BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH REPORTED & TELEGRAPOED 1449 . iliEARAO. San I Sun FOR THE PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE. RI 1.1 I I s I ". ____•,..-_-__—_- 14 Staunisi, risesets. 15 Sanduy, ••• • • • 2 '..... 4 •1:1 729 16 !gaudery, .-4 441 794 17 Tuesday, ••• • • —,--• ••• • • • '4 45 17 24 18 Wednesday, .... ...4; ........... 444 727 IV 'Thursday, 445 787 :0 Friday, 4 46 I 7 26 • CHOLERA IN PHILADELPHIA. July 20. There were 49 ease. of Cholera, and 20 demtha up to own to-day—ll being from the Allerhouse. CHOLERA IN NEW YORK. July 20. There were S cases of Cholera, and 25 deaths, during the 24 hours ending at noon 10-day. - . CHOLERAVI CMCINNATI. July 20. Daring the 24 tours ending at noon. today, there were 32 Intennano from Cholera, and 29 (tom Other INTN EEL ...1.1..T11108E, July 20. Conrad Vintner, was eirecuted this morning, under obarge of murder in khe first degree. Sam:isms Cuoisaa tonecoors..—One cannot but be struck with the great disproportion in the number - of whitem and blacks earned off by the cholera at the south, and the Richmond Republi can says that at least five blacks die to one white; and gives as the reason, that they do not control Their appetites end live prudently. In addition to this,theynearty all believe that a man's time is fix• ed,, , and that tt is scarcely worth his while to try and avoid it. The Republican relstes the follow tog :-- "What Is amusing even in so nrious',.a matter as an attack of the cholera, is the uniform pettinu. city with which its colored subjects will deny to their medical attendants that they have eaten any thing which could make thein sicl•. An eminent physician of our city informed us that on being called to a negro suddenly attacked with chblera, he asked him whether he had been eating fruit or vegetables. "Oh, no, Sir," was the reply,"nothing of the kind." "What, have you eat no apples cr amine' "No, no," said the negro, "I clever eats 'em any time of the year." "Well, I believe you have," said the Doctor, "and I'll prove it in a stunt time." The physician administered a vomit, the result of which was the ejectioh of about it.quart of apples, stems, peed and all! "Well, weld the Doctor, "I thought you told ma you had not'. been eating apples. Look at those. Are they not ap ples?" They doea look like 'em, Sir." "Are they not apples?" "Yes, Sir, they are. that's a fact."— "Well, bow did they get into you, if you did not out 'me , Please God, Allison, I don't know,' but I never ate any thing of the kind." "The conclusion to which our medical friend came was that "the only way to get the tet..Wout of a negro is to vomit it out of him," and that even then, ha won't own It" DRESS BONE. J. G. & G. W. CARR, WHALEBONR CUTTERS, AND MANI:FM:TU. RERS OF EMBRF.I...Ld, PA C♦ NE, WHIP, BONNET AND DRESS DONE. WE respectfully call the attention of hierchwds and V, Dealers to the largest and best vanety of the articles in this city, at the :OWIIFI prices. No, 13 N. Thud above Race street, adjoining the Eagle Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. syl.7:eodlru - - ItICSOLUTION RELATIVE TO AN ANI I' NMI UTT OF !Mt. CON MEM Ranked by We Smote end • oust of • ...unmans c Cmonantneolth of Pennsylvania to Ottawa! .tisane Diy ow, That the Constitution of this Commonwealth be amended in the second section Oldie fifth article, so at it shall read as follows: The Judges of 41:ie Su preme Court, of the several Court, of Commotr.Plea., and otsuch other Courts of Record a. are nr Shall be ablished by law, shall hr elected by the qttalified ejector, of the Commonwealth to the manner:follow log, to wit: The Judger of the Supreme Courg' by the quelifted electors of the Commonwealth at 1.10. The PreOdent Judges of the several Coons of Coinnoon Pleas and of such other Courts of Record art,are or shell be established by law, and all other Julies re quired robe learned in the le, by the qualifiedtlectors of the respective oistricw over which they .role pre side or act an JuditsX And the Associate Judges of the Courts of Conorridi Plot. by the qualified ersitow of the eoundes respectively The Judges of:lje Su preme Corot shall hold Mew offices for the tentrof fif teen years, if they shal so long behave thile.,„ 7 elves meth (subject to the allotment hereinafter riervided fa; subsequent to the first elecnonn The Peeildent Judges of the severs] Courts of common PleaSreind of Pleb other courts of Record es are or shall bleaThstale fished by law, and all other Judges requonsig"in ne learned In the law, shall hold there offices for Ski term tee years, if the., the II so lour behave thenasertas The Associate Jodie. of the Court or Como& Pleas shell hold their offices for the term of five yearilf they shall so long behave themselves well: all of.whom shall be commissioned by the COvernor, but jot any reasonable cmse which shall not be tudicientigrounds of impeachment, the Governor shall removeany of them on the addrees of_ two-thirds of e.h. bgench of the Legislature. The Tost election ;hall takeOlsce a t the general election of this Commonwealth mitt ate, the adopting of Out amendment, and the coediefutions of all the Ridges who osay be then m office slarfflepeprie on the first Monday of December followi n the terms of the new judges shall commence. Thkgersons who shall then be elected Judgee of the Sin:nettle Court shall bold their offices as follows: one of theurlo three years, one for six years, one for nine yearei4ne for twelve yeah, and one for Vlach years; the arm of each to be decided by lot by the said hodgeeggs soon alter the election as consement, and the result eertifi od by them to the Governor, that the commi.slOia may be issued to accordance thereto. The hoditriebose commission will first expire shall be Chief Jutsfice du ring his teem, and thereafter ouch Judge w 99 a cum. missiouthell first expire shall in turn be the CNef Ju rice, man( two or more COMMieliOrte shall enrre on sloe same day, the judges holding them shall di Ide by lot which elwal be the Chief Justice. Any vlir,ipcies jw,ppe tt in, by death, resignation; or otherwtsea:•sn any of the mad courts, shall he filled by uppOintelent h./ the Governor. to continue tilt the first ffferulaFor De cember sneceeding the next general elecoorli. The dodge. of the Supreme Court and the Presidetii or the several Count of Common Pleas shall, at stauhertimeo, receive for their services on adequate eointriraation. to be fixed by law, which shall not be diminOhed du ring their continuance in office. but they shakteceive no fees or perquietc. of office, nor hold my of office of profit under this Commonwealth, or underahe go.. ernment of the United States, or any other Sts)h of Mu Milan. The Judie% of the SotoetneConeennti4g theft cosoixotame in office shill reside within this COMmon wealth, and the other dodges during heir corklEtuanee In thee shall reside within the district or et:briny fin which they were respectively elected. WILLIAM F PACO.R. Speaker of the House of Repremenfrif:rree. GEO. DARtTF.e. Speaker of the Senate. la tax Sit Sari, Zolarch 2 ketO . Raltra, Th at thaßillaOlatiOrt paws —Nees ays P Extratt from the Journal. • 'SAML. W. PEARSON;:gIerk. Ia coo Boson or RlPlresarrAnt - ttei Apnl W•le.t9 Rcisiord, That this resolution pas s-1 eas Se..4S ay s id Emoted tam the Journal. Will JAC '141. - iletk Seciorrset's Amor A. L. RUSSEd.L. Dep. Sea of the Commoi4minii L's Sicalosit's•lßPri. Plagarn.vanna. Filed April 5, 1819. 1 - 417:Tee — rtif3 let the abeam and foregmne : 7.4 atl and COlTeet copy of the Orimhal Rf1 , 0111‘1174.. 0( the Oenetal Assembly, entitled iiesolauna 'ciente ben Amendment alike Constitution," as the samenemsint inn 6fe in this office. In testimony whereof I have heietinto eel hand, end caused to be affixed tbe seal o the Secretary's Office at Fla rnabitrg,',thi• etc 'Beth day of mane, Anno Dommi, one thooneltd eigh' bandied and fortpaine. TOWNSEND IIAiNFS, See'ry of the Commonbeettith. ...Tomtasi. or Sensta ''Resolution, No. emitted 'Resolution 'relative to "ut amendment or the Constipation,' wed nitid 0 third .1120 C. 00 th e ciffe4llon, Soil the semws agree to Me " aim The Yeas and Nays atrue taktikagreeav "h 4 W ejfM C* esa n" ra ti . m ßrai,l i re7;f:y 't , r i lti7, ;'.' eo r n ng "ham, Forsyth, Marna, Johnson, Laarreners "Mason, Matthias, M'Culin, Rich. Richards; Sadler, "Sankey, Slivery, Smyser, &emu hrme - • : gin ..Nsts—hieury Best, Drum, Frick, Pres:g, R. ..nigmather, Puteiger, and Darme . nyertieeie, "So tae queuton won determined= the akimauve I 0 rat ,Homa or ye a . "Shall the resolonotrpaga r The yeas &minty. were "taken agreeably to the provision of the tenth article "of the Consilintion, and are as "VW—Mean , Gideon J Hall, David/ Bern, Craig "Riddle Peter D. Bloom, David M Bole, Thomas K. "Roll, Jacob eon, John H Diehl, NathithieWi. Elllott y ..Joseph Eatery, David O. Eshleman, Willie* Roans, "Jahn Fatisold,‘Saatuel Purely, Jmeph fisher, "Henry M. Feller, Thomas Grove. Robertitompson, "George P. Hehatey, Thomas J. Hemnf. latosph Itig- Its, Charles IL Y A alp h Re aham nt. " mea J. Llevrtnante P s Vir.4ving, Jacob id , Cortiniii,John F. 4 11PCallue, iltigh9SPßee, John APLansithet, Adam "Martini Samuel hats, John C. Myers, Edstard Met "J hioo / 6:101Vtll Pearce, James Porter Henry C Pratt, "JUrtato Robb, George Rimier. Titeodoin• 14 man, 'Bernard S. Schoonover, Samuel Seibert, TeMn Sharp, "Christian Shively, Thomas C Steel, Jeremiah U. "Stablic J. Stu Leman. DI ars hal Swan:eve Ider, Ss, stand an, George 'r. Thom, Nicholas Thorn "Amish tattles, 8.3061 Weirlch, aloha/ 1.7 'Bartle Zerbery, William F. Putter, Spentatr —n3d cos, Nib—Means. August. K. Cornyn,Davidli.Conit. "hey, David Evans, Henry Evans, Jelin Fenton, .John W. George Thomas Gillespie, John Si Gordon, J "William Henry, ames J. Eta, Jouphaitihuh,Ro "bert R. Little, John S. M`Calmont. John hlliee. Gam hriiherrr, Josiah Maier, William Ti Morrison, "Join A. Otto, Witham Y. Roberts, Johk . W. Rose ',berry, John II RaMerford. R. Rundle fienith, John "Scorn, John Sender, George \Takers entjtirmitil,F. 'So the question was determined In ilitiMl/190.” 010.01/CIO AT'S 0001.1., liarrmborg, June 15,1 la. =UMW . . ee•se• I do certify thin the oberre totioing as ts. al true and correct copy' of tbo ''"iests" and ea,. "Nay.° taken nn the - Resolution .rtlative to an illaindlttant of the Constauhron," o p _ pears etelouroetts elf the two Ilnures ot 6 4‘e liene• ritiAseYably of thts Comtnouereaith, lor thlibiession of 'Witness coy hand and the teal of soidfir, *moth day of June, one (hottest,' eight hitigred and TO V o i NSEN O T) tOtjU2Cdltaolm See'r fhe Cmatc tRYDRIES -17 cad. Caperc, Acchostit 0b.„,, 10and Sardine.; 2/1 brute. fresh Sol.l'oo. I d . sub, for min low try Iylo JACOB IV lypittn, Jr _ WATCHES — Am received from laverpool, direct a very fine lot of Gold end finser FatentiLever, made expressly to order, by nod of the best manufacthring eatabluthments in Erigianit. ,, Also, a complete assortment oLgene viand English Oold and sliver %Vetches, from Mdo .fittc/d,;' • Gold Chains, Keys, Seals, Ac iVW WILSON, Watch Maker, olBearner Fourth sou Slicker LIGHT—We have reeetved a let of Lamp.- of 7ariosa size. tools, of a nem eoustruetion, Mae simplu and complete—some -riveamental. • Also, the article to barn m them etia,d , ldottone MA Etherial It has rare anittpes •wteh' leeemotandlt to the attention astearn-hott men, hotel korner!, and Inman keepers, for eleantistes9 :geonomy sod taiuMabl; surpasses any thaw porpt nom to tie. PCMIOII3 who picmse to toil on us wet- be shaven tho peculiarities ofthie new eoospound. Ammo= supply cylne Fluid and Lis kept by SUAIFE & ATKINSON,. to st, Jffi bemoan Wood Ea - Market InKnitAsBEED-6001bercetrand — tornajo 116/ BRAUN IaAMER COMMERCLIL RECORD: ITTSBURGH *OAR° OP TRADE CORMITIVRE FOR JULY /OS VIMNOCi. "No ` lacrunx. r 101EN2 MOVEMENTS OF THE OCEAN STEA,MERS Tlldi O)11114\ ? Fltoll Layman°, For Boston —Caledonta —Douglus. July 7 For New York—Europa—Lott—J uly 14. For Boston—Cambria—Leitch, July 71. For New . York—AmMiea—Shannon. July illgg OF SAILITIG 111011 t. kneat• From New York, ' , Hagar., /MY 25 1 b. From Boston, Caledonia, August Ist From New York, Etriopu. August Bth From Boston, Comb*. Antitrust 1518 From New It ork, America, August 251 SLAILLINETO*OUTHASIPTON AN D B MEN .—The steamer.) of this Company krtn lab regularly once a Month. as follows FROM NEW YORK Wastungtom Capt. Sky& Ptah July Herman, Capt. Crab*, 2ltth August Waslungton, Capt. Stoyd, 20th Sept FRONIttI3REM EN. Hermann, Capt. Crabtree, lsth July. I,Vaskungtost, Capt. Flrsyd ,sth August H 011110.1114 CaPt. CratAree, 15th September FROM sottniAm ETON Hermann, Capt. Crabtree, 201. h July Wmtungton, Capt. FlOOOl, 20th August Hermann, Cam Crabkree. trOnt September Orni, Prrystrautt Gsra-rre, , Saturday !damns. July 21, lett/ During yesterday. we al!erefarnred with several eceut and refreshing showers lit rain, which served as a pleasant relief front the long season of dry and parch ing hat weather to whir we have been expased Tame timely showers, tihile they tend to etrengt hen and invigorate the systsin within the confines of the city, will tell well for theivegetable productoms of the farmer. for they have siered much from the preva lence of the dronghdi. far as harvesting ise on cerned. however, the dry' weather has been mist op portune, and the farmer to made rapid progress in gathering in the itch proircts of his fields. The =Lukas. yesterday, presented the usual quiet- De" of the season, mid qiiotations generally were with out any important change!, The river is again grad.. ly dwindling down to lite r low water mark, and, not stbstanding the abonthehee of low water boats o the very lightest draug!lt, business on the Elver is extremely light, and thh receipts tram the different point. below ore barely worth noticing As a reason for the great scarcity °Nowa freights. we are infor med that owing to the 4carcity of water in the canal between this city and Rlairaviile, the canal boats are sticking fast, rhos completely blocking up the way. and preventing the arr#al here of merchandise from the Laxt. to be shipped West. In reference to the markets, we non present noihinc new or interesting; every thing continues exceedingly quiet, with on importane.schange in quotations. FLOUR—With the .eXceptcon of small receipts by wagon. none is coming forward. We continue our quotations from store yt limited lots at 64-50x14.U2* which may be Aiken pg the present ruling figures of be market' Retied tates knee been edected at $.5./13. GROCERIES AND PRO VISION O en eon unnea tolet;,and former Nuotanons are fu I)' stmumeti • say for N CY . Sugar by lifiuted lots at 5,11 . 51 hbdf. Min bids. `dales of 56:bb1s Molasses !wools bbbt of n7¢l2-qc rill. and Riciroffce at 7}432w ib Bacon continues *cry firm an '4 . csterday's quotations; monks are limited, and none isitorning forward front the low er markets. ; WHiSKET-511es pftrecufted are rep.tiarty effected 15e0Ific I gall. CRACKERS—Our la:s4 C ,'slootatioti• are eitbout alter 'on, and sale. are regediirly edeeted nt the following Water Crackers, per . • ..... • 8.3.75 Butter do e • • . - ...... 4.56 Pilot Bread. .... . . .... Buda do r Crocres, p?! . Li 7 WOOL—For the vorl7seu grades of Wool, the fol lowing are the present doping rate. In this market For Common • . 0 22c pLh blood _• l` 4 , do 25n " " do 27c h - Fall Hood • • 3°' •• Prime in- • •• - ..... • Me Spirit of the tlotnestle Markets. Sr. Lot., join it thiti Rivas •lED Ws till . ...A-The stet - Mier Sultana lett S Orleans on the gth tssil at 6r a la pnn tied oe and up, steamers Illinois sag Suttens; the firs: named hoot Hut arnwed. sh. met lima at Honouree Cut off. Mar shal Nev al foot of 'Hoed Ir No ...Suess wr on the trip titer up. The wer at New Orleans bad slams; entirely left the city. and mach of the inundated Mt mut was cleaned up, eery rem.kable hc.thy. Aet • ved at the Qna on nee ground on tan l lilt Hist but homely° emigrants oe4board, was permitted to come city up to e t tt Th tamer Corajeft. St Peters oh the nob n:ld S 4 I. water on the 7th in.. filet Dr Franklon Nod. at soon , h of Black river, 9tn., Tux% S. Tide above Arnold.. Ar cher at Hock Island, L'etbmple at Fm•POrt. Bah. mont No 2 at Keokuk. 'River fa/ling las' all the way down, with three feet &ate, to the channel to St. Pc. ten. The weather continues want, over about on a stand and New Orleans freights scarce but firm. Tobacco—Seim to di4y at the Planters' Warehoure emb race IS hhito four. 616ipping at follows 5 hbdo rem sed at 5.103,735 lablotaspassed •thadUil4,CO lje'lleti Rs The market is rather Vlore unmated sad the prices paid to day wore fall 6* the descripitorumforing. Hemp and Lead—Nei/temp recetved alone one loot, and no sales reported tllto more The marketquite 1118CIIVC and price• drr,oping There were two 10.. of Lead un the landing, mitt nothing transpired, awl at former qtlatstions. Flour —areeipts Slne laat ',caul very light and sales to a Ittniterl eaten' Ouly The market has nder gone no etsible ebange. Tranmener. repot' ed em. braced 380 blots part Bleic •t FJI,OO. the resodue yogi country brands at .S 3 66 , 383,90 h1 Grain—The stuck of Wheat en sale to day we. very light mad transactions MO not exceed 1,60 sacks. mme to pnme samples at 60806.5 e, metes returned. of two small lots at 370/34e. second hand sack Includre. Of Oats 292 seeks at 439 . 44 e, utk• toe used. No sal of other gnu. Prori•inns—Nothinefronspired to pork. lard is in de' mend, bat no sales Folly of Mention bare taken place A lot of 300 bbl) sold some time stone wa• der livered to day. pnine I6rd in bbl. would command 6.4 Gin Plb There us a blner ingutry for [...eon aides, but horns amd shoulderii are Inactive. tales of I:1 cooks clear odes at 41, and lj casks at 434 t, gr Whiskey—Market Rein andinquiry gaud. rule of n9 bbls raw to two lots It Win ip gall No heavy sales of rectified.—{Rep . Cattle Maritst.. liza oat, /toy 16,1-49 At hforket-I,6ta Bear Cattle. ( I „ilta Soothe , ti the re - troandorlrost tata Sitiite and the Falai 65 Cos , and Calvta rand 4.50. &testi and Lamas. ileeF Ca e —The market for Beeves bait been rather dull auee oar 1.1, andilie pelves current to day 'bus a deep ue eoutp•reiltaiat the quoutions of la l Von day. Sales of goodi r t i anag .n. 11.1 at Imo .6 to 7,.5. About I}u, wo tie lea over unsaid Cows and Cal•es—Stales at from 820 m 6.20,31145. Untold 15. ..• • • .. sherp and Larobs.-:Seles of Na former .I 2,7524,50, Lambs nt 14,10175 Len oyez SO. Spirit or tht DOme•tle garnet. CLer gr.o.NIJ . , .7017 17, IBln Canal Iteretpls--Flt 1040 pork 16. whiskey 217. wool. 75,043, Luber t&.. lard =ft, von b 7.673, 10.466, glass 11„,.Mn, corn 367/, wheat 4444, corn 1016 31nrket-Bales resperday. afternoon. 2".00 and 1100 bu wbeot, portal, terms 730 bu corn 141 e, X. LLO Stafford's corn Meal 23.05. To day, 600 La coca 481. 150 LW. Boar. sword brands 8115, 3,L00 tbs wool alt 2001/ tbk butter ec. Mk tat kte.. rine et, 10 bbls prune perk 87,50, bull 'wooed I. le 67 bbla setaskey 100 ititlO day., 13 ibis do le, to do Jo 17e, 1000 S. lard .Loo, tbs loons and • •hotoders kta 10 bb. tallow 7c, 3ls One salt Irma vessel. 07c, 300 do to arrive 030. g; 'rennin—Coro 40574 e; wheat 830. oats 3:ie. ryc 45S 46, eggs 10e, butler 80.--1 He r. --- Woof.—Eight firms in this city have purchased here during the season twerJaundred and twenty-dare. Itiou• and pounds of wool,eat prices ranging from all to •ri rents per wand. but Ras greater portion at from 24 to 27 rents. This amount does I?it include wool purchased at er y.ointa for agents titre •nd forwarded, bat is an un der estimate el the Tdrim trade The amount purehat sed on the Reserve: shipped from this port 15 reel Ilint the fignrceic.not be obtained •i resent, as large quantities malts to come io.—{Clev. lief OHIcICANAL TOLLS. The tall. colleethiannbe Ohio c•ril. during tbiniresent fa.- . cal ,year, op ut. , Jurni 17, a. • mounted to 21. Tolls received duriCg the week ending June atthrl: Do, to July Ist, Total amount, Total amount to 36.'y 2, 184! We are Informed H at. In consequence of the numer ous breaks this season, and the extensiveimprove• roents Gaand necessaltly, the coy of repairs win preis- VW exceed that of Inn. It already reaches tlBno,ooo. --{ltste Joor. F...roirr or I:max - Nowt —lt will probably 'irate tun ny voth earpnse tbatthe amount of Indian Corn ship ped ri Europe from tto United States during the past month of June ext4 month s that of the lawn in Ire:, the lantierigyenr. official Statetrient of the exports for the month have showered In the N Shlpting List, and ate quantity of rn oXpOtted ill staled at 14 , 7 269 bushels, being greater by :40,4 , X1 bushels than was vh , pped in the name phinth hrtB.47 and greater,ve he he•e, than was evergthippnd In any prr winos month. Yet. great as this smeunt is, it is but a tithe of the genti lity of grwn troportigq monthly into Great Ilrltaln, to which country almost the entire of our eapon• of bre nfb stuff. tend —[flahMtkrn Amer. WATCHES JEWELRY, AND SILVER 2THE subfiwtber, Who but been in hi:swede in 24 , the samettpuilding for the law thirteen years, ' is aniline albdescriptions of Paw Gold and SW ' tree %Valeta.), Jewelry, and Sliver Ware, al retatb at the very 'dia... ri y, cm Lied and Silver Bagitah Patent Lever Watches. Gold and Silver Bill bd Lever and Lew.. WRIC).II. bold and SilverHbrizontal and verge Wetebee. Gold and Silver .Ihdependent Second Witte.* for dating borer*, Gold Guard, fob led vest Chains. Gold Spectacles. Gold and ear.. Vancila. Gold Y e ns. Lathe.' Gold anitihtOna Braeolots. Gold Locket. GAld and Silver Thimbles linamend Strip 4d rine. Lames' and Gentldmene . Breastpins. Sterling Silver Scoons, Cutts, Forlfa,-44, • Gold Watches aglow as 2a to S.Z each. Wetches sad Je.e•etry bzehitriged. Spoons and Fort!. plated on Gentian S.J fiver, a fate the Al l Wllleit warranted to keep oat time or ti, money returnee' Jewelry repaired,- wid Wttleh. cleaned and repaired In the best manner, at much lees than the mud p.nees. .GEO. C. ALLE, i 'P tr ./ ..Wat e b. *r ain s ) ..ain% wholeaale end retail, Wan stee;eh itl"Rt. NEW YORK. juyndernis IRANGY & tee ki.lphall• Gams, tO5 tat .1 Mans—eV 4 TaYlneiColt.litnin , oared do; SS de Leeds b. Son do; 10 do &Eller, Blown & Hawkins' do do do, all Gin versed and yea., Mashed, in store and for sale by: hn SELLERS &NICOLS PORT OF PITTSBURGH ARRRIVED• Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Louis McLane, Bennett, Brownsville. WmPhillips, McPhial, Wellsville. Camden, Hendrickson. McKeespori, Elite, Bowers, Beaver. Peru, Calhoun, Sunfish. Cinderella, Calhoun, Wheeling. DEPARTED. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville LOU. McLane, Bennett, Brownsville Wrn, Phillips, McPhial, Wellsville. Camden, Hendrickson, Brownsville. Friendship, Davis, Wheeling. Tan &VER.—There were 2 feet 4 inches in the channel, by metal mark, last evening at dust and ..... , ATS LEAVING THIS BAY. B. ownsville Packets, C A M. and 4P. M Beaver Pocket., 10 A. M al. d Cinderella. Louisville—Lydia Collins. Put PUILAD etrau. D. Leech & co* packet tote. 4 Y M. roe VSLYGPo DT I=l DERAN4Shitef Or roe Lleart. IA One or the woo corn• [non, as well as the most formidable Maras-. known to American physictans It has in nocaw tailed to attract the closest ellentletk rum the Focally in all imaners of the Union. Mill, however, thousands an nually perish, and thousand. mire are made to loci life burdensome by this iliseasc. The proprietors of hrLane's Liver Pals feel confident that they odor to the aflbeted a remedy which time haa tested, and loss never failed of success when a fair mat has Leen m ama a. Call and purchase a box at the Dr.{ Stare on lul4alAwS J KIDU a CO Ej" A ge-aleinan of Pitt.hurgh. who had,fallen into open cellar lifter the - Great t.'ire.'• sprained his an• viesn .ev punerly that be was unable to refrain from cry ing out with the mo A friend who had been aging 11 A FahnemocS k Co's Hubei . ..met and been eared of Rheumaumm gave him what remained in the bottle, and although his limb was greatly .woilen, he was completely restored to health ni twelve hour. and freed from par TM. la but one of a great number Ili etues which have come ander the observation of the proprietors. Prepared and no dby 11 A N ESTOCK it. Co. corner Ist and Wood; aiso. corner tab and Wood b. u 8 CLARET BO rri.E.,l-2,. grads la !Damper, clear Claret 13attlea, for Bale by 11'10 JACOB WEAVER. Jr E p l=El n l . 1 n 5 0.. b u t . k , el t bond nod for %ale ny Jylll J AC.01.1 NVEA VER. Jr C I LOU e R-12 1 bids fine Flour. an l.:client ante lc, in r 5 00.1 order. 50 do do do common. for sale by /19 tilet)Le by Sdouiders; 12 du j~ Ilanv, m .sere and for .arc )10 SELLERS to NICOL. Altli AND 11.412 j I.nrd lin. 11 do ',lanced IJ,I. for pale by !'B SELI.EILS -1)0/ n.lll';‘ A NCI E^l MNIlk/IA V and Roman Mythology, 'or co.leges and School. by M Dwight; with yernotern Olual,nuon. at out Itne 12mo ast recelved and for :- by )Yl, JAME! , D I .In . g NV ooD. Yt'ond •1 _ll—E7dOLoa hui.d urn •or •LL/C ITU! 1 IA 7 I•TAR':k BALS , I; YY it FRESH SVDIMER GOODS, AT REDUCED PRICES A LEXANIWR A DAV 75 tart, etreet t northwett 13.. comer ol t • he Dtantautt. ate nose otteltit'tt rttet ,, e t r t .,,t, M MEI( OIOILo , A .nree port.o., these stordt have reeent.s heel. purchased et srerl suer:fire, ItOttl the Auction sa et. at the . d rrt.ut the vapor 0,1 menotax It "e have decoded upon offertes thts stock ot toods az prates so rettsord as to meet the noprob /non of those sotto An Itu.tners on the cheap Cart% prtnetnie The Silk Department is very estenstre ernttrorthat the thrferent kind. or dress and ...Janis Stits, saint de Clienert. and Cement. Oro tie Rhtitc• The Snotrl Departthettt eitraec• a spit did &nor , men , of !nth., t' 'toe stillt` tcst •th os rat prices to the finest, 0.010.1 ern: tordered Also I try , natline, Iterage, 11.hhatr. N e.t tt.hl splritd.t: fi4ort Shaw,. SC ARE'S—lliac! at. h. I , ere.g• niltlltraneettne ',arts UCRAIJE and other tine DRESS tit n IDS—Elegant and novel ovle, ht aeroses. Se, Tl•ttz,e, and other min yr,. Goods. worthy ot the a:l,nm. of the Jodie, LAWNS: LAWNS. —lit the Low!, department our odthuons trout the Etaatern auctlons art OLIO. 'erg... enthuse tots eleont at) lea at remar sb,s tow prices Imported and Domestic Gingham% Prints and Chtutreu. Drown and Illeac Led Nlas.tent, Cheeks, Ticking, F.aancis. Superior Eneitill a i d Frefteet Itrall• and t' re. Pet and Jens Ranta.oon Stripes an! ltr..n,• Ail of which ht. alert's!. Pilch teduettott rte./ rrrro ,„ oe , rroorroo or the pear worn that purehaters cannot fan to the o!ttosetl worn,. are mot: torrnidattir ettildrs.El the ALEX ANDER A DAY , e to s . upon AMEN-ECM SALOON, parer.. wen... taro ...hen to tn. rln o ce 1..) the r•pe:tha or these annoy - mg and ohen Iota: cocaine. of AND BATHING ESTABLISHMENT. cloche!! Th., overo.on .. I!) a pht *demo or grant T. 111 , c . F , A b l.1 ; . , r i cer 1c ia n, tg . in , %1 3 1 1 11e n . , nta h s . o . .t 1'11a ..,, i. n 0 , i ,, L t , s- e •11 ,..., Pe , :i70 . 7 ., 11 0 t ,‘ V , !• ,, c , ! . . , .. ~ .., .0. .{.1, 1,,a i 1 z, ,a , ‘. 741 11 , 1 1 : : 7... . : r .5 .i , •ooro roahh.ement a lie, every electron urn; to- a rover•or te tn. :wen colored al haat io od, PI lir I. 1,..4 . the como, o' IlsOrre 0:10 111 r, reef., ton le In pa Inn' •• • ' , ear. "0/ eevvar I OVA rII verrent durdo .., a ea:l '.Pert , -fr.-. oetwr-o Senoom sod Wt.! " ..'W Pon, al 1110 Dr. core el Ire Pren. and all other acne ar.e. o. toc 0n...0n goy- d&wl. J Pillar 1 CO 1u11..1i, rn. m, L...., Pius • -This gre. Asnerreall DISAOLUTION. remedy for nue an the me. roventehis an• 11.1 {teen .• a,', 0 01.1 .010 I. ! II 110 w •• ` '`'w - "aed O.Pe llO, 1 . 0 0 1 mod•• 1 uel It. BularreLd end L ii.)., 1::,a,, ` ll. '''" . 1 " , '`,', ..•'”'d I. 111 ^ 1. 8110 The n'' ... under the hrm , 11l s'll El KLD A !lAN 0 0.1. th,. dal .".'' ''' l • l .• - •• 1 eln'odar. wlth .. 00P 1 e5...• Ic• , . 0 0 „ w.,. . 00. , , , w. , ...,,, I , ~,,,. „......, ~, 0 ~,,,,, salts It hem never to, 11 1 rtral lento. ore.lo. tar the rest in the nom to S If Be.liticol A r Aorronv, .""' ^c f....! Y. 1,1 t , w.lleslnled h) one .1 me 010.1 due Inc firm iI he rol,emed to o 11. Dash!, d. and 1 0 " .. P 11 7`....... • I "'Po 1 • 51,11 rY• . 10 the medn'tor 01, doom oue 1.7 .ire .111 e Lem to oe paid by the ''''• " 1017 . 0 . • 1 1. 1 . . 11 1 1 1. 7 .1nn` no• odlen• th mama' , ~.. ii u ,,,,,,,,.. n. marterens C.-1 0, p..s!oue• •• .....a al Ow drug Pittsburgh, lace 22, Pr 4) W/Ili A VS .• cot I 1 1:1110 A. Ira ---- -- _____ CU-PARTNER 4II IP - S II Ltrartritse ha.rog Una UNITED STATES day ...crated och ...toe , ' li‘r. L.....'r WHOLESALE CLOTHING IT ALEHOUSE: f Bedford. Pa . r.l ntly of Int NalsonrO How , ilMburgh, w!i! continuerece !he harm,.. under the •arn. LIKWIS a. lIANFOIIiD, P Of lit'arlf YIELD& LEADER. •1 the oid stand. No . ...0.1 N,„, za, ..a.i. =,, . r .d ~,,,, p.,.. 8,..„ ). ~,,,,,, Liloirty street- 0 II IsUritIFLELD Fultne at. and Burling Iglipy NEW T. Pittsburgh, June r 2, le-in H. LEADER 140. re rra hall& the i assortment of 11.•Ing retired Item ate I, e• 1.00,000.. I Ist.. CLOTII I X U pie athre in reensoroendingcoy 0. ec.r4 . the 1.. IN THE UNITED STATES trent., of en- eu.tornr• sod the {th re rearm! , • Ire elan . 10 /4.1.1, alalsay• I utr Mr . rt lIA 1 V I! ~.• aro. w. SHIRT% and DRAW Kits, .• i i r - - - •:,' 4,1,1/aM all H 1,11. "...." * * 1 1 ..rrvet a •1. Jur, Il 1-19 : !,,,,, an • • • ' l '7 Ah John D Marc rn - I‘..ur nor I el•-- n/ e averyter. A... ltre ...I error.", loanable rarer .oi rull of your Worn, Soler to noc 0, ro, .Imdren. awl . Oil Clothing and Cotertd Hall I ,d. .hurt note of nor nal/ hour d • tom., I went) I•r:e • o f I fee. safe In recommed. It your , Verrerlusc I. the World. t I . th ' • '''' t .0.1. ' 0c th att n nr ' 11l t " " ''''''''' o4 ' PLAIN AND rn.iitoNAutt: ctArriliNti warms J•SCVI ra. netr Nnlde•rown Prepared and sod by the proprietor 30115 D MOR. Of all Lads. • , DAN Drugosu or.a door Le•our Iharoond el,ey. Wood : Catatonia, u( stock sent oy mot Order• prompt y I •‘• .YI lulu Lilo.. LEWIO le HA NR,ILD. 1 If 1.1 r ., 1.0P.:1 - .W IL Alt arts{ war eel. the Intros, ! II Ne. Vl3. Pl. U.. aid al" Pearl U. N. Y V log Summer Good, at reduced priers. ray Dress Lawns, Mollykrafall. Bursar, Tviallett Give, MARTIN LEWIS it. co , s dam.. Butanes.. Summer Shasta. :scar!, Ural!, Rthbons IScasuge. Ale. and Bo). {rummer Wear, CLOTH 1101:SE, t.. FUR THE EXCLUSIVE SALE. OF GOODS ADAPT. Penns went.. any above. or any other deser to El/ I.) MEN S WKA It non of Dry • (eoods. 01.1 Jo wool lo cm: at cor.hruo Theon'y house of the kind se Baltimore corner of IN Markel w 1 ,1 . 233 It rk LTIMI /It E OTHEF3'. ram. Pion Warr or IT - ALL:ABLE lhartyp,__.l4‘.‘,„, • 2,,,. 01 .„,,,0,,,,, vo.augs .. non, court V lionapa rig. 3 1/040 d 11 Itreplan... for the emelng ses.on l 1 In stork hove isr,. very complete B•uvI r ,fl eg . a . rd Ifeelltes Lecture.. Ori :be KnArrfr Poe. •• - on Inc Coin, Wntera ponea out own. by oar own bu{ers 1 • • am the Age of Elisabeth rani the orart mantalactorres in Europe, and writ. the 1 r ° - Span ot Or- Are. yr Contemporary •.. Iwo- ov mks alventara of every change in nor Jo . Tal•• by Edger A Poe r..... 0. 00m..0m Marlin, we emlfidenny challenge "°,`, 7 ::,'..., • .- ~,,--,... uy Alta 111 hoit...nd .01 o , in er!--. of ...00nent• choice I.•‘a or Hohilals Ahroad. or Europe Ithra. the Weer oy Mr. 11 .r. w , th the New lora, or an) 01.{er martat .1. the lidellread.Cherriry 'AMMO !Atter , and other Iteenre. of Though. s 1 Um., veer deatroos In extend our hominess •tiII more aLeigure wrote.. in Van 1 illervAr of more loitered I.ilB- reons the Alerchano.• Clothiers and MerCharilTarlors 'vary Lab., by N I' {t. n il. Id the 000. and Me., rap Pace prod parts:L.ler at• The Adireitilmes. or tole in .Le Woods hy I T 0.n.0. th Me inthertarren moll purchase of soch.lonla Headley In I Orr lel of goods 10a1 we koala will rent their sales Phrenology and Mesmer...el Examine.: And s• d certo.nly must he so obreet to them, to get hlacaotai , .01..rellanwe thcrr goods home •.1 00011 as possihre and at the cheep- La yard'. Ntneveu and • 111 Reran.. e.i freight. other aricantaaell beat, Nur., our na•rhet The Indicator. 1, Lerch Ilunt mar mor mo) or lor a fail share ol Moir eustern \\c A full sloe 0 et American lat 1' flout. on heed wid o a lanesamination of out steel, oud r n all art.. and for la. at 1 1 1.11.10m0i0 pr.res in. a, I .ant aurae cu•Lornen in prier. Went.., III! Nonh• 177 ELLIOTT A. 10N1.1.1011. 75 Wo!ul .1 ~,,, ,•,,,„ rrHE BAN ATI/It I C5.212111'11,1 oeernms 1 turning reformat:on in regard to the of der..nest occur in toe city wee It.y the character or Ihe donnaara, lord tar age of the pen.. oryiral rec. , I folly, req., the P a d{,.... • ~ 1,101, . 'nett er /Fre I:olortortre Roo.. I 4:our. Hanle on I rids y or each week al lit... NI 1.114.. En rn ek1..11 MON oli E. 15 lII.I{ E Y• ril tree gro De0r,,,,,,,a %_,I term Parr- NI /I Wl!..liey r,cene men end con• sourer, ate turned to eel; and ea amine , [ if In, arr. as Gee an •ruele as Mani, bad in the Western noun. cry. at the Wine 0. •r- of 172 JACOB WEAVKI4 Jr. - 011.-I0 We Li. ed 011:for sole hy 10 10! 1 B CANFIELD DELK SIDE-5-3,500 pireas for sale hy 1-0 11. ' I:1E0 A 14 Cs E.{ pituioighs ,, AR I , EII , - 1h• turse.l assortructil 0 Li Bruwel• Carpel.ever offered in tto• city. tor •••111 t the New Carp, Warehouse ellW ‘Ertintock • No 73 Fourth It. compronia the !sCest and 110110.1 sty lel, and at pnee• lower than ever °tiered in the martial. All who want 1ir....1• (*.erne., should call berme pureha,ng elsewhere (MO W 31'1:LIN'Strtli riltlF.Ahl CIiEESE-M , boo rust j rc i r l z . , ,l ,A a; . d r fr i r . :o l. V . e hy i X-/ lyll Water at. between Preith4elel and Wood -- - ("lOC° A OIIELLS.-{lO Snell., 10. Cocoa ior thle by ‘_./ WII; 11 (111 ANT i U 6 I% , :IATA ili.ool,ns- I h 1 ,,,,,,. 111 ~; . i ., 1 ~, ,r, d j01zi...... ..: , , U_, .... . .". _._.. . 131ORLIGN, COED! a LS-Orgrrat. Alorymn, rla r a. a' cos. Marin/rpm. &Fri..., and fancy French on) Malian Cordlahr, in !metiers and eases,. For solo hy the bottle or dozen. at the Wine Store of JACOB WEAVER, Jr, ,y 2. __ , ._ _ norm, a Alert el owl En... puPurrnt wi&y. and dr -iW y 1ey 601,11 . %V l. l (err A Porrester. IVA, nob ophon & cot. old dry 101 l 1/abourn's 1034, Pi., PAU Pure Jlll. , par ticular Port, Darns & Sone- Pure Juice, ilirrble. doe. ble and single Grapes. These Verl e. are all celebra ted for their merbeal oropernes, nod can he had whote sale or retail or the Wore Stole of ,Jr, JACOB WE/at/Ea, 1 I I_3AC-7•llroulders end Ilan., n. . in i, Elf house and for sale by jr2 ii lER & 105E14 DANE CLEgi•5l7O--AloCaa,./I(nean - , lava Lagurre, 1 , St Domingo orid Rio toffees, runt roc d and (or sale at the Prinn Tea Store, 761 Fourth II jorp 11,AISINS AND FIG6-2 1 al eighth bxs prime Rat- Evam., end 1211 small drams (rano Ply., 101 l moor.,..and for sale at 11,0 Pekin Tea Store, 70 Fourth avert. myltt - A ..i. Manors Lc CO , Irry U ,, 00. k... • It i '. 11: l ' ,l . I :I ' l ' c: n " i . - v ai 1 I be re opened on Frtday, July olb, All of their sthelt hatOug been marked down, w, I he offered at the greaten barge... Purchasers may de pond spun securing good' at LOWER IFLATV-S than ever before )7. P . _ URF CIDER VENEfiAR-20 tails feariord and lors+le by rya ARM:4IIIONC; tg CROZER __ _ MEMO $412,960 a , 344.6t4 91 DRY GOODS ST WEIOLESALR. WR. tURI'II stes the ottention met o' chants to tlet lore, supply of lICIV Bond. Just openetl In ttle wholesale Rooms, on 5.1 story, nitrate , . corner 4th Ittnt Mar hat strecto, Pittrborgh. This tetnittr 'retool supply far this spring, hr ht. o t ony' konir Roodsat reduced priors, and soma sty Irs, not to On !Entail rlseethrtc rav•ttlt,trT Rest a es Prcrsacaoli Mu. Trios. X. klmazam—Dear Sir: I rake pleasure in imitifying to the good qualities of your WRITING FLUID, and In rcemumendiug it in the public. It has been used in thus Institute for about a year, and on re• (erring to the books! find that the color improves by and Me tint hajpg is metallic black. be freely, and to those wet° use pens, lt will be found a rery desirable ink. Respectfully yours, Foe sale (together seilb Hibbees Reit and htsehlno C l ogytng Inks,/ by 11. AeruhnestockPritsburgb; / . P. Seherartz, Allegheny city, and the manufacturer, THOS. HIBLSER IS. comer of Liberty and Smith fold r tarots, PiUsburgh, Pa. ) A. M A PrOlti A. CO. are now oft 148 vide s brown Wu:Won 44 eta; bleached do at Si eta; very One 8 eta; Bawrder4.4nffs of every variety; more Ctlleoca at o} essi Lawn:elle; fast colon, warranted; fine Itereges 11 and 2St; more Wrought.:collors at 8 sod too; Cl/amino' 43e, An. 84. pal LOCAL RATTERS REPORERD VOL TIIR I'iT2sBEROII DAILY eazn-rr Tna LAT; Flax i A.l..t.rtourvr.—We have been requested by Mr. (+simian. trunk manufactu rer of Allegheny. to state that the destructive tire of Monday last did not originate in his factory, but in nit adio:ning carpenter's shop, occupied by Hen. ry Charles. Dson.....rion —The Pittsburgh infirmary for the relief of the sick and disabled, at Laceyville, on the Miaersville Road, will, by divine permission, be net apart for the holy objects for which it is designed, with appropnate religious ceremonies, on Sunday afternoon, precisely at 4 o'clock. Ad dresses will be made by clergymen of different churches in this city, in the English and German language. The clergy with their congregations and a humane and sympathizing public are affec tionately invited td be present. A collection will be taken for the benefit of the institution. • FOUND llauwroco.—The cornoner held an in quest yesterday afternoon, upon the body of a female child of about five years of age, which had been discovered on the previous day, floating down the Ohio. near Courtney's run. The name of the child is unknown, and a verdict of "iuund drown ed" was rendered in accordance with the Cacti, The child was dressed in a gingham frock, arith red stripes, a country flannel petticoat, blue check apron, red shoes, and its hair was of an auburn hue. Tae corpse was decently interred on the riv er bank, the place of interment being marked so that its parents may recover the body if they wish Atuutara—No further arrests have been made in Allegheny. Mr. Curry is null at large. A con siderable number of fire men have left the city, as !hey dread being put into prism. C holera Report FRIUM2', Mil/ 20-12 M Ocrrtmastr—The pbyalmans of the city report 5 cones and 1 death (rota Cholera, in the last twenty four hour. Very rerpeetiuily, WM. McK. MORGAN. To the Sanatory Committee. lactx rut Pirraaraitu eLLIrOI7II.• Cia . wv•ht have been favored with the perusal as letter addren- od by a member of Capt. tomatoes company, to one of his tee lives here, from which we make the following • il'apt nntrtm's company is split up. most of those who composed it traveling without any orgsnization-- e very man on his own honk. and devil mite the hard. most .111ov of tneir mules have fn ven out. and Mere is a areal 0,41 0: querrellog and lA:tering amone the former residents of the - Iron City My and inp.e.t are tar in elven, of Me rest, as wehave three )oke of oxen and one mu`e 'rue oxen a•el miseh luster. and endure tongue boner than thewwns. and I Lave reasoo to congratulate myself on the wise chore made in selcelmtt them, - Brockway , I'M/burgh company ts tar 1.% advance ot! Ank run's, and is getung along arry pro/porously Many or the members of Copt Antrum, c ompany have born compel ed to throw away weir baggage, ay taetr m a ntra were uttevy onat•!e. to draw curb heavy toads sou, 01 them had in their wagon/ •Nligt.t makes rteht' on the prattles Two ma , . c ow to my envomprnent. terterday had • [Norm., very deibcram.y dashed oat nts comrade's w.,s with en ate. and quietly proceeded on Ms nry There muet no of least r nrht hundred wagons in •dmore o• me. while them cannot be less t hen four• !hat nouther to tay re so you may mactne that our antmais hove pretty herd work to get grass enouett :0 keep theta mtraveling order 'lino ateadent happens, I expect to reach Lb< .. go d tdagut.•nout three wee,. Then ccount. float the lIVI El Dorado donttnar to be eery eneouragton. and at C last "Paddy • Leber' to 14! e the "Co Then o:e' to be bound 111 A mertr• t a• come true, einet. 110000 110110 he 11,1 up di the street. of New lark win moon be In those of "dart Franco , . I ;net Slot,. ' Mors on.. the out, 'AN return/tin , to the Stete• They had over 0.., hundred thomaand donar• noul 10V, Ihritk Ten ,o one. 11' they er rear, the place et the, dean - rutin, for iney Merl Wlth tonne pretty roush customer. upon the road •cr, hard, and night i •pproar h•ag.. I w.ii elow th.a tatter, a. I haw to rule Lock about hre owlet to so enrampawnt of enwmwneet.. elk VI2II, to Nhasoort, with thew mule% loaJr4 with ;mlity Watt to., to 2:1, ow, r.oek e of Droll's, Sitrionts. Nel.on, Non. •u4s. lonensooca,on... Wolitoes Week and fr ney color• rakaotcu locum and CA...slum, P l ato .ml rno.l n( which were onported oursel,s, anti v. , x ., h v w,I. guarantee to .e.,1 at low Al the a/ ver.o reptest.nt tae marm , atturets N York l'asvert AN, t:7101.1611 Woott.ues.—Supertor West of Knetand C. 011,.. do do wool WY Cs.tenerec French and Fa 4.A.1, Duffle snd Pilot Cloth.; blue. Kmy aml ' , Munn., blue Blutket. for cost, Ann) and Naw :'loth.. Felt and Tweed Cloths, humid 'voter proof Devonshire Hersey. W0ra,.....-1111elt and colored Cloths for overcoats nod cloak.; —cam, fanez g•, do pia Mort do; mind Doc. Yin l-ai.trotre., •rogy tone Cmg..erms riarri•ma and COAHIIR WOOL/,NS— —Cues blue, bloc a, ,r cd and medley Sattineis; —do sheep. grey Tweeds, do fulled end doable milled lyinsus, do plain and fancy rweeds, for sacks and overcoats awnsos, V[11.1,1%. V rallaGla. , —. Velvet, Sun, Silt, CultmereYarrortenet and Swansdown Vesol.o -an usortment rot:lLKelller unequalled hp coy thing that has ever act, adored in this market before, and which none can have, es rept ouch, who like ourselves, buy them OD the spot in Europe. F s.,cy Giwioa—Se arts, Cravat.. Suspender., tiloyes, ii.atalker<iiiolo, and every stride for gentlemen's tel , let. crib.. latest r•rlalar. srylea, M ECU, and Linen 8181111311.—Together with all kind or woollen, cotton and merino Hosiery, for underdresa. I Nlik.rrur COrdrAol. and Cokkeogs furnished with cloths and uniforms, at factory prime., also. with tary and naval Trimmings, of ••ory description. Ty.itomi Tiruntlaus. 0( summer qualities, via: 111 k English Satins; lilacl and colored Silk Valuta, do do 51,1 Sorg. s, 110 ilO 501,1 do, do do Alpaca It,; plain ; Alpacas rand Bomhuinerr; Sill Sleeve Idn c inga, Vent tins wing., Holmium. do, black and cold Twirl Pan, Threads, French Cloak Linidge, pinions, all kind., wonted and silk Holuings, dr he Ac. Can vas, Puddings, Silesia., Hullands, Wiggins, white .11u +, colored do, Wadding.. Fun rosi drab and blue Cloths, drub Sills Mr Cl4:4 , taia and worsted Ltsmaskii, and drab Velvein Pus Snouts.. —Cloths and Cumin.. of the ruling colors for gaiters, and luungs, black and co. tur.ol, of , Ir• best quality. kle,hants. kir:reliant Tailors and Clothiers visiting tar loran for purchasers are respectfully invord to es•m.iie our stock, whether they intend purchasing In market or not. MARTIN LEWIS & CO. the IE. *TAP ti P ZVI ENST11•1) 'MN cu® non “1.1314011; ELLicoirs MILLS 011.).1 POST-OFFICE 1,10.1: or LlncolnPh•Tp•,. Aaaaated by many able,ll and Traelter.t, Wcommence a new scholastic year an the Mith of lit:enslllEli NEXT. Pupils entering or Me flew Tear can be accommodated Sorg the vaca tion with hoard at the institute, .under proper minicr• vision or instruction. Terms 83411, for board and all ecesnarie. connected with a, and for itleglmh educe. lion fug me iicholestm year of forty , four weeks ne. compiiiihmesite, Languages, An., with board in veto „on, extra chugs, For healthfulness oflocanion.nenmated in a inch and salubrious region,) beauty of scenery, and facility on access (or travellers, the Patapsco Institute in alma, closed. That 11l advantages for bestowing a liberal and accomplished education are appreciamd by the publie,. a (ally demonstrated by its past and present prosperity. rayettawdrev—(ltalt Pat. VOR A V ALAI BLE FARM OF LAND, situated in Low /j.. N. St Ciao township. Allegheny county, Con .uant ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY ONE ACREP, with Dwelling House, Barn, Ac, thereon. The qualay of the land is excellent, and its conveni ence to this city renders it a deal/Abbe location. li not Bold previous to the troth Poptember, lOW, it will that day be offered at Public Bale on-the preanises, et 2 o'clock, P. M. For terms enquire of JOSEPItEOVD, Middleton, Moon township, A Reich.). county, or THOS. M. MARSHALL, Attorney gt Lew, jylthltswta st, Pittsburgh. 13ACON—MO pieces llama, 3100 do Shoulders, in retake house; g 1 hhda Hass, 40 do Sides, rd do Shouldenr, 41 tierces sugar eared llama; 10 Ithde COO- 'a de, all prime quali, licstore and for rale by imed ty , SELLERS h NICOLS RATES OF DISCOUNT RATI: OF 11117313 U U NT-CORBIN-71'ED BY N. 11011JNES it SONS, . . Ekenanke Brokera . ho. BY /KW\ et street, near Cs et Pensasylvanla. Indiana. Bank of Pkusbangh 2,7-•Pnr Boyle Irk &Branches- • I Eienange Bmk Pur B'eteSerlp • • • •• • " Merck. h Mr,. Bank • Par Virgl,la. lika.of Phlkulelprtta • • • •Pe.r, En,hange Bk. o , Va. mud Bank par.lnraterg Ilk.ed Va. —• • " Bank of Germantown .pari , l3k. of tke V alley,— " " come Couuty• • •par'ilk. of V n-glnte " " Delaware Co . • • M. Bk., Wheethog I " Montgomery CO. • par do Morgantown• •. • I " Nortnumberland• •pat:N. W. Bank V e—. I Columbus Brnide Co.' • pad do Wellsbory•—• I Doylestown Bank pall do Parkersburg•— Farmers' tlk. ii..14i14g• pa r, Tow Fame,.' Ilk. Burks Co pet'Llk. of Tennessee- • • • 5 Farmers Ilk Longa,r •po r For. k MoreWts Ilk Lansegtet lu Ilk • • • •put Planters' Bk.• •• • • " Lanrnster Bk.• • • • •-- Par,Ulllvn Ilk —• " M=MMI par State Bk of Missouri--. I Washing.° Itk. --- • y !Borth Carolina. Setlyabottih Ilk of Cape Fear Chanalieriburts • • • ss Mezch's Bk., Newoorn• Susquehanna Co. Ilk. 3 State Bank i,,touoom. • South Carolina. Middletown iikTo . lChltrieetc;; Ene Dir.• •• • . • 41 I Donsmerr la: Dt Fanners' and Drovers' ilk. or lieorgetown• •-• • 2 Dank, Waynekburg. • 1 '132.01 Ilennburg• •• • • • Harrisburg ...... •• Illerchanis Ilk • •-•-- Ilo,lesdalt ••-• • —. 1 !Flamers dr Meer., s Ilk • V Lnhannn • rrar'Llk. of South Caro,ln•• • 1 nlarirland. I 'llaluniore - 111..• • • I .13.4in'e tco R R Scrip ,Cumberlmod Bk. of Aile. We4ll3ratleb BI Relief Noten • ••• _ MA. nt Btc. Pete. de. " Bk. of Macy land • • " Scrip—Pinsb'g f: Countyln Furnaerel k M"elinnica " Allegheny, Ili Bk. Frederlek Ohio. rreder.ek Co. Bk..— • • " State Bk. Ann Brknehet 1 lineerslnwn Bk Monet pienne A y ..... •Mlneral Bk •-- • - —•-- • l ,1V asAngton " •• • • 130=1 'ilk. of St. Cie!, ;Bk. of Raver Inn. Co •• • • Cum...natl Banks Columbu. du• • Ciroler11:1 •-• • MEM %V ac.5!32 s!raTerr I t'y Puulm.¢l -- =MM! Nt All .olventktunks 3 I Ha nk of England Note. Nu , • —!t•-• 70 f. Gold *Spoel• 4.lus !NapOirotis 100 >andoik Cie v eluad • --- " 006•16 -.150460 l'Agle, old • • • 10 60 " Eagle, ne w •• • • • 10 00 ,D0ub10566,85551611. 15 00 " Dn. Plntrtol• —•—• • 15 50 Damn W..s.t.ern Rcterve , •— Frardthn Columbus Chilllemtbr .—.—..— ==l Illitil=l M==l Farsn'k. 11'k Canton--40 ren ticnldtra Urbana —.60• . . . Cirktuteucky• Eta a h sage. ilk of Kentucky I New York prm Bs .of Lorourille - ;Philadelphia -••— Irmo Not-burn Ilk. Ken ta'k y • " I.talumrkre • .... - rum New Tork—C.o, Banks, par. Intortor B'ks m INSURANCE. THE DELAWARE NICITAL SAFETY INSU• RANCE COM l'ANY.—Otfien, North Room of tha Exch.lice.'rhtrd greet, Phtlacklohtn. Fin INnutwric.—ltuildint, Nierehaodm• and other property an roN, •nd counrol, insured Um... mos or damage Ity lire at the 10 , Ne.t rate Of ',Minium NlAltatt brst - tuNen —They ohm•kire Ve.ooto. Car r.e• and Fr,otts, torolgn or coamtwtoo, under open or lopeclisi NOW Ir., so the moored roar de•ier 11,14-NO 711.1efarogr•Vol. - .100 mow, more ban trosi.portrd t.v Worono, It Coro Coniii and -gramßout, On rte.,. end :alcos. on the moot l‘berx, term. DIR RI - 11 /1:1S--./ II Seal, FAMund A S.A., John 1, Davi• s liol•ert Burton. JoAo R Sumu el Edrrurtl.. Gro L t.,71[ ,,, , Dori, ron. Lane R Dz. *. ‘S oltom Newt. Dr R 14., Jam. C Ilaou. I'muld.ll,. 10.,e. Ileury Noun. Hugh Cr.,. .fro,^ Spenc, 31,11ra,. Char.. Kery. 1 Vs, aum Flay. Ur S Thomas. John Sr I.t. CC,r Cr rr Jr DIRECTtiRS AT PI rrsui r Slor,an Ragaley, Inc, I..ognn WILLIAM MARTIN. l'r... , !tat Awnv+ Nnrvctn, +c. rrlary tra.c, of 0. Cwripaoy. No 47 WaLer wee:, PlLL•bur,n .15.! r A MA DI:IRA. Az , . JOY , t 14.. American, Merl..., D.., t't.roo• .1, cop) ICRSTB6I lASI RANCE COMPANY' OF PITTSBURGH CAPITAL $lOO,OOO. R \11..t." Jr, PFe.l %VW assur, inn,ll EIRK AND ‘IARINE. ios*e. art:. he Bberal.) ad 81•441 and pr4o.istl, A h ud ome Imutoyon—mang l ed by Director. who are well knuvro In the conamomtv. and orb" are dete•ni.” edpromptneat and litteraltty to mamtaln the te/ ark, vrh6ch they have aa.umed. odermq the Ito protection lu Moe.. who dreare to he Insured ikazz - roa. Thner. Jr. Ibro Mock. J W Butler N Holmes. j 1 , 0% B C lxmaen. tiro lb Jack e at. NN m N Lion, Jas. I.4ppinrott. rho. K 1... , e•, Juno. Nl'Aaley. A.c.l Name), Thu. Scott llrrn, Wet., Bre, arebc use hi Spl4.llf, SI.I/0.1 Pat.t.urel tol di. LIGHTNING RODS, Wt. 11,1‘,./LC I,le, ler, at the Paul, n• ,I Fourth , 4.thrrth \imam and F•tth. p u t artoutuu• Ecru.. I•Ao' Horace I. a, \ Proi Che•tr.r Mor, P P.M P ito,,Aser \ 1 1 I. en•re, 1.41 t. r4r. 4 . 4 43.1. II I r•hooto.e/Arer. J 41.1W1±, \ll. hart low,. J A W; Ao, A •ot 1 . 1.44 4 . 4 11.,/ CIIMMICAL WLLITUu 11 IRBERT, I "EBERIIIII RED IN IC 111BLIF.:RT , SIAI 111:S131111 . 1 IN is i t LI. awl.. etffet front ord. tr ar, A tt tnay A t t. tv ,. eltermeal so.utvonA contrunote ro rt•• 4.1 mot et drove greet, (tom a. li.nd of eten--the eolot deep. br l / 4 eltv And durable. II were ha,. Porn natter sr .eter Mimi, I Pave meal., seen nor heard id tenet +ma tve bottles oat Orr tee alned Kraut, by the nverrtornt• t ravel,. trten II A ralearox4 Itrnry kr Altrarts Altezhaty Or CO I.' m•no , Aetrta tk K 11111114 RT Nutt. , dAre , .•• It Ante:al.ld A.r.rta P0rt0...,n P• \ II - ,odle :do ono, cosnc.i. can ne trturned and the rdlec 1,11 C.- refund., Sul" ad= =II T ,ativ renrbratert num°, 11,1.1 csn ',nue nu I 1 1- , •"• , 3 I•.rni. .6 Th,4 netaree, ...I .1,1 Six tne ..I•lntn ,wrlvn . ,•y ntre an.l r-lrea void or 'mote gre••• nr Oi Js•3 or =RI 1 • 14 'uf DA VID Ihverst out Apothecary No 43 Martei ad, tome door, ere", Thud at_ Pat*, bomb, wtd hard eou.tantly on hand a well ardeeted o. aortdoent Ohba I,w sod Irrehest Medirtoea orb, h be artll sett on the Eno.t resotoda3le torrn• nnodoig orderv..e , ll L.. prompt:r ot ended to ad,l.ap pl ed Stu 0r,,,e• they nn V eNbli a 7- s aro t,..e . Phrortan• r•esenpuons m... 1 40 Ol^e{lrli• ind oe•tly preparrA horn the best 0..,011.1*, at R.i7 rieerot he Icy or mgt.- AISO Inc sale, • iltrrre toeA of fre‘h and good Prno. merry • DR. D. ;11'NT, li khort N l'crort Kul ' •lar. oet. , rn sep.: dl vut we Plane and %% ouJ •d:t . 74 "" „LllItIt1 " 11 I T 2, ,"" Cl n. I b ST(3 7 : PA PILL MIL L. ,°‘'.:l4:l',"Yr'7,',..",:::„'l'l . ...'t'.:,t';:r.:l‘k'r'tl:„'"p'urr. [KM, 01 teaAaacluit, p.. , r. Cu.°. P3P , r wherr , wit , II) p.C1.1.1 ICI rere,ve 'he age of putuic. and lora:let e'll.011.:(1 of the .e frier 'al: at ' t 1112,1 keep cm hand genera e•• syrt,mg. rapploc te• ani bonnet hoards. Wank books. etc ete. willeti In, ex. - halter for r scan :Irian and cotton re, Prtoter• and [loot rahlislicra ciao hr .applied with every desertpuott 01 printing It ,per at •11111 001,04 . and at rt dared price.Tti,,Ml.S./N HANNA Inril LAO El) , ll'Nt , so II N • Rooitng.--Unlyantard Tha THE mbocrthero beg to rot, ton nunnt Arehart. and owners of Itunditigo. to tOr amity advantage• which Mese plates pis ver Ili nth, Inela/0< aubstances hitterto anti for roofing, as tarp 1 . 1011 t...• at once Me iiAntrleall 0) I orktheint its ~hotly to rust, h•ving now Imre tested ron, for,everal years in this particular. both no thi5...0011117 and to Est. rope 'roe . ; are loos liable to eapanaton Mita folltrk, Mom •iiddett change of the atmosphere, than coo, mon an pfistes, trots. Dm, or any other metal now used lot rooting. nod mnitoegnently form a much better nod h,er roof, repliflng for lets frequent re pat., whilst Wn hrot root o, hut a 101110 more IMITIIIr I. El I a 1131 )11r.WO00 h. I'o , , 14 and Id Heaver sire, Now lock. The patent nail! tor this artleir haying Siren secured for lire United States, all parties infringing thereon, either by oupormhon or otherveme, will be prosier. ted. oetilixdawlvT atiorituiCLa giluoicAL orincia, .., .., No 06, DIAMOND ALLEY, I 1 ~ ' door. bolow Wood street, to , 4 4 market _• , !-P;S 7' , j .- DLL. DROWN, having bse• ~X7,- ; ii:i. . '‘;'' . regularly edueated to the teethe. ~,..,,..,•:, i'. profession, and been rot some tune iir.r..,-;, • ....••• . tit general proeuee, now coulows i....i. , .::.! ' • .':e- his attention to the treatment of Pr''''' * these private and delicate curl •• , plaints (or which hot opportunities A.', .., • and experience pert:liar' y qualli• iii ' ;' , ' ''' •,.• '' loin. ll years assidunualy devoted to sill . y a treatment °Nicle complambiddansix watch time ha has bad more practice and hos eared snore pas dents than can ever fall to the lot of nay private arse: Utioner) amply qualifies biro to otter assurence• 01 speedy, permanent, and suustfareinry cu-e to all atlheted with delicate diseases, and ell dioceses arising thei el from. Dr. Broom would Inform Mosu afflicted with pn•att diseases which have lieeente chronic by tone or - ax gravated by the sea of any of the comninunnaruna of the day, that their complaints can be radically and the, mighty eared; he baying given him caroul an erit•on to the irentnient attach cave., and /turner/Ird in hand reds of inatunena in curing per.. of trident... of the neck of the bladder, and kindred Mare.. whinli lifted result born those oases where others bevel rower ne I them to hope: a. deapair. lie particularly Mattes rues hero been long and unsueceadully treated by whorl to consult bun, when evrry tottakelloa will be gLYa them, and their cartes treated in a careCol.thorough tint intelligent manner, pointed out by a long erportence study,.d investigation, which tiniabonble for the. engaged in neral prettied of memedicine to one 00 l. One cl, of dis ge ese. LV - Iltirtsta or Rupture.—Dr Ilrown 01.0 Invites pert its afflicted with Hernia to call, as he hat paid pane aloe attention to this disease. CANCERS also cured. Skin disease% also Pt' ~ Palsy, eta , speedily oared Charges very low. N. ll. Putte WO of em sex living al a iliatemee, by noting their discose in writing, ifivlogail .o .yep) toms, noel obtain metheines with direction.. for sae, addrraallig T. DROWN, M. D., post paid, and cantos. ing a fee. (Mee No. OS, Diamond alley, opposite Ma avarly House. 8.11.11•11.1.—Dr. Drownls newly disrovered come dy for Rheum... ta a opacity and certain remedy tor Mat potful trouble. It never Ws. Office and Private Conautuut Rooms, No. LS the mond alley, Pittaburgb, Pa. The. Doctor is always at home Tr. Nn ears no Day ea., \i 7 lIITE SUGARS —laverin& loaf, crushed sod V V mtbrortred :tug sit lost we'd and for tale by thy bbl or at red., at the Pekin Teo Store, 70 Fourth at. 121 WHISKEY -600 tibia Whi;di e latrTrertirdibi vole by lOW Wk SI MITCHELTREE VOREioN ANU UOMESTIC LIQUORS—IL gene r I •SSOM2I.II ewes,* on hum:tend (or sale by Itslo W & M A/VIVIIELTRLE A RD--40 kegs No I Lord, for gala J 76 //WILLS & 808 5a.“;',"4:1:,.ii.....iiTa;',10.M. _Vit, Arti . l,ll3tll , , 10'9...tmf.f..r. , • , ;.-tq .z .::- .. ' 2 a'' A .1, .. 4V- 1 ' 7, -: , AZ1.21 .3 C F.. S. 1 - 2. ' n 1c , : . e. 1.11 . --- - i •- z ?.:- . - :•- e== . -1=a -5 ... , 7:.,... t " 4 .._.,-....- . 7. , .P.;:•1 al lig :::'-:I= 1, .:t...g=“.. 4, 1-rE- T7.7 1 ;27. 3. E Z'al. l2 fii-Ql'4' - .. 1. r-, ir t t 7..5:“....1.:7;'';'61‘, ...- V: .2 SEVP Z' fio" - 1 co .14,;<-I:E•q.,-..3 CO w " . : 1 1E .- ,!YI 1`..-' 77 -' l- -".1 - Fzi . 12...7, 1 1 5 Lt -- . e i..7...-...2. - -it.,7,....1 Ea . Ic= z 4. 1 occ ? .zz , 1:: .11 .,..,p..i.t.i2.F4,2,,..1,...`,_,.;:::.' 7 ;.' igift;.:V.•:;:;..i•JPl 'Ol 2 i" :i...i.s i''--1-F•7l4;':ei-i!. -,!...i';''''-!-1....'%q,!7;i-V-_-.l'i 1';124:: ICE > tli iF-liv:: , :iiiL:4;!_iril'i-Ai:;. - t -, :1 1 -iv? -1 1 z .4 ..,E;:,;:-;. - - - ;::qi.Y!iii"- - 3,:i'_•i - ifiti , l, 1:'..14 1 1 ..i.z....,E....,.,..7.;t0i: 8 f1,.:•-e-,... ~ ... ;_r% ~.....c.-•?....._, E . . i i Zis o h - .-0 r- --..i,..:T.,-,.;=,..-,-..1. - ;,. ET, ..< 'I. l c `,..r. el — =:. 7,..'::• i - Ci:...! . E: _, - „ WIX ti is a„ -, Zo E.;l-_,..,,,,,,...::......!,..,_,... .. 5..9 I) l g,.. It A i t g 7,.: F: 'iLi'..;,' ....,- . ..if_j i if.: t E,,,Eil'lr ! t• 11 ems . Ci w(4 d ' fi f :..7 3....-:. ° l'..i l‘ t2. 7: c ce g „-.. 72_ , _-..r = .--,...,..-.,.:, -I, 4'13 4 LIL- 44 - a 6 .-- i,. - ;tf;,-.f..2-,-.......1 , h: . ;,. Lne ...,1 It ~'Ci . t'i.;iiqF14.:...“...7.; :I'l'. CZ t c , ) i,14 .i.:.; , ri...,:=.-_,F,i.,...1, , ii P - .... ,:._.- aNT - 2: s. ,- z"-' 4 ii - iiti':=• 74 *-f . g - ;:t...7"-...-$-::,..1z5 - 2,:j .. AL I . ;N:' , .W. -, i'.4c , :•Erit.. - 2,-r..1 .5_.:.,,.., 7 „..,.„.....,....,,,..,g .z .; , lia , Ea'r... -= ': , -; - 'l°Zl.`=" 'BVIti ICC -1 i . ;....: A .7. r . I.): , )1 .1..t• - :';';'tr-LL ) ".i.-1,..1)) 2 ) ;•gt", i.1)0,-rz, a. HO' • ‘, ..;t .. ;,.));_....“; , -..?.F71F,f'4 ..,.r..zg 1ii .24 7-‘: S iii t.... CC :'i 4 .' ~ el ..-=•,. .i:7: -. :; :.- . 4 4.Sit:':':" .. i;: : ;',". 1 7riii,:. :5 2.cFiMi..V : it7,.. , i, - , - .- ; .,,•...,.. E _ - 4. - ..1:- . 1 7; il'' -.4-1- i -2 il. 7. firi s . l :°ii; - 3ii:i - i•f l ! " 12 :' O 7 OL- .7, ..i..'-' , ±, - c'T.:li c:;' ; ;- :;; ; ;'' '1 , - f - 17.; - i,! , i. ' ::ti.‘ '.: ,:l w - 0,,,,,, "Zi . :; .g -..-- - -1 : -, -- - zrs - ' 17 ' ,,- . 7 : 7 :' ,- .7-;: - - . ..:-..i.t. - 'za -.--, ..a: - .• - ...',..7,_- -, , , ,F., , , , _, c 2;•,,-=- o g..-E , fl . 4 Mi3i 6 ,.. 4 1i!1% . ..; : i.1. !_: - .: . !!;j.1 . 1.1 .1 :. : Al : ::: . - :`•;'7 , -: '' - ',,‘ - ..-:" - . 7 7i;:t-:= , P ii . ., 5 :: :: ;:t ai Ve o 5'... -1 7. - ' , =.5.r.:74. 1- i2 -^.''''::: , 2.:'7' -- -3i'',!.....::: '-'• ;;I'Zil.;7 ; ; ; Illii" . . , ! - I - Ii; ' - : : ;,tilitt ; 41 ..ta i-.:.. , -1. — ..r-YE.-1. , : , 2 , .2. ,,, 2.,:-".:: - ..•-.2 : 2 .-. :......F.-...4.; , .i.„9 . EF , -!:=.;,ENit w z... UP ~.1.;,i2i',1“.3.1C-ti::-il-.=2.!.1... =-11.7 :- .. ;- :' ,.. :7-t t -7, .,.. , 55 4 ,....,:s ..,.7-,..:-...:-, - -31.. , ;,5,i:.,F:. , ,-:E'3s44:: °;;. ' Lij . - - OF : d4. - ii . .P..-'!- -- 11 . f.'. 17 : - ' - ;=. s •t - 1 - ‘:! -- ft. 6 - F..i .2i .- -`. frr AGENTI9I.—WM J kCKSON, JOHN D 310RHAN. Pittiabiagbi I) M. CURRY. Allegheny City; A PATTEINON, larrimighitin. Iylßidtll6 M ISCELLANEOUS 1312111=11 PITTSBURGH FRENCH BURR MILL STONE and MILL FURNISHING LSTAIILISILMENT, Nns 214 and tHCI Liberty street, near the Canal. French Burr Mill Stones, of my own manufacture, made of a new and linpanor quality of Blcmn; partic ular care a. taken to have the Jonas made close, and all the block. to each stone of a uniform quality. They are wornmted to Ito equal to any in the country, arid mpenor to the great mss. of Burr., whether of foreign or don esuc manufactnre, and sold at the lowest pri• cea Mill Stones, manufactured In Franee—a gene ral assortment, at reduced pnees, always ea hand. Laurel Hill Mill Stones, all alms. Rotting Cloth, Anchor Stamp, warranted best qual ity. and at greatly reduced prices. Mill Spindle, Mill hone, Strews and Picks, Plat. form Seale•. Ciirn and Cob Grinder.: and Saw Mill Castings of all kmds, and Mill Furnwhnig in gen eral All order. promptly attended to at 914 and 246 1.11 any creel rear the Canal, Patshorgh. mv30:064a W. W WALLACE .Pltt•burgh Steam Marble Works. NO. 244 LInERTY, oppointe Smithfield street Marble Mantle., Moeumeets,Tornba.Table Tops, . a large of the most beautiful kind. mode of the finest ~nality of forewn and domes. in inart , le. always on hand or read.: to order, by the isid of ma. r h,nety. on the shonest notion and at the lowest pewee. N —The Country Trade furnished WIIIJ karts of Mar , l, et the 'ovrest rate. All ord,rs proltylly at tended lo at 244 Liberty, opposite Srnidifir,l•• 10)311 oletu NV NV W A 1.1./N Beaver...3W Erie Express Packet Line. R. G. PARKS, Beaver, Propnetor rrHE new and elegant Passenger Packets, I NIAGARA. Cant 11 11 Jolfriee; • I Pi-INNS 1 i.VANIA, '' 1 II Hoffman. L fEE ERI/.. ° M T-uhy, QUEEN CCU, `' / 51clIally, SMUT MACHINES. ' Forrnt..,. A din:y 1.1:1c between Beaver art: Eric," have f I'LL S Patent SUM,' or Preneli Burr SMuT \I 1 ' „ 0 „,,,,,,, ~„„,„,, „„,,,, o „, th ,„„ thuingth ,„,.. 1., I'IIINK--tne best aruelc of tole kind to u.c. the, „mi re.,.„ .„,.., „.,,,,, ,rip, ~,,, , ,n 6 ~,,,c , ~, run tight , e.nati fa•t, In tar a,' V tvei, nett wit. 1o. : a th , o of the mornote boat irons Pntshargh, (1 ... blv lsov Asost 54 . of them ''' a ` e, '” l''' toot elock. r a end arrtve 4 Erse in tun., for passenger. ntio• .. to. m-sintri• ami o'v "a'''' the 'L.."' '''.: lva'' to take the uthrong Lore to Buffalo or up We Lake. nu.) ate sonnvtent I'vrso 's its '^', .."I'llorlly oft to acts L 1110.1511 to Erie aud alLake ports, can be all oilier t 4 ant Mado'ov• F" , '."W"r , !....'..• . 1- latt by application to 10115 Al. CAUGHEY, Agt, area. Inn tottotertuer at - 244 I..C.,erty it. Pitteloirsh. corner of WitteMind Smithfield , t it ms.4otdettn W W WAI.I 11'E , Of GEORGE K WIC, STEAM ENGINES AS,' D 8011.. ER-S— rt, crlst.•uvr 'WA-to under tag Si Charles Hotel is,al other nulls, atarnytt on hold, or made to order n " . "'""°"``' °"' '''' ''''''.' " *".. A' 'r- O. W. BIDDLE, Dentist..... * - 4- 1- - t.t ft 1- - -‘lO V FJ) to a new three story brick he den proinpuy attended to at 244 y 244 Id street, rtear .11 s ~. e Cana: to) 30 _ W W WALLAC H ...... on Smithfield etre., one door below .... Sixth street. Teeth Inserted from one D LASTER PARIS—For lamb rod other purposes, ~ 5 , ‘ ~„u „ „, ~,,,„ „,.. 0 „ p,„ a ,pla , a",,, a ~.... I .. l ''''' " and at 244 Ll . b.. ", , , ,, ,., t v wm.i.m . F. li.fnuxi,r3re.nsiz,tar the , of la t , 11: . natural gum—restoring the ura+ HY DR A 1 . 1.1 C CESIFINT—AIw•v• . on hand. at 244 , N It —Teeth extracted with tittle or no Lit.ert) .1 my3o NY NI, I% A LLACI4 Decayed Teeth permanent./ saved by plugging, pre. twat ; vents.' the too th ache, which is in hotter than cu. G. K ,V d r31 :;.1,, N t ' i , — ,; ' ,.; • ; . :::: '''d V''' ' ' . "' ru,..: it. though It stiould be dons in five mutates, or rut at W W WALLACE ~,.. 'i'datitlY. apdtbly • • _ ._ _ PERIM TEA STORE. TEAS! TRASH TEAS!!! rutlß subserther h. lust received at the Pekin Tea IT. with pleasure that the subacobere 1, Store, 7U Fourth street, a very large and well se inform the .1.1.40 i of f'llOtburgh ....2 ii. f ret s stock of pare GREEN AND BLACK TkIAS. many then they Irks, completed arrance• from New York, all of which hoe been received in this ow.. won Meagr 1 C. Jenkins & Co . en nutty since the first of February last. consisting of of l'adadelplun. to e . 'oot,. their superior a't the undercut grades grown in the Colonial Empire . PACKED TEAS, Our stoak being among the tomcat in the Wed, we are And ono her-after Ire kept eonatantiy on prepared to whole ale. on better terms than nay other baud. They a re tt eat y turd arrtely pot tom, in le city. We invite retail grocers to call and upsn methote pact s of I. i and b u lb ',rt., s xamtne nur stock and once.. They can hove n ptmk won their booted cad- snowing the tend ~, I. i. ono Itb pal-kagea, slb nu emanates, or by 4 00 f Tel. pro, Slam. 0' the roarer i and hip(cue... to suit their mstiveniesice. dr 7 p... ..t Plo.adriploa. scut, au oivnanna to return the liar rvtiati prices vary for Oolong. Black Teas from Yes l' not used st. cis to ft/. per It, Nola Young Souchong. 50 e lf; . . .. . . .. .. . . M 2 . RI"AIL 1.6 t t s 1 . ,ag0 50, and E}..glish Breakfast SO, Young Hyman, mei . 5 I 100 1.5.1 1,0 " ,powder and I at,erml. from 3.5 Clot to 81.Ja per lb. 7, : . 0 I '.',., I . r 411710 1 ,. Ure reuuevtal to wad and got sampler of ,0 t','Y i 75 1.1 , 0 1,25 ~: nu rTr .... and try them before purchasing. ~, of f 75 1,141 j 25 1 3 mll . . ,, Awri A. JAYNES. 7tl Fourth street r thrnpowdei Imperial Hi.. . • II la. I, ,71 50 . ._ _ .. _. • Grace Ileng11•II Remedy. IL'''. i line pst..l el tra r.t.,- 1,1,./ 1 t . f. 1..511 VUR Cough, CohlA, Asthma and Consurepoord The We `' ,. ...n• b ' ` n ." Tr '" s. " ""' to " '" o ' r I: RF-AT AND ONLY REItIEDY forth, cure of the sk,Kluoli.. , :.d , t , .• ...T ." 4 •h.. "' le thorns... Is the HUNGARIAN BALSAMIIe int , .a. C , . ,, '' a^""P.b....'" '''‘'" .''''Y ' 4 ” L '' '" LIFE., al- revered by the celebrated Dr. Buchan, of turned. and tt , mob^ V , o'l b^. l"."". "" .../ Ladon. Ellgland. sod introduced rote the United Slates . , , n. that unarm., nun, ter , .0.1 ....., ~ under ihr nanictliate superintendence of the Inventor. We not a mo tr chose•at. tn. Um Put"' 'nay be' .rile" . The curt...bury stmeess of this medicine, in tit adce tcta re a ow Tr.. an , choseh'''''''.'''' .d.' n cure of Pulmonary, &wafts, warrants the American nth, rampant. , in this nil 1, Agent in whetting for treatment the worst possible m an love" 0. rot , 10t....* .. 1 6..1 honored TEAS , sea Met c. be found in the community-seam, that seek üb: sn Ms , u. 3 rt.'. relief in an from anyof the common remedies of the • For .ale by lax S M YOrNa t , co , I day, and linSe. been Swett up by the most distinguished NOh cornet Da and Ferrr tweets. and phybiletarts as confirmed and incurable. The liangurb , liYn't?" 4o , I. CO"I an Delwin has cured, and will eon, the most desperate t my Wt.. ai S W cornet 34 and Ho.. Street, or rum, It is no quack nostrum. bat a standard Rog. ~,, DR. W. U. DAR E , t I ish medicine, of known and established efficacy. lADENTIST. i Every family in the United Stoma should be stpplimi 5...„,,,,, ,......... 1 ..... 17,. a,,,,, of :•,,,,„ Sock I • with Durban's Mum alli•10 of Life, not only to , routes. tMe couumptior tendencies of the eltrute, , t '....... - S.' i.'... '''''' ''''''''''." ' e r”.. ' .' d but to be n red att a preventive medicine in all eases en sawrberry attr, I minds, coughs, apitung of blood, pun in the aide and rm It -lbws. , of the mouth. gums and teeth treated . ,beet, ter mima and soreness of the tangs, brochitia I tow:raptor" e sitil "M" . . • thfficulty of breatnig,lentie fever, night sweat, emaes Ct ,NriN I' ATION OF Till'. tiitb:AT tr AI Y. A ration and genera: debility, asthma, influenza, whooping . A. A. MASON & CO'S cough and r amp. Sold ht large bottles. at SI per bottle, with NS threw I ONE PRICE STORE,'..Pam., for .he reale/talon of ealth. , hlet, containing a maw of F.neish anti Amen.At nun gwnwer Reduce./ Prim. ean eerttfwates, and other cvldenee, showing the arr A A M CO • d e"'" .• °( riuralod ownu of this great English Remedy, may Be . out their Stork PwPar*.nrY to t , ww , nß t , w" o f tuned of the Agents. eratuttodsly w Fri. For sale 1.7 n A AIINKSTUCK Co., comae of rvrr The,. rrernt I•rer Paren.••• 111 and Woo.: and Wood And nth m. pu9dArwB ',Ors. am, ut sueh trumenie stier.gres trow r.... •:1 ciosed out the same moo. rates. An. Aug., Me aril tes recent t open•d met, mention MERCHANT TAILOR 8 r am• M , , et rol.mrd Lamm at 7 ere 1 •rid Muslin, t. •nd 'lc 1 No. 46 51arket street, A large on silk•. Shawls and tenor.. rev, low 111 .4.1,1NG purchased all rantt are and carefully so-' Fl ev 3: tie Lat.., ISse . Irc Itereges at ot,e ba, price ' .0 .1 resaccinaly intern., his friend. and the • bola-hams at Ille • puo.a. Mat he 11 110 iv preparmg to mentor and exe. , • - Fanbrottlenert, veil reel. cum their Lod r• vi ttl, th•outch and In the neatest, l . e !Sonnets. half price ' most substantial, and fashionable meaner As be is , - H°.°° ''' f. ' s "' L ""' Tr.fff " ° " l a f ' 1° lil .1 , rnutmil to tto business 0.1 the caMt system, he Hat : rases Merrarnack Caw. , st an lir, ci Cateoen Clfie ~. himself that he will he able to do work at cheap as ,t eau he du., at a Is, establi•hmeat m Wee ountry. at ri and usre• -town ca.! hienehed Mualin, cheap iti..,,,,.., rev.‘„ed. con.,,ung of c. , ,,..,,,,,„ ii,... , Irish Lomii, at Inc, Linen tanchem.l4.• c. , ,uire, Vesunes. ke , watch hrs (mods are respectful. Itotamt Loran • a id tor, Gloves at he , „ : p malted to examine for titemaelves. ". '', a" '.... aff. v• ” ... p of Of " . " i ' a " • a " '-' nuo V. 4 di: . GaIORGE ARMOR a lt eh o , , prove s oaten, to purr nese, ot trine X, 10 NICIV liAnDWAu.n. /swop:E. LI. per rem I' re •mre wtrl I.• re v one dat lot SIGN OF THE PLANE AND SAW, mart. ,:, doa a s ,it rev., , the +tom. tlor ; v ss e .72 A A MASON ACO . .0. 7 S Wood Pittsburgh. ; I i CRFIt ONO LAU FM A.:. Imparters mad dealert Ii i , ICK LES, - PltEgEltirli:g, so. i ji . ForriKa and Doi/Leine EIAILDWAILIG, at 1 a I .t, varieties, are I/OW prepared U. well . Isar and WELLS, MILLER & PROVOST on et , reasonable terms as cati be pnrchasedelSeorhere, ili Front street, New York, %v., ardent our ft,11.1., and the public gemsrany, to ca, end examine our stock, arbleb consuls to pan of NI ANI FAC rt., RLRS of r , ery variety et Pickle+, KNIVES and FORKS, PO'CKh7F and PEN KNIVIZ, LII I , •emes, Jet re + Jam, CatsvP• Snaco , i , ” - , SCISSORS, SHEARS, RAZORS, 11 tare Trinamings, raps, • ineetar• Ittiormrd sume., Estract.. I •11..11 II! i Xel,.. Latches, Eames and Screws, together PA - I EN ll PR1,1.11V1,17 PRO , . I•LUNS. 1.11 , 11 a• with everl article usually kept In Hardware Stores. , •tr r•, I ec , riter,r, salmon. Mackerel. tilled, Mee. We Inoue the atteettan al Carpenter-a and Mechanics • egetalues, X• ten orelii to et r a, rot - meta of Toot% which have been, lurporter• of r /live, Capers, Salad Lals. Se rimes,. Meted Yeah greet care, and which we are deterrent - 1- E u ., a n t NN c. 1 alta Condtments, it, ..1 in sea +n,r, u, nive onnsfactiort. apitnifr.wT __... _ ______ The.. coc• II ItIOIC ellellll,o, co emote* arester auglrlvitiior mom. I a af'`' "i d .. p ar a l i ' n °°°" ails then rhar of an ' 'pill , . understgned have err clod eureka in the city of L'.'°' f II " ... In their '• ' y .8" toilet °°“" I New Fork. for the purpose at Wilt/musing all ern ,•l her ettal • •re pa, Lid in n ° t te Var... Packages. e . •of Iron, rah. It a is dastrable to PROTECF FROM and in so WV a mann" a+ to l'r al' tltot a ras‘a”an . Ili - ti,r tern R. 1. teeruph Wire, Bolts, Spike, Nasty , any per. , I the country It r „ tor Fences, Ho I any other article which may be N.II .• ties may be seen at the office or tn.. red s For Hanes fur Cedes; sa a sabstamte for bale ; P•Pet Roc, for Clothes LIM^. laghnona Roue, and a host of -Agent.'" 13.. .. Sllaa fear'.° . Co Plflf°4°l, '` l° °Mr r applications, a will be found cheap wad durable. ia• fli Bossier l'a i l°lnaf f ' A .tank Sa° Si Lout s: racy would pante windy call ntienuon to the Galeani fma ilaaaa"." A r" 1 ...n` 1 "". F " na• l a Ca. v.! Woe fur iencys, it regain, nn pliant, and will not Cl.3ettlinAti Ilernry Itraelonatt 1a ... . ru•t Al. to Spares and Bolt., the preservation of tel,.cli „a of so mach importadec, that n will commend rte.t t to the nonce of all those intereotted UFA/ R. SIOREW 00 D A GO., Patentees, ootaa-as ~I el' 14 and 10 Beaver st. N. York Orierktlemon's Furnishing Warshaw... HERRICK 46 SCUDDER, I' 94 William street, New York, *I ANI • FACTUItERS, Importers. ono Dealers in Facts for the Public, il ~ 1 IRTA. DB F.giglNl) ItOFIES. I.IN EN COOL-, In relation to that unrivalled family Salve, LAN,. , POCKB, silt it' LIP. It BRAES. CIL A Ars. ,o.F.R, 111.1,:. riCARFS. MON fi.l Ill,t.TS. I'NLIER DAILEY'S MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR. tiAlt3ill-:NTtit. f iI.UVRS, SATINS. LINE'S BOSOMS,TES rINION V of a res,leetable Physician.—Read 0:3 II AN UK F.RCIIIErg, 111 ER Y, BUCKLES, hhi,,.. the following. addressed to my Agent, NIL F. Met- P 1- . ..N151-lliS. BONIIIAZINEgt. Ac. !re. ! ry weather, Cinetuitult The above stock will • on examina,,on, by found riot Carcornart, ?eh. 11,19-10. on', attractive. eatehatve and tn.l hot i. neap g.te Annse of duty compels ine to give my tribute Our long erpoi-nence in the 1.0..i1e•a end too,leitge to Dailey 4 Pain Egir.tetor Being oppo.r.d to clact• of inditiaaeturing. with Me lacilitii , of, are • err and all 0.14t111011 having for their object sinister such that wd ere confident we eon oder inducements uniiive•—Out math good from the -KIR, Of (hot 4,11301 ho surpipoied by any House in the city Part Nilter•"-1 am indueed to tender you this cart fi" Particular •ltehlion paid to enters and the panting rate I have nand am my family. in my precuts, arid of goods 111,11HICS it. gn..11./BEIL with mi the happy and wonderful acct.. that moult Ua William st, opposite Platt, Yew hurt po..iiiiy he imagined. It J. Ottawa, NI. 0. 14 , 11 , A. IlltitllCA. 11.1. w 54..1,1/01.. h“ Brodie ia ILI senior partner of Brod, It. Levi, iitaiid:lor Druggists. . . _ ... _ SIIACILLK'I'T a. %V 111 . 1•., DRY GOODS JOBBERS, WIMP t‘TREET, Aupon. of rc they well to the trade ee such prlces as cannot Iv; is a e•tt,re . otryA nnn. Car nod t;utiotry Alcrchanta are melted to call •i. our .uck before purobstsing elactv he r< I B - OON KEFI . I , 4' t —Wank. °or It-ail:lnv it,. wort, with the author'. iiirceiroits to true b . PTA pr ^d on therovers. A wise supply juin tree , rod loom Next York. and for sale by lul3 /0150 II Mt:Li/tn. t. !Vt. S I' TOW Ni.t..olPr• L,/ doe,, cd Dr. Totrotend's Genuine Sur..irpor ittit rev d and ft/1 tole by • It I.: SELLERS. 57 Wood C. only Agent fir Pittvinir 4 h. tO4 Ily 11 M CURRY. Agent for Allegheny rut . _ Witactoo Ds FOR Diti:t4SEt..4—W. R Murphy V V bun a loran matiortment or above Goods, Ivey received, tui.ti as pluan wrote from per yd up it very floe; plain `Scaly. do, barred .tivvias em• Smoldered do; satin barred Jarkonett; poet filo Ir..J du. Nunn wiped do; and a general a.sortment or Li toll Inn turh no plain arid baumd Nettai 1.. e... toga. tee --al n05...v.1 corner ith and Market irole•ale Hiroo.. up iutl 13EAPTIFFI, ORNAMENTE FOR PA /atm U. I.,orntvottu, al Wood .sect, tins n`ce,aedm beuuuiu lly ornamented UR E AP APRONS, ro of a venety or 'fatten. laud colors; arta, out Tissue Paper for ornament:ad looting glasses. ptrture transes,orlampa luxl rs 111E6011R CONI3I, 1 . 1.1.:Aa v 1.:.11 6111iN V COUN • V. at Oelatwr Tv rah Nu :6 In the Ramer al the voluntary as .tgusucta al War 'lca Martin tr. Co Spnogerilarbanett sod Co. - n. 7% And now, June 'J 4j , ion, Notice having been glints in the Pittsburgh ttornincic nod Melt:l.y. for three weeks, of the Wink of thenr cow., WO 110 c xrepuo. having been bled thereto. oti motion of Air Courtney, the account Is Con wed Atosuliarly, and Win. E. Au.- tin, P. appointed Auditor to audit and adjust the ac counts of credttors, nod :nuke duty button Croon them. Prom the Record. lIELTZ,Protha Ott ry. Er I wilt attend to the defies of the above appoint ment, at toy care tat Pitiseetgh, on the 1716 Je1y,1049, k 9 o'cloc lor k, P. M. WhL E AUSTIN , Ahdltor juNaE TRANSPORTATION &c. EXPRESS PACKET Lll4l E, FOR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE, Exclusively for Passenger.. 4 7 " As -=6l. —The Boats of ibis Line will leave iev-ese as iullorrs, al 9 o'clock •t night: bootaety—Capt II Thuby, Monday, July 16. Louisiana—J P Thompson, Tuesday. July 17, Indiam—P Hussey, Wednesday. IS. Ohio—A Craig, Thursday, 19. Kentucky—H Truby, Friday, 20 Louistatia—.) I"Photupson, Satunlay, 21. Indiana—P Bushey, Sunday, 22. Ohio—Caps. A Craig, Monday, tal Kentucky—ft Truby, Tuesday, 24 Louisiana—J P Thompson Wednesday, Indima—P Harkey, Thursday, 26. Ohio—A Craig. Friday, 27. Kentucky—Capt H Truby, Saturday, July 118. Lovisinna—J P Thompson, Sunday, iN Indians —P !lackey, Monday, )J. Ohio— A Craig. Tuesday, :IL For lo.M. npply m %V SUTCH, .Monongahela House, iYIS or D LEECH b. Co. Canal Basin =az, 1849. ..... _:iT.r lril Yie aide:sing testimonial comes treat a Starer is. 11.11.1er. 10 many Of those traveting on our \V turn vas ter• Mr Ulnae, inn well and favorably known pro-I priemr of the l'arsersinarg Hotel, Is husband to tae lady whose letter I annex Psasacsauma, V. April 13,1649. T o H aim Dailey. cimmist, /cc - 1 8 in Having tor tartly hewn lung afflicted with VIO:Cf11 1nd.1111111017 Itheamatisna, which arnieared so firmly seated as to defy CI ordinary •spithonce• to allay ibe severe ate p alle.lfif II( 71 I Was tailored In try your Moglcal act Extrathd and it having edected, almost a s if by ica. gic 11110f , f1.11G relic), and also. to all appearances and perleet cut, 1 lira induced for the bene fit of tuners who may im afflicted with pain s ! weed by any kelti 1111111.nrttalion, to write to you, declaring Illy OP.OIOII, rounded on actual eXpertence. your PI 'veal Pun ratromor is the mart valuable dis covery of the -resent ay For the immediate extraction of bod,,y pn, If Is an almost immediate and ri pet it, rot, ler Buns and heralds, and all eXternal io date/Sennett. . . . . . Hamm( many aequalotanees fon:Peal by their Timm at my hosband'• hotel in thot place, I have supposed by t oat shotataitt them tha to Mat hoe., at may possibly be of be nellt Kota to them and pourtwlf. It eito ruin the hope that Mrs. °lime malt 'toroth, the ph et 1 glee to her letter, u well en the score of human, hems Me soreat mode of titinguis it to L:ot ~,,':eo of her friends —U. DALLICT.I Frios Cured. Ka tram of s letter, dated Ramona, Ky NOY 21, Idli • Mr 11 Di:net: .1 have tried your Yam kistractor in a vase or felon, In "myown family which tt relieved m mad mired very short time." in haste, ))roots re spectfully, ha. fit Yomso. ltp rltn end Stink's, Pries. time Nipples, Broken Breast, blruptions, Sores, Cuts, M'oands, and all in- Illumination. yield. readily to the wonderful properties of 11314 oralvelled 1.1130, , salve But, in the same pro. portion that you will receive benefit from the gunman, you will he tutored by the deletertous died. of the counterfeit Asivee. . . CAL:TWIN—He sure and opply only to the inventor, H 415 Broadway, New York, or to has au thortse,l agent, JOHN D MORGAN, General Depot, Pittsburg!, Henry P. (thwarts, Allegheny, Agent; J. Baker, Weeding, Vo.; Junes W Johnston, Maysville, Sri klerryweather, Cincinnati, 0., General Depot. • N. /J —to the severest Harks and Healdaft. Menus the pain!» t few Monne-41 never rails. ~ -Ante rilAß—vo bats on amid and int slum by jot! TAIONY,Ia UST , HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, ko . _ Valuable Real Estate far Sale. aTHE subscriber oars (or =le her !louse and Lot in Allegheny City, pleasantly situated on Bank Lane, and fronting the Allegheny. rivet, nearly opposite the point of Pittsburgh. The Lulls 90 (Oct wide, and extends from Bank Lane on the South to Rebecca street on the North, bounded also by Nei. son street on the Rest. II is one of the handsomest and most desirable lots now oared for sale any where in the netehborhood of Allegheny City. II Is loge enough to he subdivided Advantageously Into 10 build- Lug lots of the noel size. It Is Imry . suitable for • fain tly residence—is stoked with a vanety of choice Fret 'Free. in full bearing. The dwelling 6 convenient and comfortable ' and all in good repair. 'X warrantee deed will b o given,.. and possession at any time to eau the purehaser. For terms, apply on the premises to iyl3:dirn • PHEBE SAVORY. /pi k A large *owe on blacker st, between 3rd and 4th M sts, well finished and handrunely fitted up for dry good,, being a good stand for that business. D GAZZ An, ()Mee, 3rd n, over Phito Hall—Olheo hours from 4 to 11 s ts. 1y 11 - 1143 171. A VERY desirable residence In the bo-9 rough of Manchester, adjoining John Daw ning, Esq. The Lot in s. corner one, flay feet front by one hundred and eteety feet deep—oath a twe story Hit .k Hotnie, twenty-five feet front, oath two peeler; dining room, end kitchen on first floor. A carriage house, stable and grapery, and the IoC roll of choice frail trees, all to good order. Enquire of the gainer:- 6e r. Lumber Me reCant, A begiter y city. la I calteartf T JNO. PATTERSON. Property iia Altegkieny - ffiy for Bea.. THE aubsenbers offer for safe a number of choies 1.013, situate to the Second Word, fronting bn the Common aroma, on easy terms. Inquire ot W. On ROBINSON, Atty at Lass, St Clair st or of JAB ROBINSON, on thepreathes. nol7tdkvtfT A tITEWELE, A THREE stoned Dwelling' House, bebag the recand house from Pena street, In Snyder.. Row, wi Het street. Immediate possesuon will be Oven. Enqutre of DAVID RITCHIE, Attorney at Law--ottca on Fourth street, between Cherry alley and Grant Street iultbdtf FOIL BENT, FOUR new two story Dock Dwelling nooses, well finished and in eanplece order, on Center Avenue. 7th Ward. Possession !liven July tat. Rent lOW. &iture of JOHN WAIT & CO, jug corner of Liberty and Hand sts TO peramErts A. - 110 lIE undersigned offers for sale lb &Mean county, Pa .le7lo acres of well timbered LAND, with an excellent Suw Mill nearly near, and two new Frame Houses, one 41 feet front by 47 back; the other 3: feet front by back. Also, good new frame Barn. thirty by forty feet. The mill and land are situated four miles from the Allegheny river. A greatderd of NNE TIMBER of the beat quality, and also a rust quantity of the very beet hemlock. Also, ono acre on the bank of the Allegheny. near a cove, most adourably adapt. ed for rafting, where lumber can be rafted oq.,the toe in winter. and be perfectly safe from all fretlets.— Price 1.9,000, or Et.s an acre. Terms easy. Will take Isbell cleared small farm, with good house mod or chard upon U. as part payment, d Woad.. is mailable. and the balance in lumber, or as may be agreed oa This Is an excellent opportunity for lumbering; and the probability is great that in two or Wee years this properly will double its value, in 00111.01plenee 01 its to 'he New York and Erie Railroad. Thu bur sufficient to wear out ariveral saw mills—and sev eral mill ones on the stream which runs nearly . through the centre of the land Atonal fifteen trees In grass No hilt to rise IA hauling lumber roans milt to river Trout 'and game in abundance. For farther panic= tars, address, (posrpaid4 P B. TEMPLETON, mrst twffisl Hamm. officio Pitl•lols..h ===:a MIIE subscribers will sell at pnvate sale, mane two I valuable Lots of Ground, stunned on Tomato rt., in the Third Ward of Allegheny City, each having • front or:* feet, running back ISO feet is depth to a arJ feet Wry, upon which is built a (tom wan, 23 by 100 feet, which contains stone enough to build cellars for two comfortable dwelling boosts, and In from there are three shade trees, of 8 years growth, Lad the side wa'k It paved with brick, all of which will be sold at SOW. Pntsburgh and Allegheny, or Coanty Scrip, soul be taken in payment. J d II PHILLIPS, No 5 Wood Si,, or to tVM BENSON, imuterhately opposite sold lot. guy,9 TO LET, nTHE Dwelling House on Third street, above Sronefteldoecupiedby family of ho lala Dr. A. N. Nl'DowelL Poneasion given on the let or July nen-. Also, some large lots of ground in the Ninth Wart, between the Foth Ward and Croghansville, suitable for lumber yards. WS!. his OARLINGTON, !twat:dlr . Al 11 Darliortoata. s`rowth st FOR SALF.-Flre lot. et ally sonatas. an the war' won; town of Iltrmilicham. The lota are altal• tad on Dentean street, numbered in F Rausnann's plan SS, RI, SI, el and ...!--Lot No 75 fronting alt (mama Ma. ry Asn street. 70 feet deep; the other four tall feel float each, by eta feet deep. Tr Tom-Greater pan of purchase ISlOnot may !13'i mato tor 512 years, secured by mortgage. /for part., stars, ormutre of S SCFIOYRR, myle 110 secon d Valuable Coal Land for tlale. ABOUP four mil es above aqua No. 2, at the mouth of Pone lion, Monnropthela Rover. rite Coal us of thr very beat googly, and easy 'of accost. Any number of acres, from twenty-five to a hundred, maght be obtain...l. !lemons doairona of purchasing, can eall on WALKER. REED, on the premises, or Wm Reed. oppose the Post odote, who will give any in lormatmat concermag the property. The shove will be sold at a groat bargain. myttl:dero TO LET- -41' —A good brick Dwelllng House, squats on Recnnwn street, Allegheny. Enquire of 801.115.1614 stlFiorpm FOR SALE CH E a' PUtt Serit P—A tot or groutui isittnite On Webster street, 23 reel &ow High street; 20 feet front on Webster, by no feet to a fire feet allay —quills close to new court house. Price 8930. Tents, 835 U cub in hand; balance in one, two, three salons years from the first of April lost County and City‘Acrip token (or cash yapmeht.. quire 01 ntrld S AnHOYF.R. t to second at filitlerAcre. tiosusaws& sot nautr, SITUA Chiron the filonongnhola tiverodiont lama. from urgh and 3 miles above third Lock, In the onmeiliute neighborhood antenna Lyon &Sharp. and :Ur John He rrOn'll purchase. This on body of Cool mill be said at the low price of 63/ per tern—ono third in hand; balance in five equal annual paymeas*, without internat. Tale indisputable. Location very good—cannot besurra.ed. For ten punt:raters enquire g. ,d 1.1.; who has a draft of sold pro. perry. HOW neneo oa it, below Ferry, Mr. Adarnarßow • N. U. There us another soun of real ou Taunt, abou il t .. t i re a ct above aka lower, of eueellept quality. — VVl — sia - /I bte - ntlitlng Lots Goo /Lilo. E sabseribors are authorised °Set es micas° gala, ond upon *Ply (aroma, term, • number of very vanzablo Building tots, comprising o losgu portion of the L.ots nambensd G 7, 66, 69 ond 76, m Woods' General Plan of the Cite of Pittsburgh, sluts led at the tomb easiwanny corner of Penn and Wayne dreets, fronting 710 teat on tun (Amor, Ottd.4,Voinlans ong the ;alter about on, coat to etc Allegheny and being a pan of the Real Estate of the tate Junes S. Steeenson, Eeq. . deenaged plan or eutabsieton of the above Lots, In confer• mils with which n is proposed to sell, may be seen at the otter of Me undersigned, on Fourth, between Mat ket and Ferry sta. WILLIAMS le KUHN. otyll Valuable Real kstate (cur Bale. rtih: following property in the thy of Pittehargn, a,td near the 'tororteh of Menehesier, on the CWo river, to offered for tale on orronur.odering huhu: 3 Lets theing euti-dretiton of Lot No VW in the Oen of the ,city of lii tiburg herim 10 feet front an Se venth urea, by .110 feet to Strawberry alley r.cer tirent street. 10 oac non, Lots honor, on an Avenue, CI Tool wale, sonpuns (root Heaver toad to toe Ohio nye,. ad joining Pl!lips's t h. Cloth Fa,org. For terms, enduire of CHARLES R. SCULLY', or J ANIFS O'HARA, ((j-it( Rorke's Minding, 4th n.• Vaiii•bli - groporty ter 14 THE NINMI WARD OF PITTSBURGH —Rev.' eni Lots on Ltaldostn and Liberty streets, is the OM Ward, 12.1 wet by 000, d sulmeat the proposed depot alb° Central Itallsoasi For brats initiate of CHARLES B. SCM.LV, or JA.MRS O'HARA, Rorke'. Building, 401 to TWO noes MS . A D - 160 - Td — ar - W v A - 7 -- 's AA TWO LI CO en !leaver street, in tee etty Allegheny, noose the upper tlommons, on whirl, is erected a frame building, two strums high, suitably for two small tenements. The lota are each larcnty feet in bout by one hundred tees eeeponso yut.ha r h to a street fbrty lam old. 'the build - logs on the pre, moles old pay a very handsome interest on the Masa, merit, and the propeny attll be sold cheap ter euh. Apply to IL Sproul, Clerk'. office; O. S. or to norA9 KAY Aen Ocoieh Ifoltesak Laud tor Hale. MEN ACRI. OF LAND, gunned in Pueblo. tonr, ship, on thc Monongahela, three miles from Pate burgh -.-111 lots to scut purchaser.. For loaner petztee lass apply to lioury Wood., 3d in, or to ll= A—WASHINGTON, .. no r22...itf tit, above SmithfielA sr wAR.,... ~..„,.2„...„...,-R., offers for wile the throe story Erick Warehou.• on Wood sum, oecapieil by R. Tanner & Co. _917 WkL WILSON, It. ;TALl:ulna: gem. t...r.terk: UN twee trritrax V FOR SALK—A 1,01 of Oretutd situate maim strectOretween Say and harbor) , streets, adioicina the botise and lof now occupied by Richard'Elsrards, besiege front of 2S feet, and in depth LSO feet, wilt be told on favorable terms. Title unexceptionable. &- unite of 1-dtl C. 0. LOOMIS, 41.6 et, neat Weed. *bet2 War 8 5. A MI i t t ri. " .:l, " r gL = A dOtn e le e Za will he " id en necommoda[inß teems. fequire of (66 411, FORRIINT—Nroom In IVproct Oreet. 0.140. . TNFORM Chair Wends sad tha parka illatdaajhave X no longer any ctuaneetion with their law establish meattn Pem street, known as the PitaftrODrearar haat. reamed thair:Onliza Dulness to the POINT LINEWERVI/41 MVPS, 01$84
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers