ESTABLISHED IN 1786. BUSINESS CAM 1. H. 111•131:4 . r irresuust. musLO 4t. STERRETT, TTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS Af LAW, between Sautafield end Grisd, Alsbuzgh, I A& &Er & PRIEHD, " Z TTORNEYS AT LAW, Fourth atreci, PGA, Gala ABILIETRONG &CROZEP., Cosruniselea Merchispu end iDealere in Produce, No. 21 Market attest lugral• duce,- a ucoutrulo. num 1.4.0111.- BUSLIFIELD & LEADER, Wholesale Dry bloods, Urocerter, Boots, Shoes, Rissbntsb manufactured uncles. etc, No. MO Liberty stamit, Pittsbarfa : FAZDZI.I.t I DIA OA 000000 'DRAW.. h. REIIER, Wholosale_s i ld r. ttal , la t t. s kurp , liner o Liberty and St. 1.; . Rai luna r K. B. Baonati, Bwti .11.BERTI3ON, Wbolesa.le Gwent% and Cs amasmon 51eanhants, No. 145, Labertyi,W Putsbana. Pa. -dc3l , D e I aItiNkTOCK. & Co, Wholesale satirfte- Ale tilt Drogdu, as, corner Wood and MI its. DII.IALEY & SALITH, Wholesale(Roden, Itriiitd tia Wood sweet Ptitsburgy. 11 A. ideAilitJLTY i Co., FdiiraisWland enier 1.). mission Merchants, Coal llaatq Pittsbargh.ra. meld! Dugs:toms Spring, Axle, Noel and Itii;a Worts. • COLEMAN, HALLMAN tr. Co, smuntractunrril Of Coach and Eliptie Springs, Hammered Spring and Plough Steel, Iron, /se. W'o arehouse n Water and From streets, Pittsburgh. Also, deniers W Golsen Trimming. and Malleile Castings. onus . MARBLE WORKS ON I.II4KATY ST. OPPOSITE THE MEAD UP WrauD, prrirsabisusi . BDIIIO2IID WILKES% CONTINUES inanuatetunt Monuments, Bina! Vitale., Tombs, Head Stones, Mame! Pmem, Ceai tre and Pier Tops of . foreign and domestic marble,. at • regular and bur price. 11.—Dravrinan for mammonis t .salts, to. foroplii ed, -of any dosonption. Ile soliciri a alum of rniblJh . • La GUM NGLISII & SENNETr, (Imo x E Co.) , Wholenale Grocers, Corm:warn. o.nd 7dr- Irsrding Merchant., and deniers in erodude and Pifti burgh filanutacturro, No. 87 Wood et., between Yd n,nd &I wow, °col' /122111.612 uarnmannost and pn ra.aNlP . lT blarchant, No. 20 Wood street. Pauburgh. ongl HONE LIGILGIIIII FACTORY. HANILIOI , I STEW ART, inanulacturey of flegn Cheeks, Rebecca meet, cut of Allegheny. novls-ellye Ell, (successor to Murphy b. Lee,) Wool IXIII . er awl Commission Merchant, for the salci•iii American Woolems, Liberty, opposite sth st, fablY, Z. lm o; 111 , WA.1.0 EWAN Pte• 11. C. &Walton 2011.2. w.tazra, A.A-44-Neortur".„-fl=t9o =III neir3o-Er HARDY, JON & Co., (successors to etwobd,.l Jottel & Co.) Cossummon and ForvfludinitZ a, *- canals, dealers • 1.1, Prusburgh blegaufammred Pittsburgh, Pa meb.27 - -- .rghl • - .........._.,:, =Lk DICICKI, ItOECM DIC.i, flh, - . , iestiAll DICKEY Zs Co., Wholesale Grocers, Con. 'sisal. dealers In and deale la Produce, Nos i,55 star, and lin Front streets, PutsburgiL nosh 7-, 8. - ZUsISPIELD, (tote Warren;Ottio,) ConcuPs;. 'Sedlol and Forwarsing Merchant, and erholesare er in Western Reserve Cheese,•ther, Pot gild Peali &should Western P 70411.) generally, Weser tract, between 'Smithfield .nd Wood, Pittsburgh. ag JOLIN WATT, (successor to Masan A Gobbed-4f Wholesale Grocer and Condolsaion Idexhitit, dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactares, cut,. cm of Lunen) , and Hand streets, PinsburgitPa *2o,i • thASIZ B rdeGUIRE, (how of O. funs of,Algeo .1 - 74 V ,tlcGuire,) Menlo= Tailor, Bc Charles Blob:1114 Thad wee; near W... ?limbo h. 1 A MOS HUTCHISON, & Co. Successors U Lewis Hutchison & Co. , Commission Merchunii, aryl Agents of the St Locus Steam Sugar Esau:met. No. NI water and IN trout moms, Plultsugh. sal S. DILWORTH a. Co., Who Lirocere, Pro duce,. and CommisHon Merehares, end .eirents or the Hozard Powder Co. of N. T., No. 27 Wood rd, huaborge. 1 OHN D. MORGAN, WhoLondeLimy:list, ant V e x m Dye Staffs, Ysinss, Oils, Varnishes, ke., No. P9 Wood street, one door South of Diamond Alley, Pi* b • r• _TAMES KERkir.,..k. Co., lsuccessor to Joseptal. DFlts,/ San/ Caedalees, Wnter street ocali'l JO! !N atzu.on, !Mole and blealcal Lesulunents, School Booed, Yaper, Slates, Steel Pens, Quills, Printers' Cards, mil Stallostary generally, No. el Wale' Pitsdnugh. 4.1 13:r Rap bought m taken to trade. . .;a JISCHOONII R k'KEL lc Co, Wholesale Dru g gutpj . No. Si Wood mom Ptusbargh. J OHN DAVIS, #maosteer, comer Lilt and W 4 _ snreetryPineiursh. —* IFION - STON rrPOCKTONßooksellert, Printer) end Pveridnmatarnixer., :in. 44 Market st, pine ~ Ji'~,7 . •—••••, •• • ~ T & IL FLOYD, Wholesale Grocers, unman/ Oil s blercasnts, and Dealers lea Produce, Roan tJhareli Buildiogs, fronting on Liberty, Wyatt and of Meets, Pinsbursh, Pa. . nun .'i AM6Jti DALiF.I..I., Wholesale Ctrocer,CenindaslesJ Aleiehani, and dealer in Produce end Pittsburgh;Manntseuirea. Pio. 11l Water st, Pittsburgh.. mania i.l IV FEB a. JONIA Forwarding and Commission Nei chants, Dealers in Produce and Pittibiugh soar*: &mused mucks, Canal Basin, nom Mt at. MII PENN DIILL PIT KENNEDY, CCIL & IIaLS 7" ‘j"" ' Pd. nufaeta aapenor 4i ktee taws, Carpet 4..hari of Co Y wtm and Halting. • Jak , -I , —.i. • Vean•ina Iron Works. T ENV'S, DALZIELL & Co., mlaratfacterten of all a.V, LA soy liar, Skeet, Boiler Iron and Nails of the bear,. oaaLty. N unbent°, :4 water and 11. e, front at :Ana . wATEN rt•sl, Wholesale Grocer, porwar& ing and Commierion Merciumt, Dealer :an Putof bosh hlartufacturos and Produce, Nos. ;a %Voter 0.0 and 60 Front at : KENNEDY & SAWYER, &001121.N1i GLASS ALllLlufne tu re rs, and Silholesala: dealers to foreign and domestic Variety Goodie stern merchants, Pedlars and others are moue& to call and esrunme the prices sod quality of Mir meek as with our present increased ( in coalmfactarT, ins and purchasing, we think we con °dec . & peal indium:onm to buyers as any other house west of Us Mountains. ww. ag ao, Paned. w. are see, - MILLER tr. RICKETSON, IVholesabsitiroecta, and rt impoers of Etranthea, Wine. and begins, Nos. Da and ill, corner of Liberty and Irwin streets, Pit. ; Pa dt • A /ODD ICGILL. /AD D. lIDOILL.. WALTOL G. LOD.. ctiILLS & ROE, Wholesaba Grocers and Comm.: xion Jdoteltanu, No. 19..1 Liberty st-, Pittsburgh.: MMina, WILSON fr. CO, (late Jones, Ma:74 te , Co.) Wholesale Dealers in Thy tiooda, No. 4& Wood cue -.t, Plusdismit. Aosta IL suia, max. soma, tYat. s- aisti27 M 4 LI FIN? a Co., Commission and Fortwardmg. Merchants, Water and Props ma, //martens . and Mart. sta. (.6 f. ArrliEW WLI.S4V4, Fortrattand hlinuntreraind ter. Booms, comer or Post Office .hl!cy an 4 Fourth arm, cameo on 4th near bleticat. GEOILOR tOOIFIRA.I4. LIDINIZ is SON, No. SS klarket .4 aecandlOommisstoil and Fetkwardlng Merchant. ...11, door from corner of Found, dealers itt,Foretgwy. no. m WOOD Si., rrrannun, and Domestic Bills of Exchange, Ceruhrates of, Depos-.4-fIONTINITS. to transact 3 general is but ts, Bank Notes and Specie. ,-....N./. nest, especially in the Purehue and we of A trier, liar Collections mad on all the principal tideless. Alantiflotures and Publoce, and in receiving nod throughout the United States. 'dull ~ •forwarding Goods consignehts his care. Al Agent for :itie klarinfaetures, he will he minuend' , supplied with '.Lahe principal articles of Pittsburgh klanufactere at the lowest wholesale prices. '.Ordets and consignment. ism se.pectftilly_solmiteSL_i, 107 rat TICAMIAIf. X- 1. lerra... isso. • nonunion. TEATIIIAN,-PIL7TDIAIN i CO., FOILVIIIIDIriII li C011415810N DIEIiCIIANTS, No. 112 Sennond street - meh,l7:dtan• I BT. Lot is, MO. • .,, . .. srAL - 7, -- 4ilitiiikl.l3, - ,44-50 dov Spades and Sho vele; 10 do Manure Foga% It do (limn Shovel., lb do Socket do; lizes, Hatchet., Mattocks and Pies., Bellows, Vide, ) te e for sine at manufneturem price • by onslS GEO COCORAN, to wood vi BUCKM.ASTEit, autumant—lCnee, Fourth ~, third door above Southfield, with rule. Corcreyanemii of W tans done with the d ‘reatesa care and Legal accuracy. Titles at Real Estate examoted, &a, ont,lo-17 DR GEKOELGIE ItleCOON• • ir FRCS, Fourth street, near Grant, in the moot O lately Germ/red by Alderman Malls; indttlerbnle ly oppoute Mr. klakcwell'a He may be toand o 0 night: la No. 71, St. Charles Hotel. jutLddm :HA.LMIC SLIPLUELN, will ahead to th e treat. - meat of Laseaus of th e Eye. ~ B. has been engaged m this branch of the medl , cal profession for rumen years, and has conducted rat cstabliahmeat fee the treatment of diseases of the eye, 41000 tat meant years. . Ontca and randence, corner of Sanduky at amt . Strawberry alley, Allegheny coy. . ectl3 .., -- l i s ' CIS-111 ThIA tilliLl&—No. 7Z Four& et, near Wood—All galantine. of Green and: Block Teas, done up in guaner, half, anth 0.1 puma packages, rangtng from &U al a pee pow*, *LPL 11/ A. JAI NbS, Aar. for Pekin Pea Co. f . ly USENPY MOORE, Wholesale boxer, lieetaytitg, Alh o Distiller, dealer in Produce, Piusbugh Manure* , tam, and all kinds of Foreign and Dallrenk Wlnerei and Ligurra, No. 11 Liberty street. Oa hand a rut] large stock of superior old Monongahela Whiakeyil which will be sold low for cash. apifely 1 . ashena.lo3.l4.ll. EIROBINSON a Co Wholesale Grocers, Prodset , ' aid Commissumiderchants, sod DealerS Manufactorns, No. legl laberty n, PiUsborgl4l Judo Ktk.l'Lar DALZELL & Co., Wholesale Grereers; , Coosa:datum and For•rardlog Merchants, dealerg and Pittsburgh litanufactures, Liberty St,; Pa Pins.. • . feb24 IJIDIST. A- CUNNINGHAM, Wholesale Grocer , AA, Dealer In Produce and Pittsburgh Alanafietare4 No 144 Limns n )7" n, narnouTa - ., r. r Ina 1).EY1 , 101.1736. SHE R, Forwarding and Comm.iwiwi' Idarchaina, for the Allegheny 111 , /e..r Trid. ts ein Gsweerlea, Produce, PIU Id sburgh ennlActureu. and etdanida et lime. Tbetighestfmces, in cask, paid al an times for mane rag. Cotner et l'enn awl. Irwin sta. . Ina= Ogl. C. ISACILICI7, VIOL IL WHIM ~, HACKLETT A WHITE, Wholesale Dealers IA Foreign and Domestic Dry Good.. N 0.90 Wood ek" POrldargh. letalli /5 - IW:ll.7tHirilloil, — WoolTheici t ints; Dude 0, in Flour and Produce genually, and Poseardint and CODlMitiiall Mordants, No. 53 Water st, Pity:_ bust. .._. Q KITH, BAGALEY & Co., Wholesale Groom an CP Prod.. denims, N0.4Y1 Market stroet,bet*ee o 5t5 no o gra, North ode., Philadelphia. .. noon -; 1. r, PIITSZVAGFEL ions mimosa, Q EHS & NICOLI 3, Produce and Genital Coati admen Merchant., No. 17 Liberty sL, Pittaborsh. - .. sperm, Linseed and Lard Oils. LF. VON BONNHOILST, k. Co., Wholegate Oro-tors, Forwarding_ and Conidninaion • Alhrchani4 ra in Pittsburgh Mannfactures and Western Pro,: `o base removed to their new warehouse,(old standt Na tomer of Front at. and Chancery Lan.d. sic's' THOTH SCOTT, Wholesale azd Remit'alers de Is ßootre . -Shoes, 'franks, Carper Bags, ho:, S. W. roe. alLida sad SmuldlePutshorgit, Pa. jad 45041, Yir.holesale kiioecrs sod 6,mmisi: dos , mo w. and dealers to Produce. No. 34: Dad 4 1 .Pillsburgh. pat] .11-It dd. nritia:lll - tila...i. 0..0* Rectifying Distillers, and Wino and Lop., loghaw. Also, Importers of Soda fob and ftleaeli , Powder, No.lllo Liberty meet, Pittsburgh, Pa I} mpa. • TRIP PITTSBURGH • DAILY GAZETTE. .1,12 , & WWI, 1. ItAVID IIirCAMILISI IinCIE & APCASTELEI39, (neeessors to 1.. & J. D. yy Wiek,) Wboleale Grocers, Forwarding and Commission Mercianla, dealers to Iron, Nails, Glass, t...anon Yarns,. and Pir*burgh Manufamres generaly, .o.oc. of Wood and 'Water -tracts, Pittsburgh. W. WALLACE, Mill stone and Mill Furrnal VT . lag eatablialunha, No. 244 Liberty st., near Me canal. : mar. 6 WW. WD:..4 - o — NWatchaTievrelry, Silver Ware, . and Militarpoods, corner or Market and 4th streets, Pittsburgh, PO. N. D.--Watches and Clocks carefully moaned. dee4 EEST DOWEN-:,Commicaloa and Forwarding Merchant, No. 94 Feoot at. between Wood and el .treats. re&24 m u Kea I'iviiiai..l. .dliisirriiiii. in W . Foreign anditomestic Dry Goods, north eat corner or Mark et .4 oath sts. gill . WIL 000,0 L IMO. IL Iftl3lll „ Wiel. YOUNG & CB.—Dealers in leather adee, to 143 Liberty st. J an.s-ly wee. a'crrcusom. aVerrtrazoN & R. M'CUTCORON, Wholesale Grocers, deo. VV • len in PaTtalna, Iron, Nulls, Glues, and Pata burgh Manufacturee generally, LW Liberty et, Pats burgle. deell WVWk=gtli" In \ Vetches , Jewelry . Ilver 10 nov7 -- wm - . - tfoulso - a. co. -- DEALERS IN HIDES AND LEATAR, Morocco, Shoe Finding. & No. 143 Liberty meet, have lost received their SEEING STOCK or com prising • large assortment of enicles in thaw Lineto which the attention or purchasers is invited. mehin • & CO., 8T 6.A 111 BOAT AU ENTS oOrtex .nova At.t.aa Co, Mai No. 42 Water are et. INSURANCE. FIRE AND DAIIII\EINSDIZANCE. TIIE INSURANCWaCO. 01 North Amenea will make permmentland limited Insurance on pro perty In thin city and CieMilt and it shipments by Canal, Rivera, Lakes, and by &a The proper., of this Company are welkdavested, and famish an avail able fund for the amplindentaury of all porsous who desire to be protected ty insurance. myth WM. PI.J.IONES, Agent, 44 Water at. mix m NIT Y. Tke Frankin Fire T.surance Co. of Philadelphia IRECTORB.—Ch4. N. Benoit., Thom. Bart, D Tobt. Wagner. Samuel Grant, Jaeob FL Smith, Bee. W Irmhards, Motdecat D. Lewis, Adolpho E. Bone, David B. Browrif Morris Patterson. Cog.. N. BAJSCILII3, President. Charles G. Hanker, pecretary. Condone to make Owl:ranee, perpetual or limited, on every description of . property to town or cootarT: Me. as low la are Choststent with security. To Coropaey have re:ft:reed a large conunfent Pond, which with their Capitiki and Pleonums, samly invest ed, aord ample protecaort to the sainted. The ...Is of the corkhany, on Jonouny Ist, 1849, as published agreeably wan act of Assembly, were as fallowlm ant; $1,047,438 41 e .; 94,724 83 Temporary Loan/ 90,1111 51,337 YS Cash, km 38,804 37 111,6,491 71 Since their incorgorafion, a period of 19 years, they have aide p parards of one retinae four hundred and and dollars, losses by fife, thereby affording evidence cf the advmtages of inaisrance, as well ar the ennui , and diaposuion to meetOrath promptness all habitat., 1. GARDINE.R gaol, mauldly Office E cor , or Wood and 3d .0 niff. - A - .Vv - arestittli.l3lstruAzcz Co. An MADEIRA, ARent at Piusborgh for the Dnta- P. mare Mental Safety Insurance Company of Ph tal. n.dialphia Pub /risk. Won Imildings and merchandme of every desc ription, and Marine Risks upon hulls 07 cargece-of ♦lreasebs, taken upon the most favorable te/T63. • Va. Office In the P7arebe.4s of W. B. Holmes A Dro., No. 7J Witer, Kariba street, Pittsburgh. N. R.—The sac.. °flan Company since the amt. lishment of the. Agency t ln this city, with the prompt nem and Liberality with which every claim upon them for lots has been a/U.Bsd, folly warm. the agent m inviting the confidence ithd patronage of has friends and the in at leiTei;so the Delaware Id. S. Insu rance Company, while hates the additional advantages .an institution among Ms moat floarishing Philadel phus—ea henng an ample parl-ln capital, which by the operation of its charter.ts constantly Increasing, as yuldlng to each person tanned his doe sham of the profits of the company, without involving h. .y responsibili whatever, 4trid therefore as possessing the ►?darnel p rinciple disnevrod of every obnoxious fea ture, and in its mast attrffetive (one. nor! PIHL AND 11 - .OIIHE 1N111711.4.3iCE. rpliE Inrorance Company of North America, mrough Its duly atithori , Agent, the ...scriber, alers to make permanent and limbed I.urence on property, in this city and its vicinity, find on shipments by the Ca nal and Rivera. DIR.tOTT.M.S. Arthur 0 Coffin, Charles Taylor, Sang W. Jeri., f Ambrose White, Edward Smith Jacob AI. Thomas, John A. Brown, John EL Neff, John Pildte, Richard D. Wood, Thomas P. Cope, f Wm Wash, Samuel F.,Fre.. lioske., Samuel Brooks, r 8. Auettn.Alltbone, ARIPIIITR G. COFFIN, Preen -1127011 D. Smesakan, Pec'y. This is the aldext Inituffroce Company in th e United Staley havin g been chatnered m 1784. Its carter t. pethetnal, .d from its standmg, long experience ample means, and avoidit TUC of an extra has: aroma ebetamer, it ma y . evarawdered as offerinam ple sorority to the pobneth W. P. JON ES. At the Coannag Room eT Atwood, Jones A Co., Wa ter and Front •Ircetisituberch. mays • rinth; SUItiCKIBEfi. hi s been appointed Age. pro j. tem. of the InnumneeXampany of North AMC nest, and will us. Policies as nue.d to the other busme. of Me Agency, at the waiehoose of Atwood, .1011,1 Co. opin P FORWARDING - 4 COMMISSION, C. IL LAZITIOZUWEN t 1,0 CANT.. CHARLES H. D&EfIGNHOWIER & co. TUBLICCU CUMLII-18011 SEECLUITS, N 0.59 Smith Wharoea aid N a 117 Soul NVater PHILAPIELPIIIA. BEGS to tufo= the trade and dealers generally, of Pittsburgh, that they Ova made sunk arrangements with the VtraLnia anti Loren and the Growers of the West, Viol Indies, and other places, as will owure a large and eortuant siaky of the following desenp- Irons of Tabu., whichfaun be sold upon as stemma modaung terms as any alter house to the city oralsa where, and all goods ordered from Meru will be war. rutted equal to represonts4torn Jotot it. "wu Havana; Si. Domingo; I Corm., Vara Porto Rico, ; PGlll3`ii }Seed Leaf to- Cuba; Iguini, A. Florida; biter*: ALSO—Bratieh's celebrated Aromatic Stag Coven .. dish, with • large 8.0,(1.11lcIra of eMer popular brand, and qualdies ot pounds, ss,ns, DAL, 160 and 21s, Lump; 'i,d i s, 0, 04 sod HIM Pier, Ladies Twist; Virginia 'Pews, ',Ye, .beet mind plain, M whole. and half bores, mo od ' d us ealte rwith eve 'comet of article beim] - ing l ' aie gale. g g : ielhdly -- JOIIII Ar. SHAW, - PACKER OF PQRK AND BEEF, Comminion Merchant and !forwarder, NO. 4 CANAL ST, OLNCINN ATI, OHIO. ...tturr:so—tong,,:': thinsarding of (foods genernlly. Hefei to Moose.. John Swung & Co, " hlart ic & Stocisreil}Clucumnata, 0. 8. C. Parkhurst, Esq. Lippluenu & Co. ' Kier & Jones, }Plashing. P. English & Bennett, masa:dam PITIRBURGiIcrrEia=74 - VOILI(.4 — AND SPRING AND AXLE FACTORY. ruse roan, JOMV QCI6IO. JONES quieci, .1\ TANDFACTURERB of spring and blister steel, 11/1. piringh steel, steel plofigh wings, coach and elipj • tie springs, hammered axles, and dealer. in mad leable castings, fire enginoSamps, and coach trimming. gernrislly, corner of Ross Sad Front ma, Yritsburgh, (ebb •Sk-_ti 'll•verslbleSigtoring Coe N° WATER, 1 FOR RUTI ER, Which_r_eke . ro ub t . nrbllwate n , ra r ifF e bj , 1.,...1!) wa "' te c T " Weroton water not N. York. 1 l ( ..,although elm, and pure to the eye, yet ,Zi h : ri or hen It *ma an hoar through this filtering Mak, shows a large dermal Impure mitiwtatleea, worms, he. Thu is the cage more or less wllh all hydrant water. The Reversible neat and durable, and Is • not attended with the tacker...lenoe Incident to other Meter', ea it Ls cleansed Irithout being detached frog the water pipe, by merely. aiming theikey or hmdl. from one side to the other By this easy process, On course of water Is change*, and all accumulations In Impure substances are dynes of almost Instantly, without ansarewing the biter. lt alto ponen. the advantage of being a stop bock, and as such In mom oases will be very convenient and economical It can be attached wbeewihere Is any pressure high or low to a cask, tank, tubg he. with ease. To be had of the sole Agent, \ W, W. WILSON, 00517 comer Of Fourth and Market sts po i two.. S.ALE;—A hmdsoare Family Carriage, fur O. t r t horses, built t. Philadelphia by a eelebra , led menufmturer. This et/liege is In every respect • a first rate article, made math all the modern improve .menu, lined with blue cleat and billeted in mperior manner. It is entirely nab and wild for want of use. Enquire of•A ,, ,,EXANDER. & DAY, mill 73 Market n, N corner of the Diamond ' 1 TO COT WOOLEN TON AND MANUFACTI- I-1 *SAD—Having matt arrangements for a con stant supply of FACTOR, FINDINGS, we will sell at low prices Calf and Sheep Ruler Skins, Lace Lea , ~,,,,., p,,km, Reeds, Shuttle., Hemp Twine Treadle.' TNO. 5 to 15 Bell Punches, Wrenches, Smetana Cards, i 'lO to 11 it Patent Dresser Brushes, Weavers' Brash s &C. fr.C. LObAN, WILSON & CO, my. 1:11) Wee street, Pittsburgh BENNETT Ik BROTHER, 44PEENsWARE MANUFACTURERS, ni,„ at „, z ,,,i n .4r PI ttabar h,l Pa. Warehouse, No. 137, Wood street, Pittsburgh. W co p on hand a good 0000 00. moot CI Ware; of out own manntacturc, and ..Penterquality. Wholesale and country ble t • chants am reapehotally Invited to call and es. .amine for themaclvea aa..ore are determined to eel/ .elmnPor than he•e'rer WOe been offered to the pub lic. 0 . 1 .""ni by mall, iecompanled by the cash of ay reference. e!Ill tat. Prmjuetir attended to. mylo I.7lltre French Skins, from the mown, ry of lt Crasvforo, to a which the attention of beet oaken is invited.. Just .reeeiVed and for sale by • WOUNG Co, je37 143 liberty as CARDS. RA ORGAN'IS WORM KlLLER—Another proof of the triumphant success of Morgan's Veraufug, Prresacaon, May 10,11.49 Mr John D. Morgam—lf my name is of any au to the sulfating communny. in regard to the article of Morgan's Vermtfuge. you are perfectly welcomeo it I had two children sorely adhered an. worms I be came alarmed, and very molly so, when I toed your renowned Yertmtuge, and •stonishing to tell. one of them was denvered of about fifty worms fifteen Inches long, of the Most trtgbtful kind, revenattnng more the appearance Mcodaeet. The other coda M. delivered of bout A. The children are now doing finely You may well he proud of your M orm Enter. Years truty DAVID Smug Virgin a!ley Prepared and sold wholesale and retail by .10117. It. MORGAN. Drags - at, Wood street, one door below Di amond alley. rnyl4 yOUR COUGH MAY A A CU , R ( ED ApnlPrig Me. R. E. Sellers: Betng .ratted for some rune with 6 cough, which mu so metre ag to uhfit or toe my dairy employment Frequently after coughing, I hate been so much exhausted, as to be obliged to nt down and rest Heanng of the good elects produced by your Cough Syrup. I concluded to give LI s truth end am happy to say it produced the desired effect m my cue. After using it ono night the cough W. rebated, and I am now perfectly wed. JoasuAll. Tuts pleasant and popular Cough Syrup ks prepared and said by R ESELLRFLo. 67 Wood street Soel also by Dragging generarly in the two clues sod sant S AVED TIER LI PL Settee. ' Veen fags a the .m -elt. Latmoros, Va. Jan. 20., Icgo Mr./. RI. Wilmovv—Dear Str. The vino of Sellers' Vermiluge I bought from yousoma trine ago, brought from mY . 5 . Yew. oid, the autoubbing number of 3 hundred Worms. I bole e she wbuld have heed a very short owe, hat for Mu medicine. , . Prooarcd and sold by R E SELLERS, 57 Wood sold al. by Drugvsta ,eneral:y the two aura, tn., IMPORTANT TO THE A FPLICTED. t S h E p n o e p t: , %v n e d r r t r ,, a n nA cso,,loe ment for ludo, c a, toe Lungs. tn effecting a cure cf Chrome dtacm es. aro. a rodent of snot emtnent ph) u nion Doctor 'Proc., nod fa a rade.. of the Unsve rot. of ' Yenfuy I roma, and for thirty year. atnee has I.ern engaged to to c tuvesitgahou of disease. and the oisffss cation of rem .:141e. thereto Through t m e of his inflating tube, in connect.on with his Pro ?by:a us cne Syrup and other of Om remedies. he hao guar rd o, unparalelled eminence 111 en, Illg those decoct n 1 and ram/ MaJa4ies, Tubercular Con sumption, C engem, Se/vitt/a, Ithciamousm, Asthma. Fever and Sae, Pewees of all kinds, Chronic Eryonie tea and all obstinate diseases peculiar to femme. Indeed every form of disease vanishes under the rise of hi. 'woe ales, to which humanity is heir—not by the use of one compound only, fur mat is incompatinir with P stological Law, but lay the oho of has reme dies, adapted to and prescribed for each peculiar form of dine rite. a purgative or liver pill, inasmuch as they leave the bowels perfectly free from costiveness, as also his Golden Pill• is admitted by the faculty tu possess pecu liar properties tulapted to female diseases, but being naafi NI that a bare trial is sufficient to establish wool has Ouch raid in the minds of the most skeptical . The &acted ar.l minted to call upon Me agent, mid procure (graiisi one of the Doctors pamphlets, gg a detailed account of each remedy and its application For sale by the f.llMwmg agents, as well as by mast Drugghttri through° tat the country: J Behtmninaler ii Co, IN Wood street, Pittsburgh, J M Townsead, d.laggtst, 45 Market st Lc. A Beckham, " near the P U. Allegheny city, Jos Barkley path OlgtOn, Beaver county, Pa, Jno 01100., n unon Fahey, ~ T Adaum, Beaver, 4• no r 10.4 I y Col oust Lana co., , Apr. U D , , D. /A INES, illaa but —1 feel bound to you R. and the alllmMd p obits , to s•rul myself of this op portunity o/glnos publicity to the extraordinary erects of your Expectorant on my. :If. Ilavum been aflliemd for several pears with a • were rough, beetle fever and as concomstani diseases, and seemed only doomed to linger out a short but mike ratite existence, anttl the fel( of Id:19, when, bet ng of a severely attacked, and havolg mooned to all my fora to remedies, and the pre senphons of two of the mon rexpeetable physicians an the ueighborhood . wahout den sing any bench , ' or the consolation of surnvin i r but a few days or weeks et farthest—when the last gleam of hope wax about to ' , shah, I had fCCOMMCI ided in me your Expeetoraot— and blessed by that Bet, eg who doe• an things In the use of the measts--sad ,ontrary to the .apectnuone of my pbyinclatis and (rim ids, l was to a few days sassed from my bed, and was nabled by die one of a bottle, us attend to my business, e tuoyulg same better health than I had fop ten years prey loos. Respectfully yours. k.' J.. W. Ernu- Fat We in Pittsburgh, at the Pekin Tea Store, 72 Fourth meet. mar 29 Dr. McLe a n. to Tanneaaee. - . 'IDS la to certify !hat I iarchaved ono vial of Dr. 1 Worn% lipttifie , some t wo months •g 0 and pea to a .1013 Of mine, au Me seven yea., old, two owpwam fu/l, and although We amount may abbess Aria, Tot I have tot duu of but there was upwayas of rwo Ywoonsah mot.= ps wad from nun, measunng Yo ma quarter of an MC 1 LO two Inches long. Ci W HOLLIDAY. Rasta Creek, C amol no Tenn, Dee V 7, 1n47. SELLEES' YE.RALIFLD, DEolltrlA. 'ALCYNCX, Jan. eth, 1849. Mr. IL E. Serene—Your Vermituge boo mid w‘ll, and h. been Y.lgh y .poken of by nil who have uled it. From the 'nie ce. attend. ng We adminworation of your Vermifirge in every ca sr I Lave heard of, I am confident I. can well more d, trine the coming sermon than I did but. I will he glob to rekcitr oily. ply of 4or 5 groom. You, lea peeuuty, (Eatlmer from letter J IL CARTER. Prepared and told by R.F SEI LEES, 57 Wood at, and rold by druggists generally, to Pittsburgh and Al legfiny. tall MILDIOVA/..• THE vbbecriber has removed hnt W holesele Greco ry Store to the corner of Hancock . 'creel and Al m Shorty %Vhari,• next door to the Perry Ht mve. Shorty JOHN N PERRI( Foreign and Dome•tio LI quora. A 0001/ asisortment or Foreign and oorneslic goers, altettys on band and tor sale in ynalinties to salt purchasisra ; by artitS W &. 7.1 MITCIII lOU E have some PUMPS, made on siiimproved IY Plan, so as not to freer° lo the coldest weather. Persons remittal§ such arbeta. are invitedtocall arid sec them at & ATKIN:et/I •ilt, mytii Ist, between Wood Markt t sts SUNDRIES bbls NO I Lard; ti do Weems, I0W.; llscon, Ir:urolnett; c bbl. !lassoed, It bags do . 1 do Dry Pesch. ; alt do leathiqs; 6 do Ginseng ; to et rive; for sale by ISAIAH DICKEY & From st WoOL- -3 elt• Wool; t do Feathers, landing Isom L & Lme, arid for sale by ryG L AMES DALZELL T " r "Taw " kS t . f ( 317 ' 111 th e e sn m an n nlI f : n cri t7 , from lb. upwards. and from = co. ' to •I per lb Al so fed, blue, green a. id yellow into, in cans of I, L. to I os. conatainly nor sa. Having toed Me Mien im ry ink In our office (gr a nine inornhs pos., we %arra at It equal to any that made at any other manufacory • lariat. clot, JOHNSTON & STOCKTON itOal corner Third and Marain.,,so 8 UNLWIES--74 Cotton, 24 bt , is No I Lard; Ibt Flaxseed; trarden rex& 54 " Feathers; 7 " Ginseng, 2 " Wool. Now lard itmr from Oamberland, No 2, for sale by ISAIAH DIC EY & Co., From N. LAW OFFICES. ft. B. CARNAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Fourth meet, between Cherry alley and Grant wt. mytay IPM. TIMBLIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Butler, Pa Writalso attend to collecuous and all other bust s entrosted to hun in- Butler and Armstrong counties, Pa. Refer to J. & R.:Floyd, Liberty at. I W. W. Wallart, do James Marrnall do f Pittsburgh. aIY Hay fr. co , Wood st. J Jan 7 JEL WEITZEL Attorney at Law, °Mee 3 at., • Opposite St. Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh, will also attend promptly to Collecuous, in Washington, Fayette and Green counties, PA REFER TO Blacketook, Bell & Co, Church& Carothers ItPutsbargh. --- II T —2 Klo rii...l ra, .irgh. eclattly EJ. HENRY, Attorney and Councellor at Law, . Cincinnati Ohio. Collections in Sontheni Ohio, and in Indiana, and in Kentucky. promptly and care fully Intended to. Commissioner for the State of Penn sylvania., for taking rDepownotia, acknowledgments, tr.o. Re. Aswan so—Hon. Wm. Ball it Son ' Cams,. Church & Carothers, Wm. Hays, F. 9.. \ftHoek & Davis. itt. /AIM DONIAIS, J. HARRISON SIM., r I uNI.OP & SF. - WELI.., attorney at Law, Offices on I_l Smithfield, between fiti nod 4th sus JOHN Ts cbcnit.AN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Fourth street, between Smithfield and Greta to I SI-dtim IA r 0. H ROBINSON Attorney at haw, has re moved hie office to the Exchange Bondage. St Chart, next door to Alderman Johns. ap ply HATS. CAPS AND BONNETS. IiPCORD s CO 4 (Saccesaors ro N!!'Cord.4. " King) Apt Fashionable irlatt•es, Corner of Woad and Ftf2/1 Streams. fIARTICULAR attention paid to oar Retail Trade. j Gentlemen can rely upon getting their Hata and Caps from our entablishnieni of the suer atarantals and WOMUNAIIt, or the tamer Mr., and at the WWI= PRIM, Country Merchants, parchamok by wholesale, are respectfully malted to mil and examine our Stock: as we can wy with confidence that w regards prAT-rfl and mica, it will not suffer in a companson with any house In Philadelphia. (chi; CALIFORNIA HATS—IS do: water proof Califorala Dats, lout received and for sale by hI'CoRD A. Co, tetig7 corner sth at.d Wool ats ra SPRING FASHIONS FOR 1849. /MORD I Co. tottli introdueo on Sorsa 1141 day, March Id, the Spring style of HATS. TbO/C In want of n neat and supertor hat, are torn. to call at corner of 6th and Wood creme. mall Q BRING BONNET AILIBONS, 11 hturphy 0 has now open a supply of spnng Bonnet ILIMons, of new and handsome style.. Also new myte 4 5 .4 Netts, Little Laces and Edg ings; Liven Edging.; Vtetona do; plant :quaint, and Jaconeta, embroidered Swiss Muslin., be.; besides • Inge assortment of ttpratg flooda generally, at north east corner 4th and Market streets. Wnoir.oklr Wunms no anon and MEDICAL, D CBEFArIENT.—IIorsee while running at large 11, in the fields are very apt to brute and injure themselves in many ways. They are often disabled so uto Le useless for • longtime. If itarneahme use could be made of B A Fanuestock 's Ruben, caeca, and the bruised part well saturated, and the remedy rubbed id. it would give relief and eue the pain No farmer should be without this celebrated medicine, as it is alike healing to man or bent Pre pared and sold by It A FAHN P.STOCK & co. center of Wood and Ist au, also, corner btu and IVocid. myl7 Dr. littbel Celebrated hemedies. ==lZ=lntl=22=Mt! Dr. Rose's Tonic Alterative Yill., when used are in. twknessledged to be mopenor to all other, as PITTSBURGH. MONDAY MORNING, JULY 23, 1849. COTARTNERSRIPS. THE co-partnership heretofore existing between the subscribers, in then of Constable, Burke & Co., is this day dissolved by ame mutual consent Beside Burke & Barnes will settle the business of the con cern, for which purpose they are nothoneed to use the name of the concern. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE, . . EDMUND BURKE, THOMAS BARNES. The undersigned have thi• day associated themselves In the name of BURKE & BARNES, for the purpose of manufacturing Fire Proof Safes, Vault Lhtiors, &e• & e., at the stand of the late firm of Constable. Buritc & Co., where they will' be pleased to receive the pa tronage o(the customers of that houssand their friend. EDMUND BURKE 7 _ THOMAS BAENEZ. 1 retiring from the firm ofConstable, Burke tr. Co I h sincere pleuure recommend Messrs. Burke & tes to the confidence of my friends and the public. b. It. 1940 . NATHANIEL CONSTABLE. feblAdd DIiiOLUTION . . THE partnership of MURPHY b. LEE is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The bliSitleSSof the late firm will be settled It. Les. 1. R. MURPHY, Pittsburgh, Jm. SO, 1,49. H. LEE. NOTleri—The undersigned widl continue the Wool boso.. and attend to the tale of Woolen Goods, at the old wa d. IL LEh In refiring from the firm of hlurphy & Lee, 1 tie great pleasure to recommending Mr. H. Lee tOe confidence of soy friends and the public. Pittsburgh, Jan. 3n, Leto. J. EL MURPHY. _ . Ttibi subscribers have this day associated them. selves together for the purpose of transacting a wholesale and retail Lh7 Goods and Grocery badness, at No VD Liberty, opposite Seventh street, node, the style nod January rt 1,184 f 1 ), E USHFILD & HAYS. N.H.—Our old customer, and the public are invited to give us a coil. jay .00.PAIITNE11.11111P; . . . •B. SCAIFE and Cape JAIVIP23 ATENSON TV have entered into partnership, under the Gent of SCAIFE A ATKIN:4ON, end will carry on the Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware manufactory . Also, Blncksrtuthing in all its branches, at the old stand of Wm. 0 Sceife, First street, near Wood. Parocular attention given to steamboat work. Deer u.ivE this day sissomated wish me in Me 'shish,- ' sale lirosery, Produce and Commission Misines4_, my Mother Josep, under the firm of 1.8 DILWORTH & Co. J. S. DILWORTH. January 1,1847 10-PA.RTNEILSUIP—Wm. Yo g having [hie %,_./ day aseoeiated with him, John R M'Cune, the the, bustileu will hereafter be conducted under the firm of Win Young & Co WILLIAM VOCNG, inn.s JNO. BOOK TRADE. JA.2IIEB D. LOUKWOuD, . • • • ENGLISH, FRENCH AND GERMAN BOOBS, No 611 WOOD tram, (Near!y opposite me dc Charles Hotel I Prrnostiecti. English, French, and German Reviews and klaalmtries, and Newspapers tmponed to order, prices of winch may be as certatned on spoil... Anon to Mr. L. Catalogues gratis. myth LINCYCLoPEDIAB AND DICTIONARIES, form log special and independent marks. edited by wri ters dioinguistied In the yam. departments. Braude. Dictionaryof Science ', and AS, Copland's Setionary of PracticalAledicine; Johnson's Farmer'. Encyclopaedia, London's Encyclopantia of Gard. ring, Leudon's Encyclopedia of Plants Lou don's Encyclopedia of trees, M'Cidlu-h's Dictionary of Commerce; SPOlllochle Diettouary of emegraphy, Cre's Dictionary of Ann and Alanufseturesi boort". Medical Dictionary, Waterston's Cyclopmdia of Lam mercei Political Dictionary, vela ben, Webster and Parks Encyclopedia Donthaue Emnorny, Anthem. Cassteal Demoting. -Them beaks are full el Informattoa of the best kind, arranged and presented IA we best manner For mi. by irai .1 AMES D LOCKWOOD el Wood st i wmarrie ANlalel.4—kiagnory and DeacrtpUon Ler of the Gorse, Male. Cattle, Sheep, Sarin, Pota to . sod Farm Dogs, with dirretions for their manage ment, breeding, crosamg, rearttag, feeding, and preps, 'sumo for • profitable manta Also, to Dtuau. • and Remedms, toge Mer with full directions for the JAMES W. WOODWRLL, mnnagement ot the Dairy Ity K L Allen- ift..-. o .lllncltrn and Aotive Furniture, numeral. blustranoti. For 'wain by re 3, Tutu Srazkr, rrraricaou. Jri lAS D LOCK WI XID,G3 Wood et 1 -- A lure and oplendul , - ...,......4e.... VFW ANDVAILUADI-E 114JOES c a pable of Furm ure, Jl-‘ , 15e .., ‘" . :1' II I —Mtn. on Public Architecture, prepared. op for 5 ,,...,,,,,,,,,... •04...... ea--......., betel( of the Betiding Commutes of the Smimeoutao He , e „d enea ,, d ee m. Ineutunon. by Robert Dale Owen. In large quarts, hare. mea , aa ,,, ea a aed „„d made to order. elegantty ponied, with Ill dlustrattone to the best f„ „ . prrron , por k on b ro ., rn,„,,,,,, be age„,e,ded by style et the art any taanUumary In tbr a - atent country. Pea°. 11. e l; on Brooch... gerund editton. reeised ae j e a ma , e , pareheee mould d e we n ae ti„ mea t a, and enlar g ed A recast au d. " ... ,“," the .I.l ' A. as I ant detennwell my pnees shall please. Par u) sages, comprising an tnaory into tne melon, canoes, L t,„ „,,,,,, ~,,,,,,,,,,, ~,__, and treaUneut of those alfectJons of the turoat, rated T eas a Teen, Dela Funene; iirollehl“, CUIOIII/ Laryngitis., Clergyman's Son L ome xn t caaua Gueen Ensamth aura; Throat, An ite By Horace Green. AAI.DI D, Au. Tea Po, Fruit Tan;ent, Plates Improved erul cetefully colotel Royal t•o., naletis,l, 1.... [V Commoder, ph tops, SIM I" Ercnch blabogany Bedsteads; Plano 'Drool.; 111 —Now ready, the 4th edition, rev.sed and eels, 1 bU sofas onto Plush and Hair-cloth coverer red, with utlnsonsi Moaner:ono, A Tt-aUse on Land- I 1 DO Mahogany RoeUrny Chairs; scope Garde/slug and Karat Arantettam do dos Parlor do For idle by JAMES D. LitCRWOOD, 1 30 ` Fancy do ' Al Wood Greet, 2S centre Tables. For many years connected with Meson. \'e dry a IV parr throne: 4 pair peer Tank's; Putnam, and late John IVltay, New York. .4.5 marble top Dressing Duman, Mr. L. has Just returned from the EeMere o . l k. . . h tanrlrobera P .Secrete and Book ease; NIL PO marl.. top Wash Stand., 'EI k-r 3 Fo'LC . Wu - FM - I -TIM - . =TIM - ..1, 4 pair Oltentli. JOllll. Life a, Ito Woods, bY I. T lletidlief, anthem . R pair fancy Work IlbsnES: Waslangton and hol Generals,^ et e ' A very large auortment of common chem r and other 'f' he Lite and Wonstga at De %Vitt Clinton, by W. , ' gnu ., too yps,.. ~, mo gi ,,,, W. Coombe...phut at "Border Warfare ". Just reed Cy-. $ team Berets (toot on Me shortest notice, by to: JOIDINSTGYi A e POCK lON 1 and on the mew reasonable tune. . . dee In NNEW'ROOKS—A Illoory of Wonder - NI In Tt nuout. Id astratee onA numerous engraving• on uncut I rot manna Tae Incarootaon, or lot-torts of the Vlrco sod her Pon ! , yl.:7lhrb, Vcroner. Fort NV ayn. I ,:sany. woo lulrodu.•ury r05a7.1.1 31r, ll•rrirt , Just reed by cur../ :41 and Market ,us _ _ • ustembl• Oleo/as. 1 - , , LL1(Y17 h KNoLlotl, Wow rarer, between I_, 4th and lharooad auey have rerrived a !area supply of lbenioareal oilier wort, tismag wbrolt toe 101:0W. g. air Miscenanotm.l- . ....aya and Dna. course.. by President Itoplinsi Christ is Air, Law um! Uospel. Ly Pyerg. D D, Lite of Lie Writ Cillt43ll, Living Orators at Ainertra. Republican rhrottionst) by Magoon Aran Primerai by Horns. Phrinolugy and 1 Meann-rken by Rev N L Riee, L. D; Baptista. Import and Mode, by Re. <her, Ninevph and ts He a, Mountains a me Bib., by M'Farlans, Ettlk-Ml Sin m n-try and I:buren mu Laranst, by J A Jame., Ed ward.' woes., I vol, mew cannon, J M. Maso,f• worsa ' complete. cooper s Lime and Wort. of Cowper, re. mop on Rn.e and Fall 0 , Papacy. Turretato&s Men ogy, Cyclopodl• of Alarm and Ronan:ion Anecdora•, Lagar • Norranyes of Popery. cbrist Rene/ring Sin• nor., Bible E•rdentes Vor the People, by J. Cumming; Modern gocnety. Modern Accomplaihmetd, Hool•ne • on Raman., tn.groal Thoughts on Benytetre. Ly nw brat pobinmed, Lilo on Podok, Natural litatory of I En e thu.s.m, •lold.c Kingdoms, Leetare• ou Procres., Hevener. It Y EXPIIE.M.I--Tbe 11,11 Difficulty. and wine </pe nance. or in the platns Ensr. with other A Ile• conc.. by lieorst D Ctree•rr, D. D, was Portrait of I Duller A few eoptes reed and for s•le by my IP r.LiAcrrr & I:Nt.LISII, 71 Wood at Jr:RIO/Cir . —The New American Gardener. L by Thomas() ressenden The Neer American Urebarthat, bT Wrn Kennet. The Complete Farmer and Rural P.c.onnet,by Er-S -menden_ .vlorlern Domestic Cookery, by Wm A Hendemon Just retO by JOIINKTON A STUCKTt/N, royll corner Italket and 3d su F. V 11.I.L1131UL'o WURILY--Though.ts on Pubbe Prayer, by Simnel Mill, D U , 1.. LU. BISEEMEMii=I [6)17 JOHNSTON A STOCKTON NEW ROOKS—Agnes Morn., or the Ileretne of Domestic Life History otaliing Charles the Second, of England, by Jacob •al.thiti., with engravtngs. Just reed by JOHNSTON A S rrtCK I UN, myth confer 3.1 and Market as ENGLISH AND AMERICAN BOOKS I AMES D LOCK WOOD, (for many year. connect. X,. cd with Messrs. Wiley and Putnam, and late JOllll Wiley. New York and London,) hos estaidished Rookseßing MM. , at Nu. Oil Wood sti eel, between Bd. and 4th streets, where may be round • valuable collec tion of STANDARD ENCILISH and AMERICAN ALTIIOIO., 1.1. prices MA tow as in the Eastern CMOs iLTENGLIS.II and CONTINE.NTAL 11CK/KS, Re views, klagasinEs, Newspapers, c. ' redtmpo to order la"1-NSIT/A:TIONS and INCURPORA StE c:KrIES urn entitled to recut., their Looks duty fuse 11J - Englisli mid Ameneanhestalogues (tautened ant us to all those who desire them, or sent per mail to any addle". J D. L. will always be happy to exhibit to ladies and gentlemen has books, and moan to them any informa tion which be may possess regarding them. myth( Nh.W AND VALUALILE WORK.—Nineven, and its Rertiains, with an account of a visa to the Chaldean Christians of Kurdistan, and the Taxed.. or Devil Worshippers, and an inquiry into the manners and sets of the ancient Aseynans, by Austen Henry Leyard, Esq., D. C.ll. Just reed and for sale by JOHNSTON Jr. STOCKTON AISE. ricw - on - , Dookseiler a — n - Cirs porter eJ of Forman Rooks, RI Wood street, has on hand a vuluaboi coltection of English and American Ilook• the different departments of Literature, which he I. prepared to sell as low as they can be obtained to the Eastern eine.. timglirb and Continental Book., Reviews, Mager -Lines and Newspaper., imported to order. The prier of any Review, Magazine or Newspaper, may be ascerMined on application to (Or ash and American Lialialogues furnished grans. Mr 1.. intends to visit be Eastern cities in a iew days, and will be happy to execute any orders for Rooks. Rrigractings or likationery, M • small advance on the most. Inyv I\TEW LlOOKS—Loyard'e Nineveh and It. itCrtlallig, 11 With an stecoant of a visit to the eholdeals of Kurd! inn, •nd the Vs/Ad., or Devil Worehip per., and an inquiry into the manlier. slid aru of the Ancient Assyrians, with an Introductory letter by It. Robinson. I Vol., octavo, with about IVO Wilms:titans. CLACC•Cr . 4 Lectures et. the ?lignin's Progress. 1 Vol 12nto. Pnce reduced to $l,OO Cruden's Itemeordance, condensed: reduced to 81,50. itlocaulay's lindory of Kosland, Harper 's new ed, two vols. octavo--large print and Goo paper, par vol. 75 rents. Smsenins' Ilebrcw uld English Liegleoni new ed. unproved. For able by It HOPKINS, myth 4th st nen, wood DM/KS! ROORS'.—Unton of Church and Slate, by JUI Rev R W Noel. The Churah in &arum, by Rev 1 Angel /ante.. Advice to Young Rim by S Arthur; gilt t• Young Ladle. Essays of Elta--Chartqu Lomb. Epitomic Choleru. by Prof Coventry. Cyclopedia of Albral nod Hell:put. Aueedotuit. Gomptete Wort. of Charlotte Elizabeth. wall eir• mom by her husband. d vols, 4 ye. Illustrated with steel plates. Uregou and Califonna in 1840, by Judge Tbonnton. Tbe late &aped/non to the Deed Sea. Proverbs for the People, or Illurnattons of Practical Godliness drawn from the Gook of Wisdom, by L 1. M Ytu * T - ersity Sermons, by Dr NVerland. Kir menu of bloteurology, by J &oafAsby, A. M. For ..le by It HOPKINS, toy) Apollo Hothbitr,4ll sr I MAPUPDTLLEVAL: or The Consurumon antrWittn 7 are conanion Mina Duman Beim. A contribu• don to Theological Science, by John Harris, D. IL Lectures to Young Men on various important soh• recta by H W /keener. Charming% Work., complete: 0 sobs, Wato. Tire worn of TS Arthur, uniform en. LS vols. Jut ren'Airy mph( 10 110PKIND, 4th ai r cm wood HOTELS FOUNTAIN HOTEL LIGHT STREET B.iLTI.IIIOIIH .1000 AND TIMISCONI. TIOPITILTOII. - • .. . . . THIS estriblishment long and widely known as being one of the most commodious in the city of BolUrnore, has recently undergone very exten sive alterations and improvements. An enure new wing has" been added, containing numerous and airy sleeping apertment, and extensive bathing rams. The Ladies' department hu also been completely reorganized and fined up in a most unique and beauti• fed style. In of the whole arrangement of the House has been remodeled, with a single eye on the part of the proprietors, rewards the comfort and pleasure of their Gurus, and which they confidently rumen will Challenge comparison with any Hotel in the Urnen. Their table will always be supplied with every sub mania) and luxury which the market affords, served up in a superior style; while in the way of Wines, dec., they will not be surpused. In conclusion the proprietors beg. say, that nothing will be t- it undone on their part, and on the part of their n ags m render this Hotel poly the continued Iteltonagc of their friends and Me public generally . The priers for board have elan been reduced to die following ratra: Ladies' Ordinary, EL7S per day. Gentlemen's 1.50 N. H.—The Lbzeksige Wagon of tie House will al ways be found attic Car and Steunzboa, Landing, which will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free of charge may2if CIM2l=3l2LUaal C 011.3121 09 P6MI • , 69. CLAM 699., 9ITTIMNIII, 96. The subscriber having assumed the manage ment of this long established and popular Hotel, respectfully announces to Travellers and the Public generally, Unit he will be al all tones prepared to accommodate them in all things desirable in a well regulated petal. The House is now bong thoroughly repaloFurniture ad throughout. and new added, and no puns will be spared to make the Exchange one of the very best Hotels in the country. The undenogned respectfully solicits a continuance received. of the very liberal patrona THOMASOWSTON,ge the Hse has heretofore feblidtf Propretor. LAIIARTIHE HOUSE, SOIIUII9I 07 meant 1.0113 ORAN, IIT•r1111., 91,9119”1,1. AtTHE subscriber respectfully announce. that he hoc now opened his new and excellent Hotel for the acconantodanon of travelers, boarders, and the public generally. The house and furniture are entirely new, and nopas or expense have been spared to render it one of t h e M. comfortable and pleimint Hotels in the city. . The mat...crater is determined to, and there fore tolieits, ..hare of public patronae. oml4-dly JACOB 1101'611, Propnetor VETTED STATES norgt., mad am: l ;lr" rr... rrwtrarn rourrn LIM rtrnt Fre. OPPOSITE late Bank of the Pulled States. Muth M. POPE MITCHELL, Propoeter. MISCELLANEOUS. Elarlp at Par, TAKEN FOR CIUCKERING'S PIANOS. H.- . KLELIER, at WoodweloA No N Thud meet,offers for FAO an elegant lot Clurkennre 11•• nos, (Boston) at the lowert euh pore , for Pitt.hargh, Allegheny etty, and County 4rnp . They eennorlae from 5 to 7 octaves- and were .elected by Mn Chick ring (or this morket. They are warranted to he equal to any is the elly, having all the latest irnprovemenu, such aa circular kcal.. rte. Rayon are invited to rail prey.. to purchasing elsewhere. and. also, to bring swath t hem some good /edge, profesatonal or otherwise, to Judge of the goal, ty of the above instruments N. B —Wrltten guarantees will be given with each Plano, entitling the holder to exchange to ease the in strument be proved in the least degree imperfect or faulty. my 4 H FRESH SPRING GOOD!. Shaeklett k White, nRyGOODS JOBBE RS, DO Wood street, ask the attentson of Merchants to thstr stock of AMERI GAN AND FOREIGN DRY GOODS, now seeming shreet from first bands. Reeesrtnir result., topplies of first goods dating the ...nos nod dnntstion a loran share of Uses, attention to EA/W . lll Auction sales, they can confidently as buyers they .nil find st to their tnterest to examine their stools Jam .ereived, large Internees of new style Deese Goode, Fancy Pmts. Cameneres, Cloths. Summer Good., Leer, Whge Go-ads, ITlsh Lanens. Tuber.' Trrnreaings and bro., and bleached Etheenngs of ven om 6reeda marl W Baker, rner , nan nn4l Frew .1 Choronite. Proper• Gnyn, forma rat.. Brown. f,ne tea rr, lawrnnlynts and nnn•yfr.f.y. syn., wo n ,,i we o, pronyvf, Conc.. rr bean nnultoranno, more 0nty1:,... nf y or todne and in qualtry calm, nmoynd. theyu .•nriner re. nmmendo the a.noYn tranufacWrrd nzmy-, and Ylnionnd awn ton name Ib. Hrccna und t anon If eyfnn at dr:lnnir, palatable, nfol zyt awn .'fft c• for ftsvninly. eyntf.-nlenynnt, nod oLln-rs. •.• prontninced DI the mo. rztatnrnt phy•n-tyn• supartor to two oanfr ; rnparazton• lit. manufacture. are allwa,• nu •A• r, IL., Ly tl;< orreeln , wore.. tnraa . ern ,ne, land t, inen •nenta. Halve, o,r, Ar e o . ,!IL..nn. lame• A co. Humeral Iluae.ey Mnrlta, N'nra, tirani & Stone, l' Trauma. V Brunahare.llak tlmoar. and ge.,osg I•.nt %NAL rEEL BAKI•la. th,rer.eatar \ For anie 11.,,A1.1:1 h ',NI rll. AgLa Wrought and Cast Iron 12•11 l . rrIlE InUlnocrntkres long ;cone lu the pub..- that .1 they 'anee obtained from tAe Eaat all the :me and faahtonahle clecgna for Iran Railing. for Ima,. mod eronetenea Perto.l• artantna to prrn . nre nand wine p•ttnrna please esti and examtle. and LIdC , foe th,nta, ••• dnlll 16c Inirlii.dond an Lnic 0.1 noure. and in the beet manner, at the corner of Crug and and Weals, Allegheny NI,. A. LAW/Nl' A KNOX Nanufacturesl Tobacco. Q D.XI4 ()entry & Hoy•le es rupertor sweet 5 ;pin ' - 9 - 4.3 23 do 51 A Butler's 19 hf do Price G. Harearvirs " 5 " 21 do do do . 4 do do Pearl & Harwood U " SAIL" 14 do 1 Holoneolt 57 hf dn do 25 do do Wm Dawson Ti do T Wnght s 37 do U Anderson 9 do 1. T Dade 's 5 du H Moron'. 9 do It/stela Joel landing Dery steamer sod rick., and for sale by HEALD, BLCKNUIt A Co, 41 north water st and to north whence. 1e24 Philadelphia MANITACTUKED 'rutineco—m bi bf 5 clones A bon'. supenor sweet lb lumps. 75 half Lae Webster Old ouportor sweet 6. lumps 36 " Lawrence Lotner " 5s 05 " Gentry A Ron,' " 3. & 54 29 " Dupont (de la Euro) " 54 " 19 " 51c Leod 95 " Lawrence Lanier "5s &Go plug lust landing from .reamer. and for sale by EA Ll>. 111:CKNOft & Co, 11 N water stand 16N wharves, Philadelphia, - nryll W. L J. GLENN. Book Binders, WE are soil engaged to the above !monies, corner Ty of Wood and Fiord streets, Pittsburgh, where we are prepared to do any work in our [um with de, patch. We attend to our work personally. and sans. faction will gtren in regard to its neatness and du rability Blank Book. ruled to any pattern and hound sab• PIO /111nIly [looks in numbers or old bongs bound c are ily or repaired. Nantes pot on books to gilt letters. Those that have work in our line are invited to call. Price. low pnt.f NOTICE. MT A VING asiti our euJre stock to C 11.0aam, with 1.,1,.„ a view to eta ung our old bonnets, we hereby so. brit for tom the patronage of all our friends and cus tomers. 110. W. POINDEXTER, ..... ....—.... Pittsburgh, Aug. Ith, 1848. CH. GRANT, Wboleaale Grocer, Commission and Forwarding Itlrrchant, No. 41 Water n. aul2 BELL AND BRASS FOUNDRY. -- 41. A FULTON, Bell and limos rounder, has re Wilt and commenced Liminess at Ills old stand where he will he pleased to see his old custom ars and friends. . , Church, Steamboat, and Bolls of every size, from 10 to itspA) pounds, cast (rain patterns of the roost approv. ed models, and warranted us be of the best materials. Mineral Water l'untna,Countery Hailing , &v., loge Cher attt.h every var.cty or Brat. Conant., it required turned and finethetl to the neatest manner. A. F is uie 140:f proprietor Of 8A10.1.11 APITIFATTRI. TIOI 1111.1,4 so justly celebrated len the reduction of Trio in machinery. The Ibsen and Composition c an bel hod or alsri at all nines. A. A NI ASS" & CO , Ott Market street, t te are , offer ing their sto,k of Silk Shawls, Pise Lavana and Muslin., al still greater reduced prices. I yard wide beet make Lilacs Silk. n, tai cis; summer Shawl. at 75 and /31,110 - , most fashionable \rums and Mantil las at 63 to 50, Lavina and Moth. V Nod 10 eta; best Mcrrimack Cal,eoo. at II et., usually Calltron• et nl eta; Wrought ti or.; do Capes at SI and 50. Florence Brant Rotolo a au and 75 cm. Waves ail eu. Together wit.] a general aviortment of goods, at near ly one half the usual rates. Jul 9 Scale., Cooking Sto•ea, &o. MARSIIAL, WAI.i.ACF: h. CO., Round Church, fonllef Liberty and ‘Vocl atm.., manufacture and oder for .01le Platform, Floor and Could, of the mem improvednuallty; Cook tog Stove., for wood and coal; Egg Stoves of •arrou. mine., Parlor and common (Oates, Hollow Warn he. he. They al.o manufacture the Nnchen Range, which ha. giver, .uch neral ra ge .utfaction to tho.o honing it or, to all of which they would respectfully matte the .terttron the muerte arid thr public generally. oc trl7-rltf Diaphragm Filter, ror 11rdraat Water. 4 1 041060 T111:3 It to certify that I have an pointed Llinngston, Hogg.. k Co. Sole Agenu for Me tale of Jenning't Patent Dramalimn Filter, for the cil ltes of Puniburgh and Allegheny. JOHN fiIIISON, Agent, for Walter NI flattop, 340 Stoadway N. Y. Oct 10, 1448. We have been own* one of the above articles at the office of the Novelty Werke for three months, on trial, and feel perfectly stashed that it is a useful invention, and we take pleasure in recommending them CY • use . fat enter., to all who love pure water. Orders will be thatikfally retailed and promptly executed. argil LIVINGSTON. ROGGSN It Co MISCELLANEOUS. PAPER HANGINGS. ROW ARP 6:0,00., =EDI tio. 81 Wood Stteety`;,.. , , 11-rouLD call the auention oC tljerpllDGotn their VT present stock of Paper linnents, which for wi llow, beauty of finish,durability, cheapness, is un surpassed by any estahlistungspht the Union. Besides a barge and fall aseortinent of paper of their own mumfactura they are nOW.reeeirilAa direct Im andportation of French d Ertglistorttiee aPer Inas, purchased by Air. Leid flowurdiene Of the Arr., now in Europe, consisting - a Parisian manufacture, 10,000 eke.. ndon do ;OW do Of Lo their own manufacture they luteskioM__piec.. Wall Paper, and 1%000 piece. satin tinted Window Blinds, de. Mews. Janata Howard & Co. have spared Saithe expense not labor In their endeavors ID acetate east ern wall paper establishments, both in quality of men u facture and variety of pattern; and they are Warrant ed in assuring the public that they have succeeded. The whole aalantaient, foreign and hate raanufae Lure, will be offered on term as low G those-of east ern mmutfeeturers and importers meh2rida NEVI COMBS—At ZEBULON KINSEY'S, 07 Mar. ket street -3 dna very dian. high back Shell Tank Combs; me " " low 23 " plain Inch " 6 , " IF " narrow beaded top " " au " fancy top Buffalo " 10 plain 20 grog. com. Horn• 30 do. shell aldc assorted al /CY:alo'Zdhor: h d rMi 3 tan do o n nlollo 'd ; Tr i d n o g English Horn; odo 8 fine Ivory, extra rim; 18 do do do, in boxes; El gross 8 fine do do; 1 do comb Cleaner.. 0116 WATEMILLS PALIIII4 NUM 11/1714. WIC. 2. t/Ala PALMER, HANNA 6 CO., (Successors to !hmey, Hanna it CO.) - 1011ANKERS, EXCHANGE DEGREES, and dealers ut Foreign and Domestic Exehimice, Certificates of DeXtalle, Bank Notes ' and Specio—Pourth street, nearly opposite the Bank of Pittshargie. Current mo ney received on deposite--Sight Checks for sale, and collections made on nearly all the principal points In the United States. The highest premium paid for Forgo 1133,1 Amedean Gold. Advances made on consignments of Produce. ship ped Fats on liberal terms. apt G HEAT I N VEN TlONl—VALUABLEiiiidoirgiii'l ir:=t=ttimin Patent cras.*4-rer exte.rion Talcs, &feu, ureaus, Ban Cans, Wraing LEVER OF WROUGHT IRON. THE TABLES far mrpaming every other m y vemon of me kind now extant. They eon be ex tended Imre ten to twenty-five feet, and when closed the leaves am all contained inside; they ore made to all alma and shape., mid are adnurably adapted for Steamboats, Hotels, and large private families, fent, lug when closed a complete centre table. ISOFAS AND 131.31.EAL15--These aruelea are Inval uable, particularly to those who wish to econo mise morn, and convent sleeping apartment no puler or sitting room, am they can be opestedund shot at convenienee, and when shot, the bedding enclos ed. A great saying In room end rent. All iS the bed steads when closed form a beautiful piece of furniture k" B . Orilf l L .? A c NEVlneat m ared useful uncle for parlor or drawing room. WRITING DESKS—For law offices, counting rooms, and other offices; when opened a meat convenient bed stead, when cloud a perfect Desk and Library alone w AU these articles need no recommendation: the beauty of the whole is, they are warranted not to get rut of repair. It will be (or your interests to call and column,: the uncles. at the manufactimerts store, No. KJ Third street, Putsburgh. In addition to the above ad•antages, they are proof against bugs. urchin JAMES W WOODWELL. blit. ELL/ All EATON'S CERTIFICATE TO DR JAYNE—This certifies, that Immediately after hortog attended my brother, who died of consomption In March, (SIR I was taken sick with the Cocutimption or Liner Complaint, and ma. redaced 140 lon with the discus:, that for four years I was enable to attend no my banners, either at home or *bread, being for the most time confined to my bed. During the above peri od of ume, I had expended for medical attendance o regular Physicians mad medicines, to the amount of $.31)1, without receiving any benefit Jay ne '. therrom. In July, IC-15. I commenced talong D r r. ne Medi omen, and have taken them more or less ever since, and believe that it was by persevering in their age, that I ran , now witty say that I have completely reco-. erred my health. I believe that James Sanative Pills and Expectorant are the best family medmines now in ere. I reside in Springfield, Otsego twenty, N.Y . and carry oar • furnace and machine shop In that place, and sot not interested in soy manner in the sale alba above medicines. and make this certificate for tee twin efit Mose athlete& ELIJAH EATON. Springfield. N Y. Sept. EACT the attention of the city testa ,Itaners genera/Iy, lo the followi ng brands Toliai'cos, in store andto arrive. winch being con.gonnents din reen from tonsotifac urea. bin is enabled to yell at cast• ent prices . . Ida I ass R W Crenahaw 5, V I •• Yuma. alasliwn "I I " I-swan/no 111 Slirabcati Sy, rl 1 Ihanwini .541 and I.; IS I Roberts* Swann S., Oscar Hari 9 1 u Johns /a Lewis lc 1 I Warwick, supr Iti CS Ilenry k Jamas Sy, 1. and al; febfl L , od ATERAiAti ====fl =m3El JTOFIN WRIG & Co, .re prepared to build Cotton aatt Wootact Macaulay, dasartpuan, Boob n. Carding Maehmes, Smutting Frames., Sp.ftulent Dravnog Frames, Ratlaray /leads, Warpers, Spoolera, thrums Frame., Loom.. Card ()under, &o. 'Wrought Imo Snafung turned, all use. of Cast Iron, Pulite. and Itanaert of tb. latext pattern, slide mut hand Lattmr. and tool. nl all lundo. CaA(1110. at every dettertplum furnished au saart notice. Pattern. made to artier Air twarme trot, Itatung, Ice Strum lips for hrat out Fewtort., CAtt Iron Wuultur r•a‘rt and t taney 1.11,0 Krliera.l) tord.cro Ictt •I true :Varehoo. at .I. Palm, & Co . Liberty street, vett! bare prompt mut,- 00, Refer to Maeknock, Ileil tc Co- 1 K Monrehrail k t.. E. Warner. /olio Irseta & Sons, P.ttsburati . f. J If Warner. Steubenviiie tont!, Penn Machine Shop. Wll.lfTNlAN—Manutunturer ol ail kind+ of cot la, non ond woolien niaeh:ner). AtWenetly l'a the aboe works being now in lull and s op n , I v an prepared to esesute orders wan th ucceasinispalf 10, kinds GI machinery in ion bne. such a. w,llux s, p,ekers.iguradors. card, grinding machine., tettiways. dits. nig:twine.. speeder, ihrosini., loom, WOCAC . II r. • rd.. douh,e or istag ie. for men-h ant or country work •. &r tile and hand lathes and own. in gen eral gnats or .1.1114 made to order, or plans eiv• en for renting factor,. or mills at reasonable cilarge limy T.—Kennedy, Child. & (0.. Biarkstbek, It. it k King, Pennock & Cgs, Jo, A. bray INEW COACH FACI`OiLIf,- •113.11116.. A „,: v g 2: F r : t 21 1 4 uu b l a d v . 1 n 11 . (01111 p an a, between a r e dar ed dus sweet& are now mak sna nod are prepar to reemee or orf every de:ter:pout% of vehicles. Couches. Charmea, En. ouctes, Bui,amo, Pontoon, , winch front thca long expestMtce the manufacture of tint above work, and the (actin...a they have, they feel confident they are enntned to to cot on the moot reasonable terms with moor wantmg arocie. to that 1111, Pict tne petrol:tiler attention to be selection of Mate nab, and having stone but competent workmen, they nave no heattanort in warranting their work. We therrlora s•it the attention of the public to this matter. N U itrontring dune in the best manner, and ott the most reagottable t d y e i erms, mt!thtf 4 1°.=.°A - . 1 1 1;;4=bbt*.,.. the large stable on Firm st, running through •r ,„„ to tteeond M., between Wood and Smithfield to the rear of the a nd House, with an entirely new stock of !forges and Carenges of the beat quality and latest styles. Horses kepi at live ry the best manner. • jyYdly l'atent Graduated GaJmnu Battery out .Pates' Insulated Poltu for Attedwal asui ott i r purposes. T ., „ ,4 ,, ,i p tti m e n on n ar d lli t :traM s O c tI o l u o ” 1 the or kiA w t t. at [ l i o n; m ev , o d r . tent purpose., and Is the only one over known to man s by which the Fervent° rlutd can be conveyed to the ha -111:111 aye. the e•r, the brain, or to wty pone! the body, ern, externally or Internally, ina definite pane aims= without shocks or pant—with portent ty and erten with the happlest elects. Thu important apparatus is now highly approved of by many of the most eminent phystemal of this coun try and Europe, to whom the aillieted 4.1101 others whom a limy concern can lei referred. Reference ill slat br. given to many highly respectable citizens, who have been cured by means of tltlsmost valuable apparatus of some of the most inveterate nervous disorders which could not be removed by any other known means. Al3/0111, various othe cureas been proved to be ad. numbly adopted for thof the fellowtug diseases, sr nervous headache and other diseases of the brain. It is with tins apparatus alone that the operator can convey the magnetic fiord with ease and safety to the eye, to restore sight, or cure arnaurovas; to the ear to restore bearing; to the longue and other organs, to re. store speckh; and to the various parts of the body, tor the euro of chronic rhetimadster, asthma, neuralgia, or tie dotoureuk, paralysis, or palsy, gout, chores or fit. Vito's dance, epilepsy, weakness from sprains, some dise•ses peculiar to females, contraction or the '.l.entra, loc at ass, eta. 510. !Lights for rurrounding counties of Western P. and prlvileges, emit the instalment, ono , be purchased, sod also tested for the core of diseases. _ . Full instructions will be given for the cations chemi cal+ to he used for cartons dlsease., and the best in.. no r I. operating for the cure alba. diseases will al so be fully explained to the purchaser, and a pamproei put into has hands expressly far these porToses, care. tally prepared by the patentee. Enquire of octl3-dly b WILLIAMS., Vlne st, l'arstarret, TIM - ri,ILE lateralnn of the pebble is respentmay called to 1 the lollowiag certificates: Ma. S. Kauns--lia•ing testeda quantity of Gold weighed by your Areommer, I find the result proves your inttrument correct; and recommend the a.e of tl to those going to the best method for ob. tenon' the real value of Gold. Rasp. yours, J. B. DUNLEVY, Gold Beater. Piusbargh, March 2,1842. Ppm - human, March 7,1840. Me. Kamm—Dear Sir. Having examined the - Art, meter," IMlnl.lllClUrbli ILI your rooms, I'do hot tumour to commend it to the use of those gentleman who are about removing to California to teach of Gold. It give* • close approximation to the specific grist tj of metals, and aril certainly enable the adventurer to imeortam when his placer is yielding (old mart? Years, R WCLANTfirt/ 1N DIA RU1181:111 ClAlfillNCl—Just vcd horse California Expo:boon, a complete 1,-ortlocilt of Gum Elastic Clotlitisg, at pace.runging front 0.5.YJ 041.50 for suit of emit, pants and hot. Por nom atmelmha Rubber Depot, No 5 Wodl st. ik 11 P 1114.1.1 PS I byT itE.1.:1,1 tine , so junt.y V celebrated Ifinstbso.;h Piano., need constantly by Li.t. Thalberg and ob er great perlortners, nr,;ctber will, a large ine.olllll. , of rosowood and mahogany, of my own coanutacts • The above 111 m l -outer. are warranted to be pet, in every respect, and will be sold low for comb. deola No 111 W0,n41 5t.1.1 d....rt.nn, 6th rM=ffM THE celebrated Unarm 11.1de Powder, to kegs, hall kegs, quarters and can•. for •ale by febl3 1 "Eni A. Go. •:.wood st =SE= 202 CA...tar , m•t mamma per steamers Ivanhoe nod St Cloud. and Cot Ws by W a Al AU I CHELTREE, mehl3 lW Lthertr st LINSBELP ULL—to b 'a la store atai iar by BRAUN & REITEM, mill • or Liberty andtclair sta DRY & VARIETY GOODS. FEIXIIII ISPIUNG 000D$ _ . f w ere . n e o n w , o cip i e 3 rAtttvlß D lVßtalilce es • se cued with more then maul care doriog the lassie,. weeks, in the Nem York and Philadelphia markets, and embracing gnat Variety of almost 00017 do cription of the latest and mast Whim:table styles, end ;11 , 74/mien of it having been bonshk at the EAST. auctioNs at a great reducuon.frota the regu lar rates, we ore enabled to offer peel inducements to cash buyers, either by WhOILIAb of retaiL would thereto., respectfully invite We attention Orli, public to our dunk, feeling confident of our ability to salt buyers in almost every article they may wish In our line. To the ladies tee would especially commend our stock of SrLYNDID Deco Smut, of which we have a (err large and beautiful assorUuent of the latest styles and most fashionable colors. . . . Lamas Vans Gooos—Mouslin de haloes, Foil de Cheevre, silk, linen and mohair Lastres t painted Lawns, gingham Lawns, Foulards, new style Barents, English, French sod tteorh (Anemias, linen Ging ham% in great variety, &e. he. Bovvrrs—New style Bonnets, very cheap. Itmermet•sti FLowrgs—Of the latest styles and supe rior in quality. Pea/mina—A very large and handsome stock of Par asols, of almost every style and quality. Stiswas—A fine assortment o( spring and summer !Mewls, of all styles mid pricey. • Flamm: Cuerus—A good supply of super French, English and American Cloths and C.simeres, m which we would invite the uneaten of persons needing such goods. • • ALSO—A full and general supply of Shirting Check, Ticktngs, brown and blenched Muslin, Table Linen., 86 c.+ 6 ev, Diaper., Cambric, Drillings,.mmer Goods mans' and boys , wear, J9COIIGIA, Moll., Swum, Nan woks, Nankin, Prints, Gin Lama, Crape, Crape Lace, Cravats, Gloves, Flowery, milk HMOS, Ice. As. Persons wishing to buy by wholesale, should call and examine our mock, as oar prices are such so to make it their interest to boy. ALEXANDER. A DAY, 76 Market at, aP 2I northwest corner of the Diamond A A. MASON fk Co., No. W Mars. street, have aa;h tha o n y h ra d ve th e e ve l r a o r sV.Z ° Ve ' irtL mb 7. li : ° :o7 cols in pats of the followlng goods, via: 185 rich embroidered Muslin Caes, from Stg6o to 5,00 850 " " Col l ar. " $74 to $l,OO 500 crochet Collars, fro m 371 to 55 3.5 u lane " " 8 to 12 Ginap y are " Of to 12 150 Jenn Lind" " to 1,00 1 180 mualto Hatton, " w a 1,20 Yin pain moshn Con," 37 6 to 621 Also, Monromg Collars, from Int to 23m. Coil at the cheap one price more of A. A. MASON A Co, No 60 Market m- M 61.0 NEW RIBBONS, BLACK SILK S, BLK. BARI OM, k.c.—W. R Muitrur has this morning re ceived by Express a lot of handsome straw colored, green and blue Bonnet Ribbons. Also, glossy blank Silks for dresses, Vanes, mantillas, ie. SLAG% St. LACTS—A large assArtirieril lately rereel ved. Worm Goons for dresses—sock es swiss and mull musk.. Nal:wool., the. Also, embroidered sonatina (or dresses, all at lowest prices at northeast corner Fourth and Market meets. Wholesale Rooms up stairs. mylt BENCH LINEN AND LINEN LI/.51144—W: F IL Mount, has now open a full assortment of av above articles, for dresses and ucks—among the lat ter are some seance colors, such as pink, blue, green, &c.. also pink, blue, peen, and mode colon of Cba me;con Lawns, and a largo assortment of embroider ed muslin and Lawns. W. R. filiN recent parchace Is now all received and open, : arsons wanung Dry Roods will do well to look at In arg o and fresh stock before purchasing— at northeast corner 4th and Market sts. Wholesale Rooms up shwa ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS---hlateriala for Arithotal Flowers, el", Plain tissue paper, .pound do Car. MUM paper for coloring, Pink Noncom, Leaves o f eve ry tone, bud', Ups, and callow', can be obtained at F II EATON A. Co's Trimming Store, Rola MI Fourth at EEMBROIDERY—Wonted patterns for Ottomans, Piano Stoats, Table Coven, Traveling B. snit a great variety of mall patterns. Also, Worsteds of all colors and shade., by the pound,ounce or skein for sale by apl4 F H EATON b.. Co, 6,J ' Fourth at Q ECOND SUPPLY-1V it Murphy, at northeast cor ner of Ith and Market streets, has now open hill "noon supply of spneg and summer Goods, and has a large IlliOlUtleat of Dress Goods of newest styles, and staple Goods of every kind, all of which will he sold &pill I 1 ALES hICSLLN GE LAINE—W Fl Murphy has receased the ohnee .aree and desirable ankle, of the fashionable Made; also, Green Barnes. apt/7 HOLES,II.IC, LILLE 000DS A A. 11180.1 & CO., C iMM.,S,ONEFLS AND IMPORTERS, 80 Msaur Sram, A 1 1 -11 now opening the most extensive and varied th. assortment f Spring and Summer Goods over exhibited in the Western country prising upwards of F.leven Hundred Cases, purch ased m in entire packa ges from the manufacturers, Importers, and large ane uou sales, by one of the bon residing in New York, who is constaitt:y sending us the newest and most fashionable goods. They name in part— ite/ cases rich Spring Prints; SO cases hi de Leine; 24 " Lawns and Mush.. 25 " cotton and linen - bleached 51nslins,all Gingham; grades; ub " cold Mullins; 40 4 shining Checks and 157 " Ripka. Cotton domestic Ginglinms, ides and summer Staffs 13rown Nimbus; Altos cm. and packages of Bonnets, Flowers, , La- Ribbon., titths, Shawls, Reveres, White Goods, Millinery &nicks, Cloths and Cassimeres,Latens,llo- siery and ltloves, hc. he. City tuot country merchants will find their stodk Its large and damnable as &meth stock., and an trued nation of their goods and prices cannot fail to min vitieu all that with their undeniable advantages and Mediums, they ewe-compete IRIS Aar Paarm. Jeimasts. Thin Met ha been clearly demonntrated to hundreds of .hetr patrons mho formerly purchased East. Their stork will always be found complete. ao7 MEW GOODS, 1849 ENNI-IDY & SAWV ER, comer Wood and Fourth •tree 4 ore now servo:9 direct from first hands, s MO, of Fancy and %•nety (woods, including CloeSs o( every variety, gold and silver Watches, Jewelry, French Prints, Combs, Hooks and Eyes, (naves and :Suspenders, (Sup Caps, and ell other articles to their line—all of which having iron purchased personally of the numufacturers cast, da ring the lost w,kner, expressly for me Spring trade, wkil Wid OrtlO:cßlik at LI small advance on ewit. Constantly on bond, all descriptions of Looking (Ansa es, of our Own manufactanog. Cenatent priers mhS3 Na" A NU VA It I KT V liIX/O-S—At Llili CI.ON K .7 Marto , •I.c. 100 pr. fi.w emu Vase., uts'd, 175 sets twist and eat velvet root Buttons; 40 fine velvet Carpet Bags; do do scut. traveling; 100 prrosz Caner stilt Batton, tor dtetse., 10 Ors toad Brushes, used; 100 gro fine h.. Ve.t thymus, a52,.4 050 do do gth sod plated, do, dox rosewood lieu Brune, 4 do Wuhingtou dot 1 do Barbers do, 1 gro nosh Lulea; Yoh Hooks, Lime rte:, Se JEWELRY. Ac —5O gold lever Watches; 50 do de tached lover %Vaides; 10 do Lepino do 10 fine dia mond Fun:, Rags; 1 dor fine gold Vest imd Fob hmits; V do do Guards, Breast Pula, linger Rings, Ear Rings. d e. GLOVES, Szo.—RX) doz Ladies Cotton Gloves, ass'd; , MlO do do Lisle Thread, fancy top, /cc ; 10 do gents' silk (Roves; 12 do do Lid do; 50 do ladies kid, do 10 do do fancy top silk. VA RIF:TY 60003-75 pkgs American Pins; 300 bra Cotton Cord.; 75 pa Paper Muslin; 50i1.030 ribbed Percussion Caps; D'io gm dress Whalebone do; 100 dos Ivory Combs; Dressing Combs, Back Combs, An. kc. ap9 1,1 If EATON a. CO. arcopentng Mew Sprmg . stork of Trimmnisra now conswung in part of Man tilla and Dress Frlnges, wraps, black and colic' Silk Lases. black Flounce Lace, Buttons, Bride, Bonnet Trimmings, gents, ladies and ektidrens plate and fan cy Hosiery, Shirts lor men and belt s,Combs,lsory and other Fan., Yarn, Spool Cotton, Needle., Tapes, Bob bin., Pms, ka. tra., which they etrer (or sale, both wholesale and retail, at thar Trimming Store, 62 Fourth street, between Wood and Market. moll XTEW SPRING GOODS.—A. N. Mssos Et Co., No. .1.1 co Market street, are now Opening 40 cases and packages of splendid SPRING GOI?Dtk, comprising Lawns, Milslins, Dosages, NI. do Lames, Gingham., Prints, French Cambric., Linens, Ribbons, Laces, Silks, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery, and a general assort ment of lioNis motor CARPETS OIL CLOTHS; alto. RECEIV ED THIS DAV, Carpeting and Oil Cloths of the litest and most approved patterns, .d at prices to sun purchasers, and cheap so can he pur chased in ally of the &went clues, comprising the fol lowing varieties:— Fstra Royal Velvet Pile Carpets; Airraimster CarpetN any site hall rooms or yes] Topestry do obilles. Sop Royal Brussels do Tapestry stale carpets; Extra sup 1 ply do Brussels do do Superfine do do Chemilo Rug.; Enna sup In do Tuned do Superfine do do Brussels do Fate de do Chemile Door mac', Common do do Tufted do do 4-4, 34 & iTapestty Adelaid do •do Damask do Sheep skin do • do 4-4, 3-4 & ► twl'd ye- 124 Emb'sed Piano coven neum do 64 do Table do 4-4,3-4 In plain dr2 do 6-4 wool do do Cotton Ingrain do 6-4 worsted and linen do do do Venetian do Brass Stare Heals s 4 cotton Drosggeti 164 wool crumb sloths 124 woolen do Stair Linen 6-4 do do 64 table do Hugh. Table 011 elothr, Diaper do German do do do do Crash '34 Floor Oal clothe; Snow-Da_p Napking 7-4 do do do Crimson / . 1.111 0.4 do do do Purple do 3-4 do do do Maroon do 4-4 do do do Carpet Binding; Sheet Oil Clwkr , of newTsumphit Window , Shades •fapenry petterns, eat to fit o the above we are constantly receiving_our Spring Stock of C.. rpets, GO Cloths and Steamboat Trimming., to which we invite the attention of all who wish to No msh their houses or steamboats as we will be able to her goods as low as they can be purchased in the East, and of the se hest and later styles. Call and en amtne our stock before purchash. e.ewbere. Ware. house, No 75 Fourth st. m. 21 W. SPCLINTOCA. The Largeat, C'haapect and man Fasitionabis Stack of Good, adapted to Gentle-1,1,'s Spring and Summn(Year, u just neeitnng at DIGUT'S CURAPCASUJLOTHINU STORE, LB LIBERTY STREET. roil E: Propnetor of the stave establishment would rasp, etfully inform h i s numerous customer*, that hr lois sod rammed from the Eastern ethos with the ans., splenMd 4SertMent of goods in hit. line, that was ever brought to this city, comptoong ad that te now fts.alionahlo, elegant and Cheap in Cloths, CaasiMeres, Cashrnermla Drop De Ete t sod every desenpdon of nen and woollen hammer Stuffs; Shiva, Lea. ww!Mu!, Suspenders, fr.c.. of the newest •tylest ch, together with hir very large end faahiottable or leadysnede Clothing, he is prepared to offer a. lo• Saul low raters. Callnirrtlerehants, contractors, and all who por ch,- largely, ure particularly turned to cell and ex. aite the stock. which is dectdedly the largest and no moat fashionable in the city, and great Iltratilla has h. en paid to get t up 11131LIDIC to the who.esale trade. Order. in the Tailoring hme executed in the most fnahoottable manner, and that nothing may be wanting enatire the newest and beat styleo i cutting. A gen tlemen who ha. had areal expel-mare is the Easter* Cole, has been added to the establlshmetth mehal.d3m -- bitirtioops SHACKLETT & WHITE, Dry Goods Jobb•r•, O. tiO,wOOD.trrittib. - r—ilruald call the attention of hforchants to Welt largo stook of Domestic aud Foreten DRY GOODS, jest tidoiviog from the ltd• porters and hionufacturera, and which they will sell at very low rates for owl or approved credit. Our Appek iv oow (alt asdeptipleia, and wall - worlts the attention of boyars, ea we are deterhissed to sail at such extremely lot prices as cannot Gut to make it. a atrenradsaamen gr aterebtanta to make, bill with VOL. XVI. NO. 297. MISCELLANEOUS,` WANTED, DAILY at the BALTIMORE,. PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, ROS rON AND NEW ORLEANS GENERAL AGENCY AND COMMISSION OFFICE, Young MEN in wholesale and retail stores, and °the , respectable business, te eel as Book-keepers, Sales men, Porters, Bet-keepers, Waiters Farmers, Coach men, Car Agents, Book cod Map Agents, Collectors, Overseers in all branches of business, le. We have It all times a largo number of gem! SAMIMO. on hand, which pay from 300 to /WO per annum. well to Those in want of situations of any Ind would do give tit a call, as we have age ta in each of the n net rt tie+, which will enable num place every applicant in suitable situation at tho ahortest n,ouce. We he, a huge acquaintance in ell the above named ruins, which trust will enable as to give enure mutter • non to all who may fluorin* with a call. TAYLOR C. TAYMAN, No. 59 Second It, between o Suth and Ga. N. B —Persons living IP any part of the UaStat y es, and wishing to pinata a sitriuton in Haltimore, or et titer (litho shove cl., will have their wants imme diately attended to by addressing us a line, (post-pmdl as by so doing they "ill eurtall both trouble and es. pense, which they otherwise would incur by coming to the city, and seeking employment for themselves. Address, TAYLOR}, TAYMAN, N 0.193 Second Street, I:dtf Baltimore, sld RELIEF 140111. 01111111P5e LITE HAVE ABDOMINAL WARMERS made from the moot approved Ertgliah plae famished and rerommeadeti by Thomas Mma, 1.5q.4 and a number of eminent physielarts; being a most conveni ent apparatua for the application of' warm or hot wa ter to the nowels, cue of cramps In Cholera. As every person Is subject so sudden auacks, Ao family should be without Al Immo.. SCAIFE A ATKINSON, m 7 Fleet at, between Wood and Market Improvement In Pianos. THE subscriber is Jost receiving au assortment. of Pumos from the factory of Nurtns & Clark, N. T., which for el- CRa/Mel of e.cteriOr, beauty of finish and supertonty atone and tooth, surpass any thing rover brought to this city. Mr. Clark, of the above hem, to and most favorably kmtwo as the former foreman in the celebrated Piano establishment of Broadwood, London, bas recently improved and per fected the Pianos of Norms & Clark, N. Y., to an us tent which, ouguestionably, entitles them to the repu tation of toeing the very best as well as the cheapest Pianos to best in this country. The tot now open ing, comes with the additional recommendation or an improvement in the style' and finish, which make. them at once the most elegant and tasty thing ever brought out. Thgee instruments, together with the stock on bald, form the man exteusiva varied and de. suable usortment ever offered here; all of which will be sold at manufacturers prices, and on accommoda ung tat o. H. KLEHER, at 7. W. Woodwelrs, t 33 Third st N. 13 —Thn sobseriber will be found nt the ware• house from 11 to 11.5. Ai, mut 4 to 5 P. At. 04 U. K., sole Agent for Noma & Clnrk TIfE anbacriber offers formic a large and splendid assortment of rosewood and mahogany grand Ac tion Pianos, with and without Colenaan's celebrated Attachment: The above inssmments are war ranted to be equal to any manufactured in this coun try, and will be sold lower than any broa,ght from the East. F. BLUME, No 119 wood at, Shl door above Sth N. 11.—City Sena will be taken at par tar a few of he above aaaorsment. MY9 F. B. Foe Betty at Par. _ JOHN H.IdELUJR,I3I Wood storm, Will sell for Scrip atp the following new and second hand Pianos One elegant rosewood 6oetave Pi ano, made by Baker k Raven, N. Y. 6325 00 One do do 61 octave- -- • • • • —• • —• •- ..... 300 00 Oita rosewood 6 octave, Gales & Co, N. Y.- • 275 00 One do 6 do do do• •• • 250 00 One mahogany 6 do do nearly neva • • 200 00 One do 6 do Lond " i' • • 215 Oti One do 61 do Rosenbaum 100 00 One do 6 do German 50 Hi One do 51 do a&- W Norms• ••-• • • • PO fa One do 5 do Eagliatk ••• •—• •- •• -• • 30 00 - my 3 JOHN FORSYTH, Merchant Tailor, has removed to No. 34 Market meet, one door from Second, East side. Thmikfal for past favors, he respectfully sohclts a eantinuance of the patronage of his former customers, and likewise she patronage of as many new ones as are of the tight stripe. Orders In the Tailoring line executed in the most fastsienable manner, and with dispatch. Also, a fartuonable assortment of ready made Clo . thing. of all kinds. Cheap for cash, of course. Gontlemeas' Furnishing Goods in all their varieties always on band, sack es Sh Bosoms, Collars, Cra vats, Storks, Scarfs, /iosiery,irts, Saependers, Pocket lidkfs, Gloves., Drawer', Umbrellas, An. An. At. u1y21..a2m rninitino - vcr.agl6 - 40 E ."IO,II , KIIWg, • A N EMINENT and experienced Physician from the 1. East. of 20 years standing, offers to treat all cases of a Dekicata Nature with promptness and secrecy. Ms success in Buffalo and other large Mum has been proverbial. fits charges ore moderate, and his cores_pernianent. Old eases of Oleo, Stricture, Hero (elm, Pinar Alba*, ithettnn./..m, Arm, Syphilis, or arty chionlc or Inveterate sues solicited. A core warranted, or charge refitoded. Orstra, S. Clair street, dolma f tbe Teeth Extracted. Advt., to We i poo grain, N 13.—Dr. A. solicits the wont cares of soy disease to Pataborsh to call. al4lll • WILLIAM muss, llanulaetarer of Mineral Water Apparatus, max or ins GOLDn sac. aid rearasts, No. 213 North Second at., above Vine, PHILADELPHIA. .A N eitpcnence of more than twelve years In the manufactating Mineral Water Appatatus, and the preparation of lilmera/ Water In Bottles and Foun tains,on an ostensive scale, with a scientific and prac tical knorrlcdge of of both branches of business, toge ther with recent improvements In the eons:wont/op of Elie Apparatus and Um preparing of the Water, which he has succeeded is adopnog since his visit to Paris, and alter years of clown study end et:witem applien bons an applied to the arts in Mechanics and Chemin tah"e'nbt: ;a' c o o ff "' er Me e r le g " a h n2 moat complete Apparatus, for the manufacture of Min era] Water in Bottles and Fountains, that can he fur. Dished in the United States. He also haters himself that the enlarged success he has met with, and the preagnt extensive and daily creating amount of his became in both the above de poitments, furnishes the most convincing prno( of his claim to the superiority of Apparelos over those of all others, and of the panty mid salubnty of the 'Water prepared therefrom. Penons who order the Apparatus from a distance, may be assured that there instructions shall be faithful ly complied with, and so packed as to carry safely either by land or water to any part oldie U. States. To avoid disappointment, it is recommended to those who Intend supplying themselves the approaching sea• son. to forward the, orders at as early a day as eon. thent. Mineral Water Apparatus, Generators, Pumps and Fountains, Ornament...l Urn. and Pedestals for Stands, Counters and Bars o( Hotels, for drawing Hydrant Water, together WiLfrCerktog and Tying }lmam., and everything appenitimeg to the above business, constantly on hand, and for sale on the lowest terms for cash, apt&taleorblm iTgiCr — ioLiat LaubP assorweent of Cornelius & Cois celebrated menu literate, and superior to all other{ in Ole; adapted to churches, steamboats, factories, dWellings, public and private halls, and to all other usea where a cheap, sale and brilliant light is desirable. Also,Otrandoles, Hall Lenterns,Candelabras,Globes, Shades, Wicks, Chimnies, Cans, Trimmers, &a. A Iva, Oa. Chandeliers, tram one to four bean. darn tV W WILSON, 40 market ituß GREAT WESTERN SADDLE HARNESS TRUNK AND WHIP MAN, UFACTORV.—The subscriber takes this mealied of inforrnirrg his friends and the public in general Mat he has the largest stock of the following named arti cles of his own manufacture in this city—Saddles, Ba ness, Trunks and Whips, all of which he will warrant to be made of the best malarial and by the best mech anics in Allegheny county. Being determined to sell his manufactures something lower than has been here tofore sold by any similar establishment in theray, he would Invite persons in need of the above named articles to his umrchmme, No. 244 Liberty street, oppo sae Seventh. Also, bands made to order for machine. ry. oct3O-ly • 0. KERBY. PITTISHORCIII FEMALE 161/STIWUTB. rylllE Second Session of this Institution, mider the care of Mr. and Mrs. Goartorot, for thepresent academic year, will commence on the Oro of Februa ry neat, in the same buildings, N 0.69 Liberty street. Arrangements have been made b y which they will be able to (smith young ladies faciliDes e9rtal to any in the West, (or obtaining a thorough English, Cluu al, and Ornamental education. A full coarse of Plu lisophical and Chemical Lectures will be delivered denim the winter, illustrated by pp tors The de. partthonts of Vocal and Instrumental Music, Modern Languages, Drawing and Painting, will each be under the care of a competent Professor. By close attention to the moral and intellectual improvement of their pu pils, the Priumpals hope to merit a continuation of the liberal patronage they hare hitherto emoyed. Pot terms, see circular or apply to the Prolicipols,, iota-dB TANNERS , OIL 400 1 1.1' ULL, iu huldsome mull 1114--.Colbaandy on hand. bleached and unbleaChl ed waiter mad sam ' e 6persn, Eiephant mud Whale Oils: AlvO, licht coloredseleeted N. W. Coast Whale Oil, suitable tor retudine. .• • . PATENT Oil. POR MACHINERY—The subsets ben arc now prepared to .apply 'Derlan's Pattern fitil in any quantity, machinists, nimufueturcri. rec., err requested to call and ezentioe the erne le. .eruficalea olds efficacy end .ocetollty over ad other ode, from several of our nI.ICIteIIISIVO manufacturers, are ol oar issoescon. ALLEN a. NEE131.4, Ages Y 2 and south wharves, near Chestnut et, (chi& codom Philedelphia Notice to Daguerreotype . . received, a smell 'rte.:nee VOICITLAEN a) DER'S QUICKWORI.INO INitTRU:II ENTS--- new constracuon. These Inscruments possessgreat alarm:ova over all oilier. ever made, cog a 2 sloe Plate, redeems the theta of antots on verin c.h alf and , producing a sharper, clearer and Dettfi r gedefined pic ture. They, therroore, deserve trio anEfition elan Ar. tots engaged Or intending to engage in the hainneci Price for the Tube i 3175. A general asoortalete Of Voiglliender'll Pally cele brated Instruments, of all sine, as well as Duple rreo type Matertala, at the lowest rates. MR. PETER ShIlTll, theetertali, Ohio, la oar au thorised neon for the sale of the above Instruments. A Loa of i'neesoan be obtained by addresetng, poo. paid, W. & P. temicrritum Eachange„ Philadelphia, Importers of Daguerreotype Maihrialll, and General Agents for the sale of Vogsdneirderla Optical Instru ments. markeaddna Hatedwrars..Chesper ti Ewa= CIGAN, WLL SON a. co., importers and Mapleton L A Deni er . a n amiar a ,e, Cutlery and fkaddlery, No MI Wood street, above Firth, have now in stereo Vera cheap and seen selected stock of Hasslarare,jam me‘ a since the decline of-prices in Europe, end which they are determined to sell correspondingly lo*. hieeel an i tn who have been in the habit of going East, are partied. larly requested to call and lookriltrougla we confidently believe they *Laos," their =paned.; oct4 TIMED BEEP gown:a-10 ?lam-Dried iieet Ly Rounds, my Bllo,lut tetti p.l . liler 4 ,cile by . em.A9. tqc9/4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers