Hsuagaryt Its Perputatiora akad.4•2oo2.oellf A eorrespondent of the Pbilldelphia 'North Arne linen has furnished that paper w.th au: inferestfog sketch of Hungary, from which ere make the Li. lowing - extracts. Tee writer states that he ham derived his data from come of the bet bookto io which that country ;Emceed, and that ilte Waitaki' of popalati.in, prorerty, Se. may bec retied on, having been collected from I:136 to 1410,..by John Macgregor, one of the Sec-atm - tea of the London Board of Trade "The Hungary of the prevent day forme i part of the Austrian dominions, being botined on the west .by a part of Germany; north tly Griffith, from which it is separated by the tarpathean Mountains, east by Transylvania and,.Wallacha, and south by Turkey, Selavon a, and 03, win. Its present territorial ex.-it is 91,300 ,quaft. miles— Thus it Is nearly twee es large La the Mate of N. York, . • oh woe torinerly known as Upper and Lower Hungary, hat t hi. division nas been Superseded, and It et n.-w 14T:treed into the rorowing sin cit. des, viz : Circle this side the Da ribe; . , circle be yond the Danube, circle this vale t e Teta/4e, etrtle beyond the Te 1..., Pro -in , ,. o r ,litvonia. Pro. niece of - S.:mato, T.-0-,.. r..ri les are divided inm countie•, of whir, tnere Or., 11 in the Ant mrcie, and IL in each of the rqhers. Thernelpal rivers are the Dann... the lim, yrhe Ma sch,lhe Adal•eb, r, lti the White Korese`.. the Izarnia, he tetaaa, the' Wang, and the Terve. `lt contains 00 large towns. 731 market towns, II:700 villages,l.7o7 , '72 h arises. 2.853.:00 families, ! 5,90 . 20 2 „,,t,.., 01'x7.000 females. Total pop(Mt• tion 12,090,202. (.4 these shorn (3,r40.n00 am Roman Catto , te, nnd oboe' 2 000,000 aft he Greek Church. show 1,000000 Lutherans, 2,00E1,000 (..n1- , vinists, 250,000 Jews. and its regular nimy is 59,- 000 men. `There are 0:,0111 13,000 00u of Eng[fil, sere. of arable land, 1,330,000 v.nevards.4 eOO.OOO gardens, 4.950,000 pastures, oh; ii, 1 9 ,000.000 English' acres of woodlands; whole number of ~ ....ra being about 310,000,000; 4 ,roo,oou bend GI horned anttle, o =o,- 000 horses, S 000,000 sheep. , ; i "Buds Is the CllpliTi. stands on the righ. hand of ' Danube, and has 23 000 inhai items. IV was once the residence of the Kings w110 n , a ,.. ppy all 1020, when it was 'taken by the Turks. For' one hun dred and silty years It was contested betareen them and the Chr.suana nod it woe finally aurrendered to the latter in ItiSii. In lel° sin hundred homier were destroyed by fired,ut they have bees replaced with improved boittlinza. 'lmmedisteiy opposite Buds, on the east side of thelbilflUbC, 3 Pesti), winch is the largest city in Hut glary. It is welt built, containing, Many ele gnat public hinidinca and mansions or the Hun garian nobility. Its university a one b% the most richly endowed on the continent of Herope, and this city of Reath contains above COON inhabitants; it is about one hundred and thirty miles east south. east of Vienna. "Throughout Hungary the Sclavonian popula- tion are the moot numerous and perforated' the most servile kin to of labor. The Magyars—the original Hungarians—though generally 'illiterate, a spirited and intelligent riser, fond of bailee em ployment and a imktary lite—nvoiding, esl numb as possible, either latter or trail, In 1831 there were in Hungary not less than 250 018 privileged noblemen. The nunaber„since that time ban con siderably increased. They pay no sins, and are this very burdensome, and greatly r4ard the advancement of the most generally fertile Irings data in Europe, which also sailers mach from the want of good roads and cheap transportation:, -- The St. Louis Republican of Monday says The officers of the steamer Wisconsin report having met this boat a short distance aboVe Squaw, ka,on the 22d lost. The cholera was then raging to a frightful extent, and twenty-two persons had died on board since leaving St. Louis, „ The offi cers of the Wisconsin also learned that... Capt. Mc- Mahan was down with the disease, and in a coo. dition that lett but little hope of his recovery. The boat, it was said, would be laid up ott reaching New Albany. We learn that the cholera has made its upper. once at several towns on the upper Missiesippi. Al Keokuk, Muscatine. sod Galena, there he ve been several eases. The inhabitants in every placceshere it has made its appearance. are pre paring to kayo' for the interor, and it is thought, if the chemise should prevail to .y extent, that meat of the towns will be descried. The steamer Mary &mord yesterday from the Missouri river; her VffiCrii etata that the cholera was raging to no misruling extent at Bruns wick., and that a potion of the tahatatents we're leaving for Glasgow and Boonville. Capt. Garri son inbrms no that there had been a great many cues, and four or 6ve deaths in one house. Mach excitement and alarm exist moon,, the .cisimens of all the towns on the river below that Swint. and preparations wore being made to dtscoettove busi- Oen, so woo 113 it should male its appearance M any extent. From the Banunore Sun. tang I:savga - r c( small grain has already earn. menced in some ace-noon, and though many haat • had their wheat nearly veined by the fin: a, botl Maryland and Pennsylvania, the crop of so, understand, a remarkably good and productive •. The hay crop. the harvest or which la note pearl y through, is olmoet beyond nrecedent m all the Mir die Steles, as Mr as we have heard from,. In lb victnity of Washington, D. 0., where there . ) at bet a Inch rapid, extended, and piclure,que fatming ito. ornament in the last few years, the of :pain and gra. have been aurprising, on lands which were oat long since deemed exhausted. cer r so poor no hardly to justify reclaiming from the treads The Waahingtau Repubhe speaks of rye 7.hr 8 feet high, grown by Darius Clageu, Esq. on a farm which two years ago could scarcely find a pun chaser on account of its poverty. Need?: similar rye has been produced on the farm of Mr. Craw, on the Enck Crrek. Church road, floe or nix miles from Washington, which eVlncrn a iIICES. ppi im provement In that cocoon. The hot ann of the tact week having tensed the grain to ripen rapidly, our,Fee,ertek and Washing. too county (Md.) exchange!, reeeteed Inv night, report in pretty general .mrnencemeat of the wheat and rye harvest. the Ilageratowg News eays • 'in a small portion of the Cavetown and Leaere bare diatriete, the grain has been iriare.d Co much to each an extent by hail, an to make it barely worth cooing.' ' CONTINUATION OF THE GREAT SALE AT A. A. MASON & CO'S ONE PRICE STO.RE, At all( grower RAd Uted Price, AA A. M. a. CO , deelmui and cicetvg . out their Stock preparatoy to Reellllle their New Fall Goods, will offer greater inducements thou ever. Their recent large porebastes at the New York Sales, made at such immense *nen fices from eosbwil all be closed oat the same rel./. rates. Amo4lll the article, measly opened. they mcintiorv. 6 cots fast colored Lawn, at 7 ess S " " " and hluelbis, & and ho A large 'Lack Silk!, Shawls and Y7elui, rill' low, " " 25 el XI dc Laibes, 124 e • " lot Rereges al one half pnee 25 et Gutgbanne a: lvf c " Embroideries, very cheap " Bonnets. half pnee " Rheims, Gloves. Lacet. 'Fran:stings, Sc 7 ease. Merrimack Calicoes, at cc • 5 12} et (*since. at Cie " and bales brown and blemshril Nia.lain. amity. Inch Linens at 10e; Lubin riu.glianas luec , Bonnet Ribbon h and 10c, Gloves et is With an icumente variety ot ether Good., all of whack will prove searing la parch II3C re of ' he'll :/.5 to • to per cont. Tbs store will be closed one day for marking down sod preparing the Flock foci". eve. A A MASON it CO MARTIN LEWIS & CO'S CLOTH HOUSE. FOR TUE ESCLUsIVEseLE OF GOUDS ADAPT. ED TO MEN S WEAR. •- . . The ouly Home ot tbe Mod is I.lahitn6 833 BALTIMORE sTREEr. 1 , 1100 boost Wort op 1 3 / 1 .011.5 .7.. worn mob - OUR prep tenons for the coming reason' in •eard to stock have been very complete. Slaw n g im ported • oar own goods, *elected by our own buyers troth the best manufactories in Europe, and • olds the facilities to tabs advantage of every chattkeir, . out do m.= Woollen :dark ma, we confide...any e Mileage competition in extent of assortment, choice, mem or prices with the New York, or any other mar ket in the errantry. Befog very desirous to extend our beelines *still more among the Merchant*, Clothiers and Merck gait Tailors In this South and West, we have paw pm zi;fittla i r at tention to the importation and purchase of eggs kinds and styles of goods that we know will son oasis, even. And as it certainly enlist be an object to I kw! td an ., their good. home as soon as possible and at edit cheap est freights, other advantages being market ought lemma to for a full Mare of theirroarer. W. solicit a fair calm:nation Mod oue stock, a to rill caws will guarantee customer. in prices ago a, is, North. ing cities. Oar stook consists of Boob's, Fiment o, Nelson, Don leans, Montagmer, %Wolfing's black rend (*my color ed Amos Chores, Deliorrei and C swanks, plain sad fan-y most of which were 3.1.p0 net by our.elere, and which w svilo gusraniec eo r ell al lanai as the entit, who represent the mahumeturere is N Work. MUM= eta ESOLIsiI Woof,/ NS. —Superior V V.( of Ffpuut Cloilte; do do wool o.k Cassuncresi ..French red Ea~ W 6 Baffle and pilot Lane.; bite , grr y sad blank ilushimm blue Blanket* tor co air ; Afro; and Nary Cloths i Wyk and Tweed gloat.: Ballard Cloths; water proof De vdnshirc he vie Dem.= Wootmans.—lilack and colored 'Clothe lot cy Cartirrneree, do pla•n Mack dm Mud ; Cashmeres, ' , My blue Cal/time-res. • Brar"... and Cosau \Voor bayoe.— —Cases blue,. blacken:liked and medley Said do sbcpp• grey ..t "i d o T rh i l u t o d — f an d° 43, 4 ' dont/ I e rallied Littiley a; s n, sacks mid okoreouts. VlDlSteire, Vesioes, , ma—Yetyet, Sl/.1 Cashmeres, Toil and swansdown Vetzengs an aStiOrrelent altogether w b y an y aiding that. has ever been Mere", Ir. sin market before, which none can have, ex %mat each,who like our.elves, bnY Went on the spot q FaleCT eSe-m! . .0. Crorel, S umeneleta.N loves HAndlerehlele. and every seine ,or greilr,i4ye s let, of the later. p.n.., style .. Maim. and Lstaw Tor,her wt h All kind of woollen, c anon and merino flo,iery, (or a:My/drew. Almrrsal Corresnwa and Arrnottied Tana.'/nthe and unufor uta, at factory p ice• • woorwilh rind, tary and naval 'ertrominge, 01 '.super, eerie rtArlre, T•ns' Tut 0010 GS. of. soper,or qualtilef, os,. Illk Prigiatt Satins ; black and minted SUe Velvety, do do si/kl3orges; do do Sane do. de do A :preco;do, .plam Alpacas and Bonebazneer; Silt Sleeve LIMPS a, Veri 7 . lol ZeWingl titibi:Aecir do, Hack and cord Patent Threads, French Cloak Linidg*- Ankles, ad • kinds, woe swat and stif Lieudnirs. ter. Cc. Oct Cars Wiggins, white colored Felt o &sacrum r.ns —silver. drat, slid Pate Clot hs, drab Slf Cs for minnow mid lionis e worsied,llamasks, unmwsins and drab Velvet*. a ,_ SEOSILat leal.—Cloths nod CaratMeree, of the 1 . 4 .15 Colace far gaiters, and la/dugs, block and co- Nerraf the beet quality. klerchant Tailors nro! Cinthiem veziting : Ka North for purchasers ale rerpectfelly . ereded to 01ia101.1115 our *toek, whether they timed purchasing to our market or not. MAIti'LN WLS to Ce.S. SO D& AS-11-16 mks for sale: by • Sag TASSEIr to BEST ti *DON ELDES-2:1V) lbs reed and for silet'lly •41:11M . TASSEIV Sr. BEST - - L /422 LataLard, as Land end 4'l by TeessEir • JuLy . i.1 1 4 , 1141.1%A.J,:. id.Yl rnday, :I ' IS 3 Tuesda 4 Wedne y day 3 . 6 Thursday. 0 Ft•day IT S IO I L G NI L IVEn , frI 16,r) TR A DE rr..rnicK. 140 acrAnt-N. r Orator, Prrtasersit zr-tr, 1 Wednesday Morning, Suiy 1, 1-4°. The general- tone of the market yesterday shlwed Ihtle if any change ia quotations. k.gcnern pi - evaded. soil were confined 4o has:tellre t..ad trans•eildr. • • Fl2,lll.—The receipt} were bareCy word, nut.,:ria. end we hcatd cdno "ales to any large:even: Item fins: Land.. We ante sale; front inure in irgu.cir drat land ' hots at 5..1,6241.711 per 461. whtets ate the ink tu...ig rives of the ratteket —VS'? Leant notitutg doing It r Ego, mccip , 4ing vet? 'Wade& !dollen!. sio:r.a.e. yfCont are efiexted at. tdiue . of Barley of and of Data nt maisc. per Yush<l, wah ii(ut : PEOVISIOri.S—Evetiy dung conunhe. ',Bay hi:ur• I.lntet gootattotual• Ilactlts quite hem, Walt tcrular .ales 'o . f a] incinnatt and city lured Si for Shkuiderii SiJcii and 'Jain" at 7c1l• Saleirof topo cured can va.,. . l ed linens at 4/ii and of tied lice( at figdlti.r pet 01111t.SE—litioderstd sale. of NV $1 et 5;;(3,i Cream at 7r .111 d of tio'fitett at 7 lahc per Lb • (IROF.RIII,S.SeIaieOI N. 0. ' , o* . 41 ni N. 0 at .2.7a,-e ". oak ' Sake. oe Rin Cane at In vale. o 1 11.40 in eintel.l , 82163.1.1 c. pbr n A" "h" at , lain. under Cattpi Market ..P -'••• re we re ode nod 01111 wiek Ittaoo „, ' jtlecf Cattle, of oseldel Rib 'Yoe ,. &Pte.So New NW:. •Ilute NI. a fait denianit i ottid neer 9wcold at 0.113.al Jet , C. .; ',Pere teem. Cowlerand Color• 6 . 0 , 3e:r1 :ht P•elees ranted Pro iltB - 1 Prom er for Dry COrln. 816.21 :or f•prieger•.and 834•634 <ams for MIMI, Cow. 1. Swint. Mere wercLikt at mark, t nr L u , k „; RESOLUTION ,ehPlh wereoold,at 8-1.341 1 5'p lb . RELATIVE 'I, AN Iyli 't li\l I:\ rI 1I 1 1. I(+u hlteeltrattld Lomb. offered. atrd ;•• .• 1T111.71 - 1‘ ce,,rangied fr0re,51.51.1e319,50 for the father, u.,1 c.o ‘~. 4,4, r. „„ • d34.7tach tor tbe father, keen cmolity. Me Cohan's, tr,11,11 P•0.,..pe0• •r . - --- blu mei. That tn., Cattly.ittarkeT.•. ere Torencl,l in the secri,d 1* 11 .‘1.7 • 04.0,1ag..1Unkt L.!. 1,19, that it snail rend s. 'the JAI,. - OATTLE-Thc odetediks at the male. 0,, Motion). Plc..' Court. o' •e'• rs , •:ou rt. ol Common P ., . ‘l..rb,a 600 head: of whiq4376 tv,e y ."' "' 'o"h °t h e ' Cbmr " °' Rrr°rll • and 164 •were drisith to PltriadMphm Pry y• ewahli4hed I •!..t.: be ..••• ht "se „cold., Attired from 03 1 3384 oti Flit Loci, cSomf to 261,14. - : r11 "'"" or the cr ' ° ''' .. "` rr "at'l 'Pt ' br ••'''" l low• nat and averaerig 83.50 &foss. . •••• a.; The oi the Suorent , h. tly ( 1160.13- We gime trom.o-10284.5t ullnaaran: eley toe. of thy non r, • • '• • • • Pru• J3cer• •l• •eyero, Cour • Detroit: ' Pl.,- and .•t muir °Orr Coo-, ,••• Keen,' s• sr. .Ith t • sw ott.reit to ty. •• • Lo•-• 1,,,, Nops,mg dontrikin dout:4,t groin l'herc 4. hut 4,1. e. of rr•orrti over al •al tr.' ellcilher in markt. •••• act J ires. on!. tit , ‘Rpoi.-The Matket Erik. but less o,•thie \ e fly our:. ot Comm , . P •••• i• ,y3asiority of r...bt wool 13h. been ot y o , h. , cespta die yet quic likt. and will rmaytyr ty- • •o ppw,e I'We Mhum e a Ire material chlOg• t .intro try-. liiitelccif, which mike froM rt/ to Ric t The tool receipts If wyeli by the Centnit Road si••er. fm. •,. the hi. •,•••. • l'••• C.-- .1 L.. trot lea of March to th• ...!oos June, ho•tsren a• Jul uvr., Juilf -• oi .. vela: I K . u• t', mart... :40E4 at that previous at Ja3le was of lbw old Cr p .11terch --- • • • • 4: ;t • • Lilt It: "abed hy • 4-.11 u • "Ulu. A%il• - • • •; • ,rt• • • 24.-IP • learned in the law, st ai hoyi t r h•r try .unn • •14e7ti ten years ann . Abu,' ra lone brt.it, al:craur wyt hip., to the • .t. • i.l;t4ore, he A.Yottaty Jotter. tit the t 1.111(110'1 I ., PI•• ' Yr lAdven .hall hold their othyys for the 'ern, 01 :.••••• , rut, a , ,r 1 tholl so lo• d Inshore wu air: of vral , l7l pottel" REVIEW OF ST. MARKI'!" `l." be r° """tf • b "ed ' for tii•• reasor able eso.c no. •lirstratacaa . Orr wt. impeachni•itt. the t•ot ereo- •.ii. ...• or Loth's, June di .0 Ihem oo :I!PPPS A, P•.• •10 n t•rsr„.4. r Ap e. taltla were' umerous yesterday, wail ,luting the I,yers store l'he h r i t t . r „.,• “, day.; weven or ought oteamee came dom. front me up- the geoeral eo•Ybon of m t „ni1...t0...t0 •• ,• parOyera laden to the aualsta The n•Celpir or toliky- tie adoetton al this moro•hiehl ot •lo •-•• .i. 0..• co, Partp.lead.llour, sheet, torrn own, rke are 'Mesa . of ul. the ;ad.,. who toss ty . .trlt. • 1,..r and - _. - ithe market cent opco wisp a fom supriy 01 on the firh Myite•s• li...et-other to Y., ie i4e terms of the new tunge• errs', . „mit ....,••• Tra. r•,, • TrAnsactions tin SaturOry 00.0 Isea.tcd. and owing. who •nall ton bee cried Judeo o th. r „, •,.1.0ur Loa reify) , showe s • winch Tim. Up to Itl4 Idlernarrn aril oho. , hold thuir ra , bresar 101.0 r u • aa , „,., lakheat anvil night, we seem mablc:to nor n...• Tear , any •, 1• •••n ••, •••• • ••••,• •-• • ior rturr4a, bin in the inqulnter beorc fa n . we could twe•Y , • ear•. Kai , : nye tot hoyet• 1. yr., .„.. hear eif ma decidsd charge In any ...rick Totiar •rt rue. Pi „ be ne, • • : • • hi.ss iftclined, *ales on Thurstay skid Friday indica- it , er be bot 1 rOd. .• •••'''• • • • • •- • P" tl• •Cl Saturdcy nothlng waarlime at either ware. ed hg. Mem to tbr t•or - rlior itio:l , • •••it , • • • 1,, kilrated. Hemp. lead. hooprand early cern • leer sm• be •••ititril Pir rar•ra 1 , 0 • F. , . A.• u-a pH arlinic or prosittec may he eroottlercd dull "nod c0mm....0n .1:1 fir , ; es ;pry •• he . • ;,,, t „... imp. to tottered it .1120.,,,Le5tl nay he gaoled Irvin el,' tn. ,rm. TT.; th e-unur, „,,, eofitar3-1 •S. Corost brands's( cotamy drior at 8.1 :Se mt... n rho. , firer ern. , • r -i• -, ' i 4 •t . • 84Chtli choice Cictilcy 83.p133•12.9, pitiMe ard chose., tree. and ii two or my, • . „„ Win ai (rum lb m7f.le; pole w h ite mt i yellow co ot , t the snme Jar the ;ode+. taedice gilkorktwriopina ostler at 3 - 41-Ralc. hks Cociuded, ct. lot winch sou, II,•• Ch.ei Jy.ore of-36.036e- Ittwen-whotriers 3310.41 ribbed ~. e . h•Prle.ilte l.y main, re• Kb. t°•o' •e i•••1' 4.434#ei clear 4dßlact g00ithma.341 . 4.; 411 T ITT fp:, of •ha br h • t•oo, •ty.,•••• 1"),31 COM to 'Ada 411 - 3l.ket th.k.egoblAY In. N . O h..- thy r•oversor tri coot nue t • •,' .• y by Air...0:524 , , v .. VC-As .act• tn. comber Uucurro.anu Joel, chladtkl Dry huh:ilk Mruseed 41r view •lodge• lbc i•P•roto or' on , Pi• • •••• •• 1 ••• Cid 74, Feather. 2••24410c, 1 41ai10w t 3 /'ifs y aA •g; 6 . 1.• ale. aeon 841 1 .4Y1 ,, Rye 45, - receive for On, rerVu•rn •• ••,• 116 a"j Leslie.. Remo dute and other who es nary. fb fixed by •w. vrt.Ga, •r s.. ••• : .1, rkuitly reported., •.„ rine tbetr roannutio, •fl nth, • ' e•. l y „•••••,, .Firercium-To Orlciana-Foar. Pei pork, tlO fees or peel.. •.te. office, POT no 11 .••, aain.r oda. Vitra, 8438 c. Corn.7Rec. no. o'p-otit an, th or /Antal, Lard. Lc 114 j T01M1CU0E , ,,,,23.,?2,50 Chtted o- 421, mot. r ••t, - 10 , 1,0, Hemp, tis,t„jed mar t Cattle., 86 9-had Unton. The Juders Ti.'l ••••., ryin• • ow,. ai emit:neat,. ylit• 1-.••.., as, I, • tau, - tritrUßLE bak MA. cliEi EYRY. etc.-Scott - a Engineer rind deck:mat" " .A. i pst•aani, being .ore tit • Or,' Ina., settatb. red ye.. 3 . " br "'"' " r ' tiecti•of SteamEnkirrew, Rihnt.ing Mactpkte.. 'title tor Glitaink, Toole, ,In 2 totio ,I rtcuaal kliseltante. as Engineers' ;Vegans, a •it o s ite. - Orookyla Ency r3medta n't Ctett Enetc4rlng. to co , threrik;vol. Poe o oder4ttla Cotton Spinner aCtl klanufeirtairr, r"o , Tredtiold on ilm..strengtry, of Cast 'hoe,: pew d. by Endrikinsun. to`vol., ere , Rae , ,rte• by die It ruuh Chit,- I Yoi t 4m. IN 1.0 {ln-.e Rgice.vo -UV.), San eyer, EnouTer and Aießier Alsedfacwol klechah•cal Drawing' hook. 000. For Cc. '• '''" 0 ' 101 l . J D LOCK WOOII3 Wood • titian troth the Jou. 7 - IHiral FR CLT. , -LCO bhadialriedPetocitew, GOO do 10 Apple., in store and fat sale by ; it 1,14 W.A.TERIIAN Fped Apr.:: • J . . IOL 4 ASR-5 calks Pot kvbri I do Pera 3 / 4 do, to • lad for sn'e by LS WA ERMAN - I 9 1 --20 bbla annuls-. IR do Shad. fra sore by ' L S WATERNIAN 'CS y rL BETTE*-e bids. itolt Ruder. 14 kegs do for IX sale by ""tun I. S WAVE/thin': • Ltd, Lula r e ed Otlidor vela by - T - J b Cr:FIELD T• OSV. YARN—I boo rovviic'd and for Vale by R CAN Fl EL Li (i) cik•Jaet recd and for able by Jab CAN FrELIr ILtbr.-100 box roar ree".l and for rase by J B CI_NFIEL in 'afore and for ICJ „rile by nenr W.k M bIITFILP.E.THEry AN iIDOM FAIT gene rf•l trasortmeot alaray• cr band and feb .ale by 1/.4e !SI 14/ 41TE BEJLNY..-30 bbl„ Mai/ Witttlreana re. 4cceived andfor rale by A.^di W M'CUlcil EON, I r , te4r. pnoreiWcateruria. re Cheer, it4v4 received and for sate by iteo • arS' re a M'Cltt:llafrN (Iift:NINE—IWO at rust reefd and for ..rdi• by 1120 Iribf.L.I.ERS. 5: Wood LOES-346 trirne days: rust teed •ind !or rLe •Clr• - jc26 . E 'SELLERS VICOSSIAN AND PA R141.1 - E-e-Oneeaae or each istit reed and fps rale ;b2f. R E PELLERS 1511LVS! DRUChT!--011 &bet!, Arcane Potaan. alifc Acid. Friona Acklt. cyatnarci Potttra• rei - itstad for vale by itAb R HULLERS ittriLLISTER'SYMNTEXNT-90 dor.; for Rale by I.bl I • 340 a F, triaLLERS , ..Traa—io tags No. I LaTef, rt•e'd arra: (..r rade by 4421 ARSTELLNG ROZER gzt . qIETCLOPEDIAL 4 ANLPVICTIO:iAII.IE.S. tuna nix ante tal and ndepenCent work.. aped by an,- teradidthvgarabed bs;tne vartiftra departracilla b.waste'. Dictionary of Scrfntce. L.reraubre, and Art; Cofair_dlr Deno/lan of Pracrical blerbr Lott Jortnvon Fat .m4;O , Encycionurlia; Liardon's Ency;•iore sia of Gedifing; Leadnnve Encyeaprealta of Flarits. Lon. don's Encyclopredit of 16dInctrortary of fordineree; M'Cirthxb's Llibrionarr oripeography. Ores Idlauon•ry'of..irt• arali3arthrfrcture , 7; trooper'. blellicfall rattonary;AValers*ri.Cyclopat r lia Cora_ rneoeti Inethanary, ...Peres. bro., Wobvier end Pen,kr''Encyctopedra Dornet4a Ferman:lM Anthon's C.4vorEva Dictionary; "pla 0.41ta( too •ks coo (1.111.91 InfOralntroa of the bort kind, ar6l'and pre.eveted m tgebe. manner, Far .110 .. by„ .. kteli D LOCIEWOOD, by, wood .1 11,1t1Eb REEF--1.0 tvereeit§rlo'd Beet: aoandb, to j_f anerve and for. anle by Jut& .10 -“ / T7ll - a 1 - SID—;G kegs y ss n r= and for mein by Ja23 fiELZIsEttA NICOLS Lnat , onlo OOls Conklik?gl Nont . ' tarn Oil, 10 diaCo g do, .n sgoro and Arr rain by • :745 i• ElELiLratit YilicoLs S CURFA) ,IiANIS-3112 Pow repsd)7,..tooruoer 7 frkijkthe mot e t, ~.Pfkio, b ' foss 1 7 441 Ail Dtoccy s ta,r, • • , pf 101) AP M.l N D P 14.6.711-1 1, I.OPle dnod S.V.' e.i L° do do Pe..h , plilp.t toO'd and for ooL:e + II MST4O).4O 41,CROZ ER, 44iii, , '2s lark. st D,l...ta?fg —129 pg eq. and Bt. ttltd..‘ . rce'd .11_1;..•!14 for gait: i,p . Aft!OrauNt. k.gROZEIt .. , . UrVrNatifil OLAl'll ' Arri , Teti•ittliiiffritoTnpir ship Odluhr, dd tons of arn trill rec.:lva mot day. per canal, and Cr side by • • ••; TASSEYII 11 CST D chki Liana . ruthi for litth: by ' HEST 13;;;• , hilt- ASH-12 Osks slit:Jahn for by . BEST W1.10.F: Fttrli-4blnis 114 titspeciedr hf bbl S. otl n' and foi•Anlo by :4; 8 F VON '130.NN11041;57 a. CO (11 - thf.N.7:6.-3t I. • piitito Otindse, lust funding and for ‘..tVilri•Ttry indlt J . I . V.td•LWOII.I a CO flour:fotl . l63 by '. 1 ; " .14 Dit,sVofll l ll a CO I "I'VOT FO Ffitr — snin - W - 7 • JdF.1.1)1L.W011 1 .44 a co l i roga ,, nun . e cog jAnt d and fur 1/4?-'l.'". In t on , Fe n /;„& iDCA,NDLLSS cornet altd , Vale, so, F'FT.I! LLI. plich, for nirle low JAS 'Kraut, ri c i t?? G ‘ l , l . l , 1 41=fl ' tNI VAT IT4 97:Lir It CO are new offerin yd 'And. t , cli , Hare Mus li n nt 41 atm Nenebed dr , et .11 et; Imre* cis Swum, Sluff . ; Of *very vorety. more Cao.-1 . y.111} et., L.lvar99 :01 eolern,!t.nrrnlitrd 4 telidrettes and 0.111 eror-Wroctsltt . to a , nl. Oat Itbeang..e.de toe, de Ing: L." I t i PEelt% RS —Dgagons Ink, rem a - .row an lt. r 6) of I).Nvq.ls7,l*•vOYelk,ln taci and Ingo., rot. and from 43 et. to ID }ler lb. Al. no r e'" Ae,gredn and yellow Auk%in ‘'.44, goal lb 411 , . E•enntautl, for •..4 Haring. ..Id Alf, APOren ry.gink, oar otter, lie .I.e mono. p.ft. it 1 9. 0 ( CO 'LAY teat Is nude stialt* mane 0 14 ,0 0( . 4101 1 .-r91., cash. joHNSTIDCd STOC4n - TO COTlltlenifli .14 (Or - W. t'T tgil J D WI LIAM,. lA ,c.d.-0 tadd!lpzroa; 1B do•Sla • pUaa LtesnuC• k ja r.. .EyE sieiG by SPAO' 2 . S Clod, No t 8.61.1; 5 do .:crotife; 2 do Coddad; 2 do Also foe 41c by g: l ` , , J ars NCH—iu 01, ' INIkadIAMS IStKITE SUG.Al2l%—LpveriAr* erisbed eed r luiten.4 6usars, Just Itc,ell and ; for Zile by We bbl AVriof all, at tha Pekin TO Sto to., TO fourth ' . l -1 • • • PORT OF PITTS.BURCP M.huran No Y. 0;11,on. 'waver 4 X/ 7 .11 4 T 1 7 744 4 13 7 31 4 11 7 31 4 14 l i 7 34 .21] &doe, Lint... Prow A !Nut,. Parknonn, Pron. n,v Cdieh Cupe, Murd.4.d. Luke Er, Gordon. Geaver. Con.ngnee. Toy-:or. Cd:o.co! Ezeebnor, (new! , Peru. Calhoun. 11.:1,47m N, Atlanltc, Purl: t:s4/0. Lem, MoLoo , Rev r-1, Bray, C•arl, Cale 1, 12JK, urd.,,, ; M=MMI t • k THE -T I,:er mnrh . /n , t c PAJAT,3 EAV ;TH .'1).1 1...0w1-I,lLe A. a: ,, 2 IP. M 11.2a,er Pavken4, 1 ,, M z,tij Lamarllle—Planter. I=l cu's, packet Lwe P k S 4. Co Comd S Z IRANIE,AI L11.,1,111-11..: A k.AA., W errcere . ‘.. ' O ccurred al.. I w e tett. , t tire A " No A:11 a' kana IC 04, CP, :he A,. 1,.•A• a• Furta, n.. ,0111 .. with or)1 t.t.r v .luage. lh tor . ..or irrin 11.. n Om ro, q• IiMIIIIMEI t• 1 Tr.,. Eltr tr;, W A It Dep. St, or ~, 0111 CIZIEZEI d• 11, 11 1.111 1111111, 1, 1 , 1 1 : '1• '[.4 .1: 1/1a corre,l copV tll 11, 111,1,••10 itnrrei Aenclu.,,..•nt 1,1 Nr., •Lt:. .0 r. .... ti Ln W,. °lice c •-••- vane. •n• • It rt.l. a, • , the Sec relar, • knx, seati dayor June, Ails, Dom, loirlred and I,,,r),sbc • Jc.va..., nr S,aa t. n liaoluta”. No ••• .a aarsdinent "f the Co y t in the ,urat:ou. , ea o .llm.' 'lna 1r 41/ mai \ w .he Con,tatina, "V 2 a.—Meaora Boa.. Bra, ham. lovayth Joh, NlamanAlaith•a, Nan¢erna•er7, 21 N+ , .11e••,. Itr.t, I)rutn h,t rugmlnehe. P“,,grr. nod De... , "So qemion orn. rth.r•-.1 fm•., arM , O.I. or Tat M o t, A . it ma:isT a - ,•• "Sh.“ th,..olutoo • mon and nr , ••••• vir t.idert,L J . 'Fbdthr. Moon, Dn. .1 NI T4,.1n.t• rAte "Hull, Jacob Jo, 11 h, A „ • Joseph P. , ther7,David "JohnFatt.oiti. , ¢mool ''ll , orV PLK , K Tliorna• ••Geore , P TM:MA.I 11.•rr.• J•II.0 "Ltoh Chn ,, "• J00..h 11 K P Al”-Jnam 1 .. Jan.— J Jam r 'll Joh,. .4 Lao, . .‘d .. 10 ,, run. M rt. Jon., C F.dwari. \ • cit., r , iewart Peace. Jam-. Porter Herr,' I' Pr '' Alonzo Rob, Gorge Th , o.lorP. ma" • BenardK K. hoomyrr, Santur! ,hrtrr .. C.tirtoaln Sulm, Thor., J , rem., 1i • StolJb.. Jo•.J "rnuel 'ralrFort. fieoze. 'r 1 horr. Nt, '1 - Arunah onto, SAM, lVvirit h. (V: ~o z “DamelZrrbey, \V, ': , on 1-* Augh:.e. 1K,r,4 .01 Cou, 1, IJay.rl 1. 0 , ) "John George, Tbma. (....e•ptr. 1000 II GonJun "VVI/hern Ilea ry. letzneq F rt, • bort R. 1.. Jon , NUAAmm. Jun, 011 M'SittrrY• I„.er, ....au, Morrso 'Joan A (Otto, 111 Joni ... berry, John 13 ILIMMIrd H HmW,c- n,.:., •'Snlyth, John SouJer. .`r .c. the quest...,, war Ka , aErally • Ma", 11 . ,, ure, I 21 t .11/ I'ENNAII., ocruiy c.„0 0 ,• 3 • true r. rorrert n I . 1111 bum druer, tac Cun•tou, z. p....•re o: tve ,i 0,,,,„ rat A‘semb.y cf [La+ 0, Witnes• my bond hod the „,„i leenth June, oi,e forty•n,no I°,,NENI) ;lodllawam wcnSoo ry o; Great Eng/nab ilau e d r . VOR Coughs, Golds, Asthma and oc.nnrt , inn• T.,• OREAT AND ONLY //LMP:li.tur the urea dot above disca_nes, Is the III:NliA1111 cheeessred by the e•leSrato Loudon., and :nt under the ducnoLuic stsperods.ndshr, 1 t , O The slar.,•• 01 11,,. tO. corn of Yu!mo , nry ,hsess,, Agcnt m sol:song 11111 1 / 1 01,111,11 /0• 7.0 0 ace that can i,e ound 1,1 the soon rdo( loon any of .u p 00 , 001/0, rt o , // , 0 day, ardi ha to -n give., u 1 , , physic:arta as ennfionsd and Ito „ an Balsam is. rured. trillry, , 00 ,44 00 . of rune, In to toork 1.0•1111101. nut •t. Eng lain vs.:dime, of known And n -ft n ary. EV,ry Issouly in the Unto , ...4t:oes. with fiunhaa's Ilancuro, IlOseto counteract the consumptive •etpleyr tl c h male Out to be [toed as c 1100,011;11:0 10 , 04, ' ,0 0: o/ cold., coughs, 'pitting of Liooit, I a: ohm, irritation apil roritneioi of .a. atilioulty of Omitting, hectic. fever, topt.l MEL. •to.n geooral Gough and emir atold all largo bott:es. at El per hottie, With , o . Lions for the trairretion of haaiih. Pamphlota, .I.tta,:ung v nu,' of tau aOl ran Fortificatra, and other tyldrr 'lf CvahLed mar. a Line great Eng , t•h fira,d). toy otaained of tin Aarnta.,rata.tou.oy I - or %ale by H A F AIINI.I , II%aIS in Co., rarr,,,,f a: :A Wo•nl oral W 00..! nod On 'lO ,uO kw 1,:t0., Java. Laglit, r MIA HIO . ju•r and 7; ut the 1 ., ..tz Tr.yztorr. 7it ruvt., RA/S/ A ' o) Fl i /1:1,14,0 amid , drum. fr ut•l tor .ul< at the Valli terra S o A f r r ET L .., B ARLEI —WO bush to-clny ~e• 1 .d for sale by AFLNISI'ItONG L Chi,ZER, jise2 It cll.*. ft , - A ie Lol,!n - ot tor sale by ju3 . .1 A IINISTRW,,, CH.,g Itrff, u _ GC 11 Ita,wL; 3 .T d " o d 'nr:Torrn2,lo;to 4u )all I WILLIAMS, I Id V. nt Cask urea, glrun usu. for by J U V. !Aso: ICKLES---I case gal. bierams; I an do ae; 10 , , sale by )all 1 I) WILLIAMS OLL-2 basket. Alarr,dlea mat bottles, Y do 11 do qt. do, Y Lo Bordeast qt do fin sale b 1•21 J D WILLIAMS R E , Y , RTY." r r THE PI ITSBLI.II DAILY II A ZyTrY. MIME —Tbis (JAC.° beerap , t, be increastng ritnong - al and are dread the tiler's of the veer taduciiher g 0, 1 ,3 thalgs toi this lain which Nr !I o,le p:acr tj day on,:Enet and but.rd tn. named Ryan died .n the Srh Wart DEP.\ It Ti:l t Bca who ri t 1 z-nnday ot • deat 3 and a none ot . er by phys man, rbd robat.;ydand ere lb,. /..an r ud dph and a Crvrinan named Kauffman. wd au. There uma dist+ one laini .“•• -Irc• oz . t. FoOrth •Irret nud ; n we ne,g4l,nrtiond " r''t• hrhhei Intrrrrfl at the Cat 1,0.,, gr'sve .d yen! •A•cr, 1e V:.l/:113 :11.S litre heir other, 14,6re,F0,pg top We n.I I In, t s:tis o. Inc ear, 1, e pla,s u: - atnutement ssqueil t.3:4•• ;....-,181 IJr the recept:on 4.f v,toro, u. wrll Soa:inK ,‘• 12.0 Ker, .I.qrrooon and err./ K. F .r at the St. Peel'.t )r id lea A .i, Ileum 1.P. 1 11 . . MI • Fall Propnetol lid 1 , 1 01 the :krea..,r TRIP—Tor "Frrnve,l, wdn n lilt nr,c4 l•and n wdl ply bylweru l'lttlthorgh a n d C,recnwood end at thur o clock wdl uaake a —A n that liana. employed in the Mercu ry ‘ t tliee.yeaterday entered it libel null before Al derman , autel ago/net ihr tomer printers of that p to er. fur Iniv.ug puld;ahed a circular. dent/unclog them it. aura. hod e•vete a deattr/puun of their 'n eerier m prevent ute.r °Mamie g billlatloolll C . 1.,1.11C re. (Fa xe,ure any 01 our Ivo der, ul,c, rutty bu cc:crred Ir.du Roan; to Spat flag aLd ,•41, r.•••o;:rc:loil of ite bad Prder nt ore in, or, sr:J:on wan bere.lbtd th.y need nn alro d anv d.d,cp . :y op that aro,, a, the Mmyor . • i , ..hee are engle,ed, and maintain ice t.e.t ordrr..,,rt-, nt :!lat ut aw11.4,11e0 Mrnnirr. r 'fhr ni. ,rmi.ly lorfli pu ~( , r •n t r, wort, tette none at tt I, mu inputted for the fnt:,r.•. a r.. 11. I r udi 'yrs w::1 tx clef."). MyI,JC• k., x, l'irTonust,J—July 3d.—At Rlortooo Found opproneheo—u Joy. be votmected with winch, the vlicr • p c: oniy associates whoiLey—the -1 01 or:wit:nig. brought be ;he Mayor at ice morning sr Ilion return, n:waya a.reaara. Tn:a roaming, "here were len men laid women. were coluag 'I drunken races, W 1) Were seal In at tr.,' Dint portion 01 tnrat, lar Dial naturrous, who bud no mo ney "it par lb,/ liars. We reaby dread the elects a' la , liiinalic•J ~du lu eat.og and drlakaig LA : pr•• •it In- I,•ur n. Bad poi worn .71 ,7 hay. ad-fa 1-.46 j 11 A••, bi AN: It. ; rear.—A comma woman non,.! \V feeler. veaterday appeared t, me Cap:ton florr.,a. and rompla.ned that .he had ,wrn orna,y 1.-4:en by W:!..ann Daya, on the pm ,u. oPern n brnimd and aw‘Men lea• rn u, 1 .tt id reer,v,d some levera . I r Al-wor she rre.ferred against him =MEM d .rvet. t,tween tAlh and 1111= It/io :be an c ...cc Oil Nothing and Covrrtd Hats ...i‘ I 'AI- A iIA t. ' iss , pc , on the top 11=1=1•1!I M3rl' I - 4/ ,11,14 ' I f• Zi.e :o,i =EEO ea an! I •• la, e Severa; p ter., 0: tJe tr.t wound, were innxted, and SEEMEM I=2El uot. o:iu we 10....tve tact ur a nuw out of its rite iico.e of a w.dow lady named Ina!, d Was entered on Mon day ;..hi y nom, V air who prof., dod to hrrak r ekmq cor oow,i .wore that he wuu;ti q ... ..thruhary had luektly !tem,' her cries, and Came inkling to her ream, but the burglar managed It. a; r n rasp.. I hough without nay booty. A SONO ;; EN"I'E LNI A L efiLEBRA'rluN I IA H.': A R Awl who wns on the Cdtalottue Wuen College war begun' , Tut& nepnewe of the Prewtlent, A nit tie: Prototetor'st non rney tanned a tulle Indian boy, A. brown an any bun:) Li-1' how the hell.' I.noeked about The tre3iatnan elan of out 'fbey bud not then the dauuy things Tnat eornrnon• now afford, ! . .or V erot.“l, no el hantosony `,e I. thu board; T:ev d ra It 1.11: r.obe round in gess, J r ds.ol.n labg blocs, !tut eursts n C.3ID w elite [nem cloys "Ft a Wads blacked thud . snow. a o I oar,, the an tent Puritans' iOI won rd enough , Hui I one, he:. rtk made met ta•lns, And tender maids are tough :jo nitre and faun have knuted and led tar tram in rat Yankee mull', And teed UIC kernel on I he shell The Brnertt Pmnal no rough' I ) EV PH --Th. Aged Vim. oott at,r; ty o' l'a•aye, Ad.ap,o to dm Improvement, consolatlo arr.l cdrourtylement 01 1.0(00n.. al yam. d II:. Ittv /dun N441'011 11 11 t th. author, Geortr ilv'l rdt.ly I • o.4rtdi rittat, /14,1 v.s4 rr.ve au / i) LOCK LI I , IILI fid WOO.l at . _ 121,411--.5 •• •No : \la, here!, 3 1 / 1 ,41. a :11 DI k• 6bl. U on. ,ti i rera.ve..llo“l tor ante by ,•..:7 1 .11 , 4 wATT dr. co. 1.,. rev . t plN t s 1.:\1.\1,-1., il 2 1: - .JAtritodnoinc. aril, le fcr A • t Of •,, ~1•11, ,, , , ,i. 0 Alo•lins—For rli.••• e• awl •, •• :I , I. fI f .0.1 dluk •,,,. ir d , *tone a• low ..4 .., . ~1,,,, , 'e nf r Inch . o ofop• rt, nod a 9,9! . ,t , ..•, •. I '..01.r001,,..1 :1: Ili lin.. io• LI mare. an Lark., ~ .1- , ,, , i‘1,.11 and Wan corded bk... &v. :e.oi) reer,. , .0,1 .: Dry Good. Houle of W R Ml. Rl' -IV ortar...l ion 419 nod M•ntet rt. . T . tiliAl . ro-14 ke. m e. No 1 Alt twTst 'Cobacco. 0 , 471 fit glue • Lrait.l fur tale I, fool RHEV, MATTFIEWS & CO --- ' \1"R"A" WARM K V;I I' v E t - tt i' t eat, June 12, 1049. •111 r John I) Morgan—pear Sir 1 gave one V aupottm ! It of your Worm /Ciller to one of soy rhildre t, and in ' b., short :Imo alone WI hour it pouted twenty large iArius I feel safe to recoulnieuding your 't ertntfuge 01.00 heed toed...cane that can be aged for capellitt4 Wil.ll, JAYLI MoSLOAN. near NO r alulitOoro. , r%prlred and fluid by the proprietor. JOIN L. MOII• I (tit's Druggist. otat door hr.:. Lhatistmd alley. Wood aut. Vr ATCHE,:—/u . -1 i v, Z 70,7,7 .7...4.....,. • ,,.., • i a very fine lot of (told end 1 , 11” r Potent Lever Wntes, wade exprculy to order, by ont of the beat in at , acturtne c.o.:A.4=w. in England. ~ a complete a •oortmeni of Oen eva and Korb sh Gold Sliver Wtticbc9. front Stu to 9,Cct (3 19 /01.sins, KE,..1.4.211 Itc 00 W W I LSON, Watrit Maker. 14 earner Fhwth and Martc: ore pram . PM 11, rrce,ved 7,1 Futffitia:rzet LOCAL MATTERS, Tt•rre s„ ',4l.ett were taken tme, the •t earner pane k 311 o 1 the poor fei:oa mie. war. 11!w d.ed on that day, e.t'•n ut . A. l l,Ell.—Vie given Lei below p!..nnure I,i, A , meaulboato- Rayto t , 's. d:ler• „ ardor-- 0 :K11 aJ day and la the IL. ••• 'pen duy, i reworL a =III:IEIII t . .. , L 4 were very eevere!y a snort time ago, at a fight in tt 111111!•121=1!111 Ihr I. into %C.P.T. MEM I=l I=l :r - et! r eg1,51 hia scull. WCTS ud 1 a-rat, I/I h of plunder. w the and gel lEf=1!IIIII W belt lb , PUl'llarl3 CrUile w 01 entamourit• And Ina,ne red an deer W:te. L. and ng Tis, u 4,:e ,mad. look gum-y h..to knaletnd liqed bring A 1 1,4 a yen!. The 0., e:lag u. rough theair !;,r• Krl nu, CUM. - • I . he nears caire soiling round tile do,' era alo: was horn. r.e riot rsinii•es we Li gger round 'f nxn the htit Ut the er old ruin. born hiew itypeeting no, ei•ery inorn. ltut nuAn they :malted the virg-xnum duw And ne Irtc trunk and :atth tlo.rdd ; ;..itnurt among the ;raven i•k •an, slerpire A n I •ntt int. wary, were stretched A :L.(114 rbc Or.rflll'el A! uo tne nth, echool house rho! To keep the boys m tun, Aid when at lingth tire College Ars,. The ro4 • ked ha eye At every tutor's meagre ribs Whorie reel We whist/et] by. Prt, when the Greek and Hebrew word. Caine tumbling from their Jaws, Tile cooper colored children all Kan wreaniing in their squaw, j i )Rf; Admission 25 Cent, cruy. .r.. • t• .• z-ra: smtrlwhmeut. I , Mr , r M, um, of !hr. norMty 111k4 am-•?. ..• c.m ou.y br:cdy enumerated .1 ulvert,..ment Ttle y the :mod Muckmulota mualcuJ Prcert of the are. coniptaml •wrr 1/11K/ of Innrumeto• 1114, (..werf...i Man a ,and of &V mum. c.nns. an,l durum 4ti.n promwr,on, uoio•- Ent< thn Um!.estra !",ur, , Mc cuirrtamment a d0t..., 414,41 r •0.. r- k or • . .telard, ' La: r• tam rim -ni I ar.d '41m441141411 the nl •rn.r. wt.!, and ..r.p..•ds .• wdtrr drdertargr, 1 her wr. pr0...00,1011r, a 44244u4 '11,• 11.4. 44,4, der:turd 1114444,44, •h n , pu4,4 .•.144 441 .1,44 poi wad I,yorrtr rt... hoc, 4 , 11444441• n au! 44 144 bought 14, 11,1r1.1 LI, .0 4144,44,41 /II Ihe into An entire roht «d.. ;re Drama.. OomNotY. once , 'ae thrit,r . fro, that Inc 4124.41 1.41u.44 V 41 4 . 1, y Pad threat/on of It E what, I . r..pritrur, or 11.0 • and sdintrodrre, W. 4 44 14 44V , 1 , •.a turbo, tits TrouPc. I, n: Itria..d. sad etre:C.l44l n curt. 11' 11.411,414 (Cr the putya.se of gett.na up every maid Ilia grand ! r 11.1 foul ddyd Iri•7tarl-11111 112101 )our•G man rine and Patriot.< Spi—taHes er r . end pert-ruy writ. BEN. WASHINGTON h OLD PUT," and •• MAD Notts., - D ASITILJNY WAYNE T 1,01. L., U. rewiring IenIZILI-Ke1),14 hoar onus thotz m ,e, u„ sovb,` commemorntmg spina of the mint st.rrmg bed „„ tatereving Revoluttonary 44444141,11, 411. galant deed. el ' _ the throa t of '7ll. and rdnclutllng wdh ' ~„ Tableaux of G..r. char. , " gar . bents on Iho sikeruldlerr niu hsta, eon/ ' Tim acre... ion or the C.11{1.0 TR(ll:l,E,ca'l • charge of the greor fothan Trtol. Oaten. Smaha Fehtx '• "Isla., known throughout Europe' as the mac of lOW , Tricks, and more moosaned probably allot any Ant. that has ewer perambulated th• country. and . A singularly talented Troupe of Equetartm.„ <eery On I. if '1.4414.' Wll 1 , 4,1 Mar; 1.1.01 , ch , iz department of the turintesa • Alcestis C J Nicnoto, G. (I liNnl4P, T Verse, he. he; Masters ; :'pa ,n „„ e,,,r ,„ s ., GehrEsto Pesty ; CI.A.INCI ; to. ; Mesdame• p r. „ 4 „„. R. F Swum,. Ks., Prase, Mum Dolastoss, &c. j ! .. aa , a ami! mar.ea 4144.4.4• I •4 to. , altogether rendertng tha double company as murk 1 . 01 ,1 ao , in ad•ance of all other establishment. In the numbers and ' eo , . Lu44 4n4 . 4 1 44 . • p0.4.4rual .. —I no .141 , r4. , 1 talent. of the Troupe, as ta the extent and elegance a) . 00 0 •aw Idast lA. outdo. anal +rut at :du ;Ida., Itrat no, of rnrtheme. and •n.a. not rr. prat-.Ly car, .1., x:,..olanrr of Dr \Vidar, 1.- rt.. ..V , ,fl • to I.e eldir to aricnd to nail ot , rdde In I ant sure dr. um novo 1,t..,- A 3Cm.sitard dy \ \ !rite) . Ricti•er. \‘' DAV., \I it To, on, nurr unl armour Du. Wir art - a Ctn. , r. hat,,cra. Nled .• preparrd and • .11,11:a Ii s\dtrli,r..\ N. Druert .1. .or dtlm one door Lw In.Anaond a, oy. 1.46 d• W. V 1 o!o ALLACE, • Durr,lit. MAI R 111. Hl{ MILL STON .N.a. , and Sill.). F1 . 1.4,th , 111 \l. Ituaut.• .1. land No. VII and 249 IdUrr.; •zrert. oral Um Cann Fron-t Burr Storrs u, my ...‘• manuna,mr, ud, of fray x.. 1 super., qux.:, 01 111...r-04. part,. u ar r.arr t taarn Uavr ltouta mado 9 r d.0...La in rat, atone of a ant , orrn tinall;y I y --,. It •rc avarran.,l to or equal to an) la ;Or vow.' y Iii• 11, k 01, •oper:or to tn.. great maas or lion,. netuor 1...reJg.1 • U., .10/4”,, , tnnhu'rtrta , - and sotat at to ,uwrat pr, “, MI I Stun., munaide.nrrd d'rtan....--a ne. ra as.ortmr nd at rraute4 driers, ti •)•a ;rand. /1.!: ,ars Ito ^. A uar Stamp. warrar,Led I.ett and at . rrret..) reduerd purrs. .„, ‘ll .p.n.1,4 .41.; Irora, :arrow, r , ra . ra C..rn and Con I.totdrn. 1.11.1 aud ' , ear x... 1,1.1 0. ahl a...,1., aod Nlt.l Forrasoing 4.. n. I I ' ;1• . • %IF Kt • M. 1 i al I M 1:V1-• DISTOLUTION. L ". • '.•'•••‘• r l; ' / .' •• • 7 1" : " •• r:•7. n . ' e undrt herm . • Ltl , 111-'ll I.P 0 II I), • .irt, r d t i• Ln. h ~.. s k \ •arl. •. 11.‘ • ..• : were, .r 1 n•••• to L • a: Uri,. Jac a.: Lrle:. ... 11 1.1 , lIFII-1 r.1.111••••gla..•.., . 'A 1.. 11,11.. Ct, PAN rsii.ft , ni Iti •ttl IPco o ••Aco •-• , 01l !LLD .111 1711 II I loo:ok OEN .; II 'vs A I order, nrompt :mended to or 214 and UNITED PIT ATE:2 •rll . •r r ei. 1 . 5.1111 . nom 1 ~. 1111i1LISSALE wIkEnoLNE: -r ` "'' w ••• - • Pl , l•botrgrt Steam Marble Work, LH WIA & lIANFOItD, 4C ,r 244 Ll.-11111 r obed ,lll No. 201! 244 4,..; d 1 .4 •- ror t, are . ..noon LI M " ••` "'"'"• ' 1 """'"' " Are o ear, rf nrr• morn eanitctr. k rad n. n'e .t and \UM). nr rnrergri rend domes n . ino. • r 16.•••,1) • nr mode n. nrder ' ;tin r • er r n, rend ut tem IN I IP 'l'i tt DRAIVERS, .. e 11 Lim arse it L. Sli Ia T 8 nL' I' .1l At 111N1...., 1 i ..1., P., .: ~.lo ~• I •,.... Ha., ,i I. 1,, g 111 IS F. , - 1.. .....,......... 1, ....g.1.0 ::::,.; ~,,, . ., . ....:r ~„. ..I . , : . g .. a gg.c.o 0 .;.00.. ..: ., .: r . ~,,,, ~.,, NI g. N, g.• For gur.ner t r,.......m. gg,_ "'' '7 1. ‘ . ' 7.. I'g ' li... 'r "" at 2" L'''" S y S ... l‘' ''' ' .. , t - r 1. 0. , 5 gg . .1 . . .t I. .‘, . g„,.;1 . 1 - ...:01 , 1 . , ; ‘...., , , NF:0..% \ 1g1.gg1i i i . .10: . . , --- , / . . d . p 0.. ;;; ,, , ,.., HATII4I IIATIls: 1.1 l rti , i 1 . 1 ... 1. I gl.- 11... . .oto pg.ggnpuy gcte.. , ..0 ...., c Ott 1...,g-rtv grrtet, ..,01 . 0 0.0, tt. V.' IV ‘V A i.I.AtT A Till', - ...„ - *:, ',.. 1 .'.:'.L'.."...‘. ' .;,-..'.' .. •:'. ‘..r..', - .",,.: - ; . 'i;,.,s ~.g ~, •,',',:-'' ii .., ..:,.., ~ 2 ,—, p.,,..,.. 11tg...• 1., g reg... .1 , . ....• ' ... g .... ... .r 1 ,I.r. ' A, .. A .v. o: ....n.I ~. 211 1.,cr., .1 ~,,,,,,, 11: 1 I ........ ', 5.3 .... g.; ...In F , ..I .4 ..000 • M 1 ...1 ,I,' IV IN ALLACI: ..1. , ....‘ “ 5 ..., A • •". , ~•,.,..-...., 4 . •'., . 111' ,. 1 . ..R.1 t t 5 'i :, 1 , CY.NIFIVT -A.w.t• or ,-.10, 05 . 24.4 •.,.. no 'O. St' ly t\ Al.l. Sr. cm, W tV 'l,l. 11,1 / •'" n•re , og, `• ..r n 4 Iwo. I n 4•,. atioe tnni I li.tve v•:.I .1 Inv t tai., , i ..it• Y. rt.... 3: rr woh. end L.. ithlator 7 .. .- • "1- rr metu. r mo t. e•• wltn .ommon mYr Ire • La; , gorr•nr - rr: ol • trra.r.r•• r• 411 • < w , r... a dr - rrider: rruprovrrrnr rt. ;rarttrarrs w tr r•• irrr—r r P i'• a• • 1," trer,ser . try rit.. wtrl I. Zrr.l •PI PliOn I. V.l If • 3 ritii •• 7 / 1 rrerrrr• irrr - d r,srly pr,rarr rt :nom ,•i I,o‘ tit, .1 Of ~• • Frrrrgr•rrrw.,..r.terurc Irr. , I, nin• COry art rra r r rrr run,: rws , •• s [tr., tawrro•r.rri. w. ' Irrurro ram A'•o Itar rar n 7.. L •I r. •PI • •PI 01 r rrar. 'rut I r Yrr'lrrl t Teat re crrtrtirlenr., rop rrre• a..< war,. nor rag rovl the rrtirre Notice to the mitorklinitler•or thr ltiau tic •nd Uhlu 'frlegraph Comp* y. 111. A I . DC F . F . Pro o - ,41 ui lonutat- of A.-rt.. • oif A raorto•.or ft I 0 ,A,11.3..4:.c0,n,. .•y the tuanourturer. I x 111 , 111E1: r. qt,tl Choni.o. ocrnor ot ,'", t. n Smolsio riuslo.trgh i 4 . .1 1r tnr N.1.4,0.5. I A 'CU. .1 Al4raot arr „;lolti 0 11111 L. •11./ gm, Lor reduced I tan! :o•st aok St.l, 4. 1. . ,,, !•.aa110rt - Slca, I ' e xl.rron.a ut o Ca it • " I .or , o-r Ihnol flo.otet b: 4,4 ots flovr• al I ctn. 4... rm. It•GOrt111,11 t.(goo I,ltr• trlc ; rut,. 1,-. prov..l Jun,- o,rr. •• c vrn. I, :I.:: l'a erroph r 1, • or ;.• .1,, .o, dt, k •••e r, tqr ...., inisuttAsch:. + rr .. sat, n,re•nr• Li13 . .”14 sub•er.hera T l yii, . 1 „ 1 t 1 . ' , 1 :. \ . , ‘ ,, , , , ,, kt A l ~ 1 L' , 1;1 ,,,, 1 ., !. ~. ., 4 ,,, , i r:1•R 1 ', ,C . .,1 \,11., ,n nrrn •h• int.p-n• ni l'lP•burgli und vi .• —., , on, .aht ta, nave cemp,ted r,nee• 1.1. uanx• 1.., •., et Pi, n a..ip.,„ nu. ,ta ken.h Nle.tdru J C J•na&n• Je. o . I /a, 1, , ,,5i, —Bor ei.i,. Nlerebn.lo:•• ninl other • ni Pa,. te.epinn. to reerive tn,r supeFuJr • property nin ,n•••• n Id. ot ...a.. Ln.uri, neap.: tn.. or .. . • • I'M I,ED TEAS, 111/ZIA, I I hf.• a: •, : ..••••t por Of premium 1..,.1 san ' ',runner be. kr pt nonn:unry on Ma ioNli Iv, n,N , 1. --Pt, now :n•nr • \ r•-t.n. Cnr ha4l'. They are ,II 0 and ...cure') put , ~,, ~.„.,,,,,, ~,,,..4 , ~, ~,,,„.„,. „.,,,, urea or lin up in tnela,e packs of I. i unlll lb eae n , ..peia. pni.e,. a• •h• n.•.ar^.l rnny tl•nlr• wal, the, punted eartl--eneurnie the Lind INLANOTII3I.I4 , POSTAI,OO — • l • hr , neelle inerebun '''' 01 re ' Pe'ee• "erne "' the ee""'" cod di, itan•portert hy %X uguna. kuirrunil C. 1.1. ennui d`l o ' I .:,' " , e' '' h' ' "'Ll' e•L '"e"'"'" "' """ 'e. Rome and Siena) 11,101. o, 11+010 and lax., on th• T' . 111•0 ' “•'• 1110• I iil.+lllllerm4 111,,, PilltlN ISIFIKIIMIN--loseor. II Svo. Flll.lll I \ SOLlder ; 7 Jotcl C. llsvcs. Itoroot. Jinn It I'enryo.. S 2 ll{ltl ) tllll 75 1.00 1.2.5 I ti,n'or"" .i 110 1.25 -1.50 G I aslol 110,11" inn Isano , y.on (n '911.23 If Davie. IL Jotrc Dr NI c V HY... Sir 6.4 1,101'" *".° 1011, incnes 11M11111.1nsoonou•. ,, II Jonas .0 Ihook, Neu, Sicsoo. llo.rn Croce, Geo o•• scerriCl, and nitre Fine I „.„, W wilt warrant all inn to. equal ham llay. Tlo,tuas John wn,n. Jrkot sc. taCatoa tO any sold On. cov, and should A Pt T Moe an "u' Prove co a. , 10 ^ 1, 11107 c - coc 0- . s , e'rci bog. ^,. Joo r Logs" lur..r sod the Morley sod] be refunded, as 11 is only W 11.1 NI Prrsid, ot no , 11, arou to , - e DI Ins t'on,uny, erseerudge Ostorcen our Tea. and 11,040 herc,ooro sold by Isle , orgh. )05 tilt I' AMA r Alit, I °.'" ...MP... , L. Journal, Arnsr,a,„ Sierra,;,A c lovers of nen, dettetr.lls and good flavored TF—A.S. .11,11 sive us n call itie copy . . _ . . . -- EYr ~kie by .MS '3 M YOUNG & CO Perry r re N W comer lb ei,4l r•s cad WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANI E Yul. Nti & CO, . . • , OF PITTSBURGH. , my iv .16.., ~. W [onset kl ..., Roo. •tret.:l CA Pll A L 000,000. atiotat,„ - DU. V 1 1.1 ,. .. , 11, ,4 D L. A/LE, F‘ ,,,,,, ir . se , ' , ! 11 NI . : at, Ir , Pret t .--- • --." lair. il.ste o;:‘,; I ' ork ateorr ..,.,. .t , i,..,,, . t..t., EINI. A \ MA111!.., err.ca—Sm h., .4 ,tract. be`wern ~ c veuth nan 1+ I';,: w- -.—-. , ''. - - and promp , y ,:;;,:,7.:“%.. of the mouth gum* and ,eth Ire.tell n 10.1.1 , in. t.ttl.ri -M01 , 11,.1 I y 1hrrc , , , ,,,,, . - trl il'''""""""'' .ut., 111. . wel l to,oun ~• the c 1.1 , 11u1., mnd .i. ~..r. t: tr ml , • lilt. GEO LOU It. 31e ,t/Oti... ' rs ° l ' 7ll;r o r•g ° Trr ' s. " l ' ,o: r ns . ° oar ts " • '- ‘ ' • n' r . s o. it l s ' ll ° sr::•r "'l srl ' i h n:••ci r° l ' ,.. n p,..cetson to those tro •t-nre. ~s s., ir,ste Sir .irs, • ile snry n rs! re, Iu •sgr gun, tm..t... 1 No ii„ , WAn 111. I . It.ra•Prs, irrsr 5.% I • stk-tu.rx. Jacks, n. In M Lyn:: I. pi.— rho, !JAME) & LlOO,, Inner, !I'Assrry .. ..,• .I.•. ANO CA,I;N:l1-.1.1.IIIIS Al' ITISRRETT r " " n " No • ; Stunt.Lcia I . ' rul.s J. T. DECI4EIt & 11(115INMON, I , ...tglnes for Rwle. I HAN:, 10 ,-h / t ,ruae; :014 LIGHTNING RODS,"" al..rs Lr•Jr.f • '. gi n: th.. ...ra. Ass. • ykr.. < It 11, Isrstrrto 1101,0 1 1 , ..1 T'S Ho tn n 1,44 .0, t...gc0.1.,.. It tr car Nrit..--1 . 1 , II .1 - 4,..:' ,. .!,... ;-v0 N 1 1 I 1 , - wor ...vith me e no.hor's l'ltooliJilll to ye It Pio: ..ne.,:er Ur-x• • , I. f, It K..• , n- , 1, •• N `. -,, ~. t.. 01 on tn.. covet, A u- ..upo:y ,ust rccer J. 1. Cassels nt.ll lintto .. I. .• rh 1',.. ~ : t . , ~ . 0 , :‘,., 0 ,,,.. t d t'or a n , so y cl H. Souent..rver .1 II .w,0•... M.. • Ir .• 1 '.. j , it MN /I %11.11.1. , tn at 'IV 0 , 1. t Wi,lts ms ottd , 4,1. i.,, :1, erne..,, . II l LI likit. T• 3 1_118..11 te, A I. %V gil'Tl.,. '. N . o ' I) ii b,..:-. t r of " I/ ‘. 1 .' n ' r.:: . .c '' . '. 1.7 I; ' [.ie j.' :;: ' ::e .' 6 " :.; - ..l " P ‘ a r. 1 . 1 .::, FLUID. a. . -. d 0.0 for :s.l uy It F. ~ 'I. : LLEI,:i. H113131 , .11rS 61.*P1:111.11{ lall.loili. L; l%,1•••1 St. only AA,I for rat•bar:h HI IlltEkl . S M b , 111`.1......;“1.1' IN h . i 11111 NI t;I: RUT. Agent tor Allegheny .!t7 A LL the,. 1 , 11/er .roin t/I , : "1, I: k. 111 , I,t F , r , ~, I'," II iTI, lel )01 , ,i. FOR DRESSES—IV ft rlorpt, A . chemical •.., ullon• c., ...,t o , l{. I, , . V •I: Ma , ~. , ' is a I er4e 4.60.11:1e1,1 of above Good., 1010', . - 111, W !rev') I roin .. y k.nd .•1 rril--the 1'1,10.. c 05,1, ,t..,,,i..., 0 , p1i,,,, wt.,. :11411.. lion v.th per ~1 brl , h , nod dt , reWe I. 1....1, h.. 4., Deco 1..1,, .r•ir r 1 IT iss vt rs fit • . gla.. Sr , . dr, burred Swo t. On; ..1... m a ... 0.1 time ...dn.,. •. , :.or tr.ar.l ..1 loco, 'son.- I dc , natio t•nri,t Jsckoners, non non•lnat do. e b utnea ca 1 he 0,t.., h 415.0, by the wercb3.,,,. ~. .. 0 ..-n do, u.:d n geo era t ...., 00 ,,,,,,, of WU., Illy. Iran H. A (.15i.catock A. Co . Honey I' t.0a..1., sue, as plain and figured Nen, Laces. Falg• I..ehw• 10 , .. A:lecheny, or .. .i.c inntitCitt tor', THOS ,r.q.. A,. -at norittrwa corner nth bud Moran eds. A MB BERT. Druggrt ko.l I 'Lem., rorner al 1...a.cr• , Whole•ale Itoonis up sinlr• ;ell , and> tritliifieid 'greet... Pittsburgh. I 'aI . )EACTIFUL ORNAAI EA I, hill I'AR/AJIIB N II Any lonlr Ina giving ~..”',. .... ''',.., 1 I doll.l. U. Loon worn at Wood are.. hat jut. can harte rnra and the pro,c will He teluodcd re. , t , ...1 some bcant.fo.ly orolmonted C. It A T I. nt/o dr. um Arai/NS, of a variety ui pattrrn. und co.or 6. u.so. , jr ,7 ,, 0 , ,, c . , /;: , ..I; , :l s ie f .o. n e r 1 . ...z. 1 ; ma n u I ill. 4.1 1 o..nt co i r ,, a ,,,,, l::Ar r e . L.T . c o r , tr .p u . rannulotLog .00ktug .'la. _ , "L. Lair 8 F VIIN lIONNWIRST A. on , s. 1 a tut r.tell o , tad 1 , 4., . ~1,.‘.... :., Wu.ol street. DRY GOODS AT WH0L.E..AL.1... /V a complete ..tort.t.te.,• ~:' W Caleinmat. thu,pc r • H. 511. REll 1' Invito. :he nurn!ton of me:. Timis, fur s.t,c 1., mytd HU til.lt 0 LAUFIIIAN . chant. to the large supply of new t;ooda ;u•i g,-,ART,,,,. At. 1 „,_,,, y , ,„ ~a y y " , ..„„ yony.a , , a pent,lin hi. whole...ln Room, 00 thl Min)", ti 1.11,6•1 1 ~,,i, , , , E ,,,,, i t , 6', W oo , „ corner 4111. d norket Wont.. rinsborgtt. Thy, b e ing Lis second supply for this eprtng, he hna i FURNITURE VARNISH. No. I kAts' tern-470 gal. many kna• of WOOda et reduced prices , and sumo I just received and 14, aa, by sty lee not to be fob od elsewhere. enr..td/r.va i JuAl R E SFJ-LERIII DRUGS! IMUtiSIP —Chloroform, 0/1 Tobacco, Tan- A LIBRARIAN WANTED, for - The Young Alen'.. u Sid Rochelle, , Chlone Ether, Pipertne, Cie. ZIL. 51 " c " aik I- " . " 7 " d ' l " b° "'" * "....." touret PoAsh, Scidllti 31inture, yost reed and for tale Addresn BOA No asik pet OBoe Good 'acreages I hr pato a E SELLERt...., 6, Wood it _ ....' .......„..,.......,,..-...,........,%..: .:......,..:::1-itt...,,,..--...`....A.Z.&'.,t,....',..4.....i.t.t..,i..:...,...,..T.:.,:,.;._.',,..,t,..1..............,...,... MISCELLANEOUS. 1 .• ,i;1,1i• I=l FURNISHING GOODS J ,/ , -. e , H; ,i, ..,r,.//:.-., a 4 ,..0 r.__IL:L., I.___, ( NEW YORK BEN*l6* sT.MAAVaiIk_ ..____..-- It . ---- 17 Importer, Manufacturer, and Dealer In • ,, Hlfirsl CRAVAT'S e 1 A Rl', UI 110, ~i pp I. c 1,4,V11.4. I - .\ DKR I, kFINIF:sI'r, , SI , PENDERS IP itIONIS CD1,1.1 RS OREllersa, ROUES. SHOULDER BRAVES, lIANDI&ER , ITIEFS OONEVI3ELTS, tirt&l.l.le tVATER•PRI e,d' COATI, t 'ICED SILKS Al;. TSB teeth., of ilt• mpotar. nod ultrurng rat good+utntbia rlu .pp., ti•tut tan tottaor. at tltet very tota , o, pt•tket price., and ttyttry caort will to made to rend., tt o`i 101 tarrelmots nod ttea trout every tam of 10, ttautitty Aim ttler tt It HAT I=l CHOLERA AND DI VilvIRE I ME lIICINES. , he no.l pn. r.T.P• \ 11,) r.,cv Or Lc Kit k, l/rll, E=IEMM ot !it uutttunt. :Of Ilea!, At. VOI,'• TEAS! TEAS!! TEAS!!! I TRANSPORTATION &c. ! liorSt . ...'';, LOTS, FARMS, itla4- F, Ear . • FOR SALM, 1 Elilti 1 81 9 • !' i I t . , -Z - ' -."'' ' " ' lAirox'gh V o E I ! \ \ I . 3 . i i )7t: e": 1 b e 1 r u e d ' io 'h' t n ' i ' ng " ri th Dtrret thrower and F: rl< Expr••• Packet Line. I naig. Tan The I,it I. aco oue, fifty feet frOnlkY: R. 1 1. PARKS. Itcat cr. pr ,, cricnr , ore hundred tied timely feet deep—with • two ist i ecyoli r I RI% •k lens, twenty-five feet front, with two put t ig‘ ii . T""NrA7l,'A'A'!"."' P'" rii ' C c i ' l ' l l l ' l " : .', Wr ' le., lil i,rig room, onl kitchen on first floor. A Carr/Irk?. PENNsVLYANI.A. - iii it o g it ,..,, I. AKE ERIE. . QUKEN CITY, " NI tra t , 1 i,,ene, .tattoe and grarery, and the lot fell af IlbeffPW , 'fa.: tr-e•, ii: ia cod order Enquire of the slabsefit , • b., Loint r r Merchant, Allesher En) en]. , f arm', n Jo an" 1.. between Rene:..., Pr,. Leer , :tilt' .1.1.. it I' JNO. PATTERSON:4 . . _ ________________.. I eoncncs.crd ruitcnig. any will continic• dor., mi, ,e .... lii ma, :h-,r rc.iular trip., Mo . :vie 11,0 vcr a , . arc . A. of in , noriting last (son, Pi ••I,urcii ,1 x . Fn . .lt -i - I,i• e m i•it to Buffalo or us , b,. Lek.. 1.1, 1 1 1 li•ronsil to Kite and all Lai:et-ow.. c , ..1 lad, i 4,mi:cohort to Bill N A CALL, HEA A,. eActiin corn, of Water nod Simi - hint, .4, u• ,;1-.08‘.F. 1.:1-.5'li. 1 FOR RENT, olds, the 'Si t: hors e , lif"^' • 2 .„-._.„....t0ry Betel Dwelling Hounk, web fiabitied and to complete order, on Centir icor Wreenivr nod Garden. r o Now nals.uscasu‘'— "l'b< steamer' A 1 ' , ...• . ..U 1 W. T II 1' "". 1 .° 10'.° . I . I T It l kS Rent .ow Unquire of JOHN WA rr & co, 1 •-, Tilt iS ,corr. VW commence on 1 i., o Morids c, Moir 7, to ruo from the v.d , . corner of Liberty and Hand au Z.: Greenwood Lanotng, foot of . FM 111 • ; TO FAUN gal.' AND LURBILIZIIIII2IL 'i • „, si t ,- (Tit, en, lea,ing at e o'clock. ...st . and at err. ; rrilE .der.lencd often for sale to fil`Reen etruntli,” even hoer wail U o'clbet, r st . 'a.t ntp front me Gar- , 1 p e . i,..fsi „,„ 0 , ..,,, ~,,,b,,,,,,, L,,,,,,,, wi th ...... i excellent ~ o vr Mid nearly nesr and two new Fra.64] . .) den at IV e V 110u.c., litre 91 feet front by 17 bark, the o th er .19 fimil. The v u are supplied , Vaii a: the delicacies ef , ,he ~,,,ei , Te o et 0 o'clock The Garden with a i front ti s 21 back Aiso. cowl iiessi frame Rant. thin:S. , „,,.. enii e cti eti of fweenhou, Plants Dahltons, An • by forty feet 'Pim mill t.it land are aimed SSW.; nuns Flour Plants and Shubbery The comfort/tide miles from Lee A ileglieny nrOr. A great deal or PING wharf bow fireonwood. will be placed at the Pot l TIMBER of Me best cu••ity, and also a vast snap tilt • wee, tanduto ' 0 7 5 of the ,ry belt hemlock. Also, one ...eon the Mai+ DR. D. HUNT, .of Me Allegheny. near u cove, most adnurably aditpri '-- 111/rillirr ed for rafting, where lumber can be ruled on the teili , ' Dentist Coracr ofrourin . . .. ...., i.ktrat.ot. bottoo , ' t ree. nod be perfectly safe (mm all freshetn—,, ~,,,,.,,,,,,, •e $9,0011, or 155 an acre. Terms easy. no tale 1 Market and Ferry asserts . - el clear,d small farm, orit4 good house and rtht .: C. W. BIDDLE, Dentist". shard upon is, ns part payment, If locanon is sultablel,- - eist'Yr. c •`777 REM( /V ED th a nrur tit', .torY hr.. , and toe solstice is. lumber, or as may be, agreed 04 5..1- . on Smithfield suicci. cur door I,ciow .p ro . , t , ~ cot oppottootty Int ~,,m b.„.g., .". Suitt ~,....-, 'r- ,, th ”-,,,-, ~... ^,,, a, , proolLi ity IN great that to two or three peon thbf .- VI an ',II, wt. on the itietion prie • •lnir, tolls . I ° ll . - ,iroperly will double it. Tante. In con %tenet of 110/ . 1, of rcprC4,llllll, 01 . ,Ire natur, cum- restorinc th- t „ 0 „,„, t , to ~,t , ~,,0,, hurl nod Et ., it „ Tim-. , o•ilinel ahapc oil, ta.••• •tiliirl , lit to sect, out several NOW mills-.and getV4 t N, II —1 wt., extracted with 1,1 , e or no pom eral mill !qt., n„ he stream winch runs newly ihrthlyar; l prrllied Trelo imr olll, llll l, tovcAl 1 .7 . 11 4 111, per' Mc crittre of tbc ,and About El.'s acre, in grasci ve. Lac M.- it.olll ite,r A 111,1. is much better that r... ~, it tt tc z , ic I t bou'ing lumber froth mai to noel., .could or d'llle l 5 6 r , l.'•” lnr. or l Ti',.:, ir.•i c ,ine at almedance. For further patheu, .i. ..‘ .1. p.ou.. PIL I Is:1 . . . •I t litNEON t itti ,i tl.l, W . ,4 (throne othee. Pinsbrithh. SCA IFIC 6. ATHINSON, Firm ST , ,ion spoor 000 it 00117, Pirranthati. I i lONT(NI' F. le 1091 , 1r11,11, al, Itiuda of COI'PEK. I N.._ PIN AND isIEFI 101. N WARE Al.o, th,s,.. smith tA ork Sesiti lio,:f i 41 i rn order , iicetAl a trii toil :cil,tl tO errant bons wets !lave on woul • a r,,..p0r‘.‘,,, Cupp,. r and 1:11e. Kelueu T. IV arc, Arc &c. Sir:oll6cm Cooulug zitovrs. l'ortur,l.l Force, var:ou a. . Fucou— u very t'or utearnooatu. C,,forma rougruntu, or nut road COMpLLILICII c•, , rrtfu:', .uvue Atom boot rot, and rulseru t a,. und .r and prite4 purcl , l,:t r GROROF. ARMOR. r Ir.ors , and the Ac n e t.uw pr,pitr.ng rccelvn mid ,r• nrd.r. vim Afpn, a. and .A t!, ntrce.s . , rn.“. and ,a•ha.a,l- v.nr , ter, n •ual h :140 sv”rl chtup do,- at s• c•rat.,•`^nrct Ltle couhirv. 4tnr Crts.mnerr,.l4,o- ,t:.• A.• itiß inervis nr• RS' OIL. \ FR, Oil.. hatld.onae smart -WU ' ', 1/:i.--1'1,1•,/illy cm Land. Wench,: end .Mmach end Aprthg Simm s Lirphmni land Whale 0!1, E1.,01 colored totected Coant Wham su.:ull:r ir.r retni;:am ri. r.II. FUR MACHINERY— I. subseri hers arr cow p,rpared supply •Devlan In an, 4uaL•-y.machsktsts. di•nui.teture, &c.. arc e,lo ClzL exarvane the aruele. Ler,ficatca rd. etheacv and •uprrtortty nvr ou.er mold sevet, us our •;vc mignurac“..krrry, are to oar 701 , 1 , ession A LLEN & N LEDLES, Agt, Wand IL; south wharves, near Chesulut st febl6 eotlfan Phl:addplkia NEW HA 11.13 W ARE STOILE TUE PLANE AND:AW. • . 'wo. 78 Wood eeeee Pittsburgh. RIPER AND LAITNIAN, loportera and des:era Fore3gn and D11113C1410 HARDWARE, in allits vartet,e, are now prepared to roll or low a.) on Hi re.t,4.nable tern. o can, he purena,edeluwltere. ..1.11, our blend,, nn.l the pubitc g-nem , y. ~ .tattone our stoek, wlitett ron.e•ta In part of 311, h' )RA,:, 1 -. 0.2K1-J . and KNIVES, sCISS4 Silk-SIN. RAZOR-3, Ilou,o Tr.onangs, I a • ~., flanges and ,ee w., tovetutr w,tt, every one, u.nali, kept Hardware ware •rtv acrennon of Carpenters mod Mocha:". re,.er...1, to our a...aortntent oCr.sla, which have hr grea , ',re nod watch -re are , Icternt,n• e.l to 40 tn rlve so:woe:too. apt.dlts,l --• • . . oft•fer...ol,l nay , errefefl woras ff. the cfly of N. -of 1 or.. fur Iffe if., toff., nf ua:vaf.l,lfg art., , f 1 In.,.ff 1.., 14 fo PRO r r f• I T...ryrupu %%fr., flo'r a. Nnf•s. W., tor.iff ars y" utner arue. 111:1V For •utf fur thf.. Ito,, for C.”...r4 a• ...aftli- ,i,,J , r or?:'onoot. , ,oatot eneep toot v ta,a, our noon to he • \ • •,,r^.. It-quart no ;Nun, ant! tati.; roo At.o ••• -trokee an.: toe peesetentota .•• o , ot otToratoo, tha: 1; tok.. ecroatend It 011tREWO, U & tot. 0,20 end tr-nwer W 1; .1... . . _ W AL I. PAPER WAREIIO63I:, :C..4 7 . 3 / 1 1,(,‘ rea, F0w1,... TRUMAN PAL ) E5 , t,..1 n o ,:••• • u.. 11 I:cv 0 1.3 e, ptt tu.,l EMiEMFM4MI • ra,n or 4 , a tin. \• an 13.3 rd , ,, rc t.oand font, Paper and l'ransparet Wtad,a, 60/11•Ct and Nincie-s' Board.. Wr,- , SVrap,...l; 'silo T. Paper he 1. •auldantiy •Ltr p.leti, rct,e-•te country incrrhanta ea..l ituaacaeep er• caa and e.2.1.11111e 5.1 ea.-or:ale. • --- Notice to Daguerreotype Artists. -"-: el UI:R s R.htvt , RICINU 1%,T1tl MENT,— ,•70 :r.strurin. twvatltl,• r 0.1.er: ever ciao., v• cad produe. 12 a dsa betzet de lin.-.1 No. tdre de.r.ervr, tee of aii or Itit,oltotc to eognqe tzt tto: business. P.ce 10( A r f I.l:rtut ..,r 1 mic o: et:.•Jv:l• trnndrr urnr—.. : urnr—.. : t 1" F • and 1r... . . .. • • . T n u .• , ..,. L t : : :::, .... :: ,;: ; .,, n ,,,,,,,,, p a :: ,,t, , , ;:. ,d ,,: •, x ,, ,:0 .. ,, ,.. 7 . 0 ., • •• :.,: . , , ,: . ; :: • .• ,113 . 1 . 11 1,111 , , a..c . r. 11,.. •Il t• C.apaa .IPri \ . ~, I, ~. I , , , .4 - , I, 1,1,1 , i :0 I r''',,, .:lc pa ro.• 0.4 r ,'!.' pa• r tppl tat IL" MCI cu.t.):l,, of u, a< 7 w• . .‘•• k P 4 .” • .to :or ../len and covert r.s rr,y k!ev, a: pnitung wycr ul snort uoa.ce, uad en Jn z-rd • 4-` rIII3.IIPSON A, '4.• Y1:14,1 EI , IVNI , S II 'is • rece.,etl at the Pekin Tea .11/ 0 /0. a very .Irge and vee'l • ! pare 1..11r.EN AND I.ILACK TE.k, c waLch iece:ved 10 OM ...re Ins ant al Ve:oruary 1.51. conateting of tor ,!alereal grade, grown in tae Celcroat khootre Our .torr oet, among the larirest ta the \Ve,t. we ore prepaie.l to tv,u,e.a.e. au bet., km. than any other tratt, In tar We invite rei...64Kroccra to callus d e ct.nt.ne and prwet They can have pca• i. II th pacLa,e., tlrt eannwers, or by na:l 1:/rir ativenien,e. MEESE oyr ,tar pr.,, vary for Do.ortg. !Lack from S. , v... to 5!.. , 5t0g young Soucl.ton (1.. C.'go Ilreakfwo 50. Noun, Gunpowder any lloperLAL from 33c. to 51,..!3 per nre r.squeeei. to oend and get nampi., o. ot our Fr.!, iv., try them brfore purrha•tug .0)1 A JAVNE-.. 111 Fourth •rre,t rr /o•. to Um: an .:<d DILLEI'S NIGICAL PAIN Exuncroa. r)went4er, Ow - 13v,, i'eti 12. NW. S., A !tense of duty compels me to give my manic to Dii.;eytu Pain ilyiraetor quack • err rindI.J.SIUMS having for nava object sinister Ironl/10 .. KInK ot Pat.'-1 ant induced to tendyr you thiv eertifi• rate I buy,' uttril it ID my fatenry. Kay prune,. anti *nil a:I die happy and a - owlet,' effect.; that could posuib!Y mitugmctit It 1 linow. 11. It Ur. Lito.lte it the senior partner Brodie .1 Lc v„ Druswstis. Ti a fo,;ouri,.K ten:monis; comes !tom saJrce fa. ttr to ma, of to,traveong on our Westera veu• le r Mr. mewell and layorabl) kno 0.1 pro netor of . Inc Parkersburg Hotel, is Lusband zo osi1) woo. letter I nun,. raautatast to. Ca, Apr:: IS 1840. ro 11,try Uottot..l. nc —eat: ilrtt at.-r.t 'at oattc ett aL.acra tutlarata ,ort It:lawns . ..sat watch OR, cared ea nr.o v tee. 14 , 0 avr% ..n.n . ) app..a .c,l to 11 av es -re aa.r. tact. 1. a. aimit ) al, ali appearai.ct at o...irter• tte ted o rat, au) kilo: IA littt.onmalitn, la WWI 1.1 tter.stra My too otml ou tscloul ) Val eel I t am Eimortr th, mof Mi•ttOttic Covent of Me pest.. n,te Lt . , trormOloto Of tlol,i) pm.. l• 1, ^ll al tor *1 IMlnottiato ,otil a Mtt• 1,1 rum: otr .arse and al: cater nt to (Lmmo•oto /I.IN /11,1 at 1.1, , a•• , .• I. .1 by • -Ur 401. 11111111 Lew 01./X Z. fl eatery. the Lope that Mn. 6,. a• i.e cn to 100 00,00 0...0 Irustu) iniorn U...use alatud 1/:1.4 wreak' ge bait. oine "a.m.) by Lia):, r aye Pauli -r. Ky Novuod 0 ) taa a *, u , , lieno=ton aottrures pj r. H )..,) • 16a,e ) cur , ill et e: nan . lumnta oaa aak.l there cc tclu al cue own :auluy. hell inuaveu c.gc ,l . r :en not careful .ahem of { d cry abort„. ule .ratanent oi inn ti ,r•, nod eheceeded in hundnida tp,ful ). „ II i „, or 1 . 1).14104.1.1 ,taritra: ior. on. of 111066111.4013 lb. r .1 Scalds, Pgee, Sore Istrigu•, green, sae c • O 1 :A storm r , art daanaaus whi c ho f ten Hrenm, Etuptuuls. Sore, Cuts, Weande. nad a I u•' ro. °ther leave oreebyr.ed OnmatlaVl. ).• de readily lo the arouderfill pro p s I ties taew w nopelcu, drsyw Ile Igtgiettlegly tom.. sorb (amity salve. Han. ni me &Mlle N . , t ,U4Va dn`gteccwitaly treated by o ther. ingo, that yra reeive benefit (ruin ate genuine, fi+) .. an ary vette...Una will Co FIT. yen wiii he bnyu red by c cleat, and their ea., treated u. n onsega,thorough and counterfoil salves. 1.4.-11.yent Marine:, pointed out by a long experience CALT ItiN—ite sure and apply only to the treciaer ; stmay. and investigation, which ato unpevoutde for thee II DeLhei, 11.1 Broullway, New York, or to Ate en- eitgaged m gcnersl Prantlee of ..11cu. to live !homed ;igen, JOHN D muaGAN, oar elan of ddease bienerut Depot, r.rtterste or Rapture.—Dr. Drown also teelte• pet, I.egheni . Agen, J. tinker, sob. agitated with hereto te 011_1, ay balm paid partici Whceaug, Ve • James Jonnstou, king eagle, Ny ; u l ar attention W tad heotee. 1 .Henry wren r. Cate:beau. 0., General Depot. t. ANCERS - also eueed. Nlf —la the wee reel Dame nod Scalds g extract,. s ."..awni aloe a, Veedily ear.' ear poi few minutes— u mvrr I.ffis Charbee very low, ae . . It ring at a climate, by ti tti SAN ATOR CUAISIII - 11.:1., tearer.ob i haunt; tmorrnauen in regard - to the nuattwrof aun t (ll. ' r . eeetlo the aylapil deethe tn. occur at the city weekly, the character of ' l . ' ".” obULM with direadotu for see, b 1 the &erases, nod the age or the perwas, would teepee, stn 11- P ., Poet paid, ' 44 ".."1 atilt rcqueut the Pity lumen+ to reduart to them at the ing a fee. (do 4 made En* K! Room, Uul Court Weise. on Friday evening 114 „ 4 , of each week. 'till 110101 RVGII.L. _ or.o.vrancimeri - c. co., Duiyonmage. Dr. Brouvalievrty dteeetratod' dy folßheugiuuent ta • speedy and eertala'reataly for TNFORM their hire& anti the public thauhay have that patahel trouble. It never Ines. uo 1011r,Giteaq connettion With agar late eatabgen ()thee and Private Cousalling Deoull, No, esMa gient tu Penn atreet, known as the Pig/barge Ilnywev • ,nor d alley , Pittabeces, Pa; Th e D octor eerie removed their satire basilicas to the P0 , 1"1", home. ;,,,,;eyjSc Slf",;14112.111.I'l411.11t:11.-!ti-7.1J.Ark.,"&t,t04-- IKIIIIIMIII!! MERCHANT TAILOR, ?to. 46 Market street, TANNERS' Inn rti od4rn CLINTON YAPtat RECOMI:=I= GMIM!!=MB byLs=xsatory rtheumat laza. =MI =MM =MEI POREIALS, A A Tli Ft FF: stoned Dwelling House, bing Is, g rgtl hnug irorn Pe. spent, In So* 11, ' p,-. ..$ Ha V greet lmmediate possesnon wilt FAO: . . V.: 4 :re , DAVID RiTC(IIK Attoroay ip. , ,i; l '' . ' :,. " .ottiel u nn Fourth greet, between Cherry ulitt 4 , and 4., mni greet, _ iallbld % ..-= 1515 . 1. M. IL DING LOTS, situated on the work Prhrnoil yawn Avenue, between Magna ; atre ,-, and about three minutes walk oin thr tut. {lout, 014 of these lots front 111 iinrset o.t Are...-. and run back DM feet to tl . ;; a 20 ;art alley. and theotber sta. (rant the same width on For,. rite-t, wide,; and ran back 97 fart . I. awe same a.h.). the above property is not diaper, ad o' ten 4, rale Loewe the ;Th day of July ruse; te tn. eon: at .enon. at the new Court Sloane, on • that a t. ny, at I o c.o:a, P 51. 10 the highest rind beat tiditt For term. •• ower particuturs. Page.. DA VII/ 1-1P.U.:1-:. .Ittorney Fmk Fusel. u.,00r ,I,l , lrnan Nlft.ter. ruSAI• Two twilit for Nate. i T ll •el.rert• ere v. - 1.1 suit at pores, eel, those ter. .he 0.510 l Ails of !)round, ettneted on Toronto o et., .he rt, rd Ward 01 Attogherty City, each having a • 7 . .3' /(0,11 Of 2U 1 -at. rrtell l / 1 1 L.r t Ira) feet in depth to a 53 •d W111 , 1: uthl: n , Atone wall, YS by. 153 • :lit Ire 0 awl ruittetts ottr reodgh to bath! cellars for tette coin...vat. dwelling houses, and'n front there are thr-- tree, of • yenrs growth, vtd the start ot tr paird wee hetet. all 0: which will be sold to t 5: w.: take:! ant Alteeert.i, or County Scrip, ;• payment. • 1x II Plif 1.1.1 PS.N o 5 WOO 4 st e C. Q 7 10 ;1.1 oppelito .ard lota. TO LET, Till: irravaing House re, Third street, &trove .• orcupic,i wefairuly of 'be isto he el J uln. Ur. y A. N. NVIN.Si. l'or:sesvioir given on the• :;;-; _ A in some large lot. of ground the Ninth Wawa, be: wet h li,c Foot Wu, dsod Croglumetrille, sultabits for .unittcr yard, WM. M. DARLINOTON, . 4 starlit dtf At R. Darlington', Fourth st 141. R mt . aitaatod in Ms Loa, 1. loon( town of 1 1, nuort hand The lots are saes- • d tcd a„ Dtssitan stmt . , numbered In F Ilansinaufe plan • A 7.5. 7D. "0. sl nod .d—lan No 73 frootote 20 (colon Ms- ) • I ry A yit nr tt re:. 70 ice{ ueep, :Go other lour tt feet front coca. be ) beet deep Elf lll . l l—Eras),, part a( purchase umbel_ may NI mean for sir yr.sra, secured op ntortgags. For porde, umrs ttst etre ci H ISCHOYE. thy t ' 110 second si YR/stab/a, Coal Land tor gala, — , . A No. ,ol r fat leNo.2, et the mouth II 19nc R • un..llonongahe ,a River. The Coll Is . al tan .'ry a twat quatny, and eday or acme.. Any . Jnumber of cres, from twenty-five to a hundred, ought tor 04.1110(1. I ' erlolll desirous of pureharrlog, Ola ell;i on I VALKER REED, on :ha premises, or WM- R - cd. opposi, e the Poet orllco, who will give Lay fia. tormstott concotroung the property. The above wit/ b, a. Idat a graat 10 y' earrkdera 1 , 1" LET—A good Mick Dwelling . Honse, sitenta O. Itotartson Street, Allegheny. &t own of nlld soI.OMON SCHOYFII 7 ; j. oft Flirt SCRIP—A lot of ground ‘ •Io am on %V ritits r street, 23 feet from High 'treat hi :rot fro., t.y feet to aby feet alley —yuttc ems- to new cour)o.ote Prom 6930. Teresa, F..l. ease held, t, of Apnl lasta aster tn ova, two, three and fear ! y, a 0 rt rom fn fir,t C., rsty a..d City Scrap teach for cash payment In .ny S St:lll.'l'6N.,lo accond at Aorbi (;p a ll a. nil for Bnla s l.l n lr . A I o L rf , t ~ , ‘ , l lll3 o r nn l a o h . e . l a L zi , v e rtrg i b rr o l latn i : , :d , t • tr.< modtate ac.s Loortaxxl of Messrs. l•tYon Rlbtmba 0.10 ,lr dtmr, t iara;,'iea's purchase. Thou ftne body of ~,, Con. , low prier of ft.l3 per aero-sona • ttrd s 111 live equal annual payments, ritte ,ntits.putuble. Location vary dood 41411.11,3.41. For further pullet:lora • of , who has a draft or sold pro- " ct:y. . cc dt10 . ,,10w Ferry, Mr. Adams , Ross. • N It rduct le cstshcr sento of omit on thlb Uscar • . 0007: .he I sorer, of aitallent quail Valuable Bullillrog Lob or uea 4:;:rralres,r it o p urZe te r • -.. t o ..mid.; Lot; ratnpruntg tarp • ttte I o•I eturtuertni 67, 6; 01 and 79, u 2 be t.7itc of l'ettUurgh, situ.- } tte /mu% ca , twanEy cornet of Penn anti Wayne non :iu , a.ct tomer, and extendut9 . • etch; t.te Art. r ••••,to :eel 14 1:11.1 Allegnerty river, sad .temc a part of the Hem I..htuut of tne late ltunell . , 'cram de ;utt. A ptan cr autAllyteMn of the above Lots, in anoint . - ••••• wpt, wi ttc h A ta prepe-ed to seD. may be seen at le. • ;re , r tea 1, •tctic•l t en rottl between ' km teal Ferry ca. NVILL S If 1:11N. my) 1 9 VA/ u•ble Heal kr.state for 1141 A. • salenatcana o"l7ll47l.l'.o.ulnrh"...t= o . , •rc,..m h c e . And rtve poupsuon immediate ty i 'tate are atatut A.:AESOP CHOICE LAND, ~ , 11 • at,. rt amcmtest Lreprovectanta ara apt w •It ftnt.utd brick DW 'LUND NOUSE, +O,l, I I. . 1 other out outldlita. Adjoinuurtha d.at. ..lx I. .1 ra at tag FOl.lll/.13 and • good Paten, ; mt h • tt cctutant scpply of excellent Water. . a•.• t. vartcty et 1 run frees and Sarubbery on ma ro.nt.a• It to e httove deacrtneil propeny is not ' xem mut; it wllt ha rem, r ume. Alan, for talc a . ..In Ltrr. el Peccu.vatitt Acenee, at the end of OA.' • c;,‘. Itaiu.rc et DAVID BEELER.- VOLI an bLii Real E .- anat.; tor dale. , oproi.c.r.y al carp of I - Inshore', near :tie i•tirough of litanchester, on the Otki.7 I inirn-it • .oresal:l al Lot Pio 4' in the plan L.. c.ly ~.111.1rIg 20 !bet front on So -•• • ete :ni.. ztttnertierry env near n . c.:ung on an Aaenne, at feat t.a 11,a ,frr road r, thz 0:00 over. ad . k•. fr k^tor. d • r r .. r CUASLIP. , . Lt. SCULLY, Jr J ,OLLA ItA, ft.:. I littrire's fiddrung, 4th et Vali:mid., Property tOr Hide, N 111 . tit ‘YA ILI/ iH.' —Soy.' . r ~- nod I.dbeilY street,, m the d:.•, 01 :-, .; 103, surd s•lciotot the proposed I :en:. 1t road I , or terms incture of CH A SLIPS 11. SCLLLYZI or I AMEN J'HA RA, Its r k r'. TM/Cr 1100.1 is .0 air litTiri artrAirt TIVU 1.0 re on ibinver strixt, In the city o 11 , 11 Aiegliciiy, above tlic upper Corrunona on attic ► k Io cii.ried af: alit building, Iwo stories high, suit3hlai - or • small tc.ielicints. The lota are each twenty icon, by one iiundrcil feet deep, and ran bar :0 I,t old, The ouildings on the • p.i, a vci; niti-Oino !merest an U. txlVOri orn , . and II ptoperly - mu be sold eleap for cash. Apply lo II ...prow. Cleri•% office; Q. S. or to KAY G co seal e bottom Land for 1,4 10 Au!. re ta-ers For further pirue- War • Jr el. or to , orte-dtr WAIRUNGTON id, above Smittuaeld +I Fu \ • ;;;I , JUS F. ;:r4.\./..K.-111e odbacrther AnTer, tut •att use tunic storV brlek W./eI:W.4R strect, occupied I,y IL Trrancr .51, Co. WILtrUN, Jr. ~ 0 ' .F. Eri.T.vrw A Itto . UAL Esr.vrEos PE.NN OTHER/. FUR SALE —A Lot of Lround .haste on Penn Stfe,, Itettrer, tray arta. Maratury manors, action:ll.g ma b o u t , und lot vow by Richard Edwarda, uvv.,• g Et (row or tent, dot! ill rapth fee; will be o.ti ,roroole terms. 4.ercepuoualde. i11...if, 0 , C 1 LuUktS, near Wood. Vor Salo. A I)1,1ItAIILE Iluirdnuj Lot in Allegheny. clly, fa• • wind y tn s.en. &trout turf ut acre., and fit •ccotnntoduting ternrs. Inquire of J U Ilu wonder RENT room trio necoird suTir — , 3; Wlm l\ 04.41 street Property - In Ailiejfiei - n - a clay: — cr - I'III,: eulmcrtncro Cloy oreinte a number Or rani,. .•tr.alc tz. Ile Second Ward, horning on dui 4,, Laos, ground, ou ee ry ,alma. In re or 1% At 4 al Lam, St Clad it n! 11.(rrilNN i t n trteprerrunn. urt I i' & SUIttiIVAL OPVICIA, \O. 63, ‘6.1..60i4D ALLEY, • iron a_iow Wood stmxS tug •—.4=3/M, B/COU'rfie naval; he .1, 'y , thteatcd tO 0.1.t00 pn.e0...0n. v..l Iscen for some WM ,conntal praCtlct, now coalmen at,ollOn to the treatment of tlo2e pnvote doileate CCOM4 pLaatta lor *Wen opporluiLiLL. - tad 02000,1C7. caaht. .aun •/ p•az• u.douo.i, devoted ss ,„. _lOl s...ose eouspisam.asseuneg watch ' 7se vss. sy, ars, ( . 11,377 nu Cored more pa. • eve. .• of as.y prorate Mori ssor, amply 1,11 d ,:,. OIL. to offer aeaatanaell of ; ranment, ..swartory oare to mill 3. a . &leases arising tbetil
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