TiT ITTS V1(14F1 (AZET'E =EI MONDAY MOItNING Jl'l,l' 16. IND rverrive Otis? riAzz i rt• Iv pubhstirid 1 . 11-%Vetk y.. 4 Weekly.—The Daily eeven Doilim per erieem; the Tr, Weekly Five Dolby. per annum; •h Weekly Iv Two Dollar. per annum, rxr4:2l, os erEvve, earit,suy reque,ted b 414 to .ha,r favor. iwrore 5 r and Iss early in the ges so prof Itc•ble. S.lventstm:n. no , Inserted for a 4ysrr3 GO Ulna will I nvnrial.:l he eh:LTD-41 Mad ordercd oat •NTIIIIASONIC AND WHIG TICKET 4 er,Arr, WILLIAM IIAiLETT, of Rutter Cow y. •14Wt1T, ROBT. C. WALKER: ol E.Ozobotb BownzE. JOHN IBILLFP. of Sittpllw,th CALEB LEY, ot raw , ..urth WM. E. of Lower mlcerry. OARTER CURTIS, of hubborgh 1M0T110401,1141. O. S. MAYS, of Upper .' • CI et, "mot MORRISON, of Albghoo COVOLISSIOTI.V.A. /AO. MITCHELL, of Peel;o3, • rootoxr.ll ‘rU. M AiRTIII"RS. of rittgLorK AU PITO JOHN BYERS of Fiudl.l. Pot Loenl Matters see next pagef Bee next page roe Telegrephte Neer* 11 - 7 . A H4)l . WANTED AT THIS OFFICE :; Octet & t or correspondent, throttigii Our columne, made an inquiry, a few day a g o,cae what the County C.rmtnissoiners Were dotitetu r deem the out. szrip. Otte of the CduA e• bs. stoners has Moe °tilled nn it‘ and •Ilted that thr•y• are doing alt In their p,..ver for its redemption and the relief of its holders. They havn Ainde in to bear intereAt franc the 19th tr I Apr.! la.i. ono have stone paid uaue nf it out, entice bug it as ac it comes into their possess.on -Toe). .futV,J authority to b.e . rJw ravaey fir redeinnt *Jett will make application to the next Legt,laturgi for that purpose, which ut.lt, no daub!, be pr . J,up'iv granted, when it will immediately be retleerned AS itetnud,, LI is perfectly sone, and better '10.14 by thou silver, us it bears a.x per ern% teletext The County is not much In debt, and, tf Stough' advisable, the who's c told be redeemed En two years by incr,i-ed laxee, hat the Cornutisioner prefer to herrinr the mean':, an f p.ty tt oT:117 Jr greet 1 Y: cannot ese. why VI, readily pass as currency, as :1 is entirely safp,,t.e•r six per neat interest, and ve,:i ho redeeniediait pa villain seven or .s, and ia, tb melantime,'ln demand tor the payment cit taxe and other duos to the c,on•y—sad the quanta in eirerdatton to deny thin, -11vv The Shame of ',mance Meeting a friend in the street. un Saluraeit, the alt-eugronslog topic Naas totrodueed, the disgrace ful conduct of France towards Lcr giblet linpubi c ofßome. Oar friend remarked —`•l eal*.narcei ly boar to think, much less to 'peek, of the con duct of France. It to outrages °Tyry idea a! „tit lice, so trample. up... the t•rtociptes of human to,. dote. that my indignation BO hound:. 0 l feel a loathing and abhorrence W men wards cahoot ex press.- Our fraud spoke arena y, but liel>pty ut tered the sentimentsof e. cry true iriend of human freedom, of every order and acct, wt,o :Table to throw of the prelndicea of education. livery right-thioking man feels that France indingDp-ed sad her people reel it too; and wth a,, t a 'learn retribution Upon the heads of ihoae maJ talv.eeri who have led her Into such a aimmetut era-nj, against liberty The scan,oeote of t tie /lime rtaal people, as uttered by our faecl, hove gtveu taw to the awn-stirring resolutions we gave on Friday and to the fallowing aamtaing I.oes, by the poet C. D. &Maar For shame: 0. Frucce teasu fur :he. To strtke at Rome the de•pot s blow' 7 Than Lousier of Me I. terry, To tun, on Freedom as her ho • ' 4 • 7' Foe same, thou hraggart—'o.vas for thin To lat the voice, and r ht. 11. e me steel, And on the neck of Tyra:dry • To place Wir's rod and gory hee.' For ahem, 0, France Corey,. tdtamo Bo ea Illy hand, and on tby- Thou vtrg u—wed to Freedom. Fame Bot ye.terday— a hart:, now Oppromou'a pimp, and thou wounl.l Hxr lu.s! on I ahttd her iour.l c rouji:V;. Would it I.reat blood bst Ia! oath,' And trample Rod, and Freedom dOw, For sham!, 0. France :ay moon: a:CLIP.. Shall ever bear lit/. Carnmn •hou And never. al pfynrr, %had :1411.191 Thy banner to the .hies ago, For titular a thousand year. of ,harna leave the blot Lot awl., loth, Thou fratrselde—what-'r ttilnleff In thought, to ropo•c. mid .0 vrtl.' CHOLERA RECORD As our telegraphic connecuor. wiqi St. Lou s are touch obstructed, we select more eveosivelr from the papers, to keep oar res‘dt-rs •Infartned ut the terrible ravages of the Cholera in Ibat de toted city. We learn from the Dady Union, of July I, that on the Saturday previous, the tntertoeuts iettwelr e cemeteries in St. Louis, were / 22-53 of Cho/ere. On Sunday, July 1, the interments ta eleycn ce meteries, were I 25-100 of Cho'era. On Monday, July 2, the interments In twelve ceme i tetips, welt 1130-128 of Cholera. The reader ws:l :reed/et- 1 that there are thirteen cemeteries, and many ari probably buried in places other than the rteuler cemeteries. The same paper ban the t lbw ag:— "An abstract of deaths in the e ty of Si. Luau. far the week ending Monday, July it, was received too late Gar this paper. It will be published' In our next. The whole number of deaths' isptl3—,ol Cholera ;ert% those of fire years and tinder,.z3n, A note to the abstract states that the negryga'o et the daily reports shows 911. making a dtdereitee,l From the St. Louis Repubhean or July s-e learn that the interments on Tuesday, Jol 3, wore 130--102 of Cholera. Oct Wedo,day; duly I, the Interment, were 137-106 of Choler 4. Quarantine regulations are strictly entlbrced— no emigrant* being permitted to land, twi praahcan ofJuly 0, says • °There . are now at the Quarantine Ground, one hundred sod one person., nU of. whom arts com fortably provided for on hoard the :teerdheot ho Louis. There are all German., of whom the, were yesterday evening only lour sich,:two wo men end two children. An Englishman landed the Quarantine Ground, d.ed yetierday,:the only death that had occurred up to a late b,6ur {sot evening. Dr. Hotlealer, a German, is reside physician at quarantine, Dr Garrote ..nlinues to perform the duties of health olti,er lie ii6ont.oit . ed at the Montesano House, with n boat kid crew. nod boards ell boats coming from the 'otrfh." Later, and private accounts by tvlegrapii, spear that there is no abatement of the pestilence ? Seat eel of the oldest and moat respectable pti*sicians have died. On the 12th, it 13 stated, ein;;he au thority of a private dispatch, that there Skie death. When it is considered that no ect;.'grapis are permitted to enter the only, and that 'kg pop. tattoo iagreatly diminished by removals anddeathA . Mt. mortality is truly :rightful—exceed:fig any ever before beard of in America. Truly St, Louis is passing through the fire of aal:chon. ' The SL Louis Repul:eican of the .6th, Nan Übe following: CHOLLAA AT Pnat:.—Tne officers of the prince ton, and other boats, on Wr dur4.lcy and yeeterdny, from the Phnom Raver, report the fo:lowlng:rleatha et Peru, from Coolera... On Priday, June 19th V On Saturday, June 30,h On Sunday, July 15t.... ........ 10 The P. and all the other boats In. up to this writ. log, left late Sunday evAnti.g. The dtsestlifwierb had then attained thechheracter of an ect44eorb., was thought to be on the Increase. At all the other towns on the river, Ware had been but few eller, At Peoria and Peton, nut above two or three deaths, and the tanner place is reported remarkably cleanly and healthy. _ ; A Mr. Davis, a well known citizen of Penni, d a of the disease. The town of Peru Is stud to btil nearly deserted, and on Saterday.the 30th ult. these Were but two or three merchant. dotos Ltustden all others, including shop keeper+ of every hind, hod ..„;,•tteir doors, and left for the taterior.l a sate paper says: We regret to learn from the officeri of 1h94 leak Scott, that T. J. Smith, proprictgr or thruiliarf boat Sam Dee, at Cairo, died of Cholera o 1 Man de last. They also Stale that there were eleven oll.relve cases in the town, ten of which proved fa al2; There Were reports of the existence of the disetise at several of the towns of the river bilween That point and this city, and at the village tit W,extern berg eight or tau persona' had died. The same paper hiss the following. The meaner Aleck Scott arrived Mb, Morning from New Orleans, which place she 'left; on the evening of the 29th tilt, with between 140 and 150 Gofll3llll emigrant.. No death* occurtbd among them to Vicksburgh, but from Mere to the Quarantine Ground, eight or ten died About four o'clock thla morning she was boarded by the quarantine Officers, four miles below the city, and Fithout the least hesitation Capt. Swors omplied with their i pstruot i coe , an d ptAx.,j an or the The Court House, In Cincinnati, was destroyed grantsitogethet with their ba*age and effects on Iby Ere on M oday evening la,t. It was an old board the bivimpr St. )Ruin, tpn t ca,el : erected in Init. The .Recorda for the-purpose of .receiving rod landme'ilt who we re reef co.. hesiet the pmeeetene Quaranti ne I saved, and the people reed) rather rejoiced, than Itegulati96. A - sett time itevi.eas to reaching otherw, that the old , unsightly Loading Is gone. the Quarantino PrOund, four persons were buried from the Smu t , and soy,t - lAtib ers were taken Frriirw Marnew AT Cocaou —Father Math ieu.. heg in no 4.Pde.*conditikia Her atr'‘'''"' ew c.:ehrated high man. on Sunday at be. Pine's port the warners:Atlantic, 4 , 91 04;,a, and Vatrick church, Barclay Bt et, New York - , and aterwards Heurrin port:all or which will bring art more or lets emigrants. Th e Boeob Vista wan paean delivered an adobe. on the gospel of the day. with several hundred on bosrl. i • containing an account of the miraculous feed. Our telegraphic accounts keep up daily reports tag of the penile by the Saviour. The Herald of the cholera in Cinciniro, tty which it is 'gee that the mortality is not 4batlng. . The Palette, of Wednerwhiy July it, hat the . 71ollowing interesting statement, whieh icertai§ly skiffs dreadful mortal- try allOWTY4 ' rliktY S rIIIII4AY. - 1) at. Mg this , letter part oftte wqek •ending July 9ih, there Was conaulefable 141:dement in the prevalent epidemic. The areathecwas,ew arm. with frequent showers, and Several heavy plunder IVITIII6 In the setlowing otstemen: we.i•lve the tturhl'er of interments froM day to tirty...ed • Omen I on. Tuesday, July 3J... .4...t227 33 Wednesday , " Ith .130 53 Thursday • " stn, " 134 h ' .57 Saturday, " '7th, . 4 3 Sunday, 6th,.:...t , 74 , 30 4 Monilny. 9th, • 475 0 5.T.3 Total number let the iiiersc 1022 Of the 722 cholera Intermoruts ,504 were in MY cemeteries used - by tbe fo4mgn ,t i ripulatt.,n 50 were in the p tield-4' the aggregate 1022 interments, 7213 *ere itiknii 'reign certirteries -59 in the ' , otter's field ..3Fo*the three weeks end ing July 9th, the agreesi,lie tmotber of interments was 2530. • The Cincinnati Enquiier, tit the tollotving story of a man ta Coveyton,.felso,iton Saturday 71a Last, when no what was suppose:l hit death bet, sent for e Physician and mile him the tollodung pro. •Ition.' 4 1-le agreed tdit,ve the biaetor three thou./and .10'lar,, if he would rerrore tem to health, to be de (-Lied by three citizens of Cokingtott—hutif he died. tile Doctor was. to pat thrie hundrei dollar, . to •ocl' tie, (unknown) he should name In h'" will. Three thousand dollen. was es much as his life was worth. 'he doctor would not ac cede to the term, in /ilark....cirei tattle, but finally compromised in• writing ho Iwo theassed dol lars it he saved tattooed if not, fie wed 19 have no fee." We have pot heard'en.heiher the man died or not. • The . Board of health,! Lily ton report 5 cholera death, the 7th. .and nu& Sukilay. The interments at Louisville for Saturday and Sanddy were 14, el*l.lcta 3 or 4 were °hole: a: and k were children.!Onof the latter wan only three: 'days 01,1. • At piashville,Tharsy,oci the Sin, there were:s:a interments—all of ch'oleri.; and on' Friday there were:two inte•ments, 7 l 7 ont%Can I cholera. According to the I.4.x.inOton Observer or Satur day the 7th, the cholera Mill been more ina.ignara in that etty the preciadinis few Jay•lhan at ny time.neretorofe. Thetauciber tit - deaths from Turn day morning to Friday 'eveililog,.at S o'clock ,woo Theirs in mtic6 sielinejss lei the eountky in Fayette county. . 7 At Irvine, the vuunly s.iTnt of Efol/ Coon y, Ky right cases Led aseurt!rd, t inl which neviu teranna tad .fatally. • Al Madison, la., 5.41.1 ray and Snnday,ti death. iroa'cho:era. Toe Lafayette ifs. al of the 6141, an noun nes the appearance of ti.e. ;k .hora tintcity, and re voriii3 death.. ' At. Brooklyn ten' h. , tee etas .1 five deaths The nurnGer ?;I death.. donna' Inc week ending on the Was twen y four. Tote' Enna the breaking out of (he thaense in May, sev enty'fi. • e Brooklyn kitg!e: says that several s` bete cases of cholera; hate occurred at the pen:- teatiary There won one death there by the license 4 , riday, and'another on. Saturday. 'r At Buff.lo on the lth,'ihßevh easci and three detiihs were reiolrletft ; At Rochester, on he 'lth there w ate two eaws The Bowonipaperiii tnent.on . tte deaths of two peWionaby citolera t inst. The packet sam 4ilmitni. Capt. Wootton, ar. w•—• .er= t 0d.,=.1„ gm= tad a number of esiket of ebo:er% oh Oveld, Jar .ngtbe passage, anltatiy of the stierege pas 4engers died. NoTro periel:a st&e that the , cholera tin Ketz . i in that city. 1.;4 to fie 3d a,t perlod ci yrkel.,l gin. the 144aertrIpee or the thavag.4 4 to Loathe lyve dnik numbei:ed 71. At Newark - . (N. J) unitho 91h, there was tope death. Jersey 6ty,'the Oth, three Cue, The. e4itor ,Nea..Jerseyi Dem. octal attribute& the rieverity of the cholera io that place to the ionTri. chireeter tiC the drinking • Botrtia, July 10.-iUsie:,fatet case of cholera of• curved here to Ntoxrn.r..t../uly li.- - gbere are very few es e• 01 Cholera in this c‘Ey. 'the Femeterier report fir week endingtiaitr.4, twrn:y cholera inter ments, moati.f wr.nidfr °inured among nor rod French phpulatien. . AteArrr Paty 10.4Eigrit cholera eases and two deaths have been ttEportett to clay. P..VID.NCS; at• (rum choitqa, lite meek endtng SAurilty 18.4, 'L. From al: dm case!, 12. Vtr Valeo,e, hetr, ban rehlertally direinth,hk, s . .ideath. - only on the :t1 font. Were Titan —Tee Bird of Health .a West Troy report ,•In tlot Advocate of 4th lost., that .l I I cases ofcholera nd deaths have bean re parted by the liealtg Offiwar to the Board, during the mason. The el r eels or thchwee3ince of tho cholera upon trail, and bovines, d.trnertllyare that alluded to In the N. Y. Sun: t of mire, intsoss:ibie to correctly estimate the damage that hawbeeti done to the trade and ba aof to k , cos i)sy tjle preceding epidemic. -Tv n do!ihr., tiVobably, would vol cover the i..a 1 4 0 attrlbaot,nopehani.t, art - sea ai..l rkha r every kiod, have ,ti(- rated in a raid , . Bitanne4 has in a measure stag• 1.140, sad more inlconkettueuce of panic than any actual danger. 101 ell cleisen of trades peo ple, the market min or our city have suffered meat. The Vegetable, find. fish, end shell bib trader have been kn o cked fiat, end I:Modred, who in ordinary seasons,VareEasened /1 good livelihood I y catering to did dittetiq wanta of the cornenunr. ty in these articles, lave gii• year been furred to shut up shop,ltnd shift as; they best could. The bdtvbera, too, complain ,(most as badly. People Seent to set their face against eating much be yond stale bread awforackers. The lee dealers also find the obolerai:againat them. The timid— and, in times like th 4.1 i, is coialaroas—look ice al i water with a -031 hofror. If no Mai. scient eye ant. give& Le:wieldy, how much sick• eons and 'leach nintik pcsasibly he found to result from Mewl kers ana.chtnges of habit and diet, Clod only knows. lie. who cheats. the pe,dileivw In his providence, man nal; wherein We are wise in erring." L a• • r • Toe St Louis Organ illoicritses a fearful condi tion of things in therwity:' 'A few week•smie, 4, St Loma, the occasion al sight of a hearse lieradipg toe cow prweinnon of a In aerial train . ; ocenliOtrrest,tts. s aympathies of the passer by, andri;weitrlld per chance impart artiolnorne acimantelio ota cerlasnly to come But day by day we haveigroten (emitter with the sight—the burtatof ktte ttead has be once a corn- Man and expected om i t— 6e Roans no longer moves with a lingerung ro, nor dress its length ened linear mouroerd to the bulb. No' Death, true. to the progregsi4etrit of the age, strike,' with electric power4nd is agents act with elec tric speed—there a gb *le fur 'nostrums now, The death of the later,',Prg'sident of our Ilepnblie IA announced by tbo, oil press, and 4here is not time to turn the colonist rgles in wonted token of :caret. A funeral ).fames now a cavalcade of briskly trotting her.% tilrying to the grave a few half empty vehicles isofte a single couch—some times al, a hearse fidlowspg ihearse—but•yeste, day the ear, of our sit sal wa-e jper.fe w ith thrill of horror, by ciles groceeding from a worse than toney hearse-4;lieCrse which the widow WA. seated, (ream add none, beside the b.,tly of her deceased hushao):. „The ropid wheel, soon Loie her to a dtstaniat,eut her screams atilt cub- Dell on the ear. Ilarrya.burry—burry—hurry— the worm is !mystic:it tor f od, and graven are tri'welconter ale dead—the bows trot with the loaded hear. r--odd return in a gallop to glut it again' Ere the breath leave, the body, the shroud most be, ma 4 and the coißa prepared— and the heart WAY ter#i mhos When the body sr dished • " • , Dirrumnismfo Propio nt Ramer - n.l Decrusen Wilbin a very .port apace of time, lias following distinguished personOtsve died in this country and In Europe: . James K. Palk, es-iresnient cram United Slates. General Edmund r; Gaines, of she IJ S. Army. General W.-I. Woijrh, of the U. S. Army. General 8 W. Keeiracy, of the U. S. Army. Co!onel James Dustpan, of the U S.Arniy. Maraud Bageaud,'Of she French Army. CharinaMbert, as.4inip of Sardinia. Madame. Rammer.; leader cit fashion to Napo. leon's time. Madame Catsinni,ahe celebrated rocallat. Madame Earsignaa, mother of Gen. •Cevaignec. Mrs. Madison, :Ishii of the late as•Prosideot of tbo.l.Zoited Stoles. . "lie dwelt pibrircularly on the words 'I have companion on the multitude because it is great, and because they areas sheep without a shepherd.' He observed upon the singular providence of God in the history of the world—how he cared for man, and provided for tun wants, and as population ire creased, the teeming resources ot Eh. earth became more and more developed, and by the aid of nay tgntmn, tne produce of the most distant climes was I exchanged. and those countries abounding in corn could send the, siirplus hi oilier countries in when there was a deficiency. The discovery of the greet continent of Amiariut was a wonderful in stance of the pmvidence of God. It opened to the surplus population of the Old Country its fertile and inexhaustible harem. Even that is cultiva ted of its fruitful soil, could supp'y bread eriiingh ' and to spare bx the whole world. t:oii seemed to have rni-ed pp this nation, not oniy as a granary f..r th • whole world, but to be a model, in tts free aau beautiful inetitutions, to nil oilier nation, To no country did t ie rioted States afford such an asylum us 10 the Irish peonle. FOr that wart bro. Len and combed rove,rovidemie seemed to j have destined tots land ns a home and a refuge.— 'Thley thrive and prosper on this 1001, while in their a live land they pined in misery and want— ] Ile trusted, Icowovrr, n the beniOvenee of aim woo cared for even the sparrow. thnt the day would yet come when the Irish, even in Ireland, would be prosperous, happy and free." Forage l'w.lburgh Gazette. Mr. Enrico—As there seeuu to be tome mis conception as to the recent tiet:..in id Count:ls, relative to the Scrip, which fa aided by the mis representations of sundry brokers, and other pat rons interested in the way of speculation on the same, and by the blunders, either wilful or stupid, of certain reporters for the press, a brief statement of the whole case may not be RIOISA. By the certificate% of loan, from time to nine, the city of Pittsburgh acknowledges herself to be indebted to the holder in "one, two, or three dollars, bearing an interest of one persem, per annum, reeeivaLle in all debts dos the city. - In the lint plate, this is not like a hank role, whereby the bank promises to pay a certain sum on demand. Rut to its seep, there Is the con dition annexed, that it is payable, and Interest a. owed on the payment of dues to the city. So that with this condition or restnexion on the face (lithe scrip, the holders took it. Wnen it treean to de prectste last spray. tile Councils. from a desire to pried the holder, and especially the poor men who could not allUrel to laser and no preeent an enormous sacrifice of it to the brokers, who were pouncing on it like harpies. passed an ordinance on the 23d at April, PAU. providing that. - from and after the Path day of April, A. U. Iha U an interest of sex per rent per annum ' , hall I. prod on all the Issues of the city of Patsburgb.ortne denomination of onc, two, and three d diary, wh.ch interest shall be allowed at any tune here-atter, on any taxes or debts due to the city. and the surrender of said cell ideates." When this ordinance was under discussion, the cbiection was made to the brokers t who had te - aght up this scrip at the snug discount of fifteen and twenty per rent I being allowed to rut Full deeper into the vitals el the cuts. and the ours, of the ciYanns I n this rase closely COnt,rteil) by cm ting interest in addition to their shave. And the above restrictron was insened to order to limit this interest to the payment of taxes and other I debts. It was belie•ed, and is suit. that the outstanding scrip. arnoneong to some $130.0% . , would be al most entirely absorbed to Inc roe"d or a year, i n the payment of tuxes, wherisge, water rents, de r to t .e e.ty,and afire purchase money of the basin This ordmanre w wn...et!, hasped. and pas.. and wdh it befdre th..m, the limners nue other speculators bough' up 'tis stir p. and now raise a hue and cry be. atise the nounctls wild not ple another bonny on their inaur.ou. prctits Some of them. (for I am triad In any that others take an honest and proper oleo. of the matter •' dud .n thole threats of suits and yeageanre. while there one even been dark in then orl • la. 'I fr. y reventahl, through their interference.: Let such men show their hands. The indiums. nity will mark them. Counrals were n o oresniss ed for the purpose of legislating pronc. t. the sha sere and mono, len sera The dity. ....Y. • San , • nidlion, roust be Pt ., eke is generous dnerdaidid Itl ta-stow bonus to those who Lave already made a fortune nitt of her finanees If she d..es In, with one hand, she must lay a.lddionst mars on tile entiseni to pay the same. Have we not been andid.ent.t shoved already in the loan we have tie J' But what cure the brokers for all tilt-,riiing as they ean carry out Fsbstall err, -,a. -Pot heyn thy purse. And wt..: rnorucon et peered from men woo attempt to evade the let et and sutra of the law, tan. theta I r tite itr•tlege tittionsasing tortunes In a short time. inert. who while they employ a lawyer, to enable them to v • plate the piano provisions .of one iow, threaten to employ. perhaps, the *tittle lawyer rt tioeree om en to obey the Ina' Hare not he CounciS wk. .. n bine of rams. pays on ord. nonce to pay interest the r.gt.t, when they wait to redeem meir issues, to ponl soother. raying when slob interest •hall ,ease, and to tr. aerate the raiarii-I,first nod • nance t Is it pretended these %haver,catch, read' Ur that tar., are sd stupid on not to tinder stand the language of •he ortisance' Let them beware how they bravo the ind.gha• bon of our OUtragein,MMUirly. . . From the St Lome Retro,le. July LATEST FROM TILE EMIOR•NTS A gentleman mhu spent the lac winter in the Rocky Mountain, and wh, on his rvturn tr p. met the California teams. reached the city a few days since, and his. given as the fuilow ug eating intelligence triure cheating t, Mo. who have friends among tile adventurer. than aoy yet received. The first party our, which wits also the first met by our inl,mant. was Captain P•ui'• cLanpa. ny—the matrun rs. we believe, meetly tram Si Loos—had arsout the 10th of May. reactied the Juni - I.on of the north and south forks of the Platte Immediately failowing him, were Capt. Winter's company, organized at Independence, and com posed of members from •arious southern Stair", next, several Pittsburgh companies, and ober ,card, lentil nod I 'apt. Harry's eoniph mem, both trona Turn-r and Ailen's tearn. were met about the Atit Of May, Isom , thirtar miles above Fort Chili's. From the time they met Capt. Paul's company until they reached St Jo seph. shunt the 010 tilt , the train el Calif:argot wagons was almost unbrohen.ntore than lour stir cam', hours never clanging where they did not come up to sortie Wrier cyampany. When atilt within fifteen or twenty miles of Fort Chiles they met Capt. Russell's ;Kentucky) corni.nv. trave , • ling with a war party of Spout, nearly 111.000 strong. Toe Indians had been ..t war wO, the Pawnees, and were returning to their own gotta try with been at-alp, end n single prisoner lir, spite their amenable pro.siations to their taboo, travellers, they were unwelcome orampanion•, and'being strottyly suapected that they ware only watching an opportunity of ateidnig trio eun,c inc longing to the company. After Iwo day+ sojourn together, the returned Warriors were induced to cross toe Platte and to push forward, by being as sured that there had already been ...err. deaths from measles among the whites. that therefore, by reinaming longer with tact tory were only untie. cesaarily exposing themselves. The Indians generally are dissotistleal with the appearance of so many whiles in their territory bit the overwhelming anmhete of the intruders prevent a very marked expreasion of Masai lame tion sod hostile dernonetration. Or the road from Fort Miles to St. Joseph sev eral hundred graves were counted—most °I them are in the open prairie, and a rough plank St the head of the grave. the name of the deceased, he. native State, and the discose of which be died., are found hastily pillared with ohm blank or suet) other material most easily procured under ihe circumstances. lienenth almost every iree aloo. along that distance, the newly raised salohil coarsely drown inc-ription on the tree where tive bark ham Leen removed for the purpose snows the resting place of some other poor v cum. , This mortality seems to have existed only be tween the starting milt on the M minion and Port Chile. Further then that disease and dawn seem ed entirely to have disappeared. The emigranni were hale and hearty, and spoke of their prospect. with the urns hopes and animation that had spur I red them op a , home. Ors B. B. Brown, White and Silver., Messrs. Henry Lynch, Clark, Kennerly, Lowhead, Clayton (01 Clayton's) Judge Townsend and a number of others Boni this city, were met sucites•ively, and from the •ceount given us must hove been doing famously. The grass all along was in as good conthli on as it usual y is al this season ot the year—and the animals, espeeially the cane, were in thriving order. In one or 'WO Illinois companies, and in some Pittsburgh eompaines, a few American horses, taken nut by sumo of the members, had already nearly fated, with the assist., which their unfortonate owners could procure from their companions, no very serious Consequences, it VP. thought, would grow out of the eircum. Laze Scrotum Correa attit:lnon.—The mineral ' Schee from Lake Superior, are beginning to come out to mme purpose. The propeller Independence arrived at the Sault St. Mane on the 20th ult. with 130 ions of native copper in large menace from the GUT Mine, and the Napoleon on the 22d ult. with El tone of barrel ore from the Lliti Mine, 10 tom of barrel 010 and Mal VG upper from the Copper Falls location. and 11 tons of barrel err from Lac La Belle M stag Company. The achy. Fur Trader arrived on the 19th, with 213 ion. iron bloom., 13 ions and 120 bars of iron, from the Jaekoat Iron Works. IM=! Galveston papers to the loth of June have been received at Nem Orleans. Gen. Brooke bad arrived at Galveston, and pro seeded immediately to Lavacca. The Galveston News give. a summary at the news from Weatern Texas, derived from Captain Burbank, U. S. A., who came passenger on the Palmetto, having left San Antonio on the 22d, and travelled from Eagle Pons, a military post on the Rio Grande. to San Antonio. He passed the bo dies of seven Mexicana, who hurl been killed by the Camanche India., about 24 miles east of Leo' on, and Cr, west of San Antonio. The Mexicans had been carrying inilitnry supplies to the Leona and were returning with their empty ox carts, hay'. rag been joined by another Mexican, who bad been riding express, he and sin of tho teamsters were killed—one teamster escaping. At Eagle Pars every thing wise quiet. The troops stationed there were quite healthy. Son A nionio was free from cholera, no new ea ses having been heard of for a number of days pre 1/.olln to the 22d. The expedit.on to El Paso had got as far as the Leona, and was encamped on that stream at last accounts. A gentleman who left San Antonio at the same tune with Ceutaln Burbank, mectlons a report cur. rent there, that three Americana were also killed by the Indians at the same time and place above alluded to. The political canvass in Texas is getting warm. Timm are four candidates for Governor. Mr. Pills bury has strong competition for Congress in his district. Gen. Sam Itouston was expected to make a was thought he would take the same ground as Benton, In Mrssouri, on the territorial question. The Corpus Christi Star sepia company of Ran• gers. raised by order of the Governor, has been ac coutred, and detachments stationed at Baronet Blanco, Loredu and Brownsville. The officers of COM pally are--Blarka,ll, Captain; Walker. Is Lieut.; Rankin. 2cl Lieut.; Atkins, 3.1 Lieut. Ma. )sr C. G.llrysiit was appointed Commissary, and Dr Swtfl,Surgeon. The same paper give. the following account of Indian depredation,: INDIANA A 0•IN. —An express arrived here on Wednesday last, stating that the night previous a party of Indians came to Mr. Love's rancho, six mulct, below San Patricto, and stole every horse he had—about one hundred head. On receipt of this news, Lderft Wafter, of the Rangers, who woe et, tioueirst Barran. Mauve, sevcu miles below, im. met/lately started in pursuit of the Indians, with 40 men, and passed through San Patriot° a short time after the marauders had oven seen. Nothing had Peen heard of him or his party at the time oar pan, went to press. The cholera has broken nut among the Getman elle Indians. hest making its appearance in a par ty encamped an the San Gabriel. Several of the elnew have alien victims to the disease. The Indianawere dying in every direction, com pletely panic stricken. These facts were gathei• ed boat a C ytive Mexican WORM, who made her escape and came Into one of the frontier military poets. The followlng account of a speech of Gore nor Wood, at Victoria, delivered on the Irlth tit gives some interesting details of the internal atfai of Tele, We copy Irvin the Advocate Governor Wood raid the financial affairs of the State were in a prosperous condition, and funds were emulna in from p Gallectors. tine hundred cells of the Pculienuary are finished, and the proi, cum.. , fan nut he eahantted until the next muslin/4 of the Legislature. He blamed the past and the j!rrient adrninistratton for ant affording nod, tent proteetton to our frontier. He said he had runde frequent representnuons to the War De par!!ne!! w.thaut soccer. He he. I :nal the right ofTextuf to Santa Fe was ndoputslde. When a military government Wilt first e.ttnholtahed there, the &inhumes of of ma s.std had remonstrated. The Secretary of War retdord that the government was only tem. portrv. and woutd 11 , 4• 0 1ved with the ressal,on of ho-;.. it... Judge Llarrd said the only obatru, t.on he ftund to his mocoun wrt• in the military government. The mitrtary commander threaten ed to retort, his own lawn at the punt or the ha a onet lor th, be (0,, Word. blames President Prdk 1.1 d,sregarding the rights of Texas and hui o alp word. fir said that the public debt would amount to oh w 56,00,00 n, at the rate fixed by ti,e Lovala ure, and recoil:mead.. the sole of a portion of nor public lands to pay it Governor Wood said he did not nocro , ., of the present •pportionnent !co c d Jed it his duty to sigp it defective as it IV, in nr•ference to calling an sites session of the Les Water-, The Advocate rays Governor Wood is not much con orator, but at rertbeiess his remarks were we., received LIABILITY or ENDO...A.—An important de. colon on lot subject was lately made by the Su preme Court of New York, It to thus reported in nvenrog Journal Ileconmg Doi< p:1 In Error •s. !era R. I:old den it Error. —Heard Nov. Geo. Term Sth liv A It PA', Decided March Oen. Term, 1,1`.. This I. a writ nt error to the Recorder', hurt of .he vi:v of i 4.0111110. In revive a Judgment Al that Court stunning • Judgment of a Justice rurt. T. e re' •tr. ,coore the Just.° war for the recov ery of the tOrMeV due on a promotory note made br A niree rote, trevab'e to the order of Reh,e• min Dole :rid entlor,ed by him Dole hang nerv ed with process apccuated before the latttre and plead the genera: teethe. On the trial, before the lo.stwe, the pvinal produced the note, proved the tusking and end:ovine thereof,a demand or r.ymeot et the tuslcer in due Mire ht, refusal to pay.and that or the sane cloy ot :hr demand he caused a wilts ten notice to be served on Dole, the endorser, in the words fotlocang 111 . ro,au, Sepi. Sth, ISO 'Dear Sir A note of fat fA shade by Andrew Cole and pays bie to yam order. and endot Red by you.o due tam day, and has not been paid You will therefore take nintee that I am the owner and bolder of said note, and look to you ter tat pay ment 01 the same f ours, du. And thereupon, the &aloof! reared his ease.— The defendant Dole moved for a non suit on the ground that the notice wok not sufficient la rbaras him as endorser, that it was detective m not sta ling that payment of the ante had beets demanded of the maker. The Justice refused the oon stilt nod gave judg ment for the pseintid against Dole, for the amount of the note interest and costs. The lodgment wan Wren I , the Recorder's Court by certiorari, nod there a rhrtned. The judgment of the Recor der's Coon I. 00w brought here by writ of Error. The only ‘,0.0,0•11 made on thr: argument in this Court or presented by the case, relates to the lirlrnv of the ow. re I J the plaintiff m Error, to ellorte hull as endorser of the note made by Wm. H Urrene, for pininttlf to Error, C H S Wa I am.. for defendant in Error. Mtn ktrt, Justice —The conditional nature of the endorwe • contract I not denied ia this case, nsr is ,t denied that to make the endorser battle I, holder of the note must prove on the trial, that pevmetit of the note was properly demanded al the maker and relesed or neglected by him. or in ult. er wised, that tile note was dishonored by the ma ker, and that the requicie nation was given to the indorser The demand and non-payment were audieiently prveil bet', the Justice, and the only question ior our attic destine relates to the tooth caittcy of the notice to the indorser. The nonce we. a written :into— sulowribed by Oak!, the hol der of the note addressed to the indorser, dated a•d served the day the note became doe, and eta in I that the nstc, describing it, wan due that day and had 110 been paid, and that the subscriber was the owner and bolder ot the ante, sad looked to the endorser tor the payment of toe same.— This firearms the question whom, it was once.- mry that the notice should intorno the endorser that payment (the note had been demanded of the make, In this State the sufficiency of the notice whet?' there oi no depute about the facts, at a question ef law to be determined by the Coml. After having examined the question mom with reference to the onforance of the prow:pie ravels volt vo in It, than the amount in cotroversy between the parties, I have movie to the co:meths= that the audiciency oi the notice under conga:known was n rpient,on at law, that the nonce was Dearly de r i, that the u4t.c e sod the Recorder• at Court erred in austnining and that for this ma- POll the judgffient of the Recorder's Court and that of the Justice must be reversed. W. M. Wright, RI. D., Orrtes and re...dense on Fourth •rz - oppos, the Pittsburgh flank. Office ,out • .ront u o'clock to 12 A hl., and , tor it t r. I' At. sepl4-1, Improvements In Dentistry. DR ~ rrt:AlIN., late of Boston,ts prepared to mtofseture and se I IlLosS Tsar. 111 whole and parts sets, upon Su• tn.., or Atmospheric Skietlo/3 Plate• nsh stl where then erve is • x posed tifftce d testdence nexvs-ros, t door to the May or's omen. Fourth street. httsburs'lt. Etas. its--t 11. Al Fadden. F. li. Eaton. lath Fire and Marine In ..... ee.—Trty nn NAV:i3•llO,i AND Erse Irtsvd..dcs vourterrd Intl--..ounntieh tamsure, upon every de, •Pflptin of property, at the tete. rase, Orr,L, No 01 NI., irl gt(l,l k free`. Roam FINNFT. Rrr myikalltm t . ..An—Prepared by W. Kelly, {Wham mert, N V V. mod go, sale by A Jayne., No. 7U Fourib mr , et wOl he found a dellightful coe of beverage la f.mk;.es, nod partleuhuly lot .wk rOOlll.. IlAu Ws BROS. —An Improved Chocolate brntur eccrotoontion of Cocoa nut, Innocent. In. vororannc and palutal.:e, highly recommended panic. ail) for tocold. ['reputed by W Barter, Dorches ter, SI nee , and for *ale by A JAYNES, at the Pekth Ten .:ore, ho 70 Fourth at mchl4 JOU PRINTING: )IF-Yi IfS. I'ARDS, CIRCULARS, Manspw In.hrtg, Ccrraract.r, Law Arnks, C.T111“7111, roLtrten, ke. /cc., Prt..zr,l ',torte. nottee •t low price*, at the deli Onion ornell, TIMID trier. Emzm A yon iiSan 111 wholemalin and artatl dry good. motr—tine artitiodiled with the ['names., and can roma well rrrorninriiiiril Apply at Cl Niarket at iy.12.11 Deer. large Na ].Mackerel, Man.achuaells ppmapaalsoa, recelvint fromcaaal and for sale by iaANES A IiIiTCHISON 4 Cu VISERFI32IFIYY —Reimers Aromatic Vine Kan: do 1 DACON , :4I casks clear Sides in surer; for sale by r EbOreome; do Aleibi*de Oil, 2 sizes; fine Swell- ! .1,2 jyll! ISAIAH DICKEY &CO inn Slabs do do Bose Soap; do do Pautinrly do; do -- _ __ __ _— do Doijnei do; do Compound Os Ittorroor; joss reed I ._, ARD-2121bbls No lin store. for sale by and for mile by jyl2 R ESFI.LER.S. 57 Wood 51 /Yl2 ISAIA II DICKEY kCO _.— DERFUIIERW—HarrePo Lily White, II sleek do 101)1UNT/NG INK and sad News. ( or sale sir mon / Bear's 0J; do Beef &Jarrow; do Phibroom, do /. efacrorers prices by Nymph Soap, ow received and for male by 111.4 J SCIttiONMAKER k Co. 41 Wood at 171 6 R F. RELLF.RS 1: 4R ,. ° R °°"NG PAPER. of superior quably, .or T F-it D-1 000 pip Galena Lead. in store atel for rale a l e by iy IS JsC /100Nlil AKER &CO 1/ by /yin J AMES A HUTCHISON & TIE rATCH ES AND —The *obits. rile, CO_ y y has how on hand a fine .801-IM<lll Of beat Et,- c s 1 110T—I0 kegs as ioned Shot. for sole by C ., ITOI-.11 and Geneva Gold and R I Patent Lever W•telt• 1 &MRS A OiITCH LOON dr. CO . • ‘ , T - - t o • ni b. '"w price. OS are offered in the Eastern ortiesi IiXFNIP—IIIB bales Nltsaottri Hemp, for sale by it:l it good order and warranted -U. IY 16 J AMES A HUTCHISON A CO W W WILSON, earner 4th and Market n. ef OLDEN SYRUP—In bbl and hf bbls, arld 1U gal- . - . --- 4.. X :on kegs for sale by , TIVATCII REPAIRING—Ia all Its branches ear , JAMES A HUTCHISON & CO. V, nod on wolf special care and attention IWc. aln Agents for St Loafs Stearn Sarin - Refinery Inc the . mos , t d sktlful end eayeneueed workmen in my SL'a AR HOUSE MOL A S.SES--H/ bbis St Louis Su.. ~7,T;' , :.) a . , ,t . ,,. r% , ,‘,gp,...„-,.: : , ,,,- ; , ! ,- c .,,.. :? ,,,-, ; ,„r., , ,, ,, ,, r , 7 „ T , 4.„) gar house Molusts, for sale by woo may favor roe with their work. juld JAMES A HUTCHISON ACO . W W wl.l_soN. Winch Maker. tyll 57 Market 4 , Itil d F r lLED nn i 4 d l o T i l . A n t4— d I , ooo ,.. b . n , lLl r os . :. ;.. er b u;hed. pow_ DIVIEIRIVEI — . ----- JAM A HUTCHISON & CO, quill.: ATLANTIC AND OHIO TEL.'S:R.4EII CONI 1V 16 Agts St Louts Steam sop.. Refl. ty .1. Il ANY have declared a Divolund of E' by Cent.. , per share from the earning of the hoe tur Um Loft three QUGAR HOUSE MOLASSES-IDS bbls sugar house CI Molasses, reed on consignment and for suit low ' .... 't ''" l 'g '''''. I. ''• " d "f r " l e on and unite close by DROWN & CULI3ERTSON, the Iran tan Western Stof , klf older, payaile at the falti iv., 1,,,,,, at ' on., of Illemer, Hanna &, Co ' I , Phiadu July 11.1519 Wm Nl.Rpr a,.. • . iOTTLE CORKS—S baler poner, lott and short, l 'inn received and for .ale by .1.1 _ R E sELLIIRS. 57 Wow ~ EVERY PURCHASER OF DRY GOODS should call at MASON & CO'S cheap Oim Price Store. Eat Market street. for bargain+. They sell good fasted. loved Linens fore cents; (hgandie do for 10c; Scotch Golghatua 100; fast nol'd Csetcoestifc, fine Alcrocum& d o do, best quality do 10c; rich 4.4 do. 1251; Brown lc bleached Mush. 4fei Gloves{ cents; nittric and lore Coltars of to lO7e, elegant sluslin Capes front 75 cut to gut& together with the tires, it variety or ot her cheap goods to be found in the Western country. Remember the number. GO Market st. /7 . 1 i A A MASON & CO M ACKEREL-1 , 511 :f b: i :N.; 0 3, Ma. in97ebon. 1-49 Just reeeleed and for sale by MILLER. RICKETS , /N. /1 . 1 6 1;2 and 171 Liberty at .1 . 3 A n t: o l nr } d i rA r t ; a l a kto b uldor. and Snies, on consqn JYIO RICKF:rSONI C 7 A LERATU.3-3e Ll+ Saler.., just reed and for .ale by ,yl6 MILLER & RICKk. - TPoN Q LGAR DOUSE AND PLANTATION MOLAS.- SES-300 bbls sqo Plamanon Molasses; tro do do sugar bowie d0..0 score and for sale by 111 6 MILLER & RICEETSON CI On P-150 bxs brown ChMem!. Soap; lOU be.. No C . ) 1 do do, In stoic store and (or sale by JOG MILLER & RICKETSON NIL—PAM ble sehed Spernt UI, 1500 do colored j do do, I lan do brown Tanners' Id Irbil Strobs do do; 2000 g ells bleached wattle.. Whale f hl, in store and for sale by Oh MILLER k RICK I'd r S and mule ‘"t--.4 t TA RCH-30 brs Ronbnght's. Lawson's nod Strut,' a kJ Starch. In els re and (or sale by IYIB MILLER & RICK ETSIJ DUCKurs—d dux Bearer Buckets; 0 do du Tub. in .tare and for sole by MILLER lc RICKFTSON p EA :A ti NUTS—I bhi. Pecan Nut, jroanreed 011 j"'"' an d log 1;1 yin MILLI I R & RICKETS .N EET AND DRY MALAGA WINES--11 , qr rata Nswert Malaga Wine; 3 111, Is dry dodo al •ell and for ...le by rrcri IS MILLER k. RICKETY.. \ HIN(11.1-:S—VVI Al French Creek 51.11110., on con soenmenl and for sale by MILLER& RICK E rSt • EXPREBIII PACKET LINE, . FOR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE. Exclusively for Passengers. s-Was.sweA=l.l —The Boan of this Line wilt leave as follows at 9 o'clock at nigh,. O Kentucky—ast 11 Truby. , Monday. July Itt Lointstatts—J P Thompaon, 'Tuesday. July 17 Indiana—P Bursey, Wednesday. Is Ohm—A Craig, 'Thursday, 19 Keritucty-11 Truby, Friday, 2lt. Louisiana-1 I' Thompson, Saturday. VI Indiana—P Burtey, :Sunday, Unix—Copt A Craig, Monday, .11 Kentucky—ll Trilby, Meath., 44 L 011111.11.1-1 P Thompson, Wednesday. 25 latliana—P Burkey, Thursday, Otno—A Craw, Fnday, 27 KtIII., Y—Capt II Truby. Saturday, July tk. Loutstaita—J P Thal:ups°. Suint•y, InaLaita—P 80. key, Alosaday,:t9 Come Tuesday. it For puuas apply to W SUTCH, Mo.ogabola Homo or D LEECH h. Co. Canal Hoorn 115 HEW AR:1). LUST—Un Sunday Ist July • coed.utn sae scoare , l+re BR EAST PIN dark eu.or liud er reglee the above reward by leaving tt at 11. RICHARDSON'S Store, on Market at jy L 4 dl .r tiRICUL I L RF- to —Dowlung Land...aim Gat denims. Sr!vvo, dot ottade Rooldr,,nn, "vo; 0 I. 1301 0( A acrid 11huo. do do do, colored I.ondoo l.ardetnog for LaAsea. 121 no; 'I he Ro.o. nu tura dc 000. by Yam*. I; Alien on the Grape, -roe Fr`l/Ce• P4•1140t0r1,0. Manual, t•-:o do od toe Limo, Loodod Agrwahore, thank ,vo. do t.arde-sog tnn, -neo, Tn., and fsLtubs, Our Syn. D0vr0,,,.. Ilurnieu:tor,st. evo; Amer Lean Agrietntorts , -vu For .ale by .)14 J U LOCKWOOD, 63 Wood 11 Copiraoerehlp. 1 1" E „lr u ta ' 4l:::. g rk 4 i t l :LlTt( ' Ct ,', l7l72 " :n d .l%l= L.. the [mune.t here.ore under lee him of B. A. FA itAIESTOCA JT'3 =MI .tt ezttereetaertl NlA:no:err, compete,: to tot, ohm, A. or*. hoo Wort. Alto. no cipetert.red butane.* tot, conzpetent to like ch•rgo of mot department or On Iron eotabhotatoesat. Adams. A. Gate °thee Cnrormartaeat.ouo on:: be contodered enttrely coltft.ten 1V1.3 dlr FOR GELERNIROOD OARDKPM The steam boat A .11.A.90294 has mkrit the Mare of the Thus Scott. as • regular packet to Garden.--kastug the Greauvro.l wharf L. at at 9 o'clock. A. and at the beginning o( e•eh hour until 9 P last trip :cool the Garden at In J . clock Punctuality "WI he observed rare 5 cents, abi , kern under It ha:f prt, 'll, attention of the einaenttanned . a healthy And rote,nnt re•nrt during this hot and crk.). oes•on Al. kinds men, except inlosies:inc drink, or reireati ars kept CM •he premises. t•reenhouse Plan end flougurt• n: Cllol', dowers for sate Closed on d•k j,19 /AMT. , hl'h7A IN Valuable Real Estate for Bale. BLLUE •al.aitriner qsars tor so e her /louse and ot to Clegheny Coy. pleasantly mutated on IL Lane, tor fronting the Allegheny river. neatly opposite tan i•mni of Pala/re-rah The. Lon ts feet wtdo. and attends from Bank Lane on the South in ilebeee• street on toe Nom. bounded al.. I.y `se. son stree• on the WC•I Il ont o( the handsomest and mos: desirable loot nose offered for sale any where to the nrighborboal of Allegheny City It tr large enougla to to subdivided advantageously on, In ,ag lots of too 11.1.1 1420. it Is very ...bit' for a Min ot, residenee—ts stoeked tab a vat tely chm. I - , knt Treo• t gull t•earing The dwelling i.e.:1,1...0t and .umfort•bte, and all in good rep.. A warrantee deed wit! be given, and possession at any t 1110 M 0.1 the purchaser For trrm• apply on th+ pretal•ca IQ . ) 1.1.4ina 1{ I E partner.' 1p heretofore ezipnnn under the hr./ 1 en A & C BELAIM.EN, is dis.l•nd by the deeeste nt Ur C Bradley The bustuese will be clamed on by A Bradley who win pelt. Lhe bounces of the hrtn REMOVAL —A. Ita•hurt haa removed hi. Foundry %% arebouse (rem .o 112 Sreond atreet. to Nn Ih Wan! inter, between First and Second street*, o the wueLotia. lately occupied U Item . arhere be atoll keep constantly an hand a genera/ ateeoruneni of easunge lirate•. Stove, Cooking Stole, Sc IyIJ 130TASII-1.• east.. Potash, landing per canal 4oni 1 I Bennett, and (or ante low to loan by _Ay 1 _ JAS DA LZ}:LL, wll CIII.E.SP,---57 Ii• prime W land • mg uy Lake Erie mutt M Lme, am. for •nle ;31 ] hY Li SI 1-Z- , DA LZ ELL ~j Al'( IN, asks rle.r Sides ,u sI orr, for su• t•y IJ lyl3 IS AI All DII'KCS'A Ltl, F'r•lnl .I flI Ml~ H 1 .\DS -3 csks, E Abis in slnre, far ule by I>l3 ISAIAH DICKF•V A CO nor C ' l7; .( l )N—" "I" I ' SAtA r H tlIZ;;•:1 9 a LASS —IOU “1110 NVlndow Ills*, 7:: kin 103.11 1.5 r 5 do 1 , 414 do, 10 do 7r9 do, rece,ell sod for ~ ole by RIIEY, MATTHEWS A. to Water •t 1.3 1 r9 1 3 A . C o ftn y ~ —150,1;1 lO7TON-10i braes Awn, in care and lur Kele 1,7 ‘.-1 I:13 HIIF.V, MATTIIEWS A. Cr: THE •übrertl•er• offer (or .•:e • oplendid Magic L•nthorn. nu , inf•e tared by Vocetland,verth n , ci•• oche• diameter. and throwing • fortis of len le-t. Together w.ta ca thousand uuup•rent figures, paint ed in utte•l style, con•t•tinß of Portraits, Mythological figurer, .•.s E 1:,14.tol;gic•I Hunloroua .. And otlirry IQo nurneroua to mennon It can with 111,. ripe.wa be changed to • Microscope, and to a l;ollege a anui.g such an apparatus appall be in•alua• Me II win be .old at a bargain a application be mad , . toln lo J J 1.111A.f.:91 . 16 A CO . lyl , lllw 7.1 Wood m Journal. thYpaich. Mercury and P a,, copy I w FOR RENT titr'A large .are on Market et, between 3nl and ilth eta, well fint.hed and handonnt •ly filed up (or , good., being a gaod eland for that ttsincm• • DOAZZ \I, odic, Ird gl over tiourg 1,. ni V no 10 • sr Jy" 4 ffilit'lLTUßEL—imerican Firmer'. End y. L Ldle, wor se(. Kingdom, S ro. Davy . . Disses on Agnculturn, AC, 12ion Sohlniden—Tho Mot. boo Lietng'it Agricultural Chemistry, Mao Minces American lie- Book, .2 me. -• • . American Farm HWY. Igo A , len's Domestic Asiimcls. Welister & Park's Domestic Economy, tines !iv° For sale hl' JAMES D LOCKWOOD, Jig 6.1 Wood gt UCLAT—VO cats recta tins day •nd kir _7 eat: by 1) I'l TASSEY j . )EA N ils-au bush in store and for sale by 1 l YI 2 TASSEY & HEAT LINDRIEIV—II bates Cotton; V bbl. N. t Lard, 14 kj Gatti Fc•thr rs, to arrive, for sale by /Y lv ISAIAH DICKEY &. Co, Front st . Lard; / csl4 11neon, Irs S t ;;1 15 ,.. R w i . E.8 ., 4 1. 1. 2 . ;g 1 :67n 0 50 l ng. 10 do rcathe rft, now 1.1,1/.0, (row •warner Citize,4 , rz i ,Al p tiy ,x,:y c. iyi2 ASTROLOGY IL4 R LORk:NZO, the celebrated Philorophcs. Nest in der tot the Astrological Society, will rematn the cdy for • short Wm, and stray be consulted on ail rho althoot of human life. at No 411, Si Claw rt. Attendance from 3 lob r e Fee from tic to S3O. Mr Lorenzo to the ouly person who predicted correct ly the marrtaga of queen Victoria, and described her husband, two years before tt Wok place. P S Ste time of Lusts yeah yotf. jyLtditv• H. & J. HALL. Tilti creditors o( E d J lIALL are requested to call at the once of Willrsme A Shinn, Pourth infect. above Smithfield, on Friday, 13th Jul), •i 4 P. M. vl I Whl. W f t ;INIJ ty P i A YEA J — Et r CO AMP BLACK-301)bl. for nat. by 1...1 I'm ACHOONMA REX &Co • IOPPERAK-3L bbl. rn 4na order, for sale low by y J SCIICONMAKEIt & Cu .1 DOLL-10 bbl. betlitN=.7m c 1 4 co N. MERI , AN VF RMILLION —I cacawju.t A „ d int ...le by RE SF.LI.ERS SYS TURPENTINE AND FANNERS'OIL-4 bbla each, pmt received and for sale by - F: SELLERS ( VA . L PILL BOXEs—si ju., rre'd nod (UTuale lY II 1: SELLERS (104JPER'9 ISIN6I.ASS-2 boo 111.1 t and for .le by IFII R E SELLER. lIELFTERIsED SUGARS—Pin salt lUbtuemaie and rt.. 1.1. ail p 1.., by . . 2,10 TAO 1. N . 1 ,LT A s ss at— yV Itti,C and i I;11:. maw, ',llk an account of visit to the Chaldean Clinson. or Kurds.tan. and Vecldts, or Devil Wor• .11191,4; and An tnautryinto the manner% and arts 01 the ancient Assyrian, by to Henry Layard, Keg It. C L.. in two volumes, will, numerous din orations. • There iv a remarkable arid delightful combinamon In the work before us, of valuable d scovcry end in teresting personal narration, sucha member in no similar work of travel or discovery. • • Mr. Lay• ard is not surpasaed by the old travelers. In we won ders of the story be has to tell, lie very much eery... es them all. ..We repeat that there has been no such picture In any modern book or travels, Park ts not braver or more ativonturous, Burkhardt Is not more truthful. Furthest 1101 more gny or ineture,que, than Um hero of . 111 , book before u*".- 141111011 Ll..llllner "One VI lir hlottt ran.. ttlAr wort.. het the age"— I.otldit it Tun , . rec. !vett and (Or state hy ty t I JAIII.-. D Ll tt.,K W00D13.3 Woad DIVIDEND. Or. aov GAS COMpANT, t July 9,1-.19 ITru•toe+ or the l'ar•bureh ( . 41% Company have 1 th, de , lared a I , ll,lc,iii 01 Four p+r cent fr then month. o. th , t'apotal elock tn. pay able i•• ook! ..... or thrtr legal reprementauves forth., St nt °lt,. •i the Company, l ylt:ds J \III , I. CHRISTY. Troa , turer ri , HE r, I Fti, If, I VILLE LONIPAN V, have der la, e,l a lid of p..r rent for the la,.t quarter, payable 1,13 awl alter Ow Itith lost, at the other of Pa.- Incr. Ham. & Co. JOSHUA HANNA, Treaa. l ylu r)( an vas Potash. 011 Irnild anl tor sale try I ,Yll It FIYNOLI, & SIIEE VAMIIS Fl,Ol fl-33 blfls Frvinly Flour, on roil 1 ...mem and for rale by IA n.r .I.\:4(r; a wnh ddloonal 1.10.111,11 M, Trratine on Landaeope Gar denia; and Rum! A mblirriure, adopted North Ainer,ro; by A .1 Pow It. , g • 1.1 tone volonie, profulely i:lo , rated Just and .or /YI JAM,. D LOCKWOOD 4 D isisTKATutt NoTtcy. —1. e.,. at Athniri 11, hoof hren Kranted to th- underatgt, ed au the Es.stte of lira MARY p LL l'l,l-:.‘leeeas..d. ;ate of Plitat.arKh, Po. All per Indebted to the estate 01 said UreeAsed. are requ.red to make inintedi u paymen and Mose having c.atms agatrolL the same. re reque•te..l to present I property ssuMen. ..en:ed. o for settlement wro.hout de.ap d , ‘ W11.1.11M EICHBAIL M. Ado, a colored. a . W R NI UR HIV. N F. corner 4 , 6 4.41 Market xi% 13I.ArliBKRRY BRANDY- .tees. I dol. rach, Nl...ft • Supertor.' for tharrlite, ae.. to arlive Ilta• commended •....I..gen corMal caq we relted upo atm ooLdenee Per:ono wo , h.ng to 1..3) had hette Nth soul, For save 10 ,y 0 , 01"1 , 11 WEAVER. Jr ifrAiRTDP.OF I.lOlE—Un hams mod 'or a RIC t.) y 3 J KIDD .1. CO n ,;, zto , p , hyaf , V1 ,, e; 0 1; ; raceme. by Co,VVI , 11 ..per Madleal Diet.onary. Dung:c.n's do do. Cool', SIJT(IfiI: Cholla.' Sys tem of :larger% , (.:I.yen s do do. At.rryclny . Works. yol DupaTegue on Pre Uterus. Hope on the 'fr.", , rueetsher's Anatomy; on Ihsers te. of ;he Perelra's -list erta Med.ra and Tneskipeune.. Chapman on Frapore Fey,., do oe the Tboratee and A bdonylna. !'sera, Woo , . Praeure of tedickne, Dungle•on's do do. rberPre do do. A 1.,. a !arse and fre. .poly of Ma.. S S 1.7n10n Book.. on nand and for 5310 n. qli EI.I.ItYTT k 61.111 79 .1 Q CII ALE—CO dot arrtve a day or. For oe!. , 11 10 J ,‘Cott st rAVEit. jr 11. A HEr ,ross linmpers. oa.`er %._/ Clan, IrotLes. for sale t.y CHAMPAGNE WlNE ; ls .. t..,ket uawl nad fa. asia jy iu JACOB WEA kit, ir NRS—ltneorted Pnne,pe, and Ilavana• (3? a;; sans and eolars. of Inc leend approved nrand, for envon Jrlo JACOR WF.AVER, Jr ease. Cape, AOCIIOV,., 1,0,4 0 sad Sardtnea YI baskets fresh Salsa (111. I In, h, for sale low by oto JACUH WF',. VER. J r IT I - ARS .-W H. SirisalT ♦sv.ll Fel tne tolluvr .0, ,um mer re.lueed pnres. vit Brr.a longhzon., .Burnre.. Tia•Loo, Gr.nt, d,n• a, Iklznroo.s. ,unoner Snuwlx. Scarfs, Bonnet ot,on, Be.tingo. )Ben ettol Bove Bummer Wear. fcr.oo• wsou4ge. of ail y toner deArrr p- I.ott of Ihy 1.,00d5. will do vocO to call at tiordwaat corner of Ninvilet Till UCA NI Plioß—r , ou a. on hnnd , 'Y kfi r.ll J. KIDD a s. FHULERA MEDICINE—iin hand u - iii (or veie 1 AMID & ItLEN rts. second edition. revised kJ and en...fetid —A Treatvie on Disen.se• of vie Ail-I'ossofev; comprisivg sin Inquiry into the history coo a• d treaiineui of muse edreitan• of he throat. v•i.ed Itionehais. t !ironic lier, ugh.. Cierryia ',ire Throat. Ai. Sic Ry for. tirren. A II , 11. ii' ll.s sve Pia,. improved end corefuily voiort,l Roviti vo gi't tops. Wt.. Ihe author mu madea most valo•Irle 'Minion to prism., modicum • • • We hive adopted the mode treatme•Q recommended by him, tad ca. corrobo rate his statements as to its !crest value •—Bntiati and Formisn_Medteol Review %Yemen with so touch care and excellent arrange !nee t as to be qutte intellisible to the unprofessional render "—N Evening Post_ • Without doubt Me remedy over all omen."—N, V Evening Mirror - Ably ver.tteu. and :howl, A Jahn thoroughly master 01 his '--Near b Ara Obtereer QNIITIi 3 ONIAINI PUBLICATION—FIint, on Public 1,1 Architecture. ppnred bebaif of the building l'orlolllllll, 0( the e. Innitunon. by Hubert Ow., In Image plm elegantly printed, wait ./11.1•11.1110.1 In the beet ..rin of iho nit Jun re ceived and hue •Anle by JAAIFIS D LEWKWOOD, 01U I ` KIEL) PF-AC 11614-1.5 bbi• in .tore and ror sale by IY 9 TASSEV b. VEST L , A NC) 11.01 - Chtl.4.lphalus Ilan.. 123 So fayint /k. Co's sugar rurrd On; In , do heeds A San . . . • In do Brown k Dawkins' do do do. all ran am•rd and yeno. wmghed, In %taro nod lot rale by NICOLS I'S A Niq EN'r rfIiOLOGY —Grecian and Homan NI) thoiofyvent. lor collegra told School., k. Dwight. wt.m ••• ern il'ustrtalons in ou, :MO 121 no lam recetved and for male by AM VA U lAk7lOrlillD. It NVoo41•1 (lAN VA SSI.:D HAMS-10 chow canvm.s.e.l lJ }lmo, wt..lcr breed, in 'tom mod (or gale by SELLF:RS (~ l A/1 R-12 , l.hls foie Plour..o excellent article, Co P road order. 50 do do do comm.., for sale by SELLERS & DACIIN Idols cudcs, 2.1 do ',Mulder., 12 do D llama, and or sale l.y 1) 9 SELLERS & NICOL•o AHD AND 061. \o 1 and 2 LvN 00, 12 ao Linseed Oil. for sal. by .09 SEI.I.FIRS A NICOLcI I )EACII (B RANDY—Ike 6... three pear , old reset; Prandy ree'd on consignment and Car tale Cr) 1) 0 s. BEST fleas or Prer•araon -- Me Taos K. Iltsasstr.—Dearl cake plem•ure coetifyine to the good 41.111i11111/ o MI f your WRITING 1 . 1.1 It/ and I/I leconimendine u o the public It ha. bre., u•ed then. loanntice for about • l ootr. and on re , fere., tokooks 1 hod the clmproves by oee, the tont being • ace blue black It as , ... , :rerly. •,,t1 to chese orb.. ciae costal,,c WO/ sae looted a very desirable ink Respectfully yours, JOHN HARPER. For 'baleor th rt wah 110.6.-rP% 11,1 AnA Alarhsne cor) , ^R Ink• I A htll.r.iock & Co .Potiburgh; P Schwartz. A I I £l!y. And the tnnnuiocturcr. TIP S K 111 'sewn I'`t owner of Liberty .1.1 Smith- Geid 'nee", Pilt•blir,h .or 7 dear 11 ROBISON havatit. assorlated TllOll 4.8 its thrte bunters, the WhOle , Gr,c CY , Produce and Commission buftee..wtil et:m..lll,d as usual u.larr the fire] of Robison, I. h. Co I )frll4 , (.),; ,; 17" , r v r c, 1• 0 •: . . r \ o 'o 4. 1I ;: roduc and t•ommr..ran • Nlercwainc and I alert tn l'lttabtirg Et 1 7 I jAC.IN-11 cank, 11.1 con furl ,o'd wad (.;t 1) rah. by IY7 I.s WATERMAN 01 1- 0 :11.1.1: LIME-50 lei — i. ri:;,7;ed /mid (or sale I i /13 ARNISTRUNG tc CROZER. . Hush". s. T• tor Clay Purpos es._ IN PI 11:'.1:ANCI•: of -an °Willa e providing for an ncrease, the Rcliet.ll , 3 of this etly, ['named the 16th April, 1`..10. nonce Is hereby given, that the Lily A.. ai...or Ilan left to my othee, for examination by .0 i t ,. wrested, • list of the personn doing bustaeaa in the city, ui eottformtly inch send I.liiiina.lire. SE 1. If upon rianiniation of maid list, any perecom shall think tarmac' , /,' aggrieved by she maid assess, went. they shall ionic the saint in tut affidavit, which adid•vit shill also Cllllll.l/1 maternetit of the true •mount of their sales. as near as can La of sa.,l advinva to by wade end left ortth the City 'rrysis.. titer wlihin two weeks from the date of the first put, lien ion of the nonce aforesaid. or D. 1 hat No appeal , halt be token but by the alb 40v itni aie Per 0, am oORrieveil, void affidavit to tie roorioiner evidence of the (acts vtal•it relation to the amount col S R JO11NST113;. Car Treattnrer 117 - Other on Thud stroct, nrxt door to the 3d Pre* hytttrzad Church. Id3u-ddva E==l rI 7 WO LOTS on PenimyLeonia Avenue, one on the !0 ,,, 1 star loot mid Congo,* street, oC feet front. 21 feel 71i in the rear, and about 1.17 feet...deep Another on the South aide mat lieyoud Mr. Watoin'a property, V 5 feet 7f front and rear by Itt feet deep. A Is°. a Let on bilbuort street eVending baCk LT tonal, UM feet deep by tO feel 7i in front For terms, hie , Inquire of D. NV A A A BELL. Attorneys at Lev. I,b at. between Smithfield and Grand 1Inr: t.ANATOII t COMMITTEE. dram,. of oh. 1 taming tolOmmhoo to regard to the number of deal, i..ut occur to the co) urceall the chary-ter of the do.caa.a..trol the age of the per. or. would rerpect. fully request the Ph)... repo,t to them at the COMMillcc Konen. rid Court House on Fr Way evening of oath week. ma J 011 1 44 XIVILL, Clem. AUCTION SALES. By John D. DATia, Anotionoosr. "Ling - airs' tats of Gsntlemen's Furnishing 1111 Tuesday morning, July 17th. at 10 o'clock. at the store lately mmopted by 11 F etterrett, No 16 Markel street, will be sold by order of John NI Kitkpairiek. Est). Asstgnee, his coure stock of Nlerchandise, cue Furniture, , among whic are One slur. la re eseet. cravats, eh: handkerchiefs. gentlemenN d g raw at - ers, su y s pend r+ end braces. souls. shirt bosoms and collars, satin stocks. silk neck ties., oves. hosiery, caps, belts ribbou, laces edgings, d bags. silk parses. pearl battens. gentlemen's morning gowns, combs. embusl dowers, heir and cloth brushes, lea ther Irones carper bags, umbrellns, e•ues, pu s/mist. run and cases. together mutt a variety of fancy goods. perfumery, be. Alto. 1 dreutrut bureau, bedsteads, chairs, mash stands, (endure lied, mat aaaaa . carpeting, show cases. desk..tore and pipe. together with a quantity of BUM Law rest, £e Tenn., cash cuereney. 1)11 JOHN D DAVIS, A LICL Slap e cad Fastcy Dry Goons. On Monday morning, July 161 h, at 10 o'clock, at the Commercial Sales liiairos, earner of Wood ad marts, will be sold, without reserve, for cash cure l nc a y— A rge assortment of foreign and domesticstaple and fancy Dry Goods, embrac i ng nearly all the vatics• ty escalty left toao extrosive dry goods store. o'cloek, Groceries. Queensware, Furniture. Young ily•ou end Impertal ten, Va manuinOtared tobacco, No I palm soap, large counting house Ma, iron safe, wtre tan,. shovels, spades, hay and manure forks, grass scythes. scythe sneaths. fly nets, window mutitel clock, look On glaaes, carpeting, tr. A large and general assortment of new and aecond hand household furniture, At A, o'clock / Fashionable reedy made clothing, hoots and shoes, n r a b, c lia, parasols, whips, saddles. has cutlery, la. titer trunks, variety goods, &c. )713 Admintarretors Sale of Heal Estate. Vn Tuesday afternoon, July 17th, at 4 o'clock, will he *old on the ',temp es, by order of the administrators of tie late Thomas Fait - man. deceased, that valuable Lot of Ground. situate at the corner of Liberty and Mb having a from of 24 feet 0 inclse• on Liberty a, 27 fret inclie,n Eighth st, and SD feet Si inches on as alley IS feet w ide. • . Alno, one other very valuable lot of ground adjoin t" 2 the above, having a front of 20 feet on Liberty it, and extending back an average depth of 60 feet to a le met all•T, On. Winch it has a front of 27 feet lit A plan of which may be seen at the Auetion re. Term. of . 41 ". H 9 JOHN D DAVIS, Anne N TH I', COURT OF PLEAS OF ALL& I lin ENV COUN I V, at October Tenn, 1040, No W. In the visited of the voluntary ualgument of War. ries Martin A. Co. Spnnger 11.nrhaugh and W S. Courtney . And now, /line I.ld, 1849, Notice having been given the Pitwburgii Chronicle and Mercury. for three week, of the (lime of the account, and no exceptions haring been filed thereto, on motion of Mr. Courtney, the acc,iunt to confirmed absolutely, and Wm. E. Au.- Esq. appointed Auditor, to audit and adjust the ac counts of creditors, and make diatrilinuon among them Froin Record. 111FLAAIIIULTZ, Prothonotary. QT I attend to the duties of the above appotot incunt at my race in Pntsbargh, on the /7 lb Ja11,1849 at 2 o'clock. P. )lAUSTIN, Auditor. itm73.l3w OPENED THIS DAY. A TilE.x.cu?i SALOON Ladies •nd Gentlemen' A iltalung haahltahmens Hot, cold and Mown Dad,. Ica Cream, and all other delicacies of th , scam, Ev. r 3 attention paid to Me comfort of thus who may favor the above establishment with a call. toot T. SPFALL, Proprt.or. ATALUAIILE ROOKS ON MACHINERY: ded:L . V Scott'. F.natneer and Machin... Aulslant, in 2 [ono vo,a Hal inspirer, Tamar and Mechanical Malarialawan, 2 vm, 5 vn. Ttedgold on the Strength of Casa Iron; 2 vole Bvo. Scott'. Cotton Sp Loner and Manufarturer, 1 vol YeHatt'. CUlloolliel. of Wax* Malting; Bro. The ilmul anolt orTurmng. 12 mo 'rho Apprcuute. by the Arttran Club; 2 volt, 4 to. Crrany•a Encyclopaedia Civil Engmcering. Hudw'• Surveyor, Engineer and Architect; Co Bourne Steam Engine, 4t0.; by Arugan Club. American Architect; 4 to. Carpentry and Journey: A comprekenatve guide braok for carpentry end joinery. min roles for every part of work oboot building, and numerous platen 2 volt' !to Pracm•al Mechanic and Faiginecia Magazine; 0 • olr. CsaJdook's Lector, on Steam Engule, Soo. Along*. High Prevsure Knotne, 3v0., 3 vo liain's Tacoloeieal and Practical Mechanics, a Tomlinson's Rinnsneinary Mechanics. Dobson's and.rooloa of the Ail of Butldlng. Sarin&li's Rua oricillary Trawl. on Well Dtag Donna, de. Just rybeived and for saia by D LOCKWOOD, 69 Wood at FRESH SUMMER GOODS, AT REISUCED PRICES. •• t. Kin N DER A DAY. 75 Market street, northwest /1 earner ni the Diernond err now opening a choice stock of fresh SIER GOODS. A large portion of , he se goods hove recently he en purchased at • great sacrifice. morn the Aucuon Sales\at the YAM, and from the importer. and manufacturers) We have decided upon offettng this stork of goods at pnces so reduced 14. to inert the spproh ,tion of those who do business on the cheap cash principle. The Silk Department to very extensive, embracing the dtfferent kinds of dress and Immune Sinks, *Mtn de Chenes, end Carnehan Gro do liihmes. The Shawl Departswnt embraces a splendid anon of locals t..rapt Shawls, from the lowest prices to the fine. roan net. elegantly embroidered. Also,tlrc nodine, !denote, Mohair, Nett And splendid Egured Silk Shawls. • . BI- it. RArr and other thin Dftl-ISS GOODS.—.FJeg ned hovel .tyre. of Herage, Sill Ttorues, and oth th.a Ilre.. • .00ds. otor.hy of the attennon of the lodi- I.d \\INS' LA WNS" —I n the Lawn department, o• additlons Irom th e Lastent IturttOns are quite lug fmtbraellig slyle• at remarkably /ow prices. Imported and Domenur ninghanals prim. and CM [man, Brown and Bleached Muslin Check, Torn men, Flannels. • ices Al! of which is offered at such a 'eduction of prices lhat puteh•Tc CA cannot fall to he pleased. If4AIir—'CANDER & DAY ry , HE AM PH 'CAN JOURNAL OP THE MEDICAL NCI F:NCES—Editod by Issas Hem M D.. is pub h•hni quarterly on the fir. ot . January, April, Joy and o,,otset Each number rootruns about iwo hun dred nod eighty lame o.lavo pages, and is approori flirty illustrated with ongTavisio art coplier, moue, wood, he. The Medic. News ana Library,. published month :v. cud con si•ts of thirty-two very large octavo pages, contatniog the medical Information of the day, as well a/ a 11,1111*C of it high character 011 prominent de per nuut of med.rone Watston's Lectures on the Practice ot Ph, sic. Brodie's Clinical Lectures on Sor cery and Todd fr. Bowman's Physiology have thas ap peared in it and the wort at present publishing is Wcw on it,. Disease• of Infancy and Childhood. Teams The robscrytion to the American Journal of the MedicalPciences. he five dollars per annum. 11111 amount is forwarded. free of postage, in ad •anre., the subscnber thereby becomes entitled to she Medical New and Library fox one year, without fur ther charge Poe the small sum of five dollars, there fore, the subsettber can obtain a 4aarterly and a Monthly Journal of the highest charanter, presenung al.oat kit-en hundred large octavo pages. with appro prme illustrattous. tiabscrlpticuis received, and the work promptly insetted by JA, M 4 D. LCX!KWOOD, 63 Wood si. ty7 Aet for Publishers VALCABLE BOOK Ilazliu. Lae of V , ll4x:ikon Bonaparte, 3 vol.. Itazbit's Lectures on the English Poets. " " on the Comic Writers. " on the Literary Age of Elizabeth. of the Age, or Contemporary Portrang. Tales by of A. Poe. Western Cleannks. bylra C. M. Kirkland. Holidays Abroad, or k:oropa from OA West, by M Kirkland. Rural Letters tuti other Records of Thoughts a , Letsura, twat. ID the totervals of more horned La• tar Labor, by N-F Milts The Ad/rollback, or Lab to the Woods, by J T. licadley. Phrenolouy rod Nlesinerism Exananed Macaulay'. Mairellamcu. Layard's Ntlaveti aral as Remus... MEM re< Illthsainr. by Ly:Kh !Lunt • A full noel. of Amer wan S S U Book.. oo hand and fur %ale et Pluladelptua phoeu, by /7 7 ELLIOTT A. ENGLISH, 7:1 Wood tt ATHENEUM SALOON, AND BATHING ESTABLISHMENT. McFA LL, heirs to inform the inhalatantsof Pius burgh and etetnity, teat he has opened the above estahhenment, where every attention will be paid to the comfort of thew who easy favor him with a cell Lthem street. between Seventh and Wood. lee Creams and all other delicacies of the seavon. - - I) EV. DR 3:PFOLD.-7he Aged Dhosuart's Corn. It portion. cont.:Bog a variety of Essays, adapted to the tmprovement, consolation, and encouragement of persons advanced in Life. By Rev. John Stanford, II D with a memoir of the author, by Rev. George l yield. D 13, Rector of Yontly Church, Pittsburgh. Vol Just recetvo , l no for sale by ;ad: JAB D LOCKWOOD, 63 Wool at WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND SILVER WARE. IiCATHE subscsber, who has been to boameas in the saute banana for the last thirteen years, . Is alb., all desenpuons of Ftne (bold and:4l - ver Wit ' mbeti , lxweltyi and Silver Warn, at fermi at the very lowest prICICZ. Gold and St ver ninglma Patent Lever Watches. Gold and Silver Denlid Lover and Leone Watches. boll and Silver Ilorixonuil and verge Watches. Gold and Silver Independent Second Watch for timing horse.. Gold Guard. fob and vest Chains. Gold Spectacles. Gold and Silver Pencils, Gold rens. Lathes' Gold and Stone Bracelets. Gold Locketa. Gold and Silver Thimble,. Diamond Rings and Pins. Ladle: and Gentlemen.' Breastpins. Sterling Silver Spoons, Cups, Fork., he. Gold Watches es low as 20 to EltZ each. Watches and Jewelry exchanged spoonn and Forks plated on lic M. Silver, a fine article. All watcher warranted to keep gos.d Lana or the money returned. Jewelry repaired, and Watches cleaned and repatned tit the hest manner, at much lean than the .1111.1 prices. GEO. C. ALLEN, Importer of Watches and Jewele7, wholesale and "i.lii 51 Wall street, lop stairad NI.W TORX. - - --• uti:d4mis Ni citt(LiZN's Prrnicson, June 12, 1849. Mr. John D. :Mom:in--Dear Sir: I gave one teaspoon full of your Worm Killer to one of my eloldren, and to the short time of one half hour It parsed twenty' large svornis. I eel safe to recommending your Vermifuge oil the best Medicine that e• 11 be used for expelling worn.. Jabal. Nloanait. near Noblestoeru. .•.• • • . Prrpared •nd gold by lA° proprietor, JOHN D. MOH. GAN, Igrupggst, ono door below Diamond alloy, Wood Jule A eel gia••4l Notice Ny II ER EA K, lfertjamin South and George A. John rno, Merchants of the coy of Pittsburgh, tredreg un et the firm of :Smith k Johnson have made to the subscriber, rot nwignment of all their Fix,noi fur the bench of all their creditors,. shall within two menthe rerun the date thereof execute and deliver to the said South A Johnson a full and absolute rele.ie of ail Own respective claims and demands. Notice is hereby wen that the outpatient arid re. Ica, is now at the tare of the eubwriber, on Fourthstreet, in the city of Potsburgh, foe insp.:Mon sad big. uture with all whore it may concern. virchnno NVItI NicCA msignee. u. A CON-0 casks Should • ba u tteac s :/ww. j went, ibr solo by ill, I.D MON R E)11 EY—St fire gat Demok . ll teat Pure M It IV ht tkey. Gentlemen and Gm notstun ate melted &call and examine tt, if they want at fine an aruele at eau be bad In the NYeter. c 0... try, m the Mime Stara of ey2 JACOB WEAVER, Jr. .-•— SL:LPIII of Quinn._ Oxide of Tin, prone And, Ch rateor Iron,. hi Carbonate of Potash, Nitrate of shyer, Zothao of Lead, Chloride of Soda and Chian, Ether, on band and for hale by IY3 J. KIDD L CO. P - 131:ItE CIDER VINEGAR-90 bbls received and for •.I. Ly )13_ ARMSTRONGCROZEIL ACOB WEAVER, Ja , WhWesale end Hnisil De;- ler In Foreign Wines and Llcatna and old ?Annan- Fallen. Rye Whiekey•. corner Firm and Market as JYI CINCINNATI h. PITTANCE/0C DAILY PACKET LINE. mats well known lint of splendid pasmtiger steam. eel is now composed of he largest. sonflem s be. &staked and fortualied, and most pow, Mal boats a. anrs 01 itte Worm Even a•commorlatinit andon. fun that money ran procure. has been provided far pa. .irgera The lane has been in operation for five Plan —trail earned • million of people winhout the least init. 'sy thntr persons. The boats will be at the loot oil Wood %ITC. the day previous to starting, for the core bon of freight and the entry of passengers on the raft. ter. In all ruses the passage menet omit be poi to advanee. The ISAAC IgEIVTON, taptaan Hemphill, WO leave rinal.urgh every Sunday morning al 10 o'oloOk, Wheeling every Sunday eaciong at 10 r vroaniAir IbibkicT . - The 310NONGAIIELe, Capt. Brox artll leave rittr burgh every Monday morning at 10 toctock; inn:elms every Monday evening ai 10 r. TIMEIDA - - - - The HIBERNIA No. 2, Capt , J. Kurnemeig, leave Pittsburgh every Tuesday morning •110 it'elook; Wheeling every Tuesag . esening at tor. WEIDNESIDAV PACKET. The NEW ENI4-AND No. 2, Capt.. S Bs le, will every Wednesday nantrita l ay Li olelnek; Wheehnit every Wednesday evening • • 10e II TiIittH.SDAYIFFIRIK g T. _ . The BRILLIANT, CapL (June. wall leave pini. burgh euury Thursday morning at 10 Meloci . ; 'A lua,u, every Thursday eventnig at 10 e. PR DAY PAtirUT The CLIPPEIII No. Y, Carn:l;avii Dever, will leave Pinsbargh every Friday morning at lOo'clooki Whom hat even. Friday evening at 10 P. thgv_Mia, SVILLILIEII ARRANGEMENTS for 16;9. MONONG A II ELA ROUTE. Goly 73 KIlle• Staging , . Via Brownsville and Cumberland to Baltimore and Philadelphia_ THE splendid and fast running U S Mail iflearnere ATLANTIC, Cam J Parkinwm; BALTIC, Capt A Jacobs; LOUIS &PLANS), Copt E Bennett; are now making double daily trips between PITTSBURG It AND BROWNSVII.LE The morning boat will leave the Monongultel• Wharf, Moore the Bridge, daily et 6 o'clock precisely. Pusengers will take SUPERB COACIII,33.at Browns ville, at 3 o'clock, P. M., and the splendid can 61 the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, at Curatarlynd, at I o'clock, A. M., and arrive In Baltimore the same e'er. tag, In me for the evening sine to Philadelphia and ashin u gton city. From Ptoeburgh to Baltimore, only 39 hour. Fare 810,00 From Ptusburgh to Philadelphia, only 40 hones. , Fare ISPAdd The evening boat will leave at 6 o'clock, except Sas day evenings. Pauengers by this boat will ledge ori board in comfortable State Rooms the first night, mu over the mountains the foliowinx day in Eastern Ewalt Coaches, and lodge the second men in Cumberland. Paine:lgen have choice Mosher Steatintmat or Rail Road between Baltimore and Philadelphia, and the privilege of stopping at Cumberland and Baltimore, and resumes their seats at pleasure. Coaches char tered to parties to travel as Choy please. We make op the loads and way hurls for the Coach " Vi the Piiikhnrleb °thee., (in order to once time on arriving at Itrownsatlle,) nit ms therefore important for passenger. to get their tickets before going on beard of Lhe,toet et our Mike, Monongahela /louse, Water street or 81 Charles Motel, Wood at, Pitaiburgh. aphi:lna J. MESKIMEN, Agent Pittsburgh Is Louisville Packet Line FOR CINCINNATI AND LOUISVILLE. math The splendid new steamer *PELF:GRAPH N t LI, !Instep, master, will lure foe a bon ad intermediate ports on Wednes day. the oth lost, at 10 o'clock , as. For freight or passage apply an hoard, or to BURBRIDOE, WILSON A 00. In 9 GEO B MILTENBF.RGER, PITTSBURGH AND LOUISVILLE PA.OKET LINE The new and splendid fest passes, m a l Le i r park i e LEG RAPII No. 9, . . aeon, master. will leave far Cincin nati andLntuavala en Thursday, the 1.1 maL, at 10 o'clook, A. M. For freight or passage apply on Wised, to BURBRIDGE, WILSON & Co, or UFO B hIILTENBERGER. my a Lonisville.nnd 81. Louie Panket Line. 1849. 1849. REGULAR TUESDAY PACKET FOR RT. LOUIS The fine fast lumung passenge o•amer ATLANTIS, Deo. Wteks, master, will leave for the aboy• and intermediate ports every Tuesday, nt Itto'cloe k,..a. For freight or panole apply on board, or to KING, No IS3 Cum. Res mar Leastrnllo. REGULAR 9ATORDAY PACKET poR sT, Louis The fine fan ranning. passenger steamer GEN. LANE, A. McPherson, ster, wlll leave for the above and Interrnediafe ports eva r 7 Saturday, at DI o'clock, r M. For trespat or pas k rEe all i o : l o be l t= m r .toßmw RE'3UI-1R PACRgr FOR CINCINNATI. .....„, The splendid passenger Miramar FAIRMOUNT, G W a t, master. will !cane foi the shove and all inierrosedlato pans this day. et 4o'clock. P. N For ireight or passage apply on board. 1114 _ _ FOR CINCINNATI AND LOUISVILLE The light draught hatemear MARY ANN, raltatr leave on Saturday, the 14th nits t o'clock Far trete. or portage apply on board or to • OLI DtV BOSS, 41 water st Math The aria.. ft. EN .... SHANDOAH, Bowman. master, well leave for ,De bore and inteTa.dilate port. tha day at 4 o'clock, P. M. For frerett or passage apply on board, or to )11 0 PITPTIOR ECIV CO, Agra mat The fine tient draught reamer FORT PITT, • Miller, master, will run as above da ring low water, and will leave tea the above and intermediate port. this day.• For (Might or passage, apply on board. fto FOR CINCINNATI mallow, The fine passenger steamer MT. VERNON, Koontz, master, will Inane (or einem tat and Intel... Mate law/wigs on this d• y, at In o'elook, A. M. For fretight or passage, applyon board, or to I)1. GEO It SIII , TENIIERGER. Agt FOB %VHF:J.:LING AM/ BRIDGF:PORT. The neat and subst.tual steamer 11 U DSOS. Metlillen, matter, wdl per fo Lot er regular trips between PlOllOl7O Wheeling mad Bridgeport. She will leave Ftasbargla on Wednesday and Saturday. Fur freight or passage, aping on board. a 10 FUR WHEELING AND 'SUN Frilt - The fine ttearner CIN DERELLA, George Calhoan, !unmet, ertll Iron r above and intermediate porta on hlondays and Tharadaya, at 10 Ae For frelght or paxsage,apply on board. apl7 SUNDAY TRIPS TO BRA VER. Tim U.S. Mail steamer MICHIGAN No 2, will leave the landing upper... the Monongahela Finuac, every Bun• Returni •y morning at 9 o'clock, for Beaver. ng. swill annve nt 5 morning Fare to Beaver and back, Twetity.five Cents. my .s _ SUNDAY TRIPS TO DEA V F:R_ .. The steamer RFIAVER irdl leave the wharf, oppoutc the Mo.nonsa hela House, every Sunday =Mlle { 9 clock, for Beaver. Returning, wth leave Beaver at I o'clock, P. M., .d arrive at ! o'clock. Fare, Twenty-five Coma _mrl.4 . /16,11011 b. GEO B. MILTENBERGER S. B. Ats ENT, Forwarding and Communion Mer chant, has removed to No. Er; Front, between Wood and Southfield streets. ' VA FOR CINCINNATI AND LOUISVILLE. ariEL The light draught steamer PLANTF.R, C V Wells, master, 'nil leave for rho . __ __ bore porta on Tuesday, the 3d inst. at 4 o'clock, I' For freight or passage apply on hoard. or to i'3 D tY BOSS, Agent FOR CINCINNATI AND ST. LOUIS. ' The splendid near steamer LYDIACOLLINS., m aill oh lt id Hunter, master, leave rot he above and all intermedtate poreon Tuesday, the at I Lock, A. H. For tretgla or passage, on board, or to n• 3 D. W Roes, Agent_ • _ Light I Light I I Light 1 11 T"Eiustly celebrated hurtling Staid can now be had at the E_ astern Lamp Store, No Mt Third SM., between Wood and !RA Oct. For a portable louse Lett it hag the pntforence Irt all of the eastern eine, being perfectly aefe and cheap void of smote, grease or any of tlio disagreeable at modem.. to lights now in common see: •1110, • beauti ful assortment of lamps of the latest pattern. for burn ing the SAM, jy3:d6mo V. f. DAVID . SUNDRIES -74 bales Cotton; 24 Inns No I Lard; I Lag Flaxseed; •• Garden Peas, et •• Feathers; 7 '• Chinumg; - Wool. Now landing from Cunaluniand, No 2, for sole by 11 3 ISAIAH DICKF.I: Pint Steam Illosverss • I N 'V' in the "Notice and Warning - of Christian 13isr berth, tare Cineinnan Bernie, June 1171,14 l we oiler the following opinion of our Counsel : rrfAltfONS tr. ANDERSON Pea= LANDOW, CINONN•7I, June 27th, 1949. T Mn,,., Snow , . A Jianneson--Gernlernen : Ise cord nee nub poor request we have carefully ex sunned the ',tiers Parent granted to Chnsliau Bart berth "for improremenis in the consumption of fuel in steam boiler end other furnaces* and dated June fah, 1949. IVe re of opinion that You (the oaf eel of J. De beerra, for whom era prepared papers fora caveat ~it sc , application for Letters Patent for an improved Sipem Blower,) ace In no wise infringing the claim al lowed 3lr. Burkhardt in that Patent. Yours re. Veil _ CLIN7 . ON, kitsDOIT A BROTIIER s • Patent Agerus and Anomie. _ PREPARED FARINA THIS article has been carefully and fully tamed by • large number of the medical professaa who rr, cornmeal :t as the most valuable of all the Ferufacerea uncles now in use, it being much superior to arrow • root, tapioca, sago, bat*, &e., for Invalids and chit dont As an article of common diet for childred, paniew NriT thilme of wear bowels, or of feeble aod &ictate constitution, ti will be found to give health and comogrth with more certanny thm any other snhomm. The Forma has been chemically annlyred by yh a Coats, and Macron, and Professor Roo, all of whom bear testimony to its great •alna over all other farina. emus substances, for invalids and children. MMMINE=I Flu claim to the attention of the medical profassion, Will rest upon t s containing ta the nit rogenlaed principles, vegetable h brine aad albumen, substances not found in arrow-tool or sunder bodies.,, gee s , s,spsugrity of this arncle over 'stainh, IIITOW• root , tapioca, sago, itc., as an ankle Of die( (or invalids and children, is principally owing to the irla wn it coniams, which Is 11:031 per cent."-qehlltOni "It forms (the Farina) a my agrtentrle light, net article of food, easily digested, and sdmleably adopted (or invalids and children."-{Rotton. Ths above ankle always Oa bond, and for sale by Braun k gaiter, corns, of Linert7 agd.PL Clair sr. • \
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