TRANSPORTATION - UNE& - 1 gn 01 • and .4. vof Caatt• Coosa, Packet•. Ba! '1 • E pocket HEAVER. Card FP anley. will leave TBeaver regularly on Monday, Wednesday and gtWay evenings at P. M.. and nr•ive of Yorans•osen next morning ate olclock--returiong , reeves I otiligs• town Tuesday, Thursday and Pat urday evenings at 4 p. and roach Hester in tune for the monnagiHont. ALLFABIENY CLIPPER, arm-ill; at Pittlhurgh an lto'Clock. The packet BARKA WAY. rapt.Downing, z will lava Beaver Tuesday. Thurtilay an d sAnordas en' legs at 6 P. M.,returning, leave Sew l'a Cite. Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings at P niso con necting with toe morning boat nor Pittsburgh. 'Mese pac Celt are fitted upcomplete order, hav ing fine aaancard ...101 s for passengers. and shippers May rely an more {Vrictuslity and greener despatch than has her tee been obtained no these routes. t-. -ITCH at Co_ Proprietors. I duel . agent. Pittsburgh. ell & Pro., '' Heaver. A. I/ . neat , .. Youngstown. IL W. Cor iiinothrim,""sew Castle. The elegant steamer. ALM- lr H SAY leave Beaver, daily at S A. M . Pittsburgh nt :I P. 61 .2 21_ , 1t1g in eonnec non with the above Wats. juin . - R;' For the Frniwpostatuni oi ' refight tu trpriFILADELPHL& r , BALT I MORE & NEW YORK li t Pr i ci N Pr i clt S o r a s n o l' f t e lae -' aro iv being re ec r' si-re w c7f`, rri d fo ' ren '' Ilan. public that they are. prepared to rowel ', and for. "Aid Freight with despatch, and at lee-esi raw• ~:They -Nod , alto call the nib. ono. of GMT , " East ffidrd no the fact that the Bee , ellin l n.l ed by thorn in trinisportation, are owned by )pent suit commanded by tßaierieneed captains. -7- . ...hippers of Meat in Built tall Ind ii advannigeous Ilfititp by this Line, as the suglertbers nave made NU' Emote handed directly from taints to rare, thereby sa ying 'statehouse liwitang. ...... ' No to Philadelphia gtes clear throng ,D h in the uts. (Dia charge made for recesri , x shippdig or advancing :Claws. KIER & A_ iNli., Propnetont. n.. 1 Canal:Damn, Seventh street. aLAGF,is-yes.,—John A. Shaw, Rincannati, 0; /no. Me, lChlioireb & Cu. Baltimore; 16, , Steel & Co.. Ptilladel lillk. Frwiets A Thomas, Codbaubin. scull ..),Y;NNSIVL V A NIA CA/ & It. ISOADS, : T7 te' -- a 7 4 -.-- 184 g. ML,41114, ali ic„,,,, EXPRESS FAST DACKET LINE, venal 104 U. atiaMl '''''_ Pinoktrei to Phitartelihta and Bdtintart. ( , vely toril'uwengers I Warren andPain t—SW Panseager Line. .-THE public are respeesuti informed that this Line ' Canal Packlet—S ALLOW. ) will commence running On Monday. Nth March. a a ' —OCEAN. - . sTbe , boa. .em. of this Line neon( a superior class, with NH of the above Par kets leave Braver every day ,ao,, nn d nu b, ' which will: give greater comfort to in -. „1, (Sundays excepted) and arrive gest mooting ~),...a„. attars,when they connect with the (Mail sieges for -,- A. bast will always be in ,4„., and travelers ere ye, Akron and Cleveland, arriving ci eue/r ill a'"n placer Auestcd to cell and exannue Rein h.-fore end:wing pea. before night. One of the packet. lends P. army daily ~,,,,g., by nib. r ~,,,,,.. Theyii i v , leave the iiondio „ op. al 6P. M., and arrive at L,..,er to time i n . l e°. patens the L. S. Hotel, aorta Penn street and Cantu. morning boat for Pubseurgh. every night ate o cluck. C E S LEFFINGH'ELL & Co, Warren, / p . ro. oi. FARE—NINE DOLLARS TIIROL:li 11. ill B TAYLOR. do 1 Jolts A CAUDr, Agent, i ... . .- I ‘"‘ - ‘7 3 i Day ,- ....- For troormatirm, appl) rd. the office. Monongahela _pl.R ._ _ corner Water art smnalleld atii_ .. .A.o.c or t, ii L.1. „ 14 a. co. Com. , hi0.,,0, igl a ma 1849 . ,s, ",- '..,Z•,,1,',..7L":,i7::.'„",, 7 ,17.7„:`,Vr:,:.',_`:. L .r`' , ` „, ' ,7 . , ':::: ,-,_ '.., or about Jane Ist, in coußeetion with tire 1 1 1 1 / 1 11•11. 661161 116.1: Road from Lew ir owti ur Ptilbinc:i. , ;,.. At UNION LINE, ;ha t nine a pnetel will leavd ev , r, morning and even ing Time through, 21 dnyi. ' tneap: ON TILE PICNIN'A AND OHIO CANALS., LIANCE PORT/112LE BOAT LINE, =CUIVIIoaDa CFI,II3IULLTN, Cleveland, O. 1 ~,,,,,,, . • 18,w, ositi;tr IP•aver, Pa. f ,r, • R. O. PA3" I Taw Lem vril be Nebo cdon the or,iling of nisei- , ~. on to transport freight rind Peezeligers Irmo For the transposortpu oi arc re n a; , .ii... pirg"BURGII and CLEVELAND, to any point oiIIitETWF.EN 11111LADELPDIA ANL; P a csitL 11011. the Canal Lake, et OODS carpel on iblaf Lin, are 1101 trAndtipp , .1 The (amities o(the Line are unsurpassed in number, ky- ~,„,„„ is m ,,,, nr o i slid pi ii i n ,ki,,hi„, b ring rim . quality and capacity a Boa. , rdPinGencc . caPtitannr rued m four section Portnlrld Ron , one , land and and el eciency of Agents. e term—to shippers of inercliwidae 1 -equinox, careful ffi One Boat leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily, rolv . 'handling. this is of ire No charge made for sting in connection with rye steamers - 'receiving or swiping, or (di 16.1•61161116 char,.. Al LAKE ERIE AND MICHIGAN. ' gbodi forwarded with divgar h, and on as rcesoitaid Between Pittstaugh 61111 Beaver, and a line of first c Mail -lerms as by any other Idndj, Bleanialfa, 'Propellers and Vessels on the Lakes. ~. - NHIN eon Cl. Pittsburgh INFADE".I"; A Co. AriVirns—R 0 Parks, Beaver. Pa. Canal tasitt. !n /ewe Baldwin, Youngstown. Ohio. ' - /AS NI DAVIS N Ce, M B Taylor, NVarycit, '' marl i 127 Market t . k..5.1 riontmerce et. l'a... Crrna Prentiss, Ravenna, - JOIIN 31c FA 01 , .NZe Cok 10n,, , " 16611 /61 I . lllllllli Mit eelet A Co, Akron, Sla Crawford A Chamberlin, Cleveland, 0 . 1 tt M ntnitanbl i Ca." Ban, Penn, nt • "'' lal g h Ewan A Griffith. Buffalo, N V. /011 N A. CAlttillbiT, Agent, 011 ice, ear Water andSiguthbeld tie, Pittsburgh. mch3Lly BEAVER PAC ICHTS• l';', Steamer MICHIGAN No.l—Cnnt. ' iC sea .--• " LAKE, ERIE.. ^ Gordon. , THE above Tarot.= and well knewm liendir Paek- ' eta, have commenced mak./ their daily tool tal and front Beaver, end will ednunne to run at:seal:- Pittsburgh and Beaver regularly during the Sennon, ihz, follows) . 2thehigan No. 2leaves Pittabornh daily at . l n'eloclP- A. kt, and Seaver at 2 o'clock. It M. .s.b.c leaves Beaver daily alb o'clock, A. Al, end Pit.burglif at 3 o'clock, P. M. These steamer. will run in connection W..ith .i.,,, , It G Parks' Express ?ticket Etre, for Leinl Taylor & Leffangurell's Warren Pack CO; • • 1: Union Line of Freight lor . ••eveltuidc ~ Clarke & Co's Pittsburgh ann C,-- -. -'-'ll.l Line Fretkhi Boats. . - R 0 Parts daily New Castle Alt' d I -'l, CLARKE, PARKS 2011 N A. CAL:GIib:I. Agent. t i tridargh. ' • rnchlll or Waite an , : smid#cid arts: I` Ylfl'SBU$UIl IS-19. AND CLEVILIN.I) • LINE, ON TEN PENNSYLVANIA AND OHIO CAN MSS . I. ennetots Ulu old b.l,ord and popethr ou, y Iwc, coneleung ofSI r FEN beet do, cajai: 800 . - hy thernselvee and te.,t, in 0,1111.1. 4 , 0 ^ tin the learn home HEAVER AND (ALAI! . COPP., a, enabled to offer unequalled feetitueet t etir •rdnat, et:tattoo of freight and paed.dngets. o VI , .5 of Cnnni no trtradon. to oil pm ode on the Pat, 17 ty9lll.4.ardi Otto and N. York 0. and ilea LudOe. E . - o BIDWELL A. ur..o 11. FR. J. C. Agent. ,7 . 7.77.772 Water torret, Vinetturek . I. e. D D. ILlD,Dt3D totturgn. lien.uer . BIDWELL & rorwarding Merchants, BF:A V ER. I' A.. Agents for the Pittsburgh amiCictulanala no. Pip, burgh and Ens Lose ota Ems, w,.4 for r;gir: Irate Beat, and Caleb Cope• anemic purchased the large and sab•tantiel Sruirr Boat just built for the hiononeythels Rachel, with the addition of oWs relsous - t‘,. most ampntFur. commutations for therlviug c• r3' arcing, pledge their utrao•tattenuou. craniutne.” gnu dr. - patch to consignmersto to their care. and rely on-their for • trial. mart-.ltY t h 1101) PITTSDIJROI I AND ELLLE LAN RI,. niteE2 1849. Old Este , ohril Lute . ON TIIE ERIE EV! ENtilON CANA I. rr HE ProMoter or this well known line of gee. , . .1 Roam a now prepared to transmort PuskiMgri. and Freight to all point' , on she i• ne ExtenitorqiNew York Canals and the I.n sea, mwin the most &req. , terms and malt despatch. This lAnn runs In connection with the• BEAVER and CALEB COPE, between Pituitarr and Deaver. C M Reed's Line ni steam boat. vine e• .1a on Me Lakes, .d the Troy and Shelties/I:4,st , Moat Line on the New York (.510. C. Al REED. l'roproncri, Bidwell A Brother, Aget.t.. !travel. W T Mather, Agent at J klessinteri't PasOngr• Office, Monongahela blear , . Paulo:ash CONSIGNEES—W C Malan, uharnite - J A ri. , jje; Sharpnbarg; Smith A emitii, dn. FAS F West Greenville; Wick, heti,. A Co. do; tt. • nt I mitt Mortemart, Davis & Sutton. linifato; Carlo - v. aktiti. Co; Randesky; J. A Armstrotre. Demotti Korim i nd Newberry, Sheboygan. SI Citri kVirtam., km; Knew, Marley A Dalton, II •rti e. John II 'Nail , Chicago; A Wheeler A Co.uri dga Pittsburgh and Blairsville PaCkelo:lnt 1849. at i ckit - t splendid Pocket Boats to ruts t! trine did erne tureen kilairertiie and Pittstiurgri—dst- boa.- to y three horren , and ev• ry etiort made modate passengers. Dantaroll2.--Boata will leant POlat•urrin ' ryer, Monday, Tuesday, Titin.tay and End.,. at : ikr.or k. T. X. From Illams,lie every Monday, Thursday and Saturday. at 7 Ur toes k X., an rt.,. at Pittsburgh the same des Atw noiir is fur: Indiana ROll Meet Ma boat at Saltiliurgh. too& 0.1 up ward and downward trip--111 o.onr p.ooarnge r s Itirnant, (tuns 0,41 place 01 one day. Freight for the abovt Lute re received me house of Me Boatmen's litne. ta, Farrel, ... .0 0 are our authorised Agents. A. Ireig ,o A 00 .• e. , tree of commissions J NI AI n XII(IFARR h Co. s gnat, Canal Bart, Liberty at. A Hank leaves Illairevillr for 1 utuickiown rot Fort arrival of the Croat—stunts to tomi 111 Morn. .g. Fart front Pittsburgh to Vim risitiowp of Boatmen's Line Mentoth P lTTSBUlitilrPtitt•i•&sit.s.:• N0E2=11849. ('or the Tran,portacton of I,,igla to .4.1,) PIIILA I n. BALT' tuit E N. • YORK. BOSTON, fkr Tuusiss B,crtbas. Ptillarb Th. Trews h LYCOI,OO, Pitttfodol THIS old estaboshed rear being now .11 full op•ra• lion, the proprietor. err prepared wits :kg— umm extensive arrangement. to onward mere ortrigter pro duce, he lo and iron] the above per, 10. liberal term , virib regularvy, despatch an,l unlety w their mode of transports". .0 ObeaLtr, atupatent en the way to avotord. Alt cousignmenm by and for this Ilne treetlrA runt. gee pawl, and forwarded in any rinia trek! direehons of charge for commission. advancing or ',vicar. No interest, directly or indirretly, Ifibtranloonie All eoramosincationspromptly encoded so on app.ica- Lion to the follow%! agents. THOS. Bonuuvab 21 , Market rt. Follsddlphis TAAFFB & O'CONNOR. Canal Urdu , ritiPar;' O'CONNOR & Co, North st. Dal ober , . ". EtigilB49, 13111100J1./1111 , ritontmrroim, Joan Bteon.r,Trios IS:1611AM, 113iann one Duca. leer Conducted int itrtet irsbultirki . mom pet P THE Propnetorn of tins 010 ev.ntoinnand Inns ha, put their stork in the .no.t Cl, 00.1 a•r thoroughly prepared to forward Proddee and AI e mltair• dose to and from the Eastern cities We trust Mat oar long . r e s tine sor t ) .07 bmcess, and reale. attention so she, interests of ^... a tomer., will .era to us a continuance n ail sneer sire of the age hitherto rxtrirdnil to Knit:min - 1 Lore On- r ..igernents r.rairir tr• to eartSt Fre,. vier • mtust despatch am! nu, p. teem •sall • ‘.• X I tar lowe• .targets 0.100 1 . 0.p0r a.; .c • 1. Auer opened an &fire 11l No 0 0 3 Market .1111 - 1, Vl' "Cell elk and 500 sw, etolati•, i Ow convenience 11,5iirce'iand Aleretittnit—c vv.; toe received ar Mfl.• Ea., nod V. on 'thew y charge for tor R it or ode.: cola !relit:. storage or g.0(1110, 4 .• .11 Lad.nit forwarded, and every direction promptly attended I Address, or ~pir to 'S.M. lIA NI, Canal bum, tor I.ll.eny S PIS. Piii. l,ll lh. 'I S , 4 No 183 and lart,oit street, rio , oda I A M ‘‘ I L.tit/ti, A gee No 1.0 North !toward .trees, 1411,roort WILI.I AM TYSON, :in 10 00'eet .trect. New 1 ork 1849. . I E, Mare banlei TrlanapOrt Minn Line. VIA PENNstYLVANIA CA.N.: I. h RAIL ROAD:I., TO ratsantwas n•LTINtoiI_V THE Canals mid Rood• beittg now upcn, and in good order, we ale prepare forw , cd al: Inds of nlerehandise and oduce to Phildc , pi.lta tool Baltimore, with promptneo pr nod deepatre, nod on as good ter. any other Line C A Me ANCLTV A CO., Canal Bum n. Peen et. Pilt•Aurgh. Arrargre—CHAßL.Egt RAYNOR, Philladelphia_ mier ROtiE MORRILL Co, liolddlOm• etttivanta Caned & Rat 1 4oad En. presoyast Packet 1...1tte! 1849. MiM. Pd. FlTrdilli6ll TO PAIDADELVIIIA BAL TIMORE, (Eretusively for Passenger , ), liE public are respectfully Informed that Ole Line will'OOMerolteeT9oolol on the 19th lan. and eoh. no throughout the Beason. The boau Ire POW 1211,11 of a supslior atlas, with b u rg c .bh,,, which 'will give greater eotefott. The ea. are the latest coruitrocUon. A boat Will always be , in port. trod travelers are se ganged to call and extuhine theta before engaging pay. sage artibyTig(saide dollars through.) One of the boats of l a n Line win leave the landing t oppositd earlier of Penn street and Canal, every ratqn ludo to clock rune 3 1 days. For inforodattl:ly at the Odes, Monongahela g oose, or to 13 fl it Co Bolin -TRANSPORTATION; PORTABLE BOAT LIABr JAMES M DAVIS d CoL'llour 1 7 artori Conn.. mon Nerrhants, Nlarkg„4 and 54 Couanrrce Pattadeipoia. 'r l it [Li-Advances made by ii1.1.1.r: Co to ..- Woul odor mcreon.nolize to thcni .r sale. ..15 — 7 - 1549. 1.151 u. For Blain vatic, Johnstolorn. and all otterinellin ate places THIS tar. rontinuO to carry r.•. 1 War (good.. win toot 4,yiStcs, and at Lot tAt , , !might. Aoirra—C A. NVANULTY A Co Fittsbii..s P D Wok John Moller. ilolailay ibrrg RnamiNC.T....--Jlintet Ott- F Shoenberger. R Moore. idiot I'..rsrr. horst A Co. ‘% re 1.-hiner A Co.r VI L., at A Oro-. Vittsborgn, Joao i•rnry, Rik:1111.51 , 10 ,1 ton et Roo. 100 lirstr A..tto. 1.:1n..y K utr.:7 HEED, PARKS IR cola. PACKET LINE. IS4B. BEAVER ANL/CLEVE-RAND LINE. 010 lt AR Canal packet—SWA,LLOW. CITE Ford. •• "tot. SF of the above Padget.. Leal, 1100000 rvery day, ISiindays exeeptedit and urine 116.2% tVnrrthey cougeet with the Mao Stage. for Akron nod Clevelarld. ea. l• ro. torte tiefore night. One of the Par se,.euve reo at 5 M.. and arrlve, at - lf;a0c0 t 0 tllnc to tut: thr mot tang stealooost for • :•argli CULTS A LFlll 7 lN(al‘ ELL. iVarrc n. I Pralio.• • Ai 13 TAYLOR, BEAVER AND 4111 E AC n 11T LINE. rues ox To rxz<t.Ase a toitlr nor rt, anal PBC TICLUGHATLI, t, i B r.V. Lott:, Truby. " " • rip,tur, rown, FA-4111 11 3, The above new mud eplendol P.S.cll4cr Is k oh. Marc coo:bur-need runsmrs I , ccorreo BEA VI.R AND LKIL. utd m It run regurarly:rdartug orr. oen•on—oe ,orst leafing Ene over) . moriLng o •• a, • tor llee err every evonotg. tentnort.rtto:p a Or! trm ar.:• Ti.. tbe mearnboot NlMrt4ron noir: I' •r. 'C tom. are nom it comiortou.y rorrortrorl. min ran through to Maly hour. I'.—rentror• A•q point on the Lakes. or S. Ithrearn a•.. hod Lh.• on. the most eourtior4bie a.•,xpe:nriour "1"•• oorourrh to etl pons on etc I..nse ron he procure, 1.,) .t.P,Prtg to the proprreabro. WEED, & Co. Br over. JOHN A.L . Wale/ aI.J le. rs:—Jas Cs Y. C:11 Reed,Xlm, C C Wteir..Precurttle, Pa, M'Fart.rmil:hod Rom It Frond, Pa, Haps & PiOunt., erourtorourgh, P' C Maiall,Nbaro V l's, D C I.lltrbart4na. Purrukt, Poi `A' Cou,ham Now Calor, Pz. ITUELELE C. Cq'S FAST EXPRESS FOR CILMSLILLA SALIINIORE: AND THE EASTERN errlE:3. rr HE d P ,,, ro r n p r r i c o p r r o c Y d ELI • t l . 4 . l n T a h r r p e . i; oc Y. aunptloas y, at tba;lowal , ratc.• J C DI VS' ELI- _tarn, r, W.Ler •'•••et. I.'“,.•orgh • RORI% -, C , &4141.1 ChM IC. HATO , :DEIN & crr. Ps...wager aid Ilemittanc• 0¢1<•. lIANICLWN Ctt o , „ aat •ont jak, - ,arr-ot Ear,•.o. Ir. • o * Woutt...: Wales. upon e o.t ,or rai term.. .ual puttetual.::. atntattr tuna to tar want,- and ..•an. 'o of croragra.. , • Wr do aaL aat' he r o rbbed by We awtabittig ,catopo to Lotcat ports. as we ebargc of thcnt the rnat ;port 1/..em,:vt•s• and-ace to t:t•-.t ome an.t patch them wahout toy thc brat saa.- -- We watc..3M, icarlasslg, as vor d•••• ; r r 4ra ki.. s taut that were d• tat red 4-- hour. : I...taerpoo;, w‘luist tnAsand. of °tact , art dr:a:nr , ontbs. until taey c. Aral •ota- -••• "rt... ,; p ratr. tooVralucntly rt.. We intend to petlojm uur o..tra , • what It May and ao; act as w. 4.% :not rr watt ether oate,a,--,:ano 'we:brit:lrd not a when suited Melt vemence Dratts draw at 9tu.aburett i aNy sum :ram 1115 as. payab, at atl - , 011, Fr, bat.t • E.glead,•Rot.c,-1 and 0% a,. J 0,111., RtiB; \ -404 ,6•t .uropean aad ALLEGUICS* YENITIAN BLIND. W A • ERI,,, A BIU•WN ao ,1 1r.,•±.. , t • ;y r•I at Li. ..and n , the Diattrou, A ' ~ ~ ~~ x., . ~~,. ~ .. tile pub,: • evrry tan, ,rtes / Arrnry, No • tr•-ct, Pitt.ougil Met,/ J A If Itit\VN DAPES klANtiltjuS--1 am now r from the menufarturcrs z., 1 ors, 1•... no. phia avd :arge •••••••.. '• meet of all the lateA tub mo.t •;;.e• tut. g.esed and comost FnPr./t f .asuoK o o ryarior end Fresco, 1111.t0 `. s::•• 4 o g•roltLtlo is,o,, Paper—w hlch oimom.- baytsr h•e^ 4t the Paper Ware:house of ,1 iklll76l‘l(at hat re t:r ./• mtgo tuo,orttSent of Fanr) (.14 `I , in part re Arts.fir:2l., Itar. • II ,anw g. a[l4l !., Pore fLandtcrcu , r, cord rtlEir .ot Si,t Thr,gd.. Cam , •. ry. Itc. ColOtry 1,.111% 11, Tr td.rui, and riatno, Mor t, - Wood tmcc, rornc:r of Inamond al,ey rvii, I:XTRACT I.lFtt artge , w ow, L A ' 7.21 y r. d . le 1y comoty hoo or,. as a ,clous beve , t ‘ age. t.rlng n 1,.t pa ma we than ertnunEt toffee. and tar tnetkper.. to A-111 go a. tor at round', of Coffee. lanuswetured Icy .I: 4 ;atiN S 11.1.1:K. rorsnutan. Pa. Sold atwholeseila by II A FA N1:-.1 , /eh t . Soccer of Forst aoci;dsVood lute ,1,11 and Wot t,/ stece I•dttburgh CIA LI FORMA )Dr-Juto its Camp Many., ta. owner CORM. 12 pr• Vol. • • • •••• liretna 12 100 totot Bag, T.alp ( 1 . ,.. .1 12 r. .11 01 .• 1,0• gal on coca, 1114,01 h. 154.0 Money cambric do do. above rood.. for •u , to to Outhung F4atottobroct.L. No 5 Wood s: roch4.4 I & II 1 . 1111,1..11'.' A.,;•:•t:Ft.TZ.,,,1.ti0,,,.11,t7F.F,—,Put up for itunt'y 1..1 conta.tobu 111 ustidoi, Utitoodyton, btudet, Warranted palb For tale al the i.^ty Srnto NI armed Factory t cornt of herr) ol 1.1-e fly Ins my 18 Dell`, I/ 11E1.1 A NVlLS.—Whfaght Iron ANT... from the Temp ance•illa wt*rka, warranted, 001 Le <nto , . on hood and soppfted to order. by nayt.9 riEtt CICHRAN T. Woo.: e I INEFURN;II'4p. lit. Ali I it, Inua, a..turrd harm s.pnor ar , ..sle of Itoh.ur tan lirwa (a.o . sa store d for aalmiay & Jo of sam r..E.s Mr. W. W. Wallace Itaalnt tiara a e, riaallty and manulaelure lot the not eignlera rnaataa., pronounce. 1k aurierlor to the hear:. au,/ .. K.-arra! at) lo HA Nl , l V MIMI{ ' tntagns. of iur OW. imporat.o r uomo:, from I Bordeaux. A.t meal and .or .a t,, ja 4 MILLER A B OA( ETt..0. , 74 rem oe.i. a ire oul kJ met ig4l. and g . r ot.eructo 4.0 d I,uard Clorona, from 81000,SSO each, e z ice. A ..o, Wroding . Kings CH t 2 carat gold gold 1:‘ 1 . ,111 , , 5 a ralcimgra. md at, ju.s corner 40i and Nl‘rictt .1 jT ELvicT RIM/NS—Just c,ei Yeti ul - ItOttion eel'', 67 MNtet sued, 30 pa colored - Vele. Ribbon, •saorted 30 blade " 8 • embrolo.ery Gump; 100. wide Plain, tee. dee& ri NO)/ PiaKr Ur VICES, on tabling an alphabetical list Cl Post °rheas ibroogli• oat the Culled Scares; dirtances from P.'ashinglan, D. C 4 mite and terzoortal capitals respectively; also ta b Dittio; PostOJEGzes In each Mars,. wall as roan. , y, with an appaddis. Of the United States and Waist, Tarifa lost tea'd by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, caned ad and *strict its MEDICAL. SELLERS , FAMILY hOIDiCLNU.-- - They are Use, MD • DOCK'S Medietnes fh, PAT FNT DASHER CHURN.' ti11.4.1.1•.4.,T , 10N. Ohlo,Jßay 2r.n,1P17. RC 11 re rsa no grocer.. M 7 Or 10 magma nos R. E. Sellers. I think 0 right for the benefit of others anw LP stole some faro in relation to ydur excellent FanD- •sit S attention of the manic is invited In .` -iry y Mrd.cluel. ' I ‘alvable Chuns. which ha, the advantage of all I ' , see osed your Vermifoge largely in my own ere combintng the old and new 111Ve1111013.11 lo lly. one vial frequently answenne •sir e xist:dung large ge ,h„ hoontille. alrY Ito ' 2o °) worm. from two elnldroni I The utility In is apparent , . by It halo also used your LlVer hill , nod Cough Syrup In plc proem. the air ix forced beneath the dash, and my bunt., . and Mei' hove to toner ItataiMe produced •doss away with the necessity of purehastmg a new the rd., desired. Chum, as it can be applied to any churn In use. and As lam engaged in Merelmndotng. I am able to for one &Mar can have all the improvements of the sm. 000.1 have yet to liter of the fin% taihare where nme combined with those of gatheruig the Butter to your nadosier• have been toed in my seenon of the the want seat' . 1 - 11 , tre In ' , nein - ion. I tray stale Mot they are this The public are noted to call and mdge for them medicines of the day. and are destined to ham a very !tetra* before purchasing elsewhere, at 87, corner of extensive popularity. Yours, respectinily. 1 Market and Fifth streets, or at 63 Daunond alley, be- W H. Pron..tween Wandand Market streets Pittsburgh. Prepared and sold by R. E SF.LLERS. No 57 Wood io rT9 KROESEN. tame*, and sold by Druggists generary to the two en I 1, and merinty. 0,31 REAT CURE OF LIVER COMPLALVT, by he kJ origami, only &t true, and genuine !Aver Pth 00l Cans. Ohio county, Va March With, 147. $ Mr. FL E. Belle.: Hear Sir-I nank it a duty I owe to you nod to the public genera ly, m mate that I have I been afflicted with the Liver Complaint for a not time, and so badly that an abeess termed and loot, which lett me in s very low tate. Having heard of your celebrated Liver Ptll sbeing for sale by A R Stuart, in West Ltberty, and recommended to me by to pnystrian. Dr E. Small, I concluded to give them a f fair tnaL I purchnsrd one bog, and found them to be suit what they are recommended, THE BEST LI- V F.R PILL EVER USED, and after taking four boxes I find the dtsease has entirely let: me, sou I am now peahen) tech. Respectfiglly yours, D 1-1 COLEMAN. West Liberty, Attach IMO I certify that I am personally acquainted with Mr COiCIII/111, and can hear testimony to the truth of the unore errata:oe A R SHARP Tire genuine Liver Pals ore prepared and soot by R Sh.L.LERS, No's 7 Wood street, and by druggists 14 Mc two cities . To flit". Pl' IILIC -The original. only true and yens it lover 3•1111, rare prepared by II E Set lers, end [Lure his name stamped truck wa upon the lid of each bog. and his signature on the i r utstdc wrapper-all others rare counterfeits, orbase 111111.1... rat an It I: SELLER.. Propnetor CO. JAYS EC'S CARDINATIVX 13ALSAul Rohl the Bev AMA SHINN, a well known ar C pnr r aor Clew mutt of the Protestant Method , t Church The undersigned homng been allbeted durtngthe past vrtnier with n disease Mate ionAnelt,wannur..* pro rut op great mon in the stomach for tenor twelve neon wain°nn intermismon, and tiler having tror v 1.•11 tfl ferd/rn with little effect. was furnished volt ei Dr tt Jayne's Carminative Balsam. This tai user ae enriltne to the direettons, and bound .nsrarinnly Lh4rttl,:s medic int! caused the pain to abate in three or four mb mesh and in fifteen or tserniy nun. , every man. nu renss t ion was entirety ieted. The medic one Con 0f terwards used whetter r alumni , hie a pprone of pain were pereeived, and the pain was thereby prevent. eel Ile continued to use the medreute every evening and sometimes in the morning, and tn a hew went realm war so Inc restered. :um the sufferer was retie' el eel from , ine amount of oppressive pnLn. w` re do pertene, therefore, he can confide:olY ruennime• .1 11 D Carm , n atrve Batson , . rte n sarmnry no S. moms oirie stomach • rid bowers A S tens env litD Al mg p ! For sale P.asburgh at the P INT EA ti It/ it rt Fourth star, • •ienr W. A. Po.. 'lnc at thelaug c•ete en II /. wrz. Feder, meet Alleges , VALUABLE DISCOVKILYI coNsu.urvvEs. BE ON YOUR GUARD. DR SWAN NE' , COMPOUND SIDLP OF WILD CDERRY. ran Cons option. Cou4ll, A.unnn. - L .f 1,191 , 11i.1 it. sp, anou. .mh., of 11-atth trig, Pate m rs.d stream. . Pa.p.mtinii of the /lean -i e re. croon. hues i oi , .0 .. -ea I fro Lt. Nervous Dento n . sad oi ins- Throat, • Brea, sod Luoss, .net el- el ks mal and speedy lure C^, known :or tiny the above a. . sirs DR. 9W A V V r • s• Compound Syr7p of WIDI Ch•rryt Tf.ts tucainc ;:o rrun, rtt.!l,y. It has pa.ned away from tl.e thr , usnofts dul'y .a.unched upon the ude elpertme.... , and now ..a,L•IS bteher in rept,,,ou.a..d I , e,unung more awed than nny othf I •utlon ru,d.ciLic o • urr.doceil r ,utle'Yrat ft rats ,utroflur.,l very neruLli throueb the l'ruted State* and are for towa• , I Yvhal rontu:n r.rnlrk;Oke denca of to ,au.l r 4...• For prow of roc tot. u• ar;4l of the value and u mud:- Tu., the propnerar orun a f•m• of tor. MM.! .T sand I, wt.,' nave t u nprc.rJurd Llm mmn of rho flort rr, ho :.:6n•u• r v:rv4 - • ol morn' relput,.:“:, Awl ju , ~. c. luan :fy fertY. bee ou•r a Yu . .. do nooln , f•vor, , 1 uteinnelveuot, te•uuton ...v. r'riarrely.that surpriAing el,el.ruce ..V o.lollrlnutc mertn , and unquermonahie author:- y of ruhthr cum n- tr amotz.neouit r , url u , ords, and tue Intlarner •Ittlu.rti tutougb the a Lola rr e h os 117.11.de1, tt a uproar .cmcdp for the ottlicled k'At F.M131 - "\ her m en artm• front rut voluntarGy te.t.mony to M I C 1 u; • wung. or taticu.rti fed. •uch •s.lnouy. betn, e.mtrary to culdly titpurro-7, router. cort,eun , truth. and coma , ofY , tt.r.t T Al Inn te unlVtreal clea , uou I llort, • %lora. NtauLom READ THY 11,01 F. ER lIFICATES. ` ere rassorraa Crux oe t.....".ar 1.15 t There never vra• a rf•tor..y ,nt hu• our , n. s:. :sliced desrc-c, raw• ot ,ou•mptlou. as Dr mpound Syruv hr.? ry , it ,dreagthero no een, sinl ar• hen. to art, r• 1,111, • er and •urra r .” ..err mad.i...c. o. Apm t -I• lh 0....,..-1..., , ir I ,•rr• \ tr, r•i• ,1.1• C k ..a.• rnult.: ~ .y rap of W, ,1 t' , , , ,r , t,..• 1. , • . t.,.• Inc, - o • , ....vme my ,Ile 1 C.111.T.11! a ~ r e ro Ct.., ygr r vw anendrol n.,n a ere-, • ..ut. etatr.l a.. nso renhr.lte• weir. I n.a.l rotourar ,o •, •, n c.ensio, nr.n, n) 11l ..rtupenn• o e l'uhnoua, c.,..a1t plo. V v.., ••,., I `no ..,.....,-, have t...efeel. u::.I In, c0r0pk.5.‘,r.u.,4 ••• • ~,,, that friends +.ll w ,. aa Ta,ravr a.. n,. n: .ny rerovrry .J. n, I ern. rrrommranrel io try vo Inealnahle nar4.••ll I 4-1 ne , .. - .th Inc [twat ftap• C ough. re..., The 6r, ..,,le had::r rare , to In.' n.., •.. tough. eaa,ma tile to experlorake ••••rr.y. a, Di ,), Jts. I ...1 us.,l 412 ..Po.1•1 wu. • '.1 ,, •••, rec. • n t i ,u :1 • an** se [early s ta.o ne I rert war n. ray .L.r. a... 1 i .011. d On happy :el ~er VOIV I'III,MIA 1,1 r,apc..,..... , • 1 tact, that <Abet auTerrra :la,. .),.., br...ef whlca 1 -n .n grat,..1.6. 1-' , th , trutt 0 the 1.... , ,tate.,e,, I ,••,, ,ou to I`. tcr ttn.... lirreer. W c., Cttater. lig.of srbo I ;sa...end:lc I aeopetritt:.y yrn our.. .IA-11...3105a•a Wartrizrfui C,,e , , I nc hais.a P.::, :..q, . . p~ F. Pr ...-wal” ,- , ' , .• rtu—and a Ass.t to Me alslistlnsi tener•lt. to n'ticr .to • I.,nrt.. I ..tttot.y I, .nnot of scs•tt Cornpoont: •st . p of Vs t'nrrt, ,•11, corm %,,, •.. , c 1 ~.., ~in ~., •”. 1 L.• , c , ,4 ”.^ ", j ,- •., .. In wls-6 •••• vy us lt, •Isstntton or ou nAts , ss Inst ''''''' • •" 4 , and ,1••.onler•, :41 tboat wtantod to Surnsals . Co , •gh- i.'''."' ' .'' '7" “" ... -r ‘ issesn,“ stens. no,. and nous., .2 10tryc nf nsdt npoit I , sos^a; ~,...s y s ts'. ....n .*, : :"- 7 ,.. est•s•- W 3,II . I.INTIriIi clal y oixin, c t,a..g , 1 , '...• "‘^' ' , Sr. I (e.t re alarat at,out to) co ...., tt t... • as ~ . , . , c.w.0. , .nto ros..aus••• • -. "".• ' ' vs-10t. COIIVI,d taut 1. , " , •P ,, ) ... `sew et , r.,,...., : ~, Carrot.. •ItYa attyw n . . ,.„. 1 g o t ::: ,. 1 5 t 5 .. .. - t. o. ~... ti a a 1 rugs t... 4 s , r ,„ ;s , , c ~t :„.• i . An A do do ItUrer. do 120 ~.,!, ~..., my ,le DuTdt, .J 2,• , Bru•aPla Carpel an- I :tad t " -1 cr ~,,, ocotaa yarparattoht. alul prrscrpuo.t. 'tut:nt.. no r•.•cl—cow.t, at. r . tssnt -A - ersn ,ss t I von• a, cc.l and tou rpc•oar , ' , •P , . ~., frtynd t : t 't% l'rrt:aron to mate 1,. to r,, •ttp ' , MlPt.d t'lsstr• •1" I tvdes contras +at rs' ssoos, t tts , . -stst ps, , s . I t;tasd ss. rnt mrstscnr., a Al I sin •ti,. a.....•,‘ hr •r r cunt, out 0(1.'1..4.114,s ot r•roperic. , t•at. tth•your rtutt• to t.h• pres , ••soo r To, 11,.....• anti hactng anpactt 1•...xt .o .tte ••. •:1•11d.. I torthw.,a pnilc2\2le, ol Itt ,haw .••. ‘,crit. f•w a 1 cousTcr.scd .•.• Lt., ta, wa• a• t,at tat.< n: ,II o• td•A snorAds• ... Alt .y. •c.,u.tti.y tt •••• ,r-lt., •cutcd I :ort., Itowc , •oy ...I. raL • r..... f &dd. II!, 1.1. r irr , nros Inas ts: ts lt•lssby rutstrest tlssts .. '‘ , A.... '.A., •rtusl, to htn:. s tn.. rdat. dossta.cta. my rAs• ...., ~,„„ tttarded In r;,c of nr...c. tnu• 0w1...J. I lop! to It u•r te• yr :., A troil , • Yr.:orr . I ,p• ~:r.riAr., l bay• moo , ..... •0ud...0 . Yr a` .r.,.. trs.l..r,non T.• -, ruyo 1.'d ,,, :d . r , it, ~ 0, th•cttarc• 11'. tna•trr toon .cc cnd thc r tit, c.,....•m • . . •,, 0 ,,,, , '' .rnal h ow .42,1 fc•• pert^ ,, , )001.N ,0./nty. important (~,ttu,tz—liAtt.L' RAeln? T onc I,llf i•arn. , .. Wiid Chrtry a... 1 mai 14 in 11, .44, f.• p l'• 11,14 t• 44.1 mrt,oKhota the n onn.L pr• of i....•0pt and ad pre n( '"" •••wn , 'rem u..•, I ao, .10 , 0. 0: \t..1.10 1 .. 113 11.• ;LI! %,,a1 tn• .1 . .n11,131c ,c,r11,...1 tit itt ,tuyce ot. wt yt prcputtolattom tAltcr• sco• !lot lor grcal raclltalttc tatt,,,rUct and tn.ven rw.ues pi r. ,wicylie t-olUyttic.l 01 .t 1 pctcn orot,l .01 Uc rildcavoi.nt 10 gIVe rutrecr to y •,- , , to-rry tal DI Dr . t , tray &no “ol "1a •,e,1 rlncipa/ lit.fice , cor,cr of F.,lol:it •teert, For talc and r,all S•••• rtt ..? , 1 .11,1 I . Ar Alr••1,1 In:k 1 n:k cor 1.1 alw :111,1 ,••• N• I "•,Krt • t, cur 110,.., .I.d ,'{ll ..• • \ Or, • .1 :Lad a.. 1. •••••••r• ) lartmusuptrour Eouerrrtm, 11110 0111, rol. aag triectrous,mthal the amot prijort. who • trommucerl the me of It to their hroll es ma paste ago .1,1 ref, rt to ail metutter...l the k 00. aud where um hate beta teduarerl , mphthe(toeperhoo tug Imar error,. ormreauty beeu l a t:le re.-e,t,g the Inoefli we. rt....mory aoLetpated ont the high pr....bestowed by h. r rrupt turr., era have returned to the 11.0 01 AAAAA Karat:roam , . a. remedy that has cater COll.O 10 10.111 end ortaeh maw hsal rt. equal In arreartug rinum.ry rtermsta Praparatl only by Dr L. Jayne naratfelphra, and arid au KaatY by ALEN .1...1 , 1 - › dee2 hi& er•f P. Premium Plaster. TAR W. P. INLAND Of 01. • ..1-111.,. Inter. hl adelonra. now tracts to klio• Jo' 111. 111‘1, a, Peg. ll etalrie Pre.nnatrs Pteeter. the qoaorres n• h 11•11. alter roug eipertence. URA been riattaltretorrly m. tahlmbed. To nil women who troy ott,,, , ted wtt. Prolopsue I:terio or Farrell Womb. here emolo...ode too goorooteethg re and weedy curt rr. the .„ or r ti me, r ,r rront .tr In Wee overt ma porreil aeon care and reat--thecurtling the com , . rm. ranertte r C ad ezircomiye tramaluget to , ottri e . e• Th •be '°'•. 011.101,101.111 alutrtm. 111.1110 th I. •he hot not letie.l hose out of three hundred at .1 trig -three ',I- A,. for Rueumatrern and Weak Brett.) at Back, ot• 1. 0 .10 , , WWI parr, •Itcre Ie 01.411.1%. toe 2001 thi• Plaster hatolLllo, olorr effrrung . •I' LIM FOY trite try L Wttroe. eorner of Diamond owl Market •1 Braun h {letter,. latterly end Tot Clolf sts Dr Sargent " Fte l eder .t sod Dtomond,r3- /arrtrerry etty rgue. Co, " Dentontl 0110 Lhomond Birentog ttorn• 1,1 1) E. - F. 1.1.1,11.. !mtge.., No Wood creel ? 1 . 1.• ..See Agent lor of JrTownsend• Gen- Utile Sarmspartna, tme ,ust teeetved . 21,1) dozen of tloo Went ....,prtng Ltell et Medicine Putehi.ers ta,uol undo 11a1 It E Sellere to sole * C gent lor Phttsburell, ll AI Curry lor Allegheny aRS 'OLD AND SILVER PATI , NT LEVER WAlstIll• —l./tiplea Watches. inade by the celebrated I:noper M I ~,,, don NI. 1 Tob..• of Liverpool, and a l a rge a b smennent of detached gold and %Over Lever., made y me 0.4 , 1 manufacturer. Spectacle. ol all kind., Communion %Vara in met, 60141 Pen, Jewe:ry in large variety, Silver Fork, &C LET Watch repairing cnecuted in the hest ma W W WILSONnner , rooter Market and 4th au NIACAULAN"S ENGLAND—Harrier's fine edmon, 8 voivrah portraits, cloth-75 vents per volume. lot sale by JOHNSTON la STOCKTON, . condor Inarkci and 34 sdt T H I L oi3derswig,naef Z e MorCAr r n rnt appio.inted,, caw eAfetto:. rs.,, in the place of John Ramey. Jr, resigned, re spectrally informs the public and the friends and errs loin., of the Company, that he is prepared to tall . Marine. ln'and and Fire risks on liberal terms. at they office. Pia.= Water street. P. A. MADEIRA, myth Agent. • 1 j UkL IltrSE!..—loam teet s in. X ply India Rubber .11„ Hose—last received for the Borough of Manches ter, which will be held to store for a fear days. The Boston Belting Company <sprees a strong desire foe the fire departments of the cities of Pittsburgh and Al iegheny to call sad examine and make atrial of them. The company is willing to put them to any test they think proper to conclude upon. mYtO i & It PHILLIPS. 5 wood st I . )lartitit Ft THOBIJII.4CRIPTION IWK 1) in the Vitt-sena. Insurance Company of Pittsburgh. will he opened in the Room. of the Board of Trade, on the first Monday of November nert. at ID o'clock, a. a. Wm. Latimer Jr. Robert Woods, Wm. 11. NrClure, Joseph Plummer, S. M. liter. Josiah King, John She rid. Ales. Roseburg, and D. King, 11MP:ill:coo I Comm.loner. GOLD IN ASH.EII6. H . PARRY has mveriled a machine for 'rutting . Gold. for which he has made application for • Latent. Tbey are now offered for sale at the ware notice of Parry, Scott /c Co., No. 11A Wood street, Pilt•burgh Adventure, to California are matted to call and er amine throe labor-saving machines. They are simple in he construetion, easily transported on the back of males or horse, welching eighty pounds each, and can be put t operation in hall an hour They can be hbed with pro, lawns It is the opinion of those who have seen the trial of one of these machines of smallest sire. that tire mei, will sena the mineral from 150 bushels Of snail on earth In a day, without the 100 of a particle attic mineral. They can be Increased in sae and worked by water or mule power, if expedient The operiilois work without gotng into the water or being exposed to wet, and cousetmently witout en danserins ilmil health. They will requtre but h a small stream or wale, and can be used the whole senor, and can be put Into operation cheer there is not san e:col write: to wash in the usual way. Pace of smallest sire CIS. Orders from abroad, ac companied by cash. will be promptly filled. B. PARRY, at Parry, Scott IL Ce's, fetid-tilt No DO Wood at. Pittsburgh. Ilinsrpirkat Sons' Boas R• 11 .-- rr subscribers ar e ,w recelvt ng their Fall nook oi the ILl,oveiruele, three vessels, err the Juniata, filedsltion and I.ydt t. having arrived at Philadelphia sod Itriltilnore. and two more. the Stephen Baldwin and I.<. a expecte., they are, therefore, prepared to ,reive orders They will receive during the win anti sprits regular supplies via New 0Ti:2116. 11..11 t IV it N fiIiTCHELTREE A p fir NT F: At: I.P. TRIPOLI—For cleaning ti and lamp glasses, silver plate, brass, btri .ll2. and Warr wane II ravally takes out all spots na.l .tntas, anti l eproduree the beautiful and durable luat re of aew were Just recmved and for sale, whole Laic n . -I fly JOHN U 1110114 AN, Drugs,. co , to Ine renarwl,,,, partner.. has Inn day muted from Mr ht tn. Frbruary It. 16.11.-tf It) c,,— The undor. monui , , her on timid upti .• coi receivi ior The ng a fult n supply of the arttele• P.••• , iiirph and iiictinly. which he offers for prices. GED \N, V.'d wood sl 1 • lii 1 in FA:3TE—I gross bottles India Rub. i-•• ao rs event artic.c for rt. ridering broil .... y water proof. nod soft aa • piece of - application of this paste sufficient to in to water :or ?. m•i-on•. arid alive from toe ii.athe , -reeking for.e: , hie Rot or Drpot. "to 5 o !I 1 . 1111.1.1 1,1 LOW ELL PLETCHER, LCOIItIL AND PULE Vial'? C, , rnr• Front on, Vine streets, Cloonnoati, •.. • .;,---,..- .. ' t ,1•--_,,_-- 1 .- ." ~...:,...—.,,slF - t. ' li Ft ta' a a al, —1 ....,11 7:' ---- - 'i' i 1 i -, , 4 -, tE al ,,, .v...- , „ t ..c,........- ~..„. ....... .1.4 r. t:rd. • f.. o: ••:.0 mkt for Alroboa. Pure Sp Raw or Kerkthed ry. 'oval be promplly ang ded to at :oweet pnee mchll dly I.Ctd V t tbrneer Carpet S.V•i r• Y . lsin Tarter re'd I an.e do It; d do do ao do gorderb C.Tre I X \ (yr•tr JI, I. ur 1 IMIk• - . .onos toolora Transparent Seadea, V ,evra do do Tert , sh do do do do do P•are,r , tone" do do Menro!lent ',to do Landes ape do do do ord en!! and j ;orto. R d a o ca P P.• ,Itt • • No. very rormr. • no •••••••rt our, In 4-1 'IA end 5 0 nes.", V....ean 4 4 'IA atol •onma do A.- o! mro 0.: be soda a smal . advt., g•••••rabi.e as Jeer Jae eon be Imre heard m th W NI CLAM (WK.'S roc, COACH MAKING FRrtM the •ery hher.l exteonmes mn, the adttacr her haa revery. , anal t ;_s -.. t . E . , On halt located hottnaell tn Allegheny' Wawa halt to take • lesae . for • tett. ot year, Get the property hr now orrart.•• n Ittnarer sre,. tenmedtately heady the ort , t,•vot - a. sture h from the tong n.nperne nee in the a to, boa n-t. tt•atre pled., he hope. to megt t I tree •t. •hare of put ox patronage how n a: d tg:td fin tottng to oetle t Pto,kaway Be% • ryl Ito Ilitgarte • sod every dcaert piton of .kra trt,e to order foot se•enty.five tlaii•rs let • e 0 t.ndn•ret :•e-4ftri 1011 M !"OUTti The Al tracestilegheny Cemetery T the sr nu. l of the Corporator , . hesd on Ilse tollovnn, petwony were, :maay e.EClsta tor tho ertnung year: TIMM/01M 111/WE, Preatdanl 11.1 IN R 1 jy . sy.y: ckro,rif clis. , AT/IA N I FA, 11l it NIEI4, N:VAN JUIIN II SIMEMIERIYER. R SPEEN. 1. Flnn4•l. ,eetytary and Tre.., •nnalki atmernem pre}tilted s. alrairY tha company ym •ery proaperous cond.l.on The. office 1 , 1 e.iy is No 37 We., •:reet ,01.1 MEE THE tIT Aft OP Tint W F.ST vis..NrriAN DLI\L MANI:YMT.)II) . 1.+. , soh. 01 the Ilihmond, where Venihre Ihirels of a.. the •liflreent sues •nst moioss ate rept on banal or made to • on, an the latesl red most appro.- , F.n nem ts•lle inn.. et the •hortest notice •atl on the mos rtaanttatde terms At., the rb•ap Rowe , roh or quit Tranapa rem- y and Paper ,nruun• cot aii the khdereut outr• and patterns, on baud and tor Ital. low for can I rob. Ilhode panond ovrr and rene•rod or taken tn pen p•)en,ntler nee" It M E:EATEItV ELT. l•ro pm N 11— 'vol. done WI. the beat matertal and work rnaustup, ereironiod to pumee the m.. 1 hoe olsoa• euglh-dly e;legheny city. Au, 10. 1-48. - - EitICAN TELEGRAPIt COMPANY. 6a LTlauaa. e ., 1,111,11.11 ,ND Ocoee at the Exchange, Oalttmore. I t ED , CVII -The rlL•tgrs have nee.. redo rd M , ,d+Kr• to or (r. :a hit,. :...rgo oIN id, mg. ..d1 a corre,ponding reduet,on made Mo r all teiraroph:. despatcher forwarded from ha, I.more Wr.i 01 Plltsdorgh, Po Ea tea mr tr'errwrS despatch to or from IlaMmorr, l'ilt•hurrn cod VlNeeling, despatch 46 Cents m. the br.t Ira words, and 3 Mae tot each atidamoal ft_7 - No charae . made for the add:eas and signs to Until the rompletnen of he Sonth Western Lino of T,: , e,, , rptt front Nl•tnoltis. Tenn , to New Oriel., ales po,^:te • Oar Methpht• by Una route, and tor sr.- , tr. r tell ACHE .SON • & JOHN WOOL/1101'RK llof 'i l B 1 r tor •h.. inminfdeture of TIN . , ri ANL , 511F.4.1 . -1 111 /N W KV., on b \e r.orner son streci dic Corsi. in the 11 ard. t.i.vonehr erre, where .he art 1,, order. wholesale awl ad articles in their line with promptness Foundry trimmings. and Citr,heNgz , rohl• are sin incited which n... recnive immeniatelatent.oll. Pity oh A Feb I. LAND,W.NPh. 11 H. e 01r , I' v Wittle of MentereVi on liiird•t, " Utmost Vista, • Chase de Lyon; Garde Foment.; • t.iii C Al•ergnei T e oboe , is suitable for papering large pulihe rooms. Joh. rev d direct (rem farts, and for sale at I ' w•relieus, p C HILL oe lode l s r u r7:1: ning rt— loaf Inter and dispensing entirely with the washtiourd The Intel Wilton carpets. after having been in use e'eren years, hare been perfectly re story e d, without n0...111111.01 injury to the fabric, and wan . out removing ci the Quo,. It will not mare the cloth. Directions accompanying each bottle. Price 2.,h cents. For sale by I &CHIA/NA/AKER & Co, 24 wood 45 _.-..--- - DialtiS—tlblorote Potash, Lo lb. bottles Cane 1101.1 do Hypo Su:ph. Soda do' Sub Nit. Ilissnoth do tlrsEtraJte do Ornoyille Lotion do Chloroform do Jost recetrod and for sale by my;/ U A FAH:SF:STOCK to Co Li AY F.AFAIS-41 -- Err.Tor naleby lug S F YON lIONNHORST & CO 1,1L0.Xn.r:t.13-1 auks .12 bertand and for dale E. BOLECES i SONS, Bankers, Exchange B t pltalatlini UTF-9, DELLFTS, ALCEPTD BANKN ANGF.S, GOLD, SI LvEn AN OTa 4 . COLLECTIONS.—Drafts. Note• end Acceptance , payable in any part of the IlluOn, collected on the moil favorable terms. EAGIIANGE pa New York, Philadelphia and fiat timorm alto, Cbicinnut, Saint Loue and New Orleans, constantly for sale. BANK NOTES.—Notes on ail solvent banks in the tinted Sles discounted at the lowest rates All kind• f Foreign ta and Amencim Gold end Silver Coin boacht o and WI Office No. 55 Market street, between 3.1 and 4th, Pittsburgh, octils _ FOILICLON EXCIIANGE. BILLS on England, Irelmich and Scotland bought any amount at the Current Rams of Exchange. Also, Drafts parable In any pert of dm Old Countrier, from 11 to XIMO, at the rate of S 5 to the 9s rime, without deduction or discount, by JOSHUA RODIN• SON, European ono General Agent, office SW st nue door west of wood.. • octlrti n.L1.111 tEASEL I Jul 1 . . W... an WV m ER & RABBI, TiliA.Nlitli:RS AND EXCHANGE: BROIkERS, deolii . I) in Foreirn and Domestic Bills of Exch.,. (ler tamales of Deposit°, Ronk Notes arid COlll, Carret )d and Wood streets, directly opposite St Cha4s Ho teL mare -illy Dt3L Ohm, He:mucky, Mvkaou n. Bank Notes; M=iiMIEM • sepl3 - - 35 Market street. 131LLS OP kIOIIAIIOE--61g111 Cheeks on New York, Philadelptna. and Balurnnre, Constantly for sale by N. HOLMES k EONS. seyl3 35 Market sL ISOOK6 UBIC, NEW BOOM. FOR RUMMER READINU.— Poe—Eureka, a Prose Poem. or, the Phya.ea' and Metaphysical Universe, by Edgar A. Poe. Fay handsomely panted, Itno. cloth. 73 ct.. •We shall be greatly surpitsed if this work doe• nu errott a profound aenlation among the Meter,. rt;.• setedtific elmnies ail over the Union, diathaytbe a• doe.. reasoning power and grasp of thought ta cannot poastbly fail to atonethe 'spec iat wont!, o even the moat careless reader —lir., Nineveh and its Remains; with an suount of a .1,1 to the Cheldacan Christaus of Kurdistan, and the 1 e nets, or Levu Worshippers; and an inquiry into lb manners and an. of the Ancient Assynana. by Atone Henry Layer& Rag, D. C. L.; In Y viols, with nutlet ou• Illustrationa tOne of the moat remarkable work. of the meet—TS Times, (London.) Feb. U, The Salamander: a Legion of We Iron Furnsc•. Rockland county, N. T., by E. (Jokes Swab veldt taws ions of Dade), 2.(1 en IX.ruo. clot, 75 etc J. Fennicnore Cooper 'Tlie Spy.' a new (i (d beat ful edition. revised by the author, with new pretle.a Jee to be followed 'b the Pilot, thc ame s y The Works of Washington 1,11 , 3. larged by the author. ,n I.i elegant duodecimo roams benuttitil4 rutted in new 1)1(e, and on Fupericir pal made expressly for We purpose. For sa.e by JAMES D LOCKWOOD. (for . yea, connected with Meseta Wiley d. Putnam. • John Wdry, N.l" ) &I Wood st 13 Mr. L hos lust returned from the goeteru clue, Nt. Ahbo).2enrioto one voiurnr--e..onon) , urnon—The Itlon.terlos In the Lvvent. roe: 610. hlustratcd • • . . A volume of more than ordinary wour,q, rico of most curio. ant: arnoo, • • "I ac field occupied by the i• ntaely new —Commercial Adveruser A book of, liberal, *chola,' y intr which mounds us but s'..ttle of Dec . -lord's Spam. carmen, or the avid eastern remintscultruu a Flo Wto Cooper-4 Sew cddion of ear:y work: lit revised, &e , new introduc,on and plrtc in I val. 1:i dorm wilt. Irving ....rusks Ph Tie Spy and rite sketch-hook - rhe Al eon !mu e.t.a were tuoversal/y ue at conuun a ,117[111,111•111, au e prow. , or-r lemeraber the eudiusiesin with Nille I,7ry and int proud expectation. e, ned MLllonir the minded ...• patriotic at h Iran.g war mon c.lovred a a-at , the side n , rkod•otaL Aa.n“un. t '.,pet sea trsimated er•ry roan,: ot 'he cot , ' ,•'" any odeieat o - na felt in a lurroro !orratore sr. Word. For sale by J D 1.1,1 - ItWrnM. on We. o FW 110(.44—C0mp.e... Wort• cd John 11l D D in 4 vela Mardi and a Vnyase H-r—mo Border Warfare nl N Nora. by W Here a Little and There • Li.... by ihr LLUI. IOI. "Li. upon Linr, and Precept u,0.. :Memoir* etc' y Voath by A Do Larnar.ole Dluemaied Lem of Frank...o . par ,oat JOHN.,II/N •1126 corner Thin, .M 1,..• ......, Hiatory,Cau.". I . l)lll%r*Pr oi Rr:lvon. by Mor,.. A NI Boar,, • blow or thr Steam s rloped/m c. Enr:L•n vo ~ 141,11 •••••c . , plates_ CAl•ru,r• 11 I•trful att.t Entr Ad vk, In 1 t.ur.g. 11•13. by T Ar Cl, r..t I.l'rrnenlv ol Mricortrion, by J. Hrocr.e•b), M Proverbs 101 . the People by F. S M.vgrvon rvv-rrri.a., by Or Vreocu . • •-r.n Lett,. -. 1--10 7 T" e 110.) Seer tiette e leo ipr triakv , r-z“,l .v• • oi -• ta I r 1.... ti•trat , l la 21 Ar0'.143 VW PUBLICATIONS-- Keear on Ino the 1.1 of Cholc4 •nd Stele I, Boot . . %S.' M I eol ISeco.— SI TS Ao cot., eOtlton of llef Ira...d to one as y. au te le.reor • Leave. from •vnee of laysehfmelt• flay —llS7e, r t ..•1 lloy .Poem. —tilfolehee of I.lle ant. oee fLe• Rairti iloll—new cum, .• Alns Iffloo 11,51 , A n( the Steam F-nonne.ll.ll•ltZt:T , rir !Int, p c ,von h III,T9:1•1:1,, , nd the practwal of it. strueture. • a- el, • r•..• untn ar• gnu...mons of smproverne,t My J II Ptgvo fn Let urre the I'i cram• 1 . , •r re. - • ed r'rire reduced toll 110 11,1 a 11 Fanuly P.ottare part l 1., rran•lio.4uoos. Lilt Illusitaled ram IV 0t,.1 'tot T y ,r - 11(.pKIN . 1. 1 "4-". bY II .4 ..-viiiiil —..ez--oLe' ..Z.ZI-,:-::14 - = - 1.1 . .. ...‘ , .. r .....!...- - ,...- . -,... 46 .7. - --. .--'-.....',-..4.". •nt ' 7, 1 . , ).. --....": _.•:,.. Z.A. - ...0.. , , (2.fg' '---< -,- .-:•+:72 --. - - , -. 7 ..... ."' - , .... At ).z. 0 (''''. .. , " : ;:1:.7f - - - -.-÷ , 1r 4 - 6 -, 4 r ~. '-i„ , A :, , , 4 „, - 4 7 ' , •!'''fFq -t) - yA... , ?... ..'"fi... f,•- , ,. , : t- -- . ,,., f 7f-A4.. 7 .-,.. , .:, !Oki' CHICKERiNGPS PIANO FORTES. Tow: II NIKLI.OR. No, `I Wood str,,, ~.. e. 6 6 ,- foftlfa of .t 1 a t weadfd assortment of Plano., (warn Lhe mama a ff. of Jonas Clucl•nuc, Rowon—anwog them a maf••• • tut Rosewood full ter•nd Vfano Fort, : of t...••• r o.o w • superb .6uare. Iffsdo Forfe.. 7 awfaff , ....a ,, ro*ora, of me .. uam. at Iwurs aff at. a t 'tr. , . 7.6 i and 6 oetaffrs. to +6,6 dm auenuon pal , a. ~ •• res;wrtfuLy Agew (Or Chreknm4'• I'. aT,n I/ P,II.I.IVINtI. - • • - Sole Arsisey for !Snows & Clark's rjelalo. fffirilli JUST KE , EIS' LI/ and ova., new lot at rlrrant Na ~• 1 , 1 rt. 111 eelrlirated far wry ot \ ii:. , , A I' a: N V, errorrriaing 4 61 end 7 ert r. with rerun impovements. I,oth .n lure h3ll/5111 I, rstrrior, rra d r ay 11 0 othrt• ALI.° --A rine sesection , l'•„. ter . ', •P, , • •'‘• 11. /i1.1.:111“t. r.n.r Aar , . at 1 W World wr'i .. - t tu.rd rt N II The Aker, wiii be .o.d at vn.iiiiiiarturr - • i , l ,rti nr.'brot any addition lor Irrielo nr rare,. r. , tarrl.i Journal and Chrenirtr rapt PIASOS• efftli A 24. ILI--N DI b .t.aortiort.t tan) . aud Ho. rasa Ptano e•h•J l'hc, in , unit We latest pattern autl heal , tn...r r,:i and a .1: 're sold low for rash t.y I. I.L.UXIF- 111 , t trod .trrr: Y dare alr.r, Ettlri N B.—Thos. who •re ln want o. a arc c.f.., t..) , 1..1,41 to • I,llllllr .1•111 re, as they cahoot hr •.. n the country, sod anti :h. scold lower tha,. kt. , 'row the F:o at. A:•l3,tto reeet vrtt, two pat oo• o urFh innoulecture, worranted to he •uperlor r ver so, th thin.thuotry oetil It ENC - 11tis ICU tit TIIF. subscriber has been appointed ~ m e A gra. the .ate of i'ltliilAftrtt iV ELI ...It tiNf.t, sot inanmactureat nod and rik ,•„.•,,, hi, •. !dutch & White. of CIIIC/1111M1 rh Y•ont embp , and eaten) being but lour octaves. Met... NI a accordance with the general desire "td Li:, hone ran b.b.o the scale or theme instruments in Li even 0 octaves, thus matt; g it pro fiat... to per:. upon them uur music written itii the 111110 or 11., 11, exterior •Iso, hos been snitch itupro.ed b) 114tik the body or thy instrument upon n rast ,rto, , brantaully Omitted a. orllauleeird, rendering once a most elegant and extremely deal ratoe urn. The I , rice • i• put low as to bring it within the re oi eery Oct to uutain it perfect ittu•inal • 1/1•,111. at the same time, • most elegant were e. tout for a comparan ye teat, II At. Oh h, oo,t w REAT, ur hes a. recved from Europe. and for saw. entirety ne em inven ei tion of Plane f , rte. rap ed hr INI-71' PIANO FART):, which po . • ... tug more 1.. ,. Ultd srecatness than the square! hat., Jcviipic• tio. fourth a. much room, sod ta morh more , hoot/acme forcer,. Janitor< It la poi grit des hie where the •is;avlng of space is an el.;ert. betng derdotaly neat and comport, and occupying no of room than a email emir table. The subscriber ha. hand a teatime...Ll of itn euperiority from the ce ni 14 I -•••,•t.tolos• - h,P.e., in hi, own hand ‘etarlig 11. KLLISLit. 0• 7 W l'. oodwd,, . 1 -- . — Chlckirinft's P 1•130•• ?HIT 111 T received staves salt .in in Fortes, prices, is i A . new Fortes, 6, di and 7 octave, of ihr mo.l elrg Ant patterns of furniture, and a t 0 the nite improved scale. Also on hand And tor sale love, 3 see hand P•oie os .1011:0 II MELLtill. Sale Agent for Clueltering's Pianos for V. i..terti Pennsylvania, el Wood street. mars _ isTY: W 1111:SP: DV HENRI 116ttl--The last 11.1.. of Summer, with an Introduction and bidilaut va nts (or the Piano Forte, us per:brined 1,1 ILA L. concert, in the United Stales by Henri ltert. Military Polka, by Heart Here' Comic l'olks, Silver Bell Pulls, " .. Just receored and for sale by inchl3 JOHN II MELLOR PI wood m Vocal Exorcises AND SOLFEGUIOS, wuh no secumpsnment for ‘lle Pian•forto, adapted to the wants of private paw.. or classes in vocal tousle. Selected from lien in French and tiermart composers, by Lowell 2.1.01, 71, laree pages of closely panned music, euntitelsing WO exercises progressivelyy rranged. ?nee 70 eeills Just received, a supply of the above direct Irma the publishers, by /0111.1 H. MELLOR, inch23nt wood at llTffi r ri: IIEiNS - 9 1..b1K small, - 70 ,7,17r7;,77,7„; vv sale by 1013 NV & A ercurckiEux may he inpprriell. net 27 HERRINGS-200bra No ilerringa tw de aro.• MIL ed, us slots and for sale low to close conaic n meal by hill JAhlh'S DALZULL, Wrster is Mak% AI C' 41- V_T roe bas received • supply of white_ and colored Crape. and Crape Lue—among the latter green and other desirable colors. Also, white, pink, nod blue Salk sod Warb Bloods. roll QUININE -130 or Pares, lust reo'd and for solo by luy 13 A FAHNESTOCK & 01:0 frcinlitsamCr A NESTOCE it CO GALLEY'S MAGICAL PIM EITEACTOII: V III folieersne from George E. Pomeroy. Esq.. the weir k ' , own reverter oleic Ex rev, tea- ot Itemi MC Importance of the Pain Extractor oevery Emilia Oates, Albany, Sept. I. his DAL...sir' My Dear Sir—With feetings of no- dinary pleasure. I address you in relation to the ben efit I have reeeived from your inveduable Pain Extractor . Lately. tiny lithe daughter, 6 years old, had a etcher of boiling tenter turned into her bosom; her Id' reams were dreadful. so that a crowd instantly fathered be. tore the honer to learn the cause of the terrible Ao Tealilll. tore her clothes asunder, and soon spread on your thin., and she arias corned and lard upon a beir. She lieved from her paths , and says I feel wadcould laugh:" and was soon in sweet sleep. she Wor scalded to a blister from the top of her shoulder ever more than half her chest, and mood under the awns. On the shoulder and breast it with very deep, yet from the first hour. she complained only when Was dressed. 'ne pore healed rapidly, and there ts itt contrwitath of the muscles, %Vali many wi•hes, my dear sir, for your success in the ante of this mighty article, I am yours, with respect, GEO. E. POMEROY. THE TEST nod NO MISTAKE' The genuine Dailey. viol] ever pnadttee the mune in stantaneous stile!. and soottung, rooting effect, in the severest eases of Horns, Scalds. Piles. &c. Convict-Ono—no it atter der what names they any appear—rd..), irritate, and increase the pa.. TO TILE PUBLIC 1. Edward P. Holmes, of Chatham Melvin Bridge, Col t' county. N. V., have been effheted with rhea mations in toy breast, fee; and all overt toy body. for xyrines. cc that I could not stand, and was cored by e mpilCllllollllof Dailey' s hisigical Pant Eztrartor EDWARD P. HOLMES. -.- Dailey: Sir—l cut my finger with a copper nail, . poisonous nature of which caused my armto swell es ssalerably, with eollettlltt shooting pains up to the sheenier. A large swelltnir taking place at the arm pit. with inereastng pain, I became feuful of the Lock jaw. In this extremity your Pain Extractor was re commended to me, and which I was prevailed upon to try. The consequence was am; it afforded me almost nstant rel.f, and in three days I wan completely ca red. JOSEPH HARRISON, New York, earner Broome end :Sullivan its. Sept S. Ibid.N,YricK—Fi. Dni,bav is the inventor of thts invalu able remedy, and nevor has and never will communi cate to nu) listug m in the secret of to combination! All Extractors, therefore, not made and put up b him. are hose counterfeits. Psumaron's Oscars-11k Bloadivay, New York; •gla Chestnut street. Puda. JoIIN I). MORGAN, General Depot; Dr. Wlff. TitoKN, Agents for Pittsburgh. Dailey's AisrmaGeduanu Cure-All, Cures humors, apavin, quint., grease, poll-evil. c•, galls, rind bruts es . Pamphlet, contaituag co'. uticates of respectable par s, mar be had on applica non to JOHN D. MORGAN, notsls-titvls Agent, Piusburgh. M'ALLISTER'S OINTMENT CONTAINING N 0 .........''-•';,,,,\XeF";.,:',..., MERCURY.or other min, pr,67;,,,,‘ if_ .1,1;:',,,- era' —lt has power to -,,,,.., , ffb,.;...` W 4t,c - fa.S cause all EXTERNAL 17.'• ith , ),..;,4sii SORES, SCRUEIII.O I ;S ?AP 4 : j y,....,, , ve , , , V. L l ' L I T' glVtal , ..,..,__.. )„,-...,, ',-,.--,,, WOUNDS to iltscharge G.... ...--.7.1 A ' ~ . _ -.. 4 het r putrid matters and rt: heals help. / ~...... it si' ,'' 2.,. 1, ts rlghaly termed ~. , .... _ -- tst a ,linss . blare ts scarcely a do.- Vtiztivarrakeg,,.. • ... rase external or internal, - — "TsftnY 2,,,,,.. It,. it will not bent ht. tb'a •,• ' • " it- ' I have used tt for the la, sixteen 'sari tor all di eases b' tnv chess. involvin g tbs. um° , danger and respatt , slttt.tY , and I dbclurb bet)... Its uovn and man, that nal di Otto coed has It failed to bens ht when the paticnt was w.tian the rtitti: of l. ortal tras. i a. c 1,. n 1 ott.yaciana learned in the prolessmn. I have muniicr• of thc gospel, judrett of the bench. C.I. dent en., ow, e ... gentlemen m tile Ingtmet rendition nod Inuilltude• oh s he poor use a to a +cry vanety o Utl.l otere ha 1../e..., 'of t One VOlce—one ueLot,..e... 'NPALLISFER, youn OINTNIF-N1 It I 1.7 MA [l,M—it rernoren .1510.1 trunmdt. t..11 - Ln.m.Ltin , 0,1 gwelhar, what the pain :It. - direcLn• r"und tue bol. It , ll.- The •n•: , ^tired persons of 7 hcao fl ~,ne o! • v•-•r. etandioK. ~ •LO who ha , : ,o. II wrelc thnt 01,1n:',00 nutk more 1, 11 , . 1 . 0.11"111•1011E. rnd AUCP: rktE FACE. `WA .(111 IV , IL eared 0,..00 that ar tun'l7 , I , '.1••1 • - -ry thin, ,nown. its :he ablltty of Al t,rn (Inc man told u. he find f. 01.1.; 530 u on IL,rrn,:tirit wlthoci any benefit, when a few nt iLar.zt rut., I then , 1171"1'hit—The , i• nothing better for the cure of T,lter ts of the best on the world for Bar':. Tbou•nod• are yrnrly cured by th7L that Nxygn Ind. in panag or e the Pile. KJ" Around •ILe or , 4, rectlona for uslng .11' At •oo I.ree , Comp/Amt. Erripe I , s, 1_ rA. ,nle •• •-.01. Fr.•nrAwto. Srmous Affecnon , Pam, A. on.t 0.1 ,pou. }lnv( ,t r a in.. anuono. i}orne.u. Ear arn. 0J: Ivoa., of tr. Sore bp, Om of .1 I. filvorro/roo ret C •ov firoivn Brea. Toro rner 41 4.1 pcn in the CIL, ,nd rot nt tt, or 11,0 othrr necronp: lert rno. ~rue rcznrd) ti•vo co.d ci r-,•a•zo.,g! 11. , 01 Mr wul vv.!, eorlo6 t-o.t. grow 11,. Pro,e an q< ••, torm frrquentL fti- L• goo.ll for ony pArt of tho A. of 1 1 1 r 11,11 11014111,1. /11 ow:we atiould nppilecl nf,tc. cu (colt:vent t , n gectrc nwtccn c.l / A %IF,- Wr11,.1 is tll KS M. A 1.1.i,1 - 1 - :R Propnrt.r et above t. Er- Yr , e • I pn., ENT. PER 110 S. Anrrw , lirnun A !Letter, enntrr C.air tt, txtta. Jr, corner of ata-ar , .• Itp.ttnot,4o,..r rof Pa AA ',ono, Feld -Is. 1 corner ot atnut and Penn at tt-t. , In Santa, {a .r lildour tront ,ecttml c. o f i Aileghony .y I. F . anz and J Satrpent. J Yttritth. Drugattst Illr t.altatn. 10 I,st 14:unS• H Howl. 44, 11r- Arrlivo, J A.rz. stnirt Al4t loot . attea rtty. N I:ovvlzzan A • th• T Jot. Kalb, , arr ~rm. WATER C P11'141;1.11,111 S. ETAISLISEIMENT , 11 lit, I . A. rypttl Ilvilropathy h. mad. a. .at ve ocount , ic urt: lfecya co , ll crt •nrn niter IS rr.mnv , ...l 'tor 1,1,1000 , usr.l .11 tha tree:Me. 01 01%/0/10 . cot, ran; ,toch arc 0.0,10111: 01 . • rr. 5• .• 10 - a ..111,1 , ur..11 sr• the •uceckt• u; • tact; 1, ••••3 many a 0101,0. 10 starregs an...ri• kr inarlautirs r ha 60, practised •0r,..th1:17 thi• .1 )r..r. al hit 10 dropt , c•t•l•ki.h• .• hre• rha.hh•rhh , y enlyhed rand LEIO vral in rvery th•pee... 11,1%• , • •,-.vr ha r da r•othmodatr phhent• •• - boilmy r pa art. thens..l••• ms cat, •astl and =Eli 1 .. , -, 1 • , r •tutaled or, tne ;eft bank or the no, the inn° to 'the lit, Denver, to. well known ..• mferwltuet and •alultriour tommtpltem, truttuttert• war chaturint neutral wenery. core everr trtturktte in render the aorou tu of the tn avert, r owl etturrlltuunr nal u Utlle to horn i. t impettrd h.rat.d pny,tal rtrangts. I tie t •th• •hutent, tar firr, uturted ra tut: fluted cle• 1,1•111 tor plectrum and twt rr, ruletrtwed owure 'pertly and hcr.o ter • at alltnctirs or the Putrent trt,runq . avw• of rho advalt.• t re• het e ttrle red. h C. 1,0 add rt.. the rub , rtr er et,er S cttd •tat., n• nenr tll putou, the • t rho, t tn order ;a den Or o nd d. rtute•• cad curtuuttlt ttv the /Itt droprettur rtn 'shut rail, be herr...cry ehr theta to rt• tr ettper tat cud pertonstut arc l r't Aril , ,t KER. hl It Propr,tor. pu t . t wortturtc t Reaver taunt) . ln_ -Raett It,tartly. Armctrourx. r Iron Thttarn• Iletuw. Renter, l'n rut Ch hi to. l'ttuttrartnt ra l• t•• in ht ll 'Wend, Now Alltany, ltr, 1 :rumor, F:.4.. 1tt Iftitz-st rt In, 11. i't trolturgt, A itulwl tr. 1,4 • do. JoHN 11. M ,R 6 21 . 1 , al. I'T"NI, I .1 , ~NSI, N II. I ItIN L - 1 to gcn•ral wcykle••• •^ aprrt, , , irrefoll b0w1.... 1,1.1nd Ir t —Cooithmg rnwra: Jtl.:tity. rresk gowg .str, ! , .11 t 3.1 pu.”, wart MhOVI. olTrnctung roiti =OE r•.•lc, cllookillho perlod 'When U. ct, • c . c.. • Th.. rough Morn .911.01.••• ,terc. NcheTt.., TN . .. lited Cc, Jac. b.M.l.chg, Which. the ',tennis no unineasunt mrieti worn ,•artie.l It is o sit untlorm appcsraiire. 11.111 1. . pr 01,111) 11 111. ..a, at pun rid mucus. as an mama. •irr pnri nart swims. This disease rc or in ally or .1 ar.y age. and 14 rhilTmr. et" . .10• enu,h Itn.,asu m 1,, two:, tTeet., the .•ore or •his y 4 . 14.rrn111. ...ins and heals the laz.g. It ever in., Wherever t, tried, One Liss been w. hear of ti• cuere*. For thir• r• yes be., In-tore the and has been ~,,,, te.ted 2.0 nt ter Lungs, and inks proved nail superior itt merit in any thing in tn.. NN em gilt etve liu , . d‘ed• of testimonials :tom pliy•i. eter,s, the pr-s, clergy, and tense who have been en hut a., we In esti the attention of the af. d...t. alot the.. own good they will try it. Loot , out ion terfeits nbeerve the •iot. • ..t.• n hi D." on the nog - raved iti,nitred ut :he Wlictriale Depot, 73 Beekman • , treet New . York ,101 Inashur4h by II) Morgan 93 Wood et. J r0wn5,..1.4:1 NlnArt in, II Smy+er. con Market and id st, Henderson rt. Co, 5 Liberty et Pince reduced I pre horn. , marl __ vrl, IV , : AN . ...."0.' ,. i . 1. c 1i ... g ).: ,,,,, 1 „ 1 , ..1 .,;r 1; . %,.. , t0.; , ,, 1: f 1t r. V71tiug iv • .11,..103 f 1,.,. Weslmorelao. l Co. P. Mr J,.h., il ‘1,,,t.. 7 Th/ois to errti‘y hut I taw o •F 1.,,._y0ur V..:npfu,e for some I , IIM Aay thou sit that I:tn., 1 have n, known t u. swum, array. when ee the sympmm.. their pre 1 had oce..ou givenln ttvo 1,0,11 up met tipers nt my innitly: 1 gave es&rhnl out- of them paitwd AO and me nth .. ov " .• th • bc4t Vet - Ml . llp thus elk) , ulna , 1111 hi nult .1. M. Your. • rO'rored and ao ,l by iNO D. NIORGAN, Drown. e ,lour 1,16 . N thiat ~,,, .411 c), On Wood it. !05 1 17 4 1 ' ir k ;rtre h t l i n o " l c d, swritr. Wrorc rrrrr.Prrnre,CYnnorcr ro‘n•h In'r re rerverl nod fur .nre, by pl 2 R E SELLER 1\ RI'GS . DRUGS"— 1-141nolt. hue, Chloroform, Eat. Bart Prwrip. lodide Iron, Nitrate Chl Jain,. Powder, Cltr,o Arld, Coioikile Sod., Chlone Ether, Eurncr Rhnun9, Extruet (1131/411111. reed nod for Bale lry R SELLERS, Init V Woad it I • Ll tit' L s.tit.ortlU DA —II &comma.... the k/ vi or pee...l prim, p.i. of sIl contagio us doe:L.4.n. It rus reninves the danger .. eiliturto of wed rooms, de 11l its cleansing ener gy It relieves ulcers, and Intercept, all communicable, whether In man or animals, de. Just recd and Inc •ale by hull R K SELLERS. 07 Wood at MACAULAYI3 {RECTORY' OF ENGL.AND—Mt- Ier s ediuon, commuting all the matter ' Verbatim et Itteraum, Vol.. 1 and aof the London edition. em- LelWbcd with a portrait of th e au th or-2 Vol.. in One. Prior, complete, Otic. A large supply of the above re ceived And for sale by JOHN If MELLOR, inelutH sewsel•t WOOL—lite higherpnee tu exult putd for ula u ddlorent grude'.ni eiexn 'mutated wool, by met' H Idl•erty H. 00 0 , h ,, rtlit. Lfr A, na—lu Una (e 1 ea'd and( r u lO by Ibb7 AgAISTRON . i tr. UM) x EA IN Q- • FOIL THE REMOVAL & PEOBIANICAT CIE OF ALL DISEASES ARISING F R ROM AN IMPOILE STATE OP TILE BLOOD OR HABIT OF THE SYSTEELVIZ , Scrofula or Ling's Evil, Rheumatism Othitinate Cuta neous Eruptions, Pimples or Pustu ' les on the Fare, Blotches, Biles. Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or Teller. Scald Head, Rtlargement and Pain of the Bones and Joints, Stubborn - Ulcers, Syphilitic Symp toms, Sciatica or Ltunbaeo, and Asepses •nster from an injudons use orMeteury, Meitner Drop sy. Exposure or Imprudenee In Life. Also, Chronic Constitutional Disorders. In this preparation are strongly concentrated all the Medicinal properties of Ulnae...A. combined with the most effectual nide, the most salutary productions, the most potent simples of the vegetable kingdom; and it has been so fully tested, not only by patients them selves, but also by Physicians, that it has received their unqualified recommendation am; the approbation of the punnet and has established on ill own merits a reputation Mr melee and efficacy far supetior to the venous compounds bearing the name of Sarsaparilla. Mimeses have been cored, such as are not furnished in the records of time past: and what it has already done for the thousands who have used it, it Is capable of doing for the millions still suffering and struggling with disease. It purifies, cleanses, and strengthens the fountain springs of life, and infuses new vigor thro , out the whole animal frarae. ANOTHER CURE OF SCROFUI.A. The following . striking and, as mill be see., P.M. - ..lit cure of an inveterate ease of Scrofula, commends itself to all aundarty adhered: Socrureavi Conn., Jan. 1,184 S. Messrs Saner: Gentlemen—Sympathy for We tails ted induces tae to inform you of the remarkable entre infected by your Sarsaparilla in the ease of my wife. She was severely altlicdAvith the scrofula on diger rut pass of the body; h e t ghouls of the neck were greatly enlarged and her limbs mach swollen. After sadoring over a year and finding no relief from the remedies used, the disease attacked out leg, and be low the knee suppurated. Her physician advised it should be laid open, which was dune, bat without any permanent. benefit n this situation we heard of, anti' were induced m re Sands' Sarsaparilla. The find liouie produced a decided and favornlile effect reliev ing her more than any prescription she liad ever la. sen and before she had used six bottles, to the aston ishment and delight of her friends, she found her health muse restored. It is now over a year since the cure was effec'ed. and her health remains good, sties,- ing the disease was thoroughly crailteated from the system. Oct neighbors are all knowing tothese lasso, think of ry tidy S Sarsapurill Your. wish resnect, JULIUS PIKE. Extract from letter received from file IV. liar. rts, a gendeman welt known tn Louisa county, Vai "acittiemeti—l have cured attackedgroy ermine with yet , u„ k rsup- ours, who w e an ewith Stroftile, nid of it scrofulous wilily. -Sours truly, "Frederlcks Hell, Va., July 17. 181 N 4.* w. HARRIS. rta Nei SnItS,P•Ert.I.,--11 sterns/1100g llSlZteteintall to direct attention to an es hole so well known, and to deservedly popalar, as this preparation, bat annals often who stnsu to use the ertraet of Sarsaparilla., axe induced in try seeablers compounds bearing the naive, I oatontasung lisle or none of the virtne of this valu ablec root. and we think we cannot confer Ilptenter I.o.<fit on our reader. than in directing their ultention till a. a..7-rt.-rnleut of tie Messrs. Sends in another cease. let tattle has recently been enlarged to hold eats, and -hose e to Nish a really good oracle will fon tecisreitcd .11 dos med:cinal value old. root. 'The experience of uius.d. has proved its eb Loney in curing the venting discuss. for which it is roinnoinited and ut the present time more than any r..ritap•.ts medtenie useful. in preparing the Its stern for a enange of season.--Home Journal, 'Sept 112111211=1 liMiiilll r The. oppearunet ni the enpv •• is eripint.. in chinged Ir.. • anek ii• n thinner retiniance. It ve,T MEDICAL, •~ _,~.~~~. Prepared and sold. wholesale and reta by A. B.& I) 'ANL), nn o chemists. Ino Fallon streets rorner of Wcnam. New York tlntd aI•o by Drag r..• throurho.thc United Suites and Cana da. Price 21 per Bottle, for SS Lt_T' For, in PolabornS. wholnsnle and retail, by B. A. FAIINkn t STOCK, /It owner of Wood and Front stn,corncr fnoth and Wood AM; by L. W 11.4'0.X. Jr.. corner of nlnitntiela and Fourth sta . and ol*o cern , . rof Market st and die Thamond: V.I) V: A RD FENDI - .RICII, roe !donougala House. fetr9-:trio SALTER'S GINSENG PANACEAS TIP n-E SUFFERING WITH DISEASED I.l . Ntirr —The unprecedented success which has tproded the use or the GINSENG PANACEA oil the ammo. Imam which antation of the Icings as tune., has undated the proprietor again to call auto ridea, rn rho WONDERFUL PREPARATION. rhe enankable lama., which marks our fall and armor rnani he, is always a fruitful Fatima of COLDS AND COUGHS. rites, If neglected, art hat the preeursora of that fall lestroy c r, COSUMPTION. the question, then, how shod we nip the destroyer in tbe bud' how shall we go etc.. at our coughs and aids' to of vital Importance to the public. THE GRb.AT AND ONLY REMEDY Will be found in the Ginseng Panacea n proef of Ras we have loom time to thee published the s e ertificate. of Doer,. of aur hest known citizens, who have expert en eed curative powers. These, with n mass of tea umouy honk all parts at the country.--from MEDICAL Ark:N 01-"rilE FIRST STANDING, %Enl er. at the Gospel. &e ~ together with copious no) ire, from Me JOURNALS OF THE DAY, we have embodied in pamphlet form, and may be bag kraus of an y! a! our agents throughout the country. HUNDREDS OF I.aITTLES have Imo used m this city. THOUSANDS AND TENS OF THOUSANDS throughout tote Elated State. wild Canada, and we ehs env. any man to point out SINGLE INSTANCE which, When token according to directions, and be fore the lungs bad become fatally disorganised, it has aver foaled to EFFECT A PERFECT CURE Why. then, heed the aiiiicted hesitate! Mby resort to toe irm-crobic nostrum., gotten up hymns own individ ash• ler the assumed oame of some ee •iiratel phy sician. and puffed into notoriety by certificates c. pa ints equa:l) unknown' Whiist • medicine of UNPARALLELED EFFICACY is to be had, whoa< vouchers are at home,—Ottl neigh, bors,—mmy of womb it has SNATCHED FROM THE GB AYE. In or der that this invaluable medicine may he placed volt. toe reach of the poor as well the rich, we have put the price at ONLY FIFTY CENTEL one hot! the usual cost of cough medicines. at is sale by One age Tit.. to !ICS, cyst" . town and village Cr itle view. who arc prepared to give full Informs reiative to U. T. SALTP.R, Proprietor, Broadway. Cincinnati, Ohio. ti DROPATIIIO ESTABLISHMENT, riabLicsaewilt, 116&V. cn., ea. r \ R Epw.RD ACKER, bates this means of ni -1 iurning tits thanks to his friends and the public kir the cgtenve patronage he has received, and of in ming them that he has lately erected a large ands constructed buildmg, for the exclusive purposes of his WATER CURE ESTABI.LSHIttkINT, at has old entmn. at Phillipsbargh, Pa., on the Ohio river, oppo site the steamboat landing at Beaver. where he is ready in receive pat zent& as treaders, and treat them on Ily drepothic principles. In addition to his long experi ence, and the great sat ens which has heretofore at ...Aril histrearneut of paten. commuted Is his care, Its has now' the additional facilities afforded by an el• to rol'e building erected expressly for the purpose. ten. Mining romin.liou. and airy room, and fined up with every necessary apparatus for bathing. and ddininxii lering the treatment to the utmost ffenefit and comfort of the patient. Philttpsburgh is a most delightful and healthy village. easy of access by steamboats, and af fords fine and wholesome water. Dr. Acker assures those n111,,,1 perso ot whO may plane themselves un - der his ear, that every anennon shall he paid to Medi comfort: and as an ...sit mune elate substaullal heiteEte tt, be derived. he points with Confidence to the hun dreds whe have 4..011 permanently cured at his ns-inent The V. al, Cure leans no trounous effects mihrul, es is tee open the raee with those who hove lice, treated on the old spneet. It removes the dia. ease. invicoraies the system. protects from the dangers , de, to clat,,e,l of rte weather. Creoles a naturol d t,., Str , PV{l... and imparts vigur in the digestive powers. Terms of treatment and Warding reasonable. For further particulars nuidire at the estAlishment, or address the propttetor al 1111/1111,b11/Ih. aurend • —•- • DEL v We have i ern informed by Mrs Rose of • Core pet , formed ort her by Dr, Jayne. Alterative, which roVes di wipe...arty over every outer remedy of the 11,,,1 She has been afflicted for the last Sixteen year. rub NECROSES or WRITE SWELLINGS, attended ulceration unit enfoltation of various bones, du .he r whmh nine many pieces have been discharged from ,he ,rontal none- of the crannied, learn both her arras,, and hands, and from both legs, and from the left lea nen: g and from the right truce, heledes painfnl u ire, • on other parts of her person, whlgh have baffled the .4,11,1 a number of the most eminent phy5 , ...01 our —during most of the unto her saderings have been ea era ial,:tg and deplorable About three months. since she vrol induced to try De. Jayne's Alterative ...bell has hail an astonishingly happy effect upon her, up reninving all pad, end swellings, and causing the titre , . to heal, tabu. at the same time her general health bun become cowrie,' y restored, so that she now weighs /Zi IDS More Mau she did Lento: she coinnieneed the ate Is ins truly valuable prcration.—iPol E. Pant. For farther intormision,legmre of Mrs. Rose, No. 129 Filbett at, P6l,adelphia for dale to Fittatiargh, at the PEKIN TEA STORE, 72 Fourth st. bear NV Md. )9, DR D'S SA RSA PA RI LLA.—.SO dozen Just received of Dr. 'Povvi.end's Sarsaparilla, the quest extraordinary medians in the world! This Ea u art is put up in quart bottles. It is six times cheaper pleasanter, and warranted superior to any sold. I cures disease without vomiting, purging, smacaing debilitautig the patient. Leon one sou lartartosa—Unprincipled persons hay - copied our labels, and put up me:lime m the MID • shaped bottle. See that each bottle hos the written tug nature at S. P. Townsend.. . . It. K. SELLERS, Druggist, 57 Wood street, betwoe hard iwd Feurth, is D. Townsend's only wtrohmiti ud reusil agent for Pittsburgh, of whom the gentun. reek can be had. D. M. Curry hes been appointed the sole &gen, fo Allegheny thy, of whom We genuine article can b. had.. aP4. A. FAIINUTOCI, A. B. Luu, N. Y. iAiy U. 1.. FAmtcrrocy,}Piusburgh. G. N. Fy. Wholes ' ali ' 7treg Store la the City of Hew York. TUC underattined are erten•ively engstenti ti the holasale Drog business at No. IP Jan street, in the 04 . of New york, .re prorated to supply '3'74 Tt.rZseWirllvs"'no"ntrenthesonMla"r,,i, viancer, Nea-mr 1.1 Last, Chemicals, to( weir :can mro.tetto.2o Sri All other articles in then line ust eta, of isnrstrio tzsality its 1.." they can o nePun. snared in this or any eastern eky. NONV York. Fablit U. A l FA4v ItFT.(7l‘ h r FATEFUL. for the nanny encouragement 13 have received for so I have dem, l ined to enlarge ray business considerehly. Having engaged • competent Foreman, I Will be e nabled Li nil orders prompt's, and do the work in our usual style and at fair prices, and ask the attention of mer hants and cancan to my large stock of 1114101.377 - > It 1" GOODS and Beds, alatinuiscs and Betiding, Cur tam Materials, Damasks and Martens, Cornices, Frin ges, Forderings, Tassel., Split and Boller Wads. and very artiele usually kept m an cent/Alai:nem of ,the kind. Orders respectfully solicited and promptly at tended to. N. 13.—Calpet5 made and pat Own. Awns, Engine. for . f1a , 115, O\£. P AIR Leer g IIV inches in diameter, 1.11 in good order, writ be sold at • bargain, if application be made .nem. They tame only been ui use abooi is months. For Imrucniess, inquire of jai tdif FL HA% liaamte came Dr. Wletayra Celebrated CUOLERA AND DIARKIHEA 511DICINSI. TTHEpublui are requested to read the following eer &MOW.. This medicine t. exteumeely i tee ot all the Southern and EasteD“ilies We do eertify that W. Lillikt-WmkoT, of Tort, Pa, took ander his rare and manugeuredt, on or about the brat of October loot, a yoang mad laboring auder • scene attack of "Asiatic Cholera.', That we exam ince the mud patient, and found hint ta be to do-col lapsed state, of that disease, seta ['rotten& sad copious nee water discharges. That we list onouneeel Da ease al genuine Cholera. and declared moreover that we believed thesatd patient was beyond the hope of seed teal la in fact fp, thought the patient would the, am! so declared nt the tame. We farther rectify that the said Louis Wl=t t. Pled hi, own mode of treatment, and *drain . Cholera Remedy, and-elected a cure of the patient We think in Mar dare thereafter tin said pant Ms Wm, at wort, and perfectly well. Juan C. Door, rd. 17. T. B. DoesolT, M. a • I certify that I visaed cane of modified Cholera un- der the earn of Dr. Louis Rickey, and that I believe his medicine relieved him. Stem of Maryland, Washington County, to ; I certify that I am well acquainted with Me gentle men who hove signed the within cenificates of Dr. Louis Richey, and they are men of respeetabllity, In testimony whereof 1 hereunto sUbscribe my L name, and affix the seal of my office, thi s f oor teentb day of November, eiglneen hundred and Mary-three. 0. B. WIII.I.LAMS, Clerk Washington County Court, *.ryWal.. I witnessed the administration of Dt. Lodi Witk ey's preparasion for Cholera, In the case of an apprtrai tire to the plastering businen in this town (lagerw town.) Has was a well marked est.. of Asiatic Cho. !era, with rice water evacuations, cold clammy skin, cold to.mue, small tremulous pulsm.—l consideredtm situation truly entiesi and alarming. I saw !dm pre-. emus to Dr. Wickey, and was present at Ow adminis tration of the first dose of medicine, and taw him re ceatedly miring the attendance of Dr. Wickeyi be re overed sou ID be able to attend m and worn St his trade in a few day. lam •ore he tack none other but the medicine admmized by Dr. Wlekey. Ildeneuu W. Dams, M. D. The only in!! sad genuine D. yiclrel Cholera before—made on the most approved s olo s. and most fashionable Eastern patterns and colors. Also THE CHEAP ROLL, or nosror BLIND, on hand or made to order of all sixes, and at all prices: enemy Al crchallts and others are ramrod to mallard `wpnie+•le above for themselves, as all will be said wholesale o r reuul, and a liberal deduction made to wholesale purchasers, A W FIST P. RYE Li Notlo• to the Pub llo. E hereby notify our friends lord commandants W ft home and abroml, Mat eve wail not, IMP. XN'T mncoaatsaca, rhceare freight from any Boat for which J. Newton Jones 13 Agent. • it RHODES fr. ALCOB,Ii• MICE • TORN KELLY & CO., (successors to Robb,Wthe brener et Co., late hlerchant Tailors,) No. tat CIII:STNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia, beg leave to inform their friends and patrons that they have resewed the latest SPRING AND SUlithIER FASIIIONS. with n large assortment of New Style GOODS; eompnising Clothe, Cossimeres, Vesting., ho. of every descrlption—ail or which are of them; own int nor-tattoo, havtag I.un carefully selected 41 PLAN Loudon, V' . Strangers visiting Philadelphia, are respectal, ly melted to call and exaratin their extensive steak. eachithdam I N t l ig i ttl i es n o t lß D ith9 l ier l it Sl: - 0 8—j e sia t' prrio ' r cei' lei • g t‘qt -- ; I t to persons that ',tab to keep th eir l ' ejtlry It prevents the leakier from cracking, and will take a polish over it. For sale at the India Robber Depot, No 5 Wood street. mars h H PHILLIPS — GrOLDI OOLDII GOLDIII OOLDIISI TILE subscriber, wholesale manufacturer of JEW EERY, tonnes wholesale dealers and pedlars we. ding South and West—elm, country stem keepers to calf and examine his stock of Jewelry, which will he sold at the lowest prices for cask or approved steep. lances. Constantly on Saint and ruunttfacturing, • large awortment stumble for city or country trade. E. G. A. BAILER, corner of Focal and Branch ins, op stairs, " apindbm Sham Divide Paper kirataiglaga. Tl !LYING purchased at three of he largest liacto t I nes in the East, INew York, Philadelphia and ItsittoLored a large awormient of the newest and most unproved styles of PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS, rLe.„ and made arrangements by which I wbi be ena bled to procure all new Faustus, eimultaneow with thew appearattee lathe-Esters market, I would In vite the attention of those desiring to havirtheir houses papered with the latest styles of paper, to call and examine my stock, before purchasing elsewhere. I hove now on the way from the East, lat,ooo pieces of Gold, Satin Glared, and common raper VIVI winch I can well at one. nutmeg from I2* e ta P • sere. rochts RILL. 87 wood at Baton Strioklngs T_TA VINO tart completed the rebaildingofour nooks JUL houses, we are now prepared UP receive Meat, • and smoke R in the most merchantable manner. The houses are fined with all the modem improve meats, and are capable of contenting 300,000 lbs. each. ICIER &JONES, Canal Ruin, a 4 near Seventh rt a agency for the rale of Um Mill Grove Printing Paper, (S. B. te C. P. Markle, Proprietors,) we will hr constantly suppdeil with nil the different sael of superior paafity, which we offer at the lowest regulu price. REYNOLDS & SAFE,fell% corner Penn and Irwin t s - _ ovia,CVAINIL WORKS. COLEMAN, HALLMAN & CO. connote to maoo- Small Iron Spring and Am. Blister Steel, Plough, Fork and Hoe Steel, Rivets, Spikes and Wrolt Iron Nuts, all stms, together with Coach end none Springs, hi( Pat, Taper and common Axles. Having reduced the price of Wrought Iron Nuts, engine builders and others ustng the arucle, will find it to their interest to give this new branch of Pittsburgh manufactures their nttention. Conch unmuungs and makable iron on liberal terms. Warrant.° 011 Water and Fourth sts. febteo-11 SAMIL. gRAY, MERCHANT TAILOR, Excuirias avlLDlxoh, ST. cLein. STREET, PITTSBURGH, HAS MT arrcaas:o ROM. NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA, And is now receiving a S i ne atwortment of CLOTHS, CANDIDEEES AND VESTINGS, OF THE REST QUALITY AND LATEST STYLES, Watch he is prepared to make to order Hood Q,IGC for Hoots mad Shoe.. •-ir • • Corner et Fourth and Smithfield r streets, pr.r.. ,pr. R g7ne n ra ' Boot b n ' il m s n Lie c lo nle ii n ie ' , cd wholesale and remil, would respectfully •••I•rf, o the attention of their friends and thepublii gen- rup-e, amity, to their splendid new stock, consienng of mens, womene, boys', misses' and childrens wiser of every variety, suitable for Me season, and at prices to amt the times. A splendid article of home made work, such as gentlemen's fine Boots, Indies, misses Ms. 4, enildrens fine work. Plenee all and exaMinc for yourselves. TROTH & scorr, corner ith and Southfield it, N. ll—Traveling Trunks, Carpet Sags, fee. etc., a. ways an hand and low for cash • Country merchants world find it to their Interest' to gme us a call wbeet visiting the city. en •614 LOGAN, WILSON & Cot, lIIPOItTEKS auo Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and r, Domestic Hardwire, Cutlery, Saddlery, ac, 159, Wood sinner. Pittsburgh, are note fully Prepalmt with a receraly traported stock of Hardware, Cutlery, Sad dlery-, Carpenters' Tools, ire., to offer very great in docements to W.:bier:l Merchants, as in addition to . din many advanteges hmd by our predecessors, Mete lee• - •rs. Logan ft Kennedy, we have greatly increased our -0; facilities, and purchase all our geode from first hands on the very bra terms. The Junior members of the firm devote their whole armimon to sales, and feeling coitfid , nt of giving sat mfaction„ respectfully solicit n call from all who may •te' VlSllthib Markel. • Inchit3 And In the latest Fashions BRICK. FOR BALE. • !VILE underaigued offers for sale a superior article y's' of brims for building, made by his Steam Press, improved machine, :or which be has obtained a and agrees tO give pure nasers a written guaruitce Mat they are stroer, and ant resist frost and wet told imbibe ng less moisture or dam pness then arty eUtt er brick, possessing greater body and superior lemurs t..7 ; it and much more durable it every respect, earl brick being subjected to a pressure of several lona, and pee sessing a handsome entomb surface and even edges, they maks a front equal to the best front brick. They have given the greatest satisfactiOn ail wtm have purchased. A kilo can be seen army works, end spectuten at the Beacon office. Those boring supplied themselveslor their buidinga, and anatiing handrcme front brick, or suf.." and solid pitting bnck, can obtain thin. IrMAC GREGGIe Birmingham, June 111, IE4B. tf 111,11--3. bbls AO Irlnlmed salad; toth doeA., No Ido do; fi bbis No I mess Min ftn del ?se I 14,1- r. online; Ai half do No Ido do; Ml Mils . Non t?! . . Mackerel; no No 1 Salmon, nisi 'arirrtng by canal s ys and fur sale by 4011 N WATT, Labein e t ~:, : i n t hß m T o r - v , t i.n i tt h, t, t iw i tt : ;iL. t ru ro th c _l4L ry a , ....l . .a. th rc ec L. . t v a llr. John Wttion, tmderthe him , Commission UMW:EDI, JO H N w A Tr of JOHN WATT CO. Pituburgh. April :in. 'Sig` 17; PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, PUIII.II3IIED DAILY, TRIWEEKLY A WEEKLY Id' Ltd Gov. /34!dingy, 3d st., ad , dr Pon RATES OF ADVEIVTII9/n• due duertioo of lltlines, or lesd”... ...... SO 00 42; Two iostailons U fl Throe "I 00 • .. 160 One Week Two Weeks Three " One Month, l'wo ' T ~ " Three " ....vv -tire . ..,., ...., o Xi Ea' Longer advertisements in same p rop • • Ono square,6 months, without alteration,... 10 00 'irC:: ~ ~ IL' , " .....: 15 00 .. c k .:;', Each additional .care for 6 months, . ..... 1. " ...vs .1 10 00 5 - , - . : One square, 6 months, renewable at pleausire, 15 00 -.4i r 1t " ' " . V . .) 00 . Each additional square for It months.i r ''' 10 00 ~,, ' i r, Two aquares, 6 months, re'wahicht p emir*, 50 00 , i.. 4 4 Each additional sqoare,6 months; ..... 8 00'X. .1 ... weivaaor ori TILI-WILLSCLT 111 II Ix wArnas. One square.? insertion., .... ...........81 5.*" . o " each additional insertion, • ....a. 31:=; BOUNLIS ClBl/11. Five lines or len,'one year, . .............I, s;C:ry.. r. .. .. six mouths... . .. 'soy' .. „1"9,4„ F rr " one year, daily & weekly, lo I , wiz months `` 4 , 0 4 3 • ADVIIITIIIIKISTO It Wltti,* amts. Irdr 12 lines, or lees, One kn5erti0n,,,,,..„50 50 .r Tae, 0 76V Three, " cdri:: Tittle licatiorimiw ...... •- 0 -3 •"r' ..... 60 "....•••• 3'oo r, ..... 400 "e; ...... 6 00 . 7 bo
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers