MVN:, BUSINESS C - DATA° C. A TTOELNEY AT LAW FUR PE-NNSYLVAN Wm comunleallons proa ARMSTRONG eflOt and ihnlers in Prodw mein ti UI & REIT MI, , inner of Llni T's MX COLN MO,, K a OWs I 4. CULBENTSON, Wlnnent., nd C minima Ilerehants, No. 148, LAlnitY daily. ora4. t's.. arner Wood 4.1.:[1•117-k.g"11)T5}eneni 12 and Al SO Wood street ritinniiih• . O. U. PADTHIDGE, Zi t D., N 0.193 SPRUCE STREET, PHILII.DELPDIA, °NMP.I Ul' . to gm. kds wumlaur itteotion to th e Ctreatment of Ihsesses et SKIN', ChtOFUL.A. DiNfillell of the TIDWAT. Othea Wan: 9 A.D..1 P. M., and 7 M. ..Ettrue 196111 A. CZILI•. -- nE.AI6-1 SKINNER, Forwarding ...I.'4337suasi cm V Merchants Na. 26 Market at, Ptusborgh:,, spts fl A. AteANDLTY k Co., Ferwardlg and Con, V. mission blerchards, canal 5t.2111., r.bhhi.... lia ll iffill6l. pitsterAzts, Saes oad m lrOss ir arks. CIOLEItAN . ,' lIAL k. Co, runafacturors of la Ow and Elliptic Spriogs, • Hammered Azle., Spring and Plough 61150, Iron, ko. V asehouse on Watu and Pnanr snorts, Pittsburgh. Also, dealers Ink Coach Tnnouhkra and klulleahle Canto's. seats RU. W. i EV - i7i tKiit, . 64 sato DENTIST, .. Wir (Late of l New 1 ork ) 6 Iltroriro-Algetualo sires, between 1 Seventh and NT 01 . Y. f N. 21.—Dureases of the mouth, fa= and teeth treated linarreoptshically. , , sptlo.6.lca _IL S. 10 , 0121 UNGLIBH II NN (late En' t,* Galls4;er cv h01..=7 1, C i rdion and kin , a=aul e ogeuA No. 3 ' 7 rood boutcwoo° and CLI SORGE W. SMITH & co., I:l;e v erers Wasters kJ - she • • • Dealers, Hu sr, sptV W.llittit - COCHDANACoreIP iar hlerettant, No. NI Wood street Pittsburgh. reyl. 111011114 LIDAOUNI irACtOILY. AZULION STEWART, mansfacturar of Homy H IShlrtirtgs, Checks,' he., Rebeeee Y• stroot t eity le•os of Allegiteug.: • : nor • 11 7— LE.T., ISUCCNOT to Murphy & Lee,) Wool Deal s er and Coastulaslen Merchant, 'for the sale el American .Woo Lens, Liberty. opposite kth at fehl7 Imam, ktalUmore. wawa. smaza, Mud,. /1. iltaillitON, roan ) LEALD & MICIENOR, Tab.. Catmint. Mar aaanta,4l Non Water at, &16 anti Wharves, 11. t! 11•11. oil.— 4AUDY, JON iM & Co., Vinoeullon to Atwood, JO110. tr. Co.) Plusbargh Man. stowed CrooOs i mon] Mi stErp 4 wastes , 714 • =tuba Merchants, cuirdealets in Prl=lo;:36 .- .370 107 Front limb • .h. noTS re as a nl/wont. _.401111211 Dll.Vorni. B. DIL.WORT.H B. Co, Wholes* GroGors, Pro dime and Commission &etch." and Agents rube Ilasard Powder Co. of N. Y., No. d 7 Weed ins Pittsbergh.• eine , TURN IIL - 7ZINNI3END, Draggist mo r ra Apart..., he N. 4S Market at , three dears ribo e Thun ei. Pit n{ bargh, will ha. constantly on hand a selected as; etwonent of Ma hest and treab.t china, which he will sell an the most muerte:hie mem. Physicians wading . orders, will be promptly attended to, end rap. ;dial with aniales they may rely vort .gennb : a .. Physicians Presesipuons orb be so an d prepared from be hest l mate ..,. soy h oar Tbky or rugh4 , Also for sale, a large stoat of and good Parra, __lnt3 em c&NFLE.L.I) (hue of Vann ' Ortia.) email. , . &elan dtul Perwuraum March and wholesale ler in Western Riser. Cheese, me; Pot and. Pearl Ash, and Western Produce e ..ually, Water tn., between ;gratified and Wood Pittsburgh. 50 Egli WATT '1 ouccumar to it & Gebb.o Wholesale Grocer and Co ion iderekant. er in Produce and Piusourgh htenufaentres, ear ner of Linen; and Llama streets, Pittsburgh Pa. 021 111101 A. HUTCHIPAIN; & Cd.,—lduccessers rto lIP 141014 kintabinon B. Co„ocamiolon hlerchants, and Agents of the .114.• Laturtsteam; Sugar Penury. No. 46 water and P 1 trent streets, Pittsburgh. ant ~ aOllN -D. ala/DA:AN, Dinolmola Druggist, and dul ar in Dye Stank Faints, Oils, V . aDatties, &c., N 0.93 Wood street, one•door &nun of Dusnand Mts. J os o ttl. Otriii 17 , ap in blade and biases' Inounatedts, School Bea, rape; Mat., tilnal Yana, COMA, Yoram' Cards, and r Stationary geoeraLy,lia el Wood .I„Pitrabargh. [Crap bought or taken uadol Deign EiCkloomieLicka & Co., Wlrt - 73tio Dr• - nif • No. ,l Wood anal, • • TAMS DdLZELd., Wholesale Grocer, Cennoisaton LP !dead:ant, and dealer in Product and P,arbungh lianninetarea N 0.24 Waters., Ptsbargh. lmla ACOB WEAVES; la m.Foreign Wino. and Liquors. and old Moan. =Ada Rye Whaskeys, corner First and Market ma JTa FIER a. JONES, Forwding and Commits= bier chants, Dealetain Pro ar duce and Pittabargh mann etated uncles, Canal Basin, near 7th at. dal PRIM RILL, PITTSBURG'', PA. FENNEDY, CHIL L S A. CO., Nanoßamos of very superior 44 Shoeungs, Calvet MALL Cotton wine and "tatting. 1.3047 Vesuvius , I.rose Works. _ y swgi, !MIZELL ta Co., manufacturers of el- LA Sep liar, Skeet, Bodes Iron aed Nails of the best oallity. Warehouse, water and 1.03 front at. )anle y • WATFABIAN. Wholesale Grocer, Forward- PAR . i fferVa C e ' r Inn en% and l P Merchant. Dealer n ltur end es Front MOUS OXIOMOT, /X JOAN X. POWI ILIDDINMDIf i 111AVVYICR, IOORINO Mannfacturess, and Who! sale .44141prs domestic Variety to call an mexhanu, Pedlar d 2saattne the prices and quality of oar ruck, tie tnrhed as with our present ihereased facilities in ininafaetur.. Bug and petrehasing, we think we can offer as great Ind nentrlents 10 bitycn as any other hoese l erelt Of the Mountain.. . c. ito c t, crsuN er. eurruct, Pittsburgh. 41 Wholesale ,oOeiS, and Importeni of Brandies, Wines and Began, Nos. 1.7* and 074, corner of Liberty and Irwin streets, Pius. kurghs Pa Iron, Nails., Cotton gams, de. he. con stantly on hand. aunt. Joan Willis /A& tutu. warm C. lot 111:31n.LX & ROE, Wholesale Grocers and Commis sins Merchants, No. 194 Liberty at-, Piusbnrgh. 1 .deluZlZio l i v xeltic co, J:" D " U"'" z& Wood streal, riUst:rgb. " ,„„ 1 ,zr Varrtl.EW-Wltiiii—and—FlCintam—i—er OA ult. Rooms, cornor of Past Office Alley id Fourth Weal, entrance on 4th near Market. doeb.dtt ritrosuecliANlEr.L. WOW AND drIUNO FACTORY. WAIM!" /001.1 V. QM.. S ,JONS• A 1 4 0100 / kl . ANDFACTUREIRS of spring and blister .tool, plough steal, Moak piano snags, coach and clip t Wats, hammered Iron axles, and dealm In =I lacisdnks,fira ongiac lamps, and coach uimmings 1K47111, corner of aura and a tont sta., 'qualm ran, N HOLMES a. SON, No. 65 Markin n., sensed! and /5=i10117,1: of 1 1. LOU I' d: jficeaVo Foreign 11, Bank Awl and Specie. ' Collections mad on all De principal ode. 000:41.,7 AA UUCILMASTEE, Aumuun-01,04N To at., • bblul door above Smith fi eld, meth Mae. Comievaieing of all liinds,,done antb the inimmxt um ma legal acesusey. Titles le Reid Estate examined, ke. • U. T. lielnerta, D. D.. chrrasualp BURGEON will extend to the treat. Met ef ,Olignages of the k. , r ; .R. bas been engaged in branch of the aiedb rid premien for sixteen years, and hu conducted an eratatilighegrat for the vestment or Alumnae of the 0 1 0 alone lot gratemd `OM. Deem mgresidence ' corner al dlanditrak7 st and Imerberry allgy;Anegheny city •ca 3 n BOX. HODUCE,GioceIy, idanataetare and Beal FArtata Broker, Wattling $ V. • gear ay 1. Dickey & Co. Timm MIZE bcmcco Wayne ond Hun% b. comma Ina orofeleional odos, "mad oo thshado, Oahu, and la Vocal Music. aalladlef ErgILIA Tim T OB:27- - N071 1 : — I eon Wood—All qoantities or Green amend Blank Tens, done up to quaver,. bsif, and rArlI P" a knrA="AirtrP:k% . • „ XIROBISON & CO. haring associated THOMAS ,' UTILE, tr., wlth them La basing., the Whole sale 'Wacky, Prods. son Commiulao Win.. will be condoned as anal anger the firm of Robison, 1.11- ' E=7, LITTLE CO., N 0.191 Liberty street, ' kitten:tab, Wholesale Grocers, Prod..e and lambent., and dealers In Pittsburgh Ilk • Ildattafaciures. Iy 7 Mn. 301{1LON; nog intur.. WILLe. CBM 2. igließtlCSVlllid 6 (inner, Rectifying Di liller &slut m Prodeee, Pittsburgh Manatee . uusi,. and all Ueda of Foreign . and Domestic Winos '• , and Wm . ., /Coal Lihertr street On hand a very , lane stock of superior old Monongahela whiskey, which will be sold law for cash. I. O. Itillostio, J. L. SOXO MISEYNOLITS es SIDIP., Portruding and Conunialion jy Alerehants, for the Allegheny River Trada.dani - Irre leVmdannn , Produce, Pittsburgh Iderintactstres InCfhloride of Lime. WoddemtPrins, to cash, paid at unisons far noun yiragarner a( Penn and livid .../L* rt end Co. hlere . hartXdenf r g ; en and Pittsha7hlanufeetares, !AMOY OL Plusbergh, PA Setae rWIil; "esal racer Dealer In Prodnee and Pittsburgh Idanathatures Libels) , at. 1712 IL satac.l.l7. dna & WHITE, WheasSA:lo. to Amossda Dry owl. No.DII Wood st. tystanf THE perms CARDS SMTH, Doti/UAW Co..Wholeaale Produce dealers, Noss Market attect,betweensth Ind 6th, North ride, nand,"Phi. novt3 Ileschauta, Dealer. L. 71 in Flour and Produce generally, end Forwarding end Commiacion Merchants, No. 53 Water et, Pins. tirg!k • anti' SEL' as rrnsavaart. .10. mellow ilaarunv.. & NICOLS, Produce and General Corn , miasma Merchants, No. 17 Liberty sL, Pittsburg. serm, Linseed and Lard Oil. erE• VON BONNIIOII2T, Wholeule Gro g ears, Forwarding_ and Comussion Merchants, Dealers in .I"inshurgh Mannfactures and Wentem Pns an. have removed admit new arnchortm,(old sand) No. corner of Front st. and Chancery Lane. nein TA & Wholesale Grocers and Gonnale sioa Merchants, and dealers in Croduce. No. 33 ood et, Pittsbortb. NEW taoTL• 7 ROTH& SCOTT, Wholesale and Retail dealer. in I. Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Carpet Bag% &C., S. W. comer of 4111 and Smithfield sts, Pittsburgh, Pa. ja3 • OIdAIIOLESALE GROCER, Importer of FOREIGN MINER, LIQUORS and CIGARS, dealer in losougaltela Ry Whiskey and Pittsburgh Man ufactures, comer of Dlarket and Past am Superior smelts supplied at market rates. smt23 & M. DIVIVIIIALTHEE WIOLIALE GROCERS, RECTIFYING DIS TILLERS, and WINE and LIQUOR MERCH ANTS Alao—loironers of Soda Ash and Bleaching iorder, No. IGO Liberty M., (opposite Sixth st-,1 Taw - 1i23 as D. MIR. DAVID ICCANDLIVI vICK & WCANDLESS, (aueeesscus to L. it D Wiek,) Wholesale Craters, Forwarding and Coinsidesiou Merehanta, dealers to Iron, Nails,Glasst Liontso Yarns, .4 Pittsburgh Pdanufactures generally, routes of Wood and Water -veers, Pittsburgh. 'lin. W. WALLACE, Mill stone and Mill lumuth lug establishment, N 0.244 Liberty st, near the canal. mar's Air W. WIL.SOA, W•tebe-s, Jewel ry, /Liver WiTe, . Mil itary Goods, corner of litarket.d 4th streets, Pinsbnrgh, P. N. 13.—Wstehts and Clocks cateltillprenured: deed WEN—Commtzalon and Forarardini No. DO Front at. between Wood an , " • ." • • r!- MURPHY, Witoficale d ilell.lf — dealeT". s Foreign and Domestic DrrGoods, north ens comer of Nukes and Foorth stn. aug2l . TOlll.l/2 130. 1 ICCVNIL U. YOUNG it Co.—Dealers to leather hides, it • 143 Liberty nd•ly war- sVorronote. bI'CITTCIIF.ON, Virbolet t al " e . O ' rem ." 7l.7 ' d7 jl' uno s zt l .uf in . Produce. Iron, Nails, Glaze, and Pau ' bursa. entre. generally, LW Liberty at, Mt. deal - • • W WILSON, Dealer in Wirdeh es, elry Silver wars, ?dither, elv er, Goods, &e., No. 57 M l ar nov D -- 7 - Onit. - ITODRILI - iti CO., EALERS IN 111 DES AND LEATHER, Morocco, Phew Flndings, An-, No. 143 Liberty meet, have jest received thew SPRING STOCK of goods, com prng • attentionment. darnel., in their hoe, to which the or purchasers Is Invite& meht3 `t3W, & CO. PETTIGIUCW £ CO, STEAM BOAT AGENTS °moo/L.12 M. ALL. & Co, octal NA'ANWater ascot. h~~.~ir~~►cy~! Life end Health Issestressoei THE Mutual Life and Heidi Insurance Company of Philadelphia. Incorporated by the lAgistature of Pommylvama, March, 1541 Charter perpetual. Capital, 0100,0.0. Rani how rasa AIR PlLlnile VAXIA Conran. and full Al per cent lower than the usual rates of life Insurance, as the following com parison will those: Thus, • persoA of be age or 30 in suring - for $lOO for life, must pay th-the Girard SSW— Pennsylvania, SS 311, Penn Alannth PIZ; Eguitanle, RAH; New England, SIX; New York ix., 52,33 i Al. bion, 52,4 e; Lite aid Health, Philadelphia , 01,91. Dn.—Samuel if Orrick, Cbarlea D. Hall, W. F.lloonr, It I' Ring, Charles P. Hayes, M. W. Baldwin. AL M. Reeve, IL D. Chas.. 0. B Campbell, Leeds Cooper, I. Rodman Barker, E. IL Butler, Edwin B. Cops. President—Samuel D. Orrick; Vice Presi dent—Roby- P. Ems; Seereloy—Francis Blackburno. applications will tes received*, and every Information given by SAM. PAHNESTOCK, Art, 011 ice, Commercial Rooms, corner of m 1.17 dly Wood and. Third sta. Pittsburgh INBUILLACB. PROTECTION FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCECOMPA -4* NY OP. HARTFORD, CONN. racciarommo m Itirth. Omni kremlin:cis, Capital Stock, and Suiplus Fund, 101,000.000 e This old mid respontiblo Company continues to is sue policies on the most favorable terms on Dwelling Houser, Household Funtiture,Storce, Smelts of Goods, W archon.. and content. Mills and Alanufactones,, &eke., against LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE_ Also,on , Goody Wares and Merchandim, against the hazards of Imam Tamisrotrarion, and upon the Cargoes of Sea Vetheth. The Protection Insurance Company having, in the = lean, paid NUN, XILLIONS OF reatauss at their agent!. throughout the Gutted States and the British Pecielnces,time establisheda hot reputation for aolvency and fair dmling, width challenges cam. pule= with .ILny . other inenrance COMPOOI on the cicalae= of Anteneu The annexed extract from an article on the witheet of lesarance Corripmae ries, taken fret the "New Verb bay Book," utak,. bfly the Standing and policy ,of the Company. - "The •monesed men'o(the ancient and always no.. Serous. city of Hinitend, have for half a century been lemons throughout the Union for the care, discretion, clod honestyouid unvarying succors with winch they have formed 'and managed corporation. of this. de. Serietien. No Hartford Bent or Insurance Company' has ever faded! These* Ca,tpaniea none for more than a whole generation scauerel then nths in neat ly every State of the Union, and have never felled to pay the innumerable losses which they have itiontred All t. basses arising upon policies lamed by the under signed, wul be promptly Mimed sod paid= the Gen eral Agency olfice, located at Cincinnati, 0. A large pornon of the fund, of the CampittY, (thelnditag premitima to hoed at the Western agencies,) es de osited with the Genets' Agent of the Company at Cincinnati, tor the payment of Western and Southem looms. Apply to FAYET rig BROWN, Agent for the city otrittsbargh, and for Allegheny county. oneedla 1.11• Posanuylarerala COMM eMy • Foe lasetiasco oil Lion um Gammas Amman. 1 1/1E first Life Inintrume Company in the U. flume Ina:operated March (0, leld—chu ter perpetnal. Capital esooll paid Haying einhpo-4. onsed the undersigned toseeerse appli cations torinsurence, on which policies will be leased, according to their .propouda end rates, which Will be made known to applicants m his office, No: YO Wood street apt!. • GEO COCHRAN. WI 11101 1181111, 1.0 , OF PITTSBURGH. CLECLU, 1100,001.1. J. FuoiZt;lTen Reel. I It Nouns, Jr., Fresh. ' III A N D g*l'' DVA k RY4Ff f risks, A LL losses will be liberally adjured and promptly A en; iotitatiOri—Mlo4. l by Dui:eters who are well known to the commently, and who arc detonate s& by promptness and Itheranty to maintain tho char acter they hare assumed, as offering the best protection to those who desire to be loitered. Duscreas-13. Miller, Jr., Oeri Black, J W. Bader, N. Mimes, Jr., W. B. Hobo C. Matson, Geo. W Jackson, Wm. M. Lyon, Jas Llpyineou, Thos. K. Web, James M'Artief, Alex. Nurock,Thos. Scott. Owns, No.nli Water street, (warehouse of Span" do Copp stairs,lFirtshorgh. T int DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY RANCE COMPANY.--Offica, North Roomoft he Exchange, Thud street, Philadelpidn FIZZ inscitanca....l3alldings, Merehambse and other property in sawn and Wearer, insured against loss or damage by Are at the Lowest ram of premium. Itlsmors Intraarres—They also imam Vessels, Car goes and Freights, lento or coastwise, rader open or special policies, as the emoted may desire. ISLAXDTCLUMPO224itor. —4oory 01•0 tosalo merchan dise transported Boat.,Wagons, Railroad Corn Cans] Boom and EteaM on users and lakes, so tho most liberal terror DIIECTORS../orseph H. Beat, FAmend A. Bonder, Jolts 0 Darts, Robert Barton, John K Penrose, Sarno It. H O U el D avis, Uoo 0 Letper, Edward Darlington. Duo K Davis, WM= Falwell, John Newlut, Do R ftt Hus ton James C Hand, 'Mogul. Fankling, Jon. Btooks, Henry Sloan, Hugh Craig, George Berull, Spencer Mellrain, Charles J Joinlison, WLL T Bagaley,.lllo. T. Low. WILLIAM MARTIN, President. Rustle S. NOWOOLD, Seeman , .115 , Mice of the Compaq, No. 42 Water so , klusbargh. JaVkdd P. A. MADEIRA, A r FUME Allll.l MAUIBM INSUM.A.NCAO. trisumeNcE , CO. of North America will 1 make permaitent and limited insurance on pro perty in this citystui vicinity, and rn shipment. by Canal, Rive rG Lakes, sod by Sea. The properties or this Company art well invested, and krauts an avail able fond for the ample indemnity of all persons who desire to be protected by insurance. mild WM. P. JONES, A gent, 44 Water st. a LI The Fronliin Fors bloom= Co. of Ph;bsar , phia. IRELTORS.—CharIes N. Bucker Thomas tiers, DTOblas Wagner, Samuel Grans, Jacob R. site. W Richards, Mordecai D. Lewis, Adelpho B. Sone, David S. Drown, Morris Pauctson. Cum. N. Rums; PreddenL Charles 0. Baneker, Secretary. Continue to MOO insurance, pespetoal or limited, on every description of property in turn or county, al rate. as lowu are consistent with security. To Company:have weaned %large canting entFund, which with their Capital and Premnans, safely invest ed,,affortientßic protection to the assured. The tuatara the company, on Junes) l MIL published agteeabli to an act of A.sembiy, vs tallow!, vt= . If n i n VrL Tempoyan LOMA Cub, lea., .111,499 71 Pine their incorpormiert, a period of 19 yea,, they 1/..1i of one tailhon four hundred thous. h ard deldarso,Plossell by fire,theree. 7 Miet,th, ett_idenee of the a 4, ''''g" l " l ""tg " ' n w % :rii?:bligel. .'1_...,,..di41"1ni9'"*.f. IglrDlia &AN,. 2 . 4 reary (dike N E career Wood 3d an ---- --4--- lii DELAWiIIOk NIVTO/1.7. 07111ANCM co. n A.—hi.dDhlyth, Agent at Pinsbergh for the Dela .ir is Were Memel Safety Isuouanee Compenymef pa ~,1.. adelphia. run .11iske upon boilillep eed u m i ; . imi. ef every desenption, and gang eargoes of vessels, taken open the most favorable • Ut '''' °thee in Mei Warehouse of W. B. Holates k Bro., ti 0.77 Water, near Market street, Pittsburgh. N. lite meccas of tide Company aitme MO Motto Ustonent of the Agette7 io Ude eitri .i th the po mp . nen andlibereliry with which every elaili2 op= thent ler les n has been .Toted, (ally warrant ate Welt. Waiting the °madame msd patronage of his friends and .the commertity at large to the Delaware M. S. leart. ranee Company while it hu e the additional advantages phisMannino ' omens the most flatitiShina in PMIW, ea bari4 an amplepaid-in capital, which by the ._111.1104 of ha charter Is constautly inerearcing, , as IMidlog to each person Insured hie doe share of the mama the company, without involving him In any respoesibility whatever, and therefore as possessing the blued principle divested of every obnoxious tea. ' t ore, ant in tts uteri littractiVe form. novi 111111kitLX4s—romfoissen, t;,r,, `.I by 5/IACKLarr.& WarrZe 10 W.. , or HOTELS FOUNTAIN HOTEL. LIORT BTREBT BALTIMORE,. TOOO AND nrcaarron, PIOYITIFOIa •••. • . - • STHIS establishment long and widely known as being one of the most commodione in the city of Halumore, has recently, undergone very erten sive alterations and improvements. An Entlfo new wing . has been added, containing numerous and airy te ! , mermaid...l and fitted up in steno onto.d. anoeauts- fol style. In feet the whole arrangement of the House tow been remodeled, with a single eyeon thkPart of the proprietors, towards the comfort and plethure of ilmir Guests, and which they confidently assert will challenge comparison with any Hotel In the Union. Then table will always be supplied with every sob stanisl and luxury which the market affords, served uP in • superior style; while in the way of Wines, tre., they will not be earpathiuL In conclusion ine proprietors beg to say, that nothing wilt be left unlit:tenon their Flll, and on the part of their thsistants, to render this Hotel worthy the continued patronage of their friends and the public generally. The prices for board have also been reduced to the following was: Lathes' Ordinary, ' " • ••1,50 N. 11—The Baggage W. of the House will W ray. be found at the Car and &wean. Landings, winch will native,' bagrage to and from the Hotel, Nee treharge. marnf -- IsAJHAILTINEI HOUSE, 0211211 OILOIT 5TR217110171111171 15 8. THE subscriberrespectfully announces that he has now opened his new and excellent Hotel for the accommodation of travelers, boarders, and the peblic generally. The house and have are entirely new, and no pains or expense have twee spared to render it one of the most comfortable and pleasant Hotels in the city. The subscriber is determined to deserve, and there fore solicit., a share of pabLio patronage octl4-lity JACOB HOUGH, Prop , ---- TLINITZD STATES iI(TICT:ri • • - MON= IT S smolt.. poem AND 71103 mt. /APPOSITE. late Berth of the Ileited Puma, Phil& dolphin. A. POPE MITCHEL L , ma Prope LAW OFFICES. JOHN 11.11ANKIN, A TTORNEY and Counsellor at Law and Commis /3. siover for the State of Pennsylvania, SL Louie, No. (lat, al Pittsburgh.) Itansarinds.—Plusburgli: llon.W.Forsruni, Hama ton & Miller, MVandless & M'Clure, John E. Parke, I vials & & King. angl4:dly_ 11.. PLUM BAIRD dr, STIGBILECTT, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS Al' LAW, Fourth street, between Smithfield au; Ontut, Vt.sburgbto. • juIS .. . ... MI, IL WWI LARGE i FRIEND, TTORNEYS AT)..AW, Foam meet, nLaDent. ATMNEY AT h and'Lol On Fourth et., be n Smithfield Grum st, Pittebergh. eEtlßdly WM. TIMBLIN, ATTOILEIVY AT LAW, Buds+, Po TrrILL also scrod colleetions and all other heal pp ness entrusted to him in Bull er and Armstrong counties, Pa. Refer to J. & IL Flo d„l.lberty se James :Rambo!' do Piusborp. dly Kay lc Co., Wood . pari7 TR. STUTTER, Attorney at Law, aloe opposite as Charles Rotel, Pittsburgh, will also attend promptly to Collections, In Washington, Fayette and Green comities, Pa. REFER TO Blacksutmk, Dell & Co, Chitral & Carothers, I.Ptusbarkti. oendly D. T:Morkran, HENRY, ..kuomey and Conneelrer at Lam, . Ohio. Collection. in Doothern Ohio, and in Indiana, and In Kentucky, prosiptly and earn fullysittendedio. Commissioner for din State of reau oylrania,for taking Depositions, anknoteledirments, /M. Ake. Ran so—lion. Wm. Dell & Son, Curtis, Church & Carothers, Wm. Hays, Esq, Willock & Davis MD HATS,, CAPS AND BONNETS. FM PALL Pali/11011 YOH. lIATI. . MeCORD & Co. will Introduce this day ---. foauffday, Ang•Wead the fall atyle of Gentlemen' lion, comer of Fifth and Wood .area. aupd 11!PCOHJ3 di CO, (Smetana. to fir Cord & King) W•shirtrisabla • till& • Corner of Wood and NO &meal PARTICULAR attention paid to our WWI Trade. Gentian:ten e. rely upon getting their Ilate and CaCa bum our establiMmem of the Bat MATE. Pi la and marietur, of the virar emast, and at the Loan. T 11.1.21. Coinu - y Merchant., purehaaing by wholmala are apeetfully minted to eaLl and exandoe our Stoat as ean say %nth confident. that as regards watt," —a,. will not ander la a comparison writ, any febt7 Antonin Shun.- 4i -dACIi3IfNIA HATS-12 doa water proof Canfornla Hata Sul reeelved APandHRD for oak o by C C, feb27 corner Stb and Wood ru raBPHING P*Blllo2lB FOS 1649.2 &MORD & Co. wall introduce on Smut filliday, March:ld, the &prink style of HATS. Those in want of a neat and superior hat, are invited to call at corner of sth and Wood streets. _awl SPRING BONNET lUBRONS, &o.—W Ft Morph; has now open o supply of spitng Gannet Ribbons, of new and handsome styles. Also, new style fig'il Netts; Lisle Laces and l'Ap ings; Linen Edpngs; Victoria do; plaid Muslins and Jaconem, embroidered Swiss kitten., acc4 besides • large usortment of Spnng Goods generally, at north cut corner th and Market streets. Wholesale Roma oil 44.4. ape FORWARDING 66 CWIIIIIIB3IO It. J. lITC•Irt. VICIS. •.• QTVAErr a SILL, ,and and Producc and Com a mission Merchants, No. 118 Wood at. Pittsburgh. Dealers to 0101 e Hes, Floor, Wham, Ry a, Oats, Corn, 13aney, Pork, Baron. Muer, Lard, Cheemi Clover, ?malty and Flax Seeds; Iron. Nadi, Ulm*, &c. &a. &c. Panienlar attention paid to the sale of Western Produce. lionarreca—Messrs. Myen & Homer, Robl. Dal -11 Co., 151'0111e & Roe, Hampton, Sawn & Co., Jame* 'Kay, King & Moorhead Pnlahurgh. Fanner lb Million, Mmaillon. Jo,. O. MOIII6OII, Loma. spahly JOHN a ow*, Isla of N. I..isbon, 0. W. a ecrostra CRAIG & SKINNER, ei_EYERAL Atr&NCY, Conimbwion and Forortad liE tog Merchants, No. 26 Market et., Pittsburgh, Pa.. LlTeromPt auzution given to the purchase ann sato of ail kinds of Produce. Baru ro—John Walt & Co., Murphy, Wilson& Co. Pittsburgh, Pa.; LAW*. b. 11111, Mahlon Martin, 0.; John IL Brown IN Co., Grigg, Eilion It. Co., Philadelphia; B. W. Studgrass & Co., Gregg It Nave, New button, 0.; Fr. Skinner, Hon. C. D. Curds., Cincinnati; J. P. Keller, Youngstowu, 0.; W. L. Stan. dut, Cleveland. 0. • aeglf GAGOILGIR GOGEW.A.N. Comsat.lon wad Forwarding Merchant. no. SS wasp sr., ransom. CONTINUES to transact • general Commission bum cm. especially in the purchase and sale of Ameri an Manufactures and Produce and in receiving and forwarding Goods consignal u hia cave. As Agent for the hlanufactnro.he dl he command) , supplied with the principal article. of Pittsburgh blannfactare at the lowest wholesale price. Outer* and consignments /re rirectfully solicited. tf,7 Penn ElLaelda• Shop. WlONTMAN—hlanataetnrer of all kinds of cot . tan worksen machinery, Allegheny city, Pa. abov being riow roil and succeastal w on, I, prepared to excasts clears with dispatch tor all kinds of machinery inlay LILA, tech aa pickers, spreaders, cards, grinds." matt.inea, railway., drawing frames, speeders, thiasidls, woolen cards, doable or single, for merchant or country work, molea,jacks, Ise.; slide and handlathes and tools in gen eral. All kinds of shafting made to order, Or plans giv eor gearing factories or mills at reasonable charge. Ansa so—Kennedy, Child. & Co., Illackstock, Bell & Co., King, Pennock It Co., Ju. A. Gray. glonsoinglatinla Llvorry Stable. Is.ROBERT N. ,PATigIRSON has opened the largo stable on kV. st, Mani Og three to Second st, between Wood and lesndbfint els., in din rev of the Monongahela House, with an entirely new mock of Horst:* sod Carriages or the best quality and latest etples. Horses kept at bye in the best wanner. Haag FOR GRZENWOOD GARDENS. The eteam boat A. MASON 4 now runs from the Point, foot of Liberty street, to Gm Gar, o—leaving at 2 o'clock, A.M., bud at the twgintung of each bout until 0 P. M. Visluirs may rely on finding the boat at the hour. She leaves the Garden, thelast op trip, at ILO &clock. The deli g h tf ulast advancing, utd those to to visit OW retreat, now is the time to Spend • few haunt, not 10 the smoke and dust of the eny, but lo o pore atmosphere, perfumed with the fragrance of dower. All kindlier refreshments, except intoxicating drinks, are kept on the premises. Greenhouse Plums, and Magnets of choice Bowers for sale. Closed on, gun. day. JAMES DPKAIN. Oa -Change of linlng made on acconat of low wa- sagelll3llOVAL. OZO ILMILTENBERGER li. B. AttENT, Forwarding and Gemination Mer chant, has removed to No. 10 Front, between Wood and ittaithlield watt. apt %ME have some rumrs, made on an improved V V plan, to o s not to freeze to the coldest weather. Percent wantig such uncles, are invited to call and see them at Wean: & ATIUNFON'I4, - orri . .. let, between Wood Marten me $1,447,438 41 94,724 83 • 96,14149 • 9d'50127 SWUM Brick NV otkapr Sala , iIE eubscrlber offers for sale, tie IiTEA6I BRICK T WorthS, above Lawrence*We, comprising a omelet Faun., II Boilers, 6 ;Mould Mashine, capable of muufactunog2U,ooo Fruited Bricks (out of dry clay, taken from the bank,) per day; with three eines of "ma on the Allegheny river, on which are 4 kilos and .bed., o.llt hina and clay sheds, wheelbarrows, trucks, durrels, spud., Re, every thing requistor to com mence operatiobs at an hoors,uouce. inc.,i including the patent right vn ..Id machine, 117,000 — kedne of pay, moue easy. Without the land NAO. For panicular; eddies. HENRY m'EßKrrr, aurs7-dtf No 11l Mottong 111f;t1 — . ALA FULTON, Bell and Brus Founder, h. re built and commenced hostiles. at hie old stand, where he will be pleased to see his old custom en and fnenda.. Church,Steamboatoted Dells of every aim, from 10 t 10,000 pounds, cast from patterns of the moat app.', ed models, end usnuted to be of the beat material.. Xineral Water Pump., Counters, Wing ; ke„ tog, thee with every utiely of Bran Clutings, d realniftedi ttt.merl and awaited in the net Inaillier. A. the eels proprietor of DAUM'. AMIMATTIL SUM Altria,. Pally celebrated for the redactiott Omit* machinery. The /loges and Composfue . emu be Radecki= al all times. jaßkil . INTING PAPEIL-2000 reams icr - FlOtlng yBo•k P• 9 • ,• • "Patterankle. Aborted eV:. 00 Wind. Any sloe matte to order at shortest notice. 0461 110811.1. 1 87 W 064 " a . _ . . . . . . . G li „•,...„„„ut. 9 _ ~.... t. H; WEDNESDAY CIViiitTNERSHRS. TO sssss allow of PAM:mashlfiat DT MUTUAL CONSENT this day, the firm hereto -13 fore exiumg %alder the style of EUSIIFIELD k LEADER, has been dissolved by }UM LALtief sell lug his culls. interest in salA firm to Jobe Gill. All business connected with the fires of lhahfield & Lead er will be settled by S. IL Ilushfield & Co., who are duly authorised to make all cellections adiurt all elauten RU9HFIELD k LEADER. Pittsburgh, Oet. 27,18 E.. N. 11-9. B. iiiDSHFIO.D it CO. will continue the wholesale end retail Dry Goode rind Greeech bohiderdi at the old eters room, Net. DO Liberty et, where they will be pleased to hoed their (fiends and °worriers call and cotmitte Limit meek of • oods. ochll S. B. IgUSFIFIgLD k. CO: Dissolution. rrOF.pannetb4 oldie Rodents ned, nudes Me firm of Dooley Or Smith, was dissolved by mututl comment CO SS* September, W. Beside) purchasing the intetest of J.E. Smith, who retires. The business of tho firm will be settled by Melo meeessots, Wm. Sagaleya Co., at Nos.lB and 40 Wood st WILLIAM LIAGALEY, Pittaburgh, Oct. 8, VG.. ISAAC B. SMITH. • CO.PARTNERSIIIP.—Wm Begsley bovine amo lued with him Wm. H. Woodyard of Phoadelphia, loon 9 Corgrave and Ralph Bartley of Pituborieli, dl eontiouedhe Who Made Grocery, Bedside, at Noa. 19 and YO Wood at, under the firm of WM. BAGALEY & CO, Piltaborelti and BAOALEY, WOODWARD & CO., Mad's. 0019 _ . DliiiiilettlOS. of CosPortazorelllp. son, was dissolved n on e r the e lit trod. by ' enut n ual cosmic • ALA BROWN, - Pittiborgh, OeL A:VAL A. CULBERTSON. The subscriber will cominue the Wholesale Groce ry and Commission Business, as heretofore. at the old nand, L 4 Liberty .t. mid CULAIRRTSON PROPRIETORS OF THE PITTSBURGH ALKALI WORKS, are now prepared to famish • simmer Male of Soda Aah arid ]lunatic Mid. Perseus Isiah, ing parchue either ol the shore amides, are re quired to rad 05 ISAAC WALKER, No. 18 Fir& at, and examine the 'ankles before purehatung elsewhere. N. IL—The Soda AIM manufactured at Mita emablub ment m greatly 'superior to any other brought to this market. apt2l scerom at. ATICI.4IIO - Ng r. 3 liarrarlarr Woo° sort MMLIEIrr, Prrntstuton, riONTINUE to manufacture all kinds of COPPER, TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE. Also, Black smith Work. I Steam Basta built to order. Special attention even to steam boat work. Flare on ha In nnds e assortment of Copper and Muss Rusks, Tin W are, &c. &c. Steamboat Stoves, Portable Forges, various wises—• very convenient ar ticle for steamboats, California emigrants, or rail road companies. We would revectfully invite ream boat men and others to call and see our articles and priers before pomituing el.erhere. !T-y Disiologlota of Partnerilap._ THE copartnership of HENRY SUNMAN & CO., formed) Hannan, Haller & Co., in the Window,. a d Colored Ohms business, is this day dissolved by the withdrawal of Mr. Frederick Muller. The business will be continued by the undersigned, under the firm of HENRY HANK EN &CO Ware. house No. INJ Second at, where we will Or, ser.7l, - .pplies of superior Winding Glum. JOHN HANNT2I, HENRY HANNEN, HUGH ROBERTSON,. Pittsburgh. Am) 07,19, HENRY GIUSTI:AD/ Cloparemeswhlpa rr ITE undersigned have this day associated witltt them J. In baldness JACOB L. SCOW ARTZ, and will eon Linea the bnaineas as hereta to .. FA HNESTOCE it CO. Jul/ I. 1949. ills XOTIOIt. partnershtp beretorom existing anger the taus aTA. tr. C. BRADLEY, Is dlasolved by the deeeram Mr. C. Bradley. The bmitteas will be carried exi by A. Bradley, who win weak, the Wanness of the WA Arm REMOVAL—A. Brant. has removed ht. Foundry Warehouse from No. 119 Second steel, to No. It Mood street, between First and Second streets, :o the tesrettossalstely rimmed by O. A. Barry. whets he will keep contently on baud a general assortment of Carongs. Grams, Stoven,Cooking Stoma ke. Dissolution. liE enpartnenhiP heretofore existing between the sabwribers, Le the name If Cos/Rabin Berke A Co, thie day ninehad by moan conont. ileum Berke & Barnes will wilethe thinness of the con cern, for which purpose they are authonsui to air the name of the concern. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE, EDMUND 1311R1C THOMAS gAytytEg, The anderogrted havelhia day associated Manuel., Me name of BURKE. & BAISNI, for the purp• • of manafamarmg Fire Proof Barra, Vomit Doors, AM &e., at the nand of the lat&Arto or Constabrecerrele, Durk. & 'here they will be pleimed to the pa tronarre of the ...nem of Mat home and their Mend FJAIUND ituRKE„ TliOhl&A BARNb. In retiring from the firm of Constable, Barka k I with smeere pleasant recommend Messrs. Burke ft Domes to the confidence of ms friends and the public. Feb. 9,1099. NATMANIEL. feht3-dtf 131111101•11TION• rritE paruceratdp of MURPHY /a LEE Is thts day I. dissolved by mutual consent. The beiliieworthe law firm will be settled Lee. 3.11- MURPHY, Poubargh, Jim 30, th4D. H. LE.E. NO7loE—The .dersigned twill continue the Wool business and attend to the sale of Woolen Goods, at the Old mend. IL LEk. In retiring (mm the fins a Ilorphy Lee, I take great pleasure m recommending Mr. IL.IAe to the confidence of my friends and the public. Pittsburgh, J an. 3u. SOP. J. R. NIURrIIY,_ 00-P MIT P. .B. BCA I FE and Caps. JAM ATKINSON rlFare entered m mu partnership, ander the firmfirm of E fa ATKINSOand will carry on the Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Wye manufactory. Also. Blacksmithing in 01 ns branch.; at Me old stand of Wm B. &sire ' Fir m areal, near Wood. Particular mu:ninon gmen mambo. work. cwet IHAVE this day alsociaied Huh me In the whole sale GroCery, Produce and Cammismon besmear , my brother /nosh, under the firer of J. DILW ORTI fr. Co. 1. S. UILWORT/L January I, ISID. iatefIC6PAII.TNEIiiiiiIPW , —. Young lm.lnff \_/ day assocd inth him, John R. M'Cune, the lea thee business will hereafter be conducted wader th firm of Wm. Young &Co. WILLIAM YOUNG, z an y ' /NO. IL &MLR& ISCELLANEOUS. ToII °BERT A. CliNNENcitiAtd has rammed to Na 6 Ili, Commercial Row, hoase formerly °et:gaoled by Morris Oran, whole handl' be happy to see hty friendh and former eastarserli mat TORN D. SPCREARY, Printing Ink Munfaenirer, 0 Na.. 331 and Mll3 Stanton sweet, NEW YORK—Du pot N 0.3 Spruce strent—Weald roll the attention at Printers to hi. improved Printing Inky of various kind, and orders, at the followinglprims: Extra fine Jet Black, for Cud aniMood Com - • ••edWandd 00 per lb. Fine Rook Ink • - 073" 1 00 Boos rk - - 040 " Neese Ink - 018 820 " 023 " Fine Red Ink - 750 1 C. 3 1. 50 " 900 Blue, Yellow, Green and White 71e 1 00 1 " Gold sloe at e 9 per lb, and Broaia at 50, 75 eta and el Per an. A umimen of News Ink can be seen on this paper. For gala by JOHNSTON& STOCKTON, Pittsburgh, Pis. C. Morgan k Co. Cmeintmu, Ohio. Morton k. Eirtswould, Lodisville, Ky. aaig:drak India IR u Paeten 0 GROSS ion reed from the Philadelphia Factory, .r.i an excellent article for modeling Boots and Shoes perfectly water proof, and volt as • piece of cloth. One application of this Paste Is sufficient to make them impervious to water for two mends; and le a perfect preventative from the leather cradttng, Sold whole sale and retail at No. 6 Wooden Oetig I . b . 11 1 . PHILLIPS. J - Kit — g - s -- wrwbotawier.c, - - Modern and Antlie Furniture, 83, Talmo rtranar gesso. A large and spiendhl assortment of FurniF saltable far Elteamb , Hotels and private dwe - US", constantly on hand and made to Order. The present stock on band cannot be eleitedod by wiany outaufactory In the western conntry. Persons shing os imams would do well to give me a call, lam determined my prices shall please. Part ril the stock cantina In— Buffet Tete a Tete, Fragele,• Loots XIV Chaim; timen Elizabeth china; Tea Foy.; Fruit Tables; Toilet Tables; Loa. XV Commodert French Mahogany Beneteade; Pluto Stools; 150 sofa. with Plush and Hair-cloth towel 60 Mahogany Rocking Chair; 40 dos Parlor do s ..,, 30 " Fancy do 05 centre Ta les; _ 50 pair Miami 4 pair pier Table.; 13 marble top Ilresalng BitmeeM 8 Wardrobes,. 8 tketetarif s and Book cues; 20 marble top Waah Slot, 5; ' , , 4 pair Ottomaris,• ,_ 8 pair fancy Work Stands, A very large assortment of contemn chairs and other furniture too numerous to mention. ..I:lX.Sthteeturimltice:r rurAhe , d . oil the Morten d nzt i r, 1 Dlaplaimmine Wiltir; Oar flyilmint Watiii - , ! " T i tl d S is Li r th e g e . rti . f fl y , itothasttimhaave Co I Sole Agents rot the sale of retuning`e Patent Diapraligm Filter, for the Mg um of Pittsburgh mid Allegheny. mot5OlIN GIBSON, Aga", ota.WmeohfaLr. bNizeoyneselNfloty'e°nYWw'g'Lo.l:ntkee.Corf:teh7theiba:b;r:e3:anrtlth.,l7leoe"nawt:Zye, end feel perfectly satisd that li is anginal invention, and we tabs {demon. me re commendlegthe,mrr w1.F.6, gi...artlucheyto.alulirtioulexil,ie Tme r ii . ...o l re tEig .. . co ". oetto ----- -12,iir-iiiinfilfiliiiililieraiski FOR PURIFYING WATER, Which reader. turbid grater Irma by ing all mbstances not soluble to 1....**4 " Water mo ' . The mown water In N. York, k( 7 •9 •' ..' aisitii Plartrand "h"ourthth'reqii"Til 1....." altering cock, Maws • large eNsit impart mbstancm,worrea, to. Ths iii the ease more or leas with all hydrant water. sold de ' ra m e i n g: ~ X, riThet....Reipecra4.lribilleerithe :ram i wsila r_dd c a .do ra ta b . ine r aif dandie ff le : - from one si de tobengthe csai.pez.r. B 7 this e:LP:wil the thedsune7f wPrtecb:chmang'"ltYd,:::sl4:.a.aclismr.alailllonsuife . impure substances an ...„,,nee" o , LL ,,,, pm, ,hi; i, without unscrewing the el:i gs gag a to many i ;t. catich.s.erUbelm.veryhmee.nuv.o. it.s. tv.q.p..... 1.413 as or lave to • cask, tank, Mb, a..-11,'VriiiLIN,7 ''' ;‘,. of the wk arcze n rill and Market its CaM iSir=ur hilt WI THE ealebrailmi Hisard ILI q"n" ; altViagrka, T7wvorl TOTING. NOVEMBE MISCELLANEOUS Chocolate , Cocoas die. W. Baker's *merle. and French Chricolate, Prepar ed Cocoa, Cocoa Paste,Droma, Cocoa Shells, &a. TO merchant.. and Conanmen, who would purchase the best prod.ta of Coma, free from adulterauoa, more ootritioaa than tea or coffee, and in quality Unser• passed, the subscriber recommends the above articles, manufactured by himself, and stamped with his name. His Rama and Cocoa Paste, on delicate, palatable, and salutary drinks for invalids, convalescenus and others, are pronounced by the most eminent physician, superior to any other preparations. Ms amulet tures are always on sal 14 n any quantity, by the most re rpectable grocery in the eastern cities, and by their agents, Hawes, Gray & co., of Roston; James M Ranee & co, Hartibrd, Conn; Hassey k Murray, New York; 6mm/a Stone, Phßadelplam Tnomas V 'Breaths°, Bal timore; and Kellogg & Bennen,Cincinnati, Ohio. WALTER BAKER, Dorchester Maw. For sale by, tmg3l BAGKERY_ . II. SMITH. AO, Wrought and Cast Iran p..LLf TOE subscribers beg leave to infonst the public that they have obtained from the E. all the late md fuhionable designs for Iran Railing, both I'd , h." ace cemeteries Person s wishing p . roeure hand some paiterns will pls.e call and examine, and Judge bis themselves. Ruling will be fam rt ished at the sho. est Mum • and tri the but manner, at the cornet of Craig and ' Rebecca streets, Allegheny city. .no9niti A. LAItIONT tr. KNOX.. W. J. GLENN, Boole Hinders. lrare sull engaged in the above business, corner of Wood And Third civets, Pituburgh, whem ore aroprepareitto do tiny work to ovi line with de. patch. We good to our work personally, and 11.15- faetiou will be given in regard to lm dicarness and dv- Ysbility Books riled to any pattern and bound sub tumidly. Hoek. in numbers or old books bound care fully or reptdielL Names put on books gilt letter.. This. that have work in our line AO invited to call. Prices low. myWitf NOTICE. AVING .oid our endte stock to C. Rotors, with „-R. • view 1.0 timing our old business, we hereby so licit for him dio patronage of nil our friends and cus tomers. T W. HE. POINDEXTER. POINDEXTFA Pittsbiaghi An 6. lth, lBoB. CH. GRANT, 'Wholesale Grocat•Comerassitm end e _Forwerdum :iterate., Pro. C. Water st. sale Scales, Cooking Stoves, d , &or RSHALL, WALLACH a CO, Road Church, .LKJ. corner Liberty and Wood streets, manufactere and offer for We Platform, Floor nod Counter Heats, of the most improved qualityi Cooking . Stoyes, for wnpd and coal; Egg Stoves of canoe. mites Parlor and common Grates, Hollow Were, he. he. They eke manufacture the Kitchen Range, which has given seat general unsfaction to those having I it in Imo, to all of which they would reipectfudy invite the utention of the citiacus and the public generally: • ocay-af M ANUFACTURED TODACCG—Tne subscribe, I would call the attention of the city trade .rid dealers generally, to the Collowou brands • Tobacco., in store and to arrive, which betegconsignments di met from manufacturers, he to enabled to sell at eat en pricem VW . / In 11W Crenshaw la; 70 I u lames Madtson is; elLatoaruse 7 TS I Minolta Ss; / Putnam le iced le; arts & Sisson' 9s; " Oscar Burl in • 9 I " Johns kLoans dm 2 f Wanner aupr s; ti 3 " Henry & James do, Is and ea; febtl L 43 WATERMAN Pitt IlsohistoWoika and Foundry. sursacton, TORN WRIGIIT.S. CO, are prep ;t: build Cotton Li and Woolen Machinery *fever descripOwl, such a/ carding Machine Spinning Spinning s, Speeders. Dotwii,ty Frames, Railway Heads Varpen;Sinolers, Deeming Foustes, Looms, thud Grinders, Ise. Wrought hoe Shafting tamed; all saes of Cast Iron, Follies and Hangers of the latest parteins, slide and hand Lathes, and tools of all kinds. Castings of every description furnished on short notice. Patterns made to order foe ldlll Gearing, Roo Ralllng,,ko. lineata Pipe for heat ing Factories, Cast Iron Window dish and tansy Cas t.," sr...tally.Orden led at the Warehouse of!. Palmer in Co., Liberty anent, will hare pensnp , at.tan . hon. Refer leo Mechem<lt, Bell tiCo...l. , lC.Moossbeed C. 0. E. Warner, John Irene tr. 4ret, Pituthergh ; 0. C. k J. if. Warner, Sreubeueille. janl9_ RCM COACH VACTOILY, • Wl' A. WHITE& CO., would respectfully inform .13.1., dm public that they hate erected a shop on Lacock,tietweenFedsgal d Sandusky' streets. They are now making and are prepared to receive ordera for every descnpuon of reairie. Coaches, enamor., D. roughes, Bowes, Plurione, &e., which from their ILlT‘L'ePrgliuu'us' i tle th y e ::::, " t r he c y ' a e l o th tl e ' y " enabled to Co ' , cork on the mom reasonable terms with these wanting article. in their Paying particular attention to the selection of sate- I nal. add having - mine bat competent workmen, they bunt no hysitano. in warranting their work. We therefore ask the auention of the public Co this mane, N. U. 'Repairing done in the best manner, and on the E60 , 1t reasonable terms. Wahl( flyo CasTTON AND WOOLEN MANUlreartr -1. RERS.—H aviog made arrangements for • con stant *apply of FACTORY FINDINGS, we will sell at low'prices Calf and Sheep Rater Shins, Lace Lea ther, p th kem, Reontle*, Hemp Twine Treadle*. & ith is thin Ponch os, Wrenches, Stripptng Cards, 10 to IC& Patent Dresser Brakes, Wearer. Brush s le&to. lASSAN, WIL,SON t CO., Ap l 9 Wee Mere. Plummet. 'WORT WINFR-4gley, Webber & Yammer, Itoll L Pore rich sod dry, 'Gadd; Campbellold dry MS illelmurn'a l rat, Pure MAW . Purr isles par ticular Pop, Harris 4 Sons, Pine lame, Weida doe , file and single Grape. T hese wince are all celebra ted for that medical Oreksente. and can be had whole. sale or retail at the Wine Star; of Jld JAWS WEAVER, Jr. P1A3061 THE subscriber °dere for ride a large arid splendid ortment of rosewood sod mahogany grand A, non Pianos, with Sod random! Coleman's celebrated Salim Attachment. Th shon e instrumeno are war ranted tl lie equal to any manfactured to Om coun try, and will be sold lower Char any brought from the East. F. BLUAIE No, &pod at, door abate Sth N. 11—City Scrip will be taken at par fora few of he above assortment._ myl F. Illazdtgrwre—Ctteaper lb.. Everl LMAN, WIL.OIgi Q CO. Importers and Wholesale Dealers In 11/T111•111, catlery and saddlery, hio lei Wood street, abase Fifth, have now in store a very <heap and well selected iniknk or Itudware, imported urine the deem,' of poen@ Europe, and winch they ve determined to sell eorre.pondingly low. hirrehants who Dare been in the habit of going East, are particio lar o ly c., Tzted call and look through our stock,. - tplApre they will save dm. ekpenees, • WAITED, DAILY at the BALTIMORE. •PRILADELPIIIA, NEW YORK, BOSTON A:SDNEW ORLEANS tiE.NERAL AGENCY AND COMMISSION OFFICE.' Young MEN to wholsaale and retail gores, and other respectable busmen, to Ait as Boot-keepers, Sale. own, Porters Bar-keepers, Waiters, Farmers, Coach men, Car Agents, Book and Map Agents, Collectors, Overseers ex all branches of haleness, Re. We have at all times a large number orgood situations on bend, which pay from WM to 112,000 per neaten. Thaw , in want of situations orally kind amain do well to give as a call, as we have agent. In each of the entve ci ties, watch will citable as to place every ti applicant in a seeable situation at the shortest notice. \Ve have a large acquaintance in all the above named stuns, which we trust will enable as to give enure satisfac tion to all who may favor as with • call. • TAYLOR & TAYMA be N, eeNo. 5:1 Second between South and G ay.. • . N. El —Persons living to any pout of the U. Sums, and wishing to obtain a situation in Baltimore, or ei ther of the above miles, will hays Melt wants imme diately attended to baddressing es • line, (posbpaidi as by so doing they will enotall both trouble and ex. pen., which they otherwise would incur by coming the and meployment for themselves Address, .I•YDUR & TAYIBAISI, 7 No. Bbeond street, m odd Baltimore, 11141 Dr. NoLana In T......•••., rum 1.. to certify that I purchased one vial of Dr. .1. MaLem , . Warta Specific, soma Iwo months ago tool gore to a lan of mme, some seven years old, two kisimoone fall, and although the amount may appear large, yet I have no doubt but there was opened. of two name= wawa pasmot: from him, measuring tom a= quarter of all inch to two inc HOLLJDAY.hes tong. 0 TV Rolm. Creek, Carrot co. Tenn., Deo 27. Ihi7. AA BENNETT 4. BROTHER, tAFEENSWARE MANUFACTURERS, 131111111111111 a 101,111.f1r Pitalabalrgbigtsa P. Warehouse,No. 137, Wood street, Pburgh. 4FW111., constantly keep on hmtd a good assort. meat of Ware, of our own mmateetore, and saperiorqualay. Wholesale and country Mar chants are respectfully invited to tall and ea. Mules for that:noel." as we are determined td sell 1 cheaper thanhaf lIVOT before been offered to the pub- fa. Older. scut by visa, accompanied by the eash or rrY rsfeeeneell be promptly atrooded to. mylli fro THE LADIES—Just reserved, a full amortmem I of gold and sitter Thread, Cord and Braid; also Opangles and Oration, for embroidering and other or rummatal work. Also, gold ond silver Tugela, Eritrea and Lace. Jewelry of the Imescreshiom, in great variety. Watches of superior quality and - beautiful pattern., and for sale at Eastern prices W W WILOO4. aug7 corner Market and Fourth ma - Tnicaucon BATLIING WMA.DLIIIIII- AMEN P--tlpen from 6A.ALto 11 I'. M. Single Huth 25 cents, ere for I dollar. Ladies department open from 9 101 l A. N. end from 2 la 3 P. M, The Refrtshrueni Saloons are unequalled In style attendance. Recherche lee Creams: ergla T. APPALL, Proprietor. , - - Trlid-kgOlNDiTgil _ rri th E . ,, , t o T i . o ti v a,, r, :f:h cnia ., p: c bue , b, ...peounny called to Ms. S. Parms--Slaving to a quantity of Gold weighed by your Areorneler 1 find the result proses your instrument correct; and re ommend the use of it to those going to Cslifornia as st6lotllo.l for ob. mining the teal value of Gold. Res yours, J. 13. DUNLE , Gold Desire. Pittsburgh, IDareh 9,1649. Premarital:l, March 7, ISO. Ma Eagus—DearSin Having examined the,"Arex. meter," manufactured at your rooms, 1 do not beaten , to commend lt to the ase of those gentleman who are about removing to Califo rn ia in search of Gold. It r re. a close approximation to the speci fi c. gruel 17 o mewls, and will certemly enable the advent - nun to ...cert. , ' when hie placer Is yielding Gold, _ merit Vora, rrap l y, J. H. hIICLINTOCX. 17 . 111/11 RGBEERCLOTIIING—Joat received for the ' California Exymdinon, a- complete -asaortment of (Am Eleatic Clothing, tr price. ranging from t15, 50 , t CPO for cost, pants and hm. For .ale at India Rubber Depot, No I Wood at. dec.lo & II PHILLIP'S oit~AaTiVti&VERN Skk A TY n tIVPL A Z vnPMtN .ni , tales of informing his friends and the public in general that he has the Unmet Mock of the following named arti cles of his own Manufacture le this city—Sa&Uss, Har eem, Trunks and Whip% all of which he will Warrant to beamed* of the beat Meterial and by the best mech. anion in Allegheny cOhnty. Being determined to sell hL manufaetures-aomahlag krsierthan has been here tofore sold by any ,hell establishment in the Oily, he would invite persons 'in need of the above named e.reietee tO his wanabouse,l l Liberty street, oppo. ' 6U.S" ' L " h.leedso-ty G. made to order machine ectfor KERBY. time BILLS vie par t SiLs In n and PV . ClllOO4 the armst favorable terms. N. lioldia & SON& 14, 1849 MISCELLANEOUS. FOIL TOO, s.Kri rallotalfOrrr =Oar an DOT. frhih Or rho SLOG° OK tuna Or VII OTSITIO, &rattle or Ring's gad, Rheumatism, °adage Cuta neous Examines, Pimples or Postal. on the Face, Blotches, Biles, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or Tear, Scald Head, Enlargement and Pain of the Bones and Joints, Stubborn Ulcer& Syphiltie Sympums, Sciatica or Lumbago,—and diseases arising from, tth injudicious use of Neratry, AM , uua or Dro p Exposure or Imprudence in Life; Also—Cannte Constitutional Disorders, &e. This Medical ha• acquired a very attended arida tablithed reputation wherever It has been used, based entirely en its own merits, which Its superlok efficacy has alone soinallied i The - unfontinate theta of her editary disease, with molten gland., contracted al. news, and bones half carions,lias been restored to health and vigor. The throfuloas patient, covered with ulnas, loathsome to himself ad his sttendata, has been made whole. Hundreds of persons, who had groaned hopelessly for years under cutaneous and glartdular disorders; chrome theamatism. and many other complamts springing from a derangement of the secretive organs and the circulation, have been raised a it were from the nick of disease. and now with re generated constitutions, gladly tesofy to the efficay of this Inestimable preparauon. "TRUTH IS STRANGER TITAN The attention of the reader D called to the following astonishing cure, effected by the use of Sands' Sweep , mallet This is to certify that !have • colored woman who has aen affliewd for the last five yea" with Scrofula, and all the remedies I useirhad no, effect in arresting the progress of the complaint; on the contww - Y, the constantly grew worse; and after expending betvreen 670 and Sidi with physicians, besides asinf nilterLdffe later namedlei without success, till the discrete had eaten away the cartilage of her nose, made its appear ance on as paws of her body. and bad finally commenced its ravages in the roof of her mouth. In this dreadful situation, with the prospect of death stating her in the face, I spited heyease to Dr. Dittos way, the agent for Sands' Sarsapatilla in Newborn. Ni C r ,by whom I was advatto usethat ankle; end to my surprise and that,of my neighbors, to whom her Pa...A known , after - twine four and a half bottles le was restored to perfect health, and that in the space of three weans, and yritsable to work in two weeks from the time she commeatied i inking P. In witness of the truth of ths matement, I have here unto affixed my name, Was 19th dey of Scot., ISO. JOSEPH hl'Ct't r bR, J. P. Itoath of Neut h SURE T River, r aven C mai, N. C. ROAT. The following is an extract from a letter received from Urn Bevan, who had been elated several years with Serofallxis Ulcers, DyspepEa, Ac., and recently an affection of the throat lad alert Millersburg, Ira., Dee. 13,0516. Messrs. A. 11. & D. Sala ne I commenced Us ing your Sersaparilla, my sufferings were almost past expresami; my dinatwacompietely ulcerate& Ihnd a dreadful cough, and there were fregeently 'Weeks to gether that I could not speak above &whisper; and lab sides, the intimation from my throatextended to my head, so that my hearing was very much Impetreff. After taking the Stalpardla a shorn time, my health Depraved. Lamy throat is now well; I am as free from co . ugh end tightness of the chest as ever I was, and e n hear Oahe distinctly. My throat has been well about three mouths, the cure of which has been effect ed entirely by the use of your Sarsaparilla. Your friend, LOUISA R. LIBYAN. The following testimonial to the value of the Sur-sap . antis, is from the Rev Leder VI nghi, aged 76 years Conregational Minister, residing at WOtotro: Wolves, Math, March lab, Into. Mara. Sands: Gentlemen, From what I have expe rienced, and from the Information I have recently re. awed from a number of persons of high respeciabili. ty who have used your Sarsapanlla, I have not the teat doubt but that it Is a most valuable medicine, and that the numerous certificates you have received , f its efficacy are fully systhlned by experience, d al though its lepstation and utility we very ortewtvel and ...laud in no need of my humble efforts to Increase them, I want W whh are %libeled by disease to beewrnr aeqsainted with the efficacy and power of - Yuttr colu able medietne. I am, gentlemen, grawfally, and very pe resetfally Mars. LUTHER WRIGHT... Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, by A. IL & D. SANDS. Druggist and Chains!, IN Belton Kral, comet of Withal, New 'York. Sold also by Drug gists generally throughout the United States and Ca. ado. Priest II per bottle. Rix bottles for 115, For sale by L. WILCOX, Jr., WA. FAIINESTOCC k CO: and EDWARD FENDEatex, Pathargh. AI o, he Dr. S..SMITIL Bridgwater. PITTSBURGH ruMA.LIL 13STITUTR. rriilB Institatc, tinder the care of Rev. J. AL I HORN AND LADY, re-open on !Ronda', the 17th at Sepmrobev, in the same rooms, No .31 Liberty street. Having limited the number of their pupils, the Principals hope to merit a continuation of that liberal pa they have Oboe ernoyed. Parent. may. feel as that every ativanmge anti he adorimi their dough:en, if placed cinder their charge, for oh. mining • thorough English, Classical, and Ornamental sohynnitf • YOUNG LADIES NEGINAIIY, IE AUTUMN SESSIO klon N of this Institution will Ucommenee on the first day in September.— Rooms on Federal "Colonado Row," Yd door from the bridge. Lows ov romeo rue Immo. or triva Moines. English Department. Including Reading, Orthogra phy and Defining, Writing, English Grammer, Ramo rm. Leann, lineal, Cemtinsition and Criticism, Geo graphy, Ilirinry, Arida:tette find the higher branches of Mathematics, Natural Philosophy. Chemistry, Au. teenomy, Botany, Physiology, Geology, Intelieetual and Moral Science, and all other branches requisite to a tiiiirougit English Education - - $2O 00 Classical Department, Including the Latin and Greek. Lsi=s, each • -- • • IM 1110101 German, DIG 00 The genie. of competent teachers and secured for arch int desire instrueuon in French and German, and alla/ in Drawing, Painting and Music. It is desirable that pupils enter atthe commence ment of a sesetort, yet they are received at any time, and are changed at the above rates from the time of entrance. No deductions are made for absences, ex cept la Cases of protracted illness.. Further informanon may be obtamed, and applica tions made by eallnut upon the Pnneipal, at his rooms on Federal street, or at his lodgings in "Irwin's Raw," Liberty street, Pritsburgb, between :id anti 4th streets; or hy addressing, through the Pritsburgb PCIal Office, the Principal. . N. W. kIETCALF. Allegheny, Ang 7, 18411 ' dri PITTUBUIIOII - PORIALIY — INITITY I T E 1113 Second Hessian of his Institution, under the T care of Ur. and Mrs. GOBUOILI academic ear, will commence on ill for the present cy it first of Fbrus nal, In the same buildings, No. ful Liberty street. Artangelnenle have been made by which they will by able to Wirier young ladies facrildes equal us any 19 the West, for obtaining a thorough English, Clam dl O rnamental fall P iitplalnd 31emi education. Ibede delivered dg the winter, Illustrated by apparent.. The de =tints of Vocal and Instnimental Music Modern ages, Drawing and Painting, will each be under the care of& competent Proteaser. By close attention to the moral and Intellectual improvement of their pu pils, the Principals hope to merit econunuation of the liberal patronage they have hitherto enuoyed. For terms we circular or apply to the Principal. j. 90411 Prrnstritun, Sept. 10, I egli. Virß. TIIO9. lIIIMERTi—Daar Sir, Vont WIll• 111. TING FLUID we have now been using more than a year and or. looking over the entries made by it, we find the color a bright blue lilacs. It is pleasant to write with, Rows free, and does not clog the pin like the ordinary inks to sae. Wishing von the ready sale its merits demand, we are, yours respectfully, SIMPSON & CO. • For .le, together with filibberVe Red 111 k and 015- chine Copy Ink, by I, A. Fahnestock & Co., H. P. Schwan, Allegheny City, end by the manufacturer, Ilibbert, Druggist and Chemri, corner of Liber ty and Smithfield sts, Pittsburgh. ocur CaLlaal. /CCM , HANNA. WY. a. Warr PALOSR,.IIANNft CO, (Snecemors to Hussey Hanna & Co.) lIANEERS, EXCHANGE DROKERS, and dealers in Foreign and Domestic Exchange Certifientes of Deposite, Dank Notes, and Specie—Fourth street, nearly opposite the Dank Of Pittsburgh. Current me. ney received on den ne a rly Checks for p o i nts nd i collections made on nearly all the principal pi in the United Slates. The bighe,st premium paid Inc Foreign and - American Gold Advances made on consignments of Produce, ship pcd E. on libemi terms. and GREAT INVENTION!—VALUABLE DISCOVERY! Primmer Bscossm Lards? Ist 1949. , Patent croulener iv-taision Taw, Slew, Bureaus, Boat Casa., Writing DteLe LEVER OF WHOUHIIT IRON. Tar. TAIII.E9 far surpassing every other ym otion of Ode kind now extant. They cahenn be ex. tended from ten to twenty-five fret, anw closed the lances are all contained Inside; they are made to all sizes and 'lmp., and are rulnursbly adapted Rteamboam, Hotels, and large private bin:9lm rosin mg when closed a enmplete centre table. SOFAS AND BUREAUS—These articles areiinval cable, particularly to those who wish to econo mise rOOlll, and eon Jen a sleeping apartment IMO a parlor or stung room, as they can be opened nari Clint at convenience, and when shut, the bedding I. enclos ed: A great saving in room and etch Ali rho bed steads when closed iorm a beautiful piece of furniture r" 130F)7( 1 'JAI= ' and useful article foe parlor 't raLl!as gs -For law offices,connting rooms, arid other offices) when opened mon colveutent stead, when closed a perfect arid Library alone it visible. All these articles need no recommendation: the beauty of the whole is, they are warranted not toget vu 01 ttp•il". It will be for your interests to call and examine the articles, al the manufacturer's siore, No. Third street, Pittsburgh. In add:nun to the above they a ' reP JA%V.:I4IP - TOODWELIc —taolifflGLlA PLICTOIIII4I4 -- 111,1111.CT1T1113 OW ---- - - - - ALCOHOL AND PURE SPIRITS, Corner Front mud Vine streets. Cutetruati, O. ORDERS front Pittsburgh for Aleohol,Pure Spirits, flaw or Rectified Masker, vrtll be prontrly at• ended to at losrest market price. d.daa. NOTICE. HE drat of NICELIN &DRYDEN being dissolved T , he „ e d er aireed annum:mike Forwarding and Coomalesion Iteu at Me Meant beat landing, F2.OIILLIN, and respeettallv Inform his friends that he h., grene to the expenseof a heavy on the warehouse and eantenta, Corr rend .y earl, and treats he vrill eve.** satisMetion to Li who may =alum. /le, teal receive freight at the Loner JILKW EII!MMISIIMM= ETTE DRY GOODS, && --- PAYSTTE PRAGRIIIIBI 13LANKICT 0 , WHITE; ONO'Reef ROMIR4TIC FLANNELS WE are g from the factory,• large " sapply of them goods, 'chick so eve selling litlec 'than such good.' can be bed elsewbornin this city. We lot no Olds In bleaching, Wander. the Plods; our object being to produce goods not (Or show only, but for comfort and darabilstl t and .... a ther calved the boot premium:lover alf other gootlts exhibit edst the Into Allenheny 'Agricalteral Fair. For sale at the Blenket Dario, 81e.56 Blanket st, end at the ware rooms of the Focus Meaufaciuring Coo No. lig Second w. . Woking of our Manufacture era sold in Allegheny City, by Mr. John Done, end also at the "Two Fig Windows," Federal et. ' 0015 American *OOlll2l Goodm 111 HE subscribe , lia. on hand, (received the present / seas...)e.:signed frosa thtimanufainurers,the fol lowing Goads, which he is authorised to close at prices very lam 30 piece. pant wide Barred FlannaL 250 oeira White Bed Blankets, ribbon bound, six pounds to the pain 1 asap 60 pain Steamboat Blanket., ribbon bound, a very supe ri or amide. . 4 epee CVO paint Grey Mined Blankets. 50 pain Dark Gentianuella Blue Blankets, a Very su perior article. 8 ease. Grey and Blue Blanket Coatiuti 40 piecesTweeti. Steubenville make: 1 case smart ed plain and barred Jean. Steuhensille manufamovy.. The Once Outs aro all'•eonsigned direct from the maker, and will be sold nary low for cash or approved notes. petbl H. LEE, Liberty eteoPPouto 52, NEW 000001 NEW GOODfillt a, .4, ... BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! " NEW FALL AND WINTER Day GOODS, • AT TSUI Am, or nix am Gas or., 9A Market st i lietWeen3d and 4th, Pittsburgh. -W.ld. L.. RUSSELL, N 0.62 Market street, between Third and Fourth, sign of the big golden Bee Hive, has Insicommenced receiving and opening the.; largest, cheapest and most splendid stock of Fall and '1 Winter Dry Geod• ever offered by one hotise in Pitts burgh. All of these foreign goods have been purchas ed of the importers par the last steamers from Europe, and for richness of style and being of design are un surpassed In this or any other market. The domestic and staple department will also be found complete. and eheaperany other house in this city. The aubscrther would here respectfully call the attention of his minimaa customers, and all bay new and cheap pod., to the prices which w ill i en doubt Aston:. them, tieing determined ' us-sell cheaper than the cheapest Good dark Calico, only/3eents per yard; Best quality dark Callao, fast colors, 8 to ICk 4-4 Britieh parplit Print., fast colors. 8 to llq Heavy Bed 'ricking, from 6 to 10 cents per Yd; Bleached Alushrut good quality, 5 to 61 per yd Best quality Bleached Similes, B to 10 per TO: Heavy yard wide Unbleached Muslin., 6 to 4; Good red Flannel, from 15 to 25 rents per yd; Good yellow FlGrlbl, 15 to 25 ere per ydi Good black Alpacca from 15 ta 25 per yd; French Gingham teem 10 to 15 ear per yd; Irish Linens at prices from 25 te 1,25 per 1 , , f; Sennett and Kentucky Jeans from 121 to et.; Cloaking. and Linsey. from 121 to 31 en; . . Heavy Domestic Gingham. 10 to 121 en; Crash and Diapers, all prices and qualities; LADIES' DRESS GOODS.. A splendid assortment of all the newest styles. Thlbet Cashmeres in high colors, rich goods; Lapin French Thihet Merinos, the finest Imported; Rich Cantelion Silks, in all colors and ic Bleck Monaca. beet quality, plai stripe; Black Gros de Rhine, all widths and qualities.; Loinn'. fine black Ilombrrine., buoUtut good% do best French Merinos, black and colored; do do do do in high color.; do fine Freneh de Leine., all wool, high colors; Rich fig'd Cashmeres, beautiful goods, very cheap Dotted Sams Muslin., for evening dresses; Broche Tbibet Scarfs, late importation; Best quality French Kid/Gloves, all colors; ' bloaming Cashmeres and de Lables, all pricer, Lath. embroidered Neck Ties, splendid goods, Ladies finest quality French linen Ildkr.; Belting Ribbons, a full Goortmenr, Worked Capes, Collars and Cuffs, in great variety Black and colored Crapes, all qualities; Brocade Lustre., In all colors and qualities; Mohair Camehon figures, rich goods; French Coakley, superb goods, high colors; Also, blaelsßrimel Lace, all widths nod prices; Black Silk Fro, es. wide and heavy, best quality. Together with a large stock of white Goods, Swiss Jaconet and F all i, beside. • very I.F. ••• superb/sleet of Bonnet Ribbons, of the latest im portation and most fashionable style.. Many of the above goods have lost arrived per the last steamers from Europe, and are wonky 4 . imelni° o of the la dies. XIS. DIS.SiI SHAWLS! SHAWLS!: A splendid msortment of Shawlm— Super extra nice French Long Shawls, best Super extra WA Long Brocbe, finest quality; Superb quality Long Plaid Shawls, neh colors; Snot quality square plaid fine wool Shawle, Rich and heavy extra 5400 black Bilk Shawls; Rich camlion changeable ulk Shawls; Super black and white, all wool, long Shaw* g Soper rime Wm Long and Srere Mounting Shiorly Pans primed Puhmere Shawls, in great vanety; Terken " all price. & guars, Mate embed Thibet " heavy silk fringe; Black ." Black and erode colored heavy cloth Shawl;; White emb'd Thibet Shawls, beat/Mut greeds; Highland pod long and sq're Shawl. very. cheap; Mourning Shawls and Scarfs, in great Taney; Also, a large lot of plaid Blanket Shawls, fro m 75 as to 81,00. • Together with a full supply of Gloves, Mats and Ho-; siery r with all articles usually kept in a Wholcsal b ! and Retail Dry Goods House—all, of which will " 15 2t ILTIfe d ia ' Cle c r theTo 'i re, '' . ' No. SI Market Street. be tween 'Third and Fourth, aign of the Btu Illiviiterg ham lives. Cial at all times be hail. gpsiVCOn — - WHiLIA3I4RU99BI.4 C AUBIITHNOT hu commences to tauten ludo assortment or Woolest Comforts "i liadg liaskiri, Bulks, buckskin and wooien Glover, Tbibet„ cloth, mous de lain and blanket Shawls; cub How; mere, wonted and woolen Ho Pongee and linen Mdkfa.; silk and satin Cravats an d ' Scarfs; - (iimps and Fringes; ln.b Linen, TlOll5 Cove rs. Crapes, Iltbbons Laces, bleached had colored Mutlms, Tabby Velvets, Patent Threads, :sewing Salk, Buttons, Gum SII•PtIl• der, Pins, Percussion Capt. Almanacs, common and gold Jewelry, gold and silver Watches, Combs, pock et and table Cutlery, and many other goods which country and city Merchants are tespectlully invited o cuinine. FAT s-rim lII&NILFFACTURING tr ANUFACTIMF. and will keep on hand Family NJ. and Steam Boat Blankets, Domestic Flannels, blue, brown and drab Blanket Coating t Satinets and Woolen Yarn which they will sell all...tern prices. Warehoue ' No lid Second 51, Pittsbargh, Pa Factory, New Ilsiveit. Fayette co. Pa. .plCt NEW 000., It ease a.t c , ; .t iv ,Te d ,y a Inc . g e F a . n! yc complete st o rk hie for the fall undo, to which, with every description of booking Glasses manufactured at our own steam power atop in this city, we ask the attention of West ern Merchants and other dealers. .RENNF.DY A. SAWYER, aptSii comer Wood and Foetal eta • •- DRY GOODS. MURPHY, WILSON & CO., No. 49 Woon Sr., Prrnscnort, A • • • - RE now receiving their usual supplies of Goods tor toe Fall season, which they will be happy to exhibit to their old customers, and as nanny new ones as may feel inclined to present themselves. • Always taking great pains to lay in such goods .• are adapted to the wants of the Western trade, which • long experience enables them to do, they can say with' much confidence, and without entering um detail of their stock, tha t the Western retail merchant will find with them all that bin customers require. Those who have formed the unprofitable habit of repairing to the Ela.tern cities tor their sux. of Dry (loaf!, would do wall to call, a candid comparison of pn ces would In many cases result in the conviction that the expense of going further may be obviated by boy, big in Pittsburgh. aptl3 NEM PALL GOODS. MT R. MURPHY Is now receiving his first Fall VT • supply of Foreign and Demean° h i beat ham already opened an assortment of new and beami ng styles dark fall PRINTS, warranted fast colors; and neat new style Fall Marlm de Lain.; Alpaccno and Mohair L.tres; Damask fig'd and sniped do Parmettos and Lyon.< Cloths; Of the most delitrahle color.; and a fell sulT j j l ' of bleached and unbleached Muslims, Irish Linens, chaster Ginghsme km, at northeast corner Fourth .d Mnrket sts.. Buyera ire invited to call end see. lk/FILPFARti O d., Sash: es, Epaulettes, LACO, Buttons, Flags, and all he trimmings necessary to equip volunteer communes. irr Volunteer emottatues equipped as complete and cheap as done in the FAA, at um Military' Store, cor ner Market and Fonsitesta. W VI WILSON P. s.—The Unites States Da d s and T.. Drums, of Gernumutwitenake, foe sale and warranted by iipt4 W. W. W WIIITIL, DRY 33/I•I3KLIETT GOODS JOBBERS, V 9 WOOD STREET, A RE now receiving mock of fresh Goods, of recent parchesßand importation,which they will sell to the trade at such prices as cannot fall to give entire satisfaction. City and Connyy blercbmw are Invited to mill and examine our stock before porebasing repo ... 0111171C1X - li - 10X10 , 11 PrialOil. ItECEVJ) and now open for examb OM.lioti, • neve and splendid assort ment Of 7 Octavo Pianos front "Cheek. enter Melton, among them a ad curved LOIli• XIV. ordered for *floor oar eitikens, arta nu kindly permitted it to remain in my ware room. a du e kYediwiday) for exhibition. Those who may have . e. desire to see and hear this splendid specimen of an art relPectlallY Invited to call to day at the stove el' JOHN II hIELLOR, ft Wood ft nront for Chiekering's Plano. for Wtliteill Pa. octl7 • • "V Oa t PuR ONE DOLLAR, or a Linea . 4th Defilen cents. • i Ladles Department open from 9 to 11 o'clock, A. Ai., •114 2 to 5 o'clock, P. AL Athenaeum saloon and Bathing Establishment. D2ll T. APPALL, Proprietor • 1 KR. ELIJAH EATON'S CERTIFICATE TO DR 111. JAYNE.—This certifies, that immediately alter bar Ma ing attended my brother who died of consumption in rch, 1842, I was taken ' aick with the Consumption ca . Liver Complaint, and was reduced so low with the disease, that for font Teen I was unable -to attend to my bum..., either at home or abroad, being for the most time confined to my bed. During the aboie peri od of time, I had expended for medical attendance o regular Phyalciarm.and medicine., to the amount of taxi, without receiving any benefit therefrom. In July, 1845, I tommenced taking Dr. Jaynn's Medi eines, and have taken them more or less ever since, and believe that it was by persevering in their lase, that l Can now Ma" say that I have completely creed my health. I behave that Jayne's Sanative Pills and Expectorant are the best family medicines now in lite. I reside in Springfield, Otsego county, N. Y., ad carry on a fumace ad-machine shop in that place, and son not interested in any manner in the sale tithe above medicine., and make test certificate tor the ben efit attune aficted. ELIJAH EATON. Springfield, N. Y., Sept 16 1948. leL._ OFalarsl • BUERR It CO'S Daily Caress is now regularly do- Reeling Can and Snell OYSTERS, anal are of fered to dealers and families at Ake lowest puce.. Quality warranted cone to any brought to C9s mne kat, and foe ule by J. C. BIDWELL , Agt Water at. , Also—At die following depono—Reis & Ikrgee, eor nes Smithfield and Second sus E. Malcom Diatom% Noma & Waleson, Federal a Albibmay. ogus L. XTIL NO • S RLLERS , LIVER PILLBWAS MR DOCTOR.-- Z , Mk. R. E. Sellers—DeaVrt Nett Is sPdat;l Ow* to the public, as well .as to thereredit of year livn Pllla in mate the good effecu predated by thelr main • my own one Dating the month ofJone, 11144110e1t Very onwell, my appetite failed, sad Wer *Mae!, Woo entirely prostrated, wnh metre paus , In my sae tied shoulders. . I was told by medical men thorny Roam Om a severehttack of liver complaint. nook IOW& MI boxes of hPLane's Liver Pills, and soma ' ar= 'width I vizi told ow good an that disease, bl all I was genius worse. I finally eonaladed to Maas myself under the care of a physician for better or worm; but, krutately, just wilds Deter ('wan held • hy the Rev. I. Niblock, of this place, that • Rivaled sent hint a box of Sellers , Liver Pills front Pittsburgh, which. had. benefitted him very mech. I forthwith sect fora box of year Liver PLR.. and be thertball was done wing them. I was Wished that it was lasi the medicine that suited my easel. I sealer Ittorei and took fireer six hoses, and found myeelf hleseet entirely cured; bat in March last !caught a ewers" told, which brought bank the disease,' sad lea Mort— lintels:Ls se bad never. 1 again had meanie your Liver Pills, and took them every other night for six weeks, and occasionally sine°. oral Inn =WM, ' '• that I can now linty, that I trot little If any symptoms of the Liver Complaint, and my genend health It es- • • gaped now ne it has been for the last layout • My neighbors ask me who was my doctor. I tell - them that Sellers' Liver Pills was my doctor, and by , 7 the bleating of Divine Proiridenee the mensal ander 1 me. lam confident that when the public, become net. anointed with the value of your Liver Allsi the mond for Diem wilt Torre n. Many of my neighbors, • to whom I have recommended the pills, can lanai tO their value, Its well us to theorems above mated. '• • : Stespectfally yours, floosonMaLsa, Non• 10 Pc - Nue—The Original, only truli and go ulna Liver are ppared by R. E. SeUers, ortrl re have his name camped in black max upon the he Of each Box, and his signature on Menials:Lilo mroPPer• • All others are counterfeits, or Mmeimitationui sprit : R. E BELLERU, Proprietor; U Worst at trAtitlarlinffits. . . . ... A man by the name of RUEIJCLAFP hu engaged 'With a young man of the name of 11. P.Towasend, and uses his name to pat op a Parskparilla, which Wry'. , 'call Dr. Townsend% Sarsaparill donominatlag .ig. .' pENUINE, Original, etc. This Townsend is no dea- ifr and never was, bat was formerly • vrorkeroarall. -.. oads, canals, and the like. Yet he ssmones th e tide • Dr., for Ma purpose ef gaining credit for what hits ' ot. Ha is sending out cards beaded ntalm a - : tucks," in which he says. I have sold Om oeo of _my ame for 111 a week. I will give S. P.Townsend fillbh . + If he will produce one single solitary proof of his,— ....: This is to caution rho public not to be deceiv ed , utsl phase none but the GENUINE ORIGINAL OLD-' Dr. uc Jacob Townsend% Darmiparilla,_ hamag..on It the sld Dr.% likeness, his family 'coat of arms, andhiskir ' alone nemu the coat of arena .• - ' • JACOB TOWNSEND. . Principal Office, ICD Nemo st, New York City. . OLD k DOCTOR. JiCOB TOWNSBAO,. , . TILE ORIGINAL • DISCOVERER. OF MX OLTOLIX TQWNSZNO IS/LRSAPABILLA. Old Dr. Townsend is nob - about 70 years of age, and •as long hewn known as tho AUTIIO6. and DISCO EREK of the GENUINEORIGINAL .TOWNSEND ARSAPARILLA." Being poor, he was emapellsol limn its manufacture, by which means it has beset ept out of market, and the 'sales circamserlbod to we only . who had proved its worth arultnearrt Its slue. This Gaaan om Vansovaticssarrazaaanoti is anufacurred on the largest se-ale, and to called for roashoot the length and breadth of the land. ' ' Valise, young I. P. Townsend's, ' ltimprenis .with e, and never changes, but for the better; betasse it' Is prepared on menhirs prineipla by. smentileneus. , e highest knowledge of Chemisim, and the lama discoveries of the Art, have MI been brought into Kr onisitien in the marmfacture et the Old Dr. Sanaa. rib. The Sarsaparilla root, It towelt Mown to med ical men, contains medicinal proper4es, and .mope= • pert. which are inert or node.; ad others, watch, if retained in preparing it for nu, produce fomenta tion and acid, which is ial.ri... to-the system. Borne oldie properties of Sarsaparilla are 'so volatile that they entirely evaporate and am lost in the .prepara nen, if they are out preserved hy a acientille prawns, ' known ealy le those eapartenoed to Its euessfactan. Moreover these volatile principles. which dy elfin va por, or as an exhalation, under heat, are the 1.17 ... sends] medical properties of the root, whith gives to it all its sabre. The • • • • • • CIENVINI6 • ' ' OLD DR. JACOB TO WNeENDB SARSAPARILLA is so prepared; that all the inert propertiee op . the Sar saparilla root are firm removed,' ever, thing =DIP of becoming acid or of fermentation extratt rejected; then every particle of reediest virtue ie meat red in ' pore and concentrated form; and ecru it is rendered incapable of losing any of its rateable an healing properties. Prepared in this may, it Sa mace the moot powerful wrist* in the CORE OF INNUMERABLE DISEASES. ..... _ _ !Jenne the reason why we hear amunendatione oer every aide In its favor be men, women and : children: We find it doing wooden in the core of Coninmption, Dyspepsia, and Llvet Complain; and In Bleminatims,' Scrofula and Piles, Cosnecnees, all Cessna:a - Reap, OOZY, Pimples, llotches, and aliened°. arising from IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD: ' • a marvellous efficacy in all complaints aXgirt "' lndirstion, front Acidity of the Stoutimhl . from une;ll circulation, determination of blood to tha had, palpitation of the heart, cold feet and cold,bands cold chills and ha Italics over the body. It lms not had its algal In coughs and col,* and promotes easy expecte:soon, and gentle perspiration, relaxing mde , ture of the lung., hooch, and every other past. Bat in nothing is its excellent* more umniastly seen and acknowledged than M all kinds and cages of FEMALE COMPLAINTS. • It works wonders in oases of flaw anima whites, Failingd! the Womb, Obstructed, Sapp tamed. or Pain - hlettiet;Tnidstatry .4 dainlamitaMpatedA, mat the litc; ; md le effected in curing MI fenneof the RAW ncy Dim ma. By removing obstreedons, and regida ung the general system; It gives tone and euength on the whole body, and elms all forms of . . NERVOUSDIssnBES dam n®tt trr. th - itspet;ve;t; iiir;i1;;;;; tiresi•aile - Ty;Yotker dimams, as Spinal Irritation, Neuralgia, Bt. Vitas • Dance,Swoorung, Epileptic Fits, Convolmons, &o. lb not this, then, Ins Mmicim Ton Proeßenumetsgessur But em any of them things be said of Si . P. Town sends interim snide! This young man's liquid unlit to be COMPARED WITH' THE OLD ' bemuse of the Grand Fact, 'hat the one is incapable of Detemoration and NEVER SPOILS, while the eh er 'MON; it soars, femme*, and blows the battles containing n into Gagmen* the soar, acid liquid en plodtng and damaging ether gouda! Mutual this hor rible compomd be poisonous lathe system? Milan; put mid into a system already diseased with ale What e¢uses Dyspepsia but acid! Do we emelt Maw, that when food scars mom stomachs, what mischiefs producesi—eamlenea heartburn, palpitation of Ilter heart, lie es complaint, diarrhea, dysentery, ettolic and cormption of the Mood? What Scrofulabot =add humor in the bode? What produces all the humors which bring on Eruptions of threfiltin, Scald Head, Balt Rhenin,Eryspelas,White Swellings, Fetes-Soros, and all alcerations tetanal and extemall It if noth ing under heaven Ina an mid substance, which emus, and thus spnn all the fluids of the body,thorner lees. What eames.Rheumuism huts sou ve ld field, wtrlekt insinuates Itself between the icentsand elsewhere, ir ritating and inflaming the tender and deli:Cate .tissaca upon which !tams! So dilemmas dimmes t a imps my of the blood, of dermea circulations, and newly all the oilmenu which atuiet human rum Now, is it not horrible temake md eell t and Mardis. ly worse ID Ilse this SOURING, FERsIO4ITINGI ACID !TOM:POUND" OF S. P, TOWNSEND! and yet he would fain have it uderstood that Old Jis• coh , Townsend , a Genuine Original SarsaparElai is an Imitation of his inferior preparation!! ' - Deaf en forbid mat we should deal In an' article which would bear the most distant resemblance to S. P. Townsend's article! and which should bring down upon the Old Dr. such a momutin load of complaints and eriminadons from agents who 'hue sold, and pur chasers who have mod S. P. Townsend% Patemexclog Compound! • - We wish it understood, because it is the alwelste truth, that 0. P. Townsend , s article and Old Do. Jacob Towbsernllißartaparilla ate heavemwide apart, and infinitely duaimilar, that they are unlike in every par ticular, haring not one single thing In mammon., It is to arrest frauds upon the onfonanme, to pear halm into wounded humanity, to kindle hope in the goresairing bosom, to restore health end bl aotah oom and boml- TO.; old ‘ OW. !al and b TIVN ‘ StrD ' tt • SOUGHT and FOUND the opportunity and means to GuND UNIVERSAL CONCEN PRATED REV,DV. within the reach, and to the knowledge of all who need ti, that they may learn and know, by loyfaletz• petienee, Its TILLIOCTED.t . TOW. TO 11142, • • For sale by J. KIDD fr. CO., Wholesale Agent for Westent Pennsylvania; J. SMITH, Birmlnaltacm Dr. J. SAIIGIUNT, Allegheny; Dr. J. CASSIi.I,A.,. Rita -"ant, G. W. ward, Pittsburgh ung Sums, Columbium c0.,0.,'Apr.,‘ 1811.. Dlt. D. JAYIiES: Du, Stm—l feel bound to you and the afflicted public, to avall.thyself of thle op. poroanity delving publicity to the extrwardlnerysifecte of your Expectorant en myself. Having been afflietee for several year. with a severe eosi,p heerlefever and its concomitant diseases, road seemetionly dooesuall to linger oat a short but miserable existenee,Matll the fall of lOW, when, being more severely snacked, mall having resoned to all my former maladies, and themev ripuons of two of the most vespectable phyelcians the neighborhood without deriving any benefit, 'DT Ilm consoCation of vurviving but a few dayeetr- 'week. aj farthest—when the lAA gleam of hope was align m vanish, I had recommended to Me your Expectorate— and blessed by that Being who don all Dugs fit the use of the means—aad contrary to the expectations of my physicians and fiiends, I In few dayeraised from my bed, and was enabled by excel a botde,tei attend to my Dulness, enloying since better health thee I had for ten years previous. • Respectfully yours, &0., ..luoW.EaVlgi; For eale hi Pittsburgh, at the PelunTita Stme,7ll Fourth stmt. • " • • • , ' ll I SK I J 13 17011:12:1 A rtEMlNand experienced Plyeictan Demi/ma Ea.o4of AO yearn maadlasvelearMariMilliltm w of a Detente Nadu...with proammesa mid ecermy. Ills imams is Beale and mho; large cites km been proverbial. His clove Mb liaCkctorlde; and bb cares permanent. Old came ofOleer, Btriatareitlenro fen, floor alb., Allemande.% Agoe,il!iee Or SOY chronic or Inveterate eases sailelML A care warranted, or ehatee recede& • • Orrechs,Sa. Clair street, 'Manatees thAntl4o 6 Teeth Retracted. Advice to the pear N. 11.—Dr. A. aolleite.the wont ease,soMkealtee in Phubareh to call. '101417 ottEIONWOOD GAH.DILTI WILL. remain open farisiters unlit the Ut y, lasn. Oysters and other Refreshineatesait ,ea m the 'tuna wall be kept. The Oreenrousiy. cos. tainlng a large eolleetiOn of lure and tholeek9ants.. Intl be open. to sinters. Coquets Uttar= leaveaeUce throughout' rho season. .41- tha Allegheng end of the dt. Clair Akron Bridge, over, half hoar during the dap, rinhlngld the Garden; and the terry boat, Captain Water; MS from the Point, lending a short distance tbere the Oar dem Parties wishing te spend the egenigeft.iddllse seeentmadared vial a return OinnlbaS ,10.11 04 1ftlioek P. DL Kepi ou Tempera's., ptiodplea, and ehshed nada) sell 3 Attionantan Saloon and Dalllkinig...uti' THE PROPRIETOR Is 'now prepared - Kr one 1. op mal. at an down 00131111C1100 inn ILiudius by the day or waek. • 2ZIPIOIRa . op= MEDICAL ~..~~~ .; 4.. r.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers