TR2INSpORTAtION L oung.toirn.towew• ; -. a... anat. , Pn" , cete , I T"Epacket ISFA VER.' gr a. ‘••• fet Beaver reviarly on Mnnder. ,V,tnntd6r..,.d Friday etnning6 - 916 P M r•rod •Dt:Loglittiorn next morning ne..e o'nlont . totem Tun.loydrursduy ere - 9t i I. k. and re ttleaver .6tne , or t • r0rr,.....e ALL,E6111,2111-fCLIPPES, err:l - tor .t3ta 12 o - clock. • The Bucket iiARKA,N.Av ok.• len,: Braver Tlier , l6), Toturte..) , lay eVe , .- :Aga at 6 P , tertzt,,ing Nrw :11o•WY Vt etinettinv erntit,nday necting teijo. in, P.: Ong finet t . N. •61. .my mit • t , • Ai, .• t. imr.nnerrii. B • The egant ..t164/11, Ai t,rilk 1 . :1 i•t.i7 leave Bran r. nt ~• erg, e• M. rennin:. In Endm7 1 S - 47 ni T ;41 Pru. Warren aa~ kenger LIO9. Can ! Packet—SlVA L.L.I) v. wE.A N. (INS al.:, .141, ,„, :tyt eftteptrilt as/ t tore• • ! B atl- itia (E• ayt ertycpicili arr.) r.yr• ••• 2: n.•ry . n, Worten, tent connectnr,,..n•••• "Akron an Clevatfind. am .I.IW •-nr before ni t. untr of•lne r•-m nt 5 P.M. and ate r rr r unra• '4.• Eat 4-ti =ming Leaf for rlntlturnn C E a M B TAI-GDR. JOICC Cr ' a1:‘ , 18.1,..Any, n 14 , 13 n .•t' It alr.!••••n•nnr•-id ..11 • UNION LINE, ON TOR PE,NN'A AND'ionr, cAN A z . g ; It I. .Novoand.ctlANl.AncLlA, nal - CitE'N 1:1?!. p0 , .1 ?r, thr Canal ..nd rn.ahue. of thr.4,Aniji; goal antl Cuputity Bout, sit.ett, :rt. tt: UOC Lualietav ' ettfrat.ttturgh rung in connecuorin-titt tn -1..AKE'&17.11.: Be weer Botaburgh and Bra A 14tearnera.'re Ao.ra—H. Phrta. ltrarri. t Jeaee Bnidwin..l.o.l,r4oani.. M B Thyior. Warno,, Carna:h'rentiss, Barran:l. MACelr./ S CO, Air . .. Crz.stbrd nrara N (rralita. Brola.r. Jr Ill\ .1.1: Offire,ror Wengr and Str,,l3.l.aitl n:. EAVii Steamer Ntt t ,t'tt • T IIF: a/Joy., re,olf,:r MIL: Wl' L., E. 7,7,1 . V -r Piusburgh ¢-IF, . • 1r • - - Mlclogail No 15:17e. A. M., :lad Beardt t• •., leaves Bea +, c r'.. at 3 o'e•loe, P M The,c r:::: : 4 Taylor a I..ffnogSr• •M, r- 'll • . • UlllOll Liu, . „ Ciarke .1 • ; Boa.. . R U Pitrkot dews. ',l • P • I'LARXE. P A ~ ta aytaltA-ra JUIN A. CiitladlEt •• mch3l a _ _ CLI.VELANU IINE, ON THE I'ENNeII..VANI A A ‘l , l tr,11 ; :, t - AN.t; /[SHE Yroprtetore of Leo. use •I. ;ore daily Iw cone:to-11K ni SI X r \ . tr•t• -- • • 130ata, ownt.l y tnemt.eter• -• • :1 lion with th-t crate I.ctet< ti; A it I;OPE, are ......ttootl to t tfor .-tt the tranettortaunn 4 , 1 fr-of qt a.t.: opening •nteir, o • p, yivanta nee Coop :vie. N. loth .1:t .1 a t AtiL/41 4. 0 3rtm— ‘va•—, • husburgS BIDWELL. & BROTHER Forwartlin! 31 rr an t , .(, Pitt.sfnrrgii awif::, burgh and Er.. Is,. ei basts Bear cool Caleb Co?, Ilaysng purcha..<l.l tam tart. %.•:I Boat just Loo.ll for Ut: , ... . auh the itUttitton of klVar, anu. , C0P310.1.01f I forrerroJuru Mudge their Utmost azeuuos. jtroJc - • . to cotutsomeats to Weir arr. w•I .• .0 , or Sinai. ILI2II-ffIV if Af ii is'i Atiti 611 .71 - 11S-49 fl ON TI ERIt. IT.j. it r, k\ , {! rp/fE Propr:eter • 'Or 1. Bean., prepanni in and Freight in reirmi irn the t i..• York Cnna,. iir.l the thite• ....• . e • tense pad to Thu Line r in. ii corinne•ie:i ir h a • a BEAVER aa 'Pr and Beaver. Recw'a Lire h.' aarn wls on the I :It , . anillthe l'ron Rill A I a i. Boar Line 011 the : ei.• e REED. Bidwe re: .•, IV T Mather. Agent at J e•r F . Office Alonowralicia CONSIGN} \ n. Stiarriabarg; Wen Green, :c; n' Ilartsworn, ILA,* riairhn. Buile.n• Co, Saadnakr. Jan A Arisiitintia. n Newberry, Siieboyean; i kier IGrap, Jiluriee Amen. Bit ie.,' Cruertiro, A Wheeler 2ai Co. New In, ••"• Pittsburgh and ilia! rev' Ili& ticiec L I u 15111. ' t ~ t H AVA p ig ' HALL splendid Paris , . Boats ib run tho • - tvieen Blatt, Ile and ./t r. c. , Lnirvh—,t,.• ed by three hoses, and , cvs.r, etl.,rt !fin v ..,•, ,•1.. rondo. pturaeagera Dimairroaus.—Ek,ata.a,ll .rino Monday, Tut...toy, Tlatiaday Fr or o o , sa From Kairsvale:c very Thursday and -•arordar,,t 7 at Pittsburgit are earn,. ilia 4 ta . .. 09. •,. ••J;r. Indiana trill WOOL :Kt' 1;0•KI K ward and doa. award 14—po.,une • from that floor .n one .la': • Amur of the Lloatmtnit . A who are oat aulbonsonllilseros, , A... r.i:st: • free c o ol comnu..tons. •- 1 , •!1.1121. INca rAltlll. \ Canal lia.tu, lA.' • Pg. -,tc A Back leant. .or Yoon,•a.ri arrival of the I,al—retutn, from rittaborg ID Young•ioss of Boatmen's LI, thrum, •••• ' PITTSBUItGiI An/. h.. 1849 For the Tra,..l..ortag.j Ulf.: 1 PirrSia . R( I. 1•111LA.14:1.1•11 S. oini3losToN. Taux it,Rl‘ T.A.Ar/Va 11 (.0.,51 1'111,1[11,1,K e•m bushel Lin, have , . upeani tiorl.the proprn,orn:a•.•K • usual extol:mice arraiigementslo TWIJ nai`, pro. doer, &a to umd from t.f0;;;;V;- pen., with the reguiar:ty, ut .1 's:i.ttj be , atar their mode tit trunspuirta ,, ... '• su .uu• shipment on the warts All I,y 1..0r th.• gra pad, Rad forwarded in a;,1.• bue of charge for rornmiss.ot!l ad...ahem, or atora,r interest. directly ) ceitm....“. All COramuntentionspittruptiy ntiunell to all stopLica, 1100 to i le folloaligg aacau. Tli . 80011.1/.11. urns Maria, c, I'llt;nde;pu.a TAA_FFE & O'CONNOR, Cuotal Basin. I . ;ttsiitriit: vcoArNott & Co, Nor? t st n I/alt./Mt:2' • tyr alfaM 18°. IfIBQIl& IS' TRAI4SPOI 7' 11 kt` eool'tzrror4. Joan BING tt,s.7. TIMP,I.II.NrA,II, W. .• I tra I>,a.E Conducted or, str., Sub: nth-k , C1111,1 TILE Proprmiorr of talk; •,,..1 louve.f pot Ilretr bloat Ilk thu ordar. and ure: thoroughly prCinlrCLl .0 ,OTIVIINI , :LAM , rr, dote to and from the Ealtle2l, We Mist thet our long U.rprr,t• tar) /11'1 hominess, anti teplu. attep.on 4.llvren, cal ru•• 101SICT. arull secure to us ron.intst lei. 4. in r- tar of the pattomge hitherto tio'n.h-c1 Irortul , .. Our utroogemente, tsro. , ur , v.-ry ! With the Utmost deupateb,urui !hull u!oya Le nu !Lot* NJ the lowert ~ rlOrvr.l ruupouu,h., We hoer open .d lan otliet No 1-.1 0.1,1e1: vd •:ret:. between Ith sod ftta au, Pliludtt, and,-..tance or PtMe n' and Merehnotlote n - 1 . Int warded, East and %Ve it. without a, , warcling,advattrtng fretpljt, hills of Luting forwoA , -,', ono thr , t/on promptly attended to. Ad s, or .pply ttiNt; (IA Canal alma, eot Utterly & Wayne •t.t.d'lttihury,b No lid and ldnrket •tritt. Pb, J ASI Wll ,„,, No ra North ilowortt tttee7. - .13,1.1rre. WILLI A NI T) Attr,.t. mobel No Fd or • 1040 10 •- ~,,,,,, M•rohnixte Trariiiportatio Line. , VIA PENNSYLVANIA I,4ANA 1. a IL 11,5, I ro TUN, ostrors: s trm Canals and Rsol Rom:. tottlt opt,. rt 1. in good order, we sot r ltrepurrd q.t.-0/1.4. al Mods of meretat,dist ant! Modoce Baltimore, with ant...lm.putv't sod r scrod terms se any othe mo. r !As . : Co. Gir t 11cA\CLT : 1.E Canal BAssn, Peon RAN(/R. Ph.lact• ho,a utg27 ROSE: :SLUR ok 1;3 Itt,ooi, Pataiiiylvsala Canal e Rail fond E~ prass;Pnst P i cket IS - 19. 741;4 , FROM FITTSBUGH TO 011 . DA111:1 Pio L- (EIC/CleirelY iikr;s.,l,o•• TlTHimblir arc respocilargg info red.! U . aril commence runmnron unue throughout ion 5e...1. The boats are n and 0a %opener I "rgod cabin., winch ew. gore greater c.d.. cars are the 'meet conetructrkm. •• • A boat will always • bc gem and travelers me I• quoted to tall and examine them beforc et/aging Pas sage elsewhere. • (Fareosidy lane dollars through.) One oat. Lott. or this Line will leave the lending inpoostte Pete!, corner ofTenn street and cane/. every iught at :use o' clock Time 3/ days. For ittiormanen, ripply at the Office, Mononngheie 1.1.3;111.k. Co m (Ml 7 Canal Hum -- '.'il'i:;: -- Fi:'.i','-',-;'.".2.-',.,-;..-,:1ii1:.k:',,;'.4•‘..,'...',ti.'it-41,2-1 llntrEm roliTAntzs: BOAS` LINE. a f` „. MjON4a- YCae eran.pc: .L TO PIIIIIAPEL P FILL, BALTIMORE VOR IiSINF:i43 on thr -.,111, - 4. re Prnpr.otor. of the nbove the pul.tie ILv thrr. un - ; , rep,... ro Fre lALI with•d•.pn, li. nr.l They svonld si•n rzt„ : F 7, .r ornp: m ibr:fart that the 1 - 1,11 r. kr,:twporatinn. are,r,vnt•i. • :bon OFTIM.I it r/perience:.l eaptnitl•. tpprrs Or 11 n 1313. c tL va„.:14..„ 6blp Oy on, lan,. Loo Ore r. • 1, N. rnnprmgncim Ctrlamolo io have „r • • • unime 1+,1116,1 bn" virt; .PE,W I / 1 1.•• - YrriBlll Gnat,. ' No oho :Took horg,. ACrIATS.J , A Lax. Cu.-.:._:,:~ . 1 • „ CU on, phi/R. Franc , . 1 'l'born Ls t r.nissia. ANI A t. , nAL. it 42:3:CD l" (1 r 1.!:\ I dl .." .nia boa. eftlf, 14ff , a •f of •• enfarFed wltlf git p.saeriger, Aboat t5 .. .11, .11 wavi of ff. pm, gurated to tool and nn etanft. • fprof ff• ff age by Du . , routrf.... Tiff, wsif ,f t, ffroatte the bt cf..., • f ever) . night 114 d o'ciffr PAPIR— NINE It I'lllo Wt.!! Pap.f For itlfOrn1:111111). DN. y at life HOU... or I. I) LEP H.--Thefiffprltor- f. 4(110011d) oi on or affoof June ft: ff.fff•ff.ettof. Valil6 Rol: 1(Oad trout Le that nate a park, will 'ea - hug Tunelfrroffg It 2! • , f , ` • MEL lArielf. PORTABLE BOAT LINE - - i irktifim i 9, For 1nt:19.,,,•,nn n(7l, ~ . urrw FEN PHIL). 1)t.;.1 . 111A \ 1.1 .„ 111,11 ir U (I()1), earrird •IL I. , ...,,n.l'ittni•org e,,,1 .... • fled in tour ,rctioll r ter.—to .111/..Nlrs ot ttwr, MURMUR. of titportn twe irt.• In/. re ivotg nc Ni,tppins.,.,r tor ndr t....•LnK • R e,apati . .o .1. terms an by airy Other • • .MIIN FADE , : Cann: 11,nn.Pcnn l'tn.“.o I \ I DAVIS A marl 2; Slam, lc 54 , onten,•••• i 101 IN MerA DE•N n. FOrNYN:111!, h Nlertnahfa, Cana; 1.1n..,1,. I . CI, t • 1A Ms? M DAVIS S. l' , 7our 2:17 M4rkr; 00l 1:11 otnt r co .•., o . 4 A tL DEERCLidliiiTs, L IN F. Fortl~cJm~a.:u.•r.lit. noternivo., rpfilS 1,, ro:llnue c un:. waLL the ut.d helght. M' AN C. 1/1.1 Waknfie .1 ir.ha•lomn JOlrd aidy•hur, Jorkln:, Sm., fr•:.• Shoed/rerger, Maud. jot , l'ar., • A', IA ... borm Co. \C,n Leander 5. ,n. J• o 1,, •o , I; up l'itz,argh. Jaihz Iro-y. Sum.: 31,4 no a,. :.o Land & Co. 131spront... REED, PARKS Or. Co..' PACKET LIN E. atitiM , I;EAVER A.NI. , CLEVEI.ANIy LIN Canal Ymett:—.." , VALl.OlV, Cm, Co, OCF.AN. Capt. NA nn, !e ' d c ` knLr :t t r7v c i" :7.l r l c ‘ r lynerc.utr; A.01::, watt ter :or ron and . .i,und. arr. vpdc eaeu t p Ibeaute nght. L./1w oi tad Wr.rrei. u n . ht 5 P Al,, Bee .er . •ind.nind steamliv.l'or • ..“r.zh C<Y4'1,..11 14..11-1Ne.i%%11.1-., TA) Lbit, BEA VI.R- AND 1:{i11. PACKI-7:.I\F. LA/. k FOll tl • ...Lan: ‘N.A. Ca; •• LAct I'• u .., • " • .! Ts, tiro v, r l'a Lotian,nred ynah,,, lIKA, A \ hd 11 run,) - I+ ., Ent evi•Ty - . Lfravrr Xs. 431,11 r 41 eazni:pnl F.... boa. aroiy< ntal r.. • thruagit .n tory pout en Alt< Lai:, • ,•• the nio-.1 mvo.r tn.b.r throur . l. to a e can ut• REED. RES A. :.• .1 , 4111 A ,Al. r./14:1.A, rnt N‘ ale, MI,: •. • I —Jet, \ l Nr.rterd. P . : C C Ps. 1 . , 11a) c:t rig.trn. starch , . a.. CO . ?, FAST E "LPL( ESS 14)R !Th . .K.ASII4.\ Prop, lob of tn... 1,, pu,.• xnd T . rtpitred forwar, V.plions cur. a. ' t Um nwt•• • . •J IIIDW1:1.1.. 1 1 . , :11",,i..\ rt i,:h.:1,1 t 1"~ =. i'~ '' . ... _. S., 1.. ;;1 J H t,. •:" RA RN DEN & CO . ?;rl..ssatzlet 'and Rein Ittniac• 0.15 c a. Iron cny dart m Lir•••• . .l I r I .o l . 2 ..t.punetua .iy .41e V 6,••• te• • . • I:tillnlgvul, W tit ~ • a•r,r • :..,rot.l,cd by I.:e pricdling• aw • In, •, • - syr •“xe an.rge of I.t..rn 141 Mcm....:rt r .! 4Litelt them w.thir.rt deto:.,4 •ay r.L.s frlrie,y. • to I:.nt m..r. • 8T0u..1.31., of . W :::3ce• c .., a • us •/, /4•1. • 1 •••a • • p ra,e. ;.ro7t .t -tf. • periors:. uyr ca.o.ravl• ..•. , .•. itixt it 'nay. int R•a• Itie • •• • ether , ottthr.r ;,• rlnr3,—. • .rX,n It rulted ,betcf,co• ' Prafte dray,. , 31,... - I'lll,..t.urvil :or .tITE: payvl , ktsaL, pi • I . lrie.m . d, 501m.1...1 ann 51 kfth st .pro rl ep<4 l. t.o e l ..too. • . •••• ..a.LLBGBEIIY VB3iITIAN BLIND Fr W.t •tr:Em; , 7f/rll;a4 • .1 A tlfttEW . A.PER ItANtoi.S./Er , -1 tam :.ron .0.4 0 ; 1 from the ni:LEnttat , Ettnrcra• NrEo oz.. E• 7•o•Kaka.l r,l! WI••. all the .ate•ci;.and moat, .111, glared and coimenn 11.1 t ~ nog of— !yak piece, of Parlor and Fra,a, :1110a, and Car.urnet. tItt,ELKI '•ng- rem, ch,olser and 01. to Papitt—tweich 4 .7•0111(1 par, tuinr . y Loci, azEr , ta• . Etcna- having honact In cep-, :E. re:, and • ,o•rn,r.• Lb!!nl. Plaper ‘VarcLon.. 0: S IIII.I•• paii • .7 Wt., (3. mil.w.t ics(rr. hu la noontnencEl . rag u lame aaaonsnent orFELE, y VAILIrry 1., .015 , • rontilmns{ til par! of Ai t:Lciryig, Ribbon.. lAra, erapc; I ,, a,l'anst.rora E,E,Ic• I,a, ' SitnEvla, ItoolgE;c• Iln erava, 171 ag 400 and rob Handkera carded nk. r••. I, ThrematA,lluttona. Combo, Cal. try,: L.c. Lc Etcoultary and Oily Enerchrtat. no- r— inc:Eral to azil I n..d exarnsola hiat.,at k, ttEl EV06,4 street, corncr-al 11,anscanl a-ay. Ent; , ra • gbilr sow. bcuerrtic. 1 , 1. Ea..., • al.ll4:ohan common (haft, a..., 14f r ara n . p, a • pountE4 4(Cofice. npriula , tured .11/FIN n .1111.1.1.1 E Enarcit I moil' at wholeaal, Si A FA II 'a i:11. E. V rnsattiof PErtal acod VV.llott and ~tia End .• haat9!rgis it lAka rotthin tAiIJE.R _ a.; tOl 5,,., X.) 3 VlCainp Shan orr.t , 'att." t 0 Pa a..., Parii nert lined 5114 . ing Hoot-, 10 Ician j a Lla,E I 'l'etnt 4. IS and;7l garnnn each; don het . kak.o tMoney Be., r d E o EcaonE,6r do do. The ,ctEcoac /Dodo to , gate at tea t E,nriltg(kitfalng RatabiEshnicoL, No .5 Wend -t crioE9.4 i & II 1'1111.1.11', lEt , P1C04,. —Puto i lor !amity u '[s, r,11.• nol t alJdEnathd IEO, corita .'" .a.!;, "" Ct till amont,t fnnCT r, • 1% , resiled pun: Por tn• , t. tle yew Sr., a ru.tdti.l l'artor), cor,kr .levry c.. Y J.IIN SELL A 4141,5--x',..cln hen ...21 . V4 iji7Oft, TOM,' /(I.lrevllie wora 1 +. 4. nrra,o,t. bp, r ,:prof foul nopp,, , v 5 t'e n'II Ft,( N. 2:1 Woo ; • I INI:; I •TRNA , :f.IIKARTH, ` salFerlor artit:c 4 80"iar V., ilmrk Fi ) • ;.0 Int pair by • liIKR e.l(oNi- , Mr V IV Ifixllneeitnr., n Heart , L1:1.11:).,41141 msnuturituYe Inr ~ipe,:or Itcwrt. utrw , ntitagte, • , ur Own pOrtatiou ptt "red and or aa, by p.rt & 111 , K .A t.b .711 A'fia rev, ;tn.!. a VT Tan; of lading n, •d Goat, C o . o n , pr , ..t - • ‘;:'..n'd',i;g'rrnalsioo('Pe2 ea:1 , 7;00, anid P oo, n• *, Lai Ringa, 13FA er ,0,40. Plll.. Brarri•r., t 1 I:• It•r W 11.11,,,,N. , corner In, and Alurl., VEI.SrT FIIIIIIONS-J reartved ntkenolon Kt, VO7 Mark. atter., JOesscolored Velvetlli nboa, aa•oned color, y4,laek " .!'embroidary Oirfp; 10 pa ande Plant, &r 'dens Fl , lirSP,A, AS'S TALit s *: erttav soh taufkug an alpriabermal Irst Or Post 'thee. through .4l the [holed 244eOra; dtitwnees from 1 1'ortitheton, 3 s,od And territorial cAptstals respeetteeo I. es. I, kookg t3e Post trtrieesA3 each State, no well a. eon n y, von sppendik of 3e Untied States /sod tt,q, yee'd by lIN'rUN A STOCKTO r Si .YlO "comer 3d and Market sts =SEM =Ell I'.~ .... I.u:o:~,:. mom -, - ~~i ::k~~ .. eard lt, • •11, 4 • us) t• ern I • .44 ~, , • at .3 .tnn. oovet.r• NI . 1 1.1\1 , WI, 7.1/ F nu -tb et COACH MAKING. RI ONI very ilt , e/11. raroorac oonl l . , prop , rty he • • • 1.? evrry de•crpt,o, /”.I,r from, ty five . JOIIN J A ilitf ,AVN rrnq n: tn.. 1.,0f 111 C V”o ;• MEI ,bmem of h a O. I am prri,•,, MEM t .... .. UM or," ruralive rcd rl, , would 1,01 t ~ ti t., t no•trull, • Cacrry Rrilur r a.... 'Oho, %caw r •Ice-rn , Por I)EN. cur ',I nt..l ror lot W.ool, no.l YI 11,H.\,i %lore, 7,1.) \ rut II rot n.ot A ~71( SI, EVIUEA 1, ~ I.' X '1 E 'IIIIIA .111+ rorto e louter. tetnetl.e• 1/V44I'TV,, 8r....p0t0.n ettlot Nome, 2,2 elle., or., 2:122.1 2.r .21122 ,1,1..10ii0 tO tee r.l it to • afar to. ter. )<..r. •t.. i.,212.r It to el Ater r.toedttiot the • lutl, exot 2022 re .2.., 1.22•2. Leen I, , tuer. '0 122 ago, peeper,' .2,2 tn., here •.11Or•I t.tartat.., •mg the bro.l oet.teot erne re. 222.02.212. met-treat, troro tor god inr gm` Kis, tha. has vet, 221 to re 222,12ert au.] .r rabaaly uever it, er errestog I'rtlared ea y .t .I.yue 212/•.i.hoe. Rod rtld u Sewt Dr. W. P. Ilti/alsel'• Premium Plaster. I) Ft_ IV. I' ol Co , Ft•le,pl3), n now te, a u Pla.ter I. 10Itr ITO tl {11!1•Ord i wootra 7 VI/on2u y all:..tvi: 1 . •22:o 'tette I :or,tt F0..00 Womb, oe toroottittt..,• 2n quo -ore , Rod eporriv oro forem; We ,k iltra.: or P.rt , lt. WWI rurr4 w r ie.., 11,4 f' ,tr• Fo •iL I I, 1 , ..1,n; vor,rr Ihnrnotptl and Murk, r I .1 At flew, rly .1. I/r 1 .Orr,./11 f vtlrrn /1”11,..1, F , “) JaCriti, 1 ,- rtmav I,ainond Birir,al4 I:l.,,pring anti ,our.l 101,P AND SII.Vf.:I? PA I e.Vr I•ls • 1.,•1 We. 1,130,t coid I.evrr, ••vn 4•,.. .“0r . n, • • i,y 1. • t Pw Gobi Ycr J, z. I'nrta. 8c 11, at/ , 4 VI AAL I.Ar 1 • 0-11orprr, line Il' t 1 vo purl r , klA prr volunee. For sale It) ptilsit•faXS t•l'tit:SiTUN. ttP 7 cornet Mutat and 3d ats MEDICAL N II . I. , I2I .. EDWINEs- mun.D.,,,, --- . PAT' NT DASHER CHURN. ~% fhtta. 114 y :',. 1...11, nurl t. t. 1 OF. PROVIra. Ix 3or lo .. F-.. MO( ~b• or the . ..i.ctit o: other. rtZ , V xu..k n , tot: to your czt - r.ter Fumy. , . 11 t In , nuon of the public is :I:vited :n th.• acre i aide Churn. whtuh hle the udvent.t, n: --.. rt , out , :ning the Old and ncw :at ent.on. to• ..r, ,nr. ors tt. ' .tier „, t , t uns - u f crttlg tor ripe ; . to; re get Ito tato, worm: troin two ehilerett I The utllt•y thoi Invention t• apparent. ax ...on tit. , u.ttu our ver Pitt . aad , ough SYruP tt pie proce•4 the aur is forced beneath Inc da.ll. and nitatt '.•^Y hay, ttnitdttce Prodotted doe. away with the necesatty of parroa,,, a ..ew rrfe, , Churn, a. can be applied to any churn In L.,. and A• I at.. ,lea.tted ntechatitt.,,, I yin , for one dodar can have a,. Itte trunroremonts of Ili •nt•-• :ft, I ha., t .c; • ;he ,ra;;a;;afe w a , r - age combined woh those or fathering :he r Iti .• • ,"' ” the anal tiy •" • may •a:atc Mat ate The pubile are inutted torah and . udie,, for .tte t tit Itll hic drained to have a r 7,. 10,44. before prirchastng elsewhere. at 87, corn.— ot . t., at uf.t. respect:too. Market and FtiM streme. or at 83 Diamond ailet Ii• of Wo,e.: and tllarket ntrrcp., it.tnt n .t; • • • y SELI.EII , . :go 5: ML KROE,EN • oval CARD. Va. 1.11 ER t'fiNIPI, ' , INT. , b . , I, ortratli, nth' Laver I . f t •Nr tn We ptatic rr` Of John Finney. Jr, esifuctl. a •pertMlly , talon. the pUttheand ft tends and cut. ot t'tte ompoity. that he l• prepared to take ~ a n d Ettre rt.k. !tb<rni I,ir off, c. No Jt,t titer tore,: P NI ,DI..IRA, tn.. Agent. :" Fret in pts , id,a Rubber -1"1,70%., a 'r. t ' receitecti ;or 'he i:or•ril',h 14,. ra will t l'otnpany critic.. • strong dr. for hrc department. of the rine. et,' Pitt.huigh +.ll A: - :'Pa. to catl and r.sarnine and make trial tti t Tar eornputty t• m put them to n uny teal the.) proper nt con'ude UpOtt. tat 10 J & If 14111.1. f I'S, 5 wood :t f wt, bet tqtrt.rd the • Roont. of the ot Trude th, Itrut ~,,, lay of Not:mutter next iit too riot., a. Wm I r tom r. Jr Robert Wood I, Win. It Nreture, Joseph Plummerhi . , • Kier. Josiah Fititg, Jo::o Alex. Roseburg. and IL D. King. COLDarmy d'vorl VI( ABIDERS. 11 - PA USN ba mutinied a machine for wa•hine for which tie hau Made application tor u nutcot Tt.ey are now odered for ante al the wart-- hon. of Parry. Sr ott co, No lIS3 Wood •trect, Pitt:buret Adventurer. to Caltforniti are ''Red to rail and rx• aintite the,. litho...saving machine, 'Flo.). arc stnip,e it,,,, 0011 . 1 fIlC11011 • easily transymrted thc tack of mule. or t. or, u n.vcightillf eighty jutut.du cart, and ran tte put trl o pe r atton tit half an hour They C3O 1 1 4 ft. art With pfort,lowl It i• the Opinion of thou, witO !Int, .ron 0 . one of I l es npiclitticit Of t.t0n...,1 • fr. ,ar t win. the on,..cri tf..nt 1.. unhriv of :and or earth k du). tat,:iiont the lou• oi 01111 Ol /IV 110neml Th. ) ran be lin ; ro • nuetl et toze and vtort,d tty writer or mule power o 'Fbe operator.. work without ening Imo water or exp0...1 to wet. and consequently W 111101 i Lerida They witl requtre 1 ,1111 salad •t 10 . NA iter. mid van be used the who, ...a:wt. .4101 ti• i• 1.1; otto operxtiori where there I• 1/0: water to a.b ,tt u.nal way. Pro-, of •rtintleut size tatt Orders from al.road ac companied by caul will hr promptly htletl H PARRY. it Parr), Scott at Co'., loori-dtf No lift Wood Si Pitt.burirh. Man•pratt dr. Hone Soda Amax. - 'l`llF .olo•er. 111,0 rerc , /llg thc, I ail stock ot the u thrve yen., viz tar Juniata. 1,, tita, Firrrted 1110 re the Stephen Bald Wi I/ mud • they are the ref", rcpared tot:. r• , rect.le durtlq: the win •r 'to o ! rttitut ir %1.. New' titl , sto. IliTv II Ftl. rR TV: riu twio silver fin • It exp“.l:', 141.4 1 1 ~ out a,. •pou t.t,•• repro.'.- the he au:out and dur• wait.. Just ret riectl and iur •aie. who. JOHN I/ NltifitrAN, Inut, • : • • NI ./.. 1/11,i glyr. tt: rr m urr • 11,1 d ni I,ILM illl . ll 1 1 .1. “ MC, l.,'1i111•••••:, l. 1;1, I' Li; I \p I-. 11 01 1 , ;,..1 11.1 1, , ,f IAI, 1. II i',./I.IIAN. w.tii Air :A It SHARI' `'..(.c'it.~\,~..'l\•.,~i IP, 1//,,,21.1, It , TIII: VI 111 IC rhr ot.eilta ce 11,.• • 2.1 .1 - .11 I: . . F Ft+. Prupr.r:or E c 7 IIICIIpLITI Vt. BA LhA ~..~,tii~ ir:~~~:~I~:a t .v:. I : E li 1? 1 , C: It DV: \ \ I" , 00.11 CPI!) SIMP ill' WILLI Cilhiilo 1) .'V. ' Compound Syrup of Wild Clarrryl ;~" „..., 1-1t...k1 , 1111. , M 1 Cl-11211/1,.‘ =MEE =MEE MEM i , .y„. .u,~! ~,.~ o I eii pr ry pt ler. e . :•0 , 11,1”. of Dr ••, •rp •r• !,••••• ro alvt lOW I VIVA:, 0: DI " ~ v? slircit o•orrirror rot . rro coo ot.r• oxird,r or Li ortr4 .11 rr••• t 1 • 1.,1 irro.nuco Il• re i i/l/t -I -or. orlool gr,k r l Ir , Sttol/ n.rr - t7 dot, 01 :ark, 1-.ut,.lmanner W %V \VII.,ON, Nlarkrl and 411, at. mom MEE %()TIC E. 1, rurna,hl/, pziner.. hn• thia .14% r..: r Fer•ruary 19 1.49-11 10..11 NI.SNUPAt - ri• Thu u At. luuu , Lhr r.u.hurnt , urrra I,: • rrur, fu , ..upp, or Lur •,' urch .no h n. . wt.., •I • . 1 \ i, % )(I H , 1./{ PASTE- I K ,,,..,0t”.. kJ:a MI! I . -.. I•..• • e.. r'let,.... Brie, :or --adarmg :c.o , r .. at, wilt, proof. and •ofl as s 0,.r. ,• t) . .pp ornriork 0: 3,,,1 pa,... sal, ,a 3: • ,• • .....,..,...u• ;., vocer !or 2or 3 mow,. Jaa • .• Irml,a 1 3 / 4 1.rm No J 3 / 4 II 1 . 1111.1.1 r S L()WELL FLICTCHER, 11.1011 UL AND I'LRE SPIRITS ! '._ • 4 e. - . , .,;.7= ' -- cr 4 * -- 4.:8 ,9 "r*, 1 - '" .. • . , f .- - . .- z: .vr4?zi'::_ - ..7.:p.V . ,...,.._ tl ' . ifijkl ? i4 - 0 li ll' 0a :A - 71ft,a4 ANIIIO t 3 -1,44'. ffr fRi 1 giitt P ur,..111t.r A r 011.... irt,llsllll 1)1 , 1.1Vk Ir TIITZT ~„ .i•• 1..~...,. EMI= f t 10, ,veo m., .1.. .1. 'Fbet Allegheny Cem•tery. t 1 Ihe I.u•ltneett, Inflow", per.. ulta te.n.eeted Mrtnalkere Int. the enAtttg yelar• rlll X 1.4 ,, II /lOW F., BISSELL. . 11 ... + SECAfb/T/IrRS. 11, 11,11 s NI I'AAIII.I $n IttllN II SIII/ENIi6I.F:O.J ANI Sl'E/-.12, J 1 . 1,11[5, Jr, yrr rrlery .11 Trciuturt, he rtnnual 61.1• r, prerentrit ihr mart, GI th ran y /A very rie,peroos rOlllllllOl l lhr,r oft, thr ell, •NO ‘‘ wer otrprt l2 THE STAR OP TILE WEST iii.iN.pmANuv.w,in En., •ala or rib, larrinoorl whare Verrtri a Ilirorl• or a.: tr.- thdaraor kr,. aro] aorur arr , arepr oa la,' or Imola ro orrlur arta the larrat aral 121/001 approvarl E 1.,. ...I. root al lac alloricar noura and on rim MO% A., inn rump I:onton rri.. or Tronspa• ra,y and it Carlet, of ati tlo• A/Cu/vitt r,r, pamerrii. no hand and tor rain low lor :tun Winds palliirai uvr, and rrpairrd. or Inkro part W ), TERVEI.T. l'rr. itr N. Li—All non, material and Audi rnar.r.itip, nod My al/ Leo ito plc., the irr,. !tdio, Allegheny ray, A, In. 1,18. AIIEIIICAN TELEGRAPH COMPANY. aN 1.-rraar tau Nr... W 112.143,3 NI; I N'T . F.IINI OtNee at the Etehattge, Baltimore. F ran rEir abater, bare Leta rallu• cad n, Ifs aw, healing, and a rt.( rr . ..p0in14444, 1,1.4 41ort 4,44r4r. all a . ..graphic. drapalvla, Jur wurritd Iron/ /1al• I m, aat to Ptthatahrgh, Pa karat —T144.4 char, to a ....regraph Jearattell r lo oh ISaranana. Phtl•ourgt, Wha-ohing, 45 eata 'ar tor Irr, 4.• Ord.. and 11 vents tor earth addiatala r.r, Li' S., rwtrge mail.. for um addreg• al. I xocta completion of the South Wc0.., 0 T0..-grupo Guns Irrupt!, reit. to New If iCIIIII., ur. iorwur.h.d to Alethphls by route. sod tell -- - PART:11E11.8111P. I AI'IIF-,1/Ie WIMIYIII,I;SES. Jllll lVY)(11,111./USFI, A VINIr 111.4 any eisociated toceneelera together i 0 partner•hrp. soil., the Imo and style of A. & J 1.9 r the manufacture of TIN. CtIIoPER A \ $lll-.1:1* WA11.1.4 00 the roma, 01 laooo. 0/0 Orr, ana ill Caoal. Is toe 1.0 %Vara, Aloasoli/0.1 I,,parral fortosll to order aya reloll Sri 0r1it.1.., therr late 11 1 01001ry rrantor,e an.l Carpen nrt telr rs' oraere err 0 wa. 0.10.1 v. Iry ot A. I .11 -ill A 1,!•1.1: I / I• of • Vote, i.arde FT•llral, • Coi C Auvergr, •p„. ppl.ep, • utiplpit, for pitperlng :arge pu,“. r ~,,,,, • Jul , : ddirce.L front Yana, and lot rale n a0:1 Se HILL r I P r A NI I t,t 1, —Cheln, al lagunl for wanht f clothe., r arpe;A kilka putt and tine furniture hair Itte lahor and .18pensing cnortly withwa•hnoard I'he Wlttoo carpet, tiller tLr I,reo ti.e elev , ii ) , •nro, ha•e been perfectly realer. r, Without tr, injury to the tahrse, and with. temovnig ihe flour It will not in,up• the eloth. thre.•nons areonipahylag each bottle Prier 25 cent,. For rave I.y J 9 CHUI/NMAKEI( & Co, wood at I)" P 1.0,411, bottles, Artd Flu II) pu 110 moult Nu 14,x(riutb Flo I o , .. 11, onrL.un .1U r"o .10 , 1 trerLyr.l 4,..J for stile by PO .1 II A FA/INF:SI'O(NA eo A it At,/ cloa oor title by 1 VON BONNINMST , I.A X/sY.II—I • Irmo olestoor Com brilarod mod lor able ,u 7 , IsNENT(XIi k LX.) EXCHANGE BROKERS, &c. j _ .._ . N. HOLEEB II BOEB, • B ..... •, Exch. r. I; e Broker.,l GA LLEI'S MAGICAL PAIN EITILICTOR: AND Ts, , ri'llE fo.owing from George ll' Pomerew.l-.19 . the NOTE` , . DRAFTS, ACCEPTA Ni'l.., , t SILVER , 1 wri: known proprietor of Ex ote•• •nea... 'or AND DANK NOTES. 1 16.c.t or the Importance of the Pam Extractor to every COLLECTIONS.—Drang. Now. and Aereptaner• parent payable in nn part of the Union. rol.reted on tar most I Ennui. Ogattec, Albany. Setet I favorable terms, ' Mn Ds Lt' My Dear Sir—With feeling, of no or. EXCHANGE on New York. Po-Ade:pm, and Ha.- ! dwar, p.csomrc I address you in Painti the Iwneht ontore; 11.40, rthetnnatt, loutovir r. Sm., Lou, udd ' I have rcr-IVed from your Invalatahle Pain Ex:rat-or Neer (Mem.. eonstantty for sale. Ldtr.s. my lit, uaughter. 6 year. old, had a Mtn• :er DANK NOTES —Noll, or n:1 hank. ,ii Mo , c,,]m , waler tumid into her bosom; her s,' ream, United States diteounted I' A:1 1Ind• ,we dreadtu.. .4, that a crowd Instantly rather...! he. ot Foreign 0114 American 1,014 and Si, ccr Coin pouch: i form.e fAm., io ;car, t h e Ca p on orth e terra., wrelms. and sold I tore lier c.othes R.:indef. and ' soon spread on you: Otbee No 10 Markel street, between ld and 4th. 1 .d.v... and 1,11. v.-an estrried and laid upon a ,rd Slit Patsourgn. Pa net2s 1 wag oopn teheved trot. her pains, and says - flu, I wet - I ag It I could laugh." and was soon in sweet sleep She FOREIGN EXCHANGE. BILLS on England. Ireland. and Seohund ough: 1 w. " " .3 ''''''' '' "" Ir '''' . th ''' ''''' lit h" ''''''''' 1 nV , •.. mOre Wan wt.,. her cheo.i. and round under !Ite any amount at the Current RM.'. 0, E.:l,lM], . : arta. lth the .boulder and breast it wag very dc,p. Al.O, DMllipaval.le in any part at the Iglu Countre, , ~., ~,,m :,,,. hr,, „,",,,., , th, i . , on k . ,:„,,.., „ from LI to 11000, at don lai ' - ' '' !"''' '''' ' h r . i '.'''''',,, ,• ...dr...sett. Ti2e.scul‘re I , t . edlt f dTa P p! ' dl n y, and :tier, I. ] no ortthout deducUon or doicohnt. t hy JOntlll'A I{IIBIS. ...-- ' - c. SON. Eur.lpean arta Omega; Agent, office Sitt .tt nne , e ' ' ''' ' .""'"" '' ' ' ''. ' , , NN da malty wtthes. my dear •, for your suerest. in door west of wood. . '''''''..' ' tile -adt o! Ilii. MigWy Mel,. • i Mil your., w.:11 revert. GEtt E POMEROY I ALLEN IRANI4II.I •I•WALO 11,11161 KIiABLER & RA UPI, DANKERS AND EXCHAN , tk: kku ere .n Furrien and Domeavo 81114 of Ekrnkrze. C. r.ißopoctc, Bank Note, [lnd rc 3.1 and Wood street. threct'y oppo,, of COO trl W ESTE - ICI CNDS— tno. Indiana. Kentuet t —num Lana Note purehused UI the lowest ruLeu, by .13ILLS 01, EXCHANOE--, , :cra C. LI u New York. arJ Con•tantly for aate by Ita:.rnore. N seplA `,ON: 3.5 Nl:er,rt • BOUh& • M: FM. ;ft SI NI NI f.k It Fl. 111 Poe - 1.11,/,3. ha r, In • -, . Nletsiolo •,ya, L niryr•.• 1.,1ca• AI n. / .ifitl•onne•y ~ r ,ated. 12:no IVe 14 . aten: y n,•••• ma11111.40t111.1 r e/11.11101 )1),0),), I, realms . ai, over hr . ~ to e s and ern,. vanaof p0.n.1,15 la, to .en too, ciYna rt . adcr NuleY-1, arr lteta,n...v,lll an to Itn . l'nunln. l' .1 oi h,. nr Ile, \Vorintpper, nad a r• and art• of Ilse M,r,ent A.., nen- 1,, Au. Ira!) la, ant F. C 1.. Ir. I vof., nranon. Aar.. of tnr sanarkunic works ra 10, at:a —1 ,lAnian . Fri) Tl'enaennt,uer I.cvloo of 'he I ft, e elmnty, N f.,,tn,t W. 1,) ":), et) ay will 1 , 1), r, t., Lae I'lnu 1\ urn, a.inry•un ry, areal , anzllor Ibenut,ll6l.y .••••• , t lie ••• ror •:‘ t. !, JA II I.00KIVii411) ttl• ie.' 1., \ . \ k% ••• Ni• I. tex• rrnurr.,/ "nut ••• Nlo..towne• 1•••• nn• tr tner,tl } A dvt.rli.rr A 'tot, ttt . t !t.t, 'armada u• Not a tat, 01 It. root, ttr thy vivid exstetrt trltrit•t•eNert'rer) Wur d Dora— , oV: atlitton earty %nor.. —1 tto vtard. &L. no,tll new totroductatto and toot, t'o. I vot Lt ttorm with t., • tn. wt. 11 JO The tni, l.krtetolloolt lir•' Antr— a tottotn. Patel/ were 111 11 , rItilk, Ur , ItsW petturotnare vr. , ni a rm,. realm..., the ettlhosiona. w.:tt w;, b •N Cri ll ved. m , 1,1 tor ',mid rap, ,ii• ratet.cti alto., the .tt.ernt onttled taod ritott• I t Illy 11,10, N, t nole o.arbotatto mad Att.ttnon. tat I l'tnopt, w.t an..ted ..t evary , o{lllll, 01 y tatereto snl4 1, 1 B :orr iterwarn. -I,teant oral For t Jlt I.M . K \N 1,4 N‘or,• ul :..all 1 11 D, m 1 % 4 4 \',.y4., llrrman arlere of . N 1 ort I v W llrtr and Tlirr, et 1..1, ;:;.. :2or OE e upon J.lnf .11.1 Prerrpt Precep. ut u) 1., A 1/rl..trn., ../. ; it•.: ed Imr Fr.r.t:;ll. itnr; ILI :or ...e JI I IINSIX/N Et tN corner Th;rtle/I I \141...1 ` f. S— D 1101 INr Cu.,. c:tr • %Vc rl cu. 1.1..cic ct l'au• c• ••• l'catito.ccr• l'tn.nxontty nt Ftr.tpon.l.o 1 I) \ lore A \I finorns'• h..ns of thr Steam F.n,tne , 'ssamttstr • Or L. 1,13111, 2 itnn t-rttt.cott. stoe. p,a,r• An. Alst-any or stnu vns. mo n,,0 0 0 Atlrtre to 1 o41:1, Alet. tty T r, • Keen,. 0: Aletrorotossy Iltrn • ••• AI A ettstr•vLttett. Proro, • 'ht MEINS! ~1 kb:. Jay v 1,1 • • v et•L'a A, • •••,,, I , •ve• .rt ,nlloreoret 1••,, v. r t.lin)-157 , ,,J I • F. , 1,n,• :Fe Re% lity.l--new ed en 111,, - .frl Il• .10 mu A 4•F•• Strom VI g u•tr.,••• o• F• r• •Iron• nn F te•. , ' , t " • Feariou•...zege•olue. improvegneF: p s y Ltour, . I ILnu Prtee refluced n t•I tot } l'Fri I I-) Frt.,,,,..•• I. e ~.0 vale Pon, tte,l V I.ll'l .. , --.....- . ^ ,f t 717 , ' . ' 71- ' 11".4 ': • L ' —''' l, ..,...,"-"f.v;'ur:::'...-. '—'\Tj:"_2q -1)1 blt ~i 3 . -,. ; - :,- , : i . ~..f, 7.'"'"- •,,. - :. 1- _,,-Rs-‘ - ..";.• - .....' . \t SI I a s q.. CIIICILIC PING'S PIANO P()IIT — EA. 4111 II NI 1-11.1,41µ, ~., 1 141 ,1 1.—,rmellt to, ilki• from thr “1.1'11.041,e,1 jt , :tll nl “fr.esvoi.l A ,unre 7 4• 1 ,3.•• • .tr‘.. JIM:, II \ILIA., 02 At,. ,„r • Sole Agency for :lianas 6 Clark's Pianos, ..11,r Uri:CIVIC) ~ „, ~,.,,,, ~,,,,,„. velvt , rala“ la, u,r: Ili ‘ll-11. A , A, ~Nr,r'n.vrT4P.V.','„:.' : ' 1 ' . " . ," :1 ! ;, - Al. " .:„: A''.l A I A tn.,. • , • , ,trnrt or Cr.., iinr , rrn • ro 7 or rr , r • 11. KI.VIIEN. r , rar, Ayer nr J It oullwe •.. Ir 1!,. .Lour wrri sold ar tna , rulnvlurr, •n. wr, now au, for trrnztrt or. ..11,1rr , .I..ormt! und l'hrnrorre ran, PIANOS. A 51 . 1.1.15 Ul D nsanrincni lIEMZCNI ! . ..• '' lalled. The. liwtrotneeds ate lne lamst pattern and lo•I Inat. ,e ~ied t• el: , • bnl ow tor roan ley V HI.UM E. 112 Wood sweet, 20 door almv, Fd . .li 1 \lt Tht w who are In want ne a good it,rme. I are ......101,.y mull.] to ....utile thoew before p a na•alle a J....ere.. they cannot be rice Irel IJ) 41 ,l O a ..lay, .11 On!: Pe gold lower tin. any bbetm , 0111 111 , I.met n ~ reeetved. two m.. 01 11. o. /no udt warranted 10 be supereor to , aver a0..1 ol tins country. 00121 I, Ii ----- -- - - Thrg e - 8 . ter il It ii 'Tit if niEST -- , 1 , 111: •51/est 'Met has town oppomted sole Agee, II I :ler Mir of CA RIIAR T'S IMPROVER MEM,III te. s ., a. Ina tuforturod and and eerier:lml 10 \l...,Wee hA II ii. 11e, Of I .tormnou rhe urual comp. and extent Lb neg but four octaves. Mrs , er• M A. IV meta or r will Om general desire and glen.. 1,0. e iteneled Mc peak. of Meer inal.narala 10 hi nit rvem .1 octave.. thus enalierg II prammable to pen hem an, music Ise. fur Me I moo nr them TI., x rior, a'ao lin• Ise. much improved 1.) . pl. .w. body of Ole instrument upon a ru.t eron Irani twauoliii,) WO/11,d Mild 0/111/114e111[11, rePolerioß Oa on, a Is mutt e.e . gant 1510 Otremely des/mole ortse... Tlie pro, , put ao 10TV an to bring I/ wOhni lac P . a. 1 o/ a.l) too 10 al/1.1 a perfect Inu•ldei dntem abet, al 1. •41. alms',, il trmrt elegant pie e l' 01 tru turn, :um Ins a cotarrarative Mae. II KI-EfilAl. Al J IV Wood we,, . , REAT AI USICAL NOVELTY—Ttr subscrelec kj ha. ,11•1 tere/Ved from Europe, uitel for mtc, zen eeetire t. ly new enrcrittoo of Plano Porte e called the All/ I.N:r V/ A Ne r PORTE, which poweessti,g more power aria alerelnea. Ulan the wortro Pircerboecurbes / . oar lOurla nee noel morn, and ne a mush more :thaw) and he ptocc;of furnltore. It is par...arty drdra• h a n dso me Me rovueg of apace Is an obrect, brill ez- Ceodenal) twat and compact, and occupying nu more room Man a 150.11nudeu table The 4111olellt,er lia• ia irland a 1 , 411E10111. 111 sUpariOrlty frt. OW celeleru• e poems, Mom.ncllce. in MA own itandawrrtruge/wttech 1/, 1 / 1 . 1 11.1/rrled. 11. ELElite.R. or 0.17 fl We,l:l. Chlckerliag's Planes. - J 1.,1' rcceoved ruin Jur aule nt (MIT ,7:::"..",`.,",:,.P'„°",: elrgmlltputtrrus of turn.", ati4 . v.l . t'• , .ac 111, improve,' At. /de on hod and for sale Icrw. 3 •,CO/Itl hand un .11111:h II MELIAM, 0010 Agent for Cluckrrtngho lor Wrcern Prunnyli /ill/a. Of 'Flood ...eel. 1V: 111:FI1: 11V lIKRZ—The Rore of Sumt r, wart un kinrodUr . lin antl tmm.t.nt v • . 1 , 1.111. roe tiro Piano Forte, a. pertormed hit 1 , 111,!. I/I OW Fntted 'nun, by Henri Herr ".Itithwy Polka, by /Iron Herz, t'onna Polka. rn , r,llM: Polka. /art rrreJyrd and Om onle by ,Ll 3 JOIINI 11 Ali . :1,1.111,1 .1 wood rt _l_ Vocal EXaralse• A NI):+01.F11.1:1 Os, with on ar cotapanoneta for the Ll Pta...lorte, adapted to the wants oi prtvate poptla. or in vocal Z.:niggled from loin, frerroan compo.cra. by Lowell tIYIII 71) I,I4(CAL of lowly pruncrl Mulqo, ran.: ttttttt g lull really I y arrant:et! Priv, en. Jan MeelYrd. a .apply of Um . anove. drrnrt Irma the putmifthera. by JOHN PrIELLOR, menu el wood al ntet ree or b).iulJ lt M'CUTC H lltN_ j ERRINI:S—:VIXII,x • No 1 flerrlnga, j_j„ ed. to store not/ for anle low , clone 12 .1../.1, .1 torot jell JA I*4 1M1,21'.1.1,, Water •, Cttialet. AND e11n1.1..L.1eq... II t 13 - ror Lk., reertved n nupply or white sod rotor,• t_ repo. tool Crape .moots he initer peon ee other ciceirable ecoore. Also, while, plok, um/ teak and War, Woad., Jo/I (it - 1 . 11, o f Felt a, Juat ree'd 004 Ito selry) fu; A FAHNESTUCK. lc Cd THE TEST No NISTAKE' grousne v.. 1“ ever pr,lore the some in ''rlr •I . 3 . l .itmeousrel:el. and soothm, or Nurits,SeAld, The Couotercrit,— no 1. utter widerwha; m. , they miry orpeor- tal TOwAyTHE Irr”J‘lP. PUBLIC no NIA Increase r 1. F.,...ard Ifolsto.s, of Chatham. Malvin I.lrtdre, county, N V . have been eillirted with TON,- ninitql" 1/, it.l rr my I.ody, OF ar cou,sl not "and, and wog eilred i alp ”..rtte.o. , of Dadev's Morrien:, F...xlrhetor EDWARI) Y. Iftri,Nl}.:, , .• ir.-1 Cut fmger with u coppe pol`ttature or which e :, .tsed my aro] to r 1.,11 n /en . Of 111•12 1 ., Shol u ,lllß shou:der. 4 .orge tokin mare „t m r . „ rm . I r ”,. 1,0.1 m .arren•i, :Ism. I bee nme team, of thr )JlO 1 ex , reimry Volo I.l..Ktracior a/. rr• 0001.0100, It; /11, 111.1 WhiCil w e 111 , V41 . 4ed Up. ,c 1 tr. Tl, roli•equr,wr ilrat adorda Jme 0000, Irk Jet. 01.11 111 three day„ I woe roroplete:y ,u -lt,,,Fl'{l I 1.1 1{41.1,1 IN. New York, ..r.rorr Broome a..,1 .ultra , - WE.— DALLET In the inventor 01 tm. • remed, and 1,, vvr ha. .utd I,ver wi.. 4,1111111,11- N. lIVLVFN R SONS. Nlatk, •nve A ; 11x1rueu.,,., hon. urr rotAwerTro. . • U. Mtqt(iAN. Ih.;ot, Dr. WN hlt.borwil Daderi . , Antmal Gallwatt Crere-Ali, • • Cureg• yuotor, po . :-erL t.ry• cnza..m4 :it.r•,tv UI , •per:ll.4. prin.,. may be app:Lca ..1,1 101 IN attiAN. nov1:.11,14 Ag,ll, I . lllll.ltrth. M'ALLISTER'S OINTMENT • I.II NTAINING t )11:RI . 1 RI • rrrt. -• It Ls, .ffin It , 11XT/111.)A1 I I 61.7-77. I N NT/; , , I Ir'llll,l A 1. I.- iti.m.!Nr„ !or 1 ttry, ut - t1 It lor 1,1-4 1,x1. - t - t•• tor ad (11Se 6.3 ", ' ••• ;''," V , ' , { 1111110, •t.grr trat.t rertp.tti•....,tty tatttl Idt t•tittr ut•tort• mart, Uttrt I.ttt rut. I • ar - tt firt • ••,, q, wttr.l tbe babel.'. II n. ,, ttto rtactr trt ttt•trtrt• ttrt,•••. I :tat— hntl leazned tn., PrO.•••. nay, r• tn, en•pet. tonic, of the hem,. ot tlt•rn gettuenten of the Inehost ettolato oho entettottles tnt• poor r very 711 11rty sou,. ar,l pie r o tine nee hot one votee—one mover., ,I$'ll;FL. MAL telYrlll-LN :turtle remvv,• It!mo..t :dammutio, s:tti sweome. ;he pain the .rr t•OZ testy 1111 A D -AC I.— ve 11.15 t ',eta, of tltt3tl ;Ca:“..S who hIJ • r. LA It lIF N.,rti-Aciir_ iN 111 I. FACI MECO • yrr) ,1014 - 11, as wo. et• 1.30 ol 41 10.1. Jew tors !Inc man tottl ur Ituti,ter. 15:11ritutt 11,11 Withou atiy benrllL, tr rr n• I ',tine. (tun: / the.. MEE= BLRNS—It n. one of tue t.e.t nnnes tuc %eyed lo Burn, 1'11.K.--ThouyanolYare yearly ye red by 17,,1t I; mtv. P., gtv;tly rcio.l for Inc P.Je. L r touhd la Inc are dlrecaoun forusu.s 14 A; “an U.nonent for Sbotu.4.., Ler, ronip , orns. Lrrni.r a , Tate, ('5an..,,,. Sral.l Hold, Sc., Ey.. queney Thym7t.Nrrrou. Affrebons. Pam., bra. na•••y , 41,4,1 winnuy Dy.y/ne... om, Curny. oil D r am,. yJ . Mren. Sore bps. . stetu,', of my lAnths. Ibur.ortaemn. rut./ 4 , e.s (*.rap, Sereb.4 w Brohen Lboa.i. Toom ay. in lAA lace. 4,4, Corttplunt. pri:a .tt the Cheyt Y:dr. Cyntrig odor' tyr hair. or me other a:cosy:Nl .:ty no d try, , nit.. I hulhaent II the true rrinedy .4 oure •.‘ , d.tea to have e 0...! lc, Ct tli.Net—Ocrattiottal m•tt ot tat- I.lntiment vett: rt., )• larep eve,. front crove.ttg Pettit, tterd /torn, rttutttrd lent. tt. In ! 0 1 II (tiny awe it Iretoetaty 11 — . 1 11]ft telt Coo.l for stny true, of t(te ttotlr .tom. reet•it inflamed. In SOU, CLLV-11 stao.l/ 41 Ur 0,11 'V v Ile . AI 1 It .N—Ntt u.i.cs. Oar tot, of / f• A L:ASTER writ.<l. w.W a lvn r. For pa, I, lily Atrili• it: a.. the prmt - ti.n. intrtl ztta.c. J.\ MI - Is Mc \ 1.1.1sTE:11. So l'r, , pr.rior 1, I; Pr,nelpa, 011. c. No :Nor , , 1 • iN liedm. corm, n' 1.. s um: I. \l't ddy. Jr. cortmr 4 , .4r4di id. .d my Diamond, ann, corder et am 4.1 J II 124a4t.,... dorm, of %Vainu, and Pcm 4 . 4, MAar,. nll , l .oldnonksto, , Sin.t/41.... •n.nd trdm Se•codd• 1.1 ..A,qh,,y by 11 I' nr, aml J ,ergem. by J Sontn. Dr,dyg., tl N,emy. 14•11.,,er, H K0M1...4, H. hr. vd rr,. J A diamlcr., lhydnimam.,4 I'd;. I; ....mad A. t'n. am! I I Hove:.. Brown d 4vlc. John /lmo.dr. nre 4 - 4‘,.c.4me letdr,,-.411) WATER CURE ESTAULTSRjIitINT, 1 . 1111.1H,H1 Hli. ri 'II F: r+pl web Ilydroputuy ma, into country—the .zw.ll,llti n.lot,lstng eurro.ive edert. of void %vat., IMMIMMEM r! • r i I r It 110I'k •••en:rd upon tre left ::n,41( ol 4 4..-. the toonzn n• 1110 ifea‘or. we I • 14 reire-64., und -I.thirolotre asenn , plter. • -• And e!..rrou,44g natural .4 . ..nrY ....• eV , II rr,..1, to reißkr /0)01/ro31 rottothot4ng tool n on , to red Joann 411441 itn,,•4•3; •trenth ae lite tart marled nate I 4.44. tan, eoery thoor, boat ior ,en•or• 4. 4. ..ate.] to Irmo, F r ed'' rod tinpo 41..1 01 lee norm,. the ?orient •• o••• 1.. 40, to lavatl thern.eirea • the tidy • ••• re °tiered, o .41 p.ea, nddre•• 0111... .4 r, • ;not -,4•4•r nen( nate ..• 4:.• .4 44444•401•410. order , 6 ,1110 art oe.r ur, • 41, 1,, )14.1rol• arn. %Ili 0r.. : tonoo o rry for t, LLr,wer c . ;re . ea. 417 d WOlLtli ,2e.e Ar'Ve F:11, ..s1 rropr,,,or. i'll/k11•461111, I'a.Ei • ch. - Rev, hee.rxtei,,Ansextruerg 1.0 j.P. Theentreee flc rv. Ikrorre.r. I.r 11.erkere Pr or fe...erre, l',l. I. l't rkete., 1,. OM, lir, ~eset. d . New Aelererty, AI t t ' ret.e•rier,e, N J., 1. Ntselote. Ire e•t, l ' hilipburKe We ' Rm. 11. AL'. •we Le,, A Itrelerir.r.r."l %,,„: A'im syNivroms lIECUNSUAIPTION-- i.l 911" r nine. hacking c nigho general west tte•• ,aitt• b . • •,eep, v the apot.ei trrcnra, 1"..'61•• etween the stio,der I,lnes behin e d I•ist.l-1111..1. Smarm's, or rissexerniN —Coughing h.glo and Jay. dtc.l.l nnigelesgeneral great , rtoeso. at breath On gontiup aseendmg u .1. or wa/k mg Imi a Intl, fal. mike always above e hundred. tor wren, tirether, drenching told .wests towards morning Catrrh, Corisuinpuou rams on Id, a common ~ or cold. but a/maitre permd whrn that dl.. •uma..y ...rgpeeted tan de r sonic of Um symp toms are aggravated Ti cough Is more mould-. 11 wa r , long down. There to no &ICI! 13 1 , 1 the eli, hat odic. breathing, which IF wI`I lYtag down TE appearmice of the cep, :oration. which to coma, to changed from a [lurk limey, to a Buster substance. It ts very un• ',mount to Be pane. ad emtts an unpleasant ...heti burned It In 0( st uniform appearance and - to probably a' ntzture of pit andsucus 43 ...tau wan water purl sink•nd part swtins This dt..easc fey! Itt any lints or at any Age, and is cLarae ter......d bv the peculty.ty of the cough. The Balsam of Lierwort effect. tar rur, of thin •, , tmus disease by eliecturation sooths and lieu;, the elected lungs. It inter bolo Wherever this nied t . nine ha. L,rell used. re hear of no suer,. For Mt, men )ey has bon hefore publie. and has been oroughly tested U all complaint. of bungs. and tom proved 1,011 tae yto meternto an thing In ume 10 might give Prtdred4 of tesmoontals from per , .nngp, and those who have been em •ml. but all we dor, I• to rail the &Bennett of the al di, I, .1, and far ttor own good they s mith try it. Look out for comet - tens ' Always observe the sic• _ern 'ri lien NI D." on the engraved label. prepared u the Wholesale Depot, 73 Beckman street. New 1 or: Soil In Pittstmait I.v J I) :Norge,, 03 Wood st; J Townsend, 45 larket Sr. II Smyser, co r Market 11114 JJ ate; j#4.6,10i 1 k Vo, 5 Liberty st Prtce reduced o .31.511 per tulle marl M t it l'A.lll.loa Tp., Westmoreland co Pm. lf, / Moreno -Tina it to certify Mat I bore . 444 •r 1 ,n t yrsdr Vetnnfage tor some moe. say atsout , ne I.. ar —td In that mite I have r known ito /nil to 1.. m me worms away. when the \ rumness smr presence I bad 34 , 331011 la One It to 4.0 Inernber3 of toy inattly, I gave each of hent...A...r. um. of them painted la/ and the rah. ruv nr v.. 1111, I• eriatruge that .y plli r:onse 10101) I. W. Tot,. Pre, and sold by ./ NI) I) lIORti.t.N. Druggist, ,101 below Durniond Llle), on Wood •1 la y Or. &c —Pure Red Bark. Chlorte Ether, [ 1.11.10 Potash. Strvetintne, Chloride Gold, er o , pOr. White Pro... Batiste. evantiret Potash. last re .and for -ale by jute R E SELLER, IBRUB.S"— , Chi., em, Clilaroforna, Eat. Bark Preetp lodiden [roil Noram er. Oil (apathy, Citric Arid. i'lmnide Soda. ChMrte Ether. Er.ruct Rhataity, Extract Lianas rec'd and forgale by R F SELLE .: RS, all Wo o l st kIe , INFI, 11.\t. HwitiLor.,o - DA.— II olrempose. lhe vron or pert, m., of ad enut,inet dtneamrs 11 ',novo. the anger om r11.1,h ,ck room. Zr.r elcansto, cher. y rr•t , -vr• ulcer, and unrrrept. vnvouhteabio whrthor mho or anima:, Ac Just rec A luod for lull R SELLERS, 57 Wood at x AC:AI:LAI-9 HISTORY oF ENGLAND—But. JAL etfition, Cuatathing all the matter. verhartul et ...ratio, of Vol, I and 2 mg, Londo“ edition. Prig' ea, withwithportratt of the author-2 La ono Prig' complete. 50e A lar,e of the above r, d for .a:.•l.p JUIIN 00L—The higtost pnoc in rash paid ior o ..IpOrrout coio.• 01 viral; wo•nod wool, by mr l mr2. II 1.1.1 K. lAborty oppooir 51h Ei• 131: bbl. (root, fulit read .4 for .olc by tett: AILKSTRUNU a CRO 2Ea EDICAL. II.r• 0! contr.l. l 0c;;; /10: /t1:141e N: 111, MM= AI/ W he ve cured tl:a• art.' It'll 25 I' FATS PER BO X 1, otheurv. thr ur,,.•t:Lrtory r•••v Oir Irealmr 0,11(0 •'• • • tt• ,7 1 11 1101111, j,1•11,1, MEDICAL, - i - Tft7S APAR ‘,l) 'I t•,,_,. 4 IN QUART BOTTLES. FOR THE RRMOV AL fr. PERMANENT C 111.1.: OF' ALL 131.3 .:A5E51 ARISING FROBI AN IMPURE NIVATF OF TUE 131.000 OR RA BIT OF TOE NYSTEIII, VIZ, 'ula or Xi,' r 1-',ll, Rheum's - 4.1n. Obstinate Pala neon.; I.ruptluits. l'imples; or l'a•11.o on the Pace, 11.atclics. ll,'L.s. Chrome Sore 1:)r. `Ring Worm or Triter. Sca!t! Hood, F. dargeinent and Pam of the Borms and hunts. Stubborn Ulcers., Svphilttie Sy oms, Smstica or Loud:tad, and Diseases artsitiß i'rom an ;mod:mous ass of Mercury, Asmice or Drops E.sposurclmprudence m Lilo. Also, Chronic Conssituunnal or Disorder, In :lila iLrepitratma am strongly concentrated all the Nl.Lthimia: properti f t 3 oill , •••••.611.1.A. combined VClth the Ino-t effectual aid, Mr most rah:nary praiuctions, Lite moot potent simples at the vrtetable kingdom: nod IL ;tax bem;o fa:ly tested, not only by patients them l'o. 1- p PhYaLciaiLs, that has received 111 , tr umma.iti , d recommendation unit the approbation La me pt;;;:.;- sad ha• establtsbrd o ; s own nert, tsPmbLion ;or value and elite:icy tar supertor to rho L trim, mania:L:ll3d. beano, he,t urae of Sarsaparilla. Diseas. ad. I , emi red. sorb ati are not furntshed to Che e r s;;;ortle of Lane p.t. and what a h. already dom. lor tl.O Lt.busa.tas who have nArd it, it la eapoldn ot doL• •••..t, 10110 c no..ton. loot sudemig and struoltaq Otottlo• It ottrifie., cleanses, nod ;strengthens 'Or t , g• ot nod infuses tiew vigor thro , o r alltte lotto ati.alat frame. iTIIER CUR!. OF SCROFULA. T, aL'otios7rue sLrlltlng and. as will be seen, perm, rot cm.; In 0, 1.10•101010 MR< of :1,060.1 ". 11 0,.. f 10 0 ; •; ) nattotod. ion 1.1'4.. \l..,;.'in, (—Symputav for thi. ntlhr fur , nform ot •, cut i.y •,, ta, i,tar of toy Sh attlete.l with tun .e.rot - tilit on oarrr rot rum, to Cr the eland, of 1.13, neck weri c,nv, noler,-.1 roil It, 'mho much ‘woi.en Ann try ov... ih %r veld [tailing us rclt..f from u.... 1. ~d oien, attacked one Ivo, anl he •ON , urateil Her rilffinetict •t.0.t.•; which viert. done. ten I.c,itt thoi wr burl Cl. ..•re Sari...part .3 'nor or., .i -•.! ride:; and tavvaliie reory Avyolte hod cver zo it-n.l naton. IA" unil Ot her, flit .he found her • restored it to tiow over II year ‘lnee the 3od bur Ittalthremaine geod, xhos :rgl the ili,a, wt. thorotighlv endletted from the ev,rm r of-Jet:int, are at knowing to the, tint! Not very lughiy of iftods'Surnaparilla. Vour. ~: trnrevr, L'Ll PIKE. I:A - Inlet • from u letter recetvri from Mr N. NV Har r.. getii:eman well known , 0 Lauts.i roomy, ra: GerillemeE-1 Long cure:: negro boy of Dime wlth un• Sur,ipartila wt., moo iiincked ontit Scrofula, und of , roinitia4 fant.,y. "Yours N HARMS. ••Frmicr.r rro.y. Va , I. , f ' ALlSAro.l.l...L.4.earns itimont unnraesaary .0 mir et attent.on 10 all ariple so wed known. nod derarm, y thr. preparation, bur pout,u who wish tau,. lIIt rifroM of Sarmparnia. are inuared to try wort 4less rat/ mounds heart.; the name, on- era.loinine , Ittle or nora of Me um/. Ihm Polo. o. and wr :MO we cannot coon, ereater lefit O our ramie, rlon In threcunq their ortenuon o advert,..ernmit of the Pleura Sand', to all Other , t The ha reeentiy L [CU eniorped to hold I guar., and tiro«. whnerraha realty food article will coneentrared ut tha all the merliental value attire not. T. , perlenceof thou•unda hog proved its ef , reuey eurina the—arloos thseaaas ort wl,lOll it at tormnri.mul. and to the preoent time more man any trier. perhapr thramedtPine urafirl, to prepartna the sme! .r a rhange.rt mertson.-11onte Journal, Sept. Prepared and ant , wholreale and rem!. by A B. D sAN IH, Druo. and Cherrnok, 100 Pollan street, nor., al New York o , old a/no by Drug ef.s generally thousrlinut the Una.) States and Cans n• Prtee et Ins Hank, .0 Bottles for ‘ale a Pnieburgh, wl:ole.tle and renal!, by a. A FA HNEF ICR, A CO, corner Of Wood and .t• , n;. corner of Sixth and of ink by 1.. Jr.. corner of Stuithneld and Fourth eta nn.l nn, en., of Market at and the Diamond; also, by F.' I/W A RD FEN DERICH, cor l'ilononga la Douse. :ens nn SAL TEA'S ,:iiIISENG PANACEA! TID SUFFFIRING DISEASED Nto ..--Tho unprecedented success 'or trtch •17.nt•.tr is use of tbc GINSENG PANACEA n't the tortoutt form.. %which in . :tattoo of the loop; ar I s t lAucca too proprietor again to Call anen t: to riot WfINDERM. PREPARATION. The etereolde wrath, which marts our fall and a-I.tter tl°11:114. IA always a fruitful Actor, of COLDS AND WI:WIS. f,r, tteeleeted, arc but the precorrors of that fell lertro'or. COSUNIPTION. the luestma then. how shall we nip the deatroTer In .ud• how tna!l we get clear of our coughs and of v:ral Importance to the public. THE GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY m.l be foundto the Gmaatia Panacea. In proof of thts a.have tiorn :nor to ttme pub4ched the ceruficettea of Irgen of our bent known etrthens, who both expert -.cod 111 cur:a:yr power., flea, wi th mane to, pan th of the country.—from AIVOICA I. l i eN ttE THE FIRST STANDIrtG. :he uoxpel. Re , together wtth copious nog Irmo the JOURNALS OF THE DAY, we have efnbatled to pamphlet form. and may be had irmli of any of our age,. n.rounheut the country. HUNDR.F.DS OF Born.Es Una nay. TDOUSANLM AND TENS OF TIIOUSANIXI .nrouchout the United Stan, and Canada, and sva eb• e: any man topont! out a SIN/:LE INSTANCE When tak, Xl . COrdllt/( to dit,,lona, 'rod tite !mint Lad in.roule fata:ty th,orgartned, haa ta/:cd to 11TECT A PERFEC7 CURE. W.,y...11-n.:osed tothr.. , lpr,itate• St by re eon to .s postrurns,,p,,,,, assumed ~arns roust r,, pr. ~ ,• .sp am! puffrd I.) rert.Leat •• r .1 , 0, ups.p,,sys! \ V111,.a isp.hrp,c of N VA RA ••, !•r Luauhosr s are at house, —oar nei ghs ' , sc.—teeny o: vrtsoto o has " ' ' FIIUM.TI4E 1:1? AVE. In Order *mt 111,1 r4,11.1.; r e ntrotrui. 1.0). placed ,ach p.m .4 ay,: the nob we hey. ONLY FIFTY CENTS, the u-un; coet of Cough medic, It tu, nn:n I v nger, in nearly every town 'Lad vi;lage te who are prepared in give thil informa• retat., 1. SALTER, Propr,tor. Broadway, 1:1111,1110a1.1, 01110. YDROPATIIIC ESTABLISIMENT, 1 '11 , 111,111n, nEtt 1,1 O, P•.. 1)11,urfn:,1,F.,,,V:A!i.,1.)L.t.,k,ki:,K,,,,ER„.,,,ta„k,c,:5„dt4ni...,1,:r,1y.i.... [,,,,r7; or thr r.lllvii,vc patron., he haq rcceivt ; ;l, mot of in ..;; al:ng thew that ha. Litriy ereried u largo and ‘-;• ; hu;;lmg. ranuaive pur t at pose', of h.. ho A ri , Ai RF: nl Plitll;pshorgh. Ph on the Ohio river. oppo , the , eantt , oai ;011;ling at Beaver, whore he i 4 ready in receive puu n ttenrders. And trrat them on milatnJe jortrcaplA. tu.l4l:uori to 111 eipC7 11,. 4114 grvat •urr,em svluc.h has Imreiolo, tcnded Ills treatment of pouottot committed to his cat tlr ha. ow tee noldttional facilities affordcal by MI cl re butalotg erected expressly for the purpose, eon commodious and wry rooms, and fitted up with <eery nere...ary apparel.. (or Lathing, and ddrumnf tering the Ircaunent to Me utmost betteht and comfort th• 1.00001 lqulltp.lntrgh Ir amost delightful hod hrantiy vtliace, eatty access by steamboats, and at , lords fine and whidesotne water. Dr. Acker assurcs pcrson. who may Noce thoott.olvet t uto dee hot care tdat every atntion shall be paid to their t onfort, 43 an assurance alba sub...float benefits be derived. he points with confidence to the hun ed. who have hoe n permanently eared at Ms entab thinent The VI Viii Cure iC3V6O no imurioun mice, client as IA too often the Cl.< WIL/1 tiara,. Who ha, aen treated on the oar r)steor It removes the dra den:atgornar the, toy , nrio.protecta front the dangert r to change.. ot the weather, create. a aurora and aVIII , 1111)C1.1le, tad imparts vior to the dige*Ovt Nw , .in. Tenor ol troatmeut and board ow reasonabie Far rural,. plrldeu:ors ingutre at the eslabitailillehl, address the proprietor at ?tuiniadturgh. aurn4l LIPJAt .nh's AL rha../ We have been .stormed by ran. Rose of a cure per maned on her n y Dr. JariaeNt Alterative which iiroves si,eriotity over every other re medy of the a. nd She ha. been •Illic.ted tor the last ins teen wch Nl:eqi,a,E,3 o r in 111 FE swELLINus, years ded se in ulcer - at:hitt and enibl iation of vatic. hones. du ,ig which litr e many pieces have been discha.rged from ate metal al the cranium, from both her tutus, vrint ral e sa bone ; land and from tram the right) e Annegs, n a ca.des , b d fterm the lel, 1e.5.0 on other parts of her person, wine lt have bathed die a number of the most eminent ph ritic.angot our icy most of the time her Votrertngs have necn csertuat lig and deplorable About three moths • are she set. cndlieed tO try Dr. Jayne's Alterattvc far hail an astonish:llg ly happy effect upon bey, 1.7 trim - iv:lg ell mita tad swell.ags and causing the a ss beeofse completely reltored, so that she now wnigtt, kS oat more than she did bemire onsmeneed the use at truly valuable prepstion.—tent Eve Post. Fat furthar Worn:allot, tnqu ire of Mrs. Rose, No. st, adelphic For .ale lii Patatiorgh, at the PEKIN rE.A. ST UB :I Fourth at kood. E, U II TU%Ii * Ntte:.NIYS RSA PARll.l.e..=; lust received of Or. Townsend's Sarsapardl the most extnaorntriary tocabeine in the world! 'Flit.Es ti act la put up in quart bottles. it is au times cheaper, Pkasshter, and warrutteil superior to auy said. li tb cures aease 'valiant vomtting, smkening or debditating the patient. Lan , r.otiv won Intrranotes—llapnneipled persons have c opied our labels, mud pui up medtente in the same strafed horde. See that each bottle has the written sig nature of 5. P. Townsend.. It. E. SELLERS, linaggira, 57 Wood street, between Third and Feurth. is Dr. Townsend's only wholosan and retatl agent for Pittsburgh, of whom the genume uniele can be had. hl. Curry has been appointed the sole !went for Allegheny cat y, of wheat dm gernahni article can be had. 11 A. FM.II.CACC, C-94 A. B. ifULL, N. V. (Xi/ IL L. Faunerrnes,lPlitaburgh. 0. W. FAI.II.OC_, %V boleisol• Drug Store In the Oily nit Neer York. qIIIE under . ..rued any extensively engaged in the Wbolende Drug business at No. 410 Jona street, ut tle city of Nev Icrk t. and are prepared to supply inns vrtit noel country Merchants wan Dings, Punts, uye-!toni, Fers:rn and AMCMC. Yerfunvery, tinn rro•er klandarirCliennicals, (Cl th eir ow n ortstios) owl ell other article. in their line of bun -01 •BUNT. y a low as they con beputs In this nr any eastern edy. Vey Verir. Petd4 It A. PA UV PNTOck Cl= RATKITL for the very ithdral an I lT have recelved for so tunny years, I have deter- mined to enlarge my bustnetta entlatderably. !laving engaged a eoropecent Foreman, I will be enabled m 4:1 ad orders promptly, and do tittework Inour usual nu, le and at Mar prices., and ask the attention of me,- count. and ,llt^lll io my large stock of 1:1.111-tLefF:-.. It Giutf.tht and Beds, nfattraues and Bedding, Cur 11..13LItrrttli, 0.111/44 and Mornena„ g•-••. dordertngs, Tetaaels, Sant and Holler lad, and every aruele umally kept ell/111/114hIllelli o ' f the Itted tended o Orders respeetfully soltruetl and promptly at- N. t .—Carpets made sad put down. al/ Wll NOBLE. -,'•.;. .l i L:. .: - ...7 tr 4 mlwu Ors* l l' . man , . A MISS lilL44..N.t.irealcifttVi.y mama lh jU . Coen.i• and tlie pahlie th e c lprocarod s removed their school to a tin MT , IA 14 ho , in Loco< k st.rcet. areoadirdokillto tit .61 Febaral where they are prrsparmi toSiiiikh...'m,t*, b01trd7.,.., 71 " it ' s t iv . : nat'to.'natiZZl'l 5i.C'.1,4.,'•74,-,4.,:k„.. 'cirelloath the,,, the ordinary branches pC F 4 lise.ipt, t/ on. itrangers are referlid otr. ~s'ztirco.l.chbanns, I lonn.e}.l:dtc,Fadilen Mu! 4 F..1:4.!. 41 P.U.M. ma A. Short anti Mr . lieort., Rce&. , XII eibeh 7 ' ;•• - V: ' V...'" , • - ax d, ,. •1•• ,- i , i . . ''' .4l4 t;. -'j3.. •' .- .. 1 4.'•,7AV • 'tt l i r : FiT ' , ~, • •4 4 3 11,... "4 , 4 g",, It ....,,,• I ... i:ti t ' 3P"' . •, i'•l.•Vl.-; r -,... . ~._., _____._,...., VA 4 - -,... .____--,................4. A.,................. ‘ • , 14' ';'''..- _-.:,:,;,-., ~.,, .., _ .. ~..,, 5 , . .,„.., • vEN vriAiOntr . % A. rp r! F. grerleat and 6.l T- e... 34- a '• this' I. 'belore—made on the kah2 4aarQed , ll•setern plans tuid most fl•Mional, le E kirtifigaitrAhjit lk colors. Al THE CII En P ROLL di II r 0 ,... . ,.., .ei ;:ill, on het or made to order of all IXe; atti,Zl) fret. loontry Aterchants a3l.o3thf pi rwriald Ogid to call It exam:ae the above f0r.A,,,,101,Ac., yi.ffil he nel whoiesele .r retml, Intlal f r. 3410 0- ‘, 3 1-tOn made I wheile.ale purchasers. ••, hr., _.,.= erildlY . • IT A ',.3.t.IIVERVELT ri , HE SUItSCR/ BF:RS:his' ret 4 o,, Slthen 10. IT 3 1, Nos. 1:2 and 174 13.4fietty erthl-alar sole goo& a. , follow.. In store and *no t .404, 353 hog. prime CotTeo,sl rrefie• ' ~ j 4 , / - o'd gore:Julien, , vaii,aifiiiJ lsu hhdi Orson New tirte c54:0.41 Si/ bblo Tluntanon filtdre4Z, --, ..,-. lon . St James Shit' • gnusF itlcApes; too hr ~3.1. Yarn; Hysot3a ' -. 4 r.. 40 do Ounprowder nittl*Tr.dsl. Tel, 0 3 2 . t 4. do Ghat. Pra rt.h 2o- fif - 4 t l'' Coop -111 do :may boo VII Gje - t. to WO bgs whale Went !SiagO; ~c ' . 3-. • 6,1 bd. venue If avenO ' - a. i lel . 40 bg. Pepper: 20 dq. A 1., ?,..-4., - 1- ~..' 14 , 0 boxes Mustard, till - rolFat te1.21111113 Iv) do hlerago &Inca .i 2, Iv Co do do , o 3 qj 14 erne 5 0 bfbis do 1- do..a.t. ~' 0u qr •• do dri_3` • 103 3 t .• '... •,- 20 ct k• Zante Curl-n. 44; b 3 , Si., ty Almondtg 13 , 0 Lx. Richmond Tole., • 51,,, : 4 1 1 50 bar hen; 13ordeang iel 1t j.tllive 20. N... end lln bflitil3qPirp ligo,l4lerel• 9 ^ Hone). 1.500 rt At ci..4.,F, t 7.... • 21, 0 ~1:, arm ter end asrlt^ie4l4.o.,_& woo •• bleached northnee-al VOlAlet,-14 !Ulm . erode "• • 3 ,k 3 :1,2;49 3 . doo lot Can and :bas Pr.ll . o iSeil.g.k.-ti" . i* 30.11 H s ~,,q 20 iaf pipet Cognac Ifir - Wodpe, of-,,,,0rY It Weed% 3 puneheons Jan - latest '1.41 at5;; 3 3,93, . • t pipes Holland Gott ,? T. r.: IL qaarter est. sup -Itidoehre krneti.l - • Iti do alaileifil i. J 3 e„O ' ni do .I.lsli o it , 0 t - • 4 40 do Laporte., kt, A..., :,.., do Sweet lllaqa .L.a -' ' ,3 i 5 nn Ohl. '• d'' sob: 15 pin. Claret; 20 qr ihktri3•Sat,,,tln• 4U ca.,' to bo ldeaurelk_et; ; ~ I . - F '-' ' 40 1 a• k els ChampagilAVr-le; :t! , ',',. .p 172 dor .upr Sintna...ti Plkatf, J -- , ..-'' . W. s par? Rye. M. nAtti, ilr ,i 1i1 ,. /il ge , l o 2 tild -a-a, e- -- e-3 , - l•- Notle• to *4o', ..L.. NIT r;lr ire0..13y,11,,,0,9dry.0,0.6Zeit;,33143.1.wittf,tier I.lifiondeot: •xt mricr;tora arts, recelvd'freltglitl"'lrd•'o3o4 illltt whirl, .1 Newton Junes Is kgri 3 r / 11 . 2 . .. 3.3 opal - V I-0 ipt.,4t4: 3 0 .' 1 900104, - A C ta/fib L - F..,: , . - .1 .-- , in ---- itniFi Kr.i.t.v & CO., (*get 0rt"...,„ 1 41 3 1, —,,•„_•,- a., - brener S. Co late AZdkel ' ttfilua• i H. t• - • C/ I ETTTNI ur ...4.,et abovei Th , h--3,ilig i Ina, beg I to inform war fneddg PtioniAlhat they have reeetved we late, SIM W......24,N3.•„1.411fi1Ea FASHIONS, with a large aa rra•fit 017 Yew Style OWL/8, compnaing Cloths, pneibutfyga, ay .0,_3, et-every desenpuon—all ofatejliall,:Af tl. • ay own mn portation, Laving been iiii ' 2,..juent 3 •ltaa hots, London, &c ~- tti i [j_r o :flingers Slanting Phaliiksphii - a. are ,spectful ly 111,104 to call end exorninhi Oar ti08'&41.13-30 .1.01,• nach3a3o2dm __ I NDIA RUBBER PASTig)klt ft trerreaV rm. bottles of Rabbet Pane, hlnt4 ,rier, a114._ WSW, important to persons that Wig( Li fiefirj_ther t dry. It prevems the loather from pro In g",:gnit i!./111 take a poloh over it. For seta aktfin4diraillltOoLY Dept. No 5 Wood street. mord 'r 40..krii1...L1P4 -----C/01.CIIOOLDII 04r,, : I _ 7 'l-0:01ln TIIE Jubeenber, wholesolOtnighjutt4ht3W.if JEW. CLII y..uvitee wholesnlo id , ritet9o4 • 4 3- 41.24 into inog South wid West— oath too 3 r,lottli, gapers to calf and examine Ins stock rit jr. elKurharal will he mid at the lowest pnees for etch hfigr sitZiaat'A twooP-3 I tutees. Counantly on hang Or l an ute d ,• l • o o3, • large asmartatent suitable fontill:Or ". 1 1 .1. 4 . 0. s:Er . .l .. corner of Fourth and p l / 4 . 0 5 8 k,...5... ra, aptUnlnto •,3 ._ . 3 2'l!ili , tfilptoo__ Paper 4114411t4iV , :,%-:: Ty A VING pa rehosed at Mtn; o. l the, IIIIFLF•••. la nes 10 We East, INewtror - 34 Phil 'a and Balumorej a large assonmee e t c Ae latad moot improved styles of PAPER N . a ADERS, An., and made arrangements - 1j), hi - ,; ,ia gbe ena bled to procure all new Prit*aaltg.l4ll,2.ltfa Otto wish their appearance in the Eas,fina oorliti.,, E Vittld in ane the attention Of those denring,sp TATO a1 . .11 bonuses papered with the latest-sty 04 utiaptialy,',l hell and examine my stock, before puretteedealg 3 a} . e. I have now on the way trote.tht's%2O 29 piece* of Gehl, Saun Glared, and,ctiiii.naff tt, :tooting., Much I eau sell at prices neritgfilg 2, ,3419 e III:o $5l p piece. meBls 3 '93 C 11533 a, ST ;Tod irt Bacon gmaX g.; ~ :-.,' 'SAVING mat completed WOO ilarigoiyii smoke Ll_ hou.ea we are now prepar „ ttLyeget,hi meat, and nook cot in the most merchan irfh2, The houses are fitted with p 1 11 - Lotted: tivrove 112C1110, and are capable of coqtalti 3-31, , ~, 4, each KIER &AIN ' q.t.:l t•haln.,• n 4 . ~t or er ... ..B . 3 klanb ut VllliaThNir -- PA PER—lles - h . :4 re'eAleirdiat itgemsy , I for the one of the alill Grovelrint-MgA=IS. B. &O. l''. Morale. Proprimonslw.7„ :nobs ' Ily suppiled wnh all Me WlTereni . r.inerspf oudtte,' qualiry, winch we oder at the lowest rti : ailr, pi. _les:, - ,01.... R fi l iAlfeLto , t febdi cornea n sind A tin Kg • TI••• .. - _ _ DUQUESNE S;VIIV-rofiltt 1 C"flal-tluMelinaHll'irLoni,A4n&igli.,:rzrir.#. ''..400,.:,.. Plough, Forii. and Noe Steel. n.oreht:4o,3lr West . Iron Nuts. ail sizes, together with ' a • ar. L ,Eliptte• Spnngs, hit Pat, Taper and cohimo,.A. , , f Having reduced the Once or Wtyom l /3 '3 .Nute, engine builders and others using - W/51ot ..;111 - I find it to then interest to give th is ntSet ?fano! I ,Tfiud - 11 1 1 rnanufacturvs their attenuon. 1 I tc, • . 3ti t .to Coach trunmities and muleahaq :On o. hreal, terms. Warebinnie on Water and Folielh. fin. ' 3 5erairkl-tf - - ''.;--;„, 3,• , :- -, ,—, f..:----- SAIVPL. G.4.tY A . -1 / 4 : , Ai, MERCHANT 34.1140, EXCHANOE 190.1r8,ij,! ST. CLAIR STRICW,T,I.:', TTS/131.*1311, IlAs /SST Forrra.l4lE;lnst ~ : i 'll \L' A 1: ty R /:: A N 1.) 1' If n. i . ..i bEL fO . A, And I. now ~, thing A 54. fortmel:l6,2:7: CLOTHS, CASSIJIERES:OI,IIBTMIIB, ~ ..,,,I• ~I TUT: BEST GU A I.rry ANN/ • t rn , r Earste.s, . 1 . .., NI 1.. •L be ... prepared tc;.4;akF.n to ordei . .. I', THE I:LXF N4.,'4111. And .n the latest, Tat shior?kl i t .nrli • r: '. ;"; . Bead quarters for BOtt sada t'orm•r of Fourth and .. , Srlijcsrfi, ,1d strdek:i.F: 01.-rteitUrtitt;*A. 71, T Ft , FTII & SCIITT haring: tome...cit. V the k - ern , Poen tool kAgo . I..MA', V nnol - in.....1r. a. woliqt" xpecti '.y, .avne Ine Allention of Ihrir Irle/4 . tho piiiiii ken er.•,. Abs Fr splendid nnw ..tok.ks', isilltlitg,l4:?lout, woinen.•. boy , . nst...el' and chum wear et ., irml Var,ly, twlable for the rwr,on, aU:111.: priecti*.stut 4 thr rant A apiendid ntlicle 01100 mactpsurt, Lici. Itit gentlemen', tine IS not.A,lts, Fe,. Miliett .d cl,,lres. f.c wOrf. P.r.ow cssli.slad eoktt•iil /or ) 0.. L rwl res. Taorn & SCU4..:I corner -Mt entiSmith3o,lts N ll — Tr - 3,1111g Trunks, CarposgLl: - .irs, Ad. y-i . a 1..., ..., n hys on amid and low for cash ? ' Country nterrh.ts would find ittioieVieN in 'Oll to gave us 0 rail when vial ling the qi. pi, ''..l,____ A. LOGAN, Wl/..110*, CO., y.' , ,F, NIPORTEIW and Wholewslel44.s4 in Purr iaiiilncl • A. Domettic Hardware, Cuilery,lo4llory, it-,43.41113, Wood street. Pitoburgh, are nouri%3lllV pis a reuently importhd stock of HonlurrNe;ContiNo-tgad dlery. Carpenters' Took, At, toryiNi* very Mei In ducements to Western 5 1erchantAVAIL in adtrid:l: to 1 the many advantattes had by otalgiroccratif.,,Artles a.. L.oran ..k Kennedy, we have grtiabrincrourteieur facilities, and purchase all our gdpict r) . OMI Brill: i lids ~ on the very best terms. . 0., ....; ;, 7 - Tae Junior members of the brertuAlline there G?ole ettenuon to solely and feeling emil4l,hlir of grhit4 istaction, reapecoully solicit 11. COIL ~,14,0 Oil wog Am vi,sit thus market. ‘0 y .1,- .,. ? nnacat-Ptft—M27. -.-- rilllE underaitned offer. for Balers'. operlottkritio 1 of bnct for building, made ley lei Swat, Elt 1 1ku.. 11 4 improved machine, for which he har.M.lhied AV"! and agrees to give perchown • wriittueignatahlict they are stronger sod noll mina front iold weVel•Ati er and. unbibe str o n g e r • moisture or daritpkiers than bIO, '44 ; cr brick, powessing greater body asellyipenorNMlF. and much nthre durable in r• net, es6s 0 , 1 being subiected to a pressure of sekitjitt tool, an a build smooth surf evelt l .6 ~-, i they m a te a front equal to the best ft•lilbAtni - ~ They here given the gecatest wietsretVion to .M. have purchased. A Inln can be welth - L,,pay wo e .. Akt specimen at th e Gazet t e oak,. . , ~,.• , ] Those having supplied theirthelvet hi' elf . bit .0, and Atoning handsome front leti, tog* •nia and solid paving brick, C. obtain Pal! _...„.....--, tki.S., C 613 - .B eesltimunthate, June 12. Judd. •42..., XTEWYInI - 1--11. WA a No I trUous-eitd; itti/lAVeilli is 1.1 No Ido do, 5 Luis No I mew licii du No 4 unmet. Herring; 20 half do Nu I lair • ,t , bath' 5 1ackerel; IS du :do I Salome, iostirs g or i V and fur sale by .kcjill WAIT, , Nail _ • !il L.t!!!1-1..fAi:, C is Z i eL s i , F . ltil w l}' , : k. l .. t7;z „ wt. " .i , 1 ....., , 0 4 Commission hosincas, Mr Jobe Wilsoit,itZethithigi 0f..1011N WATT A. etc •301-44 \v l "`' Pittsburgh, April 5.1. l' l9 . _ .i. A ~,,h ', CURN 11300.11.3-4, do' C.,. EriftV74!iiio for sale by sP2,At &N.; DACON— 50,0 u Gurus; 251,00 Sholdetii, I.67iiiiii , eidi how., for sale by Nit" R . httr3ON 43..1:11,11 PITTSBURGH GA2t.TTg;.:3 l'laLisi iRD DAll.l', TRI-WEE.R.I. WFI;iO,-y. di tit 170,•00 i i.dikitity, W., w.i.virit0g7071(10447,,' ILATES OR AD V1LL•14,01114.2.,...: OuGiGatirtlon of It linen, or 10811,•,..Z70 47.0::0 Tyro J011071:0150 Without alieratiliiii,-4R y'6 .• ' , ~) it . Ono Week ~ ut ' t •(tiro tVeekt ,• ~ i r• • -- 4.,z ~ r, Three '• • . , One Month, •, .. :412 :...:ri,ir.•••• ~.,' : k,. , 44- ' i • - Three " - ..,'• i sli , ‘i.. 1:0" net Longer minerttsementn In eti O tr, r t - One square, ti months, era - hoot alteml.l ,••• 1,9 " " 1 - .: '• ~ ,o •ii. 4. ........ 1117„,f Each sr:Mama:al square for 6 mont*.i.*•ll 4 E. One square,, months, venerable at..1#V,.0.5' 1, .c.v , . . 14 r. - 2 Each additional square for 12 liseoth.W•• 11.7, Two squares , 6 months, reveal/1e 4'. 041pre , 3.1.1 . . Loch add/two:al square, a month., -2 . .1.•••• AtA'• vrzekke on Ttla-SISISLT IS lISIII..k' SILSISMII, One square. a lonetemus, .... i...•1%...,51 .1 6 . 4.-• 1. , , , V " " each add:Una:l tnnerttort4 •••• •cm nnss CARDS. f.....,5 iI.N., ~..eii Floe lines or I,gl, hue ycar. • - • - • ; i1•••• ~- -, r ; .. ~ ~ one year. duly & ÷,r,k,,,,,,,*: „ .. s,x year, .. .:::1 ;•"..-i •ot nnetsmas rev ID kr snstai,49Plift...-•:-. For 11 linen, or lent, One tosert".. ~i4g„.„..5ik...14 • • ” " ~ i , ;&...• (vti ., . .1 •... - Tines, " 4—c..... iAillt , " " . Throe wrote; iir- - 4-.. e .4 51t0i.4 . ' ,;..,.... -.• ;;;?.,--
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