MEE _ I.A BY MGNEIC TBI'MOPIII RE — POWSILD rze l ns l 74ll7, .* Pittsburgh 01,1141140. OONGREss.= • - • W.tonsorroN, lart.l7, 1 819. uteasia, T -Tbiautionine after the usual business bi d beell dnjpceed oS M i Ni l es 'fo pottage teltepaflePee. Cilo3o Up. The ‘ll,"pneiOsei.the retitiefteit srossiege alumni, trot-over o wouncei to tsetfiree cants, in any 4 4. 601 i i '; J01.043'04414 centit:-.'l.kis papers 4004 outt ounce,- over . filly miles, one cent: tattler a cent ; dry PuPer. la:tired ounce solsitt, Foreign . letters, fifteen-cents. Ili* k i w i: 444444e ,to be abOlished. Blenthers, wk,,,,,d10:tm pqe oucleo letters on public bad ness, documents thee. Severe kineOinents.wet offered, bat the in the straiaTit tsiat repotted, wa s .ada p ted.- . - Hama4fr Fries' reaoltiVon extending the re. Terme itiaja, ftidifoinia,, and authorising the . Precidenttn i caioint a collector far the 'Pat of Blonter4 ati ,allte establishment of a mint, was The tp**lgtleetipt! ergs • oectipie4, mefnderafthe Sawn session. WILIERMI'7IIptrIiDARY COMMIi3SIOMER , _ Waszumace, CoL JohttE. , *ellei, the late Democratic can& date forACieetnerin Ohio, has been appointed by the President, Commisioner to settle the boundary line betiarein Mexico and the United States. Mr. Setrier,had been appointed for this station, but bitforefilieSennte had acted upon - his :lamina. bon, hett . died,.and the above named gentlemen has been named by the President, and doubtless will be contindjUi hiMiSeitate. • I'EULADELPFIa MARKET. httLang.trata,Jan. 1619. Flatzr7Sales- 'Of ,Weatera et SS Th. -Eye $3 an, ai4i /Keel $ 2 75 per bbi, Grain-13ates eiprime white Wheat at 1t463115. cts pet Smite. Carn—Ordett*pew' prime white at 62 ethiti pet InaheL Chtta7Sales n 1.14 to us per bushel.: CottotprpThire is no markedchange front piet as]) halt the Minket *if sing duller Prosiaionr—The mullet mamas anclumged botlithAtards prices and demand. Inlakcs: msiesnoreportable change quoted. -;' • - . ; NEW YORK ISARKET. Nrir Yo* Jan:l7, 1649. Maui--Raias of 2,000 Western at $5 750A5 83 Cmilic4Coiw- , Sele of prime white mixed at 61 et etw mid:10,000 bonbela prime yellow at - 05 to cUrtillttabeL ' PrOviticitorptime mess Beef ;11 50c. pen birieL . Wtlisteales et 241 cts per gallon. TIMORE BILIUCET. " taiintons, Jen. 11,1E149. The liirkliit - Pte dull, and but few sales, end Coastunlbeliartrear• tellosuinellors for Delyiettoded and Wending Palermo, imperting infonnitta - n on Meehan*" ad the appitratkinef Sa meb=Ariity andel:tangent:ea andFamign Laws PROP:WALTER R. JOHNSON, late of Phliadel ildbcend. Z2C. ROBBINS of IVashingtmt city, De beaded by Regard Enewles, Esq., late Maktreast of De-United Staten Patent 02=4 hare associated theaulehte Mother for Me prosecution of the there tmuselies ofpreeksalonal Mama, either in theireffice, et the Patent Oibec, or bakes the Courtg and 'trill de vote thserandielded attention to finwardatg the Inter est of Ittietters and ethers who may eons:Ws them or place; business in their hands. Mr. Knowles has for the pietterebre years held the you of !Sulkiness lathe United Statta Patent Mee,end resign. that 'Reath= to take per in the present undertaking. His talents and perallar Deem ar the importaua °Hee so long fill whe ed by-thn rererther i har etbeeitselfis e been fell=ognised by =wino= The tillesoll Dente J. fr. R. is en P strew; opposite the PoteettMee Washington, D. C, 'Arlene emtaanni. catiats, Ix= pUld, win be promptlynuended tm imm inence= made,diswin specific-mm; antall "Nu* im papers p models proeurai when &=- ral—ort re tame Letters of enquiry', expect ed to be enal i red after examinations h=, , must be ac..- - conspimied try lee Mitre dollars. la the Matra of their oil= which pertains to the Pa tent Laws, Me lac. R. rya be aitsisseMby a legal Ml=of, ,Jilghea. pretenders:l character, and -ma M.w.hanies and' other &Druids mdaemiu •-•• myklabberlyld. z.vaz Tze.s, Motorola and retell, at the - DIMS TEA STOR.7O Fourth oireal, -- rutaborgb---Tba aabocrller hatertg. rart retuned flsorNeroj i 4 is war receiver" a largo fall amply of freak ' AND MACK MM. here:hallow York c3=13 3 119 331 card great cue for rentrsilßL: lona being now r heavy we an pro =me =yid .Grocera, Etotelo, Stearaboataand rem otely meanly slut at any price they may wish; packed in.l-4 I lied potwd par-bagel, 3 lb. tin cads- . unsillraidtalheaey bnxte, and In hall chesty. Retail- Omm - are_tariueneeruba..- e nd 11 U , o = l 4 - casts_tower yreccs then say other Oar stock o...:Yrtanyilym,tuatenotlararelills-' Val 0133 4' 001 . 0 33 Alack .2bao pm the ben in ,Lorartarainebta seined, Lao ' , Crashed, .antl, Yd. verceedleogiTherretall, or by the barreL COFFMV—Mocha, Old Gov Java, Lordra, Si Do.: Ways and Mir Cortes, selected by rho moat experien ced agree Broker in bleorYork. - • • • . Sweet Bolted Chocolate, Pickled .Coetomben and - Oedema,. Fresh Peaches, pet up is their own *lee: N. a—All De D. Jayaela 'Family 3 1 ei , tues remade, vzonansTinurs muksos.,_ • liftazsmo this day, and for sale at manufacanters ortees,three elegant Rosewoodfisuos,...aMo try Worcester, N. Y. These instroments are coosider— ed ptcali if not superior,-.o may now taado in York, harm as fall, round, turd melodiendten war ranted 10 woad well sad give muisMothra. ThoPtieo olguso, Pianos M helleaol to be conch Wort Man any other mannfacterefsid &Y. Those who're in want of* good arid elegant Plene at a moderate price, will please call and examipe the abotrandthe mem of the attbeerlber, where a lame es mormentofChlettertagirordebnagdfiartetemt always pc • •"'JOHN & MELLOR; :1. 1.•• (8 JOWElletßiena:—Puitieceaved, Pins Fut.' • rorj• astomteps,PeretuuumiCao., Teellablistm• aimnionaStams444 - Pincus, Freak. Perfumery and n[uprafratinfes;aridt troa.oloat extenaire:.vatirty of. Flii Gana aim city. _Dealers ire invinal to en , eSernlloll/140ebetn*PtUthaella . g goods wUL be oared nt the lowest 'importation • .•cro $1,1141i, cRECEIVEDL=Tbiser wort Orthcate ay Sully. .., celabrated.lianationyh Piestda need constantly by. "rbilberi and other great petfortnenr, lergetber liitletelathe llndinnent bUroacarood and tnaltore, = 7, l :t rom e t The "above hut =en ,an , yak _ In ovary rteptet,and will .be are En 664,, ..: .F. BL smil det i la •: - '7' ,- 14 112 Wad al; door Annh • _____ Pamorurnss nmars--ne subeetibers temmr beemappoieted sole Amu * the tomuffutaxere, foe reek , eals of. the eelebrased,!Tband Bricks; are , soree prepared to Oceans for any. quaasthy. at r ot eill e triallnie F l ' here beta proziaget . :d bi com petent se beingsapenor be all °bx...Are Meta cairla as, WANULTY & Co, Canal Bads. :AIL IMMIX= WZDZICTION. 45.311:43P.1LLTTL SUMP PATIMSODA ASH— itos":l. . 4u nkrriftV 4 '11 7'.4474gt, detL,For_tbomptriar quality ot las brood ore real to tbo,thustutit soogituuttsolocts'of tido ettisonets4.• •,• . & MUrrell eLT&Y. 9, AWL' , - • '. I•W libtrryst rinnivAlobbls saperlair Crab Cider; 10 do east= IL7'_d,. Indid wid 4? .ale by 7 5 DILWORTH 27 wood sr L ALED-17&bls No 1, COW Isndir.gifo r otstrom • AI,IIIDICKEV & co, front at eV" CATLE:-2 0 tons oil cake Jtun rceeived per eau gur I.o4Neor Brighton, trod. for tale by S ALIMATI*4 tortg4: Ocriatos u tv reed - mt fa taW)DING-50D.davveri r lian T bblek Siraddar, 'TE"-illsi t teOlaturforg il e . br EILIACKLEM& WRITEI WOO" /IICkiI3KtrOVASSFS—EO bbl 8t Lola! Ho -147 ADM, foible AS A.•IIITIVIIISON k Co GOMM gitt . l4o—ln bbli, 'hill WAN, and 10 gath (keg% [ Dual s bt • . • Lis A um - cursor.; fr Co I.4P.KEREI bbis /Me No 3,±or_sals -low . 49 :!&4.IIIITCMBuN Co, ter and,/ (tow et iptUrrES-4iksgs, bbls in =Nl's gra ' WM* "OM rut received and for We by kegs Leaf Lard, In goal shipping alley 011agegoiyed and for safe by • ' naovvri a CULIMMON.... • tnt,4ll - bblir Mira ititiailwalibrand, 1011TAWEly..43cmcckskistreed lux °Thuile 1? • .r „AHMSTBONCI Is',CBOZER )V112231t ROLL 11117Mt741 bbU* m 1 ariie!cs ! r;6lt . ozEiL - .. CORY rarni- 1R ablglnst reed and Tor gala 4 ilt" ' • ' eamsmoNo & cßoz Ea ' rgilikl2ll3 rig prima Ey. live geeso Year( siini - itara and ang We by ~, law ''• • ! JAME 9 s atrrcinsoN &co IU ESTAI,4O tau Alitgluml, en ,l / 0 WAS II .I rulq_ba . JA MU= fl,,•44.taasconos, Inv= and-for saltia JASDALZ . td,' toi :'efUt • . 0,10, • w 'House Biologieyln store and for sale low - to - close 'atargigiragmt, by Jai /ABDrateZELI. -.;1'1HB8NtlY8~-7C' u~Ltbc . nvi~.~forWe . ly`..,. =.; ~.l ~~ ~ • .:r : . ~ ._` ; ... pi&TAMI-10 pep forme 3 0.Du•Yrow 1 i&c . WS— • saelialtyei%i al Al6- 1 4 - 6 eR INIL-20 kepneSni rhtald P almlek'L ,Clplindar press Ink in der; Yed Ind t°7 "4 . ViCtIOOPATAKEA Co. VAIL it&NDLIES-18 bxx Undby andlar 444 bi aCPPBSI4IThD pV bap Pepper, 10 do .inning% in IWO en= t e suc i ErsoN • dear , . . : . •• . _ . ~...., .• .. . • . - . . . . . INUCIAL RECORD. . --- 1. , -- H - siiirsizigoo. TrFa43l67 lAN ARY. - 1 etses , "rwty, rtPlas.le se • . 2 13 - 1. 1 - 175 - 2 Y -4 /I -.At 4 '' ' ' lt' El ,' , 725,^ Cror - . .. ,. .4-- ....„ , ~.. a b r.: 44 , ; i • 7 ` 4' '' '4l* ' ." t t.z.''l CI 16 Taa4d.n7, ," .1 4 - 2 V" :f. tl \ •,'' 4 ' 17 Weetneaday,\ \ILSA - _Kss , go,t; ~.- • la Th. •an 7 4.4)i , A 1,12.4 ,e.,- .1 7 . In ' '7, Li .. 7 `P".... 6 1t 0 ' P"re' ‘ pines Prlviannalre. mars, I 1:- Tbitsday ?denting, Janafyyt t lß494% Theivreather Yeraterdwurereked pleasanti jarld a fair amorint or businciti Wile' Okada a gea4 era! wify. As the riversarelra ' iatOzle 114 0 and fhb ice fairly carried ewitylVotatu t iiible lel tiiii i leutticifiated here iii aftsol 4 2y , e.. - li UR—.5? far as vre;;;eikl•igaretterewere to - from tra baud, mili e barnarori<vra by river. 4We ante regular fro -- m - gore by tuna a t lot et ,1004,12 ip , b kir a. p. G —Snipe of 150 bu barlei:fiWiitb ,. . l ::": Eier I small gita of cant were,airl4l ,4 44 l t*. Wore' t 33e ip , bu, and of oaterwt 27e itdra.—Ol: -:' ..e:f. . fwe beard ar.,66.4.1f?4cM15:.:ir. , , 'l3l7oAlt AND,MOLOgsr°I-Tbo warlot,is steady but not actiie;willirittialitf . inlet izaltniterl lota-ot rair b7 1 40.0- 11 .i 0 . 1 .1,0;:9.: k r ; / :9?;!° ° : biases nt 27028.3 /0.6114.:• Eft—The market yeatarday was bate, nearly every*lirialltiftptbeeri . bartot . up'forrbe east eramad . 44bi: Wiedis LAMD-Sales ofB bb1!1'466,1? 6L. 'Beles of l kegs lit 04c . - r H Y-Is di ifeildiraiiiimieit'the scales td ea . 8,50, and 69 plorw , - , ' " isles of soda ; ash at 3fc; , _• „ other articles - tinder this hendino' tales of come: BP-SupplielW r liinitad 'and ftle'liti; ta i g a good . $2,32051,60.:50r heniquality, and 25141k111,37 for a good merchaptah , isnt:the fiptes,firetti*Ono;gtkimaing anleq; 2. - Witnnt 302u-Suocis..ine,';rppbreiottlia,.l.6ll(lMittatWil. have very ha; 4uuttto,- At the closerogetemtehr !atheism, iesareempleynd in bringing Oreflegilgre ll lBlo*AiTit*, ***A. and We . weeks of great ..didttiliati -, :t l -thithlerimen;.;Coinnii. has been however hractive , slenumdttneetunithi' cable advettee; and thempoettiginiall [ .efitchwing districts are Most firromble,-til ply of food is Wm*:wiLtilorp.aipes ead*Wilwß: pect of our :advance: , fdriasyda ' The funds and. railwayteonk barefunheladVine ced,daroomits tanguurfrain 3to 4 per cent. Ash. es-:There has. been „so .."14YR*187•Chang517* the !value ofithis.aitialeptiwitig i . - *fightina . of stock and 00411inkili 4113nuice, 141k - Od' , itt cwt . ; hp been paid, but this quotation is nominal, as 42s is the meat ilidifigileratititi supplies front the United ,Stitil.,beituitiii.cpsarA very freely, wlulewe ciaitioilikilkaver'si;fair gum, tityjfrom Ireland { " leavings sunk here this day of mp i tierces of s,ll,.kialls, The ,quality of in.-A merican has tratied r .very: aitich,;a4.sales..,ktwe been made . 11Mtk.Sfii 8.9 s pevnerne; looking downwards....Porlo-Therinoket hatbeen 'very quiet for the-past fourteen dtlyt,' . andlayle.' tail males midis tweretwilhetitlidritice....Theatriak, of old in now .2075 , •bb1i r principally &interior "Prime Mese which-se slowly, into eanstunption frotti 37a 2 to42aperhht 'As yet wir hive'aciar2. Arils of ant,' Which' is emptied kit,' la-Will range from 60s tqloe per bbl, according ty.qpidity. BaeonTbiastock, cow been is estimated „at, 20, tons of new,and. ibeet 50,:tons of old, the„ latter, consisting of remnants of paints brought from the Loudon market, and ranging". front 22 a bo $' per cwt. Tbe quality of the new, so far, bas is- vied extremely, ranging from 32s to {leper cwt The sale has been very Alin tuidAD small tent, as the impreetionis genersl among the trade that an immense quantify is coming torward;nrid that prices must materially recede; and from the large supply and low prices of fresh meat, this is likely to be the ease. Lard-The-import during this past year amounts to 10,749 tons, leaving a stock this dayin first bands of 1739 tons, this may give some idea of the heavy consumption of this article. The'market has farther receded 6d to Is pet cwt, and the Isle sales were made principally Ceuta Mato 35s 63 up to 36s 9d fm extra line, with no chance at present of any improvement, as the stock of Better is unusually heavy, end a good 'fide may he bought at 5&I per cwt. Tallow con tinues without the leant improvement; the stock of AMerican is 650 bilds, which meet a very aloes sale at our quotations Cheese;--The supply has fallen air confide:lllv of We, as. ear prices and prospects would not show the least margin for profit from canes 'we stated in our last- The stock Is small, say , ' 15,359 boxes and 212 casks. equal to 334 tom. Linseed Cake-The demand has not been so brisk; the market at present is lather quiet at £9, with a stock of 215 tons now in `'lmehinuat. - , —...--. . __ __ Bunt tifsatiirr- - Th - eTro — riiiideVailieeo - me much mere octireinud wgxedbusiness is now going torli ward in mostly et the leading marketi in the Uni. tea:Kingdom • The nasal meeting preliminary to the gotten/ quarter_4 . meetings of the Ironme.stera of South Siatfordshire was held' en numbly lash There - wastr very good: attendance, After some 'discussion, it wits unaninnouskiesolved to main. ta4,.vithout radiance or reaction, the prices of the,present gunner. Theintlia . consequently be no sttention. ,' afiough at this present time the Welsh makers are underselling t ho se of Stafford• shire, the bonmasters of this dank.; rather than reduce the wages Of the men, are determined to adhere to the present rates. There has been en I improved demandfor Scotch Pig lron,and holders abir, ask.42a to, 42s 6d; the production, however, continues large, and in consequence of the falling off in the purchases of Rails, the demand tar ex ceeds the Colllllllllption. For Ben , few buyers are met with; Welsh hey been offering at-47s 6d, sad Rails £i; die quantity, however, on o ff er is large. There is linbeactivity in the ute. for Spotter, which is quoted td'.ft4 its to .Zl5. t=l . Brighton, lay. Mr-At Market, 700 beet ea le, 50 mores, and 3,200.5beti1 . . Beef Cattle-4st week's prices tally sastal aed. Extra veiy firm at,.47, Arm quality 9A0ge,757 tee and 5,2536,25141113555.50, Workintr Oxeo4;Zio sales calm& Cows and Calves—Sales at $25, 620, and SSIL . Sheep—Bales at 64'2,75;3,50, 4,25, and $5. Swine—Net , ' at market. • A small lot were sold Sauttilaras ale.—gtoston Dal* Adv., •. - Cocotte inn Count, :rho frequent change. in the' weather at thinseason of the _year, Invariably bring. Wing with them coughs end nada, which by timely attention are easily cured by simple - remedies. 'Bl2. LEES' nnasatat Cotta!! SYRUP has been In use for the hut yerixr and has gained name reputation for the, wee of conghe requirinfactsre medical treatment ,than. any other prerniratien ever offered to the Wizens otAllegheny comity.' The Imperial Cough Syrup liretynlessant to th e taste;.and, en tole se count_ is a 'great favorite children. The 'dotes are eatefolly graduated, in rheirllrectiona; to snit all gee.' Thhithts king tried and highly popular . cough remedy may be wrthin the reach of all, it is sold 'at the low price of 1:1 cents per 1 Prepared and sold by H. K SELLERS, 57 'Wood at, Pittsburgh, D. M. Cul% Al egheny, and druggists gee-- amity In both cigar. „ micaircaz un star ar.713711,41=11V Vas. *moos! arconnewine, Ohio, Dee. I 8," isa Mr-LE. kitellorm-iEsery one who .bas. i s al your Vormiforge alma to almost unbounded praise of its superior efficacy in erpellingssorms from the syskiti. prepgreat while year Vermon will be the only one /mica of Mc had for which Moro *lila noy da mmed Ladd. community. Altboughaot y tiß =ado arms I. first introduced the anions her, the demand boo becalms ambit steadily on the Increase. Yours, cespoetfully, X SaRgEN. lEmnict from fetter.) This unequalled worm medicine can be procured. at the Drogatoro of R. E. SELLERS, No 67 Woods:, and of Dmogists morally in the two elks. . Jad describe fmair . y num's cork.' ence, Nolourie can On sufferings caused :by this di e d:miming disease ." Inuafits men for Ids na tion Le lif, whaterer it may be, and makes blm feet . though be would nitrer not existibith, widely such misery. Yet th ese sederitsys are produced- is the first place by deranarmeet critic stamecb, and if Ws were met by rising 1.1.'/V.Tahnestock.dati•Bllloas the boteellimpuld be cleansed, the accumulation of bile canied Inc and a speedy and sore relief obtained. Prepared and • sold by A A. PAILNESTOCK & Co • carrot tad wood', also earner 601 and Woad sts. °alb • . . Do you winin, dress, bsaudey and make you hair , soft and fine .Bead- .E Callon, late barber on bbard the steam boat South Anthem do eertifythat Jones' Coral /fair ftesteratkre Math best ankle I mer used for dressing"; solthirthifi cleuritigi and keeping the hair a long time soft, cleat!, silky;itark and in order',_ All ow caatowcn preferred a to mithing else. 1-suppose this wW satisfy arty :rearotable,:pis.n . what I hare stated. I =dint giro names of WO others. For aide by Wig JACXiON, Fept.M elt Maly atolgn of the lii. Soot The soft, ingelto azpresstou orsomo females gratabil tovierwoolulet the. repulsive, COMO 'muddy yellow faces& ethers, excites diagnst—tht, Malec Could such peoitla be induced to try .n oaks of the true doom' Italian Citensiesd - Soap, they would bet enraptured with the change. They would bora a deli cato, clear, white akin, while avert , .disligarement or eruption would be removed and cured. • Pamrmul.mikionetro-Persons who have bought cheap counterfeits and imitations dads, and have had no of• feet predated, maw the origuud- eat, for Jonas , Soap. Percale at Wia..lamtsoes, t Lltasr ark& . . . • - - . ANCTIIIIII Cams.Arista tie defiler= of.bllnne , s Vennilawn_ Messrs. 1. Kidd & Co.—Gentlemen: It is williFlais-• are Lband this, my certificate, (testifying to the. geui. ral posralarity. of Pr. bilLanes Amerman Worm Soc. , eificA to your traveling agent, Air. tddroe. Sometime , ago I received from tum a Full lot to all on Commis- Mon. limed slaw bottles in my oven .to the good cams leap fully testify: The, Waned timid to nag minnow* and found on inquiry, that it Free dry. general satisfaction. ()Mad Augusta, Carroll Co. Ohio, July,..irr 150. • For sate at the drug store wp a, co. . „ . Mr Warm, by their irrtiathiniAncke 4 don of mucus or, slime to t h e Moniacbratt urbteul so, thry inset. ihremerre ,sr and , it -is said they, (eti open and if deprived of It they die. The. celebrated VentuTugo.:_prepared be.. ILA. FAILITFSTOCK, Pittsburgh, Pa., I admirably adapted in as operetlee; dray to remove IbMprotocung mneasond seetrudirrtd expel the stomas =dared helpless and tender , by. De. tog Maidenuded. trio a remedy In which every eon. fideuee can be placed; and Oar it las answered -the putpOse (sons the hundreds of 'etrilleittes given ih Statism,. :126 -• =EMI PORZOt PinaUßt4 1•Ika 's ( dn# !f a/iiii g , with 16 &et 6 in w le s :: easacch - . - - 4., ItTistnr RIVIOR.; loui tsith - No 2.42DOisii,bulh meal I: : tiriel•,- bbls 1 5 bwrineTinlyil,dr, .Denumor 3 blidri.bloken glass, Chiding eeßobin, son; 6 do tob,M lardr,l2.ol.7whiskey,..FoCrayth & r 21 sharreithers, - 131oim&Eillbertaim; 1 tar tadsp,l7ingbiitco2o tots pit 761:670,, McMichael; I lieircoi4B.l4nes & co. teth flilm Per jAwklya—ifa bbls moLu. des E HeaseJtob; 200 do do, Bliiiiridge, Wilson dr 63; 22 calut eattlab, W & 111 . 1.12eimItittl 76 bbli mackerel, Glrfatutaer; 1201rbla whiskey, J Isar. ker; 95 its bernsiM Graff limxr 5 ilia ..dry apples, 1 tub ford, Wick sclAcQui6leat. , ean.% Telegrap Stumm num dmiStliterrhe steamer Mary Ann, lying opposite Wood streei,Witir etrock by • pale,,of coal ,boam which were descending the -Monongahela night before Mai; andotnnti instantly. *Ce imlf be a vital Inab excepting the an Ede thea Air; tirati no intamOile• on her , —; . . -We learn Ma Mere Wine font petiole tat board At the:time, and .1= sinking- wow so - wad= that ;0'th:41110:ay they . 'mode their eteapet Above the limy dam made A, nazrow . . aegis, the tool bottle just , itirssibrhat , cot*ing in fall finvelgoioat the stint Br the Vary . Ann, ''''Our Old 'Mend, - COPt. • Pres. De-vol,bas bought pttt CApt.,Critok!sitatiew in the . 9pper No 2, and I;as inketa .O.twatt'd Otis .fitit; Pookot. Copt. I), ,EittiliitmAttlfsftetttion of a flort Yale pottimander -61. Int wish kuit ibmidant axiom& :!, - f„ .. ..C4,TES:OF . DLSGOM - . fuer t o .OF, ostv,oryoatteurroisk , ~, . • ...gdYn , n -O { r G e m ; 4n sB * llei o regti Dea f *etNo Ponnailvonts. Indlasigs.-. - . orPittstouo • •••gat i Sto.o St &lirpkehlg!'4', S.gc•hrusgc Ban,k., ~ • • ••Par &ale& rip • : -.. '......, Norett.`g. Nig: Hat 4 -Pad vls_ishaleN - ,•n 13s.:41 4 silsdelizkaa; • • •parlExcbsags liC of -3qsp , ;1 110.310 y thigr• - ••-• 2 ••tpir,klulastoEtka4Vgi.--4 L " -11 1ilfbt 6 e0 ,101,, NT.Tatimwbreb Vsn'sror.' e/,`°tf nos.,4 l-15- 21 1 ::-/ret . 1 . 1 3T.3 C S ' i,,. v b i r ' iv i ' a r ni " ..,,. NowZied- 4. .0 'al illialaWil•••••• • 1 1 't•- 41.- Nallanaballani•l l 24..lii:B a a t ft Ns .' Columbia BA* O* • L P '6 ,, Weusbayg= ay Doxiessm;:mp.;_'• , pi. ; Sp - "'Pitiketsbers44- FartlritX,Ern attlatiatqa: ' ' ' Tesitssasse. 14=6PsIllt:',E1oets Cd. pox 13k - i'of Tengellee. , •• i , 3 Eurgorg Alcj.".ttnclas'p Flit .t . Ihrett'Ull/k••••"" Gaium*r Co. mr.: , ,7 :its: P/sAlgrs!l*....--• ••• • ", .lianthaler 1;2.-• •..• . .• pa Raiall /JIG, . ••••;•••••••••••. , 'IL Slate!! ll,ink•--• •-•:•so - - ' lSlseesirs. /korroscals,.lllr, ,Pot Sato Btof dfluouri••• • •• 1 • WoatgagibalTY.• ~ . •-:... •4 - 11fOrthAargollask. ' 1 geitystiorgLtik...-.- •I , . Bk,ote•S_PO Fear. ' ll Chao:Womb litg• • -:.--,,...- a' flereli'diik.,Newbero. 9 .- Sasquebarinit C41.111:• - i s t..ati Eg0k..... . : .. ..... g Übigh g011a14,...........-- • South clargixtr. Leurtnowg., , , , ..; ......, .1-'l*.hulutix lik : . it". elddlesw 2 o4 4- - ••=4-4 -- e Bt. ot aissiision•-•'• 4- s e.i.,.1. -.-......... . • -.. ' 4 . - - dssmersist la -.. * . _ Bk. MGeortsannt..?.. Mug ; 2 Merchants Bk ••••• 111 t k t r yium eella u. ',Bk ..._.. ... , 2 2' . Baltworealks......,:;•oat [WW2 40 It 982212 .10 ••• • Sian, Bk.ntAßC.; • &my' 1! Vas, ILL azsaniazi4.• armenNk. Mar.hicaies ", ,likaredetiek-••••••••• " Fiedelick . atm"— ", Hagerstown Bk•• ••••••• • " klincratßk.• • tams BLenvescatinater • • •. Michigan. • Mt.iSISL Bk. of of Elver •039 ratimbe 4 uht: lli . otd -.• AaF;u a e• --qr:. LeEdudon • Fr. Pottsville ••••••••••" Moql.ltaid4 /laser Notes- bid&N Pius, do- A Coma, Scrip:', ' thaddElkaadd llidneltdd Idcnuaridd. , *al ..... • . 1 diL.CLaintvl.llo...—...... • Manetur4r.r..4.• .- 14 11. 4 4. 1,411 * -"- Columbus do. INltchigaa Ins. . 5 Far.a Mech!ii Et 3 , yylneens . lpi Tealenr.. Ee3=l Cansida6 .A.ll6lecnsUaihks 5 1664 or ErilandNotes • • • • -SI VP LIM lOolti 6 Spiels Value. Masalllca • 1 iandusky -• ••• Norgralltip.- •••• LD Cleve d • - • - 1 Napoleons 3 80 Dacus 1130 990 Eagle, old • •tO 60 pile,. moo Iponlasons,l9kunaL.lllo Do.lhaztov .... —• 13 30 .3o!ereivu 083 Seats ..... —•- ..... . " Western Franklin U'3Columbni " Lain Erie.• • sr Solos* .651neas ..... SOD Frederiess.Pon.---117 N;IIMEDI en OwMen, Coepled , ars- - Fann•rs B 1 Canton•--90 Zialmmo. ,Near Y0rk.........ipm ,I.hiladelplahr • • • prar .13aMorcers • •• • lam par. Infanta talar....- I • • frostrie2t7. lit of lielatUeky 14. o( Louisville • NOIIIGM 13k. Konm'ts• " New York—etts But • CNSIMIPLION • 'iDLIVER CCHIPLIONT.—Saf tering as I have tor 3 yearn with these diseases, I feel from my bean for all perm,na equally unfortunate, and denefone I beg of mom, if they love life and bean to if they love their Gmalies and friends, not lay an die under this band. of crisecusy doctors, at Man me lees unsli t bui try Dr. Taylor', balm= of Llvertron. This medmitte geared ma when I was am Ul I could not rt ' e. thlarceeta: • I medicinireetr. .• Ear- ittlis aysets.3lntd,ilbatitiet. cough, pate in the aide, mbar of Ittatteti ontlimunsi. and was ...Med to the boar, also, inward r. J. Lt. MILLS. Milkman. Newtown, The virtues elate herb 4..iverwort? are I Wean. Cable preparation so powerfully sod effectually etar ceritrated es to render it • mastcope:bar and hamlets medicine 6,, all disorders of the Liver and Lungs,and is now considered by all person. facculler with its ef. feet, superior la merit SO Noy oars medical propels ' thin for these prevalent eoroplainla It has purred to astoniehlogly beneficial for Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Spitting of Dared, as., that many of our phywi. Mane daily employ It In 11.1_11 parties, and esteem it superior 04 saleable madle/ne. Croutariv um Carnal—having taken a yes. leer cold, which settled on my lungs sad User, pasta cwirgc: seivern w coug . b , , ,, ari . d puma in mn I the e aide cied eld , shord .y dm, tarn over to bed. I tem gradually Inuring arry:arat wary CV. ofttly life. My tough was very distressing, and being accompanied with nooses, loss of appetite, de bility and ad= disueseing somminits, my midi/rine were mecum. Finding no benefit from any medicine, nor from my physicians. I got a bottle of Dr. Tbylor's Balsam of Livennin. which soon =de me well and able to attend to my boxinus CEO. YOUNO, Druggin,36l Fulton at, Brooklyn Sold In littobsugh by J D Morgan 93 Wood stt Townsend, 43 Marto H Saone, ear Merkel mid mei Headmen, & Co, Liberty at Price reduced St,ttllper beetle. Remember, thee la the only generic emporia:Lin of Liverwort. AU others are unuationa. Lis inn and boy - only at above. Pittsburgh Water Works. ROPCXSALS will be recessed et the ails. of the INsuir Works, wall Dloaday. the 52)th o'clock, for fortushing Pipes, as follenez, to wit: 50 pipes, la loch bore, seek= lb.. ZIO t 9 " salyttor from NCO to 2150 IGO " )2 "• each 940 Ito. 150 " s " "r 4bo s 590 " '6 " " " 220 Web the meal complemeat of branches. AU the pipes of 8 inch and upwards must be east mend, and is desirable to have the 6 inch end the Inch cast en end also: bidden, win therefore state In what way they propeso to mu° these slim, and the difference ID prier, If any, between casting them on end and outhe inclin ed position; It shoeltrise kept in Mow that portion. of all the sum" will be required salty in the seam: f end the whole number by the fint of November nen. Payments to be In Bonds bearing interest, and MD. ning twentrycars. 'resting and delivering to bis et the Moms of the centre:cum 1. H. MsCLMI...D, Sept lap-del — ltestrAne.;e6lelvanilserl TIM Matins TltEsubrenbers beg to call the auention of Builders, Architects and owners of lielldings, to the many silvsntager which these plates possess over all other Metallic sabstenees hitherto mod for rcoling,ate ; as 014 , pm:sae at once the lightness of hod,' without Bs liability to lost, having now been meted for several year. so thin panwelar f both in this - manor and in Eu. rope. They are Ms Wile to expansion and contest-- lien front seditcn change of the atmosphere, than cons. Mon tin plates, iron, sine, ereny other metal now area for roofing, kind tIINVIIICIIIII form a Mach bettor and tighter roof; requiring hr less frequad repair+, whilat the firstemt ls bar a tride more. A fell supply, of all dam fnam, id 403 6 W. 0, MM. - stoutly on eamd and Gar sale by GEO. B. BlOElO'7OOO & CO, 14 and 10 Be treat, New York. The patent right for this article having been sactuad for the United States, all parties Infringing thereon, lithe: by lemortation or otherwise, will be prosects. teL ocMdketly:_' tiVIST PROOP MON. TEM undersigned halm erected worts In the thy of New York, for the purpose of Galvanising all arti cles of Iron,i which It is desirable to PRIYITICT MOAT RUST, socti as Telegraph Wire, Dohs, Spikes, Nails, Wire for Fences, end any other aniele which may be requited. Per floor,* for Casks, me substitute (inhale Rope; for Clothes Lanes, Llghti.rltods, and • host cit other appilcmions, 11.111 he found cheep and durable. They wool& particularly call attention to the CialvEnl -2.4 Who for fences; It requires no paint, and will not ran. Also ito Spikes and ,Dolts, the preservation of which Is rif so mach Importance, that it wW commend itself lathe notice trail those Interested. OIXrD. MOREWOOD k CO., Patentees, oct3o4lllmflpT It and Id Deaver at, N. York.. THE selisbriber, in odining Mr sale a handsome lot • of &antis & Clark's, (New York,) sad Chlaker. tore- illostrind Pianos, would direct attention to the facrthat Ws is the only place In the West where Me lrunnrnents'orthese two misters can he tried side by I side, and where, conschusixtly, a correct !deselect, qualities can be formed. The subscriber being anzions to test their Wall. manta, and having for • number of years performed upon the Piano* of Nenns & Clark, bits Wien Into net for the last twelve months., • Chick , ering Plano; m order to try Its durability and fitness as as accompanyment to the voice. This Plano may now be seen and examined as hts rooms He reefs confident of hls ability to give a competent and relit. bit opinion subject. A handsome lot of new rlanos bd opened in a fossf day*. KrzuEn, dent ' Atu W Woodwellss • ciinieroi dmlthlield end yearib i'amoaau, Pa. 131:l ' Tll & 'SCOTT, hawing commenced the tida T ceral Boot and Igloo business, wholeisla and eron'd respectfully invite the attentimsof their Wends and the public generally. to their idihndid zusw.stoek Jaw opene.d, consisting of men's, women's, misses' and children's' wear, of every !witty, mumble for Oa 'meson, and at price& to soli the Orme. Also, nspleindid article of tdetallo Gore Shoos, for gen themen.and tidies. Please call and 611113.1A6M0UV wives. 4 T,ROTH & .coiner of Smithfield and 4th its, /3 —,Troveling Trunks, genet Bap, &Ahr &bu' , do hafid and low fur cash:' FLOtile-4.50 rr AIM IN litoB,juri received: • Aa deed OUT received le reipect --- Teo "I ftr s ers t " Fl dem!) truiteliudE,'wnioi*‘ irhltlEtk .WitlllZ—Vaashes and apples inEi 1,/ ready f or ship= • deep • • • • IdeGILLk ROIL . 110EANfr:49, for 9 ale IT deep •.1 . Spa.WORTH rdliS? l . 4 ••trberaravi C ° 4 lll i de A ci sta l AAHRillyST"lflONGll"'°il4.&iWifttaeOZlEß4fid kfi USTAIII),Lia •! lb cans, - Lout tc.n4.4 l aop,do cock do dodo; iddro and bruit try dot= Idlmva.ll4l==o/1; i-LOCAbsiIATTERk nne Prrproti.);6t.4l:,-I'Fia4irrM doul oa aoaaTEft zss'toae. v4ieri=ciiri=c t=onaux • 'Amnia Maganca, Jan. 16. By a Jorotiltderstood agid,wasscalded, bat did not See ft Scott 4:amyl/deed about beteg scald• ed; the mud vats yet emoking on !us hat when 1 saw him; he was betweenthe etowd,and the knee; all over Sem'e back was wet. • 'The Court anggettnl trithe jury the propriety of nbgaining from convening on the subject of this trial with any person, and ahlo of having discos. lions among themselves noel the trial win finish ed. A number of wimesses were called, but nothing very material wan elicited. The Court was crowded all day, and a number of the female defendants were present. WEDNESDAY lgoluaao, Jan. 17. Mr. McCalmont opened the defence in a very stirring speech, and proceeded to call witnesses on behalf of the several defendants. John 1.1. Scott, recalled—The steam came over the knee; the gam wm not broken at that time. loshbn Hari—Knows 6 W gangle; saw him on. the 31st July at Kennedy's Factory; saw him at his Own house between 10 and 1 o'clock; heard a girl ask where she could get an ate; Granite told them to do no violence, but to hold out for their lawful hours; has known °tingle a number of yams; he Is a soberpeaceable man. S. B. Riddle—Was m the &dory in the morning and fora abort time In the middle of the day of the day of the disturbance; was there after the scalding water was thrown; saw the Sheriff and several gentlemen come over the bridge; he commanded me to assist in quelling the not; I told him I did not see any disturbance, and if he wouldmind Imbue. loess I would mind mine; I refused to go; he said he would bold me to account for refacing; on see• ing the sheriff the crowd, which up tothis time bad teen in several knots,rmbed ehogether; saw Scott; told blur that the girls had no buineas there; he urns of the same opinion; said that scalding water bad teen thrown on him and others and that tt liWe tmarts scalded. Mrs. acquainted with Ganef; on the morning of the not went into Gungle's house; he said it wcadd be better thr the girls to make 14 hours a day than to raise riots; Mr bungle told his hits not to let their daughter go near the factory, is, should them bonny riot, he would be held res. poralle. Several witnesses were called, who gave Gurgle a good character for ptety,aobriety and peace. Mary Fitzgerald—Went to Kennedy's factory on the 31st July; was there at half past six o'clock In the morning; there was nothing touched on the fence at that time, or when the bat water , was 'thrown; saw the little girl who was scalded; she was outside the yard; two girls took her home; there was a breach in the fence made by the wagons that brought the coal; It had been there Tor several weeks; some of the Wadding water came on me; the knee was not broken until after the water was thrown. • Clow,Examined—The girls were doing the best way they could for the tea hours system. Mary Fulton—Was At t h e factory at the time mentionedi saw girls ho had worked In the factory; was in Isabella - Street alter the steam was let off; the gate WO mot broken until an hour after the steam was let or; the water scalded a lade girl; Mr Scott was 11/21116* Mary Mtsgentld was 'in the middle of the gram the persons who were scalded were outside the foots ,dl4,not see any stones thrown eta artily the atititoWas thrown off; I was struck in tleg-haek with • stone which came out of the yard; thereireitnoinpry dose to the property until after the,i4Witter was thrown; aaw a pin pointed over a:relent:ld Men the inside, before the gate was broken opera, saw Plisa Dewy looking out of the factory window; she used abusive language. ChnorExamined—Went there to see the Alai knew that a law had been panned prohibiting us to work more than ten hours a day. Elizabeth Hagerty—Testified similar to the last witness. John Millen—Sawa gun painted over the Cue; it was in the hands of Mr Kennedy, but from the way in which It wu pginted could not hit any per= if diachamed. AZTEIMOOII lIIISLOIL - Mr Sawyer proposed to prove Mu Ms Kennedy previous to any disturbance, had taken a child and tied her to a desk, and that the mob wanted to mime the child. The Court decided that the question could not Einunnah Andrews arts next morn, nod Bed to a veal many thing. she bad beard, but nothing that she knew, of her own ktiourtedg. Many other saneness were called. who each' gave testimony exculpatory of the digereoi de ka/ants. George Walker—Was acquainted wills Samuel Hasher, was • member of the .same church with him, this Beaver webs Methodist Church; his cha racter was aced as a pelmet& citizen. as. wassss i ssssrasss.a...tas th0. d ..3 Samuel Hughtta ..„ LeeLocbt .Frededek Ras herrn Rpladran Idemind sine. be was a boy; saw bran no the day of the diaratteeme; be was oar doing anything particularhad a checkedshirt ea; bad n cap ca— noe • bag had no cost on. By Mr Btaantoa—nad oa tehatelcons vest and shirt; these ware his belt or drew clothe. Adam lingtdey-.He known Blttmtond • a shalt time; beam a good character; warn a whit:rabic on the day of the disnarbance. Mn Cavan—Maeda Rollithler In the main support of her onather,Swo hula lertabehrtutd a lit. tie sister; the supported them by vosklag in the beton , . 811 Kerr—Wes notpfewel;hs4a deli Grill own m town (tad day; kncer some of - the deknd ants; they are all peaceable orderly ettataajAhliTs' seen-theta all at untetittp; they eavebebsca iter. on inch occasions. coach better thaa area qt. Ma reception of Andrew Jackson, I believe be was bit with a snow belt BMiN=Mil S McMillan—Scow C Lindsey, his character is good as a peaceable industrious citizen.. Jacob Whttsel--Was at Penn Factory riot of the Mat of /nit It was the general impreition that if there had been no water thrown there would have been no dletattrance. The Council for the defence rested hero, and Mr Kennedy was recalled for the prosecution; he said la refelettee tattle little boy in ideate°, be WIN crawling along the fence, and was is danger; had taken him nom the crowd; he was am tied; Mayor Campbell was present; had take* the bay 100 the adios br saihty. Juba Weller. recalled—Saw the boy is Mr SAM; nedy's back room; he was am bon. John T Logue—Wu in the blactamiTh'e shop when theater= was let oS dhows about }Deere timbre; I wept to Mi Sweetly's and ordered flintier for lofty; the steam was let off about Ili minutes berme twelve detach; this Val thee only time Ala Bimini was let of that morning. ?fib ekeed the case The momenta win be beard to day. Ammar* Commtm—The Ca:melba( the city of Allegheny met oa Tuesday ereninyr, the gels ' • The M a ovies ce" were elected • City Solicitar'-atephee Geyer. ' Street Cammlnioner.4 Tyler. • Thearter--lehn•ki Stewarr.r Aseessor—T McMillan. Clerk dams Martet—Gea W Stoll: • WeWlltaater ar-the flay Sca.leerlse Mcltel• Wharf Moder—Wm waif. Sall laspetitithaStaddart., City Bagalator—Jamee Lichie Malstaat itegalatehit Stettotit Atil; Wm. MOW. Board Meutirent—Jaa. beau, Eitii4*.er'perbY, William Murdoch cod lobe Brown:;- ••• • • The POUMCotllmlulTlori 0111klit* meta this seeping.• • Cay Tax Collectors. act yet appointed 15 fliattet4 8 rmitTes.141.thgelltetriendi and plantain( thetdre4nOttill learn that thefitetniritii,Mil:Petott, et the Theettithbtevenlog. It wjuitbelipiolPy treldieinent,thai tbo pieces seleetedArithe °cm` elan ue eclat %tibia, in iztaneethm 'withthe parts that they prebent bire.R. feriae ebpect. tent—;ixtust eeetire ethllatteaditiee. [lf Mr: F. IR thirrirwill call " the Pset OlElee, be via get is lettet 2 that will be of :sottie,impottaAco• 1.I" 01L-40 this best attain strilidsClatdat OD landing tun atmr Uenellger and fon daddlit.• dealt i . . JAS DALAtiLlanaidna at GREAftt CHEME-2130 bto pnoot erolrOftbol" , !" store end for We low to atose,conalptmAtrtr. , l decll TAtirDLIA, d " •Ai at velum dee3o N HOLP4M t scpip CEEFIE-ILO bzg tot We by dee33 8 F VON DONNLIORST h Co OLICIII-lelogant horse Sle for ale by / 4 " decal B P VON BONNItORFerk CO , PPLES—Nt bats Basset*, flelleemsers, etc. for • sale by decal 9 F VON BONNHORST tCo • OALED ars for silo by desl9 rDWI LLIAMSS MULE POIIK-50,000 lb. owned Ihn Sides and lL► Shoulders, to olive; for ,alb by deal]) FRIEND, RIMY te co ',it ;i= I ; 0 ,4 1:111 1. 11a, warrantc pa I Maple .denta Y FRIEND, RUE? & Co aIILK STRIPED ALPACAS—I ease mak sulpadata• dorms, Jam feted and for loolany NURPHY,WILSON & Co,. • 6 .idbe9 48 mood s( I V.OAP-43 bid Cinctmall Som A fgr u deco AWSIONG scßUzffil Mots iroolausr redgied " forude (deep) 11-SOAII3ONAte.. §lrNmurs—a IR& small veldts Ileiiiis,'l4 . l4od 'dipping order; 4 bbls Dry Peaches; a 0 0 1; ~ kOlO L 0 I, landing Dora sicarnertaunstrise; fatislaby 18A14.11 DIMS' is fnAt st BATHERS-6SO Ibcpift Mug" Or sate by ; dean -13 r VON BONNEIORST It Co Lb: r BOATS-51 Filitl!oigi!,llo telmaorMvide; cOr akhy, ~ . Oa - • a Bootatectt•cti l . , 1 .;• : .. , ..:r . :L': . -:....:' , : . ..;1'-.,... 1, : - 4 -- ..j, : :.', : 1 -. ...?:.;,... - ,„ . . ~. , . . L. M :,-,,,...,..,-,,..4,-,--:,,,:i.--4,-,..:::t:,.i'...:17;ite:',:e...7--rzt'i-,:-'7...t4z,- DRY & 'VARIETY. GOODS G'''''' CLOAK "rikittg.. doa =Ann. „Tat. . sels, aisorted; 3 do'silk dodo' ndo do Sae do; SO assned• . 'do col'd do do. - , •% d° oo l l. d E i IN T G I IrOI4-10 dos ilittirecesereedirk awn* 6 dododo Capin 4 66 do corarnb4lodos Woolencoro fortis, assort en; le do do with tragic 58 do ladies Cash- Were plover. oA,'d. • . • LEATIIER SFAiTS-30 . d0z blk Molkskin Mons; 1M do do Morocco do, 3 do cdPil ihr, at norS ZEBOLONMSErS, Or market et "pLTENV 600 Irk IN JAIRJARP—If. R. Eltwrni - Itan• Vl:within a fowdays opened la supply of blank Al wean, low priced; dm -reedit= and super: do Mohair tiastres; new styLe Brithhhints; dolitneristin do; black cloth Shawls, plaid tong do- neat style Nonce de Leinen plain lead and drab ay ISE- lima • ul-d -ety of other scarce and desirable-goods, worthy the %newton -ethow wishing to - • • Merchants will find In the wholesale moon op stairs a good meek ofdedrablagciode,'st low grteds:- 111 5 RESH e‘..RBIVAL—ttr. WC/bleak offers In those Fwishing to (Width hot**, the bindnonted pawn ntnny of Cmpeting ever bmught to -this inarkat, colo nising in pan th e following varied= Rich sty e Vet , vot,,Pilet dxnunnerTapestry, Brussels, extra super 3 ply, Purl dply, superfme and fine: lagrain Carpetm tp which he most respectfully invites La friends nod the public, to cell and exude., beforeurelossing elsewhere. Waremato, No. 73 Fourth at, ' h. d..ta MEW JEWELICY-1. dna gold patent d Lem Watch detache 1 " Over " :ite u d t peeeil Cams ; VA.11.,h.." lad complete moment °Pother JenAy. at flog. ' Ikea ZEIJULON KINSEY'S, 67 market at SUPERIOR LONG.PIEIAWL.S-1V s Aloryby has received this militias by b..l:press, • lot Gl's.) , sommor wool Lot:gammas, of handsome styles. - PRZSCH MX6/301,- n hand, a good stack of thew goods—olive, invisible, green, Garnet, maroon, drab, KWIC% &O. AI., Palmettos, of desirable colors. • 1 g,:gem black Thibet Long Shawls, of a good quality, 'on bond at uonh eutionter ilit and Market as. • decd CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES at reduced price:A Su,m & Jamas, 46 Market street, would invite the attention of buyers to their choice mock of French . cloth and cassimercin also, fancy esseimeres, cued mores, eassineis and tweeds, which they are now of fenntthach below tho word prices. jail j bIESINOS AT COST—Smith & Johnson 46 Market nreet, will sell for the balance of the Season at cost, their stock of French Merinos, compel , singthe most choice colon. Now is your time to se- VAMISSONS—Just tecened at ica d n " lo i n a Klll- ' sey's, 67 Market street, :0 ps colored Velvet Ribbon, assorted colors; 20 bthck- GLbV/48 AND. }lo:)ERY—Smith d: Johnson. efl - Market st, would invite the attention of dealers and . othertro.their choice wont of Baton's superior Kid Move* and* sorest moiety of merino, silk and cotton Gloves. Also, to their extensive stock of worsted, Cashmere, Alpaca, Vigoulo and Silk Bose; ;ildeptViatt .d other styles of canon Hose—together with every stele of ehildsties Hose and gentlemens' half. Hose_ _ _ . _ &OLD SPECTACLIa3--Silver do; Sisal es; German 1„,IC Silver do. A large assorunent constantly on ltand, and catchalls fined to any age. Concave, cos vex, and cataract spectacle glass accurately adjusted to any vision required_ Also, maltiplying glasses for examining linen, wool, minerals, bunk notes, Ike., just recd and for sale by W W WILSON, Pea corner of market and 4tb sts J ANUARY d, IS4.2—NEW DRY GOODS.--W. S. Mesh. bus opened WS •Mondug an additional supply of Goods, embracing diary scarce and desira ble articles, end buyers are Invited to call,. they will find a much larger stock to select from than Is usually found at this advanced oast of the mason. Among the dli received, is now style small fle'd blots de Lain% Terkari Shawls, Olt cloth do, es. 11 - Goods al wholesale op stairs, very low, MS • - FILM!) LONG SI . WLS—Alexander d Dag, have Just received by express, one carton Plaid Long Shaved, smear which are or the driest goalfty, and the newest !toles imported, aed are now offered at prices matty mdeced from the rates obtained early in the reason. Also,* fear earra fine uChette Lane. Brenton Lang Maarle,wineb will be aloud at great bargains. The lade, efeintited 10 an early examination. ALEXANDER & DAY, 73mailiet st, N W Cu Maus Diamond ANOTHER PRESII ARRIVAL—Of those =tsar pc,,,ccd Tapestry 3 ply Imperial Carpets; received EtTday and for sal., at ll:dosed prices t os the carpet storeroom of W 111XLINTOCK. CEASoNAHLE GOODS StLIING OF7—Martn• 17 der k Day are aeUlns off stremarkably low prices • I.V, wortmentortopedakElankeU; fano dkmes 60 Blantkisktok , prim: a law &Una:lento( eobred Kan..* bean woolen-plod . Len *Shaw bean Terkari and blanket Brawls. -.101 „ A RIIPICIALVFLOWEES-866:1: A:Janson; 46 11. Market et,vrooldfevise the attention of dealers and a:herein their extensive stock of freeets end Loariessiertiftetel .Flovevesierkints fejt'. be ofresed at g)! • .AA ~. wench Takata,: Shave* 4-the loan oaks and richest irci,jostopgeOuldlelling Ono teitne.- tion (rpm ; • deel.3 • ALEGANDED.4 DAY UENTW FORMISHINU GOODS—Fine Mira mut Gaudin collars; merlins, silk and wool Vests, do cott o n wood'(Draw stk. kid and wool Glove.; uteri , a, and Hose: 1,10 nail. cravat.? fine Ze. pbye Stark. dee3 F H EATON & Co AVolDbliFfts--We would wane the alum= of those vrt.hing to furnish bons., to cell and catmint oat AllillOWT Carpels, tablet are yell nob in style and colors Ware:own, Nl* 4 th LIN g st. Pataburab. detO W bDC .& VD% DAG .41f- IV r kititnioek offers to - bat, to eras very handsome assortment of rich satin Da. mask,- boo wilduar,tunales, Also. French chintzes, beftv,froen.tianspakapislualea,&-e., at bat carpet ware room 73 Fourth SI- doe/ yliWilia•VENT) CA - gig caws gobs mail broom arm ttletti 1,0.e411, I 40 Taney Lmestavere Jose retyd and for vela at mono, pwees _ ALF,E, liberty as !Wear - ' " 01399100. _ 1P51 1 1.3 AND INFANTS' WEAR—FIt Rates An Co, hang addid to their forma Madams a de penmen) tinder chirgeof Digehter of Ronan for oakum to ord. in Latest itlyles, ;Monte Wear, Alines Seeks, alma.* and Dressee, Ladles and Goats Dressing 614114. dentarSts embroidered or assayed for embroidery; tattoos, memos, ermehotvrorttwwwitvhtag and =m inds 40411 y AtirColo4. 40,99 kati4 DAP.Prirrt.V—Coartantly teoCodll4 at I ' W. Dtilialoelre, is !roach street, exert ,•mtet7 o teem, eonsimine in past of Ailsol anon, of mow beautiful palterer Velvets, 14/04 P 440 1 ,4. Imported, aen►yy risk. 1'484 , 41Y.E 200 *bY,3 ply, sop- and Venetian, el of 'Mkt ow will miles low at 010.,,), f I.e Pon. 04044 in Mutatorket. lenporUng sod pmettaeirts from tho aututtfocrtata m , enabled as to compete watt the eWetn carts OWYRii 41 - Mirs 7 -7SaTis jm Xpi Cord.Eitelreliely . Wrote bit INtiory Stai tet 11.40teltdait , t1S do cold Flout do' IX do. I Aid FaMseptikr,S4oleortlfiewry silt Ohnem odo bit /11:#Prerielt silk Radom, reed tide; It RATON seas dee= , - . -- • -- Fatah st )14HANTYAND FOR SALR-10 pi drab Illsaket Coshes; a pslAytoder do dm I ease !Arvind. kelpo 11 do pry sated Cloth, 1 do Anay Cloth; Y d• Twoodr, Mow.. block sad gold raID I do fancy CUlialeTH4 bats Woo Blanket Colt tiotTi cowdrted dlreetirom numufacrinto add for tale b tbepsekage at pales. deeMi LAIR, liberty to VITRA Ai:DRUPES THRLIS PLY CARPETS - xi Received this dapolireet from the =enactment, handermArotsoriteent of extra super and toper three I t i t lame Comets of new to which 'as seal armutiOrt Of Doi, iriehing to faralatt booms or mearaboaks. Carpotioneotto, N 075 Posit lo• Pitta• b.„‘ -t' demil W II'CLINTOCK lIVOLLIZ'S !fluke% Flume. Tareeds,Ceusineils,74 Cloth and Cusizacte, by eiaccA, orlackage, no ism,. foe sale by nogia OF.° MCEIRAN r I eTCASSIATERII3.4 cues haw aria Fancy egigatteil, bright figurer aho vary handsome g ~,,biatoOnba-by•• • • deep t • IMACKLETT it WHITE Ammo= GOLD PENIS—A large and beanufal penDregenmsdnr, and fin all other garyosea. Also, Mende= Geld resmilsrge. medium and small 4vetiotlgebeidgmkers: rev sale by lad • • 81,' W WILSON • Dm DiArissr OGIATLNO— b, Lavender, grey nazi ed and blue, for sale by Me pies* Or pIaCkNFO, • manglltelarervbstees, "MURPHY a. JAS ski/welds Sib blast, mIIN balmy easatmemm; 4 ' do Twoodi, fancy ..c-cdors,l So fadey, tatsWace for at at saandlapidrofs. Puce-% „ • -•- irnLAVM GOLD PENS, a mapttaiiiii:titad mosa vellept lank, bait' tbe Ant tetit , te thl rkerg far tali " W IVILSON;..'7: - Leorner mutat iLud 41asts "Er OIAiVES.4.3 dos Ladles soOet Kid Glovol; D 6 . . • 410 r maaawhitsitablli 6• d midoco colored do deed F, ItEKTON k. Co Ito T 4 &o, 1 _ . Xi, 1M0L212111'.401101111, . plital”ei,r ss: b e basrts Droker•. NOTES,DDAi ACCEPTANDYS,VOLD,EULVER. ' AND DANK NOT U.:. .. COLLtCTIONB.—rads,' Note's 'add AtCtIFIIIICCS ty able 14 any polo( thn Ildicui,collectdd on Ammon vorable terms. '.. , EXCHANGE on NeW"Park, Philadelphia and Bal • tient°, also, Cincinnati, Louisville, Bent Louis and New irrlealpsiiintly for sale. DANK-N ,—Noins on all solved ' bank* in the Hailed Sta • diseoteted at the lowest rates. All kinds re reign alleAteniean Gold and Silver Coln bought d sold. &Bea No. Markett Mery between ild and 4th, • street Pa: oe ilili titISEW HANNA & CO" a AMEBAS, BXCIIANORIIROBERS, and dealers I e l i n F lo iy o rnarul Domedle &cheep, CeolleaUlla of i podia,' Dieted, and Spode; 'Fourth street, neu y o • we - Sank of Piitabergh. Cured money 're eed . 4n - depotte.—tist .ht Mediator sale, and an lettlopintlide en nearly di the prinelpal,pnisda In the Malted Stile* -•- . ,t , The fAilhell Stadium paid Am Foreign and American Advance* blade 'on 'eeniktimentiof Predate, ship ped-Ea 'MI liberal semi . f. , ,l'i ' ' urchin .16 • 01/13•IGN 0.200/NOB. (B I " d ar uu" 3 c 1 21 rul a gg ..d.rro, Draft, payablo to any pait the Old C.winwyo, t Tom El to MOB, at the Igo or 11/ tho . Sterling, ithout dedootion or boom , . In...JOSHUA ROUEN. SON, k'''Pes'l sod 43°4° " 11 14'4.40f/4'o dth et obo door weldor wood. 43e911.1t. 13"="i'ltatr'Te. n".strkLirilEt:ln For fc: Ichanga,Cenllicata. of Deposita, Bank notes and Gobi No G 3 Wood , anent, INA :doot)balow Fourth, west wax UNDWAAD mr 1y In AND EXCHANCIS MLOKEna, de ere In Fottign and Domestic MN lizeliongei er annum. of Dopo4lue, rook Nowt iind Coln, cantor of Ad and WoOdOneekOlfoottypproilito'St. Charleo no teL ennyt.tdly - . . Iviceyr,Eari Virlf owo chant, Nestschy, • blissaers t • itsakNoter purchased at the lowest TV 1 OW E 80N9, ' 13 Market street. ILLS OS—Slght Chocks on. .E 0 I Q ew Mk, . Philaderphison g nh. Bi gmMino, • •nszantly *saki* , N4100.,&439N5. *013 ,, 7 as atiao riliatiMlVßlXllll4 JAMES 1M: WOODWRLL, 'Modern end Antique Furnitnre, 14'Tntsm.Sziagr, Premarcamt. O Marge andlspleadid eisortment Fumbore, suitable for Steamboats, Howls and private duel linos, constantly on head and outdo to order. • The meant stock ob hand cannot be exceeded by any manufactory in the western eourtlxl. .Petsoas wishing to purchase would do well to give me a call, eel am determined my prices shall please. Port of the mock corddsts in— Tete aTotm Buffet Retrie; Louis =V amity.; Queen Flisabeth chairs; Tem Poy Fruit TAM.; Toilet Ta b les;l se; es; Louis XV Commodoel French Mahogany Bedstendr, Piano Stools; 00 sofas with Plash sod Hair-cloth coven, 50 Mahogany Rocklng Chairs; 40 dor Parlor do 30 " Fancy do 25 centre Tables; OA pair Divanr, 4 pelt pier Tableg 10 muble top Dressing ronroatuo 8 Waldrobesi 8 Secretaries and Book came marble top Noah Stands; 4 pair Ottomans; 8 pair fancy %Vork Stands; very large assortment of common chairs and other furniture too nosseroas to mention. Ur" Steam Bolas :famished on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. decls IPti _ Mean= gh 41, Boston Ocriquilianneany. ' Tins Company respectfully Informs the public, mid particularly all dealers and consumers of Copper in the form in which the-S'MP.. n, that their Well ing Works are now In successful operation. and they see now ready to make contracts for the delivery of Ingots tO those who want in thisform; and also tough cake for the purposed( rolling. The Copper produced from the Metalic Mines of Lake Simmer, ta ascertained to be Mach superior to the ordinary copperin the markets, which is obtained from oaks containing foreign mineral substance. This copper is perfectly pure, and ts not injured by the pro cess of smelting, and is therefore greatly to be prefer red for bell metal, rolling, and many other purposes. At it is not the intention or wish of this Company to erect works for the manufacture of copper In the various forms in which it is wanted, they wilt be happy to make ebutinets for the delivery ell in the farm of logow, tough coke for rolling, !cc., to those who may wish to embark in the business. Hereafter, all the copper obtained from their mines will be brought to Pitudrurgh, and large supplies may be expected Letters addressed to C. G. Ham or MOWS M. Hows, will meet with prompt attention. deci9-d3m ' CHARLES AVERY, President. CARD. rro THE ENTERPELISMO--A rare chance is now presented for the Rafe Investment In a baainess en only new; one adapted to , S o man of limited, as well as ustkestrita of extensive ;trees; yielding a profit from capital and enterprise yond any operation of the day. It it the complete monopoly of a staple Wt. ele, absolutely necessary and talindiDi to every Wel ly, as well no indispensable to the meehonle, anima and proftasimial man. To copitalists, an opportunity offers Itself fora lucrative employment of either large or small sums, bringing immediate and highly satisfac tory retards. Those dmirous of embarking in a pleas ant, genteel business, ore with others, to call the office of the undersigned, examine the article, and form their own jade - men; from the facts presented. Other, Exchange Buildings, St. Clair et, next door to Esquire Johns' other. COLVEII tr, MYERS. droll 0 IC - HA ON FESH }ROM THE SHELL—By Burke & East Express, at redueed prices — To ace:ammo. date all lovers of thie delicious luxury, BURKE & Co. have resolved to supply the people regularly through out the eleestib, WIW the eboieest Frcah Ujeters cans, half cans and; shell, at ouch reduced prices as will enable every faintly to coley - this delicacy at their tables. An Express load will be received daily at the ware honse of JNO. C. BIDWELL, Water meet, between Smithfield and Otani, nod for sale them, and at the fol lowing depots: Reis & Berger ' comer Smithfield and Rd eta; E Heasleban, Diamond; A Roesler Pena st, 6th Ward; D Hanghey, foot of Liberty s;• J eoltart,.4r., Penn's Avenue; Mercer & Robinson, Allegheny city. Jltrew eras JOHN H. A1F.J.1.011, No H Wood mreet, has received invoices of • large supply of Piano Fonda Gam the tele brated manufactory of t biekering. Boston, to arrive In a few days, of which. due notice will be green, varyiag in price from 6276 to $7OO. Abia from the manufactories of H Worcester, and Bacon on Raven, New York, a handsomeassortment of 6, 61 and 61 octave Piano Faiths, rosewood and mahogany easem of the mon elegant description, and with all the late unproven:lents. Theabove, m addition' to he mock to hand, sill make the largest and moot desirable selection ever offered Mr sale in this city, and will be told Mall cams at manufacturers prices, on accommodating tenor, and a arises guartintea given with every Piano Pone sold. JOHN R. MELLOR, Sole Agent for the aide of Chiekerinirs Piario Fortes, for Western Pentraylviuna doc2o OE= NEW' I 5 TIRIIDIERT. HE subscriber his been appointed Sole &Tent far 1 the sale of CARBAR ra 131PROVF.D AILLAR/E -uNS, as manufactured and and perfected by Messrs. March & White, of Cincinnati The usual rumpus and extent being bet foot octaves, Mesas. AL &. W., in accordance with the general desire imd demand, have extended the Wale of thew instruments to 44 and even 3 octaves, thus makirg it practicable to perform open them any music VrTIIICII for the / Janet or Organ. The exterior, aleo, has been much improved by placing the body of the Inetroment open a east Iran frame beautifelly bronzed mil ornamented. rendering it at once a most elegant and extremely desirable article. • The price is put so (ow as to bring it within the reach of every one to obtatn a perfect musical in* trament., and, at ae satins umc, a me.t elegant piece of funn tare for a comparative trifle. ii. ELEDER, At 7 W Wowtereire I%.l4—Cail and examine. NintirPL(ls7oB. Sohn An cloy tea Nesirs &CLanea Catuantazon Ptaane ftiVil TINS subscriber has not replenished his stock of Pianos, which for variety of style and prices has otter been ant. peaked in t h is city. Just received and opened, the following new Pianos. One 7 vetoer cabinet grand Plano, an entirely new i11V.4011. OTC Rewswood 04, very elegant Yams & Clark. OM . 3, " One " with Celenian`s eclebnited !Kali. Al. mammal. This is a eery iropeOnr Plasm. - One " inalsogmr, plain, N. C. dosl3 N. 41.1Allga, at. W WoedvreJPs 'DILATED SPOONt.i: are.-- , K 4 dozen Silver Plated nonce goiter, . 3 . " . " plain Tea Spoon; 3 " " . " lip 3 " " " Threaded onto. bell]; 2 .. " Denser - I Spoon., 1 " " " Table " I - " " Tobacco Boxes, I " " .• Sager Shovels; I `• " • " Salt I•• " " hi Elston! " it `` U. Silver Spec Cases; 4 `` " Specs; 4 " •• Ao.d eel's. Also, 0 Allen's Pacent Revolving PINIZOL.; Z. KINSEY'S, GT Market _•_t WOOL, FLOOR AND PRODUCE. 1,11,11 AN, HEED & CO., itaarces,or. to Revd. Hard A Cod GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS BOSTON, AIASB. Particular intention paid to the sale of all tin& of Pro duce, sae liberal advances made on conalgruncats. I. B. a Co. have leave to refer to— Messrs It- Nobiwn & Co. 1 Pittsburgh. WOW & Roe. Reed, Parks & Co., Beaver; Lawson 41. Corrode, Wellsville, O. Roswell Manta, Esq. Steubenville, 0. S. Brad EN. 1 W F P u rr son, Fag ; whe , thg, v . blessrs R Crangle h Co. Gill & Stout, Rhoden & Ogicbf BridgrPort,p;,..l 4 , er-0.'00,1163 ne7 WPTcri • r ICtilorlde of lame.) 51PORTEU DIRECT FRONI THE MANEFACTII. RERS.—The salweribent have 00 band and wilt constantly be supplied with J.. blusprau & SoCle gel. ebrated Bleaching Powder, Which they will warrant equal if not superior to any imported In the U. Bums, and which they are prepared to sell at the lowest mar- i ket price foe cash or approved bills. noel R & hl MITCHELTREE, IGO liberty st_ Dtnapros rri aubscritmrs are now receivinwtheir Fall stock Triffles above article, pree vessel,, viz the JIMMIE, bledallitmand Lydia. having arrived at Philadelphia and lialumore, and two mare,the Stephen Bahl wit, and Leda, shortly expected; they are, therefore, Prepared to receive Min} They will receive during the win ter and spring regular supplies via New Orleans. novl3 W a 61 611TCLUEZTIER SON UiU ER . übba No I Illackereh• 3/ MOAN° t mackerel; Zlhf do isto ido,• 60 " 3 10 do Tanner: Oil; 6 do Alum: 3 do E Salts; 3 do chip'd /. 4 1PF 00 d Ibf do Nuurte , 50 has No settled Herring, . 50 his No t do • 6 do scented fleapit .10 do No 3 Press do; 10 do No 41 , t10 do 1 bale Cloves; 10 bags Java Collect 60 hhils prime N O Sugar; just reed and for sale by • deet4 BROWN & CULBERTS.ON 0010111USLITIS. • U. a 000611161 RITCHIE COCHRAN... L E FORWARDING D'COAINIBION 111311CautTS, NO. 1:13 TCLIOUPITOBLAB STREET, Mew Orissa... agemwamravtg7 - 7- TNFORM their friends and the public thatthey have no longer any eofineetion with their lute ertabLish meat tn Penn ltreek, kuown as the Pittsburgh Brewery, having removed their enlire•butriese to, the POINT, biRTAFMn Y, la Pitt:Creel. 03 , 16.4 . : yet sair\l," Dentist Owner orrounh .d Decatur, between Market and Ferry .U.. 1.• repasliyin ILLTIZZUF ZDWAILOS, MMAO. tOCIEL, rlioa reason, Jr lAMB rem, TWO BON /AYH IL L.W.Z., 1111GCNIANIOlit GLASS WORKS. SIMPSON /r. Co...tnannfaetarent of Vials, Bottles, and Window Glass, keep constantly on hand general assoruneat of the above articles. Also, make to order a superior articlo of hlineral or Soda-Water Bottles, of colored glass. No. 10 Wood st, Pittslmnsh Pa. aug3l-Era T. 111 CAVANAUGH, Receiving, ?warding and General Comnils- Mon Ilerthani, Communist. Gram, Sr. Loots, bro. N. B.—strict attention paid to orders tor purchatung In this market, and all business promptly transacted. Reference at Pittsburgh, John arFaden & Co. dec2B-dam T . eelles together for the purpose of transacting a wholesale and retail Dry Goode and Grocery business, at No 20.1 Liberty, opposite Seventh greet, under the style and firm of BUSIIFIRLD & }LAYS. Pittsburgh, January 1,1840. N..ll—Our old Calcium. and the public aro invited to eve us acall. Jo* WELSH FLANNELS—NV R Murphy has on hand roll assortment of these &errata Goods; also, • tall assortment of 'domestic unshriakabh, do,and • full assortment of sonnet and yellost, and spotted, for Christmas' wear. Home made Flange's—white , bnirwn and boned: a supply constantly oo band. _L dec3O 116 .ufaCiibent, !tont - vitt; parnio - ia of the 9rm of 1 Arwood, Jone. ?a Co., wall continue to transect a Forwarding and COClLlill.iol3 business, under theatylo of llerdYt Joao, A, 440. , AARON A HARPY, joy WM. P. JONES. TilliUßSELOST—Weedroprted bygtiAy o dn her way from from Elliott a. Eitgbehr. book inore,AVood Eaton's trimming store, a .purplo Silk rune, worked with weal beads, containing a SW nom on the Bank of . Phieborgh. the firmer nil be suitably • rewarded by leaving the same at either of the above named ttles. .... dee? . NOTICE. ToHE underalped having removed to 'Washington -•.-city, ivllP attend to tha prosecution of Maims on Verremment, and to imy taw hod.. before the Muni of the District, with which be maybe entrusted. decBal3atis ANDREW %V SUE, Ja. tinfriniailitted With ranin - itiFiritale - - 1..,5a1e Grocery, Produce and Oniiminion business my brother Joseph, under the &roof J . 8 DILWORTI I & Co. 2.1. DILWORTIL January 1, • , AITOANEY AT LAW. OID 'removed psFounb , scree; between tissithitld fittALSltget. I ROUSES. LOTS, FARMS, & - - Valuable Real Estate Trig Bale. IHE following described property, in tin, of Pinsborgh and Allegheny, and vicinity, is offered sola on aternumOdattog team ore tit rrrrstomen. 1 Lot. 42 feet m fronton Liberty street, below Mu bury, by 110 fettle, Brewery alley,being pan of Lot No 129,ice. the Monongahela deer. Lot No 460, having GO feet front On Befrenth street by HO feet to Strawberry alley, near We comer of Grant, street 1 Lot on Elm street, 20 feet by 70. Lou Nos 1W,120 and 130; On First 41.1 ten, between How and Try ,titers, each hoving24 feet fronton First street by ED feet deep. Lots Nos 111,190 and 140, hoeing 24 feet front on Third street by EC feet deep. Lots 161 and 162, basing 24 feet front:eh Third street by 60 feat deep. Lots Nos 21, 24, 25 and 'l3, twenty-ftse fedora Qoay r y street by 60 feet deep Two lee, Nos 203 and Wkl, on Penn street, in the inti ward, 24 feet by 110 feet to Spring alley. 5 Lots on Penn street, in the 9th ward, between Maid win and Morris !trete. baring 24 feet front on Penn street by 100 feet to Spring alley. 11 Lots on Butler excel, in dm 9th Ward, between Wilkins and Baldwin streets, near the AlletchettY 04001 , 24 feet front by 12:1 feet deep. Las Nos 81 and 127, having 60 feet front on Beaver by 210 to West Common, between Ohio street and North Common. Lots Nos 90 and 91, having GO feet trout on Federal street, by 940 feet to !diddle alley, between the Dia mond sod North Common. Lot No 100, besiege° feet on Sandusky stresthy 2411 feet to Pitt alley, between Ohm street and North_Corn. MO6. • - Five Nacre Lou In Reserve township, near. the bo reughof Mane heeler, Nos 087, 180,24, 1 ten acre Lot on the Ohio river sod the Deaver road, between the U.S. Marinalkopital Lot and Phil lips' oil cloth fseniry—to be sold in quantities to suit purehtniera Enquire of • •CHAR.I.MiII; SCULLY, or:TARES O'HalLa, Barke's Banding, 4th sL TO COTTON ANN BCCIAR PLANTERS. Tat.ercreeriaN. IN ARKANBAS.-41se sabseriber .r offers for isle the extensive plantation in Arkan sas, formerly belonging to and occupied by the hue Governor Kent, of Marylaod, and containing Patent], eight hundred and eighty-three mad a hareems offend fhls in the anomie. of Phillips and Crit tenden, and is situated in Walnut Rend, an the Masi. slppi river, twenty-five miles above the town of Gel, se. It is said to be dm highest river land in tint re gion of country. Its soil is peculiarly adapted to the growth of cotton. Ito improvements are an overseer's house, a borer-tnlll, several corn houses, and good quarters for servants. Guaranis of seven hundred acres of Ibis land have been cleared and ore now cultivated: The rest of It may be easily cleared, (the most being already done,) and has less timber upon it, and that chiefly of ash, which is readily sold ate Well located wood yard, la quantities of several thoustuid cowls rthery year. Tins plantation is one of great vain, and presents a ram opportnalty ID th e public. In the hands of P good planter timer be eerily made of immense annual pro fit- Its facilities of intercounte with New Orleans af ford aconstant avenue for th e disposal of.improducts..- It-is distant shoot Eto miles from Cinoinnws,o9o miles from the mouth cline Ohio, and 740 miles from New Orleans. Thrs property will be divided into Several parts, U desired. For terms, &a., apply (post oaid) wiLuem D. FERITEE, Baltimore, Maryland. FOR SALE, 1:11 THAT SPLENDID PRIVATE RESIDENCE tm nowin the occepcy of Mr. Samuel M. Wick ersham, situated In the First Wird of Allegheny city. This property la bennufully located on the bank of the Ohio, having a river front of 200 feet, protected by a stone wall. and extending back 348 feet, com manding • beautiful view of the city and the 'rival.. There are two steam ferry boat landings within a few maps of the property, furnishing convornent tacos. by steam, as an times, to the city o Phishargb, and Tena penineevillo on the south side of the river. The house Ira large double two WO brick, finished in the latest style. with all the model= conveniences and Improvements, anitable out houses, math house, stable, carriage house, fee i.e. The garden is well supplied with skabbeiyi and 60 choice fruit trees, including pools, apples, and , peach es. For terms and other paruculars, apply to • War 1 t MS A SHlNS,Allatates at Law. t. Jabdtat °Mee on Its st, aboveßmithfield 5165 AerasVeal Land law Sale, SrruATED on the Blonongahelariver,about 10 miles from Pinsborsh and 3 imlea above. third ',Lock, in the immediate nefghborbood of Almant Lyon & Shorb, and Mr. John Ilerron'a muchase. This fine body of Coal will be sold at the low price 0f16.63 per acre-one third in hand, balance in five equal annual payments, without interest Tide indisputable, Location very good—cannot be stopassed. For farther particulars enquire of S. BALBLEV, who boo a draft of said pro perty. Residence Rd st,below Perry, file. Adams' Row. N. R There is another seam-of cool on this inset, about 60 feet above the lower, of excellent quality. ___JY26O3O. 6. a. TE subscriber will sell ou tmeomModating term,, a valuable tract of =improved laud, situate-on the road leading from Brighton to Franklin, about eighteen miles from a . ..burgh, and about eight miles from the town of !reed= on the Ohio rivet. The tenet eon.. tome Scat acres and 20 perches, atrial measure The land be of =excellent quality, about 00 agroo cleared, and well watered, apd will be =ld =hen* orholeor in forms of convenignt sloe, to snit purchasers, For further particular. enquire of W 5.1. BOYD, tatty st Law, efface on dth at, above Smithneld, Plusburghg torkM,Lkortf T ' ' ATRACT of bold, ITO nom, in Harrison, 'Portage Co., on the Cayaboga river—about 31r acres rtholerinr. prov 711 CM. AIM two unimproved ling in tfin uillise of Nemu,Trum b nU Co 60 feet by Da. Alf°, n lot of girotind in Inn centre of flortionl,Trintbell Co., with fine dwelling bonne .d.itine of the beat stands fora reem-hant on the Western Itesgrve. Any or all this property will ha sold on very aneoreznodating l[llso. 19AIAH DIC=Y k Co., fad.° Water and Front sta. FACTORY FOR ILIAINR OR rrlit: I. n and well Malt Yisetory,tirottned en street, Alleghenyolty, by 'a:a. Calmat. hag., is inferred for sale or I t...t from th e tot of Jon. ts O. Tho lot on whiob the Far-wry - is ereeted, , fronts 10 feet. on Rebecca !street and nuts bark - 110foot to Park . mrect. The main bonding is of brick, th ree, stories 60 foot long by 27 coot 'rho Engin° ]]loose is largo , ang - ,tornonodloti..Oritb , M:l44/6^ - 06 4 / 6 "roanniti. a., al! to comptetenrder. Vite'property,willAronolot low, and on adetuatOcitnsic Inquire of ROBERT wyczonn't • deckt43En t Agent. COINTIM -11.1011IDESCE AMU ItENT. 10 ACRES OF GROUND' , eitOulca 0 c , r . Pittsburgh and titeensburgh.ratropige,af miles from the city, end adjuinitrutho Allegheny Cem etery, on which is erected a Intgia-nod werk - laritshed two story brick Owe Wog Houseitogether with 'ilablcs, cars:age house, to. 'Lucre tasitlOun thS•Pic. ol i 4, large variety frtnt treck,and • sptingof unusual ea cellence eontiguons to theduselnag4 - , „ Also—One three undone two awry brrick dwelling, situated on Liberty stow, beloreetiOlLsii"and Wal nut erteu, eth Ward. Rent moderato, Enquire of jal3 WSt. VOLC:II,, 143 Liberty at OFFICE ROOMS near the Post ()Ides- Also, two small stores do Third street. And a long Ham on Market street, third story, Nrill2 .semiler nacre In second story below, formertyrocutapied as a Daguerreotype esisAlistunent, helot/ Ira located and adapted for that besiness. h DSMIZAtiI, Office dd st,Sorer Philo Hall. • ROIL RENT.. AIitTHE three story !trick Duelling Haase, ro merly oceoptetl by the subsenber, au Rebate 4an Allegheny city. JJI.9..RERR, Jr. a : Ner,D3 Water a . A TURFY.. story Dwelling sin Fourth" boraxes item and Liberty streets, taw operiplat by Absalom Morris. Eoqire of -• • to latt , KNAP & TOTTEN ZFOR RENT For one to.threiyeari; from the eiss of. April rum, a large or ituted brick Dreelliag Roosts. pleasantly sinia id'dn'the bank of the Ohio rtrer,adrooting the botonghCorgenehes• ter, milk aboarfour acres of lima, oat linitdirtgs, fruit trees, &c. &e. ..ApPIY to_ Jai • JAMES A RUTCHISON hCo Pro - liiity In - Allegheny City for Sal.. rIIHE subset/hen - older for sato ,nuirther choice 7 Lots, situate in the Seeotil Ward, fronting on the Common gratind.on easy terms.- !noire of W. &FL ROBINSON, Atty at Law, St Clair st or of JAS ROBINSON, on theyotemises. ___teryTrul&ertfl To - Let. A LARGE and well .finished Roam, second story, on the comae of Wuxi and Third, streets, iWi above the li seharige eider of • so if Williams. Posieuiort given Munedtately. inquire of jai • brGILLS & RUB, 194 Liberty at FOR SALE OS REST. . • . Ige, THE subscriber offers for sale arrant, his real 11.A. deuce in Allegheny . city. Possession can be gi ven lst of February, or sooner if necessary, and who ever may oceimy it;might find It athitmtegeous to re tain some of the (nominee, tse.., particularly suited to the place. • .t WalCatifaUXTElt. WANTED TO RENT—A "Inv L private thrall in with no; fella than fear Oen% and a kitchan. of ten miniiterretb of the Diamoad. Addraas anthlsartle,l2lsl", "BOX No.lll6.Tast•Officaa • BRION. YARD rro LET.—A Lot ou Hut, suitable (or one _IL Viso Reek Yards, to lot. Apply 'to pl 4-11111 AL a. LOWRIE, Agent. Wylie st. TWO HOUSES AHD. LOTS: FOR SALE. • TWO LOTS on Waver itreet, to the city of Allegheny, above the upper Commons, on ei kith erected a frame building, Iwo stories high, suitable for two small tenements. The W.W . I: each twenty feet to front by one hundred fret deep, and run back to a street forty feet wide. The bulltlings on the pre. mins will pay a very handsome interest on the snout ment; and the property wilt ho sold cheap for cash. Apply to 11. Sproul, office; U. S. or to norm . KAY &Co ==)l . . . .... . aTHIS delightful Stammer Retreat, ac fors) some years past accepted by :qr. L. Bureb field, is offered SOT sn aOr rent on the lint 01 Apnl next- This property be. been improved by additional buildings, and a substantial stone wall, and terrace planted onth Evergreens and Fruit Trees. To a good teumtiaapable of conducting the Retreat, the terms will be reasonable. GEO COCHRAN, Pittsburp . _ , Doc. D. _ Agent for Proprietor. ____ ___ .. SOU. REIN/T. ' ._— __ AgtTHE subserihs; offer; for rant for the term of ono or more years, a tarp convenient well fin a iwo gory Dwelling Hoe.; et:inclining I? rooms and Kitchen. There lit a lot of ginned contal6tig II acres elfin, young fruit trees of every kind; stable, Inc., connected with the house. To any Olson wish ing • deliglitful residence within a fete mktues ride of the city, this will boa rare chance. For terms, which Will be low to • good . tenant, inquire !of hit. jeo. With; near the prenuses, of John Wait, corner of Hand and Liberty streets, o of II oet2S-tf THEO. F. SIitICHIT. tisudifeTigit EN ACfll OF LAND, shunted In. Feeble. town. T ship, 08 the Monongahela, three miles from Pitt,- burgh—in lots to suit purchnsers. Foe farther paint , Mors apply to Henry Woods, 34 at, at to A. WASIIINGToN, noven-dif 4th, above Smithfield st _ _ Zstate 1n illeroor,Coasty. A LOT, Store/masa and Dwelling, situate on the eLErle d i l Extension Canal, in the villge of West Mid ittat a desirable Mention for a merchant Also, a Lot and good Dwelling I.lorwe roll suited:for a Tavern Stand, In the Tillage of Orangeville, :on BMte into of Ur= eon,. ISAIAH Dieligia to CO.' , able Water and Front sun C ° for A ta b a k ta lji tl i , band o ' f the'nut " tgabela ROW, strove jitOWOOViCe. Pa., having a 747 , .. vein of -tool which be sold in exchange for Ver.rewlmo. Jszply. S k:fILLAMA I 17 armed at : A N L_ Wetitifolige, FOR HALTX 2 Theaub scriber Tem for Data the there atorplerlekiVattallattaa .• W oo d .mat, occupied tryl.iLl'aantei& Ca. apt? • WU. Wit/30N, Jr. Ml= To aa: Tbo anbaoßbera arRI rOkitri diftbe?, ware abouso now oecutOod b P ply ttaaa, :Ap ZAMA AT... 7 4M0 *a, labt9 • • iatk'ttreet, e -- faalMitic . FRWRIRRefr. V FOR sm..E-4: Lot GP , * tita! , ;Pßitaß. meet, between .Hay.-and, Afarbney .streetn, adjeledhe Ow balsa and lot now occupied by .Riehabißdwarda, wring a from of 23ket, and In deptb,lllo feet, ytabo wad on foyotnbla Max untztonttorobld... It quire of • , „9:;,o44)o3l.l.B;lll(st,teitryfonf, . ,„, • - e MEDICAL. HAUT'S VreGLETAIX4I:I EIXTRAOT 8 ONI:Y REMEDY that can berrelird on for 'the permanent cure of Spunsodie Contractions, Ir rtUulon of . the Nerves; . Nervous or Sick tleadathe Nervous Tremors, Pienialgie Affection., General De- Why, Deficiency of Nervous and Physical naergy, end all Nervous Disorders, including the mostdreadnd 01.11 dimeses that ever affect the human nee-- EPILEPTIC FITS, ar Falling Sickness, Hystuical Fts, Convoisioes, Spasms, ate. Haw would imps., It upon the minds of the affdeted that the Vegetable Extract to the only rem edy ever diwovered that Can be relied 00 for the per. ailment cure of this most theadful of all disease. As its tendency is to insanity, madoeu and death, the most SKILLFUL PHYSICIANS of Europe, ea well as those of oar own country, have pronounced Epilepsy Incurable. And it has been so considered by marry, until thin most important of all discoveries was made by Dr. S. Hart, nearly sixteen yards since, dating whic h time it has gem performing same of the meat REMARKABLE GUMMI upon record, and boa acquired , . mutat= which time alone can efface. Physlelans of undoubted skill nod experience, .minlsters of rufous denominations, as well on kindred. of our eminent citizens, all mote, in recommending the on of thin truly valuable medi. aims to their patents, charge, and friemds, who are af flicted, as the only remedy. WE QUOTE ME LANGUAGE used by those who have been mood by this valuable msdimnm o n e says, "I have suffered beyond my taw or of description, but I now it la 'being fully re garded to health and happiness" Another say. "I thank God I feel theft am a well man. I also feel it my duty to proclaim it to the ends of the earth, that those similarly afilieted may find relict" Amber (who is an EMINENT LAWYER and well known in this city say. "My son has been afflicted for years with Ep ilepsy, - but Is now enjOying good health from the Vegetable Burnet. Its fame," says he, "should and ought to be sounded to the ends of the earth." An. ' other say. "Lanett/els entirely inadequate to express my gratitude to De. Hart for having been the means, under the blessing of Gad, of Testator me m the enjoy ment of good heulth,' eller baring been afflicted with , Epilepsy to Its - worstforms for more than twenty three,' year, and my meriting and evening oblation of praise • and thanksgiving shall continue to ascend to that God. Who has &Meted but to mete sae whole." Mrs. J. Bradley,lls Orchard street N.Y. states that she has beelif alveet. to fits for many years, and has been restored to perfect health (after every other means • had failedl by the tier of the Vegetable Extract. Dr. Charles A. Brown, of Dover, Russell comfy, Ala. .._ vibe is one of the best p elansiatha State, my, that he has been =eh benefited by the use of the Vegeta. ble Pause; and that he unhesitatingly prewribes it In "` -.. fu• every case of Epilepsy which comes order his knewl ego* • - . ly Curtis G. Mayberry, Esq, formerly postmaster of Lime gills, Crawford county, Pa.,. now livng to ' • Mmty, Pa., strains that for mazy years p o ol he hes 4 7 teen sorely Maimed -with fits, and he is new . • state that a persevering nee of Dt. Rues Vemtable; Extract, ham restored bhp to wand health,being more{ ; (reed from that worst of all diwases. ' From the Madman Comm ' . IIEALUMAHLE CURE. • follevang certificate was !wen to Messrs:TM:. .." mna & Miles peeler Hart'. Agents for the sale of his 'Vegetable Alck:i.Ver the are iX l rec o cill 3P gtt i tia ri ptsfe l • Our edinnial columns from the feet that to the only known medicine that will can Epilepsy, at the same time believing it to be one of the greaten discoveries th medical valence. Phyaietans mad men of anions of sill age. have been trying a remedy for this disease, btu W bas beanie vain until the present din dowry of Dr. Hart, and we would now say to those MlLicted with fits, droptar no longer, for there la hope! MESSRS. TIiOM.AS& MILES, WO Main men, commit, Ohio, Agents Inc Doctor Ran's Vegetable Extract for the clue of Epileptic Fit. Gentlemen—lt is almost impossible for language to impress with what heanfehmaisfmtion I address dime few linen to you, for the purpose of informing you of he beneficial maths. that have beets effected by the ale of Dr. ilarPa.Vegetable Emmet, My son, aged twelve year., has been severely af flicted with Epileptic Vas, and with sure severity that . the opinion was, he could not be cured. In one of his paroxysms he fell and broke his arm. Il coiled In Do. Mulford, a very excellent physician, who re-set IL He informed me that my •Orde Nervou s System was very mach deranged, and that it would be impossible teem hap of Epilepsy, as Epileptic Pits were almost 'incurable, and employing phyMeiana in his cure would be only throwing money away, I called upon Dr. Puttee; he Informed me• that the disease had assumed a chronic foray and it would take a long ume ID cure him if he could boonied at all. Hebecame worms mad worse, and I began to think there we, no core for him, rand I saw the udverree- - meat of Dr. Ilart4 Vegetable Extract in one of OW cap pmpen, with certificates from persona who bed been ' afdreted for ten, fifteen, twettrY, thirty, and even forty years, and restored to health by the use of the Rumex • • I called at your store, and after conversing with Mr. Themes, I came to the conclusion to purchase a three dollar package. It done little or nogood. I thought I I would try another, from the vac of which I perceived some lime:benefit I then come to the conclusion to purchase a ten'dol. lar box. I found that it was of so much service to him I was mdmed to purchase a second. And I ant only thmkful that I done so, as by the use of the ten packa ges he haabeen restored to perfect health. Should my parson ho desirous of see! bon, and IUI- ceruuning farther particulars, 1 shoubl be pleased to gratify them by their calling on me at my residenee, 4 • south west corner of Fourth and Park streets, Coleus- o '. nazi, Ohio. ISAAC N. PERKINS. . Cincinnati, August MM. ISM TUB TIME IS NOT FAR DISTANT When thousands who are now trembling ander the ' hand of this dreadful &Sense, and fearing that every attach may prove fatal, will find permanent relief and be restored to new fife, by oulog this Celebrated rriedi-yr rise. over one thousand ceruficates havebeenro eivedur tenimony of the beneficial results produced : by the use Of Dr. If art's Vegetable Emmet Prepared by O. lIART, M. D., New York. Price,one package do four packages • do eight do tlosX, THOMAS & MILES, Ito Main street, Cincinnati, Ohio, General Agents for United States, Canada, md . West India - L. WILCOX, Jr., corner of Inamond and Market at,' Agent for Piusbuegh, Pa. Fly & Eillbourne, Colatobas, Ohio & E Gaylen!, . Cleveland: and for by most of the principal drug, . • gists and therettents throughout the United States t , n0v1.6-dfterS DALLSErt )1461.0,11PA11i BITSicTos: t pus following from George E. Pomeroy, Ern., Well tricorn proprietor or the speaks for itself of tho importance of the Pain ior to every' • panto- _ • Exramus Omer., Albany, Sept.l— Datum My Dear Sir—With feehngs of no or'., • ',Unary Measure address you in relation to the benefit- I ham received fromyour seminal:de Pain Extractor. Lately, my little daughter, tl years old, had a pitehei of boiMrg water tamed into her bdsom; her screams were dreadful, so that •eroard insuunly gathered be- tore the boom to team the Cann of the terrible screams. 1 tom her clothes...older, and soon spreaon your ; and she was carried andlaid upon a. el She was soon reliewed from her pains, and says ' Ma, libel its if I could langtnn and was soon in sweet sleep. She. was melded to a blister from the top of her shoulder - over more than half her chest, and mond, under' the arms_ On the shoulder and breast It woe very deep, ; yet from the first hour, she complained only when It ; was dressed. Tim sore healed rapidly, and drum is no commotion ante muscles. • With many wishes., my deur or, for your success:ln •, the eale of this mighty. article •I MO years, with respect, cam. E. POMEROY. " THE TEST mud NO 21USTAKE' The gennine Dailey, will ever produce the same in.. scant novae relief, nod soothing, cooling effect, in tha.. sevrtest ease. Of Sums, Scalds, Piles, tre. The Coonterreitp—no rt atter tmder what name', they may appear —taantyl irtitate, and increase Mope*, - TO TEE PUBLIC . Edward P. Holmes, of Chatham, Melvin BridCa s Colombia county, N. Y., have beeirefflicted with then-, malt= In ray breast, feet, and all over my body, far o-s sit years, so that I could not stand, and was'enrod•br three applications of Dailey% Magical Pala•Extnelen ,••• EIHVARD P. HOLMES:. Mr. Dialer. Sir—l cat my finger with a copper unit - the poisonous nature of which caused my arm to swell.: considerably, with eonstent shading pains up millet' • j shoulder. A large swelling ; taking plate at the arm pit, with increasing pain, I became tearful ofthe i taw. In this extremity your Pain &strayer war te.• •'• commended to me, and which I W ILB !gavelled upon to': try. The consequence was that It efforded me almost Instant relief, hard In three days I was completely ea red. ' JOSEPH HARRISON, New York, corner Broome and Sullivan sts, Etept'S.lBlB. NOTICEI-11. Awarr is the inventor of this tavern.' this remedy, and never has and never will commtiol-' eye to any livingmm the secret of Its emnbinationt All Ertration, therefore, not made and •puttip b him, are base counterfeits. Paorancroles Darns-4LS Broadway, New York; 235 Chesumt sweet, Phila.. • JOHN D. MORGAN, General Depo; Dr. Mai THORN,Arptints for. Pittsbnerlt DalleY/ Armed Ham= Coma, . Cams humors,, quids"; grease, poll-tnil, sores,galls, and bmises. Pamphiem, containing or tificatiss of respectable parties, may be bad on applies; don to JOHN D. AIORGAN novls Myer Agent, Pinsburitt. ) razoicab C suEIGICAL OPPIOIg, • ilylltio• 65, DIAMOND ALLEY, a ,:t-et•Mis. fear doors below Wood street, to, Vitt DHOWS, having boo" ." regality edneeted ts Me medics .••• rtfession, and been for come time genera] practice, new .171E11(1113 his attention to the treatment of • those masts and delicate con4' • . • \ plaints for which his ople g ifi n r• and ~ MouV ' arTasil e irodemtet; to r• . y treatment of those complaintawhieb timee 11.11$ had mom practice and has eared more po. tie than can ever fall to the lot of any priors pra d ..,•-. tide r) glades him to odir assurances speedy, permanent, and satisfactory eon to all adlicted, with Relleate diseases, and all &moo writing Drown - would Inform those aMieted with prwam s which have become chronic by time-or graveted by the use of any of the common =woma n the day, that their a =plaints emit be mdically and Mot- - wig* caret he having given his coeds/ adsailitOttot the treatment of nth cases, and succeeded hi hontirede I of insuntees in caring persons of inflammation • °Mho neer i, of the bladder, and kindred diseases which o ft en , sewn from eas es where others have consigned , them to hopeless despair. He panicelarty Mutat setts , ad have been long and onmetesiddly treated odium, to cOnstilt him, when every satisfaction will by, 0,4 3 1, them, soul their OUP treated Ina careful, thoros.o, imny.l itegent memo, ported eel by • log experience wady, and ii/Vtatrailil , which it is impossible for thous ral pracdee of ntedicum.yeAn A Art \ on'tffl flora ef l e s m „' mrtientio or Bupture--Dr. Brown alai Undo 'Der, sansailtieted with Kende to ea, al he has paldßazug. alas suantiou to this disease. CANCEHS also mired C rT ain — 44"."ii psti eri e i rtut al". of c.7 1 / 1 i' reu Pll4l . et ;:tt iP6e4il a distar ' o, ' • sating their disease in witting, giving aII du ti moo, can obtain medicines with deetions for to ~doessing T. minim, M. D, post paid; am/ logß a fee. O/ace No. Ith DiaMand alley, Opposite the House. litintaince—Dr.Brcrern's newly discovered iedie , ' dy Cor Bleumanon lea apeedy and certain, remedy for that painful trcruble. It never . Olfeceaunt Private Consulting Rinten,,N t ,,V unr , ellen Pittsburgh, Pa. The Declaim alway, horo , W• No nue no pay. Nn ea. coOr - Autslithies 411, Pori:lga ragman. T 8:‹ UREMNIMJOII, crate Lino firm of Koller IJs Hreonough, continuos the bushman .ofConsonirey ' neer and P*tent Attorney,' at his ogee hi Meurer • of WASILLNOTON. He Way be einanhedwnd deri I yed maid= examinations in•anwhitiery. tinkle ..tiller:hid - elsewhere, in • forolshl4 drawillar OD 'monk-a:ions ortnaehhuis, aid all papers transfer t amend, re , hisne or extend letters pater:din lb Unite* btalea,or 'Europa. He can also be • • • profeudonally oti all questions of G lgal 4el i ` ander tho Patent Law, and: will +MIS • T 2 •mobefoiro r ß ientipffice or an anyesilitiore to which his long orrportotieriny thel'alcilf Older' is his professiory, hare town:hi fined nim, g3 a, tossannal business 9f e late Joe& • been phsied in his bandiy , Inners la *elatlrjn th 441114 addrvised. tclXm Parcindt". • . . • . :NWS 4i.:4lotdar—C4-681:Z: t (new. crop). d:liart." l l %", „PO fr 0133 .11 , 4 A 0 , 2 aVetif t 44011 4 - 491Vg.SliWV_ r . • ± r • •: • •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers