..„ =2:€:=IMEME,MME BY IdAGHTICITKESSMI. iUtrroavitiw&lwme lexclualvely a_.„, Huhup ihmop.i..lisurtal of A cm= Psoulitiath Nov. 19,183& The venerable-D*op Deane is:lying danger.. 54,513' residence, at Derihniton, 'New Je The renwiins ofluittlinnt Brow's. who died in himaree, and sehose,lxidyrwas brougtd to thin city by the Mends of the &messed, were biiried: with dirtinioished: military 'beim% to day,_ Mon ument., Cemetery. The military arrays . well as the nii4 =ann. was one ()Inman, giving el:petty of therrotal worth . es well az the dritingaistled abilitit4of the deputid hew. • • Jii:iLU&il Niw Ycas,Nov,l3. , Therits now in the SubTiessuiy u New„York shout two;Million of donstrain specie. - Tee Gov. assomai ixe filmed Botch to the IMICKIIIt of ,sherly a mitUai at :44 - `1 On fc wigs acessat, priacips4 for AStitetdem. N. S. Tressaiy Notes 103}. PHILADELPMA . .MARKET. PIERADrum34, N0v.13, MS. 4:4 120 D bairels 433 311635 311., ekidej,..1.141 . 43( 3,000 bushels prime red Wheat cts.per attii;e3altia of prima yellow at 59 to Itle., and pepsin.* via* at 5. , W70 pet bn. Partisiona-1 ban of no salt,* to day If any az %lola !lathy of repoTt fa - no change in groceries. 'I'M YORE mrT. — —Wm Yosz,Na .13,12 76, IE4 & F(die—The market to inner than - on Saturday, and the tnatuness is done at a small =megaton.— Sales 4 Genesee at t35"50ai115 9); ,euid Western at 115):11(235 431 per bbL • • .. i s Grikr;-Salea of prime white Wheat at 12.50127 es per busbel. There Is Band inquiry for ;mod satoples , of Wheat, but poor lots are dull, Oorn beavp-Sales of prime white at 60 es., and 044 et My and pritne yellow at 7l WM CIS par barbel Ele—Sales areszyi cents per bushel. Barley—Sales at 6403650 per be. Provisions..-There As less movement in Pork— market is meady. Lopt"The market is active for all description& Sales at 771 in barrels, and 6 cts per lb in imm& Clatton--abe mitket u lad quoted, __ ftlidetts are firm, and active. :..•BALTIMORE MARKET. " DALinsoltr., Nov. 13, 1848. matket is firmer than yeeaenlay, and thnimintesidaae. is at a amall conception. Sales 0f1000661a Howard& at 85121, and ISM barrels CitY 65.12 e. s tonit at 53 ito per bbl. edj E g.,Sakla of 30030 bush. ; prime wbite Wberet art.l2(iinlso, end prltaiereds .I.Mo per bu. CCIIIM!adeII OI.SO 9Q bushels prime white at 55c, audpriTni,yelkrw at 5! to. 60trit CIV , per be. NT= 324 :l.l e a i ts in bbls. Piti--Tberis is no activity in any ankle. 400tallons unsteady. tiFittingeitGroceries, e nr i c ,92 and old things not unfropientlymccar kaki,* Mayor.' The other dim M attending to appEradonsi.w situate' ins in the - poliee three the gggpar e ir was_supposed was about to invest Pat rusk - Murphy with a %tar, when some of his Irish eminpetitory maids .the railing cried out.— tetifte to igrat yer Home hie can't write his name, yer donor, • cVm only receiving applications, to.ilayi in II Emit& memake appointment," said the Mayor and Pat was told to oall on that day two weeks litefriend thrcingh whose Ittiluenterat had been landed wap i ti)! for taxi, said to him, 03 they dantonway from the Ball --wyfmw,,,Pat, go horse, mid every night do you c s tbig Oleos of paper and good atom pen, and Writing your nine, RI 'set the'copy' for you.' — irld as directed; and every eight for -11 se/Wires men running out his tongue and sway. head over Tatrick Murphy,' Patrick Mar, phyttii the Ityle of ohyrostaphy generally known as!ectrinto hand.' Mien the day for the appointment came,Pat funtullitnaelfbefare the Mum,' urging his laini. ' l , litton write said the excellent functionary. an' We •my self that. ilea Ere" answered Tate, that pen,' said the Mayor, 'and let us.. you write.. Write your Mame. Betook aspen as directed, when a sort of ez. chumatory iab bursae= his surprised =aspen s:tee who were fu attendance ffrrir4lMittll=4;Pye• mind TAT,' Mik? Pat's u vareitie!".—bsis gm, e era in his At!" 4 80 he has,:,be Jahr:resold hlikei‘but small good will do him, be treaty:wise wid it, man r Pet into;Wutektus had recorded - his name in a.. bold round hand. • ' t- Mat% do,' said the gayer. — His tolleattridakrakest at each other's faces with lierrugnisedeatcatbdunent. A May die - he - Ed Wreck 'A* Wei to write somebody else's name, yer Honor'. said two orthem in a breath. • 'Ma's trellthought . F replied th e Mayor; Pat, amitosis . mime. Heroines a dilemma, but Pat was equal to it. 'hit mite yer Honor's mime exclaimed he, vier • well dissembled 'key, ho& 3ft C012103t (teach - , an' I mitota' on the Pettis — e! I cant do it, yet - Hoe m.' And to couldn't--but hm wit saved him, and he tit now a 'star' °fete first magnitude—Nero York Irmickedoefor. BUCKMASTOS, firxxxxxx-015ze, Fourth rt., 4,11. MSS door share Smithfield, rota ride. , Conveyancing of kirulls done with the greirert care and Imenl ttaelmaxT• clltlesta Real Estate, examined, fir- oet3o4y C OD Vat 011.-30 gall. jug re eV Ley, Co a-a jtun he'd la Wale • • • oaol3 '3 KIDD &Co i i i...flULD CANDLES-50 b.ra in store and for sale by SELLEiLS Ea NICOLE tsyloak . ",2lladapdroa N 0 Sew for sale by la veal& N Pr la SI TREE . ..i6, 3 ,, , 111-3tbbia, small loaves, for sale by 1,1 aovL3 ' W& &I BIITCLIELTiIEP, CIy,TpRTRE_ SO bap crude liatipetre. in store . • ba• for sale by ISAIAH MOLEX & Co, aosl3 front et ((``/(BEEN APPLES- -01 50 ', Prim. Gimra Apples, %kb& recahred and b. ,. .• 1 .' 6 .y :•• coal& . • WICK. & WCANDLESS IUrACXERE4-lio bbl. 1 . 7 . 1 1643 filukerel, rot AIM sale by 00013 %NC& ftWANDLESS Wileartr—ig DL D'Yjnha,riltragrNevar MIXTILS. CREWS CILEESE-12 1 " ,. . d ust .'.lar sale by noTi3 wwg a, V' ANDLESS kwmaimmla GEi3EMMNU run —3O 66L extra Family Maar. Art feet end .1 -fin sale by novu iv= AVCANDLI.... 140318.490 tons hoists Blooms. for sale by B Witt FORSYTH it DUNCAN VLODS-33 bets exus nosily Plant, Issuitsig from mason Coned end far sab, by 00'01 JAMPS DALZELL . QIL IDOLASSES-60 Able B Moluses, As store Eja, 1•11.: end 431. sale low to close eo= i stdol z navll bn In .tore and for sale try MMESDALZELL - rx,000.-180 bbla erza Email ,y toy isle by X WU S I' VON BONNHOBST Pp DER—SOD keg. Bock Powder, tor wale by -11 - care It ROBISON &Co 411711011.0-8 bids r. ,0,14 ars pain No 11 4 .1 Instmeeived sod for solo by . SELLEBS &NICOLE; bids N 0 Sups, strictly•prime, IA MOM ST4O" - 6° 0. consignment by L. 8 WATERMAN, • Si mint and ES Odium • Taßa.WS—Vdbbls mall WhimMy r sale by N • " TiNgialD OIL-10 bbls Li i na , nod On t , , is li t y rrd , and jj fifir nolo' hi nom , 90 front a IDGARS-80800 Havana Cigars, "rufous brands, m 1.1 gore and 62 nen by ‘ Immo , N noims rpuitIWITINE. , 40 bblo Opt. Tnnortritne, in fine Or dor, jutreeds 'od and for subs by rovo I I SCHOONKVER Er Co SUNDRIES -8 bbl, Rue Es BB l. APPinn; WV,. mould Eamue.,N seta prim Pod o l i a; dast !cc d and for sale by tura .YEVET CORDS-I.AwoI gbas Dew b .y ? le dark oe Cosda,Jos apTAglvnTE 17617, GS—An awanOsit of beautiful &at styles tam OS-An Can bMiTa. Wendt SSW Cotton Vest- Jaa leteivlag by gm WILLETT & W LUTE seITS UIiGLISH VENETUN REI 4-15 C 0 lblJntt " c ' Jai and fat We by Rom BRIMSTONE-10W lbs bus roe'd gad t " ib, oct33 4 JUDD k. Co LOUR SULPRUR—Ro lba joal c'd $ ll . l o 7 LO ottao .1 KIDD Co AMP BLACK-4 casks Just raid " for .. 3 e by nova JOHN D MOROAN 11.11DOIL—Winto r strained, /W for IN ab D MORle cit mGAN all by irI.A.RDEN SEEDS—i. cdoicesapplyof iterb Gordon Boob of 1840, for MAO, joot reo , d mad for sale by JOHN D ROAN lAr ACEBREL-40 bbla largo No 3 Blockarel, Demo M. inspection, in Rune =drat Wit by b WATERMAN fiat ien. Mattufacuu.... aobaceo, cm k tins oiotoO onievuns popular brands' albs, 60. 8., " gw riziesa fluid for iswATEßaut , mil DT uNmitss-40 bits mot:00S 1a RS; chests and casYrnutirl , WS oo l o PPOWdt l, Aropitrial and /31aoRloaL 15 bags ?man 5 do Alrylcan 40 oats Cassia; ad bad No 1 Chonotate, gore and for 'gabs by nova • ' L 9 WATERMAN „ o s E pips&E,...l7 ni cks binding per stesaset 01 Ingo and for sale by US DALULL, _EIO I 6 24 'eater et 99 417.--k TAll.4obbls DIV Tar, hilldialrnanYor ono e ,a • nond JAB DALZBI.I. E' 9 L' ol2 tandinrbil; nO to Tome& do; Jae ‘,/ reed and far gala by nose It ROBISON it. C 6 OMMERCIAL RECORD)! tiO - VE3I I-848- BER. I rislt Buz 1.1.10xe sete,l risers. 11 11 — w — ardii; --- T0 tflirlll7.. ,;.--Irl3l- S . 7-s 12 Sunday, .."'" 7 0 B,o' 723 13 Monday, ~- , 7 , -1. _4l - 2) ;VA - t,. 0 14 - Tunsdajl or, 7 1 .2 - ' -.112: V 411 l, 1 1 LS Vi , edn '1 2 a 407 ' 10 , 17 ' , 1' 10 Thursday. _'7 - 11, %to tli 15p...-- '- 17 Friday:, -7- 5 . `.4 iSe. .131611 L priorstnritort" apAiuk ov TRADE boAktrerEE E a rfotrortlEa. K a. vula._, OrrMa Elrrtrainton,Oaarrra. • Tuesday Morafmr„ , Nrivembe 14, 1648. 4 fair amount of biliaess.lealdriiiii yesterday In the way of generaFa44loltaileirditb no ma.. to changr in „ e n, 2 1 Lol3ll.—u continue to _.arrive by river, but very laltrirdoing in the way of Ulna. Several led lots were disposed of at 81 {rem first hands, and 4,12104,25 from store in `dray load loaf. , • RIICRAVHEAT FLOUR—Regular„atiles at $l, 121.1 r taik of 50 lbw CORN' MEAL-:-We' quote nominally at 450 a. busheL BACON—The market Ls steady.bot not active. Sales of western cured Wes. in. limited lota by the 'ilia at 41011, of shoulders at 43, and of Lams at. elarc; sales of &NW Thiprime city cored sides at Sa p Ih. SUGAR—Regular roles of N 0 sugar at 5053 by the idid, and' Al in bbla. 1110 LASSES—For gciod N 0 31c is a fair quo tation with ligtilsuppliea. BEESWAX—SmaII at 191920 c p SEEDS—That:market is doll, and very little do. log. Smell sales 'of clover at 3,2503,37, of timo thy at $1,7383 2 , and of flax. at 30095 c p FRUITS—SaIes of green apples at 75efi151,25 gr bbl, as in quality; aupplies large. Sales of dried peaches at 51,i8a1,25, and of dry apples at 51X36.2c p ,FEATHERS—ReguIar mks in a small way from stun at, 33C46a p 11) as in quality. Boston, Nov. 8, 1848. Cottoff--For a few days peat the market ham+ been rather quiet ' the ,prices, still in favor of hug ely, and the transactions since mu last comprise a few hundred bales at Timed prices. Arrived alone out jag:— , From New Driest., bales, 269 The total receipts of Cotton at the different ports of the country, flora Sept. 1, 1548, to latest dates are, bales 235,401 Same time last year, The capons have been:— EIMMTM To Great Britain, - France, Other tiireign'ports, 96,554 60,912 19,257 31,962 21,7'76 18,162 137,671 111,036 192,827 • 169,044 Stocks on band, Domestics—No change to notice. Exported since On/ lint— To foreign ports, bales and cases, Shies January 1, 39,310 Flab—Further sales of Codfish have been made at 2,12aki2„50 for, Bank and prime; retailing Bay Funday; and small az C4,70531,75', qtl, goat, and 30c p qtl extra for packed. Mackerel have not ,red since:our last, and sale✓ are pretty freely making from Wore and by the fare at the rates pre viously noticed. In Alewives small gales have been made at 2,75 4? bbl ✓ cash. Exported since our bins:— Codfish, drums ' 31 Codfish-boxes 200 Codfish, gill. 300 Mackerel, bbls 4,153 Herring, boxes 520 Maysville, Nov. 9, 1549. thaw Si — Li:-;We hew of a sale of 120 imps bf-Hemp, this morning, baled and rielivered, '4.55,50 per ton. The taut amount of the sale is, therefore, 813,200. This would seem to indicate 'a want of firmness in the market. ECM= the above wan in type we Icon of n sale on Tuesday, of 25 tons Hemp, lone, al 35,50 to be delivered immediately.-(Eagle. Tuft Sr. Loom Sara—We are gratified to team by a private despatch from Detroit, that the stea mer St. Louis is safe 'tithe Presque hi. She wan driven about under tall on Lake Huron for aired, daps, when her gallant Captain and crew mode a ode haven. The propeller Ohio offered to_tow the St. Louis down, but Capt. Wheeler preferred to wait for the wooer Nile.—f Cleveland Herald. Brant am or lia.crom—The charter of this bank expired on the 3lst We, learn Goan the SpringkrEaTciniiMl, that: the *GOkerhor Illinola; by authority of the laid liquidation law, has ap pointed Dienes. N H gidgely, Uri Manly and Sohn Coltman, trustees, for &tally closing its ar. fail The Board of Directors have assigned to these =trees all the affects of every kind of the Bank, and hove given them fell power to do every thing necessary for the performance of the trust.— [Bt. Louis Rep. Baltimore, Nov. 10.—Cnitiett-The market has been well supplied with beeves this week, and the prices last quoted have been sustained. The of ferings at the scales on Monday amounted to 2100 head, of which 1350 were taken by packers and butchery 370 vrtre Left over, and 350 were driven to PhilsAelphia. Prices ranged from f2a342t p 100 Ebe on the hoof, equal to net, and anerSglug $ 2 , 56 gross. IMPORTS BY DIVEIL. Ciacionoti—Per Hibernia No 2-167 sks pots. toes, 0 Blackbura; 20 kgs lard, Clark & Thaw; 5 bbls tard oil, Sellers & Nicole; 10 do do, R E Sel lers; 10 bbls lard oil, Ogden dr. Snowden; 3 bp 1 pkgs, I 13 Outline; 69 blg wool, %V Barker; 20 bbls soraps, Lyon & Shorb; 4 corn Rhellenc Payne; 100 bbls flour, owner on board. 11. ski ;co, 7 Mils 1 box mdse., 12 bbls d fruit, 21 abs do 40, 1 bbl pota toes, owners aboard. St. Lovis—Pai Shenandoah-3 bxs 1 oak, Pain dexter e,3 asks lead pip 2 bxs, Buffer do bro - 1 bx mdse. b Leech do an 2 bra 2 irks mdse, A B eeler; 6 ply lead, C H Grant; 6 bbds tab, Meanrkan . . 250.4.4 lard, Clark & Thaw; 100 bbls whickey, J McDevitt; 25 do do Lambert & Shipton; 15 bgs feathers, Forspih & Duncan, 37 firkins, 7 kip butter, J C Bidwell per Hail Colombia-69 sks gibers, J Grier; 1 box case, Forsyth & Duncan; 51 aka feathers, Brown do Culbertson; 33 ski feathers, thltettlao2l; Pk& For/7 2 1# co; to sks fathers, Colton &. McKnight4 bhds Ida, I A Mamie; 6 sks fathers W McCully & co; 7 do do, JI Graff & co; 50 bp potatoes, Sampson. Wisesitar,sr--Per Consul-180 bbls floor, & Thaw; 20 do apples, Clark; 100 bbls door, 70 do, apples, Urom do bleirew; 70 do door, 6 sks Oars, 85 bblailottr, 1 do lard, 8 McClurkso; 4 bbls giotottol, J Kidd or .9 4o apples, J McCall; 20 4 3 ;hied Gait, J A R'oe; 4 INE4 shags Lica, ble, Burk & co; 12 bbls floor, 'Fuggy& Beg; 106 do do ; W W Wilsoo; bbls clover sced, 10 kgs 2 oaks 47 bgg borleq, 8 F Voo liormhorst. lloekiogyart—Per Skipper-40 bbl, flour, l S Dilircatta 100 bb apples, A Cordell; 99 do do,: Lade; 2 aka potatoes, Millinger, 37 do flaxseed; Wick dc ItoCanollear, 31 bbls apples, Dichison; b I,bls wheat, 6 do balsas, J D 25 sks oats, 7 do meal, 9 bb balms, 5 do meal, BektaleY & Smith; 29 sits dry peaches, ,opener aboard; 39 in potatoes, Hubbard; 3 bids batter, J A Roe; 21 ski oats, I do ebeimats, k bbl do, &Wilk. dr.Hoe; 41 • bids max seed, 8 sks rags, 23 do potatoes, 71 bbls door, Barbridaa. Wilson de co; 14 Mks potatoes, 5 do apples, Copt Stoops. Comunt am .om.ga.—The frequent changes m the weather at this season or Y. 2; inneabi7 bring Won with. them coughs Ina .colds, which bj timely attenthm are easily cared by simple remedies. SEL LESS' thIPERIAL COUGH SYRUP All been in use for the last tU years, and has gaLoed otora reputation for the corns! coughs (sot requirlng.activa medical tresummtli than toy 010er preparation ever offered the citizens of Allegheny county. The Imperial Cough Syrup Is very pleasant. -to the taste,-red. on this &ti ro*" I** g" *.tf * •o the arith children. The doses are cuetuily rtulltathrl, to.bedimctions, to suit all ages. Thu this tong tried and highly popular cough remedy may be want the reach of all, it :y gold at the low price of 23 cents per bottle. Prepared and sold by IL E. SELLERS, d 9 Wga4 Pittsburgh, D. M. Curry, Alogheoy, nod druggists gut crony in bo th cities. oed • • • l'he soft, Aess . he enpreasson of some females is anneal toms., wh ile she mpalslve, coarse, muddy yellow fates anthers, excites disgast.—the same with males. Could such people be induced toary a cake of 'the true Tom' Italian Chemleid Soap, they would be with chimp, They would have a den tate, d e .., white shin wain, every disfigurement or eruption would be remaired and eared. r•FrICI7I.4IINOTTCL—Pervozy whnhave cheap coarderfelts and imitations aside, KO have had "0 e. feel produced, must try this, origoal. Blind, ask for Jones' Soap. Par vide at Wk s . Jackson's, LW Liber ty/Meer. many Worms, by thrift irrtunian, augment the secre tion of =wax slime in the stomach, in orldch, tl. W'Y l a rYinetriT:l l o7ll ; tty d' lte. i. Ve d e th ear f aidt . V:4,14, 0 mpa,rad At, A. FA/INESTOCa' Plusbargh, is admirably adapted in Its operation; Era, m remove the prinee=ti , := liz z on b d y ly L. to expel dl'atided. orms " It d ra aremedi in arhiC?eeary ego : faience eau be placed; surd gun 11 has gametal the pariasse Is =infest from As bialutreda of eeruheatea given hilts favor lad irr, The assume or morbid mm cans of bale well amine to mum violent disturb/idea of the dip, megass, and being on Audlgnant and urunanagen ma gava4m, wiuch odes mit as and mare. .Thaslaparb most be 4mAsad of Marston! mcretionq and this eon most readily a aer.amplirhadiy the use of B A Palm. estock's Ann-aidune Pitt,, Saab am a most valuable family asthma,. They coo boksvon with safety stall tirmarand afford mat in ovary &on am. Prapartd and 'sold by d A PAHNI:NTOCI kCq earnar lot and wood, and corner eth, and wood sta. • 1:121,184.1ea who nun Jonas' Spnniab tiir , Whlin, harm yawaysnifold artife Winn: amain akin. 4 n aria will sandy any one, Sold only in Pinaborgirod b iailmrtY a 110•19dIaldWing VORTOF PITTSBURGH. :Zr ..luirvEr4 „e4--.ta d iii r flow "Bennett, Brent-o%mile. Album; Parkinstni; Beenenitville, ;‘' .l .viindillaY,Seavert., Camden;'Hendrickson, Beaver. Mielatmon. No 2, Gllson, Bearer..l Lake Erie, Shales Beaver. Beaver, Clark, 'Wellsville. Hibernia No. 2, Klineklter, Cia. - Crittenden, Israel, New Orleans. Consal, -, Dushime,l3rownsville.. Am.Wline, Monis, Bieninsville. Ai raw, Gordon, Brownsville. Skim:or, St o ops, CM. Shenandoah. Bowman, CU , Columbian, Cia. DEP4TED. Louis McLane Bennett, Brownsville.. Atlantie, Parkinson, Browniville. Camden, Hendrickson, Beaver. Caroline, Day, Beaver. Michigan No., 2, Gilson, Beaver. Beaver, Clark, Wellsville. Lake Erie, Shake, Beaver. Monongahela, Stone, Cia. At dusk last evening, there mere 7 feet 0 inches wetter in the channel, by pier mark, and rising. phases'. PASSENGER ARRANGEMENTS FOR ISM For Philadelphia every evemagat 9 o'clock, by Leech'. OR onPosite the Umited Smuts Hotel. Steamboat Packet Llne, leaves daily for Clueinnad, 10 A. a. Passenger Packet via Brownsville to Baltimore had Philadelphia, I a. a. and 6 e, Mail Coact, Line direct to Philadelphia, 0 a. and Me. is. Western and Southern Mail Cad; Line, 6 a a. .North-Wertem via Cleveland, daily, 10 s. Erie sad Westeru New York, daily, 9 a., st. Non.h.Eastem toiladelphia, daily, except Sundays 4,a K. ARRIVALS AND DErARTURE OF MAILS. Eastern Mail via Philadelphia, due J a. a., closes 19 N. West's Mail, Cinciu. & Louie, due 8 r. ar, cloaca 6 a. a. South. viaßaltieno re &Waattington, due Br. st. IS a.m. North Western via Cleveland, due 10 a x.„ closes a. a. Erie and Western Ness York. doe 8 r. a., eloace*B a. An Ord/nano. Authorising the Committee on Strata, Grading Paving, and to Crintrant sat/ado Paddhurgh and Green-share. Turnputs Road Company, SEC. I. Be it ordained and enacted by th e einaens of Pittsburgh In Select and Common Cannella as eembled, That the Committee on Streets, (loading end Paving be, and they are hereby authorised, to conclude and execute for the city of Pittsburgh, to and with the Prnatdent, Directors and Company of the Pittsburgh and Oreensburgh Turnpike Road the following agree ment, vit. - Articles of Agreement between tho Mayor, Alder men, and citizens of Pittsburgh, through the Com mittee on Streets, Grading and Paving and the Pres ident, Directors and Company of usburgh and Greensburgh Turnpike Road. The said Mayor Aldermen and citizens of Pitts burgh agree to grade and pave or McAdamize that pan of Prim street in the ninth iVord which,previmis to the edmlsaion of said Ward into the city, formed a pan of the said Turnpike Road, bat which Is now a street of the city of Pumburgh: Provtded, the said Com. pony remove the present Toll Gate beyond the city limits. And the smd city further agrees and contracts to keep that part of the said road, which by these arti cles is resigned and given up to the city, in as good or- der and condiuon as the said company are how bound to do by too provisions of the Act of the General As aembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, incor porating geld Company: And the said city further stip ulates and covenants to and with the said Company, to make culverts, itutead of gutters, on that plat of the said road or atreet hereby resigned to mitt MY. Sac. EL—lte it further ordained, &c., Phut so much of any Ordinance as conflicta with the provisions of this Ordinance he, and the same is hereby repealed. Ordained and enacted Into a law in Coattails, this 31st day of October, A. D. INS. MORGAN ROBERTSON, Prost C. C. R. Brim. Rokkers, Clk C. C. JOHN SHIPTON, Prosl B. C. Joan Muok, Clk S.C. no.ll-3t IMPORTANT TO THE AFFLICTED Or. Rose's Celebrated Remedies 1 - 111. JACOB 8. ROSE, the discoverer and mile pro prietor of these mat popular aad beneficial med icates, and also the inventor of the celebrated man, ment for inflating the Longs in effecting a cure of Chronic diseasea, was a student of that eminent physi cian, Doctor Physic, and to a graduate of the Universi ty of Pennsylvania, and for thirty years since has been engaged in the invesugation of disease, and the appli canon of remedies thereto. Through the use of his inflating tube, in connection will his rmphylactic Syrup and other of his remedies, he has gained yes unparaielled eminence in curing those dreadful and fatal maladies, Tubercular Con silium:km, Canners, Scrofula, Rheurnm, Asthma, Fever and Agne, Fevers of all kinds., Chronic k..ysipc.- las and all those obstinate disease. peculiar to females. Indeed every form of disease vanishes under the we of his remedies, to which humanity Is heir—not by the use of one compound only, for that is incompatible with Physiological Law, but by the use of Ma reme dies, adapted to and prescribed for each peculiar form of discaia. Dr. _. Roses Tome Alterative PUls, when owed are in variably acknowledged to he superior to all other, as • purgative or liver pill. inasmuch as they leave the bowels perfectly free from coatis..." as also hi. Golden Pill. is admitted by the faculty to pow...peer, liar properties adapted to female dweascs, but bring satisfied that a bare trial t. sufficient to establish what bas been said in the minds of the nowt skeptical. The affilemd are invited to call open the agent. and proeure (grabs) non of the Doctor'. luemahlm", giving a detailed }beaus °fuel remedy and Its application. Foe 116/0 by the CoPtewing agent., MI well as by mew Druggists throughont the ethanthr J kkhoonatalter d Co 24 Wood street, Pittsburgh; M Townsend, druggist, 43 Market st Lea A Beckham,neer the P. 0. Allegheny city, Jos Barkley, Darlington, Beaver county, Pa. Jon Elliott, 1..n0n 'e alley. • T Adam. Beaver, nestle-41y City Lola at Auction. L l i dttiMP=ln i girly " Aft tiliVg of lately balmagtog to Job,, W. Johimon,acceased, I and.. sootier disposed of at po tato sate,) will be exposed to public sole on tho premises, at 1 o'clock, P. IL, on Sat urday, tholeith inst. Taxas—One thud cash, one sixth to one year, one sixth in two year., Jandaa balance moo tlatrOl on the death ofilket 0,000, to be secured by bonds and mor,. g l'ltelots will be sold according to a plan filed in the Orpbaa's Court, to certun proceedings in Parntion. No 61. March Term, 1e46, and recorded in Docket F, page 163, • copy of which may be seen at the ogle< of \FILLIANIS R SIiINN, Anomays at Law, 4th o reek above Smithfield. reej-did Exottoto• Vasa at Prresseue. October Tim 1%4. LitN election Orr thirteen D terra. to terve (or tee enneting year, veld be held at the ttnottng now, on Monday, November .od,, lb 4(, between the boar. NI. and 3P al. • neerl.dtd HOhl Art M. HOWE, Caen., racturniVEghnererrrition.• thou, October 20,164 e s N election her thirteen Direeton of nu. hank, lo t A th.: ensuin treat, veal be held nt the thinking Hone on blondi g r, the Oh gley of November nest net-td W. IL DUNN V, Cashier 8.. or Prrniacaan, October 19, 1C.4 , .. A N election for thirteen Directors of this Bank tot ./1161. the ensuing year, will be bald at the /tanking /loose on Alsoday, the twentieth day of November next. occll.atel JOHN BNYDF.R, Cashier. T take Was taken by ro t,, dre from the landing, foot of Wood street, on but Thursday, Mk ult., I sack WOOL, marked -timnb ainclair“ Feb. Any person by returning it. or Infer ..944.9 by < 4 hieb 55 MaY lin received, 'nil be Micron, rewarded by 91W KAABA UGH, nav2 ea arms, add 104 hunt 414 " GEORGE a JEAHIA• COMMISSION PROVISION micacilemrs, Na 3 Comm.. orassl CAI.IIIIOI2E. Rxrcommccs—chum., C.4..rothers & Co., Alexander Limgraus, nove.dam• GROCERIES -200 bags Green Rio Coffee; 75 half chests Young Liyaon Tea; 1 6 09 !aui, 0 P and Mk do 60 bozo, LuJuoi,..aj Plug Tobacco, Z) do Nectar Leaf do . 73 do Satersrus; 113 boo Pepwz;_ii do Alsptee; $0 bale. Cotton Baiting - , 43 do Baiting - ,Baiting - , G Witb general essortnterd of (armories, received ar.4 for sole by R ROBISON & Co, Um/ 192 Libeny st GHEAT fIgDUCA( . .i IN PRICES !— Boma a../asus 45 dirt sue-at, aer for .ale at 25 par eau below regular rte., rice Cbsaisleaa alit,, Moulin do, black and ey Alpacas, Mohair Lulu' ies, Palo et to Cloths' Preach Merinos of the moat eholca colors VlLk 4 lstfloths and Ca...imams. nov7 , 0 eI.R.6CH4IyTS, NOV. 7, 1848.—W. R. Maw. 1 mils, merchants to look in at his lam stock 0 WOOS Just openel; fn Whnlanale Rooms, ad story north east comet of Ponnit and Market sta. Voce exeeedinaly tow. npv7 L'MUM) 011.-10 bbl. ln stars 411.134 for rue by noir2 0 BLACKBURN it Co IMPRESSED CAMBRICS--For for cloak., ,L /cc, of •amotia lainly tool at the dry good. haven of octi4 W __6 MURPHY SWAN'S DOWN for trimming dresser, with tippeta and coda of the same, for rale by H EATON & Co, MIMED 0111.-11 Mats Mist landing' from steamer billobigrm, and for sale lIARBAUC/11, omit 63 avatar and 104 front rt isi. OLASSESI , 6 b d b o ls Sugar lllo . ls o ttes, prLine In more and or - o4). b 7 a y; I,4ITCHEILTREIE --- IXTIIITEOLUE-1 bbl No I extra, Jim read and to V 1' sale by ocr/I R E SELLERS TEACHERS -23 sacks Doled Peaches, landing and for tale by J 0 BIDWELL, AO, wets: st Bud feed and for eel° by C oar Lp D MORGAN_ TRESS BONE-150 irons lom reed and for dale by 1./ °cm* 0 ARBUTHNOT LARD OlL—Male bait quality-10 bbl. jut reed and for Bala by J SCIIOONSIAKERtr.ec , noel St Wood al LOGWI/0 v1 ) 71 14 . "? rid6ll":llDrhaie UM SHELLAC-030 lb. past read and for by nova .1 KIDD & Co I&RD 01,L-10 bbl d prima No I Lard Mina read gnd bbad 5.7 npa3 SELLERS& NICOLE LINSEED OIL-2G bid . Loserj Oil, Jail road and for sale by nom, BELLE . ..RR& NiCOS 4 BACON-410,00 U Ib . Bacon Sldes,ln corolla for .oia by WICIC & M'CANDLESS, nova' canner wood and water at. ABIYB "0-2 —IW4rersVANDLEss CHlkavbela Jou reed add for sale by •- 1011UTTER-2 kegs arrived and for mile by A O 1)0 , 2 WICK & MYCANDLEVIS Tioyr&SH—l Auk. (9r JC 00/3 s t/ b 4 - IiPC P 4PL F23B CORCHINGS-4bblrforiale b S y • • • nov3 & WICK IWOANI/LESK AISILY PL4UR-13 ouyorior for rale by nova WICK & WC& • _ LEATHERS -3= Vaaatersi reed and for X Bat by . nova JASA HUTCHISON /t..Co NO SUG B=CO'eea:'xoee .: ,i UI ns C nova lee s uvl Ii SON a ao j xxAatcr yonvics. • rfd.ei:tva•Y eireetatill bomtleelteb a fall alma* of Piano Fonts, selected GOA' the' Iblibwin . minuftetories bl Dollen and NevrTark; to vrhieletheattendon ofpnrchaserele respectfully invited. Those from Pdr. Chickerinr. Vet, the sale of which he Is sole Agent In Western Penn.` syl vania,l have *hat Is termed the New Circular Bolin being an Improvement restudy made, and i tivrog them a decided advantage in power and equ ty of teals over any others. The following are the patents end sLyles of Chleketinot No. I. Itorobrood,7«i'ves, finished back es front, 84 " " u richly ettved.“ " 000 " 3. " " " " 1400 "4. " 6" carved mouldings, " " 5. “ 6 finished back and front, I=l G. 64 " " " " saw "7."6 " " " " "8. " u 1025 9. 6 'projecting front, 806 10, 7 nobly mural, style of Louis 14th. 11. " 6 hollow comers and hollow ear red legs, monad hand, cossoriginally 6423, and will be .old at a very reduced mica No. 19. Rosewood, round comer, very elegantly &k -nitted, sm. NOI2 Rosewood, round corner , very el egamly finished, VI7S. The above are manulhenued by H. Worcester, N. V. well known as 'being connected formerly with Messrs Stotard, Worcester & Dunham, N. Y. No. la. Rosewood, 64,carvedmouldhig, made by the Manhattan Company, N. Y. $272 No 14, Rosewood carved, 6 octaves, Gale & cou 13250. No. lb " plain 6 " No Id, Rosewood Grand Piano, made by Henri H-S!;Part.". No I.'4&homy, 6 octaves, mond head, price VS. Old Poulos taken in past payment for new one.. JOHN If MELLON, Sole Agent for Chicketing's Wind and Square Piano Fortes, for Western Pennavhraniu oetl7 SPLENDID LOT OF NEW PIANOS. MR,NI:INNS & CLARK,New Yotkt CHICKERING, Boston; The subscriber has now open and for sale, o lot of most superior Pianos, se. [ruled byhinmelf at the manufactories. They consist of Rosewood and Mahogany Pianos, of of e, el and 7 octaves, of various styles and prices, and embrace all the latest improvements. Those of Norms & Clarkls, (lor which celebnued firm he is sou Amer) have an unproved way of stringing possessed by no other, also, a superior plan of !mahatma the hammers, preventing thew Pianos from growing harsh and wirey after Nome use. The Pianos of Chlckerhtg, of wldelt he has a superi or lot, am provided with the Circular Beale, and were selected for him with cane by J. CMckaring, of Boma. The above will positively he sold at manufacturer.' price., and on accommodating terms. The auburiber ill invanahly be found at W WoodwelPs, (tom II to to 12 A. M., and from Ito 5 P. M. Mr. Woodwell will attend to the business daring the balance of ume. H. ICLEHER, until at I W Woodwell'a gll Third st GREAT MUSICAL NOVELTY—The subscriber has just received from Europe, and for sole, an entirely new invention of Piano Forte, called the CAB INET PIANO FORTE, which possessing more power and sweetness than the square Piano, occupies hot one fourth ea much room, and is a mach more showy and handsome piece:of fumimre. it is particularly desira ble where the saving of.apace is an object, being ex ceedingly neat and compact, and occupying no more room than a side table. The urban:Mar • ban in band n testimonial of Its superiority from the celebra ted pianist, MoselieUes, In his own hand writint,it t chielt may be inspected KLED oct27 At .1 W Woodwefi 't _ . . RillA SPLENDID assortment of Maho gany and Bosewood Plum., Just fin trite& These Instruments are made of the latest pattern and best materiale and will be sold low for cash by F. BLI.IbLE, 112 Wood street, 24 dart above Fifth. N. B.—Those who are in want of a hood instrument, are respectfully invited to examine these before pur chasing elsewhere,as they C 11.113101 be excelled by any to the country, and will be - iota lower than any brought from the East. Alsolust received, two pianos of Hern burgh manufacture, warranted to be superior to any cur sold in this country. ocu.l F. B. CAltDvesNerwembor 9tb s 1!41. lirß MIIRPHY, northeast corner Ith and Mar k, a ket streets, Pittsburgh, has now completed the opening or. second large supply of Dry Goods for the sv.son. and can offer to buyers an aesortmeni Meetfarm, and to he found at this advanced part of the se axon. Partietillr attention Is mked to his large stock of BROADCLOTHS. Frebeh, English and Aftterimin, oflilidestrable co lors; mutable nor dress coats and cloaks; also, Caul meres, a large assortment, including wool dye and French black; Doeskin, dark min; Fancy do, from the low price of fISI ets tall wool)• up to the finest qualities and newest styles. Demdes,• large stock of Saiinetts, common and fine, llndershuts and Drawers, Gloves, LADIES DRESS GOODS. in their yummy. Country Merehants and Meithant Talton are • red to examine his stock, In Wholesale Rooms, second notrtil uoob subscriber. beg to call the attention of Bnildemi„ 1. Architects and owners of Buildings, to the many advantage* which these plates possess over all other metallic substances hitherto used for roofing, Ike., as tegigy'r ant,onbtoe,thrigebogotebVenoUrra ron 4 eTe ral Tear. m this partorular, both in this country and in Eu rope. They are I-is habit, to expansion and contrac tion from sudden change of the atmosphere, than eon, mon un plates, Iran, mon, or any other metal now used for roofing, and consequently form • much better Auld tighter roes rogainng hr less frequent repairs, whilst the firm east l• bet n trifle more A full supply, of MI sires, from 1G to 30 W. 0, con stantly on hand and for sale hy 0.171 B. blank:WOOD S CO., 14 and if !Starer street, Hew York. The patent mghtfor a llrt having been secured for the Gutted States, a parties infringmg thereon, rtteer by imported. or otherwise, will be prosecu ted. wet TnIR undersigned have erected wort. in the city of New York, for the purpose of Gals... Jog all arti cles of Iron, which it is dennthle to PROTtrjr FROM RUST, such a. Telegraph Wire, Bolts, Spikes, Nails. thine for Fencer, anti spy other article which may be required. For }loops for Casks, es a substitute for bale Rope; tor Clothes Lines, Lightning Rod., and a host of °that anliStraltqp„itt if wIU Pc fiftuitplpbeep and durable. They would particularly call intentloctriThe red Wire for fences, a neqoires no paint, and will pee .1.1. to Spikes and Bolt., the presenatlon of which is of so meek importance. that it will countnend ilsolf to the notice oral GEO IL .11011.1,W00D 4 CO., Patentee, oet.7,ddroarlyT 14 end is Deaver rt.N York A T los Old Stand, corner of Southfield street and `l. Diamosd &try, Pittehorgh, Pa., would respectful. 1. call the attention of Country Merchants, Hotel and Steamboat Ha/keepers, to a large and superior swore mem of IMPORTED CIGARS, among which will be loond the fallowing brande, rte: Rae* Regalia, Cas. tellot. Pnnetpe. La Noma*, Star Brand. Minerva and Dollar Regalute, al/ of which will be sold as low as can ue had lit any other house In the city. Also, constantly on nand and Mr sale, a large and well wLected week of Vlrglntn, Slassoult, and rtoc Cot Chewing Tobacco. AttwOlerana, Cuba and Common Leaf Tobacco, constantly on hand and for sale. noeldfint F „. • . RE:3II FROM THE. SHELL-11y Burke & east Express at :educed pnces —To aceontoto. date all loess of ibis dellclinif 'urn Ty. BURKE tr. Co have resolved to .apply the peopleregularly Ihroogh• hilt the season, with ihe choicest Fresh Oysters It, cans, half cans and shell, at such reduced prices as will enable every family to enjoy this delicacy at their tables. An E.vprets load will be received daily at the ware hours or !ISO C BIDWELL, Water street, between Smithfield and Grant, and Iv .gin there and at the fob 'oaring depots: Flee Bellw, comer &nitrified and 2d Ea; E Diamond; A Bowater, Penns', 50 Ward; D Haughey, Mot of Litivny J Coltart, Jr , Penn's Avenue; Siemer & Robinson, Allegheny city ocl3l owe. or Atterlean t Foreign Patents. JAMES GREENOUOII, of the lam fins of Keller b. Greenough, continues the hosiness of Consulting Engineer and Patent Attorney, at his office in the city of WASHINGTON. He may be cannoned and em ployed in making examinations in machinery in the Patent Other and elsewhere, iu furnishlng drawings and tpeellkalliall of machines, and &Bullpen neeena ltranatirk:ingtdo,, 'Lamle or I:it o e n n o d patentl7 .o ner k s .. u in mlt ad "professionally en all questions of litigation arid, lng an under the Patent Law, and will argue qua. tiotur before the ?aunt (Ace or an appeal tberefrom, fit which bin Is erperience in the Patent 011 ice and labia profeasion, have peculiarly fitted Wm. The pro. Runnel business of the lain Dr. 'l'. P. Jones having been placed in his hands, all letters In relation thereto should be addressed to hi= pow paid. augYil-dtwilanS • SEW A.ERABIGESIENT. DOCTOR B. W. 1 ,10111118 having recently porches ed the Ding Sum formerly owned by Hay. A. Brockway, NO. t Commercial ito Libert street, Pittsburgh, tag; ads method of w, Informing his (Benda and the' public in general, that his store will at all limes be so_pplled with an ostensive and general usorutent of Map, Dye gala .. ., Paiute, Oils, Varnishes, Perfumery, Colognes, and indeed every ar ticle called tor Ina drug store, which wtil tinny. be sold as Inn as at any other house in the city, whole sale or retail. Hoping to merit a share of the patine patronage, nothing shall be wanting to give entire sat isfaction to his customers. noil•tapla al Fourthst, near Market 'Hydropatjay, or tb• Water cur*. Docroß BEM AMIN W. MORRIS, WI/ eenttnue• to practice the safe and popular remedy called Ilydropathy or the Water Core, and if decreed wtii treat diseases Allopethically. Obstitrical eases will be st.. tended to promptly. N. IL—Dr Morris may be consulted at his Dreg Ranh MLR Commercial Row, Liberty street, during business bow, or at bit remdctice, morning and even. ing, Penn street, 5 doors below Irwin's alley. novl.tspl4 I7TSBUROII, OCTOBER Pd, 1848.—We are now Y in receipt of several bales first rata ISIS IVesteru New York and Massachusetts Prime HOPS, and an always receiving regular &unpile,. We are prepared to sell at lowest rates. Office, Pitt street, Allegheny rarer. oet26 OKO. W SMITH h Co. LONO AND kbillAßE SiIAIVLS—A A Mason & Co, 60 !darken rt., have past reed per latest tumor- Odious, 60 doc• Lorig and Square Shawls, including plaid Long Shawls, of the richest colors and choicest patters,. Comfortable Wool hlhawis of every descrip tion and at uniformly low prices. novS r ra-F R I R t Weir thet!. and We publie that they have ttpWV/ *ay CV:Weeders ante their late eatablloke moot to Penn stew, lethitith de the Pthaberhe theetehrb having removed their entoe beakless to the POINT EIREWERV, to Pht street. otylEtel RITON IE COOHRAN.E I FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 03 TCHOUFITOULAS BYRES -V111.4r3m.13 New Orleans. COLE3I/41, JIAU MAii & Co ,iire removed tothe 'Werehottse,-0 doors west . of the Idoneutgaltelo House, on Water and Front Meets. • ' • FOR RENT—The WarehOeme No. L 7 Wood ea. ' Ootl4 Post elvoy, ' • DR. D. HU* T, •••,x , Dcnti.t. caper of Fourth „ n 4 I ? , F tor, ' ' nrraul . nnadlyin kel and Ferry VIZIEITARt6-4 Obl Freiadilasulnl, fm mile by lII . ' nova JOHN D MORGAN Ts 4 '—A ma lot • ••• • de. übvl ' • AVGILL 6 608 ..,..:e __.—.,~sz:'ce...+c¢~?;g^»F.a ~zv , 5,~.5c.::f:.,~~._ ..,. e::.t his. ~, I 4 "1 yr _, -. Olf& !.4fl RUST Pi 1001? IRON =ID GEO. W. & OOy GROCERIES, kik' GRANS airs, 300 rip Re; coffee, ''6l3Pp ;er,4 11 %M ./ " d be -71 30 otds milked and pol: verized Begare; DI do Nos 3,7 k. 13 Loafer,. 9 casts Idaddpr, 9 earoonslndlgo, !me modd Pepper I auks 6 Salts, 6 bags 'Rue Ginger, 3 do Allspice, '69 matte cinnamon, SS Inns Bangs Am* do Holman , , _ SS Teams Mimi Wrapping pagan , lSOdo Sant do do; 16 dos Her con* S 1 coils manilla Rope; r3OCCI lbs cotton Yams; AOO Du No 16 S Batting; hts litosin Soap; 10 do rase do; bbls Rosin; SB mks Taming. doable reined Beds Ash; 38 bze 10311 Ow 44 do MO dßeo; 102 do pint alm 15 do do do; 14 do quart Bantu, 130 bbla Lime, 410 kit Eleturs Ride Pate rd r ale Sack do; 14 bdlas No 84 Meet bon; 20 Peacock . and Patent Lever Pion • —1 70 bxs ls, Ss,' es and litt Tobacco, various bids and qualities; Itz i ttolloa and Va.l bp bills No 3 large tuck , ere, Lead :Z s LI Black; 1t,931 Com AB, 11 and cast Steel; rF. Subscribers are nom ru km as fol • fehest.Y e Llsuperial, 0 P and bi t 'feu bra do do MO bap Rio and Idiguirs Coffee 15 by Old Oorr Jame do Ima manufactured To- Immo, 121, Me, 325, Ilb and lb lamp 10. and 64; Spun do, 100 orals Cassia I bbl Nutmegs • 23 bap Papmr cerooirs - bdigo 10 bags P c iento 9 bales yes; 19 bbls cblp'd Logwood 9 casks Madder 20 Mrs No 1 Chocolate cask. Epsom Salts 20 bbls Tanners' 00 3 casks lamp Oil 43bn13 WM Sperm ite CPiandles Wh 5 nuke Rice pe. 37 bags Dairy Salt 20 bbls refined Sager receiringand Mier for we vie 53 half bble N bb o 3 Mac kerel ls 75 bp white Brasil Sugar lW bxe Hering, No 1 15 Ms Bordeaux Alaroruls 35 " B Walnuts 35 " Filberts 33 " Brazil Nuts 30 " Tenn Oa Nate 233 bra W BRaWns 20 came Tomato Wally 50 dnizas Flgs 7 mac Dates 12 casks Zara Currants 20 tax Shelled Almonds 5 case* Liquadoe 20 burl Hoek Candy 73 " Fire cracker. 9 " steed Cbocolate 9 cues none. his Lemon Syru p I ease primed . Clinger 1 7 r u gli c pe, Regalia, Cumin, and Havana Cigars GLIM At HENN6TI 37 Wood in, mania, fit Charles Hotel Groceries gron., 4e. -- 600 I'M'Hiliio'Trd.,fill:nl°L6,„i., 100 bbd . tr. saga . r 150 bbla utolasies • 100 was assorted tobacco . ; 300 Odes N. Y. sole leather ; 100 kgs rock powder ; 300 MUMS foo wrapping paper ; lscap ; 50 bbl. No. 3 large mackerel ; 50 " Nook Camila. tar; 45 " assorted loaf sugar ; 60 " chip logwood ; " Annie 10 " ground eamw 2 bhds prime madder;ood ; 3 campus 8. P. indigo ; 20 bi le copperas; 15 " alma; 10 " salerams ; 76 dos bed cords; with a general assortment of Pine:iamb manufacture. receiving and far ode on accommodadng tonne by To Western Riekeboats. frAFIEY NENI' . offer for sale at 36 Wood areal 100 1 q p nb itTk i . and tun =ir Teas i 310 Rio Coffee; 1 6 Pepper Marilee • 1130 his 1 lb Lome, So and Lis Tobacco ; 90 a r tl z, rijith iura; • 100 bbl. Molasses ; 73 " N 0.2 and 3 M.kand ; 20 ha/1 do do 60 bi ds N. C. Tar 10 Tanner's Oil; 25 hie Chocolate; 60 " Raisins ; 23 " Whits Pk.; 1030 " Aas'd Window Glass from 6.11 to 9440; M ask. Soda Ash ; 00 bbl. S. Salts ; 10 mks Pearl A.; 12 " ; M " Garman Clay; 000 kgs Ased Wall with • general aummolant of all Hama Iron, and !israblugh mannfeentred snicks at I./ prim, sesils Okorsorloa s dbles 160 8 kga G " 11 0. 91* .,_ .O.P an.l oles 1m riot Teas ; SCObbis ?CO. Molasees; 60 kale N. o,Bl4gar, ISO bas Mmonfactured Tob.co, 12s 91s and 1 poondtamp ° Z= 31000 li t 5 bWa LEbogais; .1 lilCatOMls S. P. Indigo; Llohd Madder I El bk. N. C. Tar; • 30 " N 0.3 Large Mackerel; • 10 has No. ilChecolate ; 100 Real. Wrapping Papas; 25 los White Pirks; eases Liquorice ; With • general assortment MPirtskirshll.of.nares, reed and for sale by GEO. A BERRY, eepl.s 19 wool et CSROCERI TO begs superior Rio Coff. IlD ca ddies bf chests Y do P, and Imperial Teem AO do do do 150 bbl, N 0 Molasses Nl:lds do Sugar PO tau Have. do 33 Mils Loaf do, 6, 7 and 8 116 bss Team., 1 lb. 6, 12 and 16 00 begs 6 krist 1.00 mats Cassia 60 bbl. No 3 largo blackest! VIM. Madder cerosus S P Indigo abase Pepper tOdba e, Bo 1, .4 3 al boy "="arti, 6 to 10 60 bas lablo and mane Pip. 10 bbl. Tar e llrkle Skcbdrlree• Nada, ...id 40 dos gond Wk. Rags 611 hr. 640 .d Mole Glass 30 do: Halms 6 do Tubs Al., Pitubms► manufammed ar iel. of all kinds, for sale low by JOHN 9 DLLWORTIL •epltl 17 wood st WINES, BILANDLES, GINS, /le. 10 1 1 1. ALF pares Bra'a Jas 14.1 0 = , 3 " Pluel, Cutill. k. Co It octaves Rochelle do A Seigneur, ( pipes Holland Gin, v eta .ups pale illery Wine, Dcff, Grdo.. it Co liStglder 10 " M• Jesse do II Tenerde do Carpenter 40 " Oporto Wine, various grad. 30 " " Lisbon do la bf }Haut Several, Wine. bbo IQ blide Borden. Cies., Monster,. 15 dtl Marseilles do Berge. 13 booboo Champagne Wine, Heidsatek 13 do do do PA Mnmml Co 10 do do do Jaqueson & Boas 50 eases Qum of venous grads., isapted in bootee 10 baskets Hardee. Olive (Oil, crop 1642, Durand. 5 do Horde,. " Lemurs, 10 do Marsalles Jo.t received and for sale by AIM MILLER & RICKETSON QIINDRIPS-160 bags Orson R o Cosce: 33 bags fancy 13 do Latruarra 10 do old Gov Java 30 half chests °mob Tea& 30 do Mal. and Oolong Tau; 60 do CAM/ Isom seed " 60 boxes Tobace mooned; 30 do Crompto n o, & Co'. Palm Soap; 30 do Clullaccutte 3 do Cutlle 10 do Palm and Altrumd 40 db R Raisinr, 93 do " new crop, 1190 lb. Zonis Currant& 30 bbls small Loaf 001.0; 3 cases %Volta,' D R 10 bbls malted and pulvetisad &sitar; 6 do N 0 Clarified 3 sows Extract of Lemon, I do Roos; 1 do " IS dos fine 011va 011; 10 " eons &Tarim /dastard, 1 assorted Jetlies; 1 ease Jojoba Paste; 1 " liquorice; 50 dos Patent Etna Wub Hoards; LSO do assorted Corn Broom& 3000 lbs ouperior Saletatusi 30 ban &OSA. and Star Clualled, for sale by oenal JD W 114.141115 , corner wood sad E de sts k niEl3ll TEAS-IE3 half cbests,very nuperigtl:loq; . Young Dyson, Hyson Elkin, Otmposrder, Impertal, Hymon, and Black,' Now landing and for We br WICK lIPCANDLOSS, corner wood and waits it t“:. EAß—.4sopackakes, compnilni . 1 Youni Hymn - Teas, half chew arid entry bo xes ; Gunpowder do do do do Imperial do do do do Booehong and Poweboor, in half clews, of Mold qualities and late Importations, in atom and for sale by BAGALEV k. SAIITH, • ituaki • 18 andlo wood ot REFINELBUGAiI-.40 - katiD. ICtirieliti ird — iiiii, lOutrbbli not 4,5, 6, 7 and d small do O do entitled do MU do powdered do 50 do eluded do In rime and for Jule by JAI A IIIUTCHISON & Co, , seps Aim 13 .Is Reline . (1 FIRM N. P. Sups close cOnerriament, 33 bbl. 1 No, 3 mackerel; AI bait bbte Id kelt bbla Mord, 16 bble Muse =lesseirbie wieddt• glass, \led siree, *Obis. beet Y. IL Tod, Ido Imperial do, 'do Uoo Powder do. opa 13. B. BUSFIFIELA OILS: 500 dodo Sperm Wlmla nu do bbl. Qo Bee_bed ww 9 q o y 6 do roeru 'runnels do or sole by 6 do mlOl pltits LILAC R Turwuroe, in UB store Coand N & 13 EFINED SUGARS-6 Las U R large Loaf, 600 Ll, Ras 4,5, 6, 7 and 8 moll gdO do crushed; I,td do Powdroadi in store and for sate by JAMES A HUTCHISON & Co, /7 24 . eta of St. Louis Steam Sugar &Away GROCIERIII3-63 hhd . prime N 0 BUM 40 hhls Loaf Iliogay. 2, 6 Tit! 7 " Prime N - 0 ?treat! • 190 bog. "61 0 e ¢m Coffee '2B hf cheats V H Tea ' 60 bz• 0 and 121 b do .no, P 10 " Virginia Tobacco, 10, 6. and Its 20 Mile large No Mack mei 1194 e) For sale 117 W Er. mrreliKi.TßEF Ida ail GiUtariu. - 100 bhle Holmes; .• 69 " 6 H do • 620 bap mime Rio Coffer, 63 hi edema Y 11 and 0 P Teas 1.8 " " Pouroboof do 120 bp de and to Taste* 10 bap Pepper 60 WA. large No 3 Mackerel• : & choral exanrunent of Pittsburgh manufaetured ord. all of which will be bold lot; I) JAM = DALE WSW? la . 10591 - 4 1 1 . cub. Port 1P 25 do Sweet Main: dek 10 do Modell') r Isla It& . le W & ACM= • r •• I B • supeElof staintyy with on wonment pf Fon t v r and 'Donloodo /Anon, "VP's flOf.r vat L '.1.00/104, lawat. ® W a & apa .414411 . , Hounds, bon FARMS, sko. IFILLUABL3I6. .I.B.OPBOLTY /PM Daislt. _THAT jtro cteeup4ed by FL ?Oxon, psp.,on'Cri*sireet, near Bohinson,Allegbeny ehy, will be sold on 'The .Ita Is 33 Get 4 inches on Craig l.ramills thMugh to the Canal LW feet. There us aOood two story frame dwelling{ braze on the remises, hotly bat, and the lot U well promed., a runny of choice fruit arsPe, Bhrubbery, he. This property is convent. emly Mussed for persons domtbasiness to either Pict. tough or Sneltheny, and is *desirable residence. Title indutputable. For terms amity toWAL BOYD, Attor ney aoP4-3tft Law, °Dee on Fourth sweet, above Smithfield. •Tell ITUATED on the Monongahela river, ,Mout Monks la from Plitaborxh am! 3 oulea above third Loot, in the immediate nemhborhood of Messrs. Lyon .1 Shorb, and Mr. John Herron's purchase. Ms fine body of Coal will be sold at the low price of 1113 per acre--one tMrd in head, Nilson:a in five equal aromal payments, without Werra Mee Lndismnable. Location very good-cannot be surpip.oc, For further particulars enquire of S. BALSLBT, who has a draft of said pro perty. Residence 2d at, below Ferry, Mr. Adam' Row. N. R. There is another seam of coal ott thls tram', about 60 feet above the lower, of exce ll ent quality. Iy2Buttf S. FL Z.at• rs Ohio. ATRACT of land, 90 apes, in Harrison, Portage Co n on the Cuyahoga river--about 30 acres under ins. prarement. ALA two unimproved lota in the village of Warren, Trambell Co., 60 (mu hy 90. Alio, a lot of =in the centre of Hartford, Trumbull Co., with a i d ssenting henna and store—one of the beu stands for a merchant on the Westam Reserve. Any or an this property will be sold on very accommodating term. Mate DICKEY & Co., feblo Water and Front sta. - •.. PM:1100E1f IPOII HE large and well built Factory, erected . Rebee- T ea street, Allegheny city, by E. 13. Cassell, Esq., is o Bred for sale at • bargain, an on easy term. The lot on which the Factory is erected, fronts 100 feet on Rebecca meet, and rune back 110 feet to Park street. The main building is of brick, three stories high and 60 feet long by feet wide. The Engine House is large and COMMIOdIOIII, with an engine, boiler, stack, &a., all in complete order. The property will be sold low, and on advenutgeone term. For price, tee., enquire at this office. AITHE subseribe C offersfOr rem for the term of one or more years, a large converdent fin. two story Dwelling Home, containing 8 rooms and Kitchen. There is a lot of gromd containing IS acres of fine young fruit trees of every kmd, stable, In., connected with the home. To any person wish ing • delightful residence within a few minutes ride of the city, this will be a rare ehance. For terms, which will be low to • good tenant, inquire of Mr. Jon. Wright, near the premises, of John Watt,conter of Hand and Liberty streets, or of 0ct2841 THEO. F. WRIGHT. Trawl. of Land for Sale. THE tabscriber will sell on accommodating terms, a valuable tract of unimproved land, moats on the road leading from Brighton to Franklin, about eighteen miles from Pittsburgh, and about eight miles fulio the town of Freedom on the Ohio over. The tract con tains 41.0.1 acres and SO perches, strict meuure The land is of an excellent quality, about 90 acres cleared, and well watered, and will be sold either in whole or In farms of convenient size, to suit purchasers. Por further particulars enquire of WM. BOYD, Arty st Law, office oowtf 4th EL above Suinhoeld, Pittsburgh. properly_ of mylikladtr- Alleiglaany City toi - italaT. — Hfi subscribers offer for into a number of choice Lots, situate in the Second Ward, fronting on the moo ground, on easy terms. Inqture of W. OP H. ROBINSON, Atty at Law, St Clair at or of /AS ROBINSON. on the premise& myl7:d/cwff T VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. ON PENN STREET FOR SALE—A Lot of Ground situate on Penn street, between Hay and Marbury streets admitting the house and lot now occupied by Richard Edwards, having a front of 23 feet, and in depth CIO feet, will be sold on favorable terms. Title unexceptionable. En quire of C. 0. LOOMIS, ilth at, near Wood. ocr2l-dxf FOR RENT. A THREE story Brick Dwelling Houle, on AVater, above Grant street. Possession given on Wefirst of January, 1b49, or sooner if required. For terms, inquire of . oel 0 BLACKBURN k Co, water st Desirable Countrysta - .aee — ter WISHING to return to the city next Spring, will .11or eselushige for city property, my present rest see In avrvencenlle.. This property la Imauti folly located on the Greensburg 'I urnpike, about 97 minutes drive from the contra of the city. bov4-dtiv ho Hl'. "rllohl PSON, 110 Market st Valuable ileeldenee 1u lilarsgheuy Olty for Sele. • • . CotsmEmi•LATim: u la ale eel Cram Allegheny city, I offer est reaideree I lot sale. The premises LTC inttpligtartal order, and every way arorthy the at twaton of any person wishing each Igerwlrj. R. W. POLVDEZTEIL 17, "r , . tats Ls ~- ariisW• Ocraiii — - kr*,• Storehouse ami Dwelling, site on the Erie Extension Canal, in the 'Wage o( West Mid a desirable location for • merchant Also, a Lot and good Dwelling Honor well suited fora Tavern /bind, in the village of i ftmgertile, on Sate lino of Ohba Terms easy. H DICKEY & Co. fehld Water and Front sts. ___ ECE32 Ag& A CONVENIENT two story Brick Dwelling 111 House, on Ross street. Ertgaire of WM. H. WILLIAMS. cor Woad and 3d sN 110 AL LAND FOR SA.LE--Seven acres coal land I,_/ for sale, situate in bend often Monongahela Steer, abase Brownsville, Pa, boom' • 7 foot vein of coal which will be sold in exchange for goods. For purvey .. apply to f0c251 P h HARBA 14311 Xlvoond el noffen A jT a ll ' e U lt s 'e =try F. - 62V b T i o b" on Wood street, occapied y Tanner & Co. • • i 7 WM. WILSON, Jr. 0,41 The aebeeribera will rent part of the ware '''lYA7lll,llT"ZiEfir,lVCo, AMID 44 water meet. EX.CIIANGE BROKERS,A.,__ 13ask•rs, Riche - tags - D"?oi ere, TOTES, DRAFTS,!!CCErr/qiCE3, GOLD, S 1 L V ER AND BANK NOTE?, COLLECTIONS.—LhoItr. Note, and Acceptances payable in any pan of the Union, collected on dm must favorable terms. EXCHANGE on Neve York, Ptuladelptua and Bal. Sonora, also, esneannan, I..oulast/le, Satin Louts and Naar Orleasmconsosay for sans, I BANK NOTE—V—Notet on all “littla banks m the Visited States diceounied al the Morena rates All kind. of ForelAn and American (Mid and Stir. Coin boag ht and .old. Office No. Si Market street between 34 tknd 4U. Petetborgh, Pa 0,23 lIANNA CO. DMIXERS, EXCHANGE DRONER& md dealers in Ftrnelirn Gorman. Exchange. Certificates of postin Bank Notes, and Speede; Fourth meet, near ly opposite me Bank of Enisborgn. Current money reeerred on deposne—tiaghi Cheeks for side, and col lections made nu nearly nil We principal points in We United Mama Ttio blSh prelsll6lll paid for Forer 4.0 alzertran Gold. entst,tea ina.le on °assignments of Produce, ship ;on heral terms. mettli P L OI --- Crii VI At - I - CHANGE. PILLS on England, Ireland, and Scotland bought any amount at the Current Rat. of Exchange ao, Drafts payable in any part of the Old Conn.., from LI to at at the rate of Ili to the / Sterlins, without deduct°. or dtactient, by - JOSHV A ROBIN SON, Earopean and General Agent. Mike fith a nne door weal of wood. Nv EsTrairruarbs- Omq Kentucky, kfissousi, Bank Notes purchased at the lowest rates., by N. 1101..M}.. EONS, sept 3 53 Market suset. - . .I . osare tru.t. VIC C. CCM' II LL & CURRY, DANKERS and Exchange Broker. Deniers In For -11 alto and Dotnestie Mao sod & t &Its of Ex change, Cesuleates of Deposits., Bank Notes end Coin, No its Wood street, third door below Fourth, west side enargltf Lunn unotatal (.OWa unit PLBAREED. & DAUM, BANXERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, dealers In Poseign and Domestic Hills of Exch.tge, Ceo tincates of Deposita, Bank Notes and Com, COMO/ of 3d and Wood streets, directly oppatne St. Charles Ho- tel. 2.-nly IFiGibtPlid - Xo3ltilikiTic—qiicks on New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, Constantly for sale by N SOLME4 & SONS. sepl3 Yi Klarket sL o~Lfictiotire dote:; Draffs and Acceptances payable In the Western eines, collected on the most favorable terms by .pIE N HOLM} & SONS ddEcitiitiVN - k.WllAiriai. 1.0 ott4 N HOLMES & SONS HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS FASHIONABLE. HATS THE subscriber, in addition to hia await , manufacturing of Ham, has made arturige• meats with Mewls Helm St. Co, .(the most fashionable damns oldie city of New 't ark,) fpr • reg ular supply of his extra fine Silk lints, and having just reaeleed a ferw eases, gendomen can be suited with a vary rich an 4 heautifttkhat by calling at his new Hat and Cap Store, ibblibLold street, second door *oath of Poor* where may he found a gram variety of Hats and Ca p of his own manufacture, wholciaile and re tail. Hats made to order on short nonce. apZi JAMES WILSON. Df•CO RD-3. to., (Successors to Wetted h. King) 11" Fashionable I i ' °erne,. of Brood and Fifth Bffixts, PARTICULAR attenuon pod to our Retail Trode. Gentlemen can rely upon getting their Hats and Caps from our establishment of the easy NUT.... and pons. wre n of the Yarn? Inhan, and at the hewn. Country Merchants, purchasing by wholesale, Ate respoctiUly invited to gall and ezartilne our Stock, as we 't an an with confidence that no regards onaint and Mtn, It will not mire, Ina comparison wok any febl7 Fall irsahloras for I€l4B. SIoCORD & Co., Suet Woo. zum,) ILL introdumt on Saturday, Augast 20M, Ma Fall tayle of Liate,jast received from New York. In want or a neat and beautiful hat, are invited to call at their store, corner of Fifth end WO.l rimed,. aa#4 STRAW GOODS. gtio,DEALERS are invited to examine R. H. PALMER'S stock of Straw Goats, of the spring agile, composed in part of BONNETS—Florence Braid; Faiglish Don. sable dm American do do; China Pear) do; Coborg do; Rutland tip; French Lace. Pato,' GIMp, Ac. HATS—Leghorn Pt i Leal Pmmtna, Puny Straw, do Braid, %IV braid. k , ., 141 do. tsc. Strew Bon. net i tarronse, c SG markof B. mar& TO WHOLES/L.4.E 940CERS. • rillif:pdatsifille4 ore prepared 113 Ell nrder. tor .0 qisantlty o Cyprees Molluscs Barrels, of • map,. or quality, deliverable to order at any ume by goose us • few days notice, at Our Wharf Boat W. thins we can make it the interest of dome merchants who hay largely on the coast, as they con order their bar. rats chipped to any plantation they may desire, which dull be attended to without extra charge. WATTS, cau...y & co Paducah Ky., OaL 23, 111148.-3 re FirRRIDIDD 8311€ L WORKS AND SPRING AND AXLE FACTORY. awl tOXIii, 30= 7. Q9lOO. JOITES & VIGO , oMANITPACIVRERS of spring and batter steel, ploargh aleeli steel plough wing., coach arid elip apringa hammered iron 0016., and dealer! at mal leable erma, are engine lamp, and coach tnnunings gerierellyieertuir aril.. and From as., Pittab. =6, Pa. se . ilillArE-3uoo lb. Just reci'd and km ule nuz by; Pn "1 -1 1,M7 li E D 16.41,;-:,:.,, . . 1-10I9r ! irric • - r I THE ONLY HINSONIFTI 'LITANY'S FEONYANLE ESITAZ .g o Drjalaa. „U. We remedy for Fpllvptie ta &am en. Convulsions, Spaons, No. }cis welt krstneu, tharcrosa: time nommeorial,Ormolus bave_pronouneed quiet. tic ineumble. It has ban* all their skill, and the boasted power of all toedleine,land consequently than. sands have =fared through Ikrizbenale arimanse,and at Ism yielded up, their liras on the altar of insatitY• With all dellnonee, bosom, to the opinions of aka rest and learned, we may that tt has beta anted . 1 HARTS VtONFABLE MONACO, , For sateen years, has been mated p by many us who have nattered with this dreadful diseatt and in every cam where Is has hod o fait , Mal, , has tfected s permanent ewe. Fits of 26 years arid 6 Month!, ell Ted, by the use en this truly wonder - fel medicine. . ' Read the following rabartithle ea se 'of The soh or Wm. &core, Esq., of PluladeVbis, 'Acted with 41. !optic Fits 27 years and ll'atoulftS. Atli? travelling through En;land, Scotland, Germany trukFritlee,'eb. tubing the most emlreent Phiutchriur tnd elPutdlng medicine, medidal treatmenVend'adUlebteme sand dollars, returned with taaimmuittd 2 Noeember last, without remit' inirsal- benefit whales er, and was cured by wing ' FLAIIT'S vE.GErißriiattior. ' : • . . . Mr. William Secore's loner to - DIS. , /Vatteand Hart I have spent over three thousand ldoStra /lbt eine and medical attendance. I woes:asked to take tour to Europe with bite, ad eh l• did. - 11 San 'Mined England. f <vomited the most etainert p h Wee in respect to his case; they exambred=d prescribed accordingly. I remained lbws months without perceiving any change for :the better, which cost me about two hundred end fifty dollars peeketed by the physicians, and the mullion I received ma. their opnuon that my son's case sus hopeless and posi tively incurable. I ateotdirmly leftElmglaudiandtrwo.. died through Scotland. Germanyand Frahm,uut re- turned home in the month of November tact. with:my sou as the from being cured as when Heft, .inawyour advertisement in one of the Now York papally, and concluded to try Hart's Vegetable Ramer, seeing you statements and certificates of so many cures, some er twenty and thing yeast' sending, and 1 canassurayou I arn not sorry I did so as by the use of Harthstfrageta; ble Extract alone, be 'was restored -to perfeet•health His rumen, which was so far genus mWail hi= for badness, a eimrely restored, with Om proepect now before bon, of life, health and usefolneaa , HD is now years of age, and V year. and 6 month.- snide time hat been afflicted with fhb most dreadful of;dup , eases; but thank God be is now enjoying good health: Now, gentlemen, froth without works I don't bellows tn. To any that I dual be ever grateful to you is One thing, and as I here enclose you one bairn Ulan, I have no doabt but that you will think this ie another and quite a different thing. The debt of gratitude I still owe you, but please to accept the present Kamm as Interest on the debt in assume. Yours very respectfit w ly at (Signed,/ SECOHE TO 7B MTLICTED, One of the proprietors of this invernable methelns was afflicted for • several years with Nalemin Fits. The disease had produced the worst edeet aponhis system, east Loss of memory, imbecility of miU_, and ■ perfect prostration of the nervou system. fie had tried the skill of the best phyuciansfor seven years, and grew worse under their treatment, and .ha knew that this medicine was his only trope for health and Ufa and was therefore determined to give it a fair road and to persevere in tin use, which he did, and the reral. was a perfect restoration to health, which wan mind ued nnunerropted for nearly sixteen years. We would refer to tee following persons who haw been cured by using Man's Vegetabie RUM= Col E Demilow's daughter was slalomd nine years resides at Yonkers, New York. W Bennet, nine years, 171 Grand R. 1 Els - worth, seven years, 12 Dover sr, Joseph 'WNW, me years, East Brooklyn, 1.. It II W Smith, cw York Custom House. S BellT, twenty years, Staten[slang lam 0. Wiser, twenty years, yo,time Nis. B Crane, twelve years, 112 flammersly n. Wm 11 Parma, twenty-three years, 73 Norfolk at. Jacob Petty, font years, 174 Delaney st Phrlo Johnson, twenty- Might years, Orcanosatla, hl Judge Emden', 54 FAO Broadway, New ?ark, Thomas It Jones, of the El El Navy. Cant Wm Jennings, Busts It. Bridgeport, Ci. Reference also made to Dr W L Monroe, Guilford. 0. 8., Richard Taggart, West DatertportX TI Rey T L Boahnell, Baltimore, 1110, Mr Joeeph Bradleedlahl/l Orchen n l at, 1V Y. C R Doodhlorr 42..1 Dmath V. Mn James BOTthoII, Chwer, Oraode ee. N T. John Faber, 172 I; , •beth A Richton, 'MB Deltiocy et, do lame. Smith. 126 Suffolk et, de Charles Brown, He Water et, • do All of which may to called upon, or addreasad. put ;mid N ET y tVa.ad by Dr S flag, Cale Iran. & Hart., • O P THOMAS It Co, 145 Mehl st, between 81 and 4th as, sad ifd Shun hawses, 4t6 and 6th shoats, aneinnah, Obi. wholesale sad recall nexus for ‘2,4 south and woos. • L WILCOX, Jr- corner of Market at and Um Dia mond. only set in Pluabyr Pa 1 M2i:dawly PO THE PROFESSORS &ND AIRMBERS OF THE MEDICAL SOCIETIp, .e• • •. • Bloth•r, Wife and Dand/atar T N THE UNITEDSTATES.—The subscriber ffispec 1 . fully calls your anennon to Dr 13siourre. ()tax i:LIAM. espreitsly Intended for the preservation of the health of both n:es—whether ttantes from Incipient Phtbisis, or early consumption, Debility of en Lea, Bronehial Affections. Asthma, Pleurisy, Deranged and Dnordend maw of the Liver. Spleen, or Kidneys, Dn. eased Spine. Cholie. limeys's, Palpitation, of the dont Loss of Menai. or Nervo. Power, kA. /cc. UR. C. B. BARRE-FF ,S GUARDIAN comes to the ' immediate relief of Females suffering Rent Irregulariii de., and all other Uterine difficulties and diseases Loci. dental to woman, whether occasioned by cold, wet feet, or any similar iniudicLons exposure, and all this without the use of medicine; as the most delimits and sensitive lady emits any moment apply it 10 herself without the possibility of incurring any risk or danger, or any unpleasant results arising Rom it, and with the certainty of obtatinnummediate relict Dr Barrett's Guyon. I. no CStall.Criny, or on. of the many !iamb.yn of tin day-, but it is an nutria:neat made upon smelly scientific prineiples, accordance with the law' of nectneny and Galvanism; nal , for meanie's. durability and efficacy, inßnitely auepunu everything's( the kit slover bafortrodened-ro therpoblie for the relierof disease, amt in the lafignags of fano of the most enlightened men of We day, is :pronounced to be Ape e ritTl ' o ' ftlo t less i" =fo of ur th y e ears ills been occupied by Dr. Barrett in brmging the Guardian to to present awe 01 perfeetion—donng which time it has been to the hands of none of the most eminent phyainaits the North and South, as well as to the darelfinso of uni niter°. families. who have and it Mr all of the above purposes, with the most perfect success, and who have cheerfully pren their unquodifsed approbation of its efficacy and "aloe, strait be seen by referring to tic Mammal of Instructions accompanying it Dr C D. Barrett , . (Mardi. Is secured from innetea , no. by stem from the United States Patent Office, and be had enher with or without hi. Medico-Electra Golvanomenr. The Ikledico-Meetro ObleanoMelev, in point of beau ty, workmanship, durability and power, cannot be sur pased or even equalled, and the subscriber feels that 6e hazards nothinr in the assertion Mtn it will be found to possess more power end edimery in the treatment snol removal of tbseases, by Galvanism and Electrici ty, than any outer instrument, either in the Viliteli :Smuts or Europe. The aledico-Electro Galvanometer to warranted in terry respect, and with common arch nary care will last a Ilfeatme, and is by far the cheap est, because the best. Instrument ever oared to the public. A manual arrompantee them, giving the most ample instructions, orpractical experience, so that it crassly Intelligible to the mind or every one, l bs... • ay of arrangement ia such that a cttild may a,esiitth ll Any infonb,dion granutonaly given, and all commu nications ebeermily aukarered per mall, either in rel.- non to the EterfO , GOV•lloolelfti or Guardian. Simateril men are invited to call and examine Dr Bar. red'a Guardian. and teat to effieacy. • For raDi by 11. RICLIARDS.ON, sole Agent, 71 Mar ket et, Pittaburgh. apOidif MEDICAL. de. SURGICAL OE9OIOE, No. 65, DIAMOND ALLEY, a 7, fer a d , t i lore todlow Wood srreet, to BROWN, hating been , regularly educated to the medical ▪ -J_ profession, and been for some dam ▪ .•le general prattle°, now 0011finel his attention to the treatment of those private and delicate cam: • .111 k plaints for which his maii(anities and experience tweanntlY WOO .„.• '‘ him. It yeaii assiduously devoted to stony e. treatment of those compl,sintodanag which time he has hod More practice and has cored more pa bents than cnn ever fall to the lot of any private pmc ntioner) amply qualifies him to otter allearaneoll 01 speed, permanent, and satisfactory core to all atuietee with deb ate diseases, and all diseases analog there irom_ Dr. Brown would Inform those afflicted with privets di,,, sns which have become chronic by time or ag, gravated by the rote of any of the common mamas of the day, that their complamts con be radically and Mot , ouglily cored; he having given Ids eateftil aneeti or , m the treatment o[l4 cases, and' succeeded in hundreds o( instances in caring persons of inflammation of the neck of the bladder, and kindred diseaseawhlch often result from those cases where others have consigned them to hopeless d.pair. He partiOnlarly Invites such as have been lout and nostaccessildly treated by others to consult hint, when every .usfuctiou will be given them, and their cases treated in a careful, thorough and intelligent manner, ponued out bye long expsemee, study, and investigtmon, winch it a unpanfhlk - gnrsa o , s engaged in general practice of aped:Mite to give 11111 one e Wm of disease. LiTlieroitt or BnPlarp.—Dr. Brenta sire invites .per. sons afflicted whellartue to colt, as he has paid mune. al r sm..mtfon to this disease. Skin diseases; also s Palsy, etc., speedily cured N. P.—Pauatu of otth sex living at a distar,t4, by stating their disease in writing, giving all tjie gym p, toms, can obtain medicines with dlrcouifas' for nag, b) addreming T. BROWN, post paid, sal encl... ing a fee. Office 1 . 0, 4, Diamond alley, opposite the overly House. Irmstrasnmit—,.Dr. Brown's newly discovered reme dy for Rheumatism ion speedy and certain remedy for that painful trouble. It never Mils. Office and Private Consulting Henrys, No. 65 Dia mone.d alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. The Welds I , 1 . 1 .4,74 of hom ire N. cuts rift pysT: decl9. _• . . WONDERFUL CURE fir CONSUMPTION!—AI. though Ds.Twylor's Balsam of Liverwort has found hundreds of advocates, and has produced a large number of testimonials In he favori I cannot withhold my small meed of praise. Being predisposed to con sampaion. both from peculiar Mrmittion,end hereditary transmission, I tried every Mean; to check this dis ease, and strengthen • naturally Weak constitution, I spent two years et Pisa, one at Rome, two in Florence, and another In the South of Prance, setting, mean time, the envies of the best phyalciime. Two yeah sloes I returned to this Country, an about the read ib nation as when I led it, I had seen bt the reading rooms in Europe much said in laver of I. Taylor a Balsam of Liverwort. and on soon as I mrived In this city, I used It, and n three mon th s I was so well icon eluded I could safe i y per; the winter here, and did so. I have used occasionally a battle low and theddming this time, but am now in as toed health us is possible /11 - s cough hiss wholly censeik sodnay tangs kave eve ry feeling of beiOth. Dr, a timid,. mid Hr. Pest, of this city, were my physicians, and now say dol.-believed me incurable. HILL. Western Hotel, Coartlandt st n Liverwort, enti in the common way of omparetice is uoiversally known as the best article for diseases a the Lungs tae discovered; and it la °baled. that a highly concentrated inaporallOn,ScettrinS the whole virtue of this Inestimable herb, mast be in•oloutilch Moreover, this medicine contains the medical groper. , ties of many toots and he hs. Such kw. beam,, the. , sae., C[lllll of this &slum, that it is warranted &arming Inca: able of precluding, in any tomanCer - lVtis effete,, Within the testi:iv( years the car. thr , mmiereign remedy have been immense , beyond Placed/du andi t a reputation sustained from Mame to Alabilmahias p m rum are confidence bestowed anon. a p u r e ly vegetable, sod_ . , _the ...email 'Satan. hoending Its lase. Phyarcians WatlitiSte.a canal etioo of canna., safety andatmens„omploy it in their prude., recommend at to Ikea, p= d7 deem this medicine safe and invaluable, u it does not interfere with any 4 . a Medib pillows may b e rating as the same time: Bar r a:k attiet them to h ew pecuniarily of diet, confuenne4lec., thuaemabling ' omelet. the full benefited thiantedleme, and follow at the same time, if they wish, this , advice of their physinian, , . „ Sold in Pluaburkb by - 3 D blattin, 93 Wood 4;1 T0vn.9 09 . Idgtrket.t, H 9911,9c3, corblizketalad yd mi_blandsroon eCo,4ll.4bertrit 'Pr39,9,1993999 pfiopertmllib- ,99119; ~ . . . SPLUNDID STOCK OP WALL GOODS, oso.l4,Seledt.itettalk - . b. l e 174.14`.1 )1011; nrrogunG s'l44 IfiA steel:red Mara tharioniftlMite'NO Cents ea . . , ' ) charm of. Furetmairld 'BOMestiejGoods, mak e of Bushatal itlensive litsorbeertfa idthelCoun.. - 1 .P 7, embracing the lames, sipbeetandmostfisbituialde ;styles of Impottedand Amerman tb:sterchued in ~., entire paelokes from de imposters. mamulseturcreand .• • ' large Auction sales; by ono of the Ruin t h e in New *York, who is constantly sending At if the newest end' -most desirable goods ut the Einstein markets, Which sipli be offered as low aa at any establishment in the 'lb:sited Stews, and lower .tban coed 'possibly be offer red by any House in the West. We enumerate the fol . _low. ft article.— DRESS SILKS-0 caws .rich Arulgtiable, wiped, plaid and brocade Gee de Aft% Gip da Berlin, Gee de 'Swiss, Gyp de Algiers, Glecier, black Gee dr Rhine, . Wale. fine Seen, Floleoce OW eActrs, d. , 0 . 4 P'.."9 - . ms, _Silk Velvet of all Colors, avert:Large Mak: '',. - - Mk CASES DRESS GOODS; vud.eases extra rich. , '. satin striped Cashrne re; do do dot:tattled dodo; dolma. - - Slimed Lethal: di Laium do Conant° Plaids, swiped ..., Orientals, he. Also, 50 casecAlpacewq_2o cases rieb•- , •• striped and 'plain Lyons se; 6.4.7ltrian Plaid and Silic--, , Twill: 0.4 cashmeres and Grandilla'Plaida FRENCH MERINOS—A full assortment of black, i mode, ecarlet,Jldotoors, Nasasine, bine, purple and otl•.'' ' er Won( of the.ben menufactere. ntOSILAWLS--Compnaing the most extensive se , - '•• sorunent ever offered in thinicity, embracing - long and - - • ' squire Cashmere and Tulin plaid ferawls,llfaude, • , Bruescrick, Finland, Jenuy.Lind, Lamanine, and cab- -:, er Shawls. KHBROMEEUES, LACE ,GOODS, GLOVEst, &c.— • V , 1 Lace cap( collate, tuts, &tenants collar( churn:mita !Liao, linen cambric and lawn. Wisp, Laces anikEdg- - • nags, Belt Ribbons, nosh:rya all bed% 61,,,,,,,5p (IMPS, FIitINGAS,. CORDS, BRAfDS, ,te —a felt .t assortment of the most fashionable !styles. . LINEN AND HOUSEKEEPING GOODS—Case of • , Irish Linen, best manufacture, linen Sheeting. and • - tilL j a c ease Linens, Table Damask and Limper Sado . clothe end Napkins, Iluckaback. Rua sia, end Binh, Eye Diaper. Flannels—cover 104.0 peed— every variety. Bleached and Brown bleslins—more . that !RUM pa .fall the well known makes. ' RIBBONS—More than 100 cartons entirely new fall 'andwinter Ribbone,sery choice styles. . th Clothe,. Casaluteree and Doeskins, in pear •. ty; Vanes( Scarfs, cravat. a.r BBL& t Goods - of every description( together with ev e ry,strticle usually found Ina dry goods more. We &Bowing is an invoice or 07 eases goods Jut receiyed,with Me prices annexed: 10 bales of red end white Flannel( all wool, for lee 7 cases blue and orange Prints, 13 ,dril lfit i e= gi'zdn:,fm 100 . . el , 17 do Bleached Marline, 41 . 4 do Motu de Leine, 12 7 do reel Scasch Gie l h t 4 ... Also, 50 bales 4.4 Brown Al% t All of which, In connection wthose above mew. • tinned, will be offered alter price. thanes:she afford.. rd by any other emnbliehutent In Mi. city. The ONE.' V. PRICE ( SYSTEM, which insures JOUICO end Chimes. V • to alh a lll be strictly observed. Any creole perches. • ed st easel:Li . ..Meese found to be abort:vise general: '.. ettatket rice, • eel:mavens redaction will most willing- ly be made, upon the circumstance s being made known,. . to the Proprietors, It being their desire that all good: Mull be sold On fair and honorable terms. All persons , - we respectfully invited to.examints our assortment without feeling the least obligation to purchase. oett Nay, Forksoruat, enda rri ParriesLusk Meng Good.r just ved at Whl• DIGHY.II mass cane cunortno rrons, - ne. 152 sneer soaker, THE Proprietor of the above establbdunent would resratfolly inform his numerous mends and ease:. men, that be has Jost received his first supply of fall and winter goods, which., nano, comprise. everythi n g that is new, fashionable, handsome and good edVt to gentlemen's wear; and as he has been particularly fortunate ID making purchases, he Is deterathied to of fer everything in his line ofhtruness much cheaper than was ever offered in Piusborgh before; and as some are very hard to convince. that Pittsburgh manufacture* e. go ahead of the Eastern cities, he would Invite all seen to examine the following list of prices. and then. call and HIS stock Idler doing which, be tals con fident the s y ea will have , their doubts removed, es well as, some of their money t Good cloth coat* various color* from WI 00 Good fashionable cassimem pants, from 550 Cloth and over coats 7 Cal Vests In great variety 7300 F Gentlemen.' cloth cloaks, large aim 9 60 Ladies' cloaks, splendid patterns 900 Tweed sack coats 9 50 Flushing over coats 30 Jahn:Met over coats 3 00 A versquga stock of shins, ender altirts and draw ers; t o t eadkerie cravats, suspenders, an Or ders h Tailoring line animated in the best manner and at the shone.; CiaLice 114314421.311 - -- NEW AND SEASONABLE GOODS. — ,4 LEXANDKR & DAY have tat received a fines. JAL assortment of the following description of TAW 011. hi< good, the greater portion of which have been. bought at Auction; and will be sold at great bargains- FLANNELS—Red, white and yellow Flannel, e very large and complete assortment, and very cheep SATTINETS—A very Bad gold mix _l . . t r e io, of blue, Wank,. ba. mi i r t ALPACAS k S A 1 pact , trim d grdZ fancy plaid and stlipcd do, cheaper thm ever. FANCY SILICS—A rplendid awonment of rid, changeable Silks, both plain and fted, of almost every shade. RILAWLA—A. very raprios assortment of ser Bombe, Plkri. minted, Tok e en, and Cashmere Shaw up ls, at proms far below the ordinary rate. Also, it large assortment of ibtglish Merinos, Casl. • meres and Gala Plaids, blue, bib and gray Pilot Cloths, for overcoats; bib Cassimeres, cotton Damask, Linen• do, Kentucky Jeans, /to. am; to all of which are invite; the attention of the public. - ALEXANDER & DAY, :5 market ay ocnbi • N W coy attic diamond F:!_== Fa EATON Co, having removed from Market . wear to their 'now Store, No MFourth street be tween Wood and Market, are now opening their Fall, stook of Trimmings and Variety Goods, among whirl are—Cloak and Dress Fringes of all kinds; atibroidery Gimps .4 V 01..,,, Embroidery and NeoCe Work; • Zephyr and s l'astryfforsted Chenille Vloe, • l aegis Forsaa Stool Trimmings; • Ladles Merino awl Vests,and Hosiery; chlldretis' Costa, (Wien, Mins, Gloves and Hotierf te Gents Shins, lieuierAhins, Dmorers,Dnissing Goorruii e. • • Wool nod Cottoo.tianx • -Childmue-foo.sa, of Intesipartantli, ter u.-low trim bolt otoluslo-irsEJ retail. ootf F. H. Ern.. W e P. 61alorakx.r... _ - MACK ALPACAS—WA Murphy Invites she par- D ticular attention of boyars to 'kis stssorunent oC above Goods, having selected them Sitat rent eans t ia , rotetenee to theieglossy finch and good body for VIIII: ter use. Also, . . . ~ MOHAIR LUSTRES. COLIIIIIOI2, medium attd4 4.4 er.. fine qualities, including a few piecn in block, for mourning purposes. Also, • . FANCY ALPACAS AND LIPSTRES, in great we-. t rimy of satin stripes, plaids, and brocades. tome of, which an very cupertor. As these goods have beans bought direti.ly from importers, they can be sold at mm.. lowest potunbie prices. To.be had also by the Mete, in Wholesale Rooms up.- maim, at a very small advance on cost_ octa o Country Blernhasits. SIIITH & J T OHNSON. 4d &lark. sweet, would invite the attention of Country Merchant. to their stock of New Pall Goods, purchased for coati, of the New York Importing and aucuon !mows, and will be sold eastern lobbing once. The stock commies a great variety of Dro ss God., chameleon ad black. Silk., nib and cotton 'warp Alpacas, real Alpaca Luturea, fancy chatoehou tod plaid do; sous • riped Orientals; French sod English Aresmoar, blouselth de Lain sod C4lllilDeren, sonars sod long Shawls, Gloves and lip, ale ry, Sonnet St hborw from 76 cent. • piece op; borntel Nib., Artifietal Flowers, Loren cambric Hilkfs; .10 canons Thread Laces sod Edgings; lb canons cation do; Combs, Bottons, Thread, - Needlea, Pins, &e., kt every vanetv Wholesale Rooms id Soot. sepaS ' R ?. received a full stook; D among which may be found' 7 Plain Mac h and figured Alpacas; Coined sod fancy plaid do Oregon, California, Queen, Orleans and Lombardine. Plaids; plain, colored and furred Cashmeres, u . de Woe; Silk, Tartan and plaid culdoerea; together with's large assortment clothes dress goods, of which will be sold low by the prate or package. oct9 sunexi.Err lArtirrEox? wood RECEIVE AT W. 1 1 PCLIATTOCK , S Carpet W an, boas*, 73 Fourth 'treat— pe 64 roaewood cord Table 011 Cloths; 3 “ nab dark " The above are of superior qoality,elastieily of fin ish, almost beautiful colons and shading, intended for furniture, counter and table covering.• eon LAROE NEW COO — DS. It Mrarnv lamer opening 'bra SECOND SUPPLY of Winter Goods, including • variety of shades of .Zt. French Merino et, cherry, and other high colored Merinoesz Magazine b rte do; brown do • Also with of same colors; /deacons, km with many other deairable goods that are very l lntone , , all of 'stitch will be sold very cheap, at north east cot net of 4th and Market ate. • ocr2l TN CAMBRIC HANDICERCEBEFS—Batitt4 Jobintort. 40 Ma rket meet, would invite the Wen. lion of deelere and others to their Mielee meek of Cambric Hdka. all limn, from 0/ cis up tole/A.l.lu ding every variety olmpe bordered, hemmed, sure bed,- dear lawn, lamb dp corded borders, R ro evier, embroi dered and colored bordered. oce.B S ATINETS AND R Murphy has nm+ open a large supply of Plain Black Satinets, Wilt sinpe do, satin barred do, plain, blue do, Invisible Pewn do, cadet mixed do, gold mixed do, Oxford mixed do; nod eaglet nod gold rnued leans, at' to prices, by the piece or yanL Wholesale Rooms up wawa. omll DRES& GOODS--Smuh Market * Johnacm, 45 hove received a choice stook of Dress Goods, 0011' siltng La pan of rich Chimelion Silks, black do, milli' striped Cashmeres and OrModals, plain Chameleon and plain Alpaca, satin suipal do; silk Warp and. real Al• paca Lustre Printed Printed Masao de Laine and Cashmere.,. Preach and F.glish Merinos, real Scotch Gingham, nom CIA up to the &nem quality; Calico from 4 eta to IA; rich Leib. Muslin Robes for ovoids's. dresses; tee, iss which they erottld particularly invite McAllen ! lion of mochaaera °ot./. SCOTCH PLAIDS AND TAYLOR CARSIMFJUDIA—. W. N. Murphy by now open • supple or they goods, And invites especially the attentionof , ounery blerolynts, to the low prices at which these end nit other kinds of 'rimer woollens are now tattered. Now Vali 1111bbop7, ----7- 77..nt §:TB & JOHNSON, 44; Mertes at, hove Csi•ad by express, • splendid assortment of fall I us, to a, kb they would partkularly invit the attend. of purchaser. fjsLACK AND FANCY ,NS—W R hrondii, oo hand SA assoruoeut of super Watered =Ms-. weak figured black and blue black Dross Silk . % eah4 • fi ip a d and plaid do; also, • great variety of , c hange s. ble, doonaltagarod, and gulped do—they aria be. 4.0 I.w, • ID,GLiaI. SS—Just received, a full ussortmetituf ladies mamma aniltrdssea Yid Olovea.'afia* Jou • for make. SMITH &JOHNSON,' octi9 • earkesst... EVENING u 8 39E8 —MT Iliztphy his WA' rh . 7 eerred embroidered ?dualism .sted oilier styles 'l:9 goods of Im a m styles for Evenin Dresses. Galt, . " rt, RENCEI AMAIN 8 /charm; let hfu- A st, would Invite the al 11 of buyers to thatr ehiaddstock of • Frenetealeatitos; comprmaetha„-bqlt shades of drab, marmite, purple, brown, kulot I.IIP arioe-ahae, sod blacks. MARE'S METALLIC Fla& PROOF - PAH4V4IOI,I ji *oz. keg...apply oldie above inauilioiberpOpoaes. 'Wean) recorogiendtbeiggWo Ficeiknoof Pain, for we have been 131Billf 41 . 0*1 foArxitits• and know is to be • good snide. • ooU3 • J& H PHILLIPS,,NoSiOOOd,in Patent Sda A 5a 4 CASES of Jilts blosp o au& 5h. d0d.401.44 riving mato arrive, for Gala at dim 141.C* ka price for Char oppmed bilis, by • W&M HELTREi,,c f . , . 1501-Ibi•nrst.f CURRIAGE CLOTH—Jury - received, 4 pleeaglia 1, too ./ Robber Carriage Cloth, (me 4 r.rferaty vater,proor, and very dame. erueta,,, .61e et the ireleaßabber Depo; No 6 Wood .1.31 fee H PHILLW O9 ! FEB-300 bags illo'Care, for m saie vr byt . y. a a as I L L OCP 0461TINCI NeW4ridi.jballbtrDrfiskiiajcios o,ltut prockrecyllat i Ma z argr 412 FLPITOr c...) /A.:Mr.:J:I a .34) 'ic
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers