BY.MAGNETIO TELEGRAPH, ' REPORTED *. TELEGRAPHED . * OR. THE PiTTSBURGHDAILY GAZETTE ■ Tl 9 , plewant. CINCINNATI MARKET • : Crcuuuti, Oct 23. w market is atalioaary, and the weather very Fl Wf—There is a good dejaand al $1,6505t, 70'pjy bbL *: hiakey has declined lo IBjc per galL BAcodj— Snter or £0 hbd* shoulders, packed, a 1 4Jo ber lb.. • fit gar ii heavy at S|£j6c. NEW YORK MARKET. KOOK REPOST. Yobi, October 23. Floor—The transactions to day have been moderate, without material change in prices, a!* thoo ft upon the whole the markot is rather heavy, witiiaale* of common to good and straight brand* west ;rn at $1 61; Gene>t-e, S'SSS G per LbL Grain—Wheat is warned, but buyers and sellers are ipart in their views. Corn—The market is heav r, and prions buvo declined one cent per bo. Prt'visions— i'hrre is not much movement in' the s arket, Sales were made to a moderate ex* lent 1 1 $lO 50 hr mess, and S 3 56 tor prime. Cclion—The market v> unsettled, and correct qoou hona cannot be give^i. KVfiILSQ t • N Floar—’The market is pricei are barely raatmaiue limited to the wants of tl of eo nmon State and mu $1 75 good Western and i Gn in—There has been • wheai, owing principally eoiptd, with holes of Ohio ct The inquiry 'is good, with i at 61{&62e; yellow flat at 6 Yens, October 23. oping, and previous be demand is mottly Uy trade, wilh sales Western &t Si 623 ght brands at $lB7. ght improvement in the decrease ia re ?Sllopbu. Corn— i-cf western mixed oand,6s. Prdrisiont— Poifc i-* dott, Rad may be quoted nomiotlly at, oicav, $lO 66; prime, $9 06 per bbl. In cot meals tbcre i* cot[ much doing; sales of himsjind shoulders at funner prices. • Co|Tec— There Iso good fecliog ia the cofle mtrkfct, and prices are final • Feather— Sales of smatl| Aad prime iuis of western. Tobacco— Sales of Kf nit Whiskey—Sales ai2G£?<£ lois-nt 3G3371 for fair cty, at S|o7l. I j ainuriusT-'* Aj>a M ij O 4 If ELECTION forthirie > A. {bribe ensuing year, w fiotuid, on Monday, the l<jih , •- oeiLP-dm’ V I .stfacTcaas’s Dam, > 3:iol»er iiltb, Ibt3 \ :< n Dlreciorscf thu Bank. ' U'be held at tbu Banking i lay of November next. ! • »• PENNY. Cashier Jajix or PtTissuaou, > October 19,.]519. f n Directors of this Bank, 1 he held at the Banking •f November next. AN ELECTION for ihirw for ih* (niaiug year, tr; , llobm, on Monday, the 19th • octSO-dte JOi jIN gSiVDKR. Cl shier. Bask or Prmseaair,) October 10,1349. { fn Directors of tins Bank, year, will be held at the the 19th tfaY of Novera •f 0 Ai M. and 3 P.AL SM. HOWE Center. AN ELECTION for ibirteJ '•‘Mtie ciuuttj.a on .Monday, :u lire hoar* < THOKH ICICLEy/aCADEMT, I< and Boarding [School oo tic Ika cr Road, fourteen mile* w «*tr»■ •—• «*• TRAVFXIJI, A- M, PRINCIPAL. lbfc Vt INTER SESSION will commence on Thurs day, November 1,1649. Txß»—Boarding, Tuition, Washing, Fuel, Light*, Ac., twr fession'of.hve month*, 87A—one half payable in advance; the balance at ttjo c'oae of the aestioa. Thbfe taking French or Drawing lesson*, will be charged SIU per session extri. Bopka and fur iished, when requested, at the expense oi the pupil. kLLCLOIUINGTO BE DISTINCTLY MARKED. ihjpila famish their own lowelx. Jtisverr desirable it at all ihonJd be present on the &m day of the eeatio! l Tor farther pantculan. en jairo of the Principal, at the Academy, or of Me.**rs.. ohu Irwia A Son, No. 11 yVattr itreet, Pittsburgh. octDtdSw BEjnr PALL AKDI PINTER.GOODS, \ ; 1 So; 100 Market Street, FIFTH attpLl IKRTY, PITTSBURGH. THE subscriber would re*; cctfolly invite his iriendi •nd the public to call and examine hi* stock, -Whleh comprise* in par: the allowing, vit Fancy Cashmere, Mouslin le Lnins, Satin de Chine*, Toner Silk, and: a large osurunent of French Meri no*, Parametla, Lynnese and Coburg Cloth*. ALSO, French Embroidn ies, Hosiery, Glove*, a large assortment; Hroeha, Thibet, Ture Satin, Silk and Woolen Long Shawl*. . DOMESTICS, FLANNEf X ~ Jtimcrea, Sattinets, Tweeds, ! octSidim Ticking*,, Cloth*, Co*- Jy. Jeans, he. He. I i>. li. fralich. 10GAN, WILSON & CO7, I HO. 190 WOOD STREET, | A RE NOW RECF.IVINoja larjte and complete a*- J\J»onjßenr or HARDWARE, CUTLERY.. SAD DLERY,, and CABPIiNTKJIS’TOOLS, direct from the manufacturers in Eoroiie and America, and are X£ w folly; pr r pare d 10 oJer 1 goods at sack prices at cannot tail to please, and would particularly request tho attention of Merchants wtto are in the habit or ro> n* we toer confident they will And, after a tnorcßWft cianunauon. that bar price* will compare iferwably with any house A Philadelphia or New iYW*. •• -r '1 ■ 1 , Ct . j . 0A541< BLOCKADE BGSOTEO. | j R.D.TIIOUPSO.V, No. 110 SLlzxst Strut, dnooss reox Lianm, jTB NOW RECEIVING the larsest best selected iJ. atpek of Fall and Winter DRY GOODS, that he ;**••!»« had the pleasure ofoticriag to his cu.iomen> <&d, the poblje—arnoaff wfeich are sereral style* of . entirely new Good* in :ni* market: All tli- high color* of superior French Merinos and Thibet Clothe Satin .Damask Thibet Oti tb, a new and beautiful article lor ladle* Orelies; Tore £ati:u, Uro de Armure; Satin de ChinC, Changeable Giacia Silks, blk Silks'tor eardi- Bali 4ni presses; Cashmeres, de {.nines, Domhazines Aim, Velvet* and Satins tor bonnets, Bonnet Ribbons. Neck «Jo. Lace Capes, Standing and otheriFrench Worked Collars; Silt, Satin and Merino : 1 Beats* Gtores, Hosiery, Daces Trimmings, Ac. fce. _A fall aMoruaen of DoniesiirV Linen Sheeting*, Tabli iifler.s, Diaper, Cheeks, Canton Flannels, ie. Ae. A very large assortment of Loo? and Square gh*wu- and Table Covers, Damask Moreens Rod Drapery, with a complete stock of Coachmaken’ Trunsunirs; all of wLieh have been poTchased at the lowest rates,'and will bo sold at a. smrH advance octS:d3w R. is. THOMPSON. J NEW 00009 AT DIGBT'S. .~\XT\ DIGDi would hereby iuforra hi* friend* and Yf • eu»u>mcr*, «uid tho public ia general. that he jtf*t recetTcd hu full topply of fail goods, cheap and food aa usual. 00. biace a black, anil colored French, English and Junenean liroadelotha, of evdry quality. 100piece* block ud fancy] Ca»»imrre*. . SpOnaitarn* Vesting*, many of which can only be bad establishment. 1 AOdoz merino, lambswool land cotton Shin* and' Drawer*. > • A fall and bandsbme lot of Cravau, ailk Handier* ehlefl, Suspender*, Gloves, &d. A lot of fine and common white Shiru Al» on hand, m drab, blue and black fell and blan ket Over Coats, from &i,53 to t13,u0. 400 drew, frock,box and tadk Co*-*,'from 83 to 920. A large slock office and co rmioii I’auu, from 91 to 910 per pair. . 7W|Ve*:«, ofvarlou* raiteri; A line awortmect of ludhs i always on bund. . work* will rt UOn. J Handsome garment* an, AQj person in want of clot! their entire infraction, at I : cheap Cash Cloihin oet3:dSm' ; ,fci it, from 75 cts to 8?. ad gentlemens’ Cloak*, ecive -particular alien good lilt warranted, tng can be be ousted to W. DJGBY'd Store. 121 Liberty tt •OWECIj FITktCIIKR, I VAITCRjICTC’int up ALCOHOL ASD FORK SPIRITS, Comer Front and Vine streets, Cincinnati, O. QRbCRS from PilUliurgfi for Aleo’iol, Puro Spiritv Row or Rectified Whutdy, will l.e promptly *t ended to at lowest market pr<ce. mrhlS n ly WATCHES, JKWELttI, AND SILVER I T ' WARE. yap | THE »nl>icrit>er, wlia ba* been in bullies* UM In the june buildinc fdrihr Ikii thirteen year*, JS-4 Ait felling nil description* of Fine Gold and Si]. tiftlaßver Watcbea, Je.welry, and Silver Ware, at WtaiJ,latlhe very lowe»t price*. : Gold and Si'ver English l'.atpnt Lever Watches. £ Gold and Stiver J)ei hd L*vpr and Leptne Watchc*; Gold and Silver Horizontal pad verge Wax-net. ;j:Gol4 and Silver Independent Second Watcbea for *. timing bone*. I ; 'GoiiTGnard, fob and vmpCU - Gold and Silver Pencil*. Chi l Ladle*’Gold and Stone lira i Cold Lockett. Gold and Si Ring* and Pin*, j LadJea’ and Gentlemen* 1 Bn i 'Sterling Silver Spoon*, Cap* 1 Cold Watchc* n* low ns It) ~ Watehe* and Jewelry each l Bpodnj and Fork* plated on tnieleL' All Wtticbes warrant- Jhemdney retarned. Jewelry cleaned and repaired in the be than the etaal nneea. ' Impbner of Watches and J< Wall aireet, (op *tair lagfaltmi* _ TSAI»I* ASD WINTF Eb. R. WHITE, No. # ®pettog Li* Fall and Wn jHtfi** 1 «i!fc velvet Paletot*; J • French Merino Clo: I T cloth and silk Palet i a Silk AlantliU*. Th Uttttand most fublri.itblc tty a/t**!*«£* FmbroMcne*; Chine, fat ladle* Spap Silk, am] Si] k Ul i tv«o V <™* » ,r Itni Merino Ve*u; ■»«teSS , KSI? I ? ,Uck SE’t Tk i«l ana \VW.a .tin*. -Gold Spectacles. iii Fefts. cclet*. ret Thimbles. astpin*. Forks, Ac. o StlSeach. ingcd. German Silver,* o fine d to keep good time or repaired, and Watches it manner, at much less OHO. C. ALLEN, wclry, wholesale and ,) NEW YORK. II FASHIONS. Jarket street, is now ter Fashions, consist- k.J >ts :*e arucles are ol the dresses: ! Hosiery; id Drawers; id fancy Silks, Satin nig Shawls, lem. and Nnpkius himtelf direct. J‘’ikSSS™*” Slnnufaeiurcr, W . * ni * *W3 Sta&loQ i> r ... juKW Y(iH (v—De. Kinim J. P ks'iSiSSJ v jg; 1 j£" “« «r tbd.-ui 0,0r,.,r ,»* ‘“ ii °< •'*"»”■ . BsmfM j« bu “i.'qsrr: a p ,?s : Fin Book Ink 1 j “" d J ™P" ">• .Bnatflrk . w *5 1 00 , A * -04 u u osn « JUVIIM n i(( „ ~ pine Bed Ink . • ?i- tO6 1 : o !J ,V »*e, YrUow, «nj=o White “ic lco { S *• ,/P.f *' %"" ,M “* cu ~0 A ipccimen of lek cun b*>.«» r.„ .1, ForMloby ■ ~JUIISSTONkHrJcKTo” P,r ' i’iiufeorgh* Pa. c. Morgan k C!o. Cinci&nail, Ohio. Monon & flrawoatd. Loanviiie. Kv. oc»-un m KOTICJC. fPHE finn of NICKLIN A. IIRVDEN twin* dloMlved •I tie undewffned wiU'continue iheForwtfdinr.nd <SBuni»*i®'i Bn«»oe»* at the st-mm boat latutinr ppaNKLlfSt and respectfully infomu his friend* Uul he baa xeno to tie expense of e heavy iaturaoee on lh«w«rekooM end content*. for sercral yean,-*nd wlllf» eaun aaliifaction to.nil who mar Mtrobiso hßa- If® will reeeiee freight '*} the l^w er Laedinx. octlS JAMPS t-Tsibossed PIANO AND XAUi.i; COVERS.-* 'wi. tarre aaoruaenl of Emboucd Piano and Table Ccwtn tin be found at W.M’ClintoekV Carpet Ware* boa**, nt winced price*. Cali and examine belore ; w.jrcuN’rocit : | ALHAIAO. OCTOBER. I 20 Saturday, .7.... £1 Sunday, - 22 Monday, - 33 Tuesday, —— 21 Wednesday, 25 Thursday, ——* 2fl Friday, —— PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TRADE COMMITTEE FOR OCTOBER. •Qeo. CKJDIS. S. F. VOX BomiaXST. W. H. DE9CTT. REVIEW OF THE PITTBBCROII BARKETi roi Till wni zssraa octodis S), ts 49. The market, during the past week, ha*, if any thing, been leu active, but we notice no marked change in the general quotation*. The [weather. for the moat pan, ha* been very cneet lled. iWe have had considerable rain, without, bow eyrr, causing any farther ti-se in the river: but there i* Kill a of water for the smaller and middle clait basts, and a fair amount of business it still doing in that lutrter. ASH^-iS—There is, if any thing, a better feeling o'.d tfested m the market, wahout, however.any material change m quotation*. Sales of 5 tons Soda Ashat 3|® 3|c, cagh and time. Sales of 20 bbl* Scorchings, a sa porter Article, aUe,A mo*. Salesof other Ashes have been confined to moderate lots at the following raict- Pearlatb, Gc; Saleratus, s|e, ami Potash at 5e F B.— We notice fair receipts, and full supplies in the mar keL • ALE-A good business 1s doing by oar brewers at rnces rangir g according to quality and description of Ibis, at 8T to fs V bbl, cask included. HACUN-Haras continue quite scarce,- and salfs have been confined to limited lots at Oc for prime Lsg. ged, and iai?|‘.’Jc for ertra sugar cored family brans T e receipt* have been confined mostly .to Shoulders and Side*, and the market n pretty well supplied with those descriptions. Sale* of 3s cask* Shoulders and Sides ih ditTerent lot*, at 5c for Sboalders, and s£os}e for Side* 1 Pt-I?rKß—Roll and keg Butter begin to arrive more freely, but a* a large proportion of it being shipped east? the supplies leftin this market are comparatively light. Sale* d'f l*i bM» roll, in cloths, at r39!2}c. Keg is sold regulaily nt" OOlOc, according to quality. BBAbf—We notice small supplies in store, with mo derate iales iu 11912 c F bo. BROOMS—Rqee'pls have been qutte full, and the market is fully supplied. Sales are regularly effected atptiee* rangiitg according to quality, trom 81,75 to 82.V5F dor. • BUCKETS ANDTUBS—The market i* largely sup plied. with regular sales from store of Bucket* at 82,- 1?9<2.15 and of Tubs at 83.5099 F dnz, n* in stre, BMANS—SaIe* of prime white at 70975, and of mix ed quail t) at G22<J6e bu BKK^iVAX —May le nominally quoted at £0 ee- ts V fit ! CllKMSE—Sale*of 500 boxes Western Reserve nt 0 tjaiSQi: for good common to a prime article. Re ceipt* hjtve been ittrge, with heavy shipmems cast. CRANBERRIES—SaIes of U h!»U at 82,bu shel. j COTTjON Sale* of l’iu<bargh brown Sheetin'**, from manufactory, at 7}3sc yard. COTI'ON YARNS—For the Tanoo* articles under llit* hcajd, the following it a correct table of quota- POVSD YI&S. No. 5, cf* per lb irj No. 13 c u per lb ’Hi “ " do “14 *• “• TAM. No. HXJ, et* per lb- Dun, “ luuo. Candied i Doz<n No. SOO, ct> per lb HI - ©n, . •• J&ndirwick, l*J Bap Filling,- •*. 17 J Batting, No l, i, 3—11.10. e itltcd price*, wub 5 et. off. SOO. Carpci , _ Coverlet Yarn." • SO Twine, 20 The a'tovo are iha estahlj for cash, for all mrae over CORDAGIv—For Ihe various articles under this head there is a regular* steady demand at the following prieea; Manilla mpe, by coil, d.i cm.- White IL-pc, bycoi!,- do col,- T»rred Pope, by coil, do cut,- Parking Yarn, fine, dn common, arncoana. Manilla.'B2,oo&3,U)S4,OU dor. c!o cnii; 15js “ E>. Hemp, .*L0332^0 &&£5 ? doz. do coH,---*tOc “ lb. PLOCOH USES. Manilla, SI • Hemp, S7|c dot. Kyanized Cordage )• told regularly at lijc f Ej: CBLACKER I^— A regular btuLness io doing at the fol- lowing qaoted raid Water Cracker*, per bbl Hotter do '* *• ! Dyspeptic do “ - Pilot Bread. “ “ Crackers, per lb CLOVES AND ALSPICE—CIorcs ere telling at 29 330 c, and Al-pice at 11315 c B. * CANDLES—The market is without change. Sale* of Star Candles at ‘Jl3£.’c; of Moald Tallow at 10{Cj and of common Dipped at 9e &. —83,73 4.50 COPPER—Tbe market i» uteady at former quota lioit, *ay, for OUlMine Cake and lngcu, 19320?; for Sheathirg, sse. and fer eld Copper, 1?319c V ft DRUGS—Tne following it a list of price* of Rome of the mort prominent article* under this bead: Aloe*. E>» 15313 | Brirattone. CI 43 Alum. “ 3|3 4 1 Campbor, ref, 35310 Atafcrtida, ft.-• •.ii-323 } Chloride lime,•* 7& 0 Arrow Root,** •••■<12314 Cochineal, “ 1.3031,50 Aquefirtu, “••*•‘10311 Coppera*. Litharge, “ --•>Sf3<H j Liquorice root-..- 7©• 9 Madder Umbri,&tl23l3 I - t>a!l u - - tm9‘2i CaaiorOil.bbl* 91.65 Sol Soda - “... 431} Quinine, or 81,2594.30 | Glue, common • - 113)3 DRIED FRUIT—Sala* have been confined to mod erate lou at, for Peaehet, 81.3101,3?, and for Applet 60302 c ba. FREIGHTS—River freight! from this point weit bare partially advanced, and may now be quoted at follow*: To C neinnali, 25e; to Louitville 30c; to St. Louia 37c.«* DU ft*. The following are the charges from this point cost by ■e dttfen-ni route*: Hy canal to Philadelphia— Hatter, Bacon, Lard o-ul Tallow -15 c Tob.*i<ieo, Ohio, If IWJ —Joe do Ky., “ Feathers Fur* and I'eluics Hemp, Seeds of all kind*, Whiskey.per 10W- Floor, per nbi ••• • From Pittsburgh to Baltimore, Tit Brownsville, freight* are earned by the Eclipse.o day tine at feOc gr toil. By Bark'i fit Co’* Erpren Line, through in two day*, freight* are carried at Sl,‘2< p (mi. From Baltimore Weal, via the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, the charge* are given in the Baltimore Am enean, og follow*: . ••From tin* city to Cumberland: flat*, Boot*, Bon net* and Medicine*.fli eenia DO Eu. Dry Good*. Gtocme*, Queensware, Tobacco, S3c. ColTce, t*alt and Fish, *JOe. ; “Freights to Pittsburgh, by the Susquehanna Rail road and Pennsylvania Canal, are a* follow*, viz: Dry Good*, W)c. Bale*, 7bc. Grocerie*, Points and Dye Sniff*, 70c. Coffee. 45c. Queensware, GOc. Clay and <4oda Ash, SC-t. Rosin and Tar, fiOc Leather, 70c. Mackerel, V bbl, and Herrings 91. FJLOUR—•'The market, daring ihc week, ba* been larked by no material change; in quotation*. The iceipa have been very light, anti sales from firsthand* would not probably sum up over SOD bbis, at 84.3031,- elosing firm at $4,6:1 v bbl, on the wharf.— From store, sale* have been confined to the regular home demand, at 84,7531,*-!, acd from wagon at 81,30 itbl FI3II— Wo notice good supplies in the market, and prices remain quite firm, as follows:—Salmon, Sid; bbl; IF tierce, gtf; No. I .Mackerel, 814; fat No- «, 810 lean do, 87,30; No. IPs were sold at $6,25 for bciL— Salvador Ilerring, 83; Susquehanna do, 83 30 per Ob', Codfish 34,75*3,00 per dram. Lakefish arc ho dat 87. 38110 r bbl. GROCERIES—Wt, notice a farther improvement in liu Codec, writ sale* in loti of 15to 20 sacks, at 10J 3 le, cash and time, for b prime, and IOSHOic fo a fair heir. Java it held at 13314 c. N. O. Sogar contin s firm, with sales in lots of 5 lo 10 hbds, at prices ngiiig aeeoHing to quality and terms of sale, from fl to die + 8). N. Q. Molakses is sold regularly at USO 29 ms, m oik bhfi, and S7J in cypress bbis. Sales of Ba* garhouse Molasses aiKOlOe. taafgugar ranges from 8 to lbc, and Rice from 6 to s]c 4? b. ’ GRAlN—SstesOfOau sum op soma WW.bu from firs* hands, at BS3uoe. Moderate sales of Harley at Cde, and of Rye at 50353e> bu. Of-Wbeal and Corn, the market t* bare,and wo hare no *ale*to report. F traT OLaw.—We give the following.eondemed lift of price* for ioeao of the principal article* of Flint Gian*. ■■ manu facto red and told in thin city: Fliin Trailer* per dot, SOcaSWW Would <lO ' “ " ' 9741 I>s Fretted 00 “ *• i,oua a,«3 do do toyr, *• “ 371 ColilcU. “ ’• 1,50 a ti.oo Champaigues, “ t,7Sa O,Mi WiueGlaatr*, “ “ 60a fr,y-) Lemonade*, , " ** 75* €,co . Jelly »Miid*, each dm 2,00 Decanter*, ,P« dot., ,U’al2.oO Pilcher*, • “ “ JCa 9.00 do heavy pillared, per pair, • u,ooaloUi do heavy cut fluse, each 75a mu Molostc* can*; " “ SOa 0,(« do ilriuaola top*, per pair 75a 4,in Flower tmm, perdoz, 4.UU fl.uo do do cut, per pair. C.ooaPiOO Jelly Olasahs, per do* 7,trj Preiaed tweet-meat d»h«*,per dox ,SsaUl,oo do d i per pair *7a C.UO Bureau knot* andpin*, per dor 1,50 AroraxcAStsa’ *ho? roshiiUiK. : <nrcic tar*,- lackered cover*,* dox »JK>al(l,cii jU’ Pfr fat • VgMto Fluted Cologne*. Sim TSncturra. gronsd tlopper, fd« I.OWU.IM Khow'lioi'ttom neb rT 7Sa GLASS—The following aro.lhe rating rale* for the ▼arioua site* Window Glass, city brands 8 bj IQ, $1; 10 by IS by 13 87;’ Patent do 10 by 14 p 10 by 21 810,509815 {Tbor. . For tkrfvarious sites of country brand*, the folktwiltg sro the established prices: 6 by 10 • 10 by la -.-t—-OXO Pi by 1< 3,74 10 by 15 4,50 10 by 10 .... 4j» 10 by 17. 4J» INDlGO—Spanish is aellii 11 by Jfl~ —84," s 11,by .17 4. * 12 by W 4, 5 12 by 17 r 4. S la by 18 *—•s, W S 4 by, 30 7<» ng at 8101.10, and Man I* la a; 00905 c b. LEAD—The receipt* of the pa«t week hare bei qnlie large, amounting to about StXW pigs, but price eonuauo trm a tic (or Pig, and 5j for Bar. LEAD PIPE—Is told at a range of 7to 14c 4F A, a ( «rttoy tetunr j LARD—The receipt*of 1 Lardldanng tba week here been fall; a larga proportion, however, is passed to ih* cut without touching oar market. Bale* have' been moderate at 6{074c ft, in bbl* and he**. WHITE LEAD—Sale* of prime at 81,75, and of No. 'iwsi.sor kef. LEATHER—Every description of leather eontinoe* ' firm at folly qaoted rate*, j N. Yl Bole U told at 19019 c and Baltimore Sole at ; 013 16 8 til 15 19 610 IS 87 08 IS 35 07 IS 43 0 0 ' IS 49 0 4 15 S 3 ME33 PORK—Ciocinnati paclked Mesa Pork i* held ufll,sOoUp bbl. - ! I MARINE INSURANCE—Rite* of Ihsoraoce on cargoes of iteam and keel boats! ; From Pituborfb to Wheeling,'Vl,. ..J'..... jq, “ u to and from Cincinnati, O-•* &l ‘ ■ “ to LooiavilleJ Ky_ a o* “ “ to St Loci*,' Mo., tail *• • “ tjo Boonville, do 1403 • “ “ to Independence, 3 021 “ ** to Galena, 111, 14011 “ “ to Memphis. Ten., 1011 to N. Orleans, - •• - j s{l From N. Orlearu to Pittsburgh,---*- 1 01* 8t- Louis, —l4ol* OILS—Wo notice a Lard Oil, with tale* of No. lat 56, and of No. 2at 60ejp gall. Linseed Oil issold atB3o9oc 9 gallon and Tfanner’i Oil at* 17019 9 bbl. • SretJf On—Bteaehed *1,45; Bleached Pali, 81,35; Natural Colored Sperm, tl f gallon. *Veal« On-Bleached Wimelr Whale, 60c; Crude Whale, COe ? gallon. j PIG MCTaL—Several lot* of, Hanging Rock Metal • bare arrived during the past week, but we have beard of Mew Musi! tale* only, at* JO,to mo«; 200 tone Canal Metal, (Baker's.) were sold at 823, 6 moi, and CO ton* Shippenrilleat*3s,omoi. : ( POTATOES—We noiieenale a of several comidere* ble lota of Sweet Potatoes, jon the wharf, at 9 bbl, and of Ne*hannock« and Pinkeye at 81,37 9 bushel. RYE FLOUR—Supplie* are extremely light, with imaJl tile* only, at 83,6203,73 t bbl. ROSlN—Regular sale* a| 3,23 ? bbl. RAGS—Regular sales of good clean mixed from first hands at 3{c 9 ft. SOAP—Sales of common Rosin at 440-lie,of vanega cd at 10010*0 9 ft. ' ( TOBACCO—We notice an advance in manufactured tobacco atthe east, with a corresponding advance in ibis market. Sales of good s>* at 19010 c; 6 twist has advanced to iff, ping to 9*e 96. Leaf may beouoied at 4 to ?c 9 6. VINEGAR—SaIe*of good cider at94oJ£r£ gall. VARNISH—SaIes of Copal at 81,50083 p gall, by rholesvle. WHISKER—The suppliek have largely increased, and prices have met a corresponding decline. Recti ied is now selling at 24025 e! if gallon, in bbls WOOL—Price* .continue ! Heady, and the following Bajr now iw given a* the preseni ruling figures: For L. ..ov *► a J blood ~ “ i do ►. “ i do . “ { do •* Full Flood “ Prime Money Market. I’rrmcian, October 23,1&49. We hare no change to notice in the local money aarket. Currency ba« become more abundant, b*oi wing to the partial decline in the activity of business, rom the cramped condition of the navigation of >nr river*, the tate» of discount remain the some a* at lit quotation*. A correct table of the rate* of dltcouut m«| ezebange in the ee«, will be found m another column of to-day '* Cattla Market* * Allishkt, Otl. 22. BEEVES—The offering* at the yard, on Monday, were unusually large, amounting to from 600 to 70J head. We found no change in price* from our last week"* report. A large proportion of the number offer ed were taken < t prices ranging according to quality, from (I to 81,75 ? 100 lbs net. •• - 21 “ “ sy “ “ 21 “ is SHEEP—Were *old at prices ranging from 81 to 81, 73 r head. [ PORT OF Fi n^BUKGH. ARKRIVEfi. Lonis McLane, Bennett, Brownsville. R Wightrnan, ■■ , Elixjibeth. Peytona, Hendrickson, MeKeejport. Philip Doddridge, Brownsville. Caleb Cope, Murdock, Bearer. Beaver, Clark. WeJlaville.' Atlantic, Parktnaoo, Brownsville. Lake Brie, Gordon, Beaver. Camden, Hendrickson, M'Reesport. Thomas Scott. , Beaver. Wellville, Wiggings, Cin. 'Elite, Bowers,’ Cm. Empress, Cm. * Peru, Calhoun, Cincinnati. Cumberland No. 2, . Cincinnati. DEPARTED. Laois McLanC,‘Bennett, Brownsville. R Wighttbaa, Elizabeth. Peytons, Hendrickson, M’Keesport Caleb Cope, Murdock, Wellsville. Lake Erie, Gordon, Beaver. Beaver, Clark, Wellsville. Camden, Hendrickson; M'Keesport. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Thomas Scott, ——, Wellsville. Euphrates, ——, Cin. Bgslon, Cincinnati. i«c • 12c " •13c “ •tic “ 120 ** 10c u t>c “ There were 3 foot Omchea in the channel la it vetting at desk, by melal mark. BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY. Brownsville Packets, at 5 A. M. and 6 P. M. Beaver Packets, 8 A. M. and 4 P. M. Wellsviile Packets, 10 A. M. Cincionoli, Geneva. Bridgeport—Wellsviile. Snnfisb, Pern. FOR FIUBADELFIIIA. D. Leech Sc co'a, packet line. 9 PM. roa raixroax. R, 9. Ballt A Co'* Canal Packet. 74 o’eloek, a k. Fob Ciact.VTraTi.—The iplendid light draogbt steam- er Geneva, Captain Wilkin*, having been unavoida bly detained, will leave positively this morning at 0 o'dleek. The Geneva offers splendid accommodations, and afe and quick transit to all who may be gotnjf in that fmica Lassus pceaa.—Prepared by J. W, Nelly WUliam street, N. Y- and for sale by A. Jayries, No. TU Fonrth streeL This will be foand a delightful arti cle of beverage in famllica, and particularly tor sick . Barm's Bsoisa. —An improved Chocolate p repara tion, being a eombinatiou of Cocoa uut; innocent, in vigorating and palatable, highly recommended partic ularly for invalids. Prepared by IV. Baker, Eorches ter, Man, and"for lade by A. JAYNES, at the Pekin X«a Store, No. 70 Ponrth si m< hi 4 Fire-and Marine Inearance.—TnxPrm traeu Naviqatioh a:ro Fiat l.vscaancK Coxratrv— chartered ItCfci—continues to insure, upon every de* icription of property, at tkiloteai ratts. Orricx, No. 21 Market street l SAMUEL GORMLY. Prea't Roairt Fiasav, Sec’y. my«:dBm JOB PfUATTIHGT^ BILL HEADS, CARDS, CIRCULARS, Manifests, Bills Lading , Contracts, Lata Blanks , ItAJD bills, lamia, cnhrtcaTKs, CHtaiS, 1 Founts, Ac. Ac., Printed at the shortest notiee. at low priceis at?lhe detsr ■ Gaxctt* Office. THjaorrazrT Improvements in Dentistry. DR. G. O. STEARNS, late of Boston, Is nmptired to manufacture and set Block Terra in whole .snd parts of seu, upon faction or AunospUerie Suction ToonueuxcuiXD in mi Kimrrti, where the nerve is xposed. Office and residence next door to tlie May r’s office, Fourth street, Pittsburgh. Rim to —J. H. M’Faaden. F. IL Eaton. jal9 TU'E’V BOOKS— \ i i.* Sketches from Life, by James tllonebard; Lord Mahon’s Life of Condi Tbo Seven Lamps of Architecture. Notes od ibe Nr-rth West, by Bradford. Views and Reviews in American Literature, by Si> 'Reminiscences of Coleridge and Southey. Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini. Johnston's Agricultural Chemistry. Lietiig’s do \do Butl'i Hints to Mothers. Ihsilley’s Midwifery. Gait’s Treatment oflnsani :y. Burton’s Anatomy of Meti aeholy. The Wigwam and Cabin. Philosophy of Mystery, b; Dendv « Armstrong's Notes of the >Var or 1812. . Uowdlia’s Family Shaksp are. Lite and Times of Red Jacket, by Stone.' The Singer’s M*nust L by A lams, Root and 8 weetser. Expedition to the Dead Bel and the Jordau,ty Lynch 'Ltyard's Nineveh and lu Remains. / For sate by EL JOTT A ENGLISH. oellU Jfl Wood st ATTENTION BUILDKHSi AND OWNERS of REaL ESTATE AND SPEC ULATORS, TO LICK ’PATENT WINDOW APPARATUS.-A gentleman of Phllsdel phm, who hold* from the pate iteo tbo right forth; Stale of has entrust id to the undersigned tbe disposal of the right for the western part of the same The invention is among the nost useful of tho age. en abling one to open, shut, be w, and bolt the winnows from the'lnside, without rais ng the sash. The spare tus supplies the place of turnt ucklei, rings, st i pies, and lower hinges. When the windows-are nearly shat, they cannot be opened from tbe outside; whi-n lower ed. they are fast -withnat ty ng; when -open. they, are fast without turn-huekles. ./ boieinternied in building improvemcnis, should call it once anil examine tbe model. . LYND M cGOFFIN, ocllldlm c Re d Lion Hotel. JIOSONOAHE Only 7 3 HU Via Brownsville and Cural Philadelphia. r |MIK morning boat leaves t’je wharf, ; above the L bridge, daily, at 8 o’clock precisely.’ Time to . Baltimore, 32 hours; lime to Philadelphia, 40 hours The eveniag boat leaves <ciiiy, (except Sunday ev,) at 4 o'clock. Passengers by leaning on the evening boat, will cross the in stages next day, and thus avoid night travel. Secure your tickets at tbo Office, Monongohelo uocte,t)r 2L Charles Hotel. otUyjr J. MESKIMEN, Arent T,.„ w TO FOI^TEBJU llEsubtcnber has on hahd and for sale, as Agent l* Johnston A oljPhilade'.phla, the follow- / roam* Pansy Letter, different liiiu*, v?.k”?p a P erCut »i T MO lbs. Leads, cut to order; NConpwmg Sticks; 10 ? „*• Prout’s News Ink; 1 Brass Galley, Column Rulcn, Brass Itulet of all descriptions,Ae. ’ a. JAYNES, .. _ . Pekin Tea Store, 70 fourth st J? _ -Orders received far new Tyne s«stWAw<» QiflO. w. mg |f ki 4 TNFORM their friends and-(he public UtaUheyl 1 no longer any connection with their loiocstal mentut lena street,known «u the Pimbun th Bro’ hating retnoied their emir* buxiaasato [he FO pUluhßTiln Hr firest. Htyjffjd V] UFOKTZD VOS THZ PITTaBtTXGH DAILX OAXSITE DlstrletConrt oftbi United States. Trial af John S. Boiler, EclUor of the FafeUt\VKig y charged wiik stealing Utters from ilu Unientswn . Ptut Ojfiee, ? POtrXTjl DAT. Witnesses for ths\de]enee examined, 1 - Tuesday, OcL 23. James Thorndell, sworn—Have known Mr. Boaleriwo years; I recollect his coming to Pitts burgh about tbe Ist of August; when he came to Pittsburgh with Ebbert, l sent 870 with him; the money was open; 1 counted it out to hint; think I know the money; it consisted of one twenty dol lar note, two tens, und othdr small money; can’t pay what bank Ihe S2O note was on; it was an old note, considerably worn; il sent the money to Mr. •Lehraer of Pittsburgh, and Boaler brought me back a receipt dated on the 15th df August 1 have had an opportunity l of knowing Mr. Bos ler,'and he has always bqrnd a good character. . Cross examined—l know {herb was one twenty dollar note and two tens; I'.think tbe S2O wst ra tbe North Western Bank; of (Virginia; it was much worn; the other note* were! tens; they were on the State Bank of Ohio. ( Daniel Smith, swo«-*-Hhvo known Bonier a long time; 1 never beard |my thing against his character. Cross examined-Boaler hit lived in Uniontown perhaps two or£)iree years- j J. K. Fisher, sworn—l have known Boaler abort! (wo years; bis character for coneatv in the neigh borhood is good; have been (myself in Uniontown two and & half years. j, r James Ebbert, sworn—have known Hosier for two or three years; nevcfjheard any thing against him; have lived la UalontowGi my whole life time. Lsvi D. Stevens, sworn- I — i\ have been living in Uniontown eight years; haverknown Bosler for five or six months; I do nut kitovf,nor have 1 heard of any thing against him. ;{ ] Captain Duncan Olipbaht; sworn—Have lived in Uniontown since 1624;' have known Banter lor about three yean; never fiei&d his character coll ed in question before thisjMtter arose; about the 15th of June, persoasbadjjaclten to the office, but whether before or after thplSth, I caDt *aj; I be lieve there were personsiinfthe office who were not sworams*lslant*;.'l thitffr (that the letter box is so situated that person*(outside of the counter can havo access to it; there are throe feel of spaco between the hinges o| the fdtfor and the wait; one person might stand beiwee'fc the door nnd the wall—not two. -i 3 - Cross examined —I can snitno several persona who, about the 15th of Jun£, Assisted Mr. Bfcazei—. Linn, Hadden, J. W. BeazeJ.iMr. Diffehdefiir, and Mr. Busier also. The counter i* about three and a half-feet high; a penonStride can hAre-n full view of the door; Mr. mode up his (pack ages inside of the letter boxjetj and immediately In front of the door; the ddjfiof the Office always stood open in warm wentjSi£, except when they were changing the mail, the po»t mniter was out; 1 never saw i“ne behind the door; am at the office' twice a the office is on the front street, where personspassing constantly; I have known Hotter by ntxmt two years, and personalty, eighteen moiltjhs; never heard bis character called in queaii .n;d &y office is the second doorjrorn the post office. - r j^ Henry Nigdon. sworn. —Clive near the Post Of fice In Uoiontowu; fifty up towards tbe Court Hoace, from it j(«! 1 know very little üboul life Post Offieo. 1 did not know that Stevens a letter until tie day beford Busier was arrived ; T did not know that about the Islh of July, any par ticular person was in thejolfice. Have known Bosler for fourteen or fifleediffeare. His character ia «ooi . I* Captain Miller, sworn—f Eve known Boiler for about eighteen month*; he l*ro a good chtracler when on my boat. jifi; Samuel McDonald, swo^L —The Post Office was open to access by the uebplc. Any one that Mr Beazei bad confidence ibUi could go behind the counter; 1 have been bebrotllpe counter and read newspapers. There were tfoi so many about the ISth of Jane. Never lust fij letter. Mr B-nzel would lake the letters out of ikne box and lay them behind the counter, behind (he letter boie*, to be marked. Any one could baa'dlc the letter* if they came m with money to bewailed. The money mark was known to those wso remitted money. Then* were about four hthndred snb*crd>eri* to. Boater’s paper. The h»t was worth about S6OO a year. The Job work iva»jvrorUi about StOO.— The subscribers la the paptfj did not pay in. ad vance. 1 know of no aubcr&cn thnt paid in ad vance. Rosier told me that £hree or four had paid in advance. I never lookup pariicnlariy at the subscription list The papl,-r commenced with -4wo hundred subscribers; Enever counted the names of Ihe 'subscriber*; thy j jbs» done in the effuse, snd can bill? gue»s s* to theamcunlof money likely to arise from tSejob work. Bosler charged good prices. .Do odfj know that ho ever got 850 for job work. The {early advertisements were mostly in town. Ooefhundred dollars wj. the amount of the yearly Advertisements, and that was taken out in rbc stores. Bosler would get very little money out of fits yearly advertise ments. He got no money from Philadelphia. ' J know of no other advertisement* the Sheriff's, and the qauptya advertisementr, which amounted toSl2, think he. receiv ed $lO lor county nfivertisenjents. Samuel Smith sworn—Hage known Bosler cw*i or three years; never heard gdy thing against his character. 3. Dr. Quail sworn—Lived loverly in Unioaiown; have known John Bosler aipce 1540 or ’4l; hi* character fur honesty and injury urn* good. - Cross Examined—l left eight months ago; live m Btownsville; kosi Bjsler there. Alexander Haddou recall!—l knew* Bosler since he first came to towb; t&Ver heard any thing alleged againat his character.M —i-i APTEXnOon St&atON. James Veech, * worn—'Tb««|ost Baltimore letter was mailed on the 15th of J&(ie;'a portion of the mail matter was very much jfciposee; that pan m the boxes can he reached bjrjevery one; my box can be reached; there was nc? Court on toe lltb or 15ih of June, the court ro»e fig the 13th;,the judge became unwell, and the Cotij| odjourued on that aecotmt; I know of no diflireace in the number of persons attending, except durflig the last month; I have no recollee’tion of seeing IjUr Bosler there but once, and an the 2lip!»>f Aug; be was then not behind the counter; I bepljd the testimony of Mr. Beazei; I had a conversion wi.h Mr. B. after lhe2otb of August; 1 had an intimation from Mr. Steven* that Beazei had difpfrcred a. man taking letters; t thought 1 would taU£Q) Mr. Beazelon the subject; Mi;. Beazei said, I think, 1 have fnund out the person .who took your qjtfncy; his *uspicinns wert fixed on a man he haiii fcast fUhpecled, he told me it was Bosler; he *|a[lsd thnt on a very warm ofiernoon, whsu the matj coach drove up to the door, be went out and torojthe driver to wait a, moment, that be bad’the boys* to change; Bjxler then went in; while he was ipfisjniHg one bag be, Beazei, was chaining the the bag* were beary; he got done coaiAing Jißbag before Hosier, and ou turning touod, thougntfie discovered Bos-. lerwitb bis hand in tbu mail bsg He staled thar that excited his suapictnoa, ancßgave him cause to feer, and watch ,bfti ofierwiris; he then stated that some time after this Mr. Bosler 1 came into the office to mail trlcjler; Mr.Bo«lerwas leaning on the table; said Hid; heard some noVe in the Pittsburgh matter, amfißptler walked to the counter and commenced sotqe papers to make him believe it was the jctfjiw of the noise, as be thought; when be examined be found two packets on tbe counter; he ogstjed them arid was surprised to find letters bearing the appearance of containing money; Mr. Bosler pears a good char acter; have uever'heard it qufeitioaed until this present charge. j I Cross Examined .Mr Uoalct ttvar* a good charac- — - .. * rood cu«.~ ter. Have never beard it que*tioi|ed until ibir present charge. No one w«i: present at the conversation I had wth Mr. Ilea/el, which wt| tn the morning. Reece C. Fleeaon, sworn I liave been a printer •owe twenty vear*, and have known B:i»ier «ince bn was a hoy. 41# worked in my office ami hoaided in my family for year*, and he alwajv bore the beat po» übie good character. Iltf.was Aoobw, honest, Imlut tnuui young man. \ 3 , Cros* Examined Have met with him every •eason vince be ten my office. Ifehailljeen lunning im the river, and he worked in tie Ptttthjirgh printing office*. Everywhere, and under all c>riumetnncev, he bore the vame irreproachable eharaefe/. Mr. Falter, sworn. .1 known* defendant. Have known him for some year*. He ft of a good ebarac |er • K Mr PhaNcro««. recalled The rtirat ronvenniion 1 ever bad with Mr. Ueaiel wji oiiJtbe UJtli of Sep'em ber Hiv statement then was the ifamo a* delivered in Court, with one exception, and (b« wav the getting up on the counter. I related to Mr, SeCch thu I had n conversation with Bea/el 5 l«evi D. Stephen*, vworn. The 6m pan '.f.Mr ilea xel'a evidence in Court with hi* statement U) toe. He told me the vame in re Sninn to Boiler's ta ki' (T the mill as wai delivered in Conn. A. M. Linn, sworn Mr Braze) did me a day or two after the the occurrence, the fact* Stated herd From what! understand of Mr. (teas I'alevidence, it 1 1 (Tie ssmo iu substance as delivered nt l>inrt, that he told me: 1 Hon. Andrew Steward, sworn. ;J rentmnber of go* leg into the post office, and Mr Bend flfid ms of Mr Boiler. .Mr. Ueazel vatu Hotlrr hit) been in the P'st office nnd he detected him in oi4 act of polling hiv arm in the mill hag. Can't uy tv'hciher tin' >md ho St*ao or saw him with hi* arm in ! the rami hag Dea xel told.tne ho saw Uosler drop the letters on the coun ter ■ ’ The case eloscd here on the part of ihe defence When the Court adjourned, Mj. Walker Irwin of Unlontown was in the middle of a very able'and elo quent speech, which will be concluded this morning Mr. Hampton and Col Black will also address the jury thiv morning LA ROUTE. is ItSliDg. crlan d to Baltimore and Com’ih. Ibr use vh. Morris—Fayette county— Argued by Patterson fur PUT. in error; Sbalcr for Dft. in error. ' Hamilton va. Whilrly Township—Greene C«.y Argued by Black PIT. for error; Howell tor Dfi, in error. Douglass vs. Foster for use—Fnyelta County— Argued by Patterson lor Plfl.’fn error; Veecli and Howell lor lift, in error. Cooht 07 Quartxh 3esbjom.— The lime ol the Court of Quarter Sessions was occupied yesterday in the trial of James O’Neil, David Robinson and John McCUren. who were indicted frr robbery. Our engagements in the Court prevented oar reporting it, sut hereafter we will pay doe attention to all triolij of general interest. A true bill was yesterday by the Grand Jury, against the Street Prctjchera, Barker, Kirk* Uhd and Sharp, charging thejn with ntniance and obaeeaity, LOCAL MATTERS. Bnprsms Court, Ocronnt 21. ■ LvQtmr. —Coroner Rtcbvdsop jbeld an raquest yesterday, on the body of a man 1 apparently sbouP 40 years u!d, found floating in tlje Mocongahela riyer,nt tbe six mile ferry. A veridict of acciden tally drowned was rendered. I (A* Mr. R. was returning home,) ho met with a person who, onheariegthe description of the cloth, he had on, declared that be hacl known him for 2f> years—that his name was Frinciz McKeel— w4s frpm Scotland, but more recently from Potu ville, and that he .was a coal digger by trade. Mr. C. Towkiesd will continue( his lectures on Phrenr.bgy, until (and including) Friday evening. Hif lectures arc attended, every! evening, by a crojWded and delighted audience. [Mr. Townsend caij be seen every day at the room, from nine in thejmorning until five in the evening. ! Meteorological Table. Reported weekly for the Pittsburgh Gazette, and for (the Smithsonian Institute, Washington City. j HEIGHT OP THE THKRAtoixTKL From the 15tA to the 21rt if ihe month. Date. Sun rise. 9 am. 3 a jc. Ppm Daily mean. Oct. 15. 40 46 09 i. 58 53- j‘* -10 55 02 08 170 66 1“ 17- 56 62 Gl (53 53 1" IS 39 -.48 57 i 54 50 I" 19 33 44 61 !59 50 “ 20 30 44 62 j4B 47 21 42 07 60 ‘53 54 Rim.—On the 17tb, 4-10th of an inch fell; on theilst, 3-10th. | | 11. M. JAMISON,! T)RODUCE, Grocery, Manutactore had Real Estate X (Broker, Wheeling, \a. \ tp*Rcfer to | Dickey tc Co. ’ octlß-dlm SCbxQK W. SMtTU. JAMZS D. VEZZZI. GtOKUE W. SMITH A. CO, Malsura Knd Hop Dealer*, Flit at, spiVS B‘[ WILLIAMS will open a Niout School at .* Of o'clock ihi* evening, (Mtjnday, OcL Bth,) on Jib corner of hoarib and Ferry entrance on Ferr)(, where he wilt be-happy to impart instruction in Rqading. Penmanship, Arithmetic,, Book Keeping, klioupgraphy, Ae. j octS Hi WILLIAMS’ SELECT BDBOOL, cor • ner ofFourtlt and Ferry utreetl, will be open ed_thi* morning, Monday! August 20,1U9. PROV. UEHRT ROaSOCB, . PENN sTaEET, t>etween Wayne fnd Hand, ho* rexumed hi* profeu|oual dutiii, giving iastrsc lion* o-i the Piano, Guitar, and in Vocal Music. augl4:dtf , j _ ; _ Dtt. jDI HUNT"," Ylpwr' yesg Dentist. Comer orpourth / r •OzS? and Decatur) between Market and Fcrrr stieetal \ Mp2-dlyin INSURANCE BTOC(K. BCH)K6 for subscriptioii to the capith! stock of the Ciurcn*’ Insurance Company of fPittaburgh will be opened in die Hoard of. Trade Room* on Monday, the s;h day of Nnveinlier, at 10 A M I. Share* fifty dollar* each.- Two ddllan and fifty cenu each share to be naid on nb«cnplion. , COMAUSSIONERS: [ Wm: Larimer, Jr. Robert Woods, Wtn. D .McClorg. Joseph Plummer, S. M. Kter, Jo*iab King, John Sheriff; Alez. Ro*ehurg, 11. D. King | octld-tnovS CHICKBRING’S PIANOS. RECEIVED and now bpen for ezami nation, a new and splendid eison meut of 7 Octave from‘-Chick* ■ I ■ I I" ering” Boston, omopg them a full carved txiurs XIV. ordered for one of dur ciUzenn, who -ia» lindiy permitted it lo remain in ofy ware room to day 1 Wednesday) lor exhibition. Those who may havo a desire to see and hear this splendid fpeeunen of art; are respectfully invite d to call to daw nil the store af JOHN li M KLLOR, bl Wood si . Agent for Chiekerinc's Piano* fot Western Pa. ocil7 Boots and Shoo*. A SPLENDID assortment Jnst rece ved, suitable for tbe Fall and Winter Trade, consisting in part of MEN’?*. WOMEN’S, BOVS’, MISSES’ AND CHILD* REVS WARE, of every variety aid style, and at price* to suit the Uroes, Those willing to purchase, whoir.nle ur retail, will find it to their advantage to give us a call and examine for (hcmsdlves. TROTH A SCOTT, octl7 corner Fourth and SmithfieUi ats. 1 lL7"Dout forret the plaee. " "l T rmaraonrsent.'i!) I 'lS«i." MR. THOS K. lllßllr.RT:—Dear Sir, Your WRI TING FLUID we have now beer using more than a year, and on looking over the entries made by it, we find the met a bright blue biact. It is pteasant to wnii: wi'h. fiiwi free, and does not elog the pen like the ordinary ink* in use. Wishing vpu tho ready-sale i> merits demand, we ore-, years respectfully, SIMPSON A CO. For sale, tot ether wjffi Ilibben’*- Rpdjnk, and Mb* chine Cop* Jnc. by U. A. Fmhnestoqk A Co., H. P. Schwari/. Allegheuy City, and by tie tnanafaciurer, T. K. Million.,Druggist and Chemist, earner of Liber* ty and Snmhfield sis. Pittsburgh. , octttl OARPI-TTS;—Rec’d this day, at W( M’- " > OLIVfXiCK'S Carpet Warehouse, No. 75 Foanh *l, a further supply of Carpets, of the latest and most approved nylrv to wbico we the attention of SfKA MtJC'AT MEN, and those wishing to furnish HtiUSf S. to rail and examine the largest assortment tn the riiy, which we will sell cheap :r than ever be fore offered in the western market. Carpet Ware* honw. No. 75 Fovitli street * oeilJ W. M'CLINTOCK. r pL I HQUOISi JEWELS V’.—Juit oprkinar, a bmtiiftd of Tarqaot*, Pearl «nU Diamond Jew cirf.-Mkcui Pina, Bracelet*, Fingeflßlar*. Deckles, SUdevCliam*, Ear Ac.kc. • Also,'* splendid si’ek at jol ’ ofihe best qaalinr and alcastei Diamond Spark*, Cold Pens, octW- vast; A G!RL,io do boute work, iV »n 4 good will be Glbcfc. «*| POST FOR BALBOA mill IMiek cwj- gait, warranted sound; for tile rTX\ -low. inquire at R H PAITERSON'S ■i ”* 1 »P«p iLivery Stable. MERCHANTS OF PITTSBURGH who or* deatroua of extending ihetribaiinea* in the comities Greene, Somervu end also in Wmtern Vi re nun, will;, find the PAYETTE WHIG, pobluhed at *Jnlonlowit, a desirable medium, at it cir> culntei largely in the placet specified above. Term* moderate ~ j ruyHJ.-d.Ttn* Property In AUoghaay Clfy for Sole. THE ftnbtcribera.'&arr for tale ajtamberof ehoic* Loin, ttisaie id the Second Ward, fronting on lit* Counon ground, on efl*y termi. lecture ot W. <>’H. ROIIINSON, Any at Law, St Clair n or of JAS ROIIINSON, on thfeprcmlaae mTI“ - dftwt»T | / Dissolution. 'llHKparinerjhip of the undersigned, Wier the firm A of .Dogoley k Smith, ws* dittojved by mutual' roat-ih on lOilt September, \V. Bagfdey parehssinr tJiemtetettofJ. R. Smith, who retire*. Toebaainess of the .firm wilt be rented by their taceesaort, WiU. Utguloy & Co., at Not. 13 and 20 Wood il \ WILLIAM UAGALEY. Pittsburgh, OcL 3, HO. ISAAC Rj SMITH. .CO-PARTNERSHIP,—Wm Bsgnley having onto cta’ed with him Wo. If. Woodward iof I’hliadelphta, S. Cfi’jrave and Ralph of Piltibureb, willdontiounthe'Whnlciate Grocery Gatin ess, at No». IS and SO Wood tt, antler the firm ofl WM. UAGALEY A CO, Pittfthureh: aadGAGALEV, WOODWARD A COTphilad’o. <*c:o • i ESPUKBB PACK.BST LINK, FOR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE, teM. _ . Faclusiveiy for! Passengers, rj —The Boats of thu Lina wiil'leave tMMCMtfCibiawas follows, nt f o'clock at night: Jaraiamna—J l* Thomr>»on, Tuesday,Oct. 16ih. Indiana— P (turkey .Wednesday, l7tb. \ Kentucky—Cnpt It Truby, Thursday, ISih. y Ohio—A Craig, Friday, IBlh. Louisiana—.! r Thompson, Saturday, uoth. Indiana— P Burkcy, Sunday. 2l«t Kentucky—Capt l( Proby, Monday, 224 Ohio—Capt. A Craig, Tuesday, gfd. Louisians—J F Thompson, Wedn ‘adaf, Jtth. Indiana—P Horsey, Thursday, O Lttfih. Kentucky—ll Truby, Friday, 26th. Ohio—Capl A Craig, Saturday; 87jk Louisiana— J 1‘ Thomnion, Sunday, 23th. Indiana—P Burkcy, Monday,9fih. Kentucky—H Trutiy, Tuesday, 30lh. . Ohio—A Craig, Wednesday, 3l«t| Forpassagc apply to.' 'W SUTCII, Moaon£ahela House, octlC or O LEECH A Co. Canal llasin ' The Cbartleri Coal Company, ' ~ (INCORPORATED.;, 1 BOOKS Will be open for subscription to tho stock ot ‘•Thu CbarUeTi Coal Company":on and after .Momiv*. the s4iti day of September ia»P, at the office! of.Z. 'V-. Remington, Penn si, Pittsburgh sptiiirdtf Z-W, REMINGTON. CURE FOB WORMS U. a; FAI(K£STOCK’S VEIIiMIFUCtK. .CIURSK or UTKKNAt. WKA rtß. IN order to atforu all possible secur ty to the public, at pell as to ihera«elve», against f ami and impo sition (roin coarwcrfritliiß, the proprietor* bare maria a -'hi life in the exterior wrapper or I* tie of their Ver mifuge, 'I he new label, which is a tifcc) engraving of the most exquisite de«igu apd workmanship, ha* been Cntroddced ul a very great expense, {and i» from the i.rain of on artist of the 6rs< It lent The design is new, and lira execution elaborate. SeveriT figures and a portrait nrn man prominent, batthd Ward “Vsrui vvok,"printed in white letter* on a redand finely en aravedi around, should be particalatly examined.— When 'held up to Ute light the letter*] shading of the letters And *vory line, however tninot?, throughout the whole of thin part of ihe engraving a* exactly as il thu impri>«iionhad been made upon one tide on ly, s|L‘jnu<h It is ‘dually printed on b’tth fide* of the paper.; .Tin* should in all cone* be observed. A la bel upon each dozen is.also printed ixj red open both iiiP'*j nitd examined in the aatno manner. Taia'prepnratibti has-now stood the lest nf many year* trial, and i* confidently recemthendcd a« a sale and effticlaal m-dicine forexpeltingworms from Ihe system. Ihe unexampled success that has attended its administration in every case whrrd the patient was really siflicird urith worms certainly render* it wor thy intfatlcution of physicians. j Tim proprietor ha* made It a pointjto ascertain the remit of it* use in such ca«es as came within his knowledge and observation—and be {uvarieUy found it to oroduce the most salutary eflects-j-not ly after nearly *U the ordiuary preparations recom mended for worms had bceo previously resorted to without any permanent advantage, i This fact isai teoted by the certificates and statement* of hundreds of respectable persons in different ptlt» of the coun try, and should tnduee families always to keen a vtal of the preparation in their possession.] It it mild io lu operation, and tauy he administered with perfect safe i) hi the most delicaio infant. I The only genuine is prepared by 1 optfT _ H A FAIINESTOCIv Pittsburgh ' ' PUICES REDUCED] ~ m JUURR MILL STONES,'manufaeut yl - red in France, eorapbsea of but few. jLI blocks and solid eye*-** targe assort ment, the best of the kind, always on UWbJ|h|HL hand at greatly reduced prices. dtgWM ALSO—French IluW Mill Slones of IJiii II my own manufacture. 1 mode *f a new and superior quality of; Blocks. TTiese BaMH Burrs arc made under my own superin tendance, and!a* great care is taken to tsako the Joints close, and to have all the blocks in ooen stone ofa nnlfons temper, they.are warranted to be of the very best quality, superior to those imported from Fra tee;’ana also superior to Ihe vre]t mass ofthose made In this country, and at prices Ibwcr than have ever before hedn'nUcred in thu market. Laurel Hill Mill Clones, all sties. J Bolting Cloths, all numbers; of tho Best quality, war ranted to give satisfaction to the pfixehnser, and at greaily reduced prices. I Milt Spindles, .MU! irons, Screws [and Picks, Plat-; form Soalts, Com and Cob Grinder*] Unit and Saw Mill Casting* of nil kinds, and Mill Fufnithlpg Id gen eral. | ! All order* promptly attended to alSMtad ttfi lib- I- .4cr»j>rompUy#ti .to aiSM.t&fi •. ertyrtroeuncwiioCtmU, fttubiirttu .• k n?RU« W. WAItLACB 1 MISCELLANEOUS. jIIEW aOODBI HEW OOODBII BARGAINS” NBg FAU. AND WINTER DEI GOODS, J 8 * Bfl * or TH* 810 UK KIT*. 6B Market su, between3d and 4 th, Pittsburgh. WAI. I*. RDSSELL, No. 68 Market street, between Third and Fourth, sign of the big golden Bee Hive, hat ju»t commenced receiving and opening the large*!, cbeapeit and moot splendid itock of Fall and Winter Dor Good* ever offered by,cne bouse in Fitts, burgh. AH of these foreign goods have been purchas ed of the importers p»r the last steamer* from Europe, and for nebness of style and beauty of design are un surpassed ia thi* or-any other market The domestic and staple department will also be found complete, and cheaper than at any other hou«e ia this city. The subscriber would here respectfully call the attention of his numeious customer*, and all wtihinglobuy new and cheap goods, to the prices which will no doubt astonish them,, being determined to sell cheaper than the cheapest Good dark Calico, only 3 cents per yard; ’• Best quality dark Calico, fast colors, 9 to 10; 4-4 British purple Print!, fast color*. 9 to 10; Heavy Bed Ticking, from.S to 10 cents per yd; Bleached Muslins, good quality, 5 to Gj per yd; Best quality Bleached Muslins, 8 to 10 per yd; Heavy yard wide Unbleached Muslins, 5 to GJ; i Good red Flannel, from IS to 83 cents per yd; Good yellow Flannel, 15 to SB cts per yd; Good black Alpaeca from 15 to 35 per yd; French Ginghams trom 10 to 15 cts per yd; Irish Linens at prices from 35 to 1,35 per yd; Satinet! and Kentucky Jeans from 12jto 50 cts; Cloakings and Linseys from 12} to 31 cts; Heavy Domeslio Ginghams 10 to 191 rts; Crash aud Diapers, all pnees and qualities: LADIES’ DRESS GOODS A splendid assortment of all tho.newest styles, Thibet Cashmeres in high colors, rich goods; Lapin French Thibet Merinos, the finest imported; Riel} Csmelion Silks, in alt colors and qualities; Black Armures, best quality.’ plaid and stripe; Blscjk Groi de Rhine, all widths and qualities; Luma's fine black Bombazines, be&auial goods; ao best French Merinos, black and colored; do do do do in high colors; do fine French de Lainea, all wool, high colors; Rich fig’d Cashmeres, beautiful goods, very cheap Dotted Swiss Muslins, for evening dresses; Broche Thibet Scarfs, late importation; BeiVquoliiy French Kid Gloves, all colors; Mourning Cashmeres and de Laines, all prices; Ladies embroidered Neck Ties, splendid goods, Ladies finest quality French linen Hdkfs; Belting Ribbons, a full assortment: Worked Capes, Collars and Cnffs/in great variety-1 Blnek and colored Crapes: all qualities; 1 Brocade Lustres, in all colors and qualities; Mohair Camelion figures, rich goods; French Cloakings, superb goods, high eolors; AlsoiiMaek Brussel Lace, all widths and prices; Black Hilk Frtn*es,yride and heavy, besbonality. Together with a large stock of white Goods, Bwiss Jaconet and Mull Muslins, besides a very large and superb stoek of Fall Bonnet Ribbons, of the latest im portation and roost fashionable styles. Many of the above goods have just arrived per the last steamers from Europe, and are wonky the attention of the la dies. SHAWLS! SHAWLS!! .A iplendid assortment of Shawls: Super extra size Freueh Long Shawls, best imp’d Super extra size Long Broche, finest quality; Superb quality Long Fluid Shawls, rich colors; Best quality square plaid fine wool Shawls ' Rich aud heavy extra size black silk Shawls; Rich eamlion changeable silk Shawls; Super black and while, all wool, long Shawls; Super extra size Long and Sq'ra Mourning Shawls Paris primed Cashmere Shawls, In great tanety; •* ■* Terken '• all price* ft uual's Mode embrid Thibet “ heavy silk fringe; Black and mode colored heavy cloth Shawls; White emb’d Thibet Shawls, beautiful goods; Highland pl’d long and sq’ra Shawls, very cheap; Mounting Shawls and Scarfs, in great variety; Also, a largo lot of ptaid Blanket Shawls, from 75 cts to 82,00. Together with a full supply of Gloves, Mitts and Ho •iery.with all article* usually kept in a Wholesale and Retail Dry Good* House—all of which will be at price* to defy competition. (D“ Remember the store. No. 62 Market street, be tween Third and Fourth, sign of the Bit* Bzb-LLvk, where bargains can at all times be had. »pt36;q;im WILLIAM L. RUSSELL. BUST PBOOFIBOBL ~ r | 'HE undersigned have erected works In the city of JL Now York, for the purpose of Galvanizing allani ctes of Iron,which it is desirable to PROTECT FRO3I RUST, such as Telegraph Wire, Bolts, Spikes, Nails, Wire for Fences, and any other articlo which maybe required. For Hoops for Casks, os a substitute for bale Rope; for Clothes Lines, Lightning Rods, and a host of other applications, it will be found cheap and durable. They would particularly call attention to the Galvani zed Wire for fences; it reqaires no paint, and will not rust. Also to Spikes and Bolts, the preservation of which is of so much importance, that it will commend itself to the notice of alt those interested. GEO. B. MORKWOOD A CO., Patentees, l4 sm] iq lbai*r st. N. York Tin Plates. THEsubscribera beg to call the attention of Builder*, Architects and owner* of Buildings, to the many ■dva-i:agf« which these plate* possess over ail oilier metallic substance* hitherto ui>ed for roofing, Ac., as they possess at once the lightness of iron. Without its liability u> row, having now l*e«n tested for several yean* in this paruculai,both in this country and in Eu rope. They are lea* liable to expansion and contrac tion from trodden change of the atmosphere, than com mon tin plates, iron, xtnc, ot any other metal now used for roofing, and consequently form a much better and tighter roof; requiring far less frequent repairs, whilst the first cost is bat a trifle more. A full supply, of all sixes, from lfl to 30 W. G- eon stonily op.hand and for sale by GEO. B. MORKWOOD k CO., 14 and 16 Beaver street, New York. The patent right for this article having been secured for ihe United States, all parties infringing thereon either by importation or otherwise, wilj "be prosecn ocCKWAkwlvT sbw UAUDWTinirflYinir. • SIGN OP THE PLANE AND SAW,. »o> T 8 Wood stmt., Flttsbnrffli; ' ' HUBER AND LAUFMaN, Importer* and dealers Foreign und Demesne UARDWARK, in alUtsjarieucs, are now prepared to sell as low and on as reasonable terms as cau be purchoaed elsewhere Wo solicit onr friends, and the pablie grneralty, to call and examine onr stock, which consists in part of KNIVra and FORKS, POCKET and PEN KNIVES, SCISSORS,SHEARS, RAZORS, House Trimmings! web as Locks, Latches, Hinges and Screws, together with every article usually-kept is Hardware Stores. We invite the attention or Carpenters and Mechanic* .generally to our assortment of Tools, which have been selected with great cafe, and which we are determln ed to sell so as to give satisfaction. uptfcdfcwT . ID“ Ebcthow asp Sara Douid.-JONES’S liai ima »-henueal Soap causes a free perspiration. and pi (Ho aarne ume notifies, sofleus, and whiten* the skin, giving it the texture and beauty of an infant's. Bcsrxrr, Salt EUkcv asd Soxss, are soon not only healed, but cued by its n*e, as at least seven I’bysi eiics in New Vork know. who use tt in such cases, and find it unfailing—-as also in ' Purr Lis, Biorcuo, Fbxczlb, or any other skin dis. ease. The reader is assured that this is no useless puffed nostrum, as one trial will prove. I could merate at least 60 persons enred of * SoftX'Hrsn.Seks-LsQpa.'n) Sous Bbabd.—Buy it, and ose it, and the reader is again assured I would rot cruelly sell it for. the above unless I knew it to be all I state. Those who are liable to Ciurzs, Casern, oa CttarxD Flesh, will find this t cure. Any one afflicted with any of the above, or sim ilar diseases, will find this all and even more (admira ble in its properties) than I state. But, reader, the stores sre flooded with imitations, andbe rare you ask for JONES’S Italian Chemical Soap. Sold by \VM. JACKSON, Ml Liberty street. Pittsburgh. , aagfrdAwT w • Ta« sins* ov a Vjls Rkthls i* noi more reuui ihre than a bad, putrid brt.-uh, or dark, yellow diseas eq teeth. If persons have these it ii their own fault— they ean, for two shillings. buy an article that will make their breath pure and tweet u tb Spieg Jir • A/ohi'a. It eures di teases of the Gums, spungy or uleereted, and for the Teeth it is uneqaolied, removing the tartar, fastening the teeth in the cam*, and clean them as white as the snow tf On frozen NorJi. Such, reader, are the properties of Jones's Amber Toothpaste, and, without praising tt ourselves, hear what one ot «ur most respectable and scientific Den tists, Mr. & Field, of New York, says: “I havplioth used and analiscd this beautiful and im palpable article, (Jones’ Amber Tooth Pasted and ean recommend it as possessing all the qualities claim ed for it." Reader, we can say no more lo convince, only that 1/ yoatry this onee you will be well pleased. It is put up id beautiful English China l\.u, for 25 eem*. Sold by the Agent, WM. JACKSON, 89 Liber «y street, Pittsburgh. augfcd&wT , Ur. Au. good crnians are honorably assured that the following are the actual qualities 01 a 3s bottle of Jo.ves/s Coral Hair Restorauvo. If they doubt oar word, they cannot these highly respectable citizens who have tried Ju— . Mr. Geo. tJeoset, 41 Elm at, Mew York Mrs.Alatilda Reeves, Myrtle av, Brooklyn. Mr. Win. Tompkins, M King si, New York. ii v7v\. e . k,on i M , omoßr » bland, near Pittsburgh H. R. Cullen, late barber sleamboai 8. America. And more than a hundred others stale, thourh this mu-l suffice, that it will forte the hair to grow on the head or face, slop it falling of, atreuglhen the roots, removing scurf and dandruff from the root*, making light, red, or gray hair assume a fiuedarkiook and keep n* dry, harsh or wiry hair moist, soft; clean and beautiful, a very, very long time. . Sutd by She Agent, WM. JACKSON, B> Libe.rtv at " PU aiS<skwT nCO 3? *’ 60 < ' enU ’ “ U!l otIC dollar - ’ AHK _ OAun6NEb again<i k BING COMMON PREPARED CHALK. They are not aware how frightfully injurious it is to the skin! how coarse, how rough, how nL ' low, yellow, and unhealthy the skin ap pears after using prepared chalk! Bo sides it is injurious, onbuning a large quantity of Lead! t\o have prepared a beauiiful vegetable article which we call JONES’ SPANISH LILY W!in*E. It u perfectly innocent, being purified of all dolecri out qualities and it imparts to tile skin a natural, heal thy; alabaster, clear, living white, at the same time acting o» u cosmetic on tho sklu, making ii .oft and smooth. Sold by the Agent, WM. JACKSON, t 3 Lib erty st, Pittsburgh. Price SIS cent«. aug7:diwT pKi iDICAL * BDHOIOAI. OFPIGK, -rfgttßv No. 05, DIAMOND ALLKV, « jjFggfe. l««]OW Wood «»fet, 10 OIL BROWS) having been rc r*l a rly educated to the medics f ,ru,e *‘ ion t and been for some ucs Mffllflfflßm "* S encrn * practice, now eon&nrs Ua aUeDlion 10 U>» treatment ol OTe private and delicate cotel plaints for which Ids opportunnie niid experience peculiarly qnaJnv hint* it year* assiduously devoted to stady A treatment of those complaini»,(duni<i> wtiiel time, he has had more practice and has cured mure pa» tient’a titan can ever fail to the lot of any private j>rse litioner) amply - qualifies him to offer aiuurattrt* o 1 ■poedv, permanent, and satisfactory core to nil atil.cted with deUcate diseases, and nil diseases arivuif iher«| from Pi. Brown would Inform thow afflicted *nth diseases whieh have become chrotuc by time or agj Eavated by ihe use of any of the common nostrums o| t day, that their complatola can be radically and thorv ooghly cured; he having given his careful attention to the treatment of aoch ca-es, end succeeded in hundreds of instances In curing paraonj of inflammation of tha neck oftho bladder, and kindred diseases which often result from those cate* where others have consigned them to hopeless detpair. He particularly inruea such at have been long and unsuccessfully treated, by others to consult him, when every satisfaction will be given them, and their cates treated to a'carefol, thorough and intelligent manner, pointed out by along experience study, and investigation, which it is impossible for tho* enraged In general practice of medicine to give an one class of disease. fTT"Hernla or Rupture^—Dr. Brown also invites pes was atilicied with Hernia to eall, as he has paid jJertie nlar attention to this disease, CANCERS also cured. Bkin diseases; also Pi! s, Palsy, speedily euru« Charge* very low. N. a—Patients of eilh sex living at a distance, bl -stating their disease in writing, giving ail theiympl toms, can obtain medicines wuh directions for use. bv addressing T. BROWN, &L D., post paid, and enclos. In* a fee. Office No. 65, Diamond alley, oppotitalha avativ House. ' BaxmiTOJC—Ur. Brown’s newly discovered reme dy for Rheumatism U a speedy and certain -remedy lot that painful trouble. It never falls. Office and Private Consulting Rooms, No ft) Dia mead alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. The Doctor rs >Jways a> Home; * ■ Nw aura no nav 4aolt. OlQHTafld short Ume miXSOFKXnHApOB. par . O abte in Cincinnati, Louisville and Si Louis,' pur* coaoed on the most fovoriblo terms.' ap« N. HOUSES ft 80271* WHOLESALE DRY GOODS. A. A. MASON & GO., . . HO. 00 IIiBEIT ITBKET, PITTBBDHOH, Pi* ; MtUCTurf Mc,orTlC3nNOa,oftt.Totk.Hu»- titon, Amostcag and Otis Companra. •, * 3S bales Red, White and Reflow FLANNELS. a complete assortment for hale low by the bale ef cieea. - received direct from manufacturers, ' ' -' 880 ADCLOTH3 and CASSTMERES, of the man* faetcen or 8. Slater A! Son, Rill A Carpenter; Par ' nura, Hams, Am, of every grade.. •- CASSINhTS, JEANS andTWEEBS.—44 eases of all the various manufacture*. - ■ £3 cases MUSLIN DELAINS and CASHMERES, of the Hamilton and Manchester Works al*o,feJliu scnmeM of Foreign manufacture.. - ,■ "SO cases colored MUSLINS, for sale by the case at Agents* prices. ;. . Brows, Bleached and Colored CANTON FLAN* NEIA ofall the nmal makes: also CloakLlninfs. ALPACCAS, BOMBAZINES, «M More than SO eases. Also. 300 pieces Freneh Merino, Lyoneso and Paramatta Cloths. ' . » ' SILKS and SHAWLS—BOO pa. of black and fancy Silks; nearly 8000 Shawls, lour and\scuaie,~Qr,all kinds. Also, Visetes. Close Seam, Ac. . ■ • . A full assortment or White and Linea\G''ods» t Hosiery and Gloves, Embroideries, Laces and Trim* mines, Mourning Articles, all qualities, sues and make ofßlankets. i . RIBBONS—SO boxes of rich Bonnet aid. Cap Rib.' [bens; also. Velvet, Silks, .Satins, Ac., with every eih* er description of Millinery articles, Tailors' Trim* •mings, Ae. Ac. 1 AD of whieb, together with a general assortment of Goods of the newest and most fashionable styles, will be offered at an extremely low advance. New Goods constantly received. All Merchants are ennUally solicited to ealL «ptlB A. A MASON A,Ca . HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, &» TTTOULD rerpeetfaUyCeali the attention of city and * v country Merchants to their ehoiee stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which for extent and variety has probably never been equalled in the West ern country. Possessing the same facilities and ad vantages enjoyed by Eastern Houses, by having one of the partners constantly in the East among the man ufacturers, Importers anc Auction Houses, they are prepared to oflet the same advantages in style and pnce«. that can be obtained of the largest Eastern Houses. • - Receiving large consignments of DOMESTICS from tae manufacturers of New England, they are enabled *.a oner these goods at less rates lhan they can bo pro* the Eastern Jobbers. . too faetthst their establishment offers equal, if not greater ad vantages in, every description of goods, than: Iw. had East, has been clearly demonstrated to: tneir numerous Patrons. They feel confident if Mer !h« W ua ~y of at «nch prices as will save and^?m-«i- U4o y >ortaU<m > *h« necessary expenses lri P- ®»*>n * 9** of Uch Wlll hs found fresh and eom- M^m^u^. lloo63 AND PRINTS, from the nanS?Sft .L ton ts 9°cb«°. and Manchester Com- P L ul ‘ of Dunnell, P. Allen, *d.T.,ie “° d * C *"' a**™*. A«.ri«w miSuil“° INGHAMS “ a CHINTZES, of Hob,.! BLEACHED MDSUNS, of .11 lie well L AS.S>K” 4 “^ te *’ br ATp'iS o'™ 0 '™ “HSLlNS.ofdlwidU,., ,«I|. MISCELLANEOUS. PITTSBURGH FEHALB INSTITUTE T l H®L n * u . w . , . c - ? nd i“ r the care of Rev. J. M. GOS ,A AN D LADY, will re-open on Monday,' the 17th of September, in the same rooms. No. 63 Liberty street. Having limited the number of their pupils, the Principals hope to merit a continuation of that liberal patronage they have hi’herto enjoyed. Parents may feel assured that every advantage will be afforded their daughters, if placed under their charge, fbr ob taining a thorough English, Classical, and Ornamental education. anggfcdtf • \ tOtSO LADIES BKMINAH.Y, | • aLLxanxxr. THE AUTUMN BESBION,of this Institution will l commenco on the first MSndty in September.— Rooms on Federal street, in “Colonado Row," 2d door from the bridge. Ratxs ovTcmox nm sxsstox or nvx Moirrns. English Department, including Reading, Orthogra pby and Defining, Writing, English Grammcr, Rneto nc, Logic, English Composition and Criticism. Geo- H l,t l ,r y* Arithmetie and the higher branches of Mathematics, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, As* tro ?»? 7 ’ Physiology, Geology,,lntellectual and Moral Science and all other branches requisite to a thorough English Education - . . .£>o 00 Classical Department, including the Latin and Greek Languages, each S'fl 00 French, - . . . . . gtO 00 German, gig oq . The services of competent teacher* are aecnred for inch as destrcinstrnetJon in French and German, and Painting and Music. It is desirable that pupils enter at the commence ment of a session, yet they are .received at any time, and are charged at the above rates from the time of entrance.. No deductions are made for absences, ex cept la casea of protracted illness. Further information may bo obtained, and appliea lions made by calling, upon the Principal, at his rooms ? t ?i. .^ cral *“*s£ or “ ty* lodging* in “Irwin’s Row,” Liberty street, Pittsburgh, between 3d anu 4lh streets; «f by addresitng, through the Pittsbnrgh Post Office, tho Principal. N. W. METCALF. Allegheny, Aug. 7, 1942. dtf Pittsburgh Steam Blmrble Works. NO. *44 LIBERTY, opposite Pmithfield street.— Marble Mantles. Monuments, Tombs,Table Tops, * c 7 a large variety of the most beautiful kind, mule of the finest quality «f foreign and domestic marble,' ® a hand or made to order, by.the aid of mo* chlnery, on tho shortest notice ana at the lowest price*. N. B-—Tba Cxantry Trade furnished with all kinds of Marble at the lowest rates. All orders promptly at tended to at 2M liberty, opposite Smithfiefd st- • -• myatedSp ’ »w W WALLACE L.„ , - MACHINES.. HkKS£ Mtat . B, ® neor French Burr SMUTMA CilllvVs Lie btfst aniele of the kindinnse; they run light, ei«a fan, do the work well, and will last a life time. AhoatSlO of them are in use. in tho best milis in the country, and we navo the strongast testi mony of eeapateatperaons as their superiority over all other Smot Machines. For further particulars, ad dress tha ntbarriber at 344 Liberty sl Pittsburgh. __myUOr«a L _ W W WALLACE STEAM i ENGINES AND BOILERS—For grist, saw and other mills, always on band, or made to onler on very short noure, and at the lowest price*. All or* ilenpiompily attended to ut 244 Liberty street, near the Canal. my3o W W WALLACE PLASTER PARIS—For land, and other purposes, always on hand at 244 Liberty st. WW WALLACE VUKAULIC OEMKN I—AJway nn hVnrt »i Libgny st. myJO W W WALLACE “ d “"•i" «> _ p T3O WW WALLACE TEAS! TEAS!! TEAS!!! . IT is with pleasure that the subscriber* inform the eitizena of Pittsburgh and vi- eimty that they have completed arrange* menu with Messrs. J. C. Jenkins k Co., fSf of Philadelphia, to receive their superior flffl PACKED TEAS, W g And will hereaAerbe kept constantly on r - hand. .They are neatly and securely put Jtfaß up ut metallic packs of}, I and 1 lb. each,' thdr craned card—showing the kina Tea,price, name of the coijceni'and depot in Philadelphia, with an invitation to return tho Tea, if not liked- axtaiL raters: n (Gunpowder---——62l 75 1,00 Lss |AO g] Imperial 60 75 1,00 IfiA 1,56 Si Hyson -60 631 75 1,00 . a IY. Hyson ——.6o 82J 75 1,00 L 25 1,50 _ > Block- -37 J fiO Bbacxx. J Fi ne uuj extra Fine- -7b- 1,00 L2S: 1,50 We witl warrant all the TEAS we tell to be equal to, ifnotsmmhitoanysoldln this city, and should they not prove acceptable to the taste, they can be re* tamed, and the money will be -refunded, as it is only with that understanding wc sell. We ask u fair trial, that the public may be ablo to edge between our Teas and those heretofore sold by other companies in this city. All lovers of rich, delicious and good flavored TEAS, tbonld give us a call. For aale by: JOS. S. M. YOUNG & CO, N W comer 4th and Ferry streets, and ! E YOUNG A CO, . myl9:dflmis S Weomerftd and Rota streets VOX THX SEUOVALUXD KUSSKYr CCUX OF ALL EISXAIB Aaai.vo raou as i stress ititx op tux blood oa luitrr o» tux systksx, vim Scrofula or Ring's Evil, Rheumatism, Obstinate Cuta neous Eruptions, Pimples or Pustules on the Face, Blotches, Bile*, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or Tcuer, Scald Head, Enlargement and Pain of the Bones and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphiltie Symplons, Beiaiics or Lumbago,—and .diseases ■ — arising from an injudicious use of Mercury, Aci* tites or Dropsy, Exposure or Imprudence In Life; Also—Chronic Constitutional Disorders. Ac. t This Medicine has acquired a very extended and es tablished reputation wherever it bat been used, based entirely on its own merits, which its superior efficacy has alone sustained. The unforjuntie victim of her editary disease, with‘swollen glands, contracted si news, and bones half carious,lias been restored to beal'b and vigor. Tbe scrofulous patient, covered whb n’ccrs, loathsome to himself ana hit attendants, hat been made whole. Hundreds of persons, who had groaned hopelessly; tor years under euianeout and glandular chronic rheumatism, and many other complaint* springing from a derangement of the secretive organs and the cir-u'aiion, have been raised as it were from the rack of disease, and now, with re generated constitutions, gladly test fy to the efficacy of tbit inestimable preparation. ‘TRUTH IS STRANGER THAN FICTION.’ The attention of the reader is called to the following astonishing cure, effected by the use of Sands’ Sarsap arilla: * 'Cats is to certify that I have a colored woman who ha* boon afflicted for the last five yean with Scrofula, ami all ihe remedies I used had no effect in arresting tho progress of the complalm; on the contrary, she constantly grew worse; and after expending between ?«l> and flSti with physician*, betides using other pop ular remedies without success, till the disea-o had emon away, the caru'age of her nose, made iit appear unco on vaiious port* of her body, and had finally commenced its ravages in the roof of her mouth. In this dreadful situation, with the prospect of death stating her in tbe face, 1 s'ated her ease to I)r. Disoo way, the agent for Bands' Sarsaparilla in Newbern. N. U ■ by whom i was advised to use that article; and to my emprise and that of my neighbors, to whom hci case wns known, after using.four and a half bottles -hti wn« restored to perfect health, and that In tne space of three weeks, and was'able to work in two weeks ftom the time she commenced taking it. * In witness of the truth of this statement, I have here unto affixed my name, tbi* 10th day of Sept 1947 JOSEPH M’COTTER,J. p. Mouth of Neuie River, Craven co~ N. C. SORE THROAT. The following is an extract front a letter received from Mrs. Bevan, who bad been afllieted several yeara with Serofuiou* Ulcers, Dyspepsia, Ac- and recently an affection of the throat and chest:— • „ „ s"''l’- 6 “r»,V.,D«. IT.I9SS. Messrs. A, B. A D. Sam*: Betore I Ing your Sarsaparilla, my sufferings were almost past expression; my throit was completely uleerated, 1 had a aieadml cough, and there were frequently weeks to- L COttld " ol above a wh.spor; and be iude», tbe Inflammation from my throat extended to my I“E hearin * wta.vcry mach impaired. After taking tho Satuparilla a short time, my health SS-' , i d ’j a is‘ l £“ ! '' hr0 ‘ 111 ,ll ” , **"! 1 •*> »« If" <ro£ #nd Bgfitjiesa of tho cheat as ever I was, and .?* <,uilB dl «Uf>cßy. My throat has been well about threeponthi, tha enre of whi.-h has been effect ed entirely by tho use of your Sarsaparilla Your friend, LOUISA R. BEVAN. The following testimonial to tbe value oftho Sartap artlla, la from tne Rev. Lather \t right, aged 76 years. Congregational Minister, residing at Woborn: Wobcxjs, Mass, March ainh, l&M -nleisra. Sands: Gentlemen, From what I have expe rienced. and from the information Ihavo recently re ceived from a number of persona of high respectabili ty wbo have used your' Sarsaparilla, I bave not tbe least doubt but that iu» a most valuable medteine,and that the numerous certificates yon-have received of its efficacy are fully sustained by experience, and aW U»ongh tit reputation and utility are vary extensive; aud siand in no need of my humble efforts to Increase them, l want all who are afflicted by disease to become acquainted with the effieaey and power of you valu able medicine. I am, gentlemen, gratefully, and, very respectfully; yours, Luther weight. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, by A. B. A D. BANDS.*Drugyiit and Chemist, 100 Fulton street, corner of WIHUm, New York. Sold also by Dreg, gists generally throughout the United States and - Can adaa. . Price tl per bottle; tix bellies for 55.. For aale by L. WILCOX. Jr-B. A. FAHNESTOCK. A CO, and EDWARD FENDEBICK, RtUbuxh. AW 0, by Dr. 8, ; n\ii !•- ■ ' FOB BEST. • • ; JML A WELL FINISHED ROOM, suitable for • or Gentlemen’* Furnishing-Store. 'AI» to—Several rooms snitable for offices or Ar jtist’s room*. . E D GAZZAM, : octlStf Office Third street, over Pen Office. Baal Bstats for gala, - OP GROUND in the Diamond, Allegheny . oiainy Dr. Pressley’s property, 20 feet ,iront by 180 fetl deep to al9 feet alley. Title indbpa i|trfa l i2-Jf nil V e V ir \ or father partieutsrs apply ; Bawicklcyrille, Oct 7.—{ocll7.daw*^^ JM *?*7 desirable residence In Allegheny Bsa <%. occupied by B. W. Poindexter; and Jlttfcf nm iimn riven Immediately. D «.°, r .V !n ?*’ *PPiyat this office; or to W. w. WXL SON, Market st . . - JeL BUSINESS STAND FOR SALE—The Brick JOB Building and premise* in Diamond alley, sow occupied by fire. Boylr, having twenty feet In front, extending back toward* Fourth street one bun. dred and twenty feat Foritenns, apply to : octia _ GEO. COCHRAN. VO Wood st 7. Ensrlaea for Sale. > NE PAIR SECOND HAND ENGINES 10 Inch cylinders, 4 feet stroke; 9 Boilers, 90 feet lot.*, £ inches In diameter, all In good order, will be sold eta bargain, if application be made soon. They have only been in use about 18 months. For particulars, inquire o£ Jy37altf • R, HAYS, Gaseue office M~F OBTREin—The taaxutou him e now occupied by Mrs. Atwood, aitnated at Oakland, with 90 acres of gyoood attached. The Muse uspartous and convenient; and the ground well io proved; Apply to HARDY, JONES *. 00, »°g3t Water n m~tOR SALE—A Brick House, (but one year built,) and Lot, on Robinson street, Allegheny, near old Bridge. Priee low end tensa.emy.— Inqmreof- jy94 8 BCHOVEB. 110 «t FOR RENT.—The three story Rncx • Dwelling House, on Liberty, between Hay and Marbdry streets, now occupied by W. Graham, Jr. Possession given immediately. Enquire of Wn. Graham, or at the Bookstore of -• , JOHNSTON * STOCKTON, Jy27*dlf eorner Market and Third streeisi Jtf VuKsALB, J J£j9 A THREE storied Dwelling Houte.'belhgibe second boose from Penn street, ta Hnyoer’a Bow, on Hay street Immediate possession will be Even. Enquire of DAVID RITCHIE, AUorety at iw-offiee ooFoanh street, • between Cherry alloy and Grant streetl . _ igio-a.r . M ' BpP? “V* lw p story Bnefc Dwelling Houses, ■SBf well finished and incomplete order, on Center •SHhAvenm, 7lh Ward.' Possession given July Ist Rent low. Enquire of • JOHN WAIT A CO, J OO | cornerof Liberty and Hand sts ' T._. . Two LoU for Bale. HEiub.cnber, will sell at private tale, tfcow tw* valuable tats of Ground, situated oa Tomato ec, la the Third Ward of Allegheny City, cgeh having a from of 20 feet, running back 100 feet In depth to a2O feet alley, npon afhieh Is builla atone wall, S 3 by 100 feet, wtuch contains stone enough to build cellars for two comfortable dwelling houses, and in front there are three shade trees, of 8 years growth,- and the side walk U paved with brick, all of which will bo sold at tOOQ. Pittsburgh and Allegheny, or County Scrip, wul be taken in payment. —• wmr ‘J*UPHIUJPB,NoBWoodtt,-: or to WAL BENSON, immediately opposite said lou. mySPj ■( v T?OftSALE—Five lou eligibly situated irTthe Hour* * town ofßlnningham.- Urn lou aresitua ud on Denman street, numbered In F Bauman’s plan 7S, 79, 90,'81 and 89—Lot No 75 fronting 2U feci on Ma ry Aan street, 70 feet deep; the other four SO feet froat each, by 80 feet deep. | Terms—Greaterjian of purchase money may ral main for *u years, mortgage. For pinici ulare,inquire of } i 1 SBCHOYER, a ntylo • 1 j 1 • 110 second st tlowl hand tor a ale, “ BOUT four miles Above Lock No. 2, av the moath of Pine Bus, fioaongahela Biver. The Coal is of the my best quality, and easy of aecess. Any number of acres, from l wenty-fiTe to a hundred, mighi be obtained. Persons desirous if pnrchaainr, can eali co WALKER REED, on tbh premises, or WB-, Seed, opposite the Post omce, whb will give -any in. foraationeoneemingtheproperty. The above wl 1 bo sold at a great bargain. . I nygMUt - I'U A good briek Dwelling Ho.ose, situeto on .. Robiason stmt, Allegheny. tnylfl • ■ SOLOMON SCHOVER 17OS SALE CHEAP. FOR SCRIP—A lot of «rr..,n<f P situatisan Webster afreet, 26 feet from High 20 feet front on Webster, by 60 feet to n five feet ullev —quite close to new conn noose. "Price 5950. Tffrma. •360 cash in hand; balance in one, two. three and fosr years from tha first of April taau County and City Scrip taken for ©ash payment In quire of mylfl • S.SCHO YER. 110 aocond st aOB AwiCoatLaal G ITU Arms oa the Monoagmhola river, about ittmOes iCVmna Ptesinrahond Jnulca above ihird Lock, ia tbeimardisto netjftborhood of Messrs. Lyon A Sborbi I J c " on ’* purchase. Thlsfina body e( Coal will be sold at the fow prioe of 533 per sere—one thirain nano, balance Intve equal annnal payment*, without interest Title indisputable. Location -very be rafpassed. For farther partleulsra enquire of 8. BJLLSLHY, who has a draft oi said pro* Seridoneead st, below Ferry, Mr. Adams’ flew. N. Ba.Tqcnsat another scam of coal on this met. aboutGOfoetalxnre th»' * >4yawif ■ yitaab’ THE aabseril sale;'and nt of very Taluac portion of the"l_ , Jrti, wood** General (Plan of the City of Piuibairh, siio*- ted *tthe«MthOutwardlyeorser ofPeuoutdtVoTce streets oa the former, and ertondir* alone the latter about COO feet to (he Allegheny river, and being a part! of the Real Estate of the late James S. Slevensotv Etli:, deceaseds A plan or snbdirision of the abore Lots, la e enters miiy with whichj it is proposed to sell, may be Man «v the office ofthejmdenigaed,en Fotmh. betwees Mar ket and Ferry sti WILLIAMS A KUHN. ' .. ny3 [ I : •••;!■• • TWO AND LOTS FOli SALK Jak- TWO LOTS oa Bearer street, in the 1 city b J4S. AUeghe&yLaboTelheßpperCammoas,o&wh3cb - ' is erected a Cnuifo building, two stories high. soitablaW for two small' tenements. The lots are earn- twenty feet iu front by dno hundred feet deep, anu h«*£ to a street forty feet wide. The boildugt on the prel nuses will pay a,very handsome interest on the iaresij meat, and the property will bo sold cheap lor cash. Apply to U.sprooJ, Clerk’s office; U. 8. or to PQTgS f - >•• • KAY ACn Scoter Bottom taadfarSate. * DP LAND, situated is Peebles wtrn- Monoogahela, three miles from Pitts- I saitpurehaaers. Forfurther paruc iary Woods, 3d at. or to I A WASHINGTON, ,4tht above SmithEeM at Ten acres) ship, oa tho I burgh—in lots tbl ulars apply to H< tDtfSE FOR SALE.—Tho subsenber rale the three storv.briek Warehouse street, occapied by R. Tanner A Co.' ~ , WM.-WILSON, Jr. aeL \Vare( _By,H offers for I *“’on Wood ap!7 | AiUABLE HEAL ESTATEONI'tiNNSrHIiEr »' FOR SALE.—A Lot of Ground sonata on Pena 1 street, between Hay and Marbory streets, adjoining ■ Ute house and lei now oecnpied by Richard Edward*, havinga front o(jS5 feet, and in depth WO feet, will be fold on favorebl term*. Title unexceptionable. Fit* ' quire of . C. O. LOOMIS, dih st, new Wood. ocen-dtf , . . For Solo. A .DEBIRABL 5 Building Lot in Allegheny etty, fit* Jj L vonibly io< aied, in sue about half an acre, and wiii be sold on sdcommodaiina terms. Inquire or feM' i D WILLIAMS, no wood «1 a FOR RENT—A room ia the second story, No 96 Wood street. .»■# • NEW ARRANGEMENT. SPEED INCBEASEDir. _ EXPRESS FAST PA^^ST (Exelß VIA THE GREAT CENTRAL HAIL ROAD, TO PHILADELPHIA AND BALTOTO RE, : r PHE public are informed that on and aflet Saturday* ~ A the Ist of September, the pa'sangers. by ibis Un« will be carried over the Central Bail-Road from Lew mown to Hartisburgh, and from thence to PhiladeL phia by the Harrisburgn aad Columbiarßail Road*,— By this new arranxemenl passengers will go through uj oni D*T txas tiiix than heretofore. Tfie Packet* of this Line are new and ofthe best . class. i Thu route for safely, speed and comfort, is tho moil preferable now iu aso to the Eastern eitier Rail-Hoad*- are all passed in day light, time, 3 dsya F. re, Ten Dollars. For loformalon apply to. \V SUTCH, Monotrthe'a Homo. OCtl or Dto LEECH is CQ. Canal • gfesggg* 1849. Esbmi Packet Lino* R. U. PARKS, Bearer,.Proprietary. THE new and elegant Passenger Packets, - NIAGARA, Oot 1111 Jeffries; PENNSYLVANIA, « JiTHoffman; LAKE ERIE, 'IXS I #*-'*- QUEEN err?, . *■' J HeUatt)j" ' . Forming a daily Lise between Beaver and Erie, hm commenced running, and will coaUnae daring the sea* son to make foeirreeaiartripa, leaving Beaver after the arrival of foe morning beat from Pittsburgh, (lov elock, t. m ) and arrive at Erie in time for passengers to uke foe morning boats to Buffalo or up the Lake. TlekeU through to Ene and ait Lake porta, cut be' had by rpplicadon to JOHN A CAUGIIEY, Agi, pomerof Water and Satithheld sis «« GEORGE KECK, Wider the 6> Charts Hotel 4 •' Jf*W UOUTB” TO BAITWORB ABB FfIIUDBLPBII, THE BnORTESTROUTEITTWENTV-SD^anLEg Via Toß|Uo|bißr&lT<r. " a. Tho splendid new tad fast ranniar W *“*“ *’ „ pßHHfltttfili. B.' Fdhx, Matter, will ran u a dtl- YottjU&fhenr river. Leaves West New os from the ®Pt«r. wharf Boat, ere 17 mo ml Avar 0 o'clock, Re- . taniii*,: leaves Wharf Uou above the Mbaongahela Bodge, every eveucf at io'ctezr : GOODS jeeeired by Agents en board Uie Wharf ..ETThe Farmer bar beta balk expressly for -the * Vooghbeheny rirer.aadttepabUemay rely oa her reauuinffpesßanastlyiß'thet’ade.' • ■>*••.■ \ Parfenlar anantiaTtpttt ttaii'Wiy.fretiUaaJ pas •«*«* "; epottwWT • ■-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers