IM= ,iii_; ~~i:~'.s , - . ~.,_ . paoplassts iron. 1T1D1A111.610065, 1 . I ~ .. . . Diftirniter of nel, linitatos. Deitch Lyme Arretna. Burrow 29,1849. SEALED'PROPO4AL B will be reeelred at the Of fice of the Commie:oue, of Jodi= Affairs at Wash loran City, ordd la o'clock eh Tlntneday, the tar day of - Nosecol,ee next,fot tarnishing the follatringhoode in the qanntitint annexed, ot thereaout', for themes , •of the Indians lad' deliverable in the city of Neer Irott..vis: ' ' ; Bleinfas. • . 2300 Pair. 3 'l2 inc M2cPiaoc blackets, to measure .60 by hes, and weigh eigbt pound. 1,900 Pakatt point while Mackinac him:ilea, to immure 51 by 66 inchro, and weigh six" .poundi. .1475 pairs 2 poled white Mackinac blanker , . to measure 62 by 36, Inches, and weigh Coe and a quuric,. pencils. rik o6o Palma point white Mackinac blaukcjit• ea!, measure 36 by 50 idettes, and weigh door and a quaiier pounds. - - 900 pairs 1 point white Mackinenblaukets; reassure 32 1:1 46-inches, aid weigh three and .• quirurr pounds. • (I,4ool,pairs 3 point scarlet Mackinac measure 60,1;1 12, inckes,"and weigh eight ponods.'. ; 300 pans 20 point seszletllackinac blwe ig ankets, to • measure brosuehe,,, h six, glfxrpoends... - .• !en r,irs pointgreen Haeliinac blankets, M %• menage:36hr% inches, and Vfiigit pontnic • ; , • 300 pain 3 Oita great Mackinac blankets. to • ' „measure 60 by 12 inches, and ureligh eight pave 21:point Mel) iCkil3llo blankets, to 250paire •. measure 54 ley 66 inches, end weigh six . • pound. 100 pairs 31 •; point genlinetla blue Mzekinac , • blankets,. to measure 68 by SI inches, and • ' weigh [ea pounds. 400 pair, 3 polut gentinellabluellackinac bleu. keui menus 6o by 72 inches, and weigh eight pounde.• • 300 pairs 21 pdint .gentiselln Mae Msekinse • ' Msokettetermeasure, 51 by 66 inches, mid ' weighpound. • • , - Dig Good s. 1,000 yards snarler slron da • 2 - 800 yards Moe strands. - I,6ooyeeds fancy list cloth, blue. • • '7soyards fincy fist cloth, scarlet. .350 yards fiticy list lo cloth, gree e. n. •-1, 0 0 0 yards gray list. cch, blu ;3,000 yards sived list cloth, bine. ,1,600 yards saved list cloth, scarlet. EOO yards saved but cloth, glees. 225 poundal worsted yarn, 3 Gold. • 100 dozen Cotton flag handkerchief. 2541 dozen Cotton Madras handaerchiefs. g 176 dozen black silk handkerchief. v 190 dorebl6.4 cotton *heals. 80 dozen 6.4 comonahawls. • 65 dozen:4-4 cotton shawls. - 40 dozen 8.4 woollen shawls.. • ISM° yards domestie calico.. 5,000 yards English sod French calico. 10,000 yardi Merrimack 'Calico. • 3,500 yardi blue thrilling, 13000yerdij Ge orgia stripes. 4,000 yards blue denims. 1,600 yards Cottoned. . - . • ' 7,000 pude domestic ihirting, bleached: 15,000 yards domestic shirting. unbleached. • 15,01) yardi domestic eetin unbleached. yardit cheeks, st ri pes, an g, d pleads. 400 dozen woollen socks. 7,0410 yards' plaid Jitney. 1.500 yards gannets, assorted. 1,600 flannel shirts. 700 calico shirts. 430 poondslincts thread. 550 pounds cotton thread. • 400 dozen spool cottn, Nos to 30. 80 potinds semiug s o ilk. 700 pieges rlsand. assorted. 4,300 rude bed ricking. 1,000 yards Kentucky jeeps. 500 yards saninete. • 1 50 11.0.11WMIlled 200 Iml:tads Chinese vermillion. 20 dozen silk handkerchiefs, hark dr. Bandana. 150 gems fancy and clay pipes. • • Hardware. 1,760 peunds bmns kettles. 1,090 tin kettles. • kettles, 76 nests ofjemusned 8 in a neat. 276 Oxen butcker knives. 23,000 gun Meta ' • ' • 25 gross equaseawl.s. • • - 7,000 fish hooks. .• 25 dozen fish lines. 25,000 needles, asserted • 100 dozen combs, assorted. 10 dozen scissors, assetted. 10 gross gun worms. dpzdn axes, to weigh from 41 t 0.51 pound. 50 dozen half ezes, to weigh 31 pounds. 12/ dozes hatchets, to weigh 11 pounds. Agriculture: linplastems,4e. 730 axes, to weigh fromil to 51 pounds. • 400 half axes, to weigh 31 pounds. • 200 belehets,to weigh 16 ponnda 25bn:sedates: 200 do kivel'2 inches in length. • 7oqlkUrel3,l6 equal propor.lons of 11, lint I i inch. • 150 pairs homes. - 150. pairs trace chains. • 300 pounds brass kettles. 1,500 weeding hoes. • : 175 hand saws. • 40 troarml.l saws, 7 feet ill length. 1 40 cross.eut saws, 6 feet in length. • . 1011 tand.saw Blear . 100 erass-cut saw files. 40 log chairs, Lowrie , 25 poands each. 600 Whittemore muds, No 10. 100 gantlets socket chisel. , • 90 planes, fore nod jack. Nernkseest Guns. 650 'Northwest gone, twotbirds of which most • tuessure 3&inches in length of barrel, nod Oneshird 42 iupbes, to be delivered in the mty • of I')eflfork or Philadelphia, sus may be re . mpl Ramplean( all the above anieles are depoeited in the ogles bf thee Comintesiatier of Indian' Idea.; and it nosy ho primer to remark that those of herder - are, eget colter a' temlemeets, and northweat nob, are entirely new, and at tinter diantlarearricies heretofore furnisher} under former contracts. Theprepohle may had:Ander. into font parts, wr, .• lot. Inan P kets. oada. 2d. Dr ilar y dware, to iaelude agricultural implemente, 100.1 • gat Narthitrestatina. Tea lowest “aupetent responsible bidder will receive the ',whole Or.) pan of the contract according to the armee scale, the Department reservi eg toituolf the rig e to determine whether the bidder is competent sad r sponsible, or not. - The whole amount In motley to be applied to tie panchaffie of goods will ho about /*DMA but the le pormitem.msereestlierigat to increase or diminish the quentity of any oldie articles named, or substitute Wu - era in ben thereof, or to require, at similar prices, sue).* be wanted (or as Imaypreset". or other pewees, in the wilco curates of the ffairs of the Depanment Good. of Aithefie. tent.faCttlle, all °the/things being . • mite!, will be preferred; but as all the samples 01 • blar,Yeta and cloth. are of foreign Manufacture, it wilt bermeemary whee • domestic article is bid for, thin it 'Maple rf it should accorepaey the Lid, to esiablethe Department to decide whether it is of equal quality • switti the aannaleite be exhibited. The party propoeinc to supply the articles will mid, Invoice of all the items embraced m above and affix the prices, in Callus : and cents, whith Le or they trill feurelse Meru, deli-Arabic Near 'Vert, (or ir too conuactor prefer.; it, aborn one-holf of t i lr, qamitity mop be delivered th tit. leteris, Alterman, free of expense ti the .Goermatutut,). on or bekire the del of Nay next, arituuting the quantity of each arti cle Saoetified' tu tine utreertiuinect, holeding the c, making an ageregam et the wMoak. caustituung the Lid. The goods will be inspected in New el Tk, lend in St. Loots, it may portion of mein shoul be dellvoredthere,) by o.llllFeJit of the Dulled States, Who will be a^poteted by the Department foe the purpow, and to amensm the conformity of the ardctee par. hued with the sampler. exhibited, when ,the contract aeon be made and veldt the terms of the teetract itself, which shalt ' contain a clause th rt. if the Snicks are out furnished anthill the time prescribed, Or if they are of • insufficient quality in aka opinion or the agent aforesaid add If enthin fore days afcer no. rice of seta inrillheiumy the party shall not fennel otharilit lie i thereof of to reqeired quality, die Dui. • ted States rehall a r e uthoris d to mamba. them of .otheni, and to chage 001 increase of price they may compellel tope) , therefor, to lbw eye:sector, who shall pay the,aaldalT,crace to the United Wawa. • Bowls will be required, in. the amount of dier. arid:lMO (OA the efficiency of whom. to tro certified by • lotted or District Alcor day, for the fallbfal performance of the contracts. l'ayment will bit made after the contract is eannteted and the delivery of the aso efutemid an 'agent of die Departeneut, upon • gou daplicat invoice cringed bY hW C.catiOISS to ,be - truarked uPriationee . for 10. &en goods.. The bide avid be submitted with the following hoof none will be received Wm are not made 11l log, and WO,foreland terms here prescribed: (Of We) prof:rose turnith for the mrviee'of the Dolton Departmeet the following goods, at the • pricer affixed to them respectiyely. Mere insert the list. of goods.) Delivetie rable in da y ity of /kw Yore for Sh Lotti/1 rito of— tiecri atut in ease of the accePtatme .of his proposal, the gars:any being pm ' scribed' by the Dg I (Or we) will execute • coat/set according to ttds agree tint, and give eons ' • ftwory_oceurity_to the Detainment within inn days • after the acceptance ofdila bid; and itt esae ef failure auk contlact; near awe loch occultly ‘‘' color = * Voliett•trileil a are • (orwe) pay to e rune bc ' swat. ,the was bidden _by me for es,) and the sum which lee liaised Sumo may be abased - ter pay for the comegimbaµlo oara led emery bid moot 1 be accorommted with a mu telyguar bi the following fonts, to be Wpm d by ono lof teteOpOOIOO,IO persons, .whote sufficiency most be cartided by.eoree ear who is teovra . to the Depart. men% tether h ereb y or by n ot Melt! (Wilke.' (err dal hereby guaranty —, the above comply with the ten= of the advertise ' MOM for !proposals for lediary goods,' dated teth too t/caber, lariP, It the Coign:Let should be 11.,Ilfdett him, sad enter Leto bond for the execute:t of dr Same within the Irma preserllud., al h e.l .. ORLANDO DROWN, Ccuunissioner of Indiaa nalhirs. 46, ...._ .. , irrNOTlbEe—The time for opening me bide' Is ex tended to the Ist di, of Dezember next,oods is I o tO t )o'eloe he I a' , • A. K., and the Woe of delprery of the g er ALDO, ltda. rho Hoguledan forbidding extreme I. : be Wien Wan M• toot/vie of formenyeete his boo ieeelnded. • oct2S.tDeel - I 0.13. DD. JAY etre ALTERATIVE. [ . . We bare been informed by Mrs. Rope of ter per• - blond onlker by Dr. J101131111'• AllAlTSlgiitleh =ICJ gr.s.kakliwgsgrybotntiviarn of the with ri ECI:JSES or ‘VIIITEtiVirELIINOT ant= wah %accretions turd vanilla:sr. of ontwas bonctote . runt whichurec ninny pieces derelict n discharged Ira= the frontal bone of to crannon, trent both her arms - wnws sad handstut from beth legs, and front toe left fronows•boop. pad hare the rsght hien besides palatal • , Ulcers on eater parr of her perton,which haw. bellice. '.. the skillet a umber of then . st calinent phyeirlarsuf OUT Ca r.. 401114 mow of the'mc her eattering • have. • . been enemata.* and deplorable. Abort three wonthi ' elect She ars* iodised to try Dr.laynebt elterouve, which has lied an eaurattlbnely happy effect upon bee; t 1.,....... all pale and swelbeet, and /Anatol( the . • ere to herl, while at tlic a= brae her ttemerslhcalth • • . bes boo= ceserplottly named,. tbat the 410•7 6 4. , : is line idereiheashe dianefore .ibe. sem:mecca the urn .. Of 41* truly wettable nn -4alt I:To. ro.: Far forthat /deranges,' Inquire of id re. Rost,ltoi WS filbertst,Yelledepluar • For Wein p i p al the PEKIN 17.-lii STORTs. r, st rank . sear Wood. , J 75 i [ . • =E== , '• .' '-' 'it tll ICA 11H.: -- -- __ _ ... ~.,....,..,.____ ...._ __,_:_--- . TR 1 9.N_S_P OR i 111 fit i. 1 'Orangstowrour Casils Canal llf armadas! salmi Iftacartsioi for Bale P tots. ....r.. «.--. '' 1. I , 1 • —. -,' 1 TIIII packetl 131IIAY ' R, Capt. Stanley, will leave I Waver regularly au Monday' Wednesday and I Friday evenings at 6 P. M., and SIVIIPC al Y111111,310• , 11• neat roornlng al r reckwk --returning, leaves Youngs- I ngoTtiuday, Thursday and Omurday ovsmings at 4' F.M. and mach Bev in. time for the multi, lamb ALLEGIIV2II7, CLIP IH, arriving at Pittsburgh at II o'clock. • I 'n. -Puk.OLARKAWAY, Copt. DOIVIIIPS, Rllll leave Deaver Tuesday, Thursday .d Satiwilay even- I innn at a P. hl., returning, leave New Castle, Monday, I Wednesday and Ftid4y evenings at ay. M. (11.0 con necting with Ms mooting boat for Pittshargh. nasal , . i al. nut fitted ap in complete order, hav ing dnelerwrihirdatiOna for passeir-vra, and Alphas. may relyon more pitictullay 111111',..drepatell than haklmtliro lircii o btained on these ro .., , 1-6.61. FUG Ito ['mime o lii . md-1 1 . Agent, Ir:ol , riga l well a. B ro., •• ae . A. cl/ , o cob , , " io.rnlPmwrr . ILIW. Car ningham,u6Sew C ottle.. ile.. The elegant Steamer, ALLEGIIIT:Y LIPI KR, Sill ,av Bnersdaily at 0 A. 61., ovd P C aboveinl! ~.a : .--_ _-_, - Ci'das"e3l3ill'l.sgsts,7as. ' ;iseri - ;; lo';Taol•Zitgi-nTgtetal.; it the i4atest Mates, Pen experience In the treatment oftgaetses has led him to believe that there arc' tew mot, if soy, vehiehmay not be advantageously treat. id b, a proper application of the Viral= holm The 'ese.,isnusti.etury testimonials 'on be given of cures having been elected of different diseases, some 01 which were deemed Incurable in the oteinary melted practice; am'. on persons well known among nit, to whom r e fer ee e s may-be given. • " ' Persons ttlipted said" Chionle Diseases of any kind, are especiallyitnvited to call sod 'examine these test.. menials for Utemvelvea. MEDICINES, too, prepared by the most successful practitioners in the Lust; and administered bylbern to connection with or sepal.. - from the °nehmen, will constantly be lepton hand. with directions for use ' Single Operations on the most moderate terms. Office No. 4h 'Bt. Clatr at., near the CMI Allesheny Bridge. spaMdly ' A. %WESTERVELT. • 92. lee -1-111 , 1 :" ....,.. r , Th,...4......4„.,.....,i_n_.,, ft 1101,..,,„ 11 ''''' t...;::c...14,k47.,...7.‘„,"::-, mi N '' 1 . 4. •_...,.; ; ; ; L:,..., 'I2 - ...,..t.,..,.,- rErel. MANUFACTORY Dr. S. P. TOWNSEND'S cOJIPOVND =num OP SARSAPARILLA , The mid Wonderful' iledlelne or the Age, 1,600,000 BOTTLES BusitrracrimEn irgeavr. Tata Iledteta• $a pat ap to Idatut tlatitan and nap cared atatatnatt 100.060 Oman Of 0122thnio Disease, within the bud TM Yeare.-Xone Is Elanitn , coder Mined bi S. P. - TOWNISMID. EXPOSE. BY READING TILE FOLLOWING AFFIDAVIT • the Public will an the origin, or rather where the Type for making the stuff they call Old Dr. Jacob T0W134004 . 11 Sampuilla, came from-and will be able to Judge which b the genuine and origind, and of the honesty of th e otth who are employed in selling it as the mead Dr. Toamendk Baraparilla Dr. S. F. Townsend au the4t to,l =pilaw and Imentor of Dr. Towle and bh medicine the [deed • reputstko , int, othei remedy _ever galood. lio tosemfithared re millionof boil. hi year, end b marathetur $1 ADM bottles per day. We um tome us Tithe Dock In ena sembliebstent alch y; than all Medlar Bermarilla Mumbrithothe 1.. the walk Priacipal Oink DI Fultonet. REM) TIM RIFFIDAVIT. City orolCows_of Iherrerk, e.. William Amoeba:4, of lb. mid CBI, being daly swam p a ck dzigme.d.,.calleuryi bat ha le • V.; 0 1 , 117;t 4 rMa adl y or Arst jISIA •=4 the sam of hoots TAatted.o ho at that thee was • •book ani phlet peddler, called aye depart& id the ham sentd. Thompson No. ‘2 linfie. where dept. boarded, mad toothed &math to writs htin • wipe by Which to oaks • Bye. of seremmilla t endya that he Deanne assininted aZ' et tin dinner Theodore Fader, kat, Book Publither with whom mid Townsand d.i. Tint aldTorta64ll?,4l bad frequent maverth tithe with depths. reepthingthe =oak:tore of an articled Ibthaperills to be sold under the mane of Dr. Jacob Tolima& Thi. MI Townsend etas& be ma an old man. ard mor. and se es not lit for bard laber-mud aided to make ems money ' ln order my in his old dank nal thstif ethetheitheuxiderthe named Town mead odd so wall, end o much money was mite by if. be mold see no reason any he odght Ore auks mesethengout of iol.?.this risme taing Townend.) If he cask get •• per= to prams e end enanatherare It him. Deponent in one dr. cammentkos asked add Ttransend If he was ridded to Dr. IL PtTcrernasol, to which he replhd, that ho lamer Dr. B. P. Toerossod would be dawn cm him idler he amid ommara. But that he did red care far ida, as he had foisted a cact,tedtatddp arth lath Who amid furnlek repaints amontof natal-maims ail I toyth. defend himself what any attack . that aighlbe oath on him. bather my., that purthent to the request of=tb Townsend, he wrote • recipe for the measdatio of a /Imp a sarsgarilla and gave tt to blot. /kid Tcrawmd that he wanted to make a Meth. to asinnit to his roams for their approral. a. he aided to gr u sf them 10 every Wag. ea they funtithed all th e c -mid Toansthd also told depone n t th at th o they were to noi atm to be of th e same the ansi shape as Dr. S. P. Town seed* mud deponent at the request of sit boob Teemed went to the ill. of Dr. S. F. Tothasent. nd peered one of his limb a And deponent bother mys,that he has bean Inform. ed. and mrily haler. the Syrup of sempealia fo sold ea Old Jahob Townsend* is mob after the recipe r. ebbed by depoetha to heti Inineeni, as aforesaid. And further deponent salth rot WILLIAM ARMSTRONG. BIM. to before ma. this nih C y k. o WOOD SM L. Mayor of the City of NeW York PROOF!! PROOF!!! Here b proof etheinsive that Or. & P. Tommesi t s Simagaffi is the cricket The following le from 091111 of the le mod mtheitelalst papers to this Inalis FROM_ THE- Albany Eirenlng Jettratal. . Dr. TOwnsend's Sarsaparilla. There prolotnener the been ay ponders remedy.. or petont en ' se Da Townsend. taenaparthe. which the o y. end oonetnnes to manufm. tared in this city, at BM by tba Doetor himself and afterwards for several years end to the present time, ho Clapp k Tearooms:l, &optima promos. Mace the partnership au formed the Doctor has resided a New York. where to keeps • atore, and attends tot. banned that eccumnitho, at that paint The manor l is in tide city. and is cooducted by the Junior pato., Ida Clapp-pm ell themeffirthe Ls =thew. , tared. Few of our ciliu km thy idea Of the ernountof Oh es edicine that b ra red end sold. Betides the Slag in this country,lt b shipped to the though., Wed India limbo. South Amoka admen to ke Me: le comiderabla quantitia. At the mthufactory they mpkry • stem angina besides abrp number of men en aki PIS, in th e preparation of the medicine, making boxes, printing. Yo, and turn out }ca u l _ do . a thipm 000. OX , damn per day, or nearly 110001thisra Th ai. en anemone quality. - The great ola the mid ekte boa thquired, has to duals pr mother amen to get up imitations. and there Is at the 'm. tim, ot.r wild.. for sale, me m mild • Dr. Towrsard's Baraperlibt• One in pm tint . limbo anted • short time ago ha Nrer York. le celled • Old Doctor heat Tannendin thrapuilla." end ao. mealy with • Ma. by dint of .dreg of thd the Mud remedies resorted to In nth. rode th ...roan. me Banana ofTownsard's great remedy, mad thus gain all the adnunagm molting from th e partiality of the name width he Ms lacquitet lt. by pars of patient end expenive in D.O. P. Towneeni, formerly of fhb city• se la troll known I=ege th ;rot= 4'o 7:. TOrineore Pnt==" mai we think three peas. who am attampting to sell their article as the getrabie, Mold be elm.. ' FROM THE . • - New York Deily Tribune 'My- We publithed an adverthement thadreetently same Um thee that did Werke to Dr. & P. TIM. I= l :art= Irate:, mutles hare sake the past few mot. mapied or monocled ilumadves with 0 ma by the umof Townsend who pot up • macho sad alb Why the • sem' VI.. Thill llledifide wee advertised In The Tibia al the kn. This elm , contained matter to the cheddar of Dr. S. P. Team. end third Inediclos. We regret it appeased, esd in Juni. to the Da make this . F l i" 4 ; ,.. 1 FROM THE , - '' • X , York Daly Sew Da levnummteestraMdinery motsubeniseodwhich occupies a Mire page of the ain mem mica Da S. Towns who Le the original pm victor of ,Da Townseildn sareenthliat tutd wham of Zee is neat. door Meant wham Ea bubo. for rrrrr al yearn Is driving an Imam busks. Ha mesh. no lees that four hrodred dozen of Bersaparilla per day, and even this. rstatheas quantity does not empty the dermal.. NO medicine 0000 gthad great • itholanty as bb preparation of the tiaraporilM Ills edition of Alsomme for ISO ad "tam and be has paid the New York She for ilvertising, in the last bps years, Mer SIPA and . acknowledges T at th it is cheeped advertising he ha had dons ide med the icine 10 expopaled* Wed Iry dies, loath America to the a me nd Etontho, In comtlatotime 4 smith. cod la coring Into general Cie in those countries, es mil en re. 11111bodlers. Druggists end, that sell Baroporille kw th e potato and Dr. Trommenita Serseperille. that Is mot signal B. FT.-Mod, cothrtifs • fraud. end manna the mutamers. Men that would be guilty of doh th eat, would commit any other fraud -end me ta Drug. of occur= irdelligence tad Mims that Oun le the agy pontos. Old iamb ToWneend. Bane pepple when» not well Wormed, ail ha. not read the POW" and not seen our theettlemente tarebeen la co a ppm.; that because theme men ad.. vertia their stuff ins - • Old leech Townetende that it mot of botose,r=aL It It less then the Varietal they to make.their medicine reem me am In the market over tth yesre. ebla Old Jacob Townson& • ..-.4 are endeareing_to pins of on the public ae ... CA rhythm& ha He le me a regular Mumma Pimiento. and miter attempted to anthafthtnre a med. lobe. nail time man hired 10 foribe cm of his name They ilutiori is do not with the people to be. lime that thir Mb oath the cans-bat Om better to denim voklie. Ilary il the NUM time mart that ambit ',is the Old Dr. Townsend* and the original; and enamor to make the people believe the Still the y matifectim, Is th e Di. rvernimure , Itallip that Dm perkemid so many wonderful three for the pad ten yearn, and which the gained a sited. Ist titter medicine ever enjoyed 'Oaten le • beam villainy., p en unilded ftinhapg. We have ommenced suite nib. them es n for . dungen, We aba &lobo undamped, that the lean bus Math, kl Dr. Totem. whatever Intheir ett• eartleesamts int emulate, they etal& • somber of gam hindmadt respectteg Dr Twereased. which. sill ad notko. . 00war Report. . x opponent. .lorre eolith. In the n, del " Dr. ILT.Totenomme ad me . TM. they mud th their egeob Wheat the coautry, who most then one inn given op beaked, ho. , kO. The public .bold be on War guard, and we So decimal try lime thorned. P am Saks of Rowoot-Attor the Ant of September. IMIL Da & P. Towsprodb N for York Moo will be in the South Dept!. theassummt. wbkh la now rindergothgz=thelge, ent will be goad be thee Wow of the pre piston and r, ll 4 =e- L lithe dNo Sammellia in the and origthelpr. Toarmad t s kummilla on =Wilda by B. P. Towneatift, . awors..-Raddlat & Co, NO s Statootorot, end Mtn E. Kids& NO , rlWoAnion i Samoa M Y k& Jr, Lanni f inny Pan. BUM 1 AMMO D. Man,- Word tat 1 Allison k anilt. CanardC p J. Web a Boa tango** i ma by /I" ideal ipaarell=ghoet the Mit Mies, Wool ledies era do Enna* by R. M. BELLER% Sole Ageol for Pim.. ;rile D. IL CURRY, AnelhOgyi A. PATTERSON riaugliss. geratArl i 1849. W ... and Cleveland Passenger Line, ' s • Canal Paciet—SWALLO W. • ' .'. " --OCEAN. ONB of the above Packets leave Beaver every day (Sundays'egeeptedi and arrive nen morning at Warren. wheq they apnoea with the Mail Stages for Akron andClovelaud, arriv tag at each of thete places [refute night. One of the packms leave Warren Many at 5 P.M., soil arrive at Stayer in time to take the en l'"nlY'Ell_lai[rlnitWi.i..&. Co, Warr At B TAYLOR. do ,S COP. 101 IN A CAUOLIEY, 'Agent. apl3 comer Water and Smithfield sts_ inaM 1849. jai. UNION LINE, • ON THE PENN'A AND 01110 CANALS. SZAAPPOC. & CuAstanumn,Clevelandll I pro , o W 5.W.., Beaver, Pot P r ' (plus Line will Le tiepin rd on the 'opraing,of, ~„,,i AigliViratrOLTALAVD,rt7'agi po fr om el on the Canal and Lakes. The facihum tithe Line net ansurradedthriusuber quattly and capacity of Boats, culiertenec of cupping and efficiency of Agents. One Bout leaver Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily, ran nag in connection with the steamers 1 LAKE ERIE AND:MICHIGAN, Between Pittsburgh audtle”er, and a line °frac clam 5.M..; Propellers and Vessels on the Lakes Miarrrs—R li Parks, Mayer, lease lialdntn, 'Youngstown , Ohio. IS B Taylor, Warren, Cyrus Prenuss, Ravenna, • Wheeler &Co, Akron, Cranford A-Cliaralmiliii, C . and, 0 • Scars A.Gdhih, Buffalo, N JOHN A.CAUSHEY,AgenL Office, tor Water and Smithfield sta. Pittsburgh. mekaltly • DirSVEII — P — A , C II . I L`Ts. Steamer 1111CIUGAN No. 2—Cart. Gilson. LAKE ERIE, " Gordno. rp Ilk: above regular mid well known Iteaver Peek 3. ea, have eaeamenced makin their dailybetw triline and (porn Beaver, and will conti g nuo to run een Pittsburgh and Seaver reguLarly during the .C. 011,. !Kian No. 2 leaves Pittsburgh daily at 9 o'clock, IL N., and Deaver at 'Escitelcu . lc, P. SI. Labe Erie leaves Beaver daily at e o'clock, A. ) 1., and Pittsburgh at 3 o'cloek, k'. hL Thesttsteamersfllll in conneetiottarlth G Parks' Express Line, or Erie; Taylor 3 Isellttugwell's 'Warren Packets, Union Line of Freight Boum for Cleveland; Clarke k. Co's Pittsburgh and ClerelandLille Freight Boats. `8 G Parka daily New Costle Pnekem. CLARKE, PARKS' Jr. Co, Beavet, Agents. JOHN A. CAUGHEY, Agent. Pittsburgh, ,D__, _____DOD Water uld Smithfie . ld so . 1849.. gr a iiM PITTSBUSGE EU E, CLIPIELAND LIN ON THE PENNSYLVANIA AND OHIO CANALS. THE Propnetors of this old established and popular daily line. eavalming of SIXTEEN first Din" CaDDI Boats, owned by themselves and manum tonenabled sm boass lIF-AVER AND CALEB COPE, are to ofierimegualled Mclnnes for the transportation of freight and passengers, on Ibc opening of Canal narigauon, to all points on Me Penn sylrarnaand Ohio and N. York canals and the Lakes. E. H. FITCH A Co, Cleve BIDWELL a. BROTHER,Iand. liken., heaver. J. C. DIDAt.I. Agent. mart Water street, Pitmbargb ma ------.----- 1. am. D... a m0w..., Pumburgh. Renter. BIDWELL 4 BROTHER. _ _ .. - l 7 orwaNin6 3letihnnu, BEA Agents far au PinsburgA anciCletand Luz', ta. burgh and Erse Lino nia Eno, and fur stiam feat: &ewer and Caleb Cope. flaying porthole , ' the "age and ataistanual Whorl Boat Art boat for the Monongahela' Prete' , ha" etth the addition Mat Werehottee. ttrt most gum. ar ,06111710illil• for recerruag -and Comotal.. Pothem 0111101tauention, prompt." and de spaLcil coneignments to their rare. and rely on th earinetide Mir a triaL _ & FIR" . .----PILTTIBUIiPIt AND ---------I*Ll.llt.Wlft r— abiari 1849. Old Established Lido ON TIIKERIE.EXTENSION CANAL. THE Proprir‘pr of this urell known 10ne of Canal Boats,. now pm-pared to trans..* nod Fleisht to all points on tht rrie Extension, Now York Canals and the lakes, upon the men ravorahle isms and with despatch. Thus Line runs In connecnon with the stem hoe. BEAVER and CALEB COE, between Pinsburch !leaver. el Reed's Line , eh. meant boats nOll C•-• id s on the Lakes, mid the Troy and blieltim. 1,010 011 Lthe on the C.e Nw Ter': wawa , M. REED. Prof.rieinr. Erie. ra. Bidwell & Brother. Age,... Mayst. W T Alather, Agent all Mcskinicies Pusstnror I 026(13;'t1.0g11tf!'\ \ !brihnlettal::,"il'arr're J E A S Ii c 1 , 3hargishar. Sundt & Downing; do% J II Pion:mei, West Greenille; WI, .001111/1. CO, do, Wm 110101, I H am Davis & Sdl4on, MUM; Ilarncy, Oaths et Co; Sando4; ray A Arrnstroilit, Detroit; Kirkland et Newberry, third:royals& 71 Clore h Wthlems, %Biwa. tie; Enap, blade, er. Dation. Racine; John if Kinzie, Chicago; A Wheeler h. Co, New York. +.l Pittsburgh acid Blaireville P11,01.5t Mae 1849. ifjirig - g_ rwAvicAL-,!1....,f,'..,1::,,e-1,',-,1'...:t;i: .72,1 splendid Packet Boats too IM dorms the actololl, 10.• terren Illairsvalle imbco boa. 10 br tow ed by three horses, n and Gl , [TY effort made to adorn. intidiste pamogers. Dr,,morac—Onsts will leave Pittsburgh every blonday, Tuesday, Tiousday sod Frothy, at 1 o'clock, c st. From Blairsville every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday, is 7 o'cisisk, a. 0., and arrivr at Pittsburgh the same day, A two horse lia‘V from Indiana will meddle hoat at Saltatiargli. bah on up. ward and trip—puddig pumugers throagh 'from that place in nue day. • Freight for the above Line will b rredired at dm bon. of the Bowmen'. Lir.c, by /no. Fatten b. Co., who are oar authorised Age. All freight received free or endthsinions. .1 Al 51 ARS HALL &•Co. JNOTARREN &Co, Agents, I Casrl 11asth, Liberty st; Pit.hurgh A Hack leaves Blairsvilic for Yortor.towo on the afflVal of the boat—returns 10 boat lo morning. Frac from Pittslobrgh to Youngstown Sil—recrived, at oßee 1 ad lloadnen's Line through. aobidtan PlTTilliillitoilPCltiCilit.P. itilit'k Cliel: 1 Tt*...a 1849. , Poe flut l'raForructum of Frng to .004 Intro. PrITSIJURGII, PHILADELN, PHIA. BALTDIIIIIE, N. YORK, BOSTO &c. T110)1A11B011311DGZ, P6lllOlOlOllll. Tssyra h.. OCOXSOII, Pittsburgh. • rr HIS old cstabliskied Line being now in full ripera. J. don, the proprietors/ are prepared with their usual cltensve arranger&ents to forward umrclisinhie, pro. duce, &o to and, from the above pension liberal tem.. with the regalariry, despatch and safety peculiar to their mode of transpor:attlicr obsioas, who , : trail. 1 All ;on:l:logrite'n.rty'anvid for this hoe TeoeoVed, char-' scans., and forwarded in any required directions free ! ofcha r, charge for,commsion advancing or storage. No Interest directly or indirectly, in mambos.. All counnunicabons promptly attended to on applies. don to the following agents: THOS. BORIIIIKiI.I7, Market sh Philadelphia. TAAFFE & (PCONNR,CI•II6I llama, Ibusbur eh O'CONNOR & Co, No•th It, Bellmore. ormicl &dila 1849.pjit lIINGLIaSIG, 91.BANISPO ' ' 1. rioratrioai,, , s' Joan Binuotn, Tan. 1113110401, Wah Ilmadm J ACOB 110.1. Conducted on strict principles. THEFOrprielOrS of this old established tar. have politic. Mock in the most complete order, and are °roughly prepared to foretold Produce.and Merchan dise to and from the 1.1.1,11 cities. We vita that our long eXperience in the carrying buallte.s, and 1i.c4.10n• attention to the interests of cup tome., Will meats 10, ha ri continuance and increase of the patronage hitherto cr.:melee 10 1/10010.111.% I.olc. 0...n..,011101113 will enable "10 carry Freight srith the utmost despatch, and r ug risms n . 111 Own; he as low as the lowest charged by other .0100011,1 LiWnee bare opened an office in Nu le3 Mow' I. ',twee-obi and sth stn, Malteds, for the convenience of shippers . Produce and hserchanellso will be received and for warded, Eau and West, withost any charge for for warding, advancing freight, stOrage yr c ommission. Bills of Leding itforwarded, arid even/ duration promptly attended to. Addre”, or apply to Will. DINO II A 11. C'''"."l", 0 "" 'n '''''' '..131V;:a/ag i'.'lrObi?l7,' No 113 and fill Market mthet, lbw.. J AM FA 1.1,11.7ir,N. A Al". Pe WI North !toward street. ltalionore WILLIAM 'I'I:MIN. agent iis s g W W e reet. Neu York • ssi. -''''''''' ll .-F—•••- 11:1 1549. ~,....... mimg.,,,Pi,VV,.. ..:AZT.Z.7.:?;117:1,L. 'At,' Ds To rlllumaLtrite MN aal:11110117- Tu:::1:4:41, tea na6repb:rel .".'n'fo'ne'rtn;dll Wets or Inefehandise Mid (Wolper to Plaindriplou eel Baltimore, troth promptly... and despatch. and 01100 good terms as any other Line. C A MeANULTY tr. Co., . - Canal BALA, re nII St l'Bubaretit Arimirrp—CMAILLFIS RAYNOR, rashalelphsa 117 ROM.: hIORKILL A Co. Unarm:de. 4sylvonlik Caiial ' & Ra.ll Rood FA proskPost. Pocket Lino, Ma= 1849. MA FROM PITTI3I3U6II TO POIDADELPHIA di BAL TIMORE. ' . (Fixoemi•cly for Pease:mere)t We b. ne VIM mtbileure fespeetrany MfOrMed M t, and con- A will common. running on the l9th po tine throughout th e Seaton. The Watt us new, and of a repent. elasa wig .i'n" Wird cable., winch will give greater comOrt. The ears am the latest consul:imm A boamsill always be In port. and Revelers are re. Quested to call and examine them before enrmateß Pav sum elsewhere. urn only nu:104°11oz , thraoya.) tate ofthe boats LW, roil la"' the lading iripprieeterV. OBel a do .. tm Corot sou or every might at B e dock. Time a dors. For inforStallen, JapP/Y . t '' Ogles, Rosooirokolalirmoo, or to D LEECH & Co asll7 ' Canal Basin 1111113,13OBTABLir. BOAT LINE* -t . F theallsportation of Frelght ilAcrou,nr: NF:A' YOH,: iIit.:SINKiS Mt the Cana! hemp now revmed. tiro I Proprictera or the acreab, receive boom puttlic nevi the, ore pared to receive and nor ward Freight watt desratel , alai lowest rates. They wau.d calf the ad•alt arm ot Oar/Ter. Fast ! ward to the lam that the !oat. employed by them troarportat,oa, are owned In, them turd CllllollallaYd by ewrie,leed ,shipper,. of Meat In Ba,k fold advantaaeoes I to sam Wit line, as the sabaertbers attar made as , rangetarno. at Columbia to have such traiah, ior Bal timnre h. mdea directly from boats lc cum theiehy sa adta as,:ehnu.te llama:jag. h its the Frelaht Philidelphta goes cleu throug boa.. No ch... made for mcelnugT in or nava eing. char,c, KIFII JONEL Canal foam. Seventl . AGENTS.. —John A. Shim. C 111611.11, O. JllO Mc• Coliough h Co.littitemore; J. I.lm. It Co., ,1 Jei phis; FrlintwA Thorn., Colombia. cArl AI. tts. I. 'lto ft Dm,. 1849'. -atßac EXPRESS FAST PACKET rsi. Prnad■rgbto Phdadelphicr r and 11,111mont. 11:zeivalvety tor ra..engeri The boa. , °Falk Lino Are of ctn., witl entamed cabins, vrbielt will grre grizal-r conallirt passengers . A boat will always be te . port, and trevelere 11,4 quested to roll and exanune them before encagiuu pe 11 sage by other routeet. They will leave the et .d Can lanihnu,o posite the C. loiel, fritter Penn stre every night at o'clock. kAIIt:—NINE DOLLARS TI:11OU0II. Tivw--31 Days. • For informanon, apply ni...thc • Monongahela Douse, at to D. I.F.lte II A. . o. C. net N.B.—The hroprietors. Cl the are blailding no nidiultnal Line of Pitch etu. to run es above,. thatabout June Ohio connection wait the yenta Rail Road front heivielaren to Philadel l ph e ia. At that lime a packet win leave carry ruormitg andee.n. loc. Tuneritrough, f( days medal: • •• 7. 11/43.V1 For the transport. , 'tit of Atcrcuu is BErrWr.FIN P1111.1k1 ,14 .• • AND l' rrriwu KG H. fl 000* carneA .to. idne ere not trenritipped imtwevt rimbucgh and , lidedelphist, being rot' rich 1n fotti ',rime portable hunti. isVcr }lad and ter .—m ithippers mentltu..thste requiring curet , ' bundling , tins Is at intporuince. No chorgo made for receivind stop ti p or fur advancing charges. Alt with,l , Kp4tch, end on a.; tensonahle terror Oa by any other Lute. 10:IN MTADEN A Co, Cnoel Dash s , P hi DAVIS A. v.enn sc. Pittsburgh J A, marl itln.A et Ahi I ottinterve l'laln. JOHN IdePA DEN I t hotwarthag and Como. , glen hletithents, Caro , tooth Penn nt, Pittsburgit. • JAMES M DAVirtl Co. Flour Factors and Commit sum Alerchatne. Mara , oho 54 Commuter lame Philedelplda. Merl •.% pAdv.ece matte tt of the *bore ontPlon 00l .41 coer mere, cousigued to them ft • • • 1 7. L../ c s._•••• 111.11.1,1ANTS1 'WAN -11.35101.311 T LIN For Illiorartn. Jolnitiorf ollidayalmrsh. and all inte..try laces." Wa • Goo d% :fm,1T.7,,,Th'` . .. AOsso.-.C. A. 31.ANCLIW A Co, :itiaborgh. D Woltafield,Johnstovro. John MM., tiollianysuarg h. R.vartan cam --Jainec Jordon, Smith & Sinclair, Dr F ghocaberser. trltletore, John Parlor, S F Von Bono. hot . . A Co, tkn Lent. , A Co, Jno sl'Devin & Scot, ritobtirsh, Joint ,vory, Snout Nalhollno A any, 15.0 Cir.' . A CO, 1t.,4114tt.e. rachtf: /IVACO, P. 26.12110 4rg, Ock,s.PACILES. LINZ. IS4B. lILAVED AND CLEVELAND LINE,xo AVADGF.N Cana: Pnetet,SWALLOW, Cara. Ford. " •• OCF-kN, Copt kk attc fa (?5,1.1,,0.fth,tha,,x,b.0r FaeacJa loner Deaver eVery arty, trarmlt and I,th-a next raornag at X - .ran, whrre they connect With the Mad Stages for Akron and Cleveland. arrivlng each of these pluerm IniUrt nicht -One of theracket , % moo lea. Warren cattle at 5 F. 51., and arrive , at Ileavar ist take ino.*,,,teatnitoxt.Arslua,tirc h. LS A . G VItLL, Wa , ren, at 0 'FAVLOR, UEAVF AND ERIE PACKET LINK lattoVediTu THY 1-•Cz ..and Pereltel—Metslet.sere.ts, Clips /canes; Traxcaunt, •• Laos. Eat; Trulry YinTuala, Beds's.: s-usol. hyer. shove nem and splendid l'aseemeet Pmekets co. ..ned runtntde I.etween HEAVEN AN awl sell Ty" revalerly Julien the Is le.eatg ) twang ever ~ at " tone le; tar lko•er every -tfutt.ntte,,,) , ttet Om 4 - the stesselsaet Miehlgalt 110141 I' .4, .41:4 thtough 1,1.• hOur' r ripruttlOOK. rt. I.ate cart Oe promr 1 PARK: , & t'.o, /MIN A. CAIA,IfEY, nt. etto.bit , cot Wate .0 A .,1 ea - Olda .t. 114,3 m C Ilaronon, BadeM, is, 1 111 Rent Eoe, C C W ink, rirrenmile, Pn; :,PFarland nod Klng, lhe Bend.. tiny • & Plated., Shnrpnburgh, I W C Maltut.S.tharon:Ptg Ix C Mottheog.. Pa, , R Countnehmo, New Cu .13.2,A1-_ ItTo , t; Rirrvir — b:MTP L4,, I-110 cuxivim.Asu. DAL.nlioar+NP Till EdItTEIIN N!" ,3,.i nt 11,1. are have Mo. .7 . o::e. °,• k',, ~,o too preinred to forwar rt d peek,. I Roles 0. RClF.ilhl. 9 . 4 Shoat Cheat', 0191 11-n-RNDI:4 & CO.. omen. P".117151L' and IIE.N Frmha Iron ...ay Part' f Flngtend."'_"' Watt n, omm moat Lleet!ff , "...., wital poomtinitty tool tittenoon tort of rtront,rmo , We do not robued the memdlitor ream." motneu po, as .v.. onset , of Mem `°!, port themmelvch, nmi Ati to Mot?' Weterm without any dctent`Y, la of our PV `cu We eny thts reartelnly, an we gers nhow Mut they acre rpout. wham tbotomtM4 1 ' 4 7, 4 i . ' mouth', Loyal they could I..nwr_t'_r,' ° eh p rase, which too ieornt.fr2Y eeV :f!_f." We trdenJ to perform emr W it rimy. and not net In... noxmrd e°• • • with ether 0111,1,. WOO et: " °"• When it aut nl thrtr renve.r, 1 . 1.1. 1" Bates , ••,,d, Eng.:oh ttrottand nod toe., teo, yirtt, ' ''''• ALa LE, ,IUSJ!!I.I,__. MN , 00000.0 E 0. 1.0. and patolo gr erally, 00,0, EA It.d.;:tittlt`i and 0000 pa 11 tl.ea pa"...dr 00Y0,0 o,.ch Alt ei.oft SlOOO , . 1 . 0 end IV(10 , 1 StOle, 00.1, Spleude,o4lo Goat ‘Oll,l Ect ettie. 040100 rOll euyrrcedtnq rbc,lo2ll:(o,ia, .011 adult famoi,,kolll (011 to.ooent 01 rum. n f „,,,•"l:.o"lrep'r..,tUg, .0d .400 p;cool,d uc tiratos, 1401.00, line Aty etatrrly I,llioo . k°' N o p Ltberty o ustte Wood It —6l..LIGGthtl VENI'CIi eurt...dtl rtitt.3lot,tii 4ti A N D 0111 ti In' WA ,•}: 83. M.. a• 1. A. Lift woo'l,,,pr,t -11r1u 1.1.1te, maul , on hati , t ht...tiand Go'the .a.'e of tity con.l.tote ae•ort nt Of Wt:hi:7l,4h. 1.1, tihutu ale nr/dr. to cu r to the to rot tr, w' pal titil anAllar United :halo. 1:;,,,d.t oe Tl•mov 041 IVIO t •el ~000.0 dVer. t •• Jn. cut of 0,0 ratoort Itont.ny 'olr 4urvar , d I.o,nkh 7,74 ' 1;1:70 ' 1:4 ' ,t 4 oCr c" .lrrc4l°Lor Flt. 1. A. BROWN. mclaAs p A Prt;4''''' i".'!:";!,:ZW"l7Z,"Viatre.:T. fro , f ' well .e. .led annott. culFmmml .Y . m..f a . Inc in 07.11 lIANWAAS, o of Pallor rte. 0 3 Ilati chamber a office 10 4 ~ ;4.n atiottor pti,.7wtoetl world er, to ca and commute., of t, u b ti. Si o,oola, , ,„. ~,,- ~. ~,. ~.,,c-Ar - Wired , . which Iv Tn. 1i, t ,.'" 4 , '% „ -; L ',,,, ,t 2 wholeromu, enurronnu •"'' ''''-',' „ i ir tr.ure Oen.. awl pol l i ued `,'''' '":,',.„‘,"„„ I. nd ior Pileup , . ao , • •era u l e.' ';'''' . L '"'''', - ,; , llt, will go a. , far au fear 'P"e'r'l."'(°''' M' &lla l ,P.rt, Pieramrub, Pa. ~ , LT 1 11 A FA ANF:.. Foci: A. , v , ,. cad ' ."-"-`• r v io.d r"ixtll m! Wood sreeL., ~, t ier .0 a, ase P" ." , ° ::', ' ,,,,,,,, tit (.:1/0b;-:-Jurt r......qta, - ti A ''' . .• •- —,;- ~ iraort'r cue, 11 pr. Pioar, '''' ' .. "'P '"''',". llootr. , Wl4ll:Le , , P.'","''' r i ''''',.'lluer ' cuzit, Ur canteen. I '''''. ..","*., t ,,' I' . r Alone) . Behr, Ido ellrul I'''''"“,`''', ' - I , Pre. rood. for rule al au Cirli t.'ail'n'. "" "' .41vou . LNu ..: Wood .1. forum IreLIAW. F .. , - 1 .k. II PIIIIA.IPS feclurr _ ._. —... -...- - - „, ~.,, , Pre up fur falsely ear. el 1111 A ` ,4 " • •''' - . 1 i, . ful I.nx: remaining I• 1 1 , i et 4 . For rale ut the flew Spier and " .. " .. ' d Mr or Furry S. Liberty str. NI extura Fart /MIN II 111.:1.1. ..!'' l " , c . ri. Iron Anvfle, from the 'reeling. A ".•Thi l ., trarrnked, will be co...surly ilr. u''''''. d to order, by oe , r'.._,","‘" rir111:1;CIIFt AN. ti Wood nrin' tnmati, cri;Tutacturell it Ern, Brick Clay (totP t T i .tort awl ae ?7„,7.r,r . . • ih t t o .vr tie.. l h i' Fa r l ' Ys nvi I 1; IANOII;is—V . boll pipe« voruno nwu itopornmon per COMlllet, cc% culd nor srpo hLI!+Pfl h ILICKFXSON o broutillll:prort c% and gentlemen,' Gold Guard SSO each, claim, prices. Alpo, banal Fold: gold Poled, Finger Ytnx, Bescrleo. Gold Pens, W W WILSON, earner 41h ;ulll;llriiiit - iis S-laslleeaie..d ul Zeratlon Ku film . _ • imp; 10 ps wide Pima, l_ tIEDICAL , - -- ---_ 11l I.ILLEItsti FAMILY AIEDICINES—iqiey are as 1.."7 Mediates of the day.* till.4ll.•,ol:SrArtoti, Ohio;biay ''b,18 49 . R. E. thrives: I th.nk It right for thdlicatiht of Whirr to state some lama in relation to yostsracellent Fami ly ;Rewine . . I hove used your Verrniftige largyny in my own N.M. y, ode vtal !frequently allstivering for ugmelliogi mg guaranies tiny Ito :NM wors from two child's , . bay. , ;Lino ttt.t.o. your g i n ills and hiqyggit Syrup .11 ms Pamir nn.l they have every imatitee nrroldded h. egliie-tred. tot I ant 11141 Itt nlexchnoctiAlTly, 1. tint plo t• to suite that I h ov e.ov7 et to hear el' thshfilvt (dila, ishStre your owdori nes hare been aced in my +caw, of he idlt', In conclusion, I may mote M, tney sire ' the' medwides ot the kny, rind re destbut I .. hove I. eery n .ty,,,tve pntptitnrity 'Vont, is., i 5a , u . t . 1 4.,..,, .... PreparedVna sold by .R . • . 0.'4414057 Scgosti street. and said by.Druggi. - ...lei ati y in the ion a ties and vicinity. 1 " magi c g"i RE.:EIh EINE OP I.IY Eil i`,DATPLAINt,- by h a • ‘.X original, only true, and genuine Life , Ma_ ~ • Simla ettlt., Ohio caulatyi•Vt. I . - Month nth. 1919., Mr. R. Iht Sellers: Door Sir—l think it a duty I owe to you and to the public vinery ty. to strdeithol I hove. tune atg.eed with the .lsiver .Camplaint roe s a long tne, and so Midis that an Mmes. termed stud broke, widen i t 'd Inn In a very low state. litering %raid of. your celebrated Liver 'l'l l twin^ for Oh; i 1' A it ' d d ler b Sharp, in Wtntt Liberty), and 50.0111131C0 tt Ine _y my pi t y...lei:lt, Dr. lib Antall, I concluded to .re. them is fair trial. I nnechissed oise box, and (mid them to iust what they are r e cunintended."Tllllß AlST-Lls i:7:17. NIA. as sn o t and.after hair/feet boxes. I hod the disease. has lyhie, nod lam now pet wed.; m elf. Respectfully yourA ' t .Dll COLEMAN. ?rest Lil.erty, March 0d,1849. I re ~y that' I Ism personally aeoptsioted VnlttuMf Oen, es bear testirnOnV to. De Ihnth 01 We t•. , ve ". sunhats,. A R SHARP las . hotly Liver Ms li le prepaid and sold by RV. k L 1.7 11 , 1, No 57 WoMi street,,Wid by druggists eta, tan w.irs. TOL i'liE iliDIJC—The original. ctay tr....lgen. 111110 L. WV Fitts are prepored toy R Etellers, and hove o • no , . .11,yred in black,wv.s.,into Me Idol cants 1.00..a11iV ill , .trnatate on Alio, Valid° arrityper--un other. are conlittricltti, or Wiwi...miens. apt., It E SELLERS, Proprietor LS li. JAVN sr. ;.:...r.lolllitilLti.'ille BAL4Afi .; ID'S: tiv llov A • A SIIINN, Axil thump wad poi. 7. tne• 1 if' rkva.tni mime PrattskraMethodiSlChorid. ... 1 . shitesld it te been gliched ll:lmitate propt -h I wit.l a sh irrs, 0,114 e Antioch, vtinetimea • *res.'s!'" Ilt do. sanootlfor to tn..ylvn non n . ,ti nut tart* 5t1.1.1.! eittf tioVin, tried .50004 ,r > le , vn ads *fleet aviiiihritislw,l wait a lionlr ~. h r >11,,,,5gs , mo *stn. ,Thi• (IC used tie. fattling Iv U.< tt. . t,t.t..Y.611111.1 tovortnbly.lllllllttt, Medicine rant rti t ftn rtnin to trtnn in tor, or 1000n:tin. tar, tilt ill '.L 1 le r. pa r 'well mintite•hSerV nevtit, ..ensattnn ytn, t•ttl I rely nisettl. 'I tte inedicine.Watt.i t terveautt...sed witehever dheaOotme l M o 0F0 7701,11 th paltisiete per ,. veil, and thim it was thereby pravent. ed lir t 0t.:;t1.0 . .1 in use 5 medmi4e every evening • Ind sometime. h the to oling, awl 11l a few weeks ~, „,„ . gr o w .....i.eithat the imagist wan w e e k s Lu , r ,, r , hy . .. .. ° oppressive p• . From 4. 5 ~,,,,,„ „. ~ 01 ronfplehtty tecommettil it lay ne.fhtinitrts... it MiaM. ' l,l 'k m'ethrY mhdhtin t o r di wires Dititestomen and Lowe(. . a A SOINNR S•oo nt ti I. r E.:W i t - ~ • A Ale soheei . N t I r S. Wit For tltt In it,1.1.114 51 I !'6131 N 10 A oS Thug 72 1-,,,u,.v s et, I:. .•nZi a ls o Allen el v tu,vni.iit—nr•Caiiitslii(i— GOA'S:AT:VP TIISS..IIE CIA I 0 01IL GUARD. 8.. SW AYN El COl'illitill talIN ON .WILD CIIBERI. „ r „ 0 „. oglo. . 0 110, As alio., Urodelatis, lay. c „,„ ~. pigint,Anuttg 111nott, infAcalty of dread:. , p,, i,,teclide,,antl_ll.urcast, l`olphailennt .to west"rie't:turlh''run'trN. grUti:l7.llVe'bt'ir 's'.i.d all Doseases'of the Throst ii i sta , r l id e gi n u d nisi . lA d A c u ostitt• 'clef knostru'it:ir'anyc:fr. DR. R ohe a F b \ gly . gL, A d , t2o , :s t. ... , , , . is o.yosasid Syr ,. it al IN Lid chercil T,is geAtt:tpet5,,1ii.,,,,,,..:.;,47:1.1,e dif d . l:fi l l y ' Illtjletgien rise lion otxxpertment, and now. stands j'y',W:if triXt.ii:l";.resrcaron' efmmelietrenev'7.• 'i'itlfe''"7EndrOd'une'cd"v'ty'Ver'lrs'lllr through the yigagtstes son lido yr..and thew...view totans iif impeAre but whut contai n . some rettaatkhto r..-- jMP.:::uftroltt'sethYTtets nn " t r l attol. o hs I'''''ul'..:•ctrOpprtor -ani.ll mina few of the mV ' :tau. exieninmuuts which have. been presented to im by tot,ighcti t respectstalt,ty;r..wto b ase bleier 7'Al `}(011.,i1„,";,'„T;"1°,',.-ai1,id..."%,"., 'I 'i.'::, oae,',i ~,,,„, ,„ un ostlec. Such testimony proves cod . ';,,,ity . that its surprising excellence is estaldtshed AIJ iIItIVIRIV ntyribt. and the unquesdonable authors et puttlte opatiOn The instaatosteous robot it ft:- d 9. told the soo*ng indistinct diffused through the hole tra.ror by its toe ,ern ders it • most sgreei shp. howdy fir the alrxeted. s REMF.MBEIV ..7.tilici , mot. noUng from conwlenhous dripulses, voluntarily bray teniansony to An troll of • thorr.. p•rttOdlo t b.,. .6och losonamy. being routrary to the :;risil..‘l‘l:l(.e'd?titu'ocanEs' itself .I.ll7.7:c.t:rm'a'n'ne'ar ''' . l i." µi ' .,,7;!7Yiii ' t : ; .T.WATlV./.l;Can' ~,.a..sserams ileac,' lehnoss,Co,ncurrot. ft.roe never miss • remedy that Iwo been Pis sneeessl deprive,. fIINCJ ta Gonloor.rtton, .Ona . Sway 11l Comnovro "Trap of Wll4 Cherry, It nrnotheo• tl •Totol, and apron. In veal the aloor , on, tho tong end rich Mood, power poyevssed dm r ' l, •`l`' C 0..," Co-, Apnl cynr.--.ltear Ve•ti. yuor Com ootnd . rap 01rat... PI manta ut,, I collet , it sr e o ber cld. watch and,. allyam. attefoird..tth a StVCre rough, tho: friroard sO tor ten,,,,ttr• whtel, I had reeouree to, 1114/MA.11111.111 int case exatiated allot syloptotas ot PailtlaVVy Con.utopuon. 1- . .eery then, Ito oerm. tins we rtioct, and at Ofnrtutort...awd rapt& for rd arr.3l as atverll, up all bop. ot Trrosr.ry At li.l• tin, lane racoramcluied to tr . 7 y ,, or tuvaluatar oo unto the lanai lino py result. 'llte fast oottir Lad. tOe edeet to I.nwn thr coueb, Mil gag me tO expeotonate freely' and ti the oe usl atibattles,l WISO entirely wen, tr.d now as Leary a A:sn sa I cart seu to toy aud Dahl be hu., -, py to gave any in(orMattan•r•pecting toy Roth that wart oatferces inny derive the benata lot anstrfal. Vol the troth of tit* oboe taerNent. I fefer yoa Pete! Rash, Grocer, we et' groom I pateha•ed :tat medicine. Ttr4p"lll) yours, 11.3 g, P.1.-.sLitnere nf a ilfedaabt Msaa.rtgr. It.. Swal ae- Pa. SI., 1 feel a debt ol gistitud• due 0u—n.1 . . 1 `a n:l • a .Imy to the ...tliteted gettertliy, to hr aty humWe taautootty In NCIA of Tom Compound : , y. ..r. I. of V . :le ol,rry ~,,,,u , , h 7., q'S! . j: I r‘.. t.olontly soactod with c0..1 a... n • ..e. n n Inc. yuo, wa, a• acenuanetted wtth a di/art...4, •.uugh, pain a the ore - ,ast and ht., a. very acm..:th re 'la r' i .,, , ....ran ot otionhive Rue: , tool. the 10.... ~...7 !tali, lea clamp' ot weather, , lhowever shght. , Lf' 1 on ran alarm about auy,comatum, hut was pew; soon em..n. re.l that I or. rapilY gomg I hto aaastrow. nen. I are a daily w r eaker. a... at 1: , !n5 ,, 1. , .. , .. - ..e:..1y , rt. c. , . '' . to ,; ' ,T ‘ , . A n ' ., ' W " :.:: „Lrgt !ll ' noo t i ' D f1:4. ' 21, " .. I.‘ \J„, .17, t?io. 0 1 t ' n,y enrinaa prevoruttona au pre-ace:poor..., but 'frnnt to ret,f-,sowig 41, tan war worae. Just her& w. v..ed o. d 1,...,1 by a Arar , ineit , l to Will11111Ckti.• ... .i.altflital at you. tay rap of W. Ild Char• ry. 1 um. • ~A ~.,., previoua.,ty 1 had Iron rc n r• `tread meow. , p a rat chemca, ad [MI stal again.. these arimitu; out , the h.da of enaperloa,d hut uoj„, , standing ye, e,uta the profeasion . b u t ..(' ....Pea.... 1, .1 14,114 potted 'aft.. In the otaythe of 'toy Mend., I a rc r Lha,tl, pufalt.....lot 1,1,...,11.m...rim of your •• cas t a le or le. Wee, mod routtorimedits use. My dr to: era. at ths. time of :Los 25 months' itt.ding,eou. snonentli a v.... , deeply ,acvned 1 woad, LOWCYCI. coaterute. Kiel trout tee son of the bat lour oft ,. hotire... it, 1...... a a public avea.s. l !turn Jartainpiad tr. preach watt tny ittermong 1.11.105, ....i th•treby sui,corc.i 1..0 00.0 In that had ':ready begun to haat in LI., way, doubtless, my Cure waa greatir reatded. of e..a.equeuer of ,arty thus Imprudent' ha uer turove or (111ren bottle. hem I was PC tartly!,e.on4 1 Iv, no Litc:ux,tt „ mo u nt:al . Ir.' . ""uld 'i t' l * .iyrup atlas: 4 l the Cot tac artmgc su naerrtton. , . ...1. h•nbn ions ...way the dectrea.,7, cough, put apt to tied drsellarro of matt , troth t..c ln, and ....Ir. them rani the 1•..1, op ,, M gr... , ht..ith. I hove ,fe.., cad °Jene ...1:... cretifirrite anal now, for the porta., of homy per , c .., sittialani With.the permatteuey or Oa. We.. sod now anti feat prtfeetly well 1 oder It with .o. 1. P. 300000 Dublin cnutow N. C -__ important Caldron .. RSA& ead: T ~, t,m.. canonic preparatton of Wild Cherry. nud ~,,,....N•lrrer... the Urn ever acted to the palnft. olout, An tarn told largely throughout Dr trotted t.ttate• nod some part. of Europe; and all pro parainor edit by the moor. of Wthl Cherry . haul been put nut .1J under cover of Borne &rootlet airrallvaaurco, a order' to give currency totheir sale. try n Iltne ota.calruttun, tot perran nead mtstake Or genuine trout 11, .ttr. Dart , boltlo Of • tne geadotu 1 tarelrtpcd vat 0 buttuttful ateel carrot/tog, wink lid nitrate, of Varum Pr on thereon; else, Dr..Swayee , rtontoure: and • Curtner security, Oa portrait' of Di ha v e oak I . :added lareatter, . as to thatinguty ht. preparunot tom toll on, re. Now, it it vu. Inn CO the goat taaal•ve prOpertio. and knows vutura of DI loLa .04La 8): rap of Wiid Cherry, petrol would nal t 4 rattleto coring Ia roe, currency to "Leonel,. not- 2111, It) steultng rho, name of Wil Cherry. Berra lobar, always beer In Chinn pc nate of Or. :twat . to. trU la nut deertved. PrincipactOlt se, comer of EtghOt and gore uteeet __._.. Pniladrinnor. • For golo win • :rale nod mindby OGDEN & TOCK A: SNOW- Y/EN, cur :1•1 er.l ,Vond nu, H A FAIINES “, i r ,r,”. N u od, and, OA and Wood rt.; '4M co Illilit.N, r:•l'.O•rion sq PIN HS, ma, labcrir rir JAS A JON , , cot %load ton/ Penn ma, JOHN wren .Et.l., Allrgben elty, and by all ropectuble &viers In !medics:lc octl3 y uT no ; V IUENt'F. that Ur .1 el'llre'S X. is supeelor to ail other remedies E r fu oughi, ;.. Iletmehite., Animas, end other Sulumi L :err ellectictf,lt mat th e mire venom who commtoceil at of it to their teethes.. years sgo. eel] prefer It to al ,sirs alone latad, sod whs. may hare tweeted...l. ,r) Ohne i.r.parat.ont they hers almost miscrotbly hero Lessppoutted rev recatmor the heed. climb was reasousb,y ~,ded Linea f o r high raises leserwid by the propnettirs, scdto the ow of JAISIew , EiracTo.FlT, as :needy • that his never fatted to rehete them, sad which octet hod ittierrool is arrmliug pulmonary alderM l'etpare4 only by Dr D. Jayue Philadelphia,uM metier by ,I,lAtt ALIA. JA 1 NE. • 72 Fourth et Dr. W. I'. Inletred's Preening. Pilaster: , 111.1 V. P. INLAND. attic Ale.h..urtellege bf entelplrin, now oiler. to Ilia pub.(' I Veg. rtablii Etemitan Ploatee, the qualettert Of which, after tord 4,1,1,11.01100, hes beau actistaielortly cc. haillahrth Tel all wommt*Lit may he afllicted th Prolapies or Valles Womb. he recommends hat cluster, gulastaentag a sure and speedy cure to the .hart epaci: ci front two to thee weeks, if opplled,with cm y e em-...ittmeriltor all the remakes inatrusuenui and cent:we batidages are long to use. Phi, It facts .ineoeenuous tittomic, utosmuch to he lie• not fail,: 1 one none ont of three handrod mid filty-terec pn. Alen for Kilril.llll.lPlll MIA Went Bream or Durk, t o n teraled with pale lltere is nothing to F atexc floe. Plaster ai agordaig raliefor eflecting mut. ar by L Wilcox. minter of Diamond and Market in • Plano A Reiter," Liberty and St. Clair D, Sargent 0 Federal •st aud e rg atty /ergots A. Co, nod Dmroond isa IX E. SELLERS, Drugs., Nu u 7 Wood 1:1ali,. Sole Agent tor the male of Dr. Townsend's Oen. busiest received 200 done of ibis We... Sprang and SumEcr Medicine. rued:meets should recollect that E Anthem lased. agearfor Pittsburgh, mud 17111' Curry for Allegheny erty up.s s EVES enTi.NT lT ESl—thipter Watchea made by the celebrated cleopee of feindon. hl J. Tobias of Leverpoul, mad a largo comaitutemot detached gold and elver /eters. f made by the hurt Senora roanefactirrers. , Spectacles alai! Kinds, Cummutuon Ware ill seta r Gold Peas, .Jewelry huge variety, Silver Spoons ' • Forks, tre. Morel repatrinr{ executed In the beat materer. (ITW W WILSON'. corner Market and fib its MA s kAu*EZlGLAN2rip.p.r l fine edhicia, ..1.7" JOrarrai etWarul Of * comer Marko az,' at N. 2E= .....-;...--. ; .1 - i•-•-^.z.: - ....,j... -- E., ...i - - s ° . zt- -.-•,"...=a ...r. t . I • • •;' 4. i ..4 4:4 2 ejr• -' ' '. .:,. .!.•? -2 .1. L *-6 i %.- 1 : 4,-: -t i . • 3 :2 t .24.. ..r, 6 .... ". ' _ - ,.-1.1 , ' = • 24 L 1 ' ;. ° l l 2D:lifija, = ' .. 4 11 ' 3" t= ifs Ali :l 4 t t.=. l 'I- 1.11:: = N .t . '" t:f'4,ii*-41-...1.5 . -1;t ,g- " , ..;PVl::tti.} -1 4 -2 , - i= .2 I . , n oi Tat:fg - 1 ° i ;E v illt4l- 2- #3eE W 2 .; . . E I 4 !,F 5 U 1Z: ..1 1 St° 1 •041Er !::1 1 2 7-2 :''' 3 ZE li e i lealli..g,i'i-- - -431 -, =l - 2 . -gt I. t - t . r. - -. 1 .1 ., • , p rail: = 1 : ;P , 27.4E. VI i. ac •-.1 . 4. ...... gils e -;50...557--_ltte - ts.g --, ›-e - ,.. , 3...ip5;:;.-E1 se !3).5. e ...a ce 4. ii:l ~ .,5,0!..Vdt., 4 E.iile., „; f ...----- , s-;..÷...E...z. , ,.--;%.s'-'-‘l= E .53 .. 4.- a •= 4 ". 1. !:;:x" :* . g " --- P. IC ' Li :,... ,7, 0 :1-:.T.EIVI'9--;3 7 4,17, 4 133 - . liz-7. - -a !- W.,,, At CA zVi Iv. o •a, o. gat.s . at-v.:..4-55ii.a s' ' , E ".. i4:,9415,f1ti:4 - §Ailit;- 1 11;;V: .i . 4 . it 4 .1 - .3 0 sVe-5 6 :21,g" d.T. 1 1 - a.i • i'i• - 2 Z - B cd ei oei 0 etlbarn v:lg if, 2 3 i. .1 3.a:. ICE 10, ei . - tii. s 4 el- .. §....91..ea5.,.. 4 5 . .e5,s hi $ • *. E to =',°'' g i.l.- 1 -5 3- g - tr': - ifetise r 43 ° m 2 ' C4, t ,i,g CS r, , k . 4 -? k a E.zr , .1•I .. 0 1:A! ...e. ~-': .1 1 4.4 . .. c, E . 3,07 a e. 7. .. a .... p .r •• •• •di re E. Z .; E . i:- 4•11 ... r . .. 9 14. g! , ..f . . - 4 . a-a . ts 4 .f.g . . 8 * - 1,P1r , A21r...: 0 17..i5 AIN 2C> 0 1 ?• '9 g .. 12IriPg§r1.1iirllraall iil.' I c l ~ 4 4=, k J S. , ,•E d i 07, t2B - af,?, ,,,, •gg,agi.7., V's- . 4. I ..'" 0 1 Nu l 1,. 0 - -` l l ,- ;11t* a q 11 3•• g .7,11.4: t,, '.f. ..•• : 1 1.1. .vvi - 4 . 3 t 'E. em a!l et.f,..,4l...isi l oz•-.4_ , z ; r RI , . kA 2 ... z.... - -2 -2, •.t' e4S 4 - 3? ,-,ti a 017,.. t - --- fe CO i• pq z irg .. 1 17.5 1- "ir:rgt:-,. , ' 1 S -t• .. q . , E .., . 0 'l' W i 2- 39 , ...“ . --2.14- ii4 5 !.'2, --!-- 1- - 2 A - )5 ! mx, it , 1,..,' , .: ,t t&- ;:d.-1..i!1gi9-..i.g,ggati.i-:., ~-cii cc 4 . E .: E:.: 'it -. g: i!11;.7: 2 'et; 2t2 -. f .. .. 3 rer i EA -.9 .t . '" .- - c - r . - ,, ze.tq't• - .1 - 4“ 7 :1' 2 M7 1 ;`3 .- ---; ,7 ':' ,l, tI. 4111e.,-s-z 7, -2 4 :7-..• ,1,5.:14:-....!ff',1.,1!,rtgr3,3.t.g?-::. I.' a . t. •i i i La it .r... - ...fai.r2telz l / 4 1 , E.f..:§ ..- -f?-...?„ , - - i:: , i.l si g & ;., = - . .qilV;:-r',',,„1. , t,,i ,- ;3r ii - : . t: ; t . ZE co) i , ~14 t ' . ,, :6c , ..i,1's il tl- - 'Yi.i gill i 1 1' 4 il°°'Alfill4n 3 :i ..l- `-';, f. 3ii 9 c E ; Ililti nil ; 1 1=ir:Plin I H 2 E,'i ' -' .: i 2 ._ ,-,- 1.5:.`..-k,.144Ei.r.7.-vi;'''::":-,; I 9 .0., <ra , !;:;:•=ri! . +r - 7 - - . ' if - S ' - T , . 17 ;:-' 7 4.1 : : -- r s - ,F! .,-. :f r , a z 1 tr:' l l'l., 4 , r!'-ezi7-E.1'.16-E:: T 1 .2 .E.n i t a iei11. ' ! ~ ,, , - - iff. , l::: ,= _ - _ - ,. 4 , l3RlAltt2t4tiVz::q -'- ' - `.. 1. : .-..L. _ , RV AGIVINTat—WNI JACICKAI, JOHN D MORGAN, 11i,burgb D M CI'RE.N. Allegheny khty; A PATT'FR4Oi, ilarnumthrtm EXc e l litiNGE BROKERF: Tr. nommizes a Hors, Bali/teals', ET° hargag• Wreak eras , • N1,1,4110/9 . NoTE:sDRAI.TS,ACCEPTANCES , DOLD , E III.VER AND DANK NOTES. 's,NDiIiECTIONTS.—Drafts, Notes and Acceptances payable in liay'part of the Union, l'olleeted on the most favorable terms, • EX OIIANDE on New York; Philadelphia ail Dal. amore; rilso • Cincinnati, Innisalle i Saint lionie and New Orlenne, elmanntly (orate. BAr NOTES.—Notes on all solvent banks in the Unite Placa Mandated at tho loweeeemea. All kinds of Foreign and Amens.. Gold mid Silver Coin bought and gold. • ' Mee No. 56 Market strawy between 3.1 nod 4th, klinsbargh e PA • . oet2s • , FOIMICIN 16.1011ANGICis "DU l•-• 3. on Enginud Ireland, nnd doodad bought any amosam,at-aio Carradd. Was of doodah , Also, Drab. pnvalilc In any pool of tho d from 41 llt Sloah s , nt the Meal' 85 In die L Sitarists, without &deletion or thaeonin, by JOSHUA- R o Bth''' PON,"Eoropta and General Arent,aatele 5111 a One doorwasted wood ' - I potted _ ;dawn. RAI. •!..1.31 1.101 E 4 'DANK - CRS ANIVMPANOE DROKERS, dealer. Ih Foie*. Mad Dorneadellills of Exchage,, Oer- DE•mia. 01 . -Ppalse,'llheia Notes and Coin,eorner hf 3d and Wood streets, Wise' clip opposite St. Charles. Ho . maily COSUMP7IO3I. • rho, question, them how shall we nip th deatroyer tu . the bad? how rthall we. get - clearest( et a r coughs and kdits? is of vital unponitnce to the p-dbne. • i'llE GREATAND•ONLY REMEDY • will be folind in the rdinanng Parnmem •In pr.f of Ws , ere have Smartt. to tone pablished the eartificates of ! loons of our bert biol. chdienmabd Mom armed... meted tosuratide powers. These, with camas of toil timouy from all parts of this countryee-from !MEDICAL' MEN OF THE FIRST STAN ING D, Ministers of the Goepel, te., tog - ther faith coina. 901 ices from the ' • • JOURNALS OF TIM DAY,f we have embodied in pamphlet**, and Muylio kat ujralla of ~ylifitfAgggiflrli ttia ,:s uthecrt . ... hive been used In this city. THOUSANDS AND r FENP OF THOUSANDS throughtiot the Untied Staten .d•Canada., and une eh.. longs 007 o'o ' Igatoll7l.3Tissi ' INSTANCE CI. which, wheh tak according Tr - elrestions, and be- fore the longs had b ec ome fatally maorganaled, Ii has stet failed tn EFFECT A PERFECT' CURE._ Why, them need the ialicted hesitate ' 7911 Y mica to the roinerable nostrums, gotten op by coll .. 0.7.4P/Id g:inn /LT then:muffled name of same Co Orrated play s/M., and puffed into orttorlety by cordficeMs el pa w. cfpully unknomd While. toeing'. of UNPARALLELED EFFICACY Is tr: be had,whom vouchers are et pow,:,--oar Oily 'bore,-many of whom it h. SNATCHED FROM TILE GRAVE. *order that this invaluable medicine may be laced within the tench of the poor as well the rich, have pat the price at ONl.T.s . rsTir gENTS,• • lust one half the' usual cost of rough tor so efts four* by our agents in molly everymmen.d • ago over the wok, who are prepared to 'wire fall I onna inn rein:ice to it. T. SA L TER, P.MTHeI. ' ' Broadway, Cimino., Mo. M'ALLISTER'S OINTME T .. ,CONTAINING N 0 .. _a--f,.,• eg,zi.,.. MERCUlll,orother Min : ..r.f5e:„ ..„ . , , s ~. ~.,..„. e . . ..e. . e .t rai -1 t has lower to '''' aftiS i gif . "9.„ . ,.. .4171t 11 ..:*.E0FULOUS 0" - ',..,:&,,:( numoas, sfax Ms :. I- . - ill.; ;,..;._..,-:' -,- 1: Ag E ;I, , POISONOUS ...< - ..""...,...1.!.W 9UNDS to eischuge 4 - -••••' ~k . , , -,... their di powi oan*, tend 1 • 9 Wen heals them' -,- • It tel rightly termed' 4 . 1" . ...,„ .. ip„... „ ...... ALI. -J iik.ALoiti. roe ....,:::. :•.:12 . ;•- ) .... ~,, :r ~ , hlintr. ii scarcely a die. ':.f•-..i1tr9.7-4;" 'L l t a riNZTVI , `:,7.I',. , :,-,,,,,,,;: 1 base trod Mier We lost tixteen yearn for adidisessanof the' chest, involving /lir utmost danger and responsibility, end I declare before heaves •nd moil th at not . one cage has it failed to benefit when dm patient wan within the reach of mortal meant. I have had physicians reamed in ihe profession. I have Ininilnern of the gospel, lodges of the bench, al - dermeyawyers, geatimnen ei. dic Ligticit erudition, 'Light t Light I 1 Light 111 and eanitimles et the poor one it to every Vent* at lEiontty ecieurateu bowing Mod Can nota Le hod ' t ssy, said s:usso his ~ .,s. but one enfee-one !miver* at the Emigre Lamp Wore, ,No. el/ Thlril street, smer taying-fthPALLISTER, YOUR OINTMENT itreern Wood and 9110 act. 1 IS GOOD!' fora portal , * !inure lima it bas din paelercuee It all • RIIEUMATIS74,-It s=teara al= vin ' Ihramtlittely of the•esstern cities. being perfectly oar and cheap ' the inflammation and swelling, when the pain maium. mil of striMte, grease or any 'of the disagreeable ot. i(R Inc dime:Mit ground th e box.) tndents to bailie now in eo n um also, a Icer-u- i 11ACH1 7 e-The salve has cured pet.. of the. al as:moment of Mops of the a t, st patterns inn burn- 1 hen...l4,We of tifeclve-yearti atandinX, and who hnd it ly:lemen V. J. DAVI D. l realLer <very week an that voMiting Mak pyice. WI ! . SICHkeI'OIYfILACITE, .4 AGUE IN 111 E PACE, u . Elif, STAR OT.TIIE - NTEST : lire at - fare* like wertem ' - - VENITIAN BLIND MANUFAIiTORW ffilllLD HEAD-We have cored cases that actually 5 . East side of the Inamond, where Venetian i daliflevery thin; tam*, as well en 'ha ability of fil. * Illtuds of all the *mot slags and eel.. 1.. o twenty doctors. One m. robins he had spent are kept unhand or made to order are f9us on his children any benefit, when a few the Imese .d most approved Eastern this I Aires of OinMent mered them. ' fens, at the shortest nom: eland on the um I TE•TTER-Therric nothing bemr for the curs , el re.onsiblit terms. I Toter. Alw, the iiietip liostOlt roll or Splll Wool Trans:ow-, BURNS-11 in one or d. best thin. in the world for canny and Paper Curtain , of all the different ores and i Don.. . ••• c. pommy on ea. and lot sale low for cash. Did V..- 1 PIL ES-Tlieocands ore ) ratty eureel by dm inte non illtida panted o'er and nsparea, or Men lo put , t s, lit. It Mtdrn foil , t 5 giving miter for the Pdm. • naymein Mr new kt fil WEJSTERV 1.1,1 Pro pt. IL:, Around the boa am 99.00909 s for notlfl Fla b n N. et _t_n ssa,_ done with die-best' I, e tint a. i :bur , °L.. , o _,,, for, S ,, dioJ•d , "r , " C...PJ.i.; ',riffs reorinthosiup, and tverrettant to please i•• .., ef me, , ff, TnOO, 999•9**'seiMi•Nesidl Sow Ract.,Qu , n , ll . l i Illatill. a t ...t, , c .... , :ct rirool, EnumAital,Nerrousgiffectinns. Patna. Du- Alirgbes.l city, Aug. le, it.t. - - . ,e f a, Sert..•Hsetd mkt, anime,Dtallasst. Ear .4e, • , !; ; y ,, Per., WI Di*. ef ter SM. Se. LipL.Pitn. DIT I's 6 u 0611 NIANUFACTUREff. -1 im milii. , b., ke , Strettmp of the Dania, S k in, Ithomarism, L sigurd. Agent for the monalactuma, him en Laud mks. add Fur, Croup, Smiled or Broken Brum, Tooth mil et sonetion:y termites a full supply el We uncle 4 ~..,,, .1,,, i„ ja r 11,,,,, ,, 4 ,4, nmde u, lirealitirgh nod vicinity, vela. he carers tut • 901.1/ FEET-LlVer Compile.; pun in the Cheat sole mmunsemteta Olfees• u 1 : 0 Colllfeil s ii *I Side, falteng °Sof the litur, or dm adtut uncompa °aWM m woodM at en cold feet. i'lliis Ointment in the Woe remedy.) it -Stiff% hall ER PAS PE-I green Louie. India Hut:- te a mire vign ot &scum to hove sold feet. er Pme, m, excellmmarocie tel rendering boots CIMENS- se Ocenthimal uof the limiest wilt at. an mes pertectly water prmf, ntid suit . a piece of ways hoop 06rna from rioting. rentde. geed novel ,Ildh. \1;... application of this p.m tn tithe eat to be troubled with them I they . use it Mew:mettle . : Ina. di i paper*. to water Mr 3or 3 molitlis, and . ~P, T hi, . thrum* is good for any pin of the body it corn c I i r a n from the leather cracktug. Or linito, when inflamed. In same caws it should be der, .0.d.10t ante at the 11410.100 , 6 es Depot. Na 5 aPPltnd 0f... Wood It, feltl J .d. 11 PIIILLIVS CAUTION-No Ointment will Lie genuine unless:he ytm_k.'I_tiCANTRILEGILLPEI COMPA N 1 . o nrLo r c.l l . , l , l , c l L ES ll< ALLISTER is writtea with trtiesi ...roams, rwrannont a. witumtao. WeISTEILN LINK For sale LI ray Agent: in tell the prineipal elites and in d end .4 ..latels Ogler at the Exchange. Baltimore. • ....' --- -‘ '.. - j,,,,,,,,j,,,,,,,,,TER,. It r e' 3 ,,Vo ' , :' ,,i r Zl,Tar - rr: 'h fgo'm au r a been, ~.. ript' ' Sole Proprietor of the Omar medicine. rodeo,„.h 0 ,. ypi,,,l, ge d a g ovvi m,,,,d,,, r .,..,j,, c ,,,.;:, ..T/V -- PrlnCliati OfaCC, IVO t. North Third street,Phil o nil telegraphic despatch. forwarded** itel• " m 4” '"`•• PRICE ..., cm ...s.m . ryit Box . • thnore We it of Finsharg hi Pa 'Lots.- lho elm,. for • telegraph despatch to or Accent rs Perrsosuou-Ilrautt I Reiter, corner of (min Hammore, Paibargh and %Wheeling, is 45 cent. LMerty and e,, Clair so: and I. Wilcox, Jr, corn. _of ! ' Market Ft and the Dinmood, Oen corner of 4th aed ' w o o ' . ot,,"`. ant t " .4°'" ' s'd I '"' for much n ' t°i "" l Southfield ate; J If Cassel, comer or Wl:manna Petal , s made for the addrens and ai ats, 3th went; end cold at the bootee:ere to Smithfield tit No c harge I --"°- 'at, .hi divot form *ea* at; In Affegbeity city •by II:P mm . oghwarts mil 1 ' , argent; by 1 0 Prink Druggist, Bir-s Until the completion oldie South Wooers: Line of - ~• na il 1 - . ' Telegroph from Memplita, Ten, th•NeW Orleans, dc. ,il3ii i Ff . "" i i 1 2 ....."°'4,eYlEnsi Isthenif Il Rowland, file nee:port; .1 Alc-ItuaLur I Snlt; Moinaugoltcla Can. iN patches can be forwarded in Memphis by this route, mid , Li0w .,,,,, ~. co, mu , ~ T Rotors, th .,,,,..,,,i1 k; ~ ,,h t, mad. bit New Orleans ' i - - toll • . Barkley. Romer, Poi arc wholesale necnes. 11°,;,,F",uulPr'pd.,`,7:"i' i,<, '" i:4!, 1 . '' . ) ,. r.,,d,11."%b..'.r. '..2'.4.-", ter, whics sill be held in store fIH a few day.. Toe Itosion Icing Company 'express a atinng &tire Mr the hen dcoOrtintenta ul Min °MCA ttf Pittsburgh und Al. mr i ie ny to call ond examine and snake ntul of them. Toe Co is wahng to put litchi to Oi l y test they think prop: r to *mind. upon. myth • JIL II PIIiLLIPS. A wood st j,,g ANUPACTURE OF IROo pdhl jlj.. shortly, The hlanaffictura of Iron in ' ali a sa brun ches, nom tun digging of Iron ore and *II to the ma ting 0101111100 M and cake, the building and managing of blast fur eta by chore*, enthral,* and coke: Mat blast an blast Initddlica, Inn hr.. including an , ~, on than acture.f stern by Frederic a use mon:mums kbigni cr. Comptcle Et one volume, LW pages. wah Waal uns, engraved on wood. Pelee, , ~,,u , ,,,itmerc Subsetiptlona ieceived by . g , Ati 1:1 copMctou, fit . Ny9ra ~ D I 0) &col?: oa SOLUTION esn vt U e * a . r C Pe•s l' e e b ri it n 1 1 b at re : rive( all contagious diseases. It tetnovva the dongrr r ellown of et 4...1,119its °lemming encr• ' y it relieves ulcers, andenicree . pte all commanicable ,criacs, ortintlf ldcfiriall'Of's tillools, AC- Joel recfil In and , oalo Ot " 101 l if F SHI,I,EIS, 07 Wood al f - iIIIENEUM -SALOON, AND BATIIINCI ESTABLISHMENT. 4. mbc:;-,...V'.l,,;`frfcTrili'i',.b7lLltt"ltients'".";.l,l',l;; , hove Caliallihnnent, Won't, CCM attention will to peld . to ho comfort of them who may to* him with o let ciL'.'gr.LlrhobNe'r'il'endril"hof m ad Wood . jolenlif_____. 141148TkirtOtiNDF— hIdunt,_, gi Nola+, • ybrettasett at the lowest 'salt ? i tiL Lmrq E.oNs, ' septa tY, blarket street. BI6LO N OVMOIILSOIG — S —, :yh cc-h-i-arco. 19a.dephi., r bl Babb:ton Cncytantly try We by N. tIOLNEd& BONS. .03 35arket _ _ GiC.CPROX AUDIOS, 'MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 46 Market strcet, AV!NP purehue4 an extensive anti carefully re. 11 leeWd mock of Sprtng and Summer bloods AM submrilicr, respectfully informs his friends mad ' tht pablie. that be is now preparing to Keeton and etc cum their oid :re with dispatch, and in the nnalrin meat substantial, and fashionable Manner. As he is .1 neternlnned to do businets on the cash system, he hat ters himself that he whl he able to do work as cheap ns n cats li:Meone St any establishment in the country. Ills smelt ts vaned, cousistingof, Broad ctoths, figsnaca,a.m., which his friends are vespeetful ly inward in examine-/Or themselves , tir,OROE ARMOR. walur/34;ii.,;• . RF-110VE.1) to a new linen •Sury bock On Smithfield lire., One dour below. • !tilt!, street. Teeth inserted from one to s enure set, on the suction pnumple,.‘mith a bemt uftilitleptcrunitaunn of the natural gota—resinrnig the anginal ably,. tithe Mee. 11.—TneJt eXtrricted with fdtle or nu pain. scraped Tenth permanently tweed ug plunetwx.prt vnlMAK the moth ache, which is much bettei than nu. rin thmigh suoudd dam n, hue mote ws. ma. 5 in.tinnyt. apii:l V MOUNT cleaning won_ deara and lamp glasses, nivee plate, braes, mania. and ether ware. It rapidly takes ens alt spom anl retina and reprices the beautiful and durable linto,. of neer were. net received and for este, rale and remit, by JOHN LI I.),ratrlg. . , CLIRPRTSNWPACEL Tll the Itiflowd halm this day associated andel e mune o f Thompson Hanna k Son, for the pot ulnaof inanntectuting• paper, 'el the Clinton Pape ' Mal, wiles , they will be pleased to sem:teethe patron age of the yublic, and the former customers of the 1110 f 'ISOM f. • 'They win at all ti keep on hand a general an. samurai m wnitidg, wrapping, ma and w•ll bonnet bon Ns, blank books, etc. etc., •yhleb, they w C. 101101 1 .3 tar cicon linen end canon rues. Printais an,l Ilona Publishers can he supplied with every description of printing viper at short nonce. and reduced prices. Tiloatr6up; HANNA attApnlA , P,DtIUND S. Ili •: • iftS7W - tidIYISSPAiiiTSA Ly dozen of Dr. Townsend's Genuine Sarsaparilla, io•t reed nod for sale by R E SKLI,ERS, gy Wood st. only Agent fdr Pittsburgh. jug ity D 51 CURRY, Agent Mr Allegheny mlil PARRI has invented a machine for washing uranl,for 'stitch be has madeoppliewlion`for a patent. They are now offered for sale at the ‘41,1,.. h„,„ e of parry, Scott te,Co., 'No. 103 Wood swim ; rdtmloirgi. Adventurers le Califonder are trivited to call and ex amine these latmr-saving woman.. They simple in their ecn.straetion, easily transported oh the hick of moles or norm., weighing eighty pounds each. and ran be put In operation in Italian hour. They can be tiled with pros - mom It la the (Minion of those who have seen the Inal of wilt of these machi nesne of smallest ilm, Mai two taco wash h 2111410111 bushels of mind or earth in • day, without the lean oft vartlele of the mineral. They can be increAsedin lOSO lt worked by water Of 11.110 pocio ll:expedient. yheopmatars wort without going into the ROW or being espoiell colaYmniett without ldnngering ;Om conk. They will roc ro but a small of wter, and cast W, wed the whole season, and no be pal told operation where there is not oat orlUif f JO wash in ilie . usala orgy. Price of smallest pile lif3s. Order. from kbroar4 compodokby ead4will be proinplly Soled IL PARRY, at Pany.illerrli k Co', No 100 . Woolf at, PfLOIOSOlte::: IL ,910314 H. iiiintAti • 10 kw fen Wins, v.444 1 -4 re sALTEws •. 31NsENG PANA.cEm • • qOO THOSE SUFFERING WIThI. Dist:esE4 1' LUNGS,—Thc unprecedented winces:l which has needed the one of, the GINSENG PANACEA , a all th e various terms which irritation of the fano an wales, hes induced the proprietor agent ecall atten-1 lion to this • WONDERFUL. PREPARATIbN. • . Pim .oton:usable weather which marks. out fall and winter stionthn; i C n O aI LDS way AND COUGHS. s a imitfal source of V. . rye., if neglected, are but the precnoon of that.fill lestroyer, Facto for the Public. la relation to Mot unrivalled family Salve, DALLEY'S AiIUICAL PAIN EINIACTULI. trFdsTINION V of a respectable Physicirtu.:- Brad .1 the following, addressed to toy Agent, F. Mer • ' ry weather, etuataltall : CINCIANA,Th .rah. LX; 1119. we-. of duty compelninti to give my tributh to Dellryla Pant Entrsem !king oPPosod tittoch . cry .11i oh ii.o , lltuno having for their object sinister a-maven-hut renlintag touch good from the - liing.of I Tani Oct induced to tender'Yoo thin eartifi , este. 111000 used it to eity.funayr,lo my procure, and sett!, all the happy and Wonderful effecti that coact possibly be Imagined. It. J. Haunt; fit Li. Dr. Ilrealic in the nattier partner of BrOdic Druggints. . • •- . Zajlosamistory RAninzatiros. ' The fullowingxestimonial comes Patin a octurcefa unbar to many of those traveling on our Woolen, sin ters. SIG Clime, the well and favorably known pro. prietor of the Parkersburg lintel, is husband to Ste lady whore letter I annex: Postagusatlao, Vu, April li, Intl. To Henry Dailey. Chemist. tre.-SLD Having tor merly been long-inflicted with vsedent inflammatory Rheumatism. which - uppeured ao brmic seated.. to defy all orderdwy appliances to allay tbo Geyer° pain attending I was induced to try your Magical rAik. Eadrnetor, -cod it having ellected, almost as if hy's4ln. gie, u, nu:ornate relict, and also, to all appearances an ,are inittl-nerfect aura, I not indite:l4 Siethe bene fit ore:diem who may he adliclgis With' pain,Cattsted l bY any kind of ineamuttaums. la N4fita to you, declaring ', founded that my Gomm found on actual experien titce your Magittal Paton Exuatior in the moot valuable dis very of Ow preseat ago lor the immediate eilfaCtiolt ofbodily pot,. It is an almost immediate and aper fect mire t..r Ducar and Licalds, and all eXtozaal in &sauna:ion flay.: ninny acquaiontnotts Unwed Ity their Viata at my hfistiantl's to4el irCatis Ldaec, I have supponed by you; ehonilay. Ple tht on few lines, it may iwistitlL be of henclit both to th em and yourself. hfidxsas - nt Dun. entertain the hap that Sloe. Ghttia - laal pardon Ihr pabholty I plve to her letter. ea well on the score, el humantty an of its being Mc guru, modo of bringing it to the notice of her fnenda.-11. D/111.Zi Fe/Off Curvi. Extinct of e'letter. dat , d. Haunorr, Ky. N0v.90,1543 itatit,Nt '1 have toed yam loin Extratint in a ram a felon, in my own family, which it relieved nd acured to very .port time!' In haste,.,youra re. .peethilln Von.. trr It and 4culds, Piles, Selfe itilpPleei 'Orphan: ! Brenta. Eruption., Sire.; Hoot WoUndt' ' al damnation, yields retohly to the wrinJettul propertie. of tin. univ ratled (aunty axieT,... HUI; in the enure pen. porn o ,: that you sr. , tcz.cive benefil from the genuine, you will it, tiunrcd by the deltteriou• effect. of, ihn conmerfeanalves. sore and.apply only to theinventor, 11. Oita., 4t !Honduran New York, or uvhd Mortice agents. .JOHN DIHOSIOAN, lieneral.Pepo4:Picpthorgb:.. H.q . ' P. Schwan.; Agent; u.k.% Whecitn, VA:4, Jaailen %V'Jahoolon, Maysville, Ky. P. Itl,tryta i toutlier, Cincinnati, 11., fiene - ral'Depittik, 11—In the severest !hum and Scald. it citti,Cl.4 fitw .1111,4.1 , -11 MP V, Liles• H O. 114 , L1, PI. k . kAiy . 11. Foormiroca, husburgb. . G. W. rawynio W Magmata 'Drng Otero 111 Oka Ott7 of Now York. - • - • TN N anaerelgoed ere' extetulrety eag aged •la th e WbolethieMreg bubo* at No.o John amp, in the Nth. o f New 101, wad ate plapared•36 supply. DMA 000 oxkl, eierro NlNckants wait Th ar, Pakata • 119 1 6 'Pm - inook - Anzetie. lefi,merj, 4114.C6 !foam azAder'• Chemical., (of their owe oticraitico) and all ether outlet. In taws tine of befit ae In thith,of • is or raft palio Raatitraa leer as they can be per camel aite ra • _ Neratifeek, Aka w 'll.-A.TAJCIESTOOKe v(E:tino. MISCELLANEOUS. - CURE. FOR NitOILMS. D. A. P4IINIT.STOEIO3 FSIUUPUOS iin.on or sanisstaileiterreof N orrice, terdford dl por security rible reclly it the public, I eg well at to themselves, againet fraud and , imp*. noon from counterfeiting, Abe proprietors bare made change in the exterior wrapper or fable of their Teo mirage. Thu new label, winch la a wet engraving of the most exquisite design and and ;wotkateushp, has been introduced rit rery great expense. is from the brain of an s tn f the feu talent. Thedesign hinter., and the cleention'elaberate. Several' fignres and a portrait are most praminent, but the word ' , Vl:axle • ream,' prinlitiltn white letters on n red end finely Ms- • arayed gropud, shou be panieularly exammed. - When held ue I n the nght the Niters, amain{ of the kuess end Iraq line, however minute, theoridrh. whole oilier part of the engraving match as exams,' no it the impresston had been made - aped one side 012- • althouklt it is actually printed on butt sides of dm • . paper. The , should in all eases be observed.' A fa ired upon elk h dozen is also printed in red upealiol*- _ sides, and rbould he examinmltn th, saute manner. - Tait preparation bat now stood the test , of many • , years tnal.eind is confidently recominended as • safe and .erfeeml medicine for expelling worm. from the system: 'The unexampled. excess, than has attended - its administration in evenrease where the oatmeal - was • really Minded with worms, certainly renders It woo. Mt Me Mitt:ion of phyinti.a The propinoun• h., made it a point to liSeelealli the reran of es use ifs , inch eases came within his knearie and obserination—and he Invariebly foxed • it to prucie the most salutary eflettee—notunfrequen. ' ty after nearly all the ordittatT 'ProPV.iibris mon.' mended forwortns had been previously_ resorted without .r permanent' advantage. T h is fast 1.• ale tested by the etrtilleakil and • outoments of hundred.. • of neonocudno persons in different pus , of the eosin, try, and should induce families always to keep a stat, of the preparation Idtheir Ooaresslon. It is mid ill it., ' operation, gilds:lay be administered with perfersksafia. ty to the mom, delicate , The only, genuine is prepared by spun, _ _ D _6 valuit'rocic, Plusbaiik, , • - *Treat ,liingUsen Remedy. L ~,'• VOIL Coi.ll.4,ColLts: Asthma and Coniautitienl . .Gaii4't'4l:p ONLY REMEDY' Nettie core OfthiC 'shove disees, i the lIIIOAFLIAN BALSAM' OP" ' LlFWeisto tn rared s by the e dlebeuted Dr. Beduin; of letubse,Eaciand, and Introduced Into the United Eitatim under the immediate snyorenendence °Oho invintor... The can din m korery em. s, of thin medlehre,'lD - pa ewe of Plane: wry • diseases,. neurons the Art„aicrus Agent in sOliciting,for neinmentthe worst possible ear sea that tart le found in the comentnity--taatagt seek relief in vide from any of the common the • day,...ed lin , q been given up by Meted, di a tenrjahq• phystetana , royfiemed sod morireiie. The iffangade ' fßalsam has cured,and will cart, the most deepen** eases, lit no quack nostrum, but a standard sl at • list medicine, of known and established elle.). • Every fanny in the United States ahould be supplied .' with Doehar..l Hungariae Balimni of LIN, not only to counteract ti u,constunative tendencies of the climate, • bntrn be oat. as si preventive medicate la all. caries of colds, iipining of blood, tai n' in the aide and ehest, sented,un and serenese of the tangs, trreellitie, difficulty of Lreatinr, beetle fever, nieht menu; comet elicit and'emeral debilltyl Inewita, iranenza, Whooping cough and croup. Sold in lierareellitl, at .111 per bottle, with fall &no tions for the t Iteration of health. Paraphlata, einitaining a meaner English andAmen ,ean etristms, and other evidence, showing the an .tquallcd ',merits of this great English Remedy; may'6• ''t• F u"n or A rLh' EASIN . "' =FE . Co.,,eorner is • —of and w«. 9. anal:Vand and 4 th ors. litfidkwB— aka 1849 . & alai .• Ll•swer land - Erie Expresm PaoWet ILbse. PARKS, Bearer, Propnetor. ramp, near and elegant Passenger Packets, N1AG.1.11.4 Cann II Jeffrier, PIiNN,YLVANIA, " 111 Ilealeatut; L 4KE ERIE, " Tetley; .(IVERX CITY , • NeHn Fornang , a daily Late betrreen.Beaver tund Baia, lave , o n running and vrilf eoetl3ine dining th e sea son to mak ed e their , pa, learners Beaver after the amen' the morulitg boat frost Plusbargb, 41 r-stnnd arrive at Erie int tune for passengers to take the morning boats to Battle or up me Lake. ofby tittough to Brio mud all Lake ports,' out be. appiscalion JOHN A CAUGHEY,Agt, .rter of Water and Smithfield sts in GEORGE HECK,' n r . ander the Mt etude. Brian. forc—t.nute on the most approved EAstsurnpaas , —.•• , and mo4t fasitionatt le Eastern pauerns andoolora. THE 1.711 LA I" ROLL, or DOS a t 1114 ND, get, hand.. or made to older 0( antizes,and at allisteaa. ' • ••••,, eount, Xl.rellantst and others air, tosited tO exwmon ' the above for themseloas,as all will be soil.' ---•• . wholesale or retml, and a littoral dedaetlon MIAS la , CI wbotewile orthaitera. • • '• aaldlT A tVE-sIiSILVEGT: _ YWr We nark o(the (dill Grove Printing Paper, 1~ tt: I'. XI node Proprietors,) we will in • suoloie.i wltit ath the diderent saes of sopettor onalttl” watch we oiler at the lowest regular prices; - REI 1 , 1 OLDS SNEE; teirt4 earner Iron and Irwin Es._ • LOGAN, INII`ORYERnt tutu Wholesale Dealer, istrostigiand I. Doom Hardman, Culloy, Saddlery, Ece., hll19: Wood stree t, Pluaburgll, are oow folly prepared arith recently unponet,,htock or Hardware, Cutlery, Elarh.. ' llorptin era , Tools, An, to rarer very goo' deetSPClll3:O ‘Vretera Merchants, P 3 in adWtion Ph„!'"'. the tunny ILIVIPIPp3 lod by our predecessors, on: Logan h.llettnetly, we hese greatly increased, c: thetlidei, and purchase all our goods from first bride. 'On the very hest Wing. - • Tholunior members of the fine devote thielt - Ittenti. 1u sales; and feeling eonfident ocirivirhy set- Gfaction, respectfully solicit a call from. tat who reap, 'rim ibis market. _ MACK FOIL thdersigacil oilers kg salesuperior of brie, for buiblibri o aialle by hi, Strisia Preis, imposvcd uiaelone,,for . ...chick be has obtained awe.. and woesio give poirrhosers a whiten rosranwo Ow • theynro•l,2llVr, Old will mist frost end wet weal. , er 11.41 d net:lid - leis knOiStltre or 411.1DP11[6.10111A 114 Oat . . brick, Possessing greater body' and Aupettor tostors' . = and much more duroldo ip even' tefpAct, each brativ . , •..• bean; hallos:10 to A pAnstiore of noveral iota, and pos-they hitadnutoacooodt surface nod oven= edges,' . . 4 they wino Gaya tclital,la the best front brink. They tatvo given pealeal eatisfaction`to Cl teka• how putiaosed. A kilo 6021163 seta at toy works, Pio& -- tpeettoco act tha (kazoo Office. Tho.Atv tug supplied tbcataelgreA for their atal t.itttunit . Imnd/onto (roll! brick, ar sufoAor sand pactug brick, c. obtain • ISAAC GREGGir , t:imdogh..., June .12.1..44.e. • 11 WOUL—Ten highest vire weenti patd foe all the , different prinks of elesawashed wool, by M 1 ,21 • . It I,p . „4.ibeny at. opposille AUi ((VA RT:g lq?.$11(1.L . 1 hare this • 11111.1.1.11 .J with inn able wholesale Grocery, Vrodgee' an /1- Mr. Jolla Wilson ander the brunt 'of.lblaN WAIT ICCO. idll4 wear. eaut. rgth.'April UV, 1011, Cf . ifidif littZlnejlxidottberistale Acid, the ° rate oi efileadata of Potash, :Citrate De of Lead; Monde abedn and , cui o nc lihrt@a hand and forisale by • IF= . . iIATEFUI, for the ve ry Isbetnt encouragement 1. reemted Sr so many years,. I have defer tamed m ettla , ge ntf.httatenes eons. .nmrably.- Having engaged m enmpetent Waretnan, I will he cackled to• lot tuners prartiptte, and Jo the work in oar wratal: s tyle and at fut,; primem, and ask the attention of Met— canal* nod a nd to lay large sleek oat Ule/fOLSns! tad uuff Ins and Beds, nlattrumes unctlkddang, Curs Lala Malarial., !nommen and hforetom,Cornices, geo, liurtlerLuge, Tameete, epht and mailer tcvmry fletc-usually kept nun establishment of Ike. end. Ciders respectfully srteited and.prompttr lended tu. N. IL—Ca IPCIII ramda and put down. WM. Mffset7.4.., PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. et 11:,Lutt.:v umta, riusvt,Fls tt. wt.:Lux . . . .Rl AsGazoso /NU/tints, 3d rLowartA.Cerl 01 4 ‘• • It A Titl/3, OV One, ncertion of hoOa, or Oa' rwo inserttoian rrithootalteraticus, • 0 7h, l'breo • " ." .' ... ... 00". tine Wset fxo . the " Ina Mout , rwo Chree 4Cirge.lll4l.g.4l.lentents in time; propcntie 0 . ne •Rnape,6 utonthl, without ultintiou,.... 13 1 r 41, , , t • •••• i v, each aiditionaal for r mon . 1:0 •••••• cel " 1.1 •••••• 15 fila One aquare,6 taootlia,renewaliiir at p41 ,01 . , 20 ork ash eel adilitionatequale for f 048 rwo aquatti; 6 mouths, re'wahicut plewm" , . 8 pa -4ath 'additional eq./a , G months, .... • ........ ‘ IIILS.I.I gsaLT . TS • 1 'Joe aquar4s.3 iliac/tms, ........ ...... fl ' ." tacit a4filitional inaertii.a .• . iratirlsa callor Bunny Iter, 0.. yezr. ... • ... _ gin... .. " Ope lear,mon Cz .• " " - PIZ 03011thl " nntinninuarsinn 11s1 . sr teelf.go for 11.lisies, or lean, One Tr o, I I*. " TM* stbl, • ' 66 , . ..... 60- ....... 3 00: .... 4 M . ," 6 00 , t . . .. 7'lo''
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers