~41J~1~'~Yyk~~I1~~~~Y:Y li' PUBLIBLIED BY NVIIITE & CO PITTEIBURGEIs MONDAY MORNING, JUNE 4, 140:1. . narrEll. PRISM= DAIL' GAZITIS L pdalhal Dollars rier stutltem tab TD-Weekly Is Five Dollars per annum; the vain is TlTOPpliss peterrei meals, - „ Fit - Tr "'le. • Vrit Mar . • Awl` • p 3 ,lle.abla /41.04410..44 nitiolaci{44. o 4.l re Ppe o l ti r ed Woe oral itnuriably etlefrcod odlll rdod t /ai7iii[~Ejui~rrtos9'ifegsaD]ifo MBA/a; per Ltical.:ltiattars.see-iaßtCpage. Mitb — vinarg cOttlq . In pursuance of the established ossigesrof Motl:tin the Dermienstie Atulmasona and Whigs of Allegisett county, "AMAMI/11a in primary =clings, thed severer Election.Distrieta, ou Saturday, the 2d - dayief J 0 ,, • 35/9,j0 sleet .toto peroonsfrom each distrie Delegates to a.County C,onvention, to Mect et the Court Haase on Wednesday, the alb dofune, at 10 &elk, A. M., to par in nomination suitable eimdalatea 4obe supported by tho party at MaGencral Election in Oc tober neal. The Antlitutsons and Whip of the town. 'Alps (Piltlateepted,i will meet at the issuel pieces fat holding primary meetings, between the hlinsra of 2 and 5 P. M., and those of the Wards and boninigho and flit town:ship; between the hours of? and 9 P. IT. RODT. CeOTBERS, Chairman of, he Committee of resPoridenee. Alrrii'D, 1019. W . n Pekansywanta fleapits'. All oar reader will be gratifim to turn the our reproach is at last to be wiped away i—that Pittsburgh isle have a Hospitab worthy of her present and growing importance. 'rbe money his been raised, the cite secured, and , 1 our C.I" 3 " 1 today, will be foond , an adtertisemelbt for proposide. ni t for erecting the. necessary buil& 'lnt.. , ,.Prom:Hic well known practical knowledge o f the excellent commit tee who have this important ork.iite*ge, we infer that the buildings will be w orthy of the object and of thO city, and that they il I be erected. of durable materials, and in a manner to amid the teats of time. A Marine Hospital is now erecting in the welling of the city, by the General Govenre meat, so that on the completion of both these edi . demi, and their proper organization, taken together with Mercy Hospitils and Mr. Pessavant'a InEnn aty, Pittsburgh will be rather remarkably famed with institutions of this description. From the rapid increase of our population, all doubtless will be needed by the time they aro ready. A Mracrumts' Excuencr..—We ate gratified to observe that an effisrt is to be made Immedi: ugly for establishing a Merchants' Exchange, us ing lbw rooms of the Board of Trade for that per pose until arrangements are made to erect imitable buildings. The necessity and utility of such an institution aro too well established to need any ar aliment. Every city, of any pretensions to ex. talltiVll trade and commerce, has then', and could not do without them. Such an institution has been here for yearn, and our businessmen and inerehanis have bein subjected to great ins mineeniences for the want of one. Still it Will be attended with some difficulty and opposition at first, tram persons who cannot or will not under stand its operations, and appreciate its benefits. A quiet and determined perseverance will, how ever, accomplish wonders, and is ollPontms - wil l finally be compelled to yield to the just and rea minable rules and.custorns of trade. It will be a gnat convenience to the business men of a place so extensive and scattered as Pitudairgh, to know where to find, at a certain hour, almost any tuns - °factures, produce dealer, &e. All, at least, or any prominence, can then he seen, and en im mense amount of business can be speedily tram aced. It will also form a common centre fur com mercial information, which will be very conven ient. Its transactions will establish the ruling pri. er, and ostfiles will show the importatlonarato lte nay, by mmunbonts, as Boon, almost, as they at- nee. In various ways, if conducted - nnd encour skal with n liberal spirit, it will advance the .wel- I ire of the city, and insbeerve the interests of,tinsi. nem men. Locurrs.-This desha:tive insect is making its appearance in this section in vast numbers. Ti e ground. in woods, oreherdr, and gardens, is perfo rated with countless holes, from which they have emerged to the light of day, and the trees, fences, arc., are covered with the skins which they have abed. By examining the trees, they will be Zuni] in immensenumbers, about half the rise of a full grown locust, and very active, They willslealtt, less cause great destruction to vegetation. We are informed by some who have paid attention to these matters, that it is now seventeen years since they appeared in such large number& and they assert' that this is what is termed a .locutt They are,certainly asingular insect, and it is most surprising ;how they contrive to make their way to the surface e f f the earth, from a caniedentble depth, in places where the ground is beaten hard by mutant treading, and it is sitigular,tod, that they appear at tile surface almost at the same time• whether the ground is hard or soft. In the ward ing there may be no appearance of them; by mina the ground will be pierced in every. direction, particularly under trees, and in a abort time after the Insect throws all its underground robe, and spreads its wiegs kw its Sight of destruction. IVISIANCEIDLY C/lIIVALTY. —Dr. Silas .Holman an Assistant Surgeon of the United States Navy, was accidentally 'drowned iu Mobile Bay on the 2114 instant, He was at the time surge:al or the United States steamer Walker, engaged in the coast survey, and was returning to dud vessel from Mobile in a sailboat when rho was capsized by a midden squall of wind. There were six per. nom in the boat besides the surgeon, (Jar of whom were saved by clinging to tho boat, and one by the aid of an oar. The other was lost. The Cholera at New York is decidedly oa the lucrease. The hoard of health report, at Tueedny .Dr. Greer, resident physician, roporte that eight new CAW, of cholera have occurred since but report of yesterday, four of which have proved Several View cases are mentioned by the papers in private practice, sad the Mirror says that the board paned a revolution on Tuesday requiring physicians to report all cases of cholera they may be called to attend airthwith to the Unitary 'eon/- mous The Day-Book, of Tuesday, alyv "Yesterday, Mr. Lawrence HiU.e . aa old krefirary respectable merchant (flour commission business) at 15 Pearl street and 32 Bridge etreet, Was attach. ed at his atom with violent "cramps" iti the abdo men and other symptom. of a bad case of cholera. Ile- was removed to hie house (Court at. Brooklyn) where, notwithstanding allierforts fur his relief, he died before annul. It is said that in this case there were aoue artbe mai premonitory symp toms, mob as diarrhisa. "In the coarse of the day, a person employed by h measurer in South street, not far from the neighborhood of the first case, was attacked in the same way, with the same fatal result, in a few hours. "this is a matufestation oldie disease in a wholly daTereot class of people, and quarter of the city, from those hitherto effected by IL "Since the above was written, it has been aseer. mined alma, that there was a fatal case la Broome at, gear Greene. “It is Wad said that, on Saturday, thou wan a fa tal case of cholera is Charlton at. Euzsasru, Allegheny County, Pa., Ma. N. Waive— June 2, , 11319. Thar Sir—The primary Meethtis iittheßorough and Township were numerously etteadoll, The people of the country turned out alines-Cita n man. I wad yon the rent of the proceedings: Township—James Patterson and Applegate, delegated instructed for R. C. Walter, kir Assem bly; C. Castro ON Sheriff; F.C. Mangle, fos.Pro. thenntory; John diarrhea. for Tretantor ; and Capt. S. Kerr, for Commissioner. • Berongtt—llaniel Sarver and C. B;;LtAihl, dele gates, personally the (minds of 11; a:Welker, but 'Winded for S. Frew, after an Iminyttakt and ex cited canvass, by-a majority of 7 votbit and far C. Curtis for Sheriff, F. C. Flanegin for Prothoruitory, John Monism] for Treasurer, - and 'Capt. Kerr for Commissioner.. Upwards of-100 votei were polled 111 the. Borough. PercivalandL B. McGrew, delegates, friends of It. C. Welter;Unittatrncted. In all these meetings the best feeling prevailed, and nothing occurred to mar., the receetlinga of the evening. May the same libeial spirit prevail an the Convention one WednesdaY nett itespectfully your otit servant JAMES Af REILY. CLEVELAND AND Prrmstriton Ran, Roan.—We Learn yronathe officers of the:. bamPany, that the work is steadily progressing math° middle division. An estimate of over six thotntedi, 'six hundred i . dotter' was paid on Saturday last. The final es timate was paid on one of mho hay' 'et sections on 0 .• p ,, t h- et . divisiON,—.-it embra as• the heavy Bridge abutments at the crossing the Corm.- gs River, and the storm work wi I Aompnris Ms vorably with my wort on the east na or western There' aria Ow a heavy .foime eiptged. 000 . division, sufficient to complete all * Llt r 0.310- der ( eonteact, the claming fs.M.- - WM Overtly it now-nearty completed- ,- .i. , -: ,•-• ~ .j, The friend n sor slps Rttura- W: ppirlts.— Futile!, npo the li ne atelritOg e deep and in cr.-tong In in lho , rolc1; end *Meld it be oecatgary, matagen. pat tlielfit.eltOldoM le ,the wheel, and give is tong: pull and SI pall ilpsittlher: No portion of our oommullay peutukdttsiand their true interests 1 than the tiller!' the sa— FROM WMIHIYIGTON. : Gxawamdmea of the V 4 4 4. tinh Gaseue. WasarmaioN, May 29, PM% one-. canal:Ong address of Mr. 1.400,001 • elit;itiritten.Aorepty initiMMn to become the Taytor candidate for Goinrani - of dud State, has attrar conaiderable attention... Ho. the nantination, and "7 •••• en& all his Yrieiuids to vote for Mr. Balser, *So tirtu an elector onrho Taylor ticket last fall.— • •mg sound' kir., 4/43Mel; •taimeise It had SEen I - 'AEtidlrrnmu,.-4-r-e.--uitxrCre.<foulctincr bb,Gigege ailsOtcibir , or dis i'Qugy..:-. 44104'71.ieteiiifra.ailio,-licisvevavigs in lit*lr is.: animas ahs;4;ia-ii is • waded Ilhautike weibgpoiles,artlkftwonfot C -pcintmerm end thirJohn •G; Gawk, of New :kcal:. . 0 7 Abrie Mbar Froirdnene whir; yolitietan from the Northern states, shall be nominated to this Office. I am informed to day that there is a -strong pro. liability that Hon. Waddy Thompson, ol S. C. will ticLappoilited minister to Mexico. Oen. Thompson wis appointed to this mission in 1841, by General Harrison, and was snperceded In 1E34 by the stn. 'tacit diplomatic aptiointment ever made, that of 410 v. Shannon, by President Tyler. So far as knowledge of the Spanish language, and of the 6rnas canniness, and some experience are recom• mendations, they are decidedly in Gen. Thomp son's favor. It is remembered to his honor, that he was one of those kw brave and sensible men in the bigouea and grolish State of South Carolina, who la the time of highest excitement about the Wilmot Proviso, manfully stood up:and declared that the adoption of it would be no collie for the dissolution of die. Union, and that there could be no Slave States added to the Union from the tem thry wets of the Rio Grande. Fo'r inculcating ,nucli lemons, among ouch a people, he deserves honor and credit, and on this account his appoint ment would be well received. Though there are colter whim, occupying a passion in the party, which would seem to better entitle them to thts _high post, yet all admit that it is well to do 10111r thing to confirm and gratify the patriitie and wef effected portion of the South Carolina people, why are attached to the Union, and to cheek that son timent of isolation in the in.dit of the other States of the Republic, which it has been the aim of Mr. Calhoun and his followers to create for South Caro line. Polk meanly crouched to them, and offered the highest diplomatic position within his control, sucecalively, to two of the most active propaga tors of this treasonable sentiment, Men". Elmore • and Pickens., who in their excess of pride and mag• nanimity of soul, both deolined the honor. , Per haps they thought it a higher honor to refuse to have any thing to do with Polk, in which many honorable men will agree with them. Gov-Johnston has been expected in town for some days, but not haring teen him, nor heard of his arrival, I think he weld not have come, up to last night. The Union alibi, morning, formally announces the association °Piton. &hutted Burke, late Com aussioner of l'ateuts,with TllOOlll9 It.dohnr, as part proprietor, and co-editor of the paper. For several reasons the party•throughout the country will be gratified by this proceeding. The paper can hard• ly fail to be improved in vigor, in consequence of Mr. Burke's accession,and I trust, also,that hs tone wiLL beinrne somewhat more respectful and cour teous, than that in which it has been conducted for the past four years. We shall certainly hear less of that antiqtlated twaddle about the "resolu tions Of 'I3S ;and "99," "ardent yoang Virginians,' "high totted Vtrginla gentlemen, and thing, of tha t kindolittich could never occur to any bet a man who imagines the sun to rite and set within the boundaries of this "old dominion." It is now plain ly perceptible that the more direct and forcible ar ticlen which have appeared since Mr. Westeete contrtbtations ceased; have been furnished by Mr Burke.' The now editot will doubtless assert his powers rather in the discussion of such great questions of National policy as the Tariff, Internal Improve- I merits, the extension of Slavery to Free Territory, and others of similar importance, than to raising n pother about the dismissal of Jones, or Brown, or Jackson, from public employment Mr. Burke boa too much sagacity to think of arraying the party against proscription, s principle which may be call eel the life of its being, end the breath of its nos trils. We shall now soon knowypon what politi cal issues the party takes its stand, against the '- tniniatration of Gen. Taylor. The western people will now be informed whether the democracy is to oppose, or to advocate appropriations for Hive. and Lake harbors. Gen. Cass's latter to the Chi. sago Convention turas altcgetticr unsatisfactory on that hod, the Union will be libre elaborate, and more luminous. L suggest to Mr. Burke, trowel, ei;that his very first eare*ehould be to provide for the very impcoltant 'general question that has lately been mach tpet-ral at the Union, and particularly by the Baltimore American; namely, what is "the Jrnaccraqr; which it represents, and where it is to be found. I shall now lake the Union, for I shall feel some confidence that I can open it at breakfast withgui finding some unpleasant and ill tempered assault upon myself. The rumors thicken of resignations of moraine at Ohm' holden, at:the:capital:to lake effect June first. lido not believe them,but Bowe no doubt that mea- Ones are in progress for supereediag them all by Whigs, which will be fully matured in a month or sit weeks. .IONItIS. • Viesnourran, May 30th, 1n49. Among other appointments understood to be agreed upon, is that of Hon. George P. Marsh, o Vermont, to be -• Charge to Constantinople. Mr. Marsh is at this tithe not only the most distinguish ed linguist in the United Stales, but one of the most celebrated in the world. it is reported that lion. Eliaha Whittlefty, for merly an able member of Congress foam Ohio, and now President of the Wstsbington Monument As. soeintion, is to succeed Mr. McCulloh as first Comptroller of the Treasury. Mr. Whattlesey is a very clear headed man, and possesses a mind which qualifies him inn rediarliable degree for the peculiar duties of this office. But I must bo per mitted to state, though in perfect good feeling to wards Mr. Whittlesey, that there are certain weighty Uonsielemtions why he should not receive this nor any appointment under the government— any one, at leant, requiring the employment of all bin time and faculties. lie is now the President. at a good annual salary, of the Washington Mon. anent Association. Thin is not only a noble and Marione, bat an essentially national object, which May well demand We continued devotion of ell Ilia time and all his talent,. lie hat, too, already two sows in office here, nee) one, I believe, in the army. He is coasidernbly advanced in yearn, and has filled many distinguish." official statioas.--; Would it be difficult to had some younger man equally qualified, who might, with more amnia' priatenees, be called to the statimt Peter G. Washington, Auditor add, Pont Office Department, will certainly have to vamos. He made himself, it is alleged, a littlatoo conimicuons atnong the official electioneerers of the last cam paign, though he had not the osmiumco which led such men as Brown McCalla and Berke, to take the stump for Canand Butler. You sr( U perceive, in the Democratic papers, many congratulatory paragraphs upon the majori ty which that party retains in the Senate, and they point to this circumstance as a rock of security and protection for their party against what they are pleased to term the proscriptive purposes of the •existing administration. Perhaps they are too confident here. Is the Senate so decidedly Dem ocratic? If we classify its members in precise ac cordance 'with their party relations, at the lire they were elected, we shall have the following di vision: Whigs . • • ........ c. 25 Democrats, (Hankerej 31 Free Boilers 3 Vacancy—lllinois ........ ...... I The Free Sotless are, Senators H ale, Chase and Whitcomb. Some ardent Dethocrat may eseept to thin state ment, because Mr. Whitcomb, of Indiana, was elected by a union of the Hunker Democrats upon the candidate of the Free Soil members of the Leg islature; but the mower In, that on the same rea soning, Hale and Chaim might be clamed with the Whip. II will be mid, too,)bat although there is a vacancy in Illinois, occasioned by the rejection of Shields, there is no room for doubt that it will ba filled by some Den:merely -Ac to that, these is a gooct deal of doubt, for I consider no other !e -clat no probable as that Loiag John Wentworth will be elected as the Free Soll candidate, and as a compromise between contending flictions. Dot suppose that Whitcomb act with the Demo erlaarand that a Democrat be chosen from Illinois, Shim that party will have a nominal majority of ail in the Senate, ■od there will be • Whig Vice Preindent in the Chair. But that majority ism° cone poped,as to r?piler it certain that it could be used fat-jilt) inert) , factional purpose, as .for in dada, thare systematic opposition to the Pedal. nomffnißions; There aro Benton aru,Csi hoiti, who ican hardly be called partyumen at all, nria - whinninfmore apt to vote with the Whigs than • ' opponeas. .Timarcia.Col,J;Javio.orldis . sissippi, who was no aeirly a Taylor man daring,, the ennvase,and Hunter, of Va., who will lend him.' widtlp reheat= Of a purelylartycilargpter.7 Every one onlitwo_men wad reaolateljr net their faces ugliest the rejection of nomina lintfilhat tyre, personally onexcer, as Gen. Taylots aur_ndmitted to be in a-mart remark: alile degree.. •",- :Scr-that, upon the whole, Car nena 6 CrOP4i.F 4 a, will 'perceive tharrbere is norensorratla prospect oldie Administration pnrty ever reatnringthe Min . of the casting vote of the Vim - President in the Senate. But I beg to remind them that even 4 they had the strength in that body to throw out all Gen. Taylor's nominations, that would not restore a single one of their friends who have been, or shall be, tented out to grass. HAvdver, not wish ing to hurt their feelings, I will not prime the sub ject into further details Junius. nog NEW YORK. Comespondence of the Ptitsburgh Gazette. NEW Yost, May 29 The coy has been in a complete state of "col lapse" this afternoon, in consequence of the exhi bition of a lump of gold, valued at 52,000, brought by Lieut. Beale, from California. The moat sceptical have given in their adhesion to the gold mania, and be is a bold man who has many doubts now. The Crescent Cuy will bring the metal brought by the steamers to Panama, and un til then we hold our breath at the immense sto nes told of the wealth of oar western province, or colony rather. A v place of amusement to at once to be locoed, that will give New York a real Loudon, it rather European luxury. Castle Garden is to be devoted to concerts aII Marard The large number of foreign artists here will enable us to have a band, almost as good as that of Julien or• Straw., and dancing will beeline quite a nation al pastime. Loaners now can drop in at the I ;am len nud, with thler ladies, dance an hour, and then mnibleiou to another soiree of *moire.— The concert wilt draw crowds, and the charm of the dani'n will make the. Carden quite a lion. The general health of the city coattnnes good bat we still have rases that aro called cholera. Th presence of this diierise create. no alarm, for, thi lar, not a single case has occurred in which th. victim woo not in a horridly filthy locality or in temperate. Business was hardly ever so so dull as now, with less prospect of improvement. (hoods has fallen ruinously and sonic styles can L. bought for less than fitiy per cent. of the opening rates of the season. Country merchants purchase ape. nasty, and are very cautious Indeed. The num ber of merchants in the city is smaller than usual, and their families are not with them, a singular but remarkable Met. So surely as merchants are attended by their families on a business trip to New York, trade is good, and as invariably bad when they come alone, as now. The Bank of Ckimmerce has adopted the policy in relation to circulating notes, mentioned some time since. No more notes will be issued by it in corusermence of the individual liability claim in their charter. Other city banks will take the same seep, and using country notes instead, thus making country fonds current. Capital never was more abundant here or more difficult of employ ment. Four and six per cent is all that short loans can be made at, end all good commercial paper is taken at the legal rate. Stocks, howev er, continue dolt and tend downward so far es non paying kinds are concerned. A good deal of interest it abeam at the progress of their.' of Mr. Walker, who shot his wife, or his mistress rather, last February, on Lexington Avenue. She was formerly married to a gentle man itu New Haven, from whom she was divorc ed, alter much notoriety. At the time she was murdered, she was, no doubt, the mistress of Walker, though n marriage is claimed by her friends. Mr. Walker is connected with some of lie most prominent families of the city, and the 'Ter ton are of course full of the subject. Drat, Akee and disclosure., and this luzult4 is rine of its at revolutions, bloating the reputation of many, ad disturbing the pence of numerous families. In minkets there is not much not:nation, and prices of breadstuff , . are not varied enough to need a quotation. The :tales for export are to a good extent, in flour ns well as grain. Freights rule very low, and breadatuirs can be laid down in. Liverpool at as low a rate as has been known for many years. Mess pork 59.571(y.i10. Prone, $.,50. Lard is dull. Cut meats are firm, and in largo demnnd, fall 1100 poelrages (-banging hands for the day t uaio flutter, Kit le. I.lieese,44llc and in demand. C. IMPORTANT FROM TOM SOUTH Indian Magesscres In Tests Arrival of da Menthoner and Folonn—Dcad. of General Porter--Indeaso Mt Flood on Nato Orlean.r—G , eat Judi.. Illassarre—Rarages of the Cholera. The following telegraphic despatch has been received by the Baltimore papers: CIiAItLEATON, May 30-8 P. M. The steamer Northener, from New York, has arrived. The steamer Valium, Lieut. Haristren, I/. S. N., commander. arrived oil the bar this morning. She received her made and proceeded on her voyage to Chagres at 11 o'clock to day. We have accounts from Havana to the 24th inst., but there is no news of interest_ We are abo t possessien of New Orleans dates of the 2b4' h. There seems to be uo beuer prospect of stopping the Crevasse at Soave's. The water is fearfully on the increase, and great alarm exists of a store extensive intiodatioe. George Porter, Assailant Editor of the "Pica yune," and Editor of the 'Spirit of the Times," is deed. His disease wog of the Bilious type. The last armlets represent the crevasse to be unchecked, end indeed unmanageable. It had risen hear inches in the loot 12 hours. Phillips street, to the rear of the tith Ward is utterly isi p.issable fur all vehicles, the bodges bring all swept away. The cholera has broken um in the vicinity of Suave'. crevasse. and- oar or his chil dren and three of bin nagrousi have died ud it. The Cotton market exhibits the same aeuvity and &mesa. ALARMINGACCOUNTS FROM TEA AS. Tlie geamahip Globe, from Brains Santiago, ar r.vedatGalveston on the 21st. She bring. the sad intelligence that an express had amend at Brownanlle, stating that Polo Alto had been at tacked by a formidable hand of Comanche Indian., who indulged in sets of the wort startling bars barity. The stage from Point 1.64 had been in tercepted and the online°rs and passengers all made prisoners. A train of transportation wagons, loaded with valuable ruerchandire, had also been eaptnred. Unfortunately there was no force to °maw, the daring marauders, there being no mounted men at Fort Brown. The loss of property is immense- One gentleman hos lost 70 horses The men have been killed, and the women and children carried into captivity. Gen. Allentos, military commander at Matamo ras, was called upon by the civil authentic, of Brownsville for the assistance of his mounted den. goons. His answer wan that he wan ready to fur niab all the force at his disposal if authorized by the commandant of the Texan Department to moss the frontier. The latter refused. In a few hours a large body of Mexican cavalry appeared on the opposite back of the river, awaiting permission to, cro•a. The whole American population in the valley of the Rio Grande are to a state of extreme agi. tenon. Accounts from San Fernando, in Wester Tex• as, brings the infarmaVon that Maj, Berry and his party have been cut to pieces by the Indiana.— They were attacked, 130 miles beyond the hacien da of San Juan do Jenda, and all murdered but one prisoner. The ravages of the cholera at San Antonio arc most awful. The whole ',number of deaths is not short of WO. The disease bad broken out in the camp of the 3d Infantry, and in the Quartermas ter's encampment on the Salado, where many were dying. Barran, May 30. LATE FROM BUENOS AIRES—SHIP WRECKS -9AILING OF THE CANADA The ship Palestine has arrived bringing ac counts from Buenos Ayres to the 7th ult. Roans and the French Government had agreed upon a settlement or their difficulties. A French ship and two schooners have been loot on the coast of Patagonia, the crews of which are all reported to have perished. The Canada limited to day, carrying out 131 pas sengers. Among the number are Bishop PorUer, of Mobile; Kehol lleanitsde, of Baltimore Mr. Haywood and lady, of Charleston, B. C. The Canada also took• oat some specie. Of the multitudes who have addressed letters to the ;nowhere of the new Adminietration, there are. many, we have reason to believe, who ere disap pointed—perhaps offended—et receiving no an wee. We think that a moment', reflection will show the injustice of ouch a feeling. Of the hun dreds of lettere which the Wade of Departments receive, moscuf them relate to the private affairs of individuals soliciting ornee, or setting Garth mat te:a of personal concern to themselves; but is it reasonable to expect that ail such communications shall be answered or even nelatowledgedl Such a thing we lyceum(' was never done, because it could not be done, under any Adminisumjen, and, ifit were attempted now, there is not a member rf the Government who would not be compelled to give up a great.deal of the most Unportaut public business belonging to his Department—Nat. In telligence, Deposits of Celifornia gold, as well as of foreign gold and bullion, are being daily .male at the Philadelphiapint—most of which if re...appeasing in the shape of gold dollars, LATE CALIFORNIA NEW 11. Arrival of Lieut. Baal—The litaarnslalp— Offer. h. I=l The steamship Smithemer arri.vea at New Yoik on Monday morning from Chadealon, having among her paeaemgo►a Littetenant 4 Edward Beale, U. S N., inn bans California. Halm most like ly brimight digiatobes tor the government as amitetaSki entail ago on the Pireffie roast is tharicar udry;---The Nesr-Iforie.Tribtnie saga: Lacultatibrall4- Beale lefiSan Ftreaciaticr April in the steamer Oregon, and arrived at San Elea .22dt remained there three dap (coaling') le ft 27th, aria arrived at Penh= 6th - Mar, 9 P. M. after touching t Ancapalteetinr water. Oaths-Ith arrived Panetta turd left Chagteritrbirq¢e - Florida, and •• • • fisr _uittip p regrarittid Califor nia.. They would . .have Frallaieao in about tea day. There were..aeveral eafiing Yea soh also- them fitting up for passengers. The mama brought by the Oregon and Carden:du, were the Itglunge„migsg_thor wiyal of a. steamer at Chigrai. .Lieut. E. Beal hoe in his pose.saion a lump of gold weighing eight pounds, which lur brought from San Francisco. • . - . "Lieut. Beale speaks in high terms of the order maintained by the population on the places as well as in the more settlea part. "We have received a copy of Le Trait d'Un ion., a French paper published in the city of Mexico, May 12, in which we find advice!' !tom CaliDarnia to `tn il . 9 emith published on the Ist of April a Mr cuter whose provisions are of considerable ampor toner. After proclaiming that the fiscal and other other laws of the United states were in force over the Territory of California, he announces that trier. chandise subject to duty cermet be disembarked at any port, since no officer has been appointed by Congress to receive such dotter. lie also in form. all adventurers who go to seek gold on the public lands of California, that by doing so they in fringe the established laws and render themselves liable to fine and inprisonment." The New York letter, of Tuesday evening, In the Philadelphia Americari,gives the following for ther particulars : The Oregon and California would return to San Francisca in about ten days. The Oregon took sail to San Blatt, where she took in ri supply of coal, and the California got a small supply of coal at San FraLICS.., from an English vessel, at Stu per ton. The Panama had not arrived at Panama when Lieattenent Beall was there, but dentatess arrived soon alter, and it is probable that no difli. .iulty existed in getting along from the Isthmus on be way ninth. The crewed the Oregon, on her arrival et San FI LIIICIMtI, mere put in irons and kept on board of the Ohio. They were only put back upon the Oregon the night before she soiled. The crew of the California was mostly made op of sail. ors picked up at San Francisco, at SIN per nionth; steward, conk, Sc. at $l5O per mouth. The Or egon furnished the California with an engineer, ta ken up at Masatlen, where he had arrived from the United Staten. These steamers will now 'Mob ably make their regular trips, and persona will go regularly forward from Panama. The amount of gold on board these ships is not distinctly stated, but from the beat information I eau obtain, the Or egon he 51511,000, and the California sio,ooo. More could have been taken, but bills of lading through to the States could not be obtained. Gold was selling at tier ounce, and was very abun dant The arrivals at Sao Francisco were numeral daily, and Lieut. B. thinks there were 50 or 75 ye vela at anchor. The town waa very full, but o so full an it would have been, Lot for the lam number, every day going up to the mines. A the accommoilatioas in the cay were crowded, and two-thirda of the people were encamped out. A small room in a little shanty ten feet ramare, rented si 5.3 per day. Board in good houses was 51u per day. The merest day laborer received $l6 per day. There wits einmiderable difficulty In getting up to the mines, in consequence of the lock of eon. vopmees, and the prices of transport were exceed. ingly high. Persona were coming in daily from the placer with gold. There appearsto he no lim• it to .the amount of gold to be obtained. Lieut. Beall brings with him a single lump of gold, which I have seen, weighing eight pounds troy, and worth about M,500. This in much the tangent boulder ever brought to this country. The popu lation at Santa Fe are represented to be now a highly respectable and quiet one. The only law Is lynch law, which is executed in the most atom gent manner. Lieut. 13. heard of no outrages of any kind while he was them. Be arneed,at San ta Fe on the lat of Apnl, from the States. via the Hooky Mountains. :He heard of Fremont being on the Gila, on his way to Santa Fe, and saw Mrs. F. at Panama. The Mobile Adv. rt iser, meet ved I ant night, has an interesting account obtained from Lieut. Iteale, as he passed through from New Orleans. After giv ing the perimeters of his adventure. Journey out over the Rocky Mountains with despatches to Santa Fe, California and Oregon. losing several men la the snows, with other matters in California it says. Lieut. Beale iafnrms as that the rumor of a um tiny on the Ohio is without foundation, as every thing was la a most perfect state of subordination on that vessel the night before he left. Governor Smith, having entreated him with despatches for our Government, be took passage from San Fran cisco. At San Hlas he received information from a party of Megivins who had boon trading among the India., of the oak arrival in the country of CoL Fremont and party. That gallant eliteet had proceeded acre. the desert for San Francisco. At Panama Lieut. Beale met Mrs. Fremcmtwith Mr. Jacob., her btother in law, and communicated the news consenting her husband. She ha WC. viously received accounts from the United Steen, of his difficulties and of his fortunate escape. About two thousand persons are waiting at Pana ma for tnmvportaion to San Francisco. About dme hundred of these, including Mrs. Frement, would take passage in the Oregon.. The Cali fornia was to leave San Francisco the day after Lieut. Beale, wagg Mrs Pena. Smith, and a number of other ladies retnrning to the United States. With his party Col. Mason would also !turn. Farther 1170.11101,111111 Partienliars mends and Emeralds I , ololllld. We corn from the New York Tribune, of yes terday moining, that Mr. Parrott, our consul at Mazatlan, is now in that city, having WI. Mazat lan April 10, and coma overland through Mexico He reports having met with companies con tinually during his overland Journey. The road to the Pacific is lined with them, and they are all, no far a. be now, doing well. There were four of the vessels at Mazatlan and two or three at San Bias, for Califonua The price of plumage varied from SliO s2.fsi, accord ing to the accommodabona Mr. Parrott's wait to the placers was nndertaken for the purpose of informing himself, and his re velations are even mire astooishiog than any which hove previously reached us. The limits of the placers toward the South are constantly beteg extended by new discovenes, the Northern districts, owing to then' rct.ntuucxv limn civilisation, have not yet been folly explored The earth in some places has been dug to the depth of nine feet, and the proportion of gold found to he quite as great as on the'eurface. The rich mesa of the dry diggings is to some places almost incredible. Mr. Parrott eotimntor that the amount of gold which will be obtained the present year, at thirty million dollars. But the riches of California do not cement 10 gold alone. All the precious metals are there found, in greater or less prolusion, as Well all the rarest and most valuable jewels. Two mines of silver have been lately discovered, one of which is known to but few persons, who lealoualy keep the secret. Platinum is also known to exist moon. aiderable quantities- A rough diamond,rmarly the size of a hen's egg, has been found by one of the miners la the Sacra mento Valley. Den. Vallejo, who watt Mr. Par rott's informant, says that it was brought to him by the tinder, who demanded 8180,000 for it. Emeralds of large size are frequently mat with, but their value is scarcely known. Three or tour new quicksilver mines have been thsimveroil, one of which, it very rich deposit, lien between the volley of Santa Clam and San Joaquin. Tho Forbes mine, however, is the only one worked as yet. The extent and value of these quiek-allver mines in not equalled by any miler locality in the world. Reds of coal have also been found near the court, but cannot of course be worked under the present state of things. Mr. Parrott informs us that in the Sierra Nava- cede, to the north east of San Franciaeo, there is a volcano in active operation. Uo the 3d of March the heaviest stow stenos in the memory of the ' inhabitants, took plspe. There ore but Bfly women to the town of San Francisco, twenty of whom are Americium. The price of lan in the towage, as before stated, enormous. The sales take place, however, with little regard to the owner of property, and as there are two or three separate chime upon a great part of It, this may lead to great difficulty in the future. Sometimes the same land is sold to different par : ties by two Alcaldes. The U. S. sloop of war Dale, which sailed from San Francisco for the U. States on the 20( - of March, has 8200,000 in gold dust on board. Nearly the whole of Capt. Sutter's 40,000 bus. of min rotted in the Gelds, hit the want of mime body to harvest it. The price of flour nt the dig gings when Mr. Parrot lett was 83 per Ib, though at San Francisco it wits down to 810 per bid.— There was not much sickness at the diggings es cept scurvy and a few MINIS of fever. Thera w t .,. also some scurry at San Francisco, owing to the want of vegetable food, the cultivation of the soil being entirely neglected. St. Lottlse—Tho St. Louie Itopublictua of Mop 25, sayer Preparations era making all over the District to commence work on. new banding+, and it will not be long before many of them are under way. We hear of some leases of property, which give a pretty good idea of the value of teal estates in this quartet. In one ease, forty dollars per front fsot is paid for te forty Met, the lease limning for thirty years—t spiel:idyl stores are immeiate ly to be put up, both of them designed for the use of the lessee. With fire proof building+, wide streets, and eccessille alloys, there Ls every reason to suppose thatintildings in this quarter will be in demand. hiAarr.arm Caorx—The Frederick Examiner, on the authority of fitrmors from every part of that county, !meeka of tho wheat crop as Ra tes% "The fly is depredating exthasively:so much so, that acme golds are almost totally' dm:royal— Taking all Wa ll , thobestitrdges conclude, that un it= a gram change Ihr the bettor takes place, but bolo more than a half crop may ho Recta! A letter from Washington, in the New York Ex Flesh wife — • • Ron. Wen Lawrence, of Boehm, has been or wilLbe tendered the minim to England. He has not accepted, but prolably may dais., 4n which case, however, he will not lea.e bret the antorta. Mr. Bancroft is eghoned to restos, ahatobelsome dining the summer. Flis free traderesP"'• deems with the British Government has renewed a quietus.' v me New York an „ d EtTe it II limed is to be opened to Oswego on the fuel of Julies. - The event will be celebrated in n beeDtanlier. We underotendthet the reieiPte dile New York and New Haven Righted ran .Stl oo t from o $l4OO pet diem at preseet.. This Is own t o dolktiLsensorm of the year. When the pleasovo travel commenece the meow wfllbe hugely nap mometi.,--New Amen Pallachum.. Suer Tawas, or • New Caturratiorma. -41 . I company are now manufacturing shot in New York by a new process, which ig said to work admirably well, The New York Past thus der mettles the operation of the new method: "Our readers have, perhaps, seen a pea suspend ed in a current of air blown upwards from a ptpe stem, or a small ball of marble hanging in the midst of a perpetual jet from o fountain. This prig ' ciple ro applied to the making of shot. A current of air is forced tiring& in a due, and thus retards the shot as it an s from above 1111:1 aools ii, without makiag it necessary that it should drop from any great height. A tower of moderate height an swers the purpose. Formerly it might have cost seo,ooo to build a shot tower, now we are told one rosy be built for one eighth part of the sum, and the process of manufactute to greatly cheap er. Wright, El. D., Dentist, op=t7tte d el , Vu7:: Bank. Othce t i ,..,lrs 2 fr o c7l4 k o` t r o lr 1 1: In 12 cpli•lyld _ Fire ,aird Marine lizzuramee.—Pur P °non NATIOLTIOS AND Flue Inottinci Curvertm honeyed lerni—eontsnnee to Insure, upon every 4 •nprton of property, at Me totemt rates Orme., No it Market area. SAIrIUEI. CORN IN, Nee! Roemer Primer, See.y. m)5 dim ME=i= BILL HEADS, CARDS, CIRCULARS, Mansfagx, Bar Le Covaractl, Low itlanis WHO 1111.1., uearw entirmnryrcs, ruults, Ay Printed at Ilto trhortent m0m..., at low price., at th. iiltlrrrlt °Flit', THIRD crater. Improvements In Dolltiirlry. DR. (J. sTy.AIINS, Into of Boston, preptircil to facture and am Bloc( 'Flinn its whole and pars (sets, upon Parboil or Annotpherie Suction Plates Tiarrit•citz Mist. 10 Irwit 11.011 t ., where the noir< in exposed °thee and residence raider rth street, Ilittsbiarg Bar. B M'Faddro, F Raton jal9 Parsorri I.lsuon Boots( —Prepare , ' by J, W William street. N Y and for milo by A. Jaynes, No. 70 Fourth street This will be found • delightful arts el< of beverage in termites, and particularly for sick ms. Basses Baorrs —An unproved Chocolate prepa n, heists a contananost 01 Cocoa nut; Innocent. yawing and palstahle, htehly recommended par holy (or Invalids. Prepared by V.' Oskar, 'torch. r, Al , and tor sale hy A. JAYNES, at the re ea Store, No 70 Fourth • 1 melt 14 Siloam! Weassiil—V•noustllCOrieli have been start .d relative to the origin of intestinal worm., and yet the question is a voicil.one among medical author,. ties Of one feet, however, all are informed. and lit which all agree—the ionsl nature of the inguenee they exert on children_ As this season of die year to one at which the attacks or worms nrr most frequent as well 11. MOM dangerous. we take great pleasure in di. meting the attention of patents to the Vernattuie of Dr Whams. It is one of the most erllTlOrsilll•ry med icines ever tntrodured In the public, and has never of tames-s when triad. For sale at the Drug Stores thentiglioz the iny3l-dtewri • . Western Insurance Co. of Pittsburgh. CAPITAL $lOO,OOO. J. FO.OO. Jr . Seely. I R. MG-UM Jr., Preslt. Will insure against all kinds of risk., FIRE AND H A RING. I.L losses will be liberally adiamed nod promptly /A.. peal A home inrutution—m.aged by are w are welt known in the comumnity, and who are do hocroult -d by promptness end liberality to rnatntaist ths char acter which they have assumed,as offering the best protection to those Who Who desireto be Insured. Dtitemons—B. Miller, Jr.. G.. Illaek, 1 iv Boiler, N Dolmas, Jr . Wm D. Holmes, C Mown, Geo W locii•on, Win lil. Lyon, Jas. Lippincott, Thos K. Lit.. James Ill'Auley, Alex. Nimlet, Thew Stott. Orel., No B Water sweet, (warehouse of Spring . up statrs,l htwburgh. __lutdly Slf n Pennsylvania Hospital Thalia tag.. EALF.D 150WOSALS ti the be received br the 0 Building Committee, up to 2oth day of JUNG, tnst . for forntsktnif ntatertai• and erecting the Western Pennsylvania Hospital building, agreeable to Plant mud tipeciiications to be seen at the office of J. W. Kew, architect, Fourth stroet. after the 111 E lttvanl. Guilders in propostag for said work, win state the agoreg•te amount of toe enure superstructure in fin. whet! state; sad accompany their bids with then ames and proposals of their respective undertakers nr mite contractors to the various departments of the Imlldings The Commutes istil also receive separate proposals 1, lotte d oil estimate, measurement and bof rates; n *loth ease indders will state the price a, the stone mason and tut stone work, per perch and foot; brick work per thoomnd, in rhs walls; 'toting per over , . plow nog per yard. mints and other bomber per time and trot, hoard measure; carpenter work, patron gloating. ke . ROO the per cenrage on their respects' established Bill of Frees. The work all to be dorm under the dirernon si tospetetion of a FCO.OIII supertptendant app l; oft ter the pontoon by the COMMillre. FM{OO.llll4 will also he received OA the some ' f meow and enclosing the Hospital iirounda, 14 10 the plan to be 101111 G seen RAHAM al Mr. Kerr . . office. , .10 UN BISSELL, Wal J. TorrEN, W W. IA ALLACE. rUben. BAKEW ELI The Brownsville Water Cure Establish ment. I) R f - 1 a ß e n te ELX 4l: l mret! N,, ; ', 7 , e ' ;l:74 ' . " ! ,`, Te ", f ,',", :: : man and in a discerning public in general, for the kb. teal patmnage hitherto rceerved, announce at the same time that they have lassie essential napra•e niente to the interior as Well . the exterior of the rin tahlishment, during last tail nnJ veinier, which will greatly enhance the coniforpo and aniummenta of in. calids, who intend tu snot this place daring the ease, to of All Me prevatling diseases are steeled here, and they will endeavor to keep up the reputation the establish ment low won through the welt. by strict atteottun to platienta that entreat themselves under their care. In order to undergo the treatment, patients hove to provide theinselve• with two woollen lilansetas two ctton sheets. three comfortables or a °obi feather bed an o d sir towels. Terms, sax dollars, payable weekly. tut. dint - Improvement 's'rows let Piano sub tit Just re .. ceivtng an Iliwortaleui of Panto. trona the factory of Nunn, dr. Clark, N. Y., which for el. eg of exterior, beauty of finish aunt soperiowty of lone ance and touch. ark an thin ever brought In this. coy Mr Cl•rk, of the y aboveg hint, long and Moat favorably kno 'II Ihn fo former lorernlin in the celebrated net wn establishment of flroadveviod. Lotidti, . ban recently improved and per the Piano. '4 Nonns & Clark, N. Y , to an el. lent which, unguesnon•hly, !Male. them to the repo of hen)! the .cry best as well as the cheapest Matron 10 be got t h e ' his country The lot now open. to tonne. With t additional recommendatton of an improvement in the style and inlet, which makes thew sit tinc the most elegant and tasty thing ever brought out These instrument*, together with the siock on band, Mon the moat extent..., varied and Wall b asiioronent ever oderril here, all of which Will be arid al ntanulantiner• Wires, and Oa accommoda- One. halal. II X1.1.3.1FAL. at 1 NV WooderelPs, 8.3 Third at N 13 - The nUlwrrihel will he mond et the wale hoofs troth I I in lit A M , and 4 to 5 P 51 104 II K , sole Agent for Nmina & Clark (11 DER—In tabla ;Mine Cider, mai reed and for sale N_,/ by 104 liEO W sMITIII & lilt AlC24(lo"L'llire 3 a . n1 ( :1: 1' 111 " N u. o opeution, ao,l foe Bale MILLER h RICKETSON, FINE COVINAC !IRAN half pfpru ea sous ff mage... of our own tosponatmn per Commerce Iron , Bordenus, reed and for sale by al MILLER & RICIMISON G Ll , ' . v i -66 ,V,17,:; 0 N7:i ,, Vi11. ° J. :0 PI Wood at B. A . I . I , D eI„ VARD PAPER—q 4 b..t for ;u4 B - • OTTI.: CORKS-3 lo4los for polo 10 l J yCIIOONAIAKER h CO ALTI`ETILE/-15 hogs for Fela by jo4 J SCHOONNI 1c CO DOr..YroR ROSE'S FAMILY bIEDICINF-S—A toll esopply just recd; for oak by u 4 J SeIIOONMAKERA. CO THIGUNDICILSIG NED can be founp et Y • °dul of Aldermen A. G. Retnasrt, until tie e s..st., where he WEB be happy to see 411 those inde4ted ta bon Alter that lime, nto will be hrsaght zgatos; all delinquents. 104 A. Art`CAAIMQ.N. RANhI'OItV COhIMITIT.V, desirous of ob i mining informatkin In reglad to the number Of deaths Inns occur in the city weekly, the character of the diseases, sad the oye of the persons, would respect fully request the Ithysmions to report to them at the Committee Room, Old Court House, on Friday evenirk of each week. Is 2 JOHN fiI'UILL. Clem . City papers copy. APOLLO 111AAL4.. MRS MARY SGAYF FOGG has thy pleasure of annonbeing to the ladies and gentlemen of Puts burgh. that •ihe will giro her first GRAND CONCERT at APOLLO HALL, Fourth sweat, on MONDAY even ing. Juno ilth. combining a variety of the moil popular composttiorw, ballads, and selecttoas from Ma most celebrated Operas . Prof Rohbock will prude at the Pluto. The piano will Ise one of Chicketing's, from Mr. Mallor's manta stare. •• • (Cr Cards at admission, SO cents. Card,. asirnttnng a rentleinan and two Indies, :: to be hail at the hitt ing Stores and at a Manna, alai owns: lag 1;kR11(39. kc. tre —Pore Red Bark, Chlotio Ether, loatde Potash, Pirrahrtine, Chloride Geld, Liver pintr, NVhite l'reelpitata,Cymutin Potash, am re• calved and for sale by nni R E SFA,LFitS bis , for solo by D WILLIAMS, DO Wo<KI I )IITTEII-1 bbl sovcoor, 31 jars family, for slily by jp I D ‘ylLl.4A,l!s 1 4-4 "4 "4°l'l'4° ' I it,tILLIAMS B ACON—Jouka sugar cured Shouldorsi Dams; For solo by Jut . . J D WILLIAMS YIPEACIIES—at bush CUR quality, air tale by Ala I I) WILLI A MS UNDRIES-14 Ws No I Lord; 2do Gran 0 oak. ij Boom, assorted; 0 bbls V015.:44 0 bajdoi 4do pry Fooebox; ei do Feathers; I do Dinsong, to attire; for solo by 18A1All DICKEY k Co, Front it - (THEE E-450 b1s on hand; for rale by , %.„,/ Int ISAIAH DICKEY lc Co —-- 13ACON-2 boo Bacon, roo'd and for sale 0 •N to • • illel C 44 T 1101FAILL ro, .101 Jos DA1.2..a. &Co, Lawny at SCOACIIED SAL TS-41 41,14 tra z trstar . Miry CIIEEBE-4004aa prime Western Reserve, m noro and Cot oak by R DALZELL 41 Co EMIL .411-25 es . imin FioreTAMMY*. BE and for .l by ST. o r We bL X 7 3u3: s, r e . e , lrand Irrt i dL Ey rsr M;4==CEM pnnsii-7§ eats in more and for sal TASSe by EY & BEST Q OAP-50 baz Cia. Soap, for sale logo for cash, by 402-- •••• ! •:•:•:Y telsEaf.. • IL SASSAFRAS-1 0 0 1 W jut teed and for sob , by j o t R F. EIF.LLEUPc A Wood st OHROME YELLOW-9 cases j'atiree'd arid fosirato by R E SELLER'S CI/I ROME GEDOIIIIPi-1 eases Jut reed and for sale by __;42 R SELLEPS Y bbi. just recd and tor tole by R E SELLERS R HUBARB 1100cr=1 cagui just geed and Gyr gale by SELLERS 4TI f BRICK—I ease jam reo'd and for sale by jp _*- .•R E BELLEIig ULARILEL7y-eg I;b2/51bsillIn reed sTi - td for UL by E SELLERS OLASSES-150 bbb for J tl e DILWORTII C. Co 'ul FFLUIIR—WO bbIS t landing and for sale by my3l J S DILWORTII CO . Ibbls N C Tar, mst Landing nod for sale br nly3l J 8 DILWORTII !L . CO MACK 612E1.-30 bble No 3 largo Illnekerel, in store and for este by iny3l. J S IJILWORI'II k co_ FACHANI/11—Cheeks et Sight on Near I.llfork. Phdadelphin and Italllmore, in SUM I • ran purehaerra. for sale by ue 31 N HOLDIES A SONS OLLECTIONS upon tweesetble pomts la the Uni ted States made promptly, mud upon the [owe. me, by tny3l N 110LKF.SR BONS X/FOLIRNIN(t ALPACCAS—W. R Aluarwv has re cerved this mumble, o few pieces of Black Al paoemi. Bombazine finish, for mourning dresses, of • very superior quality. On hand, a full aszonment of the different qualities of lilt wool black Mullin de Leine, some on low as let per yd. Also, black Bombazines, of all qualities, at north east corner lth and Market Ws. lal MUSPRATT'S PATENT SODA ASH-70 catks, 'direct from th• roanufaerarers, per ship Globe vLa Philadelphia) Just landing and for sale by W & M hIITCHELTREE, No led Liberty st R:7 Another shipment will arrive Cleat month per ship American, via Baltimore, end thenceforward large supplies for the Fall trade. jul 'lRYiSkS—disil hush Dry Apples, for sale low .11_7 to close consignment by al J 8 DILWORTH & Co OROROM ARMOR, MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 46 Market street, T j A VINO purchased an extensive and carefully 'rabid stock of Spring and Summer Goods, the subscriber respectfully Informs his friends and the Nadu., that he is now prepanng to receive end ere ctile their orders with dispatch, and in the neatest, mist mbetatitial, and fashionable manner. As he is determined to do basin... en the cash system, he flat ters Mauch' that he will be able to do work en cheap ati it can be done Si any establishment in the country. Ills stork te vatted, consisting of Cainiimerea, Broad y loth., Vniungs, Arc , which hie friends ate respectful ly invited to examine for themselves. GEORGE ARMOR. JAKES D. LOCKWOOD, For many yearn connected 'souk Messrs. Wiley & lainsm, and late Jona Riley, N. York and London,) •00101.1.1311 • All rrroaraa Or ENULdSII, FRENCH AND GLIRMA PI ROOKS, No dJ WOOO imam, (Nearly oppostle* the St. Charlna Hotel,) PITTSBURGH. 117 . Engird, French, and German Rooteram and Magazines, and Na wspapers imported to order, preenof which to., ha ascertained on applieatton to hI r. Catelognett gratis. torn CITY LOTS OF ALLFA;II ' MY AT PUBLIC AUC- TION. 1 LOTS nn Peters! street., in the centre of , the etty or Allegheny, each Oil feet front by lOU in length to • I feet alley, will be otret.ed at Public Sale on TUESDAY, 12th day Of JUNE, at 3 o'clock, P. on the premises. These lots comprise the very best sad most valuable unimproved property in either of the two mute, and most continue to grow in value for till tame to come, and to capitalism mast necessarily ndord an opportunity for the Investment of money, no where else to be. found In the neighborhOod, or within the two eines They yrdl be held subject to an annual ground rant of one dollar per fords on t erm= 4. anima to the purchasers, which will made known at the time of sale. A plan of the lots can be examin ed by persons wishing to purchase, at ills Mayor's of. bre ROBERT CAMPBELL, Allegheny, May 23—ts Ch4o of Com. 301114 LIDA ' Atter. By U. Preeldent of the United States. In pursuance aflame, I /MMES Y. POLK, President of the finned States of AftierieS, do-hereby declaim and make. known. that public sales will tw held at the andennenuoned land cakes in the Stale of WISCON• MN, at the periods hereinafter des*nated• to aril: At tht land offae at the Falls of ST. CliOli river. rommeneing on Monday, the fourth day of June next, lot the dtsposal of tee panne lands situated within the andennenuoned Townehips and parts of Townships, honk of the Bate Ltne, and TP est of ate fourth prin cipal ittersdietn. Fractional township twenty-five, and townships twenty-. x, thirty, ilpriy-one, and thirty-two, of range seenteen Fractional townships twenty-five and twenty-six, and townallips thirty-one, thirty-two, and thirry•lbree, of range eighteen. national township twenty-run, and townships twenty atne, thirty-three, and thirty-four, of range ee ninetn. Townships Maly-three, thirty font, and thirty-five, of range twelity- Ar cilli lust/ nary. commencing on Monday, the ,herd day of September nest, for the disposal of eat the lands within this townships and fractional town ships atone enumerated, winch have been, or shall be, leported betas., the day of gale, ALS cOntaining Coppee, end, or other valuable ores, to be offered for axle in iinartersioarter sections, at not Ins than fire dodos per new, except the sections and parts of section,, if any, covered by those mining leases which shall notbe I dote smiled by the day kited for the enneeneenrent of the public sale, to accordance with the provisions of tar eel. approved on the third day of Mareh, eighteen mired end fonyeeven, entitled "An Act to caveman anions' land district in the Territory,of and for ether purpose." At th e land office al MINERAL POINT, commen any on !Monday, the eighteenth day of Julie nest, for the disposal of the aslant public I.& within the un dywnettriOned townships and parts of townships, vie: North of the Base Line and Wrest of ate Fotestit pialtelpia Meriction. TownsaipS fourteen,_ fifteen and statics, of range one. Townships fourteen, fifteen, and inzteen, vaa Townships twenty, twenty-one, and twenty -I ree ri , ' 7l l rw th ashaps nuneteen, twenty, twenty-one, toad It-tern, ol ranee four. Townships nineteen and twenty, of range flee Townships eighteen, nineteen, and twenty, of Town•liips eighteen, nineteen, and twenty, of rang Townships eighteen, nineteen, and twenty, of range 'i ltritonal (township eighteen, and townships nunr teen mid twenty, et range ume. Fiactlonal township eighteen, and townships nine teen and twenty, of range ten. Fractional townships eighteen and nineteen, and tovntabip twenty, of range eleven. townships nineteen and twenty, of range twelve. • Fractional tavenilup twenty, of range thirteen. Lands appropnated by law for the use of schools, military, and otter purposes, will be ...Mod.° from the sales. The offering of the above mentioned lands will be conounneed on the days appointed, and proceed to the order to which they are advertised , with all h hgve • merit despatch, utml the whole shall have bee. offer ed, and the sale. thus clotted. Out no rate m h o h et kept open longer than two weeks, and no private ea try of any oi the lands will be admitted until lOUs Me expiration of two weeks. three under my hand, at the city of, PiLialirtgiton this twenty-seventh day 01 February, A n on D 01.110 12 one thousand eight hundred and ff,rtk 7 nwa By the President, Lit K. POLK. RICHARD &I. YOUNG, Commissioner PIMA General Land ()Mee. === The lands embraced in the above proclamation are farmed pnnelpally on and adjacent to the abmwalpin and St Croix rivers. Those demanated as eminent, are extremely valuable benanse in addition to the copper sod weer ores found in them, they are well watered, and have ready acct.* to market, edited to the Smith, by the blamesuppi river, or to the EaM, by the way of the Baker, and the reveal lines of comma nieation that connect therewith. Valuable umber and all other accts..) , smashes for La.ldlag and smentar, are found In great alma dsnoe, and of the finest qualm , . The climate is deal thy and pleasant—the cold being rarely more intense 'than to the northern part of ro m York—and many of the lands are exceedingly fertile, producing all dun grates and reretabies that an be raised In Mau ch.... or northern New York. Gape .6c...trig the loenntles of the mines, and other valuable information relating thereto, derived from ha geological survey, it., which cannot be embraced in it,. brier non., will be prepared and deposited in the land calico at St. Croix toe inspecidon u easly as prem.. tleabie before the <omelette ement of the public salon Notice to Preailmiguhliiiii.elaisgmasae. Every pn entitled to the right of pro.emption to any the lan erso ds vettltia the townships end parte of to.r.. skip. above enumerated, Is respired to establish the same to the uncial:ion of the register and receiver of the peeper lalitl,l4eo, and make payment therefor ae roan a. p raMteable after seeing this notice, sad bo i're the day appointed fur the commencement of the abbe sale of the lauds embracing the mutt claimed, Merwis“uch claim will be forfeited. RICHARD AL YOUNG, COMMiltiOttet of the General Land Office. To Sales advertised above to be held at the land of fice at ibe Fsu-s 1.r9 ST. Contr. River, on the rotate day of Jet., and the Totals day of Sonoma next, will not ha held; a new Diem, hoeing been organiz ed oat el part of that District iyingln the State of Wis e inns, add the land °Slice for that part In the Territory of blimmors having been directed to be removed to Snudvsrax, from and atter the thirtieth day of Jane next, by cot of Congress, approved blatch A IHD. By 'he President: Z. TAYLOR, RICHARD N. YOUNG, Commissioner of the General Land Ofoeti. Mn, , h 30th, 1819. •p9-dttkvniw ENCILISH, 79 Wood Meek between Ith and Diamond alley, have received a large monis o f f ' Theological and other works, among which me the lowing, 'Miscellanea. }mys and IX.. comma. by Provident Hopkins; Christ is All, Law mJ tiospol, by S. H. T y g, D. D.; Late of Do Witt Clinic., Loring orators of America, Republican Chritaimuly by Magoon, Man Primeval by Ranh Phrenologrand blesnierlsin, by Rey. N. L. Rimy, D. U. Baptism, h. Import and Mode, by Weaker; - Nineveh and Its Rey ursine . ? de of rho Bible, by brParianel Earneat Ord:oml Church in Earnest, by J. A.. Jaey, Ed. sroika,4 vole, new edition; J. ?a, Co works m, r „, ori a t ..: Cowper. Lite and Works of wpe , in, on Roe and Pall of Papacy., Turrethine's =Cyclopedia of Moral and Religions anecdotes, •. Narrative...a Popery Christ &nem yang g. .Crl, Bible Evidence. for the Pemba by J. Couroniarr, Modern Society, Modern docomPlishmenta, Haldane ou Rama., Onegna,al ne w firm pabli.ke Li T ti l frPoirt S' N, Iga Ce" y Et/W.431, MedLe Klagdomi, 'Lecture. on 1' ' thariq ' s I'rogm artit..4±Tio, nit %Smarty, and Bona expe -1 „,vere of Life in the plains of Ease, with oilier All,- . 'term?. by Gentile D. Lhecver, D. D., with Portrait ol iothOr. A few copies reed and for sale by ray 19 ELLIOTT h ENCiLISR, 79 Wood st- o.1"3-40) bask to arrive in • fear dal.,for Gala O by 0 A WANULTY la Co, Canal bum aty2l og Monday sreening, June Itch, at 8 o'clock, at the Coshmereial Sias Rooms, earner of wood wean% streets, will int told, Hun splendid private resilience situated niktliebariks of the Otao, to ttus neat Ward of the my otAlleghenr, now in the peter...) of Saud. and_Win-Nickershern, having a front on the of In *el, and extendlng back an average of nowarils of 300 feet, comprising one acre of ground, in a high state of cultivation, with fruit trees, shrubbery, he. The house is a barge double two story brick, • • fin ' • the/now modern conveni vale-Sind fulprovenieritv, klinkble ant litutset, vrash house, stable and carriagehouse; Ternis st in{ JOHN D DAVIS, Anci Forages and Domenic Dry Goat.. On Thnisday rooming, Jena 4th, at 10 O'clock, at the Commercial Bales Homma, comer,-of Wood and F fib went. will be sold, without reaerce, for cash currency— • A large usoructent of ample and fancy Dry Goods, among which ere splendid pruned; Lawns, hal:vines, berages, de loin. super prints, giacharns, tents, black Win, dress ants, seeing silk, laces, hoMery, braid and Irghorn bonnets, antiliats, damask linen ta ble cloth, checks, tiekings, 'bleached and brown mam bas, shawls, drillings, cottonedes, fancy 'minas, su perfine cloths, CaLßUStriVe. saunetts, Jeans, al 2 c'elock. Groceries, Queenamare, Furniture, &c. Young Grum and Imperial Ten. Va manufactmed tobacco, Simnish scgrox, No I trimmed shad, No 1 palm soap, wrapping paper, band boxes, shovels, spades, forks transparent window blinds, looking ginss rot, mantel clocks, carpeting, &c. A large end general assoment of mw nod second hand household ninn:ire, hr. Al 7 o'clock, A Ineluonable menortment of randy made clothing fine Blurts, boot, shone, fine cutlery. shot guns, rides ptstoLs, new and second hand watches, &e. PIO On Monday afternoon, Jane alth, st 3 o'clock, at the Co...mere/el Sales ROOMS, comer of Wood and Fifth 6, will be told—one splendid new 61 octavo greed aenon piano forte, with handsome case. Also. one second hand piano forte, with mahogany ease, an ;wad older, whichrosy be examined previous to the sale. 102 JOHN D DAVI% Aria. ud lismager • . ACSISIB AND LOT /USDA= MR. W. II CRI3Y has the pleasure of announcing his Benefit, as Acting and Stage Manager, and trusts his exertions tinny be honored by public patronage 2 new pieces. ()MCA Anti.elicit! The entertatnotent , vent comme f nce with the baron , mos CHARLES XII. CO' Market street. AA. MASON CO, inform their patrons and the public, that they will commence the sale of she:spleid stock on Friday, June tot, and continue Thirty Days, during which time, the whole of their im mense establishment (including their five wholesale moms) will be thrown open for retail trade, and for the display of one of the largest ind most faithionable ssortments of FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS in a the country, which have all been marked down, with out regard to cost. Forty 'haunter Dollars of thei " ' . To Ito rvitilla NOTICE. "FALLS OF ST. CROIX:, ===l JOlfiti D. Davis. Alsotiesoar. Aggy and Pedlar's Wagon at Auction. reeneaday morning, June 6th, II o'clock, In 'he Commercial Sales Rooms, corner of Woad 'lb as, will be sold—one substantial well finish aid band Baggy, with loathes mp, in goal or second bond two Opus pedleeo wagon. JOHN 1) DAVIS, Aunt Two Puma Fortes at Autism. ,~ . M.. ~ ~Yk: THEATRE C. B. P Mr. W. H. Crier •ItIls• Porter. A v•nety of Singing and Dancing. To cone lode wnh the trtelo-drenunc xpentacto of 081, OR THRE E. FINGERED JACK. Karr., shoe threeßend fie Be red y Bil Jac ls. k Mr. Crisp. Mr Tuesday—hiss Prior'. Benefit. GREAT SALE OF GOODS AT TUX ONE PRICE STORE k,'or their In t ent tati:raetterl styles, have hoe . , . cendy purchased at the large peremptory public sake in New York. at immense ucrilices, and will be found, on exammatioa, to be nearly one half less than usual Tina.. They is to allenllon to a portion of their Goods enumerated below, with their prices annexed: ?went Unsaid Mee. Price. 2000 yards French Gingk's., 12; cu. lit I 25e 20.000 yds Lawns & blooms, 10 & 12b eta. 25e 4080 yds Mons de Lames t 131 eta. Zia 1300 yards Alpaca., 181 eta. 31e WOO yds Fine Bereges, 191 &23 ets. 37 & &Cc 10,000 yds Merranac Calicoes, 8 & 0 cis. 12ic %MO yds Ws colts! do 6/ et. 12. 02,0LK1 yds Brown ?drake, ail grades, In per cent les. than usual prices. 100,000 yds Bleached Muslin, all prices, marked down In to 30 per rent. KO pieces Bonnet Ribbon, 12j ear. 100 Wrought Collars, ' 107 c 121 Ms. 25e 000 do do 31 &SU cu. 75 & $l,OO 300 Ladies Cravats, 19 era 23e , 100 French ilaro't Caps, 111,50 to 3,00 $3 to 3,00 141 Late Caps, 37/ &50 eta. 75 10 51, 03 700 Ltnen Ilandkere Meta, Of eta. rie 300 Standing Collars, 50 eta. 51110 130 Cheniitetts, 05 & 31, eta. 50&750 . Cossinetts ss low us Hile; Jeans for I3c. A large stock of Bonnets, reduced idninn37l per et. New style Dress Goods, AO cis 87 to 51,00 White Linen, 85 and 31 ets. 37 k 60c Toroth er with the largest stook SILKS, SHAWLS, • d fine DRI.S GOOK . to be found in thts city, with . . . . , an immense variety of other goods;--affording to retail parehasers a rare opportunity of obtaining the best goods at from 25 to 50 per cent less than regular prices They invite an early all, as many of their choicest goads 'mil soon be sold. la- No deviation fienn the marked price. A A MASON k CO, eny3l 60 Market st, between Third and Fourth CHIP--Ciry .41Courny Scrip porehued by my3l N HOLMES t SONS VLOUR-450 bbla Flour, reed and for sale by U myal ARMSTRONG & CROZER FLIED APPLES-30 .k. Dried Apple.. for main by my3L ARMSTRONG & CIOZER lUrOl • '64ES-100 bbl. N 0 M0b..., reehl and ffl.:sale .¢7.11 B k NV HANN/WWI DVS FLOUR-41 bete Bye Flow. Yaireee'd end for /X gala try my3o & NV lIARBAUGH (TOPS—Ito boles Western Nom York Hops 13 do LI, Mass , Ist son, 10 store and tor sale by my3O aturwr4 tCULBERPSON, 145 Letteny st 111 Ala—Barley am.l Rye M.k, for see LT LILL my.lo BROWN t. CULSERTSON W. W. A_LLAGE, PITTSMIRGH FRENCII Bung MILL STONE and MILL FURNISHING BS' TABLISHMENT, Nor. 214 and 2411 Liberty street, near the Canal. French Burr Mal Stones, of sly own manufacture, made of a new and superior quality of Blocks; panic- Mar care is taken to have rho Mints muds close, and. all the blocks In each none of n salfomt quality. They are warranted to be equal to any in the country, sad supenor to the great 1110.113 Or Burrs whether of foreign or demesne rommfastare, and sold at the lowest pn em, Mtn Stones, manufactured in France—a germ. rat assortment, at reduced prices, always on by Laurel Hill Mill Stones., all arms. Bolting Cloths, Anchor Stamp, warranted be tty, and at greatly redeced prices. Mill Spindles, Mill Irons, Screws and form Scales. Corn and Cott Orindesm Picks, Plat. Mill Clutters of all kinds, end Mill ' Gam and Saw enn Tarnishing mgene All order, promptly attend.d city street, near the Canal, nllla . w at 2t41 and 244111... b eittsburgh. W. NV. WALLACE. Pittsburgh mar •team Marble Works. „f„,bi, AtTY, opposite Smithfield real— i.„, sntles, Monuments,Tombs,Table Tops,. (tau suety of the mom beunifal kind made quality af foreign and domestic ;amble, hood or made to older, by the aid of ma to ;tit . e shortest notice and at the lowest rice. ..of bitable ai the Loar7st.b‘d: 16" a tended to at 244 Liberty, opposite PirnitLfe s hl st - nY las Medan, W W WALL/rer SHUT DIACIIIIMILT T TILL'S Palma Stone or French Burr BUT ItIA• AL MlLNE—the beat article of the kind is Jae; they ran:light, clean last, do the work well, and will lam a tale nme. About 6110 Of them are in use, an the bear mills to the country, and we nave the strongest' tem- mony of competent pentane as their superiority over nil other Smut Machines. Fur further particulars, ad dress the wbwrilier at 544 Liberty st, my:Ft:ditch W W WALLACE STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS—For grist, saw and other nails, always on land, or made to order oh 4047 shone:mace, and at the lowest prices. AU or ‘,l:entor=eptly atten m de y d . to at 244 near 14 b.'" xv IvALamte" PLASTER PARIS—For !and, and other porpooeq. alwaya on hand at 241 Libarty LL my 22 W W WALI.ACE - trynni. ULIC CEMENT—AIways oa bald, at 244 _LL Liberty In. 02)10 \V W WALLACE GINDSTONFS—AII siost and pits, always on hand at 214 Liberty urea. my3ll M V EtDOO B•H PATENT DASHER CHURN nrrrcn CAN nc isoconnik IA 5 cot 10 innrcro An :NME attention of the public is invited to this vely valuable Churn, which has the advantage °Mill em In eotribintof the old and new inventions to gether. The utility of this invention In apparent, as by a aim 'pie piece, the an Is forted beneath the dash, and does away with the Meath, of parchuing a new Churn, as it an be applied to any churn in use, and for one dollar can have all the improvements of the age combined with those of gathering the hatter In the usual way. The public sae invited to tall sod ledge foe thew' selves before purchasing elsewhere, rn 87, PM" Of Mechet and Fifth streets, or at Gll bamond alley, be tween Wood end Market streets Pirtsbertit myel SAUL. KnOESEN. Two Lots for Bale. Pilgtobseribess will sell sa private sale thersotwe 11 valuable Lots of (losnutt, Mumma a feat ntp sty 111 the Third Ward Of Alleghouy City, each iteMna , bout of 20 feet, running back 114 feet in depth to-u feet alley, upon which is built a stone wall, 25 by 100 feet, which contains stone enough to build cellars for tvio comfortable dwelling liOIIIOII, and In front there ore three shade trees,.of n years growth, and the side walk is paved with brick, all of which will be sold at EWA Pittsburgh- and Allegheny, or County Scrip, will ba taken in payment. J fr. II PIIILIAPS, No 5 Wood 51., or to WAL BENSON, inosediately opposadooldlote olyo • TEAM TEAMS 7ICABIII IT lo arida pleasnre that the entrierthere iefoSm the entmens of PitLburch and vi . einity that they have complewd erratum , mane with Mesa. .1. C. Jaakintr & Co., of Philadelphia, to receive their superior PACK:EDIT:AS, And atilt hereafter be kept tonantaly as heat They are neatly and securely VOl M m mntothe packs al, l andl lb. each, eritlrthar pruned card—showing theki of Tea, prom, name of the concero and depot a • m edelph, With an melte= to retarathi Tea, if not 911,11 fItICIES: Gunpowder VA 1.10 IAS 1,60 irgeV yD I,CTO ) 1,1 5 3 W 4) It It.II ...... en 74. 1,1) 1,95 1,50 Black ................ ULAC.' Pme amateurs }ire .7b I,W We will warrant all tbe TEAS we sell to be eqs 4 to, tf net t. any oldie eitY. and Shoed they not prove emeeptsble to one 111.1116, th e y coo be turned, and the money will he ref=4.4, e t/ ft. i s ai" with that undeterned ea We ark a fair trial, that the public may be ante to judge women our Tear end Mote heretofore sold by other companies in this, dry. An e irtett, delicious end good Savored TEAS, s hould give us • call. Per sale by JO5. S. hi YOUNG &CO , W earner 411 i and Piny SIMI., and E. YOUNG at CO, • 61111:111111Ite B W Comer 3d sad Eon Meet. Oa sT. Louts. r' ' ' -- _ o Tti F „ o te rt .m .. r an n. d LA ti . gh au t u d irry:rltrabow ai mnr.n. m 2 . - 4, and q ~,, oo bloqintermediateAmy 4th inst., at 4 o'clock, r,14. kb, fiat& or Pqr.rg r M..T 0. tx.r4, ~ .. j° ri agEw & co, Art. i . . ..... FOB CINCINNATI. . . The splendid tiessoei silial BIIFINANDOMI, L BOWMAN menu. will leave for above Intermediate parts this day, i• al /CI o'clock, A M. Per n .6 4/flax passage apply on Wand, or to my3IPETVOREW & Ca . _ PITTSIIOII.O III MIL DAILY K ET LINE. ris xIl known line of splendid passenger Stearn' t. Isof the largest, swiftest, hes ed arid foralsked. most powetful boats on dm waters of do: West. Every aaeonuaodation end eosin foil that atoeny et. P.m., hin been provided for pas senger. The Lane has peen In operation for tire rem —has entried a million of people withatit the least {Wa rr to their persons. Tba taus will be at the foot Of Wodd .tent the day provisos to starting.for the don of freight and the Nary of passengers en t i a Cr.e In all ease* the passage money mastbe p7s advance. SUNDAY PACKET. The ISAAC NEWTON, Captain Hemphill, Intl leave Pittabargh every, Sunday morning at to o'elbek; Wheeling every Sunday evening al 10 r. aL Moo .1, 1847. MONDAY The MONONGAHELA, Capt. Brows, will leave burgh every Monday morning at I 0 o'clock; every Monday evening at In r. The HIBERNIA No. 2, Capt. Etm22M 222 . leave Pittsburgh every Tuesday morning at 10 otlereir: Wheeling every Teeming evening at In r. ancreatolvWitir.wr. The NEW ENGLAND N. 2, Capt. S. De g, wtli leave Pittsburgh every Wednesday morns,at !is o'clock; Wheeling every Wedneader evening a tor. IN, • THURSDAY PACICHT. ,• Tbe BRILLIANT, Cape_ . Gaacoa, will leave raw burgh every Thursday =mans at ID o'elorki Whadtag agars Thursday mule; at ID P. w.. FELIDAN PACKILT. 'The CLIPPEM N. o, Capt. Pus Dems, gill lesmi Plasburgh every Friday =meg ai noblock; Maad bpi every Friday everting .tlO •. 111. LISBON AND PITTSBURGH DAILY Ufa MVW OF CANAL. AND STEAM PACKETS, m ai m I a 49. iniga2 (eM 0111100110 Leaves Pittsburgh daily, at 9 o'clock, A. M., and ari decent Glasgow, (mouth of the Sandy anal:leaver Ca. IWO at 3 o'clock, and New Lisbon at It same night. Leaves New hoo nt 6 o'clock , (making Om trip canal to the river during lb. ,end Gllagew ata o'clock, A. AL, and arrives at Pittsburgh at 3 P. 1A..--41es soaking • continuous line far earryiaupas. tangent and freight between New Lisbon and Pins. burgh, in shorter tune and at less rates dna by ant other mute. The proprietors of this Line have the picaturre of in. forming the public that they have hued up two first class Canal Boats., for the aecommodation of passengers and height to ren In connection with the well known OtermoWs CALEB COPE end BEAVER, and conneet. Mg, at Glasgow, with the Piustmrgh and Cincin nati and other dotty lines of steamers down the,Yetts and kluounippi rivers. The proprietors pledge damn. selves to spare no expense or unable to insure eel*. fort, safety and dispatch, and ask of the public( a 'hare, of %heti . patronage. AUTHOBItED AGENTS. a M. lIARTON, 8. &W. itaaarxcin, rinsblusb- R. lIANNA, & Co. myilaf J. ILARBAXIOU &Co. NW 1,111.011 NOTICF,—The steamer BEAVER O. E. Chute, maa erill leave after this notice, for Weirville pattata all,_at 9 o'clock In the morning. ral.9 #ll4--Mil l i 111331137313. ARRAMOICALENTS for 111414 310NONOAIIELA ROUTE. Only 7 3 Mlles Staging. Via Brownsville and Cumberland to Wanton ant Ptuladephin. LARE splendid and fast mem. U B Mall ;Learners TLANTIC,Capt P.M.., BALTIC, Capt A .; LOUIS hPLANE, Capt E Bennett; are now multiing doable daily tripe between PITTS e BURG s{ H AND BROWNSVILLE. The moral boat will leave the Monongahela • Wharf, above the Bridge o' , daily at 8 clock precisely. Passengers will take SUPERB COACHES at Brosras- Mlle, at 3 o'claek, P. M., and the splendid cars el the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, at Cumberland, at B 'clock, A. Id, and arrive in Baltimore the same even ing, in . time for the evening 11. to Philadelphia onel F=6 ' 11 4 411 to Baltimore, only 32 born FareB lo , oo F From Pittsburgh to Philadelphia, only 40 o,Bo loan are 8 The evening boat will leave all o'clock, except San day evening. Peasinigers by thin boot will lodge on board in comfottable State Rooms the first elght, pQaratea over the mountal. the following day in Fasten haat Coaches, and lodge the second night In Cumberland. Passengers have choice of either Steamboat or Bair Road between Baltimore and Philedelph=e 4 , privilege of stopping at Cumberland ami and resuming their seats at plenum. Coaches char tered to prunes to travel as they please. We make op the loads and way bale for the Coack, es In the Pittsburgh offices, (In order to ease time Cul arriving at Brownsville,) it is therefore Important for passengers to get their nekets before going on w an t. • of the beat, at our °Mee, Monongahela Marne. Water street, or St Charles Hotel, Woods; Ptitshie. and:dam J. MESRIMEN, Aram l'lttotrargh is. Loalavilie P • • - FOR CINCINNATI AND LOIIIBVILL.K The splendid new stem= • • • TFINGRAPIt No. t, [Julep, muter, ariU tome fin above d loterdisse poop on Mends*. she :11, ion , et 10 o'clock a. l " P INETRIIV=Pra on. aryl3 GEO B ! RITMO/SOIL AGO LOW:MLLE PACKET Uri Thil new and ivierulid Cant pre 4, 4 4 : matt EtnektA LEGßArn tia. , lawn,n _,astar will an- ' tt onti and I. M. on Tharanty, %In • .., ntr .nlock, /.. For froinht or PIMA/ . X inin e .: l 4 4 l7l to - BUIZBEIDGTaV r A pin .....r.. GEO It Mrs , . 1.30 En Co, on ABERGE r , In B. , Prrrsßull2P • ithi j ilif "So g la. • m a i r i tt La steamboat PILOT No. 2, Capt. J. N. Shook, leaves Pitts ../every Tuesday, at 7 o'clock, P. • M., ...thwart, Camino, Sunfish, Proctor, Bare's .ng, Near Manin nille, Sardis, Sistemille, TaePs ading, Matamoros, A. Sbeethi-Landing Vanalese, Actaon Cow Creek, Marietta, Point Ilirentr, Pot kersbarg, Belpre, Little Hocking and Hoc . knitspettt Thermornm—Leaves Hockmgport every TtiaoldaL. at 3 o'clock, P. M. Marietta on Friday, are A. rasing the principal part of the above town' on Friday, before night. '" i= above an t, this bow veal be able to 'lay Pitmtntrei on undays, Cod keep Wet day as it should be. . , The pahhe may depend upon this boat emitimung in trade dune, the low water scum. Louisville and Bt. Louis Packet /An.. 1.840. 1849. I.E.XIULARTILTESDAY PACKETVOR T. LOUIS The fine fast tanning passertge steamer ATLANTIS, Geo. W. Wicks, - master,' will kayo r the above and Intessedlaut ports every Tuesday, at to tvelock, a. at. For freight o r passage apply on board, or to F. C. KING, N 0.153 Cow. Row, marAdem Louisville. REGULAR SAT RIMY PACKET FOR ST. LOMB The arse fast coming paswsscr atenmer GEN. A. McPherson, master will lease let a above and tatertiseduWe pens eve. ry Saturday, at 10 o'clock, r. u. For freght or passage apply on board, or to E. C. KING, No 153 Can. Row • Loulsvii mati.dem hs • The splendid /steamer ZACUARY TAYLOR., - Lucas, master, will leave for above d intermediate ports _ this day. .. For freight or passage apply on Ward. my2g FORZANESVILLE. The Light draught steamer COMLT, ' Boyd master, will have fin• the above • • • and Warmed:tate porn this day,Tues• day, at a o'clock, ts. For freight or message, apply ors,boar&ri mytil WHEELIITG AND BettidErDirr. The neat end robstatitial steamer , HUDSON McMillen, matter, wi l l tie r for to •••• • r regular trips between Plusbege . Wheeling end liridgepoM. She will leave rittsbellk on Wednesday . end Sa to rdey _TUT freight or passage, apply on board. FOR AND - RUNTISH The fine steamer CINDERELLA ' • George Calhoun, mantel, will kalif or above and Intermediate port. on - Monday* and Thursdays, at In m For freight or passage, apply ou board. It 131 . AD ANESVILCE - YiCiSV -- - u • h at e. The fine steamer JENNY LYND, C Gallager, master, will ran es • jog lar weekly peeket batsmen Pius lbilrgh and Zanessillo--learce Pittsburgh - evert Y. For freight apply to BAILER & FO RSYIII.4 I e, wont SUNDAY TRIPS TO DEAVER. The U. S. Mad IMOISOOT MICHIGAN Na. 2, will leave the landin opposite the bl o ooagshota House, awn Sta y wocalag at 5 o'clock, for ..beasec... cunning, will arrive at 5 o'clock, P. hi, race to Deaver and back, Tweictr-tree,C., • • - IS lIIIJAY.TKI/13 'AV tSisny.bra.. . , The steamer BEAVER will Leave• the wharf, oppoane the 11.1nnozwags- bd. AOaSe, eve Reeve ry Sande., toonnki • S 9 o'clock, (or Re tander, will leave Beaver at I o'clock, P. Id., and entire et' 4 o'clock. Paro, Twenty-five Centa.• my 24 e . The S•I ram r .-, , • POR — ING — m LYTH:C .I„ PI i L PENNYLVANt*: Greenlee, Witmer, will leave for the ~ a and Intermediate porta every' reesday k at 10 o'clock, A. M. ('or (men of Pevertire aP9Ilf en board. m)Y9 .-. • • P RBIIOVAL. ~...-4., . ...---- CIECO 13 •IIIILTEINBERGICH , :,z ;,.7.' . ,_ 7 S. It /WENT, i Forwarding and COMO3IIIIiO4 WI; chant, has rembsed ba Nts 87 Front, bemoan Woo. • I and Smithfield streets. • . op! • VEVT - ObbrPOttliCillkup o y. 1,11 Halogy, or Classiest Tables of MS Greeks andy ; ItOloatia, to wkieli ara added amne notices of Syrian ; . Hindoo and 13eandliumian Sopeutitions, toge th er With tOttl . om 'srlnß_,Nnur,' fo r t e th wh ,3 3 :.7 s =, - L Jag reettb e Juurtons ell far& the ' myle corner 3d and Marketsts .—_—_ BLIINTOIII PAPE'S JILL'. • , ; I atukabugned have this day assommed am* '"r .1; the motelef Thompson llama ilk Son, for the paw.., pose of otormfattanng paper, at the glutton paper,, Mill, where they will be pleased to recent:tilts patreos,.,. mio m f , the poltlio, and the thrum! enamours of those., •. partner. . . 1.. d..., ~ y will Call times keep On harsh a selsentk - rsi.2 sonmeot of ting,.wraelidalt, tee la/ w ell DlVelit boom board blank books. me. Me, which they wit exelmage Mr erearrlumo. and entumiats. . ~.`, ' 4 Printers and Book Poblishsn makes rapplied with evenr-descilpailksof positing tespelial shortoosiost„ a n t tl as redraw. ii4es. THOMPSON Hamra.. asa4 . 49 FinaWkWZINA,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers