THE Pi'il'tiirtMrH GAZETTE pUBIJSItKP BV WHITE CO % PITTSBOKGDi • TUESDAY _ Sj?niiSS'HU 50RTH AEffiRICAS. I^^^nnd. t >ub W npucn»ioCL e NorvhAm«- S%oiu4 &***£*?”*> PiiUadelpfc^rwdvea rl?for«r»rdcd flora miTMEIICIAL LIST AND PHILADEi- COB ™PJ l iSIPUJCE CUIUIRNT. giib»gTiptiOT»inthli vou'aMe paper will bo received ud forwarded from * fa w ie - SEW TORK EXPRESS. We will receive and forward free of expense, ad- Ttrf ; flf rr.»nxa and subscriptions for thia paper. irwXfls PrmaoKsu Daily Gazbit* U published DaD?, Tn?Wcetl?f, dad "YVcskly^—The Daily Is Seven DqUatb pci annum; the Trl*'Weekly in' Five Dollars per ' >rT .nwi; ihft Weefclf-it Two Dollars per annum, rtrioiy rttdcanei. , ABYZKmKKs.are earnestly requested to hand In betr favors before 0 ?. it, an<L,aa early in|»heday as practicable. Advertisements not Insetted fora speei; 'tied tips* will invariably be charged until ordered out •v-r 1 • jjs»'Wjt.'fßoJmn», Eimj., S. E, corntrof'Baltunori South streets, is out duly authorised Ac*® l fo •••' p Fox unai Commercial lntelligenca,Doaiejafoi M«» kettf River News, Imports, Money Markets, Ae. •= - bird page. Bit next p*ge for Telejgraph*e Haws 1 . tor Locttl Blatters see next p*£«> TbeTutnigural Address o 'President Taylor, like every tiling which come* from his peo, i» short distinct, and to the porpoi e. Ab elegant simpli City is its principle character. Ho comes to hi: subject at oocci.afidcxpreassa in a few words, th< principles'-'which wfil his administatioa.- have the stamp of hspnblican Simplicity,—economy, justice, impartiality, and purity at cultivation of.peace, with all notions abroad. Tbeiarm of our natioial defence is to be strengthened,.oor home interests are to be protected, our rivers aind harbors aro to be improv. ed, ihonest and capable men are to bo promoted, a spirit of conciliation between conflicting inters ests is to be Tottered, and our intercourse with for. eign nations is lo be characterized with firmness and forbearance —these are the wise and just principles' which President Taylor has adopted far his government, and they will render his ad' minislnUiifo a blessing to his country ,and an hons or lo faimielfl • To* Diplomatic Smuooiol —The Buffalo Ex. prats Bays lhallbe diplomatic agent of the United Stales, at bne of the Northern Courts of Europe, said by the New York Commercial to be guilty of smuggling, is at Stockholm. Tho American Charge d’Affair* at Stockholm, is Henry D. Ellsworth, o( Cotmqcticut. The Commercial Advertiser, in reply to the Philadelphia Ledger, eayr— “As to the accusation, we are at liberty to say that it cornea from an efftdal source; that it has been for some time accessible to the authorities at [' Washington, with the evidence to sustain; it; and Shat weliave been ready from the first to speak out fully on the subject, and waited only id the ex* peclatio.n that such a charge would be thought wor thy at least of an.inquiry, if not by the officials at Washington, certainly by the official organ of the Government* The Baltimore Patriot replies to the interrogato ries which we made ia relation to the point at which the Baltimore Railroad crosses the Monon gahek;and the feasibility of Slackwater naviga tion totjfo point of intersection, as follows: The. questions having been directed to the Patriot especially,we have made inquiry, and feel authoriz ed to stale as follows: 1. The Railroad will probably cross the Monon gahejnzfrer in the neighborhood of the confluence of that river with the Tygart’s Vatfey river. • 2. The Monongohela nver is very readfly sos ceptjhleof a Slackwater improvement to the point of ialerwction with the railroad. 3. There U legislation in Virginia not only allow ing of such an improvement, but encouraging it by a conditional appropriation of funds. 4. There is legislation in Pennsylvania, which - permits of the Slackwater improvement to the Virginia Stale line,- and the Company by whom tho present improvement, as fer as Brownsville, been made, are prepared to extend it to that pniTp 23 soon as the inducements shall be suffi cient. 5. If legislation be wanting in either Pennsylvo-' nia or Virgiifia, it is only fer the purpose of giving further pecuniary encouragement improve ment, toe completion of which to the point where ' the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad will eras* the ' MonODpheia, will be demanded so strongly by the importance of that connection, as well as by the in* terests .of the local trade of the rich valley of that betutifbl tiver. as-to ensure its ultimate accom plishment eveu without the contributions of either of those Stales, although they would greatly facili tate that object. Get Tatlor Asm the Bible.—We have already mentioned that the Indies o t Frankfort. (Ky.) had presented the President Elect with a copy of the Pffrjft and the Constitution of the United, Slates, bound together iQ one Tolome. The design on the part of the ladies w&an significant one, bot how delicately and lieautifnlly conveyed! In response to Rev. Mr. Robinson—who made the presentation address on behalf of the fair donors — the old hero replied as follows: . I accept with-gratitude aod pleasure your gift of this Inestimable volume. It was for 1 their love of the tenths of this great and good book that our fath ers abandoned their native shores for tho wilder ness. —Animated by its lofty principles they lolled and suffered till ihe desert blossomed as the rose. The** same trnihs sustained them in their re»!u -- linn to become a free nation. And guided by the wisdom of this book they founded a government under which we have grown from three millions to more than twenty millions of people, and from being but a speck on the borders of this continent we have spead from the Atlantic to the Pacific. I trust that their principles of liberty may extend, if without bloodshed, from the Northern to the South ern extremities of this continent. If there were in that book nothing but ita great precept, "All thing® whatsoever ye would that , men should do unto you, do ye even solo them,” and. that precept were obeyed, onr government . TTTigip over the whole continent. Accept, sir,my thanks for the kind manner in which you have discharged this doty, and express ing again my aincerest thanks to the ladies for their beaulifal gift, 1 pray that health, peace and pros perity may long be continued to them. ** ' Gks. Shields asn Senator Breess— Extlaji tort Cars rotes tbr Gkwbax* —We find in the National Intelligencer the following card, from General Shields, on the subject of th 6 unfortunate difficulty between him and Senator Breese: Washisgtub, Feb. 28, 1849. ll is with much reloclaace I [eel compelled to obtrude', on the notice of the publio ex planatory of a private letter addressed by me a fear days ago to the Hon. Sidney Bteeae.ahd published by him, with comments, in the Intelligencer of this day. The' facts am these: Mr. Brceso has been formany months engaged industriously in disaem --dnating the most injurious report* concerning me, the only ostensible motive'being that my friends W bought me forword as his competitor for elec tion to the Senate 01 the United States. I bad been, ever since my visit to! thin city last summer, cognizant *o'f his efforts, unceasing, unremitting, and reckless,' toblast my character and rob me of the only Wealth to which [ can lay claim—a yep u " ■t l *tinn l thank-God, without a blot Immediately on my arrival bereft wrote him tUo letter he has pub- Ksnedi accusing hifo ofbis baseness. That letter, written under thfl-JnSacnce of no ordinary emo tions, cofQched jn poguago which, under other circumstances, l would not have used} and upon reflection, and by the advice of my friends,! au - thorixedtwo bonorahle Senators formally to with draw it. Mr, Breese declined to yield it up, and hakmade of it shows by what motives • he was actuated. That portion of my letter which he has distorted • into »4hreaHaf assassination, I shall' briefly notice. ‘ Xha tacans he used to prevent my election were . ofauch a nature that the competition between us • > became a personal atru'ggle, and, bis triumph would have been on endorsement of his calumnies, my characterand position were Involved in the lane, w I determined, therefore, as intimated In my letter, to render such n triumph unavailing by s thorough exposure of his character and conduct, thus tam ing into a morel pillory the position .of Senator of the United Suites, which be would have acquired by'tho vi!es£-mlainterp relations. The Inteipreta tion be has put upon tliia threat—that is, that I had •vowed to assassinate- him—(p so absurd that it •woldbe equally preposterous on my part seriously ‘ to repudiate such a meaning. Thai any sane mas ran believe I wooldhavo aasaasioated Mr. Breese, I have no apprehension. That Mr. Breese ever dreamed ofsoeba thing is totally impossible. For the controversy in which Mr. Breese would involve me on other matters, 1 have no relish. I • do not think myself warranted, except in the cue the above statement, for self defence, thrusting •my personal concerns on the notice of the public? betides that, th* course Mr. Breese has pdraued la relation to my letter, disentitles him to that con sideration which might induce me under other ell •• -’.eußiataDcea tc reply to his remarks. James Shields. We confess to have participated to the foil (os we-venture to ray almost every one did) in the of which Mr. Brceso waa guilty i interpreting, 1 the threat contained in the Gen* rtr» first letter. As to whether “any sane man • believe I (the General) would have' assassina ted Mr. Breese,” tho only way to get over it was ' ioreppmo 4> “ mpr v “ parc '- B “‘ w ° are BKKumnrrach liinf-re »• .imthe, wilh |w consul** .him-capable of .mis mddeenooof - - > , .] " - Magsimo, fer Fcbra ,-hM beta Weired by Mor»o,4tiiKre«. &• r ,..Q are more *»# mo«W ianneSn. By. flagaeUe=,Telegrapti .ftr-toe Cratttte. PRESIDENT TAYLOR'S NAUGURAt ADDRESS. ! v ;! Wiistmcrroa, March Cth,4849. ; This day, at 12 o’clock, General Zachary Taylor, President eject ot the United Slates, delivered to the Senate and Members of the House of Reprfr sentalives of (he United Slates, and thousands ol American citizens, in fronfoObo Capitol, the fob lowing Inaugural Address: •' 7 Elected by the American People to the highenSr l offieo known to o»r laws, l appear here to take the oath prescribed by the Constitution; and to compli ance with a time honored custom, to address those yrho are now assembled. The confidence and respect shown by my coun trymen, to calling me to be the Chief Magistrate of a Republic holding a high rank among the na tions of the earthy have m spired roe with feel ings of the most profound gratitude. But when I reflect that the acceptance of the office which their partiality has bestowed, imposes the discharge of the most arduous duties, and involves the weigh tiest obligations, 1 am conscious that the position which I have been called to JiU, though sufficient to satisfy the loftiest ambitiou, is surrounded by fearful responsibilities. Happily, however, m the performance of my new duties, 1 shall not be Without co-opvrauoa of the Legislative and jodieinl branches of the government, which present prominent examples of distinguished civil' attainments and matured ex perience; d scroll be my eodeavor to call to my assistance in the executive deportment, iudi. viduaia whose talents, integrity, and parity of cna racteri will famish Staple guaranties for the faithful and honorable performance of the trusts to be committed to their charge. With such aids and an honest purpose to do what is right, l hope (o execute dihgentiy.'tmpur tialty, and for the best interests of the country, the manifold duties, devolving upon me. In the dis charge of these dnties my guide will be tho-consti tution, which 1 this day swear to preserve, protect and defend. For the interpretation of that instrument, 1 aboil look <o the decislonsof (he Judicial Tribunalses* ibltsbed by its authority, and to the practice of the government under the earlier Presidents, who had so large a share in Us formation. To lhe£ex ample of those illustrious patriots, 1 shall always defer with reverence, and especially to bis exam ample who was, by so many titles, the “fathe'r of his country.” ’ To command the army and navy of the United Slates, with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make ireaiiesiand appoint ambassadors hnd oth er officers, to to Congress information of the state of the Union, aod recommend such meas ures as he Bhall judge to be necessary, and to lakov care that the laws shall be faithfully exe -oQj^^_ihpie. ore the most important functions entrusted to the President by the Constitution, and it may jbe expected that 1 shall briefly indicate the principles which shall control me in their exe cution. 1 Chosen by the body ol the people, under-the Assurance that my administration would be- de moted to the welfare of the-whole country, find not lo the support of any pnrticular section, or merely •local interests. I this day renew the declarations 1 have hitherto made, and proclaim my fixed de termination to maintain to the extent of my ability, the government io its original purity, and to adopt at the basis of my public policy, those great repub lican doctrines which constitute the strength d our nations! existence. In reference to the army and navy, laiely*em* ployed with so much distinction in active service, care shall be token to secure the highest condlyon of efficiency, and in furtherance of that object,'the military and naval schools sustained by the liber ality at Congress, shall receive the especial atten tion of the Executive. As American freemen, we cannot but sympathize in all efforts to extend the blessings of civil and 'political liberty, but f at the same time, we are 1 warned by the admonitions of history and the voice of our-own beloved Washington, to abstain from all entangling alliances with foreign nalioos. In all disputes between conflicting governments, it is oor interest no less than our duty to remaio per fectly neutral. Wbiie our geographical position, the genins of our institutions, (he advancing epint of civilization, and above all, the dictates ot religion direct us to the cultivation ol peaceful aod friendly reiatioas wilhtftil other power*. It is to be hoped that no international question can now arise which a government, confident in its own strength, and resolved to protect its own just rights, may not settle by wise negotiation; and it eminently becomes a government like our own, founded on the morality And intelligence of its citi zens, and upheld by their affections, to exhaust every resort of booorable diplomacy,before appeal ing to arms. In the conduct of our foreign rela tions, l shall conform to these views, as 1 believe them essential to the best interests, and tho true ho nor of the country. The appointing power investedin the President, imposes delicate and onerous duties: *ao far as U is pcssiblx to be informed, 1 shall make honesty, ca pacity, and fidelity, indispensable pre-requisites to the bestowal of office; ana the absence of either oi these qualities shall be deemed sufficient cause for removal. It shall be my study to recommend sticb consti tutional measures to Congress as may be necessa ry and proper to secure encouragement and pro tection to the 'great interests of agriewltfire, com* raerce qsd| manufactures, —to iruprovejour rivers and bar fibre, to provide for the speedy extinguish ment ol the public debt, to enforce a strict account ability on the port of all the officers of the govern' meat, and the utmost economy in all public ex penditures'. Bnt it is for the wisdom of Congress itself in which all legislative powers ore vested • by the constitution, to regulate these and -other r matters of domestic policy. T shall look with con fidence to the enlightened patriotism oftbat body to .. adopt such measures of conciliation as may-hare monizo.conflicting interests and teod to,perpetuate Ihis CJnioo j which should be the permanent object of our hopes and affections. In any action calculated to promote qn object so near the heart of every one who trulyfloves bis country, I will zealously unite with the co-ordinate branches of the government in conclusion, I congratulate my fellow-citizens ou the hight Stale of prosperity to which the gpod - ness of Divine Providence baa conducted oor common country’. Let ua invoke a continuance of the same protecting care which has led us from small beginnings to the eminence which we this day occupy, aod lei os seek to deserve' tbst continu ! nnMi .fay prudence and moderation in our counsels, i by well directed attempts to assuage the bitterness which so often maeja unavoidable difference of , opinion, by the promulgation and practice of just and liberal principles, and by an enlarged natriot . ism which shall acknowledge no limits but those of Qur wide-spread republic. Thx America.-* MAaciiAsna — Statistics. —The Lowell Courier gives a series of interesting state meats relative to the Manufacturing Corpora lions of that industrious and thriving locabty: The whole number ot mills is 48, coder the care of 12 Corporations whose aggregate capital stock amounts to $12,110,000. The 49 mills give employ ment to 7,644 females aid 3.629 males—total, 11,- 273. The whole number of yards maenfactnred perval is 1,732£27—vir. 1,704,996 cf Cotton; 21 f 291 of Woollen; 6,500 of carpets, and 40 roga. The amount of Cotton consumed is 559,000 pounds per week, and of Wool 46.000 pounds. The num ber of yards printed is cf dyed, 2, 015A00. The different Companies use 25400 tons of an thracite coal per annum, with 36^103'bushel* of charcoal and 2,790 cords of wood, pbey also consume 70,510 gal!ana of sperm oil and 35,000 of lard; 1.090,000 pounds of starch and 765 bar rels of dour. Toe buildings ere wanned by steam- ' i Olber maaoiaeturea are produced itttbefliiy. to the valuo-of $t,500,000--empioymg a‘ capital of 5400,000,. mnd about 1,500 hands. The average Wagts offemales Is 52 per week, clear ofbowdj males 60 cents per day, .Tbemfldi* om produce of a loom U 45 yards perday, wtihNo. 14 yaro; with Ho. 30,33 yards—and the average per spindle Ift yards per day. The Middlesex Company make sse. annually of 6,000,000 teasels; 1,716,000 pounds of fine wool; 60,000 Ihs. glue; $60400 worth ot dye stuff* and $17,000 worth of soap, Tbo ( same Company also consume at their Wameait Carpel Mill, on the Coo cord River, 9?,000 lbs. cotree wool and 36,400 lbs, woraed yarn—producing 91,000 yards -of ingriin Cl ?here-are two Institutions for the Saving*, of the operatives—the Lowell and the City. The former had on deposit, in Serrtemfcer lasi, $852^280,, from 5.06 C depositors. Tbe'City*hasfcecn in opera tion only since March, 1648: ret hadion deposit on on the Ist of January last, $27,717, from 258 per sons—most of the depositors in both basks being the Factory operatives. , A Hospital, established by the several manufac turing corporation*, is always open for the con. venienco and comfort jof those cmbfoyed by the different Companies. It bunder the superinteq deuce of one of the best surgeon* physicians, and l* raid to be in o flourishing condition. £he popalation of Lowell, nineteen years ago a lUile over 3£oo, now it is estimated si 35, 000. 1 •; Govxamcsnt Fuuscxa—Tho United ; Stale* Measurer’s statement, to the B6th ijebruary,shows the amount then to hia credit m all tho different depositories, minis, Arc., to have b4en $5,5f18£67 61. Of this jimount there is at Boston £393,tl 3 25, Hew York $1,093,790, Philadfllpbig .32, Washington 5187.363 41, Ne^Orleans 81. 2O, Bahimorasll2499ll, Richmond $663 65, Norfolk $1475 53, mint, Philadelphia! $595,- 115 30. TVs Home, ItoaTuaßrT. —Onr traders will be pteaaed to kirn that the Home-Bep&rttoebt wax .finally acted- tbs Senate, andlhatlheHoa- JohnDa,vi3 of Massachusetts, wiD-be caJfedto it' Thia is azt excellent appointment. Mr. Haris-has a gcqnairtaoce with tho duties, of the new department,. and hia proverbial Uprightness of changer gitu an. eniieat. ofit feithlal and efficient performance of ita duties. | i ; The oonctntfofr of oar remarks oil onion of: Capital ‘andXabar,4fl nfcrttarffy Idaftned nntUj ■toantDHPW* i ’ FROM WAIHISOTOS. ‘ Correspondence ol the PnubbigK'Cazeae. WasHtsoTps,Feb. 27, JBI9. r k _Afi«r I Wrote you last evening-, it Appears that the Senatejgbt upon one of those hardy southern Indian appropriation cares, which “are bound to pass;* 1 fo that the civil find diplomatic bill was not. disposed of. The same appropriation' has con* turned the greater part of the day, tnd the Senate are now at nine o’clock id the evening, bard at work upon the bill, apparently determined* to get \ through with it. ; The House hare today parsed the bill for the organization of a territorial government for Celi-1 forma, including a provision for the total exclusion of Slavery. This is the bill reported in December last, from the territorial committee. The Wilraoti Proviso principle is contained in the 12th section. Mr. Sawyer of Ohio, who came into the Hoqse four years ago a perfect Gracchus, in respect tc political influence, but-who has determined, wbe ther because of the appointment of a son or nephew as a midshipman in the navy, is for his coaauuienir to eay, moved (p strike out this section. The mo tioQ was defeated io committee of the whole, S 3 id 105. | Mr. Preston's substitute, proposing to bring ul the whole territory obtained under the treaty, as f. State, was amended by the addition of the proviso, and then obtained not a single vote. Mr. Gayle of Alabama, an eccentric old gentleman, marched through the tellers, but on motion of some of his friends, marched back, so .that the vote 'fas reported, affirmation 0, negative 0, result 00. Tbi* is significant of the fate of Douglass' bill had come before the House. The vote upon the passage of the bill was, aye* 12G, noes 87. There were half a dozen noitheni votes against it nod three southern ones for it- The three last named, were Houston of Delaware, end Adams Buckuer of Ky. \ Desperate efforts are making on both sides tbp House, relative to Foote land Walker’s plot to de feat the appropriations for ihe civil and diplomatics service, or to foist into the bill their conjoint scheme for.commitiing the decision of the slavery question, with regard to the newterriloriCs into Polk's handd. I have heard of no northern man giving way, who does not belong to the school of C-J. Ingersojl nod Sawyer. I think there is a majority of wkigs anil democrats from the free states, prepared to defeqt that bill, rather than permit that scheme to succeed If the matter is not decided before, Saturday night will be an excitihg time. If the adherentsof Foote and Walzer —oh what leaders l —should persevere* they can sod will cause the loss of the bill, with out which, government caonot go on. If they do persevere, an extra se#«iion is inevitable. You will receive through the medium ot the official report of Senate proceedings an exact copy of the remarks m which General Taylor and Mr. Fillmore responded to the joint committee of ihe Senate and House, when informed by them of their election to the offices of President and Vice-Presi dent oftbe United Slates. The reply of each of these distinguished men is in excellent taste. That of Oeneral Taylor preserves all the diffidence and modesty which has marked every ad of his since he first came prominently before the people of the Union It is now settled that there will be a grand re. ception at, the White Hoase to-morrow night li will no doubt be a splendid affair- Colonel Bliss and Mrs. Betty Bliss will accompany the President elect on l lift visit. Mr. Polk will not leave the Executive ranch, as at first reported m the Union on the Ist instant. He will move oat on Saturday. The Union pre tends to give a.sort of programme of his rooie homeward. It is labor lost. No body will care where Mr. P. goes to, or how he goes. Twenty years hence he will perhaps figure belter in history than his predecessor, Mr. Tyler, but for the present, he will be more the object of aversion and personal . dislike—nay. I may justly tay, contempt, than was that most nnfortunaje occupant of the White House. Juntos. WaaBtxOTOR, March 1, 18*9 The riledictory levee of President Polk was re ally a crowded and magnificent affair. It was un derstood, and had been widely circulated, tbotfren eraJ Taylor would attend this last reception of the President de facto. But his visit to Georgetown, yesterday, detained him to a late hour, and when he returned, he found himself considerably fa •tigoed; and, above all, business of such pressing. , importance, that U could not be postponed, impel led him to send an apology for unavoidable ab sence. CoL Bliss and lady attended the soiree, and were the observed of all observers. The press of carriages was so great, that after nine o’clock it was hardly possible that one coaid get within two squares of the executive mansion. The evening was rarav, aod the streets were mtiddy. so that the humble cil. who trudged up to the scene ol festivi ty. with an umbrella over his head aod over nhcea on his feet, fared[as well as his*neighbor who bud paid five dollar* for the use of a hack. Having given principal feature of the state of thing* onuide of the White House, the scene within it may be pretty well imagined. There was an un distinguished jam of well dressed ladies and spe cimens of the ruder sex. There was a proper pro portion of minister*, and army and navy officers, in their jfrtitteringtirai forms. Among ihe men, there was the resuscitated Sen ator from Michigan, General Cass. Yea, there he was, notwithstanding his cruel infiaeoza, parading abont, looking for all the world os if be enjoyed lhabest 6f health. He knew that his poor shadow Fitxgereid, sat m his place in the misrepresenting the State, that he had only the day before given a vote .which outraged the instructions that were passed both for him and fox Gass. Bot Cass prefers to let him ail there till the end of the session, provided that he can tit in safe. and inglorious irresponsibility. He presents api tiful spectacle. U is understood, to day, that the following cabi net has been agreed upon: For Secretary, of State—John M. Clayton, Del. Secretary of Treasury—Thomas M. T. McKen nan, or 'William M. Meredith, of Pennsylvania. Secretary of Wai—Hon. M. Crawford, of Ga. Secretary cf Navy—Abbott Lawrence, of Mass. Attorney General—William R Preston, Vn. Post Master Ewing, Ohio. This will make a good cabinet. • It is not yet de- - cided that Mr. Crawford or Mr. Ewing will accept the, nomination* .tendered to them. Bot the accep tance of the others named it already ascertained. Both Houses have been to day industriously engaged in the effort to dispose of Iho greatest mb fa amp o " l of business, still remaining unfinish ed.' Ttt Senate, however, waa again deseereied by eue of explosions from Mr. Foote, of Mia titsippij'which are eo rapfdlykweriflgthe charao terof thhl body. While the Army Appropriation Bill wa* under consideration, Mr. Baldwin, of Cohoecttait, 000 of the ablest tad moat dignified members of the Sea* moved lo amend if, fay adding a proviso, that.f quute. 81l Htfxfnv inhabitant* of California and lfew P&i&oiu PrcsHU^crM y. Mr Crabb, for ihe Mexico «taUd be entitled to we bennfiuof the imeS* of a new county out of pens of Be.ver, wrif of babes* corpa,, and trial nci'peraOß notaeoMierorcffleerof the tnny should: hfigtiing law timilar to that in operation m the be subjected to*.trial b? court martial. He ex- York nlnioea theparpowof thi. amendment in ■ low r. T&=Senefe ih. coiui4cr.tio,. of the piopea we purywow *tr . ykrinfcrtrtolaiioa relative to ihe amendment ot the foreibleand temperate re marts. The moment he- iflonfiiftttkm. (Provides tor Ihe election of Judge* had taken hl**eai, Mf. Foote eprang up and begun: ffay tfijlKopb-.l .mostoffenalto penouel tirade.gtinii Mr. Bald- i hgsjr* King, Ovcrfield end Drum oppoicJ the win, tor introducing whet ho called an ebolition, “ d Mra ” I " so ” ,nd Sm ' ll ,lin ' movement —a mtachiovou* attempt to eOctne to : 'ffta-jcvi'oiioii'i then paaeed second reeding by eon elnnee that might be taken there the rigid of ,bo Stewing voio: beiig wreetediram .ho cu^y He dnnoonced Mr. Baldwin m numnroue conrea Lev jj aMni Matthias, M'Cmlin, Bit-hard., Sad and indecent terms. :ler, Savery, Small. Smyaer, Sterrett, and i Me. Baldwin rose and said his self reapect pro. • I curded him fiom any reply whatever lathe of ihe Senator Dorn Mississippi, and then went oo « 10. to adduce r>m« farther reasons in support of the i Tfcwiill relative to relief issues, (provide* for a motiniL. iffc-JiSoh of the same } „„ V . , . (•' Mr Forsyth movod an amendment to the first - Mr. Foote renewed the attsdr, evidenUy srimg which provides for the reissue of relief by.the quiet contempt with which Mr. B. had treat- ; j>y inserting a section emhorlxing the State edhim aad hU Impertinence, bat as his remarks to borrow tJOO.OOO ifollars, to be applied were only of a boflo character, it in oat worth \t* j"™**# " • . . . , _ , , be free from taxation, and reimbursable while to refer to them farther. Foote succeeded ■.* w^^^our y care in four equal instalments, to be in making a scene, which srema to be hi* highest bcaring~an interest not exceeding ambition. ?six foef cent., payablo semi-annually, and pledging •Old Zncb contttmes to suffer from the good na* -the fatjemwa of the State for the redemption of the tared calhutlaimof his friend*, bat ha look. welL. Poyih aoll Saudi .unported the Wbea l tay anfflir, I tanaa that, by continually ot. ; an ,3JJmeat, and Mourn Darnie, (Speaker) King , teiiding'U] thennUeroos calls of hi* iriead*, be der iaQg&yerlield opposed it. j nrives bimaelf of needed reel, tad inereaaa. the > THv'suoa bcing taken on the ammidment, it, *■■••■■■ ~ i . . .. . . » :wa#arixntived—yeas 13. nays i& and the bill was pnnaie of offlcwl dalle*.that must be dweberged sjgggfi <hW rime »nd paa .ed-ye a » n. aaye out'Of aefisoo.if they cannot be performed in sea? £ ioa‘ However, it » almost unavoidable that he ~~ GtofhotionofMr King, the bOl supplementary * itoild bo aubjected to great foUgne dwhig the first tO the Pcnasyivnoia Rail* . mtnrth fillerM* B^*4 ** govemmenL. offered on amendment, to make the , Washington U already densely pocked, bat whfli IConjphny liable tor consequential damages for; will of the crowds that most continntf excavations or embankmentsiu the public . pauriug.Si betegtojUata Monday night, Ido not, Maun King and Crabb. j orctcud tO divine. Tha ckm»x of festivity, of in- ■ "| y '• 6 ! the nighiqf Ttea.fixcitemflitthaw. oonairact County and Township Roads,, higtot-pilCib, and afterthal same, patted, we shall' md«aUy slope down to an average and Mr 3warixwe]der presented the proceedings ot 1 tad eadraW»*W«ad»«f oiitaowe. Jmaua. |> mpcllof held ‘in Pittsburgh m fovor of repealing 1 I ffcjflOn HEW YORK. jUoirttPWßdencc ofthe Pittsburgh Gaieite. 1 f: V- N*w Yoax, Feb. 27, 1519. A? goecefliim of Etonny days has reduced ibe oat flSor bdSfjieM of the city to & nominal amount andtfo hisiaiy is briefly told. All are now looking towkifjds and eagerly watching (be eoafte of grunts there more particularly since the of 'fevenil reports in relaiioo to the financial (ktticy of tbe government, it is now stated apofl the highest aalbonty, (hat an attempt will be mt&fa lo induce Congress to allow the Sec retary of itftTreasary to issue five millions more of noies without interest, in order to effect another gre&£ moVriiieot, which is nothing less than the anttagpalin&bf the payment of the $3,000,080 dne in Jdfce, ohihe Mexican indemnity. This would rid (he sdljjtreasury of all its coin, and give the banls while at the same lime the fire rnillio&Hi of notes go to the custom Itouse and prevhni the accumulation of coin. The io detfahiiy-tffiO rumor runs—-is to go to Baring & no doubt remit American stocks, thnsfgivitg'' an impetus to these securities that would ini' Wrn bo felt by every stock in market Thfr&voreMe appearance of commercial affairs in Eoghmd, tbe prospect of gold from California, add. ed id.thejgtffieral soundness of trade at homeland the dpafisepce inspired by the incoming adminis tration, ahite to cause an intense feeling of speefi latlO?, which needs little more to bring it into on activity iofexceeded by any the country bos over witnessed.-; Ah a&iv&l from RJo Janeiro, announces the arrival o£ “Oregon,” the second of the Pacific liee : iof steqpcrs in thirty six daysjrom New York, a-febt wpidh canse# mnch satisfaction room l ship builders>afid engineers, who think they have nt lastiucc£*3ed in building ships hs certain in their opcfaliofifliras those built io England. After so many failures a consummation like this is earnestly 10-bif de&tyl, to demonstrate our ability to compete wi& oof “With footed” commercial rival upon the sal£wai|r.hfjwiffch she is so proud. The people of. color *n New York ore to be initiated to-momiw, wit|i allilhe secrets of burlesque opera and small Manager Barnaul of the American mUSeuni, Who gives them 000 day to themselves. They now some fine churches with able preaches,-good colored physicians, dentists, and ia Jacl.Bh© race in New York embrace* men of igaby ptofessions wliose acquireineuU are a slaod at4 of bmulalion for maqy white people. They hike theatre in which tbo whites perform benefit, which is quite a step in of Liberty. Equality, Fraternity. ; The tonight contains $2,500,000 in 'lpecrt, ind the money market cloaca easier, as eyfaenw Of which, it may be said that the Hudson River BdfUl has borrowed half a million st 7 per cbQL Stotts are up, and Treasury Notes close A 9f "Stuart V Sugars wan made io-ddy by auction tfj full prices, say SlfSsi for the various T c -*o rnjw the rival manufacture, " Wool sej," lattes the field, und the trade will buy largely. The sugar refiners are now wealthy eopugbUff break down all opposition, and cure not fora tahfi v !onger. These public sales of standard sugars. ; p&r rare attractions to tb« country trade who as well &s the city merchants! jpo cAajige there has not been much done. Ashes ■eji at 5O. Cotton is in active demand foy with hale* of 5000 bales yealardoy and todsy. ’i Flour is firm, aud 4000 bhls. of new. taken fof export at $6 50. Corn ia out of market, and Whntetji fellow, fil, white, 55 Sates 3000 bushels Gcnest'e Hvheat, at 13$: 2000 Ohio, 113; and 7000 Illinois- 0 a private bargain. Pork dull, at $9 97 010; rfod; $lO 730511. Beef, no change- Lard dnill, arjd iotmcal. C- Nsw Yobk, March 1, 1510. Ail .fejhes or* oow turned upon Washington, eager fodenow !he result of tbe “noise and con now prevail* in reiatioo to the Califor. t>(& goteriunent, the post office law, and various other natter* that roust suffer from a year of post* p6ncmtaV The appointment of Mr. Lawrence as Secretary ot the Treasury give* touch satisfaction, St it expresses the sentiments of the new adminis- in relation to the tariff, which moot be aiben<fed< Mr. Evans, of Maine, would have been more igreeable. ia n« much s* be has experience gtealef.tban is often seen .n the Treasury Depart ment* i C*r Custom Hou«e returns for Febroary show £ large Jailing oil in ihe revenne, compared with which is explained by tbe (act that I tareigacountne? are nut obliged to Micnfice so rnn ay goddff here, and that we are nol in a position to want Sbmany. The estimates rf Mr. Walker will liifr this year, snd be must raise the unif. ojf loan. S LasfceVening Mw* Abbey Hutchinson, the charm' ijjg nrdj modest vDcaliat. who has made to many the practice of her an, was married to a ai>a ofi.tilij Rev. l)r. Patton, of this city.*. She %$a ta the proper sphere of woman, which she oinnc?,6(U to adorn. The contact of a professional of'y&ra has leA her the artless manner with dfticlfcshe commenced. # •j Tbetgos»ip* are now in full cry after the detail* Of a supposed mnrdcr, which was committed a few tflghti-! since. The murdered woman is the Mr*. Miller who wa* abducted by her hutband Ircra Qonnccßeat, auric lime since—on, occurence that [jrovO&e-d much license of comment She haatub «squdnt|y lived with a mao unmed Walker, with Wboattie quarrelled and prosecuted for her marl* iil rightt, on the ground of an alleged marriage at the jwtiir House. She wa* shot in the breast on Tuesday night, and died last night without mnb pig foy declaration" as to the perpetrator of Ihe feiurdAr* She was a woman of much personal ijeansf,3ind withal af most pleasing address. Her Rfe ik inother leaf of the secret hhrtory of New -Torkkf&at is better unwritten, net being desirable S« aa'-djtample to follow. g- A fcodcnito amount of goods, destined for Ohio, fjhdiirasi and Kentucky, are now sold daily, and ; fljaad'tflore purchasers are in tbe market. Quite : 4 nnqUijoas Market Street merchant* 1 9rc busy with their purchases, and will toon 1 fcarafbdhe summer styles to tbe gaze of the shop- 1 firing'Sorties. Among the later arrival* ia George R. and a representative of the firm of fit Johnson, names net unfamiliar to readers fbf in Gaxeac. ,r. Th taste lor prize fighting has been turned to tirofij ihifl account by Mr. Manager Ham Um, of Ihe fiowt rjl. With a fact not be excelled, he haa eo- ;lhe famous B’boy Tom Uycr and his train, ; WhON*f>pear nightly, with him in the old farce of Torer-und Jerry. Tbo sparring between tho eoCe* Ifianftil-indefinildy prolonged, to the great glorifies- Boa liMhe tancy men, batcher boys, and the swell 4Dob;keberslly. Prices at the theatre ere doubled, sad fikiyot fresh law for the prevention of pugilistic violated or rather avoided with all Ihe {jrac&ia tbe world. ? A Sa&o party of California emigrants left at noon ia iyortlierner for Chape*- The fever is pret ty ett'ait over, since Captain Phelps, who came iotas yin Charleston, told bis story. The sober iecortA’th ought assures the fortune hunters that all jk w&ao flattering, and tbnt occasionally an end iyrsnf; tytll fad,-or perhaps leave* hi* bones to wbi ttntSeeatrance to the gold placer. Tbe country -Sjmigfkftts are quite nnmerouJ, but the fever there .fjeVHbntly abating: 3 o£ ’Change, bnalness bjm-nct been over active. fCott&t&as tallen follf per cent, and close* dull.— Tn FfhdV, there ia os active'trade, and tljc opening sjf eastern rivers will dear our market. Bale* ngotiis Wheal at 109 cents. Some Ohio at 134 -hts, faid Ohio at 115: Corn is very scarce, but sel lers ahead accept a' decline. o*l* are cheapoi, 'and jhdlal 40 cbi. Western foathenuU 38 to 374 c.; and cheaper Mess may be qaoled'&t &I 0 $lO C2L and Prime $9 62* tosS 75; iLsnJtdblial fit to 0$; Ohio Butter is cheaper, and iSella-itfll cis. C, FjESnSBVL VASIA LEOISbATCaE. * J . H**Amt?Son, Feb 2S, ISl'rf. the proviso to the ten hours act of lost session, &l«o petiticwa in favcr cfthe iame.. , „•; A communication was received from the Secre tary of the Commonwealth, in regard to the re ports of prison inspectors, stating that he had par* tial reports from eight counties, only one (from Philadelphia) being folL Senate amendment to the act relating to the Pennsylvania Railroad Company were concurred in- Mr Fisher offered a resolution instructing the Committee of Ways and Meao9 to inquire into the expediency of duposiog of the motive power. fitc. on the Columbia and Philadelphia Railroad, in ac cordance with the proposition of Andrew Mehaffy. which wbj* amended by adding, or any other pro position. and adopted. Among them was an act to restrain Corpora tion from issuing obligation* redeemable otherwise than in gold and silver. The joint resolution inviting James K. Polk to visit Hamsburgh, on his way home, passed—yeaa 70, nays 0. Nays—Messrs Fbdlod. Martin, No ble. Pralt, Rupley, Stubbs. SluUinau, SwnrUwel der and Geo. T.Thorn. The bill to erect n new county out of parts of Beaver, and Mercer, counties, to be called Law rence, was taken up, and by Dr. Smith till one o'clock. North Branch Cana/.—On motion of Mr Little, the House took up the bill providing for the ecm piettoo of the North Branch Canal. Mr L. sub mitted u substitute for the whole bdh and the fur ther cooMideraliun of the bill was postponed till to morrow week. Mr Steel moved that on Monday, nnd eveiyday therealter. except Tuesdays and Fridays, the House will proceed to the consideration of the Re venue bills relative to taxei on bank dividend* and taxes on brokers. After spine discosstun, it was postponed ior tbc present. Mr Bwartxweldcr moved that when Ibis House adjourns on the 2d of Mdrch, it will adjourn to meet on the 7th of March, at 9| o’clock, A. M.. which was not agreed to. Among the most excellent hotels to be found in the city of Knickerbockers—and they can boast ofsomu of the best in (he world—is that of Messrs. Fish, Middleton and White.the old "Howard Hotel." From an intimate acquaintance with the internal arrangements of this spleudid house, we are pre pared to speak warmly in its praise. Merchant* and others having business in need a hotel in or near the centre of their field of occupn. tion while here. They cannot, they ought not to be required to take lodgings far out of ibis sphere. The eslabliftbmeul ot jtiessr*. Fish, Middleton and While, it seem- to u». supplies jn«l such a home, nnd in just -ucli n place as this dais of visitors would choose. We tny just such a ham*. We mean' what we i.iy At thi* hotel, unless we greatly misjudge, the guest is treated in such a way, and the mode ef conducting the house is such, that the guest feels at home.. We regard this e'emenl in a hotel as invaluable; and the traveler prizes it the more, became he so rarely meets with it. This bouse is one of the largest class, and in nothing that contributes to make up the catalogue ofa first class hotel in the highest sease of the term, ts it excelled in th.s city The gentlemen at the head of the es tablishment have in otuer circumstances shown themselvr> to be capital managers; and ifthey con duct the bouse as they have commenced, they can. not tail to secure, the reputation of being the most acceptable and &uc<-v**ml caterers for the wants of the traveling public lo be found in this coun try. A bright career is Letbre them we cannot doubt. • JOB PRISTIBG. Btl.l. HEADS, CARDS, CIRCULARS. Manxfuu , Bills IjaHiug, Contract*, Late Blanks uajid bim-s, Luiu. caaTtncATCs, chee-sb, reucias. Ac. Ac, Printed »l the shortest notice, at iciw pnras, at tbi de’* Gurm Dim, Tbibs sraxrr^ ‘ Ecosomt ts Wealth,’j and if Mr. Shields bad but He'd governed by the above motto, he ought have sa ved money and himself much physical suffering, but read the following letter, doled April 10th, 194 - Jlf Wiu. Shields, a respectable farmer oftbia vicin ity, wav taken til; called in a Doctor who doctored bun for Dyspepsia for one year, bat be trill gat worse. Hr then discharged bis Doctor anti paid him, thirty collars H<* then got a vial of your Vermifuge, and oiu- Vox of Sanative Pills, and by the use of these med icines irosting only M cents) he discharged, be says, hi east onr thousand worms, and in two weeks was -< improved m health as to aticnd to his business, and hm been hi pood, health ever sine", and says Dr. Javnc’* Veutufrure tnd Sanative Pills have made a sound man of huu. \VM B. DEAN, P M., To Dr D Jayne. Phi la at Port William, O. For »sl- i.-i Pittsburgh at the PEKIN TEA STORE, 70 Kocna «ireei near Wood. IcblT-dftwS Sells** IxmatsL Cocou Sret r South Pittsburgh. Feb., a. 1b49. Mv iru,- i>n- brc-i troubled wild a violent cough for muiicvr a . <•»r», *o bad wa* her rough that physi cians tui Otuo, where 1 formerly lived,! told rae she had the Consumption Alter we removed lo this city 1 obtained for her, time ar.d again, different medicines, bot they were cf'no kind of benefit to hcT. Some two Dionths since, 1 parchiscd'a bottio of your Cough Sy rup, the bm of which has done her more good than any medicine she has ever taken. I hay alsoUaed Seilers' Vermifuge In ay family with fine success. IftnuuxD M^beatu. This popular rough remedy i« prepared and sold by R R SELLERS. 57 Wood ai, end may be had ofDrag su generally, in the two clues ecd vicinity feblfi M’Luixx’s Worn Vxjoarvex—The popularity which this medicine has acquired in Western Venn*v|saiua, is a sure guarantee of Its excellence. Hie following grutletneu, highly respectable citisens of Allegheny and Dsbtct counties, have used this Venntlage in the.r families, an tl offer lbs assurance of us great medical properties. James Stiailon, Fourth-*'. Roud, Pittsburgh Mary J. Stratton Mary Stratton, •* a Mary Bur£. Beaver county. « Faran Haslrerger. Manchester, near Pm Margaret Linds. ). u James Burk, Squirrel Hill. Agnes Burk, For sale at the drug store of J KIDD k Co, Csi Wood si n.otO M’Lavx's Vctutfcot—The Propnetors of Cos great medicine have received hundreds of certificates attest ing the excellence of tha medicine. They extract the following one among hundreds: Lortsrnxx, April lb, UH7. Messrs J Kidd k Co.—Gentlemen: fbuu to certify that a child of mine was afflicted with worm* I pro cured variojs hind* of Vermifuge aq<yadministered > them, but with no effect- I tUcn purchased a vial *f M Lane’s celebrated Vermifuge, Vena wine, druggist, of our city.) and aAer doae, the child discharged a full quart of health of the child improved recom tncud Dr M'Laiui's Vermifuge to the mu>Bc t as one of the most safe and effectual romediwdafevonaj now in use J. H CUTTfS,'Merchant. For tale at the Drug Store of ■£* ! » febiff */»KIDD k Co £7* Cos tux Pxofzb Meuts.—lf you wish to be sue* pcssrul in any undertaking, yon must always 'use tha croper mean*.’ Therefore, If you have a cough, use Jatxb's KxMO.TOoatt and be eared, for it is the proper means. Have you Asthma or difficulty of breathing, then the otjjy efficient means to cure you is to use Japan’* F.xpccioninL, which wilhmtoedtateiy overcome the spasm wlueti contracts the diameter of tlie tubes, and loosens and brings up the mucus which Hogs them up. ahd tbu* removes every obstruction to a free respi nitron, white at the raise time all utfiatamtuion is sob{ dued. and a cure is certain to be e flee led Have yon Bronchi Us. of Blood, Pleurisy, or in fqot any Pulmouary Affection, then n<tc Jayne’s fclcpedtotant snd relief t« certain. and you will find that you hove used the prnjn-.r inctm*. For sale in Pittsburgh at the Pcktn Tea Store, 7*J 4th street neat Wood. |an!7 JaThk’s 'KxniCTOaairr.—We would call eltruttou to this excellent remedy for Coughs, Cold*, Coiumraption, Asthma, and all affections of the Throat and Lung*. Having several Umcs wuhui&iew year* past had occa sion to nao a medicine of this kiud, we experi ence tested its excellent qualtue-, and are prepared to recommend it to others. Mini«ter< or outer pubiic speaker* afflicted with tironchial affection* will find great benefit from its &*e. It i» prepnred by a scienti fic physicpiOf and all classes will find it a *afr> arid effl esetuus medicine in the diseares tor which it in re commended. -f Columbus (Ohio) Cross and Jotmul. For tale at the I’ekiii Tea Store, No. 70 Fourth street. tnytfO Improvements in Dentistry. DR (J. O. STEARNS, lato of Bovtoo, it prepared to nianoiacmre and Block Txxth in whole and parts of sets, upon Suction or Atmocpbenc Suction Plates Tooruac itxcubed ta nn mijottu, where tlie nerve is exposed Office tud rffkideneejtexi door to the May or’s office. Fourth street, Pittsburgh Itarxa to—J U. >l’Fai.deo, K fi Eetou jat9 W. n. Wright, 81. D., Demist, Omci and residence on Fourth it, opposite the Pttbtbutgh Batik. Office (jjrrapcSSk hours from V o'clock to U A M-, and J-f—J-~ from S o'clock u>s P.M. »cpl4-ly B7*Voo*io Men's MxßCAjrtiLH Cibbabt a»d Mb ctiA.vic*'lnsimix—The Sixth lactate of the coarse will be given by Professor 1.. Steves*, on Tuesday evrntPf, March Ctb, at Apollo Hall, at 7 o’clock BcaJEcr—The Elements of Air and Water. Season tickets, one Dollar; single do., cents— rithci Admitting a gentleman and accompanying la dies. For sale at the book stores, door, mid of the JACOB WEAVER, Jr DAVID IHH.MES, yComoutwe. mart it B A. SAMPSON. ) DIED. On Monday oveitnig, tho 6th Instant, Wimjam W*, KrabHS, in the G2d year of his age. llts friends and those uf the family, are invited to *Ueud (u ni l.i* late residence, at the corner of Urwt and Thud streets, on Wednesday, at 10 o'clock, A. M. without further notice, to proceed to the Cemetery. for San Francisco, CaßforaU, and the Quid Region. r-fTT The splendid fast imlmg coppered and cop -ASjW per fastened barque RALPH CROSS, Captain JS&BCDavtM, is now-loading at Pine Street Wharf, Philadelphia, and will tail about 16th of March. This ressef Is fitted up i:t a superior manner for passenger*, and with every regard to comfort and safety. No steerage passengers will be bat cabin passen ger# will on charged tho low rote of £3ou, and will be liberally provided for. Parties desirous to be private eon be accommodated with state rooms. For freight or pnssaee apply on board, or to EDMOND A. SOUDHR A Co. mart-eotlusartO Philadelphia. ptttabuxghf Birmingham and Allegha ny City. GOLD REGION. —Col- Wurrwo is /tow at the Gait Ifouse, Clnoinnau. All persons who have joined hia command, are notified that the 10th Inst, is the lime appointed to leave this city for Red River. Col- W. has this day advertised (or mules. Other outfit for the expedition can be purchased at C’rncin-, nati, at n less price than has been offered soy where" else. Boats are now running from Pittsburgh to Cin cinnati In from to 4 days time. Good board cknbe had from 8» to 83 per week. mart-31 BULK PORK—32« pieces assorted Porlr, just rec’di lor sale by mart B ROBISON A Co Butter and land—a i>bu Ron Button »d® tjrf; b kegs do; just rec’d pes *tmi Beavor; for .-jbT oart B ROBISON A Co • POIET SAW BZUi FOB. BALE. rVuuß well is A ’ttaw offeredfbr uoexplred tenaof tbq. lease, to wi&two year* uom/thejurtt «f April, l&O: -Hm mill -it dntefl by ArowgrfiiJ «to*m engine, running three Saws, Lath Machine, Circular Suw for Blitting boards; and Woodwtnfis PateniFl*- mng Machine? The ground occupied by this establishment, includes an entire square in the city of Piusburgh. fronting 94t) foci on Pena street, ana *»«*«» "ding to the Allegheny over, about 480 feet, on which, besides the buildings occupied for the purposes of the mill, there are two tenement! now renting for StSO perhnnum. The mill is at present supplied with 20.DW) feet of choice Fine Lumber, end there is in the yard (100,000 feet of sawed building and steam boat Timber, all of which will be Mid at fair prices. To any one desirous of engaging in the businesv this establishment possesses advantages over all oth ers in Allegheny county. For terms apply to WILLIAMS A SHINN, Attorneys at Law, 4th street, Pittsburgh. Or to DAN’L S. STRATTON, ai the office or the milk on Peon street mart) Wheeling Gazette and Cincinnati Enquirer copy and eharge this office. ALSO—That epleadid private residence now ores' pied by Mr. Sam’l M. Wicker*bam, eituate in AllefHe ny city, fronting the Ohio river. Baanire of mart! »*»•» •»• —~ - ■lLLllfll S k 5> A Pin* Pun for Salt. THF. subscriber offer* for sale hi* very desirable ud beautiful FARM, situated in Mercer county, and knewn by the namo of the “Wbtux Rcixbvb Hauoi Fajul” ll i* five mile* north of New Caatle, between the Erie Canal and the Bedford road, and ad joining both. It contain* 101 acre*. with allowance. There are two dwelling bouse* on-the farm. One was boilt for a sure and tavern—the other i* a very neat dwelling. Both are two stone* high; and are so uiu ilcd that the farm can be divided, and leave a dwel ling for each. There are 100 acres under cultivation 40 acre* of bottom, lying along the Bhenango. The balance good wheal lantfr There is a garden on the premise* in excellent order, with shrubbery and grape*. The uncleared [land is well umbered, and . and contain* coal and iron ore. The out bosses are a large barn, two wagon sheds, to. All the land is enclosed, and there u water in every bold. There are also two good orchards. The farm is at excellent order. This valuable farm will bo told low, and it Is seldom one so desirable is- offered for sale. Possession given after the tint of AprlL Terms easy. Enquire of the editor of this paper, of Edward Holmes in Allegheny city, or of the subaenber on the premises. mart-lmwT OEO. HUTCHISON. Notice to Dsguerreotype Artists. JUST received, a small invoice of VOIQTLAEN DEE’S QUICK WORKING INSTRUMENTS— new construction. These Initxamenu possess great advantages over all others ever made, covering a 2 3 sixo Plate, reducing the lime of sitting onejfcoJf, and producing a sharper, clearer and better defined.pic ture. They, therefore, deserve the attention of all Ar tists engaged or intending to engage in the business. Price for Ute Tube 5175. A general assortment of Voigllaender's justly celr hraled Instruments, of all sizes, as well as Daguenec type Materials, at the lowest rates. MR. PETER SMITH, Cincinnati, Ohio, is our m tborised sgeoi for the sale of Ibe above Instrument A List of Prices can be ohtained by addressing, po* paid, \V. It F. LANGKNHBM. Exchange, Philadelphia, Importer* of Daguerreotype Materials, and Genen Agent* for the sale of Voigtlaeuder’s Optical Jnstn menu. mar&eod&m TO CALIFORNIANS. AREOMETER. —The undersigned having adapted an instrument to the purpose of ascertaining the speei&c gravity or value oi gold, is now prepared to supply alt whose business may require Us use. It is small, convenient, and can be used without difficulty; a glance being sufficient to show tbeprocess. Persons contemplating going to California, would do well to call and examine the instrument, as it is in ev ery way calculated to protect them from'fraud by ena bling them at any time to ascertain the value or their metal. Printed directions and tableiwill be supplied gratu itously to purchaser*. SAMUEL EAKINS, Union street, mafi-lm tear of John B. McFaden's Jewelry store HOWARD HOTEL, NEW YORK. TMSH, MIDDLETON ft WHITE, beg leave to aa- Jj nounce to their friends and the public, that they have assumed ike management of the large and com modious Hotel, comer of Broadway and Maiden Lane, known as the Howard Hotel. Having much impro ved the Internal improved the internal arrangement of the house, no puns shall be spared oa the part o the proprietors lo give entire satisfaction to those who may favor us with their patronage. mtrfdiw For Bale, A SECOND HAND STEAM ENGINE, in good run ning order, 7| Inch cylinder, 30 inch stroke; boi ler 1t feet long, 38 inches in diameter; flyNvheel 21 ewt Also, one lute of shafts, 25 feet long, S| inches in diameter, with drums: one upright saw. Enquire of Oaronf MATTHEW SMITH, No. 4fl High si. NOTICE. WANTED —A man who it competent to taka charge of a small Dairy, and thoroughly aeqoain led wtih modern faming, can hear of a good situation by inquiring at this office. Alto, a single man, who has been accustomed to fsrtn Work generally, and can milk. Inquire as above Journal copy BACON SHOULDERS— SOOO lb* on hind and for »aJe_by . mart TASSEY A BEST LOUISVILLE LIME—SO bbls received on consign ment and for sale low by _ mart TASSEY A BEST WANTED —A practical Baker, capable of taking charge of eu establishment in Erie, Pa., and managing it, in all its branches, can have information respecting it by calling with TASSEY A BEST, mart ‘ 35 wood *t GUM CAMPHOR—On band and for rale by mart J K 1 DP A Co t(OPAL VARNISH —21)0 gall* on hand and M sale J by mart _ J KU)D Jt Co FLOUR— 160bblh Ramsey** Family Floor, jam re ceived; for salt; by mart R BOBtSON ACo ROLL BUTTER—I 3 bbls prime Roll Butler; . 5 do do do do, to egotist • keg* prise Butler; justxeeHl and fos tale by ' J BROWN A CULBERTSON! mart ’ 145 Liberty si MOLASSES— 320 bbls prime Plantation Molissoi, just received and for sale by mart BROWN A CULBERTSON SH. MOLASSRS —SO bbls S H rv • eeived and lor tale by mart BROWN & CULBERTSON O UCJAR—CO hbds prime sugar, new crop, jnst recei- O ved and for sale by BROWN A CULBERTSON SOAP —60 bxs Pittsburgh manufactured Beap, just received and for sale by mart _ BROWN k CULB£RT3ON_ STAR CANDLhS—SO boxes Star Candles, No fi, jns received end for sale by mart BROWN k CULBERTSON RAISINS —60 bxs M R Raisins, jnst reeM and fbi •ale by mart BROWN k CULBERTSON I MGS—IO" ! mart s nii, in klore ano tor bub o BROWN A CULBERTSON LARD— 12 bbl* No 1 Lard; 29 keg* do da, ju*t reo’d and for sale by turd ' ' BROWN A CULBERTSON lIDER—B bbls prime Cider. In store and for sale by ' mart BROWN & CULBERTSO V MACKEREL— 50 bbls No 3 Mackerel, 50 do No a do; just received and for sale by mart BROWN A CULBERTSON LEATHER-10 bdls Harness Leather, suitable for maHug hose, or Car belting, for sale by mart ARMSTRONG JtCKOZKR PRINTING PAPER—ICO reams 23x33 inebes; 53 “ 84x38 « 20 u 24x34 “ Just received and tot sale by REYNOLDS * SHKE. comer Penn tad Irwin sts BUTTER AND LARD-7 keg* Butler; Bdo L xSj for *»le by mtrS ARMSTRONG A CROZKfty CIORN MEAL—2O bushjnsi utd for J_ mirt ARMSTRONG A CIIUWHT FLOUR —10 bbls superfine Flour.jast rac’d l>y marS ARMSTRONG A CHOZER APPLES AND PEACHE&—JS ucki dried Apples; 10 do do Peaches; for sale by marS ARMSTRONG A CROZER Manufactured tobacco-235 keg* superior brands, consisting of Is, Ss, BSj 12s, ids and S2s lump, ou hand and for lale by marS WICK A M’CANDLESS LOAF SUGAR— I 23 bbis Nos A ft, 7, e, 0 andlo Loaf Sarar, for sale by marS WICK A M’CANDLBSS SF. INDIGO—b cerooo* 8 F Indigo, lor sale by - ®» r *_ • WICK A M’CANDLESS HERRING— 200 hbls prime No 1 Herring, nbbed for sale by mart WICK A BPCANDLES3 DU Y HERRING—IOU bis Dry Herring, for sale by marS WIOK A M’CANDLESS RICE— !00 tierces prime Rice arriving, for •&!? l>y raarO BURBRIDGE, WILSON A. Co Mackerel- sou bbi* no 2 Mocterei, lIAt ‘ 3 do, arriving; for BURBBIPGK, WILSON A Co talc by mart Window sash-oo mue*io amilunasa*h, 1Q store and tor sale low to close consignment, by mart JAMES DaLZBLL, wstci St CLOVER HEED—2OO bus* prime Ohio, just rec' and lot sale by mart JOHN WATT ROLLING MILL METAL—ICu tons on band and for *»lj> bf mart JOHN WATT T7AMILY FLOUB—2S bbls Phillips’ extra Fenuty JC Flour, jutt landing. * _ mart J S DtLWORTU A Co OATS— 48 sacks Oau just landing, mart J 3 DILWORTH A Co BUTTER— 5 bbla prime noil Butter, just lauding mart J S CILWORTH A Co NO J MACKEREL—SO bbls in store. mare J 8 DJLWOETH A Co I3LOUB— 200 bbls in store. " ' nlars j_ J_SWL WORTH A c Co VINEGAR— 10 bbls Cider Vineirar m store marS J 8 DtMVOBTH A Co COTTON— 85 bale* Cotton now landing from •lean er Telegraph No U for *afe by mart ISi IA i 1 DICKEY & Co, front ii LA.BJ>— 4* bbU No 1, now landing from Heanfo; 'TeJcrraph No 1; for i«l« l*T m„5 . lAAIAH PICKEV k Co_ F'tEF""™ “‘I'SMTR&wA i~\ fNSENG—9I saclia now landing from, a learner It T«kcrapii No I; foraalft by p ISAIAH DJOKEV 4 Co BULK PORK— 3S7 pieo*» now landing from atewn. cr Pilot No 2: for sale by £i,s J I9AIAII DICKEY it Cb LARI>— 130 tibia No 1 Ludj ltfkep do,tin good ■Mnnina order, in atore; tor sale by SST ISAIAII CICKKY k Co MOIASSKS —143 l»bla Molasses, Joal lauding from „:r", a&sssgg SUOaR— 7U hhdanaw croySugar, ialaxorc and fo ««ia by .marl Btff HARBAUQH Rn>, Lagnnra atuTtfrOorntn? I / Coffee, in afore and for aale by v m an_ afow harpacoh bxa Cream Cbecsa, in store and for by marl 9 fo W IURBAPOK S'* OAF—ISO bits No 1 Rosin Poan, bv gtore and for tab by mail SAW ttARBAUGii /YAffDLES—IOO bra Tallow Candles; 86 do Star do;' i / in no re and for *»le by ! V m .»t B*W HAHBAUCH GLAgfU-100 bzaSxlQ Claes; 60 do IQxifi dp; B) do TxS do; SO do 6xl9dor inalore and for aale by ■ . ■ s-fo W ffAROAUDIf SODA ASH-j»caaka€bdi Aa, A G Kanxbmni, .; ;r n CT ■■aW.* ' WRAPPING PaFEBtSW .hermn. ««* conn folia s&4 Irwin its: L AUCTION .SALE! 'By Jtbß D. D«Tlf,AftoUßUm r’ I Largt Sab tf Dry Goods;. \ \ O iTliumiay Riorum;, Mar fills, at 10 VciOeJr.kt lb® ] Con BOftrcia! S«le* Room*, comer of WoOd antT" Fifth j street*. , wiil be Mid. vritbtmi rerenre, »n insoite oli foreLja and domestic Dry Goods, coaafsun B m part of »ap*r we*l or England'broad cloths and caSSimcrc*,; wbike, yellow.' and scarlet flanneb, canton flannel*. bleSched and unbleached m-is U..., imported and da* 1 Bietfuc einghamr, menno«, hljiura Nwtrcm, eaahraerea. nodsaue lotnea, Coatee' best spool cotton pins nee dlei'Upe*. hosiery, Madnt* and cotim bdkfh, shawl*, lineii cambric hdk£s, SO piece* Due l> g L»h and Amer tcarf print*. j At 2 o'clock, id bxa caveudiah and smoking,tobacco, SO bra No 1 aoai, ObVla herring, 3halfches]fci Y II tea, 3 bbji «?• garnoiue molanea, together with a large lot o{ ana and;*eeaiuihandb®Q»enold furniture, kitchen utensil*, bedding, from persons declining boose keeping. At 7 o'eioek. New and aecoad hand watche*, Braaseii carpet baft, on uionmeiu of city made clothing, ▼!*: coau, pant*, TCaiJj fins akijtt, Jcc.; blank book*, gold and ateel pana, Ac- ' johx p davis; Auct Estate in the Fifth Ward, at Auction, The subscriber will sell at soetion. on Saturday. the 10th m»t,« 3 o'clock, r. ». si'be Commercial Sale* Room*, bonier of Wood and Fifth street, those four eliribie Lota, Inlhefith ward of the city of Pittsburgh, fronting on Perm street, each 2S| feet, and tanning back toward the Allegheny river ICO feet: being the remaining front lot* fa the plan of w. A- V. Magaw, in said ward, and being nearly opposite to the Associ ate Reformed Chureh. ..... « An to disputable title will be mart JOHN D DAVIS, Auei Steamboat America at Av&ion. Will be sold without reserve, an March 15th, at 3 o'clock, F. hi., the new and substantial sieru wheel steam boat America, as she aow lies at the Puts* borah Wharf near the mouth of Ferry street, with all her Taakle, Furniture, Ac. The America has 3 boi lers and doable engines, is I® feel long, 23 feet beam, measuring 143 tons, and can carry 300 tons. liberal, For further particulars enquire of John C Perry. Wm White, Wn» De Camp, Wetlsburg, Va; or John C Itidweil, Agent, Pittsburgh. mart JOHN D DAVIS, Auct AMUSEMENTS. TBRATRBi RR>ENGAGEMENT OF HR. CRISP. TnsoaT, Mascw (l to commence with the LADY OF THE LAKE. Roderick Dhu- To eouelnde with the MILLER'S MAID. Oilei Mr. Crisp. Phoebe Alii* Porter. E’ Doors open at 7—Performance will commend* f post 7 o'clock. • retCXS OS immtnii. Dress Circle aad ParaueUe Family Circle or fid Tier A. A. SASON 4b CO,, NO. 60 MARKET STREET—Have received by re cent importations the following Goods, vis: Six cartons Thibet Shawls, of various qualities and colon. Fifty dozen “Alexander's” best quality Kid Gloves, together with a good assortment or col’d silk, Lisle thread, and cotton GlOTes, for spring trade. Rich standing, straight tnrnover Collars; cheap Col lar!. 300 pair embroidered Culls, from SO ets to 81,26 Mbumfog Collars in great variety. Demi Lace Veils, the greatest Assortment ever offered by us. French and English 4 4 Prints; Hoyle's Prints, small figures *aud fast colors; small plaid French Ginghams; British Furniture Chintz; white satin Damask Table Cloths; Liiien Damask, 6,8 and tO-fi; Green Berages; Gents black Grosde Rhine Silk Cravats, 33 to 40 Inch, the best goods Imported; Purse Twist; linen cambric and linen cambric Hdkfs, from to 62,00; White Goods such as Jaconets, Lawn*, Mull and Swiss Muslim, figured and plain Laces, white and col’d Tariatanes, Ac. Ac. , We are in the daily receipt of NEW GOODS, an invite the attention of purchasers to our exiemiv itock. fobS7 iiS? 1849. ■BBBS&II BfittiianKfiSS PITMBOBGH ADD CLEfEIASD USB. THE Proprietors of this old established and popular daily line, consisting of lixtecn Bret class Canal Boats, owned by themselves and running ih connec tion with the steam boats BEAVER AND CALEB COPE, are enabled to offer unequalled foeilidei for the transportation of freight and passengers.' on the opening of Canal navigation, to allpoints on the Penn sylvania Ohio tad New York canals and the Lake*. B. M. FITCH A Co, Cleveland. BID WELL A BROTHER, Agents, Beaver. J. C. BIDWELL, Agent, Water street, Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh. BIDWELL * BROTHER. Forwarding MerttianU, BEAVER, PA-, Agents for the Pittsburgh and Cleveland Line, and for steam boats Beaver and Caleb Cope. Having purchased the large and substantial Wharf Boat lost built for.the Mbaongahela Packets, have' with the addition of a Warehouse, the most ample ac commodation* for receiving and for warding, and pledge their utmost attention, promptness and despatch to consignments to their euroland rely on their mends for a trial. mart-dly B. A 880. RRLiASCB PO&TAJBIsS BOAT UHE, 1849. JlliLiiißL For the transportation of hLereh*nat£ BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURGH, f"IOQD3 carried on this Line are not transhipped \JT between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, being car* ned in four section PotttbtolSttls bterland-and wa ter—to shippers of merchandize requiring careful handling, tigs Is of importance. No efifoge made for receiving or shipping, or for advancing charges. All goods forwarded with difpateh, and on as reasonable terms as by any other Line. JOHN M’FADEN A Co, Canal Basin, Penn st. Pittsburgh JAS M DAVIS A Co. marl 227 Market A 64 Commerce st, Phils. JOHN McFADEN A Co, Torwartlinir enJCommi*- don Merchants, Canal Basin, Peon »i* Pittsburgh. JAMES AJ>A VIS A Co, Flour Factors ud Commis skm Merchant*, 237 Market and 54 Commerce street, Philadelphia. marl JE7“ Advances made b y either of the above oq FI oar, wool and other merchandize consigned to them for sale. mail To the Honorable, the Judges of the Court of Gene* ral Quarter Sessions of the Peace, m ana for. the County of Allegheny. THE petition of. Gamut C. Lishtca?, of the town ■hip of Ren, in the county aforesaid, humbly iheweth, that,your petitioner, bath provided him* self with materials for the accommodation of tra veler* and others, at his dwelling house, in the township aforesaid, and prays that yoor honors will •be pleased to grant him a liceasta to keep a Public House of Entertainment. And your petitioner, as in - duty bound, will pray. Wo, the subscribers, citizens of the township of Bhaler, do certify, that the above petitioner is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and u well provided with house room and conveniences for the accommodation and lodging of strangers and travel ers, and that said tavern is neeessary. £ajnl Davis, John Wilson, Dan! Mcßeevor, Peter Ivmy. Sami Dodd, Robt Hare, Chas Reosel, George JlGslU, E Cooper, Benj Dilworth, And. Bayne, Alex sNecJy. mars-dSt* 78888 BPBISO GOODS Shacklclt & White, DRY GOODS JOBBERS, VO Wood street, ask the attention of Merchants to their stock of AMERI CAN AND FOREIGN DRY GOODS, now receiving direct from 6m hands. t Receiving regular supplies of first goods daring the season, ana devoting a large share erf their attention to Eastern Auction sales, they can confidently assure buyer# they will find it to their interest to examine their stock. Jus} received, large invoices of new style Dress Goods, Panoy,Prints, Ctusimores. Cloths, Summer Goods, Laees. Whits Goods, Irish Linen*, Tailors’ Trimmings ana brown and bleached Sheetings of vori on* brands. matO M TWO large three story Brick Dwellings, sit uated on th« comer of Pennsylvania Avenue and Diamond street, within hall a »fluaxe of the new Court Houee, containing ten rooms each, finished In a superior style—-varandaln front, marble mantel*, bath rooms nnd every other convenience customary in first class houses. Ihe situation is pdeasanl and heal thy, and convenient to market and business. Rent reasonable. Inquire of D. C. KING, -on the premise#, marfi-dlw FO&J£BBT. MA TWO story Fratoe Duelling House, In Al legheny city, on the bank of the Ohio river, ad joining tho dwelling of Mrs. Snowden, and near ly opposite the point. The dwelling is commodious and comfortable, and contains every necessary con venience, with a small garden attached. Enquire of David Bloan, Coach miker, in Virgin alley, or of the subscriber on ibe premises. NKAIL McALWAYN. INDIA RUBBER PASTE*-4a*t receiving, X gross bottles of Hubtier Psite. a superior article, highly Important to persons that wisfi to keep their feet dry. It prevents the lesilicr/rOm clucking; and will take a fofi.h over It For sole at the India Rubber Depot; ,o 4 Wood street. mais J fc H PHILLIPS A GENTLEMAN wishes board for himself and wife, in a respectable family, on or near Wylie ttreat. Address u 8» Xy» throagh the.P. O. Staria "fi’ STYLE, nL /jB WILL be iutrodßCe'd this day. Bataidsr. I n 4£March 3d, the NewTorV «tyie for Hate. n44i 8> MOORE’S} 75 Wood »y 34 door above 4th u n* SPBIMO FABBIOSUTOEiSU, nw I m M’CORD A Co. wia introduce on Batnr» / > March 3d, ihe Byrinj style of HATB.M- Ttio*e Inwant of a neat and superior hat, are invited to call at'corner of Oth and Wood streets. curt rrw CALIFORNIA HATS—I 3 dox water proof / gCililbtiiiAHua jßsvrtefcived ud for tale by OQ fiPCORD A Co, icb37 comer 3th and Wood ill AHl>—iiO'kj«'Ko I,'saitedYbr - family oieTTof uTe by teUai . ISAUH J)JCKKY ACo FIRB and Water Proof Metaiic'Paint, onhand and for sale by febtt* IBAIAJI DICKEY ACo ClHEEBfc>-83 bit now .finding front sUnr Mich / -for sale by feM* . X9AIAHDICKEV A SAFE FOR SALE—A medium site Wlldir’s Sala mander Sale, for tale lew. febtt 1 REYNOLDS fc fIHEE (i UOUNO BBCEB-Umart. Cmnuooo, »t«p£ \T Clom,Ae,fruhfrom mahafiwturenandfor sa! by J fetca WICK A M’CANDLESa TJkaTSutS—MoiacSrSr sale by WICK A ftTCANDLSgS SEED—2ObbI» new Seed, initnra and fo aalo by febl7 . BEST I ALERATU9—IS casks Cleveland Salentw for \ ini&by mart WICK A M’CANDLESS BA&LEV— 8 casks Barley*, redid land for sale by Wlfcg k ATCANDLBSS CHEESE— 133 h*s W R Cheeked tot sale bV ' wieg« hrcANDLEsa 81/Lk tSMZSai pc.Nj Pork,ia jWj'tad-fo, sale by • 1 mar® ivICKAtfOAMIitiESS rs—«trash Oe*ttrat», in itore and for mart WICK & BPOANDLESB niSTOLS, Ac.—Jaatmeeivfli last £ press, another ease. of CftUfimda Pistols, U.B. I>ra*©on and Holsters, Ac 4 » &w jDflisi nret -tot sale. .. , ; W WWILSON, marl , ./ ,;einrar WAa^naihatj TKKY PEAfiHES— ITgirt ■; .m -■ ■; ,WCKI; hfCARDLESB.i T>ACON-i-213 pes Bteb(Lrec4 end fat i»n>_ *■ y- ’ilwtfiga&KaAMP) ■ -miKmoug-ii tegi ha *■ JPf .ddd i A&BSTKDNQ> STSAM BOATS. vcnoursATi * Pittsburgh ja-Si •D A I L v PACKET LINE. mHia well known lino of splendid poteneerSteta "T/'ers'U now'eompoied'oPthtrlargrai,be* finished snd/amishcd, and.mon powerful boats on the wudrd of t* West Every aecottmodittaa end com. fort tharmoaey eanprocoiv, hex bcin provided for pa*, ■engera. Tbe Line has beeu in operation for five jvan —hav'earrird a million of pocptowiftftttl ihMeay inju ry to their perilous. The boats will be at the tool of Wood nreel the day previous tp.starfidgi f° T the recep tion of fieirbt an«l the entry of passenger* on tto reri*- ter. In all ca»r* the passage money meat be paid In advance. , SUNDAY '■ The ISAAC NEWTON, CapTaip Eeophtil, will leave Pittsburgh every ftaaday morning at ICoxlooh. every Solidity evening Si 10 P. X. J-? ‘ MONDAY PACKET. The MQNONG AiIELA, Capt, Stoxe, will leave Pitta argh every Monday morning at. 10 o'clock; Wheeling very Monday evening atlO t, M. . ? TUESDAY PACKET. ' The IIIBBANIA .\a 2, Capt J. KtXTmtLTX*, will leave Pittsburgh every Tpeadaymomiurtf 18 O'clock. \\ heciiny every' Tuesday evening at 10 r. W, M WEDNESDAY PACKET*, ,• The NEW ENGLAND No. 2, {Wg. Dai* will leave Pittsburgh every Wednesday morula* al If o'eloek; Wheeling every Wednesday evcaisg u 10r. ■ THURSDAY, PACKET. The BRILLIANT, -CapL Glace, wilt leave Pitts burgh every Thorsday morning at 10o'e!ock|Wkaeliu exety Thursday eveiung at 10 r. tt. FRIDAY PACKET. The CLIPPER No. 2, Capt. Pu» Dcv*t, will leavo uuVafgh every Friday tnorningwiOo'clockyWhea* :u every Friday eveiung at 10 f. u. SATURDAY. PACKET* The MESSENGER No S, CaptWoontrauvlrfll leave 1 itiahurgh every Saturday morning at 10 o'clock; wheeling every Saturday evening si IQ t. *. e NEW LISBON AND PITTSBURGH DAILY UNB OF CANAL AND STEAM PACKETSj 18 * B * .JaßMg&w ESSSuEESi ■J , (vu atJLBOOWj Leaves Pittsburgh daiiy.ats o-'cloek, A. AL,and a» rives at Glasgow, j month of the Sandy and Beaver Ca na),) at 3 o'clock, and New Liibon at U. saraeaLrht. Leaves New Litbon at f o’clock, P. it, (t*»iT? g trip canal to the river during tbe night,) and Glasgow at tf o'clock, A. Al., and arrives at Pittsburgh al 3 p s!.—thn« making a continuous line tat earning cu sengers and freight between New Lisbon and Pm*, bargh, in shorter time and at lea* rales lha&b j any other route. : —r Ml»a Ponor. The proprietors of thia Line have the plcatuip of in. forming the public that they have Ailed up tyro Ant class Canal Boats, tor the accommodation, of passengers and freight, to run tn connection with the Well knows steamers CAJ*EB COPE and BEAVER, ami connect ing. al .Glasgow, with the Pittsburgh and'.Clncia nau and other duly lines of steamers down tha OhTs and Mississippi rivers. The proprietors {dodge them* •elves to spare no expentro or trouble lo inrare cam fan. safety and dispatch, and ash of the phbUe'k shaia, oi utetr painwaga. AUTHORIZED AGENTS. « M. IIARTCN.- S. tW. HARBAUOH, t WOMWfh. R. ILANNA. ACo. Im^iLw mylluf J IiARBAUGH&Co. s«awUlbo». NOTICE—The steamer BEAVER, aR. Clarke, ass wr, will leave after thia notice, tax Wells villa puna ta ally, .at 9 o'clock ui the moraine. fel3 1848. lB*fc PITTSBURGH* BROWBOYIICLB DUly PMkallOisa. FEBRUARY Ist, lb4B lst, ICI LEAVE DAILY ATS A. AL, AND 4 P.'M. /fx***» tfc. The fiaUtfwing new boam eomptag m- .dsnmc? present Mason: A*IH ■fffrMnftmag LAN TIC. Capt. James Parkiusert EffiSfiSaBSSBALTIC, Capt. A. JacobsjOnd-LOUIB hFLANE, Cant E. Bennett. The beam art t-uiretp oew, and are sued op withooi regard to expense. Eva cry comfort thatmoner flan procure bos been provid* 1 The Boats will leave the hlanongahela "Wharf Beat a the foot of Ross n. Passengers wal be punctual cm board, as the boats wQ] certainly leave at the advor tisedboura.B A. M. and IP. M. • • • V»]an3l WEDNESDAY PACKETFORCINCiNNATI. Tha splendid steamer . WSTERN WORLD, igSEpufjWl Alei Norton, master, will leave-for EffiSßSaßßßthe abovooul luermediaxe -norts on Wednewlay, 7lh mst, at loo’clock. • :• \t For freight or passage apply on board, or-to mart - . PETTIGREW A Co, Agt* HECULAE TUESDAY PACKET FOB S* LOUIS k. The fine' (bst: tanning passenger ateamet- < ATLANTIS, yfrowßag Geo. W; Wicks,. jaaater r will leave BraßaßOfot iha aboveoad lnlenirediiie ports every Tuesday, ax a. a. For freight or passage apply on board, or to . E.C- KING, No. 133 Ccan Rovn mard-dCm ' Lctdasilla. 7. C. MPWXIL, REGULAR SATURDAY PACKET FOB BT> LOUiB /^v 9 **** lv The fine fast ranriiag/'paasesger ry Saturday, at 10 o'clock, r. y. For freight or passage apply on board, or to _/ . E. C.KING,No 153 Cora-Row, ; 1 LdttUvihe FOR OT. LOUIS AND ILLINOIS RiyER. in rs» i. Hie fine steamer Marattu master. above tnien&ediue pons on Wednesday the ?tk'iasL al io o'clock, a. ■. • For freight or postage applyon boardf ax fc marfr PETTIGBEW'kCd. Agta • FOR NASHVILLE. , jflfnißiaia. The splendid fast, running steamer ifKlMfr GENEVA, ' - W tlklnt, master, will leave for the BiMUUiimii in above and intermediate portion Fri day, the 9th inst. at lOo’eloek. For freight or passage apply on board, or to mart JW BUTLER A BgOyAgema PITTSBURGH AND LOUISVILLE PACKET LD<K Utßtw u 4 iplcsdiit Aitpunß* lcSpgS , . c ” so-'i BwrwinSiwUßßlMnson, master, will leave for Cincin nati tad Louisville on Tuesday, thafltbfofM at 10 s** *■ SL saaafissK^issKssSr* 1 GEO BMILTENBEKOEE: Cy Steamer PeytonawiU le*v* Louisville br New •Orleans.on antral of Telegraph No fc'pfasebgera ■can rpdireet, and can hare benhsseeured'here If de <»*«£ FOR ZANESVILLE. niinii | . The splendid fast running steamer - CAROLINE,. hfflWWmßr Binning, master, will leave for foe BHBnjfflK|| above and intermediate postmen Than •day the fob mat. at 10 oroocki a. x.' For freight or passage, apply oa board.- . mart FOR CINCINNATI. The fine steamer < • jJ LjZIJ* _ iftINGGOLU: tfßffgflfffig, Cope.master, will leave for the above ■B&BS&SB9 and intermediate porta ,on. Monday, bib mat, at 4 r. k. • i For freight or.pastsge apply on board. * * mart WHEELING PACKET. k The splendid fast .running ttaamtt . . CINDERELLA* <»»*WoBS«± Calhoun T master, wilt run as a regu packet between Pittsburgh sad Wheeling, leaving Pittsburgh every Monday and Toon day. For freight or passage, apply on board,'or' to ; febSP J NEWTON JONES, Act PITTSBURGH A WHEELING PACKET, h The swift steamer. li . CONSUL, faSiCBBgBt Wtbbcr. master. will leave mgnlarfy ■BSHSS&QSIbr Wheeling, every .Moadsy, We*- OeSday undFriday, at lOo'eloek precisely.* • Leave Wheeling every Tuesday, Thursday and 8* gm, precisely. . : intermediate Every accomodation that can be procured for fort and safety of passengers has been provided. Tha boat it also provided with a«elf<acting Safety guafd to ErevefU explosions. Fbrfttdght or ; aonlv on oard,' or to , W. B.• WMKKiiBBj Agt, feb4 At W.Grtfrte, rinr. gmithflold aadWaicr su ZANESVILLE ’AND MARIETTA PACKET mivr' • TVa • ■ *0 ■ TLft CAROLINE,'- ifflfflLSSa s® Jffissira? lar packet an[the above trade.. LeyveyjnatbrAth »▼ ery Wednesday morning—returning, leivss y.anetrilJs every Friday morning. ■ ,• t For fteightorpassageapply on board. J &M • FOR CINCINNATLAND LOWSVILLR - " jstjwit* ' * The splendid new steamer TELEGRAPH NAI, kgnjitiajSfflß Hoalep, masmr, will iisvefof above mtennfcdiaie.jjons bn Monday. x3dtn*t^.aiioo’clock y/ :y For freight .or passage applv on boariof lo ■ BUHBRJDUE, WILSON A Ct. »aa UEQ B MILTENRER^b REGULAR WHEELING PACKET iTTir n~ n The fine /li * | ft .TTJ* ZACHARY .TaYLOR, - Loess, master, run as' t IfWawafiiiniiiHllii jtilar pieketWi«n'~PttUbujgh to Wednea* ?or freight or passage apply on btartLt i__ ja£4 FOR MARIETTA, PARKERSBURG. And HockiKgpOrt, and Intermediate: landings . The ftnoiteMPer^^^^ Poe, maitar. will leave &v the abort WBffWgrfflHlßporu every .Tceaday;at f jpo-cloek, a. x. For freight or passage applf on board. dccg?-lm T THEy IST. ■ APRIL,; ? Yosepii prices jobbing. «u per- V boos abonrto remove, and-Warning thgjr atores or bouses repoifedvconnfws, shelving, ding*, windows, and touting bpi counterwork of all kinds done on short nouee on reasonable termsAeabl mode to order and fa rhiture,neatly repaired and varnished on reasonable terms, on' Fifth «nSTu. tween Wood and Bmiih£etd street inUte'MffiVw.rT house of John Uggett, late of Wa Tnwpl.* o Dt>o«iia the Allegheny Sgiae House. .. opp# w* ’ JOSEPH PBICP. H'S&W* te«’d •'vicgtateLNDLEsa - ” a *' l " WWTCTIQ.W marl F Hk °’ fa “ -gyf ' ‘ : BAGAi»BY jb SMITH M°k^3ES-800M>!« iU-uem steuserSiAmlosTj 1 Ar atoty 25£! HACALETk BBITH We*wroE«»eTTß'tßw. V^g T *na feriatdby BAGALEYJtBJv —■SiH ■;;' ;', ygoSSofe4co' “ft. && uti fcr Tit= antUdaitii,io j,) Can DICM 4ON fiaa a •alo tow ta JNO ATFIPEN A Co .4ii&4Pta«ABß SaLfe z cabby WCWfcOft *
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