. 4 14►• 1 1 hi • ilittiMt r....4B49 _,._,...--14-iiiimr;iigge-'—'. , ON TIM E_Erri, N CANtAI...- sys jpoterfkosoPitvkiessiell Came; Line•PNCohtl, TBoats, is stose.proptired flo nestrient P1111(242211 ow l neighs :4 all pomp. 011 the ..Evie•Exteasken„.Necre- Yorkk Csnahl 2116 the lAtemszotkis the' moat-takriseatAa , Lem , sod notth drimuetn . • - .S. ird er iv-, Tads Line runs in 2211MCCI1'021 with the stestailiehtsi BRAYESI. .end CALEB t - M.IPE,' between Pittsburgh and Beaver- CAI Reed's Late of attire besot awe gip', sets on the I Akesiluddlos Troy snit libehtgan - 1.122.1 Coot Line on therbles• York renal. - C. hi. REEL), Propnetor,Eile, Pa. - Bidwell & Btellter?Agents,ilitouses. -•i• r • • ..' W TAgesher„Agem, at J Nest won's Pape - ogee Offiee, Pilleoringep. Heim, Plunburgn. .... .-, ,„. CONSIGIIkhiI , - V C Melon, Sharon; I Bk./1MB: Sisiwpsburg; A tit li Downing, do; JII •Plummer.. West Greenvill4 Tek. Achre & Co 4 do: W m Ifenry,. Newtown; Dank Batte:lv Imlilpi 'Barney, oibbs Co; 8..a.071,...10 4,A =owns, Detroia Kirkland tr.. rk „b„,,y, me.b0g4,4,. kf 'gore & Minnows, Z 'ton.. lie; Keep, Muriel en Dutton ' Racine; Jelin. II gram, Chicago; k - Wheelet & Co , Near York. .pa . rat ibiiiii* Oliflifiliiiflife ` Piceikei ' lairie alkimi s , 1849. faitiu , — .. 17,,Vai1: wg,'.11„,nzid,,,,",-1„to J. M. / ip ,di d Paeketlion sto run during the Season., be. wean Illairsvillwen Pittsburgh-Ste binds to liejow col by three 1/013111,121211 /14:22 - effort lade to occoin mediae passengers. . . Dcrewvirausi-,Boats pill leave intsbarah.orelk. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Fraley, at 7 etches, r. rs. From Blairsville every 1t10n4121-, Wednemlatii Thareduy and Saturday, at 7 o'clock , i.. a_ and arrive at Piusbneelitheisatan day. A two oise'lliscy.froin Indiana the boot ~,, Saluki g e, Unit on nis i ward and dossermaant trip-putting P eliPe" ° " t 'g l from that place Puce day. Freight for the Giese lane by tel received tit the house of the Boatmen's Line, by J o. ' , Una &Po., who are our inititorisail kgenm. All freight rceelvod free of commtesions. - '',,- I.IMAIARSHAIiIrfe , OO.' - ' • • JNO - FARRF2 4 & Co, 'Ageutiti I. Canal.l3asini Li berty FL, Pittsburgh .: , A Ilack.leaves Blairsville for Yon gets:rem on Ike arrival of the boat-ventrai to boat I morning. Pate from Pittsburgh to Yinmpluvrn 162-r ecived urothee of Boatmen's. Gee threugh. - atigidam l' rrICTSIIIIIkijiik-FONArilllialfr tricT-Ibitrg MEMIIB49. For eke 'Tears. eportirtsoitbf Iraglit fa rittlif ATV. : PITTSBURC:II,-.FIIILAPELPHIA, nAurtmori., N. Is 011. K, IiciSTON, &e. Ttr.ost.saßoarnbon, Phi ' leirelblibe , •: - ' TI-1/21 It A/To:Taos, Pittsbargh; THIS old established - Line being now in full opg r g. .1. tion,the Proprietors are prepared with their wont extensive arrangements to forward Merchandise, pro duce, /co LO audio:au the above ports, on liberal terms, orith the regalstahy,.dwpaselt .eadasfittgrimeollecito their mode of dransparation so obvious, when tran shipment on thanrafiss welded. taAll consignments by ask for this Lino rammed, char get paid, and featorarded in any required dime MIN free of charge taressarminsion i missal:rem or storage. No intriverioliteetly , ortedirealy, in steamboats_ All commaakettiappromptly attended to on applica tion to the Winona sweats: THUS. IJOILBLUGES7S glaskel e rt, Philadelphia. TA_AFFE &TICIGNNOR, Canal Bow, Prostiorgh. tIVONNOILik Co, North at, Itultimoro. indult - -- 13.1./A lr 11l ENS'4. 1 Al ls: . . H Jag* 1849. .1 For the Transportation of Merchandise. setween, PITTSBURGH, PIIULADEL.PHIA, & HA un.aiwir.. Goods shipped by tins Lute, are carried m four. .1 section Portable Bow. • . / THE .ultvudbera haviagnicalc arrangements to case Of a want of •ettant Truths at COILIMhat, to have their goods forwarded over Me flaitrosida h. eon, to as to avoid the detention that hoe Immolate occurred for the want In - Trucks. Skipper. will hediltla to Moir. !Wearing,. No charges made for raceiving or .hlp. ping, or far advancing charges. All goods forwarded with despatch, and on as reasonable left= sa any eat er Duo. JOHN PARREN m Co, 00111.. of Canal and Liberty at, Pittsburgh; ' _ P. K. bR1.:17. h Cit, rochiltd3m _ 3gh Itarketst, allglilklB9. • BINGHAACIP TRANSPO ritornelli - MRS, Joan Rtnotum, Two,. Binotros, Wm. titmanu, Jame Pus. Conducted on artier Pa bbodi.keerung ILE ev Propnors of this old estobtorbed 1., ne have par the stock ni the most complete order. and ore Toroughly ir prepared to forward Produec and Merchan dise to and Gina the Eastern edits. We trust that pur Meg ontemeneet In Iharco.l l °4 bemoans, sad malea attention to the intereell of 41.3. tamers, will secure to us a. conontusure and Increase of the patronage hitherto extendeato Bingham's Liner Our arrangements will enable us trcearry Front,' with the utmost desparch,Vord our prices shall always bo as tort no the lowest Charged by /Aker re spumr3l.l.3 Lames We haveopened an aka ro Na le3 Market &deer; between Olt and fitli its, naiads, for dm can rtniiirre ' of Mappers. Produce and Merchandise will be received and fur warded, Exit and West. Will.. airy charge for for• worsting, atlvanciug freight, rietragb or connuisurroo. Rills of Lobos , forwarded, mid every direction promptly attended to. Add ea t or apply 10 WM. RINGIIAM. Cual Roan, oar Liberty It. W.1..' .t , !, • 'HEWN AMSDOCIt, No 183 and 2 - 0 Market street, ("beads, JAMI*3 WILLvoN, Agent, No 143 North Ileerraid 'tree, Baltimore WUrLiAn TY CON, Agent, mch4l Ni, 10 Wert street; New York ' Posiniy prisoyant Pawket Lino, FROM PITTABUGIL TO PIIIDADELPIIIA T ~ llyl eitdiseitge;rst) PILE piddle are resneedislly informed that' this Linc will commence running on the 19111 mat, aricon. untie throughout Me Selman. The boats are new, oral Ma superior class, web de luged eobins, which will glen greater comfort. The can are the West construction.... . A bosom/ill, a/Ways he lit port, and travelers are re quested to call mideslunitte theca before engaging pos. nage elsewhere. (Pare on nine dollars throuo.) „One ofthe boated( Ono-Line will leave the /ending 10PP 0 .46 U.S. Dbl.', corner offend street and Cana, every melt of nine o' clock 'Mina 3fdatx Fat hifortnation, apply at .th Office, Momitsilkelaltta4o;prAoOLEXCll & C'S mehl7 Canal Resin MEBIIiiPOILTAIIIaS -BOAT. LINN, For Transpottanott ol vets u w TO ninADIMPHIA, savrwoßE a,. NEW YOU usiNkns owe., ( l aud beingnow resumed, Me B Proprietors of the above Lipc respectfully intern, the public that they are prepared to receive and r.r w.rd Freight with desitatch.; and et lowest rates. They woold . rdw call the attention of shippeer teat. ward to the fackthaV doit Boats employed by them In transportathird, are oWned bp them and commanded by Shlyper• of Aleut in Balk will find it advtunageogs to ship by-this Line, **Me subscribers have made ar rangements at Colintibta to have sack freight for Bei- Onion handed dimetly from beau, to ears, thereby ea ting sratehoose hulling. - Freight to Philadolplos-igoes clear through in Me boats. No charge made for reectring ship ingot advancing charm . KIER &JOieLS, FroPnetetar. Canal Bactn, Seventh street. AGENTS—Jahn A.Sham Cincinnati, 0, Jon. Mc- Cullough &CO. Ilalumorm Jim Steel & Co, Philo:del. phis; Francis A Thomas, Columbia. metal PlialMga neVANIA CUMULI. R. ROADS, aligaa.lB49:MVA EXPRESS FAST ,PACKET LINE, •-• • . PritoSaordrueneillirteilJeia arsd Baltimore. (Ktelarively for' Passengers) . . rpm publics are reaper -gaily informed that Rim LIOO .11. will commence mating caldondayr 19th 'March. 'the boats of this Lien are of a superior class, Milli enlarged cabins, which will eve venter comfort lo passengers. A boat sell always be in port, and irrixelen are ie queered to call and examine them before engaging paa. sage by other routes. They will Immo rho /ending, op posite the U. S. Hotel, career Tem, street mod, Canal; curry night at 9 obleek. - FARE—NINSDOIXAILS TItROUGII. Tiore-31 , Ary.s. For information, apply at the office, .alonongehela House, Q 10., Co, Canal N. W—Teeproprielore of the thovirldne.nre now limildlng an additional Idea of Packers, to nine. nhoYe on or atom Jane lot, to COOrlreltOn molt t h e PrOttiql saw. Rail Road from Lovristown m Philedelpt.M. At that Mae apt:eget Wilt leave every sieomlug pod even ing. Time througeol dept. . ' azzduisar6:rogfiuudio 110 — AT 1:1N14. MEM) r . 1349 . p_taar. For. Me trasapatalioa arehaimise, BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND rlrrsounfili. ft OODS carried nu . fltia Llnearer be 'not iranuldpped between Pinsburgh and Philadelphia, be ing ear ned In fear section ?usable Baste over land and wa ter —to shippers of .rnerehanilize requiring careful handling, Snarls of Iraportanee. No charge made lon ceiving Or thiirping, Or For advancing chturee. An geode forwarded vittih dispatch, and on on .reasonable Wins as by any other lane. JOUN IiPPADEN & Co, Canal Darin, Penn it P,naborgh JAS. M DAVIS A Co, mart biarkerdi 44 Commerce st, Phila. JOHN MeFADEN & Co, Forwarding and Commis. non Afcrehants Canal , Ealin, , Fenn et, Pine:lank. JAMES M DAVIS & Co, Floor Factou and Commis- Rion Mertbants,•l22 Marked and 54 Commerce • Mreel f Ph--I"tait t , mar_ ees made: by either of ther-abovii oniFtoitr,' Mal and :other uterchsodczo consigned togreisacfr,' 'Haag -. 1849 naalt: Illerebatats. Tratamportatlom VIA PENNSYLVANIA CANAL h. RAIL.ItUAIgy To entramacniu ANDBALTIVOiIIe: finis Canals and Rail Rnad. being now open, and I ire good order, we are prepared In forward air kind. of merehandne and produce in Philadelphia and Baltiraorei with prompinma and de.ipateti, and On al good terms an any other lane. C A titrANULTY tr. Co., . Canal 1/111111, Penn at, Potaturgli: AmbIer—CHARLFR RAYNOR, Philadelphia: Inca ROSE MORRILL k Co, Rallthiork • -- -7 Z ". !, 1849. 1../ILOFIAJNT/1 , WAY ',AZIMUT I.l.Allgs For BFarrariilo, Solo/mown. Hollidayaburgh, and , all Intermediate plaega. Una Intl COMMIS, U. entry sal Way Coeds with thew amid despatch, and at fair rates of freight, , • Aassna—C. A. WANIILTY & Co, Pttlabaryrb. D B Wakafiald , Johnstown. John AGller Itallidayaburgh. RlMAACza — hrisa• Jordran,rinuth ar. Sinclair, Dr P Lakooabarger, It Moos, Joan Parker, F von MUM bon, Wrst LaFtmer & Ca, Jun ArDerriti & Bros, paybsjyrb;.346olvoay, Bansu, Mal/salon & Hay: Ito meld/ .. aitaM dr 1849. Bealysirnd p • A I; Mgr , e r u Tffi new and elegant Passenger socket.; • : NIACtAktA, _ • ' Caot ft ft Jerrie.; PENNSYLVANIA, " JII Hoffman; %AKE ERIK " ht Truhr, QUEEN CITY, " J IdellaU); Forming a daily Lime between Beaver tend Erie, have coeummeed ranniv, and will eemilone daring the see. eon to make their mauler trips, loping Beaver euro the arrival of the morning boat firm Pittsburkh, -(I ea eloola r.-ml awl arrive ii Pk& 'iodine for pestenders to take morning boats gado or up the Lelia • Tbekillittbirough to Erio eh Lake lions, • etiredni had byapplisation to JP ACA UGHEY, Agt, owner of Water and Smithfield ets et OhIIECIE odor the St Charles Hotel 1,-,:r.41010:11 , Vii , '. , ;;.'-',", . . CynE Or-itIYPI,CO.O r LArs.rr rotly truc,raoilgelittiuc.L.iver r i rE , i-cobibeo.,, , ~[I„ pear •t l a yara d t N rtuttlSidda, :kritactd o r day ioetLbldly trl .Filatet left me m •ery low ',lag, 141.V.K 11, ol ,yoxtrieelrtl,rut,l t 0419 6ViHg (Or. . by A g looorp, so %Vt., I.Mertv, und r,i.ottatret',..li,J.lo r. rt.V phyPiNan, Dr. E. 5.W.,. I cottLitttles gy.,-,iborr *tatr trim. 014.. 1,..• yHI round `ln jamt..ll,nl il.t) are rez . ommende.t. Till.; I} 4.1- .Y SR PILL teriv.R".l`.lkr tats..: ssost .14t1.1 the: dit..nr, la: wid I Roo. no pease:4ly welt ReNpFeAtaf,Y tt'rn',Puril^,dc.,Lnur artily tiny I Pm personnny with Mr Colealart. and can bean tut...rimy to nn ireth o. the above c4r °brain. A IL SBA Rl' Tnd tooter L.iarr Pala ore prepared and sou: Ls R SF,LI,ERS, .77 tt•tio.l . tree", and t". the•two dam TO TtiTh¢anaar,l.nn:ytruen•4dKea aineLiverlsf7a.if'rxpaced y,ll.}inv.. „ am , g nanneil hitchßlX 111100 th e 101 of reef, box nnd id. 54013101 , nn wr.nrer - all obtiaps rteCOU-dtCrlcit", L.rt _Proariezor • CiattelitiATlVE A_L;SA tearthe. Rev ASA 0111 a well known p F op CICISYMCC Ci l'fraCalt.lll.Alc Chu rob T he anilerasirnedlntain,t Leen ailliele4 dolma the Pis. Winter with a Orthe sintioae,ramelimas pro Kreat !tam is the aft ' e:Sip, ten or twelve [mars withoso imermitaion, and aft lr ing venous Jean:elms with Itultetrect. wax fori , v , :wd with a 1 . 0:: oll)r maine's Carminative Balsam. nit D.' 1.1..C.1.e• enedins to the dination., aol round invarial.,y Otedietnei cooed the pain to n , .ate tuner et astir r. Stes, and in:fifteen or. twenty nonnteses , ry annual vation .mire trieflir,ne was al terworile aim!' whlver Inematme. of,Me CCM CAC painWcie prrerved. and la.:pain Wirerebr tec•fr lie eontmeed to use the meet/el o every evet i oni and sometimes the. amtnina...l.i a few week. hetiltit woa. far restored. that the sillier. erex lcuc. Cs.l from II large all3ol.llll'Of e ~ From c t et s ie . ;i n e , e 4 tli c e . re n f r o ,, r . r . , , h ,s %••• • .me . o .a n , fr:.:i at ti tor diseues of thesvroaach and bowel& andu A I , lllNrill A sons nay ,J•C:1 For tale In ruisbargh at tile TEA STUB lb! Fourth street, near Wasal, Sian. also 01 thellrug Store of If BSC.SIW I.ISTZ. r.iera: ininia. Al b., ',i.e. Great English Remedy. FOR C. O UPt . Atlttna and CPototuutpuout OILEAT AND ONLY RENE Em for t nut. of .1.4 Garet divvies, a Lb.. /117GAILIAN IiALSAM lJt . tflocover..l by the retchrauttl DP Banana, ot I,tunton,3hng land. mot tuts... Mend into tiro United Stan., ender the mn/abate auporintendence Me In for W The extraordinary 'ottnoos or ',lto.ra cure 'of yolmottary dtscru..es. mtvraum .r Agent incolic:mug for tre.Mtunut the moron aes that Mtn; be found En the cotuu.antty—eaae. that t.. rebut in vatiu from att'y of Attu common rrtd..llrn or It.. have been :wen up by me moat dt.....c0..at phyoMlana na conlatard and .a.brat.t. Tile wle1•1 0 Ba/5/I.nlisr, eared, and wr. ru rr. It.at ntnst tie..j.e.•.+ol of cube... It 1. no quack noutruat. lln a am atturd 1.1• huh dinairtue. of tolown and .'• nib It tiled elki-ar,. Etiop Inftllly 111 Ihel 11 nn led Sta . , P abou..l I e "Pub Barham , Ifuncarum Ilataam on not Mk:, ta unarm...m.llbn roommouvc 1n...1,0,, et Inc• t.. but to ba mud am a prep emote re..trt me a att nolas, tooth., ttpttune, of blood. pron to the rd.- a .a chest, irrannon And ',refl.--- ~„ difficulty of fir-cora, beetle feet, 11/qh,•mat,1..... 011 Illra teeter. , tatoitty.ll.llln, T 1 to, cid o •ott Rh not croup `.4:! ee 'isrl So lta l t s l-7111t ir ve ' s l l ' Orgt "" :::r1 0 1 5, 1 ! V: 111 : ".' l'a.ftlivillet. contain..., 015000 ..1 h ant At,t t • o erttatentro. aml tllowme tti .oquato.4 115,115 IiIi• Etlell.ll Remeal,. e obtained of the Anent,. c.altiantr‘tv Fur nate by II A FAIINI'S'It R II A Co .o.at and N% nod slll 4 i Wont , ' atta nth • V ALL/AIME DISCO VICALVI COZ TIKES, BE ON YUCI: 17 CAI: COMPUUND Mb' 101 , WILD CUHIIU • TIM 0811LT111.1.14 vOft Cousumokto. ConglaL. Cold. L of CnWylmn•, i ,l,lc, I av Spitung I nst. lit. al,. Sl.l , 3nil 11r. n.1.11,1.,1,01,00. 0• 1011, r'rrrory I . l.orit N. 00.• L4 l ry, und all .• Ho..and inurf, 1.40 wor; 0 ( Fectus.l ..I 'pertly err, rtrvr Irttownloc 010 01 ahoy° ...or, PR S A N •s• COmpound Syrup of Wild ChElry I , This ineate n tne au o nother moon;Ow.. 01 'loot, polity It Let. proceed 0105 y nom' the I ... lautichol al the tide of ea reutnent. soo ..0, higher tit reputation and 141 , 0...01. 111.• • i•Vr• • used than tiny oilier preparation nt up produced for lie veto , ni ratinrlian .1t hos been ildrodured o,ro nererioy 4.1.•/•••: • Fta.les unit FAIT010.,:o•• 1 .1•••11' 3••• •• ••• , 0.••••• WlOllO3ll, hal wlll. follitlol -0111 , • • Hi •• 1, 0 ,•• derma of tt• good odent, For proot noefV. atattlII.:111,1, 01 111•• valor 'ol (11.C.11, Li,. a. entry the proton.t••• otteti te.n 0i..1.) • . void ll`lolool[Ml3l unneh 65 ye Iron pre u..n0., h. 1. o'. eternal the I“,t ',pet - W..111y -on , aho Itnol •norm ointoral revonstioldv rn% ...nre 'nun 111( to tn. , •••.Ilitr. 11 Wll , lO ua•itet • not thennelves no ttnoutien such te, ~,, , li,ailiiolY•lbed ea, Oen,. n • tol • . by In, ..1•1.,.11•1 u,. 14$11014•••Ir0t 11.;•• bt•1:. if Of public °poor , . The .1 lords, and the motion, otlonitei .1,11.1...1 'hr. i ,,t, whnle Iranin by on use : one,' In comedy or the oftbeted II Foil MI BIT' "When t nen, t wine from ertwouettnoos voluntarily Lear teditionly to the trot, ••t no, purtteolar fact, furl: suntol,' lount unto o pnF worldly ittlerentn nod puipou,n, • t•e• ne• 0.0 41 in,Nthtth slot e 11nr!, in n .p-.':.1 iononer uudreri d; otedenee limn, of •RF..i. U T3ll'. IitINIE SITU. A.Nuritts 1 . 000 uv l'• 1,••••Alti 1 . ••,••i•Nr••••..0 There Dever WWI 1l that Ln. Leen denicrate stun 01 1.01,0,r11,10.11, f Compound Syrup of 00,14 Chen) . It system, andappear . ' to he, the nine, on the J. <Mating new .3.11 , 1 rtch blood, power 1,-. °dots...4lCW, rawer. Ca, A pnl da-Ir I -lo Dr. Serape—Dar Ste. i v.-ray Lateen )our tint 'pound etyrop nt Wod taterry ha. been are menus nt cooing my life. I nought a roas. mad, wheel a al rubt t ally growaurozw, attended - ,rh e aa snv , to cough. in 11 resisted all the retractile , wheal 1 bad roma.e tn. raja increasing noel my mane Penmen all thapandoor. ~, ralmottary ronnumpuott. Every thine_ fated corm .1 re have no effect, mid my complenta reete.l3l AO ropes. ly that fnenda an well as eryoolt. aove Litt en torn.o tn 'my triicargry, Al tins tone I am. revor n ded nme -,, r,,, your InverWailile medicine: 1 did no W.tls the moon hop e, results. The Gril bottle had the effect to loon,: re.• roup,b;enanltte me to expoetorstte treetv; min by use t ime I bad umot sax tronlen,l arm eretrely welt, anti -01 'sow ad Maly a man no I ever wan In my ree, on.: ohthe Impel to ere any tntereteson resperotmn 11,) .co..p, tbat other scalerers m ay denve. ta boosts ter wlllnh',l ant no patella-- For the wall of the n boa olti 1111(1.0(001 I refer you In Peter Knob, Grocer, Weal ltbestor of whom 1 purchased the Mr,i2Cilte. Ila ally -yours, 1.4,1713 Means vt. . ,-''' rfw.1.1.1 v.', of a 4li.aad ia.t Mini.ae , . ' The ffwayne- Deor Sci I for : a tic,l of r, rateade jar le rota -mid a duty to the elheved new-tally, to ode, °..ll;V('Wtug=7 ';',2:0w,!,.?7,... 00r. f.'llt:u1-. riecofy let. tee With mold 0:11/ tellemmutton of Ole lortripi which wee accompanied 0,515 a Mots:mum erfaleli pain In the breast and head, a vary connate ru• ble es of offensive mace. from (lin I.gi, ~,,e. null imrin change ot weather, however illgot. .tt first I toll no 11121111 about my tondluon, but a-on p roxy soon enakinced that I was rapidly coin; 55510 fo3.lJulp. non. I grew dully 'weaker, and to length woo on/trea ty able to walk about, ar speak above 3 WiGll,, ~,,,h wee the exceeding weakness of my lung , Denny Mr: tame I oad -tried to:atone preparanons and prone rptton. bat (mind no relief actsilt the nine worm. Just here I eras advimd acd permtaded by a deo, friend it Wilmington to make trial of your Syrup of Wild l'hy r• 2, 4 2 Inuat confent.osth.nn,„.Lre.uraen::.).,•dl tied 1 - -;;; H o t, y;zrx. awite coming mfrtat ' cl ' of the henna of ariperien, but dada ' setadiag year Minn. so the prefesmnn nad precut, el medicine, and havtng implied hada in the ortying of my you r n of Dr. Shaw, (deadly! forthwah pareitase mut or' again, a few Males, amt commented its am. hly din mum Wee at that erne of lator XX nnonann standinto ron• tcquegily it was deeply mann. I (mann however. considerable eche from Me am of the !trot Moe or hr. trottles, Itut being a public npeakerr, I freq, ny la tempted to preach with. my incremirta Siren:ill, um! thereby ruptured tame vemrela that had already t.. inn to heal - in thin way, doubtless, my cure won gme v Jae-raid. In cOnneamenre of manta thti c ent s I had to use twelve or hi men 3331,3 besot, I sen ion feetly restored. 1 bone no quention, a MU( II *Tim,. , ilitiltbelT of 1.01150. would Lava 11333 f. me 'mond. Ina lor the above tudatcretton. The Syrup unarm, the my. ,- 'oh hefty Walk army the di/are...m.l 01101 111, pis .en v, m dm., dmoharge of matter from the loe • awl them Rod the enunl sirtem goo . heanh I Live dont r. reit offornig thin arab.. mail now, for 11.0 pan..., of Initeg perfectly sausGml with the permar,,,,y or ,„. • Cure, and now thra 1 Ma perfectly wen I o n e , It 4 , 11 , pleasure. Kul ..1 I' Jonusti _ iXtblrn county, N. C. c . : important Caulioa—lia,ll Rend! There is tot One genuine Kellam.n at l,4il,1('!” 3 r 7 FtUna 10 Dr. Swat:rut, this hoot rvrr otirm.l et nr• Tim whteh has been nold larmiy tr•muglmilt to nna! Stat., and ltoffie pa. of 1.I(1 r opt-. rind ell rt.' parent:run ratted hy ale num: of Wm! innerly Itam !ma put oat Mina (hut, under Covr r or .mno deee,..... , etiruonaance, in order to give rut rem - , an ihos .she.By a ffula (A(.(0(0011031, no pc,on :wen! snottol..• 11,. genaine Moto tlia tem. Ilnalt tottlo ot the 7 . 13111,, , I. euvolOped, wiLL. a hearitaid tmel .rnmay-00, and 111-- likourpos • oiWaliunt Penn thereon ; 5,1-0, Ile. rl•en , n. • t,itna(terokaad as Matter areority, Si," port ta. of Dr Swayne will he. added hamster, ea 31 to dortirtpart N his preparat i on frounall others ow, if it writ not tor the great curative properties and kli.r,l VIII3C• of le swarm:do I..onspomal Syrup of Wild t 1,. tr, . i , r.iolt . orould not 1.,e endenverotg tu klO , ctirn. , .c / in lii,, `AC:3 ,rv (l l 3ll.t . nackcLUmuOul,..' , 1 „ .7 ,,.. :;a... , 11 . 1 .- 1 , 04 , t l l , ro m i l . l 2 l : , no th t:t , t; , , , ' , , , d . at Dr. Swaync, and be not domisved. I'nsoipol (Mee; corner of lar t nth antl IL= rioi.adrh.. ..,_ For wilt• whotenate and retail by 15i lIF.SI ne f , i1((*. DUN, car 24 and Wood am; II A PA 1tP,12 , 1,15 rh o iellinjolLl.".aida r ‘ k V r- o t o n d „ , . 1 / 11) ii ' li ' l.o . , o l: l rlt? ' 7 'd .1' " '1 lAlJOhle.n, rot Ilme mod Pam en, 3111 . 1 . .. "V hi n i "' Elory:Allekbeny city, and by all renin•einhte ilrai l, :. l 4 j a . inadtanc. „, o in STRUND F.VIDIo•Nt 'Y. lb. Dr .11 V X PRO:TURA NT.. !roper:or ha otot idiom Doped., I, 'claughs,Donoutuptfoo, Brouthitia, Asiloma, tol.l.ther Dory edleetinoe,mtloto the .time lersens who einottnenetil the of it to their (nod.. 151. years 3,0, atoll pro lel LI, all other remedicsof the bond; 'and where etoy hate I.e. otellieed trynMee premirationt they have eiloot•t WOK. ..led to reel/meg the lieraefot niloorti seal rearnedoll Mlicgomed Iguanae high prune. be•toned by the prop.,. hir., tad have returned to ns e core of •v Her' Karoo - roma rer o• . mottedy Mat lute tet felled to reloeve Meta. end IV 1. .1, progmbly clever load oto Intim' on 1111.111 Jg gioheamary doe...et Prepared only by Dr D. ley.. Ittioloilriploio, nod o ig deM27lA.ord 721'011101. - • Pt. W• P. I.olEso4'is Premloarn Plaster. D R. W. P. INLAND, of the gleofiom I I tut lege lei ndelphoa, how often in the puldie hoe lodine Yee etable premium Ploteterohe oinalitoe. no svOielo o nil: r long sod Died expenerme. ha, le•roi efllltitOe`le.(llV tat/I/Stied. To all women who ,nay be alllortear wtolo PrOlapeus Uteri, or Fallen Wood., he reenonn o ,.„o. g ed l, ihr uormalceing a Kure and epey rue..short spore of from two to Mee w •rk 1., to ppli.L.i win, earn and rreD—dinea Moog Ai 1•11 001.116,L trioritmem s and expencore Landagee iltr. TM. he meta eoluteoeurinus in etoung, onumnueh at he Dia not tailed to obe C out Of three hundred mill hoty.toorce pit- Devitt. Mao fat R1,11172n 1 / I .ITI and Wroak lirnort or ttor . o. tend .I with pain, then" anothing to carel Innrtor in niordoig macro( off:noting a care. For rot, I.y ‘liticoz corner of Diamond and Marl,: Ft Drama Reiter," (Allem and St Cinir ata DT J Sargent " Federal at and IMunund, Alle gheny et y Jacques " Denman and Diamond Barrung. haat te.3 17t E. SELLERS, Drugrtst, :to Word stroelt IV. Sole Agent for thq snla of Dr rownsettcPstott- Sanntrarille, has gort roOdved gill dozen of this Grobt Spun), and : , utnEer &toilet:to. Pgrehasers should roeolleet thou R E :Sellers is sole *refit for husburgtr, and 1) I Cps.) , for Alleghong Mfg nwi VISE PItAX/F PAINT—hr ON. Elm Proof Valt, of • drab color, nett /Ili for nine the paint wt.., ha« apti6 1 k II PIIILL.I I'* .5 otoott MTDICA DR. TOWNSE.ND'S rnwroLND rxraWr or . SARSAPARILLA Prosier and Enstrhoyy , Age. The most estroordsnars iledie.in sa • le tbs World Thu gainars is prat 7 ra quirri Beater si vir times rietaper, andeasstrradted yetiee to any eNf. ft .errts ostiurst SlOrgiNr, triskestasyy tentl•rvrt, Lis Th. prcnt beauty and so , f - tority of tbls frereapartlla ev, otrms ,nedunnes while It eradicates the die eaw_. It o% teerates the Lodjt. Is ono a the very !wet AND SCfMtt:lt REDICLPIKS rev Imo.° tt of, only pile' es the whole system. and •trPnr, p. n. I.et it • -aces new. ra. and 'tee by ea other mod/vino. Anil.: the ;vend seer. of na wonderful success. It ha, . ,f.-trned withto the test ton yearn, more than 10111100 of severe ca.es of dtsease ; least 1:1,1100 /tleved turntable. It has saved the list.. of more than 10 .1 ch,Llxto d min; the two past seasons-. 10,000 yeses of General Debility end. want of Nervous En ergy. Ur roe steam(. t+lr,eparillo In•iroralea the whole permanently T. those oho kart lost their 111 , 1. edit energy by the elTAon of medicine. or ledlarre y..o ,normatea in youth. or the exeetorty• indulgence of ‘‘. L• ,mu• and brought on a 0R14.10 physteel prordra. te .itho iler lasaandk want ofembiticm k I. m 4ating temp.. , ua premature deeey and decline, hseastu tow.rd• that fetal dines.., Consumption, cart he en. t.rrly restortd by this pletaant reartely. This Yves p to tar imperior to any Invigorating Cordial A• p.m...a .0.1 11,troente% the oyetetn, give* activity Inn!, ,td etrr.nv h to the muacular eyetent, la e drzree. ConAnmption Cnord. Lltea . a.g. and ~ t era,,,Aen. Conllonpa... ran be rural. Rraeritilt rtonternajolson Lino. Oneepteset. Oatris lietorrA, 1.:‘,,,ar, ;laser., Spat., of /stoma, sarrnesern As Chest Hee. Flask Nkghl Daftenl4 sr Yro.lue Zgracto. rattan, Pass in the Sid.. Ir., S.. Sc.. and odes A. eared. 15 PITTING BLOOD - - Ras Tore, Apr tl H 47. r.wlrszao - I rosily ballast. Na. year rti , aw Woo No moo., tbsootrb Provitioatta, ay II fa. I b... for avowal youv bad a bad Cough. It bacoorts worn and aorta At last I resod largo quantl flos eftio.d, bad tight Dooets. tad alto greatly debt& totod frrduotA sad did Rot expect to Hs.. l bora soly aold you. Sarsaparilla a obsori slam sad Arne boo sriol ohaogra beta wocagltt la ma lam tea ahlo to all »T or No atty. rale. no blood, ud ey sough law loft airt. Too out .111 lionise ISat I an to sobhl Tor tbroga rosralta. Year ebaalsat rervaai, VT Y. RIIII2IIILL, GI Oariterbe so. I , tow - mead Versepmilla la • uovaretia gad opted, 11TO r. laidratesi C,,entaapnea, forma...roods - pm. o:11.4 of iba Rnxb, Nlea Lag. ootoma, Wades ebetrwetool arollEhatilalleannito ilea tbseutli,,se of Una, m icreleatery divehmtra mt,l peeved pt. tie. el die mottle "I• •• . . the 'cool. come m gamma. irrogalerlay. Maus or aesiciaad timblag cos La wai • 4avprialeat teal tax If ad •Shato home. karma, woakeas• ft,v cuing it, al ewe Yawn. talinst aad fell al am ill titi.im Ito lalitinos. It inatailiatels eihatmwato the art relm—sme .1 the renal. huh*. which WO. 11 - teM sus, vt aterrecams. It will ..t be ea tad et tia la ioznt re Jade.* . aatera te mishit& gettOcates w. ro, hat w• sag uatatia the angled. that JnJe of toot lave boa, rapid - tad to ea Thetomitlo of gages whore families byre boom wltheiat atindtaa, eftei c.ajr a r.t., 1104/101 of We larslaolole mediates, 11,1 I:itmstl with at m, healthy itespstag. 'to Licahere and [Married 1,11111/.1 - • . - . l'bto rztrest of Itercoperilto h.. 15. - 12 exprooly pro twt to mfolocce . horde sample.. H. foreolo lu b. ...co to nor.. A. la approoohlreg tLal partml, " tor. of 10." eltoold 000lor to ukc, U. co It Iv • onrcola provootirs flor oily of tie tomato. ADA horrible. disootras to ' , blab fkatala. aro •of Tkl. period rosy I. elr ---,tetp. ....of 'sort by orLodr Poe i• it toe. ralue...lo for than wire. a.ro approadelot . ot it rolculatod to .4. baton, LI quick. • the 1.1.,-1 azd, forwent./ tbo 11.1•31.1111.1113 fbe all tb• delicate door. . • r w •enwo or* oat.ject. q.holr tretwm. too.. verenamently the .• t., Jiop.woor of tko ,ttf.r e• yr prmlure ,4•.•.... n th• nr mnst trmiletn•• tr.kon 4. re• .. , e sod .3,4 a•• By um; • (4. 1..t.1ea of many •e••••• and paltful ornr• ueo elar ha p . 4. Gavot 111,mitag to Rothe,. 11/34:1 Children. I h la tlv. *stem owl meat effectual nandninnter purviy Inc the ey,thn •ch tolovin, the antierings .ttena•va isTven theta bath rver darov.reJ II atrenstbens troth the innate. , and chat!. Prevetan rya. •..! •sul enrich.. ay. fonvl then.w who have tsvevl a ^Y e , antancn.vavir. if highly uvetul Walt het,. end ~ner .nuntannenh •• prevont. thanes.. •tonhlaut upcn hkhl tar , -sn Coon cars, rile. Cramps. S. , * In; of the 14, Th•spacht•ncy, /11.rtburn, Vonatavg. ron it vh• haat end tains, Fol.. Than, Ilemnrrh•nth neat t o,avt.v; the ...rotten. end •quivlvl.ng the rte. cul torn 66. na rinal The gr.at beauty of nava., h. a it 1. •Ive•y• taAt, and the mean tinlicvar no. tt 11.'41 tine ep0.6111, require an, oan, fal.:lr, Intne • Intl,rnorn. thi, NU..., no nvefuL Patera... the wrPn .1. • .nn Ittlks toad •Itis thli nta•lkina, win eine,. canna. • ••f• and story coo. Marl:reel I:= rdPlnt:Clt, 1 halt. and avariety of proparations gear ratty in oar, as applied us the face an uon spoil it ita tsruis. due the porno of the skin, and staask the termahoon. mined,. when asatnre it hat thwart by daaeaaa or oaaar:er, or too Maw tuffmord tha alkalis. moat in soaps : beaoalles Itsnon prod ar11 4 ,11 th. • iterua foes aa ass tha virden ni mall and dsilea.:y tteted and Variegates' Bren. A „ a ,- a t a h, x tro..iatpar of the fluid, or 11. nr ths pure, rich bloui to is. estronsioet. is thm ashich pale. Lath enonrer•neo in the moot ..mat. 40. beauty It Is that witleb imparts me lodeurillabia ohadet tad fl.hes of loulinem that all nem., hat nano ern doacribe. This houtry is the *Goring of up s —not otrvxdorr cm Ivy If there I. as • rroa sad ably elreebtaon, tilers to on lossetty. aO. lady is rser P• driron .soar. If eh* paint, aridcoo torties, it:al th e hl , md I. Midi. cold end trapstam, atm Is not b... Ural. If aho b. Smartt or yeller*, .ad the. I. put• .314 .C[17,1 Wood. I, Maas la 1 - .5 bloom to the <hooka and • Sr . ..pry to tbs. °yea that la fuebastirg. Th. ashy the soother, and etpeeis the Spa. ish tam so moth admired. Ladles I n north •on tale Lot !halo •amrars, or axe eanisod t rinse spoiled an , or have spoiled the. complasloh by Dm oppti. eors of deletox.us misters., If they totalt to ma ractw Mast:say of atop. buoyant aptritt, sparkling op. :nd , ha anfel cornplemona, thsy ehoold eam Dr Turn. ara.f. tlaranp•ri:la. Thansands as!. h••• tried It, at mast than •a•aisd. are dolsghtral. Ladiel of every a. Mossd nor 'Ms • duty Thtuut that ilutes. Dr Toartetentre Herat partite. h... tot art, oty rat a•I tut,. 'tuff Kraal Remedy. for Fe vales. Ste., A e anti have tripled our bal. tont) ctreulert •ittat veleta. in the complaint, of.oman 'anti far ware —ether eton be put up ctoetuna. hare. meta the Cr , . .nrocsa of Dt Toe:teenre Ytarraparitla Ot complaints tet-hie.ot tn fartales raencrustooded thetra although pre amok they tt.t nut. A vsvlbtx althea.. Mixtures. Pula It, errtr,urt.tua females, as they aggrave. fitment., anti antiortnute the CerleilltiliCni. Dr. Toaraaentre is the onfy ant: bett muddy foe lb. eutnerout femaleeon, pttunts..-yt ..rely . if over fail. of *fleeting a perroauent ear , . It can La taken by tba moot delicate feotol, In any rat; nr by Om.* earuscrang to become another, o t rl t the (realest atirantageo, as It prepares the rystere and prevents pale or dargatr, and etrearthet. both [Pun e, and cella. Bo CWINI to get the genuine. =l3 Telec•rttlicate eettcluelvely prow. that this Nara l.ar3ll.‘ er, ha. pfeet c•ontrot over the men °tamale de, of the Mead. Then persons clued In 000 house I. unprecedented Three Children. • 11, Towner:Yr:— Dver Ply t I have the, rive/nye to 1..1.,v0t you ttlyt three of toy Andrea have been varvd thy Syrufull uy the use of you: verellen. ntevlleion They wove altivtatl very yervrvly limb had Bores , bay. tvitvo vote foot bout., It tonic shoot away. for,vhsch I fect my attlf utotll, eblizettou. Tottrv, rotor tfuJly, 'MAC W CHAIN, 106 Wooster-o. • 4)reettiOrlei of h yaielemim. Or 'f0w1...064 /. Si/11.1,‘ reeei.leg order. free. Pliv.teimee .I.X...cut part. of the Edon. I.• l'.t lue undersigned, Peyelcl.. of 1.1 . , of Aiheoy, e hare to numeral. ee.e. preeerlb lir Teer,.. eere•rentla. And tether* it no he new ~,,,nr2tlons no the market In. M Ir It II 1t111.1014, D Ar . l I 1, , f1 D F.I.Mh:NDORY, D Lain[ t.III , ra• ttr•to end Immenan *Ma of tintntrorr trf kran who wan. trt,tlt .11 ,n•• h fr.llOll.lMOll making Ifentapa tt:.tali t ttl• 1.11 t,,, Pottt-ta Yfllowiltrk. ',1...Ta11y put et up in On rattan ahapnd trag rl, and •t., trf itttm haat arain awl ropiatd nut atlyer It-,t , warthlgn mote., •ml tot•t ltn 1.41, l't OM • :Y . ON Aun 1101.13ne Yr lYy Ai • -• .1 1..11, I I .0rp1. , 1, , for 11,1. .hrot.,l not"). Pplorril in I nthrr 14u up . .••.•T prrlrr 151.., ”1,11 it, 31141 .1 r ter In .r• 111 .01.11. y the *nle It A. I: SI:I1qt, Nn. 57 %Von.] t 1.0 I) 1)1 rIIII/tV. Allerh , ny rely. jr9r , 5 . 1 . 1 , 4 /I 1 . 11,N • lopelmo r. vph, genena, ...altno-, le, 1,1 nvortLste, ttl bowul.. painl Cm itho.g night unit 4 1 1 V. v genet:ll ld 'tent itrt t hilt. or itistilrin, hai •i in, iilvt•tyr . tii.llYr• one tor r. Awe... low:wilt inrrrnr • I. .otarrletal Goo...option rortorr likr roam., l'lt.trts or rota 100 about lUDportool n th+- ra•ruttuatly rpr : aoate• orl .looryotop. 1 111,1,8,111.4 on• , 00,1- root.. oarterr :all t too. on, .ttovto ! n o '. 0 not lo tort pn thr rt...., loot tint.. ott 10.rathso1, whir it in toorrt 0 lytoc slow. I lor at., a 'roc, of litr' riper. who, s- rt.ootred bunt a lloori yriltnv tot,nr, to a 11,oronr .011.0t,ttrr It tr rrry UN. pionrantl.• Dor tor .rot konoir ancirtasont anoril arlorn loomed. (01 .11 ismoorrot oppearato, otd•tr proooroloty n ot putt and 1•514, 11, or on milting). Witt. avairr part •op\• rtot part ' , trot, Tiler olorotarr top-, torrur ) 1., or •• y acr, at, rit arar• kwed th , 1..1,11:4r1ty o f 0, ,otootts • Th.: 1.11,...VM ./1 I,,verwes, erfeel, therote of ;ht. en ruhous 1111.1,r ,`xprrirrratont.saaths twat]. the alfets.l lougs .e• ser er 1. herevlo. metl, cif, hes Isrsill•fuseul. ter hens of o• ,e• es. is ur 11,11 year. it In. Keen hr hoe the jo,,e, .irel Ire. been thorou,blv far sit c .o lllpigilk.• or t!“. Lo ars, and ha. proved oseir stqe.l.ol . 411 m . ru to nay floor fl use true hand fed- of testouelonla from Oyer. elan,. the ' , tr. , . clenry.soisl those who hare bean en rol, ton alt we clrsiro Is to roll the oltontton of the af- Ihrted, end for thou awes plod they will try a. lot oar for novetcrien. Alwaysoh..•rvelLesig ute, "ben Tui, /or. Al D.." on toe engraved label, and prepared or tiro lklarii•eftie Depot, 7J Seekerao street s hew York. Sol isPillaborot 1.5 J 1) Morgan P Wood et; J Ti 7 Mi""49 . o ikiaiket U Ranee,. out Ildatkcl_nod dirk*, lientleteno kr Co, & I.dierty ki Price reduced In 1! L.% pet mare - - - Nl.l d .11ACKEHEI.,- "..•I.'• on -.le, ape Out note low to ClO9O eorteigniactit. frOJ 1411 DALZELL, MISCELLANEOUS. GOLD W PARC.V bar invented a gooehoe for %; . nehing GohYrfar orkteh IMIAIe opyklieulfoo foe a tk!ot. They aro /low adored for Late al the ware ewe of Parry, Scott iCo Fo. MY Wood Merl, XiltrOuirth. • Ad vei:turers to California arc tovned to rail and e-i -luatraz cat lab .a o,.rtar tflachinea Th,, are ~,,pre l in tErfr construCtion. easily tranaponert on the bark os gruntl fir In r ae ' r:lr. '" lt ' l ' l ' l ' fa# ''':iit. , ,, , '', 4 il;,,TA ..t. , Hell , . tit pro:lama. It et the oration of share who thl mei is the trial of one or thwre nrueurner.os 0.441,11 e•s ‘ssa-re,lldfa4Avro men will war.i. the nnaeral isnot liar ptialtel.folantrd or earth or a day, w:r1.4441 Orri n .. o r 3 1 - IntsmilrtrlFtlre mineral. They 1. an talrs Isere:wed in awe • irli.. .tse6rted by wary or,mule power, draped. I. 'The onaratura work without e,...n.; . into the waaw 111 being expor , ed tower. and ennsequently wlthout en. dairgertitit Mr srtwadth. They still require but a smart rtrratn cot water awl ran le. ate.: the whol, ...,,,,,,. and cart he rut 111 Id oncrartion where there to tot ~,,d, etent water so urn-h Lit the asstni way. Intent smadert ...se $35 Order, from abroad, rte. enropanied by retail. will he prompt!) . 1,11e4 IL PA hlll% al Parry, ' , Colt & Co', sehtf-dtl No IICI blood at, l'lttalmrati. flaspratt Som. , Swim /tab. TIFF: xul,,erdwry nrii. no w receiving their l'a:1 stock of the above article, Iltre.C . VeZtal•id. VIZ the J onto', Medallion andisydia, hat.vio": arrived at l'iolodelploa and Ita,itino. tool two more. the Stephen lloldwlil 011,1 Leila. shortly m camel."' they are, thr rcloro, ' , moored to ret..e've ontar+. They will receive dam, toe am net nod ryralig regular imppli, eta New lirletina • nn W & Al AIITCIIELTRI:F. w 01:NT - PTY TRILI—For cite:llog % M Rot doy nod lamp gln•seg, silver plot, bra, Br, tosinin. nod other warn. It madly Inten out all ninn. lnti %tam, and reproduce' , thoThenuhrol end dural•lc ustre td new ware. Just recoLved nod (or ”de,Whole sate and ...tail, by JOHN IJ AIORGAAi, 'tat Drupptt NOTICE.. . - %/ R , :: . N . r h i r . , I . 1 .. p lI n A , , R ., 11' , .:1 1, A .,: N 0f h c n o 7l: ,o ro ” I mi n il i. hi,. ,, n i 7.n. II t Ile r , inanning purtarrc. ho, this day r..lkrvil roin thr ,1 , 111 February ID, Into,' lII' Ol'. 81,11 Al ANL FA CM RES. —'rho under ' signed. Agri, tor the Mantifactorers, has on hand hod I. i ,nmantlyrreelvtn K ti lull supply of the articles made 1 I'll,hurah and ‘lrintty. wlnsch he oilers lot 4uir at aanufacturciA ',wee. 13E1) COCHRAN. 1,1411 tan wood .1 NIR A R111111:1 I'A,TE I rro-s bottles India Rol:- 1,..r l'a•i, an rict:;o, art, for rendering boot. and =hoe, I•erfcetly water p.oot, and solt run pine.. el eloth onc. app„ cation of this pa.* ts 'Whalen: to make. them anni ,, rynon. to water for A ,'r 1 month, and a pelf, cll.' •en. Lat,..• Noun the leather i racking It, 'd and tor .31, :It tint li.dia 11u1d.,. 11. pot, No L %N toonl st„ lel.ol J .4, II I'LIILLII'S _ . . _ BIGELOW'S CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, IN,rmond Alley, I.tterno. Wood not Soritiotird fin. t . n y . le , , li NI. IIIt.EI.IIW woutd r,r.e . eitulty ... ' r ."`.." " tintoron the public. that at hi. I o.•tory t z- 6 -tr . nt 111 tsp.!. he found a large sapply I aluto , y Carnage., Barourlic, Hag rtr., nod all kind. of fancy rarrnage•• rqual in eln gam, rod ileum,' to any , loitod to Ilia Coot. Con. ttncln for any amok, at Cars Inge., Huggly• usd \l'a• wi t? Ic NUIPIpI , ri 1 11. ii All w 44 1 -1, 4.11414. tr.. 4111.4444f4teture Vel. ‘ , 111(310,1 Ilia it r:Liler, A, 1 . 44t4. 4.4.44, I. II , 444,44444,1:44.1, Robert C I. tA/i4JA, Ai 11,111"111 101:1111 WIRR RAILING. •E'cunt it‘ I.l:rl'Elis 1)1'111.1 , eottrrl) Ilew oi two4e oi tsik.t,ht Lron I nr, anoruled r 04.. or wire. n0..1 el, 01h.. y l 11 tl tottule itentort. , t.,un.rt nt t.l to tt de-ttent, pauitri- MX de ,011.1 , {llll. I.nrFe lnt Tier teve fight te •• Kr^nl ftrreelb 1/141 411111 ,dt the i RI. it th^ ' , esti, refire veered orwleherial ”grte k .ttertiter with the r itrrtn•ly low I.trwe 3t ti t• are r euttitti It to •uptrts.,le to teat Heti wheretrt tle tr rt•tertAimtlyr 1114.. NI I 1C+11.11.1, 111111111 Fi t, Arent?. ter I•ew Ihntrtnetl,ltt near Stn.ilthet.l er r,ciyh ttle ~, vrit fliihc ALNIIIOL AND PURE SPIRITS, Corn , Front anti Vnie r i., l'inctwzot, ;- 141r,V.tt.l.urrh Arot. , .i. Pure nr I 1\ lA, I I, pootuptly ,tte It TM , . 1$ ~„ ‘‘,,, ftsell 11,.• 'rue ten' .1.11“7 ••• .1 .zo Oo tits Vordevt., 1•;411. 1)."1.4,1, A 1,. • 1,0,1":• 1,411-pErtnt odu yiew• '1,3)11.0.1 a • 1.10r.s do 1/rapon rood rod T rtok, IM=lllMt=llll .tr,of Ihrrieht, lIP NV' Ilrrd tur,.o or r. ar.l hon.,. . • er7 1Y M'II.INTn4I( Gl4ll , ll(ift WEVMA Moml.ezttrrr end d•n:rr 10 vi; t.ed, of • TOBACCO. ANVFFS AND CIGARS.. 11 1 . kJ. rorn., of Sunthfirla mrert owl Diamond Ptv.r.tpu , gll. ra ,arourd r•••r••••tfu i) {diattroono of Couniry Al , •renan, an 4 1,, n lur Gr ninl •apt ran tz•*or., of I~ll'tllt'l UP, HS, RM., 0n,., L'rh round the for,,,,ng brand. VI:: Vag!, Hrtnlto, Cn•. I . nn, !pc, I, Notion, Star Brand, Otiorrra ai..l nr" w1.1,•6 "'dr I, *old a• low as ran In 11,3 d At any jstbrr boa., city, hnn,l and for !arge arid ,ork Vltxll,lll, Mix.ourt arid h.tstg Tn!•nre. Iln van.. and Poomtne Tot,grro, conet.dly nn linntf nod (or sale.nckdelto EXV ARITTS —ltrerived al. y 1,.,-.' trout 10, m3ltufacturcr-- N , ,e rt)lc Tuprory 0 ply enepeta, extra roper, 4,, do do do rupee, An do livxma , ^lr. very cheap, 00 Mb rolot.xopei Incrxin 4 4.14 nnil I,envy V.:11010M • ..ta catentno In o. will h..nld et a nmrol edvanreu claimanter et. low /1/, earl he rorchnonl Il W 1114.21.1NT0CK, n Fnu lb et COACH MAKING 011 the very I.l.ers: eneourago t.` men! the auldscrlnsr has recessed Siloe se he hay Irs.nded himself Allegheny. kffgmlis . ,.. has s ndueed hot to take a lease, fnr a term of year, on the property he now occupies. in Beeves street, tmedimely beanie too PissnyteratiChnrch Emus the ro long r s per. We to the above lous.ne•a and n M.., to please, be hopes to mel d taA reserve a share of public. patronage. Now on hood and Munising to order. Hoek away Bug g..., open and top Domes, and every dencript.on or Cm - rumen made to order, frOtrl ae•enty-6 se donors to mg_tirlso rare. isepl-titc) .1111 IN sot."rii Tito Allegheny Cemetery. A T rho imonal wee of the Enerporators, held en /Y. the Wit 111111, kgionnog persona sverso maim catnaly raoteeted Manager. for the eneuiste year: 'rIIIIMAS M 110 W Et, i'rensderd. J , ,11N BISS}:LL, cnicuTtip:ns, NATIIANIEL ILSUN MOAN bLFSS, JIIIIN 11. MIOENBERGER J AM lii It F1N,111.. Jr ,141 y 1.41 Tr." 1.1111, 'rho anouol I..iatt zoom pre ...I the nth,. ho lIA yen prooplainoil Th.., e.rtior ow, is N0.:17 Wail, sire,. !or. TLAv STAR OF TIIE WEST VENI BLIN I)MA NUI-7 A 0 - 1 , 111 . • • • Nre 1,1.1r0t. thballi 0.4.• .0 order nllr the ...0.•; Ino , t ~roveol ra , iern ta•lk. •t 1000, 1.01011 OW 010' A O l l , /he 4 1 1, 1 1 1 p 111,1 10 ulI nr Blind Tron•pa rpm y P1111 11 1 1. 11r , 1 1 11 1 01 ail 11 1,11 nd 01111/ 10, 011 liand :11.0 inr sale 111/W for ifil Vrui 0411 131/11111NI Ve mod r.pnl rri, nrlnl. n pi, .r nrw 1 H M V F.,111R V 1,1:r. Pin p r A. II • Ail WI, • dime die IliPtiertiiiand . 1 1..- 31,1011111. y ANN:RICA N TI I. PSI COMPANY LAI i',II•RY. 1-171 , 41...t1 AND WitiMll . l.l NVI,TCHN INC.L tither et the /exchange, Baltimore. 1)1.1 , 1 rIIrIt rk lA, Erre ,„ rtl orr nil trlarr..rtgeror u. err 1/01/1 Crlr. I.urrrlr err 1,..., nod rt corre•partrrng errrlor or. .111......raprtrerler.prerrisort tor wur•led 'torn 11,41 °mow %X • -1 I . lllprirarrth, Urr - r , Thr r Ir.rre tor rt Irrlrrgrrrph -pmertr to trr I• rs r row, rrirrl 1% her ,Ix r• 11,41 ill , . lot enell inntle tor Iho oldre-4 nod !tn., /11,1111 11,.5001b %V.—lorn N 01.1,, lb • 1,11011., • , M 4.144,1 11l 11 5 11.110,111.1 :s• 101 l ARIIEStisi WitribMil SF. .11,11 N IR IDIII.VSE. 11 A .la, :.••0.LL.,..1 thrum II in port orniort. under the lino Litild •cs le o. A 4, J \ ior lb. 01 111.1' I-ti AND...IIEI,V WARE .tat the corovt nt habit.. •oit LLD., and tai, sr. lbe lot Won. Asa VAIMNI 111,, WIIOI , .D.• t ar.i.Ltred co oa order. whol“nie nod r. 101 fol. , ir 1 3/1 Do, I.ne VVIIII V...Latry Trio ttttttt vaLLI Cntiaeoter"• ardent are •n• whit -1i „iii tr , t liontedtato , Jiwitoon. t‘lty 01 A Until.. nv, Feb. I,IU --JO.. IA •IDSVA PA VER— A •el ytete al the Mnotnrer, t , erru I orolo; L . • L. Honor. Vivo, • •• FOS 110 Paris • 'llOlO tin Lyon; •• L. Garde Unmanly; Cot C A overgitt, TI r 111.0Vorr or Et...lWe Anr.—paperille law public to • J... ree'd direct Rom Paris, and lot role us tbo arnbou.l rtpll C HILL . Inc ...yin', hot! 11, lat.or nod disaLpuourair entirely with the wantanaed. 'flit boost Walutti carbon, oboe honing been an ootycletron yew., bare boon porfecUy resioet oat, wtt n oo t n o , slightest auttry to the lotion, and wilt, .11.100V111, Irom 140 floor 11 wall 11.01. 111,11.1, [bp ClOlll. -Brent arrompanytuz each bottle.. Price 2:letters. For sale J SCIWONMAKER & Co, 21 wood et Yotub, in it, boutcm; tl—C Acid .16 Hypo. Su ts Soda do OovatlL do Croasoto do • 4ouyila Lotion do (Alorodirth do /too rerotvrd told lug sine by mr3 LI A I'ARNESTOCK & Cu E MAME BROM' J a. nowari4 i soils. • Elinker•, Exchange Broker!, • •no IMAM. 1711 • .• VLftlrS NoF-. GOLD, SILVER AND BANX NOTt:S. - D( l l.i.FeTlON3—Drurirk Nouns and Arteptances payablo Lt any part al the Dujoa,coliceitlo.pthE inapt 'Uremialii teeth. riltt:l4rt: nn New York, Philadttlphia and Dal- Dl:Aci, .. .I.4oo:nuail...l.mumyllie, satin Lfttotti, will t . • to IV V. vt- ronrtantl• for %ale. .41611: 1GLY111 , 24. Nowa entail goiter nt Itatatbein the l'intett • tetteeprrouttird at the lowrsi int,. A 11141,4, vo , V , ' 01.14 Morin an (.old end FiTit rebut T. ht att'• 'On , I Oft, Np Z Market rtreet, twitter, :'al nod 4th, I t itttilittifttl l'n. ortli • i ' 4'O 7 REGIri waertANa E. r- 13LLIF do England, trelneul, And Sentientl tiollAhl a , :prin.." nt thr Current Rates let Kreit}.p, Atlsea. .nr pevaide in ear pert of the 111.1 (Volvviltii., (et, S. to Silent. et the raw of SA In Ito 1 sterling, trilitnittittetleettott or aIIiVOL Ilt, hy JoSIICA Ittlitlii- SON. hsi i one en ant: General Agent, °finer Silt et . ;c door wort let wood. ortlv.vtl A.... KEY ,111. KY, W •RD stawe KRAMER tRAIIII, ANKEIts AN?) ExcliANed: an nod Dome..: . Hallo oz 11.srhang , • ohtol lh.nk Not,• nod th”n. corner ot 341 en nnil tVnod street., .1,1,11, oppo.the St Chet. , 11, Leh no,y2-hlly WitaiTkEitlNl Ly— Ohto, lu' Kesslark y, Ahwsnort lint Notes; purrhneed nt the wweett rate., Icy 1101.1,11.:; & SONS, sepl3 :15 ANA., .Irect. BILLS OP PrOOAPOR—SI,Itt Ncw yort. 1%1.1, 'hla nod littlitotote. Con , Ymtly for Y., by N. HOLMES & SONS. sept 3 35 Mnrkes BOOKS + USW, &c N - 1;w p NV nf John M Mn.on )lull and a V yap. lk , r.ler Na arlury pi fork. by W enn.py.l , !lore n 1.4u1.• .d I I,rr. n l.ltlla, I.y tkc utahor ul Line upon lA,. end l're.rrpt ulauk l'recrpt Mr1314,0V V.,. I. by A th• Lauutiluo. II: uf.lt Voln., 1 1 1 •I. -th, 'nut rtr., red loran.anloran.y .11011A.,11 IN A <l'loo vui nrr and NI art I\'‘.:Uarokloor", o. J D. More d, A Al. DOOr Velll.lll m like Stl,ll/ l'.l C1,3n11., I..wrvtlre.l VOIR v.•:• I, 11/ 4) lolivor .1 ':"•'' •ol by .1 1:r....61, NI A ,4•rion,l 1, Dr %VI., laud 1111,rein 101 i - i.• l'he I. Pi" 6 s I. 11,141,1 tho • ./ . 1, 1.1 R 11. 1 1 . 1•ZIN., np2l Al flutldJoy., si N I ,O 1•2”. , .N.l ,“J,. v01,n.1 0. ll..•wort cg •il • .11$1• un lilil,lle•tl4.li Prl • n~ •• •P•.~~ Iru•• Ft.... R., watt 11' it, . O. OW F.41,n,-.11;11111 111 C • a t.on deipcnale. and Qie it• nl.l- , rlllll J, •Isl.li 41, K ith ypt. ~,, - •uerr of onpro.eut.., , y .1 1.1.4244, 1'4,.. • Ix. :tar* bn ln, I'dit I,n, • l'losrul, itrw I 11. , tn.• Pt, I lac I nit34tratetl I I n. 4,1 V Enna i .,,.„„ 0 ... :.,-• • , /•,o. .r ) r, 11u., I'm •ale I.y n,, 6...1 ii 111 , 1 . 1.1'q, Ith I, Sole Auctary for Nouns oft.eln,l••• Pl•rios. it ST REcEI V Ell •od opllht, • liffplii new lid til ~e,unt 1%n,, 11010 It.c .. r,l.taw.l in. zorr ~, Nu,.....t i • ~Ig ~,,. •..i. 0 , • , •,npr0v , ..,1 ,, • .0111 , l 1 nun Imulaut and k 1..,. , b • .• leconn ni CI,. ieln, • 1 . ,,,,,,,0rn 1 II .1.11t1:1C ,o .. A.. 1, .at J N 1 II 00.1. t.-., • , Thir4 .1 ". II ['l.. Id, Se WI'S I. Sold SI on ••••14,• - :14,14 pp I: •• • 0tr , 11..111 il.l ddlltllall :111 ire,. •r 1 .. tp• ... I los.lll J.,. n:.I :.n,I iThrot....l•• . n, , iffigill A,I L .1 H END] b ....e.% glil.'. Al.osrwooll Pram, , u• 1 h.. , ~.,, 1 . 11... e 1,1•11,1f. , 1110 11 , my., , ili.. 1,.-11 panrrt, awi I—. 11,11,.011.1 Hl.l V! .tfe, N H nt4.-r , M:11 fri ''l 4. '". 1it,46 ,, 1 rx emu., 0.., ut r.t5•.4.) •••:Jlowrr them F_t• I s• rriv,ll, t..tral. u:•. In Lo 1,11. , lop en, 'l'll Irs• vppoinira $(!- lo 1 la. 01 1 . , RlllR'rt INI Pio IV KO ME.1.01,1. MEEMEIMM has r• olow , .I,lv them I,ormneto, 10 I J•tti E7V1 • 11 5 Ik , la ~• 0112. mot& or, it I. r•woor (11 perform opto•I ob. rlo Flltl .$l . l• Mt of 1 Thr r tut, to, Lo•.• 131. lIITI 1.) oot the. /•os•do it, runileprl otiottoo t :pro orntol na. tr an, to , .taat a per annt anoaral al••tatannL. tal. .tat •aatn am, a ale, ninnant pa at luta, lute tot raa. , arattvr Lido 11 Id 111111 f. A 1 1 IV 11 anal aa It'. F. IT '?ll'A 1. Nntl-:i.r. Ti.r nuti.,,,G, 11• I Flurope. and hot In?, an naarnly nn.v ar.,.tat 1 . .1.m 111,1 tin, .111 11•11:' / 14 , 11. 'AI.II 11•14 , , 1.1" Plaatt. occur., Lot loarta ,L mat, room. attel t• roa• ~,,, suovr ta..a atet it II t” u:ariv .1••• itin who., •tt ni .pan n I• ia.ate nn.1,,,, new awl roma-Int :st ' .ln Ito awn -10.111.11 • ant a. otlt. !al., Th.. , ui.0.0.-r amt.) a 1. t llO.ll. Crl soprnortly from ntar t to ptata..Nlottaterie• it. tas ownhalal tattatan.netanh ma)at•pr. 11. KLF.IIV.R. neur; Al J IV AVllnalwci..• CI. Iv kerlng's Planes. "MIT l ~."1' rr , eived stol for rale at 0r..1 ufurourr, pr 1.,.. TII . al KR, new Pluno I m., .....i uo.I ....u. , ....,., 01 lto. ino..t elrAtani pallet,. 01 turintarc. and ..tb tho i.t , ituptoit.l H :tie. A. 1,. ozi hnnol n,ttl for sl',. low. 2 .....n.1.1111,0 Pi nn. os JOHN H A11...L.1.0H, . 6.!e. Avnt tor Checio.rttig's hnttog for W.trrt. Peunsylvania. -1 N% nod •imet trta, itrovse. Carprir Jo do do NI:\V NI USIC lIVISI2I Irn,‘ or :Sonora r rnrrli rorrauluctron and boriltunt vn mt.,. for the l',rt.rr Fort , . n• ir.rbrrtnerl n coricerin tlre Uhrtrd Sures. I.y lirstri Nfrrrlarry Purl n, r., Ilea, Courre. Prr:ltn. ,nryt-t lkll l'ulkn, `• Juni rrcrincd anti lor nalc by inch LI JOHN II wool B=Ml woh op ar , omp3nournt for We :1. P. 0.. lotto, aoupo, to the waota pr.uo. puma, or r U•lr Fa.lre”-d from Ito ' , conch and:o..lirtalt • o.tup.,,r, b) I wort.;l a•m, 71. id. ter 01 , o4ely proltrd coroarotng , 106 elere,ca progror-t gr. y arrarkamln ho, reora Just r.et t rtl ant td.041.. tit Ire, 110111 the JOHN II NIFI.I.OK. .11 w 0.41 el TRANSPORTATION. ILKKD, PAILILS & (Jo's. PACK ET LINK. 1 s4s. IIEA V FRNI) rl.r:c PI.AIp LINF.. VIA WA 1:1(1. \ Cettn. ttirt S'' A1.1.1r%V.1 mitt I tttd. "CLAN, l'ttpt t• I% V . , of 11, - thoee Pat kelt , let", lithtt ttver, thin. 0•1111. 1 / 1 ,1cjt ..111C ti/ nC. 61'::rreli k lach-re ti 44 444,, 4 ts 4.14 the Alt,l Sto,, tot Ak ft/It tithi Vlet•et.tthl Rre.tvonK wit each the-, plheett before , hoer.ttt of the rat 6cte tea,. rt •tt I' om i t,e ~1 .tt Ilettor. hos. to take the mot ttt te otentalth tt for Ihtt•ltuteh h 1.5.1 . 1 I \ I t, lVertett, tg I! IT .1 NI , 1.11 IF: r Actil.:r 1.1 NE n m r l 1'4 , 1 , 1- r2trovi v•Pita uir. J. thies; • • '• 1.. is Eit?7, Truty, l'air - rwa " LtrEl,Vai r 1,11401, T 1 . ,•.• A .11111 ,1P.11.11.i Pftlkgl.r Peck e, Atm ml“llloli.kgbrt,,,ll /SE .1, ANL/V:111/, .1.1 Il run I-cola/IN Jun.% tleono. Lont let..ret• 1..r0r dory u•olt.mg at e. WriOrk .tbal..tta mv .; totru oT r4...tr JII , I 'fir 111u11 ol M•01.1,1r, Irn I . lfl‘burgh 1... hum.- art, en.l • ..tulotinl.l., 1111,11.0.11, I'l Mr - o•t 1.• NinverA On. rotor ate tet...“ • omiort.ll,:c. nr.ll et pr.lttluun. Ttrlrla thr..ur 1.• ,r•o, lb.- 1.41. , cuu I•r prorktord by pt ay,•nr, ••• thr proprietor, REED, PARKS& Co, Hoare. .101 IN A , A1 . 4.111.:1", A,I ror. and Stmllrfir .11 Itudetlo, N rAI Herd FA .r, I! IVtri, Pa . ssil K,ss, Ivry Ilr n.l, Vs; Hs) • `.1•4;1..1.t1rgh, t' rots, to . Al r uthrM,l4tlmdli. I's, It %) IiVIR/14..k: Oa CIPIS FAST is: XI'IIkAISI . - tIALTIMiatE, n::0 TM. l'Ar.rrERN ern E., il , lll.:Projqtrit.ts 01 this have put nn New Stork I up. 4re Pi. 10 forward it...Y.6;10101 nil ,i, t ay ni th.-Inw rat,. 1 C. BIDWELL, Agent, • %Vale, rt- , .1, lit ItA1111; ca 71 Staab Ilan, It., 111, i//01101011,. I=l Piston or and aeotttlanca Omit. lIANIRDEN d I'llconnitun tellaking .nor leen any Pan nt F . ...a1t0/it, Ireland. Seolland nt al., upon ate moat liberal tyro., with hit ml plineturdity and uneloton to the wants and role (on or I t ) Wu do nut allow our pattectigern to les whed It) the .wirtllsiut ormolu. thin Intuit the aen port t, un we take charge of Pieta the ntontunt they re• purl tht mat Iven, and ace to tliew Leing,, mint de 'patch then, withnot any detention Ity the finsantra We Icy don foorkoudy, as ien Italy nun 01 EvcrT„ '4' l7 ' o..lllll4 " l l l ,' ; ‘,.„ Z r :i „ titt7:e l n. " w h !ge " mon ti:, ° 0 „ 11 1 roald aunt in mune old at a it t te nd ,wich WO itequently proved their trolls.cott We Inte 10 pothole, our cOnnvoin honorably, root What 11 may,' and nut 40100 Yens Ili< ewe last annum, with ether offieuru,—who eOlicr pertained not all, ty when it soiled the), ennernienon. . • Prato drawn t 4 l'utzls44 for any Rum from tl to tanottaaval , lt. any of Ilia ptotrto..tal Bonin in land, ' gland, Scodtutd and Wales. .3tr..4ITIJA European end Gummi Agony ratrl FIVE street. on. door recelv .1 at %conk). licU pu colored Vernet itabbon, unsorted • 3u , Week " " " ernliondery thorn lope wrdo Plain,4to, durS uLL. plat reokl ud For ..b3 by 1c1,17 A RADITHWIIi h CRO Z kit • DA 41,13 T'S MAGICAL PHA BITItACT011: ?VIE 'following from bemire E. P0m...1:11 , 301., the I well known proprietor Of the EipreastcPerrit• Mr parent. l fni the importance of tha Pam JEauttotor to ,vary parnt, raPille. Orrtme, Albany, Sept. 1. M a Illirmuc- My Vent Str—With feelings of tutor , dreamy plermute I uddre.. you in relation to dm Iteneht I tame ase,sed trot ) nue invaluable Pam Extrampe -I.ntery, boy little dauehler. G rears 014,110 0 pitcher brtroillog tenter turnml into her bosom; her screams wire dreadful, no that rt crowd instantly guthered4,' Mee the hour, to learn the eutlxr ofthelefnieir 1.001:111. triteetettotr clothes am oder, and coon cprold on Yon , talye, rend ithe war earileal and Mid Upon a lied. She Rag coon reheved from her palm, and .Y. 4rir., I 6 . 4 SA 11 l cook! laugh." and watt coon to sweet rieep. Silo pg!••:. de ll tp a hil.ler from oho top of her chouldct ok l'Arreit'ril Mon hull her theta, and it uuder the m tnit, the slitetiliter nnd been. it WWI very deer, yet tro. the hr.! hour, .ho cornplulned Mgr on n war drtys4hl. The core healed rapidly, and thorn ts no rentracnon of the inu rich, . ky r ri r booty u-sther, my deur 61r, for your =germ 111 the ture or Mr• m rrirtY nrttelc, I MU your, with resneet, OVA/. E. POMEROY. ' TIIE TEST and NO lIIISTAKE' The genuine Dailey, will ever produre the same in. ememneoue retie!. and soothing, cooling effect, in the teverrst rases of gut., &welds, Piles. he. The Cott niertmte— no n attar under what names they may appear—always irritate. and increase the porn. TO TILE PUBLIC 1. Edward P Chatham. Malvin Bridge, Columbia roomy, N. V., have been erlbetedavith rhew nu. on lit my Inc et, fret, and all over _my body, for • ay• at., an that I could not stand, and was cured by r applfrattons of Dalley's Magical Pam Extractor EDWARD P. DOLMEN. Dul I r --1 11 1 MT finger with a copper nml r01..110W, nails'e of which couaed t»p urns to swell er wlth constant shooting pain. up to the stiomder A iiirgt. 'levelling taking place at the nrln. ?it. Wilh ro.a.logr pain, I botanic. fearful of the Lock jaw. In dna exirenuty your Pam Extractor wan re -11I.11,1(6.4i InQM! which 1 wan prevailed upon to try Ole consensuince was that it anorded MO almost ~tnot relief, and in throe days I was complain') cm JOSEPH HARRISON, New York, Broome ;ollivon sis, Sept 8.1848. rill7.E . —.li. n/.1.1.n is the sweater of thu invalw ',h.,. tented y. and never ims rind never will communi- or not nerng at or the secret of Its combine/Ion! A , Extractor., therefore, not made and pUt up b re barn; OiluntrffeltS. Itno n ctorrou's Durmer-41.5 Broadway, New York; Zt:rt'lrestout street, Phila. • 1111.1116 AN, General Depot; Dr. AVM Areas lor Plueburgb. Aouttua Galnsult Cur -A[{ Pores humors, sperm, goolor, grease, you-«u cull:, and bruises. Pamphlets, containing ger s i ~.:~of rcsocctalile partirs, m.)•be had onopplica ,,on to bIIN D MO :AN, Agent, Pittsburgh. M'ALLISTER , B OINTMENT , rAINIM: NO NlF.llrUft N", or other Mineral \ i j , power to rouse ail I'ATEIMAI, SORKS, 1(4.1-111 , lII'NIORS, SKIN IIISEASE.S, 1 . 01. WitUNDS to .11,harge thor putrid matleot, ~.t ..Lrvla Own. tiebto trruip.l Al.l. lIVALINC, for therr • I I.lte rd it for the In•t ruler", yran tut •t ”t tor rheit, titvolvtitg the utnlo•t detemer 1,-•po,.141.1), and I declare before h. even nod not ~. ettre t: faskil to benefit when to war withm the rvorhot mortal means Ihad 1,10 learned in the proferrton I 111”11.,/• of 3.1,1 Ker ut the Leneh. 1. r., of the loghert •ruditton. Ititttr. n 1 the to, tt in every vet.ety 01 there Ln ii hi. nine voter- ot:•• univtor.l fnvlitr,—• AL.I.I:STI - ft. vot , ft tIiYI . MF,NT Mlle. towt:mATtsm—i, te.m.avel elstioat trnmettaaiely .he ...1:do/sut.tou atoi ,tvtllsnF, erheit the putt eras, the tltircuont ttrotleid the I.nl I 111- Al) ACIIE--The solve hot Cara] perfone of the .rhe hl Neel, year. toweling, and veto had II .• etome every orerk ro that volloong toot place EA H. At lir- TlKrrlf AI II E. nod AfIITY: IN rum FATE, wlth Ilke •urrer, w'nLl) /11-'.A I, We hare eurrd ra•es dreg actually • , very littlig known, it. wril ai the sanity of hi- ci: tO Isveley an, One to to'd had 'pool s3oo 1 , 11 a‘ill.koO arty bench; when a low h.pa. or I,ltintoot curoJ uothing Letter for Olt cure of in lit RN , - it s orte of the I,<l thang. ,0 the world fur nor are yearly et/red I y :MA Otnt• r 00..• It fad. to reltef for the 1: • ore dircrtioni for t.ng 11 Al. rh , .•cuftt 10 , P,IMPY s• Tr r trer,arrs, tical.l Sor• Eyes. i.prirarrr Pr / ue, Jitoreektrar, Narrow ALF rrirons, Yn. NS. Drl •font, 11rad arAr. aqut ia, Ihntrits, Ear oulle H. ! Co, Co, ot, o:1 Mu.. of the Sign, SO" l-.p, P. , PI •",PailtlC V/ tAr Lien As. Smw , /Norman.” rr,f r • n•/4 Fat. entrap. Swelled or ntaksn 14,a.. nod. -lette In the Fare. ‘ig ci r rr- I.tverrn ototntot. r•tn In toe Cher 1 .1 • -I , tvllog oil of the leur, or the other neroropu I..et Ototment r. the Its, remedy 1 II x • •ttrit of .It rases lo bare nold 13=3 • .. e - te....aeesonsel tee , . of 11,, h/1111.11eJIL well al eee le.,p nom. iseAu Groweter, Yeeteeele eired neve r i••• eeeble-el wetle 110 em 0 tteey elot Itcqueeelly• Teo: Ihntmriu see ,uo.J tut awe putt 5 , 1 We-body •11•ruha when 0 tteetee.e: In ' , erne rale, 0 sl.oule.l ..eveerel onro. 1 . 11 • °lowa, Will In, gcOllllW unlvee the suer at lAted hie ALLISTER ni Mallen wWlr u peeete rt I lair by ray A¢nn in all the pronelpal omen .d IOWPI in ihr I , toted noon.. MIIIIMEMMII A , .rtny Ti Yrrptattatto—ltrann te Rene, cornet of I.thro.y and St Ct., •14, b,,,1 Jr, rner SlArttet rt .1,1 the D or iamond, al,o corm, CI 4th rid ct, J II ea,. roe., of Waitmt and rm. Alit; laitd • Ohl m the. Lookotto.c to Solitlihttltl .t. .I".tr 1 n (4 . 1 . 0 , 04 Ft; S. , A/Itiln•nY bY P S4.l,wttl: 3 1 / l a/ 4 Sargrnl, 1.1 J 1. SrOilo, Druggisl.l3l, ~r Lein, 111 Nrg,,, Ea. laltelry. II 1i0,1.1.d, ,1 A.rturnit, A Sun, Munongahrin Ctty, N It 114,ttinn Co, and I r Roger., tirown.vtilt; John Rtnter. Pt; •re a:holt-male •gtutt W ATER CURE ESTABLIBUDIENT, I.llll.ll',UUltu, I , ll . d . ro c p o th , y IL r_ in.( and a•Ltusok,/n1,4 curahvo elfeet-a ec7,l Water in r hr.", end aeon- doLettmea, when employed after the h.•J of the celebrated rtimntalx, bane removed from intelltgent and di.ecritang pal•he every l•a fie ttl .1"11/11 h• to oa etheaey, and gained it um ,. is L. innor. Conanlering the unsat,lartory reoulte lwretntore used In the treatment of ehronnw trornolainti, inn, which are merraginr, ey: er nr.t tt must Ite a datum' Ansi, to see the .ueeesit .1 • etenntst I,y Is httli so many unfnfluttme soderers weed train then pains and intirmittes 'rt.° sub.-rd., having ptscused successfully this tnetisotl tor eight years at his liydropathse establish which hiss been conolderably enlarged and ito ,trev.,l in all its putts, and In every respect.. as now eady Its receive and aneonnuodate pattents who may r Imo.e to mace theuntelees undue his care, skill otri rlr !ICC l•ntttpatturg, inmate,' upon the left hank of the Ohio, n o eprove the muth ado, Big Deaver, Is well known erneshtng and salubrious atmosphere, to ['c oal:Mut culdtdc.• and charming angtind arclicry, rain .dcd,erccry rcqui•de mode. the sojourn ol the la agrecutite, contr:LOlLlng . not idle to re.cs- M.P.( sinpntied health and phystral strength. Tt.t. e•tst,ltnlonent, the hest started is the United 'tunes. roman,. every thing, both tor ple.ssure and cutuntrt, calculated to 'stance a speedy sail happy ter ...anon of the ailments of the Patient. Person. uisiong to avul themselves of the advanta. ...es tone catered, will please address the subrerisne t post pant.) statute or near int possible the noir, or weir complaints, in order to decade and ant rise on thew times and curability by the Ilydlopatti“. • r,•ut mem, and also what will be necessary for them to ate along, for their esrweia.l and personal use. KIM A RI) ACKT.R, hl. I). Proprietor. Ptulttriburg, Beaver county, Ps_ Irv", usryst Arrn.trong; T. I) lion no.. Henry. Heaver. F`a ,• Dr. llnt do: Prof. 111, rJhol. P. l'an,argh, ; C r.l Ohm. Rev S. II Sneed, New Albany, Her 11 Alit-1. N J. T I. Sta.°, , w 1 or In. Vl' Incr. W m. 11. Me • 4 'unne l . l'atOmrgn, A. Le.q , do. rnr.le..MJ 1 , 111111E.S- - 1 pock ages 'fresh Tes.-.I Hylton 1.7 lomptroArr and Impeouli ',Char. prole 11rrost R,o l'ollee,•841 do I.sruvra do, 10 do 012 L. do; • lo.r. loack Pepper, 10 Jo Ponenlo, 1.41 , 112ds now eon, N u huger, Idll but. PI an 1011011 3101' ; :AI Jo Sugar Moto do orrrro trcell 114 , .-, 150 Lis Bunch Ra.•isir, h.; 150 i luattu.i.ture.l Tobacco, var.,. brands, logn (.edge 1140 ovo.lTul.eco, 14 , Pilleburet plug Lax ,all.l lodow thus, SO do 10012 do, arsurbell Naas, 11 1 -cooks Salerno.; 1000. pounds t otton I'art, 0.0,1,1 No., Toe; ;tie f 11,tb 1.11 and general u , sortlncrit of art,- 410. ;n thr Ulorriy I,ue, 00 hands and (01 .1c by J R 01.1/1 . 1.1. Rootol Clio roll Boolthstrs, 01,41. I ronlo.r n, (~.,tly, ll'ond anti Strth pts 1.0 !Art/It:MA RUBBER tiOol.l6—Juo Iverived, V., .0 , *anip Menke., 20 odic., coat, 19 pro Pants, pun • ”011 I.nrd Al g Rod.; (21141 H og , 3 water rank, 11 000 14 r,alloatt each; :At .rho 1 dot Monty 8011. r ~I do 041 rd ..:tort,o.• dr/ do 'Ow above roods ior sale at the Cali. •••rld • tholot.g 11:1,41 , 14.10ncett, Nu ‘Vood .1. .0'1,90 J S II ALLEGIINN V VEN/TIAN BLIND, • A NI/ t' A li IN 1,7 r IV AitiatilllAl. J A BROWN would rev, t• -.11111 fully iuthrin the puldte, that he kreps OS band Si hot .land on the west aide 01 the Diamond. All, -betty city, a complete also -nt of Venn tan 11111141.. also Ve tu Shutter, are made to or ili n the Ini•i •rvle, w. „rated IS/ St 1111 y 10 the United SWEri I /MIKIS ran be removed wttl, 1 the aid of a aerew Jr, tying pureha.ed t h e mock, ,1., and wood of Ilie calotiel er• ittehment of Raman y A M'Clel id. 1 arn prepared to torturti , old co.unawre, So Welt as ~ every thlnt; ill their kite --,.-...- . Area: y, No t. tVOO4 beet, I . lltiburol ll , ' h., J A IlittilVh. . OA 1•1•111. ilANiiiNiit-1 •to SO a weetvmg, do or .1 . Irmo the co•noraet Tern .11 New 1 ark, Shit...lel pilot and liattoatom, a I.irru and well relooted moot. went t.t all the harm 01111 toort unproved •rylc4 or •os m, ahead and common PA PElt II AMA 4101, ron• 10 1401 ito-rett of rorlarand Frew., 10.1001 - 11,11 and Column, 10100 " [Mang roool, ehatnher end ogle, Pape_t - which I would particularly Invite tn. attention ot the,- lotting hour.. to pope, to rail and examine, at 11, Paper ‘Voinbottae til 0 li. HILL, nisl tr 7 woad st . __ ._ . e commencer! to ' , emir.: 11 e. A f t a t r i g n i... n a l .o., M go r en b t o of Vane) , VARIETY tiCODS. sontoming in Owl of Artilielytta, ittnt.,,a, 1...,,, ii,„ siert, Wove*, Crape, Letrae,Canthtlea, Netting., heee Vrii.. Shawls, Pongee Ilandkerehtefa, gents Cravats., etagnon t and cotton ilandkerehtafa, cont.! Skins, ~ , ,r m, : , Stlk,Threada, But Conga, Jewelry, Cot. 0., Se. Country and lsl me tee. iv...tinily inVitcd to call and Ileelo lua stock, No Si Woad I irmt, Mont, of Dian:lend alley. ,mtlac, ri, XT /I ACM 1/I" COEFER—An - nrtieleirch is re.• 1 11 , potty ( . 011111, IMO taao 00 a whole.me, nontishtng .old de ~ ions bet/et:or, being more plettannt and pal :noble Ilan t ttuttioat 04,4 and far cheaper, tra a itua/1 ~,,, eolting only ten cents, Will NO et, far ae four p oun d., a Culler. Banufactured by 101 IN S. YULLEN, ritlabereS, Pa. Sold at wholesale by .B A. EAIINEWIVC.K. & Co, cornnr or Ulna and Wood - 41d tr.ii, and mr,...1..., Yitintlintgli. .121 MAOAHLA IFOS IItSIIIII.V OF hifitiLANO—nut ler's edition, containing all the matter,. verhati•• inetattat, of Vol, I and 9 attic London edition, • bettivliod With a portrait of the author-2 Vols. iu one. Prier, complete, Sec. A largo supply o(tha above cased and for sale by JOHN II SIELLOR, tochiN SI wool at S No (1 1 11 . :n , T m lAs , F i ezheri 91i I•yP6r'io.~ ler tele by DICEEY "' & kl ") , 4 ,4 Fre fin I EAb-150U pkgn tie Jest; More Rad - 6i - - sari JIA by 006 J slatli A HUTCHIsuaI a Ca MEDICAL, EDICAL. IN QUART BOTTLES FOR THE REMOVAL E PEJAMANEST CURE OF ALL oistraises ARISING FROM AN IMPURE STATE OF THE BLOOD OR HABIT or THE SYSTEM, VIZs Scrofula or KmWs Evil, Rheumatism, Obstinate Cuta neous Eruptions, Pimples or Pustulesonthe Fare, Illnichrs, Chronic Pore Eyes, Ring' Worn or Tenor, Scold Head, Enlargement and Pain •of the Bones and Joints, Stubborn (Deers, Syphilitic Brum- SCOlitiCa or Lumbar., and Diseases stristug from an inindielon• use of Mercury, Aseitesor Drop sy, Kgposure or Imprudence m LA. Also, Chrome C00.10U0110.1 Disorders. _ . In this preparation aro strongly concentrated all the Medicine! properties of Ssassrzutz.s, combined with e most effectual aids, the most salutary productions, the moot potent umpire of the vegetable kingdom; and it hay been ao fully tested, not only by patient! them selves, but also by Phyincians, that it has received their unqualified recommendation and the approbation of the pulike; and has ratablitihed on to own merits • reputation for value and efficacy tar superior to the r6lloue compounds bearing the name of Sersepertfiz Mecum have been cured, such as are not furniatted in the records of woe ham; and what tt has already done for the thousands who have used it, it is capable of doing for the millions still suffering and struggling with dome.. It purifice, cleanse, anti strengthens the fountain springs of life, and intones mew vigor (Mot , out Llte whole animal frame. ANOTHER CURE OF scßortn.A. - The following striking end, es will he rem, perma nent care of tut Inveterate case of Scrofula, commends itself to ell &filleted, Surroroorgreonn.„ lan.l, ISIS. Mesa. SANDS: Gentlemen—Sympathy for the eflltc tod induces me to Worm you of the remarkable core etleeted by your Surssparilla :11 the ease of my wile. She was severely afflicted with the scrofula on differ ent parts of the body: the glands of the neck were greatly enlarged and her limbs much awelLen After suttetute over • year and footles, no retie' from the remedies used, the disease attacked one leg, and ho. low the knee suppurated. Iler physician eid•ised ti should In 1,4 open, which roe, dune, but without uny perm anrni benefit. In this attueUoll we heard of, and were sodured to use S.W.' Sarsaparilla The final bottle produced a derided nod lurorable effect, reliev ing her mare then uny pre.critalon 114 had ever .111, sett, Sent before she bud ured sir bottles, to the aston ishment and delight of her friend., she Mond her health quite restored It IA now oval R yen, Ware the cure was etleu .ed, alai her health retn./1111 good, show. tag the 14.1, was Ilio.ughly et adireoul from the settem Our neigtibore ale nil knowing to thew Nets, rind thins eery higith of Sands , Sarsaparilla. Yours with revert, JULIUS PIKE. Exan,i from a tenter reeetretl from Mr N W. liar' no a eunt.irtnen well known n, Looms county, : ..(ientlemen—l Intr.• cored a mos° boy of none with your Sormtparillts who was unasked with Scrofula, and ot n sr /urethan tonally "Vows truly, N W HARRIS. - Fred...dirt flail Va , July 17, IslE 7 Danes' Naaxi r•so.ka • It seems almost enemas.) , to direct uneaten to an artiste so vrell Oaken, nod so deservedly oplar, as tis pretaon, bat arnts erten who w p ish u to eon i. el clim p e{ a ot ti Sarsaparilla, e are deduced to try worthless orompountls bearing the name, art roommorig little or boa of th e virtue of this valet. nide r oot; and we limit we cannot confer a greater berketil on our readers than tit &reeling their mullion to the ad roaisement of the Mews. Rand. in another colutou The bottle hot , recently been enlarged to hold quad, and those who wish really gOOll Snide will tinJ arated or this all the enedictual value of the loot a e'l he per,tec thourands ham-proved it. Of he y r arrtng Ilie various iltserows tor which it on r, sourowerted, and at tile presser time more than any orb, pelt, rpir, rs ri,.loteJtelne acrid, m preparing the I /I[lo ror n dimly of se ewe.--Loos Journal, Sept Prepared and sold wholesale toil by A.M.& It SA fot. Droners, nod Chenuos, tora Patton .ieeot, eerner or Wilburn, New 1 ork Sold also by Drag er . peu,rally throughout the Under! States and Cana. Jsr Prise SI per Dade, sok Betties to, Sit. 1,171 or sere in Pittsburgh, wholerole and retail , ey It I .111hirsTi . I,', A , r 0 1 W oo d anti I •1, also, eorrier of Sisal and Wool Sit, by L WI 1.1 . 1 X., , Jr, corner of Southfield and Fourth els, soil also corm, of Market so and the Dramondi also, EU , A lilt FEN ifh i ll,r or Dloooof,mia Donee. Irk!) 3on SALTEWS GINSENG PANACEA! Tn 1140 Sh, SUI - PERIN/1 wait DisEABF3) 1.1 , Nt• . --Thr unpreertuntetl twee. which has ucthlett the use of the a 611 the VEIIF lARTIK PI hie h trettatton of tbe Notre t0 ...1e, bus tu lol2 tluertl the proprteter stsato to call atun Non to tore The eltancntole weather Whirl, Mork, out fall and %lute r 1110/INI, le always a froqut goatee of Ilttl.lgt AND CCltitttlS Me..., If neglected, ore bat the mecum:n of that fell leetroyer, phe quesunn, then, how shall we nip the destroyer to the loaf' how shall we Oct clear of our amens and onbd is of coal tusportapee to the public. ' (iII.KAT AND ONLY MhiEDY wtli he foand at the t:u‘seng Panacea. In proof of this ore have front time to tune published the .rellifiGILICA .1 Jorrtos of OUT beat telown r 010000, who have experi ence.) it, rorstive powers These, with n runts of lea outouy (rout all parb, of the country.—froin I. Til FIRKI' STANDINC4, Sit/omen of We tiospel, ke-r together with copious no 3 Met from the JOURNALS OF THY: DAY, ore have entinathed introptilet tOrlll, and may be hid pane or any of our agents throughout the country. HUNDRRDS LIOTTLYIS have hr,en used to this env'. TIIIttJSA.NDS AND TENS oF THOUSANDS throughout the UntW4l States eta Canada, and we ch. Wince any ruan to point sat a SINGLE INSTANCE whirl, when taken neeoreltn, to directions, and be. (ore the lunge had become fatally dotorgannell, it mu suer ruled to EFFECT A PERFECT CURE Why, then, need the athiettal heattate! Kby resort IO the note raid< nostrums, gotten np by not • peen Indirld gala a let theltaattmei name of some ea ttrated phy* tietan, and patted into nadortety by eeruheataa tone equally unknown' Whit. a raetlietne P". UN PARALLELED hFFICACY la to he had, whose vouchers are at home;—Oar Wag* tare,—many of whom it has SNATCHED FROM THE GRAVE. In order that thts invaluable medicine may be placed within the reach of the poor as well the nob, wa har• pat the price at ONLY PLYTY CENTS, Mat one half the usual root of tough medicines. it to for tale by our agents to nearly every town and village over the west, who are prepared to Five Poll inform. Lion relaure to tt T. PALTER, Proprietor, Broadway, Crum romu, Ohm, -U-YONOPATIIIO r1171.1.11velltrill!, BleaVYll err, ea. 1 - 111. EDWARD ACKER,. takes this means of re l./ taming his thanks Ma friends and the public or the estensivelettronage he has receivtd, and of 'a nimus's them that he has lately erected a large and eonstracted Middles, for the exclusive purposes of his TATER CURE F..t+TALIaISIitd.ENT, at his old inestton, at Phdlipshergh, Pa., on the Oleo Inver, oppo site the steamboat landing at Beaver, where bets ready to receive pelmets as boarders, and treat Were on Ily dropathic principles. Is addmon to his long expert crier, arid the great secrets which haa heretofore at ended Ms treatment of patients committed ts his rare, he has now the addinostal.factlities egoniml by an az eem re liuddang erected expressly for the perfume, con soung cominedious and airy rooms, and fitted up with every secretary apparatus for bathing, aud ddminis tei mg the treatment to the Utmost hemele and comfort ,if the icitimn Phi dipidtergh is a meat delightful and healthy village easy eit serene try rteentboata ; and of lords fine and 'wholesome water. Be. Acker asserts gloat. afflicted pmsons who may place themselves-un dm' ism rare, that every •11C1.011 abaft be pant to their (melon, and as an moistener, of the substantial benehte to be denstrd, he pones with confidence to the hun dreds who have heen perntanontly cured at hm estab lishment. The Water Cure I enemies etfeeta behind. as in too often the case with those who have been tremod ant li , old aysteet. It reinov. the dep case. innt vigorates Pie system, protects tort the dangers . incide 10 eltattres of lire weather, creates a /salami and active appetite, and 8111,16.3 vigor to the dtgessive pttwe Terms of treatment end Imarinns reasonable. FOr further particulars miler, at the estabbshment, or aildress the propnetor al Phillipsburg& aoicaSal I===lM=l - . We have been Informed by Mrs. Rose of - a care per formed untie, by Dr. J.rae.• Alterative, vrtuch proves superiorily over every other remedy of the Sind. She has been Whirred for the lust sixteen yearn torah AKt ORE'S krr IV YE a W EIcLINGS, attended with ulecthuoirs and enionation of cartoon bonts,de• ring which rime many pieeee have been discharged from the ;rental hone Of the 11001020, from both her arr.ts and banal, had (then both legs,und from the left femoral bone, rand I corn the right knee, besides painful ulcer inn odor pans of her person, which have bailed the skill of a numb,, of the rnont enimothr ph provisos et our cat-during most of the tune her soilerring• have Levu cr ermabog and deplorable. About three months malice she war Oldilted to try Dr ..13y ne' a Alterative, witch boa had an astouistongly happy cliCet upon her, steermo all pain and swellings, and POOO.lllll the s to heal, while at the snare time her general health has Leconte eornpletelf re stored, on thou she now weigh, A more than she id trefam she rommerieril the use rd this truly valuable prepation.-4,ret Eve Pon For further terermatien, impere of ?Irs Rose. No lett Fillies, sr, rhtladelphos. For sale or Pittsburgh, at the I•FAIN 'CEA Eft/RR, 11 Fourth at. near Wood. yyd D R Tf]R'NS[.N l n i trisz mast extraordtnary medicine in the world! p This lir octet is put up in unanimities. II is sin times cheaper, pleasanter, sad warranted superior to any sold. It mites disease without voinning, purging, sickening or debilitating the pstient• EVOII DOT /OR 4111Ail0113.—Listprincipleil persona base eopied our labels, end put als medicine in the Muth thaped bottle. dice that cacti bottle has the written !sig nature of S. P. Townsend. - • . •••• .•• F. rfhII.I.ERS, Drurgin, 67 Wood nrom, berwce Ird and Fourth, or Dr.'fownscafra ooly rahrd d retail agant for Pittsburgh, of whom the gratun nark ran ha bad. - . D It. Corry has been appointed the 'ale agent for Allegheny city, of whom the genuine amine eon be apt It. A..Fatintisoes, } flush, hbV-Zill U. 1.. Fantrartacs, Pittsburgh. D. W. Fa1131:117W, W hol . rale Drug Stove to the Olty of New York. onderogned ere a rtenoveiy engaged to the Wholessle - lhng business at No. 40 JoLt street, in city Of New York aid we prepared to "apply Drag tgra' and onto blerthents with Drugs, hunts, thls,,Dye-stntla Panto and AIINSI•CM.• Peifottiery, Ilenuer, Whe It at Manlier's Chetah:why (of their own Separation) will WI ether alleles In their Una of bail ee:Mktg •so do 1. - otaUty as ewe,l they can be pug, shamed In thh or any eastern att)). Now Vert, Yebta IL A. FAUNE4h P 121=12 kh have received for 1.0 marry years,k n - 4 - 7 - I. zt i., CIFLATEFUL for the very /them/ eneoure....-... mined ru l orgo roy b11.1.44+1 counisrahly. Ravin competent Foreman,. I will I. oon ot ot i to M t r o d ,: prom par. and do 1.. work fa oar 0. eq. and at fair ?rte.., and's* the attention of roonr how.. and chi.na to my large peek of UPBOLSTB. RY Utlolhi and Bede, Mattatmea End Bedding Car. rain Materials, Dm.. end W 1..., Cornioecku o _ co.„ B„,delanotTsseele, Split and Roller Rinds. and , t .ery article usually kept art an esua ~,desh.,t t a t o e hind. t 6 tudsroasepeitifolly • soiieitimu,,,„l at tended to. N. B. —Borpete made and put doati4 wit rammx, rita44 jillscw w. wrai EDUCATION'. hatiUSS MlLLANErresixotralty intbrmVie “:" 1 An (mends mid the robin, Mae. have immured salt removed their school to a r 0,41 4. and convocticiat IsoMo In Lacock overt. 'mond dwelling emit of FeLer alit, where they ere prep %red trike X few boardem, es well m • few more day 'chola., and where then ex clusive anent al will be devoted to instruction to all Me unitary b r hes ( Eag hsh education. stranger. art referred to Mr. Win Etehtiantd, John It. McFadden and Mit Fatan Pinshorgh. Me. A. Mont and ids. George Reuerof Allegheny cty. • neitltr - -ervarkery .roaced in thisinty borote—mado the most approved Rand. plan !- and moat fashoonal. to Eastern patterns anditalora. At THE CHEAP ROLL, or DOSION BLIND, on bind Of made to order of aizett, and all milted - Country Merchants and others...melted to valiant! eta.. the above for tbemacivaa.,art alaardl taelaoid who/motte or rem! , and a. liberal daducti. mWa to •IrEwlonde purchaser,. 6? . VE PRLT anldly 11 1 11ES1JUSCHIHELLS haring recurred from No, /70 Nos. 172 and 174 Liberty sire., offer for sale tOmle as follows, in morn and how landing, el. 350 bags prima Codeo, new cro; 10old tovernmen(Java i.otfer; 1501 M. prime New lirleon•Sugal; bat Ibis Plantation 11101a/isms St James Sugar Honzo blolasiosi eh. Young Hyson Tea; 40 do Gunpowder and Imperial Too; new 40 do Chaise Posselloat do l r loop. 70 do ently boa 1 . II and 151.0 do 100 bts while 11.211 Sugar; SO Ir. while Hasa. do; bgs Pepper, MI do Also.; 11.0 boxes Mustard, In I and I ib cans, 1W do Malaga Hunch Raisins; • 30 .do do do do, in layers; .50 6fbas do do do 50or " do do do Vaasa, Zantis Corr..; 10 baba Sietly Alinondir, 100 ors Richmond Tobacco; 50 bukets Bordeaux and Alsoseilles Olive Oil; 200 bob and 110 la hills No 3 large blaokeitoli o " Honey: 15110 11.. Cheese; 2121/ galls winter and spriot Sperm Oil; 1000 " bleached north west Whalo Oil; 1000 " rood,, " do 301,000 Cruz and So. Principe Segura; 30,1.1 Havana do 211 6(010..2 Cognac Broody, el various broods; 2 poncho°. Joinaiesi Spirits; 3 popes Holland Gin; 20 quarter eslts sup Tenets. Moat 10 do Madeira do ii do Lisbon In 411 do Upon° do do sweet Malaga .1.1 15 Indian lib Is do do 15 lihde Civet; qr echo Haut Soutar; to eases sup Bordeaux Claret. W Lemke. Champagne Wine, don sops, S soh Bitters; 21.2/ bolo pure lore Whiskey, loom I to 6 years old spit MILLER h. RICKFTNON None. to the Public. 44 71.: hereby now,. our friends and correspondents m home and abroad, that WC N• 111 not, GBIOZA •Sf ri.P . C1:200,..1.001113, rename (retain from any 1.10/11 for which I. Newton JOllell ns ugent RHODES & Al/C(tRN. • A , CAD. c c rOHN KELLY &CO (succssors to Robb, Wine tg bream. & lam alere e kain Tailora,)•No. 104 CIONTNUT Street, shove Third, Philadelphia, beg leave to nnnurm their friends and patrons that they have received the latest nritinfi AND SUDIMEK FAI.OIIOOiS, with a large alsortment of New Bryle UUODB; comprising Cloths, Cassurieres, Yestings, de. of every desenpuon--all of which are of their own im p ortation, having been carefully selected in Parts London., &a 37 Strangers visiting Plaladelphia, are respectful ly Invited to call and examine their ertstunva stook. meh23.dam F 14131 E —/ ust bottles of Rubber Pute, n superior article highly important to persons that wish to keep then feet day , It prevents the leather from eraeking and will take a polish ever It. For male at the India Rubber Depot,' No 5 Wood street. mars .1 A If ViIILLEPS GOLD! G0L.1311 WOLDttt 001..D1111 THE snliuriher, wholesale manufacturer of JEW- . MIRY, in ;Max vonleaula deniers and pedleth tra ding South and West—else, country stare keepers to call and examine has stool of Jewelry, which will be field at the lowest prices or cash or approved aesep. tenon. Constantly on bend and matiefaelurind, • - large assortment notable fur City or country trade. Ii 0 A. RAKER, ' • corner of Fourth and Branch it., up arum, •• ap le.dton Flared.' 124 .. _m. Piliar noosing.. HAYING piltchased at Mace or the largest Panama s, ricr in the East, (New York, Philadelphia and Bari imore,) a large assortment or the newest and most Improved styles of PAPER HANai/N(18, BORGERK- 0 -` On., sod made arrangements by which I wall he con. 3.1 ii bled to procure all now Patterns, stmatuncom wiW their appearance in the Eas.ern market, I would Vito the attenitno of (hone desirlilg . 10 hee• their house & papered with the latest styles et Oaks, to eall sod , • examine coy stocA, before purchasuicalacwhere.' , -- I have now on the way tram the East, at,ooopieces I of Cold, Satan /dazed, end eansmon Paper; llangfago, • • which I ran sell at prices ranging how 121 cla w tn, • • ni I piece cht& fitHILL 07 iloeonSmoking. jest completed the retsualdingof our snake bouset, we are now prepared to rem/me meat, ~ and smoke if in the most merehautable manner. The houses are fined with an the reodein finprore , went., and are capable of contenting 3n0,1100 lba. BIER a. JONI, Canal Rasta, near Sereartrat a 4 TiRIKTW.; - PAPER—having the exclusive aiiietok for the ale of the Mill Grove Proems Paper, (S. B. & O. P, Markle, Proprietors ' ) we will be constantly supplied with all the deferent ames of skperlor quality, which we offer at the lowest regular pnces. BEI BOLUS. & corner Penn and Irwin sta DURTTE — SN S. WORKS. COI.FAIAN, HALLMAN & CU. tonnage Us Mee 0. facture Stuall.lron, Spring and Am. Blister Stool, Plough, Fork and Hoe Steel, Rivets, Spikes and 'Mel Iron Nina, all sin.. together with Coach and kllquic Springs, hlf Pat, Taper and cornmen Axles. lintong reduced the price of Wroaght Iron riots, angina builders and caber/ naing the article, win find it to their interest ulnae 11,0 .w brunch of Pittninufilk manufacturea their attention. Conch trimmings and null...able iron nwliberaltentm Warehouse on ‘V .ter and Fourth star felytKitf SAWL. GRAY) MERCHANT TAILOR, SC 11101 a T. CLAIR STREET, PITTSBURG% HAS MT MIMI.= MOLL NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA, And is now receiving a fine assortment of CLOTHS, CAAMIEBEE AND TENTINDS, OF THE 111.1-S — TQUALITY AND LATEST STYLES.. Which he is prepared to make to order IN THE BEST MANNER And in the latest Fashion• nand° Head4llnatlona fo r Dots and shoe.. Corner of Fourth ainllgnichfield streets, Pm - meson, Ps. TROTH & SCOTT having ennuneneed the general Boot and 66.3 bovinew,Fl wholesale and Inuit weld respectfully maws the attention of their friends and the Polite genre • • trolly, to their splendid new stock, consisting of mew, • modwen.', boys', misses' and childreus wear of every. ' variety, yuitable for the season, and at priests to edit the IMES. A splendid article of home made work, melt as gentlemen's fine Roots, tenet and childrens fine work. Please call and cense. for. . yourselves. TROTH & SCOTT, corner 4th and Selgtfieldaut N. l/—Traveling Teach, , Carpet date, &e, /se., al- way. on hand and low for cash Country toeretnets vested find it to theiriaterest to glee es _a call when visiting the wry. .nt..hl4 LOGAN, WILSON & • IMPORTERS and Wholesale Indicts in PoreiErt and Demesne Hardware, Cutlery, Saddlery, dce.,11.49.. Wood street, Pittsburgh, are now; fully prepared with a evenly imported stock of Hardware, Cutlery, Sad, dirty, Carpenters' Tools, &e, to odor very great in- • s. dutheinents to Western Merchants, as in" addition to the many advantages had by our predecessors,. Mess . sea login a Kennedy, we have greatly tacreued our Oen/ties, a n d norehase all nor goods groin fires hands on tin very best terms. The Junior members of the firm devote their wholes . • intention to sales, and feeling confident of sparngass. wfaetton, respeentilly seen a nig goat all who map' •' es. this snorkel. BRICK FOR SALE. • .' TILE undersigned oiler, for tale • superhyr attielif of brick for building, made by her Steam Pltsi: 2. 7 . improved machine, for which he has obtained - a pent" and agrees to give Purchasers a written guaraolerethat they are stronger, cud will resist frost arid wet wog* er and imbibe lug moisture or dampness than ahyrdr , Cr brick, possessing greater body and rupeliorteg aro and murk more durable mil every respect, calk tibia i r s ' being subtemed to a pressure or reveal toss, .4 ppoat Z thenmg a hemebtione .mooch tureen.. and 6otivoetto,• • • melte a hers equal to the best (unit brisk.:'- • They have gfren the grainiest utmfacuun tosullsvelto • have purchased. A kelit can be sun at my Wor,lna tool sperimen at the Gazette °Huse.. . Thou having suppteed ihrensaleu for their bnildiAls e apd wishing handsome front hnek, or superior-bud sod solid possig book, can °bum them. ' • ISAAC GREGG 3 Dirtolugham, Jane I% ISIS. tr rf:4ll-36111ts No 1 trammed Rad, 40 half do • ,111 No I do do; 5 Istels No l moss do; SU do No I Bel. i 1140 1 .0 Herring; sal half do Nu 1 do do; 00 bhls NO3 klasterrl; 10 do Not OsImos; Jut 'untying by caw • • mud for sale by JOHN wirer, - • • - arts . Libentet." I IMPARl*Nlillollri--1 have A. "Jf.. es% a )with mo in the wholemilo Grocery, rroslucq,,ami,, COMOILSSiOII Uterine., SIT him IS'illesee, under UM lilp of JOIIIN WAIT CO JOILki WATT - I s nuebargli, Annl7D, 15.10. TORN BROOMS-75 don Corn Income, mesa sad, t.. k.A for solo by •R HOWSON s. DACON-.2n,0v5 05,0 d 0- Shiiiii3eit;io9UtAis" -' booms( for sale b 11410flIft 'APS' PITTSBURGH GAZETTE; --- Ptlj it 'l r cr7"" . l kGS D4Al7"ol'l4l.l"2:l4l : 3 D al lt -F: gr. " T e : ? ' " ls . . l : l4l4l.Er bi:;:Fe.l -: tn.extfonOf- riots, Or laee Three "fr Uoa w nit• Q. .... . . Two Weeks " . l'Orre • " . One Month,. „dr, Two - nine - - re Longer adverting, - • .ents In sitaniirroPv.; one squars,6 moor' .„ an, wi th out alteration,-•• q •-• ` l: ttad l! UP' -naril square for 6 mba r 5 410,0 17. ", °as .goose Kooning renorimbie at Plasm. 15 ' 00 " " Each additional square for I! months.... TWO nquazea,l, womb.. newahleat pleannre, 30 Lich edditional,aquare. ...... wrimenr on iia-Rana: RIK lam" paler .• One silence. 3 LIZOF ;:l• • • ..... 160 " " each additionid '33 { 7 •nitnitas 'c/.ans. Five Hoes or lea, ono yell. ..- montlx!,.. ...• • • .a• • • O . ... . one year, daily & .reekl t; JO OICe v . . . sir month. "' ' , 00....... apviaTrincoildri.7„4 . maipc For 1.0 line*, or lei., Virtaertiono . . " . . 10 , " ..... U . . . 'lll4 .... 11, " ........ I " " " Thee Months, .....e• •
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