BY - MAGNETIC TELEGRAM REPORT ED & TELEORA PDED " THE PITTSBIIRGET DAILY GLZET7* FOREIGN NEWS Amu* v OP THE STRAIISUIf CAMBRIA. NINE DAYS LATER NEWS FROM EUROIKd. Prospeot• of an Abundant Ilarveltlir ADVANCE IN COTTON. EXPECTED RETFELF OF THE POPO, SURRENDER OP THE HUNdARIAIVE CHOLERA RAGING IN ENGLAND!! By Overlatsd Exprtn to the N. T. P1'9111.11 New You, August 1;1, The Cambria a news commenced coming corq' the wires from St. Johns at 9 o'clobk alt ntglit, The Cambria will reach Boston this afterucati• COM M Eitel A L SUMMARY LIMPOOL, July 21. Trade continues active, and the bum= dope ' thrs week boo been huge, and in ghneral g 5 improved prices. The Produce market is well supplied. healthy feeling continues to prevail, and a AtiJ extent of laymen has been done at good pr Cotton has continued Ann at advancing pil l ; The prospects of the harvest throughout alf parts of the United Kingdom, are eneounigurg, and highly satinamory. Alt the leading Grain Markets are doll, and prices, as the harvest approaches, chow gym+ Fonda have emulated -food throughout tb:e week. English SectaltleX have on advancing 4ana3: Vallon—Tte market closed yesterday at a anei::suitance of id per its for all delet; the -committee', official Tiosations now being 3 d ter Fair Upland, 5} for Fair Mobk, 51- for r ° ikon', and 1:445 for Middling. Breadsrufs—There is no activity lathamaririt for Breadatuffs; on the caltdratt(we notice rather ; it.agreastve feeling. Prices are lower than at 4 slate of our last advice*. 't Vlcan—Clla f Westena Canal Flour is aeWng lpij 2309214 ad, tuut.phio and Baltimore at 252 ; , tit Via SA per baneL Wheat—Amen= descriptions are held at seld Oh 2d per bushel of 'o l6s. !nal= Com iv ousted at iiti/i321 per quarter.ii Provniena—We have no new feature to notaxt in the Provencal market. . t HUNGARY. , FA TurkiaktAmbaesador in Peril hes reeetwOi by courier,' despatches under dine of 19th Julyi tatutonnciati thrd the Polish General, Reza, hid [ again completely defeated the Huainan itutder command of Lents, in Tmitasylvatua; and that the I litter had - been obliged to take refuge In Wallach4t4 with a small remnant of his army. !! . 0:;. Advfees Item Vienna, under date of July Illhi 01010 that Bead and Peath had surrendered to *d Austrianstad Russian troops; on the 11th ing4t:, withotil retinal' mote. l•.• s From the report of Gen. ;Haynn, addresseo the Bat:parer of Austria, is appears that a very 1 sharp conflict on the 11th instant, before I CoMoni.berwson the combined armies and pin [ Pdagyers. The Hugariatts fought with fierce int .... . • l petunetty,lint theAtunrabuwelained the siert , i - Another, probably more reliable, account of battle, states that 00 pieces of ;cannon w4re brought Mho the -field by the Fbmgariana ;SF,W.,-.1 31 -7 2 74hing could be more complete than the detti ,ikips''''`Pitte'utnled Herein and Amman armies u4ir BairEsa. He was obliged to fall back on ft Alai?, 'i . rheri bin head ',quarters were at present; utilloh city is filled with the ormislied. He had hilted obliged to rend 3,1100 of the waundeti to Preabirgil t . and heifer the timely arrival of tha :Rusatrusil M. I I cover leis retreat, Hayed= and Lis staff wouGI h6s4l' been taken. • '1: , j ' . .- • i ..... Th e Ban Jellachich latterly 4enumded,by a 0 of truce, the garrison of Patetwardein to surto& •i : . der. , :I ITALY. The PopOum addressed an iatounpb let*ln GonevolOnOiAot, on the oecosica of reeetvinc, keys of die 'city of Rome... , • 1,1 i.. •,, , y,, . ~ • •-.01._ ...-;,...r_.. ia iia.71:..4.. ii.. lererry Dere. We may qsaiii Meautally from ing money fee, to je; opal eryjn favor vor 0t,4t0 ~e.t *2OOll Nal Orlifln dried. * PoPi, Oa rain. ne: , ropc's oniaefils hilii4rl GROCERIEE , —Tbe market is yilirendly quiet:l6dr 1 bead:Mika tomake demorritratkilio iti.itais fatiri or material elueige to 4notatlons7 Swan continue .7. ~.-,....;.... ...mica arbor than to du : to. firm, =din 0 10 4 demand at lnibrilicand nana, cay for IF 1 - ., r , r‘.... hi- O. " 1 -if la , good fair if,ii. end of fall at Or 1 . •. • a. .1 , •,• ~ St. 'foals refined, 'm • N :.• .. i. ~„ o.,Lareroiernatire staady at ...t. : , 1 1 ... ,1 , ....; 21..nvve G. Ordinary. Salsa of . , 4- ',, itt; ..a.r Bice in deter* rnr.+, n ottair &ticks tinder tun 4, 44 r,o mn4. , t • t.‘15.• !ri .„_,, ~....... ... , -.4.,..L,e....L,,t to,. , 4fitr •- . ... T ~ . I'. •:. -, ‘ 4 4:=4 T01t , 1 , 7•" - `,i , t ./L . , upon(olw m. see to ilepiranicandla now erithe ut .the entnntaina of Abbruzzi. Previous ltige r ....aeitartare from Rome , he had recurred a autrieiritiy . or erire L =Won and military stores: ~ . Another amount tenter that Geviteldi li, Oty Lie Nesit'olitan frontier, when, helms tarnintK. ed by' lumber body of trays, end 6rmed,litlbs ea r a d;rondable body of 20001, men. ; VENICE. . .. The recent operations against Veneer have a discontinued. _ _.: _ c,; . FRANCE. The Comennee of the Legislative r, Asseff4 to whom the tocanoo. of prorogation had beet te krred, has come to the tinaulinoos cleane : 4 3 ! o' mcommeuding that the Aisombly should ho.;ium toped from the 15th of August to the 15th' of October. TbiaSomalia Agents in seine of the Depiutaitatati oftio interior, undismayed by pnenrions reset*, sieatilf veryludfou in making proselyte, aUlliag the peasantry,. • The Natiorei anntilmees that Prince Ctitiiso, an;p:Ortncien Bonaparte, and Ex•PreddeM. 4f 'be' Mon Constituent Assembly, had bean aellitled nt Criewil, by. order of the G.:mamma's:44i toad'fivin Marseilles to Pais, It is said thaOar ing a claim againsthis eonsia,Louis fianaparto4 money !within' iv ald orbi; erection, the PrinctOWt coming to France to demand it—the eland* nf Lis moats against Rome biding stirred up lit! ire. It is aaid.that,tho Prince will not be imprisoned; lad that he Will 4e (inc.! to embark for En 13d ovAmeries, IRELAND. - A. ',aloft riot look place LWOW-kWh bitien a nadir of armed Orangemen and the Ce4fict. Ara paotaarellart, Motility Down, in vihichlrirty °r filly 'extcare-and to have been killed or . 's'adad.a..oo both Woo; much thegretttati'tiro partion being on the 'aide of the Roman fl.thkke Pant- 1 11#! efght Ribbon men had been,lnkin prtsoneza. Often of Often' of Several rivals residtlicel. haVol4 3 'il mach the lICCOMMO4O:Iii/E Or Her )HojOiri during her modollTa I COA,Whiel %Ad Peedrl .i. 01114131 diglizmui by the( Clam). , . 1 THE CHOLERA. ThO, 4reldfur Iscaluga, to mipg to • arotrot rzlant glinnistinut Boglarid. Ireland is 444 1 0 • from its.effects. DREADFUL RAILROAD ACUMEN+ i - DIAS OF LIFE, !. i • • Invgy Urn . , A 4 - 4, • . The oil o'clock USW from Philadelphia not o fr Aveiro& this morning, three mites from Priilitntea, killing Wee persons and wconding 24. , 1740 ea- 1 stand baggage truck were thrown entitiq °AI The hack foto the ottani LATE FROM FLORIDA! -Pumaitzumui,Nl4.i2. ~..11/tuilatest two:tents' received from #lereAi (title doubt - 164 t 'We shall have anotiklt. - than wog. - t • Fifteen of the •Itovekrit went into the eltilic of Mans at at Chula, te's' /father, migozed atteti iota wounded pliant other. 'lljjaj• sF leiw a tu ' 4 4 Outdated the swop end burned itidt the „. . 'ld late.'l,'resideot of iha 744:41irs' t;:Cr to agedyg 9 ean, .not deceased vas muc, ce. ANOTHER FIRE AT St. LOUIS. ST. loan, Any 2. The ettenside pore house owned by Henry . Cbouteau, near. the corner of Merket and Main t streets, bras totally destroyed by4re this morn- The hoilding - arairoccupied as Drug Store by Atwood, and at a clothing wore bt Friedland, both establishments being covered by Insurance. Mr. L. Deaver haa on storage in the 4:gelding $5,000 worth of Buffalo robes, which wOrt not insured. The building Will not Waved. CHOLERA IN NEW PRX. Nrwl'oxx, Aug./ There were during the 24 bongo ending et noon to day, 159 eases of cholera and 41 deaths CHOLERA IN PHILADELPHIA. Pau4Dl2 . crau, Ain. 2. Then were 19 cases of choletit, sod 3 deaths da this city, dohs` the 29 hoots`ending at noon to day. CHOIXRA IN CINCINNATI. CurcMum, Aug. 2. There mere 13 iatermews from cholera and 20 from other diseases daring the 2 , t hours ending • at noon to day. • CHOLERA IN ST. LOUIS. ST. Lovu, Aug. 2. The committee of Public Health yesterday re 'toed their authority, declaring vi resolution that the cholera no longer exists as aOpidemic in this din atid that citizenforour own 4d the neighbor ing State, may visit the city with infoty. The papers have ceased to repozYi the interments, Where tracing been only thoraces on Tuesday, three of Ineratoimnr-or ante:rt. Tke cholera.. ta diaMMearfuy la every quarter, exceptat-Indece, leffetso*City, and Hsu' man In kfursouri, and Quincy M Illinois. For the vveckstrufirmhu Suitday, there were sixty three ;llett4# in Quincy, of widelt kitty tour Were °hole.' rm. Oa Sunday there was one depth only. CHOLERA IN CINCINNATI. Cuictitimcn, Aug. 3 The number of inteonnints Crci4 Ch.:dem during the 24 hcairs ending at noon today is 10; from other diseases, 16. The weather is very warm. PHILADELPHIA MA RV rT. Pnitain, Aug. 2. Floor—ln ai,;itequezce of tko lightness of memo, holders am very brut. Sales of old shxk reinapected at $1,75 a 51,57. • Are Flour—There Is a moderate demand only at $3 per bbl. Wheat—We notice a good demand in the market, bat very fine is arriving. Sales SOW hush at lOS • 110 In fled, and 111.2 a/12 for White; 1144 at lowest rates was slightly heated. Rye—Sales ofTa. nye at 6Cle per flub- Cons—tiale• to n anodeszta aztent.iit Ms ale par bu. Intakay—we suntan only • limiteo demand at 2640 par gall. in bbl a. HEW 'RIRIE MARKET. Nrar:Yoax. Aug. 2. Cotton--The demand is moderate: find the market lit main quiet until the Cambria's advice, .hall have tlien received. The bamineei doing is at fall prlees. Flour—Wecatodee a Food destunid for the better grades; while 'lower trades are more plenty, and de• mond lee. attire. Sales of common State brands at OAS KU. . 'ltre—Modnate rater at 58/e. parlush. Oats—Tbaartartat.tapormandet at3s a 40e pet bush .tor eanaL Oorn—gimplitta are limited, mittt . .lotles of yellow at - 60 a 1111 c, and of mined at 57i • stle pgr Lo. Promatona-..The mark - et continuo - du 11, and no talw worth reporting. intakey—N4gollar we. at 241 c per gal. No tidings bad boon recoiled oil3o Cambria, up to 4 o'clock this often:toot. • COMMERCIAL RECORD. L 949. I AIPL&BIAIt JULY s t u n ia. y ; .!.:: ......... I Wedrashay, 9 Tkursday, • .3 Friday. A PITTSBOROIF IMAJUIi OP TRADE COMMIT= Fos .I.!pCST. ..ver ri• -- • -0.1.1. i •-medep., • in al es* were ,Ij:, . -, ~k~ . . at egigis for best ameba forltedlmry or country ^ - r^2• hasiii at SI, and of best .111,7,,•• Lae et; Dried Beef it, ex.- slrlioet entirely direr.- . peered. A goal trelek would cor4sand readily 13je. We note limited sales of Lard In 'lOll. u 6106i0; no salei m report in bbla. Ekon szliilies of Botter are holdlo UM% bed 1110 beam! so salits worth reposing. CLIMSE-43ers of geed W. It! a eigt 6 l.l end of Crown at 841 Ste 1!) /h. CILLCREILS—d weeder bath:lmill is doing at the 6,1 larrfortpleted Wes: Water ter " " Caekere, per bbl —••— -• 43, 75 But 401 Rreadl e timr Crate., ;Tr 16 „::: • — 2:7- CALASS—We notice no chants 14 Nice, of Window ens. Bilotof City bruuls B by:10, 84,00; 10 by 12 111,6115 11 by 111 57; Poser de 101ry 'll to 10 by 20 4,1450046, For the usiceso..dus of coon . t.r7ll, Vindoer Glus. the felkroieg ista hertlesly establlsb4lllll4s( prim: 1 oby 10 . 1 . 425 11 bir...10. 14,7* 10 by 12 . .2,22 11 by 17' 4.75 10 by 14 .3,75 12,6116 4,75 10 by 15 6,50 12 byi:l7 4,75 1 9 1 27 !!"1""': -- .:Z1 2.tfl ....... ......1:: i 0 bi 17 • OltaiN—EtatesatC9o kauth (ha at 3Er. ir It, on the wharf; flies Ntifttora ri 438190 4 9 ha, which Is • de -64.9 9 4 9 09r0: '9Woomdes - airothli elan. to repon. iteoiriva have barb wary thaltaditifdatcppliatut gon htkt - CANIX.I29--Wattix. lathe:A*4o Saes 0 6- °'"1" team et d atilices P - Wawa: Ceputten dipped 9c, Mould sidloarlo4llofaiihd Bear candles at 210.226 IP lb. SOA--Satasefltamines4o4feitvartepassl at Lek ,;; tvl2 CaltrUlll44,l l l , 4 are Indebted 49 oar 4,4014- 4!oliaing ftl4l,lfr:VVia. Boa, NVllatteaster, for the following 11a 444 4.14. n umber d Inetza inftt du• ring thir Month el, itair, fat the yeits Ma pod 1619: Number ef.ariit.kfmm be10w .. 3'1%4414, for July, 1E491 ' No- rarkntie. 5144444 &nu. • •• • • 91 lea Kralnattamatkoste• • 41 1,31 ' etisiaers 173 •• 111,3za Total tannage - d , ' ~ 31,4 an Fed Ja13,1848 t No. ~. Tonnage 4.714 Keeland Cattallattue• • 81 Stamm Bows =nisi to Waned% Iltellsvida,/ nips3B6 Eistdsatt, 1 tap. '3 IS 7,4 Outlands., 8 Was , Pees, 8 uips..•• ..... ..,... •..., ........ 7le To Beam and Walltnillo. 1 Lat. Itte, 10 Was . • Michigan, 13 itipa—...3 t • • • • 11=4 tripe.. ....... .......4..... ens,6 trip...-.•. ....... ' Ronan Vflghtataa, II telys.,•:' /7 .• • • r.f . Phemat m 7lo ' —. 7.:.l.... TO dellreeeporiandEUxaben Ilausdao. ft Obi, ..... • .. 1: ~ Otdeftain, /UV Paytan4B tap. 0641101111mwMit • StiLl*/%4 4 7 3 " 3° ' Cal l e — A {. v 6b i e s l " 1041 .7 ikero Was oresell 600 head of Bee es; of which 4170Wsiscsotd and WO wino driven tct rOlgelplda. trenr 611/3. VII an du boot, a4lO tei VON bath nadirltraging pa. 11 .1.--we qua fralAixattie.a. Spiritof ttte-POlRealle Nat.:kat. lOW li.acr Alt 7 ee d lea ?depot biekartv—TbesSi itits been ao inaterial al tare. goo In the instep; acca deskritnions of sleet have Weaves', while there hive enghtly cline& no min Wu Cab Wk. le of each A eberee ter es us hake Me eo jams*" ozone stock market; but It it aseielPthed that thooiCthyot hivel ehiPind to be bi hut sepo r 410.4 oChnohe svcre et low prleketer 4 ere 111 one Cr two hundred eartosa t vkas would i t t o before *utast. TAM *4, cortplstely She gel few Ye le t Clatrlderte =net United Stites sleek taegett teSotelake ifensiglaktellbh.Suly, %cr— . • len• rt*:! * ***** *** -- • _._._ - ... (Si. Y. IfitaW Tux Coal Tacna—Thel• the .11°‘. 111 1 of Coal tnowparted 000 r the different Railroads in Stloryt.. kill .aury. 1n the week ending IGO ins*: Mine mu told R-• • • • • .t... 1413 01 07 1, 7 CO Chile Schuylkill Rail Road 3,000 03 1 . 44 7 ,4 ly Mill Creak . 400501 1017 10 blown Cart.n Se hnylkill Valley " " 12:211 01 147,721 18 ML Carbon and Pt_ Cart., 124419 10 168,24 , Union Canal Rail Road :144$ 17 42478 07 lwroms —The value of Merehandise imported Into thts district, excepting that sent to the warehouse, and tkil %mount of duties received dortidg the week ending on the 27dt instant, to cash of the thin years, was as annexed: 1.847. 1948. 1849 , =433 ' 85 1)14 93.790 1)174= d g0d...... • 4,434014 1.0985108 1,638 L 9 Total morshandiae--• -1,59.484 5,083,1:81 1,741.819 15_paaia 13,547 18,547 40,960 Cash rece vm t..... • • • 559,002 517.= 40.195 moan or Dili 'OlouD.—The number of malt e. • and nine Thy %lode imported into Wit dna nen en • tnred at eueloat house, withdrawn from ornrehe Woe. and entCred for watchman/no, during the week ending on the 20th non , has ban as folio.. Ektered at the Custom House • Parka°, Value lilartufnetattA of Wool. • ... ~....r1 527b,G93 do collon• •• • . 1 1 194,390 do .11k dd. 114,15 , f, do fill' ' . •,,,,t, 43,014 do hemp- 3 247 do Miscella•fi ISt 40.11311 Total.. . ..... ...... Withdrawn from WaTehoune . .. . . . do Cattail 47,1,19 d , 11,412 do t1.t.1• • .. 14n 25.67:d do mlocells's 41 14065 Total gone into eonsumpllon 161,1 111,~469 Entered for Warehousaog: Packages. Value Manufactures of wool 169 S3O IC; do ration..—. • - L. 02 17,69 i do ulk Yo 11 e 33 do ma silk :L 12,117 do O.IX 6 4.151 do Misee'la's • 7 1.106 EMEM Da Coons—We ann-1 a statement of the Import of Dry Good. at Net, York. for the meek ending Dor compared with than for the corresponding meek last year . for eon- from ware• ware . s hame housing Manufat of wool 3.278,3 $lll,Ol 8.50,067 do onou. •• • 194,3,6' 47,942 17,679 do sail( NUN T 1,442 23 8.52 do tiaz 4.2.019 26,679 2,151 do hemp •• • 217 do suillooll'a 19.994 11,055 1.163 Aloyestsarrs or Breca.—The Crescent City at New York from Chagrea brings /323t.P24 Great Wastes." at Mobile from Vera Crux • • 1.200,000 Arrived in United States $1.431.944 At Ban Bleu Br. frigate Constance. with •• • • 2Akel.itco Br. steamer Calypso at Valparaiso • • •• • • 2 275,000 .• Chili, =Aim Marcos, July 49,1E49. Cortos.—Tbe advice, from England for tinsuncle continuing very favorable, prices have further adv.- red 3tr3ic th during the week. and holders very firm. The tales of the week have been •botitl.ODO hales at full quoted pricer. middling few Mobile and New Or• leans ranging as high at 102103 c. and flue and good fair New Oat.. at 1101 lie fiv lb, 0 troy. Manufac turers at the close purchase spanngly at the advanced prices, but the stock is light and h-Id veer firm Tha total receipts of Cotton at the dorcrent ports of the C0U1.7, from sleptember 1.19, to latest data 411.:CS trl 700 Same tonelast year. • • • • • • ••• •2,043,208 The exports host been: To Great Britain France Other foreign porta Tos; • 2,1M,719 1.721,604 Stocks on Land • 151.41; 213,926 LiOatcslnCs —Thera has born a vcz y go.J de and iur osost kinds •l full prices. lisportad FIUCC oar last To foreign ports, balms •sal coon. • .212 Since Janusz) 1.• ..... -• • • . • • 1a,797, PORT OF PITTSBURIM ARRRIVED. Lents MtLabe, Bennett, Brownsville. R Wightman, -, McKeesport. Lowell, Dever Zanesville. Chieftain, -, McKeesport. DEPARTED. Louie McLane, Bennett, Brownsville. Glancus, Reno, Cincinnati. Wightman, -, McKeesport. Tax Pavta.--Tbere :were 19 tactic. in the channel, by metal mark. last evcoing at dust, and falling slowly. 4 4 54 4.55 4 56 46: 459 4 53 BOATS LEAVING THIS BA Y I.OIIIR McLane, Brownsville, 6 rut. PISLADELrItt.t. D. Leach& co's, packet line. 9 P M. volt rasnnoar. E, S. MILT & cell Canal Pack., 71 aclork, r. • Taa RIVeIII.II te the name. of a very pretty on. well arranged ttle steam wheel boat, just fintsbed at our ',h.( by Capt. Nelson Stone. She only draws fillers inches water, and hns power rarThant to make her as tut . mom of the steam wheel bents on the aver r oleo ve rt hands at Light 2 Light If Light, II rfIHE batty erlebrated burning thud ran now be hell aL the Eastern Lamp Store, No. 84 Third street, between Wain! and Market. For • portable beast light It has the preference in all of the eastern cities, being perfectly toile and cheep void ofttooks, grease or any of the ili.agree•ble at odaata in common ass. num, a bravo- MI assortment et lamps of the latent patterns for lumi na( Um saute. iyaulemo V DAVID. DR. D. HUNT. :ID Urn s • Denim. Corner orPonnk and Decatur, between . . aesol-dlrln blarket and Ferry nicer& ORT VOIR ES—Oitley , Webber re - Forster, 1.44, PPure rich and dould. Campbell & Co's old dry 1839. Oaboath's ry. Could. 1940- Pure Jar par ticular Port, Harris & Sons, Pure !wee, threble. dou ble and sidle Gropes. There wince are a.l celebra ted for their medical properties, and can be bad whole sale or retail at the Wine Store of /Y 2 JACOB WEAVER. J r. • , x. , . , 0 . 4 =me •earee,and TORN M. TOWNSEND, Druggot and apothecary , 11 N 0.43 Market st., three doors slave Third or. Pins: burgh, will have constantly on hand a well selected as; aorunesit of the best sod freshest bledtcluehich he will sell on the most reasonable term.. Pi b _ w quet., sending orders, will lie promptly &vended to, and sup plied with articles they may rely open es routine. Physicians Preseripuons will be accurately and preps m red el from the best materiels, at any hear of 175 d. LW or Also for sale, a large stock of fresh and good Perfs bun•Jul:l a hu?t ara • puticatarly VSIT&D STATICS 'WHOLESALE CLOTHING WAREHOUSE: LEWIS & HANFOhD, Non H 2, 234, 22 and 222 Pea.. Brum. (between Fultnn st. and Burling Slip,} NEW YOKE, Have on hand the largest assortment of CLOTHING IN THE UNITED STATES, ADAPTED TO ALL ILLIAISTA a 1 4 ,e article of SHULTS and DRAWERS, we keep an end]." variety. Mao the maul estenstve ragmfacturers of Oil Clothing and Coveted Hata 10 the world. PLAIN AND FASHIONABLE CLOTHLNO Cm&looms of .took .nt by mail. Ordnm promptly filled. LEWIS & I&NFOHU. sniff N.. 252,254,2.50, and 255 Pons N Y. LORENZO, the celebrated Ithtlocopher. Pre.• 171 dent of the Astrological Society, will remain in the citylbr o short tone, and may be connOted on all the affairs of lemma life, at No 40, st Clair St. Attendance Oath 3to9r. Y. Fee I Mat 50r- tO Mr Lorenzo is the citify person who metheted eorree theriage tot Queen Victor., and described her husband ,two years before it took place. time of twill with -- P. S. L -Bring thq iTFIE partnership heretofore existing under the brut old AC. BRADLEY, is dissolved by the decease lelt. C. Bradley. The business moll bo earned on by A. Bradley, who will settle the bunineu of the talc firat. REMOVAL —A. Bunter has removed Inn Foundry Warehouse Beta No. llt Second nue., to No. 19 Wood street. between Firm and Second streets, •o the warehouse lately occupied by U. A. Berry, where he will keep constantly on hand a general unortment of Cutlets. Groben Store.. Cooking Slum, On. rylx A L TER' LIGIBtre received a tot of Lento. IA of Vanocs ernes and ktruba of • new conaarvel goo, that le gaue simple and complete—some °momenta] Also, the article tn burn to them railed -Doming Said, or Etherlel Olt." It has rare qualius which recommend it to the attention of strata boat men. hotel keepers sad berme keepers for eleanlmene. ceriouly, and brililarley, surpasses any thing portable now to tea. Porsorm who prelim to cull as as will be shown the peettlientlee Of this new compound. Am:merest 'apply of the Fluid and Lamp. kept by OICAFFE A ATKINBON. Fust st, between Wood and Market 158IIILANCE. THS DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN RANCE CCIA PAN V.-01 Bee, North Roo...flare F....chutge, Third street, Philadelphia Er o s p eccu peem...B.odin,gs, Merehandl.e and miter property In ToOn and corner, insured against loss or damage try aillYtt the lowest rata of premium. Itsenne Intivaaites_.—They also insure Vessels, Car goes and Freights, foreign or coastwise, under open ue special policies, as the assured may desire. IntArroTaalll2o.lnrsrios.—They sl m litSureMere ban dim: ...paned by Wsgons, Rtulrood Can, Canal Boats and Stems Boats, on .rivers and lakes, on the most liberal menus DIRECTOIRS--Joseph li. Seal„ Edmund A Moder, Jobs 0 Davis Robert Dorton, John It Perito•o, Sam el Edward ts eo 0 Leper. Edward Darlington. Isaac R Davis, William Falwell, John Newlin, Or ft Al Hus ton James C Hand, Theophllus Pauldrag, Janos Brooks, Henry Sloan, Hugh Craig, George &mil, Spencer /Hellman. CharlmiCelly, Johnson, Wit. ham Hay, Dr S Thema, John Sellers, Wm Eyre. Jr DIRECTORS AT PITTSBURGH—D. T. Morgan, Wm. Elarmley, Jim. T. Leman. WILLIAM MARTIN, President. 11.1COARD 8. triBBl.., Beoretsty. 112 . (thee of Company, No. 49 Water meet, Plustimpti. Itllredif P. A. MADEIRA, Agent. Journal, American, Post, Mercury, Ritspaton, Chian tele copy. Copartlno !ship. riTel d ness '"lg ll 4 o6 ' lPL. thi kllVATlV74,l7,. Wl= dm twines& os herelokssoindsr the firm a B. PA.HNEEICOCK 2. CO. Jo 2, ISO. i 743 esi J. a, & G. Mr-CARR, MUM/ONE COWERS, AND MAMMAL - 11i. RERS OF .01113RELLA, PARASOL CANE. • IAyiIIPDONNET AND DRESS BONE feeriettfbni 'MUDS, attentao of Mora mos sod TV Dealers to the Dsgest sad best variety of the above trackers tide say, is the lowest price,. No. LW N. Thlt4 above Rare mom, sJooolog Ota taste ibui, PIDLADELPIDA jy rzodito a==2l =MEE New You, July 31,190. 1:121111:E:2 Puck • LG 5CA,654 4t , 4 8W.977 [Enquirer. Faltered Wtrhdraren Entered 8910.529 510,771 x 4 9T 1 , 47-$ I .5u6:054 1.2R5.022 3.51.177 W 74,191 311.2053 247,5,1 r or Ntypiug Lut Of all kinds. ASTROLOGY. NOTICO LOCAL WHIM aIZPOWIID FOR YHA Y(1111411 6111 DAILY GI AZYTT/L Farr Ds v.—Yesterday was religiously usgsuvl ed by oar citizens, as a day tat apart for Gating and prayer. Divine service waa heldin the varkaur churches, end all our stores and trinnuketories were closed. Piustaugh, above all onset cities is the United Stater, should be thankful to Almighty God for ha kindness in protecting her cinema front thenpertilenws which wniketh Inderkrese • Barnum tri Davuover.—Six young men and boys were brought before the Mayor of Allegheny yesterday afternoon, charged with indecently ex.. posing their persona, by bathing in the neer in broad daylight. They were fined one dollar aild fifty cents each, and suffered to depart upon proms 'sing never auto to repeat the offence. We are glad to see that the police are moving im this matt ter, u the evil alluded to is greatly on the hat 111F/OrTICIDI. - 011 Thursday, a small box was discovered to be Boating down the Monongahela, a abort distance above Pittsburgh, and a fishers man, think; ag that it might contain something of value, rowed out and took it into his boat. Ori opeping it, k was foaud to coutam the body of a newly born infant. No clue has been found al yet to loud toithe detection of its wretched atid 'milt) , mother. Roans:cr.—John Wilson alias Jocui:Heynoldis was arreated on Wednesday, and takes before Al. dersnan Major, charged with stealing a gun from 11 gentleman who rowdes in the Sixth Wasd. HO was commtged to sail to stand his trial at the next term of the Criminal Court. BMIGIA2It.—The dwelling tense of Mr. Terrier, in Peon Street, was entered a aew nights since by some thieves, and a variety of valuable article! taken therefrom, the family being absent. Thin coming to the ears of the police, the Mayor Mallow, ed one of the constables in the house, mike thought it probable that the meals would return. On Wednesday, the burglars, three in number, agai4 entered the house, when one of them, a desperote rnffian, who attempted to shoot the pace mani wan captured by officer McCoy. The other scoundrels made their escape. Cook was come mined to jail. Batrrai. Asset:LT.—Five prang men, op Thum day morning, between the hoare of nine and ten, A.M , made•a brutal assault upon a respectable young country girl, who lives about four mile* from town, on the Washington road. A more outrageous attack, committed to broad day light, upon the wharf, too, at the foot of Liberty Street, it would be impossible to imagine. The wound. rels did not succeed in their brutal attempt, and a police man was on the spot in a few minutes, but the ruffians had escaped, and as they were no. known to any of those living in the neghborhood, we fear that no due will be nomad to lead to their Moron's Orrice, Ai.t.ZOFIXItY, August 2d.—Two persona were brought before the Mayor thm morn ing, one of whom, Gideon Peaster, a German, bad got very drunk on the previous night, and ran through the streets with a sword and pistol, threat ening to kill the pelmets by. He was sentenced to pay a fine of rl dollars, and in default thereof, committed to jail for five days; but bra wife came lorward a short time after he had been sent op, and on payment of the fine he was discharged. The second customer was a mere common case of drunkenness, and was commuted for four and twenty boors. MAYOR'S Carnet, Ptrrarmaort. A voter 2.—Three women, and as many men were brought op it the mnrolog watch Milan{ to day, alt charged either with drunkenness or disorderly conduct. Two of the women and one man were commuted to jail common vagrentr, !or thirty days. The other wo man for twenty five days, and the mew—one For three days, and the other kir twenty lour boon. BI,HIAIIY.- 4 3corge Wilson was arresteal by °Steer CI()Mill, 012 Wednesday night, charged grub breaking into the hotel known as the Mon s/on lioose, on lAberty street, which is kept by Mr. I iesghy. lie was committed to jail to stand his Lila I. Briatiuitr.—Patricir Pronely was wrested 9n Wednesday night by police officer Flammlei charged with toeing concerned In the law humbug when Mr. 0. Bonnet's dwelling boron Was Woken open, and robbed of a large amount awaited:des Asssorrea—Police offices Scott of Aiighest', arrested, on Wednesday, George &atria, First Hose Director of the Allegheny Fire Company,— &evict was charged, on oath of MaUhear firKeta' ham, with cutting the hose of the Washington roe Company, on the day when the late foe to Aire sheep occurred. The evidence in this case was oonflielmS, and the Mayor deemed it his duty to require the accused to give bail in the sum of two thousand dollars, conditioned for bis appearance at the next court of quarter sessions. The defend oat not giving the requisite hail, was eocerningd to jail. AIIII2STICIL—A colored man named David Hes. ari, was arrestedi on a charge, which would at °ace, iftrue, convict tom of larceny, and &brash. ng los fast yesterday. Ile had it seems, stolen a hog, and was boffin a huge piece of, U in a pot, tatth tome potatoes, when the officer came in, sod nabbed turn. The poor fellow had his labor an Ms pains, since he tams honied off before he could taste either hog or potatoes. Gumsl Cosecs —George Steeick wu yesterday brought before. Judges Jour; on a writ of harms corpus, and after argument, his Munn reduced the amount of bail from twe thousand to twelve 100- dred dollars. Stevich, not giving bail In that I amount, was again committed to ma. • Sr•ecwn ()CIifIIII3CEL—A caning. driver DM ed Phillip Mott, was yesterday afternoon driving a barouche with four Indies is it, up Penn [meet, and when he arrived nearly opposite Mr. M'Fad ens warehouse, a loud explosion woo bean], and the hones sod carriage were very much scorched almost all the hair being burnt off the poornalmale :Some fiends in human shape, as hi supposed plac ed a large quoutity of powder in the street, nod carried a train to some secret place where they applied fire to it when the carriage was passing...— Neither the Indio nor the driver were injured, nor did the horses, although auifenng great pain, run oil. Oirrnsozovs AiIIMIL.T.—A gang of romans yes. terdey aftenioon committed an smolt neon an onollendmg citizen horn Allegheny. Hod he not drawn a purtol from his pocket, and threatened to shoot the ringleaders of the mob, he would base been severely loitired. As it arse, it woo nacieetratit to take hoc to the Mayor's Office, to save low from their fury. Anal y of libannotp atlon In th C:1=1:1 The first of Angelo being the anniversary of the day on which, by a decree of the British Parlia ment. liberty was given to 600,000 human beings, who had httherto been held In bondage In the West ladiet, our colored fellow citizens assembled in a grove opposite the residence of Mr. Arthurs, in Lacey v ill; to commemorate that glorious event. The meeting which was organized at ten o'clock A. M., by calling the Rev. Sameel Johnson to the C.lair, and appointing John Peak Vice President, and James Jove, Secretary, was opened with prayer by the Rev. L. Guns. Appropnate addrenns were made by Megan. John Peek, Thomas A. Brown, Matthew Jones, and the Roe. Mr. Green, atter which the meeting adjourned until the aftenwort. The large assemblage which was present, the , took dinner at the cartons tables which ware seat tered through the grove. The meeting was again called to order betwee , two and three o'clock, when addresses were mad by the following gentlemen Reverend Charles Avery, Rev. Lewis Wood sort, Rev. Mr. Pasaavant. Mews. J. B. Vasbort, M. Delaney, James Jones• sad several others. After tbe delivery of the addressee, the meeting adjourned until the evening, when the grave was vary prettily and tastefully illaminated by lights placed among the trees. The addresses of the Rev. Messrs. Avery end Passavant, were exceedingly eloquent, and alto gether tee day pawed off very harmoniously. Oholars Report. WIDNIEDAY, Augnal 2. . 'Gra-ctimstr-1 bare tuatwo mesa Oldie/II re, ported its tee fm the last 21 hours, ending at noon to day. One death. Vary reapaetfully, WM. MeK. MURCIA N To the Sansiory Comoutiot MATOVII Orrice, Prrrascsan, ktigma men and one woman were brought berire the Mayor yesterday morning, charged with various ()Serums amongst which, drunkenness, or course, predominated. The woman was sent to jali for thirty days, and the rest were either dtoclmrged or committed for twenty tour boors, with one excep tion, and he, in addition to being drunk, having s comiterfell half dollar in his possession, was sent up for ten days. BEIIOI.IITION SELATTVE TO AN AMENDMENT OF THE CON IMMINI Raelced by tic Sena,. end Hon., of liryreentottry of the Cowan...rt. aith of Paintylranie ot Urania: slim.- bly met, That the Conceit:neon of this Commonwealth be emended in the second section of the fifth erciffie, that It shall reed us follows: The lodges of the Su preme Court, of the several Courts of Common Slew, gab( each other thrusts of Record as are or shall be established by law, shall I, elected ma : the qualified Ottani of the Commonwealth In the ner to wit: The .lu3ges of the Supreme Court, by the quaittled electors of the Commonwealth at large. The Preadevit Judges of the several Cause of Common Pleas end of such other Courts of Record as are or shall be established I.y law. tool all other ladgmi cr eamed to be learned in the law, by th e qualified electors f the respective Mar-lets over which they are to pre side or am es Judges. And the Associate lodges of the Courts of Common Piece by the quablied cleat°n of the eournies reepettively. The Judges of the se parate Coen shall hold them offices for the term of fif- Well years, if .they shall so long behave themselves well IsabJect to the allotment hereinafter _provided fieeta: eat to the first election:) The President sLi• of several Courts of Common Pleas, and of f ' otherconne of Record are or shall be estab lished by law, and all other lodges requtred to be learned to the law, shall hold their offices for the term ten ye•rinif th ey shall so long Imbavethenisetves well: The Associate Judges of the Coons of Common Pleas shall hold their offices for the 'emu of fire years, If they shall so long behave themselves well: all of whom shall ha Cnannissioned by the Governor, but for any anesollikdo cause which shall not be sufficient grounds ef impeachment, the Governor shall remove any of than On the attic., of Iwo-thirds of each branch of the Legislature. The fleet election shall take place at the general election of this Commonwealth next elber the adayfirm of this amendment. and the commissions 44 shoji:dans who may be thenjn °Mee shall expire no the first Mooday of December following, when the banns of the newjedges shall cornmenee Tht Per*One wheaten then be elected Judges of the Supreme Court ehelkbiklik their offices as follow's: one of them for three yeante one for six years, one for nine yearn, one for aside/ years, end one for fifteen years; the to rot o each lo be decided by lot by the ruid Ridge!, WI P-0011 aßer tha election as convenient, and the result certlfi lid Ryas= to the GOlrtrilOr. that the commlmions may be lathed in accordance thereto. The judge whose auntaiseton will Aral akpire shell he Chlef Justice du- Junßßie tam, and theateßdr each Judge whose tom tie., first eXpite shall hi irn he the Chieflur tice, and If two or more commise re stroll expire cc ,meempoilsy,thaMilg,es holding cm shell ;Inside by j e t which shall lie the Chief Justice. Any vaeanc tee haeraning by de - uth, es an, or Mimi wise. In sAy of pia c 0.," sitathlin Oiled by •ppointment by the Gayer/um, to continue till the first Monday of 1.1.• teem , minceedlng the next general election. The sealalba Supreme Coon and the Preeldente of the Camas of Common Pleas shell, et stated times, motive. for that services an adequate compen.tion, to be bird by law, which shell not be diminished da ring thetr eotitlnuunec in office, hut they shall receive no fees dr pendutintes offica nor hold my other office of ptoit hider this Commonwealth. or under the gov erment of the Gaited States, or any other State ern. twee, The Judges of the Supreme Court during their gostimienee In office shall aside simian this COlll.Oll - sod lea other Judges during tbeir conunuenee ogee Shell aside wi th in the district or county for which they were respeetively elested. W 11. LIAM F. PACED& Speaker of the House ofGEO. RPrbresentemves. to A asi 'Speaker of the Scamd. tx nix Smo.rx, March 1, 1849. Ramled, That Mu resolution pass —yeas 21, Nays P Extract from the Journal. W PE ARSON, Clerk In sax Hoots or Ressisstzscren‘scs, April D. 1940. &Weed, That this resolution pare—Yeas SS, Noy 2G. F.strart front the Journal WM JACg, Clerk. Filed April 6,1E149. A I. 11.1::ISI-1.1., p -p See. of the IM=:E PEMISTIA ASIA, I. I do certify :ant the atrove end foregoing is a true and correct ropy of the Onginal Repolution of the General Assemhlt pruned -Resolottoti relaure to an Antoridment of the ennputnuon,' at Ole umie remsona on rue In this othee. to testimony urnerrof I hare hereunto set I In hand. arid caused Io loc ofiood the .e,,: of the Secretary', Otbce ut Harm...burg, this Pie• Penlb day of June, AllllO lairann, ono thousand eight hundred and fort y•rane. TOVVNSF.ND ,Sec'ry of the t'omsnonwenob .J0r13.1.. or t•Tr. "Remilutton. onotled • Resolution retattve to en amerilineni of On Conessation,' was read a cnnt 'lima. On tbe question, net the Senate acres to ms resolution? The Yeas and Nay. ware taken afar-no bly to the Commitiu , o. and wet. as follow, tax: t-Vv,....,Osses 80., Bowles. Crabb, Cannfos• bun, Forigne, linens, John•on, Lirwremee, Looms. Atasen, Mantua*, NerAin. Fitch. Itieharoa, Radler. .teaken-flarary, Small, gmyrer, Sterrett and bane— ' 6...o,Druni. Frick, Ives, King, Ku slimly-her, ?meager, and Derain. Speaker-8 the ganglion or in the alrarfriative.” or Tn. noes. or 11171RILTTATIIIM . . "Dail the resotation pass' Tho yeas and nays twerp 'Wye:4 agreeably to the plaerisina at the tenth .rho le ilonvihitrott and are at folios, viz: "Vhdh—Heratz. Odeon J. Sail, David I Bent, Cr,if "Dilate Peter D Bloom, David Bole, Thomas 6. llll.a a Vscrah Cozz.John Nathornei et. 7 David 11.11vatan, With.,. Evens, ..Jagn Fan old, Summit Pearly, Joseph W. Fisher, vadat, El. Palm, Thomas Wove, Robert liampson, "Gear P. Heaney, Thome. J. Harney. looeph zftartee lihrtz, Joseph B. Hower, Robert Lot; 41artison P. Lazed, Abraham Ihraberten, James J. "Levi., Jame. W. lona, Jacob 3.l.oortney, Jahn F. "%Malice; Hugh aPges, John OPLsaehlin Adana i•Dlartin, Payssel Nora, John C. Myers, Edsnad Nick sehioa,Shelvart Pearre, Jsn.. Porter, Henry C Pratt, uhloars Rots. George Ropiey. Theodore Breen, sitexashi Itehoenocer, Beaune! Seibert. Jahn Sharp, “Chnotan Sit/ . Iltsznal C. Swot, Jens.. B. 'Shahs, Jost) Stamm., hlarattall Swarta wrote r, Pa "mart Taggart, George T. Thom, Podolia. Thorn mesh Wallet, Samuel Wetrieb. Moo,o L Wbrox' "boatel Zerboy, WI nom F. Pacaer. dpeaaer—So. Nags—Meliara. Animus K. CeruFn,l)aval PI Court. filmy, David Evans, Henry S. No.*, Jahn Fenian, .Joim W. George Thomas Gillespie, John IS. (:orlo n, WIIUam ilenry, James J Kak, Joseph Laub:Leh, Ho- Pben P. Lint,. John S PrCuittioni, John WS,- R is- PP - Sherry, Judah 51,11. r, ‘VilUam T. Mormon. "John A. Into, William `I Roberta, John W. R05e "b....7, John S. Rutherford. IL Rundle Pariah John -Smyth, John Semler. George Wolter. acid Dartgy. '3o me TICIII/0U was down:lamed is r►e Orrica.. IlarriaLurg, Jana 13. P.V.TLVANIA, 114 do esrufy that the above and foreguing it a. tone and correet copy of the -Veriii" and "Nara,” taken on the -Revolution relative to an amendment of the Coma/m00n... a the tame ap penmen the Journal tof the two Howes of the (lane s-al rituembly of Liar Commonwealth. for the re "11,11 of 100. Witoen my band and the seal of sand otimti, the if tmouth day of June, out thousand eight hundred and Cony-tuns. WINISEND RAINES. puttodttavrarn.wmt See'ry of the Commonwealth. J. i:BECREIR &ROBINSON, elniolOti, &NO OliorrolOl OF LIGHTNINCI RODS, 03 • SCIVITTFIC TEIScIrLIL Orders left at the Post Mee, or at hire. Erwin's, on Fourth rt., between Martel and Ferry, will recet.e prompt urtrinticin , Rammereso—Prot. Horace Webster. Genera, N T.; Prof. Chester Dewey, D. IV, AL D., Rochester, N ; 1. L Camels, and Hamilton L. South, Cleveland. (I.; 0. R. Sboenballeshl- Hawthorn, Mielowl /ones, J C, Williams, and Capt. Good, Cineimout. tulmdtf .-- j-ii.ooll WEAVER, .7 Wholesale and Retail Dea ler to Porotgn Wines and Liquors, and old Niolloll. gahela Rye Whiskeys, corner Fleet and Markel PLI. J) , /11BBERVII C I I OAL NERITIJNG HIIII3F.RTS SUPERIOR RED INK. HIBBERT'S MACHINE LIDP V INK. Al,,VrhOse differ front ordinary Ink, se they are all et:amino' solutions containing no nosed matter, flew fray from soy loud of pen--the color deep, bright and durable. If Were have been beef article. made, I bees neither seen nor hoard Pt .them. Suet pia botdes can be obtained gratis, by the recrettants generally, from II A. Fohnutock A Co. Henry V. Settwarta,Allechany , or of the mantantLuter, THOS. HIBSEET. Druggtst and tThumist, corner of Liber ty and Southfield streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. N. R—Any horde not geeing complete fintinfacttpn, can be returned and the pmee will be refunded.. tutuiddrn ROOKS—llartlett's Patlomphy of Medi cal Sclanees, do Treaties' on Perm's; LOU. on 11,064, by Cowan; Hooper'. Medical Dlcuottorn D e uveisore's do do; Cooper's Surgical do; Clirlito . Sys tem-of-Smelly Gibson's do du; Abernethy's \V0(11., *vole: Dopiness's on the Uterus, Hope on the 11.•nri; 'Anveishiera Anatomy; Wilson on Dia aaa e 4 to the Skim Pereiras , M.leno lambus. and Tlionspeutirai Chapman on Erapitee Fevers: do an tile Tboredee and Abdominal Visocra, Wooo's Practice 01 Medicine; Dungleson's do do: the rim': du du. ad, a largo and (mob *imply of Alms. S. S. Ull.lOll Boats, on band and hut sate uy ELLIOTT & ENGLISH. Wood o 1200TE'S CHOLERA Lab, „.nu I' for sale by 1 /ODD it CO. 111 AVON—Sides, Shoulders end Ilion, in midis; souse. and for sale by HS. KIER & JON VRASPING PAPER—sou Mtn foe sale low by prig J SCIIO.IN MAKER & lvt L AU' LILACK-30 Mils for sale kiy de 00 \ KEK& CO / lOSPERAS —an too. in fine order. ior ode low by et.:110ON NIA KER A el' LAD OlL—tobbl% ben . tor side by jyld J SCIDNINSIAKI.:R & CO DACON—G ends clear Sides in store; for coin by yll IRAFAH DICKEY A CO LARD—sun an!. No 1 m aunt; for .itsts by J7lO ISAIAH DICKItV k INTING INK—Boot and News, for mete at l oan- Puradtarers priers hi Jyl2 .1 :AMMON MAKER k CO. 21 Wood rt T'D - ItOOPiNG PAPER, dr antll , tn , loom lot sale by yi4 J .11tAtt/lesilitAK . lslt c 0) WATCH RN AND JF.w . 5.1,1( v — the has now on head • Gen n.wrwtun of held linK. Ufa, and Geneva Gold oad S,lvcr Pose. Lev, Watch es, at ox law prices as are odissed is, the F.iisserss caws.; on us goad order and warranted -- W W WILSON. corner 4th and hillkel IP4 to ROBISON k CO. haying u‘sortintrtl TitONl A Mt . 0 1.1 , 17Lf4r d , te and cromie.hit,tx.tionneettb,:nhen:V.hv.ttit,ti, hr continued as ertutd under the firm of Keelson, Lit. tie & Co. RcausoN, Ltrru: k CO. No. 101 Liberty *tenet, Pilla*boboteaado Orru'ere. Produce and COMi•1401141 hiercamu, and dealer* in Pitirborgh Karinfoctrires. /17 ROM 10810051. 71100 LITTLE. UK, 11n0EInsa. VcrA tied o TCH REPAIRING—In all Its branches, car. n with special care and atmnilon. Har ing the most skilful and evernmeed workmen - in my employ,andilculs a constant personal ettennon to Mos branch, X can remise the ban ea m(netton to all who may Meat nu wan them work. W W WasoN, Walch Maker, II 67 Hared St EtatglAtfairOlEt V COhildt el' gti. uu t rou• rdng information in regard to the number of th" 00aatin tiro etre vs.kly, Me' character of tlusAissmote, end - the ago ef the persona, es milli rupee t fatly serenest the Phrtelorto to raparl to ihavolt the Committee Room, 0 d Conn Home, an Priday eYening of ormts , leak. . IogJOFIN kV, 4114. (Th'rn 'DINE COFFEES—Moeba, Afnean. J•• I, Leggier.; r Si , gi n and Ulu Cotfera, teed and tor male at the Pekte Tea Store, 70 Fourth st. tor«.. rWMMM W. W. 4 PITIEBURGE FRENCH BURR MILL STONE and MILL FURNISHING LSTABLISHRENT. Nos. 964 and 9461.04,1 y meet, near die CenaL . - - French Burt Mill Stones. of my own Mitritifactute, We of a new and superior quality of Blocks, partic ular care is taken to have the mints made close, and all the blocks in each atone of a uniform quality. They are tram - anted to re equal to as y in the countsy. and sopenor to the great mats of Burro, whether of foreign or domestic manufacture. nod HMI at the lowest pn res. 51111 Stone, uultrutfactured in France-6 gene ral a.nrimmit. at reduced primes, always on hand. Laurel Hill 111.1 Stone., all urea. Holum, Cloth. luzcher Stamp, warranted best qual m', and a: arearly reduced pracc•. Mt.+ Spindler , . Alta Iron. S.r.rews and Ptak. form Scales, Corn and Cob (,rrt ao.l lull CJl,Strligl of alI luWo, and Mdl I'LltlLllhllll to 4 , 11- ET•I. All order. prompt) attended to at 144 and did 1.16 enq street. near the Canal. l'lttaba rah. meat:data W. W. WALLACI,.. Pittsburgh Steam Marble Works. Nu. 24-4 LILIER rY. ovpogite Smithfield street Marble Mantles. :iron ume h I...TonaLn.Tabl c Top., /re., a large variety of the most need - rtiful kind, note of the finest quality of foreign and domestic marble, always on hand or made to order, by the aid of ma chinery, on the shortest notice and at the lowest pores. N. K—The Country Trade famished with all kinds of filarbie at the Menem. rate. All orders promptly at tended to em 244 Liberty. opposite Smithfield et _ M==l an VT !MACHINES LULL'S Patent Stone or French Burr SMUT MAI CHINE—Ma beet article of the kind in use, they run light, clean fast do the work well, and will last a life ume. About au., of them are in use, in the hen nulls in the country, and we nave Me strongeet ten, meny of competent persons as tent superority over all other Smut Machines- Far further particulars, ad dress the aub.riber at MA Liberty et, Pittsburgh. payßOuleat W %V WALLACE STEAM EN (4 I N El-4 Ale 1301LERS--Forinet, saw and other mills, always on hand, or made to onor on very short nod., end at the lowan pnces. All or ders promptly attended to at Pl4Liberty street, item. the Osumi. rey3o W W WALLACE DLASTER PARIS—For land, and other purposes, I always on hand at 244 Liberty st_ mrin %V W WALLACE ITS DRALILIC CEN Y—AillrOVll On hand, a_244 II Liberty It. ray3o W W WALLACE GRINDSTONES—AII sires and grits, always on hand at 244 Liberty etre.. IT is with pleasure that the mbienbers inform the citizens of Pittsburgh and entity that they have completed arrange •-et meats with Messrs. J. C. Jenkins& CA, 7 of Philadelphia, to receive their superior PACKED TEAS, lied will hereafter be kept constantly o'h ' hand, They are neatly and securely pot MI up In metallic pacts oil, 1 and I lb. each, with their pruned card—showing the kind -of Teti,pctee, name of the concern and tt depot in 'biladelptu, with an invitation to return the Tea, if not liked. RITA,. /RIC", sunpo.d., OS 75 I.otl 1.25 1,50 19 I Imperial 30 73 100 1,25 1,30 50 621, 73 ),Wb,P5 1 1 1 5 1 . 1 Traon 50 62) 75 1,03 1,25 1,50 Mack 47 4 30 BL ''"" (Mite and extra Vine• •70 1,00 175 1.50 We will warrant all the TEAS we sell to lie equal to, if DOI scrims to any sold it tuts city, and should racy not prove acceptable to the taste, they eon be re turned, .d the money will be refunded. as it is only with that understanding we sell We oak a fair trial, that the public, may be able to otlee between our yeas and those heretofore sold by other companies in this city. All lovers of rich, delicious and good flavored TEAS, should give use call. For sale by )OS. S 61. YOUNG A. CO.. NW earner 4th and Ferry tweet. and K YOLNG CO.. myleatimis 6 W corner 3d end it 04. streets (Late of New Vail.) Orsaca—Smithhold street, between Seeenth nod Suitieberry N 13 —Dtseases of the mouth, germs and teeth Created Ilorniropatblc nl3nt CONTINUATION OF THE GREAT SALE AT A. A. MASON & CO'S ONE PRICE STORE, A M. A. CO, Oestrous of redocung and elosior pot the, Stock proparetory to reectong their As Fh4 Go u ds, sell! oder grouter Incitteertrents ever. Thelr reeeht large porehtses at the Sew York Sales, made at rush trronen•a sacrifices float reat.mii' all be closed oat the mune rilinOul rate, Attongrt the at - holes recent:) . opened. they mention.. rue• fast colored Lowe, at 7 rut • " .5 Mash n•, P and 5r A large .1.:11" Phatarls ant Vtaa.. ,ry • t‘ M Ae Lain., Ptic lot Br rcges at onc halt puce •• •• ct Gingham at laic " " Kmltroiclertea., ry cneap " Iltanarts, half price `• " Glove. Itaetast Traunting, caeca 51erronack Cake., at do 5 •• 112 j et Cunene* nt ft+e " and bales brown and bleach. slualtn, clatap lltau Lanett. at It, Luton Clutch.. Itlic not.nct R.:htton and lunt chi,. at is With a mmeere variety of moor oo wo.‘<it well pmvcsalving in purchase, of from 25 to Su per Tech Te a Vora will Ler 'elmted one day for marking down and prepanni the mock for the ra . e t yy A A MASON CO & CO —--• . . _ PICKLES, PRESEILVES, &o. WELLS, MILLER & PROVOST 417 Front /Reel, New 1464, ANI:I.ICTURrtRS of rvery sacral, si P.ekle• LIA. Preserves, melds., Jam, Catalpa Sauces, Sy rup, Vanegara Mustard Surma Extracts. P ATP—NE PRESERVED PROVISIONS, sack as Oysters. Lobes., Saluda, Mackerel, Shad, Manta Vegetables, ac. Importers of °Urea Capers, Salad Oils, Sardines, East and West India Condrarecom,ana. Their stock is more ever..., eomprieen a greater ninety. and re pat up in better cyla titan that of any oshor /lope to then business in Ike batted Slates.— Their goods are packed in alt the callous packages, and in so safe a manner as to bear transport...a to any part of the couutry. N.B. Cataloguea may Le wean at the came of this Aeents to Boston St's. Pew. A Co. Philadelphia . Jos.Tl Bus.tur Bitinittoru: A. Nan IL Soh. St font . Geo. Bunnnnaa a lb h Lust/rifle. Juno Ponds t ea. Orel:loll, Henry Ilrachtnun juttnahltn 1 IC FEY - BODYeKEEPING—BIoakt lor trashing LI tine work, with the author'. etreenotts to touch. era pruned on the covers A new supply Just rear, acl from llsc Ai York. and for sale by juts JOHN II MELLOR, hi Wood st ATHENEUM SALOON, AND BATHING ESTABLISHMENT. rf , hIcFAL.I... begs to inform the inhabilmds of Pin, • built and vicinity, that be has opened the above establoihment, where every attention will be paid m the comfort of thorn who may favor him with a call. Liberty street. between Seventh and Wood lee Creams and all other delicacies of the Aca•Ort. jaidolly DISSOLVTION THE partnetfriop heretofore extining between Sam uel B. Busbfield and William W Way, ,rutile nod. the Arm of BUSIIFIELD & lIA YS, hat this day n dissolved by William IL Hay-Ts selling his emir. :Mew.t to the firm in S. W. BushfielA All atiewuni. du, the Imo will So eollened by W B. Ituatifield, and all de:, is due by the late firm to be paid by %ha .now. S. B. LIUSHIIKLI/, Paut..rgh, Jane Z1,1.... 6 f0. W. B. HAYS CO-PA KTNERS , IIP.—.S. U. 8r61137111.a haring thm day associated with 11..mY L.eatratt, formerly el Bedford, P., and reeetaly of to National 1-1 met, Pturborgh, ,vdt eoqutme th, hodauls under the firm of BIJERIFIELD 22 LEADER. at the Old nand, Nu. 22 lubetay .meat. S BC:3IIPIELD, Pmsburgh, /nue :1. IND 11 LEADER. flaying reared from the former liminess, I take pleamorc in recommending my auccememe to the pa. %gringo of mt, CUSIOMere and we publlcFenerul , y. nO? IN. H. HAYS. FIIESII SUMMER GOODS, AT REDUCED PRICES. LEX A N ORR A. DAY. 73 Market street. northwest X. corner of the Diamond, are now opening N choice mock of fresh SUMMER OttODS. A large Portion of these goods hove recently been purchased a e greet aisentice, from the Auction Sabre at the Fast, and trop the utwortere end manufacturers. We have derided upon offering this stock of good. nt pvice• on reilacc.l as to meet the ity•prob Alum of taose who do business on the cheap cash principle. The Silk Department Is very extensive. embracing the different kinds of dress sod mantilla Silks, Stan do Cherie+, and Camehan Grn de Rhine.. The Shawl Department embraces n Splendid ass°, meat of India Crape Phew:, from the lowest pacer to the finest qualities, elegancy embroidcrsd. Also. Gm mediae, Besiege., Mohair, Non and splendid figured Silk *bawls. 'SCARFS—BIack silk, berage and Grancdmo Scarfs. DELUDE and other thin DIIFSIS GOODS--Elegant and novel stvletkof Berme., Silk Tisanes, and other nun urns. UCrOde, worthy of the attention of the Indle.. LAWNS! LAWNS'!—Iit the I.ewn deportment, our addontus front the Ilastern uorttnns are quite large, embracing elegant styles at remarkably low prices. Imported and Domeatte (lnghorns. Nous and Chintzes, Drown end Illearl,ed Muslin., Checks, Tinktugs, Flannels. Super.. English add French Moths and Cassinterea, Suttinets and Jean., pantaloon Stripes and Ord-bogs. All of which is uttered at such n reducuou of prier. Uttll purchasers cannot fat! to be pleased. iy4 A I.b.XANDER & DAY IMIZUM:i=2E=ZI II F. undersigned nave trot day show' own ander We name. Thonip.on Maunatr. Hoe, for toer poae or rnanufarturnte parer. at the Clinton Paper wee re they will top pleased to receive the patron age of the publiop and the former cuatosnero of We te nter roamer. They vett) at all woo. keep on hand a general a , uptown', of writing, wrapping, tea and er..l paper, bont.• t board., blank books, cit. etc.. which they veil, err:Plunge for clean linen and cotton raga Frown , and Hook l'unttshers can be oopplien with every deocePpoon of prioung paper at show nonce, nod at reduced pewee. TIHWIPSON HANNA AIWA i. , 4,1--corghddm EDMUND R. HAY, Roo illnifr-41.8 •nu I sod Tin Plates. rf 'I I subse nbc re beg to call the attention of Handers, Architects and owner. of Buildings, to the many adamtage. which these plate• pomesa over ell other metallic substances hitherto aced for roofing drA , they possess at once the lightness of iron, without v. liability to mat, haying now been tested for severe I year. to this particular. both in that mummy and In Eu rope. They are lea, liable to expansion and contrac tion from sudden change of the atmosphere, than com mon tin plate., iron, tone, of tiny other metal POW used for roofing, and conseipsmilly form a mach better and tighter roof; r•qutrutg far less frequent repair., whilat the brat cost Is but o tndc more. A full supply, of all lous, fro. 10 to 30 W. G. con stautly on hand and for sale by GrA, 11. MOREWOODA. CO, 14 and 10 Beaver street, New York. - . The patent right I. d is article having bean accustal for mn thntall &suss, all parties inintnying thereon, her by irnportsuan nr saberarise, will be prvseea. teal e -rJk..IrT 11,,TITERE AS. i 51 -111n111111 South an&Grorge A John .", hi ,Cllllll/1 01 site city of l l tusburan, trading ar the firm at emith & Johnson bare mode to the .oloterlber. an a...gement of all their };state for tee bene&• of ell their eredriors, as chill Within Iwo Months from the date thereof execute and deliver to Me said Smith & dohtuton a Intl and absolute release or ail diets respective !knots and demand.. _ . NOLlce 14 hereby glltell that the .311/111,11 and 44-. lea In now at the Ohre of the Boutiertaer, On Fourth OITCLI, in the city of Pillsbungli. (or Inspeenottatta nature with ail whom it may uotteern. tyttal2mo Witt. Moen NIDISSIi., I►r{USQUITO NETTING—Mite anti yotrayet, a In 000 ply feted at Dry troods House a W R SIURPIIY, 10 N E eorll[l. 4th and Market yta ELACKISKiIit 1 suit —b euee. I dos vach, °Mason's Scpenor,"' for Marls:es, h.e., to sins°. This commended tooth:gem cordial maths relied open with confidence. PEMOJIIIINPitiII4ILO by had better call soda. For wile by 'Hui JACOH WEAYSR, Jr /111LORIDS OF LIAIFrOn hind azitt 1 1.1 ly3 (AUM axl t• atnt —two 1100 on handamlßn. saleby ‘./ J, MUD a CO. TRANSPORTATION to. EIiPLIXBS PACKET LINE, FOR purcaln 'AND BALTIMORE, Eke:gamely Ter p" —The Beata all,. Line ' Crave as follows, •19 o'clock at eight: ulna—Cap: A Hmag, Wednesday. Aug Mt Kent. k —Cant Pro by, Thusula Lpuouann P Thompson. FrLd3T. 3 Indlana—P Burley, Saturday, 4. Obao—A Craig. Sunday. A. Kentucky—ll Truby. Mo nday, d LOWIRB7III-1 P Thompson, Tuesday 111111111.1—P Burkry, Wednesday, P tibio—Caps.A Cram, Thursday, 9. Kentucky —H TruLy, Frlday, la. Louisiana--; P Triortn—oa, Swards), 11 Indrana—P Berkey, Suuday, lg. titan—.\ Cram, Monthly, IS Kylitucks —Copt H Truby, 'Tuesday. 14. Loycnana—.l I' Thompson. Wednesday, 13 For passage rimy to W BUTC H, Mortougabela Houma aug I or D LEECH & Co. Canal Built 1849 . U.*rer and Erie Exprost Packet LIMN ILO. PARKS. Denver. Proprietor. . rf 111 F. new and elegant Passenger Packets!, NIAGARA, Cant II 11 JefTnes; PENNSYLVANIA, II Hoffman; LAKE ERIE Truhy; QUEEN CI*,TY J Mellen); Forming a daily Line between Beaver and Erie, hays commenced running, nod will continue during the we an: to make their regular trips, leaving Beaver after the arrival of the morning boat from Pittsburgh, (I o'- clock, r. ml and arnve at Erie in um fur pts.eeger. to take the morning boats to BnU'alo or act the Lake. Ttekem through to Erse and all Lake porta, can be had by application to JOHN A CAUGHEY, Agt, corner of Water and Smithfield at. at GEORGE BECK, under the tat Charley-Hotel D. W. BIDDLE, Dam REMOVED to a new thisestary brick V11....a on entlthfield street, one door below Sixth - street Teeth inverted Dom one to en enure set. on the ruction principle, with a beau tiful repr esetuattan of the natural gum—restonng the original shape of the face. tq. B. Teeth extracted with little en no pain. Decayed Teeth permanently. saved by plumng, pre. 1,01914( th e tooth ache, which is much better than co. rang it, though it should be done in five willows, or even Instantly. 1.'.. = T HE. zto n r c e t h.ii_b o e u r r hrts . recerred . at the Pekin 1, te. ' l stock 7) F or pare th ihfV2l•llll,VIC w 7tAl " , from New York, all of which hot been reeeived in this rountry 6illee the fir'. of February l eantaisting of all The diderent gender grown In the Celestial Empire. Our mock being among the largest in the Wei; we see Pprepared to wholesale. on better term. than any Other in the city. lVe invite retnil grocers to call anti eaantine our stock and They ran bane it pack ed in 5, and Ilb packages, ti ®un cannuiters, or by half chests, to soil their convenience. One retail prices tinny for Oolong, Black Teas from 50 its. to et,so per lb.; Nino Young Souchong, to eta; Congo* nod EMglish Breaking 50, Young Hyena Gunpowder and Imperial, frontto 81,25 per lb. Families are requested to mitd and get samples of of our Teas, sod try them before purchasing. tuvlatitaiwel A. JAYNES, 70 Fourti street Greet Zaglisn Ramecty. FOR Coughs. Colds. Asthma nod Consumptimil Tim GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY for the cure of the above limeascs, is the HUNGARIAN ItaLBA3I OP LIFE, diseovered by the celebrated Dr. Mauna, 'of London, hhigiand, and introduced ono the IlnisalBrates under the Immediate superintendence cif the inventor: The crtmordinery success of this medicine, to ttg, cure of Pulmonary discuses, warrams the American Agent in eel triune (or 17,11111.5111 the worst possible ea. sea that can be found to the community -01620 that seek relief to vain from any of the cornition remedies of the day, and Moro been ontott up by the most distinguished physicians as confirmed and ineureble. The litanies.- . Balsam has cured, and miii care, the moat despotism of eases. It it DO quack t 14111.1,111.1.. hat • standard Sag. Itsh mental., of Sumas n and entablislied edleacy; Every family in the United State. should be supplied with Bur han's Heenan. Balsam of Life, smartly to coenteract the consumpuve tendencies of the climate, but to be need as n preventive medicine In all cases of colds, coughs, spitting of blood, pain In the side and chest, irritation and sureness of the longs, troebnas, difficulty of treating, hertic fever, oighlroveals, emaci ation and genera; debility. asthma, Maim/Ina, Wpiing cough and e retro. Sold .n large bottle/. as El per bottle, with Rill dirs. tows for dm rennin.o of health. eoutadar, InaV Chisti , tb Atuori can ,cruftcatcA, and eda" mdt, alkawihg the un equalled mono cf ti,s Krt.. Cogßah Remedy, may 1.4 ob , qmed Me frt,ems, I, , ta sale by A TAIL'ird3TOCK 5, Cp., corner of at and Wood and Wood and fin, .15. junddr,wS O KOLLGIM ARMOR, MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 46 Mahal strret, Ir A VINO purchaned no exten•Lne and nnt..-1 , 1117 ae -1 ircted of tiprulq nod u rrtp,tfu:'y 111:nral, frtn.,ll the pnbLe, 111 - 11 "ova pr. in/ w rneenve And ex, thno. o , !iApat.L. and In thr Mtrrt • Ir.ri, 114, i . 1 4110.13 'lt truaner As he is al..:••reueLf iu blIlllll,, Dir the Itu•h•f , ,M. he de r Atm.,' am; h.. vet be able to do work t. e.:Atar a; it [au e.ablithinc* to the 0001111 r. I. • ortsmuneten, Broad- P 4.0 a., which hi. friends ore respectful !) o.vmel , l no ..vmmoe for themselves GFARfiE A RNICIR or waT Tr, u • . SIGN OF THE PLANE AND SAM, - Fn. 76 Wood street. Plgtabwrglii t rLt ghat AND I.AL FNIAN. lmpo tar. gruni u mega Fore .4a mot lionmettc WAR.E, to aft its vt.,itott, alb on‘y- to Nell as low and oy ;c.a.. Motto be purchased elsewhere. riot our friends, and the public generally, to riot -imam., oar stock, whit, consists in part of /iN I VL- hut' FORKS, NH:Kt:Laud I'EN KVIVI 1, SCISSORS. SHEARS, RAZORS, House Trimming., melt Latches.) tinges and Screws. lopihor with awry article usually kept - Iti Hardware Styp,u, invtlr the Illration at Carpentersririd i ltiolianies grutrally to nor assortment of wade , vebeen wielded with great carp, •r g .ui which we aro deterosin edin 2 . .s„ . A vre satisfaction. ' ' ardiss . ll.l•l' rrup. inulersigned hate tweeted arottiOn the eity of 1 New York, lob the purgers-of Galvanixmg all erti, cle. of Iron, which it iiiiikanabieterPßOTECT F1R024 RUST retch la Telegraph Wire, Itons, t ra, Walla, Wire fur F'snees, std any OtitCrYttillih sr :eh nainy be MqUlred. Par Hoppa rqf (Vona/ha tisk., h.}, Rorie. Mr Clothog if Wee Ueda, and afloat e• ht.thit, if will . be Quad cheap cad daub They would particularly tall attention to the Galena red Wire An fences; it rtiqutruh no pouts, and will not ro, Also to Spikes and Bolts, the preservation of which I. of so mach importance, that it will colll3llella owl( to the notice of all those Interested. ( iN;(3OD i CO., • .4:0 B. 140 RE Patentees, toesso,lfr sly? 14 and In Beaver al. N. Vert Suet. for the Publle, In rclatloll to mat annvalled family Ftalte..„, GALLEY'S MAGICAL PAIN BITRACTOR. sIiFSTIMONI" of a respect:44le Physician—Read the following, addressed to my A.gerSi. Mt.. F. M. ryweather, (111Clutusti Clactumrt, Sir: A sense of duty compais In time my tribute to Malley , * Paid Ermtetor. Ifeing opposed to ciuur.k. cry and en Linsirunis Miring (or their object *mister motives—but renlimna much good from the "King of Pion Hillers"—l um induced to tender you this certifi cate. I have used it in any family, in my practima, and with all the Lamy mid wonderful elect* that mull rim.ably be onovoied. IL J. canon, AL D. DT Brodie Ls the serum plum. of Drodio h Levi, Druggists. Ltflummeaory Rheumatism. The followous tostunortml comes from telttNe honor to many of those trusenne on our IVestern tea. tem. Mr. Ohm, the well mod favarnely hOOO O pro. priotor of Um PerkorsOurg Hovel, is husband to the lady whore loner I angel Paaaaaseuaq V 8,1,41111 1a,.11P19• To Henry Dailey. Chemifit, merly been long stared with .aioledt, irillammatO , l Rheamatism. which appearedtrßifirMlTaelated to defY all ordinary appliances utathirtho 4iortiW ain attending At, I was induced to try your ' Extractor; and it having effected, almost tf Wyo. gm, on tromedsate relief, and alio, to alt appicanances enure and perfect curt, I am induced - final:alma, fit of others who may be afflicted WRlaptild,4atated by &sty kind of inflammation, to write to yoo,-dOoloting that in my opinion, founded On asittoi your fila4ical Rain Extractor is the, eddist.Oadriableidio covery of the present axe for the itrunediatroitnibtion ff bodily pain. h le an olinwst Immediate, and /per ct cure for Buena and ;colds, and OR Cilltublins flatulent... . 'laying many acgnvntancc• ' . formed by al my boabaml's hotel In this plllta;'llmari , temiloccO by 3 our eh owing mem the on low ltoto. it m•y pomably be of benefit boto 10 Ihetil and yoaccelt. I=l entertnsn the hope that Mts. Gnaw wat pm...tenths, publicity I give to her 17.tter, ns wall on We score of hunntaitt as of Its Swing the surest mode of Lorwring it the nonce of her i newts —II. LW,...) . _ EMEM Druwx, Ky Nov. W 0.541 IL Dailey "I have tried year fain Extractor in a ease of Cahn: in Inv own Italy, %Welt it relieved and Cured in a very yhort lima" In haste, yours re spectfully, Jas. hi. Yoe.. IQ' Burn, and i•lentilsi, pile., Soro•Nipplea, Walton Bream, Erupuoi, .No Cats, Wounda, and nil in flammation. yields readily to the wonderful properties waits. unrivalled iiinaly salve. Hut. in the 1,41:1 . 1C ps portion that you wul receive 1.e. , . from dm genuine, you will Ire sojurtd Or the Juicier:mint tureen. of the 'counterfeit naitvc CAUTION—Lie corn and apply only to the inventor, !I !Num 4trt lintadway. love or to ha au. thonsed JOHN D •nerul Depot, Pittsb.7b• {ler-y P ,hwartz., Ag uy J Baknr, Jam-. 'X ...,1.3.t0n, Nitynvlllc. Ay,; F r, Unemalti, 0., fiencr.l It —ln 111^ •.1 erest Horns and 1...n1,11 CIMACIS a' pa. bi Itair ntrs—a ;Irv, SLIttIICAL orrmix., .Nn 68, DISOIOND th' r • dbals below Wood meet, to rearkeL - Olt. BROWN, hsvin& bees 44141e41... lb_ the med.., fn roo.: o 4 , lo ru e l •a r o fO n t o., 10:1/1111: , am oucin to th ot e trraanabbl " ol . 2 ' 4 •th,sr Instate. and ibtliebta bab4 'for winch bts p n , n . opporlonab.• , and ea - pen...nee r•scabarly qnab, mod 11 year. awn:unu+]) devoted to study tr. treatment of Mow, complammadartag which time he has had more practice and :ins eortet inure pa tients ihan,ean net (all to the lot of say proem pi se- Wiener) amply quaidioe 01211 IO 0001 aledrartees of speedy, permanent. and,tory mare to all &Sete/ with delicate diseases tin. an dues.. arising literal from. Dr. Drown would taboo tense aditeted with pn dictates which boa bete.. chrome by time or aa Foliated by the mei of any of Me comnion nostrums of the any, that their complaint" can be todiellny and dada engin y cured, b- haring siren ton careful !Mennen to. the twain.. it 0: such caeca, and conceded 111 00101112 , 11 of instances to curing person. of inflammation of the mina of ine bladder, amt kindred awe.. wtucti often result from thew caws where others have consigned Mein to hopelew despair. Ile parneniarly invitee saeb as have bee,, long and onweceashallytreated brother* to consult tom, when every antivibetioa will be own them. and their ease. treated in a careful, en d intelligent manner, pointed ova by a long eXperiettee study, and inreinotntion, which it'. kniponeible for Liao. engaged in ilpenOrat praeueo of seedietue LO give an Gee class of disease. 1:1:711enna or 8a Lure.—Dr. Brown also Invitee pan seat adlieted with linnets to call, at his lies paid pante . Tiler auentien to this disease. isiC F. 113 also cured. Ska ,Dwascs; alga I.l'. a, dal, me., speedily aim! CL Mtge, very law. N. R.—Patients at' oat .0 11-rlagr at a disetnea, Rating mei: Jasemae in wntlng, iriviag all the apapi toms, can ol.aa'n garamsnee with Lareetloaa for ikie, by antiresanig T. DROWN, SI. D., poet paid, and cad., tog. a fax. Office No. GS, flatmoad aDey, Oppointirthe douse. ItHardaarmat.—Dr. Brown's newly discovered moo dytof Raul:manna Is a speedy and certain remedy lot that painful trouble. It never fails. Othee and Private Consulting Homo, No. 63 DN. mond alley, Pituannghfra. Tth Clamor la. alvrays'ai home. ICT No ear. ea nay. EAUTlPUliiißtiialiittra Putt B WS Loevoroera, w Wood ernet,- has otiit terriiei ewer, beautifully. ornsmeeted APRoNS.ior.yerieira panerne arte.edorig - milt , rot Piper (or orosummategjookls?s,,xteeies, Inctura fraruaa, or lamps. HOMMIATS, FARE, fcr) - - - FOB RAMIa ILA kir l/ERY dmitable ride In the trot Manchester, 141.10EninsSolin Door nintr,l4l%. ..Tho Lot is a corner one, fifty font front by orkediundnal and ninety feet dOtP....ith a two arnY Bo .k bone, twenty-five feet from, aria taro parlors. &dog room, and kitchen on fan door. A carriage bonne. noble end drapery, sad the lot . fulled choice fruit trots, all to rood ostler. Esquire of the Anbscri her, Lonsbechlerchani, Alleaheny city. ItilthdkartfT R\o. PATTERSON." a. NALF,—A Briskliana, (bat one infix noth.l and Lot, on Robinson Intent, Allosbony. neerind Bndge. Price loss and Isms tsar.— Insane of nnl SCHOYER, 110 Boman at . . _ - - - FOR WHIM dFOUR new two story HriceDerellimr Houses. wellum,rhed and In complete onier on Centre venue, or Minargrilla toad, 7th Ward. Park , rralark given iattoodtairfy. ROW on knit of JOHN WATT & CO. earner Lawny and Hand era Valuable Real Estate for We. .oL ku2 THE sid;eerilter ogees for sale her Rome and Lot in Allegheny City, plea/many attuned on I . k Lane, sod fronting the All heal rive_ ,r near y opposite the point of Pittsburgh. Let Is MI feat wide, and extends from Bank Lane the South to Rebeeen street on the North, bounded by Nei man stmeten the Wen. It 0 one of the handsomest, andetaiddosirehle lots now offered for sale anywhene to. the neighborhood or Allegbeoy City. 11 - le= enough Me be subdivided advantagetturdy intole i.g lots of the usual Wee. It le very suitable gma Mos tly residenee—te stocked won a satiety of eleelee Print Treat, in fell beating The dwelling is emorenittal Mtn eousfowsble, en& all in good repair. A erarriunse deed will be given, and poems - Won at any lii6lB to salt the porehaser. For terms, apply on the promises to tytn-dtm RIME ILEX 14 A !mire o,tore wo Markleon et et 'X , be -. I Z:! i6 l . :l.aod ""d) :dVAen =D °Mee. 3rd et, over Philo Hall—Oelite relax 'Mr= olurrqrk.:gi 01t7 or otit - oo I Loch .itinue. In th B.lbWilrO [ye ghang on C""'VN''.lfPFLin.ilatgallM of Cleb or of JA.9 ROBINSON. on thassloar toyitni&lntlf- FOIL , • A THREE stoned Dwelling Iloase, the seamd hoc. final Pem MOGI, IR Ray era Row, on Hay numb Immediate possowie. IMO .be given. Knot:ore of DAVID RITCHIE, Attorney at Le..--oftloo on Fourth street, between Cherry alley and Grant weekJuljedtt • port nir.iirt, AFOUR new two story RIM E Dwelling Iltreine, men finished and In emnplete order, on abut Avenue, 7th Ward. Possendon &en Aliyist Rent low. Engem, of JOHN WATT at led earner of !Aber' - and Hoed sts '3'o realism &AFL a EM THE ondersiglaed oflbts for sale Id 'Kean county, Pa.,llioU mores of well timbered LAN with so excellent Saw Mill neatly new, _end Mils ins Frame /4;mm:fa, ose Aim trent by 42 bank r J foci front by 41 beck. Also. good new thosw by forty feet The mlii and land ard Thor miles from the Allegheny river. Agreat otPINE TIMBER °tete best nastier, end alto • mnudiry of the very ben:hernia*. Alio, ons acre thn ask of the Allnglimiy, near a cove, moat what ly ides* ed for rutting, where Mother can be railed 'au the No in winter, and be perfectly rare (both ell fresiensA, Price PAX, or Id MI acre. Terms sm. Phil rad a well clearedsmali Cum, with !rood house and or. chard open It, as pert pareeei, leteatiop mitablee end the thlinnoe Issitter, se se mop egmedor- Tills In an Is Agrarian/I,y foe lumbering; sad the probability Is tweet that in two or -three yams MD P‘Or'rlY dbefile its rodeo in eonsequettee oriel tonximay to the New York and Rite Rellmad. Tim ber saffacientm wear out several sew mills—and Me e cal rain sites on the stream which runs nearly the the hi t of the land. About fifteen usertsin raft. No hill to rite in hauling lembez from mill to steer. Trout and game In abeedence. For fertlysinuntsl lars, address, I post.paid,) P. B.TE2dPLON, Is m Dawn, ellen, Pitmen • Tw• Loth t sale. rrHE subscribers will sell at private sale, those taw valuable Lots of Ground, situated ori Tomato at., In the Third ei t *e4 of Allegheny City, Is& having a Ikon; of In feet.,,noninghaek 100 foot Ih depth tom Xi/ eel alley, upon which is bodge stono , irolfi• IN b*•1130 Get, which C4111.Ilill• alowebeacesgh to build uetlars for two eondoriable dwelling hones, and in from there are three shade troes, 0(0 years growth, and the aide walk uiutved with bring, all of which will be sold at SOX Pittsburgh and Allegheny, or Ceara' , Scrip, will ba taken in pursuant. .1 a it PHILLIPS, No 3 Wood sr., Of to.Wtl. DENSON, Immediately opposite said loot. IAYI2 TO LICT, TIIF. Dwelling Donne on 'Third street, above. findthlleld, occupied by the family or late Dr. A. N. SI'Do Porawstioa given nn tbe l.t or July nett. Ale% soma/erre lON of round in the Ninth Ward s boterken the 214 Want nod Crolthanneille, Beatable for lumbet .„ - e s a.t.s. WM. IN DARIANG - TOri, ay-S...ttf AL 11, Darlitai r Pratfall et_ F q Xn A g te,l on Denman rtre4 on red Ln P ilsoadadedigao li.lo, SO, tflapd , i.,,oa•Nco 70 (touting 2tl GM/ on hie ry Ann .tmello feet drat,p; the other taw 20 feat front earn. by feetarma. Tret 'n.-.fivaxter part of ourchene *Max wry 104 q 4 ,„0 in, viz years, entered by monMitarsri eLos, ourtre of tad lb 110 undo et rat.. A901.1f Mor miles above Leek No. 9, al the mouth of Nun Iten Mouougahees River.'. The Coal. is of mevery best quality. and tatty of j .Al/1/ oturther of from turatity•five W aamenalosialle l'emon• desimme of palrehasing, .orle ..wr k tike.R sze.g Ou'lltah r l " , r•- Keel apposite the Plaql *es, -who urn awe 'any in iamation tioneemiag the prom:toy. The above.enfl boaeld at tainatt . : LET—A good brick DIVOULIV A OIIOI4' IMMIe - e.. .L. Robinson street, Allegheny, nice or mVO SOLtild RCUOYER VOA 1 3 eihTIA.P FOR SCRIP—A Mier growl nitensioafO Webster street, EGlbro. hism High anent; Ol;,1 kor ClollVen Webster, by BO fa n to a Rye Eat alley --anise close to new court hoot. Price SM. Tama, W , cash its band; balance in at m, two, three and Omer Years from the Ern of April last. County and City Scrip taken for each payteena in quire or mina q arIHOVER, 110 emend: st _lll4 _A ossite .7. - so Tis Lama toe *say S(TUALUton ltiouongatialativerotbeuttendlba item litidnirgis and 3 mules atone third ;emit, in the itinuediens natgbbosbood of Messrs. Lyon h Staab, arad Ram Ileum's parttime. This Alm Dimly o f Coal will be sold ai tow pike of 1133 par isotteecolo third in hand, balance In Sae equal Inning paribinip, without intatest ride indisputable. Liscaliteratity good—m.lot be sarpasial Fut firtetetWti . e . enquire of S. ttALSLEY,taIIa Ina • chili perry. Onalilonee 93 haloes FetrAlife..lidatiF N.dt. •Amber seam ot coal an WS 'ot, .boaitcoTarial a the lower, uitntr of excellent geel . ls • • - • VileratTirrir iiiidturAtots tor elarie MILE eubseribers are anthonzed tootle: at "Mate j. vale, end opoold r ghly frroreb . l . D of very vahlable Building Lots it portion of the lets numbered 61, 00 sod 10j. Woods' Genera( Plan of th e Ca fittebrOglegnt led at the .00th easter - nail corswr orPenanzeivrayil• comb, fronting 240 feet on the format, Una tlall*Mg nithig th e (iota aboth Sou feet to - the Allegheny liver, and being a pool Of thq Real Emote of dr We Jambe S. Stevenson, WI., deeennea, pisok or snbitivinion of the above Lets, al eenkir- Ivory vionoVrhich it le prorrenvo to a s tnlythe &MI WI We otkoc'of th e SonTerorgned, oh between Ms:- Let orW Ferry stn IVI A - KUM ray 3 • • • lillitat• TDB 4. l smbolromti INgte or/U.OlO and seer, din b rough of buindhcau, oa 0 0 met,W ( byArluid for ale on accOmaixtathwttncur 3 LObling nnO-dloiston of Lot No .001tfibb Plita of the oity,pf Pittsbarghd natintra tar fmn l46 until street, by 110 feet to strawberry allay mat rant W.I. - • 10 ono aura lob fronting on an Av=6,Mr ku wide, ranren,l from Beaver road to the ONO Ommt ad joining Philltpr's Oil Cloth Foam/. , For ornite, ortesavof CIeARLESS. scp4.r. • • Sebt•dtt „ Rotkola BaUctlytg, sl* a. Solosable, Property urr Oats", To Trig NINTH WARD UF errreauseir•—ft* erat Lots on LlaliMalo and labollg u ltree, ht o t 9th Ward, 27 teel Willa,- and o.diticreat,' depot of the Chathrt glarostd. CM F'ot btrom Y s of ,AR f'••••S.-WM.g,,„ or JAMMU , . , Leavitt' Slake* • si TWO • 8 LOTS tat Jet 0 T 4:4 1 :,71:4 is erect ,11. Lathe Witldrokr twOSOfiett' WOW* , or two trail 1L.C6061.11. Tite 10447.114 I ke tla front hy one holulaud dot, lad a street Cony feet "tato. The holitlatigs he =PM to ad prof ml.O Will pay a oar, bettamtlte Intareal•9 13. 0•11 1 3101 1 . e/4 611141 the property wrl t ba .old eIiOUP fur eWa^ ~ Apply to M. Sproul, Crlerk's °Mee; WO: or tO • SAT Allot r' ZIT - Csets Bottom hood Air &stir. ' ryIEN oCiLL OF LONlVetcusted.ia NNlNNeirtengn ship. .oo the Monongahela, three miles froailltha. btwgh-fur lots to suit purchaser. Per farther panto uthpalV to Itioary Woo , de.3d et. opto wesarNarfrim , oor.i . CS, aboreBmlttletzt se lAWAREHOUSE FOlthia LE.—The sabearPoTs der , . tor tale the three store htiok Pirmeturters on Wood .trees, ooLapted 1.4 &Tanner & Co. opt? Whilinle.SON, Jr. 4 ITALL'A.I3LE REAL ESTATS ON PER:NRWER tj FOR SALE —A Lot of Olutuul Itilaittattaputto street.. ratveuun tiny mgt Marin:fry sticeiu;sittkoldina the house inul lot nom occupied by 'Richard 6 ba•ing a front of fact, and in dopth eler,'=l:".; stud 4+4 Cstroraub, terms. Titlo anerceptionuble: =En glum of C. 0. LOOMIS, 4th ft, ruuttflotfrald.a octil-thf CCM= DF.SIR ABLE BeiWind. lad In ul AllexNuai culj, ra vobiy located, In am about aalta fete an, am, Abe told on ecoommodaung lama. baquisci • felre , JDWI l IA WI, aroc/d ;ea,. - FOR RENT—A room in the ieound.altury.,No ita y Wneul elreel - - - - t&B.O. W. 111211Til a CO. I:4VVltht th ee, Mende and the pablk theetltry hste• stay ee .o,4er connerPou intb th eir 4130 entablial totet In Perm Prim., !mown es the Peeetteset Ihnreve• htletote nth:loyal their emir° beetles= utt •ebteralla tap MP.II V In P.r m..t Pivlol-11 eft MORG.W.i WORM RILLRR. Prourannig. June IR, Ini. Mr. John U. Motion—Deur Sir. I gave one teaquron Tull of your Wonn ioller to cute of my <ail. ..nran.and in the short tome of one belt boor it passed tarenlY large worms. I reel . rate itt reeononertang your Venaltege .lo:tbe lout inatinciat that eau be used:tor eapelllea worm.. • hrs. Moaulx, near Noblentae. Prept. and sold by the prophetog, JOHN /LAMB OA N. Droggiat, one door bolo , . Dimond alley. Wad etreet DRY GOOD/ AT VIIIIOI.6IIsALL otrß. IAURPIIY lushes the arld[llloll eLIn r. A igN;1`'t1r1740 7 ,,t,• a :1 7 43 , °t48421 t epsner 4th lea itstbet streets, ittsbiagh. Thai helm his second ramify for this opting he Pse sisal kieds .of goods as reduced ptiessoloil owe. styles sot to be !sand elsewhere. seyytda s ey eI&NMSgb lb& y e th r .,„,,,, kJ Hams, winter brand, in stareisadloe sate by ISKLLERLI & riLoga. snainclaraur Wig!rgcl.3l 'I,,DRY GOODS , JOBBER% CO WOOD DTDEEIT, tRH now receiving a very lenge stock, of, (mal ta°°64 af m Z 4 t i rtra lu.r i b lt-li ftd ce P :=Zot hi f: r.ittiti.,..f,. -, .., Ciry and Cc' =lvy Merchants eve bulled to nail sad titmice our mock before poretutibis elsetotteren: mla .-- il.lsli.irCi;7l --- EiGgr liti l il3 VOR ONE D0...1411.54 , or aniniglet i l d ltit (.m e linear milk' -,. , -c- -.. • i:,,i.. 'DepintnentOpeit front Eito II 0150c.tvit.-5X.,•. #itan't 5 ocliielr, P.,X.' , ' --- .. 4 -. , ', , t;'' AthentetnitAiiionn 10t413 • ..• A,- .i... • i tg - ...• ii,..........i:T. - -pn . _.: - .z. 431"1111te'== cou -7 4 m ( Jt',"' .:10f-,ii,y,, -- . mlusotsr-dria 4, A:IY 2rlend 41/1 • ued up for neu.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers