----------, 0 , _ „. ~„..,_LATF.,973.0111 CALIVOI3.IIIA. . rr0.i......--Il common taborer can gel 1110 per Letter grains as OWerrlsna' liteallrawmes 'day and feeed."mo..6lP4r heerr'oo..o good ... war , Cr . he'relf°Wmi tether ' from n venMs P•wb'rlt''' repreh‘t.ePnr:SiCt the States, bit ' .11 a man can make while it time not eve any cape of nears concern' money by hard labor, and live econommally . Moat tog the gold &Wogs, is harestour . a /agora of of the omen are, making an ounce per day; some the overland journey. with ail its accumulated that were here only, rind have a good place, are .. making two, three, and four ounce. diffierant;mekalao brings the gratifYi n g th.thffee—, Two of the men that came In wi th us have join that all the Pittsburghers werem bit two Mc rae '' , rid at, and bought a wagon and one yoke of cattle, Assralcan Hamra, Calarostrthil for 5170, and laid in a gawk of mews ota. which 1 Sept. 16th, 1849. r we base here. We are on the North Fork of the I envied at Sacramento City , the last day of ikwtrirlcril.:,sl2.t.iver,6o,raiilbe:, fgodidi:aga,uraoto fiitz. ' Aimed, in good health. 10 cod Pang wi th f ' YFIYag we got here, We fo g irad we could not get there.wah be Is the only one of the minis who came all the thew ad... Block ood I woo, over on Friday to wry through with Me. To ere Yea • fall history see what was doing—they are mock the richest u g ~,..r . tr ., new rasa mare ' pall ppm, and lime maths, but every ale. t_hiezzaec.h:nacev:famn.aki.:ll t hin I ern new spare—having a° "Mlerathle, rhl:i n ti m e a m re u' rl ' O ' in ' e u . h o best. i h eaw n two lays at Praia.* Or smiting t aatteg era Imre roar wit h work in the bed of the river, that were evensong another to support my back, writing on a portfolio, , their 880 per day each. Chances like their's can't mirk asy l egs fur a desk. Ibe found now. The news are all crowded, and 1 we will not be able to do much natil the wet sea- We tell SI- Joseph on th e 9th o f may , havi n g • i iron sets In; then wi well have a cEsnee in the dry I c hrome to get our troultv—which proved to bathe diggings. We will etti.ineriee work OD lbw fork heaviest pan of our load. taken to the lowa Ma- to morrow. I think we will be able to average ii hm i thirty mike from S i. yoaepu, .or r u e rt .. of our ounce per day, after we get Into the hang of dun. two Mules that &dance—we accepted the offer. We arrived too late to write by h tffe last steamer. Wand and O'Flyng started the day before, with i 1 pot off unities until this lime, tat I might find . the trunk., leaving Use three of as to bring on the ; ent_ramethlog about the eolith .. . ~ , . T re has been discoveries made in a ll m wagon. We crossed the river about 3 o'clock in : monntam branch. of the Sacramento and Joaquan the morning, fed our mules, and started on our , rivers, end up in Oregon they have lately &coy long sourney, having but a mall idea of the , rived rich mines. The old miners thea ly ro ing; by Lo . r the dry diggings this winter. It s Ison MOM. and trials before toe; but we had not pro- . welled far before we had a ' trial of some of them. th e o h m ittn , " thntr i r I e'er saw. Mthr'• For . th e o ur mutual... all green, ;rid unareu.ro.rd . 0 m_ cr.e.„„ta:oeilyott,Lingnppi,l,aoce. ~yinuthrcould..7ryellitm,esagi, hard work, did not like the bastaem so well when t n `• .. which I find to be cede, is about the climate and we got into the muddy road, which was up to the silo ...0., every stay for . fi . fir , ...a miles, , the timber. We have .en no rain of any account , ~.,„ since we cowed the Rocky Mountam. Tin days We has en th th e blue . ' ,°°°, ,l ' ee we •°' -- are warm, and the nights very cold. One eight we haa to get an 01 telea to pod as out•—tirent on orb .. oo ........., tact., t.or a very easy well far tat e mder got into " Mb° hole ' where ' frost . I thought when we got np in the morning, a we had to take ma our load before the mulesmold 1 „.. t i . ro i r e. b , lan .i li n e , t: eare r f , r ,, o o xl.t e t:f d poll a. Hero we commenced to l ight our load , ; r d . 7 . 47 , :,:;:,..,.. the that things we disposed of were tier feed trough i t paclang no vre come le the city, we would throw and tonne jac k —thre eer Y ethic ' . erael" °" our thro e down fora bed, nod put our blankets trip of %Ma kind. We got out to the bluffs 'about ', or ., 3 o'clock—all day the dm to• w`le• Startedthe ' I must cut my letter short, as It i+ low Past one next morning early, and rolled overthe prattle very . ... y . tho low. .. wfir .....„. fivaa d waad ii,Lloe_ki,oazdriteroyibrikolivtalmbost broken lamming and O'Flyng, considerably discouraged at the pre. "we ad you half what I Want 10, but I Will save it for the nest Peru of the inp. Here we same lathe eoncluston I , Post have om no . t , had anynlte:terds.froroFryorcoyceotareThoe to lighten one load all We could We sold our extra saddles, tad of theta for top dollars, not ma y ch th o i lot of of " f oLi o r m , t:hatitmilitloyiei',l expect we will get having any use for them, as we found it would take all the triples to the wagon I sold my large re thi ng up f oe SAMUEL JAYNES. . trent :or five d Alars,tuad packed my clothes in an aLIZIOWIELIFT Arrant —The last Palm ea India rubber bag of !starlit.. -- t.ETTILII. Mo. Whig publishes a re port th ~,„T a to the d are The Maoism m a government elation. There nal „„ o lio l and large church. nod a school Louse, F oes a rOurergietri who mint to Coil/ore. flt oftre Mallon of Mr. Michael . Broglit, rest mg all I the d flk I d Then - One, Or t neation co eII Mine , Cop. Na ra tent fimr mantels; Philadelphyqn Marion c an- have o large tract at land fenced &tumid. the ; p. Ono was e Ott shout darken:the other a Uoy government agent has ploughed every spnrg, for , Saa__Fria•ralsca, Sept. 16,1E49. I the Inaltene to [Mee Mari—the only trap they know Dma Famn--W e ll , here We itre at lett, nee Cheat ten years of age. They thllhome in lb of. . . .y thing about wormeg , a tedious time we had of it—upwards et etght ternoon for the riffles. of ff ntherthg aelta. Not We laid up et the Mission one day and a half. 1 , 0 . 0 ,...u. from home , d .j, .. tu b. , no over VeVen on e err rattlraing at night the ntighbOtherrid Wee aro ar il After we lett th there woo nothing of any imi- I , „ L variance natal me at came to Fort Chad. three bun- \'Y °cep —and, I assure you, I feel thankful that and search made, bet it was not Ota next orn. d ' t ., . .. i d , re d barer ,. s e „ ra i Bred miles from St. Joseph, mutated . the e• we aye arm at our es lag that their bodies wens foand,`ln% the F ,us brasea or Platte Rivet It to bath entirely of I tan. during the pareage we were put on short latAitalr-wt Mika from their father's boa with plane sod, cUt into mantes about four limn. Me ' silow.ce of provisione and weler—the latter et ite sae of a briek Here we met Ca tam Auto. 1 thilithrw" °AI A _ P""6l4 Moth' i'''''ie - a. and oat of ~,,,a p a y t er , ae P r a aroun d by one time being so obnoxious to taste and smell Oral impreleion Of those who bad titer. rile brdlell, Fort Nea C nty ° . They maned from St. J.eph twu I thvt 11 Vareed our ido.echt and hod we contr.. - that Oa children were killed by tome wild anis weeks before wo left. Those who.me the wane ted recetving a tor a 'anger per od, the prolmbtlay maL The threats, 'together with othei parts or way we did wen" abont ten days ahead They I m thra some disease wo..td I sve broken out, and the boodles, sera much mazgled • did not Wait, es the calcolaton waa tool the .1, , could.al came whout shoved' on as tast'as they I swept the vessel clean u ill t, p.s.rogers. A Those came aromad with Captain A. I The voyage air ate i 0 a was tree from accident. th r - bad mom dispute, or did not like Copt• A.'s wet , j and only one mon v. as .... Ile, while laboring n e t of travelling, and drove off and le ft him here, al- , P.M no riberraltmi at r.IOJ, Jumped overboard, atm though he is not to blame in the lama. It Is ica- t 'ha possible fur a moronact as Captain ~' n this rood land era asitiStaner, • 00i i be rendered, sunk to please every o The Captain's lean was roe no more Thts •:+d , ntastrophe CAA a gloom ' IL annearly broke down when he fame here. is i over t h e ahip car o long time, and will never be a wagontraded cis largo la le rfi n e a w w . ure et oeafirurreal)',firr o h u e e r aa . d li re ! ; forgotten by .y of the passengers of the old tor' ducted his load from 35 bond d to about twenty, 1 -Nylon." 1 which the most dl the Pittsburg en had 10 do,nt a We time gone through all manner of climes great menu= of property. since we left home, .d have here subject to all pi ng lay here five ilsys faro up for ..now start. ,‘ but Providence- has carefully Ow 10 the inces.nt be along the Platte Idea s of drem , -. Raver, we found a would be moo tai for as nets witched over us, and nut a tingle instals ce of get through with our load, w oh weighed about arrant. ocourred durtog the whole passage. It 30 hundred. We all agreed tat one 'would leave is somewhat Mireetilaus, that, M a crowded ship, the mess and take oat Mt hate of provision. . McDonald got a chance to ge m with an ex team. wrath 160 emsengera elamlY eo.roed op. derma the We gave 111121 5116 for (orate hare of the mule. warmest weather, not one of us has mattered by agnote. We then our o r vragon bed down aay au .j. ae . a . one half, and reduced our dto about eighteen In , ~ . I met a number of pot, hundred. The other three ys sold their trunks I n'Onth'ra. ..' t for almost nothing: Marthe and O'Flying got Sl • burghers, bound for California, sod r rittne the apiece lot theirs; wood o p got '7sa for his. 1 number were two Mr. Colton. I became arm did well le sell mice at the IWe Mosaic. tuttMate With them, and *pent tome Very plesaant We left Fort Childa the Is. any of May, to con, petal u ,..... c . 0.. Au k u aa d oup . a j r , Dq l, hoc ro hi their company . They had Joined Mr. Olen- Our team w elt the Wagon along without Curry, Ewalt, Bennet, nod others—dl in sroi. d any trouble after we left tte Fort, although tee ' icor ta and high ex pentane. of try:onus a raped toad was very bad. It r ained on . almost evert , ( nits ., in t h e a golden wea. night we t ra veled ois the /letter "'bleb made it ' I have not mo l l rime to write, as we ale get very entdessant to stand guard hog every intim 'rim riff the ship, end making I We got to Fort Laramie On thel7th Jane, thee- preparations to budd n toll r 0 e•try us u a Vou hundred mils from Fort Childs. That in so 0 , 1 ow.i therefore please rouse tie short cp mli A. , trading pads helmra th e to the dmetteao Fur Can. ter we have .41 , a I ~it a.‘• longer not lel - puny. The 11. S Government Mu bought it for s h., ~,,,,,, ~.„„,y1„,,,,, ,„„,„ ,„,,,,,,, Fort. Tea Fur Company was mn.kmg p.p.... , ' All the news atom the gold u sue, nod, as tri lelle When We were them. There was a e.- you tmagaed,....gemted account. come sot up tachtnerit of Goveramenttroops there regal , to this. ui the reo,ty of the thicg Gild Is Lmod in great pre We close. Platte Elver about on , abuedaure. The pl.c., . 6,1,1 ~,, p.,,,,,,,.. hundred miles on this lode Fort Lanett:We Were all quarters a' t he World, to seek their fortunes, and then m Mew of the Black Hills, which we . rn.ed will act ea away d,,,,,p,,,,,,,,,d, 1,0,,,.... ..ry without mock trouble, only the mareity of gme , have the access.... ma ro ids tor sreiktng for our Hook, and the moles were two nights ' Fl a .,. ,c,r,..00„., rh , . 0 ....,, a , y rr end . ard a ... without food silleffether. There ...• pleat? °I qumatance. and 011 them that lam in gosal health grass until We Came bee. Cresskill throe hill. and buoyant spires, and before latest., Ih:i2 will was the first place that tried the es teams. They i be in old Poole:mit want a • pr - tr t toil r 1 rkm had to begin to lighten them loads, and tho. who s uao , „,,, W J KANE had mule team. began 10 tot them wagons opou • make park saddle . . .ad go to packing Tberew as bacon flour , bean. cool,boxes. trunks, wag.. and , re, 1 , . G n.,.. I everyibutg, ley d throw away,sca.red along '• aVgPF.ISSIIO3; Ottani/Kg. ' the road. 4 Ma_ Wars— t ton ime v. a,. .0 can, h is We got to Independence Rock on the 29th Jan.- ;mo d about . e wa0, , ,0a ilt,e,o. aod ob oo the called so by the first Ore.n emanate celebrator I the 46 ofJuly oa a. It appea robe one solid ma..., obieruction of ossrittab, I au-ed by a, no doubt the base c werara about tear =me of inatimi , wed information, on ins sat j-ct of much Midget, may about 200 feet Mato It in on the Sweet Water giver, t w acceptoole to your r • . d en. I have • very cal. 901111 M Vitt Of the South Proe. I (ha the 2d day of July we broke the bound. of sable little 'troll on C.rril Engineering, by Henry , our wagon none of the croirsals of the Sweet Law. p olished i , 1, ,010. in w h i ch t h e ru i..,,,i Water we were then obliged to go to packing, o r aaa„,,,,,,,00tr-sted pretty lolly It PeeMs, ' which WaS not a very pleasant task, as none ot us . _ tots t.ara, that here o mor,„ clangor to ..,,. knew any atom about It. Na cut our wagon op, o'''m and orb a man to make pack saddles for us, wh le aroma from such bridges than has been thought ofl, we tore al the wagon cores to make sacks We o r out phs'aMvphy 11 seems thst violent wtatlif divtded the Hut, so that each one could peek It create v.v. in Mich bridges, h. the terpentnei Much ea he elm. on ho oWa made. O'Flyng and I t p, snr ? i h a i we , motion of a rope when shaken. I parked together, al we bad a gave us the lowa Indigos-in partneritop,s. eh Tee Menai bridge, a seems, was, on the 7th at boughtus two mules each sod the p...y. Wo od January, th39,vt dealt) , arme d by a storm, stool bo a pone) , al. at Fort Childs Manhen. hod , one third 0.. the ... re d.. er a s wo r e° , a wa ,,,,i. hie two, mules, We packed prow-noon enclose for ' 31 day. la which timo we calculated we root , ' t was eerie to raa tilting the platform, the height 4 get through, and reduced our clothing to 50 Ilis, I which tree 16 ket In one frotee, while there wai I which leaves as mot now than eiro can get alone , cl ue depression to another part. Now, when wg , with I traded rny close trunk of for a carpetbag , t recollect that the Wheeling bridge is longer that 1 which I e n not lace to part with We spent our Ith of July preparing our packs the Menai, in the proportton of 1010 to 552, st. I We' passed the day very pleasantly The man may readily conclude that the rt. end fall ~f who made our pack saddles had his wile then., he ohs quite Lady. They were tom ~....1.0,,,,, puts of the bridge , may be great In the same prr If wa had not ice cream, we had ice that mono. ', Port i o n end . ' tee tome pressure of wind. I I water that was left in the bucket over coglit had I hand you the look from which you may, a rk tee ;inch on " 1° the """". We were then hods proper, make extracts at page 142, iii, writer thlrty aides of the Rocky monoodoo r. E We warted ou the flai with. our packs. but had ebb n°4l 145 I not proceeded farbefore we found out the pea ties -- of packing every few miles some of the parks EXTRACTS l l t would bed nder the mulct., or else some of them o if tho case of bridges of catraroary and trio, , ran off sod kWh the tank to Piercer , bot We on both from the weight of the strictures thee:l.l4., , found eat the mysteries of tying the packa rem m well . root the rigid nature of the tnatetkil, Every thieg Went on well till we came to Omen their Lin. are not liaroe to be altered, or thin , Raver, on thus side of the Rocky Mountain. In , equrobrium disturbed by external influences, such erounag the riser, Ward Ro t e, mlf wet, and I as those arming from the wind. or the manatee( slept all nigh with his wet clohe vol a gave WI. 1 heavy loads. With suspension bridge., home r, a severe cold. cod settled in hie bowel. We laid the eiteelneraneee are Very different, and at . up two days with lona, he got some better, bra rho been found that they are matenall of by coagant Siding tamed it lobo the blood flax. Ile these external forces, .d, to some cases, Ye that oh km two weeks, when he got to weak sustained very s enOtit inincei from th em. , no . that he oeld no longer ride on liontebaek. He reason of tho is to be found , not only to at ' x -1. got In with a man that had a horse team and rode mune ha htrm. or th e raPerstreetute of t h In the wagon; that tams alma 7 00 miles from here. brldges, to ozintequenee sal which but a try I have not heard from hum mace. altght force it rtquired to put them in mown /but Mattbees broke down one of :I" Moles on Met alto Inani their ;writhe, sanceptian.lnitytht: v , ib n r . nn oi I 'Znirginn'Tlebe. 4gynthgeann7lppeoteked c l i ii c' s th p%v o l: l o h ne r g r re ' v ' u d y "l' or r t s he ".e'tUrti'ent.o.rrjegingr° &kw , 1 err of until we crossed the deeert. 1 ohms the point of • support, and Mom the ins The desert is 65 miles long, or 65 miles where being in a slate of tension, s nnewhat am ir to ...,_.___ _ _________ there Is no grass for-stock; the last grass there moo the rtringn of a musical insirliment, no th the 1.1.1. At 111 I/ Winter Whale 011, in es!ka •nd bola, Mary's over, 2A miles above as sink, from winch ! audden appltcation of a considerable tome any D i .i , tic h, J scitooNISIAI.U.K &co place we hod to pack enough to do them through 1 part of the chaat, or the continued and f la, """ ' 10 Turkey River it is called 45 miles from the . i 31011,1 Wood r Rapti se .(even a AIM force, would e au the . Dir., , t , t , t , t r ib , I.l s tair i :So o rri t e. r t se o l ot c a,t oon a t: ooo sink, bat I think It is at leaat 55 miles. Teen is no chains to alter their form, aud throw both g e b in !,,, 0 1 , 0 0 of R . : . . 4 31 1 • , 1 JOHN Wl:h i ttCc water A t to drink--ahe water at the drinki ngn setae. and the platforms 100 a stout oil iM. i . s I I I . is not t for use. Bryant speaks of wale hon. • 0 And thus they would co.. ,in a —±_ It.---...--L'l'"' 4 '"" rt--very few of those that do, ever get through the state of vibration until the effects of the 4 tort. Q 1.: , / DRIKA —4. bags Feather., ado Wool, rest of the desert. tug force had been gradually absorbed byl , re - A 3 lo do thitonis, lan Flasared, Matthews' mole got weak--a Wail not nble-tol Stalanee ate e chains and platform to MOD ~ , u ?r k . I L' I.II : II L II ! 4n r ' " III. ) ,III Atti Itr,,Paek at the Rod SPeo. 1 pot off. 1 F ire Sev .peitiltOolbrldges have been r iorn 1 ' ~,,r , ' . ore ilea µ,„-Iririt, .. ono , ~ and put it on my rating mole; he managed to get ly med by the attains 11,05 produced tet ~ , oi he...it_ a. ~: t...". 0t. ': ,,0 '.. n0 oat ;:n1,2,,,,' n'..• his mole through wtthoutiny dung on it or the transa of heavy I.ds. bridgel4emer'„"r '`, 4 I t., ....it - -.1841.a1l DICK,. Y& Co Manes all stopped Very mach for Went Of water . may Mention the stlepenelOn le 13,44 Ma t :, -t,-. ~ ‘,._,.,.. d- ioaTt....-,... lumpy, to, .._---„ I.w to hens stopped at Turkey River, to raiment his near Manchercer. which was broken down.. nt e r .r ., „000 ornoo t o and I mole. Cr Flyng and I came on In comp.. with 12th of A p ril, Ibll, in consequence of tba bra• ~,,,,,,, g , ' taalall DICKEY' Co three other. Matthaei has got through, but we don occasioned by a company of about t 1 sots 1 ' - --- have am seen him yet. • diem marching over if, they ha proceeded about DoTaToE-3—so i i bi. Red and Pink I'd a, for al , . by We never had any trouble with the Indite. un- half way scram the budge, when on f the i i vast, STUART w it MIA. .__ _ • _ ta .. Irot on this aide or the Caldera. mottotions, 1 cheats soddeoli brokeoind the whole ot 1 men I colts. \II...AL—St Io to sense, for sale by where they stole seven head out of ten. O'Fivott I were practpuntod Into the river, although nn st for. _i. to STUART 2011.1..1P, %Vaud st lost both his, mid our pall:lenp poney, I lost 1 tunatray without any tom of lile. Thee chat pier s i x i ils.aT Irt,OL It narks 01000 IWO in store . nothing but half the .money. We had not been at Brighton Was clot Very considery da eased r 1 forale by nor it STU Alt I . a .11 1, atsualtlll VW fors , some time before, butmade our during a Virden!. elorrn, Writ h matured . the • pp.......„1,,,,,, ~,,, p, arta . , bed In the centre, and plekened the mules all 15th of October, 1833, nosey of the nor alto( A ~, , r.rerin,tor roe lq around as. They n , , 5 scrlianT& gild. ite Wool I come op and cut the ropes not rods Laing broken, and a c oostderable pre On or Mete then ten steps from our bed. We Followed , the roadway to two of the dons:one bet. cam trUNTIra sOCKS—to dor for saw by sfuas we cocild keep oa the mail, but had I ned awes, And wo have two further in auras, C hosts ..rru Aar k SILL, Ito Wood to them egiv them op. 1 In the Case Of the stispeurnon bridge at Itt ntr.e, Pa t o caught op with us that day, so we gilt , and that over the Menai Straits, both o which him to being Part of eer thiogs ID, thnt .0 runty . have been very seriously Injured by a ems ol pot get on my two mules. The rest of the party i wind, the former on the Ilth of October, 535 , on got their things fil at wagon. and we all had to font whtch ...too about one third of the roe way, or R the namleder ef the way. We were lucky In an d the of the brolge, was entirely carer . away. getting this side the mountalns before they were and the latter on the 7th of Jenuary, lb , when stolen, or we eared not have got our things brought mere than one -glad of the suspettillng ro a were in: We were arable 93 miles of Sacramento City . broken, and both the carriage ways reudesed ma. where they were taken. ...le, nearly 200 feet of one of them be rig bros All the Pittaburgbers are through, bat Captain I ken away. Durog the height of the storm, a Aoki= and Captain Day's messes. The lan we wave was observed to traverse the platform in Cord of them, they had gone to Salt Lake, to pack an oblique direcuon, the height of„,which au vv. C m . that, Dr. Walker Is hem, bat I have rim award by the b ri d g e keeper ft not less than 16 Petri him. Witham Johnston has gone to San ` feet 'Toe motion was &owned to be greeted Francisco. , about half way between the pyramid, (01 point al We lay at Sacramento City a week after we get soapeosloo) and the center of the betale. The ft --eh e dig is on the Sacramento men, two utiles wave inereamed la ha Knitter. from tbe pyramid from Suttees Fort, and ISO tulle. from San Fran- until it attained Its maximum altitude no r the first anea,lt fs generally called the City of Rags—there , quarter,.d at the Raton tenant the cultism de a but shout half a damn frame toddle. to it, premien ss. near the third quarter. ' - 'he wave M about 500 tents. There la a very heavy b as. then gradually diminished to the certro of the at , Mess dui, there, from the to every taa.-sL bndge, and afterward. l ocressed. to the third gears devote! weft arrive and depart e day, ter, when it attained tut greatept height at the and vess e largest class can come tip in same time that the first quarter was moat de s the spring. when the water Is up. The tide rises pressed The platform and the rts a chains about IS inches. were equally selected to this undul tory me. Ferrate." are cheap enough in the city, but ye- OM' " 1 J ry Mishap lathe Mine*. Floe?. SS per hundred; --s-s• . Pork" 5 20 1 Segar,lll6; Coffee, Ste, Cracker. SW 41. r. Prom', account of the effects of the wind 20; lnkgen,sl. per pH; Rice, 1200 per 11:5 Better, on the Menai Bridge; T ra nsaction of the Irwin' $1 per #4 Law fa in swathed' to the paw a 8011 of Civil Enemies% ToL 111, p. M. / Vlll7BliU i‘lll-tI'AZETtE 6"1"(/"' WME rco --•- THURSDAY MOH 6;,,N0Y-.45,4840 117 13 5 E rmxT. PAGE FOR LOCAL num kats, TELEGRAPHIC NEWS, Re. The editor of I= Pose asks us, an impertinent and nader the circumstances, an inaulting question., =cradling our self-scspi,et, end because re. Awe to answer, helsterprets our silence to it his own itews, and holds up Isla hands in h y hot-, ter Of oar want of ' aiusisseney t Suppose we shoaldaskldm tf he was =ill la favor of the SO- Tressery, or opposed to a National Bank, or in Wenn to some olheirardlnal article of his creed. would he nattered the quetvion as impertinent? Whenever we have recision to clone , ow pliS tapirs, we awn be snips:red to avow ihemlas arrt hive always one. without kar orliyor. If thn Po iedll°"'" inu=Nialls' Ignorant °fen/ views ' On any object of publio concern, we alsould take Pdractin =lightening' him , but we wal not con. cant to te cetechtsed, like a serail boy, to gratify kssignms—nr nem:CM enlighten his ignmanee, Übe stupidly or eare.iewiy remains ignorant in a alio where Le that may read.' "r, The fit. Lonie men have within n few days , , contained icconem of die prevalence of eholem in' Cape Girardeau, .13leven deaths were mat . ed to have occurred Irma the disease on &mazy jam It la now 'however suspected that they were' 'wellby *441. IS thought that the town well wee poisosied,from the fact that all those w • peed water froaj it Were atteetusd, whilst other cdl kunce centietted In the enjoyment of their urea beattb.• fitit iate* excitement prevailed. This well had been elose4 by the authorities and • WWI= it being made to , have the seat r W. lents. Soot the Boston papers that the Han Hobert C: :Winthrop, Speaker Aat the tact Ho • -of Bepreseutattrea, win married oe Trteadap cv c tog to Mr, Laura•Derbp Welles. • MOS ROOM/ ron Taut —Ned Gr n Diekfiteranr, slaves, were convicted at Ric on Thtundsy, of burglary and larceny, d taped to betting on the 21st of December ', ruhinia! paper a short lime since, whe an s urprise and Indignation. was expressed of Oats at a 'Willa sentence, excused by sa log , sentence Was' often copulated by the vei,. but It is Uzi ;such a liarbarous lam was :polar id ftcm this stidnabook:Ta is in the real lisynno spirit. . i I • TirsPFixem-vaxiA.l3cocr. for the Washagoon Monument IS now toady. It is 4 feet lo' g, 2 Meet - wide, and 44 inches thick. On its it bears k 4, the following. inseription :—"Pennsyl la, from the qearry of E. 9.ll.itner, Montgo me ry county." The word Pennsylvania is engraved in large 001.110 lettere,, near the centre. . .. Vatersia Defies. '.Tbeiree-indirs en the two tides of the water do sot reamer agree in their' view. of the, pro fit*, of ad valorem duties. •In a speech *rare the Etinchlorikgircultural Society, Mr. Ininacli, the glint adyeade of the protection doctrine in the English Parliament, recommended "art ad valo rem duty dn'atzartieles of Careiga import Whais ever? The London iimeerrart, a leading tree tgade"jonnuth, thus difip!inte4 Ofi. Abe project oy• Mr. Diarieth • "Mr AP:lsraeli is to hive an ad valorem- duty on fore4nrillieles Imported,hat is, • duty varying I with ets rules ow rev ri arm,. Whet an ma. Maus amount of calculations and varying amount of dunes levied on more than a thouaand cles that would give rue to,needs no explanation. arti As thr corn, which varies very much in velue„-.ther nod may one I season be eighty shillings, and a nther thirty shillings& quarter, his plan would !Ivied the sliding' scale in the grout pouible shape. Supra. leg bisadvskeem duty to bo tenper cent, it would • May a dity of three ,hill per gunner when wheat wirevrcnth thirty ngs, and eight staling. . a when it sells far eighty shillings. Such Asa scheme can only be designated by the word used by Earl Suuthope; it is absurd, and we shall not it present nay one herord farther en the subject. MG Disraeli said would stake his sernlthibn on trueness if the *our. would pet into the hands of their lender the magic. tampon, of a sinking kind, and err nd valorem dut We are anvil he ism sad prodwate. He t e e' nt ed hie all, and little though it he, it is lost for ever. Wriest Or rm Sam ROI= Ramos.—The fc lowintletter by the brig Falmouth, from our ear respondent it Rio Janeiro, brings iatelligence of the loss of theahip Robert Fulton, from New York kw San Franeisecr. i te BinJA/C6lO, Sepmber, 18,1849.11 Bribe arrival Of the British brig of war Panda re. from Falkland Islands 3d manor, we. hare se aman or the total loss of the.Arnenesn ship Robert Fulton. Chase, tram New York and this pmt for San Friuselsco. She went ashore en the FAA FaUdands, and went to pier. Coon after sink enrich date we have not Yet as. entained—but it is reveled about the 15th of Augus. The passcogers and all hands were r •tv =A a portion of tbe cargo in a damaged con letter was received at the U. S. Consoler, from the -"Tads, reentionieg the accident, though ,Withent particulars. He tures that there acre two Beath& brigs at Port Stanley, blithe :could oot charter them for the Pacific. He is to hope ghat Nom vessel from Rio kir California may L. induced e to touch there and take his passenger.; but them are none that could accomodate any more, panniers, even ifby so dole it would nut effect their I.6llllfariCe. ~, A ~ .L.:~. 4 ••• ,j,..y. i~; ~.;~ Qio Lle Editor o f the Pituburgh Gar.eag. Painsylvsa!lli 1L i 1 'Laid. " pride you copy from the gaper, in reference to the receot tattoo on the Porto. .eylvania Road, in Johnstown, says that the workisto be commenced in twegty days, and fin- Lathe spring-of 18510 Do you not mean the spring . of IESRJ l_Flaving a deep Eluting. in IL coatpletion if that great work, you will please • . fake and oblige.a SUBSCRIBER. Warlike Pleasona. in obliging n " subscriber. " work Ls to be, finished in 1851. An extract *trio a tate comoranioation of the Eog Weer of the Wearai Division, in reference to the abova noticed 18161.5131: ?The part of the western division justrit un der contract, will Wend the road twenty tits miles *Aber. westward, and beyond ell the mountain mem of Weetem Peensylvania. Of ibis distance, Aollicteest rodeo, of the heaviest ,work has been ar aped to able mid respectable contractors, to be Cotanianced immedlateland completed April lot 1101: T h e remainder to ItiAtit work, toad will be crionsweaced Ingle apring,together with= addition. al aced= of sitittlu character connection with ft, widish will bring.-tutu the &Ahem Tampikei id a 'point about forty miles from Pittsburgh, all of wkicla will be pushed so as to be completed eicaulteneottaly by the time above naed.° , , . ''AsainlLll — l, et Iltssairill matter Asstrallatad ' • ~ • 'try •In110 1 • 1110 e O P S: , It if krona, on analysts; that an acre of wheat, ' baillB an averse thp, carries &forth it no tell tbas two kindred: and ten ponoda of inorg.naie sfisairrata iris thirty pounds in the strain, and ene • litograd and eighty pounds to the straw .. - l suit. . ing ma Of its Importance' of cerriUming tee ' &its are the land. Bartey taker taro hundred pounds—fifty three in the gnu., and ' 'pia handled and silty in the straw. Oata take -i • Wilted and twenty Six pow:We—thirty Iwo bt IM grain,thlrty in inn basks fifty Our in the abut sad two trundred In the *raw. A crop of Hof 11,0411 lane per nue, When rihnlVed - Or WO land, chitin" Off mix hundred and fifty • frlaltadir of onlneral matter. PolatOeS, including tics*, (*ha a five hundred and eighty pounds, ' dm tops acontainintab,,ut four hundred pounds: - Cabbie attrrlce off . wooly ono thousand pounds. LEM ?• . $ •W. if, 1 . --- - too We ,14.16 i FSltier. . i _groat for Apyte Trees. 1 A *ffliniirriplaut a the Albany CI11110.10,1W,i• ;OM fro .Irtaelltiis4lolol, Vilgioill. Wm, p, OW We* low a large whirl of 'Pamela's lumen irtgess tee use. op= Me COW ofthe ambled lif slow putties free • third larger, sett geneeee ettiolt *opener, Ott It was pposed br !di who WI red ere the sppte, that they *ore s_ 101,04 r ef et' th e Jinneu. This spring 1. gsgenteed 114 A r end lond that a TAO of hoe :Ird ;flat under the ten teem se Dew the that l b e d been ploughed and worked up *4 the lop all, A seriely el the lore Blue , plasm imam{ Ilan oho value grood,is ato eery kW svtr;is orgie taken from the mane plum tree mitwitt•ill Nadi ruck, grown en dia.rest sod, ,Mere vraohloss. From the WerdMecto n Republic The Osage Indians. A delegation of the Osage Indiatts,ftom thss.Ne. oche sub-rgency„ consisting or .4 priumnal chief and four warners and accompanied by Mr. Penn. tnterpreter, nrrived in the city on Friday evening, and ere quartered.at Matter's Globe hoteL The cause of their vita, we learn, is the noripnYMeht 01 the mini/Mel before the cannel hunt, on account of the absence of the sob-agent, Mr. Bell, fur which no reemons had been given; and they have repair. ed to Washington to make their complaint. • On Saturday, they were presented to the Com- missioacr of lodine Adana, the Honore/le Otioh -do Brown, who received them very Madly, and in formed them that the oon-patMent mass owing to the serious Blom of the agent on the way to the vs tion,having been seat out last;eml.„that he is now recovered, and by this time emon'retheir heath. lee dietributing the annuities. He suited, t h me, af ter soma further conversation, that he would tate them to his chief the Secretary of the Interior, by whom they would be introduced to their Great Father, the President. They thee proceeded to the Deportment of the Interior, accompanied by the Commissioner, and were joined by Mr. Ewing, with whom the sons I of the forest seemed highly pleased, and were ea coned to the Prealdent'a mansion. The President received hie visitors in the east room; rind was introduced to the principal chief, I , White Head, and the principal warriors, nod so- I luted ahem cordially. He welcomed them to Washington; war glad to tee them; and trusted I that their people are happy. The older, nt which they Complained, and which ha brought them to Washington, should be attended go o dy i n Commissioner, who was before them, who I would see justice done them. White Head reph ed, through the interpreter, may boil travelled • great distance to nee heir Great Father; they Were pleased with his kindness, .d would no tell their people. The President then entered into a conversation • I with the chiefs, in which be directed their alien- , lion to agriculteral pursuits, the rearing of stock, dec., and warned them that subsistence by the chase wan becoming very precarious, and would i afford them no longer a reliable living. The Miter; White Head, thereupon presentedao the President a roll of drawing' aid paintings r are. folly tied up, which he ssid had been made and given him by the lade girls of the nation, to pre sent to their Germ Father, of whom they had ell heard. There were very pretty, and displayed much skill and provers in the ort,aod were Warm ly praised by the President, who seemed pleased by the present. White Head also presented a lit. Ile package, neatly tied up, which contained a beautilul and finely wrought bend purse, sent to the Great Father by a little. Osage girl. The President again oddeeeoed the chiefs and told them that he had given directions for their comfort while here; that the Commissioner of Indi an Atrium (his officer) would attend to their bow aims; and that suitable clothes and memos would be given them belore they teemed home. The interview then terminated, nod the Indians, after being shown through the moat room, and con versing with the Secretory of the Interior and the Comm sooner, retired to their qUivricrs, evidently roach gratified with the first veil to their °rent Father. tEriPl. Wi.A.Niell Vstrattecoat—mare Tesumbilyl -I,lr. Jonathan Illoulhman, of West Unto. Part Co., la., venter . follow , ro g.O Id & Co • I have ,old al. the Permduet you sent me, Yltd wish • nese supply Immediately. I could have gold a great deal more. if I had had it on hand. T herms,g her, after trying all other medteines for .tly Mat o f n equal to D. Nl`Lane`i, Vermlluge " For sale by J. KIDD& CO., blo. CO, corner cf Fourth arid Wood at, Pittsburgh. Inoel.dawls• Inapx42w;mnists Dentistry. Pitt:. 0 STFAitNS, hue of Homan, ss prepared to v manufacture nod set Broca Tutu tn whole aud of set, upon truenon nr Annosphene• Samos Platers Tiwrit.C.ca. to net ston - rsa where the Iter4c ts axpoerJ. office and Insolence next non to the Nay orrs °Cher. Fourth . s't.a i d, bIPu r H h. K aton. ati Hoera to—J. liturstrat Lenot nroett—rrepared by J. W. tr-N oetty Withers snare, N. Y. and for ano by A Jayner, 72 Vote* rare Vas will be found a dellghtful ern ar err of heverare et in end prancontly tot stet moon Usage's ilants..—An Lerprowed Chaconne prepare. Lan. brine • corobtosrno• of Cocoa nut:, tunocent, in. v.roraTiou and polstible, hqbly reetontnendeti panic -o'.arly fur t ovelels Prepared by W Dorches ter, Moss end for sone by A. JAVNIA, et the Pet tO .Lea s t ecer sn 70 Fourth n nehll JOll PRISTILBIGI• Ril 1. 111.:ADA, CARDS, CIROCIARS. litantlinr Laimg, Coutnreu,; , . Law Man Ls. ccirancAra*, elm:lN 'Naar.. ice. Printed at toe phone. uotten. 101 pe,esito• dean useurr• tnrsc.Tyte, so.c•r7. EL. D• .nrn, between and Lterratur, oetl-,117,` A/41 rgcsti • ti RId..NHALLT win. Th. ' *.e routideralFon "1:pt.”1"e71t;:e74,1"-:;i,„ank. as•eittable .00 the or•lty al , 51 - Wm. AIS•o omit, , pu,,vet to iNe 110101/10.1301 0 cc. vrtil tie • eao4od.e.to.t., y-rll**" " tr • n el the %N ktt the M•yogaitr• - e oLetil C•7r.lettaltaata llltsh. be • can dldsr fo f ,o the uolatrAttan of tie Alltgeeny Whe. .40-ti Et , 7 Th• nayoraily. . . of 01.1VV , II ILIPPe.V (.2 submit by . We awed, to roe eWereuen f the ake th e ,Vate ConvenJune. as iota... ceueulat. 7ar ihe MayereitT n‘•11-te f • funeral of tno Rev .IctuA A tfiterd wthe Ceinetetl, on 'Steidle', tats day.) e ip 'llO freloek A M,from So :".!thateend / 3.IFFEV.--4.A rant. gr. on b. .I.oj...riving, for %.3 , rale by A.11111.01./EMTSOS, n _ 144 liberty rt_ SUGAR. NOLASSE..4—: dr , rY.s e II Molaribrr, 0.1.imn4 and !at rdlr tdr ' " 1.111.11Vir,":i norls ir.pkgsV 11, O. Yowler, and Black Tca. •rtiving and for sale by , tiosli bit CULGY.:IIIPON 0.111ik,C,=71.01.1ta a , e m i . ,,,.ti ~.. , 4, mad o•• e plug ...n Mor brands, on . bun msd to arti re, and lor sole by 0115 ,A CULBERT: IO N . ieObRyFISLI—O tc.:;vvir.,r7 sopertot,,AjtVl.3 14,!rge ',ANTI'. CERRA NTS -14 casts dun reed for sale LA by rinsla ‘ A CULRERTPOId 4.--.. ---_ IUFACKEREL-10 bbla No 1, last reed, for rale by In novl3 t A CULBERTSON 011ARLIbid NAYLOR. Atiorqe7 at Lam, Tbird ~ k_/ 1a• disor above Smithfield , nuvid-dis2_, PE r ".". : iA'" -1 °`""( 1 1 ,, t 1 . 7 g i cc , ." , :i) , `: ,!-, ' , pol..AvrE•#lbr,:f 2AVII",•::11 0 .1 , .0 GR..?:,...,1 APPLX-S—t3bbls Itan i ff i aLbl 3 V : g i .itly ljAnRDr-, kegs to M or and sale by,.AlO 14SKINNER,_ " I . Vi7II.I.„Tv4,:SIIEANS-5 bble in4lziartii,/ f; i i , i i s : I . :1;1 , 11 ROIL tibia in s;dreand for sale by nOTNUTTER—./ pa Ala it SINNER ---- KEE A small lot'ln More and for role by C'..!..11Yri.-3t RIRAIO tcSKINia FR P'" grUE'4—. fWb " :l l, kilf. e 4, l'.',..l.b i •• sAlAlf/ b. oICINV KR .tiovis -- A.SON'S Caotleu(e Meeting, esed rhea: for •!, 13 1 1 ' 1!y nov• i SCHOONNI AKER la CO .1.-N TURPENTINE -1.0 tealg.infolooldrtfor am Q L-1 by tiovl 5 J MCHOONSIAKFAI ..C;11 . _ E Xr 0 ,11 "U":001 r„.VO,',ZillATl' , `; , y , .. _ _ _ 1,',17',,',.:',','-'"LT-I""l"Zrit(ll.liktzr.n k co ~,,„woop-tuo bbl. rhtprd. , for glale by CO 1, u4,•15 J :41,1110oNNIAKElt & ,_ - f)U11.:1.-",r'lti'l FIR 141'tiRiNpil=mkitgail riji,l. BUcKsv"" Fi t:4 l .lg P erFlaA r iVVood et noolgi FW IlttilF:, —Chalmers Ittoototto of Theology. jgof. I; boutg Vol VII. of bts Poo lumous Work.. Combelo Syrian of Fhrooology, with oyfords of IQ .ngrogingg. Jam roc 01 za n ier solo by R Apollo [Wilding, Fourth olt. REVILW, for October Ef art ' reeeiTed 14. October torch , Lockerool p„ .4 et the E 41 . b.,e JAMO,S D LOCKWOOD, singlyirffg.aekraeod, when a„ token m i r Y t "5- ::17 ' 10 $ 6 1 4 D IC :Ct PITL n t 1 Blackwood; — g L n' : ' , F. l ,4 : fl:l3 E ught one bott ept. le of To R di ar "' t, Ir . rfe tray I FLlnce Slate at thil• place, Vera. WC. walleye comder our herertee . o , derfol ard it to" ton ... o f my b o y. eight year. MA1;1 ad r erreifo , some 'ee"' •o mooch ' a t e n ted te been o n : sit hope,. of hur recovery w.osur h"7 bol a °, f o t r t Letng the d i m a o:„."Fc1"1:1`:' ...inyosonl*Hen Tas.rd to the shoo b - 'of "h aVu n t s, lei woran, tar. of,thm 11100.51.1 L of 11.10 as 12 sa 14 rnehe:::z „, 1 ,. (e .. 1 741 5 , 00 ulti 0 e7e " tO g.' e n : y ee noo , " n e h . at Soo Conk prover. "" 1 " .. '5 . f0Tr0, 'off Lvv.2- tui.ld by R SKLLKII.DOD Wood arill'" f e ‘br We nowli dues. LIST OF LISTTICILS D ithIAINING in the of Post 015 e. from the WI to th e littb of November InIO. P. 1011.1 nailing for them will please say nosy are advettiwith Ladles Mat. Adams Barak H Alsip Mary Ann 31. - •• • • BI kely Bridles Adlß'Ce C Barry Catherine Boston Clam n Brol. VirP•' • t F"'"tiTt Baler Fiissheth Hateley Win Biddle Elimhe Campbell:4:l,h A Collins Mary A Cro v, ig_ 0 1 .....,, _ Chair.. Etviro Cook Alle Cr. f r_._ 1, , ,. 1 .,...,., ; , , Tlarton NI C.' C 0512.1. C....brine Crouse En Causes Mary Cothran Anne Cruroley J-• .. Coeheran X fore , . Dalking Meryl Dimond E G Donley Cailienne Davidson Elen Dobbs Pdizatieth Downing hltzy IsalPa Dolan Elizabeth Duncan M K Davidson Davis Loie* Donahoe N P Danlau letuttn Davis sterruiett F+tnn Nary 11 ny '4I•FF.I 'E'PvilnY• yard 1g Flower. "Sarah Flynn Ceiba's. Frew Ellsa A DORMS , J hl Follansbee E Fuller A 1 Fowler !ecotone Fuhos! Illnua Gamble IlinCh EGM Elisabeth GVOVGI Rachel Garner Saran Cats , F riansanhs Mary rlil;bsAdonne Goodman 13 °wain Mary A Gillerptc M 3 Gamily Mary A Graham France II H. not,- Hays Emily , Hannah NWICV !Ingham Haigh Food Mary Howard Cotb`el Hammond Mrs' Ildod Carolina A Hugo Anna Ilanen Sarah Horn entitle E - Ham Elisabeth Hall.X Hall Catherine Jones C K Johnston Sarah S Johnstyn Sarah 8 Karnes Herr. Kelly Ansellia K(ng Mary Kean Elko Kelly 111., A. Land. Ellealt'h Leary Miguel Leyed MICE Laren Mary Lewis A. Lueboek Mary Carlo Mar lin A Lit. Mary se.. Lawler Margaret Lough Ann Le , Marth Lcaty Ellen Mahoney Bridget 'Niihau , Cath`o Morgan Margaret Nlarrhall tlecieor ',Michell Mary A Moron Eluatrcitt Me& mary P Nlnberty MSILITI Mildlo liatris! a e gni! Sarah Nlontgornery M J Murtha Ellama Nikita Rachel Mcßride B rtlearnald M 1 MeKey M.ry MrC.ll24.ers•ftn Meitononett A McLaren Metlelis.trd F. McDow...llK MrLsughlin:tlrtE rClnr.lrey M MeVarlot Jane. Helena Mel ttot ril McCrackett A MeFariltne M a rta Em.l M.C?rigtalin Mclntyre A C ttlellter•arr R.tehl NMI:101.11 Ann L Sitibet sun- rcAory Modrmle NicoolotnE R y F PifltlncluSß,l7l.o.Ah T) P,r L!in R.cloard.n Rlll.lle. Dog Mr, Ruche abeth y Atm Ileuticitaßol.brrt.. K.. Sam r tic. Ulla 5... /whet Pamela Shaw Hannah 1 SonpsoaCbatio; . . tiklhronn flaJzablLSWl6llrinry J Snuth Marva , . l l. Spre.ralasbelh .t.peMary tont.. Mary I'. Sa•111,• T Tabor glary A Tanner A J, Torre. , NWT., Wlt M V am' Hamel I: V nithamt Nbaryl:ll DE= Ward Jaye NV•rth armannatt Walt., Flint. Walsh Cathenne IVe.lake Amelia NVlzitr.tite* Nary A WigKet , A Manz Wtlimat• Mro WOli.. Cir... ‘Viliks. Mary Wtaght NV Wood. If ...cab 131.ent—lenten's LISt • • Alra , II Adai• Alenry J Allen Ito Abe Henry • Ad.. inn A:eSandcr A C Ager Adams Wnn Alr.andrt Wm I Ain .worth C Day.d 10111.10/1 M Ailirrtl J. a, LI Ander.n A 1 ,1,01 J on A Ailcm !br.ght Ch J. ml Antmr. J tu mor: A ek lay Andre ir ATIOLICI Robert Ai/imam: liccrp ',ADA eAI Alger Math.. Bennett Ttmothy Braden /Graph Bennoll lihna Ilreghl Geo Kurileli IlentY 51 Boon Wm S Pam Wm Irwin !Wadley John 'lllbekloy Chi...l Brannen Semler 13.onar fithlryw Motet llmiry C umar, Wm Bryant George Bchan. J 1,3 Brooks Elm 'al...wish yawl lillarrell C 11111.00 James Burke Edarawi Black Win F Bymeton Albert `.. Bowen ol' B yrne rc.• J Brweil Geo 11...... Ito!, • Baal Than... Iry me Joseph tiriAl Robert . L.riby Boob -., aitr 1 lit Sr wen John 9 Boma Potrtrik • ..eaty 'Thema. Brown Benton I . Barna Dell Wm DriwerrZe rhaula, Barnes John . Ileh lime. Brown Wit Dramaturg J(0 Dell Wm Jarrow Uragdou Ebro Undid /Zhu I. Itendw 4imoh A Bolllnore John Brady A - . Ilarlord F.tr B4ackin Jamas - --,----- - ._ ._- C i VANN?' 111,511.1L8 IN ITALY. antliontededinon, , 1..• Itino 750'1. NIRS. FANS'S' ICEAILILPna lik'-‘ll Calhoun slr Clara T I Cog Item OF Ctri.7iULATIOI N . Calsarr Joee Clark Terra Con Wm • ' ' The wadnig . of this book has Impressed us with a Calor , ' Prat't Chart Terrence Cord Isaac ' much lilkhergopt:root i .„. t. an t tb s io .. r th i, a th n . We lo hld . f a r: rn „ ed ,, Canon Thins Clark Zoo Courhror Bah , i front Dem`m, 4 . . ,,,,,,,K.Z„. gr .g a Cae., 51 Clark Jot NI : Coman• i tone ot thought, united to more (loin Ca,thois la. Cavran Sun. W Correll L T i feeling than any other rroducirott of the fatale mind Carel MI: thnitn Joh Crawford .1 01 i war , ve , lurti we:re aequatmeil,”--Eee 511 0000 . Cane, Tao. CT Col Lewis W Crawford Jai, II ; ' . ..1t • a very rgree,ab.lerd r,ertda.p.lte,„bvork.n,aortne,n,ttn. P h onon Sliermet Golirna k. Matt, Crarmard Jul . F dy, rty ...wade • her it , . I, 4 ,0 1 : 0, ~..,.;_,_ _....,.. boo , Carrell l'in man Craw:obi la. 2 . taiiinpr. We ,ee 0 0 1 . 7 , , , e Bead ,n. " r '.. ...mktg.. Wm L. 1 . 0;1101 F C Combo .la. II , 9011,1110 of M . : jariourna.ii . 7 t,‘..c. lng . , ga ,. .. ,h ""''n"" '4 "'''''''4 I.4'“'" C""1.4• (.00 -.1`,.!:1.„'",,,.":`,'„..,, arid is one oi Me plea...best c,„,,,,,, Tho E Cbophr Jas V . Cree.grorie. The. an • , . k 1 , ...,...,,_,:,,,,,,,,,...d , 'ample. , Wel ('Duly -great Crilley Geo ' arid most tutercaung boo a 0 h P.A.'''. '..rnP"" Wm We""'"h"'" P """h j""‘ ' '' I • book. We have rend it from J. C o rry ,1•• Cwand Bieglimi . ib.s irem eluirit.lerta ii. CCra.C.'l32v:.l Cannata C& A I Call. Jlt i tide pare to Colophon with iinaband mime. A vi. Chase 111.010 Conn yWm . a.m.,* Henry ml Neill. , of . life in Rome. In all rcepe.ta eminently Clirld Im 1 Ccropton li C Carl Geo • trzelole.'-kaleecibeeker. Cll.•Mbele Ur C.miieby [holed Curet Freer k , For .ale by ,J AMES D LMCKWOOD, Clll,ooe. bre , Onee o 00 9 ‘`ammlng Unn..l . inoMP ItookaellQr & loseTr,G.l Wood at Chien. J•• C"L"" C'" C''''''" '''''' • ITALIA!! & SPANISII LA NG VAG Ks. ~.,,,,,, w arn ' C o nnor Je,...ah Comte.. Iloht 1 ._ _.. (.I, _, _ _.., wo , . ~,,,,._ L, ,.. ,. r, „ . , Cl. no) John II Connor It tI Culomm. ',mil 1,:„II,NII,l . 7.1.,,,1• c . 111 .00. _ . ,e , ~,,,I I ~.y mit 11.• IL Canonoil floor OMe Peek. 0 1 1,0b.g g ..,.! g_ . . , al yet uooccuplcil, he wal iropon that'll , -oh 111 n. th .10," l0"00g051"Io"l:011m.nqi0'('IX, Jr.„.., " I. o.'ol- II"' i D'"'"." lluC4 * of ( r o h o e ' Li r o m in s nri 9, l ' II EL.F ! ..BER , at Wooder , f r Derenny oral Dolan John, mid 111 balm Irnseole Jeih novt3 illw • • . • " yra1',41„.n..,,TX,:i',, 147,:,.":17,1141.' 1)A rEa.- 1 50 reams tra t v• WriLmons ET:, or D ow John Drammen II J , /oat we'd and for sale by Downer r a. W IMmari i.e. lurid Door. John Dwimne II A gnv" --- Jleer.• T Ihugtaas Jellf 0 Damill David P fiOFFI.E-ll 5 bag. Green III? Cley .. . be. crop, r Mel r. , Pougherly Chas Dunn Wm '• tr tow Toed It. 4.1 01 ~.1., • .^, " 2 . , ,.i, ~,, , ,,_l , ,y ISi Douolloo9 Mao Bunko, 1 ' 1,0 , 4 Et W Dougherty John Dritin Wm C ''' . s .'' `.:'.' train' I.knoebougb P Dunphy t dry That - Battle. Ile .ry • Ilank.rd 1.• Ulreeti l'lttrse• . 13.....rbi0r Erecter BalbourGo , r'etal Dual ,Art4l. - n ILLtiovr fiasetut , mw ~us, 13 , N, Edmond Ale. Erten & hl'PLer E. Pao,. Eanund Eh... .11 En Mot 40 011010 i Crtlmo Adam Err, 1, ,, fen. Enact Jol.n . 1.1.0tt Vatcrrinc Taxan .I..ba A Flynn Too. T.n. Th. Pi ,o , no, LI 11 Fad; Jot Tlertunic W. 1,11. idol Flower Franklin Ftwomnont 0 Tell,. 11 , 111 J. orll 1.1 m THrnci John Felliceen War Foy Pornly Fctcuton J. Too Ittchd Flinn Jan Topton,' J. Flynn Wynn Form Wlt 1 • G .• Gern, Thos litbson Wm 11.cen John .. _ _ ...... -- _ GoLowa y Waall'ntilbson Rohl l ! rant J. 11 &I a . - .i_, ~..,.,,,,,,R,_;35 ~.inr..,Khyi.,xtr,,,, 4.... lintlughet 1. Gibmst Adam. From Jos . r norll tionson Prescott Giraley & llod• G ,., r r eg ,r;,;,,,.. E v's ~/ tieregbiy Mtehl n. 4 Per str Mt Verunn, 10• .010 by HUEY, MATTHEWS A CO l''t.;:.:iis''tn'lF:n"" ilii''l'liatim".'l,l. (:::::::I'l"‘..;m:l't T., uA:1:::41.11;:—:-..1:5,..11):::-Ihi:nme 111, for 0010 . do. . 00. Geary John A G roove WII 1...r.0. (toll A) 0,,,,,,,, , • __....,, .. , _....._ _ CO 11.0001 John Grooves 11 It tt.L.„ll4tl. ni , „4 ..,....„ ~;11 ,‘, 1 1r- i : s A , I J A . 1 . 1 0, ; ,, 0r , m , f., , , : , & ,, ,, litlll4 o lii 1 Ntc) 6 . — 1. - .1 hi blAt an do do; Fo ti r o:l . r ' 'l*" c'"FIVIIT,VI7IIEWS AC„ .--------- - DIG NlV.rAl.—vUonsflayriultolt Funmea y , now land 'l tog ".1"""q" """ " l '' ' 4 1 0 ;`'ii FLOYD novel ___ ___:— 11 Duil.l .11arbactA A. 11111 Al' 11 Jos II•molt Coproa .11111 Favon fr John Hart,. Ch. 11111 Wll 11 1/ Hawkins II S Hoak Jos ,gh Jool Ilawkins Daal llollsek F it; J:‘ , M 'laves 1 W 1100, Yds,. (le Uelnard Haug Ja. i I )111/s/MS-4;0 Jo% la,l reed and for szlly i . i...y0 ha !as °nab F. S Dead Jos A• Howard John,ou .O nov:.4 —.- T. ° l):j, i i 11;',.',7;,‘,1:1,.v j , ,, mi r tzi r - ii .: 1, ,,, F . A u ~ ,f,„ 1 .., ‘ , E 1t V' RAN /C LIN , Atlonmy Id Law, 0.11.1 y azlou FOCI Ileudetolioot U. How David II — W. , J.,0. llaP P ,r 1 1., A .La ERR etfrrits-0 ea.., Blue aud Drab fait llama, Joln3 11,..in .1011 Dorton Joe , r cka,.,, just resedseaturateMu4os co n on .It.• Denning M W Ilosley Jacob , 11eury Wat 110 over Wal 11 41 tVoraial nrger J 5..., Ilaelcork Jolla 11utelunsna Wm —.. 0 1111ier Henry • Hudspeth Wm or; to ',:, ..U,•i 11:1der Jolla Ilaestmerl l Ite . v ar•ry Jo limas I.egle . t.on 110Enplarry Jos artsell Jane. Iturlawk %%at 11 Ilughca John tinter l'la. Hugh* Tavern • Janney Wm Jones:TM& Jnhnmn lino Jackson And Jon, John Johnson 1,11 Jamison JllOllllll Jon , Edward $ Johnson WM Jedorms 19w. .1011.011 John Johns. Wm NI John MAO Joa MINI Jos Johnsonlhinnson Ralph N 111,1! Jankum Evan Kira. Jelin Rehooch That Kelly John Keys AM. • Kerr Win Kiley Timothy liamhto Bea Cs rr S Wet.° kleeker :11.1112s t';'n6TVyrP " to r t ' ' a 1- Carr 6 R " a ' i i . h t ' " - 1 1 1 (t ' it ' koli v n ' ' Kennedy 1 ia' W Kehl Beckwith Kingingwand II Kesinedy Saint Belly Ilnah KAMer Mathew Keller Jacob 11,0. Francis Koonn...W / ~,,I, v rAe r K.elly Wm Krerent Geo KellyEnwanl Masser Flcillk ..1 j: i. ,,,,, • ii.,,,:mif::::. i. h .e "Ike Thos Henry j A I L. . 0 . o 1 . 5 , 11 . .11i ni Js. Lernbee torn Leech Litter Joe 11 Lamed Ilaripy -Leech .Ctinstr Linde Join. Lavin Palnelt Leech Jahn L Lode Wye Larva. Chas Leort as Latch Andrew Laws. John Lee" d L. Bartell a. Co I t Et L oony y rs j eo ac: t o . l ib Hasson' 6 Lovai'L:di:i o rd h. :, ' K ''''" I I L ii 'r l y:t ' , I ' e d li l i Th M I e. ' hol Rowland Lennon Onnets Linelthare Riebil Lloyd Abel Leiters Win 0 blansfield.larldi Myers Send hlotgan John TI Mahoniel A Myers Joe -'• Morgan Wm le Mennino Wm E Myers Cil T Morgan John Melon Win 0 Mohr Joe - Moran Abm Meborney B . Morns John Mo no Falls W Mane John Al.. Ando, Moser Leal hlnebeth Atolls Mille John hl , rnson Henley iisia.rruits„Jeenb lilldlin Jo, 11 Morrison las Martin Send Mika. W. MOOT. ing M . nit.ra Om Millet fleetly 1 Moore 11.11 0 Matthew s Niter G Miller John K Moore Jahn May S .I;Miller John Moot, Wl4 May Perk Mler./11 Morrow Fine May 11(4 Millet Alert W Murdu•k D L Menem Ch. Millet Bobo Moduli John Marsh Root. Miller AlOOO C Mellen Eike Maxwell/. F Miller Lewis C Moll. D.I or Matheson:3 H M 11105300 Fneela 1 Ilya /at illopubliar . lawPhl Ri.ta .. . .• , Mangy Jaa,- - 10 0rg... L- - Morgan Jobs a -Murray ] IS ales il l i c e.B .A 4, la mb, y .y., J vi n ,r lan_ ma:le:Cz....t:ns.tn,ciePirextes h e il .. ! ,F ennin rin:, P in at i ;: m. Mcßride] W McCormick Th. con a. ~ ,__ McClelland Wm Meenteheon 0 t1i.?„..C.1-,r -ble-Clalland 1 W McCniley Jesse .. c 0... k m 11. ?a . MeClargh Wash- MeDecolie. J j '''' Ineton h s l r e t C co. louf ,,. .l sT l i : h tt i MNlsl:ce:Cto:nw:nl:juiddola _ i...l.—::_:Glingovrirkin:re ,;1,-10.::. hle-Clusdey Jos McDowell Jon 4 n. , ,.._1t5..;.:, SloCabe W P hleDonnugh 1 c ?c , ....!r? ~, McCarty Jolgn McFacten James M?s ,,, , i g 4 ...1 McCall J a mes hleFadden J. "c M c Mahan - Was 1110-Canloy Aka McFondrn lls ,„, jo , n MeCandlet. Ar- TlEFnaderl 1' 0 Mo ntt M.l:%. ebiblld Mcltheny Noah Vvill.. Way MeCtrEhy Md McKenna John Mo h M IC C C I a i n Q ral O J7to 4684KRIT.I.ojhonhn 14'esnc's W' N • Neal/aloes - Nelson Wm ."1,1,._b°,,„,r,,,' Robert. Nei.. John R Newland Wm +..1.' ~, Neff John Norman John S halals , v Naar The. NM , . liege Noble 0 J 0 O'Donne , l Stiehl Owen 1 Pelson,. o•9•onilsr John O'Donnell Orril Osborne Ssmil Oliver Bob " •• It l r i P ladle Sacal N Penile Wm U p P 0 0 7 6 ., / ,'l t v .! P sin I. . PIT Retolip, pr'ratt'vociknbßilo" pPo°,',,,,n,!,"ohj.°,hn P ton Naafi R Prairr . N is• ,_•_. Pot " P Purr II II Phillip. /no II I', ll,l_ ~.o r„ . M Patton Peti . Phillips John M I iiillc.:„.",a P Patterson Anil's, Phillips Oa. , .1.41:. Jame• Pamirs. /as C Phillips Wm . lio . ~ , ,,,,d Palerson AI) iPiiiiia E l'i i,,, yof jNt Peirce Isaac Phelan James r,o,h,c. Dori, 1 Psaterson Uell , Pickard lir 13 Patterson Robt Flown A Quullsn Frederkek . , Ton,. M..on R.id`Jamea Rom Ralson 13 Rrsisimy R G Reynold. Th. Roberson Clarets SO.& %Ain C Reynolds Rived Roberuon Juhn Rea SNI Mehie Th. Rebert.on Wrris V Rat. \Vm Rink Ch. RoAerson RevA.R It athboue.l Rine Jame.' Robinson Ardnb d RATOCV lames R Brighter Wxy Rotneltn!Rain Radcliff Fdtss illy J J , Rsgstrs.) . .a n Reamer Jonah Rine. Fred•tck RoKer. J.... A Brans , John Rooerts Richard Rogers John Raney Patrick. Roberts Marl. Russell Ales'r Heed Th. Rn , ,vrts Tbne Rinn.e.ll Si T Reed Von A Rn , ens Edveald Russell Petra Bred Joseph Itsintelr:lienry Ronl , 06.1 Reed Rob't Robb .1 R Rad! John .. .nee Franria Sker , e John Stean A. Dickson .ample !oh. Sloan John Stephen. Philip Sam..lr pritcr 51,1117.11 lotion Flll.lllll Henry Slowlets s W Wkly., Samuel Steel 11.nry Scott Al,rindur !gbh. Unbent L Statenfield INP•1 SC011•,41.1,1 C Son. Crow•on Seven.on Dael Srnil l;eo.ge Smith David on Ja na eS :n i t David Snuth (leorgn Sievenaeri Joseph :nt A V Smoll Jonathan Strome , ti colille WO Smith J W tauntSri Jan libbh. Uncoil' Smith John F • Wrn C leee Goo W Smith John A Stewart Rohl 5 • tear IA N Smith Kiehl.] Sterrett no. lbw: Jinn , . ?man & alan•rielll•,traiherne Then mtinw Ura 01 Smith Win II Story Alexander -buffer titian Smith Wm W Streets Alfred ilhaffer Isaac Stred.Gabriel Stokes Wm Shand Win U Singer Wen . Stokely Jr.. Al Shannon Win F L Sturgeon Boni Shepard Win Spinal w aid Sheard Henry Sproul Jima. Sulltv an Wm Shmman I' W Sproul John Sullivan Miehael Shewmaker J a WSpears /11.01 Sommer% S F Smrlirnnerter DrilSpayil Jacob Sninmennhe Jo. Se/eltied Samuel Stapleton Pat Swayne Gideon T • Taylor Wm Titotna. 'Lenard Taman Pis Taylor Ro,t Thornton Owen Toulhlin John 6 Taylor Irma, Tnomp•on Joan 'Toirlinsoninlin Trylor Is. Thompson It N Toretoanidlt‘mh II Teed John r Th...p.on IDm ATObett J. 41111711 TbOrna. V. F Timm," Geo W John Turner Howard A rhinos , Chrel•• TinaGerlakel'hoallTmlary To•no law , .T . 'Tillr.ghut Wil V Troup Frrad'lr dbilli A4BTO:Ilt Tamer I W Vesiy Franns V•ughan liro W. g ness honey Weyner Wro D Gassier Wil W fi al.a.M sms s C D has eal Wal Joen Wells A Wallace Teo. ,Wernet F A Williams Saml Walker VII Weir Fask Wlllton Poets. Welker WII We lis Sseal II Willson Geo W waist loan %Vell , er II Wiggins David I. Wa Heny Welsh Th. Wills). Joseph Wayne') A F West Franklin ‘Viekersliam Ins Weed W ill \. - bite Ja. M wide :3 11 Ward joto Wlskte Sarni A Witler Snail NVanl Patrick White Ardw Wteeins Isnise Watkins-11.os C Wibne Rob P Wick Iran Wes %Valetta. El Welleside Roll Woodward lIM .\ \ ::::::: !!I°ls'" \‘'S-'l:i‘telSq l'%."'ra" ‘ :{Vg h tt ' t P I !"I. i Wilson' David Young Rol. Young R R Von.ting Franc. Young Rob: Young John Yu(lett Ravi,' Noungiu. S Olin DOMCitizen 1,9.1.0rg0 E....orate:F., No '2 M.chnoc • Lodge, nog Iron tatty Lodge. No 1.9 atn City I..cot;t, No ill Stag.. A. 1.19 11,9,day•aurs 900991 ty 11. um. Divtoon S of C. do La w.reocevillo 1,v0.10n0. VJ Foq I.hovostu Dll/. 111 I of T . A.n.ei.e. Ihvi•im. tl of :11/1 111-r•lt Wave Dtemoo S of -r. 111 t l~ T P Prcraorson, N0v.15, 1919. csokoon h:od siTd (a i r Tin ‘2 e """LARD- d - foi male bi k". N" '"more a IiARHAUGII nnrllPur';C'"' \V VetAll:11 b1 "VER Sh:ED-100 ho rm!, /IV In } r i m doorl 4 - 0 0, r , :. %% ke ; 11 ao 17 Y+rmer, enJ [or rule • , ; ,, r; fromt.Rt r . Fret, 1,0 It F' F FF F . Franc (hr' ji .f.l:T,lB.;:e.,l,—Nlccl. :::: K r bs ed , E . c t from nevi.t ~,,,,,A,NC.,:c „C.k.5.4,1..1E11t15-1 ee ' d e n nrd ut ,o eper rule new by style .;:vi. :suncre.,lll4 r r '.;WILSON et CO TIBBS AND 011Uallid• PINE AND CEDAR WARE MANUrACTouy. No. SI, corner Market aulryirfthhr 441 Mat ket, be• tween Third . curt Its PRE a-bseriber keeps COVlOlaily. MI baud,. whole. J. Isle and Iclail, the (0110W1111( ar ti cles, VI, II•11 TO. Ma Cher., Meet Tuba. Barrel-Churns, %lb Too, mar au.ho., Woos!. Rawls, Pecks .d Half Pecks, Wt. Wools, Bra.. Bound Buckets, lint Pies,Towel Roller., Wooden ladle., ' Bread Rollers, Market Rooker, &e, he, C uth." 11."'' SAMUEL KROh.SEN, •`.. 03 Diamond alloy. Pirt.l.urgh Irwin Vm Dr Immn Jr. ovll I. ACKWAUIb laCza Ilcavy Iliac* S. .i ceoats Imforc the adv ance, Car onic WI , SON Sr. CO I,v hiOInALG goOd-Orde fo r, r by M MITCHELTREV, IGU Liberal at R N ,8 PDE NDI DI W GOODS, 1.. t r4.G A t_ p W PRICES AT . A. A. MASON & CO'S, - nto. GO ISABACICT STEIXIGT, PITIIII!Ita013, , Mtliph Job spi Ily solicit efiention • RIBBON? —lOO boxes benutifol pew•Myies ecßeg. A. ;`,„. ;Filelr°cONmkrileCtOe and eeZteflisive a•rortinent antne Riii`einc do do Ca? nand Nrec.tstluin.p.ll.. Nl_ . • Fine new Foreign and Scenic Good , a large rejIMIOO" „j 1 Saa.tit2itiboi,a Velvety Gimps' F , , , ,,,a 11 m. i li ßmal i e, , il Val. j of which heti here ,enmity receive i per late paean. j I.J. ap • , Bonnet rs and itic conEdenny recoMmended I vet Trtromings, siishorciarqrttiTc7githe' beet and most fashionable styles in 1 Homily A ND GLOVES — A roll stank. Whits , , the coantry. i , . j Goods, of erery description. tide Ilg s T. d I- RM.'''. KFEPING 6006.5.—in this department of 1 , • GroglLP:Arvqt7G';e:'de'Peckhi"n!lleartled,Rnh'ln'e, Gro &AI- g j ori- cnii-blislonent-will aluisayna,tio fe . on .. d . the_mei j . , st j eam- , j j j i ..„ giers Satin de Chine, 'Pine Salm, Taffeta, Ottoman, gnirtegicrt.emp.ri.rliLtrii, jr ,.; I.IPXO sled eias,ltonas= j "91kin'ti IA —Over one thousand Shawl , of !PM I ini Damask" and PiaptlS, Napkin, 'rowels, Flan- 4 p . compriring every quality aad st)le of I lie Chinixes,Dimities sod Counterpanes. • d"c'ij :Tl' unni WoopShawis. in alt colors. Aliireii-. 1 i c,,,,,,,5, o,,,,romptEgd, cds sipirps & vont. & jo b ins lincie and 6he Shawls, ilisenne, Ise. Cloak , he. It." - 11:i65.--A meet extensive snick always on hnud. ,_ FRPlikni III:RING.. PAEAN( eill'l.S Akio LY- 14: j•ALLLT,,;COs_4E.S.,,,,oTtriCK.,,,..INGeSziIice,A.C(I.I,ED, tthka.,BßlooooWkip., 1 i j j_ oriczw. CLOTII.I —5l ever tan ban hundred.Pieeeni :MIT I —, every width and quality: 1500 ge o ulertoid I , ,he larg etock we ha enitibited,nnd of oven - . 1 M u c a z tar evert armee; moo p " mm . e. emii e, varirm of color. I i e" JO bales Red, Whim and Yellow Flannel , . I j , ALPACCAS, BO.MBAZINE.s, rec.-10 cases Alas. 1 ill Prle_S m . _ .„„___..,_ ,0_........ Proceed do, c 0..... j , cas.and Bombazines, C mon Cloths, and every other i A se-no _ tiT epi+ , 7 ,a, ii;m..ijaieeere,;;i jeke. j ..;:—. - t Goat.; s.tt., •Tn dT,:jPt;nClt4,°l37lillls'ice.—Rich Fans Cash-1 The trove, with.loroe.rylitsge ster.k.of„..oth er.Clice, i , motes nod De Lifirm,l cases Men designs .very rich 1 ~wemr,elin jclrasc,,iii.,dobjri„..dg. ~iilwholls,hi u.liii, and high colored, nip. for to mar heretokre 01fe.,..' amt , it; low pfiees arthey ran be procurcel in tho east- Also--Ertglish and Fr Ch ChlntLe.3, Opera Cloth, rec. ea, Use and Palmetto Clo . . - o cities, t• extent of stock. choice selections ►ana , ENIBROICIERIF.S, ACC'S, ke.—A bur %kick of 1 vantage'. L. toot j am rammed by „ a . m . mama. Paris Embroideries, Lre and Meeks, Capes. C o lla rs, I 1rq.. , :,,,717. 3 3 ,1pujni1y arriving. Calf, Mk... Scarf, It Ribbon , Alsce—A toll as- i M t i j sonnont of LA, CS, F ings and limning, . j one 4 I A A MASON PL CO. ~ •J , .••• rt fur RH A 1 1" - A _ . . SIIAKESOIRE READINGS.- sir BIRO. FRtNots ANNIA IEICRIBLICs vyR . S. FRANCIS' ANNE KENIBLE respeetfolly , RI forams the pobhe that she wilt read from the 0 , 0 follosoine, ways of Phakspearo at Apollo 11.11 to the i.,. city of Plush' , rah : Measure for hleasuro, ' Monday evening. Nov. In Much ado about Nothong. 'Envoday " Nev. It As of Venice, Wednesday " Nov t 7 As you Like 'lt, Thur./lay nterntos.Nov.l6 Doors open at 0 ,clook,"P. M,, and on Thunday morals. at le A. 3/: .11eadtegn no commence fv: 76 o'clock E. M., and on t c , Thutoduy morning, t it) A. M. 1 41:7-13eketo to he had nt the Flaultstrito of Johrtalon Itc ,tocktoo and ly k. Co., to. A 1... ot the door; owlet., 50 tent • A • ..ve,,ts rtond ) • . . 4llay..froperty. as Sa m oa. ON TllkliDAY‘ the 2.0 h of Novrotber, at ten 0 , clock, will he staid a. Auction, .0 00' Pt u u o n that valuable Lot Or Grow 01,_ o kt o u r r: on l'lt NO ,. ti m g , or Dwmc'd ."" ' ,ll '''''''' W Z d ' lL " er 1;0 et havoc 0 front of . feet end exten tog On Willeil I% EICCArd IL 110 .1 core Book Bu ilt S t and _ FM.' Duet ltullantos, present [xoupted by -Alta. • Boyle Santee.% to au all p resent tent of 588, par i able qu'""l'. Terry ' 'W JCIHN 0 DAVIS, Intet —'i--- ---- &rude mut 'wary Dry Geode. Ott 'lburintay morning; Nov. 15tb. al 10 o' od awl clock, at the Commercial bales s, comet of Wo adoin Fifth strew, will be sold, without reaeve, to close a consignment — An exterWve assoturiut of staple and fancy foreign and domestic Dry Good , among which uperfi black and brown bro d Melba, cestimeres, ...Mo. as, tweinlo. maim, red and pel t+ flannels, blankets, canton dant's, super woolen plaids, barred Bennet. and lindieys. risrtit,oo.,lpeLee al, cashmeres, black be in. relveis, 'ideal's veshngs, silk, coat and vest boom., cloaking, pilot cloths, colored cambric', Which wide sheeting", sapper collards, ribbons, silk button, needles, Buffington- und Coates' spool eirttim, he . he All O'clock, Groceries, gaw:aware, Furniture, he. ioung Byron and Imperial Tea, Virginikmanu. tared Tobco, wring and wrapping above. ng paper, ar patent balance, ke. A large runt general assortment of new and second band household furniture, cooling sthves, kitchen utensils, leather beds; bedding, tantISS3RES, looking paws, carpetin, mantel clocks, window blinds, situ, a quantity of leather trunkkearivath trunks, ear- pet and leather bags, saddle., bodice, kc. At G o'clock. ... • A quantity of fashionable tea , y made clothing, ke 'table and pocket cutlery, &bible and angle barrel shot guns, gold mud silver watches, varieties, dry goods. &v. Unvll J & R El ON D 6116 SIIAWLS--A. A. ea°will receive j_d per expresa, this day, upwards of 150 Lon Staxlgrls entireLy new sad failnonabialo ,l .. di to, Square Shoat. of all the various kinds romp, irit in all. one of the largeal assortmenti In ' the cosi , no• 13 n'-'oldsc.----7n.. Mason ts Co. aro now opening r i1d.......,0f roils. Cloths, in all the fath mable colors. elm, 30 pieces Opera Cloths ti , an en rely new smelt- , noal3 , iistr.sb-Ei—hon bag Wreworn Ike-scree CM= Cheese V la ill iio do Sage do ' Is For sal , by FLOIIERT DALZELL hi CO, . norta Lieerty ti rtiCtittT DV ir.-CLVEitAtED—Itt store, tor sale by I ~,,,, , _ ROBERT DALZELL &CO Lt ALIIR.till tons, inc oks aud hxa, for aale by 10 novtu IttOUERT DALIF.LL tr. CO Odifrio-5 cases Drab Wank. Coaunic, ado do Cloth do do Lavender do; o do U,oy and Oka Mixed Heave Cloth, to arm° Ina few tram and for into by ••oyib____ E LEE noolo 1 CABS Califon:a:Plais; I do Moan I ,dO...TNeCdS; Jost reed uld for lode by nixt; n'ovt:t AoryDIEMUNDs own10[1" for t b y .open ,v.ILZ, noll3 SILVERiffilt.F.-Lso—TsT, VO*, thater • of oar own manufternre, for sato by nova W WILSON °NE PRICE ONLY! ') AUC 'ION'I I L hip D. Davis. A aell D A Adjour , ra Soda of 91 Splendid I:loading Lots in as Cuy of Sqtreony, at Auction. On Saturday afteraoott, November nth, eta o'clock, end be soldt on the premises, without resets. r Seven Lots of grou n d. situate nn the West Cotonou, adionting Ilts district? having each front of 110 Wet, end extending back 110 :cern'. alley 10 feet wide Also, two ry ve saleable. Lots, haring a d S of IS feet no the south stile of Osio street, an encoding back tel fen to a ten feet alley. Terms. nne.third e.h, residue to six end twelve months, with letetett. A p , an of the Lots may be seen at the store of Mer cer its. Robinson, in Allegheny, and at my Auctionßoon, flown, corner of Wood end Fifth sts JOHN D DAVIS. AUct r.0v13 10 dos Fs. Sks., Clocks, tc., at . Auction. 00 Friday ctoriliug, Ness lath, at 10 o'clock. at Conmetrisl *booms, corner of Wood and FILM. an , will be told lin catalogue, on a creds of Id days on sums over SlinJor approeed security, att invoice of 10 Jaren of extn Floe Shirts, comprinng superior broad end narrow plaits, Frotteh embroidered end open work bosoms, custom lelltde English' leng cloth and York toil muslin shirts, with yoke week and Freneh sleeve; brand cloths, ratio. to mixed satinet.; black and fen., eatithheteli jeans. silk pocket IWO' , gum suspenders, silk and lasing coat and vest but to.. Ac further paru . cclers see ca ogu VIS. 1"" tales and goads at he sa tes rooms cool CIALAURIts LIQUOItICE.IO lbsjus E t SE reed and for sale ley _ LLERS VITATCHES,inI;;e i e 6 a y . pairinc donc b y vot'ls' far AN, end • - ?.‘"" -----_-.___ _ WILSON ri_erEenle APPLES -4 0 ' Ude juet reed, in store 13 lby novin COPE tc BREVFOGLE FLOUR—ai Üblo in atom and tot sale ort:tCOF!ll&T_q RED POTATOES-75 to just ren'd, in ILO. and fa sale by no t 3 COPE & BEEYFOOLE BEAVER "Cia:lB —.4 NP ' E ‘ do j;i:l7t/ri PP (Chalet I.t landing Alrmo nano! boat, and for sale by boyl3 " AKAIS'IRONO tr. CILOZEH ..d. by DMINIKDRA t ORS NOTICE —Nag. ts bere ven Vast the undersigned has obtained lone» of attoutostrsiton untthe Estate or Bernard T. Reenter, oto ni ihr boroaqh of Birusiegbeen, deed, end all pet. Pon•• he 111, nails against said Estsie,.u.re hereby no. ofied to pte..eni ition, duly anthentielud, for settle. mon and porous bring Indebted thereto aro re. immediate paT met. to the subscriber "";" to " e c . h d e IA. ADELINE DEAMIED, Mtor g. unpl3 at. Copper Mine for Sse ri n E g r c . oVVe74 " ,7l l, k s e o u th lr • M 'd: ; NLF:e'ln't ber.l-4., at I o'clock, P. M., an lute... in the ben COPPF.R MINI' in North America, Me OTC yitldizie so per rent. k have in po tee Assays of Pro. fee.. Dueadal. Dr. Keen., and the td.tam Cooing...of !W.' York, and cabers Tkerwis sins Zinc end Mon note Iron ore, be. Terms made known on .he day I.l' rale. SAMUEL WILDESEY. Finksburyi P. 0., Carrel no.. hid. SUGAH&r,IOI..ASSE...----72urridir prime N Suzan So DO, do do Mol , . bbla S H Mol0000l; For tale by BROWN &KIRKPATr qRICK, LiOo _ - HOPS—lit bales New Hops, grow of 1849, aerie tog and for sale by novl2 RRp tVN KIRKPATRICK , P - OTASII-2) bbls first sort la . slofe, for_ slylo o b n y t 0 novl2 _I4AIA II DIC KEY —lO bbd. Tkowtsiozii(optlestrelloork aloe mg - ncuen , , by - • Front et SALT—Tau bbls No I Sa MILLEIIIt. laudinglk HICKS:DSO:I and for sale by omit! 5ii1.A.v6,21-I.:S—lttaXtoTl4,iiteuit—LClWite,tii;foiceKsaiasle boy; _ I, FATHER-1 lulls Country Lcuther, on consign 1.4 meat und.lur We by IL A CUNNINGNAM, novICNo a Conal How, Liberty st R. WM. BitA 'sill colt for Lot of Enroll. ,1.1 per steamer Nominee.nor to tsF.O BNI ILTENBERGEB, 97 Fr . . TO PLASTERERS—Ie liblc Calcined Oipaura, or ill.oter Pans, roitable for farming bloalda,koi mit reed and for role by JOltbirlileFADEN k CO us r Oil 31131.A1D-1 trunk 'Shoe., weighing 73 I_l 11, moulted “.1 3. 1.11. Dick, Meadville. Pentra,a about the lo'h or rist October Inst. hf chem. Tea, marked A 13" They may have been roissent to some commission house or Memo/oat. A liberal rew.rd will be given for all or either of the packages. on their reeovuy, noell .101131 MeFADEN & CO S'jtitarer.ci'l"aUlUo6t .oirt.tiirtleNete‘tritlawar‘is"gt b e . y such PS Cberry, Iscarlet, i.e., at the low pneo ottle. per yeti, Also, Plain Drab, Drown, de at to lel eerie per yard; and a large ...Cement or neat myles ilmated MO.. de Loins, at earlier prices, ingather 'AIM a choice usortrnent of Dress Goods generollYi such or Fancy Silk., French Merinos, Cultroares, Coburos and I.youese Cloths, et the N. E. comet of Fourth and Masker sta. Wholesale tttmmitMmt--'l2_ New /toots. T f s p it (lidn, B. t c: New ear vol.t.sta p Eeht elegantly boundi IS exquisitely finished repaving,: devertiltiOns 1.0 celebrated AtuerimmagrgY mv. POEMS 1W AXIELI (Mrs. Welby, 004 4) and el.:muted edition; illuntrated engravings fra original dosirds by Wier. vol. .Iytire Svo „legant lY bound and gilt. Also—A variety splend a Anna alaand 0,10 Books. Sewell'. Child's Firiullook of the lbstory °f Boum t vol. 1 . TIIE MECHANIC'S ASSISTANT, adapted for Saw use of Carpenters, ollioartgbis, Wheelwrights, Sao yeLumbermen,Sutdenu, and on geuerally being a thorough and practical Treatise on X ,. !c;ura sign and the Slolitig Rule. } IX 'Boise's Treatise on Greek rrowi, , oroPo _y pro (Biondi:ln d's Elementary EreneliAlnuUmax. u Greene, of Brown University. 1 vol. (0100. Roediger's Gesenius, Ilebrew• 61.11311141, by Conan Betimes , Hebrew Lexicn. ami Logarithmic Tables. vol (sheep. k Englishman's Greek Concordtmee. I vol. (mu in.l Aathaa ...eat Scrim C' • ' ed. I eoL Bea. Wenrlera p.'"*""' abridged.thl noL ElAtsNotesd'and 4/tiora oa New Tenement. WhatelY * * l . lo '• // 1 Ramey. 3 vols. and . 2 ltlaahcarda Reelectutte v° ll l. "bec"Pal Creation -1 nal. 3/7. "- rag ' s among the Juurar at Rama. I vol. (eatal rigr,nrc7arv'ehere the Tempter has Triumphed_ 1 gel 'lrcPcihgage!da=e)gierri Lactate. 1 vol. Sea. (elet4) Aldes Pronouncing Bible. - • Bayer's-French Dicamaral. truartnißoraec. For ado by IL FlClpripis, Tama • Apollo Bulldog. roan}, SI RMAN LIRKRTY: A Rimory, with n view of Clic R.Liberty of other Ancient Notions. By Samuel Elliott, RR. Illionroied with twelve e waving*, enc. ated at nOtill, VOIC, Bro., uniform with Prescott's Histories' Warts. Just published and fsr saleby /AMEX D. LOCKWOOD, Boolivellor , sod noTIO Imponor, Wood s FOR ST. LOUIS: rr ' The fine st= nl47 . , ri e ntri t Ti ''lil7llf: esogorl 4, freight or pog.ego apply • FOR ZANESVILLE. , . • . . ev . ....v. 41 ' ' The Rift:llAV f i Lgr - -:t.e....., o el r! e tt e e f ii ar:ri e j 2 c e tolk, rat e r ':*'• ' FM' .....Iqla...natinetrgir. !,:z3,_. 7 ....1ti.,..0. 1 . !+Fi - . ..i , '..... The 7114.fifrk...zr...:-1i..-1-2 .i,-..r'. thi. 4., . 4 0„,: . :. ,... Hogan, ma.ter, will Mare ...r above and all interatedLate landing% ' • Forfreialit!Lpassage, apply on board. novlt . -- FOR NASIIVILLV.. . • --' ' ...,,,,,, ;.. The pplendid steamier FORT PITT, ,. . - •„(: .1 Miller, 1110310 f, will leave for above vvrz.',:v4 - 1? - r7.11.' , •'' ; ! • e i.e For freight or pawpaw% appiy 4i:ho t :rd.' noVIC _ ' FOl Cll.Vl,4;l.i'fl.itolist 5 . V e T i .,01513. - . „ . 1, .1.1. i• PI ' Lamour:l% I•! - Ebbert,mann, win leave lot above and' all irnensediate pints WU. id.dr at 4 o'clock, P. Id. For freight or passage apply onboard. adild ----,-- -,----- - FOE . GALIII' OI, , LS. r, , -'-'". 11' f'"Ir:3IF,ILLE, ._.' . • ' • Swots roaster, will leave for, aeons 4 0, lock, I._ I. d all inte7ediate pons thls day, at F -, ..2---'‘ . ' -•—•""1, - FOR. ST. (.CMS. • The oew VlneY L 0 Lk, 'taps. Alexander Mcßride, will' leers for tbn above and ell latemeodlem ports oil Tuesday, the 131¢ lost, at 4 o'clock For magi. or paseev rat co, A ,A,A tato 1 - 41 r. cftreSiTitrl. . 1 The fine p.mn-g. , . 1 . 1 . 0, ! - • atais . AMERICAN STAR, !, _ Pwley, 1111111.E<T. ill lelr:107 lam ;. . 1112. above and IC noennedsate ports -' m. the day at in o'clock, A. ~ , .. i For aright and passage 'DPW. O _ _TT, __ , _ ncoo. PR"FI- ---------- --- I -- • FOR ZANESVLLLb. • The spletulld steamer . . .- ' 74.7 Parkinson, masSilte:r.k. wEl.le oavpat to: , , above aud all 1 e Wedficsda) , :he Ith iash,st IC o'clock, A. AL Pot helot or passage, aPPI,K y aLI IMIAT, A i, meet - PITT3EUZGH AND .WIIEELIPIO pACIKET. , The sew and v epl i e t o E ttreenill alVtpt. !IL. II C Llett, will leave Pitts -I.largh every Aloaday,WeduCsday an& ' Friday, at 10 o'clock, A. M. For freight or liskSne oPPIT on b 3 . 1 , 7 1 . 1 ( 74 3. . L Air_ '-----.'ln-P---r.,./ SITITPTSII--WHREL,E4O.i , 'The fine\ steamer . , WELLSVILLE, ! __. Capt. Elegies, for Sunfish en Moo: P. AL . oct39 up uudArttiOn7C/11, C F rilert 2 , DAI Lv - F'AcK ET LIN E • 'us wc in nao known line of splendid,passmnitur Steam, e w composed of the ma swiftest, boa Imbed rind furniahed, and moot posse boat* on the 1.1.11 Or Ved West. Every secommoshaion and ern. I.°n that orriteE con Procure, has been provided for pas sengers. Die Line has been in operation for live yoant —has earned a million of pimple without the least 1[401.• ry to theitroniona Tho boats will be Cl the foot of Wood Street the day previous to starting,_for tho roes" , don of frewht and the entry of passongersion dm ragm en,' In all motes the postage money mast be paid,la - SUNDAY PACILICT:. The ISAAC' NEWTON, Captain lienlyibilli - vOl ... leave Pittsburgh every 9nriday monang at le oicloakt ' Wittelbw every Sunday evening at the. ea. May tb, lel7. . . . - atolitikst i sirm: \./ • - no MONONOAllELA,papt.Sronn,enllleeve Plnin - r burgh ever; Monday morning at In lie:deli Wheeling every Manley evening at te via. ! , • ... • TtltiElliiiirFlidiCtrir. - The HIBERNIA No. 9, Capt. J. Nl.lleiZtertYle, velli `f . 's' r .leavt Pont argh every Tuesday rooming at In o'cleeki •... • Wheeling every Tuesday evemne at l 0 % -r. : .."i,- V.VETINIT9bAIrirAtiCIRT. . ' Y s`. The mr,v I.:NOLAND N0..1, Capt.: 9. DV a, win - -..-1. , I eave Pittiburet every da y mown rigt 11, , W e ierk; Weeel.my every Wdlneetime evening • tOilfi - ? - - TilVllligrrtalrag.r. The BRILLIANT, Capt. Gruen, swill leave Paw. -1. 'Comb r...ery Thanday morning as 10 o'cleek;Wheelleg -;. every Thur.iany evening at 10 r. en 1 . r . V u. - I - 011i:ir At ' 3r . Thu CLIPPERR No.o, Capc Pam; Dave'. Vern fiSTII;.;., .. Pitteleirel. every Friday meriting el 00 , t10* 'Mee .. bit every Friday evening at 10 .V. __ r ___...,-------71 , • 8 ATURDgaIt PACEMIT. • ~. me IIIEzSENOP:g. No. Z , Ca•ppt. I.C. Worarisraio; ill leave rittabargh every Friday morning r too', look; Wheeling every Fnday at 10 r. at. • -- .----" be-150 bop prime : ilia Coffee; • GROCERIE - 1., FS Of chests V. 11., Iropl and G. P. Teal •• 40 coup tire do do dol do; 15 ba.a Pepper; E. bodsoldiplee; • . so vorduiCimamon: 2 boles Cloven 5 ms Reel Face; 7.5 bbl. Lugo No a Efeekii 5 Itlt Catfish; 100 Dos Sealed lierrint; *fl o. tog and for sole by BROWNS KIRKPATRICI, Town • 1.14 OAT STONE DUST-61-74.—,-a.5.,1--reed, for &glib? • arryll JOHN hIeFADEN & CO • SUGAR CURED IIAISS-5 tierce: anpenoc,fssir. - eerred and for ante by nooll ERS NICOLB..:. bbls last ree'a nod I 1.13 r 13 C Ba ANFIIILD la by mall —• W"'"`` I.`s'UZAtz,Ejt,a. LARD 014-15 Ws V 01 1 1.41 trZ0 1 1, 67 :517, No 37W00d moot • • . " . ggis h dumNg rr cubs nod 150 hoops, of OM cool . for sole low by 105,10 UNDiIES-1 do bbl roodli ea ¶O do ist . sdta, bwo,4. by HONEY -2 bx.s) eel reed tint! noyl, _ FAL , BiYCKET3-64dosAiT el e ebe av ENGLI.SII & BENNETT easlirtgitt-it,7l,l3EN.i4Ert bssts, d other choice v ir tas4;;: g: a OZER E or bbts just tailduss Issas steurarr N 0111111420,1. A 0 RAISTRONG & CROZER - Oa! awe NIXA W' bi - . • b/. • IW 7J has teat; SO bas le b An or order ran ge l a CO. Tomer of Libelo and Hand Ma . • w urn : pEs—rs f a r l 'txtr i o . R . 7l ., !•z i No MI Liberty'st r 11OFFEE—U0 po, eed for Aar y V 10 , 4 2 ' AAA* VT . & It nd AleClTlCitEonz c o,imi—too,o(di prime, on, bond and for mile by .i. not le _ Wtc R PIeCUTCUEON ... ALOPICE, Pepper, Cloves,. Nutmegs, Madder wol': - !aim, ordb 0 gooeral aMortment of nit tom of., Grocerb-• and Pittsburgh Planofitetoreil ariielen, 00, • ..,.,, hard tied Mr ..vie by . W& R Willi feIIEON, •, .4 ~,,,liiii Liberty it' . . - - ----' SOCTORIP:11 AL.O-143tbn, o very roperior or- ..' dole. for sale by It E SELLERS, itdvld Nola Wood a • : I . P.KSPD AR CAYENNE-230 lb. lust reed and sec I . ,door • , oo•111 , Kli .. , ..EI.LIMS '. .. . .. . . • - LTV& URSI—%O it. reed and for saio by a F. SELL:aa j_ 50 bases Poond Lamp, Rsinuni Myera *Go; • Val dwarf b.ss aih do e.c s l de; 5 Lolf do in do 1.1'o.oPo: J Thoossio:. - .10 do do do Ca ssell Ilobinson'a, • an do •0. do- Caboneir, - 4 .15 do do 2. do. I Jones Hodson% . 00 do do s's do: Emma*, • 7 40 dwarf do Ilb do i enhancer, , 4.0 do do- -5. ' do Dietinson; Jost received and for solo l 51ILLER oweld • No. rat mid 5 75 5 — .17D - P:l7 , ~,,5---1--sassos, Se. Co are now epening!6 , l slawoolfr do Lidos =id Costinscros. ' eiASSIA—IOO roots aust ree' , l novlo AV d: R 51eCIITCSanw.• The oldie Thu*. JAIIK9 D. hooksolier and 10.17 f 0 7,:i No. 6] Wood street, hos for talc a few 00 917.010, veto, oho remainder of Our edition,' of this • work. devoted to tbe Prererr talon o: PireesteXtivr•Z otheretatenuo informario . it miaow. t.,..try 'plorations; t e ed sttlement and unproveownt around the eof the Ohio. ,Ify EN, of Pitttbncgh, In 2 'Min ' ivooD new J. D. LOCK ,ut 01L—u rib's Isturoopptdito3,tdo., 1-7 W a 1 I — h nOVII a• • LEACHIKU POWDER—M osak blaspraU & Sous' Blio So' brand, a raperior ankle. for oala nova. &N XITCHZIIIIII3 -.-- ~ vvr'r _.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers