MEDICAL i etlcor GMvaatc Mnelilmifor Bale TIIE »übreritier has recs-itly TeceirrJ a number of |he»e invaluable inurnment*, .which lie comnn plate* fceepine eon»U"tH' *nih»nd t<ir *rilc, nccom[i;i direcctloit* for their im»i>e? nppltciiuoii m »>» cue* of difc&ie. as well at for (ialvnnieing metal' !| » jhe neatest manner. Past experience in the treatment of-dixeaaes hu led him to believe »l>at there arc k* care*, If any, which may not be advauic?eoaii> tr< i *d by a proper app’ication of the galvanic mr>«t*aUtfactory testimonial* will be givcu of , having been effected of dirfen ni dtaejw*. ** which were deemed ihcurabv in tiie onJm*ry cn practice; and on per*o»« well known ■OlOl4, , whom reference* may l»e given. Penan* atHieied withHuon'r Diwn*e»of' any kind, are especially invited to called examine these tevu moniala for tiemselve*. ; MEDICINE*, too, prepared by-" rueceri-ful practitioner* ia the Fa**, nud ntlmintrwed by them in connection with or separate front the opcraiim,. will constantly be kept on hand- with direction* for u .e g ingle operation* on the moil moderate term*. Office No. 42 8l Clair *l,' near the Old AUcrh-ny .Bridge! ap A. WKSTKRVELT. MANUFACTORY Dr. S. P. TOWNSEND’S COMPOUND EXTOACr OF SARSAPARILLA, The most Wonderful Sledidne of the Age, 1,500,000 BOTTLES MANUFACTURED YYAjII.Y. TbU HaUelnc 1* put ap;th Uaiut Bottle*, nnd |ui tund niore than - 100,000 Gases of. Chronio Disease, within the but Ten.Yeant—Non® |» Genuine unit** algnect by S. P. TOWNS EXPOiSE. BT READING THE FOLLOWING AFFIDAVIT —the Public will learn the origin, or rather where tb recipe for Diking the stuff they call Old Dr. Jacon Towniend'a Sarsaparilla, cams! from—and will bo ahie U>. judge which D the genuine and original, end of tU boneetr of the men who are employed in celling it t» thooriginal Dr. Townsend’* Sarsaparilla. Dr. S. I\ Townsend w&c the original proprietor and inventor <■!' /Dr. Townsend’s Sarsaparilla, and hit medicine hat pained e reputation that mother remedy over gained. He manufactured orer one million of 80-ttlei fost year. and is manufacturing at present a,ot» bottles per day. We use more Sarsaparilla and Yellow Dock la onr each day, than oil the other Sarsaparilla Manufacturer! in the world. Principal Office, 124 FnlhMMt BEAD the affidavit. i! City end County of XW-Fevk, i*. •William Armstrong, of the said City, being duly sworn, doth depose and say that he u a practical Druggist and Chemist That some time tn the latter part of May, or first of June, 1848, a man by the name of Jacob Townsend, who at that time was a book and pamphlet peddler, called upon deponent, at the houio of Mr. Thompson, No. .43 HudaoMimet, where dopo nent boarded, and roqueitcd deponent to write him a • recipe by which to make a Syrup of Bareapatills. Deponent further says, that he became acquainted with nid Townsend at tho effieo of Theodore Foster. Esq, Book Publisher, with whom said Townsend dealt. That eald Townsend had had frequent coot crea tions with detonenr respecting the manufacture of an article of Sarsaparilla to be sold under the name of Dr. jaeob Townsend. That said Townsend stated be was an old man, and poor and was not fit tor bard labor—and wi#hed In .make some money, In order to Uro easy in his old <jßT*,'end that, ir Sarsaparilla uaderthe name of Town fend sold so well, ana so much money was made hr , It, be'could see no reason why be might not make • something out of It too. (his name boing Townsend.t 'if he could get a capable person to prepare a recipe. - and manufacture it lor him. : Deponent in one of the conversations asked said Townsend if he was related 'to Dr. 8. P. Towrsend, to which he replied, that he i knew Dr. B. P. Townsend would be down on him after be should commence. But that he did not care tor : him, as be bad formed a co-partnership with mea who ' could furnish the requWt* amoontof capital—and was . well defend; himself against any attack 1 that might be made on him. : Deponent further says,' that pareuant to tho request of said Jacob Townsend, he wrote a'racira tor th# manufacture of a Syrup of Samnarilla. and ga>o il to him.' Keid Townsend dbwrved that he wanted to make a specimen to-exhibit to bis partner* for their apnrerraL as be wished td grsbfy then ifl every thing. ■ u they furnished all thtf capital—said T«wns*od also told deponent that the Bottle* they were to uw were to be of (lie same use dud shape sa Dr. & P. Town-. send% end deponent, at tjie request of said Jacob Townsend, went to the office of Dr. S. P. Towipeod. and procured one of his labels. ' , ,v 1 And deponent farther says, that be has been inform ed, and xorlly believes tho Syrup of Sarsaparilla. said as Old Jacob Townsond’a, is made after tho recipe fur nished by deponent, to Jacob Townsend, as aforesaid - ARMgTUONO »s . Mayor of the City of New York PROOF!! PROOF!!! Here is proof conclnaire that;Dr. \F. TowssaeJ’s Sarmpanlla la the originah Tpe following u from aomeofthe moat reapectable papsr* in this Btala FnOM THE gjQnay Ertnlag Journal. Sr> Townsend’s Sarsaparilla. There probably never bos been so popular a remedy, or jwtsnt medicine, as Dr. Townsends* Sarsaparilla, wnveh was originally, and continues to be manutor tured in this city, at first by' the Doctor bimselt and afterward! for several years and to the present tun.- br CIaPP A Townsend, the present proprietors. Kiix-i the partnership was formed, the Doctor has resided m NowYork,‘where he keiqw a store, and attends u. th< basinets that accumulates htf that point. The manu factory it in this city, and ! is conducted by the junior partner, Mr. Clapp—here.tOJ the medicine is mumhe *°irew of our citisecs haviany idea of tho^amount d (hta medicine that is manufactured and soKL B-side* the sales in this country, it] to ahippod to the Canada*. West India Islands, Booth America, and even to Kn rope, in coasidereble quantities. At the manuLcturj they employ a steam engine, besides e largo number of men, women and girls, in thp ere pare Uca of the medicine, making boxes, printing, Ac, and turn out. ready for shipment.over 400 doaen per day, or nearly £OOO bottles. This is an enonnous quantity. - Th* great re** the snedieine has acquired, Las m dneed a-ntunberof mento get up imitations, and there Is ht the present time, ofher medicines for; sale, taai 'art called *• Dr. Townsends Bamparilla." One in par ticular started a short timd ago in New York, u called " Old Doctor Jacob Townsend's Sarsaparilla, and nj*- narenlly with a view, by| dint of advertising, and the usual remedies resorted t? in such efforts, to appropri ate fhe name of Dr- S. F: Townsend’s great remedy. eaJ thm gain all the advantages resulting from th popularity of the name which bo has acquired for it. by yean r.f patient and expensive labors. Dr. S- I TOwnsenJ, formerly of this city, as is well known here, is the inventor and original proprietor of the raoSeine known as “Dif. Townsend's Sanraparilla. and we think those persons who are attempting to sell their article as the genuine, shnnll be exposed. FROM THE , New York Dally Tribune, ft?- We published an advertisement inadvertently sometime since that to Dr. 8. P. Town •end, who Is the origlnaltororrietor of the preparation of Sarsaparilla known £a Dr. Townsend’s. Other parties have within the'part few months engaged or connaetad themselves with a man by the name ol Townsend who put up almadlcine and calls it by the same name. Tab medleine was advertised in Tht 7Vi6une as the original, tie.' This advertisement also contained matter derogatory to the character of Dr. 8. P. Townsend and that of his medicine. \Ve regret • k appeared, and tojustjeeto tho Dr. moke this « ■ pjanattoa. ll' Ifr6m the New S'wflc D»Uy S«u». •Da. Toivucwn’s extraordinary adtertiiement,whicli occupies -an *ntirolpaffe of the Sen, will not escape AOUcm. Dr. 8. I*. Townsend, who is the original pn- MtetM'ef Dr, Townsend’s Sarsaparilla, and whose of Seal* next door to nun! where be has been for sever • ; ol Twanijj, driving an immezise business. lie receives aoOest thn-fbor hundred doicn of Sampanlla per ,' day; mid even this eborfnous quantity does not sup] Jy , - the demand. No medicine ever gained so great » popularity as his preparation of the tiarvapariila. Jus edition of Almanacs tor 1843 cost $ShOOO, and be . 'baa paid the New York Sen for advertising, to the - last over $10,040, and be acknowledge! that It U the cheapo It] advertising he has bad done This medicine is exported to the Canadas, West In dies, South America >aad Europe, to cooiidanblt quantities, and is coming into general uso to (host countries, aa well as hero. 7- • Swindler*. Druggists and others that tall Saraparilla for th< . genuine and original i Dr. Townsend's Bares pa rills, .that it not slgnedoy B.lp. Townsend, commits a trend, • 106 ewindlea tho customers. -Mon that would be guilty of such an act. {would commit any other fraud —ana no Druggist of cbmmon intelligence but knows that ours l* the only genuine. Old Townaend. Some people who an not well. Informed, and hare not read the papers, and not seen our advertisement*. *■ have been led to suppose, that became these men ed. rertise their stuff si ", Old Jacob Townsends," that ii must,of coarse, be the original. It is Ires limn on* they-commenced to make their medicine M seta to the market over tea years. SUi Old Jacob Townaend. tfi-gAiweadearoringtopalm off «o the public a< • -uoid PbT«ieiaa,fca. lie » not-a regular educate. • PhTticWaad never alteffipted to msanfoctnro a med icineTwSl ihee* »*n hired him for the use of hi. They ay they do not wish the people to be* ileve that Ihelr baxsaparille is our*, or the same—bnt . ihebetter to deceive S public, theyat Um* lheiris to the DU Dr. Town*«i and the i aa4.*ndeif6r to make the people believa t£a She ainffihey maonlectare. Is the Dr. Townsend • 'Sarsaparilla, that has performed to cure* for the rsmt tea years, and>hich hu Pi®®® * reputation vlud no oflier medicine ever whSfo* bare, TfUalnoos, unprincipled falsehood.. coSencad niU ogainst ttea men for damages W#wbhlttob#ttndervtood,th«tth*oldm*a , isnortlsiloa to Dt. Townsend whatever In their ad vqrUaemenU and clreolare, theypubllsh a number of greet itieehooda respecting Dr Townsend, which w e will not notice. - Stalee {leporta* • Onr opponents have published to the p*p*£*> that Dr. 8. P. Townsend was dead. -This they send to their agents about th* country, who report that we have given Bftbuatoeo, Ac. Aa Th* public should be or : Urslr guard, and. not bo deceived by three unprinci pled »«&■ ... . Jforice of RrmeeeL—Alter the first of Beptember, 19Ck Dr. &P. Townsend 1 * New York Office wUI be tow* Bpttth Baptkt Church, No- 81 Ntssen Street, vhkh to now undergoing-« thorough change, and - Will b« fitted for the better accommodxtkm of toe pn> **725? ysv^K^^vtfo*.—No ButaparilU L the ' MeßtoaaadorigiMdDriTowaMnd'aßamparUto.nw- bT P. Townaend. . • Anvers.— A Co-, No. S and ' MreiE. KUdM,No7I6O Couiietrtetßortojij nuec. Jr- Lowell; Henry rrett, James B. F^iabJbIrSELLEBS, Soto Agent VortPias /eh; D. hL CDRRY, Ailcghcny} A. PATTERSON ggjrsgbtsA ; . • ; TRANSPORTATION LINES. Yoa&gstowii «nd C«atl« C.»n»* 1 PB<lL * t - x ! ,||§llS£ rpilK i'actfl BKAVmU Captl Sl \^ e ?* L 1 haver ruyularly ou '\«ane.‘ •> wd rti.Uy OP i n-.r ‘l:.| it. time for tW mornm* boat, AU.Hi'nKNV CUri-KK, *' 1 *■ “iwMhrt lIABKAWAV. <** Downin». wUI . ia9 J -r,.»Tii-»*lav Thursday anl !*ftturdny evm ,J"V'S !'J » M T n-!un>irtp. leave New Cfut‘c, MoiuJuy, Friday cvcnliir* at M’. M. tito can* r.;:;.,, 'v.u.ihi: moraiuß I'ont nir l'tt^l'Ufßli. Pl , „,«• fieri! up in complete order, liav* ic.- for |in*«nßer*, aid dippers m!’vre:v <> iej puuemuUty and yteater despatch I,!,•■<» fltitained on there rouirt. IU ; . M. Proprietor*. . r. Hulwctl, Agentj Pituburgb. Hit'well A Bro. A. D .'acobia, **• Youngstown. R. W. Cuminphani,“Nrw Castle. Tlw* r.tegant steamer, ALLEGHENY CLIPPER, will leave Beaver, daily at o A-11., mid Pittsburgh at 3 l*. M., running in conneeiion with the above boats. jnls ■Warren.amt Cleveland Paaaenger Line* Canal Packet—SWALLOW’. “ •' -QCKAN. ONR-of tlic above Packets leave Beaver every day (Sundays excepted) and amve next morning at Warren, when they connect with the Wail Stages for Akron and Cleveland, urn vine at each of there place* before night. Oue of the packets leave Warren daily at 2 P. M., and. arrive at Beaver in time u> take the morning boat for Pmsbnrgh. .0 F.S LKI ? FJNGWKLL A Co, Wnrren, > M B TAYLOR. ‘>o \ JOHN A CAUUIIPA, Agent, . spia . Viimi’r Wuier aiid Smnhheid sts OH TftK PESX’A ASP OHIO CAM.VI-H. CEAWroslt A OiiAKbKaus.CleTcUi’.d.o. ? j» ro pr‘ B R T. Pauss, Beaver. I n i 'PHIS Liif will )>e prepa cd on the opeinuß of liu\ i ‘l ruitun. to traiuport ijeiffbt and Passenger* from Itri'-lUllUill ami CIRIV ELAND, 10 any poimni. the Canal mid Lake*. , The iarililic* of llic Inne are unsurpassed in number, quail,) ,n,i cnpacitk of Boats, ripetmnee oi capliUn*, ami riiu-ieiu v of A«entS. . . ' On- Boat leave* Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily, run nine in connection with lii--' * learner* LAKE KHIK AND MICHIGAN, Between Ptu-diurgh •anil Heaver, aim a bur of Qr*t ria** r*t?aiio:ts Propellers and Vessels on the Lakes Av vms-li « Park*. Bearer, Pa. Jc»»c Baldwin, outis«lown, Ohio. M II Taylor. Wnrren, ‘ - Cyrus Frcttus*. Kovri-n*, Wheeler A Co. Akron. Orawlord A Chamberlin. C and, O <. c «is A Griffith. Budalo. N JOHN A. CAI-CUIKV, Agent, Office.cor Water and Srmthhcld sis, Pittsburgh, meb'-tily UK.AVKK a»ACftKTS. Steamer MiCHIUAN No. S-Cupt. Gd-on. LAKEERIE. - Gordon. r IMUv above regular and well known Heaver I•res it ci*. have commenced ruvkms their daily tup* to and from Heaver, and will eont.nun to run between Piuvburgh and Heaver rejulariy daring the season, as follows: , , „ . , Micliijran No. 2 leave* Pitfburch daily at 9 o clot a. A. M., and Beaver at 2 o'clock, P. U. l*ake Lnr leaves Hcavrr doily ate o'clock, A M-, and i lUsburgh at 3 o’clock, P. M. . These steamers will ran in connection with R G Park*’ Express Packet Line, mr Erie; Taylor A Lefliingwell’* Warren Packets; Union Line of Freight Boats for n.-vcls’fj; Clnrke A Co's Pittsburgh rind LtcvelunJLine t rtigtn Boat*. , RG Parks daily NewCavile I acket*. I CI.ARKF- PAR St A Co, Reaver, Agents. JOHN A. CACGUHY, Agent. Pitto-bura lt. I mehSl - cor Water and Stimhhelv Jyirij l 1549. PITTSIiUEGU AND CLKVKM.YD LINE, OH THE PENNSYLVANIA AND OI HOOANAI .S ! nnHK Proprietors of this old r»tabli*i'-'. n" J P°V Bl:l 1 daily line. consisting of Ml XT 1 .KN hrstrla** I Unit*. liwurJ bv tbem»r'ivit-- and ruimitig in .'ounce Hon with the attain boat* BfcIAV'KR AND CALKI COPE, arc enabled to offer unequalled ucilmrs fo the triuisportalion of freiahl and pa-*-cin’ers on Ui opening of Canal navigation. to all potuisoa the l eon dwanUanJ lil.iot.ia N Volt <■...»!■-ana il.t loik.-. I 1 jr. FITCH Co. Cleveland. I r ‘ HiItWF.I.I. k. BROTHER. I AficnU, Beaver. 1 J. C. BIDWELU Aeem. . man ! Water sirect, Pltt»burgb. i. c. umm : ~ w c. Btuw-au, PntMiurgb. BIDWELL & BROTHER, fterchunlv . uivtva, pa., Ascnls far ih* L>rir, PiL.* burgh oud Eru Lice via £rm, onA far *tMm ■ Ivats I‘»'dtrT and C.AfbCoj*. ... Hiving purchased U»e Inrgr -ami suj'tMianl W hs Boat ju.t t.uilt for the Monougubcia » arketa. hot wiltriiie addition of ft Warehotfe, thj; , >’0“ l =‘«l l< ; u eoKOatlaUo.i* for rcecAviug «nd forwardme. n> pledge then uimoM sttentiou. prom;.ine*.ai.a < *o eonsipnmvDU to their care.and rely ‘heu-nen *tm a trisl. mart-dly . _K : A : Bg»; PiTTSBUIUiII AND KIUKIiISB. 1 849 ' jS oiu*- , ON Till: ERIE EXTENSION <jANAI.. fltjjß Fropnraorof itu* well known of Cw li ltoai».i»now prepared «o iraa»po*t .H Ksst '0 al. pUk cm «1.-- Kne l.rtea«on, Nj >'orli Oti".!* and ite upon llir m:>*i *2“ “I" 1 .It.. t»k» tlrtVli .'..1 CAI.RU I'ul'f', Ifl’.Wfcf'”*?'*" u«... u» n.j Rife. I-. Uidwell 4. Brother, Agent*- Beaver. W T Malter, Agent at J Mcskimeu ■ Pu««-n s i r Office, MotionpßirU Hoi'*;- t*Ut»liJrph. • .'nvsiinKF.FS—\V 0 .Mih-jr. Miarvu, Jr.*a *» al 1 <» 3T _«i, urK ; jtujilb 4 Downing, >lo; J 15 IMuittuer. W««. V n { • llamtowu: Bullato, B»rnrT; & « luh iii,W v? Jft« A -AntHlroßj:, Detroit- Kir* mini ft Newberry, M»«boys«»? M’Oturc & W*illnm..MliwBm Jie; Knap. »..m« H Clut-aro; A'cr A t " PcW . or*. U P J Pitt.burnt, and 81.1r.r1110 Packet Line 1549 - ■ .uientlid Packet Boats to run during tnc *eu«on, ew •.ween Jl!oir»vUle and PitlAburgn—the boaJ»ioKp«»- -d by three hor*e», ami every effort made »o actum will leave Pittsburgh every MomJay,Tne*«lsy, Thursday ami Frld!l >\“: 7 .° ’e!» From Blair-IviUe every Monday, Wednetday, ijicrwlay and Saturday. ai 7 o’clock, a *., “ nd “ , T lv J If Puubureit the value day. A two horse Hack irom Indiana will mcclllie boat at Salt* burgh, both on up ward and downward trip—pulUnfj passenger* througL jsssssstovr C*im! Ba-iu, l.ibeny »l. Pittsburgh . Mack loaves Blairsviilcmr Nounffoown on Uir ./'valor S* 7.“ i-remnt. t» boat m inormn K . bare from'R Cm* ••••-* ‘....-VaT* piTTSUCIittU POB.TABkKMOA^^k .tn-uuci-dtafHtbAUß^iiA.nAi.nnoßb.N. TiJOSA* BsasiPdtt, Philadelphia. Taavrit & OCojmnu, Pitut-ureh. old established Line being nrtw in lull opera- I Son the P»«wtara are prepared with their usual ■xtensiv’e arianTcmcnw to forward merchandise, pn>- xlr 1., amflrum the above ports,on liberal ti.rms, •tff’ihe reeuliiiy, despatch and safety peculiar to heii transportation ao onvioua, when Iran ... n-jJ . fdrw.t-J.d in u.VActtn.r.a tl.fecutm. fnte Slf.tSl tor conunl..ion, ndrcncinS or nor«C. #f Nri imprest, directly or indirectly, m steamboats. 55 ntundrj to onnpplic.- Tllm'TOlSlSlif«s“»' krt «, rhiWdpliik XVVpFF tOCONNOR, Cannl Bbmii, Pittsburgh. O'CONNOH & Co, North *t, Baltimore. rncUtrt pßorwrroEß, irss Esss*” 4,1 W8 wtSS 1 our ions experienw »{ £“ tt £V u n * WJI DINGIIXM, NolsJ „ J «.M^. ; . ; ~bnn n .;!.. u, jw North Howard *trect, UaJumora WILLIAM TYSON. Agent, No 10 Went i>treel. New York _ 5^8~1849,: Truiportatloa Uln** 71A PENNSYLVANIA CANAL fc RAIL ItOADs, Til »mt.inn.>gu urs naLTUtoaa- I T WE Canal* and (Rail Road* being now open, ami I in rood order,’we are prepared w forward-al I Kind* of inerobuullM and produce Jo Philadelphia and | Unlumore, wllh prompuier* and dapatet, and on o I ,«,d .»«.■ a. mt «... '-- McANULTV fc !CaualUa*in, Penn »t,PiU»i>nrgh. I Aacm-CHARMIS RAYNOR. Pldtadelpbia. I ior»7 ROSEMOIUULL. A C«, Balutnore. I ** 1849. M.SSk . from ? rrreßUpii to pmpADPXPuiA * bal (ExclMiTelyferPasaengera.) I fTMfE public are yeipeetfully iafonwd that thl* Line | I TriJl commence renum* on the ISHb fnat, and con £ae throughout the Seaion. ' . The boat* are and of a eupertor cia»*,witb en larged cabin*, which will py« greater eomfort. The canareiholftle*lßonstiacUon4 . . Atoalwlll alwaj* be in port, and traveler* are re sealed to call aodlcrnmne theta before engaging paa "jfweiSy SneJollnr*through.}' Oneofthebojtiof iHa MnawlUleavh the landing (oppeeitc U. S. »•« i •erdeif of Fean atroet and Canal, erery night atnineo clock Tliß!r3**iTa. For Infcmauon, apply at the o&ea> Monengahcja Honae, or to D LELAH A Co, nJSSI7 . CtoalSaun SPORTATION. KIKB-'BFtmT ABLE BOAT USB, TO PHILAUaVjUAI'BALtImOKE i NK\V YORK . BCSINfcSS on the Cana] being now resumed. U>« 1 Proprietor* of the above Line respectfully inform the politic ihai thev arc prepared lo receive and for tranl'l’reigbi who despatch, und al lowest rate*- They would nl»o call iht attention of shlppcn r-a«l -warrfto llie fact dial the Until* employed oy them in are otv.icil by them and commanded by eiprriencrd captain*. Shippers of Meal In Bulk will find it advantageous 10 ship by tin* Line, a* the subscriber* have made ur* miieemcni* at Columbia lo have *ueh -freight for Bal timore banded directly from Loan to eari, thereby sa ving siaTCl-ouse harming. . . freight to PluUideiphia goes clear through in the No charge for receiving shipping or advancing charco*- KIEU AJONeS, Hropnetors, L Car.hl Baijn, Seventh street. AGENTS—John A. Shaw. Cincinnati,,o.; Jno Me- Cullonch A Co. Baltimore; Ja* Steel & Co., IndadM* phia; Francis A Thomai. Columbia. mey? PKSHSYLVANIA. CABAbjfcKs B^fclS49.£|i)& EXPRESS FAST PACKET LINE, FBCX _ . I Puuiarrh to FhUodfipkict and Bditivtore. . (Kxctdffiveljr for Passengers.) I I THE public are respectfu'ly iufomed that khi* Lint will eommenee running on Monday, lVth The boats of ibis Line are of ■ superior class, with enlarged cabins, which will give greater comfort lo P *Aboai r £ill always be in port, and travelers are re acted to call and examine them before engncnixpas- L* by other routes. Tuey sritl leave the landing, op posite the U. S. Hold, corner Penn street and Lanai, every THROUGH. | Time —31 Pays. For information, apply at the office, Monongahela House «lo 1). LEECH A Co, Canal ilnua v u'—The proprietors of the above Line are now building an addilioual I*ine of Packets, to run as above on or about June In, in couiieetiou with ihe Pennsyl vania Rail Road from Lowislown lo Philadelphia. Al that time a packet will leave every morning and even ing. Time ihrouyb, SJ day*._ _ _ mctitG lIELIANLL POUTAaLE^iTLI^K, For the u*u*|*ortatiou ol A t« tc nu> i u i in. - HKTWKKX L'lll’HlA AND 111 IrtHt R<»H. earned on Hut Line an- not tran.lnpped \J between I’Ut'bur-h and PliiUdrlpiiliU bciniiear ned-in four »rcUon Fumble over ‘Pf'd “nd w n ‘ ter:—to Bluupus of ' merchandize rcquitm* careful handling, thta it of mipottaiice. No ciirtr(ic* made fur rrcejvit'R or shipping, or for nd«un. in« e-muse*. All "inU forwarded w,u. d>»land “h WMOttaWf -" v m ‘" to U 'j<mN HTAI.KS .V .V mnT l an Mattel A Sd Comwirc tt, Fb-la. JOHN MeFADK-N *<■«. FMwan»in*artdCoiwnnf . naii Merchant.*, Canal Übmii, I ern »u I Hi-1 “ r K l ‘- J AMKS M DAVIS h. Co, Flour Factor* and Comim*- • ion Mvrrtuma, '£S7 .Mnikrt and M Commerce .'.reel, Philadelphia. , . . * nR | i„„, ID* Advances made l>y cither of the *l>ovc or. I lour. Wool and other merrUanduo conitfriied ,or 1849. , ull imcnacdißtf place* rriHS Line will MMrtiuue in carry oil Wat l»«w' JL with their luma! despatch, und nt liur rn.r* 01 rn A»m.-C. j. M'ANL'I.TY 1 I' D It Wakeftrld. Johintown. John Millar. H-dlidny.him'h. HtTKarvcK.*—James-Jordon. South .* stnclsir, Ur t i Shpcohcrßcr. U Mcorc. John Market, ft horat A Co, Wm Lchtner A Co, Jnn M l>vitt A Bro*. Pittsburgh; John Ivory, Sumtl. Mulhoilnn A Ray, Jno (iratl A Co, Blair, villr. jIBBD, PARRS A Co'«. packet like. IS4B. Jga. UKAVKR ANDCLF.VMI.ANI) LlNK, via \V aBKKN. clttal Puckcl-SWAI.LOW.Capt. Ford, .. *• OCKAN, Capl. " attcr*. ONK of the above Pdrkcla leave Denver every day, .Sunday, rrrrpiefl) o ,IJ ■"«»* n « x *“® l Warren, where they connect with the n> Akron and Cleveland, nrrivt.-e at each ot there pare, lie to re night. One ofthe Pocket* leave W «w« dady, *1 J J*. M_, and arrive nt Beaver Ut ttutc to tase u.c mo.nine «tean]l>o«t for Pittsburgh. - CUTFS* A LKKKINOW KLI., W arren. I i> ro pm'ro. Al B TAYLOR, » SEAVKR ANI> ICHIK BAt'KlTI' LINK THkoi'wn n* tut u*r.B i* f«’ktt hovr*. vllm i l'nckct— Cuju u •• TtuuJiAm, " lo.icics. u -« “ Tro‘>y; u •• Pbttoma, “ Brown; .. U JnUTUHJN. “ ? n >'*' r . ' Tire Above i.rvr m. 4 A ‘i u S'E cnmnernred« Ki*™« HI-' ' IK *•'“ ‘2 •i.d will run <l»r,» 5 ‘'“"T” " Eric every moron,* : Hoover every evenm*. i.niir. Jir.rii vlln lire .m -l.°vr,‘"’Nl“p. W* »>h. rAMW * JOHN A. CAUOHEV, A*L Plitrliureb, > pot. Water and JMriili&eld »U. rS:—Jaf C Harnson, ItutluJo, N \ C M Reed, Kne, 1*«. 4 C C Wick.UreeuTille. I’a; M’Fartajtfl and King, Big Bend. 1 a, Hays' & l’lucjb, t?Uan'*l>urgli, ra; W 0 Malan,Sharon, W; D C Mathew*. Fuia«ifci, I’a; H \v Cusmingham. Xc*' C»*up, ra- ]>' ron CUVFKUI.AM.. AM. THE TC‘”rT P ™^ “ ,te ELL, Ayca., Water rtriet. Pul-burgh. & HOKUM, ocl 3j .» ff*j f*outh Charles si, liaitwiore. iTaRNDEN ft co» p, llißC tr and lUr»itt*ne« OBiCf* *l, hInkDKN A CO. continue to bnng perron* ,»Kfrom Mf F*« “l KnßlM.d. lr-laud. Scotland or BSBwales, upon Hie most liberal term*. w.ih ihett usual punctuality »nd aiienuim to the want* and com fort ot enunijfTtuit* We do not ailow our pm-.engcr. to be robbed by the awn-dling scamps that infest the sea ports, ai we take chare* of diem the moment they re port themselves, ami see to their well beta*, and de- Ipateh them without any detrnUun by thn first ships - We say this fearlessly, a* we defy one of our passen l-ct* to show that they were detained 4- hour* by u« in Liverpool, whilst thousands «>t other. were detained months, until they couid i*e sent iu some old erui t, at a chS! nrate, which tooftetjuenay proved their eoftas. We intend to perform our contracts honorably , cost I, ni,y. wd UM Act a> w,„ the laal K«H «r,“clte, o*ca,a.-„bo Bto I.crtoraicd i,o. ,U.o, when It miltctl llieir coiivrnicucp. Dmft« tira-aa at IMt.l.arrt lor any .um fira. it ,0 £iut» payubia «> City ot tlic pnmueial Bank* in !rc *—«* ,a,msso.N, Enropcsiti and General Agent, I*, fin .treeu -Ir-.r hotnw HVe«* EMILE FOONprY, 10HS <*• W. O. PiTXE. I 'UK undersigned. *'uci-<'«*'»r« w Anuurs A Nirhol eon, hre leave 10 mionn lar riUxcns of ruuburgli niul nobl-r th,u lh ' s ’' hnvc rebuill thc KA * (il y ! FOUNDRY mid urn now in full operation, anti have pan Of their pattern* ready for me ««»"!*- nmonr*l wiiicH mr bonking Moves, Coal and W ood <U»ve*, will' n splendid nir-ugtu Coal Move. which ti now japercedm* in mimr cities ihe common round Slovc Al»o, » cheap coul Cooking Move, well adap ted (or email families, vriUi a lull asiortmeiit of com mon and mantel lirate* We would par icuUriy 111- vue the attention of persons Imilduif to call at our cvurelioii** before purchasing,, mid examine a splendid article of ciianiineUcd Uratca," lmr style— entirely new in tlu# market . Warehouse, No. 181 Liberty %t. opposite W ood at acK»:dU NICIIOidSON_t PaYNK_ I "ALLBOIIKNY VKSI riAS BUND, ANDOAIIINKT SV/V'KKlfO-'l- ' " nt ito. R.i.l'W 1 ,u '“7i übohn. me 020 planed Balumore, a l*rg*s a rA well *' r ‘‘ , ' < l n £° I r ‘‘ .nient of all the laieat and [ on . tin, glaied and common 1 APKK HAM'l***-** , * lS * 10,000 piece* of Parlor and Frewo* 10,000 Hall aud Column; ~ . 10,000 “ l>imnj*room, chamber «"• c ■ Paper—wblch I would particularly mvio-.t.i; ; if jtaoM tmvm* bouaea lo paper, to call oj.d examnie, at (be Paper Warehouse pf • »• ap2 »' E’ XTKAUT OF COFFKK--AH article wlncn U ra piill, coiniii r ' i-iio uae a, a, iioflnMiiiiK fall’to. fcW, l.cln, note ptoamit auto. Uan common Col.*, ■»'J 1, to paper coalim! only lcll /ruli, will yb a, lar ar I ° ,c^" -J.te*MllSkH, I’ittaburali, I'a-. ««ld at wholesale by HA F/.JIM.*TCrf.K *• Co, eorcrof Fi'M a»J Wp»J tol to W ‘ ( J lb Camp VO officer coats 1. j.r« Pant*, nelt lined Muting B«ou; la Inlnau. Uajr«, J ls l * ,r Vink». 6 and IV aiUloiueMb; Ml eantecii*, l SSSfS& SbU,b„eV recital TYiORTED Sl’JCliS-l’Bt up tumily in tin , Cinnamon, Vvi-|'<r ;C.lovc«, n , ihn’ncw Spi''* and - lromihe temper, on Jinndaml ,„ppii,g.i ? ori» ic j ßAN a „ \J Mpenor-nruck »t BoU '” f r KIEttJ , joNHS “"v v ««l • H«*n‘ prooooneei il *ujxnor »u mvl^ A- v, . 8 * r e C M ami ‘or bhlc by from Bonlrmu ju»i * M j LLK u A. RICKFTTSON —i; . —ju*i received, a’ beautiful assort u^suiJC’Sssf^ai.’BS F. I ."*’! I ?' J^ Wh WW WILSON, ' jai ■ corner .ill 4nd Mirkcl.l. yTHI-Vt;i lUU IiONS-Jml rr rrircd »iZrdaioi, kiD ’ aop.dSreSVeljeSboii. Meor-ed * «■ embroidery Gimp; Mpewido Fain,*o. dM* , MEDICAL SELLERS’ FAMILY MEDICINES—“They are'.’ii* Medicine* of the day.” Gubih'J Srino.n.Obio, May 1549. , tL&Seller*: 1 think it right for the benefit of others to Riato tone facts in relation to yc at excellent FunL ly Medicines. - * bare used your Vermifuge largely iu my own fain*- ' frequently answering for expelling I tge ly Llo SUO) worms from two chiiduif i „ „,ed voor Liver Hits and cough >yruj» >o ly. and they bare in every instance produced •tTcrt desired. ity. one vial 1 qu&juilic* (sa; hi • - - - A* 1 nm engaged in merchandising, I am able to mou- that I have ye) lo hear ef ibe first failure where your medicine* have been used in my .eeuon of the country. In conclusion, l may stmteabai they at* ti* medicine* of the day, and are destined to have a very extensive popularity. Yours, reepeeifullV,* •W. H. Vinssu . Prepared and sold by R. E- SELLERS, No 57 Wood street, and aold by Droggi.ta generally in the two ci ties and vicinity. ' _ tnv3l { t REATCUBE OP LIVER CoXfi’LAINT, by bV OT original, only true, and genuine Liver Pill. . Suost Cats*, Ohio caanty, Vo. 1 , March Utilh, 164 U. f Mr. R. R. Sellers: Dear Sir—l think it a duty I owe to you and! to the public rnera ly, to stole that 1 have beru afflicted with tho Liver Complaint lor a long nrae, and so badly that an a been formed and broke, which lefllme in a very low state. Having heard of your celebrated Liver Pill* being for sale by A R Sharp, in We.t Liberty, and recommended to me by my physician. Dr. E. Smith, ! concluded to nvr them a fair trial I purchased one box, and found them to be just what they ore recommended, THE BEST Ll* VKR PILL EVER USER; and after taking four boxes 1 hud the disease has entirely left me, and 1 am now writer w„u. CIJLEMAN West Liberty, March ad, IM9. 1 cerufy that I am personally acquainted with Mr Coleman, and can bear testimony lo the of the above certificate. A R SHARI Toe genuine Liver PtHs are prepared and sold by R R SELLERS, No 57'Wood street, and by druggists in the two cities. . . . , .__ TO THE PUBLIC.—The original, only true and gen uine Liver Pills are prepared by RKScllers, and have his name summed in block wax upon the Ud of each box and his signature on the outside wrapper—all others are counterfeits, or bare imitation*. up 10 R E SELLERS, Proprietor^ nil. JA«SB’S CAIIBIIJ* ATI VKBAL9ABI I,' HOW tbc B« ASA SHINN, • Wlllkoown and pop H u i ar ciefrvuianofihcPioicstaniMethodiilChurcb The undcr-'tgni’d having been afflicted during the pail wnitiir with i unease oflhe stomach, sometimes pro ducing treat i-m in the stomach for tenor twelve hours withoutiitiermisiion,and after haviuxirted vuncus remedies with little effect, was furnished wuh a botil# of Dr D Jayne’s Cartmnotive Balsam; Thu» he u*«d ac cordmc in thr directions,and found invariably lh»U!n* medicine Cauitd the pain to abate in three or four mat .lies, and in fiAecn ortwemy minatesevery uneaM sensation was entirely quieted. The ."V,*!, lerwaribiuae-i wheneveruidioaiioasotthe ®rP»***«“ ** f piiinwctr perrcivcJ.andiht; pain wot thereby prevent id heeu.umusd i«u>c the iced.nne every ai.d sometime* in the morning, ami in a few weeks health was eo far restored, that the suflerer wa* relic* eil from, a large amount of nt'pta'S've P 3 " d ,, . per icncc, therefore, he can confidently reef.mine. d O I b dtyr.e-V Carminative PaU.m, M » , * lu »V y -HINN F.r „le in FiU.buigb »l ft. MOMN TK* cosroiiND smV or wild curbs!. -TH«<ai!*T**3txt>t»oa ; Cr m tk &de ami Breast, Palpitation of | tic Heart, Inttuento, Croup, Broken Con* . i •ti.ulum, Sore Throat,Nervous Dchili- I t) .and all Disease* of the Throat, • Breastandj.ungs; thotuosief* ! frctual ond speedy cure ever known for any of Die aboye discas ■ es, 1* r. n mVAYNE’ff «.uSdßvr»pofWUdCh«^^y , . Oompow»4 »yf #nionß U .ose of doubtful 1 T Ulß °ui!»s Jailed aw«?y from the thousand, daily utility. B h P 0| eX p e rimcnl, and now stand* United Kates . rC inarkabte evi- Importance batwu“» r or proof of the foregoing denen of « ' ffc / a Vue ii.d effieocy of ih.a uicd.- statement*, and , 0 f the matt thou* eme, ihe.prop*«r *•» »‘«« bfen prwJltr j tot.mby „r,d who have higher men of the tret F^; ifih iUiy and justice. than m cer- View*ofni«ralff P®**‘ wl , l > do pother a favor, and U fy to fuels- beefu • u «umotiy provcsco.i themselves no '««‘ “ -excellence is established etusivcly. ihaiiiajiuni A e unquestionable nulhon by Its intrinsic}mgr ' —. , relict n oi ly ot pptjnon. „ diffused through th < ,Jrd*.a»d '"t^"B. ,n r Sr» ita most agreeable whole frame p» j * » ’ remedy for Did “g^^jUMUKR! L from conscientious impnlse». -Wto ”"'\f,,Sony lo imlh °< • «,l«nn»>T “**'.l2,“™ b,u.s com™, “• pstticoiar f"‘l’ BcU|8 cU | _ nmo »«v coerce* eonvicuon of worldly mterUst.|*i'J P JT£, f ln tt ,p^ c ml manner w iu truth,nn-> V'*S“ ~Zi>-iio eai i'. Morol Maxims, •nivcrsaijreici'fc. U ME CERTIFICATED. MJk jj£„ or PcuMonalT Co.warrto.v— STtU. ASOWrtCtWO » h a. succe.A.ul There never T™|* 7con*umption,. a* Dr. Bwa) nr . in de*peTau-|car* o’ridrherTy 0 ’ ridrherT y it strengthens the ulcers ou (he lungs. 1 l ' v :Mk« Co, April aklBU. I . - . „t fe-. sSTSrilf VlUv, ,«t Cod,. Dr. born lAa men, o! ' pound Ar™i: of §':±Sl £,«ccobl,wlnrl, irndn, tn,mfi ml bfr. “ A.d wid, ■ Mvcrc coanh, Uial •I'trv* l >“ J rrconmn to, <ul< .It .".xUblmd .11 lb. „ mp'on- »< mcinnmw Ev.rT d l ”* 1 «“ Polm.ii.ry ln, n ??“P. vcom .iMnlincfc«e*l Mrapid, ruyco«up up all hope* of ly that (ntin > lwm> recommended to try my i did so with the most hap ***£ £. coogh, to entirely well, and am uree* I had ever wa. in my life, and {case, thniotieß.pUß „ the truth cf the abovii •jwhich l •»! wntratctul. ;er R(uhi Grooe r, W«*t •utemenu 1 rdttt you . d the medieina. f due Dr. L the afflicted generally, to offer o Too-*M, ‘K “ favor of year Compound Sy tny*smoi>r three year* mince I wa« rep of ) v,l l jteriih cold and tnfiammauon of the violently adadtml vrt« wl ih a distrewing Lane*, wt4cK}.was 5 head, a very, considers couch, pain e “ muen « from the lungs, espe bie discharge Woflcn however ihghL At eiallT upo» c K. n * ,C,ut my condition, but was pretty ‘first 1 feltrp M rapidly going into couramp •oon oouvipecgDiar l „ tength was scarce* lion. I R r^w Atf i*T„rL or soeak above a whisper, such :y able u> weaknessofmy lungs. Dunng this was Dm preparation* and prerenpuons, time v &n |h# umc worse. Jdsl but found C o £r e 77‘i nereuaded by a dear fricnd|in here I wo* *fctrtfiaH)7jDu r Syrup of WildChgr- Wilmington 1 had been preja rv. I no* Mdietnes. and lam sull agaiusl dicad •ff*^' 4l 3 l but under* those cominggvl®f» theprofcMion and praedce ol standing im pUc(i faith in we »aymg of my med.elur, of Dr. Bhaw, one of your friends, 1 nleL°and commenced Its use. My dis* agents, a fi: nf-KJor 35 mouths’ standing,cod- STodlt 1 found sequentlyjirfe*4 from the use of tlxo fiwt four or CPnMder»W«|Wie _tro . Uc #peakef . 1 freqncnUy nt boulcs iucreasmg etreugU», ami tempted tn I® “Dial had already begun Dterebv f ?i; 6 my care was greatly W **efluenee of ueling thu* uuprodeni reurdcd.i l ‘Wr“ I *^o t fifteeu bottle, before 1 waspe I had to Ufe no question, a much stuolf fecUy resfo'g l W J o id have mode me sound, bu • aumber • b The Syrup allayed the fev the distressing cough, put an uh h l aLl .V>°s,“ 0 f maucr from the lungs, and gae tn c dl ,l, svstem good health. I have drf« certificate until now, for the ,»uqm*. red otfenhg W» with the permanency ot the of being perig < . . well 1 offer it with Kxr, j. P. J.ib.j, aleasarej K< „ - N, C. Caution—Head! Read! ThArrlbWcTc genaine preparauonof Wild Cberey, There r» bg. ruu’s, the first ever offered to tho ihffi ?as largely throughout tire puUUci’i’MS * some parts of Europe; audollpre- Uailed “"l b *°Se Same of Wild Cherry have pareUan) l j2i jf;. oll d S r cover of some deceptive Leen pntjouffis*.e » unu« w wUietr cireutnstunttoi -u ® r “* r n 0» fßl>a llecd m umke the By a little two bottlu of the genome is envSrid 0 © a bennuful steel engraving, with llic XneS&am I'e.ui thereon; a&o, J>r. Swayne’X ~tnimr? aft s further security, the portrait of Dr. Li™-wiß4 •• added herealier. *o a* lo dnUiiguuh h.TnreJaroti rom all * there. Now, tl tl was not for his ptepftruVK opertiß , and known vltiuc* of Dr. thegreaieaK P P ofWild Cherry, pereou. Swayncts ( give currency to their would uv stealing the name of Wild CheS°tß©i^' l ' fl L l^} n m ‘ nd “““ «f nr ilwrffif ~d be not deceived. rrmdpa®L -, corner of Fighlh and Race steeet*, PlnladelEhig , nJ retail by A SNOW DEN edr Wood .U; B A FAHNESTOCK A Co cor Istliik Wood, and Oth and VVood*U; WM riihii\L s£M -'ket tl; « JONES, ISO Liberty stjJAS A JONBS fe- ‘l 3 " l * and **® ,m ,Ui JOHN MITLH ELL, AHeglcn city, and by all respectable deakre m medicii’E jP; l —. — ~,iKUhil v.viDENt-E that Dr JAYNE’S EX /V 1 unwlANTii superior lo atl other remedies for SLijSlSri-, P.I.* »u«* person* who commenced the niu «Sir frmbw!*«• *go.»t«B P*«fcr »* l O »“ .. „ rrnieUfthofthekiud; and whereaay hare betolndueed . oilier Slfeparations they hats almost invamhiy been the benefit which was reasonably umeinaua tfit« the hieh praises bestowed by the proprietor*, i^ fa y,tgVp.d iu the u«s of Jetnos’ExuctoosUT, a» • lomrdy tK|'l bss ueser failed to relitie them, and wltieb ,reUblyV4r had its euual ia arresting pulmonary discuss Hremtkd faiy by Dr 0* J*jas I'hifadelphia, and sold on K ALEX. JAkNBS 'TOS*!' _» «• Dr. Vvlf. inland's Premium Plaster*: DR lV.§*J INLAND, of tbc Medical College bf I’Llj uddlplih, now offers to the public his Indian Veg etable L'rcStium Blaster, the qußlines of which, alter lon* an<J irSMi «-xpcriiatce,htts been satisfactorily es tablished. &£n all women who may be afflicted with I’rolapsn* Ricriaor Fallen Womb, he recommeuds his plaster,;gi&Taiitecuiß n sure and speedy cure in the short spftefiaf fin.n i-cu ,uUi« weeks, if implied with care and r&—diwardiug all the countless insirumeids end bandages so long in osc. This he feels eonscieilu&k in stating, inaimueh as he ha* not failed m one out of three hundred anil Efty-Lhree pa- Alsu 4>rsheiuukiism and Weakllrea.l err Back, at tended tkiS'ptun, there i. nothing to excel thl* Blaster in afformugrehefor effetfUng a cure. For sale by L \Vlfca3V.eunlcf of Diamond and Market ft Braud “ Liberty andlHl. Clair at* Dr J tjaraent “ Federal ft had Diamond, Allo ghehy§p.ity Jacqimssk, Co, u Denman and Diamond Dirming‘ bam. d . : : ie -' RES igiLLLRS, Druggist, No 67 Wood street. • gofvArtnf (or the I ale of Dr. Townsend's Uen ■ine BaJa|ji»nlia, basjust receivedSiOQ dozen of this Great Sprwr and £uruLer Medicine. Purcia#c* rhonld recollect that R E Sellers is sole agentforßßisburgh, and DU Curry for Allegheny city jjt, ’ i y™__ G”^BfiNrarvWPATkNTirKVB^VAI'CH ES.-*ooplei.\V»lcbe*. made by the celebrated Cooperontoitdhfl. Mr'J.Tobma'of Liverpool, and a large MiwtoJeijtordetaclred fold and silver levers, made UV fiabeii tienevd manuiaetarer*. ofallkiiid»i Communion Ware in seu; Gold Iftnß-J Jewelry in largo variety}. Silver Spoona, Forka,'AS>i f rn- ;\V§lch repotting executed in the heel mamer. :ff * *.: ■ ww Wilson, myiggri .»•'.• corner Market and «th «u ;C*Y9 ENGLAND-Huper* 6“ edition, rnsKss? 1 h «onwM»iW«4Wm . EXCHANGE BROKERS- K. SOLISES * SO] B«Bk*ri| Biehaßg*' asuocaLUstx , DRAFTS, ACCEPTANCES, t AND BANK NOTES. ■OLD, SILVER C OLLKCTIOfSs.—Draft*. Note* atul Acceptances paj able in any part of tbe Union, collated on the most fav arable terra*. i, . . , I XCIIANUEon New Votk, Philadelphia ami U’i’- limire; also, Cincinnati. Louisville, Baint Lorn* nmJ New Orleans constantly for sal*. HANK NOTES.—Notes on alt solvent banks m il.e United State* discounted at the lowe*t rates- Alt kimt., of Foreign and American Gold and Silver Coin boi-cbt and sold. i „. .... Office No. 55 Market street, between 3d ai .1 Ith, Pittsburgh, Pa. i !2S rJ ' FOREIGN EXCHANGE. . on England, Ireland, and Scotland bouyj.t any amount at tbe Current Rates of nxcl.:(nj;e. Also, Drafts parable in any nan of U» Old coontrie*, from £1 to £lOOO, at tbe rate of *Mq }h« & iig, without deduction or discount, by JOe-HUA SON, European and General Agent, brace uth «t nut door west of wood. ; ootl ; U_ *Ltiit isAMUR-l ! (udwaUl/kau« KRAHKR <f BASS; Bankers and exchange brokers, dealer* in Foreicitand DonwsOc Hills ofjExchange, t-*-r -tiricatrs of Depowte, Bank Note* nnd Cout, corner of 3d ami Wood street*, directly opposite fct. l.liarles tlo te i ma>->dly -IIf'rEST'EHN FUNDS - W Ohio. Indiana, Kent icky, Missoon, Hunk Notes; p, .. U.. lowe« r.£, b, : t soNSi sep!3 aTSUrkrt street, Sills of kxcii ANgk— s«hi cheek* on v N " Y "W.pbu,J Baltimore, Constantly for (ala by N. UOLIMK3 A SONS. i 3S Market St. iJUUKS. ’ tJISIO, &c, NEW MUSIC—RoII on silver Nelly was a I,ady, a new and popular Ethiopian melody by S C Foster; He kind to tbe loved ones ul hoina; Spunk Gently, as sung by Empire Miustreja; Row thy Boat Lightly, o* sung by tho Empire Mimorels; Wbai Must a Fairy’s Dream be; Hen Holt; Louisiana Belle; No, ne’er can thy Home be Mine; He dodth all thing* we 1; \Valt into do Parlor, “Repertoire lies jeune* Pidnl*- tii«.” little fantasies from afKthe coldbrnted and popu •.li r Operas, composed by Ferd. Beycte-tn 20 number* i> 7 pages each; price ssc per number The above, with a largo collection of »%nlixr* r Jl arches, Polka I *. Songs, Ac Ac., re?'d and ’or sale by »pt 3 JOHN 11 MELLON, si Wood ft ' j)ROP. ANTIiON'S sWIHER OF Fm l l I.atin Lesson* Latin Pre*e Composition. i .Cxaur'sCofuiiientaries on the UaJbr War. /The .Eneid of Virgil. Cicero’s Select Orations. \ Sallust's Jnrarilime War,and tho Conspiracy of Cal aliae. Tim Wort* of Harare. Wirst Greek Lcswtos. Greek Pro«je Composition. Grammar of the Greek Language.: The Anabasis of Kenophou. > •Cicero de Sentelulr, de Pnraddxn, Ac.-~ Fur sale at reduced price* at the book More of JOHNSTON A BTIHJKTON, • spt3 i corner Tlurd and Mnrkei *** _ N EW BOOKS-- History of the Naiionoi Constituent Assembly from May, IstS, by P. Cockrau. 1.-**;- History of Pendentd*. hi* fortune* and inisfomuie*. bis friends and greatest enemy, by_ Wm. M Thacke ray, author of u Vatuty Fair.’’ ! * Retribution; or, the Vnlc of Shadows, a tale of pas sion, by Emma D. E. Nevrit Southwonh. Just reed by* JOHNS TON A STOCKTON, sack'll rorner Market and Tlurd *l* ANUFaCTLKE OF IRUN.-r-To be nubiisbvU shortly. The Manufacture of Iron, in all tis bran- ches, from tiic digging of iron ora ajul coal to the ma king of charcoal and coke; the building and managing of blast furnaces by charcoal, anthracite and coke; b n t blusl and blast machines, AnJ Ac., including au essay on the manufacture of steel:’ by Frederic over man, Mining Engineer. Complete tin one volume, 5W pages, with illustrations, engraved on wood. Price. Sd in subscribers. Subscription* feer-tved bv augitt JAS D LOCK\VUOD,«sI Wood *t JUST rURtWHEIr—' The llistu|y of the l’uriun* in Englant and the Pilgrim Fathers, complete in l vol. Loyola and Jesuitism inj it* Rudiments, *•> Wane Taylor. The Genius of Scotland, or Sketches oi Sco tt*h Scenety. Literature arid Religion, by Rev. Robert Turnbull; 4th ediuon. The History of the Church of England, by Bishop Soon; Ertkine'* tips pel Sonnets. 'Border Warfare pf New York. Th» Mountains of the Bible. Last Day* of Elisha, by Kru macber. Cottage Lectures, or t u Pilgrim's Pnwresi Practically Explained; punitshe* by Am. rt. S. Union The Wonder* of Vegetation; published by Am. S. 8 Union. For -file by ELLIOTT A ENGLISH, aug*Jt *'J \\‘ood si MEDICaI: WORKSJUST RiiCEIVED-'Pcri-ifa" Mateila Medico, 2^vol« UanglironVMedical Dicnonarr. Taylor's Medical Jorisptudctijjc. Taylor on Poisons. Antou'* yhysie*. Cyclopaidta of Practical Mrdii me, 1 vol*. Hooper’s Medical IKctionary. hliioison's Practice of Medn-ii e. Smith and Horner’s Anatomical Atlas. Mosse’s Anatomical Allas. Fur sale by aug-Jl JAS i) t.OCKWOOD. UJ WmxJ ■«’ D' UFrS IUMiK-KEF.PI.NG—IIIUnk* (or tear in this workj with tbe autiior> directions to lent ers printed ou the cover*. A npw. supply just rer ved from New York, and for sale by jul3 JOUN II SI Wood « I PIANOS. A SiM.KNDIp woTtianit . SR=steQn**»y ami Koseprood IVinor, ju«l (i» i.tic-l. Tiie*e inmruineiit* ere unuirof II V I | ■ iUe la'est piut'-rki and bc«t materiel and will be wld low for cash by ' F. HLL'>IE,U- Wood street. ] -Ai door above Kifih. Jf. 8.-Tliote who are in warn of a jood instrument are respectfully invited to examine ihAnc before pur chating elsewhere, as they cannot br r xrelleu by any in the country, and will be snldtfovver than any l>rou*bi from the Ran. Also just rreeivisl. two piano* of H*' burgh manufacture, warranted to be superior to ever raid in this country- \ ocvS\_ _ »_ NK w - I Bi H T UJIJ aKS T . riWE subscriber bu neon appointed Sole A*ent f«. X the sale of CARHARrS IaJPKOVEJ) MELoDh uNa, as manufactured and and perfected by Messrs- Murcb fc \vhite, of Cincinnati. I'bc n»uai compas* and extent being but lour octaves, Mnin. M. A « ~ in accordance with tlie geueijul aenrr uud demand, have extruded the scale ol thd»e irtauumeiii' to 4( nud eveu & octaves, thus making it priutKnblr to [wrionn anon them any music writirnliurtao riaxio or Uigun. The extertor, also, has been m'uehtmoiovcd by placing I the body ot the immune ul jupon a cum iron tinuu- I bsuuutully bronzed and ornamented, rendering it ut I ouce a roost elegant and extremely de»irabie nr.ieliv Thu price is put so low as to tiring it wuhm the mart of every one to obtain a perfect musical iiistrunf- id, at'the tame time, 4 tu*il elegant piece of (unu- ] iir for a comparative trifle. It KLVJJEU. .1 AtJ WWoodwell'a Great wusfCAL'MVfrKLTV— rim »un>-«rii>cr fast juM received fromj Europe. and for sale, an entirely ftew invention of Fiaito Forte, called Uie t AB INKr I’IA.NO FORTE, which noMesstug more power ami «weeUie»» man the l'miio, occupies but mu* fourth an much room, and i* a much more nhnwy unit Uandtome piece'of furniture! It u particularly ur«ra ble whefe the raving of •pice h an ol>;ect, bent;; cx* eeedmuly neatand compact! ami-occupying no more room a imall tide tabje. T'no aubrenber httr. in hand a tcMimouial of tu »ur>erionlY.from the cetobra* , trd pianist, Moscheiles, in U* own uand wntniSjWhicU i may be inspected. j il- KLEUI'.R, | octf7 ! * At J W Woadweil’a GtEOBOB A 1101 OH i MERCHANT TAILOR No. 46 tlaiKet street, HAVING purchased an extensive and cart-fu tected stock of Spring and Summer Goo. subscriber respectfully informs hi? friends and public, that be is now preparing to receive and ■ cols their orders with dL patch. and in the nea,i most substantial, and manner. A* be determined to do burinm* on the ca»h system, Ite tli ter* himself that he will le able to do work u* cue x* iiean-be done at any e-tablislmient in the counti lII* (lock t* varied, com sung of C.iMiineres, Hun cloths, Vesting*, which In* r'ricnJ-* are rcspcctl Iv invited to examine for tkctnseWej. mySddtf • GKURGK ARMOR. G. xvl UIDDLE, .Dentist fes*jS2s> REMOVKD to a new Hires story bn UrnnA on Smith&r.ld street, one door belt ! ‘ITT" Slxili slrctfc Teeth inserted from o to an entire set, oil the rocuon principle, with a ben tiful representation of the natural gum—restoring tit original aitape of the face^ N, U.—Teeth extracted frith littioor no pain. Decayed Teeth permanently saved by plugging,pr« vonung the tooth ache, wiicluU much better .than cu ring it, though it should hi dune In live*, c even instantly. apdltly _ Mount' ka<7T7iTTripoli— For cTcamng vu down and lamp glasses, silver plate, bfa»» t IH tauiua, and other ware. It rapidly takes out all »po and stain*, and reproducei the beautiful ami dumb, lustre of new ware. Jus received and for sale, whoh sale end retail, by ' JOHN P MORGAN, Jail _ Druggist- J.lght 1 Light 11 Light 111 TUIR justly eelebrated burning Huid can now be bnd at the Eaitcm Immri Store, No. so Third street, between Wood and Market . For a portable house liglit u hm tlie preference in alt of the eastern cities, betpg perfectly safe und cheu;r void of .smoke, grease or; any ol the disagreeable ui eudants to lights now injcomuiou use; alto, a beauti ul assortment of lumps of the latest patterns tor buru ng thc’iamc. jyidCino DA VI U. THE STAB OF TUE WEST ' "'j ' ULINDMANUFACTUKY East sideol fho Diamond, where Vemuiui Blinds of alUhe dilferent sizes and n>',ori> aru keplonjband ur made 10 order ntie ihe latest and most approved Eastern Imd.- -s V ioo», at the shortest uoticc and on the mo* reasonably term*. ] - Also, the cheap Boslop roll or split Bund Transpa rency and Paper Cartaius of art the different sizes and patients, on hand and for sale low forcash. Did Vein n«n it Usds naintert over repaired, or taken tu pan payment for new RjM WESTKRVELT, Pio'pr. pf, U—AU woi■ donp with the best itiHitrial and workmanship, and waitauted to pieose ike most las* idioQs. ! aujlti-dly Allegli-sny city. Aug- Ifl, IMK- FTTMIUIUiH MANUFACTURES.-The an. signed, Agent for tlje manulactureri, has on I. end is coustauliy recsmng a lari supply of Hie inn made lit Pittsburgh and vicinity, which ho offern tale at manulactarers prices. UKO CUCHRaN, lebifl) i dll wood | iNlilA RUBBER PAlfl.E-l gio** boiUcslndm Rub- X her Fame, «n article tor rendering I.out* and shoes perfectly water proof, and tort as a piece oi cioih. One application of this pnsie is sufficient tu mnke them impervious lo water for'd or 3 months, and a perfect prcToautive from die feather cracking. Hec'd uud for sale ai ;the India Rubber liopoi, No £ Wood si, febitf J A H I'HlU.ll-tt AMKIIIOAN.TBisKOUAPiI COMPANY. osLTUioax, riTMucaoii sad wuzelisu. SVEStERN LINE. Oflkee at the Kxchange, llaltliuore. REDUCED RATES#.-*-The charge* have been r.-do eed on all Messagles to or from Baltimore; Pitts tmreh or Wheeling, and a corresponding reduction ms.T- on all telegraphic despatches torwurded from Bal timore West of Futsburkh, I’a. b .-m.—The charge lor a telegraph desputch lo or from H-iH' mnre i l’inwuhrh and Y\ heeling, is *5 cent* for the first ten words, junta ceou for each ndd.lioini No eharge la mide for the address and signs- Until the completion if the South Wesicru lune 01 Telegraph from .Memphis, Teutuv to New Orleans, dr#- patches can boiorwardid to Meibplilt by Hus route, ur.a mailed lor New Orleani fell r'llO F A M 1, L I E Liquid for wa.hi.-R X clothes, carpets, silk*, paint and line furniture— sTvin* half the labor ahd dispensing euurely with ihe washboard. The fiuesl WiUou carpets, alter having beeu tn usa eloven yeajrs, h*vo bcea perfectly restor ed, without the slightest injury to the labric, ana with out removing from the floor. Jt will 'not injure the cloth. Directions aeefampauytng each boble. Price S 3 cents. For solo by J bOHiKfNAIAKKH'ifc Co, tavd | „ w wno,l M _ i r, 4 tttJUAYfiE’3 l A'3t.E OF FusfT con X taininfah alphalxjuealliat of FostOtfiees through out the Umted Biatesj distances from Washington, D. C-i state aad temtonai capitals respectively, afoo ex hibiting tha Post Olhcess in each Skate, as well mcouo re with, ah appendix of the United Uutea and ilntlsh Unto? Jastreedby JOHNSTON ft STOCKTON, eon«radu4/tarkatau : : ~; _ ... 5-3-* ■!= . 53 t« j > « . jli JliilBlS! ’1 -itiiisSptl|iillil p IL^l3 -g- •* 5«' u6 *^H a i *''csS?- s £-ife.3 s ’c'5 c -2~3 >3 S gl *«o *3 3 S.lrrfllftSlKiiiPM JiiiiHßn ! ili^i slgPWPiWaiaifflH KM ifeili ffii Millllffii s !iti«*a}fi!!ia ffl m i hvsm seata SC -I > «,* U,5 -S < *s*ggS§fi2«fi" <, B^ ia s* ijb dI 3 2 P £ '6 91? s 5 §il rok« rii fa fls Slo 3S-Sc-l-^i-1 = Sa;! i. »! §«al °U| !§;. S|!r’s|»r?. ! l s s f isy IS if tl S “ I killS ffejfelilUM i| ]{k *! If i t S Il3’lllM®t}!?j?i tW “5i || 11 s mmmm » S;i iI iE !!h!!ilifiSl|!Sil;li!i!|ii! £ll -Jfiii IK tirti m« Hill cs mwi! i\ i I 111 ijffllilBMIIl!!!! li sl|| CO .< 2 t t!»SiSs. -56 iS*j.|sa;j3 >. ° iS"S“p s -°-tWg3 Si usS §3»,= css** J-§3 »» O g i;«a"!S!.-:s5“S53 S ts;!6'3;2is-i-5-£.SS3 -3 S«t-<2aS|»j 6 .“; g&; A .!fS^a g ! _| a .g SJ «a ° c j|lt>£«%&Uti;tf * ttHiSjilvilkHisSgiinrt s? C 0 • Is* -1 r'.i s . 4 ?{sl;«ssi*;i sb - . list?s|ss?;s:|s 3 gat l S- n -a* = = = = “ •-gag. 3 fcßsS»a« »«.«••« •■»• * 3 H - joIINP.MOHr.AN, IWArnl.! n- M- CPfRV, Allrtttnr Ciir; a: Patterson, MEDICAL. Kirill b BXTCKSA°. Il >V«tesSs MIRKS. SCROFULOIM : iLJnBSI£& HUMORS, SHIN MS; jyl/u; - ,£§l«p’ rn%%x(rniol<>r HHrriml, • (lint ii will nol benefit. >• j l-.svn u*r<l itfor tlie l»it witrrii'j car. iuT “ U Tdeclare, ll.ruunn.-- 11-J ' (£?,( 'ji i:: cv.r (:t‘e he. it 10 S"a. 3L“s.*f«ie»... «■““■ * ih.™ bod panieUD* ;» - iVoaiB«.jL,.f ths po~«>= your ointment IS SSuT«»-I. remoTci !*“?. iS e «S£j lb. Mananam «* "Rtas.Rtoa •"» pm ««■ top»rL or 0., a*H‘f r TUM^ ! HE,“Aa 1«1?E LN hIE FACE, .a*.ib.i .null; S«- on Inn rLIU«n mOwu anybeotfii, wbenaftw borer r.r *e «m 0' T hurn*-ii ~ out Of u= bMibbfa i" *• "“ Hi *» are yearly cored by °ini* mrn It Karan fad* rcllrf to ,‘ h *, l . * * JT>U in- Arouml ihe L-ox arc directions tor urin< »*m Snr», Bnnchiuu. /•errata Affection*. Paine, Un pin. *£• StetlUns of tM limbi, Sorct, P IuL,uU r«i, Cr«u y, Street O' hokrn E««h Tooth < &Jsi«n«, rait* * *« Chest and fliii, ii.»* **« «» CORNS—Occasional way* keep rorn* from rrow.nj;. I eoplc need tie r ~c \routdSd with them if ib«r u* d tre-iu-nily . Or- Tins IH-iune* is Rood for any pail of or mnlia Wl«n inflamed. In some ra.ei it *b" ulJ >• ' A c\rri»N-No Ointment will be senoinc uMewthe name of McAI.USTKR i» written with «* pen an every i** l * l I • : ,y my Agent* m aHiiie principal ciyre and . ' i*.c I'uurd S’-Lic’. >j P \j I ! ‘ Cn.cisnu.Tt, 8 ..,„ p r ,,pririof of UIU above medicine. i sir; A wn« of duly to give nty-tnbnto rr _ n nnri :.S No as North Third eirrrt, I'hU- 110 DallryV Pam Extractor. Item* opposed «> quatf- CT Principal uuicc, i>o -= &]) nonTUllu haviuv for Uietr object teuusler .Orlphio. lip , c .. .vjcVLNTS PF.n BOX. • '*• iiuntives-rmt reali'ing much good from the . King of J sfcr;.rtaa~lVrktth k Rn«-r, eoraer of : r.-un Killer.**'-! ntn induced .©.tender you this cdrift* Acbjitut?. trrrf»cTiau wiicoX j r ' corner <>( cate 1 novo usedit mmy family, in my practice, and I It*rrty and »t .j«ir » . fo r„cr of 4th nud 'with at! .he happy and wonderful rteeUi thatcould V'*?,,? .. J 1S «n.“ ° f IT ......ili.rf. . H. M-.U. ' m 6th waiii a.el»ook*u»re m “niiititn-Jd J)r. Ur«hc 1* the senior partner of Brodie * Levi, <chw«ni iin'j'j i tUrKr , nt; t 'hy J*U Smith? Drcpri-i, |iir- . "fnfuvnrkatvry-Hhtumalism. " 10K i iara - d Neclby, Ku*t Lmettv; Of Rowland. .*»i- The following tcrumouial comes source fa ; J Alesunicr A Son, Mottoiigahcla O.ty; . raUfor to many of tho*c traveling on onr Western wa*. n n .vruian iCo and J T Itogcu, Urove.r-villej John • t ,. r . M f . dime, .he well and favorably known pro- Kte£ to«r?, p2i ure wholesale agent-. • , r iru>. of .he Parkersburg Hotel, is husband to the fcbar-dcwlly ,Ldy whom letter I annex: ■. .....y. i To Henry JL> just received of l)r. P r] , QIUt / fiiclcd Wllh viotcm inflammatory mo -t extraofdmso mcd rine w«w cheaper, Rheumatism, which appeared so firmlyseuled as to tract!* pul op in quart i«>Ul . any eo M It defy all ordinary appliances to allay the severe pain pleasanter, urkenuig «-r attending it. I was induced to try your Magical Pam core* disease without vomiting, | u>s Kuntclon- aud it having cdected, almost as if by uu* debilitating the patient ~l lfirtltfin| P j Knfl |„ have gic, an.iiumcdiute relict, and nlso, to all appearances Lonaovr »oa ? f an entire andperfect cure, I am induced for the beue , copied our labels, # p4i uj • J W j} wn £l ofaUlcrt who may be afflicted with pam,cattMd by shaped bottle, MftUtal eacn oonie any kind of inflammation, to write to you, declaring nature 01 s. P. Wood «treei, between that .« my opinion, founded on actual experience K. s H ,Lb ? 3, i U only wholesale yont Magical Pain Extractor is the most valuable dts- Third and t vurth. » Ur. d «> Pcn . covery-aftho present age for thdimmediate extraction and retail *;;en. for I c« wnorn vac gcnu.r • u isttUa j mo « unmedtate andaper *T) C M C Curr f y been appointed toe set agent for , feet cure for Burns and Maids, anf all external in- Abegheny city, m whom th« genuine arucle c#n be Uaviug many acijuaintancM formed by their visits had. at mrbu»band ! a hotel in this place, 1 have joppoied DI.SINFKurnN(iJ*tn.Lnt»N ov UiLOIUDK-O. » ur ovrt nr, them these lew hucs,^lt may possibly DA.—lt decompose* the virus or peccant P”nei- bcucDt both to them and ycUTseltl * ,>ie of nil doiiingioa* ui*ea*ct. it rcnu'vr.s tQp Oaiicer j KUZABXTB CUKI „* ettluvia uf tick room*, Ac. Hy its c.cai.itim, • uer- LM- it relieve iil.rcrt, «n*l mterp-pi' »» eomiuanioaW* whelhcf in man or animal*, Ac. Ji»'« rrc n nuil jnr »lo by »»U » K SKI.I >•»*• r»? * «' ATlIt.mS SAUIUiV AND BATHING ESTABLISHMENT. m McKALU bets io inform the inbubitaot.of Pub— I . i,un;li mid vicinity, thst he ha* opened iLe | MteUwtaißßui, where every wu-nllon -mil be ) paid to Die comfort ortho** who may ’*7ar him wild iicjll Liberty street. between swvcnili and Wood. | Ice Crrnm* end ell other dcliencic* of *ei.v>n. ; julbtdly « - CLINToSTPAPEIt MILL. TUI? uimt rsttffed have this day u-aociaieil under ihe name ofTbompson Hunna A Son, for thepur i.n«e of manufactuiii'K pai-er, At the Clinton lupcr Slill where they will he pleased to receive the patnin ■cr of the public, and Uic former cmdmner* oi the ? I 'H atl kce l‘ onhalld » rcneral *«•-' • 1 loruncr-t of writing, trumping, aud ,Tlt . p VZ?i linnet board*, hlauk book*, etc etc., which they wi.l cicliaii-e for den i linen and cotton rag*. . , Printers end Look Publishers can he supplice w».:t ' April l.MiMnyAilftii KDMbNU A N ‘ * UFAUTIFbX OKNA.MK.STS *‘c»K PAKwitU.- JiMRiU. IXICKWOOD. <W 'Vood a reel, has ju-t received *nme beautifully ornamented .RAM, of a variety of pattern* and colors; also, cut Tissuo Paper for ornamenting Jacking glu-tses, picture frames, or_lanip4; _J uaJ [ T"T the *ißn ol the Piano and Saw. 7d Wood 'atrcci f\ n enmnleto a«*ortmeßl of Cmcuumli Cooper* r«d<. for *.!l* |>y mytrt UHHKW A LAUF.MaN nrnjajuAT* CUOOA-AMJ UltUMA—baker * I. Urorna No 1 Chocolate and Cocoa; al*o, bclimil* iiw.u-t spiced Chocolate, juu ree’d and for sale at the IVhin'fcn Wore, 7» Fourth »t. _ j WHITK SUGARS— l-overing** loaf, crushed and pulverized Sugars, just reeM and for sakby the iibl or Uie Pekin Tea Store, TO Fourth st < mT ‘ 2 - HUUDOCK'B" “ PAT'NT DASHER CHURN. Burw .#»«PK>cvßK»«sSorloMi»oTSsrßO3t T SEW JStLI. , If oUL-mion of ih<i public i« invited u> Uii. jet* I valuable Churn, which has the advantage of alt 'olem in combining the old und new inventions u.- *°Thc utility oflhi* invention i* apparent, a* by «t «im* Dir nroecss the air is forced bencalh the dicti, and d.ei away with the necessity of purchasing anew (’Hum a* it can be applied to any churn id u*e. and for one dollar can have al! the Improvements of tho sic combined with those of gathering the Duller iu ' l, Thc' , putdlf f are invited to call and judge for theta .rives beiare purchasing elsewhere, at 87, comer of Market mid Fifth streets, or at KJ Diamond alley, be- THE undersigned having been appointed Agent of tho Delaware MrrttaL Sartrr lwtm*wni Com* past in the piaco of John !• inney. Jr.,, rt* •Dcctfullr informs the public and the friend* and cux turners of H-e CouipunT, that he is prepared to take M.ciur, Inland «nJ J-it* ruk.ouM«»»"l office. No. '*< Water street. F. A. MADURA, mylH ' .... Agent. ITt-isp" liojiHil-iuou trot a th. ii ply Indtn Hunter n Uulc— just received for the linroughof Mancflri,. n*r which will he held iu store for a few days. Tbe boston Helling Company express a strung .lestre for the fire drpurtxncuM of the cutes ofTutsi-urg It und Al- Irirlienv to call and examine and make atnul of them. The company h willing to pot them in any lest they think nruncr to conclude upon. niyio J Ail PHILLIPS, 3 wood »t Books for the suuscmiprioN ok sTott; m tits Ciiuens’ Insurance Company of i'ltisbargb; wili lie opened ip the Rooms of the Bounl of Trade, on the first Monday ofNovembcrnext, at iho'clock, a.jg. War* fmrimer, Jr. Rol>ert Wood*. Wm. it M’Clorc, Joseph Plummer, S. M. Kier, I Jomh Kmc, John Sheriff, Alex. Rosebnrg, and H. D. hine, apllkdtsovl _ 1_ Cnmtnissttmeri. - ■ obi-D wAsuiaiu, ■ HPAfinY ha* invented a machine for washing' , Gold, for which he bos mndc application for It purcot They are now offered for sale at the ward liou.e of Parry, Scott A Co., No. IU3 Wood street, Pittsburgh. „. , , . ; Adventurer* to California are invited to call and ex amine these labor-saving machines. They axe simple ; u , iheir conjunction, easily trimtponed on the back if mules or horse*, weighing eighty pound* each, ami ran t.e put in operation in half an hour. They cun/lfs il.rd with provisions. It is the opinion of those who ; have seen the. trial of one nftbese. machine* ofswallcjd «ur, that two men will wash the mineral frJtylji o bushels of sand or canh iu a day, without the loss ofja particle of the mineral. *rs?y can be increased in •Ho. anffi worked by water or mule power, if expedient. The operators work withoot going luta the water <>r Iwing exposed to wet, and consequently without en dangering their health. They will require Imi a *nm?l stream ru water, and can be need tbe whote season, irtd can l-e put into operation where thero is not eient watrr to wash m.ihe usual way. 'I Priee-.ul smallest sue 832. Orders from abroad, ac companied byeash, will be promptly filled. . . H. PARRY, at Parry, Scott A Co»«, fclAdtf - -No 103 Wood s», HOTXCKV ‘ ’ ' , MR. SAML.II. HARTMAN having *old l esun the co-partnership of Coleman, £ MEDICAL. . SAL*TKR'9 ‘ JiWSENG PANACEA! . TKl'-rill'SK SUFFFJUNO. WITH DISEASED, t l.tiNTiS—The rnprecedented success which lie* urtided lie u*e of the • • | GINSENG PANACEA . 1 a all ike variou* form* which irritnuon of the langi **•, sumes, ha* induced the proprietor agsuu to call *tten» liljn PREPARATION. ! n,e ehangable weather which markaonr fall tad winter months, is always a fruttful hf COLBS AND COUCHS. I Phene, if netrkoted, arc kutlhopreearsotacrthatlau, lestroye', cogUMPTION. , rte QoefUon, then, how shall we nlo the destroyer in, •he had? boW shall we get clear cfvu eooglu and ildiT is oi' vital importance to the P?*” I ®-..,,-.. ,! THE GREAT AND ONL» RIaMED\ rill be baud in the Ginseng VfTSni ArtS«Se?3 l re hare from tune to tune published the ceilihcaiw o» «S?JWHS.*3w ! Miniirtem of the Gospel, Ac., .together with eojioua noj tecs from Ib J OXJRNALS OF the DAY, •. J we have embodiedm pamphlet form, and may j* a** ! AND fcsNS OF THOUSANDS | throoßhout the Uutted Slates and Canada, an*l ire ea» ■ cnee *nT man to point out a 7 . SINGLE INSTANCE i n which, when taken according to directionuand ba ft,rc the lungs had become fatally disorgaouad, u kaj , i EFFECT A I-HUFECT CUKE. ■ 1 i Why, then, need the afflicted hesitate! Why rssortu | the mi«rral.lo nostrums, gotten tip hytint owultjUtM* i S aU u ie r the. assumed name of soma e« ihroted pay*; I neinn and puCedimo notoriety by certificate a Cl par* lour ecuully unknown! Whilst a medicine oi , : U \T AItAJ J.RLED EFFICACY 1 |nto be bad, whose vouchers are at hone,—car tulgh-. ! bora.—many of whom it ha* ' | SNATCHED FROM THE GRAVE. Ij. order that thru invaluable medicine may be placed i the reach of the poor as well the rich, wa fcava put the LY FIFTY CEHTB; just one-half the usual cost'of cough medicines. Uia for salo hy our events in nearly every town and village 1 ov'T the west, wj.o are prepared to give full jnforma •joa relative to it. T. SALTER, Proprietor, Broadway, CincinnaU, : OniO DR S P. IM\VSSEND ; S SARSAPARILLA—SII« dnien of Dr. Townsend’s Genuine Sanaparilla, ,ust tcu'il and for sale by R E SELLERS, 57 Wood n. only Agent for Pittsburgh, ju* Hy U M CURRY, Agent for Allegheny ctty_ Facta for the Public, • In relation to Qiat unrivalled family Salve^ DAL LEV’S MAGICAL MIS EXTRACTOR. riTKs'TIMONY of a rc*i>ectablc i. the followiug^addre#«e4 u> my Agent, Mr. F. Mer ry wcallierj Ciuciijhati" [I entertain the hop« that Mrs. Glimc will pinion the mil'ticiiy I n>ve to her lettef. ni.wdipn the teon pi ttiiaaiiliy a* of iu being the turesltaode of bunging tl if her friends.—U. Dsiast.] Felon Cured, Extract of a letter, dated Bxutojrt, Ky. Ncrv. 29,1643 . - jjr. H. DjJlc/: U I have tried your J’aia Extractor in a case of felon, in my-dwn family, which it relieved and cured in a very short time.” la'baste, ydursre* sneeitulty, Jas.M. Yoosb. in- Hums ami Scald*, riles. Sore Nipples, •Broken Breast, Eruptions, Sores, Cats, Wounds, and all in* damioAiioti, yields readily to the wonderful properties of this unrivalled family salve. But, iti thesame pro i portion that you will receive benefit from the genuine, you will be injured by ibc deleterious effects of the ooumerfcu'salvcs. *■ • . • • c \UTION—Be sure and apply only to the inventor, 11. Ballet, 415 Broadway, > cW „Y,°f k t .^. 8 aa ' tliorizcd egents. JOHN D MORGAN, General Depot, Pittsburgh.; Henry P. Sehwam, Allegheny, Agent; J,:Bal«ri Wbcclunt, Va 4 James \V. Johnston, Mavcrilje, Ky.j F.Merrywcather, Cfneinnau, 0., Ucnersl Depot . N. B —ln the severest Barns end Scolds It extracts the pain tn a few minutes—it never fails* jul4 . . Morgan s r worm kilEeh , ' . rimmcMC, June •- Mr. John D. Morgan—Dear Sir Igaeccrie teaspoon full of your Wonn Killer to oue of ray children, tuiiin the tbort time of oue half hoar 4 wassdd.tweriljr large worm*. 1 feel safe in rocommeadraj yoar-Vlr milage oaUie best medicine that can be used'Vfor expelling worms. Jxxn Motoas, w^rNobleKowu. Prepared and sold by the proprietor, JOUN D. MOR GAN, Druggist, one door below Diamond alley. Wood street L i a » H ’ m ■KHKItT*« CHtfifillCAli WlUTlftU FLUID. ' • • | •• • . UIBUEUTS SUPERIOR RED INK. ; _ HlBUEttrs MACHINE COPY INK. i.' ALL these differ from ordinary Ink, u taer are all chemical solutions containing no Tiield matter; Uovr Irccly from any kind of pen—the .color deep, -bright and durable. If ihora have been belter articles made, I have neither seen uor heard of 'tlietfl. Sam* pie bottles eon be obtained gratia, by the merchant* generally, from B.A. Fahnestock A Co., Henry P. tchwanr, Allegheny, or of the manrffnciarer,THo3. K. HIIiULRT. Druggist and Chemist, comer « liber y and SmiUificld>treet*, Pnubargfij'Pa. N. D —Any bools not giving complete satitfaetion, ;au be returned and the price will be refandet). , julo:dsm DRUGS, &c. Ac.—Pare.Hed Bark, CLlorib Kiher, lodide Potash, Strychnine, Chloride Gold, liver boli'hur, White Precipitate, Cyanoret Potash; just re ecived and/or sale by jo* R^SEuLKItB DRUGS! j)RUGS!!— ' . - Chiooicitie, : ' Chloroform, • ’ Kzt. Bark rreeip. -iodide [roo, ; Nitrate Silver, Oil Copaiba, James Powder, Citric Acid, Chloiido Soda, Chloric Ether, . Extract Rheumy, Extract Quassia- Jast rec’d and tor saleby R E SELLERS I _ i uil # 57 Wood tl (Ta. Fauiusioc*,') : A- B. iIcLL, N. V. city, tf. L, FAuanroct, STltuirargh. (I. .\V. FAinicrroc,.) WliolciaU Drag Storo la ihi City of New York. > . r l'lfE uiidcrsijnied aio extensively p-imM”* * H 1 VV !tol<-«ale Drcs Uuiinew at N 0,49 Join ktre«it tit l!ie city e( New Ycri.and are-prepared to jH'PM L»riiaai*u usd eesuitry Merchauu vntli i»ruc*, 1 miiu, i>.U, Dje-stai*, Fcre:*n and American l r «|B*a«y> rian .er, A ut-cr k Mmuder’i Cbemlcaiv (of - rn(<n'>tioß) »z- >JI other artiele* in tLeir Una °f b “ < _ !ieii,nt a low aa they **• be P n thiaorany eastern city. vlja , IM , u i I NVwVork. FVt-W It A. . DfL J A YAK - # ALTERATIVE. We Uye ban informed by Mnt. B®« of ■« fbrmednnlicr by Dr. Jayne’* £5 Prose' its s ops» l oriiyoser f*ery d> o> kind. Sheba* l^cualEicted U>i|*imeii >c»x« with NKCKOSIS or WIUTt S'V KLUNOarnttenucd wuli ulceration* and enfoliatioii Pj" h rmgwbich nm* many pieceahavetjeeniijekaKed from ■to'"™* l-n... wrist* nnd hand! .and from wnu x, ~ «« j i ro j? l ,r;SL% t SrKs "as JS n'mtij n"«LS“f'« =■>•'!***»»>“ f the iKTttjtf a n unoe ■ , lhe time hcr , u scrmB*hase r“ r if‘ immune anddeplorable. About throe month* » fry Dr. Jayne’* Alterause, wh£b ba* bad an .u«;ot»nlunj{llf happyeffeet upon her, !f all pain «* ■*eHH»« < t« nd MM “>* \ h « heal while at the samrume hergeneral health Kr.-owecominrjclr restored, M> that she noW Weighs 'otihVmor- than she&>l beforeihecommencedlheol4 !*• wVtndT valuableprfpauon.—lHat-Eve. . f For fun her information, inquire of Mr*. ttoie.No. 129 1 F Far lie at the PEKIN TEA’STORE, rj Fourth *t. near Wood- ' jyS_ aVoROANS WORM K I LLER is ihe beat Vermifuge M mat any man can gi»e«r use inti* family. • Wahusoto* Tp., Wettmorelandeo.'p*. John D. Morgans—This 1* Vo certify that I have 1 tfeen telling your Vermifuge for aome lime, lay about ono year—and in that time I,base never kaowultto 10 full in bringing worm* away, when the yymptora* , indicated their preaeaee. Thai occasion to.gire inn two grown up member* of my family, 1 hare eaeh of them one dote, and one ofthera passedt&K) and the oth etorerlSOweOaL. i* lithe bt*x Venm/uro ihafany man can use in nia riuoilr. ... . -.- •J. w. Yocno. prepared and *old By i>nigguL one door btbw Diamond alley, on Wood it.: <• iua ~**N»KBS , “ ’ ; Stose% nnrffin/mii by - W*Hi OUTid icCOf 143 liberty « TIU, o._ 0 ._ , bewre-rtaade as the most approved Eastcntplam—• dud most fashionable Eastern psueraiandcotori. Alio THE CHHAP ROLL, or BOSTON BUND, oa htad. or made to order of aUiixea.aaiatallprl6oa> - . Ootmuf.llcrehaoua&dothenarotDTitodtoeana4 examine the above for all will beooU wholesale or retail,and a Übtial dedaetioa mad* M ; wholesale nsrnhasera. „ . | _wldly 1 '' A WE3TEBVELT “ " KOtlC. t«U>. PKfaUc 1 TjE hereby noafr our (heads ud eortespondanl* Iff athome andabroud, that we will ml non isr caccttsTAJtcw, reedTO' freight from tny. Boat tot which J. Newtett Jones is agent • -apt! yRUOPES fc ALOORW. NDIA HUUIIKR PASTK-Jnsi reeeiTing, ScnTl . boiilc» of Rubber Paste, a superior. article, highly mportaut to persona that wiih to keep their feet dry. U prevents the leather-from cracking, and will take a K dish over it. For *alc a* the ladia'Eahbei Depot, o 5 Woodstreet. . mart JAIIPHILLTPa 'OOLDI OOLDII Qol>DllHM)U)mi £IE snbscriber, waolcaalo mtaafacmraof JEW ELttY, invites wholesale dealer* and pedlars tra* Soaih and West—also, eoantty. store keepeh to and examine hla stock of Jewelry, which wul m sold at the lowest prices tor cash or approved tanees. Constaaily on hand and Tnanafactanpg.. a large assortment sellable tor eity or country trada. . corner of Fourth and Branch *!*, ap itainl npifcdcm • Philadelphia—r • Paper Hangings. - .■ I r ; KAVLNO perehased at three©! the UrgeAFacto ries in the East, (New YoTk, Philadelphia I and: uaiumoreda large assortment of the newest and tawet improved styles of PAPES BANQING&BOBDESS, 1 1 tei and made arrangements bjr which 1 will be pan* bled'to procare jril new Patterns, limnltafieeuwith iheir appearanceththe Eastern 1 would in* Thotheaitemionofthosedeslringtohivetheirhoasea ' papered with the : lateat ctytef'of paper, to call and examine my slock, before purchasing elsewhere. 1 have now ou the way troa the best, HUGO piece* of Gold, Satin Ulaxed, and common Paper Hangings, which I can sell at pnees ranging fiom lajets tofS w jnchlS V »C BlLUCTwood at Bacon Smoking* ' - HAVING jo« completed ibe rebaiJdlnjofoar smoke house*, we are now prepared to recdre meat, and imoke it in’the moil merchantable manner. Thehouacs are (iued wiib oil ibe'modem -impror** menu, and are capable of containing lb*, each. ,_1 JOEHkJONES, Canal Basin, • ai , • near Seventh rt__ P" the cxefisWe a*enejr far the ante of iheMill GrowPiintinf Paper, (8., B,itCP. MarUe, Pyoprieioraj We srty Imoopamnily supplied with all the: different ua* ofsupenortnuiity, wbicbweollcratthfrloweatresiilafpricea. • < j- ... i. . REVNOLD3*BHEE, r •febBi ■■■>■ ; comer ** mdlrwiasta DtKIUESSEWO&KS. , COLEMAN, lIAILMAN 9t CO. COiUiaae t» Btt«; facrnrc Small Iron, Spring and Abl Stiller BweL notwh, Fork andHooSteel, BiretiSpitaaand Wro* Iron Nma, all eiaee,-. together with Ooach' nad BIpUS SpriiHr»,htfPß«,«»eraadc©tomon.Axl*»;' . Having reduced nlie price of WroagfeEJlroaNets. engine boilderjaiidother* miflgtJje exude, wiil-nsd ii to Uicir inierttUo givethu new breach of Pittsburgh' maonfactarcs their nnentlon, ■. - eonch' trimmings aod maleaile ironcnmxrai tenns.- Werehooje oa Water and Foarth m. fcbewP* SAM’L.GRAY, MERCHANT TAILOR, . EXCH-ABOBBCt&DIh’i*, : ST. Cbm BTBEST, PITTSBCBOH, juinmumnsnoM. -NEW YORK'AttP PHILADELPHIA, And it cow Rcelviog a fine BBsortmauef ; CLGTfIS/CASSIBEEESAND mTIBG 8, OF TJiE BEST QUAUTy AND LATEBTBTYLEB, Which he U prepared to make to erda INTHB BEST MANNER 1. 'And U the laltfat F&ftAloile. natlO - ■ 1- Head q,n>tt«n for Soot»*ad B^Mit Corner ofFburth and"Bmlthßeld streets, . ’ 1 ' PHIUCMa.P*. *FTa TROTH A BCOTThsving coameneqaaff]* ;MtlSUto general - Boot? and Shoe'business, Ifllll f (liwholeiale and retail, weald respOctfoUyF infiie ute attention of their friends and thojmbus |w erally, to their splendid new stock, consistuifCfmens, womens', boys’,misses' and childrens wear of every variety, tollable for. the season, and at prices u> sail the times. A splendid article ofhome made work •neh as gentlemen's fine Boots, ladles, misses and children* fine work. Please call and examine for yourselves. TROTH 4 tiCOTT, corner 4th and Bmithfleld sta N. B.—Traveling Tranks, Carpet Sags, Ac. Ao., al* ways on hand and low for cash 'Country merchants woald find it to thdriDtetest to give os a call when visiting the city." • m-hl4 ■ LOUAST, WILRUH A , IMPORTERS and Wholesale Dealers In Foreign and Domestic Hardware, Cutlery, Saddlery, law, Wood street, Pittsburgh, are now folly prepared with a recently unported stosk of Hardware, Cutlery, Sad* dfery, Carpenters' Tools, Ac., to offer very great is* (Idcemenu to Western hlerchsutls, ad in addition w the many advantages had by oar predecessors, Mes* arm. Logan AXennedy, we have greatly increased oar facilities, *nd purchase all oar goods. from first hsnas on the very beat terms. • . , The Junior members of tho firm devote their ,wa©j* attention u> soles, and foeltng confident ofgwing**** isfaetton, respeetfally solicit a call from -all who «ay ri»lubjVi»«r«cL ■ - BftlOE'FOa iutl)< . rpUE undersigned offers for sale • X of bncK I for building,’ nude by hi* *f‘**®-*'**”» Gnp ro*e«l machine, forwEteh be h« ©bufoied • P***®* and agree* to give purchasers a «nuen *s»rsufo®2« ihoy ere svronrer, and will resist &w» er aud imbibeleaa moisture or dampae** ®r* ■a^sssars-^raSttsS tSSSSSSS^SSS&^^USr SSSss^ SHSgHr^ tud solid paving ISAAC GREGG) jane 15.1548. tf x itoofcaffeiSSMi pn« » CMS 4 p»ul for all (bo t \v rfitfCwii *r»3e* ofcleaa washed wool, by ■MLKK.^bonr^.opporiwSU 1 , y^npAßTVKfiSUir—l bare ibu <Uy ataociaied j (YQikli ,iaiio»bol«ol» Grocery, Produce' tod '■ ■ggig ■■» ,OU ” WA ™ uainlne, Oxide of.Tm, Prone Acid. Cu- S r»iß ei Iron, lli Carbeata of J*MJMb, liuroio of;. <aver Calomel, Zo4iaeofL««rt,GUimiloofßodo and , CO. GRATEFUL for thetery liberal eacosiagement I bate received for so many yean, I .bare deter mi,ted to enlarge niy business considerably. Haring engaged a coiofteteut Foreman, 1 will be enabled to AH uti order* promptly,'and do the work: Ifi our anal ,i)lc and ut fan* prices, and uk the attention of mer chant. amt citizen* to ay large alock of UFHOL3TE* II y (iOUiIS acd Ueda, Mailralics and Lulling, Car* uin .Material*,ihuhtuits anil Moreen*, Corn'ces, Frln* gee, tendering*, ‘fowls, tspllvand fuller U Inda, and evexy article usually kept ut an' c*iat>U*luneai of the kind, ttrders teapeclAUiy:solicited and promptly at* tended to. - \''- N. U.—Ca»|>et* made and pafcdo*irnf ' > ' r l -'" ■' '. ■■ • ; W». TTSBURGH , GAZETTE, i.niiU'j* i)AtU,;rKi.WiuaiLy gtWEEdd*T ’! 3d infrar ifta ftasQAm. iatks uf auvkktibiho. t iscrUoh or l*Unci,_or 60 i asertiutu with out alterations, .a* •*., 0 7*. ui “ “ ■ «:;«.m* N H®l Week “ •*' 1 » ' iVeck* , '* a > l! “ ' u ■“ “ 3Of .. no«b, ■ •*■■■ l onger edierUMmenu in tame go - i quare,G muniha.without site ,< oo “ ** « «. b additional! sqoaß for 6 mouth*, «*•••' *n no “ V IS * : •*l*l'|6oO tqtmre.G months, renewable no .. K ... „ _« ; iS w i additional «qnarcfor jq qq Naqoaree,6monUia^re’wableatpid** ggQ t additional sqaare,6 i kit om ni'TiiuT I*- an i «quare.3 insertion*, ** ***lL _ *7 n -each additional insertt&*«i* , ? , H atrun&aa '! w line* or leu, o»* year; •••••*??’*'• f * M -« •• .oneyear f da»!^^*“a*r lw 2 “ “ «ix month*" ■ , ismTinußi a j - It line*, or lea*, One ia*ertj on » *l**** -, * o . ,4 «' « • , Tw*a>rvT-^ < r?^ # !2- <• Thrw#» *••• i • ■ h u ■ TkiW •«**»••••■' *■
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers