TiiE rirrsßut{ gigAzETTt. ri•nusitrii ;IN .V 4 I It a. en PITT Sllktifil. FRIDAY MOILNING'i! .Y.F.ST 21;1819. ~ :i . .....„.*.-- --- 0 .- rits Prrinkruott Du,1 is published Daily, Tn-Weekly, and Weodkj . .f.._74 Dail) :Seven Dollars per annum; the T!'! 1 0Tol Ft'. ' 1 " .. "'"" antrnm; the Weekly is Two poidakslier unnum, softly v stews.. .ili o :i . ' l . ~:o lET.kuourrtatuta uta cartiptitrittkuesueS to band In .belt favors before S r.ba.,NLIS raikeatly In tbethlts , practicable. Advenisementittlatialletted fat a speel. Sad tuae will invariably bi , k%l ir ta until ordered dm Alll 1051.10 A the North Asher /hi. receive WILLIAM FlASLEltiqutler County. ;tan. C. Etorm4h. JOHN AIILLE/Leßjrh. 4 . 41.ve LEE, of , wUt ff, WU. &WS, of cooliti. .#0;11 CARTER cuTms. 01§4 . .igh Li FD. 9 . .S. HAYS, of 11; iiq. I.llmr AMIN MORRISON, cilikiNilie , / consf@ JiLs. ANTRUM-L. of ' , Alai: — 4 40. i: 4.7.... i A J: Wlll4. ARTHUR-S. iit,*A F gh &room rf JOHN nyess of r4gett Por Local Hatters ja text page. ••• next page for.K4 , lo..phle Nevis. - Gas:nine° 1-11113.11.0.kt—Pi'e learn bona so authentic worm, that th4t t *aro of Directors IA the Pennsylvania Railroad 1 k decided to let the work on the IWeetern Di:t4innitroutiohnatosta to a point near Blatraville,4oaoctober. This let ting will Maude all the':;*sly l ,lork necessary to. have started this fall. farther informed that the mountain locatidi 1 , 114 the Allegheny are completed, and the resedo‘,b?gfily gratifying it re gard. distance, coat andi64itteiter of the mote.— Than this greet enterpritk.s4reasea rapidli, to t , • ' completion. Whenever the editnigibe Piaabaigk Poti'vrilo publish the °testimonyOP/1 , 4ga," over theirlown; names, to substannateilli ktttil3l.ll.s In retatSti to our report (JO.. Tay's speech, we wilLlthes attend M the matter. tle edlier's mere word be taken for nothing lreNitity iMert. He is ih the', almost daily habit 0f14144 moat 1:112lITIa . and. alanderona teatements.,. Whig men, and 41' the: huC Whig party, and refer4g to Whigs far proofbe takes care never aritive !the name. of theta fictitious Whigs, whiekioolj Cant in his own Mt 'remise fancy. tip i ' .‘ We never gave hiatiMochi credit fur whet Me" : Yankees call ugumptiniir bot It he thinks he eat.-`; - obtain any more credi* hil-fradulent letters autV false statements, by i*titg-that•he haa Whig authonty, he has leaa4tua 'We gave him ctellit: for. • Lig The Washington diaelaima the intettioty, 0" doing injustice to 14a. Taylor, by atiollshing earicatures of his speOws r tiart says it believesthe speeches it copiet4up.igr papars to tie gent mac.l32 .•44 • ;••• '''" If we most admirili/te ofiVogY. we or 4: strained to any, that (142 .4 tidgglenis of the editorii of that paper aro nitcci..;9.?..4ltuv warped b 4 Ihe# political prejudices. Nitee4 almost Im+sibli that any person of ocliliiton:tense can adributii such remarks as the Odfici ilia publishedti . 4 geo. nine, to a man who lilt!citu4';ed himself With 1.4 distinguished credit td-MI tbei r tel shoe. of Ide, in high official amount. . If 'Oen. Taylor were so incompetent as the llalita whites ua tb behor,ho doel it happen that in most dalicult positunka —us a mother of marl different military trlbifii 314 as commander trOtiorida, and on our omt: ern frontier, and in bllilicothat this Incompt tency never sheered 001 :A mom potreswil of the good sense to chotiil6 his instruments nit 'v. if never e, IS one of no "condo Greer. It is no use fist, the •Union to persist 41 this disreputable busili . jia oflitriving to looter tkfit personal character iscllenertil Taylor. We itt POUON&MVB Loom iiB4e,f,Ve know that tt;e Clid Soldier can both *lite and talk, as well as the Mexicana know he dots+ Au mark %ciao,* purpose, and the id 04,.. s : . know that he it node what in a PresidentiidNuce, to the bitter korm4 of the Loccfcco ollicti*ldera, who howl in age.. ny under his q - net litiglinnsiispeusatioms of 34 tiee. Ho is compeceill eapti gh to manage tie weighty all of thitiierit s , Oaten, , with d*oky and propriety, and tlial the ratan knoweih right well, nod the drere'srOs much as ti a stcocli term, arum!, Fame.. the Nem to the following itttere9o4 (44 .ion to Ma emigration from &it' 14 America, at the pap of New York. Y.lp : The !somber of iintiiigranik who ant veil at Ne 99. York, by sea, duridcipie 'month of June, ISO: was 21,0T5, being totriereare of d,031 over Ibo number arriving to Yq1,1515. The nurnher wins arrived in July woo .1'4995; being no i eem lieee4, July. IBIS, of 5,478.0V41 Tans the norntre4tai itrnved in Jane ned July, of ' the preseqsieari was 69,176 p agai4at 97,669 last year—boibcte* of 11,.'47 in tiir The number of liilaigratits widen New York, Gtr thell'iM &Vett months of 18:,16 were 110,404; 53+ thsßlme period MISI9, the mick. bee sou 143,221 Thoncr4se in the present year Is 32818 over the nonitoer arriving in the Nellie owe of last yenr. TO otiMber atrlanag rd PGVOI months of the preroll4tH y+ is tmre than 5 4 1, fold the number whO i Flrrivdd in en equal time 'of 1814. .:41 11. Of the 110,401 mearkited in the first aegin months of 1548, them ifilre :71,312 limn Great B4t. sun and Ireland, or MO than sixty Seven per ceiit of the whole; and of+ reenainuag36,o9 2 no 143 this's 31,371, or neallttirentyeight and a ball per cent of the whole,WA frail Germany. Of the 143,222 inatil . (gnstils who coved in tile first aeven months . 44. irtaeol year, 101,20 were born no Great *in ind Ireland, of nearjy 71 per cent, lieicg aterifin'se in the proportiiip over the previous yert ;ot g4er etas.; and ,of the remaining 32.06 2 Il4Rd were 34,142 who were Lora In Germany, orißiettll4 per cent , heiogfa de-crease in tho prirgortioa: slime last year of 41 per rent. In brief thtecontranson show. thus 7 months of 1848 04 7 6 Great Britain, per neat 10171 " 71 " •;; IfitS IMO Germany, 201 1849 ,tLr • 21 The New Yorkler hat ' the following co*. menu on the time o !year in watch irertingraita arrive • 'There is one fact 4 ebnsidersblet interest, pei meted to view in retina - Abe piogress of it:re bushman of tranaporti . ' pstiaingem to this coop. tr y ; and that is the griqii• laureate is the wombat who make the passageln the winter.. In the months o f J.,,,,„ Lr y, pb, e arytnd bliren,lol4. there mete hot 2101 passengera h Irma , ea Ned York by sea; though in the name itt i llths in thin year there we're th no less an 26 706; ,' tnerrrase of thirtemt felq, while the total leereA4 r le3lhlrAtloe In the .el en months is only fol;;Irld. la 1011. only Oran nt one seventeenth of 'number of Iturnigtents tip riving in the flret tretModtps arrived in Janne. ry, February, and hlfigbh; while In the presedt year nearly one fifth the ivhole droved la the Arm three month& . '„h ; ; ; The Inference co trAdmursi from Inn. slate . 4f ' facab may be, that thn!Riondltion of the people .ln Brest Britain, &trine he ailhter, no detertoratitg, ,4 * and dm they are ea ilea; to m antic ro die depth or the cold s it aid incur 'no *evert+ and dangers on , the oroito, fro m the tear that, if t . lu i rs ..c r t ~,,t e n t. ,l l, e , t o nm . c rli t i t al rt l.i l t i i t n. ; .a t t l iezi .o rtllo b ed 111 . View to strengthened krptrently by olatervieg the large numbers who aiilve here to a elate of hoitti pie° destitution." '. 1; , • , i , . ' . .. A R.1.P.1w erity the last steamer, Ooh. Aver-mita, °cc at M le Somali Triumviri, .4, , need in this ooriatry,:, Is:Oow in New Tork..f.- A large, 'restismaMeL d very enthusinstici nsiiii log of the lonians of ew )(lark was held an Sal- .1 ) .1 urday evening last I . Yi the, Apollo Rooms, (or tif pupae. of adoptidi• measure. towards p,ti meeting General Ataxia: with wane token of their gratitude fled cement for ho patriik- ism and devotiorifi Thd meeting was iMi. deemed by Signor F . sti, and by Mr. Alou, acOof pi t Dr. Valentine Most, if ewiToric, who had r te ept... ly returned from Itslle.a.crhegObe had fought in atie-. port of the Italian . s ibs. The math of the tnee,t log wail the passageTiti a resolution tenderinfOo. General Acer.gana. tellthe Mitno critics DalianiVir New York, a magniinent }word.. A eottimitkic: antra was ei•potales44orOr the eitanufsettmOrf . the sword. nod to to all necessary "arearigita i''/ menu for the prewtereltee. ,1,, skinglem istsor.Lie.ane. The 41.iel w ea4 . l ' that is ire.Annerierin phrase. on rtiT:eriptions," fee the inciali of 411giust, in Eoltiaiid teere,so far as known, Ca the edeet of $5,000,00?, atiainst abosasls,soo, 1 11:) in tho'l tame month of ?4340. The total amount Cf .calta,l he the first eighl 41;ontha of 1649, has Seen $7800,000, agCnst F 124000,000 foe the same `4ontha showtogg - deereaso of 950,000,000. amount of expenclin* 6r Animal ie undonbt- Oily muck below that juin ' rOld ' for like purposes Ck the gaited States, for the Same time = but when tee Meanier that this suoih4 been laid out in roil fad coniiinuction within as, extent of territory ?cry coutillembly less thi;ri that of the two States of Penniiislymtia and Nn ' Yv York, in which, too, Riere batisi.bean already ov4 lour thousand miler tit rail road completed, we mall perceive how far in advent* of the rest of tie world, the British iieople an; in this species of Fntert,rise. The Btitish Empire was tgormed, through tie London Morning Post, of July 2 9 th, that upon the *tomingiit that day, the Queen and Prince, anew, btibe janioc meksbeis of the Royal Fatni ty, walked in Osborne Pank,ind that there writ no itddition t 4 the Royal di:Suet:party the day image Rat the hitt:etas of L011013;1: were inkirmed that 'Sir Janina Duke, Lord Maysr and M. P. for Lim :lon, urine,' at Osborne idia the 2Sth, and was honor iind by at4ndience. Hiilortiship remained to Ilia : heirtt, .k returned to Roaioa in the after:mon." TICKET Mr. 1134ne—who, as 43e Blackwood'. Magazine ,rya, is always looltiog'ianey the farderia"—lazted - ;iri the (rouse of Garaohimai: on the 3let of July. ,that the yivenues of theg Entit Ukdia C.oinpanny, in 11.848, adietieted to 1i97*0,00. lie did not t.now :bat much more had lataiwilo them wee, the limo of Ae wars whin ft ha;ii. Just terminated. hot :that wall the sem they hailed law year. lie Otii",Mined to the lipase in behalf of the hen. otlkite law Rajah et Batas, whose terntorma the Coaktany had appi4mr4tted, on the plea, that these belts were not dream toberhors ol the rajah. The obtaOt of the seisms, slid Mr. ll.,leas to add some htilit • million • iearpere to these millions alreadyittecomalated...j„„lpci these grounds he pro. %Wed against the proqeditig. Early aezt session he woald bring the whittle tlitestioa forwent, in the hope Grit:icing able to silanit those robbers, spolia tors, sod violators of rho s , mgrs of property Orono eatcheer• and laughterootr6Sir James Weir Hogg./ Yea, be,baw one ot Ih reMbers before tact (roars of laughter, in which Sir J a W. Hogg Joined, ap. , . parenter . very tobber of the property end a tioletor of the i ligl o of the Indian people (renew 24 laughter.) trorrt the temper in trhi•h Ur. HPMe's moveme d t scisa reetived, a may be °oily *TM] what ettissmt he heirs of the Rajah of 5.t 4 r44 0, v0 of ProottgioiYodreea at the bands of the Rote of Commoti.4. We 'tire m penaeatilte 5f important official re. turns, it/pining the telltorti!pf gold and silver Gem this con!ineot Into Et#4l43, by the priecipnl lute of couintpunce for the Ored - Auta metals,—the South- arapts*sad West Jolla lite. From the rem • it apkars that the Vifest:ljodut Steamers, for t am mcipitts endinit . Jofie 30th, ISt°, have b t to Southampton the eiorribms amount of g and silver,. to dust, bars,lcoie; &e-, to the c eOl 810,570,1355 (or nay, 4terAtat, 2,114,13316 fir pro. duct of,the mines to tlesio, Cahfitraia, Chin, Pe- ru, Boh'yia, and otherotith Amencati States. to this amount about 5940,00 have been received from California, either dfiect, or not Vela/nisei, Lima, dec., at which Ortia;the dust had beta melt ed into ban. Bat notavitte . ,uanding the:tette. are thus definite, we mu; eitunas our belief that a much larger proportion ttian one eleventh part of the whole imports by ' ihiefine contested of Califor nia gold. We earlaoV, the limited <video, before or, perceive gctl reason for doZint the near' IT thrk*hole of the e:x.eitis . s received the first halt ' of this yens over the itestidl months in any previous one, itii , attributable titl;theri influx of the gold from that itiettion. Bot duelngilie same time there were recieved at SouthartiOtouby other lona the follow ing ailments In gold !tnif;,silver, to wit, trout' the East .Tbdies, by weir o Alexandria, 8242;000 . ; fromf.''..anstantinoplefill t elso,ooo ; and Iron Spain end Bdrtugal 81,760,1190,:riaaking an aggregate of reciepti at that poinkfoethe half year from Asia and Etirope, of 364.0,00. The total rece.pt. from ail ports of the 4ot3d, for the hill year are, therefoe, 1517.458 0011. may be remarked the! when the current oqiipilicie eats trout the United State] to England, thii eMports into that kingdom are made into LiverppoOtud when from Northern 'Europa, they go dtrett t 4 London. So that even the !fist amount aboire :peen Erma but a pan m the Meal import. of rate pest year. On; ;Veduesday cottruthg, August let, Madame or eirtligeSS Rend tat 'Alva= Mlle Sontag) .- tonished the natives 0 Liondon, by giving a grand concert at the Queett,'„• theatre, at which she sang in Mug languages, ruoll cif which, she we. equally eltarep4 though titir nuillion were !corral) prefouhdly ignorant aline of them. So great him beety-the corruption end Gaud. perpetrated in the '(rents of English ra,i road :Compel., that the proceedings of the directors are regulart7 published, and for the pur pose :df inuring reiorte that shall be entitled to onfidenee, raga: triers for the public press are permitted to be ire:mat and take minutes of artist is said and ilqne. Weekly return, of the trade and receipts Ut all the principal hoes In Franke and Great B'Wa, regularly appear in the daily papers. Thit'very latest advents draw a most "interest ing" 41cture of Mrd Garibaldi, the wife of the hero(n , defender of Some. She is with her line band hit the mountabis, and though she to repre. tumid to be far irlvanced in that situation in ma* *ladies wish Zo be who Lose their lords," she accompanies hitA in all hie marches, riding a spirited horse, and oduring with the patient de vote-it of • womanZthe hardships and dangers .sohlrdt are insperabt% from the lot ell fugitive. Tbe.ainall farce whit Garibaldi, will 6gbt to the death:.for their batter; hot the Austrians were gathering around hiM, and between them and the Frenbh it seemed 140.5161 e that be could escape. They have set a pride upon hi. head. Thai. state of lasts and of poblie opinion in France me r e well illttstrated at a review of troop., in th.; town of Anthers, by the •President, on the 30th Idly. The troops of the line bellowed most to Oily 'vine Napoletn," a few old pensioners, sur vivors of the smile) of Ms Napoleon, creed out Eropereur," tut the Natiooal Gbards con tented themselves with cheer. for the Preaident end {l,:;e B.cpubbe Natmoal Guard of France is, oiler all, thedbeet,:ixohaps now the only guar antee bf an liberties., If Louis Napoleon can find so o , ac .„, ha sill probably devise means for disuming them. A ;Melons Tory correspondent of one of those Leaden papers thee so naturally take the side of despChism, even in wont excesses, says "the world Sighs for pew:6V' and goes on to assert that the hientiction of Smooth in arousing the peop of [Magary to the r*oas of their country newt the cite:Mined hordek of Russians and Austrians, ttomileas to disturVg. It never occurs to him, that hie withdrawal:id* the Mending forces would bring about the petite!: for which the world in sigh- Mg • Thelex-King Lou& Philippe, now again sizip , y Doke of Orleans, oI the Count de Meekny, had applied for permission to visit the tomb of his too, the ticate of Orleans,',:who wits accidentally killed in rifle, floe or Ole ;Steen niece. Lowe Philippe would resume the ta s te of Count de Ponthien and would go attended 0 only his valet. Theta mu Borne tianser of war between Swits erialitf and Prussia, Oscause the former refused to aeliver up to the Hake of Baden the arms and military acosturetacroa taken from the German tangents, who hod le en refuge within the tore irithe itepublie4 The GeneraJ Government of thabantons had tirgasitsed an army of 10,000 bei toady to meet 611 contingencies. • The atrocities of i4ars ha I Haynati, the imperial Comhituader in Hoogary, hove been ear lied In amok s pitch til infamy, that he hews toll styled: the "Aastriatol3 .l tackier." He late!? bad the ledeneincy and the itmolence to remind the iohabi tsottf Of Petah, that; lan year he had caused the maaiw?re of immense numbers of the eit.elle of Brest* in Italy, whin that city wee captured, and that he would commit the like crueltiea ova them, ii thaj presumed to )how the loom sympathy ity act, ei word, or 'rescue, with the patriot pony in Hungary. His mune proclamations are published In th*Austriaa odl# Lissette. It is to be hoped that 6e will not catet an honorable death, upon .the geld, but that bos:triay be made to atone for tti, crimei, by a panishatent meted oat to other mur derer& The !meat nears bite rumor that Georgey paused in hiajeintat, and tabled upon the cabmen of Geo anal Fdrabhe, sent MAttostie him, and &Awed it.— WOO*, it be true* not, the London punsters hold heised the reptht, and say, that if General Gent y did not ge4 Graldei, the Hosabina were mortalily wadded. Is Tpan•des have 4.20p00 inhabitant&—. =I 1 I Among this popt4tion, it in said that poke reo• ords show, that there are 12,000 thieves and c,f. fenders al large, 114000 swindlers and vagabonds ready fe any rastelity, and 56,000 other persona dell ages and sexes, who have a standingquarred with the police; re au. say the King's priessa, we have 90000 penscOnr among us, who are the ene. rates of the constabulary, and therekner of law and order. Thii to esteemed a capita' argument fin such devices of despotism, as decrees for the stele ofs;ege, mattial 00, Notwlthstaedirig cholera is so dreaded a plague all over the work, rt eppenrs that it is much less fatal, though preimiling to an alarming eiient m England, at thititinse, than the influenza was at a eorresponding.:perod of 1547. Thus the in crease of deaths Cu London, was as follows, for the four weeks ; Feecedtng Angt!et Ist, .1519 namely, 1,0%, 1,3914; 1.711; 1931. The deaths during the pre yeti:s, e of iadoenze to 1517, increas- ed in the itllmelkig rwlo LOU; 161 T; 1,04; 2.- 416. There was a fine nieeting for the tuantfestation of t'YnannthY willh Hungary, in Regent. Park. I London, on the pth July. One speaker asked what would the;English have thought had their government unstated that of Austrta, and called in 100,000 Frenchrtnen to put down the rebellion of 'I Snoth °linen. Oh said avoice in the crowd, that very thing .00.1 done in I 71 , They brought the Helms. eitter. Here there V% al a tot of a row; afier which; gentleman who deviated himself to be a Jew, sail that there wit. no truth whot ever in the repcttt that the Itothschtlds were about to help Ateur<nod Russia with a loan. They would not iltss . r4ste themselves by such no act One speaker slid, if the Ilungartam succeeded agatrist their °pressor.. they would hen free and ateuovtgg peooe, and would haven trade to of fer to English ceppetition of $OO 000 080 a year I f they were cuitnuerett,the country would tot •hot up wattle the thrilLs of Rumen bartotrinnt and es- elusion, and stifuld have no trade to oiler to sny body. Ile proggised to advise that her Majesty's navy should bl'employed to manifest sympathy with. Hungary.; Met Roberta4n, editor of the Westminster Re. view, said that!be had been just reading three doeunneuta wh%ah fully explateed why the Rua mans were neat! to Hungary. The arm was the will of Peter tiitti Great, in which he bequeathed to his anceesaots the fart of conquering Europe, for that he toht‘ittern wee the destiny of Ituarin.— The aecood v;`,Mtt a drplornatm memoir of the pol cy of tlo Rtqaian monarch in comnavietng the great Europealllcrusade with Hungary. He form ed an alliance iirith all the deapote of Europe. and procured the election or his creature, Isms Na. who ut:es to destroy Republican Wane. for ban The Ciur am 300.00 d tempi on the match. nod all the d'ispota of Europe, including that or France, suutt9aneurrey repudiated the corrupt°, troll they had teceded to at the demand. of their gory was !n the !treat, for all the people of EuArrpe, ltrenoendous checreur.l The Riverton. hoptil in a row peon to water the.. hor• nes in the Sett-. Ret•olutton4requerelng the Royal Governmer. to ,vuanize the de facto government of Hungary and censuno4the deaoetz tendency and the mr r canary beset:l4n of some of the Tory jeurnalt were passed liith acclamation. Tbey are airout to nose the lobular rad road bridgeover are Prlenaostritits to permanent pm ninon. It Is b east criterproor. The bridge coo• wets of an tron tube that wetgherTro tic...soca root Its to be relied from the surface of tae seater one hundred fret ' ,. Arough the atr, to the level Of its sup patters. Thg means to be empi,yed were by by CE===f=!!! w !cut at a tell.. P.Part of umunary are Inult u forms support t* it noes The firselifi %rue to to mad on the firtt ot.Aoanst, and the whole work era. expected to t..!tasene a week. The text &meta will bring meal terestong past:co:am of the pr4res of the arork.r Tan engines employed arcm s. vast a scale. Ant the for. with whtch the watt tojerteds4o the tubes or cylinders, would b settriemat to Stow a emlumn twenty thousand ire MO the tetr. tine [wessure to the metre tech is th trstle of ht:l3o&tr 90[10 pounds. From a Tsiegrapu.- despetch in the Baltimore papers ere lorn that at eathusiastic miertang tam, held to Poil4telphia, on !land ay cycntae lest in Indepeudenci Square. to ay mpatleae with the Ilan goriest patriot The despatch say. 'The statelfildnge erns called to order by a ppotnt tog Hoot Go M. Dallas to the Chloe Mr Dallas eilt dresses the efeemblage for Maas time, to a most eloquent mailer, and stated the object of the meet mg. which Adds to give ao express,oh of feeling and sympathy Inlay. of Hungary to their straggle Air freedom. PA, waelistened In limit deep culotte. After coon:44loz his remarks. Col. Forney, educe of the Penn4vivar.mn, cams forward. and um I s ltetaft•dol .141nm:time a ldretot whir, wan listen. eil to moat al,',Urrit . He ranched earnestly and fts aid and sympathy to the cause fiundrtgry, odd called spot our Gavernment to ren °ammeter iniflepecnenoc. The Address was anon inoeusty •dolfied amidst toe greatest motoutueent. 'levers! othd gentlemen come forward and mule speeches, brltthiag ;drains of patoottarn nod elo- TlSciele. THE meeting throughout wits lognly heed. noble and emthustastfc.' We shoula . be glad to we snob a movement Panshurgh. time oaa do them:soy good by send log our shout sere. the oratgrs, WI a meet, nod o it with a will. Hannah for th. brave Huoirrans . Soccer+ to the cause of the, al pnomplegis Hungary Destructom sod wont sioo to the bfrutal and iOIOCILKI9 invaders. sad to al despottam ok i ia despot, A nqllfril ;Coaxmox.—ln the Weinern Dditnet of abode Istind, which ban hitherto failed to elect a Represenative to the next emigres, the Free Soil party hie dropped their own candidata and nominated 'itarahrix B. TIMIUT., the present Ihrmoerstic,iandidale and late member. Previous to receiving - Ate nom:nation of the Fret Sg!rra. Mr. Thurston efireared his approval of the errenual port of the Buffalo platform to the following terms .Those nitieles of the Bulimic. Platform wl,eh relate to theextenstan sad the perpetaatton ot . Do. meetly &avant, and to the eannectton orate Fed. eeral Government therewith, I consider to be no re. strraton,huksther on etromstan of the Deatmerstie prmeiptes sihicb I profess. and, consequently, I shall deem 4( my duty to advocate them, on-the antne groan.; Which infloeneed my vote on the Wilmot Pot Wow at One last session of Cangresa— Wan the. itew•.:l ennnut eOnoieently cast my vote forteXher of the Houhe of Represents rives who „tsonal or odour tnflaenee would be exerted so Incas of the tusutution at domestic slavery." Mr. Dazoi, the Whig candidate, who vas inter rogated on the ram, subject, returned no answer. the Whig turn out, they can elect him in de spite at the Wanboon. la the foutth district of Vermont the Dainocrats and Free ..Soilers have also untied their forces, sod joined in utitninic3ng Astor. Pug liar Congress. This is theiiitatriet lately reprexemed by the lion. Geom. P. VAII.II, who has been appointed Moo, ter to Turkey.—Nrit. Inta T111.81111.V. FATALlTT. — Sandusky City a not alone in sev9re affliction from the vinuettoo of the cholera. litwo townships, moue:pally settled ;by Germans, ult, Auglame no., Onto, the fatality tuts been unpreCedented. A letter from $L Mary's, the county 'tat, doted A. I 3tb, says, "in German township, itti•lon seven nodes of ur, there have been fully Sp deaths. To-morrow we have a called court&rhen it is thought that rye milmtn tetra tors will be ' , appointed The dplease hon been nearly as m•lignent in the township of Bremen Between 2 - and 30 have died in the little vthattet of Hyattsville 02 MIAMI: county,out of • populetton of not more then 1 50 per.o.g. &antra Sripra A ri....ul . —We are truly g I ud le }tear that Capt. itLsard hao been ..t suttee...rot to aeotog hia noble ba).t afloat. We aro If:debtod to the polornesr of the tfltollt ly operato4for tha I.llowing dentate:: DClima, Aug. 20-:U A 0! The stet...icier Empire State is this iniwient coming eosin the river, towed by the steamer Ens. pita —c/siegond 'Err. Bata huoii som Onto Ram &ono --Reierying to the recent announcement that twenty-five mile. more of thetalumore and Ohio Railroad, west of Curnberlandi had been placed under Contract. 14 price., in Mt casts within the estimates of the Con. pony'. ettmhearot te.l be amisfsetory,to those in terested to jhe enterprise to know that the con tracts wereall duly maned: and that prepar mono for a vimmins piesecuthin of parts of the work are in various slain of progress• Ground hew been already broken upon accent of the sections, and on iodlcatino of ilmamisfacttort on the part of the cootracMrs has been thus far manifested• We had an opportunity of learning ittna gratifying fantn in an interview bad with the President and Chief Engineer of the Company a few day, since at Cumberbiltd, where thine officers were engaged in arrangergents for the security of the right cf any and of the general advance of the wort,•. The ten nons arblehirere let in May last ate pow rapidly progressimparith at, almndant supply of labor and perfect onlEr and quiet upon the hoe—a sl t • of things doe to the timpani° and firm men• antes ponied by the Company and the contra., mtß—Belt•=loser New You Pima--roc Um= Coevrettoxs. —Our readers have already learned that the t tempt of the old Hunkers and Freesoilers of New York, to amalgamate, through the intervention of . two cot:ye:woos, has peeved abortive. This has caused great lamentations among the Is:ocelot:es of the party, who are plnlng after the flesh pots of this political Egypt. The hollowing correspondence of the Tribune, gives the closing scenes: Room, Saturday, Aug. 15, 1546. H. Greeley. Eel.: The scene has closed—the curtain hot iollen—the dor:liness of despair has fonen upon Loimbenism, and "cursing and hitter nese- arc heard where late the soft accent:l of "harmony" flowed from lips all wreathed in smiles. As John Van Buren declared et the close or the Free Soil Convention, an impassible toll now ft, porateft the two divisions of the llenaocratic Party." A war, relentless, irreeionetleable, eternal, is to he waged. The ingenuity of high hue been exhausted in the attempt to hod some "middle ground," where "principle' f 1 could be ancriticed for the mire of the sports and honor preserved for the sake Of appearanees. It was a va:n aneinin. The Barnburners have shown, in their negotia- j norm at these Conventions, that they hove made I no ineonsidemble progress in learning the "Anti of Wm" from their more experienced enemies.— They have succeeded, wlthout doubt, in placing them in the wrong. They came here on the iocl. I tenon from the Hunkers, to hold a conference and listen to propositions for a compromise. The only proposal,. then linen revel vett has been one en urely and necessarly inadmissahle. It wes one i that demanded not compromise, but surrender. In return, they tendered rho, than the, opponents could in ;unties ask—none:ly, a burial (or the time being of all ilowitsaion of -principles" end n union without coudlilMlS an to the fulure, and without re- I morn, to the past, provided they should tie per. I muted to adhere to their doctrine% for themselves. I The Free Soder% did .n fact yield the •ery point I whieh has dirt ed them—to it, incsiong that the Hunkers should adopt their platform—ond were 11 will no oi ice", teem undiattuthed .0 their non communalism on the question of slavery extension. - Cal% propeanion mac thinkers, with a singular short sightednem declined. and tney now cannel well I and amensfing to (eke the pomtion that then de% mond of the Free boiler , , expressly to allay their principles as a premium.: t0 n011,13, thus making the non-intervention doetrne It "teat ' or Demo cracy and an article of na creed. - The elnung srene. in the Hunker Convention wer very touching and pathetic. Afire having deel e med the ultimatum °fare free Boilers. and re embed from then, the annoyncement that they had no further eenimunientionii to make, thFy began to cry out, as if in great amtres, for their principal orators, and beg tnein to speak a word of conso lation Judge Beardsley responded. He congra tulated the Democracy at having escaped from the perils with which they had been iiiveliteel. the autos and brotherly love which had pervaded their deliberations. and the brightening ',mime. is which opened before the blinuricrsiey ^ Thin was whist ling up courage with a vengeance. lie was fol lowed by Cutting of your Coy in the Koine vein; Peckham of Allis.% who pnehed into Prince John sad h- red n.m w pieces in n very savage kyle, I Bourne wile poured not a v:ill of wrath on the other Cimvention; nail Chatfield of Otnego, who declared tomnell a Free boiler in sentiment. but nub stuck Li th • Hunker, lemma, he would in terplate 11,1 nem &intim, into the mend. The gave cacil other a pants, hug and went their Tray. trrmhitng at tha Beep indignation which avraiied them at the handl of the people. Croswell hes been the controllirg spirit of I his Convention and maintained his usual chnracter of furnishing britin• tor the puny Therewas iargc 113.0,11 V the: Car vent.on who would hove a 41.1- ed the Free 5..1 r: . but thev voice% were e... 1 nod ~ no men In suppretkerd. Toe cab. 00, p.toeed watt them. bun. $, En= rr•.e ava ivteresrteß artlele from Wehet Savage Lando', spin the poetuon ot France, Italy and the :tar, wh.en ve commend to ;he e.pee.a. d;;,cat;ol3 el our prlglixn of Lao “P.lll6nr.zil rj, Eddy - tho Ensar, 1 , me lidngdi•nr.• u ad .d b- al,;r in re-t•t P'or L am , and i,nunnl,ir tordr , •tirroillnirb4 Lbrm. nud the Irr r,u'd abetn a from Inn trittiou•— the Pr.:, laat e..,i mem ,nt te.. and nom, not et re Mao .4 on—we may modently hope fn. thenournat.. ,utnoss Thai the French Will t I rnvout sar m eat ot nost.,..e. for me purpose of e ati‘u•t in;the, trootircert... probable enough and that bury will allArd but ri negative old tote, Aiotrmos and Roast.. St,ti ad. m wetly, they have au v en altred, and two sorb deelarritmcor they b•ve mad , in aard ILsme. No wench: or pled,te could be e lkeed to ihe Autocrat fur thei r good le. harm. Since toe tune of Napoleon. there o amarg teem no dlahooor sa n hum' any magrutiola. or any tendency, dohonur rests simply and in a want ofcourage in rostutaut anJ defend :1 n — Lbertil as are ail tool, rod-s. the God.. of Honor Is the meat tre,unnaptutv. tberets Do likelihood of seeing an anedgronent or a manual. Atone! tte Lode of French btaluers, n angle on, was Emmet that the Romaine wrre greatly nacre unt , - M3ll, in favor of a rnpubbe man the French wet, and yet they all asserted the contrary. • Lkturatieuta they strut c..Dllntle with the tame per- Inanity of impudence to 12.1.C1 , the contrary e•en now; when *camel? a Roman of any dewermunkr, I from the huthaott In the terwest, will return at the coffee house - which a French Man enters The must indigent , men, w and children. brava). up to live on alms itroo fa omen, miaherl in the greets ' rather than ask them tram the :evader. Soto is the aul the French bring. such is the honor net assert ouch Is me marcanimity they dottlry runt, is tun co.,fidetice the/11.n Put•ndets, the Main .n.trumerits of all their V10 . 11,3C1 Were surrendered soil deserted by them, what eert the : Hungartana ripe, who muted them on every held where may encoontered tn cued nunthet•r They al ice shared Its glory with he Eng'..lt dud shared It amndy. Nev.., can be lorgoven tunic these many Waterloos. Rivalry in anmeel was rotten the spring of noble sant.muto. of eener• on, onirdioo, and France was almost no frutifol I mem as Spain nerse , l, who inbertted theta equally from Goth and Moor. FrkliCe. the quielest of I tators-caught them meetly. but was the ratites! to drop them. Einglaed placed his tr.ebterl over I the slam :Hooter:the; and Germany over Mamma. France tramples down the monuments of the an em Roman., end reduces their breve desceod• is to the ,lest ',allude. But which of the too n•c.cos, tee Roman or toe French, is the fallen, luattce imeuturtlde and dtvine: but laws are human and mutable. they are violated every day, changed and roperreded perpetually. and en rimes ep,ted front the It:dement seat by military power. In such a suety, what remain, for patrons , history tells a.. There •prings up a Virtue from the very boson of Crime, venerably austere. Ty• rannitude. The heart of Antutetty bounded before tins Virtue. Religion followed religion, new idols were worship!: they rotted down one after another, Tyrannleide has appeared in every age, in every country, the refuge and avenger of the Onftrovved• Can RUMS have forgotten that awful vision, which bath mired Its bout no often over her Impenal crown, and broken up, like the burst of spring. her /Wawa: cf met Perhaps the novel and insane idea °I drawing a blockade round a vast kingdom or,- ginated at bearug the near rtotfall of this inevitable chnt•ser. WALTER Savona LANDrE July J.? Hcoomts.-4thircri of M. litountli —The lo - lowing eloquent address to the nations of Emo . e forms part of proclamation recently issued by M. Kossuth "The armies of the Ilumranan nation have al ready fought out the, quarrel with Austria. The liberated contd.! nee , oily to be made to flourish. But the House of Hapsburg Lorraine hod once more leite,oned the H. 4051•11 despot for aid, aunt he broth into Hungary at the head of 120,000 Rosman troops; thnAtah Cronatadt, Lambent, and Vienna, he b•ote into our coontry—the country of the mar tyrs of liberty. -We do not throw dawn our arms. We will Gait the armies of Me allied tyrants of La- Mile. God is , his power is almighty he hallows the bat., fiittil for the weak, and the strength of the !nighty and the wicked is bra. ken. 'But we would "nag aloud and solemn warning to the mutat:Eu.l.ml Governments aid the onitoos of Europe. .•Ye tiovern Me thnts ye are the guardtans of the liberty sod e segoinotte interests not only or your own conotrt,, uccl hint of all Europe. A r tremendous rerohly rests upon you. The punishment of every oriole which your slow to be committed +rmolu liberty and the logic of man will come borne to you and the lends yr vv. ern. "Wake up, oh ye people' at the approach of that enormous dancer Ti.e tyrants' armies are bent: ed together to tres.l under that, and to silence eve.' rp free wor I. Try have begun in Germany. to lthly, and tv ton uur lona of Hungary! "Thou haughty English nation: Haat thou for gotten that thou hart decreed this principle ut, non intervention, that then now aatferest nn torerveoa unit d o ~e d ,toat constituttonal raberty,. bet thou lendeet aid to the banner of tyranny by sub tering this coalition of tyrants. The proud pennon of the British mast is threatened With disgrace.— God will 'gate:raw the b'easlng be has lent it. It It prove untrue to the 011.41 to which tt welt its fame 'Awake, oh iieope ' On I litnytirian gronne the ba tie for cof &wort is fight ing. With this regain , the free world will lour a powerful member. In tom nation a true and heroic uharepiou will p-itch For we shall fight until we spill the lasi drop of our blood, that our country may either become n rho,-en sanctuary of Free dom, ennacer•ted with our blood, or Aboll form damning monument io all eternity in token of the manner in worry tyrants can league to destroy free people and free nations,:and of the shame ful manner in which free countries abandon one another "' Signed. L. KOdSLTTII, Governor. 11 SZEMERE, Pre. of Council. Purr - a, July 31. Ncw Oitture, Augula 14 By the arrival of the steamer Igsarel: from Red lilver, we learn that •n overflow had caused great de.druction of property to the neighborhood. The plantsbous from Shreveport to Natchitoches, were covered by from four to eight (eat water. Al Emend Encore Front, the tareetia and ware honer, wale nearly all caved in. Dot De Eases ate h...." fell into the river. The building cover ed about an acre around. The lan of property. tminenre and beyond calculation. When tl3. Uravell left, the river ar. Tan Cu. Amman. Peruzor.—The New Orleans Delta, (with whose passion for knoign cow quest, or annexation of foreign territory m almost anyway, our readers have become familiar through our quotations from it heretofore) in attempting to ridicule the pleading of one of the lawyers in the Rey (or Garcia) case nt New Oriels., gives us inparmasion folly corroborating that upon which was founded the President'. Proclamation denoun cing the menaced enterprises against the Territn' ries of Nations with whom we are at peace. Fur thus says the Delta: 'Our eloquent (rend, Counsellor Proton, to his very ahle, witty, and pathetic speech hut night drierre ot the parties charged with the abduction of 11.ey, worked himself into a very dangerous ex ernent on account of the conspiracy, of which he elannee to be the Titus Oates, to annex Cabo to Ibe res.! Styr...—. r•oloplEACT WHICH or DE UR. WAS .4131.140 ti IN FULL Etd.o3! LI TAU CM, lets indulgent e.,Ort might. perhaps, have arres ted the torrent of the Cuummilor'• eloquence, but, he -veined to think the safety of the ('.ion and the cause of republicanism demanded that he iliteith out in terms of alfectitnate warning and entreaty to his rountrymen, he was permitted to indulge ins ingulmous apprehension at some :ength." Ilas. Ttnsses Ewinik—Superior talent and un tiring Industry in a Whig are allsthai is wanting to mark bun or the shafts of calumniators and Ilan cetera Fading in their attacks upon Gen. Taylor the opponents of bis Administration are now turn ing tam batteries upon the honored and gifted Secretary of the Interior. Old charge., newly glossed over, are brought forward; the pen of mol d, is hic.ily at work; nail the most vindictive and unitcrupulons of the LOcofoco press we endeavor ing to aim a blow at General Taylor's Adminatra con through one of its Secretaries.i We need not say their labor will be in vain.— I The American people will hot permit faithful Puti• ! i servants thus lobe slandered. If they do their dorft to their Pronersphere they will be rewarded. Mr. Ewing will 'survive In the hearts of a geners cos people, and his deeds will be acknowledged ,nil praised of the recorded pages of American av when his revilers are despised and !argot ten Mark thak—LAssenstev 10444 G 42. From the Net. York Evsninc Mirror or Atm.. , It , Ortictsk —The editor ei the Evening Mirror, regarding a smsll turd in the hand as better than a huge one in the bah. has accepted the ant, of Naval Storekeeper at Brooklyn, and yesterday on ered upon the dirtier thereof. The post is oar of very great responsibiltty, and of very Inadequate pay. It is trio the duties are fight. so far as mere labor is conrerned; b,.1 a tan who is entrusted unlit the charge of two mama and n half of pubbe property, and who is required to give heavy bonds fir the var. keeping of the same. ought at least to he paid rola thing for the risk 'neared. as well an for the inere time employed. The bulk of the p-operty consist. of heavy °Mane, and oak tim ber hurled in the mud; and of thta there is very little longer of its running away. There are also In the yard mine hundreds al pyramids ni those ad.gesitb.e banes recently known ns - Mextcrn Sill," which we devoutly hope may lie to toglort oun rent till doomsday, wtthout aver troubling any poor human bowels. But it 3s oil our trtleolato L. g.. ran entory el the pre ntset; our . bled ts to assure all whom It may concern that we re veil the office from the President, °naked by us. that we are indebted to him alone for it; and tat in no it, while we have no clique nor pony to thank, neither do we compromise one jot of our independence a. a perineum or • thurnaltot. We nave taken the solemn oath. and assumed , the s deem duties of the office, with the sincere detertntenttua to devote just as much of our t cue to it an the publte :interest shall recintre; and. in regard to the Mirror. if we cannot steal from the news devoted to sleep, time enough to fill our asunl notwe to its columns, we shall add extra I strength m our editor.] assistance, n that neither 11n quantity nor quality of matter shall there be any falling od. I , swela Lore, Sese•—Vrepartri by 1 W. tV •treet. med for ..1e by A Jr.yeee. N.. Four. n crret 1"6“ ..111 be round eeliettlet erre e.• . kre havalliee, and parneelarly ler rick a..... pa , ....—nn Improved Chocolate preps he.ort •eentlanatioa of Cocoa not, Innocent. •/..1 ea,atalac, hythly rat' mended p• ...1,!% mar I . l . ,aryd by %V Baler. Dorcbt %I marl for sal.. hr A. JAYNES, et the Pet %to 70 Four, st triehlrl rire end M•rin• I. nlou , l N•. •Nlo F.az COW, -•.ar,r, i 2 winrvare to irtsurr. upon eVery d .rrte .. el , oles I)t , o r- No I/ Niartrt .tnel (ORNI.Y. l'res' sn)frstsios R 05999 FINNZT 1 1 .-er W. 1111. IN right; 111. D., Des ,, l.t, and rea~denre 7;l!:''tnls, oar- , rnm 9 at , ork lo It A 91. ar , rorn 9 ;95 F. 91 - seplt-19 Intprowein•nt• in Dentistry. OR. G I, STEARN, late of Bmlon. rdcparrd to eetr,l+furture I.v/Inel ti, Clll Turvt to whole .8.4 pa rte r' eet, upon ddton eor A trnoFpue rd. Suels on Picea— rte.rhArdv L. ut rive wet - re, e. here the nerve Bs ex,rew, tame AAA reAldorrer 're it door Le. the Afar ar m • dler. Four. street. l'ißshurgh. ess ro—.l B lion ralr JOD PIUNTING. RILL 111•1.‘DS CARDS- CIRCVLAR-3, Matuiisu, has /mine, Omar-a, Leap g. 10.1. 1111.14., LABEL, MITIIPICLI., POLIO en, tr.c. l`r ented •llot/te, iow Prices, at th ur. (JAI 1.1(17. (4nez, Timm arataa NAOMI/6D, la Mule, na the I t . by the Re Moloct Tao.. AI. r; Lao, 04 Wl* ttIJ, to hiss I.O•TIAT 134 n-IS 'SHAY —,H,,x• 1 . r0,0r A A , • C glens It nun I.rand rnrnl•ini for on, nMI i. , Wood .1 Nv,l I M SAM— 13.1.1 • Niss•me ha •ll e• mop. , n. order lot •11 , .. I , y n 0.21 • BAGS LEY in SMITH S . 11 ,.y MOI.A3Z , 1:! 4 —trAi bbl. c bo:e- brand. for se'c nmin.LF:N . a ,mint 6:1 . 1N1,11 SrAi A R.-50.M° vupertor Prtunlpe Fwd II••••.w Se,ar• tor by I - OAP *UGARS—amr, neb. apson•d DumbPr, Or j •sle try suc I I BM:ALLY nr ••tic and Ilalu more 76,0 sa e, !aler Nlartreeu, Yronch a , r7461., &c watch they hav 14.1recelved 4901_ rro NNER.-5e1:1 Salted Nato& gtp Sktn.. idAt 1 rern,erl &nJ for tale by .4;24 vot•Nr; k C( rrANNF:II& —Curr Kw re, Fleshem •vonstant ou hand and for gale eur.l4 IV ,I VOL %O & CO. 111 Liberty .1 I=ll= 0,...,14.. on and near tan Allegerny nrc:r WNI. DARLINGTON, euir24 lw At 11. Dannrein's, Vism , h et FALL FASHION. 411 S 73 Wood street, will unre-A dune Luc I style of HATS on the I.sth. who A Int Inenuty of etyle cannot be eurpaseed /nn.A CILAIO to of NI — l...teMin. fl m.. matsraza ISZECIXECECEI I.:SER Al. A 1,1,1 1, A. lem vi.uov wnd For.g.r,i. inS U.rchwnr•. No M blamer u, hitsborgb, fa. Prompt emetmon gtven b me porohate and aala of all k.I.J• Product.. liurcu 7o—John Watt & Co., Murphy. Wlloon & Co P:ohuryh, Pn.. Lawson & 11t11, Mahlon Mann. IV,ll.lvole, 0 . John II 'frown & Co, long& Edlott & t. h W rinodgrus4 & ref, leur 0 Skinner, Hon I' I) Coffin, k„lorinoloi. J I' Ke,.•r. Youngstown, I.; W L., Shy,- d•r, tncv Outol, 0 au 4 IS her. v gtvrn that the MILE MEN 01 10, <iv, or l'iLtruaral. have hail a torenng. and revolved ail, lar Lint u . rwplentluvr not to sell ME. M le.. than the fodt.v.our price, six n fourth ev. per quart for M, k. Cream at twenly-hve vents. Maxi. a 1,1 tr, S hereby given, wet 1:11er• of Admionstration on I die Kvinte of JOHN CHARLTON, la. , e of Adeghe. ny Cat. tieeca.ed. have been granted to the underalgu col rho-J. 141.1. 1 i 10 1.00 Eli., Wlll turtle pay nom; • d tut., havine claims K 010.1.001 Ketata, w II pre. wet, t. 'Ante. properly authenticated. to JOIN HF:RRON. Admni.tr.tor, nurzt. Allatereville Premium Strawberry Pleats, AT ORKIN WOOD (CARDEN —Burst*, Prise. the pr..tn , vm pleat. DLit/ per hondred Victoria nod Seedi , la , M cenl• Per hundred—all thrifty pla,.t. warranted. Orden from • distance carefully put op nod forwarded. Also, a large collection of the.,rthonan Plums Faslolph and Taylor's Seedling akopOcTry, Ac An OMNIBUS leaves the Allegheny Ciry end of the St Clair Street Bridge, for the Garden, every half hoot d u ang the day The steam boat wall commence its regular traps as soon as the river rotes. angst JAIrdF.S. Post and Dtsproch copy. 13=3:12:9 'VHF, Annual ' , eating I the Stockholders of the Sorthern Lihert.as Bridge Company, wilt beheld at the Toil Souse of stud bridge on Saturday, the 23,h at 4 &stock, Al , for the purposu of eleeung Nine Managers and a Treasuror. for he ensuing Teor. K WARrthll. - . • Allegheny. Aug 2J. POO —Jat ._ --.. AFOR RENT—One of me small stores in ,he building. enmer of Third and Alarket lareru. A ..o. the 'legeut room in the 2d story of we same budding—the Miler being 1,11 adspled for • a h le•uie variety store, or VIOLLI4 smt for az lee Cream Salern nug,J E D. GAZZA-M. • dwmo u• m T ilt received s.,ia t s ti f r , on, ies. which may be found a senora' aseortment of T,,,,,, Brussel,. extra and lapel, 3 ply Carpets Alen, superfine, floe, •111 common Impala Carpet. IVe recommend toll wishing to purchase earpeto, to call on 1.1,' 51 . 1:1.INTOCK. 73 Fourth st 00rr2 I NI.OLI7ITOCK. Nu. 75 Fourth et, hoe received thi. dsy another lot of these to loon. French Tronsparent which in pomi co beauty and neatness our,. any tlung ever brought to this mar- l; 6 TURPLKTII9E-30 14.1 s ssed and (or .ale r t, nag - r.l BRAUN k REITKR slit - t •S-15 els Ilararto Cheroots, for sale by WICK at MICANDI.F9III L,,,, ARD4 piI by. /I b I T CANDLESS ( II DE R--b LLD , Sweet Cider, I On do do boild; for KJ l a ottrrl WICK et. C 6'B6 E—Ur. boo Cboo.q r lt ' N ' s 2j :I ' d Z1;1) . 11:96 Par s'll-15'"""i171147..;y4NE1LE98 autr.Xl WGLAttS--100 by 7x9 W. Olin, to, rob by • 59111L1 WICK Zs 51ICANDLESS ‘,VIII2;I" , , , fI n EANS - at bbls (or rata by WICK & M CVLNDLESti a good ...lion le now otrored le noel • person, to emild ? lrsh himself m bonnets whore ha min employ thr three hnndn. Apply too BIER & JONES, or the tu t,peheere, near Tarentom, for farther Information. THOMAS xi ER, Q OAP —17.11. as Clocinnatt Soar, ton solo by LEWIS PETERSON S Ana WICK prickNDLEss I Islam Bali Wotts, July 18, 180. TUT PUB' 181 - 113"—The History of the Puritans in England and the Pilgrim rashers, complete in 1 vol. Loyola sad Jesuitism in h. RllLtilatak by Isaac Taykft. The Genius of Scotland. er Regale. R ( Pno deb Seemly, Literature and Redwine ; by Rev. obert Tomball; lith edition. The Hlstary. of the Church of England, by BishoP Short; HcAltlP^'• yid Sonnets. Warder Warfare of !item York. The Moons - ins of the Bible. Lest Days of End., by Rim maeber. Corsage Lectures, or the Pilgrim's Prove*. Practically Explained; publiabed by Am. 8. 8. Union. The Wonderia sp Veirtatians Publithed by Am. S. Si ti mac. For sa:e by ELLIOTT A ENGLISH, awn:, 7o Wood in OREA hl r IIE , I4E-200 boxes nisi reed and far vale at lie Wiser and Cheese Depot. by •neni J H CANFIELD - ( ) IL -7 bbis [Armed, .last rrc'd and for sale bn nunZl .1 CANFIELD PRICIdB REDUCED BURR MILL STONES, menufeeth red in Franee.composed of but few Blocks and solid eryee—is large :amen meat, the beet of the kind, always on hand at greatly redueed prices. ALSO—French Burr Mill Stones of to !I I my own manufacture. made of • neer It superior quelity Ill.ks. These urrs axe ma. under my own superin tendence, and as great care Is taken to .make the Mints &ow, and to he, all the blocks in even stone of a uniform temper, th ey are warranted to be of the very Nest quality, superior to those imported from Fra - me, and also superior to the ere. t mass of those made in this countn, and cat p ides lower than have ever b.r.fore heel offered in this market. Laurel Sill Mill Stones, all sizes. W ding Cloths, all numbers; of the hest quality, war ranted to give witiefaction to the purchaser, and to greatly redder d prices- Mill Spindles, Mill Irons. S and Picks, Flat forrn Scales. Corn and Cob Grindecrews rs: Grist and Saw hlill Casungs of all kinds, and Mill Furnishing in gen eral All order. promptly attended bal 214 and 2 Lb .2 street rear ate Canal, Patabargtt. y3t1,16m W. W WALLACE.. MEE= T NFO ATIONT a( a moll Doe of Boots., mark et P B 'Moines. or Thome do Hacker. Any person Innis taw, - soon of the above box, will be it/tensity neretded. eughst.l.3t M ALLEN & Co, 42 Wator st VO U ND— Silver Delos, Fork, thrvadod nett ern, U enclave.° 0 F II The owner can have it by cid h I! at the store of .11.0 Ii NI'FADIJEN uurt tl t TO LET—A Dwelling House, pleasantly At . ..tooted on Thud alreet.opposiie the l'ost °thee, containing 9 roan, Pah • good cellar. The shove wouid be a good stand (or a boarding house . Possession oven on th e first of October. Rent $4O. Inquire on the premises • ortl LE ,. /1 , 1 , LARD—I Oils and l 3 !ego reed and for sale augtal IASSEY & BEST )EP:V .. . ,, ASti—VIYM lba in in0te417 , 81 . 1 , 11 , ,a , 1j i 1 , :0 t y „, est a for saki by TASSEY At REST 13 A , a 7V1.1 . -nE , - . .5 .T, r „ Lb. prima •fliela, reed au& =nom TA SSEY A BEST p APED TFACHE.--1 .ck for pole by T ASSET k BEST IMMO A LI. persons interested will please take notice that of Admtotstration on the Estate of HEN RY MANSON. deed, late. of the oily of Pittsburgh. have been sruoted to the wiliscrtbers. All persons having chum. or demands egatest the estate of the 'Ste decedent. are requested to wake known the same them ...lib,nt decay. end those knowing themselves Indebted In mit. pesment to ZAPTIARIA II PS:TERN, Ward, Pittsburg it GEORGE lIAUM. Ith Ward, Pittsburgh . Admtntot ra tors of the Estate of Henry Manson, dee'd. ttah - Pdat• BACON -.5.08 prtmo Bacon Ham, ;MO do Sides, Ha It •Jo 5hn01...r.. no. ready for gale by V h It N'CUTCIIh,ON, Liberty IR ANAL. BOATS FOR :DALE,-The seen.. canal Atalr•il end Hold, tn fine order for bus.. n•eri. nem( nearly new. now lying in Rano at re . a offered for .ele on seenumainting te Apply re to RAGA LEV a. SMITH e,ett . 11 and 20 Wood et Tro. DON IiCARTERIX AND AVF.STAIINSTER UFVIRWS, FOR ICI.Y. I.49—Just published and for sale by /AS D LOCkWOOD, - - - 6.3 Wood at Reeedty robliated—Esimborett Review for Mac lt.ood's Alatganne for July attsrll a. An-.n I , A . 4 . 9. Al a: ev e mare a Iliddie Ages; Botany s anhqualte. In Ye w Zealand; Freehold A aaaaa ee and CA:dental tionFary, Loma Napoleon—French Eleettous; andl.ll.rratoro, Cillloll4 mol..htd and for wile by aort.l I AS D LOCRWfX , D STA %LING MEDICAL COLLEGE, COLUMBUS, 01110 THE Anneal VOllr. Of 1,C1131,4 .1111.01,1 et mAe firm WEDNF,D&V ,7thl November, It4U, and COII4IIOO sateen week! Henry H CAil.I . M D. Prof of Olstetrica aiad Du ea.. n , Women and Children Joon Botterriold, NS D.. Prof of ttro Priretiee of Med cili.rre obtrd L M D., Prof of Sorger). -Intro Jodkino, M. U., Prof. of Oeueral and Pp.:- rsal Ana only Svmusl M Smith, M D. Prot of Mateira Mediga, Thrrapeunei and Mettles , Jena dance. Franels Carter, M D., Prof of Physiology and Gan. eral Pathology Fredonck Messick, M. A. Prot of Chemistry and How,. Norman iris), M.. D. Demonstrator of Anatomy. Three Lectures dads, rosmotowas prolinstwiry will smaen Coring Me month of °etcher. .comineAring the lint Wednesday. , on the ft:Mousing umem: &fluor Stirrers. Inommty. Pomo', hlieroses. p,al Anatomy. sod Vtlysteal ors Disarms's. This coarse will be rata, and stmlents earnestly advised to assA themselves of to adestAtages. Lectures • 8X 03 Maarten'anon WI Oa (irattuanon • • (Ni (0 I Drueettne Tieket• . 3 00 Numeroes rase, an , Saralee!, oporanona ate hro't As fore the etas. Ample I . ..times are afforded to those 0,0 0/00110 pursue NOOl/0111 Anatomy. The means of Most tattoo are ample; among thew, are taro 11110 h Cl., tom, • amd Microscopes. Good ..•ard may be otaamed m boas SW to 1112,00 per week SAML. N SHrrri. antra, ,C). S 10137. Deem of the Frtetdry i'IN MILLS EXTRA FAMILY FLOM— avh•criber will Itesp constaetly ea heed the rite FLOUR, Snob he erurrenta pew m I nn.tr. ILI the market Feaullee ate vainest , e It • trsel. 11 C KELL' ..13.v nog, cotneLEtnh at a 4 9inritel and ur.iX)Dti AND BACIIE3' Coped States Dispen9a- I V Tory, new , edtoon—publisked July, ISM. .mteomons. Menoal—the addnesnos and me reeve at tbr Pr‘od•-no. Um S, Irani 171t0 lAln, woh met:Kora ot rho rrt.od,ol4, iltstory 1b919 Adm= 9 - ,aout. eic he. complied by Edwin Witham*: 9 rola -vo Lantainne's Pilirmnage to the Holy Land. tt eel.. nluann. Lay ard . • Nlit,..ett, • new .apply-2 vol.. an illustrated Winn, Poems, revised edtuani I vo‘, comb in Juit, Sao. innellit. Wash inginn Intnea Works. In •op., Ritnasn's uniform edi -110/.. green, rainb. Mt. Milord'. Wort., I eel, hen. cheep. Sonar. Sermon.,. vole, Sao. +beep; marbled edge. chambers' Geology. '.nap'. Theolocr, 1 eel, •o Flora's Lemon and Mrs. Hate's Flora's Inter prcier • Ancient Geography and Atlas. Wait, on the Mind. new edition. Crone on Dancing. Thia day received and for We by .nou R HOPKINS, r polo Building, Jth at Perreatmue, June 6, IND. Ma T. K Husaarr—Dear Kir. 1 hii•e now been using your Wriii”a Fluid and Red Ink fir near nore ye•rs, and find them the best I ever pat a pen mu. I thine we ran get along without any imported article tit the ink line hareafmr. Yours, respectfully, C. H A RTWELL For Olia by R. A. Fahnestock & Co.. Pittsburgh, 11. P Sehwarts. Allegheny city; and by the manufacturer Thomas K Ilibbert. Druggist and Chemist,corner of Lib•-rtl and Smithfield 'teats, Pittsburgh, Pa • • ex - 21 .41 . 3 sat reed at the Batter lJ and Cheese Depot, .d for sale by aueel IR .o t t ll bbl. for ...lc by J B CANFIELII 13h1. Petehht cit.. Family - Floor 7 recetved .nn for .ale by .01 RURIDOE, WILSON & CO. Water at XTRA FAAIILY FLOUR- 41,We P , lO. brand, v 0 do Glenn', last reed and for sa'a b anvil ARMSTRONG A CROZER F.ESF,--200 bes Western Reserve Choc., land. Vi mg and for as e by aura R DALZELL I CO. Lawny st MF:rge,L — C4WKS RECOVit.I)Z - Pirrlra's Alan. ta Mot s.. o. Oungliro, Medical INc6nnar7 T.rler'• 11eJie.1 hirimprudenre. Taylor on PoLeans. Ara. , Phyalcs. t' yclopsedia or Practical filed4ciao, 4 rola. Hooper's Medical Dictionary . 110151 Smith and Homey'. Anamminal 31.W* Anatomical AU For sale by anoCi JAS D LOCKWOOD, Ca Wood sr p11.1.0W c.elef::lll.;SLlNti, SHEETINUS, NV 12 (drogue tames the attention of booth korperil to his exweesiee aseoroneot of the following Goode, vie, , Alma, ease I.tmin and Rimming.; a. Mu silos for do; Linen Table Diaper, Loan Diaper Table Cloths; Cot ton do, bleached and unbleached; colored do, IVool ed Tablo Covers: Draper for Tomania:if; Crash for do; Diaper for crumb earths; Amity for bedspreads; white counterpanes; colored do all at low mutt prices, at northeast comer 4th and .Market st.. moat "%REAM CHlih2F IM bus just reed and for sale by J 11 CANFIELD. anui4 lid Front at. bet Wood and Smithfield A ACKEREL-51 , 0 !Ads (WU, large, Mass maitre LYI Iwo) Blackeral,na•tree'd and tor sale by MrtM=l FOLLCALIPORNIA, THE BRIG (now Magna) EUREKA, L D. Burnell. master, will positively sail from this port for :tan Francisco, between the 081 and Oth of geptember next A teat Moro berths can be secured it ap ass plied for soon. I have • permit for the Forel. to pthrough the Si Lawrence into the Atlantic, obtained from the an tler, tonvernment, In London, in May last Cabin Ptutsage Rain, paid in advance; if paid in one year. littnA if In two years, ISM, if In 3 years, IMO— ,tislactnnly secured. Freight. 113 bbl balk. Ann poverty It into Capt. Burnell's hands for sale, shall be dwposed of and necounted for with all due fi delity. W. A. ADAIR. Clove land. A ex. XI. IXdtt—lPlarndealor. TParents and Unannans of Allegheny City and 1. ./V1 notified Mat . School Intl be open rd In the basement of the Methodist Church an South Common. Allegheny. on Monday, Sept. 3d, where the undersigned will be in attendance daily the week pre u, from tl tog P. M.. t• state terns, nut show tes timonials from eminent and andispated sources, as to his abillty to nein pupils monely, mentally uld physi cal!), and from his long experience in the profess:on, hopes to merit • share of public patron... Kugel:dine /NO. GHEGOILY. Pre•byterian and Christian Advocate copy Lt. DOOKB-IANGLIJIII AND AIIIICIIICABL TAMES D. LOCKWOOD, Dociamosta A bite." , 0 as. CI Wood strem, will leave in a few doy. for K. Yoi It. Boston. he- to attend the Trade %les, and will he annoy to execute any order. for Books, ho, which may oe entrusted to auglar tRLEI" —MI bp Barley now landing ind for Pile by angle__lSAlAH DICKEY & CO vrrvci AnriglAtls - 1 , 1101101% - ; nor of Fourth and Ferry meets. will he ape. ed this morning, Monday. Augustin, 1894. au,PO BlinCiiitLPACAFYr.e.--W. A Mariiii i n itresAe attention of buyers to In ner) peri psonotent of above Cools, from lowest to auest—plaln,.., e t . n o f and sPn barred, also faney do. in i mp riety of styles, at north east corner Fourth and MO tot or . _ auglB ABLACKEIMMI capable cranking salt pima. for ping, and (McMinn such work ira Is required about Salt Works, and repairing mall steam engtnest and boilers AUCTION SALES. By John D. Davis. Aactimairwr. Staple 61114 Feney Dry Goole. On Monday morning, Aug Thh, at 10 o'clock, et the Commercial Sales Restates, COM. of Wood and Fifth streets, will be sold, wnbout mum , — A large ar.eroneut of foreign and demesne Orr Goods, romeriring nearly all the variety usually kept in a large re.eil dry goods start, which may be CIA.. toed parlous to the sale. At 7 o'clock, Groceries, Goren...ware. Farnham, he. Young Hyson and I mrsen•l tea, Ye MenufaeMrcd 101)Ileta tenon, and wrapping paper, w and tat . male shovels , seeder. forks. axes, hatchets, ire transpa rent window blinds. tle nets, mantel clocks, looking glaSsee. carpeting. feather bode. Ire. handarge end gertnral •ssoriment of neer and second homiebold Garniture, kr. Marl= A quantity of lash ions hla seedy mode clothing. boots and shoes, hats. caps. fine coder, fro , d and silver article., shot guns, pistsb,o, onsan-al . ntsmtments, cart et) goods, Ac. aug.2l rffMfda (Th ,a , urday •tSrA mat, at o'clock, st the Colompret•l ,nles Rnoot. career of Wood and Flll6 sts, orLt , be sold— A Isere eolleennn of valuable nu.cellaueous books, in the vari• us department's of li:eratu re and science. on, winch are standard library editions of choice Works, faintly sad pocket bibles, blank books, 'eller and .p vnitnß paper, sold and one' pan., fine pen knives anon JOHN D DA VILs, Auct Mu. and L. In the SiaanWar anew. On Snloolay afternoon. August rdtb. at 4 o'clock, .111 be cold on the prnmiare, one valuable lot of lironnd. rancor on Elm w. near Pranklln at. tracmg a front of hr feet on Elm o, and extending back 00 feet to Congreas at. nn Ctt to erected a good two story frame Threllicc Hrooe with wren rooms, well far' ettled, and other tmprovnmenta bath by bh. Rom Walker Terms, one.thtrd cash. residue in two equal amsual paymenta. will:, merest. aug22 JOHN D DAVIS. Atte% Bailing La. in tk• 7th tr.ra, at auction. On Sirtnntay afternoon. Mtg. Zith. at 3 o'clock, will be sold on the prermsea. ten valuable Building Lots. waste near the restdence of Mr. Agnes Hann, five of which front on Centre Avenue, and the other five front street. Thta property i• handaomely loos. ted in a burbly improved nmahhorhoal, and offers great indueementa to porcha.ra Plan of lots may be seen al the Auction Room Terms at sale. earn JOHN D DA VIN. Anet FOREIGN BRANDIES k T TIIE WINE STORE OP J. WEAVER, Ir., eor- A Ter of Muket and Fire streets, arholeralo nent retad For sale, in glue, by the oottle, or dozen— } ill= Leger Fre, Levi' Cognac, 1e0.5, '2O, W. a e..er le V . . ti, V, 43 eux [ITT Old Meelory Cosner, Irinrege IBS2 Old Pala Nectar. do Me; . The following are for sale in hal pipe. and quarters, octaves. or at retail by the demijohns: La-ner Freres Cognate, vantages 1014 I.nlayeve do 'id, 'ln, 'l.l. later& Depoy A Co do '40,'03, Panel. Cason. a Co. do '11; Old Nlitelory Cognac, do '35: do Pale Champagne. do '4lO do Cognac, do 'l7; Champagne Cognac, do '44,17, Jatnes Hennessy, do '47; Coen, do '47; Old Pale Nectar, do '3lO Pelevoisnn. do '45, Rancor Cherrayrer, do 'l7; J Corny. Borduta, Chatonet do 'l7; Together with aeveral other ranenea. Thee Brea thes are attic highest proof. Many of them are old. and embrace al' the fine flavors and higher grades from Rochelle, Borden., Cognac and Armigme None better nor cheaper Boyers ease rely open obtaining pave amulet at the establishment of the subscr,her ' :meta JACOB WEAVER, Jr - AERICA N 11RANDIE3--A few dozen old Peaoh , Brandy. bottl,d in 0$ by!. 1517 Peach Brandy, made from the rap, and not the dry (rant. Old Apple Brandy in 'Ale. Old American Brandy, In pipes. A few der Cherry Brandy, bottled in 1 , 39. Blackberry Brandy by the case or battle. anal! , JACOB WEAVER, Jr ECLECTIC MEDICAL iNSTITIITET" TUE NEXT ANNUAL COURSE OF LF.CTURES In this Insutatton commences an the first Monday, in November next, and eanunnes WI the Inth day of March follorotina A prelim:nary course eammtteees on the first Alonday In October, and eattunnes one mouth P GATCHP.LL., SI D on Vrecial, General and D Phvskolog7 and Institooe• of Medielne T V MORROW. M D, Theory and Practice lediemo and Yalootazy e. Ros.A, Id. D, Prnsctples and Pr...ea or nom why. D. HILL. MD. Oboeinco and 9orgery . I. E JONES.. td D., !dawn* hledle, Tberapeaue., d !dedtent • - - J ~+TALI., A !I. ChemOm Pblarmecy and 11 Maul Jun.pruJcnce . . WOOSTER BEACH, 'A/ ID., Emerime Ero Itive4l Nledirtn, J. !MOT, M D.. Demonsirstor of Ar atom). 11:D Sagregats cost of ell the tickets. CM 1.1:rSIO 0 in advance slit be reecived tu payment in full for one staident to attend as many commas as may be necessary, far Lis anolnation Matriculatton Is SI. Demonstrator's tloket SS use of Library SI. Boarding may be had in good bon ne. at from IS to Cs' 117 Candidates for graduation, to addition to tb preurntuary term of study, most have attended tar fu:leoursea In tome legoll) Incorporated Medical Col lege— the Imo of which moat be or Una--or oae fu !t roar.: alter rona been to reptanble precool, fo yeah asking farther information mart he naldre ed that paid, to the underaigned , The College Edifice of th e institution to afforded • the corner of Coon and Plum arena Notes or all solvent bank*in States in vehte:i the tandent rt./des oelll be received In payment of (era. T. V. M(AiIIOAV. M D.. Dean of the Faculty. (ROOMS IN THE 3d PRISHYTERIAN CHURCH nu. I nat... is designed lobe permanent. THIS Academy end bs re-opened for tbe reeeptio , of Leda and young Gentlemen, We first Nlo• y. tba ad day of September. - - The course of study 1.11 embrace the common bran rho. of an English education, and the higher depa, men. of the English 144eneeie with the Latin, (frock, - Free •h and Gernesu Langone.. Papas can be ihormighly prepared to enter College intelligently end onembarraamml. The course of seedy for those not destined L.r College, is boat compreheo- QV, and practical. Tbewovernment of the Inenden will be mild, yet ilecidal awl firm Anthority will &ways be 1111.4.111 M by re •rtd IareCIJON and to secure a proper regard ta the gen ason eral government of the school, oar process to, first. we endeavor to convlnce the pupil that whim we require is rensoontile: next, that it mean, hi own personal interest, as well as the wood of the whole. Punishments for misdemeanor. when alive,- lathly neeessnry, are of sack a nips., aa to affect re. thee the mod than the body; not as satisfaction for the offence, but es prevent/ton to the redurregthe of similar offences. Having found this mode of government pre feral, e, tt 'anti be adopted to Wore. Strict •urntion grill be paid to the Physical, the ln ertual• and the Moral tialnixtir of the inmates of this School. The Principal a happy to be able to announce mthe R dm.. be haa secured dm valuable services ot blr R E. Witixams, a graduate of Num., N. J and Mr 1. Mown, a graduate of Lalaye. Cc:Meg Easton, Pa, moue.ea of the highest literary and a& eau. attamment t a It he very desirable that students should enter the School at the commencement of mew sston in order that the Masers may be systematically and lama°. Ou t d=o " n 4 Vetll be made for absence, except in <me ot protracted Emk.ss Wm., hooka pen., tot, and el other stationary, vnll on furniettel at 37i or. per session. L. CATON, PrineipaL Ray D It. Riddle, D. D. Mr. @laud F,derards, A. T Mlllll, D. D. Lake Loomis, lion. A. W. Loorrus, W. W. Wawa Mn. George Albree, I " Henry Wtlkenson. Ctrculars can be obtained at the Hook More of Mr Luke Loomis, No. n Wood street, and oleo at Rteh and H. Beeson & C 0 .., No. 80 Harkin at. aurad3or POILTOILL INSTITUTE, ===l ALLEGHENY CITY. MR. CAIPELAND resgehtfully announces that the dune. of thm establishrueur mill be married IS V on Monday, September 3d, and that ymulg gen tlemen have no+ an opportunity of being thoroughly aod expeditiously qualified for the duties and require ments of aCII•0 life. That the Principal is "not merely • wound scholar, but al. • judicious and.eriost successful inetructor," net he apparent to any inielligent and unbiassed used, from the number o( Honors and.prises obtained by him in Trinity College. Dublin; from the Testimo nials received rum several of its most eminent Fel lows and Professors; and. finally, (rum the eWsfacuo u expressed by parents et the proneieritY made by h i. purnb. Poe additional information as to the peculiar features and advantage,. of this Insulation, see Pros from,, with Testimonials, can be procured the rHINCIPAL, at the Institute, or In Federal street. opposite to Colonnade Row. N. four boarders will be 'enlace', whose health , scallion and intellectual advancement will be carefully attended to. ancleslif O lb - THING NEW —THE ICoNOtiR A PHIC CYCLuPeEDLA OF SCIENCE, LITERATURE AND AJlT—F.cited by Spencer F. Baird, Profersor of NalUeal Beience In Dial&limon ttollege, Carlisle, P. Illustrated by Bee bundred steel engravings, -compiled by 1. 0 Heck. The complete work will form two vol umes °twat, and the differentelaasea of plates will receive separate MI., an that they can be hotrod in one or aurae volumes, to suit the Into and convent ehce of the purchaser The work will be poblirhed In tiventy.are monthly poets, commencing in the month of September, ISO. Koch part will consist of twenty pla pa tes, x large goer, steel engravings, nod operands of on. letter re*, EULISCRIPTI p ON PRICE ONLY ONE DOLLAIL— Subeeelroon lists are already opened. All prepara tory arrangemeum have been made to iettlre the Itf alma conunuation of the work. Specimen plates, one ot each claw, are annexed to this prospktetns, and all friends of see, literature nod the an are invited to call at the Agent. ..intro Mid [2•1111111.0 them. Tho leonapraphre Elteyelopsdla will 6e prtuted the fiae.t WYle, on rote paper, nod will cover upwards orriUoo pada* largew royal octavo, the whole adapted to prseueal use by complete Indexes and tables of epit ome. /AMIN D. LOCKWOOD, aUpW Kl Wool or 1111.1aghtering wed Psaking Solt...blab :cunt Ilsr Bent. HE er ell known Pork and Bra Edangtacrutr and T Paekrna Concern, owned and recently occupied by tba JAMEM P. CrkkIPIIPLL - - - - Wm Establishment Ia located in ORILLICOCHE, Ross county, Ohio, on the plat of ground dividing the Ohio Canal from the Venom River. sad has one thous. .nd feet of ground front on esek. The enclosure em braces in sores of ground, containing large pen., large and commodious .laughteting. hanging, mining, packing, matting and lard rendering house., and bock house for °Mee, and ry convenience foe handling twelve hundred bogs p ee doy and tendering tbd lard Of same: there being a double Rae mans bed. ler and engine for scalding bogs and cutting bard, and two tanks for rendering oat by steam, There Is also oo the preninies an ice house contain ing eight thousand bushel. of rou t put sway by theism props to for Me purpose of curing baron in October lor early denvery. This ice will be fee sale, together with twenty-6.e hundred bushels stone coal for run ning boiler and cisme, and all the appurtenances, &s -tares and tools necessary far aartymg on Ma Estab lishment. The ,auto valley, of which Cbillteothe i• the chief earn s , mone of the largest Poet and Beef ought in the West, end hogs east always be bought there at lower Fasces than at Cincinnati and tunny other points, and cooperage Is .bundant and cheap. There is ne dray oge nemeasary.as boats may be loa ded at the packing bonze, and the Cuisines for slap. Incp direct from this house via the Lakes to New Turk, or to Philadelphia Of Baltimore via f r ntsburgh, or to the East or Booth is New Orleans, one at all masons ef the year fully equal to th ose afforded by Ciactrmati. Money facilities arealso 'mod, ther e b e . tag eight on ten banks within forte-five maim Applications for renting may be made to kI.F.X. H. MeGUPPEY, Or tCo ‘ E=C a l t ß L Cid?' sail7:lll.lCmGaz. OWataotb, O. STEAK BOATS CINCINNATI & PITTtiIICEICI/1 DAILY PACKET LINE. insknown line./ aPiondid Psssenaer est, be. a rn . er. i• now f0113p0•24 of the lasc„.t ol •w Ttstswl sod Wwrishest, and most percent boats oa tit • ater, o N., West. Every mecommodabon and est,. fan ,„ .„ . . prisettre, hos been ,inanded Mr pas. •.es • • l has been in opertwon fur ace yeas. earned Mtn/MOO of people artthott the least irtjlß. ry a their persona. The Inset. will he at the fool el tfiood street we day precious to •tartwor, for dm reeer lion of freightlintel the entry of passengers en the rem, ter. In nll eases the passage money most be paid - . The ISAAC NEWTON, Captain Hemphill, •,a1 lea, I'msburgh every Sunday MOlll.lll€ al 1U O ' CLKit, Wh.,1,, every Sunday eyening at 10 r May ..),1617. The NIONONBA . lIELA, Capt. Aro, AtII :cove I'm. burgh el/Cry klettulay otorutpa at 11.1 ot.ocki NS - Rectum every /Monday evetung at 10 r. TVESDAIrIiAdfiST. The 11111E11:N1A NO. .14 Capt.l. Kt-tams:Mt Wilt every Tuesday rooming at CO o'elrmlu, Watellug every Tueadav event.. at 10.. at. %V IDTQEIIUAY PACKET. The N nlb No. 1. Capt. S. Be a, sill leave rinlburktt every Wednev.lny maraca ,at II o'clock, Wheeltag every Wertnetalay evening a 10 TDOJT The BRILLIANT, Capt_ Glue. ail! leave MM. burry every 7'hortalay morrung at 10 o'clock; Wl:tee/IPS every Thursday ...name at Co a ts. ratouilt - E•AITRIer. ThoCLIITER No 2, Capt. Pan Dovak,;area Ptruiburga every Friday morning at o'clock; Who& Our coop, Friday comma. at 10 a. ar. • ._.. • • iii*i,%o§l#_.A.,-.. BUMMER AILRANOEIII9.4I.9 for 17349. MONOPHIAIIKLA lzorm Only 73 Ellle• Starring. Vat Br...hartla and Cumberland to Ualtanore sad Philadelphia. THF. splelidiii and to rename U:A ineemers ATI.A N TIC, Copt J Porkier - on, ft LTIC, Cap. A Jacobs; NI'LANE, Capt Si Bennett; are it.. making &mid,: daily trips eti:area ( tannin II AND BROWNSVILLE. The rooming boat will lest, the Monongahela Wharf, above the Bridge, daily at 8 o'clock preemly. Pao.ogers will take SUPERB COACHF-Sol n'te, et 3 o'clock, P. M, and the splendid can 03 the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, ntCandeorlaed, .8 o'clock, d. AL, and arrive in Baltimore the Lame even cc ei teg• tshinopolll Sm. for ty. the evening lino to Philadelphia and n ci FTO Patbdiurgh to Baltimore, ants 77 Wt. , Pare t10,D3 Prom Pittsburgh to Plillittlelphia only CO knurl Fart . , 512,00 The evening boat will leave at Soielock, eireept &to day evening. Passenger* by this boat will lodge on Ward an amnfortabla State Roo= the Grat night. over the mountain. the following day in Eastern balk Genebe, sod lodge the second awl:din Cumberland. Pluioettgery have choice of either Steamboat or Roll Road between Baltimore nod Philadelphia,and the privilege of stopping at Cumberland and Baltimore, and resuming then scat, at 'Hellman,. wed to parties to travel as they plea',Col.hea ehu- We make op the load. and way bill. for the Conch es in the Piusburgh offices, lin order to .eve done en %unclog at Brovenamlle,) it to therefore important for passengers to get their tickets before going on board of the boat, al oar office, Monongahela Ilmise, Water street, or St Charier Hotel, Wood et, Pittsburalt. aptc , Hibm J. AIPSKIAIEN, Agra' PlittabiSvith t Louisville Packet Mae FUR CLNCINNATI AND LOUISVILLE The splendid new steamer TELEGRAPH No. I, m agli e llaalep, master, will leave for obeys d totermediate ports on Wednes day. the Mb met, at 10 o'clock A a For freighter porn apply onboard, or to BUREIRI DOE' WILSON & Co. Jao GEO B MILTENBERGER. PITTSBURGH- ANITLOCISVILLS PACKET LINK The new and epondid fast passen ger packet, TF.LEG RA PI I No. 2, Mason, muter. wal leave for Ctucill. n.tiand Louisville on Thursday, the 11 at LO to lIKaIDG IL o'clock, A. 31. For freight or novo-age apply nu tntard, WILSON A Co, or IStU=Mtln i Louisville and 81. Louis Pan Yes L 1110.• 1849. 1419. ItEGULAR TUESDAY PACKET FOR ST. LOUIS -sr.,- 'rho fine fast lemony peasonge veneer ATLAS. rtS, Geo. W. {Vice, maorr, aria leave for the above and lute onedlote Peru every Tuesday, at ILO o'clock. a. at. For froght or poseur apply on board. or to E. G. ILING,,No. Cam. Haw, RE.43ULAR SATCSDarIi PIC.SeI4OII ST. URSA ..I:, In "C ° L.P.q.,,.";FF, Pm ' 4 " .1. McPherson, roaster, mil leave for the above ma tatermcdrate porta ova ry Salurany, at 10 o'clock, r. 51. For freight or pasame apply on hoard, or to E. C. KING, No Lla Corn. Ron, otars.4fira Louisville - - . riaain The nest wil substantial steamer a tie DirON. glelliLlen, mster, ?will per form' regular tripe between Pittsburgh Wheeling and Dridgeporg She will leave Pittsburgh on Wedowday runt daturday. For freight or passage,eirpij on board. FOR WHEELING AND SUNFISH. maim MO Roo et.orer CINUERMLA, Georgia Calhoun, router, will leave 'or above and tnterroodiato parts oo Monday; and Thursdays, al 10 • y For (mien or puaage, apply on board. ,Apl7 - ._ - - SUNDAY TRIPS TO BEAVER. • The V. S. Mail steamer MICHIGAN No. 9, will leave the landing apposite the Mooongah&a Honer, overy Son ny morning at 9 o'clock, far Beaver. Renaming, will arrive at 6 o clock, P. M. Fare to Beaver and back, Tvreoly.hve Cents. r0y2.1 - • SUNDA I' TRIPS TO BEAVER. , ,„..- 41 th. Thz ,. . , tvarer I.l ., titt ,t V . Ef l l do w na ill leave hela !louse, -every Sanday learni n. ng I 9 o'clock, for Beaver. Retsinung. Ili kayo Seaver at I o'clock P.M 'and , ~ arnve at 4 o'clock. Fare, Twenty-five Cents. rovtM • REGULAR BKA VP.R VAC:RBI% Yd. , — The splendid fast tanning steamer REVEILLE, magartotte. master will leave for above and oulpnr. The Reveille draws hut la in, es waterthis day. For tretstit or passage, apply on board or to sopa IV BOSS, Agent. RILPRILSS PACI.I2T FOR PHILADELPHIA AND FIALTEVORE, Ek!naivety rot Pi...rangers. Boats at llusLlllr voll Leave Is ig fo , llows, ay t . a 9 o'clock at men. Ohio—Lunt A Cra Tuesd Aug 2let. Loainiana—J P Ttrocopyou, Wednesday, Kentsteky—Capt rroby, Thamlay, n. Indiona—P Dorsey, Fuzing, 24. Ohio—A Craig, enwchny, Laois:arm—l P Tlsompsort, Sanday; 22. Kentacky-11 Truby, Monday, 27. lodtana—P Hurley, - Tuerday, to. Ohlo—Caln. A Craig, %Wednesday, 27. Laitivalu—J P Wixom:non, Thuniday Kentneky—Capt 11 Trate), , For pounge appty to ; wren. Aloaongahela Haase, melt or D LEECH & Co, Canal Nom FEATIIER...4—{trks Feathers, now landing from er r..Xchauga and for sale by 00g17 ISAIAII DICKEY & CO I iCtOLARRES:..-1511bbls N 1) Mol es, togmci owes and kir sale bk aug 7 RSELLERA & NICOLS INREN-18 sk• Ginseng, now landing from stair Ur &ammo and for sale by augl7 ISAIAH DICKEY &CO L ARD AND 4adin , lltAnnc-7:bl;ik - irann 3 do lireue to stun Exchange and (or sale he noel? lAA lAll DICKEY A CO UNDRIII-'-1 :ak Wool; I do Beeswax; 3 do Flan -0 wed, Nat received and for We by ..r l l /SARI! DICKEY & CO r ARD to kegs, foe Dimly ern on consignment and /• for sale by esigl7. TRAIAIIIDICKEY &CO QCORCHED SALTS—Mi bbls on C 011•1,1119.( nod a for sale low to clam by small ISAIAH DICKEY & CO 'UDR RALE—A good eastern boils Sulker, neanly r new. Engoire of ALEXANDER & DAY, ant: . rnrof the Diamond mod Macke- at SUOAR-91 hhds N 0 Sogyr, goat received. avgl7 C H ()RANT, 41 Water al rj, WIN-10 DON Rosin, landing from canal sad for mic by •irglO JAdle.6 DALXELL Rice, to store and for sale low by sugl6 JAMES DALZER.L V 0.3 MACKEREL_te WA. Noel Mackerel, land_ 11 mg by canal mnl for tale by eagle JAMES Detl S. ll. MOLASSES-25 25 Wiz S M•las in more and for little very low to close constgnment by amyl° H o ltl r CK-114m4;t z t7 6 Draci, is Jere toad:J.l4l2w 1) vA base* Sealed Flernngt, MOM nod for rale low to are convignateot, Lp wee JAUFS3 DALZF:LL jin .181.2-2/LTSl4destraiti!Vefending tlx-1-8-rrTribusirieunintibis en 11/eS n( Fayette, Greene, Somerton, and also rn -w, g/gen yironita, unit hod the triVYKITIK WHIG, publlseed 'ittiontown, a desirable medium, ash cir culates luge.ly IU the plates speeided above. Termsmoderate, tooderate. augiChddied. 'TEIT AND VALUABLE SERIES OP SCHOOL 1100Kiii— }harder's Natural and Experimental 191.deroplity. do first lessons In doilk Chamber's 'Creamier of Keels - ledge; do Ekments of Zoology, do do Chemistry and Eeetrierty; do do Geobtogyi do ma tient - h....t0 and Anion! Ptirdalogy; do do Naomi Yinlosophy; 40 dd Futon and Eastman-am/ogle Enity Bonk Keeping; iTracker., and ail others IMETO4I.6d 111 the eauso of adoration, are requested to eail end elanune the above broths, at the nook store of iotiNsrwi & STOCKTON, corner Third and Market as 1111111BERVS CLIMICIIO/11, WRITIAG FLUID. lIIIIDERT'R SUPERIOR RED INK. UIROERT'S ISIALIIIINE COPY INK. LL these differ fmre °Musty Ink, as they are an chemical solutions containing DO ViSeld Olot•Dr, freely from key kind of peo—the color domi bright and durable. If there have been better Attlee. made, I have neither seen nor beard of them. Pant pis bottles can be obtained gmus, by the merchants greatly, from U Fattnestock h. Co, ((cony P. K. ZNltitt.Vilbfltralfygilmorhoofd Tam' y end ltmith fi eld oreeta Plusborgh, P. N. o.—Any bottle not giving complete paesfectit 4 h Vl.ll be Oduetted and the price will be refunded. milltdtee WES TELLAr MINS Tftzt. LATATIMTE spoeig_ms pe7P"" °ter of the Lafayette Attg,e,bly woad ft'• spectrally aTinoattee to the pule. that that he hal easo. l that O4altar bunt of Eibirtptaa itteiceit•u t 'WESTERN MINSTRELS, fora few mrstand Burlesq mill appear itrsoma or their best Songs, 61..^ .e ues. to. alas sugared the two celebrated the Shown WILLIAIIs, amp sts and ai"', e o who fat =watt aety •Stbita who have eta. .... .rah. Pertortaanee to f ratmeaea '• • rrh.Sar/eatattag Door, *yea at 71 o'clock —perfott."r-wa .e• to emetOtO tt manes at TAttrance• Founts Int 4 W doo Tickets ros sale at the Eagls slat:4l rahaisli. prim: 25 omits, aoll4
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