. . • , i ' - ', f • . .1 - • •-- '1 • • i 7. .. : 74 . . .... , ::. . •,. ...,,..: ~,..., , ,,, , —.1,..,..:.—......1 ,..— ..: , . :ii , „.:. .. 1 ' •f i 9 , , . •. i 'lir.! .t. . .• :/ "r .."-----. ' l " IF 0 if . I ..: _. • ':.' 7' . zi,-....r~t...._....-. 7 ... -.1 . :' ‘t i .: }.1f . . 1 ' : ' - ' , . , .. . , . . .. ~ - " : • • z . 1 . ; • 'i :. - - - .... :'.. ~ 11 •'- . ,t. . ; ,=4,1 . . • -. ~ .1: . . ..,.., ..114- . ... ' .. t t•• ,!:• . 5 .• -^ a'• . 4 V..E • • , „ g!' • - i ~.• . , - ''' If V • 3 •,,,,, ..... ..../1 tp.nrii • .:1 , .. .._; ~,y ~,..: .... ~ :.• . , : i ,, , 'l,l ir;,, , . - i:. ! .. .I.'. ! _ . . ... yE. __ -- -....„ ... .-.. . -..r 11 4 - ryil - VATTXT/71_ A TT° TTRT 94 ' • l r ' . - ESTABLWEED IN :11756. -- L. ,l i." . 411. c.inamr.7. :Olin 11. Lk.. Lenoir. s F i iigniuo, A n °RNLI'S AT LAW, l i ttlrrn Vent., n=r f ant. AErlini nt NCi A Cllok/Ainetals - ..- cri,ll7erltentir rand I.l.l ' rio in ProdoediLtin. •#, Idasitft meet Virt.t.urgh. .1 . ~ bed ,_, *err. UtenzA liS• TALL i LEADEIiI7I , O/eitale derders 111 L pr ' y Go., Unworn . , la, slloes, 1 1 4.eburglr .rod arllClno. in., . 1, 10. ta . . l, bd - rtlt 111eed, i'....Orit.. . ___. .:A.: . ..i.,.._ _..41 . . • , souls sterr.. — ; "''L l " tr ' nri.. ,vb.;,1,.... :11d Mail Dreg !) 1 ,,,, {A U r-. elan. pi Weeny adLLSL Clhir streets, Pit., uten, Ira ~0 l. N a _ ma !ewe. 4 :...1 . .4.... n now 6 t CULBERTSV Ayi.51....1., I.:menet, D and C onnets,nor. Ilerehatit,Lho.l443, Leblerty sc., L iz '''± : - ; ' :,.„ ' .. - ,„, ,, . 447,,,,ii--..it"L ~,. ,lut Dreegnas, earner Wlll/dandilth ..!,. a 17 1 , b_T,ALE% i ,i,irrat,Ciii3 , ett._ .nirrn ..a. jj o/ Wood *tree! 1 1 tuaborighl !. /t A.III,,A I NVLTV tr. Ca., raretdln 6 ind Conl ki. nneaion Merchants, Cenld nelnllrPittsberth hr. ~ :men: 11111, 1 7 ....• lichen A-X V :I - et:4i .4 11... i CLEVAN,• ItAILMAN it , rlkensfaelarere it' Coact, and Ellptie Spr linlmered. Axles, :Spring and Plough Steel, 1 &e. l :lVareliknse on Ware, and Front sneeze, Int Ir. Ado, dealers 101 Conch Trirdturagl7prd 11.4.11eable ('utter.. • _ l n :- I'oolll fdAllelLe, WO/Llin UN I , II3E:4ISITE TILE IiEAD OF INCH.II/01MBUIIIIII. EDDIUSD VVIXICIAS. I 1 lONTINUE.I3 to manufaeutults Aloktmentac Burial It 7,1 _l Va, Tombs, tread Econ 21ttel Pieces, Cen tre end Pier T oo of foreign at de4eatie °Arnie, al n regal etr and Tau prim •, , • N. FL—Drawings for man=l,,ts, vaults, Ir. , 74lllmicb- ed, of any de...lap:ion. :Ile uar 4 o..ra of Peblie puronage 1 .. ilde-dtf luNGLISII DEVNLIT, (hp Ettlith, (Alinelet rj 4- co.) Wholesale Grocardio d nurdaston tud. Eon; wardlitz dlorthann, and Beale •in 'lnduce eul OuL .ganufaotares, No. :n si4•betweeil ad and ;`. calut.,Y.CUttlilLoN, Coconeotatoiniandl , onearal 13 Merchant, No. 20 Wood Ouiya.. Itttursti. myt /14.1311 C. LE AU Ukr,RAC OILY:; --- 13 MOM:I ON isrEw ART, isltVliailinsr of React' it Shicurcs, Check., loc., *beecli ateceti city a 1 Altrchny„ • 11.4 nhoctS9ly• IL '',/•. 4 ' -...4 taaccessor to filuitAt & itee t ) %WWI .I.h.tatt l7t7c7lszta " troat '''"l" i g ib'''' '' ''l°` "''''' 0 to, Liberty, candlitit m t . itt (0147 t Mt. Itriut, Baltzmoret. ttc IT t a.[. 11.1.144 ZJJWL/LD Illii . 1 p,,A, 1... mt. Atom, JOISA C. Wir.11.11., ..' ' ----= ' I_l BALD & IIIiCKNUR, t04..-co OCitartuso&on him: . AUL att.m., 41 . North Nliguer p..t. 16eilarth Witarvei t . nuts.. , d ii . _ _ 14•30.1( •,....... . ,' -. ' ---.. ~ iisu. ',bans. I_l ARLY, 10:tiES if. Co., I,4llCeek.9f, toAtwood; J_L Jones& Co.) Gonmitssum 11141 FOrsrael= chants, 1.41,4.1 m Pittsburgh Nentlfactaret nusear4b, Pa.. t: ;,:, _Maar_ DAD,. Mes... -- _ _., -- ' — ltusEas meta; Ds, 18.5.1.M1 II DICKEY a. Co., NVlolettale,Groces, Co ml. minion blere hunts, sad dealers iulfroduto, N... 14 ater. lied too Prom streets, Pattsbmva 1111 IN M. 'ff./Wribt.tbbiD7darrpsmatad 11pameeary No. 45 Market et-, 011.43 door abotel Thy/ at. Pute n t burgh. wail itaye eo.tantly ouhand a Men selatleslag serunent of the hcst miti Iresheit . blestmines,libith he will sell en the 10001 reasoatab terms. k'kEessui em.tmg ortlers,•wui be promptluteutle4 to, 4 stsp, pl.! with vs.,. they may rel Ispoi'as gut 4. , . li r- Phy,4eiluts Preserlpumut: lain bilftfccurafely .4 heavy pr , pares.l tram the hest rititer-o.bl, C. azil he. of DC ilay Or Illghl. r - ' Al. MT sam, a law stoat a yltesyttGlge4lP7ltts mer 7 . I ‘Wi - "-- . domibtli ' J D. I..4.NFIELD, Gate o ~ ,ArthiDt44,) .. ! - +..d whoi.wo. 4:c.r T. We-asr. itc.rve Chgrze, yt , .4 Pro4lttc gc4enplYv., trcet. IWrod, ritts ik. ourgn. stp4 r.l.ll%.b44llAlsjibinctunn, oi I r ti , 01:104El10 - OM - 0:f VI • .terc.ent Talliorif3L C4ql. orar SS ugs ‘C‘ii•ME'7.• c?;iirangTl..l • u,t e. .1... n. ii4a.m fftir.r liklucry . ; front creeligritactUrgli. i 0• . I — , I "csa.la laroccis, Pro : 7 J eunlmiraion • I.rl .Agetzli r 111 c I d ruwder P.1,1C., NO. 27 Woal I•nuoutc... 1.7 J 0117. . U. MUIIiJAN ? uoifficpc Oriirgrat, 3.961 deal-I, cr to 1-qc tqatte, thOs.,:yorwit N 0.93 I wood r.1.1 - crt., anc 60LO of 171..0d0d Allet, Pals tatrgh. liErfil t Jr . Lo.,di,ecoador Jalm•ph ilav7.4 tioy 0170d10r1,72% e a ter arceL 1..31 JUIII 11. AI1:LI-011, 4otolfc. oriel Roma doWir . ..111 r s tichcrotlioocs.,, upc7....siakca, 2teel retu., ' l'ruttero'Co4ll, add: zutlooary geticraily, Nu. el Wixtid AL, Phieburet. • 0uu,..,41 or :oleo t.4le. ,;•;; 13 gip. J t7i11./UN9IAIIII.3t Co..rlVhol4l . oi. Ingspici,t . at ood ottc-cl. Ydr-skidigh. • j 011.. - u. DAV9 , 3,dueuoucdi - ,ibomaspu, =0 Wood Pirrzbargh. ioct9 CIIN,TUNk el'Udeit.i/igo9;k4n.l /4rintcrs U and roper Mannincu erer9, N 94 519tkot Sy, Pau. rot ' jelt Turn. tr. It. FLOYD, Whole'sla Conattunuela . Merchants, and lltalcza iu Nn dace Litchi/0 Church Bulicings. (claming on L(Lenyr{Woo4 Ltd raret, .s.Mr.c. IMLhnLL, hoicsold °rode; Ceraituswon Meicht.L, and outlet . to rcbducciind riti:strufgh :4,24 Water al.,i;rlttstittrgh. j 5.46 lAC 111 WEAV E11.,11 WholeLle Jer Forman V. axe and Llq*ors. Sind ald Maud, y,ahr.a ft ye h., P, corner Nffst Martii sta. .t 11.4../...a,Forwar.un and 1'10+ , 7 , " ~ d i. :der .l%. coy:, Dra,rs wProduce and Ptlngburglcros&u." orticic, Conal than, •} &41. Pgr. DULL; P/ViI ' IO3IJAZ/1, ENN ELY. 1:1111-LIS & CO., Slanu&attozen3(very supciwr Sbcolauga, darpeji•Chnn, nodLinaney. • • &Ilk Vesuvius Iron:WoeXs. E Kv. & Co. ellnurrtn.tre..rs of an sM JU ors linr, 1,e1., Boller Iron 160 , .1 NM& of Oro lomst• qua.. y. %Varehouse.,sl watt, rind 1.1.41r0nt ;ttni.V LS WevrssAtss, Who:c4l3e GtFon., retrwargle . mg awl conmu.clon biertnam ; 11.. taler 31, ),111:114ClUILY end hrodttep, Noir' 31 Wa4gr f.` e 127 7 . 1.10111/.. la. :401. kart NEDIV & IS&WX:F.J4 4 alattufactitrers, itind Wholesale It deniers M torman aiid dottiest. )(artery ~ rioas. tt ettcrit merchant., Pedlars tied Wirers are lovitell to c.ll/110 C.2.1111ae the prtesaatdigtiaitty of otuitaLsOk, as with our prmet, filailitte4 caringlactur g 1111 d putcanstng, we think 4 - o calSodar all great. 11,11.1eerlICOls 10 LW) cr. as hay saber atlas° weaS of dee Mound:ans. t . ; ,otoi 11.611.1.. /AA D. 111•011.4. J. k- I: Co.) Wholesale Denten 11 /Wit WILS 4 UN & CO.,,fate /Pas, Marais] &, ' Dry tfroars, T o. 41S IVt.od sucdt, Pittsburgh. , t jaap AITHEW .1.1".1. ter. (Scotus, corner of itial (Ace Allay strati Fauna shrech entrance on 4th rtOr Marks , SccAtllf. fg-; 171 TAM/IWO EralT..l. WOMAN AND SPRING, AND AXLE. FACIXORT.,I le•t C JON., S dolor lar QIIMO.; JONFOS & 14„i4130i:. ' llllgalrr, t.c aprzwy hammered tton azle4; andidcater• in ALP t ack and Ahp !cable castings, are engine Inv/pia/1d Coach tniuttga gettertuty, corner of Sloss read Front Pa. N 11 .0 01.1iltt & SON, No. - 4 Malta; st,aecona I d r srom o f s t aegilni to Foreign, slut Doiocutic tails of E,schaugc I ..crufidatesoillepo, Note, Collecttol. modalit, the kiclacipal throu,bout the Itioted State on s. petit ISj IiFebtXLASTEII., AUtt=s--4.llir t o, Fouttli at, 1,. thud door above tt..ntitlettajt, south. sole, veyancin.g of all lima. ‘l6o artth tar , greatest ca mitt legal accuracy. ~. . Titles tc Heal Latino cagyriloot: itc. oct3o-ly DR, GEollah: oCOOK• ; /IFFICK, Fourth street, nciit UroOt, ut do) room' lllliatcly occur. od Oywklderceollt Nltficv, atemardOtte . ) oPPosite biatound at night t. No 71, Ot. Ch4rita Hotel. L. T. Lioberlai OM. () rTif *LIIIaJOUN, Will aueiod to the Mot. mental 11 , 5ea1 , ..0f We 11 J. hcA occ. to bnitiqO of tIR meal ,•ndesvco for outcast year,. WS" conducted so rot..oustoutot Cur We km...vent* dlodpea }he eye t. • c er several Velar. (4..ctt d rtudeuce, comet of 4,lduakrat hod errsCley, Altepeuy .Ik, _ L . ird3 • MULLS TEA STAirb.E±Sio. :le : Fourth' lElmar Wend — All gailutuudi of ISreon and Mauls Teas, done up, tierSaor, half and ' noe packages, ratiatog Hpatu aqcts. Ea! po und. !Ina Tyr A. JAI NI,S, .: CAIIDii ) E 01 . 11, 0N arr.. bavo,l4o.2o2Atted THOMAS At • LIT I Lt. . Oa, 'sub therabq hop therm, the:Who/a- Oroeert, erotica, and OnlYratisairla lassinelss oral eotcrouro v usual under thalSrra 6f liouralu, hats A Co. • t 11, °BISON, LITTLE k CO., •N o. Libani, street, 11 , Potato. ah, Wholesale thireer Y'rOduots and town...ion alere.a.ns, and dastert.On Prtflanr6) Manufacture.. aoar afaraerrc Taos. hrrshai suith. is SOMA .. tanarr MOOhet.* C lret 7 ecr, necufytng X RE, W I 1n..., dallier ill Prathme„ lAttapurgh Manufac tures, and an lutda of Porrith.n.nd hlomatstr.Winea and Lotion, No. Laberty mr4.l- (u hand:. my largo stock of aupertor old Allanon(hicla erSisket,' tan, he 0414 for :aph.l 4PLISY IBEFIT 1./.1 LZELL 6 thhiitThetlaitale ( P rem couoto-,10 0 aud Norarard: 111/sehrutta,ilealest, ..;.,,z,n47.l..a.,tlircl'cttsbursh Mart . L 1177 24 . caTai7:l{7. w a dd ‘ ritiiiburgb - Ydnnufictures; An. 111 Lther•, 01.1 ' • /YU o. s. EyNOl,ll, 5111.E4 Forultthitergikad ComrataspA to! the Alleaity R 4•(, ( t roecors. rudilec, I'lladouto,Matto4Letsre* Ghloner T. orl-ektp.o cd Ok:nes fdk etran Prall Mud wilrrE, 6 if it t : h , L fu y i Dry test f . L I Awlll, rat.:AL.v.V aCo tholeaio 6 to4n: sad Produce ,frelere, No. 2Z ket og!el,bstterces •od out. N,ll, .Idr, , . yam l M AC1 . .....7 6 =JC1S FloOr tool remit:cc koadrallyiktatt Forktsmi nd sn.P.Lo' camoo:on Illarckamth $4. 53: kirsace burgh. CARDS. r4i1L14.3301; 0%-rceunon. ; Op. P 11.131" atiLLEILS PaCOLS, Produce end General Cum iniunontderehants, Idberty OL, Ptuburgh. . .. . . ‘.4--- F: vdi boSiliocit*,.i.ODTiviel..l . 4 - 6,; ..,,,, Kirwarding andneotrunission Merchants, [12,1 in Plusbohch htanaligemres and Weetorn Pro. haic. have iesuosed to their aim warchoriaritold .mud) N.. 33, ...rich of Front st. and Chasicory Lone. ....1 ~.H. ,i XAS.3P.P ir.jarsT, WholOttla Grocers end Comm.- : no, blignintuts, [dui dich:lers in Produce. No. 31 _rt . 4 . : , ri th ',...AF.S.t __. —i'-. _.... tine/ f r litl;H A iCOTT, Whole: Lie nod FicileSiusie rr rs . in ... Boots,Trunk., Varpet /Lags, i.e, met. of 4th land Sodthilield.Fis, Pittsburgh, Fn. ia3 'Fr s. '''4'-' lairril'elsNDLESS.,;' _lsaac r".vn' t:L. TJ . D. iiricle s t Wholesale Orpcers, Forwisrding , and Fiy salon gdercliatun, delitirs in Iron, Node, Wass, Lee rola Yart4S4andPitishiargliiidanolactures generally, o . i:nr. of % cod and WN,c i ojildgeets. Pittsburch. Ur W. md_ALLAct., hlllll.stone and blill - Furnieb . - VY s b mg 441.ablIshatens, Pk 0.14 Liberty Bs, near the eadal .• mard3 ttr WAVIL,4I; sWirehts - ,velry, silver I% are. IT • nod illilmT_GovVvi gorner or hlarkei and 4tb Meets, Plltilbetrtb, I . e. N. tt-Wateher and Clocks e4ifolly rapirred. dre4 IiTEST F.6*EN-Cotritnsslon .41 Forwarding hieraiiint, No. vo Frols,i_st. between Wood and rket stress ca. . feln.i4 Alit t .... itrj end et , ki b t11.1 g .,41.e n - o d r te , ra .c!ighei•or ? garket nod Fount j . 4t.a. atipM ta. 'COMA:- F, Mo. rr ereirthr. VITN. vouso & P.0.-Ddflers tn leuhcr hides, an. 143 Llberty it.' 1 1 t ,.oily levvvaisros. Ivik.FL:ApeuTrelirizlioulesile Grocery, den , • larC in Pnaiticc, hot Nails, Gins, and Furs blifigh hlarnallhattates generhl4, LSI Liberty st, Pit.- btA , h. ; : o deed ur w . 11..1m, , GM -7 ZeliCi.Thevealry ‘l' a Mail} Were, hIllItat(, Goods, &a., No. 37 Dar lei . ILL 2. no: Tri iir if TVO tri ti d. co. EALEDhi IN lllDlii gotib LEATHER. Morocco, Shoe Fili,dings. On., No.= 143 Liberty street. have Joni reictrlid. shalt SPRINGOOTOCK of doors. corn dtilcnhg,t laZasthr. of Tent c Parc art , i . cl , e . s . i v n ,‘c lirli I 1/2 C., to 1, irdolit3_Li_____ , is ,_ pietTFo, Itz.mf — s . co STEAM MOAT AU EN / Fn Orricaarova Al. Aux" d. Co, .131 ' No. 42 Water creel _ • _ , INSUROCE. Y OF PITTSAURGI-1. CAPITAL 440,000. Beet'. Jr., re .11. Will Isere against of TISi, ,FIRE AND 5 ILINF k As. LLloaseksvill oliberall siliruseil nod promptly paid. • A home trisOusuon--usartaged by Disecuirs who RIC well know-JIM the coilimusuryi aud who •re atay prisseritsiess and liberality to maintain Itre clu r. I.ller whichahey have assumed, as offense We hest Psi:der:Mon iciShnee who desinaito tro Insured ihatcroasi-!.IL Miller, Jr.. Ciro. Mick. J W Bath, Wilehriesjr:, Win lieLoSee, C. lernscri. ties. titer,.l ‘ .2sil . Ptie L y rc rl ' ellim U serTh ' ts ' . be t .. thrincs, Nih...19 Water much (warehouse of 'fr. P.- , up .4ft.,) Pittsburgh. ru4.dt INSURANCE.. D IE bE.W.VARE MUI'hAL FETV.,INSII of we E.nLiiing ßAN e C , tiiris i rree AN t. ' l=la t ia * : nh R° or rod other purport) or ilium and comera.tt mitered main. ;ow or daittnignsit the lowest a.a.tri of premium. Mdtrum InsGasses.—They also iron, re Veaaela r gots and Fraiglata a forecsi or 0/Striae. under °paha.' spenial pelidata, as Me assure!: may det,,te .X.T.S.Atrearsuitsi.—TalSy oleo inm, re increlan dlWE trampiErEed by Wagon+ Railroad Cars. Cool Roils mid :Sown Boa., or. rEacrs and Julies, on doe Mutt liberal ithaa. ,E , ?.IRECTI:4334—Josepli IL Sint, Edmund A Smatter, Jolly C Liavia,:Robort IlertenOolni It Itearoae, Swum eI *wards, tato Leiper, Edward Duritegum. Inane EL Pavia, %Vitali= Falwell, JOlut Newlin. Dr It NI Hu.. log o James F...lland, Theoptldus Paulding. 11 lime. BroOks, Henry Sloan, ElmiEleraigt, Eleoice sera :, Spa-bear Idealam, Charles 14)1y. J loliuson. Wit titmi Hay, D++9 Thomas, John Sellers, Wm. for re, Jr. IffIRECTOIIS AT PITTAIDDRGII-11 T. Atorgon, W BmaJetOno. T. L.Oftttn. , WILLIA3D9IARTIN, President - litonsAbt9. Nassau., Socittar). Cliffee;dl the ilmapany t Vio. 42 Water street, Ent...buret. • 'i'juldirld P. MADEIRA, seem. — 4/11GE. fftkllD MARA ISSELLANCE. INSCEANCE CO.ot Norm America will mote petnanenl and lithited Ina armee on pro -1.45, Mks tify and vielruty:. and n phiotneow Caffal,Riverklattes, nd by new Tor eto,muist this.Compang are well invosugl, and Mud, dmi fund ler,tho ample luecionny of Porneto who desite to be protected by insurance. MFYIEt : WM. Y. JONES.; Agent. 44 Water M ; . INDENTNITY. Tali Franklin Frre let.•Bl3Bir Co. of PArlibit/pAta. ri,LHECTORE .--ChArles N. Bucker Timm. Ilan, .12 Tobias Wagner, Salinuel;Grant, Jacob R. Sonia, Geo . , W Rchaid. , blordeasi4?. Lessis, Adolphe E. Doric, Dand4. Drown, MordiPtatorson. , ••• Casimrs Bozo.; Prosident. Charles Ositlaneker, Socre4ry. Co:intim:lo id Make Losurancer, perpetual or limited, and:gory de id of propetry Or town er country, at rates as to Will me comm./St v im .0 0 .01 y. TO CompanfitaverommostiAlarge conuneent Fund, sehlab with tfuis Capital and Hremlu 0. , suthly macs, edLiiford amply protection to Me assured. The use. of the lo py, Ro yo J or muy tst, MN, as publishod agyeenblyau tel Assembly, were as thltigns, MorlCoktia i 111,047,436 41 Real Mato %LOA KJ Tempoltary Loans nO.Ol 00 .1 Smear, 8. Coal, ii.. ' 30.0E4 37 o Ttio,4:0:1 71 theii.lo corporation. digieriod of 19 years, they bay) paid upWard. of ono ffthan boor hundred shoos mddollass, Mutes by Am, tatiNby affording 0010000 e MUM odium:uses of nista:Loa& as well iss the aliaty andtdispotatiird to meet with ft/imputes. all Imitator.. J. EARDINDA WFMIN, dead. Office N E oimstior Wood and 3d ow BirL — ANVOlDKiliVitliktainiiiluts,iriscir. CO. yA MADEIRA, ACM. iff , Pirtsbargb for the Dela. 's wane Ablizial Safer) Insafance. Company of Eli sal adelphia. Risks upon buildings, and merchandise 'of dyer) desMiption and Disks upon bulls or cargoes of .Mere!., intheu upin the most favorable terms. 117 - oflSce Wicrehonso'of . W. a liobum C Dm., Pro.r Wamri hear Market straw, Pittsburgh. DI4D.--Theilicenas of this Dllmpany ranee thonstab lishlac tof tu. Agency in this caty, wall the prompt heti and liberality with whickgrery clam upon them for Mos has beau adjusted, 1 . 04 y warrant the &emit in inviting the ettafirtertco cad patio age of his friends and th,pobninunliy at largo to the Delaware hi. B. Inn, mien Compeer*, while it has the additional edenningee shinstuutleii among the waft donriebing 3n Philadel plink—es en ample paiddn etplud, whic h by the opern.lion ol , ite charter ts cihrttantly rucreartng. y to eott person Insured Ms die share of the profits of dm. Oompony, wlthoit uivolvtng him in tie *crionsibt*aterce, an d fn ref as 4ilutnal drrebut Id every obnoxion, fen. tbrei . and in ifiAnoot ettraittiel9brm. need St/RAC ti;OlD aiemediVzhisieltearcE. THE Cotopeny oftlart3 Ague:lca. utrough ,o dispriorismijigent,, sulownber, odcrs make permarirtst and limited FEhurruice on properly, in tinireity and end en shipments by the Co. nal Mid [Drell. DlDgc • elos. ' 4r4)tl, Charles Taylor, r, Ambrose White, Exhiard Jacob M. Therms Joh, A. Brown . , Joins Neff, Jolln Itschrtil D. Wood, Thotam P. uope, Way Welsh, Baseurt F. Wirth, I Frame. linskens, SanOel Brea 8. Austin Adtbons, ARTHUtg (I. COFFIN, Preet. HIM D. lilimmaiems, Tillsthe ablest Jusurancepompany ui the United la lm 6ta4s, ba* been cinirterea 18,8. las ehnner i. msjetnal, imd trom no high tine, long experience, ample cleansiltud ass:tiding al mks of au extra hes aide. character it may be c &red an odnriing am- Pia acurur •,W. P. JUNES. Af the Counijing Room of AtiVood, Jones A Co, %Ve te( aind Front?. y,:els Pittsburgi. runy3 lOlt B (II4CILIDER has be7n appointed Agent pro km. of din. - Insurusee Cordynny of North America. and fad! ism:nil-folk/es and align./ to the other busmen. of die Agency', at the warehouse Of Atwood, Jones Co. ! 412 WIO. P. JON En, water st FORIVING &COMMISSION Lt.. cork ` • Z. C. .......... CtE & samtvoot.s, FOIIWAILEard — CITAIMISWOF43IIICIIANTS, AOil clewed 4o Mor. Lean: Winde w 41., Ac.., .1 IMi.Speorld street, Ptileburgb • Pa. Will attend Mlninptly to the ease of attic/an entrusted „i„ , to their t. lo—lAtigaley & burnt:P.lC Tanner & Co . C. h. 1, 5 „.. c.4b , ctlitLay , & ,, Cc,. :,.. 11, rz bj o r, , ...,,, linen C 0,,:: elmilic gerwrollr. N. Lisbonl/0. li. A. Lk NM. maid & Mt., Goo. Wilc . Wellautio,O. Joseph Wan., n, Li. J. /.4 ,as & OAK, Farmer & Al'pllen, Maimilon, 0 lleltbast, MORA a Co, Weimar, Taylor & Co., John 11, pn wo &CO , Fh.tladelphmi A. li. Richnnicon h. urn, :OWE, 1311.11 mas & Co., cinema., O. Joint I , llonnin, Lo Culla, Ky. /obit Mond, Now r.canA fleadi in fltimmo,Clecland, O. A. J. Roth.) , MR..' Refit i clatit, ruts Ir. Co., ikever, Co suget.ltt ___y_ .,_. :..... . • , ~H: JOHN A. 141 AW ii PAGARIL OF POKE AND ' REEF, . COlllOlOl/ ilerehaaro ad Forwarder, -: 4, CA NAL ST,CIN:CISNATI, 01110 i oaf. errs lion mild to 0 h mtrelmoing or et ColtOncl nf Produce La this inaskst Also to the &swatting . nO,Zoods gas. satlf, Refer to r""'• 4olasi Seruey ike,, ,} , 1, Awilit'tr,llltookWell Cinetanats, O. i l tip C p Tlo . *Lthl"C°4 " ll.4. lk l'aubart,Ll.,,,Gm 1 r &onee, '. p.atk,h ay. Be. en. . 1 . ittratter. COCHRAN. Colipkisstel,N an&Flar&ardliair EL.,,..h..... '. . r. ,___;:.:N sown, ftronanons, , CWM.-NUM to nausea climatal Communion but. lu&s,eaietieLly in tberparrhoe and dale of Amen. casiNtstinfeettires And ProdoCe, end in renaming t0 .,4 foroinOlic OMMs essnaigned Otitis earn As Agent foi Malian, he will be &sabsbtO •uPPbae with the krniespal4snieles of PinalOsits llenufeemse et the lonnsi' asbolMale prices. Olsten and °neap:menu velletenttotly napalm& rani( i..alt:in .... _ r. ap-nine.loanmal a. — "II Ail & CO, I.: - IA MERCHANTS,' LI)UIS. .1/1.102 NSW", T UKto ma.naiseutreTAll Janda of COPPER, la TIN A.rifpntEur iitent)vArlll 111+.1 , - duanh Work. &pia , o.U:bet to • quote! aueithon given to steam boat work. rklie4.ri hied. a 6ae amens:trent of Copper inui Drew Kea he. Ware, e. ae. Steamboat Cooking Stove.. Po - Posen various slut— a very convenient ar ner4 fist att014.11,C2111 a rut a emigrants, or mil row! coiratea. ~ . eiaraddlespeWally Mame rteam beat men cad otbdrdie oaltand see our oracles and price. benne putehaaing cbri•skete. ry.l7 i: i i HOTELS - FOIDYSTA 110TICL. LIG HT SIR F: T A I.' I M I'. MICO TaclitmoN.. rcoritrarou. e , thlothintrot luau and widek being one atilt. UM., rommodlon, I.b. •dy Ilaintriorc, re^ently undergone re,- rive alterations uad improvement, A lu n roat. isew wing haa been ngted, contain, ng numerois• mla sttry alVe i zartp . eny. reorganised nd d onca7 up in eat 4 mo:7:unique end beau, tut .t le. -In n filet ee wk.!. hes, -gement of the Hen... hu, lbben ra-modelo. with a .ine'v eye en the part of the pmprietoe, tofiartls the comior, arid 14eh-ii, their Onesta, and - Islrh they entifideb, !. challenge eamparion with boy Hotel in the Thoth table I.'ol"Pb:rare be rupplird reed ItlMlttil mad :ainif t which the market afrobt...erved up in. aupenor e; whtle In th e way of Wi in.. 0 they wall not be erh paned In conclusion one proprietor. Keg ear. that won-, will be left undone d fn thetr part-and on the P:lrt ••• asaist.anni, to ten thi. Hotel worthy th e ern.nnued patronage of their lend. and the pub], d The prices for teuted hai.c al.° been retlar,l lb I tar followlMt .. Ladies' Ordinary, 21.75 prr fr."' Gentlemen's R. 13.—The Baggage Wagon of Ibr !rouse way• le found at , lhe Car antt Swan:Ann, 1.1.1 , .14- , . whrcil will convey aaggagr io and from the 'low. f.r.r of tharle. rw.s, 6YC. x .IAioF. lIOT EL. - cogirra or P/N:C:Au rr. CLA.I4 sra, tmearthi The +alm - tile, havuth !mouthed the 1111.1.:1,. mein ad.:thug extablithed nod popthur respectfully 4tannounrei to Trnvei,, Public generally. tk.gt he .111 toe lit ail umee prenuu to 110.1311111AUSIC threw ni all thine. deurnt•te regulated Hotel. tie floe., it 110 , A . repairedthroughouf..lthd nes Porn., 1,1,1 e.,. .n. I palm , will he spare4` to trunk. the Kichange oule very hest lintel, in3he country Toe undethigned4expeethulth n en,thuth..re of the very liberal Ithitronage d. Math Itni I. received. ' THOMAS OWFT.N. -on, LABIAUTINE C01M1.07 700tertr AND CILCIT stkltrlX Ivo! TlfExabN nberresKetfultT 1.11.11 he bas now openednew and exeetk.t for the 117 , 0pm . ..4.04 of travelers. 1.0ar.1.- • and geverally. boo.• nrol are 000001 y new, did no pains or expense h•v spared to render of the nob con”ortahle pleasant llotel. edy. The aubserlher IsAieternained to deserve, and fore spite., tk..lll.urlot - publlcpa Unnasc. ortl4.dly IACIIII 11011111. Yroprtelor USITEO STATES HOTEL, oneother 11, senora:. sworn .no 'torn (APPOSITE Ivte IWnk of the United Stair, l'htio delphot- GI . l'Ol'E marztr _ LAW OPFICES. cvm TiNituAN. ATTWtNE'I AT LAW, l'a "WILL n n etteN . tbrt!.l../111 ona all othrr t•nltt. V nes• etttru•trg to Itun in itvdrt nit I Amt•trottg counurn, l'a. Ilx•lrttn I & it Idbrery rt W %V Watt:we, do /amen Klar-Itnti do rittnl•urrh. dly Kav A 0 . 0. Wood rt. '• • It SWEITZEft. Atttnnr, at I,rr. otftdr •• . onpratte• l'Kar:er Howl. PH, 14i altord prompy to lK . •:trr rent,. ,• nrSilltt -Pd. 1 . 4 V,Lf and Intern rounttraPn. KII.F•31:11 Tit k.lock, BA A C. 0., riturrh A C 1111 4 ,11. l'itt•thargh II T Moman. 1' 1. Cowl:matt. °gra. 011••••ttott• in Ntnt...• • t k•• , ••. Allyln ludtana. 0,1)1;•• It, t. prom,' n•n• ' n'• • fully nurnded tr ei• - penn•••-.•Der dr. I . •. rylvanta, for taktnfd. IF, ..,n •. n lotowlrdr:n• rt . kr. kr. Flarrta WO A ,on, ttKorrn A rothrrn. IInV, Ern. lVt;',••k A 1,1,•• HATS. CABS AND BUNK ETs. • L1 . C4.711.13 a. co.. :OA. hag) tK . Fiashlo+tble flatter's, St•,••• DARTICUI-AH aikutioa pas 4 to or, It-P., I -. iter.t . ttncsl (.61 re.‘ upu.• a. ti• .g It Caps froaa our cstabAstnnynt ui ta , wpar,tAttsr:r. n. thLr LAT., ari. -•. . .••• e.t..attrr Pte.-elm*, par •11,,r.a• !•y .rr rc.prett'u . .ly lavOttl 5.,1 • r mtr Sto, we ran say tyttn luLtiracc that ss rettar..• t and r 10 •M•lii ia rneapAr•-on 0. housc Ph:1.4.416A 4 CALIFORNSA Cahforntantt42 • p.O Jr. • • 0. corner add 11 ca.l ra i SPILING I , IIIIIIIINIS FOll 1:4 U. !LL'CUIII) a. 11.111,0,. , ••L ~.4dr 41 1 1111Lday, Nlnr. tar ~;; r,aa A Tho-e in want of n 9dat and adtpct A., hi t. rrr coracr to: ain ardl und 1:11;114/Nia. R.-1V II a'a•,dor haa now apt, .I,ts:y .•1‘ I It. In • Of new rind handaota3. les. Also, Dew nytoh,ol Non.; 1 , 11. 1 .1 r ,. Linen Edglopii Victoria do: ;do, Jaconents, etabronlerld Surra• - large 1•13.0111111.1. Or Sprit., IdadJa gem ra.l). earl corner 4th and 41[1lart straets. tcholesale Ronm,up ni. CO.PA;ITN ERSHI Pti • 0p.rt. , 7: 71.111. ...n Auc c I.,H.Acmc AcAhr , clowec LH, Icr I,IIJ H A. I''.Al-1111-.H1 , 11 . K A 1 1 .I.ly /. • E. r1 , 11E: partlp retnfore. extsime and, r :s•rt, N iver ta of NI: C. I.llNullry '•, ISEMEI M.:MI/VA Quat.t.pri reninvrd L.• Ware.house trum No. "..r.ond Wood eve,. betwet Firm nod Nrcor.ol tirre.a. ;lar wnretiouse toe uptc.il by 1$ A 1:c•r). will leery eo.:.wntly7a, Lan cr.-rut IkA•unitirpt Caxlinys. titc?,.. Cook., DIOSSOLUTION. TIIIi partnerifhtp leretoldre tot Wee., tlf i litttate.l4 antl lVilifete 0 Fitt}... fted under the fine B1)1.1111E1.D A HAN'S n.a , ne n thseelved Ay U Iler• xefline tor interest in the firm Ito S. B. Iluelateld. A. nertm..f. due the firm will I. h,olteea t Ilveht.• 1. nirti all delfts due Ay tbesnte firm to I.e Net Ife • fnfe S. It BUSIIFtEI.Ii Pittsburgh, Jun, 1319. W It. HAI,. CG-PARTNFLITS , VI . —, I:tsunt , n hkvn , t Jaya svocktnNl withltinaknil ntk. form. r'y l'a knotitnt,tly an on- know, 11. 1.- l'U.hcrgh, avill corm, •,. 1-k•ntn•• a•,,ter, ti... n( 111 . 1 4 11111 , -I.D Et PIADF:II. ei On nnl nenol n.“ Liberty strewn sit FIEI,II Pinstiurgb, Jaen 4. Intik II LEAL/Ell - flamer retlnd fpm the former Imunem. I , n 1 pmmum rev dint ray sue-m.lm. mMe m tzumge ml my eutulaer..nJ put.:, , V 1: 11 lqlasoltatlnts. E 00-intralerand, hereto... exurarg between the ruhocrthat o. the name of Gonetabl.e. Dad, a Ho. te this day anlycil by mutant ronsana. Vrr Burke & Baru.. art *rata. the 1.u.t0e.0. at toe cern, for ortneltjalrpnee they ere II 11111,1• , ./ , he none of the coact,. NATHANIEL CONSTA SILT.. FILIaII'ND BURKE. THU3LAS HAHNE.. ' The undenogded lb. day nod/waited 'nemer!v In the name of !IL. HIE E S HA YI !, Ea. tor toe purpose ntenufartuta File Proof Sete,. Tao.: Door., It. ae. at the • ta,l oCalo Idte firm ta Colocxede. 11,1.1. &Po. vb., Ito, era, he pieseed to terrier the tronage ot th e eu•to4ml. the hover end the.r ..d. TIIO.IIA, In rettri, :rom Iti:t firm al Ilurtr h Ca I svab plcniure tccommtnil Bur, Dame. to Or confids—oce of my frwnd• mul tile Fel.. O. 1,19. 1 N ATII A\l6'.l. CON, 1t1.14,20 nrii3(sl7t - fiolo THE mll2l'l-11' a !.ex A. dowel ..d by /dal conseht. The bo...he•• of m,• fhte firm ert.l be set ed 11. Lee. K. 11 I'll Elly, Ihtufburpb, Jnn. „ 1,49. JI LEK NOTICE—The u4eraighell COMO', 11, Wool bumen, h•hl sheodad the rule of Whole, lf ut the old %wad. II LEE In rPtint:K ham [he firm of Murphy& Ger. 11:Ike I.:enntre to 0,ommrrIclol! Mr 11. Irr to tv roltlldroce of rtl7 6 - 10,1 s and th , pu:/hc • . . . Plualreakke, Jun.l.3 J. H AI L'Hl'lll. fir Ilk: eut.Y.rsbery Any . tir , rn .1. keret, together forl's arholcea, and rem:4),y Waal.. a y at No =. L.e.crky, Scer.”l. .ty, 1111 Finn nr 111.:Y3111'11:1.D.kk 11A1 I'llt.barylt, January 1,1,19 N 11--Our old cusp:oe, and the put Ale ere melted to give u• a ..11 i. CO•PhiLT NEILSIIIP. • By I red t, v:,,t T . :Z .. SCAIFE ATHINHAPN. owl ror. y Hooper, sod Shoot 101. Nor. mono , . 00l A.m. Mock .onnor all H. !on , it., menld - mond of Wro H Sr:cor, fool. !mar \Vood 1112===1 I HAVE te..ky 4, ,V:01 I/1 Mr v• sia• • - I. 331 e y, PrE3l33ncl 4 . 3P113....,.. 1.1 rtsy biotlicr .103 , thc I,rn. oi J S 11Z!.13 "I< I 3 Co. e I $ 011.1%401,11 , . Janunry I. 1.-19 10.PARTIVE4t..8111P-I , m Inutig ‘,./ day 1•010CIA1."1 R bu•t• ,,. .. L. , tra liar rondo. \I Win • 11.1.1 A \ I 1101. \ /./13 Jll , I: \ I I I NI BENNEIT & BROT-HER, ‘IFF:ENSIV/JIF.: NI AN I. FA CTI. REIC , Dlr.:minghaul, jut. or Piet ablargli., Ple. Warehouse. No. 1:37. Wood street. I'd!sburl:ll. 1V ILL egnefikoi/y koep no ha nd a good 11o.nr , otern at W t ge, of our own galto,rtu-e. e.t., aoper‘ior re4t) 111,01myr att3 mutter Met °Law, nre ` dully ...y,teo to eull end ex 4411134 k,r then advt... .4 ore are ale ;a ,1 cheaper than 13 to veto. eefore heel, ollered to Ih r pat - Q - Order* eon! Yyst.a 4 114,14:1,111111. I by die ' ' fee `nc' , •. 1 / tr pr..m , : . v aoenoed It. 11. . • \V T i E -- Z . ,.;k;',`,``, - . 1. ,,1 ,'„'n, .}...7n''.; . ' '..."-- -- ~ 1 I'ol, DA 1.Z1 . 1 I, P...re Di's.< Ill'oe Shop. rj WUIRTAUX-311111.1..ttnrer rt: •I k,..d• of rt• ii. lon ...a ....tie. lutactiolery. ) 1 /! , ' , C ,, ,, , 9 . r^ The above svotle• byiutg Rove in OC, and .ue..e.,.., oo e relive. I am {lnt palt;11 V 1 exer oc order.. wit., C.o. fo-all kulds of trooo yto toy 1111 V, X 11,_ 114 - r 4 k. , ..r,'.."..*? ,, L.Kr00di, mo hu,.• r . ,o t cards. teemoa, II .cliern uari0,,,... 0,a,.. yy, , ,,.. ,• ~.ed,,„ double or vim c, for mere boat or eoootry ~,,01, mules,jeeks. kr ~ of. 4. Isaod lath.: ono sioy• .0 e—,- eral. Alf kiwi. of . ~,,,, ~,,‘,,,,,,, ~,,,.., n, P,,,‘,. ;nv „ for gearing iole• or cull. at ry,on,doe , ...e 1t... Yo—h ,oo hr, Vold., A. Co , LOark,o,c. lie., R Co, Kiog, re/1/104!k 4 lke, Ja. A Gray PITTSBURGH. FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 24,' BOOK TRADE. Etl I . CIII.IIIATIONS CompAndf um of Keyle.- rfo.of 11..0 - , I, Is nnyertorial .I yl rbroloy, of fff •.ffyrf 1 11. rf: niff frt.- ferfriatf by S 1/3% Alf., L. 1. If voln .rvo ...1.,. of ilfr Untlttal f..user f,y ffrfl Ilflyirrth nf - t ANA.. so. , l'fftufnAy t In. ban I J W. %V .f fr-. II II rn 511.55,1 y ff' May, Sfll,..AAr of l'rffffffr, 1.5 J S. A / •Jt! rttrruw•ff-tr I. ,"n Cosfer. Ify .l A roff Ayl fo f f . 1 1 . ,11-1115 51, ',fir worth Lotty fellow 1 . . , 114p Wafer of ILlA:fah Moult-, I .oi ,AA l'ffforAf Y'• no 119- 1-17 of Aforrfry by 1,-. llrrelo, 11. 1) 5,1111 r, . I 11. t og 'eat f 'frog rapby of lAA Ibble 1. , if , I, -f. Af. Drll.l Sy -a Afffl Ilf iffr-1,1 e --yta no,.roffy o f , And rft rfAf Al a • 11.•1..tv I , .”¢lnnal A rrw un o , • It • vet canton. In gheep n rn/131.rE. F=lfft=EME tb, %Iv., by I Y Ruuts, fly band olt Iry IL HOPKINS. Apod. 11011dngs Fourth .1 , V , \Viol:4:BI Tliott VF Moln:ll , Nl m . Al - Lamp. of A rcbtle,u , by lN John ~u ts, v roLe• ,I , U3lrellm,r,,lrawti and n) I, ;whet cure vol , Jaln Jun 1,0.11.bcd J %lES 1.11.0C10%001). al Wood et —,outhe••• cons one coince . Ilr•ri - I.• •am , 1••••14... Joh. lloot! /In fen, 1,1.; .‘i , !kott•• 11;atnry of Juilo• with r.t•usrittge. cur 311hr4r1 und T.(4 .4. 1.11 riv. c.-Atuctricurt l'artue, • Riley ••• V'' • U. • •-• Acnrolturr 3.• Itson Artr,..oru'Atty. Amer,c,tl lie,kink mo IC=Mt= le, Wood ht NiAl. Mil the , hart.. t. Ithihnniphy of hieth- Pittin, 1 . 0W.111. 11444., Niediesl Dinhunary, r • do do' t'4,444,4 Stireinal .In, Chnini• tey. 14 in oi :toren.. I 4414...4'. tin .4 4ritent‘'• %Vorkti. 2 voh. 140.1,1,1. On 0, tern. hype 4n the llnaeti . • Ai. dOOO, d-on oo hoo,o, thr l'orrol \ Inter, tool Theradomo, ,oino , • on Froto,ve Frov, Ann .'l'Ourn., and ,doooosi Vi -cord. W0e... - . Provo., mododoo, Iluov.o•oo • fo do. Irlor ,fn do .odo mad suprdy of Nla•• S S Vmoo .... (.?,•...1“110 tesl •n:t. ~ 79 {coolrpl!, WDID.; t,e TIDe, un.1.4 Ite• 3..1., will)h. .eenor t et.° 14 the Chte4retk • Ili IV•K 0,11,411. n , ..1 VeDdie. mu, the .o.4n..ers r.hd net. of Itc,lr, Ile.try 141) AN, D 1.... h 11 tietratenti, •• r-rharlitc..lc. Ict Ci tle . elafie comhte.r.l3.4lt le ehn.- kr, cc' enlae.4. .1 •roverl end rut uor, ouruutor nar. ou we. re.nrugoet on •%, porn:: thou tau. .•.• such rnettar on tont r , r,inrt wor,“ nf nrr " nrr: Iler.cvy ~i, ~i,. .`.II,SCELLINEOU .IA ,17 . 00 I/ NV LL, NUti ern ana lique Matailart Furrlatre r~ . 'f.re ff, the are.terft reentry l•rrofsna ft- am J-1 e.rn.fsen nay 'lncr. rir,C Fart of MSMllEilii= Dl•plar•ons tenter, for Ilydroot r•rulv IP. I na, up, 10, :.r. and Alle,lreny 111111. Irlll~ll\, ge.. for narr 1..1..0ti. ltrorl way • I. I-4- . - I liriSiiaria 1 11,1 a Pllt•ring Cock, Ft ill VI 4 Whir, reoder. turlrol orate, pure by ”111/1,1 .otottaneer too nottritte tr tor r rtinos win,' Valk not r rat IA pure to the e, ye, It mr/ina 'thaws saran .mittir worts., Thtt Le the car, rnort or ir.• -myth nlihydrent strata,. The IT v. rt..... Tito -et I. neat and durttittn. and la tai-sa tat, is . na otronver !epee terrolent to other Titterer..., It t• tng detached (roil the water iitt.e. by In, termc the key or Itatli. train otte •Itte to tie , miter Ur Witt eOy te t i t er enerteerl, end ail %manila.. It impart. -u'inarrrs are ilnecn 01l almost instantly. VIIIIIIIII.II mtv..creurnisr tar Can paarstet the ausaaar- it e a ir q 1;.! ss nit.s in man, rk , •itry foam:vat •ntl eranninical. .a aehwl 1a... it. it entl: i.aie To ta 11.1 et tier Asea, IV. 1V Wi1..07 , 1, roti,t of Fr.o rtli 11,1 'dark, sts 11E1.1, AND lIILASS FOUNDRY. , ..,;- m , ~' , 1 ,,,,, . ,,, . 0 ,-. o m...", ~•, 1,1 r •rrr, from 10 A n - r;•A rto, y Hoz , . ~ ; ~ ;.•;:.0t; A h' Illotio.sgeheis Livery ,giable• 71-- - roi.,..rp. no. •. p l'r kog 11.rnogh • iol ktio fti Nlorton,... / Raktrat i ,Nitt\ : 7 40 N I ,P 0' Slay A frit:e , re hr o eal r l•try•rerne from the r• 111 rust , rrt •t Itehr ate :Shirt, "I th•al 4111 Hirt ,ret e••• 111 Itortln tr Atm rr her nrer• thr• Lee. rrevm!a: etrerue• are emett•t.rie. utel hir • u ••• etium,. tltt et ‘t • ert itret, r•trre•tro e, Seto I•thor anl ur awl 'r.• • • •"'" 11 • ••• t• trr remhait J. .1..,,r• Ire :~~ rb. lir ,IRc ! 1 :V Y~F c i•.r\~:~, ~. AK,.. .., UU 1,,,,,, MEMMIMM Improvement In Plevoo.. n• N.rn••• A 1•:11,..., . n•fonl, lor Lr nnd •nprrnpri:. ran, nnd yi/V ”nn t.tyy i i, und ~,,, iinnn ty, rnova r.•l I'rnnu i.bm~n~ I.r u•I. ~.•. ~1•.ae•,.,r/\,r. x r . t~ , iar4. • Irn xx.a a i .* no w3ortli v tr ISM . 1111.1.• 0(11 , pr tve, au,l r... tkn.,soda II 1,1.61W.1L, . J IV Wttotlurt 11'3 at Thataatta, at v. , t 1 , •• lOW, at tr.: %ura hot., trtatta 11 :3 11 A , 3:01 :3 3lt %I yln (re ;•ort• 11111/11, -deb avid arr adn...l.a rall and Lheen an AIK IN tort., balwean Vocal Market Its ChOtolotst, cocoa, r' W. Bakes Ame lean and Preach Chocolaty Prepar ed Cocoa, Cocoa Paste. Brotnn. Cocoa Shells, merthants and consumers, who weold Perche" 1. th e beg products of Cocoa, free from adultoratio.i, more nutrinow than tea or coffee, and in quality unsur passed. the abgenber recommends the above antics, matinfartnred by hitnaclf. and stamped with Ing name. 111. Ilronm and Cocoa Pate, as delicate. paleMble, and salutary knob s for invalids, convaleseenu, and others, are pronounced by the most eminent phylum:tea superior to any other preparations tostiefactorea are always OR sale , in any quantity, by the mos& re spectable grocer. in the camera cruet, and by thett agents, Hawrii,Gray h. re., of Boston; James /Silence A en, Hanford, Cone, !legacy A Murray, New York; Hrant A Storm Pbtitulelphic Tnomas V Brundige, Hai moor, and Kelloiya a Bennett, Cincinnati, Ohio. WAL PER BAKER, Dorchester Masa For aisle by aug3l BAGALKY tr. SMITH, Agta rfSH W u r l ou r g it h er t aLned l Cur e t oloom R t u he t t pu n b g lic Mat 1 they hare obtained from the Eat all the lam add fashionable ilegmus for Iron landing • both for houses o eetnmene• Persons 'Malting to procure hand wine paiterna will please call and examine, and Judge for theinselve• Realm, will be furnished at the .bon entire. and in the ben m at Me corner of Crag and Rebecca streets, Alleghenanner, y city. amteM-dif A. LA/Sit/NT & KNOX -•-- 11coolbaceared Tobacco. 48 11:( .1 1,, , :i„ A try th t ,. .... ,. 1..e...pef10r swee t I• ; 19 b( du Price h Harwood's " 3 21 du do do 15 do do Pearl 4i. Ihrerood 5k IL' 14 do 1 Robinson .5; h(do do Z./ do du Wm Dawson " " 5 " 51 do T 11'righl's 77 do G Anderson 9 do 1, T Dodr's 5 do It Macons 9 do Raielit lion landing (rain steamer and packets, and for sale by HEALD, RUCKNOR k Co, (I north water stood 10 north wharees, P.. 111 Philadelphia MAN I'FACrI'REI./ TGRACCU—:II s.luoes Es superm r sweet II lumps. hal( las Webster Gild superior sweet 5. lamps 1 / a Lawrence Lower " 50 sentry k Rovs.er 5.k5. " r.f.l Dupont (Jo to Earel " In McLeod F. 11.3 Lawrence Iptuer tt Sakti's plug Ju.l laittinta from 4tosimer. and for male by HEALD, 111.1CKNOR 1 Co. 41 N water sr and W N wharves, atr3l Patiadellttla. W. a. J. GLENN. Book Binder. WE are sull engaged m Ito glare business, earner or Wood and Th.rd streets. Putsburgh, where we are prepared rod., any work in our lane with des- Fatah strend to our work parsonally, and sans laenon o be at's,. 0000110 11.• neaten..and du rability. !Lank Books ruled to any pattern and bound au& stantinnt Wwkrtn numbers or old book• bound rare. hilly Of repaired. Nantes put On bOOk• In Kilt lens"... that have work to oar Itne are 111011nd to call Notes low res,.4 NOTICK• . HA VIN so t. I , il ,o o u nr n, r , n o . u 3 G old bus •s we :Az ; Rh y so ioT boo we porounge of nll oor (trendy and ea. tomer,. RI I (V (((IN MATER, TUE RUIN uP:x•rErt_ I'rtOburgb. Aug 4th. RAS. J. n ;' R 4l7:"7'"''`l" ( 7Ci,,. ~,,‘,u:.t. ~ Coo oo.oon and \l'ater et 0013 Sc•lea, Cooking St A•es, (A , to. MA,T;'"I-.l'l"er‘i'dArtLoLt'l'V'E ‘l,'.?,:etK."m"l:lllnT's'etr:rhe 0,1 oar/ lor •alt rtalln,on. Floor old . 0.111, SCalft, os ,11r lacut ,tyrovnt yow, r. 1.1. ma tog tor wood at, null, E'er equip, or nen°. ut3r-, Parlor, and anon', ti• %V•r, Re de Tnry /duo m,aulartura the Elm Iwo Range. vv../ has g,.rn One /1 gon.ra . an.•lne,oo in 1110 Se 111•Ing I ,0,1 of thry won:3 r roprrtlally tante 11,adlenuon of a, ennead and the 30//oe generally ocer-dif M A . : 1 , 1 . 1 , ' A:T1 1 ] , 1 , 31 . 1/ ,,, T1: „ RA . 1;113; Yl,3ory auns,Ldn;rlwlre,,r, Pert r Ihr inllognue t•rdads Told:tyro, •lere and to plug, n nwn breng roll l .,nrtrirlit th rt 1,0113 ntooolar.urer, ur is nAnlrd to weal at radt• . plcro 173 11.1. R IV l ' rraabaw 101 ' 1 Jana, .11„ ~n el " Latuartana3. 33 Altral/raa I Fo 3. and 1, 3 / ' •ltarn & 5,..n ICar. Rem 3 I `. Johns & 13,trla 31 Warnrlrl. aurr la; de 1 Ileury A Jaterba du, le and 3 , fehdl L WATERMAN IJTI remade P• JT 0117 Y IVRIftIrTa. . ore preporrd to build Colton and Wool,. Mar em ,ry of" rvert deoeription our!, o• Cordute Martnneo. Frame., 2t;wedero I/rowing Prattle, Itauwoy Heed, Warpora,Spoolora, Drexoing rrantrt.l..coot. Cord lirtodero. derougut Ito n Sidtflotd turned. ,0,(P• oleo. Iron. Polltro ~d Hdtturrot. latest patterns, slide and band Lattkett. and tonio n k.nttoCoonnero of every denerlpiim turtnabodon %host noun, Patterns made 10 order for 111 lon R/10,0:, de Steam Ptp.o for beat. Foe a, Coot lean Wutdour SLIJIO and fancy Coo. undo neru*y. Orders left at at tbe Warebouso oi J. 1 . 0 , hit.rrty street, Itove prompt amen- Retry 10 Mae knurl, 11. k Cn, J. K ➢loorekeul k (t. I. %\ ars,er. John Irvin A. Son; Patsburkik 1 11 %Vanier, Netabetrolle nuilf) W COACH FACTORY, II A WHITE vr CU, ouid revpeetfully inform pal., that Inc y have rres , d a gnop on or 1%. lirivervis Federal . have vtreete Tb, •,r •11141 al, preitered in revel, ..der. We nu err , rb MMEEMESIEI kat .a la . ', ak tar theeolur Bare al above wort, or :he hat—trot,. the) tor e they Wel rotatolvot they ere toned la Waril 0. I.la. Om. reavretatoto tor Me 'nth tree weather 41111./.'• Male, totv 1 . , tag per... alle.oll tn s.elrenort of mate r,4 • . tut /...tg oar. , Inn venapetela Iltry ..... • no reArreonciclg wurt Wr .•••••, nea uir atic•llso thr p‘l4na b, limuer N II keinant.•.loote in I. I•re, mannr, .d Ot3 the ~trios AND WOOLEN MA EFAt - ru. --ii.vtr,K made •romtrlronne .or • eon og k ACEI,I(I . we will veil lure • Va.( Surep Iloier 'tut*, Lace Le tircr I` , lent. eillutucs, Ile.p fw , or Trcadins . I !tett runchr, Wrench, Strtppi,lf I'4 1.. 11) IA In. Patel. ',re g.,' We•ver.' • Ac /0 1,0411.N1L:S C.J., W•-o Pm.huret. I y owl' ‘E.,--Ottiey, Webber • Petrol., 10.b4, Purr Ileb nod dry. Geoid, Campbell tr. Cl•'11 old ele 1,1 °about., 1 , 11, Pure Ir4o. Pure /wee par. .t oar Pm, tlJrn• Soot, Pure Jule, thret,c. deo. 1..• Arid •i kpe lir .pes. Tberr unner •resll oolegos o-1 mt tberr erb ate, ornprrona, sad ran be had %Hulle rs, or rebate ai Woo: bto , e of JACOB WEAVER, Jr. I ae t odcn 0 17: i ~e t t tire ., a , y nd iv aLl nll c. reen, welk it/el en/1001 Co:oman's celebrated .1/.1.11e1e A darbineel n• a,torn ni.lroolonts •re war• :ruled 10 lel equal in any ronnulartu red in t hot coun try. •nd wdl %red lower ilia- any broaght frorn the Eoat. f It LIME, No 11* nod at, ~.N . ,1 10 ,;4 . 7 a. y . 7 , 7 , 7 111 take.o:t , t ac y:nr (17 lafeT or P. H. Herd w.i.--C6eG r °GAN. sl'll. tN & 00, Importers and Wholesale Dealers IlardWare, eallery and 'Madill/try, No 129 and *llOOl, alevve Path, have now In store • very el,eap 01,11 selceted stock or Hardware, Imported v,ure the &el., of prtree to Europe., and whtch they vre deter, ~,,, ,o sell eornaapondltraly low Merchants oho 0000 Oren In the haltd oi Feel. are parnen• lily r.ll and look rough our stork, se see etethdrody I,ellesc they will save Wet, expestees / lAI,E JO doe ,V 1141111., French Lfal[ .. , Stots. very hoeuele. A few dose,. Phtladelphos trorn the ar I,l,d:factory of II 111 Crawford to twitter, ttar nnentr ~, of Loot makers is 'netted. Just fere,. ed and tor ...le I, W 1111'M, & Co, 1,1 ••1...r1y I3ATEIT S.I.A 11 LAIR) LAS' 1 . 19 , —,1 extensive j ..,nrtment Corttni•u• ceiebraltd mona- Et.. :1“.1 wuperlor •{I o •rs ••• us, adepleral hairy far tonu otiore4hrtgn, publle and pr•v:Lte halk. o••• 4 In .11 ocheru • . where a tlicap, safe and nrifitneit 401 I. demrable Alm , ,Girandates. Hall Lana rad. eantletattras,Glatms, !Moult-, Wtelot. Clantates. Ca o. Trimmer.. tke li o• Chats. oar, tram one to Mut II bta. ttera W W MI market at MEE WANTED, 11LT a (hr 11A UPI NIOKY., PHILADELPHIA, I / 11111 K. 110:411 1 !i AND NI,IV 1/R.I.EAN, DENF.RAI. A t.ENI'N' ANL/I'll , l ‘11,11(IN leer, MEN in wholeualc reAu• Aure., and /Abel ralnrr table ,, u4inrsu. In t ,t• -keerers. Salto ronrr., t'Ar Atm.. Book n, .1 11 , r. ••,I branch. n u, ke. (V. have 31 ilenr. 110t/0 or ••• • ••••I ...ono on hand. ;tom Anl t•• ••••r annum 'Phone , In 0001••• Ot ..1111“1 41u Well givc u• a • a 11... ve. hne•• Is. •• • e.ch of the a •o•o• el. 1••••• wil•••11 vr•II •••,.•• LA •• rorry ur...atm •Ituouton •• HA. •• • r•e•t nonce We tore o no, sequarmunire PI . 1110 above num,l ~•.13 ir•oi A.ll r.,••••no lo wen enure saAnfar• Inn, In . who may favor ••• with • ,nt• TA Vt.ilit & TA 1 &I AN. No. So Nororol rt. lattweve South anti I.ay '4.11 , -I,ra-tn. beteg ta any pnrt or Mt . State, matt valve tee 10 e.t.a n mountine lialttmarr, ttr lln IM. thee el the atm, rmea have thrir 101t111 - • titutelt attetaled to it, atltlrreatne tiv .Itette that at. varlet I both troult:e nod ea. II pen.e. whoa, the! PILE rwote a -tater Ity rontthit hi the ..ity. anti ....eking employment ler themvelvt v Addcavv. TA 11,11 A. TA r MAN. No a Serontl garret, tart:. tin Baltimore. lid MEL MCC FOIL CRAIIPS. 147 ilAvf. A 11111/MINA L WARMERS toad. from the 1111.. l approved Findlash pattern, (actuates anil remnant...pled try Tlionia. Ilakewell. ant nunther of rinineht ullysietham tiding a mom coolie,. t tit apparatus for the appltcaomi of swarm or hot th•- ter to the how... th ease uf eremite in Cholera A. every person .• 4 ,1 1 ,1 . 1 10 suddrtt attacks, no tunny •houlil he without ut team one, sCAIF A. ATKINSON, 107 Ihrm lietamen E Wood and Market PITTSBURG!' 111thiTI'VOTIC SCC.,//d ~ .•1011 of this Institullon, under the I care 01 Mr. and Mr.. lotsuomt, for the present actidruare )rar. tvtli rum:nester on the first of Nehru ry 11,11, I/I lhe I . l .itil/11p, N 0.31 ',homy nee.. Arrangement. have been made liy whirl, they will be tilde to furnish ) rung ladle% (sedum. roast t• the Wert. for obtaining a thinroagh English, throw al. and Ornamental education. A fall coarse of Pa,. i/sollllleiii and Chemical leeetures ha de-hrersd durum the Willtr.r. illustrated by apparatus.. The de• pantile,. of Vocal and lestrumental Moor, Modern Language.. Drawing and Paintmg, efteh IN! Wider 111Ce•re of a competent Prat-seer. My close attention to the moral arid inthllectual improvement of Wm/ no. pith, the Prinemat. hove to mem, romittuatton of the liberal patronage lite, hoar Intherto muoyed. Fel terms, see flr.lar or apply to the Principals tagtt-dtt Dr. Mel.nne In Tenn THIS it, certify thc I purehaaod OM. vial of Dr. 111oLanc's Worn; lapeethe, some two month. ago and pve to a son of nu., mote %even yams old, two sumo. full, and ulthough the amount may appear 'ergo, yet I have no doubt but Mere was upwards o 1 two Meeseap wenp puswal from houkuummlnuf sreee quarter of Su loch to two ittchos off. U W HOLLIDAY. Reuel CrAg, Carrot to Tr. , Dee 27, 1817 ASS MISCELLANEOUS 12=103 4181:The/MK CARPETS, OM OrneiUll; Le n p Tius DAY, Carpeting and Oil Cloth. L .at need approved patients, and at parchasera soil cheap as can be pm , or the Eastern clue., comprising the Col ton, oi•uao— Extra goys. Velem Pile Carpets; ~kiaMtaister Carpets; any um hall rooms or veal Tapciary do abides. Sop Royal Evaissels do Tapestry vizir carpets; Fair. nip 3 ply doDrumela do do Superfine do do Chemilo Raga; EZMII sup Ingrain do Tufted do Superfine do do Bowels do Fine do do Cheadle Door mat.; Comecon do do Tolled do do 'Tapestry Adelrdd do do Damask do Sheep shin do do 4-4,3-4 h I twill ye- 104 Eml.Caed Piano coven 1. do 0-4 do Table: do 4-1, 3-i 13 plum do do 11-4 wad do do Conon Ingrain do 0-4 worsted nod linen dodo do 3'enetron do 'Brass Stair Rods -4 cotton On:learn 1144 worn eruoth cloths 111-4 woolen do 0111.11 . Linen 0-4 do do r. 4 table do Hagfish Table Oil sloth/, Duper dot German do 'do dd do 0-4 Floor Oil cloths; tinow,l37maßaptais, 7.4 do an do Crim,so3 Plcodd s-4 do do do Purple do 5-4 do do do hlaroott do 4-1 do do do Carpet Biudinir Sheet (td Cloths, of newTransp'nt Windir Shades 'forestry- patterns, rot to fit • To the Rinse., we are conmantly recavineonr Spring Stock of Carpets, Oil Cloths and Steamboat Tnremings, to which we invite the attention ofall who wish to fur nish the, houses or steamboats as we will he aide to offer goods as low as they can be purchased to the Rast, and of the riebost and Imes styles. Call and er. ammo our stook before purefissii llite:seartiere Ware. house, No 75 Fourth to. rach2l W. M'CLINTOCK. . -• P PER HANGINGS. HESS • 5. JAB. HOW AHD & co., So. 81 Wood Street, WOUL call the attention of the public to their pre.e t mock of Paper Hangings, winch for va riety. beam of hoish,dorability and cheapness, is Ml surras•ed 1.2 any establishment in the Union Bawdy. • ergo and foil assortment of paper of their own mane mum they are now receiving a direct im portation lunch .d k:nglish styles of Paper Hang mga, parch dby Mr. Lem Howard, one of the firm, now in En pa consisting of Pans. manufacture, 10.1(0) s. London do 5.000 do (If Mete o . manufacture they have Irsi.ooo pieces Wall Pape , .od MAIO pieces satin glazed Window Blinds, kn. nen Howard a Ca. hove .pared neither labor in their endeavors to rival the east establishment., both in dearr of min variety of pattern; and they a waant the public that they have au ntnneded. asitartmeid, foreign and home manure, • !fired en terms no low en thane ernes. veers and importer, tar Weld Ntet dva v .ry high back Shell Tuck Corot, V " low 2a " plain high I{ narrow headed top " " 551 fancy top Ito " lIMEa=tE rom Horn. 93 dos shell sole.assorted •.. Kra 30 ,rours root On. Sole. 3 dos Isbell dreastne do; 13 dos Ihdfulo do do, 4 do Irnitatton du do. 53 do best Englitt. Ham a do S S S fine Ivory, rxtru so.r. 15 do S S do do, .0 lout, Id gross S fine do do; Ido rood. Cleaners. Apia WATl{llll.l,lst.r 01.• uaena. .ax. 1.. RA. . . PALMER, HANNA it CO., 19 soon in Hussey. 'tonna an Co ) ]I ANKERS, EXCHANGE UROKERH. d denier. Forelgo and Homeaue I.:grimily.. et-HO - wales of Demote. Bank Now.' and Sperm—FourM ,treet, nearty opnootc Me Hank 14 Pomborg, , arrenn mo ney moemod on depo.il,--Smtit ('heck. for sa:r. and collect.. mod, on cowly a,i tae princiPol pow. , 0 d a ln U e r Ti ' gto e t l i p ate rerrourn paid (or Foreign and American Gold Advances made on cons4nments of Produce. slur. port F.m.s on liberal terms or/ GREAT IN V P...N now—vALCABLE ni.,‘covErty. PATIVT C , R.CIIIIII /.0 , 1,14T Isl. I-11 Putekt trawler,' erteresterte Tables. Noft, Burearat, Book It. Wraeng Drat, LEVER OF WROttalT IRON t TII g TABLES tar •orpag•ing ever] lettotr A venuon or the !Ind floor cZWIL. They ert. be ea. tended Root ten to manly,. e feet. alid when ctomtd the irser• are all rll ed doodt, they are made to ritze• and rbaper. sod •re ;Word - ably adapted for Steamboats, Hotr ls. and ttrt te pre rate traotllra, form. In, when eloard rorardett. resale 'able .OFAS AND lICILEA S -- These articles sree wend amide, purtteularly w 10.1.0 se. w"4l In estop, mole rou m. and rontter t . • Parlor Or stddet. room. OA Mc, Can be opened and •but al convenience, and when r t tut. the bedding dt reco.. ed A trre.tt miettsg Ist rt.ta nod frost A • l the Ited• •tead• •net. elorr.l torra • s •aat.tfol rte., of suralture nest and oeterut article for parlor r,st. 14 •K,—for wafu.a m~rmnr.. kJ a• •p• dee: Wit so. LolorAry zoOnow M==1!!!I lxiatity ni thai ertachri al Lacy :try uargantett not al gni out or rriand It u - ara la a for to rotertanta to nail aard catamaran rite trunks. at the inataulartarer's nture, No nal Thud suer, Fintnaurgh In allattnna to th unove ad turat•gra. they gre proof - tag:Ulna Ina, ntehla I AMEN W WO!, DWEI.I. Pa da, Gro4arstrai Gedostsue Ecstasy awl Patna' Insulated eag., mag/cm is the only wt.:neat of the kind dia= er r JL, been presented to tius coentry or Europe lor toed. teal purpones, and is the only one ever known to men, by which trio al•anie Enid can bo conveyed to the Ito. Mo. eye, ton ear, the brain, or to any part of the body, either ezternoily or Internally, in a deture gentto without shockv or pun—with perket eu ety— andoften with the kapott.. eticeni. ThA nuportuot apparatus Is now highly approved of by many of the most envoi,. physmouris of one coon try and Europe, to whom Wr adLetad And oven whom ot may canecr,ean Ign referred. Reference will vas tee goers to mei,- highly reepeemble Caging.. helve Leen cured by tglealts ul this most soloaLm ap,••ratas of some of them ow Inveterate nervous dtsorderr which cotod Lot lee removed by any other known means Amon, sarongs other, ot ha• been proved to Le al notably aoMptrol for tor care ol lollowtot diseames, vtoo negation ignennens and other doseaw• n: inc loan. Its mon this ander... Atone mat the oper•toor can convey Me maanetic hind molt east And safety ta eye, to restore stabL, or care amain..., to the ear m restate beariug; LO die loupe and ether Us re store speech, and to tbe •anatis parts of the body. tor Me care of ehrome rheumatism, Asthma neuralgte, tte doloureat, paraly aka, or palsy, gout, chorea or tw. Vita's dance, epilepsy, meationws (rent swans some diseases Iseoollsl ng mr anti, loetiam, eta ere Flighto for morroondirof 000ntle• of W,oern •nd on, tlegeo, ootb the ot•froment, cony be purebasrd,a..o also ...II for the cure of df•earee utatruettonY,rl/1 be given for too ranous rhea.. tali to ta: used lee ftrro. diseases, and the best man ner for operaung for the core Of those diseases will Si . be fully explalned to the purchaser, soda pamphlet pot into !us li•udy expressly lor these purposes, care , by s th f,l7.l7.ZL•,,, 7!„..h. rib • T/116 THE elicitor., of the publiu u reauccuutty called to the following reruheatem ,Na, d. Eames—Hanna meted • mammy of Gold weighed by your hreomoter I find the math proem your instrument correct; and resornmend the am of ti those tong to Camerae. as the beat method for ole tattung the al •alue of Goa Reap. your, J. 1.1 DUNLEVY, Gold Beata, Pittsburgh, March 9, 1t,49. Peeve:smart. Mare!! 7,1! , 49. Ma. EAletto—Door Str Ilarmg examied the "Area. meter," rnadmlnetoren at year rooms, I d a not hesmate la commend it to the use of those Keutlerucl ha ore anent removing to Chiltern!. in schret! of Geld, . It gives a close apro....won to the sperthe ray, ty of metals, end will certainly enable the cd.rtaturar to maven.. whey to. placer Ia yteldoot Gold. marlY Years, reap', J R MYLINTOCK T NIJIA CLAJfIIINU—Just reeeivs,l tor toe 1 California Expedition, a complete a..oiliktent of (torn Elaxtle Clothing. price. rettglelg trom P. 5.50 to for sett of coat, pant. atol hat. For .ale at the Latta Robb, Ikrot. No 5 Wood at . 1 tc ii PHILLIP:4 rbore nt an)... At.tiy ‘) celebrated biainbrs..ll Plano., used constantly by Garb Thafuerg and w. veal purl/frown, together with • large arnufunt. of rosewood and mahogany, of nay own [Maimfart. The snore instruments are warranted ta be pcfrle.... ut every re.peet, non be sold low for cash. 111.1PAF., demllP Nn 119 tOnent 114 tionr from 60. IT•r CaliforuLa. • THE celrbraird listxnrd Italic Pawd,r, In [re., hall keg& q.v.; s •nd cans, lot .ale by eb. J Y HILWORTH 1. Co, 27aroal Ft DRY GOODS. SHACK LETT A. WHITE Dry Good• Jobb•r•. Y 9 ItUD STIIEET—W.Ig rail the attention 11 of Nlerx.bants to ther large rtoek of litom••or and Foreogn I/H.V 11001X.s. Just r-mvoix (rom tor In, ;strum &Ltd Manufasturers, ant , wbiett they n. .ell at very low raw. for each or approved rtthat hter rtoek is now tali and complete. and well worth the 141440000 or buyer., tth ore /”. detertmked to scfl at ruck extremely low poxes as range! fat, to make tt a.atertsa aadtreenteu fr r OftercLauks Is male a luf, vrolt as mrt. 11 SPADES, SIIOVELS, r.--. 50 doe Spades ruld S4O- Vela, 40 do Manure :to do Gram Shovels.. .lo Socket du, hers, Ilatchets, Matto, as and Parke Bellows, Wires. bar., tor safe et manufarturers priers "Kr, IN 0. 1111 N... 0, to by subacnker has removed U. Wholesale I.rnees 1 y ,iorr in the corner of IlarfeoelL erect mitti Le tte IS hart, neat door to th e Perry !louse DitiN PrltltY -- WILLIAM 11141145, Ilannivit,rer 311nerul Waltr Apparatua, ..•!1...11-.1 'IIIA A • r i.re ral Vote, Apparnles, ano ‘k. NnPn• •ea Wed , ' tu Pother and lout, wlns. on e reale. with a wieniific and prae• !teal knowledge ef of bon. Wan.. of ta.00 , .. toge ther with recent ooprovesnelda in the vonatruedne of he e Appetit!. end die preparing of the `Amer. whir b he bas succeeded In adopt/tog since his v.. to P., and eller year". of clone rind,. and sturul applwa• lion. applied to Neerts in ',teenager. and Circ... try, enable', the ...owner In con,e before t he public with enure confidence, and ceder them Inc boot end wow nomplcio Appidutus, car the netnalwdure of Mn.l oral Water 01 IWttic. and Ulu nun he fur nuhnl to ,he li lewd Sim,. Ile also tlat .hoopedlnr ?he entarted epee,. up hatmel with. tool .he present entenvive Mild daily etecoung amount of not togiOnev• in both she ahoy,. de. partake.", turiovike• ate Mast couvinettiq rm.( of tar e:mita to the nupe.otrity *1 A pparatus over those at •J 1 other, and of thepanty toal valulotty of the %Voter prepared theretroni Per•ona who Wt.( the Apparently from a dotinnee, luny be astound lion their ..... snail be fattlitto ly corrupted with. eoJ w patted a. to entry solely etther land of 0,1,1 In a, part of the 1 States. o 0,011 elsappo.a.raent. it ItrreoicouroJed to tbove Who tateoot saw tog .heinve - anon appto•eltig sea. On. to forward men order. at as early •• day a• eau venom,. Nlnwrai Wan, Appanains, Generators, Pimps and F'onotanta 01111111114] Cnis is,d Pedestals for :Aland, Counters snd liars ni lintels, for drang Hydrant W•ter, ingather ...OA t:«rittng and Tying Machines. and ever,thnig appertaining to the above business constantly on hand, and for sale oo the lowest tarsus for cash, apittildeOddin TTE. AMY_ GOODS, 6a 4 T REDUCED' hi.vhr ha. 0 . It Laud a few white and colored qudts, which he wr.n claw out at Low priers. L0W—W..11.3i1711.1.1{i ill wit tee tallow tue Summer Don., et tat:need pelves, van Incas l.ntans. Datagaa, 'Mauna, Dn'nn' 11We...we, San.. elbow., Scarfs, lion.: n'n'ana4 nelttuga a -Hena' and hors' nnmn."V" -r • he, Yenans w.tiag any abeve, r any other daanriP doh of Dry Coeds, m 0 do well to call at northeast aontero(4ll nod Market aid. /710 IA 7III'rE GOODS eViVIVVRIL-ISES-. W. FL Murphy v V Irtu large ..ruat of above ood., le , elY received, such plain white Molls. from Per Td np to very Pee; plain Swiss dot, barred Peri* do em broidered do;turn barred Jack one.; soft fintthed do; 11.11 Hrip.d do; erd a ventral olsorenent White tk/odn, sorb na. plate and Geared Nettsii-eer, re.. is, —at nortbratt corner 410 and Market stn. Whole .ale Ream. op •tnivv. 1010 I) hyorty.SEll.-1 A. Si... n .».in, lbOyd• letbh•Lpont wlll ha re opened on Fralay, Jul, Gth. API atilt, stook havilas been marked &two. will he olly,d at the rorttell hargaya, Parclostery enoy Pend upon Yevarlt! goody at LOWER KA rk, ever ,fore Jr. 13 RI SI,IEIS CARYP:nw:— The latall•l alool , nwul Itru.orla Carpet• ever oa rod la ilio. ray, tor rale Lae Now Canoe, Worellouwo of W. aCellntact, No al Ffrortlt .1. romp/Toole lb/. Iwo., and rtelwai .nd at prow, lower wano otrewell to the martin. All who Want /Invool• Carpets, Omuta cad Loon, parehating ehopwhere In ltl W wcurcrocK A RTIFICIAI, Fli9lVF.R9.—Materiala ior Aruticial }'lower., val.: Wein 112411 C paper, .potted do, Car , mac paper for coloring, Pink Astacus, I..carra of v ry town, bud.♦ tip., and callow, cats ha otrtiuned at I , II F.AI'ON & Co's Trimnakic Store, apl4 therotirte at Lt3THROIDFAV—Wonited pro.rrt. lot Uttusaassa, .E./ Plano ti 001., Tablo Cover, Traveling Bag, with great varirty of wool pattern. Also, Worsteds of all color and shade.. I, 11, pound. ounce, or skein for sale by apl4 A. Co. re/ Fourth st S _ FICOND F 11 Al urphy, at northeast nor. ncr of 4th sod 51artet save.. has now °pre his sacoxv wepplx of minus and sonaulcr tin.* tout has • asaorunent DZYA. rsoala of no west and wple Good. ni every hied, all of which will 1, sold low. NEW GOOD, 1849 ENNMY & HA , VVF,It. earner Wood and Fonrth street, are no re reertelog direet trona fast hands, • law stork of Fat. y and Vortely Goode, ineatdina Clocks ot every vartory, gold sad saw Watches, Jewelry, French Prtts. C0t0:,., Hooks and Eyes. Oloves .sit Hosiery, Suspender, Gun Caps, and all other articles to their itna—all of relneh h•mlln( , wen pureltnned personally of the tuanutarturers e.t, du. nog the mat want, expressly for ort sprin g trade, oral sold wort,esele at a small advance n cost. Cmott:int ay no ha•ol. all , ••rrittoons of 1.00 , , ,, g es, of our own orrtortfartunn,r. at eastern once. orha.-1 NEW rANCYAND VARIETY l.001:1,1—At ZEtt COl,lt KINSEY'S, 67 Market %tree% . . 100 tr., God Clone Vas,, arss'd, relr , 1.1.11 and ct velvet rod tlloordqN 4U Colo velvet Curpnt Dog, "aldou do groir trnredrug: IDO gone. ran, otlk Buttons. for dre.,,, 111 a 1: ;Sall llruehne, u.**a; lIXI ere fine bit Vret 110 tnur,cpldi Rd/ do do gilt en , l pI.Ir J, do, 25 dud roe...wood Ipdr Illroritesd I do We.hinetoo do, I ‘ lO Herb. n .0, ave F.h Fill lie /11, Lrure• J F.ll I- 1.12 Y. he —5O gold lever Wolciteaf Id do de tsehad lever lValnAos, 10 du ',pine do, 10 fine dlat nrond Ina, Ring, 1 dos Loo gold Vont nod Fob Ch n ICo no leuard, drool Pans. Facer Ringo do g... A r G ' V.. .1.. --11`. ddk Ladle,/ Conon Gloves, a ts'it d Intl .le Thrand , tui ea top. ho.; In do gents' nil 1. one; d . 11 do o kal du, .0 fl. 'males kid. Ztoo d. 11l do do lon top . ilk VA al Yld .O , Po , --7± p.av American Ploy, 300 bis Cot Conl.. 115 p. Paper Alu•lut, 501,010 rildwd Ce , ll`efun Cur, 2f. lu rendre.. ISThrilelnifir do: 100 dos 1r Cr.:, Dres.mg CLs, li nen lawn..., .4. ds. Ar c. eon 1 1 1,1 II 1 , 1,1110 A I -1 11 arr lure, ....en. ua tfunr nprufg I, . "000 n( Tf .1111111111, 000010 iqC 111 pail of Al v o. ttli• nno llrrea k ',nap.. tufo,. 1/.ark nod rot d Stdc Lnros. Mark Cluunre late , Blviong figid., Boon, Trimming., gel ~ lathe. nnd • •varen. plant nod fen ny liostory, nlif lts for 'nen and t.r. ',Combs. I Cory and other Fan•, Yarn Spool Conon. Noodle, Tope., kn.,- Inn.. Po, &c etc, o nit, lA, torn, for xole, both olioleaole. •n.I rrteu At ten 1 1 ., oitof fie 'lto, NU Fonda sire, notwrer 1 0 1'...1 0nfl NI nrkr , aril PIIESII EIpaiNGGOODS Rtacklett & White, I>RY 11 , FOUS 101111ERN, If, Wood Are, ark allratmn Mcrulinn, theLr , 113, iN AMER!. CAN AND FOREII.N URI' 11001/N now rrrrorittr, dirrei Nom fir, Laud* bee rtaine regular ruppliaa or far: aarlita :he rreaeou. devorr3:g a large abate ,oe.r In I:taterg .1....:rra owes, 111 e) Can roulareurly .u}ers Ilrey rv,.l flor a ., tiretr 1/11.1,1" examae stork J 6. tere.ved. large invoore. of near Ktyle Dreins Ft.,• merry., Summer Wm.. Ipsh 1.11,11%. ~odor* . Trani°. • .L, a,14 birarlmi ..34sretn.geol v4rl 0114 umml• Notice to tr•g. .11 ype A 1 a k 4, JoiVoier of V. /14.1'1.A V.`: 0 DER NsTRI. EN I, sew. rnsmirl.lsOn rest ran. ag.. wrce nll •scr 1.... v. rote' s •rrr ..r r,..111cr, n 11d as, a 11,1 s .% , 1,-rdefined I . ltrcfn,c ni Ar • li•to d I, csgsge toe sti. 111 73 tunted h atrumema .Pf I , ,uer. o pr )la terk al., ath.. tr•vre. I'ErER sNII Ohio. t• our .1. tbormod tazt•oi tot. lb , ttalo ot tit , oboe, lytruntobt4 A I.t.t ot l'lsocaran hen btateto? by (1011res.snot• P..• pool, W. A F I..ANttENIIFJM. Kirhortyte. Inlttorters of D,to,orYbotybo Motertolt.. nod liettotal A.yont• rot tile w., ot Vl/14,11.C11d,.• 11,nra 1113,,04,1 REMOVAL. TOIL\ 1-101 , ‘ TI I. .Nrr , ham l'u.mr. has rhmored , •J No .1 M k . , Irma Sat othl of ;LI orloy A!nto n ,41110/1,,, •.• rttnent ot rr il• I 111 .. 1.01:11, 1••.1.• n't Itt•nr ane:teto ! . ten l!ttitarn.ttra ,t•nnentlern I'neltc! =MEI MaME=MEI M=M=9 Q .. AI IM.E. kW , . ES7+ I . ltl \ Wlllr 3IAN h , I FAI - 11,1t 1 ouh,r.her aux at pod of ',ler, eTh; .he pohhe ,n ~encrat he nut the •Ar , -•I pi Ic••• natnetl h.• , I , ,mut.koturr 11.1. Trol.l Wnp, wt.', who, he ',III warriszt‘ to le. made opl the heat AlatcruLl and L. the ht.el meek u,me. A ee1..., eouhly.' Ivy a drterusturd onottint • nittMlltitt, lower 111., Nu. 1.00,1 hrre ore 0,1 ..• uny .....u..4l.•timem In the end. .te ,1,41)11• 00,1 of Itto .11.1sve nutt:c.l arttc.tt• lo It" saehou.o. 211 I,.ttet ntrml. o.l.tt itt• tn... Alm, twat In tor M1,1.1-1t KERIII r Tlo •nrmot -A NI AS) rA : • „ now rut. , I ~,,, ) 'Lc POOO, Lon • • rt' or • lor tot, Inn-I.nvlrg . o A \I, tha Lc.umou coo) Lour woo I/ II Votter• may re 'I - col the LL. ut the She tru•r• 'Pr li•oleo the In. to. coo al 1)/ oOlork The .• vonoolgi 00.1 tr 1044, w 1.11., to ot tt. et' arlll. 11..14 . 14 1 11 e um.. to 'pond o tow onto, goucte (11141 ot Itie coy. hot in thou,. ortrono . ,l o :no frogran , c ui ow-• Aii Ion& ni reirr‘hrnent, except int/au, tnt •Irtnk, nra Le,t MI the rem..... Grce 1101.1,1,01 Crlol ,, p 11111 V-r. In, nutt•e t•lna-d nn tti-Chu.., of i uiJmF wide . ~., REMOVAL. G/C0 B.MILTENBERGER S II AUF:NT, 31,1 Comoni.lort chant. he,refnov,l L. N. r: From. two:teen W. 4.1 and Srh.hvi.l I S ELEI-.ltit Vl.l 011E11.1.: IN laEtrittilAr—. - Cottiimarit, J an.tith, ISO R I Sr.lc rat— Your Vernatftigc ham ..ld well and has here lodh y 'rotted or t.y all who have uard it. Eton, rite •ortiroa surname the adnonlylranoo of your Verut.tore ..1 roar> fa., I low, heard of, ou6ttat I van I't. root, dor,. tits commit sseiton than I did Ittat. .14,1 bo Out In rester,' another skip : y rlll or I^ l 1, num, rs•ltectluty, Fslrnrt trrontt.J R. CARTER . Prepared and ..1,1 ,y Et. Sit:ELF:RS.S; Wood at, and toild It, sy Vittoaturgh nod Al IrdltttY tad, IL - 1.1.1 J An CA lii'. o ,I.I('FIF T ICATF. o UR 1..11 JAN NI. that tnutotd.a.elr atter hart.< attrodod tor toother. who rrod of ouniumpt.on ttt Mairtt. IN:, I was tatted ilt wott the i'onotiertptlOn or lay., 1, atto sad wt.. ',due,: to tow with tha J.vn mow 11111, n.lln ry .•. ,5 loon .AZ ttte altovn per m! of dots. lit art...dad tor otati.oal attendance I Stßat, wohoot to. ...or tow, thsrstrotn In Jul>, 1.44 I atonal...to-a tat., 1/Y Jr'oyoa Mad, cow, and nate tatitt ,Dnitlll3lll,lo, 10 ,, • <Yer more nod Itritate that tt two hy perwoormg tiottr tt. a t ran a...a truly an, - that I have sompletaly man.. it , red tit, too tit I that Jaydr ri t a dat ,,, &1111 F. 3, clorA• tta tw. tatits'y tordo ots. tot re In I I ',tittle .1 St coutlty, N , 311.1 n/ty illorr Loi 113 ritLIt , Int .0 I-.1.1.1‘11 lIIN IMPOILTANT TO TOIL AFFILICTUD, Dr. Rose's felehratel linnedies. _ _ • • ) 11 pr .1 . A ,0 1 ; 0 0 1 , 1 ,,, 1 % . Ft r i , r1:.. , 1 :::: ,u.. r0 a v:1 ,,.. ta n 1i1 ,,, : .x7;::: nod a. , 0 the r.t ItOttu kent tor tail:lutin C ir. e.leet.og`n of I.:ltroctie alt•ca•eo. •tu.,.•,11,,t e - motorst ph).,• vlttn. nie..zr,Ll Ihr t;ll.vrr-t. ty of and for thirty 'cart .111 r, ha. br , q, , ttpig , 4l thr 101,1..//101 the appit eatton of rroted,r. th,rrto Th . romah wu•..n 1.....a1uung tub, In ronnreuna twat. hl. Prupbytuoto rup and otbor oblua rornodirs, hr tuta gotiout unpurairPo.l ornosonro rum, tho‘c dreadial au.l 1.1a2 . onoadw, 'Utaltoroular (I°ll - suer r•, ,w.rfa It, Itheutuat.sm. Asi:ouw, Fey, and Aut.. I .' err. mn:rY.:ry•tro. au,l aliUtow alw o moo ,Iwwaw.i. pupal.. to fertoto, Indrod over,' lawn, nt Jo, ‘,lll.•ltc. to the tax ol rrupo, , eo to which hum Irolv 14 tow —not by the uto ol ono rotoNnd ouq, tor timt topoinpuuloo rbv•oUogroa m l Law, blo by me uao ot /o. rpm, adapt., band pro, tubed :or parts poo.Otar loran of dooo,r. Ix Roo,. Trrnir Alterauvri Pi art, ir.ed arr in. yartylity gegYouricidg,l Io lir •npi.nor io Ott., it a porgmiivr or livcr •• irsv. Igo tioYryi• periertiy frge troin root, alyi It' lioldgo Pit/. atinc,tril trir arc' toy° emu. prorerue. Ydapt,l Inma, berog goty.fyid that bar. veal ha* Leiria •ard 111 the mill,] , I. tor maxi artlicied are ingitril 10 r 1,011 to r egg, and procure igrau-lorir or ilir aii paoryti/cy, a articled urgoaiii of ca., - rineJy nlld n apobriation. For yak. LI 11010. 001:10 aggiii, as *ell as by mom praggigis throughout try. rouiitry lb. IKKIIIO.cr S 0,11%Y mad Pirtsgurgb, .1 .11 row n•reld, druggim, 10 part, Tri• A Derkbarn, ',rat the I' Allegbray my; Jo. Ugric ir y, bar irugtoy. 14. err courtly, Pa. In. Eguron Cailey •' T Adam., Beaver, narto4ly VOL. XVII. NO. 14 MEDICAL. ID S 9 20771.1r0mff 1 ° 7 . .1 1 E :::::::.!!" ...12.7-1 an 111111'. t - I" " iliinfi '::' rliill 4,1011..- ITT.!4 . " . :, t / 1 . 1 1.11 C MANUFACTORY . TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA .=;=7= GREAT SPRING AND SUMMER MEDICINE. 'Mx Extract ix put up ha Quart Role.; It Oda Name rhemper, pia..., sod ererrautexi superior to Loy aol.L it tor...di...ex. without vorultug, purrtag, sick. ruins. or debilitating the Patinae_ The pest beuuty sea superiority of this Sarsaparilla ever all otbet Medtoors Is. while it eratlaeates any/pirates the body. It is one of the very bast SPRING AND SUMMER ItEDIcINEs eye, known it not only purifies the whole ragout and nrengthens the parson, but it crate; nu, pure .rid rich hood wag possessal by no other Medicine. n Al.. dn. lie. 0. grand see of it. wonderful suenesa It a. performd ratan the lam two yearn morn thee one atrulred Normand cares of &event earn of Aware ; al ken. 50,0.0 wrrreennelderedtocarabln It ha and the lira of more thee 15.000 children the throe pat swats. 100,000 COMP of General Debility and want of Nervous Energy. Dr. T:asetuf • Berreparilla inagotatee the whole eyrie. permaneady. To those who Raab [nem nia. rola, energy. by t 6 effects af antienin or Labscretuou eaniutittad in )tuck. OT the earessiye tndulgance of the nano, and brought at by physical proatration af the aria.* ratan lassitude, want of asnatiou. faintinip an taloa premature decay end declaue, beneath( coward that fatal Ibsen, Coaromption fa be inanely restored by th. pleasant remedy. This blenapantla a ntr super riot' la Guy INI7IGORATING CORDIAL. It It moans sad invl,Toratus dub symam. Ores...nutty ta lbe burly aad atrongth to We muscular •,mata to a elwa • ttruardieary degree. Cedempther Cared. Clean., and Sinmelmn. Conamoptum <so he eared Breerddid. Cauvampluns, Lies. C 0..!.,., Colds. Celan* Ceegh., drama, Spitting of Moo!. Same.. g•D< CAM. Haus< Fla* Seat.. Deffr.a , o. Prefaer Eryectorsta, Pm. .. au Sisk k. . ilave odans amd cd• A. erred. lEtleted. IliTowere.to-1 warily behave your Stompardln an Men the M.lllll, through Prcondance of salon, my life I bare for several year. had • bad C.O. It be. came worse and worm. At net I nosed Large quantities of Wood, had eight awe.., and wm greatly debillteted slandered, and did rot expect to Ilea I here only used our tnnapartlla • .pen uma and there tun • wonderful change been wrought le me. lam nose able to . elk all evor ese coy. Ise ain no blood, and roe neigh has know y.. 0, 1 well stem.. that I am thankful Le then main Von obedie menet, Wl nt L 1LU5.161... 65 Cathannom. Th. is only a., at more Due four thou..] e. of Rhownsusek thal Dr To...eel's Sarsaparilla h. a. The moot mrore anal chneuc caaes are needy aradloatal tta vilt•onlirmry J. Cutemettre Esq- otte of the astute:mein the Lk. A•sittla BistekerelPe Wand. Is the gentle... .yo Itee of Le the foilowitts tette., Staekmefro Mend, Sept. WT. De. Tooresinad—Dose Sir : I have suffered tertibly far e me ve e r, •Kb alusimuumm considerable of tbe 110.0 ant e or sulk. had the utunbeg do trust, pato.. awl my lambs mere terribly asso/leo. I hare usul Guar bnitlea of your Boreaporille. and they hens dm ue me more than ono Ureintand dollar+ worth of eurl m Yoe are a t bourse-4.18nd, sin entirely re. Yoe t libert): us Una for the boom& of the alllicted. Yours. respectfully /AYES CUMNINOaI. Vigo: VIOL! Fits::: De Tow sued, not luring foisted hm Saruparilla so a... 0 of Fah of roan, Dew. renorsoundsel It s &ad mu *aroused to rueue the foiluerlog from an intelltment o.uurtahle Farmer to Wutchuter Comity; /Was, ayrsa Fis In4l. Llr Turaerati—De. SUFI ban • Ingle firl, arisen resrs of •ge. elm ha/ been sound years aftlieteal Fits we Ines.) alumt emsrythuu for her. but without 5.5555 oa your circulars for cue, like huff, thought me she 54,4 la very dehratw health. yea would nee her some 55 you r Suraatrardla. nod are reef glad w• dol. for It 1,01 5.5.51 rewored her stnength. but she has had no return of the Ft, to our great pleasure aad waygriss. Elh• tr fast heroolour rugged and healthy. for which we feel palegal Your, respectfully. • • • MEEMiI . Dr Tovra.m.l, SartapanlD aboveretgb msel lopmbly ta.. for lorylent Cot.ommumm Barrmumm, ProMits. Fbilm, M. Womb. Coomverimm,P.Da. 1..0rrha.... or WhWhite.obstructed or thacult _too, ro Incontmoo, of Um, or bwoloommY D•chuo' le•reni, and for tfor ;enernt prostration of the metier • homer the rosalt a trsherrent causn or prralsoed h+ regularity, illness or teroleto Notrattot ran hamore mtrprtstrrh• than it. tonhoorstro"of rvrt•tho %unman frsrne. Persons vrealtne. sod la. (n., tvhs, ,at one. trenonve robust and full of fro rev ....d.. tollurnre. It onnuolzatelp rohn4•rart• re< ofe tenant° (rune. •rlorit ts Zrest • ot room.— It a 111 not be expoeted of us. 43 ruEr 'f :mfr.* porthrovell, hut we e•et assure the .ac . shot 3, 4 - 4 4 4 srh•r• /snot.* hays bean 41414111 t children. •flor •ot•s • few tootle. of thrs in•aluatlle 'Jethro., have Leen ev•ra • 114 cane. healtay nesprter. rent idisoolOtot to Metier* nod Childress. It,. Pre ode., onolosost effectual sordowe for perifysor tbe •i row. and reineong the suffer,' ...h. , . lob 1..1 lort h.. rer thscoecred It oreortbens both the Mer. tner and ate child, prevent. pent and .11sosae, isereoet sad eurtchr• Me food; those who have used it, thank .1 te Indl.penobl. ICI. btkhly eseful bath before and .fir ent...men, as It preVeno duce... attendant upon 1..1.110rth—... Coen ~ ,m.. Pslea Cramp., Seelltnt of reo, Det.tionelen, Flevolono, VorlttOrre Palo mtho it., b tind Lotto. Fake Point. lientor rime, and In reCith onv Ihn or-tenon. and equals...At the eiteulation. It her 't n. prat bear, of It. nordscote rat at .. • •tfe.end the meet cieltcate use it most ever,- toe. re,. rev • ca.... ;rout., any other little l'ascor PI, or llotne, floereee open eo cot Lehi fowl le, thes medicine, .111 breLire eare end ea.y confinement Beo y and llevith. e...net., Chalk. am! a vatuery of prep....m.6 , re.. a 11 6u use. when appllect to the fete, very so..n spoil tt rLI • beau., Thee dare the pares of the skin. aurfehebk u• krealatano, w hie b. eebere nature IS ruat rberartatl by ..... tur pee der. or the Aso sada:6l4.d by the elkalive ersoufier own pradertroo 1b... - face well. iv the renlen ,11" rwh sod oni.l venerated flower.. A flee, active mad .• • , iv:tithe risreolettne of the !kids, or the enuring, of the pure rich bloo. to the extremities,. la that which - patine 11 14 cmolornance In the meet exquisite beauty. Ito that turh imparts the Indescrishable abed.. and Moshe* of I. ,, etterea.that all ad., but ooze can describe. rho nut,. the offsprter of satare—ant of ponder as say. If there 14 not a free nod healthy circulassea antra II no twat. i If the lady Is fair a. dry ass snot,tf ehe patina, •nd nee ?toenail:es. and the blood tuck, cold and Int she so nut beautiful II she be b.,: or yellow, tied there ie ;Fore and active blood, It inn. • riseh Westin i•t the cheeky and a brilliancy to their eye* that ts fa.. rtnettee Thi. hr O. *cumber, •ucl capecially the SpAnu•ll re so much auteired. LuLdies b We meld crahu but hale emret•e or are co.fkued . ebu •• 1••., the. complemon by the applieetmettf d diutnuta etimurys, If they end to lemon •Lastimiy of o buoyant tote.., speektles oyes Red beautiful mew lticinte they should got Dr. Tool:need's illarmtpurilla„ Thou•mid• oho have bled It, ant more Ea...lifted. are delighted. Lichee of every suttee crowd our °Mee dela, =E! . . Thu.. that mutate Dr. Townaend's Bamapaulla, have ftsrtahly culled that, stuff . great Armada for Female, . Mr . and here copied our Lilts and cm-Wan...ton r.tu the cumplaturs wows, ter totted--att. Itou pot up ntedicio, lae.. sine. lila great saccoss 1 Dr Town...la's Sarsapantla tuconapialuts incident to r..rontouended that., althoualt.pretrinualy they &Id A n.tmoor of thews tdixture.s. k.c.. are Niter. to tomato as they aunty...dun:me, and underlain, ..• r..erste soncusi•sly prosse that this Baresps itat parfest control essr the moat obseset• diseases • 131.0u1 This., persona eared is sae basso is ea- fb I,v...cad—Dear Sir I bare the plesature tra let ...frt ou that three of my chi - Meant here been cared of te ntaefula lay the tint of your eared/cut Istedlatte. I hr, Mllirtrd very severely with but &west hare it.ht nun four bottle.? it took them away. for whk.e I 5.1 ..11 under ohiipttima. Very reapetetfully. ISAAC W. CRAIN, DM Woostenat. Don , . Mt Mom Di. Several Om:nand children died thla city last same. . lot could bevel...a saved by ,e Dr. Townsend' a Sac •ntardla and there sr. thorteands of aildrets who sr. un. add - et-int nom had tore. end hue:tom—others aro pony aad weakly —who, Unle...stiatMll. will make effete, tone non , ead roma, th•y not die. which prt+l.3.n. Da Inennroll . • Fotosafrartlla rectlfy thn. hta mixpt.l ehddron of slender comma. and when Dieted with wine, it is a deli/haul ton erant. and elelltlrea 1... 1 dearly. It will parte, ...le edre th• Donator, Dynantery mod Choler. %wins,. true. 10,0 as an father or toolbar .bo as so peon tt...• ttr inhuman es to dope ve then clohnon for a dollar, ti.t. Int Alualtle remedy, wk.+ wall certainly nun', OPINIONS or rtLYSICLSNS Tearmterel i. almost daily rrealvtag order. tints Pht darer-rat part. of the'llemek l'ertzfy th‘a we, tl. underettmetLPltyofova ..e r t.. hoer to hamtenetaraaea plesertbnl It, Stamapardlk, an, hohree 1110 1/1 1 1 1 00 01 tleable preparauvaa m the market. 11. P. PPI.ING, 111 J. MLA( ON. IL IL RILIfiGS. IL 0. P. E. I:LNENDOILE II P ore • ?or..e of Removal —After Me brat of iroptemi. Ire O. I"jowinamora New York Odle. will ia Co. n Capon Chore No et! Na.cau street. ob.'" tOO% ieniergoitie tbortineh chart,. and • ell be .4• tier . aecomromlation itie pro, ~, etors mid othim Tarr partom(or !More —No ILarnarianha in the Ken.' toe abil orietool Ile Towurendbi Saraapireilla. Loam . . --Ili id '7 & Co., No ot-eet co,i Mr. K. Kidder. No Milt orrt street, Berm, , ziatutiel le limier Pratt, Salem James IL Green. 11, 411.0 l tfluit. Cuomo,. J Itekb Mot, Prce . d n ebout rna 1 1 .• ,Vr We.. InilinA and n taa Ca• l'nr •3.1.) AC , II , rnf burgh, II 11 erliFIY. A .rghety, A I'ATITASON Hanoi to.ni nup,..‘l I=3 Stem. Conte:Murex r0.,M., Ape, M , 14 41. —I feel booed to you mp If of ltil. portutt u: gloom pubismty to tho extraordinary edema of Tou r'rpm.torset on my self. Having been aillieted a ur al for several years watt a severe emigh, heelle fev ed ro er and enctrOmllant dist".loo, and tetilled War tu m er um .non bet mixeroble existence, until dm full o f tmet, when,. being more severely attar ked,end bnvrta rr.orted to all III) former remedies. and the pre e mutt.. rot two of the most reapemable physic:mu In tamnetetthorbood unbent dowries any benefit, ur the eonsomuon of surmring but n few days or weeks at farthest—mben the last gleam of hope, was about to mush, 1 had recommended to me your Expectorant— and blessed by that Heine lobo docs all thmga in the am of the mean,--gad eummary to the •rper Wit., of my phyrimans and friends,fw. lo a four days yawed from 14y bed, and was enabled by the use of a bottle, to mtend to my hardness, coloring one< better health than I had tor ten years memo.. Relpectfu you., ke., For sale au lly Pinabarsh, at the Pekin Tea glom pit Fourth street. mars fIItOUND-NM---ataibt7MW, tea by kjr WICK arIUINDLES*
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