Weiss Ittt ttl it itar Cisag ba l zioot. t ._.,..-.:,:-...-- Packets.. o 1 t sd • ' ;it •---4:. -tit I .tttes t t e*.4,-.1.7. , ..7 ,- . t rl 4 F l 4'iT Tr i Cdt'l L*l4o; ~, i n dente ~ ..11a16.4t0t4 1 4 .dpu Manes/. Welliwsdny - stful r ,_,...„1, 1 4, 0., , Nf... see avid 'Youngstown natii 1= rat -striyak--tm.r, Intr. caved ) aortas warn ay:Tall/Wm and diutrd d‘tevruirrgs at 4 2 NI, IV react Braver in nine ter t 'rnarning bat. ALLFAIWNY.V..III+.I..3, a metal rid 1., tuLt,urgh at Ot rim p kali•.llA-11ZAWAI. Crirt.Boseu..t.e, sal' twnatßettratTartalays Tnoisday ustOsturdas-even angsat 4 Pt M./WEl:wing, leave Sew casttes-Wdadlr Wednesday' OW Prldny evetunla to 111 , NI Rise cou nt-tong svilittlte ddtrnitn g . liner forshttalwrgh These pile ,;... are fined up In noWllete order bar Irt&S , " st , 4ninrtntniona for pasae- 4 13.., rlt, and sltlllgers Hip, rely 01 Wirt. raticlusllty and Vetoer deapaleA Ilan ,11 .. Pam, Leto obuo newt *q rhettß Root,. E. st 1 , i rt..H h. Co4t.Vrottr attire I I P.dhl tgc44l:susb.reb i Br:Writ .t. o n _To eestae7 A ft -rob tt , 1 atusgratawn. 11 W. (Ni otingbdrekllear Cavils. The elegant atenmer, Al..l.li4tHEldt'lll'Plift,svill lento NT; dluir nt , A. M. nr d r.,111.421 . 01 et IT, N. natv.r l4 castle.-1 - 11 .-- It the aktfae boats. AO t? ,[ Warrant oßill Clavt_a tl P. irgar Laae. -C240 ratla—i - . ,OW. 4 NN ' talfri • ntabove P ..' n,.. - a.. ler re, 0 . 4 , e , every dal' (14244.3, ' “...91, , rrivepgst motning at anstia.wlom ttroy ennui, utn tha INall ;Amen for Akron and Clevelnun., , , - st. rRV able plime• ''''..',,, ;L O4 _, ° . o "I We W. , . 1" ,,, D:r.rron droll at v 1r.... 1111.111,1erny. ~, 1,...e..... I 131 me In Luke the elagnitlyeat4or SIIISP.rgb , , 4,,i I v CF. $ LEFFINOWN f , i 6. 1, P "r '''' i PO. ' II TAYLOR , ft ;do JO/C1 CA raliv, Agent, /441 ~.,... eon+, at , r att mithfiete sts gitiiiiaa 1S 9. 'fit TNION INtl ,7 • Cogr IDE PENN 'A A DO LICANALS. Claim= A Can.aUltaitti,Cleva Pd, 0 I p ro p r , , RO. Paul, rkas 4.4 . a. i , y H1,11400 will be prepa rd on the *ding of navt valor, to twasport weight and rtvalt.+l,rers from i nay and CLER'LLAN "In an polar on the Cabal and Lake, t. , / Tha-foralulaa of die Lam are onsiegissed in number, analitz and Capacity of Boau, cipciplue of captalus: and cameo) at AVM/ One Boat leaves Ptasborgh and Cletaland daily, nos ning in connection with Ute ,tens eild t Leal. FIDE AND 911C/INAN, Between Pittabargt, and Bouvet, and t g lute .O(Eu - stela's Stentaats, Pkopellers and Vessels odAlie Lases. itsarzo--11 0 Parka, heaver, Dal,' .Teue Elaldstan, 1 oungeln, Oltto MR Taylor,. Warren, ,_, i City Trams.; Ravendg, Wheeler a Co, Akron, D i " Crawford A Chamborl.4Cleveland, 0 Sears ft Beath, BuSaloDl Y. --• JOHN A CAcOHEY, Agent, Office, eat Witor Pittsburgh. ar.121:17 ' ,1314tiVkkif.1 1 .4.CKRICS. ketuzukc.ll.ollG All No.:l—Clip; Giloon. 1..E1 ERIE, %I Gordo a. Tm abowaregraLat and well knOr4 Beaver Peek , et*, lava epannencod making 13dir daily Inv. w 59d from Beaver, wad will COMM*? ran between Putabaret and Beaver regularlt 49,9 .9g the sew., w follow.— • :rt Zaledlisan No-.2lcooes PiuoburrilAtile et 0 o'clock, Lake Erie A. EL, led, Zeamer at 2 o'clock,cri u. itsvcalleaver duly are o'clock. ' A.,112., end nateburgh to 3 o'clock, P. hI. Those al.camera sill ran kh eor;akcalon with A G Parka' Eaßess tack. 1...0i1& late, Taylor A Leffunpv. , lPe Warren r a ckets,. Entart line or Fr.; ht Lion. 3. tfikoland• Clarke &Co'aPluskurgh Clelgibudlxle Freight Boat. a G Parka duly New Cnatle Packets. CLARKE, PALE'. CoyeILV., Aeents. JOHN A. CAUJOIEY. Aged,: INllnburet mch3l_cur %Valet Ifrl Ea..:, hen! !la 1849. PITTSBURGH AND CL /Ulla LINE, ON THE PENNSYLVANIA A - 450tIlIti e` AVA LB If IHE ?rennet°ra of tn. - ctd enealegnital te.netporo, doily line, cementer:Le of SIXTEW Er , .eee tenni Beau, owned t therneelven ut.t145,11. ie g ntuabee. 800 with the strain '. oat. AND ;ALEN t COPE, are enntned to oder tene , fe lc , (In-dtvef for the itenexporbuton of lic:gat andpl2cliger, co the operettas of C'n.b.l zutligadolt, I.llc N 2 2- Ohio and N lurk ca.4-$ sod ;ha Lakes. E M FrYClfie C.crehettd. JIWW ELL et..AfttiTIIER, tokezetn, Beaver. J. C. El Irttlr,„ Agr, ce.a.t3 4.liF",et. l'atAnreh I. C. =WWI, ,ca C. ellawytt. PULSbLLIfit. B lOW EL L B ROT H E R . . ....A.S.. ... I.+ ,16 , - Forward illf! Mtretittits, .tuonsing at - u t. -., t. and ot.e i• PA:al ven.,;, r“ digMatf attlt. P iusburgh andCre4,zrul Llnz.,ritt, M.. t_al: If MU 1,, ...ttrh at..l ....rntor•at., 1,1 .t.ed a. LI . iwrgi, and Ens Line .... E;:rm and for roam -Eol. 4.1 iorly rmul r. ra,5,...., , rs to op, tenta Beztrrr and Ccr.1..1, Cop& _,Lir,.i . ,at Loltef, or to Ntagara Fa., on.. t..... tt.,.. Haviorybrehased to, :orgc tiniVyabstanne. IV . ll ,, a v r e f th . - ,.. ..to u,h the to m a o s s , t p co or tafo o, r , oLltt e t a . n u ti r e c a . p . el. ,, tto;: o . c. l , l.: , s; Boat jolt bunt for the JitosumgeWa Paean.. 1 . e ..,eg te the ee Z nener„. wentha addition of a Worcela•c; ; :the most ainpl- at- ,p > eaatizioduloes for reecning an ; gerwording, a, P 111-.F.D. PA Rh, a. •., ttt•a•tr. pledgetheirsienool alleatio a. pro tle.ess ao e I tk0p..71 j JtYklii , .?.. CA L'i•fl L.l. A g ~ -, l' , t t•ot 3 , tOß.ollßirlElOol, to thole two, to ~ ,, ,I ly on Unit iru au. , ,' tor . !cuter an. d tmo.tl.titio •to for • trial . Isior2-41b - 5 B. k BR" Js:—Jai Cliarnoon. Ilunato, :`• 1 C M [sited. Enc. l'a. C C Vidielc,flrreaville.' Pa; /41'FILtioned and King, Big !tend. Pa; flay. n. Pluton, irtharp.borgh, ha, W C Milan, Sharon. Pa: D C anther., Po:.ki. Pa: li nltkeiniughaol, Ncw Castle. ra. 11 riT•rs BURGH AND glum. LINE. , • Miggr /SIM!. • •ta om F.....ai,..hd (IWO. ONTIIE ERIE v..Vri.N . , , V....1i CANAL. • OM P.Pric.roi th...' n ~,' ,., 41 n. ~" of C.. , , 1113.13.11.11, 4,.. CO'S FAST EXPRESS I Doom. is now plef oll,4 l. 7 -9 IA, ° := 1 :17 . 7, ` ,„: nod Pt elitht to rill pep. 00 • . 4:0 .. • , WM-41Qk Tork.Canala and the 1...k.a5, npoit. mast invora le , terms and wtilt despatch. P-7I Tb..L.,,„ lam i 5,.,,,,,,,,„,, v , 1 ,- .4 , the ~,„,,,b , ,„„ . FOR CT>lis.beiLt:SO trALTlAltilit, AND THE EAl' CTiIIIN CITIES. BEATEIi . ~and CALEI3 CUPII,I-tweett Pito.burgn ' and Beaver, C 141 Need's Line of eldiun boats and v. ' THEP . F .4 " .ra A . L ' . L."C hove put on New Sm. , kl seta on - tbe 1...1kea, and it. 'Prey Kt." .111eingan Lake. r • cnp r . r d Z y ° 7 °. . 4 i ltr ow , c f°r Z .. •• „,, d . f . °‘'"l' " ILL , tiv lloat Line - on De Near York cont."! • J ~ t .1v . .11, 4 1,, ,1 . 5 . 1 1-, 1 LL,, , p ~A 5, ,1 rtt, ,, h. • C. M. RECD, Plot 'Mr, Elie, Ps. 1 !fr . - k...1':: 1 /.... 1.,‘ .... i. ~ .2 ; 41 tau::, CD....,..:, 1.:......D.,rt Bidwell & Brother. a ,00,14,... P 1", AV T Mather, Agent ut J ;INI• Unf II'• Pastenges , . cw , C lAPRlg ` 2lv in . , 7. , . P, • '` Altt i ,E & s Ho r, . • ---- DA FLNDEN .t. CO. ' n I, t ghbcpstinrst Pmith Er. Doventlgoaq ,11 Plummer, p ...... g . r ~,.., ~..,,,.... 0ti ,... Weal Citteentril•ei Wier, A rl , rt ' 6 PM C. ; W. H°•lr7 • ' 11A.NK.Dip & Cri. ennunue to-nr:n; pent,' DastalOarn: Doom &St ton, I.3urfugn Dames . , (,Mb.• .4 Abi k from any part of Knginint, Ir .lana• N.0i......”l Chr,,SanticiskjiJlLS A. A rinMegg,irroiti Kirkland C. Wel., alion the molt liberal terd , w..,..5. it ir .b. r 17 . 64°. Y 8*. • Wch " . ._ r l lt ;'''''„ M , td ; '''''' 1 usual puuctuultiy'ind ancution to the wat,- ai.d COlll - 'T., glffigi.,MarreY tr. p.m., i" ,,- "i •'°'...."''' fort of emmigrant*, We do pot .:D.v our par.seadera u, Clugigki; A Wheeler A - Co. "ewiprk. DO L be robbed by the chnedllng sennip. Ul.at tnfeat the ..ra.. Plit.lllloll2‘til and,lllaArsvlP4 Packet Lin* . port.. •• we take kbaree of them the moment they re port themaclvee gild lee to Urea wc:l brow, and de. 7 ••• ,S=ZT 1849,R, i iga c patch them withept any detention by tio. fit •t ..,,,I. -- . ---"'-`"'-'"---4,--.. - . ;. , „q We ~,,y th ia f e a,d6aely, as we defy one of our pa...ra y-knit:l.ol,c ~....p.nfuny 41 , ....1 that L N. K m to allow that Dory were defaulted .1, hours os us tr. J. MARRRA.LL A CO. taive . l Ded not new and Liverpool, sehtlst:thovaanda of others were detained .. • ligaatia,,PAClAALlo.l.,..... AAV...4 thereason , be- months, nutil the4ecnild be .at to some old emit. at a Meta ,ENVIIIiillo and Patibiugh•-ta e boats to be tow- eh: p rate, vont ett)cro frequently proved their coffins. ‘etl by for hones, and every MN A-14..1. to 117 ... ,1 m - We attend to pctforni our centrum, honorably. coo mm - ate pasaengent 7; I what 0 May, rani not .et as w. the castle. ,carob. Duras:Mut —Beata will leaE' iPirtabarsh every with ether offtentr,„—writ either perninned not att. as Moad° ' T°°°"Y`Ti'°"7 and 44id°7, of • •°""°, when 0 rattled the" eonventenee. /•• N. temoil • 01 . 117 1 7171. , .. , r) . "WI. ~ 'l , VVd°°°d , °7, Drafts drawn ct Patsburgh for any corn from At to ThaN#lY.l . ll/tatanticr •at 7 cemlP4t a. la-, and "r•vv Duoo, payable a any of we provincia: Rant. t. Ire ' ' •ttfid nor , Hack from t,,,,d , England, selrtlarid and it rues A a. arPiutharth the t hame any A tc4 bone . Hack trot Indiana will meet the boat at tiallAgii. both ea vp• ward and downward top—put-41m, wager: , through from theialitiie in one day. ! , -z.i ,Treight for the above Line 'wipe received arthe 'beide of the Boatmen's Line , to. Farreu A Co., who are oar aothOrised &genie. U s treight received free . 01 entiliniM si ions. 1 lt • ItAl.l. tr. Co. JNO FAIIRWL Co, A gen u, . ' . Canal Radio Libtrfr st, Piitaburgi A Reek leaves Illauswße ' for g i run g siown on -the arrival oftbel.oar—vstumvaboerrocr iv rning. fare frootTittsbargli'm Youngstown ', receed at other of ifinoreentio Linetbrotirti. ', -, 11 . line:dem , PVl`TlMUltiiirlitt2F4TialtpAw Lana' 1849: = W: tAttiI.M 4 :DEO6II et B d d..L w T ' 7sl. d o l /1 " .2: N. 1 i'lt.'i , ~, Thous Memo riadelphia. ~. -,1We , ..1-: Marrs & OCona Pritabureli• SeralidAn'sed•Lice beat ow in furl opera. Trzh,141...„..„.,„ lilie prep# d sem their acne! 'exteittieektrantraurienta to fonvislimerchandive, pro ' duggoaclarau*om the above Mirla,on liberal terms. Withlbettigabiritti derpatch isiOafery , jwratiar to their ettedhilit $Y I s atiltriona, when own ithipoutaiirtheltray la ay - bided. R., . LOCOtialgatalMos by awl for titua live received, char igearill; and forwarded in arty rili,iired direerro. free archangel. fey ContmUsien, advalle4Ar or storage. Ndintern.e.,4ireetly or indirectlyi in weamb..... All eradinnoicationspromptly ended io ea applica tion'tei Out fallowing agents: iff; THOS.'BORDIDGE= l'ilarkei , it, Philadelphia ' • TAAFPRA - O'CONNOR, Cala Darin, lituabarrh. - ' O'CONNOR it Co, North st, lkiforrom. roce2t 18 49 -• • : 1W19G136318 , THAN sPO •rit 'cal L. .., •• • ` • PliornarrOuk!,' Joan tlnfottat, i_-.1.0........., Mt U13./I4X, ~..; Aces Duel. Condoeted on strict Sabbath- t' l ag principles.. IflliE Proprietors of lbw nld b i t , lcd_ Lin ha ve .f_ pot then stock wWe -en.' cony e o,d , e i r. and are "`"nuratighl.l,?repa7_l!n_fo..r..wilkoduee . Mere 54 gt a }W;. - i111; Passe sit We Red dud our tang exper#oce .n th e carrying boainerte.and zealous =notion ihe interes , or rut gaiters, still ,sta r e to us a eonVanee awl Increase ofde patronage hitherto extel to lilngtuun's Lam. Oar stram,evrepta en.tbkiksis to retry Freight arab ilia 04130111 despareh, oar ion es Ash slwv, be as beret die lowest cuargedi L ty inner rrepousibie Lses. t We kale opened an office= gtrlB3 Market *Tart, between 4theutil Stn eta s the convenience of atoppera. Predate and Merchandise wt 11d received and for arded, East and West, with9tW boy charts for for• w.rding,advainenig feelutit. stoffits Or evonwsnon. Wile ..of lading forwarded, Nil eveM dwernlon proniipUy atteunlud to . .a.reisar or apply ui 1,111 131NG RAN, Canal Beam, oar Liberty adi s. trit i tht v ra No 11311 and Tin Ntirget e rect, Piic•Aa. JAhll4ll4lll,auN, No 14 North liiisv4th 13•111 ge 01911, WILLI/41'1 nUN, Ani, erreb.4 No in Weir motel. new York , 1 1849i).W 19ego borate rarspatiatl l lo Liner irCe. PENNSYLVANIA un qfiL ItelL KOAWs TO 1.1111.4121.11.. 0,04.471.011. ITs d RAI Canals and Road. litat r now open, and T L ill road *Wm sr, are prok4ml to forward 1111 kinds o truarcbaudasa and prodoelo, m Ph:lade:lom alas Baltimore, with promytnena andFnenPa=b, Load terms as any other Sine. - C A 3.f4tia.n . er. awe t.t...iotTA,on Pitulmegtt. Aarsis—CHARLES RAYNQA.lthrladelpttla. 1:00; ROtABSIORKILL iinOti Baltimore. ..04,aasri ,- ,... ciiii , i .a.il noTaft.i.l pren•A'ast PoeVit [Arm, igaNal 1640.1 MM FROMIIVICSBOUII TO MORPI.I L IO r 4DIILL'hUs. it laic TI tkrelutively for PO.ngors.) mall., are respectfully I„ollurmed that this Line ;. tr i llga 00121.8100C0 ranting on* loth inat, and ene ma thrhugholo tne Season, 11 I The boats are new, and of u shPerior class, with en. . ti lt ed lin etthhuh. which "will give glows comfort. The ears are the latest etentracoorill'. - A boauwW always be in port Fd traveler. are re quested to call and.eracnine Otto dere eogotttg v... . 4 1 , ,14gOtli1OWitero. , ' ,;, . a ~. ..IFare only nine dollar, thrall ll'Onel of the hints of Othaine will leave the laitlin , opposite IL &Motel, ',... ;center arena street ad Coo . ' , 'est night ot nitro ot ' cloak Time at dap. For rationi 'apply alba (Mee Monongahela Mate, aril& DLELCM & Co ' = i t _ , Ilti • VatIaIIIII4I . . ;i.!..-....-.:::' ON: - FalißOS 'BOXBABOB i BOAT 'BIN Es, For the Tfingspiertastors or swist TO PHTLAOLLPIBIBAF.TBIORF& NEW FORK 111QUSINVQ3S tde de&l losiess now resumed. the 1 33' s P' o Fri° 4 3 Life:above Line reerwlllilly the puthe Mat MeV igre prepared to terries. a:3d to wo-d Freteht dui:Wei, tied rue. TI cy stosad a1..0 g e 333ho . Ci Lau ward to the fact that rite E'ew &I.lV'stf'des b5 1 tII•IfI wasseitowoom s , ore . ~,c., : amt by them and co=nonsied experienced eaptainese ishippert of Urn itFlinik will findit advert:event. shipby t y l „ etsire I.sts.eufseti sso as =gement& aT Comma to care such iro¢ll . , or Boi r s umore hustled thrteur from boutift cars, thereby to etne oars:house hart:4,g. Freight to Philudepia goes clear through in toe bonus No c hee,ge made Coggeeeiving s !.l.np, nr nave ..•.^- chaise. Ktim & /sO , l-t , Prove-30r., e Ca n Rani 33, t, truth Octet. 'AGENTS—John A.l3aw •.,t. 0 ; Nic• Colsoadh & Co Italtiresere: Jet Rorer & Co., Ynilodess. phi. Francis A Tbooltsv, melt:3l pi•JPa6YLVAHPh CANALS K. /LOADS, i131gi1b4849.110.30411 EXPRERS FAST PACKET LINE, iron Pettakstgit to Phatculripkia and BM:Moore. lESelunivety for Pa see/Igees) TRE,Fablle ass raw:coal y informed that Ana Line ill eoramenee 9unultig on Monday, Inth March. The boats of this lone are of a superior Alas., With enlarged cabins, wElch will give greater comfort to patseugers. A boat will ala7a4 be in port, and travelers are re quested to mall and Otamme them before engaging pa, sage by other routeir, They will [care the lauding, op posse the U.S. Hotel,earlier Penn Want and Can*. every a! lit at 9 o'cl?ek. 1 ARE—NINE DOLLARS TIMM:LH. 'Am r--3I Days. For j.fOrtn.. o .o 4PC.I . at the office, Monongahela Rouse, as to diJ. LEECH tr. Co, Canal Ilatin. N. Lt.—rae propeßtors of um above Line are now building an addition* Lino of Packet, to run as abuvu an or about June talus connection with the Peitniiyi roma Hail Road trona Lewtstown to Inalaaelpiqn. At that tune a packet saill leave every touratog mid even ing. Tone throu*tail, daysmeal 6 ppwr Leila BOAT LINE, IS4 9. For the druniportanno-o1 A/ aSfAIS•AUI.I, BETWEEN Nil LtoEt.pitin AND PCTI nisi; it6ll. (10005 carried Mt Mt , Line are not transhipped 13 between rivalkirgli and Plidadeipnia, being car ried in tour section 'lortitbie Boa.. v ,erand and n a ten-1.0 shippers 4 merehandire raqulllnµ cartfal handling. this Is of Alpo rla Nn c Uarge mathfor receiving or aluppii4, or for •advatimini eiturges. All forwarded arßli alai on as reasonable terms as hi any ottitt Liao. !URN Co, T.aaal Basin. Penn at I.llllthurgb wer JAr, 11 DAVID A Co, marl V 7 girket el/11141f roe it, l'hiia JOHN McFADE* &Co, Forward...llg and Cameras .ion Mere-harps, Cal* Swim, Perin st. Pittsburgh. . JAMES M RAW. le Co. Flour Factors and Merchants, TOM main and 54 laillOnerer strict, sion :demi _.... Palled,'lphiri. ~- 1 . marl LErAdv.ees milde by either of die nblise 0. ro.r. Wool and other iniercheindist consigned to them lor 4• 1 .• • --e . .__ aril iliatEli. 1849 W".-41:-.15---a -aticacaiLikrured WAY imutuavr LL:Lec. For Blairsville, kolanstosen, Hoitidaysburgh, awl all totermeilisto places tHiS Line will COW.H.ne to carry all Way Goods sit • Tttmar usasii despatch, ant. fro: girt. Aomcm—C. A. 71BANULTY *..Co. Pituborgh. 1/ 11 Vlrlsehrld.John•toura. John Miller. Hollldaysbargh. Rsrm/m , om—..laMos Jorda n , South a hinehur, I' noeuberget, Moore . John Parker. F Von Dual, horst & Co, kN'in L?..hrocr & Co, Jiro Drvitt 5. Brow, Pittsburgh, John I ory, Sum., Alulhotladi & Ray. Joe Illarrsvllle. mchdl• REED, PAILI.SB t. C 0... PACKET LINK 1848 . DEA VER AND Ca , : ELAN D 11 NV A RREIk Canal Par ket-al W A LL,ti , Copt Ford. l'ilCF-kN, Capt. \\ atter, /ANL of the abosle Packets lease Braver dvery day, ‘,/ ISandayseke : qua:4ll and urn , air; morning •t Warren, ' , Own , tht - COMI tra., tCt ,Vl'll M3ll ' , tore. : C. or .krron and ,evcialdd, rut:your at each or p.., osibre dirt Opetithr Pao let, :race Warren a:5 P. ru 01., end a rrtkr e no dirty..., ,r. tune to take mo. rung Atromoooklor c,.yrKs...t. EBY Ls: E.L.l.arm.o / . BTA VLOR; r , PTopr.. • BEAVER Ail/ PAC.I. I . I TTIAROC olt .1,1,1 1.. E. La t. I' or ..analracket--,PsAhsy. C varua, urt. Jr:l, roes, 'fro. Y) rr near &bd. tp,rlltild ,:e• r ye Ire,wrrn 1.11-I.l'. I.R '',l7 dun!, tit,' n a..- 0•, ..10:5111:A ROBINSON, European and Untie rat Agent, ...ISM street_ roe door twins. Wernt. VE2lll'llA!'i BLIND, VET WA,•ER,,,,,0d. J. A. BIitAVN would respert- Iy inform the public, that he cps on hand at hls stand on ,be rat side of the Lhamond, Ally rny city. • complete assori ,nt of Vetindan Blinds; also Vi— ten Shutters a m . tde to or r nl the I,oi .o re l , ,wv ranted au' to any in 11.0 United State. s Bliads can ur removed with the aid of a screw driver. flurchased be stook, Is, and wood of Me cabinet es ,lislitsient of Ramsay & id, I am 'prepared to lerni.h ir old customers. as wen •s every thing in their intr. street, Putsuurgh, ti .1 A BROWN DAPERam no, reecremq. ee from the magrafarturors in New York, Ph/Ise-lel plata and Baltimoie, a. large and well Felected utiort incnt of all the is feat and most improved styles of .n -un. 41 and Common PAPIIII HANGINGS, con sisting of 10,1 .ptecurif Parlor and Fresco, Hall and Column; IndXlD Dining-room, chamber end office Paper—which I Nruld particularly invite the attennon of throw having 'Myna,' to paper, to call itcusp.", at the Paper Weicheaw. of C 1111. L., itp2 07 wood at ETI131: - fr tits eononenced to receive a Vs Aßß large wismunent of Fancy VAILIE r ry Ho c in pof ArtAcials, Laces, Ho siery. Gloves, Coupe, benve. C.11:11,11,1, Lace Veils, Shawls, Pgingee Handkerc tied., gents Cravats, innaliam arid ottron Itandketchicn-, carded Skirt., Sewing Btlk, Thlttads,Buttoos, Comb, Jewell . ), Cot lory, are. &c. Country 1..1 , -try merchant. are res. peetfol , invitedso call mid clime: , his stock, No Wood .ireet. cor.Rer of iliamond Mlty. me hilt ALLEGIIIOY vrrr.Acr of CiiPPAY.—An articles whicu aru -12,j ptmy roma & intouse as a wl....lewisrie. and de , letou•beeeraus, rt ore rics‘au.:.tutpd pal• atnble than coullSlou Cof ee. cud tsr 0110 apses. as a stool) paper Costing ottly ton cotta, will go a. four pounds orColloc? htunufacturril ey t)lt IS p. Pitraliurdh. Pa. !sold at wheat... tip It A l'All..l;s'l‘Xlli corner of First Atul Wood arid :taus and 18 and strs., , Pittsburgh ap2l rfiXiFOHNItt MADER GOODS—goat recoaved, tJ 3,3 Camp Hlaidacti, to °Meer coats, 19 pm Pant. le pair. non hated blinang Hoot. ig hon.,. gag., g armor Tao.. l and 19 g mica; 30 camiccaia, gal on each; I Oa Money liege; I do oiled cambric do do. ?be above good. for valc at the Cala icaraila OuirmagOgi . vtablubmciai. Pdo 3 Wood at. mab24 J & 11 PHILLIPS Ast , ORTEDkPICKSPot up Mr (=idly um. in tin Cant, ant ate , : .a a eliding lid Y-1. coniumuug Muaford, A sernee, Cinkluoun, Gouger, Clafro, Pepper, Warranted Mirre. For rale ot the new Sumo and Mowed Fattor)r corner of terry k Lt,•erty ok. 77N 1 71EL._ tfioniht ( arrant 5,1., f r om ' " * EL pe i-' anceadle riorks. Wed. an!: Te 'h e ' rk!lA r :Ziltl r y . on hand and so*ned to order. by my:9 01 , ,0 COCHRAN. IS Wood rt. FUKNATt: 14EAKTB, otanaMetared nom a superior nAtelo of !Soh: ar Fire Brick ( - Any. 01 store and for sale by Kilfit t JONFS Mr. W. W. W.fellace baying need a Hearth eg quu t tety and mrufanteture fur the punt pronounces it 10 ortor to Um /mamas nowt n general use rot 16 II,Ifft7ECOGIV/i . C BRANDI F. , -27 Ann piper various embers, nE•our owntenportatton per Coommree from Bordeaux ust reed anti .or sant by rotl RICK F.TSON CIIAPS,--/ not rncet sod, n beau.tiol attorr. kJ meat or dtn mud irullemens' Go'd board Challis, from 5 . 13 to 140 earl, tern priers. Airo. Weep:bog itinguad" Mt rural paid go ld Penmi r s. Finger 1114 U, Stmt. Pine, Br l z . ea , i s rl , / vi. : ... , d Prue, tVatches,fr- 0 . jug x corner 401 awl Mork., tt. 'VELVET received oC"Zettubm: hni- V say's, 67 litarket street, 30 ps eolorsl Velvet Ribbon, assorted colors; 30 tl ; " " cantuviiiery Gimp; 10 pa wide Plain, Re. dvvo f a itt.bnife niKen nlas.k..oY PUOT coii t l talninF an 00;6cl/ottani Int of Poiiitifficca through eel Ike United Attica that-ince* flow Ww.euidloc, U. P 4 Stale and wiencotal capitals respaciivcly; giro ex, .hail Linf the Paii (Macs In each sata, as wall as coon 'l'.`frogf,y",,,V;lt6rWaito`l.Y,' carnet act awl amain kL. SF.I.LERS' FAMILY MEDICINES—"They are the I,.Lla..atea of tn.. day." •CiAllO%, Ohio. May 25,18494 E- Salient: I tthak n right fortis bernern Mother. to pone um, hem to telation to your excellent Fend ry Medicine.. I cave nand !ion r Vermithge largely in my own fam ily one vial frequent , y ens-a-emu for expelung larva 00-nuttes piny Ito con worm. from two children. I he a. rd your Ltve/ rd. and t;ough Syrup in ray temtl T. and they bane sorcery instance produced the earn. de-tr.d. As I no encued in merchandising. I am ahle.to sthte n th ! I have yet to hear of the first failure where your Med, have been used in my section of the m-e.nuth. la crnelestoni I may state that they sire lore" -.nes of the de,. and are destined to have a very extensive poputanty. moms. respretfutly, W'. 11. Piunau. Prepared antl 4 , 51 by R. E. SELLERS. No 47 Wood 'Seel, and said by Liruggtata keneral.y iti the two tea arrl vteinity. royal REAT CURE OP LIVER COWPGAINT, by be 1,3 original, only trete, and eLlver SAO., Cal.,Ohoi comty, I Vs. Z March XS& IO4D, Mr. R. E. Salters: Dear Sir-1 Vunk it a deny I owe to you and to the public genera ly, to stale that I have keen adlicted with the Liver Complaint for a long unite, and so badly that an allots, formed and broke, winch left me in a very to, state. Haying heard of your Cr iC.51 . 10.1 Laver Tula betng far oda by A R Sharp, in Weal Libeity, and recommended to me by nv phyatman. Dr. E. south., I concluded to give theta a fair trial. I perc64sed one box. and found them to he plc what they are recommended, 'THE BEST LI VER PILL EVER USED; and after taking four boxes / find the dines.. halt entirely len me, and I am now COLEMAN. Weat Liberty, Morel, 26,10411. I certify that I at. pervonally emprakmed with Me Coleman, and can bear least to toe truthof the above certificate. A R SHARP • • - - • -. Teo genaine Lever Pala are prepared .nd seed by R ESELLY.RS, No \ ood street, and by drug,p•t• in the two enu.. . . • . TO THE It original, only true and gen uine Liver Pills nee prepared by R Eoe liCi F., and have his name stamped in blank was upon me lid of each bog, and his gignatare on the outside wrapper--gill °theta are comterfena, or base initiations. gt.in N E SELLER+, Proprietor ..„ ,thigJAYlllirstS BALSA M (2 ROM the Rev ASA SHIN N, a well knnwu and pa; I War Clerk - same of the Protestant filethodlit Chnteh The undersigned having been alliteted during the past winter with n disease ofthe stomach, sometimes pro during greet pain in the stomach resumer twelve hours without Intermission, and after having tried •armus recntoltra with little effect, was fornialmd with a Itottla at D Jrtyne's Carminative Balsam. This he used ac cording to the direction., and found Inv ariably.th aphis Medicine caused the pain to abate in three or four min utes, and in fifteen or twenty minutes every uneasy sensation wt. entirely geicted. The medicine was uneasy lerwardsuged whenever indications of the apptoetch el pain we t o perceived, and the pain was ther ell prevent• ad lie continued to use the medicine every evening and sometimes in the mornini, mtd tn a few semis health was so fa rgestored, that the sufferer was relies ail from a large amount of oppressive pain. Frames pp even, therefore, he can confidently recommend Jayne's Carminative Balsam. as a salutary mr diet, fnr diseases of thestuniach and Newels. A SHINN D Alice heny city . 1,11 For sale In Patabergh at the NEKI Al TILL uTti It 72 Fourth street, near Wend, tint ..lm at the Drug S.nre of H it lIW • RTZ. Violvvit •treet. ARM( 'vt • VALUABLE DIBCOVELRYI CONSUALPTIVES, I3 ti ON YOUR GUARD. DR. SD, AYNE'S COMPOUND SIRUP OF WILD CHERRY VIZ oasat ...V FOR COIISUMpUOO. Coughs. Cold., Attthrti. BranChM., LAV er Complmnt. Spitting Blood, Diffirelty of Breath -If,, l'ain in the Side and Dream. Pal pit.stion of the Dew, Influenza, Croup. Broken Con s. d ..won, Suire Throat. Nervous Throat, an all Diaenses of the Drees! tad Lung., the most ef fectual end speedy cure eve, known for In . ) of the above diseni es, is E=EM D R . swAyNr.s soemponskd 8 yrup at Wild Cherry! Thu medicine is no toffirtr ausecng those of doubtful Utility. It booms.. away tram the thou... dai:y launched upon the tide of ex per.itffint, and now emu. hither in rrptrtasso and is becoming more eStelisive- I y used than any other preonrat.oo or medicine r at prod.ed for tic relief of euat.r:: ;man. It h. Oven introdured very ettnerffilly througu rite Uffited S:ates and I.ffitope• anti there are few vow: of itnportance Out what contain toine remark , ffic C 6. derec cood .'bets. For proot o• the fore4m. Yffiteinctits_ end of the value and efficacy of rote, the proprteffit ii..nscri a lets ine mahy thoa sand testimonials will. have I,ren prexented m 6.01 ..y can of the ft.t tespeetata:.ly-111r. :101, higher y of toOtal remttanal,‘ av and Jula,r. Wan to try try (arta. becnase Wo.do a..nothrr • 1,,r. aj .d itnamarlvcsr.o .ala•lter Sac ale •I.l.ave y a y. :hat suiptarx4 carelffinct . 1. ...v..1,d ty ht. rarraa,aail Lunia•Aaonab , ants., •it :y. tin the aoodune aiduence o'oo Pat. its use, run.lers n mon: agree.a.e. retneey tur the deltic tee. Itt men. trim conorn.nuous to;nntar, y r•.r .I.mony .flob • or par.tra!ar tart. stICIx toagatony. helm; contrar. :he,r •• tt.st. and putp4...,:a. •• truth. 5.. e. continr•nta nr.ctl m • .peeinl InAnner Intveran• re.lenen ri,an %form 31,11.10, REA I lIE 110N11. CER rIE I , A Srna. A .0..T0m caa or 1 . :1—.0Na. , rhere never was rtmcdy that ha...ten as sureea•lai w an desperate eases Dr `wet)or'r Compound ?y cup if S.Viid Cherry. It •ktrengllten• the .),.tern. and appear% heu, the Me er. on toe lungs. :renting new and nen Llood, purer by nu 'trier tuotli,le. Cnvrra Co.. A pnl Is /A. Ur Fhttratioe--linar Sir. I viirtly rilevn t our itoin tioui., ,o 1 rap n i ‘V t .. 1 herr. bus to-en tor menus at latrine my hie I caught s severs clod, gradu y et.ior worse, it tnitided ah a se,. re rouge, was restated an the remedies womb I bad rrenurae to, soil titcreemno unul my crow c11....1ied all the symptoms of Pulmonary Consuinp.n. Every thing I toed seemiid to have na erect. and my complaint increased so ro m mends as well as myself. rove up ait hop.. of my 4 very. Al this owe I woe recommended our in valuable medium , I did so with the most hap p yy maul.. Ilae. hell :wink had the elect to loosen the ....wren causing me to e xtorate freely; and by inn ace I had used six boniest was entire.y well, and air. aver Its Scary a wi was my .ifo, and would be happy to eve any IfOrll3llnrl tug ruse, thm other ...tamers may dcrtve the vita for which lam so hratetut. For the truth of the shove rtatemenjCMe m .. you to Peter gosh, Grocer, Wet: Chester, of wh I pureti.od the meihetna. Be. ly your., LA-1.11 MOilfis.ll. Traridefuj ( ' are s Dr tsvath no-- Dear et, I fee. a Mg, nrg:at,:dic Joe C you—sad a duty to the ttglicted general), to eler or humble testa-arm) in favor of your Cdt.peund Sy• ra of Wild t heeth. Some thre yesm stnce I was mo p lently smacked with cold and e t ndammatura of the Lai omen witsaccompanied elm a dtharse.tg souDlc gh, pmn it: the bre.t and he.. a very crtnenthen. dthelholge of addl.' , °moth from the lung, este— daily up. chaser at weather, however aright. At fast felt ea alarm about my condo., but was pretty soon eonvineed that I was rapidly geas into csevamp uon. I grew holy weaker, and at length ica: serene ty able us walk about, or speak above a whisper, men •s the exceedatg weakness of my lungs. During his awe I had tried various vaporetto. and presenpuans, but found no relief—an/arum all the tome worse i t , here I was advised and penuaded by a dear friend in doungton to make trial of your Syrup of M Cher. ry. must confess butt proderusly I had been prem.. dm. Neatest patent methones, are l I sun cull against dose coming out of the hands of enaperies, but nuder• standing your ethurss to the profession and practice 01 medicine, and having tmpaeit faith tit the saymg of my (needs. I forum...lth purchased of Dr. Shave, one of your agents, a few bottles, and commenced. 11. My cn „- sate was at that tune of t. 9 or SS months' stand., eon . sentiently it 1.1.1 deeply seated. I found, however, Considerable relief front the use of the fast four or flee bottles. But being a pub. speaker, I fredienuk ate leted to preach anth nay increasing strength, tutd thereby ruptured :bora vessels that hud already ...est,. heal, to this way. doubtless, my cure was gthat letarded. In consequenee of .uag thus unprutiendy. had to are twelve or fifteen bottles before I was per fectly restored. I have no question, a wraith smaller number of bolder would have =Melee sound. but for We above Indiscretion. The Syr. alloyed the fend haha y took away the dthtressolg cough, put • stop to the discharge of matter front the lungs, and gave them and the enure system gorel health I have defer. red °raring f ac t ceruftente unul now. for the par., of being perftly untitled with tite permanency or the mre, and now that I feel perfectly well I oder tt are. J. I. Joanne. pie.ure. Dublin county, N. C Important Canaan—Rua .' Read , There is but one genuine preparation of Wild Cherry. and that is Dr SWLYSeII, the fleet ever offered to the public, winch ban been Fold largely throughout the United States and some parts of Kurope; and ad putspre paration called by me name of Wild Cherry have Mtn out since Mx, under coVer of come deceplivr elleurnstances, in order 10 glee currency tolby thirtr sale.. a aide otioeiiatiun, no person Reed nitinahe the genaine from the `alga Each bottle of the genuine I. enveloped with a beautiful steel efigroving. with tau Likeness of William Penn thereon, alma Dr. Sway tic, aud further irOurity, the portrait of Dr. Swaim. r will ( g added liercalter, ND as to distinguish his preparation from all others Now, ems not for the great curative prppertes and known virtues of Dr. Surayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, permtiir would not be elideaforingto gire currency to their l'heuttous nostrums" by m ing eal the balm of Wild Cherry. Rollicmlier, a, flat deceived. tint Wine, earner of Efghth and Race .teed., Ph ladelphia. For sale wholesale and retail by OGDEN & SNOW'- DEN, cur ltd and Wood Ma It A FA lINESTOC K Co, cur Ist end Wood, and Cab and Wood at.; WA' riv,it: , ..53 if art. .% S JMNES, Iv 1., nett} rt. 0.5, A JONES, eon Hand aol Pend •:•. JIM'S AIITCII - Allegheny cuy, and by al, ref.ton.tatriedeafer, in terdlcfne. octl.l A ITIIONO EV IDk;Ni E Mat Dr J.k YN Ea EX I'ECTOLLA NT is super.or a.I other remedies for ug Ckansmaptsou, Bronchus, Asthma, and uther r.,mo sar7 rifeetionios that the same persons who commenced the Ise of it in the, trm.bes ten years sr. sti,, prcor a to Mee rtmedies Lathe hied', sad where my her been ikd need m try other preparat.ons they hare almost armsatk) twee itsappotnted meerviug the benefit when ewe resimuably unnipatcA from the high rimers bestowed by the prorrotors, tad hare returned to the use of J 'E/Patrina.r . remedy that has tweet failed to rel.eve them u,. wk.ch arrasbly never had tt. equal to arruting pulmonary diseases Prepared only by Dr D. Jayne Ptinulelphis., Bed sold on sgeney by ALEX. /A i NES dee2Jddirelf font tit et Pr. W • P. Inland's Premium Plaster: . IA K. W. P. INLAND, oldie Medical College b(Pkil• adelphia, now oiler. to We public his Indian V.. e . etuble Premium Plaster, the qualint• of wtueh, after long and tried exence, hoe been soUgloctor.ly tablished. To a llosumi who sassy be alllietml w itb Prolapsna ('torte or Fallen Womb, he •e cede nil plaster, guarnitlceing sou cure in the short spare of from two to all week. if uprise.' wall care and rest—dwearding all the countless instruments and expenaive bandages so long m use. This Ito feels consemonotia in Famine, to as he has not failed in one ease out of three hundred and fifty-three pa. bents. Also for Rheumatism and Weak Breast or Bark, at tended with pain, there t• nothing to exec: ibis ('leaner in affording relief or otleming a mire Fo• lain by L Wilcox. corner 01 Lhamond and NI rlt et el Braun A- Better, " Liberty mid at Clair ins Dr J Sargeni Rb'dY eny Jacquem to Co, !' Denman and [hominid liirming band tea T 81:LI.FIRs, Druggist. No 1,7 Wood street. LG. Sole Agent for the sale. of Dr Townsetrt. Gr.t awe Sarsaparilla, has lust received 201, do" .1 of this Great Sprms and Surulier Metter:le. Purchasers should ',tallest that It E Sellers 3. sole agent for Pittsburgh, and D M Curry for Allegheny cm' 4;4 1321357 M OLD A N. . AT KNT LEVKFI WATCH p_u—Deplei Watrtie•, nude by the celebrated Cooper at London, M 1 . Totoix , of Liverpool, o large assortment of detached gold and eilver Levers, wade by' cue beat Geneva manufacturers. Spector-lea of all Communion Ware or seta, Gold Pens; Jewer:ry in large acutely; Stlver Symons, Fork', &c. - - • -• • . . , . (D' Watch repturiug executed in the beat meaner W W WILSON, cuyl9 earner Market and Ith ate MACAULAY'S ENGLAND—lhoper's boo edition, El se., with portraits, cloth —75 ceou per volume. For salt by JOUNSTON k STOCKTON, Ki? cOtnet !dulcet and ;A Ma -MIGEbLANEOU&... MIIRDOCEVII -- • PA - I"NT DASHER CHURN am PILOCC UM IT 3or la usxrrca inuax "VA Xlll. i - If I ntl,tion of the public ,wired to Chili art, shlaable Qs urn. winch bits the .1v . .. 1 -ago of .11 o . ext m Corriblyltlir the OW and new invention, to grther. l'he sultry of tho twirennon inapparent an by ..tos" pie prom. one air is forced beneath th e dash, sod noes awn) , with the neeevitity of purehunior a nes Churn. as II can be applied to any thorn 1111 use, sod for one dotlar eon have a:I the tionrovementa of the age combined with those of gadhening the Boner to the 0,011 way. Toe condo are molted to call and judge for them wives lactose purehmog claewlitere, at 87, corner o !dark. t and ni b streets, or no 63 Diamond alley, be tweet-t. Wood and Market street*, Pittetio ran. mr.l7 ICRUESEN. ruff F. undersigned [mews been appointed Agent of the Lwv.ae Nernst. SAFEST Immix. Coo rs., in the place of John Finney. Jr, resigned, re spectfully informs the pnblw aid the hiead• and cox 10111,K of v.e Company, that he is prepared to take Manse, !Ward and Fire ruks ou liberal termsto their office. No..C. Water street. P. A. ItL•DEIR.A, my In Agmt. silettE7l—Lunar feet X in.:lply India fLubbel H Hose—lust received for the kturougb of Alanchm• wr. whieh will he Lehi in store for a few days. The Be. on Holum! Company express a strong desire for the fire departments of the cities of Pittsburgh and Al ingheny to mail and examine and make stead of them . The company n willing to pot them to any test they think proper to conclude upon. • tow .1 Is M PHILLIPS, 6 wood at I . I,MJIS SUR TSIT.SAYMR92IStIitiN tip s—aidli t, in the Citizens' Insurance Company of Plusbuswiti. will be opened in the ROOMS of the Board of Trades... the Bra Monday of Nosemoes cert. et Itto'eltsek, s.ll. Wm. Lardner, Jr. Robert Woods, "%Vt. M. Nl'Clase, lotoph Plummer, S St. Kier, Josiah King, John Shonfr. Ale:. Roseburg, and not H. 1). Rini,. Connunnonees. GOLD WARM - gait. - lipir PARRY hut , invented a machine for washing Gold, for which he has made llpplieltdon foe a I potent They are now offered for sole at the ware• house of Parry, Scott & Co., No. 11X1 Wood greet, Pitt.burgh. Adventurers to California see mooed to call and eX attune the... Ishorritving machines. They are simple in their construction, easily transported on the back of mules or horses, weighing etgl.ty poen& ate& and can be put to operation in halite hour. They can ha filed with provlcons. It Is the opinion of those who have seen the trial of one of Mere machines ofmnatleet size, that two men will wash the mineral. from 130 bushel, of sand or earth to a day, without the lass of particle of the mineral. They can be ineretted make and worked by water ar male power, if expo:Heat The operators work without goiisg Into the armor of being exposed to wet, and consequently wtthott en dangering their health. They will require but small stream or water, and ran he used the whole sessost, tied be put into operation where there is not aufh rant totter to wash in the 0/051 way. Price of nattiest site VS. Orders from ablaut, companlod by cash, will be promptly filled. li. PARRY, at Parry, Scott & Ws, tf No lite Wood el, Dinspratt & sonar - Boni — [i as, TICE subscribers are now receiving their real noel of the above article, three vessels, vie: the Junta., Alediduon and Lydia, having arrived at Philadelphia and lithium, and two more, the Stephen Bald... Wand shortly corers!, they are. therefore, prepared to receive orders. They will receive daring the wits. ter and sports regular supplies eta New Orleans. nov lx W & U MITCHELTREE OLIST EAGLE TRIPOLI—For cleaning wE , . 1111 do w. and lamp glasses., miser plate, Walla, lin tantiat. and nicer ware It rapidly takes out all spots anti attuna, and reproduce. tha beastsfol and durable I u.t re ninew ware. Just received and for sale, whole. sale and Triad. by JOHN D MORGAN . , tal.3 Draggle. • - M SI. having Tt: 11 1 Ll i e . t r i ; Co , thc re owning partner. has thts, day tetlyed from dna. FiThruary 19. ,9 1640-tf 111 - 1 :411. Htll,l hl.dhl:rAzle kVA, - - The ender: 1 award. ddrpt lor the atenufarturetts, hay on Auld tl.lta lA conatantor recelvto4 a full "apply of lite atur-hts made 111 l'lttsburgh and vicinity. which he offers for ,an• a..e:acturets prices. GEL) COCHRAN. wood st N Itl A Hl_ I 1 HFR PA STE- I gross trollies India RaL; I , Pr POI,. an excellent smelt for rendering boat" • perct.y water proof. and soft as prce P., app..eatton of ttur pas ta o 1.0 :nein thr,o Intnervlota• to water for 2 or 3 month,. and fromthe Ire.:her eracklng. ..aJe at the It.din Rubber Depot. 7,0 J &11111.4,L_IPS_ ALCOHOL AND PURE SPIRIT: Cornet Croat nou Vale events, Crneinnall, 0. Jni s X- . de:1;o at louse. courkelFprice: . me • r. fsOCklYibllTls the new Cape am 11. boa, Nov 7.5 Fourth street-- Itch coal:awed hallo covers I Plaark Turkey test C hi co: do do Table do F. 'd Wonted do do do Woo Daraaic; Gre , ” morettn ALSO—C:IIMM Gothicr Tmospaderit Shddio4 • / cripture Vol,. do do Turkish do do do Chives* do do do Drapery Chinese do do . Moonli"ht Views do do I dindseape do do do. T hies do do Cord end Tassels, Bolero and dials, Rack Pllll.l. Fnl r Ends. The above floods ate of the nohest mad newest styles, to vrhieh are invite the 21leoti011 Of Mr (vends no 4 cliabrocr, ard Moua val•hing to farm., or ro• pleoll,h steam boots and hoagies. mart W. hi'CLINTOCR CAllPETS—Reeelved this day direct nom themanufertorer— 'vew style Tapestry 3 ply C arpets,C extra cp. - , do do od super, do Brass... Carpets: do Flrussels, very cheap. do do rich colors sop. no rain do 4-4.:1-4 and .3-c heavy Venetian do 4-4. 0-4 nod roinmod do Jo All of whirti will be sold etaa mall advance, and will "nominee as low as coo he purchased in the east W AIiCIANIT(X7K.,7S Fourth st COACH MAKING. FROM the very 'Memel encourage AUmeat the sabsenber has received lines he hos located himself to Allegheny. haa reduced him to take a lame, for 'term of years, on the property he new occupies, la 13taver street. :umnediately beside the tesbyttnaaCherch. Front the long exponents tn th at 300 henness and a destre to please, he hope. to mar a 1.1 receive a share of public patronasye. Now nu hand and sicashmg to order, Rockaway Bug pee. open and top Haggles, and every deacnptiou o Camages made to order. from seventy-flee dollar. 'moaist lama-dal JOHN SOUTH_ The Allesbetay Cemetery. 4 T Ike annual meeting of the Corporatura held Ibe 1111 aut., the following persona were no. manly te.ebeeted 111•na66ere for the ensuing THOMAS AL !WWI; modern. JOHN 1118SSSLL, 1:1A iterr If F.llB, NATHANIEL 1101 51M., Mf Let/5i 51`C.A re LLESS, JOHN 11. SIMEN/lERGER, JAMES R. SPF.ER, J. Ftsart, Jr .. Secretary and Treuurer. Theo nnosl statement presented the drain of th Cetntany 111 very prosperous corn/Mon. Their can um the city to No 37 Willer sweet. nib THE STAR OF THE WEST Aillio.. V Eli ITI AN BLIND MANUFACTORY East mile or the Darmond, where Venal irked* of •Il the dtderent saes and cola aro kept on hand or made to order rale the latest and root Improved Eastern rash ions, ou me shortest nonce and on the mos MM=! Also, the r heap Boston roll or split Bawl Transpa rency and Paper Cartat. of all the rinThient sixes and patterns, oq hand on] for sale low for cash. Old Vetu an Minds panned over and repaced, or taken in part payment for new It )1 WI.STERVELT, Pro'pr. N. If —All wot. done with the best moron, and work rn.n.itip, and warranted to pi.. the most firs tidrona. anglo-dll ' ' Allegheny eery, Aug. ID, 1l31& ABlEit IC A N - VEL EGiliAoll-151)21PANY Ocoee the littohanga, Baltimore. Burgh or and • correspondlng reducoora c on ell te!wrnphm despatches for•rardcd from ?Sal. triorre We,rt of littsbargh, Pa. RATICS.—Thv charce for a mlcFraph despatch !, or from lialtunore, httslargli and %%beefing, la 4h or r the brat ten word., and 3 cents for each addttrooal word. Q 3 No charge LI4 made for the addrcsa and leg Until the completion of tha south %Veneto Line 'Telegraph front Memphis, Tenn., to New Ormana, d ;lambus n Ise torwarded to ltlerhpbt• by ibi• route, a .• -.I tn. N.... I lrlerill• ot t ACKES,ON it tDIIOI.',E. & JUAN WOODHOUSE, YIN 11: Is day .....•isted themselves together 11 m pllll/1/1C "hip, and. r /lie firm and style of A. & J. W.xmitocsA , tie toast...num of TIN, COPPER AND SI I El.: •I Kt 'NI WA RE, on the corner of Robes mstreet and Mc Canal. //I the Ist Ward AL1.1.21, w, where .net e prepared to furnish to order, holesale sod reta ar il, al: articles in weir 1111 with promptness Foundry friniin,nes, and Carpenters' orders are so licited whir... wilt receive immediate atmattuu. Cay of Al rol,r,y, Fob. I, 1:11.--tlibe LAND,CAPI-: PAPER— net.• viootof the Battle or blenteroyi " lo , rto Gordo; 1 n ' " Buena Vlsta; r,. dc Faris, •• •• Chase de Lyon; I • Garde Franoarri I '• Col C Auvergne, The Omar I. suitable tor papering large m rooms. Just rer'd direct from Porta, nod for se__ _ ih o wet...1t0...1 of err li C HILL Tuck,Ftlitle;'icla'r'petk's, ' sit k s,htpt'n.ltnitLjg to ro to r (ZlT:ire ' saving hod 'lin labor nod dispensing entirely woh wg washidnird Tin- [inert Vriaini earpots, hoer having merit in 111.0 deter years, h•ie boon perfectly rector. cd. without to slightest ii.mry to the (ethnic, and with out removing 'nate the floor. Jr will not injure rho cloth. threcions arcompenyang each bottle. Pinot US cents. Sor t sole try 1 SCISOONALAKLR Jh Co, to r 9 14 wood al MM12213= HUGS— c ti ,n io:o. , i , o c. P d otikah, 1% . b ottled; Hypo. Sulph. Sods do !lob NiL bismuth do Crynsole do (knowing Lotion do Ciiioroform do Jam received and io sale by my 3 H A . P.MINESTOCK & Co Lt kAkl:: CorroTiiliTy 8313 H F VON jiONNHONST k. CO I}I..oXEED-4 cuts . from OsamuCum JL" barium:l and for male 00 AIINISTOCK It CO DMEISE3 LOW ELL FLETCHP.It, do do do do Bordertng, Covet Binding.; frr...11 W 1121.... W EsTERN LINK ==i! -EIGIAIM.3ROKEI4I. s. VOLNIZB & co pis, Broker., • • LSD DEICERS IS NOTES, DRAFTS, A CCF:PT A N CF.R. GDLO.9TLvIfI AND BANK NOTE.-. . . .. . . COLLECTIONS.—Ditifts. Notex end Arrepinne, payable in any pan of the, I:l4o , l,eoliettral oh :he riSe.t tatorablo terms. EXCHANGE on New York. Philadmiihin end Bel. umom; slam Ginsionsta Lomoville. Sao:: Loos ..J Saw Orleaos, constantly for sale. BANK NOTF.S.—Notes on all wirent bank , in On binned Status discounted at the lowest men All kind. of Foreign and Amerman Gold and Si:ver Co. I.cught and sot& UN. No. 55 Market stinet, between ii.l and Ito, Pittsburgh, Pa. oras FOM.EIGN EXCELANG K. AQILLS on England, Ireland, and Scotund Anwtht any amount at the Current Rates of Factionse. Diens parable in any part of the 0:.1 Counincc, from al to DRS, at the rate of PS to :he t .terline, without deduction or discount by JOSHUA !LUBIN SON, European ono General Agent, ogee Sth at one low west of wood. ionlPn await kassion] I aliWlito torte .if.A.PILIX ills FLAMM, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROhIiES. den: err in Foren and Dome de BM of Fa chance. Cm uhnotes of Depolitc, Balk Notes mot L.., comer c: Id and Wood streets. directly opposite St Clint!,. Ili.. l. niumndly .. wscs , rit.n.N FUNDS— Liltiih Indiana, Kettruety i biu' lunk Notes; mistimed at the lowest rates. by N. HOLMES A SONS, sepia 35 filsrket circet 11nii..13 MP ' IrXOll ri ASO--I.lgh - t Cheeks on New York Philadelphu. and Baliimore, Constantly for sale by N. HOLBILn .Y 4 SUN& sepl3 as NltrketaL BOULS. -7U6IT . • • NEW BOOKS FOR SLIVINVER READINti PON—Ellreka., 0 Prose Pool, or, the rby , an , hml Metophyrical I:lllvaree, iitgar d Po, F., andsomely printed, Brinit cloth. ti •NVe aturit Le greatly atarrialsett if thm work does no• ',anti a profound animation a .n ong tbr rra., ut, aetethafte criritsus ull over We Union. dt•ret „te ti t i does reasoning pnwer and grasp of thotroitt wltt• tonna; poriaibig (au to excite the •apectat cruder o. even the moat careless reader t —Expri Nineveh and it, Remain.; with 011 account Oe a Vint to the Chaldueal Christ... of Kuruastaa, tad its Vat rite., or Devil Worshipper.; and on tr nutty t.tto the manner, and arts of the Ancient Aitsynawt. by Au..., tle.y EN, Di C. L ti at vain , WWI nunlef ant illtattationa 'One of the most remark she works of the age.'—The Tunes, (London) Feb. 9. The delamantley a Legion of the iron rumor, g of Flocklaod county, N. T. by K. Oakes Cronin with d lostrs ions of Donley yd ed Ittno. cloth, 7g co. 1. FennisuoYe Cooper: 'Flee Prey' a w and neanii• (eel edition, revised by the author, with cow penmen, to o to be followed by the Pilot. 10 the stone s The Works of Washington fryrng; re voted and en. !arced by the author. in Id elegant ilgolotona volumes, beauuthity pruned in new type, sad ott serener ',per made expressly for the purpose. For tan by /ANTE', It LOCKWOOD. (for many preen connected with Messrs. tiVi/ey h. Putnam. and osie !oho Wiley, N. V.l Oh Wood et. laid Mr. Is has lust returned from the Eastern ernes. XTEWllooKl3—lrving—The Crayon hliseelleny -0 comprising The Penne. Abinnsforsh Ne wstend Abbey Comp nt lete iu one vol pried. lhirson—The one of the Levant. Post Emu; t.lustraled. A volume of more than ordinary 'mere.. relating 0 series of Moot curious and often umustog adventure. • • • The held occupted by the volume is nudist entirely new —Commercial Adverusier A book of gentlemanly, labs:lntl, scholarly interest, which reminds us tent a tittle el' Lteekiore'slltanist. ourtions, or the vivid eastern reminiseences ef.Fge. hen. Literary World Cooper—i New edition of early works in Coot'resented, wtth new introduction end note, clew In I vol. Ur norm won Irving s words e 1.9.5 Tile Spy .ttd the Sketen•llook were ow. I !RI Amer,' eon books which were wtiversally ackeowtedgt d to ennuis° a performanee es well as a pro we yen watt retnembcr the enthusiasm with which nese were received, and the proud rape...tuna, v, -o . ) awakened among the liberal minded auro.ol and the Inmate at trine. Irving was soon elloweo a scat t.t the Ode nr Goldsmith and Add,sort, and r was anyin r very countr, or the ronnueol any 'Wares% wos felt to a lorrtgo laernt.ire World For sale by 1 D UW1010(11,, nll4 t<l WO . .1 XT 15W A/OlLS—Complete Works of .1044 At u son DD. tts rola Mardt and a Vcyage }nth,. by Herman M..ivi'it Border Wail., of N York, 4y W leer a Little and Titter a Lit In. by ~•.r a' Lare opcm Line, nrlo Prerrpt upon l'retrpt 3lecootrc °fumy "3 outb Dy A I:,.trzurcl I,c or pxrl , malor .I.lc by Fr4 , (..4 , 5. ap:rf cor Int r Th. nt rt , • •• • ikrESV HIJUKS-14. Covrnlrys Work ran 111 Cholcra., a: •rt went. Vb.looophy of Religion. by J. D. More , l. A. M Bourne', t.aleeht•ril tisr Sl,lllll IA MISMMI= En= Roowledyr —to vsl• temp ustr,.,d Adwice. to Young Man, by T N At. 11.. F Young 11 omen, " Element. nt Meteorology. by Elroy M A Teel:een tor the People. by E N M4goon Univer•tty 54,11.11, I,y I.lr • - Freneh'• , or 1.46-7 of Holy t.eripturcs [Of uulcialu.g Its .p.it.a.a. us u mon • I TO!, ,vo No. 6 Fronklon'. 1,165, . R Received Bus day by VEVIT PUBLICATIONS—V... 7 nn LI of Church and Sta.: by Bald.. NS, . A I voL Au entire eaniton was sold In one day, on ~, puloterinon 4..:..•i,n.. Lee•e. from Margaret sinnh's I•r., `tore of Al nausachasetts Utty-1070-0. I on:. I=o Po-em*.—tt etettc% of Lae as, Ilk, Ralph Hoyt—new ett enlargett—wit Illtrottn non. Wino. 81,00. ACa chum of the Stearn Engle,. i! , ....tratrve selentarc prtnerples upon evtuca n, Operailoll ..J• and the practical detat•s of ..tructurc. II: :roa tomine,mill.. •rearn r,avtgatror.. and mll.O, with •anous suggestions or /minuet m<l;.. by J C. E. I vol la.oo 75, Chetver • Groturra tn. the I . l.etirn • Prov rr ed. 12.10,Przve reduced It , 81,141 112VM=2=11■ZOIM ==Eiltn===l= Tacuue Le Prof. Tv'er-.1,11n l'n, va Dy ractal R HP OKINS. 4. •• ~.....e7.- ' , . • 7.m.e. - -.-----7.- - -icK - -.. , - .. t :,.... —_ - .14;,.. 1zi14,.k. •• trA., - ... - -.--,.--*.,,... t g.,,,_.......-tz_ , + , s ,- -- ,--- -+ , frik.' , .. , .a ,„11-:-, - ,, , , -1,, , t , . A.. , -, ,,z,...,,.- -. ~..u. '-'4y .- -- - *M12 7 ".:! f it :F77_ , --- da"izt, - - , - ..;:;..,_.,...i . fV,. - CHIONICTIIIN6'B PIANO FORT JOIIN H AIKL.L.Oft, No. st , A tool ft:cc:. nu... pla.sure 01 .110unemg arrivu, ..st Tlendid •umment hono, from thematzo,' oty of /ones Clack onof, llooton—amoog Loom a Ina,. :ent Rosewood fu.l brand Plaoo For,. 7 Also, a suprro square Pismo For, octavr, rosewood, of the style of luau XIV, %. Lit. a varl MMENM=I JOHN 11. MELLOR. Role Agent for Chickering's Plano Fortes •ct It en atro Pennsylvania. sr, Stalta A/41/IE7 Car Nunn, & Clark'• Pianos. friflpip JUST RECEIVED and opetticc new lot of elegant P,anntt. trt nt iti. celobratad literary of Non. ta C:ttra N. Y.. compristng n Gf and 7 or; AV , .. 00th important improvts. both tn on chotasin a. tt exterior, posse by nether.. ALSD—A lino .election of Clantkenng's riatios, , ,,n, 8 to 7 octave. 11. KLERER. So:c .0 rent. • at J. W Woodweins.sti Third tt N. B. The above will be sold at manufacturers pr.. res. without any addltion for freight or expci,sees) roaria Journal and Chronicle copy. PIANOS. FRI9IA SPLENDID assortment piny and Rosewood Pianos. tatted These Instruments •rc the latest pattern and best tnairrat and will be cold low for cash by F IILUME.' 112 Wood strert. lid door ahoy. , n!h N B.—Those who mein want of a good in.trunlolll are respectfully tovited toexamine tiles, Lenore put chasing elsewhere,. they cannot he Lell.-,1, a: . in We country, and will ht sold lower than any krona it. from the En•t. Also lust received, two piano. ni 11 nit burgh manufacture, warranted to be auperiur to ant ever sold 01 tlii• country octXl F NeWINOTRUMENT. - - aubscrarer lin• oven appointed Sole Agri, Ye the .ale of CARIIAR rs NOVEI) .1 lily. WfStS, w manufactured and and T., farted by Mc ••/.. March & White, of COO,llllOl/. Ihr LO,llO and extent being but four octave., Moser. NI A it • tu accordance with the general entire mei el. 10•.:.0 have extended the scale of these tat:lament., I, .01 erten 5 octaves, thu• Inakirg a rrs Vocable 10 pr rive. un them any amine antler, for tar, tano_or Organ lpO exterior. alert, ba• here omen t.r.f revrel by 1 the body of the instrument IJIOO/ a east e'en ,reer nen/Aurally bronzed wad Ottlatortamt, ret..l, • .t tt a 01100 amost elogiust and extremely th•ottatt.r. Itrt, r The price is put w to to bring it anion the r. of evr.ry one to obtain a perfect musical 01-1,00( and, •t the saint time, amart alcgruit liter., 01 ;atm i.e far a comparative Vide. 11. M21M:111 rs KI-AT MUSICAL NOVELTY-elite au..t I - be, N.....T Ms rust received from Europe, eitti to •b,c a. entirely new invention of Piano Forte. ritteolb.. 1 A B INgl' PIANO FORTE, which pc...emu, more powr, . and sweetness than the square harm, ot , apte• ,ni ms ' l ' l l fourth as much room, and IA • much more glow, ant handsome pieceor fur:same. IL . mutton/ dry morn ble where the ng of apace IC Olt 01,e I, L 0... og ccealingly neat nod compact, and occupying no itto r. room den a ranalt sole tattle. 'the ...amber ii.l. It build • tostmortial or its sued - moo from tin. taid miuet, bloschelles, to his own hand wrding wond may be inspected. H. ELEHEIL melt At / W Wood wet'. Chlokeettag's Plato.. - J L.sT recerved and Mr sale at num amour,. diem, THAIII. Le,' I m . . Fortes 6,11 k sod 7 octaves. a u„most flif fIPIIII elegant portent. of furniture, end will the lute Improved scale. Also on Muni and fur sale low, it second band l , en On JOHN il hi ELIAIIt, Sole Agent for Chickering's Plan. for Wa ate -a Pennsylvania, el Wood street. NEW MUSIC BY HENRI HERZ—The Loot Rost at Summer, in m o with on troduru and btreot vo P nations for the ram Forte, as pertortned m so tut. concert* in the tinned States by /lean Hera !Unitary Polka, by Henn Hera, Comte Polk s, Silver Ben Polka, . . , lust received and tor tale by ruchlj JOHN II bIELLOR, 9 wood It Vocal Exorcises AND SOLFEGUIOS, with un accompattnteitt for 111. Plan-forte, adapted to the wants of puede pup,.. or classes in vocal ammo,. Selected from loans.. French end Itemise compose., by Low. Al 3,0 I. ~ cute pages of closely printed m, contemn, 11l lOrra. progressively arranged um e Price Id cit. Just received. a supply of the above, dyed tram 111, pubtishers, by JOHN It MELLOR, mcrad el tarn. In WHITE LIEANs-0 Mils small m 4 et MC U 11, ul sale by jul3 W A It hi Cl' rcile , o. EIOM ERRINGS—Arb las No I Hermes, ta77.t o 7.,77 ed, in and for tele low to I. me ca m . o 11'lll by Pall JAMES DA1. Water Al , i j_Kt..k.N CRAPE AND tke PE tine— th it Ai 1 a \ff car hm received w supply of whrte and color,. E,epes and Crape Lise--aluong the latter green 111, other desirable colors. Also, wtaite, putt, end bin, Silk and Warb Broods_ toll eILIINENR-130 ot Fares, Aid reed &MI fur sae by 14, pi? LI • FAILN&ITOCK S CO ap117.&" •-z - . ; - 2 421',4t-;'s-lt-itgiif7..slil:i--a.l?i'.si:7wAks. 5 .4 r; W n:7.=4-74:1-11,“1:41•;:i2a•E- 22 J. - it. cd CI I4E § g .a 1 7 _4t A = F 3gig C., 0 2 2z :10.1 , 0 j i - cv :17 7 - ts 7 i. , ;zz%- 5 -2 - I: =. : , `. 2;i'Ar- - .,'7• " t; E ' - -, — , - , -- .b--$7:11.7. 4 z 4 41:1Eqt1i,, - A!3 itC w n — .—,, ..;;:,,,..i; ; -..... Iti.sibligTfj!-:i . A ,2f, ' L :2.1;1.1W le, ;i';! ' f..t'i .i F, " . ; : i :-' ri ±t r it' WI U. . 4 : : :: P — ,•;; . • . •! . .,,_.:' , Eiq 1 , - 1 , ...< - .6.P ,, i:1i9;.. -- i;A:. 7 ', I - -Eii• 1. ....0 - -. 4 itl4:;.l:' , ?..t_r; r 7;l:.i.t.t:.:t°; i i = , !...'-'l. -, : -. .,..=1c.;,.t..ii.2q32' . ftiiii: iiEvg 's l'', 4{;:ri z i,t-;i:,r..l , eitifi._:F:27; te r, GI < ~, , ;..z r,i-n-,...iz=114. : 11.0ii1u-44,3;it i 2.; 7, 0 7,7-...,...1,71.1q!,-;;.÷:4'cli"i'Ln'Ll,i'i. Fii- - .lii•tVi4;=:!;tl" - : : 1 - 14 3 11 - PIE! - i - i?011 . Eqz"Mg! .--, 111 O = F. ': . lil . t: 6 ,1149 O?E' - *. fi?.i 2 i 7: 1 7 f . s , =` , 'TTV,lh . , - .7 1 ':. ;77 *4E `1 ...• < 0 ~~-._. ox ii.._ i;' 6, :rniEs. s .-s - 7 , ;sE:f4E-k -,7 1:-s-t;2 -"' .1 .-. „;ltiag:o , ; : .25. i's ---z-t. , —,*=.5... I -- - - .1 , t.5. , .,-tr-,,,1..t .... ...r.1.4;s ..--; g .i, - :. , 2 4 :.- 7 : r i•-;':-...i:zi !.. 1 1:: - ..:..... - 8:e4--.:i- f z.ltl , .ai. 81 g , .i.4aza.a ,% 3.=.]',! . i4gf:.._7-1 - : 1 2 L - 12 1 ,-- t - AG St NT c,— , VNI Ito il,o‘l JOHN D NIORGAAI, Pittsburgb. D D. GUAM% Allegheny City; A. PAITERSON,• tiirmingh ,TIP-am! MEDICAL OINTMENT CONTAINING N IF.ROURY, or other Mist rel. It has power to sine all EXTERNAL :MKS. SCROFULOUS UMORS, SKIN MS , A S KteSS,, POISONOUS VOL:NETS to discharge tem putrid waders, and en heals them. It is rightly termed I. I. - HgALI7IIO, for acre is scarcelg a dm .ate external or internal, hat it will not benefit. have aged tt for the lain „ of the cheat, involving the utmost danger and responsibility, and I declare ~ ..err heaven and man, that not in one case has it failed to benefit when the patient saes within the reach of mortal means. I hove had physician Isarned In the profession. I have =corer. of the gospel, fudges of the bench. al dein en lawyer.. gentlemen of the highest erudition, arid malisturies of tat- pore use it in e•ery variety or Tony, ono the:, he, l,eest tut one voice—one universal voter noving- - AI'AI...LISTER, YOUR OINTItIENT ld GrOilyis RiIECoIATISAI—It removes almost immediately the oifinmesution and swelling, when the pain ceases. {Rosa the directions around the bon ) Is r ADACIID—The salve hat eared persons of the hie &the of twelve years standing, and who had it ree• aevery week eo that vomiting look pinto. FAR- A' . r Too:t-nett E., end AGUE EY THE FACE, w • ar ped with like success. 1 , ALD IIF.AD—We have cored cases that actually den en every thing known, an well as the ability of U. terto 0 twenty doctors. One nine told n• he lead spent ro on Ice rlolsions withou any benefit, when a few b. - sr , . of Ontoorist coro.i. thew r /A nothing better for the mere of Teo• r RNS—It is one o the ben things in the world for Pll.PA—Thoussnde nre yearly oared by this Oint ment It nevus tails in givsng relief for the Plies. (Li — Around the .1 are directions for using MAl rroronecrfor Scrofula, Le,” Complaint, &pep.- ne•. Taw Chnarasn. Scald Bead, Sort Eve, Quincy, Nor, Threat. B..wkiers• lid Affections. Pains. Ins. at. of Ihr Syn. Head othe.sutlarna Deana. Ear ache, , lits•nr, rocs. oir ti rue Skin, Sore Lay, Pon- Fro kr, nos e ~ .g of OH Local. Corn, R/rosonoson, I oc. nod F,no (soup. Stre:tcl or Simko, Brno; Tonal toth....4gv. in is. I , u.e. ¢s tc. t;iPECT—l.s•er, riompimnti Pa. the Chest end Site, fanny ad 01 the how. or We other accompa s s.so. cold net. i 11,t • nistmeat is the true remedy.) it Is. sure •s on of sit-ease to have cold fort. , likts;,__riernioussitat so , of the runtraent 1.111 al -1 sass). seen ecru. iron rrowng. Persist< need never swooned woh them it they IISJ It frequently. - I inu ornotent in ..rood for any part of , the body ! tOL. Wt.tl r.noined. In some eases a should be r 1.1:N —NO Ointment will be genuine unless the n ey in set i. n , or IA \ slit ALLltttirEa ,s written with a pen •11 l's so. , by my Agent+ in ell the principal cities and ss,e t s..wd States. 1 A Al kl.• Ale ALLISTER, PIIILUPIaIIniOn, olivine. ; PA. DD R.F.DWARD ACKER takes this means of re- I I turning hts Wanks to his friends and the public for the C.3,10/11 , 1Ve patronage he has received, and of in forming them that he has latelyerected a large and, Il constructed buildin*, for the eichitive parposea of his WATER CURE E.TALILISRMENT, at his old location, at Phillipsbo a gk, Pa., on the Ohio neer, oppo sue the steamboat landing at Beaver, where he is ready to receive patients no warders, and treat them on liy- PR 21 CENTS PER BOX. dropathdc prompt... In addition to his long aspen. n•• & Reiter, corner of enee, and the great sUCCe, • which h. heretofore at r•, Cot, ..:s, and L. %Vt.., Jr, corner Of tended his treatment of patieuLs committed is his Care, d :be Di•mond, also roma, of Itb and he has now the additiorml fact/ines alarded by an es ,nt, • I u Cassel, corner of Walnut and Pelol ha,kaea efsc t e d eapee.,,dy DaYPIMI, eeo . a:, sold atDie books:we nt Smithfield ,floynys commodiousand anti room., Tit fined yy nth insn so In Allegheny city by H P every necessary apparatus far bathingaad dakims -- e•d raramt , ~t a, ' n:_prnerts ," tenrig the treatment to thentmost benefi t and comfott a it N. e.e ; Kis t liberty , H Rowland, of th e phillimiburgh Is a most delightful end hYe •1 , ` , • I . 0 k 11 ".• \ locnug al w l aCur, N healthyvillage, easy of access by steamboats, and af it Dos man Co. and / T 13, ..... 11 ci lan , fords Ene and wholesome water. Dr. Acker assorts got. • In, are w 001..., agents. i those rillteted persons who may plaza themselves on. der his eare,thal every attention shalt be paid to their W A TULL DV ILE EST ADL 1141IDIE T comfort and ...somata of the anbatanttal betmE,aa, PHILIPSBURG, PA, to he denved, ho points With confollence to Um /1.4 ri.y..l stintes witch liydropathy has made deeds who ha. been pertrisneatly eared at hia mob- - j tree trtro4 action into ills country—the bill- lishmens. The Water Care leaves no lainrioru erects sooi•bsue curative effects of ootd itl behind, is too often the ease withr the. e who hav e ,•,, alter the b treat. On the old system It =ROM the ditt o, 1,,,,t of toe rine tt mei Pnesn its, hove remount from ease, Invigorates the System, protect. from ih e aye,. , a.i int.,:tarot eml tlisecreing public every incolent to changes of the weather, creates a pato,' &c and awed yry. alld active appetite, and imparts or to the digestive .• , .w., , lerlzaK the aneaut.ctory results powers. Terms of treatment sod boarding reasonable_ e.e.bes u fed in ttic treauncut of chronic Per further panic:don initaito at the establiaharent, oomp:aints, lUulpial/11... 100, Whleil arc Increasing e, address the proprietor at inlutpsbargh. er, )eal .1 mu , . Ire a natural wish tosec the surcew augriti of niet,sl by which so batty unfortunate sufferers siftironi tura pains tied infirmities e .vbserzler Iveving praellied successfolly this t k method to, ',ant year al hit Ny dropatlite ale lisp- t, winc.h an. been considerably enlarged and tay. fro. proved u s parts, and to every respect, is how on, ad, to recto,- and tic mmroodate patients who may r , hoe 1,. p,u, themselves Under his care, skill and r , Pli.opi,ure.titualed upon the left bank of the Oluo, opposite i li a mouth of the the Din ate, well anoveo tor it. refresh:l,g and salubrious atmosphere, its de , :tchinut c,ele:nrs, and charming natural scenery, cow. emti,e ever) rer.msile C o ten d er .joure of the .1 and contributing not lisle re-es. ts: mi c a nil physical s t rength . The estal.cishmenl, the first routed in the Untied eunteL, every thing, both for pleasure and earn:on, cnlenlaM to testae a speedy and happy n. ter -011 Of OW adme altar Patient I.ersons wishing to at all themselves of the &detente re.herr odersd, will &rose riddream the sublicuber hy Ir ter. fpost.paid,) stating to near as possible the Me, eel:lll , l.qt., in order to decide and ed it, on thror fitocs. and ernhOlty by the Hydrepathic tr.. nutrient. and alao v - hatwill be necessary rot them to Lase a:oug, :or their e•poetal and personal use. El/WARD ACKER, al. D. Proprietor. Phi paburg, Beaver county, Pa. KilLkelly, Armstrong; Y D. .r art, L.rt do, Ilun Thomas Henry, Heaver, Pa.; Dr. oars., do: Teri L h Elliot. Pittsburgh, Pa; C Lay Ohio; Rev. P. 11. zinced, Sew Albany: Rev. it Al.u. Princeton, N 1, T 1.. Stamm, En,. , f , -sv York, Dr. Ch hinter. Plitlipsborg; Wm. H. Mn - 'morel 1...0t l'ittehergli, A. Hormel!, Eaq., do. Soie Proprietor of the above medico's. 1.7 - , Pr: iir e. No & North Third street, • PE , 'IA I. SYNI rrrois or CONSUMPTION.— • tfu ttg pulse. hacking cough. general weakness. ts•tie•• sleep, varnitite lumen., Irregular bowels, ;u ma between the •houlder blades behind In, Llast.x tivertirtom nr Comestertors.—Coughing toe, &bit Jay. hobby mu•cles, general debility, great •hol mess of breed:. on going up plains, as ending n.ll, or wall tug but a lane feat. pulse aka.), above one hundred.ler weeks together; drenching cold aweal• towards mormog. Catarrhs.. Consumption comes on like a common catarrh or told, hut about the period when that dip sa.,e urea I y repealed to Cabala, some of the syrup am. arc aggravated The cough more trait male, espectutt y when I ytng down. There is no fixed oast] 1a the chest, but Mittman breathing, which ut wor•I on lyme down The appearence of the cape,- •nra•orit. which ta rOmous,s ubstanc to changed from a thick a thinner e. It to very on tsiessatit to the pat tent, and emits an unpleasant smell yarn burned It in Of an wisteria appearance, art Jrnhably a mixture cap. and minas, a. On Milt. it rea, water part mans min part swim. Th. disease nay cc ur tit rtny hobo or at any age, and is charac terised by ihr pecultarlir of thh cough. Tee flatware t , flJecrwort effects the cure alibis in • iltseam by cape etoration, soothe and heals the affected lung, It to fails. Wherever thut • ha• been used. we hear of its success. For Mir 's., • ears it hen been before the public. and has been ihorobably tested (or all eriMplailas of the Lamp, and rta• Pf171...1 graft .openor 111 merit to any thing at use. We might give hundreds of testimonials from physt tans, the pre , s. clergy. and those who have been cu , Out u e cle•ire lato call the oilcan. of the al lotwo. and ler their own good they will try it. 1.,00l one for counter - rens! Always observe the rip "rleo Taylor, NI D." on the engraved label, e crepe red nt the Wholemie Depot, 7J Reekman •treet, New York. :'old in Pittsburgh by J D Morgan 03 Wood at; Perwnsend. Id Market at, II Sievser, car Ilarke and PI id, Henderson A Co, 5 Liberty at Prime reduced o 81.50 per bottle. marl Vti ORCIAN it WORM KILLER la the hest Vermin:le Y 1 Mit say man ran give or um in his (mnily arlant.l4lll'p, Westmoreland co. Pa. r John II Nlo,llli. to toeertify that I have i, ren sci.ing your Vernniuge for 110111 t. time, my about , 'ear— owl in that tone I have riever known it to in tingeing worn. away, when the symptom. ttiilleamd their presence. I had occasion to give to two grown up tbecubcr• ot . tt) family. I gave each of mem one and one of them pawed :a0 and the oth tir es , r ivornir. It the hest Verresfuge that any mon part a.te (Out')) . J. W. Yocao grepared and sold by JN(t. D. NIORO AN, Druggist, "31.. do. , below lhamond alley, On Wood at. tub Rork. Chlorin , I..Y t l i od ‘' Se itt . at t l; k r ' y " c r lan ß in e e a , Chloride (fold, Laver Nu am, \Vlore ['remain., Cyanueet PotA.h, Nei in red and for sale by R E SELLER, DRUCit , — Lae, Chloroform, Ext. Dark Prerlp lodide Iron, Ntirare Prince. Oil Copelba, Janie* Powder, Citnc Acid, Corn de Soda, Chlorie ,:thee, It:atwitter Ek-tr g e, ;,•: reed and for rale by R E SELLERP, it,' I 57 Wood .1 I rlt ',A, I tOJI VF CfluOKILl. 1)1.—It decomoose• this 1 , 11713 or peccaht prntel .t.t.of :I]l entlinclous 41.ense. It removes the danger .Ue rata vut .tck rooms, &c. Dv its demising root. zy ti.hd +ea ulcers, mud titterer,. all communicable sw, whether In men or monis, /cc. Just reed And • bid by R SELLERS, 57 Wood st T n ine rign of the Flone nod Sow, r 4 Wood street complete amonmentof Cm:cranny Cooper. Tools, for sale by m) le HUBER fr. LAUFMAN b 4 AV " . .ELAN - S -- HISTORS OF F.I2GLAH . 4 / 1 1a. 1. ler • (411110/1, onotatenng all the matter. verbatim et illtraum. of Vohs I and Y of the London edition, em .l-Ilished north n portrait of the author-2 Vols. In one. Poor, complete, 500. A large supply of the above re. remed and for axle by JOHN II MELLOR, mehrm el mood .o C H li ) reZa: " N •r o ChrCt'otAte AND dC 2 . 11 . .:LA —stkme the •oeet npreed Chocolate. rust reed and for sole al the In Ten Stare, 11 , Fottrth not. myso h. Melo x• -1.0•44 AN, c1,64.•24.1 PUiVen..a SUganOtllt ree'd sad (ey eele i i.e Obi Of Ai retail, at the Yeala Taa SKIP, 70 ?Durba sera - °SI .II I a .'!" a_. a. tw _ li " e 1 0. ....:1=1.13,V ..*ii2sialzl:4;3%'l:R7l d m g 3 4--f• gt c g g- :41 1 1 2 Lt . " 451tRE-.!ER2V , n";" - !'•'!;:' 41t..F-,q-sst; MEDIGAIi BiLLTAH)II GINSENG .PANA.QEAI_. TO TilusE summo WITH DIS E ASED LUNGS.—The unpreeented•sneettet "'Yalta vended the use of tae GINSENG PANACEA a all the serious forma Widehtcriititidp tirtniurid.” - tunics, by induced the proprietor wain to call atten tion to this WONDERFUL PREPARATION. The changable weather which marks out fall 'and waiter monthe;ie always atraliffil mama of COLDS AND COUOILS, ft y These, if , am neglected, ae but the precuts/Mt of thit bil costekmilic The question, then, how mesa we pip dna desuoyer the bud? how Oita! lea get 'Melte 61- Mir boughs and able 11 of vital truporlfflet to the public. THF. GRT AND ONLY REMEDY sill be found in the Gimleng Panacea. gutless( of this we have from time to mmepubliehed thee astificanne of loerne of our best knowri citizens, who, have es-parl enced its curative powers. These, with mass Or, bMt drnouy from .11 parts or - the coontry,.—ftote MEDICAL MEN OF THE FIRST erAisnme, , Mainers of the Gomel, ter,teggihar with eaplongnof ces from the JOURNALS OP THE DAY ' • we have embodied us pamphlet fonm and may lee had yetis of any i . i aauL ß y a g i ;h i fpu comella r. have been used thia city. THOUSANDS AND TEN. OT THOUSANDS thsoughout the Hatted Stems. anti Canada, tod . we eh. rens any man to point out is SINGLE INSTANCE c which, when taken aneardlag 14 . 0.ramions, and be fore the longs had become fatally Mriyanmed, It hy s ever failed to Miter A PERFECT CURE. Why, then, need the abetted Iteaftatet ••VYhy molt to the ...ruble 0041t192011, gotten up hyena 10011:11indiTid• 02.06 o 001 . the assumed 12011310 of MAO thrtahltif sleinn, and puffed into noteniety by certificates et pets sons equally unknown! Alvin a medicine of • UNSARALLELEII EFFICACY ts to be had, whom vouchers are at hone,-oar nagslai bors,,--many of whom it has SNATCHED FROM THE GRAVE. In ender that Roe invaluable medicine may be planed walla the reach of the poor as well the lick, we have put the price at ONLY FIFTY ONNTIL ion one half the usual must of cough methane. rt fur male by our mums in nearly every too. nod village ocer the west, Who are pre_pared ta Five inform.. ,ton relan re 10 it. SALThR, Proprietor Broadway. ca way. Ohio r\ R. S. P. TIYWICSENIPS oAßisAPAuttailue—e9 ji dozen of A. Towesend's Genuine Samparille. halo reed and for aas by B E SELLERS, sr Wood at. only Agent for Pittsburgh. lug By U M CURRY. Agent Coe Allegheny cur —IIYD-ROPATINIOESTABLIBILILLINTi Da. JAA DEM AI.TEAATIVE. We have been informed by him Rose of a care pec formed on her by Dr. Jayne's Altaratteeorhieb troves its superiority over every other remedy Of the ind. She has been Milicred for the last stamen years with N k:CitOSKS or WHITS SWELLINGS, atcnded 'nth ulcerations and enfoliauon of ranoae boom, do. ring which time many pieces have been discharge's from the metal bone of the eranium, from both her arms, arAlll and hands, and from both !emend from the left femoral bone, and from tie right knm., !amides pairdbl ulcers on other parts of her person, which have bathed the skill of a number of the moat eminent physicians ot Our en.—during mon of the time hoe suDentegs have been sacrum rag and deplorable. Ahem three month. e she eves induced to try Dr. Jayne.. Ahenttive, whet, bad had an asicausbingly happy effect upon her, by removing all pow liAtd screittngs, and causing tie, ulcers to heal, while at the same time her general ilcauti him become completely restored, so that she now weighs 55 lbs more than she did before she commenced the use of dos truly rateable premolars—lSM , INA Pon. For further informanon,thqums of bin. Rose, No. Fdbert st, Phlladelploa. For sale in Pittsburgh, at the PEKIN TEA STORE, 75 Fourth to. near Wood, b 5 E. TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARALLA.-60 damn D lost received of D. Tawnsend% Sarsaparilla, the most extraordinary mediatne in the world! This Ex, a act is pat up lo quart betties. Lis six times cheaper, pleasanter, and warranted superior to any sold. It cores <Luca.° without samatlng, purgiag,. sauteeing or debilitating the pau sal Leal orrr sou lairranotta—Dapainoipiad pursue:tab.ve copiedoar labels, and pat up asedtema 11l the. 1111100 shaped bottle. See duo 000 h bottle has ilia wnneu sig nature of S. P. Townsend. R &SELLERS, Amnia; 57 Wood street, between Third and Fourth, is Dr.Townsentlis only wholesale mid retail agent for Pittsburgh, of whom the genuine aruele can be had. D. M. Curry has been appointed the tole agent for Allegheny city, of whom the genuine uncle can he U A. Fa. xmocz, A. B. U. L. FARtarroca,}Cillsbargik. GI. W. Fianorrror.., Wholesale Elsa's. Store to the City et New York. PILE atnieni% are extesuively engaged In the Wholesale btiolnints as No. 49 Jola mem, In the Cry of Neer lothane eec prepared to Umegiate and nutter Merchants With at., Dye-mode, Pre and AnterteatiVriumeni, ,v oo , minden Chemicals, (of their on mot cation) sad all other artless In then line of bold. en p e n e , w e e tiry as 10... they can be par. Mated In this as any essiteni Now York. Pubic a A. FAMNESTOCK is r Do. WlokoVO Casbx.s.4 CDOLESS,AND DIAKEDIZA MEDICINES. Ip o oh. are renovated to read the following eer uficates This medicine is eme.ively used to all the Southern and Pitmen cities. Iw o do e e mity OM* DI. Loots Wtexas. of Tort, Pa., loo k t d er me ORO, and monngemo.it, 0110 f about the brat of October last, a young man Inhering tu.der • severe attack of *Asiatic Cholera: , That are exam owe the soot patient. end found bun to be in the cob. lapsed awe, of that disease, with frequent ander:minim towale, discharge.. That we pronounced it a cam in Kewanee Cholera, and declared moreover thini the believed the and patient was beyond the 'ego ?keeled lent aid. In fact •se thought the vandal. would Me, and no declared at the time. We lumber comfy thst4 ths eaidLoats Wtekey per ntral4i. own mode of tmattnenc ad end nunuaeren kts Cholera Remedy, and effected a core of the pane.. We hunk in rout days thereafter the said young man vras or work, and pertnettr well. Joux C. Domv, T. B. Dves.irr, U. A certify that I slatted A ease of modified Cholera un der the rare of Dr. Lows Vt'teltry, and that I babes, his medtetna relieved lam. State of NI ary land. Ww.htnaton County. m ; I eerufy that I am well tan:maimed with the yentle men who have sinned the within eemificates of Dr. Loma Wick ey, and ;he are men of respectability. In teenumny whereof I hereunto nabsenbe my L. a name. and sax the seal of my other., this four teenth day of November, eighmeu hundred and durtydbree. 0. 11. WILLIAMS, Clerk Washington County Coon, 515TV,Awill. I witnessed Me adaanntrallaa a Ds. Lents Wick - ey's prepare.. for Choler* in the castle( an appren tice to the plastenng business in this town Wagers town.) tits ens a well marked caws of Aaiane clip lent, with rice water evacuations, cold clammy skin, cold maple, small tremulous lsee..--I considered his situkuon truly entreat and alarming. I sate him yr yloon to Dr. Wicket' , and was present at ihn ;Aunt. - tration antic hat dose of median. is . d . says him re peeterity minim the attendance of Dr- k. Y ; hr 7: - covered so as to be able to attend to and worn at trade in a few day* IKM SUM he mink none Other btu, We medicine adrumiserl by Dr. \Victim. 11.1Caaaa W. Danata The only true and genuine D. wramea C deta and DiArritena Medicine Is prepared and sold Whole. sale and retail, by /WIN D. MOIIGAND pfUrfill t iunidthil one door below Diamond alley, NYond A OAKEN GRATEFUL for the very Moen! encouragement 1 have reedved form many yeah„ lAdme doter ammd to enlarge my business codusideratly. Having y:Flt,;:tr ,n , ez r na T F , o . rd:t d aA t l e Z ri t7 . enabled to .tyle and at fot: mess, and mit the alfention 'm o ' 'n7e4r chnnu and coirens to my large Moak of I.IPHOLSTP, FLY (*was and Sada h and sad Bedding, Cur 7 tel hlawnals, Damask, and Mamas, Cam:does, Fna- . tieededmra Tmsala, 14it and Realer Mad. deA every araMa kaPI'M an establlatm= tko [M Orden d. Orde rape...way solicited tended to. Y. E—Carpeti made tad pat llama. WIL WAILS kel"a 4 4.4.4 Ca; IPAELLE k ROE TVIIED APPLE bush Vali/ 7 0 1 s e by 1, t t. : • MISCE ANEOU& 4 j . "- - 4.-- - - -- ,- - - - . k - 3-- - r - i1 : 3 , --- -, 5 - . ; ;I :::-- ; :f:-. 7;;•.;7 L- 7....at - -" . ‘A. 7 ;' 4-= -..,1=-L. ' --•-;;; .- 7 . --zr.” t:-----a-c.4--;:7,"--7-t -. '.... - 7: - -7 . - -:4- 2, 1: 7 2-4..tt1-...71.- ~r.Z4 5, • BAK IIIsINLISs T'5"E greatest and beet Qty aver offered Intidierty 6e.foro—enade i>ll the tappnrved Eastern pleas— ant' most fashionable patterns axe/colors. Also THE CHEAP ROLL, or OS lON BLIND, on band 'of mule fo order o f alislae and at all priori& Countay fdarriarnsaad o atarovited tonsil sad ifxsialine the above for thenneelvbi:.l all will be sold wholesale or retort, and a liberal &Amnon made ea evholesolop wldtr. A ,‘"ESTERVELT Nollo• to the Public. ARrEhareby notify our friends oat torreapoodents at. Loma oast abroad. that wo , trot, 02,3.. kos most - mullets, receive freight framtray Boat Cos hick J. Newton Joaea is agent. apt!. - RHODR.9 tr. ALCORN. A 01.11.1E— '45/1N KELLY & Cat Ow- Senora to Robb, Wino. . lap Merchant Tailora) Na 10:1 • II Street, above Third, Philattelpht• beg Una to their friends and patrons that they have received the latest SPRING AND SIibIAIER FASHIONS, withal ass aasortrecut or New Style iitOODS;cenepriaing Clo Catainueres, lreatinga of every a.aripuoa-411 which are of their own 'al tercation: having been carefully selected tn Paris, Loruian, dta nteaugers visiting Philadelphia, ere respectfali ly invited Id call and ermine Atli extensive stool atchinlidtha -- • INDIA iitiEtafat. PATE-Jut tooditint L lLoes battles of Rubber Paste,a superior mile lily important to persons that south to keep their n po 4 ' ote Doe ; b it. For " satTe 4 tlito t lititsst Do rak ;u4 No 6 Wood street. sour 6 J M N PUILLIPS 6OLDI GOLLM GOLIDIII 6OJAPIIII wigs wbsariber , wnelesale mantifeetarer of JBW ELRY, invites Wholesale dealers and pedlars tra- 4 :21 ex mb an 4 W O his stock of ' irerel tey 4, w w " lßT l Vl ; I sold at the lowest prier. for cash or approvedALC69, lancet. Constantly or hod and ntanotatillisting, a I'r1 'r large assortment suitable (or city or cranny trade. b v Ps O. A. HRP. corner of Fourth and BrNich als, Op stairs„ ap Bkditen Pbilw Paper lialaghaga. . 4 li A rre i s N in G Te ".k rltiew large . klinnitiore,) a large =sorer:tent of the minnow and mid improved styles of PAPER HANGINGS, BORDER!), he., and made arrangements by which I will ha MM. bled to procure all new Patterns, strunltarteons with - diets appearance in the Eas.crn market, I would La vite the attention of those desiring to have their hams. I' papered with the /west styles of paper, to call sod is exunitie my stock., before riurchasini/ elsewhere. t. I have now on me way Rom the twist, Int,ooo piece. o f G i mp, Satin Glared, and common Paper lianginspi, which I ran sell Al prtces ranging hook 12) 01.0 In W P piece. meta) C HILL, 87 wood si T_TAVING just completed the rebuilding °roar manna Li house., we are now prepared to receive meat, and mote atut the mast merenantable manner. - - -••-•••• . ' The .artmes ere Sued with all the modern Unprove n:maw, and are capable of containing mow Ibe. each! KIES&JON 2U-, Canal Basin, aJ near Seventh at pRiNTINVPAPEII tar the sale date Grove Printing Paper, B. &0 P. Markle, Preprunarn,) we will he constantly 'rippled with all the &damn atses ofsuireriervudlty,, wimp 'reader at theiowesyle_plsw prices: , BM(HOLDS & SHER. • &bite comer Penn and Irar , ,,jsts trAltaddav & 00.,Coutine ma,a. • facture Small Iron Spring and Arzainat e , Plough, Fork and Hoe Steel, LI Spume vi n o, Iron Nuts, all sixes, together with and Ellptio Spring., Sic Pat, 'Paper and containe, Antes. Saving reduced the pride of - W:0011= Npu, • engine builders alul others using the 1111101 will 004 II to their lemma to give this new brunch Pintburgh manufactures their attend= Coach trimminge and tradeable Iron on blend wain. Warehouse an Water and Fourth sta. rego4l SAM'L. GRAY, MERCHANT TAILOR, DIOR/11QX DOILD11411; BT. CLAIM STREET, PITTILI3I7IIOII. His JOT? ICHICILHZD rtax NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA, And Is now reeeielng a Arm aaaaMmeal of . ctorlis, cisaimpaEs OF TILE BEST QUALITY AND LATEST STYLES, Winch he is prepared in make to oak.' LN THE BEST MANNER r , , And in latest Fa•hioaa. marlO Head cir awed quartos. lbw Boots and Shams Corner of Fourth and Smithfield streets, • ' 4 *. Prreurnitam • 1411 TROTH tc SCOTT having tetruneeeed he general lkun and Shoe Imainem,al wholesale anct.reiail, ***mid reepeettaLig : Om= int notation of their friend, and dielahlit orally, to heir splendid new athek, eonsialottnerus, omens', Mg.', misses' and children* wear of every varichq suitiblelur the scanty and at prices In sant. the Ogees a splendid ankle of hoiiiis made work, ,s on archgentemenh fine Soma, ladies, misses and children* fine Wort. Plemse_e*ill_and_ e*nmine no 3 yourselves. THOTH a aCtrif, owner 4th and Smilaxld sta N. lit.—Tropsetiag Tmuts, Carpet hags, &a. the., al won land and lbw for coats Chuntry laeruhtuth would and hto their interest to . IPv• •• • c•li tbe env. .1111 Locuurrwlcaus dt uu" IMPOlrmits ang,Whatecum [kap..., Fomign and Domenic ttonlware, Cutlery, &0., 129, Wood alive; Fsttsburgkt, ate tor, folly prepared Oran • • reebbOY i.P 0,144 owl of Ltatdware, Cutlery, Bad. dlery, Carpenters' Tools, hos., oXer very gmat 111- A aucementv to Wee tern Ihietrohants, ne• in additionto ; the many atlyardages bad by one predecessors, Idea- in. Logan & Kennedy, we nave ;ready increased oar 1001111100, and PATO-lose nit our gouda from first hoods : on the very heal term& Toe junior ot.obll of the firm devote their Whore attention 10 Wes, and feeling confident of giving sat- tafacnon. reapcblhally when • call 70010 dl N.lO mss Ti.l% this toorkbt. metal HE undersigned offers for sale a superior scums.T , of bnct for building, made by his &tam Pre.. improved machine, for which he has obtaMed a pasenN. aud agrees to give purchasers a mina. oanintor Mau they are stronger, and will resist frost sod wet weeds er and tnabibe hem moisture or clatupnem than mit , et brick, possessing greater Wady and supenor texture and much more durable to every respect, each bnck being subjected to a ;measure of several tons, and pos- •... ••••mg • handsome smooth surface and even edges, • '', they took, a (tont equal to the beat front brick. They have gnu° the greatest satlsraatiort to all who • b,gro Marchased. A kiln can be seen at my works, and speetitten ea the Gazette office. Tboso Mislay sapploal themselves lorthelr Nd,d tvislutig handsome (rant Whit, or superior OfOd and solid paving brick, ran obtain thorn; HIAAC OILECH4 Birmingham, Jimeilff.Ad4B. $l,l. pm* oi cashro - rll7 tae - different grades of ()WWI washed groat, bi nay= 0.2.Tp4•h. dab PART: , ;III - IT-1 have taw daj tasomatoci NJ milli mete the wholesale Oreccry, proggim rod • • CoMpannon !lowness, Alr. scan Wt4ti.l underthe firm of JOHN WATT & CO. JOHN WATT. • - - Pittsburgh, Aunt al, line, SVLPii of:i.guntme:r.eriS7a 7 " - liis i. Prtteve heat, Qt.. ...- rate of null, C. CatUOUILIO Of stash, Ni. 11.0 or Zodise of Lead, Chldnde otSoda and i• Chlorin eat.dY, 0/1 sand srtd selisby t • IYI J. KIDD & CO PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, PUBLlent2 o DAILY, TED-WEEKLY k WEELLX A,8.,th 0 .,t1. 2d es., mar Oto Pow WY. K. ELATZB OZ ADVZOTI6IIIIIO. One to.ortion of lingo, 01 ku, ..... 50 inoonicouwitboatattiostioss,........... 0 75 " " 00 ~..- One Week " " .......... 1 W. Two Waage .. .. I rp Three ' ~ . .•••..... 3 Pe One kdontg, " ......... 4 De.' ~ Two. " .... ..... 6'oo. - ' Time 0 " ... ..... ... 7 be., tr Longer advartiaannenta In came propo..-tirs. ,- '''L, One square, 6 months, wagon!. alteration.... 19 OCe. ' 12 ~. .1/1 " MM. 16 000'. Each additionul anima° for 6 months.. 6 CO. At. 12 " 10 00. f''' One 2 0 . (o p square,6 anontha,renearable at p'‘easore, 13 OD 'A.4 . , 12 ~ Each addit , onalsquare for 1imatha......... 10 MI '- Two aquarea,6 months, tearable at pleasure, 30 00., ,, t, Each additional 'genre, 6 moottui, ..... ..... 8 00 or ....T 08 7114W1111i 711 DAILY WARW. '. One aqnsis...3, inaartiona, ..... ..... ... ..... it I 60 i':ir each additional inaennon,....... 37 ' 110110t111/ CAZDII. Fits Oita or lona, one year. .............. 6 00 ate months 6 00 ncyf• 0 0 0 Ole year, daily de weekly, 10 00' r . d• 0 " ais months " .6 00 '4,.': for It Hoes, or lea, One insertion, w Two, " 013 Throe, "00,;,, Ur*. oaths, 44, :
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