ESTABLISHED ; PUBLISHED BY WHITE & CO., eacrrrz scarw.iis, MILD min, KITT P)011. TO All P" d "'".. WaalLlZlto 2,00 " Do. to Clubs, at a redacod rate. AATICII OF ADYZELTISING AO REED UPON ■Y THE PITTIDURGU PRESS One 9gnerS,llo Lines of Nonpareil or lase) not insertion ....... 101,50 One Sanas, each additional Iniertion••• o,a Do. two di re weak 1,73 , 00 lb. Ito itionths•--- 7,00 Do. r three monure• •• • •••-•••••• 9,00 Do. :our numbs • ..... • 1 009 Do. rareire tonths•••• _...• 10,10 Standing Card CI lines or kr s,) per (nnam• 10,00 . One Square, ebanscable mph:swore (per an. non) eremite ei paper 4,00 For each additional aqua's, Inserted over one Month, •ana for sank additional pone insuredsnar lyitued order the snar ly roles, half Wien. Publishers Lot accountable (he legal advertisements beyond the amount charged (or their pnbricanon. Announcing candidates for *bee, to be charged the mune as other advernacmonts. Adverthements not marked on the copy for • epec4 led amber of lasted..., wdl bo continued till forbid, sad payment exacted accord. • .The pnvneges of yearly advertisers will be confined ellidly sa their mauler business, and all other afloat. dscraonts not pertaining to I;teli regular business, as Wand for. la Da paid extra. All advertisement. for charitable institutions, fire Newtonian, ward, township and other public meeting., Sad each kko, to he charged hal (price, payable strictly In advance. himnage milieu to be charged do cents. Nub notices inserted without diem, panted by tune"! invitations or obituary notices, and whoa so accompubed to be paid tbr. Betrelar adventure and all others sending comma , UMW. or requiring notices designed to call attars iett to Faits, Sarees, Conceits, or any public enter tainments, where charges are made for adninance— ail Lueders of private associations—every notice de =eall attention to private Enterprises catcall la intended to promote individul interest, eau on ly be moored with the understanding that the some is to be paid for. If intended to be inserted in the loca solemn, the same will be charged at the me of =ale.. them 10 of Is per has. pia. sr Fie Notices to be charged triple price. Tavern Lkense Pennon., U each. Legal and Medical advertisements to be charged Nil pm.- Ilea Estate Aguas and Auctioneers , to mot to be classed under yearly rates, but to be allowed &mown of WM *tee and one third per sent. Cron:Lib. arament of bills. • WICSILLT 011 71.11IZELLY 1:11 AVM POW. One Square, three insenioos— Do. cult WdiumWinxnioa.... 37 Aimarmouerrs to imam nm. Ono danardl ) imation.• •40 cm. Do. each addmonal Manion • .Y6' All tpina o tanyertileaent• mba p.ld advance. • IV II LTE &CO Gunn. L. I la RPEA . f.,S, ROOT id. RIDDLE, Journal. JAMES P. DARK & CO., Cbmadalo. POSTER & DkUrLIER, Divan& )09. SNOWDEN, Mercury. - JAMES W. BlDDLE',American. Pteruszon, Deo. L - 13INNESS CARDS, A LEXANDER FRANKLIN, Auaracy at Law, 411. Fourth _.. . ~__= D AVIO O. Tirnat. tTTORNEAr AT LAW AND COMMISSIONER FOR PENNSYLVA?.IA, S. Luna, Ma ooamanieaioua answerwL oct2:l-ly grairioiio &MIDLER, Cammisdoo Mexhanta and Dealers In Produce, No. IN Market meet' dace, • . JOSH U. RA KIN, -ATTORNEY and Connsellor at Law, and COmnus goner for the State of Penturylvarus, AL Louis, Oats of Pittsburgh.) .Inizaawns.—Pzusburgh: Nos. W. Fortran!, limp ton lJtllller , AVCandless & ?Mare, John E. Parke, & Semple. DlTord & King. ' atorttaily_ 13.0.111/34k, A TTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AS LAW, 441,, Fowl* curet, between Smitaftald and Gnat, Pa. • inl3 coaX Z. caleac___ c. - Timm & muzirb7 A ?lOittiLltB AT LAW, FOUTIA strat, tear Grim lona . A WOW= AT LAW.— Moe au Fourth st., be. 11.twan . 1 . 5adt.hteld and Grattct, lquabure, Pittobargh , Alkali W ark. • IDENNEIT, MAW Y tr. CO, hia ometurera of Sod a Oslo Illesekng Paden, Ma ri•tio and Sidaberia Aoki.. Wareham No. —Waal/ urea; babes Fem. • na•Mly • . • AL; I.:ltMira, Wholesale aad Retail Ihvg• • • 1 avast ofLlberty sad Pa. Clairstraws, Flu. Pa Mayli N. L 31.0.111. .761.BERTBON, Wholesale .Grocars, P end Cessolashon Merchants, No. 143, Lib ty. as a t., nth. dat A. 'AIIMITTOCA & Co., Wholeaala and Mo. Ma Hal 11171cOna, corner Wood and nth la. IT/ IIiARL LS liitYLOVuorney afor - Th — lid a., Do lbw abova allll ,iel4 . • • n0716.21a A WOGS. R. Ti., , .. . No: spaucr. sraErr; PHILADELPHIA, ' C ° lra ljl tlia ftt: e ij oI L OTAT,WrO r iV i r, and Diaasoes of the THROAT. Ofilos homy V dal., LP. a 1.., and? P. IL oalanlant . so&f . A,11111lia _ _ . _. ./.• MUM! as.. at11151:1711ENNEll, Forwirdi egand Commii.ioa C lluakants Market et, l!jusnargh. spts C — A.MeANI.ILTYIirco., Foreriaing and Coln . axiseica Merehanpi Canal .I.lkain. riusbargh Pa meld .1f}....;7116 ....... Thanotesse /Spalag, Axe*. Moat &lad Iron . l , Weak& noLEMAN, , iteltadeN" a. Co, =natant.= at N„,,,r Cosa and Lair= tiring., Hammered Axles, i t c , i oi=nit . Nyars4onan on Also, dealers inlCoanb Trimmings and Malleable Canampi.. otH2 seta ure, • • ' ' wino n smarm caledi a ammErr, (late astish, Gallagher Xi 4 , Co.) Wholesale Grocers, Cl:mansion and Far-, erntma leseenanta,And &Wen In Prodeee and Pius- Namileftres,Nla 37. Wood al., Demean ed and .Irl amt. • I • ocn , J. JIMMY, Axionmy and Common. at Law, E Ohio. Collectama in tkot them Ohio, and in Lartana, and ill Lortuteky, promptly and wo ddly attended to. Commiukmer tor the State of Pam. Wasik for akin( Doponitions; uknovriodgarants, so—Htm. Wm. Bell Son, Cara% Cburth Carsdarra, Wm. Hays, kid., k Dams. sit fp.:1121, T. 090, 6714:51-diTi:I2IIS4I.ITH• & CA, breoreZ,Tlttalstoro sad Hoe Damien, Yin mr. I . IWO= b. • . ova El and Form, Notch.; No. 03 Vrood street Piusbuf gh. - 11(11 LILAC' UM FACTO' AIUI,I:I4AN tfrEw arasafactuTer of Heavy H SlLlniapiChecks,•&c., Rebecca Inn.; coy or illetbabY• bovlb-dly• nrriA tiatoesom to 3 orphy 41.0e4 Wool Deal '. a awl Opootinloa Merchant, for the solo at ... 4210/Clit Wade., Lit , Orty. ap oaoo 15411, IL _febl7 00 2 J OS, o..,l;slazixot, EVIr.11:11l3u1.0, e.iltOANnoal, MIA. Omani, S ANALD & BUCKNOIL, Tamer.* Commlstion Mlv onsrUs, 41. Nor& Wator at, k blank Whom., nov3o-tf . : — /L.A. zaivr. • wa e. mum. 4./ . . , ILDY, JONEEI h. 114:., (itucesiaors to Atwood, Jonas a Co b' aud Forlro Diu , dstlelija ?Waugh Aluaufsetuzed Plaublttylit. sicl'A . MILO socust_,... tom, ullitf, 71, Mll DICKZ7 h. Co., IVlzoleasta Growls, Com ina,and &Wen is Prudnec,Nes.s6 sew, and IU7 Foul street Pulubu • uuvd sum, =worm • MIMI &DILWORTH ft Co, Wholesale (Inthers, Pro 0. diet .and Cornothsslon Merchants, and Agent, tins 'Ward Palettes Co. of IN. Y., No. 317 Wood et, Plltsbagh. old TWIN it. - 7POWNS.END, Dram" awl Apothecary V NA 43 Market sc, three doors above Thud et.,Pins; barely will hare constantly °ahead a well seleethd as; isetwent of the .best and fresheet tdedththes, which ha. wilt affirm the tilOtl reasonable terms. Mathis= widths Arden, will be promptly =ended to, efd, phielerith Ankles they any VIP !Wu firelln.g. iiirnqrsketens Preserfpuone wag be accurately and Ifsezpared from the best enaterials,At soy hear of na asy armlets. Al.. far Ws,, a they stock of fresh and food Perfs lain lalWradisra£l.l,, slo - ansalloriu - I,ass.—ul • te•4o /earth Moo,* &enact& merbly „1" — " :76414- Pillsto f Warren, Ohl,g) Commis , sloe end Yorsrare4 Merchant, and wholthale dilater is %man &them Cheese, Butter Pot and load Ask, and Western Prodnoa . genosallY, cieLln, between ll.mtthaeld end Wood, Pittsburg. and ir - Wier(saseessaTto g r ieiut & Gebb7art,) Wladsses r esod Commission lderehann la Procter, sad nsnae, dismdastates, car nal of Llbe end Hand woe Pittsb • , h Pa. .20 IOM A. HUTCHISON, it 00.-Baecessors to Lelois,Ratellson & CO, Cenantiasion Merchants, god agenta the et. Lou,. Steam eager Refinery. Noe l Ma'? lUld frocCstrects,Pittsbargb. l CONN MUMNAII, aolerle Urcx[te4 and deal er to Dyo Ikea, Pomo, Oi Valoo, ao., N 0.03 Cod =coyote door &nob of Diamond .1 L :" - Jr, KE&S-5 , & 1.7.3 , ( la csemoo r to Joseph 0. , l i As i Maip I. dlers,36 W. street. cell eMTCTVI lorosalo and Emit dead in Marro and3Ynsiesl Instruments, Dobool Boon, r 'um.% eftel pew, qvus, Yrintors , Cards, and gioniologg gonerolly,No. Ol Wood st., Diasburib. WE' Stags tonight or talon Is Dada. .05 I SCHOUN MAID& rt_Ca.,•Wholesalo Druggists, of o No. II Word greet, PiOsburgit. —rrrrou +. WIN AV/14 Asstaddess, comer Mb sad Wood streets, PiusbaTgl. . Doty yolifistoS7ciSTOCKTON, reakse Item, Pus Lets 10 sad Paper Idadufsdtarers, No. 4 USlsrket Pats bands .10/ . . Rao.. ELIPIED. 4 . . — & — /L FLOYD. Wielaws • mgrem to wt% and Leiden Produce, [found frontitt ma Mem, Wood awl eth Witetu. Pittsburut4 P.. mTd '• lesale lirocer, Cemoarmou aod dealer ill Produce sad Pio.buralt Sarkufacturea Noel Wuer .t, Pareburaa. Jee p . u • oppoldta Mask. Howl, rusburgh, u i , . iw gu.nd promptly to 00.11m:ions, to Washington, F.l.tu Blattsumt, Pureth Guichany retsbant. DAN agerili droUlly THE PITTSBURGH !CARDS J., TACOD WEAVER, J.., Wholemle and Retail Den t/ m Foreign Wines and Liquommil old Manna gakela Rye Whlsikoya, corner First and Market ALL 411 - FEER & JONES, Fonvardung ad Commission Mer chmts,Deelers In Produce and Pittsburgh mono itired aruelessiCunal 13osin, ne4r7tb sett . _ .IPkIBIBI BULL, PATTBUUIitiII, IkriC. — V&A:I:1;0Y, C/lILLIS B. CO., Alanotacturcra °iv ,11tk InlpeflOr 41-1 , Shccunga, Carpet Chain, Coe/7 Two. and Ban.. /.1-11,... u VT — aaa•ll. Iron litorks• _ P IS' DA 1 , 41 , 1 I k Co., mucut(acturcra of all Ili- La. .Bar, She., Boil. Lrou and Nails of the heat taolny. Warchon., 54 armor annl 155 front at. I • :19 WATERMAN, Wholesale Grocer, Fe card Cavwias i on n~ and Mercheill; Dealer W Plus bot hManu( ore. and Produce; Nos. Wzder rt. red 6v Front s;_ ruonaa ZYXl.Oij IDEIT SAW', : litagENEDlt BALWYER. lOORING GLASS Manufacturer', and lVholearne 14 dealers in frirei P e dla r semesn Variety tined. Wooten% merchants, and O th er• RTC lllVited to nail and ermine the pheasant:l:quality of our creek, to with our preaciat inoccased facittner rn 111.11(fICIllf• 12"tt.f:::%1I47::+1Tkett7r cwr oiler .• ogf% Mountains. ; n.-r era" Jambe; Pkul satr. - 7, or. atemicsua, Pine tin rte. ItA ILLER tr. RICKETSON, Whole:sate Grocers, and AU, ireponera of itrannica, Wines and Segura, pine. 172 and:l74, corner of Liberty and', win rune., l'ara. burgh, P.. Iron, Foils, ittionn Yarns, 6.e. dr. con ...arty on Mind. ; nue 14 10k01 WOILZ 1/A. D. vr...3.11{31 C. a 6. DRPRY, WILSON 6 CO, nett Jones. Murphy R. M. Co., Wholesnik Dealers In Dry Good•, No. .1, Wnind strum, Pittsburgh. noeug ltdilaPrlEWVirOSON;PoTtilanni ............ ter. Rooms corner of Post (Mice Alloy mid Fourth entrince on 4 th near Work.. deob-titi. FrIIBUJEGH PTEEL . INORRS -sritniu MitM= also 101.1" 1011N401.1.1 JOBLES £ % via°, • • wif l and LLn .r M plo g h...A rpi1", f .,1 2 , tic spnho, hamm an ea Les, wad deatcrs mai i•d clip !table cutanga, fire d ngua larnpa, and r 0.14 tnmEnlng. generilly,comer orlloss and Pram hat,,urgh, 1101.313. No. 53 Market st, t.,eund door fromnother of Fourth. dealers to Futctgo thd domestic Eats of Exchange, Certinentesot Ltcpco,- •t, thank Notes and Specie. [Ls --- thillecuous toad on all the puceigal clues throughout the Conk' chats. docE NBUCNALASTER, Atheaxag—Office. Fourth sh, • third door abeivo Smithheld,, south aide. Conveyancing of idl kind. dmie re.tlt the greaten este and legal accuracy. Tales to Soul Estate can -mined, Eu. PROP. MIGNRY /I.O.IIUOCK, PENN ATEtEET,: between .Wsue and lint.d, has reamed hu professional dunes, giving tnstruci Lions on the Piano, Oahu, and In Vocal Mane. ea[l Foua near Wood—All quantities of Green and Mack Tees; done up id quancr,_ half. and one pound 'package., ranging from SO cm. per pound *IAA J 7.1 A. SAI - N£4, Am.:for Pekin Tea Co. jpOlll}6,6h,L4WS-6 & CO., rod. eve Liberty street, IA Pittsburgh, Wholesale Grocers, Produce and Cammassam Merchants, and dealers Pittsburgh Munfacturc.. IS7 snarl 1.0130:1. 'Tamura.. 11A11,11.1011.11t0n. 111.111E6T MOOlLE, — Wholcalle: Grocer, ftealrygs J dealer in Produce, Pittsburgh Manufac ture., land all kluda .of Foreign and Denneane Wines and Lliotors, No. n Laren* went On hand u very stook of superior old Monongahela sehmkey, which will be &old law kir culL r • • 1.. 0. itrimm.rl , l • 1. 1 - 61112 REar OLDSts , for prhF tr L'''', d r ?rade: d e s]- as ors in Groceries, produce, rittspurgh ' ldeuturn.ctu ' rea i.od Chloride-of Lite. ' . • The higbeatprie., in eaah i paid it all ttioe• for cum. 17 MCC Cern!r otPenn and lrarin 1 , 11 lean . ROBERT DALZELL & Co. f Wholesale Groner., Co3ll2llilliOU and Forarttoling . Merchants, dealers n Produce and Pittsburgh Minutietneco Liberty l'insburch, I•a. .1)011T. A. CUNNINGHAM, Wholesale Grow U, Wags m Produce ens Pittsburgh Mahufactures n, tag !shorts. st.: I. C. atiscuiers, ' • TM. IL WIIITIL QIUiCEL.ETT & WHITE, Wholesale Dealers In CI EMeoin and Domestic Dry Goods. No. 91/ Wood st eltisburnii, • : felil7ll 4S—T.I,;,..HARD aad i filiG . ll . WooLl i ilereart, Dealers a Commission Illerelmag, a l l io. gene ral ly, an d I IMAMS " JOHN 1110104,, ELLERS le NICOLS . , Produce and General Gera nairrion Merehnnli, No. 17 Liberty ac., ritranorgh Sperm, Linseed add LantOilla Q F. VON IiONNHORST. & Co.. W holesale tiro. : 0 41:4 t 4i Ff=ttgl d fae= " ir date, hare removed to their neer rearehoume,(eld stand) 3h. comer of Pront at. and chiner,l Lane. riorar rooe,RE v s Mere.barasourd dealers in Ftraleee. No. 33 - d riusbarah.... pre., . . _. . __. . rpßoTif & sccrr, Wholesale ind`Retail dealer. in A Recta Shoes,' Trunks, Carpdi Ham tee S. corner pl 4th and S 'ddleld as, ritrabarab, Pa: .is.l W . _ z ' -- 4AtIciIAirIEVIZEITI - m..,_ CWIIOIAL&GROCER, la:wooer of FOREIGN WINES, LICCRS and CIGARS, dealer in Ilinenirabela R e V'all'ey and Pau/m.loi 1%1 an. aracearo, corner ef . race and Fir. ma. Superior •rtlelea .pplied at marker MI.. c.C.i2a 'W. & M. PSITCELSCI.TILZE. W U T ° A k r. ANT& Al.c.—ltorortere of P-odo Ash and Blenehoor Powder, No. Ltherry (opposite'Sir& ...I Pao, burgh. mt.) MEN O._VIICIL.Vin "Urn% & bPDANDLOP9, (sadnesses* to L J. D. Wmk,) Wholesale Groner., Formatattas and Commisaino Merchants, dealers Ist lrest,NaiM, Glass; .Loomitiams, utd,Pittsbettsb Manufartoresgenerally, eon. , of Wood and Woo,. -em. Potabureh. . WW. WALLACE, Mill none and :dill TortoM . - s, log establishment. No.l44.Liberry au, near the anal' mars IAS 1" -- WAVIIYON"..Watelies,Jearciry,stilver Ware, TT 4 and btilltas7 Goods, corner of Market and 4th srtreete, Plustmrghp Pa. N. B.—Watches and Clocks detrefolly repaired, deel . • rarkeofr7f c.. OWEN—.III3III.SIOR and Forwarding : - Prehant, No. DO Front sr. between Wood and atreeta • ' feteDl V .y a y T,c t o D .. r nd - 3n -leaterin Crelgn motnerte. pry ( north anal ironer Of Market and FOntab eta. ' to= tow wrath W • it YOUNG tr. Co.—Dealers; hidei, to L l4t LibenT trek G. Wax'nrcla Whole buithVV.m 1...P77,1.0t, Iron,Nail. GI .G"'"7. d". mv-• 1551.ibrr4 bowl: dreg W vnisom tlitto;ln VPatebe ., Jeornin Silver Wor, " nods. /cc., N 0.57 5I or o—__--nn ATTOILiIIET AT LAW, littler, Pn WarTaa."*ennrsteddarldTert:le.;)tol"Athno"„lrg.'„ig coardka, Pa. Baler to ' •J.b IL Floyd, Liberty 0.1 . W. W. Wallace, do James Marsbail do riflaboratl. • Kay 2r:Co, iVood et. ) jaii7 CO. STEAM 00• AT AG ENTS Orrtca alsoira Au.. et Co, pc= ' N0. , 42 'Water airr,,L. TELs • WOONTAIN 110TICL. Lititiq STREET BALTIMORE. 10. attn 711171.0 b, ?•11.01./.7010.. ATMS establishment long, and widely known as being one oldie most commodious In the city of Baluctore, has recently Undergone very noten• she alterations and improvements. Ana ntire new wing has been added, containing numerous and airy riming apartments, and extensive bathing rooms. The Ladles , department has. also been completely reorganised and fined up in a nie wunique and beauti ful style. to feet the whole arrangement of the House has been remodeled, with a single eye on the pun of the proprieurrs, Minutia the comfort and pleasure of their Ociests, and which they confidently assert will challenge comparison with any Hotel In the Union. Their table will always be supplied with ever) sob. stantel and Insert which the market affords, served up in a superior style; while in the way of Wines, he, they 'will not be empassai • aa proprietors beg Ii • will be lan caulonson their part,mie on the part of their assistants, to render this lintel • worthy the continued , patronage of thelrlfidends and the peblie generally. Matrices for board have also been reduced to the following ratem • fiddle.' Ordinary, 41,14 Dar 4.1. filendemmths • 450 N.:ll,—The Baggage Wagon of the Bon. will a:- swirl be kand et the Car and I:Wessex/at Landings, which will convey baggage to and from) the Hotel , free gawp* 2 • merAf LA.IOIIiBTI2IIIO C 01111,3 or rovers San ewer evens -Is, ms, THE sahscriher respectfully announces Wu he has now, epeeed his new and excellent Hotel for the acepmoriodatlanof tanvelen4 bnardors, .and the public generally. The ilO.O and farnnure are entirely new, end no pains or expense have beau • - - —e of the ' comfortaele iTipnirsWTaresiabL wollitatalalaric, of the Lomat . WTI" an Si yaws! 171Ort& .coantry Merchants, purchasing by wholesale, we, reapeetfully invited to call and exa mi ne our Stock; na we awl say with confidence that as regards acairrr and tat e; it will not ruler inn campanula wali bl a i n turns, in Philadelphia. nt.rph has now open n supply orapring Itormat Ribbon, o and handsome styles. Also, new style fig'd Net.; .Llale Lane. rmd EAg logs: Linen Edging.; Victoria do; plaid Mnslins and. Jacenets,embroidereir Swiss- Merlins, Ac.; !mettles lante assurtmeat of 6pting Goods generally, at north east. corner CI and Market tercets. Wholesale Rooms up !units . and - T / UST OR MIRLAID—Lt the l molt tu,oem, woutoto.o 75 ..1 ck, y. T" aboue or 2410etobor Di bast. al A ealdvill oa—tt aycorea, oh". Teta, mvited "T A EL" They may have Leto dassent • to Immo cow:Loom [maw., ategubt oat. tovrazd will tot wen for all or cilbct of The pmt cm Reit notoriety by J • turoLl ORN aIaFADMa & CO PITTSBURGH, MONDIY kORNING. DECEMBER„- 24, 184.9. 110:1111:1ZDJA • Lire and o.•lib Insurance. 'TIRE Mutual Late mil Health Insurance Company 1. of Philadelphia, Incorporated by the Leg Waren of Pennsylvania, March, ISIS. Charter perpetual. Capital, 16100.00. Ram town True an ?maven, O.IIL CoNrixT, and fell all per cent. lower than the usual rates of Life lostimime, es the follovrinf com parison mil ehom Thus, a panon of 'he age o 30 in suring for 5100 for life. moat pay to the Girard LIM— Pentmyrinrida, ad 30, Penn Mutual, 'ILA Dquitable, 82,01: New England, gtl.otg New York Life, IVA At. Lion, 8.,70; Life and Health, Philadelphia, 111,9 t. Dtancrosa—gramnel D. Orrick, Charles D. Hell, W. I , Boone, Robert P. King, Charles P. Hayes, EL W. Baldwin, M. M. Reeve, ht D. Chan 0: B Campbell; Lewis Cooper, I. Rodman limiter, it H. antler, Edwin IL Cope. President—Samuel D. Orrick; Vine Pita dent—Robt P. /Ger, Sccretary— Frans Blukhunie. applications willbe received, and every intervention given by • BAHL. FAHNESTOCK,,Agt, Office, commercial Rama, corner of ocurr.dly Wood and sts, Pittsburgh .... 1,(83 - 61,*v.. rnoTzirN VMS AND L'lli,,l ) 1 P mi Rt P a i i . "- moo trot.= la 1825. Annual Premiums, Capital Stock, and Supine Fund, 191,000,1300. This old and responsible Company “ntintes to la me policlei on the most favorable terms on Dareldng Houses, In Pitman_ StoreaStock. of Goods, Warehouses and contents, M i lls and Mennfacteries, ems etc., against LOSS OR•DAMAOR BY FIRE. • Aitto, Good., Wares and hierthandixe against Me hazards of Im.stto Tamavorrastos, and ' opon the Cargoes of Sea Vessel.. The Promotion laturancs Company having, in the lest ge years, paid bun. =LION. TV DoLla./3 their several agencies throug boat the Belted Btateemd the Provincati, have established a just repntauon for solvency and fair dealing, which challenges com parison-Imb any otherinsurance company on the continent of Amend. The annexed egtraet from an article on the subject of Insurance Companies, taken fro,- the *New Emil Day Book." exhibits briefly the standing policy of the Company. "The •inauered men'of the ancient and almVys pros penati• city of Hartford, have for hair a century been Eamon throughout the VW. for the once, discretion, rigid honesty,md unvarying mem.a with which they have formed and .managed corporationn of Irina de. scrionon. No Hartford Bank or Inourance COMpany Imo ever failed! These Companies beer Mr more than a whole generation mattered their risks in near ly every State of the Union, red have never lolled to pay the Jonuluenable losses which they haven:mated agodica." . . All looms arising upon policies lamed by the under signed, will be promptly adiumed and paid at the Gen etal Agency °Bice, located at Cincinnati, 0. taro pornott of the funds of the Company, including all premiumsreceived u the Western agencies.) zs de periled with the General Agent of the Company at Cuictulart, for the payment of Western and Southern losses. Apply to FAYET FE BROWN, Agent for the city of Pittsburgh, and foe Allegheny county.: octekazu TU. Pesuasylvazda Company. Fon busman. en lavas eon Gaaarrnia Aintmenta. rlfirst life Insurance Comp." , in We U. Elate. Incorporated March to leLl—chat ter perpetual. Capital 5260,60—a1l paid Haring sothonsed she undersigned to reentae applt e alien. for Lowrance, 06 which polleico will be Wooed, According to Weir proposals and rases, which will be made known to appliowsta at his ate., No. 26 Wood treet. GEO. COCHRAN. IFF,Wrfn n S [I s Ktill-Cllitrin OF PITTSBURGH. CAME: ssoo,ooo. J. F1.43', Jr, Seel. ' R. Ittusze, Jr., kreet. VVIII mute alatert all kinds of mars, FIRE AND MARINE ALL Losses will be liberally *abutted and promptly paid. A home inalitution—manetted by whoaOM yr bo are well known in Me contimunty, and who are detarmin ad by promptness and liberality to maintain Me char acter winch they have assumed, as arming the hem protection to those whit denim to bo Insarad. Ihsecroas—lt. Miller, Jr., (ini. Black. J. W Butler, N. Holmes, Jr, Wm- B. Ifohnet, C. UlOi•ert, Geo. W. Jackson, Wm. N. L'yon, Jas. Lippincott, Thos. K. Limb, Jame. kl'Atiley, Alex. Nlmick, Thos. Beat lAPIOV., No. 3,) Water Minot, (ware.boose of Spang AA:o,ot stair%) Pittsburgh. 0.4id47. lIIBVILANOIC -- Ti'LVAIIII - .I I .UngAceILN B onSAWIL TH S tYe . e in4n e , Third aunee, Finlaticipsna, Imuatnew.—lieuldings, klerchandbe and other properly In rows and COONTer, dared amain Lou Or damage by fire at the (sweet rate of premium, Ma n n BOG...CIL—They ilso insure Yawls, Cu p). and Frahm., foreign or c os open. special a. the assured may dea. knitsuTutAtrorranort4-They alto in c ur e thereinto. thee tranaperted by Wagons . , Railroad Cars, Canal Boma and Steam Boats, on mere and lake!, on the MO. liberal term.. _ _ _ • DIRECTORS—Joseph H. Seal, Edmund A: Soudor, /Ohn C Davi, Haber" Barton ; /oho It Penrose, Samu ('Awards, two 6 Leiper,Valward Darlings= 1., R Davis, WilLiassr Falwell, John Newlin, Dr RBI Haw sou, Jamas Hand, Theophilus Pauldulg, ;II Jones Brooks, Henry SlosA, Ilugh Cralg George' &will, Speueer Mellwasu, Charles Kelly, J A G Johnson; Wit Iman Huy, Nr B Thmnau, John Sellers, Wm. Eyre, Jr. IHRECTUES AT rrrrsaunuti—D. T. slorgan, Wan. Bagalcy, Jm. T Logan. WILLIAM MARTIN, Priaidena B.11:30.1al S. Nusiluar,Yeeretary.. Orme of ado 'Compel:l. No. 42 Water street, hrborgla. Y. A. AtADEIRA,'A eat tIMIE INSURANCE CO. ot North America will I. make_ perinonent aLd Limited Insurance on pro. pony to Olio eityand limier on &potent+ by Canal, Givers, Latta, and by Pet. The properties of this Company tee well invested, and Ittralran avail 'able rued for the Indemnity of all pen*na who doting to be proieetekby bisnranee. • myll ' WM. P. JONEI!, Agent, 44 Water n. TA* Fronifin Are /mum,. Co. of Philaddphia. TllRECTOns.—Ciurles N.B4incker, Thom fait, j_f ToniaiO Wagner, Samuel Grant, Jatoba eke. W Richard, Mordecai D. Lewis, Adolphe E. Uor~r, David d. Proton, Mortis Patterson. N..Doncno, President _ . Charlet G. Ilaricker, Se ~C r ln t n . t ir y d e t= o n itti p ale n i o as f u;:e "L e: T y kod in n l or limited, td low as are eideetatesit 'seeetriot7 country, . . . . To Company have reserved • large contingent Fond, hick with their Capita and Predate:um, safely invest adord ample protec oo n to 00 aentrod. The mitsets DE the catapul t ent Jana.) lit, 1b49, as a:dished agreeably to as act of Aasedittly, were as mitoses. vi= • 411,417,432 41 • 94,714 ell • 941. an rd • MAID V • fig,fitil 37 51,W4102; 71 dude their Incorporation, it period °CIO years, they have paid upwards Moue mullion fold hundred thous and dollars, lessee by fire, thereby ofordieg. evidenee cf the advantages of insurance, its well az the'ibillry and dirposition to trees with peon:dime:a MOW:ado. J. GARDIfi ER VOFFIN, Agent, marl-dly Office N Scorn er Wood mad 3d sit ./11i1. AWARE XIIITUAI.IIIIIIIIELANCIO CO. 13 ...,.. MADEIRA, Agent at Pittsborgh [eV the Dela , 1 . wale blame Safety lusortucto Company of Phial adelplitx Fire Ricks upon buildings end ertercheadise of every deaeriptiou, and Maineeßisks open bulls or cargoaa of vemele, liken upon the roost! favorable tents. pt. °dice to the Warehouse of W. B. Haiti la Bro., No. V Wow), near Market street, Pinsborgh. N. 11.—re mete. of this Camp.) since the estab- Mimics. fMe Agency In dim city, With the prompt i Ur!. and i rallty with winch every Maim upon them for len been: adjusted, fully warrant the agent in inviting confidence and patronage of Ms friends and the ring ity at large to the Delaware lil.fiL Inind raney'ortipany, whiled has th e add i tio nal a vente• i ite , an . rlllltti . oll among the most Ele:irt ,w in Phdadcl l'lhpelftlb I ' 7l ' Th " ga l r ' t P s ' c d On th sun P ily ‘ l.7l ' . '" ag " t y , rel ng to ach person insured lid doe. shore of pm mof e company, without involving him in any reigioncibi ity,whiiever, and therefore as !possessing the Motu principle divested of every ' obnoxious fee. tore. sod a its tuost attractive form ' cowl Mortgagee Real Remle, • • • • • • Icat?onerr Lain* 'Cash, /cc. ...... • • EU ARDING & COMMISSION. CAILD. TUN a. $lll. !SILL, Grocers, and Produce end Com [metals No. 118 Wood in. Pittsburgh. rummies, Flour, Wheat, Rye,Oatt, Corn, Duo& Outer, Lard, Cheese, Clover, 'la deeds; Iron. Natl., Gait, te. te. sar attention paid to the sale of Western ea-3leart Myers & Hunter, !Cobh Dal t Een, Hampton, Bath A. Co., King A. Moorhead, Pitttburgh. Fenner Mnaillon. Jos. tl. Moulton, Esq., St. •5 1$ by late of N. Lbilion 0. , w.:. BZIBM . )Ull.loa SKINNER, Comettalon mid Foarard. :halo„ No. xa klarket at, Pittsburgh, Pa. attention given to the purchase ana ale r Produce. John Watt is Co., blurpliy, Wilson &Co. Donns & Hill, Mahlon Martin, 14 H. Drown & Grigg, A. phit; B. W. !Snodgrass & Co., Gregg A. ,asbon, U; Fr. Skinner, lion. C. D. Coffin, I. P.liellsr, Youngeovni, O.; W. L. Sta. ind. U. !apt alitoivax cocunin.. Y 0,11 5 ,90017 rt., flmtcua rrIONTINUES to transeet a general Corrunission b tut nen,“yecially in the purchue and sale of Ameri. can Diuntfactures and Produce, and in receiving and forwarding Goods Coasigned to his can. As Agent fur the Manufactures, he be constantly sttyplied with the prisicipal uncles of Pittsburgh Alanufactare at the lowest wholesale rilriorl. Orders and einudgernents are respectfally seheited. • itr? Siao.l.l pilck Works for lila. r 1111.14 aubseribiir oilers for sale, the STgEill BRICK j WiLiliAli, above Lawren.sille, comprising a kir:. Engine;ll B o il ers, a Jlonld Machine, capable of facturing WA* Pressed Bricks (curio( drytlay, so taken from th e book,) per day; vvith three acres of load ou the Allegheny river, on which are 4 kilns and sheds, mocking tool clay alied. 3 wheelb4rrows, trucks, shovels, spades, ere., LTCI7 Ing regainaa to .aam. am nee operations at an hours coil.. Priee,lnClig the patent right to use said machine, 117,000—t of payment mate easy. Without the land 115,0UU. For pfiIIiCULATIS, address ilex+ KY Irmo r, 22 . V.7..1if No ilk Illolibrigahela 110.0. 13kOLL AND 11D.A110 F 011141) 4,41,A FULTON, Bell and Brass Founder, has re. built and commenced business at Ms old stand, where he will be pleased to see MS old custom ers arid friends. • Clturch,Steanitwod,and Dells of every Coe, from 10 - Ur Itt,tßA pounds, cut from portents oldie most avidl/. edmodels, and warranted to be of the hest mammas. Allwral Water Pusups,Counters, Railtdg, to., loge. lbw wall every Variety of draw Caluirtgo, d regadcd, gulped and fir.ollcd in the neaten inAnncr.. A.R. to t h e sole Mr, riOlor of BAZAR*: Alrn-Arror• TioN M 17.1., so justly celebrated for the rodpelloa el frlcim t 0 machinery. The floors and founposiuor ion be had of burt at all mu*. outAly F ....... YAVER.-20Ou reboot 1:4 ny Fr-tun ook l'oper, - a aopenor &ruck. Mooned nice. on hand. Any sun wade to order at aharieit nonce, onto rt O BILL, tr 7 Wood it gloosozoorothola Livery 1111410/0. ROBERT It. PArT.,IRSON: has opencd the large stable on I , irst at, rooming through to Sod at, between Wood aud bouthhold .to., to the tent of the Manontnhela4ittnee, wain .n enttrely new cock of Hones =of Calliagoo Of .the best qtmlity and Wall twice. Horn& kept to Lora ';ry litho meat matron. MPARTOIBHRB. DlN.Coition of P . anorahlics. BY MUTUAL CONSENT Otto day, the firm here. forelociatmg tinder the style of BUSIIFIF.L/13 & LEADER, has been dissolved by Henri Leader toll lug his entire Interest to gold firm to John MeGilL All loudness amine.ed with the firm of BoahEeld & Lead er will be settled by S. B. Boohfield & Co., who ate duly authosioed to rode all collection* and odicrt all alum. BUSISFIELD & LEADER. Tidsburgh, Oct. 47;1M. N. BUSHFIELD d. CO, will continue 6e wholesale and retail Ihr Docds and Grocery business, at the old wore room, No. galniaberty st, where they will be pleased to have their frienda and ottatomers call and gamine their stock of goods. octal . B. B. BUSIIFIELD di CO. • TIE pa Ill rencnielp the undersigned, under the firm airaley & Smith, wt. dissolved by mutual .sent on 49 th September, W. Beasley parehasimy Me Imamate/. ILlSnoth, who mama. The business of the firm will be settled by Mali.stmeessers,Wsa. Dooley & Co., at Nos. 18 and 20 Wood st. WILLIAM BAOALEV, Pinabumrh, Oat. 0, 49. ISAAC R. SMITH. • CO.PARTNERBIIIB.—Wm Blink, hovine , asoo• Maim! with bina Wet. H. Woodward of indladelphro, Jolm 8 Cosgrove and Ralph liagaley of Pittsba r r, willtonnette the Wholesale arm Ba ory dness, at oe. la mod 'A) Wood st, under the arm of WM. BAO&LEY A 00, Pinsbomb; and UnOttLEY, WooDWARD & CO., rhuadi mill Diss•lett3oss of Cev.Partoorslalls. , PRE so-parteerstup heretofore existing between du stibeenben, ander the style of Brown & Culben son, was dissolved on the Ist inc. by mutual consent. M. B. BROWN, Pinsbargh, OeL 6, IBM A. CULBERTSON. The subseriber will continuo the Wholesale Gana ry and Commission Busivan, as heretofore,_st the old stend,ll43 Liberty st. oeiS A. CULBERTSON. .11.11.11CaInc nklai =MOIL SOAIITESt ATKINSON, ra are 0731/2. Wood Mon" YITTIOIO.III rIONTINUE to mcaufacture all kinds of COPPER: J TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE. Also, Block. cam Work. Steam flow bellt to order. f_peers! assention peen to steam boat work. ine on hands a fine sasertetent of Copper and Draw Kettles, Tilt Ware, te. tw.• Swankest Calking Stove; Portable Forge., variant arres—• very convenient bele forstear4boals, California emigrants, or rail road V,e would respectfully Inoue stew, boat men and when to call and see ear ankle. and plena I,before purehnelne elsewhere. 0,17 -- thisolot.losa of Partsorstdp. THE copartnership of HENRY HANNEN k CO., rormerly Hannan, Muller dr Co., in the Window a d Colored Glassliewness, is Obi day dissolved by the withdrawal of Mr. Frederick Keller. The business will be condoned by the undersi_uned, under the Own of .HENRY HANNEN k CO. Ware, boom No. MI Scoond wberewa Will ht . ,Cr...V.,: supplies of eupenor Window Gam. JOHN HANNEN, HENRY HANNI2U, HUGH ROBERTSON, Pinsberah. Aug. P 7, 'O. HENRY UhISTEAD. Copartkarsklp. ITlllllnnelersigeed We Cue da_y_wateeted volltt demi all , al . .. i t " l "`" ,Tb ß eA,T.l72, T fg.T B. A. FAIINESTOCK k CO. " 1 7 A ISO. /713 KIR partnership heretofore existing order the brut of A. & C. BRADLEY, is dlwolvebby We decease o r. C. Bradley. The business will be carried on by A. Bradley, who will rattle the badness of the late fins. REMOVAL—A. BUM.= has removed hn Foeinfty Warehouse from Ns. 111 Second areas, to N 0.1.9 Wood wreett , hotween Mrst and Second strew:Ay to the wweltouse lately °coupled by O. A. Berry. where he Cwill keep constantly au hand a general swoon:win of Cessings. Orates, Stores, Cooking Stoves, an. tyP iklastoThass • HE eo-pannenhip hen-torero misting hatweriMthe subscribers, in the mums of Constablo, Ber k is this day dissolved .by mutual comm. M Burke & Barnes will settle the business of then em, for which purpose they WV authorised to W. Oa name of the concern. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE, EDMUND BURKE, THOMAS BARNES - The undersivced have this day associated themselves in the name of BURKE tr. BARNES, for the pokposo of Rem Pin Proof Safes, Vault Doori, Re. ike., at the stand ofthe ate firm.of Constable. Burke & Co, where they will be.pleamd to.receiye the pa. =maim of the customers of that hams and their (Senile. EDMUND BURKE, THOMAS DARNII4S. In retiring from the Inn or Constable, Basket & I with sincere pleasure recommend MMus. Rorke & Barnes to ibex onfulence amp friends sad the4rabLia: NAT:I4 , IIEI COPIESTA.E.' glom ANEOUS, Pena !Melilla. Shop. WlGHTMAN , —Prlasafameirer of ell kinds of vim Kara and woollen markineo7, Allegheny 017, Pa. The above works being now la fall and sneceshibl m et-mien, I ma prepased to age te la *zitn with dlipsyck for all kinds of msehinery In ay Izte, rash - Inv-Mews, pickers, spreade m ' cards, grindmg mattines, mirwsys c , rawing frusies ' • speeders, thiamils, lamas, was ards, double orsingle,for merchant at carom work, ranles,Jseks,&e.; slide and hand lathes end tools to gen eral. All kinds of sheltie( 'Cede to erder.arplansm— an for gearing Armorial or mills an reasonable charge. ggraa sw—lferinedy, Childs 6. Co., Illackstoek, Co_ King, Pendoek &Co., 14. A. Om. ,• , size SE HO lAL. esco it. aur.Ts vimnuorn . S. 11. AUENT, Forwarding and Comaassloa Me,. thew, boo wowed to No. 87 Front, between Wood Rod Penilhfield stn... anti Wti mate PUMPS, mad. on an Improved plan, an as not to freeze in abi coldest weather. Persons ...nuns such articles, a. invited 10 Call and see them at SCAIFIC t ATKINSON'S, renrSs laL nerween Wood lin,y et Wa 1=1:1Z2 . ThOBEST A. CIiNNINOILAX has removed to No 0 n Commercial Row, boast formerly recopied bt Mord• Orem, whew be will be happy to see kit (needs and former gammen. octal TOplillitlarts. ~,,:, JON D. BDCREARY, Printing Ink blatinfact ret, Nos. =and =Scanlon reset, NEW YORK Da. pot N 0.3 Ppruee mrect—Would eaR the &Ranee of Penton to kis Improved Pealing lat. of • ens hinds awl "perm at the following price.: Files fins Jet Black. for Card and Wood Cato. - • SS 00 am! 3GO per lb. Fine Book Lek - • 070 " 100 Boos rk. - 040 400 ." News Ink - 0 19 u m " 0 " Vine Rod Ink • 7k IGO 160 " t W •• Blue, Yellow; Green and White 71c 100 160 •` Geld Wee pee lb, and Bronze at St 70. t. and 11l serer. A specimen of News Ink can be wen mi this paper. Yor sale by JOHNSTON t STOCKTON. Pittehargh, Pe. C. Sloes. Ss Co. Cincinnati, Ohio. Morton t Grbiwould, Louisville, Ky. oolgidlitn JAINES W. WOODWELL. Modern and Antiq ue Furniture, 113, TIMIS. Brainrrreseaus. 2IE Alarge. and mplendid , am of Furniture euitable far Steamboats, Hotels and Krisate. Orel 'Vs ' presenl i itoe On k ord aW made hand cannot Ü be o e i k " ce r dded by any tuanatactory In ths western country. Per wishlng to purchase welLid do well to me ma call, As lam determined tuy prices shall please. Part Of We. stock consists in— Tete a Tete; Buffo Iltunele; Loais XIV Chain; Queen Elizabeth chstrQ Tea Boy.; Fruit Tables; Toilet Table.; lAais XV Commodes 'French Matiopny Bedstead% Pimo Stools., 50 Wes rob Sleek and Ilairaloth einem 50 400 A " a sb FPkannlcoyy ockiug Cba ts; do 23 centre Tablest 20 m arb le ivansi 4 pair pier Tableet 15 e lop Dressing Bureaus; S WardrobesiS Secretaries and Book eater, 20 marble top Wash Stands; 4 pair Ottomans; S pair fenny Work Stands; ' A very large assortment of common chairs and other furniture too numerous to mention. Ce . Steam Boma famished on like shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. dead DiaihitsiginiPilter - i - forhigirn — iiilii in e iVs 7 . 4; THIS lota certify that I have apl VeVac ia nt: n thWe'ZVentingt Patent Diapraltam Filter, for the all ' ties of Pittsburgh end Alleaheny. JOHN GIBSON, Agent, ' for Walter bl Gibson, 349 Broadway MY; ,o•t- 10, ISIS. We have been aaing one of the above articles at the ghee of the Novelty Works for three month; on trial, and feel perfectly eausfied that It Is a useful invention, and we take pleasure in recommending them as • use; hat article to all who love pure wathr. Orders will ba th.kfully received end promptly executed. onto LIVINGSTON. ROGGEN & On hevereiblei Plltimitist, FOR PURIFYING WATER, Which renders turbid water pant by 5."' , ...r s removing ali substances nor sellable to , water. The rector wow In N. York, • r < , th (11,4 s ' Vr t it i t ' eltl l t ' :else '. ran d P hou ' r a throug °7' irl: . altering cock, shows a large deposit .." . immtre euheiances, worms, &e. Thu lithe cons 'mere - er hagfish - all hYdrent win. -- The Reversible Filterer le neat and durable, and el net attended with the Ineenvsnienee incident to other Fllterers, a. It is cleansed without being detached from the water pipe, by merely turning ha key or handl, from 000 aide 10 the other. By MIR °ally pion..., the course of water le changed and all accumulations fo Impure substances are driven off almost instantly, without unscrewing th e Filter. -It else possesses liti advanthge of being a stop cock, and as seek In many cams will be very convenient and iconimnical. Haan be attached where there In any pressure high or low l• • ••• 11 . teak, tub, 10. with ease. To be had of the sole Agent, 'At, W. WILSON, _coil? earner of Fourth and Market at. Wrought: sad Cast Iron hailing. LE subscnbars beg leave to Inform the public that they have obtained from the East all the late and cable &sig. for Iron Railing, both for,kouges anu cemeteries. Persons wishing to proeurhand. Name patterns will please call and examine, and judge for themselves. Ralling will be famished at the short est notice and in the best manner, at the comes of Craig ingeßebeeca gowns, lUle gbeny city, .t A. LAMONT & KNOX. eught-dif opeleto, Cocos ie. W. Daher'. C eteitean and French Chocolate, Prop., ed Cocoa, Cocoa Pule, Bream, Cocoa Shells, he.. 0 merchants and consumers, who :would purchase T the best products of Coca} free from odelteratten, more nutritious than tea Or toner, and in quilt, color passed, the subscriber recommends the above ankles, manufactured by himself, and steamed with his name. His proms and Cocoa Paste, as delicate, palatable, and minim drinks for invalid. ceuvalmcsom, and ethers, an pronounced by the molt eminent physielans warier to any other preparstlints. Hts ossucfacktres aro always ao We, in any aitantity, by•lbe most re *eatable vixen in the eastern chin, attOky sheds atSenta, of Doetrat; James hi HMCO eo, Hanfo Conn; HasseyA Manly; New York; Grant le Sum, labia; Yrmint V 8ra:1440,M. Omen; and R e Wnkßenecti,Ginelanall, Oble • ' WAINER RAI, Aweltemar Hasa Fir sale ky aa4l BAGALEY SMITH, Ars ;=. • 1111M1dIM GA.,, TV. , mlsciTiumotis cams& ' gook B. • órs.. W 8 or Wood and ird.taed, PltWmdh We atofaction t,Vrr.d. 2 l: l l: any IV is onaL i ttniazit3t:x: faction gal be Irma Fn u regtod riot da mrlia Books rale4l booed ah• matiiallY. Books In nuaiitors P orola Wilke boand fatly or repaired. Names tau co boolna int lanes*: Moats that have With In oar Una are anaated .10 Priced lout. I . anY2Daf fleales, Gooklots 1144!"41%1 t&c. enll K e ediallA g r Z:nl l4lb e . W W itif i ct ' ret, Wc ittoo ldk r end 't" its Churn'lL' LP=of the mbstimprotedquilltyi Cook/4104. /6 _ and cool; Egg ;Fan= of canoe, litre. trier "P. eotoome Grauts, Hollow Ware, the: &o Teel also noussfantes the Ettehenßorgeirhlth !tab sorb gorterel;sattsficstoo to those j haying M et, oath', o“ o f 'ouch they.twoold tropecht 1-11 ut•lt4 the eitliahe gad the peptic getterayy. "ItigItIaUFACTURED . TOBACCO—.The either-Watt 111..stoald, Gall the attention of the ,aity trade and Oulu* generally, to the itgliming brands Tobadeos, tn .tors and to strive, *bleb being eettelantnents ...11- rent from tnanafentanna, bola ImalsledYn sell at awn ern pricer. . I Ll 2. ban R W Crenshaw Ca;' ; 10 " lames Mllthletl dot 01 " Lamm - tine istg -: . 33 " hilrabessi , Cr l': b 1 d Puna= 4. ittld la; its 4 " Robert. & Sisson de;; aI 4 Oscar Rail • lei ~ ' _. 0 ."..... Jean* 4h. , ,Lowje .. ls;i1 ' 2 Warmen, soar Is; .i ! Aff " Henry' h`lernea ni,.ls and 8a; . febgl L 8 WATRRAtAN Pitt liaahliss Works and 17teitiidri. rrrrentes,'re.. 4 Jr°eL Vr ;V o l o i l l e ° 4 tdae 4 Co' ry dd: m sePi;t i llo C.3 , s t = as Cardlni=hra w r3 .6 p=i v v ir i ttne . %red:rs, Draarmg P'eag F Looms, Lod Condera &c. ro gLi la. Shafting tri a ged; al/ Niro of Castl4n, Pante:and shset the 1,4 e patients, elide and hell , ' Lathe., anctsoole of all kinds. Castingi of every deseriptioo fords/Led on short owlet. Patterns matte to order for Milliesong, Ina Ra il ing, ke. Stoat:Pipe. for beat ing F arnica Cut Iron Window Sash and fancy Ca.s. goo generally. Orders left at . the. Warehouse of .J. Palmer:L. Co., Liberty eyed, kaeS prompt nor. hem Ile6r•to Blaeloseck, Doh A Co., J. IC Moorehead A Ce G. Werner, John Ire= & Pone. Pillsknrgh C. h.. 1. it Warner r Sthebvialle. • • Wile • !LWCOA IPACTOM.Y • ausismv. A. WIII4T. & CO., mth] respectfully inform the pubh that they have erected ix SiMp Oa letheek, between Federal m 4 Sanduskylsocilts, They are now matins midUre prepared to tepeive iorderi (Or every desenpuon ofivelueles,CoaehesilChuirttis, Ba. roa ches, Buggies, Photons, &e., &e.,. which ham their lung experience in the manafactura of the above work, and the facilities they have,they feel confident they are enabled to do work on the mon reasonable terms with Mae wanting amid= inikheir hoe. • Paying particular liteltdoe to the =action of mate. rialy and ham= none but competent workmen, they have no heeltation in warranting their work. We thereon, ask din attention of the publig to dile mane, N. B. ilitepaLring done in the best manimr, had on the most reaseimble terms. ! : jsightf TOCOTTON D WOOLEN BLLNUFACTU REILR—HaVIog oudevarraogetatelos (or a eoro mat supply of. FACTORY FINDINGS, we will sell la low pnces Cllrond Sheep Wet Mos, Lace Lea ther, Picker., Roods, Shoules, Hemp Twine' Treadles' N. 6 to 16 Bel/ Punches, Wee oahes, Stripping Cards, 100. lb in; Patent Drosoor Drsugbes,Weastn ,- Br h • Le. &a. . LOGAN, WILSON to CO., mye 119 Woo street Plluboroh. DUET WlNE......—Odley, Webber & FORUM., Me; .0 Pare deb and dry,' Geed, Canipblall & Cee old dry I. Osbourn , * lac Pam leek Pare%ruice par tied'. Pon, Harris & Pane; Pure Jcief, thieble, don• ble and angle Grapes- • Mete wines aro AU celebra ted for their atedical_p_ropaides, and cab be had whole sale or mail at th e Wine BUM of ,• , Iy2 ,JACOH,WELVER, Jr. ----- Palllollll • THE sabecriber ollbra for sale Is large and splendid asearunent or rosewood land mahogany grand so- bap Pimp's, with and without Coleman's , celebrated allollan,Attarbe”,t The shore Instrometits rented to be equal to spy mannfaeurred I. ! eon.- try, and will be wad lower Lba•, may brought from the East- F. BLUME, No 11! wood st, • 2d dew above, 6th N. 111.—City Benp vrikl be taken at Oar for • fear of he above assortment. , my 9 P. IL • Hardwars—.Vhesper that Swazi .00AN, WII,ISON tr.. CO., Importerti and, Wholesale 1.4 Deaden la Hardware, Cutlery and Buddlay, No LW Wood arse; above Mit, haeenow more • very cheap mma, wa . 1.1 atuek of Hardware, loomed slime the doeline apace* to &rope, and ',lnch they ate determined to aell donearendlogly Merrhanta wbo Laic beau to the habit of going Hart, are panieu. tally rNuerted to call and look through our stock, u wo oodeatly believe 'they will um char expenee. oete . ALLY.. B W Avx. AV o li tt le : ELPIIIA. DNEW YORE. I.los roN AND NEW L/RLEANB GENERAL .ADENCYOND COMPUBBION OFFICE Yams MEN in wholesale and retail atoms, and other tespectable business, to act as Bootikeepers, Sales Men, Yoram ftanteopers, Wagon, Fanners, Coach. pelt, Car Agents. Book and Use Agent., Zollectors, Overseen Itta W hrinelme of temlness, dm: We have largo number ofromi sitaatidm ma bend, Much pay Prom 300 to 112,000 =per annum. Thom in want Menstatlonsuf ally kind woad do well to snve Masan, ea we hate agents in each of the &arse el s, Ulla place ever, applicaut in a mitable Meatier& at the &immunise:ca. We have • large acquaintance in all the Men named Maim, Much we trust will Melds us to gin entire whim liou t all who may favor as with • call. TAYLOR S. TAYMAN, No. SP Seeped st., between Booth and (lay. N-R—Panons Jiving tu any part 41 the U. BMus, and misting to obtain a situation an Baltimare, or M anes oldie above maids will have then wen. Mll.- dialely Mended to brladdressiug at a linc, (poot-puldl as by to dolma they will curtail bah trouble end en. pence, which they °therms:l would teem by muting to the city, and mcking_eniploymentl for themselves. Address, TAYLOR & TAYNIAN, • No. .19 Simond meet, saytiodtf Baltimore, Md Da, 21.6Lasta to Tana' 143113 La to Tettity that parchuett ant alai of Ear. T 110Lane , i1Votm ttpeeitle, some pre litoruhs ago and gave Uoretion of mine some ter,in years old, two ...spoons fall, Tad aliao3l, the mai. may app e ar 'aim yet I have. but theter,erae upward. of rwo mama. woalla passed to t , tl otautirtat, Tom on. quattorof kath wo Nth.. U W /ZULU AY. Roma Croak. Canal to. Tao.; Det.,27, 1947. into B EN N ETT & BROTH ER, - 4FEENPWARE MAN UFAI7UMERS, Ittloolaythazajsiento PllttaburKhr) Po. • WoorAousi, No. 07, Wood etredf, Mistaaret. WILL constantly hoopoe Kidd a ined . aasert. meet of Wall; of our own **autunite, and eaperiorquabty. Wholesale end country Met. charm are respectrolly molted, to Call and es. attune for iliemnaleee, m we are dOtenabsed to sell cheaper than hostler before been olfensdto the pub. e. - i t Ey- Orders sent by usail,accumpanihd by the cash or ay reference. ann . be promptlyattendetilto. osyld lUD THE LADIES—Jut remised,. fall asoortmen 1 of gold and aliVet Thread, Cord! imd Braid; also spmgles aM Wilds foi embroidarlWher or normals! work. Alssgodondsilmt' Fnage. and Lace. Jewelry of the latest fashlons,ln grist ionety. Womb. of impactor quality and Mauttful patter., and foi sale at Soden! prices. W W NVILaON, slog? toner Market Sid 'fourth sts A TUMNAgUIIi 16/LT111310! A MEN?'—Open from dA. al. trill P. IL angle Lima Ys cents, or 0 for 1 !loam. Ladies.. department open from 9 to 11 A. M. and from ft ka The Refreshment Saloom, are .igualjed in style Recherohe lee Creams! 1,14_15 " " T. fire All. Proprietor. roiE anent.. of the publk is ;aspic:wry called to I the following cercates: Ma 8. EastMea.llaving to a che antiy of Gold weighed by your Areemeter, !And result of your 100 by ebtleet; KIM race..dam us of it to :ht. going to California, es the boil method for ob. tunic' the real value of Or&Reap. yours, • J. D. DUNLEVY, Gold Nat. Yftwhallh. Marta a, iota. Prnastmosduck 7,1819. Ma.Essuro—Dear 881 Having exiininedtbie.Arecv mett.7," manufacreired at your toot., 1 d 6 oot hesitate to einumend it Loth. use of those geuitlemen who ate shout removing to California is womb oNold. It gives a close approximation to thh oPec, ific grill ty of metal., and will tionamly enable ma advert:war to weertain when his placer Is YioldtltS Gold arlo Youil,tls2 . . J. R. - I)PCLINTOCIL I oiDIA BV6ItER ULUTIIIIIO—Joe received for the J. California Expedition, a complete assortment of tiara Elastic Clothing, at price.ranging from 85,50 to 811,50 for salt of coat, panto and hat,: par We at the India Rubber Depot, No 5 Wood JL der.2o PIIIL LIPS SIALISA'r SADDLE, HARNESS, TRUNK AM WHIP MAN untar oßli.—The subscriber thkei W. method or mforming Me friend, and the pobles IS general ties be has the largem stock of the follostutg, named attn• elm alas own manufacture in this city—Saddlee,Har• near, Tomei! and Whits, all of +hick he .ill warrant to be made of the best material and by the best mech. antm In Allegheny county. Doing detelmlned to *ell manufacturee something lower Mira Wetherell hem, torero sold by soy *steals/Moat In the city, he would invite parade, in need of the above marte.J articles to hl. warehoasa No. 24.1 Elberty street, oypr.- site Seventh. Also, bands made to dmiet for medium _- n. oetZlgy O. KERBY. SKiattrln't t " Vairrille tit• LS OF CHANGE, par abased an the mat lava:able tonal, •Pd! N. 'town& & MIN} Kss.CEIVED THIS DAY, at the , ladia Dabber D. ,1,16 pot-1 ease Women's hi etallie trubberemedels; " . " . leopperii :I . 13u.skins; I " Me se. , " ' " ! Slippery: • e " blau , ., " ' " • Overshoes: 1 . .. " : " • Sandal"; 1 " " ltoillor soled •' " l OnaralallaN All of whlckplll In: raid, orboletalo of taunt, looter than at may house in the nay. Y. to II PHILLIPS. nor.ll No.* Wood tweet WHEAT FLOUR-10a sacks tor;lOrbtl in atorevand __ tor Bala by north STUART A SILL ___— OAP—Ii)11 Clueinu just rio NI. for r ale try' noull 11,1ATTIIMV11s tlO OiL3 —L eau oa Borawai " " I'epper&l*4 0,11.4nui y I r d 1 7 ". (""i'' J b IiCIICKiINTMAKER & CO OLAVLIES-60.bb1. Plaawlab, 4ddtnt 6 . 31 th* simunerilllononipthe% and I." &CO 4 covet4,covetJ A HUTCH] Lal=lMT --, nor& .. 1 A CUPPEC—IuU bap rcceli!ng fsom out * for sato by ____ Trasr _ fi [AM A l Ur bLb rnn refs and for br nom , COP&A BR6YF OOLS DOT&Sltee'd - Lla d.riyArr E rl%-i t yr bare 14 p • -to o du e bilAsssr, DE A nil kTbArk - i — i kraliotilbkiA" Mason & Coo, 300 dos. Gto7i lartaai, di codOoltooi. •• MISCELLANEOUS By the Broaldatat of the Balked IN pommel, of law, L ZACHARY TAYLOR, President of the United:twee of America, do hereby dad ate and make known, that paliiie Wes will be held at tha anderatentlisned Land Menai d e signated of BISEDURI, at. tho periods hereinafter to At the Lad Office at JACKSON;' enmmenein4 nn Bonday,Lthe sovaath day of lanaary next, for the dis posal' of the public lands, siraated within the ander .nisatlotiod townships, and pasta of townships, yin: Jfwthhrtk ban tins, and mita( sho ARA prinsiPoi • Towoildp twenty-two, leaceil soot seven, se venteen, eighteen, nineteen, twerut, twenty-nine. Ak i Z , enos' and th irty-two.) of range four. r., ipvsrenty-oso, of range five. Fractional township tarts., and township josentY ;piste; of range Fsoctional towhithips" stamen and seventeen, and township twenty-two, of.nuage seven. .Fractionni sem:winos sateen, seventeen, eighteen; and Henry-one townships twenty-two end . twenty threW and sections three to ten Inehative, stzteep, to twenty-ono inclusive, sod- twenty-nine to th illy-tWO inclusive, Idtownsltip twenty4i4af range eight. Township nineteeralcocopylrneuenal sections thiny one, ' utirty.two, thiny-three thirty-four, thirty-five, terst:nship twenty, and frgo , Limo township, (exceptsection• one, "..Ire,•adnooe, twenty-three, twentplear. twenty tfi, twenty-air., tyrants-seven, .thirry-lear,"dtirtY . Aws." and of range airy, The northwest fraction of section wx, in township nineteen, and fractional township twenty, of range tan. Nora of Media boos Jino, mod tont qf the NM print*, Townships twenty-three, twenty-tour, twenty-eight and two. tymine, of range eight. Tear:whip( twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-tee. terentyear, eduil twentjeeight, of range nine. Township, theenty-ne, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-mar: irienty-Are and twenty-ey e of nog. ten. At the tuned game at seRINGFI MD, commencing on Monday, th e fourteenth day of January next, for the diepoaal of the patine Idnda within the undermentioned Inernihipa and fractional townehips, •M: IYrelh of the eau limosmi tent ri the fifth Priodgeti en Fractional township twenty-one, and townships twenty-Live and twenty-nix, of range eleven. Fractional township twenty-one, d ranges twelve, thirteen, fonsteen, Altera sixteen, seventeen, mghttarn, ninetten, tweedy, and twenty-one. Potations' township twenty-one, and township twen ty-four, of range twenty-two., Fractional _township twenty-one, end townships twenty-three andtorenty-four, of range twenty-three ' Fractional township twenty-nnn, and township. twenty-threo.und twenty-four, of tango twenty-foar. Fracoltmattriwtaltiptarentrone, of ranges twenty- Ilvet and twenty-six. At the Land Office at CLINTON, commencing on Monday, titAtwenty-fast day of Janamry next, for the disposal o(she public lands within the following nam ed townships, to wilt Nert/gctN beim Una, and mot of has fifth principal ass- Township thirty-fme, of tango eighteen. Lands appropnated by low for the use of Suborns, militvy t tad other purposes, will he excluded from the sale. The oirernig of the abase mentioned lands will be commenced on the days appointed, end proceed in the cedes in which they arstadvenised, with all conveni ent despatch, anti the whole shall base been offered, and the sales than closed; but no sale shall be kept Xnelfoltelte.thda.n will be adm red and e no na rrisat; entz .p c:f radon atlas two weeks . . given under my hand at the city of Washington, this fifteenth day of September, sumo Domini one thoummd eight handfed aml fony-olne. By the President: Z. TAYLOR_ J. BITIT}IRFIELD, Commissioner of the Genend Land °flee. NOTICE TO PRE-EMPTION CLAIMANTS. En person entitled to the right of pre matinee to any of the hinds within the townships and pens or townihipa above enumerated, is required to establish the same to the satisfaction of the Er-pater and Recei ver of the proper LandOMee, and make payment there for as woo as practicable after seeing this nonce, end before the day appointed for the comutentement or the public sale ord. landsembramng the tenet Manned, otherwise eueh els= will be rortened. . . • 1. BUTTERFIELD, Commisshiner ed. General Lend Olitee. oaCitdlst•lMW =l== AESPLENDID assortment just received, nimble for the Flll and Winter Trade. consiating in part of N'S, WOMEN'S,IIOI'S', MISSES' AND CHILD. RE'V'S WARE, of every variety and style, and at priers to snit the time. 'Those swishing to purchan. 'wholesale or retail, will find it to their advantage to give us • call and examine for themselves. TROTH &SCOTT, octl7 corner Fourth and Smithfield sts IL -Donn forget the place. SAM'L. GRAY, MERCHANT TAILOR, ZICII•NOIL DUILDIN,s, ST. CLAM STREET. PITTSBURGH, Du rrai EMT.= /lON NSW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA, And is now receiving a Rue ansortment of CLOTHS, CA66151116E8 AND lESTINUS, DP THE BEST QUALITY AND LATEST STYLES . Wbuchibe is prepared to make worth.. N TILE REST MANNER And in the latest Fjtehloas Oct OS PITTSBURGH FICIIALIC INSTITUTE THIS Insutum, under the rare of Rev. J. It. GOY HORN AND LADY, will retopen on Monday, the t7th of Remember, in Meant. tOnms, No 5,1 Liberty ,treat. 'Using Ittaimi the number of their pupbs, the Principals hope to mere a continuation of that liberal patronage they bare latherto totaled. Parents may Teel assureti Mat every advantage will be afforded their daughters, if plated under their charge, for ob • taming a thorough Engitsh, Classical, and lttnaturntai education. nucZedir It - OUDIG LADIES SEMlNicllf, EE AUTUMN 81_aS10:i of this Institution veal T commence on the first Monday in tin-member.— Rooms on Federal street, to stColonade Row,' gl door from the bridge. Ram or ton err no MEMO, or nye Merino English Department. triadic Rending, Orthogra phy and Delining, %V wing. Einglith Grammer, Mime tic, Logic English l'emposluon end Criteria'', Gee smehr, Atinnumie and dm higher branosel of Mathematics, Natural Philosophy. Chemistry, An- ItttnetnYt Barony, Phyaiothev. Geology, Initilte..l and Moral Serener; and all ether branches requisite In therottgli Englith Educate, - • • - ."20 no Claaveal DePartmcnt-nteh•nteg the Lean and Greek L, each - • - 6 On am n irt PIO Do Delman, 016 UU The SerriCCA of competent teseheth are secured for snob as desire instruction its French nod German, and also In Drawing, Painting and :duck. Dia cleanable that pupil. enter at the commen°, moon of a scallion, yet they are received at soy time, and are chargedat the above tes from the time et entrance. !'lo deduction. are m ad e for absence., ex- • _ cepl In ceshis of protracted illness PartherinCormation may be obtained. tuul applica tions med. by calling upon the Principal, at bin ronm• on Federal street, or no Ms lodgings to "Irwin`a Row," Liberty stn., Pittsburgh, between MI ono 4th wee.: or by addressing, through the Pittsburgh Post Office, the Principe/. N. W. METCALF. Allegheny, Aug. 7, (MO du' PITTIUDROII PERCALE INSTITIBTI7. qIIIE Second Session of this Institution, under the eare of gr. aed Mrs. licenuom, for the present academic year, will commence on the first of bebrua ry neat., In the game buildings, No. a:Liberty stmt.!. Armagements have been made by whirl they will be able to.furnish young ladies facilities equal to nny in the West, for obtruning • thorough F.ngiudi, Cloert cal, and Ornamental education. A full coarse of Phi. I st c.l theChemical Ttenter, a r a Le t e d''burn*p wi ll d I PIZZ- Oarsmen of Vocal and Instrumental Music, Rodent .Languages, Drawing and Painting, will noel, be under the rare of a competent Professor. By Close attention lathe moral and intellectual improvement of their pm pile, the Principals hope in vent • continuation of the fibers/ patronage they have hitherto enjoyed. For rellOs, lee cheater or apply to the Principaln __Jagadtr Prrnsmion, Sep& DI, (040. ANIL THOS. K. HIBBERTt—Do. SO, Your l ore LV.L TING FLUID we have now been tieing more than year, and on looki ng over the-entriev made by It, we find tho color a bright blue black. It to plow.nt to write with, flowi free, and doe. not clog the pen like the ordinary inks in use. Wohing you the ready sale Its merits demand, we are, yours rerpretfolly, SIMPSON & CO. For sale, together with Ifibbertia Red Ink, and Ma. chine Copy Ink, by D. A. Falineaseek 0. Co , If. P. richwartx, Allegheny City, and bl toe inennfactiner, 4U. K. llibbert,Diviggtat and Chemirt, corner of Libre- I ty and limithiold sta, Pittsburgh OOO3 WkiIIMAN I,llrll. Moos ULM.. NM/. Warr co., (Successors to Honey. Henna a. Co.) BANEERS, EXCHANGE UROKERS, and dealers is Foreign and DOISICAIie Exchange, Certificates of Deposita, Bank Note., and Specie—Fourth .vent, Dearly oppoaite the Bank of Sittsbargh. Cumin mo ney received on depoalte—Sihht Cheeks for mile, end collection, made on nearly all the principal points in the United State.. The highest premium paid for Foreimeand American Gold Advent.. made on consignmems of produce, .hip. pod Ent,a on libaral terms. ap2 . . ciailvarTiVENTloliAßLE , PoCUNERO PATS= Sterna Jan. 4. 1 ia49. Pate* erornleorr =tension Taber, Sofiu,' litocava, Book Casa, WI-tang De... 0. LEVER OF WROUGHT IRON. .14111rICA far MM.totting every other in / voodoo of Me kind now extant They eon he ex tended horn ten to twenty five feet, and when closed the leima arts all contained Inside; they not Angle to all sixes and shape., and are admirably adapted for Steamboats, Hotels, and large prorate familles, fen.- U;l d t=4 2 r "e. Ett cloned e are local liable, particularly to those who wink to crone,. Mine loom, and convert n sleeping npartment into a p u lp, p ppppi p.m, as they can be opened end shut at coveience, and when shut, there dding is encloio ed. A great saving in room and ent Ali the bed-. steads when Closed loon beaDliflli ple,o of furrilltite fa( • parlor or sins room. DUOS CASES—A neat and useful arnele l for parlor ° Tra D "L kiits—For law °faces, counting rooms, and other net when cAtmed a most convenient bed stead, when elmed a perfect Desk and Library alone is visible. All them articles need no recommendation: the beauty orate whole ls, the, are warranted not to get oat Of repair. It swill be for your inmrests to call and examine the articles, at the manufacturer's store, No. e 3 Third street, Plushargh. In addition to the above 'l. :Mr ' 'boy see p'3`...."4`ito‘Voonwet.L. LOWELL FLETCHER, ' MMCIACIIIMMO7 ALCOHOL AND POIIB , APIIIITS, Corner Prom ar.d Vino street*. Ciacirmati, O. ORDERS froxi'Plushargh (or Alcohol,Pare Raw or Reahard Whiaiey, will be prompUy m ended to at lowest marketprice. ' melds:My 'WHIRABEtriTrgib - TAIILB COVErcs—A itamonsocro of Vozbosacd Piano' and Table corers earl be foaluf at W Welintockhe Catpet Ware hinie rallawal pima Call and =memo baton "sashimi:4 che,htro. OOO4l DRY GOQD,S &c WAYIETTE PRWILIEHIS WHITE AND BROWN DOMESTIC 'FLANNELS NATE are row receiving from the factory • loops supply of thee. goods, which we are selling low er than each goods ean be had elsewhere in th is eh,. We use no acids in blearthing, that irj..• the goaV; our -object being to produce ig cods not for chow •only, h. for ...E.T.A durability, and vs each they re• calved the first premium over all other goods exhibit ed at Lisa la. Allegheny Agricultural Flue. t t he IVIAMor sale. the Bluth D . ayepo N 0.58 Market s and aMOISIS of the Fay e t te Alanufacturing k Second at. Blankets of our Al...titre are sold in.Alleghenj City. by Me. Jolla Dean,and also at the "Two Big Wthdarre," Feder. at. • oetls American Woolen Gonda. %Ulf; gubseriber has on hand, neeeirod the present L tehlond conshmod from the manufacturer.,therfoh. lowing Goode, which he is sonnerind toeless at priced rery to n, , pieces pail veld. Borred_Flmnel. 030 pain WPite Bed Blariketa ribbon bowed, ex. .poondo to the pair.. 1 Mae 50 pun Siena:L[omi Blankets, ribbon bound, a very superior antic. 4 cldtes (200 pstrat Grey Mired Wankel.. ' 50 plata Bart GentiantPle Glue Ithinkels, a very period article. • . • • beams Grey and Moo Blanket Goalies 40 pieces Tweed, Steubenville make; I ease ed plain and barred )ease, Steubenville manufactory!. Tee above prods are all consigned dlreet.from the maker, and will be cold verylow for cash or approved Imes. octtn H. LEE, tabeny a 4 0p1x.1 , 4 &h. AiLEItITHROT has commenced tb receive a large isouttment of Woolen Condoms and HCad s; Laskin, Berlin, buckskin and viroolen`Glovest MLitt, cloth, MOon de lain and blanket Shawl's emit, mere, bummed and woolen Hese; Pongee an d lined kidkrvi silt And satin Crave(' and' death; Gimps and I:ll,l7Ltihrilolti',TztiT„,t;„c:4r,r;r l V.Y:x.i, Panes Threads, stewing gilt, Butions,•thim Semen ders,/Pins, PerCinflOP Caps. Alimonies, COMM. 1.4 gold jewelry, gold nod silver Watches, Coinbr y Tritek et odd table Cutlery, and• many other goods which could* . end city Merchanta are respeenally invited ti 110.111.1113. ipti9 PAY.XTTEI PIASIIIPACTII/lING CO., ANUFACTURE and will keep on hand Family al Steam Boat Blmkata, Doimstio Flapnels, blue; brown . mil drab Blanket Coating, Satinets mill Woolen Yaro, which they will sell at kaatorn Warehoure No -112 Second 44 Pittsburgh, Pommy. Nnw Flays, Fayette en. P. - NEW GOODS F. MG: just received a imjc surd complete Mock eW. of CLOC KS, Variety 8M Farley Gard, anita-, farther fall trade, to which, with every description of Looking Glasses manufactured at am own steam power shop In this city, we ask the attention of West ern Merchants and other dealers. KENNEDY & SAWYER, Rohl comer Wood and Fourth sts DRY GOODS. MURPHY, WILSON O No. 4f3 Wain Sr., Pkrorman, AA RE now receiving their easel supplies of Goods mr the Fell season, which they will be happy to exhibit to their old customers, and as many new ones as may feel inclined to present themselves. Alwaym miring great pains to lay in cools goads CB are adapted to the wants of the Western trade, which long experience enables them to do, they can any with much confidence, andwithout entering Imo ...lentil of their stock, the Western retail merchant will find with ihem,atishat his etutomem require; Those who have fonned the unprofitable habit of repairing to the Eartemaides ter their Mocks of Thy Goods, would do wall to call, u.s candid comparison of pri ce. would in many Cases result in the conviction that the expense of going farther may be obviated by buy ifg in Pittsborgh. • tt3 ISHACICIAMT i WHITE:, DRY GOODS JOBBERS, 09 WOOD STREET, . _ _ . AA RE now receiving a very large nook of (reel Emida, or recent purchase, and maportsuion,which. they will sell no the trade at each prices as cannot fail' to ace entire petrifaction. City and Coiintry Merchants am invited to cell and examine our emelt before purchasing CEIICRUCILINIIPS - DiANO77. -- . on• RECEIVED end now open far exami nation, a new wid splendid noon went of 7 Octavo Pianos from "Chick mine' Barton, among theca a full carved Louis XI V. ordered for ea of our citizens, who nan kindly permitted it to remain in my ware 1 . 0061 to day iWednesdity) foreahibinott.. Those who may have a desire to sea and hear this oplenchd specimen or art, are respectfully invited to can so day a: the core of JOHN H MELLOR, el Wood st Agent for Chickering's Pianos for Western P. octl7 ta==== BURKE & COl3 Daily Express Is now relpilarlY de firming Can and Shell OYSTERS, whteh am of fered to dealers and families at the lowest ;rine. Quallty warranted equal to any brought to thls man krt. and for sale by . . J. C. BIDWELL, dot, Water et. Aleo--At the relieving.; depotat—Bets B Berger, ear. nor entllfte:d and Second et; E. Hertateton, Diamond Mercer Cellebtnnen. Federal PI .Allembeny. oetts • NOTICE. IIE Knit of NICMIN &DRYDEN being dissolvedT the undemigned will continue the Forwarding end Comm , snon pe , irie” at the .team bent landing, FRANKLIN, and respectfully informs hie friends that h h o g gone to the expense of n heavy ismanance on the warehouse and contents, for acme!!, and trusts he trill give entire satmfaction to all who may patronibe him. He will receive freight at the Lower Lending. omit! JAM FS BRVIIFIN Scrofula or Maxis E, 1 , ftbeurnatina, Obetinsm Coo- omen Erupeous. Pimple. or Pastulmondor Parini Blotches, Hiles, Chronic Sore Eyes, Rine {Vona or Teter, Scald Head, Enlargement arid Pain of the Bones - and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphiltiti Symptom, Sciatica or Lambago,—and discasell artsinx from an injudicious 1140 of MOIVIUT, diCi• titer or Dropsy, Exposure or Imprudence mi UPI Affo—ChrOUlC COO2liklaOilliDiunders, &c. Its this preparation are otronglyconcentmted all the Medicinal properties of Sarsaparilla, eumblned with the most of ectual rids, the moot salutary productions. the most potent simples of the vegetable kingdom-, and It hotbeen so fully tested, not onl , r , by patients I t em selves, but al. by physicians, at it has received theirtriqualified recommendations and the approba• lieu of the public; hod hax established, on Its own merits, a reputattontor yak. and Emcee. far pape rer to the notions compamids bearing the name of Saw-voila. Diseases have been cured, such as an. not furnished in the records of time past; and what It has already done tor the thouriands who have used it, Ill• capable of doing for the millions still suffering and struggling with dims.. It purifies, cleanses, and strengthens the fountain springs of lira Au. lanes new vigor threephout the whole animal frame. ANOTHER CORE OF SCROFULA. The fohownig striking, And—as will be seen—peg. inithent cum of an inveterate cameof Scrofuht,• com mend. itself to all similarly afflicted: Sournrozr, Conn, Jan. 1,1519.. Messrs. Sand.: Gentlemen, Sympathy for the &fillet ed laduee. me to Ultimo you of the remarkable care effected by your illarsa.nlla, in the ease of my wife. She was severely afflicted with the Scrotal. on differ thin parts of the body-, the glands of the neck were greittly.cniarged, and her limbs much swollen. Afar suffering over a year, and finding ho relief from the comedies used, the diecue attacked one leg, and be low the knee suppurated. lier phymician advised It should be laid open, which woe done, bat without any permanent benefit In this situation we beand of, and were :minced to ate, Sands' Sarsaparilla. The fillet bottle produced a decided and favorable epee; relief - ins her more than any pre.eriptlon she had ever taken; and before she used ox bottles—to the astonishment and delight :f her friends—she (avail her health quite restored. It is now over a year rine., the cure was ef fected, and her health remains goal, showing that tie disease was thoroughly eradicate/1 front the aye m. Onglueighbors are all knowing to these facts, and think very highly of Stands' Sarsaparilla. Tatars wWit Tcspee; JULIUS PIKE. Extract from a thtter received from Mr. N. W. liar. a gentleman well known in Lonisthna co, Va.: thienticnien,ien, I have cured a negro boy of eta. with pour samapasella, who was attacked with Scrofula, and of a wrofulous . . . :"Your, unlT. N. W. HARRIS, Fredericks Ilan, Vs., July 17, IMP SAX.' Saassrsarbus.—lt wren almost uneneceese ry to direct attention to an smile so Well known, and so deservedly popular, as this preparatlon,but patienu Detest who wish to use 'the of Sarsaparilla ' are induced to try worthless eonermunde bearing the e au., but containing little or none of the virtue of this Te. able root 'and we think wecannot nosier • greater benefit on our tenders than in directing their latelldoll to the advertiserse t of the /desert. floods, to another column. The bottle has reecntly been enlarged to held a slew, and those who wish a really good ankle will find concentrated In Mikan the medicinal value of the root, Ths experience of theneands hest penned its cifioncy in curing the various dismureefor which It is recommended; and al' the present Ilmetnnore than soy other, perhaps, is this %asciiie mien,' in prepa ring the system for thank. of I...gen.—TH=o:o= neS,Sept. 1945. • Prepared and sold, wholesale and retell. bi"A:. B. & D. SANDS, Druggiet abd Chemist, IGO Futter, street, corner of New York. Sold also by Diuul gists generally throughout the United Stales gait Cm ads. Price SI per bottle- six bottles for 11.3. For sale by L, WILCOX. Jr., U. A. FAHUESTOCKI & CO., end EDWARD FENDERICH, Pittaburgh/ AI so, by Dr. S. ShUTII. Bridgwater. [delexl& ,• ELUAII EATON'S CERTIFICATE TO DR LTI..JAVNII—This comfits, that immediately after, having attended my brother, whetted of constunption In March, Int,' was tat en &lea with Me Connunptlon Or Liver Comlaint, and cr. reduced so low wide thi disetuei that for four years I was unable to attend too- My Mistimes, either nt home or ablead, being for the note time confined to my bed. During the iboveperi-; od of time, I had expended for medical mundane* o regular P hysician and• medientea, 151 the ..11109Pt 0( without receiving arty benefit tkerellota. In July, IRS, I commenced taking Dr. Jayne's hie& eines, and havetakca them mere or Ignorer since; and believe Met It was by penevering tritheig oaei that I can now truly nay that I have completely rems. 4 gored myhealth. 1 believe thee Jayne's Seriative situ Expectorani are the beet Wally medicine. now in. I reside in Springfield, Otsego county, N. y{ aggi carry on furnace and machine shop in that plane; and am not intermted In nay manner in the sale pf the , make above medicines, and this certificate lei thlrben- I eat of those afflicted. ELUAR EATON. ! Optiltsaeht, N.Yelept.o flAft !AV VOL. XVII.-- NO. 117. MMDWA I L: SLIXERSLIVER PILLS WAS YDOCTOIL.-. Pa., BepalS,lBll9. Mr. 1. F.. Bellen—Dem i i Vrieval it Is a duty[ ors to the public, as well A. to th. !lid( Of loitr Lint. . Pill.. to swathe goadeffesM prodaeed hi their ill) th• my own sat lhanne d the t zt i ondt of3tme,lB4l, 1 Wm* •• •7: e T zTrel; proe n tritg Pe uri% sereie "d l'a rst=ellaid• shoolden. I was told by medical men thmarydlamaa . was a severe stitch of Illnsi.coolpham. ,imoareqya.„ haves of I,l , , aLiver anCsonue syrups, which '1 ems told was amid for thal4teas,% ode all I was gentinworse...4llnally.soncbded to place - w oelf under the earo of • physidleassfav wy orse; but, fortunately, Nat at thht>thins t riaa.told by the Dieu. 1. Niblock, of this place, that s friend-had went bite a box of NMI. ldutryllinata which! bad benefitnal hint. very I fatthwuk sent** a boo of your - Lira, nisi - and bythe ttato r h r m d itatar,fhtm.itza=nl lar I ewe far, Li* and lark five Or ale bores; and found lapel , atMOM , • I a minty eurm4bilt In Much lam/ easot- a- b us. , Ib; high bronaht back llte disease main Ilahroft ' Mob lorns 'lnaba as ever: 1 again m bar kaOdm • epos Liver 'rat tookticat nary night far. ,, and occasionally slate, and feet hovelay,' " 11131 11091 , say, that I teal Mile it any syngqggr, of thq Liver Complaint, and s my general hdlth is u. peed dow as it has beenfor th taut° pear. thhhlge y rneittors ask wha walraly dieter. 1 tall diem that 07.011 re? Pigs Iris my -doctor:and by , bleashw of Divine Providence the . tominsof caring. ma.. am confident thst *hest the Pabllls boeoute as • quaittad with, he volectof Miriam:PO* thts. mug for them will Maltase. Mania pay wig Leerto wham 1 haie recommended this Atka= ' ••- their Tale., asarell as to the Mete abovestatelL_ t. • [impend:lly yours, Gaoaallgristr. • - To ins Peauu—Tte. °stalest, only we end sins Liver Pills are prepared by FL E. Belleraand have his nune stamped In black sessuptle•Orelidet • I each I Box, and lus mg - mum on Atte outside esteem!. 07'AI! oth nareeoenterfnt.,orbuetmlwtone. spbl7 IL E SELLERS, PseprieentS.6,TWood St CAUTION t • A than by the mine cf RI/ EL CLArPhia - ertsge4 with ayoung sun of the none eta P.TUrsien lult • • •, PSG. his name to put op a .7 , sruposilla, whine the] -s• 0011 W. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, deneednating it (iENITINE, Unglue!, etc. This Towasespi is no deo-. for aid never wu, bat was formerly worker on soap, canals, and the bite. Yet he Unmet ths , ef.Da for the purpose draining clod! err Willi bele , • not, lie Is sendsthp opt eases bawled wrneks of • Queks," in which he says, I have told theca of name for VI a week: I witless S. P.Towattand Oat produe and single sollthq Proof of WA , ' Thiel. to the public not to lee deeehrcaVand' , • purchase non& bet the GENUINE ORIGINAL OLD • Dr:Jacob Townsend's Sarsaparilla, haring colt lie . Old th.'s likeness,his family eau of aneansal hied& sustain across the coat easels. . • ....incoaTowNseriii. Principal Off ,iPlNuun a i New York C4.l' . . . . OLD' • DOCTOR /ICOB , • , T019,1111131t0 • THIVRIGINAL - DIZOOVERER • . -• • . TOINIVIEND ILLILBAPAILS.I÷.II. Townsend is now about 70 years of age, and has-long been known as the AUTHOR and 0112100- VEZIF.S. of the OENUIPM.OILIGINAL oTOPYINSWID SARSAPARILLA.. Being poor, ho Ins oarapellod r • to limit its mantifillefaire, by which • means Id beano,* kept out of ntaricet, and the sales einnonsaribed le those only who hell proved to worth and knowtrltir • sabre Th is ONAND AIM UaSpAlirti ParalLl3o2 LI, manufeetared on the largeat scale, rind .(. callad.SW.,. • thromghout the length sad - breadth of the land. • Unlike yaw IL P. Townsand'a,- implores age, and never changes, but for the batter, bee-meat is prepared on scianufte principles bye antenttle The highest Imowledge of Catemistry, and tha latest. discoveries of the Art, have all been brought lute re gulation in the mannfacture of the Old De , . Sanapso IntlThe Sarsaparilla root, it Ls 'roll taproot° mod .men, contains medicinal propenie.sourd 20190 pd. - pestles which era inert or olteleam andorlientiveakk i : telaintd:iii previturg ilia! Me, prOdl2l.l (MMUS. Li= and acid, winch Is [nitwits to nth apatite. Sews • • ofthe propertiev • of Sarsaparilla .° so voloalthai they ontltoly evaporate and ere lost In the prepare non, if they are not preserved by aseimalla process, • known only to those experienced le its otanatietina. Moreover these volatile principles, which dy.offin en per, or., on exhalation, under hoar, Le the very • modal medical properties of tho root, which slate to ithll its seine. The . . . . . OLD DIL ItiCo/3 TO WNStE;i/PS SARSAPARILLA - is so prepared; that MI the inert properties of the Rai. amanita root are fast motored, every Meg of becoming acid or of (entwined. is emu= • rejected; then every particle °reediest virtue Is tem, ' red In • pare r V4l 40440111114. d form; sad thm it le • rendered temp, b of losing lay of it• valuable eat - • healing Prope Prepared in this way, it Is mane i the m* Cifilir igigglerpi v rrtieespi - I Hence the n why we tear commendations on every side In i favor by men, women and children. We led it do t wonders in the Con of Conatteedon Dyspepsia, and vet Compliant, set In Itheamatime, Scrofula and Piles, Costiveness, all Cataneents Era?. ems, Pimples, Blotches, and all a/Leedom meter IMPURITY OP THE BLOOD. • . • It posses a =serenely efficacy in all eon:minima _.;_ *doing front Indfreion, from Acidety of the Stomach; • 7 . - from unequal circulation, determination of bloeltotha. _ lead, palpetadon of the been, cold feet and told chills and hot flashes over the bully. It '. . lad its equal in coughs and coldat and promotemeasy, . trpecenaion, and gentle personation, relaxing sue mre of the langs;throat, sell every othe. pan, • ' • i ; Bat in nothing Is its cm.ellene more manifestly ,men ' and acknowledged than in all kinds and Stages of FEMALE COMPLAINT& ' It works wonders In eases of fluor Meta orwbireii, 'Failing of the Wontb,Obstreeted;Scppressed,brPatm- --- ,e 1 Slenses, Irregularity of the momenta poneds, and' ,the like; and is effeetnalin curing all forms of the Kid. t cry menses. By removing obstructions, and regale :dm; the general system, it ipiren tone and strength L 0..- the whoie body, and cares - all forms at NERVOUS DISEASES AND'DEUILLTV, .- - And thus prevents Or relieve, &fest variety of ether. ;dates., as Spinal Irritation, , euralgia,- St. Vitus Dance, Swooninc, Wend., Fda,Cotivuloons, de.-Is not this, then, snit Mundms rim PaslEntenneciffitimt Uttfcan any of these things be said of S. P. Tote.' Mudg interior article? This young man's liqablla not- ' to be . COMPARED WITH THE OLD DR.'S. ' ' heesesc.of the Grand Factohat the one tinampabla of Detenaration and NEVER SPOILS, while the oth er DOES; it otureacenenta, and. Hoye the Ponies pcontaining it into fragments; the soar, said liquid 'ex loding and d•amaging other goodsl lest not the ban- - dee compound he poisonous to the maim! Wheat pot acid nun a system' already deemed with midi What tenses Dyspepsia but arid} Do we mall knee, that when food noun in nerstornachs,what mischiefs it produces! —fiandence, heartburn, palpitation' orate heart, liver complaint, diarrhea, dysentery, clone and corruption of the blood? What n Scrofiala but anesid humor in the body? What produces all the humor. which bring on Eruptions of the Skin. Scald,Head, Salt Ltheum,Erysipeles,White Swellings, Fever-Soree, and all ulcerations Internal and eXternalt It Ls noel ins under heaven but m *cid inabstmes, which emus, mile. moils all the fluids of the body, more or lee. What causes Rheumatism but a sour acid fluld,which insinuates Mel( between the Joints and ellewhens,, Ir ritating and inflaming the tender and delicate tissues upon which it met toof nerve as diseases, of Imps. nly oldie blood, of deramM eireulations„, ant nearly all the ailments which aMet, Donut Moe.. Now, i.s it not horrible to make and ty sell, inifinfinite- worse teem this - SOURING,FFIdENTING, ACID .COALPOUNTP P. S. . TOWNSEND! and, et he ono id ISM have it mideestesi that olit la lo Toll Townsend Gen ins Original Elarsapadila, la an fmnation of h infener preparation: Heaven for t d that we .Mould deal In an 'mesh, hick would ar the most distant rentrublance to B. P. Townsend's angle and !Mich should hies down upon the Old D who load oleo:relents audertminatio s from agents who hmes sold, and pnr. chasers who h . Te sued S. P. Townsend's Fermenting Compound !. • .. We wish it derstood, because it 14 she atwohne truth, that P. P. rrownsend'a article and Old Dr. Jacob Townsend's Sanaparilla are heaven-wide alert, end infinitely dissimilar; that they are unlikein every par. titular, having not one stogie th ing in 44400 100 , '. It 14 to arrest treads upon the unfortunate, to poor balm nto wounded kuumnity; e kindle' hope in MO despairing bosom, to restore h ealth and bloom and vi gor into the crushed and broken and to banish Innen ty—shat old DR.:JACOB TOWNSEND has SOUGHT. ' • and FOUND the opponenity and means to_lhreg his ' Guano UNIVERSAL. CONCENTfLATED RE.?...DY,, ' within the reach, end to the knowledge of all who need it, that they may loam and know, by Joyful ex.__ perience, as rameaccoossr rowan ID ham.: Far sale by ',KIWI& CO., Wholesale Agent foe. Western Pennsylvania; I. SMITH; Hintanidecni Dr. I. SARGEANT, Allegheny; Dr. l: CASSELL; FHA ward, G. W. GARDNER. ash ward. nub •• h. • _.,_ Jaynes , Zzpoollorant. Straw, Columbiantico.,o., Apr.4ot, 184.1, DTjlt. D. JAVP:Mt Da.. Bric—l feel bourar•to yea and th e afflicted public, to avail mylelf old:Wrap, ort y %an: f glieg TbLigt4elheltrarardbutryatteet: i 7o ° severer ye s with a severe4 k tut thief and its von t diseases, and ortlythrithed to linger ou tab ii bat miserable existence, until tha fall of t 839, lab being more severely snacked, having re soned4b affray fortherremethea, and thapros !tufo.. of f or of th e Moat respectable physicians La the ocighboth withent deriving any ttenetit;,dr the m consolation of a "vi. Dm a few days or ...reeks aj ' farthest—when h e lea gleam-of hope was aboit tit— vanish, [had re . ommendad to me Il.Expemented.— and blesthd by t Being who does alf thaws In the ale of tb: meattrfad contrary to slur expoetallans of. FIT I my btl ' , ' sild wls i' et, l l :try 1 12 e * nro tat IV t ' s! attend to my basineas,thjoying awe better health than. I had for ten years omelette. Respectfully yours, be., Jos. W. Earth:' For sale ttli Pittsburgh, it the Pekin Tea ore, y 0 !thrill streejl. Ocoee et . Delaware Itlntnaklnatatiy In. 'Mono* Company. . . ' : PAILLDRUhrth., Nov. Rh, 1.842. THE Board .1* Directors ham, this day, 'declared a 1. dividend • f TEN PER CT. In 'cop, out of the c ‘ o prods+ of the m pony for the year ending October3l, . 11341), cenifie ea for which will be lamedon and after the first day •Demober mil. Alm ads v end of SIX PER CENT. ins on ado 'Vt'wk • ItrafAlTT i ld? VW ihf(t)gro":7!' .o oho.*. P.A. 31ADEIRA, Ag4.;P1..11-- ... 6 . . CIEtESGBIWO6/1 .11,11:EMBI ' I. Atm!, =maw open (or ',letters until the-in -/anew : ‘l , ry, UM: Oysteri and other Refreshen ems. ed..t!, , ..he tenon will be kept.. The Groettho con. tabling d largo collecuon of rare and 'choice ante, will no open to wisher. Sedans neatly ,pet a o p at abort notice throughout the mason. An o,'Mhilf ' lea*. the Allegheny red of tieSt.:-Clait Street Bridg4 wircry half hour dosing the day, =Mug m the, ti,,,den; and the ferry boat, Captain Walker • runs fthin the , Point, Itmdlog a short dintume above theiGer. den. Ponies wishing to mend Ike votaing, Will 04 acconumdand smile return' Omnibus' at 10 .. arcloch p, hi. Kept on Teinperandrprincip' bre;cadshaled ce P hi. .' . • ' erll3 .. . ~• .1. WIL&IN. Alto mamma?' eploon and Bathing Itstab. Alabama. sput • rrHit maw. iirsl tol seri* bt Zia= mt.t"a'n."TAlß4lUliNt i;riNTEDliillite. Lett. • ..Atop,. • .3•1111 Doak.., Eh EMIY: ills Fun Verige, bine "thlrillet ••• Ili tam et . TYpeet," "Osioop .L 1110:17 OtAilEdiffed 9f . with the erwrawhp.. ikeiaclabr , i ibb°U ; . - • too Boman tellainbeld.,. • , ejt . • wrO mo C ui rrO mma ili "13: r ~;_:;~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers