__ E ~ S"~_: 1 THE- eITTSBURGE tint& The song. "My Native ;40,7mitau song Professor Bingham lad othas, Ando:fats were, • Possenteft,by different ioemberi of the company. PJULLSKEM MY WHITEtes - jx . o , `''''""d""4"l".,"--"—""•'""°1" following vas WirSsor The annive V lSl4 return-of of the landing . Critatklitirim - Fatfers; is oommemcgation of their ininerphin, their object bang, thn - nuainment - of re4totia Merry and ficedom— therefore pro. pgsed,iaitulrdeiceildints, it to cerebrate the stnf Cr landiag, by an annual Wend:. liateuiuk • liteligions and Hist=iii dincoanse:thereiae. .BssatioHt. , That the Committee, who may be sp. panto)!, to :make :prrimgerne mafor our nr and antiequent mecum, be lostracted to see= the amines en =tale person to prepare and dalis , era discourse adopted Co the occasion. in acme of =churches, on the afternoon of rho day we cel ebrate. •PV B 17-11.0 TurY4/4Y ttioasoah:DEC. ss; tem The bee 'pee office 7111 blkei , . o l , :i leg ec.19.11r, A.:M. _Etter were eta be Czattrzsizz tiva.—No paper right, issuzdfroin LhLodice(o-morrow. This according to tin memorial:nage, to give cuitiacds the opportittd ty to jciin to the Vtlkiome. of the time honored faidivitles of Chustmat. We Oder ,to all the friends and patron of the Gazette, the congratalatlona of the season, and oar beet arlahes for their happiness and prospe*Y• We received the Prendent'e hileasage.in con nection with the rat: C f the drily morning per• from the A'iactio and Ohio Telegraph Line. It vow brougLt over free for all the papers which receive new. regularly...by that line, a Tarp handsome and obligicg ederdien of the °Seers of that well regulated end ecterprMing company. Tsui P/Mal , CiT'S el Taylor bui gone back to the good old eustoin id : regard to the length sad style of his menage. Inahiad of enter: lug into en interminable argument on some tionbri fel question of policy, and thus degrading this, great state paper akar, t wholly to the purposes of party aggrandizement, Ger.. Taylor has, in a brief and dignified manner, coven bin opinions to Con. grata on the principal ...yeas of aational interest and left the argument t ) @e sppropriate time and place. The . obele c ,ur.t!y will thank him, and hrisging his message tern a restranabla compzw. It will be more 'salver; wallfread, and probstor impart more lasting infix Olgion, than it it ha'. Lir,s twice as long. Its ret: commendations ore rich es we expected from biai, and Mow. him to be o pc...)! Whig—a friend of ups Uniorra warm Ivied patriot, and an honest tuna " • We. are requested to cafe that the l'elerpli Odle* will be open to dey until 10 o'- clo ek N be morning, end from 4 to 0 o'olock In the twreaing... Tata 2244444.—80 t one Poling, that ofludigne. trotr. - wrainlia this aectmentty, and we doubt not thronghout the entire Whig party in the North, and among el honest opponents of slavery exteeslan, at the conduct of those members of Cartgresl, misnamed Free Soilori, who permitted a slave hattErik. sleve-exteettion.t Speaker robe elected, over a Northern Wee, who is from principle aid oducatlon, - and lecher, opposed to slavery and its propagation. Megan, Giddings, Wilmot, Lc Ca r , knew that per. Cobb wooed be elected on the flail Dailot,nnless they gave their votes far Wiuthroi They In effect made choiee between the two, and decided far the alovehoidor. They will say that they were . plosive in the matter, but they ought to lather that they are not 'seat to Cone green to remain por.ivc. but to do the best they can for their cantthateute. There is no hones: lirecTiell rein, or .co.rnon Path, but mast hale praGsrred Mr. Winthrop to Mr.' Cobb—betties° menhirs' Mod by end permitted his electinn When.** could have prevented it, and .resin . The Whip of the South have also done cinch to altheate the affection. of their political bretheett in the free ammo, by the conduct of certain of their members in the election of Speaker. • They 11v3'Dao:nated ae tom men, but have projed thernaelvea recreant ace faith to their political lath, in the time of trid They withheld a suffi cient number of Yates to secures election Ur a - Slaveltolder, although he was of an oppositely,. Mical crted, and gave one cf.-.their owe patty, - whose character and Unless rendered him pecu liarly acceptable, the go hy. South conduct hes a direettendoncy to break -up national parties, and to promote the formation o f those,of a sectional Chars aster. If inch shell he the result, the Soup! has Moan to blame but he roe f. The Now Eni.laud Sniper. . Oa Saturday eveuing law, the time-honored *Wind of the landiag of the Pllgrims, wu jde. tailed hy the untires of New England, In Pitts. be . h ■-a0... 'at the Morton. helm. Hotted.. . .and fuming acquaintance. There were aboat an equal number of ladies and gentleman. The sapper was on the table at a little past nine of 'dock. .T . hts was every thing that could be wive, comprehending all the most subetantial, e! and delicacies of the reason, aervod up iti due - and in the grameit prcrasion. Several •"yan.heo" dishes graced the feast, such u chow der, 'en dash huh, pork and beau, Ere. Altogeth er the capper - Whored the .highest credit upon Cumu, who gave his personal attention to the arraatraments of the table, and the orders of the course s. . _ The fclitTing penons neted s as caws oo the coralon: President—Eon. Charism Sheer. • • Vice Presidents—Harvey Child,, Isiah Dickey, Elchiil Edwards, Begs. Committee of &meagre:mute—L. It-Livingston' , P. Childs, Luke Loomis, A. A. Kasen. Seem:nu—Doctor B. R. Palmer. . . iompany had done justice to the feast, *Me :Chairman of the evening, Judge Staler; in a Sew appropriate and pleaeant 'remarks, congrate .. Wed : the' com'pany on the auspicious measles • on Which they Ned met; said called upon !some joatleMen present; to Sing the .Pllgrim Nam,' • which was performed by Meows. Stoat, Shiro, Metcalf. and Mrs. Ste:us. • r Jaiige,Shalor then matt the following ' , Mai, pro. fastaA if. with name remarNS , tor t abHe Walter ForwArd--Respeeted and edee for Ms virtues, duitfAilteelled foe tee 1. Intellee4lNew England may well be proud cif him.• •.-lf he Ist4 apprecistid at Me Court to which he is' Mete' must be e'somethisig rotten in Dan "...The Wait uses wzpooded o by the view testi menials cf siiprobation of theteneletor,* wet* also the ratherteuchicg remarks of fdr.Forward in appending to it. : „Mrs,' Wade was ten called open for a sentg, 43:a vie the following, which-vu written heseslf, lir e believe far the occasion, and sung with tuna and effect: XT STW . INGLAXD IiOXI. L 4l L e go to New'Ellitla4d, :roes more ass : guest, To the - tome cf my Mobil:moil in innocenosi blest, 'Wher e ' he tail Elms wave, and the bright ilratalli • *A To toy N e , • • England hone, let me jet me go. qt. land where the Pilgrims drat 'ell a bright record of thatttortel Where th ey ,„ fame, To ilk& bets *I rook ,V 3 PlTmoutVil bold shore, 11.74 lone , so. moo 14 loved le: .7 1° 'l4 oats more. . lul • where my bath= and tr... 4.331" s•r 'Yu the land where my ho cored, my laved Mott. . died, °nee mere toper grave in the valley so low' r With ahem, of heart let tie go, let me go. I love Penesyleasia, her hills and her dales,' Abounding in wealth to her mountains and vales, I love her brood sunsets that resistlessly 'Bat Lill to New England, let me go, let use go. I lase Phontylvsnis, but her children, the most A noble, a fearless, industrious host lantana, by adoption and proud to to co, Htt still to New England, let ma go, let i.e. Tema 'tie the dearemohe besi spot on earth 'Twee the Immo or my youth, 'tie the and of my birth— 'Than& brighter nzd faint the land sr4ere . roam, can never Caret my New England home. The next t43uLaf tout walk— ,:The Germans who fell in the de nete or eiyil liberty " , . This eras responded to by the Re Istv. Pares. wbo orp, present as an invited guest.. Ha p ee high praise to the Yankee character. The 'lrealdent then gave: . ✓ p.eosylvonia—Thu kind and a onerous foster ' c entienshe received wash open atone the pilgrims (NM the ad, or the Now World. Tye Reverend Mr. Howard respleded some eery peppy remarks, in which be paid a vary h i g h pompliment to the Pilgrim Fencer, ..)ye e e n . e luded by °Tering the following: loped:ten Venn:bi--The prince of Arne wean D i T iees: Among a 9 the illustrious civilfarus, Fang. cippbevy,and men of letters of Puritan begin, DO omelet his department his equalled him. •He is ~,,h9 i l e g equally. in Europe and Amen cm. Hia Imoristal work on pik Freedom of the Mee= Will, is one cf.the most stupendous Adkins of tap, mail gentile. AO art acute metepbyincian,—sei a bumble and devout. pinifcrustheologian—air an q‘e• cbaliongc—tbis' . Werlg to prothic his F .. ebrletiaD 'daythe `ustat t diposie 'the equal, woes . t • s of o Gentile. illeawd, That sus out neu• anniversary will 'emu gn the Sabbath, that the dinner/rim for the occasion shall, it practicable, be delivered on Bab bath evening, and the festival to be held on' the Mowing Monday.• The company broke up about 12 o'clock, well pleased with thasruielves aid each other. PROIS WAIIIIIAGTOII. Genevanlmmo of the Pittebargh.Gazette. Waartourras, Dec.l9, 1849. The two parties met in canons thin evening aos cordial; to. guileral . expectation the Democrats appropriating , so usual, the House of Represent. , tives, and the Whigs the larger of the Committee Hootra. The pmeitedings of troth meetings have been of great significance , and importance in the peewit emergency. I s hall send you the outlines of them by in time .for your Friday's paper,Aat thai will not under• leas summary to a roper nnder►tandiog of • the developemero which may be expeotad before the arrinisation of the Howse is effected, of the present sketch. • 1 bad previously Informed you that at the Whig caucus, held oa Monday night,an executive com mittee had been appointed ender the chairmen,. ship of Mr. Vinton. At the:martlng last evening, Mr. Hampton, of Pa.. moved that this committee be instranted to-open a coneepooderme with the chairman of the Democratic amens, to the end of sorwarding the organisation of the House, and that the committee be invested with authority to consult with whomsoever should be' appointed by the other convention, and to enter into cod, ar- re:gement sad understanding with them. as should seem to Timm suited to the emergency, with directions to report their proceedings to the next Whig meeting of members. After a brief debate, this resolution was adopted, and a copy of the resolution wan. immediately communicated to the Democratic caucus. The committee on the put dile Whigs, to which had now been coo- Opted such important duties, was compared aa follows: Yuma, of Ohio, Chairman. Stinky, N. C. Aalxmna, Man. Brack, Ky. White, N. Y. Conrad, La. As this wu the only bunts= orimportanee be fore the meethig, a adjourned at an early hoar. Not so the Democrats. ♦ harder or more mutaa battery_ time among themsalvu, they have scareely ever had. It appeared on assembling that a principal ob ject in calling the meeting bad, been to receive and consider a propavition from Mr. Beale, of Virginia, in which was to be tendered to the Democracy °title north, and the Free Soil men, aola very great conceselon. Ttis wee ■ resolution In nearly these words: Resolved, WWI in the event of the election ale Speaker of the Haase of Rep resentatives by the Democratic party, it shall be considered no coocassicia of principle or opinion if sad 'Speaker ,ball appoint as members of coot mines as many of those who conceive that Coo gross has • right to legistate upon the subject of slavery. so shall be required to enable them to proatire a free expression of their views.—Thin you will perceive was eery near the.platform Slanted by Mr. Wilmot to the late Wm. IDrown, B r own, and and by him accepted and prop pe d up -with Pledges. • • The politicians among your reaaers, will of none, undarstand thin the coruddetatiou for this great boon was to be the thorough fraternimmian of the, Northern Democrats with their 'Sentient brethren, the acceptance and cannel support of &Southern candidate for . Speaker; and la short, a patrol &emissiou . to the old mow of Southern domination. This being sir; Billy, ,of Virginia: showed but bole tootoorkity q diwr.tO?griin re-, caner. oko to show what eras Demoeranc doctrine an slavery, and to provethatthia wu the darkest and most dangerous heossy. He declared Silt according to ell his reading and study, nobody could be s Dinoerat, who did got stand upon the Cis platform of seins-interisnason. And eller Mr Beyiy, and other Southern eager of democracy lad riddled this pence Oflering, an that it wait tat a thing of mere shreds and pntehes, With Iffe day light streaming through It in every direction, Mr. Thompson, of your State, excited the unboinded asierdsharent of the chivalry, by informing them, in his good himoned and jocular, yet telling'Cian. • ner, that he was as moth opposed to this propost• tine as any one of them could be. It was nothing but tut eXCELIIO, an apology, a toleration of their principle. which he and hie constituents, wad nine teethe of theTranwerstie party at the North, held upon the subjett in question. Theirs was the old creed gibe democracy. It came down to them • by prescription.. It Was older than the times of Washington, Idling', and Nathan Dane, when. It received form and expression. He would ac eept no snob: concession. He Would hold hie` creed brrigtit, not by sufferance, and would vote for Dayly's motion to lay on the table. To pre• vent that being dui, by the united vote of North and South, Mr. Beale withdrew the resolution. Then =no the resohition and menage .from the Whig amour, by the appointment of ■ eom. mutes of conference. ' Burt, of South Carolina, moved an Immediate acquiescence. The South wu generally in favor of consultation and compromise. It may be stated, by thp WIT, thattite general opinion seems to be, that it will result In the elemiou afold lar.bleDow. ell, or some ether moderate SoMhern Demoemt. The North opposed the scheme. However, thp Routh, as aural, prevailed, and the, commlitee was larthwith appointed, as follow,— Mt. &anion, Tann, Quilrman • J. Thompaon, Pa. • E. • P.Pouer, Ohio. • T. H. Bayly, • J. A. McClernand, Sananan, Texu. The Instruct/mut to this commates were the lime as those given by the Whfp, on Mr. Hemp tan'e. motion to the ,The matter heirs thus far disposed of, Mr. Ger ry, of Kline, producSad a great senssatlen, by proposing to instruct the committee to confu with the. Free Boil men. - 1 bare not space to sketch the scone of excitement which followed thii—rod des it to say, that the proposition was rejected by • completely Sectional vote, twenty seven North ant Democrats going fo, and the whole bloothop reknit. This closed the proceedings, and the meeting adjourned till tomorrow night. WIII2IIIOIIIN, Dec. 20, 1619. The Pr, 'mediae. of Congress to day deserve GNe almtio . • or, perhmr; it would be more pro. per .1 deserving of greet censure.— i° .22. " "ihai so very earnest iron It was natural enoug• cgroct should be made, in the 1. ' • and *ge n. dwithods had been coinnilited to othe. • • 4 , 4 , dies than belong to S. regular . . pltgo of ;cove nth sembisge. All u. were wailing upon *gel th . et the co.ninittees end cattetrses, to • tuk orProdding a plan for the election o 1 , er bad been at:length sniped. Bet ene votel,imas taken - on that subject, and the only re• amt was to ahow - that parties were utterly broken op and disputed. Mr. - Stanley received the highest vide east for any one member, 75. Mr. Winthrop, 13. Of the Democracy MeCiernand had 50, Boyd 23, Strong 15, and Cobb the balance. A little amusement was caused by the means ' taken by Mr. Giddings to bring out the tags of the two encutions, last night. Mr. G y by way of retaliating the charges and imp:ingot," which be - and his Free Soil friends bad incurred, by voting for Brown, lake-wed the Home, with I great appearance of indignation, that be under. ' Wood a most astounding bargain had beery:made for dividing- Pt the °Sees and - hotows, of ( this House between the Whigs and Demohraw. He hoped-the Matter would bet investigated by the House, end the Walk be brought to light. Mi. Ashriann very promptly answered, that the gentleman lip Iseen misinformed. There I had been no bargaining, our trading, oar underhand ....Amingi ,10' Mod.. The Whip and the • Demoorats Jed -resolved to consult togetheq, in POPp l Agilttbli 5140ii2eSs.11,0i,IPMVI/402 o( tbe House by their combined amp. All the cap. - Perideerie upon the abject would be immedlately laid before the Hothsh. • It was accordingly =at up to the Clerks!' deik, sad laid by him before pm whole leOrld; ' was Aland id consist of two fie= MI. Vinton,. es Chairman of the • vi . th t Pefiethtlior4=ormaisit the filet of the ipficiintothith,of Ceistereice Comnilitee, 'ThremPlieri, Chrivtrian of_thivDethocralie meeting, and the nittaivertrilha Same, slgeed bY . ge;Theretv 50t4Wlilg.ema° thel* Coirunitthe had: been agieed..FM the the unto teelieles 6ti Se put Ofthi Depilates .The raid the Of.this plain and pithy eonespondence =need a general laugh Over the House, and Mr. • dluga .appeared ettloded. Mr. Pm= made,. vary persevering 'Tonto ' ,peek upon a motion made by himself, ca l =i al of the rule adopted the other day, ding 'debate.' He wasVuled cut of order by a formal Tower the Hanes - , ay= 130, nays N. Mr: Woodward, of S.C., renewed his proposal to prat aSombernilemocrat in the chair, mail the I choice of Speaker Should be effected, on this oc. mai= naming Mi. McDowell, of Va r . It was vo tad down for the twentieth time, by gel in, nays I 127; 'and I think is now finally disposed of. The House adjonntedat two o'clock. I rather regret that the Senate had not seen pro-1 per to amuse itself as hannlasly es the House; fur I must say, that, In my judgment, it never spent a day more discreditably to Iteelt or =profitably I to the country. The entire meeting was consume. ed Ina discussion sometimes utterly frivolonajand sometimes bitterly personal and acrimoni=s, over a paltry resolution yesterday offered by Walker, of Wisconsin, inviting Father Mathew to take a scat within the, Senate chamber. I am almost ashamed to say that even this petty and inelgalfm cant movement was not allowed to pass without the obtrusion of-that pestiferous fire brand, .the slavery question, which, like the frog; and lice of Egypt, meets us and annoys every where. lam sorry for his own sake that the new Senator from Alabama, Mr. Clemens, should have chosen to make his debut by draggint this miserable breeder of discord into the Senate on this amnion ; but he did so by objecting to the admission of Father Mathew, on the ground of Ids eantiments and pre vious course upon slavery In the United States.— it seem, that some year. ago, Father Mathew "fitted, with Daniel O'Connell and seventy thou sand other Irishmen, that fatuous circular appeal to them countrymen in America against slavery.. But since his arrival here, he has studiouely refrained from taking any part in the controversy. Mr. Clay made an qloquent, though short speech, in*vor of according this pubtia compliment to the Apostle of temperance, solely Om the ground of the virtue and philanthropy of his character, and he deprecated With equal tkquenott and earoeri nees,the introductkra of the slavery question on any and all occasions. Governor Seward, of New York, would vote for the resOlution with the greater pleasure, In con• aideratthn of the noble stand taken by Father Ma. thew, In favor of human freedom, as writ an in View of his =forts to tradicate the voce of intim pemnoe. Hereupoo, Foote, of felholuippl—he that mould • hove bonged Mr. Hale—and his colleague feller son Diets, opened upon the Governor like two ' blood hound. in leashes, raging foe blond, with the victim in tight, but just without the reach of their foris. I have not time, nor spares, to desenbe their abuse of Mr. Seward, but no candid man could witness the manner in! which ha bore him. heir under it, and not admit thu the Okam and patience with which he heard and saw them pour out their malignity, sprang from his contempt for such adversaries, sod not from tuoeutisiof The resolution was adopted, ayes 33, noes lb. My private opinion in the molter is of little ace count..but it appears to me that Mr. Calhoun's view, as to the merits of the resolution was un answerable. It was, that snob complimentary invitations wens derogatory to the dignity and self respect of the Senate. As a private act ofcourtrity, let Senators invite and being upon the boor, worthy and distinguished men, but let not the higher breach of the American Legistature descend to the luta cf Son hunting, under soy circumstances • I whatever. . /moor FIRE IN NASHVILLE. Slasurzus,Dec. 23. - A fire broke out last night, about 2 o'citek, in the house cm the camera', Ektnare and Ftederisii Streets, whieh was entirely destroyed. • Vet bras .7utonceN2ClecefilltddliMetrt=2l22t ing. Their goods were *mamba damaged in the remoeal,bnt none of them were boned. Their ions is tally covered by imitll . ll:lCe. . On account of the late accident at the Waler Works, no water could be procured. or that It seems almost a minute that the whole business put or the city was not'destroyed. A heavy rain tilling at the time. =sterility waisted in the sup. mama of the Same,. The rivet, is rising Cut, the low grounds being aheady coreree with water. •,WirviEßUlAi, RECORD. PITTSIIIMOM BOARD cir TRADE. naosarts Imam COMMITTEE FOR DECEMBER Arrival. mid Departitrea Euler. Mali, via Pldladolphls, day ilases 19 ■ W 12 ..1411, Gime. = 4. Loalivil.; Cal n r. r. close. Sonde, Via Duumon mad {Tubingleo, dAte B n , g-• 60- se*b A. a.• North We.t.re,rta Orreatki, due 10a. ta Alosesil Erik and Wasterla New York, Ithut 111 P.., a. cloak. limanning, dee 7 k. 24011011 e, 7{ F. K. . Wussa immanourniig vas etuzus .—Daring the wltuar mouths tha'ni.iokars composing the Cunard Lice mill eall from NaWokork, BIM= mad Ltverptal, es tellows: Cambria, tram I.lrtrpool, farßortmy k pi, 1849. CanWa"o • rr Haman ' ' 41.111. leak for New York, • 20. forlfamon, 1' Fab. , for Neer ark, " to, for BOSMO. March 0, for Nawifork, 9, • o " for Wilma, April 9, Canada, from New York, for Llverrol, 9!0.12,1949. Foropa, from Oaaton. for 11. Hibernia, rm Now York, for " " 20, Carolina, Pm /loam% for ' 9, teak Canada, ham New n, for 3 A " from Bowm, .for Fob. 0. " from New York, for " o from Roston, for muck a, " from New York, for ° 92, • o • from Boman for U April • (mm New Nark, far " 17, " r fmm Boston, for " I 1. Mot Pittsburgh gumbo . . sari Mousy Market. pun!- uk- Bank of PlUshurgh—Capind, 01,9 00,00 8 Dividend; (Nay and Nord 4 f cont•• • 00 00 al Exchange Bank—Caohal,4ll,oo o ,o o gs Wend, (Nay and Nov.) 4fe cent. 400 47 lifetehante 200 Mama:turaße Nan/ Capital, 60X)11( Dsidand, May and Nov) 4 recut— NI BO 01 Pittsburgh Ga. Co.-1)/videni, (Jan. and Joiy) 4►mat- *********** •••• •11 ,1 Allegheny Midge Company • • Monongahela t• ° •• • . 113 10 10 60 Rand buten " N. ',Monies, . 0 • 10 'Welaen3 main Ca. ••• G^ **** 00 Ohio & Perinsylvenla Railroad, 11l paid 60 Pennsylvania Railroad. Pittshorgli Ciry loan•-- • • ....... 100 00 01 Allegheny Corday loan ....... ••••• • • • • • 110 40 01 100 04 64 Allegheny City loan Pats - burgh & Boston Copts Arming Co. 20 100 Itiflo North American 10 1124 " Pittsb rguh& Isle Royal " (last 9914 $l2 03) Pittsburgh; Cincinnati & Louisville 'Pal. egsap6 Co—Capitsl,lll7l,ooo; Dividend, January, April, July and October, last, 4{ Bent; Aare., SW- ....... •• • LC Atlunle & Ohio Telegraph Co--Capital, 11300,000;12vidend4000 Paha. , fordiusi nary, Apnl, and October, entre., Id% ulea, $l7 • • arms rirneolott Gamma, / Toesday Morning, Dee =, pHs/. S The recurrence of Christmaa on Tuesday, the day for wittlug our Weekly Review of the Mathew, in connection with the harry in laying the Freeident , s Message before oar readers, prevents us from Oiler oar general Revievrthic week. The Market has under gone enliulet change, however, that the readers of the weekly may torn to our law general Review, and Lind a fair exhibit of the present state of the market. • "val Fong TLIM-UP to yesterday ane.moeu OA.- patoop bale been nut ht Cincinnati and Coy, ty or so thls, over 9X,,014 had been ington. s etymon& a rm( came.. The emporia .inee b.zebt to by .T• been of sbnCelloaring product. of September lot, h. 4 Lib lasi yew, viz t the bog, as camper.- - - - MA l mr. LaAar. Laid, lads "....- . - .-101,190 37,011 k, 4 ,, ...... --- ...... - • 30140 7,10 Park and Bacon, bhdr,--•••• , - ' 0 .03k 3,0 00 tiara* ........ ~,,, ` 4 4 011 71 - " " bbla • --......• ago.: • 311421 " ' bulk, b010...i.101,430 ..,,,a L e ., Ezeept is Lard, the asporie so far, have b., than thole tut Year. . . • Ehouhl the driving a bogiiinilaiiviristi as lam year, theta will probably bo polur as lane a outatatr, If riot panzer, packed at tido petal, titan in any ...a. y The vein redaction h the EXpott of boll... Cor n, which in this season will he'cottparallvely) Will of worse, mese the (cumin of mon, ininala thus canal, because that will be the mode dosing 4 1 " , Dep. fn. SITAII Lam —ll t aulasued that iluire kayo 'We , bui4 In the Diked States, from Os year Mil W 1919. .11,319sWea boat. Tkipieied vitt;reittoir la r .. 2 ~co• annua, e ~,... POW! OF Pri"i'Sßillttil-1. 'Sinai—There e'ere 12 feelin the .channel lam evening, ailing. • AREI.RIVED. Caleb Cope, Murdock, Beaver. Viroqua, Galloway, Monongahela City. Michigan, Bries, Beaver. Beaver, Gordon, Wellsville. Fashion,'Peebles, Elizabeth. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Lake Erie, Clark, Beaver. Camden, Hendrickson, M'Keesport. Baltic, Jacob.; Brownsville. • New England;Nop, Dean, Cin. lames Nelson, Mocite, Wheeling. BAntrald, Cope, Cincinnati. DEPARTED. • Caleb Cope, Murdock, WeDevine.. Beaver, Gordon. Wellsville. Lake Erie, /Auk,. Beaver. Camden, Hendrinman, M'Kersonnt. Vimqua,Ualloway, Monongahela City. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville. Fashion, Peebles, Elizabeth. Monongrdiela, Stone, Cincinnati Louis McLane, Connel, Wheeling. BOAT'S LEAVYtibTIiTSIi 4 .Y Brownsville Packets, at 8 A. M. and 6 P.M Beaver Packets, 8 A. M. and 4 P. M. Near Orleans—Empire State. • Wheeling—Lonis . McLanto. Goocittnati—Elibarnieu Wheeling—James Nelson. IMPORTS BY ILIVIDA CINCINNATI—Per Alonongabelo-0 pkw, Baker & Forsyth; 0 bls wool, Harbango; 1 pkg, I Kidd & eo; bbls,Maw & co; 147 ble cotton, Kink, Pennock & co; 54 do do, Kennedy, Childs & co; 5 bdls sks, K A Campbell: 0 boxes rob, L B Walennan; 127 Was gin seng, Murphy, Wilson b. co; 1 bo, Vickery; hill paper, LS Ude ougar,sl A Mercer. Per Ringgold-55100 soda wh, Taasey It Best; 12 bhds,/51 Ms marine, Crampton & eo; 27 tons p AS Allen & co; 107 to coma,, 4 beeves, 4 bble .10 7 7 v..' era aboard. Per luso Newtoo-23 boa caudtes, W dyer; 60 bbl. ssbjskay, Killer & Rickewout 20 bbis tallow, Wilson & Dora.; 3 bbls linseed 011,1 Karr A. co:15 bbl. 27 do beef, Sellers & Nicola; 2 bag mdse, J Do ll op; 30 bbls whiskey. R Moore; 1 pkg, trunk, 2 deer, Baker t Forsyth; 7 abls tallow, Blubaugh: 21 bbls 'whiskey, 10 do ebuctoal, Bryant 1 chest, I rod:, 1 pkg. Vickery; 1 bu n / A 3luorie; 100 bbls molasses, i.e fbompson: 6 Obis v., Wallingford & co; 1 1.1,0 e. 51.We7; 71 1 11 7 laid, 33 aka feather.' 1.1 1,1 M. 03 . WHEELING—Per Louts McLane-19 sts barley, R A Campbell; 31 bbls door,/ McCully; IS do Bal. & co; 1 58, W Bingham; 17 bdia paper, S C filth 0 do do, It N White &eu sksd applu, ado ouches, L S Waterm.. BEAVER & WELLSVILLE—Per Re awer-00 by bran, T Aliobls; 3 bbls flour, P 0 Martle;ll seater /Us, Karr; lot venison, owner. SAINT LOUIS—Per J J ;Crittenden --1 bales calf skins, Wm Bryant; 13 Maks grease, I F Perry; CO kegs shot, 5011 pus lull, Calbertson; sgs 500 p lead, so tons p [octal, Hutchison & co; ON sera, Iron, 1 bi do, Oral & Lindsay, 11 et. :Owens, Fer Mill t 10 ; bls cotton, Forsyth Hvo, 7 bads sag. 9 let ries, S McClurg. & co; In bls coma Slag, Pennock eto; al bbls molasses, Boller* & Nicola; 39 aka corn, Roth. 557. WEL 11. JOIIIISTOA, VORWARDINO COMMISSION MERCHANT , I: No. US Bor.ond woe, Pinabott. del4 --Joseph Dilworth DILWORTH & CO., Wholesale Grocers, end •ots for Hazard Powder Co., No. W Wool at., dea-y_ . - WIC 3•41.1.. rOLIA a. CONMACIL W. . WOODW.a.II.O• —•-• • —11.•1211 1LL.... Ma AGALEY. WOODWARD A Ca, Wholesale G . JUIP eon, N 0.121 Makes street, Philadelphia. sort] W. n WOODWARD ashrtt newt. e • METAL Bs ICIALBY & CO, Wholesale Grocers, 19 TT and 20 Wood street PUmbabek. nor! OS BAlsliAtt Imo Foundry, Blacksmith and A: Af.AA.• shop, Alta , Steam Engine of 16 horse power, good stock of toolstmacisinerY.PAWAA *.k ladles., furnaces and ovens, all now us ass and In goon muting order. Said menses have 160 feet front by ito deep, with pnrilege of an adjoining 111 27 by 90 feet. Being one of the olden and best stands in the City of aneinnall, with a liberal pampas.. AWAY in' dcl7 DAVID BOSTON, Dinette . ..xi. 0 TIIIIIITEIVS FILLS • - - HER A 9, by • deed bearieg date on the mid day ylr of May,l24Y, William Galloon and wifekonvey e We undersigned the one undivided Sloth part a. tract of land, lying in, the county of Allegheny, nod Male of Peunsyhownia. being Let No. 10, i Steele Semple's plan of low, a. recorded by hls Admonktrator in book U, page 1, in the office of the Recorder In Al. riftrE?l'T'Z'olgil4"ll.Zl'.; 9 5 NC . 711 ,1 A, tev:eE't3t AND We' appurtenances to recure to lbotow Canton the payment of a ceniin note in said deed described; and whereas said note is to anew, and noPaeli themfer o . In purcuance of raid deed of trug, No undersigued wilLon the TENTH DATUFJAN.,IOOOAeII at We eyes ore door of the Court Hoare of 9t Louis, Mo., We above described real !Mae, to the highest bidder, foe cub, between the kolas a nine in Ma rill and eve In the after:Loon of that day; and upon arch rale will de liver a deed in fee simple of the properY Cold to U. poenhatee or purchasers thereof. delTeitz THOS T. 041.N11'. Trustees , VINE 990961.1-40 n lb. joist reel and roe sale by . dolt 3 KIDD & C 0,60 Wood at RHDISARD noor—le: Ws for sede i bi wri a. 0, 4011 __—_— ov.IIUVLLN BARIC-7g lb* lust rechl audio:sale by 11+11dizre _tria JUIDUL CO ° • - J MD& CO, oil Weed M for . toll, at the India Rubber depot, No. 6 Word lot. 1014 & 11. PHILLIPS Fol.lbla in Basra and for sole by del. WM lI JOHNSTON, 112 Second at ONIONS—AD bbla toed lual for aide by del4 WM II JOHNSTON rO a b n rAT f T at m ls al-2y / jog, • deli W c M t l s l miler. in lab JOHNSTON( . NS Inlet:kiting Lt. become members of Me In. mrnetlonsil an Union, will incase nonce [bat she books for thin sear will not be open bane.. [holt Stith December. JOUN J. GILLESPIE & CO. dole-disc Secnstettem._ 10.000 }M utopiii - Dew tit " for elle lei dell JAMES A HUTCHISON A CO 15-101;CIT-BR-15ns mune. OW reed 2.73 - 61 by dell BROWN & KIRKPATRICR I D—l 6 for deli 13R0 VN a. KIRKPATRICK CEILE-S-35 'US - Green. Jim lle'd &a for llanbl Ay_ dolt BROWN A KIRKPATRICK knr new elyle 6 oenoil - ldelee yy dewan, price freursl7sto OW-, reed and for wneby dell JOHN R DIELLOR, 61 Weed Is tirllEAr PatliTicEitPnred Piaaia; ' 4 aseka Apples: to day rea'd and arsala by dato L 8 WATERMAN SUBScRIPTIONS to • Ike .Astaarcals Aarllnca" wed at [misty k Sawyer's, t,y TIIOM.AS'KENNEDY, doll , Masonry Seems'', • .111•TIIIING. • EIGHT rAT s lafuji nt O s ONE DOLLAR, or menial Hats Ladles Automat open from 9 to II otelock,A.. AI and *to 3 o'clock, .M. Athamoun daloon and Gaining Establishment. i7lB T APPALL. Proprietor. APPLE _ doll • -. • .-- Basueeas k 0,11„111401, Cireolt Cairn United Slater re Case for Infrisgementof Hol lers Purnell/el fa:dewing P. 50, Sum Co. Chilled Roller*. Defendant gave In ow dean. Patent to John C. P.M' for 11=e primula. CHARGE OP COURT. A sondes of infringement ie one of feel, of ',blab the jury are the ladies. Tee reallttlatloller the patent is for the Ceara Atter reading and commenting on Ile epeeideatien of Plaintifia tomeurt obwreedt In doubtful ewe It le oa Wee the Carat to coprers any minion of the farts of. the tear, but Or thir care Ihe Caw are mdiaputed and the Court think it ie floper to rate, Wl the Opinion of both the Judges on the tree now:nation Plunall's Patent, that the Defendant', Patent is •• iron and pal able piracy of the Plaintiff's Weedie It was r. evidently bowl obtained on the ground that it wan an improvement on Piaintld'• patented inlet• uon, and now peeks to swap his tights under pretence of IQ iMptOlf•giment —a pretence width ir preyed •liro to be unfounded Pee Curium: =Mg The above daemon giver to the nuirserther• alone the right to raanufsetare Mulled Konen, by the only proeew known to ;modems a good ankle.,.fay are prepared, as heretofore, to feiniett all eines required, and with the leant poseible delay. eange-dtf IdOLLMANS g. oA RRltiOte. MAD I READ I...SELLERS' COCOS 9V RRCP—From W. K. Boded, Ern., Clerk of the Court of quarter Sessions of Renner ()Mints: • Ids. L h sellers+ Sir, Some fttne in the winter My wok was emitted with a seven and distressing aed heating of your invaluable Cough S top, par okued a bottle from B y T. Trimble, of ridgewater, and after taking a portion of it two or skive evenings on gainer to ben, she found Immediate ruling es else myetal friands have been reliever In severe VMS. 11111tbardbre satisfied that his &safe and valuable me dicine, and would recomnsimil It to those who may be emitted with severe coughs and colds. Marsh to 1541. W. K MI - Sold by R E. SELLERS, V Winsd *seer, sod by - Dro atm gekeirally in the two cities and vicinity. IVIOICM—GLIES & BROTHERS, Propnetore of 1.1 the Penni. Ehate Directory, hare opened an °dice at the corner of Oth & eadtbfield sts, for the porpore of receiving the name, tomuon, and builnem, of every Bern ant, busier. net, in thm county. They have erg• Mar agents to attend to the reception .of utformauon requisite to carry out this great undertaking. OILEr & BBWt., Bth & Smithfield, and 111 Chest:tat et, Philadelphia. • Ilsoo - nd Hand Pianos. NE second hand Plano, I octaves,. price Wu OI • 43. I " " " ," 40. I " I w. For sale for salt at the Mare priests by den JOHN II MELLOR, el Wood at FFhsl 7- IWIETIII-.22 sacks, pnme qualltY,rec - 7.7 - 1 anTf; sale by dold GEO COCHRAN FAMILY those splendid 10-4 and 14-4 imperil. family blan bets, for milt at the Blanket Depot of Fayette Menu Ittorielf Esiteiekyyplo GO Market at deTlvr_ `tif4UP.TflrDA°2 —4°°"VOWTBAYAOLE mark• - - • wOOL-2ml. In stone I:LT: H y INNER dole ARe and or male by. Dn.. e r nA,lo Jet...KIND:ER dre—ld k BEEN APPLEI!.-405 bb l .gi2g 2 ,:ag r° , . ORbY O ALIA LB NB-18 Ws reed and ta ioa dld by sKiNwER 011. d TS—!Da ba In storeaad for Bala by CRAIG & SKINNFR n DAMS —SO dos In store and for tale by CHSJOS & &INNER FLOUR -50 bta.firnoaffillrf , • and for sale s CRAIG ft SKINNER a sf bbla, a Gan article, CRAH CIDER-20 bblt and ..., farina t i r by -11UR10111/OE, "• • -.. .v at ,, , 0 r lektrW4R eon .'CA.CI4.47AXWN, RATES OF DISCOUNT EllEar=fflE: . =l t A 1 0 452 e 'areker.. Vto. 6 Permay bank f Fschauge Bank -0414 Nord". a. Man. Bank -Pa BknotPhannelPhia..--pat Guard Rauh .......... P" Rank of tionoanlown• Ch •Pas estorCounlY• • •Par Delaware Co.• • •Par Mentarratery Cu.• ;par " Piorthumbtrland••pei Conning. klasdrge Co..r, par l arylrstame t r . lrLr^? : rata 4"" er; Bk.:1;a t - 4 - ra t.r.r , Farmers -I..P.Lanala'r.par Lo.c.pmvir.Di... Pan Arleaarayilk.••••••••- par berthing...-•• U. 8 31 BanYA,-,- 3 / 1 Allow Mr ISt .. par \ 'Was raglan Ilk: •—• ••i lalle barrhllk..--l•- •i t Ch berthing.. • -••-• • " Lendcharm.. CO. Elk,. , . tit'l•l 1.0W11...... , ...... NilddIC:0•1r41•••••••••••-•• 1 CiTileiti • 'FIle Bk. ...... • • Ow , Farmers' and Drovers , Bank, Wayneshari• • A Ilarnsbanc•----.-- " $ Ilone dale —•---.• # Lab on r•••PY Yana illo•—••• ,--• .. Wyo nag I York Ilk.• • • • .... ••• •• • I Westlirar.r..h Bk.•••••• # ' Renal Nate. --• ll Ma 51 Bk. Farads. q l l Berip--Piltsb. Ir Caanlyt Allegheny, 25 Own, . Stem Sr.am lit mottos I lona limmut ..... 34 Clain.il4-- • NI ...ell& • 1.0. b ti • • - • Cincinnati liunki• I.llnnatina do• ..... • —•• • anaTiu ....• •—•—• . %Vomiter litosullon eaur.a.ki aiesaga •-• ..... •• • - I Norwalk•-•• ......... ateeeland•-•••••••-•—• • • .....•to Dayton•—•----• Western natant." " Pranklin Bic ColEnbaa Chillicothe " tleicta. • • " Lancaster • --- —JO Grenrille rei Fareis B'k Canton—SO Urb.. . . . Ilk of Kentucky ..... I Bk.cf LouleetPe• • -• • Norhern 13t. Ker.tult, 9.w Voek—rav }tril, DOME WISTIK'S BALSAM OF WIL.D.OHERRY. Illgtollowthg ankh" me copy milli plearms from the , lloston Mercantile Journal,l of Muth, IBA end we hope the!!! any of our renders ara sofferiew from any of the tomplaims arkleli it is said to ears, they will epoedlly avail themselves of in • DR. WISTARS BALSAM OP WILD CHERRY. It wee well known many lean ago Mu the wild ebony hark tree of this climate permeated valuable Medicinal qualities. Indeed tide : fast was lowan to the aborigines, and dOCOM/00.6 the kalie.ll9; bark of this tree hoe ever been regarded bid:lair physician, as one of the most edema' rantediee In many dheases. This fact, several years int., arrested Ma attention of DT. Wilder, a highly respectable nrectitioner of Vie sone Ho Investtg lod with Care the healing proptar• ties of the wild aherry...matea its ePetts when 01 .. n• istered alone, 6.1 when to ernatanallon with other re- • JOHN O. C 01011.4,11. . _ medial atom. Ile found Merits neutral Tinge might be greatly improved, and by combining it with Mgt, Goat. "Mewl properties were all well proved and gen. orally recognised, a medicine rim produced which communes s remedy of great fingraiance In pnlenons, ry affections and dis ems of the chest and throM— discern which AA proverbially grevatinit la our elder, and large towns, snit ieten proia fatal, swelling the hill of mortality to a mesh greaser extent than Is the case with moat others, we had almost said ail CiLll4l. 01 duos.. Tie genuine 11.1r.1 Balsam p( WO4 Merry has ree ot the ergnaorre of Henry Wistar, hi IL Philadelphia, and 0494r0ra and Park on a finely ere clued reel engrroret wrsyper. None other we Fn ..... We u , jest to recemt of the following volantary tri bute to the curative power of Wiitaes Balsam of Wild Cherry, Prate E Hall, hl. D., of Mt. Clemens, kited gut who is a physiciau of high Madding, and en en toilette draggthtt • Mr. Cumene, Allots, Oat. 70th, IMO. - To the maimed. this may earthy that Mrs. it. Rob erta of We 'Were, three er foam weeks eke r co mb o , - rent, was ,cache d with aviolent rough and great prostration. and scorned heatenkfts th Oth Pure with fearful rapidity. I advised"her louse INftster's Balsam of Wild CUL-my—the that err, and with that valuable reedit:toe alonovskareitered to health. and is now a living proof et thrinalue of Wiithrle Balsam of Wild Cherry. . i t I' E. MALL, Phyaiclan and Druggist Read m gersvisterct all:Halbert alba =W. l Nifi r e l iglegi Tlistati Dathationiflld Cherry: er roe•peerer s -wow offer the following siatement of it care effected by your medicine, knew, as Wltlll.ll Balsam of Wild Chem, In the opting of ISO my wife ry clacked with Yen pneemenia, or Pleuftry= bleb resulted In a deep sewed pate in the side, _ancesep.ied with a se vere cough/ she was atten d e d ;by soma of the best physthisuth le Chicago. hat to mt. purpose; for weeks ehe mlt-red. without relief, etuftrythy incessantly/41u and dry. I came to th e conclusion that all the rem. dies trarrato the physician" could not help her and wse induced re try your Wild Cherry. !procured one bottle, end commenced using It accord et to dire,. dorm, befere . it was all gone—the trough mopped, the c i d t . th try ode I she wu r e e. ll , hz, d a;r o d with the aid of a l r . tt taidernden of s eethe eirearemances, I wash/ recommend 1•It to the public e vsleable reedielne. Tours tespectfully, • R. N. OARRATT. Own. Rana, Mich, Oet. 13,190. Read as follnvistg Tutissadal.t. zn siote and luru e JAMES DAVI.F.r. or on the cares that have been recorded, Were are certainly none mote to the one fleet motioned, which shorn the cernbility of Consumption, even In some of Its worst foram - Curl. Parr, Lake co., la, Jam le, ISO. J. D. Pat: Dear. Sir, As I haves deep coomOsera de. for the afflicted, permit ma at rive you a brut history of my Oilcans, and the; benefit. derived from the are of Dr. Wistati Balsam or Wild Cherry._ In July, 1944, I was anatked with a fever of the M. phnd character, which left me in a very debiliutted mate, when to the tillowtalr Winter I wall taken lOUs 4 severe cold, which mance ma to such an extent as to gore me the appearance of a confirmed consumptlea labored ender 414445 eatigh.--expectorated a great deal, sat me. troubled with cold remand night meats. I elm Iv — 'llly raised blood from my bo-, I eon. nofrequently jolted WOW an... ray lungs. d in this state, praduallytanking amen the . di. mull J•nuatnlnWt when I was mein attacked writ' freer. My friends despaired of my life, and my physicians tho. ght I could maitre bet is snort Man, My catrunalties, erpecuilly my feet, were eonstautly cold, and almost lost their feeling: Under three tin , mws. , sc.* u owl tool) bo DIM that I we wilting et elmou I dually determined to quit teking medicine prirscribr: Ly physicians, and to Dr. Wisterhi Balsam of Wild C 4 clul. nee Dour the hest leek that I co. roenced taking •it, I Coo data IL pradrosl recovery. I continued its um six moubm, at the end of seinen Ume Lou cured, sod sate emayed good health ever ranee, erid cheerfully irecnimend the ; Reheat to all those e imed ,tth diseue of the lanes, und world sty to these commenting ire eta,'eatw De diteottraged if two or Mese battles do not elect a Gem bet persevere 11.1 hays door, and I have ho doubt but unie caws eat of ten will be blamed with 'renewed health u 1 trash been. Respectfully, years, - /OREM! JRDKPON. Pane li pet Beet's-Ott Bottles for RS. . Sold by J. P. PARK, Misocesier to Sandford Is Dane,' Fourth and Walnut streets, Cincinnati, Ohio, General Agent for the South and Wass,-to whom alt orders roust be addressed. • 0 for sale • y WS II JOHNSTON L Wilcox, Jr; James A. Jones; J. Kidd & B. A. Fahnemock & Co, Pittebursh. T. Rumen, Wee& legion; W. IL leienbarless, Bowls; Unlontown, 11. Welty, Greensturgis, S.Konnts,Elomer. set; Semi & Gilmore, Bedford;', Reed L Ron, Hawing. don; Mn. Orr, Iloilldayebario glide's . . I it Co, Indi ana. J. K. Wright, Klusnalnii; BV.. • Co, Brook. •Ole; A. Wilton A Son, Wayieriaburgh; Wrarland & Co, N. Callender, Meadvillen.linnito A Co, Erim J. Magodin, Mercer; James, Kelly 3,C0, Bailer; P. Sm Bea•er; J. D. flautatertoe, Watran; & C.S. Jet" MEM Comloapork P. crooks, uovie dreerlyCza g AV6IIItIE 11, ELLERIr, of Neva York,.nd N. 111,6 N P1.1.1611.1t, of Philadelphia, have ahla day been admitted as kaarinera to oar business, which. ill ke Continued ander the same host a heretofore, at N 0.117 hurch&lacy, Philadalplala, and No. 16 Exchange Place, Near York. E. ht. DASIR & CO. Dee.1,1861.--Ede7-Int ir_TEN p —l3 bilealter Eidiaid Nintha likiffena(T, tai MI on ...ointment and far silo by novlll.llln • A GORDON Merean etitt.t..enri.bersri;bliang ol i retr el f r ro e su nt t i h m e it titookeen',llore'r;.thir7g t a r s il o with their coerce emek : f - tile trade. They comnomeed merebandicing MA city In sod have eanunced in the soros business sines that torn, Interning It every yesr,until 'tractile Inamount that of any mereandla bon. in the west. Their ST,iCK ronaists oVevery t enet of Shell Hardware, Heavy Iterdware, Iron, Steel, Nada sod Memo every deseliptWa of Cook, Plate, and Parlor Storer; Tinner's Stock, he. Their stuck of goods Is now, booed low, and well selected for this market 'Phey hove ;to damaged or noselceble goods in Weir ltock, at; obey have taken great cam not to ellow the ike to aceum elate on the. hart& The store they now theis a new brick thore, built We post summer, expresely for them, and under their diseedon, and is the two arranged for an Iron Store and the hardware bootee's, of stoy store extant: Connected with the store is a TIN SMITHS' 81101', furnished complete, witlievery Oleg needed to carry on the business profitably, mot enthclently lame to no. commodate twelve or fifteen 'workmen. Their store la located on tho cower of East Water end Detroit streeta.aud on the river side. They here plenty of dock room, end cith receive Weir grmds di. wet from yowl., and MVP • greet expert. tht many are eableci to. Their more is lost flout th e w WU feet deep, throe s to m a high, 'Piave cellar Ander clo y . te hole' and the location tha mast deslmble in'the y "If ta percheser will adhere to theiCaeh' eyetem they twee edopted,runko tom of Ws ionugements for importing and holing at ham. Mid abroad and the ulnae wishchance for • (mune.; If desired.by the parch. hiePatey gap TrZiti t ; - .; nest,the senior partner arlll;teave o•pital In rho bust• rifts as • •peetalparUter. ; • I=!Al=a MMqa_s.o Visor of Pittoboogo., • • • ltir VIEW will6o padlelted In as Om a erne ae po.sible; ;and I earl snare to Babson - there, and the public gertelally, that lEehall bearompaa— bot# in fidelity of detail and beaatrof rzeeutidu,to say ether whatever. Letthameirhoilerabti wait k tow weeks and see. , 1.1 wairrEnELD. • • • • TXYA,i—ft good 'woman,. of TOY fbelbdi • Put .dien, Ebony. .nd Zdsbogan". • • icsrompv a ea GREENE CO'S EXPRESS. M3r= ==l WINTZE AREANGICEISAT. ILO COB Lilt[ MTN MT) Or Mt me . . W' 12373=1 • - - Sate 1rk . .4,13ranci.16• • # SitteSetip - • •• • -T HE old er.blailted Line of Guam. Ca having opened odic., In the Eastern Cities, beg leave to oher to the public (anilines onvonalleii b y suiy other Line , . ..liplirnia. .E.zelmagaLia. of Vs , • I Farours Ilk.or Va. • " Bk. ofd Vallcy,-- - " r Elk. of Viiadoo•••.-. ff m...a N. Bt., VI. , heeling I do Aloigaatowd• —. • N. W. Bonk Va•—• • do Widisldarg-- •• I do Patkcasbarg--- " Having largely increased one stock on the Nation al Rind, our goods are now tranaported over the bloonsins with mail speed. and no more goods will be received in the Eut than in can forward through without delay. Satisfaction L. regeede time and rates will be guaranteed. Throughveceipm will be given for all goods for price through, and for time to Pimburgh. No pens or capon. will be spared to make this the most reliable son hestconducted blapreas in the United States, take ia now the most extensive, connecung all pans of th e East with the extreme West and South. We connect at New. York with Messrs. Hamden a. Co.'. mmindled Express to Gorton, and all goods from Roston to come by one Line must be delivered at their office. No. 9 Court street The collenka of all nob. a, ills. drsfts, fke,, lee, promptly aUended to. Onions for . • • s will be not free, and goods returned with do . Tenn Ilk. of Ten= ”en . •• • • S Far. & Iderth't. Manton' Uk..— • • • Union 8k....—. • Nlssolarl. Stole Bk Oldrissouri— e North Caroline. Bk. of Cape r0ar...... 2 Mora'. ak.,Ncwi....• . .Sum Itolk .patch. • Oastour Hem hasiness attended to. Order goods marked t'Greene & Co.'s Expreas,r and Men:haute will please to be particular to Instruct their c good., orrespo therebte odeb lorming better sa to tato our thro ug tisr h asrection eipts to all eon- for their y -anted: . . .. 1 Bassets Carolina. Bk. of Ckarlestort••• • • 2 ommaereialßk•-- a Bk. orGeorreurrms•—• 2 Bkol limbers, •• • • • 2 blerchanis Dir•-- 2 Earners tekiceriak Bk. 2 Bk. orbth Carean a • • 11 r ylamd. iha . .lolE 8k..-- • • .Per Ualusi , e & 0 BRBetip • 1.1) Camberlikd Bk. of 'dile- ItaskY 0, ....... '• • ' I Far. Bk. of Alarylkod• • Farmers! ac Alechanies 44 Bk. Frederick Frederick Ce.8k.....—• " flagermewe Bk " bimetal Ilk • —,--- i trurristo 's B e k i;:::::::- 3 Bk.of 00‘ estminstex • •• • 40 Goods for the East taken at e ver low rani and will be calld in nny part at th city, free of charge.— Goods ( ro tshe East debarred without charge for de- Livery. Eaten for the East leaves dolly at 1 o'clock, A.M. West " 10 A Peekaaes forwarded to eteclanati, grille, Lords and New Orleans. Gamma & Co., No. 7 Wall stmet, Nos York. do 89 Chemed meet, Philadelphia. do WS Baltimore street. Baltimore. ih.1217001 it CO., No. ElCoart street, Beaton. • 0.0. VICKERY, Agent, del3 OfSee St.Cbarles Hotel Beildini.Wood et. tal=M2 - Lit. of St. - Dk.offliver 9.alszto--- Mnshigan Ins. Co••• 5 Var.& Disc-Shft Wisconsin Terrill, 11MM subsetibersamorepared to receive IMO pounds j. Freight daily, agar Mondar, tote to forward to or from Phlladelybi., and Pittsburgh, by Wagon, through m Five Days. Rates as love as by any other conveyance at this season of the year. JOHN PIePADEN A. CO, • • Canal Dadh, Pittsbargit. JAMES M DAVIS /t. CO dee No 117 Market se. Philadelphia. mono/wen/ma 11.011Tign, ....... lillsolventßeaka••• •• • i Bank oF. EatM o d i n el . Gold is; Specie Value Napoleane —•—• • 380 Ducats. .... • • • 2 150 2 50 Eagle, old • ••• - • 10 00 Eagleocele •• • • • 1000 Deablooae,Spantsh.l 6 00 . Do.P atrial— • 10 50 Sovereigne ...... • • 4 83 ITOnineam• —• •• 300 Frederiekad'on.—.4o Hi en Thalera• '.. • •• 7HO Ten 0011dets ••• • • 390 Lowed'O • • •• • • 150 Riehmago. Near York • -- —• 1 Pna Philadelphia •• • Pr. 11.13.1 c orn •—• •• • Pan a• oar. tmenne 5411.—f. IffitiQ Only TV Niles lef.stglnig irla Bresrpsville and Cumberland to Baltimore and Philadelphia. rruE looming host loaves the wharf, above the bridge, daily, al El o'clock precisely. Timm to Baltirimre,3l bourse time to Philadelphia, 40 hours. The everdag boat leaves daily, (except Ponday Gr eeley/11J at 4 o'clock. Passengers by leasing on tbe evening bottOrill cross the manatee in stages next day, and the, avoid night traveL - • Secure your tiekets st rho Mee, Idonongattel Boole, or St. Myles Hotel. ao lill 1. Y4I3I3KI3[EN, Arcot ss•anaboat Agency. The. undersigned, very grateful to their friends, beg leave to say that they • ara determined to devout their Imre- Ited Pe anetl4oo mLi& br.nett of their business. 'They hope, &am nineteen years' experience and by &mit never falling Is du tory and strict anemic.; to merit patronage. Y. C. oet.dliet BUCKLES & CO, Pearl s :reef, Louisrllle, Ky. WINTEJ3. AZUSAa us:missy. • !•:753-Ar., 1849. 1nt4412i, PEPRE7:B WAGON LINE—TIIKOUGH IN FIVE DAIS! , . TILE cube:Aber% having' anspooded their cmal . op. croutons until Me opening of the 9prutg Hamp ton', have established an Express Lino by Railroad and Wagon between Philadelphia mad PUtsbureb; by which they are preparedp forward defel pounds each d lgr b ' erl ' gee ' r to th'i t il t:far o f fritrl=Ve d tg: he that char arrangements regardma nuts, rag al arty Sand delimtate, cannot fail waive ransfactlan to all who favor them with their eommaade TA V A FE & tpcourant, corner Pam and Wayne au, Pitutittrah. THOMAS BERRIDGE, dry 278 Mutat street. Philadelphia. GEE. WO , GEE, WO! WINTER 11.1111ANGERENT. MYR 1849. Mgt* BINGHTPriVige7MSN anr TO LIED 7000 Pittsburgh and Plated*Vida. +8 the busineo on the canal is about biting closed t. to the seam., wa would inform the pobilo that To have wain brought the Coneatoga Wagons into re rinisition. and will by prepared to forward &OD pounds daily . , (cornmeeelog on y, the Ark hug A Car leaving Philadelphia daily byMonda Lb° wall wain' for Chem bersbarg, and the Wagons 'rarefied day and idea, ensures die delivery WM. of Geeid BINGHAM s in hot day Pit s tsbur A pply to , BINGHAM & DOCK. No. IEI Market street, ncorkro Philadelphia. — iiriarbas hattAllClErt• Matia. 1849. EXPRESS WAGON LINE TO sun TOON PITIBBIJEGIV AND PHILADELPHIA. Trim nye Days,•ASanday• esteplod,) rtn.lng.o.7 auttNlght HR puldle birwpecteully informed Sou Ms Line, I wideli las been tit inieceoisfal operation the two A Con w.ll leave Philadelphia and Chanibershurgh daily eseh war with the Mail Train, and from in beraburgh with relays of horses running day and night. We arc prepared to forward 6000 lbs weight daily by the atsiv i a Line. Apply to lb LEECH A CO, Pittsburgh, or to—HARRIS A LEECH, • FEATFIERS;-I,ROITy, Ibtlpluyiny, for sale by del, STUART & RILL UTRI/S-1110 Ito as.arted, tn store and for sale by AU. dr!O J KIDD it CO, a) Wood at DINK 5 - AUCERS—aCoi sotrechs and fo sale dela .1 KIDD & CO, GO Wood st HONDURAS SARSAPARILLA ROOT—I bale gentune, in nate and for sale by dela J KIDD & C 0,60 Wood at G R 2 1 , 74 Ak g kliff i lE b aalgTlL s wie T TUSTreedsa dm PRESBYTERIAN BOOK ROOM, /3 N 0.79 Wood 012001., .d for lido atEestem pricey Gewalt.' Hebrew Lexie., Towo rend'. Arransement of the Bible, Neanderla 111 story of the Christi. Reli gion and Otter., Milton's Treatise MI Cerintian Doc trine, Lite of fere.. Evans, Esq.. Robinson'. Greek Harmony of the Gospels, do En , ,firs „, li do, SCOMI Pl'ag!!: V. l godlrteZf Ke lso.. en d Aw.Tlm, Missio.ry Ante dotew an rummy oler Bowe.. work., In addiuon to dm above, all at noon roan. cora WELLS & C aormirs of Orttgl Glass Ware, No. 007 Market meet, Pi.. bomb, Pa.,,Reep conswistly on hand and rule to or b der all kinds of Viols, Bottles, rho. Port. and Mine ral Weter Rattles, of soperint Coality. Particular extendon paid to Private !Scolds. n0v9017 r7O-V rn e r 11. iVEI VOll, LEMII4NY, AND VICINII will be ready for enemy. m days. Serums who may wish to have news of Weir Icoano7 N Io pot oo the maP en. do. by melting application CO the undersignoo, env twee boron the 2lth Inst. To ^defray the expense of the view. - booeintlrel In addition to the price Of the 1•4131. Eo•Ellt.it E MCGOWAN QOAP.Z6fli.eiCao - s - p jestieteried - aTa for eine by LI &old 9 p tV, lIARDAUGH. rICOVIII - SENll=3llsVTtshe ante Mr mitt by KlO. W. DARBAIII:II. rlaiED- ___ WeLTE-4-10.1 DLL new dried apple jaw meshed and for sale by deal& SA W. CARROLTON. OUISVILLF. - IXATE-100 bbls. Latturille .Woe lore resorted and for sale by . dead. S.& W. BARD eIICS. ROLL BUTTER-Mx bins. priors 010 sone, put op in clothe. In sore and Willie by 0.1 W. lIARBAUftH. AR o kegs io 'tore an lot bale by deli R DALZRGL & CO. Liberty st India Rubber. Paiute. DECEIVED this 4/ay, (rem thaPhillipralliFactory, It ID gm., Bottles of that 'amebic, article of India Rabber Plunking Boots and Shoat; sold wholesale and retail at the India Lknnt; . 4 0, at t ie friitt , ing Diacc Hearin k Reim, lhuggiste, rtt r William Jackson, Shoe D,-11.3, ~acct Stliera, Drugglay Wood .trees. S. N. Wickenham, Druggist, Wood sumo W. Schram's. Shoe Dealer, Smithfield street. Jowl Devererix, Lamp Store, Smithfield amen. John Parker, Rime healer Federal ea, A ll egheny. 0. 7,1 Caen, Draggle, Ohio et.. Allegheny. del J. A. I. PHILLIPS. 5 Wood tiisr • Fav — ZlTyitisTsiitisfriiii — rG --- 34E are now =untying, from ODE of Our firm emit our second amply of FALL GOODS, ...twin. y r ,ety ortlelo In ow line, to which (with every Ms rietynt LOOKING OLASES, of our own manufw lure) we nit the snention of Western lilerobunv as other Imre , KENNEDY A-SAWYER BINDICAL AND SITAOICAL °FRICK, No. Oh, DIAMOND ALLEY, la few doors below Wood Street, te . surds market. • • - re g i n tarty tra led — t;: the mu 6avtug Dun . • profession and bun for setae time •\ n general . prutlce, now confines / 1 4., j Ids attention to the treatment et • ,„,/, ',hose pnute and delicate com e. plaints for which his epporanuou and experience peculiarly qastiry him. • 14 years assiduously devood to study & treatment of those camel ainteAdartna whirl time he has had more practice and has cored more pa/ I teats than can ever to the tot of any private titioner) amply qualifies him to offer assurances of from. Dr. AMMO would inform those a/toted with ensue diseases wMch have become chronic. by time or Lg• gruated by the are of any elite common noon - caw of the day, that theircomplatuts can be radleally sad thus , ought} cured; ha having given his careful attention to the treatment of mach eases, and succeeded in hundreds Of theta... In curing pawns of influttnation of the peak of the bladder, and kindred dieeue, which anon result from those easel where e th ers Mate emOnirrtee ' them to hopeless dupair. Ile particularly invitee n th as been long hod usuccesafally treated by others m oonanit him, when every satisfaction will be peen r them, and their ease. treated in eareful,thorotign .11 [ intelligent manner, penned oat by sloop eapeNe n study, and ce, Leustigation,which it is imposuble for More gi e . n e rat practice of medicine to es, BePe enda or Reputry.--Dr. Brown also inettsi soars alien , / with Ilonta to nail, as he hupaid pann e. attention to this disuse. CANCERS also are& Skin diseases, aLo I! 4, Palsy, eta, speedily sued Mugu very low. N. B.—Patients of either sex Using at a disuutee, by mating their disease in witing, Ailing can obtain medicines with directions for e ase, — y ekiresaing T. BROWN, M. D., post paid, and ear/o b . - - 19%0A. • Omen No. dg Diain and allay, oppodta the I a 00.60. . Rasourni.-11r. Browny newly discovered" rem.. ay Ng Itheessedsht ir a spoedrand certain remedy tor ghat NlVie.. it never falls.' *On 4.3/ gi i rit/Z4V " Tho Docuor SMM ls N att= l :4 - I,ISMA • D •sosai.. 41 ,, , • - . • . ' 4 1849. , THROUGH IN FIVE DAYS! MIMISM= soasst - LOVE—SO bb* Beaumont I Ho Illnusrann , s supe rior Paltry Flour; ICO bbl. &sped. do; for sale by SELLERS k. rqICOLS F1011.i8.1112 111 , A STOILF., well awd et' for Dry Goo ds, .on Market et., between 'nerd ooa 000th.F Poesoesten given on the let of April next. , • Al Several 1100118 and OFFICES. Peueselon ; , , E. D. OAZZAIig, , Given inlettelliLl.3ll the Os p t Oflleo.Thlti et: ale 00101100 e! _ _ FORREST-TWAREHOUSE at pre. iGN sent occupied by Mean. Bailey, Brown it Co:, on 'Water street, hem Int of Ap* n.rt norrn JAMES A HITTCHLSON it CO VOA .8 AL. FA—A goad two harm PEDLAR'S WAGON—for sale lorr—msy be seen at the Ea- Lir Li v en, Stable of Rod y pauerson, Faarth etreet, betwww, ood and Sort d. nov2s - • • in.A WELL FINIEWED iILOCW. MIA* fes • Variety 00 C ents Pumtskiag_teTe• Al. se. Sven! melts suitable for =oes of At, list's room. math( Ofrtee Thee stre E et, D oFer Post 016x,_ Ivor Bale or Root. THE vlttr desirable rd.:lease SMAllegboray JaCity, lately tiesuitded by E. W. Pg.deattsr, led aposseseiongives immediimy. Far terms, apply at this eke,' of Ul W. W. vv.. , SON, Market at A -- .11 swum tIZIIINe COW or-copied by Mrs. Aternod,slinated at Oakland,, ooh. 20 toms of . yrourtd =Rae& Tha 1461111 IttPlC and convenient, and the round Well IW. Preyed. Apply to, • • HARDY, JONES & on, ansal , Water st PO"' • istFOR BAL.F.—& linel Rouse, Oat one year bully) and Lot,. Roblrmo street, Allegkoois , near old Midge, Yd. to. sod taros estry.—. reootre of bra • B SCROYESI, 110 &wood $t OR RENT.—The throe story Brick lisretkag r House, On , V i tleen Bay s end Mortar) . 11:retrCo 'o. otedrait2:l;. E tod 4tire of W. O r ishurt, or * al tie Bookstore of JOHNSTON & BTOCIION4 eorueiliforket and Thltd stream; Two iota for Sale. rriiE subscribers will sell at private tale. those Ora J. valuable Lou Of Ground, simatedna Tomato in the TbirdWard of Allegheny City, each halms front of 20 feet, rimming back 100 feet In depth to a2O d ve l tßit 'P e ° :nlt l jne "l4 i . ;glTl,72ea l' erulVat „ comfortable dwelling houses, oldie front Mete are throe ghtde items, of 8 years grow% and the side walk is paved with brick, all of which willbri sold at „Pitisbergh and Alleemayon CountY &OD, will be taken In payment tS rinuall,No 5 • wm. satisoN, ItammtiaMlS 0P1704' Ns no, 112fT8 situated thesear. ishing town of BlriniagUm. The lots ore situ. ted on Dance west, cambered Its F Baussisnie plea 73, 70, 80, 81 szulB:3—Lot No 73 fronting 20 feat on Ma-. ry Ann street, ID feet deep; the other fans 20 feet frost sac b, by eo feet deep. . • Trans—Greater part of purchase many guy 1 main for dr years, secured by tainek tio X i orEde ulursonquiro of - rola 110 c st • . . M• • er•• •• - u- Sr ITCATEDon the hformwraelariver,atmet lemilat 1.7 from Mrs mph and 3 mdm above third Loa, he the immediate emlthboritood of Metiers. Lyon & Shorb, Coal Mr . John Herreeds purchase. This fine body! of Coal will be sold at the thw mice of 133 per aere—otte third in had, balance in five equal annual payments, without interest. Title indisputable. Location very good--earmat be surp_ased. For further particular enquire of B. wasizy, who has. draft of sulker"- petty. Residence Al atielaw Ferry, Mr. Adams , Raw. F. Tr There m another 0110 of coal on this vat, about GO feet above the lower, of excellent quality SCB. • sus • •• i .1 • • .• • C. 11111 E tubsenbers aro authecrised to ofor at viva' . f th e mid 7 ; 141 portion of the Cots numbered 07, 0,. Woods' General Plan of the My of Pinsburgh, shuns led the torah eastwanily moss of Penn arid Wrin• sneak fronting 960 foot on the former, and azionding along the lane? about 000 feet to the Allegheny oiler, and belts a pan of the Roll Ennui of the late James B. SIAVC/1110D, Fit. &mesa& A plan or subdividoo of the above hats, in neuters miry with which It Is proposed trr u seVY bee.. M the °Zoo of the undersigned, on Pe r lemon BM ket and Ferny ML KOHN. VALUABLE HEAL ATE ON P N FOR BALE—A Lot of Groand aitavde oil Pena meet, between Hay and Marhaly meets, adloinina the booze and lot now occupied by Richard Edwards, barmy a front °C id Net, and In depth LW feeti bit Vold on favorable terms. Tltle unexceptionable. En quire of • CI. LOOMI9, dth at, neat Wood. oeigl-dtf • LiZEI2I2I A DLIft.A.DLE Building Lot in Allenheny <ay, fa voinblyy loomed, In sale about 601( . 0 atm, and will be sold on oneontinotionng ternia. Inquire - of &be • J D WILLIAM 1111 wade PH AND PATIENT; or a Prnotlcal View of Ors momol duties, relations and lowans of the Medical Profession and the Gormannityi by %Wilk inson ilooker, M. D. The Works of Michael De lidontalpermnom Eways, Utters, &a. Hy Wm_ Haslet: . Nineveh and its Remain*. BT Anionst. toiT ard,E.q., D. O. L. Glimpses of Spain; or Notes of an U •.Xnur in 1147. By El. T. Wallis. Tapper's Proverbial Philosophy, new Ohisb traded. Jost received by -•• .I.OEINSTON.*STOCIETONi: nov2l corner Market and Third Meets, "Norway Plateau. Blast Mies mrR. MURPHY, at North East comer of Fourth and Margot streets, has Intel y reeeited a loth ply of the above superior make of Blanteut, 414 b raes those in went of the article to look at theta be fore beton. He has also on hand Rome Made Blan kets. a good heavy witch, which he is selling low. Also—flame Made FLANNELS, brown, buriethutd wh Alta-- e ;:rid BcrrIk.ANNELS, whiok be invites theattention of bum. Mr A lame supply of Goods recently opened he the Wholesale 'Rooms,' up stairs . , =hes hit anottthent very fa said worthy the attention of geaders.—r - - novte A N EMINENT end experienned Physician:Brag the a. Bast, of seen standing, offers to treat all cases :f a Delicate Nature with prompt:man and secrecy. scieccha in Budgie and other large cities has been proverbial. His charges are moderato, and:kis car. permment. Old cues of Glees, Stricrare, Ser. ula, Floor Albas,Rhstartatiant, Ague,Byphills, Or any chronic or inveterate cases solicited. A rare warranted, or chat se-refunded Omens, St. Clair street.2doore from the Bridge.. Teeth Extracted. Advice to the poor gratis. N.B.—Dr. A. solicits the worst censorial . diem se to in Mahout call. apl ntt : 81011 PALL 0t 0 •I .; ALEXANDER tzDA.Y, corner of the Diamond and Market meet, notify their friends mi.the pablie that they have received their stock of Fall and Ma w G00D.1., direct from the importer., maturfactoren and Racoons at the can Their glottal:tow style and fashionable Goods is lane, and presents strong auras eons to parebasers. in Ladies Dress Goods an Shawls, the most splendid and &atonable Goods o die season aro now offered, St remarkably low pricer consisting In an o . l' the LADIES' DRES3 GOODS, New ethle Mocha Bed Coma). &Ike; Colld Rod Black Sewn Da C. arui Tun Dallas; Cold Camel= Grodefklnce; of the ben" gagittaq Bleck glossy Gradcritha of the celebrated Bogle • afoctore. The above carnal Black Bilks am warranted not to cat in the wear, for dresses and mantillas they aretlia best imparted. Neat tied Cariseliarr Bairn Da Qum, dm bareisarasat Bilks of th.! season. New style Broeba Bilk awed French' Memos, a new and splendid article for ladies , sraildes - dressea Bilk Embroidered French De bainea,for omens and " V= e re n s, U TZfroe s'" s, b lrAnos, Alpaeeu and Par metros, a large IMIOITOICAI SHAWLS AND SCARFS: ci es 'Mocha Long and Squire Bha Shawls,Shawls, of the bur . gaaß- Plaid Long Shawla of the nearest deep., remark ably cheap. dpleunid ?crane Shawl", at greatly red.teed prima Gamlen Brock& bed ndt /Mayas Shawls_ whim and colored, , iegreat variety. CV‘r.° AND vimaiNcial 4l Sedan real French Twilled Cloths, 11l prim', twit tied= real French Cassiesereg new area Amt. an Cl...lnmates; super Satin Velnlara. LADIES' CLOA - KING CLATHS! French and Belgian Blank and Oliva eindol. tat:La• BLLNXEMI .k splendid assortment of American and intliorted Blankett, at remarkably lore price. DOME:3TIO AND STAPLE GQODS! A ha And complete assortment now cabana.— Many o our present stock of Magda Goods were bongbi from the manafactnrers previous to the present enure la prices. A principal parr of our stock of French and English 1[00413 have bean purcliased it Ow wgroat Auction Sal. bilodelphin and New York, entob <nobles as In odor derided baronies, In Almost eery descrionon of goods In oar lino of besieger. Country Merchants, Marahont sad all 'Cologne sad retail buyers, we Invited to an early mostination of our stook - and gneiss. ' ALEXANDER & DAT, 731Mtukatot, none west corner of the'Ditunoud. occa iIPNEir--70 - csks 16 , 1, 616 0 6 111 4 . 10 . 1 11 ,106 itbr64 , y W 16., fut able by auk of 411.1* . bd to bull 30063666 n by • r %vs nt urrcurrAßEE, bovil No 160 Liberty 4.2 OA • • ID IttriTO en MOM. glgr• DD . 0 Salt Int • no•D ISAIAH DIMLY /1..C0. 110 FFEE—tSO bags prime Ili*, miring and foe solo kj by nov6 W k 1111111/TeIIELTILEE i 4'l lVro " n T T E t, '— of i" 7tr U rtrylf bn 'I JIZS sup. q b a a rte'd and for sale by . and : o 'r d ' 117 tr. M MITCHELTRES OLASSE..4—Ida bbl. prune Pluttralowtdolissali, AL in oak bbts and good order,far sale low by W Er, id MITCHELTREE, .711 11X1 Meru gt .7. mfoar n n uuab • - s , lt t v a Sine & P ita M .% l b ad* Abby 46 = 4 mr: r. t325 imparted 4 from the celebgrti flourm npereget Americantert.Bt.Tßlil d &4I I: J - IQ ORS-17 ht pipes Brandy—Olird, Dopey, fop - a pipes binned Rini - 3 cake N E Rear r ' . • 400 b bilk Whiskeyi . for sale & by nor, W IA hil re HELTREIi inane of Rairligatlon. Pi (NUR friends and the public an itirtftlly liana k.l ed Wu the Reliance Line w sc an ship tired. via Canal fool Pittsburgh en 10n, and from Flit adelphis on the 10th inn. We shaltoontintic to carry geed. by railroad sad sragonsdrung wiener. Cori JOHN hie FADE'S k CO MEACIANO PuNDEft—mt cuts J. roupratlt ute brand, • superior article, for *ale by noce %V M MITCH F:LTRRE 75 kels m..pr.v..bod. .d-iu,—.. Bleachlug Powder, arrived perZ One4tiditat and mar comes or, by e.- ' for sale b ST id I , cnal, for sale hy W tr. Id tdrTCIIELTREE N. B.—They sill refugee, during W4erlAter: lane supplies yin New Orleans. nov3o 71 RIED PEACHES & APPL.E.Y- , Wo ens] • I.lpeubss AAA aktles, put reed arid for sabs by 8 & HARBAIRM BaussELs cAarera.—w. aVanaarroca oder* to putehasers a large and handsome ssaortroeut of 'Pao most approved, pattern"( Utilisers Carpets, Cheaper than over Wore cleared la this market: Call 'and &landaus our stoat befoul parehaiiwalsearbere. dad W hi , CLItCrOCIC 73 Rooth at _ VECVST I . lLti. • e eon •• or • e bandistmest Velvet Pile Carpets ever /mooned/ as law a can be purchased to any or the eastern cities. We; Melte them ensiling to furnish Steamboats orldwaresrito give ns • cell berate mauling elsewhere. ,' • [ Carpet Wareham, roods meet. dc3 W 31.CLINT* ease Woolen .ad Comb. tiLOTS3, — is Ur impeller ernele, but reed and (brink by r ace C YEAGER,IOB Nrasimt et BLA.CthiG- 4 bble ALawszli Wets°, - WA mad the silo by We ezps IsouNom eas elma 055ua5..401411115 tas , Bolt =ow • td.Paareuretion..lol3l Vte was one mootteet soltans, and att Nora. - Ws— giving n the texture and Nair! bruit IZILItaN NIS MINN i ems, ate asi mot lady,: tussled, bat eared by ft s• at Net alma Plows eases in New reek kenW,lshe Whaaala,a and Ind It sed.ll.—ars also to • j •.. Estruss, Norm; INN: 0i or asy alb* skis IN,. we. The reader Is amysd *NA te alk leafed mars.. ace trial will prom - seal seed& NIL. arena a least EC persons egad or • 1 • 4 • w • Sous lisat,,Saus Nos um Soo stsuos—as• and use it, sad dot seeder Is sash wawa NAM., nen enselly sell it-far eke dam rodeo I Nimes Is ba, all I nate. Those who are !tablets • • Cass. Naos., es Caws nom. w 0 WlYkaoaa are. Any oar effected veldi Nye( IN above. llar diseases,will and this all and trees mars (adidast • biota Its properties) than I lists., Bat, reader, the stored are doodad urbe, sad be we you ask for JONES'S NAN Soap. Sold by WM. JACKSON, ele= er otraxer Plmbansh. Ur • Arm soar. tattoo am' booombry. mired UM the — following am the .anal ottalltlea Ma is. bras M Jossal Coral Male amateurs*. IfUnry. &US mt. tzLittithejoddtlet than higla/ ealPft Malan Mr. Geo. Becket, 41 Elm N. Piers WM. Mrs. Matilda Germs, Mink av,Disektms Mr. Wen. ?amphora, pa 1.4 r at, Nem Year.' Mr. Thos Jaelmos, Mormors !Meadows Tbrebb*lk' R. E. Callao. lam barber steamboat S. A 1104816.. And mom Man bUnared others Matm Gogh .IA • taut make, that Ir mill form !ha lair MISTaI at IM no _MI.00„ Mad or lam. af and d.ing,A. tlEa loon. risV i irepealr amtme . et li kki dash MM. k,. 47, or why hair INA dials Bold by the Amos Ja f fond . Plualtamh. Pric•37l, 60atly titool4l, aaa:mT - • BING comnthri PREPARED, •, They are 110 l aware how trlgitlai Walls= Vile - ••w 68 skin! how coarse, hoes roes% boW_ankt yellow, awi wksaliki Alb pear. after wing prepared eland J. „.. , sides it is iniadoces o r""rit • We have 'pr " iiT " i ii stlatiful wink . which we call NES' lIPAND3IL Y It 6 perfectly innocent, being plutladoir dakeirl.h, one qualities; and anapests to ;he elm a attalist.l**l ,. thy alabaster, clear, 11.1.4 . white; at tha sane den , acttstas a coomedee skin, =.k.in sad SO sumo aold by , the t, WM . sacmN, Loo, Ott st:Piluberith. aPS cute. • • wr: Er. Tr. ongUrar A TIM APT= 1 . =Mit !Wt! " el n 3 Wan a bad, putrid break °flask,. yalloardiums• ed teeth. gloom have these It Is theb emu t h aele 4 ,lll=p= g i a . rsa i rt 4.8 7 6 1, 6111 ,1 4 - It theseases of go Owns, co t s{ juteesarOssl,, WI for Tooth W h it is anerttudled, a tartar. (waning .the teeth In the gags, sat elan gala as while as the nem of &from ter* Tooth Puce, , s=roponsles /of , =ll A/W b ast slut one at our ascot respectable sad..saltddilks Dos. dig, Mr. E. fieldial New York, says: - • "I bare both lased art Amber besightl Utah! , palpable angle, (Jona Amber Tooth Passal gai eon recommend it as possessing With@ quaggas slab& al for On Reader, .we ow soy AO Owe to ea= only that if you try duo 0.05 you will be It Is pat op ln 6saatital English China Pots, Essig cents. Sold by go Agent, WIC JACKS.O ., ty hues*. EinaOnth- xm vr asaolvans wrongs . . . SIGN OF THE PLANE AND .. :.- . • OS. TO Woo 4 stroot, Plata an, . Uri:MERANO LAUPIKANs Impostors desdena, -, - - Ur I In Foreisps 44 Downie UAIIDWARI/le 12-.., al US I.l3lltiell, alt) nosy Inlntated 10 0 . 11 • 08 =1 . on as semsnehle terms snow be maned We eoliolt oar founds, and the pulls genoral4,W . call and examine our stock, eonostar i zat , GNIVEZ and FORKS, POCKET 44 PEN SCISSORS, SHEARS. RAZORS, 11441 , sash es toekaLesebes, ilintlo owl SKI O 4 with evoy smote many keps 1.4 Elardwars , We invite the astention or Gammon 44 Illechaelas sensually to au GAPOMMI /O'Toole, otitis km boa .sleeted oda greateWh oldashlel we Ws 400 , ' - ed to sell so as 1. gim. endallolloa • - • •:. •-"- -Property Is Allest:way Oily tor rP.M sobsonters offer for airs nattmit Of elan j Lou, axon in the &tad Wilitradl4l4lo l ll C*4°2 ;f.gr.R I GNSIPIraY ataW g.Cll$l .. To passTiam THE el:describer k.. set band and lersabkesAgaas, of L. J °baron a C 6, erPldlthdZolda,•o o 3 *WO' ialV • CI pair °fearer, 45 tams. FastelLetast, difereagelsaai NV it elnpel.mud s. Leads, est so° rder; • le Coesposing Ettioks; - •EN kegs Press% News LAI • . . • , .1 Brass Galley, Colima Reims, Braes Rao dell , I descriptions, to. • A—ILTNI:I4. • .. Pease Tea Eton, 1111 Fear& se . , • N —Orders sacteleed Ceram TYPro• adilkialril _CINICP. W. SMITH i CO., - TNFORZ4 th eir friends sad dm nubile thgthrilUive I no longer. .1. connection wail dolt 112 e attarlla meat In Penn ounti,lfnovm as the Pinsbugh p.mt' l a ß =ortaved thou mire bastun to sbo row v. th en•lut • . 1.1144 PRESBYTELBIAN BOON 80eR1s NO. T 9 WOOD STREET, . • (er sesm) INT LIEME old , I:1 (mad for saki. an mortiam of v valuable religions Book. and 'runts. myriad' in a son°, of shoot Fo9B'HlTBlDlCElrdigoirest peh Houle., (of 'which candmptca can bar hod en appliter tion,) embracing many icandard works in - Biography, ha krt., edema, and , PlS 6 bdft Preabyteriad Board of. Po on ThltedelpilLey and wall adapted lot Sabbath Mogi Congteeldiono4 Weir - ten' end PATIO, Meade, • -rerseno,MMer - topanbaue *net Delete, ire2ek* I ted ta call sol emehie the easement. The Dep.:Mei of the Pmessytrents .Thble . Bbeisty te kept et. Were nom,. eettdiker7ks - LNI . _ lewd stook of pare. 6 • CITEgli from New York, all of width kas been UneiTelt balk* country alnee the East of February lasL tia eonsMet all the dlderant grades grown the e Oar meek being among the Larval fa thit Wan, =a orb! prepared w wholesale, on better termithan fay alba bona a ob. elm We Invite retail rumors to call and examine oar met end peiees. They canker ttpack. ed and 1 packages, 121 half cheri.,,, sail their eenveonnes: Oar retail prlees vary for Oolong, Meek Waldron 50 eta to 111,60 per lb.; Alba Yang eatabeag,"loll4 Cage 60, and English Bleakfast SO, Yams _Haab Gunpowder and • lerperlal, (ran 33 arta 03,20 par lb. Families are requested la mad sad aisicalwe at of our Teas, and try them before , utylttdawS A. JAYS( .70 tomb Mai NEW GOODB A 2 meHIV. TV - BIBBY mould hereby Inform, We Bianis sal 111 . customers,erel the publics la moral, gitld boo Pat received fell supply of hU good,, ramp sad good unseal. 60 pieces black and colotedikermh, no" t Amerman Broadcloth., of caw= HO pieces black and Coney 306 pansms Vesting', minty of whisk eon only be had at this establishment.- do dos amerutc., lwatiavraol sad lIIITCI3O 1111141 an* Drawen. A fall and handsome lot of Ctivass,. liandieall • elders, finspanders, Gloves, &a. A large lot of fine and emeatca seam /him • Also on hand, 400 drab blue and 6124.261440 d bias. bet Oyer Coats, from $4O to $17,00. 400 dmos, froth, box and sae= from 1141 to 11111 A largo stook of Ica and almonon Nots,ltcsa 40 ILO nu. per. WO Vous, of various =totals, fro= Mop rat Oh. A Ina assoWmant of India and ilosidlossons' Mob, always on LIDA. N.B.—Custom read. IputloaLsr atlato. lon. Gondwana gannemo and good Ma WOMAN& Any personrm Wain of olothiag ean ha be .I=llll their maim gaupfa, at • W.DIGBINS • cheap Cook Clothing fttora.l26 Mort, sit • oaCh.dgm PITTSBURGH lIIPORTATIOIIIII, C. YEAGV.EL, 'reporter and Wholesale Dula la FANCY AND VABIRTY GOODS ' • - Sign of the Gilt Comb, ire Martel ma,, Pinsbarsh,TA. Western Merchants, Pedlars, ana other, set Pittsburgh to pawns. Gooda, are ;meet:fatly tin= • to call and examiee the exotese• assorts= of Bap American, French and German FaiwyGooda ' All romp Goods at this setablisbment are Import ed direct by myself, end purchasers may rely on get ting reds from Are hands. I hare the hugest assert mew of ankles, in tn.{ will ha the titre( Pittsburgh—ail of which will be wed lose Per wet tat <haw:Jr:z i t 2n. S o rt co l = Pars M • • pVSilkk Crai l 7, 4,. S p l / 4 71 8. 4 p.a :Pate m tlll 3. reads . , o, llWeili pa .4l,l savSpool C io. Gold and Sitter Watches, Gold Jewelry, %likable Hershes, Combs and Flexors. _ • Formulae Ceps, Revolves , Mole. Clocks, Bilk Si Conan Parses, Spectneles, &eel Pens, Mega Dos" Carpet Bag. and Barters. Holdings, Finduurs andTriustinga ' Toy. and Fancy Goods; together 1,41110,0 p Wale. ry of Paney and Staple DRY GOODS.• • • C. YEAGER I, also gal fee the etherwel Lea wow Comb.. novl7 • - — TO BUTEIIIibD r bRT GOODIIIr '' Au' E. MURPHY, at north Nisi carnet tf F . carl TY and Market eta, I. now tweiring yawl Doyenfor the lesson, and can offer indecent ItteLle burets rarely us be me with. His assorsosasei LADIES' DRESS GOODS b wry fel, sonsisting of Fran! Main Oishilmos oheres, Lyances Cloths, weer Printed Oast. MOM, at prices conetterahly lower Ras they fewhil— be bonght tarty ht the sauna. _His elock,df LONG SHAW L ys ,; Is large, and ellibreaes sway of the heaud6l talee now on exhibition at Ftenklin Inentu Mode. , BONNET AND NEON • Of low and wry handsome style; bleat Ikkev txlciNt, SACKING FLANNELS, .01 Waive styles and qualities, plain and eishiedstend Black Silk Laws, Needle Warted Collars and Calk, Bonne Satins and Velvet Flowers,ew and /tethers HANDSOME DRESS' SILKS,' Of t h e nerwvsi.styles, Rail Lena prices this wail; and Wok changeable Mks and Radek forldarlllallo ao4 and • large stock of STAPLE - AND HOITSEICEErIN 000D8,1 at lowest prim.. And in the gentho?an'a dearidetwes will be found fresh • FRENCH BLACIL AND 'FANCY' CCUIr CLOTHS. Black Doeskins, Winter Postings, Piney Cassultews Undershirts and Drawerv,l3llk Cravat, Pocket Hand. kerchiefs, Ice. •Mwetuura utta are invited o visit Ike yilialeaell. t ' eroll mess OLO COMP. .41liar pipes Laroyetio, ,Ersa Boole*. dork;uti pole; vtotagos of JON A ood u tt n. . l 11( pipes Locetfmo . . dat& sad Pilot TIP .66 P el Nl P• irt.rii & cd; Costae, L. : toad oL p 1 Colo; apposes al '42, 41. P coptaloamathAL Jilg4oLottm de • um. de /.O psi. Humou ognaa; do do Chaterst &pzas, & do 11 67. de J J ltapah do dO, • del *a. d. de • ' • do de 041 Costtoo, dor& • or oasts Mud, Dopsy & Co, poi& ' • (do IL do Mae° ry &gaze, daft. do• . Old Polo risdotr. dlll • po Logy 61.1114 1 60011466 WV, 00416.411 =am Ito dot • Una laii4m.-- tv auks UnitedrinsysriPreptklittivrlas t ef I do 40 W e i do raim,,, • •- ataoooll44o p;/ 1445 Old Pout unsay. 160 dos Poo 014 Po0mo& proof by the &mei 00 . 410 &NIL . Mtn nor* of 10 olitdoo aroodioo &Weft e.alo,eopl, by Utioaboonbor and elppk... 4 do* 1 0. oolvanes, ant ate mu ofetod to, Ls todigualla =ea tossonablo tonos Mum benetorato, 0101 cot Si mine tem poroamitorolano6cra . ao•16 • JACOB WEAN= Is • Vratipit to I.llll4tetplis. r.p. fit IWO a *tams* t m - 4 - x - g his.l • height. ' (sa rtraftell V 117 >.~-r, ..,u, o!Nk.Ftr, MEMIiIMII
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