TA_BLISEED BUSINESS` CARDS 1 U... 89. I. . ercaszErr..i BAIIIII) & sTERILETT, ArroßN IS till AND cOM SELLORS A 1" LAW, F O ,O, ~,,,t, between BmlttiBeld and Grant, klaaburgh, I'S. _NS _ _______ ; '." a. "73LB&E. & FRIEND, . . A • • TTOBNEIIB AT LA W, Founlxstreet, neu . Grant; julCalf decd. D 6 6 lA 3.1 nillil.o. 111,181 11)_R_S VJEW) /k LEADER, Wholesale dealers IS jup y Goods, GrocerieL Roots, Shoos, null/ores Inanciartared articles, de., No. 220 Liberty street, rttsliprg,h. 111.5111 I 1 DU L• 11. Laaol 116166 7 ORA A REITER, Wholesale,. d Retail Drag.l _II guts. I artier of Liberty and St. Wholesale,. streets, ED.., burgh, CCLII I TNIN. X. 6 111107:616 _ io ralatnnel: l'a. ly. Bl'AltNEtertlerli Se On, Wholesale add lie . tall 'noncom, corner Wood and Cab Jyl N. 6511111. Whole/said li rocen , ld mol: Wo Wood strno. Ydutuursh. 111cAlcULt1' tr. Co., FOrwardi - Ei m idd - Com.' V. Iniroion blerchanta, Crunkt Warn, Pittsburgh-Yd.: Duque.. Spring / Axle, Steel And Iron Works. riOLENAN, & Co, manuncturars of k) CO. , 11 usd Lillie Springs, Hammered 'Azles, Spring uni Plough Steel. Iron, &c. Warehouse on Water and Front .tree s, Pittsburgh. Also, dealers C nal Trimmings lOW Malleable Castings. petit MAILIILI WORES ON LIBERTY ST OPPOSITE THE I OFIN 001),PITTSBUR(ill. ES USD WILKINS, CON'ISNLLs to manufacture Monuments, Build Vaults, 'I truths, hood Stones, Mantel Pieces, Cen tre snit Pier Tops of foreign and domestic marble, al a regular and lair price. N. ll. 1).u.-121gs for monuments, vaults, &c. furdsh en. sn deserlintt.n. Aube,ta ti share of public ooronses W.ll. B. .0.61-1.511, JAMS 3. - 11.11.1Erlr \U I .Itrfi h. BENNETT. (Ino. Engine, lialla.glicr 4. Co.) holeitnie Urocera, Comtnoiston and For warding Alen. haul.. unit dealer, in Product and Puts burgh Marini...Tr, No. ;i7 Wood rt., between Oct and 3.lttreott nett and Forwardlng Merylmnt, No. 11) 01 ood !areal. l'atdbargh nty4.7 HODIF. Lb:A(4CE FACTORY. fIMIL.I U. c l l - I.:IVAIi7 . manufacturer of Hea4y Notting, Check, Ae,, liet•ccett atrcet, city of floc 15-dly• - (1 , LEI, liiurpq h Loo,) Wool Gi . - . nnn Corwri.nlo. Merchant, ler the rue Mutt/can Woolen., 1./betty. opponete .sa, 'CM; nut,e, BatUnkore • 1 5r1,5305, .W./.51 , HEALD. 311,311103,1010. A. WaHNXX„ 11:7 EALIi & 11U1.7KNOIL Tobaeeo Commission SIer ..JEL emote, 41 Nolta utcr 3t, 16 N9ith Whstves, 1110.3. n0v31.1-1( s s ass: , was r. /03X5. TJAR.Dy. ioNvs . (.Iweessors to Atwood, leue• & l'n 1 Crtxx:l , 3o/113x01 Forwarding Net chant, ne.o.d,. Pntaburgh Slainsfacuired Pittsburgh, Po_ usea.27 1031./.11 100533, . 1301113 . INC 3 GT, 15, ISALMI DICh EV S. (10., Wholesale (smears, COM 11313niun Alerr1:0013, eon dealers to Produce, N 05.50 J ater. 0n,,, 107 Front mice,. Polshurga. nomisva _ (late of LS erren, Ulu Com. s mom tio end Fe: o ari:rtg Alidort.t, and wholesale dealer to Vaster,: ILL:wive Lheese, Butter, Put sad Pearl Ash and lrVeele. ro Produce generally, (Vaster treet, between Silsithlteigl sod Wood, 1 . 000.,urr,5. 'ap3 J LtICS SVA'I - 1, (successor to Esra,3 & Geblion,) no.esine urocer nrd Comnosstou Morthant, dealer in l'rialuen and Plltsbargh Alisaufweluees, err , lier 01 Liberty and (loon tercets, PnisOurgh Pa SOS JASI :; Alebl (lute ol the htlia of Algot, and U 3106/00..1 Alerdosni Tenor, St. Citadel, Buildings, Third street. near Wood, Po:sharp, . . AME. 6 A. & Co.--tioecessors to J Lewis llutelason & Co., Chmuussion Merchants, and Ager.ta of the ht. Louis Steam Sugar Refinery. No. 45 water and fed trout streets, YWoDurgh. 7OiS. LV OR I'l 16. Cu., N hoicsale liroceng, Pro . Joe. told Cocumismon blerchntM, uud Age.. r the Iladdrd Powder Co. of N. 'V, No Z: Wood at, PlLLsburg 1011 N D. 1.10121.5aN, Wiodorade Druggist, and deal- - Ur erm Dec Solt., Famut, tOl, Varnultes, Wood nutty one door etouUt of Diamond Alloy; PM,- burgh. rani JMIFS Kl - .1111.1r.C0, !successor to Joseph D. DaVl,l Slop ti.ou,crs,3l; Water street oerll JOIIN D. :tII_,LLOR, Wholesale and ' Retail dude . , in :quer: and Mulical Instruments, :tattoo! 800., Paper, tit c., Stec, inns. ttmtls. Prwurs' Cards, so Stationary goner:l:4,N° ,1 Wood at, husburgh. IP - Rage boLglit mein . trade. iszpl,s Jetelles/NAlol.Llt S.. Co, Whoreettle Diugpsfs, . N0.:4 II oW ntieeL I.l.blirgh. J()ltsiL. DA Vizi, &um:duces, earner SW and Wood streets, Pittsburgh. octS TOILNSTON & STOCKIu.N. BOOkielfers, Pranten and Paper Matoductarers, No. 44 Market Pitts burgh. 'e6 Jour. FWTD KtrAcau FLotD. 7 &IL FLOYD, IVlzolesele Grocer., Lornsuicsion Igg . Merchants, and Dealers Produce, Round Lhurch Buildings. fromme nn I nth streets, Putsbursh, Pa. mph 7&.11l& Wouicsale liroccr,Ccmonsalon MC/Chlll.ll, and dealer .1 Produce and PitlabStrgh filanniacturs.. Sn ..±1 Water st.. Pntsburgh. mans lEB at JONES, P.m. - an:ling and Commtamm Mor. AP. °taunts, Dealers In Produce and Pittsburgh manu factured articles. Canal Damn, near 7th at. d2I PENN MILL, Prlll'oßLlctili, PA KENNF-Dr, CHILDS & CO., Alimulacturers of very superior 4-4 utmeungs, Carpet Chum Cotton lsstue aid Liatung Pt2.o-1.1 Ve•uvin• Iron Works. LENS I: 4 . ,t Co., inanulaeturers of .11 ni- IX. 11n, Boner Iron and :Sail. of the totes quality. P. art ls 4 water aid Itss front it, )1111i1/ in L e r Mantnatl..,re aml Protlucc, Non. ;a Water at. and 6:1 Fruntcn THOMAS [[ln[, I.IAY. SAW, It KENNEDY & SAWYER, T WRING Alanuracturers, ,ana Wholesale T. J deal,. In lurergn and 1.101i1,11110 V2I.TILIy Goods. V, es ter° Ped.ars WWI others are matted to call and exam!!• the pnces and quality of oar sta., as with our pre,. Inc re u*ed lacinn. In ruanufarzer mg and purna.,, .1, g, we thank we can oder as great tridacemetn, to ton; ers as any WIWI' house west of the hlountaana. .4 011.14.0. Pht.ada s'toans rlva, Pt.hurgh. fr. HICK h:ThltCh , Ns, hu,nsale Grocers, tool al . importer,. 04 Brat/qt.. Woo, and Seg.., Noe. 111 andl74, rOrner Lanny nt d Irwin streets, Pats .surgh, Pa tnyV JOLLA tVGILL- /At. N 1 6 .1 WALT.. r ILI KW , - hnl Icy... and Ifornnirs al.. sloe Merchants. No 19.1 Liberty sr.., Pittsburgh. 15 1 CSPIII', tl 11 ~ U N A. CU., Clow Jones, Murphy LIU Co ) De.n , :A ill Dry Good., No. 4t Nt, nod stre,,t, Vaohuror nov2l Y. ALLAN,ALAI. . I, Wm NIYICK. AL.LEN , t Ms non and Forwurdorg AU, Al ertAhnta, Wnier Frontsne , 1. , ,,0ncrt V, nod arid Alas set AL, i. 116 MYOrtli.ll4ll[lAlnuaturePnin• ter. Rooms. corner or ('not DAre 4.11rY and Vourrli street, entrance on 410 near Alartet. dee6-du. . _ X - 7 iiOI.3IES SON, N.. :4 k i ddeructond 11, door front curter or Fourth, ticut , r. in Foreign and Donatruc tht ot Lartarttr t cruficates Lep°. tt Bank Noe-. and Sperie idrr mad ft, ad the prtncrpal titter Virougltout ttr: r ,:itr., liner] .T kil t tCliklAtut IA A 11.10./Arl—Uthec, Fourth et, j.. 1 • third dour ahoy, Stortitteirt, .uuth tut, Convoyanetag of xtstda done wall the greatest care and Lego/ Yet' Ural" y 'Mica to Heal tdatate clarrilPrd, tc.r. oct3U.ly DLL GEOaU IMeOOOK MCP-, bourn, strew near (mutt, in the room ILI lately ocsepie3 by A:der:nun NI tiler, immediate ly opposita Mr. nakeemn • He inky be toe pd al night is No. 71, 7- 7 !.. Charms Hotel 'slul Edam _ ltoberta, D., fTfiAL.IIIC ML ROIAIN. wW alland to the treat ment of Lb....! of We 17ye. . R. has been engaged ut tam branch of the medi cal profession fur siatern 'ran, and bas conducted all establishment for the treatment of discuses of Me eye alone for sevaral )"ars. OFYICII and rawdence, curlier of Sandusky sit and Strawberry alley, zy. actl.l Tidik STOILE—No. 72 Fourtil st., near %Vood—All quantities of Green and Black Teak, done op le quarter, bolt, and e t ,,e peon] packages, rangaig from fat cis. per pound $1.20. jy.l A. IA 1 Nil - 2i. Agt fur Pektn fea Co. DOL4hil'l MOORE., lb holevuse Urocer, Rectifying AA, DlSillier , dealer to Produce, Pittsburgh Alanulac. tares, and all kants of Forctgti and buineratte. Wnics amid Liquors. No. 11 Ltherty s On hand a very I arge stock of superior old Motreet. nongahela whiskey, WPAIICh Wl,l I.e cold lOW for sw.lt aplCr.ly 11.01Wer watt NSON, .6.1111. EL b.}11. :vON to Cu:, Wkinlowde ltrtmers, Ptah." , and Comma:won ',lurch:slit, and Dealers in Puts burgh Manufactures, No. Lou LAtterty Pittsburgh. Yu jaslU ttettEl/I.T DALZkatt, Co., Wbolesttte Groton, Cottentssiou and Forwarding alerchastits, dealers Produce and Pittsburgh Aluouractures, Ltbcrty et. Pittsburgh, Pa. fetal - Duel. A. tit IVbotesule oroear leo Dealer ,u Produce and Pittsburgh Manducturos, (so. 144 Ltbony etJYI:2 t.. lirrtut.., I 0012. lorsourding end , Cerumutaton Ay Marceau., for the litteptteeY 0 4 v.r frit° , Or. m Pittsburgh 111. (actor. and Calends of L ee , The eighest pri in rash, pout at all 11121. (or calms ces rugs. Corner o( Pe. luta irwiu )..z1 O a , ''!!!!'.!Hrrr, Zi IIACKL 11103. D wntri - EVP tr. Whoiceuic Dealers In Foreign nud lk,muac Dri lhouln. No. OS Wood rt. Paseburigh. rub I 7tf • & W. Weed Sterchan., Detdcr. In Flow and Produce general()., sad Forwarding and Corrunreeron Mcrch.te, No. Su Wurer et, pule. Du rel. _ SMITH, BACiALEIf & Co_, leaa holc ,“1 Produce dealers, No 2 . 11 ar tet straet,b t , w ,.,, 5,6 and 6111, North Fide, Phandalpt,:a. irovl a zytx., 11172.L.G11. al ELLERS .4 NICOL:3, todare rood General Cora, ealmon Ilr rchat.ta, rao •17 Lthe rty st . , Plualirgh. bperrn, Linaccalltud Lard S VON LIONSHORST, &Co , hol..ia7la, 6;7,1 Forwarthog and Couontemon hlerebanta, Dealers in Pitt , burgh Manalucturra and Weatera Pro. Lane, have rornoved LO their new wurehouse,told No. 3.5„. comer of Freon 0- mod Chancery Lane. nov7 • • rpROTII d SCOTT. Wholeen:e and Retail delvers in A Betour,ltioes,,l‘runke, Carpet Bags, Ike.; 8. W. Aker of 416 truntltttettl stn. Pntrboreqt, Pa. rag e..11E-4T,'NVholefale Grocers altd COMMIIi• aloa Merchants, and dealers 11l Produce. No. :IS oaf it Pitt burgh ' MITCHELTIIRE, Vi'llolemaaGroetor. and 'd no and Lupo. Al i t ir ehtuns. Moo, Iv/Forte" et Dodo nab and !Petrel,. ~.,'•••••, . . . •• .e t: • . f. . ~.... ..., -,,,. , ;.q,74 , :i.,2 , ; - :,r; , .. , .. - ,:;-..., , ; - -,•.-,:, i.. , T , •?..E-1.. - .T.?,,, , , - ... ' - - - -ii . r .4;,,,.' -, -, - . .. ... . , , . . , . . . . , • . . _ _ _ . . .• ,5. i . . :.; :!...; • ~-• . . . , . ', •E 4 If or . , ..- _ . „- .. - r , 4 It . ~ ,•• ei f .... •• %. ...... ..;,..- 1111 e . • , . CARDS - -- WEN P. WICK, IK•CALYOI.223 IyyAT MKh Id l CANDLES.Vinonnnnano, to La eludingi. J. D. Wtcao Wholesale Grocers, t:me: and Commieaton Merchants, deaftere in I F ron, Inaile,elllase, Laden Vedas, and Putabarghllnnufacturre generally, „corner of Wood and Water .fedets, Pitutburch. . IA 7" WALLACF. Ali/Istone and Mill Furnish. TT . log establialiltent; Noc. 144 Libefty at., near the canal . tortr2.s lAr ,„Jewelry ' Silver War, e and MililaryDoods, ;Urn.' of Market and 4i,: " r °° °., ritu , bargb, Po,. N. Fes—Watches end Clock. carefully, repaired. dee4 .• et DOWTD4--11.7basursaion FOT7t;arilthie Morblun-oh, NO. TO Fron.k:a. between Wood and arket cute.. ' ' feb24 d Retail doo4r,io • W an • FOteign and 'DotriesuO' Dry itoods, north east ectrirvuf lifarTetmd Fourth lea. W.L. 00000, • 100. 111. • [{TAI. YOUNG4c Co.—Deakin in leather bodes, &.n. I,l=etty,s3... 'ranSly 11 WY. IVCVI,IO,I. • Rorer. M'C . ,CIIKON & It. M'CUTCHEAN, pole tirocert,dea. . ler. ih Produee, Ison,tlian., Gin... •iid not , •bnrgb 1110netletuies genetallf, 151 Liberty et, Pit.. tiorgh. .tecT , NaLSON, Delleo in Watehe.. 2c . ..welry V • Silver Warn, .M ilitary , de., No 5o ?Oar art nov7 vilvi.'ltOtrtcoi& co.. I — II:ALI:RS IN HIDES. Morocco. Shoe Finding.. &x i , No. T 43 Libertystreet, have Jain received dm. SPIUNG TUCK of goods, tom prising a !cue assonant. of articles in their lino, to which the .Mention or purch.siire invited. • ruchtli PETTIeI.LtWdt 1.1.0.&T &GENTS Orric. A/I<AM M. Au. & Co, mull No. AI NVOIOn street INSURAW,E. FIRE AND MARLrt INSURANCE. irrHE INSURANCE'CO. I itSerth wii make permanent and limned Inv:um:Lee on pro ',pan arty in thisaity d vicinity, :and t n slut inouts by -iCmud, Rivera, Lukas, and by 84.1. The properties o "“hill Company are well irivewmt and furnish an avail. bind for the ample nide:nay of ail persons who rdesirt to be protected by insurance. ruyin JONES,,," Arent, Winer at. INDEIINEIE Y. Tho Franklin Pare In.ryronti`Co. of Platlad4phia. TllRECl'DliS.—Chaties N. lilickar„ Thonius . llart. LTobias Wirt - nee. Samuel t.ttant. /aeon R. breath, Gee. IV Riebards, Ifordemai Atom, l,latiarwvi taw., i. Adolph° E. ,Itorie, David - S. Brown, . . C/11)11_611 N. 11,1C1,611.. rriontlent. •• Ch lei G. ktaneker, &entail, eslthnnue to make insurance, 'nerincluiil nr booted. :On every description 6f property in town or country, ..Uilit rates ns low as am consistent*, itli sec unt y. 1 ' To Companyhave reserved µ tulle cont.,/ rnt Fend, '4 , atilell with their Capital and PrPrniuma safelyinvest ed, afford ample protection to Milk nem red The amets at the company, oi"Janttary 10. l'r 19, pbl ed agreeably to an act eri Assembly, were Ili ;toilet s, n 11: Alortgagas 4 .11.111:•43e 41 Kcal kielate i • . 9471 ft "3 , Temporary Loans. ..... •ii• •• • WWI e. 5 ' • nocka • 4 31;44 tifi ,i . Omit, A.c. i• • • • annul '..,7 . • E Since their incorporation. n pe!•tod of 19 ) caw, they Ilya", plant upwards of one 11111110t1 Iner hundred thous rid dollars, lotses by five, therepy atlerentg evtdence !lathe adetvdttgcs on tolerance, as well as the a:nifty Sand dispustuut to meet wltlrproptnass.all habilines J. GARDINEft,tOFFIN, Arent, (awe coratir Wood W1.1.4i 00 • OULAWAXIIIVIItitfTtIAL It SVC:LANCE 00. dMADEIRA, Agent at PlPthurgh Ibr the Dela. . ware Mutual Safely Insurance Corona', y 01 Phiat• Wlelpkie IFlre Risks open bulldtltg. and thorn bandsce rsj every deacripuon, and blarmf RDAs upon hulls or forgoes of vessels, Oaken upon !the most fuvorable berms. °Mee In the Warehouse of B. Holmes le Dro., Ni, 37 SVuter, near Market street, Pittsburgh. N. I.l.—The success of this Company since' the eats,- gslunent of the Agency in this city, with the prompt ithd liberality with which evterytnum upon them fatless has been igusted, folly yoce.*mit the sgent to inviung the confidence..lld pauntipge of his friends and the community at torte to the Delaware p M.S.lrniti tc7. company, luta the tilldt.nal advantages an manu. al among the most Ilitmnahing Pintudel a—aa having an amplepaid-in Bapnal, which by the operation of if, charter w conantinty tnereasing, yielding to erten person Insured his due share of the Profits of the cOmpany, without tiovolvltig him in any reSpousibiliti whatever, and therefore thep owi g Mutual principle divested of .!verY olthgrooos most tutmcuvo uswg Fink. Altribiestarirk lOlituts/gclia; lneurunce Company of North Arne non. hrough tts duly netliorised Agent, the;dukeenLei odors to *lke permanent end limited Insurance on property, in tNi city and its vicinity, and oti einpmenni ti) the Ca rnal end Rivers. - - . . _.' - DIRECTORS. ,- Belhar G GR . . Classics Tay:or, Samq W. /linen, Ambrose White, Edward Smith Jakob lil.Thoutas, item A. Brown, Jahn R. Nee. • tin Whitt ~ • Rife:hard D. Wrrod, ones P. Lope, Wan. Welsh, . SeCouel F. South, Eli/ales Hostens, Samuel Brooks, S. nustm Alltbone, ARTHUR (4:CC/FEL:sr, Presst -`,Ttes as the oldest - Insurance Company in the United Shims, having been ehartereal In $t(4.4 lmrcuarter is a/pro/anat. as-sr...me us bath 4aut long ciuertune, ample meaty, and, &voiding all ri ' itt - oi au extra nag- Woos oarauctor, it may be cormidiled is arenng =- OA security to the 'public. • •s" W. P. JU:si FS. :Al the Counting R 4061 of Atwoorc /ones & Co . We. ter and Front streets Pittsburgh. .i, - mu •,5 rffulE 8 vitsn.FrITIER has been nOotnted Agent We tem. of the iusurrince Cornenn*of North America., runi will home Policies and onend ii,rhe ether h l.l. nese orgie Agency, al the wareliteixe 0/....A:wwel,'Jone. 4 C. apt* I\,ll. P . ZoNF,rr FORWARDING & Ct _ I .IBSION _ . O. t. DaNr.atalf W , v , ' ~'/ 1141.1 a, .ar E. ALNN iIARLB-ft. DESIONVEIt & CU, - TOBACCO CUMItIIIBSOA AIIiIIIIIANTS, INlte 59 South Wharves, tad No. litl • ',tooth Nt met st. PHILA IaI.PIII.A. lir.S to /,11.6.11112 1.110 trade and diMtiors generally, of Plustatrgh. that they LID V a Inatra ‘ aucli arr rtnar manta th the Virglirsa namalucturers ihttl tl, I:towers of this \Vest. V. eat Indies, emu tuber plitees. as ant insure al.arge and C 04516111 supply of 4, 4, following de.crila Lrrp of Tobacco, which arm be .did upon es arrant-. Iniklitunt terms pi any other Louie , . mu city or rote where, and all•goods ordered from :hem will he war. rented equal mrepresentatton; ; Ithvene; SL Domingo; Conn.r7 Vire; Porto Rico; Pettnh.4 }Seed Leaf to- Itibe; Ighlar; ' k blond& lateeo, MiSO--Dronelt's celebrated A resolute Stag Cave:n atal, with a large assortment of ell‘, popular brands, ;ma tit:2llli, of panels, Si,. re, la*, ;Pis and :LS. Idnop; Ssiil. , m u d leo Plug; Lndle , '1,•151 ; Vtruntm Tw, , a, fr.e., sweet nudualmu, to whole ;rat belt I , bstat, wootl entf un ; together with, every vartelPof arbor 1. clung leeti theirade. '... ----- - _-- - r, 1r Ha: y . . JOHN A. siLINV. PACKER OF PORK AND BEF:F, • -• ;Commission alert bunt andforward • Nu. -I CANAL ST , eINCINN,ATL Petnerulat Intention pant tottite purchits.ng (tatty nruclo or Produce lot this ingokot Also 111 int •rNearding of boodo gosh, itully, lOnt Mesartt Jttlln h • /iln o garey • Stockwell ?ilincionan 0. S. C. Parkhum, I apiane oil & Co: ar Kier & Joao*, rktetinrgh, Yn Fatflmh & flenetit, t ma, dam itl'-eo—C .Cciumitsielosk axed Porwardiug Merchant. N 0.21/ ninon Yereekeuri OptiTINUES Lo Linttnact geherWiCominivinon num. erpectilly in the purchase and Sate Of Attlefl ,Ayf Mnnufweltirea and Produce. 3onl In receiving rind fotymisdinit Good, consigned to 111. rA, Ay A,y, for the , Illiumfaeliires - , he will be consMntly n ab ltai;lifineipal article. of Piutburgh Flanufactore at the lowest wholernie prices. Ordera .consignments onejevee artily solicited. GEORGE A. BdRR.Y . wiiOLEHALIC. CiIIOCK.R4 FOHWKIHRII•AfiII ANN/DEALER If Iron, Nails, Cotton & Pittsburgh Manufactures gestarally, ria 10 , 4 , 000 000x07, rerretirrit, ?v. R. T. LEEOHt,JfI.; .tillporter arld..Dader in Fortag,r.and borroulte Babillery Hardware & Carriate Trimmings, 133 Wept! st., Pittsburgh, Pa. IRao., receiving hi. Eprilig supprf liooda. And 'lOtttet the attention of Saddle re ?:onebmeke,a bad Alittelt.te to hot metal, has beeik; bought upon the bele terror, from the beet source., And he therefore fecii confident of being ante to oßiled raw faction to alPerbo may Near bit,. with a call. me letriririer lab -Y xxx.ntax. L. I. PITMAN. 4..0. Y. tettl.;l - 3. YEATEIAN, PITTMAN £ co., FORWARDING II CO3IIIIIB3IOX'DIERCRANTS, . • No. 132 Second .I.reet, tOCl39l:aBin. 'Kr. LOUIS, MO. • . . • -• SYAP.rIS6 2Ottrt7stnicrl'.°A-. da:Soctet do, AZes Swamis, 314.tocks and Pick r. IX:Sours, Vices, Sc.,for Cafe, at manufacturers prices hr` north G 'ED.OOOOSAN. ..oiood na PirrsßUH6ll STEEL. WORKI3I AND SPRING AND AXLE SACTUSI‘'. mato /03113, tt MIIN 7. Qalad. JONES 4 A t irANUFACEURER9 of spring 'and Winter steel, ploughsteeLplongh wino, roach and elm] Me thong's, hammered iron axles. q,l dent,. in trial !cable casting, Gee engine ialops, and conch trimming. gerientlly, corner of Koss and 1. roift rots., I. MIA( _ II Iblelliterlagr. Cook, FOR PIIRIFVEISG WATER, • Which renders torpid water pure by . removing all saliva:nes not aluble i t ,' N., *mei The crown Water N.York, ""' raa arh " r d To% ' r " it t i b r:Zii " 'Es i filtetag twit, show) a large depoini Impure substances, WOrna, Ece Thu ts kft nun mote or lea with .11 hydtut waier /he Reversible Filterer attest arid durable,: and le notattended with the Inconanlenet mordent to otter thgrer., WI It Is °leased without heft ilea c h e d eft rer pipe, byerely turning the key or handl. trot* one Irlde to th eirhr By thin day process, ths coast of water Is changed, and all ;accumulations to linittinre sulateoces are drrtten oft tiniest t o *norm tmscrewlng the rater . It else such the advantage of being strap rook, and nu such in sunny cs4c wtilito very convenient and eathordiesl 110* be attached *here there I. Sty ptessas high or Id* to a cub, tank, tab, ta swth 2.erie To he hue of ;kelt.? Agent, W, vo,ILSON, ,„. comer d . f Muth 2tod Market et. P. 0., II haitAietvi Pamily,/x" _ Af'or two hones, hollt o2 Phirlrepo relel/m, tcelettateforteeer. 171 r•ery rropect article,lnado pithl thekcolern Improrr lined with bloc cloth and fintehed in Inaorrlor nee. It comely iiemr,4.4l.ltlifor WWI. of Low. of ' LKX ANDER A. DA pl2l Morlect N Comb, yme D. agn..n.i, 6151. ..J0N AND %17601... EN RELLA ,— llsoi ng mole kfrangeakentr , fora,on .likt 11 .01 ,1 Y or i'ligrOklY FIN DINPS , atler prhoot Calf and libecp !toter otitts, Lace heal the ßeedeolhottlio, fletopaNetne Treadles' Nrt'./ 10 IS Dolt Poitthet, Wrench - P..,:iittipptog Card, 10.1toit err:Peteat Dom., Droshea, Weavers' II: u•lo "S l l.?' LUCIAN & CO & CO 4 ,1 Wco meet, rittebtagh LAW OFFICES. B. CARNAHAN. A TTORNEY AT LAW. Odle, on Fourth .veer. between Cherry alley and Grant myl ATTOWIET A RI N LAW, Butler, Yo - - , • 117 - ILL siso attend to ortittettona and all olio, hoot. TT netts en:rooted to boo In Bader and Aranstrons counties, Pa. [telt, to J. te. R. Floyd, Lacerty et NV. W. Wallace, do Jarnea Mszrshoil do j I'l , tabdrFb Kny & Co , Wood rt. ) )11,0 - - T It. SWEITZER. Attorneyat Law, office 34 Ft oppotnte St. Charles Hotel, Pitburgh, will al• ant tend and Green p en coromptluny bea, Pto Colle a ctio., m Washturon, Fuyett. cl, Blee re cx to a r c k , :k rot i h : c : l- Co7, :R )7 l.o.burgh. T Alorgan, 3 E J. HENRY. Attorney and Counceilor at Law . • Ohm CollectIOn• 111,,alliprrri 01.0 and in Indion. and of Kentucky. promptly and corn. ruHy ...Odell to Coromtemoner for the State of Penn. eylyant. for taktng Depootuono, to.knowiedgments. Ratratt \VIII. Urn & son. Curu%, Church & 'Carothers. %Vol Hays, Katt.. ll'illork & Davos .1.11%.1 DUNLOP, 11,14./.111 0t h "' on JUAN T. COCHRAN, XX.A TTORNEY AT LAW. Fourtn ntreet, between nLratthrteld and Grant ,al2-dtim S - ( nl r o :! ' d o l l s. e . ??o N t e A Frja Y n g"e ' Si t h a n 7.. Z. Clair et., next door to Alderman Johns. apt7ly HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS OVCORD & CO, (Sarcomata to 151'Cord & Kingt F•ablonable Hatter's, s Corner of Wood and Fthh &twit. PARTICULARIIIteIItion pout to our Retuil 'rradr. Gentlemen ran rely 14,011 pctriTK Plc, Hat, and Capm from our ratablt shutout of thr tiltkr NIITXBI/6 I, 011 d WOR[11,1311:?. a the 111 . .7 STTLES, and at trot LOW PAT Country Merchant:, pureimatng by wholeaale. are reapeelftilly ttivtted to gall and examine our Stork: as We call say with confidence Mat . reg,d: itrA3l3f and cairn. it will not ruder Inn rumpardion with 03. 7 sou, in Ilitladelphia. Cai'llYnriaTtar,A fsso-ratscorlePtirr" MT , IRD d. Co. corner SW and Wood >tie SPRING FAHHIONS FOR 1h49. 51 CI 11iD fr.. Co will introduce on Sat.. day. March id. the tit;ictnit atyle iiA•rs 'rho.. in want of a neat and superlor hut, art to rail at corn dr of sth and Wood iitrects. nom! PRING BONNET RIBBON'S, R Murr.l C) now open a .apply of ,yriug Boonel DI new and hanikorne airlca 41,.w, new sty, fig'il anti Edg ing, Edging, Victoria do, pin.' Muslin+ neJ IlenllCll. GllthrOldered . LectJr. u large aiisortntrint of Spring Good generuily. nort.l rorricr arid Market ecLA. Whn,,at;••• Room , op •Mlr• MEDICAL. D I —11.r.r6 'vatic roam], at !erg, ll~rn the lic,us are very apt to brut., and injure thermo,lves to many way• Thry are on,: diaabled so to be d,eles. for long ttme If itatticdtatr o. eould be made o( 13 A rititnestork Co 's liube:a• clot, a fa nd ruiaed port well .aturated, nuri the remedy rubbed la. wouid gtoo reltel and cane the path tio rmer sltouid hr wt;bout tit:. celebrated methrine, nk it nhkr healing to man or bea.t Pre. pored and old by 31 AFA Es•TiN•l( ,t co COM,' of Wood and lAtElko. curlllr eta Wood and tnyl: V If . ORGAN'S WORM KILIAM--Another proof of the triumphant success of Morgans Vertu:Mgt. Prr - rsta Lull. May te49 Mr, John D Morgan.—lfiny tam m of y us, to the suffering community. in regard to thr article ot Morgan's Vermituge. you nre perfectly welcome to it I had two clit,dren sorely alllicMd with worms. I be caMe alormed• and 1..0' so, when I tried your renOwned Vernlifuge. and eutonishing tell. one of them was deivered of about kitty worms fifteen inches long. of the most foglinal kind. resembling more the appearance of eel. 'rite other maid was delivered of about 20. The children are how domg burly You may well be proud of ',nor Worm Eider Yours tru v Dsvm Salsas. Virgm alley Prepared ant . l sold whole.ule and ',al: Ji11,,. D. Mt qtGAN. Draggle,. Wood street, one door below Di ornond alley. myl4 "(TOUR COUGH MAY RE CURED. ALLAGIET—IrI erre. (3d We'd., A p I NI, 1,49 R Se'iers: !Icing niamted tor .01/IC tune w.tll dou wawa was ee am to until for aily map:omen, FreyaenLy after coughing. I have Lean so much exhausted. as to be ohliged to sit down and rest licartng oi the good carets produced b) your Cough syrup, I concluded to give it a trio:, sod am happy to any It produced the desired elect In n” case After using it one night. the cough wan abated. and lam tow perfectly wail. Jaen Juk”.oS Tins pmasant and popular Cough Ryrup as prepared and sold by II K SF.LLERs. Wood street sold n;.us by Druggists generady in the two cities and vi -01)11 4,2 AVM/ 11ER LlFE—tic Hers' Verinifuris the aru. M et r J M. r‘ir. The vial of 0,a... Vt rustfug e I bought from you some mem ago, brought from my girt 5 yews old, the ssiouir hang nutuber of 5 nundred Wo. I behe • e Weald nave livcd a very short time,,but for this Medtcitic Wsg Sew. Jr Prenered and sold by R E SELLERS, 57 e Wseel st, sold also by Drugetsta genesn.ly bt the two ewes ine• IMPORTANT TO TIRE AFFLICTED. Dr. Rose's Celebrated Remedies. • • • D R JACOB S ROSE. the dippoverer and Foie pro- J prlctor pithead most noputnr and Lenefictut sod and d'sn tne tuvrntor tbe celet , ruted tnntru ntent tor at,lLtut,g Lite Lungs. to derrettng a rare L.' Caroni,. 2,...tsts,ts. urns a student of that ...neat ptit etan, Itortor l'lty•te, and ts u g of tint Culver,. en or Pent., 'vent, and for thirty years 1 1.11 r e Its• etngnaedtnvest,nuonl dtsease. and tLe app.,. datum at 50.1,11, theltdo • Through tat u...e of Inn tnliatotg . tube. in enn , en.on with 1.14 Propaylactie Syrup apdothcr of 1.1, renirdic, he bar gain c dunparalelred ern :atone c hoar an futui Tuoercur ar urtroc Immptlon, CalICCr, SC/011141. Itht • urnalmn, A4thilltt. Fever and Agar. FeVers o( alt k,udr, Chrome Kryaipt lax, and all Um, ob9ltnate dista.c.preunar to Iffnalex ludeed every Comp( 110,13.41,cUndvr the ttir of h. rcmcdrco..to Which bUllitl/Illy is heir—not I.y the arc ol One compound only. nor that ie mcoanlde with Phyvologica: Law. but by tat u.e or hi. nm rcuir• dm, adapted to and preserthcd for each peeuular lot I or dtsea.c. II It,. Hoer's Toole AlteraLvelll, when used are vartahly seknowirdent to be superior to an other. as a purge nve or liver pill. inaorouen a. they Irate ,r Laavrentterfrelly Tree (toot fOltitentegt, at alto h.. holdenito:• la tub:tined by the lueu.ty to po.te 4. bar properttot adapted to telltale disc/tau, but t.nog tansfatd thut u:.are Mu: 10,11 le cstui.loth what has been aunt in the MIMI.. of nto.l atepural The I,lllCied are In•ited to eel.upon ihe agent. mad procure run., one or tot Doe for patoptuett. a tit-totted arcount of curb remedy and its appu,outu For sale by the l o ci'owlne agent, to. wrd at by me, Deaggiats throughut the couhl, Se boonmak cr A Co. 24 Wood street. hitalturgh, J Tosenrehit, druggist, 41 Market at - Leh A I.tel k hum. twat th , it A 'legheny Jo, litirgley, Darlington, Beaver county, Ca 1110 F.,:tott, Eutton •• T Adam, Beaver, - hovltt-ttiv Jayne , Expectoraut Sathat. Columlnurra eu ,t,. Apr. 101 l .D }L a nt 1.14‘ In )uu 1r -- ; E vnt ' l y 6 5: 1 71 " , ', 1' po rtuptl)nl go,..gpubllthy to tin , xtraurdion, of your Expectorant on tol self Having been atilwied for wirer,. ) , ,,rs With n severe cough, hot fever nod Its con conniant down., and seemed only downed la higer out -hort but exottcncr. lb , fa!: of when, betirg more ~e yete,y attacked. and Luning resorted to all My former rented.... and the pre seriphona of two of the tom. revectairle physirmos ociantnrrinwal dermne any. amefit, Or the consolation of ~ arvnitat hula It w day or weeks 01 ~ .iarthest—wtren the Ittit Oirtsill of hope w. about to adts/s, I had r, commended to ) our rapectorw.t— am. tile•sed I r Mat Nang who dot, all things I the use of theturawe.--aud contrary to the 111 0 0,11110111 OF “ins and frtrod• I a /II hw de). In my toed. and vv anled lip tine uw. of a bottle to si.end or toy bss. emoymg since trotter healthtltuu I had for tea yearsusine previous. Hespc nal; ours, , /All W. E 0,11.1.. I -or sale In Fit.bur,b, al the Pekin Ira , 4 ,orr, Fourth street. ator.al ItUI.:SSEL AR, OIATICK Vl N triA rho Ingle. ly sahatory, 10010 11101 . 1011.1 . prbperilt, 0113, Vinegar render it far superior to Comgne al, tor the ordinary purpose. of toe toilet, surpaa.in, the ,at ler in Its perfume. It prevents and retuove• pimp .•. teller It asperity of Um skin, refreshes and while,. the salt, remlernig It son and smooth. It corrects clammy end Liter taste of Me 11101.11.4, i.nparttng utresh and pleasant breath. It elCalltittl and WlOlO/111 teeth, and harden. the gums For all the above par• poses, It as used with water in itch orodortmo WI may he found most agreeable. By Inhallng tt and runmerg un the temples, It will remove ...law he. I. applied rustant/y to a burn or 1,1100.. Wit, cvedlouiry prevent morufmation It tarred vitiated air, and guaremtres fromcontagion, It 14 therefore , very useful for purthiog and imotuini.,g apartment. ler •a,c. r.y It E , ELLMIS, NVhole•aie Druggi, 57 Wood street, t itishurg Dr. McLane In Tem:maser - - - H4s . c , e % r o tt l t l4a , u r . c o h . a , :e. , d w o u n e rn v 0 t7.1 „.,. 0: n Dr o and gave to a ton of mme. some seven )•ars :em an spooo. full. d although the utoo.llll may appear lane, yon I have Ito doubt but there was upward., of TISOOSA ?no Won.. prweed trout hap, measuring Won on. gunner or ma inert to two ;aches Mug. (.1 W HOLLIDAY. Ronal'. Creek. Carvol no. Tenn dv, nat4 5 ELL3..3L.3 . 31r. it E Sellere.—Your Veruntugc has sold well, and Ittea beenhtgh y spoken of by.ad 0050 have uwd it From the success attending If, ,A earl of your Yee - mirage in every riot I have heard at, I am coohdcot I Con more during the rominK seasor, than did last. I will he glad to receive another sup .pry 0(4 or 3 gross. Yours, re.pccuts.:y, ;Extract num letter I K. CARTER. Prupared sod sold by K E. SELLERS, 57 Wood ..t, uld sold Imp druggtsts generally, rn Pdtaburgh and AI leghay. 103.5 I , r bj ,r, guelo, ry I% hurt, nr, door to the Perry House use 41tI JOHN I.* PERRY Foreign and Domestic Liquors. (A. .1 , attortrorol ot Futeign ao4 Ittostc.the 14- ,21 quota, o.wtty tamituittl mol for ante to quholincs .tot puroltror•, Lr • • ‘,V ,„, an t un p ru u re r d Tcr.ous wa,ll;l,g uuch urtlclrs. arc .dvitcd zu call and IP.c ;Kcal & ATKINSON'S, o'2, 1,...wer0 lA'oodlrlark•r at. UNDRIE.. , —I4 Ltd. Nu I Lard,t Jai. eaue. I Bacot.. aas.ortrd, Ltd,. Ilma ,,, cd, 1,34, uo doFlma,,,cd, l+ry Pcarhcs, 2, do Idea.strr,., fi J., I.,norug, lu thr *pm II ISAIA/11/ItAL.,' & Jul Trod , st W I , F;zl 6 l7i, lonottng from l ue JAMES DALZELL COPARTNERSHIPS Dissolution T HE no-partnerslup heretofore existing between the subscribers, to thename of Constable, RorkeCo . this day dissolved by of remain:. Mesa:. Burke & Barnes will settle the busioess of we von. cern, for which purpose they are authorised to use the :lame of in,. ,0111, rn. :NATHANIEL coNsTA !ILE, EDMUND BURKE THOMAS BARNES. The or:derma-fled have this day mama-fated themselves in the name of 81 - lIKE & BARNES, for Ulu purpose of menotactarlng Fire Pcoo( Safes, Vault Doom ar. c- t the stand of the late firm of Coustable, Burke & Co., whrre they seal be pleased to receive the pa tron tu f a of the customers epithet house and their (needs. EDMUND BURKE. TIIOMA& BARNES. In rearing from the fir; of Constable, Duke fr. Co., I With sincere pteri.ure. recommend Hens..liurkt• Darner to the confidence of my Inerult and the pobile. Feb.s. I-40. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE. ienl3-dif DISSOLUTION. THE partner - 01m of MI. & LEE to Ras Joy th• , , , veft by mutual consent. The bueme..4 of Lae Inie brat I ! h< 4ettled R Lee. IR. MURPHY. Y. Jan. ml, P. 49 II LEE NOTICE--The underslgned will continue the Woo' att..] to :ne sale or Woolen lkuNlig, LEE =OEM In rein -Inc from the firm of Ai ur.(yh Lee. I tote great pistisure . recommanding hlr. II la, to the confidence of my literals and the Pablo. Pitts Ira 'Oa. J It sirnriir. /jtlsubscnbers hove thusdu, thein• 1 selves togethar for the purpose 01 trnuaaeung a wholesale and maul Dry Dotal. and Grocery at No IWO Liberty, opposite tiessatli %mita,dialer tile style and firm et /I A VS. Pittsburgh. January I, Ih4D. N I.l—Our old customers and the public are invited to glee us a cad. job COPARTNERSIIIP. At. ,SnCwArleF4l.l:.nndi t_ra ?apt. JAM ATKINSON . SCAIFE: & ATKINSON. Copp.'r, Lit , t a tl c ..: ,, h m orLlT:: i t nla u fur r aloud of Win It St:/1, nr.r n ell i tl " re7 " lt ' ent' a u t o:l! ne " Particular artualoil giVclllo steam boar work 0012 I HAVE Ilan day u•aarinted With inc Inc a.!t;:t. , OroceTy, Pruduce aaJ Ca.cusluadan I..E•cm-3, Icotht r Je•eph, undo, ti.c firm oi"J A DILWORTH a. Co. J it DII. \ ORTII January I. I c.la 1 10- .PARTNERSIIIP—W t n %ming Laving L.', Jot, R ,r, ther . I. Vow. & W 11.1.1 A NI %L./CV[:, MEN= BOOK TRADE JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, For penny veer!, cons widt Wdey ot um, and /too John Wooy, N. York and Loodoe OO.OU-L. 40.1r1 lIITOIITXX toP ENGLISH. FRE:NeII AND GERMAN HOOKS. NO. 63 %% oODIIVOLET. INcsaly °pet... we St. Cher:ex Hotel, I.:nch•h, French. rutd (;crmuu 11.evlews and Nlagazinc. and New-paper , ported to order, prier% of dodo may Pe oAcertruned on aprdication to eae. gratn. lortl L:\: AND V ALF , ABIA: HOOKS 11 I —Ulm.; nn Pub!, Architecture. preporvd. 1,11 heitalf um Building Committee of the Snitthntuunn In•htuhon. )06,1 bole Owen In large guar', cieganhy pr.nted, with ILI illustrations the t.c.t style co: the urt II —4,ruea on lironch.t, .e and clill/0”. h ow argu‘l A tr.. 010, on d 4.- .r. th.. a,, 611gCl. Cp 4:000 an incialry into the hootory. and tieut,nrnt Lho, ailrrnonu of thu throat, c.. i..d Brooch:h., Chrotau Laryngit, Clerryinuu Ste 'Puma, An So. By Horare Gruen, A. Al . D, An Male. Improved and carefully (.0143,1. Royal -no., pit lops. tll 111 111. -Saw rend . tar Ita rdomn. revised and et..ar_ Red. av,ti, addilionsl lou.trald,o. A Trealow Lard. .cape Gardening and Rural A reloteclure Fur see I , r JAMES U. LOCKWI„)(11/ Gil Wood streel, For many yeara connected with Means. 1% ne, Pu nun, rid late Juno New ‘ork. 11.1 r 1.. returned from the Eastern tiara . EADLEI . I+ NEW Woßli— v tlie Adlronlincit or I Lilt in the Woods, I.y J. T. Ilead.e,, aumor of . - Ilashirspen and his tienerals, - air The Lice and WOLII/011 01 1. 1 0 1 . Cl/11/011, by W. W. Campbell. 00(110, II - Bor., Wurotrr 're/ d by JO7 STIO h ICTIV BOOKS—A IL•lory of 1% ollerfu. IO iddeas, dlucrated with numerousengrampt En. wood. VO l 1144 , In. The IJ,rarnabon or , 1,,,1rr. at qnd b-r So, 134.,evbrr, For, ts ",„.. Ott 1.11000,,c•ory rig .oy. by Mr, /lame. , 1300 Just r,.c'tl , 10 , K rUA corner and \ lurk, .s• 13ooks. L , LLI" - rr :0 \ orp,t, 410 n.rd Ih:unload alloy. boor o „.rge , ...olJpea, nod Lebe r WWI,. ••Ak•l are the loow,ng. vse Mt•err:aneous E.Sonr• L. ,, •1 coar•es. by Prem.lent 11,04 ma, I. MI. Law and Goapel.l , If Il Itg. U D. 1., of De Wttt Living Orator+ai Amertea. Repubnenn Cl,jsuarn,) by Nlngoon. Man Prdneva' by Harr,. Phrenol..gy 3.1 Mernaeri.m I, Rev N L. Hire. D 8t1,11X311. as import was r by ly. reher, Ntim,veti and I. Re conlac Muuntama of she lalthre, M F.rkunr. Earnest Mrdt.r.ry nod Chorea in Earnem, .1 A Jame, lA warda' wont., l VOI, new edntoot, J AI. IMa4on'a x /Iran culap.ete. Cowper's 1.1,e and Wuras Of Cooper; roibg on Hoe and }'ail 01 Paper), Turreshine's og), Cy esuptdsa of .Mora. nod Resspoun Anecdoso, &alga: Nhrrauve. al Popery. Chn.t Hr. - riving Orr, ner., Ilvar Evftlenre4 r she Prop, 1., .1 CUMIDI., Moder •ies). MtWeru Aceontpl,abmenta. no Kansans, Or.prsal hough. MI ,ripsurc, b) Ce.o4 now hr•t pub.ianed, I F..thulda-cra, ?fiddle Krisgdoana, hecsuri. 0.1 Pirginn• Progre, Beecher. MMSIMIII= ==t=ll uutrtrr Alaw op.«. rac lor •a le by tu, ec •—1 ne , iv A trw, bar • be Scce American Urt•awd,t,b) Wu, Kri.m..k. The Complete Flinn. aid Rural Ecoao... Fr . .ndr.l%. 4 mlcriltuct•uc Cooktny, l.y l% eu A llontly,, rec ,t by JOILM , IIYN :ITOCIi BON. mYI4 corner Ilya act vritl 34 sot NENV W , lRK , —Thn.ygto. ot. Prn)y, by ~a inuel Altiler DD.! I D I Itouglet• 0000 Fesonilv Wor•lstp, by Jutnr. LV AlYa Juki reeelYcll I.y uty Jr/UN: 4 I'ON & STWIiTr Ao • Mum, ur I I uruut.. EMIM JtxIIN,fON , 1".:),i0N, conk, 11nrk,t E:NOLISII AND AMERICAN BOOKS A 111,5 I* Ilor 1011111 yeut• r d 1I ne) luta Putiwin. awl 1.,/c .14,111, I,* ilry, New & mil London., h. attl stted n llow..cottw 110o*e It Nu h. It tent ttl 5et,,151 luttottero..ll wed tlta street*. **bele way Lo wood a a..ouzor rth ,• oun of Mrit7SDAHU 1 . 1.51,1.1.**L1 add AAltt.ftll'.l A 1. I'DOKS, al price* al .ow a* to 015 Eumetf n , ow. sod CONTINIIN l'Al. 111/1 /kr*. 11— *hews. Mega s,l, e , .Newaftniters. Ai imported worth, 1,0 a. I - WHltt 11.11CIETIES are enttfled In or their h, k. duly ire , I,,:jelthnel,*ll and recet t ata.**got turnout I e, to tu at. tl,o*o who de•drt th, In, or tutut per 5n J. y wh l rr* ' id alavo,* he happy to 01 0,101 0 'atleht t- men ht. hoed*, mod utown to Otem tarty 11101/1/0 , 10, ill 4400' net may prudtens ree,nr,ling Wen, w, VI, , S . AND VALUALILE Niscvss. .ts tier t.o• w,lll ati 11,40401 1,1 IA 4 , 1,1 10 1, L.1.,141.-no of Kur. 1 :•..,,, 111 t! r. Vete Wo.h.pfetr*,and +to loot, ry utto We nwlowra and aeut 01 we anceenl Ass) nu.. 1,, Auttlen Idly ord. , ret..l awl lor ut,7 411 111\5'1'1.1\ tIN I AMES D LOCK WOOD, Books/tilt,' and 'sport,/ t/ 01 Foreign Hooka. lil 55.001 turret ha* to. hand *awable colleettoo of Eng.,, add Awertean !tout* In the thlierrot 1 19,11 . 11,111. , of I.orrof ere, **h.,' 1/4 prepared Itt *eh 1. low 04 tor y 'tart he °teamed to Ler n (.1114, / nal .1. and Comm....Lai Ilnnts. ftry.ews, :llagn zums and Piuw7paprrft, anputted In order. 1 1.7 pm,. /4 ally 1 17017., llug.mlc or Nrva-pap7r, may I.c /C0717/110d on appneallon ,11r I, 111711. h• and Amerwan Camintracm Immaleml yrn Al r. I.Enimni•.l.o F/11+1 , r ~ 11, .1 d.t) 41 0111 be happy to exteam any nr•l. r• lot 1171, a. l Ein/las mg. or ntauonery, at a mu.. 11 adya Oil Um 0071. 1001 fIOOKS-I.ayarM7 N. 1177711 51111117 ROllloOlo WOli 01l 1 11, 1 011111 01 a an... 10 11., 11..140n. 111 I— nd:, 41,17,7. 1 111 1 . and my. 1171 7, nr De vii Wor7lnp. nrm, and an inquiry min 117 .001.11717 and arm of ,111 A mem Asa)/ 11117, 7m:l ,m in. rnauctom mom km 1 v ocluv 100111 11/01.1111/1010.• I.nervcrA I.oelarra an the Mlgrins'7 Propcsa I 0.1, Itmo. Pore rrdurml td 11,00 Crude. • Cor.cordnocc.condenled rrgln-rd W 31.5 d urnulay'. 1114tory of England. liarprr'• twdrA - tworem, vol., octavo—lurgc print and 100 pnper, r 75 1 ,,, enm0. Hebrew and blngl..h Lexicon. new cd. m iproved For gale by 111,1% inyi I 4,1 al i., or •al BUIJKs , ' 11001i,-- - U aon Church and toy He V II NorL. rbe Clo Arch Earnrc. by Hrr I Am,' Inn, Adv.ve to young Men, by Li Artht,r, ykt Essay. al.:ha—Charm, Lamb. Vpsdemie Cholera. by Prof Coventry l.a ni 31 , ,ral and Reinoon. At redo. ompor, orb • ~ 1 Chart... F.,“0:. na,it I.y her I.uaband 2 Vol, c ro. I no, irtnlc tmgott and Cultfurnla rt 1t>.1,. by Jutl,,,hoyet.n. 'lnc tate Expedition to 11, Dead SPa. Provrrt,• for tlar Propie, or llltutruutn, of Ira t , anc... drowo from thr Hook c,l" \Vulcan, b) I. Nlaag oon ~tvert, t , y Sermon, l,y I,:entesit, ut llctrotolog),l,3, J Ur. ir•by, A AI For sale by K IlttrKlN,, ugy 7 Ap0.,0 But: ding, tut AN PRIMEVAL, or 'theu,.4l a 1 nye conasiton ~t ti,e Human neing A vontrll,u• von to rheolug,,, ,tezence, n) /alto Harr, Lt M I.rglure• to I oung en on vagina. 1111p1MIMI ,t.,CI• by II W Iteocner. Works, complete: Ss], Wtno The woras - r JArthur. ult.,. rd 1.5 , ols Ju•t recd by tr.) I 1 H /11WHIN5, 4111 near wood BENNETT A. BROTHER, 4.FEENSW ARE NIA lst CFA 71'1: ItEtle Blreutugham, l near .I.ll.taburpytt, P. Ware/soon, No. 137, Wood street, l'aiaburgh. ww ILL constantly It cep on hand a Foal as.or. Meet Of W arti of our oven manul,ture. a :d uupertorqualit). Wholesale and country Met. chunu arc respectfully inult,d to rail and r a. .t.nnU for a...1v., as we are detertruned to sell cheaper than bas e•er before been offered to the put, Orders scut by nia.l.accompanied by :be enrh of reference. ardt Le promptly nnended Le. 13133112! • . T ll tl F r ' aft ' Ll b r i t; c wt a s c l e, y ' lnta ' n ' !j j ant?!\ " l72tb " . " , ` , ` P.: ` ,7 " ;, dutt h. Co. nod by them seeeptell, for 13:211.1. dated May lo4a, at 00 days alter stato, end erupted M I - 1,40, payable to the order or drawer., and by own. endorsed to r C :Shannon. who has none, that p..y men, of the farm, has born stopped the hand. to John NrFaded dr. Co V A- HICIiARDSON, or Riebardeon it Leib HOTELS M ISCELLANE()US. POrIVTAIN 'HOTEL. PAPER HANGINGS. LIG/ITtiTRP:KTII A I. T I M 0 R E dl Essrt S.JA9.IIOWARD ilt. CO., F 0430 A, 1 . 1,,,,r ~ eau:a:vv.. lITIM , ef I,i. i•hroc, long a,..1 witle•y know.: s• AIL S.! IVoud Street, belt', rule of the most commodious in the city o( II - 01.'LL) . all the attention of the public In their ii.u.timurc. ;ins recer••/y unilergone very ext.,. y p-eo•n1 rim 2or Pap, Mono. virhleli (or yo gi, niicry t aml improvement. An entire t ic., ro.i. 1.., di; .4 fonsh.durnloillty .smeltea pness, is un won! ti , ts t.....• added. CO( 1111110 ne numerooti nod airy .. 1 . 11 • 11 .1 1, 1, ...1 e. ol :ltshmcot til the L. 111 °.• alecping nparn..• ~• nod ',lv', 71, heti., .00rn. I ....“1., u Jage and ful. t 0.1.111111 m .3' paper althea The Ladle... depart...eft ho' W.° her,. completely m.re ~..7 tr., now recrovdig a dirert tot eorcntred a... 1 5”....1 up in a Most unique and heuuti. !..-0,-... •-, of Frenca .1,11 Ellcilill al) lea of }''per Hang. hii `' ,l ' I . 'to `he '',"'. arca Scotent of the 1•10....• Ito,. purchased lip Mr Lc, Howard, one of the firm, has I.cen remodst...l. wch a .thel.• eye en the pert r.: now tn Eurorai, tieing of thr PrllPr/otors. sward.,twr the comfort and plesoure of Parieenti inanufacture, 1%000 ;nacre. tart, Guenta, nd 01 , y confidentl noon wi., I.soidon do SPOO do ehllenpr motion, son woll ...:y Hotel in Union. 1 0, their own manufacture they lino.. lIMAXIO Forces ' rite,, tnl l e will alwns. be ..1 . Pr'1,4.1 with every sub- , Wall Paper. and 111,000 pier...atm glazed Window slants: nod luxury w.. 41 the market afford, aervril I Blind., Re. III" In . •ni`^tior .iala. win! , to the way of Wines he . Messrs. Jame. Howard &Co. hoer spared neither they will not tie atirol.ed expense nor labor to their emleavors to rival the (.11A 1,, no .•.1.1.10, Ow propts,on. heel° ...y, that for , of w./11 plper eKtablishments, both in qua!ity 0( man. ',di 1.0 CO. notion, on thc/r part, an..: on the part of 11r i ufteture and variety of pattern, aLd th. y are arrant ...slant.. to re...lr `nil',' 110.. el wortl-v the continued 1 ...I to asAuring the patine that they have succeeded. patenno, of their trend. and the puhlie cc/1et . ..11y The whole ac.ortmcut, for and home manufae -I.llc Orlre• for board have ul.o t•ecti reduced to the 1 turc. will he °Gres' on terms as low SIA those of east fullow.tux rult, , • ?7 '3 per ay. s N. Wscom of the House ital• evris, f,tvtd r s.:tl Steamboa rot , •sar•s , .. anti frost, est fr•se Inn y:Ar POINDEXTER & REYNOLDS, FLOUR FACS, Anil General Commissi T onO M R erchants, No 423 Alaaaar Sratzar. between Eleventh and Twelfth RIF., PHILADELPHIA. riated theimela,s to Pht:all,no.a. for the porno. , ni transar.no, a Genera: Commtgaton Donnas, and trust ripe trr trualne.s win secure ...ea , jr - r - PuHteular , Menton2.o., to sa;ea of Flour and Produre generally: a any purohasrs 11, Pa., a'e.na.a market for . We•tern account R POINDI:XTF.R, M REYNOLDS. REPTRENCES —7'ar metr-Itant• of l'uthaurgh grit. era, SFiug . er Whiteman. 1,..1.mer Andr.r.on. Cittetonatt, Oho: II D Newcomb tr. !Ho . It Canon, Ruda,. Ja- Lour•vit!e, Icy , Crow. IrirkSda.e. St LOU, Mn . Hem, No ton k Cu. \ .\ V.olc.t. New Orleons, 1.0 ; 4.t.1. Glll , lt, Ndyo, t.rr,or 0 )lorro. N•,..• f ork, R. Tomlin- John Tier.. A Co, Pr..., Mar.eiPt, U II :no ..11,itgan (fort, Po 'Otta ana.:Mt "X, Cr/MRS—AI ZEDULON KINSLI ' Sr 0731 a, let dna vers . high Lack She:l Turk Coml., medium 2 , t olalo toKrt •• • a I.eaded i"ot • rata y top Butla.n n pDr ` in _'lo 0 - 01 Hon. 'mina -ae. %..1, •.• r.cro. s a tom arra Side: 3 AO/ •liall Ort , can d 12 dor. Ilud.tha do do, 4 do Ink/tat-0u do do, StStdo bc o, , ..h Horn. G do +S.fine Ivory. ,tra •tx , .. 1-do Sdo do. to aux, 2r0.• S fine do do; Ido comb - I ei,ata,.. apla Scrip at Par, W•ILILYAN L. 116,1. .1.0611 VA 11,01 A. Wr. 11,Allt TAI: VON I'IIICKERINL's 19 A Nos PALMER, FIANNA Jr. CH., 11. KLED 1.1 l at e Woodwel. s. NO. • A:re, (Sureesvors to I Itt.sey. Hanna N Co r- rat Ct., krt. .1, DANKERs,ExCIIANUE DRONERS, atol dealers 1100, I 114,,,,) ,•• pnee, ~ ,r P.,,boralt, 1) to Foreora old Danner:Do Exrhange, Cerlareates Alleoheny roan, S , Np 'rhea romnr., of Derma,. Hank Notes, and , e—Fourth 'trona, Irmo to 7 nrtnve, nart were Mr Co, . ~, - ntly opposite Gm liana of Pntaourgit Cpfrrizt MO• enna Or tars mark, Tar, ore - ttraated to . .0 , 40.0 noV rrv..o.oit 1 ,, 1 . I , TO-qtr.—Sint. Cheek.. for sale. and to nu) . ,Jty, 11, tnr. ‘latc+ , -mark's - moot., coi.emmtar made 011 nearly all the prtoctpal 10 Stairs Royer. It ,. 11 , 11 r pre VlOll. tO Taa. Grgttr-i lorensuom pan! for Far, and Amer:can otd a.... to brio, Jtern -onto ~nod Go, judge. prot . o.aa..l.i. to ..uds. oi to- Adeanecs made no oran,roments of Produr, ty aanve pert hal, on itt•eral terms ap2 iup • " " /ILA f' IN EN r --kr ALL A RI. ~ last,rorlAß. ttP'att.XmatY.t. a tt . ; t a ,.. "; rw„,„ Fa, Pool Coss, It' ro Duds. FRESH SPIZI ZIG GOODS. LEVER OF WHlrl'r.trr IRON Nharklett THE TABLES far !urn... t u g ,very outer t r... 0 3 , 1.. d r ' r ' 1,Tr t : ' • art ;;;'i kt'a".j^ : ,t r o Y 7, ° " a u a r a ' : l7 ;lt n e closed li"- r'A N AND I'OREIDN DRY I:rn,D- hOW rer..ortar una a" an '..arar'd M'Y are made I a, .otes and .1... p.... nod ar. adrorrat.y adapted Ink .hrect Dom or-t Straintoa, Mute, 0,1 'aree pnvate minor, lonia zeroon. and drvw,ag a la,. ./In.r. •,, otran '''g ".."" a ra n , Pk , r^' , " tafr , o Cast,-,, ,1, ono ~..o t. t . t t.t ,t.,,err j strl•AS AND Hl' REA I. S—Th , se anted., nre buyer. lacy wt!l had to u, ,r Intere•t 10 . M°^ ' . "ho ‘ktah m room. •-onvert •lerrong apartment :ttto MCI , OttX,C „ li re .. 0.1,00 ,11411 G I'o,o. as tory p an g be crane,. and .but ...lien shut the 1...,!'t0r Goods. 0..0r . . Ir., 1.10. • Ta,:ors' " ..av•ag roam 1 „,,. cea..• rs:tr. r rr.ml form aorta:3lu! piece of fora ,are ous laarAs pa lifor Or •1:1111‘, room. XXCLIANGE. HOTEL, con,tr . .l Or PION AND Tr r sr, ti...urned the mat,tgr• mem or 11., pnpul:kr . . lq , un..n• Trnv,.iler• and On Public grherallv. thnl he he at al ornr. prermr , d to or - en:nu:m.l.°e theta in ali tut I.l.••trib.c a writ regurated Th- lloune i,ow I , rl/14 tnorongh , Y repu:red a” , l new Purnltare ..d.1,11, xm! no roam. he •par-it tn, 1... a Co 0,0 of the very e h.- , Hotel. ~, eountry u nd ,,, lrn^ , re.pecqu!ly .01,1. continuance of the very litrera' patronuwe tor 11nnse an. r•totorn rerrived ONVSEI irt , 9tl:l 1 . -r•pr 0101 LANlAR , risic nousikl, rnicntrp ND rTI,E,Snri Till' h . t. (low : . I,trnr and etro.,,nl lor ( 1,- 0,...,1,0 I:" gkl vcie I.mirdr, 40 d 4, C” {, • I Ilot.. cul...notr deternt,ll,..l..n o.e..rrve. Olen fort. col. n •linrc . ,11,0 1:11.'. ve.1.14,11) t , ..; l'Sil'T/Cll STATES tIOT "Mr', r,.:, ~ . .. rn: n ~.ice. MISCELLANEOUS, JAMES W. WOODWELL. lit HPh t.A,F.:•--A ...el and uoefui rime, for parlor Modern and Antique Furniture, IN 17.1T1 Xt. Itr,Sl:, , —For 7 nyr mitre. r 00t7 • 7 - tr rt,frn., •'). To,: 7 -7 rt.s . 7 l'..i.n. „7. :tad mit, ,qh,.-. w 7 . , a 0,1,4 a ' Inc, rouVrajrat :IxA , Ar,,, A , ,, , .., ~.„,., . . • , ,,I. talk., ,• , 77 •••,7 a p • .. ..r1 ~7r, and I.,!trary a., FtsAorttly . at , lor:t . arr . sunab7e lor Su tial, , ,alA, Hotel.. al, rr...te aver! tnax, eoatitorit'y On It.t .1 itt, I,lk:e LO ord.• r ' rlic pt,etit •7ori 1 -7 7. Ilan, rarnot Le ry - ,,,,1 , •J by any manufarlory in tl,ta.„tern t ontry 1 t ,,, ,, , orathlng to J.irruns, v.. , ,.,, „„ tv lam drier 11, - J, ,, roaii 1e , 1,t rat, or the .1,1.4 rt,..-,,, Tele X Trt ,. . I.ou, XIV 1 7.a..t.. to, . a I r•r ta , .....n , •:.7, Toilet ' 0L7, - , 1.0 u,. X V Comtnotler. French tatti,ornbr It- 7 7.7 , 141• 7' , a •• u , sfl 0... with ' Yin, end Ilitir-cor.h etweel: 50 rthug.u.ny llor LI ie ii ...e., 25 rent, Tx , r• 'Alma lx,va . ,. 211171arbir Lop tk a. 7. 7 , 7 _.,,t, A p,ttr turnuate 1.1, urneron• ..111 , ' 1,1 It,- Nteorn 140.114 lora,tord 1,41 the -hum - , notwe anti on the mow( rruiioti.i, r inn,. Uri I.', -- - pmr Tu!. EINIMIII!I Chocolate, Cocoa, &e. rakef• Are,r ..rnen ri Trwrct.nr.:. tiv t:tc 1111 11r.m.., .1 n. 1.1 niunary are .r 1. 01 , ^ 1,1 , 11,11L1 11, Ilk :',/1111r1,11k arl, t.suore, a i.,.•• ror 11,11. MA) A ,1111 It At Wrought •1111 Iron Stalling. =l===l=Ml !..,NioNTS =3:!!1:EMI!II!! i• du I MERE 25 do .1,, f l, - , kr . A 111rwor..1 11 .1) J 11..1.,:-.:, .lo 23 ',Vat I .o .10 it.tt. .3 p i„ r I.or ILlnd 111 k PI; .• tt t, =NUE INIA\.I. I II I< LI/ I , .1: I , I I 75' ILIA, ...• I I u, ~~i .I"-,,.~ Clo,ilfi, , ..'n 41 N , P 6,11•/ .1.110 mull W. a J. GLENN, nook llitadcr. MEMEIIIII 131, haVe , our itr, Plonongnhela Livery- Stable. s7 l }:1,i1.1;1 11 l'A Jr'lront the i r ... •.. ' '..'11.11. , 1 I% nod aud ,nllthr wmoh the 1nt•11,,, r.l , • J..; re, t,l an, .r n. , kk 11;1 'O. Co . ett ennrely new .t rear oeL 11,0r.e• l'arrnt,e. of r. 'lll,l ;nte•l kt) Ica. ilornes krin Jl at e. NOTIC ,t 14,- it I,,tner ,11y COalp'S p,-., Galvanic Battery anal Paten hen tor 11111/ Maple or n.. ourT y ra ed Pats pc Maircal and xh,er pa. none. lantices it , , IN Pt , INI , EX rirlit In only Int trunknal of thc Loll that Int.t e.•• THE Pt orea p:r..cntei in this youn:ry or Eniopr, for I 1 . 1%%. , 1.1rgh, Ang . Ith, I`,l` eurpo.e., and the only one ever known to calvorne tan be mnveyed to Wei, a• e II I.RANT. boic•k $.,,•••••r, .nil o.t. • le, :he brnto. or la any part 01 We bo, . rorwaronig /11, `mo aTc. ::ul2 , ' r y ur AND FOUN 1)1(1. •Ir• II pako—with park" !qut awl ,•• hto Ind '11.•• r•. opr utntur nOw highly approve° • ‘ ,„.,... re ~„ Ins 10, mac. vi equal pr.:tent phy,ictana of Iluseotio. L- whom the arlbrted and °Wet! Wheal ( • hU,b,5,4111, :11,11.1 1 , ,,• Of o,r, •1 e. froln Ic 61. rrterred. Reictenee w,ll to likuta, Nunn.. rrk,L,l, • h.gh!y c,l4aelni :OlVo m.l 1114,4ir In. 111/d %,"..I.led o• • n , t. r. , • a - , ot nwk: •of Iltlktno.l v.t/oahle .11.14cial Z/1 , • •'"' • 0.1,, . I• . WWI I.lvett•rwe nerve.. 414•Ordelh tin r with ver) tt, Mk.. II 'ewerncal,vc.l by an) °ther kno.n rne,. or.ous tah“.. n has been proved In of ad- A r e An,A 1111 • f, the e 1..: of the fl:owing n. ,to , 1 re.tu• :um ntner dinenne. ot the runt. frio•ltbo Mat vppnralki• a.ont that the operator caN 41 , had of 1.,1r, k.. nut., , roovey the m.aneur Iluld alth ease and safety pitiNTlNti -e, re.tore .1R In., 4.ure anuorosoa, to t, ear 1, r - f`lll-:•uhoerila.r , .111,, 11. , ^^, other orgu./1, .r I, the Ptteti rof I°, V/ n•..t • 11 "" " LhC for • (I, rartanatta.Uana. pa, nr ,41/1, Vtc:. , " " '''"".'' „v. thy. 11041, f 40,1 P w “ h -.1". •111111( . 0. erlit XII,. I no.ll tftrlie lye whirl] ntr• r at the tt k, 1171 y alit ~r ,;u th•ek,e. preubur rontraki mn 100 .hort null. e A ,111 NINA B 1211111,1: MN" l'aiLlorutta tor. •ttti tsl .pa ..tr hat tsr ttn. tt n: tit 1 kultrtt, ~01, J 00,1 to; ., I r Jr. ,o•rnerv. I“.t , rgr auctrlic.l rardrc rerpva'autzy ca.led rrt tiled m 111.111,11 ac,. werratiled Ire per,. .1 every ro.pr, . , 0 : 4 welowd ,ot.r rc•t , rovcs sold low lor cir Alt N. ' 11, I. "'" your 111 ,, I111110”1 (I,lrt t, rucornor, d 11.0 II•^ Cr It For tet/Iforni : ~.t. r I l . osard $•.‘,13 nepratt'a Patent !engin nett 0/1.) CASIsS recelvrd lv,o,nor 1 I'll - .4Al:dad, Mardi:. 7,147. 1,./Aa and St ..oud, In! tor Nan. by 71a. 'd.• 111,111 C et edninrd the - .1.". • ' - frf...l<r. noo,•tcrcd Sou. 113 , 0111. do not hesna:c ruchl3 „. 4 .n 11111111( la Um U.O uf fp,1,41c/f Wl.O uc rt . suovlng ClLfr . .l4 fft •carch of Gold. LINSE }. ""' - '° ~1 : „%';':".`,1 . 71,:r:f.7,Lii ; ";01.20° Joy!l o cr Lamm auti Llt Clan er. I ascertain when lus placer t. yieldlog l old mulY Your, resiyoy, J. R. APCLINTIXR =A= d 1i.~.. 1.. r: ru.uu.i or tirr .• ,our u orrere•tr• to mt. , •r. t•nt mnactu-rfq tu X r-r Third l'uburell nthlttro . rt to 01 . nOvat lir., ar•• lurrtn•t ou, MI, W ,Ettnut.•‘ll-. lii liµ takro d.it with ti,ros,uni;,..“ ,• r w eed to) iow wdl. the tdai ior iour year, I w. altcntl to L •Ltd. or ....fond, 1.e., for 1. ute lo in) d Dor, tt the -,tdto I ~/d • Ai— ‘de.l for rtl,..l,,l4,ntlttnee •erkt Physicriet. and m,t.elnr:a. to the uheoulit ...• 1,1; a4y Idlteftt th,rfrnnt. In 1-4 t. I r - wonicit:•4,l tatlng Ur. I:t.,,,t's Med, d. •t. and .) tortn n•orr or st ever smee. 01, SVII% by pvrxtvr,ing thelr .e, Itt. I • •n:, ”ow tr..; td)y that I Ott. rontplettdv rreo rol ne,th I hr.. ihm Jayne , . Stannuvr Pi: , tdd I.lpe, °rant are the best lanut) utedle,tes r•ox I r..,,1r , prt,lic:.l Ol40.t!O caunty, N. V, and rartt oh a fur.", and nutch.nr %hop 111 that rflare. piro L,-re.ted ntsy an in the .t.t,c ot the ihrtneittr• am] snake crrltheatehrrte ot thtt...• attllctrd - 1-:1.11 AII EATON ;al \l.l lout ry. ===M M=MMII 9 Job:, A MiIE=ZIIMI \V,V.. ~s . he. sregn.l n l a,d %l .,un, tor u, ion.- I ikAZ Ir. %Im-,ow , „. .., it: the ‘l arrhou.. r.• J. to . tr,t, have prompt ~ 11:ark.ock. k Co. I K Moorrhnn.l . 1. 1.1 \l ur.n, John Irv: , : & usburch hi H Penn Machine Shop. Nt 1611 rAi. N—)l+..J•ularturt,n. ail ktnd.: of 1/111.,',,ry hen, r , rnr,lt ordr.r. woh txrhiv.ry rov !to , +nett It• rjl 1111 , •, *p. ihro.mt, luotu, a'•,• .u•xxt nr r ,•,,, i 1 . . ;:t...• ttril !mod:nth. , and too, it r All ...nal- 4,1 altaitom Ina, to or pin,. .1 , 14.1.• or nolo. at r 11,1, A. . L. i: J. t.r.l) n. EW COACII FACTORY, E. Fr•ricrril Eri A, , :rrldts.lr) rtrreLa r , • , 11 work ‘ , .t tur, rr amoirdlJ, tr.riurt 1,111 L".l' 1 A 1 l11 1 ..11: 111 . 11,t , . 1. Iltetr part.,,,rrr :tic...L...0n to IZ.,:o• for 5u.r0uu,11.,6 romalleo OS Wryer, , orJ Affi, Int :cowuluent, ma y be porch:l.rd, it, te•Lc.lfroe lire cure Of tippet...es un , tru, 1..411 LG pven tor the vArtr.uot chcmc !try enter I'.e 600,11,,k orII, cure of those the tenet:user, t 4/, k p 111,1,1 Wl' tn. re,. s Re., you., J l; lA. .40.4 Hcater. Yutabar,.. Ma:ch V, I,:u C NA, of Plutiolopl a.o II f'UN & Co's Trlnumng I 61 Fousth at )!DERr— Wonted patterns for ottoman, P/11 0 SIGOi, Tab ;e Cover, Travehug Bag, ',oh a great vurinty of smell patterns Also, Worgted, of U./ olor. and phadr, the pound, OUlleft or alma ior •ato Ly apl.l I , If EATUti & Co, 61 Fourth at QECONIJ: 4 I'I•PLI . kt..llurpuy, at northeast ent• net . of .Ith and Mark, werts, no. 110 w opt, his !taro, supply of sprutn and sunamPri.ood,,,,,,of hn o( Drer• 4;oo.ls of ;Inurest atylcn, and •t 0;• - hoods of cycry kind, oil of which wltl 1. roil apV • 11.1. - .1.N NIL:3I.IN DE I.AINF.—W It Niutphy has receised •ne near., end Pr' IC iey Or we tl•lounalde rhade; nleo. Green Itarneee. •pl 7 1410LICSALK. OK I( GOODS A A. .11AS0.1 k CO., .Al‘l..B.UNl.:Eizi AND 13IPORTERS. 60 MARK.' Sr... uJ alio rt. vv,trui,ed A lII' now opening the moat extensive end vaned alllOtttlleht Or etitetng and Summer (tooth ever o extilt,ted in the lV•tern r'dontry. comprising Irilsv.trtl. of F.:even Ilundred Ca•tet, purchase:l In noun. pneka. V e. trout 1,- tr.a:ku ..•Ittre licrttrters..,, large 4110- WIJo 0111,411. • y Y.l vac veer., itncl no. . l , rt Sone eel, NI dr, I.ntne; Lawn. and `anew. Icotton and linen tku a..6ed 1lo•11,1•.ell rr.tdr., 00 " era Muslin, - Chet-Ir.:NW`• Itirtki. Cotton. dt•ant•tte I.otehatn, I ttdes and .111111, 2 , tntre •'Drown Arll•',114: ' '.. ' dicr;th . nyrll3.rcgt7.7 \i" 7 74177 . 4f. k 1131,1 ArlicieK,Ul.l;• en.atmere.. Li 11,114, HO •- • ovcq he &c. t7,,y an..l country merehanta , a-,9 find th. tr ..tnek as hlf,,. and dr•iruble aq Ea-stern stocks, And an now., aatmo of I,,rtr goods and It cannot fad to and all that With tour undeniable advants.zr• .tnd !uctlnies, they can watt Lint E•STLIIS.I.kanas , nits fact has hecn clearly demonstrated to hand reds of heir patrons atm formerly porchaied Fig.! PIC, .toelt 'Not always be fou:1,1 romp me PI if, Vi GUUIIY, 1619. , A 'A 1F 12 r .1, I r 10, V itrtd V• e'3' ii•ov.,* and 1it..., lull Cap-. ‘l., xlur I ,urch. d .ed ~..r.4..r,R1,y of th.- ntßnuf:,,,er4 tra..t. du. Inc svc.•rr, hr . , rttt • :WV =le =RIIM rte Wr • .tt , [l,l LILZI, t t% 1.... x a.lari I da 4 CA 4I R44.r , ,k p v. A 3(.41 ,• Coo,. C 0.44. 1 r MO 4 . 11.1,1 Prrru..•.•,.. Cup, urn. 144..• Whn 4 4.140444. do, 11.14,10 x Comli., 141 . ..•,444,{ Comb,. Back L . ...L.4, hc, he. r 0 LA 1 , ) , 1 k I:1, re no, rlig thn, jr “ock Trimming, ennsietin, in part of Man n)l.n lin,. l'r .ccr oripip, blade And r.rd'ilnk I.nc•.ltn lirlJ., Bonnet l'r,nintia,. caedrenri plain and lan. rnen Comb., Ivory and rithr.r 1s ra. Sp , ifil Conon, Needles, 'rapt, Hot-- , thrry oder for gale. Aoh t 1,1.1. at li, Froomnig More, Glitfourlin strrirt. betort., \\*rind niol Mari: et aol N i. , : u ‘ , m Vs . l'fi —A A. At M" O 2 . .N., 111,,t,rert. an. I open.ng. 40 C.loe, p.ecogr• of rp.e love erroopn.mg de (;6.. g harn C th onthne= T.tuene, Rbon, Slit Suev. , ,, tiloven, ilo.tery, and n ..,enera ment of lond.s. C AI(PETS, OIL OLOTIISI I)F.C . EI DAN', Corp-t.o s r.t o d o It 01 die nt mo, approved platn.rn, 11,1 at prlcel to io,l porr hn.cr, ritrap tial r our ch.,ed Kudcru colnpr,o, to. o Ext., Rey'ar Velvet Ptle enn , lo; Atloluu.ter Carpets: 011 y •ize nail roora• Tupcwy Sup Ron.: llrun.H. T.k; ,dry qatr carp,i; Extra -up .11, do do ao ;1. rhqr I'lle•rnie Rugs. 1-.xtru •ttp d Tufted do INZEI •I.l:lt.rn nl - 111, pu.:4l/.• to n. ate w.Littler. n:111 on , uperhon do do Itru..ek do 'For? d•, 111C11WO Door IttOO•i • Coma 1011 t:rt Tutted do do I I. ;-1 k I • •;.67 Adr.not do do do 1.10r , p .kit do do 1-4.1-1& I torl'd Ve- 12.1 EalL'66d Piano covers tre,6ll do 6-1 do .Table du I-1.3-4 0 o:6Jrt lo do 6 -4 0001 do do Cotton do LA . 66./,trd and Itoe,lo do Vrot. u.tot do Pr,. Stair Rod. -I vo6on I)rug,t. 16-4 woo, r runt!. cloth. 1000:c.,.lumcr I.loen 6I .6.. 6-4 lol6u do Tul.re , 10 - rnt.. 6 0 6 do doern•A - 4 Floor too r.oth., Snots, Drop .`66plr •1o 00 do Cron:on Rush. 6 .4 do do do Porole du O 4 do dm do tolne..ondo 1.1 do do do Cnrpet Brndulg: ,tteot Cloors, nlnewTrauv Witolow shnle. p4Rco, rut to tit 10'0 Ow at eve we roo.••antly reertymioilrSrrlll6 m••? 'loll • n. 611 Steernhont rri tnrn tg 0., tO Vettlf otrre tarn o.entoot ,0 . ..11 to (or no, wet, Lou-, or C.0./DOOR:A 04 Ore Le able to tad., good,. KA lOW t./r) t•All to put,l6l6rd lo the Ea, and or tit- oe..t trod 'ate, At) if. Cat. and ca. atm, nur •10 , ....fore purr namt r:gewhe.re War,. No 75 h 111011•21 M'CLINTOCK. 17, La, gfa,,'lapf. , , and mon Fwi , 14.11141 5P7,: ( ;006, (;rnar•aelA Spring 0,3 SaAntner Wen, Is r.critnng at WM. DIG.BY'S , II(' l`fornetor of the plot", ettaitlohnwtd ttt'at: ltd.,. hitt Inlmnrou• r o nntrnonr, le ,4t returtted from th, rttter, wtll4 tldt mod t 1 .I.4••ttrtirdtt • ilk Itt• ihnt Ltrup 11, Ete. tun! ev , ry Ort•ettpada of hut, ;Ind woolt,a Stoat , f f t.trltt Cra tt.ti, ,44;44 . :tder... hr., tftc twweo n . ninMl to,I1)< with in• ,ory :argn •10. i• matte l'totlung, prctwrcd oil,' uttutt' w prwt C to Mrreharda.Contrwrfo4 Ftt .1 4'. who par. tttot, tttr,t4O. arc Fort , ularly inir,4l In en aril tl.llllle 4 dtwk, widrh ta tler,detit 1.tr,41 wtd latottoutt.tt, la tad rot' anti kw,: oleo 0a.01.3 grt it up.u., .o Wh., lI•JVC Order. th, raiJorl.t¢ I II"I uto.t .:1 . oier. 1•1.1, lirlrl/111 err. exper the P.a.,. re it Itu. l - rn adticd to 11, clat , ...lttro,l tVZI dlltu Dilv la oil Eo. — SH ACK LETT di, WHITE, Dry Good• Joba•rls, n 99 ddl , STREET—WouId cal tilt attention 11.-reharit, In the, farce Mork of Domestic Forrld o Mil' 61 /011 S, ion rdreiving from iho Im •orteneoA 11,,oRteturera, and which 1/.1 vrill .11 vcty io s lot c.Als ur nputovcd (,or stock .> toll and cntoplele, and well worth :1{,1•110:1 na re are determined to tall ,1 - 17c,nely low price% as eannot fail to make it • streni adacemeu hr mere/mats l• make a bill with yantulJ • DRY & VARIETY GOODS. • FRESH SPRING GOODS lA rE .O7 , OrO - 1 07 P 7`li ' l\'(;7A.7D l s o n ' .\; 3 1 .i c it7.0 seieeted wtt h more than usuni care during the last few weeks, In the New York :oil Philadelptua v e ry k. and eruhraetng a great varlet) . of almost ee dei. se two 41 of the !west and most fashionable styles. and a leo, porhon of it touring been boughl at the EAST. ERN ' AUCTIONS at great reduehon from the rev. I tar rat., we are enalhed to offer crest indueements to each buyers velier by wholesale or real, kife would therefore respeetikaly lash, the attestoou of the puttee to our Stock, feeling coubdeut of our ability to out buyers /n almost every ankle they may wish in our hue. To the lathes we would espectally commend our stork of NoLILNDID Dittos Sties, of watch we have • very large and beautoul assortment of the latdat styles and most fashionable colors. Lkoten Dam, t mons—NlousUn de Lames. Poll do Clicevre. Al/K. !men and mohair !smarmres, painted Lawns. ohithaen Lawns. Foulards, new style Barrgcs, English, Ferneh and 'co ch istughanis linen Outs hoots in great variety, ke ken Boarnors.—New style Bonnets, very cheap. BIZ AND Ftdiwzas—tif the latent.,) let and supe rior in quality. PARAN . FLA—ALA—A very large and handsome stock of Par asols, of ahrtost every style and cruadty. itildwts--A Gem assortment el spot, and summer !howl`., of a:I styles and pores. Faan, It Chorits—,k. good .apply of super French. Eng loth 01111 Amens an Cloths and Crowe:owes, to watch WOum mint, hie sttentton nr person• needing such • tul, and general supply of Shirting Cheek% Twektne•, twrira, and biro-hod \I osllos, Table I.lnens, Diapers Canthnos,satonler hood.inen , and hops' w , ..ar. Jaconets. sluils, Swiss, Nan. gook, Nankin., Prints, Ginglinsus, Crape, Crape Lace, Cravat,. Hosiery. sit Mkt . , Vet's. Ac. AO. Persons kw . , by who should call and r.i."llllr our ktoek, as our pares are loch or to It thwerem to buy. ALEX AN 131:11 DAY, 55 Market st. rip4l northwest rortier of the lhainond A M. A, iN tc. , CtE, No. 00 Market street, nave .1 1. oq in-.nrut ll , vlrtety or Pnibrordettes ,v.. r t. , 11 Th,,r a.••orutro con. ..this in part nt c to.iowing goods, viz. roth .•ntnru.,ler.,l Mtts.,n Cape., (root 51.50 to 5,011 Cotlar• tn 01.101 cr,a - I,et Co:!er, front VI to :5 3.50 •. to 121 .001:impure - Of to 01 150 Jenny L,dll " •• :o 1,00 111“,, LA, 50 to 1.511 590pa1“ muslin Cuffs. :11e to 003 Also Mourning Collar.. from In! to 250. i the cheap one prier store of A. A. MArION Co, No 60 Market st. tnol2 FW RI dIBMNS. BLACK SILKS, BLK. BABA- Grds% A.r —W R. Aired , . has Uus mornmg ro t...lord by Fs pr. aMt of handsome straw colorrd. crrt, sad I..tie Bonart ReMons. glumly Meek Stiks fur dresses. Vtsllff. mantillas, An. ==lS= tiara (too. (or drrmsest—sach as swiss and m r1111..i114. Aiso, craltroldered musk for drrtotes. all at lowttst prices, at northeast corn a. Market rtrrr tt' hn.r wait, ROOM!, Up AI:11r, inylt UFIENCII LINEN AND LINEN lusTßKs—cV Mt.urn7 Im, now open n full usoruntm of a 41 , 410, ar,co.F. for dre S., 4.111.1 Igoe Monk the Inl t. r •onoe acmes colors, such am pant, blue, green Iduc gr.:on, and tannie cola. or Cha oneleon Lawn, nod a large a...nommen, of embroider rd on .r:.. and Lawn., \V R. n'e recent poreliane in now art received and epe, and rno pen 4 wanting, Dry Good• will do well In leek inree and Irene 1.10,7 k I,efore purchasing— ul leathen, corn, ate and narked AU. Roorn. up .11irn. evil R n FIFI A L FLO kV ERF —NI ate riu/s tor A rithetal Powere, tia3ue paper, .pound do, Car, to pap.. ler ~o rlde. Fink Saucer.. Lean, of eve , j bud, tip, and eaflow‘, van he obtained al N , l ANI)\.11(11-.11 "(nu., zt,L, 1:1.“N r.:•trer{ hi,c I V 3 5 ,•. tvv, rohl =COZEN , •w 41, Nnil . f.. 101,ro (plc n4l.lnr,cni A F A —:• 11 r01 , 1 i. r lVo:tlor•: 51 1 do .1 bor .10 , • •. 1 ~ 11:“. aro•.l Vr.l Fot, to, !..t lot• Cotton tilotett, ttoot . tl, td. tti top. het , 11l lio crtita• 1.1 titt tlo .tAttot • 'sot. n.. tl 111 CIIE3P CASII CLOTlll'ill STORE, nt3 I.IIIERTY MLSCELLANEOUS. W ANTED, TIAILT u the BALTIMORE, PIIILADF:LRBLk, 1„/ NEM" YORK 11051, D NEW oaLkAnis BBNERAL A to wholesale N CUILLISSiON OFSIOE o rbong MF.N to a nd retail stores, and other woreetabie . buoneas, to act as Rook-keepers, Sales toe, Porte., Idar•keepers, %Vetter, Farmers, Coaeb• torn, Car Agents. Book and Map Agents, Colineture, uvercer r. in all branch. of butioe., An We have at col utnes ai large number of goool situations on hand, ' , Bch pay from nat to Bata* per •1131‘1131. Those to want °foto... of any kind would do well to gave • 4• ti salt.. we have agents in each of the tiNove ec two, winch a,ll enabte us to place every applicant to ounants ...non at the *honest nonce. \Toth... • inrge acquaintance in an the above named ettle•, winch trum wall enable to vote cobra sansfac • 110,1 to oil who muy favor us with a call. 'PAYLoR & T.I.IIBAN, No, 5.9 Second so, letween South and any. N R.—Persons :firma in any part of the U. States, and onshing to obtain a situanon Baltimore, or ei• that of the above ctn., will nave their venom imme diately u!tentlett to by addresslng us a line, (r...1...1) by to dntn. they will etawail both trouble and so. wtose, winch they otherwise world inc. by eostung us the city, and seekong_employment for thecoscives ALIOreA, T A LOS & TA YMAN, N 0.59 Second street, Baltimore. Mol li&LIEF FOR mumps. F. RAVE:ABDOMINAL WARMERS made from V 1 the inn, approved English pattern, fairtlehal and recommended by Thom. Bakessell, Req., nod a :ember cf eminent physician.; brine a mom concern rot apparatus (or the apphcation qf warm or hot sta ter to we howein. in case of craolps in Cholera. As every person Is subject to sudden attacks, no family should he Without at least one. CAIE & ATKINSON, at. be 8 tween F !S Wood and uites Improvement la Pianos THE subscriber is Just receiving an assortment of P,anos from the f or Nunns & Clark, N. ~ which for el. egance of extenor, beauty or trash •orl superiority of tone and touch, surpass any hove evcr broUght to this city Mr Clark, of the above firm. long end nit,. favorably known as the forrner lorelngn cc bral ed Piano establishment of Elthiodwood. London. ha. recentlylmproved and mr. forted the Pianos of Nunns Clark. N. V., to an ex tent ivh,rlt, unhnestionably. entibe• them to the repu• t whin of bring the very best as wrll as t.st cheapest riattos Le got in this country. The lot now open. ong, coin, with the additional recommendnuon of an ImproVeluent in the style and finish, which makes them at once the moil elegant and tasty thing-ever hrought not These in•tiontentel., together with the stock on hand, form Ole most extensive, varied and do ruble artsontaent ever offered horn t nil of will sold at tilsoufacturers prices, and on accommoda ing term, H. KLEBER, at W. Woodwell's, 7.) Third in N —7lie subsershor vri!l he found at the ware house l'roin II to 12 A 3I , and 4 to 5 P. N. int H . K.. sole Agent for Nunn.s k Clark PIANOS! TllE , ubscriber otters for sale a large and splendtd I n.sortment of rosewood and mahogany grand Ae non Pianos, with and without Coleman'. Celebrated :Enliati Attachment. The above instruments ate war ranted to be equal to .y manufactured to that c 0... try, and wili Le sold lower than any brought from the East. F. BLUME, No 112 wood xi, 21 door above Stb N B —Huy Senn will he taken at pat for a tom of . above iosorunent. my 2 Por Scrip at Par. 11;i4 lifi JOHN H. MELLOR, 81 Wood street, will sell for Scrip nt par, the following now mid second Mum] Pianos hie elegant r Owe w.d 0/ octave Pl ano, made by Baker fr. Raven, N. Y. 163 . 25 00 One do do 61 octave -- 300 00 One tOIA, WOOd 0 octave, gale. tc Co, N. Y.— 275 00 one do 6 do do do.. .• - 250 00 one. mahogany 0 do do nearly new• • 210 00 ibis do 0 do Lund • • '• • • :LLS 00 roue do 5I do Rosenbaum 100 00 tuts du li 110 f lO O/11111 .. 5010 0•c do 5i do li Sr. W Nunn.. ... 00 00 One. do 5 do English •• • ..... •• • • 30 00 nty3 ftglttoVAi.. JotoffN,;ol,.o.3lS;/".T,ll:;,M.terer:‘,haztnT.l,,, from Socood, has o.ed FA •[ Thankful for past favors, herespectfully whet. a nowman, of the patronage of Ms former customers, • nd It e" itcwwe the patronage o many now one. as t the right we t pe. Orders 111 the 'fatlorng lute executed to the most 'a•htenaltl, manner. and with dwpalch. Alen. n fashionuttte assortment of ready made Clo n. 11,4, of kinds. Cheep for cash. of course. Furnislung floods in all their Varieties t lu•ys on bawd, ' , Jett as Slur., Bosoms, Collars, cm •2i4, 01 . t. , voile, Hosiery. Suspenders, Pocket 1 , 144.13h - tees, Drawers. I t mlorellas, to rll:d3na ta. a De!teate Nmure with prorupowss and secrecy. 111. •urces. in Bur&to and other large cities has ••!thit provvrinal. Ills chargesaro moderate, and his permsnent. Old cases of Glom, Stricture, Sent ra!, Fluor Alton, liheumausm Ague, Syphilis, or any A t or inveterate clues solicitedA rare warranted, or charge refunded. ',Me, St Clair street, 2 doors from the Bridge. Trol l Fletreeted Adorer to the poor gm. Fl -- Or A r0b , .., the worst eases tinny disease Pri . rtuireh to cell aplardly WIE - LIMP! us. g, Iloaafartarer of Mineral Water Apparattut, •1,..N Or rile 401. EN asst,{ AlaID 1017111,11 t, So . ..I . ; No-ih Second gar, above Van•, PI I I I.A DF:LPHIAr nee of more then twelve years Ins maim tarturpm of ltlineral Water Apparatus, rt : n . tori flane ral Water to Bottles end Peon ro ns. on an extmmtvit stthle, with a iscieotific and pme ...ai .thowlrder of of both branches of Luton*, Mgt , Ith recent improvements In the construouon of rte itparatii. and the prepartng of ale men. which nrt• :n the mace hie visit to Pans, rad ruler .seer ei einae •tudy and Pootheal apphea ,ron. awn,' tthe attar in Alm/mums and Chentia ,iy :lie weec to corns before Me putilm mith ellUre tonfidcurc, arid offer them the beet gad rem, c r Am.:van, for the manufacture of Man ia. Water Boffin, and l'ounthilts, that can be fur ,•.lred art Me United Staten. Ile eke d41.4.r• at;rn:r.li that the enlarged success he qv, ernh a•rd vie prerrent extenarve and daily m rr.n..1.,,r ..... 1111 ol b ”1 ..11C011 in both the above de ..trtmen lire moat roamer/1g proof of hie RIIII 'LI •dirr•rinrny of A operate. over those of all r, and purity And eralabrary of the Water prepared therefrom Person. wen order 11, Apparatus from a dlstance, tite, ite a...ttrell that their in ironuone shall be faithful , cntnp.l,l won. net .o packed as to carry safely •titier Icy Ise I or water to any part of the U. States. To a vont titsappentlitticni, tt 14 recommended to those ,vho pto forward tend suppling tvonselves the approaching - ..., t th y e r orders at us early • day as tom con. 'lenient. 11111 .111,terst Water App rates, Generators, Pumps axle Pottittatna. Ornament.. I Urns and Pedestals for Stand., Compete awl Bars of Hotels, for drawing Hydrant ik „re r , to4cit te r with Corking and Tying Altschul., and evert thing appermoung to the above hardness, rot- curry od hatil. and for sale on the lowest terms lor co • It, apgledeodam - ------ ----- I:Hellas...gm Filter, for Hydrant Water. TlllB is to certify that 1 have art prettied Livingston, Roggen & Co: Soe Agents for the salts of Jenning's Patent Hinprahmst filter, for the cif tact of Pittsburgh and Allegheny. JOHN (ARSON, Aen Aor l a i alter M Gibson, 3.10 Broadway, lick 0, 1.448.= 1A e have been ustng one of the above articles at offirc of the No. - et). Worts for three men the en W ‘tat .et, perfectly satiated :het It te a useful I the , 014.4-0/10ait 0, A/ dwe take pleukurc in recommending thensaa a use, tha i, article to all who love pure water. Orders will be nkfully received and promptly exceutaL o1:119 LI VINIISTON, ROGGEN & CO GIUSAT WISSTHRH -, E F A D1 , 1.r. /la it.\ F.,.. Tit LNK AND Wil/P MAN ~ I'ACIIYRY.—PIie sub.enlmr hakes Wu mewe d of trtfornitng his friends end the public In general that ~ to has the tart,. stork of the following named arti cles of fur own manufacture in this city — Saddlea, Her .. .r..k, and Wtops, ad of which he will warrant to I, made orde hest inatenal and by the beat mech_ talcs in Allegheny county. Being deternlined to se// ant MUOttiarturce.oineilitite lower than has bee n he/e -at/ore sole by tiny 'Ammar e.ishinatimen t In thecity, mon, p.. - -ott. in need of the above untried tteles to in. rearehottre. No Ott Liberty street, mu Seventh. Also, bands made to order for nfeettine occat•ly O. KLFII.W. PITTSIWRtiII FHEIAI.I JECMiritircar'Firt. T il r ti .,, :‘e o e r ozi , ...e . 77, Me o u l 111 ,, i . a .. 1 t o t .41.0 .. 1 o r n ~ ht i. n dp e m r . 11,.. , ~ .stletnir year. .vlll cOminctlice on the firo of I,ebrua , altt in the ',tine building., N 0.5.1 I.oterty 101 W, ogrtnents have leech [owe by womb they will ac ic in turntsh >Gong .adtes tseslittett equal to any tt tar 1l r.t, tor Obta/ 'log 4 thorough English, C1am ..,.. :nit irtt.oneetal edneatton A full course of Phi ptopliteal and t'llernicH Lectures will be delivenrd lurk, the winter. ou. aced by apparatus, The dr ; tt . mcnt. of Vocal a.ld Instrumental Music, Modern alt unite-. Bra WO, ,tl,l Pm.tig, will each he under ttr core of. competent Protersor By close 111140000 .0 1110 010/3. And 000044,00: improvement of their pe p: • t.te Prtrtelpa.. hope to tn., a emmitoation of the !her... potronagr they name hitherto more& For ~.. •4 . •trcuntr or apply to the Protemads.: 1•20-dit ,o v I , It , Ft -A .man Iron loan tI"• 11, WI. Patterns, Tools, r be• tr... istil Ite sold o r emtn uo or•.•11.1`:rt• lI.VI or goails. oppot tunny to a young man • 11,41. 01 11 1 11 C lICC tbe Iron Foundry but .t. Eon etre of SCAIFF, & n LKINSON. drrd. I st near Wood street. SScale., Cooking SI oveg aa ß a n .. stet .E Arnit;'!! •r A Li l ..:rr ‘ t ' ,.. ‘ it L t ' t . .l . \\ '' ,i ' il fuelur , ott ri.” •I e I e•ddrut, 1 and Counter Seale*, it , • , totitto r quent). Cook tag Stves, kir and rotti, - b.-, of venous slues, l'ar/or and CO.IOIOII ( 4111 C 5 liotlow l'are, &e. &e. They also .112 .111114 C la re Inc Range, winch b. given sue tt ictieral •ottarttot t to those unclog It in use, tO all of vh., y x•otiof °nine the attention of it, cittzent and Inc public generally!' ) Arvvr SOL Alt L.l LA.IIPd.-17—gg eTileTist-Ce enrol bi t .0/11CII dc Co's celebrated menu rturr , sod 'upon.. to till odic rs.tnize; adapted to It ...curt factortes„dere s, ~,,tr nett.. 4,rt to la I / (Muer uses sels a e ir.: t oent is desirable. A tto.fitrtitidol,•• 'loll Ltmerns,Candelabrits,G/Obes, Commies, Cans, Trimmers, &c. Also, Coundeltr rt, ruin one to four lights. lV 1V IVILSIN- 40 marker., Ilardsrare..-ehinper than 1gvt7,.4 tni AN, %VILSON ar. (XL, Importers and Wheless!. Oeolers tit Hardware, Cutlery and Saddlery, No 129 O'ood street, above Fifth. bore now rLom• eery ,Inentp and well 'elected clunk of Ilmdamre, imported once Or decline of prices in Europe, end which bra tre deteronned no reit commporidistriy low. Merchant& who have been,u We habit of going East, are paruca ...:lyora:::tur..yi 11::;_zoclvi.,mlnet,t,oziitiith.rough oar stock, •& save thei, expellees ; ocrl BEEP ROUNDS—IO Berner Dried Deet D Bounds, very Gne,jort reed fad for 11116 by jub 58114.E3y 411 MONA,
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