IL) V VALUABLE CONSVltrilvEs, BE ONJOVBAPAR, qwlsrmr - -- COMPOUND ante 1W IVILYWINgst SIM OIL , sax= {pa • Consmeptbta, emote., Colds, A04. 1 1 / 2 ,3ibitti,io.. er Comdata, Etpanug 13Iood, Wien ,Stf...Dreath•;:' ' !fain id the Side aneMze4. ihellearyinftuenza, Crom aigienzim. initntiou. Sore Throatekctr' a - k!eftViV, . ty,and all Diseases of thii rMst.,• •• " • ' Drestss and Lungs; the:hosier. - • I ' &mat • and speriev.reurd : ever knosirnfos soya of, • • ••• • the above .disen4 - • DR. RWATfif 1 13 ' 11$1.0ionstoostrad Strap of, Wild TbirmeZeine is no longer =cut thou ordoutdo unity: it tau passed away from Met ,iMittaands dal IsenehedinPantho dde aznarimant, , and now 'tondo wow cumpotation, end is beconung. more eXtersive; I, i mam= any other preparation et medicine aver prodaeciffor the relief of suffering man. It has been introduced very generally througi'llus bolted States and Europe, and there on few town. Pr iforrtance bat what , contain same, remarkable Mi.' irate of Its good effects.. For proof of the foregoing s i m ta m te ,, m theen ts k and a thlmeth, I' pr , o a tie of r h wi ve ert fe Ma o o) h o gmy thou. sand testimonials which hive been gdesented to him by: , amon,ot the fan respeonbility—men Who have higher] Mows of Mont responsibility and Mustice,„thanto ger: dry lo far" because it will do another a favor, Vi 4 thomaelves no injustice. SuchteOdisiamy profes OW., that its smitrising excellence is eitabpigtod, by its intrinsic morns, and the nrmestionititYatitlione' ty of public opinion. Thu tostantaneonsiuljegli of gods, and the soothing inilitence diffused through the. whole frame by its use, wider& di Molt 'agreeable remedy for the sainted. • • REEMBER: aWhen acting beau ,conselentioas angables, voluntarily bear testimony to the uuth of a Wog, or 311111,C01.% fut., snektesiimony, being contrary to their rtMinterests and purposes, b e in .conviction of it and commends itself In a special manner to animas! credence.”—Ogiogun's Moral Maxims. READ THE ROME CERTIFICA I W. gent. Aoor e oo Cris or gruigrasav Cominsinonc—. There never was a remedy that has been successnid to desperate easel! of Coresumptio% OS Dr. Staityne`a Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, It strengtheni the e system, and appears to ..boul the ulcers on this lungs, creating new and rich blood; Pow.: Possvased' hi no oilier medicine. • Canna CO, April SS* Oda, • Dr. Sareme--Deer Pin verily behave your Cam paned atm of Wild Cheer) has been the means ot, saying my life I caught a severe cold.Whieh Ando all y grew re medies with a severe coug resisted all the which I bad to; stilt increasing until my tine exhibited sE6oviejr6thy Palawan'? Commalm.. EMIT .111114 WP-d ecemd bore n o t oe, and my compuunt incitheed Mined& lru y thaf Mends sis well az utywif, gay* la p sir wry recovery , . At this time I area mamma ho -ant Q. your invelnablemedleine: did so with this pan malts. The first Mane had. the et:Dello I=3. coughca= W .TP.eWn" 00 1 Y r i Oka b) i tabartia%l was entirely well, aM am sew as hearty a man star ern vms -kofeny.lita um. wwia w hutch andern I am 6,, ,nootoni n wkis he ether suffeers may &ye *Ae, thßorilefiall t .t n h o a ( r = .4.k l te h n in l e . " . snubeuti - I roefi!yeno Peter analt=Vmg /MIMC;PI,OfIhOM pathaed the Years, Wonderful Cure of a Mothodiethfirrigna.. Dr, Surayne—Den Si: I feel a dtbt of gratitude dm 10-710—end a duty to the afflicted generally, to. effer my humble testimony. is favorer your Compound sy rup of Wild Cherry. Some three yean dam I. was violently attacked with enld and latiesunalion of tho' . I.2mas, width was accompanied with n diannnitql , pain in tho breast and liked' livery emstdem bit dischargeof offensive mums from the lues, apee dail upon change of weather , - ficrwener slight. At Irate felt ro tearer Omit my nindltketibut was pretty noon convinced that I des rapidly, going lute co n umw don. I grew daily Weaker, find at length was warm. 17 able to walk about, or sperik above n'whispee, nth was The exceeding weal - nese Of my loam zuntu, time Thad triedvenoes ptepiumions and prmariptann6 bat found no relief--growing all the time warm Jan is hens I was eilvisciard persuaded by a deartriend Wilmingum make trial of yonetilyrap of Wfid Cher try. I must confess that - previmuily I had been peel*. dteed against patent Mentetnes, andi •szt mill against lime muting ant of the Medi of emperles,:but ander. standing your claims to the'protession and sunexice of medicine, and having implicat faith in the's:missal my friends, I forthwith purchased of Dr:Shaw, am of your agesum a few bottles, aci commenced its am hey door gently m that time of:D or fa months , nething, eon • lt seas deeply seated. I toned, however, eensiderable relief from Manse of the bolt Cow or fiTa bone. But being a public ',pester, I frequently at tempted to preach With my meresetnie strength, and thereby metered those vessels that boa already helms to bath to this way, &intake!, or eery = retarded. In consemtence oCacting thus I hod to use twelve or fifteen bottles beforepar a=resi.ed. I have no question, a mach smaller of bottles would have made me wand. bet far the above indiscretion. The Syrup allayed tha Carer . Leh habit, to away!he distressing cough, put • cop to the discharge of meter from the tent isadirtre them end the entire systeurgood health. I have dam red offering thus certificate' wadi - noW, for the of being perfectly satisfied witlythe pemarnancy= ears, and now that I feel pettedly we lt I ogle it with pleasure. Um. 1. P. Jamas. Dahlia 'away, N. G Imponans Caation—Read! Ault There ix tat one econioe preparationaf Wild Cherry, 'aid that M Dr. Swayses, the first OM offered to the , piddle, which hes been sold largely" Omineboorthe Doha &me and some parts of blimp.; sod all pre , modem celled bthe name of Wild Cherry hate I been pm out niece o dde r u cover of some deceptive chournstances, in oe to give currency to theirienea By liule observation, no person mai taisfske , the geouirux from the false- Each bottle of the genuine is ernedoped with a beautiful steel migrating, with the likeness of William Peon Memo' also, Dr. Saraynes alestalaret axal es funtter secority, the pa rtrah of Swarm will be added.bercafter, so us to dinineuish a 0 pr from all others. Now, Wit was Dot for I Ma Warr:wive r4ooolMil.s.d kap". Wm& "rpr , ' Ewald Compound Syrup olWad Cherry, - Venetia nor be codetermine to give camel:Ley to their "fictitious nostruins n by stealing Os acme of Wild Illunry- Remember, always bear in mind the name of Dr. SWIM., sod be not deceived. Prluelpal OMee, comer of Eighth and For ale wholesale sad retail by OGDEN & SNOW XIMN, and Wood stu Pt A PARNEMOCK car In end Wood, and fob and Weed st• Wtd THORN, 83 Market st; S JONES, 190 liberty sr, JAR IL JONES, car Hood and Penn sts; JOHN BUTCH EILL,AIIegiumy city, end by all respectable deaten sosdielne. - - trona Faltstestoekts Anta•Bllansa °Pala. T• Cathartie eempound combine. soildbani, of rilDwith and comparative mildness of Crtglliasaction and having •• apeculiar tantleney rgiral, easemely samba in this coon. 'at bilious fevers and other complaints, at. waded id with congestirm of the Leer, aomuch abound.— Thery have mar snood the wet of al years, and timed. enenbas proved them to Lasalle sod valuable remedy In Interautant, _Remitent tad Mara Pears; Jana dice ; Colley, Indigestion; Dmpay Dyseinary ; Dillow; Vomiting" ; Colds. and al compLamts of an In , Dandnalary chunwier. The complete. nod , adrenal addiction' which has been given by limo pill. to all who have once used them, renders tar publishing of tke aittnerons certificates in their favor nens.ssrry. To ;arrant counterficiting they we now put spin a . rat_iylopap4q yrrapper. . Pace Id cants foe a bee containing pills. Papered and sold by D A PAEINEVOCE fr. Co eater la and wood, and alai comer 6th and wood sepl2 . . O,...ELLERS ITEILMIPDGE PRE ED TO .Al 2, fla OTHERS,— • • Laxisoran, Va, Oct. 12, >!3c• Mr. 12. E. Sellers:—One of oer PhYtialawy wawa practice. ,a very extensive, told me this manual of • caseate which. coo trial of you Vermlfrige brought away slave an sc..; and c gentleman in the nalicb bortmod eald that lea. than half a via mesa the dis• charge of iteatlO large worms from one of Ins death. ,VerymanYof retch insure... might be stated. IX Werra kernws atom here, and stalest all prefer it to wrpothisr. Send me 12 dower arid oblige Vows,.J. .IL.WILSON. Pomo 'who& not wrrir to trifle with their children, duralgl arm SeUers' Vennifcga Prepared and -sold by,ll S SELLERS, 57 Wood ix, old by Dr Cassel, 6th Nue; 1) AI Deny, Allegheny. A MTRONO .EVIDENCE that 'Dr JAYNISPS Iira.TOBANT is . orrice to all other foludira hee tftnb o _Comiuseptbe, Brorethitat.hethots, end other Moo . bet aeiettomh Le that the eyrie per vim cotrommeed the ems of It b WIT frthlllts tot yeses .g Mill prefer it to .11 otheitestedho kid; ma &Mos soy hob bon helmet b triadtere raper:shoos they barb slesostDreariahly 1.. moolviter the Metro whitebsi" toseseably mehMt t e n i heso the high mire betttrisoMery. 4. smoleiti Wonted to th e use of Jamul marrow:. semsedy that has error foiled to hn • aiall which modobly smelted heating in iorrolhclethsem... litmus Flippo& Only lv• Dr D. Jape fthiGelelphia, bed tothism , Igrerigivhf ALEX:MIME:a Shenk it RALLE4'B PAIN EXTRACTOR mill, in Ave mix. aln from the time of in application, remove the from. the ammo Mums, oscaltly orldioms an/ will heal mosedeotleenrand :sores of any ROO withogn mar. This valuable Pain Extramm eon be tad of JOHN D 111.0110A11, Em oo les; •••• , No Oh IN stmt. • iinie A tent for Wermso Pim*. Ruairsastcicive ITN91:41111 ,1 16 1 1L: jEW weeks since, ono of an and ll 4 B Pd about yearsoras 'morel) for several &imam!' the increased wi alarmingly test t [Wired death would be the malt. Having heard of the good crests afrehnestock's Vermiftwe when administered to the eldlifsca of my neighbon, sod thinWeig soy child might kurirkworms, Wow eon. of the WmPlorlrs, I gave tt one tad *half teaspoonfuls of the Vev.., and to MY Vest. wilanialuncet it almost immedlafm7 dieekeasa Mtwara 230 and 290 large aroma.. Its bealtherss soon tind hr war remarkably well.' Previous to the War/range, Atte worms wool& oecubnislly is: its throw, wad alien feared it *oold die from alreapiadan.lA& O. DAWSON. Tlenewa, Vensnip ee, Pa, April 2, '49. apl3 zorps CELEEmazil woe 'AND =Tea IiOINTMENT is thespian eirentaal mated, before patine for do cure of Lep!. itch; itry the watery Pimples tho face, neek Cad body Jsealy eruptions, ad all other disease* of the akin. This_Ointment warmed free front rneroury, ls perfectly safe, arid W biased at all times and ander all ,eireninstanees. &frail& supply of this valuable remedy wearied and ,Ibraslaby lil A Fitahlfiv.MlOCK & Co, times of fat and wool; also, corner pled and wood EMDDY VEILMWCGE--" No family sboltkl be thous kW Loess C. H., Vs., Aug; 21N.S. 'IDA. • I clicesfully certify thsd 1 km. kat mew yeah paused your Vet- add: okt osykeedlYs sad issireassilly with nee.. 1 decidedly prase it to say other prepaztora nave esetiesaongst Sew elleY 7 014= ii tte,=! .. 1 7 1 1 ,d eine at+d De= WADS Xel. 'A seems caie s o sge dose brought 110.1tAy bm , one lull:eked and six istge Won= ND &milk derailed) , oiled us'be withent is Yours Ste JAR LAWSON Pitifteredleiltild by rt. E.Selletwilo:ll7 wow s t. caks.4o4.brAnitsugisq...l) b 5 . 0 . NA* A Pianittet 3 ofTeesltdor 95 Dante. rrig"r/SWYti, FOUL BREATH; HEALTHY i19.-Yellow and =healthy terthodter be. =se= *lO climned - with Yeats' Amber Tooth num, lava the spirant= of the meat bestutfal ivory, Istitthe saes tonalus so =deal 9999ent and _al ishastrOgyilllWAS, 191599aaat =ea t0wC9.4.1g = ternh =at amt.tits.... tut , sbioslbeak afxsalifiapolubtp4rgeridavi gaagadeaky...Tbove alrealy=veyee paroVeuta inthr,vroree—it In an ei94lo44Ube ating iw,160,t+7 peneveranceit wilLreare t v lb. wwiteduirmAtatelyw , Lo =Age, the' h1=19119: in p r eo, t -lebi hy Ave& JAcKstei,el many k fLifirts,N;Y.Ctty: 41PisixtroxX, 'F jthqrallltL, "H"C tsnii litoln In th• Ott, of evr taiseiist r iga art 'extepsivey?er, red hi' the _viniewe buln i g i d ia"l4 7:smsd 'l r e; iY c 4". trigteZaligitllc/" P ,unih Drug, rZts, .F Ameriearl d t 1 ,03 = r nred 'and au Jost Jr/ 'lino 1 1 2± altrA. low ag *'" 17,'"" ' =mo hi eiPsed di cs wc z of i a ? traill.-Takte 161 amp eleirprr. Pairwar. eir Ng mai -4Crais Ward orritiwaCt ir ritizsbw rr • - mt. greet beest7 sgrataszir srerallothsr stoileinsels, ft teltdinetse the di. Anis ItaMsZtlirnialemisycliZsrer min y kitowst, It aolsoly_putides the sholesysom.yg itrasstltans*Pentsk but Ugrian ase,lnstatost ► I nod: apposer pawned tr soothes mdtctm. And ts tatsbo tits gnus& seciteflis strodereal meows It bar yerfed 'rabbi the iota Pro yeas more dam 100.000 Ogres dit mare suss a-dhow ; ar lOW /5.000:..111 rostidesd iamsbls. I bit and the thusf sacs mast 11.0001111driadartag the to pest seasons. 10060 noes of Gemara Debility stud root of Karma lltsistrrigy. Dr. Totrminirs itgliffetee•lneigorstes the whole tritest persosesesty: To those ,vbe hove lest their macular 'brae elreessitf 141111,07 iltifitti/ • up. fig a. Ot (hi wain tnietresee of. the pa*sioni. eartortiti ex..l* ,l o , 7deld Man.' don otthe, servo= yid:M. mutt eforebttlan,t. I:quipna.prosuitarsdamy eteddsansjungi te, aria Odd Mai Coss% Cannaptiee. tan Wes.. tad by MI . 4 11 indi 'MOO- This Barer earn is Ay, metier to eat DaelseritinegiOordlal, A. Orman saa.tuftontes die wetzz. Pm whit" the, limbs gold strength to thentosenlar gems to • Irma 4ausordpairdevra. . • • Ceozateiptlitti Clued. 011 , = 0 .16494, gam ,efeestoptiowoa mrsi. Cessioy.E4ier Oarsptaio:Oolda • - =ol4.tise. Apitakey qr zaws. of assossou".4. - mitt " Amill; rgebt a ti rgW . • - et tan be cost SPITTING 1111MillZ i ' - parrewimma., -11tioetoortatillemelisil a Mil =ai tad 11 rem& etaira toren iirla w4 1 ' f;" ritzsg - . . • CEIIIIOI3. • _IMMO: . • itessnyttr. Stotioom , ..17 at 'dam tier= maim. Cr lir, Siemens dee,' broillieetabi itbeteres iloriaf.imilblifterettnit IMMO qvuis.... soiderrewbObettla 01.1litalleialetecsam, r t oansmtbi bir ir/z 2rettgliou• and „ asi , p= lham ' II" lad= pd to olley= r tioilbisiest= tee gni Modiollooe, titiopist Builaglia. •40 . 42 ami• itseeas htam to wm eirdloome at to. polbroid bet seal mitoritbe elibeed, that inairedsofeablanalliellapirlaiLleal,Timaags of toes On Vlore *Woe lOW bow whiled allidrui, sew o ail taik Weald* xesattak totabisiodon DoblolM To WI llioriled Wks. Mb Extols be bees pre Fared h otereso m ....ffewpfttpa emile she m nem er Rion " silin , "Z w th4 added jesnid. Vibe ore if NW 'bola id Wu It, as tt Is s mote pri m fit may tio memo tad Wale ahem te mrhieb haslet ere pst tbs. eta, lids "Mai IMF be 4. odfr• wird rm e by whey die Nor u it ins eatable Mr,thele wife as wood.* to. mato:4 sett eakeleted to solo nark by cab miss the Doi std.•Oeftf die moo Weed, thla medlehie fe'bedrbb fie a the dawn di.. women am object Ittaws. the adage mum mem peretsontly the I curt elm:gist, by ..storms the Istpritias et the body, oat so hr stimalablagna to prodoes soldequets relesatissiddet lo the ease alms milkier take. IS. Massie souse. esd dims By tedng • tem bodies al fhb isedittos =lsm sod Falai meta stems date say be yroattel. Glenn Blosdies Sat Mtealters sea ClaChtesits It ts sass sad mos eferaelsostichrtbrporiep tee tbs=astl ha= rettiarr madam ' relother.VE smash psis st n tleee. • is crosses sad ths that who bass sad 'think Itbladbpaml7i It Is Wetly octal bath babes sad ails? asslissitess. as Is prreeses Stamm astsodsat chtidtkett—ts Caddsvash, P's Crosses Bosh legal the rest, H Voshiste hast to tbs Bask and Pains Hasonisqo sad to Impish's, ths ss4 Iv:ahem the tse est.:he:it Us se.ootst. tilts sail best; el this =otos t= l ahnsp ...r stishi, the ew r vdr. . ose shnestsLln asta a lash .Chosas 04,st Nlcss h lks metal. ESsaMttaths apeasth sal Iles hied 'this mettlebohmlll shwas wars r sdb sad' tory sate Ihnsrst ifilenntby ILeattb. Conadion CUD. dee odd, PotiondomPao rally is aan Wok oppban to dot Deo, my am god it (i. boar. Thd okra De perm of tba Ado mot dada ihodrentaska oro WOWS 6 nit shoran =biomes Fodor. do din idst a b i Leut mocha papa, Wawa In; the • Woman Ofti Mote as Ind win ga.rchn nob and dalkiftly dazed naftentid Ikftrora • free, adios ad basithynareoldke d k. *OW or en eiodt do pork no tie mreadeon tkai *Ma lobo annitinamer la =mt. eta brag. bit th at midels beats do dodo and isabot d larollsont *at 01l dodo bat noon os dretibe. booty* do awrw. a so. non-ent ofyloodar woe. Iftlara I eat ftftb sod healthy aash*" there it se beady. if Ua lady Ii Fab a drlm sem if do pate; ad so raloadon .dPO blood lo did, odd dal beam do b so boo ted. U .babe brows:rob de don! antra fidaatit gins a dem to De oboaM and • hoMbod to rboir agoi io Tbb b microbe IJ I 17 1 =ally do (w lab laden sea ar undo dWai 'Lido to tba aath do( eke tea Ikea staretWar as. aeadaod to dos* mewl, en , hien on6a their compladas by Ile apps' [Adel, nactaris, day 'frith to aft e.foOr"f stoP. bstrim.A oPftito,nnaddlnd_ Ra tad booed ompionloon tbry should 111.1 - Da Town. Sarsataidka. Thousand. who hue cried ft, an; ewe than ardallad, aro dadftual Labe@ 4. deny r toren crowd ass dies daly Nodes to dee Ladies, r$ Thom UM tattoo Dr, Toopandb Darr (amiably , odd dada don grid EMI* ICI la solo, boa Do and bona odd ems blna nod aerobe which Mauls ea the eaftrphdolo of woman, war 1 far :rm., -cola NM who pa tip mdainn ado dob amen of Dr Toomendb Doomalto compiento lobbed to Dodo monamondad ttelor k =lia ...yr.,. set A node" dame Pr 0.1.1 WOW". U. MOO, NIMY Minna &moo: sod anaemia dr Tearseradb only and bee ready tor de estameao tads too. ptabood Moly, Door hoed iMar a mucosa: tom 11 ad be talrd by do wit dams dodo la cry Mord by dos aspeeng 411. two= mocha% ebb dee vases dor m pr yam sad prrnato pats ea taspar, d im tombes and dlid. Bo dodder go thy dodo deradbils Cosi. nix card Ilcur eCeildelthetta woves DM-Ella Sara walla bar parraet casual ow Ora masi abairlata n.. at an. Mood. Time poo =MI lo Aar Pow 6 wryawedeseed. ODIDIPCS. • Da. Tammy—Dm Sir a I ialrwah• platiaaV labn./. l lbrl pa . aDP Dalai* lambent mod "r Th. KIWI am at paw asarDaas =dicta& Tbay wars afilleuid vary rem* erlabbadartar ; W. tatai oily lbw Wafts ; took (Leas saw, Dr width I Dal raysalf - aider peas obiliades. • Team 11111 W.O ll, 101Weastasva. Orbileatio• WAWA:M=6 Or. Talmud Is abaand iscahlas orlon Oda wry crib. Maw. • : =ia didhilea that OPRladudiDo at Chi at AND,. laLawarersas tiara moat!. • .11 Df. TenraraTe ImakpriCa, sad below sa:lr Gar ads sairrabable IL ram zasvandbar la damarkat.: 9. , D. 3. WILSON D. R. &PAPA& 111. D. /Num 44131;11 , 12 •• r D catririort. Oahe, to the fan maw end beherren sale or Dr. Tames:fa Bareepargla ■ ember of ems who yea formerly our Anon; kne comonseed raking 51/110. an. E.I.Xt; Ran, Eames of Yellow Dock, ke- They generally pat leap la the sem strand boo J. war of rhea bare sole ma toad ess Man tireaear—ehey are ody "ratline bantlonk wed olmald be avoids& Principal Me, /53EDLPON Strawy Nan Banding. N. T.; Redding & Cu. 8 SUL stroll; Planch; Dyou Bona, 139 North Occond meet, Madelptia • 8-- 8. Name, Drumlin. Ballbarra ; P. L Coll" Molitor.= ; Wright & Co. 151 Chartres Street:N. O. 105 South Pearl Stracti-Albany; and by all the priu'r2pal Drut guts and Merchant. Canaband the United .1,14.. W est ilkik• MI the da. N. EL—Persons itronilng for this medicine, odumld not be iadacitd to *Hastily other. Druggists put up Sarsaparillas, and ore ow prefer selling th aw own. Do not be deceived b yrotpaire for Dr. Town. %h i send',,and:ake no o r. Remember the sena. the' Townsend's Sam •t" sold by the solo ntrosits. .R. E. BELLER% General lolelltde & Beall ri F ttnit Noy. . 167 Wood street, fa e D. M. CURRY, Me ay J 0 ---- EalluargrAlrAlmli ow- - _ For the Recovery- oLp u rt and ESTATE: With. • held REAL AND P ' NAL ESTATE . . tbe Set. Ramat and ATM a of Conzmarsial,Tradi ng. and other Debt. BroaringTaients forrovenuonsin Great Britain, Ireland, and the Colonies and Dependencies thennt.atu beloneng, and Negotiating for the Pur chase of fialdorthesame. REMU. MICE may Le bad on application free of charge,iprovided the.motire Is not that of MCI" curiositLy to ,A Lin comprising no yards of 16,000 ',names in which nnelaimed property Is standing, Mso, an 'index to our 10,000 adveOlsements which have appeared the the past 10 years in miens British newspapera;addressed to Heirs at Lam and next of kin: Cornmanicalrons by letter are mquested to be postlidd. BENTHAM FABIAN, L. MI Broadway, New York. References are pertained to Hon. Charles P. Daly,. Judge Cowl °recut:mad•Pleas, New York. Freciand,Staart & Ciro.. eutlidge k co. sV. & J. T:Tapacok. • O. R. A. Rkdorna, Esq. Edward Schroder Esq,Cineirmati, Ohio. A. Patelun,Esq., President l'atehist Bank, Bnilkie: • Into MUTT Otraseitorre ; .A .T theta:mil wee of Abe Corporotwe, held on XL , Oia 1i=1b0......0. Om -persons wore mud. moody xi for the entmg _yeen '• • . - .,,,i,.... - ViTettip.l4:lloWE, Provident. ~,ntssarliFin NATHANIRIANCA . JOHN 11. sums= . : JAMES 11. SPOgile •t- • I I. Fnutrraf e Sseterutetiol Tremont:l. The most otidowear presented the allielre of the Compuy toltifetty ittootpetows etnelldtm. Thefr office id the 1t te,No:O7Witer street , jolt flit 1.1. 4 -1. b talented Itz m utie u - hy -- z , tteet L ' II DI re Co_ 00 ha ut tooreond &Fiaitr --- 0 ao U ISAIAH =CM it Co SPORTATIOI ' THE ,ILIIIO./I ~ .16:iiliSi .; - •I , H , . . , , , B ' s idTTDIIDMIII . A.NBCLDVM..d.ND ‘ ,. 0; Nara & Co,Benver; ' ' ' • PTV& ' ' kwpozo lk:Cirsafintailit, Cleveland ' . . •.. . rave Line is now prepared wintresport freight Manitigers from-P lishergli and Cleveland, or eathe,Cinst. and Lakes: • •-• • mane Primbargh.and Cleveland dally, tan. cation with the steamboats Lake Erie and stamen l'ittabnial, end Deaver, and a line stesinbrians, propellers; brigs and sehoon . Erie, Huron turdaffiehigan. foriorded to tiny pan, of .the Union aids' • • Why: T. MATHEW or • . • • JOHN A: CAUGHEY, Agenu, r Water and Smithfield eta, Pittsburgh. -Reedy Parke & Co, Beaver; It °Tarim & Co, Vonegstown, 01 E W Cotes & Co, Warren; . . D Elostader & Co, B • , A& N Clerk, Benno Fella Fl,eirrla, Newport; • . pally, . J & E. H Whinlesey, bellsporn . . JO killride, Ravenna; II & C H Kent, Franklin. Willer &Tattle, Cuysholia Fells; Wheeler & Co, Akron; Barney, (Ebbe& Co, Sandal ky; Watkins & Earle, Toledo; • G Wililanis A, Co,.Detrolt,, Melt; , ArClare & Willianis; Illlavankie, Wls; •; • ~H .1 Vi'insloiy, Chionge, 111. anti .. rar.wAtict PORTABLE BOAT LINE,' 7.E 7 7 ,- ;•;‘, --„,..1 'lB4Bs'vW.:*a' Yda rassancresners ,or surscusanmie . BETNiIDaTi , LITTSBURSII AND plimeutipittA. T' 'prietors of .this old established • hist Portable Boat Line, having removed their de- Pot PhitafdalPhil to, a mach larger Wairehouto onidarkel sr, Olson dory formerly occupied, and also In ertinied their room for storago at Pittsburgh SID now 'prepared sooffermuch greater fricilin“ to their friends andpattoas. iDeculs carried by this line ore not tranthipkied be. Pilishurgh and Philadelphia beingearned en tirety in Portable. Section Duiu.. To shippers of dour and other goods requinng careful handling, this is of Importance. No charge made for roceiviog or shipping goods, or; advancing charges. All goods forwarded promptly,and apart as reasonable terms as by any Oth• or line. JOHN MoEADEN L. Co, Canal Basin, Penn at-, Pittsburgh. JAMES HAW Et Co., fishig Mirka M Commerce at., Phil. JOHN SeR&DEN & Co.; Pomading and Commtr Lou Mi mheu, Cannl Mahn Pem si, Piushozgh. IMMIX DAVIS & Co, Flour Factors and Camatts. don lellitts, W Market, nod 54 Commerce et., litb:34 • . lairatoth " den... d 4: l'o7 re relt e c o e n ee F i l g o rn 40 thrall. feben. .AlYnCre , -Tho tahaeriliors hare deepened °Meer Ito gi terast,hl the Peon 'a and Oblo Line to CLARKE & . afTittaborgh, wed JOSEPH 5 LEWIS, of this Olt& WIL 601:1111,1110 to transact hasiaeat for the line, 54 gm& Windoaap on Snead genet, an twine, and br. =s . trrilt e err er ahe patronage. of Vico J'Abll STEEL & Co. Ptillimistraia,idare4 00849. - lalut , a4 ' mita Ohio Dai. ir viatica Co. Oa= ... - DOldid IY . lATO e ' Pieta a-Ass rnen FIO4TS - mai cers, Maw:a, TO Taamsrort.goon „Tynan= orrentson CLIBICE a IHaw, Fatal Pittabmlt. LEWISLEWISG BUTLER,A9 Market at., rbiluditylkta. 1&&.8r6E1.4.104).,ALu, Broad street. COWDEN, 0....&8M North In-, Bark W. romucz,lo,l3 Wen street, Nor Vast Co.partus • Ip. rFIM, eubsetibern bare Watley atelociate4 tberasseleet •1 together ander the arta of Met. L Jane., for hot devoting/hi the hoshteto remedy carried ea by eamn¢i M. Mar, Cu* lethotli cootleuerse of the lib oral pstraitage heretofore weeded to the bonne. SAMUEL AL laiat, D. F. JONES. Pietebnig4attarehl,MlB. 4.. • t ruf twv , l o . . . COMPOSIM ENTIII.F.I.I OP nitsr mAtts mug . - . ;ACTION FOR I'MLADELPRIA AND BALTIMORE VIA CANALS t RAILROADS. 11'E 'Prepared to ?emirs and fanned freight In the above and intannediain places with as =eh despatch; and ID , 14 low tate, as any other tesponsibla lne The arter.holt of shippers arLshing to send Pork or Da. am to Baltimore in built. is 'lire). requested, in assarrels, aeons arrangements enable us to carry such *slides through to hater ardor than any other line. KIER & JONEA Preftra Canal tiasm, nesinh at. Pimabaret, hl.rch 1. I won- .; I L 7. rants, E L IE}Y*JONLM--Connulmion and (*man:Ling Mu lesale Dealer, in boa, 1112pgts, tem, ie. caaft eacutres an consignments, amur can, Z. 0. DITII/1 a alai lITIONIN PimbuCFb. Patutelpbia. • • • T.7•NaTc7Pr'rrolll c.LIAta LSD a.stLiCar..• lIMEIVGRAFF lc Co, Canal trasia, rinstaurto. DC17.1411.1131P11$1.:VB it Co, No.lll Shuketsti ?ha: H. Eska. corset... North k Sarittegaittl.t.4. /. Jolt% P. Clarke, No 13,14' , 11* N., tali.. $ 6 , N:2dT.--Thr 101150 m. firms will be kno wn(Mai 1 'after thts claw, et Pi...Derv& HeerrOreir Ce., ase+l;st Pklbulephia, u Oau n, Homph.t. Co. I.WI2.I.GRAY', NTIMUND 0 MILD tt CHAS. lIIIMPHRFI,I4, Inale.4lo. HENRY GUAM Pim/mgt. stasillf PITTABIIROTITOUTABLE BOAT LINE 1848 . MEM. Per du DrastrAwassien of Frrigit to and f PITISOURGH, PHILADELPHIA HALTIBORE. N. YORL BOSTON,sIe . Daaaiaitt Gay Philadetptila. • Turn as frCrotaas. Puteosqb frHLS bid eatabLialed This being sots in Nn opera -1 tiouy ezelize p. zr y ea the otost farorabLa tetras. Tkey sonfulootty and thyjr kw." prompbseas to &b racing frooda—pe etwarnoifety model of tarrying --itatorkaul warthogs• ser at rich part, eardifig seeciainsoctationa to shippars and a:two of prothaeos-toprther watt Stair, tom rave rime, arid onteimiluitgatietrtios to onsiosaa,olCfterors to 1170 EM a t.3111:11MILOCO of that patroaage they hereby gratefully attorrortiolpe. All eattstransonts by rod far this boo weal - reit; aka rpaid, and foraratdeil la any retpdred Chartist. lira f rWge Sir eattattiosesi, attranetog or minty. No boretoss. ifirtiatty orindlrestly, to .teammate All eosaantilesponapttatiptly smutted to mambo. ironto to . the following vents: 009111.DGE ft CASH. We Market Et, Philadelphia. TAAFFE & &CONNOR, Canal Dada, Plitabangit &CONNORS & d, North a Lle WBL IIL WILSON, BB Cedairst, Neer Vara all LAIRS li:1111I0 AiND RUCLIROAN LINZ. 1848. ae ralfe Erie and rib and aver 4 and fre4ht dad mamma' Canal Roam be tween Mawr F.tie, and C M Reed'e line of find elms Mentalionte, peopellem and • wets on the Late., lapin:aged tone, tarty freight and pameagets to all pante on the Erie Canal, and Lakes Erse, Haien and Wei& Riming every facility fee conveying freight and par sengenierith promptneas and dinette& We proprietor andagetancimpeetfally solicit from theiefriteida neon. enemies of thelrpaucmaire. C BI R MTV, rl;ater, Agents. A. CAUCi HEY, Agent, epla ear Wanly and Smithfield ani, nail 1848. wait NCLIPSYS THANSPOILTATION.LiNg. To and from the Eastern elder, Ma Camberlatat HE yropielom of Mb popular Ithe,hrrerfatnee Omit nee rworianirationlanply lammed their facilities to meet tba wisher of shipperg and are now prepared. to forward a realer amount by the FIVE DAY LINE, a. 5110 by eddittonal reviles worm 111110 M Tlll.llll. ma lie, wilt run throughout tfhe year. del/es goofs *rods h dm. agettu in Baltimore and Pinsidrj to owners and consignee. et verified rates and time. Bkeiddenta from Philadelphia Mr the line should be marked. Care, I II Robinamt, Italdmore..” • The ably agent. are , Jll ROBINSON, IN 8 n, ole. , Baltimore. EDOEITTON M &Co, Cmberland. W CASO, Brownsellbs. (ebb J C BIDWEEL, Pit SV4OI Iffinafiat - Fi c :M PIIIr A Ttinr p3 OßTrlosl MINE— Agracy fit ensabenitatt ham ttl i tosue 4' of bleM 4 lll.- VMS to Mkt of Edgertem k Co, Pittsbkrgh utd voter.natant& us natiGal dint J Boy try Ransom. No thd Month tthisLin. Chula st, sermon, h du , only nothariakt cut of this Line In the Eastern sifts. The o • *imp aro • I 0 BlDWRlX,Pittgrargb, W OMB. Bromnsvilk, EDOARTON ir Co Cusberlasdr, t dealt: 1 B' ROBINSON, Balthstarc 19 nallan Com rat a llll s L EIC 0 U Okla . lasl 1,4 6411411 Old EE Lanai 10”140 ,; ;O PHI BALTIMORE NEW YORK rta naltliThiraAl• MID WO WI. lowiL A RE PdTared to transport good. and produce to and frod the above .eilles on favorable tensot. Ad dm so or apply to D. LEECH k Co, Canal Basle, Pittsburgh. BARRIS k LEEI.3I, No. 13 fs IA South Third .1, Phil,• J. TAYLOR ft. BON, AO., No 14.PPUs Howard A. wallow, Agt, No Y Weat wet t, New York. Pittsburgh, March Pith. 1044. mug! klerohants , 1848. • • am crams aim tau. leans FOR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE.. L GODS consigned to ear care will be forwar ded G ,arisloot delay tt the lowest Current rates C A bIeANULTY A Co, Canal Basin, Penn at, Pittsburgh. MERSHILLFS te REYNOLDS. VA and 365 ks st, ROSE, MER Ma RI e TT & Co, • • Botidot mbar!, Ballimore„L„ iniziawr LINE. MIMI / 8 .ftliat stimosimuY terms tray= of way mown RITMO' Pittsburgh - lainviths, Johnstown, 1101. B lidaystugh,Water s etAllmatingdon 00jand Pe tembergb. This Linn arts fanned elusively Girths spealslee• cononedetlon of the arty, witness. The Proprietors, thanktbilor the eery liberal patronage they have: re ceived dazin the 'estrum y tout, mouldrespeettally form their ffmds sod the that they ma t civet:lllhe betray mewed m dolma goods litan Lpoin Lau t Catalina Ittif Reads, th promptness y ansidtspateit PICKWORTIIMVOCI JAMES A LOBE.. ; GEORGE TIUNDLE, IMIZER aj. AO &, Joistawn. J Miller, "burg, h. . CohnA AVAtielry 3 / 4 Co, antWni Pittsblugh. Itookstram—Piusbargh th & Sinclair; J I EcDcwitt;O"L/118bamtkagar, Ellchhiscat4o:ol. Moan; Rapdayt Babb; Mu; lerkeri Wralisbmar & Co; Dr E Blorntrucer. MAN - APACTOIiIiB.: (TT; IBOOlikiiiii4;7o7 I'l Wile euu. --- aniutai. -- 4 foam. • . PLANO'lOOlt7Egt. , , 0 0 vpircmgza , SINirillaltiNG:VNDER, 1 - , , .1,QII:13. turlXOlt, I W.'"i AatTARESIS,O:OO . O Itif-gt Monk . .. oot, fre 'now received rt, Noll fu aluairt e*P0 40 10 , 6 P rreilate4 . l ll Pml e Cen'e o 6ll linnejel- 1 . maw of' Elam Forma . elected from :onintf,tay„jaarro„lltiait frititil.slB AC pabl_,_..le , tlMl' i; , ~_ the fdllearlng, Manufattories in 'Boman 110 7‘Th IPTPare4 ,_ 4 " l Fra: 34 . . 4 .A.; , ?a.__,, , iiftern.miiir. ; ii.:4l.rie irc.k, to which ti the arreation of purchasers t, the Into of tnadenasera. Always 011 nano It largo sr , 0,..0p0 Ily itirited. l'hom from Mr Chtekeritte„ tfor , arrnmatthef eeedl ofeir-,C°l 4 n, it., tT ,..___qedr UPfei.,,..ilont „ 17 M , iklbe oola Of vrltiehlte fa ane ilgent in Weatern Pone+ tubed In the earl' boo in ""r , ..1.,..1.,_ -Vid..o„ NUT eylvani .Ihave Gehl; is:mimed Me New etrealar*ealei ,0,..4e sk,..doccgammi,Cambr.tec anammuuo,luidail . ',b o t og im,proyemo u t racially made ond Pri.1. 11 ":4 CZeaF=lde to approved atlle.i.; We 'keep ar tIITTAI ,I,id d ‘01v . uw,,,,, 0., r 0,,,.? plogotony a . tone , .sortmeni ofithhcand Ibis . omen. gilk app kid ti . a er an ollthra. The foftemeiag are the it mid apple Ibt Pealantor. 420.1n°* ',....,""Pcoll'ear,h1LII., .I,tyl. o Chieketlng'= lan k and oventAhlets nott.l7-...-xtstto . 1 .• N. L.: aerond, 7 oet`yea, finished beet .}.. floe, VI radon maiOnable4ermay Ar l l.l l orOmMiallefar ,1.2. I - 'l4 • , richly carved " .I.rl the Eastern mum. ALIK4 Othel plate. far 111 V ristug ,a a ' u . GI ll 4 4 a . ' 44CO ttm amp crautt..liiintEnnendrplenslidirenr brims, ii ,-A 4. " a " carved conaldings, ' soa, Wats, itmt any .eriatobe.otet airlines., gitOtt ,n 5. t, 5 ~ 5 ,,j 0 b 0 d b oo k mu ..... t , RCA Uttar Marodal to promptly and intoetorilll,' .reset .. n - 7.1 -, ,,-0-7------,-,---1 BENNETT - 46•13:11i0THtR i , .e: . " a “ u ~ " 8.24 twEEDisw A gg mANUßecrpßiatti, - .1 , . . " 0 pregennn fnvetl . .. c .. _ P.?? BirsFinnittialntlarMittirpAmh.rp o i , " JO. 1 ~ 1 . 7. 'net l ). 00rved, ,. .T .1 1 h 417 ,,,. . ig,; : R arch ' , Nc4.l3 7 .lOMlPAiihjfrei; . ni, ' h °"' ""...° li gra, ..a will ared 0, second hand, coat angina 3 , Ilooetmatantly.keePO. hig4s, "Inei_ _ , mild at a Very reduced once. pr Wawa o Maanerl Ware Ita o , • No. 11. Roeiwoml round corner, very elegantly fin. ° ""q °3l44 '" Whab " 4 "tid einmr."-Mer , lied, t 175. No 13. 'Ro.otoood, round comer, vorY 6 - ti seuxelpectfo ll y malted irk, malland oz, Ilya finished, CM: • memo r .theroaelaes, aant r a. , amdemnaiteett to: sell ~ ,n ,,, i x ," ~,,, 00000 r oo t 000 d by 11. Worcester, N. ehesper thanhaearc,rbelbreAlernamlensdtte of Puh• y..,-or I known 6/1 Will connected formally with lie. _ _.... _'• Nen SlOtard, Worcester & Dunham, N. Y. ril:r 0X4. , cent.bp.rald, I, ac , e 7 011 .).11.b7,9m. e.,.......... , Na . Itoutwootlol, corvrdmoultbog, motto by the, city otisrenee: will oe promptly - atm o toe' 'ten:a . N,,,h ~, Company, N. y. 5376. , No i , Rosewood carved, 6 [knave., Gala tr. ,o'r i. N. 1 V lfo .' . . il ltia l l " ootiVrand ll Piano, made by 1-IJ 4 ri i Beata, arts: ItIO 1 ,:Mahogany, Coat:rasa merond hant-t,priee 1P.9. Ohl unto. oaken m pat payment for new oaten. ' 1 JOHN II iII_CLI.OII, s,i,..ltjentrpr Chlekering's G rand and Square Piano Faneatfor Wdatern Pennaviream. 61417 " " --7 • 4 - //rlisa E. fan) FLINT. GLASS EBTABLISAIBESI7SI% A ULIVAN'i bk:LIL.II3 msosunernsesusd tzep ea ivi .:no poy on scud .Chno Nnahleil , asol..l . laln INA Udassrosaro, as all its vatletins, at their IV inheass oro, a teat Morkot. and Wateistreon,„l,•ittab . A a Oos. Worka can lo fall operlnlintlOd . we conatan , l)i adding tb othanAti'. ahables ' orders , plth . protriptoesa: 'Purotascrii- att, aollvitell to all and asa.ailini prises End' terms. royltatty' ' COACH MAKING. • nom the very liberal etietureece meet the subscriber has received since' , :aro Itas totwed hitentelf in AneetegAr. wrricAtisikt baa induced /Dia to . tsbe ■ lealaajar to of years. on the PtoltertY he now , oecupids, in Beaver street, irtrutedintely.beside ,the PresbytertunCtiorch. Rots rholong eZparieLteala tha .have and a destroto please, be hopes to alai , It mid tacelve a . Citric of public potronme, Nowt on bend end finishing to order, Roe kivrui peg gics, open and top Bootees, end every' dettertpuletv of Carnage, mode to order, from seventy-five dollar* to surto honorer. !sera-art 1011 N SMITH. M.IBaIUNEOiIS. ItrANIFACTIJELED ,AND LEAF , TOUACCh...- a = I V0 , V,',40R,1%,fl nut. .....--41A 4 ...., ; .0, co blaustfactrued Toilced, toradatingor dnynr pouada, half and +Pa lies, IVIr, 16‘.., tEgv and 3:11% lumpy Vs, Ns and we plus. and 121 Ladiere Twist, in whole and holt boner, afthe following approved brands, ' James II (Inuit, Osborn & limn Grant & Willlunis, A Cabardu, 8 Jones & Bon, . ' 'lll'l)ot...hi, 'Weimar Old, J Thomson, Janina Timms, Jr. All Armlsisad, I Thomaa et. Son,, Landhorn & Arrolsitad, J P Comas,. ..Cobbs. ?il7Xlc il• r , , Trn a 74 Grant Hal., , Wm Dawson, Port& Norwood, J 8 Blackwood, Nath Paso, Keystone, W II Vauhan.. Wound Henry, Ponlaux Robinson, Russell A Robuisrma Kelm, Robinson & Co. Bath Halsey, „A histealf, Join alder Lawman. Lanier, I Rabinson. Gray &Gray, D B Torun, P, ist=York Wintry —AI.BO-. Havana Loaf Totatoco, Irrupt. and ISllarr„ do eltVartal dop do do :do 81 Jaglado Doha do do do si do do - Igurb ik Waldea do, part Ono, 4 Ithykrille do do tio Kentucky various Kradmi Og Virginia Leaf, saluNo ftr manatastags slus ezpork 7=EV . Liaal„ P.n a, Coninunieul and Ohio, Scowl. B .ilii= aralbladdy = Oamaa 0 1 re AI li: 1 tat Tontem 8e,.,, Havana Dan. thio,Roaci. Beeson .m , rillLielorirloo; Pliant resullsh 81111.14, punk, &v. &e. PHILADELPHIA, min f — -- - c Ike, TOBICCO, WIFE, di) A T his Ohl Sou- name. of Staijosor . p o ff ezt Ix. Mumma a !!" . • rar'it'flbimPjk, t,7,:'r,t,:tc,..t 1)T nap es as 14 , 1 , 4 ..... wm a oreowrrucicialw, saktoditte tati.l4 the *Men torsons. vio M k i tt . IR4l,oth, tad tontout..ike, 1.40 s Nsosa, Suit =twin Dollar letrieltas. all Of welch .ill he sold Oh:torus mos I to had et any stiles hoses to the till.. ..ill4 nc litl a r4 ";eiv,l che.„_,........ Henna. olteire gotamaxtem laii i lar is n:l consulate no betel and P APE'S WARE H__olo KO. 9 999./.4 90 ISLIP. Illmw •vIII.IA w. MLA areas lor .13 dm lowest I • Manatttelsrati• privet, • very calmly, •••••6 0.-nof PAPP.N. mope...lei aim postale yarlir9, adapted le Ike imam off coaanter• sa all lattices of ISA tanstary. Plitpat of ill Crab made to in4at at slitt .•e. . . • - - - - 14,Si:seta PRINTME PAPER Is {smalls lisp • pa ritipia t i Isif a va t iglu :iliu m s st elven dessysloo,lTI 14 6 . 4 "Pi rtet eaßßlV OR b.,. us: Muses, re -Cal, Fee Res Ins IlltAslthAt ?Ale xi, Mee tritroeuelse,Torisi,ae.,Se RAW' Ceaverhtgeltete.OeuhßePe. Defeeer l . e: ;sr ssi and moat &Won T ramtpattaras sad cedars. Aim THE CllEhr filo at DIUSIVN NLHOD, tut hand hand Or Wide borderer 0 litttolltd it Ogden. Commy Almallumul tad Ebro wassailed it mill and emontoa the abet , * On salwill ba said wholeside -se ,retad.aad • liberal distlitmlak ,maid ld whitetails parchwers. mildly • wunzants ~ =Ow 'iron RALIK: . . rime auder offers for sato •an amulet 1 ,1 of brick for buildinnotade by, Aro Steam Frau, Miura-tad ouselllncy kw which hi has obtakted at NUM, and agrees to grvoputhaseto a. artitterfgaamotte that Coy en wow: . am( will !astir frost cod wit wraith.' es end Imbibe lem tecumun or damp:rims than any oth er brick, pamessian gnaw holy and supetortamar• anti much mom darabbs in, rear, respect, sack leek' =Tamed to • o. al of rtityfrgftr% they male • heat equal to the bar Oxen liak. _ have W pu r k ch r a a s eIBdM lts n M eta M o• esaeadaioyn l o to ks a bs ':II specimen iss tea Gaeta clam Those having sapplled thmosslita tor theft and wishing . handsome from brick., or owlet Ord ' and solid paving brick can obtain the= • 1116110 CHUM , Birmingiolta. howl; MR. ' • tf • t' ALLEWICIWONITLAN BUHR vecrowv. • , • JOHN 'Ai nuownr. • ' TARlDidils meftMd to Warm his friend* , • aid be palue at tame that his Flame? is li:. fp w l , rstbou lt .l e. an th• west side of A I y, wham • eon yetard aopply .of Ilhuttirof va ri ous octavo andqualities, an:constantly kept Dobai:dr, , alteot,No 0 Wood et; Pittsburgh, it .1 Ik' —lt Phillipe l ad cloth waseroca• mu an Strutter* made to order in the best sold': 11 . z . • Rlinderepkited kt Om shonast hi de.-n N. It—I11•1111Ind. minim put p without any addle , clonal Moue, no that thsry Gib be said la • so-1 mem iti cams oar* to for waahing, without dm aid of • scrim driver. • fyl•dlytvrtamtyrt ...... . NI1:1011117DALISMUN MANCH HE Preprietarof this well known place of mantis lTi e pleurae M l inßomiltd.lhelabßa dm Ws comb, du the Lactic been thotouribly ,tatted and wafted; and the grounds clearway lard out taM, decant-4 la., rue open, for weir accommodation, tad he alum Wm. , Withal thom who may.f•vot him with Max unison., age will Bud all that they desire, provided in the best' style and on reasonable Imam lie is determined to I imam no impense in making We. attablialunent worthy of putdie pationaga lie his accommadationi for boarding a few families. Ica Creams, mud all refresh! . l moue imitable Ohba masa% constantly an hand *Sol LEVI BURCHFIELD. • i Ilosiongsits•la .iinis• Callorlag a suibri Illahmetat. I • • - AA° WILLIAMS, Draper and Taller, begs told form the elyitens of Pittsburgh awl others, dm 1:0- 4 no. opening at hie rooms on Smithfield areal, ant der the show Motel, a lane akul teleplay' elssenment ofeloths,CassiutaniaSalituo,lslll3,and otharVesnonsi toga et with inch otherinteles .112* 24QUittd for semlemetes wear. His goods hese been eareinily leered, earl are of the newest , and m*21.4'44140141 style, am well as of-superior quality. His eltillAtera may depend upon basins.. their elation maths tip 411 • MIAMI which cannot (lii to 'runty the taste of t h e must filWidiMlL TWO STAB, OP TXUI3 * ' VENITLAN BLINDNIANUFAUTORY East aide of th e Diamond, where Volution 'shads 00 the different-siker and colors are kept 011 bud Or ataile'to 'order *AC the West sod MOO gPrOredEllatent Wilk law, at the 'honest mike and on the mew reason le tentruk _ . ' - Aiso,'the ebenli Beg= totter pant Blind Transpro Taney and Paper Ctinsins of all thediderent sizes and I patter* o painted and for sale low Wealth. old dant. nen Blind. over and repaired, or Woo In pan. payment for new.. It at'WPATERSELT, Pro'pr. N. 11— AU work done with the blot eniumlal and , workmanahlp, and arananted to please the manful thliou. • sagEktly. 1 Allegheny cry, A0g.10, , 1818. t.TEAM FERRY BOLTS FOR SALPc—l'lte sub , .scribers OEM' to sell one•foorth of the two ferry boats, Oen ficoiv quad pen. Worth, nowntrunng fruit the foot of Pena street triSattlaill Run, so sum make It a profitable investment' forcanitalists, Dray wh• may wish to engage in the builders: - t. 1 . Per (unbar piniealan, incuhre of ' • nova if 0 114ACILOURN k .... liritter a Itrlttireillieria. -- difirday davit ha the maae(aatnror New style Tapestry 3 ply Carpals, erns super, ; do do do 40_ super; do _do . . . Dram's Clarpetn •-• do . Itrussels,weel cheap, do richsuslors super 111112111 41"4 14"71!""" 44: 64 and SI3 comiTton . All of which will be sold at a, mall whance, and will gamma as low u can be ;ozonised in the east leoSs- -WIII , CLINTOW/4 Funs al PWND JAMAICA DlNUp&—Pbe ale by &ell' 3011 N D MORGAN (IRWIN]) MUSTARD-1 bbl et re saJs ay 'twat JORN D MORGAN. <A ,tea fo, cr.A.2110.4. • A.SPLENDlDassortment of Idaho ' amity end Rosewood Pianos, just . fin. ashed. ,Thean inetrurnems are rondo pi • AA; bur st poneru and beet etatetiala and my be sod low for emit hy P. iILUTIF,III Wood meet, fat door ribove N,4 l —Those who Are in want of a good instmooot , are reetfilliy. iliVit^d to ratisinue thorn before par etasinir,o/sawhorn, as they cannot ho excellAl by any latheountry, and aid be sold lower than nay brought from c'r,iist: Alsatian received, two pinonS of Hum berth nalmfactumornrranted to bo superior to any ever s !din this country. °ern F. D. sT.IS;UStIAL ved 110 V om &L , ' “p f 11 - - , a l;ba fo am ,. s h a Tiber in ; molto •, voodoo el tleno.lforte, caned sate, no Lell) rORTE, which possessing mom power attEmesa than diet square Piano. occupies batone' tiforundt as much room, and is a much mqre stiteory and ban me Pleeri:or furniture. It ill pnrtiettlatiy desire- Isla ere - the caving of apace Man object; beingon. oedingly neat and convent, and occupying .A 9 mom so= - ban a small aide table.. Tbe subscriber Jim In tend I testimonial of its but fano the celebra. ;:fed:Pmetet,ldosetellos, In hut omit band •writine,whieb may Is Inspected. • . a ll. If LEBER, °Mtn At J oodw ell' Akirlutglserr.lititatir.s.r. — 7 - mut for pale, o lot of choice Moos, with JR, and withtiat , Coleman's Nation 4tiusehnient, by' blanne.k.C/ark„ N T. Ono.of Pianos & Pianos, with he Ausehmeot. syn. token to England by Nr Coleman, and tooting many other testimonials or ad ;abstain fot dint elegant speCimbit of AMltlie.lll7 ASI and iigenaity, elicited the following . remarks from S. Thalberg, the greatest Pianist STOW. . Losrpon,Jart. IS, ISM. hly ;Dar the—ln enclosing a letter to my &lead, hlr Fr . .. 0. Paris. I cannot relmtu from again expressing to you how much I was kleased With 'Mir '"/Eolinn A01..00 , 1004^ which I eonsidertor a peat musical Mi. provement. 1 ran num' you, Masao my pon , I shall watt treat pleasure do my utmost to moan your Omen- Ws 'known For ante by II KLEIIER. jelt4. Al ty,ooliwell's famtrare root:IA.IM varmousu SUOILM-tltmery of the Greek •Iter-. CA *lentos. and of Me wets and eareptagas. tutting Gam lbe streak:l . of Ms (Amok Pinnate M. lMsencire, nag %cut:reentry Mete the Tartish .Iroie--M"two sol atness-erensll,l topy soltli,enoterons maps 'end erfgro vinal Lenmt Illearranve *Lem Win of wow. 111, Mc= IPA ip im-aran Ana panrany run sole Complus., se etc smuts of the 1194 Pstrilttarm. 1107 Alonbrazi tOrtlleg romance, with Ott engra vings. 'fair le the Hely Land, French Stage, and POzteles In Chlaa. Jest rood mad Onside by McDLINALD 6.IIIEZSCIN smith ./114 - salUlPranse , A SPLAVSUILI assortment or llem , snood end Mabommry grand Arnett Pi anos, rust Bashed col for sate. rirutt6tre O:ltAtod h o ILTM I. 'hi moot modest, ortylr, mid tor *-1110 II to P pr.wirt4.ll2 soot at NUMEM CeiM. PACKET LINE. 1848. li ottramtibc4.l:vtaaocip LIM/Leta OYAIMIKM. Packet—SWALLOW, Copt. Fwd. caps Women. QM' of dos above rackets leave Deaver every Alan .19.a.aday• excepted) awl arme neat warmly., at t 1 atm, where they connect end. the Mail Mae. Tor Om and etee:and. sienna; loch lathes, place* Wore mat_ One of the Packet. leave Weeme tly t at 3 P. M., aril savvy at Water to am, to take the Moyeteg sYraarthcot fge CUM , ot LEIFTINOM Mt Warmth M TAYLOR:, ropeseca. vT.AvEn. ANC PACICri LINT. ranuwa Tolll2 - Laat - ot roan sot Coral racist— haaammtazza,Cein. Jades; Trucinarn., " Pollock; " " La*. " 0 • Pirtons known; Talcum*, Sayer. The &boot beward Ity! Pioneer Paeta 14e coaubreeed mislay battatmt* 1:11-1.4,V Ea AND, ' and WI ran regninaly atacus ere aa. iog -12 ;1MITti. .g .'7l lst=ita c i t attertbo4it! tat of Cettaatbatat Mtehim (mot Putob - Tb: bows ma pro tmd atuatossab/y will nut *rough In forty Want los e eat Lakes, at vo Niigata Tana; will foul U met **MAE boat expe.jituta Tic eita 111.0011 4611 ports on Cut Lott can ba p(OCUIV4 by sygdybei to the yroprtatota. BEIM PARKS& Co, 11* - tat. JOICNi eoroWater sad titsalidatlit A6ENT9,—Jsa C Manisoa, ilteala„N Y- C M good, Erie, Ps C isCaviala, Pt Wrarian ths A. , pa; II Sbarpo Pa borgbjs W z • n 0 Uilltamo Paisti, Pi. : a it W Om. glan. Yes Castle, P. )yt _ P•atilirra4lif , Cunt ah /WI ameteMs persheYsat rmalist Lime, -. 1 ". 7.--,-.7. 1848; : =t a r: - .:- 1.....:,.. "11032 errrmsuuir TO PIUDAULLPULA & UAL - TOUIR4 (Exelatively for Puseuvr.) T i l E r b " .. u.P=crar worwa am thin lion .fl cantuneted waning 65 U. ZAI (dal, land ch.- Wise Omagh= the Seam. Ilse bests iu• tawrorad Oa sapellw ctus, with et, tamed tablas. mt..h will lire treater comfort Tto aim are doeAAA cautty.c.on. Intl always loe In pan, snit usyekra are in damned fa deli sad eisuittna them hem. tagnginit FL. wrOatarartterc Mar ikaly rum Ca tare thumb the of the bolus of dd. W. will !save the , bulding toppasue O. R. Hotel, cdne, area. tizett cold Can aL carry Vied at nine ce- Ick.o* TANI 34 d.y. Fbe Infouroulan, appty at Wu*, Ideeseguehe 11.016. at to 0.1 , LE.COU A. Lhe J. 19 , Canal Hum itARNIVF2I i cur - - -.• • wad Itiasalataustaa omit.. UDEN & CO. conuhno to brinntr Any pan of Eng Irout,latand. S 1 **es, upon the monblerar thrum, weir ideal punctuality and lineation solhe entrees:4'ton. feriae:Dealt/ byam Wo do act ailOvrourousencre to be tabbed the scamp.. thin &an Jae swap pruner we tale charge of them the.marnent, they re, pan themehres, nd, lee to their well taint and dow *peat/ern withbut shy detention by the tut Wa aty tide Gtadenly, as we defy ono of our Imam to., us At. that they were deraland 41 Doan lwyna le Unspent!, whihn %how:sands of outwers weir* detained r:hs, until they coral be sent In Maio old eraft-at • e p nue, which too trequeraly proved their en/tUra. , We Woad to perform our contracts honorably, eon *hat It pan and cot gates wan the Face tact Gewa, with ether aZeers,—who either peribrined not "al dl her It wilted their convenience. . • - . Draft. drawn at Merolla for any um from SI to 41000, payable at any alba ptorinetal Banks In In. taad, Metal, Becaland and Wales. JOSHUA itOrtINgON, nitOptliA and gametal Agent, 641 riM. ea...IL ow* An, WI rt.' ufg.aiTiViii;al;; of the publlo to the article heading this advertisement, and invite the en. terpritin alto tattoos to call and witness its opera. dem All advertisements in relation to this itiveution, to the heart& who have wee It tested, Is 'taperer°. ttsa st eal. This Clmin will : produce }totter, pubertal; It In c r am lV sweet mnk, live to ten minutes: . et it, 'from e prepared, as families usually prepare iy In three ions!. intantes! ' 21.1 he utility Orthis investlon Is apparent,' ribs( :ter Minor can.lpe produced from sweet milhoir onsam, 'than cream soured in the usoal wan . a nd 'by At, (thorn it little glair, boy con parfai:it, 'ln Ave or lion Minutes, witai s'fiaretofore required the labor of li orcusnin et mat Ibt one or two hours, and sometime.' lhalfs day. . Ad„ alaiply tootling a thumb screw, the whole in- I aside doteris 'taken out, leaving nothing bat the butter .and milk in the plain wooden box. • . • Id: sit IS "the cheapest chant ever invented, as the :simplicity , of Its conattuenon (though embodying a' ,peat prulosop hicarprinciple) makes, it but 414 to 'mauatacipti It. Ath. Illsmcdanuenisause elute, as all will odmir who will examine lti ihrlinWeittavolorrellased thematiotaaly of dna valor:1 'orforprovemeot from Alearva,,Colver & the lire now °Toting the complete mono: lid)/ 0(0110'1nd szliele for thellitatesoffible, Peed. eilimaia, New York, Nine, Jersey, Alatylnud and AO ; awars a nibicil will inserts cernaio and large, pr.61.,' to notArtfMnale4and A speedy Velure of investment, The public grailtaited hi 90 sod witness its otieronoo, EMIT anto;lllPittsb u rgbosvery dtiyat 4 Weleek, r. • • 11-0.4.11101 , 1l&Co, Proprietors. Odiee,fixthingit Ltelldidge,l3LClonstreetinextdoii to ENIIIIIII Jame °dice: deell.dtf 10114 70 - n r sta o R a i ; - t i• .M. ..lM;'if'k S s s ~.✓ hix~.V3+... ew ~n ~.... ~....e'J ~ ~i~- - .:J ... ...~r.a.. _l~~<'v. -;%=" Tim Nap: item' siselkettam . ~. ~,, Oh Ws:threw' oi Riau.: iia.i ., . hi - . , ila es mow au, 4 . I mistibiespenentra ' 1 - ' of foarnmoyana has -theoribezmilf Witt oci._ , pottemity to itody, In dike - fernm.libodblorr Os "r ib - L iitanotontandat, and to Wipe tt ' te their' nine mad CUM Pa -1 dente whist& eassureoon r . 121 .rnslisee of .bp ametionty a Fat AO 'PaYst 7 7 ltlastraksid atilittsd indenting dimmer.' Ta• bottle Itaihien to tokt.C777l:4MaTr ry_g_ts its 00E01 binomial 5119111:14171amjeciaitik thansrm atd al ,Zattlr,7, ll rets*"rof Maine:. Ito program la the famed:lm mai helmet II alto/niece facia' And Mime, that Mont es landraidis and , far Um breath., poi:l4 thaw to Oa tam at baalth.. '.' Ilia &darken is Onni Col. 11. O. Taylor,gromn ellfgh landkin mai 444 = 6 'etpitetanes fa theentathein MON, ItOd ,InKlbilld Canal tO Ks* Orignias t , , .misurs.s. B. ic D. Um:— , • ff.. TaA, Airy 7, lit& , Clairmatma,—Haitng rued, end ' the Whets of par accallant=tion .of lamp' Oa different pentane te pro of the Ikrothian ..Ifts, LooltitarkTscras., sad Ilastah, I mach gees= in dating th e th 'opal= rimeoped of Its grail median* mbar. In my own aim it acted ahtiom annum, rememing speedily the anarratraof Qs Irtscas• rd szsitEs l , i ' l ! 3 the mut agreeable manner, a tor t: sad alto Mamie. Your Bansparitta ti laiddroyptand tkrm i ed try the 17. ittitea mar to jltudeoi and my comb, 081. ZA.O Y..1,1f1.0 has tar &teapot_ _, _Ara yews been the WM of ulna% and Miriam ; and MOW =Ow gbh _ • . _aainemanditta-ncrw. an Amon tralispemabla to • the army. - In inier - linalif mry tha baler It ii known the mom hly 11, will he KW, end h trot that ite whims will mate it pitman? -tenni theimileinn theliedli and stew lexhisisimaggig._, . . . , . '• ir. IL cool a BUM antaidn • OW K. , lomosa na l bI II a Iblurneologl_ _ 0 bri i• _ ..• • ~ ..!, ......,,,,.... c_ ?"'"4.. ~,g.Z...i. • • llsgm 7 -..; -;:f •-i-.,ZiristVel ,t. ,..- t: t.. • . ~ . -..-. • r ..... , -- . • • .4. , brr j i . _.. f _ . akbboSlbbnes mama. t. ' Mk .. - r . MIN I Ptir ' vn itrowa i llt AWCASINALUMI= Af. :-, 1 0 , 414 , 0 ni u .17 I / •,,.._ ' .. '' • bar =le : ' ,I: . )C . .1; '...' ' .. ''•• ‘ ;11111K a AM 7i i irjra p i r u. " . T,._:. ~(..:", : - • mut rta* 1 16 ' ,na , - ', 4 I ~4 e iiiict. , mica Pt.' a- : .. , * •*.. i i )e 4 .0 A ri — LI r • bus .. • . _ übilelt. .• Os 41bid , ......... nbuilt elbasb ei I MO as Lot comobil • Ligra s . ' i War ..,....,.' 1 61 111 . I_ 1 14 21 :55 1 it PO, Alti r4 4111 11 20 .. 3 44 Worn sod vsealts, MIMI 4,klrON. , Usti gagiuttp segaitaii win as gabanoirawki I wave' esi dolimas 4 Is COMMA. I N. D. CA1144444 Otho ham RAMO awe" ininaita • A. D. .4 D. BANDS, Distraszas MID Caczaora, toe N'osroa•ar., amp 47 15rtumm•NbW MIL .. Nold ebb by Vine= pacraDy Uctiagbarat 5551151555 Its* 5 5 5 Cas s s ls . Pilo. $1 pa DAD 1 &hi labia for $5 ' F. , 000 b, vsbolerale and retail by B. A. FAUNMOCX . , corolr - otWoo . d aral emi t otlLmSizilk and Wood at.; by L. WILCOX , corner of Srp.nbfield atutroMtb at , r, 'and also 6... ..Atal Ft and the Diamond; also, by EDWARD PRINDERICH' ear Thinonaloa . lldama: n07.2m - - Afi r 2/ . /DS Who Du Common Prepared Chalk, are' . BAXATEIVEI , onArt net emery ow frightfully Warm. I is to a se .int how come, how magi, bow allow , yellow, io Th e I o N m e r E suFFEKING N G PA f hl wrrn AD E DI A BEAs ! ED .m.l.gLit.l de, d, ':"."".""'" "mf Pd 3 LUNGSt-dThe .p.a.r.d ..... .m.k, his ti -1 la, ,I .sinhi runs, co/ILl:rune . a /tax quasi ,tr Lit lead. We have ii neared o beeauffil vegetable , needed the sue of tam ~, . COHSE:IO ,_ PANACEA _.. ifr u ttl k ir.... w lt . la w pf4fc c el l ly -NEAzt qPtuttollattli n nit the Tarim. to n es which Irritation Mel.* .'." 1 fleeted:ens istulaH and 4 lc puns a:lmam a emu. i Mines, has induced the groprieter agall ' i he eat am ~ rel. heathy, alabaster, etch!, hateg te, tithe name I than le this Wee acting as si ofmmuuc on the skin, mating Heed 1 , WONDERFUL PREPARATION. ~ and emote. ! The cliangable weather *kWh :marks arm OW ann W. James Anderson, Practical Chemist of num-) winter wombs, to always • fseithil mane of ehmette, Ore . ..Atter minlyei,r.Joneelf ePlizish LaY COLDS AND covcais. wid,t, i kat it peewees the most beset htf and halve Thew, If negleeted, are but theareennen of that fell cal, at the same time iheaccut white I ever sew. I 1 desneyer, dim ere lean . costrurnori. 4VI 4. 4TinfIr 2 V.A . M 11 '..!:7' I- ----.. I t ar 1...=..43.= onatdmum.zei . cause sod litii... 'IV: t W tn i .IACBSOSI. at Ids Boot eel Shoe I ohl..! l rs of vital , o* n7 .' ericti g" to di _arab Frt re. r ita LJberry inets, heed et Woad, at the eke of; . THE GREAT AMP ons Tor the flerfiket. MS I wit be (trend to the Gth.e Peewee: thleeetf of Ws Ladies, /edict), Pm astonished, , we have frets lime in mine published the calif, acts of. When you knew Matron am premised depro• of our best known caufineorho Mane a/pal- A natural. liit-Itho, enemy white, I Weed lis terrace powers, Theseorlik n of tcs That tee. will still use mammon chalk, of the con em And Woke deathly - yeller. fright , d WD. r i n e ''' . Al t . 4I STIVOF"' THE 1 7 WsTarniiNG, The theme glanghter mai of talk ' Utilities of the eorpel,l%., together vire ea cm? If yea would use I box ofJONEB Ltily.ertate, ll' h ere from the .. , 33 • 3 wrath give yoevikut an eJabumr yet natant white, f doURNAI4. , p THE DAY„ and at the same time clear' ea end improve IL Sold at . we More embodied in pamPhlet fon. , we t ms be hut rACILSON'S, tli Liberty in. Pau TS cents pee boa. i grub' of any of am eventil o:ji dTMll : e s s , e • Mill I UMW ' aR.S SCEDYLICA 7 ALSD. - Sifkainn.o SWELL OS - 'lltat',,,L,i'e ~,..0 0 .1,,,, L ih thi.,,,,,,,,e1 ym OF MO) INGS.-Stirob la in all its inaltiplied Dams ~,,,,...,,,,=,;; IT" ''''''l,', Lbs .,..„ 4 0,,,,,,d, had chit 'halitosis that of Antg's Ertl, enlargements n the '-''" •-• iaiie any manta Dam oat a , gine& or heasi Goitre, White Swellings, (erode i syNom INSTANCE • Rhateraital, ennter, diseases of the Rib or Spine, ' e which, when to seeetdingte dimetiOns, End be im.), Pansonary Consumption, emanate Dom ens tin e the htrese had hemenerfavelty dlseerammed, it tam ' and th e same cam, which is a potionnui prinCiple seeefstis 4 ie,.„....,„„, A PERFECT cults. more or leis inherent in thWimmun imitate. There. .....'...- • ~./ , I fore. aides thieprinciple can bedeetroyedosta radiaTlWb., _L.„,I t hen, „„.,„„,„,,, th ' agh „, e ",,,,, 1Uue b,.,,,, T ~%.,,k7 i la iw rl i d.U P cal ewe can be elected, but if the principle upatil ~71 . 7„ - i ei h o e L ,7,' . 1',„ • ,;. e ,( 0 ,;,, ~,,,,,,,,,,y . 0„, which the disease depends, in removed, a enrol ~,,,,, ~d payed Iwo by 'unifie o, pee. AMR 0 neetterty follow, no Fatttr order what:um in, epsally unknown? Alba ri medicimint, thn disease abotthl manila* MALL Thbt, therefore ,_ UNPARALLELED EFFICACY ' ut Um mama why 3.1T1el ALTSIIATIVE la ell ant ,ia Whe had, who.. "mcbCo eyes; homns-OT. WO •-•••• etromf-nesay of when it has serially suctesefal in removing so many ...via • mn t, HED m o m , nxE au a v t diseases, it dummy* the turns or principle them 1 1 ,,, „ : ,,, k , Lk ., di., 1„a,,,,m 0 ,,,, t dd,,,,,, ~,,,..., b,„30,,,,,,,, Wan thew diced:zee have their origin, by entering Y, ~, th e ma et the peer ...w e n th04 0 1 4 ,,, 0 b e es tote the circulators, and with the blood u conveyed 1 pi the price at to the unnuteit fibre, mewing. every !mimic of I ONLY NTIPTT CIBINTIis ' , im enema from the system. Prepedai and gold at Hu., fat one half the =Vat aof Omagh a.ecinem tits 3 South l'himl Stheit, Philadelphia. i for de by oar sgentein nearly OrerytmetfUedvillage esu.tbe west, who one pirredier Me fah informs. Sold at the Pekin Ten Same , Fourth etre°. f is, Proprietor, Pittsburgh Ileindwity,Oundstneti.Qhdp , ~,,,,,, non rebuive ea 11YDIWPATUICiliSTAILLIBIERIBILIBTT , ntrixtrucnott.axisza co, PI, ' 1 Xyc. ! EDWARD ACKER, tares , this means of re taming his thanks IA his kende and the anblio , r the extensive pent:map be him received, and a in. t farming them that be hat Islay erected *Urge and I well coital/meted trallding, for the exclusivepairperes i of his NyxrEat CURE 11 ... .TABLISRDIRNT, al km Old tocatitneat Philliabuzgh, Pa., on the Ohio deer, oppo site, the steamboat landing at Betiver,whom he la ready to rele i tre patients le, beaded, and treat them on Hy ' drop e annelid.. In addition to his long 'Area ' wee, and the great *meets which has heretofore at. tended his treatment of milieu' cammiued is his CM, i be ham." the additionL facilities Libeled by 'an oz. It, maw building arm ted entesety tor the purpose, con ! Mt deg commodious and airy roftandlued lap with eve ry necessary appendix* for b and ddraints. tering to treatment to the mama e I and cimehrt of th orem. Phillipsbarit 4'a most del i ghtful tad %chit! i Village, easy a ac e s ,, by steamboats, and a , lords e and wholesome akialte. Dr. Acker assure. those • Meted person. who May, place themselves ne t der hie care, that every age en shall be pia to their . toe:dark and as so amen MIL. mthstantial benefits to be derived, he points wt) ereifirlener to the' hon. dada Who have been pe gully cured tot hirrestab. helmets The Water Curs lino Memo= althea ri t behindias 'is too often the rase 111 th ew who have been treated on the old astern' i removes , the Ali en., tivigbrateri the edam, protects front the dankers laident to chaos,. of the weather, creates a name and mime appetite, and impartevigor so the digestive towers. Tern:sof treatment sod beading 'amenable. For further particular. inquire la the emanlishmem, or address the proprieum at Plitilipebergh. astedid PIGACIhI i . P.WeAC7W4I out CO 1.31C03, BUT IN 6R1:11Y MOTIIWPS HOMESTEAD. undersigned has km; been convinced of the uremia, dot some cardraine ednpred to the on of titiddreo and Infanta to suposeeda tba one of all dune medicines which contain opium, and ass at dength •n eroded In preparing turd opened to the nubile amp* else fully aussresing every &rpma for all diseasesol me bowels, without the ow of that deli:tenons drug, outer other ealeulared to haute t o the Awl. The Intent P . acne has been tally tested en* Irltd. the 181/4 month., lry tounecooe pawns, and Ifiarld to pone. all the extraordinary viiitica end to urethrae ell the astoo lilting dream as set tone on th e bill or &rectums. Di., arthree, Voodoo& Cholio,Oriping, FAIT% di ee trod wi th o ut arising from Trotting, acting inorteatey without disturbing any of die TIIIICti011• of the body, produclug.the ,happiest and. moaxpleesant tnundilon Dom viola* h pain totranquil and Joymui state or teel-, ln&In the Utile t. To be had . WhOletida and mall, order Proprietorr t Dr. AMIN SAW/ANT, Druggist and Apothecaz Lop . tilt Kitchell, Elliott it Beckham, and meet other Alleghermarid_plltsbufgh„ lenr Dr Ps_ araland , e Premium Plasters ralL W, e./NLAND, of the Medical Col l ege bf 1 JIJ eilelphie. now offers to t h e public hie IndtmVeg- • amble Premium Neater, the quelltica of which, after long and tried experience, boa been satisfactorily ea- j Inbrudurd .To ail women who may be afflicted with Prolapse. Merit or Fallen Womb, he recommends his plaster, guaranteeing • sere and speedy cum in the short space of from two to that weeks, if applied_ with care and ten—discarding all the countless Instruments and expensive bandages. long hi tom This he feels trinameutions in ■ll.liDtt luasmuth no helms not failed In one CILINS eel of three hundred and fifty-three pa tients. Also for Rheumatism std Weak Breast or Back, at tended with pain, there is nothing to excel this Plaster in affording relief or effecting a cure. For solo by I, Wilcox'. corner of Diamond and Market at Braun &Rene!, " Liberty and St. Clair sit &nerd rederal in and Diamond, Alio • litreny city Jacque & CAN, " Denman and Diamond Itlrmtng bam. A.PADINIESTOCKS This MDIIOIIIII compound combine. smallness of ' nit with eflleiency and onmparative mildness of pur gative actlonitind having, 1 peculiar tendency to the lallary argues, re extremely valuable In thi. conntry, In which bilious fevers end coMplainis attended with cougeatton of the Liver, an much abound. TbeY have now stood the lest or :9 years, and experience has proied them to be a salt and valuable remedy lu Intermittent, Rentineatand Whoa. Fever; maunt6ee Bilimia calla, Indigos:inn, Dropsy, Dysentery, Dillon • Vomltings, coldi, and all complaints °fan indammato ry character. The complete and universal aausfac, lion which has beau given by diese pills to all who have used them, lender, the publishing of the name c oos CCltifiChlt• in their favor unnecessary. To pre.. vent counterfeiting they are now pot up in a red ttylo. graphic wrapper, Price SD cents for box containing 30 pills. Prepared and wild by u A FAIINESTICICK &szu. comer lit and; wood, and also corner 6th end urea. _ • ..IA3 JOTIS D. MORGAN, -- TO. 93i Wood meet, one door solidi af nUay Pinsbargh, Pe = offers for sate a 1¢ lotlot of Drugs, medicines nn , Orbs. Plinth VarMsba., sod p,,,Amary, 'Formgn and Domenue, to vr eh he cells the. .fisollen Of drtiggists, physician.' and mer chant* visiting the city. as he is emtenniend to sell et. very low prices, end give seem wvisfacilon Good. wen-amen mad theap. Varnish (so. 1 and N. Yea nruntureemre; also Japan and Black Leather Varnish.- e ofeuperior unellt. Al, so White and Red Loader. s, prices totter then heretofore °Shred. 3, D. M. elan manufactures Morgen's celebrated (lough lityrup,which Itee given genensl satisfaction to all in the curing of coughs, colds% bOarsenes., influenza, whooping cough, croup, etc; price 23 henta per bottle, Also, Norm's lipian Inver eastern cure for liver' complain t, .yak headache, siW all Imbue complaint.. Pfice 23 Cif per bal. sep2o .AILVAICLN frM DAL:moat, Innumwzi aft. mustmo. . • • • %VkTlUtti; LINE. Ofilea at the Elzithange: Baltimore. IRDUCED RA 1 F: 8 ;--Thaelmrges have been red. Elva:doe all kleasegen..toor "from _Baltimore, Pint ,burgh or Wheeling, and corresponding redectiort madam all telegraphic despatches forwarded from DM- Mame Wool of Pittaborgh,Pe. cl3hte - for a telegraph despifich to w from Baltimore, PithWargh and Wheeling, a 43 coots air Aran% teliatirds, audit cents for ear:h additional .117. No duirs4 k =do for the addrow. and aisaw Unlit the;._ M om of . the South 'Western Una of le lnarraPh Moat rthirophis; Tenn., to New Orleans, del probe:o=la fonnudodp> 61amplds bruds signet, and na id iad atalla ,;;.,~ aG=~,. RENANNABLE Wlll OF loOltavulau We have been informed by Itlitioßose of a core per foimedion het by Des Jiapissehirilliertitflwios which. prosiest its sepesiority ova everjr i the.r remedy of the kind. She has been edictal Usti boo sixteen years • site NaIINSSES or WHITE SW • Wended ooh alterations and mtfoliatinsf of vaileaslionos,da ring which time many pieces have been discharged from tha I n uogi bone al the amours, Sous both hat 'Amu,' tsars hod bands, and from both Seghandlexa the len reconal bone, and Om the right. Same, besides painful ulcers On other; parts of her potion, vSneh.have battled tbe skid ol a amber of the teoltortunent physicians of our chi—during most of the Oust ;her stufenuas have been egersilatoig and deptarable: ..kboat three months sleep she was induced to . try Dr.Jayrnets Alterative which has had an'aimmiditiottY hippy effect upon her, , by removing nil Amin and swellings, and causing the I eleeta to heal, w h ile itthelame thee her general health has bettuneeetepteielyrestirred,ro thershenew weighs 151bs omfdthanolid did WO* she tionimeneed the ase of this Maly Salttable."propatton. r 4Sist Eve. lion. Pee farther inikirtestiol,lneuirei of ltlrv. Rose, No. im Filbert at, Philadelphia. Yor silo in 'Plittsbeetb, at the PEKIN TEA MORE, Foarth neatWOod. J 73 rilWa(Mallen.RwObo the World. h-FIPE DULLARS will be paid to any one 11 who will produce a spin of paint, gie. or dry, that cannot he altrairutd with Holes Improved Chemical Soa Ive ib is satisfactin of paying w people of this place, hat article, by ray own iinpres extent on 11, OM Lands unrivalled In due osontrynd extracting grease,tar,pttettl,paint, or any o iler gown , sob. stance, ta b le ) Ueda of gentleman , . or ladies clothing, . e =lit i. e , t ,i ttia, inert. maa mar p ls, isdie r will eel o vrILL ml pent the w More than g o an ne Y itionsand . Puotott tuot o to "room ul of the country> have. told kne they would not be enhout itt if it cost one dollar pat sake- trying this Soap on more than RD articles of. light WI., satins, al. pantos, and calico., I have only found thine places of silk, two of Wpacaa, and tons calico, ea which It changed the colon therefoni before putting it on a light dread try a utopia of the drapillst innate tins bectuse I sin determined not to recommend il any sitoOllMihall r !know to es strictly true. ' • littgry. P nee, 11 cis partake. Sold; Whelesale but !Until by 67 of 1 ~'ti'd oY ea . Jost received of. Dr. Townsindbi susapONa, the most ear:Lordingry medicine intbei ThbrPir. ti act is put up in quart bout..i is six thus thetpor, plwiianide, and warranted superior to anY • It earns diwase without vomiting, purging, sitter:L.l4,er debilitating the patient. Leo: C.T sou DwritnettarDoprincipled petatdis have eoped oar labels, end poi 'up medicine in Ile Ulna shaped hnk, Seethes each bottle has the annulling nature of S. P. Townsend. R. E. SELLERS, Druggist, 67 Wood meet, between Third end Fear* 4 Dr. Townsend% only wholeesie and retail agent forPiusburgh, - (rf whom the salient* enicle can be had. D. M. Curry has been appointed the sale agent for Allegheny city, of whom the genuine article can be InuL • bATENV MOICLIMXDULEXTIONii tor .1. by X dad) 11 0 HOONMAIWA Oo A 7 - 11 T ----- _,1...0 . TCURE,perikussed 4 th• arty:Woad oily stet ' alitd OA* PirefrAirPqMO, I F4'"'Y b Y! A,Mh t , „ LE.113. 1 I • IforattProtranWSlDAntorakerit Cal SRL& ' , rt. I . : i rely Mb, 1617. I Et. E. Saes ,-a num of&ty do twain' the aimed Worse Medd say bomb'. testimony itt bow of roorjaoly Liner Pills I ham deMired dung so Ihr years, • - taDory Chselisura marion, obs nor pa Cr. Gightit a: ~, ~ A . Ate ge ahead." Most of ibo many prejarstams of kasyroo _.., a tam to the sktayttota mak tam AllhoesSeo .., four W. da ...u horelteas 0ri0n1 ,..., 4 lss dm....podOet ..thq lakdr .o.t ilAcrir ...; •,?,......, tin . c l ,, t .. thinst to r.gtg ba. , I t ir . bmii ..m. iik ., ic ...h; red•tritts ... ' Ari Liettr . Z . : phases, to whom I paid much rierbeyiktars • kmos black toms" remand phydeked shootto Wankel '.- • bd man2 olootej 5 or. a Ma., mid &Akron urea incatahle, MOT ~ leni,ilisms induct:oho ta your Loft Pals,and SOON MUT , WELLt Ons hot af likkhbeoWsulßeical whadpinatlair • of ptit Ms Miami Mit& other symptom. in at least., . ,Brom _ . Yoor Pilo imm do bradestAutie I eresomii '''''lt .4ar two grildo: or rs riroth admen' al Gs ilmov . .• .'• . aels, aad.'s cos mach Mal Ur. kept Amnia settakam for a 0 7 yaws; old bonaireds of bona and hall mem bead o sing • osaphint uttered by ayeta who. hiammail , . , , thua They ham sopereededalmost every odor pill in Ills neighborhood, and la a short thee oat banish than *X • .woolly recontrami them to all pumas madam &prim - ornate{ for Liver Complaint or Billions dfileticata I cow Mier Aim &superior toCaloosel or ISM. Pa Itespeet titVaif—d; Moe ..ono. pan &to! ' l ir: 2l" publio ." caructifilmr frdbnpersoce who wanithe lIPIIIIIINEthouId oak kr bad Wm 000ther than dons prepswd sod sold lip It . it.SELLTFIS, No 57 Wood- .t Whom. Third mall rearm amts. ant ty Dr. Cason, kWh Ward, DAI Coo r, Alleyway . , city. .15 To the Medical Pro n and Pittsllle•' LTECKF.R'n FARINA., now in use at- We Iroopitala .A.A.Asyluitts, and other public establishments, and reeautinepidedAystosue Of the zoom thstlagthiptty , ' ~ • deltd and ehemiste, as an article of dirt for children and Matilda Mien superforso errs., root, sago, eta-, far more suenathaning, pleasant to thn.lualleifilled our of digestion, Put op to 21 lb. boom of loaf lb. pope's", each accOMputted with printed dirty dads tar COMUII •. • , At. • . !debit, In biz Agricultural ChemLst ry, p. 43, PhD ed., , ohserser "Childress fed upon arrowroot, salcp or indeed...AY • bed of amylalmeoui food, which noes contain Myst- . then's' fined for the fortution of bones • and azusteles, ' • - Weenie fat, and .040110 much totetnsmiNg their limbs ~„. , appear futt, but they do not who're so,i-- , , th, not Ira '.'',.- ,e. [ their drys. property developed.. . .. , . ...1 In the analysia of the .Parina mode by pelf, Bold of `':' New York, among other conetiliaelal., he gitellifi per' , '-',..,-, cent of libitum and olnennem mot remoras Mot the ' •..i . - claims of the Farina tipoa the Medicalt PlialbsiliMii amid ~.- -0 :Una plrot ,,, se n tli rest upon fi aC e et=iti o ir h, the glutton -, r ' all. net' focin v T m arrow toot or liteiht . I=4l* . and Which modem chemistry' has penned out ao &Mc , - -.„A hedessary to the fermatiou of henutu . fibre, 'lad or --=...,, mauls of Which nature makes op for thm eintstami; 4 waste that takes place in the homes' body. Poreala '' I,r, wholesale , Or retool, by it E I:tt.L.Ealst, --• ' .- . septa 'f,7 wood it "' -. .. Great English Remedy,. ~, PClLATATAkte=;:rAfp_tttATt. - above dinasea, ,is the fitritlOADLiN , LIALS&M tCfP . • , LLPE, dist:cheered by Um I . .6,st:wilted. Dr. Disehary,of 1 London, England, and inumluced into tile UnluAlltemik der the immedune superintendence of the iorotaorat, '''' This extrtordbury success of this medicine, In tW.,'; " • rare of Pulmonary diseases, warrant. the Amnia= Ageot to aolicir for mammon the worst passible ai med:al aim be and in the commutfity -cams that wet relief in vernfrom any of the common traitztel ,..... the day; and hare been' given crp bythe at as confirmed and incurable. TTra; - 17 7uraigiul•• , an Iralsaas hoe cured, and will cure, the most deapeMi • ' of cases. it to commck sacrum, but astaardiksysl% Itch meditloe, of known and established efileftez ....i ,s ~.,.. Every family In the United Buttes should. be with Bacthau'a Licomatian Balsam of Life,tiorri' ~ ctionitaitet the creasumptive iendancles of es elhatioi'' ' but to be used as a preventive mullein° in all eases' of colds, coughs, .pitting of blood, pain In the aide and 'i chats, irritation and sorenem of the longs, bre...hide, dlifitalty of breming,tmetio faverinight== Aim' and general debility, asthma, loft re sough soderooje Sold MlAs* bottles, at el per bottle, with. fall Alms , dons for the mstoration of health Pompidou, containing • masa of atellsh and Lettott eon conificaus, mut mho: evidence, showing the sn equidlool- merits of thliagualkEbgliob BuiePitt sib obtained of the Agate. gutintoileq. , • For eala by B A. , C.A.UNESTOOK t Co, car= pi a and Word and Wood "Meth N. DU. JAYNE'S CPATLIELIN TIV E Li" B.Ohl the goy ASA till N,a well known sad P ran Clcfprvenn of the V entostoot Alethodirt Chan f The anderadthed barlng ocenataieteddortog thopief, winter -with aril:Pease °fah° atornanh, .omeibeea pro, , &clog great paia in lba saaaaCh far trans torelvehrtti.. „ witimjaa.vanhAlaa,and after having tried rations .. remedies with Liulen gent, was farnirhed. whh a bottle of Dr LI, farads Cannsaaure Salado. Thisheasedae- Crordiraglatbedirecuotta, and found we arl ably thothis oredieuretaused the pairoo abate lataree or four axes, and, in filler.A or tortaly Mtnatanairely enSoo sensation , or ao end y quiemrt. The uscolienta was af• rerrrardsuaed wheneveriudicetioneol ate proael of pain were perecaved, and theirornrross thereby pre:teat, ed tle annittund to are, the mqdk Poo every q and sometimes us the =mine. and is a few = health locum far tutored. that the :orderer Waltalici ed from tr large amount of Olnaasishat puha Fran. 02; perierite,UnsciOre,, no can coacaleutlY Xecia.lnead, LP Jaytte's Caned:Mire Mania. a s ..salutary raoruoin for dues.. o f thestoutaeh and bowel.- A qll.triND cu,• For sale in Pittehlargh et the ti I IiATTWO7k. 72 Foorth street, ;ie.' Wood, end eber at thsttrag, ait P.244:11WeR,T2 Vederal street. Alleirtme, PotrllysT — Timae Mem& - • '•i liglL 0. KIM:LEI -Dees 811: Lost &Om and . &sr nag Me previous winter, I was eaveselyaliesed • wet - goes ceropinint in my legs, and had been • • for some months under the gra of Three-tam They mid my ea. woe Amiss Iticarebte, &aid do but Wile for me. I was nearly helpless, bet with the aid of crutches eould with difilenity get &mug. t to (1 last, t purehmed of you, mai ementeneed tuolingltims I mitt's Sittessisetust. After time use otter° beelleiwtheni.' sores emmneneed heitieg,soul i laid tutidkmy erstedri , es, est:arm:lye cane. I dispensed with my cane, did at the end oldie fourth, was so well ea to midstall days In !shearing sheep. to all, I used live bottle&— Thit or end mom bare all trealedup, and idneelma , •i , • •• ...T . ! have o.a no appeff*WrOf thildil4,2ll; Ito yr, ha tin mold parfait* Neer m edited in the same wayl " = " ihei you, has been the ravens and maim ithigpms In g the earn CO U.94.' ROBEi - For sate wholesale end retail, try - d&ar IL A. P.&loit=OK - CO , • eon trans P wood • & &Magmas wood &Inset PRECJPII32IIaRY-. L' errs= dean:nada Amara', for ahavinz. „ , Cream a la Hose, ler abasing; nlnannie Crean; do; Bagterse:team Sloago,on Porcelain wand; I.lect i scent bags, perfnmed with Laseancr.Aasho , . - ,isearcilgt powder puff's, of all panernr, - Onboared - senticrinreKs, oclataix , 4 fccnaIAVPIKIN l . (Or bandneithlefi SeCiirl?ag,Surd Wen snappile Pon[aa,'drC.dmek =l n n • Indian •ellibla hal , Bear., oilon tansy or comasso 'wrapper*, iraw man. • ' • ' 6'3 3 ; Jones' &lip; Nymph treigg Hove Lip rats%• Obeli aonp; Soda soar; teletbor WOO w grearralagle ptEm penmen: ittirreeelved; for gala by • V 'A FAIRS arts co, edit weed • Pulmonary nalsaaiss, • .. •.,,, , ~ • A 4" EROS. REED tr. CUTLFJI' —i feel it e=4- • Invert:ail tais fellow oreatores, to 0101 0 wore resmiina yosis. Vesfe i tabl those I, Ultima obellAßank 'eyee'eti. . , the aV si e rsal °r .V:omPilfiasi u d ' k rt t g At p lungs, one a fe* dap dere, *tut In Orrisif pu ts' 'r have ascii the Wilsamalonervith eoreplete *Oa pitifsliA", =miss. It has _efteted 'relief and ease in areOrtforelsri • days. It IS eerm.y a safe teedielna Edo nor. ftaits ," that it will Cllt. eases. 00tritillipti011, bill i begetsit , ' cow he in many eases apterentwe and powentionle , hems than etim I do therefore, A:4 Ih. love of:Wi t t low men, easoitstly secartunead she use of thin in all pstlmamss. coconlainut, I ant eatidetA" has beta the, means of pteseny lilbto eds . Is .. : Rogan hoes 1.60 A .REN.WdIN P4 O Fos neie by A A Psathesosek, k CA, comet Ind; r wood and also comer wood and Bth: 1 1. 1 RIPS IMPERIAL COMM! gYltEP.—lfluis .-- 0 power to nerd Prrratraon, Feb. 14, I.Sq. R. E. Etstasse—My wife has for years beeasobleigti b a dharesatort mach, accompanied will asthma, feel be cure of which she' used different cough Waitedists, and had the outran, of the maw ea phyteetalw Negland bat W was unavailing. -Sy ehsynteq-boand el your Imperial OSLO Syrup, and sass and What - s bottle for trial, althotigh I halloo belief that tuiphiter. , could mane tier.eotuplaing ."-Ta nay great aorpsin q two doses gave her nurn Anise. , relief, She is ittimen troubled oo st,tough,.:but two lansphoosPil =4 , always atiaint If 'Lana itatllited; &Ref lAritS.Of crt tour years, dna &Ws Cough Syrup lathe . beltbibbli mcdioino I have ef. ll ;rib5,11242' In the - Old ' Well World. • Wrt: Fantiotirtm Seventh tvokoy of Pireshatish..' 'Toe above certificate should iuduee all with troublel with cough or uttitrui; to give the Syrup, Want) , be had lore colas a bottle, at the drug stops • rtELLER*7 cage Sold-by Dr Cassel, Sib wand, and .1X,11•01rty,,411•1 eletstalL Block Spreayg Tracy EWLY INV ENTED--For the rellefand . Clare Of HERNIA ay RUPTURE. illui . ;lleM' . The eupttior claimed thie Trues earmet la the VAV sarauviseasa with erbleb Remy be wont; pid ..eut Irerag,noapy ballexteed on springs, ytelds tere. eare ori any part or it, and thoroughly wiepLf ilAir to any movement Made by the wearer. ists Decworg, wattoutintentrl a mimeo etreeted. , net SW. set.twes haw. made ameagemeno Mr Me Iniunfae a l of these eat Trasees, to a itMerioyery)4iti P • do,po it, and have them 11bW !break , at t#N 0rtd0,141 .. 17, eirOßifield to. near birth, Phulb . ur" POO D. VI:ENUMMItiI 'I S ELLEILT VEILMIFUGE—.Supenorto arty i ' have ever used." EiMILII7I T. Fayetto campy . , Pt, March 41019.. Mr. R. E. Sccums-1 hereby certify that I bats used your Venmfoge tomy fmtuty, aud boliersolt pq LC p el out supenor to any t hay° ever used. I Xialte to On my enrich.= mm dose, which expelled about III.) Eat Er ' N. Prepared and sold by Ir 6 SELLERS, 67.W06d NS Sold by Dr Comet, nth Ward; D IM Curr . 7. , 7 l.l legb i e.: W J Smith, Tempertutcerdlei. and P reucerillo. SYELNGES—An assortment Mat Med 'sat* , by myd J KIDD &VD PITTSBURGH eIII3I4S.IIED DAILY, TaI•WEEKLY & WESULIF As taA Usti= SW:tine, RA ilto tßArcei Oka I ATILEI OF ADVS. ILTl5;nla. One lasertioo of Mulct, 07•iefil,w4t.w.w4,1 Two lelertl One Without eltsratiosit,” ;mamas nifty •. Qua Week Weclue " Throe One Month, Two 4, Three " irr Longer advertisements le same propfres!! Ono square,6 months, wi th out titeratiott,”i . s i• . 1r 12 44 , Lo .w. Each edditionssloquarefor6 .• LOD nb•00 O id li ... co One square 6 monttis,renewable plarrllif o each adOitional tonere for al.oo Two saw ,6 months • reivablest pieMigt! r.rl Each Usual eqoare, ' 6 ":Z , •:• wrest.? on int•urnento," IN,"" iLs. !„ .6 ,I R ED One nazi. 3 leseritoen.• • „ each additional insevinnaeltotr-• 117 earns. Five lines or less, one year, .. .4 one year, daily & weekly,,L CA II six months sovinetcorsarrs an imams I,A7rltis For 4.1) lines, or lest, One insertion,i,....44SM . Tw0,..„4 Three, Three 14,1111•41' :>; ~`~_
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers