TRANSPORTATION i jj. I N,F9, S ourag•tow.. /t •1., Ineke: I t• 111 . ,./. • • I r no ( LC I '4 . 12 o'clr,<: pncket II 1U T.. , ma hue I the rel, n Man ha , Tht eieganl •IN lea n Ile drr. d,,:. of , gip 4 . ••••••• I , warren wad Clevelftt.tlPr.licengt.l,lur. 1 • V‘..rren, when the, Akron on .1 ,; before mat. fine hi rit 5 P. NI., no! C ES lA:FriN(.I . • I 1.. AI Li VLO *pia r or • c 4 7,4•41 • UNION LI) Ml== C.VITOAD • R PLEr, i . • P i ~~rrvion. to rr I N• 0.4 • it: ITT.IWRG II end C 1.1% \ r,. r ; the Canal end Lake. The feel flip of the I oallty am/ enpuroy 01 iLlor.l d etfseirney of A eeni. One Hoot leave. kYo. , rung n 1.011.079!./.11.711.i t .4, :41,, lIMMICOMMUSIE . Between rttl•burgh and Br a V r. 4., •at a Ikeemer.. Vtopelirra 4:•ii AuVrrs—R I: ; • liniew.a. B Tuyiar. arre NN`liee;e.r Crawford A Cr.., • :.ears• . . nnl♦ A Office. eoT Water , n. inch2l.l y BEAVER Steamer N.. LAKE I T 1 and from I k aL. Yntaburell and Jolloare:— Alielsrprn lens. A AL. and Itenvrr leaves Reaves tra. y at 7 o'eloek, I' AI. Thee *resole, er R 1: Parks lir. • t' Taylor & Leitorra , l'arnn Line or Fr• .v Clarke & Co • Boars. R G Parks defy Nea. CL ARA 1.. I' JOHN A. r• A I meh.ll MIMEO =MEM -4 ‘ r - - Plf)Lif:Rtill ‘4- ON THE PF:NNS) ruHE Proptiricitit j daily une i•o,••••,•• Boa wool ii 7 torni iton with tne sier.• . 4 t...• COPE, are nabs , : :• the tranitionat.on opening of g.. y Icanin and i ilia, at ~ =MEE BIDWELL & BFt Ca-1 H - i. ft Yorwardin! , Agent, for (A. burgh and Ers, I,lr, bocur LiPath.,7 and C,tirb Cope. Haring par.:lA.lrd Pant Past bc...; :or ta , `.I. with the trldtinn or a ‘..* eactimonauon- in! 7., -.t. pledge the, htnunt nue,— tn con•Pgratrenta to rrt far • tun] === U • .•' •Il A 1..4 7; 1, 1121 i• I-• _ 4 *.! ' ' TIIE rtopr,t, ot 1.1 • • . I Boats, in pr, .mlE:right to . York ~ •4 1 the . ' IerCIA r • •:t.: ~ ,a-. ~ .. ._ _~. .. Thu ran• L• 1 BEAVER and CA I thl and Beaver. 4• • 1, eels on the Let.rt..lllti 1, Boa. Line on we N., • C. !, Bidwell Etroti .1. W T Mather. mstlz im =E:ST=LII CONSIGNISI,—w Shurpnburg Slnith t • Hortinown, U;.... A. -.Pi , ;.: . • • Igewburry, Sheboygan PA 'r .. • hie; 6nop Alnr , y,t 11 1. .ii, Chicago. A W,p , 'rprr • I. Pittsburgh and Btu Irs-,lll.c.Put het .11‘c r.l.‘"At;ApgrA r. 7. 1: 2, 1 .. aptendid Packet at..., .J tweet. ginurnstitc si.l Piti.. • -- ed by three r • .:1• , •• madam pauwennnt, DEPAWICK..—BfIeI• u. a‘.. 1 1 1, ent) Monday, Tue.—Boer Thui. ' or Thursday and , a: 7 .. • at Pittsburgh • 71s :un Indiana will meet tn.. I.OUI .p, • ',III .1 • 4i ward and downward f that pMee .:t ./11• ght fa, the ahoy. 1..• •, .• .ir tLr house of the boutrin.ii . 1., • Ca. who are our at:abort-ea e, r r tree 01 einstruisnion• arnval of We 1 oal— from Pittsburgh to 1, oui.•••.•• - of Boatmen',. hrourn 1 5 rr . 13 /31 3 / 1 .44 Il POI( h.. It' 18•4() ti I. . , For the Tran 1 . 11 , 1.A1rr. , 1(14(04.;,,-;,, 1. Tips old estut,,,mc on, prorleuf , s r, . exten u stre stranc••tcetuc duce, £e to and If. , !11 .• otr , •r,17. waft the regoisroy. ole+p, . their mode of mdupp, , • , •• • • fis,. urn. stapment or. the umfgp,.. ~• , All consigntue,. by tu.t: •.., I ,et'succ,f:st ges and forum rdcd .., ••••,b,: Y 4 thrncY.lo.,. of charge for COl.ll/1,.." . 1., 1 41 No "dorm., dtfect4 01 .• • C.. Al! • ., Uoa 10 1110 following mg.,. THUS. 11010.111 X IF: 27 - '4,h, cl TAAFFE & 0 CONNOR. O'CONNOR b. Co. North .t. 1:4 ,11(er• tr , ,24 18:19. BLINGLIAMS , N SP Ott'l.Vl4 011, hPclen... - 7clao, /oral BINGE •••1. Whir III:Two, Conducted 'cllclk •.,.. l• TIIE Proprieto , ..l e, 1i... put their sto, ste.uhp ,sk t thoroughly preNtre.l 'oto 1 nah , dub to and from I. ilh-re e...e We treat tb.r ..u: to• , bunines, and retoou. tomer., .111 ',tut ‘ll {, • of the paronegre hiLor JA; ..tjn - OUT etrummement....x . ., lentil the dempt,,, be as leer es the k..vret Line. We have opart,f n ud. •r betWeau 4th and nth rt, at .hipper. Produce nod r, . warding, .1,u.. • 811111 ' ofg 1 promptly attended Andres+ or npplv Canal Basin, eor 1V I" • 4\l.'S 1, 11 , n i. AMI- , 11 rio 121 N. , r Nr11.1.1 A A • 1 .• • S 19 . Blerchan" , Tranap.ri VIA PENNS 5' 1.5'A1 IA L.A.., I. ,IJ. 1:11., To PLllL.4l.ctrl' 14. IY• :tn • 1 , 11,AX rpHE Canals mid 11m, 11 , 09 V In goad ordrr, tee err u •. • kinds ointerchandtur 110 p , pgti.. • Baltimore, wok promple^.• " food terms as any me, C A 1 Ve.*.,,i,1.1 Canal .In..n. r. - .A.ENTS—CHARLF, NA I'>,n:. =WM MM= M=121M=22221 =an • IS 49 tM 2 -aet.' FROM PITTSBUGII TO I'M 1 , A1 , 1.1.15/il A TI it h. (EXCinsi , rly for Pnro, , —, Elmblie are renpellnll) ,ntir rn•••irt; 0., 1,, HE commence runmnt r, .1, I"; `1.:, , ,• , . to , d ,, tql It throughout the ..., ,,,, un .". , The boats tee new, nnd pin •••pr,r, 61 . ,,,,.. Stun , ~ bulged cabins, vrluch wits glee er..stst berrtort, I n ewe are the latest con/err:use a i . boat will always he nnn port. n:.! teeterierp tore e. lineated to call and examune them to.h.sret ste..cin” rhs , 7• elsewhere. are only nine dollar, through t , h•e"wri.l, a „l. o , th Lane son les., the lantinic Miller of Penn street and Crulai, r:emTn4eid Amu, a% cloak Time 3* days For snforrnauoa apply...l M. Office, Monongahela House, or to U L R 1 A•Co pt eb/.7 al fawn TINA NSP@R TA VON. - K 11:07 PORT 411.10 ISOAT LIN is. MOE I , at 14, I r.t C , I•III.*.A.P , A.PIiIA, 16.1.Tr.14,1:11 ,qlOl v • ==~~' ~r~: „ . ~;,; =MEI L • . t.: It, 1 .1% A , • , u , .• I ,ill/ 1, F' • ft- 1 0` . '1%. t. 4 • yFjo, • • S . . A . . 3 . 1•1 S. 3'3. a 7.... If p. •rs arr 1 , -• 1 c 1 . 1 !rig. zo.. . a 1 I . , re by ;Mier ; 'eavr tNe . op• e 11 •., :4n,1 ~ \'~ r,:.: , w ~... ~,, ISIEMEMI lou•e. ILELIA,NCE PORVA Bic BOAT LINE. =ll=A I . l.l%\fikr`t 1•, , i..11,1;1111A \ i• I • F.‘lll:N • ' ' a' tr j ' ettl:t r:1 Qiett. ESEI , mDc:iberfr,c.p. 7 E.Ol. PAH o•. ET LINE. Li' • at? .: • . • - "4, I'l Vi ~k • i• I No), \ . . AI I; TA 1.1..)11. N'. Y.i. YA• . I •• pro.t..s • .:bt• 1. , ~. Lof 6 ,11 ,t /II I WI -~~~~ .It ' l L , IL I Paskcp!zernd,"ltrrrill , Om t . • alt:r .1) ••, , ,a{ inEi.• A of rl •dtlt'tlt e • . k•:itele.l ALLKGII3E.N 4 , ENIII.‘N I.ll.ltiL) L= , rori, y, 1• .0 , 1 , - , • A P grt ter. ...I II {if •t• n ~ .11 of nil - the ,• flAxos: atol • oft/ 111 ‘'n- ••I I IIL / 11. tatA • . . 1, .• • 'I? , -v-unt •••••• t . . .‘ tt• r, t.; F NTHM - T (JI - .t 1 • o pf We' re.l SP:dWI, - 1 .11 1' AtAli.• i.n o n n A of . 54.1 . I ••rec n Itor • IA LIIOU NIA It: otIL) , r t, Camp BM •Pi.k p , • t• I P. d., . .P d aoir, i ~: a~at~na, ~~~ ~.. EMUS , %?1.1,1 , 1e • wnn.. ul rJ fear rib r• to { 4 ln r 14. L 1•11 y • iNlf a %P/N', r. Mr 41* IJ,u , 41 a t roitowle.••,‘ pr le, . . 14 , 04 V. r;l as ,'lt —-!' ; wo lkwn. a is • • p/1i.1,1.12 A I: NI ',op d .• ‘: X manl nr • •• IrOm `..•• f' ,, ' • • araSt, n• I La rH.1141 w, I;; •-• • 1 . . . NV/1:r in; ' v7O . v sny' , /''G7 ale 91 p,ectelorre Yet v. , I 311 -. '14.1,k " epiltirowlery ys omit I' I.n, n, v r I lanwein an ninh‘l•twww,slwn of Pont ,':Nr.. •.al the Llwied Sle•-• Ellantbr/.• trawl U A•111,,v9n, I, .late awl intrltn/tal .. A . nrnwild• the rawtl,ll,/,,, in lint, wrh roun. L,. appenuni or an d-Lined ntaws and hr th•st I ..rttra Jual.reird by Jultb&rtiN & .STUCKTO.N, COI ca!ner 34 lad market ata rui I".a-4y...r u..~i rr..... a. . >~I - V ~H ! fl ~ Hsi ~ li~ .. 11 1 I:. -1 1 i'!if. 1 R".' 111 .", 11,11 ,.".. 1 !" 11 :: . ‘l' !I rI111.1.11•4 .1 , JO • it I I , I L. 0,, lIIIIMI • k 1 1 .,!) i/ , :-.II, \ VER 1 \ I r Al. 11 1..e.P..r lan n rk, lir s, 117. Watch :r A t• A i•L A r : i uND---11. q ., • fin. rt,eion 4•4•., IVI t , ro , wtlh portrava, ~ ,, 1 11 73 re.., vo.uin• bcrlaod and for nit ••:4 Oy lr .liNS'l iN 4 STI)ChI.IN, ;u 7 corner Mactot and 3.1 eta ' MEDICAL El i ! 1,4 are c. M V ILDOCK.B 'PAT'NT DASHER CHURN. y, • • I.D :s IU g• relt, ...on to Fnur • „.“„ ii , on ise p u t i ., c is io t h is , c;;Lr.o. winciL ha., the nalvant.ine of •ne Y.. , VoTmirng" ••• o or. cotn,“nag no and new Invenuons to. •..• nre• .tnetn-er.os r IpeL:the „..; ea •,” .0 worm. VO, rinler. art, ... I u•eo Tni, I. I 'ouz4 Syrup ;wry. andti • .Lm.LLOL arc produced •• • ' ' • • I /1.11 ahh,eed ent•rr. _ t thed,..he. h ••+r, h thy .erito• of , horto•h•. , Ia -af • kr , .•6•:160.1 to Ca;: and ,od., for hhem , •'•••• aad •. Ithhfa a veh7 •• eJsowher, a; F 7, • 6. !, I .• nt 11 . H. P ; ,, au• I I. MArkol n..‘d .4hrl hy R. Ng 5, Wood . , ;; CARD. ,• t'l . IA RE OF \ 0,1, A INT, I.•y • true, an re ic.n • I.,irt, .J .n nnne). Jr.. res toed. re- M:trr .n• ;he n:.JI end4rind rut ie , I-''' • ;; %%3 er A MADYJRA. „ „... , it iect ) India Rubner •.. •• tor •,,.13,,ruuthol Manche. . r Vo xpr strong in,,ny eess ilesire for a r porena-r ' hor nnd =MEET R \\ o • I'lol, •:arni....l ••• • •• ,rO,l (I• r., • . •I 1••••:., r, wr.,jorg - 211 - :, t2AI::4INA'I . I , :t. .••,.• • x r. • • I. ay,- • •••.r • t, 10 .14y s V! r••• 1•-•••1•, Ml= Ij- = V ALI:A BLE DINCOVERYI 0:V.:7',1 , FT!!"/:. , oN 1 - 4,r1; f;VA/i I.R CEIPOIAII \ PUP 1k 11.11 UL:I2I ••11,“ nteumpl,nn I', .t• x.. I L. , • t Ir it NN CCllll7enne:gyrnp • .. „.~, ,LCoII9L AND FLUE SPIRITS . . . " ~, ..,• , , - v . -• '-, -- "q' - '1,...._ •- • , .- ...... ~. ~,. ~ iHI it,..t• • .I:iii. • il - Y O ,d-•,, , ~ , ~, , • .- - . • - , ' ':' i ' .. ' . - ~, " -1v". -, ,' , . .. . • • :'-'. - f ;. -i,i I ;'', i .,.!... ; - • . ; ". - ''l' ' i4.94._ 1 ;1li:11:g ' l actllll4..s:..evl , ~.. „,, ~, , . „. , •.,. . , - ' l,g V`...61A1l d a !II oir :r 7: , C, • I I t li • " ','' ', '''.; ' •• • • ' "' '• • ' ' , -..e›,if ... • s .. .i____,7 4. : ,.. e . 4.: ' ''.: '. --, •-__4; .; ---_--- '' - t •IZ!.:, 1 1 . .---• ~.' Wet- ••• - • ' .% r*:' ,- : ,, . •• IV, C • tip „ MEM l:•.~ s Ire lIMESI =NM 111tEIEEM 'IOILANT.. ~.,.d h. 1,. 00,,Jscpc,1 In re.< r!:,, r•"<d) 0130 havt. • rwparld vu)10 0 J•yot otl ns *'4.~ Dr. '.V. P. Ittlantl•• Pre in I 3t m strr I) tt • ',wt., r. o, .. • /. Vrq 11,• lia, • ,Tn ' r.l„..: irlr '...• P..t. . •I .A. A 0:21. rir Reit, lir I I ) I. SF Rn.N7. M ISCELLANEOTJS I u yea arpare.. a dash. xiin red I,lleulh. the and u .tu tete .teeeeesty of purebtoing a ilea ut apped to acy rEurb in use, 111,43 •:c can wive a.. the improver., ht, „f a r rust h:ti •! wan :hoar 01 - gathering ire BOA,: th u utt rr tl• pa , 0! 11:e citd-s PlP_shorzh and A.- dd . r..ranur, and makea trim. of romp t. .• . ...le to put themP. !IP te.t th e) (~ 1 ,, J ..; II 14111,1.11'5. 5 wood RI 1 )111 4,, I t./1 SUBSCItIPTION (1£ 1) I ; .urdner Company of l'ittaburgh .. L. 'd,d Roy of the Board of Tradr,. kedNovemPer next. at lOo'cinek, • It. Wood, Win It I. dr.. Plummer, Jo.lah RoArlpurg, 11. D. King. • ' ' MMM/SMI 1 j ' , mach', for washolg 0., In• ho. n3adc ..i.p.,eation tor •, .•• T. • Iv- now offrool for to.r at the wore• tin .•C 111 Coon to Co., No 101 Wood mtert, MEMIMMI 0", 010 • FilfoLolt eott'y transported nu the hack n' 0 . I o'rolt ueta•bmg right) pou. 11. each. en,' ot• •- out operation r• ha l ti no Flour They can he I. .ti w•th provt•lott• It n the opinion of those who Nave. een th• trm. ot one II these mach,u. of smo, too • ~• t , or tu wt. wasn the rntrera trout Ifs , a• .0,1 Or rib to a day. without rho 100 of,. •• n./aern. trlr a ., . ; .rr- w, tre. n'-u0• , I 1 Io • . o T hey rnn to r rsed • • %vo ,1:101mgo po 1 110 thrwatd• . I, till ra t rnrquently wthute aLI. 'Etrwut rnqu:re out a smal ntr. n• water and ean he used the whole not ••••• ; 'POO opnrstion wltem there Is not sult• wn•rr •• u.a.h .n lac u.ual way 1 . •••0 ••• .. •P •• 0 r Cr, Orders from abroad, an e.toutititta.l I 1 00.'1. . CI he promptlo Idled 11. 'A 11111 P. ry e Scott Et C0.,l 10-dt• No MI \\ ond .1. Plushurth. 111 ta.prntt @ Sono Soda A• 11. t'rer• reentaing then' Fall stoc k helm .1. 0 • . 4' 4, on, ota arrivo.l nt Phtladelph ts • ,ut : • n -••• the 0 , phen Italrwut ar. I.•• • • • t 1.... , air larretorr. prepar o e,' II a ; r 1 7 FOr r Irk; . 0 1 ' r IMP hrn•s Ur. • II V. itre rno •I.) taxes nut at, spots , •• • • n terror...en 1111 benotou. al. I rural •• ••••• wure Jul reentard a:. tor moo w:ute• 3,/IIN 1 111/Rle.o.N. t Drurv.•t • MIME! 1,1 If "I. II II IiT)IAN Itaym, Ivlid f.o fittflrr.offf of Colrftta, ff .ff t • .• parlffer,lf flaN refir,ll ret'ru.v 19. 1 . -41 t cc, - • 'ctr tut. cc.aructtlettrterr, It. on lc •ttity ot the c' • 't wittt tt Ice 'etm tu tcl.ll lIRAN Ittd, =MEM ~. ~ ' i :. gym: ' ' I=l V NI I 11= • ~Fw purrtn•eo Ike 11 , 1.1NT4 WK nn Si COACH MAKING. 14e .ery-he], encourage men, hat rerecred he nas loca,d h mat.' n A , Jerhen, L nduer, to tate • leate, for mof • cur . • on the properly he no pleneer•soe:y • vo.r • Natel. FrOlil the .on• eiper ith. .• ar I er., +p 'rue. he hope+ tn Met a •-• • . • o._ Ru,kavray Bug -• • I; If e• ev•ry .le•er poon - to • le 'root eeYen:y lore .Im.are •.e‘ 101 , N SOUTH The Allegheny Cemetery. a! r,re,lB •er orporat.,B hr..] rol p8:18,1s were unert, t e se•rd Mara.ere c 11.., !ear M 11(1‘ 8 ;1•., 11 . e' - 1•11.1. 4H“r118 - 11Q 0118,1.111 i MI,. MC'. If , 1110.Npti.lif,i•R 11 ::F - ` It "1 . 1.111 I •••/.1 Jr • fr.., 1. Tr..n.ur. I • ea •Itorniew p.e.e,ted the '1 a VV.', pr,iperons THE STAR OV TUE WEST *.'.l.\lllANlll.l\ LOlANl.l.'nt'rtißl I tt• •ol• ot , , Itottnontl whre, V•ootott t.o. kr,, or math. to ord., attr It .. to tor •Yortero oottor Illhd 1./1 tor to,ot r opl:r l'rnr I 11.1•1 VELE. Irrrr r u.krtr twat tit - ttrrtnt unttl tn rntnet arurrlo..lly • n 1-14 :71 t-lt It N P COIrIPAPiI Onleg, 11.. le . ..xchAnge, Ell•lthsnore, ,1 t I lo It I • ,I, •l,ll.ll(.lorWlirdrd d,tput , t, tittti «tt .ttt,t. i. a 4 rt:t • tondr YkiiirCAS •r"I my, IMEZEIE ZisC NVo•trrn Nrme 41r.,inr. Jo .1 :o rthp,a 1,l tlifia rut,. ral I 44,N V.1 , 1,1t, SE, 11,11% IVII , IIIIII.II'SY.. i 1 , NNi ,. -111.1 v. 11(1- ••••• nr,l•. ••• • T .. ••• ~•••/•••r•••1 , .n ru nuN :.• ••••l• • Ifu••.n VtaLa, , t• Francon, Aurrrkur, ir"0732 fa'tin't m;,3 HILL j o , a u ttr• g r .4 r 44 rottrely vital %%1 too carpet, alter luny..., 11+C II 1r lutve been perfectly ream, n,t1p,41 t te • •I 4/ tory to tbr f*ltrtr. pod wit, t , .• rbe It yet, opt Inf rr. in , •ob, Kb, mg bottle I r rtre cep.. J , ylltrt/NAIAKEH &Ctr, of 14 ..oat II rain 1 . 111.1S•il, iti towhee )i , PIP ,U ph Sink in ••• Ihinnutn (In II A EA ENTOCK & •tti sic ~N NIIORST & CO lj / 11.0.1 1 EZIII=M!! I=l EXCHANGE BROKERS, &c. N. BOLIIINA & SONS. B•akers, Exchange Brokers NOTES. DEAFTS,i.CCEPT s; (.01.D. SI 1. V 7. - - - - - . AND /SANK NOTES. COLLECTIONS.—Druns, Notes and Aerepta., parable m any part of Me Umon, collected on the mo4l favorublv term, EXCHANGE on New York, Phandelplun .cl woof, ale.. Cincinnatt. Loulille. Saint Lou. , ow! New 0u1u... conmontly for rale. SANK NOTES —Noma on n:l uo:v• ' , ank :n United State•dIACIIII nted al the lowest A.I . of Fore,. and Amerman Gold and :4i ram, ~ Coot houe.:,l and !Old (ere No 55 Market street. between 'hi aril Pittsburgh. Pe PORICION EXCHANGE A... Drafts payable in any part of tr. , Otd Coro r,., from £1 to 1.11:01, at the rat, o.toom deduction or dmeount. by Ste.. Europnan anu Genera! Agent, otlter d.n t` door we, of wood •11.63 111.A.30,11, I. 1.1.4 WAYL ,1e K I ILADIER 4). RA11:11 DANKERS AND )IXCHANGE I) in Foreign mod Domeatte Bodo of Fano, yn. barates of Deposita, Doak Note. nod cow comer ot Id and Wood otreetn, directly opponce tnt t`ttarn• rtta Int. VITILSTILttii TT . y Keurorky, Alta 10111 - 1, Dana Nome, purchased at the lowest rates, by N 1101.•11"..• 3: SONS. wpid 3.5 11:,rkot •o• 13 11..L8 OF EXCHANGE—Sight Chock , Now York, rudedelphi•.•od Cows:lan:4 for sale by N 1101.11)=2. , St , ' ,4. 3511 , trket , BIJUh6. ' L6ll, bcc. v l:w 1;0()KS FOR Nl, rtor , l3. o Prose Poem nr r E • 11 Sielophy•tenl l'olaero., F,.?erar To Pc , .I , vve.eme ino,,ted I,no VI e n. errant, r? • r•tnl a prolound ...rano ?tonna , LOr . dltfic a:I over no . I non , . Jo?? , es?, e et ave. a tea.. p ,wer .d groep , a•.eut roo,s11 1, )1 , •1 to erarne the ? sp., te. WVn o even tor mos? earele•l reudcr ss. NI leveh and as Hem•in. wilh ra ac oont o ? OW Ctiliglar2cl 1:011. • n. or Kurcli n nn t o, y. ~ or Devil Worsoipp o ,*, 0 , 101 noir 1, , 0 10e rns.noer rts nod aof the Ao.??ent Ass)rlant ~y A u ,? ? ? , , lenry La) ard D. C 1.. In 2 vr!.. WTIn num., J 22 olu•trxtio, pl :ha must remarkal,:e worls ail, age —fns nme, (Lendon rel. g Toe Su.emni.aer. w Legion ol 1,1 l'nrn...•e• Roelclal d rourlv. N tweet/ . . . u.trulcomi of Darley, ad ed IZaao r.oth. :5. • renrhniorr coop, The Spy. L, the author. 4.01 TleS% pry,a, Cr hulowed ) the Pilotin tax PRIM' •• I. \Vol,. of CV , , , ,lthuron r,11 , y the. author. to ulrguni duodecimo uh,ulga, ha Ao hiu..) prhhh , t hew II pc., 11:111 ell 311,./.01,•11, rrto, • 1;11 ..•10 for thr F.• • . t, J. 5 M I/ I.Ot'ION kg 11 1/IMEMIMEI Mr 1. _tots pt.t reluittetl Smut, Eit•tt.tti ram: N A •I , r) tomptcle itt °Lc.O I ' lllLO/1 . 1 ht. I,4lA•tertes .1 u the 1 .01t . t tuctrsard A anima , ' ossiOro than ord..zagy ,•.“ t. g u• moat rinu• and wse - rn n nv•-• • • it, Lead co, cupl,l Ls ma variL a.asur -- rte r;) nrsa evaioncrrLal AdveTL• .d wr u•n,en ,11..11k!1111• ,t/1^1): i Qu1610210, or titer sd .101 raster.. rearause•ners al I ..ter. ,•, Neu rl,..nn 41 aa eury ..vora• ha rev...ed. .• aeo aew raductan. and La. I • L !arra Irel, •e• a. Die n/ t• r taarirla.ll.e.k were •r, wr re..“ ett,er • e xsat:. ',eruct. “...) I• ••• :tad Atl,ll.oli azol ooper , %%or 1••• r •rie J 1.) •Vl e•.l , ~1•1 Mart, •n.I • V oystre 11•1, - lirrusan e P•r•tler•r , •r•• `, 1•• rt ••, AV V% Here aird There • ie. • v the 4utAur 1,..• upon 1..; Yllll Precept upo I•rerrp .••tr,..1 I • e or resod. ..1. part th r•-••• • •. ••• -•••• i•t 14•11Nn r, k I ri• or•• er tl t i r . r 1,1••••• • • . J 1/ Nlnrr A n l al 1,01 . ti ....A ....Ire —.I ye,. IZ no I. F....mentor. Mete...lop . I.) 1 Prot M A by ill I‘ nylx•ti R I• 1 111.1.,Crit 1.••••• • •••••••• , 1••••• • •••• • •••••••••• • Jou• • • r," rce ••• Nies•-••••••••••••• • Mt,- I •• :.•••• Ite• 1.4 , 11•••• . . v cis Arßed, ••••••• •••11, A Otrat. OF ~ t rAtO 1 . 7.4 . [•••e. 4. u•lt 11•1,11 J =MEd I,,,urrs ou the 1,1,r.n. P -• F•tni • hut.- I I - .u•truted I . .t ! . MEIN OEM= 4:--elitil 111.•:•41,---- ..,,.'j•Z .. ,- . 7-: , 1 - : - . , •; ,- Z . - ;:, -- '''' — ' - ''''''''.l ) -, •, ''. , I f VT 4-,- : `•:; . '-l' ''t * - -. .' - - - ::'- - :, ,I,t: ;.-=*,.,.,.,.,.'' •• , len CHICKERING'S PIANO FOD.Th'... I.IIIN /1 N1F.t.1..41. 7so -1 N\ Doi rtrr•-I. • 1)1 •I n( er•utg 11171,U ro a t•r. ••• p •••,Icll las.oruu•ut n(l Puuur l,nos, ,nm tunnu'ar .lin•u. l'Iu• li...•ol•—atru,r •:I , ru ! ,••• Hosewcuut lu•• l'uu.o Fur, or A•,. ...n, a .pr-r•• or,tuare Plnun Forte 7 oetup , • • •trvt oeewnott, t.' ',dill XIV. V. tet eutt (.1.11,• to ortoch tor ettonttoo ft , per. ott If reartroto to.trtorti IoFIN II rlog • P•ano ;or \ pl $1,41, ,ola . il.ia•ncy for lituana t Clark's Plan JUNT NECF.IVED •nd nio•ono new lay of •••••goot o•, • ~,,, • on, , rted oar n• ‘,•• • •• - • ••• s• c prmomog ti ••{ awl 7 o• • • r Ith npOrtel, obiW et...wt., both ht oternentsto itttt po by no • 011otre. f. 1.• •elcrtion of h;.. ker., • 1`.3,.•, • Io 7 0, .. , ^ 4 11. k1.1 , 11F.H.50 r W %Vootivre• . •. Tn.. N II T., ',we.. ou.el nt lr• • • 1010111,1 V u•ldo..on fr , ..ght rr • 11. u 1 motto .I..urnotl and 1,••••,..., cork, PIANOS. MEE ffloll on A Sund 1.1•IN K DII• asmar•nw• t • o•rwnoal 1Nan , ....•1 • 1.1..1 111•••••• ruen:. arr toe 11..•••/ patlern knal 1.../ in..rt ~,/ w• : •, .0..1 uw h. , ast• 1, I- 111.1' NI F. 112 NV/a,: •ttret 2.1 41‘,1 1,11,- I 1, N II - TI•o•.• w t•n tn. In wont al a good •••••/.1. 1 • 1 /' • •N" •• 1 . inv.trd to r i•nur, 1 ••••••••• cr., r.rorl• thcy ram.. , rlcr• rd 1•• • • 1, ra•grry, nrai ••••:, • r old •••w, ttgan nr) ,•••• na• thr 1.,. Alao/ra•t rree.ted, twn Tna.. w 111 rrrl. Pilliiti, •Inrr. wurrnnlnd to 1•••• na/•••11nr ...• ort, 1 . 1 fiki,W I:l;.4i'litt,liGNlT. Ti!..;',...“,...",;"(7.;';:r,.;-,i-.'P. , ,- , x, ,, ., - , , .•,-, - , , , , ,.,... , ::, N, a• I' to .1.1 nail prrwrogl a) Mr- Ilarrn & 1 , . tu r, or Igneinne. I', urun. comp .n,l.r•rnt nri g but 'our cw.avcr, Mi.,. NI .1, • rarannra agh the gram... dr.:, •••••• .1•••••• •. r. a.-. 1 thr 0 11, of throe itag.anw :• t.• 1/ 1 •.1 . .. •• ta••••• 11.. 1:..,ki , q II prneliral•.,.• pr.() ~.• • 1 , 11. Pn , muale Wrlllrn tor the • I a. rater•or et .. nen brelt Ina. I/ otspen.••ll •hr t•••.', t, ,r. it•lf Ullll,l anon a . art gon l• •••••••••,11, I,o••ard nail nranntettiaol r..l , rng •1 ..••• . q ma, r , •,1‘11! a I.Li [.l irrltior ) fle• r 1 . 1• 1, r'•• I Ii e Of> brm, .t Ollolli :l.r r 01 • oar to °Mum r perfren mrtrorm• the moo. mart elegant p., 01 rur LLI/f ior a (011111111111,0 mar II KI.E/th.ll. An N% oodss • HEAT N ( lvEurv—Th, sub, r.i. HEAT ,ust reertved from Europe. 61111 tor s.e. new to nuou Piano Forle.eadc.l In..m. A t.I.I!'rMANI/ ve ..vhirh..... tog more p.,:v rqunre riono. 0•11O104 1.1110 (arm 11111(.11 1110111,1\111.1111 IMII.I/ more Mow y 111 .!.ome furnaurc It m port/ea...1) J.., .Je .1... re the %avira, 01 Ppm, in MI compaat, mcupymt, ao (00111111111 It 1110.01 .1110 table The y 60 , 1,1rer Itrod o (..()moll of lin .upermrhy from me e., mum,. 111 In. owo hand srrmogrAvaa y mormed 11. R1.1.11F.11, 01127 Al J NV Wominm. Clalekerlaira Pianos. • • IL ' ,1 - trotivedatrol for •ttle al umn. flrfli99 unteturera priroy Ill:IttirlI nr w Poo. otr• tt Of and 7 octav ot thr mt.. rirgant pattrrits of tumour, and ott the dite toproter.l •rot r. Adot on Wool and ror salt low, .I •er.orj band 1•,,,. .... N /I A Sore Agent for ChrokrrinsAJOll Pomo, l no J.11.011.r Yl'....trrn Prrtnyt /van., t.l Wood idreet. r V L lIIW AI CSIJ: lIENRI HERZ —Thr l A , It o , 111 ot Summer, w.IIb a orodurttoo sod ort,t.t v.,. ation,. for Ihr huno n tr Forte, u• perlormed 11l ad 10. r0..t... In the Furred Statrs by llr Irrt Herr nr tary rods, by Ilr t il er , Comte Polka, oner Bell fu11.," , • J u.l recerved and for Male. I.y tnchl.l 11.1 IN II MELLOR, , 1 , ..0.0d.1 Vocal Ellerclsos _. . A. Nf' (i.}:b('l°S"' f: l'`""'P l:r: "'i t r'' 7 lLt i t rt e adapr . : .::. , .ol.v c pp... r r, rt. and uertniall r;aaar• in yore' mu.,,, S.lerted Irony Ilona.. F coutpoYer, by Lowell Almon: 71. Arse page. of rtottely Fruited alum, ~o nliMillig 11l ttlrrriaca progreasiyely arranged. Prroe 75 ern. 1.1 revereed, a aupply ot tho above. davit, from thepub,.hr, puhkAtera, 1., JOHN 11. MELLOR. metal -I MI mod at - ...A—A... -.— ... .. W /II I E BEAN:, it boo autaO, ja.., roc . ,t nu., „ y y ante by r trIJ IV & R AVIA:‘ ._ H u . .,!R , , ,,; ‘, 1 , 1 , 00 ,- . ..„, ,,,, 0, L .: „ N olal Ilirleorwrntigos,:ict;:. .c100n.,,;t atero by lull JAMES DALZEI.L. Weer 41 (r REES CRAPE AND 1 ll it . / . ..1..1,,—1A It Alt, l_r roe has reeerved a .apply or .Ante and , Oitllril t: apes and Crap Line—among the racier green and 00, r 411,111,1b1e colors Air, ohne, pool, arid bloc Sill and Willi/ Blonds. pill ( 3 1 - Ti.StaiT. 2 lsS or Fair's, just reed - and for rue. by. Jur IS A FAIINESTOCK & CO DAUM MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR! c: the l'n,l Extra,or parrlsl f.ll•r. V. S. N.. I 1) , ,, n. My De, krr o! , z :r• turnrd t. tt-r nr r 'S rr . . I lore hcr r n:IJI .0.11 Aprend . J,oter syn. aold upon n bed She a..n. on re: J'r r JJe, I Jer, if I=n J.. 0.1 awn J. •.. e .1 .1, r.v.•r mc re than ~all hrr chrst. nod fru, Ilne, lOr 7.1:i so:kJ, 1", hea:ro: rap:dly oral li1C1'• J. :JO T.. grnuale wIL. eVcr tn• rop• sold ••3.•rt :a Int t• no.i• r U.r) y TO TilE PUBLIC I, Edward I'. llolmr, 0( l'hal:LJm C.4•!omina rounty. N • . have elf trted tuou tlykt.-rn in my 1, fee 1, G.. ovcr my mil's a. 17. Itr, $0 ILIEI COU. , ) lt . llld, Ly Da.,ry aprn, 1-lx•tncr.or EON) AltD P. 11111,M 1 , • r-1 cu: 4 ‘.4" , l:4.1. : c." A lorh 0 1 . 1•1)-nut, pat.,. op In drr .; arsr• w: .a. p 1.1.1. I I.twaw, 1. taw Itt • • y our fain lain-. was COW - m . llls . wtrol. I was p,v11 . , ap.on Tr , I. -• ws . I.a: II affords: ma almnm I I a laYa mar ^u• I,l a .11,11 . 11 Nrla. rorler II Annaad , ept 1-4. —!I r In , ,t, na. one , , v.r syt ennnirtnnl Dro,hrly NlOO. I==ffiEME= EMMIiiiM Ara,. 0 - •pee:ll!.., [Mod .cn• Lor .1,1.. \IORI:AN ovvls Art,. 1',.!0tr,4 M'ALLISTER'S OINTMENT . 11 . , r \ INI S •ii .. (1 __.• - . 4 . - ell , 4y! , ...., ~'. r: A ..: 1.. A l'.l-.ll\ ,It, , ~ .- - - .t. 4-2- 4 .. t.,..,„..,„....,...::„ 4:„...e ...,,, ....- 5 . 7 -g .. , ro. • . ....rm., ~...rr i , .... .....,... ~ . r . I=l :1 m,r.l th - 0 • +,-• • L r •ir tile pa: ••• A A• rA .•. A: r .• rr • • • . • • , 0 1Y1 , 11..\ 1.41,1,1•1/ rr n ,,, .:~,:.. f'n 71~...,,:r` 1 , ..n :,, ..•;. 1 ..!f . ,rr ..! F... •It ~rr. hv. •t• ',Jr!, II .1“1,0101. "•• H HiPPFIN- i - n ~..,.-.~.~, I ,N,1•11,1+ : e„4, I•c•zetl„,1 n volt, ccL 1 .c 1 :11:•• cthc , I%c ue:, 1,, her , Ictcd•ctl :r.iccncth.., • I•cmi Alc -„ ,,clacc the col 'lei the Icc c• lk „th• • •• I„ “11/111 • re, 5 .,.• „c•.• ,•1 111 r.,:,111,11 I.V J I) M0r1.:.1 \l orrl .t 4 NI it rk cor n.t.l I st , If rtlcler t'v, y r 41.,0 rrr l. I'a NI. 51...,n.. hts r. mkr two grown up no.mbr, o to, p.m!, I roarruob o. o‘ • t Z.UP oorm. kt \ orouru;o 1 / 1 4/' Iny L. tr. ,r fou P. p J \,l I , ‘1.1111.4 AN. l/cuul,t ....r below I \t.Li.o..! a oo \( run I ) phor unpret , u t t r, „, r d !,„ it F. , El.l_Elt - e , roforn, F.:lt. Hark l`re,,p dp I rot S.epudoL, Asi.! .I.lorto (4 Era, Itholuoy. r••• mud !or +ll.o by nEI.I.ERs. p.eol oni.tvlou. 01.e.1,• 11 relnove,he dmarr. k mom.. d,. PI o. r:cualtang l ulecr.. aod intr rep, a!, AL' aCe r• wllrther malt or tio:in.tl4. e 100 ree'd I H SC %Vow! .t ki A CrAl,liA., 1/i etratio,. of Ira:,and of thr rdition. rori • , .1 wail portrnit of the author Vuln one Prier. corop.eie. ,iirgr .upp, or to. above re n tor .nir Imp ..1 1 111 \ If alt wiL.L. 1,1 t 001. freab, lust reed and ibt gale by lebl7 A IibItITICONti tc CRU ZER MEDICAL, I iymtr. M.O VON:LIMY TEsT and No ,11S 7 . 4 111. t. • rt•rt,;•• h•rt u Ilu\—\nl ~- ...... I , p L 1 Nu l'int4.2 , cl..NT- i I Lls 1 . z J II • • •4 II N.J.,' NI. =MEM RL, Nf • - WI: 1 , 1 Itt• 1.a...• a 1141111•1• 1111 1111 1 1 :• • 11••1,1 , 1111. • t•• 1% 14, • .1 ,11 I. 114 , 11. 1I 0 1 1 ,111 3: 1 1,11' • .r tot!, or aL 11,1 Una 1 4 • biEVICAL. — APARIz z r~y F,~. ~ _ ~~ IN QUART BOTTLES. FOR THE REMOVAL & PERMANENT CURE OF ALL DismASES ARISING FROM AN IMPURE STATE OF THE 131,00 D OR HABIT OF THE SYSTEM, VIZ: riernfiiin or brig'. Evil. Rheumatism. Obstinate Cute . Eruption.. Pimples Or PtllirtllGS on the Face, It'o:chc.. St . ., Chronic sore Llyes, Ring Worm or Terri. Sead (lend. Ig dargement and Pain of the liehn - en and Jonos. Stub-ore fleet., Syphilitic Symp. or Lumbago, and arising frnin an :mud.cmas Ascitesor Drop. Fipo.ure or Imprudence 111 Lilo Also, Chronic tloncittutmnai bumblers. In tot. prepurntion are strongly concentrated all the Med.cma' properties of combined with the mo=t cdectual 1111. , , the Mont salutary productions. 111041 potent simples of the vegetable kingdom: and Lt been fully tested, not only by pauenu them. bat n.. 0 by I'h yet tan.. Mat it has received then unqun'tlied recommentiamin and the approbation the pnbnc. and has established Olel s own merits a riputwom for valtie and efficaey far superior to the varim. ompoimd. bearing the name of Sarsaperill. 111.elera Izav , . been mitred. such as are not furnished ihrrd, of time past and what it has already for u0u5 . .,14 who have used it, it Is capable oi dotn, for triti:ions suffering and struggling , drinm. , In purifies, cleaner, and strengthens ',me: of nfe. and infuses new vigor Ulna , out the wiloiermitnni frame. =ol=lllo T , •• to , 1 ,1:711, •Qnk mg end. VI will he wen, perm.. et:re of an .nwterair mnre of Scrofula, eammende to ,al totnioir milotnt• t i,, Conn.. den. 1.162. M-rrrk ',V ntl ,,, t—Syrnr,thy for the nate rttl not to tnmrut you toe remarkable aura ttol t your Sart.nparthe. iot n the cane of my wife titllleted with the rerofule on differ ..., ionig the eland. of the trek were ttttnn t. ..rtt• •' uot! her 'intim much rwollen Alter r, A veer and finthne no relief from the rt tn-tl:. , :1-• .1 t h e .I. , eare attacked ono leg. and be low n:. en. • •tiogurettrd. bier physician ridrwed •tiot• i••• •, open. wit:eh w, done, but witho u t any nrrn. 01 1,1 111111413. we heard of, and n. tt , Paw!, Sari:en The Ortrt •.,.. • ; de. °led and favora w ble effect, vetive ., 1•••• ii•••••• • •un any prescription she had ever ta u• . v.l ;, r hod used •tz bottles, to the amtnn. ,•ut.,••l • ; •••,!, of her li,er.ita, found her tea.. r• It la cow over 4 year Mace the ear- wa , sit. , ud. tud her tient th remains good, show. a, was tn , ,rour u•t , eradicated Cram tha •••.tilt( r n, 2111 knowing to these ttlite nor; ;halal) of tiaraapartlla. tottriS ct, JCLItiPIKE :"ii.dn ; , •ttut reevived from Mr N. M. line r,- v• u•••• 212,1 e.ltcnown in Louisa comity, litt • • - cieh; • h•s•i --i Lave curtd a iti•aro boy of none with yo , •-u• al a. ta no tv•is alto:hod 'nth Scrofula., ot n •s• • . • ,a • N HARRIS. • Irs.: Va . July 17.1.44" ost , teen,. uisnort unnerevsary •, •,,r.• itil-utdot to an article co well known. and no =MEI ptin. hr pr,pmnaton, but p et.t;;nta . 11..• the ,itrnet of Snr...parillt., are 4,t1,- , ,rorupouhrix bearing the onnee, ntnie of the emu,' of thin vain. , • c 0.... tor :itink we cannot confer a greater • . oL.r rf Vote dlrenting their attention • , _Lc • t.•, inc. of thr Meagre Sands in another c• TI• • I, cin.c reconny Oren enlarged to hold •;•.nt., -...::heir w,e, a eally good article will .fr:Ltra, d a: . Tho r mcdicoial vele,: of the e.e• of tlitn,att •• hoc proved It. , . • re,, , 71, chtiou• downs. for ecliteti it ie •. , 11111. lan Jr.l 1..• orrsr7ll ttms anolsa. man any usrfol. to preparing the i..r MI1,011.• lions Joanna', Sept. ••• r.-. 1 sold wl,..esais and retail, by A B •- .N 1r la,r tsta l'h, masts, 100 Fultonstreet, • sr a 7, , !•arn, Nsa. York bold also by Drag :awl 'us Fated Stares and Carta. s 01 -,a-r sir 13^tt •s for $.ll ss , r- to Vmsbutet, •rhole.ale and retail, by t I rIl:1 -t nt b. h Cfl., corner of Wood and I' • -s •• of Ststh and Wood sts. by L. J• or Srulthrtr.l4 and Fourth Its. . •.. ~t ll,t 'got and the Inantond; also, i I /t% 111 i/ I . INII/.11.1‘11, co: 2tlonongaln Manse. li A ' , TES's ._,.;i\ISENCi PANACEA! ' ,.. 1- , }' , %R , 1N , % 4 \ 1 ..‘ T , 1 ‘ D4I .. T h Ste . ap, .. o , toe va rink, 10:111. , Vll/ell ..uon or the lung. as toe proprietor Ilg.ll LO rail atten- vvlileh marks OW hL ttd •.• mne et IV Vl,l p. a fru.tful .00ree of AN I, COL ter_ d, Ste ..1.1.11 the precursors of that fa then, how she! , we nip the deetroyerto ,na s i ert e.eur of our coughs and rri RI:Al AN I/ ON I.Y R ENIEDY •Sn::.:1 it the Ginseng ['armee. In Proof of this nago f'-rnrt , nor , otshitahe•l the renal...ea of , exe:o es: ,:•t known ent, who hare excel, r..•• at:ye power• Thesesena, with a mass of tea part• of :he eountry.—from W `II [A Is \l:.\ OF THE FIRST STANDING, `! ••o•r. of :tie l,odpet, Ar . together selth copious nal • ,0111 the JoI'IINALS OF THE PAY. MakEMEliMil I [UN DHEDS OF BOTTLES d i th,• rltv 11'9.‘ \DS AND TENS OF THOUSANDS nud t'annda. and we cha rna , tn. pot. OW INSTANtE n - • :kk , n nceordma to directions. and be , un t , had become ix tally cling:lmam - zed, a has r • • • •rd t4lleted hen .taste? by retort to :Lreunts, enace up by art ose r ,i..• I.ureco name of moohe re Otes,od phy. 1 r•lflrd tAnorlety one p. par. Whuge s ...theme of ( I' .A ILA I. LELED EFFICACY . . . • .• t.e w',sr vouchers ere at borne,—oar neigh rsi whom a has . s"..vrcitED FROM THE GR AVF ool,.r tit invaluable medicine may be placed reach of the poor as well the rich, we have ut the price al _ _ ONLY FIFTY CENTS, .•: one Mi.( M.. Loma, ro,L of cough medicine. ems pr .1... I.) mi. agraiF pivariy every town and village • r w•-• who are prepared to give full inform& n. a SALTP-R, Proprietor, Broadway. Cincinnati. Onio 111 DROP ATIIIC ESTABLISHMENT,. . . oarbLee ,et patronage he ban received, aniof Ff. Ity has lately erected a large and Teti bui , :iing• kir the exc.:naive put - poses - .n .i; RI: r- , TABLIS1111:1:INT, at his old •.. a ... .p.burgii. on the Ohio river, oppo . • :anding at Itenerr. where he is ready •• r, pai.ent• n. i.oartiers, and trent them on Ily. ....,:anne Ittidll/.111 his long e rpen in at :Lice,. w ti has heretofore :it •l..i cot Tot Tointlinted is his ca r re. .• do. 1..•• laciatir• adorded by an •.v• rected expresrly tor the purpose, COll. Iti.rl airy room, and fitted up with triniattilU• for bathing, and ddinitits• ,•• .:1' pit n u` 1211110.1 benefit and rota:Oil •• ....• Bi I'in:op.:burgh is a most delightful and : , .y •:,..age. easy of acres. liy steamboats, and of. .r i l• In: t:sconc water. Or. Acker asairrea ;.. :t0... who may place them,ive ea... %ha:: be pod be nefit, t, ft... 1 r,• •rta:t. , ..: the •abstanutt. • • .••ith .ouhdeuee to the 11.- 1 re • k who • e rermuneitti) voted ot Cure •eaver.l.lo lioariouo effrets 1. n, ortrti the wull Vrilo, have Ihe ).:'al I removre Ott al, ..vietlrate• ;he :rorri the Jaegera I b. other , crootee • naturd • tt, vrt told “opitrt, vtgor the dqceetive Tt•rtlitt trrotmrttt and 110arding rert•onable I'..r 1•.. r:, c•3O Inqe Al the egrabli.hatent, or tet. al uir me JAI A t.e AL. I'ErLA riv L. It'r beer tunnerd b) Rope et a cure per. utrd /I, Ur. J•yrre's Alterative, which • over every other remedy a the en Mk , ted tor the ia.t sixteen year, 0/ tt ill r St% YU./ attended r r • eon. 'lll.. 01 v .tr 1,21 4011, du ..•in..• i.....ra have trend scha rued from • rm.:, •ot the clan usn. from both her atlas ttl and i-rdst Lath Ice •, and from the ;eft tote, and Irian :he r.ght knee, besides pa.nAti ..., 1 , on other para.,' her person. which have baffled c ., a er of the meet etnittent physician. or .ur c most Of Me time her sufferings have s vi.itg and deplorable About three month, • i.. •iic .nduced In try Dr. Jayne's Altera:m t. , I, utt. had an astomstangt) happy effect upon he., a' mi.ll and swell and causin the • . to ii• al, whi,c at me tame t,lent her general he g alth h ...come completely re...Weed...a that she now sec tghs 1110, than she did boort km commenced the oae :tidy ba!aahlt. pr.-pat:on of Ere Post. lot farther intbrtuatioa of Nlrs Ruse, No PA. t Phl:AL! For mi., it Ptllstairgh, an the PEKIN TEA tiTOIIE. ;2 Finiirth at r Wood. /Y 5 D I j i....To m t , N c ib. ,v .v , t a :N at li l h , '; ,. m `SA RSAPARII.LA.-emu doom art extraordinary atedirme In Puwnve the wo ruparhla, the rld! Tint. EX t. or t• put up no quart hoillen. It is six lanes obeapei, ocasasaer, and warranted sitymnur to any sold. In mire. damns., without swatting, purging, Ckerung or debilitating the ' , anent. LAMM tn t r rum IbillATlllNE—Unprinmpled persons have copied our tenant, and put up medicos,: 11:1 the name Ahn ped bottle, See that each bottle has the semen sig. sir Ct. P. Townsend. R. I:. 57 Weed , D ,, e4 beMee third ruld Forme. Dr. Townsend'. only aml rrtari crent for l'lrlsburgh. of whore the it otnun. rat, be hud. hl Curry ban been appointed the nob agent for Al.' easy, whom Ulu genuine myelin MI lee hint nt l: A r •113.1.0“ apt , . I. MlNlZTO...}Pituburgh.A 1.1. Doti., N. Y. Guy W. Fidurninne, holasal• Dreg Store to the Ott, of r New York. ig undersigned are extensively engaged In the OS holecale Ornr beninese at No. ID John rimer, in the city of New York,. _and are prepered supply Urve room and errantry Merchants with Inns, Pointy bi., Dyr-onls, Fere in and Amerman Vmhonery, • e., .er, ew•er k Mender's Cheat/eats {of their own red or •• .1101%1 Itee Eil other artscles in their line of War. ere. ot a .cretin t.Zanitty us low is they can be pan inob ty. Iliis or any eastern pi. Nei , York, Feliltt 11 A FA h.. AcAno. f RAI'EFUI. for the vcs y tit.eral encouragement I have received for so many years, I have deter. mr , ,rd rola rge a.y buctirso considerably. Hutting rogaged 1•0114. , Perrin., 1 anti be enabled 10 0 . : n:: ordrrs promptly. and do the work in our usual ~ 3 a „, at ta,pitcrit, and alit the attention of narr• elmot. nod cittitit. to my large stock of UPHOLSTE- RtiO nod Reds,klattrassem and Bedding. Cur ial, Not,r ttits ial , Onret dot and .11oteens Cornices Fon c,... ta t , t d, tut g., Tiw,ls, Spin andßuler old's and md)aOrdcrs rilr, usually kept Ln talubilftlll.lll Of the tended lo autd. rwpre soltetted and promptly at- N. N.-4%•+pote made and pat down. nath.A WM. NOBLE. • - -.r.t. , -- 4 ,:i"-- •••, , 4 •110 t . . 2 : 1 . ,..: .! . ) g 0... • . .J .., -. ,* __. • SA I MISCELLANEOUS., , EDUCATION. ...." ..y, m I I f i 5 „, , ,, :.:1 . 1.7 : : t ic ,e ll. p L...n , . Ic.L.) r t 7 :, :p , c o , l :ti v l!y p toto . rm r db . e ..„ 6 ‘.,. removed their school to a roomy to d convenient lictZtk to Lecoek street, .econd dwelling , east or Feberal t. 1. ?. where the) ore prepared to take a fear boarders, ok .., meII ns a tow mar< doy seliotars, and where their eD ... elosive attention' mill he d-voted to instra - non to alp a,, ordinary branches of Coolish edocanon Strangers are referred to Mr. IVns Eschbaum, 5",..F, John Li 51cFndden and Mr F Eaton of rtabor, r . Mr A. Short an 4 Sir L.eorms Remora( Allegheny ett s'' aptOdtt ~,t , t y,a . '"C o tk..fc' , i•L',._," ts: paott s. ,ssto , 5r0k,.....,..5..., - , ' t "" y, , ~.-:.-,s-s.s 51,..,..,.11..T • """ ..5..,..f.---_, r • ..... s ; ,;'s-.:•=..."- x : - .-5 .7 .." . .' mr. --. 3 - ' ."-- -tft - :r . I ...5......-7....45' •- ';'..7: - .. ' 5 P.l y.-.J9 4 's • ~.`"Zr.,.......','''i55„.. .I'l-.7. tz.t...; --;...7":7.-mtsas.l ^--t•- At :4"..r -c.' - ' ,-- '' '''',•, --"----.. • ' . 77.1 7 .. '-'" _s. - SF - --• t'"-Z" ' - " M.- „. VENETIAN BLINDS. 1 . ,..1 , 8: T" greeter end greeteend best varier) ever offered in this cr4d4 before—made on the mow approved Eastern plansac, and roost fast. word. le Eastern pa:terns sut al rola.. AlOd Tilt; 13 re- Tillll-k? ROLE, or tturo:s BLIND, on ltaty. t ^ or made to order of all sr a nd at oil prices. Coup”, y Merchants and others are I n•ned to call anr44. hotemente above for ie.:naive., as all will be sol'ff, , wholesale or remit, and • liberal deduc ti on mad. 4 r.." ).. wholesale purchaser*. .•.. A IN' CSTHR VELT ?.4 .. Tli f. SL' 74 removed from No. 170_, - Nos. 1731 and 174 Liberty street. oiler (or sale goodg; as follows, In store and now landu,, , , Inc it 36077aga prime Codee, new crop; 40 - old government Java Coffee, 7. - , '' 130 hit& pnme New Orleans Sugar, '1",',1 7101 bbla Plantation Alolamma: 100 '. St James Sugar House Slolasses; w.lOO hf eh. Young Hyson Tea; • ..;., 40 do Gunpowder and Imperial Ten; new 4.' 40 do Chelan Powebong do crop. ~.1 70 do catty boa VH in Ul' do lOU bgs white Brasil Sugmr, 60 boo white Havana do; 7:-.7 40 lags Pepper, 50 do Alsmee, 100 bones Moe' ' ' '-- ' ' do I'l2les 91ustaxd, In i and i Ibeon.. - .14 100 do Haloga Bunco Bytom:, ;54 30 do do do do. in layers; . • 50 Vb. do do do • - - t 1 50 qr 9 do do do " er n : 20 colts Zane Currants; 111 bales !mealy Almond Lx (00 bxs Richmond Tobacco, ' .( 1 ' On baskets Bordeaux and Hersetlles Olive Oil; _...44 200 bbls and 110 hflibls No 3 large oloolorol, ',21, 9 " Honey; 1500 lbs Cheese; 41-1 2.ifat galls wtater and .print Spore On, • 1 1 X., , 110111 •• bleached north west Whole 09 . 1000 "erode 3091.X10 Cruz nnd Sans Principe Seg.., ,li‘ 31.1,1M0 Havana do 90 ht pipes Cognac, Broody, o( •• no. bras. ..• • 2 puncheons /amnion Spints; ,„,' 1. 2 1 ropeo Holland Gin- -...,1, 11l qunrter oaks sap Tenet - b re Wino. lu do Madeira du . 211 do Lisbon ,do 40 do Oporto do 1w do Sweet Malaga do 15 Indi. Ltd. do do 15 httds Clare; 20 qr esks Haut Sauter% Breams sup Pordeaux Claret; In ba•keto Chawp Wine; • V dos supr St mar agne l, Bitter.; . ..Oal bids pure Rye Whnikey horn 1 X??' ' • apl 1 MILCER a 91' ` otic• to the Poiilia. WESthebr:b.y.u.onuy.t,i,i;or.fidm,%das, wairt.l,,tsirrenosytan,tarveti,g ado matmacretteirs, receive freight from any /lost fatal Tt tuck J Newton Jones it agent. .1911_-- -- RHODES A ALCORN.::,, -, TORN WELLY S. CO., C. 1.110. tauccessore to Robb, einY.7.l' t/ brener S Co . late Merchant Teemed No. lia q CHESTNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia, beR T.: learn to leform emir from& and patrons that the . il have received the latest SPRING AND SUAINI A ' FASHIONS, with a large assortment of New Sr G OODS eompriaing Clothe, Cassinterea Yoaliceei '.''t'l f every deseriatton—all of wacti are of their own tar.' E., c , , , ,, , , , , 1 0 ..0. i.0 hartng 'been earefilly selected to Perte:, , l [Kr Strentors visiting Philadrlphie, are reapeetfolvel lyinvited to mill and etre.. their olle/1111 , 1e stock. 44 cieh2Otdarn c`fHl-A-121.:BIVER PASTE—Just laticivlnggrois:t kneel; of Rubber llama, a •upertor bights: important LO peition• shut anah In keep their feet dry It prevents Me leather from erecting, and will take el l polult over it. For sale at the India Rubber Depot No S Waal street. Learn Ja II PHILLIPS „ir, .. ___ OOLDI (AOLDII GOLDCI GOLD:111 • rr ff subsc ri bet, whniesa le zu mu flouter of JEW ELRI, , nriten wholesale deniers and pedlars us-•Y ding Smutti and West--alas, country store deepen WI. cal, ais nd examine h stock of Jewelry, which senl h 2,1 sold at the lowest prices for cosh or approved aceefikt,f Lances. Constantly on hand and manufacturing, ricl., large .aorttnent suitable for city or country trade. , 81 A. /3AhER, eorner of Fourth end Branch sin, up stain apltedtito • Pb,lad_olo_hta .`fit Paper Hangings. HAVING purchased at three et the largest Fac . l4 c in the East, (New York. Plo,adeigihm Hub iinor m ecl a large assortment of the newest and mced.,l iroproved styles of PA PER 11.0114111tiS, PORDERki, ho., and 1111ede arrangements ..y which I will I.e enne:t hied to procure all new Patterns, simultaneouswen t 0 their aearance in the Eastern market, 1 Would rite the pp attention of those desiring to have their hoop 1 . 7 papered with me latest styles of paper, to call Win examine my mock, before purchasing elsewhere. 1 have now on the way front the East, 20,000 pienglgeg,g, of tiold, Satin Glazed, and common Paper klanginigg=l, which I can .11 at prices ranging from cuto 82 ' piece. meltls S C HILL 87 wood stisicl ' Bacon Smoking. • HAVING just completed the rebundingofour smokr:i houses. we arc now prepared to receive mega`6, and emote it in the most merchantable manner.,,l The houses are fined with all the modern . trap* Jaen, and are capable of containing :MAP KIER di JONES, Canal Lawn, aI near Seventlst4i s tiRINFTING - PAPER—llaving ihe exclusive ages for the sale of the Mill Grove Printing Paper, (111:4. H. & C P. Markle, Proprietors,) we will be constantly:' supplied with all the different ewes of superior nualiti4ll which we offer at the lowest regular prices itEl SOLOS & SHEE„ fcb24 corner Penn and Irwip sus', DUI:CI:ESN E WOSKS. OLEhIAN, HAILMAN & CO. eouonus to man . C facture Small Iron, Spnng and At. Blister Stedii,)• Plough, Fork and Hoe Steel, Rivets, Spikes and Wro/2 Iron Nuts, aft sixes, together with Coach and FUiptilm "T- `C Springs, hlf Pat, Taper and common Axles. edilaving reduced ale price of Wrought (TOR —Orr, gine builders and others using the article will 1110 11110ecel1.0 Klee Nu new branch of : Pirtsborto.7..j , manufactures their attenuon. t oat, trtmotings and maleahle Iron on liberal terns:' Warehouse on NN titer and Fourth sts SAM'L. GRAY, MERCHANT TAILOR, lIICTIANGZ BUILDINGs ST. CLAIR STREET, PITTSBURGR 1,6 JUST RETVIINIT 1 . 6011 7 111 . NEW YORK AND PIIILADELPHIA:44,?i And is now retaining it fine •wonmeat of 4;17, CLOTHS, CA581.1186138 AND VENTIAGS, OF THE HEST QUALITY AND LATEST STYLES Which he Ls prepared to make to credo IN THE BEET MANNER And in the IntellFil.hiOnt. ... • marl° Head Quarter• for Corner ea Fourth and Snuthfietd streets, Prrrveraort, the TR , OLI . I SC . ) T a nd i d t v o otz s e m n it ty.. rLerholrsa/e and retail. would respectfully invi,e toe attention of their friends and the wadi: sew!. orally, to their splendid new stock, consisting arrel; women.% boys', tor, sea on, wear o( en vartety,•suitable Mr the season. and at prices to the times A sp.entlid trio of home made worIV such as gentlemen's fine Spots, ladies, misses att children. fine work. Please' tail and examine fed, .5 yourselves. TROTH h. SCOTT, corner ith and Smithfield atm N. —Traveltng Trunks. Carom Bags, Ac , al-. ways on hand and low Mr rash • :4$ Country merchanus would find -vuntry Inert. II .. to the, Interest to aloe a call when vicuag the coy. aLlsl4 LOO/ifil; WILSON & , IMPORTERS and Wholesale Dealers Foreign / Donsestie hardware, Cutlery, Saddlery, /cc.,151 Wood stree Pittsburgh, are w fully prepare ortlk:F, a recently Imported stock of Hardware, Cutlery, gab": dlery, Carpetrers' Tools, !cc , to odervery great itfit': ducements to Western Merchants, no in addiston the many advantages hod by our predecessors, Afille . Ot sra Loge. h. Kennedy, we have greatly inereued ott* faethues, and poled.. all our goods from first hand 4 , on the lte very be. terms. • ... era of the him devote their wholr • attention to sales, and feeling confident of giving rotC 'stamen, respectfully 901/ell n call Irmo all who mat an Ihu mark, moist) BRICK FOR o BALK. 17.1 `.',”,edri.',f,"7,',.tn g , Improved machine, for which be tins &named a plitenfi , jr) and agrees to given urehm,ers a wntten guarantee Udr. they are. stronger, nd will resist (ro.t arid wet weallas, er and sint,tbeicas moisture or dumns dia. any oth; er brick. posseasing greater body an p d u !Ripener texiare,G - :, and much more durable in every rexpeei, oath beret, itthjecical to a pressure of several ions, and pal se-ming u handsome smooth surlace and even .dgc.s,.„ 2 they :Janke a trout equal to IliC heat front brick. l'hcY have green the greute•l wasfafation mall whCaZi, nave purchased. A kiln ran he aeon army works, and:, specimen at the liaxelte other. .......-,...............,. , .Thrieliaving 'applied themselves for their btirld/ngai,l, and wishing handsome front bnek, or sapertor bards and solid paving brick, can obtain them. ..--:.'" ISAAC GREO4I , 2 , Birmingham, dune 12,1945. If NEIV 1 , 1001-4 U al. No i trimmed Shad, Vli hada,: ' No 1 do do. 5 bid. No I mess dm lilt do No 1 Bab banore Herring; 1.5 J half do No 1 Jo do, eh Obis No .1 . :. , .. Nine keret, 10 did No 1 Salmon, last &mains by cnal -„,„ and for sale by JOHN WAIT. 5 1' 4 " Latterly es ~.c. / 10BARTNF.H.S111 l'-1 have Ibis doh ...... ~ ed2"k ~ ...117 : k.) watt inc. in the wholesale Grocery, Produce antl, C 01716114,1011 Business, Mr John Wilson, and., the 1111s.ks, of /MINI WATT /a CO /MIN WATT S'n Ihttaburgh, Apnl 511, 1h49. g-. ( j lo fo ß r N BROUSIS-75 doa Corn ß e a rcio o hn i s io r; i c a 'd s t o n , i 1 1... . :. tale by ' s ti . 4 ., BACON-lad,ooo Hams, t 15.000 Shoulde - r - in .no s et. ,„,,,; (or tat , ~y art. li ROBISON k. Cu 7 : ~ ----- PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, ....,- -, rufilAbllED DAILY, Tal-WEEKLY & WEEKLY: Ai Re 04-saita Biii4iiitip,3ii ii. maw A. Posi Veii. RATES OF ADVEiRTISING. 4 1, 01:111 t riser - lion of II 11 nes, in. less 50 50e. , Two insertions swtthont alteration...." ..... . 0 76;4 )7 Throe " ..... ... I 00 , .., One Week o ~ .. TN.° Weeks ~ ~ Three " “ ~ ....... : ......... A 00505015., One Alonth, Two o Three ID - • Longer advertirements In same properties. One square,6 months, without 10 001 r, " " 12 Each additionaal square for G months, "" 00 °U f,%i 4 7 10 00 '' , 5 7 ; One square,6 month., renewable at pleasure, 16 00' Each additional square for 12 montbs.•• • ”.• 1 0 00%4,• Two squares, 6 months, re . ..bleat Flamers, 30 ()del& Each additional square, 6 months, • vitas[ OR 711 IS Oil One square. 3 insertions, ........ 60''x; " •' each additional inaartron Bunion 011011. Five lines or lem, one year. .............. 6 004, " " " sit months 6 06;;'' " " " one year, daily St weekly, 10 00, ~ " " " sm month. " 0 00' enwswernnxzwew Is WSfI&T r.ersa. ror 11 hoe., or lees, One insertion, ........BL 5Or : •• 4. .• Two, " ••••...• 0 73; nine, " •••• T6ne11010114,. .400 ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers