly low rates. tt Persons wishing to lase our 'Lines act respectfally reignested to panioularly order their correspondents to slop by "ADAMS & CO'S EXPRESS." Philadelphia. Nov. 10. ADAMS & CO. The Agency of the above Express Lane will be conducted at this city by J. 0.131DWE1,.1.,, • Imola-dim Watereireen .1849.115 AM 4 19#Pid rt. lizprias Packet Line. R. 0. PARKS, Beaver, Propnetar. MME new and elegant Passenger Packets, A NIAGARA, Capt H R Jades; PENNSYLVANIA, J H Hoffman; LAKE ERIE.,a N Tmhy, ' QUEEN CITY, " I Mal an); Forming • daily Line banireculjthaver sod Erie, have commenced ruining, sad will soutlntio during the sea son to mkt their regular tript,.leaving Beaver ante the arrival of the morning boat:from Pittsburgh, (I clock, v. 11) and arrive at Erie In time for passengers to take the morning boats to Buffalo or up the Lithe. llekets threcagh to Eno and 01 Lake pans, can be hod by application to JOHN A CAUOIMY, Agt, oonuarof Water sad Smi th field its av GEORGE KECK, ender the to Charles Hotel EWEN 1849 MUM 111GROEIABITIP WA.I :FINIGHT 113111. For nwnnue, Johlmorru. hrilid.Yrbuqh, all intormodin.e EtI L IS Liao orfil continao to carry all Way Goods with their mad despatch.•and at fair num of Aaams—C. INPANULTY & Co, Pinaborgh. 518 Wakefield, Johnstown. -- - -John Willer, Iforlidayobirsh. litakkaracks--Jamos Jordon, Smith h Sinclair, Dr F Blocaborger, B bloore,.John Parket, 5 P Von Bonn horn k-Co, on Labour A Co, Jou 31 , Doritt k Bmo, Pittsburgh; John ivory, Basalt, fdalhollan & Ikay, L .Too Bra& 13.oioardin HXZD, PAD= • Gds. PACILIIIT LIAM. I§4B. BEAVER AND CLEW:LAND LINEma WARREN. Canal Packet—SWALLOW, Oept. Ferri, OCEAN, Cape. Wetter. 9NE of the above Packets leave Beaver ever/ der, (Bandaya excepted) and arrive next crumung at esren, where they connect with the Mail Stage. for. Akron and Cleveland, ardving u each of thue places oetery APR- One oldie Packet. leave Warren dally, at 6 P. AL, end arrive at Deaver in since to take the not nljgeteem LEFFLNOW boat Or Ritta M. beqL Waren, t •A B TAYLOR, . PnpAPrt BEAVER AND ERIE PACKET LINE. VOLUM. TO to lA. U 4 PAU RULE. Packet—Pmnamtvaata, Capt. ck; lo dente% Pol • • Lake Espy • Trilby; • " Perroma, • Browns • I' atalness, Sayer. The above new and splendid Dbasvenger Peckete have comnienoed manila; between BEATER AND LERIE, .11 ran revisit,' daring the season—one boat leaving Erie every meeting at 6 o'clock, and one lean. leg Deaver every evening, mannidiabtly aflar the WTI -441 in the steamboat fdlOigan Ira= P' ' u• V. la Tle. boats am new and coaalostsbly dirolves , L an." T. an llimugh at lorry bee , rasserkcis to any no. , on um Latta or le New.. Fall.. will fine clis r• i ••• •.• • • ,rt e-me.c end mpeautlons. Tickets time. •• eons on Inc Lake can be proesred by •AnY 4 4 lo t he propninors. REED, PARES A Co, Beaver. JOHN A. CAUWIEY, Age Pdtsburati, con. Water and Smithfield sta. gB:—Jsa C Bunsen, Matilda, N V • C M Reed, Ens, Pa. C C Wick, Greenville, P. • OFFarland and King, Big Bend Fa; Hay. A Plumb, Sharpsbargh, Pe, W C Malan,Sharon ‘ Pa; LI C Distbms, Palavki, Pa; R Caaningliare, New Castle. Pa-111 Steamboat tot Sale. ~ The ISLAND PACKET will be reld "I at pablie auction in We city of Wheel ing, ea MONDAY, the losti day of M ember, ISO, Ternis—One fourth so band, and the balance ale I, and Le month; with ultere=roved negotiable papa( will be taken Inc the payments. Sale positive H. MOORE, novld D. Z kNE. PICTROLKUR. OR ROOK OIL. VIRTUES of the rentarkaitle 7 fondly, and the 0011001111 application 101 . a, to the propracter, has Induced hum to have It pat up In honks emit la bels and dircemms fax the benefit of the public. The PETROLEUM Ls procured foot aw e ll in Mos soanty, at • d.pth of feat hundred feet, is • pure an.- doloonded article, without any ehanieal shah - CC left past as doves from Nature's Gnat Lobotomy!! That it contains properties machine • mother of diseaseatfil ma Mager a muter Of uncetnonty. There are many things SD the &MILm of nature, wer els, if knoweeintght be of mut amfulness m elleolating aufferie,g, abd re • among the bloom of health and vigor to many a suf ferer. Long before the proprietor thought of patting it op in tout., 11 bad a reputation for the care of the. ease. The constant and daily increasing calls for It, and several remarkable eons u has performed, is • sate indica:lnn al ha (Wall pope/ant] and wide spread applicatiom to the tome Mem. We do rot wish to make • long parade of caret ram, as we are conscious that the medicine can .eon work us way into the favor of these who seder and with to be healed. Whilst we do not claim for it universal applicanan in ever, disease, we m n rmot. tingly my, that tea number of Chrottie Dimas. it 10 amovalled. Among them may be enumerated -all Mem , of the mace. usaues, tomb as CHRONIC BILONCLISTLS, CONSUMPTION tin Os early stage.) Asthma, and MI diseases of tee air passages, LI Vall COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, !Barham. Diseases of the Bladder and Kidneys, Pons la the Back in 6:de, Nervous Diveases,Nuralcalsy, Sheumanc Patna, Goat, Erysipelas, Tenor worm, Bums, Solids, Braises, Old Sores, he.,./M. ewe of debtluy re selling from expoeure, or long and protracted eases of Meese. this methane will Mang relief. It will set at a general TONIC and ALTERaTIVE in ues =partied WOO l ama enemy to whole framero ma n teg obstructiona, opeeing singgiek Stealth., which mom Mesta and a Wien constitution, and givers increased and renewed energy to all the ormo of LSO The proplator tuition of several mats of PILS, that manned every outer treatment, get well coder the sae theipETROLEUM for • short time. 11111 proof can b• given to soy perm who deatrea None vomitus without Out aignatata of the proprietor. 5'14 "6".lPrava,-6., Basin. near Seventh et Also fly B. E SELLERS, 51 Wood at) and—KEYSER ra. AVDOWELL, corner Wood st and Yuen alley; who are his 00E61451Y mgMerly appointed Agem TIMM LID GIIIIRIIII. FINE AND CEDAR WARE 11ANUFACTORY. No. 91, COILIV! Market and Pillh—or 49 Market, tureen Third and Fourth eta THele"anbrib'Y keepe_eousuanUy on hand, whole vv.b Tu r t t . t , ail, the faith ri mele e , 'LW Meat Tubs, Bartel Churns, Bath Tobe, Half Bushel% . Wooden Bowl*, Peeks and Half Peek o, Wash Boards, Brass Bound Boetels, Clothes nee, Towel Rollers, Wooden L 611106, Breed Roller., Clothes BLUM, Meeker Booboo., &a., he. SAMUEL KROESEN, turyl4 No tin Dtour.nd alley, Pittsburgh LOGAN WILSON & CO, 1119 WOOD ISTRICET, RE NOW RECEIVING • large and consolers rm. &moment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, diAllv LEVY, and CARPENTERS' TOOLS, o f the sioundactrirem Europe and America, and me row fally prepared to her grads ai Ruch prices as cannot WI to p 1.., =a would particularly frqUeet the atiendon of hlerchorns who me in die habit of' go ing East, as we feel confident they will find, after • thorongh eximidnatlon, that oar prices will compare lovorably with any hooms Di Philadelphia or New York. cell WOUNDILY MEN NICIIOIIO3 O. w... I'Little THE Undersigned, elreeell•011 to Arthur. Nichol son, beg leave to inform the chisene of Pittsburgh and pubho generally, that they have rebuilt the EA GLE FOUNDRY and are cow to full operation, and Isaye pen of their pattems ready for the market:— Amongst which Los Cooking Stoves, Coal and Wood Stoves, with • splendid air-tight Coal Stove, which is now eupersedlng In other clues the common round Stove. Ala, • cheep coal Cooking Stove, wall adap ted for small families, with a fall asscruacm of com mon and mantel Omits' We would particularly in vite the attention of persotm building to call at our warchonsc before phasing, and eurnioa •plendid 'article of fore le Onus, bobbed in fine style— ' entirely new in this market. Warchoom, No. Liberty st, .opposito Wood et aogllSoltt NICHOLSON PAYNE. griming, Licivons, Gaol:mums, Lot HE subscriber is Int rem:inn his Fall Stock, cm braclog all descriptirms of FOAEION am GiWeite2, Citars, An. lie often inducements to the Wholeude and Retail trade, that cannot be ex celled. Among the articles for sale, he would enu erate the IoiIoWMIR 59 pine Rochelle, Bordeaux and Cognac Brandies, in Eines, hf rupee, qouten and octaves, all choice rands and 'Lougee, 0 pipes Holland Hine, pancheon Jalzinica Voir tr, 5 do New Ermined Rum 2 do Scotch an Irish Pihissey, ICJ bbls Old Monongahela Rye Whisker, 31 five gal demkon do do; 11379, 41 pkgs Madeira and Sherry Wines, in hf pipes, quer. ters and omens, 5 pigs Lube r and Tenerife Wie, (quarters,) betss7 r Iy.ned"lndintilienJ'.'W."lncirfitaTT‘tnee, 20 bbls Old Peach Bnuady. 100 nets Rtts 'Aram. and J Coffee, 70 pigs Y. IL, O. P. and Chubut Team 30pkgs gowned Tobacco; bbis and bales Spines; 15 bbls White Bus., 37 bunts fresh band OH, 70 do analogue Wine, pts lad qts, 179 Wu dos) Claret Wines; on do Hock or Rhino do; 93 do Suiten. Wines, 90 do Muscat, 10 do 131.01- berry Brandi, 110,0M3 Imported Cigars, together enth Cardialx, IMMilonNWlctuFlaske, Scotch Ale, alma Snot, kn'toslo "I°. /Om., Bottled Wines end Ll lita= the fittest kinds( Anmutte,Coracos, Ab unto, Orient, Cams, Hock and Cologne Bot- Anehovies, Wanes, Lobsters In Jon, Caper., swoops, 0.8. Chounie,Corks, Punch biog., Muddlers, Bogy Bose., Mashers, and Patsbe,rgh Matnrints getakro4. JACOB WEAVER Jr. oetlsl eor Market and Vint en IVlAo3l2 , lobbls: Ilarare Neat biota UA :anal : 4 :1c1 _ W Ausustanss Wow a MEDICAL - - - Cr VIALER. FAMILY MF-DICINF93—"Th.7 are 0 /dedictee of the day.. Gunmen stk./lon, Ohio, klay 4, fit ° 9'1849. • I think it right for tho benerod:ten tts in relation to prat nYtellenl Fuld. ty Medicines. I here risfd your Yen:range Itrrerety Le ley 0•12 fam ily, one yin frequently onsweringlfor eapellingt rge insetted. Pay Ito 2001 worms from two cuildtes , I have also aced youth Liver Pilltruld Atriegh Symp' in my family, and they have in every instenee produced the effect dt sired. Am lam ingaged to merchandising; are able to suite that I 'fare yet to hear of the &manlier° where your medic nee have been used in my Seouon of the country. conciliate. I may fUlte that they are the medicines el the day, and are dowthed In, have e very extensive p +penult) Venn. ree.enUOLy, PROMS.. Prepared and sold by R. ,• 1.115,N0 67 Wood street, and told by Dream.. • enetally is the two ci. des and ember/. scrr3l FEEVrdifiark - 0 - 121 11 tliarlifFCAM_r b i be origthal, only tree, and genuine Llyer rut. Sewer CLIME, Ohio canary, V. 7 March enth,l/3.19. Mr. FL E. Swilerei Deer Sir-1 think it duty I owe to you and to the ;Mille o.onera ly, to t i the that I have been athicood with the Liver Complaint for a long tune, and so badly that an fibersa formed and broke, which left me in a very love state. Having beard of year celebrated Liver Pills being for sale by A R Sharp, In West Liberty, and recommended to at by my physician, Dr. F. Smith, 1 concluded tepee them .fair trial. I forrehased one box, and • found them to wjest what they arerecommended, THE REST LI VER PILL EVER USED , and after tatting four bone. I tied the disease haw entirely left me, and I am now perfectly well. Reapectfully your D year,. H COLEMAN. West Liberty, March 116, lan I witty that I son personally acquainted wash Mr • silent , and can bear testimoey to the Huth of the ortilicate. A R SHARP Tnv . enuine Liver FIR. are preparedind sold by RE i LLERS, N 0.57 Wood street, slid 67 druggists in use w data. TO I'HE PUSLIC.—The originalonty true and gen uine Liver Pills are prepared by R E Sellers, and have It,, Rant stamped in black wax upon the lid of each roa n eau his sweeten" on the outside wrapper--all. terfeits, or base imitntion. E SELLERS. Proprietor D JAR PM'S CAIUVIC &LIAM LI ROhlthe Rev As A SIIINN, a well known and pop r Mar Clergymen mete PrethetwaldetlndutChroch per tandems:led hams been alfileteddaring the pant wet with • Mem mho etomach, emnetimes pry lee. c r great pain Ir the seamachfor tenor fa-Mechem anthem :mem. en,and , after having tried canons remedies watt ant 'was furnished with a bolt!. of Dr DJaynellC more Holman This he *sedan-. earning to the Mr, ens, aid Mend trivarlablY Ihntha medicine eatteedthe pale lo abaa in those er fen tartr ate., and in fifteen or twenty mtnutesevery lineally ..alien waseetlrely quieted. The mediethe was af . terwerdemed whenever indica:ions olthe approach of paloarederierceilad,Uldthe pain %VIM thereby prevent. ed. Ils continued to me the medicine every earning and sometimes iT.• tot oforlthlg, and Ilt a few weekr health wan. (err e stored, that the eudercr was Telles ed Van • huge erne • rdef opp restive , pan. From Co Earience, therefore, • e can eanadently recommend li V Jayne's Carmi eat to c halsaul, ail a todutary medlcie for disease , of thestamach and bowe e l.. A ca SIIINNL Alltheny y,IyI For gals le Plontongla at Is pp:K yi Ito ;aw;ln 711 Fourth rtreet, near We . soil alto et th , D.X Store of 0 r SCIIVIIIRT -r I•treet. Alto , VALE AB - IeICID ID I CONSUMPTIVES, BE ON YOUR GUARD. DR. SWATNE'S ' CORPOIJAD SYRUP OF WILD CREBBY. Cousamption, Ce t" h s s, CI., Aadll'Zßrenehltls, ED- I Irr Cerogr i l, Ilr d s Olt, Difiqj l i r m f tißreatib. I qte Heartalrdhanexr, CroTtrAlreirge Cc7e'•-o entadon, Sore Threat,Nervons Dahill. ty, and allDimuee of the neon, Breast nod Lange: the mend. bourn and speedy ear* ever known for any of ' the alone dimes • DR. StA AYNEIS OwNwpowfd Syrup of Wild Oharryl Thls easfileine ts no longer among those of dentofn atifity.. It Wound away from the thousands daily Isonetted upon the tide Of experiment, and now needs 1 higher to ropotedon. sod th lamming more extendee it . g ad then reps Bo ther other preparation er Medd. ever I Drained for the rebel or sallanns Man. It boo bees arab...! eon , generally through the 1 I Vaitsd Stites end Ramp:, and there are few MT of ' lorponance bet what cons= some remarkab le evi -1 1 deuce of its good erlecu. For proof Mute for Mg statements, and of the man and caleacy of this mlt -1 eine, the proprietor Intl men a few of the cony thou. sand testthooniali which have been presented tone:lof,, I me of the keen respeetablllry—men who have Meier I news of morn responsibiltry and justice, than tra ccr. ill to Tam Granath it will do another a favor, end dememma en Injustice. Such trottmony proem co, Mulroney, that Its surprising excellence ts enablietted by ha intrinsic crielith, and the uncaestionable authori ty 'of public opinion. The thatanumeaus relief \it af fords, and the soaking Influence dilated throes the whole frame by as we, renders it • man me able remedy for the afflicted. REMEMBER , "When men, acting from coneelentiom =palm, eelouthrily bear unman) , to the tenth of a thong, or penman . feet, such testimony, being contrary to their mollify interests and purposes, coerce. conviction cr its truth. and commends stscif in a special manner to ...]gm.] gAgdenee.."—ollogan's Storni Alai.. READ THE 110IdE CEIFTWICATES. Sean Amnia. Clan err M.o.:rue Commonom— There nom was a remedy flint boa been as succenin to desperate eases of Conthmpuern as Dr. Swayne's Courmend Syrup of Wiid Cherry, It strengthens the mom, mil appears to heel the, ulcers eft the lungs, mom ; new sad rich blood; power pomessed by nd other Michte.• Cowan Co., April Lurk, lAA Dr. Pa ayrie—Den Sir l verily behave your Com• j . pound Sirup of Wild Chord ban been th e mean, or mtving my yfe . I manta • severe cold, wtonh snuff, ally grew erne, Attended with a ...acre cough, that re cces a ll the remedies which I had recourse to, sill trieressms nal my cam oxidated MI th e symptoms of relevant Com I:tr n, tvery thing Itned eetue.cl ..... my reeoveyy , your renal.. medicine: I an so 'nth 11. non hip py renal.. i The find bottle hod the elect to Wenn the ci;:rl.t.74.lLuel :1'; ttgr.ji"Z"*.r.`=.:.2l,lg.Le need . menu I eye! , sa• IS My dfo, and needd be !lig t.oler.erary:fore,rne=le:c.V my co=tn° to grateful. For the truth of Ma atinr o e e natement,) I refer you to Yeter Anh, Grow, Wen Chea=ljd oho= I purchased the mediae , '' y you., , Jun. ovum IVosierfai Cure cf is Mraorlist•illirsuisr. Dr. Sway.ne— Dear S theta feel a debt of gestimds doe • you—and dozy to dlicted generally, to offer my tiambl.estimony in favor of your Compound Sy rup of Wil chem. Some theee loom tn.,. 1 wes violently a bed with cold and tuffammationt of the Lus, w lekt zrals ace,roz,mitt W .L at: . a di , :tr . c i Vng bfoolt;er:gemof oeffernsive mucus IrCim vary limp, ' ea pe n' s t i rs ni l Xs% I shrugs attaat erythceollii!'u'rott,''jt'it was pertly soon tionvb,end that I was raffidll ring Intone oump Con. I grew daily weaker, and at length w maze.- ' ly able to walk snouts*, speak above a whisper, such was thsexemltng week.. of nil longs. During this dote I had tried carious priptuabons and prosorPoons, bat frond po reitef—growiag all the time worm. J. ' , bore I wasinds,ed and persuaded by a dear friend ea Wilmiegln to wake total of Yef , StropI I ....To b %) , ild Cher loiliZsinseto,"L"mth:ll7::,lmd I ....Traral.; those cooling owl. the bands of crepe rea l, nit and.. "rdirt Verstri " d ' lt tyres L:,:LITIZgIro., sar.."tr,:; friends, fi fortharnh purchased of Dr. Show, one iffy°. agents,i7 b.dieS, and commen cad Its use. My dis ease w ai ha , time of 20 or SS months' wanting, eon scquend it ws• deeply mated. I found, however, consider le mud from the use of she firsbfour or five bolder. Ilut being a pubic: , speaker, I frdquently at. tempted it, preach with my increasing strength, 'and thereby plarre.l those vessels that bast a/ready begun to hesli n this way, doubtles. my .re was grnany retarded. let ...Limnos of acting thus fiaprodent . I bad to an 1•1,11111 of fi fteen bottles before I was pet. (rely restored 1 have no question, a mach Nita number orlon." old havemade me wand, bet the above ...tycoon. The Syrup allayed the fey. off, habit, took .wa y the distressing cough, pat sr to the discharyo et matter from toe lungs, and gay Mein and the ea.,. system good health. I have dere red offering Mi. °enamels. enttl now, for the p.p. of beteg pert.. Catusfied wri th the permanency of th, care, Land now I feel perfectly wall I offer It WWI o astir. Ps, J. P. loamy. W.Dublia connty N. C. hotrorourte Read' Read' There Is bet c.• a genuine preparation of Wild Cherry. Ind that to Dr. Boefevnels, the first ever offered to the which .tas been sold largely throughout the Vy United Snit. and some parto of Europa' arid ail cor orations collo by the mune of Wdd Cherry have been put out oboe this, to cover of some decepuve elreurnstmees. alder to one currency to their sale.. Ely • little ohm:nation, no person need mlstake the genuine from fi t false. Each nettle of the geriatric to enveloped wit • beautiful steel engraving, with the likeness of Witham Penn thereon; also, Dr. Swayne4 oithature: and s (fink:co security, th e portrait of Do. Swayue will I added No so as to dtstiarnsh his preparation • oom all others. Now, dit was not lot the great canine properties end known wanes of Dr. Sweynelg Com—thud Syrup of Wdd Cherry, person. world not be ondoevormg to give currency to their "fictitious oat- ores" by stealing the pante of Wild Cherry. Rey:ember, rampsal bear irk mind the name or Dr. Swayne nd be cd. !final:lei Often, canter of Eighth and Race oteeent Philadelphia. For sale whet Wood retail by 011DF.14 & SNOW. DE.N, cor awl suit 11 A FAIIPM+TOCK Co, coo Ist on. Wood, and teal and Wood ots; WM CHURN, 13 Monet sit S JUNES, len Liberty ot; JAS MOWS, err iland and Penn sty JOHN macir. ELL, Allegben. city, and by all respectable dealers In petit r P.W.P. Inland's Premium PI a o Ttkft. W• P. INLAND, orate Medico! College tif Phil• adelphth , ram offers tett. public • hts Indian Veg etable Premanothobe ev es ualiti of which, after long and tried experthnce, has smonl tabliohed. To all women who may be italic.' wid, Prolapses Uinta et Fallen s peedy he reommends his • elutes, guaranteeing Imre and cure la the • s hawl, of from two to thee weeks, if applied with care and restcarding all th e countless instrumento • and none bandages so long in use. his he feels conscientious stating, inanneeh as he hoe not foiled ht one case out of three hundred and fifty-three pa- dents. - Also tor Rheumautm and Weak Breast OT Rack, at tended with pain, there I. flaking to cruel Ms Elutes in adording relief or effectitig • cure. For sale by I. Wilcox, corner of Diamond and Market st Brava Reties, " Libirtny and St. Clair sts Dr J Sargent Federal st and Diamond, Alle y c Co,Jacques re Co, " Denman add Diamond Ihromng- hard Tilk E. SELLERS, Dr - upin. No 07 Wood meet J. Dula Agent for the I sle of Dr.Tournsend's lien. nine Sarsaparilla, has rust received 251 desert of this Croat Spring and tiumErt Medicine. Purcsers thould recollect that R Sellers in sole agent for ha Pittsburgh, and D M Curry for Alleghers aid d IeeRACT ( IF COFFEE-- - - - An — sMichi which is ta idly earning into me as • wholesome, nourishing and &Setous beverage, being more pleasant and pal atable than common Coffee, and Dr cheaper, as a mall paper costing only icr, cents, will go as far as four pound. of Cadre. -Manufactured by JOHN S. MILLER, Pittsburgh, Pe. Sold at wholesale by LI A FAIINESTOCK tr. Co, corner of First odd Wood and Binh and Woodstreels. CULICamp Blank FORNIA RUBBE office liR CIOUS— -111 pm Pants, Just Pants, ets, 2Ur ; le pairs nett lined filming Boots; coats 12 Isthmus Base; 4 water Tanks, 6 and N gallons each; 50 ea temu, i gallon each; 1 dos Brackish. Ignitor Betts; i donned eambrle do do. The Murree goods for sale at the Cali fornia (halting Establishment. No iS Wood at. it II PIIII..LIPS ——— A &SORTED SPICES—Fut up for Wady um is tin XI. sans, enclosed to a slalom lid box. contsmum CUMILIZION Ginger, Clove% PePlmr, Warranted pure. FOC - kale at Om [KM El.ptee and Named Factory, corner a( Ferry & Liberty:me mylg JOIIN It BELL APNlLS—Wronght Iron Amnia, tram Ms Temper . ... ey in g wore% umerantedi will be soustantly oh band sod applied r iso ord ok er bkLikt; 1 4... 3 ..-. ..11-i7.12 2 , • ia l glig!liP A i i i t ' l az i:. e . . 4%. fi's ;3 a. g : . ... 8 v r.. .4 ./01.'0,811di34,/7. .1 oliVilraarl& /2 : ...4 .1 .4 -"' g - g,T. v .. .T.,talilitvElll 7, 3-3:1 2 4 1 111 r ."; =0 - Dail, atltattit. r -bob- 14 3 ft - t ..c ia 2 141 3 % . g • °. .4' iIA 4- ''' Tl 3 ' 3 ~, a 1 ,, ~, = el l‘ t i t i 44. 1... '*1 ti .21 . 13 P 3 5 1'.8 1 2 1 11 . . igi 1 1 S e al l / 1."2 •dd '3 . 1 i 1 stAit2,-16.=: , ,i...3. . l'A 3^g 1141 .. s' - z - '1 CD :I ',.l,l4fiesi gielv.lte4 - 311=gezgllefs ca : 6 istP .. g -poi a-i z 1 IA ,i'dellgl../ las 2 2 b-t.rmg.. ." . ›... 111F1 el 4; lz.te g t lid b r. ar ; ..: xi.s.r. 3 .€2.s.r.. , s'a l tr,g.g-..6EtS ro .-.li t ' Llt 4 :4 3 t 32 PitS al 14 4 " , . 1 22; --4-1- -- -^a. - -- 0 L . ar Li 4. 1 ., se.. ij al E 40•4 i INX >i 1 II RR gis-•llg3l...llPri* 3 MC -I o ii I:, I . - ro o...ltirlaja 2:l 2ii g i z iiii 2 . V: 4 1 .• Ga 0 , E- Zikgg i ellie l iz,lifilnia Z 3 ea gi !....id..t a 3 0 83 az ii' a i W ag Ili g-firstig" 9gi v.. *1 '.l • Vi e.sff s !;:ifi q: la 0., et W . r e i g 11 4 2 5,1 5 1 A lturf.q a : l l 42i 11 11 '1 lli. 4 g ° " .11 . 4 left! Nev.l e .14 le 1 1 g e l i ngt;lia4":4 !I 1 4 4= ,a 1 'l i 2 . 0 2 r - IT . 1 '.1....xi:1 1 13 ~.it 1.1- z lab' gt artaiit-ti' :..Lit r , -Z. g :-.1. 1 ,14 .3.gwe!e d it-lg 2,45 e w ,i t Q. 4 gi litiet's.;lso..so.lllPigi - TIZ at -1 (4. ,': 6 :A k r t f , Elis:g i teviegl:ll 4 a. ca 4 4 10 2 04 21.;;2143.12:1.irVgegzr. E. ct rt.' g -I:- ‘ 1.... - :...:i. ..;.121-0 to il li= E _ ~ 3 f'..3 5e88.....0. = 3 - ; , 0 r-1 .., .. rn .."20 gzart g elf.'--s:2zivsr.3' B F, biC ce lit ^O,, A g 4 ii., 4311 . , Sea E 7: PS.I2: S 4"G E- 1 iii 2 g-9 r-: ° 4 1'..11 1 1 '1" -Be . '• 0 - 3.r . 3 .2 .: 2 "' j. 4 ntP 6°;2l ; 4• ; I I; :. g .... E Z 0 -43150..,. 'B,-8..--_ • H < mi . 81 . .74 2 :4 1 :. 2 iii: = Hr...11 4 8;i1t/ipillitl '',l o u Trit affE - il,„Ellsil4is6 - i=„.,..1:E1 0 1 ftlat—ia.l.-21410.91g5r5ft5:;!.§.5,1! 2 , 1...:.,a.t.51-y.ttesier.elejt z ia.g.. e . 1: , Q e . 5 .,. : i g .3.. q ...3.2 ...6.1,.. i ...4,0 t .e.te.;-.gli .2 7a234 , T,....A8:.1-zigu1t;,..•..; , .; ~.r. - e -1.4 4.1 .i34 . 3. E•° •" ' a . V °-4:"• 12 2 z -1•et41...a.-z--0.5.....t5 . F.,5-w -s • 4 '11• irt a la'a•B•tar-u..r °2. !,. 2.3:t1:,0:a1;:=11;:14 LIN ~:: ilpzi.i% 'eisea•.94is•levr- 1 0 3 • 5 1-9 - i.ra••l.,a.t:2 ..-7 ---, ;a - ,2:....-0 x .. .3,4e aa o_p .74,0,..2,...,,a...p.. L - - ....i..- sa- 11-...-a .^:. .:. ‘-a 6. al rit'f-.lrl=;tig 3 ''''' ll ° . " 3l4 g ''''' U '1- ^a,". '3 ir,413i.31 ,- .16:-- , 7-tiii a ire len* --.:zsgr,l Grr AGMNTII.-WM lACIMON,JORND MORGAN, Phtsbangb; D. M. CIIRRY,AI,I•gheny Clty; L. PA116R904, Binninigham lYl B d= B 0:133113 EXCHANGE BROKERS I MEDICAL. I N. HOLMES 1101111, U•sak•ro, Ezah•ng• Brok•rs, AND DULA. ‘ll NOTEs3,DLAFTS,ACCEPTANC_KtOSILD ,S I LVER AND BANK NOTS.W COLLECTIONB.—Drafts, Notes and Anosptanses payable in any pa:laths Union, Eollated oaths atom favorable tams. EXCHANGE on New York, Philadelphia ad SO limore; also, Cincinnati, Sant Lai. and New Orleans. constantly for ale. DANK NOTES.—Notes on el solvent hanks In the tailed States diseonoted at the lowest rates. All kinds of Foreign ad Among,. Gold ad Sliver Mtn bonght end sold. Office No. 16 Market strut, between 3d an 6th, Mamba 11, Pa 001126 ELEIGN MCGURN • jAILLS on ,England Ireland, end Scotland bought any amount at the Current Rams of Exams.. Draft payable in any part of the Old Crosnmas, from El to ARGO, el the rate of im to the S Starling, without deduction of dmeatint, by JOSHUA ROBIN SON, Europe= and General Agony ease Mit st ens door west of wood. outlet! ILLYXLisIa 1591•15 D —Lara 11ANEEIGI AND EXCHANGE MEESE, dower. ~, ,,Fay.& and Dt t r tr , : k en v a vznp, Cory r of ed sad . N4 ' ottd rr s ee l ts:dlseoili 4potdut et. Chutes Ho. W• • i Ohio, ndiana, ismtael7_, !a"l.ll.totar, paruhased el the lowan russ, by N. HOLKEB & SONS, 33 Harkallueet. rept3 BlLLipli r lrft rierrr York, _ rolloo,bhio, Lod Baltimo Conotaatly for nlb by N. HOLM:FS no, & SONS. .epl3 . 331da:beret BOOK TRADE, .0s• of as Most Rearr4abis Warta of as diglo NINEVEIi AND ITS REMAINS; with an amount of a snail to the Chandwan Christie. of Kurdis tan, and the Yesidis, or Dosil-WorshlpPend and an inquiry into the Manners end AN of the Ancient As -7 By Austen Henry Layerd, Esq., D. C. L. With Introileetery Note by Prof. Robuwon, D. 13., LL. D. Illustrated with 13 plates and snaps, and 90 wood ems. 4 safe !No. With, 51,50. - The book has • rare emonms of graPhie, amid, plo tumult. narrative "—Tribune. "The work of lapsed is We most prominent eolith button to the study of antiquity, that has appeared for sonny yeers."—Ciirist In "Net one tire!. in Interest the aerount of Nineveh! .and its Rains, given by Mr. LayartL"—Washington! Intelligeneer A. we follow the Mae. with breathless interest' in their excavations, and saddenly fird ourselves be fore • massive firura carted wan minute accuracy, nate litung taidanue head from the dust of 3000 seer,seadl try cot with the astonished A 18.1”‘ ate it is wooderrol. but It Ls true , "—ln. I pe de For ' sol, by meld JAMES D. LOCKWOO Wood Now Book. TIIE WOIEN of the Old and New Testament. I Edited by E B. Spragae D. D. I voL nvo.i elegantly bound; IS evounkiely finishederaravinaN 'l7l:l'dnd Avarte . g o aie of se l l: O n/11d ittrou ' • als sod Gift Booka Sewell's Chird'a Firm Book of the IliitiotT of Hora.. I vol. Carlo. THE MECHANIC'S ASSISTANT, adapted for the nw of Carpenters, Shipwrights, Meelwrighth, Saw yers, Lambert., Bardeen., and Artisans generally: being a th orough and practical Treatise on Mansura lon and 101 red flog Hula By D liCar.sr, A. M. Home's Treatise on Greek Prove Composition. Gliendoill's Elementary French Grarninar. By Prof. Greene, of Brown Univ ersity. I vol. Elmo Roediger`a (Venoms' Hebrew Grammar, by Cotant. (Macon& Hebrew , Letieen. laimeP.l Englishman's Greek Concordance. l vol. (mom ha.) Anshan's Classical Series. Webster's Iheunnary, revised ed. I col. Bio. do do unabrided. I vol. 4t0.• B ar Notes and gostogans no New Testament Whately's Logic. Iloshenn's Encleatastieg llistory. B vole and g vols. (oheep.) Vestses of Creation I vol. lem. no:songs mood the Bunn* al Rotas 1 val. (olodt nnd paper.) Beetles when Wei Tempter he. Triumphed. I vol. (cloth and' paper.) Bogue'. Tile:gaging Lectures., 1 vol. Oro. (cloo9 Alder's Pronouncing Boyer's French Dictionary. O nsonvl3 [IMM O. Fr A e o l b l y Bui ß i I ng lo ., P F I o CI u N rt S et . . VFW BOOKS JUST RECEIVED.—The works o 1.1 !dontisigue, edited hy.H. Haulm, compristng his hissiya. Lou,en and Joarney through Germany and Italy, with notes from all the Commoulasors, illovapli teal and 111bliOgapeleal Notices to. . Theory and Faction of Teaching . , or, the Alone. aud Methods of Good Sehool•Keeptur, by David Plop, A. M.. Palneigial of Om StstoNorsinal Bohm!, Alb.y, N. Frank Forester's Fieh mid Fishing of the U. States end British Provinces of North Osmoses, by Nervy Win Herbert. JOHNSTON tr. STOCKTON, soon comer Mini and Market au . —_ Tb• Olden Time. • JA.IIE3 D. LOCKWCK)D, Bookseller and Importer, No. 61 Wood Street, has for gales now copies corn_ Pole, she remainder of the. edition,) of this vaioablo weigh, devoted to the PriPierVatiall of Doetiments, and other antlic,.ue tniOnattitail relet•tig to the early el. planation., Settle-Meat and Improvement °Me country wmend the head of the Ohio. By NeVilie U Craig, kies, of Pimourgh, In 2 vois Ovo. 00010 J. IX LOCKWOOD, El at Erg. If!warmed with mew with'.graqrs, rue mod at Rome rots, Sou, uniform Prewon' Ilistoneal lost pabluiten arid for sale by /AMES 11 LOCKWOOD, D.tidier .5 00s10Importer, 03 Wood at VANMY-K.E7SILrIIII—ITALY, atithorinesedition, A: Irmo. 75 eta MRS. FANNY KFAIDLEM YEAR uF CONnOLATION. 'rho readied of this book has impressed as With a roselt higher opinion of Int anlkor Otan we hail formed from peat .mg bcr other Writiool. It displays a deeper our d thought, united to more port Yeomanly pace of feeling then any other production of the female mind wint which we are sequeloted."—Etro. Mirror. hit is very agreeable and readeble boot, writooln Fanny.l:Mle' best spirited and otter tinning We recommend it to ougreaders as the best publication of the sesson.,—Reading Gas. -It contains the Journal of a travel through Europe, end ruidonce in Italy; Ara Is tae of the pleuentest and omit interesting... of the scuott."--Gur. and A ve r. ry Oharacteristie boot. We have read It from Oda page to Colophon with unabated interest. A vb. Ind picture of Itle in Rome. In all respects eminently roadalde.`r—Knickerboek er. For sale by JAMES D LOCKWOOD, novls Butseller itlmporter, l s3 Wood at 111t21051.Phinahl:61111111 WM. SCHIJOHALSNN,Third at, opposite the - V PosnOtsne,Fttiabingth--51aps,LabilmspeS,11111- bemitiStiosthilis, lAbwls,Arehitetutral and Machine or Uravongs, Euelness and Visiting Cards, bus., engraived nun. on atone, and printed colors, Gold, he or Clacton the most approved style, and at the most reasonable proem , octlfuly GRkA.T.eb..`gvtltionorrrLi'yb co 7ealars,'" rhave mined to enlarge my business nsiderably. Having micil • competent Portman, I wal he enabled to and do the work in ger meal nylc.aud in fair pin rom e., and ask the ationuon of mer chants and citizens to my largo stock of UPHOLSTE RY GOODS and Bads, Sialtrosses'eind Redding Cur tail liomde :damned., Danimaks imd Maroons, Cennices:Fn • T. ii gale, Split and Holler Heeds, an n d eevery very need. usually kept l solicitedbh of the kmdi, rmig geilly and ',rowdy as • dad to to. N.B.—Carpet. made and pat down. ••••,10111 WIL NOBLE __ • ALLEG lIIE WE VEDIIZI AND CADINET Wfutkllttadhl. - A.IIRUD I N would respect : inform the punk; that he ips on hand at his stand on the at side of the lhamoud, city,• complete unma n% of Yeoman lihnd a, oleo Ve tan nhulters ass made to or. r in We best style, warranted tal to any Lathe Dotted States Blinds can be removed with. the aid of • s crew delver. ring parehued t stock, Is, and wood of the cabinet es td, hl lishenentof pared & 11PCIels am prepared to furnish sir old customers, as well as eked', thing in Weir line. wee; Pittsburgh. J. A. BROWN. P AfPnrosalleAmVetlec" tB----urernrinlrez:Vo'r'itr, sada nod fdaltionokoia large and well selected essort mein of all the latest and most Improved styles of sa tin; glazed and common PAPER HANGINGS, e on- Mantra of— iti,NG pieces of Parlor and Fresco; 10,000 Hall and Column; u,OOO Dining.rood, chamber and office pape l r—which I would partiedarly ir1,1611 the attention or those Navin to paper, to mill g o od azdenno, at the nee; arianie of 'wood et 111ALTMWS . GINSENG PANACEA! 0 THOSE BUFFERING WITH DISEASED T LUNGS—The unpreeedimted nen. which hoe needed the use of the GINSENG PANACEA a all the mina forms which Init.= of le.. nouns, has induced the proprietor again to eel non to this • WONDERFUL PREPARATION. - The ehougable .weanter winch marls oar fell and winter months, le alweye • &OAS sour. of COLDS AND COUGHS. Thaw, If meowed, are bat the pruconuore of that fiU destroyer, W 31.1201.110151. The question, than, how shall we alp the deetfoyer to the bed? how shall we get clear ef oar might end olds? Is of vital boom.. to the paella • THE GMT AND ONLY REMEDY be Acmil the Ginering Pane.. In pram!' of this we have trorenme to rune publiehmlihe intrtlltriates of doze. of oar best Imown citizens, who have earl? , enced its mired. power. These, with a mass of to Limon , from all p armor the counnoy,—from I MEDICAL BM , OF THE MST STANDING. Ministers of the Gen*, Se., together with ocrente net lees from the , - JOURNALS OF THE DAY we have embodied In pamphlet fermium: any es bad gratis of any of curt. OP c on le g gut ootinST. HIIND ••R have be.aced In this city. THOUSANDS AND TENS OF THOUSANDS throne:tout the United States and Canada, and we isle huge any maxi to pot as SINGLE INSTANCE o which, when taken according to dlnenhnut, and M. fore the lungs had become Wally disofganntad, it hin ever felled to EFFECR A PERFECT CUES WIT 4 need the alUnted hesitate? Why irosort to Ons le noanums, gotten ay by.* ohne int:told eels a the mourned nuns of some easeresed phi del., and puffed into noterierg by iooranmo n Fa so. equily unknown? Whilst a medicine el UNPAR al.rwr EC/ EFFICACY . la to be had, who. vouchers are at homer-ow nein lors,—many of whom, it has SNATCHED FROM THE GRAVE. In order that thus invaluable medicine may be pls.& *Chia the retch 6f the poor as walla/a O.; we have pet the price O ex • NLY NIFTY (MINTZ, Inat one half the canal coat of trough maSninea. It is for sale by our ever. he nearly every town and village over the west, who are prepared to give fall inform. don relation to it. T. SALTER, Proprietor Broadway, C0L0.., Moo IWALLISTEIVS OINTMENT .. _ OONTAININO' N 0 ;-. , • ... •:. 7 . NlERCURYtorother Min ...,.. r" . „. „.. ‘ v - i . , , ii.... := . 1 , 1 1 haagis t f i rAo e . v ,::..-:,.... pultwgir, , ,-.):2. t. ~....: et EASE S _, POISONOUS .....-.. " • ' e 2 WOUNDS to:, discharge ..: ~ ' ..., (, • --- ,• l their valid' mtters, .d • -.,,....- then heals the. • 1! 7. —.... .?. li is tightly termed Ati L - MALMO, f. • - . ' there is scarcely a di5........ ........- ' ' i_......,‘ ' ' each even:l4er tnteutal, • .. . '' , ' , 7 - ‘ , - .., that it .11 not benefit. I hive used ltfor the last sixteen years for all &isms of the chest, involving the utmost danger and rapon*llity, and' I declare before heaven and masa, that net In one ease has. It failed to benefit when the patiettmas within the reach of mortal tzetian,ak,5ki1e0r.4,7.1.4,44.4, q,aad then In Deers Dm one t&e oo t voice sa7Ing—.IIPALLISTE/4 youa IS GOOD!” ELICEUMATISMt netenvee 102110 at hamedletely the Intlananation and welling whet% the PM ...we. (II the threaten. amend thie bon.) D.ACHE—The salve has cure& vermin of the. bea.l;wehe of twelve yetws end who balky givr, Tante, =,r,fea mut S(l.llEV=ll• k2 lr c e rare owed coon thatreally daily every thing known, am well as the abilrf of El , wen twenty doctors. One man told nhe Mulspent , 1,04 on hi. Wide. with.= any knelt, when few eaere of Ointment eared the TETTER—There Is nothing better for the rare ofl • Teter. 11URN6—It Is ons of the bus things Is ths world. for. UPlLES—Thousanda • ate Teary cured by this Oird- meat. It naves fails in girth relief for the. Piles. pa" Around the box art directions for asit Mora Crieerieufer Semfaht, Lime ComPlisiutr . Ms, Taw, arlelous, Scald Read, Sort Ego, Quinsy, Sc. Throes, Broackwds, ?Anwar Affictions, Pains, By ea. Spina Had eche; esikeas,Danbsets,Zer eske,; Bares, Corm, Dintaaq/Bis SorsUpt, Pirsr-1 ;Ira, le. Swelling of tle .I.mM, Sens, lUitturensfen,, , Pilo, mid Fa; Croupy Swats! er Broken Biloxi, gkethl seas, Ages in the Fars, COLD' FEET—Liver Cemplent, pain in the Chest and Side, oda the hair, or the other accompa nies cold feet.tTlils Ointment to the time remedy.) Ls a tare lige of disease teihave cold feet... CORNS—Occuional rise of the OBinnent will el ways keep cores from gring. People need never be troubled with them if t hey w use it Sequent!). • W. This Ointment ts good foram' part of the body or limbs when inflamed. In some eases it should be applied often. CAUTION—No Ointment will be genuine unless the name of JAMVS McALLISTER is mitten with a pen en every label. For sale by my Agents in Willie principal cites and limns In the United Sates. McALLISTER, Bole Proprietor of the above medicine. aj Prmelpel Office, No 19 NorthThrd street, Pitil sdelphia. PRICE ZS CENTS PER BOX., , A. R PITESZCSOII—Bruan e. Reiter, comer of Liberty and Si Clair atm and L Wilcox, Jr, corner, af Market st end the Diem:aid, also comer of eth and Smithfield us; J II Camel, corner of Weltint and Penn rte, nth ward; and sold at the bookends in Smithfield t, s3d door from Second sn in Allegheny city by H P Schwartz and .1 Sargent; by 1 0 Smith, ,Dmggist,Bir- I mingham; D Negley, East Liberty; El - Rowland, Me- Beespon; Alerander Es Son, Monongahela City N II Bowman e. Co, and J T Rogers, Brownsville; John Barkley, Beaver, Pi; are wholesale agent*. febV.deodly . Fart/ toe the Palsies • lo relation to that =rivalled family Ulll3ll MAGICAL PAIN rrE i s i If.llool:4!faad.Traeltib.lay P,lll4=lls,:ted. rywnather, Cammitau Cmcnotaxt,leb. 11, PM. Sill A sense of dory compels me to give My trilyalp to Dalloy's Pam Extractor. Lking nppo•ed q a ack. cry sad all nostrums having for their object sinister motives—but realising mach good from the "King of Pain Killer,"-1 am induced to tendergeu this certifi cate. bane used it in my family, la m_y, practice, and with all the happy and wonderful effeetil that could posaibly be imegmed. H.J. Beams, hl. D. - Dr. Brodie Is hit initial partner. of Brodie & Levi, Druggists. inffsrierentelry Rkewsurtiass. The following testimonial comes from a source fa] milt= to many of those traveling on enr 'Western wa ters. lie. Ghee, the well and favorably known pro ietor of the Parkersburg Hoist, is husband to the P r when letter I annex Pstaixisansa, Va, April 13,1849 To Henry Dello-, Chemist. ks—Sit, Riving for merly been long afflicted aria,. violent .Lullammaory Rheumatism, which appeared no firmly seated so to defy all ordinary appliances to allay the severe pa& attending it, 1 was Induced to try yourldagieal Pain Extractor; and it having elected, almost as if by ma. gle, an Immediate relief; and oleo, to all appe ar rance an entire and perfect more, I ant induced for the bene fit of others who may he Belicted with palneaused by any kind of inflammation, to write tei yea, declaring that In my opaueo, Sounded on entail ex Brie our Mope& Pain hummer is the most valuable ma roeu of the present age for the immediate egiramioh of bodily pain- It is an almost immediate and a per fect care for Barra and maids, and all cater.' in flammation. 'laving many acquaintarietil formed by their visits. at my honlinno s hotel in thin place, hale supposed by your showing them these km Imes, It may possibly he of benefit both to them and yourself. ELIZA•irel 61.1 m neatens& the hope that Mrs. Game will pardon the viatica) I give to her letter. as well en the &ore of amenity es of as being the surest mode of bringing it the notice of her friends-11. Damif.l Felon Cot's& Extract of a loner, dated Beuririer, Xy. Nov. to, 1949. Mr. H. Beller "I have tried your Fein Retractor - ease of felon, in my 01•12 which it relieved and cured in s very snort time." to haste, loan 00- .I.w:dully, Jas. Al. Yonne. 4 Llums and Scalds, Piles, Fore Nipples, Broken !bout, Eruptions, bore, Cuta„, %mode, and LIU. flammatiott, veld. readily to the wonderfol properties of des unrivalled Unruly salve- But, in the same pro portion that you vri ll receive benefit from the genutne, you will be inbred by the deleterious effect* of the counterfeit salves. GAIITJON—De sure and apply may to the Inventor, B. Dawn, 4th Broadway, New Fork, or to his au thorized agents. JOHN D rdOROAN t General Dect, Pittsburgh. Henry . Selman:, Allegheny, est; L kra", Wheeltn P g, Va.; James AV Johnston, laysville, F. !derryweather, Cincitumti, 0., General Depot. N. 11-In the severest Barns and &raids it =ruts the pain In a few minutes—lt never fella , 014 e, L. r saw:wool A. W. N. Y. Ply U. Fosotatou Pittsburgh. G. W. Foss Yeilesarrnrulg New Stirs Is !My at andonslV ll an salamiamed in the J. Wholesale be at Rau JOWL wrest, in the sty 01 Now I= 4 wog wow and wan hunts with Dross, tod, 13,..Wagh HP awl Annie= Pelt:awry, goo.;ae, Waver & Womis Willd: own owsulniosi mai WI eilwir satin is r lbw of Maa ss" s =PS& Kula) YA AIR ma beim' Woad is lialskSaj sailers shy. New Yet% NW B. as PAIIIX aG Heads Read! QELLERS' COUGH SYRUP.—From W.1.l IPrq., Clerk of the Conn of Quarter fitsesio Beaver County: Mr. R. F. Some time In the winter etty Inhume calmed with a wrens and distress's' gee" and hearing of your invaluable Cough Syrap, I. par. chased a bade from S. T. Trimble, of Bridgewater, mid after be [ h e eh two Or throe evenings on going to she found lannediste relie2 also cram' friends ve been relieved in Barometers.. I sin therefore melded that It o s a safe andvaleable Med:eine, end iroMd reeommad it to those who nil be maimed with sevens 005gho and Colds. March 8,1911. W, K. BODSTi. Prepared end sold by B. B. SELLERS, 27 Weed st, and sold by druggists generally, in Pittsburgh gad Al- The Chartiora Coal Comparayr [I:NOORPORATED.] - ne OOKS win be n for enbeorlption to the each of nip The Chardon ope Coal Compaq.," on and Otte biamtay,theHlth day of Septembet inst., at the aloe of Z. W. Ren4rton, Penn et, Plueburgh. ept2Pdtt E. W. .IKINGInti. OMOILUIII Ammon:, MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 46 Enda Welt,' kriffflG maimed an extenthe and cralefelly se. lasted stock of Rioting and Bummer lhoode do ea ee ri ber regtemfally informs Ws friends and the grablie, that be is nomuing to Mid. mad axe. .ate t h eir otters with auk, and in tka atost enbetandal, arta able manner._ hitt determined to de hominess an the each rygtea4 he lA. tors himself that be Inn be able to do wort „ a " It can be done at any establishment to the a 4 GU meek Is Tatted, mmsng of Cassimares, aloha Vesting., &a, which his friends as rul*aralli ly innted to xamine! for the mselves. -- iny'll:dtf . .. GEORGE - t, • •• RE/WWI:Dm • new • story brit* g 13mithlteld street, em 'door bellow Kith meet. Teeth maned Ikea one to an entire act, on the unction principle, whit a beat. 111hlrepresentatiort f the natural gene-weeMnag the "ra 4 ,--VeV r atr ' ae ' ro;With or no yala. ' • Dedayed Teeth permancalrearcil by puggig t pre: mina& the tooth ache, which la mach better thut CVP ring lt, though it &tumid be done le Inn mimes, or even instaar. • wialtia.e.e. MMSi=l B. A. ITAHNESTOCWS VEHIQPOBB. • • - 01.0 e al CILIWAL TN order to afford all possible security to the pubite, as It as to themserras, sgsirou fraud and imp. anion from counterfeiting, the proprietors have snags animate to the exterior wrapper or table of %Mir V.s. mirage. The raw label, whic a steel augreoding of the most exquisite design and h i wor s kmorahip, hashes& Intro:Weed et a very great expense. and .is fres the brain of an arsine( die first talent. The design's new • and the execution elaborate. Several karts andrit portrait are snow • pron . :Linen; hut the - word "Vino. rein,* printed in white letters on a rod and finely ens graved gromad, should be particularly examtned,. Wben held us to the light the knees, shading of the letters and every line, however minus, throe/health@ whole of this part of the engraving matches exactly as it the impression had been- mite aperients side es although it is scmqily printed on both aides of the oraer. Two should in all cases be observed. • la. bet upon snob dozen Is also Firmed In sod upon both sides, ah.oiX.lre.flp.inwedsin the tood ammo years trial, and is eonlidently reeeentrunided aa and elbows! medicine for et fren , ystoro The unexampled Alcamo h wt , h•• Sod nen the irailoraelar has made It • point to asesstate the Yesalt of its use •in such eases sa cram within kis knowledge and observation—god he Inver's:big fogad it to produce the most saltllt . ary aria —tiOlsniradsent . ly after nearly alpha ordinary preparations noome mended for worms bad been previously, molted es without any pennwient advantage. This fact is at. tested by oho certificates and summand of itandrads of respecteble persons in diderent pans of the easn , boaldinduce Wadi. always to hoop a rad /i r th ' ? p d re ' paration in th eir possession.. It Is mia its operation, end nay be administered with prafeet Mier ty the most delicate infant. The only genuine. isPrepsred • te B PAIINIZTOCIL, 'Prather& ra Groat ilfinli/lab ' 'DOR Coughe,Golda, Asthma and Coasumptionl ane GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY for the CIT 6 alb* above. diseases, is the UNGARIAN sauaumps , LIFE, discovered 6y th e celebrated De 81101.11, of London, England, and inrrodneed Into the United Malta Oder the lannedtate superintendence of the lenrenter - 7 - ' The extraordinnry seccess of this Medleints, In t h e arm of Pulmonary daemon, IrIITAILLI the Amedean Agent in soliciting for treatment the worst possible sa• am that can be found lathe conninanity—cases that seek relief In vain from any of the common remedies of Gm day, and here been given up by the most Ataingaished physic:sea as confirmed sad incurable. The Hirstra/- an Hamm hes cured, and will cue, the most despenal. of ewes. It is no qtmck nostrum, Mu a anuldard Sags Ilah medielne, of known and established elgesay. • Every family In the Dated Mates should ha. nip with Itrtchanhi Husgarian Balsam of Life,net oay w COILUILTIIt the constmeptive tendencies of Ms edistan4 btu to be wed as It prevendve medicine la ell cues colds, coughs, sunning of blood, pain . In the side and chest, writation mad soreness of the long, breshins, difficulty of breating, hectic fever, oioht ramata l l= ation andgeneral debility, asthma, innate.% w sough and map. Soldin lame bottles, eraft per bottle, with MI &MI 6 ' dons for the restoration of health Pamphlets, containing a muss of English and Alinli• can certificates, and other evidence, showing the am equalled merits of this great English Remedy, may bs *birdsaloef the I*-wtegti=r byHAF A Co., corToye st and Wood and Waal and eth pastws befeie—matle on the moat apnreved EMMA plist•-• wed CHEAP fionable Eametopetterns exiettittlet. THE CHEAP ROLL, or HOSITIN ZUND,AX hexe or made to order of alleisea t and at all ptieelt ,, Country Morella= and °that", me tnettee eette.tt examine the above for themselvesa_s &won beau erholeseto or reuul,.d a liberal: &deafen mods to wholettak p unbent. .Idl7 - A WESTERVELT -- • LOGAN, t WILSON 4 . 00.. IMPORTERS and Wholesale Dialers inParelan and Damentic Hardware, &amyl , tf. , _5_1, 1519, SSS Wood street, Pittsburgh, are now folly prepa with a. recently imported stock of Hardware, Catlery, Sad dlery, C pents' Teote,lo., vs oder very great ia ducemesua to Western Merchants, at La addition . the manyadvardages hid by our predecessors, Map . srs. Loran 1 Kennedy, we nave greedy Inereueel, oat - facilition, and purchase all out gaols from brat hoods an the very best terms. The junior member/ of the Inn devote Mils whale, attention to sale., apd feeling conideet-ofirleing sat. • jporiuifully solleit call from ell whelnar witit.tioeseettet.. vaLUl D. s:maim WISITINWi HUMERI'S SUPERIOR RED INK. /11.13RERTS D/ACHINE COPY INK. LL these differ from ortlimnnk, ai‘ . ll.,„ i „, jah chemical solallons contst In d o isbcia ter kind have rd le, I haie neither seen nor heard of. them. Ram le bon= e be obtained grads, by the =Tehran. generally, from D. A. b 8. Co., Henry P. o,,wearts, allele:my, or of the mantatketarer, THOR, K.IIIOBERT. Druggist and Chemist, comer of Liber y awl Santhfield strect., PitsransTgls, PO. NAny bottle not price will satisfaction, lan be returned .4 the price will be refhaded. julthdGe. TUE STAE OP TEE WEST * YENITIAN BLIND haNUFACrOItIf • East aide of the Diamond, wllese Vemtian t Blinds of all the different aims and colors are kept on hand or made to order IN the latest and moat approved Ewa?. faaM .. - ionhSt th A skenut notice and a u. - iso. ream le terms. . Also, the cheap Boman roll or split Blind Tanga' rency and Paper Cenains or all the different zitp and patterns, en hand and for sale low for cash. Old Veer. tam Blinds palmed over and repaired, or taken in part payment for new M WESTERVELT, PIOT. N. B —All wet. done with the Leto marmial and workmanship,: and antranted to plea. the molt fas• .41.0417 Alleghmy city, Ang. 10, 0808. 001d-PlClfir• omiw2=z;:a - Office tb.& Exchanges Baltimerres DEDUCED RAW-S.—The charges have been mho red on all htmsages to or fmm Baltiroore.rePf ugh or •Wheeling,, and • correapondLeg redu2.7_ Made alltelegraphic despatches forlorantedttamnr imam-Plat of Piusborgh, Pa- Ithcsa—The c.harge for a telegraph from Bald re 00, Pittsburgh and NThecting,u tiM bsr the first Molitor* and 3 ova. lot Ugh word. 110 , I(No charge it made for the add5!4 041,4114 . - . of Until thraphe com Mem pletion of the BO'Ullk Wcsta+4 9 ° Tel c front phis, pto- coo be Comrade - duo hteithhis thotTMwh wys It mailed tor Near 4 . 4 AND HATIIING ESTMILIis-- • • IcFALL, belga to inform Me ItlaildisMof Pits -14. bore% m3d that he hal Weald am abort wrtablialutumh when ovary sondes win I* paid %a Mo comfort of those who mg mow himi "Oh ea. Liberri auto, benreend=th MO WOO L 4 lair ed al akar the me"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers