. c- ~s .~,~, BY t:J. lht,EtiitAt'll . .11.14 PORT Traacatutpuirm 1.00. THE PITTSEURGLI DAILY GAZETTE NEW YORTE' - Ttima wort. • ' [ New You, Nor. 14. . Flour—Prices are . steady, and the market is dull. . . . Gnat -- There is no change in Wheats demand fair. ~ ~. • Corn is doll at pekterdsp's pliers. Hemp—The stoMc ce 'American is increasing.. We note sales at $l5CallOO per toe. Lead—Ameriesit is doll at $1,271. There is no chocks' in Other articles usually rm. ciormo urn . . Now Yozo, N0v.14 Floar—The market has been doll to day, but price. are aneknriged, -with sale of common to good and manilla brands Western, Genesee Mialvin, and Oswegoisi SI 75, ga 931556 pee bbr; train—Wrest is lo good demand 6sr,mdlusg; 6ro cents is offered (or western. -the Gila— mar. ket Is' 01l 'Sales of tallow western ii per bushel. Ps fair business has twen doing at mess pork, 610 62; . prime, 58 62. Lard--Salcs at 61861. There b. no chsage to ootice in snicks generally quoted. CINCANNATI MARKET. Cuccircun, Nov. 14. The river rase four feet during the dap. 'iloga—There were no urn to dap. The weather Wu unfavorable. .Provtatons—There is nothing doing. The weather Is unfavoratne t o t packing. Floor is unchanged. Whiakey—Slfea Ile per pd. in ad . vince. , HAVANA AND !Tarim% towens— top 0101 I.Lized - llaraa.,. Cain, 40,000 med.,Vo, do, am en ; ; Mllw *do; 10.1:00 do de, • La Esm ,eraldaloBo,d 10M,r, • do, Tl Neptun: 10, , 1X1 Imp Repub., La Kena: • • Fo,oooTrinsips, Cm. & Sans: MOM: Eshto seven " ; 100,000 Sapedor Half Spanish Serum Just reeermd and for vale by MILLER & RICKETS-ON, No. 17i and 171 Liberty at ILANDIES;ININE , S.GI NS, LO 6f piped Pegnaraarsody, Jan Hennessey Jr. Co; •.30 qr ran do, do do; do__ do, Rarer.; 10 hr doiAlloelrelo do, Yeliesoisin; pPitin'eltera:ut Mask • • *Sea ey, -• do • Dish. do. do; do ..01disonaies. Spiral.; ' do qr soda 03 5 1 1 . 19 qr gli do; d p.Tentriffe Wine; o 5 me:Carla Pon do; no r caste Sweet Idla • 70 fad. blAs DO' Lo; 15 basketilliamrs's Ctosoragno Wow; 15 do, illchhielt's do do; - 15 Co ,14.1ialer's do da; 3 qr eukit Sercial Madeira do; . In note 4s.nd for.sale -• ~ M ILLER h alcgs-stlos, world .No 173 and 171 Idberty DUTCH I , I4DDEIi- 1 1 casks Just ree , d, ule by R E SELLERS CBE bx..iwtsee l / 4 1 4VAVNI.A po•14 • • Tr:Eatitir 'and pater Prophecies of Isstsi. By Prof. J. A. Alexander. in t cols, Roytea cloth, ."Tie sound, indet;ndent jalgrnent which Prof. Al. ,ezauder everywinnu_dmpitys, combined with true candor, modeur, sad a spirit ofproiound revenue , for the lospne I volume; distinguishes Ids work 6101 sdemitageously from , mum of Inc cities% product. , or rho age, nod entitles it to be regard not model Wilmot meesiltadon.o—London Patriot. deh cArtrstnalou of philolognal erpoluu• ;37 tWelenry"—irgian . "A commentary of higher a= than the =folding of a•p9e.s, of profounder diameter than et men r.• poesuay ot suggestisa Factual thoughts."—N.Y. He rm..lei by JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, noYEI - Bookseller and Importer, 63 Wood at eatbl7-..tiaario -- .L1 6- ItiiSca , L aia g J,,A front unmet Fairmount, tor tido by novn . DALLEI.4. SUEF-SS-73 bna tandstig nom Puistimgh & dere. Lms,for sale by • ....50.1,0103 DALZELL W . • . irciii4 6]-I:—.-4---00,----biir.to, Wrl2 4.411/Yl6, to sutra Imul for sale_by boY9 ' /Minn DALZELL -CIIJEFSE.:RiEss Just lurdrug and for ..le by V ...WS - IS DILWORTH k CO SArm v EllsEe—fb in store ,OW feet ore nod - firTOU by boyl9 'MIDI/CREW—ID dos iu store mod for sale by .U 1 nova k J 5 DILWORTH &CO 11113 S-11 ., dcx in °ore and for oale by J SDILWORTII & CO de by CA4BI "" nL n ' t ItVOItTII 1 CO "1: Teed md for • ala by_ 6rjus .1 S no..wolyti b aco --" rOs—t cl. - Ic sot reed Ynd for , "sly l y & co . 1 /' UEESY: 100 binewaCrean: syly by . IL, 40 b.. F J TAVI L L = I to Weed .3 _ t[All4-1500151s emirs esse l d_, for j sa D : l o v s l L Lums i 6 . strabli— ltd..: s e : uno Fier Tow Bag., '' ..170 ;di, do Liono; ''-''' 30 dos Woolen Socks; ' . 150 yds barred flai r els; for saloby • D WILLIASI3 _Jiffs - NEC aid; 10 bbls GIT1111e; I ti Hersor., 2 bbl do; to lorril 'lsomer Dort Pit , " for DD. I .l', noyEi ISAIAH DICKEY & tO . Pro. QVG tiL lisd% to • aiiive stron , rt r alto by ' DICKA & X °LASSES...I% bbls to arrive ou steamier .vi•ra a. Star, for sale by no•B • ISLIAII DICKEY &CO T Na 1, um+ landiog from mum. '-4 1;o ° 4 1 PM. fo' "le by ISAIAH DICKEY &CO .------"DEEWAX—nbbts anal. tiT - reenow Irldingfros LII Censer Fort Pin,lor fide hy no•Ei 19 _________“_AlAll DICKEY & CO ArAREA,56.—' l(— : — I oboe iniimg ft.. ...... re, II Fin, and !or Bak by nov9 . ~ • ISAIAH DICKEY AZO - -to Fanner TATKe.VASItLY FLOUR—SS barrel.. E CRONO Kifk's jr and, to dny reed and for sale CROZER .LynM • 'd z eived w.d for sale by n 644*"' 02. ARMSTRONG & CROZF:R bT ytrozi. ""1131=Isr&d. eroVit Q.IIOT—ZO bega cora and for sale bY noalo oNGI & CominElir DRIEO P V. AC4II.2INSTIMVeCTiOVit I a 111seM7iTelr ---- . r . 1811 No 15 111 No 2 reed end for ule bp RILEY. SIATTREWS k CO - • 7L_poAO p . al Lead, reed acid foe eale by T !MEN, ninfrrnEws k CO T A teno2l keys and bbl RHEVcDIAC(HEIVB saTfor by 4 . 1 . 1. CO oml• -, reel frOBACCO—:::C. kegs Na 1 and 0 mist. fast a and (or aale.by_ novlo HARDY, JONES &CO TIBE&01 CIMESE-16 bit solltqior. foe saINEB o & by " CICORCHINO%—Ccarks(Jr r m.o. • UT, 'DEA. NM—ItP (of lade low in close can er " " JONE 3 00 _ . T ONG f3HLWLS—A. Idxson /go. ha u v p. oj r us 4 t r ng e• Lreived, per cxp ters, .1 cartons Ira B novto : .i.vamnnortr. ass . sr ;I n cr , s t egr d r ~ • pa bYoat° i P. ' Fnn /A MASON rst) VRS:I4II TRAP-130 Opts, consisting of Y.11..0. P, Imp and Clack Teas, Juts reed and for sale by ; '• Zs R ItteGUTCHEON, No 1k Liberty at • an R liolurplry has now ,oPoi great variety of Pyles for Ysdacr, bliases' sad Cbildrco's Sacks, including black and black pry for /barrio,. Alan: - FREXCII MERINOS, of all the leading colons, sada •aa ;Chary, Grattan, Pearlet and hlstroons different attracts et green and drab; Idack of ail quals. Also: CRBIIIIGRES AND CGIIURGS, brlithl Led vie. c i to soli all tares, and at lowest cash priers. Te parscular attention of buyers is asked to th e large pork of Goods in general, jest reetived, and I:vl.6lw:ode. a great many ssYles of Goods that are Wholesale Stoma up Min. 000 ;~~~= _ .;,` ~. ..: • ",, b, 6 ,,,,, g ivicau-2co , b. 2 . 9 . 1 a r .: g f c r w , ool 0, Y INTITIIIIOR SD...NINO CIIIIA - 1-& — :. 1.11 fk. F ' ywd for sok br • , no , " . .7 KIDD & CO, CO Wood 4 !Y; I.AS' 4 'AVE.R-Co - ms ktrathy piiiii;lostor • Ulf sod'fnr rale oy . 'I. Los& J KIDD & CO, CO Wood st . ki.-3 ' 0 bids jag ree'd and for oak by A -- c u 0009 J KIDD & CO, 09 Wood YI i STINbi 'll Mo.' r0E 6 .... J 0 ealiko Mee; 73 Doze• Obto Cheese; 7 OM. Packid Iloar,ln stote sod no i re , JOHN WATT k CO ~--74-iErtg, 011.-W bide reeetrlng by omelet and PrAf:iir.ale by JAMES DALZELL, • no" No2l Watt, st lit -0. tiIiGAR-10 W. Ondog f lrom emus,. Fair ., rinourt and for sale by 1 A.MFiS DALZF.LL - . 0:L . ,' ilitle superior Flitr — dirEloui. jo t rid -l it ..y*a fo, ',ale by COPE k DREYFOULE, Doxi , ' _ 108 Second at '.':- 'lTUS:l7llLaiiiniiisTaTerli-7Wliql:f-7-. COPE& lIREEFOGLE, ' . 431 ,,, , ,, , t0 . . _NoIOB Second at ''---r-rE.E.,,-, bri-,PMEB-:1501,1do, it morn and for sok COPE & DREEPOGLE. • , Ur. o ,y, _ • No ItH Second at Cati Cie, - I ZA -- irtitrb - C la re ae ; - " 67 es. NV R. ilk e f :a n te:: i t h in z o m.Es DAL2FLL , . 1.40. 4_ c...st., :il l ;:e:s Hooey, hmai4 DOen canal -----W.7!.-OL-AidES-T intioreand for obi low by irS P./ -- ' J'S DILWORTH it CO' '' • '__ , -:- ---- il. n ,,,,i. tort, Madeira. Sherry and S. wee ~ .,,,-01. 1 Nt- - o-. .- l - „ , - • fin .elo by the cask or in gout WWI' "'"' ts b . ' Cries 10 •ul' P.." Ch'" W lr k, Id mrrcimtE. No IGO Liberty at tior6 ..r -----"ja r. .. riF-Patent. 54;41•41.11.. -- ' - ‘ ,::K4' G 1.,. aod Soap makers , Soda Ask, J 25 ,mom .--:ed 'direct from the ap c. ove . =nr2l/ ' 59 P,l"'Yfranll'alELTßl6: ft '' " le b r ,- --;7:7 oipeal3risdid:Dai,,it At: f a lQ1,101(. - ",iip".." II )11rodd triq - Scrim Id ER , O , M 400 Irkid N ic e W/Vi i wili bi -11 .LTREE -----'r----•,,,TiCre:t . rt .......1103;1 norß , , Aquota, Certliz). °r qr . sei; ;...,. ' i-- EMI hECORD. PITTSBOR O I I BOARD OF TSAI)); • LXD ILSCEL.C. coiaserrrEE FOR NOVF.MBER. nth •Sf/101 no. ifs. T. t 64.1,12. Ono= Prrnstmou Gauvvff, 2 . - Thenday ‘ Martung, November 13,04 9 . SS The unathei?yesterday was agent mad dellghtfe, and in a general teal, n fair stuotrat of benness wu doing la the market. Ilona—The estivate of Floor yeslordy.orr.ro o and sales moderate. Anther a better &aloft erned t prevail, and Puree were a abode !Caber on the 'wharf, with sale. 0(100 Idols at Wag , bbl. Sales °I'll%) blots froutstere, In dray load lots, at 54,62 . 01,7 3 • bbl. Ount—We notice vary . little Gunn coating in al present, and eapplies of sit tuna are light. Prices sre unehanglid. Ars Ftoca—We note farther limited sales at WAR 053,63 f. 61;1 Baelrortmat Flaw ta to brisk istaand :es, say, 5440 from store, and 52,250 at tally quoted 2,31 from mot. atratt—We e no change (rota last quotatinea. • me marker is inactive. nnurs.-ikiates 5 bbls extra roll in cloths at Itk Good keg is selling at . 91010 e, and packed its bbla ar edidinie- UntiCaarn—Eliers thing under this head remains atendy, with no change inquistations. c.UI. noxlcets. • PIICIADICLPIM. Now. 8, 5 P. M. Tbo offerings consist of 1200 bead of Beef Canto, 330 Co.m and Calver, MO Elaine, and 1802 Sheep and Lambs. Priees—lleoves all sold. iaelodine ,450 for New York. at 5507'c 100 ms, the latter for pritoe Beeves, Cams and Calve. ranged at WO to $lO t oo Fresh; WI to 524 (or Springers, and $7 to 814 for Dry Cows. gt*lfeVrnTL:alt*Zirtiletr ♦ i earn, aceonitng to quality. Hoot—For several days, Hop here hero driven In to the City neme roue droves. 'rhe weather has bee unfavotably wallll, bat ai the prospeat last night that we shall have a "cold the soon. we nosy roper the . kllilog n to eornmenee with vigor in a fete days. Cu. llao, Nov. B. • Lunnictu A •NEW ARRANGEMENT FOR BUILDERS! I AM nose receiving and yarding, at my yard near toe • ppepeerr City fr-EVI=If ze arge =sdan':fiVa,l lot of {VIII'CE dear and common. Also, SHINGLES, of perior quality, and in any quantity desired. In minion to the aboie moat, I have made an ar rangement which cannot fail to (give sansfaetion_ I have procured a let of find rate %%bite Pine TIMBER, oat of which I will have sawed to order any de.rip don of building lumber desired. POPLAR LUMBER, of all kinds, furnished at prices. • Ipeßi tail before purcbsoung GEORGE W. FORENLAN, idayoville, Ayy 124, 1.512. (upper cod of 7A at rterft.l.vT/tdeorlN Th• 10$111-Alar. ittT TIVI MUM zu0...rat074, ELLICOTT'S NULLS (AID.' POST-o__ler. it 17.131,111;DrICILCTION OP sus. Lincoln PL•lpar Assisted by sudsy able Protssors and Tenders . TAT ILL cummence a new scholastic year on tke V of SLPTFAIIIER NEXT. PapliS entenne for the new year can be accommodated during the cars- Sion with board at the Institute, under proper super vision or Instruction. Terms 1530, tor board and .11 Cicessuies connected with it, and for Eaglish educe for the scholastic year of forty-four weeks. Ac ' eamplishenenu, Sr., with board in vacs- lion, extra re•rtgerf. , Far bealthfunicisoflocatler•isititated in rot access resioo,Vbeauty of scenery, cud f acil it y ot access fot travellers, the Patapsco Institute isnasal passe& Tun ha advantages for besti:rring d by • libethe ral and accomplishod edneation are appreciate Ipublic, . tally derneruulued by its part and prase. prospenry.. tnytMlariarcr—{B•lt. Pea. - To Contractors. RALE]) PROPOSALS will he received ett the of- Ice eof the lames River and Roney+ ha Company in Richmond, anal the Alt day of November next, for the construction of a Stone Dam across lame. River, at Maiden's Advenmre Falls, twenty.elght miles above Richmond. The Dom will be ebout 11E10 feet long, end 10 feet hi &L work will he paid for in current Bank Notes. Betides the usual reservation orb: , per cent on Or monthly estimetes, the Contractor will be a s to give ample vacuity, satisfactory to the Board of D rectors, for the completion of the work at the time and to the manner *teethed in the contract. Plana of the above work wilhbe exhibited, and ape cificallone thereof delivered to the contractor, at the Company . . office in Richmond, by the sth day of No. 'ember nest, on application to the Secretary of the Company, ' WALTER GWYNN. Chia Digineer J. R. & K. Co. Richmond, Oct 17.194 --(oettn dtaw3w ye. coeorg. It.cook • lEr AS selected Pittsburgh as ins fame rewdestee.• El. lie has taken the house lately occapied by Aber man Altller, on Fourth a', near °mob nurcediately ad joining the Lamsnum du. His al:Lewis attached to his residence. where he will constmuly be found, un less absent on professional May. Office hours from 7 D o' to cloc tJol hi , and frorn . s to 7 o'clock P AL • By the President of the United States. IN punnets or lan, I, ZACHARY TAYLOR., President or the Visited States of America, do hereby declare tb a u n w le a rm ke e n k t n io o n w e n d . Land pOuffblcice s in le tih w S ill a be of MISSOURI, at the periods hereteraiter designated, to wit: At the land Office nt JACKSON, .commencing Monday, the 'even* day of Jaziaary nest, for the d• posal of , ownbLie Made, zimated within the onde mentinned o.nahipt, and pans of won:ships, ♦ia : North /the baseline, and els, of eke Ma principal Township twenty-two, (except sections seven sc veatheapvigistece, nineteen., Mow, thentitymitte, , th irt T'rthiolefi ' vr porn. Fractional t tovriuhip sixteen, and township twenty ty-two, of rangevix. Fractional toethiships sixteen and threatens, end township twenty-two, of range seven. Fractional log sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, and mitrentym.ie townpm twenty-two and twenty three; and sections dineo to ten inetitsive, mte.n twentr.ore inclusive, end twenty-nine to th irty-two ineloslve, in township tarenty-six,ef range eight Itownehip nineteen,(exceptirectional motions flinty. one, thirty-two, thirty-three, thirty-faith, th irty-fire, and thirty-Mad frectional towathip twenty, and (me th:mai. township tweatymne, (except sections one, twelve, thirteen, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty dee, threnty-six, mem-seven, thirty-tour, thirty.fire, ana thircy-aix ot range thin. The northwest fraction 0( section township nineteen, and fractional township twenty, of range ran. • North of ilt the Wane, and ian.war of tht fNN principal merid Townships ternary-three, twenty-four, tororal•sleß and me , ts-ninc, of range eight Township, twenty-three, Drenty•thar, tarcuty-gre, tercaty.six, and toreaty-cight, of range nine. Towashps Orclay..rte, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-mor, twenty-6Tc and of range ten. At the Lana OfSce at S PRINGF I ELD, commencing on Monday - , the fourteenth day of January next, for the dieposal'of the public lands *Whin the undermentioned townships and fractional township*, vist Moth .1 the bow tins, ansl , rmt:./ lAs fifth principal ms, Fractional township twculy.o., and townships, twenty-fine and twenty-six, of reap eleven. Fractional township twenty-one, of ranges twelve, thirteen, roarteen, fifteen, &Lateen, Wvonteen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, and twenty-one. Fractional township twenty..., and township twen ty-four, of range itienti•two. Fractional township twenty-one, and townships twenty-three end twenty-four, of range Meaty-Wee. Fractional. township. twenty.ine, and townships torenty.three and twenty-four, of rangy twenty-four. Fractional township twenty-one, of ranges twenty. five and tsrcuty.aii.k At the, Land Met al CLINTON, comenenclng on Monday, the twenty.first day of January next, for the dispoaal of the public lands within the following nam ed towns laps, to via: Norther air bass fins, and sew of As NA principal no. Township thirty-five, of range eighteen. Lands appropnatediby law wi ll the exe of Schools, military, and other purposes, be excluded from the gale.. The offering of the above mentioned lands will tie commenced on the days appointed, and proceed in the order in which they are holesadvrtiard, with all eurreni ant despatch, until thee hll Lava been offered, and the sales Mum closed; bat on vale shall be kept open longer boo two weeks, and co• private entry of any of the lands will be admitted until after the expi ration of the two week.. Given underlay hand at the city of Washington, tthw•snd fifteenth day of September, Sono Domini one thousand eight hartdred and, forty-nine. i II y ITTZPIT : L Commioioner of the General Wind Office. IIL! . --- NOTICETO PRE-EMPTION CLAINIAN'TS Every person entitled to the right of pre elopuoti to toy or the lands Within the towns' ips and parts of townships above enumerated;is required to egtablt*ll the same to the satisfaction of the Register and Kneel vet of the proper LandONce, widener< payment there. for so sonata practicable after seeing this notice, grid berme the day appuintOd f bracin g oee of Ow public see &the-Dads o f the tenet clatmcd, Othersrlae such claim will be forfeited J. BUTTERFIELD. . Comoninsioner of the Cenral Land Office. crelldlriwlMW • ------ - --- Valualblo Farm ter Sale. XTEAR CANTON, Stark county, Ohio, conelsrini of 1:1 SSP ACRES OF BAND, in • blab stow of 0110- •ation, With a imitable proportion of timber, and an' abundance of cone coal and limestone. About equal proportions of this land are rolling upland, adapted to wheat, and rnermovtland edapted to grass *.nel corn. 'rho improvements art a good Frame Direlllng,• l .7s. l Brick Barn, a young thrifty Apple Orchard, of choice .grann"rtt ria Vlu rift'Plitind, ITlTlele.'incehtroy"itenn'rai plol'f'UnheTr ipaacautr:"Labpl;ty to 11. Chiewold, Esq., Canton; or to the jVilt;ludihgjilillii,-,,t, Administrator of the Eaton Of One Hull nor .5-dlrab.w2mT .. WANTIC.D. N A DRY 0001 d JOBBING HOENE, an j active or silent partner, with a cash capital or Twenty Thou mod Dollar, or Imo active partners well acquamted with the buriness, and baring from Viso to 'ren Thou ud Dolton each, to take the place of a senior men. her of the vr' rvDr . 7,7. ter 01, ,, v, .1— wiry. The Noose in well osts is e i an opi t good hotness. All comMunicanorm Rum.) , errands'. ttal,, Addreas-Merchant Hos 577, Phdadelphia. nov3-diar • __ _. Oman aII b . 47 .Tr::: • - i c .---111.1i.t—nura! Rafter In. i,n ;IPMrADeILt Ts Nov. d,L ,h,eu.1.1..4.f1d1 ,i. llftrllli hr :I. l T 'otie .4aT t h Ainyini,ty.A ?,VC* ,, rmecruge•les o menetit . La on and after the G. , .‘ day of December net. ' t "1 00 Alto, a dindend of SIX PLI2 CENTInc Ilbi0tho• revlormle lemedbpar capfulneck and rasp P _ _ Kwuen, , B , c , Ta.l 0 RICHARD S. PI Ohio and PospnA:ll:ll:Dani'll:AlLa' ArlyroPalig HE Statekholdera in the Ohm atloodt Pnleeellao Kellread Company are hereby th d . pop ore t 4. Turd Instalment of Fore Dollara on elm]. k 111, ILI the When of the Company, : l i St s 7: o 7::_ in ' t u to,,,r32bel;oeuthe Pft , th 0000 Novem• ' A ' P"‘""h' J,J. ICES T urer t 1 - AMPS--A 101 l emortmert of Patent &WM Lard -I-1 14 ...1" fer Cheadle* and DWOGIDga, Storm, Steamboats, ac. Wbotesale and retall. W W WILSON, 000 q - corner Fourth and Market Ma _ _ I• REPO TEArr—finperteL Gunpowder end Tout. 1 , , ~ . .•. t p-roo nualt,. In bf chess, I pt RT PliTSßUlts4p Mx Liza.—Them weie'll) font e incr.s in channel last evening at dusk, and falling• ARRB.Dhali. Caleb Cope, Murdock. Beaver. Viroqua, Gallivant'', McKeesport. Beaver, Clark, Wellsville. Pazhion, Peebles, Elizabeth. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Lake Erie, Gordon, Beaver. Camden, Hendrickson, bilKerspoit • Baltic, Jencks, BrownsviLla • Amason. (new.) Ship yard. Citizen, Gormley, St. Louis. Aeadne, Hughes., Brownsville. Brilliant, Grace, Cincinnati. • • . DEPARTED. • Caleb Cope, Murdock. Wellsville: Lake Erie, Gordon,Beaver. Beaver, Clark, Welsville. Camden,-Heordricsison, tiliKeesput Arlantie, Parkinson, Brownakdle. Baltic, Ticobs, Brovrnaville. Fieoqua,Galloway, McKeesport. Fashiau, Peebles, Elizabeth. ' Fairmount, Ebbert,St. Loots. Oriental, Batlike's, St. Louis. Glauces, Reno, Crinchanati. Cinderella, Hazlett, Cie. BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY Brownsvilla Pas-kens, at 8 A. M. and 6 P. M Beaver.Paekett, 8 A.M. and 4 P. AL WelsvUle Packets, 10 A. M. Nashville—Fort Pitt. Galliopolls, Reveille. New Orleans, Geo. W. Kendall. Cincinnati, Brilliant. M2=M=l . . R. 9. limy & Canal Packei:7 o'clock, r r tRIPOELTS UT ILIVIGILL. BEAVER—Per Michigan—Wl3aka feathers, 1 bag sk ,3 .00a7i erale,3 sks rags, bp M Tarn. uth, Carothers & Co; 5 kgs butter, I In 40.2 bgs flaxseed, English A Bennet!: 4 bbl butter, 1 kg obrl Muss, 4 Cut mgr. rkr wool,llesselton; 9 this W& R McCorcheon, 4 cats pearlash, B Dalton A Co; 2 bbls potarb, .Robinron, Licks & Co; 14 sk• vrooL Taaffe & O'Connor; I care soma, H Goof A Co 6 blils butter, I A Clogliey.. BEAVER—Per Lake Erle-2 WI. 41 ban iron, W W Wallaccbar ,3 aka [terse, Illeharision; 3 has goods. 7 ch airs, lot forniture,./ C Bidwell; 3 cues ci do! h & Co; 70 dox broom R A Cilarham; t hay knOer. 50 do grars sertbe s, r,tsil do c ra radle d 0,3 do seytlies,l2 do forks, 2do hues, L gate stover. 2 grate bur, 2 oren doors, 3 griddles, Sheriff & Shirk. SY LOUIS—Per Cititen—VO kgs lard, /I Graff & Co;; 5 baler calf skin*, W Bryant; AO dry hidoe, Wm Young & cre3Dskr potatoes. 9 bale. ballalo robe*, Fore rytb Ay o; 3 cues pain killer, R E &hem 3 b Car ales,' es t Vat' rt n sO4; tile ' : t = l er& ISZEI7 . do do, Jao Grier. 3.1(1 bozos CREAM CItEESE; L/1.1 Y.S tors eau. do., just roe •ved and for .ale. by novh J B CANgELD_ CEEdaICDEESE—VSOB bzs d e . xtra z C d `seam mo th eer; Reed Ibis day at the Boner and Cheese Depot, and for sale by nov7 J 11 CANFIELD DOLL BUTTER—. bbl. in cloth...toed thisdoy =4 IL for sale by noy7 J B CANFIELD 13E6:WA X: 7 -3 bbli. ye hoar, on no:Women' awl for onto by U A. FAIINESTOCK & Ca, noy7 corner Ist and Wood us ------ --..-------- -tirN . - - - 50 bbl.o sale by -V, U n i e r v7 4-4 ' B ' A. FAIINETOCK i CO _ . - DORAX-2u comet Encash refided,(oFiele by LII noe s B A BABB BTO k & CO CI, ULORIDIK LIMF—N c o s t a Idusprert AT6nnantf, V for sale by B A FAUN e.STOCK & CO, nov7 corner Ist and Wood sts fALS All r : OBAVIA , 4I9 lbs just ß ren i t , Z by T ROVED I.IU IJ NWPITCII--Wil lba just roc 41 land for sale oy no•T R E SELLERS "ktUTGALLS-2 68 lba Rut ree'd and for kale by /I • nov7 ESF:LLERS (IMSWOOD—M Ibis just ree'd and R_E for aahilaY LELLEERS XJ' RROW ROOT—I bbl last ree'll R E alga for ealo by nov7 SELLERS OBAC CO—Z. Las V Honey Dew, H Dew, sapettor Qua! T li, last ree'd and for sale by R ost° AV aIeCIITCHEON filTOTtitLisTa ,. -:. 50 — tat lic — TTi . ee'd Red far 3WtleT— noela W It MeCITITIMON I;ANe Ale;lidisjast reed, for see by , .o 9 A W IIARBAMC II 121,01.1 R-200 bbls extra and superfine, in afore, for me by novel S& W lIARBAUGR (111 ERSE—oaf boxes CfClO3 andW. R. In more, for seJe by nov9 9 & W HA RBAUGH Dllll-19111-7.9-16bblypIBI roed. for sale by nov6 S & W RA693.1;011 arrive, (or elan fri 0 nov6 B & W HARDAUG - 11 DACON 11.1513—Iffea.ks Vanvanied just reed, for D rale by nov6 9& W 111,RBAUG11 11/119iN3W1..,19-500 boxes ass'd sixes, in store, 11 for side by - noyd W HARBAUGH Z 1 0 .0.7111- --6 'hid; no &trine on steirTteW - goid;firr 01 sale by norS ISALfill DICKEY& Cl.l rIOFFEe!-1 50 bags prune Rio. arrivals{ and for safe lJ by nov6 W& 51 MITCRELTREE '' T. f KEREL,-30 bids In and •A) KC No 3, a Nbbl. ho 3.lllsessebuiett's iris r rieetion,) just reed and for sale by 0.6 & B • • ONSET VELVETS—A. A.. ?dawn & Co. have r. raised 1 CYe u p. of Bonnet Velvets, of teentost desirable shades, and at low prices_ navel LOVES /Oat ROSIEILYs-Noss 0.9,10 , ra A. p" fdason c 0.., BO do. Gloves and llostery.'of al. kinds•lnd omen.. 110.6 P OTASH -9 dri'lll'EVlbrirsr mde T f ASSET & BEST V _ - EATIIERS--td sleeks beet Ky.. forsale by nrxr r or,: Tio.SEV A. norniCiEs—ii4 bo Neshannock end Red Pot K toes, In more and for sic be noel{ • COPP. a BILEVPOGLE ----........ B — ---- RITISH LUSTRE-2 sues jast teed, fOr tale by nos 7 It E SELLERS IVIACkEREL-450 Dbl. No 3; 30 if do do; 1. 50 do 230 tad° do; lo do 1; 10 bf do do for sale by noy6 C H GRANT, 44 Water st CODFISH Asti-forni.6°K—vidruaas fa b: Con 5 do Haddock; For sals by novel C II GRANT V ' IV: A IC— 'X' "l t: rfO'lidalgiNLO'RbSYT & CO • • 2'l OW. too sale by . .. Willtrg D EANS—'I7 S F YON BONNHORST tr. CO VEATHERS-147 sacks nowlirldnA .tom e TILKIIMS, for ..Ie by uov6 ISAIAH DICKEY & CO, Front st G0i...-5 bags now landing from steamer Intel and for sale by osil ISAIAH DICKEY A CO UNSENO- 4 bags now landing worn . leaiicr Tu carom, for solo by noy6 ISAIAH DICKEY A CO 81011 PALL GOODS 2 A LFJCANDER A DAY, corner of the Diamond and Id. Market street,, floury their friends and the public that they have received their stool of Fall and Win. ter 000.105, direct frost the thiporters, matrufacturers and mietions ache east. Their stock of new style and fashionable Goods is large, mid.presents ktroug aurae dons to pure-hums. In Ladies Dress Goods an Shawls, the most splendid sod fashionable Goods o the season are Cow offered. at remarkably low price s consisting io part of the following • LADIES' DRkMS GOODS. New style Beech. fig'd Carnelian Silks; CoPd and Black Stun Da Chimes end Tam Satins; cord Cainchan flrnderhines, of the hest ad IYack glossy Ciroderiens of the celebrated 'Eagle manufacture. ° Tye above named Black Silks are warranted not to eat in the wear; for dresses had mantillas they are the hest imported. Neat BO Carnelian Satin Do Chene,the handsomest Silks of the season. New Bocha Silk figured French Mennos, a new and s plen d id article for ladies' walking dressee. Silk Embroidered French De Lalnes,for cremes and sacks, an entirely new article. mmhmems, Leine., as Merinos, Alpacc and• Pa res, • large assorustent SHAWLS AND SCARE'S! Mucha Long and Square Shawls, of Me heat guall. nes Plaid Long Shawl., of We newest desig.B. ably cheap Splendid Tetkeri Shawls, atgreatly teddeed prices. Cainelion Brach. figld SLIP Shawls,in great variety. Crape Shawls, white and colored, in great variety. CLOTHS, CASSIMEHES AND V &STINGS! Bert Sedan teal French Twilled Cloths, all pones; Jiro" Sedan teal French Cussirneret; new style Amer. Scut Casomeres; super Satin vrcinn. LADIES' CLOAKING CLOTHS! French and Belgian Clack and Olive blahs, roe La , khOs . Cloaks. Z TAY LOH BLANKETS! A rpleudid aseortusent of American and imported Blankets, at remarkahlT lomlrleea DOMESTIC AND STAPLE GOODS! A large and complete amortment now un hand Many of oar the stork of Staple Dotal. eon bought from the manufacturers previous to the present advance in prmes. A principal part of our stock of French stud English goods hare been purchased at the great Auction hales sn Philadelphia and New York, which amebic.. na to offer decided bargams in almoss every demripuors of goods In our line of business. Country Merchants, Merchant Tailor., and all wholesale and retail buyer, are Invited to an early examination of our amok and prier.. ALEXANDIitt & DAY. 76 hf &act st, nurth west corner of the Diamond TO LIU VCRS OP DRY 00013111 W. eßnd''''.%YeatikelitYsign.'lllnonr?..Te‘L'erne'rbaisf seFocuor th od servo for the season, and con offer induccotents buyers rarely to i.e met with Ills assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS Is very full, row... of French 'Venous, Cashrever, Coheres, Worirse Cloths, roper Punted French Cuh at prices considerably lower than they could be bought early In the season Ili. stotk of LONG BRAWLS I. tome, end ratbr.arte4..tory nsutnber b t i t l fzl i, s . tyles '"lftt i tti D I,IV RI 4110 N S Of new and very band.. styles, Velvet Trim. Ao SACKING FLANNELS, ot Anus styles end qualtnes, pl.. and embroidered Mick elk Laces, Needle Worked Collar , and Cuffs, Bonnet Sauna and HANDSOME DRESS S Vet Flowers, Ca ILKS,p • and Feathers Of the newest style., and at lower pricean usual, and nob changeable Silks and Sanas, toMoral., ,57'134...Er ANT/ a fifOI.ISEREEPIN GOODS, al lowest prtees. And In the gentlemen's department will be found fie. FRENCH BLACK AND FANCYCLOTHS, Black Doeskins, Winter Vestlegs, Fancy Casstmeres, hlr DTllwer., Silk Cravats, Pocket lien& pastderehants are awned to van the Wholesale N gY7 KOOKS JUST B.F.CEIVED.—The works o monuiligne, edited o by H. MAIM, comprieing and hie kisaY , an luly, t i t If a " c t r et lrom i Theory icaland % i t . orre...„ or, the Mattel Vl d sge al , r. Paine* of the State 'P ß n andl Y Schan ' l. Albany, .Y. Frank Fnette/ Fish and Fishing of the U. State. .d British Proem.. of North Antenna. b) Henry Wes Herberb JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, tuner Third sad Mutes so MEM INALINITEM arrasTm Tot TOE rrrreameal! imurrs Puttetitut,or —Faux Lsornati.j—l!dr. Towuxud will give • Vice Lecture or, the .bovo science, this evening, at the bib .Presbyteiian Church, on Smithield &met, at 7 o'clock, and for three or Etta days may be found ett the lecitue roam of that church, for examinations; from 9 to 4 o'clock. Mr. Thos. &dowel! requests us, to elate that the rum of his,name in connection with the approechkg election far Mayor, was entirely Unauthorized by him, and that he respectfully declines to be colloid• eyed as •candidate for that calm. collet of Ctu B a• Prevent—Non. 13eajarain Nunn, Presideu Judge, Wm. Km, and Samuel beet, A.SOCial . Judge.. The Cocut,delivered its charge to the case of the Commonwealth 'ca. John A. Bowman and Stark Simonds, and the pary,,after a short absence, brought inn verdict of "guilty" as to Bowman— not guilty Ms to Stark SiMenda. Johnston and Gee. Shaw were dlschnrg• ad by prochtmaiop. - The mute of the Commonwealth vs. Samuel Aston, Jacob Jones, Jam% Townsend, Enos Buz bey, Geo. Lyons, and Geo. Sword, indicted kir an antra and battery', alleged to hare been com mitted on Mr. Devlin, his wife, and her sister (mentioned in a recent number of the Gazette) was taken up, and the jury acquitted MI the pris oners with the exception or Aston. Mr. Mahon then moved for a new trial to mu case se fa as regarded Aston. MOST SINGULiAI CASE. • The ease of the Commonwealth vs. Frederick Heickle and Philopoena Heiekt, indicted fur as. asolt and battery on Mr. Herekke child, by a for mer wife woo then taken up,. Sal we will enter more into details than usual,aitin the case to a very rangeder one—the evidence bing contradic tdryand the offence, if it att , taallYwere commit ted, being a very heinous one. The ° case was opened by Mr. .Sswart On the part of the Commonwealth. Isabel. Koontz, sworn.-1 hp...the defend ants. They moved last April into tk double house, in which I live. Hive era t h em often beat Mr. Heiekers little child, whe t i s s h oo t '1 three years old. Sometime. they mom 1,4 t h e door upon it, a little before day light, starl e t awa y, when it would cry tdl it cried itself aster!. Have seen both parties whip it with thick stick, t mr, times with a strap. Mace Wee them , ee t it with a stick a yard long, and thick as three( m y fingers, all it bent forward as.if its bank wthru. ken. They always slapped it or whipped the bare they sent it to bed. Met. H. always nip ped it three or four times when she cominemd. She would whip it and put it oat of the how and then bnog it la again and uraip itrigain Shi a the child's step mother. I have called holier, al asked whether she war going to kin that chili The child was three years old last March. I, 'grand mother mired it till its lather Wes meter ed again. (This witness was a very old. lady.) Peter Koontz, dome, Live near these panics Saw Heickle striking the child wan en aw. furreick, sufficiently large to beat a bor. with. thought it would be killed. Have known it (obi wofolly whipped—more than any child I eve heard of. Mn Barnett, scorn. Have been acquaint , with the defendant" since April. Haveiseen at heard them beating the little child with.% strap t it aunt to the ground. It won more than I thong it could boar. They sometimes rill it out night and whip it. The father would whip it on a large suck. liciekle hen a child by his own wife. ?doormen* Baldof, sworn—This summer wbeu the cholera was so bail in Birmingham they whijo pad it %early every half hour, sometimew with their hands and aometimee with n strap. They would take . off her clothes-coil whip her, and then put them on and whip her again. The child cannot hear. for her step mother al- most pulled her ears out. We remonstrated with them but Heickle, esko is cry 6.ther, said they had a right to whip her when they wonted. Catherine Shrorn, sworn—Know the tielcniisnts; they did not whip the chili' except Wiheu a visa necessary. Never saw them whip it with a suck They treamd it well. In July last they lived with us, but moved away in March. Cross examined—Saw Mn lieickle marl- IL once; the Child wins kept clean. When it first coma to them, it did not look rehols.• but .alterwavis became healthier looking. The case on the parent the defence was then opened by Colonel Black, who said that when he heard the first witnesses examlued. he could hard ly restrain his ind*ontion against his clients, be the evidence of the last witness hod convinced him that there might be two sides to this eose.— He would examine the wittier.s nod the Jury would judge for themselves. Aedrew Buschman, sworn—Live two houses off from these people, lived there from the first of April till lately. Know nothing evil or good about the muter. licickle in an hellcat, industrious, hard working man, Mrs. H's character among the neighbors is good. The child wan always clean and proper . Caroline Hinehman, sworn—Know the dva dams. Live two doors 'from them. Never en them whip the child. Their conduct is good.- Know nothing about the prosecutors venturing It take the child away. Andrew Stein, sworn—Lived near defencl.ui for ex months. Never aaw them abuse the child, I always saw it well dressed. Never heard the child scream—its parents are peaceable people 1,0 far as I know. Gongle, sworn—Lived 100 feel from the defendants for air months during last summer and the fall. They treated the child well. Never saw it whipped. It was always thick .and fat, and, raw We a horse." Would have heard it rennet, it it had been whipped in the,yard. Anna Maria Gongle, sworn —I `mow there people as neighbors, and live just across the street from them; they moved away two or three weeh• ago; I was always about, except when I had to go to town; this woman never whipped it during the time it was there; as father whipped it once with a little nod; it was on the street and wouldn't go home, and he picked up a little rod and whipped p; be gave it one cut and that was all; this was about Sur weeks ago; the child deserved the whipping; I have heard the child screaming as if it had been whipped,but Mend out that tt 11E(C1Pled without being whipped; if they had whipped it in the yard I would have known it; if they had whip - ped it in the house every half hour I would have known ti. John Snell, sworn—Know the defendants and live near them (within twenty , or thirty yards) Never saw them whip the child. It was "proper and clean." Novae heard that it had been badly treated till its parents were summoned to attend Ceort. So far an I tumor, they are peaceable—ho nest people. Nicholas Routh, sworn. Have lived for six months near the de:cadent.. n the hea. the e street. Never saw any wrung Iw. child wan always will dressed mild healthy. Nov er knew that they whipped it. r Their ;Aerate. Is that at quiet, kind people. 'I was alwayv n home and if any Ming had gone wrong would have known it. John Coonrod, sworn. Have ( knOwn Mr. Heir. hie for lone years and Mr.. Ileickle for one year I. Lao , ' them well and live in their ;loath now. never knew them to treat their child badly. I always saw it next and clean cud well treated They were as "good" to it toi a lather and nuttier aught to be Celltarine Counrod, swam-1 know the delind.. ants, and they treated their child as good parents ought to do, the report spread through the neigh borhood was, that this woman had beaten it till its back was black and blue, end its hair wee all torn int/NM:Balton told me so, and I examined the back; them were no mirk, upon it, and its hair wart as it now it. Joseph Osterman sworn—The defendant rented a house from me, and I live near them, I never saw the child whipped, the hulngirl liked her step mother, and ran to her; it had alreays a '.red good looking face." Sarah Osterman,- sworn—Thep lived in our house, tin the same building from July tlll • Mareh When the eladd Ent cama to them it looked pale, thin, and yellow, bat it coon looked better, I have wen Mn. Heickle give it a little smacking when it deserved It, twice. Several other witnesses, and in putieular the brother of the defendant, who boarded with hint, then testified to the uniform good treatment of the children. Col. Black Mr - the defence, and Mr. Mahon km the Commonwealth., then addressed the jury in their mull forcible style, nod the Jury retired. Up to the hour of going to pm., they have not returned a verdict. • ~ - 8141.1teltAisit, Reantros•--10 are ytariot.Jiny that the crowded .tat. of mloanot as from: qt vtn¢ a court pt l 7 r.'Kcmtlde ,•‘g the "Mcrchntti of Venice io cny. It ope?y, MISCELLANEOUS RAE'S MA NI MOTH COMMERCIAL CHART,, And Pictorial AC ertiser [or Town and Countip 5,000 Copie• publirhed and distributed judiciously throughout all the adjacent Stater, and on the Wm, ern Rivers. tl IE advantages, to the advertiser, to bet derived by thi• system, are numcrons—the nature of big boa ness, the !tame and location of his houre, are intro duced into every city and town throughout the vast 0510111 of the adjacent States, that are depending upon Pittsburg. for a market for the sole of their produce, and the purchase , of ruppilea The benefits accruing from this method of lablishlng, will present them selves to all Itlerehan., Manufacturers and Devlin, who will devote a few moments to its candid matey/- el. To render the Commercial Charts more u ltractive and important to Advertise. in general, egant Lithographic Engraving of the CITY OF rErrt.- BURGH, will be Inserted in the centre. Also, an Al manse for te6o, and several beautiful engravings, ma ling the Commercial Chart and Pictorial Advertiser sheet of importance, hearty, and constant reference wherever n may he placed. Copies of the Charts can be seen •t Ray Cook Stele, :dui, at the Commercial Journal Other. In ell the principal Hotels of this city, a Chart wi I be placed In • splendid Gilt Frame, to render the name anti location of advernser• mom familiar win. travel• err, and 's benefit their local trade JULIO 11. RAE le CO. OPINIONS OF TUE PRESS. Rem:ltasca ensur.—Mr. Rae's plan of advd rr i . ingi a rapsal one. We shnuld recommend all persons wh amt. hlve Men . business thoroughly advertised, t secure a card early. as we v yardiera rapid filling to the complement. file. Rat as worthy of all confidene and ou r merchants may depend upon the fulfilment • Gig contrues— f Louisville Journul. Raifs ADvaltilorrto Croat . —We have seen a copy of Roe's Numacretal Advertising Chan It Is handsom. er ant belie, adapted to the purpose for which a is lib tended. tNan the most trtangaislrlo Marl suppose. The arrangement is really pretty. and the car d• are displayed with an ability that reelects creditophart Is en our friend J. 11. Jones, ptinter, thas city. The C handsomely colored, reteMblinga amp, and will prove an ament tomty place where it may be dtlplayed. This orn ...eat of advertising Is becoming popular, and when In the hands, of such men an Mr. Rue, whose promises are actions—nor mere empty phrasea—the public vrtll go into the system at once. The full amount, five thousand copier. has been punted; thie we know, uni we believe that the remaining part of the contract, Nat of putting them rip in viirtons mew, on N dr. aos, e.. on the western rivs. will be honestly complied oralt We shalt be lannaken If those who patrontred Mr. Rae. will not have goOd nason to Iberia him for the Idea. Mr.. Rae to well known to us as F responsible and respectable man, and all that he promises will, we are certain- be lulbiled.--I.Sretths W eekly We are pleased to see so many of our lamest lion, new houses and manufamorets advertiswe in Rites Mammoth Commercial Chart. It sa our firm cowrie tion dial ibis Chart will all the busineas of t. Lours Iteimrallr• more gian t all the salad Mains and maps whwb hare been published It .• asi ol,et for a mnn to advertwe tn beauty. general character and eliculation. &peak not itself. Merchants slid hu .** men who have not secured n card. should lose no tsme doulg so.--torga, r‘t Lout, COILISPALIaI. CHART—We vrouLA adv.e fuer. chants, $.13/4141CIU(Cra. and Moine. men generally. to adv:r.i..e in thie Cause. Prom eh• appealattre of the aveltert, e should judge them so be eminently useful Tb,T err baalllifla and attraefive, and ini• t.- 14 Ihr eat, Ihey] I, an earellent medium mate known ant lonsin 4 s, either in the City et Senn try Mr. Rae ha. heretofore gsaen lull Witfaction; ht. promises have been fulfilled. If Under...dine his beaded. aad pelfoiming his pledges, merit sneers.. he amply deserve , it.--trhiladelphia N. Amerman and U. Ulle.. have unslyzi•A thin fystetn at advertising YbearLhg A, and contr. to the atineluxont that it 1 it not the •sry be. o.elliod 01 03verti.s04 for to7l'otr,'Li'dh'ardeTs.":' anA r w r 'cand, e a ar l. t ' d dealer wh, country. en well us Inrnl trade, to give dm, ..cittseinenia to Mo. Rue.. IV, I,leoo lie is nievei '..",i4upte. , l to the he appear , tollby in know ismp ultd . lellere an advert beli: a parneulur buoine., Having traveled over , a , ntol tinted States, be has iiumvicage of 110 1.0 0 in town nod •Oluge—and thoi nothedge I t.. t'As J. I la, Kerwri. distrthottou of r hin calm,. 111 e sy•tern or advertnang hi, bOaltiert, a. the old ad gRe or .'honesty is the 0 .. 1 Pon -0." e, never to 001 helieLproint.e• more ,hut he dens , pony tostikb:es he has done morn. rb .e. what we nave aunt merehaidi deale.C.auulneturer. u:1•1,.‘, bin bont'ens 06010000 ly k OOO $lOO adverv•ernent to Mr. Rae Pail, , noon H LR „ l o i46-6 I.blo Na m 7= 1 ( . 01 *l i e •L ioY ...a.arta l fe; t 77ln ri to .. i k. SA T K 511.1. 'HENIFV ES.- Hue , . an Mare nun .or . (3 1.‘1 ; STL:Ar.T 6 . . SILL. I . 7cood .I ._ IA"" -- " —4. .31, by nova 11 Cornmerei. l gm , LII env at ""r:; et7EN7 - =;;',:e nee J I II CANFiE! II • 1 . 1. , 50 j 5 110 7 4 T A ti" r'''ll ;71Z' . 1) IIORGAti IiOTASII—, ijmt!llC:Aw7eitnfnti •Novi JUIfY • .. by - L ) vans }toga I g,tt A t i r z oLte . co. ut...„. a I C l'. , M ; TT I'I " . I bills and 71 kcp go. Run, 1 jrlo{ tnidtar, fut,. b y ~ 5 . . .1 s on.ccogro a. co uuAR-20 bbd. 1% lutt landing per steam boat S 1.,_, Eupttratts, and 141,, b f .. ,5 CRAIG h SKINNER, it•t, R OL'. ocri-ca-4 - 7, - , Market r, i litl6A - S - II ...Pat , d anti 'or ante by . . . I-, ..,,, CRAIG A SKINNI,R .. .I)ThiT - 1.10E5.-1 1 *btntu reed end for ollie tri . ..1:,..1):,L;144,11,...T i . 1 tC L O y i ...' _.,_._ CiWii it rkil./N% ER l . by .13v,1,-,`,:fl'-'``'"'""-;1?,!°;,•:'S 3I.INNEIt PIIIIL"Th-'*'"g""t'':IT.VNY:11',:r‘syter et an -13'":;tAL-.'" Th" in." by C 11 GRANT _ C II GRANT F F. o . o •Zl , lllitt-it1.0 2 Ibt tri - j,,,C,ctd, for a aln by 1•Itt Alit-15 don for matt._ . s';, '( ~..... C lIIANT, 41 WIII. d r 00 ( il: L : a i l b e l l bi ra i v ' ..P i S ; T7tA r li; .. lt!, n lV " ; ,,'",,,,,Or iu,', l *: Toq . : Cr F lTt e .:ll - TIT,, * riY4V , o " o ' d .'l„ ' C WIN MF.I " .--" si i, i i ;AcA n. ., , , ;,. - 3 c ' I7WP. , ~ J 1 .w.3 • - ' ' .! !- ,C", N BROMIS- t. (I. to to and for wale 11 x i ) L ova , Tij ART 4.1... lin Wood at lICCItET-- - "5 data for ante by I) "°' V IN r;! , ,R-0 bbla in ot.tre lay U ART A. Sll.l. I ART fr. Sill. ,- I,!tt ANACA-Enghott *4,1 Ciei,,, In, ~,,I, !,y A .o°' IRUCTIIM IT • —,--_------ il awl,. salebyPlaht, Yolie Omni, re ertre 4-1181/TIiNUT oWLS-t omit. e 4 biarit Ttit, with heavy 0 'ilk Gingv, rod and for sale by rot , C ttILITIINOT alit.s6 . -- 11. e: f o rl.lilr' c 43 uriiNOT nov, 41 —Uri dual 11,13, 13 and reed BR ~,dpfor . Fate C 441Y111,N0T 48-3 lilia•uperior quality Da. in atom, for hale toto elweoougnment w n.vt - Liu - A - h. Co W F.ET INWAII6-21) WA§ recd obonignmeun 13 awl for oalc ny k 15 0 ,0 COPE 6.7FOGLE . . - I NDOW (11ALICO brn, &Wit tin. plot r . cc'd r and for on c 40.6 &W II AE&Utoll Bl:r.vrtat- I"ln'a "I ; I ZVIVAIMP y R 0 .L.1 .:,, BuTTER - 412 prime. Jon! rce"tbr nal& Lii & 11 , 11Aft.(..11 it 4 - tr V PEA CUM--; by od. in slore for ...le 111., 1.?/..1 All DICKFACO. ove Fro Wet ` 4 t ()OLEN zt.A.CKSto doz. onband, for 1k by . l' nove, len4 DICKEY A. CO, Era at POTATOL:I -30 ttbt , ll, for sale by I: . n ova IMSTRONti & CIM,II itt i v;i: °'ll."7l dl 7 ,Tlrilt ( l r . :t7l ,LR i - .1 law , is I•l'LX—t.t—llt, ~.,.41 . 4 ,IAT, ~,,, ur 0,..6 USTIiONL: A CROVit, ' L1.:.,,,0vr6i ttllAl,Cli-14(0.2.7.,u4t,,,,,,,%:.:{d410'0,111:, OticKwiiEnT ht... aupenor bY n.vG A:ITEM:NIG & citolk 716117.1, T.- con ,, r nova CROZR „ ov , run,t'ruet loom, lu 11.6 DICK & CAI AI.IAW-3,1 rm.!, t...4lAtig!ovin %train, Irlt; or, !or !hit I,y „ov z N WIIAIILIAUI.II prb, 0 m .t. "" 4" fn A T NI ITC , 1111.TII IN,I 1,14.1 f. 222 ,,..2 sod ror . I. o' s - 7u Ater 85 , 1.1. 2.22 , 1 211 2,2 rour2c of 21 do,„ 2221,2 ,10,k. V:222 mot...A. Soli„ It , 1101222. Wirt A. 1t1ee5.222.112755, 2 1 " 1 "larr, 0. Wightllloll h. Co, 12'2222,,,,,, C. For 611122 libhe and Machin , : Cory Inkal by Fsbutsli ik . nr , i 2. Q,brwarts. Allegheny Lau, _ tl-..actwo,, - THUS K. 1111311E0T, Da, 1;1051.6t0at-411w ' 0 . 1 . I Vl2'S RE.II-10'bbls for 121 0005 . . 3t D 51ORGANI w invvisN bblet, buperior (or MORGAN S COTCH SNI'F'F -I eklE for ask n ° 7 s - -' ,:i"o MORGAN L AnIt01:50IL-W b b i .., 6 ". d , J 9VO ' la; AN Clts: V ARNISII -T li F f i lAv oc,tl,, C Alll i AMNIO N k.-- -- el , -is" '.41-A,...azi,T,,,,Y 14.?..„5ut.4a411-lcuoi Berman, c,d by 1 . LEES e Al. SODA-5 celtabnalree'd insd . bv , 0 .tvers ____ L.T.ERS W. .in fine of l e --- C IIEE-4°°"' kt WM IlMit c, "' ' bY .- Nns IS aii,;,: d '., , - - - ' A. CO kp atv'd, reed and . novs AMIN A 11111'0,r r AMP Al' oit I,2!—.liorniiiii• h Li Lamp, in rr rr7 varlet), suite, Dwelling, Siam, vitriviboam. Factor ' The. LAMP. air anrivalled ch.- “dbrilbancy , and now in general u•e noVS NIKELLANEOUS. Vtrtaaraoa. N0r:80E49.. f , I re..den. D , ,..t0r. or int. Mutt hive'rho. 4i e ri:ord n divnl,md of four per •i tte fork, for lb, low PIS oront , a.payahle to Stock. hul,ro or theft legal repre.eotairre. forthwith . JOHN ~.NYDER,Cashter _ . xentetax Hata or Prmetexon, No•. 6, 1942. erHIS Uank hap, this dap, declared alp:tend of roar per rent on itsaapital stock, Matta no, or atter the leth inst. Eastern Otankholders will be paid al the kW extern Hunk of Philadelp hia • non,dtd TllO6. 51. HOWE, rosh,pt 514acnsters' Aso 510tersc - maxas' Ihnsburga.rior.ll,ll , 49. pills Hank h o s. tins day, declared n diattend of forts per cent on Its equal stock. not of the pro fits of the last six tadoths, pnyaltio forthwith. nee...Ada• NV 11 DENNY. Costner 5161C11•11T'S sato Alarttascroases Hatt, Caches 101 h, 1540. • N LLEcTios (or thirteen Darelol.l of this AL (or the ensuing ye will be held at the !honking Noose, an Monday, thr W ar, th day of November next. oetl9.die .W. 11. DENNY, Cashier Kaunas , . HAM/ Or P. - M.l lll i t October 19,1849. . 5 ELECTIO -4 for thlrteen Direttere of this Dank, A to nerve for the enneing vvar. will be held at the liankiov Hoene, on Monday, the 19i dav of Novo., bee next. between the hours of 9 4. ht. end :1 oct2hdte TItONIAR ht. HONE, Cashier. Pear or Pertsstrvand October 10, 1649. N ELECTION for thirteen PireCtOnt 01 this Bank, AAfor th e ensuing year. will beheld at the Banking re on Mondnyi the 1918 of Norco:11d, next. octittqlo- . 1011 N SNYDER. Cashier. PETROLEVEL OR FLOCK OIL. "There are more thing! In heaven and earth Than are dreampt of In philosophy HE. VIRTUES of this remarkable remedy, and T the constant application for it, to the proprietor, ha. indite.' him to have it put op in bottles with la bels and direction. for the benefit of the publie. The przttoux NI is procured from a well in dna [Count), at it depth of roar hundred feet, is • pure una dulterated article, without any chemical change. but rust eu. novo from Nature's Great Labratnryl! That it roam.s properties reaching omember of diseases, ,is no longer a matter of uncertainty.. There are Mal' things in the arcane of nature. which, if known,might he of vast umfulkoss utalienating offering, and re ring the bloom of health and vigor to many a gaf fer.. Long before the propnetor thought of patting it up in bottles, it hod a renutat;On for the care of dis ease. The constant and duly Increasing calla file it, and several remarkable cures it has performed, le sure indication of is future popularity and wide spread application in the cum of disease. We do not wish to make a long parade of cenifi cates,as we are column,us that the medicine can won work its way initythr favor of rinse who suffer and wish to be pealed. Whilst we do not claim for it • univerod applies... in ever,. disetme, we unhesita tingly ray, Mat in a number of Chronic Diseases It is anrivalled. Among these may be l 3 th IN s enumerated—all of the IMIVOIIII tame., patch na CHRONIC CONSUMPEION tin its early stage.> Asthma, and all dmesnms of the air passage*, LIVER COMPLINT, DYSPEPSIA : Chartism Diseases of he /Redder and Kid., Puns in the Rack or Side, Nervous Ik senses, Neuralgia, Palsy, Rheumatic Pains, Gum, Erysipelas, Triter, Ringworms, Berne, Scalds, Brumes, OA times, /cc . hr. In eases of debility re• ulting Mom exposure. or long and protracted moms of . rums,. this medicine will ling relief It arid ant as a general Tcriic end ALTERATIVE. In such mom, toruolne too , l and energy in Ott whole frame, onto, tog ob,tractions, opening Me sluggish funetiolts , which react diNOISE and a ill, kfll li ntconaiton, and goring Increased end renewed energy ell din °OW. a Wel 'fhb proprietor knows of sevenal cures it PILES, that resisted every othertreatment, get well ander use of the PETROLEUM for a short time The proof can he given to any Perla. alto desires None genuine anthem the signo.,, of the pronneter Sold by the proprietor. Ala ny It E SELLF.RS, 57 Wood at', and—KEYSER 6 NEDOWELL, . n,ef Wood at. and Vsscitt alley; who are bit auvg din regularly annotated Agents S Y. KIF.R, Canal Ilmin. near Seventh st. =El=== Tjo. 244 LIBERTY, opposite Smithfield street.— PI Marble Mantles, Alonumenta.TotuttaTible Taps, Ac., a lame aartety of the most beautiful kind, made of tbe finesarmaiity of forelmtand demesne marnle, always on land or made to order, ley the of of ma ehmery, ahortest notice and at the lowest prices. IS. 11.--11 w Cturary Trade furnished wall all kind. of Marble at the lowest mtes. All orders promptly at tended to at r. 4 Liberty, opposite Southfield .h envied'. 11l W \VALLACE T ULIP3PeUat Sane or French Doer SMUT MA I A ciftat: lan beat arneln , of the kind muse; dry run Heft, Mee fun, do Mr work. well. und will last • hie tone. Ahatt of theta are in loa. in the bra mins in the anelatry, and we nave the vtro..gast test, many Of coc - 4.1..ent persons us tnetr superiority oye are" Jar Sam: Plaahmes. For further narneolurs. ad are" annt.7l:;.Or CI 04 Liberty at, ('a[ch. ntyandem W WALLACE TEAM EIY[:INES APIBRBILEILS--For cosh. •• Smid other always on hand. oamadh to arch on vary snort none, and at Me lowest yriee.. All or der• promptly attended to at 214 Liberty street., nee the Lana , . 113729 W DV WALLACE rts'‘':sry.RonVlit'aßnid-'—FOe lend, and other st P"P'7. tro NV OK WALLACT: • IT; .4 r l l e A r TL. - L%i m r.. ) 37 ' =. A 7s o n RINIBSTONFLA sire. nod gnu, always o ! T hand at n 44 Libaßl Bro. , rntyantV W WALLACH Tlif.Allll TEASIff IT is With pOroom re that the ooltocriber• inform the commit of i'lltstourgh and vi cinity that they hare complemd arrange mem. tviM Messrs. J C. Janittnn Pa Co, of Pfnimiciohin. In rte. , rorir ;nem:, PACKF.DTEAS, : And win herroitor be kept constantly on hand: They are net., and tecureip put up in mentiln.packa of t, I and I lb. each, orita their pos tad rtr,l—olootrote the kind lOf Th'l, pr ‘ me. :tome of dm concerti onsl invitation to reingo too ttp::. A , T..; amid. ratan! y. Gunpowder• • •-• •-•c44 I,on ISO YlM a `,!!!. .... 41'1,10 145 hsa V.. Mr Say IL IP) 140 laek• • • 374 htl Cucsa 5 Fine and chtaFine• •Th I,ou 1,04 4,5 0 We will warrant all the TEAS e sell to be equal to, if not acryouoa to any sold in this city. and ohould they not prove aeeeptable to the taste; they cn be re , tui•nert, nod the money will be refniaded, as II la only won ina4 undeadondul: we sell . We ask s iatr that p s lilte ahay lie ahle to edge between oar Tee. and those heretofore sold by other companies tins ray. All love rs of rich, de...lowland good flavored TEAS. should give as a roll. For 'lair , by SOS. S. :it. YOUNG .Ir. CO., W corner 4th end Ferry arena. and Fh YOUNG & ertylledanus b W unmet 34 ssal Ross &lucre PILICABinkIBOTBDED. BURR MILL STONE'S. manufacttn . red in France, eonsposed of but few Blocky and solid eyett—n large, assort 1e best of the kind, always on hand at vveatly reduced porx.:a. ALSO—French Barr Mill Stoney of my own manufacture, made of a new cmd copeetur quality of Blocks. These Burro ere made undo: my own superit, tenclacee, and as great care to when to make the loons dose, and tabs , oil the bioclra in eaert stime of uniform temper, they are warranted to be of We very best quality, superior to those imported from Era tee; and algo .portor to the Fre, ma f (those mode dna country, and at p era a lower thou have aver befove been offered In thw market. - Lsurel Bill Mill Sm... all limes. Bob mg Cloths. all number', of the bust quality, war rented to give paw to the purchaser, and at steady reduced prices. Mill Spindles, Mill Iron.. Screws and Picks, Plat. M ill Sealy, Corn and Cob Grinders; Grist and Saw Mill Ceettette of all lauds, and Mill Fur:tailing to gets eral. NI orders promptly attended to at 1114 and AG Li' errs tweet, near the Canal, Pittaborgli. v3W,lnin W. W . . WALLACE' Patent CSOlled Molars. . TO THE MANUFACTURERS OP IRON. THE undenrirted has received Letwrs Patent from the Government of the United States, for • new nod nupsirt. as mode of casting CHILLED ROLLERS, which ore now offered for saw at the lOWA FOUN DRY, Pittsburgh, by PARRY, SCOTT & Co, at a half cent per pound lower than thoro mode by any other manufacturers. The Rollers are ma ',crier in perfection of surface , tunny hitherto made, and are manufactured flout the strongest Iron of lbw country. octiN-dm JOIIN C. PARRY. Boom and Shell. ASPLENDID assortment just reeerred, suitable for tito Fell .d Winter Trade. consisting in part of MENgil, WOMEN'S, DOTS', MISSES' AND CHILD REN% WARE, of every variety and style, and at Priers to suit the timer. Those varhing •to autoroute. wholesale or retail, will And it to their advantage o give as a call and ems.nc for themselves. TRUTH A SCOTT, octl7 corner Fourth and Smirtifirtil ITrDont fortct No place 111010110AHELA ROOTIC. Via Pro4wistrrillre 3 ond ll C2h . e:Li!d i to . Ea ' lltfro . and Philadelphia TI morning boat leases the whorl, above the Tbridge,. OAF, or F o'clock precisely. Time to I.lultiroore, at: hours; tithe to Philadelphia, 40 hours. The evemirg boot IEITUI daily, (except :unday ea. clinical got o'clock. Passenger, by leaning on the evening boat, will cross the toourtauts or attic. trout day. rind thus avoid night travel. :•h•ture tour tickets at the 011ie.. Meaostg:theln llonar cli er iy ut Chariot llothl. o Ace.; Lithographic Diatabllshotent )1 , WM. SIIIII,:t;iIMANN, Third sh uppWi Peal , >thee. Pittsburgh.—Maps. Larthcapes. heads Showhilia, Labels, Architretiral end 31achine laa wont, Maine and Visiting Cards.arc • engraved drav nnn stone, and prh.ted color, Gold, Bronze or Mork. in the most approvrd let and at the 1110" resaanahle prices_ Oil, a: 1 V rrr NNW 6°604 AT DIOIIIPS Air ' DISiBY would hereby Inform Ilia friends and y v . rustorners. and the puhlir in co sal, that he has just received his fall supply of fall gow.l , 4,eheap .nd aood 114 usual. of pieces black and colored Freneh,..l-Inglish and Amertami Broadelodo. of every quality 111 inuccs blast. and funny es•vorn'ect 30. pattering Vestind, malty of ‘YOtSO: tan only lu• hod ill llus estubli.hment :al dos merino, lambswool and cotton Shin, and b Lull s Ls. ull and handsome lot of Cravati, .ilk I lwolke r Mel, Suspenders, Gloves, he. ' - -o , • , 1 A those lot of hire and common white Slott. A Ivo on hand, 100 drab, bloc nod bludk Intl a hOl alas. ka Oros tam., from 11 . 2,50 to :10,00. Imp dress, frock, box rod vast Con., from Vh. 6 , I large stock of aim and common Pants, ir,nd 01 to Sf P per pair. 'JO V.., of vane,ur amtertabt, from 75 eta / fine usartmeat of kat a and gentled.. Lloa ol . gaiyii on hand. N B.—Custom 'god. will motive partlia atten tion. Ilendsouic garment. slid good fits warranted. Aly person in want of clothiug cnn he suited to thelrcutirg gatigfaction, at W. I.IIGIIN'S cheap ea.helothineore. lull Liberty at ottaidltm SAWL. GRAY, - MERCHANT TAILOR, IXCIIANCIZ BUILDINGS, T. MAUL STREET. PITTSDIM9II, NSA ITIFT Errlllol.o 1.1.1 NEWVORK AND PHILADELPHIA, Audi. TIOW receortog a fine areonment of CLOTES,CASSDIRRER AND VESTINS, OF THE UERT QUALITY AND LATEST STYLES. Which he d prepared to make to onle IN TIIE BEST MANNER And in the Intent Eaahlon•. Oct 23 - • • IitEAU TAUTER — u 1141.1.1 reed and far vale y onal ORAIRY REITER UBO, lATS, ho EM=3 desirable propene occupied by ma is tie bor. , ough of Mannhester, being a good Cottage Brick HOLISM. and Two doles ei Grostud finely improved, Possession giver immediately. Ilageire of Jac An dmson, hig,, adjoining Inc premier, %sae-- °noel . In Fells!! bt FOR WONT.. IliA WELL FINISHED EGON. tunable Dr a Variety or Dentlextenis.Famisblog Store. A . e--Severel rooms fotloffiees or An tiros rooms. - • E D GA ‘ ,ZZ; ortl , ,tf 011ea.Thtra street, ewer I' Yeas:sable luau Mirage far Sale... A L°7 O F GROUND in the Diamond, Allexh!nY City. odiousing Dr: Pressley's property, 20 . feel trent tie Leo feet ilep to la 1.2 feet slier. ..Tilliikid.P?" table, a.nd mane ,axy. For further paorlietilara appl to Y. It. Federal street, Allegheny eity, nears/. oppostte JI. Jena Lna' store, or In 'the ROBERT Lam. - Se.alekleyvtlle, riot. i.--{oettrAigar• ode.O:a or jarTHE eeryirable residence In Allegheny City, lately occupied by R. W. Poindexter, and . psion Given Immediately. For Wm, osses apply at this office, nr to W. W. WIL St IN, Market et. oethl ABUSINESS STAND FOR SALE—The Brink Buililing and premises in Diamond alley, now occupied by Mr. Boyle having twenty feet in front, extending back towarde'Fourth areet one ham dred and twenty feet. For terms, apply to omit! GEO. COCHRAN, 00 Wood at Zsaglne• for Sate. ONE PAIR SECOND HAND ENGINES 10 inch 'cylluders, 4 feet stroke; 2 Boilers, tel feet long, C inches to diameter, all in good order, will be sold at bargain, if application be made soon. They have only been in use about 18 months. For panic elms, Inquire of jr-ITAIf . R. HMI S. Gazette °thee VOil. Alarbli e i r - - Illie mansion non e now ' .11F oepiedby 111 m . Atwood, nitrated at Oakland, with YO acres of ground attached. The bro./ mapanioua and convenient, and the ground well im proved. Apply to HARDY, JONES S. (Ha, eug3l . Water It SI T 4 ALE—A Brick How, (but one year end Lot, on Robinson arta. Allegheny, net old Bridge. Price low and terms easy.— of / 1501 8 SCHOYER, I M SCCOnd o m4"- R — .l -. 8.: Ni.—Thee threestory Brick Drreibu home, oo l'' try, between Hay and hlorburY c pied by W. Brigham, Jr. Pouession I r l i ' velf " iin n iri 'v edrotely. Enquire of Wok Graham, or n‘ the qockstare of hi ON swerros, comer hinrket and Third Omen.. Bern tiff ' • A THREE storied Dwelling House, being the second home from .Fenn street, In Snyder , . Row. on Hag street. Immediate piorstanion will be give. Enquire of DAVID RITCHIE, Attorney' el La—ntßea on Fourth street, between Cherry alley and w Grant street isiChdif BOA _ FOUR now two .tore Rock Dwelling Roams, II Guinhod and In complete order, on Canter Vell4o, 7th Wald. Poommion given Root low. Exclaim ' JOIIN WA ff.& CO, " ibcrty and HacJ rd ll!=1 111E2E11 EZMMt T . HE subscriber; will veil at pnvate sale, thaw VO thaw valuable Lots of Groand, situated on Tomato st o in the Third Word of Allegheny City, each ladylog . a front of /0 feet, running back 100 feel in depth to a 15. , feet alley, upon which is built a stone wan 23 by 101 feet, which coetains none enough to build cellar. for two comfonatile dwelltng houses, and front theye . are time shade sees, of y years growth, and the *Mr Walk to paved with bock, all of which will be sold or 15100. Pittsbargh and Allegheny,. or County Scrip ; will tie taken in payment. .1 A II PHILLIPS, We 5 Weal IL, or to WhL BILNION, Immediately opposite said lots. my v FOIE SALE—Five loti eltgibly taunted to the floo r Jailing woe of Birmingham. The lots are altos: led on Daemon area, nambered its F Baurnan's plan 75, 70,01. Cl and 02—Lot No Vitro/sing an feet on Ma ry Ain street. 70 feet deep; the other four :10 feet front. each, by er feet deep. Terms—Greater part of pgrctmo taancy ca 4,7 10 W los sit yOlis, scented hy'mortgage. For panic 11111Ulte of S SCHOYER, myla . 110 second st Ver.luabla Ooii iTand far ADO"' four nines above Lock No.=, at the mouth of Pete lima Monongahela River. The Coal is of die very best quality, and easy of sects, Arty uumber of acres, from diventv.hve ti might tie ohlateed. Ferrous desirous of perehallara ran dW, tut WALlaill REF,D, oa the peen:dna, or Wm. Reed, opposite the Post othee,tvolin will give any hi• lamer. concerning the property. The above wt be sold at a greet bargain. mytklidem TO LF7f—.), good o;ieV - Onriling Mete, sauna. or Robinson street, Altegheny. inyln ON , S , CIIO f VEIL 3 L et.ll oi ; 6( st ' f.. ")M l r Wi sititsne 11%k I..Vet,ster st . reet - ,..3 1 er . t7;q7:1 fi g s ' re ' t; .4° k° rmnl on W . httatt ESI feet to . a avn lent alley —4OlO 10 court no ds°. Pore 5951 Terms, IMO each in lani, balance in one, two, three and font • years from oho first of AVC lost. County and Coy &rip taken for cash payment.. In quire of myl6 8 SCIIOVELL 110 seem: 268 Acres Coal Lana, In Niles ITI,AIN.Don the fißmaittputala torero:Moat Id zones 11 frGa; tOroargh .43 not above third Loci, in the ,ayzied.late nemhborhoed of Altar. Lyon fu Shoe , . and Mr. John IletrotiN purehue. This fine body el Coal will be told at th e low price of &PI per acre-vat third m hand. behave m five equal payments * without interest. Tide idditmntante. Location veer food-earns: Lo aurpantied. For fartha parnettlass dui al re of e. LIALSLEV, who has n draft of mid pro perty. 14.1de:tee:A ot, below . Ferry, AlLoros' Row. N. it. Them to &adder eeam of coal on tlde Root, shoot Ott feet sMn tug lower, a eaceilea: gneli J. tpdfndll R. B. VotTtaable - • I.ldita9 Lot* for Salo. Talk: eah.eriber• n e authorized to otter at privaie note, all open hl hip favorable tenon, a number or very valuable Iding Lot, rompneine, a torte poruou of the tote numbered nd, OS and 7 , 1, in Woods' General Plo of the City of Palnt-tta, alma ed •at ~nlitt cast • artily eoroC: us Penn and Wr4 ve sareetA, Monona it to i 01.111;n former, and eamoitteg along th'e I.l.cf•Kboa l'rt. feet to the Allegheny river, and brag to part oft • n Real Estate of the late Jumee S. Stevenson. Boy., d xeseed. A plan or iutxtoris on of the above Loth, I; ...Ilan tatty "with wtoch It i Topcoat to eel'' WAY-Jot 000 t, at OW office of Om and ettrel, tut Foortb:Pittveen Met ket and ecirt sto. WILLIAMS KUIIN. tity3 ASO LOTH flit: 3 Able. on Beaver street, la the city , tee the doper Gammons, on which tiding, two .tortes high, coitatcs /evils. The tots are tto.h racers hundred test deep, ono .. : ilook wide. The btLikilOKS on the Nei handsome interest on the naves , y will be sold cheap for etwh. Clerk's onieci U. S. or to I _ KAY k. Co 'tiara - Land for dale. !LAND, situated in realties town. ougaltelay ;hie° utiles (torn Pitts t pure bue rs. For further rube , Woods, 3,1 eh or to I A WASHINGTON, 4th, above Smithfield it • TWO ..„k TWO LOTS MIL Allegheny, at) lc erected a frame for tyro smell te feet to front by one toe. (Gm' foot - ace wdl pay a ve nnt, and 04<propc! I.pply In 11. Spro ! Scotch • I rUF—N ACIM4 OF 1. slop, on the ]lo Itorgb—ot lots to Cal aloo opply to lion SE FORS - M.4—'lw uubscS the three more brick ai Warchouo4 et, occupied b R. Tanner Co. WM. WILSON, Jr. Iri s. I CI , .r'n'ott Wood st • ESTATE ON PENN STREIa Ler of Ground situate on Penn and alorburyStreets, adjoining • ta . occupied by Richard }Awn.% feet, andie depth ISO feet, will Lai Ina Title unexceptionable. En , O. LOOMIS, 41ib at, near %%raid. LUALILE FOR altiL,El—' street, bowmenn lit the house and lot n • baying a front of :lb sold on favorable to gun," of CI oactiolt' For Sala. ADESIRABLE Doildioz„ Lot in Alledieriy city, fs• rowd)/ ;Denied, In tile about halloo acre, and will be .Dl3 ousecOmmaloting terms. Inquire of feba _ J D WILLIAMS, 111 wood el ED R A room in the second .cory, No .0110 . Wood atre , Run WINES, Liq ORS, GROOM:Rig% Le. 1 IDE subscriber, slurs ceeeiving hi. Stook, eel bracing all d. wription of FOREIGN WINES, Loans. rirneelie , Cigars, ke. Ile-Oren indaneneum to the Wholesale .d Retail trade, that cannot be ex celled. Among t. e articles for hale, he would enu menu, the follow nic Oil Ores Rochelle, Borden. and Cognac Brandies. in hf pipe , quarters , and octaves, all choice brands and vi taxes; D pipes Rolland Dins; 2 puncheons Dire ur ea Splrlic do Ne noiland Rum . 5 do Sec ich sod Irish Whiskey; lilt lib's Old IMirlunguliele Rye Whiskell Ii lee gal demijon do - drk 1529; 41 pkgs Madeira "ad Sherry Wines, to Ed pipes, quay tees and oetwiii; .25 pkgs l t 1022 and Tenerilfe Wines, Rpoileved pkgs Pon Winn, in pipe", Elpipas sod quarters; 57 Mils and India hhls Soren and Dry Malaga NViaes lilt hid. Old Peach Brandy. GM seeks Riff, Lwayta eaul lava Galie . 1.5 pkgs Y. It., G. P. and Chuleut Tema 30 ks assorted Tobacco; a C a l.. emd bale. Spices; Mit=Val 37 'mescal fresh gelid Oil; 77. do Chompagots Wfues, pts uld'rlts; 173 case., (I doll Claret Winea; 131 do flock or Rhine do; • 2d do Sauterne Wines; :XI do Mescal; 10 do Black berry Broady; 11e,000 Imported Cigars, together seal Cordials, Ocadions,lVlcker Fiuk4 Scotch Ale,-13roin11, Stoto, Aromatic Wine Bitterly Bottled Wings nod Ids quors of dm finest kinds; Annmette, Camelia, Absynth, hlarestplitio, .Orgeat, Cerigen, /iodic add Cologne lint dc.g, Adchoetee,'Bardidea, Lobate. in iars. 0.700*, 01fies, get eh tuts, 8. tr. Chocolate, Cork., Pooch Mdg. , 111erddirrs, 50gat Bozes,lllAshers,atid Pittsburgh re an utactorre generally. J ACI/11 WCAVIIII, Jr., orVZ9 ear Markej and 111 1113 KBT'S HIUBEICT`A SUPERIOR RED I. • intsuEnmn . mAClllNE CUM' INK. ALL there darer front ordinary InA, 11.,yme all Lt. chenucal eolutiona crosejr.ing no visrid flow Ireely from any Lio.l of pen—the Color deep, lomltt and darahla If Mere have been better orneie• mane. I have neither area nor heard of them. Sam ple homes can be obtained grout,• by the =Ninone generally, item B. A. thewFahnelt A. Co , Henry P. Seharang, Allegheny, nr of anufacturcr, THOS. R. !HUBERT, Druggim and Chelnim, corner of Liber y and Smithfield creels, Potshargh,.Pir. U—Any bottle not ptnng comptme malefaction, .e. be returned and the pure will be refolded. mtkonblto _ . LOGN WILSON AL 1, 1 0 _ 0. 129 WOOD MTII.F.IIT, _ A KE Ni./W RECEIVING a large and compleid tuts rat of ILkyIoWARK CUTLER, NAD- I/LC:RT. and OARPENTERR , TOMS, direct front amanita:taw , . in Europe and Atnerieu,and U. w tally prepared to offer goods 01 Melt pricer as cannot fail to please, and would particularly regatta 11. , nticutian of filerchants who aro in the habit of gr. ate East. as see Wei confident they will find, after ilthrouch examination, that oar prowl wlll norapare lasatahly with any nacre in Philadelphia Or New - Close of NATISILII9I3. • UN. friends and the public nto respectfully Worn, lj ed Ilia the. Reliance Line will — e.:sso to ship Cr,wils sic Canal from Pittsburgh on the imh, snilfrom Phi .41,iphin on the I:hh inst. We shall continue to carry goods by rallrowl and wagons dosing winter. nowt JOHN hIeVADENT lt CO C:==l - • - • ELLERS' COUGH STRUP.—Prom W. K. Roden, 0 EN., Cierk of we Court of Quarter Sessions of 13enver County: Mr. R. E. Sellers—Sir, Some time in the winter my wi• Wll5 afilleted wilt • severe anddistressing emtai and hearing of your invaluable *nigh Syrup, I per. Mimed a Maio farm S. T. Trimble, of Uridgewaters sud alter taking • portion of a two or three evenioao ongoing to bed, she Mood immediate relief; as also acacia friends have beea relieved in sevens mama I d sonme dic eralism satisfie that it Os a safe and valuablevaitine, and would •rceprltizand it thOSO who tty be afflicted with FeVere Coughs and Colds. March 2i, 1343. W. K. BODES. Prepared and sold by R. E. SELLERS, 37 Wood Ms and sold by druggists generally, in Pittsburgh and Al oeol I "'" V ' Coal Company. (INCORPORATED.] on to the Mock of 11,00.1fm mill op e r. for outme—ph n D •'the Charlie! , Coal Company, o o tuyl ~t•n~d:y. the . ..tth day of PcpteotturbMLi. at Idt , ► . h.olthef " 4 ' W. a "' "g'''' ' Pe" "' 2. l rv."AhnNirrini. td.2l:dti • IV" ALL eaoricricolso am honorably '. seed than ."••• An following ere the /eras/ enelities of a ne. beano of Joan'. _Coral !fair RestoraUve. If they doeht oar •"... word, thei rennet th ew hiekik. Malwanshie .oitittoir Mr. Geo. lieet sa,.New tart. MT} Matilda R* hlv rite ay, Brookiya.. • Mr. We,. Tompkins. en King at, New York. • Tina Jeckron, Montour, Island, neer Pinabeigli • , If. E. Cid len,lue barber steamboat 8, America. • And:reorc thee i hundred ethers ewe, thoagh thin . mew, or that it will force the hair to grow en the heed or face, stoP falling o 4 •thaogtheil Om rm..* • .' minoring scurf 'and dandruff from the roots, makinc, lisps red, or gray hair m+oloo a fine dark took, andr kam ea dry, hands or wiry hair moist, waft, clean arid beautiful, a Eery, verr,Jone nine. Fold by the Arent. WM. JACKSO N, , Pk Liberty at, - Piesbergh. Price Ma, SO cents, . rid one dollar., • '11115A&14. IV...LADIES ARE CAUTIONED AGAINST Co — - SING COMMON PREPARED CHALK. ' They are not alirlft bow frightfully injurious it • - • - to *Makin! bow:coat., how rough, how • low, yellow, and unhealthy the.skin ap. pears afterasingprepared chalk! Ds. aides it is Iniurions, ^ordaining, a. large quantity of Lead! • • We have prepared a beautiful Inecubic artiele, • which we call JONES' SPANISH LILY WHITE.' It is perfectly innocent, being earthed Mall deleertv ens qualities; and itimparts to the skm a natural, beaL;'.. My, alabaster, clam, Krung white; at t h e am gm" acting Ma cosmetic on the shin, making it scift and • smooth:' Sold-by the Agent, WM. JACKSON, SD any at. Pittsburgh. Prase 23 cents. • &Manama • t V" Malmo* AND Suit IttaxasselONEEPl3 hal l. Chemical irony canna a freepermitationi and at the samo unto mohfies, softens, and wkitana the akin, giving it the texture and beastly of an infotrVa. , Seem, Saar Bunts sec Soma, are noon not only healed, but cured by its um, w 'at least 'Olen rbYff. Ciao. in New York know, who lase it in such' cases, and find it unfailing—as also in Porn., Surma', Flurceant, or any other skin dia dem. The reader is emoted that this to no Mien puffed nostrum, ria one trial will prove. .I could ono mantle at !teat on persons cured of ' Scan !Iran, Soon Lisa sac Sem Ilmata—Bny it, and use it, and the render Is again assured I Would' not cruelly nail it for th e above unless I knaw it to ha all l state. Those who are liable to • Clrararb, CII/XL., on Cons. 'nom, fiml tins a' one. Any onnatllieted whirany of the nbove, no elm— ilitr &teases, will find this all nod even mom (admire ble in im plopenies) than. I Mate. But, ren er, the stores are Deeded with imitations.,. and be sore you ask for JONES'S Italian Chemical Soap. Sold by WM. JACKSON, El) Liberty. streer, Pittsburgh. ang&d&WE • Qr T.: am: OP • VI. RIXTILN a tiolinoiricireiiil• sloe than a bad, putrid breath, or dark, yellow dWeass ' • sheteeth. If persons have these it is their own fealty they can, for two shlllings., boy - an artier, that will _ make their breath piers and sweet as tha Spiry selr • . s care. ditentes oldie Gums, spongy or atentsar,d; • and (or the Teeth it is unequalled, sereoving theintiar, fastening — the teeth in the gams, and elono them as . white its the some tf the fn.. Nona. • . Stich, wader, are the properties of Jewsies Amber • r Tooth Paste, and, without praising it ourselves, hear what one of our can.l respectable and. scie n tyfi e D en _ Lista, Mr. FL Field, of l'ikw York, says: • . • . "I have both use.land analited this beautiful andirti , % Wl od for it." Reader, %truant% hay no mare to.couvince, only that' if you try ihm . once yea will be well pleased. It itMap it. beautiful Vilish nc .Rhine pas, tort. cold by ' rle Agent. tVll. JACKSON, rdt L. ty street, Pittsburgh. wieferiltwT IIf'SCW RAIL DW A ICE STOR/ra.... SIGN OF THE PLANE AND SAW, No. 7S Wood street, kulttabeargb. • -•• ' TirUISER AND LAUFAIAN, litionaore end - dealers • 111 In Foreign and Domestic VIA E.DIATAII./il.. 1,1 - • *AIM varieties, are now prepareit to -ell nu low and an as reasonable WV. COlt pon.based elsewhere. We solicit our friend., and 11. e oublio generally, to ' call and examine our stook, wiiien conmsto at part of • KNIVES and FDP.Ed, 1 . 0(NI.7l and PEN KNIVES,. ' SCISMIS, idIEARS, RAZOR:3, House Tridiniuga, inch as Locke, end screws,.tereibip withOvery the usually kept . . in Hardware Storms. We Invite the attention of Carpenters and Mechanic. - "l•-• generally to our a sso rtment which have beers . • elected with great ram and which we are detanatin• ed to as to give etaisfaction. r arotd,kwT • • Prayetty ltl Allegheny City for-Sale. `( t Late, subscribers oiler for air number of chines LAte, annum in the Second Ward, fronting oolbe. Common ground, en elsy terms. immure 19,0'11. HiInINSDN, Au y an Lay, Sr Clan Si or of J AS ROBINSON. an thearemine a. mylluLtntrr PILI;SBYTICIMAN_BOOK !f . ro . o . itSt . - :10.7 U WOOD STREET, ' ' — (cr vranotl l i Nit 11 ,.. Efil , r ,. 11 , 1 e . i t , l io fo o a ‘ bil fo i l .. s w3 al34l , aLalal . trtmerit 01.. . . , -... in a series of them FOUR IIIiNDRETI different ,pub- ~• -_- nastiest:, (of which ems:loge. centre *Eau applies den() embracing many standard 'works in TheologTs Diaerephy, An. be, selected ad published by th e - l:' Presbyterian Board of Publication in -Phlletlelplthe; - and well adapted foi Sabbath, Selma, Coagregettertal. 'c'' :1. ttlinlmarte and Private Libraries_ Persons washing be purchase such-hooks, one basis :' . l Indio call sod examine the apartment. "" The Deposilaryn-of the Pennsylvania Bible Satiety is kept at the se rooms. rmtial&-slorS : - '• PICKIN TEA. STORE. ! • miff; subscriber boa iron received at the [Pekin Tea 11 Store , 70 Fourth stoma every to and well so leetod sleek of pare GREEN AND BLACK TEAS.... from New York, all of which has been received in this. " country Ouse the fast of February lest, cansisting of all rho diecrent grader graven in the Celestial Eraptra - r • - -i. Oar Mock being among the Eugenie the' eir, me ere' prepared to wholesale, on bettor terms their any other house in thc cite. We invite retail grocera to call and examine our reek and prices. They can have uptick hd iu I, I, and I Ill`prmkages, 5 lb tin caanisters, or by eirdoe., to suit their couventeace. Our retail prices very for Oolong, Black Teas from 00 eta. to San dper ibt :sling Voutig Earveliong, PO ets; range Olt and English Breeirfest sq, leoimg Ilyson, tracpowder and Imperial, (ram 3s ct... 10 81,a7 per lb. :. Fanatics are requested to senTand get samples al' of oar Teas ( sad try theta bcturc vurcbmiug. 19719,/lrn.i A. J ANNUS. 70 roar& .-tort TO PILINTIOTS-9. rrllEsubscnber too on hone and id} .le, ow. &gen. or L. JoLumou & Co, or Pkilnilelphia{ Se t • UT,: • ! • 25 pair or Cases, . 45 founts Fittioy Letter, ilifferrni,slassl 1150 Newspaper Guts; _ ' MI lbs. Lerida, cut all 007, 1 11/ Composing Sticks; 10ker. Prours News Ink: I Brass Galley, Column Rules, Masa Rales of al% descriptions, lee. A. JAYNES, 'Pekin Tea Store, 75 Fourth st N —Ordera rocoirtal for new Typo. Inullalhor9 1:11110. W. SINITEt i 004 their friends and the public thatthey have 1. no !miser any eonnection with their late essaldish meat to Penn street, known as the Pittilinrgh Mower having. removed. their maim business to the LOIN cift-trtisllTV.in Pir lomat. my-Fr ••• !MEDICAL SUILUICAL. OWWWIG, 4 No. 65, DIAIIONfiI ALLEY, e few dons below Weed street, to _ 1 market. DIL • DBOWIL having been regolarlyedheated to the medics profenion, an been for men time • In general pracilee, now confines his attention to the, treatment of • those prim. and delicate cern. , plaints fort witch his opperuntitio t , and esp.-ice. peculiarly quaint , • - • as. hurt. It yeies assiduously devoted to Cindy treatment of those complunts,(danag which ems he has had mare practice and hen cared more rC dents than can ever fall to the lot of any private pe el titioner) amply qualifies him to oder assurances o _ moody, permanent, and satiefactori cure to all with delicate disco., arid ell dueeses analog there' from. Dt, Brown would Worm those Is:Meted with , diseases which have become chronic Ity time oor egg i ' • graveled be the UM of any of the common IlOstriMlt VI the 41111, lAA their cocaplands eon be radically and thwi °uglily cured; be balm; green hie carafe' arunuon to the treatment of .ch mom, and aneceeded in hundred* • • of immures in curing pavans of inflammation of the neck of the bladder, not kindred diseases which often remit from 1110 ft CCM% where ethers here amptiy,ned them to hopeless despair. Ile , particularly in.. each - as have been long and unsaccessfelly treated by others ' to consult him, when every iattsf.tioa will be men them and their casts treated tea careful,therough an intelligent gent manner, panted oat bye long experience windy, and Investigation, which it 153,0.11.b1 ,, for thee engaged In general practis , . bf modietne-to give en one el.,' oldness*. Br ;Semis or nrkill lo.—Dr. Brown. also thous pare • eons *filleted with Nemeth call,. be has paid panto' nine attention to this disease. CANCERS also cured. Skin diseases; also thl I, Palsy, en., epectitly oared Ch lM—Wie la u m ts . of tab sea living at a diiitmee, by stating their disease In writing,.giving all ihesyrost toms, c. obtain =dieting wi th threaten , fdr use, by addreming T. BROWN, U. Q-1 post ttrid-eriekiiN In g a fro ' °Mae No. CS, Diamond alley, appeal. BM , . weedy llerse. B.II.V.I.TIMIL—Dr. Brown's newly discovered rum dy foritheamatlem is a speedy and certain remedy tor thea c a!nf a lllro p u n le .;,. lt c le t v .., , J u r .w ails. R.ms. Mond alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. Mlte Dorm: . to always at borne. NEW ARRANGEMENT SPEED EZP 4Eli 1A92. - PACiil T LINE, nagi mum. Mina itaelimiwly for rawancersd VIA THE GRI , IAT cr.NT It RAI!. ROAD, - TO PIIILADELPRIA AND BALTIMORE. , pltH. public arc inform-. :in, an and eficredaturdali toe Ist of rieptember, the paimeiMem byi rui a Lice will be earned over the Cetitral Roll Road from Lew - imown to Ilarrisburgh, and Irmo thence to reiladel vela by the it•Tripburgh and Columbia Reit Roads.— iia w arrangement pasiciiimrs will ko through i,lna bur bro.a ova tbs. , lb:v.:Mom T4,11.0cke,1 of Mis Woeare new. . a ad ttic bailclaw. Tins mate for safety, I,OCd and comfort. is the moo preterable now louse to toeblame. meas. 'Rail Ronde are all moireul mday ti. Time, de), F Ten Dollars. For informed. apply telfroll. Nlnnodeatieldi HOLM octl Or Din .___ .. slim itcquir. i , TO BALTIMORE AND YRILIBRI;PIIII.. • 1 THE SHORTEST DOUTEOI TWENTY -9g , MILES lila Irausgistogisawy 11.1woas , , L a. -- -IN L aelaut'll„tp_..ttt:!'"' i t , : gi,,,P. .• 1F.A....5.tt, ,, . . . 6.11-FVl94lll.arisr, will niiaarndai- ly punk etitsinetays except's : lJ betTeentlTrlclß oll and WEPFEWTON, on opentog of nu Lostlem 00 Youghiogheny river. . Leaves West NeasenTrom the uppv• Achurf heat, every raorningat 9 <taloa., .Re turrung; leaves Pitisburgh from, Wa draftle Beret above the Irloncmgairela tlireveing Ut 4 reehrek. • • - tlOOO2 received nd by A gen t st on board the IVharf Boats. • tcr The Farmer has be , , built expreas'y for dra Youebrogbenv river, and the publle may - roly on bar remaining permanently in the trade- POrtirutur lineation paid to all way freight and _9llll. .SPY .. ' 11 Pr1 '6,,e31-T - Yu.lrltidSs PACELICT Linz, FOR PIIILADEL E lilt A ely foDr ND LT131011E.• tenrsiv A Prowertgeas. .-ate-Tae Mows of this Linellllearre . follows, at b u'enek alright • Louriu.a-.1 P Thonurron,TharsdayNov.l.l.- ' Indiana -1' Markey Friday, V. , Kentuelif-t:srll'Truby, satardar43d. O hio -A Clung, Sunday, 4th. . . , _ LeilisinL3-3 P Thompson, Monday,',..A. • Indiana-P Berkey, Tuesday, ahi . ,•,- • Kentacky-Capt II !ruby, Weduesday, 7th. °Mu-Capt. A Craig, Thursday, nth; ' • • Louisiana-4 P Thompson.Fridar,9l.b. • Judiana-P.lturaey, traturday,loll.l%•: ~ • O hio H Truby. Sonday,llll.l. v . - ; .-., • • s Ohio 00.4 A Craisr,Mondsy,l2th. 1 . • ... • •:. '.. . - Louisiana-4 P Thomason, Tuesdafol3l.h. ,- , - Indiarra-P Berkey, Wednesday, I ra. -:' -. , • Kansan-kg-11 Teoby, Thursday, 15r11 , • . .-, - Poe passage apply to W urea, .- .:. Menotahtla lipase, '.• noel; • or 19 LEECH &rd. - Canal Bain.` .-11UNI - IT.ZI'I3 Now oseulug, at Ov Natoll at bog:. pair. of English all Amalie. Illankiets,uorl9..". tjialog the best make. of Bath, Wlntueynndltegto . ' I D* 91,919 . ,btat •A- ItIASOY(t.OO . WEI lEEE MEI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers