t:. ) t. ' j g.. t,. ' .. iic '' ; ' .l' .. .3 i'4 ~!-.' ,—CI .1 - '. T, 'l•'7 -- -^.K.;', ,:, k ._.. - , - .t , "Ziit STAPLISBED IN 1786. • 7- -Y: .I 43ITSINESS . ';:eARDS. ad,,i Ar 131101 4 ILINNek Coausatuatt.ood -War, A kirog fitrehaata, hats tattooed to their old ` stutd,'Water sad Frond &Mete, Piudangh... act2l nisszta. on =in. S ru l atql Retail Mpg ecznelortabml. lll s 4 St , Clursueets, Peas papa SOWN CULTIMITSON, Whottaile-Grdeers, end Coassaiiabm Merl .4 & leWhosale atilt Re. a 'l3 A. moo - ow= wood mk, j I). tall Druggist; "Mr DAGALEYAANITII,MiIiabssO Omen, 18 and 91.P'40WoOd Test Ktuitratztv . . 6..kIoANULTIt I Va.; 'Forwarding aid co ElibtiOn Matkaillf; Cum] Buis, -PLutburgbAs..l • +. • ' zarduatanAzn ' , ,LWALT a GEIMART, 'ffbotesate. Grocers, deal ers in Penance and PittsbarTh thutufsalurtub ow* er of Wbdr and Hand str., Pitudrtrgh, Ps. WO - -, J l tlrsb latatau,, .s.. =yarn 4 •LINGLISII t ItnkiNETTAlata FS, u 4. Galls bu Ej Co 4 Wholessfeiftineets,Co stoo sad For warding hierebasus, and dealers in Produce and Pitts burgh Manahcmreaibo. 7t Woodst, beme. l3 d Gad "0:01112tA 14111=01livir a cu wd.tunt. TAXII IWOOLt. on Ofiftert antl 7:=1,YA.."3100,-11. 07 mrs4747;illger Co 7 Bern, f I ALLAGIIM, LONG a MUM. ben and Bran Founder* and Gas ratan, 109 Float, berfreet , ireokl and Bialthfieldatteets, Pinabaradt, Pa. Mr flights! Ode' 'given 11:4 old Copper and Omni dole Comndadon andlit nutd ?di nnt., - No. 40 Woad ideet.MaabardlL4dll mainurrOnfie ;ea 114.1414 La. &storm, Vain and Oil Mareltans, =UT orub- Um and &liana sta.l.inibm 6. . ~41C011 TO 7:4, 4 ORS't r ti DUNC" ' Ari - Fora wriliag and. Commit ' .icm N.tohanur, No. 37 Fizat Piunburgh. t,-.oect taktan - sous DICIST, (RAUH DICKEY Co, Wkolose° Oncvm mllOlOll Aterehants, awl dealers in Produce, No.. 4e Phiter..and 107 Front arm% Pitubursk. tuna .rrI,4IHUI 11.14NkIN,Aitoiiteised Counsellor at Lair ./,0424Cletatowlozer fin the ewe or Petutsylvenia -ei -gh.Lookechla,liete-otr ./ttebulTA,,,, 05 Atirmossw.—Phttbartim.ki .n horw . u9l tato RChodlessih Wawa, John E Perko, Bina. holetople,,tmoich wog. !WAY 10101 aia,lbolesala Groce Forward ° ing and CconzatukkaldorniustdatDealarr in Prs.- dace end Pupa Manarsoatres, No, Comaderclal Bawl Libdttr OrMelingar,c4 4 . l1 2 Pitf*arga, P. .1 . I awe , McGuire,) Merchant Tallar t t3L Charles Bzuldings, •NAllluidalreeunear Pittsba • 'Arkin:s A. ITUTCIIIBON, - & Co. --anteesaorg _o,f-torarig.klabiginiAk Co, Commis:don Marthaing, Altentl ‘ Of,the Bt. lambi Steam Sugar itafount. Not4iPnierind 92 Alatitttellti; OW* DlLWolllll—Wholesale OTOCER dmo luld Onands.loa Mer 014 44 VNIV'I'd '-,,IIrORN'D. MORGAN Vileolekolcad_ c taj_ "'ll/ at itifte Stars,lPaims,•Oils, V. 'iVoiit Out; oar door Sopke,iDgaiload% ,VALT • • ' , . , . ---,Tema URN, Jr., N. Co, Ipreeesser es Jesiepli ?. .42 Dally) Ship Chandl M—Witl efs,42 . Wares sweet- or.= , .., Town!: MELLOR,aisliff 164'24T0 - deg* UP in Maste . extd Nulled Instraments, Selma Doc; Paper, Statei, 'Noel Peas, Quills, Primers' Cush, ir , illoisedul someirally,No.2lWessist.,POlsbargt, ' , ir±grjtssak beasts or taken Ist trodez:, - .,„.. .'z onto .z." 1,1100 NUXER * C 4,. 'fr.:l 2l ; u . No. 24 11,'Seel street, Ausburgh. , • I _ _ 01 fl. DA • • Auctioaper, amain mu gad Wocid ' • 06 0 .1 almuserozi. it. STOCKTON, .Sciateellen, Winton 4 , teltAKed PapaSLaanfactureasiNG. 44 libificet l'• , -4011.1:0111E24. %Vito Uses Grocer, dealer Prq rd dare, PittablUsitTin Kale*, &C -..,&44•2itt. Libarrf a., ratamarli. laxiS =Lam Num). VD,'Slite 45 1 '14131a & C O 4lV:t. Croce - 10:121Litierry stmt. -• " • • itti4{ JJAlas nsr .esl3,'Whelesalet Grocer,Ccmmiesian ?Osmium. sad dealer in:Prudes. ead Tauber& • No..e4 Weser st., Pradeugh.. . Jude; C. g L eare Jortkz,Formuding sad Coamissioaßlei ," eltsuosi Dialers la Produce aitd PlUabough mean tired ovules, Canal Buie, near 7th st. del 'lr!rtYls4, Works. Worn Luta= • . -, • k•-•.., && 11 1:1Wrizti LAMM:2g a. N, %Wags Grocery 1 lost gmosolotroaldetebszas,..deskti W ffohro VlP a l ptusburet AlarfsetntekN&s. noted US Wobtio4llllosulth.. , " ' ' ' ' `' • ' %. • ' ' reb 23 irbtre .14 , battrfalW & Co., goarrobrilan . !der thihts 6mt - PbtladeplliA, for tbs. talc or Vadat& in. '''""flif2. (d' 4 4'" u " , 0 4a , 9 4 . C 5 .44 P 41 V 1 LC -- WALTER C. WV. COM=4- BEctaLi• 4 Rdi,..Wboteske blocan anti stria Iderelsay, Na. tabarly sty Plits:bure, .• macc. N . ALLEM it.C4-,Conuniniooo, Forweirdulg bterebanya, Matte awl n, Front ma n betyreta ou end litaaktl,sts. _ . IncliatiAttt • C., W.. lactialcat., • priltit R/C10678024., Whalssalc Grocasc46 COIIIIMUiOSI Merck/Ws, fira.ll9,l4bsmv4Plia- N r. .W . HtLfelli:9 & 501 i, No. ad Market. si n aecadd door train earner ot f4elinN dealers td Foreign and MIL otE,Yelense,Contacannottletena. bank Hines and Spada i ' - - (Li:, Cotteedoua read , on ad the-indeddnet - , ettins dernuitheadibo tinned Medea , Z----i. , - ,,,, dee; • ;I:ol,_t.ter laUtilt4 Wboleanto tiniep; Brant 1.16 ..1112 Wk.:, Alealer in Nrodoed, Palatal:o Manor - ...-Aassaiand dUltende- or Foreign, and lanneado. Wines and aka** ,No. it Liberty on= 'Oa hand a Tap latpratock of aopentor lota ,Stionodratteda_nratakey, •.- a/Inclined' ne. cold tow Rd club. . -,:;,- •—•,engteklyi .1/citithl74.l..aldo ~aa Lamm cud Deafer la at:A!=g,PAV ry Matra:* mid riptiona, N 0.133 o dd • Poisbuzgh.- 11'=u 24 u 4 w=.„ -, 1 4 0..9*R' -dqs, Tanuesst and adieus , Tools, assi-Tasisus , o tics lUD Wood s riusbutsb. 0e91.1 "Wasatuniason - D ^ WILD; SUN ir• crOylngliCUlC. Grotors, Prodnao 111.annecadanzaunoillerchantadDralenin bare, idanniaelaroar !in tad Libartl /IVO. • . 11barr -whawas , Grocer., Coinasisdon and Forwardig n Blerebanta &aim - In ;Waco arid Piusbargb Idanatartares, Lifnirty as. • Bat . folni4 OUT., A. CUNNIZSgafaI, Wholesale artless, • Dealer la Produce atul PlUsborghAlsoacseuires, '4; Tan, AI WWI?, kir Su 411eitteuy *Liver Traderdeal en la Grocenay Pradtletl, , Miburgh ktarusfactzurs .and Chloride of Lima. , ThebirthatViedsOst -cash, : pa atillisaFxforecnin try eagu Corms' et Peas snalmin4t., ;:ljtri43 -. . wekly . boolkshims, Pittsbarahrsac articles, tra,ria.ll;o . , Many street, Pitt. h. aspd hlalla'JOElNSON,lrrhalesals itird EMU Deals 1Z in DllltinerY •soda, Lacs*, Bowery , sad Fancy Ankles, No. 40 Markst street, aideor .abass Thirds 111 = t diEs Wad 9 Ito:LPsy Waloo l Mkral lii r m in In o Goods. N 0.99 Wood irt.' &UV -Wo9l Me hinur n. la nomaad.Produce gralorsuplt.__ -. ritlizeinal tt O0gre:No• 43 W . . 4.2 611714.IIAGALEY &Co_.„Wholesals Oran end p rs o,,, Naga Awl; enfircel, betarean dth i,,Andl &b. Ma& side, Philadelphia. . 111.111.104"1.13111211M01. • SO= EICSICAICAXtuaD. 111 NICOL% Piutuchriad Gemeria Corn. s6l.lollldercl old uints, 0.17 Litier!, Pitql:qtryr& largogit Pitd -liiirObrItONNHORSr, t. Ca, Yaolesale Oro eels? Fainuft,WAWLlFOrsadulan Iderebalus, lit=ralracilues and Wee= .doee Ihilt-l&stuambhase,(old mad) ;;.1. porno:: of leant Clutavisylexus. pii i t.. 11 , Granit. • ' aka garehant; mad dasleriln Produce. No. 314 Ali 11.41.1KOITE31.1gent tor Mt" Leta ooldters =I - ' tontinttPramont, at *tracts et Wto• a Atto. ,W" oulldtusiAlb it, Ping , NO. MY SOn --114* 0 * Nag Ogaiii-WILWOODNYM . II : I C 3I 4 47 -. 11 7 there fres of orpeato to opptatom _:_.-- , , .. , : . .. i. , ~.. ... .., .toarl44ll ' Ct sCAliDaank lateen.= to'L. lk".1. ',ll'Wleta .Wbatesale Grocer, Foierardint and -Costagssiott,lifesehantsi'dasiele ir",N0111/4 toss* Yams, Sad PiusiouVratprommes -soma. ISGWood end Wits, isegrot, - rstzsoont ; _ ; W' . MDeieymy DOWEN—Cos =it A rr e — Vit -1— N i•" ?not betWeesr _Wood 12 9. WdLLACgAIIII goes andlitlll-Fora establlakosest.No. $44 Marty a,=dr the NIT X. GABBARD, Dealer In tancl. sod Supra Diy 00041, Nall Market street, Irsttabtuirkt. Yr. W 'WILSON, Dealer to .Wetebes, Jewelry, sam.w.; sfi.67 Mu. . . . , 141.TIIPHVIWitoleoie and Retail dealet In TV -4 Foredo' tad Dompaie.Dry Ciobds, nonh cart lamer of Mazket and Faint its.: . • , , 1111. - ..t ' i 1 IITBV YOUNG k-Od;--Dcalan In ew i e . , 1 ; :dna, eeti vt. tummy.- • . „ 4 , 47 a.. AL Ming ITCHELMEZ.WhoIaiIe - °rocas,.l.4pOl Unit A Willa la 0 el 1010, wpm* undo: BA di' AA and Macaws Ptaded N 0.160 • stil •• • • Pa. =ianddlr . . • - • , • *1 1 1 1 2: 1 1i azar.az 3. /02113. fIBLA 'guiles Cei„ Wiminale Grocers sad ie_ deteliinitritlilsalettaktoreouidPittabossit4dan• " amides, Am kad rteniT4natin.ni G4otat flx.C/lelrr.4 l / 4 73 11 - 1 1Psixtii • ' l ` tar IrlartclittamEE, WhoiesaleGroce ''Vag",lls44l- /WHO., 5wd , 144 7 1 1a..-Im. ,ls tersol' pgb i rriX th ' `S" • • IP . ; • .11.- . / 7 . L_•Y yi,/r2 . ;, t;l; , ; ira . •Tr,,c9•Sa7 , 7 . , ~V,, {gt:,,t , tlr / e' .'::. -, . ~ • ~ • L , v ,ei .I ~...,, 6 4 rri ' 1 ~. ... . ....,__ ... ...,.,.):, ~,. y . . ~. . . ,..: F i ,t il , , ._ , •: - 4 ,, ....... r . t ..:,., , ..:, • I .. r ._. . . • ie. 7 ' ' • - , . .1:1 11 .. . . . . i . .. CARDS. - - 1 - 0115111. TOWNSEND, Druggist aid ApotheemY, IF No. 45 hlatkellag:three dans above Third rt. Pim biligh;Mill heels constantly Ontand a swell heleeted aa sostmens of Mel:waling freshest Medicine...hid , ho will .011 on the Most • reammable term. Physicians sending. orders, Weill be promptly at eroded too mai MP 'plied swish 'metes - they wisp rely upon IPhyrielatte Preis, son . oral be seensately - and [ma prepared from th e b e dew e d/A at any hoot of Our night. • • • • Also y for-aalb, ;a lam stock of fresh and good Pato to- titinonfahella Livery Stable: ROBERT H. PATTERSON has opened Melange amble on Mu al f 'aiming Memel • guk • to Second sr, between Wood and 'tlmlibileld um, la thereat of the Monongahela Hamm, with ancntirely new stock of Horses and Carriagni at the ben quality and lama style* Morsel kept at hew kg in the ben manner.' MARBLE - WOlile3 ON WOOD tcr, Prrr, , aUtitql. E. WILKINS, COMTNITES m mninficture klormnients, Burial Vaults, Tomb., Head atone*, Mutual Pieces, Cen tre and Pier Tops a-foreign and domenlemarble, at a regular and fey ['Nee. N. EL—Drama. for modurbents, em. ferniih ed, of any deteription. nonalicits a ellsee . of public parotuge . f': auffit.dif .uru.A.JAsf SMITH, Illsnittetorer of C,ottOn said V. colons.' Linen, Fllllll2l. for Dressesoke4 Eownig Silk sod colored Cotton Prunres for silk and idoshant Prima's. , Gimp, Mohair. antl.Silk bullion Praises, made to Older pa the *hymn Mite. Prostkibrner of Maiden Lane and Willinckentsene e No 83 N% fills= street, third floor, over Abner & Elys' store, N 065 !golden Lan Nolo ork to KAMM. IDWILZSIC, MIL C. ?OCR, TAM MAGMA, jr. /*CO/1 IocEL 'LUX 808, /AIM L =Ala, •• -•- nzortiagics. OLA 9 WORKS. SJBEFISON, PTANGEIIfc C o, manufacto. , teas of • Vials, Bottles. and W indow Glass, keep eousaiduly on hood a general assortmest of the above „ankles.. Also, Make to ordera superior article of Mineral or Soda-Water Bottlea, of colored glass. No. 10 Wood. W itittsburgh. Pa. aug3l.om RICHARD T. LEECH, JR., . 0170.1T1C1 AND DIALER TS ~ 4 1 / 1 1 f atne:A/UnOngerYt, Rana& an,d, :Cad - • , Trimmings, Lion, Debr,itair;;varnton, &o. &0., jyti No. LTJ Wool) ST- Prasarzom TEA Fourth . at., rear Wood—Ail quanntimi of Green and Itisek Tens, done up in quarter,:lialf, and oi.e pound packages, Tan en from 50 eta per pound 61,60. jyJ 4. JAYtik. Agt. for Pekin Ten Co. Ittlinesno Spring, Axle, Steel and Iron Works. COLEMAN, HAILISAN a Co, manufacturers of Coach and Mimic Springs, Ilinamered ext., Spring, and Plough Steel, iron, an. Warehouno do Water and Front streets, Pittsburgh. Also dea/art• My Coach Trimming. and Malleable octle INSURANCE. DELAWARE =TONE INS CHANCES CO. 1 . 01,111 FLNNEY, Jr Ag_ e n t al Pittshutgh for the Dei fy- aware MIMI Safety lusazanee Company of Phtlo adelphia. Fire Make upon buildings and meichandise 01 camy description, and Marine Hist. upon bulls or cargoes of vetscts, taken upon the most favorable term& p- Office in the Warehmise of W. B. Holmes & Bro., N0. , 37 Water, near Market meet, Pittsburgh. N. B.—. The anemia of this Coirtattany since the “tab lialtment of the Agency in this city, with the prompt. 'neat and liberality with which every claim upon them &rides has been &thawed, folly warrant the regent in the confidence and putennage *fide friends and the cerranunity at lame to the Dethware M:8. him. mute Cowpony, while it has the additional advantage as an instimume onongttne twee dpuriehing in Plailadel. s having aaampiepaidtia evils; which by the operation of—ita charter la constantly thcreasing, a. Iteldinty to With Terso3l 'metered his due sham CH the profits of the compel?, Without Involving hbeln any responeibllity whatever, , nod thecctore • en rctursaing the Murata prnthipleWitested of every &isthmian. fee •• • and in its mow attractive. farm. • • • nine *ms AND iii,pusse . :rissuasscs:. — lritirsittsurance company otNonh lisnenen, Inropsh "1. Os Only.nithonsed Agent, the .sabscilber, offers to orakeyielintotentnnti litahnd bisarinea on proputy. in this city and .its triunity, anti on shipments by the Cs . nal and . . . ',DIRECTORS. Airtbur 0 001 5 / 32 Mules 7Yylor, lain7ll7. Jana, Ambrose Whita, .Edweard Smith ' lamb M.Thomis, Alto' is. Brown,, . John S. tr. /olds White, Rir.hird D. Wood, nones..s P. Cope; -- Wm. Welsb, Banittel F. Boutb, FTlLtliClLbssltens, Sanuteltirooks, , . El. Austin Alldente, • • ARTHUR. G. COFFIN, Pres to i liven D. Biesnao, Seal. Thin ii thn oldest Insurance Company in tho United . .States, ; having ' been &stinted in VIM. IS clams Pi perpetual, aid Enna italugh standing, long expel:Mops, amplismoansiantraYoidiug all risks or .ri exua has. arwdd dhdrintlstsit may be coushlered smattering am. Pk ss entity Spam public. W. P. JUlikS. Asap Countisl Ho= of Atwood, Jones tr. Co., Wa car iiti . d Froot streets Pittsburgh. may 3 lEFRABECIONIFIREI INSITILILOCE CO. rrOP.Frablai Piro Insurance Company, of Philtufht -1 'ph* *lll make Inintranbe,T.Crrnsutent and honied tor tscery . dearritdrece orproperty, Pittsbertfh and the aurroandmg . eeeztry, on favorable terms. Ms Cob]. Pnter bar perpeund charter' Capital, • 6400,CC0 paid In. ottungard, Pend ' Mee corder o(P:did and Market sheets; Pluaburet. upll.9tf hId.RTLN, Agent. tt. e . 9 - 11EVAdcrethed,doty.andthrithedditeatedthe Amer icatt ar e. insarauce Company of aulartelptna, continues tialthet insoionce man:wt./on or damage against pre, on, haildinga, tur sr, fiuniu u t and prokerty, not,e*Cra.harardotta, to this city stud eicitatly. ePI4 . . (iEn 11 ellatSClUntAt nag been appointed Agent pro . tear. of Ma Insurance CompimyolNortb *marten, and orillisano Policies saidauendlo the other bonne.s of the Agency, at the warehouse - a. *mood, Jones ts. - &PM • • W3l- seater xt FORWMiItING &COMMISSION. c :IDHABLICIS'DA.AENFIOWILIZ & CO.' , 121ACHLUlx, No. 117 londt Wawa at. - ZIIII.4..ELPIILA. ,L)F.OS. to bifores the m. 0.. and dealers geratraily, of Pittsburgh, that they ea. a made suet, armog. uvula ardtrtho Virpuda , mann tacturera and dm .Growers of the -West, esilisdiea, sus ,ta barplanes, as will Maitre a. large and &aslant surnvy of- Un- following desceirp• dons of Tobacco,. which nut be sold upon as accord. modating &mans any outer henna to inixAily or also- when, and all goods, ordered from them will . be war ranted equal to raprearmtauon, Havasu;. : .81-Domingo; Cams; Tam Fran, - 13.1 co;. Pelltei4 Seed Leaf tits Cab. - r Florida; bum, Ausuir- s BrenelVa celebrated:Aromatic Stag Caven dish, *lib a., large moment of -ether popular brands, and qualities of pounds, &,,ba,l2e, and tTle,latrdPi Zs,- reAnd Ws Flag: :ILad,plaini la wbolv and half bases, wood and tin, together 'ride every variety of article belong'. Mg to the undo., lelbdrt r. 8.1417. a. MOM t oaaarraoa. IIdUNET, NESBIT do dAIIILETSON. FLOUR FACTOR.S, produce, Obsanstaolon and If onward's:4! MIIRCLIANTS, Mirk Winans, son In {Yam Sr-, Itsinsto—John a Bream & Co. Banat SICGLI & CO. • Bancroft, !Seaver k Co. ikon& Bagaley & Ca Allen fI hatv, . Nen York. Walters &Homy, Baltimore. Bunny &Smith, Barbri4e,Wilson &Co . • . Panborgh. Bal Kitt& lons, or. Liber,sl each *climates on Consignments to MU u. SWIMS. mar3tedig UOM=I P.O. ILLIUII/2. CEL•II.I2I =ET. ROM WATICIEL ELL.mAKER,,goxy,4,-,p0., fir, 11111.PACtilaiir. , ,Ocineral ,Compritislom itiereolasAfso t 3 Sam Walla Berm PHILAELPHIA. LEFEBENCears—fronry Gra& Co, Patsbnegh. rs i Bherh)ek, E....01ey is Bons AL Anuary, hisysweUe. . Charles Bashan, Jr., Loolnille. HumPbmg Messer, Bros - . Co. ) bilad'a Reed* Breams. . • . • Death a Col:Weary, Nevr 'ark. • ..al A 419311194 MAIIO q. aiDltLle]. LEHM tFt do ANDERSON, FORWAROING• & CONNISSION I'iIERCHANT's ; • 'COTTON-FACTORS,. AND AGENTS POp . , THE BA LE OP NARS AND "74'.; GLASS ; seis 7 u 1/soar UT. Muni ICIAULDWAT, evecunAs mno. ozoimar. COCHRAN. CeinutiOulen and Morn tni;Pilierattarst. Ira .14:vrotin Ira; intentattu, eSONTINUES to mimics a genetelComsolssiiiirhusl• iless, especially in the parchase arid sale of Amer.. einahtanutactares and Purdue, and in rceeiving and forwarding Geode eatudowd to inseam. As Agent let the tiltuntlacurres, ha will be constantly supplied with the principal articles of Pittsburgh Numicaeinza at the lowest whedenale prices. :Orders and ee1:4;1324r , sZe. respentiall7 -*aliened. • ,C11 . g . 9 42E AO3 ER.9, &Wit SAaatfo GROCER SOBVIRDiIiIi: IMJ lea* Bilibq .ritaotntas Cottion T l ann & Pittburgll er Vieirwardlnglnerobaiq.firowasviu., P.. . o .. t i c s,,,riparaii to .Uo Yontratding of Plato., F o r toy- InfolufdtiOft, appluy FOON7II ft. tIIN. C A M Water ti. moo r ISAAC CRUSE 'Omair.RAL , comausinun BIESCUANT, VOIIMIESALEOP VRODLICEA. PROVISIONA, . Now litt and 1117 Sr Jeri Mums DALTIMO Rgrizzig62;'-iiierehants l'usburgls. • tlYtteellzta,VA—ft. Mangle k:Co. auuZt-dom "` -- NE'lltve taken. a# onice lmattillatelp opposp,5 to oar bareZwatehoate, forahopeeseat, wham we trammel btuthiess sa tit*, bola anew house tan Nameted,' artaagetaeats .hart At. Already, been made foe - thatpalpate. Basta will always let In tea/jaws. at oat wharf ta receive freight. C A b.PANVITYA. Co, Canal Ruda. Linear - yRE-ED.CO , ., • (Baccesson w Heed;'livid k bis;) Et id COMIDIBIIIIIIIIIIICHAVIS, Pt:Weal: sttemtban paid to the sale of Wool, and !iber al advances nada on consigraseents Tobaeeo HX.Blikj 1;01.i ankle i 8 do 1* dog 18 do do ;. 0 7:1141:; 10 r : ci .. 11 , 1 Z r ial, o utque Gdo it do s 0 IiLAC6IJIIN 4.Ca A i for ri M sad f Ala , FO &DUNCAN ~ ; ~ , ~,`;: :tin :~~:, i PITTSBURGH, , MO.TDAY 9VEMBER. 13, 1848. LAW OFFICES. ' WM. ATTORNEY AT LAW, antler, Pa Wil‘L also attend to collections and all other busi tetes coin:sun:l to him in Butler and Armstrong ededities,Pla. Refer to J. it R. Floyd, Liberty at • ' W. W: Wallace, do James Minshall do Pittsburgh. dly Bay tr. Co., Wood st. tan) T D. BWEITZER, Attorney at Law, offlceild at, opposineSt. Males Wel, Pittsburgh, Neill oba, attend pmtnpdy to Collections, in Washington, Fayette and Linen counties, Pa. REFER TO Blankstpek, Bell ts Co., . Church & Carothers, ) ro Fittabaeuit. D T. Moir., EJ. HENRY, Atiorney and Councilor nt L.alir b, Cincinnati Ohio. Collection. ut Smoke., Ohio, and to Indiana, and in Kentucky. promptly and care fully anended to. Commissioner for the State of Penn sylvania, for taking Depo.itions, aclamarledgments, Ac. /cc. . •- . Rtm Wm. Bell & Son, MIAs, Church ec Carothers, Wm. Hays, Fag- W Mock & Davis. ctS H. W. WILLIAM;Vni. 11. MINN. • TATILI t IA.MS & SIIINN, (ancoarisora to Lowrin and V 11 , William.) Atiornot • and Counsellor!. at Law. Office • orth aide of Fourth greet, above eatithfl. Id. febt7d&wly —t_a.... _ JAMES F. KERR,Annette y at I. • ffietkeeretre ',handing, Grant street, nearly oppoedielbee Conn House. /Allan DUNLOP, 1. FIARIIIMIIINWiLI- TiUNLOP & SF:WELL, &homey at Lace, Crfficas oR L.l Smithfield. between 3d and 4th .t.. "VORWARD k lOWA RTZWF.LDF.II, Attorney. r Law. have removed their office to the South side • Fourth at, between Cherry Alley and Grant Street apStii WO. It. ROBINSON, Atto rn ey at Law, btu re . moved his ofnee to the Exchange Buildings, S Clair a., next door% Alderman Johns. xpl7ly SAM - BEL W. BLACK, Attorney at Law. Office tit Venn. streeto near Grant, Pittsburgh. oettAdlm - Boos TRADE. Te Clontratry Merehang. LARGE STOCK of School Books, Paper, Station- JOI. ary,Ac., imitable for colony sales; among which are Writing Papers, of fine, medium and common Wien Letter - Paper do do do do Note Paper do do do do Note and Loner Envelopes; Slates, Pencils, Wafers, going and Steel Pons; Window Paper (yard oridel plain and printed; Bonnet Boards, of different qaaltues; Bain* Books, in great variety; Family, School and Pocket Bibles; Crown. medium, and double crown orrappnur purer, Meth:ilk's Eclectic Speller. and Readers; Ray's Eclectic Anthmedan Cobb', Primers, Spellers and Renders; Sanders' do do do Arithmetica, by Adams, Davls,Colbarit, Smith, Stock ton, Emerson, and other,. Geograpnies, by hlitcheil, Olney, Smith, Moe se,Gm od rich, Parley, and others. • GRIMM" by Smith, Kirkham, Millions, Weld, rod others. For sale at low priers, by J B MEL LAIL S 1 mood at, 5 doom shone Ith. The highest market price paid Mr good m Lord ran in cash. aplf 113LANTrADT k Argt..LeiCNVOILLTS - F•A pops. .4. lax arposidon of the great discovenes land theo• nes of modern astronomy; by 0 M Mitthe s at, Di rector of the Cincinnati Observntory. • Hemeler. Italy, Alp. and Rhme.—Letter • from IttY• the Alp. and the Rhine; by J T Headley, • nthor of Na poleon and his Marshall., Washington and hi. Gemar als.k.c. New and revised el:brio. _ • •• • • • Statistics of CoaL—The Geographical and Cieolop 1 eat di.datuons of Mineral Combustibles or fossil Me I including also, notices and localities of the canon mineral hlruminions &abidance. employed in arts and manufactures; illustrated by Maps and Magnums ac companied by neatly HD statistical tables, and 1100 an al* of mineral combustible., &c; prepared by Rich ard e Crowllag Taylor. Jos{ race/v.la few copies of each of the above works —for sale by JOHNSTON & STOCWON, iya Booksellers, cos market & SI am NEARLY READY FOR PUBLIC& TION by J. A. & U. P. JAMES, Cincinnati,, he fallowing new and valuable works—: Doniphaab Lapedition—Contalning a altemb of the life of Col, A. W. Donipban; the Con:pest of New blemem ( Ms. Kearney.. Overland Expatiation to Coat his Dmiphattb Campaign against the: Navhos, and his unpandleled March upon Chibualma‘add Durango, Alsotrit. rations of 0c... Price a Santa Fa wttil • t h e Itsdroy of Kentucky-1m Astimaide• and Mutual Curiuslues; G rub rhical Statistical and Gel:010e. l deveriptions; g anecdotes of Pioneer a Life, o ut than one hundred . Biographical Sketch, as of d tauten& h. ed Pioneers, Sotto., Statesmen, Jurists, Lawyers, ]a. sines, &a; illusemed with Corry engrs,vingsi by Leivis ColUms,l vol. 0050,0. The Tare.lva Wants' Volunteer ot Journal of Pri- vate the Tellnemen BMlnneli lit t nri.l7, in the Cam of Momm, donne te4ll-12, eon using an re. untof the blame of the Regimem to Vera Cm.l, a description of the enemy passed over, nininsers, ens. tom; /se. of the people; sketches of Camp ale; ne rooms of all the salons of other `We/unites Rent rents, and aWI Plenary of the bletir-an War; List of MI. led and Wounded, Scei Unarmed by a large antribet of correct ybsn and plant, by Geo. C. Faxbey, VOlnlne octavo. . _ New •apex ars • Book EstabliabanwalL 78 WOOD aartaxsa Poen. atm DLLIIMID &LIM THE subsenbers bare Past opened.. at tbal, above Mind, a large stock of different qualities mt.* and pi= white and 0/cte I.Vriting and Letter Paper, eon, mama] and picket post Flat Cap, dewy and medrom tenting men, for Wank books; med.= and royal it u. lwed Prwrang Papers; pa dcmy and cap IW) Books and Ledgers, superior paper and beta batmen, bindutg, &hoot Hooka of all tras; ass ndard + ed. In Theology and Sciences, Quills, gold and steel Pena Wafers, Wax, Bill Files, as. On. Want Hooks of all 111.21111C1i to pattern, and bound the 0.1 anisstanual manner. . . Connery Merchants summed at lowest wholesale pit. ces for cub, or rags at cash prices. JOB PFUNTING.—Having • Job office in conneenon whit our establishment, we me prepared to execute an orders for plain and honey Prutung—books, pempolet, circulars, business cards, hills et &e, with des. patch and at low prices. et.worrk:Emiusei, mra yr 'mod st„ between 4th and diamond alley MEW7N(sffla=AC.iiiti . XI Hero: by William Makepeace Thackery—with Ulastralionl by the author. Tba Tenant of Wildfell Hall: by Acton Bell, autbor of "Wmhering Height.* • The Young Schoolmistress: by Joseph Aided, JD. D Part 0, of Harper.' Illastrated edition of the &Maas Nights' Entertainments New translation, arranged for heady reading, with explanatory notes, by E. WV. Lane, Esq. Loo taia' Logarithma—Tubles of Logarithms of num bers and signs and Tangents (or every ten vecopler of 1130 Quadram, with other useful table. by Elias Loomis, A. IL, PeaL AtaIhOWILII.O• mad Natural Philosophy to the Universtry of hew fork, author of a ' , Presume ou algebru^ &c. &c. The above works reserved tbis day and for tale by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, aegla . Booksellers, cot market and 34 .1.. Pealaitrationia. - TT 14TORY UP r.X.I.NOHESS, lbograpkinal and Poll- Lea/, catapult's memoirs 01 the Iherebent of he 1 .:0111rrehli of we U. 5..: it Wheeler..lllnstatand by nurnerou.s steel pOrttaltS, kc. ke. VoL 1, 001.11 , 0.._ The Writings of C. M. Clay; Including apostates and addrectea, lan). steel portrait. Edited by H Gately. 1 ,Bv. {Mali Saw in California: By Newts, mi., Barnes' Notes, Vol. NI, on James, Atter, Jona and Lute. 'Clmyrna and Colmter.Cbarmin By Bliss Wimps Moe of . To seem and to be , a .4 C:unguent," ir c. B urd Buy (hover, a Domesuo Temperance W.. ; By C. en. lamp and Queens, or Life to Ma Balsam c,,,.irung of historical Q ueens , of late and reigning ..e.migas ; By J. B. C. Alamo. A Firer Book in Spanish, et • priccti'al introduction to the toady of the tiptualsh Lanr.takin By J. Salkea The Dying Robin and otter talc.., tyyOPKINS D r . Lid c . Just ree'd by R. hattl nucces• or to J. L. Bend.) BOOKS -141. 0 orCiomwell, by J T Headley Power of the Pt l o,,it, by Gardiner Spring,.D. 11 Bethel Flag, do do Jacobus mt GoeTtelsi Matthew, with Harmony; Lactates on Sfrasacare, 2 vols; Itrunonalityi POI Liles or Sketches of the Way to Glory and I"Masalabi," The CAW rant; by alttilr of School Girl In Prance; 9ow and Thca, biWarren; ow of Lemons, on Parables and Miracles; - s Welcome to the Stranget; feared upon Earth; - Ilawkaton, a tale of and for England: 2 vols. For sale by ELLIOTT is ENGLISH, jelO 78 wood and 56 tutirket NEW BOOKS—Just received from the and for sale at the Methodist Book Store ' dth sy‘ near Wood. Topper's Proverbial Philosophy,in 16.0 styles of bolding - , • beanuftd book for o present. Proparatlon tor the Pulpit. Sketctsea of Sermons on the Parables and =reales. of Christ, by the &other of the Pulpit Cyclopetha--600• stretches ' &c. The English Pulpit; collection of ear n:ions by the most eminent Hying di vines of England. fiLtan•rmaa Vot.s.—Doing (deed, Citation Love, Lov.• est thou me. Sacred klythmtions. niyiN rdrHE PATRIARCHAL AUEi or the /hoary atoll Religion of Mankind from the Creation• to Wei oath of 'sue: Deduced from thO NIFTWOIII of Moses, and other inspired authors; and illustrated by copious references to the a• tient records, traditions, and my thology of the Heathen World—by G. Smith, T. R. A. I vol., names. . Charm end Cmanter , Charum, by Miss APintrish. A fresh supply of this verypogular Utile work. Orators of the Ammon Revolution, by E. - L.. Ma . goon, with Portrait& I vol, Li• coo. Patters Cabinet Library, for tsmilies or schools, 0) volumeryla mo, with engravings. This is a new work. For sale by R HOPKINS, sep•A. Apollo Buildingsj4th st Likk ICS BUTANY—Satiuty of the United States D north of Virginia; comprising description. of the doteerirqg and fern-like plant, hitherto found of those Statesc arranged according to the naturalsystem_ With a synopsis of the Genera eneoidlng to the Un non. aisanai a 11; cub of the rudiments of botal.y, and; glositary of terms: 'by Lewis Q. Beek, fl. D., Prof. Chen:Mir, and Neutral History in lingers College,. New Jersey, tse. &c. Second edition, revised and en-. lined. Poe sole by lege JOHNSTON & STOCKION L/MARTINE'S WRONDISTS—Rietory L rendtsts; et, Persoual Memoirs of the Patriots of the French Revolution—from unpublished souieeru by Alphonse do Lamartine, Complete in three ramp mm Rydes translation. A fresh sopply of this pope lar work received this de y and for sale by JOHNSTON lb STOCKTON, sepia 'Booksellers, cox market sod nil its bOITESINCIS IN EUROPE; or elrenchesskrirrei • in France, Beira, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, lreland as Great Britain; with an apporuita. containtag obserr one on Borcran nharitias and' medical Otarnetiona by John s R A (ow doping fonesde by - sapid• JOHNSTON &STOCKTON A'A T OUR STORE an Market street, Nass,Laterami -ad 2334 , 4&, may at! all' chnes La finial. a large , 'stock of ThcoloOcal and•bliccellanacoalloats) Now. boot" seceired ao coon as published, and -cold SI prpgs.. TSopabllentlana Of the AmicrldW Sonia, Schad Union.and Alaanchatects thaw& Sc.&ol 80 - 4 1, 3 ty, stamp c& band. Catalogues tarnlihed on acr 7 Ocarina, EtiLLOTT & ENGLISH, " W 1 ' 4 ' 4 , 3 0 °4 1 41- , UIPARTNERSHIPS. CO.PAATIKILII.SHLP. LOGAN A KENNEDY hove this day amuse. , with them in the Hardware business, Philip son and Edward Gregg. The style of hem will he after be Logos., Mom & Co. This arrangement. den It desirable tacksse the old busioesa ss soon as possible. All gamete whose Habil/lira have.matured, are especially tequeated to make hntedtata'paymenl Pittsburgh, Jan I, 1549. - r ()GAN, wizsoN,a, CO.—lmporters and Li Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Hard ware, Canary; Saddlery, tee. 1510. Wood sweet, MlS burgh,:are now fully prepared with a recently throe ted stook of Hardware. Cudery, de., to offer TT greet inducements to western buyers, being de m teed to compete in price. w eh any. of the Atlantic tunes Al so on hand au extensive assortreentef Pittsborah Hard ware, vise Shovels, Spades, Fonts, Hoe, Fees, ad,' all of which will be sold'at the lowest otanttfieletere . .. . . prices. .. • I. Jan!! COvPARCTNEASEI - 1 P ATHE subset bets having recently entered WO part nerthip under the mune of Gel *Oct, Imilf, & Miller, fin the purpose of carrying on the Bo! trod . Urass Founding and Gas Flttiag hi:Macula all-Es branches. have takeit the stand formerly oectiv pied by 11. Gallagher, N . .109 Front street, betocceA Wood and Smithfield Its., where the , f are prepared to exceute all orders tor Relic Erase Cleating', of every des ription, and Go. F Map arnh neatness arid des. patch. Steamboat Jobbing promptly attended ii. 11. GALLAGHF.E, • S. A. LONGi ' P 11. ?Mt LER. N. 11.—The attention of Machinists and FAgincers hi invited to our anti-attraction metal, for a reduced which has been pronounced superior to Rabbit's b numbers who bare rued both. Steamboat builders an We public, generally, are al o requested to call and a amnia our supermr double benon Force Pumps steamboat and domestic lye. GALLAGHER, LONG, & MILLE-II dect7dly . —liisirolititlou. THE partnerstop so lops existing under the firm et •llatiorth :Kim, we., by mutual consentdissolsed on the Ist Unix The bagmen will be closed at the old Hand tw shier of ort, using the name, of the firm for that purpose. Being destroys to have oar boxinrat WOW:0 with ILA little delay es possible we would re: opeauldly request those indebted to rail and settb their ai vaunts. JOHN D 111 . CORD. jard li. D KIND Cos Partnership. JOHN D. ItI'CORD having associated with him hut brother James hl'Cord, under the sryle of rd'Ottrd tr. Co., re ill cambric, the Hat, Cap and Far business ht all its v arious branches, wholesale and retail, of the old stand, eorner of Wood and sth streets, where they solicit a continuation of the patronage so liberally be stowed on the old Jinn. JOHN I) hI'COHD. JAMESB. hICORD. N retiring from the old end well knoent Arm of I M'Cord & King, I mom respeetflly recommend to patronage of dm public my successor., Messrs. Wcont & Co. lots H. D. KING._ --161.7soluttois. TILE copartnership heretofore existing between We subscrOiers, ender the style of Waal, Ilashfield Roe, expired the day by ii6lilllllo[l. The !mines. of die Ann will be tooled by & Roe. JAMFD D. bIIGILL, 9 R. DOSHIFIELD, WALTER C. ROE. Pittsburgh, July 19,1943. - - . The undersigned will continue the Wholes.le ()m -eet; uad Comuu'esion business, under the firm of:train! end Rue, et their rid stand, No 14 L Laberry stmt. JAAIRra D. MALL, IVALTER C. ROE. Having sold my lousiest in the firm of WOW, Bush. Geld altne to my former partners, tc Roe, I take. plensnnt In recommending them to my friends and the .IP2O S. It. BUSHFIELD. Co..Partrie esEil V W. STEPHENS ofWiteding, E. F. ShirAherger ofJonvan. and J. A. Stricktou of Pittsburgh, have this day entered mum eci.portneratiip under style and firm of Stephens, thoenberger k. Co.. at the Anchor Z:27llund."l=l,V:f'ercrylhdesarn=. of '°°°°. In m. ITITHIENS,.. _I. P. 111100011.300, LL. IrrOCTIVII. BTEPIILENSI 8110E.NBEHOEH & CO. ANCHOR IRON WORKS. iViuding, Va. Manufacture all kind of boiler, shut. bee Iron end nail., A. B. steel elipuc springs and axles. Bung coo csacted with Sheenbergr old Juniata works, we can offs .e en article of JUMP:US iron brooded Shoenbeiger) mu lad to any mule to the country All of which will no. sold at the Pumburgh pane.. Warehouse of Um we the corner of &loupe and Water Its mph' . 11 .I.ISSOLMTLO di—The partnem e blp hitherto mu -1.1 tog under the style and fit= of Wightman & Dal. KUL is this day dissolved by mutual consent John Dais tell having disposed of his enure Interest to H. Wight. mu_ The bustnem of the late firm will be settled by H. 1, Vgyhtmars. who LS uttbortecil to use the name of the late firm for and purpose. IL wwirrneac rio :Maw Daly 1 . 47) J. [UZ ELL LT. 13u1s:eriber Is MOW prepared to manufactory all kit se s of Cotton and Woolen Machinery, at the shortest ao ail e. Orders left at H. Wightrou's bogine Shop, cor n. sr Liberty and Water streets, will meet with prompt s net dlon. H. WIGHTIL&N, Lenexa at, between Federal end :Sandusky eta, sit &Mir . Allegheny ems:. 0.-PAILIINEIMMIIIP—Wca. Venn/slur , g this C ge l l . essocutesl with him, John K. hrteasse, the Ito. Thee po ss . nem will hereafter be mtodueted ander the Jim of R YOLLOK & CO. WILLIAA YOUNO. Jana ' /NO. It M'CLINE. JELEVa lICHNOH ME have assometed with ss igs dr Tobacco and Commimson humus, Ederegg sig,l;itto of Jacob Medd & Co. Usahlasoms David 0 Ste end lobe 4 ' , sr" -, mI 14 MhbitAL. J mynas' Expectorant. 901 tII, Colizoniona cu ~U. Apr. 24, 1041 p a FL. D. JA k•Nts - 0.4i De.xttart feel bound to you and 3 0 0 lo avail myself of Me op par tunny of Own Ulan) to the eaysordJary edema of ! our k n nesitor. int n , iniyeelL Having been &Meted leel severed years way revere earth y beetle fever to d Its <worm:main disci Wt. said see " only doomed to linger OM • short bat a *.v.torn° e.""ththe.• until the fe It of tisn, when, being n trre seraely attac ked. sad r sena: resorted to all my to, 'mot remedies, ea. the Pi e se notions of two of the most vroPoolitOto 01.°ot'. to the neighborhood without den rolt Latta heaefit, or toc rODadatiOd of survirlng but • On, eth ,,„ th , farthest—vrhen the last gleam iil .`orl tnte vanish. hind recommended to iste• eeth th e ,': soil blessed try mat tieing who di. es. all to•• 00. to oI w of the means—end comrary to the ex, ‘`et tuthee ter Physician. and friends, 1 - 6 rat •• few , 'aye rateed from my bed, and wee enabled by tte use of s " th ' th •, "end to my bummer, enjoying core better hen. the i bad for MI yen. previous. Respectfully 'var./ca., he. W. Emu., Eat sale In Phtsbargh, at the Pe km Tea Wore, .11 Fourth street. actr9 4 - 4 --- . - cy - citu — k -- kiA . NI - 1-1111..idifS PILLS.— l 7• This C•13411.11iC compound combines smallness of balk. with tiffiebtliey and comparative mlldnew of pur gative tientin, • rid having a peculiar tendency. to the binary mime, is extremely valuable in this reentry, Dt which Elio. fever. and other complamta attended with congeatiam of the Liver, so much samurai_ They have now stood the test of at.) years, and olvegtenee has proved. them to be a safe and valnahle remedy t• Intern intern. Re content and Minna Fever; Jemuilice, Batons colic, Initigesuon, Dropsy, Dysentery, Unto. Voed Ougx, T colds, and all complaints of an infiastanato. ry &Attract... he comp/ere and universal saustae. Lion eihreh has been given by these pills to all who havg . used them, rend.s the publishing of the smote, our eartifieues in their favor on nary. To pro ven t eounterfeinut they are now put tipio a red tyke gr r. hie wrapper. Price 23 tents for a box containing 30 pale. Prepared and mold by • H A PAIINESTOCK Pc Co, comer Ist and wood, and also cocoa; ON and w ood RreeW aepa:l a A. Penntrrow.,A. B. How., N. Y. C. D. L. Feawiroct,}Piushank. C. W. Feu* Wholesalig Store to the City e 1 New Turk. t7idr underudgned are extensively engaged in the Whalen le brag business at No. 40 John street, at . 1 c 4 of New York and 611, prepared tosupply Druggists and Emmy klerchtuns with Drags, Paints, 011,1)ye-stu if,, Fore go and A.MC17.1111 re, Cautery, ?dander, Weaver 4k. Arundel's Chemicals, lot their own imporuntoul and all other articles In their line or busi ness, of a et; Pinar galklX so low MA they can bo.puts chased is lids or any eaatern city. New York, Feblo B. A. FAILNESTOCIC k G. NI archer's chrome Green. PAIN TERM, BLIND MAKERS, ite—We the Vindenngned, Painters and Blind Milkers, oftin; city of ow Volt, have used and tested, and are now using a new ante le of Chrome Green, mminfacturod by Geo. It.. Marcher, of this city, and find n to work well, pro ducing • Gthe brilliant Paris Green appearance, with • very superior body, and recommend it to On/ brethree In the trade as In every particular the best Chrome Green we have ever used. New York, Jane 1,'47. Signed by tel dens of practical painters of the city of New York. This mwoushed Chrome Green may be .andof EL Ps SELLFRS, No 57 Wood street, who boo the Gjeltla,lB ogoooy for hassle In Pittsburgh. mortil SELLERS' VERMIFUGIE—u No familystioild n. without It'" Lame, C. H. VA , Aog. 94, 49. ADA 14. E. 13 ELMO". cheerfully certify that I have (or some year. past used your Vertnifuge in my family, and univerully with enemas / decidedly prefer it to any other preparation 1 have used—amongst these may he named the celebrated medicine, called /Jewish.. Fahneatocils Verrnifuge, and a preparation called Worm lea In a recent case a magic date brought from my little boy mot hundred and sii large worm No family certainly ought to be without it. Yours he JAS. LAWSON Prepared and sold by It E. Sellers, No 67 Wood s 1. and soul by Druggist. generally in both cities. scull A Wine Het of Teeth gem All Gents. WHITE TEETH, FOUL. UREATH, HEALTHY OUlUH.—Yellow and tuthetalthy teeth, after bc ing once or Parlee cleaned with Jotter' Amber remit Paste, have the appearance of the most beautiful Ivory, and at the Name tune it is so perfectly Innocent and ex quishely fine, that Its constant dilly use to hifitly ad vantageous, even to those teeth that are in a total eon dnion, giving them a beautifhl polish, and preventing a premature decay. Those already decayed It prevents [rem becoming worse—lt also fastens such as are be. tooling loose, and by perseverance It will render the foulest teeth delicately white, and matte the breath de- Ilchtautly serves told by W5l. JACKSON, 09 Llheny amt. mien D. Ale. FAILNESTOOK'S VEREUVUGE. A PEW greets sitter, one of my children, aged about 41.ftve years, was unwell forseveral days, and the illness Increased so alarmingly that I feared death would be the myth. Navhtg heard of the gOod effects ot PekeestocktPienntiuga when administered to the children army netghbors, and thinking my child might hare worms, from some en the symptom., l kaoe a to. nhd ■half teaspoonfuls of the Venn:dingo, and to my great astonishment It almost tonnedletcly discharged . between at and gab large worms. Its health seas wog restored, and it Is now remarkably wall. I . IIMIO. to taking eh. Vennifug-e, the worms would oceanionally rise hi Ataithroal, sod I mien feared it would die from atrangulatlon. !AS. O. DAW:SON. TiOnesta, Venting° co, Pa., April d. '49. spin LEMT% CELEBRATED ITCH AND TETTEFt OINTAELIST M the moat elrectual remedy before the publlefor the cure of inner, Itch, dry and watery ph:order; of the lace, neck and body, scaly ernpuona, and al whet diem.. of the skin. t ilde (lemon., us warranted free from mercury, ie perfectly saM, and mAy be used at sit time+ and under all cireureanancea. A flesh supply of that valuable remedy reteived end fat 'Alb or • •. 11A F AHN EZTOCE Ca, 'COTbet Ist and wookalao, corner of Oth eihd wood G. COPAL-4 cues received and tor •• by vr. spoil 1,31.1#9,1t04PTER '4 i!IIME HOTELS 11701TITTAIOS HOTEL. LIGHT STREET BALTIMORE. 0000 .11 TBI7OOOOO, nmearcroat THIS establistuaent long and widely known being one of the' ost commodious in the city of Balumoro,.hos recently andergono very exten sive alterations apd improvements. An enure new wing has been added, containing numerous and Wry sleeping apartments, and extensive bathing rooms. The Ladies. department has also bean completely reorganized and cited up In a most unique and beauti ful style. In fact the whole arraitement of the House has been remodeled, with a single eye on the port of the proprietors, toward, the comfort and pleasure of tbelr(kunds, and which they confidently amen . will challenge comparison withany Hotel in the Onion. Their table will always be supplied with every soh. stanial and luxury which the market &fads, served up in a superior style while in the way of Wince, ie., they will Pot be surpassed. Inconel mien the proprietors begat say, that nothing will be led midomt on their part, and on the part of their ambient', to render Rotel worthy the continued patronage of their friends and the public generally. The prices for hoard have also been reduced to the following Salem Lathe.' Ordinary, 81,75 per day. Gentlernelde 1,50 •N. 11.—The Baggage Wagon of the Roam will al ways be found at the Car and Steamboat Landings, which will (mosey baggage to and from the Hotel, free of charge. marbf EXCHANGE HOTEL, COWRIE 07 POOP SOD CLAIR M., 7777•10170111. Pl. 2 The subsertber having assumed the manage. ment of this long established and popular Hotel, respectfully announces to Travellers and the Public generally, that he will be as all times prepared to•aceonamodate them in all things desirable in a well regulated Hotel. The House is now being lloaroughly rep ured throughout, and new Furniture added, end no palms will be spared to make the Exchange one of the very best Hotels in the country. The underogned respectfully sonata a continuance of the very liberal patronage the House ha. heretofore received. THOMAS OWSTON, fehadtf Pnapretor. — ceefitairYvta uougz. COIN.CPT /OP,. ARO 01 PITTIDOION. nTHE subscriber respectfully announces that he has now opened his new and excellent Hotel for the accommodauon of travelers, boarders, and the public generally. The house sod furnitare •70 entirely new , and no pains or expense have bee. spared to reader it one of the most comfortable and pleasant Hotels in the city The subscriber I, determined to deserve, and there, fore solicits, a share of publicpatronage. oc114.illy• JACsin 110u0/1. Proprietor. Trutocttnxonron•s GALT HOUSE, LOUFIVTLI-", IT. IsILISTHROCIOIOR roN begs to acquaint his friends that he is again lessee of the GALT 110VSP, Louisville. Hy., where he hopes to meet all his old friends, assuring them and the public, that no effort shall tie spared to make all comfortable who favor him wok their • UNVI . kal MIVAYETURIFTEL -- e.mass FOC= CO Purse M. PEOSITE late Dank of the United States, Phil . O M. POPE MITCHELL, ma P Proprietor. MISCELLANEOUS Chocolate, Coon. La. W. Baker's American and French Chocolate, Prepar ed Cocoa, Cocoa Paste, Brom& Cocos Shells, Ac. To merchants and cormumers, who would purchase the beat products of Cocoa, free from adu lteration, more [ominous than motor coffee, and its quality unsur passed, the subscriber recommends the above articles, manufactured by himself. and stamped with his name. His Braun and Cocoa Paste, as delicate, palatable, and salutary drinks for inmtlids, courralescents, and others, are pronounced by the most eminent phyaicians superior to any other . preparanons. Hts manufactures are always on sale, in any qumulty, by the most re speetable vixen to the eastern clues, and by drab agents, Ilawes,G ray & en. of 80111011, James id Dunce & co, Hartford, hosts; Hassey A Murray, New York; Grant & Stone, Philadelphia, Tnomas V Brundige, Bal timore; and Kellogg & Bennett, Cinamnati, Ohio. WALTER BAKER, Dircheater Mass. For sale by augur BAGALEY ft SMITH, Ague . . . . . BMW COACH PACTOHY, •LIZOOXIIT. Winw. BROOKS & CO.. would respectfully in form the public that they have erected a shop on Lamock, s een be Federal ALlot Sandusk streets, They are now gan are prepared to race lve orders for every desenption of vehicle, Coaches. Chariot', Re touches. Runde, Phmtort, &c., se w which from their to ug expertence to the manufacture of the above work, and the facilities they have, they feel confident they are enabled to do work on the most reasonable ten. with thow wanung articles to their her. Paying particular attention to the selection of mate rials, and besot, none hat competent workmen, they have on hesitation an warranting their work. We therefore ask the anention of the priblic to ibis matter. N. H. Repairing done in the best manner, and on the most reasonsble term, Wrioftgiht and Caatlron . flUalllsg. THE anbecethers beg leare to totonn the public that they have obtained 1 . 1 . 01,13 the East all the late and faelnonattle dee gut Inc Iron Ratting. both tor bottles and ..derneteneo Perwtu tesalung to procure hand pattern. loth ;deur call and examine, and bulge for themvelves. flatting will be farruatted at the %hon est nonce, and La the best Illant,r, at the corner of Craig and Rebecca streets, Allegheby cite. aua•D-dtf A. LAbIONT A KNOT. Elstsprait& - lions , Patent Buda Ash: THF: • st.erilele inform their etistomem and Modem senernliy. !hat their firm shipment (or the (all ha. somas of due above article, ha. arrived at Philedelphia per ship lumina, direct from the manufacturer. in Liverpool. ..lid will I.e hen to • few say& Theyhere several other slepinents on the way—two of which, viz: per ships , ledallion and t.ydis. ere nearly Sue-- tney an therefore prepared to receive orders Ileantes the large quattertret they h.lye eomteß to the esuctern einea Ito be tor...rued here by canal) they van f etc.. donne the winter and apritty. regular sepphey v:a New Orenns. W & M MITCHELTREE. Fancy Furs; fre•hGrioc-Wkwro bof r al . t f , o o r ar , Lnzh . rez . v . erzfi ci 7taltot v. parchmed In Europe by one of the flew. at very law pricer dunoc the monetary crams raceecantr the French Kat:mutton! This advantage. which they posse. over any other hointe in the 'rude. Will enable them in aell a very ex cellent artier much below the market priee. ID' Merchants and others vNI advance their own interests by examoung this ex tename assortment. SOLIK 13ROTIIF.Ms Importers, bd ARCM (Mulberry between MI and 3d lament, aug:-dan Phtladelphm La ti me N hl nai nprOntplatutirTl EL sott evi lksli n . y Ft, No 33 Fobh Mem, cloven Wood and Sith- M. Fresh leeches received mantbly--arteudanec Men. Before., the physteians of Pittsburgh, th IsaEtl il - and Birmingham I molt cheerfully recommend tot. phylum., (m ilt. and &limy former fads and paumm, htr K. IL I'llorris as being thoroughly acquainted with the bunt. and worthy of prommage. un.r24-1.1 M. R. DELANY. _ pxj Gentry b. Etayster's superior sweet 3 Iva; 23 do 33 A Bmtier's hi do ?rice Ilarmod's 0 0 5 lt m ,lo do • do 4 0 do Yearn liarwoml "s a lb" 14 e 1 Robinson " 16. " 37 hf do do" " 3 Bl do do W. maw.. XI do T Wrlfk" 17 do (I Am.... " tl " it do T 5 do 11 Mecon's V 9 do Ratclit2 hot landing from steamer pp kenosso roe sole by HE A LD, .91.ittICNOK Co, 41 north water et mud I.‘ Philadelphia - 1114 ED ho fit . 'Jones LU. & —i to l n A ts L aperior sorer lb lumps. 73 half bzs Webster Old sips nor swee'3. Maps 36 Lawrence LAHR, .." ttentry & Royster "asa Is " Dupont Ida la Karel Is 10 - McLeod 93 " Lawrence Looter " b &IS plug Jon landing from steamer, and for sale by REAL, HUCKNOR 1 Co, 41 N water st and 16 N wharves, myal Ptulatielphtel are cull engaged in the above business, corner of Wood end Thad streets, Pittsburgh, where we a re orepared to do any conk in our hoe with des patch, We attend to our work personally, and mils. factloo r „.,,'ltte given in regard to us neatness and du raility. M a w r %a ruled to any pattern and bound sub stroroopyoo to numbers or old books bound care folly or o. Names put on books in gilt tatters. These th at hove work In our hoe are muted to call. rarightf Fn., low M.B. B. - s „.. C° A ;I.- „,,..: , Cli sur nF eapt allia . Aalkt . ATKINSON 21)have entered into eeul4e .,,,r e , o eh t hog e l g er she areeof .4 7 1 PE & ATKINSON. -- .„:„ o r• - 'e the T i n, ry Condor's. Sheet Iron %Vt. Also, Ifiack•nutholg MI eu Wood, old strd of Wm B Setae, First .-";;;"hr1 inert. Purueular ottoman wen to Me 004 aIifTWRIO - 631elitago iTryq w:. do St. Domingo sto ,• ban &le ty",, N . U. 10-12 do; 25 do 7.9 do 25 do 10-14 do; 35 Sugar , helm No. 3 mackerel 19U b. MOH 4 7,1 14 4:; lUD do dipped candles ; I= do Cincinnati rms. received on conohincrient and for Sale by ecpl4 8 k IV II A Rliff(lGH 11.18 T IthCbil 0 of Cloths, Casalineres, Vesting., Cravats, /cc, and for sale by L WILI3 a MEI /gement Tailor, mytl under hloncingabela {loom arriiihfield •t ....aiis TilarriNE DHAVfiartibitiES: Three fine Drought Hones for sale, inns. ble for &eying, tee. Enquire of SVALLINGFORD it Co, Ruip7 canal basin, liberty st IAI SKIN S -4/0 dos genuine French Calf Ski is a ry fine Renate. A few damns Ploladel , %c tua Skim, from She manufactory of 11 Crowfor hic!, the attention of boot makers is invited. Just receV.ed and for sale by %V YUCN(ta co, jelY: 143 liberty at W. No. 7.1 Fceirth sweet, can be seen it splendid variety of sup Royal Vel vet •nd Tapestry Carpets, latest style.. Also, Brus sels, 3 plys and sap and tine Ingrain Carpets, of sup styles and qualities; and iu connection can always be found Table Linens, Crashes Diapers, Damasks, Alo veens, Oil Cloths, he. &C., to . 1111 of which we cob the enantion of the poblie. eug2l ... Isrovier. - .. -- yr Avow sold oar en.ife stock to C 11. Guira, 'nth XL et •tew to doting our old butionese. we hereby so hail for low the patronage of all our friend. told en.- tomer,. RU. W. RUIN GIDITER, ritteburgh, Aug. 4th, 11448. 11E11== et.ll GRANT, Wholesale Grocer, Connursiton end Forwanitng Merchant, Nu. 41 Wirier st •010 - 14L - 7()S. R 4 and I 4 I'ruut street., Itell Founders and mon. ufaeturnrs of all kind* of Pitting. Jur Oar. Bream sad Water, have always on hand rourht iron Wei. ded Pipe fur steam, gas, and renter, from in. to n Brea r. In diameter. B Castings outdo. to order. Also, a large masc.:moot or liens oud Wilted Brass Work to rekuch the ottoutfon of Mambo's and Enigma Builders is particularly direeted. te ti rms. as throngs pat up promptly and on zepflut reasonable , - OILEIENVITOOD GiIIIDUM/1. 7-- , ITISITEKS TO THIS ILNITUEAT, eau be fugnished V with a Lunch at all, hours of the day; alto, lee Creams, Fruit COnrectionary;&o. The ateaster teen wood makes her regular trips as usual, leasing er Pitt street landing at b A. M., and at half put ea h boor (except lb until 1.4 F. a—leaving the Gard allO P.M. for her last tnp to the city. A moonlight view 01 the Garden la indeacrire in its beauty. g 0, . . _ MISCELLANEOUS. onto deIIPPIiNCOTT & HAIMIsm c (tate S Strickler & Co.) SITANUFACTURFRS of Pima% fire proof este*, Gond, side, second laical, between • Wood and ! hfield Pittsburgh. I S Strickler having deceased and the surviving partner Mr. Jo. Lippenunt, having anoeintai himself with Mr. Wm C flan. the basis:dna will hereafter be conducted ceder the style of LIPP'' eon & RIM Trial of a safe in Cincinnati, o.—we, the undenigel ad were present at the testing of omt of .1 8 Strickler & Co's Improved Phoenix fire-proof safes. The sal we. placed tit a furnace en the public lnding, and subjected to the intense heat of n stone coal fire the more than three hones. In ohe hour and a lialf the rate came to a bright. red heat the. door of the furnace was then closed, which caused an Increased and steady beat the the balance of the lime, anti' the but iron wheels were partially melted oth the furnace was then thrown down and the safe cooled and opened. The money, papers and books which it contained were so perfect as when placed there, the binding only of the books being in jured by the seater in cooling the safe. We have no hesitation in omomenending it to the public as a safe superior to any we have ever seen tested, and believe that it will stand any beat which might be produced, !ceps a heat winch would melt it to • solid man. Springer & Whitmen, L. Werththvon, Kellogg I Kennett, Beoj. Croce, W Q P Breese, Mama T 8 Dungan & Co, Stedman, Mayard & Co, Wes Manse, Mead & Wester. We, the undersigned, se El lected the safe weaken of above, from a lot in the store of Timber & Asibery, die Agents C SPRENGER, / KELLOCI. Refer to Cook /F. Hollis, Brokers, Pittaba Hassey Hanna & Co do do (feddlisslyB roam IL Ma: L. t. YOZSIA-1. LIPPENCOTT t CO. MANUFACfURERS of Hammered and Cast Steel Shovels and Spades. Ales and Hatchets, MIII,Se Cut, Circular and pm ,Etaws, Hay and htimute Forks, Hoes, Mattocks, Picks, &e., baiter completed all their arrangement. In the conetmetlan of new machinery, and In securing the oest workmen from the most civic. brated es - m.1111..6=mm of lbe East are now manufactiar ing and will keep constantly on hand and for sale all the above articles, having evalled tbemselvea of the latest improvements, and are determined that in work manship and material they will not be excelled_ They promise to produce attires equal, if not superior. to soy that can be had in the Ens , . They invite the anen t.. of dealer. to an examination of their stock befote purrhm e ittg lsewhere, ns tey are convinced that they will be able to 611 all orde h rs in their n line to the e satiafaction of purchasers. %Tambov., Water street, 4 doors West Monongahela House, Pitniburgh, Po. N. B.—Personc baring bust.. with Wm. Ltppen eon & Sian cell please call on Lippeocott & Co. °and] y Pittsburgh Fortino - Jr - 41 - WitrO Rooms, MCI= . . MA lan, and iiplendid assortment of Flaw tan, amiable for Steamboats, Hotel. and pri vate dwellings. constantly on hand 'lnd mode to order. The present stock on hand cannot be exceeded by any manufactory in the western country Prrsons wishing to purchase would do well to give 120 a call, as lam determined my pnces shall please. Part al the stock consists in -60 sofas with Plush and Hair-cloth owning 3 dot Mahogany Pone Chun; 19 pair Don.; 12 dos fine mahogany Chairs; 12 mahogany Work Stands, 3 dos mahogany Booking Chaim 16 marble top Dressing Bureaus, 8 pair Ottomans; 8 marble top Work Stands; IS cherry Work Stands; Mahogany, Maple, Cherry, and Poplar Bedsteads o f all deicripuons. and e large tis-artment of fOO.l fore 11.1 II and chairs, too numerous to mention. margtf THEY are 1101 aware bow frightfully inaznous it is to the skin—how coarse, how rough, how sallow, yel low ood •I/-• -1111 7.Pr,11r6 miler using preps,- pared chalk' It .11'3 •murious. containing a large qu Ve ur t. ° • f ie '" e ' r l e ' •]ored a ta . a.,,01 vegetable oracle, which we / ill.\ t\ :en LILT WHITE- a is perfect]) m/mew I eats .•••G.d of all deleterious qualities; and i• Imparts os •siii a natural, healthy alabaster, clear, living white at the same Ume acting as • coszneue on dm akin. m aking a sod and smooth. Dr. James Anderson, Practical Chemist of Mn.,... chit/wee soya: "After analyzing Jones' Spanisdi Lily White, I find It preaesse• the most beautiful and nate ral, and at the same time innocent white I ever saw I certainly can coalmtenuously recommend us use to all whose skin mamma beanufying.e Pnce, 25 coats a boo. fluid by WM -JACKSON. ZIP Liberty st. ma2lf9 Pitt Machine Works and Pourittry. rivraseada, •1011 N WRIGHT .1. Co., are prepared to build Cotton o sg and Woolen !Machinery of ever description, puch Carding Machines. Spinning Frames, Spenders Dressing Frames, Railway Heads, Warp.. Spimiera Dressing Frames, Looms. Card Gunder*, dn. Wrought ham Shafting turned; all sizes of Coot Iron, Pulites and Hangers of the latest patterns, slide and hand Lathes. and tools of all kinds Cason. of every desertpuott furnished on short lieu.... Patterns made to order tot MOI Geelong. Iron Railing. ..T.,. Steam Pipe for heat ing ' , Ketone/a Cast Iron Window Sash and fancy Cas tings gener•ily. Orders tell at the Warehouse of Paiute. d Co.. Liberty street, will have prompt oven non. Refer to Blackstnek, 13e11 k Co., J. K. Moorehead & Co., G. K. Warner, John Irwin & Sona, Paishorgh C. kJ. H. Warner. Sl.C.llicstedle. janl9 Diew liaadrifvrare 'Roams. JOSEPH WOODW FAA. corner of 1. Wood and sal ans., Pittsburgh. Hav- Iflrj . withdrew, from Ma firm of al er an Voodwell. on the in of Janusary, 1,47, I take pleasure on a.m.., to my friend. in th e city and country. that have onanned my new wont al the above nem. plane Hasinr purchased say gc.ds foe east, and meth , arrangemen. annh 'nen...turves in ' this co try and in Europe tn ne constantly supphed, I am tally prepared foforntsn Hardware of all kinds, on as good terms and an low a• any innate last Wet. s Merchant. and od.ers ere respectllNl y °voted or to call and examine nay st.nk, before perch:wing else where The folios.. en:orris. s port or hi. stock: Steenib.l end saddlery hardware, gun trimmings, files. Naylor's steel. cutlery, edge tonna, anvils, vie., locks, late., scythe., bun hinges. screw., Union Sae torY plane., sows. mahogany boards and veneera, and ell other andel. connected with the hardware bonn e!. mchiltf City D•guerr(►n Osillery . . HUGE begs leave to intorm the musette of PUTS. 0. burgh and cottony, that he 111 4 taken the Lhupter. nut Rooms lately occupied by Mr. Porter The pub lic arered that all the late improvements are secu red. and wall assu ii be brought Into operation by hlr Hoge, wDe has been a constant iiperator sumo the an or. first diseoverml EJUUT Sallsh.:11011 guaranteed to all who may become his patrons Mr it. will refer with pleasure to Mr. POfter, to whose establishment he has operated (or the last twelve months Family Pot. trattai }inputted., Lhiguerreotypes. &e., and coped. Ltkenesses taken UT any weather, and set lockets. breut pins, cases and frames. . ... • • . Ilistnielloll4 given to every branch of the art, and ap parel. furnished. ielant Penn klitehiebe We?. 11. l ' o ' n . i tto G l T uVe Ts M to 4 .l l : ". ne ‘ ey . Alle gheny urer ik :Boy'. coo at- The above works isesfor note to hall and successful op- Mallen, I ant prepared to rice ute orders with thspateh for all kinds of machinery in my tins, such as willows, pickers, spreaders, cards, grinding madames , rmiways, drustruni frames, spowders, thro.als, loot., woolen cards, double or tangle, for mernhaut or country work, usules,jacks, &c, slide and hand lathes and tools in gen eral. All kinds of shelling mode to order, or plans giv en (or gearingfactors. or mills at reasonable charge. Ragas so—Kennedy, Child. & Co, I.ll.lramelt, Bell & Co., King, Pennock & Cu., Jas. A. Gray. DELL AND muss potrarnair. ---- AA FULTON, Bell aid Brass Founder, h. re built and coinmenced business al his old stand, where he will be pleased to see his old comer.. ers and Blends Church, Staambom, and Hells of ovary Mae, from 10 m 10,0 W pounds, east (rote patterns oldie most approv ed models, and warranted ts be of We best materials. . Miner - id Water Pampa, Counters., Railing, &o. toge ther with every Tavel>. of Brass Comings, if required, turned and finished in the neatest manner A F. is the sole propnetor of Barnes Ann-Amin mos Mints, so mahy celebrated for the reduction of Bunton in machincm. The Boxes and Compusiuon can he Lad of hint at all times. 01:11_ Ploughs, Plough Castfiriga r Wi - sgigna to. ROBERT HALL, of the old Brio of It. & Et. Hall,. manufac turing large a • till ties of Ploughs, Hough outing" Wag on holes, &c. with the Improvements of the Leaver Peacock, Illino and other Plou,ghs, of the latest and beat patterns now In use. Warehouw, Liberty street, Pittsburgh, opposite the Hay Beale; Factory, in Allegheny city, near the Conon Factory of Messrs. Blackatock, Bel. & Co. delnly THE beretolore eamtmg between John Farrell and Samuel ‘Vightrnatt, under the name of John Farren & Co., is this day desolved by mu• tool consent. The tosMitess of the lair Grin will be set. tied by,,John Farren et the warehouse of the Boatmen's Woe. JOHN SAMUEL %V lITALAIN The tmale. of the Boatmen'• Lure vstli homelier be fandlieted by Farm° & Lowry. at the same piece.— Thankful for past rayon, we seheit a eanunuenee of the same. JOHN FARREN P.PIS L L LOWRY F'" {'ROOF MINERAL l'AlNT— Recurred, per Wants, Allehtgun, 3 btle Aluteral Num. The er uct., is worthy of the constdcrahon of all painters for ft is pf n stone Color. and coil be added with not other o.sor without changing the shade materially. It is f ", ng ga d wo en oppl ed to wood It will turn the 14 rfpg ritchret mono *unlace 111 the octane of some pm - ais a complete fire proof—the or f. (o h, f „..ed for t.tz year , by the proprie- uncle ba:(2,1,7",nr,,fr°‘,„"0.„10. for Any" portion I will not be deeetved the nrtiele. A larrie qu„ bbor y t.be kept on band al all um:. at the India cloth Depot. & . 0 , 1 4 Arm forum company, No 3 mood at _ . _ R _ oilssELL% i F ,' NE PER FUMES Y—Jult received and for sal,, w tiolesale or retail : Amanda., Soap; Hazel cut Oil Soap; PhILLCOMIN A lelbiade Gil,* awes; Corop'd 00 !iltirrwWl I _W""h 11.11., Branaparent) BrantAlmod Shaving Cream; ' ,7 '+'•• 011 i Grease; I . .alm Omnibus Sow, Taylor's Perfume' ,:,,, ilo&ne, II Ban: Jenny Lind Pom ade; : I AS. .'d..• ' °Cat Ft E SELL.MS , No 57 wood it, • WV. Robert., ),t. D., PTl..l,A,l,ll.lll.StTotif..it:e.,ll ~tread to the tient. . medb DT. R hen been engaged to thot titan nn the es] profession for aliteen years, and has nniiiinninii no would:shit:glint for the Remittent of discus... of the nye also, lot sent }eats. Omen and residence, co rner of Sands. 'by' so sod 8,,,,, e b e e," alley, Allegheny city DT. McLane In TelatiCille•• 1 'MS is to certify dm I im relin.ed one nail 47( Dr. g hieLan e ht'Wonn Specifichoihe no and goo, to awn et mine. w. to. s.`yen year. . w. teaspoon. guil t • ad although th large, yet I bane no detail bur Were ''! " a p en ",„, ds °,„" Savi TYPDOSCIIID MrlZll.2lll passed from hi trOVlAikquhictpr inch to tom mehes y O%V lIOLL A Roma • Creek, Carr al co, Tenn , Ike V 7, I,* ) 7 . TOWNSENDS-SA b.. 01 dual 1 sprats and summer mernetne, this day and for skate wholesale and reuvi, by - - N. B —As B. a B. is Br. Townsend'. oety &gem for Putabarg6.l6o•inuutee arecia may alr rays be bad di N. 67 Wood meet. alrl3 oiArrks AND CASSIMER4_S-80 nth a johr L e;lnii, titeriun weer, WMI , I nt•ne the astention or bare. es dapir monk Vironeh etodas and Cusiarareen 4i4a6,llaseare.s. finer Caunnierea, Sa mane., Tweeds, .Z4l,d and fir Weld" 'radius , Thu 'OOl9 DRY & VARIETY GOODS. saw Gobos AT ZETIELON KINSEY'S" 67 kIARIKET STREET. HA A VINO just received his Fall ritpply of . Rawl LI. Trimmings and Variety Goods. he invites the intention of customers be his •erfeilensive stock, consisting m part of the following Gornlc - W dos fine lied s;bats;. do do velvet do do do do steel gilt bead purse.; do finest embroidered do do assorted rosewood work bagel; do do finest de famished; do do writing desks, inlaid, Act do do dressing cases, gems: . do fine inlaid thorns accordeong; do plum do do do common do 1000 bunches steel beads; 40 do assorted meal ousels; 19 do steel purse rings; 100 do gilt beads; 103 do silver do 12 dos Jean Marie Formes Cologne.; 10 ciests back gammon boards, assorted; 40 Betts assorted dominos; 3 dos fine card cases, emotion 12 do glass fancy boxes; Io ma s s :11101, c x cards, assorted; Sod plrand shaded spool twist; 6 do assorted china mantel ornaments. 1 do ivoryscrew pin elliatiOnS; 1 do steel do do do do wood do do do • • doplain silk purses, ...Jodi do ladies companions, furnished; 12 do assorted worsted cu.; 1 do extra fine do do 10 do assorted wonted ups; 12 do do comforts; 1 do ladies fine zephyr caps; 100 do assorted worsted mitts; 7do boys do gaiters; 2do ess'd bays do 2sest GLOVEZ AND HOSIERY. lu dos ladles fleecy lined silk gloves; 60 do Bdo gents do do do • laney top cashmere do 15 do plain do do do 19 do gents do do do 15 do do i3erlin lined do LO do do buck do do 92 do childrens stockings, to.sorted; 30 do do gloves and mittens, assorted; 24 do ladies blk cashmere hose, do 20 do do and gents Ind gloves do, ebeam 25 do men. coarse yarn do do 12 do do do mittens do 10 do boys do do do 24 do children, °lieu and Albert boots; 3do fine zephyr open worked de TRIAIIII/7ifil3. 25 pieces blk embroidery gimp; 16 do do plain do 10 do cold embroidery do 20 do plain do do 14 do blk mohair fringe; 16 do col'd do do 60 do blk not silt do. all prices; A very extensive sortment of colors of all widths and prices. 40 setts cradu fancy buttons for dresses; 100 do plain do do do 600 gyo ass'd cols silk do do u 10 dos ladies cloak tassels, ass'd eel's and blk 12 do gents do do do 40 gross common gilt buttons; 50 do fine do, do, usorted; 12 pieces heavy cloth fringes, do VARIETY GOODS. 330 lbs cad and worsted skein cotton; 100 do 'fittley's patent thread; 55 do common do do 1,000020 percussion caps, at all prices; 150 pat ks American pins. amid No 2; 100 dos "Tally Ho" razors, warranted; IS post assorted lather brushes; 60 doe hale do thi do tooth do, averted; 30 do razor Mops; 33 do cotton garters: 5 do fine elastic silk; la do do do kid; With s fine assortment of every thing in the ',Diary hoe. JEWELRY. Far ring., fingor nogg, Woo. ping, miniglote eases, gold eloons mod - gold watches in every vario l l; *call FRESH FALL GOODS. CH} APEST YET! TL being received and nom opening It MalltN• .1 DER & DAY'S. No 75 Market street, nOfth, en,t comer olive Diamond. a very largo and splendid Vek of fall arid winter Dry Goods, to which they vrou re. spectfully moire the summon oaf the pablie. It i well known to almost every one that the present sen is one thapagipsheal for its lore pricer of Dry Good end a stfrmis us great pleasure: its being able to stet that .. 1 , owing to our great facilices for that purpose.. to e cif the firm residing in Philadelphia,) me have been ena bled to purchase our present stock at a eonsldetablo red.'s/G., tram the usual market rates, cheapas ,theY •re. soil we are therefore enabled to sell et cost: port. M M ealy lower an the usual otters. We would i ere fore invite all cash buyers by voholemale or re I, to give us • call, and lay our their mimey to the belt. ad va T IM tag Lathes should ca:l and esamme oar stalk of Poets. Gingham. de Lames. Coshmeree i Atpkesta, Mamma Rake. litornbazines, Plaids, and vapor's other ' , Vies of fashionable Dress Goods. of which we have a very fine assortment. itteludlng every description of those goods in the market. CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES—To tha mailmen wonld recommend oar Hoek °toupee Peapdh Cloth. and Enghsh. French and Anaanc. Cassinnaras. OVR STOCK OF , SHAWLS is var , larch; denim e tog [dawn every var:HY of style nod quility, SATTINFMS-LOf which we have an excellers axe snewnent„And of all !planned, PLANNELS—Red, white wive/tow Planmlabf all ow/hues and assocs. • _ . 'CICKINOS AND CHECKS—A superior aslionineni of Delunge of all grader, and :Hurting Checks in great variety. IiI.E.ACHED AND BROWN IHUBLEIS--Ehrtbras tine almost every des< ription of the above gOads, lel, eluding abeenitg• of all widths. to ALOO—A fine stock of Satin Veittino,:f3ilk Ida c.ot. ton Velvet, both plant and figured, gentoety • eanit, plaid Linsey, plaid and fancy figurad Clitakin ant, cloak Lining, bleached and unbleachid Table door, boot Urban and cotton, bleached and unbleacbed 'able . cloth, bleached and uableached Canton Fin ally , coin dodo, Bonnets and Bonnet Ribbons, blk in cord silk cravat.. Ladies Scarfs and cravats, Oluv arid Dowry of all kinds, Suspenders, Inch Linen, Linen Lawns. Linen lidkfs. Silk do. bit Laos Vella, Love do and IrdkJ, Oil Cameras, Russia and Reach Chapel., crash, Linen, plain striped and barrent Jatonet, Cam bric and Sens. Marlins, Victoria Lawns,Dreen Hares go, h. Merc e hants stating the city for the purpose of laying in dour supplic, shouldt fad to give wi a 0011, as they w il l &odour goods and no prices such as eimnot fall Y so .t then. purpose ALEXANDER Ir. DRY, 'tern 73 market st, N W nor Diamond. The Neer Golden Bee Hive Arian. Neu , Fall ,std Trims-. Dry Gods. "[UST received and now opening, at the sign ,ot ihe el Rao Ilan Htvir, on Market tartest, between Third and Fourth streets, one of the Larissa., deepen_ and best unsorted stocks of Full and Winter Dry Goo ds ever of fered in Pittsburgh, to which the Intention of our nye , merman customer. and the public generally, is respect fully invited, as the aubsenber is confident that be can offer such bargains in Dry Goods as cannot be mit parsed by any other house to the city, As these goods have been purchased at priers far below those of any former season, they will he sold at greatly reduced rates. Among this large and splendid sbat will be found many chalks and desirable goods at eatraancly low praces. LADIES' DRESS GOODS. Very nab and most faskuoriable dress .Ilk.; Ifiald nod stnped black Mt., striped and ptaldailks; 'plebe black very glossy gro de Shine: 0." blank rich lustre.; lulei tring, tilt for viseues, cumuli. and capes at very loW prices.;newest designs and latest styles LAShMerelli plain end noun einped cashmere, very cheapi French sienna al, colors, de Mine, plain and 1705.4 and satin striped, at great reduction on former pnceir i gala, Cal donna and cashmere plaids: molieur and 51enteroy plaids. all qualities; allesecas, all hemlines and colors, from 10k to 75 cents per yard. SkIAWLS! SILAWLS:! Vine ouhmere. mrkerte and broelte shawl• Black embroidered cashmere and de Mine shawir. Fine Tibbet and de lune do Fine black and colored cloth ' do Fine quality tong, very cheap do Plzen black and plaid an, vorycheap do A large lot plaid blanket phase+. from 7.5 (teem to 83, MI wool. DOMESTIC GOODS, MUCH BELOW FORMER flood dark caltco Cram 3 to 0 cts Tor yard; Bost quality dark calico from 0 to 10 revs; Yard said., purple do, 121 ma; Good yard wild< bleached muslin 4 to 614 Bed tiekinye and cheeks, all prices; Blankew, from coarse tri Lest veality, very ctrap; A full aiwormaeui of rml, while and yellow annels; 3iitinetub Kentucky Jeans, herseys, etc, etc. etc, all of which will be sold at reduced tales, at Nou9 Market si. septa WM. L.aussEu... FALL GOODS. WAPCLINTOC K., is now constantly receiving his fall stock of CAFU'ETINU, , comprising one of the largest usoriments ever brimght to the mar ket winch have been purchased direct (mit the ha• porters and Manufacturers of the latest and newest styles, and lower to price than ever offered In this city, to which be invites the attention of those wielding to furnish steamboats or houses, before purchasing else where. The stock consists in pan of the following variety, via: Rich Airminist Carpets; Oriental Tapestry Oil Cloth do Velvet do Plain colored do do Tapestry do at feet wide do Bromicls do .4-4, 7-4, -4, 4-4 h f oil cloth Farm super 3 ply do • Stair Rods Super ring„.. do do 124, tt.4 and 14 Druggett do Slat: Lounte Wide do do Rosevrant Oil Cloth Common do do croon) cloths 4-4, 41-4 k.. 11 Damaak Embossed Piano !aver* _ _ _ Nieuinan do do 'rob.° do do do neared Table [tit clothe & plain do do Tiirkey Red Toilenen 4-4, 1,1 ,, 1 & 2-4 cot. do Adelaid May 9-4 printort couou Carpotz; Sheep &km dq Extra imp Chenille Hopi Jute do do do Tufted do Aliearo do. do MaruLlu Hemp do Snow drop Napkin• Crimson fig'd Plush; Diaper Towelling Vain do Crash BUM N Chili 6-land 64 'Fable Line. ,Vase do, for conch taiga; Tmnriphit Whitlow shar. Carpet Bindings Extra French do do Wost'd cords Rich Satin de Leine* for Tassels winds's , curtains • Glet, blue, crimson, black and drab Damask , : figured rainbow Damasks wormed and linen 'Table covers . , blur, crimson, scarlet, green, drab and black Moreens; cotton Finchesof all color...Mc he .k.• Ocnefioras and Drilling. for steamboat deer. and ail other trimmings nocinsmry for outfits for boats In our line, to which Me especial anendon' of owners ts invited. W 31'CLINTOCK'S Carpet iVarecoorn, one door from Wood, on Fourth sc. eep33 —CARPETING, OlL—Elkills Stim. W. 11PCLINTOCK'5 c6.ILPST STORE Vo. - 73 " .__-.. .._. ._ . g \NE of the largest and the . most eltot9e stock or I f CA R PETING to the me re ei, embraeing an the .nal youltnes from the RlOOl approved monniactories, that bane been tested for durability lit. (sine and ,o. . tor, • . Tapestry Velvet Carpennc: do Brussels do Fa . Brussels earpentllG tea Lnerulle Rom I:xtra .up 3 ply do Totted . do Sop Ingram (lo Wilma .. do Floc d o do Bromiels do Common do do Allsounnentred to ordor In Imo , pattoto,, adapted ii, 0 .,lo”, oasemozos ond chambers. . i , - ? c l o nal Oil Cloths, foe doling room s, entri e s, ven t . , balsa, !Welton., Le- , r .,.. , Lugging, &Ail Rodi, Maria. , Shades and F loom, ~ .., -i - ',.. Woo sad Woollen Booking, from Goo third to thresi• _.s ride. Door Mau, &a. ae to vatic& afro Nutt,' 1.' 4 •rozolutoom a or&olosalo old [Mad. la malm.M., folly u on o , voi. Macaroon% ono dair Oro Wood st. ~ ottirP ... W .11 . C1..LNTOCII 1 VOL. XVI. NO. 84 MISCELLANEOUS, COAD'S Patew Graduaerl GatMile .atalent nruf Patna In.ru&fed Pota inserotAer THIS Ls the only ISlStrumeot of the kind that has ever been prevented In thie country or Europe for med ical purpows. and Is theconly one ever known Sono, by which the galvanic fluid can be conteyedlo the hu man eye, the ear, the brain, or to any part of the body, either externally or internally, in a definite gentle stream. union idlock•or pain--with perfect safety— snd often eft& dm het:uest effects. This important apparatus is now highly approved of by many of the moan eminent physicians of Abiseasn try and Europe, to whom the &Minted and otherswhom it may concern can be reform). Reference will also be given to many highly respectable citizens, who have been oared by means of thismost trainable apparatus of some of the most inveterate nerrouldiandera which could not be removed by uty other known.meace., Among various others,.it has bean pmved to be ad mirably edepted for, the oL th e folloyeingdeetwe, ls: nervous headache and other disease. of the brain. leis with dot apparatus alon e that the °Pep., can cnvey dd. magnetic Sala WHO cite and 'safety to the eye, to restore sight, or COM anialarOstia; to the:car to restore hearing; to the tongue and other organs, to re atone speech; and to the viola. parts of the body.: for the care of chronic rheumatism, asthma, neureigive tic dolourcux. paralysis, or palsy, gout, Cillorso or or St. Vitals dance. epilepsy, weakness from Sprain,, acme licenses peculiar to females, contraction of thehtube, !athlete, etc. eta. 'light. for sum:tending cocotte. of Western Pa.. end pnrilsges, with the instrument. may he purchased, and eke tested for the cure of diseases. FLIT instracunns will be given for the canoe. ahem cal. to be used for various diseases, and the beet man ner for operating for the cure of thosedipases Mill al so be fully expLdned to the purcheser, and a pempttlet pth into his tend expressly for these pima, care. iboeilytVl.yr'd bySthleVrtatiß,Vigirt, orittahurg/i. NEW ENBICAZ INSTRUMENT. TORNCAIRAIVS nareerze.).lloel,o2. R. MELLOR, No St %Valid street, is the sole agent for Ottrbares Patent Melodeon, a near-and beautiful instrument, exceedingly well adapted for small churches or family worship. For the benefit of those residing at a distance, and consequently unable In inspect the Melodeon before Purchasing, the following dew:trim:lon la given The case. aro made of rosewood, and am as hand. mutely finished as a Piano Forte. The key-hoenl precisely the same as the piste or MOO, and the loon, (which IS very bearitiful,) closely resembles that of the Ante stop of att organ. The inetrument clothe name diately made portable without detaching any pan, the bellow. receding Into the body of the instrument, and the lege folding under, leaving the whole in a compact form. Each tnstrament has a packing rate, and the whole when pocked weighs only 45 pounds. The ern erne of toms is equal to that of a small organ, and by I of the; may be increased or dinunislied at pleature; it isufficiently loud for small cherches, sad to well calculated for • parlor instrument. Joss mental, a supply af the above: price, with case and Instructiom Book, octs Seventh iit P erlng Cosily FOR PURIFYING WA PER, • Whisk sanders =bid water pore by fr MISOMO.Ir all substances not soluble in r .It r crou T ivnutr In N. York, =l°, 4.e.angurVargon4e"l:l., .4u the ,7) Meting cock, Wein • large dersit inomm substanees, worms, /W. Th is pus, more or less with all hydnvit water, The Reversible Pilterer is neat and durable, and is vet satended with the Incettnmence incident to other Titterers, w it is cleansed without being detached from the water pipe, by merely tumbm the key or handle from one ode to the other. By this easy proton, cite course of water is changed, and all ecurnulailene of impure substances are dnven It lmost instantly, without unscrewing the Filter. It also possesses the edr.tagn 0( hni.El • ntalt pxii. stud as such in many cases will be very convenient and economical. It con be artacheolkothere there is any preWure high or low us a cask, ark, tab, tic. with wise To be had of the sole Agent, W, W, WILSON, ectl7 cot - acre( Fourth and Market ere Diaphragm Filter. (or Hydrant Water. *lmmo THIS Is to array t&at I /ave ap pointed Livingston, Roggen & Co Sole Agents for the sale ofJennones Patera Eltsprahrm Miter, for the et ties of Pntsburgh and Alleghetu JOHN GIBSON, Agent Inc Walter AI Gibson, 3110 Brond sear, N. Y. Get 10,1319 We have been willig one of the above arucles at the office of the Novelty Works for three mouths, on trial and feel perfectly zonated Rat It is a useful rove:mon, ' l lweta' it ''' l to"' r m'e"dingthm' :r' fanlcle o :loovspens rure„vl ,e thankfully recessed andp7mptly ea...rented CoocHo LIVI. GSTON, ROC.G&N.4 ( PITTSBURGH FEMALE INSTITUTE. %MIS litalltilLion, under the extra of Mr. and Mr. . I Gramm& will re-open for the reception of pupa., in the same haddusgs. No. SI 'Aherty street, on the Ist Monday or September . Auangemenm have been made by which they will be able to runit-h young ladses taelLues cepal to any in the Wert for obtaining . a !borough English, Classi cal. and Omar:seam/ I ducanon A 101 l course of Vhs Usages/nal nod Clsernma/ Lectures will be delivered dunng the winter, illustrated by apparent, Ti,,, de gam:name of Vocal and Instrumental Mos:, Modern 1 . 01 8 ,10 ,1055, Drawlers , and Pasnung sell! each be under the care of a competent Premium! 13) close attenuon to the moral and intellectual improvement of their gu ile, the Principal, hope to morn a conannauan of the liberal patronage they base hitherto enjoyed. For teems, see elreular or apply to the Principals artgr-ssitf ____ TO laieN HAVE; • aim which canner be I JPACTOBICRS. surpassed. for the es- Itabliehme at of roannfactorme of Wool,. gluon, Iran, Glees, or any other basin.s requiring coal. 11 is ad. jplaingmlES.Mtliarlam-,” on Me lilotionoihsla rise , There W ireetestee the loth large lituilding. In which iserected a swam engine of 15 inch cylinder, th ree boilers, Ise, a saw mill, and a small pair of mill %WM•. The railway from my coal mine passes within a Ices yards. I metre persons wishing to engage in. 171,1U factoring. to sign the place and exammo ice advn , lin• gm. 1 wall toll it at a low rate; or if suitable partners would otter, would be willing to pot the property to l n• Mock In Mint concern. If further information in attired by imyone, it luny be had by applying to son, Th. li. (laird, Jr. as Harlem, to J. N. Patterso nay . Wood street, Pittsburgh, or to myself, in the mice brick building called“ The Roand Corner,” Wash., s • ma, Pa. norasiliewls Ttl. ii. BAIRD. GREAT WESTERG - °ADDLE, HARNESS, TRUNK AGE WAIT MAN- EFACTORY--Tbe subscribe. tithes this method of informing his friends and the public in general !hat he has the largest stunk of the followney named arti cles of his own manufacture in this city—Saddle.. linr nese, Trunks and ITturei, nil of which he will warrant to be made of the best material nod hr the best mech anics in Allegheny county. Being determined to sr II hie manufactures something lower than has been hen-- tame sold by any smiler establnibmeru in the coy. he would invite pewee. in need of the above named articles to his warehouse, No. aft Liberty street. °Pp.,- sae Seventh. Also. bande made to order for mochniv oetat-ty G. KERBY. . . ---- - Cooper Duplex etsAl Lever Watches. JCS I' received and for Pak at greatly reduced prices. Ire genu ine F. Cooper, a Calthorpe strt. Gray's Ina, Rood Londouu Du plex and Patent Lever Watches, mused in IP hates gold, and full jewelled, with Chronometer balances. These are now the finest watches made. being super,- or in finish and accuracy to the ESL J. Telma, Joseph Johrumn, or any other make. Those an want Ma very fine watch am invited to call mad examine this lox. Also, a large assortment of Gold and Silva! Watches, ChainusSeals, , Keyu bc, ID. Flue %Notches repaired in the best manner. W. W. WILSON, ocen corner 4th and Market ins ANTON'S X&NOPHON'S ME.IIORABILIA Xophon's hremorabillia of Socrates, with Ea.- Itsh not critical and explanatory, the prolegomena of Balmer, Nigger's Life of Socrates, ele: by Charles Anthor, L L. it, Professor of the Greek and Lane lan guages in Colombia College, Nee Tort, and Rector of the Grammar SehooL Jaet reed and for sale by JOHNSTON & STOC/MIY, OCVN Bookseller.. .30f dd and &Wk. sta . - BI SCOOL. OOK KEEPI N NG,G HT Ph..ISMAISHSHIP, PIIONOORA WILLoste hag - opened a Night School in his school room, corner o(4th and Ferry so., entrance on Fourth, where be will be happy to Impart instruction in the arts or Reading, Penmanship, Anth• metro, Book Keeping, Phonography, On. cad -dart "TEAM BOAT CLOCKS—Having concluded to sell 1,7 of our entire stock of Kirke's Ntarinn Timepieces, we now offer to sell them at lower prices than they ran be bought at any house in ?Outstrip, or elsewhere. east or west Smog the only esahhabed agent. her< meet in the . fort hese clock we have the l e argest and finest uson- Call and se. Remember, we axe not to' be undersold. BLAKE& CO. Market street, octr3o entrume on north side of Met Dismond PATENT SOLAR LARD LASIPS—An emenore Resentment of C.riterins & Co , . celebrated else • lecture, and superior to all others in oem adapted churches, steamboats feetones, dwellings, public soil private halls, and to nil other uses where • cheap, rare and brlllunt light to desirable. Also,Girondoles, Rail Lanterns Candelabrar.Glohm, Shades. Wicks, Chimnies, Cass, Trimmers, &e. Alw. Otis Chandeltem, trout one to four lights. ocOn W W WILSON, .16 market .1 Scales., Cooking Starts, (irate*, &o. MAIISHALL. WALLACE & CO., Round Church, corner Liberty and Wood .treetls,mnnoiertu, o and offer for sale Platform. Floor and C6onter :acmes, of the most improved quaint . ; Coolong Stove& for wood cud coal; Egg Moves of cartons sties, Parlor nod common Grate*, Hollow Ware. &e..kc They oleo mhoofecture the Ruches] Range whlch by vireo such general satisfaction to those having It om oo a ll o f which they would respectfully in•be the *Mutton of nth muse.. sod the public generally. ..,.“- ?, 1, ; - Wattelipit.,Jltme/lry, 4to„ roast, Or ?Lain •ND Fohara .iota.., Pmaacamr rpHE subscriber hes returned from the Feat, and is opening large and carefully .elected.elected sloe /A tit G ood. in his Inc Or:trentl for pant patron age. be hope. to merit a cootitmance thereof, by Mil genet in bumneva, and keeping the neat I.sertulen‘ ;tad ti the most reasonalde price, Friend., Colston, els, end the politic- generally—partici:daffy .itimurners outing the city from a Maumee, tare loaned to call and eSaceine my large stock of goods. outL CI ONDKRFCI, A RRI VA L —Da. TOTt;VIIIVID o uraanna.-4,600 bottles of thi• great fall and winter medtoute, fast rceetved and for anle4y R. E. SELLERS, Sole Agent for Pittsburgh, of whom th e fienulna ankle can La had. cm nal ---- GUM ELASTIC CLOTHING-12 du o Gum Elastic Overcoa; odo Jackets; 6do pain g•aots; 6do do Leggings, of I dolferent kinds, 10 ff." storm lista; do Capes, uruh and without Garry.; Mu eenetved by Expose and for sale wholesale ant mail, at tie East • ern meas. We wish It to be understOod that ourehae oil are buying l'roin first hands, that tray at the India Rubber Depot. No 5 Wood Greet. oat% itII,I'HILLI PS IH- 1 0K FOR PAREVP4 IrcitiNer 14:11.5.01cs AND INVALID*: Dr. Hitaishig% - Common !tense . ' mi Health, Phrne Eduestionyaad Human Voice, es based upon the mechanical-philosophy or Majt'il physical conatuution, being the atithenanee uf hie lectures on the sheens subjects steed* delivered In Ibiscity. For sale be HOPKINA, setig Apothelliißding, 4th st , A PEILSQ4 with, a mall ctOttai4ottieenainted iv with the business, id take an inteteit in an Iron Foundry, to be located on the Portage , Ittliboad. Ap ply at the offietrofThend Ahoy & Co. RHEA". Orrin URN,. &e. ccedvith,touth Tam , " tuned meebera;,l6o Badilaml111:0 do Candi . •Widlifew sale at lowan milltm,,,te crecri F au:SY tr. Co W W AVMS() N
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers