THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. ..Puzpip Ity:WHITE k. CO PITTSBIIngiII THUHSDAY - MORNIMIAN. 18:4849: PHILADELPHIA SORER EnralC I AS• Advertisements and SobserimlimatotMondiAMer , Cll.llasoilhused SuterGuotta, HAL&iphis,rocetred mid formatted from thlsoffiw • ", ' NEW VOSS =PBXS& We will .receive eed to:y=l free of expense, a& 'en:beaming and subsesiptionspt thta Met. CONSISILDIAL LIST AND PBILADEL• PULS PRICE OVIIILENT. filldweriptions to thkiraloable paper will be remised and forwarded from this peke. Ilia9MPalms= Da Owns ls published Weekly, and Week Dilly Is Seven Dothin per exuanut; the I'd-Weekly Is Five Dolbiza per curium; the Weekly is Two Delius per anstrati, M 64 siltadowati. Mr/a tiriirtaxas are earnestly nquestedto bimi In their favors before 5 r. xi, and as early In theday practicable. Advertisementinat insetted fora spar bed time will limmuiably be ebarged arnil ordered out Eon woos Comometil Unelllpnee,Docoenie, Mar . tiy River ; News,' Import; Money Markets to see lard gee /next page for Teleipaplile Melina per Local Matters see nest pegs. Scattle. , •Balttmore mad, Marburgla The Baltimore American, in au ar ti cle noticing the exmadinary prosperity of the city of New York, which- is owing principally to her indelariga• ble energy, perinneerance, and sagacity, in opening up - avenues of intemommunicatloe, remarks Naturei has given to Baltimore a most *amnia gauss peattionthenearestof all the:Atlantio cities to the Great West. If we have pot dories much for ourselves as might have been done, the fame •is still before on If the eon, of affouris' king day &mud tkit , Alleghenies, anundling on Mimosa trade, rick in all the damestr of wealth, puma of a Means industry, Oath malt noun to her a aeguty of gr a — if rile dram', 00 ia3N etha , growing lola' pro:pogo eity riapos'eninanitriet dons ioir us, .-nocr4 trap yew" ago, had Goan proispek and - efficiettig mt , might at skin otootheAani - ens nista:er hips and prmaim i*Prre • ill/tioncrieltutcholy *leek= torl3altimote, and 'onelsoi WryPIMOMf to Pittsburgh, that when the beartfelt, Confiding, concentrated ener gies Of out citiiens vine& poi forth to promine tmme. diate and direhe*iiiinniernion, bg , & road, with Bakimore,- our efforts were met with coldltew nay, they were repulsed-by Baltirome, which had fir more at stake than Pinaburghp—and Ibis, too, mainly through the undue influence of a gentle man whose sagacity has been greatly overotted, and whose obstinacy to his preconceived opinion' borders upon recklessness. There never was a people More universally m ranted than the pro. pit of this city, - at one thnts,.&m a rail road with ..".• 'Baltimore; and the disappointment, or wholly int. expected, was consequently widely and keenly . felt, and Baltimore has lost vantage ground which she never can - regain. wiser than Baltimore, seized 65 golden moment, and nerar,befom the latter city has plished her road one inch beyond Cumberland, • great road is under contract or built from Phga.: delphia to the mountains, and by next spring will heunder contract the whole distance to this city.— Not only 150..411 a few days, • portion of the road west of Pittsburgh will be put under contract, and three years will scarcely elapse before the locomo tive is running from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh, to Lake Brie, and to Cincinnati But it is not too late for Baltimore sell to avail herself of the privilege of coming to Pittsburgh.— The charter 'has been preserved .in her eccep. tance. Several gentlemen here are ready to put then shouldens to the wheel,and to do all in their power They have kept up the organization of the company, hoping that when Baltimore had wearied herself in surveying the mountainous region through Truginia, she would at lam turn her attention to the only aratursl and feasible mute she has to the Ohio Itii•ar- The people along the line of the road, who are enterprising and wealthy, are ready and anxious to help. All these advan tages are still within the reach of Baltimore, altho' she has kit that pecuniary assistance from Pitts. burgh, which was once tendered to her tamps taticia, And to our mind, it is still a grave question for the people of Baltimore to consider, whether still it is not their interest to adopt& Conte&villa mute to Pittsburgh, iostend of tempting over. come She natural obstacles through Virginia? I: is clear to oar mind, that Baltimore would be in a. far limiter position to grupthe (rode of the Wce„and of UM Lakes, at Pittsbct*iritiint Whoifid* . Besides, the way trade im the Irmshargilt nine would be worth five times - es mach as it weld on the Wheefing rotate. We @lt compelled to these remark, fiterttliti reminiscences called itp by the remark, of the A. merican, which poper,Witake pleasure in elating, ahem has urged upoirrie people of Baltimore • sound and wise pohcy,which, it it had been ta. keen, would have made her one of the nett pros. Porous cities of the Union. Homestead Exisamptian. Gni% Edareple, of Winona, comet oat in his late tannage, in favor of &monad exemption- Fie say's: Ofa pieas with these laws is that exempting from sale under execution, the domestead of the poor man. From my earliest recollections wisdom and humanity have seemed to me to unite in recom mending melt a law in the cede of every nation. It is apparently a. area 11111/ter, but a mast important one to the large max The Luber and husband may be a sot and a spendthrift; or he may have lost all from fires; shipwreck or other visitations of Providence: 7 or he may have been unfortunate in trade, and in every case broken down with age, distress or disease; or he may have sacrificed • by too generously endorsing gor friends, and he may still heln deba' Tr...labor. in such a case, =der our. laws, is nearly. it hopeless task. If a man makes, at anytime, more than the law exempts from sale underettecutiop,it is liable to be seised and sacri fkad;.rsold for. bilf—a tetra or tenth of Its value, and this would be no benefit to the creditor, and therefore, every man would refuse to make inch a surplus, and thus bin labor would be lost to hlinset4 and his family, and his country. ' Bpi if the min had shoots that wan hlaerwn, he could work anon that—his location would be fixed—his creditor would know where to find him—and the pay meat of his debt would be rendered more cer tain. We hope, by next year, to see our sensible Gov. enter, Hon. Wm. F. Johnston, jrni Ming so wo rthy an example. Hon. Hico.Hatram—The unanimous vote iseeiv e d by this "li . ..imp, as permanent Speaker of the Senate, eras one of the highemcompliments dbieb could be paid to him, and must be peculiarly grau. fyingto that gentleman, himself, as well es to his amitiMents, who are thus bowled In their Item. atostative. This vale ia alto a most withertng rebuke to the editors of the "Dispatch," of this city, who, while the alectioo was pending, published , an flizatured and unitetd attack upon Mr. Dasuca copy of which wassent to each Senator; withthe evident purpose of in him with his fellow members, who were so !motto elect their permanent Speaker. This irtinhawas treated with the acorn and contempt it diaterired, as.d we doubt not it had txmaiderabie Munro in producing the extraordinary act of a , being given in so decided a Whig U M. Arnie, In a body ofdivided politics. Aineriorar Tournale &iota and Art, Rolarey, has been received. Weal:tains nine ado. original artieles,on varionsbranches of Science And Arts, and about 150 pages of Scientific iota. .4anne.:.Among the original ankles, is one of ex• treeiiling interest on the' .Dodo and its kindred, or tbeldatary, affinities and osteology of the Dodo, 'fbrgitaire and other extinct Bielsof ihii Islands of bisztritins, Rodriguez and Bourbon, and one mils Analyris of bittents of P saute on the Makiminetas river, near Prpmni, Pa." W W Arth ' .T ur, evieller,.on Market at., is agent ' far this . ' 4 oPinlible work. , r .Cha Zama Canan."—The Qncinnati Com • , •"`dal, of trarsday nun aziar--.We convened a ix. lA OIOI4II Yelftrdik9 Frith CaL A. M. Idneb,.ll, ‘ lea lellGen. 'Taylor at bia bona a nardays taw 1 lirelparAttrattbePresideat elect wasingaxtbealtb' 404 *nein CiIICIOIIItifnm the lan to 20a pros. „<, /at arrigin'a day or two..le-also papa es stop .. ''., ri ldiqe a &e' y Pittsburgh. We MI all ay tally ' - ; . 1 4341Zakanuane w ''' '44,,".„'find:11:41-14 Naw,Oznans:... ) The New Wawa /-40itry ,-..,'er the Oak moan; all concur in the bend ":':7.4biltgasia tfifid/Yret:644ftin t h at city' , 4 r be EiTkrildst is Ur *Mc of the Mori tot the sgl; ...-,' ''' ,- In n atint' , _ ' ..; .' < \-- ' , , • i -- ', ' ', 4 7ba intatminlia ia like lag 943at4ta now,{ zorproden4 42-4otal, 614 -In amity liXe, ass adinnteder Cagan, 13 , ...afaber dame. ,1, -'! 114 4- ] Aga1 , 404, a:Phe lan ! 43- 1 / " Ths Ll' 7 . , „eidiStnale_a4diarinaii plarthenamo,—.. .1 . i ...':-` t• .-r....c.-.L,'-', - -'• '_' isP*W-s i-D4'astt T * b ie to4 g ra g 7t a ne-dZ lla ; l thaA e tf %Criairifrnuire*i.llge' I ti *ia , u4.6"il .1 1,-- `0.4: daralkaileia r ; -- liat , Qp ~..,,.. t'• :‘, • • PROM EOM TONS. C9rreOcualeuee of the tWubarlik Gaunt. - Nis" Toax,Jan. 15,1849 :The arrival of the 'Amen.' a' mail, has put mer chants in possession of advice' - down - to Dec. 30, fMte LtUerpoot. Among the dispatches are the usual annual statements of business, which this year look more • firtrniabbs than for a long. time. The 61333 makers nre:rather despxuling, but this is favorable news. 'The other manufactureta anti• clpate a large business and great prosperity as soon as the holidays Were - over. American tucks were in =mutual demand at rates which must attract large amounts from this aids, and enhance the price of those that remain. The accession of capital that will attend this sale of Stocks, and the rise that will take placein cotton, from prosperous manufactures abroad, must have a most favorable influence upset trade hem The last news from Havre, is that the Beet of American ships there is loaded deep as u will swim, with valuable goods, which up to January 1, got a large export bounty. After these are disposed of, our European trade will assume the position it accepted before it was disturbed by the French Iletrolutioa and its attend• ant consequencei. I Politically, the news from abroad, is not gene. rally satisfactory, especially as regards France- To be sure Louis Napoleon Is elected by a tri umphant majority, and seemingly has all France to sustain him. With a'man of firmness and of established character at the helm, the (attire untold be full of hope to France, and she might be secure ed in the possession of that•civil liberty she has so long sighed Mr. To • gain this, there is but one method, and that, the engagement of the people in a manner whichswould, while gratifying the am bition of France, also bring wealth to her people. The people of France most be educated and sober ed down to the American tone of feeling, in relation to politics, and acquire our industrial habits, or they will have a revolution twice in every' Presidential term. Loma Napoleon has about as much chance of serving his time out quietly, as Smith O'Brien has of being elected to the Presidency of England. Stocks have improved within the past two days, and close 6rmt at the highest rate. The great demand is fop ailed States Stocks, which are held at 119 The of 141.3, nod 109 Mr the loan of 1669. e loan of /362 in. 1848 Sold as high as 119, and this point bids Air to be reached by Government Stocks, again. . . The shipments for Cali/bra* comprises to-day 440 stout young mem fully equipped for the mines. One ship took 167, and another 120. A gentleman this mornmg, who went on board the Tarolinta, to take leave of a brother, was so much overcome with Mir prepointions, that he hastily ran up town, said go/44h to hip llgnity, bought a small outfit, and lett for the 'plaerm' One mote good Midge/ of golden reports would "cause comparative depopu• lotion in some localities A libel snit was decided yesterday, that gives rise to much conversation. Thompson vs. Beach The plaintiff is the editor of a Bank Note Reporter, and made some remarks unfavorable to various bahks in the control of Mr. Beach, of the 'Sun.' The latter tit owe turned the batteries oldie 'Sun' upon the editor arthe'lleporter,arbp aoKild remedy in the court of law; 'and his obtained a verdict of stoppo, which must be paid. The pry have given etTetuP lpry 4lixlefea. and her decided, that calling a man worthy of the 51.1daa mum la action- Markets Lave been attramaly doll at the last two days Ashes have fallen to 6; cents for Pot; Pearl, $7. The Comm trade is not what the deal. ere expected, and ~,r• cent reduction will be acceded to. tlotir and Grainless in geed demand for the east and Cedifcania, bet deliveries =tux be made in consequence of the ice in the harbor. Good $2 87* 129 AK Wheat is dull aside. Corn is in very small supply, and the chief sales are to arrive. Provisions have rather slackened, and holders accept lower rates, with the market closing in Bator of the seller. Lard is doll. Butter is sow in request at Mimi_ higtter rates. Aye is held at 67 06S cents, and a email sleek. Crude Sperm Oil has risen 21 cents per gallon, with sales of 406 barrels. • To the Editors oltlio Pine Surer Gazette •rfett.....n, 0., Jan. 15, 1849. Lee by your Saturday'. paper, that ' the school - muter has actually been abroad.' lam rejoiced to kociar that after travelling from Ethiopia to Cam bay, and other foreign parts, he has once more landed on Terra Firma. We are confidently as. retired that there is • Beim in Gilead; but in what hole in the wall Mr. Home Balm is kept, when at home, yet remains a myrtery. I did not wish to do Mr. Brown any Mimics, nor underrate the value of his poopertyi but as Balm writes, Mr. Brown still remained in itisatful ignorance of the stud de g:sites of Cannel Coal, mita he announced it to the world I do not think it hurt Ida feelings much The specimens obtained were not ' picked up in the ran,' but taken from the top sad bottom where the vein had been 'worked Mame twelve or more fire. *mar"; so Actual, mil mad is concern. the aaniettontattitases Remit protaiiitier - 'Nadi' aie milLstern'tealities, and some times more. If , the Cannel Coal should be eland on Mr. Brown', finatiand I hope it may--it will speak for itself-- its yet it has only been known through Mr. Balm - rit communication awned Delano—one at least of these names is not Imam' In the neighborhood. I leave the 14731 shoeing and mMhng with Mr. Rahn, as be probably linden:ands these branches better - than r, merely remarking that his mention of trunk, and. the ;one cent per bushel for Cannel Cost when fint &nod, hi soy mall totaltres. Balm appearato be sin well versed • with regard to the diamonds of Golconda, sspphites of Orien, Eta, I wonder if he could be hired to enlighten the pen. pie at this time, just a little, ahem the California Gold region. We often hear of men being so smart as to set rivers on fire, but at the great modem.' of the elements, arc, Mr. Balm predicts, iflis should set Brown's Cannel Coal Bank on fire, be is smart. et than I think bid', as it is scarcely combustible. With 'Robinson' and his Chanter's Creek Bail Road, I have nothing to do, merely informing him that the Monongahela River passes for a hundred mile. or. morerough, just such Bittiminous t A a. mines'Robinson mecums, with good for transportatioh down theflhio,so that villa will never suffer Or want Cad, if she sever gets a rail road. , 'Robinson' will please ' consider this field, before be troubles his head stout Cannel Cool again. I must clone, ta my sheet is full. Yours, arc. EDWIN MORSE. Nora in ntr.ltaL—We shit have to diet farther personal controversy, an the =Wert of Centel Coal. We shell always be ready to give all the information in our power, in regard to the Railroad, and the Mineral Deposites along its line, bat the public , are no way interested in the pro emial disputes of gentlemen, who, we presume, have not much cause of difference after all, if they would only understand each other. ILairliotto Erma—The annexed statement— says the New; Hampshire Herald—exhibits the number of miles of rail road opens in the United States during the pear1:548,50 tar salve have been able together loom the imperfect returns received: Man of Rita Rood opened in the United Sneer to 1818. New York and Erie Railroad,, New Vert, Harlem, and Albany,, New York and New Haven, • • • Panerron and Ramapo, N. J... • Washington and Semmes, N. Y... New Haven Canal Bold, Conn-, Nashua and Worcester, Mass., .. Oswego and Syracuse, N. Y.,... Cape Cod Branch, Mara, Atlantic and Morainal, Me ~... Vermont ........ Mad River and Lake Erie, Ohio, Madison and Indianapolis, Petenboro and Sherley, Lawrence Railroad; Mau., Northern Railroad, N. H...... ... Michigan Central Road, Elizabeth and Somerville, N.J. 12 " Northern Boad, L Champlain to Clinton Co.. Lowell and Lawrence, Vennout and Massachusetts, Cheshire Rained, N.IL, Booth Shore, Mims., Tdni t 902 mike. This ezcee6a the openlnp d any previous year within the history of these works in this country. It will be perceived, on reference to the list, that some of the most important lines have been ex. tended and have approached nearly to completion. With one or twoexceptions, the increase bas teen in the northein and eastertsBtates. We have no doubt more than nine hundred and fifty nine miles of railroad have been added to the previous aggro pie within the rod year, making the grand total, as the close at 18118, nearly seven thousand miles of railroad in operation in the United States. Comma Naha Pam—lichen Walsh, in one of his letters to Linen Living Age,. writes Out preeet, pssegraphists are not particolariy Mock with the capacity of the negro race to ma i n ,. Min repUbliCSO instilnuons, as it is exemplified In the monopoly of the products of the soil, sad of all wale, internal and external, by the government of Hayti, The black moo—the true ebony-qn the delegation ofthe Antilles, who sits in the came of the zetcookloards in the Assembly, was the servant ofewhite general resident in the capital. An In timate acquaintance of the muter told me, a few days ago, that the representative had 'XS resigned his domain post, Whether loom, pummel attach. most or Tomioniial motives, ha would deserve .eradittoeithet. A Vatican of New Wm., one yids to Patin, Won to me that, stout • fort. atgte sea" while abated ia a idde hoz alba Mut liar tithe maid oporsjiP agdfahad a colored fiV, i'n ' °°ll° 15 - —I 4 I Y micaitei-by his Op. ips ilisiovered thatibe bead Ott, whoa. lieftsiMipMl44iimilmtithkilblm;ima win Om to (xtrais Tomato - Wm bythelobby. ~ t &erlditaatatal Mafeouthem AzOmilmAilidadid him to rrif that theialeawkab ibcratti ant be hi the box wbiols.he timaltpletlße mat the visitor in the tabby; the Lt ten alsopikl htt heed, add ' &Waded blot that kb Whew his tailor it! .New Orteacm 1t• retires? her"iddit4. 9 lollltia`goodlooPertr we bre wellaet:: 1 .14004 thst4iirt*XicamlAlTeaki . P*4 l4 ! ,14041,-*.Mt.M.111413".4.:::.? Wawa, Cali. Roger I. Dix, D. S. Aituay. It will give great, pain to his numerous friends to learn the death gallant and high minded gentleman. • Colonel Dix was a native of New Hampshire, , a brother of the Senator in Congress from New York, and the son of Colonel Timothy Dix, if the Army, who lost his life in the ill-Wed expedition of General Wilkinson against Montreal in 1813: He was educated at West Point; and at the ma ment of completing his course of study in 1832, instead of accepting the leave of absence for a kw months usually granted to graduales,he vol unteered his 'services, and accompanied General Scott on the Black Hawk expedition. After serving for several years in the Quarter. termaster's department as one of its ' most efficient officers, he was appointed by Mr. Polk, near the commencement of his administration, a Paymaster In the Army. He accompanied Gen. Taylor, with whom he had previously served say. eral years at Fart Jessup, to Corpus Christi, .befisre' the war with Mexico. He was with the General during the two days. of Buena • Vista, officiating part of the time as his aid-do-camp, sad part of the time in the same capacity with General Wool, the gallant second in command. For his distinguish- ed gallantry on that blood battle field, he was bre* vetted Iseintenant Colonel at the last session of Congress. Few officers of his department have tendered more constant or efficient service since the corn. menceatientof the war. He was either in Mexico paying troops, or in the United States expediting volunteers to the field. Since the termination of hostilities, he has been engaged in paying trooping they return from the theatre of war, and he was on his way to this city to render his account of his last service, when be was stricken by the hand of death. Oa Friday evening he arrived at Wheeling, and was perfectly welL The next morning he set out, with five other gentlemen, in an extra stage for Cumberland. On arriving at Hillsborough, at I half past five in the evening, he felt unwell, and his companions at once determined to stop with him the the night. In a kw moments he was vi olently attacked with the cholera, which resisted all remedies. At one o'clock in the night he was dead, and the next day his companions followed him to the grave. Thus perishfid, almost without warning, in the flower of his manhood, and by the pestilence which literally 'walketh in darknero„' one of the gallant spirits of the Ai4CBl7l war, whom the sword had spared foi a little time to fall by a more terrible antagonist. The military spirit which animated him lived with him to the last. A abort time before be died he whispered to a' friend, by whose assiduous and devoted attentions his last struggles were watched, and, as tar as human kindness could avail, alleviated, 'Would to God I could have died upon the battle field in 111exicor and he instantly added, 'but it is for Him to di& pose of as in life as well 9sin death.' He baa left a little fimily to deplore his loss, relatives to cherio the remembrance of his manly virtues, friends to recall his frank and noble hearted bearing in private ' intercourse, and a country to hold in grateful and admiring recollection his most gallant services in the field of battle.— Union. Cni rani a rim Cos.trogras.—The expedition of Col. Hays , which went to explore a route to Chihuahua, has returned to San * Antonio, having fully accomplished the object in view. A report has been published by Cot. Hare in the Texan pa. per► The fallowing summary showathe conchs sioxis to which his observations have led him: had &it the utmost confidence when leaving Son Antonia, that if we were ever successful in find. mg a road to Chihuahua, it would be by the Los Maros. Sat at present, I am satisfied thgt the way by the San miles Saha is preferable. It is about one hundred and fifty miles from Paso del Norte to the Pecos, over a good country for reasons, from thence to an Indian trail which leads to the head of the San Saba filly mile*, from thence to San Antonio,one hundred and fifty miles. In a direct tine, it is not three hundred miles, but this way is over a beautiful and level country, with the lacrkmp -6.2 of a few mites between San Antonio and Camp Llano. There will be nothing to detain a wagon, no this route; except in creasing the Pecos, which is a narrow stream and ean be forded except when high. Although I have not examined the whole way to the Paso dal None, I amsalislied, farm an dandy on which I fully rely, that the toad can be constructed without any obstruction to that place, by ascending the Pens fifty miles from Presidio del None to Paso del Norte, but by leasing Pecos ata point fifty tades above the Peso del NOne read, the distance from Matagorda Bay to Paso del None. cannot exceed as hundred and any miles, the way the road will run; anal am fully satisfied it must be the mad to Calibrate at all seasons of the year, having every advantage over the Mis souri mine as it regards distance, e 1 '•• or country." The teatimony of Col. }Lai as to the :route to California by the way indented, and thence along the Gila, conesponds with the observations oth er explorers. The communications between the valley of the Rio Grande and the great region be. yond the Rocky Mountains are comparatively easy lt would not be surprising if a connection through the Paso del Norte should furnish ow of the most important; if not one of the earliest, routes between Ittlh Itt!ighttkrPitehrus seatetenttst- - The discerning eye of ccunmerce, able sagacity, will be sure to dimwitt the best tri l all the pramicable routes that may bring the rest of .the Union into s full and direct intercourse with California and Oregon. In process of time there coal be, no doubt, many routes, all traversed, all crennied.with • thronging trade and travel. But those avenues sr intercourse which lie entirely within our own territory are undwbtedly the most important to us, and °fame nature has furnished gyveraL—Baft. Amer, Cornortzartcou—This MILS appears to be ad vancing. The Presbytery of Ohio, whisk' camper bends Pittsburgh and the surrounding RllOl2, at its lam meeting, on the 10th of January, passed the following resolution, which was prepared by a committee consisting of Rev. Dr. Elliot, Rev. Daniel E Neva, and M. Leech E.q. `That in the establishment of the Republic of Liberia, on the coast of dfnca, by the agency of the Colonization Society, they recognise the pro. resolve davelopement of a scheme of benevo lence, which promises Incalculable good to the colored race. The beneficial results arising from the continued action of the same agency by which this Republic has been called into existence, are set forth in a lucid and forcible manner by Mr. Hall, bran article published in the Presbyterian Adeocatah of January Td, 1849. which well de. serves the consideration of all who would form an enlightened and accurate judgment on the subject. Participating in the common desire of good men in this community, to see the colored race placed in a position where they can enjoy the right. And immunities of freemion, they do hereby recom. mend Mr. Hall, nod the calm of which be is the agent, to the affectionate regard and'ltheral patron. age of the public.' By n notice in another salaam the reader will observe that a meeting in to he held on Thursday evening next, to promote this good cause, at which some diginguished speakers are to addrens the meeting. The article. by Mr. Hall, referred to in the rasp. lotion has been published in pamphlet term, for gratuitous distribution, and copies can be obtained at the Book store of Messrs. Johnston es Stockton, or. of J D William., Wood St. 138 miles. 30 " T 7 16 40 " 28 " 44. " 41 28 Vamp= or 510.000 ioixforr Mem Y. Duca roe Lnrw....—The bbel suit militated by Mr John Thompson, a broker of Wall .treat, New York, liking Moses Y. Beach, of, the New York Bun newspaper, was a verdict of ten thousand dollars, the full mount of damages claimed. John Van Buren Was one of the principal counsel for Mr. Tompatul against Mr. Beach. Dottie the last summer, and for some time pro. vicom, Mr. Thompson, who published a bank note reporter, wan la the habit of quoting' the value of the various bank note currency, including that issued by Mr. Bench In the shape of Plainfield and others bills. These quotations, It appear., did m e . 8., and accordingly some charges of a very ugly character were trumped up against Mr. Thompson, brought to the notice of the police, and published In the Sun, with comments not very compliment... ry to Mr. T.—On these charges the suit was grub. toted the-trial came on, and the verdict of ten thousand . dollari was rendered by thejury, without leaving their seats, amidst the applause of the audience. .. 13 .. 12 " . • 415 " .. 32 " .. 10 " Tux Etrunerto Tingonorn.—A party Is organ. [sing, says e Live Liverpool paper, to put down the Eke. trio Telegraph. Here is the appeal of the smote non : "Let us be up and doing. Lel every man. woe man and child in these realms petition the Queen and the Legislature to abblish all those horrid tele graphs, or it will soon be up with on Already we have had .. • 'Revolution in Pens and fall of Louis Phillippe, by electric telegraph.' 'Dreadful ship wrecks and low of life on ths Feat west., by the electric telegraph.' •Trial and conviction of Smith O'Brien, by the electric telegraph. ',that Judie* to frottsta? Samberdment of Palermo and destruction of the city, by the electric telegraph.' 'Arrival cf the Cholera at Hull, by the electric telegraph,' 'Accouchement of her Majesty, by the electric telegraph,' dee- dua la ft not awful to contemplate what next may be inflicted apon:Jts by this diabolical inven• ban 9" Tux Hsu. of the Hot 111 or Rsgazicrurrna was yesterday (Sunday) crowded to its utmost ca. an audience of the highest respectability, drawn together to hear a Sermon from the Rey. Dr. Henry B. Bascom, of Kentuotty. Among the a present, our Reporter noticed 01 4 =Of the United States and the Spealaw .of &pause. .The test from which 1)r. Bas•um dente* biadisr..owwt wu Galatians, 6th chapter lilliveue: • dant Hod, Ostia' dud = I 'shquld Om, save in the .Dross of our. Lord - Jeans chnit; by wboat the wed la. eracand unto meand 1 unto' the - ..ltwais'inostioligitertie4m4iettliilthfort44, Sail, of ~ She distinguished pulpitontir, nod-paw winded! the geofwil,edentiOrf , Of fill pose_ Sl** '-• : ' .. ~• : •`- ' .IIIII,VAND. %.. ' ' P1 " 111 , - • 1 4t 1 ...iie n barlksaitelliaitiviera. Ireland" cantinhar hi.ii state alpolltheid repose. The proceedings In the prosecatian Of Mr. Dolly - have famished althostthe only theme Cii the Iris h journalists. -Thercoarettas beerenecupiest,day eater day, with the ed comneel, who have tried to quash thelledictm by •evary• objection legal ingenuity wield suggest; but the deMaken of the court has hitherto proved fital-1W these attempts. The quashing of the indictment- and the plea of abatement having failed, Sir C. O'Loghlen has now put in arid is arguing a demurrer to the Indictment, which, if finally decided . against Mr. Daffy, will isnible the 'counsel for the crown to demand the judgment of the 601110 forthwith. Pasts, Thtinday Night.—The Preildeiat of the Republic tins addressed the following letter to the electoral commute: Pedals de Payette, De0.•2511-43enlleunin, I have receiied the letter of conventlation 'WWII von gent me relative to my election to the olikeofPntaldeet bathe Republic. The sentinel:di which * pin en pees in it an the inengtheningai the Republican Government are those which 'I have already ex. , pressed myseM the wishes which you huts the the I prosperity of France are those which 1-endeavor', every day to realise. It is in that way Opal hope ' to show myself worthy of the immensainjority of suffrages which hove nominated me to - direct the destinica of oar country.. I thank you, gentlemen, for the energetic aid which you have been hind enough to afford me on this occasion, and I pray you to receive the assurance of my diathoguittle. ~, consideration. (Signed) Lome Narozzon Ikandiarnt AUSTRIA The accounts of the success of thelemerial troops against the Hungarians are rathentiore deft. nits. It appears that on the approach 011ie tm. pedants towards Presburg, thegarrit, 10,000 aroeg, were preparing to defend the toira, but the • citizens opposed that step, and the foratelthen with drew, fearing thit they would have to aculteed a. ganef an internal as well as as extern/Ma. They were adhered by Jellachich as far as Wieselburg, where a sanguinary coact ensued betwieeri them and the Croatians. A portion of Wieselhatg thes I reduced to nate., and a still lager portlopplander ed by the Croatians. Numbers oft he inhabitants of Wietelburg, as well es .of Raab and , ROMont, carry on an immense corearmie, and 40 anon , mealy rich; so that the Croatians no dopbt found good booty, onlen the Wieselburildni had packed off their valuables before the arrival of their vas parlous visiters. It is said that the indanalistelost at Wieselburg 2 generals, hint staff offleers, ands 7 ' nub-oaken. On the other hand, the Magyars low, in prisoners alone, 799, who were koWarded to Omuta Meantime the Megyarsetalm a complete victory over the troops of tke well.known Pashir Urban, who has been taken prisoner. On the 7(kh the de• ak, of Jebluntra, which leads Gam Maine' Into Hungary, was entirely in the hands cif sbe Mag yars, who had rendered It impassab • aim for smugglers. According to the latest nee General Schack was advancing tow abds est li from the Galliciad aide. ' It is thought.boulecer, that the Hungarian army on the fanners of Siebeoburgen will contrive to hold Jinni cheek. Letters from Warsaw, tithe 10th pecamber, am, flounce the confiscation of the property of Genes nil Rem. who comeuteded a portion Mae nal , gents in Vienna, and who is now in the "ganef service. Thu young Emperor is expected to arrive in Vienna od New Year'. Day. THE CHOLERA. 1 We revel to elate, nays Waterer do Sandibllbn ropean Times, that the cholera will Lot/Vs over the met:meetly, in the provinces A has dot made any very considerable prowess, but in it Beene to rego with very alarming res* The average number of deaths from all ca is the metropolis was last week only 1,118 1,153, the-average of the last five years. cholere the fatal cases were 31, against 29 the realms week, whilst two 'weeks preceding the lankly re. torn was 85. The return from thel , kr.h pro. neon are daily about 10 or 12. Aentai these l we have two In our own town, but they ere per nu. Using in the utmost destitution in tateurst humid, unwholesome habitations. In 111esethester and Saito@ only one death has been yetonported The total number Menses from the tint appearance of the malady was, by the °Wird emixtat •hp to Wednesday, 3,737, whereof 1,772 had prereefittal, ' 505 had recanted, and 1,400 mere under Weal. resat, or the result was not recorded Metalsad, unhappily, melts the vast majority in, W.V . Make. ' eholy table. . The cases in Scotland have been on Ginn than 2,922 whereof 1,350 hays perishetilghtist tandem in We table before ns furnishes an Wednesday hat 4 new case 2 only of which bad proved laird.- and the provinces II easea,7 of which had tellattlited in death, Scotland exhibits 137 new cast* 'l3 of which hail been fatal. Gialeow, ikeefrie* lille" welltown. had 141.13barwh and its vichal awns to be the chief seatsof th e dismiss. h . ;the au k , ravages of the disorder are very • Siena only the destitute have been swept away, many persons amongst the middle and higher dames of the people ate among the victims. At 0:110111idge in Latuirkshire,l24l cases were reported in a angle. day, and qel deaks In Deltas, severalearietheve manned, bat, upon the who*, Ireland tissa to yet happily escaped this scourge . The Medical men empLrfed by Governaool are row of opinion that the disease tuts bsconis awns • stable all the dace:sin various pats ages ace. toy Se= to perform their duties is the signataishre the ' and rissincentea rnowlandanner,saareikanot blowbbianagnasget reports Dom aandlicany; ant humbly hope that In the rarthern part tithe Haim darn the malady his paned as moat destructive limit. Cheat anxiety peeved, respecting the pm, bobilitrof its appearing on the other sidecf the At. lento From the New Yotk Condor. iWlns ilindaroe the fallowing letter from an intalli c est Italian, now at Rome presents the radical side oithe also. 7of recent events in that City. We publish It therefore, is necessary to • proper andentanduig, of these tvetisty- Bay; Deo. 2, 149 The Eternal City has had a revcdullou, and the Italian national flag waves proudly awry dal Vali, an, Ptus has deserted the Lilian mese, and the people have abandoned their Sovereign. Writs to you but ■ few steps from the Some HOW,- w here the modern purer park" assembled to *arm sinew government, nod to discuss the vaceinam meanres to be taken for the present site of things, I almost doubt that I am in Rame—ln that city where bat two years since the word Liberty was considered as a crime of State Rome, the city of ancient glories, of all remembrances and pendant, Is no longer a simple moaeom. or a VIII gallery of line arts. What ever may be her future destinies; I not inclined to believe that the Pope has ceased to rule as a temoral Sovereign. The death of the unfortunate Rossi was the only crime committed by these feromous people during their unanimous and:noble tesurreotion. Tractererino was the mar. deter, and the notion calms he responsible be nick a humble crime. The Swiss, who would have been butchered in Paris and Vance, were allow. ed to retire to their country; nor has any employe. of the government &lien • victim to the vengeance Mita binned population. Although Tourney bays at this time amounts of recent anainatimis in Rome, I shall attempt to give you more interesting nod particular details of the state of this country, and show to yon in true colon what bat Iranapi• red since the death of Rossi. The death of this learned cosmopolite was the signal of the Roman revolution—riot waled the person or power of the benevolent Pope, but as piing his Jesuitical ministry and retrograde go,. ernment. The nomination of a democratic and truly Italian ministry, composed of men beloved by the people, followed the bombardment of the Vatican mminst theilarin addle?", in which were engaged all the Popish troops, the nobility, and the people. Next came the resigning of severed depub ties, the flight of the cardinals, and finally the deb minion of Pius IX, from the Vatican! When Roma was in power it was thought by many people that he would fallow a liberal policy, end work for lb* independence of his native country; the t tler c ed themselves that be would overthrow the which bad become as powerild as In the tore of Gregory XVI The flight of the Pope would' have caused to other times not only a revolution,- bin a cross& among foreign power. Now, if Austria 'hoed interfere in the affairs of Home, France would he obliged to cross the Alps, and then God knouts when this war would end. Pins IX. has commit. tad a great Walt, and I am inclined to believe that he has not acted of his own will, but under the If &mace of foreign minister. He has divorced kg ever the church and state, and I tsar that the aelt of Popish boom will never be restored to the city 0 / g em .. Ins visit to the bloody King of Naples, the moat cruel and hateful despot in Europe, gives sense to his enemies, and even friends to behaves that be intended to betray his country, and 10 espouse the cause of despotism. Nis . mem proclaimed by the people sacred and mviolablas. Those subjecU who had spared the life of theSwiiii would never have attempted to deprive Pius Ib either of his existence or power. He like Pine and Pius VII., had only to remain In the Vatican; if be were opposed to the now ministry, although he hod ocepted their nomnationsnd ham demean . himself and the dignity of • Pope, by abenikming his State as •' simple servant, and to take relbos under the flag of the bombarder of Mesidnat• Many demagogues have cried out ageing the Re. mans, because they have overthrown for ever, iHo Popish power! What would they have said , if the Neapolitans had Gawked theliEing,- and the Duke of Modena had bftn deposed? We le the same question. Pins IX, has lost bit tempe4l power not as a chief of the Chord bat as A Prince. After the flight of the Elope, the ne'w mlnl protested against Ids edict from Gaeta, and te lll the weight and danger of their situation. They i assembled in the Capitol, called on the Chambe of Deputies, and after having pro g l ii h u d 'the temporal Power of thO lope W ceased o r the Roman Staten,' they framed ‘ a amatitu and • plan for au Italian confederacy. Na I was named President, and gave Sows that be already fi n i s hed negotuntotut with TusetriyAnd =mg to make an appeal to all the Wareham f Lai Lugs !mites of troops are mirchiag • wards the Neapolitan tenitcsy, and cm Fent" taming that the daddanssaotald craw the To add bombard Bologna. Ad the soldiers - aturginbile oaken and the clergy, have takes osak to faithful to the present government and'to dere with their lout drop of blood the Balboa] sanisS General Zombi, who an at. the head ate fem denary movement In Bolops, by hen g m* by his own troops, and sent to Ram to bejadgaid , bye military commitadon. .We arit gnat ma tey not 'only' for this past oftaly,l la 4tut tg amp*. other Siltea. s icily hu refasLq the s Omegans alto -King L..of Naples; and his decided to Unit Steaming and their sacred tights to the fide aid dud= of the war. in Palermo then am 120,0110 Mi assa an = ti tiro. capintliott of the menages to nk niio=l. ... . .. , ~ Gaidais w 4 rtin tra, and:t h eTrings'Leicisculi invade the States,"thelicalabir nod Ca' , Wotan' a Pet le auger the treettteet P awer of this to* lounger: The blm - of this Pope , fk e i, called fmm vett on theitiyal and onthe soldiers of has Or= mat offencoanalietl' Chiisten end port shall - know that this sante degot his . `arietted.fill'who , cried two yeam to Pittitl Gee:4A' the hero Of Zitteei fi ri ' t the bead of 11,000 men, ism:arching to the aid Tetitcd, and Thopibe will beta time to detest thObrirbannits of Ritzky. • la Piedmont there win a new revohttirmaLnew ministry. Gia• testi, the great Catboga;leiffer, and the greatest philosopher and thinker in Entrpe, haibeen nam ed prime minister, in spite of the attempts of the retrograde Party. -He was the first to propose an Italian conWrmy,united with princes and Or the saheb' Irditta independence and nation Pec 4 4 : With such a min at the head of the Thedmontese government„ Neamoni in Home, Niccolini in Truk any, Ottriluildi in Venice, there Is all probability that war will be declined against Austria, and pirrluips ntY next letter will be written to you • *id tbe imise of cannons and the cries of battle. Iti * Lombarly all is quiet, as In Warsaw In 1831 ; Pantry a Varsovis. Yours truly, 8 JOB PRINTING. kRILL HMIs, CARDS, CIRC assfate, Bah Laing, Conatract4 L HAND mu, .44111, CIMIIIIICAM, wawa"notice &a. Ike, Printed at the shiniest oast at low prisee, at the that GAZIITI Onus, Them mum UAfID. • - . EoAM. PRIOR reapeetfally announces to the ajPicaburgb that her Banat will take plaza en LT Evanson, January lAN, PM—when will be presented (On the Rot time during several seasons) the celebrated Drama by J. R. Ruslatone, of "IFSABELIa ea ma Tuns, Eus at Wallah La's!" Alter vrtdab .a variety of Singing and Drawing. The whole to eon elude with (tor the lest time We season) "DOMBEr AND SON." jitl7 p.E; l orat=a 3 , 7 • ll6 which gi n existence to the Repu nd of the blic., , ' rodeo hold a meeting in the Second Prettryterian Chnreh, ' • street, Pittsburgh, on Thursday evening, the igth • • commrneeat hallpasl fleeted'. Judge-Shah:r, Ram Walter Maraud, and Willa • liPCiantless, 1.R., willaddmh tho meeting. The pc • Ile generally isinvitad to attend. 'Pie ealeetionaril be taken up. Umtata' Assocuatom—at atacapyr at !be Teat • - .'wiq 6e held bm tlict44ll.adiarthit tlat - ty u 7oleteek thisavetilair. A Lactate will ho delvend by the Rev. Ur. Slal • lalB4l Jam% Exraxsossarc—Vie wool i can attention this excellent remedy for Coughs, Colds, Consume:lo • I Asthma, and all affections of the Throat and Lan. Having several times within • few years past had ace stem to use a medicine of this kind, we have{,by ewe tested its excellent qualities, and ant prepared .! recommend It to other& Ministers or other pubil speakers afititted with bronchial arficetions will fin great benefit fremi its ose. It is prepared by a acien fie physician, and ell awes will find it a safe and e cantons medicine in the diseases for which it is - commended.--l Columbus (Ohlo)Croas and loom& For tele as the Pekin Tea Stere,No.7o Fourth slice mpPi,• Mr Use rue Pitons Fz& =ff yea wish to be sue peesfial is soy undertaking, posterns{ always 'see the caper met* , Thetetbre, iffiet,bave a cough, use Javint's Parscrozarr and be ettrektr it Is the proper 02C6112. If you Actual. or ulthoulty af breattung, then the only efficient means to cur you is to use Jayste's Expeetorant, *tell' wilt baprodiathly ors:ream the t,whieti =mew the dlemeter ' of theuthes, and stus. and brings up the runqua t which clop thern up, lad that removes every obstreetion to a free respi ration, wrath as the same tons all lortanunatioe la sub deed, and a. cure is rennin to be eteried. Hire you Beetteithia, s*tiths of Blook Pleurisy, or in feet any PuturatthryAffeehm,.. thee vie Jaynes Exptotarsat and relief Is milts. end yeti will find tha yea haws seed the proper =arm Per We In Pittsburgh us the Pekin Tea Ettore, Pit 4th meet near W o o d . -...„ . rant? Da. APLoas's Lrvee Pus et N. Yost.—The with which this Invaluable =Wein& has become known and appreciated, can only be screamed for opon the grove dof Its rad velem. It has only required one Mal to establish Its claims to she title of the only medicine for the cum of the Laver Complaint The following haw from. a drumus In New lock, shows the manner m which these Pills me regarde d In that section Of the country. "Dr. llPLane—Dear dirt I have sold out all roar li ver Pill., sad am anginas to have somber lot awl,. These Palo scan to take most wonderfully. I could have sold a 001111 larger quantity, If I had been provided with than The utbabltauts are sending to flochemer for Mem. boa whehar there are any them or not, tdo not anew. Please send me anotheraup. Immediately. Y. SHORT_ Derldeek L•ke, Livingsum co. Y, 14M7.^ For male at the Drug store of lad J KIDD& Co Er A neigh should tsar be Milested. It may appear oiling anti temenay the mantle* at /bat, bat It mill not remain etemnary 1,• It may mann Maar at ant, and its aarmemat.b maybe mutely perseptiltie, yet when it once sena the lugs, all Me other pans Mtn, body min be sympareonally abob Mood • continued Consumption and premature death MUM tite_inentable math. A hub eats Anent MOM MUT • 41.10, and the Maly um of • proper reardy. en& have unmet mast • mnsinpues. Rat nowt palette /imam npunanes to=a. timdisine, abineker the n see the mem. • resting. dismae,simplr become the sematyntey • - be • Onmat one,mottid maw =AMagenta ter • • unte,befire May would mon to dui ahl of metiteim. B. A. Fannortoelt Co.te Comb Dream baa a ne adrumage inthia rapist met many other Comb p ann.= tumnalenee. paranont ite pleasant Mr its tun permits to •rt la sre ni • • anoints in Cm meollmai Minoan- Visitant km some M We mentreeperetn to•absimoms of which ba been main en tot te ementetrable itagthof ..- ^resalit ewiserociciZl/2 rims no Woo sad I. VARlii likk atFrA Flag Sir or Tarns von 75 Cons -Yd • anbealthy Tooth. eller beteg route or tyke el • ea with lona' Amber Tooth Paste, lava tha bath an eater @diem, and at ate sera stadia so lanoeens • • lea than to daily ova is-ndvantagemth even to • • teeth that era to • geed odadolontgiving *am a bra • dial petal and prrthodug decay. Thera decayed t pravenortaven becoming erone—lt also Gwen* Lsbeeeetthglocate, and .IEI render the hooka ratdellosotly wieta, and wake the breath debeleasly nthes Prim en or atm. • Unl et the ike W 134 e by % hoesVAL JACII9O.I,ItO Libesip stre et wapi ti a4n [l7 Rea Pet.llM.T Nestor rem 31!Nnuntea—Reee der—the nut quatity of e h bows of Joe.' Gond FAIT Rentaretive is to ante the Ma to pow ea the head on reeo—oe whoever tame intended hair to grow. For wale by WM logo of Wm Via footre JAMESON, No PO Liberty woOlsen, n.a.9 BUJ.= oa R&D Tarra.—Persoite who hose ei ther am honorably amend that L a A. boa Joneebs Amber Tooth Put. will, no ores tool. without fall, Make the Breath pars awl sweet, The Teeth white arid Gems hard Header , gist try this one. For sate by Wllt JACK 80.'1, 810 Lthero ry signollbe Big /bob ^nisi while,. skin of bets, thansonno, And pan, u muniments! alabaster.* All females lisiro skin Like On *base, sifts, one/ones rds.ll Lily Whits. II mated, pare starry, moat. y whim. Sold fa FP Llbesty ousel. 1711 for The aseasarre of morbid secretions of bile le well taw.. to cause violent dlentsbance of the dip.. dee cogs., and Wag on nrallgnant and umnanapa ble fawn, winch often put an end to life. Tbesonnach must be eleartectof them fool werationa, and Ilia eta most readily ba ecconmilshed by the we of B A Paha emeere AIM-Bilious Pills, which ate • mow vatnable family cathartic. They can be own with safety a. an dame, end afford relief in a very slant time. Prepared and Mkt by B A FAHNESTOCK & Co CORM lot and wood, and comer oth anal wood it.. auk W. 26. Wright, IL 11., Dentist, Omni wad resident. on Fourth moo, oppocut the Plusbutgh Honk. Oleo holm from 9 terlock to It Id, and 6= 9 &elm! tad P. M. 0ep14.17 Adspisilirtratothr 1191., BY virtue of ao order of the Orphan'. Coors, he uo • dersigned, Administrator of the EStale of /tales tollOttore, of South Payette township, Allegheny cue. ty, Pe., deceased, and 1011 expose to Ule. at troblic outcry, on the pretence, en the third Saturday of Pet. A. D. 1842, at 12 o'clock, K. all that rateable FARM. situate in the said township of Panda Fayette, bounded by lands of James Denim, Joseph Hickman. gamut Kennedy, Jame. Id'Keolut, John Alexander, the Her. Wet. Jeffery end others, containing 279 urea and IV percher on which is maned s large and rah. labia brtok Dwelling Howe, end a large Dune Hun cod home Amble, a none milk boom, and tenant how*. About 173 acres cleated; the reeldtle bas flee timber; an apple Orchard in Ito ['time, engrafted (free The farm is in ■ good state of tolerators, sad the soil to well adopted to small trete Thy farm is well wa tered, and halite abundance of excellent Stone Coal. It Is situated shoat 10 mite. ham Plusburgb, and shoot 9 miles hem the Pittsburgh and Watdepon Turnpike Hoed. lite land will be sold so one earn, or in two meta, as the seas was divided by the inquest of par. aeon. Terms of ale-one thin! oath; one %birdie one year, with imeresi from the day °terve; and one third to owe years with memo from the day of sale. The two hut payments to be emoted on the premier's, by Judgment !Mad and Mortgage Perrone wishing totor can tall for further Information with the ed m mid twine/lip, near annular Font. on the said ra gtag Reed. SAMUEL trTEWAST, Adner. 16184,308 Patent Sada Asti. 27 CASKS (Masi mater .) jos fallopian it Bons' branii,jott es' gamer Brooklyn. and far pie by iota IN 4. hi MITCIIELTM, Na tea Liberry TO LET. A STORE ROOM on Markel meet, a few doors horn rho Ora, very what& IbtelotAing aura.&ape of te.,,IL.MAM4Eif or THOMAS OLIVER. 14184111; N. C. FRIEND. Attorney at Law„ronetti euset, .31 Jtetagmd. LALEC OIL-15 bblkpore winter stmlatd, U. awns and for sale by 0 /11.ACKSURNA Ca jalb WILIAIIII4II. SOAP -100 Ins Oro mptan & Co's extra Soap, In store and far .ate by fatS 0 BLACKBURN ACo PBTARCH-16 his to store end fig male by pa 0 BLACKBURN is Co POT A 1313-11 calks Pot Ash, In Nom and for ode b lal 3 MILLER e 11.1011.611101 n falledit HOUSE MOLASSES-16 bbla La. Sugar la HMSO Molasses, on cons*nsent and kr sato by JalB MILLER& lIICKETSON MT- - H HAVANA EltlOArb-40 bag white Thwarts = 60 11 1 a, ion readied and tor gala by MILLSIUMICKIMEION LARD OIL-19 blots No 1 win= drained Lard Oil' 8 de•No 9 all da • do art teethed and far sale by r jdd MILLER a ItICELTSON nOPPIIE-40 bogs Rio-Coto; 30 do onlogi iv do Wily= Coffee, to more nod foroale by haeMILLEFIA BIC=TBOK 7aY OhIt , BRINDY-4. qr. took , -Old Catttolt m i udiv4lW Jut Im_ported by 21'mi for oat trytheu bottle. ALB /./. 11 •W40k O44XI+?OON ACKEIUM—MbI.NoI Minkierit, W511411;4! our grooldfi atidtta ala by OLL IiVITER-413 trbto prism You Bau r . J., re Re 3 ro4 lad for rats try - . . 'I. 8 WATERMAN IANUISIbbhe Noe !Wachtel, Is .1. la Yale" bala by ism L s lora. ARD—RO bbli No t boat Lard, ion reel azul Wr sae b • is.l9 WAThRM&N BEILNI3-20 bbl. small whits BMW, lister° od for mde by L WATEXMAN ailr:1210.0 11.11-1110 TILOS. Mawr Prretrlnthos TIES leave Moat respectfully to enaMmco askew JCP numerous patrons and the publieitbst conacquence of contemplating a change in their beg an; propose .operting the...whole of their eaterdiull wantons Ottelottlog all their wholesale roorns,rior retailing, and trill eautinse ;open until the first of Feb tan', coanemielog oa New Years dry, Oar wboresele meek, comprising our of the most extensive surd varied limarturenta of Fancy nod Staple Dry Goods ever exhibited in the western country, will - be offered at tosser prices then ever before known. Eve ry article, however armee, and dmirabla will be se extremely reduced. Upwards of arty thousand dollars of oar stock boo hero recently purchawd, the vaster Ironical of which aroftsika good., received st, New York by late European arriials, which from the laic nets of the mien, as well as the known pressure in the money market, were sold at immense sacrifices at public tales, itkat, rates varYing from twenty.five to fifty per cent less than similar goods brought the first of the season. We are therefore eoufident that oar paces fot the time above IllelgiOuell wilt be Ogled to be even lower than an Eameru whblesole rates. We anzteasly Invite all renew to visit our estab lishurent, whether they purchase or not, and test the truth of the above—assuring them ihst they will Meer rur obligation thereby, but corder • favor gem the pro prietors. Our worth:mill of Bilk., Bhawtc, and fine Dress Goods will .mply repay one far a vielk added to which,unmorally great display of Domestic Goods will, an ore hope, induce all to cell. Our maul of out price will be mriettradhered to. ioDEC It A kLeSON ,k-Co RICH DRESS GOODS, per Wimp denims lili AA ',w o g & No 60 mutat rap t open this morning, Rich "Drew • Goods, comprising the following styles. vizi Satin plaid hiellecis, a rtes arti cle, and the richest goods imported this cesspit; all „mind Welds, high colors and choice stylesi all wool Cashmeres and Mons de • esi fine C OOOI IS ned Lye. nese Cloths, of any demerib ble shade and color. delis striped Cashmere in great . . .1118 AA. MASON Co , Pdurket Moat; hero rust . received another large invoke of plaid Lan and Square Shawls, bought 0 per cent less than any previously rerAived this season. Our stock of Shawls is now the largest:in the city, mid purchasers may be certain that our lathes from thiadato will be 115 par cent less than al -any fainter time. late A.YOUND MAN I 'eke a • rough larderledips of the dry goals bagmen and book keeping. Ad. dress 41. H.," at add office, errth referenew jalB.3t ,CBFeCIIEFSE-20 has cream Chlssas; alms 5) d4 olS7ssiern Rexene, &rule by • Jal7 JAmEsliitzgu. I‘'SEfts , seitAVA WANTED—Poi Totch 09 . tker Tyket re.t. .•. TIMED PrADEE34.4O both dried Peaches, tudvas, IJ la good shipping. Order; for tale by brcaus & ROE TIMED APPLES-300 bash dried Apples i:// MALLS& HOE LARD—lobisti No l Leal Lard, in fitto mist. Jals 6111.1 ILLS "DUITER-lUbble itatked Boner; 10 do roll do- for JD sale by _.41 5 bI'OILLI3Is ROES C(WEN dIEAL-8.1 bbls, fresh ground, Or sale low 'wClaw. jots 011:111..1.8 & HOE FLOIIII-ILllbbls Float In . ore 1&13 VOILES & ROE §UNDRIRS-11 bbls Not Lott 2 kegs da do; 3 bls flesh Rot Doter; 3 kap Bauer; landing from ke Eric clad Michigan Lou and tar sale by lal3 JAMES DALZELL, staler st UCK WHEAT Plitt -14 bags Bunkwhial P 1• to SWIL and tot y Jl. EL FLOYD, jal3 Round Church Building CrTaBll-25 casks puns Potash, au haed sato by jal2 J & 11 FLOYD - ,-- BROOMEI—dO d. Poland Broom; reed and in sale '7 hla J .k.ft FLOYD R OLL Ittda ..uprE y .41 t Lbtl y s rrf u r&trja reed MAERATUS-15 cask. (Adam" Balerann, in dare 10 and for sale by jal3 J & R FLOYD 111WLLLED do: {country] flap, all tow,. in 4tara a. d for gale by jail J a R FLOYD-. WANTED—A , I.rse Room. veII 144µ41, imitable io other lespeete for the secoatmoda- Lion of a Select &boot. Enquire at thy. aka jolt-tf LARD OIL—IO beds winter Oil, No lj nse'd per ••• Roscoe and km sale by - - - jail HELLERS & NICOL IINE FLOUR—QV bbts in mare and for sale by jali INSEED 014-0 bbla Ewe, In Iltworder, for sale jj by • SELLERS it. NIOCILS Aan-- 3 . 00 keg.: 2.lbbls No 1, for sale try jet, SELLERS trNICOLS 11800318-70 dot Ibr wile by JOF hie 8 F VON 130/0:110IIST &Co 111.7TTEIL-6 far sate by JJjilt SF U 4 onsr& Ca & L2D-8 labia josUme and or male by jal9 P '0:1130:11111110EIST & Co TIBY PEACIIEI-0:9 both for able by 1../ itta . s V VON BONNHORST Ito A PPLES-2I bits Lady finger, O US T nd. RI dal sala by Pall B ' , Nos WM& CO LIOUSEVOLASSE2SI6 bbly sale by ALS_ P VON BONNHOEST a Co 113ULY MEAT-4M pes Sara Wen, daily expeesed East far sale ay fall 'HARDY, JONES &Co :iiAnD c *ir7lio=cl!:° aidNXO-40 kb& Ky Lag Tobaceo, Cot Gale by all LUSBYONES h.Co 0 A LULUS Co — Lad Toloanco,— Ibr sato low co AO* dose. Jog HAIWY,JONI23 it Co 1111.1 ED PEACHES-04a*, Dried Pasebab o on 1,1 bands:ad so: sae by . • -RARDY,JONI3 11; Cu Atotiattriebagpaarr - - 'LT - abr'" Nut' Li, iv' lower and 62 front a RACBII3-830 bash dned Pe.cbea lb store and bag:slob )ail 1. 8 WATERMAN DU/TEB.-43 keg bWa ;metal Boars; 7 do JD Bouda AO= and bot ale by Jut L e 1 WAREILALLN ("MOV ER 11/111D-115 bbts wad 10 bar z mainly pram la alum seed, fa core sad tiar 1011 • LSt ATEIIIIIAN LOUR-I.oobl/* Flour; 43 de fas isznAr. istautre and (or := 6 1 6 ; F fut a ..- aaILWATESMAN IDE& N 11713-450 • •• • • P . lllgapi, jkatore rld A for sale Iry ROOMS—Z*I couttnitni trdelextra aAA kjd n:r sab • laS OEN MEAL-90 aka for sale by 13 P VON soNralossr &Co. RYE mcian-As bbl M soda by dal 8 P YON BONLYIIOBST & Cu ODA ABll-15,cska rimapp*ittfoF Nee by 1.7 , 8/I ON 801.0(HOILIT & SPOTTED =dolga opened bY Pa SHACILLEIT & WHITE MENG —iDialro Oilman, is mare and tar talc ial JA9 DALZELL BSAVER CLAMS—A few place plain and Agar. ed,jain ree 41 by azpresa eItIACKLI and foe ude bT rvium M FAD-00 pip Galena Lead, psi Robert Fulton, knr mils by 113 okl (MANZ', II man: st OLICIT-10 kwa Ms 1,4, 3 and 4 MI, El far sale by Igell la 3 C GRANT Q UNDRIES-6 bbi. No I Loot 1 bbl fresh 801 l Baa tore 9 bbl. gram Appler, 4 Obis cracklings, jut ree'd pc, atm Alloatio, foe tole by R ROBISON t. Co FLOUR—if bal. Raamara Family Flaw, Jam roe') per atm Coaxal' far silo by _ R RORLSON Wei) SVGAI AND MOLA&SE 3 -221 bbd . prim N 0 B. nu; 12 bbla Goodile. B 11 11121W22; for isals by tio It 60 :ISON it Co 121.311—N0 bbl No 3 ALscksml, !arable by .1: 1.5 B. ROBISON ICo RLED APPLES—RD barb dried Apples, a prime p urtl e r te and i l a n igcod c :tri A staw ir rer , oed u_ FLOUR— b, IOO b lur . Fi rat t, kvar ., E , & wd for Co =l -I D FAMILY FLOUR — d 3 ST.O4 CROZER E Dad BLTIZILEAT FLOUR-40 sT ss e e o klcusal ut SW I. E r CIDER-63 bbl. lest regl c r &rods by IrlZAß—lblliroe.,ea oNG a aua' A LAlONDS—toobageaon shelled, Apt reed per'era Ja. Oriental, end for sale by BUIIIIRIDGE, WILSON & jalo artier suet! 757 - Lollllski OF 60.11 A-00 haritl and foeIDD sale. by jalo J Kk. eiHIIO3IEOIIEEN-012 howl =A fo J solo tq - - ki lan 80:11) . 1 Co BALTIMORE COBOME ORE —On head Orrd for wag by • Jalo 1 KIDD t Co CIENUINE GEBAL&N COLOGNE—OD hand ood fur a..a We by • WO .1 KIDD it Co AODOMINAL BUPPORTEES—On band and kir sale by jab JUDD & Co T ARDOIL—e bbla winter strained Lard Oil, ludo, .I.a from star Imo blevrion and r ads lag foDELL QUNDRIES-3000xs Rabin% SO mat. do; 1 d banal 1.3 spelled Alum* GO do &Wag. Pigs; tog dam do; S eases Slay Lkunrica; t b5l tdason'a Staab& jolt =dwell and br sale by deed BROWN & CULBERTSON DALlrgresrP:rdflyn rj f Wild Ir li nz b o:r 2 , 4 CiM DRAGON- lb. on hand and for sok by J KIDD &Co "EMOY, anonad on hand and for aals by Xj Jag KIDD & Co CRAB CIDER-30 Dbl. fin italo by PO J B DILWORTH & Co D"hFIIIIIT-457 bulb dry APPlui sale by raaa—al, jao J SW:WORTH Co, 27 1,0012 at DEA.RL ABIY-10 etleke owns and fin ulo by L dea3 TANEY A BEET riLOVKII SEED-160 Dinh prime Clem IV reed and for sada by jas joapi B' I,ra" tromp FRUIT-30 bulk dried Appleq 30 do dried JJ Amebae; Ibr Odd by ibd I D WILLIAMS QTARCII.4 O bu burn pure, for rala_t_q Q la 3 1:/-WILLIANI8 Damn FRUM-4 bosh pared Penal. 313 de . paredda 11:0 do dry Applesv fr. lewd R nd Ws by agl ' BROWN & CULBERTSON nen vaar tan • lag frac cr Genre: for care b ; at ISAIAH DICKEY kCo rtINSENO-4 orto.ks now hurdlng from [UM G4inaN - • ISAIAH DICKEY & wet - - , ' • aim: now 11414 Item nt Gem 4 foe sale b • ALA ISAIAH DICKEY IC Co / • A, 'co"..bxs 9 fl a t= 4 . *!1,./Itt a n o trArbr o a ' LABD-10 keiraNa 1 Lard, Inetans arid for we by L 1.01 GM/ A BERRY 11111 . INTIM LA RD OIL-10 014 W 8 Brown 1 Co's WY tlifltsar Oiij reek this do per str SHIII=0; ter A& Ili S. I - 2 91 NICOLO 4 .'-7-:':' AVCIION SALES, .: -,3 ],•-.'; . 1 ',;•? tiltkMl'o,AT 8 . 77 JelhatAlts. l / 4 Aantleasse.! Porrosprory Sob of Dry Gcoai.l Oa Tharsday anergeog, Jan 1221, arid otioek, kr the Coramoreial Sales }looms, camera Wood rod! yulb streets, Rill be sold, wolicen reserve, on i =odd dal) days en sal Mal over SUM— - A large and general anolliStextt of sossoombbs Dry Goods, embracing 22 pos Ombra fiarurels, =Wane eloll etmds:re, saZrz,Jorms, moo* boso* sod pilot win tO wida•=al table .4,,, . ii....sli'd'lts,saparp.mtt. guTs hams, tto laina, .1 gookaseres, dais -silks, bleak nary serge% f walkup, Idsfarr, iderraso k roolea, scarlet cm. 1121, eraedan pet coats, and a . (7 a fancy 0 .4 dr 2 deloolk 0 bag= IV•7l7b A Ate , 11t1 =NT• robacco quaking' stoves, thaw arousals, and • grew ionic. ty orgcl vxds, ite• At. I VolOsk, A:4lmm of valuable miseellaaeous books, to eta* t condouutsus line ankrzaold and aver I °CM" ' 4 "74 o Cdai "na4 ii 103411161311, 4 11 4 .101 111 1 PIPS" , C. '- '' ' .11 , , ~, - • . JOHN D DAVIN Alia .. T '. z t Allumn a tl , , ,„ , • 4 , , • , . i • S C. B.2OXnEILt . e .. •=ntt' . ifaussquoa. roomer, isamme.3l.,:twill ba prensetal a D 011166.• de Lanuae3paru, ealled " . ow, wawa - It's LI ea. %Piet. Prior. I IMAM or THE ARENA, BlAtitlrvP.'ssut W. Wood: 'Miss Walters awl 11r. Goodwin. edoetude with ' • liOMBEY AND 80N.. Teets Mr. Prior. Capt. eartia—+. I Mr. Dana Begstook Mr. Porter. Ronny , Mr. Oxley, Whitt Porter. 81 " , KIPPer • .1 Min Cruise. ...... .... PACT, er foie the P 0 2 1 410 Tml" u " , engaged kir tloncsll•AllndMrril remain close# daring the , ,!1.1-11 - ment 311 • . CHARITY SO FOR THE 111.14EFFF or ruuthartransortit. Pavia emus, will be given at the Lafayette Assembly Rooms, on Friday enema, February 2,1841 MANAGERS: .. . . ..... Hon. C., Annazw Dna, Eq., Jona IL Grams, J. J. Roam, Ana Lairrra, T. Wain, W. A.llllllnuare, Joan J. hlncanit, E. Joan, Joey Score, W. B. Idurnsirman,Jr., Mon Keay, Jona Downie, A. blVormrszsa, C. Germans, M. Semstran. IV' Takeu mart be obtained from the Managers. demid AI.I. persons interested in the opening of Pike meet from Harrison street m the fnkr Ward to Alleghe ny .vet In the Dth Ward, are hereby notified that a pLan of epecification for the extenuonof sold strut Is rum deposited in ther:Dee aunt Recording Regulator, for public examination and trispection, no directed by the ordinance entitled "An Ordinance for supplying the higher pontoon of the city with Wated for oth er purposes,. passed 16th day of.ftme, and the ordinuice relating thereto passed 18th day a October, 1146.1 L P.:MN:30%171N, . . Recording Regulator city of Pittaburgh. January 6, Int 9. Extract tram Seed. lath of . act entitled "An Ant to .thorise imlt to be brought upon the official Bond of William B. ?dim:mil, late Superintendent , ' ' And any owner, or owners of intend lyiog on the line of such street, lane or alley, who shall consider Millie, she , or they, shall surf er damage from the opening er widening of ...same, may apply by pen. . nen, to the non Court of Qum" Sessions of the coun ty of Allegheny.. Jan-d2w Partnership Notice. fr SOMAS KENNEDY, Jr.. comer of Wood .d Nth I streets, has Ws day . ..swatted Id* him to the Looking atm and Variety busioeS., Mr. JOHN R. SAWYER, of Marian& Ohio. The firm hereafter is , pl b. Nam= & Sabana. Jemmy I, INN & SAWYER, L°OILING GLASS Manufacturers, and Wholmala dealers in foreign sod dompsolo Variety Goods Western merchants, Pedlars and others aro invited to tall and examine the prices and quilt, of our stock, es with oar present increased facilities m manufacter -Atem...="‘"="i'll 't hrums' as an; other *D ose wont of the MEM FIRM OF REED, PARKS & Co. In th is day 11. dissolved by mutual COW.= raa boob:cos of lam Ana will be aatiled by EL G. Parks or P. R. Ball, the old aka of EL O. Parks. DIMS. M. REED, R. 0. PARES, 8.L1T.; ha 8, itsl9. P. H. HALL. CLARA& & LAISILE, RI P&xxs, S. erited, Parks , & Co. CM & CO* 131.1113.01, FORWARDING A CORMON hIERCELANTS, • And Aga*. for the Pluabargh and Caveland Las, .to Cleveland, 0. Onion LAno, " Cleveland, 0. R G. Parke' :U. nreva Packet Line, " Ene, Pa. Refer to G. M. Hann and John A. Canghey, Pine. berth larl•lns 100 PER CENT SALVED! OPPOSITION HOUSE. rVIRGINIA HOTEL, on Baltimore street, near e Depot, Cumberland, is nutria complete order r reception and accommodatket of no Wile. Persons in search of ease and comfort; will do well PattimiZe , ads eistablialuscat—ihey will' fled the ambers clean and Wee, and the Tattle of well far =.6 , 4esesSi.Cateberfe.W. erteinenttefiya men Ila LOW aa ear that 'Han belied - In - the aa to rima d tvaltgthsito hit WASHINGTON EvAiii. PRINTING PAPER. sabseribenrhaving the exelosim Agency fer sellingthe Pegging Paper of a new and extemive paper milt in this Meaty, will be at edema wee em ptied wigi die differing urns of paper ofsupeetor wider in offer at ilia lowest regatar prices. Mon Anyßolm aim or algal will b REYNOLDS & GHEE, older at JaS•em tamer Pena and Irwin eta - SlO casts Pearl Ash, minim 11 do Potash, do; SP bbla wombed Hew • 6 hbds N 0 =From 20bbla " " aim home dm UM Ds* Cia. S 00 Ina Cill mould riandk.m 10 bbl, Nob Sugar . lat Imp 411 twist Tabun*, pat.. 100 both closer aced; 50 do timothy do; 10 top Lard; 1 bbl dm on hand and or mile 100 for cub, by jail TASSEY 1. ..."---- LIEV BRITISH PRINTS, Re.--W. B. Murphy has Ism received a lot ornate style brown and white ' Prints, vs y handsome, arrived by Late steam er. Aba, on hand, a tarp OUOTOnent of choice ogles of Ammo. Prints, fart cobra andlov pram Blank Cloth Shaer* of various quala wryly Mt received Black M auer.. km Priced and ino—a very full supply, at kw pnosa Car quality. cm= unall figured JOHN W. COOTARAN, TTORNEY AT LAW, Youth .great,= .d.R. Smithfield sed Omni D -- isnarta—so reams 52121 le; W SUM Mt SO SitdOini Jvt need and for sale by REYNOLDS & SEIM jail eor yenn and irwtn ats powors—lbo) k9llllmLxig' Povrdcr do , 4:011aW " do • do • 300 qr do do 10 bzweaniwer do do 8 bbl. Fare, for blaming; In magazine, and will be delivered to city merehenta in one boar'. notlea jalo J 8 DILWOBTII a Co. ipHINTING PAPER— IL NO ream rho, Book Paper, 19r61; " a.L " " 211•13, vary heavy, IS " mediums colored Envelope; 60 o Priming Paper, 24x..17; just ree'd and fo sale by jell JOHN H IitELLOR, 01 wood at Q UNDRIEB-5 bis N. Ilan*, 7 kegs do deg ti e k Flazroul; 6d o Pesobersi, do Yarn Socks; dd. Whin, Beasts;. Ido Cbestnuft, to arrive; for gala Ir) 1.10 118A1AUDICIKEY b. Co, front 01 MR BMWs—Tim el" and sob stantial [16102 boat AMERICA Is of. tared for an azoommodating rms. Lipp to la • JO WELL,Agi r w!..!. at WANT i d Bli" A YOUNG MAN, wh se character will hear the strictest invest's n, a siltation es Book Keeper; or any other desert on of employment will he acceptable, whether la lons or fight. Address ".I. • " Osumi office. lalltate ladepexadant Piee, Him e, °alo kcalt g FOURTH STROElT.—Comreitting trate, Aionewl PINK.. Chief of Police, Remit 00. 1•16.1.1 co MDII9-1 . Od.ts Fithlini BULL !WTI' Eff..4-10 bb in afore and for sale • ' (den 9) Me 011.1.. & ROE. UNDHIES-120 bids Vbiegari 10 do do 0 Cider; If bze Pearl otarebi reed and far rale by doel4 DEO% N & CULDE&THON WAS--37 yew age* 'wag Hymn; SI do Ummove* der; IS do Imperial; 30 Bloat Teas; just reed wd r sale by deolll BROWN & CULBERTSON EACIIEZ-103 blab of Ohio Peaches, rec , and for ule by W & R APCInCHFAN, deal{ traliberty at SNUFP-000 Itappeetuldr, Just ae'd wad for sal by deeld J KIDD & Co m tfamAL noes-1 des Musical Boxes, that pay orain, +values, tputdriUminst recd at deell• Z KINSEY'S, 67 market st VrOLASSEI3-130 bbls plutation Uplasros, for sale M. by NU LAS A 111.111311130 N a co fILNSENGI.-040 Ins Ginseng, stare. d far sale b /nll LtEl A HUTCHISON,. & Co bESINED sucuus-450 bets, lane ,and was.ll -Lb Waft era.hed, powdered and elexilied, e and tor sale by Jall JAB A HUTCHISON & Co, Agents& Louis Steam Boor ReSuery JUST RECEIVED—Two .plendid new PIS - 10 fortes, from thaaalebnund factory of Nunn. VClark, N. V. and de octavo Plano, rosewood, whVolagant ear. 'Mc one 8i octave, wall Coleman'. Mellon Ansa,- meal. Them very superior Pillllo3 WM b sold at mural - me. tara d, rarises. KLMIER, Sole Agent ter Harass & Clara FbULY VLOUIt-20 bblo extra, tor sale by jab JD WILLIAM Ito wood SOAP -30 bra No 1 RooIn; 29 do do Yelloori for aide by Joo Jp WILLIAMS rtANDI42-10 ,.. ai .131oarizara 10 alTaatioula; M de 1,../ Mope* 104* , (or We by jag JD WILMA'S LARD—IO hbla No 1 Leaf Loot 33 ktilo — daWat dearsand for Irak by , I: B WAT MAN • daaritt 3l water and 07 hada CIDER-4bbla Jut se to .10:0 ute far .afe by • , 1. r 3 MartaltiAlt gnats AND LoicKgrtiL*ll des lleavdt liticketr, i td b e y Tubs,lisin 4 do 40 licelers, in mare and ter e dee:3l LIS MATERMAN micolll-4untsiliteass Bides, toatate,aw , .1. AO - Li; . 1 W/0 WCANDLEss, e vroed and water Xioo ' OR-13 ••a ln. Rub L. Dc7or - Spina Last reed and for gale al the India Rua. DuNza, Nob Wood n 1 decL3 J& 11 PUILLIPS DrEß=e3 - kilin heals - ion and packet Maw; Ono, 43 kep Bauer; just 'waived and no nit by dog L S WATERMAN CENClass i zi prrrono zan 4:1 mat ' DA.i.IiSi 7 PAcKET Lit. renedoriti kntlia tine eraemlid pub IBMsM- Is "now 'canonised of the mneowtfeed, fend rammed * and most poem - did bind* en the waund'or tba, , Weet. - Every seeommodanne endennen. fon thatmom can procure,baz been provided (Mr". Deegan The Line boa Wain operation for Ire years, —nes eayriodw. million of people waiter rke tma Lido. ry to Mew perscan The be as the 1001 - et Wood atmedthe day preelode lamented, Swam mop lion or fret" t 111311 the entry of pansengemen tee In all ears We passage money mat be paid in advance. ISITADAIf PACILErI4Iti, . , t o , Mtn rae.tx riEwroN, ow.. .. wa x tease Firraburgh every Sunday mordrit at 10 . o. Wheeling ovary Sunday evening at 10 4% IL --- ' 4 • - / 1 1 4 .7 W r i 1847. —,---v- 4 . 3108DA,V.PA.041at „ - ' l, - ; - The 1110710140ALICapt. Stossordl ' ' dunk =Sunday morning at io Velocti , .. , TUESDAY PACKET. The 11/BERNI4 No. 2, Capt. J. .11.auwumayfa Mara Pittsburgh emery Tuesday morning at 10 , W/rellx4revery Tuaear euenutgat, , - • - WEDNESDAY PAOKET. The NSW ENGLAND NO. 2, Copt. 8. DsaVanit' learti 1 . 1t1401111011 evarf..Watwulay. , T at A lo'cluleDylbeartageweryWeibtaalare ai ISFA ) .1 j`° THURSDAY PACKET. Ttio , MULLIANT, Gasps, will Leave NO: WO - MIT culmiXe lo . o 'cloetwuelias arearitxxsas creemxxxtio:. x. The Mkt:Opt:Pao Cava:. *Bl taps Pirab o ti.DiZawnitingat lOVeloaktlVlte ../ Hug every Maxi atlo 11 ' • BA,TVILDAY. PACECET. The SIESSENGEEt,'Capt. S. Hattrams, wilt:Minns limatimiti every Stmoday morning at 10 dada; evety Saturday evening at 10 NM' LISBON AND PITTSBUBaiI DAILYUNX OF CANAL AND STEAM PACK TB, • lute acasailor,) Leaves Pittabtagh4ollp,at a'aloak,A.l6.oo,lariT 114 Glasgar, (mouth atain Saady ated.B46aat Cla• nal,) at 24:o'clock, and Near Ustaia at 11, stuns nick 1 . , Leave} New Lisbon tit 6 o'clock, P. M., Makin Oka trly coo 0 to the river dining the nigh%) sad ellawaur 1 I at a &clack, A- AL, cad aSIIII3 at Pittabatint a4l 61.-413aa making a continua. Hno for carrying Bangers and truth% between Now Lisboa andlimw ban* in shorter time and at leas ntscs Um./ say other roam.. The proprietors Orthis Line have the plata= olikt i ibrating the public that they have Ilt&d.bp tweent ekes I Canal Boats, for the ae , ..mortodation of passeat. 2 els OW-a freight, to rim ht etteneetion with the well. kmierk.., steamers CALLit COPE and BEAVER, and tecnia,l ing, at Glasgow, with the Pittsburgh sad. Ciao nad and other daily line, of simmer, down the and hlississippi rivers. The proprietors pledge theta! selves to spare no expense or unable to has= cam • fo safety and dispatch, mulast co Ma pabliel that, ; of then C""" TeTHORIZED AGENTS. • • G. M. BARTER, aa w. LIARBAUGII, IPA 16* it 11/alit & Co. „,_ myllaf J. IiARRAUGH & Co. Ditictuc—The steamer UEAVER,C. E. clarke,taltee tt ter, will leave Mier this notice, for Wellamllaratt ally, at 9 o'clock in the Morning. , • I 18449; sat " pyrraounauda intowars• Daily Packet Mlle FEBRUARY lot, UM FEBRUAILY 84 COMM LEAVE DAILIt ATE, A. M., AND{ P. M. The (entrain new boan eiamdate ute lino for the present LANTIC, Capt. lame* TIC, Capt. A. Jacolm hPLANE, Capt. E. Bennett. Tho,boata see mi* • new, and are fitted op without regard to =Noe: EH erg comfort that money can procure has bees prodded: The Boats will love the 211oangobela Wittuf,Boatail - the foot of Ross st. Passengers will be punctual oil board, as the boatiowill certatnly leave et- tlie eta, .. tised beam BA. and 4P. BL jaen_ PITTSBURGH AND LOUISVILLE PACi • The near and rplendld fastpuliers• §, ger patkot t TELEGRAPH N 0.4, Elasoa,marter. arRI leave r iot Cindy. , cad and Louisville, on Wednesday,. the 17 th Irt/B (, o'clock, A. IL For freight or passige apply on to BURURIDOK W . LSON - lc Corer' ' I GEO II IfiLTENAERGER. lf Er Steamer Parana will IcaaoLotdsville for New ..I Ot a. leana . on ; antral of T , clegraph No a. pulsar , ; re fs. sine con Ittl II ber th s woo II 010 as . s, ---- I FOR NEW ORLEANS. • • The fast noosing gamer , ,:. ., PENNSriVANIA, :, ' ' l , Can R 0 `Gray, wilt leave for abets- ' _ _ . . . _. d all Intermediate pornildilitali IS • on board, arty ..' " 'WTOXJOIS1114.110:. /' 1.2 o'clock, M. For freight or passage ■ jail! FOR NASHVILLE. m a k The splendid ilght - dnagin atomic, OLNEVA, Wilkins, master, will teah'st pa above alai inierniediistotinathanTinut ' day, the leth inst. atloWeltiek. • For freight or passage.apply on • • AIR FOE MARIEITA, PAIIK#2BIIII ,EG And Medd/won, and latermediate IstabagA , The mama' -Foe, mastet,lslll Leave for -the above in't r evenTheaday, at lb ceekielviAt : , nagin.vPvisga*PPlreet FOR LOURIVILLE:"':•"re • ; : uP ,titeEditriViVe r t, Mei*, Muter, will leave Ger d intermediate port on glitratbor •' Sitid but , at 10 o'clock. For freighter pas.. appfron bmrd, or lo. drundo GEO B BftRIDGE, WIISON 1 1 11LTMIERGER, • REGULAR FRANEILIN PACKET • The fine steamer ' ' FORT FIST, . • . zeu, Capt. A. abovediner, *ill ? trade,lled,a d, truag army Wednesday and Saturday eaming, at 4 de P. IL Ftcr tivlglu or,passaare apply on luaan, • ' _'.:110411,1A4 PITTSBURGH' & WHEELING P Aill= ..r0,',17 Tho awift steamer ~ , - ~,,- I nalltr r e b y i b7 . a .., ,t r: :,. 7 .1. 1 .. . , , 0 or-oday and Friday, at 10 o'clock precis very ely., -, 7 Leave 'Medina every Torrd.ll Thund4t!".4,l_. =lay, al 7 o'eloet, Wm, prerlabil. . The Coand will laud srt all the intannedlari t rurA,' Every accosoodetiou that cur be procured lirr cow Con and safely of mummery hue hem tirovula= bottle also provi with a re-acting Rainy pTeveln explocions. For Gyredor 4111 board or to DAY/LI t ' W . • • feb4 Comer of lit !lid -- 313:1=i1 • E P IC 15 8* A o*. faill# AND PROX figgikj Pflubaregh axed Pbl4l4lp: ( tiTIM MEM G DAY EFDNWfi? TVir lic "5 s"P"lthil i i o n oV ‘ "1 271titirMW will lean Plutadelphia daily With the IflailN Chamberebang, and from tames by. Wagoa„, relay of bonen, ramileg day and ruzlat." 144 idly prepared w forward 3003 lbs. freight daily. 'AA - 1r , D L.17..C11 k.lqrhylnalamift, • or H4IIRISA Imre° _No 13 florala ThiniSireet. Philadelyb , - PIONEER mAnicere ,RTATII4 LEKIBT : MUM! IP4g "Milia . DETWIMN RALTIMORE AND.PITPORrirj. - . irr Tird t, s6 days. .ca • 3 TO wit & IRTNOWititelli,,t,-", Watei. Pl4abil -Ittsa novl77mmastiii'"'italt."." EY;;ALl7RltatreeD7:ll::::::A-: BURKE 41 , 00 , 8• FART It X PAZ ilii I 077 S A q FOR CUbthERLANIA . imiansou, AND' th RASTMLN OMER. t .,. I frBE Propriobra of IbistAna base, tm gay a l3o# .1. an dam prepared foronijd ptte , of 'q' .riptlona dairy, as the latent rates. '•• ' " ~., J. C. Buonmu l a " . Water ram, Pi lu ' -, ROULNIPON'id oet:11, 02•Bouth Midas at, Baltilabisa kattpas TRANAVORTA.ANON , WIN. m ai l " 1848:10a S}UPPERS and caber. ran iukuruarl tbsittUasLiftll continues to run daily. Produce aid Entreitaadito reeelpted for by FIVE DAY LlNR.,and molar map ons, at low rues and specified lime. J C IR risO N & ci DWELL,Pittsb nov.t4 Roicgag, .. PENNATAND - 01110 WAGON LAN. 16.4 PITTSBURGH AND PIILLADELPEILL'I If 69.11%.-11111211M1 D....1r MID lIGHT I , 'PHIS • wimps puncusaltry lan winler vele J. such 6enernl sumacs/an, wilt commence nao ou lm of January nes; using the mail. Dein giun Ctembenburgb, and sclera or horse. op the LEW'S b. CLAR =LIM, lilatlCH THAW, Pittsburgh. tai • deelD Philosler.rasa2 11 1 / 4 .414im.• Exprea4 Watygoto t INIR To 42CD MOE xi a itrIURGII AND PHI LADELPiatra et m r fr.:::: VE k . .. D : A .l. Yn— c: ile i 7 ll : ::::im il de paY :ve4 X7 :o 7% . Train ea Chatnbersilullhi 4 Wajwn will leeire o arrival, and having relay. or horses &ming 41:4 night, wares the aerial* arrival of4oogs ill loaded up each day, so that no delay *Elegem - w,, 'al 4o prepared-to Huvardr allEllbstisilYill Apply to WAL RILNOIH.I; No 27 llllartor meet Li ytz-kIA ElMplaATETajj,...r-- m. JANNE.—Tats mules, that brunediatiltr , = havtng attended my brother, who died of "'"' In Mare-10bl* I anis taken stet ant the or Lives tioraplaint, and was. reduced so kru the decease, that tOTAIIIT Vara I wall onabio We ROMA to my turainessreitter at homo or tatioarl, ludaltilalle moat time =flood to ars bed. During too above 0 1 .6 5: 9r;hae„ /bad expect ed for modleairut retrain Physicians and atediemes to the . r Ireej, with= receiving any , thefte ry M JolY, 15 113, 1 - commenced W Dr: Jayne•• tii crime, albd have taken them more or less taw co, and believe that it was by remee.^.l l a. i age, that l can low Italy nay that I tars coorP=. 7 Ms. Tried sty lealth. I bedlam that Jarrea satmg , qvub.. and Expectoran t aro the best family medial:tat 4014 La ciao. l'itaide SPrintrwid, °t"'"county, county, M. V I Z.& carry on a tonnes ntd.machtno z nyt io _ to 4,81 and um not Interested sg.T. 19 c . 2 n ukcAidoes, andnmkeinu ulna r. 41.0 toctboaa adUcted.„ . Bounded, N. Y., ' Bacon Renobrlng. w "WAVING Imitaannesendar rebaledne c t iff houses,ll•o nowpreparella,Metje l = and smoke It in the most marshal le manner. The houses are Mimi with all the modem, improve— menu, and are capable of eOIIMMOSI MOM) KIER &JONBM, Canal aligin, -- ja4 war Sarealia
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers