• - - - . - I _ • 7 • h , $,Ji • PITTSBURG-Tr. THURSDAY MORNING. AUGUSt _ TABLTS BUSINESS • CARDS.T;_ T. It. 1.1.. ig.f.'t4?"''' m utts , c. STELEW . , . ' ATTORIVEYd AND COUNDELI4 , B B A it.LAW; Poona meet between arrds.ld and GT Illli, terrgd, Ps-____ __--.--i n. ' --- L ril--- " moo IL urns ; .C. 1?11.4Ilii. ;LASKI& & STLI n ViTit nr ii ATTORNETIIi AT L•AW,TOC ICCI, . 4 Z•11.. ms7R - G o . ER,ConneuoloolLrehanto A 'Ld ..... m Prtatuee, Alai 1...1l Markak stows I e ke !l'!•bsYlt_lt -- - • - • f -1.---, c ili.T .. -; 41 g ""nr.'"-' LD 4k LEADER, stlioiWaTe r dialers In • jor o 4 Dr , Goods, Groomes, Doe s.l Shoes, Vtitstrergo [l.ool•Clircti Wilk. AC, No MO Ltbettp,l street; Purshvgh. _ ~-1..- :.__Eli . _? , alumna eau.. ressaust o oases . , flaw., a BUTER, Whole e and &mad Drag, J 5 0v ,.......0t Liberty and LClsur streets., Pans. f50,!7 WO 1 L ; Mo y r l4 . BROW I 4 CULBERTSON Magn l a l te Poem, and t sandman 31erthants, Nal 145, Melly et, i . 11141/ofdlr. Pa. : , I. daily. 67t i'AIINIZfrOCK t Co, WtolasalirgLid kir: 1..1. tan .Drugaisto, corn ell Wood and Ikk otailL )71 1.1....0ALEY a. ISAMU, ISVholesolelOrocentr . P and JJ 10 - Wood Men TilUblargh. ;. ; 4 C. A. io,--17,",e.=.....1)7::: ~...:. Alesquaasas Spirtnt r Asis, IS 0/ ?zap CIOEMAN, , II&ILMAN & Co, , ' polii it. Coach - and Motto Springs, IlitanneriedllAalea, Opting and Plough Steal, Iron, &al l %V arehinioe on Water and From area% Pidshutista :l' 1. L 14.1 ' Also, &alum ln;Coarl Trlntounga and _ Le , ' Castilla •;- eletl2 • 1111,BaLS IA URlLours uuEuTV kr,Orkvas:n THE hEADOPL,WOOD,_PITTISBuRGHI . W.DIIOIID lat11.1“1:18, ; „r,:! , eiONTMHZ so ininullature kloPstmen*ld: . ‘,./ Vaults, Tombs, Head Stones, Ma u led Cell <its and Pier Ti t zgartiss and 00,00suz ulfhle, at • N.ll,4oraushrgs for inonstraents,V/alD,bieilirldatt. ..ed, °Limy desertpdon He scams il shark4ihhe pa,rtmps. L i .f , w'roIIZTtENNErr, n..V 4 =1.. . 0 i Ct.) Wholesale Phones., ammo 4id pos. ra ' =aux7l:e i rsrei,..lVlTVOest i titttry4.4l3ll l:.' al . ad surto. - i I ii...eu LOJIWN W.-WRAP% .Apautwasixklual VOrillWbnir tJf lilerebsot, No-V Wood. t,A-esl rnssintegil; , BOWL &macaw. RAI." eTZT.,ALT: 11.1.1¢.7• • oOIIID-g1). 11. 1% I'l ,174474 W Urlatti sUFsiesn Woolens, Lilsorty,orpn4 Ana et „is4l7 WIC mutz, BaAultore. , - • ! ti ; A. J. $1.1.1:4{, mow ..yea mu., : ' trb i t,o4 Rtirlt. BUCKN . TH ' ,T w o ""j' haeco ' Cisb.'dl Men. chum, 4.1. North Water u, is. IllitonhA .6arres, Ptula. i 1 . 16130-11 ''.--- ..IYlissa : •••• LULUS. .• eItDY, JONES a Co, (0000tkao.. to- Jua. June. a Co.) Comeasman azel .1" bier chards, antleszio PlOsbugh Palf bare., Pa. 3ll M 21357 1.11.11 mare saciosi — ; DICLY co. Wholedalli GlnociCom duke ktercnas, mad drAlers iliProdsaiitios.66, 107 Pram sUsets, Piusblatki. EloyB I OT. - 1N NI7TOWNieNNLI, Drugged irad Agenhienifi, tf No. 43 Statham, three doom aboyn ThlthAti Pius: burgh, will have nonsundly onliend's *NU selected es: .sanest of the ben and free/met 'mg eall on the moat thesonnhlo regidelans Sending orders, well be promptly inthedled to, ae piled with =rein tbcy may rely upOiene Qj rhysleisum Pre-seilptione bnincuidely and !many prepared from the best innieNAll, at alit lion[ of 110 day or [tight. i H Alen for thin, a letp met of freehittid saceitgerfm, I,i' to T iJANFil2.ll,llans - arkirarrenjtrausiWinirmT. el . elan and Forwerbing blercheme e tiand artialealla dealer Reserve ltheethi"Bnuer !pa and Pent Ante, mid Western Produ , ez d rtitteralimiWaler veer, between Snalihfle/d and W , tub • , apt isneecesor to 4n9ilt & dteObatt,) Waolesale Grocer and Coeueunencol lailthaat, dealer iu Produce and Plusbares Mithefaata 04 dar ner of Liberty and elan) ttreoU, YirtiAagh k*,,joSO Jears 9 AteGUlltdd, Sale ante of and hictitarea illerenun Ilefidings, nand wary neat Vroul,li.usbarigb:, JAWES A. IFUTCILISON, a. C..l;OOLOO.Cceopero Lonna & Co., Ceunnut w a Idire&aula, and Ascots of thr St Lowe 146..ery. No. 4.3 o. for awl 95 front itrects, P99lines6. land 1 DILWOIFfiI t Wboie tirocit . .tfi Mso grih:l2=Vt=r4nlllM 23 4 P "'. Nam Ea, Pitinbiars6. 'II - €/ 911 11011,. 3111111). 7d0R1./104, Wbotionne wood . h ee l, &sofa, P 11.1., Chia, vat ono nom Soon of Di= liAlelltd3 KERS, Jr., ranedirOor it*pa ap Darnell: Cannelton, dd Waterrist. . i y _pe t 1 JDR VIL MELLOR, WitentenSelrend Cienfir la Masse and Musical Instrnmott Saadi Bourn, raper, Staten, Stool Puts, Quill., V Wulf:lrian, aUti Stationary generally, No. el Wood cl.i __lrrLiajnironght oras}anw trado.,,t :As Ell J. SCIWONALSILtiII et Co, WhOlOtalo No. 14 Wood ntree; Pan tougli4 1 URN, a DAVIS. Auccloarer, ooratutUratlii-Wood tj streets, PltQborgLt. el oord 01INSToti /...SIISCKTON ~ 0 and Papal Alamaturturers, No. 44 It 4,otitt* lough. JOSX non. . a J. & R. FLOYD, Witolesalo Groerroqi s matiop EP . Merchants, Dealen La , e tod6C6j9DOillad church !Wilding., Ocutsug on Liberl 01, and 11nd Zak uteela,Ntatburgli, Pa • ' ss „.,___ I SltdlZ UAL:SELL, IN Cs:desalt t. 4 .5, Iteutomlon 1, blesebout, and denier In Prodii *al Pittsburgh blatastaelotes. N 0.2.1 Water st, /has rgb. littola I ACOIEWP.A.VER, Jit Wholesaftrlbil btetaUrDes• tr let Id Foreign wine. ' arid Lag aunt s Sled obillboon gabele. Bye lb...keys, ensues First •110 ilh , (101111... 4r 2 . H V LER &JON LS, Forwarding andltgpannatattinti, slatunadleadera to Produce and PainthariAanaus factarbd amen, Canal Baal, ucaltinatt. DULL YlTTOEttailin KEN4V:, XL I Zt c.,° - • 61# 6," "Y wine and Liainur. Vasurlsio Iron itOrks. LDALZI2.I.L Co.. monotitimen aping ea res Ictor, nnect, railer Iron and d ada orthis nod poaill. Madman., Ca voter and I.odfront L : WA I ERMAN, built Itfau .n ufacturca hk.'" l.l P e e d " d Product., • • ..11 %PAWiP— cc, .ao Imut aL snow. aor airi t. D v, ; 4 1 , /, LOOKING en.ess Slanaramoreraj Ind arkiPlesant deslas in foreign and demesde IPastap aoods. em merchants, Pedlars aml arditto otor:turliod to call Mod examine - the pricessad qd any alma ansat, as with., present Increased facilities) mansfactur tog and yessehasins, we think we athletes ad great indireemems to sayer* as sny other Maio welled the Ploantains. /ea.. us. n. Want an Musa* n. MeGILLS In ROI, %YholesninGroenkn and Cnannfin. An, Irian btereknani, Na lut- Pulibargh, MURPHY, WILSON & Co., woo .14tira, SION. & Co.) Wisoksalo Dealers to Orgltioods,4os. 49 W.od sue., Fiushorgh. . ~ , gairril MAWN= WlLSONortran anallunaterePato. , F tar. Koons, comerot Fort Oclio &kg arui Fourth..., entnutee on p a gear som e . A ;. .. nec&ittf. • rfirsinnual Erma. woaxs:litm ETguto AND AXLE FACltAti t.. IN.IO 10931., , I , ors &lingo. Joitzs & cimadi •f , „ , 11,1"ANUFACIUREI119 of spring iiid bllstrif , sted, Jly plough steel, , sz i el 4 plougti auk = srut,ll4.l , 74= :=T I / 4 1.sungs, gm eartian. oropa'arid' inarinaw generally, owner ern.. and Front' Os, Yitligior -,, Fa. . jf,l i-,feW pj — iBtirairsA9oN, No. •,, MIO , . .L 1 .4.“../ 4.1 s or 0. from earner of Fourth, 4,47/,... b., 1..„,, e ,, n . aril Dome.. Mils oallehaorge,Ceropg,..ggig 14 Duck Notes sad Specie.. 1,9 Recollections ma . .14 thiopinapilielue, throughout the United State. J: 4.17 131CKWASTElt, Auiramaa-r , 1.1 ifithl door abort, Smithfield, di fs title. I.l2nrepthein6 craft tied, done Nark the Iresieti 'case tegat wane]. Titles le kcal Emma ezmalded, 4:!4, ealOil.ly DR. GEORGE MO .0 0K. '...P OFFICE, Fauna street, near lit' 4 an Ste ream 1 7 kJ Lately ocettMed by Aldendas Ml Upi, trantedimar IX ollyWatte Xs. LiatewellW /le amy: , mend al al,llll 1 ^ So- 71, EL Charles Haub _ ' Salldflar _ U. ,T.llmborts, DV 1.1, '., LASEDALMIC EURLIEAJN, will att/XXI to Ste seat -1..1 Mentor LlSeases of the hye. !,;;, Dr. IL. has bee. engaged to this Enulth of the stedl- MI Matins/on for sixteen yeas, awl birrWrindtleted an eatabliahment for tbs treatment el Mills. of ;Ike eye aloae lor seraral year.. Omit= and tradenee, comer of' ; Plindesk . ) , iti and Strawberry alley, Allegherry arty. t 111: ..;•etl? Black Teas, done Ity ' LL, q r w 4wdf, atl ane s polute pang., ruling from Vt.,. pr.ntOund St , . 17A A. !Al NIAwl A_ nit! .pkin CARD. ' l, • 100 ROBISON k CO. having aseptl TROMAS !} . s . o4sl374, L Tittl.:Ctr:m i la b itgrealris W .wfll bo M/ as usual anger :ha firai 'eft Bobis ,, n, Co &Ca. .t.) mum, LITTLE fr. Cl Na. re 4 Pgbinurgt, Wholeen& 11:- --- " C051.133410¢ Merchants, au , ' MOM lianlo. .611.1.1 OBEEIT MOORE .Wbob lA. dealer. Pt.li tam, and all kiwis ore., .std Liquors, No. II Liberty sir, • dalsCk . large mock of superior old Idonni,4llbiela which will be row low for r/IEICT 1/71. - LZELL Vlliirdesalo Coaled.. and Forwarding Stfgantai'elealers Produce wol',Pinstiurgh L Libef/Y el Finaburgb, re. Velffr. tcr Q e :ki n 4 I :,U d fININGIIA4I, Wtke 40. 144 Liberty u " rLth. 4l I I oil g. 1LL.0144, EYNOLDS k RIME, Fortrardie kjerehheta, for the Allegheey srs W Groceries, Produce,. hod Chloride of Lime. Tke Pr. P rieelll3 rerkaretti reop.4' of lalut s aiii:=4; 7 & svi!iTr, whi l rz „ zr. . aud Manes= Sman, ILAG&LEY & Co W wndoce doomn4 = MaNo. ake and Mb. North *Mo. Philadolphis. 1 g. Vo — keT and Commission Merchants, No: DorTIL CARDS. S. / Ineltruarnmn, i l L on g iri al h eo N b l ett, i t E VEt:4 ..thenst, Latied and Lard C,:t . F. VILIN BOTOIOR.ST, & Co.i Wholesale ibTioi O ti . eon) iForraseling_ and Cornimuston Moreau., m Deers tiFinsbarith out Western PTO. dace, hartuunoval lo their neer wareliciesaloid stand) ft 033. , oolltec of Prohl at. and Chancery Lane. xl. et Groce:rs sod lintinxi 1 Lib] getthanu,'ind de dealers In Pxoduce. No. tat and at.,fillstioralti por.l ; scam WROTH*. BLNYTtilinielesale and Retail duders k , BooVibot. t Ttankt, Catpet Bags an., s. 'W. easier rand su, Plttslaegh Pa jail . „ .010 D. link[, . VtD lava3ol.i. WICC& DIVANDiant, (toec o o o . to L. a J. t .". .I_, *tj aie % ,ligr....i n grt. , , ar1'2, 4 0 '''' lottou Ya....., and PiThdatrgh Thumlaana;c2 generanY, nava. , of Woad and,Werar.ireets. Ptasaanza. „„,.......... . . mr E, .........trin Mill Furunib - . : • IN pm. ent, No. 044 I•lmltty In., near Ine &rd. _,___. ii•ti • W -1 2 . /LSORIW•I I IOerm 4e•relyy — , Nam Wu,. • .. • MilliartGoodii, comer or minket and 4th . g ..t. ) Prillol FA N. I.l.—Watthen snit Clocks ••41 , N 0Y tared. , • dec4 IN. '.- . i --- ' "---'---- n i 'n Fe - Ale =040.90 Front at. belreen Wood ..a iuket as Om. fel44 tV 11titherIN91iiilinace inkkrtili deiderm TM • nod Dontestie Dry qoods, no emat. et= of atter nntl . fonlib sta. t . 0 41 Aro.A among. UTIrMING it.Co.—Ocalen to Inatbor hides, ae. 143•2,iberty iii., : ,m 3-11 WM. Ircrktuos. 144nm.iincorcturarc IX? A til. M'CUTV.II9XIN, YCI.o/mOi Grecerm, dem _ , _Il• 149 in Picittate, Iron, Nails, 1;11.a, ..1 rm. •Nwrgb . BlLtiltfactures tenennlty, 13t Imilrerty st, Pins. 1 000. li. t 4rel 139 T 1 1 / I ,WII-4301, _Deaier ut Witchem, -Jewelry ' V 9 m &ben Waro.4 Miliiiirr. Cloo3•01.c., No. 11. Ma: tin in. , i •mov7 i -7----4 P -- 1141.401i&O & tit DEFLIN HI FS AND LEAT: " , Moo, ;Aka., N.. 143 LinCrty wt... Imre EA Sh j rai ndin I. ' , merited them pFIII/468TOCE9d 0004., corn. P. 0414 • hirse amodinent or .mete. in th eir line. to Such it.ilammaion Orporeliamrs Is litmal. • mcbt9 I • . STEAM BOATfAUENTS OPrwoosovt M. Co, oat% No. CO :Water .vent INSURANCE 1111111iINCE ;I;OBIPPI V • PTTSBURGH. CAPITAL 1300,0001 I.E••=m it; \or ikelf• I a max.., Jr Pres'. Wilk . incans on all kinds of nets, ' FIRS AND aleauve, A LL lo4es will let liberilly majasteA and promptly Jr&, A home) ilelitothra s / 5 .0 aged by Directors who are wUlbelentlitt th e eoistarmity, and who are detente, et by prealiSmese anßitheraltry mmakntain th e char acter wine* they hate emceed, as oillering do best promnionAethosodesire to be Wand Drancroill—EL , Jr, Geo 131aMt, W Butler, N. liointeCh., WM. IL Holmes, C Ikm.en, Geo. W JaCkaon, M. 1.45 m, Jas. Lippincott, Thos. K. Litra .I.ll4 l Aeley, Alex. Nimek,Thes. Sem. Gm., hp. a %Valet meet, Iwatchierrse M SPant _Blet ail !Swat Pittaktarst. manly 111 E ALAWARS MUTUAL . Es BANOFHOOMPAISY.—UnIiee, NotIU Room of the Eschaugatitied wreck Philadelphia Pao Isentautes—thalkhoira Menshaindlse and other property Itoolirlf and Coosill, in•urett;lloiroit lo.• or damage by-fno as thoslliateur rate of premtura Mwincl 4m...se—They also moon Vr...e). Car- Vt.+ andtFrAlgta., fokelgo or e0m1.••36; uruler oyco or ...Mal voltaic*, as thriassured may derAre. Ilt.A.TgoasrokraMos—They olwararesnerehan. dim transported' by /Megan., Muir Cars, Canal Bolts and Mem fiesta on rivers lakes, wo the most //beret ems. DIRECTORS—Joseib U. Seal. Edstiond A Seeder . John gJJatp, Bobal,Ban.., John IL bums., Same el Edwardsitice 0 Leiper, Edward DlSltegion. inane R Davis, William - Pollee% John Netslro, Lir R M How ton, Jitroca l .sC llaod,lTbeapnuo. Paunlms, bone. Brecht, Henry H.sltslswire Serval, Spencer MCllystio, Chase. Belly. J Johnson, W5l "A tyro, ro;,L, Wm. Bagal4, leo. Ti Lilac WILLIAM MARTIN, Presnien. ilimunit S. Nssrkelm,SeererarT. ICJ' °Meli rho Company. No. a% st \Nue? reet, Plustiorgh,;l a JaLledit P. A. MADEIRA, A ge,tt 81111P.AND AKAH.IIIii 111181:11LANOE. TUE INAVILONCE , OO. ot Norco -America will • • rankeftimanerd'ano lirnited.lngirance on peri -1r r to thifelty and ',rectally, and r six:moots by anal, ei,n4L - Latesi end by Sea. Tre'l Oroirernen or ;this Ceenproky are well invested, and Width an wood. • able fiend fel the ample loderunity of ail pone. who deniers to blirrottiotealty insertion., • loyle ,r WM. P. JONES, ngentiet Water ,r; IINDEATERTIic " FranO,in Pert '.lpnuranur Co. oi.Philtuidphia.. :DiEreltaLS--Cbittles Ilanekerr Thomas 91.91.01,0, rObistWagoerilsaninel time, Jacob IL Sault, 644. W Ilseitardr, Mordecai D. Lewd, edolpno K Dooto. Duri4 5. Brosixi, /lonia Panerann. Ciatualp N. Llencarin, President autrlea panckeviblecretary. • Cp' rebore bla make losorance, perpoilst or bested, -on evw.defincipabon ptolemy m bent 0e xoamry, atitkaislOr as aroduis verb .acct c o To Cewday hove termed a large cqntingent Fund, 'which unorgicir Capital' and Prenuumt, tateiy tunes, td,ladord aribile protection te the unused. 'The asueliot thn ent4F./1 , . 1940. nr , published • rigreeably to to not of Assetobly, were ae fallowo i 31 . , thlrb* SLOW:We 41 Real tstate , t 4,721 re.l Tempi - may Loa. • siejour orr . bowie • i 00.4-01 • ' 2,404 • V. 4 9 ,99 ded &I. No 93 Alloy Phi. .1 • 5t333,41rd n Rioets theif kat onhitiuloto, a period of, la years, they haie paid wards of sae Mink.] tonvettasstree thous aid dollaraf•josecs byAre, theteby adoryllng °sterner alb° isolvseatel almanac°, as sres3 as the alma, Land diapstraton 10 aterYwlth PromPumis allluttWttes, • J. GARDINER sarprot, Assns owl,itif • Offsee,N £ °erre. Wtjod nue 3d .0 RIGTII — A , CIMBUILA IS 0 id Gut MADELRA,dgent at Dinsbath for the Dela °wept:oat Safety Irdsorattee Cofeparry of Ph RIO phi. °ter/flake °Doss buildings estßl exerrharette .01 every d43eriptionj ItarizeMizre upon halls or aloes of •Vessels, taken tspos the than favorable . . Otlieeflo the Warehouse of W. Dinotate.; fr. Oro., • tk . 77,:"X. near Mat a ket sure; FI tara Vlrsh oce il tlietrtooale(lOr ' Agonor la Mi. eity, Y re the Pro ' rab 1. ..:tress and ry with ',bleb tecerY <I ' S. upon Mt ',Car lon haubeen adiOned,folly warrant ma agent ia lashing the'Oaafidenerfand patronage dens S. and theeorcurounty' at large to the Delaware M. S. limp oniee . Congany,orldroh has the additiOnal ad 'al onotagian orrung_the non Ba c hlounshitil . :t phia—vas hearing aa amplopald.in ennui; h by the _operation of. ha charier Is constantly, increasing, as guefghte to earl persaa Insured his en: rime of the profits of ittO cparty, without invoicing him in soy rapearritailify wha om tever, and therefore u ponnesaing tins Munn P;rincsple dreamed of everf,letntonous fez. :tare,_ and I.ta mon sanative form. nove • FitiilCAND3llCturisa" 161 LA cu. Wh lataiaacica4any of North Maarten, through hrJ the rubif nix:, Wien to make peqrd i 4gaited Invitrattenon property, lo ithiacity and)eivne , soul on thipte@uts by Ore Ca. :hal and Wren. • Charles Taylor, 'Ent W:7 ti 4, , artairoho Wino, , Edward Pad ,rt •: ' Jacob Jff. Thomas, iffahirrh.,Brennt, • John R Neff, 1j& , W 61 4., 114chil0 D. Wood, . input.* P Wra 18=1051R Frank!, linter., fmg 9 ZlOllln Mks, tramp Alliboae, ' 'ARTHUR. G. C.14 - arr, Preet. IGriaW DZ'Stargardi Secy. TUG *Grai/tea - Insaraces COmpang la the United harms been chartered la 1:94.4 Its charter it Vetpettilitl4 from Ito GO k/h n l a r d i i kngsoltn a g n eirperietee, .tho u and wanding al lgee character, a at? be OaniAeredras offering ara. P. JUNES. Ltf - or Amnia, Jades Or k. Cl., Wa ter tad Pratig Greta Plachareall_ ~, . _ TI:LE BLIOTCHTIJ — KIChas — boom appoitued new pro , ACM Of On Josorsoco Company of flank Amenra, ondmill issOF Policies tad otlenal to thoothor bourse.. Of the Agony, at iloimrotebouse of Atwood, /one. i Co , :. . .?rte .. %VAL P. JO:IF.N. rotor on ,FORWARDINti & COhiIIISSION, 46 CoM L C.•[itlYYl.t 4:IOPZ Bala ir roo Liz, • - • 'FGKWARRIAIJ k COSISIISSION MERCHANTS, . ehd deuct, In White Lead, Mode el , Wass, tc., al/S:Beeend *Una, Paisburgh Pa. *Read promptly la the sale a amities tenoned • .3 to their mum MIA sol . ..lnralty 403nat, IL Tender kCo , b. Ugay &Co Altarphy, own a. , Vitiaborg,, , Rnnah,-Titattam m Co...ltnd the Mer d."Jaileall7, Neer,Liabon,•o. D. lc LI. 11JDo held , k• 0 .0 1 .4'4-Vette, Wel/male, O. Jumitis Wm. 13, D. /1.61 M: &Dm, Forma a. tii'Mdlas, Mammon. U -4 Wolin Cd., m Co., John •l 4 Drown kOo., Pldladelphla. A. tli-Mbehardson M Grok, & Co., Ciaetnealjo 0. John F. .110 azd,lMaismlte, Kr. John Smith, Flew Orteens IFUJ,dc J.• atreeets,Cleveland, O. A. Ji.Entkley, hums. field, el ra, rats& Co.. Deemer, euitatof • JOUR! A. 'UAW ' PAIALK UP. PORK AND DEEP, goHnmitzion Mitehast tad Vurwarder, NO.K 7 CANAGOP,CINCIANA/1, 01110. eM•Parittalai aricatioa paid to 1b purchasing of gioWof - Produce is this marten. Al.o a the iteio+ Car 0. 2.ICVAMPP.BItt...-Iftri} J bum. •heti (l4:„, aiwaal, - I.lhs Wars. and sale et Aaevi. . cad Mumfamurcil istl,PrOdars,. sod tla neehingrand torrArdta' g goods ceasigned to M. usz. the: tlasmthiMazei, 1, To • constantO ftyptsed aeiaqtrtiela PistbourS Matnsfacum bare,' ••• sale recx. ;Order. and . • re,' Mg:wet , 17 . _s_o rrtnus. au. I. !win.. PITAISIA.IS in CO.. • FOIIIVABOIMI 41§113101 Mfflunlivra, Na. fl' 'Be mond script, meal' AtEto• aTiLOUIS, MO. itule 0/gear Iliburntatjaray i 013 • Cammisman et Trade; deal khiralnlClitref . ._ ' - ertE s. scram • • bus. asiussost • • IiOSSIFiII it. ATZEINISO II s Fuss st. h =cei Woo° ems et1.4141i, „ 7 ,, ,ra. .c T..--i5,;...E.4t,w-ckAt Mott Mild , sot ilt World t loo s WO to order. ctal stosoios peep to rm .= b9l.l*oft. level:chen& a hue ILlSOftstielit of Gipps and'Orast Ke ilke, TYears, kg. te. itiewaboss Molting itotres, , P •le Foite.kvartoite siZMl—s 'my:convenient ar• 'l i t sle'si'elleaSts, California codgteiste. pt. mal toad cassettes:l . virmillne . retrully fillt;tte .111Mittrxml. mmt and tt;i7s to esti Ka .oar articles awl pica before , pardasiadllsawlterti., ,y:l7 • '" / • ''° , 'sale Deems la itia SO Wbod at. • • , kLlhf Oratom Ind S~rransm fora Aulti 4 o3earint Foorarding iiVauct On Pm. HOTELS POUNTAIN HOTEL. LIOHT ISTR.FiIIT DA 1. TIMOR E Irtl6o xrm rarwron, raorraznits establhmeut long and widely known rat being one critic moei cominwhinse in the city ot Baltimore, hr,vecently undergone very "sten. stye alterations and Improvement, An entire new wing has been addee/, eontranine totturrene and wry .1 pa twping antnent, nem and ea:re nothing room. The depattroont bra also Leen comple.ll reorganized and (Metter, In a went Indoor awl Wean. fel atyle. in fact the whole anannemran of the House has lawn emodeled, anti a smear rye on we pert the proprietor.,lawrada the eamfett and ,he of their Guests, and which they confidently otte r , will eliallenge compariewr with any Howl in the ni,t. Their table will altny• he .applied with evert tub stanial end luxury eghieh the market affords. ...eyed up in a stiperier sit Ira while in the way of Wm.., they will not be sarpramed. In conclusion the ptopriraon beg!. say, that nothing Will be led twdone enth ral. part, and en the pun of thew ,stunts to renderibis Hotel worthy the cniotettni praronagg of their friend. and the public pine rally The prices for beard hirer alto herat redoeral ,o the folloennute. 4ladlm.rn : g 1,75 per day, Gentlemen's N. IL—The [luggage Wagon of the House will al. ways be found at the Car and Steatotota, Landolgt, which will convey bttNgdge to and Irmo the lime I. free of charge. nkarttf - - EZCUAHO HOTEL. to.. or rm. a... CLAta arm, runmetruati, The aulurenber having ginned the manage ment of tins long eitoblmhed and popular Hotel, reapeetfully Uric/once/I to Traveller. and dm Public generally, bathe will be at all tunes prepare.] acCommodaM then:tin all Mines &nimble to a well regulated liotel. Ther. House m oow being Moroucttly repa.4lbreagboat, bud new Furniture added. ra s a on pains will be iparn/110 make the Eilchange one of We very beat Hotel. in the country. The undersigned tike country eoltelta contiounnee of Me very Ithend patronage the iio.< boo n.tomre Met-11/GIL THOMAS OWSTON. febridif p,,e. etor • _ colt= or room kNIS oaan - r exams, rtrtaarnatt. THE abbseritter respectfully announce. that he boatman opened Ida ow anti excellent Ili.. rot lb. aeromaiodonon of traveler.. letantert. and the public generally. The house a n ,t iurnilore are entirely new, mad no pains or expense have been spared to render it one of the moat etonfortablo and plesaant Hotels In the City. The subsenber is determined to deserve, and there fore With; a altar. of public patronage. orttl-dly JACOB HOUt.H. Propnetor 17111[T r f l 'SD TATEi mrstatrov rt.. • rm.'. vontrrn Ann ru - nt sra OPPOSITE lute !lank of the Untied Stine.. Phila. der. Al. POPE MITCHELL, Proprietor LAW OFFICES. - - ATTORINET AT LAW, Butler, Pa also attend to rollecuo and all caner Lai- W li nt m s entrusted Zoltan to Butler and Aar:aro/1g counties, Pa. Rater fd J k n Mord. Liberty to W Wallace, do James hlarohall do l'atsnuri,th My Kay k Co., Wood st nal' JB. SWEITZER,: Attorney at Law, otace •t a opposite At- Chatles Hotel, Pon.hurrli, ad: alms attend promptly to Colleettons. ‘V tubs/won, taint and tireen eonnues, /?a. TO filar towel, Bell di ) Church k Catothen, }PoisLorsh I) T 31organ, ea y L , J. Attorney and Coomvitor ,tE Cinetnnaii, ()hit, Collection, in Southern I kin.. and to Indiana. and in Kentacky, prompt!, a dI care fully attended to Coinmissioner I.r the Stair tpl Penn sylvania, for tallied Deem - Shona, sr it nate iriliptiria, te. Hvu yo—Hon. Wija Bell k Ann. Cann, ( - hotel, A Carothers, Wia. I lam Fay., %% /Buck A Darts. all HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS. ercciitx. a co, Al(Saco...4,lQ° AFeord & hingl raahlon6.l4l• Hatter's, Comer ,of Wood rm.' /NIA Strew-. PARTICULAR rattaridn pasd to our Het, Trade &eatloosen can tely upon your, tnetr Oat. and Cap. troth oar earaldulmtern of the seer aan.uu 1111 d wustawAtently, of Wel-allot rtytza and at toe LOW Country Merrnentlei.rareloutne Ly wlrola.sir, are respectfully otytted toaord and era:lune our ,tort. anC. say *rah cor r ltdenve.thut as regard. yearn, d 11 a3ll not eaCer Zr. • romparorot nis y Louse WPh.Odeiplua, CALIFORNIA lIATS—Ia dot "eau Cal/forma lints; Jur: rererre.l and oor ra, told" corner Art, Roo It oat •I. ri SPRING FiTi3Mlo2ll2i FOCI. 1849. M'CORD S CS wtll Intrvuor, on r s ,day, March lid- F.re syrorg sole Ito 11,41, Tlaoae In want of takat and .per or Itat aye to call at eerner or lldh.and Wood atter,. outr.l 8 PRINII.IIION:IiIieRILUJONIa. Marphr o open a simply of wprso, Roane: Ra.l.roo, of new a n nal hadsome style. Mao, new et to Nett, 1./..1e Loran, and F.le• tors Line, Edgino; Vtelorta do, yla,l rdtron• Jaconets, erahroaleopa Swiss 1110.10.., Ar . a large aswariateol orliisnata liocds scaersay, a: north coat corner 46 wad Mule,. stresis. Wholesale Rooms Afp statrs. at. COTARTNEWIPS. ==== zloi •.1 no •o , trd Oh ti.rsla I on but...no-JAC:QV U 'Ctl\l AR: I. and t 4., unapt the 62-Ikeit. ue hrrrwturn t iukr btu, 0. O. A. FAIINENTmCk: 1 t t. &UPTICK. THE partfarrs‘ lrheirfolo.• •x toting unal.r m<t,to o , A. • C 11RA ra.VA . t• In.• ol Mr. C. litadicy Ihr rf..ran, oo A I.lruillr, who wt.?! .ett, :Le of we .fo. rm. REIIOV AI.—A. 11nAutsu b.. r. tnove.l 1.,, F 1.311, Warrboutte tenni t I^ttecondN.• 10 •treet. between: Fir. , 4.1 ue4-en...1 4ttre•4. tu • tworrnou•e intetipted by I .4. lterr, 44-ne,e tetll keep r... •tuttly 63 'nand a nen.- in: eettortsnent nt num I.4lneen. Cana. i ht; Ifi Stutre•. Sr it t 1 gnOLUTION. el , llF.partnershtp tutreetornre eautrna between uel U. /144.hficIdt.und Wilton. U. 11•F4, I71111:1, under the firrst allti;titlFlELD a B A VS. ha. mi. 4, tea ditablued by William L fla, 4ellthn tn. entne !Memel in the btu% utr P. IL 814.411.14. Ai. arrow., due the Ann 'rot be' collected by :4 U. Iltt.lan,d, unet all debu don by the Jule Sjun to be pen! ur the 4,11,e to n urs(IFIELD. Ibitehuntn, June TS Ist.. W 11. HAYS CO.PAWINERP4P.—S. U hav tna .• day SSIOGIIIIeII ale!, Basal Laaota, of Bedford, P. and iacendy of the aLtabon•i 110.1. Prroborxt., coutince .6enode the L... Of Ja. LEADER, of ma ma... 4. N. S a IiCSIIIIKI.I, II 1.E.A1/Elt Lit..elly garret. - Piusbargh, lams L1,1E49 rtUaMtmo/Ir7h tmm eec o2mipdin gmyhe ee..o en HAy.pr piernolattf eau TEEeo-parmepahl e heretufore exteung ~t l, • ten onbaerthera. name of Cunatabk, Ratite a CO, Is thi, day dmiolted by rottomt eonratec Steam. Butts: fr. Bar na§ Anll;settle the Lawn,. of to .00- eern, for a/Lteh porp*- thea Sir author/and to 0. .. the aurae of the. concern. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE, EDMUND BURK& TIIONL , II3 BARNES. The intletaigpord heie this day to...elated themselver th the name of REMO: k RAPINE'S, tor the poTpose of manalartorme Ftra Woof gut, Vault Douro. a n, ke, at the stand or ilan tau arta ut Constable. Rorke ed. , whore they will he ple.a.rd to teem we dm tronage of the euatorr4r• allot boas.. and th.,r fruttula. El/all/ND BURKE, THOMAS BARNES • In reurlng from thrifirra Coostnale. Burke kCo I with sincere pleas9re recommend Messrs Burke a Damao to the confidence of my (Ben& and ihr oul.he Feb - 9, /BO 'NATHANIEL CONSTABLF febia-dtf =MI:E THE rmrmerrhlp if MCIII . IIY it tei• Jay db. ol, ed by multul cousent The 4..1,4 of the Itta firm will be settlNl H 1 FL htUburgL, lut. 311.1.10 II L NOTICE—The ortlrtrigrneal wilt rontibor IM Wool and emend lb We We of Woolen Uoal.. at We old sbuid. 11. I.EE. In retiring from 14r rim of Murphy & Les, I take g teat pleasure in relcornmendine Mr. 11. Lien to the confidence of eny friends and the public. Pittsburgh, Jan. 311,1e.1.4. J It. :MURPHY. rI , IIK subscriQrs. hase thus day lova...tied thral -1 together Dr the purpooe of transacting o wholesale and retail Dry Goods and Urocery hominess, at No Itin Liberty, opposite Seventh street, under the stile end firm & 11A1S. Pittsburgh, January 1, ItRI. II —Our old coattnneso and the public a tied to give or o . m ll. IA , 00.PAILTNEW 1 1111fP. AM. B. SCAlPOitind Capt IAAIRS ATRINSIIN hare entered into partnership, under the bon of FR A'Pli./DRON , and will miry on the Tin, Copp,„ and Sheet Ir4ll Ware unsintfariory. Alvo. kihrelosmlthut in ntt ns branches. at the old stand of Wits LI Scully, First slreet. near Wood Particular attennitit given hi steatichent work. oce: I - 11A VI? tho day rpocinted mew the whole• .tie lirderry, Produce aml Conantgstoubui,nr., toy LtotherJuseph, ue,chrr the larn It .1 1 1111.1 , 101r111 G. J II DII.WWITIL January 1, 1612. ; / iO-P V day notocusted vi.Alll Wm, John It. Area., UM Ira :het baAinesa wrll lorroller coullacted Luvler We fi '..t Vo.o Co. ‘v - I 1.L1.01 • lA.'S _ _ /NO. It. !iI'CIJNIF.. BE.NNETT i BROTHER, QFEENSW6gE AIAn VEAL:it/Rh:Lc, Birmingham. (near Pittsburgh.) Pa. Bgregarne., No. Ig7 Wood 'tree!, l'ilisiorgh. WILL corourntly Y cep on hand a goal Iwo. menu or Wan; of nor own manatee:lure, no; sopctioequatily. Whaler.. and coon,. Mel chants are rEirectfolly reviled to rail and es amine for themselvers. as w- are derermtne4 ro anti cheaper grant.. ever before been offered to the pai l.. TrEr lade/arena by Crall.secompurred by the cub or try reference. earn L. prnatiltly Or)r-3 •kg Wamt; Ido Feathers, rand., awn L Ear Al line, and tor rule b Asoy 11A LZEI.I. • Pca6 Machine shoji H. ;IV] . xn allrilAli—Mantlfactiarer ni all kind. 0 1,,, Tho above wort. l l iVflig ' n ' oc i" VII I Aj ni m ilte n t?its c al l ii o p . Pc ms , i = te t e n p . as ah l iD coot/ onion ;72 pie ken, aerraders, ' co% gri n t:enrTafilee, &liana kantea, apetedrs, throaalls Itssooli elm* double or athe,e, rot elevebatO:or country iowiilwP(w wok. mulea,lack.. he.; Otdai. and hand lathes and tools ist gait. oral. All kind. fa litilltog made to order, otplans giv en for gearing factories or mills at reationsible charge. Buss ra—iissinedy, Childs &Co Illaekstock, 11011 & Co, Klf4SlPrnitnit &Co Ja A. 0 BOOK TKO& CATIONS.—A Compendium nflze n l:- , IN . TEL I dt;1011 . . by Dr. ( ~:,." ) ,!h 4 r ° , 47 is by S Davidson, L In rrl lin et! c.oni I. II '1 volo 111 rimy n( the Ilsthrtl Start• fltrh. mval iloldre.. :I roil, act /11u.ns. COllllll In Book rd,‘,..1 by las son m•law, J. W. Wsocr. 0. a . . 114 , ..t0ry of Matto AnLon.te 01 rcal.r.c, by J. S. C Al.bo.t. with enorravtul. 11...nn ofJultus C..ar. by J.rith Abbott, rug's. 1,et... by ll.ory Wadyworth Lungfellow ;on,lete Wuri• Ilinakvah Moore, I vol. 000. 1••••. p. • v • rA. l'hal,urr . •lSrmlnt.. I :119 l;417 etorev of Atari,. by D , litstorwai Geognaphy of the Ilatle. l~ a v l v haprilltion to the ()cod Sea and Do ,r /onto.. Large ore. with elinlefelel map. and . gruviito Mot - nutty , Ilittory of England. A nEw Itupply Harper, tom tt volt, out ovt. edition. In e herp extra, sod in combno e-amber's Mowry of thr Claim 4. life in the We., by U F. ktbiton, Fwg. On band and for sole by It. - - - suet Apollo Butlduaga, Fourth .t 10% NVORK 0i A IJIIOR OF at PA IN TER4.—.-The Seven Lampe dt Architecture, by Jahn Realm. wub nouterout Illogration, drawn and ctehed by the author. one vol. Moo. Jutst published. and for Atth. by JAMES D LOCK WOOD, 3 1 0 ',oto t. P Ho 4u t . a r eL , Boo r. D k, Abb.:4V% Hlstory of /tains Cesar, with cugraviste. Just recetva4 ni JOHNSTON & STOCKTON'S, cor Market end Tbint ats. A . A GRICULTU —A RE, Ac . Parmer . •lalcy clopreta, two Lindley'. VeKria.de lilttgdonl,.vo. Ihkvy`• Liar parse. on A grieohurr, &c, Seelmden—The Plant. rvn. Agncenurol Chemoory. !tom Allocr American lion Boot, I! tn. American farm llook, DomeAtic Animal+, 1 . 10,0 . Welnonr & Perk , Dotor.tir Economy, 111Lre 9vo. Far 1.111111.:S D LOCKIVOOD, 1Y 1,, 83 Wood st ! alb eid o i; Minim, by Cowan; Puoperi• Medical DietiO rYi 13.1,14 . 1.1‘ . 1 do do: Cooper, Surgical drii yo , irm Sumorir: °Mean, do do; Mier:amity, IV to, mil, Dominion, on tlio ; Slope on Om Penn, rdvm•iiier, demo on theranea of ihr Perculie ‘1•Orl, Nleal,en and Theropeotimi, Chapman on Firoptivo Fevris, boo the Thor/lice and Abdominal Morro.; Wood`, Procure at Alediein, Dana Iman's do dm Eberlirin do do AM, a large and ',mob eupply or Nlney S M Voion 110•1 k •. t.n bawl end for aiilr LY ELLiorr %Vona wt STOIiT WORK UI THE 1 with* Not en —Nineveh and 11.• Ite• a n.lin k 111. sn ovens in of w rl.ll (0 The Chaldean i'lirftw at urdonn. and N'twltlis. or Devil Wt..- ..nipper.. and an tunahry flan the tnanners and arts of 411C/Clll Astyrittng Av. , . Henry Losystd, Dub 1.. in two volumes, wulf owner°. illowarationa Their .. s remelt/Wle abd delightful combthalbun in tee WC. before us. of valuable discovery sod in• fe.ens perofthel narration, such ow we rernelaber as .t.inlar work et travel or discovery. • • Mr. Lay 'aril La noi wurpaw.ed by the old traveler.. In Lb. won- Jet .1 of the story he has to tell, he very much surpass es 'new ell ...P....repeat that theta. ho. bren no melt prelate In •ny modern hoot or eel.. Park is oat braver or more ndventurtiol. Iturthordt is =re Po then not more eny ur picturesqueo not lian the two of t be boot beforr ^—i.noon Kninuncr `tare ofhe most reutartroltle work , ' or the age " letntion To e• 11b. ef...wed bed for eale by ,tll JAAIY-S it W0011.t12 Woot et Pertwlleal LiteraSur•. I rile Lortdort yutrterly flev2evr ) Itevtew The Wcruniu.terl!,..ew 'yea I Ihr N4.r.llrltt•A Re.irn. ) 5 Haack ward'. FAinbargh Mfzarrele- Monthly . 'rbe ahtme re. Lea:wait am repllltlrd in New I . srg, nitneamiely u., .he,r by tb• Itn• • .gum, ...VIAL. el. At 1) pr. on hue mho.. paper. anol are t.51.,e• of the or.e.nam- Illackremhf Ninglaint I.e.ng e.• ere, I ae•ibrib a the Edinburgh tAilugh. In.. pet.- Hit.',noir am le. 11.4 one , htnlof tho, oi ,omiAn rbornea. and while they are equally ell e aeloril all 1,1 ad raninge 1.. tag A menet, ~er the Lughr. render • - n... PI) nu,. o uenJe ,iVAlle• 1 Por 3111 . on. ni the no r... Itrs . ... Si 1.0 $3., an Foe ma, two .1. , 4 WI MS= MEM . • two:a ••.1 lb. low Re vir.v • Ito 'he supplted JA).11.1.4 rrENVIMID, wiJ Import, of Pon... 6.1 Wood el. I:rin..tarr.l.• Sisys/Inr. for Jo:y, has 'ma Lean rareivra Ana 111/ • rm. trad ILA •w.. M ISCELLINEOUS. J W. W 0011 W ELL, Sioderti and Antique Vurnitnre, v-1 TV.P •lerer. Pretest scat. • ." Hotel. and pr.vate dwei. cooo,,ltty oo Land .14 maale ordet. i" "he preeot stock on h0.u.1 eutu.o.l..iso Weetileig an) want. o.tory MO eedMltr" IN . • temlong ,ter ea. waled 441 wen to give me ell!, I too drUsrotmett toy evtcv• shall pleale. ?an Of w..a.rt ,n Tet• Tett, nog., Ittogeie; Ili' (lur, (jury, Flizahelb chain, roo X V I'nu.aW.r. Mora, NO, t . :ostt 50..1 ilote-r, o th rver; Su Xlalameany Koekt,.- 4.2 < l'ar.or " .•.•• • L:ook ~•est oa, 4 rt.". po, .4 1,•.,ng ~• • mm U •M +romm, ~vt,or, Work A vcr) ..mrooc.c of common ch.,. mol 00,1 r•rn•torr tog, r•unarrou4 In 1n..1111.1 ,leau 1,2" furnilbed the alwrirel raue en 4 1. !erm• Dlaph_racza VUltar, tor Ilydrael Water. 1111:, isro errtrly that I !my,. •o, ,Anted I..ort:,rotau, Flogreci t 10. ,br !kg,. for the u4 of /mino r Potent Naprohgxn Filter, for rtte t , i her of P.rubarritt nod Allrgherry. /rill \ (rIFISON. Age, fur NVlther Si ritlrenri, In Brostrls•y 4r 10.1414 ,Ve 1.. y. , r•-•-n ormg n.le or tire at , over artrelte al the tr;ee or. Norry A,rls f.,r arree mohrh, ots Iris], noel. nerr•-•..., •AU•1511 th3•l II is • rr•Artri IIWrIILLIIII, 11, rl or •-m•rt re to reeonamentli, them at a ant. tu ante, tn ern, love pure teeter Orders unit Lc tite.tit rut., t. r.,reA vrnl lunette ry eleeitte.l llt.ev•r maitre VI ttttt 9111 Cock, FOlt TURIFVINO WATKR,, Which renders toiled enter p. re by „r": ... iN,J I r•ItICR,ns ell substunce* not euhible in 1:.......... wsorr ri emu., water 10 N York, ri1k.:( ,..„.. 1: 0, ahhuegh vire, undpure to the eye, yet ...hen it pnoees en hour through this • . 011 , r11.0 000/1. shows a largo deppail Impure substattret, worms /se. MS uthe Ont.. more or less with all hydrant ureter. . . • • The Ilevervilde rillerer is neat and durable, slur Is not attended yeah the in incident to WI. Viltrreri, iu is elo•nee,l without L.lny detnehul Gorr the venter pipe, by mealy turning the key or ha dl. !rem one sole to Me other. Ily this easy process, the rourse oi water is emrused, and all aecusoulationa re dope, Inatoillanrell are driven of almost Instantly, rwithout unscrewing d.c Filler. It also posscraer the W anuse. or bung a run. coot., and as such many cuss will he very c.onVertlnnl and economical It eat be attached where there Ie .7 preemie W or luor lo 2 r a.k, taut, lei, he. with ease. Tu be hatO of the ...de A r.nt. W. W. WILSON, nen, rorner of Fourth and M.rkOO col BELL AND BRASS FOBNDILLII. .... 4 A FLI.TON, Bell and Amu Founder lou re built and commem •••161141/1e I. al hl• OW ~ • , , J, where no 4..11 ne pteseed to •, hw old Cu .mm. en and friend, latureth,Enamboat, um! Ihdle of every mar, from 10 to IndiOld pomole, east nom pattern. of the moet approv ed models, and warranted to no of me hem IIItiIPTIAL, Nltnerul Wet,' Yuton, , roantere, RaMnil. •,,.• hate - Mr, wan nvery var•rty .sty „ ( Beau Caellogs. 11 requt,d, turned and ,- niwal iit the o f manner. A I ' .IL- onV proprlntor of ll•aurla Adm•Arran rum !elm,. en metly ,letwated ler Me reduction of (mama 111 manninery The !Pure and Cosnya•inun CI •an Id. hml 01 hi . MlllllOOl. .. .. Jahally_ onortgaheiic RUILMIIT I'ArTMLSON Lea opened the large statue un Firki in, refining through ni Second el, imtw , rest Wood end Smithfield thll/ the rear ut the m ug atm, House, t o no, entirely new one k nl Hornet mud i , iages of the lust quality end lam u aty le, Homes kepi ry 111 LW. 111.111 Cl. 11-4117 Dal, 11 ' ollr " itBi . • A N EMINENT and commuted l'hysleran from the East. of 10 years mundata, offer. m matte lilt:am , of a Delicate !St/kW, With penman,. and merecy Ilm sneacs• in Buffalo end othor large titles bar been proverbial. Hra changes am moderate. and boo enaes permanent. Old came n( filect, Stricture, term fobs, F Mor Alban, fibettinatltan, Ague, Syptrilin, or •ne chronic or tore., ate mutt mottreMd. A cow warront.d. or efinlgn refunded rwrwiot, st. Claw strectA 4foof from h. Enka. Tr , th Extruded. A dvice to the poor oath , . , N Er A •01 . 1 , q1.1 he work rowel of toy d.tr.e I.ltwborgh to call. eipthEy_ Improvement In Pianos. wilcoTllt om itostht is nisi teecivine an oesorttti of P.a.. from the factory of N & Clark. N. V . which tor rt. rm., of exterior, beauty of finish and eaperiority o? 1111111 nod notch. surpass any thine eler brougot to fins ray. Mr Clark. of the atinee firm, lone and inns. faeornl.l) known as tho former for In the celebrated Piano esistpl.hmrl.l of Itro.idwood. London, 11 nip mooted and per. forted the Ph.tsins of Mono r, Mirk, V N , in an 01. testi which, unquestionably, entitles them in the repo. onion of beloc or. very bear I. well no nit cheapest Pitosos 111 be pt In ties country, The Int now open. i ng, eoine. wsits the additnotal recommend:mon o. an improvement 14. the et) le and finish. seinen make. them at 0111, Ihe most Ocean' and laity thole ever tanucht not Theft! i.trumettis, 't witter with the stoat on hand, form the most estenst re. v•rled and Jr. stroble assortment ever offered here; • 1101 .rbteh will two sold at manufarturent prices, and no ocroonnoda. Ong term. IC KI,ELIKII, at 1 OP Woodmen s, eel Third In N. o—The subserther will be frond at the ware - Loose from II tot.ll itM , end 1 to 5 F. hi, iwt_ H. K. sole Agent fur Nouns & Clark VVE have I.ot/IP PUMPS, made on an unproved plan, so as nut to free. In the coldest weather. 1 . 1,110. ••111711.111, melt anielea, are invited to call and sae theta at SCAIFE I ATKINSON'S, mittro toctotorodo Wood liketotito MISCELLANEOUS Chocolate s Ocseesa l W. Baler.. American sad French Usocolate, Prt r. pa ed Cocoa, Cocoa Paste, Broom, Cocoa Shells &a.. T 0 merchants and conanmers, who would purchaie the beat products of Cocoa, free km adttlierraorm, more nutntious than tea et con and In quality unser passed, the sabserfber recomm end, the above articles, manufactured by himself. and stamped with his name. His aroma and Cocoa Paste, as delicate, palatable, and salutary drinks for invalids, convalescent& and others are pronounced by the most eminent physteitne superior to any other preparations. Ha manufactures are always on sale, to any quantity, by the most re erectable grocers in the eastern muss, and by then agents, Ilawes,Oray & co, of Roston; Jan,. M Rance Il & co, artfoni, Cm.; Hussey & Murray, New York; Brant & Stone, Philadelphia; Triennia V Brundige, Bal timore; and Kellogg a &Innen, Cineinnati, Ohio. WALTER DARER, Dorchester Mar. For sale by augXl BAGALEY & SMITH Arts Wrought and Cast Iron Battin. IMlF.subsefibers beg leave to inform the pub li c that they have obtained Preto the East all the late and fashionable dumns far Iron Railing, both for houses one cemeteries Perlollll wishing to procure had for some patterns will pleue call and examine. and judge themselves. be furnished at the short est Rouse, and In the best ru at the corner of Craig std Rebecca streets, Alleghen nner, y city. augSr-dtf A. LAJIONT KllOl. Btanntaotetrad Tobacco. A O t x , p o li n ry m k &I ster's supeykor ov . k:ee b 3 Ip; •- • 19 hf do Price /2 liartrood's " " 21 do do do 22 do do Pearl & Harwood " IS& lb " II do J Robinson " 1 s 57 hf do do .2.1 do do Wm Dawson " " " 13 do T Wridat's 37 do G Audersou I do 1. T Dodels to do R Macon's I do Retch& Jest lauding Pam steamer and patireta and for sale by HEALD, BUCKNUR & C , 41 sort 1111 Z.; ;;rindl6 uonb . wbarYea, tell rbliadelpkra l!r ICNWALtIitIED '1"1 1 / 1 ACC . 0—,9 La S clones k gan's aupenor invert 11. lamps. ?Shalt bad Webster Old sarrenor sweet S. tarp. 3/5 Lawrence Larder Gantry k Rove.er " 3a ASB " " Duncan (de la Earn) " 51. 12 '• McLeod 25 " 15 " Laarrenre Larder " es plot /rad landkng from ...met and for sale by IIEALIS, nuciwoß Co. 41N water sr and 16N arharrea, my3l Ytuladelptual [took Binders IAT I , ..;trz !ittll d engr rod abov i e , burr: corner sec are preNrred ro ' t; wo rk ou ' r " lin ' e "r a:illnies n ! pawls. We Intend to our work personally, and anus faction well be given In regard to Its neatness and do rabittly. Blank [Looks ruled to say pattern and bound sub stantially. Uooks to numbers or old book. bound can ton) or repaired. Names put on books' in gilt letters. Those that tore work zit our toe are tneited to call . Prsera ow. .ruff NOTICE. HAVING sold oar cane stock C H Dun, grub • view to °tonna our old busmen, to hereby .o. Itch tor hum the patron/4re of all on friends and co. RO. W. POINDEXTER, M===ll YittabanglL Ang. 1848. 11IL GRANT, Wholesale Gonambunon 4.41 J. Far... 444,14 Mercham, Na. 41 Wm= st •4111 &calm', Cooking Stoves, a , se. AALSIIALJ, WALLACE oh. CO., Bound Church, 11„1, corner Liberty and Wood streets, stranafactore and ofer for sale Platform, Floor and Counter Scales, of Me most Improved quality, Cooking Stoves, fur wood and coal, Egg Stove• o( vanoas urea, Parlor hod contemn Grams, Hollow Ware, de. he. They Use manufacture the Kitchen Range. which has given B.ell Keller ad 101/01•.1011 10 those lia•t01 n in y all Of which they would respectfully inetha Me &neutron of the citizens and the poblte generally. 0ct274t1 A NI h:I O ILh o C . T , URF:U TUUACCO—Tne robe. Aber decry. generally, In lollowtng breeds Tonaceos the .lwtum of the en➢ 10.40 004 to 00, 1.114 10 arme, which;eing consignment. e, front manufacturers, he ienabled to sell at ea.. ern pewee- UZI # bra R W Crensbasr /antes Aladoson all Lamarttne SJ I . INtrabeau Putnam ris and 1., 15 # Roberts L Siasab m 1 - (hear 8ur1 6., I/ I Johns Levrls Is, 71 , Warselet, ooror 1.4 Henry iatoss 31, le and Ma; febtl L V WATERALO4 Put Machine Work. siad 101 IN WRIGHT & Co , are prepared to build Conon and Woolen hlackonery of eve" description, such tCakkrk Machines Spanning Frame, tiFy ., :rs, reeing frame.. Itaiisray Ileada Warpers, Dressing Prune., looms, Card Onnders, &e. ',ought Iron Nh a fw turned; all uses of Cast Iron, Polies and Hangers of dm latest patterns, abde and hand Lathes, and wale of all hind.. Casougs of every description forunthed on Abort =nee. Patterns mule to order rot 31 11 Granng. Iron Bailing, &a. Steam Pip. tor inglraetortes, Ca. Iron Window Small and fancy Cae n., generally Orden, left al Ile Warehouse of J. Palmer & Co. Liberty street, arCII have prompt anew. non. Refer a Olarkstock, 6.1 & Co- .1 K. 211ooreattad & CoU. P. Warner, /oho Irene & Sons, Patsbargh; O. k 1. 11. Warner, Steubenville. MIL N W COACU PACTORT• M. A u, :V p l: . l:2; t . l:;o4rotl .. res . g r k . ve v t.foll ted l . intoent a. bitethek, between retletal d goothavlty etreeth ey wee non' rtmilng and inepalc4 to receive unite* the every eleven' , von ol Coachee Chttltors. Na. rums h, Iltigetesn Ploevuern Ac., arhuth from Ikea tuhy experience in the mettoteruttreut th e snore evert, and the theitittes hey ha... they reel ...tittle,. they azt entehiett to 4o wort on the 1[10•1 11 . 140.1 h terms with thove aratstuty aFtirins to awn Ime P.I m, Pktneniar allentnni to the seleeucto of mate iot., and nyrnng IMMIC tutt competent %workmen, they no In...anon in Otrit nnnit e threto., aelt the sheen.° eith y eontic thith atter Krestring clone in th e beat manner. utut m on the them. peo•ottethie thruth. ~ACI( 14.1 001.1 , 211 Al A hit' F ACTU • I hetet..temerity In, • fon- • •et •ephie of Ai- pI , KV PINDINtih, we will sell et low ,rneee Oh( and lebeep Noire St.., twee I.e :he r. li.heht, Seettlet, 11.34, Twtno TreeJlee No. 5 hell Peochew, Wrenches, Shipp.; Cards, low IS in, Patent Droner Wattle., Weavers' Droll. • dr A e 1... GA N. WILSON A. owl 119 Wee owe, Pl...enro. P ORT lVlNF,V—()they. Webber & Formals, /Wei net. and dry. daub/. Campbell & re. old dry le, osboorn't It, rate 1,411. Pure Jame p a 1....•1ar Pam /lama &Seat, Pare Joie, Itagalle. acu. Ute tu.d trove. These wids. ate all valet.... to tor the', teethe. , Mop•rues. and east be had whole or retall al the Wtoe Mote of /la EI!EIMM II sabeertber nacre (oral* a large and splendtd assertersent ot 0...304 and enaaccany grand Ae on Flaws, 1•10 , ettbout Coleman's celebrated Mohan Adasbecent. The above mummer...mant ras...4 to be equal to any ananal•cuarad UI tate calm.. try. and .111 be sold lower thae any broa•ht from the East F. ULUMF. No 1111 nod td door above bib N 8 —Cur Strip 01111 be taken al par fur • few of be above aateertarant. mrS Elardwettra-aCYtaiiper abate Marital , T OGAN, WILSON it CO, Importers end Wholemle Li Dealers In 11Ardware,Mailtry and saddlery, No IS. Wood street, above have now to Mom • very cheap and well selected stoek of Studley., imported since the decline of to Swope, sod which they aro dews:tuned to sell atoresporithngly low. Alerchanta who have keen in the habit Man.( Fast, are permits tarty requested to ran and look 'Stough our stock, a. e confidently believe they will save their evences °eta lALF CIRINS- 3 / 1 dos '<name Stench dirta.s ry fine arlitie. A few domns Ittobsdebta Slitna v , from We ...matter, or li hl Crawfo which the attention of boot makers M invited. JJan received and for we by W YOUNG A Co, mt." 11l liberty st PATENT AOLAR LARD LAMPS -A,1,.1ii7i; eurdueetts of Oarnelim A Co'. celebrated maim. Mutate, and sapenor b all o en In use, adapted to churches. neamtwt. Melon ...dwellings, public and private halls, and to MI other • *bare • cheap, safe and ' , Wilmot light la desirable AlmOirandoleti, Lani• res. Csndelstbras,Olobsta i Shades, Wicks. Chimmes, Cum. Tennant's, be. Alan. Uu Chandehera from ana to four hatita. decd tV W WILSC. ON. 416 market et M=1:11 11A11.Y sr the 11ALTIMoRP, PHILADELPHIA, 1/ NEW YORK. nos ros AND NEW ORLEA Na IiENERAL A u ENC Y AND Co MissiON OFFICE oung MEN to who/amigo and re tail ..torea, and intim impact/able business, la an a. lloom.leopers, gale. taro, Porters, ilankeepar Fanners, Coach n, Con Agents, Dook end ?dap agents, Collector*, Overseers its all Minch , . tat tin •• mu/. Le. We have at all henna a largo numbs r whal sitommons an baud, winch pay from NM to 11.1.1 v., annum. Thong i n want of utusalo. of r...y would do well to give o s call, site ha vo ass, •in each of tbe shove cl ues, winch will emit, lo place /retry amide/set In a elluntion al Ma nOtlee. We have large amitaionsme. all the shove named alms, which we trust will enabic o. to give ender salishie• non to elI who may favor us with a roll. TAYLOR A TA.1 . 61 AN, No. NI Seeend • hetaresis booth siol tiny. N. it —Persons living in any pan of tee U. htues, and wishing toobtain a situation in nal/ iniore, or Mee of the above muss, will have their wants mime dmohy attended no by adds./ling us a lino, irmst-paid) as by so doing May will entail both trouble and es. iantm, which they otherwise too ild saner by coming to me rely, and oerlitiiK employment foi them/miss. Addraw, TAILMIL TAVMAN, No to Second street, rey2.s:dif Balitreura. Md TPdIIOII.4iMPOS Wt: lIA Kti All DWI IN AI.WA I I ERS made from We most approved Eng Itsh patturo, torniatied and reroottneadttl by Thomas ilakeurell. La luiti • number of eminent phyaiciattv; being • moat eontemtit eat apparatus for Ihn •ppllmatton of warm or hot w•• ter to um bowels, to ease of cramps tit Cholera. A . every per.nn 1.. , , to sudden attacks, nu family shoshl be without at toast one. SC Al FE & ATKINSON, of First at. between Waal and Mar* PITTSBURIIII YMBIALIG SMOTE/ I.IVIC rylllE Second Session of ibis Institudon ' under th e I care of Mr. ~W l Gemara., for the resent academic year, will commence on the Ann of F obraa . ry eon, to the moth building* N 0.21 Liberty street. Arrangiameoth bare been m ode by which they will Le Mile to furnish young ladies facilities equal ie any in the West. fur °Wanting a thorough Enghth, C 1.../ cal, and Ornamental education. A full Comae of Pip lisaphical nod Chemical Lectures will be delivemil during the winter, dthstrated 'apparatus. The de partments of Vocul and Instrumental Music, Modern Drawnig lane Painting, will each be under the eked ot a competent Professor. lly close attention to the moral and intellectual traprovement of their pt. Sic PriliMrinls hope to merit a continuation of the ilau, patronage they him hitherto mimed. For thrma, circular or apply to the Principals jaMiidit - 71 i. die7.wi - ln tromsteasoo. rIIM L. to oertLfy Mat I porotioded Ott. VW of D. litolmtteh Worm Specillo, mono Imo 1110111.1111 Nre to • sou of mint, some seven moo old, two m01t... AM. sod MU= tto. =Dom may wood t a ., yirt I ham oo uLtlpsfo.". nor 4 namlo wow pawd Gym mw u o p, bag grouter of on Inch to I t ttO - 110,waki.Y. Wary enek, Canal to. That.yDbllll7,lBa • 2 . 3; -1849, UAnEiMi&I M0* 0 100.1.4111 sr . r. 4 DECFIVEOTHISIMY; Carpeting and Oil Cloth. Lir of the lama and mootapprimed patterns, anri prices in min panel..son, and cheap as cam he pan , drama in any date Eastern Mises, comprising the tot louring varieUnt— FURa Royal Velvet Pile Carpets; • 6inudnaster Varpete, any stre hall rooms or Tapestry übalcs. Sop Royal Dnlssels do Tapestry stair carpets; Kurt sop 3 ply do Drusaels do do flaperfina do do Chenule Ran; Enna sup Ingrain do Toned do Superfine da do .-Adillasels do do er,* ""Po' • - 4-4, & TM...ant ' Adottie do a. Maud do t, dan pain do do 4-4 , 3.4 & I 1 4 41'd ' 14-4 totid4ad Piano corers moan d• SAI ~. do Tame do 4-4, 3-4 tr. 1 plain do do. ...tool do do Conon Ingrain • '' 'do 64arotated add linon do do do Tama. do Iliranagair gado 144...r00k.c0mb clove Btalr lance " 11 1 lable.de EN cotton Drum; 11-4 woolen do 6.4 do do • • • English Table 011 °lodiclitver , , • • German do do do 74 Floor 011 cloths; S s .Dso Napkins; 7.4 do do do Criame 6-4 do do do Parpho fl4o , 6.4 do do do hla400:1, 4-4 do do do Carpel Elndtall Sheet 011 Cloths, of newTheasplat hillndole nide. Tapestry pattern*, eat to fit To dm above we are constantly" reeetviegder9prittg Stook of Carpets, Oil Clotboand SmambOatTtl=lnl6, to which we motto the auenuon of all wholfeish le far. rust, their houses or eteamboaut se we will be able to offer good, as low as they eon be misehtsied hi the East, and °ldle richest and Ist...styles. CIO end el amme oar sock before purehallsg elsewhere Ware house, N 075 Fottrth st. moblll W. IiVCLINTOCK. PAPER HANGINGS. RH SRO. JAS. HOWARD ho. 81 Wood Week... W ° p u r. L .lt c rt.it - 14 4 .`"'ral r flop. beastly of finishAtirabllity and eheapnerus.illiti as so den ryved by any establishment lit the Union. &El • large and full assortment of paper of their awn manafacture, they are now reeetving • direet Im portation of Pooch and English styles of - Paper Hang ings. pure/toned by Mr. loot Howard, one of the firm, now in Europe, eonelsring of Permian manufacture, 10,000 place. London do SAO •do Of Mess own manufacture they have 100.000 me«s Wall Paper, and L 1,001) piece , . onto glared Window Blinds, to. Henn. James Howard fr. Co. have spared neither expense nor labor to their endeavors to rival the root wall paper establubmenta, bother quality of Kt on- Vaeture and variety of pattern; and they are warrant ed assuring the public tam they have succeeded. The whole assortment, foreign and home manufac ture, will be offered no tetras no low as those of east ern manufactnyer• and tm_porters mete-Meld EW COMM—At ETNEULOPI KIPICIErtS, 67 Mar 'M ket street g dor very high hack Shell Tuck Combs; V " low" " Ka i nottatied - top se • fancy top Buffalo ,• - in b plain !Wyo. cool lion., 30 dos .hell cde, .sorted al• 30 roes cool bon Side; 3 dos .hell dressing Jo; 12 dos llufabs do do 4 do loutattoo do do; 60 do b.. nom, I do 6S hoe Ivory, elan le do 6 do do, le boxes; IS gross S 6ne do do; Ido tomb Cie.:ten sold TWlN.nun:ma EL16101., WYE PALMER. IIAIINIA at. Co., (Soecestior• to Hussey Hanna k Co I DANXERS, EXCHANGE HROXERS, and dealers .11 in Foreign and Lasinesue tiichaaae, Cimincates o(Pepotne, Hank Notes, and Specie—Fourth meet, nearly opposite the Hank of Pittsburgh. Cuaent taco of received on depoute—thght Checks for side, and ollecuons made cui nearly all the principal potent la the United Swett MMiZGMIE=I Ad...ones made on eolungnmenU of Produce., ship ped Eau on liberal term. yry UREAT IN VF-Y tiliN . -V ALOA . tiCE Ikot Gases. Wrdang Dais. LEVRII. OF WROUGHT IRON . „ rrIILE TABLE/ for serPeeetni eeerr ' Other m• I relation of the kind now extant. They can ho Cl. tended 17910 ten to tmollty•fier feet. and when closed the I Ira all contained triode; they art made to all size. and shapes, sod sin adourably adapted for Sumnbonta. Hotel*. and I..rge private farnallee, form. me when clewed a complete centre table. SOFAS AND BUR P.AUrt—Tbeae amerce ate termi nable, particularly to ranee who wish to crone mare mom. and CO•••11• .leepior apartment to n parlor or tinting room. as they ran be opeeed and.hot at convenience, and whet shot, the beddlex to enclos ed. A great sarnyr in . - kata and rent. All the 1,04. ateede when closed term ueeattful ponce of furniture tar lU a t t l l Z• s A o ria.f2 nent m and useful erode for parlor or dra.lng DMiliSFor law Ames. ounung sad other tatftcc, when opened a meet con renacat bed• stead, when clewed • perfect Dui and !Abney alone rbeible AD m..e arnetea need no reenmamtdation- the twenty of the hole they are warranted not to get oat at repent II ..use for your nateresta to eaU and eiaratu• the smelts, at the manufacturer`, stow, Nu Tturd street, Putaborvb. In addloon to the shove n=: ' they .re "h fA ' Atr v"11;t1X/Dtt7F.1.t.. col.mi Patent Onto Naiad Ga&OM &arty and Faun' horatletni Polo for @Laical and edge Le the only - tWostiguil el the kind this been preowned in this ..navy or £oeepe kit died. teal purpooe*, and is the only one ever known to ma., by whine the gale.. hid can be conveyed to the kw mao eye, the car, the bran; Or tu any pa rte( the baly, either internally or Internally, In a delimit sends &mow; wohaut shocks or pale--grith per/bat eater/ and once with the happen eileett. Tho de/renew apparatus I. now highly approved of by many a/ tht mist eminent physiciauto of dos coun try and aumpc, to whom the altheted sad °Won whom &may concern can he referred. Reference will elm be given to massy logtoy rev/se-W.6le cottons, who he se been need by mewl. of W 4 mom virtuality apparina. of snow of the most Inveterate nefToll•.b.union. wb,rh could not be removed by any other known mean. Anomie various where, it has boon pnototl ta be ad. matronly adapted for the core on Ito fallowing stilettoes, ste, ravages headache and other diseases mthe brain. is with this epparetusaim. that the operator can noway the magnetic hid with ease and eafety to the eye, foregone eight, o tog Rumored., to the ear ea restore baattton ttto e and ether organs, to re, stare speech; and to the venous pans or dm hotly, tar the cure of chrome rbeenteuetes, *abeam, twuratips, or tin deatneren., nenalysis, or pally, goat, thole. at 8,- Vita . . dente, epilepsy, greatness from spoons, some diwases peeultar to levities, contraetton el on .itobo, booltjaaNata. am. . . Brom kir :7 i :rounding townies of Weviern P. and .Iwtite r rh u : ce.'rfl''''''"" ""'""""'" b e mill be given for the thrive.Aeon ...lsm be Seed for tarts..diecases, and the ben man ner for opetating for uto mire of those di...es eb so be felly ortplianni to Me perohaser, end . pamphlet pot into his hoods expresaly for Melo burp..., earn. folly prepamd by the patentee. Enquire of oetl3-div WILLIAAIB, Vine st, ritteborth Tint — mt.tXplftaWkil HE attention of the potato is terpeetretty nailed to I the solLierinir eaniheasimi ALI. 8. Eames—Having toned mammy of Gold ere:l4oM by your Areometor, I Go dthe resell proves yew instrument marten; and recomme m e th o dneo of It to Mom going to Califoredn hi Ma hen for °b lame' Sereal value of Gold. Reap. yours, J. B. DIJNLEVI, Gold Deem. PithMngtni Meech p, 1.818. Promo - um, March 7, ISO. Ma. Pagom—Dear . Sin Having Re. , Me - diem meter," manulestared Cl your rooms, I doom emanate to o ut le the um of those o f lna who ant about removing to California in seaseb o Gold. II gives . close approzimatkon to the spes mei ty of metals, and will anal enable, the adventurer to entertain WOOO NA placer yloldshg Gold. inarlo Yours, reap., J. H. 10CLINTOCK right 'RUBBER CLAY f rreelVed the California Expedition, a complete mown: min of Mom Elude Clothing, u poets guti from 11440 to L l t e l fr ob zi r l g...,d3.lo;Mwand bet. ood ~ For mle Cl the deedto & II PHILLIPS •KIVEIL7 lime more ofthose on Justly celebrated Hambrigh Plano., no d oonmentlY by Li4Thalherg and m..ir great performers, together With • lame ..dram ~ o f rosewood and mahogany, of my own manufaets •J. Tha above instruments are warranted to be path, In every respec, mot will be add low for ugh. P ItILUME, Jowl/. No 119 %Vont! 91 done (mm 7,A "'Per Cal THE celebrated Hazard Wee Powder, in kegs, half kegs, quarters and for sale by MM VI DI W O MO M 1 RTII'& CM, li7wood at DB GOODS. - - SHACKLETT di WHITE. Dry Goe i r• Jobb•rs, NO. V 9 WOOD eITR Kr —Would <mil the attention of glerebann to! eir love newt es Domestic and Foreign DRY GOODS, Mat receiving from the !ro gation and glanufantarera, and which they will sell at very lase rams for erh or roved credit. Oar stock Is now fed and co mplete, and well womb the attention of Layer., as me are determined to sell at noel. eillemely low pries u calluol Nil to make 0 a.atreng 'aidavernen fri stlerchains n Mats a bill rob us. onlal- - Li PAD .SHullgt r it‘e.—,3o dos Spada. aad sp.. 0 vela; Ii do Man. York.; SD do Wain Shovel, SO do Socket do; Axel, Satchels, Matwels and Peek. Bellow., Vice 5c.,., Oar sale at enanolaelarars pric. by cowls ., GEL/ 41111111LLAN. oa aw.... 1, we HilaillOVAL. . rrHN rubanriber ha...removed his Wholoaare there ry store to the corner of Hancoek street nut Alm oany wharf next door to the Perry Hort.. meh27.ltf JOHN P ItF.RHY wic.c.limic mane, Manufacturer of Mineral Water Apparatus, vex or ma co.. traata atar eraurraix No. 013 North Second at. •hoire Vine, A N experienee of More th. twelve years In the ounat.turing of Mineral Water Appermaa, and the reparation of Mineral %Valeria Potties and Fem. tains, On an a.ilanalVe Seale, WWI a scientific end play. deal kaowlodge of of both branches of btu..., toge• they with recent maparremsom in the construction of the Apparatus and the preparing of We Win., aria. he has seemed. In adepuns since hi. visit to Para, and after years of elotee study and reader Rorie.• ttons on applied to the arts In Afeedmalcit and Cloommie• try, enables the subscaber efigne before Me publie with entire confidence, and oder them the heats ral coolcomplete Apparatus, forma manufacture of Mo. Water la Bottles and Fountains, that csn he for. niated to ate United Mates. Ile also Pau.n himself that the enlarged success he hoe mmm . pinh, mod he prase. axle... and daily IS ereaalna .neon t of his Lamina. la both the above as. pads:seals. name.. the moat convinciug proof of hi. chd . th em pertority of Appestats over those of all o t hers, alai of the Punt,' aalubrity of the Watel prepared therefrom. Persona who order the Apparataa front a distance, unty be userad that their Marne.. shell be W.f. mo , g med with, and se panted a. to carry msfely etiber by land Or water to any ran o nto e U. Stae. To avoid ittriappetettnetn, la i• recoctuled t o those who intend supplytas themselves the approaelang ser& wry to Concord their order. at a. early • day en eon vent.t. Noland water Apparent; Generators, Poops and Poetnetna, Ornanters.l Urns mai Pedaeala far Stands, Costume and Liars of Hotels, for drawing Hydrant Wow, to with antes and Trutt !1 tones, and everything aopertateteg to the shore baelnesa, a y 11116an4 and for nie an We Wrenn WM, En cask Neifttaltm DAY GOODBiIc . DAY • • l'iNece. &Ms= 4 1 1717, thhi ha• n elstioUtHlive tv2l IrkantlitilV—W.:4l.. Alvarez ma foitow • *aunt Giqed;,airedutopl micas, DMA Lismi3Oiuslao* One.- trviu,rnitariMi =wards, yearn, Jtri r net . 441 .6..g.WaSliggi07 , isbovey or any other de.rip. ~,,_ OrlUrf Goods,: do well to mil at northe.i Piimeif.o(4lll.ld Pankei DOD DOMES—W. IL Mutpby - Ullfollguissustmett of atrowe (hods, IltlulY YdAllidlOil.PS.:P/Ort White Mulls, from yd apldibarred do -; _"4l.l474'4llPSollAjPnetal*anssortra'efur WM. af1c44.1 , PIMP and figurud em: l aces do me s 111, mud Master st. trp vaults. Jut: 11) Felreft.NtlA=A. & Co'. I/ry trnnly tablishaleatardl be reopened on Friday. Jury el h. 611 of their alookleving been mart.' doe, and be .Oared al the prehalost Largay.. Yun•ba.ers may dr• pond upon IlOarlrlag al/oda at LOWFAY gAT. Yban adlenletale. 11'1_ -11RUSSELS CARPETS—ma large-t wortmens o iitnael. Carpets near offered m Wu city. tor .a.o. Off the latw Carpet Warehoora et W. arChntook, Ne 73 Founh trt. comprising the livedand riche.. *We,. utd pieta lower than over offered en tho mark.. AU .1•110 want Drusado Carpets, should eat( Lowe panholing elsewhere. W IRT/FICIAL PLOWERS--Materarl• tor nerstk?lal Flower% VI.: Man Uinta paper, spotte , tl c. d o e, e r..ar; "P" for colo6n t Pi" . "' Cf4l% L'.. e obukiLd bal;7lllA'4o4l l .S' TraramintStere, •pl 4 Ga Fourth 01 _ MBROIDERY—Worsted patterns le r Manta., E Fiano Stool., Table Covers, Travelidullogs, swath a great sanely of mall persona Also, Worsteds Of all colors and allades,ty pouud , ounce, or kelp for sale Ly apl if EATON ft Co, GC Fourth st ECOYD PPLY—W R Murphy, at ourthehst cut: err of 4ib and Market streets, has now open his socoso supply of sprint and summer Gnats, end has large usuoment of Lwow Goods of newest styles. and Maple Goals of every kind, all of 'ditch 'nil he sold apt/ WgIV GOODS, 1849. . . IT &VINERY &SAWYER, eamertWood and Fourth AGI. street, are now receiving direct from first kande, a largo cock of Fancy and Varier) , Gen.., ine,nding Clucks of e•ery vapety, gold and silver Walettell, Jewelry, French Prints, Combs, ildoka mat Eyei. Gloves and Hustery, Suspenders, C. Caps, and all other ankles in their line—all of which having mesa purchased personally of the manufaemnan east. hi willnnge last winter, at for stile Spring trade, he wild wholesale at a small bar:ince on cost. Gott.tantly on hand, all desertiniens or Looking Ohm.. es, of uur own manufacturing, on easterraprleca mh. ErN kii,qt• , nrSTl) VARIETY GOO Ds—At A RId N ULON KIN:4EY'B, 07 barker ..., IW pr. fine Cbsna Vues ' assid, 175 sou twist and tut velvet coat Button.; 40fine velvet Carpet Byes; 01 do do gent's travehnsp l 1 rasa alley slit Buttons, for dresses; 10 d Nail Brushes, said; IN/ g - ro hire Mk Vest Buttons, weed; Z5O do do gilt and plated, do; 25 doh rosewood Han Brusher, 4 do Washingtou do; 1 do Barbers do, 3 gro Fish Lines; Fish /tool:, Lino rick, he . • ENVELLIr, /to —5O gold lever Wa - &tiel 50 do de. tarbed lover Wouncli 10 do Leinge do; 10 fine dia. andFluterS do - . lino told Vest and Fob Ch.n.; 1 do do Guards, Bream rim, Fug.' Wulf., Ear Bine, or. 01.1)VkA, .fie doz Ladies Canon Gloves. ats'd: lal go do Idsle furl lop, On., LO do put.' silt Glover.; 10 do do kid do, n do Indict I.ld, nits'al; 10 do do fancy top silk. VARIETY GOODS-75 pkgs ..itinrieln 010 i; WO boa Cotton Cords; 75 pa Paper ribbed Ferro...moo Cop.,amgro dress Wbs.lelvone do: liKidoa Ivory Combs, Dyetsing Bark Von., 00 kr. it s iovri•N h. co. arc non, oncning teed . .thek of Trimmings, eon:awing la part of M. tilla and /areas Frthads, Ump., black and curd :Int Lanes, blank Pmmee Lake, Hamm, Urids, Bonnet Timmamp, aeon, ladies and ell/drew. •ptain and la. ey Hosiery, 96rna mr then and WI I, Comb., 1 , ,0ry nod ern.l4 Tarn, Spool ennon, Nerdle. Tape., fob barZifija %it reta, Trutmt;slt th o ' re 7 ,l l ' o bo u „ t b weed Issinme h Wood and Market. Faxen UPPING GOODS. Owe&lilt & DRY GOOLNiJOBLIFAS, int Wood street, ash the n of Merchants to tkett .tort o( AMERI CAN AND FOREIGN DRY GOODS, onor reeetrina threet from Ea, trends. Resetente regular %applies of firm Ro ods donne th e .on. and deronna a are .hare °I their attentlon to Easter u Auction sales. titcy can confidently su.are buyer• thr y will find it to their itnereat to c'eumine Mete suite Just received. large 11.01 e. of! new style Drew Goods, I , :ntry Prima, Cassimeres, Clndts, Summer iirodn, Valle Good.. !nal. i-11,01101. Trimming% and brown and bleacmi Shemin ex Dot st ons bads. ti mart Notice to bog usma s JUST recessed, • ll insets., et VODSTIsIifiN• DER'S: I4VICKWORKING INSTRDNIk:NTS - neer eetiovetten The.... Instruments posses. great sJvamaces ever all others ever 1/1/dc, J 3 P .20 hu, reduetug the tame of saalsot ees - bs and prodactne • .harper, clearer and better dermsl4 tare. 'Fber,-thereters, deserve the attentive of all Ar• I ists engaged or mtenalsog encase m the buonsu hove for Me Tabs A groetal axsortment or Votstaeoder's Justly eele lsrated low - lament., of at well aDarnerreo- RIT Material.. al lbe yawl. PKTER einetunati. Obin, ig our lg.. tbovisestaoml. Smile cab of-the six* , lostrgoo.nri. A Listofi'llee. tan be. obtamed by addressmg. pO.l. VAid. W. k le. LANGKNISEIN, Exchange, Phibarlelphr, Importers of Daperrrotipc Materials .nd General Arena for the No of Vorolla,sdere Otmleal mats earlarn IMIZEIMII! JotiN FORSYTH, Nirrrhant Tajo, has removed to No. 31 Market •trret, one &Jot Inum Ka.l Thantiul (nt paa thvors, he respectfully .uheiu • conunesoce of the p•trocage hi. fumes customer, sod l"te n the p•trostage of •• mosey new ones as are Grillo nest •nissr Otdert the 'I .tur.ng nne ..zepoltd In the mac (ash...able manner, and with Jtepailk. Also. h.h,nnabie as •orfrantt of ready crude Clo c.( all kfoJs. 1.11,5 p for nish, of enort, r.rnl.n, Good. In all their vlirtettre .eay• on han.l. ~fl.. OteOt., I:o.ams ' Collar.. Via.. vat, t+tneka, *..very, Sospeoilers, Pocket MAIN Wove, Dr.•Wer, Umbrella; &o. ho. to. • carat:nal 6111 - WIT iViCs - S — T A E RN SADDLE, A I P I. P .LMO N s T alle .N ntie ' a l l:es W tt liP rn ' etO j d et informing Ws fnends and the public in general Mat he has the largest mock a Na following named ant. clea of bit own manufacture In lill•eity--liaddies,llar. 111.11.3, anks and Mop., all of whieh he will warrant to be coluie of the best naatenal and by Me best mech. amea fa Allegheny enanty,. Being determined to sell hut manufacure's something lower than has been here tofore sold by any similar contd.:whir/eat to the etty, he would node persons in need of the above [tamed articles to W. warehouse, N 0.241 Liberty street, °poo ps. Serinnit. Alen, bands made to order for maelom -00- ocal•ty KF.NtIV INEl===!=rEM . . . . „,,,,- The .team boat A. MASON ...ay. :ix ' 4377.i=g fr' sire ' e4 ' l2%.T . g7r ' Alij l ta gi m en—leaving at 11 o'clock. A. Al. and at the begoirung of earn hour load li P. AI. Visitera May rely on finding the host at the hdur. She leave. Lhe. (ionic, the last up trip. at 10 o'clock. The smi-on I. 1103 aJvwicing, and those ....Line, to nut this deitaht.ful retreat, now is the tune to .p.. 101 a few boor., me in the smoke and duo of the city. but in a pure atmosphere, perfumed with the fragrance of owers. I All kind. of refreahermats, except inati giro 131 c dr.iika, are kept on the preintssca fireenhdoso Plants . and ty nqueis of choic , e ;i n k...cr.; tor sa . lp i ar 4oAnitll,.in firfig-Change of la y nding made on account of law we er. SgErMie ILE-111DVAL. GEO B.IIIII.TENBEEI GER S. IL AGENT, Forwarding and ($ ion Mer chant, ha. removed to No. SI Front, between Wood and Southfield arm._ ante S ELLERS' ER AI 11 , 113 i II tX/117 - 31A. Cowin.. Jan. nth, IMO. Mr. E. Stile ra...—Vour ha. sold well, and hu been high p spoken of by all who Lava used tl Fram the seven. attending the admintstrauou of your Verrnifuge inevery rase I bare heard of, I ant cenfideni I e.s aril more during the coming season than I did lea Raine glad to terelVir another sop. ply all st 5 gross. \ ours, respeetintly, [Ealract from sold R. CARTER ,Prepared and sold by fl F. SELLERS, 57 Wood et, and mid by druggists generally, in Pittsburgh and Al trig peg/ IL ELIJAH EATON. ba t TO tilt MINK—Thu certifies, immediately tutor baling attended my brother, who died of consurapuon in March, I Vg., I was taken act with the Comm:ton. or Liver romplainL and w. redueed so low with the discs..., that for four ears was unable to attend to my baster., either et home or abroad, being for the oipsi lima confined to my bul .During the above pen re bud ~ .jp a euded for medical attendance o m a cd . it o f /lily, ISO, I commeneed Ling Dr Jaybe'a Medi cines, and bare taken diem more or- tcsa ever since, and -believe that it wen by persevoritg tia their use, that I run ante truly my that I have ralapletely rec.. eg , Te d my health. I believe that Jayne's Sanaure Ptlla ,„„y iggi.ectoratit am the Lest family medicines now in at- re•hle in Sprunfield, 01:4,g0N co,ry on • furnace and coacluiso ibop Om place and aro not mterexted In any m i the s otthr al.. gal.:diem., and Ittts erniGenir aJc 10r1,..o• chi of throe adhered. ELIJAH I.:ATI/N. Springfield, N V., ' , pt. 16 1.1, ja4 IMPORTANT TO TILE AFFLICTED. Dr. Beat's Celebrated bemediea TAR. JACOB S. ROSE. the thscoscrar and sole pm. 1,/ praetor of these otossmtpular nod benedetol med. mines, and Moo Me Lnrentor of the celebrated move ment Mr Inltnnug the Looks. in effectunr core of tud Chronic thsenses. am. a sent of that eminent 'my.. elan, Doctor Physic, and is is graduate of Me lissiverat. ty of Penney hence. and for:thirty years since hat Leto enAndett th the insentient.. of thseam, end the !spoil. cation of remedies theelo. Through the use of hie teaming lobe, In eanneetvon nob his Prophylwee Syrup and other of his remedies, he h it gained an unpornistled eminence mcuries Wow dreadful and fatal maladtel, Tubercular Con. rucrouvon, Inneers, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Mauna, Fever and Ague, Fevers of all tondo. Ciao,. Erympe. isa, and all Mose obsturate diseases pee alias so female. indeed every form of dm.. mashes under the use of tits remedrea, to which humanity la heir—not by the ow of one convened only,ter that is moompaubie web Miceli:lmo! Low, but by the use of hit reme dies, adapted to and prescribed for each peculiar farm of d cues Dr. Ita&a Tonic Alleradee Pills, when aced are In. vartably acknowledged to be ltlperiOf to all other, as a purgative or liver pill, inasmuch as tbey leave the bowels perfectly free front cosnymteur; as Otto hie Gold. Pill, Ls admitted by thothanalty to possess peect. bar properties adapted to female dna-Axes, bat being entitled that a bare Intl is sufficient to eruahnsh what 'ho been said in the anode e(the most skepticaL The-altlieted are inched to call upon the agent, and pro.. Loans) one of the Doctor'. infrophleo, !inn • detailed &entrant of each remedy and ns appbran t an. 'For cal. by the (Wowing agent., to well as by meat Druggists throughout the ettuceu J nettecuonalor 6 Co, a! Wand etre., pnub am b, Townsend, druggist, IA Market at ' lea A Beckham,. v near the P.O. 'Allegheny airy; Jo. 1111 , 111.1" Dasitaron, lleareizoonty, P. . .1m Mon, Ennon Valley, ' v a T AIIII.O3I.IICaTeZ, CAT/0•41y • . VOL. XVII. NO. 12. MEDICAL. 71 1 (EDWN oleo 11l ll ll ,„, - 0 00 11 Ines • I I • F C WTI ISANUTACTORY DR. TOWNSEND'S coacracntol27lll . 7 Or SARSAPARILLA Woodier nod Bloods( of the Aga GREAT SPRING AND SUMMER MEDICINE. Tb,. Extract I purely fa Quart Bottles; It ❑do Rana rheaper. plsasaatar, itrod warranted supreme, to wry odd. It cures .I.6easa orldrout rotorood, purear, o n o, or debUltativr thy Patient. The Treat beauty and .perionty of this SarroparSla over all other Medicines 6. 6166 It eradicates disease, Ia ust edorates tbe booty. It Is Doe of the very best SPRING AND SUMMER MEDICINES rem known ; it not onlypuritibs thb whoie .y.. 0 and strengthens the person. bat It creates, new pore and rich • poet's poassased by no mhos Medicines And to lb. hell the /rued secret of its wooderfol therm+. It hos performed wßhin the lan two years, more than one bwprtd thonemsd cores of severs ease* or &seam ; at 1,....50.000 wore considered itmorabla It has eared the its. or more than 15,0133 ehildntn the three pan seam... 100,000 eases of General Debility and "rant of Nervous Energy. Dr. Toweoind . • thrsaparilla invigorate the .bole system permanomly. To those wtbotans hat theism... color *hotly; by the effeem of madigita or indiscretion enotstritmd toyouth, or tire exceestve Indolence of the. pa.sions, and brooch, on by physical prostratom of the ° eervorts oystas. isessusdeb want orambition, Weans son mom.. yntousturo clew and. tinshno. hon.:tog toward that WO di.euq CorataEioa era be nand] ...oral by this pleasant remedy. This Banaperilts is fat sop. nor to .7 INVIGO RA TING Al it renews end lorkondes the ayatato, give. itneity the fiord, and tirrenyth le the earraanlar ayetent se a ON. extraordinary dew. Cons:amp des Cowed. Cleaner/ and Strangthen. Gattentoption eae be eared. Broarailia. Coaewoeptico, Liver ComplatakSetd, Cetarrl, Spitliot of Mood ..%rercess re tha Clert„ /teak .Fl.l, .1 . 4 . At Soo.. Diffente ProfKee Erpeetorosion Pais al de Side, 4e, ACP. He. autumn be east Splitting Bloat!ly Da. Tow:tamp—l verily both.* your Sarsaparilla 6. boon the meas., through Providence, a my Ida. I beets for ...al years had a had Cough. hM. came worse sold war.. At last I roared huge qoatitltitm or blood. had nighs sad was greatly debilitated sod ssdoced. and did not expect to Wm I have poly used your Sarsaparilla • short time, sod there Wm* woodertal thane deem wrought in sue lam ants able to walk all us.* ore csty. I raise ma bk.!, and my cortsrhima loft ma I so ...a well =gine that I is. thaakihl for tlismo malts. Your aredient stervant. W3l. ILUSSEI a GS Catherine. This is only on, of more than four thonrunt cares et Rheumatism that Dr TolorimawPs Sarsaparilla has eared. Tao mom severe and chronic eases aro weekly erailleatril by tea rxtraordmary rime, Istopt Caminiake Et+, orni of the asidstant• le tb. Lw to Asylum, IllackwnlYti 4laod, la dm geralenten sp. km. Ona the fallow:mg letter: Bizawelt• Ideal. Sr7k 14 . 1817. Twaserael—Dear I have enabled terribly for eine y ear. with the Shemantoont cousoirreble of the lima coo lama tit Jeep or walk. I had the unman d're u•s.tai paws. and my limbs wore terribly. swear. hair med. fear borates of your Sarsaparilla , mad titer have Jane inn more than one thoosand dollars womb 14 I am m much better —inidoed. .m entirety r e boreal You are et liberty tit ma MO for the benefit of the afflicted. Tours. respectfully. • • MMMMiI Dr. Tnsossed. out Santis tested his Ssraapaolls In o.* of Fits of seems recosoneoded IL sod sits sort Doti to resets@ the follestsg how sit intelligent sod rowystshlts Fanner is Westchester Consty; Forgaszt..lsw. 13. 1b47. Teonmend—Dear Bit: I lime a little mit yeen of age, who Ma Men emeriti yean lamed with ra, we tned timid everything for her, but without tome.. at last although we could Endoo recommeeda. ttoo ni your circulars for maws hke het, thought she arm to eery delicate health, vie would giro her worm ef your Baruiparilla. and an very glad we did, for It not only moored loir lamp), bat atia h h.. 1 uo relent of I Fito to our greet plemere and emprise. Bile fam c beceminroggell and healthy, for which we feel grateful. Yours, ruspmttlilly, JOHN BUTLER, Jr. Female Dr. Tow tisanes. , Sarsaparilla is a rang, and sisesalr rut.. for Teetotal& Consomptio& Barroom& Prolapaus r ten. or Relive Of this Womb. Costiretons. Istacorrlera, or Who, olatractad or ditiloolt Memos& aoost. locenotesor of Mini. or &tr0t...7 eisebssra Osseo( and for the itoerol &mantic& of tba are tste—tet wooer whether-as &met of &thereat cos. or , •aeos : pro-laced by irtoopalarlty. Ina., or : a:eclat. ' , Web:, eau ha name snyptiolog Mb* Ito In to Pc. ea the b. 'f Peraose(ahloreeherto sod ho. weds. fn. tab.; It, et °mew bcco-oie reboot owl fun eopm eadee II inmedletely montane., the ....,vh•eoe.....eflor feerw. (run, w r•lcla se lla• - . Burneuefte. It will not Iw r4peeted of vs in *a delicate • nature to exhibit eiertthcates of ear". performed, but we cada aiuure toe afflichrd don hoeilreile or ,e have !mien reporteal us. Thooieetid• of caaas where hutillhe haws bpsa without chilffleo, sale" esiog a few bottleaof th.. hirelitable 31eilictile, bare Lazo blamed with Ea, healthy oirsprio, Groat ilkaasless to Mother* lased Childers.. hia She sarti...S.mnetaffeclnal medicine forpanfpes tin .yroam ad relieving the aniTerincro attendant pon ehildOsrata aver dtaareved. It etronythans bath th e u atm the/ ad the chtill, prevents pun ad disnoe. Increaser and enrichet the fomi ; thaw. ob, hare used it, think a t• tothapermaide. It I. highly useful both before ad Apr enelnement. as st prevent. Moss.. ettadat upon -odd both—. Ctatsvene.e. Pilre Cramp.. gw•lhne of a. rat Dopondeay, fireman, ramping, P.m tn the nark ad Loin; raise Palma hemorrhage, and itiverula stag the ...creams ad /amusing the circulation, it her no motel Th. ereat heaty or Mu mammy m at is al. way rare. and the moat delicate nye It m fa oot aneo.- h, s 1.11 far cases rennin ay other medisio. c . same• hula Cotor Oil, or liegueeta I. useful. nee reme in the open mr. and tight (mai aith thm medicine, rip alway. mar. a safe aad say confinement. Henn.) and Health. • . . , Coontoct. Chalk. and •variety of prelim-a:in. fens rally la two. when applied to the face. very .non epoil it o( ba•nwy. They close the pores of the .km, end check lb* raculation, which. when aunty is not [hearted by oitesae or powder, or the skin Wakened by the alkali so-d a mop., beauuhes as ow, production io the v hwo doleo fare !Twine.' as wen as in the farden of mai and dylicately hated nuiepated &were. A free. active and he•lthy circolatton of the nude. or the cow:rune of the W. rich blood. to the extrenotiea ow that which pints' ihe roan...nee in the most exquistte beauty. It is that which Impart the sodeveribahle shades and Gashes of loYeliarea they en admire. but none son describe Thw w the caranf wa I(there • f re e a me nd hea ft lth e y d — a a rcwul lofpnd t e h r e raes w o beauty If . the lady Is falr ae driven snow, If ahe patent swot use cooneuca and the bkaal to thick. cold and law pure, the islot beautiful. If she be brown or yellowy, sot threw w pure and active blood, it pace • riali bloom ic. th• rheelwa, and • brilloutcy to their eyes that to fay. 11 . 21 11111 . This ws wby the toolbar, and especially the hpaawh ladh• are to much admired Ladies in the north. who Isar but Lille exerytte or are confined in dote now., oar base ,ligtai thew complexion by the applicattoe of dolytertuna mixtures, tf they with to tewant elattirity of wep, buoyeht pietas t parklinf eyes and lometinal cam. piellun. they thoold nye Dr. Towtoweed's Serupenlba, Thoutanda who hare tried ate more than eastafied. are elterticad. Ladles of every station crowd our 081/Co dads. . Those that tirotata Dr Tosruseud't Sarsaparilla, have ot riably called their muff sire. Reaardplar err va mod ha. eopreil our bills awl circulars, which retstes to the rotoplainta of wor.n. word for sioni—o.er iaeit oho put up ioraltclue, hare, tie. the rant ...a of Dr Tooruscad's Sarsaparilla Tit c a . females re.ourteridoit their, althogi printout" they dol not_ uaratier of lb.. /Unarm, Pilla, &c„. a. Nun Pei iu femalrs, u they Mi... disease, sad uadenutoe c0.L.1.14341. Th.. certificate conclusively proves that title &neva. ttla h.. ,rfect control over the nod obstinate disease/ of the Elm.' Three persona cured an one house Is eta. precedchtea. L. Testwocash—lhosy Su: I hare the pleasure to in. 11.. w you that Woe of toy cbildnot hare been corof of blerofsen by the sot of your excellent cobilltiva. t.LeuThey were %Mimed rm . , oirerely with bad Sane.; hare enly font bottles It took them away. foe whack I feel myself under mot obliratioth Very respectfully. ISAAC W. CRAIN,IOO W001.,11L . . Reveal thonsand children die d In thin city lat whim. who road have twat waved Ay using Dr. TownsentraStr. and there are tanuande or children who are sattl addemag Awns bad sores andhantow,-Odtpiners are e sal • cy —whs unless astated , wall make edema. nanamote e nal "amen, if their do not die, which Is Altair lael a de w . Ur. Towniend's Setwarteratin will rectify t h o. It a. pet uharly adapted to children of standar owl.. wane, sad • ben alated with water, it la • Apnea/ad t.•rerage, and children lore it dearly. It wall yra eat and earn the March., Dysentery and Calera Mariam, We trust there it no father tar moMer seat is so pear ur Inhalant as to deprive thane caldren fur dollar, a( this wrainabla remedy, which will certainly restore -hem to health - OPINIONS Or PHYSICIANS. - - - Dr Townsend is almost dad* mealtime orders from Phew..s in different parrs of the Palm* Th.. es to Cartes that we, the nada...Aped, Physicram of Om Pitt of Albany. have 333 numerenseases pimertlnni Irr Townsead . • Sarsaparilla, and ball*, It to otm al thv innet saleable preparations .* the market. li. P. PULING, AS. U. J. WILSON, Id D. R. R. BRIGGS. U. U. *Ran{ .rpril I. 1817. P. E. PLHENDORF, M. it .Wire ,f Remeral —After the Orr( or September. 1 , 14. Dr S. P. Towortend . . See York Meet edl L.. 0 tee Seoth Room Chime!, fie el Natous taro., eke. ts owe on•itelrelti, . thomugh end win L. fitted for tti ted rt.-commode.. of tho pre pr.., and tee pubes Tate porectotar Notsto.—No Soruportho e the resee Ina and strielnot Dr. Toorturatra Seroeparillo, uale.. septet lnS P Torensperl. Novere.—.Redeme &Co o No. 8 Rlaos wet, amlBlr. K. Kulele,. No. 101 Coin fool, Boetan ; See:noel KuDie k Jr Lowell; limey Pratt, BJem, Jame. R Green, Woe. c0.0.r : Allloo A, 11..1k Ceacord , J. Prl.o & P.,, Pro. r.ed o, ,Deurgute and ](.,.n00n ge.relly t Doe Polito Statoe Wen Indus, end tbeCa. F'D sale by R. F. SELLERS, S dr Atm (or Fitlr- D 31 CURRY, Allegheny, A. FAFFEIDII3,4, Anoineheen eerie:del S== &tug, Columbiana c0.,0e Ape. 2 4, 104 1. 1 - NR. D. 'ANNUM Duos Sok—l Ded bound in you 1,1 an 4 th e afflicted public, to avail myself of lbw op portanoty or moving publicity to Doc eXtrosordinary rgeets of you I:xpectorant onmyself. Raving been afflicted for several years With /a 407005 cough, hulk svrr arid Its eon ecusitant diseases, and seemed only doomed to linger our a Shoribut miserable existence, enrol dm fall of MD, when, being Moro severely attacked, and having resorted so all my former remedies, and the pre serlPlions of two of thy most respectable physicians on the neighborhood without deriving any benefit, or the consolation of surviving bon a few days or weeks at ( ashen—when the lut gleans of hope Ins about to vanish, I had reeommended to me your Expectomst— and blessed by Stet Being who does all things In the owe of Its mebne—lud coairary ..to the commie= of my physicians and friends, I was in a few days raised Gummyand was cuisbied by rite moor n bottle, to attend to my busnem, enJoYmd since beim , &with ihnn I had for ten yeas previous. RelD<CUlgil yowls,kc, ha. W. Enna_ Forece m rambeente, the Pekin Tea Stare, 73 Fourth street aural GROUND 1,,i PIO .Ml9c4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers