\ /, : M U iitt.-nu sr > JSSTABLISHED business cards. A BJUiTTBONG.it CBOZER, Commission J\_ aOii)e»ier*i.ifl Ptotlacc, No. 2t Market street Fitubcryt _ J . , t aT»rsntJiuJ>- w - B uata EU3JIFJKLD 4: HAYBvVVbokaalo dealer* in Dry Good*, Grocsrig*, Uoou, Shoe*, Pituburgh manu iaeturwl-*r£jd« li No.jSQ Liberty ktreet, Pitt** burgh. -• ' i' » jas rksscKKX UAtni, asmbsk rjqtbb. BRAUN A REITER,. Wbplr*»lff and Retail ihor* (iswyeomer aCUbeny aitf-Si. CUir streeu, Pnt*- baigß, J**. ■* •- m:iyl4 cvumowc n, g, uuvn pBO\VN * CULBERTSON, morale UrocVr*. §) and Commission Merchants, No. 145, Liberty »l. FinsbatKfc.-Pau . _ _dcaiiy.' BA.; &l Co., Wholesale nnd Re. • tail Druggists, corner Wood and ttthst*. 'jy \ D-IGALEY as SiilTH, mofcaie Grocers, IS ana X> 20:Wo0a f »trtgi PitUbtiTfli. __ CA| MtANULTY & Co, Forwarding and Corn • QUBiion Merchants, Basin, Pittsburgh Pa. wrii. CtamiT. aau j. BEWttT. 0 T?NdUSH ft BENNETT, (late English, Gailugher Jul ♦ Co.) Wholesale Grocers, Commission and For warding Merchants, and dealers in Produce and Pitts borgh Manauctures, No- 37 Wood at, between ‘<il and 3d - • • ocll /T 1 FiOßfiE COCHRAN* Cotantiasloa and Forwardini ,V Merchant, No. 20 Wood street Pittsburgh. myl. H LEE. (aseceuor to Vwßhfr ft Lee,) Woo] Dea « i >.Qr*ndOonunui]on Merchant, for the *alc < American Woeicm, Liberty, oppotiic Cih at fei>l7 U AMY, . JONES A Conupueiop and Fo: JJ.ward:ng -Uorchanu, 4aTO. returned to their ol ' Water and Tront creels, Pidatmrgh. jafl wASiuw; Baimnofr:. w £SBeBSS2£?ss* }"«*. ... TTEALD & UUCKNOB, Tobacco Commiision Mei JLjLcttatiUf, ttNenKWatertt ft IS North Wbarre. fkiW ’" •»■*■• '• •• noTJW-if pSKSSsy JL nti**i*n Merchants, mul dealers m Prorfnee, Noo.OS Water, jthdltr7 : Ffaffli streets, Pitisbnrgh. non? T-OHN (encce»«ir to Errall ft Gebbart,) v Wboltwle iuwcer ud Commission Merchant, dealer In Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures. cor* oer of-LtberlyumEfland streets, Pittsburgh Pa. jaSS TABUS’ 8 HCGIttRE; (lste«f the firm erf Alno anil v MeGulrfcflHerfefcant Tailor,‘Bl. Charles Buildings, Thud totet; Pittsburgh. JAMEd lift. iHtJTCHISON, ft Co-Successors to Lewis liaiehiteri ft oa, Cenuninioti Merchants, end Agents of the Sugar ReGnery. No. owner and 83 froalsirtets,Pittsburgh. _ t anh)». ; , . T 8. ‘DILWORTfIft C 0.,. Wholesale Qroeera, Pro -0% duefc end Conuhireioir Merchant*, and Agents tor the Hazard Powder Co. of N.Tr.j No. 97 Wood it, Pittsburgh. jail JOQNZX MORGAN, Wholesale Druggist. and deal er in Dye Btnfis,Painu,-Oils, Punishes, Ac., No 03 Wooftattccq one door Smith of Diamond Alley, Pm*. Mtghi /.. ...... janl TAME9.KERB, Jr, ft Co., (successor to Joseph U. tf Chandlers, So "Water street. _ oettl JOHN and Retail dealer to Music udUucu Ihstnaaenta,- School Boots, PaperiTßatea, Steel Pecs, Quills, Printers' Cards, and Stoumtary generally,No. 81 Wood il, Pittsburgh. H/Twp baaghtot token ia trade. i«pis J. Bswsaa^iS&iay"* l ' T OUSfDAVIS, Auctioneer, corner &th uid Wood t> dwca.fimhmith. , ocvs J" 6ToiSit>S’» BTOCKTOM. Books* Utfro, Primer* P&jptff NiAufacttrer*, No. 44 Msrfret m, Put** JOBS JtOTD, - —J t WCHAJU FtOTB. T kB. 'PWVD.- (late J. Floyd A, C0.,1 Wholesale tl t CtowAi jj& taa Liberty wreet, . *cp& Grocer, Ocunuuon MoreiuMU^ld, dtiler La produce end Phuburxb HMtfdcnir^, ,, pfo.g| Wtu^ r ,t, Pin<faargtu janld "1/ Ifiß* JONKS,.Forwinliof tod Commission Mer- I* inProdaco and Pittsburgh tnanu- Centred Baauynear7ih.iL d«I T ■ irop Work*. r Co., nAnaucluren of alt si- Shrtti Boilftx Itoil and Nail* of die Deal quality,"Warehouse! tft water and 105 frontal. ,-aaltf , ~ •'/;/ - # Wholes ils Grocer, Forwaxd s. *nd Comansioo Merchant, ltesicr in Pitu- OBJSO M*nufi«iiure»*iuJ Produce, Nos. ill Water si and aa Fronts;. , ~ j.*7 ‘1 „ ,'**■ ®* H’OUA. WALT** C. kOB. Corntma* Merchants, No. lilt Liberty «., Pittsburgh M Jones, Morphy & f',* 'Ckl'WhoTeaala* Dealer* m Dry Goods,-No, 49 Wood roaet, Pittsburgh. • nov» ■ /, wti!' *r .innc£ ' wl k and Forwarding 4£JL« Merchants, Water arid . .From ms., between WoOd and.Markei us. janß n .. c. w ateKßTsos. *.RICKErrsON. lVholesoloUracenajui aiqwißwmofl Merchants, No. 170, Überty>ty Pats* u ~*B*tPn. jwn Iff 1 HOLMES It .SON, No. 65 Market st., see and •*■ \q. dootuotn center of Fourth, deaJcn* iu Foreign liy"Colihctiou* mod on ail the principal WJWghoat the United Haicy r ; fleet? - ocoias *. joins. b A- Ccl, WhoJesaie Grocer* and v/ duicr* m Store. and ttosburrh ftl*n aactaretJmnielaA, hrwri. al all times, a full and general unutatat fa Ueir line, Water fireei, earflfcftny Alley,. Pwabargh. *oir Grocer, Rectifying X\> Daujler, dealer in Produce, Pittsburgh Mnnafac lares, *hd all kiad« of Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors, No. U Liberty street. On band a very * a [f® ®* coperioT old Mononrahels whiskey, whieb wjft be sold low for cash. apl&iy *°**** lOßiyon. , asjtCßL b. soaxniwx. At’i [Md^COmimisionJiieichauls, andDealersin Pitts borgh Manufactures, No. ISO Liberty «l, Piosburgh. ra- jaalU T)O£EKT & .90.. Commiitimi aud Ponmdiof Merdtuu, dealen m ProsQee*nd Piliiburgti Manufactures. IdbrrtT*«L WnrtWgtt,T«.- ' ,YeW4 T)O&T.' A. CUNNINGHAM, Wholesale-Grocer, J|A»T)e»kr.iji?fpdttceßod : Pia»batgli Manafncwrcs, No. 141 Liberty, sl jylg i» O. UTBOUS, j. t. mu IISYKOI<DSJiBUEB| Pomrdiiiruii Ctnuoiuioit iV-Mereliams, fertha-Allerheny BiraTnule.deaL en io Groceries, Produce, Piasbargh Man uNc tares end Chloride of Lime. Ihehlgtestpricey fareub;pft2d at all lines for eoon try rag*. Comer of Pena aqd Irwin/ht*. janffl OMITHA JOHNSON, Wholesale sad EetaUDeaiers O in Millinery tGobtlA; Laces, Hosiery sad Fanev Articles, No.AOMarket streeLil door shore Third st. Ptttsbaigh. - • , . ... , ; *! a. c. shacxlstt. tdos. l wnm OHACIoSI-r k WHITE, Wlolenle v ftiKin Dcuaesuc Dry Goods. No. BO Wood sl t lebiTif SA W. HARBAUGH, Wool Merchant*, Dealer* a in Flour tad Frednc© federally, and Forwardin* and ConwUsioa Were bants, No. S 3 Water sl, Fios. -'.l . i MITH, BAGALEV A Co., Wholesale Groeet* Prod agfi dealers, fife £l3 Market Street, between 6th and fith,JXorfA sider-ttnladdjpbla. nave r.w»mc rensauitcH. • JoietsicnoL*, iuultlajtd CSZEas 4 NicOML Prodoeo and General Com- O mission No. J 7 Liberty SI- Pitubarrh Sperm, Li weed and Ls-rd CSIs. fi f- VOJj. UONNUOim,'»C^7wW^ioS &ss / -SrirJ s-aa , »*tio v'cassub*. M/' 1 w 5 wr^S^V® l^ (nKcMntoL&j.D '!• Grocers, Fornirdior ut>] Commission (letters in Iron. Nails. UW« wwrLu? coraar of Wood and Walnr «trecu. Pm*|»ar*L ? TITEST BO^VEN—Commiirlon and Forwardma If Merchant, No. 9tt>Ytmt at. between Wood and Majhct streets. \ (cb^j TST” W. W Alia CIV BIUI tune and MflUunmb ff « Inf establishment, No. *M liberty sc, near the cantt • ouy23 Yl/ ,W AWLSON, Dealer i 5 Watches. Jewelry] If 9 Silver Ware, MUUary Goods, 4 c., No. 57 Mar he*at. . •■ nov? W; R. MURPHY,Wholesale and Retail dealeriu « Foreign and Domestic DiyGoodt, north east comer of Mulct:land Fourth sis. aegta toeko. liuTa. K’cra*. \X7II. YOUNG & Co.—Dealer* in leather bides, *c. _W>-10 Liberty Ht. . ei jjftf.ai’cCTcnKJS. upW.M’ctrrcasoii- f' M'CUTCH EON, Wholesale Grocers, den •. **• aim .la Frodaee, Iron, Nails, Glass, and I'itt*. JjVgh Uanufaeinrea generally 142 LiWnv si, Fin*. QflSfr,- ■■ " decs 'TXT I W. WILSON, TVnieheaJjewelry, Silver Were, tv • and KiUiaryOood*, corner of Alarketaiul 4tb PittibHtgb, Pa. N. B.—4Vaieliem and Clacks ctTcfaliy repaired. . 1 dec4 hjtA'Pl'yKW WILSON, Ponraftpntf MiniatnrePairv „**f'.'-Rooan, corner of Pow Office Alley and entrance on 4th nearMurkrt. .deeg-dtf, «■ DcuflgkliMhl Apothecary, ••Sf JkJ&Jk* 1 w? «b, three door* abt>w Third «t Pttta- WftcoMautiv onhanTi well .elected as freabe.l Medi.lnci. which be 2tffrM?;S3. ,he Jß? rt reasonable Urmtl Phyridlana »®»ai««rderi, win be promptly aUendr d to,and «up- P in^£fei£f ir p*r ni * a s° n « Kre^P^o * l " wifllU accurately and J&o fa: «fe. «l„j, ,ux t of frM)) >nil Jood —— — ■■■ ' - 1 1, ; jant ~ On LtiiEHTY kr oi’posrrk - •• •.; JKsSSI tr?«M Pier T6{»* am? door.tic marble at a regular and farprica. i > 1 N. flv—JJrawmya for aontsaenta, ▼; eoj 'Of any deicription. lie aoJiciu j patronage. * 11. T.Robert*, at. rVTTHALMja tiDBGEOJT wUI att •Wc«W6/LPiscaaea onto £ve. . *W«e«liaUKbraftc!, of the raedr »f *ixi«a;rw*, and hi* condacted an sS!«BSir*f' lre,uaen,of dWweaaf the eye .corner cfSoi BTOUUNo. Ti Foam qaamitiif* of Orr<n and • iljmc np in uabrter, half, and •fpr lae* 1 j esaittfc^.«. * * .» s PlItT GAZETTE, PITTSBURGH. MONn a v vim?\ r rvn g -. "" .—= CARDS. *£pwk?T^*"z££ , £L‘ , ‘' , K,, " u " eo?i.e^ilSl; C ' <l , ,h ; ‘ ,ri " «< 'Vroßjht Iron Nwv m S ..fSSf. , si i “ss; “ w l,ra “ l ‘ ° r iron im l.Urnl i.n..l »rrtm"Mon_W»>i,Mj Fonrti ,U fekauu ;o' r .IX'IK, TBO».«TA?taKB,jr TOm. ffixrsux. Sim^S'l*® 108 ’ cla6B works. '_ij V. 41 l ' Q - ntanufaemrem of Vial*, iloiilr*. and Window tflaaa, keep raoiismly on hand a ne . ““nmcr.i of to< otove article*. Al*o, make w order a iup«nor article of Mineral or Soda-Wnter jjoiuea, of colored gla**. No. 16 Wood *u I’itu-burgh, ang3l-(im TXfILLIAM SMITH, Manufacturer of Cotton and a !J colored Sewnj* Bilk and colored Cotton Frinpc* for mlk and rarasol*. (.imp. Mohair, and Silk Bullion Frnier*. naufl lo order on Ihe »li»rtc»t notice BtOftS; comer of Maiden Lane and WUlinin.euirancc No &3 William street, third floor, over Abiter & Wvs •toye, Nti (15 Maiden Lain New York lylO I. HBSBBT, ’ MAXUKACTUHER ot Steam Boat and Fiwnly Blan- Batmtc, Cotton Mnttnt««ca and Comfort* of aU sites. Warehoaw, No. as Water itrert. PitM.ureh decSO pu PICISN MILL* PlTTSmJttuiirpA "J 7" ENNHD^, CHILDS a CO., Manufacturer* of verv Duqnean. Spring Axle, Steel andiron COLEMAN, -lIAJLMAN A Co, maaulketi™ «{ Coach and EUptio Spring*, Hammered Axlea. Spring aud Plough Steel, Irou, Ac Woret,«, **** ud From .treeu, PitwJnWh? on “* C °* Ch Malleable "VT BUCKMASTEK, ''v. - . P(. third door above Stfitbfield, aouih wJe* *" w “ i *•' i~- Eaiaie examined, Ac. W 'Vhole*alc Groce »7.Li*£ etf< V, n * P 3,ti[lerm ’ “d Wine i^q U “" r p^f I ®pcn« , n of Soda A*h and Blcae Mp2r d N °’ • W ibcrty Mre *»- PjUaborßh, Pa u PETTIGREw VcO., STtAAI BOAT A U K N T ' JEjiMjK-. Qmcs Asorx M. allbn & Co No. Jg Water aivel. i«?nSr. Tl^l?‘ l "“ !lCE CO. «<'-a £Kr3s"ss“ SS“ ° f "“''*• “ k “ “>»“ ““ lrl ' v *rehoufl« Of W. B. Holms, * Bro. ““ “»rk«l •*»«>■ Pual,orSr ' ,hu ““P"!•"»■< 'ii'o-uu,. ' i “ A U> Uui. cnr, WHO dm Jirouipl fn k U: ;**“ y V* * h “*' ""P 'loin upon u,L for loss hu been adjuifed, lull? warrant the asem in inviting the canfideuoe and patronage ol bu mend. ami the comJhwmy »l !»tge to the Delaware M :< i wu . roncc tjoiagianj’. While u has tho addiunmil advaniaeri M anuwnratnm among the noil tJoumhm.- I'hnuJei. phia— as having an ample paid-in capital. which hv the 01 ‘l* rh,r,er “ conatajitiy mcroasuJ, un person insured hit due .bar* 7f \hi> profits ol the company, without iuvolvmir Um ui a-.v , r £ f ?. nft '“ ,y wh “ U:v '* r ' »"«* thcfeiorc « posxeU* c Ihr* Mutual pru.etple divested of every obnoxious i«. ture, and m ui mott tutractive form n OT 4 rn {?{“ ASD MAEI3K ISfiU&ASCE. 1 *!.? fiT Lam P*»r o( North America, uiroogh X ttaduly authorized Agent, the eulucnber, odor* to make parmanem and luwted Insurance- ou prom-m m thu city and its vtcimtr, and on aMpmcm* nal aud River*. 1 * DIRECTORS. . iJThai Q Coffin, Charl't T.»l»r, imSMiV. k”’ Ambiw. Wblii, K,"”? 1 Bwi, «- riunna. 7 " Ac" o "’’ Join R. Neff, John Wbiw Rirbard D. W ood, lliouui. P. Copo, U rn. Wolidi, boinuo F. Smnb, Fr.mr. H»A™ Soinorl Brook,, s AIUI , ' „ ,v ARTHI R u COFMN, l*re«*t Hsitav I). Smuil), ttec’y 1 s, T£? ,n *“ rail^ i Ccrap»ny intbe Unurd State*, having been chartered m tTW. Iw charier i# perpetual, and frotu its high standing; long niperieoee -auiple means, and oToidinj all rub. or uu extra har »rdoa» character. il may be considered a* etferinr am pie security to the nuhlie, W. p J«||\V*n Ai the Counting Room of Atwood. June* A t o \y« teraadjVouf troeu Pittsburgh „’„ y6 TffK SUBSCRUtHK has been appointed Acem pro tem. ol Qie tnauraacc.Company ol North America, aim will issue Policies u.d oiteiul to the pUmr busine.. ol thr Agency, at the warehouse <>i Atwood J«m> . a _ W M. K „ FORWARDING & COMMISSION b«E*BOWsS¥cil' THBICt’U liumaiSSßS SIEtU’iiAMTS, No. £9 South Wharves, i..d No. U 7 South Wmrr st _ I’ltiJ.A t'KLPIIIA. E2JS to inform lie iy>uic and dealer*, generally, of PitUbargh, that they; nave made such arrim*~meuu wuh the Virginia manmociorrr* am! the Growers of the West. West Indies, and other niaers, u» will Injure a Jarye tunl constant supply of tW tolto*i« lff desenn- UOIU of Tobacco, which will be sold upon jt. neroin modaXmg lerai* as any other hnare in thlfa city or else where, and all rood* ordered from them will t-o u-ar rented etjuai to rcprencubuioa: Havana; SL Domingo; Conn, ~1 Vura; Porto Rico; Pinna.; Ueed L«if to- Cu^ un , * Florida; i bacco; ALSO-Branch » celebrated Aromaue Smr Caven dish, with a large assortment of ether popular brands and qualities of pound*, Si. Ss,ia*. 10* and Xis Uratv «, 5S and 1(M plug; Ladies' Twut Virginia Twist, &e 7 sweet and plain, In whole and half boxes, wood and Un. together with every variety of article belong ing to the^raJe. 1 BABSET, NKSniT T m GARILKTSOnT , fLOUR FACTORS, rwittce, Cora mis slon sad PortssrdlnK fl K ECH AS TS , :• No. a No*th Wiubvzs, xsd US Watkb »*, .. „ . , PHILADELPHIA! , Rbu to—John IL Brown A Co. , Robert Steen A Co. BarcroA, Beaver A Co. f *“ £ Bdelptua. Smith, BagoJey A Co. j Alleu A Paxton, New York. Walters A Harvey, Baltimore. * Bagaley A Smith i Bnrbriage,Wil*on ACo I . Bailey, Brown A Co. / Pittsburgh. _____ Rier A Jones, j cash advance* on consignment* to our “d""-. .. marQihdly r ' VI' 1 CIUSI4BECKY. tUiWt. W»Ti:)i. ELLMAKER, ECKY & CO., . flopr’pactors, ’ And General Conmiuion ilarthßnu. s N*. 13 South Wat** St**kt, REFERENCES—-Henry <.nU i J Cincinnati. A. AI. January, Msyavtlle. Ctuulea Baalism, Jr., l«oul*Tille. IHiuJli, Humphrey* A Uo. ) Mercer, Uro. k Co. >PhU»d'a Heed A Brother, \ Dutilb ACoimnery, New York. WOOLj PZiOOU AID PRODUCE. Hffl Art, BE ii D & CO., (Successor* to Reed, Hard k Co,I OESE&AIi COMMISSION MERCHANTS BOSTON, M ahb Particular alleotioapaid to [he sale of all kinds of Pro duce, and liberal advance* made on romuenmr ma. u 11. k Co. have leave to refer to— Messrs R. Robison k Co. > D . " McGill k Roe. S ruishurgh. ‘ Bred, Parks k Co., Beaver, “ Lawson fc Covode, Wcilsvjilej rt. Boswell Marsh, Esq. Steubenville, O, P. Brady, Lsq. ) W F Peterson, Esq i ~ M.".n BCnDila iCo. * > Whaling, V, “ Gill k Stout, ) . “ Rhodes k Ogleby, Bridgeport, O oerS7^dAwntaylfl9 . . fftTciVAlACffll, - Receiving, Forwnrding aDd General Coinmu non. Buclmnl, N II St. Loin., Mo. i» Uu. m.r£l ."S “ or ‘‘ r " “> Po'-hulOf Referent. S ail business promptly uunnaetrd . OEOHGE COCHRA V ommluloß Forwarding Merchant. t j uu ComniMion bu>i ew Man'uJacnfrri ,alc o( Ame ": remanliog Good* eonrifn£i£ i\ d *jpd Ibr Manufacture*, he w<it be A “ £*7‘ l J " r Ihe principal undo of ttuTbundf u IUY *uppbed wtih lowe« wholesale ..nee" of jX 01 are re*pecifull)[ rolled. . “ ,ld tondguinriiu GEORGE A. Berrv WIIOI,EBALK caoeMns 1 FORWEUISG AND MMmssiON JI“IhAST, ,ro "’ NrRh ! ?<>• 1° woob rtatrr. rrmmiiuii B ; wm.ii.oi.ahk. Forwarding Merchant, Brown, cute P« Attend* purucularly t'» the Forward.m; 01 IVulluc*’ For any information. apply to FORSYTH a r . !S » CAW, .Water «t IMM , _ BtßUc£H, Ba6'rilfClls * co.. COMMISSION MERCHANTS FIiII.ADKI.PUIA, f lZi f Tot the sale of Produce generally. ID" Liberal advance* inode on con*ignn»«-.o|. in94-d*w«tpT_ Tranrportatlon 10 the Kant, lIOEBBY & COPIAH, Commiuioa and Forwarding Agenii. G. M. lIAKTON I ,Pittsburgh, wilt receipt I'roduee coins EojL fcblSWSim I) 4 t: - —CXHD. M. EGOLF, MEBCtIANDISK JIBOKKR *no Commission Mer chant, N0;35 South Front urcet, (Second vusry.) Philadelphia. purchased, packed, insured, ond abippod to order.’ Vv’oai, Flour, Grain, Dried Fruit and Cheese received oa consignment and »tor age, with insurance obtained. teb-dam InlUj 4e. furnish* *fure of public anyb-dif . - :ini ;to tlu? treat- DRiEa> FiiAOIIKS—dOO hush superior Halve*. 10r Bale. feblM _ W’GILI.9 A BOK CIIOCUhATE— wUbxa Nol, Uoßloo tuid Baltimore manufacture, £or,saieJ>y ,_J TeteO • WICK k, M’CANDLES3 ROUND FEPPEK—IO bxa purt, for aale J»r VL *■ WJCK Jt AI'CANXJLESB_ BEQ>—s7* bHa p rime Ohio &rcd;i landing v trorojicaruer Beaver, lor sal* by ,4: BAGALEY A SMITH. tuilniky •( ami •eita f.. ;ii INSURANCE. JAMBIS \V7 WOObWEtL,' :Uodprfl a D(f AnUqn? Fom It tire, Siuxar^PrrmxiLiiH. lll jF*' constantly .... bntui and n.Lle io ordrf Tbr present Mock 0,. birnl cannot Ur exceeded bv w»y manufactory m the western country Prrvm« wi.Lio ? IO purchase would do well to *.ve me . o»Jl a.t lam determined mt pnee* id.all plowe Part nJ the (tiU’k COIiMJI. 111 - Tele a Title; BuiM Ltaqeie L**"* Ihaui. qurrn JUualwlh than a”. I ‘T , . r Frtul Table*. 1 011 l l ÜbW. l-OW* \ V Coramnder l tench Mahogany Ib-dcit-aU.. Piano Siooia. < > 'M u.i a » with Plush and tlan-rioUi covara: •'•0 Mahogany Buck,nr n,atr» * 4" dot Pa, io( Jo ; ai •• I'.nrv .i„ "A renuv Table.; '•** pair Uvan. 4 pair p.rr Table- 1. 1.1 marble lop Ur.-»»m c Uurraav "p ” Woidrolx-*, - Se«-,r(anr. a<>,| |t.„, K r u.«J '4* marble lop \\ j»)i Siao.U ;T 4 pair Ottoman-.. ‘ ! “ |>aif (ahoy t\ ork Stand., iunnor T I**** a **® , *««riu «»> common rha.r. «mi other ! lIV Slr.m llo.i. „„„„ »6« o.i the mo*, rr.a-ouablr term* dorlS 1 vv n l . ? horoi *«*i Tocoia, Ac. " r ' * V m ‘ n '“ , ' J Frrnt ’ }l Chocolate. Pro par* .. , '" r< *’ 1 '‘ roa Drama. Cu.-oa Sl.rlU. Ac idlaiMtiiT J> : I Ij‘!!'i ,, ’^' b, | a, " i «*»» xr'auU purchase I‘•uef»*Dv * S « w sy; «"» ! f GLASS Maituiafturcr*. and Wholesale ’ ihr subscTd-er recommends the aliove nnirlc*«_ W if' I"''’' 1 "''’' ,ofr 'k M ' 8,,,, ‘‘‘"Mcit,. Variety tiomU ( manntirtur-d by bmtsef. and atainpe.l with hi. naiw! mr3u .r r,1 ’ U '‘ U ’ n,,rt a »* • »*»* Mniniq and Onroa 11o.tr, a. dcUcatr. palatable .<»cj^aodr l9 m “, e , i, P p,„ c . a , lJljua . | J ( .-.mr .iork. ! a “ J *»luiaiy dnnka for i„v*Wa, cwKahJrnta .ml ~L Ur ‘"f**" 1 ~' r rrt * r ' 1 'acduir. ia manula- inr j •♦lhers.nre pronounce! by the .non cminrai pl,j .leans Wr U,uik ,rr “ ! ' rea ‘ ” > f >e - r ' ar «* »«r «ttirr prrpnnuwit* Jlu maimL turs. M.ufe <>t,U>r '* a * U “ y WotUu- <*>«•»>* on .air, m a„ r g « Wltit y, by u.o £ • ,-»-!»• rrartr. ti.r ea.tern and £ ,hS, ri«i^ >U * oltttlon ° f C °P»«’4“**-«Hlp. V' r3y 4 ,7’ • o{ Ud«an; Jtunr. Mltunre T«rtf wimnnorahtp brrr.oa.fe o».*i,«s umi. r tbr Unruord. llluomt A Murray, Nrw Vork' X Vtoottiro.W TmeJritk. ... .br rou.„, JS ' JraiU A Tnoma. V lirundk^Uaj: ; «»« **r 1»W» dt*«oirrd OT nutoal rou«:itf i lucwrf '' fa *■ Benneti. Cincinnati, (th.o 1 n>c wili be ronunarl a heretofore by tiro.' ' V Al * T *2r Dwbeater Man* | T * ,,d »>** bttMßcaa of the hrtn .ruled by ...m, ! J^ r ** ,e h > ““S 5l BAOAUSY A SMITH, Art. ! i P V..SS, co " c . «KO T TIM.I.P; j Wrought afed Caat Iron Rollins. li a B. wiwui. m-.rtm.Wn b« t 0... io Mam lb. jwouc Uuu A they bare obtauH-4 from tl>r PUat All the iote and y t RJJF-JUr.D* a lor .one ~mr l.rr.n , hr taken „ a partner'. ih.-Lanu- «m».e patter •. W ,H p=..„r eall and^^ST mit ilh a «oTcre ps.imi U>r 4l de aud cl.r»u aecottipanird •: 1 0, ‘0" \ w»* «t the Kraitkl.n Mil T).r '«r tlietn.elvr. Ho.luie will U* fun.whed ut the ihon wi»badrycoujfh,l vea>. unlaced, a,Km Uie urnm «>!j- w ~u* r«i.l,l,*i,rd. and arfi.r.l, a freer- 1 nm„v.. and ,n th* brat manner rL r '„ , cuuon ota mend, to Dr.Taxior'a Datum of luver- T Wc fwr » »-h»nir :o r...a C e : «n«l tteoeecj Ailert.rny c ,iv andl , mo -'«‘y ibwmeJieina ha. an.werod H* ‘ ,>r , ,^L C , b ‘ U Vi?"- r ÜBOT.TINHI.K • •“«»■*»« A U.MONT* KNOX My dmreu was produ.-rd t>y a 1 .«l*gjdlw-\Vl,e*Jia s Gai I teoeUlnß. Cupnia* * n d BlLai*- cTu.d T“‘ U '" h d ‘ ffitu,, T .< l.ave uu. day ..seated them* j «• NOEfflS. .sSfce.Sr u» d A? I R D^®* y . dkuLi mUliaTe ter^nae-dIT- 41 ' '*” ""**** ’ AjfflT <£_** of iran..ou. 1(C a IV. No K Fifth -tree,, better, Wood aS SL fatal di.ra.r- had u J t-o««umpi.oa,or raise rcl *iJ Dry <iood» and (irorery [**•* Fre.h Irr-onr. rumvad monthlr—aticiulanre ail »Sm To dl IZ t T l, y clou ‘ “ •>‘® # pherty. oppmuo Seventh Mtret. omir, m/i Befermrc. .be ptrywman. of Aii, w«.uV *» ,1 ~to prolour ihetr live., r »«J lo 4ad firm of HI’SJIFIKI.I> A ||Al s 1 gbeny ami Birmiurtmin » Ailt, won * r U ' e t°A f i?^J ril , y iV, r .‘ P"'* m of Liver- Pittiburph. January J, ND • » mo.t rhcerfa.ij re.-iunmend to the nhr»ir>ai« f um Taw medic,, e faen.^r^roe* U^ wery , lo i'i ! t O “ ,0 !f 4 «tomrr. and the pubLc are p.v.tod | aml "ty former fntndi and patLw. M* f periorprrpuratjuu iur the cure and prevention of all _ ¥T i\ CO-PABTIIKBBHIP, ' worthy m ' ’ di»ea*e. m ihe Oi.e.t and Lumf., and .bould be rrao.i- \Vffi B K and Capt JAM KS ATKIXSO.N M _ M B ed to. even u,ter lfcr.e dweaie. have reacted the u.u- C ? t .C£. t L in, ° P aru ' e «hip. i.mlrr the term of I ... I! v* , “ reU Tob «c«0. aJ remed.ra In the practice of ti.w old and vrrv rr- AFKINSON. and will carry on the Tin ,4N il X f 7. IL* K *’ 3 '^* lrr * * u P« rlo r wil Ipa, fpeetaulr phy.,can. tf„, Bai.an, ot Liverwort ha. ac- Co !?^»f.?' 1 SbrvX lro, ‘ W are manmaotory l*° w, M w Uu “. r ' * "* * QUired an enviable reputation for tu vtnura. a. .up«-. , Al *s*j»» a fk*nmhlnr in all iia branr.W at the old ' !« , T ‘ tier A. Harwood* •• Hor to that of the abundant nomiranu af the tlay.Tu ■ U Firit .treet. near iVmd “! *J° 1° . {°„ “l« “ wa. the character and probity of :u ,nve ftW r, to that ™2S ~lmr * nc ‘ m °n r»«n to »WamlK>ai work , -j do do J r« r l k Harwood “ ~sAii, ” of quack, and empiric. °<J>t M doj Robin.on - •• Kk - : : j : r, dkJd ,o»c*hokke»C..MIta23.SSTnv.W.? i ill? ■ “ 3 - «»«nk. o„ 1 ' ■" pear. tin. medicine ba* fully restored hw health ■•¥ worted -lock o, Tritnmn.e. and Iwv ; 41 "‘’ rtJr *» “"d Hi noni. wharve., ui. n tfop MlA GALLON, 14 Norfolk street 3 they mv.io the attention of the ,u! Hiuladoipbta Sold In Pm.bttrrh by J D Morgan, M Wood .t . J aud cAfttxy trade. No KJ Market .t, wba- rw \I A Nl l FA «TI;KKD ToHaCOO-ot ~x h! > .Jot.c. Towitw-nd. « Markets; II Hrny.er, cor Market and - T'HfcFABTNKRSHU* 0 f Wat tu h at J h#<uir l Son * -oifttot sweet lb lamp., S •!io Mr b^?T a & l ' U ’ J * L Prico 1 dw»olved by tbe draih o: one of-thr parhten « ~t* , p,M,h,r •"penor .«.-m i. |„ mp , toiLUiPer boule. JRj9i •, *bem|* e .tofWm Hay., Jr., deecased. m.LTd hrm .. • dkyues'Rxpcrtoraat. co , n o( Hide*, Leather, Skiri*. Oil Ac w, ibe .«! t.rmry A Hov*v r •• I. A&• •• SALKM. ColumhtH.l.l CO <J Anr ’*4 t*li • sold oAjVne premise, on the lith m.t ’ ' I»i.jm>,ii iJe la Kurr) " A. and Uie aifUcted public., to avail my.clfo/ihwop- 1 ibis day associated wub me , k . , J.. . . l-ttwrvncc Loiner •4»AC.,pi tt g portuiuiv of gmug pubtK-iiy to the extraordinary rtfeou -L soltf.Nirocen' Produce „„.i .’!!« the whole. Ju-t lar.dmg ir.,i U •latuucr.and for .ale by and its concomitant dbwmwa, and lemri only dot.toed i«njS»y J M >»ll.WORTII | m > ... Philadelphia. U^Ar^1 * r‘“* r, i ,al ‘‘xiMeucc, until T^O-rARTISE n«.I r« v* ~ r ,W. AJ. OI.KSN, Book Binders, simj *° d i v n^ K i w uo,,v -- b “** n^ — 1 *' njt?4ne.« will hrM»«-- ' Uig . .r-ti to all my farmer remedies, and Uie prr ecnpuom o( two of the mox reapeeuble phystriai£ it fae neighborhood w.ihout denvin* any henehi, or the conaolatmn of aumv.ng bm a few day* or week* at fcirthe«t~wl>eii the loat fleam of hope w.« ufam. to Titnwfa, I had recommendeditojnr your Kinectoran.-. and Ueaard by that Being SftHTdoe* n]l thine* th r qaeofihemeaca-PH.lrontfiy lo » - arpecutior,. of rn> pliyp.ir.Bna and fomd*. | 4a« in « |rw day* rajred from nty bed, and w*. enabled by the n»e ot a bouJr to Btiend to my bume... enjoy, n< r,„«e brttri health lhao I bad tor ten year* previous Reapectiully your*, he , J*„ \v FVntJ. For aale m Pm-burith, at tbr Pekin Tea Store,79 F°Hfih atreet. BX. A HNESTOCK A. fll *S Pneumonic or Cougb l • Bhlmiiii baa a gt-at advantage over many other i t ougb pr.-pariuiom, n» m pb arant tax.-j.rrunu n to I be umd without inconvenience Hut n» value a« a Hai*aai <'oii»ihLv in Uu- ipeedineuot iu mr.- We h«ve known »oin« cl the nui.i deepertie rough*. route of wjneh h:ul running .n lor a oonMderable- lewth 01 tune, y.e1.l nl.n.pr, i.n.n. .tmirly u,u M fnvn in *O.l. wenlber r» We have ha.i d.mne Itir pant winter, every m.*> i, tint.!e m lake entd, nule<« rreai precaution* are u ,rii. Wet feet und undue eiim-rurr to the inclemency ol the weather often lay- ibe luundahou of hsrkj.tc * v " ri ri ‘ mn, ' Y ,0 lirrYrm We have mm.eroti* . en.hcntev of eorea wlu.-b it bar. performed. many «.| wh,< i> are (rum ~e eity nml the nn,.h(,orht>n«i mul iliry ltf e » .ntlirieni reference vruhoui .ayinjr ..noil,or word in ... favor T*AHNKKTim'k’'** T*' u l “ ,l -* a ' f ‘ i a"<J r»tm». by (i A I h A t.o, .-outer ol Wood and l.i n „d Woo.) niwl Mb »h. fabdl-dJ, wS NKW AUIUNUEMKNT. DOirnm li w. MuKItU-ihuv.i.r m.-ontl/our.-hua ril Hie Drue Slurp li.rmrrly owii.hJ l,y || a ,, * ilrCM'kivjiy, No -j ('uimn.-mai R u w l.i). rr i/ Pm»lnm:li, lakr- till* ninhoO of' iiiforntiiit; Ini irirn.N ami Urn jmM.r ,» S rr,rrni, ,j»:U In* -tore will ut rj I tiuipa i.r r.ipphrd with „,t r|t.-i.*.ivr and gotirral a»«orIn rut ol IHuri, l>/r .-muIJ.. I’a.i.i*, o,|. V Br/ii-lln, JViiuinrry. 1 . und .ml.-rd rvrr> ar in ie raiir.l 1.. r in a-If i.* alor.-. M.i.-h will uiway< he •oia »» low a* al >n) oth.-r l.oti-r ... l|,r <-ny, wholr «alr or rrlutl lln|Hl.ft U> inrnt u .harp of if,r r.uhlir |>a»rot.av'r, nothing •hull hr Wantiny tu qivi- rimra .at isfa. iuni to hi* ra«ioirtrr» m»»T i«|i!4 ilfyilroiiadty, or the Water Care. Doctor ijknja.mi.n \v .moiuu.s, .i,ii (•onunuc* Ur j.racln-r lint «ulr mill popdl.-ir rnn.-.ly C aUr*» 11 ) 'lroj.ntl.y ~r thr Walcl Curr. an.JU drsifr J will irrni iila.-aj.ra A Ili.paUlir 111 Iy . 01.4U1 nml eaim. will t)r UJ trllilr.t In j.N.lnntly * U ~th Morn* may ho r-oiuulinl at hn |>riiß ryiorr, No. -j Coraoi.-rcu! Row, l.ihrrty .trrri, dunn;; ‘«i*iiir». hour.. nr at hi* rr-udrin’r, inoniing and rvrn ” I K. 1 run vtri-n, :i d.x.n l.rtow lrw»n*< allrv uuv7-U|>M i 8 r“ l ° ecnif * nt 1 PurehnnitU one vial of lh. McLane’* Worm Bpcrite, Rome two months ago ‘o° *°' l *•( none, wimr rcvcii year* old, two ..*? !’ an * l ■Mouxh Ui** amount may appear n?* 1 1 have no doubt but lh«rc urn* upwards 0/ •mm 2®°*’***® w«iß3i* paAßitf from him, measuribir quarter of au i»*>h 10 two mcheslonr. 0„-, r . (i w iioijjday Roaai Carrol eo. Trim , Dee 27, 1-47. ja3l gW-UUL**'VKUMIFI-Cil-: IN ’ Mr U V w,,-. CoLOUBL-m Jan. fill, UrtJ». •and l.al bc. « l.A U en V rT l^?, 6 ‘i" F* WcU ,* 11 Kfnm 11,- , '■P'Aen of liy u|| wtlO tuiVS U«*li vour VetHej..»^ CC,r “ «hc administration of I b..« tiparj »(, 1 u Ihau I did 1... ' | w I """li";"* l!" C ” mra , l f »'>:?2~»*r-, v». s^ s;: 4 " [Extract from Inter .1 R ’ .. m - e JVepaxed and aold by Rp. upi . ( ;. *X,v;?- , g& ,a b, , »ICK 4 JU’CANDIJiSU LAW OFFICES, t WM. TINfUMN, ATTORSRY AT LAW. Hutlrr, Pit W* 1,1, n, *° " 1 ,, »° M’Ueefmns and all oih<.Kbn«i rJi.likr»v n, Kriir b,roi " ltu,l *' r and J <\ R Kioj-d, l.iiwry »t i ■’ "■'V Wiliac, 1 1 .M-nliaiJ dr, f Pitt.ban.it. <ll> km A t_<y, Wood «t. ) *J m n H wJi 7 * l ?* l AUor,4 * :5 ' 111 •'*» *U V t oppoutr St i hnrlr* H.v. l, Pm.«bureh witf iIJJ aurnd I'roiupily to Coiienioiu. m Wacbmpion. iVyeite and Green eouiibo*, Pa. r% •* ur ■ RKKKR TO Blackatoek. Bell A.Co., nT^ii 4 V,iT " iU, ‘ n < >Pm«bur?h n r. Morson. j T,’ J- HI!NKV. Attorney and Counrvlior nt Law —-fv, nr ' nna >»-• <’h«o. Coflcet ton« in Snuhem Ohio. r„'K- anil kVnturky. prompllv and tare [ , > Gommisjcionrr lor the Slate of Penn -4n Ar' 1 " U>f taJan * acJmowiedKupmu, Wn, ;. ltLi! A *°i. Curu *- Church A Gi.rr>u,rr>. Wm. Hay*. K*<j.. WtUuck A Davm. u» . , L ,„. JAME9>. KERftV A AT LAW. Odice removed to Fourth •*-*- V, r^ r k between SiiinhGeld and Grant street ja^-d2m ± r Smith iiel<l, between 3d umi 4th in. JUM.N H.RAXKiX, Auoriiey suu) Connsdlor at Law ttiKl U.nmn»«oncr for die State of PemuySvfctiio ot. Louu, AJo., Hair ot FiitaLiargii.} * n i l t f ’«f, >l ' ls ;" P,luburKli: Uon ' V Forward. ijsmp ton 4 Wtlle T , M’CatuUeas AAt'Cture, John K I‘airke BusclU 4, Semple. MV-ord id King. Jcl4:lr ’ A JOHN T. COCHRAN, rTOßyyy AT Law, Fourth street, betwiee’n MiiUnfu-ltl aud Grant, ]ala-dCm . "WM- Cl PRIKSD, 7" A TTORNEY AT LAW, Fourth street, near GHdil _ ... jaletlly WO- H. ROBINSON. Attorney at l«nw. liqh* re . moved bis otbpe to the Krehann BuU«luim;Mi to Alderman Johns a|tl7^ HATS. CAPS Ml) BONNETS. FASHION ABLE HATS. «B» THK subscriber, in addition to bu own Jjf munaiacianiiff of liau. bu made arrange- « «**»!««» with Mr«ef* l£l*e 4 Co., uhe 56. i * I *! l ° r " <,f 'hocUvof New York.) forart*- SiijSf y ®' tu * cl,ru and having n£t ™ c *' lV i { « •’•'•“.willow can ho mitcd u'lt* ver> rit h and bcauuiu Vhal l>y ralluix at lm new Hat and t op Starr, SuntiiLeld .treet, aeeoud door .outfi'of m “ y 60 fwu . ud a K rral v *nrty offfau i. r if., L h " matiuiaeuire, wholc.olc and lair. Ilau made to nnlor on «hort notice . JAM US WILSON. ffl| M’CORB A CO., _mMii ML » <Su ‘ ce,^r * lO SPCord A Kiurl Fashlonnble Hatters, I Corjtrr t,f ll'on/ if/i 4 FiflA StfeOj'-' T)ARTICi;LAK aitonuoa paid to our Retail Trade X <.en«U,men ran roly upon Ketuii* their Hals aid C*p in.cn our enm>u»Umem 0( the bjctt matesjal* and of Uio Linar „ TLei Bllil #l [fl( . Uiwxsr r W « U, !fT.. A ! Brrh V ,,, ‘ t-y wholesale, in rosprrt/ully tnvtied to «ati and . lamnir our «*uw4; *• wr ran * ov r.onbdrure U.at a. retard. ouaiitt b"ir“n^^ t ra!. 1 1^ l a , “ ir,,rina '•° rU >’ ari - 0 " /ll HATS, t’APS AM) MUFFS—The .. now reeoiv.ng iron. U>e£gl. ot Nc, f wt *. a choice oUn s . ( d,mand Mm].. Imrat 1a.hi0,,*.... ereatVaxfc. t> amt very-c-Tu-ap. who Jr-a-e and rot-d. srr “‘ var ? r r . vr . _ JAAiKM WILSON. • —— Vd dew w.mh oi 4tK.. M EIUCAL. imj-ohtVvi' to Dr. Kose'j Cclriralrd Kfninlin. ca„ , ‘D^ior U l'Uy*) Ta l, U J , ' <U ‘ 1 ‘ U ‘ °! ‘ b ** »-*>«* ',r?T * M “ " ln.vrt*. ::;:r •4 , v “' e 1,1 Uu “*““»«* tab<r. ,n rnmu-.noU ' VIL 111. | K.|.iiyUro.< .S)rup Umtull,-, .„ 1,,. r,-n„-.lirk •r iU‘ m. ti>i(>atalrlleil flliuirinv , ;1 ,- uflll n; Jrrj.tfui an.l ratal u, a | a( Tul.rr.m«, .- I’ bes u Tr u '- ? iha * Ot h,. rr,n^^°« r o U l*; il . t ;“u,' > ' a u a i '‘ , ' , ‘ C i; u,,Jrr ,h * «•* --M^uTa;;r3 vastly a£ I£Z?ZnZ! n 7Z'"' ,n " Mn T - '*^y , !‘ , *| | t) lUr far nil) t<> liar pmiv-rur. u,!....:• .1 1( j i r „,,|, ~. ’ 1 , ! r-‘ u 3 j>uU*i»c*Fa«at a bar* m.I ,* .uilu-.rm lo /■.’»*,!!!»!, lia< l>eea Ktid 111 ilu* unml* 01 ihr u«»t ■i'-un. ai »•! Ijc aJtliricd are amird n, ~a j j u ., 01l J,/ r«vr u ,eo-ra|.Mo CP(([! i ie Docior-M.amj.hvf, U Tor' «l a, ' ,, * uni ° f «- ar <> all< l >:,t aj T l.."at«„£ , J*** *‘ r '•> ll,e ~W“ >S afruU, u» i»«n a* t ,r nu? s l'' DrusffMi* Uunuptioat Uit ti'umry y ; J Jj*koo««,a*er i I*o, u Wo«» ««•«**»,un,** * J M r«wn»e«J. drw c? |»t. (3 Marker « •• * i V " " e “ r ,hw V ° AHnrheny rU)T, Jn.llarklev. Uravrr rinmij. {>* 3 ’’i. Jni* } J(>ou. Kiiuun V j,i< y, •• .. i’ T Aiiaizift, Beaver. u novJU-dly Dr. UcLant lu Tennessee. COPARTNERSHIPS. plMOlutlOtt. f- k.,. •o O .2%?ZZ'"-Jir£!; I’ORTKW R JAVHs Wf»oi) <»bUJ. KIIKY Fel«tuary ii_, . . Co-Pmrtner*hlp. d 7* ,üb|, «*«Wr» hnvr Uif* day assooiaied a,.-tn*rlv*« ifcr (T ° f RK ' • “AWIF-WS Ik Cn . for Ik. nrrj.ou. of ir,n.acii» B a em.-rul (Jror^rv,Oomrat-non '■“■•.l ol- m* I.l* 6m. lh '’ 7 * U> ’ T 1 "”' lh '>' wlll b ’ fo ,5. of 111.' Lun.imrn „f i kou,,. gW our fricirdu 081 RHKY. ['.February ?. 1 »40. lij-ft,, I ’, U ?- k ‘‘ P 'r tut r ln to ibe confidence Wour mend* ami th o *c of Friend, Rhcv A Co.. our j3?cc*<i»or< m l.u»mrs*, Rhcy. ilnUh'-w* 4 Co. PORTER R. FRIEND. JAAIKS WOODS. jt, u Dlitolation. 1 *?*■*'eo-p*rti*er»l»lp heretofore extcUMT the 1 .übfor.k*,. ,4* CorfoUKc, Burk* i .i* Un* ds) dissolved l>y mutual cdnaeul Mr«»r» fdt iJljm.wl l oeiUctUe Wmes« of the con- Wrn. for whteh purpose thej are authorised to use the pwm- of the concern. NATHANIKI. CONSTABLE, \;r KOMU.NO DURKE. '• THOMA'fi* HARNKS. |Th e undersigned have iW day n ..oru.ieti themselves name of BURKK 4 BAR NFS, for the purpose OfraannfaCTunnf l-.re Proof Safes, Vault Dooja, »e. at the stand of ihe lute firm of Constable. Burke «£Co., where they will he pleased lo receive the pa- U»unge of Uie customer* of that house and their friend* ?■ EDMUND BURKE, thomas barnes. .ila retiring from the firm of Constnl.le, Burke 4 Co, •*mii sincere pleasure recommend Messrs. Burke 4 *-J n , c *,! 0 lb . e of my friend* and the public. P 1 l ft 9 NATHANIKL L'O.NSTAuI.K. (L J fcbirudtf , , CO.PARTHKRBHII*. KENNEDY have this day associated jM with them m ihe Hardware business. Philip Wil -3? 1 arid Edward Orpfff. The style of firm will herr ♦jwr l>e \\ ilaon A Co Thu arrangement ren tt)r» it desirable to close the old bumnr*« ts »ooii a « possible. All poraoiib whose liabilities have luntnred *?£ especially requested to make immediate payment' •iPmaburjh, Jan J, ’ "I; WIIiSOS A CO.—lmporter* and AJ W ho esale Dealer* ui Foreign at.d Domestic Hard- JJJin*. Cutlery. Saddlery. Ac. 1 90. IVMd street. Pm,. WRhiare now fully prepared wall a recently impor l*d stork of Hardware. Cutlery. Ac .io offer very great inducements to weatern buyer*. being determined io eftjmpete in price* with any of the Atlantic dies. Al •■Wjpn hand au extensive aaaortmem of Pmsburab Hard- W V* ybovel*. Spade*. ForU, Hoe*. Vice*. Ae . aljof wlucn will be *old at the lowest manufacturer * Pjf™ j-inl "i Dissolution. T? H MiiP* r i ner "^ P *° loa f e ** ,an S onder the firm or JU M Cord A King, was by mutual consent dissolved °&tbe let m*v The business will be closed atthe old ifeftid !#• either oi us, using the name of ihe lmn for tMt purpose. Being desirous to have nur business cJj*ed with a* little delay a* possible, we would ro re I Br *> the** indebted to call and «et»ie taoir account*. JOHN D. M'COHB, *«» 11. U Kl.Nlii J - ' , Co.partn*nhlp. OHN l) MH'ORD having associated with him hi* James M’Cord, under the *tyle oi M'Coid *J6<|.. will rouunur the Hul F«p and Fur business in hlt'its various branches. wholesale aud reuil, at ihe oldiiund. corner oi Wood and hih .ireeti, wbero ihey solicit a eotrurroalion of the patronage io liberally t>« StSwedon Uicmd l.r.n JOHN i> hI CoKI) fj®* JAAII-1S S Mi'oKl) IS reuruig frntn Dir old and well known f,tm nt iui'V.ir.l A kin*. | te*j>ertil!v recommend Io Ui«i palro.utffr of ihe putii. iuy *uc.-*<ot. M<-*ms I Alford .t iX. II D klNu. | U DISSOLUTION. H«F partnership of Ml KPHV & I.FK «. tin- dn lS«lj»*oived tij uiuiual consent Th<- Itumj.. •* <n ihr IjUnii Will b* seiilcd »l l.ra J R MCIPMIV «lUburgli, Jan :jt», 1 --Itf || |,pj* TICK-- The u "<!er«ifued will eontmue n,e Woo.' Ri .t attend to th* sale ot Wooten u»l., at ■ r <o!d »unJ || Lj j. : from the firm of Murphy A !<*■. I take rrt-al plra*ure n< recomntcn.lin,: Mr l| |.ee u. n.e 'tinfrlrnc.- ol my ine»i)« -ind tbr pul..,<- »’fcJl«burrU. .I„n JU._IMM j R. \U RIMM Partnership Nolle*. r |ls>MAS KENNEDY, Jr., eorner o. Wood ,».! 4th i iQ reel*, has Ihl* day n««orialrJ with iniu in tl»f “ I'Jft* lavrrtu Ji >i«rn J**Ui*r. |. ]-p» thrr K&n!'...' «"|| ». -oU»t R tbi- Ira- ■ , 04 VV«NHi »iii] Tlit.l <tirr«|«, Pm»l>UfKh. wlieir *sastesu? \ R »m;M' - ,»m wa ™. BOOK TEADK. 11 KRANKU I N.’V»Iu«r Wfl - ,r^u^ *tk?n&£Z l \ °V n r^ C f oo *** /orTD - t,y **•»»•<»* Hr 9** Ijfr 0< Uct, ) am,n rianWu».«-a h ls Aoirtbioifraphy, and a l, *', C A 'ir Hnd fc<,rv >«». by the Ee» II Ma-tuva \\>! riubc.ilialtrd by oumrmu* exqaiaiicaJj'Men ” t n , nttd ■» >ke w.™ t “ , “ i ''»<“« >vf. i> t'u i fli t.o«o7|iervHU (.j,,.), f.ari will rrvfivcJ i.» «- prrjH imllK'iliaifly a<w u« j»ulilirmjf,n iWt !-• m Ir- l( , r ~l r JuIINKToN & sKTi'CKTON, M‘ purnci niarkri ami ;>d A .is kUI ' AV ' i ' ,I|sw,t VoK KM.LaNl>—Froi o* J« n *p» l| - Vul |. - i,vj “ ol ' ai »H| map and riif rkvinx* sJai, l a;,tv” , "" 1 " ,ta K ' r *' oi k ■>■ ; cot. Al.Wpli- rn,:rav,i, K i:i,v ‘ r,l Sf ljl '‘ l " «ptp»idullv U) i.uitfrcrti. rx< ,m.im •V POiojljamd HI - „ou,u*ni Hi'ior> u, Kn*U,„l. up i» the reen , *“ ‘ vol, ‘ iW illuaira • Jn«t Dslieivr.l by fvM-l: RlinPKINs * Apollo Uinl<tiiiK> ll)i*l M A , 'S' l ' AV « llisr »»in oki;\(;i,a,ni>, v..i i ■V \Vork«. Vo! i. I‘iro II anil MJ , «>' NmnuOiil ti»»> I'arlhaffininn: l.y J 3 r.,i Ullr, mji|» and uuiuemui rurfi:. . A.il.-r'»|(ifnmunT s„d Khrlli, l>»-i.c»..nry. rvtt.vo « M l ° r T.i C f' I ‘ ,Uir J " 6n: '«•«• >».r Kr.-n.-b M f Ji-a fIHI. li(U«tr«trij. """ ‘' ,rHr A cnllrrlinn ... 11...1- A IA .I,■lu.r.ir 1.,-. Mm, an. Uofljt v.i-1ii,,,, A ral.ufi) \,„ltn 1 j,„ Ic „„, . ju*l rrrfivrd |.\ -1 H..t.,n oi Mary ljumi o{ K.-ou. Uy Jscot. At.lH.it, w.ih riii.ruvniir. l.. : .orfi P rK,Mer h u,.~ K.m, „( By Jacob Atrjou; with * • ' Hutoryi*! Alciamtrr U„- <wc«i. By Jucol. A 1.1n.C, Wnh cnxf^vmK* Jl'fli.ry,;,., Hanml.aJ il,r HyJncol, Alilnm; rn^ravinir* a ,„| ( ot ~y R NOPKINs, Apollo I lull, fth n Ji»MNSTON A STOCKTON - ■dk.. c . Cor market und .'ls u nAI.IFuH.NIA, OtlßfiON A. TKXAS— . tl r 2!? ., ,p ,nlc * ll authorities: Ur ». Außd«tu« ’ *? h, ‘ *'• accompaniment—Hit lonral, De-rnp uyf> and Statistical. For.ale l.y K HOPKINS, Apollo Buildings, 4tli sc iLTATIffeMATICAL INSTRl r MKNTS-Por Pniw aU. >ng-*ln Kbouy and Rosewood caj«e*, with or ttfithoal Aftuu> color. For sale by J . a HOPKINS, Apollo Doiidinga \/f‘'J* PENNSYLVANIA—Constructed from the Vouffiy Barvcy« authorized by the State, and olh- M original; documents Hevued am] improved under loe supervision of Win. K. Morris, Civil Engineer. upon S? 1 * P roc Bfsd in each county, under authority of the a few copies of this larce ami splendid Map rceeCbrd tins d»y and for sale by JOIINHTON A STOCKTON. Booksellers cor market and 1U sts PTintTrr-For California overland eumpatiui., t<-. ceivett yesterday and lor tale by h ls'; W' W WILSON ... -AIN HOTEL. I* I <« H T STREET BALTIMORE. I >ocg *?n> TiniESTtin, rsuranmißX. |CBr THIS establishment long and widely known as Ssa' m,e “• the most commodious in iho city of «** iiwlumon*, bu recently undergone very clten *ive fliicratromi and improvement*. An enure new wine ha< been added, containing numerous and airy 1 1 '^5 1 ,,,n 5 “portment*. and extensive bathing room*. I lit Indies’ department ha* ol«o been completely Jvn* r 5 ., Y >,10 i* a U P * Q & moat unique and beauts , c ' n , * cl liie ff “ ole arrangemeitfoftbe House ha* bren remodeled, with a single eye on the pun of be proprietor*, tewnrd* the comfon and pleasure of ir One*tj», ami which they confidently assert will challenge companion with any Hotel id the Union. *T* r uU, l lc . w,u always be supplied with every sub nmi»! ana luinrr which chc market afford.. .erred Sf'''“.lTT »'VI« "Wl« In the way ofWinet to, they will not be surpassed. In ronelnsioii the propnetors beg to say. that nothing ft , Umk>n '? 0,1 the,r P arl > «" d ou tao part of their a»ii«uinu, u> render tin* Hotel worthy the continued patronage of tlirir friend* and the public generally f«li 10rl,Qard have also been reducrt 'to the following rate*- Bnggntc Wagon of the House wilt aJ SISh b «nH OUnd al l ? Cor an ' l Steamboat landings, of chaw COnVL ' y ''fc**** 10 a* l * l »om the Hotel, free ' - -- raaythf i.kvi Matthews, wm. EBBS. exchange HOTEL, M COK, *pk 0r P V" ASO ”• CLjUB «*•. nTWßtsaa. pa. * , *u«»*onber having ajuuncd the manage* m<-iit orihi, long c«tolili«iied and popular Hotel, D..i.is. re,p lu,nouace * Travclleri and the Public peiiecnUy that he will be at all time* prepared in "" de-imble 1., a well Sn2hil^ib Jote, i. ,1w u .oaiw i. now being thoroughly EEli ~iM ro * MC,w,l, i’ a,wl new Furniture Jded, and no e™„ k i?' EXCh “" "* “ f ' *• reepeetfellj. relielu . eonUnoenee !eeS»Zf n ‘h”" 1 «>■ Heu«« he. heretofore I'fSdi' TUO.MAS OWBTON, Proprietor. _ i-AMAiIfINB HOUSE. M“ °H,^ P V n A !° nTTMtrjaJL I life. »ul>wnber respectfully announce* that he hn« n.nv opened hit new end excellent Hotel ■ , ,. lor lb « *ceoinmodauon of traveler*, boarder*, l?i? u °,.K bC Tbe house aoi furniture ' *'“ l »°i*“n»or expense have been ii rC , n f Cr “ ■ onc 0 lbr mo,t C£ »ntortttble and |ili*e«ont Hotel* hi the my. The «uh«criWr ■* determined to deserve, and there* tore «Alnnt*,.a »barr of public patronage oftU-dlv JACOB HOUGH. Proprietor 100 PER CENT SAVED! - T OPPOSITION HOUSE. HE VIRGINIA HOTEL, on Baltimore street, near the Depot. Cumberland. is now m complete order mr tbe reception and aeeoaimodatioii of the pabltc; . efson* m tearrh of ease and comfort, will do well to patronise tffl* establishment—they will find the ch&mbcr* clean and nice, and the Table a* wett fur nndied a* auy m Comberluul, at twenty-five cents guaranteed a* good as any that ran he had in the’ pl«re, at any price, or no charge. No charce for trah-tpomuon of baggage to and from the car*. jalA-ditm WASHINGTON EVANS UNITED STATES HOTEL, ' "“»»» *» rap m PTOa Tt UP Disk o( tb, Enit-t PPu- Philt- Jslnhi, M POPE MITOUELL, Proprietor MISCELLANEOUS Ub.,.1 Ibw.ks ruled b» any pattern and bound sub •tunnu'o itook.j,, nutube,* o, o |dl,ook, bouYJ rare lan, nr -rp a i.."l Nairn- putn.i tf ili)en*„ ~‘ u t «»»vr\*oik in o«ir line nre mme.l to ell true. ow tnyAJtl HTISA&IIIOAT Bi.ANKIiTS, \ JT AM PAt'TI-HKI> to Order and furntebrd nt »bmi ITI noitt-e. wuh u.c iiaine ul die hvai uici. tt bn..,- klu Al.o Cotton.nod Husk .\Uma*«e* mad.- m the bc.l manner, tot 4 *«o l»w t-nce by I HF.RSI.Y, _; :»1 V i r*-.tl y Ware hon«e, 29 Water si / jai.f skin>.rfm.. P eo,-.rMe-i--,v»virr.* l 7 si*»;7 - » v.r\ fine nrttcle AI. w down. Plulndtlnhin ' « M.m the itiamitueu.ry of H M Crnwioru. 10 WM. I. th- mi. b.K.» ulekrfk |. mwlted J.i.-t ,e ' w vnuNti a A 1 v V' •'! - hS.No 7* h.,.ni. 7,, .77r” <r ’ " t'' l ''" ,! " 1 vnt "“ , v nI ‘“l> flovnl V, I t I .i>l~ A-*.. Ur..-. »!)7« 7, f <i'|’ iui<> Udrpcu, ui »o|> Tat...- f.im-nj. (haprrv Itamunk*? Mu -1 *”’• '• ’ ’“Hi*. «*«;. X~ , to ali or wliirli i*.; .•«!! gill* attention ~r Ho- ’ NOTirtS. I I A\ IN(i -(.id ..ur .-mire Mori 10 i’ l( (;**vr. with I.A u v,.-.v lorlo 11,15 oiu «•■*< I-umii. wi hcirby ~>• II mr Imn li.r j VrullHif.' Ol all OUf fnmd*« &,nl fur- Hu \V l'ii|.N I‘KXTKK, „„ . k , . Till? IM iINDUX I KH. 1 iiuburgh. Aug. lUi, If-ljf. ( ) *||.**R A .\\ ]iolf*nl<- Grocer, r<imnii*«tott and V,/. MrrHuim. No. 41 Water*!. aulf, . JOHN NIIKIUfP 6i CO.. — \ W 1 B-ll Kiiumlri. „,d il ..lu. uircrsol till kinds of I itung* i OI Si«n„ Zj <*'»>'«" .»'»l I™.. wv. **’• * ‘" f •''•“in. gn», mill waifr. (ruin •_» m i©-i m Hm*> t'lMiing* nmilf i«, onlrr M-o a ><■■■■ r.pojmmriu o[ KvIN »ihl t,H.«l,c,| U rn »« VV,„ t ‘ lo U th, fhimWi. D.. 1 h,,,,,, Uu.ldr,, 1* IMMirularly tiir*-. ■«:<]. (.’» I'uuiig* put U|> promptly and on reasonable n "' -fptii-.i1.,,, UKj.l. AND UU.ASS bOUFCDKY . A J- l-I/TON, Bell and llrtm founder. baa re- IB ”uiil and commenced l.umie*» nt hi* old -land,' where he will be p|ea>r.l u> wf In* old custom- ! “ <•« wml ittcinl*. Cliuri U,blf.amhoai;dud Bell* ofevery *ire. from 10 to lii.UUi pound*, rust from pullent* ol Hi r. inn-i approv ed models, and warranted U bf ,x ll.r br»l ituuermU. i'ini'i;il \\:,trr I'ump*. t’oonir r*. Hailing, Ac . logn ilirr with every variety of lira** A;**tuigi>, u required, tuniad tind Um«lird in the ncuic«t miuinrr. A K 1* the cole proprietor <n lUinur'* Asn-AtTßl tio.h Mx*r*L, *0 ju«Uy celebrated for tlie reduction of melton ui machinery. The Boxes and Composition caii_br_hadof)HmataJlUiW jadhly r.vuu 1 PttlSTlNiO PAPKE. “ I UIK smnnnbfr* huriiigldbc exclusive Agency for * el *»ue Ihc Priming Poner of a new and cxUumvc |>opcr rum in till* vtcuiily, will be at all time* well »mv plied with the different «txr«jof paper of superior qaaii i). which we offer ai the lowest regular price*. Any *i*o or quality will b«j mnnafaf lufpd lo order at •lion notice. UEyNOJJJSisHKE, r "" . corjirr I’rnn ini Irwin *l» I tJUrrmilii—Juni received /bribe t-aUiormu K*pvdiUoii, a complete asdortwcni of tio =*l price* ranging from CA-hU m for «un of pants ind bat. For sale alike R.I.b., D,:[ioi, i W X)ll «. j * n pHillip* 11'ST ttKCKlVKD—'rbrec V celebrated tluubnrch Pit List, Thaluerg tuid other gr< with a large u*«orlmem of rc of my own mnnufoctart,. Tl warranted ta Im perfect in e< *old low for cash. deda No ua w HOTELS Bo* ton Cop(ier Oottpiulpt' lo the *rm Of Copper 100 Works ttnTno* P**!*®!* O. tol tolr Snrell- «ol top F°’ .ho drlKjry i!c the nrdina/y madnupenoc to from oin whlffirfofcj^ kcU ' !*«*. U obuuncji copper i»perfsotly-imre.Mrf ,® ,ne ” 11 fuhstancia. TJn\ re«» ofinieltlaff, and^thi!.T*fo, notmi, !” d lhc P™* - rod for boll toeffl, rollSii?i^ c K™* l ? prefer-' Ao it l. not U.i toSi“ to erect work* for lUTmaSnfJS* °S ti » i »,<3©rapan* u lhe to wake contracts for the deiiJ?~ , /?* w^t>^ llEp P ,: ' InjoUk loach cttke for rolling *7 °, r ‘- l ,J a f ofm ** wish to-emSartr m the bu*& 4c ' 1 10 lhoBe who m *7 vrill S' I pUuE r h bl^d C f fr ° m Inille,, doc.».dto CHARLEs’'l's E K ,^““"“'in. JL “?; DECEIVE Dp j One elegant Roscwoqd Oi oeinve .i d pUMh ' pro) " u ™ »»* "s* penor instrument. Cll1 ' B * u S?rT d o t* rou " j “■< °-®*»» t!™ Pi"’?.-*)®*™ comer. Ll Icf. rbese Pianos have improvement* in the mechanism m stnitemg ami covering of the by no other* ui this country, and are at oocefoe be*t “*Tai^? e Pte»o« that can he bought ALSO—An elegant lot of CUafcarinf a Piahu*. from ALSO—One elegant rosewood Cabinet Grand Piano. 7 FM"’ a Uew ,nven “on- HENBY KLEUKH, At J W Woodwell’*, ;Q Third *r CHICKEUIIffG’9 PIANOsi m IIM. ly>,l> ’ H. MELLOR, (sole Ageut for KHI Chickeriny's Piano Fortes for Western TT # r"f|P? nn »r< v »ntM No. 81 Wood street, for ■>)* >K. ® Pltuhu rsh. ha* received and uow open S' “““l dime, from manufactory, at Mr. Chjckenng's (Boston) prices, ihPSloS o^? 00 ? ‘'^' n ? C '“T' Pi ‘ u "’ Fon '’- in „“°S *i«l nrh ntyleof Uoi. XIV. c,rv ' d ■«- »nd im- One rone wood riano, 0| 0cm,,.. nrw J-”*° carved, d a. *• round comer., R octave, new *»° panne) “ c •• * „ „ ? * ar ** all ,rotn *i»e manufactory of J Chick. « rosewood fl octave, Gale £ Chi. N V ven™’ < vSrk , " UV ° P " u “ > ’ m * J ' e “°" *R i.l 0 “V"” m Balumoro, and led «nl, m<l to. Mb bp lie owner, f or c „ h or „ aMe f C for P '”* ' Ur l rh manofaeiure.. or rrocerie, »md .blejbr.eoontrynrore. Price 8W ,ail * PIAHO 31 r file. T H T, S £" T"’ Jenny l.md P<»ika; I havp left the mum* clad Hii's R-u Iwe and Oi.l Pneie Mej.' do„„„, p„tl. : .towhere th.- mint arr Hill you ctunr loin) niuinnam Jioine ••rave m It,, apane. ' No, ne'er c*a U,y uome 1- biiiic Oh' Susanna, Wood-Bye; ’ Empress Henrietta'* W»|i>. Hen Ikiir Joy. that aeVe ivied; Aili-m M.Cuu'.iiren ieouiuana Belle, Klhi.ipi.i, A new edition of Ht vrsa'* PujiwFoa-nrlvaMnrrea rL P ™£,^ Hunter'* large wort, eomaimag on pag,,, g > oo Harrow • Piano lone {’rimer * £ IlrrmiM Method tor Piano. .. ~ (larcaait * Wutuu- limrucior, •> Panseron* Vocal School. .7,., Rohhock'* Piano lii«irucuir. j V, Koiaaloby JOHN II MKU.OR.**' ■ * - -- “1 wood at \l R ,. viE A, ii^ AT,,ls 7‘ ri: iiTrnrATi:Tn dr Jr*- J A ’ Tbi. that immediately alter h«v.«.« attended my brother, wh© died oi consumption ! ,'J i .V laken u ‘‘l> w nh ilie Comnnapuoa Li \ *'wplaim. .ml wtt* mlured to low with U»e I )>;«'■ I •» unable u, a„e„J u> nry bu«inrm«, ciiipr at home or abroad, belrie for the ! ,me '°- mr M - *>“™S >l'« abd’ve^ rf, ) ,U iTfc npendrd for turdieai attendance o J2S *' ■ rnw.l raedtrine.. fo the amosmol »«. * u , rr.rfrm* any benefit Ihcrefrom la ‘ takn.g Hr J n> „c‘« R1e.1,. r » . nmi bsrrwyen I «M ever tince, mul bruevt that it wa. by persevering u, use, Uitt I rnn non iruly >.-iv that I finer eomnlelrfr reco rrri*d my healyi. | Mirvr dial Jayne'* aLihitc Pill* wiJ fjpccioram are the best Uurtily medicine* non* in I mill., in Spnnirlielde Ouego roomy, N, Y„ and I«j r Lw, * ~,r" *r «iu»p in d.uipiam, *, ”LIL iniere.trd in any manner in Itir tnlr oi dir ILJ.OTO medicines, and make tin* certificate tor the irrn eld ol lll©ae aiUictrd. HIJJAII FATnV Spnnjrfald, N V.Scp, 18.,V ™J° V MANUFACTURE TOBACCO—The *ul.«rrißer w»«U call ilj c atirniiuu ©i it* rU y tra j e al (J •wjew.renemlly. to u,c following l,rami, t“* „ • nona which being eo n .™cnT. dil reel frd»n mannfnciorer., he u enabled w *, "“J <vn price* 1 ai ra> “' 139 | lixb R W Crenshaw 5*4 7b I ** J_me« ItoJinon i*, Tl J ** Mirai>cii.a j*- fi I . s.’auj 1,: IJ I KouerK A Sl««on * I ‘ >»car Burl it 9 l John* A i.ewi« |«_ ■1 I Warwick, »upr Is- I • Usury It Jarne. fa,' 1. 1,1 I-P'VATKIUUN P!tt Machine Worhe and Foundry. HrrsHCloH. e* * J°HS VVo?i Ki, \T * C °" *”/ rr » >Br^l lo Iwud Colton U and V\oolen .Macmnery of even dr*, npu« n dueb Dr*w.^J n |v M “ rh u'‘ ,, ‘ S,,,nnm F P"»nw«. P Speeder*. y llfioc*. Warpers, Spooler., 1 Lr C A F • ‘-ard (inader*. Ac Wroucht Iron Shawms turned, a.I »jir* oi r,.., ,, rou * M * s: Slants zz v -is: lU 6 Factone*. Cast Iron \V,„d o w Saab anjfa ,rv S “XoJTci 7 1*™*" ,6ft ,he W^hoiiifl A Co., Übcny «rccc V dl kavr prompt alien. Co R » r VV® iaek,u ?*' * Co- J. K Moorchead A !- : } ff John Irwin A Sons, IVtuburgh . U 1-. AJ H \\ arner. Sieubenvdle. latiiw H Peas'Uachin* Bhom WllJHTMAN—Manuracutier of aOl kind* of cot a ton and woollen marhinrry. Allegheny city p a 1 ne abOTo work, brin, now in fill 2. f u ?»n k 1 T 1 w order, w.U. d,.patch for ail kind, o machinery iu ray line .i,eh a* willow* p ekrr*. .preailar*, rarrta. ? rwdjn f macbmcs. nuwara drawn,e umm-,, .peeders, loon.L w«.ol C n rards. double or Mnele, for merchant or errantry work and h*uiilaihe.ai»d laol/m gen eral All kind, of,hafiing made to order orr.lunneiv r,, H '**'*"*•** mat* at reasonable etM *‘ A 4 lV » U “c*-.ock *n 1 .!“ • K “ 1 ?- 1 eimoek A Co- Jas. A Gray COAcnfACToRT, M... ALUmuENT. A WHITE A CO., would re*|«eciAillr inform . th# pobltfl that tkey huro rrwicd a afaoo on f l-elweeu Federal nud Sandusky street- -|L,, i are now making and H rc j,spared , (J „ fl |,. r , for I u ni,UU,, ? t ' v e bi. Ir..CWI, M . CbnrKrt',. |„I Ac ' whl ‘-“ «rom\|£r . 1,1 ">« manum- lureoi the nl.ove work • r ,«hi'V,* r ‘. U,C ' '!‘ eV h " v '- IJ,, T ■‘•eiconfioeui ihrv af «.’ ■ ™ ** U> do work on Uie meat reasonable terWvriih I iho.e « anting articles m iheir fine “ , Paving particular atieniioii « u litr srl Pc i,„ M .>■ niatr i V‘! !! "“ m ,i,j ! ‘v • 1,0 ‘te.n.iiiou 111 wurra.miu’ u.eir Wlll * \\ ; therefore u«k ilir at’enbnn niuunin ' ! Ji, 1 .« .. 1 ** r,,,N jaSOrtf U«»d <lu*rteri foi UooUaudßhof. Corner of Smilhtield ami Fourth st* ’ r Iti lt o"! ""‘ I ! ' h ”' Whoi.MLlo null lni1 ' Wnu ‘I r<l*-mwllUflV invit- lha 1- i.V’w.'S" 3 ,, l ’?" IIC " '"'"1- .p^nalu Ikm-' I,a „|'7,• rrtTl ‘ ,,, " , v "I m-nV woinc, - .. «oiuiMo am| , »tMn. f a'! ' vrry /MruMr ' * i "■•i-r ck.i aii'i •■i-nmne loruuf -8 TRUTH .V scoTT N R -'.W.' f T ,fh !r W * r,H *•» *»'• on band and low tor itosi,. ju l J l i.'l l,lirr*i «l VJITER FRENCH UK(I,U)«T.OTHs~\V K Mvb -.-orunenl V" rie« oi r rannv I urrhnsfng ihr.r rnod- , r „ ln nie roniin„..on me/rhanu or a*rMs of the rminumm,. re «, 1,0 .« enabled to *eii then at ihc low Clt possible |>ri«-e». Also, olive Jfrpen and nivimble tfrr.-n iTniti* vory Liieaji. wool dved l.u doj and Frem-h British anil American CAKSIJIfKKI-J*, Mud, end f o„ey l,|k and fancy •aim VKXTINO**, (tent len,aiik r,oc»l. n!*f ke r h ‘, C ‘V ,acJt i amJ fuoc) Cn » vat ' l > U*w>n Ime let llJkf». I?i,tiep"lurla, Uri.wcra, Ac , ui Ujc luitt l . vomrr nl 4tli and Market street*. Wholesale Room* up atairm. feb“U illoQoAßAheU Livcrir Subifl. ft_ ‘V Bp:B T kV- ‘•AjTeSmS hi!? large Mable on runum* (hrounh to Wetland KSSS& " V 1 m •*" lhe f**orof lb* Monnnnhfila ll nna » mih an new ,tork of Hone.. ihr l>«l quality Bad Ute.t | lorM , s k cy m the !«-.« maimer. ; iti,, ** jyftlly ra»i or »•«•«. Hun* th« only e« a J™ 'l""*' for ih<*«frlo<’lf», weTinvr Ute kim-ci nn i ,|, r** itirnl «„ Oa U *™ Md bnr * 1 nroMuilier, «• are uoi u L*-. Ul „fc ri , > | ll rrrrsßUßuii htkei. wuakm . v ., AND “•'JUNG ISAAC JOXB, JOISKS *. omon ,0n " T WD, ®°' .f&, i .<*llla - , , r " 1 '" 1. nei Ime4 OycriShMs .“I, , Jn '!K r,:cm ' ,ftJ - * u»r« 10 aay ever “fered iVuhi citv y) lcU '' Ml l’ orior c«n be bad tu «bon ? f V' J, - l \ nn 7' usm "V IAA.J, jum,„ Ue ira^"”\wi“,t„r‘ 1 __ J k II I»MLUI»S w-ft" 5 lto ° u - « mure of ihoae *0 iu«uy . nos, used eon*(aauy by 1 at performers, together tewood and mahogany, i' above instrument* are cry respect, and will be PilUWfc, ■od st, 3d door Ctjom 2th ru.NDLISS-tDu l-i, Mould \J <on«ignmfm and fnt •■h- by ’ °° *' bSJ 'VICK A. M'CANDLESS mkcellmeous, j A A. MA»o*\ ACo, 60 Market aucrt, hare ja.t j rV., received another large invoice of plaid Lomr , 4.. d Square Shawls. bought 25 per cent less thantny previously received tbu neaaoa. any Our *u>«k of Shawl* i» now the largest m the citT price. trtS, tlu. dole wul bo „ p „ com leu ihon „ former jalS /RENTS' CLOAK TASSKLsHo dot mnh.» r ~T^l iSotirK? ? d ° * Uk t° dJ i 2d ° <*° fin® do; 10 “"™. „,V’ ito wiu ‘ u,m ' a,j » c**. LKATHKH HKLTV-andoa bi* M olfcllk j n [i ; .jo d.. do Morocco do. ado ml'd oo; u ““‘ u , ■» ”°W!> ZKULU.X ICIXSK'-s. d7n„lc,., T , A , DIES ’ TRIMMINIM-idoa 1,11 Loco Demi £»■ r: Jp l inv Il l tt9 "i r°' Joi . cor<l tfccr > Olovr., 0 ’ Koarth « Ij?»^ e r D oV KRS—I ’"V 71 w Unen Table , 1J ln “l ,cr - ol common figured, dama.k and . ntm drop pattern*. Ai*o, Rouia suit! Scottb Bird Kyo Pm • SUACKLKTTfc UHITK, • ' " _Mwood'.i ' .lull „J^^ 3MrXme l a ' o( U»»e <Wnbla«ood*; alw, ul ,lt,a ‘ r, - lu: «o»hriniabl« do, and a chrSi'r:, 01 "'' j >■='>•>», .po.«d,fo; •*r.siifs'£=r“- b '»"" -jh* * A A^HtSS}JSS^', M “""iiTssris; '.?; „ J '"S'"' '""f of Linen, e«et „ ,1, ' r °o*pn,ini, iwonly diSenuu “' V “' *• •< --?*» »^nssrs- spr jss and mo.i ~„|„„„»We ,i,|eeimponJ All order, ,iTTT. -r f , > “ ad ® m this eilv. J “ t:T o, " 7 "* ju.V,«UJr Mh “ WL '' °‘ v *^' o “• .apply S S , “* J 1.0- Uid r.tX"7j|™f,L4“ “.W.J, " ,rr “ l .»..- . “i... « n «d„'f o ™”'?"' d °i «■» o— =&?«» V:S; “*i-» »„H „,1„,, „,|| aS”" e " lu "r 4"*~- - •too.' .4-«. i-.ar- uarehJi- ' ln Jj W JUVfily— -J& i 6 w, d puu>in Ur»„r \Vai t b | u *' dctarhcd »* •> Cunrd < 11 p?*'*' Y,1 Bt • chain*, hrary «vn-t a roo.nlcir I, », F PlD^r Rin S*> p cle other jewelrv ni * “7 J .^ .« **u»i wii car f tju S cr br'W pins, A 1.0, nUv-r Sal,* p fe locke ‘> !•“««“. •iueldft, ix-uHI, in u, ‘ BM ‘ t^im *""■*■» thimble*, u> , Kunit, I‘ncklri, slnie*. toolh * ud w met* drc4 W w WILSUfI, 7 67 market «i, cor 4ih C wTS"'* V,JHTKS - '"OhriWw Fre. i lL *•*’««» .luu on liarni « !«* v . rv ChnauJ'iH ' t,,lr ’’ 'W Wilrtl, for A I?, 1 , ,‘ lU ' ' vl .™ h ■< ”»l»p *« redapril prf. ii“ J* 11 ' «"l mw-rliu, w*«y(e I jnrn rsmbnr Hilkfu. in*. T i A Jr K | f;f> ! lD *~' Vh,tP bt,,rk l-WCarx^imW m*"*. d *' w|ma antl MRrk *■««* futlrrUereem do C^nL^ i *. rU *’' H - i . bUf ,* ,U * Vc "‘ i plait » Kwuch'Wotk ‘r'.ina.-.luiut uiiiiuiiU .uuuil.ig do; cfll.M ruff. iu« '' la i Ur \ ll, ‘ r ’' owut.nr lulkr's gcnbid»'doiloi * , ’ opera Ur v brad .lrc»*r., arUUWaI Ifowera, honnot *7* •"7 i*‘‘ "’*’*'‘vr4 ami lor -u>lr whole «ale and rota.l, l.y y U KATUN * Co, C* 1 ** r 5 ’ fitftardiat t»AI AM) (T.OAK TKIMAI'IN(W-tsSJ do* fern. n»»oi!r«l Honk | $ ;ro«s fifurrd aJUr Alntl m<- Jilo.lo Kiriba.i do, yjo i) u ,)nU< coni dot 6 dodraL ..vcn oal Inmon*; *.dn flll * „ lttl btimma< [*.„ lull an WWII.R, iu do do Thread, jmdJui*. can. n.?VJ* U | * ur Ullula’ UM>. C«UlUll()y on hand. dro* y j, fciAIUN A Co "N KKHH (iu)]i,v,|' )| Kama A Co. ■»»• r-auaiauily >npiUtntl 'V.Uj it Ulg,. a.*t«J 0 hd.Cr a*aoftJlloM of »*ik <ruiKu» uuU ruhju, teitoi nl>l*oii» ami braida, la ce'S!,nK* owbrunlrnr*, gtavc* and boiterv. tfpnts »}nru, *ui(>eiulrn 4 ml luiJfcr garment*, iJertui woolen ywtu, ncfUlo*. puu, buiuuu, Uoe« bobbins, A«.; »u „j w-bicfe IW> od»r «i tbe lowest CB *h price* to inen*Wm» and uiltci», *i;Uuir new am! cam. w»rolnm*e, W Kuutih st, oc»r martet. nns» Tnuasiikiis, uofigv and' fAscv 10 *k V*' 4 v;t ' ea^r * iu Trimming and i • JlalifluUshny, nave rcanWotl train tlieip «u m B, *‘ t h f. . . A llim^llWO.V&On I.MdM’H «t bi.u pyjterEno Kunm~jm z • ...... »m „iA, L rwlmaSlN? w 41 w»t*r nods? train it DRYVARIETY GOODS. Pall goods. WM’CftiIKTOCK. !• now constantly receiving hi* • fall Hock of CARPETING, Ae., comprising one of the largest assortments dver brought tbthe mnr* . . ket,.which have bttnphrehased direct from ti® Im porters and Manufacturers, of the latest and newest wylae. and lower In'price tiah evef offered In this city, , to which bo invite* tbe-aUemion of those wishing to furnish steamboat* or houses, before purchasing else wbarr. The nock 'ednstst* in part of the following .. variety, vie : ißieh Aixraium Carpets; Oriental TipestryOil Cloth ■ “S do Velvet do Plain colored • do »*!,do Tapastry do 24 feet wide **do Brussel* Jo ft-1. 7-t, s>4, 4-4 A I oil cloth Euro ruperU ply do Stair Rods , super do do 1;M, M and 2-4 Drnggeu Ingrain do Stair Llncos Wide do do , Rosewood Oil Cloth Common do do crumb cloths 4-h 3-1 A | Damask Embossed Plano covers UVeniiitn do do Table -do , 3-1 A J iwl’J do do Figured. Table Oil cloths Wi | plain do do Turkey Red Toilenett :*!’ i- Ii IA tM cot. do Adehud Mats printed cotton Carpets; Sheep skin do Kxira sup Chenille Rog»;-Juto do do do Tutted do Alicant dol ne do do Manilla Hemp Hilton do do Snowdrop Napkins Crimson fig’ll Plu»h; Diapei Towelling Jw Crash UniljM Cloth M and d-4 Table UneasT; Blue do, for coach tm’gs; Traosp’m Window Shades Carfiet Bindings * Itora Flench do do NV oHtdconlr Rich Batin do Laiuea for u , l«f»cls window curtain* scarlet, blue, crimson, black and drab Damasks; , , ugnrcd rainbow Data asks; worsted and linen Tolile , covars; blue, onnuon, scarlet, green, drab and black . pi„ b „ko.a.,. ic . • ne, ) Hrkß r k B *nd Drillings for steamboat deck, JU r l “ ef ■ ru^ rn , lH ? l ‘ necessary for oatfiu for boau ecia! attemicn of owners u invited W M’CLlNTocirs Carpet Worerootn, one door from Wood, on Fourth st, tufp29 W Bhl J 1 J?.R,5f »nd Irish Linens. R. .MtfRPHY Invites the panic alar anenoou of i, * k »!« »hoVe Goods, to his desirable stock, fconsming bf the best make, from the most ap prOTcd-Tnanalaciurer., and to. latter warranted pure noi.-.He has just received an additional supply, and is offering . tuning Muslins of a superior quality, at a very,low price. Also, Hhccting and Pillow-case Muslins Diapers and Crash; Table Cloths, Towels and Napkins; Blankets, (guilts. Counterpanes, and , Housekeeping Dry Gooda generally. TOADIES’ DRESS GOODS—Such as Freoch Mennos, rarameuos, plain and fancy De Lames, (some new •Dlci just received;) Alpacas, Ae. Hie season being far advanced, all these Goods will be »old at prices ihat cannot fail to please. \LT Wholesale Rooms up stairs. joalfi Na. A. mason a CO., O. 60 MARKET STREET, will continue their great semi-annual tale of DRY GOODS, for 30 day* longer, during which lime their extensive whole •ale Rooms WUI be thrown open to their Retail Trade A. A. M. A Co., knowing that they are •citing Dry Goods of every description &om ten to fiA teen per eent. less than ever before, do invite every person in 'yam of drv goods, or who may be in want, u» examine and purehavj froat onr stock, at the lowest wholesale rates. Our great object m reducing Mock i« to mate room for tSpnng Goods, it being eur intention to exhibit in March the largest end the richest stock of Dry Goods ever offered by any one house In America. tte «hall continue the sale of our Bleached and Brown Muaiuu, Tickings and other Domestic Goods, At our former low rates, notwithstanding the recent ad- TU,l &l m f ' Cr cem Uflon l * ,e same u» eastern markets. pINE r ..fa IJLACK LUSTRES—W. R. AluarirT a«ka the V Httrution of buyers to hi* extensire assortment of at'Ovrincluding mohair and alpaee# Lustre*, vrry fine and glossy, jet black And blue black; ale.., a tear I>ierr% wiu»ui lustre, tor mourning dresses; also, a large *»M.riin<iit oi various colors and styles of satin •uipe«T mut brocade Alpaccaa, black and fancy co lor. p ain black, invisible green, drab and oiler col's. Muiu-in* blue raimetios and Alpncros—A few pea ' u*"l desirable goods lately received. i Wholesale Rooms up »ia«r*, north east coruerfof 4ih and .Market m». | Lj>OH IiENTLKMKN —W. R. Muefrt ltfl» receutly * , !u r her 01 Gentlemen'* P.„cy very hamJaatm. Also, * kck iialian t ruvutfl, wv.-ral qnalitie*. and including wlur Mjpermr. Also, mnu Linen Cambric Handker cfiicf*, plain and with colored border*; auper Bilk do l BiW»hm« and Drawers, merino, mlk and cotton “TV , luruier extra .n O , K-pcnal attention i* n*i;eu 10 Jus *UHk 01 l rencli BroartctoiUs and Cus»i mert *. oi the laitrf plan, and lanpr. Velvet ami Sutiu \e«in»i;«, Ae At iwilimw comer 4th and Market' street*. ~-u CALiroUNU AVAKimoKK -To'»tnvr’ by" Kj pfr-M.on 'l'ur*itny it«xi, Cbb msi.— ' J; > l l fr a * ooa IVtnl*; Allen * 6 barrel Revohefc I i*tol lied* ami Shoulder r^truf**, Hovnr Kiuvr>. bfa*« mourned. Hap.. Hl*»\t »*>(>«<; ** c *T Vrl ~,r ’•xutniiurur mineral*, &c.; and U»r -hie nt pn*e-. v>uh D,ldu l( , n n , f rP ,rtl. by W W WILSON, corner 4rb and market «t (L'llJU ' VrFW D(k»l)s [,\ JANUARY—W, H_ AJubpiiy ba, “ ‘"Ml' of black AJ Jo. mcjiuni anj sopor! Jo Mobali btork cloth kh.wU plaid, long d„; „y|„ Woo „ O , 7'' f |D *J "oJ drah do. at tcf; utt.l a van. : ; o .'h-,vnn. mtj desirable goods wonhv tk, attention ot willing to Imy will find m the wholesale room, up .Join a Rood nook of desirable foods, »t low price*. jn!s R G 9°£ s > P* r ,ore, Sn eteamcr Europe A A Mifos & Co, .No CO Alarlcet street, will “T' 0 * Rl ' h tre “ «°°d». comprising™ okZT S ,i' ,>, ‘”'i‘"‘ a * u P now'anl wL,r in e S“,“ .""“J* “JpotlKl till? 0COOO11; oU wool Plaid., high color, and choice tiylesi all wool .Cashmere, and Alow de Laine.; fine Cdbur? and L?t ° f xn >‘, artcribuL,e •Me and color, blub «tnped (.vditncrr., In threat variety. JfclB MISCELLANEOUS. COAJD’S • Patent Graduated Galvanic Batter* and Pate*a > Jniulated Poles for Medical astdotker p»m«« ' rpßjg is lb* only instrument oftfce kind that t .-*• h**" preseWfi m UuscountryTor Europe Yot med jcal purpose*, and 11 the only known to mail by which the galvanic fluid can bTConveyed to ih« man eye. the car, the brain, oyo*ny purtoftho bLw* ► e *>ber ortemally or internally, jn a d»fl«h P 1 stream, wtthom Stocks pr pain—with perfect tafere 6 and often with tm happiest effects. This important apparatus is now hijrhlv aarmiuj-i .» by many of the mwi eminent physicians (?SiU («in! try and Europe, to whom the afflicted undotherawhm it may concern cun be referred. Ue given to many highly respectable been cored by mean* of thlamo* “£“??' e ttuw ‘ ‘dveterate nenrooa!Sinfiß?ts? could not be removed 5 by any other In Among yartona others, a baa ’ mirabiy adapted for the core of the foflowSi &■*?**• ytx: nervous headache and other It is wuh this apparauu akroe that the convey the magnetic fluid eye, to restore sight- or core unumniS; ikha£i£ restore heating; to the tongue and other •tore speech; and to the various parts of thew 3? Z the mire of chrome rheumatism, asthma. tic dp lo ore ax. paralysis, or SSHttm Rihu for sarrtonding counties of Western W «.s cJSS*^i!^StxS£ v (Q V ba CQro ofUiow d.«Le7wSrt so be fully explained to the pare baser, and a oamohlM put into ha hands wtpreasiy for the*; p„rpJ£“S£ folly prepared by the patentee. Enquire ‘ R; WILLIAMS, Vinojt, Pins burgh, asvarilble FllurinvCodi. . A _ FOR j* U RIF VINO WATER, Which renders turbid water pore by kS*ggSi“ removliigaU substance* not soluble i* -/jpSfflpSV •_. The croton water in N. York, TfcTaeßniggWtaoogh clear and pure to the eye, yet \vjajjy "''when it passes an hour through this \hwg V Uiteruig cock, shows a large deposit impure substances, worms, fee. This '* .‘be case more or ie*s wuh oil hydrant water. rhe Reversible Fiherer ,is neat and durable, and is not attended with the inconvenience ineident'to other “5 eMMI f w,dioot being detached Ootp PiP* 5 ' b >‘ merot >‘ turning thekey or bendy (J?®® 1 Be ‘ the other. Oy thie easy pnmei*to Q{ r* tP,r u chaa B ,, ‘*> *»<l *ll scrumalaUooifo rapnre .ab.ta’iccn are driven otT almost insumiy vntoout unicrewtug u.o Filter, h also pouctsesUm advantage of being a stop cock, awl M such in moor cases will be very convenient and economical. ‘ inw B , be ® lta ® bed where there i, any pressure high *r.»? 1 cask, utnk, tub, Ac. with ease. To be had of the sole Agent, W. W. WILSON, orll 7. . corner of Fourth and MarketsU r,„ ©LiaTTOH PAPKE MILL. lm CJ nv r< i* V i ‘ Ap £ R ' IILL - w*uaied at Steuben rJle, Ohio, liavtnjr brer enlarged and Unproved •’F*/*** l fxpwiM added new and the aou improved kind of machinery, u now Draoind m ofitttare >H Wnda of Wricftfe PrtntiaJ, : Cotum Vam Paper* Bonnot Board.-, *«., Sr tß'lhe Eastern or Wmam country * U l ? ll "* , * ,,ed *»avi.» f the Aoeney of-tho above MOi. will keep constantly on hand a /area aanotv of the aiflerem kutda of Paper, and wHThava an* ab* node to order at ahort nonce. a. q, HILL. - J R 7 Wood street " A KABK ' W A^T ED r V arm ”' in tofftibShina tnuinen, «« b ,™, CI S StrreojypiDß, W ijtodia*, ew * bfi **M*J ,u w,,i i » profitable run oTwvrk v> omm«ic, w.th. He mu.t he a nun of ttmXoS. if// ,^7 UnC °“ prutm ’ , ‘ ns m principle*—wil ling and able to control Utr printing department at »Mi^k“ nd h “ vrt a ca P' u tl ofttJlOO to Tbeet- U l“ hn s om A " P reacm «» Heeling, Vo.. bat cu K. nrmo.cJ u. ur M y ojk«, .umll.' pl.“ „ jliprt notice tor funber particulars, call on Rari » K Hook Roan, KiataMi, P. ,“" ly n u, B \\ OLFF7 Wheeling, Va. -V.* l ‘7 _ l * o ' , ’P|_ n ? ,loM * at short notice. feb'J-tn TUBS AND CHURNS Pine ami Cellar Ware SanuJaeio’rr, fU H V ’ M ;” w **> Fi»ta An^'Prrnmm PHfc outKcribfr keep* constantly on hand wboliw -*«TT“ 4 i <5 A^ d rru,, » vrr >’ ,ow fo ' ntub— * lufr h • I Karrel <2««ra>. Kail, rubs, SiatT Churn., Au r^K ß “t k *‘ ~ ‘’l Ht * ,f tr W * r *‘ ln h,s ~n* n »»de to order. —'■S’** SAMUKL KBotSkv A FURTIIUK UtfmifiTiaii: J *l-Tr k 4 HON A S .,_ W iu> o t.»n» ,|< ranh currency,or 4 mo». «ppVd bill. . i ° fl"* 4 i r u P' var d*,do par, B mo« do, uSercu «d dcd. Vox dicsuprt.orijuaJilyolilu. brand we 42r io hr gla** and soap mauuUciurer. ot Uu* euv «nrnu H'iMSHTCHI-aSr 16U liberty at • Diaphragm Filler, for Bpdra.t w.ler. T r . ? T ccru 'V lbat i have ap. t[ P°' ,,,r a‘ l Uvi "S»on, Roggen 4C& «EgaSß»u° " Agent* far the Bale oi'Jeniurr'* . i>«*pra t.gm Fuirr, for the ci |jn U«ot Pittßbunffi nm» Allegheny . ... , all ?_ r -il Uibwm, Broadway, iSSs§I~-3 -~“S- LIVINGSTON, RQQQ-Kpf k Cjl Aavertliemeat,’ " .fp,a,"?'c,“ k t" I‘S 1 ‘Si O 'YS ! J , JrcS n S ,DI |S3S*gs Peon penbnoed , h , ,™TcE* tta( udon into un im ti,» ;__ m ,_ • * unns & Uirt, enn* Piano, m order to try it* fi! Uck ' <u an aecompunyroent to the voice. liL now be <een and examined at hu room. f“7 oonhdem of hi* abilirv m fIU r 00034 *»e feel* #l. «pm,cn on i.rSi^t 5 ’ ' “ "“l’"™ “d roll., few tol ° f “» «““» will bo opened in a iuSfflh S A UFACTTmV N s^ ™^* -SiU s 'Vlnl' MAN oem, Trunk* and \Vj U p*, aii of wbiuh^Twlif 1 Ha, ‘ “ In; mode ofu.e be„ m.ieri.l tt„s bt tSeTIi,"JTT 1 a»»e* m Allegheny conntv u-.r. ,3 tne " e * t ra«ch k“ manufacture* eomethmj loiter Uim,^ I ,''" 1 t “*■ “ •cmienye year, w.U eommeure on* fa, /"“»■ n- non, m the tame butldi,,,,,. Vo A rjCL “ »obm.. Arrntfaemenu hure bee made bf w|3,V£t„ be able to lurmsh youuu tacilni... h l *}«> wUI in the Wr„, for obtain..!* » Aorowh fi,ff/? “*>* cal. and Oniuinemai ndueation \ tnif 2 ‘ Clas *>- it.oph.cal and Chemical S ur , A . ( of ™ dnrmg the w,ii« er , iltnstraicd by'a,.lSlaitl^nT e 7 d barunem* or Vocal and Inßtrunrr.nL s£>**’ Draw,,,, and PuutL,,,. *,-,l; llreeureof. compete,,, p, o fa„„ r *' l,y . V t? ““ 1 " r lo the morul *„d tmeUeciUul , “"“I™ dSS’iSSS*^ “xr 3 “«U» zxsLssr- For PHOShiJX FIRM BUlCKi^nu.--T been appointed *o(e Aeenu bv thl m hl " lor the sale of the cnlcliruied m^ mrfaf,nrBr *' now prepared to fill orders for I J MI< *f r,ck **" ax» ■cash, per Ijwa For the fon ,,„ r f' ,a ” ,| iy, at B*l *ii kind*, these bnckf hare h-J? t>ron 01 w " WBei n * potent julge* ar being .npenoV fJiXTs “T «n -nowtnnw. C A Apani-i Vv* L « “* T firo bnekt rayOO Co, Canal Basin. ■ \T^^reRKD-f6«Ac^: — !dV?„i” ' fa“a,,^T,'*S n d 'l fi Mtohcuu fa. „ .bemi £ {.“i""” 1 IV *- do John* and i„ 44 anJ 10 steward 9* ' 60 V Brmelt «!»«» 1«5 7bn ■^zz^SmSS- market, am „ ftw . n j .muT’.lV, , (° r lh,s pticJ with iiu» eciel>»,ne.l i.rami ill i »t the lowe,, mark.., ?ru r S> W ! M ~ U 'V A M MtTi'Ilkr.TKKE, **•» lrl«-rry ai | BON FOUNDRY FOR JMLR-A , fan 1 dry u» » doun-hiny town, vnih. I'unrn,* Ac., all ior r. u ».«i«-s-< willlx- « n !,t ’ 1 oJ • l»« «riUu a * U * 0 * This gdeiaaa eicrilem opponnniiv ii> « „„„ Wit* ua»il ratiiUl lo rontnifiiee tw r 1,.., ~y oan? «*n 'in™. ' C * U * e Iru " '■““ary bp- dert »CAIPE**Tia.NSO.N. ' j, 1,1 Wood .itvol MKcalob, CooUlng Srovn. AHSUAIX, WAIj.ACKAfIIr. Koood tw . mnirf L,t,o.iy «„d Wood ,1 “•*' fn <s> i'lalfnrm, Floor i.uj fo ol die ino.ntniirovMqgalim Cookiojjin,,*' Jr* I '*! •nd cnslj move, o/ vanou. ur« f.m fomtnon (7rules, Ifnllow Wire 4,. t ’ 'JK lor *uul una/aoturethe Kitchen Kuher 'whirh _ ey general <uii»lacuoii in iluw. c havuti' ** 3 *pcb wttieb lh.-y would re*j>«*etftiHy mrJle “!f’ to .«U <>( U«J eiunyi* tuul Uie piiWie generally - ° attention of TJATENT KULAK I.AIU) I MI i^l 7 " I S*L X Of'C<»riifiiu* A (ij’. .*■, < Aft wtienwo fhctoiv, and raporior in tt|l ch are lie*, Memuboius aweiW I ** *> private Imlls au.l t» u |] n 7,“ Pubfw and and bnlliam light 1* d*mal,l«. ' W - c » cheap, i a fa U.. UioodcUor., ™.O foorY, *'■ Al«,, aorawVrv^Cho^ror'?r—i<m-a,*^l -1 UOAN, Wll.an.M IhMTMv.vT Ij IHlrr. llordwoiiJ.T'”"'" la Woo,U, Tool, ,00,0 F J,o l‘or> and ohoop und «oi| „io,. ’ .I'"" "• "on 1 very u " docliuo of lino,, m, K„ '“ponoll •ro dviormlnod oo m .,,,o,Smffi-1™ 's“* U»y - elderly Follow Fdroaoo., PrioriSSs do,* l T ,, ? n ° r •“ U»4»o/ ■unv.d „„o cm.ii' o,; s?io to ' «f®> M, Ifuarj Uoluar’ilnckn.will I*. *'**-£?*?* **L* *ecomf quality •ircJ. wuhoat RUarJhtr^A u <io> u now loraale uihl - A ,;ock W-flrat quality nai Bum. by Ue Wiirc I ho .^» WharTp. & a J ftllAW iUClt^Kliv. —hV»«»incvjii Iron Work* S vt | . • { *w V KLH ’ a e~io lioa: j>po<l<r« _ taa Vba io sSk’JV. 0 * ,a,,urc |/afk «- W «l« Grain uSSJJt Alc> ' Naif Cel*, .Mailocka icd T £;>t~ uellotoa, Vice*. Xe., for »alc W roana&cU4r c ,**/£?*> m , r *2T, lB ... «W*si > OlliU»rS^sS , g^ V> liPlNfcS) stliA H>-4f*3 cbl» titnadl’ B 1 X\ nuialierc; »7o Jo erarkctl; si cti nowde£*2?*2f**™ clanlHuJ,. m Mote and iuc pt,w ‘*««4 torfo JASAIiutCHIuoNXCaL*- ‘ AJUIM U«l.aio M .So e « rSt^V ,ltoe4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers