iCf-O ’H i n - r-i BUSINIBS_C®- _ " . Wi *■ nrr». ] \ dfinred Mid**. te -' M !?*__ bafgk- _j. j 'gxetoM xuiO' raxß^f r .*itSfiK; wholesale eml Beuil !*“£ B^«nsfoT{Sin 7 sod Sh Cl»>' ‘Masagfes*^-- i» 20WoodttreetPUub flr B°-_ i - G. f I. BKHNUf- IUI. EosUsh^Gd^ : Jbl * ' V M'‘* l ”?‘2 C l s^ln Produce Olid Pitts- W«d ConaniKiion and Forwarding 1 &icS -^~- giSv, S, H wttdias p?a*S*tt. j* s ' ±t> -w»igT nd Ftoui wrew "“""j L '}', fl chant*, 41 Worth IV ate* **» * 1 nor3D-tf phll*. • • i.ntw DICtXT-, Aj * , &.«■«£) tor.gnatjgwfc foHN WITIUIWW SnSuioo Bercl.u% . s*?I? ■ iSStsSasw a' 6 ""' ■ml • N. Y, No- «7W«> “■ ■fe^sssssssssL* itai*, - 4) in Matte and Mngcal C*ni», »rui ■< ■' •"Pa{*T> 81nte«i Ble bl, Piiuburfb. 5 g' «pM A > booghvor taaenja itm*. — ' t 6» T Wtote»iirPn.giP«^ ; v. Davis, a««io»«>, «•«““ ““ J ind p*p« Hanofacwer*, No-« ,«d_ . r i " ■ n.QTD~ ' list* J Floyd * Ca.) Wbotewle J —gseagsaagte •T-ng^^Ssa-.s; ' j*aW * i' b waTeuman, L, m, &mU *““‘!”<S c 'Vn»:r u. bfnb-'MtupiacQue* wid’KOdoc*, fccuTex Ffont tv . ; "ii , —— — n w , otl , waLTee c. -srr«T: - .. -- —’ mv r. NULICX* *r.jr£S M, Atehlm., ud Fio»i b '™'f n Hgnent — cwrss™.- No«» Specie* cuie* -ny*CoUecii£>M; »«* ,*? them pfaont ihe United Btf tcy. - ' ' — —— •'H’WLWSKfSiu t ho_ Whol»£^On««S gtf Chewy ■Aflg»,'gttab««h» - B' OBEBT MOOBE,. Wb^wile G | S^ l 3s!sBffi -will bo told low.fgt c«*h- - - ' »*jnrn. »- *2*“*** & Groeet»i Prouxo R. 23^^ie&ere^^Dcalcr.^ iP«»- bSgh WanuiacUilCi, No- 180 Liberty »l, ■jtesttfs&ssrtisEttafz? IHttabuTgh, P* ,q. H< Üb.ny.l; . TTii' cad CUorideof Un» , - d for couo ' .. CMITU i JoroSOS, « ■ »v % isu»b»n>>- - « •. c -**i , ‘2£? X V white. Whole**!® Dealer* Ui SUACKLIiTT fc W rt ?nrT Good* N" » Wood *l Ford** »ml Donodc Dry wo""- fcbltlf t'lUsburgh. • • S^^w^ h -^l£‘ 5 Übmy sL ' P,ti,b ” ret ' K™ffi3»C oew«retolueJ»> d .«“ a ) u-.wd aaj&T-f*** ""rr: i.r.tcart. ~“v ' fiuSSEV« BEST, Wholesale Gioccii urf •* I Woodtt, ricsbttigh. ~ ' • - y - - 1 ■ . ■■■. *- -niTia 1 • • ; W'- iWicW.'WboJmle Grocer*, t■' -- dgaitT« ' _ tfuP j»Uy ■ • j£i£irvlood *nd W**! -treen-11"^!g 117 fcST :BOWKH—Co* nauaton . /woJdwS W'Merffrnt, No.W Fmm .u wooomi M«rlcet itreeti - TT'j.r'--Tg tcttiixrP- none awl Mill F®rnwb eitifclUhineiu, No. n -' —ij—'i MU. Uf T »|'qQM fWalwt IP r »j^' C.C*!.,ac. A,. »M«-: , -V. 'Wfi'uubCT'ye- _ —— * BOJI-WCCTCUItUfI •#.T feaflrdlj. uwer?y ‘ '!? Ttr. •w»wajoH.y»»^g!!iggf ,^S'«s^S *> 4"WR» *X,« 8 •»<■ Clock. lUuu^iuA^Tfbt' **■ H. . dec4 _ 4th a*« Mar*<«- 1 --WO. vill mQ on-tbe'niMt rr ” c: **r' c . *a;>' ■ " uuucriilf, M ixny b»oro( '•-' *. I *il» , lto£K l ’»iMi»«“** o( fra : h “f fn “ l JSr’ '•rr»nM>or»»Uou to tb« B»»i. IMBEV k COPUS, x , rnmjnJisiOQ dfld F{irWirdlJls! rlry--,; •'■ irjmff""* t| '" ' ; ****s%£;. Are, withlpwiTMce »bumea^—’J l JwSSSnATp-eo bi. N. 1, »oi"“ an i “•W"**' t M^PLESa_I __ &ra«a&23®; a iceSicSi a iiAwai ,7 “ | ( I •5 Wrimrq pN-T.ntKRTY ST.. QPPOSITiiI ‘• ’ •^^^VDwSisSs* R,m ß I u uanotai"" Mcttumcm*, Borial mvti ™<Uu,*«. tad*. *>* ol “ ln . “•*■- ' 'Kb n.T. nobavtSf 5. u> Ik. «p. *,., ~:j!ji«!<°l r■ »>»s»»l ?;*£■. Somtt 4# -- ifc 1 18 - ——- - - - ".i‘r v CARDS * nnaVCBRB WORKS. CnirMAN UAH.MAN kCO Corttimir to m*»u °r Springand Ain Bh«ieT r*t>*eU and Hoe Steel, luvets, Spikes and Wrot froi?siu. nJ k ( "i* Co»ch «nJ Elij.ln- OTudnnn on W«l*r .nil Foonk aib. - ■■. feb - a { l l 'Jacob ran, ™““* , ‘* a3t MUCH AKIcW GLASS V?GB.KB. ; o iMwnx fit'fo ~r ,nnu - / P cl [ uren ytaJ 8 i S oWteSrcoJulßoU,. on Tuuid o flSs^Sigs -*VrTrT"i aM SMITH. Manufacturer of Cotton and W l aS Sen, FVineej for Dtw«%&Cn. <tilk andcMored Cdnon Frtnjeafor silk and nniltam ctap, MoDait, «nd Silk Bullion Fnhgci, etrtot, third flora, *w Abner A Kl> • >QTk jyjp |t HKItSET, . ilUi«« Wcrcftwc, !»•. O »“«* Pittsburgh. —TFgsstriuuXT'FFrTsiiimoii, vK. -IT KKNEUV. CHILDS i CO., Msmifacttirrrr o( vers | rftnMißtffe 'rr: 1 / St«.» »nd Iran COLOtAN.’nAIUIUIJI 4. Co, «w«&opim of CMcb ml Biptic Hammered 4xle«, ! Sprim-Mil PIW Seel, Iron, *<=■ /Warehoare on \VaJ« and Frantitreeu, Pitoburgh. Al«©rdcalerk Tnmmipgs and Moihshlo 'vT'mjcKMASiEKr^AlnEUOin-Ofce, Fount«., \ third does (Uxrre Siuuhdeld, south »t« t- Con^yanting<rt all .kind* done with the greatest care and legal accuroey. Titles le Real Ettatc exammed f 4-e. . nr V'“m. MITCH ELT BEK, Wholesale Grocers VK > Rectifying Distiller*, aral Wine and Liquo, Merchant*/ ilso,; Importer* of Soda Ash and Bleach ’lg powder. No. Hen Liberty atieet, Pmajnrfch. Rn aep«. . ■’ ’ ' ■ UQ-UK tEiOtTE FICTOHV. T-r *.i»n,Tf)N STEWABT r ra*nßtiic,lurer of Heavy Efc'aSßKSs* w ««“«&,«!? * Allegheny. ! ! PETTIGREW 4* CO i <£ w T**USI 9TEAM BOAT AOhNTS •jJfrpttjfeHß otFicCAßcmi M- Allw A L '°- - - yto.4a>y«t>Tjuert : _ DKLAWAIIE MU TUALIHSVIiANCi 00. TOHN FINNEY, Jr, Agent »t Pituborgli Cat «[- •I aware Mutual fjafetylnauiunceCompanyo Phila* Eire fUsJt* upon Imildiora ami ® excl ‘*" < 'I** 1 ** rtf Ir*rv description. and .Marine Risks upon tiull« or ££S7°l“K We., open tat mo,, iUr.bl, “try Offic. m the Wmohom*of W V Bob*. A Bn, r}o37 Water, near AUtkei tircsei, Pittftburjb N V-Theaateetttrf Company inn the estab liafcuuemor UmAgency ui duaa.iy, wrtbk.tke proopi. ISifrSdSbeialiWwWi which every eluim upon them fSN&m* SS-4S H3SsSpr»iml|.ledi«ted of ever) obnoxioo.^a, tnre, and in tu most a*uacuvMono _ ‘‘ ov * oiHB AJH> UAOiaH ISIUBAIIOE* mHR Ibrtranee Company or North AmenOa, taroogO ' F tor duly aultoriiM Agent, the »uh»cni*r, <*«■ ntand limited insurance on prop«m,in Sfli?3Swnleuui r .».«l ou .nipinem. b, Ik. t* nnl .»*«■«*• WBECroB3 . 2SS2«S* •!&*** j&2yS'“* v **“ \Vbto"*' ' Hielmnl U WooJ. Snmoel F. Mink, s.™\u,un Allit.one, SamueUlrooX*. ARTHUR U. COFFIN. I'ren‘t. ' .^lieSSSf’lwu^icortWjy L.yjj,, beeu chartered ut 1«M. its Uianer i* i U wnlT' I tor tad Front »trc*U Pittsburgh. I . 7 __ gnEWft mmi & COMMIfM. •-*'“* •fc-v»r« »ft Ittfonn ibe UhiW lilt! iioolcr* generally! •> sKSSaas^ SStfiad aU g«*U wnlered from icm will bo rwted equal m repreaenmlcm. Havana, £ ’ vtmx'i, ls«ed Leaf U>- Yar “’ ItFloJulajj t-acco, Cabaj lpmu, xVmJiauc Sue Cnven* : iarsys/JSs^.---^ inv lo UIC uade. _ —. * *4^«£gi ¥SS * BB&C11AN T 8, . No. a Noira ww», "ad“ Ki'a EU»OTO-JoLn U. Brs-vu t Co. 1 j Robert Steen a. Co- I Philadelphia. Co- f Smilh, BoKuteJ *•Bo. J , , Alien A PaJtton, **** * of * Walter* 4- Harrey, BalUmore. 4 Snrilh, ] ilurtmure,Wil*on 4 Co 1 pjusbargh * Bailed Brtwn & Co. I ITT .a adure&&. ■ 1 scsT. ellmaker, ecky & CO., ell ™sloi® , »ao T obs, . Ana 0«D«T«1 CommtMton Merchant", KEFEKKNCtS-U'-J'ry otiff 4. Co, Piuaburgi. Rodger* J*. Shetlock, J Ciftcuioau S'fcehoolfy A. Son, y A. M. Ju»aaiy,May«ville. ■ Cbarles BoAham, Jr., Lobwml.« Reed A Brother, J pntift &Ccu*mcry t NeW iofl Wholesale Qrocer> w^rnET D Tu!f K - L. It <WJt>-.M vc v . e 10 * cfe ! to_ ~ ftfcur* lt Robison* Co. £ Pittsburgh, ■n McGill & Roe. V „ -< ».•/) Parks & Co., Bttveii.. » L»w«u> JtCoTode,'W«U*Tillo}o. ' Boiwoll MurU, Esq. SteubenTille, O. s. utody, E*q- \ I\VF Peterson, E*q IwbeeUnr, Vo Messrs R Ciangle * Co. f i- till! & Stool, J , _ u bum a. oylebr. Bridgeport, O- - ... . - lion fierebani) i dec!>9Hl3ni, . . - Con»m**»lott «nd Forw»rdl»P®* e f cbaDl * ' ‘wool) rt., rnrrsaL'wn. ' . /"IONTUSUiii lo umswl * general Commid»»n trn« I ! especially id the-putCbuc Btwl*mlejol Amefv ■ Jsi B u&rt. -"Kt sraaa^r^SES&4Js?fs; KmtolpS TliSluof KuktayA !"' “?£ luwaA .wbo.e**topflca. uric/. ».ul co4*iH“°*" u art I POBWBDIRB AM C8B«U1S10JI MBMU&M. -* •< andDhai.krin _ i - v.ifi, Cottotk Yubi * pltiiborgto ,r ° n,N MmUufM«ute. 6 ener*l|* , .fuj, 10 W.<JD »TRB»a,_ »rrrMUKßß,_[f* ; u> to rorf-.rimg o( Hratou., .atom.Ua", .pplyu.FOßf.VTy. ICON i eo., r MERCHANTS. | COMWliooj^p^pmi, , For'Uiia.l' UfITMaW , • •. LU uJ— ” . WM.TIMBI.IN, mORNET AT LAW, • BnfUr, Pts ttTIUj nl«o allend la-eolWlion* and all 6th<r bu*i- VV ne*» entrusted tc* him in Duller «ml Anmuron* ronn'tie*. I**»- ’R* ,t “ r *° . , , J. A It Floyd. Liberty si. 1 W. W. Wallace, do I , James Marshall do f Pittsburgh. dly . Ray 8: Co., Wood st. ) . )* n ' J R BWEITZKR, Attorney *1 Uw, office , ol.nosile SU Clinrlee Ho'.el, Blt»l.«r»b. tturinl prlmpily to Coltcetionii, in lYn.lu,i*ion, t *>««• uid Green counllM, i’r REFF.R TO 'Blockstock, Bell A Co„ *> Church k Catqthen, tptnsburgb D T. Morgan, ) J ti KNRY Attorney and Cornice Liar *tl.aw, V. {sm£ms, C«2o. CoLmiou* in BouUtcrn Ohio, So* non in KeoluctT, fallr nuended 10. , Conuomioner for lie Sinle f1 1 era~ .ylienin, for fokin* DeP»»“°" s . nckm>wle|grae..i», * Bnura-Hon W »- BeU * Son. qi.oreh * iijsifirp. kerßi , ' r TTORKEY AT LAW. Office removed u* bourih A- streot'between SmHhfield and Grant street. ]a3-U3m - INSURANCE.. m. , . , t FQTflWdiDgaml Keaeral Commit PITTSB LAW OFFICES. * J. hxxmboh kkw«U r\UNU>P isEWFXU «tu»rn;y »l U«„ Office on xJ w _*““ <ui »“• . SlrLOdli Mo, ll»»« ol PituOnjgH , H nmp* * £k J tHN T. COCHRAN, - J ----- i TTORNEV AT LAW, Fonnh Smtthfifld and i»rttnt. ..J. > 4= “HVSI. C; PttXBRDi „ -: \ TTORNEV AT LAW, Foonh .Iml. ""'J-”"'? “kTT* O H. ROBINSON, Auornej»aiU»w hM re- VV . mow* £« office. ID the n«« ** Clnir. next door to Ahterwu Johns. •9™^ hats, caps am bonnets FASHIONABLE HATS. J -r _ tiik Bttti»erib*r, ln addiuon . to Wb own gfc © manaftcmtlrtf of Haw, Haa ronde V™”* «4mei»tawjih Mf»«r» Bebee A Co.- OV, fashionable halters of the city of N® w * o * k P (t 'f * InJ bolnutoHlit by dUng « >“^ r ” ol JS;. SdC*,.Sfhi. *“*?' uuh X» mii. u. nrdcr on *h°rf none, mU)ON ap£! 4 h»cobj> * co., /K3&': „S c nr.bK. t .u , i>. JP* \'arr.tr of Wood anJ Fifth Country Merchant*. purchasing by trsnecriSly invited to **U *a* *X«nu»« our we can UV with coy&dcnce u aud rate*, it mil not sutler in a companion *«J W boute m Philadelphia. __ - r- I *? HATO. CAPS AN[TMUFPs-Th* JB aubreribcr m now receiving 0&.;. T m/ New York, a choice a«»oraoe*i “ ,' u onto., 0»p» imi Mu*h l«"l«« k s'"“ ' , y .cy yh«p, »hok..l= ■’XmS' WII.-ON* Oil JIX?T -idlli t»l ‘I” 1 MEDICAL. IMPORT AST TO TUB APKLICTJftO* Dr. Hose’* Celebrated Remedies. ■ Da JACOB S. RUSK, the di.reteret and «U« n 1 them most popular and heuetieial died n ua »l»o the inventor of thscnlebnuedtaPr«* , L the lama*. «u etfociHUf u iuf* ol dSaaS! w«* ■ *tu£ni ol that p^V«- and .» agraduateofihe tv otVeuiisylvanta. tuul for thirty year? haS enraged incite Investigation of d.«fca»«, and the usyli UU»,» «n«r&« with huVrorbylacuc Syrup andoiherol hjsrrtadilH**, E£ SISIS..*•»«. h»nu.m,y tt.rir-.0l « u.„ uac of one compound only, -iot lUM «» SJ *wb KSi£l“ lrtuw* » «»» SeVreST perfectly free Utsi CMUMtiM*. »• tlolden l*uia u admitted by the faculty to pO** c^ff^ CD ,, inUificilhai a bare trial u wfiqient to e*iab!.»i£srhat hna tv«t saidlAlbe laiird* of the ®°*t »h*pt ,< ‘*‘r;L i are invited to call up*n ibe "Rial. •«4 Time are frratis) one of the Doctors pampU.rut S? vi, fJ tdeiaUe?£chantofeaeb remedy For sale by the fol’owmf afenu. a* w«H *> f ' : J.Y o V.te* B.*~> ' jno KUiDtCßmon Valley, “ u w : • T Adama, Beater, povttwjly -. } Cffi-SiiS,® K >r T sr|’ with o severe ptiin in the ude »“ a ch€,t \ aci *4 - «uh » dn co«s>, Wjyte&Tto&S Sfu4'- — D, Taylor". njaam «! uvtr, would tiv.K u>.»»«“ "} s uinvAS, «o udworyj ■™r s^s*n,*K3^«i ’ L d E3T* KWiSSS^r'SSTMffft-r& ,ne”sSte physician,lh» Balaam or LtvefwoA >»■•£*; , omred an enviable reputanou for its ?iot to that of the abundant no.trsau o( 1 the character and probity of tu raveatos «» Of SS ! SUMWIO?i r CURKD-My «« tarffc •*£ lent cold* used to cough violently, rm»|UK thick palrid matter, aud finally ho could ‘ j£Tl T, from weakness. He'inamfesied et«|> «)»P* torn of’coofinned consumption For sii been aubiect to the aathma. Ilia physician* MefrO. Vemo“ 1 A Auderson. a«.d be was weuftb molt loon die. Yn I v-«i determined to tr* V-W loFa Balaam of Liverwort, and atranau pear, tlria medicine hsu fully restored his W>‘ i , ** ’ SOPHIA GALLON. H Norfolk atrejL Sold in Pittsburgh by J D Morgan, W j T.td 4 «H'co; Si “'4 SF? to St AO per bottle. : — -r-r— - B*peetormni. . j ] fULEM, Columbiana c0.,0., Apr.-jW. ***** DR. I) JAYNES: Dsaa Hnu—l feel botutd F? u ,n“ ASlsiiTOd public. lo avail unity ofcivui* publicity to ihee*Uaordisnr> e»d«u °r* sc,r “*™i L o j d ;n£sn,zV^:Kr4s“*^ SLm S’rnd S’ail my former remedial,£ud t& tftc mS3ob» ifiw oi the most fb?seigttt>orhood without deriving any be^fit, \mmsm I had lor ten years proviom. «, srefiir ki* .r *&■■■* Fourth street *-* *>,•» , *«CT''c : i A CO.*S Pi.eumtHnc oq(»ugb SuKTJSr. rr M •'rafussr ™ p “! J 5 I. Uud..u, u . k ..0 I d(n,l. r ; 1 r..l IZS. -dTclrlrd. .V-r* -”' J V ,opTcv.4«inou. ‘"vZli.v. namrroli. crrlilrcalrs of «arr. »'« FAHNESTOCK A Co, corner oi tt<*£ “' f^Q*' I W'ood andbth »t*. . _ sew abraSobm^t.-, Doctor u w. morris bavin* J rfita Bros *»>» f™V'J "'“'f , .| vav No. X Commercial Uow, LtlrertA- t . *556. «£• «- Srt is— «f rff d.a .z cais^^“iriKi'!a J j&7." It»o or retail- IWP S . WB11 «t ur'ciye U j l t,r !N \V MORRIS. .UltliS'itmo.r fesK?as^ , a2sA‘-i«»!r “ “- tended to prompt'y • co n-uij»d at{'V a nn, S ! Morn. ns IJbeSty etrWL during Siore,' No. d S l ,^; c .vc„. '£Xi"« teW '"t ! TTBAA'K azuS to a aon of mlna, *o® ...itmt duly appear MipooMtolU and i i*rrd wa. dpwtri. of Urj., ,B 1 Bav"™* SSISSM? JS - Ba ?? V>«lk,C*mJeo.T.aj!.'_sjj 87 lSBt' : ' g £llerB’ vauni'dOßiN GigK j oi4| ii is)9 ; Hr. *: E. Seller^ 1 .— Tour v '™‘ ( g’ w '^f£l.”«d ■ ■ ,oar Vormifugo .‘''IToM »r oddStol “»«>" t TIjUM of * f™*-, etl 7oao, r. f»d I,a ßarter. ‘ - • {Extract from p e .-, fV-RS* S 7 Wood at, “^vy^js A 1 ftgim=B3rgi.-Bauaii»H-«m**» - tof ““.Uiosi jiniijiDuas c- r Diaaolution. heretofore exwinjjlhetwtcai»c Jl ItfWnbew. in the naar cf Frigid. ftiiey & u>, ifUday <h»»olvrd by mutual coi.wnL u«9.tU*V Alii »*&« the bufiHCM of Ui«i concern. lot rhUh pur fl-« !f? “ u " • ft-. JAMKMVOOD. GKO.-KHRY. Fetiiiftry “• l^y. j i Co*Partnenlikpi l^^issfsss^sstts^ *- .ju,d4^fn«ud t . i’f-vi M AITHKWS, \VM. EBUS. Fdir&ary 7.1 Mt>. «f tiki- pteooore lo » ■>» | ‘,of our.iriemie and o>o<e ol frnen‘l, RhO ■ :»«■**««» “'''VoßTrn R FRISM). ; fc jS, p ' -■ i - T* DiT.oVntion. TIIKeA-rnrlner.bißher.loloreexi.urßl** a iebscrihers. m lb. none of nr.:. CuJiollhl. 0o» OissuWeil by m»m»l coMtt- Jlr BulS* Berne. will oolite ike bo.taec. o| ” ™ eet t, &; which P«rpo».' >h^j"*, f jJ"nN»TABUi . linore of Ihe concern. NaTH; AN,IX 1^ ‘ THOMAS BAIINKS- fiieioMctucnf.l hove Uu. day cociclnl Ihcwiclvcc .ntSiuto.ofBURKEA BAR.NKS, 'O' tee ■ I»'PV“ THOMAS BARNIii Al'Urict from ihe firm o' Cocofte. B«kc h I *ilb sincere plr-ore “■gr.' 0 X toTniki '. cNry.Alfl.K -i frhn-d'f ___ - • I CO-PARTSBBBHIP. EBwcil prctn. The ..yic ;; t h™ ic”.i”bi. »">«>ho j“^r'b'r.JVtecwA »r:r‘i'rco,, Jan », lW j>t(aolatton< i I?-Vste- '^rz:'^ tor- wjst j; sns. fofctfnlH- requm ~,HN 1> MVoRP. ftIUT account-! p ki«s<; - co-P*rl»*ra»»tp. ;fo«N D having Jan.r. w* A., | u , “.mm. «■ jVCo wnl conuuiiß ihe »iui. «. ai> n ,|, r M ns eonoos tinmebos, whole- ' .M» siohA. comer ofl\ o«S 1A,™,,,. «. MwrdW ho « cooum-tion 01 h ]Ol)N -f| Mf.mli ctiywt-J on ll.e oil firm j amino MruKP leiinne from .he 2 I JlVord 1 hin< I «w« . Menu ;i6r of lb* publ. m , (J KlNn :Hfpt*rd I'Cci J* s3 [ OWaOLfTIOH. . (lar rq’HK paruiffhlup ui xhl'bw'-r-»c uw jl di*»»lvr«l l»y Hiulual . i« \HKNIV nil. Fu.wy ••o’l.Ml'r Willi. < r sir PIT Tnh!r*«: , | ,u- |iniJir»M>-ta.p Uufc.»»: KUJAIt KATUS* CKRTIUCATK TO UR «\S aulrtii--*, • **■-• »•'*' *I« >* 1 lV| j » vMv_Tbif> erratic. that imtucdiaiel) alter •M ronri.!«• top "'mh «isndH. having attended my brotlwr. wtm died or consiGflpUon 4 pow t »i:un>u»-. t, >lu>ci». Is4d, 1 «•< taken .ick with ibe yonsumptwn > {.til. - ) Wmk £ 1 TveTiituplaißU ami wt». reduced «0 low with the A very Urcr acmiment ol common rhur* find mbtf ( oti. four „ { Wtti o„ n bi* lo uHend to uriiiiuti* n*** humwcmu- to intuition : j . „ ffther at booie or .broad, being tor Uio I* -* lU*W« fumt*Uod on «Sr i|.on<-*M» confined u> ray bed. Dunn* the abo*« p«n ..fa on the ..... rr..on.U,r ;■j ™„ I U.d axpuded ■« ">«“?** ; f ChocoUU. Coco*, *e. 1 oJ;1 , physician* and medicines. to the warrant e w ” J Fr,: "' “ T l '"'-' I «*«. wnkiot wciwbj m adi ...vJs i'o.-o:i J’l-ft'. Broom. < won sh»*..».-« . lc xL 1 commenced taking I>r. Jayne » Medi . r|h> merchant* and consumer*, ww> would parch"-** >; )tJ have lak<n them more or ■«“ "f* Ij \ “ ,r oJuct. o. Cocoa, free (ruin adulteration, ; £ elu . ve it was by persevering O'd*« ' «®» jojtx « a”, sx A ..otriuou* than ir« or coffee. and in ooulity un»ar- j c|>n now W y that I have coinnlehily MCO-. 1 k'eSSKDV * SAWvitt, , >t>“ “tTf yered my health. Ibe lieve that Jayne'e*»"*“" J™* r'_ MauTfaclurcr., «»d Wu..h,».!e marroraciarod uy uitUKlf ood .ramped with to, name bo.lfumlj inwl.cl.e*"» S?SS^ ; r vtltcu, *« odrr J» Sra» C J ,« e . tu ooy qoanuvv, by Oe moat W- , neJlci and make lh V certifieaw tiM lnd aiiv hou»r vreyt of the grocer, in the ca»*J?m cJOr*. afllicted. TOIJ t * L JAJI N ' jindoceißenU to buy or. a* *«} 1 iUw «a.<;r«y b of bottom *«•»• *M »«•«• Springfield. NY , Sept- IC, H*l* .... J*i _ «» 4 :lri.wrsi'ss.^! - :■!—r'“" is ; ~„,U „ .T : si- Kr . an d ro..e*..ng u u «n.e« a • , - uc wnu- , - Rn.i.ug writ lumubcd ut me xhon- | „ Bobon» k Siwon « V»rt -“tSe P Fra. kb-. . Tt.e ™* OU ce. .«d ... u.e be.; m.uncx. al ibo comer o. ( Ui a Bjjfl , rjsr rjri s j : hie P 7SjJi|i-wS«lu.* «.1 : t£F~xfo» to n I.SWATKRMAN_ have U« d» U ! K- p»« Mocblne Wurß. «id F.-»dry. my <*mi* and l.rocerj bu*n.r«. 1 hour ». Uetcrw.er. U>r phyaicwuof PitUbuTglu. Alle- WRIHHT U> baild CoUon Ibiubantb. Jai'O.ry 1.1-W , cd : l'!'« , aorou -hly .cqoai..lC-l wilb tbc ba.i- Dmwlnn Ftamok ttmlway HraJ., " AT?")’P"''? "* -.. M . u' DKI«A N’V. •|*r“ B ~“!.ro.Si£ «S« u, km “':IV -“l“. , -“' *»'« k s Knu.imJ on .hort «*• - *«»'»• ““t “ Genwr. wd Sheet iron Uo do “ “ ' C I( .'. !So*f V"ern!ly. Order, led at the Warehouse of J. k 2« or bv.a»i i «0. £ - r.U A ».U .«n fpmrtieularattenaongmento.tcaiiiboafork. | an •; b ” U '^ pfrT w Bloek.toek, Rell A Co, J. lAorebead & ! tEJ do a«. W... u ii ASona.^UbotßhjO. s~l Co-Partn«r.Ulp. u <l<t T W rtgbt - ; .. c * j H Warner, SrcubenvUlr. \ . i*". I .® .. T dftENZOKATON * <*'» Have tut. day r. .K-tl Andcrw.,, . « .. I Penn Hmehino Kbop. ra , N V;! , J.r * :: :; : |h ?e.™nr». wL^WLoJ"i r"of iLS. of m»tbi““ty tar^C^Srorf /T<»EPIIHO»T ;^.:oh.r.n O“J..^. i^ ''ftof.,l,, loom., woofrn rrn i ? 1 tm... lh« 4«*>b “> ™ n ,J U 6rnli ; ■■ (i „„ry 0 .JI * .. Hoi Child, tCo , BI«k,mo", '-j z : *tsr' | ** A **» >‘«»a LwAts«rjS oiyhiuikrfcopb. .-.M «,™,,„ T „. m sssrsLasrsu^ ( , jay a,wKiatcd with lum, John R. .M'ynue,' l '-: ra p rPpar cil lodp "ny “o'f nl ~ ( , nllß . « IP f they hare, they feelconfitlcmtheyare bereaß.t he■ eonduet.d >“ pMeh V .fend» .ndX -Sbled A -»H. «A3fi™ ’ ” Inn of Wm Voung ACo .ItUA| ~.0,..; ; 0,11 be s— ' R»»! “be eeleettot.of mme- [r B Honk t ruled m ,ny peuern and hound tub A J none but competent nook men, they ASly Voke wn,t«nun s the,, «it. Wo fully nr lepaued Names put on book. . i g .. a«k die attention of the poblie u> ihinnalier. I Thu- tb«t Imvswo.k in our line a.e %* aßopaata*«»«« m»he br«l mwu««. w «J« Prme-. low most icaaonablo I«nna. — j-nJ '-- MTKATa Head ttoarUM for BooU Wd Shoe*, MANVy ACTURKH to oide, mt* *»»*' Cmntr of SnWhield and Fuunb-U , nniicu with the name 01. the boat in earn man PrmBVUOH, P*. kht Alm*.'Cotniu and 11U4X Mwtrwsea made in the TROTH & SCOTT,‘having commenced die tost manner, tor a tier) low Pju* »>y I %M aKn i Boot and Sboa bnonem, » ho ‘ e “ d , novlti-diy \\ a rchou«e.-P_gatrr_t_ w* u .d roaneettally UJWta U» attention or /■CTTV mflNS — ; ki dm yenutne Preneb iw >!<»•»*.» lhe !fr n enda and the public generally to their splendid ( „ ,w‘ h..c mi ui'ir A lew doxeua Pblladelphto new l stock last opened, conusUng erf man *, woineu x, 'k,„. trom tlte , nano, anm. V ol II M to etuddroh’. wea,, of «»et| tottolT wh.ck tile aiienUim ot boot .makers winvued. Joil su ' tx hle for the season, and at price* to *oil the times. tk-Tnud iL. sale by IV YOCNti A t’-o, splendid article of AklabeUom Shoe*./or K erv ££latllai.». Ha.ee on,■ I- ia' TLf 'utci i\'iVH’h'’** No f ourth atreet, TROTH k 9kAJTT, *|U W MU ! y Unrty ol sup H«*>al Vel- * 1 conicrofSouthfield »nd4u> *u, Pittsburgh. A r »"*r;*; N . 8.-Travel.ug Truuka, Carpet Ba S ., Ac., uJway. %r u “'niv “iml »up and Une Ingram Carpet*. o( sup on ha!U i an j | ow for cash. style* and nual.uc; -and m Mo- CUSPF.R PRIiNCir B-ROADCI-OtHS-W. R. Met lound Table t.nDdi***, P . . invites the aUemicn-ofi>u>ar»to hi**xienaive .ICleti.m Ac A.'-, w all o. whirl, vr.icxilUie pl ’^’^ abQ cmbrne.ng every <*ual,ty aumtiim »I tlic public _ . “,i„« o„ 6 « u dfromU»eeel«bratedmanutacu»- . Qj PurebaftUifi these goods from the HAVINti .olJ*ur endrr stork toC H wt ‘ h . nmm i M iou merehants or ageuU of the inamifaetn _ , ~ r la.vint' nux old liuetn***, we hereby »o- commi ... > rt .ell them at the lowest posribi® ,„.„ for him trte ~o't“...C "^\;.“',.oTNDKX S Tti U " rrieb.” k »M ßnh.h Til!'. I'DINDRXn-.R. CAsiIMBRKH. blue* and taney; blk IV.Wtjorgh, A» t . Ith, IMA- , nD 2 taney VBifriSGS, Su _ . tinmlkerchiefs, black and faney Cravat*, luteß poek« /t || OKANT. WholcmaiotlrooevCoiiinojbWOiiand jjau u„j e r»Ulrm, imiwers, at the north east O. Korwanl,nßMeaebant. No.l>«nierit_ atiW O UUt and Mntket .ireeU. JOHN uIIKUIKI dt <1)-. vvboleaaie Room, op etalre. NOrt.y:t and W From,lnmulle-H boonderaund man- ononkiallcla 1.1T.1T SUjM*- ,- othetotei.ot all kind, ol hium to, “M . ROtERT U. RATTER-SON hu opened n„.| Wetet. have nlo-ay. ““ bni.d Wro» S btl rot Web |a on Firel .f.tomdoj IlinOßh to, .team. (>'■ ““d A°-. o t ¥¥V mAeeood .t, bel«een Wood mtd houhSeld in .lieuteter t!'— tbi-tme- o““te to order At “ |l / k ... ... ttM 0 f the Motioneubp.ln tlouae. “ e-ortotem o, lb.lt. ou.l Aurdo-d U~-. «J „u, „ now atoek of florae. ruS Otmioge. ol ..liu trrbe auantion of Floioberf and Fotjore Ruilder. ou.lrry and la.e.t aiyfcA lloruea kept at live '7r F,'“!j. J ;.'"'ut' ■"< ry_irr Ure heal manner. r W* re- Cells of every sue, from U» tn lS ct from patient, of the mwtappw*- 10 111,000 iKiuinl .c pd lM5O( 1110 llC( t material*. Ttits Mltib J / et*h« Uaxes and '^oinposition friction in machinery. The UO*«* «um ‘ j can be bad ol bun at all nines. _ J PUISTIKG PAPER* SeldmeMeTof ,bo„ notice. oorner l'e,rind lr«Uy.t._ •~rrT STfirilKß i received forihe a eomplatc .uorme^ol. .. UWm t'tothioa.ar pejeea ranstna from Ad.d° “ kTl%im“ml m «ol pant, and huh f'“* «!>•«*» lndm RnhireJ U“l«Or .»* w H pimXfl'3 decW * ■ 1 “* MO imVt^tMlkdAOTß^W il NuTifK- ti» i t>o«li>cU *sd aitoui .u the |, t .KK 1" "°7 " "■■■ j aoi.nJrn« oi m 1 j K va in'ii i f p.n».«W|i Ifcokim I.l I - t.u. ji.WV vVk. • Munr’-fc. u, “ O 1 • j -;5»-1 i 1 -e Ke\Mui» 4 S*" \• * i i Juuuat) l. BOOK TRADE' Life of franklin, mummed-m w«' ,c ß ' publication in the aortal form, by H“n*‘. * then! New York, The Ufe o« Beiguin.n mun ß of ht. Autobiography. and avrHd, public life and service*, by the Rev. H splendidly «i.bem.h*d by numerous eiquteiue drUfci«u, by John O. Chmpro.ii, engraved in Urn art. The work » Minted in > he «\V‘°‘ .“ wilt be per&ne paper, from bold and legible ll p -. sfue ,j completed in clgUl •' « ““"rtvei M’c«- at brief Interval*. Koch purl will be re * pre»* immediately anrr u* publication r-»' tcccej u 4 >“!' sf l||N!froN t STOCKTON. a corner oiarkei um> W »« y ACAULAY-IUtISTOUY ok KNM-AN^- jX difc accession oi JHines II -- ° - . j, itiftnry •»<' Alexander the brni b> J bott. with mop and engraving* r„ f |.n.l bv Js •p{,e HiKtory ol t'baric* the Hr*l o« ,Jl I cob A bboll—elegant engraving*. rui t,rlhdmd Harper'* Ute of Frankbn: *plnud.dl> Tl> by numerous exijuuote ile«ign«>.JLM* • be completed in b number* r , ■ n „( Pictorial Hiatory »»l hntflam • P .. Ba , ,u,t«tni t.roige UI-oompUM- in 4 vol», o. mvn. niml'KINS, 1,,- MW ri.HV OK WfULANM. \ M l*d»lHumou» 'V ur *'*j v Fnu.kli.i- l.»if |ilti«iiui<nl H «*J »* Thr Hl»lorV ol llmmilml tlic» arthnfcmia • ’ AI*U>U lMu»ir»ieU utlr. map ami nuim-mu C «..«i i ■ Slory ol IjtUc John: lro»o llir I fi-in*h ,„-II lUurtraUtd. iwi.on ol Tho t» Arto..,.r >l» HH' of l.n- .V" !™ la a, Man 3 ,|J DharrvaUOlt*, iWifjnrd UJ ariln«*-»« Uir Worl'l llarl'a Ramanra of ' IChimf lt .a,lalioUi Arabian N»fthi* hnt«ria>nmrii»*i ’ tplendwliy ihn»trai«*il. a vpl». I’Jiuo „ HOPKINS JUfetS|:CIVCd L> ApoHo Hall. Ith <■ N~~ ’kwIKJOKS—Hinlory of Wary yurrti of S* O,H - By Jttfot' Abbott; wilt* e«|fn»iiW*- . R _ lliololy of King Charles die Firft, of W 1"- BT rn°^tV»r°<s;;a L Dr By Jacob Abtx»lt, with on«TAvin{(a. Raeaivaß .ad (o, fc STOCKTON. fciaiei \ lAl’ OF CALIFORNIA, OREGON A jyL From, the late»t authortiie*. T , Dcse/ip- MuchoU, with u> accompaniment— !n»wno“ u»o. Geographical and staiUncal. J .|,*,nir* 4ih »t dccU R IIOPKINS. Apolta Uaildmp, «■ lIATIIKMATICAI. INOTRUMEN'J* f O J,ST" I M. lug—la Ebony and "'“Tit" 1 ' I '' “‘"2 UofltSs,.Ap?'t£. B^-*- 1,1 AP OPPENNSYI.V ANIA-C?S, 5Sm, 'fad oil' iVI Coonty Surrey* authorised by’ prove j under cr original document*. apon ihoßOperriuion ot VV m. F- MomS,» r -oiboriry of the .Map,..— 1 »r4filo» Cditori.' ■' i «Wve.l )c*w*<Uy *n4 tot ir w W &SoN U HS HOTELS POUSTA.IS H°T®lm ‘ UCIIT STRBKT U A LT IMO R E • -T»wa -r.mmnn. rtrnpwwffn*- mTIHS establishment Jong and widely Iron !>,,.•? otic of the most commodtooa m the cityo Unlinnorc. ho. recently undergone vcryeltM wisest, msn;&£xz « “K h« been remodoed. with a auigle eye o*l he p*n oi ti.r proprietor,. ,-ward, the comfort tbeirOuo-.i.and which they conWently challenge compnr ao» with any Hotel wf jjj.'j ~. Their tnl.ie will always be M.ppUcd with even «r, wamul and luxury which the market efford», mi rg* up m * superior -»>Sc; while in the way of W mei, iltcv will not be <mrpiv««ed , 1„ onoU.un, the pfoitlicutr. begth “ 7’ *“ n*ti.tunw, to render tni» Howl worm) .. patronage r>f their tnrmi* ami the puWtc The pnr*» fur board have al*o been reduced to Uie following rates’ .. ,« d _ T Ud.es’Ordinary, # i’2 P * T ‘ Geull einen's " _ / ,t,i’u«„«* will nl* Sj-bg iguja I which will CUOT.T haggle u> ni from the "jJjUjf* [ of chargr. 1— EXCHANGE HOTBI*i mfmtß o? vault a*t> ft. cunnt. rr *J*. ' mTbe •mbwnbrr having awimed the m.-iit of Uu* U-w *#ud»luhed and popvlut Hotel, rc.*p«“Vt/u!l>- announce- to TroTCl'-en» attdjje Public generally, that ho will be at all times P/J w oconmmixtntr them in all thine* de"tr» ui.. Hotel. The House .. n>« no repaired throughout. and npw Furn.tuto added,. and no y,W Will be *parcd U. make the Exchange one ot U>e *S£S r y »IW» • c«an.«M felMif Propnoin^. LAMARTINE HOUSE, OP fofuni aso attAST rrakins, rirnacaau. JL-X THE •übM'rih.rr respectfully announce* «h» f® h , I," Him «i«n«d hi. now .n't <■«*"«»* H»'«l P ''n"”nb"=Ml'',;".'J..'nn.'-J ■» »»<• ">*'«- a»as? - A “'" r KSsra. rw-.. , 0 0-PE II CENT SAVED! OPPOSITION HOL'SL. Tup VIRGINIA HOTEL, on Baltimore *:reet, near 1 £ Dodo.cihh.Tl.nd, i. now ,n Pompl«M order fo, splp-iilil p“' ! « No .to w ana. 11NITBD hTATKS HOTEI*, MISCELLANEOUS " JAMBS'W. WOODWRLL, I liodcrn aod Anlique tfaroilorf,! iJi. t* ami (.m-ti’- J"'-' oHj , f l «>*> ronKta " 1 " ', ■'” rwiVl ri.-r*sj«l bT it* —-m ro U n.t> *<*«*• .* I-r.-h^r »S I «B» !>•' l’""‘ ' * “ ' "llTl^fvi^' 1 " HotM Viancie, * i'.„. \l\ i'U." vttfiri "tiiir*: i r* Ktuh Ti»tilr». | T.l.w, '•»“•'•' ''ES** I r ,..,.|, >rii*o«3«T BrJOetu.v t linn • *«>»*• • ait ,i.is» wiUi l*iu*n ml Mum <-t»nlJ cwwtrt; ! m Mal>»pa:>> Usifkiiitf «‘lia*t>, 1 -!l> «lof Pal I .*'? 1 *’ I .. i- «1C MISCELLANEOUS. Pittsburgh ft. Bo*W Jpapv* rpfflS Company respectfully irffontts thejiablie, and 1 partcallrlyiin ofCnpper m ihe form ia which tfiey.prepar© l, » lbe ' r us* Work* are now in laeeesmai operation, ana they aro now ready to mats exnntaetsibr *iro o* Ingot* to those who want in thisforißi and also touga C-ike for the pnrposeof ronfhg. . The Coppor produced from the McmUc Wine* oi Lake Superior, ia ascertained to be much »up«riorto the ordinary copper in the market*, which ii obtained from osh coauunitig foreign mineralimbamneea. ll “* copper is perfectly pure, and ia not injured l>y the pro* c«sa ofameltlngV and is therefore greatly K» W prefer* red for bell metal, rolling, pud many other purpose*. jf% ii U not the intention or with of thw Company to erect works for the manufacture of copper m the various forma in which itia wanted, they wi'l be nappy to make contract* for the delivery ofit in the form of ingots. tough cake for rolling, he., to thoao who may m*h to embark in the business. llrreafter, all the copper obtained from their miaca will he brought to Pittsburgh, and large aappliet may be expected Letters addressed to C. U. llraaCT or Tunic** M. Hotsx, will meet with prompt attention. declo*d3ro CHARLES AVERY. President JDBT EEOEIVKD, , , , , AND now opening, a spiended lot o gHSSSWHiPiano Po*®*- from tire celebrated firm of Nunns fcdark, N. Y. It consist* in I] V I 1 1 part of the following One el'gam Rosewood d* octave Piano, with earvnd moulding, u»p and pliptb, projecting front and carved colhic tablets. . ■, 5 One roaewood Piano, 6| octavo, elegant and plain, I with Coleman’* celebrated Ainliau Attachment, n su perior instrument. 1 One Roaewood 0 octave,Yound corner* and octagon Irea. One do do ~ One roaewood Piano, square cornera end legs. Tbeae Pianos have improvement*in ih»mechanism, m atriiiguig and covering of the hammera, posaewd by no others in thi» country, and art at onee the best ■« well as the cheapest Pianos that eaa be bought. A l^iO —An elegant lot of Chickenng * Pianos, from 7 ItoO octaves, possessing all the latest improvements, , S!r .. «w w s;s «_ CHioREBUIG'S'PUfiOB. J , JOHN H. IN TEL LOR, (sole Agent for Chietering’B Plano Fortes for \\ e*tern Pennsylvania,} No. »l Wood atmet, II IP f 11 Pittsburgh, h*« received and now open for sale the tollnwing emgam assortment, direct from the manufactory, at Ml. Cbichering'a i Boston) pncea, T 'oae Roaewood seven ocuve Piano Porte, carved in the mo*t elegant and rich style of Louis XIV. fine Rosewood carved seven octave, new and im proved scale. , One rosewood Piano, G j octaves, new scale, One '•* carved, O’* “ . Two *• round corners, * ocuve, aew scale, The°above are Ml from the manafaetory of J Chick ertng, Bouton, of the latest styles of furniture, ana with the new and improved scale atsooK HXJTO a*® wm saL« low .1 Roaewood 0 oeiave Pmnoa, from the of ii Worcester, New York, formerly of tbe bool Oiodart, Wore*am <t Durham. a rosewood fi octave, Gale A Co,, N l 1 rosewood fi| octave Piano, made hy Bacon A R»- ocuve piano, made in BalumoM, and |,m\ with me fos sale by the owner, for cnah or m <sx change lor Pittsburgh manufactures, or *««««• ’"“S aide ior a country 5300 PIANO MUSIC. THE Silver Moon; My Home, ary hippy Home; Ti. Home where e’er the Hegrl ‘*l Jenny laud Polka; i have left tbe snow clad Hill*: Kosa Lee and Uid Uncle Ned; Susanna Polka, Uo where ihe iui»W are sleeping, Will you come to my mountain home. Orrnve of Bo aparte; No. nr nr can thy borne be mine, 01. Susanna, <*o©d-Bye; Empress llennoua'« Walu, Ben Bolt. Joys ibni we’ve tasted. Adorn Mavounteeu, UmiMann Belle, Elluuptan Bailees, v ikvv eiliuonol Ht'tna*’* Pu*o Fobtr IsvraucTi'a, with French and F.ngU«h Text, reduced to the lotiow- work, cootauusg W page., Si W •mall •* “ flh ’ I Burrow s Piano tone Primer. *“ Ueniuia' Method ior Piano. J 2! I’arraasi’t t.uitar ln*tru<-tor, - « fanseren - Vocal School, 3 " -t wood St Li TEAM BOAT CLOCK»-:Havutg wneladod.io tell ft odour entire stock of Kirke’sMatthe Timepieces, we now offer to sell them at lower pueea th*u they can be bought at any bouso in Pittsburgh or elsewhere, cast or weal. Being the onijr eauUftshed agent* here for these eloekm, wsairo the largest and hneattuaorV meat in ihe city. Call and.see. Rctnctnber, we are not to beunaeroold. BIsAKE A CO ? Market street, octfO entrance on north side of the Diamond PITTUBUBCU STEEL WORKS AND SPRING AND AXLE FACTORY. 1..1C Jonas, johs r. qtnaa. , JOBES a. me, Manufacturers of »nng and blister stetL plough steel, stdel plougn winga, coach and elipj uo iron ailea, and dealer* 1» ®«3 leable castings, fire engine lamps, and coach generally, eornef of Ron and .Front l’Uuba^n, INDIA KUIIUKR BHoKS—dual replied,- netHnW OVctßhoeo-n .p!e«M erbcle, to nay e ter offered in tU» city, ot. wbteb my -con bn bod nt Son notice, wholetnie and rcuul, at me '° di ?e?” bb ‘ rDCl>ol ’ ri “ J ‘?gllPHm.»ra /TAUFOaNIA OUTFITS—I oH tco'd \J Bobber Denot,Uie follomnir JKJ,' Ponta, Jockey Cap«,Otunp Blank eta, bite J-terertenk I§sS^ss /HANDLES—IOO bx# Citicinn'aif Sloil'j Randle*, on . £S pum °' wite, 'wfcV*i WcaNDUsa ; , o' 4 . T'l u: 9 ) •*•**». DRY VARIETY GOODS, fai«£ goods. . . u . Wrptt INTOCKt U DOW conitanUy Receiving I'M m CARPET! ^ O’ to, comprising 5 everbrought to the m«- oneorihe UrgMt aMornn direct from the Im ket. which have been UlfBl newest porters and Manufacturer*. 1 etferofferedin ihivetty> style*, and lower m pn* e *“ _ 0 f those wUhi*fCto to which he invite* before purchasing else furoisb il'taral'oois or hoaee*, »« following where. The stock consists mp«voi w I variety, viz: Taftcstry Oil Cloth *■ asgsr di ' 1 fisxsr s: **&£.<****<»* Extra super 3 ply £uSd *4 DmflpU. £ £&&- SMfer nall it ~sss£ u ’ I Eilra ..ip Ch.nlUo Buis*; J«>« Jj, 1 d „ *,*.«- £ JHL..4 1 , WUlpp £ do B"* i M£'r Crimson & s ’d Plush; ftaper Towelling SSmcio* W. Bn4^^£towaisj3 Blue do, for coach d» do wX®"!" 8 ’ £"h* iad- d. LU»« <O, J 8 e„ i ;, r “it*c™».opAl.’dtd^ ssss H*L‘"i' suck Moreens; cotton Plusbeaof aU colors, Ac. to. *c. Also, Osneborgs aud Dnllinga to ***£*£. ££w and all ether trimmings necessary for ou^l ‘ f ° n .., hi our line, lo which the especial atienuou of ,s invited. W. M’CLINTOCK’S Carpet 'N one door from Wood. - P ghlrtlng Uatlliu and Irish Llasnio WR; MURPHY invites to pander a*wo»»a w . those wanting the above Goods, w hi* stock, consisting of the best make, from the™* utoved manufacturers, and the latter warranted, P»*® Si _H, hit. ia.i rM.Uri an amMi<i»*l “PP ?l“ d . I Uliing BMrti‘. s Ma.lm. ol a .opanor naaluj, Pillo».ca» Moulin., TSKciSJifSireU and Nap Una: BiaHkets.<Jullts, Counterpane*; nd be sold at prices that cannot fail to pleas*. Wholesale Booms op stairs. J A A. 51A.803 A CO., day* Wiper, danng which time JfJ^e K Ssissssss b . ? „*s:r:hi”."' ■* Rmwn Muslim Tickings and oilier Domestic Goods, l™’! araS:«!slSfno.w,.hm».auw U*««..>»£ Ta ™' of 15 per cent upon ihd same m eastern mkrket*. feVJ ! - u-rnsiF m kCK R. Mp»WT uikslhe a large .asortwcnl 01 nnuai colors and Btvle*di«um sinped and btoeadc Alpacciu, black lor.; plain Week. Int.«ible Mazarine Bine Parmelta* aud Alpaeeas—A irw i’ 1 ol iheM »enrc« and desirable good* lately received. and Market «i» _ } , TAUR UP-NTI.MIFJM-w. a. «™"nj£.?K£S r mribfT .uppl, ot (’lUVity mvludioa some very handsome. A bUct Italian Ormvaii, «>«*) sssassass? sstsssssssas VeiwJgv 4c Al norm c*>t corner nml ,JLj streets- . riAUKDKMA WARPBOB&r-To ««■« b >’ El ' U TliSltj AilK't « b *™=! Bbvolvcrti pv*tol Ben. and Shoulder Straps; Uowu- tnive*, bra«s modified, Tor P ciaminiiiK mineral#, **:* “"‘J for *««'» Prtc«. mu. b> fcbio _ corner 4tU and tparket st_ \TEW GOODS IN JANUARY —W. R. Mcarnr b« . N withm • few days opened a aopply of bl*ek-W -iow noced; do, medium and super! do Mohair Lisirca; new style British I‘riuta; do Amentando, dbk cloth SHttal* plaid lon s do; dc Loit.co; plnio lend nod dcoh do, ot IS|, “X v ” err of other scarce and desirable poods, worthy the attention of those wishingto buy. itsdrt . ££jSSS taj-noo.^^ R^SS^W’TEIMgTBi ™ thi. mmlns, Rich bren Good. compntuis io (o“owu.s.tyte».™ Soon dr, and Iho riehc.i SOoda mooned UaacoatOTiU wool Plaid*, high colors and cbo.ee styles, kU wool Cashmeres aiui Moos de Liunes; fine uese Cloths, of any descnbalde shade and eolop. jjum striped Cashmeres-in great variety. !ii®_ .... 17-i-.. ;w_i> I'7 ai-J-’ft.t-y Si.MVb-.t-t-ii '-.il 1 A A MASON & Co, CO Market street, kayo just received another large,invoice of plaid Long and Square Shawls, bought t» per cent leB« than any nreviouslv received this season. P Our stock of Shawls is now iho largest in the city, sod purchasers may bo certain that oar prices from this late will be 35 per cent less than at any former GENTS' CLOAK TASSKLS-2 do. noliAir Tu ir.U, auorud; 3 do .Ilk do do: S d “ d ,P, 6, 'f d °' 10 do do Ladies o**oriod; t do col d do do. WOOI.KN (»OUDS—III do* children’* woolen coals; fl dodo do Cans; 4 do docoinmon; lodos Wcwleu com fort*, aworied. IS do do with s«da lodic* Cosh.- I "'IKAI'HEr'bELTS-*)doi blk Molkskin Beit*! 2° | do do Morocco j >jj 'kINSKV’S. 67market m_ LADIES' TRIMMINGS —2 do* Ink Urn 3 p, col d Silk Velvet*, ai rfo*. I.lk Oucey Bol ton,; 1| <lo cantiUiao do; IS do colM FTo.« do; 12 do do Fknluie da » do* cold decry alk Glace.; d do blk Jenny Lmd Fnni!«, 12 do l*'”» ■“*&,? . 1-A.TON .. I INKN UiAPEBS-«. M and M Table Id Diaper, of common bsured, damaakL. p,7 drop pa,ion,.. ALo, wife " i.IP l W" ELSH FLANNELS-W R Murphy toa on hand a (all n'.Eonrapm,<if there desirable Goods, also, a mil assortment of Sooieetie urahrlnhable do, mlds full assortment of scarlet and yellow, and •polled, foi Christina* wear. , . . Home made PlaimpU—wbue, brown and barret nopply constantly on hand _Qrcju A~MAftbN t iCoT'No W Market *treei. have A . )uii received the lajgcat invoice of ever offered by them, corapriauig twenty diff«foai 10 which tbev would wviie the attention of 'fholewie or remit purchaaer*., te _ tub'•SCOW’wiwfc ARC «»* SEW GOODS, e . AT DIcSBY’S, 1301.1 be rtf street, comprising French Cloth*, Cessna eres and Vestings, of the newest and mo»rfashionablft styles imported. Also, a largo quart litT of Rough and Ready Blanket* and, Coaling*, {fccnllarty adapted to the unw» «»** W On hand, the largest, heat manufactured and most 1 fhihionablo Mock ol read> made Clothing in this city. All order* In the Tailanmj lute exeeated m the mo*r fashionable and datable manna r. coVl * XTEw'ußTriaH PRINTS, Xc.-W. R. Morphy his j\ just received tt lot of new stylo brown and white British Prints, very; handsome, arnvcd, by late-steam* I er Also, on baud,|» large assortment of epolce styles of American Prims fast colors and low prices. Black Cloth ShaWls, of various qo»Hu<s—a supply Just received. j , , . Black AlpaecaaJ low priced and fine—* very uni supply, and at low prices tor quality | I*lo LACK fIOODS-lsurrn A Joiwsnu, <0 Market street, have received'oue cartoaof fine Kngtish thread lace and edging*; 6v« carlo us loom made,do; lea e«-- tons conou do; one do of black -.silk lace; two do (■lack and white Pkeneb wurfced lace cape*; one do black ebai tilth wits. together with • variety of fan | Brussels netw, blkck and colored silk nett* for vn l.eoi'd and white silk illusion for evening dre**e* , Dealers and olhei*.will had it lor their luteretl to el lr them l»tfor« N'KW JEWELRY—I Uin gold iwieul L«ve/ W ps; 1 “ “ detached “ 1 “ rileor u ** Mko, cold pen and pencil Case*, Ve»l Chains, (iuatd ctuuii*, Breast Plus, Finger R*ng»-t tju and a anwjtlmciu ofo*ik«r jeweicy. 41 dcri ZEIIULUN KIMaKVa, 67 -d" »l i EWFJ-RY, coßnUling ufdoid ten Jjj J chain*, k,ey«,«cal». pencil*, bngtr ttud*, ear ring*, bracelet*, locked, hock lea, **• Alw%lvcr &ib* cart case*, pencil., buck!*, ' . d*«*4 - * ST market at, cor 4th —HANORABLK sITjCVIeUtKS tor Chrlitma* Pre <eow.—W R. .Mcwin ht* oa hand a ftwr very !“*■ ""‘f „‘aTON*C^ ute *»d tMMI, br >■ 11 |J,,2 „ /-ibAT XND-CUOAK TimiMINOA-*! d« r» (Tuimed cioU Tuul* 5 ivm} * uk “St Sir Sdo do moil air do, 8 do do drab cool do,S .4“ 4™ button*; tQ Jo line coal bo non*; U4Jb* beat ssE?s.is&V hm »w* olher Trimming*, UiH &Co on baud- °lr EMStll GOOtW-F H Ratos * Co. arc constantly mnnlind wiib a lares and cboic© assortment of fZ^u4%P*iSßetribboo. andbnudA, U unu.biru, tucpcndel. and °Mor Bdlllil BrrK rm „«din, pm,bouoiivi.p«., S o( »bicb ihoy oJcratlhc tani cub ud otb«W « dual nc» and com- KStoM".cb«a».<BJC«»l* «.■»«. .auto. bag Toisunaas, uosiKa* asd vasc Fir “EATON * CO-i D** l6 ** Trimmuiga sad h » v * removed from ihcir old • d t o No!tT sTßHtrr, c <to6n from ‘ . ■ •— °°r-g_ . T XHD OlL>—4Ut>U wictcir«tndnrd* Jtec’U per iuaf, *»re dud I* «le>* AN, i’ebt?> . iJl^Tfcterwid^Crom«i MISCELLANEOUS, GOAD'S , _ . . Pawn Graduate! Galvamt Batten and ra,m l Insulated Boles fur JUSv/iVaZ and otfcf F u ft^) e% ' , THIS ia the only msinimctu of thp kind thar ul* «* ct been presented in this country °t leal purposes, and is the only one ever »uo» by 4'A the galvanic fluid can t-v -onTeyedWTbe hu man eye, the ear, the brain, or tr» any pMt ortt» DOO T» either ekjornally or internally. i « a definite «au® vueum, without shocks or pain—with perfectaaicty— and often with the happiest cdcc i*. . This Important apparatus i* Vow highly approved of I by many of the atom eminent physician* ©r thil poon -1 try and Europe, to wliom iho alilictedand oUtex* +W“ it may concern can he referred. Reference will also bo giteiiiomany highly r- .pcctable ciuxeOH who hare been eared by mesmr oC lias moat valuable appaTOtn* of some oftbejaon; inveterate nervous disorder* Wnian could not be retouch oy any other known month* Among various ouers, i\ nas been proved to h* ad mirably adnpted for the euro of the following, diseases, I vir. nervous headache and other disease*ofthe biam. ! u is with this apparatus alone that the operator can : convey the magneuo fluid with Mm and safety to the I eye, IQ restore sight, or cure Ama%rQsu; \o ear to I restord hearing; to the tongue and other organs, to r»* store r- ( >v.-‘-h; and to the various parts of the body, lot the core ut t-hronio rheumatism, asthma, neuralgia, of tic doloureut. paralysis, or patsy, gout,, chorea or Vhu’s dance, epilepsy, weakness, from tpreiuv so®* diseases peculiar la females, contraction of iho limbs, lockjaw, etc. etc , ‘ , Richu for surroundingcounties of and privileges, with lb: n.trement, may bd purchased, and also teslea for the cur.' or diseases. , Full instruction’* will t>« given tor thdTanoas chemi cal, to be used for di-wuM, and the berimait ner for operating for the eatc irfthosfc disease* al so be fully explained t>. ihv purchaser, and a.psmphlei put into his hands expressly i«T these purpose}, care fully prepared by the patentee. Enquire of • oetWJly _«• WILLIAMS, Vine et, Pittsburgh. BatcmlWo PllUrlxsfiCock . ■ FOB PURIFYING WATER, fr Wliich renders turbid water Dure by removing all subsupceh uut soluble in i«H|gsv water. The proton water in N. York, clear and pure to the eye, vet it pusses an hour through this \OgjgS/ filtering cock, shows d 1ofg« d*P<«>i impure substance* warms, Ao» Hus u the caw more or less with ajl bydram water. The Reversible Fliterer w neat dargle, MdJ* not attended with the inconvenience incidentto other as u is cleansed without beingcfelacbed from Uie water pipe, by merely turning tholnSy or bandL from one side to the oilier- Ry this ea4y process, the course of water U change, mnJ all lo impure substances are driven off almost instantly, without unscrewing the Filter. It alrd possesses the advantage of being n flop cock, sad asisuch- in many cases will be very convenient and eCorioaueal. Itcan bo attached where there it any pressure high 3 r low t» a cask, tank, tub, fcc. had *f the sole Agent, W, Wi^MJTLSON, octir corner of Fourth and Market sts CLINTON PAPER Bill*!*. The CLINTON PAPER MILL, «male<UtSteuben ville, Ohio; hsvinf; been enlarged and improved, ond at a very great expense added new .and the roost improved kind of morhmety, isnow prepared to man ufacture all kind* of.Wnung, Printing. Wrapping and Cotton Yarn Papers, Bonnet Board*, fee., equal to any in the Eastern or Western country. , The ondftHlgnfid having the Agency cl the above Mill, wiU keep constantly on band alarge supply of the (iufereui kinds of Paper, aud wtU have ABT «1« made 10 order at short notice. jf-L ja3U fa Wood street A UAHS CHASCK. WANTED— A partner m the Publishing business, embracing Stereotyping, Printing and 'Binding, in a large establishment with a profitable run of work to commence with. He umtt be a man of utdtopeuch ed integrity—uncompromising in hip pnaqiplpv-wil- Imr-and able Ui cootrol die pruning department at least, and have u capita) t»f $3,000 to $lO,OOO. The es tablishment is at present nl Weeling, Ya-v Lut can be removed to Pittsburgh or any other suitable place at short notice. For further partftolars, call bo Rev. 8. Hobkuu. M. h. Book Room, PmsbarghvPn-,01 address ® p • J. B. WOLFF, Wheeling, Vo. k p Stereotyping done at Short noihro,- <ab*i-lm TUBS AND bHURN^.. Pine anil Cedar Ware; flnflmiMpry, No. 87, cotm Maukkt axdFifth Fui^oaaa THlv-subscriber Veeps constantly 1 on'Kanuf whole sale and retail, very low lor cash— Wash Tabs, j Barrel Churns, . Bath Tubs, S . la £'£ tu W Horse Buckets, 1 Half Ac. All other kinds Ware in hi* line made to order. jaSs-dly gtAMUKLKKPK-SF.N. 1 FDRTUKR RKDUCTIOS* TAR. MDSPRATT (c RONS’ PATENTSODA ASlj . J i to 5 ton»3s cash currency, or 4 too*. app>rd Julia 5 tons or upwards, 3 J do par,ttroo« do. tuV,re«i ad ded For the superior quality of Asshrand we refer to >• dcc4 > Dlubwm Filter, for HydronfTV.trr. v —T* THIS-w to certify- that I have m>- T pointed Livingston. Roggen' A Co. B Snlc Agent* for tltc saifl of Jfinmns's -■rtljnfflrr^x- U.U ii i Diapmhgjn-Filter, for Uic ci- Uesof Pittsburgh ahJ Allegheny. JOlu9 GIBSON, Agent, f AT Walter M Gibson, - ?©-Broad way, N.YI fS Oct. 10,1343. . v . Wc have been using pue oi iho aboya aiUeies at die office of the Novelty Works for three months, on tnol, and feel perfectly satisfied that it U a useful tUvcnUon, and -we take pieusote in recommending them us a use ful article to all who tovo puns water. Order* will be Ad-rerttaemejakv-if*! ■Sn'. rpHK subscriber, in oifermg for sale a haudsomo lot ! of Nunns A Clark's. (New \ork.) and Chickrr iTrs (Bouton,) Pianos, would direct BUcmum to tbo fait that hi» °“‘y p [ ™? m 0,0 % } Cb ±n hcT ? Instruments of these two rrtakers can he tried side by side, ond where, consequently. a correct idea of their nualilie* can be formed. The subsenb. r being anxious to test their relative merits, and having for a lumber of yeurs per/oaned upon-<he Pianos ot Nunns A Clark, has laden into use lot the lost twelve montliH, o Chick orine Piano, w order to try It* durability attd fitness a* an aecompairymeiu to the voice. This Piano may now be reen and exonuned at hiv room* He feels confident of his ability to give a competent and relia ble opinion on the subject. A handsome lot of new Pianos wUJ to opened m a few davs. IbobUßLlij dcc9 __At J W WooilweiPs great wrstebS O ADDLE, HARNESS, TRUNK AND WHIP MAN (N UFACTORY.-Tbe. suHseribcr takes (his method of informing his friends and the public in general that he has Iho largest stock of the following named arti cles of his own manufacture m Hus city—Saddles, ilar nciw. Trunks and Whips, all of which he, will warrant 10 be made of the besUnaierbl and by tjir* besi mech anics in Allegheny county. Being determined to sell his manufacture* something lower than has been here tofore sold by any similar esi&ldislunenl.in the city, he would invite jwrsous in need of ihe above named articles to his warehou.se. No. ill Liberty street, oppo site Seventh. Also, bands made to order forinachine sue acvenw U. KKRBY. PITTSBURGn PBMALE ISSflTirtE rpHE SecoaJ Session of this Inslitutitm, Under the 1 care of Mr. and Mrs. Gosuusuv, for the yreseut academic year, yvill commence, on the first of hebrua ry next, in the same buildings. No. M Liberty street. Arrangements have been made by which they wilt be able to furnish young ladies facilities equal to any in the West, tor obtaining a thorough English, Classi cal, and Ornament*! education. A thl! cause of Phi lisophieal and Chemical Lee lares will be delivered dunna the winter, illustrated by apparatus. The dc -1 partmenii of Vocal and Instrumental MuAift, Modern Laniraares, Drawing and Paiuling, will each be undeT 1 theeareofa competent Profe*#or. By elnsd auentioa 1 to the moral and micUnctasi'iiAproveracatnf their pu- I nils, the Pnuctpals hope lo ment a conlinualion of the liberal patronage they have hi'hcno enjoyed. For I terms, see circular or apply to the Principals. I jadO-dtf P — HfENIX HRK BR!v:K3—The subscribers naving been appointed sole Agents by the maopfaciurefs, for the sale of the celebrated "Phccnix Bricks," are now prepared to fill orders for any 'quantity, at 821, cash, per 1,000. For the construction of./qraaccs of all kinds, these hncks fcave been pronounced by cam -1 netenijndffesnsbeingkupenor to all otlwr nre bricks now in one. C A M’ANULTY A Basin, my® Manufactured tobacco- IftlbXs I>amartine s*; 35 do Mirabgaa ss; ffl do-PutmanSsand la; ©do John 18 do 80, , bens ds Bisson ss; 46 do Heury A James 5t and *a, U» I do Johaa and Lewis’ Is, 3 do t» arwiek *uper Is, 7 bxs I Tobaeros, embracing some of the tno*t favor uebrands, on e-jgm PATENT SODA A9»i rIPORTKP DIRECT FfRWI TIIK MANUFACTV* R trou —The -mkr'imtxrs. being WB exclusive ira oorieni ot* Jam« MurpraU A. Soo»’ekria A*b tor tbi» maS m iw« "" J will comrnue loi»e>Tgeiy *up at Se taSeti market price for ettsh or'alpirtoTcdbtlU. Tb«v «fcr tu ibe *las* anti *nap m*na£wißrcr ß r *“ «r .‘—"r '^Ttu&kurn^ 7 novt_ HWHUfIy «1 ibwuUNUKY FOR SALK.—A wnalMron Foun- I dry 10 a flourishing town*, with PaiKpo, Toot*, £U , nil ready lor bu»i»ct.», wilt *q'd d l ' accomuio datiugtertna,orexchaug»M‘or Iron orgoods. Thw otffcrt an excellent opportunity u> a young man wit* small capital to commence Unrlron foundry l»u -secret ATKINSON. lst near Wood urrcl —ScaicTOooUag Stovea.aVnic*, dtc, ~ MARSHALL, WAJXAOK t rtf,- nort.J Church, corner liberty and Wood street*, iianofacture aiu) offer fo*»alo Platform* FloorandUotrotcr Seales, of tbo most improved quality; Cooking Stave*, for wood and coat; Kgs Stove* of various .stxej,. Parlor a nil common Gratea, fce Ac, They aIA manufacture the Kitchen Range, which ha* given such* xeuera] satisfaction to those having it in Usa, in all of srtlcb they would mpcettully invito (ho (mention ot iho eiuxciift anil Uia public generally. ... octgT-dif FiTENT SOLA ll' IaAJU> LAML’B—Aii axtemnve assortment of CoracUoa A Co’s celebrated manu facture, and superior to all others ia use;- adapted to churches steamboats, factories, dwellings, politic and private halls, and to all other Uses where s cheap, safe and brilliant light la desirable. Also,Girandoles Halllmtiieras. Canoelab nu,Globes, ' Shades, Wick#, (Jbimuies, Can4> Trimmers, Ac. Also, Gas Chandeliers, from one to four lights, deos ‘ "WW WILtwJN, iff market at bMrilw«re~Ch'taper tbaa Kvert LOGAN, WILSON 4 CO n Importers end Wholesale Dealer* in Hardware, Cutlery andiSaddlery, No U£> Wood street, above Fifth, have cow in store a very cheap and yrell selected nock of Hardware, imported »mce the.decline ot prices ia Europe, which they are determined to sell oorreipondinglylow'. Merchants . who have been in the habit of going •Ea4^' , ar« particu larly requested to call and loot through-jotor stock, as we eotmdtftnly believe they WiU.fgyqibtdr expcnces. oct4 OtUUISAL, *BOi,IVAU IUUCKU.’ jadgea, on a tinnldfxsne and adtalf ri millions, since iMo, pronounce ihii article ansur passed for durability in the comiuoctioji of ®ll kinds of Furnaces. Prtcfl <br loads of WMi guar} antecd nine months use. Order* »or.a Bolivar Bricks will be executed at :„**,x®* sired, without guarmivo. A stock of » s! JH?*sr»*n3 r ia now forsale at the warehouse, Ct * ■&SRB3Z&3BT • *>*>»*-* 03 bo r cMMi ul « , .^ rc k C*. a;;.,.-- -!.t V 1.5-~ »•*«• ,aKI ?«>«# its* OKS« *c aWsott • ” -‘I IVOW^
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers