~"ex` St'i'; I( I, 5 - ,I(SS , CADS, usiwntosoriacaozEß, amnia - zlon Meriliard§ • ardi'lltstm:sqiu:Prodoe., 40. n u ke • .ra.e, P. Mall. FVUREIPIELD & RAY% Wholesale dealer. In Dry ]) Goo4p, ()meat , * BOOt4Elhoeli?ittibprgh =nu facial W.. 1 ,1G: 11 7-1 Monti . ÜbenT Street. rriu.q. & REITER, Wholesale and Retail Ayr . -. met ofislberiT tdd BLClalr Emu, Pius- • "Y a. nays. P SOWN 4. CULITERISOI , 7, 'Wholesale . Grocers, os sad Coollasi.s"Alorehaqs, ixS t Aaberty at, 4.IFAHNEISTOCK & Co, Wboluala and Re -13. tall Droggiawaamar Wood anar.th eta jql. t.....;.,IALEY 4-Au rrii,.whotenp:tc.peepl, 18 and JP Inivointorco raubarth: VNCITIT Co., Forwarding . and, Can. C. lain Mattbants, Canal Bunt, Pinaborik Pi. meld 144,1113. ART, Wholmpale 421rovenfoleal. Fi V 41 Vrodu V . aVit'lluabtivgh Idinntiummevieov vet of Liberty ant ilmd at, Moa b Pm tebl7. vim. m iMilLl3ll,, r ," ' , _ ~- , c, IR A. =EMT. DMUS/Lk Bulocktir,:pau3 • ' • att.,-Clalle t her EA 4tiloinitlvilesala UrOC.I% . • kitqll.ll4 For. wanlmlit Merchants, and denim iml. toductivnd Pins= harsh Au.ne"tnTr,Na-31,31t0051 st,fietvreen rd and 1. i ' 13333, • - aso.lonnt, ram= vrooD. tr. Co., Wholesale Grocers:3ml, Cortuairrion• filerckuu33, - 333 Agents for 8rig1363 Cortrif Nos. - 67 Water, and Fraz itti. u,srr.,•P „A..... 0 Tr.td iz z o au mii in .B r elft v i e Br. W4-Itsee !, iti llfd givm for old Copper sAdlttess. GigMOR tßAN_ L aoicnismion sad Fonrtracti . .S 4 J . Woo.yetreet. Pittabmb.. sayl7 H . Ait.Dt4:loNtz a co.. comet isi - on 11.40ffintlleretuults, base returned to th eir old. sand; Witetanni Prom streets, Pittsburgh- jsG , era; ini4t.A.l3alizroore. _ 4..soecEscarriew“. MLA MAW. D. c. Wcannos, lonn AL. wAlmrs, I NALD. SIMONY., Tobacco CO' Mer -111 dion344l:Northatoy, at, klB North Whoric., bit& is - I no•Nkf mcoliedUirmi M. • JOUR W. DVACIII. ORBYTIIa,DUNCiIag, Forwarding and :Commis . alcitildetbriauts, N 0.37 Firm street, Pittsburgh. 11031121111M1T, /74 - 70r - 13 1=1H /Cißt & C 0.., Wholesale Grocers. Com miaillinlierchants, and dealers in Produce, Nos.ol Jater. and 107,Yrolii erect& Plusburga.' s novil 7014 N 111,111, Auomey imilConnsellar at Latv U and CommirsiOnsr for the Steno of Pennsylvania Bt. Laidshtdoiliate of Pittaborgi!.v Rairaicreca—Pittab ark lu Hon W Forward 11=4. Son A Miller, WCsordlosiek APGIoro, John h. Parke; Biliaaltsfp_Smapload , Corel la Kin!. loitly - ---• ----- ' '----- - jO h... _ A Ms Whlltedlo Grocers, Forward. -Gommissiseckleithantt,Dealere in Pro. g r Z t 6 .4ai kAtlisai4ovires, No, 7 Commercial Row, item ilmCaaa; Ameba,rlt:O. Po. sq7, , ii• -- ; . ' S''' , : -- . - . - C*ES 111cGUIRE, (litecathetrto of Alteo end hleGultio fere.tetuag T a i lti4SL Charlea Budding', tow uert Mod, Pittstuligh.. • ifUTCHISON''ir. Ca.,-enacessors .111 X406i11.t ki hon Co,'Ocamasstoa Xereltzune; imd4Lig.44 - A" St. Loma Steam *Sant Refalerp. No4firrap: ,172 tioni ateeU,ritranneL j : 4 1k - DIU,WOATti & Co, Wholegato Grocers, Pro , If i'dotiViditt Commission Merchants, and &emus for tittlfithilii.PdVrder Co, of ji. Y., No. T. Wood st, . . Pule , ' AS " _ Tom a" idonaeast, Who4iele Decrtgisy and deal veintpe`BN!►,Pnlnteeo4V fr., N. 93 Wood street, one door South of .Diamond Arley, Ping ',,rgb. I.'i • isal Jut. J :r.llll te , (Macon no etsepliCl: J 1 S ~..h .re Cha" Co ndler!, 5 'Wow street. 0r..31 JT lINQH:slEamt. .Retairdenler in Moils sad dinsital Instrnmezkes;„'`eetiool Itoona, PaperMlatesilaggl,PaaL Qui4,-Yruarre. Canl% sod ritalinuaMEnnrnity.No.# ll . l Vood st„Pinsbutr,lL 113151Ingebotnc11tor takanita gude, seplfi I 2 M.A11.1:11.1, Co In I J 4 . : No. r. 4 Woo.toireo, irkua'" 10/IN 1).el/WM' Atetiondor; tanker btb, and Wood II moo • oci.9 IN le, EITWIIirON, Ekticllnza t rtinteri U and Paper Manufacturers, No. 4.1 Market. it, rins-, ei'Q' • EE Wholend& tiro. r denier in Pro duce, Pitiaharjb Manafaekuren, Mar. - es, &e. he. itto.....=l,iberly *s7las - burgh. jnns Jr .1. 14, FLOYI Vida T. Floyd & Co.A.Wholc.elo TAM DALZFLL, Wholesale Gamer, ...ern; io 01/ fastrobaut, wad•. isiltneittee and Pituburah Manna`c•• s. Water' St, Pittsburgh. bald- 7 1141,414_01.,F9 co^d~y. and,Cotamistisurir ,: geohrjeatSzalciL' ritt:bargh 7Ea 4v.tr...rVeinvllus Izesi Warits.- •101= I 3". rcra Lad- ' V&ity: '3lraielott,fo . * MOAT ii4d le:Strom sz. awl Cow= Stterettaxa,Dpalr itritius. r. I . :odor-6,AV*. al"-Weler -0 4.1 : HlPTON,;WholesaleGrocer.,Fm "ranidneidid:Cotitdianorr Motehar &Weis 1.13 andrigat.io tddd'aiacuarer, NO/1. za and i= Wood at., : ' fern 10:61111V11.1.. si,Lll4l C. sac. 10:11L2altROEMbolegde Gray= and calcords, IlVatta licretmata, if 4 Liberty sty P • • • , )aktr l iz- ko mpfste s .elstFies, N o try & Woo& olsCit.Mfutnal&b. ' . ~....' rnd i .. ...,,,„„,.zi . w r :::: . vwr.F.4wialk- ' Ca —,, DI orchanu,' for 'Ow solo of eto.nr-o. W 00 1 1.3 ' - "MY greCrioMllllB Vital. 12012b11 • e 11L T42 . ., M COIlltl :It I t' ilna".' lit Moir...ban% w Our: ond Proni sm., .benreen movidtarkeisa: Az& =WM RILIZETISON,yiIideaIe Omen and 'Vistonlialinahlerchanu,No.l7o,,Libettyp., Fitta ,janl4 - EN • 154 Market sag. wend' farrier of Foattly doalers Ia Foreign lagge'ss ° ' ec ~1 7 1 7 ° daiz i llersons mad ,on all Om plipelpat ciOes en.illidled &aux' 'BLltral'agi'ec..,iv*6l,76Stl.d goalfrbincookimir.owleu4.ol.l4. , Ffges,o4r . e onliandou.silt afall k r., VITZPRODW'VnaIeaVor Omer, Ilenteying flory.,:pivalerinftodannifigetrargtrigelnuke, yill lanai ef,Foregpt. and and 11n. - 4.L . lbeery antet. Oa hand a very i irgentk a tirinld S2 =tl. 3 " 4l' &VIP ' Iv rc..4P. :•: - 41 , .' .•, • : .111iixj?ciitoti asit-In ce Lt • 5, ~ V esdeoupliFry • Hardware and . i.;.t...,. ,. . I,lldOentnapailid,./33 Wood 1.)1 Pacdeinidand - Itetkil Maier in MaLoather,atorotA Prsooniaken'lloois and klnd ,,Teanars'zaud•Cutlera and Tanners' Oil, IdaPhsesd itaftsluThrah. Sep/II Banal Zalllo€l4, ' • • 11.1.11:113.• i 0313103. aslalladinON &C.a.,'Wholcsale Oroeers, Produce anal Oxounanon Merchants, and Dealers in Pius- Wen, Ifd.ll3o.l.4aorty aciTiCabnagn. Pa. . LIGILZPLAOt, Go4,.;Wholcsak Grocers, aced=arrnislioisi RlROoLsoarcs,. fetal _ •••"'' Kr• . • lesale Cito74, 1112 boa Allrldittehasus, tor tlov • I River W 1-18t4ft8M C0mm "41.14. Whola.ale In* intlisterformodsi imunly Wafer? tad extinteisipia Ilikidatlylstreet, , 34doot *Love Mint'', s,e. an : slit-I"th " • '1 1 ". WrIL" -- plc a aleni in alimd' &trestle Dry Goods. No. 29 Wood at. zoo/. ori;) , - 411WAU 0 1 1 , Wpoi 151Frehir*H *Op Produeoryaneralb, and forir _ Merchant., No. 9 Welet46,42ku. MITA; IiAGALEY & Co., Wholesale tirosets we 11424rodnao dealsts,No.2atitookastroe4Oetio*otett; ,natornotallortholde,ltilzotelphio.,-, ; IflCOLS,Trodu6s.ll24' rifJ*Com • 0.17' Liber!f;st, Pittsburgh. . limr:lto-theigr=sir d w 'rg#,7 4 ' 11M1 -,4 7 "'m 'ls'd : 01 4 Whakied and 4 ty noftv l B.po, • ithels smelts.; rittstwighirl; a. awn, who - Grocers OkC 4 r " •••"---• ' • demur lankiest soldtersaa4 .i.Vbeitrilig=tizet the aim of Wm, • F...Aml • .;11grre tth Bly ' Wise as Washita:om,willalimd :ere tree efermltee tpanipuili. • • NDLEIB;• leueeeiscas 'Massie efetteenfiForentftft,_ ,n halt* dealers la bur, Nalls, - Plau rimiesegic Blaautecntues generallY -Irocuk. Finsemah. , ' , I , PAIDINV I U/414 , " PNV.3 lacr AttaioNsich Ptout at birwestilyobd -Yeir24 VEr Milt au:m=4w • . , , aulDents N 9. SR A fajAC:',W 7 a wisit rr4 afatj PgleSe l Goad ogur, LIIL• *ad! epip 71) No. Market stcod, ootartb. La llf ,• . • •41 4 iffoi, • . 3t kre, • 4 VV- 1 1•18 • • 11111-, IPT. Ace*. in „waxbes, wavy. cicod4 a 4.1% N. . r, Wholesale and netsir deala Doestic. LW ,1 5 illinttr: Finutti . atral 114, ara. , . SIM Co—Dealimao lestbeil% ••=4,--... I i Ap. . I. • .....- 41W • • ••••t ••••.... •-•••.•• .••••7•lm.n. '.,..'., nrel"7"-'-'4"g-'.l7.''':.-• 7,.7.?-"TX7.:77. ' 7 . 1 '' -.. " . .." •• " . ..-Ta4.-........n............c.. -,.. .....,...... ~._ ...,...............,._„....,,,,,.......,-,-,...,.......4............-___.......---.........-..--... • , -------• , .....................•44 - .4-xuam4,, , _ _! _ 4,...,44 ~ . • '' - .•; ' , ''.. l• ... I 4 • ~.. „.... A ll '• '' 4 P‘...i ik . . . . t. . .- 1...-.-. i f , r, " iI .:t ~..•fi 7 a- • u ; • 4 ••'..Er. - . . ~,, r. ~2 ~,. --"--- : — . ilk .-:-r I , 3 , 3 • ~.. -1...i•4 s , . ' l ' ''' -V , '.,',•• 4.•11 , - 1 • -- • "-:•,•:' '- ~ 1 ,-,' . -..:'. .. - . 11: 2 !i. ' ' t..:; ...y. •”( 'IW ' • -,., .. I v t , . , - . 1-7 .7r . :,•-1 .. , "--," ummo,... ..... _ mit:pB6. , , . , i )II,: TARN. unr-xecrtsirrort • neer. Nrerrenen, W II.., III. CITIVIFX/N,'Whide.ale °wenn, den leis Ptoddre;Trint; 1.1.11., Glue, and. Pate Inirealonufaetnres generally b nt~k , MI Liberty e 4 &en W. AV lLSON,WiddbesaowdlrY, 1V a", Wl. °4 illilit!d9 Gaddn, corner a! Idmket oid 4th Pittnburgh., P. N. ll.Wniches and clocks 'etteftilly moire& de.ll AITtIEWAVII2ON, Portraitan tilnuatanieniA• M ter: &maul, • earner of Post Office Alley and Founh otteerientranea ankh near Market. deeo-dtf. ow,' .•ro 7:wrrFaTLD, Drug Apothecirj u No: mall , r(i.th*e aGo.ikunoraira.entui-- bur g S, will ho., consissolVidlidittpsidl selected as sortment of the beta araftlisbeightdedieledapshich he 'will sell on the mast reasonable Mims. Physicians • sending . orders mill be petiatidyatended to, and sap ptied may rely 9ou as puntino. tr_r Physicians Pitlielintsonsisoll be accurately and nentlyprepared trine-the Last materinla, at any hens of the day or night. Alto for sale, a largo stock of fresh. and vied Parts. mc- MARBLE: NIT'6 . II . OII.LIBERTY ST., OPPOSITE ; THEjirirD op WOOD, PITTSBURGH. •141311117 N D 'WILKINS, • 01 , . - 1.W.„ to manefacture Monuments, Burial Vaults; Tomb's, Head ~Stoups; Elnater Maces, Cen -ire sad Pier Tops'ac . foreol - inci domeldiemarble, ut regular and.fat,P'ee,..... • _N.l3.—Dramogs for rtiontiments, vaults, &a. furnish ed, of any deseriptiort.'..HOsolicits a share of public pntrpnage •: augo-dtf ' VITILLIAM - SMITII,• Manufacturer of and colcited Linen, Frin&ra for Dream., ke.; Seen* Silktutd colehill Cotton Fringes for silk and gingham Parasoli.* - Glinet, Mohair, and Silk Ilullioa Fringes, MIMIC to ortierbn the the:teat notice. • . . "Erma Sorderollifuiden Lane and William, entrance No t 'Wl'Winn street, third floor, over Abner & Lllys. store, No n. 5 Malden Lan. New Vork ism RICHARD T. LEE.C1.1,..JR., • " =TeX= MTN DLII.O TN • . Saddlers' lronmifiliety,llernrsy, and punch • . Trimmings, - 15..., Disr Elkin .Varnlsholte. Le., • i Ntl No. 15.1 . Woon Elr. Prrrsairaott. . I. /LEAS EY, --- '--- LirANUPACTURE/10(Stemn Boat Ina Family Ohm.' tri siaek'au' turTE'l2l4=7,7..",,,Vrtr,r, dec2o • .. Nor ',l.J..sr" DOCTOR J. IL WILLSON offers hu pude/Frio toll serrices to his friends sod the public generally of brtsburgh,,, ~ Office, Fourth sucet, two doors from Mayor's often. .- deelll-Illor• TEA - 11TX141.11;- - 11O. - 72 - Tenni Wood.=All quantities of Green nd blank TeAs, done op gnome; half, and 6 ' . lFtlullglateltngeS, main frornat.cut. per pound 51,00. Au,: A. JAYNE% Agt. for Pekin Tea Co. Ilaiiireourkpring. Ailli,irle - ersztd iron Works. 001...EXAN, - .-11.1,1101 AN & mannfortnrers of I_,/ Coach and Iliptio Springs, Hammered Axles, Spring and Plonilt Steel,' Iron, &n... iron on Water and Front streets, Pirtanurgb. Also, dealers, in,,,Coach Trumningo and Atoneable Castings • tntltt Anostostsa—Oigli, .1.1 • third destorstsiss Smithfield, south side Conve7tutting , of .kinds done with the ' grealetit care Rad legal seamy., , Titles Estat e gamma.. &c. oettlo.l • W . rin ‘6 imELTREE, ,;it. - 7.h, - Croce. W r Rjtilfying Ond Wine and.,,Lieo, Merchants. 'Also, I'mrters of Soda Asrmod Bleach -i Powder, No. NO Ltbestrststot, Piusburgh, Po. •ere 4 IN3[3SAM E. DELAWARE anr TV AL INSUBLANC.E.OO. OLIN FINNEY, Jr., Agent at rutabaga fee %be Del. aj aware Mutual Safetylusuranee Company of Philo &dolphin., Fire filets upon buildings and merettandize et dearlettlen,. Fa:Value Risk. aeon hal/a or cargoes of .Niels; otten'apen? 81st theist% Striorable tri - Otrtee in thetWaulltaaser of W. B. Hotme• & fire s Pro Water. near Market atmey'rinsbutgli.. N. ti.--The mamma Of this Company alma 'the coma Mantel:trot the Agency ht this any,. watt dm proem* new and litmiefity with which every - olaustoponahem for low ha beet adjusted, folly warrant this agent or. inviting the "confidence and patroome of hos mends and the 001111111111ny ,at large to the ,Delaware ranee Comparty,,wlnlo it ham the additional advantaara to nninstitnanorming the most lkariahlts in Phil:ld:et ehm—aa laving am ample paid-in eapilal tchrell by the operation el its, char*, a conitantly tnerrmimr, to Ymitllta to each , reran moored hmdue sham at the profits of the company, :without involving him In any responsiallny whatever, and therefore as pasessida ,the Malta prinemloativened of every ohnoments'fitY melt., and m tpllteaskaaNnvekna. . novel FIRE AND NAMUR .INSURANCE. ritliFileatirtmoaCe . trlyttaf North America, atharagh na duly nuthon Age=senber, oder. to saketptermanem property in tnia ebb and its trinnuty, and on shipments by the Ca nal and Rivera Sane DIRECTOSIE, Arthur w l3 Coffin, Chillies Taylor, JOOOO. brooe WhnS kilvrard Situ* • Jhebb Am 54.thencos, Johtt dßrown, iobn 11. her, John Mite, Exited D Wood, Atom. P. Cope, Wat. Welsh, Souscusl F. South, Prinks Malan., Samuel litocdot y S. Austin Athlone, ARTHUR 0. COFFIN, Pre y. Sactanco, Seosy. is the oldest Insotaufe Cotgptegt Id ther•llnited Stat., harinLlseen ertertelott in MC Its darter is antplomosns,lstorp‘cill ol l .lllrJi • ettlitib. „soloas character, a me9r be Considered , 43 offerlor pie seemity Wel par*cla 4A 11 JONFS4-- Arthe Coming/Loom of Atwood, Janes A Co, W 0... tar and Fkontotreerts,Paishurc,h, ont ! Intaskrawyzasr.la-sviilvon ve.7 ripaeirmiktin tire Inserinee Corapany, of J. litLiae‘vill make Intirestee, permanent had hunted on every doe4ptinn olpropetty Pitniburgh and the SILMILI.CI3% cfllllltlt, on cidorahle rt.. This eotn. many has • perpetaal chatter. Captal, Pik Conn : nett, Fan& - .• odoe7;nl,7,,ritd;d Marketsuscu—,rinsbasygh. _ _ _ Aveiwavii 24AUTIZZ,AgeaL . CoMBE underaigned,dely stratortmlagemof the Arsi' er icai, Fire illgatlllitee 000plitty Pniludalptuu, Continuo. to erect ifittIMIEO SCOW In -or damage against Fire, on buildings, merctinuidu:n, furniture and propent,',dot tiara Itispardorik (wadi city atulnritunt). anti GM) OMIHKAN. a. wood st. Tuts estainatuilsaku.boem IWPOttturd._, Pr? 116014 OtatoriSUMICILUCO COIIMUIy lifAll9ll estgr, and will issne,Polleirir sad at w she other htui hour of the *Roney, at,thcrtworahotaso of Atwood, Janos Co. P.,10104 4 . water et FORWARDING &COMMISSION g. a. I. +J....Lou asps. CHAB.L x32 27I.II. ;11 11 41118211101017460L & CO. .TUBACCO - 0011111188011 lIEKQIIHITS T s)scuik. r... 4 NO. lil'eieuth Witteeire IDEGS to tafornathe,..KNoutd dealers gerrenstly, of ,p Pittelaugh; that they eaVeousde stieh smangozoolOs with the. rygi)..).. othasuriatarene and the °remover the Wesi.l utlidierVeheiaber place., as will insure • large so d dousleat'stigply of the following deldrlp tions of Tobseco,Which..vnasold sport ea wee& modating term as any other liOuse irtthis'eltf or ishert, sod all goods ordered towatiohoi will be war , otted ogee' tehrepresemaaont. gt. Domiaggq.. Vara; Ponoilicot, Poioo a.; geed Leaf to- Puha; lgolah r• • .1i Florida ; bacecr, • A1..80 , -Bmach's erlethwleCArothalit, §tneCqven dish, wal e a large assroutent of ether popular breads, not qualitis of pounds, Os Blei ausiatt,istrog, ho, dr.es aud 104 Pler, Ledlet , Terla; Violeta& Twist, lie,' sweet ned whole sod bet! Loxes, -see am) nu, toge th er wi th triery re:floral article belong ing to tho. • ielGsnY likl.ll2r. V imam - BAILNETt NICIMITI 004,111Lire7,'fifiMs , FLOV.Ft 'FACTO 11 .. 8 j -• a. Prodiapii , ommuliw sad P. Z'ILV.O if 8 , dtaQ No. fSNokrtiVilfaistits aitst WAuat Sa t. tro=litim TI. nrottnr& CoP Robert SitestreCtr:• • Way i i e WT2..,z .EtantroftakaVer'& Co. Smithtrirlairk49. Lit4Ttty, ,Italtimore. 4 vq~- Barb Wilitos,& Co, ktrown & Co. . Jones, - • 013" LitOltelakttlitthetsOYetassistmants to 7 •t • soaaltdly r- ' 0 ; • 2,41 L Scvr, *oar. w . Tt t z E ERi - ECKY ? i !,• l AA 4 rGeteetil.!CtoiciiiiivitoTh lignobaTu,l-- • • i ItEngt.EisTph. --- nerirrani - ic :Pmib,tngir• ttbdtrin She ripe,l,6g,,,Gi, a 4 - • • , .A24.7irsury,Xkltyjmllei . ; ' • , ht5: 1,5 41 3 4 , 46am,-_J4toravolk, ; -; ; •• • Jilere.tilm. ‘...• / 0421 1 4417, 3.IIII OiPNAW.fteIIANTWMei. , thlnizior.tt On, IZ/ nttabiregb, ra., alleitdinomptly to iheigEbt, I wotreetotiptioorat l Westena—ridlaceoutaTher ; rim-um:kW -their •e 4 . 77 7 11 an=5 11 V..*" . l a. n! . d r att= g 4i4P rt r A g ns en4 l 7 43 7 / 2 . 4 ! LinovAlP;t, , { Att..41q1.4.61,101e.,. ""?.. .' 411"1 / 1 1 °AGM nameiTer r n u r', c , -0),IndylE4101 , 1 ER0VL50ni.,4114,11,9444T4 li HALTi44S '....s.anommes—onnyesoa - gromm.k., °;4l 2 7 pr l ah , TPtg== l ltG:v= andhit :lll ~kgeam 4 ttes.iving and forty lion!. 6blitpkledG? his ewe. Ay/4sta car the i 41 4; 141 ff ti 44 4; Att. 01.14.4x0.11 if therpriazikai auktufacttue the fosse - wholditliti Om* Orders and _corialicnokuts . 6.liff,rootanr , softd.W.i ,,, .s( 1 ; *GEORGE A. 13 ERILK,' ' -IvirowesAlf FOBViBBIBIit AhDIOMMISSION MACAU?, troih;ritada:plat r a=r l lo Pitsanung6 llsrchant. : Htrowntiililer i. cci . L4,-nfftoo ° o = tti i oa t 0 ertkfko Broker, "4 4 :140 CIM4'I Wspihmpa t: If • 4.,G it 1.2] 4 .1 c LAW OFFICES, • ' WRY: TIMIIIAW. ATtORAIEYAT LAW, Buller, ,• Pa • ' also .31 , - A46 Collections cad all other buss ' I'?' taess entrusted lollinfin' Basler and Myttitrou connten, Pa. Relnflo J. re R. Floyd, [party d. W. W. Wallace, ' do James Marsball do Pillnblolb• dly .Kali" Co., Weed n ' lone rL BWRITZER, Attorney at 'Law, elfin, lid st., a 0 1T 6 slta PC Charles Hotel, Pittzburgh, also attend piertandj M'Collections, in I,Paaltingiodflayetto dtgiAl Omen coddle"; Pa. M TO • Blacketock, Bell 1 R E ". C 0.,. C D,,.. h .r nen 3 la turpn es Cato , dere, • • }-Pdt"burgh. wAndly J. 11F11RY, Attorney and Conncelho Cinelnnatii Ohio. Collectlems In Southern Ohio, and In Indiana, !and in Kentucky, promptly and care fully attended to ' Commissioner for too State of Penn. ylvenia, Tot taking Depositions, acknowledgment,;AC. &C. Rama to—lfori. Wm. Bell di Son Curtis, Cluneh & Garother* Win , Hays, Esq., Willeek& si2s yr* 11 . PM'S WL Slc SHINN, (suieessan e and Ahnoncv• old OrmaselJors at Low. Offido Northaldont Fourth street, above Smithfield. fob Hd&orly !Duo Ds: 3. TIANIMON SEWELL. 'RUB P k.'.91 - WW.L,.. attorney at Law, Meta on .L./ Smi Id, between2d and 4th sta.' FFORWARD4 , k. SWARTZ WELDER, A4a.. ttorneys-2, ' Low, have removed their oto the South stde o' Fourth it., between Cherry'AlleyitiuMnsot stmt. , V 0. IL ROBINSON. Attorney at Loa, h _ moved lie °Mee to the Ezehmmo Boildin7e, Me et., nett door to Alderman Johns: .071y8L HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS. Turttipc,i-r„lnnhsl-onvr own runnufneturihg of "fhb, bas triads agingo-lit menu) with Aleut" &ace & Co" (the moat fashionable; bitten , ottlts city of Now tfork,) fora ref- Utah supply of his extra (me Silk Hata, and having ins* received a fear coos, kendemen can be suited with very rich and benutifit hot by calling at his now Hat and Cap Store,,Statittkidstreer, second door south of, Firdniuwintre may• be found agrees variety album and Coca of his two ;rroutufacturtu wholesale and to. tail; Hata made to order on shoe notice. Witt , JAMS WILSON. " !MORD &CO, IT (Soccesiois to WC.' rd ea }arm GNI et, •stelonable Caren of Wood and Fifth Stray, peTziata cz nv i t r pod %oar th ß e a, R m Naps from oar eatabllshmenMr sigintrzata ' Le s and Nadu LOOOWr, or the . 44,11124 . grin" and at tho warier ratan. ' C...u7 Bletabards, intrallasirWhy wholesaAe, are. ittpeculdly invited to gall and ezataine oar Stock- as. ant can say with :cordideoce that as regard* qualms and mica, it will not wader in a comparison with any lioasein Philadelphia. feat? Ai -- fix , , , ,k, diPSAND 4 A - WPW3=TitTipit i, anbstriner is mar receiving foam the thy or New Sark, a choice assortment , at Hats, Caps and Marrs, latest fashions, in great varie ty and very cheap, wholesale and ream!. JAMES WILSON, novid Penithfield st,:d door SOOM of lth 1111 Fall Fashions tor - 11.414 BIeCORD .46.C0., (um, WCWID & SIBQ W ILL Introduce on Saturday, Angola Sibli, the FOP style of littoiv ion received from New York.. - Thaw in want of a neat and beano's' eau are invited local! at their store, corner of LErillb and Wood wrens. : . atirli WI'UAW GOODS. . . . . . . . . DEALERS aro inntad l oximine R. II PALMER'S mool' of Straw Goo.* of th lidivitAVW ed nor iu itraiS f ; FlMlish Duo viable do; Arnerteatt'do do; China Pearl do; Coburg do Miliaria! do; Manch Lazo; Fancy Gimp, kr. Am liATS—Legtiortii Palm Leaf. Panama, Farley Straw do Maid. Rutland Braid, Pedal do. Arti6riN rmoirerg, Ribbons, /te. Straw tkro -11,1 IVarebnu.e_ Plarlret IL mar•N BOOK TRADE. f EARL V ALEJAiII , JPOI PUBLIC* WWI IA by va J, A. A U. P. JASIF-S., Cincinnati. the {allowing near and luable Work•—• Dornyine% Ilrpeilitiou—Contaitung • sketch of the IA of Col. A. W. ,Doniphso . the_ Conquest of New Kevmay's Overland expedition to Cali+ far_ Doniphen's Campalyn mama the Na•nos, tun hie anyouralleted Marcia opon Chitutahae end Puronyo, and the Operatiolu of Gem Price at Sauna Fe; volts tt Map and Engravings, by John T Hagite., A tot Regiment of htirsoort Coedit', • t. History of Xentnety—..ha Antiqundas and Nauuml Cnriodrie; Gengrapbletl,ftatintienl and Gedienlj deberiptionta with alleviate, of Pioneer. Ltd . , a mote .nd no than ono haunted illostniihital baretebesordistingtdati ed Pioneer& fbaldieria t lateamen, Jurist ' , Lawyte& Iti2 Views, a.c4.dluatr, with Om anCraYS.S.: by 1.1. it Collins,i voLocrnan., ' . . . • ill. ' The Thretnn.llondr , Vottnieer, ertiaternal of iii Pri, ante in the • Tenneasee Regimen: at !Araby, in dna canrptinrraffdekienc &dna 1.510.47,e0n marking an se. &MO% of the lamb Of the Regiment lo ,Vatt erw& • 4eatiNnnOY die coantlys . s . e . s . ovitolta . vv. t or a...A. , .....ta ..c, ' 4 , fartelbekitatibtetotPnY and alO Unwary Delia Idetienn War; t f.e . VI. ked and Wounded, di abutted by a lamanorgiar at entreat ai#nrs and plans', by tiro. C. Farber', I volume eatatro. JEW WOUNS—Croortoelrs Specchca te.—Olerei IN Cromwell's Letters end Et_pec thee including. the Soppientent to the Ant edition: With elt;etilations. Sp Thomas Carlyle 111'2 sots: 12mo. Cloy. ' koonichy , —.Utstoncal. Sketelms. of gen-, lucky; embracing us hiatory, antiquityoand natural ;. Curiosities, rographleat statistical and technical de: sermtiona with umedotes of Pioneer life, and more than cue briodied biogrephieal flambe. of distingaistn ed pioneers, tiddlers, and scaunimea: jartsta, d,emes, me. inuttrated by forty engravings f e ß Lewis Collins, Fairy T ales . itid agenda of aunty Netionts—SeleaS. rd, newly tobt.,`.andl tranShtled By C. B. BorklteraL Ilearadtdry tlldstraled. Te ArabianNights—The Thwuan! andOnoNighug or. the Arabian Nights' Entenzinmentr, translatednl.o 1 , 1!.pd for family marling-with avitivrivw onm by E. VV. Lard, Esq. From ' the second Lon% n edo Sion: illustrated wort LOU wood e.. 4 by Harvey, and Illuminated rides. by c.mPuuo - in, Parts, poper, or 2 ve* 13no. Cloth—Gila • The shove. book_siast received and for ealobt JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, Bookeellers, ' • 00146 market, ear 34 st ! - 'I\TEW BOOKS FOB SCHOOLS, ree..—Elmertents of :IN Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, wow their ap plications to hierwuranett,, Surveying and Navigation. By Elias Leapt's, A. AL Xenophon , . Memorabilia of Sonatas , with otes, critical and expranalary, rife of Socrates,ke. By B. Anthem 1. L. D. lirelletect S Crooks , Pim Hook in Cheek; COMM ; toga full TIM, 0( the forms of word!, with vocatittli : and ceplotts ageicisca, rte. ' Salkeltr. 'Pled - Mot In 'Spanish: or, a priteileal ! tOkteinpi tke tn„gEthLisettv=fevie.,_ calir adanted to the inland nod maritime comb:tercel of !oDa United &awe. By P. 801 r... A'Hisfory drpranco; from the condaest'Oc, Julius Closer, to the reign Of tad* BY Mask - ham improied anderatirged,try,taeot, Aliboll map and edgmvinga ForaahLby ! • , • 11-,OOPAINS. deci2 &POP BOldlnis,4llh • , ATEVV•BOOKE4-Leoma' k3entents OrTriTornetry. , .—Eletslau4 of plain and eVPI49/ 41 • • 1 04 1 . "! a t erlthlheir. aptlicattrittansitratni, arVeybdg: 'A e..l° misting a foilview arth,s l form of wordav-wrialonatXlrie• ;int cordon* calm, cleft dr,the methed.of constant imitation nod ;ropeti• • :ion: by John M'Clintock, It. D. Professor cf Longue rai ar d Ocorp C1.05ig,A.414 Adlaust Profesaor of Learner,. m Dickinson uminge. -•., L • liphendeLiGrof bladamerOntharitio A doma,.2d edi- Oo.?• Ane. catT—llw tritetpline pf Life. • t t Fast' 0,10 41111•11 of 'fleapit k Brothers' nplatilid4l• lastreieitedlitepeoftheArabuizi ffigeteiFeeterwiltlappie. , Tbeaibove workszereiveet due itay-Pyl iiMetf.sl4 for mle by JOUIVTON S7OC. soiL7 ' • add be , , ---..--- §CIIOOI. ARC/MUMMA px coutiibmicula {9 the twprovapent • pt.scheal . hisses' la the, D. •D'; by, enry Diunard. Abandantry Illustrated with' •;leirs Then plans. . , • , : . .._, 111 .;: ' i • , Thenty aml,Practee at Teaching, or ,the oualtlys ruld mean& argockl reboot keepiny try David Y'Plei A. hi. Teach:lag ri Wessel thaTertelter anArtistr .by g A, 14,11 4,....n - . . . 1 , 4 5i ,,,, 1 - isill,lrvi4b4l'hpy,fr4,, it' '6 1 . 4 A , I Ihn .trisk , Of leachgre,, employsrs;,truoteeli,'lnl, Caurs, ke: lo, r ol:c..a.nition•Sehbollt.' inrero parts. rAlon: 7-zo-Pref f pi. D.,-and .1..8. H annon, A-r_„ I liolazated `NOM 'oWas,lnts.'''Fkli idle Irjr , • •.' • .•• • • - ,,, 1• 1 ' at= a HOPKINS, Apollo StifillitOsi D I A to...gvi - eAsiltnxiii , , iTar treiddii 0 I •Pamilt 10,—This work, consists o‘tirenerverlu sad anstaine4te:Ondredi li ffegesseakinctsAlist • ,:, with &pluming.. :Ik si,in entirely, ongtedl A • reCently • Iffftllir end comple t ed by H - C1 Goodriilx, ad, `.ihof Piplitor Pirbrinr:Torlda : nut .Is.deldinsana salhi hit; lb .a , poputar*rm,.tieldet „Kaaren kick ancisoi s 4 pqrlerni Dip imaJeja and .eurigUillea of ltleorY , Na -, Aiire,,rtri 4 4lt.'nea; and'PhilosophY, with 'the'proctiottl done: Air Iffn. , • ~ s. • :Ties pries par Val. IS n cents, cook conpildlog shoo t 320 P!66aselUstes Or 810. pie, IR. For ass 11,, 1 .kiem..p. , : - . .11.'.1111)11(11%$, Apollo 13adauris,lith at ..... , ISlOVELpVirliinkaind . . its .coressnyuainuur. ,s by G. P. IL Jarners,Eo9... Vanity, Fair, . noviol %koa now': iirliNu6 'Makepence Try haeke, • 'r , hvErd Verenen J 1 Uil. Coggin'. Story - of the Peninsular Wan by General Cbasica . •Williani'Vans4 Margins of Londonderry, 0. all; G." C.a,Cobhei of the *Uteri Lila Gaarda,•• • The above sen3lio,reerived,this day and.for sale by , -JoinwerrortkErrocripv Q.DEID-A-JOIC m D ak IVEIS PROVILDENOE—, pas kJ hinien p va ry e aid Yaleoblo; work, has knit be. Mblisbed_by J. L. Road; fo steno dad 121 no. nol. of Mlelf.t. • T aDDDATAD satridatikeaof serveraleleriiymen adds our, of difos ent drtomluotioos. In one weak 401.toopica have been distributed in Oat idly Of Pittabirgb itaionthusbito Jl Is 4 tra k r. r .," 4 " I X htlt'a by a. Apollo Ball togs, 1. id. 41PooK, FOR . PARENTS; L-YOVNO , PERSONS" AND INVALIDS,— Dr. Banniusta ,. ..Conituon na,"' on' Health, Pavane! Falucallonit and ,lintnan Died( ao•based Irma the raeaturnionldildker , iy ,at, _mates, playairei Cousl.l434lPe • ere* th e "lee."* **,,' ne the mien; initleets - recetnry'dereil Ali 1 - Or gale be . ' ' ft - HOPS; oetlD ' Do wogs , '6i/rip—Th. Nemalovh. Oft Falsities' „Ds taridiu Num. akicidUed byri,nuirlif•EDUl pkimatboof atte Fablea; towinieVllDl,Al,l.g" s. . 11 Wafiesit RiYitadristeal and oritlinVon hiatta • tor pictorial cmOelltaionents; with' selovie'. l l46l.lll, .#IAP OF ' OMAR:ISM/li' oaEciisShAtidifiL., t . , "FrOnighli t lantar..naholitierti- 8.4p0n5...' itetielDWltO unecootopartintern—HhiancaliDa*sli. o , 4,,Orovitshirol al t raUsticai. 'ED .48 ..) - 4041 . 6 .. . t, IMP 11 9;Ap011tratilditg.,1:: 4 4“ " .10 4:41,VAratrIO=AI T i ,*T totlahrbr, - .r _ oPtlNEt,46,Thalditir. „. .• , • t C.l . I - • , ' 4 • • •• PITTSB OH, T g sijAy CiiTARTWMIeR CO*PART HIP. th .- e - so In die IllUsw "° :e ' qns - ie . Philip a t ted 8•51- eon and rord Gregg. to o n e Erin mill here after be Logan; IVilsoa& CO. nisi assangeateut ren ders ..dearoble, to-clot h the old hpeiceeowoe c c possiblai—A,A,peregoe wose lintuTities re motti e ri, ime,espeeially requested' tel Nieto ilionedinte payment. ,Pittsbar&h, Jib 0449. ' T oasis, ‘1011,4015V. rfe, CO.—lmporters and WholesaleDeatera ktPiPairt.md ware, Cutleo-, Baddlery, /a, 349, Wore:110*ot, Pith hergb i jare.now prephred'wlth re-neatly MOOTt te4 abeckof Hardertte i tallergr fro., to offer eery great Inatteetnenta to WOlOOlll haven, being determoset to compete in prine with any of the Atlantic cider. Al ao 011 band ut extensivogscortnteutotftlahuntb Hord 'x'a,e, tittovele f Spadin i ' Foek'Htler i Nicea, . 11 or which wilLbe sold at the loweet Manufacturer's piked. joct ' . ..... TUrtnanhip so long exiitlitg tinder the ann of rd & peg, was Oy mutual.sonsent dlawt.tved On the Is l ist. The baldness will be closed utthe old stand ti either of us, using, anima of the firm for shin; purpose. Being desinent fitilluive our business closed"with ha little delay as possible. we' would „re sTestfittly ft-quasi those Indebted to call and audio their 'smooth. JOHN D. ?SWORD. is2B N. D. ONO. Co.Partnierabl JOAN D. hrCORD having asaoalnad with him las brother James. bitCordt ander the style of Mon & Co., will cantina- the lint, Cap and Fur business in all its varnios branches, cohohmale nud maul, at the old stand, earner of Wood and Gth Meath, where they solicit a conannatban of the patronage at liberally be stayed on the old firm. JOHN D .adtCOFLD. Jam .1/111.M8. bPCORD. . . IN retiring from the old and-well Imo la. firm of Word & King, I 1120e4 tespectfdy recommend to the, patronage of the pobliomy•mmerussora Wears. hCooni lc Co. EL. D. KING. . Oo•Partaas rahlp Notice. V W. STEPHENS ofWheeßng E F. Stoennerger 14. of Juniata, and J. A. Stoelreon of Pittsburg& have thin day entered linoe copartnership ander style and hiof Stephens, u Shoe i r r iberr t t. Co., al, the of finehor am r t k r.o vi xi gkoli description.°P"" W. uriannosa anoesnanal, r. •. 'Tommy. liTzeincate,inozatnicacumn. a. co. ANO/RIR IRON WORKS. Marling Vs /Manufacture dt kind abettor, thee; bar Iron and A. howl clip& springs end' axles. tieing eon. netted with Shoenberger's old Juniata works, we can afar an article of Jurnatelson, threaded Shneoberger) Orptial to any mule in the country. All of which will Ito' sold on the Viusbergh prices. Werehouse of the Marks corner of Monroe and Water ate. myll iii)LBROLOTION—The partnership hitherto exist- Mg under the style and One of Wietunan & V.I. se is this day dissolved by mutual eallaPIIL Jolla Dai ren aiming diiiposed of his entire interest to 11. Wight men. The business of the late Gem will be waled by IL Mattman,whe is antholized to ace the name of the late hem mr that purpose. li. WIUILTAIAN. sptialiaw Duly I'V) J. DALZELL. THE Subscriber Is now prepared Le manufacture all 'hinds of CO/100 and Woolen blechincry, at the atoms; Indite. Orden tenet R. WigLunan'e Engine Shop, ear. um. Liberty and Water stream, wall meet with pr enu attention. WIG ' Leacak st., between Federal and Sandusky. am, spt2Ddly . Allegheny my. ('IO.PAHTSEAifIP—Wm. Young having this 1,..;,1 day associated with him, John IL Ill'Cone, We lea. they boon min !.rustler be conducted under tha firm orWoa Voting Ca. WILLIAM YOUNG, iaan /I MEDICAL. DIR. TAYLOR'S IiALSAIS OF LIVERWORT.— Thia article is prepared according to a recipe Tern. toyed So ca a very old and comment phymmati, were has experienenced its his medals the mantels remedy for DISKASISt OF THR LUNGS, - upon which reliance roald be placed by the publte—wrhlch induced hon. alter matured tests in nametoat !SAM of Ihtletonacy thinsplainot; to otter this preparation. It bets nee° Ow ronghly tried by hundreds, tow in good healm, who can nay that they one their pawpawoa front an curly pare, to the aura this medlchie. CON111:11.21oN tab laved C.0NT1.1.1111,. Fora lorortunr I suffered with :here dintows, and test. o n . ...ow n ' s ... rd as 1 had lost a ma 11..,. Iv., Women, and two sis• ten, tank the consautption. 1 had the urn medical ad• di ee to nun; acre, lemray wn. tn.] without street .1d I was ahoo.t to despair. I tr.. wasting aunty. Seri nervous. had a bad rdugh, toss of wmtnna. etc man r orterlankeroto spernouts. At le I lord Dr. TIITIOIN RA1.41 Of and 1 must ad, this ottedietue coned me like • thane. Its great recorauve maven alould be wade known. . . /tOLDRIDGE, Sams at. Repots or Ittairt—This &seam ts easily eared by die proper medicine. Mr. Rewbary,tro Bowery. need to raise blood: to large quantities, both by day and bight; besides tt byte bad a serere roost. and ;min in the breasq yet after ustng every other medicine, be was Vied by Dr. TaylOr's Balsam of Liverwort. Theo man and. let oil othemortiomumot afford to be Vill l tr k tit exorable, if titer am siva, and roe tam teteditilre. It wiLl restore &teased Lungs and Liver In a short nom To Onions of • disordereri nervous aynein, or those who ate unable to feat weft let night, this reenter.. Ls ernyhafically meotamende4 no theeabseriber once witnersedits elltmittlbearylvirute In Ids own fiontly, one Of the member. having! been attacked with a it. Were emarbing, 'kneed colettspftling of blood, profuse night sweat, thstarbed eras Irombility, with di f rtry of breathing, de.,• was 00n.4 tais Saluda. • , p 7iforim, be Wood re t; li•elysere P• cc At etc Ilendemoo th Cord Lillawny et: Price reduced tot/Alio, bottle,. deer /lIVOJIMAN'T TO E AFFLICTED. • Or. lieu's Celeb led Bemedles. Tvi JACOB S. ROSE, MOO/moven, and role pro. Lff anchor orditse moat blintz, and beneficial tort'. tomes, and at., the' isiventor, of the celebrant.* imam mon for Indating the Langli. in elms.; • cure of Chronic donate., was a student of mm eopimat ;Myst. ci•11. Doctor Physic, and ra %redeemer the Universi ty o(Ponnsylvanta, and for thirty years once has beau engaged to the kr l ...u.rusaz, a 014...... , and the spot, •cautto or remedies thereto. Through the ism of his indating tube. in connect.. with Imo Prophylactic Sympandother of his nthiedics, ha hie gained an unparaleled eminence in 'curing those dreadful and thud maladies, Tubercular Con. up do Cancers, klerefuln, Rheumatism. AsinMe, Fewer and Ague, FeScrs of all kinds. Chronic Erysipe las, and ali those °beneath diwasespeenhar u female.. indeed eery form of disease vanishes under the use of his remedies, to which humanity Is heir—not by the one of one compound only roc that is inceeppeUhlo with Phyilelogleal Lew, but by the use of tits reme dies, adatited to and prestribed for each peculiar form of disease. Dr. Rose'. Tonle Alterative Pills, when used are in variably acknowledged ta be superior to all other. . a rgative or liver pill, inasmoeb as they ie.-Otte bowel. perfectly Cr.. Alma tantiaeurew . also his Golden Pill. is admitted by the faculty in possess pee.. bar properties adapted to female die..., but Wang eadsfied that a ham trial is antfici.l to establish whet ha. been add in the mind. of the nu skeptical The Maimed are Malted mead upon the agent, and procure (grads) otte of the Domes pamphlets, giving a detailed .esunt °reach remedy and to application Foe sale by the folk:mum agents, so well on by WSW Drowns throngheat UM country; J bletwournaker tr. Cq, fit Wood street, Pntsburgh; . sf. id.Tornd, dniggirt, CS Market sr , . Lou A. Cum, . nearjhe P. U. Allegheny city; .1014 y, Dullogten, Deaver county, Pa. Joe tl, Emma Valley, Yves comfy, T Deaver, . tiovi ly —7-77174 iiiiifirlidig - seetoranits . • .1 Daum, Columbiana c0..,0, Apr. 2.1, 1041. DIa d .LIAE: Diu bor-I feel bound to you an the afflicted public, to avail myself of this ep pontivlngpahlleitrustheertraordinery mfr.. pr our. k tonal en myself. flavilbeen whirled • year. with a severe ceng h t fever tad It. ochemalumi diseases, and seems only doomed toting. clut ashen but mionable eztsteitee, mad We fall of labilorhen,,lmingismro severely attacked, and having resionintio, all my former remedies, and the ' w , ifiumtrof oruonhe most re9aatable pity etcleati it dm nekidjorhood without derivg hay benefit, of the colute„ lairterwing hula ( o w days or weeks ea warn- a 'Me Wet gleam of hope WAS about to vanis . h, I recommended to me your Expertedint erdpreedhY.that &lag who do. all Outlets In We elect Weetratus-easl cantrMy to the arpeeddiOns of - (c o.tbielotins &NI IsitAdh 1 was in a few day* ridwd oM my bed, and was enabled by the um of et bottle, to ttendto ipp blighters, enjoying &ince better health than .1 WM; for leoyears parlous, ' Respect 11 17 voures fir, ha. W. Emu. Tor,sals In Pittsburgh, in the Pekin Tea store, 7.2 Board' inneL 1311r.M --77- 7 - arew --- ateiXicagmarerr. - - ;D.9 n m i . : 1 1i! v ilto lu nt u rn. h :ri i 1 70,772"b Y y P rL?:t - brockway, No 11 Commercial now war d street, .Pistrurgh taker this method or tha t Ids fronds,r laid the public in general, that ping st a nd wilkaut ail. dams boacippiled with an P ut t. extesve nd general atwannent of Drugs, Dye duffs' al uI- VarniaberiPerfiustery, Colognee,aud indoodavery a - title ralladaorin a ny g store, whiell will always iso, orld.werldw ea:at t other house In. the city, wrote rialecot geltsill,.. - .lloping to Merit .Were of . the,publiti aael Riliki.l6 WWI hat wstatlemat ir e entitle nu- . wfsetiltutto niscostouters. - • ~ 'Tref:lA . (4:l,, 1 ''''' „illfrrairin. - WiTrie — that. - o - Nlfenter tures i • IWALD BENUAAUN W. Altiltaln, mill condau e to practice the safe and point* remedy . 3 d. itriipkiby or the Watefictije,eadlfelearted tall tre t, ,Meetwes.AllOptethleally," Otirtitrierd cases will be .... (endediaprounnly. -.... ''' - ' ' ..... ' • '' 1 14 1 . 4- 40, Morris • Itiay• I» carpanltia at his et. 4tent,llii.; d Commercial now, Liberty street, de 'burinestibottrs,er-al hie residence, emtningend eye r lug, Penn street, 3. dintarbelow )twin'. alley. : e net7stapl4 .• - ; . ..- • • • • • , _ / PfIIALMIC StlßGEDlVitillsittend to Ike itedt Media Diseases of the .E. e, ' I L V been engaged til• la blench of the medi, r mfr . on for oLlteen Vim, 'and f. 'eanduebld en e IL for the treatment of 'disci:wee of the eye alone Menyval years.. .. .- . thrium Iliad. redden., Writer of Sand.kyn, end , Strawbetry alley, Allegheny city. . ena - •-ily. McLane Oa f onnesdea. , q lam wits certify • that I fautchaeall one Vial a, I. .1 - ktoLano4 Worm epee*, SAMS two months ago. a nd doodle a sou of min u rpto seven years old, IWO Lteaspoonsmi, sod Wilton the amount moy .DP4. 1, .. largo, ig; IILATA AO do 1 but Mere was upwaNt of VTWO:=SI4XD 40/10 Panied Dom idmaletishrlik in= Amami Of On lookup two Inches . ''''' ' '-'", ' '' • AV Ito AY 6. I . RdolviCied 11111101C0. Teon,..DeaVriddLd . ... Walli lint A VirAl..--Do. Tentrairw's can.. TT ' - ddrin0.d.,4,603 beide. of thD great fall and tender niedielne, jug received and (or sale by ft }.- ' 1312 4/HEON , Soli' Agent (or Pirtabingh, of whom OM rt etutimundcle CAA tlp lad ___ • OF., HARULSON't3 Coltuntaan Hair Dye; i dt , . ludelsttle jn.t, or AwilkodyniPtragqo, • Hurt 11011'• pupenor lledink. Fos ule w.the LnLip ' 4, 4fiatAket infeecreby - - aI.:Mt:BR% 1:5 1 / 1 161 1 / 4 6Nir-'•-tririairaieni blcAlcine Dit, • tlaasAmn moVcamit. Wilda , I letlttiNZEl Ms Pt= Brod* all . colors. rug etd 4 1 . 1. ' 444 falni ,,, iii . dcell3 , J KIDD& Wert 3 etifilei received and [or C 4 ..= ll-,, , • J'KEDD I lig-46Z ggte4ce o e4 kild fo o Wu Kii; r'. .idevid JOAN 1110RAri AAP ice/reirro *4 1 4.1,t6 , . 2004 - Klsu t"' • =MEM JANITARY Is, NTNG, HOTELS POOSN HOT. LIGHT STR EE T 13ALT EL InORE FOqi. AND examaron, raoratzross. THIS. esmbhslutrumt long and widely known as of the most Commodious in the city of %Interim hoe recently undergone very exten sive elterations and improvements. An enure new wing; has Islets added, containing numeroun and airy sleeping apartment. and extensive bruiting room. The Ladies' department has also been completell reorganized end fined no in a 112014 anique end beau • (41 Insrum the whole arrangement of the Hound heti:been renindeled. with a single eye on ;the pert of the proprietors, towards the comfort and pleasure of their Gomm. and which they confidently assert will challenge compatiermwith any Hotel to the Onion. Their table will always be impelled With very nub stadi4l and r 'army "which the market affords, served up In a superset style; while in the veep of Wines, he., they:will not be surpassed. Id 'conclusion the proprmtore beg to say, that nothing willbe left endow on theft port,andonthepartoftheir assbitante;to render this Hotel worthy the continued pairemten.of their friends a the poblie generally. The prices for board hav nti e also boon rethmed to the following most Ladies' Ordinary, 81,76 per day. Gentlemen's c LSO N. B.—The thiggage Wagon of the House will al ways be (amid at the Car and Steamboat Landings, whtch will convey boggoge to and from the Hotel, free chag. _mity2tf EXCHANGE. HOTEL, COILYNIL as roan AND Er. CLAIN RS., NITTA.MICIL The riber having aworned the, manage .of meat of this long established and popular Hotel, respectfully announces to Travellers and the Public generally, that be will be at oil times prepared, topocommothuo them in all things desirable to a well regulated h otel . The House is now being thoroughly repaired throughout. and new Furniture added, and no palm will be spored to make the Exchange one of the very best,Hotels in the country. . The undersigned respectfully tokens tOIitiIIIPLICT ofShe 'Tea . Liberal patronage the Hausa nos NCIVID(UID received. THOMAS OWFrON , . onvdtr Propretor. IIIRTEIE: cosiNut or roc.. auto Gaiterrrrramoe. TrtF. subscriber respectfally announces that OR he burstrot opened his new and excellent Hotel tOrthe accommodationof travelers, boarder. .41 the. public generally. The house nod furniture asp entirely new, nod no pain. or expense have been spored to render it one of the most comfortable and pielisant fl ud.. an the coy the sobs,: niter is determined to deserve, and there fore rolifNU, n share of public patronage. JA Poll I 10 CO I, Proprietor . Tan.ocismottY ozoi Lorimar,. ate. A ~ . ..... . L. ARPa TIIROCKNIORTIEN beg. to acquaint hie 1 4richtli that he is .rain Icarian of the GALT UM:At , Loniavllle, sly. ' when, he Lopes to went Whit oltt friend., u-‘ntlriug them and the public, that no'elfort shall he rparnd to mite all comfortable who (aim /gm vrilb their pal ronagn. janl Idly 1 -- - lorvick3 b sfAlirb - IliiivaL,. ... . .. . . , rrmlcr rr., BKTNVISMN roovnt AND very ern. prosrrE thank at dm Caned kilauv, Phila. aclpbut. 1 NI. POPE MITCHELL, '• Manz l`ropnetor. I . i9ISCELLANEOUS - -- Chocolate, Ciwww, to. V linker'. A Inertron and French Chocolate, Prepar ed Caeca. Corns Pate, prams, Cocoa [Mello r &e. rt, merchant. and consumer., who would purehase the brat product, of Crxott. tree (rein adulteration, PtCtre outra,. than tea or pollee. and tn quality home. phn.ed, the mb-or.ner reeonalnertd• the above nertnlaa, inpnotaemred try hiniwif and clamped with bun num. Hie !tonna and Loran P.m, a. &glean', palatable, and eahilary drink, lot nrhlnf, , non•aintretite, nod Other, nor proorre.t by the [nom raiment phyairiant taper - tor to any ot her preparation. Ir. ara n era e i a ,,, ate tiara).* rot 11110, in any quantity, by rbe alpeetatile Irttler,3l In the ea , teni.eturn. and by w het ageraw•llawas, Linty & GA., of lhwton. Jame. hi Bunco liar:runt Coon. Iliotw, A Murray, New York; tikrant A Star.... Phlledelph,n, Noma, V lirandire. Bak ulaarrc, and Kellam h tlenneti,thrreiennti, tram WM. II:a BAKER. (rowboat., torus For .ale by tuie3l /tAIiAI.EY h 11 , MITII. Acts _ • NEW COACH FACTORY, • tha ll.lloll6lli. Iv I lIT t h v a o , u .. ld ,, 7 , :tr• d e t t/riff/eh, between Federal and Sanduak l t rrey are now malting and an. prepared to meet, orders for desenpoon cetreete., Charrol'a, litigalenn rbaumos, Are . whir It mon Mete experienre in d,o :ore of Me 31,Ve. wo o k. cod the Pieist,. the, i not lent nontrdent racy ore nouble , l to do walk on the Irmo ren.n a n n hi, t ee .. ~,,l, artielva us their line Payrag ruminator roteraion to we seleetrwi - Of mate rial, harrog 0.1....1)1111:0119C , Clit work 011ieu. they hare tin Itradailluti to warran.ox their work. We the the attentina of me public to tho matter N Repairing done or the treat manned. and nor the Frew , whinewabre ienrok yo-1:11 Wrought sod C a rt trout Rolling. ri:fl o i: e .rutoctd,,ra leave io thu ;WWII' that y have rug. wa ;lout Me an tar :aln and 4.l3tunal.ic des,,,, for Iro:1 kt.v.ir; boil, for house. and rerneterw• Per:orta wirnnen to procure ha,l - pattern. wi ns ran and examine. nod Color for thesswelae. huttu wth ...owned at the gnaw eat Police. and ru Walton inaaner, tbn cornet of Craig nod Rebecca atreet, A Keerseny city torZ.-.11! A LA movr A KNOX 111 USIC AL AD V KIITISZYLItIVi. rIA N Nt till meat reapertftal. •ly unrounrea 4.11 eussen• ot hltainnan and atositity. Una ae hes k on...vended inatrucdon ett the Piano_ Ili• 111.111t , "111g O. very easy, end ideptnnl I ossit in a •,sy .hen lie !topes by strict attention to tn.%haanlea., and by re aso .able 0, the put.. tm pt . pattoaa, theca 4, ge. Tbn. n '‘g vk h ith tba wim Mi" %tenon an Rgivercets--.1 Mello. Beg, FTodenek Blum. ihay., Victor Sorg,. Bookeeltru. morn-dim. -`--- I;OfoifthialtOßaapplrfig and aloortllkiire if NOILIII r S, oforerfoor to MH. Delany No 3d Fifth a. t, halo - era Wood and South.. held. Fresh lamb,. reeeivedynonflrfy—attendrmee all honia Reference. the physlciaal or piooto m t, Alle gheny and ltirounletom• larva chourfluly repoonuattend.to the phytuclutsjant trig. sLIIII 411 my farmer frltuds and Nagano, lir. k Nortia limy thoroughly acquaintcd with the haul nes. end worthy of patron-_e. matW-ly XL It DELANY PI ota mfac t ared Tobacco. , Q Pal) (hairy & Ito •,r • •uporlor wee. 3 Ips; 25 do 11 khatier • - 11.1 h( do free & llar&ecods " 21 Ms do Pi do Pcorl & Harwood " I & lb " 14 do 1 Robin.n 61 4f do do 2.7 do do Wm Daemon - do T Wnght's do G Andrmon ` 6 U 9 do L T Dada's s $ do R hlacon's • SI do Itatalstf Just Lando; from cozener and kem, end as, e m e by II LA La BLCKNORRCo, 41 north water mond II north whereon, je24 Ptulatlelphia lA6SILTACTL RP.D TOBACCO-2D bi Of siones A sion'm toren°, sweet lh luny*. 75 half boa Wel.soc end soperum sweet.% lumps 36 " Lawrence Lord.' " Sa " Gentry & Ron rer " 14. &56 " (5) u Dupont (dc la Rue) "u. JO " McLeod " 25 " L,awrence Lamar " S &as plug ' - lead laitiltng (ruin steamer, and (or rale by ISUCKNOR ,t Co, 41 N water st and IC N whurves, my2l Philadelphia. CitgIVFC - Itook Binder. TATE are still engaged in the above Gummi, comer T al Wood and Tit rd street, Pittsburgh, where we are prepared to do any work In our line with ,h,3- I ..ma. We true od to .t or work personally, and sail.- faction will be given in regard to Its neatnew nod du rahlthy. Blank Duets rule d to any pattern and bound sub stantially. Rook• to numbers or old book. bound care. (ally or ;alma./ \now. put on books Li gin letter•. Those that have wort 111 our line are Invited to can. Prices low CO-PAitTNEttgllllP. • 111[711 It SCAIY*C. nod Copt JA NiEs ATKINSON TT hove entered ono parturralop, under the lam at :WALSH & A'BKINItt/N. and will carry on dm it,., Copper, and tom. Iron Warr manufactory. Also. Illooknotillatin; in all it. I/ratchet', at the old I ram] of Wm B Waite, Pita meet, near Wood. Prlitielllrol• nitration Oven lolteamboar Work. ' S ttJIIIiIt PINK DRAVC:lt'nOltSilts.• • 1. 4 -Three hoe Brat fflo !lonics (or polo, 'ult. *r ; fordraystig &a Knyolra of {VAI.LLNOFIJILD & Co, atigl7 roma! bash, !teeny at a.: Prensdi Coif Ohms, it eery fine artlete. A (ref dozen.. Pluladelphot (non 1 ter inunufaemry of II s.l'Crowtorit, uriorb titetsteutiuti of bout Inokera tit 'astir& Just received a for talc by W .h Co, fen l 143 liberty es A_ . '4irt ‘ ' St.T.INTVIC'S . 75Toursh stret. eel, beset, a spletolta variety of imp, kloyal Yr,- Vat. and Toymary Carpet', iuteit styles.."Alatt, Lrur aal.,s ;Ilya turd alp and Bne logruse Corpote, of sup etsisia and iitilsties; and in cannot:don can litany. be found Table Ijllete, Crurbro, Vinpeer. Ihnuaakt, 111 o• reeds, Oil Clothe, try. dic., to all at which ore cell the ef she smelt, auglt! . . Nwria in. •'. . . TrA viNci .nld our eoart rowlit to C fL Gnarl., with ja., a T:ow to 04 ung our old lorginosr. we hcroby Acr. 11011.for,laTo rho pteroortge of all our friend. out Ow.. .. . • . k ° ^l4. l '.. , HO, W. POINDEYMER, • . . , T$M POINGRITER. • Piitsbargh, Aug: 4th, 1.212. - ; ..1 ~ , • el, - 11.GRANTOPlutleardq. rraier z Ponutlasion And !NAL..'6,,taatlha.2l‘3ol2hant"l 4 l2 it AV - artist- nays . -- . ' , - • ^ 2 - j - siFOIV . 213.145 T. 011a..G Os, . 09:24 rivill 21 ; k ram, 4 Tr-L . h DollPquadera and man gagmen, ot alt Kitt a or Vg* lot Oatl; Steam mid Water, hairei 112.latii on' hand 'WI - ought Iron - Wet. sled 19PelciPainanY, Ras, And water, from 2 fa. us 1- in. In dlanserha LLlvarralingit, ruede to order, Also, a largo assortment of llells and huislied bras. Work to wlncligin.stveation2l Plumbers and Kngine Minders v Pt4liaillarry directed. . Gas 'Palings pat vp promptly and on reasonable serea?--df u • -". ' GREENWOOD GAILIYEEiIs TrIETERS TO Tkllvi REPILEAT can be furnished V , - - Witha 'Longa at all. Laura of the day;., also, It. 'Gretna. Pratt Cond-ctiounvy,,lVe. The Meane r Orron waxtliiages her ristlar trip* at 11.10, leaving. her I'm street landing at 4 A. M. am at hat / pad rota botir I'arigrit If vaildl I ue P M.—leaving4tio Garden at lu . M. for her last top to the coy. Aruootiligla. view a the Garden is indrmerniablo in 'lts beauty. • • /Y Is Ea.• IT/2111.1RGA-OCTOBER 21, IS-18.—We are now in regalia (ir arrant , bales first rate 12-121Vesteru w York and Massachusetts Prime 110P2, and are ' - a revelling regular-sarong. We aro prepared vivantT - au lovrem Oita., Unge r Pitt streel..ElegsltettY ' ,0,0, ” -, . onion _, ~ li biO.W , SMITE ry7A. .IVAIZIgkrIIt. P E N, - - iitai . .ratelved, -- one visa of 424 anuantrab, Gold Pr , its: . .Pervans having meab, n•pUtICI7 40,,ivtli Via vigil ease - th ittiring these -pens, a It they dd ribt cramp the fingers/ and-bear flue smooth ,W-AV WA1.,2c./P4,, ... , 2221.2 v -,. - ,' ~nomot amanitmii --- 7., 777 .72 1 J2,72,41.1.—Twp .koong ,Alpfsesar.l2, v " 4 ) , orkfassildn„ Mann cloublevr !doge, IM#erts; - 'I Cs I'l444s. ' la ja . ,l l ,frigells2rl .- VISE, • . t.Ol. 1 1.M . R.114.ALLIti ea, hi* fecarfred to the , 3 darts. weal of.the Montumarabeta Htlasis_, ort -, Witar and Front =acts. • • ; • , 1 4 01L.RIMIT—The Waraboaaatio,4,A*o4 at. ... atlC n , . • . Pioal a. y. • Iriga I 3.CDATING-4 case Drab Oasbni, vai7 bea• ..I,'Vtiatirtree!d., 40010, .• 14DSPHY ,1:31 • -• bd f.:at - -0, MISCELLANEOUS. rosums L.ll`"4reert. Wlt C tars iIIsjPPENCOTT & BARR* Mate .r s Strickler & Co.) IiTANUFACTURF-R8 of Shamir' fire oral( Mae, 1.11. south side, second street, between Wood end Smithfield Pittsbuml.t. J 8 Striekler haring deccusul ..and the surriring partner Mr. Joe Lippeneollr, hd lll l. associated himself with !Mr. Wm C Barr, the badness will hereafter be conducted ender the erg)* of Lippms cott & Darr. Trial of a safe in Cincinnati, o.—We, the undersign ed were present at the testing of one ofJ 8 Strickler k Co's improved Pheenia lire-proof safes. The safe *ll placed in a furnace nn the public landing, andisubjected to the intense heat of a stone coal fire for more than three hours. to one hour and a half the solo seam. to it bright red bean the door of the thmace was then closed, which caused an Increased and steady hens for the balance of the time. until the can Iron whealaseero partially melted off; the furnace was thed throws:tamwa and the safe cooled and opened. The money, papers end books which it contnined were no perfect as when placed there, the binding only of the lrooks being Co hored by the water in cooling the safe. We have no esitation in recommending It to the' Public aa a safe superior to any we have ever Seen tasted, and believe that it will mod any heat which might be ptoduced, seeps a heat which would melt it to a solid masa Springer & Whitman, I. Worthington, Kellogg & Kennett, Bea Umer, W 0 P Breese, Meru. Smith, T S Dung. & Co, Stedman, blayard & Co, Wm Morse, Mead & Wham, We, the undersigned, selected the safe spoken of above, from a lot in the store of Trotter I /tottery, the &gems C G SPRINGER, • J BELLO°. Refer to Cook & Harris, Brokers, Pittsburgh; Hussey Hanna & Co, do do (fe...ld&ertgEt IAS. urrcvcorr. .10117. D. Win. L. Y 110ROA.I. LIPPENeCk'T & 00 Alf ANUFACIIIRERS of Hammered and Cast Steel .111. Shovels and Spades, Axes and Hatchets, 11111, X Cut, Circular and Gm Saws, Huy and Mutate Forks, Mattock. Picks, 4te., having completed all their arrangements in die construction of new machinery, and in soeunng the best workmen from the most eel, heated establishments of the East are now manufactur ing and will keep constantly en band and for sale all the above articles. haying smelled the selves of the latest iinpmvernents, and are determined rciatin work manship and matenal they will not be excelled. They promise to produce since mine, If not superior, 10 any that cini he had in the Ras.. They Invite tee atten tion of dealers tp an examination efthelr stook balere purchasing ellearhern, as they arc convinced that limy. will be able to fill all linters in their line to the entire satialarune of purchasers. Warehouse, Water street, 4 doors West Alonangabela House, Pitti,barghl Pa. • • • N. 11.—Perrone baring business with Wm- Llppen. eon to Son roll please call on Llppencou to Cot sweatily LAME` , ARE cAtrrunixi) AGAlArsj:usiNG ....... ..... -- CONDON PREPARED 011 ALE.. gill EY are not aware how frightfully injurious It Ls to 1 the skin—how coarse how rough. how sallow. yet. low and unhealthy the skin appears after minx mama. pared chalk' Ilesides it is inpgrime, containing .Inge quantity ot lead! We have prepared a bemtiful vegetable mile!, which we roll . 10 eih',I3PANISII WIRTE II is perfectly innocent. bring purified of all deleterious qualities; and ii imparts to the skin a linturid, healthy : slab:viler, clear, living white; a cameo.' on themait g t hte roadm e time actin ga Dr. James Pr akn a i Clea a sit d o m Msa. chumtts. my.: "After analyzing Jones! Spanish Lily White, I tad it pomemem the most beantifal aid ants. cal. and at the Parlll . War Innocent whited ever saw. I r e t rainly elm enmicletinnmly reeommet Its use to all skin require,. beautifying.' , 23 cent. • ban- Soid W3I JACIPS.LiN. -D Liberty rt. tourer Pitt Blitailite — Wi — trks and Sonority ' . ------- - rrerrattosors ea. OilN WRIGHT& Co- arelorpared build Cotton t.l inn] Wailes Ainchtnery otever. descriposto, each na Machies, Spinning Pramea. Speeders. Drawing . Frain., Railway Heads. Wsniers,tlwolers. Dreraing Frame.. Looms, Cool Grin..., &a. Wrought Jena Shafting tamed: *urea of l`rim ism, Padres and Ilangen of the late.. patients and]. arid hand Lather, and tool. oral] kit Ls. Cuban. of every description Carotene.] on .hors notice. Pattern. made to order for 11111 Germ,. Iron' Radio, kr Stearn Plre for fiest a, ruetrine. t e.t t Window Saab and Macy Cas on, [en.. • by. Onici. lett at the Wareham. of i. Palmer & t , Linen] avert. r:11 have prompt an-eo n.. flrf.•r La !tick stork J IC Moorehead k ;. NV nraer•Joha Irrent & .erne, P.urbargh C. k I II Mnrar r. Steil/wt. raal9 New IlArdw.we /oSEPH N 54 n,l)‘‘ ELL eomrr o r ,t4.;;;;FT2 I s. and ,ruwn r I m i t br , g I I v o - f lL e aer iwid.. ell. on the of January. 1,17. I et :ate plettne in .oinouneing to my friends en the en onl country. than I aver opetical toy new .area at the v al.ve. mined Haring porila3oed ml 1,041.1 for reah. oaf tonne erraneeinente tenth inanutairture.re in thie mir) Kiirope to be eonicrently soppbed, I ampr,ored formot Hardware of all kunist, on •A good tenne and as tow n any how.. East or %%mt. and others are reepectfuily melted to call end examine my lotore. putebasing whcre. The (allows., compr..<3 n pall os etoek: , tentutiost end -eifiHret )szirdware gun to:Latino. Setter. ere,. edge nen., Mr•rll... nee, 10, /0.•11e.. ~ ..•1 Arrrtv, ~,,, .4 t. ac tor) pialic, inahogany iwordii and veneer,. nail r:1 tither are , trii is eeeted arnh the hardware boss ran rochlltf - •- City Magnerrlain Gallery. '. ` nitro wr.ltr. met orrica tirarso. . } b ' u f U ri ' , h E a ' t ' ut .', :it ' Zci7l.;. ' t ' li ' al n' L m h ' iti ' rti r st i e " n " t ii , e o LL,va Pi er. rim, a s sn lule , y ocruptell by Mr Porter The pub. Its are assured that all the Wm improvers:ewer.* sera rini. and ur“l In 6ro: 9 ,:ut I:. upvralam by Mr. Bele. who nos bre. a room., operator loner the art was brat &wavered. Enure sato...action as gusrautwed to all whoona, brin e la,s patrons. Mr ki. will refer wub plennure to Mr Porter. in whow establishment he bus operated lor tlie tart twerVe months. Fancily Por traits, Ettpraviarc. Lt - ararrrreti pitr. ke., accurately eopted. Irkenearws taken in any weather, and tel 112 ;Octets, breast pin, earaw and trarnes. Instractlinir peril In every brand) of the an, and ap paratus fern:died leen( Pena Mao hii. 9 hop. — lir NVlGlLlTM.l , ..—.Maittitat tar, nr 4/i ki/ido or rot- Li. too and surof- , 1 mactitarry. Ailerheirty , °sty, Pu The above wort. being now 111641 i and eurcesmul op. .t.a, I am prepa - ril to <ler ate orders with dispatch for all hada of inarboirry to my line. such as allows, ptchera,spreale”, card.. if - nailing shaclucies, ran wa ys ., drawing (razor., •ra.rd-rc , throssils, loom.. woon cards, brittle orwtnale. tor ottrehant or country work, autiles,ka, a c, midi: and hood In We, and tools 111 gem_ rill. 011 kind. of , h.fling Mode to order. or plans Div. en for gennag factors,. or mai. at reasonablechair a Rata,. t».—Kennedy, Clulds 2c 10, Etlackinock, Hell I. Co.,King. rculkOci. ik Co.. Ise. A Gr. y I/ELL AA IDITRASIS - VO UNINIEVI --- A Ft L'IX)N. Doll and draw, Founder, has re built and corninenceil Eas h od stand whnrc he win be pleased iness al to see Cis is old l canton,- , en and 'minds. Churett.Steuanttat, and Belts of every Ilse, from 11l us Waco pounds, cart from patterns of use most approv ed model°. nod totrrauted to be el the twat moterusia, Nltt,ral Water Pump, Quumers, Rtuttog, .to.. toge ther with ever) vanety orbrasa Costiogs. if required, Inroad oud fitoshed in the Ural A F t. the sole prop e,o of Hoerr', As,•Arrni- TWA Mgros, so toady eelettruted for the rtductioo of Inollost to notehinory the Boxes and comp os i t t,,,, can no hod of Min ma oil on o ., - • ..„ Ploughs, Plough Cisttregs;-Wiiiiiek • llonee. in. ttiikar HALL, of the old fall] of 1L ..k. S. iiall,lo toanufae tortag Itte„-e qunnti tie. of Ploughs. Plough Castings, NVag on Loxes, h.e., with , the Improvements of the Leaver. Peacock, !Muni, end other Ploughs, of ttig latest and Lett pauerna now ih oar. Werettoole, IU 11..therty street. Plueburgh, eppoehe the Huy Sea Feeiory, In Allegheny Collo.. Factory of Ate.mr• Illackmock, Bel. & Co. Cooperpupil:ex Lever and 'Wear:hes. JUST received and lot wale at ii&Mgreatly reJocril priec, five geou '44) ine ''r. F. Cooper, !I Calthorpe stet, • Lira Inn. Road London," Da niel nod Patent I, , ver ea,ed to In karat eoid..and toil an.veE titt, l , ed. wtth- Chronometer balance, Nes+ are now the walehen made. loam,•upert. or to fintql nod accerary In the AI. J. Totan, Jo. ph Johnson, or nt. y r tank e no-e ore r.< watch ar. tovArd to roll nod examine din lot. Also, a tar, aamoristr•ai of bold and Silver \\ - oche., Chants, S, .t.• het., A.. ===T!IMIM , rnrner Ath and Market at, ‘,l • Al' f:9, of 1. ry tme qunhly, anti bemaillul NMI- ma: telecte‘i expresaly Or 'emu .ale., made by Coora,Tal.:n•. Johttneu. I. I . ,,e.itt. h Co. /k.id nthrr gerannt. nod npprovell manufacm• rers ,eaetted I. error I,old Potent I.ever Watch/is, as low a. St Othera nt v.innuit prices, areortling to quoin y, wclol., Ard., varying from 84u to Sl5O. Sliver n bight, 111 great variety. fkint SS to 140 All over Silt warrant-A. Levrr.. n• low to 61. i. n o udj W WILSON, 07 market at, cordite TO AiIIOCESALE GROCERS. Tlir. untleriagned err prepared to 1111 order. for any gamuts f of Cyprela Motu... Bo rrels. of a midi,. or quality. deliverable to order at any Um, by glvitig a. a.w day. notice, at our Wharf Boat. e Mina it wo can the tatere..t of this. racreliatita who hoy largelymate on the cos.!, at they can order their line. reds ahloped to any itiMIAIII/011 they luny Mikan, which shall be attended to without extra <barge wArrs, tayss & Co Poducah, Ky., I /et. 2.1', =;=ISE:M!! Tl=ll 1111iRC JO. N. 1,10144. JONES & (LUIOG, AIANVFACTUREitS spring ttind bligter 'trot, plough steel, stool plonzh co a arh an elm tic spring, haul:oared Iron axial, nd doalert iumal loonble carllnga,er. rngtnc :amps,and coach trisultungs gensrallyieonter of Noss and Front ats., Ihttsbur#, stlltN ROME LEAGUE. FACTORY. ITANOL'ION FII..WART. rrinnulacturer of Heavy lA. Sinning, Cher km, Ice-, Rebecca street. ty of 11.torkeny. eforls-alyci• STr.EAT7TiGnE, T"At t)rrwE " Na. 42 Water itrret HOAT 11l 10000, witl, th,: 1010 of the boot in aeh 41.0, Colton and flunk hlattranses mad, in lb • bent manner, for a.very low rice by 1. fitliSNY, 111-111 y ‘Varettoune, trtil %Valor st ' • Illono.ttrahela Livery Stable. . z i 3 large 11. PATI'atISON hue opened the Stable on Vint el., runtung through ilO Scesualeb between Wool/ and Smithfield am, bi the rear of the Monongahela House,. with an entirely new mock of Monte. and Carriages of the beet quehty and [meat styles. lloneiekept at hue ry le 111 C heat lunette, • 1.1,M1T TEAM soAT CLOCKS—Having mtneluded u sell 0 off Our entire stook of lilrkr`s Marino Timepieces, we now odor to sell them at tower mimes Massa:toy CA), be bought to any house us Pituttarsu or elsewhere, mut or West: Doing the (WI esisMltelted Kent. here for these Omits, we have the !gullet° amid fihest assorts meat in the city. Call and tee Remember, We 111 - M net to em undersold. 4 CO , Market entrance du :with do Diamond QUNDRIAS.-4=, barbels dried impel:ie., 149' ...h -i.) els amulets, 19 Meta rembers,l2 do viol, 2 do &mem,jUSl. rCCOIVINT per steamers !dogsled and Pits; neer, and !Olsole by Vier . • • • .43.!#..GRANT INDI# RUBVERCLOTIIIN . G—. I titt retti4ed .. Caltfantia Expedatam, a coroptatoiat,oe liniXtelUe Clothingou Pdoa...sSinlMlP44ool. ' 4 "Skliq V 4 Jec2y, .F.41113111'' -11111)VA'511z:-‘, DRY,, fc 'VARIETY GOODS; rrit t lofilui California Gold _Perez Dna A. DAY, Nissans Smarr, P311113{17.11, d on ' , SF:MING OFF their large % GOODS—the principal pan of . en purchased at the talon Are 'elphia and New York, at a ire led µcreme! large redaction from one reg• tor yell a large portion of our important', 'Dm early ai• tad to choice high colored ornia Trulo. LatS GOODS. Cashmeres and :in Mines,. all prices, I Super cloak 'stains. all co , • fors, Frenchinannos all colors. Orrick bombazines, Cross barred and striped slPkdkki Brodie fig'd shbetrip d do, Jenny Lind plaids, Victoria Lyoneso cloths, very nth, Coberg cloths and camels. an hums. No. 75 blames Pi AVE resolved onsPE stock of DST G01:1 winch have lately been pot Wont SALO in Philadelphi =oda. and unparalleled Ws have made such alai olar prices that we withate good* BELOW CAST of i tentidnof.bayers Is unit roods adapted to the Cable LADIES DRI Plain and ficared Cuinellan Very superior brocina be'd and watered blk il ranSaPer reparmo. blk d olord, Sur sCrb . ly k k Jlossi Geode %eke and =nulls silks, best quality, 'are swiss, lalk ano blue blk sstins, • ne satin merioox, .uper dllr warp' alpaca SIid.WLS!! - A rear breehe long shavelk the finest we have en dr brought to this market now to be sold at great Superfine common hie eha square shawls: Super carnelian silk shawls GENTLEMENS , GOODS. SHAWLS! Splendid plpid /nuptial.% Splendid teams sbatir s, from N. York auctions, great bargulinc Plain and embroPd Masa altaml is, all colors, Silk fringe, remarkably cheap; . . French clothe from the celebrated "Jobany” 111111/111• factory. For beauty of finish and permanence of wear, these cloths have no superior; a fee; pieees extra fine jet black and olive castan beavers and Umber heavy cloth. ter over coats, twilled French cloths, mannikin, tared expressly for clocks, French and AMC riwt pus dteprns, super west of England do, caper French ea ting for ventage, the best imported. Plain and fancy veltet and canto:tem vesting., merino shirts Ind./tans ou cravats, linen, cambric and ea bdtfs,ine nes!, and gloves. . _ fRA PLR GOODS. . . !fish linen., best long cloth nbining.maslins, bleach d ,and broom nauslins of good qtudity, remarkably Mar; tlekings, cheeks, domestic and Imported gring huas, marlet, yellow and white flannels, a lams lot very cheap; a lam lot of white 8.1 m erossbarred eo-, trot stokes and nrela,eltea clo th., Rani sowellinga, satinetta, Kentuoky jeans and tteZi. BLANKETS. stn usual large laOak of blankets direst from the manufacturers, some of which are the beat ever dxhi bited, all of which will be closed out ad - unparalleled low prices. In addition to the above onouterated goods, our stock comprises a very large and complete assortment of almost every article usually round iq a dry goods store, and as they have been mainly per chased the eaters auction, hence the Into gird IV &trawl of priers. We are enabled and determuntaln soli Mein of at great bargaine. Wholesale buyers, country merchants, tailors, OM the public generally are respectfully invited to an ear ly examination. Dwain. shall be given. . ALEXANDER d. DAY, 7.5 Market at, ileedt N W corner of the Diarnend The Near Golden Be• Eilee a trts. New Pill awl Wilda> Dry, J t ig IlaTllTv a x, ra d ii 11 ' 7017re !k•t o tw the een*Jd Fourth streets, one of the 'large 's; cheapest and beet assorted stacks of Fell and Winter Dry bloods ever of. feted in Pittsburgh, to which the attention of par nit. morons customers and the public generally, is ‘espent. folly trwtued, as the enbeettier Is confident tiott he min corer such bargains in Dry Goods as cannot be IMP pawed by any other heave , inthe oily. As these goods have been parchasud at prices (or below those of any former season they will be sold it newly restored rases. Among this large and splendid smelt Trill be found malty choice and dmarable goods at extremely law prteca LADIES DRESS GOODS. !cry rich and most hintinonahle drew. Wks; plaid ars! aimed black aatin; striped and plaid .like: plain black veay glossy aro de Shine; plain black rich lustre; Inia• tang. oink for Vl2cll , l,l9lllltiiiner and capes ¢I very log prices; newest designs and latest styles cashmeres; plain wdsatin wiped cashmere, very cheap. Ftvoch motion W colors; de Winter., plain nod flsnecd mid satin striped, at great redaction on former pneeig gulag Cal fornia and cashmore plaid.; mohair and Monterey yldat ad alpocemi. nil quinines and colors. froin Vd.l to sans pair-yard, SHANVI.S. Moe earlimerr. terltert find brochol.hittrla !hack embroidered caßvolitered lame .haul. Vow Thibri hod dr Idler` do Ilene Wort and colored cloth doo • lime quality Muir. very cheap I , lam black nod plaid milli, 'very cheap do A large lot plaid liLeriketjvhoorla from cents to 83, all wool. IXiNIESTIC GOODS, MECO BELOW FORMER (o a d dark calico from 2 hp tl cm per yard; !Jest quality dart calico &ore 6 to JO cows; Mord wide purple do. 122 cis; Bond yard wide bleached muslin 4 to 6}; 1-61tickinrianl cheek; all poor.; lankem, from coarse to hest trualtty, seri cheap; A. full assortment of red, white and yellow tlannehq Satinet., Kentucky Jeans, Kersxys, Unsays, etc, eto, l etc, all of winch 110iIi 01 reduced rates, at N 062 Market st. sept6l ' L. RUSSELL. PALL GOODS. WTIPCLANTOCR, t. now constantly receiving . his . fall smelt of CARPI:TT:IU, fee., compnaing one•of the largest ....menu ever brought Lathe mar-. ket, , whlch have been roreluthed direct from the Ira. porfers and Abanafacturers. of the latent and newest styles. and Tower N yenta than ever offered in thin city, to Which be invites. the attention of th ose wishing to throish steamboats or homes,. before purchasing where. The stock coutosts us part of the following .variety. met filch dastojuist Corpeu; Orieniel Tapestry Oil Cloth do Velvet do Pickle eolonest do do Tapestry do 11 feet wide do Ltrootyht do et-4, 7-1, 54, 44h. I oil cloth. Slstta super 9 ply do sot:, Rods Surer do do 12.1. e. 4 and 2-4 Druggen do Stair Linens Wide !' do do Rosewood 011 Cloth Common do do crumb cloths 4-4, 3.4 k ► Damask Embossed Piano covers Yenntan do do Table do 41,11 & cold do do Figured Table Oil cloths 4-4,3-1 tr. plain do do Turkey Red Toitenet: 4-4, k, 4, IS. 2-1 cot. do • Adelaid Mats 21-4 printed cotton Carpets; Sheep skin do- Extra sup Chemlle Rugs, Jute do do do Tuned do fitment do Floe do do Manilla Hemp Wilton do do Snow drop Napkins Climb. fird Plush: , Diaper Towelling Plain do Crash Drab M Cloth told 6-4 Table Linens glue do, for coach wigs; Transp'tit Window Shades Carpet Iltadings Extra French do do Woord cords Rich Satin de Laines for do Tassels window corral. Scarlet, blue, crimson, black and drab Damasks; figured rambow Damasks: worsted and Ititien Table: covers, blue, anonson, scarlet, green, drab 'and brink era, cotton Flushes or all colors, Ac. ke. de. • ' ~Dsneburgs and Drillings for stcanthaat deck, an nil nher trimmings necessary for outfits for boats; to our lime s to Which the especial auantioa of owners: is invited. W. acciAls-rookis Carpet Wareroom,', one door from Wood, on Fourth it. % i v , . tacit A.sp CLOCK REPAIRING.-OHavlng Vl' employ the best workmen to be found, togethert with it large sod complete oliock of fine tools and ma• Ci 11110.7, adapted: t on complicated work, and •- mUkilii with accuracy, and cy new pieces, mlittotitertons depend on satisMeCion. and al arrow Mo same,prior they pay in many *noes for tmpcslect werk, and pt ny case. Ira positive mjetry dune to their watehes All our work is wvonnted to perform wen N. 8.-1 tante, reduced m boldness. to a rash era tent I am determined to cell as low ad the b e tegu; tor •11,1 CWIQUIL,II may be SAIIIre Will they can make their purcharc. in this line cheap no no the eastern cities. therehl , on000lM;III home trade and industry. W 1.1(11.5UN 13 French Merinos! French Merinos! II R. MURPHY has opened yemini a few days a V V large assortment of superior Freneh Menne., bomprising mtferent 'Lade. of Maroon. Centel, Straw. erry, Seisriet, Cherry. Drab, light Blue, Brtr.o, and Atasarme Blue: also, various qualities of black, Macy PA RAI Krros AND I.IIHNEHECLOTHH, ones the leading, Colors, including a few pieces of vary superior black. BELTlNGS—Mararine Blue, =MS MGM22=2 W.NIIIROIDERF:D CASIBIERE--Plain and printrd Mous de Lain, !ache. Cashmere,, Larnartine St • new :untie for !ae. &nave, Satin .raped Alpaca ray! • I) LAC) X 74 LI FT,AiCY CASi73ISI.R6ES.—W Rnot -11 pby haw basely roceised a large assignment at Melo goods and is nnentim them at prtem , ouptcoattentorllty lo ranging Irons 75 to 81,50 pin yd. Also. so. Fnuich Doeskins, tal l qualities. Also. Preach nod English Eiroadcloths, black, nliv6, .ins duble green, brown, and blue. Among These to sorb very handsome French Blac k omisaine for cloaks, low linen; tout Mourn given col d black Pcbswe. ClOt k . lot ladle, cloaks. Also, elks riinton nod merino tudendfirts and Druis , et, ;slarmers' linllrrshirts, constantly on hand. ' the attention of Merchants and hlerclumt Lars,' who buy Or the piece, to OPPOCtiI4 insinld to the • abate. kelt ins secorin L.,•00 •ND ririfinithst.u.reLT OR - IN GOODS, A 1' DitillYl 4 , 1.4 i Libetly streei,compthsing French Cmisiinere, nod Vesangs, of 'the 'newest and most likShionabl,. ptyle4 imported. Also, !urge intooity of How& and Rosily Hunk to nod Coating, peeinmri y adopted to thorium, mill tie uoNsoln. On hood, the largest, liestmanufactured and most fashionable stoeit'oi read). mode Clothing in Ns eily. All onto.. In the Tailorinv fine <settled in the most fashionable and durable mincer. novl4 - • • -- - JEWELIII", cdnilsbng Of gold guard ; vest and Ikb chains. kers, Sods, pencil., finger rhigs,•brhit pi muds, ear lines, bmeelers, lockets, buckled, slides, Alto, silver combs, card cues, fruit knives, thuabl s, skalds, pencils, buckles, .lien, to nd i et ts imi r e s. W deed 57 market at.'cor4l4 (111APIDEAULE$4.K VISITE, for Clrrhorsai ,cots.—W. P. aims has hand a festi - M i handsome changeable sills very issitatilt; or. Christmas presents , which he.is selling as reduced ri ses. Also, handsome Dress:silks arid thitina,aupor nb near aryls Linea earalinalliihis 1 ACE GOODS—Mite illtibt Lace Capasj a sd Le muslin do; whitoaad ;dusk lace Underolerveldo Lace ihnhais black do Yell.; plum French rk . Collars; trimmed and unttlm'irilianding do; eml'd rad. lo loosen; lull. Uury onaihrio ;isms do dot al.o, opera are.. head desesevismaleil) nllUTTSiboupel Lots and arils and d. aad Q. 61,6 %.i Jut received nod for ealo 14 , 641, and reuui, - II'EATON Co„ decS • 'CU fourth gt 10AT AND t:LOAK TRIMMINGS-23 dez 40ft uusorte4 0104 ?naicla, 56roas figured gilt Thud. log: 3 do do mohair do, 41,361.3-drubeeaudor 6.604:13¢6 cri•eretrat - tr0tb304;•40r63.6n0 cost. bout/3 3 : 414 IM fiela ludinasustsugg 6Q do dog palept Throudi. pp guta adhig, vase gkerdolbeg.rgilgyrdup, 1; 11 611one age,`inilaulguly . dec4 . P H EVPHIS-tVilo L1R.E.511 GOODS—F.O, E.osts tr. Q 4, jirsi. 4 . 0 stix AL' • eilipotipd 1.4 4 45 ,. fld b olt4irits4t1The, o.P.;Virafte t telderfe, ll 4ollo . 112 aZtt Kam , kupertlensit.ndstagtormrateisli r t 'ZePhYIN - i.a.orM e td h Ae r rticlak bobbao, &t.; , 0 0•40444 , ,- ekiwb• j primp )9 antgAnd others; At coms, Fourth • ce,Ft „slizArlerg,t,, • •,ye h4 mi tii.r. -------- r -- 7 -- --- /v at m ,,,V 1 TausslNG .. , -saws • „.1r • t, -e , 4 „.• XVI.,„No -139 _ % 00• MISC .,, ELL . . .IWEi II OygH;;J i '' ..] . il• T Palmer G rad .itia..! ''—'iliOtayym4,l 1. 4 .1.1 rd. fre' " - rprip..lidwagaiimmmattivenktio: fi, L Wen presented &Adds kkobularAl„ lIPPn e t•''ls l jir tr,ti mown, and is theonlytaleareltaillelrd ,4 . by yr tett the sal auto st n o r It; be- . ''. man re, an, ear, nut installo 'ottnetoft; • tfr hra eithe externally or lA:AIVADT, a,fileirmilDf,drendin •• tream. wallsougton k p al if t / Jr , Wellk•- , l .'"• 1 •"flor• Wm*? tiI , PPM egt*: . r ,_ _" • •'''''''"•rf,r , - od Thla imPouont liP It i pttglilii Ot.W_D • tefe ,, ::.. by nekny of Me most embidet ' enitte af - Mtabo•Mi.., try MEd &nom to whom em eted end otherswhena't-nts a is ratty conetemenoboyefisned., Ilinferenee;w4,alm..,.,,., be given o . biddy wed" noeth d•'.n . been en stemelf,4lotoOrtlßlMlCsLl ,,- '' m.. ord. , atoulair-frxm rofriukt 0 M frfri " c...lis .ct be r...10 , . , aby.an5..0 iliceeL, ' , • 1 i' , l anima. variant cobers,keabeen pengwri k or b y. ne r ,),ty adapted teethe enreof die'hallouritig digetmei,—^4 via Stemmas headache and other 410140 . 4 orlhd brain.' ''''''"i It is „ cith this generates alone ahat She operator Pea . ,' '' . 0 ,, me, lisageatiefistalmilltlt4o„3o..ampr . eye r o restobpsignfigaroantuntrosaklo • te• rt ., , b heart td 11111.ftstawathtifr-tughat,claitavol eta speech i mg to the varicumpam of the • body, for the ure4lebeadtbfusferearims,osilorehreeltir,, ~, P letirMli Da.sti,P.sfirlMlalt, lent, ehorels 0 7, - ''''''' 1,141 - Marma, epilepsy, wesxma treael'eprelionaohen . r di ye a femillasi e tur.,l, l g, ,Il t hilh „If,' toe 'sw,,stiasne. ... ~ R elm for sarrobtiiiinikontuleinf Westerteraihnild-ib? o . i 1,,,d, vies theinaromatoottedf.4o, bra' / al tot for.thisqure ofhtseases. Full instraelicins will - begiviin foe the emlentaeheitilao qn cola M. Paused kr various Mamma , - ; t end the bestann..... um:formic ax ing fort/me= of tbose . Mamties NO te..4 • • li cpsoiUetirarfulliu.,,tyr6iarbp.rhursiet,i::d.ppAceputh.eaus,.o7ar4ha.ivbilsetkei.:"„r F i nite of : ,. .litqlll .77 l . ot ..f T i n i, : . Plitsburygls sued ILlTellbeaw,balfirewrs ,a;:d, (Located le - Allegbeny Vey; Elimungsmardiemp . . .,,, ,,,i lineation el t3andeskx—ete.gN. c9tanumei?*; THIS Institution is powstmirmanysfal Opetiltiel ' doh're. .t. , del. the manage-pelf of It eoespeteet 'garrote snolati'f.i n ses. The IlledmagmirliteMpelsd of stefolicroh,,, c.,,, iey physicians: Dts. AddieteliVoultm2o.• D,'N'41.1,6,a Dorgan, - Batt, Lange and Cornaterw. ' two 'NI ~,,, whom' attend in Me Geemen.statients,..,7be tiltiodt ':' •• the Infirmary Hum. to be'a mere reeeppetel bnt - srea...t• hi • retire retreat fof the atuTerhtestntae didlleltarp,,„.. ty is theiefitenlhnited tera.l—emstA/Pil Itc94dl4",.eNi e opt in extrema cams, Muraty,panentted" Mis e ter will bereeerfed mallicksAbtfissnaril...tr:ou V . "' es, 'l rst 'id wfat r is c h 4 M7=l. naqtrZotrii ia . ift .. f ' nds, members end domestleseeas• do what Hem. .'B 3 , In , Is par week, scounding to attendance, room, ace. ' Ailo pplications fin perms manta Madetelft. Adfib , -ii- , n , ,renn street; DT. Datum, eth street, Als,nrooki4l,•••• aistreel, Dr. Lange, Hand street, Dr. hlorgan, Nan "". t et, Dr. Common, Perin streenfith 'Ward, and-Des,"•on - Dale and Bell, second bank, below Feder_altrut.et„ Al. .., ~ gtany• elm. Hubscaptions and eontribitirine forthis charily. may tu-, blrinele to the Edo. W. N. Passaratu r Ihmeritor of Me I titotiom on. to the following Drinkers, whe n tire ' k DI , consented to melee theme Messrs: liraraerds. ~ Habro N. Itotmes & Sens, 11..lonpaL Co„ Wm. Lori mer, Jr., noon & Sargent, Hill & Cue and It D. •• hug. - ...- • ...,, , 4.4204 ~ mos wroams Nan. aiirii..,. --- 7. .. THE Aortae...Min Iron Moritz, Mutated on Cheat • Rivet, in hlonongalia'coenty, Vivi.- ,•' I , , Th ese work s eorlibil of o'RellbEd ur - Sorgol,Pied,, ~ ! hleetom Foondory.ond.ihrea Blain Forenoon, ,tweth • et with a Gnat Itrill,llitor SIM la Turning iMhteomd•. + !Marmon or fitleen thousand acres of Macao ! ,tia1.14M.,,r,„, ;„ , tbeZhartatible. bcdf.,p(dron ore, coal, limeeteneti bill Te day for mallUg hilekaand tentiridlenea, of tlmhet f r charcoal oadaii.otbor FarPobM , . • - Th. is one of ;he most complete Mid itilbitlifo"et• 4 t b es t!bldeatild thh Waimea ho bbvidg' ottemt , " t c Mater p awes , . thm Cll.ll nny, whorl fortml,_ mai bete capable or Umber IniproVeraesit to' hooef 1, ony ement—u there is abundance of room tor c oho , dud woollarrthatoricaio addition to tie works already _ mooted; and a boautiforsight foi lc village; •rtievA— works are sionded to the midstof a tiehlarannigeonne :'.. I. y, wham erovistooa gen nbandoot and ahem whre es are trdling, and the tmcilitle i ray cortn g to mop- et as easy as cook, almost be driohed, limung the ro-l'i er caner...rim' with Pumborgh mal the West, pannier , Mrough the proPerty. ' • ' '— l i For further particular. only to.Taamy.lbldoit,FMAlnJ horgl,9 Evart T. Elltuut,. Esq., Baltimore, or on Um nremmes, E. C. Wilma, Etti., at MortrantoWm.VM,,or mme subscriber. . 4 01 4 1,1 •TAASE,Ye . .. ' L deal-diet ' PUlsbdogli. ' 2 Reversible Wilkerrikaor Osio/14_,„'"' FOR PURIFYII O I6•WATRR,• , ' • NVhieb . readers utshid, oraiebrtr bg arzTte*Nliae A i'''.ol l= 4 47l u tisitlr ' tt wits ' ilt " p i t=tirro l ur W ilfro th'"i iMi' • biterineeirek; ahoy. si lartra 6 4 t ar fs lw= aubstancosososota, a is the qasaotore or leas with 44d:rant water. • The ROserlibld titterer ismeat and tititable4.arut is .1 pot attended skids the Uleobtroalettos4oet sD.otkr I.lh.rqr., U cleansed ditboufbeuig itetgend front" the water pipe, br merely turninsrlbs 7 :hamite t Rom ow subs to the other. Et 7 thassany, es,,Ahe one °fleeter ir audited, and all ate alationt7 " imams lien/micas era Oilmen of damn !butiknily,, Vridient unaarecring the Mar. It also , es inb, idle antage of being a etay'ceek, and WSW rift s easel will bettoorq ernisenient arid PCOOStogeal, 4 _ • It can be attached where there is any preens. nigh . pr low to a cask, tank, tab, de. with we. To of timbale Agents • NV. N V,,,IVILSO„, nail corner of Foartit lied plasphragast Ether s for Hystriss illirogisii '- i sm ;THIS is to certify. ihni leave ap4l ; Patent •Dinpristr Filter, tforkinveb v , ninon puska and All ~ . TOR OlRSON'Agefit, ' ..-, for 'Walter SlGitison,S49 Bread way s l . - . • N.Y. ' • Oct. 10,1819. We have-berm twigono of the above fanciest!, dm otace of the Novelty Works RI thirst apartia-b /- and feel perfectly Wafted that it Is a trseful invention; and we take pleasure in recommending them. Nose- , ful article to ell who love pure water. Orders Will be thankfully received Mfdpromptly armored.. , • •,' ' wing -LIVINGSTON, ROGGEIN 4.,C0 , PITTSBURGH PEISIA.L.P. lIIIIT/T , UX,P, THIS Institution, under the cans of Mr. ' mid MN.' Uosnotta wi lt re-epen for the retreptron of pupthy in Use acme buildng*, Ala MU:ImM street, ors the Ist... Slooday . of September. Arrangements have been readtt byerhicli they wetly be able to furnish young ladiesarmities„tigual MY. in the (Vest , for obtaimag• thoro f ugh &grist; Clone cad, and Ornamentaliduceori. A full mono of Mit liseptucal ttibf tiberdiesU Leetutes will. bh delivered during the winter, illustrated by. Apparatus. The Ile pertinent! of Vocal and Instrumental Pinta' Modern Languages, Drawing and Pamting, willeach honied. the care of a competent Professor. By close.rmentim i ,.. to the moral and intellectual improvement of Wolf pdi its. the Principals' hope to merit acontianaliou of the libeal patronage they have ,Itithetto enjoyed., Fos terms, see circular or apply to the Principals,. ang22s-dif I G II .EAT - NV — RTITHISH S ADDLE L ARN r s , T . u F I TAIL , w i ttI. hr i r od ' ~: of informing his friends and the imitate in •general that no has the le.ges. sock of thefollowln/ twatstil et. of tus own manufacture in this eity.-Saddi ness, Trunks B,nd Whips, all of which be 'the. •si . - to be made of the best material mid by 'the . best' d nice in Allegheny eouuty . Being doter:Worm re WM his manalleturee moserthing lower than haabeenhere. tonne geld by any. siren st ettlehriebuteheth .Um city, he would invite mous ietmedof the abet& named articles to his warehouse, N 0.214 Libtftty ltnieeclapo, Me Seventh. Also, halide mad. to frrderfbi tAltel .7. • kibexi-iy- ' - 111:' ICSIIIITIn -............_,.........—.--- analog •xt a•av ra on ••• .• nye . NOTICE TO 8-03CKLIOLLIRRS.—In porstramodet the provision. of theßhortar oflncorporalmnilba annual ineClLas °fide gtockholders ofthe dlowserganer la Navtgauen Company will be held on ratOrtjlay,.th,c, ben doy .Isrmaryoa#,. (Wag the Ron Vdnday o. the month.l at the °Meier 'the stud CottmlinyOri the Odeon Cktilding, Fourtk street, Paull:Tuft Writelothk in the afternoon, Got the purpose of electing alacreoribr the ensuing year. Wdl. Ltd.liEW,El4, aos3Otd ISAN lFicTuabTOLlAt.hatt AL A 10 his Lsmanipp Sr L AS dab lintbeao do Paint. Ss and tin . Y 0 do Jotatittickerllri 16110 Ro berts& &non frsr, LS do aunty JoAnne .1a and n Steward Sa. a,40 do Johns an d Lewis' la 3do Warwick super Ist 71,xs These Tobaccos, embracing wane of the most favor ite brands, on erleognmarßontd kWIl• by ..P3W t close, by dee/ L RAVATE ----7 1 $ XVIrdPirob y NI PORTED DIRECT FROM TOR tutzsi unaurr- A JI.F.U.S.--Thevabsentrers, bring tbe orientate w ren,. of Intact Matra ht Rom? t%dixAsit YoVtlds market latw•noar nod whl manner, Ws be tamely por p.twd stab .11.. celebrated breed, seltteh they all dell at the lowest Market rotes &I reels or appid.red'blll a They tali., 10-tao Wawa nod asap tatankiCaCacacrayor cllksic9ctatiiy tespeettng the Quality. W MITCIIHLTRRE, Noel tettlitnnylg 1 BON roirri i+ A al-7A allitarlrakctcqn 1. dry in a don:inane town, with Patterns, Vodls, etc., all ready for baamis, will be sold en• Wenner. dating terms, or exchange (or Iron or goods: Thu wren an excellent opportunity us • young Man with Moll =Walt° c0 2 p.0V"...041, deco Fptatdry. o . alms. .pupare of • • SOLIFFar-ATAISON: ht Deal WWI e Snalex,Vnoking Stove., prate,,. dt,cy Xs ARS/Lap, & Ru . w4 , A.rb h, ld l oar U" Mirr i " F o l o otrTlStatMe" ° to. mbjt j4, 1 1‘ 1:111V tdokhriklUceregfoFAßZ and on EggAioves ofl Tatipiis .kraaPpt.jeld cOmmon Grata% FlOl/9NV aney Amur. ture_ Batehcl nilauge. annekkus Ay.rn genertd satlsTiielDmilo Mdse. n tying. n lanaAgf.ci of which ,theLKonl4 r.tecth44 L"it"1114V1 the intnerni end the pu entrant nr rkEiNiV sOideß LS we tor C 9.4144.4 ks.C.Cq,lF re 0-01410444pet faettra4ppriur to ail others Irk tlteq ru4t il a io etnniling,.tentanmar, famnes, Pn.o49 , iik•on4 ssl:ll"nhcr cMPpolkfo. and pratnnn ben 1.11 clearable. Alifd,thrando i Han Lantejaouipep, Eihndet, N4lo.6,ch.p4iri %Pl% e 11.4 Gt. Cnaninticn, Croke and tit 111: • • nada! ' 44 'W W 4 Nirtlattid e ' . • . r•rvr° Lo t lBM i, 4" . , 1 • 61, ~, 0 .......4... ,,,, a , ..,k114\410,„ f u Mi1! oncymcnr. cheap end swell selected gee in nient'Aillionoc once the decline apices in Eno,* etteltrady, aro dttertaltieti to w n.v_iTesporulingly lose. orcl u inie. who have been in ate Mekbic of going Ea.v., arerpiripa..;-::.-,,. .1..6 , ie+Neet'e4 al+ in um latik wonfit.nrwocikak ~..,-, w...woUN34y -bte/ieT.A 411 T Yail. kV? 4101 A 9 Nic!***/--',•••• .ocl4 ' • 0 ck.auvtunam7...... 7, k7:,;',*;;' vx.r.aurai,c ,p 4 p p grtrlMpitivtiAt, l,,l,. 424 .rfnin9Ve`and iT4cotiAtniethuteTat;-: = 1 . „ & ,.1 47,7;5:0j1i ftAr-,..'4444.0(424tif-4.. naked nine tomb, me, orders ter • *cued autr..4,.,.. ' DAM/ 'MOO *III be etemdeavesterm 4-, 'ithvd. ie novrl 4km orur i al 134'the raxeleue4.lxn, Yfe2i.,--,-C--' nal kbuin, by 49EIRM • etpektf —— ..,,.. _. -11CendALton l'ecm.Weeeer et -,. . --- re'g' 4l ' l "l.l - ArA go*..mbuyav;:„(Aite,ai tau . mtlie ,„ ts I Fr . s -, Ar 470 do ernshedBs4o : • • Aldo 9,16 ,, t!..l?.#l 4 l4 l 7 ..aitaritier E4,11,0"04402A.14401VMMEAK
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers