BY IiAGNETIC TELEGIU PH COMMERCIAL . RECORD: PORT OF P TTSBURGH - _ - ILIC,POILTED & TILLECI&A PI/ED FUR THE PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZRiiL CHOLERA IN COLUMBUS, 0 July 14. There were eleven deaths it prison since last night—ten convict, and one guard. Sevens! new CABE'S hate occurred in the eily, and one death • 11 colored man. The wea.ther L..e suddenly changed end be come very cool. The United Staten Court has adjourned tct Oc toner 15114 CHOLERA IN CINCINNATI: Jill 14. There were lOt interments of ehole op to noon to day, and 60 front other diseases. CHOLERA IN PHILADELPHI PRILDSI.I•IIIA, hi y li• There were SI case}, and 32 deaths from Chole ra, during the 21 haute ending ut noon to ilay. NEW YORK MARKET. Nosy Tinto, July 14. Flour—lias advanced t to 111 c on the Ad, with sales of 6,00 Gram—The market a without change. ProvAions—No change from former gradations. Cotton—The market is firm, with an advance of I. Th. Moncs Market—Ouvernment securities have advanced ie. Fur th, Puts&urgh G62//te. My Native Home. How runny thoughts of youthful days iLeeall to mind the scenes of hnppy home, Where Joyous glee and sportive ways Unlit their peaccfnl moments shows. My native home' Ily many a tie Endeired inethmks I see it still, As no green acids is benety lie, And the valley with mormunng rill. The glassy lake, the waving pine, The woodland grove I seem to see ; The arbor near, with its el aging vine All these are dear, still dear to me. Oh' let me revisit that pleasant spot, Where lilies end dowers in beauty thrive Where once won CI Joyment, my happy lot; Where brothers and sisters in harmony live. D. N. N. Smu-sn. Townie ir, Allegheny Co., Ps. Fronde on the Public Work.. The Keystone has very justly admitted that“mon. strolls frauds" are communed on the public works_ Thin fact is no late discovery, although it is rare to land it admitted by Loeofoco editors. But if any evidence of as truth were wanted, it would be I found in the enormous amount demanded by the Laierifixo Canal Commusiuoners. and appropriated by the Legislature on the 10th of April lard, hue the support of the Canals and Railroads of the State, and the payment of debts the present year. The amount thus appronretted exceeds the sum of ONE MILLION TWO IIUNDRED THOUSAND DOL LARS! This is nearly a whole year's revenue of the public work—and will take the enure brsi ntu season to collect it. Vet the offiere-holders, whose daily practice it Is t a fleece the Commons wealth—who live upon toe plundering of the pub lie nensury—who are engaged, ns the Keystone admits, in there -great frauds"—demand the pay meat to them of the whole of this astounding sum within sixty days from the time the State Treasury came into the Minds of Mr,Etria' and raise a mon stroos hoe end cry against Mtn because he has not the money to g,ve them They arena to know nothing about the empty Treasury left embarrass ed by a debt of Enure than 5ta6e,000, created to meet the February interval' They are deaf and blind to the pressing denothids of other and long suffering claimants, who deity throng the Treasury for money; asking in justice only a toir distribution of its receipts. These pressen demanda upon the Treasury have kept It contuma ly empty since the present Trea surer took charge of it, and as he found it so, it is reasonable to conclude that rite drafts upon it un der the late Treasurer were quite equal to its means; hut an he svaa a Lamfoco, the plundering office-holders on the public works made no com plaints. We trust that these facts, and this state of things will be looked into by Mtae counties. whose citizens bear the burthen of taxation without the least prospect of ever being- benefited by the pub he works. Their rights are outraged by the ex. trav-agant manner in which use Locofueosecriduct them, and Justice demands that this system of pea culation and fraud carried on under the cover cf official station, be promptly and effeetually arrest ed—Hr. Tel. LARD FOR SALE. A VALAUBLE FARM OF LAND, minuted In Low rStt. Clan tow mann, Allegheny county, eon. tatting ONE BUNDRED AND TWENTY ONE ACRES, ',rah Dwelling Houtz, Born, de, thereon. The ninthly of the Mod te excetlen, and it. conveni ence to this city r it n clostrattle Ineatieft. It not told pre vioui to the oad, guth September, lctn, it will that day be offered at Babhc Sole on the premises, at V o'cl.k, P. M. For term, enquire or JOSEPH BOYD. MAddleton k Moon township, A liegteny county, or THUS. >L 11ARSHALL, Attorney at Law, iylo,lteterts Fifth st, 11tt,horgh. MARTIN LEWIS & CO'S CLOTH HOUSE. FOR THE EXCLUSIVE SALE OF GOODS ADAPT _ ED TO ll EN', WEAR. The on'y Honee en the kind in Iluthmorn. 333 BALTIMORE hTREI:T. rnian noon Wm, or CliA.P.Lies rir . rOrril CDR. (NUR preparatioo. fue Inc couture rearoo ,n ...card 1,_./ to nook nave Icen very nommen.. Having im ported our own co , oln. 'elected by our own buyers train the beat marinfactor les in Fero.. and with tire tactlities to tat• ad v antuee of every change in our do. meson Woolen Alar4e•%. we coofitiently elinilenge competition in rltOnl bf ossortment, choice, ware or prices with the New 1 ark, or any other market in the country . Bang very dr•trou , to extend our business still more among the Nlerchant.. Clothiers and Meta.. .Tailor. in the South and NVe.t, we have paid par:mailer at tention to We import... , and purchase of such kinds and styles of co.. that we know will putt their sales. And Itlit certainty must be an °bier t to them, to get Their goods home Its .....,./1 or posrible nod at the cheap est freights, other ad/enrages being equal, our market °login to come in for a lull share ot their co.tom. We wllicit a fair examination of our dock. and ir, all cases will guarantee ru•tomers in prices against We North ing eines Our Mock eropora, of Itcni, r.Simonio. Nelson, Bon 'dans, Montagnitc'.. Wanting's hid k aod Is ney reit/r -ed Facicu Ctoron. Dosairass end r:werlYr.Rils, plant and fancy, most of which were iiiirioned by ourselvea, and which we teal. guerantee in •ell as low as the agents, who represent the wuraitneturers ut N 1 oak. Facacu sand Eloutoni Wuottma-Superior West of England Clothe, in do a 001 b:k Casanuercs, French and Enghsh Dulhe iii.i/ PIIOi l.othsi blur, grey and black Floshinka. blue Blanket. lur coat., Army and Navy Cloths. F.l: ant Tweed Cloths; Bullard ,dioths, Wrier proof Devon•hire base/. Dosser. Wootaksr.-Illank nod colored Cloth. for ...,, overcoats and coeak•, - carcr fdlicy sassimeres. do plan black do, nuked E..c., In Ca , stmeres, army ' -,'• blue Coast:acres r . SAISMILTS and Cos rise WouLLINS - -Case. blur. 1,. , - black, mixed and inedicy SultD.els, - do sheeps grey 1-,.. i, SLR ha .Nl Tweed.; - do fund and doolne toned L. 004 [..,!..,,,... 1 „,. /. m g „i rr ,., grgo r g ,r od pg. „ _ -do pieta and fancy Tweeds, for sucks and OrereCiale. i.,-,, Extract from the Journal • Vturrisos, Vat-noes, Veer:Nos.-- VC , see'. 51•1111. Silk, 4..,,... SA]IL. W PEA FL Y, Li,. Cashmeres, Tail earl Kral. Swai,...tosen Wasongs -- - an . assortment altogether unequa,rd by any thing that -no pea.-}'spa BRITYCIICeTeTITIO4 AP it V. 1 , 413:. ii. has erneevn offered in this snorer, before, and a Inch -.oleo. pasa-ePs si. Nays:lll ' ,4„,.,. . notic cell have, except each, woo like our,elves, buy rut them on the root in Europe. ''' JACK, Clerk...l OST- Lang ~. FANCY GMIDID-Scares, Cravat.. Suspender•, Glover. •- . J I neeer an ot. idiot., _ liandkerchietr, and every oracle for gentlemen's tai- - office, let, of the latest Partneri sty lat um° and Lines S m arr-bogs user with 01 kind, / NIACKEREL-50 roar No / ... of woollen, cotton and erino o.sery. for underdress. - A s y tip ran.. end :or six, Vt., 51. - r•let Coureiii. and CoLle.G.firrumbed with Cloths and uniform., at laciory prices, also, with milt- JANIE. , I/AU/ELL mar and naval Tnmonincr. of every description. Tattoo' TIMM:Nes. of •upenor tonlitlea, eat: Blk English Satin% blast and colored alit Velvets, Jo do Silk Serge., do dn chitin ao: do do Alpaca du; plow Alpacas and Bombazines. Sill S,reve Lining. Vera coos Sewing., Itubiboects do. black and cold Twist Patent Threads, Ftenel: Cloak Lauder. Buttons, all kinds, wonted and silk Binding.. he he se Can e.. Paddings, Silesia.. Hollands, NViggins, wtute Miaslins, colored do. Wadding, Foss Coke . .. Air. - , lilver. -drab and blue CloWs. drab Silks ter curtain• and ,winge, worsted Dumas/to, Backmans and drab Velvets. Foe Slioirrr•esii• -Cloths and Coriumerer of the • .. ruling colors for gaiter., land laqings, block and co- -..- . loved, of the best rms.,/ - - .IOCIINAL or SIMI.TIr ' Merchants. Merchant Tailors and Clothier. 'signing vßeAlution, No. Illy, entitled •Resolufion relative to .• - . _ the North for Plirclmw'rs ore rr , PevtfilbY invited to' .' ... rid...l .1 .° C . "....: . ..."' °°°d ° tith.d TONS' TARN-1 box itipt reed and for role by examune our *tor k. whether they t .land purr imstrig in 'time. On the queation, will thr Senaid agree to the ..,z,, 1 11 CANYII4I.D our market or nut NI jaryiq LF,wis 4. co. ..: rerolution? The Ye. and Nays ware,taken greet, . ' nita,die vet. W p "Lily to tuoCormatution, .11 Were al trItt001; 010: 1107 ASH-10 c ,ks rust recd and Ina sale by --is:: “1".• • -fileesrs. Bow Brawler, Cribb, Cirnjff ' j_ ink 111 CANFIELD Tani ass. Sir s, Ult.. 400 11 , 13 . L.„ , c1 d. TANNERS : 4411., . b. “ 4 . ". °.°ll , :` % :lroon, n F 7 '11 104411 1' o i , l' hl " `C .' o .l l ' inTre ' h. L ß4 ''' ch r' a ' r ' d '' s, tindle:', Cll j 4 . ..E ., "....F,-100 1, - 1 • 'est r; - . 7 , - 1 aod for +ale try 4 II CANFIELD °Sankey, Steely, Small, BMyser, Stestt and Stine- OIL.--Constaittly on hand. 1,1 , 0 lied end anblearl4 go , • -ij SKEV-Mai lad. IVlo•kry in cure and for ed Winter and spring Sperm, Ellephant and Whale Chlat ...-• vislsra--Xlessrs Beat, Drum. Frick, leeee, Sang; Ko - V l / 4 7 " s l ate by ,soli WANI Si ITCH rte II EE AI sk light colored .elected N 11'. Coast Whale od4: , d . ig ,.. 1 ,, , rbmig ,,, , ..,. 1 D .,.. , ~,,,,,,_,.. Suitable for retailtne. "Po me quesnon orris determiked in tie efhernailVe.i• ][ . 'ol ll: .l(dN AND DOMEsfrIC LI laliiktr4--A cam PATENT OIL FOR NI ACHINEILY-Thr sabseri... • ' J•Clrel.. Or rat 1110elit Wr RlPRiterter•itTlDl. ral essortlitent •Iw.ti • oo hand tsild for Rule I,y nasvPi . °P .°°4 .. ..'r .13°°1 ' ..° P°.° ' Oil' .Bloll the resolution pass! Taw yea:rand nays Were rukt k‘ &NI NI rri'IIEI.TIIEE in any quantity; rnacbunsts, manufacturers, ..: 1 , 6 . : t.,,,,,,geee.b1y to the pre.... of , )i.e tenth arqcle W HITE IIF•A N S-31, tad, small IV hoe Wan., re , : requested to call end examine We article. Certificates : „, , ~,,..,., and ~L , . ro ,„ :. _,.: rece,erd and fur rule by of' its efficacy and superiority over at ether Otis, front /„,,,°: cm...,..,:r.d.0n J. Ball, D g „iVi 1,,,,,, , r.,,, g i, m• 26 W.IB. in CU'rell El PV, 1:4 Liberty at °°°"°' at oar. most °°.°'" "'"°'"."".°' are i° ' . Ilidal, Prier D ISloara,Darid Si 11.71 e, ThoinsrS IC ~„ .., ~ oar cmaesston. ALLEN & NEE:DI,E.S, Acts, .., ~...,,, n Jacob Corn, John H. Diehl. Nathaniel A. Elliott, CD 1,-,50-/ii° b4s Pr". Wester. ire'' , c ebces^ 'a. '" r 4 ..° . h.ry°° ' ..°' C L ,''',,!,.T,', -, “le sepb *trier), David (3. Fehlenyait, William Evans, lo" r e " ''` l i'" for .. e 'Y feblB-codru ' :: " ° ' •°:P "' ° .: "John Fariold, Slmhel Fegely, Joskoh it' 11,bet, 'Lc... W h. R 11•1" ITi 'IIEI iN . . No - Die - to Daguerreotype Artists. ~,,,,,, 14, p u q„ , Tt om p, o r . 0 „. yob o „ ~.p..„. (lA. ' S 1 N Y.- lido or id, tee d and tor *ale by toDEB'S mcelved, a Antall illeOlee of I, OICITLAENe ..George P. Money, Thanes 1. Ilerridg.Jorephilig- ' ,poi Rh: SELLER:. 57 Wand at rtY DEB'S 1:11:ICKW(ift El NO INSTI4I : NIE.NTS- ~g ins,Charlcs !forts, Joseph B . How*. Robert Klotz., /tow es:instruction. 'now Instruments pt.tabEtta great ..liamn.o. P. Lauri, Atiroham Lan:Meet°, Jim!, 1 k I,OEP-30 il.• pun, dry ;wit rer . ll sod for rale "....°°°°°°' xi, other , ever Mode, co•cf.P • ° 4l . Pleuris, James W. Long,Jaroli Nl'Cletoey, John y ~ i. by ore R E Pl-.1.1,E11S 007 Plate, rodueme the lima of sitting one-half, and uhl'Colloch, Hogh .114'Kee, John Nl*Ba ° P C" ' A". P Itt; , ,OAN AND PAP. lila E--44. rare. Poch produang a sharper, clearer end hotter defined pie. .fits.,„ s g rnuer Mem, Jan C. Alye a.dward Nle - k- iu.i ree'd and tor .ate by itedri IL E Pi:IAA:Rs titre. They, therelor..d-serv e the attention Of ell Are ..,,,,,,,, p e ar., 1a.,. po,,er, leery c Pr.“, ice °°l 7„: 4 at `'P io engage trt the lifi°i..... .Alonzo Robb, George Hirpley T i odor,: Bynum, TT 10'1;5' DRI•t:IP• -rill cubehe A count, I'u , ash Prise for , Tube 8145 ' cllernard 8. SehormoVer, Samuel Seilllrt, John Sharp -I" t'n,... Acid, Prosaic Arid Cy intlitre IPo a , •li. its. A gef.f..." ...i. ". 01 Voqrtlacialetc. justly f:°. - -Cbripttan Suieely. :flioarilia C Steel, Jeremititt 11 to mot cur sale I.y ,ors II I•:SELLERP brated Instruirteni•,ot all sires, es well a. Dikran'TV", ° Sm.. , loas ) .SuinntoO•Mtif t dmi l my.n ., ....ea , , s.. M'ALLIST4:E'S HI Ny3i ENT-Po doe tor +sir b) ype Materials.. ter .owert rltlt• • • .6111 et taggarb George T. Thom, 10choia. Thor, ,„,,n IL I:SELLERS '- ma. Paraa small. c ,, ....., ob., is our sae: -A ranch Wattles, Parnitel WelflCh, 400,0 I. NVilrox -1 All 1,-let keg. No I Lard, reed and tot stlir by thorised agent for the .ale of the above Instruments , "Daniel Zerboy, Wiginna F. Pecker. *maker -1 . .. . A Bhl qTILt :101 A CROZEtt A Li.of Pnena cnit by ohntoind by addrersing. poste N•irs-Messrs Augustus E Coryo4Dovid NI Court -IL ' '''' - paid, W „ & ., F ,'" AN ''„"IIEE II, ' uney. David Eva., Iteiley Si. Eva ' John Fenton, f REEF-10 tierce. Dried Beef Irounda, 11, .... o ,.„„ - '. ‘ ,. - :, ° !.. r. :,,`' .. 1e1Ph , 0 , • •'• ..Jolt W George i : Thomos Gillespie, : ohn El. GpfltOn, II artier and for sole 1.1 I.lX.'l'" of I)4°'' ''' e--"-° )..' d ~,,. =.III *,\Villnun Henry, James I. Bak, Jor4bh 1,0•Imelf;Ro - la/o •SEI.I. FRS A NICULS Agents for the roleof Voigthrenders upileal 10101-, , bert H. Lillie, John S. ItliCaltooot, Jl4hn WK.', WV- ~ ,„ _„ , Weill. 'nookrrehir 1 ..1„ L . MlSherry, Josiah fittllcr, Willmjso T. Mortlean, .1_ 4 ".:,',.' ~i ' '' -g 0 .,„-,T.IY Na ,: i .. l i:t r Vf„ s " .. „l", ° ,Z l ° , d , ,,, f. The PATA.PSCO SgltlitiLlie INSTITI:ITU,'I cJoltif A. 01.40, William Y. Roberta,:;John IN: Row er. mt.. room est.:ore oberry, John B. JD/then . .. o , , 'IL HohN°. 6 . 1 . i Jo°. . Air ROUG Irr SPIKES -•edi k , g ....bri.d ~”.. ..r ELLICOTT s .111.1,4 , Meta POS'I -OFFICE, : csuqui, John Solider, tines Wane. and David I' , Tv sale low toy mat 1411E1' IIATPHEWS & ilea tt91:11 TII r DIRECTION or f dWilliarns.-2 6 . RI rs• L Lae t e n Plselp•, i - ~:tio We question traidnerouned nn, affirmative "A • A MASON ft CO, ere now °denim t 01 wale • brown Marlin .1 11 et+, bleached do . 41 tn.. Anirtsd by many able Profr.ssor• and Teacber.,- . , , Sammrsar i e Orrick f WILL commence a new %cholas. corny on We POW Ilarrishorg, Dore 15, 1,01... I very fule .' as, Stormer Stud. of every variety, won. ICalleVe• at C. 4 as, laiwn. De. fart color., wdrrutord. of SEPTENIBEIII NE:XT. l'opds entering fir : I . V.Drir (NADU. : , !f11"1 ~ q n r, g fire Betels.. In and /her morn Wrought Collar* .'a Um new year can be accommodated during the vt.a. 1 --,- 1 Ido eertifY the LhO co li p br ,( °,4 . ° S y t ., ,F. mi , .„, ~ r.,,,,,,„,„,.2„.. ~„ , ~ ,,i lion with boent at the Institute, under proper itopet. t. s trhe • and , ebnect ~ 4 piiehree• ittaitillacilired Tobacco, vision or livitrueurin. Tertn% 8240, fur board en d .g. ........ ..N.,,,,,,, liken all the ar. a, relative lot TIVoitACi - :0S-40 ilecmaarica cOntireied with It and for Esigirrh aloe* , an sm.:tut...o a lle co.itilailmr , ," iiii the rt0,,,°,.. ,, t; ' °.°.,"... bawd., C 5 ° ',. ° 1 7 k 0. 1 .:,/,,,,,,,,,,,,, R , t , 0,. CO noir for are scholastic year of torty•four weeks. Arid peen on the Journal. Of the Iwo Houle. or the ‘fe • i i ° eomplishmenui, Languages, he, with board In roar, nil Asscrably of this Cocirnortwealth•Pf It. 4 . 0 .... , 1 \IIIED FRU rr-Ku hush dried Peaches, Mar do do tion clam charger • 1,/ Apple.. 11l store and for rule Cy For healthkiiiess of loentron, (situated in a high a.MI . Witheaa viv hood and ire seal a egad office, We M . i ,d., Ll 4 W ATERAI A N ealubriaaa .giant beauty of seeriery, and Ittelitly 0 . 1 hunfot deist: • Dane, Ol.e itiollelind orrhi hundred and --- -- ace as (Or teavoller., the Patapsco Institute i• unser* forty-. Tilt . :. - TOWNSENI4.IIAINEB , If r ASII- 5 cork, Put A.M. Ido Pearl do. In store •••-, bestowing • liberal jullkilltatinm wm Peccry of the Conurionwealth p and for sale lip jut, I. 8 WATF:II.II AN -iated by the • ...._.._. gd p,,,,,, 011. - 10 blis Linseed 011, for sale . FISII-- , Ii Bening. I/ do Shad: for sole by ' p r o .• . BMB ___,,._ D CANFIELD 'g od I. S WATI:RNI AN _ .... _ , ' -- - • ----',. SODA ASH-In casks and hatrelt, warranted test VIOLL BETTER- , bbl. Roll µ0110r; 15 kegs do. Inc quality, Co. sale by JOHN spr.ipEN a CU, 11, sale by Bro 1. S AVATER3IAN Bnifi • ; Canal fluilat 1 1649. I ALEIA.BIAGit 31.7 I.Y. rday ... . 15 Shrmlny, .• • ......... 16 Monday. 17 T06.616y, 18 Wednesday. • P,hidny, Bon , - 1 Ban , I ARRRIVED. I isses..l acts. i Miciitgan No 2, Gilson, Beaver. i it T 734 Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. 4 42 a 7 ".B Caleb Cope, Murdock. Wellsville ' 4 42 ! 725 Luke Erie. Gordon, Beaver_ 4 43 ... 29 444 it 7 27 Louts McLane, Bennett, Brownsville 4 4s) I kt 7 ' i DEPARTED. . 4 4 ' l t 726 I Michigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver. • • PITTSBURG/I qoAnD toy Tura . (blantie, Parkinson, Brownsville. • COIdhIITPEE FOR..ITLY. ' ' Louis McLane, Bennett, Brownsville •'isss• 00I” , . iso-stnianna. FLo SR. Beaver, Clark, Beaver. - • _. _ --rr-__--7-.--_ - ,___ f , # ~..=.-_- i Elite, Bowers, Zanesville. . runlet PITTRSCROa GA 2 rrra.. / i Ohio, Stoops, Hockingport. Monday Morning, /ply IC, 1. , P./ ll Fairmount, Ebben, Ctn. g . T7)e, weather, Oh' Sallirdar, was cool and I.traclnig, !t Tot ts"t stn.-There Were 2 Met fin:mbar at the andUented Bs e p! t ' t from •'h the an I Y I channel, by metal mark, Last evening at dunk and hot weather which previi/led Ounng the plueedusg ~.,1 4 , , week. Busineas was quite limned, however. C10d .1..1 • '''' '''' ' Y generally. showed no Maud change from previous . q'qta tkOnla. FLOC'S-We noticed no receipts on Satur) I tonSequeally no sales from first hands. Operationsi front -store hove been tn moderate quantities ,91r 5 434, I FOR. PEDLADV-Pl.ll, Plissmotidy at the,latter figure Should recema con- 4 Di Leech it co'a, packet line. 91' M. untie as light the -coming week us during the past, o , . FOR FaxePokr further advance will doubtless lia the conseqUence 1 R, 5 Ballet I. Co,' Conn! Pocket, 7i o clock, r u BYE ?LOMB-Moderate sal. are reportvl to as - IMPORTS DT RIVER. froPt store at $2,62 P bbl. 7 . .i. WHERLING-Per Cinderelta-1 essli I boa bacon. 44:MN MEAL-vTery hula is... Tong tamed. and ,' I isle oats, Orr 3 has bacon . 9 ht. .'lurks. 93 *kr supplies are limited: 83 P bbl le a fair quoikaton for i woo:. Win Botvham, 4 coop. chickens. W t. Hemel kiln dried. 1,1: ; ton, t rek bacon, 11 tired It cr. 7 kg, 1 hin butter. 9 talre3 A co 1 1.1 old, Cannoicii a P2°VISIONB-'-Wtili the e/41k.toti < O. Rae.. —, i 11:, , ,,',7::..1 r„o`,. I trunk. Chalon. O. Minot Intlri is doing in the Provision market. itaccip corm, 1 • ueematte mince', with. 'signior sales by the :ce.k. of ; rEr A gentleman of Pittsburgh, who hail fallen Into IVestern sod City eared at 59, 51 and 71 for Slsouidera ! , 111 , 1 hp. Ceti. after the ••Oreat. rue,. splamed Ma o : I so severly that ne w. unable ta refrain from cry . 7111 . 1 7. 1 . 0 Hume. Orden Wveltorn eared tots loom IMg out win, the pain A frond who had been u•ing lotla of country cured, are sold el lower figura !tole. ll A. Fahnesmek b. Cos Ruticfartent and bean cored 01 *. saga., cured aaaraaaaa „ a .. . ton. lb, and' Of Rileaniattank, gave him miter renamed tit the bottle. a 'Dried Beef at 121 e. • it . I end although his limb was greatly swollen. he wa. 1 cotopMtely renored to heanh to twelve hours and diROCERIES-We dad no marked chatigc in the . hem from pain Thi. is lut one of a grant number 01 general 9 0 05 5 0 00 sal ., 444 ... 4 „, r , 41 . 4 ~,,,,y ,, o f N 0 easesyYlitch have come under the ob.cryotion of the I prat:trona. Prepared md mid by Sup. ta hhd• Sr 5035-/. dl bble at SR, N O'-Boluses i 11 A CAIINESTOCK A. Co. 25429 c, Sugar hotter do 40344 e; Rio Cotree 1 , 13 he; of corner 101 and Woolf also, corner bib nod Wood its 1Rin,41415c. Other time unclanged , 7 L l. e ORA11:4-NVitik ligm supplies, sales eun , q , Pe grate Wouste -As this 14 the season of the yen, when Mode.. from store at, fd 7 Wheat 730 t 17.1 e A Barley nmentse ntostrormidattle among children.the prop, 1169 Corn 37340, and Otte at 33335 c p tni ewes of at Al• Latte i Vero:ulnae beg leave no call upon CORDAGE The following is'a list of priciii for the I t e 'z'TlL*,;.:,',..c:;,-z ,tO,-; o r y ,•,';..",,n"„,,,,,',.,2,7,,;:,th 0 °, t P Y various Mi c lea wider this head: n , „children Their invention .by a physician or great Merolla rope, by coal, ~.„ a s t , 4 , ; kipenence In /*try... and after ustog it for several ,- do cut, ~,,, ti .. ; cat, In los own practice , and finding Its success so :: White Rope, by coil, ......... ..... i.a. • 9 .. •um verso'. be has been induced ot inst to oder it to the Jo cat, Ilk n . , public ns • cheap hut cerium nod excellent Medicine. Tarred Pope, - by coil, ,ti .. ' Con and porch.< at the Drug stole of do cut, 0 1 ..,,,. 4.. : inyb.d.kser. 1 KIDD ACO • Packnag Yarn, Sae, Mr t? • '• -we.- do common, a. CORM Manilla 92,0033,0tY34.00 ,ft dor t da lb Hemp, 5a1e..137241,311,25 4 0 dor do p coii;• • - •to‘• - In ~ 1.1.40011 usA- Hemp. b7lc p dor 13=53 "., [From the Washington • .. WOOL TRADE . ; ~--_, A tr ware that max y of our distant ruder. e anxious : to-kow the state of the W trade, Wool tde, In our Murry we ! RATES OF DISCOUNT, =,, -. "'" -- "" 1,- ..,00--P---.: ItA.TF. tti. DISCOU NT-CORRECTED BY .j• • N. HOLMES it SONS. • ft the Ettstere and Southein sections of Ti4shlngten Cethety, we are told. that Toetl of the WooF to been F-ai,iia"al- Broker.. ""', 'l° ' 35 315 ' s el " 1. " 1 ° " sr aiar al mld. Aleinn Um), Wetrs, Wilson. Alexiddther. and F' a ana.• Y r a 'an." Indl•na. others, have Dwight freely. Some have bian 'old at Ba. ,._ ri a : drU ' i l l ' a , r3ol ' ll-U n ar ~,8 1.1, r a, ,8 ia „ h i Ura " harr • i Canonsburg, Florence, Paris and Wets .q.'exander, .-".. °0, ' ”"^' ------ry - -- - add we observe some going into the Woo, house ep Monett. ft Man. Bank -part V rFlnl•. W l ylie fe Clarke. on Chestnut street. and 1400 mC M Bkeral'haaarlphia • • •ParrExctran se lik or lir. 1 _The Guard Itialk • • • part Fanner , BY of V•• - • " _The jokes offered, am, we heltever 70 to :3 " ,sle, rang- Batik of Gernaantown lia4Bk. or lire Vallee,— '• Chesser County • 011f•Ii'l of If :non.% - 0 slug a hale better then the priers of last sers lA e . ; , • ha. heard of loath few sales at 33 and • but tbe 11 Drlra ' aara ar11 • • • ' har r i 'ri hi ' U • 0 nesting k 14 - aineva is by no means yo bats[ as u•ua I. fjl thri Ord. " 74. " 4 ''''''' Co ' ' pot do , M° "'"'"'" '• . i gess of the year:. Without pretending to keow all the , 0 Norttamt•e r hind ••p ar,N. N ~! , / , ,,.a nk Va.-- * comes, it is evident thus our wool growers are not sax- 1-° • °°°°a Ur ' 4lllo "' • B ar . do . a •-- 11 isK•a with the peices offered for the bore tools The Car d °•11.1ra" honk ' - 'par' do lar a ' l ' ariur a • - fanners have, at-great enfant'', improved tc'eir linear, r.r.llllar a ' Bir • R°.° ' l3lll ' pun Tenn oust by jt ,,,,..„0 , ~,, 1,,,,g cod „,,,,, ng . ~,,, i s y* ,„ Famen Bk Bucks Co par Bit of Tentr ~ .... • • • • 5 weigh but little over two pounds, and air. 6 fact welt Farmer, ki • Lon6.•°, pot For . 't af Mvh ll . ilk -- r kisser, that at Be, than .41. liar per doer: 'She p row- inclose wool to • ant prbfitable-and valessfibetter pat. L,l l '''',' s . s .' 14 par r- 1 .. ° . Bk. - " costars be obtained for the very Erie light ' i t' errs, the ' • 'Worm' B." -1 ' ' -3 ° _, frllasostrl. . business will decline and the (looks be bro ' n up n jown ,,,sr, B e . . ..... poi , 'tote Bin( Manauw•-- I If - the mmatfacturent wish to eneourage e growth Washngton Lik .-- .5 North Carolina" b. otlry ini te . f w o op eo ll, u ter gh er a m o us e t flo di r :i;r , artun w a , LS te ar ,,,, id , , p h a n y , ri ch ar LT a i t a r r 4 l .',U g h. , --- __: 1 • 1 ., B vs h , j h r f s c e • h ir ii :! i jj 'eh ,,,, e. k ., - ;,,. : the Congress may do nom dung that rtill secure So`fluellofin OCo Bk 3 ~te•t, h0nk........... I g o o ds, . market for the finer &steamiest:win wooren Lva'''' l, •°' - • --- - . booth Carolina. g and thus enable the inanufactureV to pay for ~, i 'ddl v .- " ° ' ' - 1 " a mdla i r k •" ' • • • a the fine wools. 1110 uthe ihat we had timid:omen Mr "...B a k • oBs of Charlene a-. 2 inch goods, and we should be Lodependers-of France B-d'T 05 • •-• • a t C " .. .." `Bo - -• a Germany, for our fine broadcloths and klassimeres Fanny!' e . nd Dro•ers' ilk or Geo reewven• • - 2 lk ynestairg. I Br.. Itranburg• •• • • 2 i. i l HlSrirlilin, ..- ...... -. 0 Meehan. 116.-'• 2 ..., RESOLUTION r • How...tate —. 1 Planters A Meeta t 11l 2 Lebanon per Bk. rat SOlllll 1.0r0..“ 2 RELATIVE TO AN AMENDMENT OP: DE CON- Pottsville --- • Maryland. ... 13TiTCTION T . t r y y ours ,,, ....... .. .. j Balt:more Bk• •.•• • • par • -Rewired by Oa Senarronsi Hamel Roweontatires of York Lk- • • • ....... I Boron ~ ••,- 0 88 8. , 0 1 0 the Cemesentreatul of Pennsylroom In (..k r a ..fuern- Wv 6l ßdandir Bk. 1 Cumberland BS of A••<- 11x ma, That the Constunnon of this Cot nweafth R&.e . N. ,, • i many . I he amended in the seeded section of the trole, or al fr. M Dlr. Pr tth do 0 Par Bk of Mary ran) 0 Slat a shall rend as follows: The Judgesa of the Sti- s'rrP - Pahaill 1 Fount) lo i i dr° l °.° 1 . ' ll-, kohe• 0 : peeme Court. oldie uveral Corson of Coulson Pleas, 1 All.Shen• th Ilk Freiterrek ••• •• 0 I find of curb other Courts of Record as ardor •hali be Ohio. Ernie t rel Co Bk.-- • ~ 1 eimblithed by dew, shall be elected by tree qualtficd . Byte Ilk and 8t° 112116 . I I,l,adar'l,..rn Bk ;electors of the Commonwealth to the solloaa MoontPleasoot ..... • • ° . 11 nod.' kW •-..- ..... 1 1 log. to wit The Judges of tide Supreme COurt, by the 'Members , r Br. - ...... ' 0 l' 01 .)0.e. Bk ' is .... • I rabfied electors of the Commonwealth aide rge The S. Caen°••c . --- -- • ' L : , 1 ' "''';';',6 ° ''' I r k -•— : lees-dent dodges of the lateral Courts 'Of COLlitisoA , •151 ,1 5 51 . . ... -• '-- "'of f ) i i i 7 o T ,• : l ,i' :,,, L' . ' }nits and of such other Count of, Rector{ as' •re of ' New L. s'ar c • • • • •-• • 0 shall be established try law, and all ethyl Judges re- Cteetnnat• Beek) -• • • ° i n 01 B r (11,1- '' -- gutted to be learned in the law. by the qualified electors Coluinsar. So. 0 Bk el KW, KAI., --- lof the respective district. over which they, - nte 10 Of, elrelo , ll , r• -• • ' " ‘ 1 • 051,0 f , 11 1. ,O•• ' • 5 ilidr OT Sol ax dodges. And the As•oel Judges of /se... o, de --••- • -- ° 11 . 1 a 'Lev... , Bk • •- 5 i the Courts of Common Pleas by th e quah °d electors. l'uhaas • -•-- ..- .. 0 W lee on•In Ter rlt'y. of the rOOOOO5 re•peelwely. The ludgeN of the Sta. Wooster •-- --•- `ca , titt•f•P%rt lb•Co-M , Itr't t preens Court null bold then offices for Ig:term of fib Ititettl.)). --- --- I Canada*. teeny an if they shall O. rang behav cif ,thete.el•LOS 8,-ed..,.1 .In All solvent Bank• I *ell: (subjeet to the allotment bereirthatfr_plovided pedal , ••• • . 1 Bonk of Bosflond Note. i Toe, subseqown to the fan election.) Tt - e Preeidenl Norwalk •• • • • .. ... • .5o •• • • —al 20 • .L. .u. Judges df tbe several Coons of Common Elena, and of, Cle•Gand ---•-- I Gold ft S pa t l• V. 1... lands other coons of Record as are or sting be maxi.. Xenia --. • • • ° N•lthleons .... •- • 3 1.0 fithnt by law, and all other Judges reißsted to he •-- !excess w 150 120 learned to the Mar, shall hold these office•fior the tend Westhrn Reserve • • -. 0 Eagth, old . •. • 10 50 2C_Osyears. if they thrall so loag Inthave thedexelves well: Frank , . Irk Gabrinbes " Eagle. new .... . loot The Anomie:lodges of the Orions of Coyanstrio Pleas, Challcothe • -.. ...... 0 Doubloon.. Spantsh 16 00 Shall hold their odicea for the Serra of five fitstra, tf they Lake Erie •• • ••• • • •• " Do.P Mere, --• • •-••-• 15 50 0011 no long behave themselves well. ,0I of whom Beroth• • . ° Mmtr.the 4 '3 than be commisaioned by the Governeir,lbut a for any Lancaster • -------10 Burnes, ..... • •- SCO reasonable came ethieh .toll not Dr mmllmralson• ... -•- • t 3 Frede fret +d'art -- tr: EIS / r, of ~...b...t, the Governor 6.11 redfiav'e say of Grenv , l:e• So Ten Thaler.- le %/fern on the address of two-thirds of rail) .branch of F'arm's. B'S Cantoo• -50 lien (interns • _. 3 rth the Legis'ature. The first electioll Mall fake place it Urbana —MI Lourudors • • • • 150 A. general election of this Commonweal 4 next after limatack y. the adopuon of this amendment, tun the! torniusons 33k of lientae ky Mall the judges who may he then in offiesTalthri expire Ilk .of Learrthrr•e 3Excltang a. I New York •-•••-• 2 pro •'h .rade rms.& .•- I 'to on the first Monday of December Onion-sat. when the diens,. Bk.Kee iri ke• '• ilea more -•• •- I pro imam of tha new Judgesithall commehee ;The Orr sfitio ■N. I( ark -i' w Bank. ear Into , or W. -rn "'who shall then be elected Judges of tho - mine Coen . 31100 bold these °Cheesiest follows' one of In for three ---- ,eau, one torsi: Teen, am for tone y rt. acre tot r "S' B " " "' K '' ' -I ''''''' ' '''' j ''''''''''''' ''' '' .4 3 !1,.- .twelve years. and One I . ot fifteen yea be term of to „. di S ' Tai..°l..llalar° ° N ' ar" His " each to be deelded by lot by the said sulAus, as won oketo nes or ~,,,,,,h sire,, illoon •(0 STI r after the election as convenient, and the ••till eertia- kh.,,,,,,, of ,„ Be, r, ~„„,„ If. , ~,*,,,,,. 'est by them 10 the Goveroor, that the he ropy appetidat. entlsrarng an acrothr or he Ir,as n fa °ear n die issued In SeCrINIODer 11503 , 010. The Shirt whose lend dursrig sa• linrori nouthassion will first expire shall be Chtd2 /littler du- The Idfc o• Dr 0 loanuts. ... •ne Roe 1 I Rms.. r. "ling hie term, and thereafter each cam- English r• d js ,,, s . • 'mission shall first expire Mall in torn be te Chief Jan Fleece.. ~, '+o4.,c and duringare Pe s eento, w,.h Lace. and sf two or mores commissions sholl expireeni the , * „.„, **** . j , ', in , ~ „", ~,, I . Li 1100. Ake same day, the judges holding them 'bp deride by hr.trut LS D y ' '''' ' L' ' lot which shall be the Chief Josue, 4.1,,, , y v scanc.e4 vi.„,,, a p„,,,,,,,, by ~; Mr er I) It ~•.), rso opening by death, resignation, or othrtWise• in at ipvenddr us the Rev .1 1., Lanmer f the said seam, shall be liked by apyteintotent by A ~,,,,,,a , } ..,,,,„....,., ~,,: I . v „ , , ,,., Tr,. „ . , the Governor, to coolant° . tay the first klanday of D. 0 „ ~,,,, ~A ., ,,,, ~, , ~, e, ,, A s , -ember succeeding the nail gener•l edeenon The Perna . 5 ,,.. *** ,, , ,. (~ ~,,,,* far _, , :lodges °ram Atiprome Court and th e Pritinienut of the ), j Es, , joi - j . , ,r,,,,,,,, ' r it , Meweral Courts of Common Pleas shall, atathseil tones, lyeeiye for thee, gerrlees as edequate dampen. ran, 1 121 d i n Pt iFFEI:°-51orua. A fro••• A J nru. Lagar, a, 'rib be fixed by Saw. "'bleb ghat' not be drinitashed de- .1. 1 Lioiloodo or:4 RIO Colfrr• I t,. 7.00 sod for °ring their conftnuame in omen. Met thersh•ll ro t tele . one Pet .n Tea Store. de Venni. if or ydri Ow fees or pen:solutes of ofillag, nor hold any other office lir/1141:SO AN I) I'M , - -•Adr erd 1,10 I. a i prrore K•r• '-qf profit under this Commonwealth. or under toe goi- 1 111140. And So arnarl Amen fra.n L'lg• wet received itrnmera of the United Suited, or any nth State of that as tor use . she Pettus Tca + , O, nt Fourth ritswer - . 13,1n50u. The Judges or the 84rettte Con du nog their tort! rantinitiiner ID office Melt reside wlthsh its Cornrow, '..realie. and the other Jadites clutibg knelt' et•ntinuanee THE CALITGRNIA AND taIETION TRAIL-R -AT office shall reside Within the disarm it county Tor i ... , A ..A 1 0 , r ,1101 Vifiroi• 11 " , 5 , •'• Sr . 5 10 1+ 01 . 10 I r 1•• ' l 2satacb they were mewed', y elected ~.. . By Francis Parke:ma Jr . yeah rotas mains h. Dor• WILLIANI F ifiRCKER, ' MY' In one do' 1 2 . 60 For •s, try Speaker of the Honor 0f u 11 E, c, ,.• A ei ß an s t i r l 7l. A /Y: D-4,, 4•4• No , 1.k , " . 1 , 1 . 1 . 0 . [:1 ,(0 -I. i kV ( 0 '1" 1•, -- • Speaker o )use. Jena.. 1 ._. , ,i, 11'(111.LS ft ROE k lii SLR SANATZ, Nik•Oh 1,1040 ' i IRIFID APP (.1:4-:Au kath rn far ad tsar a.'-to lignfrel, That thO, ilifilettion parts -Was 21 Nape! 1.1 l), NIGILLS 6 Roll Extract from the Jour.). , SAM". W PEA 3L?laltal Cth fit 11111OTA t/I - It , re.. good Pu:ui, .., now 1 • • i sYO SI GILL+ A IMF , Aes IN 'HI 1101112 OP ESTYII2IIMkTIVIte, ie,pril 2. PAD: ell wo LINEN_ i., f, wp, ~. rou niry T ow 1,,,,,. ~, 11. ,elcaei, Tis u.t ibis resolaholi pis.--Ve# li; Si. eyi gn i ~,,r . for .oar!y, .il iill,l.ii & lii , E {; Extract frets the Journal t • -- WM JACK, tulk..• 1 OST—Larg, Bra. IN lOR KEY The finder yeti, l• ?... '". J I confer an at. I,ation try loavlng llat tr,e. , t Filed April 5,1,545. 1 e ,Secalio4Ve Oruct offic, -.. ... . . :05 A. I. F6...'SSELL; ' NU 2NI ACK ER K1.,--:.0 tint. No 2NIMC k err,. reef,. .I. yr d tins day by cans, and tor mt... very in to Dep. See. of th e Contlitonwealdie c .„ 0 ,,, d ,„,,, n0 „, ~y »6 Sec stura.3tVs Orraini... Smislt.varia,as. t. it., . 1 ) fl-fiItE.NED -A A. 'b oat dr. Co • City (cond. 1....• - Ido certify that the stints and foreggring tit a tr. lA, , a ,,,,,„„„, w „ „„ n. opened n „ F ,,,,,, , 1 . , ,,,." sal, correct ePSY of the Original Ree 4 .klu n 't at th e Ail ni the, tam, tiat'll, been marked Mimi,. .et ,he General Assembly, entitled i.ttotolutiorCigelative tit an 0 f,.„., a , i „ x , 0d , 00 , t ,,,,,,,,,,, ~,,,..„.„.,,,. , do . Agnnodment of the Constitution," . tigellame remain.; prod upon 2,111111 sood• al LOWER RA rag , man on tile In this office.ever before It , In testimony whereof I h•v4'itereuttio set guy hand, and constant be o.M4ett We Feld of n om FS:TIC ANI ‘I Al-s -Hitacry and 1/e•ertfitintt --...... the Secretary's Ottee at Darri•hurg, to, cle• 1-7 al the {lone. Stu C ute ante tv . She , iite, roo centh#ay of June, /11T. DOO2llll, one ~ gellousand eight try, rind Farm Doss. with lill,lanta4 to ep r their manage hundred and forty•Mne. . ' _,,t-' . tricot:, itreeding. ernaittlis reartolt. ieedtttgi and ' , el' TOWNSI.Zigui,DAINS,I, •;., ration for a profitatiie !emitter. Ala,. to !nitre...a See,. at t h e c-,,,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,,,h, and Itegnedte•. ineetner wttli rug, itcrenni, for the ' manaxeinent of the »wry It., It 1, Aden. I2rao.aritit nutriorou• CI natratton• For ante by ill: IAS I/ 1./ Yr llf tVit Hill, Al Wood .I BOATS LEAVING THIS I/A V. ~nevtlle Packets, 9 A. M. and 4 P. M. Heaver Packets, 10 A. M. and 4 P. M. Da. Studio,. s Urea ' —Thm great Amerman remedy for one of the MO. fortuidahle 111. that flesh Is heir to now acknowledged superior hi nuy meals eine of to, the kind ever offered to the pub', The action is easy. ciettatn, and attendant and, n unpleasant re volts It haanever been tried wlthout produchig the , most salutary edeet. Compounded by one of the moot eminent plsyst,i In ourenuntry, ,• the Medic-me ; winch ski and experience offers to human stamina. Call and purchase a boo a the drugstore ni myl I KIDD k Co. LOCAL MATTERS. IMPOITID rut - ram TITISBUTAPH DAILY CIAISTTY. CnoLs:La.—The Cholera may IN, said to be al most totally extinct„ln this city, where, indeed, It never had apermanent foothold. A gentleman, in speaking of this to us on Friday. remarked that sealing wax,; which when rubbed on wool or nat, as is well knows. attracts light bodies, such as small pteees of paper, ever since the appear ance of cholera here, e.eetned to have lost ibis power of attraction. Now, however, it has regain ed it, to as great a degree as formerly. We bore that this may be a presage of the departure of that Cholera atmosphere, by which we have been cer tainly surrounded, though not to the same extent as any of the other 'erg, cities of the United States. Lerres.....—We call the attention of our readers to the advertisement of Messrs. J. J. Gd leapte & Co., in another column. The magic lan tern, which they otter for sale, is a very superfor 311 C indeed. Toe FINS Anra.—We observed on Saturday a charming landscape, painted by our talented fellow townsman, Mr,,Wm. C. Wall, in the window of a picture framer cn Wood street. It is a view of the tikuo river, taken from Mr. Leeky's grounds, and is, we think, one of the happiest of Mr. Wall's etrorta. TRUNK For.o.—A trunk which had cv;dently been broken open. containing books and other ar ticles, was found on Boyd's Hill, yesterday morn ing. It had been stolen from a house nearly op p.. ISILd the Mayor's Office, a short time !.store. Sonar articles of value had been abstracted, and n color ed man named Butler, was arrested and held to bail to answer the offence. Moron. Ureter, PITTVICHOII, July l3.—Three persona were brought before Alderman thick m tater, who officiates during the absence of Cal— tun Herron, this morning. The offence charged agalhat each was drunkeonew. tine, a confirmed sot, wea sent up for thirty days—one tor twenty four hour., and the tined. who hue no residence nor means of livelihood, was sent out to the no r house. . • MAvon's OFFICIC, Ardsormly, Jrly 13th.—For the first tune for some days post, the Mayor receiv ed a ''morning watch return - from the pol:cr A man and woman were brought before him tor drunkennelpi. one of whom we, rent to JXI , , and the woman paid her fine THE THIBI , Clll•lirit —Th. building bait been repaired, repainted, and furnished with a lightning rid lately. All this is of great advantage to its appea-ance, and to be attributed to the lightning which strueL it a abort hate ago. 1: ts singular that in toil nteatttie age, a lightateit rod was not toe first thing thought of by those who planned so sly a steeple. Hear or rse Wa.arnax.—The mercury atemi at s 3 degrees, Fahrenheit,.o th e shade, on Same day mtwo iieloek. We hope that rho weather may not be warmer for mote l]e to come, as the weather towards the dote cf last week was must insupportably warm ASILM LI nrn MAN 1 , 00 —A man hauled Barker, of Snarl...belga. appeared !senile Alderman Slake's', on Saturday. and complained of a Mr. I' 6. Reot.m the same place. who, on the previous Monday. according in the complain antis affidavit. oiler using aLuvec laugusap, t•anrhl him by the throat. whereupon his idelend. Plll . O dog ( - aught him in thr 'tame place, and held him down, until it alle or the bystander. interred and took the bent ott. A warrant War wetted for Runt'e artest • SAD —Stro;l:ng sing We wbart 011 Sutor day 1ti.,111000, nut alletil.a. WAR arremt,l ar.d our semytattura aroused by the lean nud nealeeted appearance 01 taro little cutlttren. WOO .at 00 yule 01 fornaute oppuette•he landing of Otto Bearer boats the :urcbture %TYR 01 the humblest ktud, and the ttnumant,l face, and titaurdereJ apuare!rr the two p,wr ea,..lren trouid h.t.e et tty.h..., he %all bout any 4 uLty, Mat lacy had Lot ly fea 11!!=1=1 In( hecd. a.e.,:c,ce motile, ',none name Wl. Me ton, had d,rd on Me opso.otl cnp ~1 one of the r,rtrer and tha: the, 'tad gone up lowa. to .arch an a boardtng house for his anforluaste Loin, eli !Area Poor creature. young whey were, the, gnef dolt :led is their laces, tam, red eyes and swollen features, *Urged that they deep's felt the, loss, though years and ye r• elapw etc Ito , / sursgru 10 • fall kuowlege of lussu luSe Jay 14, 14 o t_ca.— I he re tokd epoet t, ill'.5MIT!IIIIIE!!!!!11121t1 try rrSM. uul:y, W MeK o 1.,e Se gator) . ' ,RI 01. 1 (V PI( n. , a I. :74.1cE.1.T. Iwy —There Lave been no n,re avn .I rt..lera itnee noon yeeter.lay. Very relpectfully, W. Nick . 11/ILGAN. To the Sanatory roma-tter JI loom. CL aat tooding cod for S UII.WORTIi R CO I —IOU 1.01. flour for gala 0) s 1111.,VOICTII A •'” e ll E.1:04 . .—.4 , 1 to. l.•• oa: tors., .o• WICK A. %I CANDLES. , ,all oorto, 00, aud . 1/tup 0:1• sr,. • a 1 ''‘ l:c.• ‘ •• e I.a • KIER &11 )\l:+ r , r e e , t ! a t 1:2. , INII , N „ );.. i r t art . ;; .1, 1 . 1.... k ..: • . DI RI: %NINE AND BRANDI •e• lot al 1 Wo.ra.l•. Ka , .71 1...X.kin4;L0 ) rana. 00•1 New 11..0.1.... •nd R RI , IIISON A 10 oln 192 Lehr:) a tod' , to getk •• • ot ,•.•.tt) ^ 't• ;u1 ; •n ItttA I All DICK I.V & F•ont •I_ ) f': . t , A 4,l 1'1: 1 1 :1 F 0 :S d, :t I p A H I'flUVl. & Vitt .1.1 ••• et • j.)A f•ttNILITI p• attics and Shom.dc Ps-dar rre a .) sad lot •••• ey ARMS l'ltil.Ni. A I RU 1. F.ll is-41 _ ERSIAN CLA Y —A rr..trd at inntr, prr Opp / Gutpar. :ft/ to. Of Ciny wipe vo , tracts e in • Ira: days per r Isms!, and lot sator Icy Isla "r1,0•1".1. WIT A,lll- r aro! for Fy I 1.401 TA SrIEV 11. 11E+T I ) I.AJ , II j . /o , ll C•IL to *tot \IT lIITE m,:. Irosh .n.rwelcd, I. II: 00.0 do do, ,ust ree d and 101 AUS. FT Sri S VI /N I 1 /NN /AST &nl t i I . b .N y I.STA 1.4 o taw julO • near Sovro. st • NDrui-›-o ',ark • axon Sol••• n0t1,,,,, .I.ler 24 ht., No I 1., /d I do Is r•ov.e. •k • Prather Ido 1,.na0n2, 2 to I,arrood I c oar c I 11,11-4.40 14141. No 3 Matter, 30 01,04 and '2O I 141,1 J a )44“ reo.,vr4l and lor *air 0y 04-7 I' , N\' %%. Ayr C4l 1.41, riy 4,1 AK BOARDS- 50 1 1121 rent! ak Roards, (12 and 1 , ./ for sale by KIER A. /11 \ 11n. 13 11 Cans 1 Rasr. nrnir Ith in . .1)INK LINE \ LUST - 11K,— A handsome arr.., (0 gni. end entidren's Sock• Also Nloli sod ter. Muslins-r-Vor and sacks A1..0 burred .1:“. onets. for d somn (to low as IA eta ,unable Irolor 2, 1 , 1 , 1 1,1 ' 2 , and 2 o' 2 ' v•riely •111mbronleted 7112211/(*. Int dresses, and on,t, who, pink and blue curer,' ,aat, he reeet• • veal al Lh) (keels Ilou•e of H Itl . lll. Jul" , nonhe..l ror IW eel Al.r kei •t• . LA RD 011.--11/ bble Conkling's No hold Osl. 10 to No 2,10. is •tore and for sale by SFI.I.I.:ReI 1411-.11.4 k. 2. I.AK 10yr V.KI LA.,. Nlobs•ms 1,1111, m oak 1.61 .torr nntl for pair oy • , W k M NIITCIIELTRF:I I/novelette' Patent nods Ash. ILT 'rimy hare meetwed It.vialerx tFy late •trnitt , r• of thr., por r.c.4 , 1, I' W hallty S.cplacit whlcl4 er‘il month 'rh~l mil: It:40 rt-r,ve largr.uppitca lor trtula • .ica mr.Y.1.1-4100 II.• tee BRAUN 11./.11'1 , R .1 kIVEIII NI, $ t.Ak—A ttr•h ruppl) nt 1.0%, r I", rrushnd and pulverlz,l Sn.ara 41111 Itlf ann.. )ul6 !.11t(IWN dCI LBERT , 13 " 1 1 1rT.: ' !:t 1 1: ‘ 4 1 :t f . ' O 9 Ze - uße ' c ' ar at Om N. Carpet ‘Varelion,w W hl'Clontorlt, No 75 061,M •I, rompriging the 114 rat ard rtrite , and at Pin,. lower tlwin eves offeled in the main, An whn want 1100•0.1+ Carpct.. •h , la can purchming 11.0 where juin W U l7LINT( 11 13 INSIIRINK AMA.: FLADINI - :LA—W. 11. Mrnrul utvties the attention of buyer* tu his asoortntenE of thwtrable goad., brut, the genuine un•arink• able artirle Also Ciao, and roman Flannels. o(sttpertor qua' tly. and I. lull ao•ortrneel oreOlllllloll F.annels, and colored. at northe.l corner of Fourth awl Mat ket sts lull VIS/1-751,1 , 14 large (4 .1 alneterri, 1..` do; 30 !ado do No a' do, Ju bids No I Ilalitroare lierringl; as do No I Gipped do. IA do No I trlooned Shad; ID do No I Stl , Moll, ; reertard anilor ..010 by Jut. , 10114 %VAT! & CO Lobe', .1 g ktccotlm AND if ROM A --tialt;rra Brogue. No I Chocolate and Cocoa, al.o. Scnntitx awort minced Chototatc, wan rced and (or .ale al nho Pekin Tea Store, 70 Foorto 'sAerEST—a'kipiece. Ilum4, 3100 do Shoulders, in J I) ',note house; di hhd. Ilams, 40 do Sidog, 4I do Shoulders, 44 tierce. muur ured Hums, 10 can. ~ •assed do. all prime quaLip, c in store and for solo by r .74 t ? ELLE 119 O. N 1001.3 INEIVILANCE. IIfE DELAWARE .NIETUAL SAFI7TY INSIi- RANCE COIIMANI —Loiter. Nona Rootn+of the Exchengo, Tined .trees. ELttlatEqr•ltta. FIR 6 Nterctovadio, and oUter property inyou, .ot4 tor ',VI. 111 , -.13,11 3.4,...,1 lot, or I damage. by fire et tht. bto,,t ra,.. prettotust AiLaINE 1%31, - Tnry CPO Vett•ek. Cor• itoeA and Fresont.t. forrot3 or co a tt.,, e . uotfi-e oirn or •portal ont“ ot the :1,-,hreri anal tf , 4tro r 0 —TheN ROWS and ' , lna,. Boa!, , Ivcra rtnd liberbl term. DIRECTORS-- J 0,2.: tl Ethnu...l A An.lrr. John C Dirv, Itn,rt Iturtron. rahn Il Pr•.loa, , qamts el F.Alvrard.. FAivrft,o.l/..tru , 'Cl , u‘ H Don Wi.l Jowl tkft 0I Hu+ . 0 , n, Henn Slow, Hu.l.t .ro ~. Str, I. Sper MtD,ni.l J 4 . ; Jouon. N% .1. tram Ha, Dr A Thelma, )41:111•-• .0(1, Fy to. Jr AT I'l'l l'Alll . lll.ll—D T. Morgan. Woo llegnlry. Jnn 'g 1: KW. RDS T rs. I idierci iilt Cntopau, . Zd ,r u.I 1 • A AI %Did! KA. Ag ..-1 Jou rnu AM, nca r. -t \I, rc fh• • pAU . ru Isle cop, WESTERN INSLRANCE COIPANi OF PITTSBURGH CAPITAL a 3110,0011. J Rarer. Jr. Seep R 111.L411. Jr l'reu•t Wklt.ure against ell kold. of FIRE )1.11tINF:. A Ll. 1m... n~ 11 I~nid A home Ina iltuuon—ntanaeed 1.1 Dirce , or. who ere known ta shC1,111111111"1 . ,.Id onu are dr tatitt• ed by PYr+orPtaels anrlt,h•-ra:ry 10 111a1:11.11 Inv char acter wh.,-h they hqrn n=..unanl. n= atierinK the Ler!. pratemton tho.e who de-:r: to I.r Insured Nl•lter Jrt,eo I IV 1t0..., N Banat, .1( rh IN.,- Ihin.en.l,o 111 ftek•on, ill NI Lynn .1 a. I. Tho. K Lists. Jahn.= .\ r de, Omr , ..N MI Water •• rt. he e & Co.. P.ito.hrzhr, 1011 N Cl. 'IO‘VNE.I-1\ le•urg.Al ni.t Altolh". ll 'Y Nlhraet ure- er,. n.rer.Toml 1 . 1t1.. tPurrh her..v tht I a ,vy.i a. torment of rhe toe, rind ire !mr: raroro he well cell on the nor, term* l'ety..K.Lana cradle., cohere till 1m promptly ot roded to trod .up• pieeel ev•th aren..e• they 111 " • (Gr . Phy‘telan. Preeerloiton• eerurately and orally prepared t'rern we hr•t rnr 1 , 1 . 1 nt all hour of he day or pith) Also for cal, a large steel of herb and good Perla- Minh ,111.1 ==l tie and Ohio 'relearn ph Company and linen 'relearaph.r . Linup toy t•,i ! PrOVltiSllg Plat 111 , annual 1... Fe , . in the Cu) of I . ltite ie:phia, itte ny ... e adoption of a t awe, 1 , 1•4,1 U. la , SA•I t• 1 wilic.s 'vitt - . i..r annuai being he. Th.... , IV .$1 Jur) —II. , Is. $O, NOTILF of n.h. we T,lrgrapi:re on Thurrl, 1,01 a 1,, =Eli =MIME WHOLESALE CLOTHING WAHEIIIILSLI 154 1 FU' or ru, v. \e.\l C L 0 T :1 G IN Till , rNIIIII./ .61,1,1 Ihr 4,%11'.. of 5111111tTN .• V DitAVI. It S. Oil Clothint and Lovercil flats PLAIN ANI , 1-.%,./11 , ..5A! , 1 I 1..1111, l A - I f 1 - • ' ,1.• , lIF 11 11 S. II 1, •‘• h • 1.1 - ,IIFII-1.1 , ,1 it 11.11 R.'lll . • u r o dxy asszwialrel Irtur•-.1 n. .11111.1 El 11 I.F ALWX ==l ta m tny •rd ‘1 , 4 1.117 NS 8 II J. T. DECK F.ll A. LIGHTNING RODS, Ml= \lO .rrrl Ccestrr BEE 1.1111 - 11-.11:' It',l t.I § I%fi oy. ~ .~ . 11 r .0 . ; 011, 1. G REAM ~14( (.11 ,111 .L.I ^ yrs! VTA .. • uY Jv!•!1 , R~ t, I iSt A I 11 , ~! sill I A. A. MASON L. CI)N4 ONE PRICE STORE, ~,. ~.. ,;d.. KEES • „ , •••••• t ~•••• • ~, st•-1,1• 1 •• •V. ~••• •'ss ••$ •••••-• 's••* •• • ••••••• ) " lat;• H . s l , s ••••• • $ ••• • 1 , - • •••". 1 ••••• t, ‘',..:llsFl.tot/1” .. rt/R 1.$111 . •••+1. , W R sotalting pr"pn., .1. h 1••• • 4 4 " .. h. ... ... 4 ' . ))2 A A.'"N I." I.lClil.lCtl, PItILSICIIiV 6. • WELLS, MILLER IL PROVOST .!I7 Front street, "irw lurk, A At 111 4 11••••,t cornrr 4th •s•• I Nlhr.. , t ••• tu2, .ltl.;1111r111."13 \ h ' i ; t 7:1; N " :;:::.N r 1' , Rl.ltR , 1 . / - ..."11 „ • ~ w. " 1” " ! .;• i Voretn1•1•••. Isetp.,,tri• It•••••• Out, •• t r t,. • • •1. •••••• -• . . . v''bc":; .l `` .. :"':t7'""'!:::`: :.,„,..... —,„ A r".. :, vn. •ad , Flui up 1.. 4..11e1 .114. Man Ins; of 111. L. . I.„, . ,I . L , °nu, Mute tu 110. , r uuntn.• , . :he 1'.1... I ....Ate awl .ti au erne a runr,se. e• to 1 e .r Y.taupor, ...n lo uny pun or Ilte rou Or • 1 . ," n . 1 , ' . .. 11 , 1 t,. \ ~, ,; , . •:, ; `, 1 1, , ~,,:. I V , .• , r.. - I: , N. II C• 1.10,,.... ~,,, . •,• .; :; ,;;," ..1 , • , ' ..' .".; I 1; 'L 'l' ' " It I. i.t 1 Ile Mien • Int 7l " ll ‘ .l . . " to l e ' ; ' 1 ' : ' ,...7, ' ,-:•• 1' I . l ' , „' •-•,'..." ' • ' -: '. l . , r u ' U . :: 1 ►) " ., ' . l'. , 1' , ' :', 1 ,.. ' „ ' ~ :•,:'„: ',...... ' . ‘ ,,: 1 't .',"....." '•„' . 1 : ' :, ..-•,• nurlnnu , ' & I •• I •• • ' •• I • '.. ' .'" .' . ' IT, r.. 1 : 11 . 11:11 ‘• :•,111 ,M :1 ttr.. ;L . ., V . • •1 • Va 1,..r e'ul, I.:incise. Hem y 111 ~....tuy . u.s• 11111 1,, ;.yel ly 11 s. 111,2 e... s, n', ‘ „, ... Usististruen'• Furnishing Warela.m•t . r I .i , r il r ~ . .., ,i ~. r `..l i cr , , i . - , • t I r rr : ~,, \ J I 1, . 1 . .. , . .. 1 . . , kl II ..1 : .t MI •••10.,‘ . 41 H ER R I C K &. SCUDDER, 9) William strcrt, New lark, 1 ) ' '''')\' " "" ... k ,':.`' .. I " . "'"ii r it'"'ill'A" , " , 'NA.'"i'; . ;NI A ,iiriPi"- ,rl ;Pa l ,.'L . -i:',', 'H' ,;I',i ,' ' i ' i ''l.:' . k ' .I I:: •, W. 1 .‘1„r:!: \ ‘,1.,.:6,.7:.,;,..." ', •.:.. .1 ' '.,!::, ‘,‘,.:':,',",','..."" 1..111 , •u p,1,:1,- e'l , l I.n. II ,•;: 1 , I- It I\sl , n HinyISON A.' %WV:11,111K.. ,, - ‘1,,51 .. I'r,' I• I '5l Il:F ~ ..• ~,, •• •• -- •. _ I,SIZNIEN:S...I. I /'.1.• • 111\•• I 1.,1.N gre,..1,1- , lIANIni6IO I IIII I ' - ', ~, ,1 1.11'.. 1.11 hl ! e el 11•.:\ I/F.IIS. In .1111A/1.'.1,„k e ‘te Ths e1...v.. cm,. w.'l. 011 r I Jtr. ~ a . Pik . •••• • OWILI ..r only ennuenve este.t..e rt. , . 1., I :,., I ',en.. Our long expenruee ..‘ .1e 1, , , I• • • I IV, .110 , , , .1 ••• r•••-• •.• •• I- • •• V , It 1 . ." /11,4 1, ~ t i of is h .s ‘ lu . ca w en.:r . n . ,..g z , , , l ‘ l ct n , t , e ,, t ‘ r , ..... , ... , : . c .: ,, ... , ur . . „ 11 , ::: ., .. , r ,,, , , , ...; 1; . -11 , . , 7‘ l , 1.... •,.,-, ~.. t 1 . „, , , : 4 ;1 ,. . \ •!• , ; ,, ,: ‘ ,...;.. 1 , ,i i ii , , , , , t ,, , , ,.. , i , k . ,. ... ar ,.. Ihn esanot he ourpu•eeti by rnly huun• .11 the ed, j 11l It I, I . . l'l.l I 11 , 11 . 1.:1',..--neerive..l lut• .1, "r"''''' ''''' 1 1" ." l ' lT:i ' t ' i ' i ' i . LlN '''' ;: '.l., . l! ; l L tL ' I ' L ' I .. . ir " '" i!,., - ,"-:,`,- 1 .','",',',.....:.,.-j . ;‘,,:.,'.,`, 1 7‘.4 ',`,:;',`:),"."'", \ "."' or ~,,,,.. ua ~% 1111 1 1111 •1, orpn• Ite I . lalt. New ..L.rlc ~,.:,.,, ..., w .,,, h o „ 1 ,„ .. ~,. ,:': 1) ,. DA VLII A 11.401 L, . “., S, ,'' L .... V. • 'll ,, 1.1 1,. 4-11 SLI. 1,1 1,1. . r Ilinn. , u • /..- 1. ye ' netn.Olur SIM ACK leh:T'r .1, VW 111'1 . 14. • 1.• •• __ nti , . . .ni mrL. s, Io I I. DRY GOODS JOBBERS, T'i -- „i'V,1 . :1,..:::.,.,,.., - .',:,.".,.'..';'''" .-. WI W1,t,1) :-.THEI - 1 , . ~.. 1.1:,.‘ • . , 1 I.IIKIIT-I.S An('..,o'd'7,7„l`rt.:,3i',4,tirf-11a,,1,d1i1,.,, 1 ) LANT .1 Il' , Mt it A -,, , ii.l t, rt.. t. ,n ,•;.nt they will ,i. 111 11 0 trn.le at •,.. r. , 1 n• nanwn : . r ~.•1 , „.: ~, ~..... „ ‘• pve enure. Illninlelicrl ,11 I. r,111,s k julll Coy null Country Merrhant , are mvned In coil WM LARD—It ~, l , i r , ~,, r,,,,.‘, 4rrr., ror ..„ ..) r .7.llmfae our sto , k beinre puttlta•i. , .I.ewhere jut, arg ,e, I. my9_ 1'.1 ,4 1 - '.l .1 Hi ,T M 1 0 1t , R . A .... 1 IL' t i 7 . l r lL . l . : ‘, ll t t , D v i. tt 1. 1.1,11,- Ale o. ~..... (3 . R l C l :l , : i i n ' ti . 1:: : :N...• • ••: , 1 - 1 h 11 , 7 , 7 . ; ti , o t. o, ck i a.a . ::. ,, I W 9 11 NIICIIELTREF. ,N 0 Mo.,— . I.• • t “ •• ~ ,..t. , Nu . 1t . 7 111111 ) ,E-Th.,, „li.. tea. I. (Iv, a0p, , ..s lot Inn l'All seeetal 11,•:,,,,, of (0.. 7 10, cur •n l e r,y pal/ I rat 11.11.... t \LAT ril t.WS tk CV ISCELLANEOUS._ GENTLE D* EN'S FURNISHING GOODS. , C T , / u/ll 0:7 r VilifOßK V9l JOUR sTIAMBEIL„, Importer, Manufacturer, and Dealer In SHIRTS. CRAVATS. SCARFS. STOCKS, Ho. sIERV. GLOVES. UNDER (O.R:qt.:NTS. SC:WENDERS. BOSOMS, COLLARS. DRESSING ROBES, SHOULDER BRACES , . HANDKF.RCIIIEFS. MONEY BELTS, METALLIC WATER-PROOF OUTS. OILED SILKS. AC . The tactouea of the rub-erther for =porting and manufacturing It, gotida, enable him to aapply hl. ens. tom,. at tne yery tovvr.t nmrket and every clort nil: be made to render It an &Pact ;co niercha,. and dealer, from evurr ..ertiun of the country 10 give a call C. B lm 97 Willtam - Dr. Wirkey'll Celebratedd CHOLERA AND DIARRIICE I MEDICINES. a.. un- ,outtirrn and Enat raw. a do rertto lie Lot o. fork. . tank under In, VIII, and m..timaeint..o. to. or a 1..... ot ovtot.. hi.t. a youor man Ilt , tormg tt attack to -A.,aur 11.1 c, Tnat ••.. exam , 111 , 1 the avid pu.,ent. and email lion to to , to the co . - i inured o( Tr• corimus wa,r Th., we room, ra 1 It 0, Z 1 .151.11110 tler:ared nairrgyrr that we be.irv..rl •aid puocro wa• beyond hone of med. attl In thuueht the p.c.:, would uic, ILIII/ I/111,111,1/ at t!.c Lot , writer rcr,y that the timid Lout. Wiekey pur. •nnu nt, Mode: oi ire:tone,. and :tdruoti•t.,..4 cao:rru Rented. ',q.t.-11, clad It rare oi patient 05 hi tour dr, mc...LI ter th- g0..1 young man wa., work. and pert , , tly C :It D . T R. Ilrrlkr: D I ,er,f, I ~•,:rd rl.rofmon,fird< ' Lolrrnun- Ur LO l\ keN. RIO 1)1111 bell( Vl' 11fie rel lotn. NA. - of : . 41/arl :4J. I. ‘Va•ltingtnti Count). to rem, that I um wg:t acquat,,,l swt , tt the mrtt Imse, thr rmruhrtstrm tel Dr Lout. t% the) are mett uttt•itY Ir. ,r.ttotont smtemmt Iteteunt , ulmerMg my gm! gang mtl of n.IoM thm lour ,,:h tint ot Nom twort, etrlttern hutoircd mid mirtt tort g II WII.I.IANIS. \ .ttlot,ton I'outtt tturyt., •••Y • pr t.;.•••• ~,,, •ut Cholera. to tho ra.c of no appro ..., to too 11.1ttrt...r• tot,or.••• tn town ( tlntre town oa• or. toh-tt, caYr• 01 A•lat.o Cho . o rho- wat, t• oat ona. rolti rmoiety •• ,•: to ort, rtnu I to•ntul••••• •••••-1, •..trf••! toy r.t.v • ',Ch. at.a A•artionn I •aw atm Per. a• In Dr 0••••1.ry atol proyent :no adtonns- Ira., • t .:•••• nr•-•• ot 11101:11.1:1C. and •ao hat r t.r.aloo ttort•f Attondatt, of Dr. Wlea , t • • • .••• .• at to he ellor to attend to and wont to to. h•Yv day • nlll •ute . tork oroloottio•l.ut tto•tht•oto adult/11,d by Dr a‘.:Sey W liott.a•tt pat,. NI I) Etta wt.,. 'tor an , ernittio• 111 IVlrkel . n Cl. lora .1011% U Nlt/ftly.raN. Lltogn.Y. ,ul. •-.tot or.; Inn? I, nw thanaond al ey. .t W. 't% ALLACE, • • • rr , rt Ri.II hRENCII l<lllll [NINE I .nd NIII.I. RNI , III`.• ,Att Lthr rt, twttr the l'tititt II ‘I ... o • • L,,t, Fur,E•Ling er, llMlENliiii Plet•btargh IFlte•rsz 31asble Work. Mu; • SI 9 , 11 T ?I'll fIISKS ~, ,, , .., , , ::, 6 , ..,., :, ..t0 . 5 .. ., ,,, z it, ,,, 1 )3., CI It l' 111 , - lot ••11.: no r purp, r.sIEN r A Aft,• 0.. ,azt 111 =IIIMI DR. W. D. DA c ' t 611 1,11N11,1' F.oslors for Sale. • lo TRBBPORTATION &c, 1549. f lika;l4ll and ..Eri• itzpress Packert Line. R.G. PARER. Beaver, Propnetor. r 1 H E new and eß•gant raosenger Packets. NIAGARA. Cam II H Jeffnes, PFINNSYLVANI2i, J H Hatte:re, LAKE ERIE. " M Trub), QUEEN CITY, J McNally: Forming a dad) . Line bl:l,rtrll Beaver and I.>m. how; COMUTlttlerli runntag, and will conttnue daring the 4ea .1./1 to mat c t.rtr reettlor trip, .leartng Beaver t.ti,er the orrtvni of them orntne boat 'rota h•t.t.nrgh, clock, r , and arrive Ene in tune for ra..errer, al- morning boat, to Hadar° or an the Thereto ;hrouth Erie and all Lake pon., e „,, had lip application to JOHN A CAUtIIIEY, Aet. rorner of Water and Strathficid ar GEOROE KEUX, • ,, tl,on I,,,der the St Charles Howl riero. Ns..—The ..tenmer THOS. r Gorr, i.vdl (.0011.11, Monday, May 7, to r from the old rin.enwood Landing. un foot or Pm et, to the Garden. leamog at n o'clock, A. n.. and at each een hour until 9 O'V lock. r tnp from the Gar devn at to r The Saloons are supplied with al the damseles of la Retool, Tea of 6 o'clock. The Garden, with large collection of Greenhouse Plants. Dahlinna, An nual I'4,a Plant. and Shubbery. ro The eofortab/o wharf boat Greenwood, wt.; IK placed at the Pitt street landing nay 3 - DR. D. lIONT, Dent. Corner orrourtlt and Decatur, between Market and Ferry 141/0.11. acpl : dlytn G. W. RIDDLE, REMOVED to a new three story bock :+rnithheid street. one door below Styth atreet Te , th in erred (row one ton, .et. on the , nenon rut uple. with a bemo an! rrpr. , ettiati-n ibe natural gtllll-1,401 . 11111( ale 0na11,X..011110 01 the turf N ll.—'re-In Dernved reeth pertnenettity .aped by plugging, pro ve tne tooth Or tte whtrh much better than eu• ro.g tt though It .110tIld arc dons 1,. Inc minutes, or arat'l Y /a.mrolgi ALTSINIVirI EICAIFIC & ATKINSON, - - F. 2, ,et - rwm, Woov - •ao 1l Lororr, l'rrronvooli lONTINUE fooooleou, all COITER TIN AND IRON WAR)... A 1.., Vinci, sow iL Work. :+perio, ettleitilon elven to Dor. Hove oh oando filIC it.o.ottEntto "(Copper and Brea K•ttlr, Warr, te kr. Straro . ..oar Couknur Stonea, l'ortalor Farce-. ^lro" - v,,r ronverueu~ a.- Orli . tor Arramt,rato. Caufornra matron.. or rail rood co pmonle• it e would reopcctru ') lov , te ,corn boat men nod ortter• en] , and .te our 3 / 1 1,..:s arid prrce• puret,4,no el.c.vhere •o 7 Great English Remedy. OR Court, ,onlo, A.Ollll, 6/111C011.1111JU011! Tb. F I.REAT AND O,NLY \ for the cure of lhl3 above., IA The HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF LIFE. di.roverrol by sire celelornted Dr Duch., of London, England. and •ntrodue,d into he I...orted under the loorn , dlote oupenotenernee or the • • • • • • - The extraordinary au to too of di. medic o', in IN. care of Pulmonary thseasrs• orarrttnts the A.merteen Agent soltettistr, tor treatment `ht. worst Ntssatte ea st-s that eon no round to the codur.vady —C12,1 , that so•nit rr;lef ,n vain from any of the COlllllOll remedies of the day. and Itave beet, gist - It up to . the most tbsunptishell foltyste,ans as ttonftrnitol and incur:ils. 'the flange, an BOAXV. has cured, and will d t re. the most despervui of cases. It is no quack nostrum. Llat a standard Eng lish earthed,. of known utdlesolonshed nleaey. MIIIME=IE=I! •. . • Every fatroly 1,1 the Untted Swot ahould be .applied watt Ittit.lttan's Hung nrun linhoun of L. not only to counteract the con.mptive tetleneo , or the but to Le tt.ed prevelitive tvedirtne to e.!' eag, of colds. cototh•• tyttung 1.:ootl, pato in the sio,,nd ehr ,ritn.ttert and•of IC. loop, brorAtitm of !,,a•il (eve,, ntglo event, otnnef autm a:td gei.^rat dcLll,ty, aatlonu. inßuenza, anoopirkg eouelt and eeottp Bold in large hooka, at ttl per Outdo, with roll dire. 1101111 for the testr.mton of health. • Pamphlets. coota,notg n LIIIVOC 0( EOVI.O and Amen• ono ortmlicate.. rind elll, mdener, 'd:m.lllg the an. coo-ailed Mtlll, of don great Remedy, may In obtained nl Arf . nO , eruwnouniy For •,tle by .1; A FAIINESTOCK h. Co., comer of co And Wood and Wood and oth ,ogdAyoS_ 7 ' tte . *uh*er,orr rr.r.,.tfuhy inform, Li* mend* and the Ihnt hrl* now prepor.n to recrave nod roe • toetr oltl-r• ot*pntrtt and in la< .no,t •ut,* and ta*Monabl , manlier A, t• ierntinril to do on Ili, ca-h •y•trot. ht fiat -••,• Itims•-1 tuat 1, 'or! beal to do work n. cheap I. run , On, ut any 1,1.11,1111i111.<211 Ult country. •zo. .• varied. Looptittotg of C.ll.llllCrtA. Brow, veLy.ll .* mend. nre reorntrtfu:- , y Inn theio,tre.• Inv ti Ott IiEoRGE ARMOR. 0 , ler,lgn ,Le .ow,co. FT re ,. . u -• NEW f 1 .1 RUTS ARE. STORE. 31t:\ T/IF. PLAN!: AND SAW TM W 1310.1 • r Pittsburgh. I AND I-MAN. Itiyorte, and deeOrri . I ••• grid fIARIIWARE, ttt a are Low prepared sdl tn. - end on at. rea.,- , a , ...1 , 11R• ,1311 purehsoa-altkewherr. r• •••our t .1 , 1 .. pub. vtl,rally. to ,a•• titt •. our tock. coust.L. In part of ti .1 I Ittd PEN tit , ”IDLAii.. RAZtrlitti, Mout Trimmings, ••• EAL , I,•• lit,c• and S.-m. 0., torther 1.,• ..• ta , Ltt i•nroettotrt anti Nievitoott., :or a -amt.., otnave Lren to ~. • t a. .n et, iau• voitti.k.wT EMI= `111.: undertmt.,-.1 lla rr rtrt m,l wort. In tLeetty DI ]r. , ori. ohr purpo, I.:a/Var.:, mg C:1 ell m h.: 'cm r raom K. r • r. . grprm Sptates, .r. h.r h and y oflo r exhiew ...Ipct, may he II.Kop• for Va.,. mlittau, gopr mr Clntort log PM-I, Itwl., and A.‘ott of otper app,p,atlop. lor cheap ~,.I rsr mro.M.l , y ca 11 harm.. to mr it ..,11) no. ru, ' , amt. Me prrarrvetton h.• .1 mach i ltp.partnner. mat /I ...LI! roommou to tor pour, p 01. More. intricAmd. I pp . , P. II MOLLEWOOL) 8. CO., Patentee., 0pt1. , -.12. wt . ; .1 , 1 In gray., Vor`, DRY GOODS AT WitoLlEsALg. IS MI 'hc. MVP,. Iht• uttention of me,- „ nr, supp, ot •• .trrrl, Of • INEEEEM I 1 • t ♦ \ =II 111 • 0,1k1111: ••ort I oi Co , • 1111 111 . 1IF:il 1..11 L1. 1- NIA,,, BEVEIN For 61 = reenwg;K,W1 Glanien GEORGIC ARMOR. MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 46 Market Wee!, ranlacti Tin •Plateig. ,rn ,ar.c. rrrrlrr to. and trr .1, "IT cy t ..4.1.1n ern! rrorrr nu.a.len .a rr.• ilran cent .rtrar mrrtril non, ur...d . - rn nru, !ratter n 1: r . .inaL repntre, wet:,, 111 , REIVo011.1 Co., i; a ' l 'rtcl. New l'l :k TON PAPICR MILL. •1 NMIEIEMI .1%;1• , :IN In, Ens: NOS. •er- .1 at it, Tr , • rta t;R,l:`: A,t t, NI) 41 t 5,r.,1 a 1d,1•vre.... It,rat tit We %VC,. % . 13 11. ~111 I 6'i g ugo +.1 .4 4 I:11,6 II polk. Facto for the Public, 1.. tn. larrul) VILLEI'S .11.1UICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR 'c L. 12, 1,11! n.. 1.1 op,o•r•I to quec. ,0..1 from tne - King of - I krll .4.111‘ . , , 1 kr lender rt. .t, `I,Vr .1 11.0 I trnl, Lri illy precut . .., and tlll,, a ~ F oderfu. cart, 51,.0 could po• J 1(r" , .. 14 Ihr -ert,or pnrt.tet or Ills X 1., NI, I- /fa xrl otafory ru 171.6..,"1 ovt.• tr•limontal ome, irom 4ource Inn. and 01. kwr \%,.•t-rti w, r• Slr 1 , •• and lavoral , /, kutran rarl.,•burg 11.;101.d to 1• • ho -c I,el'l E... . A prtl 13, Int-lt) Fo 11 , nry llittin .`nnt —:tr. Ilavttng tort 111',y I•rrn OiIK n ecl h 111111111t11.11•411.11 . ) . W t. I I a t tottnn, -rained unt uti .t nary ointo ,n,.-tt• no a ittl, , tlt VC, WWI rottonnn o I\\ns oolnott a trn ott. I.ttotnt rtton .ntntint in... antl 11 h., ‘••., lit. ".• ••' n• • • ~ 1•J Jlr .~i ~ 1.a.~.~. .~ ~ r ~ ~~.. i ~ ~unl„~ Jan 11 . 1 t• 'llrrY n,.p5..1.1 , 3er• (..rmr,l • ‘1.11• , I th, It u• the Faun 014,41. I- lira, • of n dutrd. Ilctxovr by Sn. 19,1-14 I ititve IEI,I )••tir ett, la ..•4 0, •• 'lto. :10•0 h.••tr, yo•arl• re. 1 M louN. ‘,l ,011. d• ,t•re• Ilt•• • ••en Erupto,•• C• 0•, to,••••• 311•1 ir• w0r.t!..r,1 propetsw% • 1•01,vn ' t.lO .• •.•,• ralne pro. ~,, that )ot, ,• I r•-•-• I•0n• 'roc,L thr gcnatnr. =MO Llt.ll f - is • ban riinstond a lot of L,amps 11 of veriottA at«, :tad hinds, of a OEW COLlstrtlCtiOn. loot I. gone mob, ui.d complete—so.. ~ W LI• 1.0, the tai burn in Went callaor... “Burning Fluid. or Eta. riit, 4. I. It has ruse qualtuns which renounced 1. to the attention of awam awn. bowl and Lou, Iteopv, for cleanliness, eCODOCUT, or tilittanny. aurormana arty tinny portable now it. tow. ho plena, to nail on us anti he altosn pecullarillts of tit.. new compound. Supply of in Fll,l and Lamps kept by SCAI FE A. ATKINSON. Fuel • ft tut it •a., tr, t pl itStwncri Wood rind kfarket 1 TASSEN r STA ft b BAL.:at/NI—IS dn. - • • CSI - I IL., - 4.1.1 ortim In Ihr otventor, 11)11\ M4IIICIAN, I•ll,sburzh •• ••,,•I•tr_, Alieghen, A,ent; / thik .r. J•••‘nt• John. , • MI) ••••1 , ! , , is) • , 111,11,, inrpot • .• !iurni 4.1•• C •It mot ••• t n• fail.' extr,ll4 \':, I, , I "ziILMS-5003 pieefs for .D /Ye KIEV h JONENI HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, &o FOR SALE, A VERY desirable residence in the boa) rough of hlanetnrster, adjoining John Dow. sing, TN The Lot to a corner one. fifty feet host by one hundred and ninety feet deep—with a two aory Douse, ihrenty.five feet front, with too palms, dining roots; and kitchen on first boor. A cornrowe boon. stable and grapory. and the lot roll of chotec frail trees, .11 in ennd order. Enquire of the suborn. Ler. Lumber Merchant. A:teghei city. int,lAselfT /NO YATTERSOb.f. Property tn Allegheny Cliy fni I , HE sub.:Titters oder for fate a prtmber of chows Lots. Lute. in the Strettdd Ward, fronting on thy CULII4.O:I . - oun. .on easy testds. Introttre of W 011 Ft.t fItINSON, A tty Las, ts,s ethsr or of JAS ROBINSON on the premrses mTl7,lkrrif T FOR SALE, — .11 A bo o 'toned Dore nog Iloo.e, being M. • recant! boo. troro Fenn ntrcet. en Snyder. Roe, on Hoy .treet. Inunedtate posse. ..ton wul bo utvett b . .llqtliTO DI . DAVID RITCHIE Attorney ft Loor--orbee on Fourth wee,. betvreen Cherry alloy and Groot &trent. HOS,,du FOR RENT, FOUR... taro story Brick Dwelling Houses, well finished and in comp/me order, on Center Avenue, Ytki Ward. Possession given July Is& Hen , mw Erin to re of JOHN WA IT & CO, JO , comer of Liberty and Hand sta Fretuaircitii - AND L Old Rig gai. E undersigned offers for sale in fir Kean county, Pa, 1400 arms of well timbered LAND, with an eacellent Saw Mill nearly n; and two new Frame Houses, one 41 feet front by 4 ew 7 hack, the other 37 feet front ny 41 hock. Also, good new frame Rasa, thirty by forty feet The .11 and land are situated four mlles from the Allegheny river, A great deal of PINE TINIIIER of the best quality, and also a vast quantity of Me very beat hemlock. A lso, imminent on the bank of the Allegheny, near .1 cove. most admirably Keepe ed for rafting. where lumber can be rafted on the me in winter. and be perfectly nee from all freshets.— prip e t-thism, or es nit acre. Terms easy. Will take 1111C/1 cleared small farm, with good honor and or- H uard open it, al part payment, if toestion ts mumble, and tic halatier in lumber, or as may be agreed on This 14 3:lr ro• I.m opportunity for tuathennig, and the proliabi , ity is great that in two or throe years Mill provr rly will double tie value, In consignee.° of Hs proximity to •he ;New York and Erie Railroad. Tim ber saline:it to wear out several saw mills—and 14,- r rat intil sites on the stream which runs nearly through the e of the land Alma; fifteen acres In gray& 1111, to rtm haniing ,umber from mill to rives. Trout end gams in uhundnace. For further particu• 10,.. 11111 i post•paid.l P 11. TEMPLETON, tit I,ald..•ti) , ...cite office, PIU/Sbl3l.lth• T HE •ulmeri..ers win •ell at priante. gale., thorn Iwo a.unhle o , stinaten.l on Tomato at,. •he v Thin! Word oi Allnghetty City, eneh haring a nom of :,•0 feet. I back 10 feet in depth to a2O feet niley, upon wh.,Th tot built a Alone wall, 23 by IcIU lees. u-htrh eontaina stone enough to build cellars ion two roinfortahh. lwehing 'wow, and nt front tinnrn ale gin, rhode line., of , year., growth, and the *Lae wn't la paved will. hetet, on of which will be Apia at elekt. Pittnburgh and Allegheny, or County Sally. bn talc,' in payment. J t It PHILLIPS, Na 3 Wood at, or to VP.I IICNnUN, toun,diately opposite raid lute. TO LET, THE Dwelling House on Third Arcot, above Sonithfin ueoupied by the (Orally of the late Dr. A. N. Nl'Dowwl. l'oesuseion given en itte let 1.1 July next.. At.o. mune tarp to aground en the Ninth War 6, hetncen the Fdth Ward :IA Croghansatlle, mutable for law., yard.. WM. NI. DARLINGTON, MIMMig oALK—Fts lute shot sastate - titt r TOWU nf Out:meeker°. The le" .e entle• tad en Do tTnue street. numbered F linesman's plea 75, 7n -tt. and -I—Lot No 75 (maims:hi fooled la. .Satt .troet. tent deep, the other hoar 20 feet from eeeh, by AP feet deep. Tr f--(ireater port or r•lrchase money luny re mwq ;or our.. accored by mortgage. FRI paAtia tCIIOI EN, knoiulre of D , Ylo I ID oecond st ValualiteUoisi — L - nond toe bale. • - • A ROUT mar ntu;e• above Lock Nu. 2, at the nitwit ji a: Picac RIM, Monongahela Loot. The Coal is of the very beet quality, and easy of access. Any number or item. totenty•tive to a hundred, might be 01p-toned de.trous of purchasing, can cell on WALKER REED, on the premises, or Wen Recd. oppostie the Post office, who will give any in -10171111.11 concerning Ire properly. The above will be aubl at great bargain. tnylg)tdOm rill) LET—A good buck dwelling Ileusa, situate on .1. Robinson street. Allegheny. D:Mutre of tnylo 200.0310 N SCIIOYRR pc. P Volt SaRIP-L - A lot o7groond .10010 on-tVehtter street, 23 rent from High street, feel root on Webeter, by -0 feet tee five feet alley —yttrieloo to new court house Puce $O3O. Terms, V.lfin , ash io t hand; balance tn e, two, three and four yenrs Mom the hen of April lash l'ounty and City Scrip taken for mull payment. le more of myl6 S SCHOVF.II. 110 second at tlOO /Lotus Coal Lund gob Mule, ITU r on the :gone:limb ela river, about 16 miles: 0 from rat et orgh and 3 miles above third Lock, la me ootnediate neighborhood of Mesons Lyon h Shorb, and Sir. John !term'. purchase. This fine body of Coal Will he sold It the low price of ft per aare—one third,' hand, balance an five equal annual paymenm, ,t interest. ~.ThUe sadmputable. Location very good—yaiteet be surpassed. For further particulars enqu.r , et S. BAL:3I.,EI', who has a draft al sold(npe (here st,below Forry,Mr.Adaans'ltow. N.., There as another seam of coal on this Matt. abem eAl(eet above the Mama, of excellent quality. 26:dtf S . 11, - Valuable Building Lots for Sale. .111.,rilrers are rrollortneed to Ofrier at private andepos lughly favorable terms, a - number Jr Budding Lots, comprisong a lose portms el toe Le:, numbered 67, 6s, 69 and 70, In Woo,: General P:an of the Cary of Pittsburgh, situa ted at .1,0 motto eastwarilly tomer of Penn and ‘Vayne .orcr,•. 210 met on the former, and extending ong :he latter meet 600 feet to tae Allegheny river, and beteg a part of the Real Katale of the late Jame. d,rrase4. A p,adi or subdivioun of the above Lots, In confor mity ..1,11 which it is proposed le sell, may tes seen al she ether of the undersigned, no Fourth, between Star , )at aod Ferry au. my') Valuabl• U.. 1 Hat.ti ftor Sale. •nd offer the beroegh of river. • o ff ered for t a le ou aceomnaotlating , ternat I ot.itanste sob-divielon of Lot No itUrtia the phut of Ih i rity of l'lttabursha haying be) feet front on Se 'remit .treat, by tin tett to Strawberry alley rear brat. rue, 10 ono arc Lao fronting on an Avenue, 64 feet r,,lng (rum I:esecr rood to the Ohio nye, ed. a o., o 4a C!on, eIIARLES U SCULLY, nr JAN Burke, theilding, 4th et Yuloabl• eroperty or Solo, I ;r!!.: NINTH wAßooe eITrSBUTIGH —Soy. el sad Ltherty utroots, In tho If, by and at:Jo:out the pruposed tut "...owl. Sur trrnin Inyetre of B. SCULLY, or J A.NIM 011 tILA, •rua Buricu`a Uuildht, rth st • TWO ROUSES. AND LOTS FULL ISAC k e s, F‘Vt I 1,4,r. , 0:1 I:enver loc.. in theetty e t zeetty, ',tee mt. tipper Commons, on which ,• • . ••••••t :rd,,/ • ..,Itng, two atm tee high, smlnblos tor JAM tenetuctm• The tots •re each twenty teet •et .t • et, 11111/li r-d tem deep, and ran be to 4 torty welts Tile nuts hogs on the pre t.. nay a 0, o haunters:to interest on the inveinj , s .t coper, wit, be ',MI cheap for cash. Apt.,J 11 . C.CI 01050: U....3.•1 to KAY A Co tornr r f , It . .: 4_ 4lu t z. r ted ,„ tr r id:e r tt ro le m e PitU- For runner parve ,rt 1,1 •: or to A ASIIINGTON, 1.11. at.rt, ttrmtthtiold st W A 1t.): ,, ft1: - .EEr it SA t.F2: - Ptio;ub.erttrii .:.• ,roo •turr brtek Warehouse AVM. WILtrON, 3r. REAL E,TATE ON PENN STREET I . t, it r. —.k I.ot on ttrottatd .ttuate on Pets t.ett Hut i. 1.1 .Marbury ittenctts, atbuituttiq A ,t by R,rti Ltr a E c .. r d, - tt. •ne:ptli 150 feet. ,11 be • ftt, ti xcepuottaltte. En • C I. u1(13) 414 In ; Door Weal. n I f CEEMI2 A DI:AIR to y , at, n s.:;Z ' no r. d . •Inqutro of s / I) ,N LLIA ll° woncesi Ft,. the aeccmd otory, No In•Z, t` lit a. SURUIVA.L 010FION, N.. t.I. DIAMOND ALLEY, • is A. do, below Wood street, to - 4,,1„%if . , run:tel. DR. DROWN, having bees r..,{ ^ eJacated to the medic• promvoon, 611/ beet, for mine Urn* general practice, now confine. Ina anent on to the treatment of mogc pnvate and delicate cool nor whim, hu opportnamt • and expencime peculiarly quail • _ , I I years aaatiltioully tlevotid to at, dy s anmoucht of . tho,, complamta,(dunn, arhleh time lie he+ Lot more proeuer. and haa eared more r l ti,nt, thn., cver life lot of arty private p tition aniply quell , . net to oder assurances itnrmonent. and ..14(hclore nitre to all 5i.11004114 with itelicate ea en. all art,tag many from • Dr Ilrocra would 1.4(01111 those afflicted with penfahlt Joie/ire* which have ':cram- cdronic by tune or aid gra , tied if the uae f.t any of tar summon nostrums t h e it if, .I,IMI their complaiuta coo be radically and those ough.y cured; tic having giVrLI hi. careful attention to the i•eatment of sot h each., and •aeceeded in hundreds of hi •ffleces in curing Twrions of tadatrimation of lb* arc: of it, bladder, rad Studied diseases which oftail VIAY.I [rein tnefie ea.e• where ofiter• have consigned tiopefeits despair. Ile partirtdarly invites ruch afi have th-eit long end ausuf-ce.rfuily treated t. 7 when to :fins,: tam, H:1,1 even •1111.1aft101/ will he (Ilion thf•th IHHI Lieu a tariiftd. thorough and L litan...ige:itter, painted out Ilya long rapenoneo add avfirtir n 14... which h hriposatble for dm. pid hi pr aefice of tacit chic give en in.. of difwaae • ; - 1/. cr 11“pture aro,. wc.:l 11 , ...,4 to ca:: 4. pni•l pnr .W.00,1[0 ll= •••• •ez •7,,b; of a dunen+e, by e Oil the •ympl for use, by NI ~ lb.. past paid, end • H E rum —l-M Brown', newly diwomeremi reme dy tYA • •eee ly remedy Wr •J• moi I . rivateßooms, No. 66 Die crlcti I . lt , •bur^ , T.... Doctor ug elorayli at i , T)II thoir and the public that they hays, L a., .0.1 01:11. irc eaubLeh n i't illLire.Xer. 'WV 1104161110” 10 Lhf. rOniT .0: I:11 ‘'.. mrl.•A rP wA 1'11111. , --Jutt creel yeti from Ltreroool, doer 1 a very tote lot of Gold and :Meer Patent Lever. %V n•r het., made c pter , :) , to order, by onn of the beat into It f,117411,111 ettorbltehtnente in Flagland. A ~,. a rtai . Ql., 11...101q01,11 01 1110.1/01,11../.llJ,E"ich" (Nat aad 11% er Wotel,e., from 151010 511 D, l' , ltold Chn,t, Key., .5e4P. 1 ALC.. alfl W W WILSON, Welch Talker, all ,corner Fourth ono Market eta. [rya] J CO. CI fo r,.:A A Nt EDI rINV,-01:767.¢4 C r . ID) tIY•TJ J. JUDO Ir. CO,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers