BY MAGMW I : •It • =lt Per the Pittibittigh Deity Gazette. 1 1 801 Q aravuopr—gy Tess a NIAGARA. Addittosual Intelligence. Nrw You, June 2. On hearing that the Romans had resisted the French, Pins IX declared that be would not re, turn to Rome at ameba price, and sent a message to dencrel Oudinot to induce him to withdraw his troops. 4C..the; mean little that officer h 22 ECCO reittfOreed,pld 'his now a well impolated army of 2 00,000:Stron6 {probably a telegraphic ems for 20,000 j., rTheenthusfaxm of the Romans has been ranseity highest pitch, and if an attempt to made wiiirs4 - ..z.Ttyl-it.will be defended pa the last extremity; andl4e.courage 01 the people. assisted bythe barricadergrendertillie *Meets of an assault by no team certain. • It seems now Impossible to restrain tho perial power of the Papacy in any form, and the cm id,th e d powers of Europe would scarcely be sufficient to again place hie Holiness in the Vatican. A Telegraphic despatch from Oudioot staL3 that there is a strong piobability that the Fee h ar my will he permitted to enter Rome with t op position. HUNGARY. The fighting continues inceseant, with t any new feature. It ie thought that the strong protest of France may hare the effect of arreet•iing the march of the Russian columns of intervern ion. The Russian army, marching to the assistance of Austria, numberrl2o,ooo men, with 400 pieces of artillery, and ZI,OOO coral y. Tbey have already entered Cod 1:tal Bell is ready to give them a warm rocept In Transylvania, and the conflict has probably al. ready commenced. MIL BENTON'S SPEECH. Sr. Loma, lone 2, IBIS 'rho conclusion of Mr. Benton's speech has been published. He comes mit in favor of the Wilmot Proviso, pronouncing it the true Jeffersonien doe. There were sixteen interments from cholera.— nine from other diseases. CHOLERA IN CINCINNATI. CINCINNATI, Jane 2. The Board of Health reports three cases and one destWeering the pail 24 hours. CINCINNATI MARKET. June 2. Fkitir—The market is without any material al teration (ram previous rates. Holders are firm, but the demand is moderate. Grain—Wheat is in demand for milling at 750 per NI. Bacon is in geed demand, with wales of sherd4 den id 4154 4, of aides at se, and of hams at WO 9i per lb. Cheese—Salen of W. B. at Gia6lc. Whiskey is unchanged. NE* YORK MARKET. Flour—The news has had rattier a favorable effect upon the market, but operators era inclined to hold off till the receipt of their private Lets. No material change in prices. Grain—The foreign pews has as yet but little effect upon the wheat market. For core, the news Is regarded as (avertible Money Market—The market was more buoyant to day; operations were entered iota more freely, and prices were higher at the stock Board. The animation and upward tendency fully attested the general favor with which the acme by the steamer m regarded. Government !securities and State Stocks were in good request at fall prices. Cotton—Sayers and sellers are awaiting the of theft private letters by the steamer. ;4=l:Ltui yet been dorm to indicate the effect of the &reign news. Tut Roan AT New Oitrauts..The New Or leans "Picayune, on the 224 ultimo, says . that the crater is still rising quite rapidly,thontt great faith is placadin the efforts of Captain Grant to atop the crevasse. The Picayune, !Tanking of the wa ter, says: "The water in the rear of the city, we are sorry to ray, to still on the title, end at dark• last night se 'iamb Menaced Carondotet and St. Charles eta. in many places. The hewer part of be First Mu nicipaby and the Third4dunlcipality, which have as yet escaped the dbastrona encroachments of waters, arerlow seriously threatened with inun dation. Crandstreeto both sides was lard night com pletely creamed as far as Dauphine greet, and fa nearly all the onus above fenville, running the sane way, the-wood-Lad-reacheip hoatilia There ate dwellings now in dm 'extreasereibr althea MOM town welch Ma tinge nada tetra= dry grorind,the whole distance being navigable for good nixed yawls. The dead Ladies from the Charily Hospnal am conveyed to Potter's Field, a 4Ell=OO- of dame miles and upwards, by water, bargewhaving been constructed for thepurposer WANTIAII4 DAILY the BALTIMORE., PIIILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, BOS rorit AND NEW ORLEANB GENERAL AGENCY AND CON 6118tRON OVOCE, Young h 112.1 in wholesale and retail stems, and other re:Tenable busload, Wait as Back-keepers, Be men, Ponerattacheepers, Waiters, Farmers, Coach men, Car Agems, Book and Map Agents, Colleeturs, Overseers in all brimehes of business, Ise. We have at all timed a lame number of good situations on hand, "Ouch pay Mem :,100 IM,OOO per annum. Those in want of situations ofimy kind would do well to give us a cell, al we have agents in each of the above ci- tits, which will enable us to place every applicant in a minable ansation at the slimiest notice. We have n large acquaintance in all the above named cities, which we wain will enable us to give enure midsize tion In all who may favor no with a call. . . TAYLOR & TATMAN, Na 511 Second between South and Gay. N. R—Persons living in nny pan of the U.'Stetes, and 'ridden to obtain a attention in Baltimore, or ei ther of the above cities, will have their wards unme distely =ended to by addressing us a line, (post-paid u so doing they will cattail trouble and ex.. pease, which they otherwise would incur by coming to the city, and secking_emplotent for themselves. Address, TAYLOR Es TATMAN, No. G 9 Second street, my7sultf Baltimore, hid _ Jalindo - CCE - 4 FORSYTH,. Merchant Tailor, hasremoved al ma N. 31 Martel street, ono door lrom Second, East aide. Thankful for past favors, he respectfully solicits a ec ,,,,:tinnencas oldie patronage of his former customers:, • i i ,Zentrisso the portonage of so many new ones taa are of tho :44fhi nulls Orden L. ltis Tailoring line executed at the most fashionable raarn:ert sad with dislialeb. usorunent of reedy made Clo thing of all kinds- ct,„.•ap for club, of course. Goods in all their varieties always on hand, men esS.lthle, BOSOMS, COnnfl,,Cln , VIA Sloan, Hosiery, Boerienders, Pocket 111kM,Gloves,,Drawers, Umbrellas, &e. &e. &c. myttaßblit , ONO -n s''‘F New Orleans, would respectfully minotruce to Air tho Mamma of Pittsbh and Mangy, that be ha. located himself on Svitleiel street, between Filth and Sixth, West aide, where be will devote his &nen don to the treatment of the Cholera, in which he has nun with anemusLLed armee., having treated over three hundred emus during the last winter and spring, and so ease failing to restore the patient to • proper mate of heahlr he fluters himself shot he has a meth. sine none in the country, and when pro. party ed never fails to afford teller. To persons who are traveling he would say, him modicum can be Fat . up so that they can mu Yr , it abou t them with bat bale meenvemenee, and by taking small doxa at awes, it would prevent an attack oftbe fell destroyer.. Ile 'meld recommend It to persons travellng and to families, as being a cheap and effec tual remedy. N.ll.—Dr. Morow will be found in his office at all Suet cif the day, eXcept when out upon professional duty. myl4 TO. Oaangus Asp cunasaifien.. undersigpred offers for sale in MlCean county, MD asses of well timbered LAND, with. an excellent Saw Mill nearly near; and two arm }tame fiance, one 41 feet front by 47,back; the other V. feet Croat by 21 hack. Also, good new frame Ram. thirty -by forty feet. The null and land are situated four miles from the Allegheny river. A great deal of PINE TIMBER alba best qnnlity, and also a vast quantity WO. very best hemlock. Also, one nom on the bank of tke Allexhenr; near a eove, most admirably adapt ed for relic ng, where loaditsr cut be =fled on the Ice Merinos:. and ba' perfeedr safe from all freshet.— erlls as acre. Terms easy. Will take • von cleared maall farm, with good honse end or. Chard t poa but payment, tfloention Is suitable, mad tho Hymn In loss or as may be agreed on. Thin 11l lot eletlleuroprenignit7 far lumbering,' and foObability Is great that In two or three yeare tblo donfole of value In convequemee of Us lathe New York an d Erie Railroad • Too ter sallielaut to wear out several VIR , mills—and sea. oral mill alteraa the arum which rens nearly through the centre of the, land. About MU as acres in grass. No bill to rise la hauling lumber from mill to river. Trout and vunkia abtmdance. For farther portico. larvs'addllnPolaliaida ILTEhIPLETON• _ 'Gazette office, PittsbareL. Dbtunre a announcing' m paw and Ruertaidassortannt of Pianos, Gom the man= Wham Metering, Boston—among them a tent Stomantard full Grand Pismo Forte, 7 MUM.; "Os alutywrb square Piano Forte, 7 octaves, carved ! .411 0if Ilia style of lamis XIV, with a variety ol • area octaves to which the P.llOllllOll of mass e'S 17 sPacUldly . • • • JOUR U. MELLOR. P a l Sae frrr Chiaterises Piano Pones for Wart arm aala. • Al!Wet Tllll inbuilt . ..a oiler. for sale . large and splendid acartrhaeat ante:wood and mahognny grood A, 11On / 1811 01,Itith tad Vilikont etgarrtin's eciebtalrd BO UM: Attachment. The above ittoraments eat wet -7."'"0,0 Naar° taanufactaredol. - mooed w il l be sold lower that any brought from the ALMA N. 112 wood st 2d door above lth N. 11--CIIT Berle *lll'l el talon at par for 2 rest of he elle* eeenvant... inye 4 . `5...'...~~750a~: ~I 11l I : r: san I rim. 4 31 4 31 1 33 430 431 4Z. 4 1 A V. ,_ IT=IA Sion ! e ir i . ... :-. .- . G W a Pflaay, 7, . ..... ......., 7 The r, .... .... ... .... _.... PITILIIBI7B.OII BOARD OP TRAM conuarrrnevos.nrrie Y. Ciitynann. W. a. IM.L. • 21. 11. CRAIG 51pVISIF.2.iTS OP THE OCEAN STEAMERS . • ... CIIIIkkI, Luce—Sails it America. AkOics, Shannon, On.Ltorinn, !lay U. ; Lang, COT Nos 'York, May 31. „„:"'; • Finn Aataluca,ronEranna. eelidonin, teitch, Crain Zeit., June S. Niagara, Ryan, from Nov York,Jme 13. ' - fhtroya, Lott, trout Roston. Jane 20. • Cambria, Shannon, from Neu, york. Jane 27. • America, Harris on , from Bottoth July 4. 17. S. Man. Lt. rots Hors...rex ottlf 11 FROM NEW YOUR. • i • 71 elermann, Capt,Csablree an the B. June • The, VashingtorriCapt:43. W. Floyd, on 20th Hay. FROM BREMEN. The Washings.; on the 15th June. The Hermatm on the I.sth July. PROM SOUTHAMPTON. The Wsahington, en the MO June. 11,e ilenninn. on the 'AUL July. Pn-rsarton OazirrrAl Monday Morning, June 4, 1 , 349. 5 The market on Eaturdny was unusually dulli but a moderate buggnew was, done in any branch of trade, and that lade showed not the slightest change in quo latiOnJ. : FLOUX—SoIes on the wharf were qune lunged, and prices 14 fu no we could learn, failed to reach a high• et figure* than 53,55 9 bhl. Sales from store mire ol eo confined to limited lots at s3,a2asax, as to qualtty GRAIN—So Stile Is doing at present, that it Is Milt cull for its to give any thing hat nominal quotations.— Pilots generally are the same as our toot quota tion. GRObERIES—The market generally ta quiet, tuul fanner price§ ate fully austaitred. la the way of gen eral goleo, we centime to use the following quouttinna: N O Suitt, de3sl; N 0 Atolasses tNesi 4 .; Sugar House do 40044 e; Rio Coffee 7iaf , c; lasi Sugar ed3.loe, Re cording }equality; Race 4f ade p PBOUSIONS—Yery hide a doing antler this head, execatmg In Bacon, Which 006(10903 quite firm and active ILI fully qoole4 rater, say for city and IVesteni cored Shoulders 41, Sides Cl, and non. diet lb. No change in Sugar cared (loots, Which remain gone lion at Sißrac p ta. COTTON—The market is almost entirely bare, and We heard of no sales on Saturday; dur,og the week preceding the 22d, however, sales atnmtnting to 394 his in lots, are reported to os as follows: Swung or corn' mon quality, G bales at sc, and 13 do at 54e; of the bet ter qualities, G 6 bales at 61; 29 do at 64; 5 do at Gi; 14 do at ell; 70 do at 64, 55 do at l'e . ; 37 at 7; and 101 l biles at 0,16 6 4. 4? lb. PM the furious grades of Wool, the following, are the present buying rates in this market, Por Common 29. e r 9 Eb " blood do do 2.7 e Mead... 30, " Prime " WHISKEY—The market is fairly supplied, with reg ular sales,of rectified at ISc V gull. VINEGAR—we no sales of good eider Vinegar In bbli al 9091 e to, Nigw Yon., May Offered 1300 'Beeves, (all Southern) :Lo Cows end Calves, and COMA Sheep and Lembo. Priees, he.—fle market for Beef Ciittle has been rather inactive; coed retading qualities are selling at from 7110 De 19 COPY and Calves are plentier, it will he seen, and pri ees a 111114 cheaper - sales (tura 335 to 833. Sheep sell from 83,50 to 35, an d Lambs 82,50354-100 over. Spirit of the Domestic Market. Nriv Ottuthm, May 1549 Sugar—The sales of the past three days have been confined to &bent 500 blufs taken mostly m small lots, for the city trade, neighboring ports and the The Miolations ore as follows—lnferior 2403. Cont. mon 3183 L Pair 3iSs4t, Prime 4.1041, Choice 505 i, Clarified karila ce lb. Molasses—ln prices there is a wide range, accord mg to quality, and Nee now quote as folloent —lnfertor to ordinary 16011, fair to prime 14016, rehoiled 1101 fie P. Tobaceo—The sales of the past three days amount to about eso hhde, at the range of prices before tooted, say for Logs, frttory,2oll.l, Planters' do 214111, Leaf, Inferior to Common, 404,1, Fate to Fine 530, Choice and Selections 61@11C +9 lb. Coffee—There has been little or no change to the Cone musket, which has t h en generally doll, the tales of Rio for the three days not exceeding IMO to strati bags, mostly at 6106 i, tou_gh the xtreme range of prices may gull be quoted 5.1421Mie pO. No carves have been received fat two weeks back. Sect—Prices are supported at about our previous range of figures, 51441113 for Mess, and SUMO/SIR y bb t for nil., the highest figures for very bruited par cels. Bacon—Sales at 4105fc for Sides, according to qua/- By, and 3/Mle 03 for Shan/der. finals heve been in fair ; request m .b 1,06-1 for plain bagged &o, and 70 irw lb for canvassed, eaten sugar cured, to. Lard—We quote to the range for Inds, inferior to prime quality, 61/116b, and for kegs Glol'a p @t.—{Price Correta. ;~ , The Animal Reports of the Railroad Corportaionsof this stale bate been rood. to die Legtalgnore; and hay. inr been; an in cumontery, referred to the Committee on .RailnitYs sad Cann's, are now lam hildlicforo the mar bets; to comptled - noll ananged soitl.pah4hed by the goatmlnee, in the usual clumsy and iiwkwanl shape,. oinking' kpamphlet of WO pages Rattails were received from thirty-seven corpora tions. which present the following results: Capital Stock, $004,100 40 Atoaarti paid to, .. 009,W0 95 Cont of all the roads, 4 nouo 94 Aggregate debt, 12,410,401 to Aggregate nOrphat road, 1,1149,nt Mi Earnings for the year, 6,007,191 tr: }linens," of working, 3, 1 .,951 39 Net earrings, 1x,716,920 3.1 . Aggregate anti' of dividend', 9,074,147 SO Length of" all die roads, 954,346 miles. Length of4tonble track, =412 do Length nf,braneltes, . ita,Blo do Moot, speed of passenger trains, gl 13 do Mean npeed of freight IMlnti, 19 Xl do Cassmalties, re; killed and 65 honied. -11derelmat's Ledger. , RUMS' FAMILY MEDICINIM--"They Rio M. la Medicines of Lae day." URAIZAK's STATION, Ohio, May '41949 FL. E. Sellers: I Mink it right for the benefit of others to male some facts in relation to your Mom. ly 'Medicines. I have used your Versoifage largelyin my own one vial frequently answeriog for expelling large quantities (say Ito .AlOl worms inua two chtithen. I have also used your' Liver:Pills and Unlash Syrup in my family, and they have in every instance produced the effect desired. As I ern engaged in merdlfiludising, I am able to state that I have yet to hear of the first failure where your medicines have been mad to m* section of the country. In conellisiOn, I may state that they are Ike medicines of the day, and are destined to have a very eZtelisiVe popularity. Yours, respectfully, Prepared and sold by R. E. SELLERS, No 57 Wood street, and sold by firearms generally in the two ci ties and-vicinity. my3l M:C X:t FORTS -SEVEN ACRES OF LAND, being part of of the Bishop estate, situated about four and • half mike from Pittsburgh, and two miles from the Arse nal. Sixteen acres are cleAred, and the remainder is covered with excellent timber. If the property le not disposed of at private sale before Ric blob of June, it will be sold at auction on that day, at 3 o'clock, P. U., at the new Court Ileum, without reserve, to the highest and best bidder. For terms of sale end other patticolarl, enquire of DAVID D. BRUM Attorney at Law Fi f th street, next door to Alderman APhlmter. nay3lrdts — Nor Ban Francisco, California. REGULAR LINE OP PACKET SIIIPS— To sail on the lath June—The superior fast sail= copperenl and copper listened slop EUROPE, will snit for the above port as above, hay ing_three gearless of her freight engaged. This ship being of the largest class, and having un usually spacious and well ventilated ac.mmodations, offer. to P•lfellger• avery desirable opportunity whereby to secure that comfort and safety so necessa ry-on so long a 'voyage. Passengers with families will be furnished with sep arate and communicanng state rooms, and experien s'ed physic= will accompany the ship. For balance of freight or puss:we' apply to G. W. As'riSlWAL,t, South side of Duck street wharf, my47al2w—iNertli Am. Philadelphia. dO TWO'IIIDNDRUU AND VlieTli 1311.115K 1V LAVERS ANTE/D. at St Louis, nt two lan; and hlly cents per day. Constant Teak. CARLYSLE A KEYSER, nynaldur JOHN EVANS, and others. • iiIRI.IPRARTPIES—iO bush ML reeraii . d - for - thi my3t ARMSTRONG k CROZEII LAHV bbl 11..%[CC'd AAA An tato by -- my= . ARMSTRONG & CROZER W E riala Ff i °";4 " bi l i Et i rii774o4o CROZER I;C OV S Z4 ° Ibi jAjt ri t 64 lan ir tn — Al s-e a byd large aty3o . AsROWN & Cl/LBERTSoN ISSACCO-211 WS( bra Summit& Roloasetia's4 Yu bza W Vs; 4 eases Blume,* juin reed and far !tale by mil BROWN k CULDERNSON 001,-,11400u patina Of Waal - , oraiiid Ly S & W " 4440 [a Water and 104 Prow et tiTITIOo I trined Shad; - t „ r Herring; ot/ do No 0 Mackerel; 23 do N o 3 do, lust received and for sale by . . oiy3il BROWN & COLI3ERTIIGN fri.jkASll-40 casks Potash, landing fnm stzniJas r Nilson, and for sale by . JAS Dm.zr.m, rny3o a 24 %Voter or TIGIrPNINIT:- - .Pr We. ezcelleni Lightnig - AN - 4 ,j_J Points, bpd woe pinhole. Also. Gold and Silver Watches it tlarge vsriety,.l3il• ver Ware, Jewelry, /amps, Girindoles, 'fableand POciket Cotlery, Military Goods, COMMUIII6II Ware, de. • W w WILSON. ', Iny3o corner Itb and Market Ns 11,-I , everilier - ZicUrii - idilanaLl V Y pulverized Sows, jam teed and for tale.hy the. bbi of at retail, at the Yekln Tea Stole, 70 niV22 VDU, COFFEk.---/docha, African, Jove, Legal..., Domingo and itio Caeca just reed and fat gala at Oa Pekin Tea Store, 70 Potash sr. nrylN ,IViISINS AND ews--loii eighth Lzi prim i&iA, sum, and 9.) array dreencrfraan Fibs , rust received an for *ate at the Pekin Tea Store, 70 Fourth street. Oar illti/COLATN, COCOA AND littOMA-Atakefs %.,,t,itrosatt, No t (Motolate and COdoe, also, &hums meet Orrick! Choeolato, Jost teed And kw sale to the reltieren scare, 70 Fourth rt. my 22 pm. 'MAP rt INE--20 bbts,:ppts Tutpeauee, Jot received and for sate by BRAUN it MUTER eia patoes prop M acau' b th henJq "malt . 72-r d and far sale by tort{ W CR ANDWAS wet. ntn.Lin, Philads C. W. XICKIerMIE, rillsnursh. fl Elaqii;ETlgNivlVintltoLoe.ezvand.. Iri and re, corner of IsilaurY and Irwin Om% P i " - laugh, Pa my 23 15=1=1 bus. No - I Miriam May ram:lr.:3j 30 bb , ll Idol Shod, u 20 do. No 2 31.korel. (Roston iturpoelion.) 50 do N C Tar, in prase order, • rests and for sod* by T.&AFFE & O'CONNOR. rhYltdlll4 COMt rata and Way. els * - POWPOMPFSBURGIL AB.E.RI I. ; Michigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver. Bltic, Jacobs: Brownstißle. r • Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Caleb Cope, Murdock, Wellsville. Lake Erie, Gordon, [kw:mt.' Beaver, Clark, Beaver. Pontiac, Stein, Cincinnati Storm, Warman, Cincinnati. Brooklyn, Cincinnati. Wellsville, Poe, Marietta. Comet, Boyd, Zanesville. Shamrock, --••• Cinc . ."" th ' DEPARTED. Michigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver. Baltic, Jacob, Brownsville, Atlantic, Parkmarm, Brownsville. L oc k, McLane, Bennett, Brownsville Lake Erie, Gordon, Beaver. Wm Philip., IlloPhial, !Denning. Wyoming, St. LOLlia- SChUylkiir, WiIS6XIIS, On. Elite, homers, Brownsville. Consignee, Taylor, Caption. Elizabeth. I 52; ; 7 25 7 2r; 7 27 7 17 123 TnE My - EL—There were fi feet in the channel, by pier mark', lain evening at dusk, and falling slowly. BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY. Brownsville Packets, S A. M. and 4 P. M. Beaver Packets, 10 A. M. and 4 P. M. Ccacinaati—Shenandoah. St. Lonia--Laraarline. • Foil piIItaDIMPIIIA: D. Leech Se co's, packet lice. 9 I'. M IMPORTS UT RIVER. REA VER—Pet Nlsehcgun No 2-172 bla cheese, G bl Harlon; 70 do do, E Ileatelton; 20 do do, 1 A C.- ghey; 49 I, OW, I box, 1121r1Ei 25 hxs cheese, F H Rra.. so; 21 do do, 1 tsekey 5. to; 40 do do, 1 lAA sales-010A Ileaxelloth 1.9 he cheese-, I eat 14 sks rags, 1 do fel, theta, ft 141x0I eta 74 r s heron, G 1 Co. cheese, ame, 22 hp 001100 twist ; :Obls mane, Rhey, Mathews G co. ST LAMS—Per Lamar - tine—S./ r.ka baron, Seller , & Nicll2ll, lOW banged hanas. A Gordon; IS bls hemp, W Btnkharnt t lode,, 1 hale calf knoi, W Sr.e ant:2 kas machinery, WM Bitighalm 23.2 dry bides., 1 ti Bayard, 44 Me for., A Becton, 17 raks hams, 174 kg, Toot 415 bltla do,"H Greif & co; In idds alcohol. II A rahnestock & to, it bbl, trim. 3.11 d, ateamcr Lee manind. WIICEJ.IIiLi-Icr Jas Keboo-25 has scrOcs, Da her lc Forsyth; 120 toils • paper, J \V Shadrick. 25 eke oato bbls flour, Arsastioug & Croat.; 4 bbls Hour, S 'fileChiketo & co. • WHER.I3I6II AND BRIDUEPORT—Ver Dodson -7 hada lob, 180 bbls flout, D Leech & noi2aks Fait, Dutbodge, ‘V,Iwo & coi 158 bbls flour, Jar Hawn; bon baton, Clark A. Thaw; 56 sks (Died apples, A Mc- Marken Et co and., D Leech dr. etN 16 bbls flour, 61 Orton; 100 bills paper, J A 11 Floyd; lOU Lbls Hour, Ttemnu A Jones; Y csks baton, Hoboes A bro; 16 All, floor, S AlcClatkan; 9 LLIs Y bes bottle, Duffer A to Won—As this Is the season of the year when worms are most formidable among children,the propri etors of Allmne's Veranfuge beg leave to call quail parents solicittng their attention to its virtues for the expelling of these annoying and often fatal enemies of children. Their invention is by a physician of great experience In Virginia, and Mier nein& it 1k several years in Ins own practice, and finding its nieces. so universal, ha has been Induced at last to oiler it to the public ass cheap but certain end excellent medicine. Call and purchase at ths Thing store of myflidkwT. J. KIDD & CO. PEKIN 'PEA STORE THE subscriber has just received at the Pekin Tea Store, 70 Fourth street, a very large and well sr , leeted stock of pare GIEHEN AND BLACK TEAS, 'from New York, all of which has been received in tits country slave the first of February last, counstiuk of all the different grades grown in the Celestial Enaptre. blur stock being among the largest in the Wen, we are prepared to wholesale, on better terms than any other house in the city. Ike invilT retail grocers to call and examine our stock and prices. They eon have a pack ed iu f. f, and I lb packages, S 01 Ins Teamsters, or by bull etc.', to Sail their COllVentelice. Our retrulinwes vary for Oolong, Black Teas from Wet.. to 51,50 per lb.; Ntng Young Soue hong, su cts, Congo 60, and linglish Breakfast 50, Young Hy.un, Gunpowder and Impanel, from 35 et*. to Et 1,15 per lh Fermium Ire requested to send and get sample, of of our Teas, and try them before purr huung. toy IguttearS A. JAYNES, n Fourth street GLASS -375 bis mis'd sizes, Jniii reed and for sale by lnysl 9 _k W lIARBAL.txII 011MW.-3.) bxs new Cream Cliee.oust teed &ha V (or sale by my.ll S k V 11A RBA Uti II S UNA A3lll-30 coat.coda Asb. lust reed and for wile by royal 9 A NVgIIARBAUGII --, SCRIP, of the two cities and county. bought and sold by royal ll SCHOYER,II.3 Second st I 11151119E—Stebss prune Western Reserve Cheese g,_, teed and fgr sale by W& It 51•CUTelibluN, royal 150 Liberty in ronacco-04 totes 3 Lump Tobacens some of I, we - eh eie of the most aoperior blonds, just reed on e.ortent .tiil for sale by L 9 WATERMAN Q . A,Vie.D HER 1FF....45111er5' Verrinfuge ta the aro- LJ de. Lurtgaroz, Va., Jan. RI, 1e49. Mc. a 7 M. ~Vila Lear Sir 'The nut of Sellers' Verintfuge I bought front you sumo lime ago, brought from say pal 5 yeers old the delbnielung number of 5 hundred Worms. I believe she would hare tired s very shun lime, ttln for tilt. medicine. , Prepared and cold by E SELLERS, 57 Wood te, rld also by Draglame generally 7n the two ewes. naW, TIT FIITF. BEANsz- - al bills for Nolo low to close ran TY sigalneale, by RHEY, MATTHEWS &Co mr.X, DRIETI FRUIT—MO bushels Peachec 250 do Alf plea for sale by RIMY, AlArrnEws &Co my 26 • FLAXSEED bbts•Josa need, and for sale, by my'X' •. RIMY, MATTHEWS & Co. .A.P.V.LES—....I.Mbosh for sale by .• IS V VON BONN HORST & Co rpo corroN AND WOOLEN MANUFACTU RERS•—Iinving made awangenients for o eon want supply of FACTORY FINDINGS, wo r,ll red at low prices Calf and Sheep Rola, Stine, Law Lea ther, Pickers, Reeds, Shuttles, Hemp Twine Treadlew No. 5 to 15 Belt Punch., Wrenehea Stripping Card., 10 1015 in; Pcenildresser Brnaltes, ' Weavent' Brush • &e. Ac. LOGAN, WILSON & CO., wy4 ID Wood street, Pittabouth._ FEATTIF!!S - Sou Gbli for .ale tiy S F YON BONNHORST & Co nim3p, -20 tatt for tale by V .720 . S F VON BONNIIORST & Co DOOR POWDER-150 keg. lot We by my_2s • SF VON BONNIIORST &Co SCYTItE SNEATIIS-23 dos for sale by mi2ll S F VON EUNNIIOEST & Co HAY itAkzti 11W.,ife by my -26 F.VUN BONNHORST & Co 'DOLL BUTTER-40 bbls fresh for sale by S F VON /lONNIIORST k Co guy% 'LIT al m D ge SASH atrfOIWIVIL4T . Ca F LW. S F Floor, is atul for zble by • L S WATERMAN, ME!ff=iE IVIOI.ABS—IIaI bbh. N O rtantswon Nola a, for sale by toy id I, 9 WATEaIIN I:WAR-75 Kilda prioie N 0 Sugar, for aale, by raySo • ' I. S WATERMAN L"'l2-bbis Not Lard; 64 keit. do do, for rale by myds L 3 WitTEILMAN B ux i r,;; ; R y —Stbls fre , I , !k !toll Ilutt.teir;.4sArjagioir,fior FRUIT—Y2I bosh tbsod Pe a ch e s (halves," 3GO do do Apples; for ask by .• tnytN L S WATERMAN _ ONDMES-1.1 sooks - SVltesnti bbis Rye; id° FIST ),,,7 seed; 60 Ws svtive Beans; 2 do Ilsokory nuts, for Salo by ory3; Ly WATF.RMAN. Ty YE FLOUR—A c.w LODI pstsoo Ry . s. 'lcittr to store .1.16 and tor sale by , tnyo6 Is 9M A rERMAN T UBS AND BUCKETS—GS dos Buckets; 0 du Tubs, .A i Marge) 4 do Keeler", for s'ict : y l4 WATERMAN. burh Dried Apple+, tee '1 and for mule by loy31) S & V HARBAU(III LARD OIL A few barren+ roe'd and for na:e by kys.l 8k W IIkitIMCWI T J4 ARD OIL-10 bbl. Inc lauding and for Bak tr. y 1313 , 80 J KIDD Coo ji N . V 0 1 c 1....::-Wrought Iro r n m lo; d ei ; le n ,.. , ?ion t a m th c o o Te o. n . r d r; on band and Kappned to order, by , myM frEO COCIIRAN, Wood et POTAF 11-9 manta jam rre'd mkt for safe by my 29 I R CANFIELD LITES:I , Toer7, 4, ri German Slates. red'eS and for 10 lade by "'r.m C ARBUTHNOT', BI Wood et BLATK reed and for onto by mrol C A RBUTIINOT Eli ATENT THREAD—W.OIW fitztatts zuperior, (or zalc by ' nty2o t, ARBIITTINOT YWL eurroN—GO dol. Howard's 3 cord whim, 2110 yd. recetred and (or sale. ',WA) 0 ARBUTIINOT G LASS -61) bas 719 in store and for =la /OW myPJ JA1111 , 4 gt PEA NUTS—CaI [matt Pen Nuts, In glare and for gale low lo close consignment, by myt) JA MKS DALZHLL Jl io i r l.—;N lasers' Ott, laantg per 1 canal and • LIM) JA NIES DAL.ZELL 1 - ) 01304-13 bbl. Hann, landong from canal and for XL male by m y. 19 l A_51.9 DALZELL . , 1)A111 SOAP—ISU Lim Falun Soap, in store and for E male low by onyttn J AM TS DALZELL I)LACKING-2 bbl. blason's Blacking, landing and JJ for sale by 'era AMES DALZKLL VIEESE—C4 boo Alai reed at the NV laitiicranii ki wad Cheese Depot, and for wile by my2O J li CANFIELD • iIOPPERAS-6 bbla for .I. by BRAUN & REITER, .123 corner Liberty and St Clair ata 00/1-4 0 , 000 lbs Baron, awaked, on smoke house ire,dy to be deliyertd in a week; for sale by myb IPAIAII DICK PA( & Co, From at PAPER -lOU seamy crown cad medal% lay sale by myai J II CANFIELD HOP/A-2 bales in salve it .VO3 ISFOILLS & ROE T)GtrA.9ll-13 caniu not ree'd rind or sale hy - . & Ecp,v, m2N44-2zw hales Ni 1 and 2, in store and-for triy29 & ROE DIOLAISSFS—OIOU blils Plantation Mol , laudtrig from sum Aaron Hart, anti for We lty mYN JAMES A IIIiTCIIO9JN at Co 1 A Rll—Tio. I in keel, norm/pled and for shier also , ktt• aly2l SEOLLIAi & HOF. MEN BROONLY-50 - dnainstrecA nisS lJ wpm HETI% MATTHEWS tt'Eo A SISORTELL 101(4...4.—Yet urger (aunty use, Ln Un cans, enclosed in a sliding ltd Lax, contairang Mustard, Alspice, Cinnamon,. Cloaca, Pepper, Warranted pare. For sale at the new Spica and Maeteed Factory, corner of lorry A I..iban at. laylg JJOIIyBELL PULE AND naniaao INSURANCE. Twit INSURANCE Ca of North America will male permanent and limited Insonseee on pm petty in this city and vicinity, and en shipments by Canal, Rivers, Latex, and by Sea. The 1,0 raka of this Company am well loomed, and formaact avail able fund for the ample indemnity of all persons who desire co be protected by brume*. myld %VAL o•--o.•—• I...JONFS: Agent. 44 Water in • • Bono for ei11.17 sulanantial well built Buse, well *tested • and of excellent Inutenals—of 115 tons burtneo F.,,,,we•by Mal , B. WALKER, Elliedwif, myl7:llrir Aileen/ay county, yin • - -AKA ,MAITKELS. Pzisnazy Heetbags We give below the retttom from the different wards add towoifdps, so foe as recived op to the hoof of going to press. The context at the prima ry meetings, on SMardav;night, wee a very ani mated one, notwithstanding which, the greatest good feeling was manifested by aIL The majority of the delegates are uninstructed fist any one, with the exception of the candidate for Sheriffalty. The meeting in the Third Ward was adjourned until four o'clock this afterimen, as, owing to the officious intermeddling of the Loco- MceetZix could not come to any correct conclusion. Such conducLon.the part dour political opponent., is disgraceful. tat Ward instructed delegates for Jones. South Putrburgh,—.lones. let Word Instructed delegates kn. Curtis. 2J Curtis. 3d " Curtis. 4th " Curtis. Manchester—Curtm. Robinson TotensAip—Jon.. 1.010e7 St. Clair Towns/sty—Jones. Italdunu Toienshy—McGill. Birmingham—McGill. East Ihrnsingluson—Jones. Elizabeth 7lnonsli sp--Curtis. Pin Township—Met till. Duquesne Township—Curtin Peebles Torenshay—McGill. Reserve Trnonshrp—Curtis. Ram Derr--Curtts. .West Dun—Curtis. Shnrpsbnrnh—Dninettneted /mliana—Curtis. Shaky—Curtis: Upper St. Oar—Jones. Rots Tournsh2p—Conte Franklin Township—Carus. Elizabeth Borough—Curtis. ' Wort Elscadrtls—l for Curtis; I for McGill McKeesport-1 for Curtis and I for McGill. Ktrratfirs—Curtts. MlSYsrt—Curtm. Jeferson—McGill. Snowden—Curtis. Latormirret/16--MeG is WsLimm-1 for Curtis and I for McGill. Indiana Township—Curtis. DELEGATES ELECTED. PITTIMURGIII. Ist Ward W. M Kelsey. J. Graney, 6th Ward alt. C. Sawyer. S. C. Hill, - 21 Ward Wm. Dawson. Jame. B. blarray, 7th Ward Thomas Steel. IR. Gallagher, 3d Ward A. Franklin. No choice. I dth Ward 4th Ward G. Reiss, rrederick Lorenz, A. T. [tougher. Joseph Peaaork•. 9th Ward fah Weird Philip Drum, Joseph Kay, S. Paisley. . ten Weird Henry Irwin, Jam. R along. 2d Ward R. H. Davie, Alex. More. Ehrhboth Borough Darnel Sarver, DEMI 0222359 Henry Heath W ?dorneou, 1193211111 MoNalry Pat, R. Primer, F. P. Jim.. Reserve Township. Geo. Roved, C. G. Rmah, John Caldwell, Stephen S. Jackson Manchester, R. L. Sampson, John E Parke. Birmingham, Thomas McKee, H. Goabettor, Elizabeth Township, H. Applegate, Ina. Patterson, Jr. Upper St. bait., • A. Bretwdy, Wm. Foster. MOOG* Chem., John Hancock. Wpkios Township, H. Kelley, McKelvey W. J. areidanthal, Z. Wainwright j.cntth Pittabaqo, lobo Small, Peebles Township, hicLeary, Baxter. CONCEIT. —We have the pleasure to announce to our readers, that the talented vocalial, Mrs. Ma ry Shear Fogg, will give bar first concert at Apollo Hall to night. Though for some years she has not appeared in public, her delightful warblings are doubtless enbalmed in the recollection of many of nor citizens. The papers of the South, and West, apenk•cf her musical powera as having advanced to a still higher pitch of perfection, since her retire merit to private life, which circumstances have compelled lice unwillingly to abandon. She wilt be ncoompamed by that highly talented artiste, Professor Hohboek, who will preside at the piano. Num COUNTIZAFFITI.—We were shown a new counterfeit on the Bank of Pittsburgh, 01 the de nomination of fen dollars, by Major Lorimer, on Saturday, and wrseaution our business men to be on the look out for them. The counterfeit is nn exact fao simile of the genuine, except that the engraving ta very poorly executed. The word "Pittsburgh," in the original, to printed in very black, ink, while the shading is quite light. in the counterfeit the ink is rather pale, and the shading heavy. • • AILILESTED POI PASSIM) Coturrgasserr BAII6 Nor®.—A young man, whose name we conceal, as he was discharged, was arrested on Saturday, charged with attempting to pass one of the Ten Dollar Counterfeits on the Bank of Pittsburgh, noticed above, on a woman who keeps a little store out in Rieeellle. She not having change enough, sect out to get the note chruaged, when it wan pronounced to be a counterfeit. The young fellow, w hen brought before the Mayor, told a pinta straight forward story, and as he had Do more in his possession, he was let off._ Sreires Omnibus LITIL—We notice the establish ment of a new line of omnibuses, which is doing a good business, and promises much convouieuce to our citizens whose business or residences may call them to pass along its route. The hoe extends from the Allegheny House, at the trot of Irwin -etireet, to the foot of Herr's blood, leaning the depot on the Allegheny River, every morning at 7 o'clock, and performing six trips each day. The omnibuses are convenient and pleasant; .ogil best of all, they am driven by experienced and attentive driven. Twee. — We paid `a, visit on Friday afternoon, to the splendid bathing saloon recently opened by Mr. Cronsan, in the room next to the barber shop of the Monongahela House. The blab emboli is the:usual :vat iety of hot:cold, and shower, nod are the most este.ive, and Indeed almost the on ly public ones in Pittsburgh. We sincerely hope that they will have a good run of custom, Coca cleanliness is one of the greatest preventatives against disease. Pittsburgh, with as grant facili ties for bathing saloons, al any city in the Union, has taken less advantage of them than almost any other, and we trythat the time will soon come when the absolute necessity of baths and bathing will be felt by all our citizens. Cleanliness Is truly "the parent of all other virtues." Clow A asnoonno.—A fee child of about three weeks old, was found on Friday night, snugly wrapped in a blanket, with a bundle of clothes be side it, lying near Sproul's Church on Lacock st. in Allegheny. It was first seen by a aegro girl who, we believe, intends to adopt it. The poor little foundling Cats early is life mist upon the world by the inhumanity of her who should have been its protector, is the offspring of white parents. Ackirogivr.—Alltili;iiri,Yatghter of Jesse Coln ston,on Saturday afternoon rolled down the hill at the resorroir in Allegheny. She was dangerously bruised and wounded, and when the steepness of the hill—almost a precipice--is considered, her escape with life IS somewhat singular. Putsburgh Curtis. Jones. Curti. Jones. Jones. 3d Ward 11. Campell, W. Boyd 411. Ward Judge Warner, June, Blued. MEE West Elizabeih, Dr. J. B. McGnaw McKeesport I), Sheldon Kennedy EICEITI Duquesne, Lower St. Clair tawrence•dlo, 1221332.1 MATOIN Ofreft. Pittsburgh, Juan 2d.—Twoi dranintrds, and one infatriantrillutudie r Urein brot before the Mayor this morning. Having no gene Asylum, and the poor flow not appear log to be dangerous he ma. discharged. One o r the drunkards, a regular customer of the police, named Andrew Harper, hadon his person when mooed, a ease of gurgle.' instrument., supposed to be stolen, which can be seen at the Mayor'. Of He wu seat to jail for thirty days. The but offender was committed for four and twenty hours. Assontr .011) Born:RT.—A ookired man named Jerry Tines, appeared before the Mayor on Satur day, and complained of Franh Morns, who had made an attack on him with a bowie knits in Pres liValre barber shop. Morris gave bail to keep the peace, and was discharged after being severer) , reprimanded by the Mayor. Assetthr.—Jobn Hobbs, a very feeble old man. appeared before the Mayor on Saturday, and made oath against Daniel Wonder, who, he asserted, had bent him, and having been arrested, had escaped. Since then, he has frequently threatened to kill the:campLainant, and a fresh warrant was granted for his apprehension. Armirrgo Suininz.— A man named John Hague, while, as we leant, in a state of intoxica• yeaterday afternoon, jaggiest from the second pier of the St. Clair Bute Bridge, into the ricer. Some boys who were rowing about in a skiff, at- tempted to take him in, but he obstinately resisted them, and "acooatred as he was," swam to the shore, and left the water a wetter, if not a "wiser man" than ha was when ho leaped in. HonsenT.— Hugh McCracken was yesterday arrested, charged with having, on Saturday night, stolen some money from the pockets of John Gales and James Perry, while they were on board the steamer Lamsrtine. He took twenty dollars in notes from Perry, and seven from Gates, besides some silver. Part of the stolen money was found concealed iu the too of his boot. Elao Accromrr.—As a carter was loading his cart with boards, on Saturday afternoon, a short distanqe above the Allegheny end of the St. Clair Street Bridge, the rope which kept the boards on gave way, and they eliding down, the poor fellow wets crushed beneath their weight, and to severely braised him that ha is not expected to survive. We did not bear the name of the unfortunate sufferer. CANDIDATES POE NOMINATION SHERIFFALTY 811.(77•11 - 1.-1 am • candidate for the office of Sheriff of Allegheny county, aubjent In the decision of the approaching tVitig and Antimasomc Convention for nominatingcounty ticket. CARTER CURTIS. Sixth Ward, Pittsburgh, April 2, 1842—ilikwT Sinwhirwavrw.—Caps. W A. Crtwuvren will be wup ported (or the °thee of Sheriff, sulneet to the °canna -4011 of the Antimasome and Whig CAunty Convention. max9id&lnfT bhuirrri Wain, Prenrsonnit. Sturlnrostsa.—Capt. Jon, Voveo, of Robtruan town. hip, sent be anyported for the awe of Sheriff, subject o the decision of the approaching %'htg sell A Manus • onto Convention Serogn VAND ap3ted2LardT infilnrcAtiT.—AggiroNnee Miu.n, of Pitt towat ship. will be supported for the odic , of Sheriff, by the true Whigs and Anormsorm of Allegheny County, at their primacy meetings, on Satunlay evening, June Yd. Lamont 11103'iRitfOrTtrv — Pucrnsonaramy —The icings of Allegheny county will urge the claims of J Manua l tor notaination to this once at the coming County LonveutiOn glr NI. is a good whig, and is every way competent to th, charge die Mama of the oMee, and deserving n not. nation by the puny. A. 1.1.1411.111 COO NTT. my ISAAvaT Mu Er...cry—You vein please elate that f win to a candidata tor nomination for the office of Prothonota ry, before our next Mug nod Anum”onie Comfy Convention. Yours, de., SAM'L FA UN - F=OCE • tubeth t wnlip, Alarch, Puutuoaceram. ALM= W MAN., of Peebles uiwnship, will be supported for nominanon to this of fice before theensuing Anumasook sad Whig. Con vention. The knowu übiliurs of Mr. Narks, and his bung experience in the °Mee. are sudieient guarantees for the correct discharge of its duties, if he should be nominated. mytbotbweevner fxrnsunt. Plumate:tannic—l offer myielf as a candidate (or the other of Prothonotary, subject to the decision of the approaching Antiniattonic and \Yhig County Colleen myS.CltcartcB Roman CAROL/IMM PROVIONOTI --e C. P1.11.011n a eandidaTe for the otfice of Prothonotary, atiincet to the decision of tbe Anumuowe and Whig Nominating Conrenuon. ary7:dhwd Pooroostorsas —noon IdtCoasstre, nob, oral be sup ported for the case of Prothenotare, solueet to she de. cotton of tha approsebsog Attonsasonte •nd Mita Pen. motion, by oplieneT` Mono W MG. MUM ISSIUN ER_ Connarestonin—Tneo. VAIISILII, Fog of Baldwin too:resin p, will be supported before tire Antatessonic and Wkug Convention for the poettron of rend 'date tor Ctitmiy Coomnsaionet. TowneEurcr. • splarrouT laao.ll 10.114.11 p, 'MI/ 6e • cao4 atte.l 'Tor t'ouety Contenhtstnner, sehpeet to the deesstuu of the Aattmasoloc and Wltug convo win!. 10= Jar. MlTCtiva., Erto . of reehler'losenship, Will be a eandrdate far County Commtasiancr. subvert to the deco..of the 11%re and Anumasonte Couvenuon d&wier Man . Wawa Conn, COMM:6IOMM —I will he •candidate for the .thee et County Commissioner, subiect to the demsson if the Anomesonte and Wing Convention. aft.7.7:4lr.OrieS CiaktißlCL ADAMS. r:ountv. Coaldwauoges.—F.amourca Bonus, of North FayeUr township, wUI be supported before the op• pnuagiong Annunksonle stud %Ir lug County Convention for County ComoWruoner, subject to the deenuost of stud Conventual. Mr. Boyles re a working man of the Duty, and every w•y qualified and deserving of the odic, toy irod.iwoN Noarn Fayerrs. Cumin Chinnatotow —Mr Editor: Von will plea. aonoooce W. Fuss, Sr of Robinson township, as a candidate for County Cnionnasinner, subject to Um deouion of the rata Antonasonte and WhB Consort -11011. mytnnlkarti Solon {Vasa. Co,. J.:1131 R lit..wart, of Upper St. Claw township, will be a eawlidato for the °Mee of County Commt Cone, at the approaelung Whig and Annavaaoute onvention. Al yr:tic Vern Sr. CIA.. I=l Joan Meatuses or Allegheny, will belsupported be re the approaching Antra:mai:due and Mfg Con.en n candidate for the office of County Treasurer iughl 12183221 Annixoa —Join Ennawc. of line township, will he eunthdaic for Auditor, .1119oet to the decision of the -XI Antlwasonie and Whig County Conruniton. oirttd&vr T tou WAID. Me. Furrow—Noose announce Joint Braes, Of Foul ley Toarnehtp, ao ckalilli3llll for Andttor, •utoecr la the derision of the Wlng and Anumosotue Convention dtkee'T Fit CLAIR. LA:MUNE:IL Costoara.—Tnrot Crwsurtottax, of the Hitch Ward, di b supported for the 01E,, of Coroner, •object to to decision of the IVho6 and Anumasonte Convenuon. Inyt.VtdavtraT Moor Wales. BRIGADIER GENERAL. iIIIIO•I3IMIUMISL4.I.—MAJ. LAILI2II3, Jr., will be copported kr the office 01 Brigadier bleneralort the dlrlary election. Llection first Monday (4th day) of June. Iny:A.dkwN More VOLORICILIL Barciamta Grourti--Clot 111010 1101... re will Le supported for the office of Brigadier General at the pl litary election. Election first Monday, 4ilt day of June. my3'dkwid•l S. CLAIR Otimiee LEGISLATURE. Mr. Werrs—Pleas announce the moue of /arises F. Kean Eng, of Pittsburgh, ass candidate for the State Legislature, Fuldact to the decision of the approaching Whtg end Antirtinsonie rouveniton. nty24 Forces Ws an CAI. 1.., Ely , of Pittsburgh, will be supported as candidate for the Legislature, before the Anita...on o end Whig County Convennon. Mr. Lee is known to almost allot our eitmens, and is known to he ti gen tleman of strict Integrity and sobriety—ol honest plum doles sod industrious habits, and is possessed or the neemutery qlllllrlii.lllo/14 to Cu hint for the situation, In which flu friends are desirous to see hint placed. styli/ //AM Frinv, Ern , of tuowden township, veal be supponed before the Whig and Anumasonie COilVeo - for notantsboo rut a candidate (or • member of iho Mate Legalittnre. my3o Mon Car Woins. WI" Roan. C. Wasaas, Ulm , of Elisabeth Borough, will be supported, before the approaching Anumesonie •,1 Wing County Convention, (or normissnou as a candidate for member of Legislature, by the apI7ALIGWUIT WIIIOII 010. Eurooaeo. A OtICILT. —I offer myself • candidate for nowt anon as • member of the General AsiterAbly. before he approaehing Anumaxonic and Whig Cause...mi. J Alum of Versailles township. mylCd&wteT COL. .101 1 / 1 /11 Tartan, of Ehoßheth township, will tw presented by hit frientl• as candidata fin the Iregis• lawns at the approaching tionventton of the Whig and All(111110.3.1i0 pary. mythdrrwT MA. Warm: You will please •nnounce the name of Autzesola W•1720N, of goes township, as a candi date for the State Legislature, aulneet to the demston if the Anttmesonie sad Whig Conventicle. The CIMITII of Mr. Watson, as • well ganblunl and inhuonual member of the party, will be etunestly pressed by those who aro host acquatated with h m. myb A (loot IYmn Joan INPer.tom EY, of Itodiitsson toornelup, wsll be candidate for the 'Admissions, wiier% to the deetssos of the Anttroassonte and Mod County Coarention. mp2l:d&wte•T COL, W. FA?, of Lower St. Gun, will be supported tir hie numerous friends for the treats Mow, mlneet to he decision of the Wing and A/WM.OIIM Cower noon. myl7:UttaT nrr. Mr' At the Baena., of many of tits I riends, lase- IMAM SIVAITAWELOSa has consented to be a candi date for the Legislature, abject to the decision of the Wing ad Andaman:oo Consortium. myl7fder-wS Joss Mazza, of the borough of Sharpshorgh, will be a candidate far the Legislature, suboet to the de -0111011 of the Whig nod Antimasotue COn•tIILIOPL 111)'19:41kieb tnoteas Penal, of the beirough_of WlCemport, will be a candidata for nomination (or member of Amena bly. at the approaching Anumnamtie and Whig C4llll - Convention. LASS-60U bx. Oxiti I.V/odd... Glos.; 300 do Illxl2 do; 100 do 10011 do' 5.11 do 21x5U do• for side by mll5l 0 l VON UODMORIT 4t Cu DRY= &-VARIETY ,GOODS. UILLAPS-1 bales extra heavy 40 Leek Iktrlaps, B just reed by SLIACKLETT A MUTE, =l'9 94 NVood at G INGUAIIIB-7 eases new style Earlston, Ereneh th30..u., Jut opened by lay. 4 SHACIOLETT & WHITE -140 pieces plain, finoy cord, luoi Mock Scoring Silk and Bullion Pcingect °Ebbed by my:79 SHACEI.I7I - Y & WHITE RMONS-150VMM/ blank and colored manna and Sada Ribbon. Also, plain and bg'd Gaul. Gro de Nap and Satin Cap and Sonnet brabben. a ',c ry larg assortment of new spring styles, lost opened tu and for e sale low by 8116CELETT WIIITE ra - - - HOSIERY—A complete assortment of blk, wbtlq unbleached, mired, and colored Cotton Hose, °paned and for sale by mr' . 4 sit&extv:rT & QUITE TIOSIEHY—BIark and cord Silk, black and cord AA. In, black , brown, slate and white Cotton Hose; C hildren' Fancy, white n slate, brown and blk Stockings, Cents Vtgonia, merino and cotton Socks, for sale wholesale and retail, by F lI EATON & Co, Fourth ft, my'ei bet, en Wood and Market PARASOLS—A small or of well selected Parasols are offered for sale at redoced prices by mom__ F II EATON & Cy Mt Fourth at GLOVES -A large assortment of ladies and gents Kid, Neapolitan end embroidered Silk, Lisle, Cot ton, &c. Sm., of all colors and sizes, for men, women and children, can I. obtained wholesale or retail, at If Il EATON & Co's Trimming Store, G 2 Fourth st TRINIMINGS—BIack and col'd Sdk lace Prtage Gimp, Braid, and Balloon, always for sale at myl.s EATON'S, on Fourth at MANTILLAS—F. 11. EATON & Co, keep constantly on band, or make to order, Silk hlnnulins of ev ery pattern, and of any color desirable. Also, Man tulle Scarfs, a now style. Embroulanng, scolloping, mtiling, marking, and all kinds of fancy needle work executed to order at their store, No 62 Fourth street, between Wood and hlsrket. ' rey2s VINE. IRISH LINENS—W. R. Memo, invites the FINE. attention of buy&a to his assortment of fine Bosom Linens, lately received, warranted all flax, and of a superior make. Also, Linea (loops generally, such as Table Diapers, of of differentwidths, arid at unasually low prices,— Bleached Linen Table Cloths., also mach lower than ever before offered; Linen, Pillow case Linen, Dia• pers and Crub for towelling, tee. Re. Also, FU.ITIIIItt Drum, for summer bedspreads; superior colored quilts, low priced do, sad white Counterpanes, at very low price for quality— at north east corner of 4th and Market sm. D'holesale Rooms up stain myth New Goods and Greet Bargains! DD. THOMPSON, No 110 Market street, near Lt bony, hay Just returned from the Eastern Cities with his second supply of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. Ile has now on hand one of the largest and best selected storks that he has ever had the pleasure Of opening to his customers and the public--among which may be found every style of rich changeable and fancy Silks, Turk Patine, black glaesite Silks, all maim, for Cardinale, he.; with every width of black Silk Laces and Fringes, for trinumngs; MILLARD SILKS, TISSUES, fig'd and plum Bereges, Embrot• I Swiss, Organdies; LAwns; Emb'd Linen Ging- Fham, a new and heautitul article; plain and hard do; French Ging - halos, he. Ou• Dorm,: SToolt is very full, comprising every description of Chintzes and Calicoes, some for Ilk that sold this spring for la; Linen and Muslin Sheet lots, from Ito 3 yards wide; also, Sheet:lts Mullets., very low, with a foil assortment of fine Irish Linens, for window hallgengs; Turkey Red Chintz, embroider. ed and staped Drapery, Surf Holland, hr. he Our Shawl department presents every ilesenption of shun and embroidered Canton Crape, changeable and bg'd Silk, Remo, Cashmere and Delains, plain and em• broidered Thabet; also, a large assortment of Parasols, Sonnets, te. he. Coach Makers will find a full simply of Cloths, Da muks, Monsens, he. he., tit their line. The above Goods have been purchased on the most advantageous terms, and purchasers may rely upon getting them at the Loans? num. rams_ mr2lLdtw ROUT. D. THOMPSON. flax. BILK PARASOLS—W. R. Murphy has ;wt received an assortment of black Silk Parasols, figured and plain, some of which am extra rose. thank Omen P arasols, figured and plain; large aura brown do—an assortment received, and tittered at low priers, at noolmain corner of 4111 and Market sts. - - • - roy.D -_ IIYrTON tar wide--Orfe bale late• ly reetavect at Dry Dorals noose or. I, , ANCY SUMMER CASSIMERES —We baVc mat reeemed a very handoome lot of French Summer Camanuerea, of a very fine gualtty, whteh we are hog at very low pneea, and to which we would mane the attention of the gentlemen. mygl ALEX ANDER A. DAY 0 -PL IENDf' I v D e C R h A aNdGo EA e cLh a E SlLiS—afreeevel ' rymgeable Silks, including some Ma very superior guabsy. which we are minim at very interior puree. ALEXANDER & DAY, my2t 75 Market N W car albs Diamond _ _ • MORR NEW 01:101./S—W R Alcaran has tlos morning open nem and handsome styles Prim• for 12k els per 7d Swus, Moll and Nansook Maodins fosdruaes. Also renetted within a few clays, Bonnet Ribbons, Blank Silks. ae , at northeast corner 4,di and Market street. Country March•nia rcplentalany their Yanks, will Gail a ehotec aitaottmaul at low price., an Wkaleaale Reams, up .taus, myt9 ADIRS DRESS ROODS.—Mi R Mtsrxr, norm- Li east oortter Fourth and Market sta. inviter the at tention of ladies to ins ereellont assortment of the dif. (erect styles of Dress Goods, tamable for the mason, such as Plain, Prnk, Moe and deb Barag - rs: Pnmed dn. a ,I•or Un tz..etssoa..ste„n:: do,irl ° s i n d , i r n i : u n s Txze , s; , sit , n , %1 and French primed Lavelm; whim and embrotdared Mus. Ima; embroidered Lasso., French I:igh/sins—all of which will be calmed at low prices for quality. Wholesale BOOMs on Oil ewer. tart] SIIACKLETT & DRY GOODS JOBBERS, Yu WOOD STRAW, ARE now reeeiving • very large mo ck of (resit tloods, of recent patetismo and noportaiewbielt they lent sett to the trade at web pneas as CIItItUA fan to Erre moire satisfaction. City and Country Merrbanot are nivited toeoll and ciao:tabs our stock before purchasing elsewhero. raga Niror 4 ; 001 0- 4,17 . , 0 1.131ng et' the Ulu Puce Store, cases and packages of new and desirable Goods, cosoprimag a large le/ of Silk, Berege M de Lune, TbWet, Fancy and other ßlom's, essoaldera bly reduced prices. my2l A A MASON ACo DIIY GOODS AT WAIOLICSALE. ur R. MANI intheli the encomia of Incr. chants to the largo supply of oew Goods Just opened in has wholesale Rooms. on 2.1 story, [lOllllO4l cornet Ith and stuket sweets, Pittsburgh. This bouts his second supply for this sprang, be has many Mods of goods at reduced prices and soma styles not to be found elsewhere. mydrdkwT IVO - VONT COaa.S., CnEk let, .&o.—A. Me sas & Co. have reed per Express, more than 1500 Collar, Capes, Cape, Chomizeus, Gaffs, itc. Al so, Edgings and Inserting, at half the natal prices. • mr2l gfir. - ititi iMMERE. 4 , CAS-1 cane new ripe fancy "side stripe" Caasitneres, ust reed and for sale by MURPHY, WILRON & Co, nryll 49 wood el D IBRONS---A dandsosne tussonosent of new aiia beautiful styles Rennet Ratoul, jest reed and for sale al sediment prices dy taylt MURPHY, WILStIN & Co fIOW RD OUCH 3 bareirMrail2-7telon Duck, suitable for steam boat decks, wagon covers, fee , jam received and for sale by myll MURPHY. Wlleet4lN r f". VINE OOODI3--18 pr trotd Spectacle., h fine Diamond Finger Rings; 10 hlumeal Hosea, shell rased; Ala e assortment of Fans, with fine paintings also, gold rg and .ilver gilt. Silver Batter Knives; with agate handles; Gold and silver waist Buckles and Slides. AIso—PAIII.SULS, dark green and oilier fashiona ble colors. The above good., with a large assortment of Jewel ry, Fancy Good s, tr.e , wdl be sold for mate or other good motley, at No 67 Market .treat, try MY II KEDULAM KINSEY UMBRELLAS—In eases cotton and gomhani Ca bran., cline nod whalehene ribs, sum received and for sale by SI:AL:KLETT sh WHITE, soya !V wood at I.)AR ASV'S cues couoit, giugliiin td silt Parasols, now styles end designs, green 'rare ea. tie, with tr.nse4 sad plain borders, end beaunful lye ry and (alley Its:Knew, Just rce'd and for sale by EteII23MCM - - 11ASSIMERF.-6 preces very fine doe Am (black) CSOOI/11.1 . 1 . , re erred as a .ample direct from the tnan . afa t Torer, for sale Ly If LEI' BURLAP AND WOOL SACK.--th;li;ml sailor .le Lay myd II T.F11.1 DONNE'S . ' RISBONS—New atyles Bonnet Ribbons II opening at the tine Price Store, one lot no low as l2j ole mrdl A A MASON A Co I_,LiNCY SILK SIIAWI-We have plat opeoed r large Bat of Raney Silk Shawls, to which we In vite tie attennoti Of the ladies loyal ALEXANDER A DAY M()ROAN'S WORM KlLLER—Another proof et the inumphant success of Morgan's Vennifuge hressuaoti, May In, 1040. Mr. John D. IlLorgarn—lf my name is of any u.e to the suffering cornennuirY, in regent to the , nrucle of Norge rmtfoge, you are perfectly wefome tr. tt ly wlth ms; 1 be came alarmed, ono very . t i so, whoo I tried your renowned Veraningo, and astolushing to tell, one of them was delivered of about fifty worms fifteen inabes long, of the most frightful kind, resembling more the .out ot eels. The other child was delivered of about The cauldron are now doing finely. Von luny well be proud 01 your Worm Rua... Youru iriey DAvio Slxru, Virgin alley. Prepared and mold wholesale and revel by JOHN D. MOHDAN, Druggist, Wood street, one door below In. =EMI y OUR COUGH MAY RE CURCID Abrectlisur Cm. Oil April AL IM9. $ Mr. R K Supers Being afflicted tor some ume with cough, whieh au• so •ever , as to total roe lot my dotty employ tocol Frequently alter CO I have Urea Mt much exhausted, u to be obliged to sit down nod r lieortng .( the Kai:A effeele produced by your Cough :syrup, I concluded to giro it • trial, and am happy to say It producd the desired effect RI my cue Attar using 11 one night, the rough was abated, and I ma our perfectly welL J 1450. Lotman. This wrosent a n dpopular Cough 135 dip Is prepued 011 , 1 sold by R SELLERS.I" 57 Wood strut_ Sold alga by Druggists generally in the two cum. and I e mut ty. otYll NOT ICE 'PO -003/ TRACTORS CANAL LEITING.—The under. r.a . is aigned, Trustee. of the Wabash and Pale Canal, hereby give -notice that they will receive sealed proposal. at Washlogton, DAViell county, Indiana, on the :7th day of Juno next for the construct,on of about twenty-four miles of nth/. Canal, extending firm thaproposed Dam•acros. the West tor. of White River, near the Booth booefWeen pounty. to PI ova - mile, in Davies county. On Ulu ggc. lion of line there are to be constr.:tied Eva Lift Leeks and one tthan/ lank, to be built of timber, a.- Dam anions KlinkaraPm Creek, and one or two small-Agee darts, uMenter with the towel variety of earth work eomumil toe month 'fbe boo will be divided into see. tams avernong about half a mile to length. At the none thee and place, proposal. will be revel ved for building, with cut atone masonry, the piers of the 'Aqueduct over East fork of NVhitai River. The and tor Ibis masonry must be procured from the gum nes Di durable lout:mono in be found on or near either the East or West fork of White River, from which point they can be delivered by water. Tho line to be Placed under connect, will he ready f an or d i tnilTeTs'sn''lon day. provmua y u' rei ! e h re e t ' ic ' e o t:e f re i t ' o u w " fil be given by the - Resident Engineer. CHART E 3 BUTLER, A. M. PUETr i THU. 11. BLAKE. Tays..' Berton, / Terra-haute,Apni ti, IMP/. $ myltajone27 - - NFORM their friend. and the public at they bevy I 'no longer any tOrilleelioll with their late catableth Went In Penn Street, known as the Pitteburgh Bremer• having removed their entire business to the POINT URRWRRT.Irt Pin wow. ervOini IILTVW Cik ' ng;P:iiLASS—..atuple T 11: J.l penny brand window Ulnas received. and orders win be promptly (Mod by nI IT lIARBAUGII tuylo TRANsPoRTATION., , EMPRESS PAIELETMINEE, pi II .4.DELPRIA. AND RALTIE4IRE, Exeluaivel y for r. laMl — The Heats or a. LinePassenge mill leave an Moms, at SliVelock al night L o ,th,,gna--Capt• J P Thompson, May 31. Indiana— }3eirkey, Friday, L Ohio—A Craig, Saturday, June 2. gratneky—LlTrahy, Sonday, 3. Lonisians—Jn/4.5.444., Monday, 4. ludium—P Darson T 5555 59 ,11 5 . Ohio—A Wed nesda y Kentuckir Craig, Trnby, Thurs , day, 1. Lourslans—J P TheMPION Friday. B. indium—P Barkley, Saturday, a. • olno—Copt. A Craig, Sunday, to Kentucky—H Troby, Mondaj, Lou suans—J P Thompson, Tike.d.y.l2. Indiana—P Berkey, Wednesday, 13. Oluo—A Craig, Thursday, 14. Kentucky—Caps II Truby, Friday, 15. LOUIS 1•1111-1 P Thompson. SuwdaY, 1 5 - I ndistua—P Darker, Sunday, 17. For pusoge apply to W BUTCH, Monongahela Hons., my3l or D LF.F.CII A Co, Canal Basin 1849. Warren and Cleveland P l ia l Mang Canal Packet--SWALLOW. —OCEAN. PNB of the above Packets leave Beaver every day (Sundays excepted) and arrive neat minting at arma, when they connect with the Mall Stages for Akron and Cleveland, arriving..a each of these places before night One of the packets leave Warren daily at 5 P. M., and arrive at Heaver in time to take the morning beet for Pittsburgh. C ELEPPINGINn;LL & Co Warren, / M 11TAYLOR., do JOHN A CAUOIIEY Agent, _apl3 corner Water and S.mithfield she Inas= 1849. m ai UNION LINE, ON THE PENN'A AND 01110 CANALS. Ca.arroan & Clu.sintimm,Cleveland,O. I R G. PAILIIIMBeaver, Pa. I rHls Line will be prop ed on the opening of navi j. gallon, to transpon freigitt and Passengers Cram PITTSBURGH and CLEVELAND, to any pant on the Canal and Laic.. The ftwilinesslthin Line are unsureassedm number, grainy and capacity of Boom, expencnee of captains, and efficiency of Agents. leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily, run ning in Connection with the steamers LAKE ERIE AND Between Pittsburgh and Beaver, and a line of first class Steamers, Propellers and Vessels on the Lakes. Auxism—R 0 Parka, Beaver, Pa. Jesse Baldwin, Youngstown, Ohio. hl B Taylor, Warren, CyrusTrentiss, Wheeler & Co, Akron, Crawford A Chamberlin, Cleveland, 0 Sears A Griffith, Butia/o, N. N't JOHN A. CAUGHEY, Agent, Office, cor Water and Smithfield sts, Pittsburgh. roi/211y HEAVER PACKETS. Steamer NIICIUG AN No. 2--Capt. 13ilson. " LAKE ERIE, " Gordon. above re g ular and well known Beaver Pack ets, have commenced making their daily trips to and from Beaver, and will continue to run between Pmsburgli and Beaver regularly dunng the season, as Michigan No. 2 leaves Pittsburgh daily at 9 o'clock, A. M., and iiE2•GT at 2 o'clock, P. M. Lake Erie leaves Beaver daily at e o'clock, A 11.,and Pittsburgh at 3 o'clock, P. M. These steamers will run in connection with R U Parks' Express racket Line, for Erie; Taylor A Leflnngurell's Warren Packets; Union Line of Freight Boats for Cleveland; Clarke& Co's Pnwhorgh and Cleveland Line Freight' Boats. 0 Earks datly New Castle Packets. CLARKE., PARKS & Co, Braver, Agents. JOHN A. CAUGHEY, Agent. Pitturgh, ear Water and Smithfield its maim 1849. aliEtM PITIMIRDII AND CLEVELAND OE3 ON THE PENNSYLVANIA AND Olflo CANALS. FHE Propnetara of this old establtehed and popular daily line, consisting of SIXTEEN first class Canal iats, owned by themselves andrunning in eonnec ion with the steam Goats BEAVER AND CALEB COPE, are enabled to offer unequalled facilities for the transportation of freight and passengers, on the opening of Canal navigntion, to all points on the Penn sylvania and Ohio and N. York canals and the Lakes. K M. FITCH k Co, Cleveland. BIDtVELL & BROTHF.K 3_ C. BID Agents, Be-aver. LL, Agent, mark Water Agents,, Pittsburgh. C BID WIIIL, Putsbu rg 1, O. W. C. =WELL, Beaver. • BIDWELL & BROTHER. Forwarding lilerehanis, BEAVER, PA, Agent, for tke PiarburgdaarlClndond Line, Pitts burgh and Eno Line tut Eru, arid for atom boate Beaver and Cakt. Cope. Itartng purchased the large and subnomtial Wharf Maw tom built for the Alononguhela Packet; have malt the Lldditton of a Warehouse, the mom ample ac commodations for receiving and forerazding, and. pledge their almost attention, promproea and damiateh fo oonsi,enmers& to their care, and rely 011 their then& f ora trial. mardsdly ' B. & BRO. row tireenswood Gawden. • • New Aituanommunt—Tha yawner THOS. BCUTF , pwill commence on Monday, May 7, to run from the Old itivood Landing, foot of PM sr, to the Garden, leaving at h o'clock, a. u. and at each even hoar until It o'clock, P. X., toot Inp from the Gar den at 10 r. ta. The Saloons are .upplted with al the delicacies of the mmon. Tea at 6 o'clock. The Garden, with a large collocurni of Greenhouse Plants, Millions, An nual Floor Pill. and Shabbery. The comfortable wharf boat Greenwood, will be placed at the PM street landing. mys BUZ -o;7l3.lDiric , Dentist Oirnai °Mardi and Decatur, between Market and Ferry sheets. sepe-dlyin J. WESTBA.T, — "WV Hope v t t ~ sers his professioual serviee• te the mtmens of Adle_sheny city. Office, northeast corner ere. Diamond. diefer•to •LIA 01110.: Dr. T. F. Dale, Dr. T. IL Minty._. Dr M. B. Trevor, Dr. Juo. Dic*".Oth. Dr. J B. Herron, Dr. It B. ISerwery, . Dr. M. M. Knox, Dr. H. It- Bell Wm. A. ward, D.osti Rev. A. W. Meek; Roy. N. West [Phi Rx• G. W. MEDDLE, Demilt,. REMOVED to et three story brink on Smithfield street, ono door Sixth meet. Teeth inserted from one to an entire set, on the MINI. principle, With a bean ufol representation of the natural gum—reshoring the ortginnl.shapo of the fare. N. 8.-Teeth connoted With little or no pain. Decayed Teeth permanently saved by plugging, pre venting the tooth ache, which Is mock better than cu• ring ii, though it should be done in Aro Minutes, or evenio.tanfly. apbeitY lift HS. ALA Ftsli'S NEW NOVEL-ehlordannt 11.11 j7l or a September Night; by the author of ''Two old urea's tales," "Emilia Wyndham,. ' , Angelis," etc. Jan rre'd by JOHNSTON & STIJEKTON, aplnalika•T corner MarkrAtuul ad eta 600llniF.--41•14anised Tin Plans. TE subscriber s beg tut all the attention of Builders, J. Architects and owners of Buildings, to the twiny advantages which these plates possess once all other metallic substances hitherto aged for roofing, ka., gal they possess thence the lightness of inan, without tit liability to rust, having now been tested for several years to this parucultr,lroth In thin country and in FA rope. They are less liable to expansion and contrac tion from sudden change of the atmosphere, than com mon tin platen, iron, tine, or any other metal now used for roofing, sod consequently form a mach better and tighter roof; requiring far less frequent repairs, whilst the brat cost is but a trifle more. A full •upply, ol sties, from to an W. G., con mainly ou haud and for sale by EEO. U. MOREWOOD & CO, 1.1 and 16 Beaver street, New York. The patent right for this article banng been secured for tee United States, all panics isfnaging thereon, either by inspOrtatiOU or otherwise, ,rim bo prawn red. neekklteurlyT Ears - T - 1. tllli undersigned have created worts In the my of 1 New York, for the purpose of tialkanimne all arti cle* of Iron, which 11. is desirable to PROTECT FROM RUST, such as 'telegraph Wire, Bold, Spikes, Nails, Wire for Fence*, and any other article ' which may be required. For Hoops for CaskeoutaanbMltate for bale Rope; for Clothes !dries, Lightning Rods, and anon of other appllcatrons, it will be found cheap and durable. They would particularly call attentiorr to the Cabana., sod \Vire for (enact; it requires no punt, and will ee l rust. Also to Spikes and Mt., the preairvation of which is of so mach importance, that it will commend itself to the notice of ell thole Interested. . . UM. B. MORI:WOOD & Pak:Moos, octal-414404T 14 and l6 Ekonrot it.N. York WALL PAPER WARICIIOUBJE, Nu. 47 Marill street, Pitts/neigh', Pa. THOMAS PA.LILER, RESPIXITFULLI announces to his. (needs and cos. tonsers, that helms bat at no p.m period so eaten rive a Stock as he has at present. Ito Call offer topur chasers, on van moderate terms, at thn'old establish ed Stand on Market Meet, almost evely . tertiebtlts his lino—including Counung-room, Bed-amber; Daia L room, F.11:1( and Paper. Vtlitallordele, 'capes, Pier-board Pilau, Paper and Transparent W,ndotor Shade*, Bonnet and Binders' Boards., Wri ting, Wrapping, and Tea Paper, he is - abundantly sup plied, and requests country marcher:4llml housekeep. era to call and examine his assortment. MiliMMG;l2=il NEW HARDWARE. ediORIC. SIGN OF TAE PLANE AND SAW, No. Z 8 Wood street. PHAANDIIh. HI; BF.R AND LACIFAIAN, Reporters and dealers in Foreign and Domestic HARDWARE, in DI its varieties, arc now prepared instil r a low and on as reasonable terms noon he purnbattedellowb."" We solicit our friends, and the public geAerally, to call and examine our stock, which cons.. In part of KNI V I'S nod FORKS, POCKET and PEN KNiyiss,* SCISSORS, SHEARS, RAZORS, House Trimmings, such as Looks,Latehes, Hinges and:Screws, together with every article usually kept in dedarano Stoma We invite the anention of Carpenters and Meehanics. generally to our assortment of Tools, which have been selected with great eare, and which we ens dimming. cal to sell sou to glen satisfaction. aptsilts•T grim undersigned having been appointed Agent of Oho ihu.sw•aa Moms!. Saran leaeleires Co rear, i the place of John Fotoey, Jre, resigned, , npertfully inform , th e public nod the Glenda wag-cu. tome„ of c o .opinny, that he ia prepnred WI take Marine, Inland livid FUG rink. on libetal terms, al thou o6egfrrio, 37 Water street . P. A. MADEIRA Atr, Rmmin a. E A V 141 , ..,FiALE L oIP - PWSOICh, eon !noting an alphabetical list of Peal °Mena through nu, Staten; dominoes froatWalltingtOn, D. C. state and Lorrain.' capital,. tespectivelyt also el- Otto Pont Offices in each &ain ' t* Weil esroan tyii Oilt:rt",tf,yoritt,YAVNl4l?". and British myl6 corner 3d and *ticket Sts 1_1[031.! 1103E1A-100u reel 2 m. 3ply India Rubber jl llosc—just reemved for the liorough of Manektet ter, which will be held in store far a fear days. The Roston Belting Company express a strong desire (or tku are deparmients of the cinea of Pittsburgh and Al. legheny to tall and examine and make atrial of them. The company is smiling to put them to any test they think proper to conclude upon. myth J& 11 PIIILLIPS, Wood at T)iOORy FOR Tile 81.1 - 1.7 - 11.1irreilitll JD in the Curren? Insurance Cortphrtrof Pittsburgh, *lll be ommell in Me Stomas of the iloard of Trade, the first Monday of November next, *Shan't]. k, K. Wm. hariiner, Jr. Robert Wood., it. ftPClere, Joseph Ploauner,. Is ht. Kier, Josiahnl4 John tt.bentf, Alex. Rena burs, sod It. Lk Rio!, apltbaltanttl 1000 A-111D01 superior Cocoa, Jot reed and for sale by osy94 WICK k NDIMIS -11.0.11SELIALPAR14&4_„,. STO MO; ; • I •- •.; 146 . .7 r • SaLlaWd,aecupla ft. .1 by ilia 11.0.17. of jam. Dna Dr. A. NaDDaire roa= given da 01 s, latsdla of %wand la the :Nlacti-Wardi between the rina Vr . tud_ and CmabanayillaL - aultabla.-. 7 ,.... fort amber yards. WM. M. LtAILLINGTON. my2Fuitf At B r Dathighttt's, Faaalk. et TOR SALE—FIaa lots eligibly situated in the Soar. idling town of Birmingham. The lots are sutra tad on Dborman ;meet, numbered in F Baussaaes plan 70, 79,114 01 and Ea—Lot No 73 fronting SICI feet on Ma ry Ann street, :0 feet deep; the other fon, KI feet front each, by on feet deep. Tf iIIIO—GMBIEF part of porcbasedsuitteE mop re maul for wiz years, second by elan, inquire of 'U n " rello F M: no 110 second st Valuable Coal:A.lmA for Sale, A 13OUT four @Het above Lock No. 2, at the mouth of Pine Ran, Monongahela RiTer. The Coal is of the very best quality, and easy of access. Any number of acres, fmro twenty-hoe to a hundred, might be amused. Persons desirous of purchasing, can call on WALKER REED, on the premises, or Wet. Reed, opposhe Mu Post ofFice, who will give any In. formation Ming the property. The above will In be wild at a greet bargain. House and Lot for Salo IlLtimabiN ALLEG HENY e meld, feet front feet by El deepj situate on the bank of the river, near Fahnestoek's tory, is offered for male LOW. Terms easy and title hi &mutable. Apply to Abraham Falcon Monongahela m City, orradtrr• ' JAMES BLAKELY, Pittsbmgli. LR?—A good belch INselins‘eses Online on Robinson street, Allegheny. ,a n , cf rayld BOLOMO, SCROYRIII L'COR SALE CHEAP FOR tiCHI ( IA too A! situate on Webster street, YS feet from HllltgiftreeZ 5) feet front on Webster, by 61) feet to a aro eat allay 7 -inice close to now court boast. Price 050. Terms, =0 mull In band; balance in one, two, thfte, .4d tutu yenta from the best of April last. County and Cray Scrip taken for cash payment. in. hire of myln S SCIIOYER.111) second et ROO Acres Coal Laud tar Bale, MIATiIID on the Idonottgalicla riverebout 16 miles la from Priudburgh mod 3 miles above. third Lock, in the Museldate nemhborhood of Messrs. Lyon & Moth, and Mr. l obe Ilerron`a purchase. This dne body of Coal willbe sold at the low price of 11133 per atio—ons, third in band, balance in five equal annual payments, without Mourn rule indisputable. Location very good:—cannot be gemmed. For limber partleulars enquire of S. BALSLET, who has a draft of sold pro. petty. fLeableuce st,bellownrry,Nr.AdamatNow,' N. a Them le another seats of coal on at, &butt 112 fact above the lower, of excellent quality. s. noes. and of t ar tla .A TWO story Brick House, containing right rooms exclusive of bmement and cellar, and stumble for two families, situated on Liberty street, Allegheny, w il l be sold bite for Scrip. Enquire of mitaltf _H. flAY9 , liasette t coSes, Valuable Building Lots for Baba T HE sobseribeu are authorised to offer at private sale, and upon highly favorable tenon" • another of very sure numbs Lots, coupruung a large portion of the Lots numbemi 67, ad, 69 and 71.1, In Woods' General Plan of the Coy of Pittsburgh, sites. red-at the south outwardly corner of Penn and %Va ytle streets, fronting Ito feet on the former, _mind mg along the latter about GOO feet to the Allegheny river, end being • put of the Real Rotate of the late beam S. Stevenson, Esq„ deeeased. A plan or aubdwision of the above Lots, in confer. any with Which dis proposed to sell, may be seen at the race of the undersigned, on Fourth between Mar ket and Ferry sts. WILLImis & KUHN. my] subscriber will sell, at ea:irate sale, that ewe, 1. tale Property, on the Poona streetrowl, adiralehm his present residence, nod give pootessian Immediate ly. There are about TEN ACRES OF CHOICE LAND, an a high state of cultivation. The large and well finished brick DWELLING HOME, a superb Bern, and other out holldinge Artheintagtha dwelling La a mining FOCIOWLI and a good Pump, which tarnishes • G 0.1.11 supply of excellent way,. There as a variety of Fruit Trees and Shmhbery on the premises. If the above demribed property Is not sold soon, it will be reared for a time. Also for gale, • large arr, on Pennsylvania Avenue, at ;he end of the board walk. Inquire of arredAnt DAVID HEELER. Valuable Dual Itsitate tar Bale. rri HE Trainees of the Wearers Theo . Ical Bomb:Lary banns decided to mill i o t perpeMO lease, a por tion of thew property in Allegheny city, offer on vary favorable terms. front al to GO Lora of different Witco A 'warrantee title will be giver.. A plan of the loin be neon at No. LSO Wood sweat. For partioolars, enquiry of either of the Twdertlgned Commuuee. JOHN T. LOGAN ALEX. LAUGHLIN aw..cout H. CCM BAHL BARLEY. a very our Ha at. imkA TWO story Brink House, on Federal st., 0214 door above the northwest corner of the North Common, Allegheny—wide hall, parlor, dining room and kitchen on the first floor. Four rooms oo ltd story, with a /rushed aloe. Possestuon to be had immediately. fru:mire of spit OEO B SULTENBEBORR, 07 Front at ' — lrassablaitail Estate far following property in the city of Pittsburgh I and [ICU the borough of Mancherter, on the ohl o river, is offered for sale on accommodating ton= Lots (being sob-division of Lot No .10 tn the plan of the city of Pl.bttrtrh,) having 40 feet front on Se venth street, by 240 feat to Strawberry alloy gear Grant street 10 one acre tom fronting on, an Avenne y pL 'feet' wide, mnrung from Beaver road to tho OhlO neer. , ad' Joining Phillips's Oil Cloth Factory.. For terms, molars Of CHARLES B. /FOLLY, or JAfiIIi:SCP.P. • Auto% ' roparty fere a, IN TUB WARD rirranuaaa—se,- i eral Lota on Baldwin and Laberip anise% in the via Ward 24 feet WTI% and aditteat the p depot of am Central RaHroad. For termsatEnrot • -CHARLES ILSC 17, -- • or FAISFO'I4II.A,- -• ' Barka% Bath:ling, 4th et • TWO HOUSES AND LOTS DOR BALE 40 4 TWO LOTS Beaver stress, la the eiN„e Vl.lttenT, shove the uppeteeemMistitehleli • • ' • ts men "I a fame bedkllng,,Ortratotlei hie suitable far Isro small mammas. The lOU art eat threat, in . front by one,fitmdemilbet do ' • to a rimer flirty (eel wide. The buildings on the 'prof Mises Iviltpay Worcai haadsCialtr latereia att the l a. ' meat, sad the anapest; arillbe sold cheaikfor wash. Apply - to H. Sproal„ Clerihs Mace; U. Nett& e ner4l , - • KAY A,Da • MEN. LOTS, el feet WE mitemed on the higher 1. ground, end fronting on the wide NM* Commutes In the SUM* Vista Extension Terme Wish. -MBES ROB N." WAX CPU. ROBINSON,. otehthmos Mee, Exithinge fo—oTßH O M f artE ß ml ut l4 .ig k Z- - TEACRSHOP.diAND,wltieredits' stl i p.,"Ontheinsiittinmitiels, Tate sun burgh-rm to t to to isnitousel:mien. ForAutherparde-, Wan Apply to Henry Woods, dd st, or Is • - • • A WASHINGTON • Wei/JEROME IFOILSALE.—The eabeert• — r offer, for eats the three nor, brick Watahoiteo on Wood sheet, recopied by R. rimer th Co. apl7 WIL WILSON .Ir. VALUABLE REAL IE=ATECN PENRRT ;Zia , FOR R.A.LR—A Lot of Ground Ijuate on Penn treet, between Hay and biarbary stmt, the bonze and tot now occupied by Richard Edwnrds, having a (root of 15 Gat, and in depth lin feetovilt .be sold on favorable terms. Title oneseeplia . wale. En quire or C. O. LARIMI9,4I.IIO,naas Wood. or rtl-dif - • e gale. • A DFSIRABLE Banding Lot to - Allogbeny clly, fa rorablyy located, la =a about halt , T o toro, ;ad will be sold on accommodating *Mo.. I War of (ebb V111f3.14 Ma ieood al M bva RENT—d. room In tho Illonond _z Wood urea. Propigvirbri ttilegltteett Olty for Igo. - , ... - .-7 11111.8 sobsenbas °ter toiealis a number of chain'?..! - t r 1 Lots, situate In the Semite W in lgoatlng 0n . 11111 .- "" ' Common ground, on neny team or W. 0 , 11. MUNSON, Any at le, Hi Clair el .1 or of JAB ROBINSON, on theprenesna.' -.•- - • temetttertfT - -- a.. sm., Bedfonl, Pa. mire isociansay, India* pi; • KING s MOOILILEAD, - • ' 11101149. ALP. GROCERS, Pontrardins T T minion Merchants , and dealers .In Produce Ind - Pdtsborgh Mantles:mires, comer of the Diamond and Diamond alley, pitialtont, aitriatEtres —r. P. Phoonberger, „ isb . gtt. Richard Band, Hon. Jos. Morrison, Hiatt. H. Elliott, Esq. Simon Dram, Eq., Greelfsharsl4 • I'. Genmal Philadelp J. hDlhken &Bons, L.evrisio • J. Reamer, BOIL Win. r.o.g_herth L a * di64,-0 hfolteallan fa Ray, Hlairari ay? vetr.swth _ DOOMS: BOOKS!!—The New Amerkan'Oesdenet 1) by Thomas (I Fee:leaden The New American Orchardist, by 1%. NanNek, The Complete Farmer midge ter Leafibk&r,by'rei• " •1 . aendea. je i ez b El l f mewl e C i tta i a T , Igt v al Im ule NAIL_ .; :2-22-; ,3 myle cornet walker end 3d Ws wsw ar.I4I3IOUS WOBJCS—Thocgtts at NMI. J. Prayer, by Samuel Miller, D. D, L. 1... p. . t Thoughts on Family Worsinp, by James W. AUX ander. Just rceetved til .e * yl7 a st STON fr. EiTOCYTON _ eWII - 6 - or tißeroute al Demesne Life. • any of King Charles the Second, of England, by . Jacob Abbott, veldt e i nge ni tTa N J:s4tec'd i g oN, _ ogle 0071:10/ 3d and Market au ilk 'l' We earn orthePlene inifilaar, PilWiß strait, 41. a complete emolument of Cateinstati Coopers Toots, for sale by 140.6 EIE/ORII It LAuPMAN — ltimmigric.L. & . . : :. . : • • . . • No. ea, DIAMOND : • a ;., _ • taw doors below Wood 'treat, to: • DB. 11131.01 WW, having bash remdarlyednessed to the =aka profession, and been for some Mhos ln general praetice now confines his atten .n to Lt.!.1101.1 • 4 throe .Pnritet and 4"l.Msha carol 4 plaints thi which his rmortr'jgdaim,, - :'• l en-Ir9 it eara p lato P = l ly T zta to aie • •• treatment of those complaints,(daring whi c h . p c bu had more practice and has martad More pal . ilanMetan eon ever fall to the lot of any privet. prao, 4neri amply mialMes elm to oiler assorsoaes of d i r permanent, and satisfactory atimaki 'ln* c heme drawee, and all doe-sacs arising there) pt.: Brown would Inform those afflicted with Mat/ & ro casco which base become ehnie ham pr gravated by the use of any et . the Common nostrums o the day, that their complaints can be radically and Mot, *uglily cured; he haviaggiven his oarefol'attentiOn to - the treatment &mil ease., and anteceded In tontdrefflr • of Instances in coring persona of itillasomation 'of this ' ' neck' of The bladder, and kindred diseases which often revolt from those cases where others have consigned them to hopeless despair. lie particularly invites earls as have been long and oneneeeveßnly treated by others to rennin biro, when every eattsfacticutorilVun alth them; sot r eases treated in estiefsd,tho arid Le/enigma manner, panned oat by a long e en milt, sod investigation, which It la impossible far thou :Lig , a , stl o n f racial practice. of medic* eye ms ease. - mr Halide or Rapture.—Dr. Drawl also twrltes pool so:0'011mA with Scrota to call, as helms pairlysroof istar attention to this diardiec. CANCERS also eared. 13k153 .diseener, also ,s, Paisy r etlL, srlotai , tin " Charges very /ow. . • • B-rtients cif ti n •um tieing is gating their disease, in lancing, jiving all ihn srmli tonna can obtain inetlieines Inlaid:tondo= for in., by , addr sing T . as, post paid, amil !ROAN tag taa Ogee No. , Dim m Diamond alley, anna ths ta e natty Raeo nallwallalb—Dr. Bowes newly dissoyeted reine thtl d, c IPpeamaticol a spadY mulls sbneollY Ws a o l . n r vo its .g la , er;416.., twine. n. Dio easisw Vol p x.. 4ON
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers