•--1.,._. , _ , 1•r;-- • . ; & . 1e L,q , . )-. r . M=IMMI Atiottsintp itB6. :'-)3IJ,SMSf-r,.::a4D5..., 3 . v vCAU, J uoonsultucna. , otal For adtdlnj liteTchsauc , bare returned to their old .:water isaTtettnareets,•Pittgrsugh.. 0021. ►smimes 1111011, asaitihe =rim. B RAUN & RF.ITER, Wholesale and Retail That ,MeerneraflUbertripul.l3t—Cllo streets, Pitts. tt,tt .4 iasyld 2122223222' 32 2. 13323r2. 11 GOWN N, Whotesaie•Grocers, and Comrolssion Merchants, No. 1.45, Liberty sty tub • h.. Pa, 1- • • • - - - deal-Iy. RAILYLVTOCIL ter, Wholesale eaivi Be. ',6‘ Drogests, corner Wood and Oth sta. jyt, gAGALE: &SMITH, Makinle brine* 18 cial XiWoodstrastlittsborgh:.- , ~.. r .64.;30.4,14411Y i CO.,.Porivanlirq iitsPeets. trdmaon,M,erekvi*Clo.llla . stn, I . 'ittsburgb Pa. tx,rwa.ta. • lOUN aniu22. EWALT le , TAMILART; 11T1solualw Gwen', deal tinrgh Matutfacturos, coi• 411 1 4 -1 2 Z Pa , fetal -t4i . tir, - .. wit: 3. isal2lll. t JaaLIS S. =war. varousu .vIIE:OEM Ogle Eutilrb; , Gallaaher j,4'-co .) Wholesale Grose% Crardaurriaa tad Far rrardleg dlerebanra tad dealers in Produce and Pins bumf Abutarserrass, No. 37 Wood al., bersdeen td rid Iniirinh ' OEM aim ' :anal tintIEND, antra Co, Nnonmale Grocers sad Commission Marobanusand Agents for Boiminon coma Itsmoy pm!. 417;WRIet, and;On Front co, Pius, ti i .ita,Aanzat, Lovicp& antii.a, sea .4 Hr...., pundors 'and Ou FittersolUS Sun*, .basuen. sack Emlthrgebi streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. . MOCK. lititte . *iv= for sgeppper and Ulu.- gikilirluEa)CHßANAlonusdation and Firwanling I,,W,Adatstaard Wood sweet Pausbargla - ZnY1 7 nximtv BRUNCIi, Widte "ad Rid Ia d 111.;Ontmeralint azdOil dderelnau, comae otta • arotollani PidAb • . • . i , ~ ... •.• ~,•......,.. _ M.„Ri, DUNCAN; F.,WArding a .... nd Comma, e '-nlnalderchazda,Na V First street, FiUsburgh- .. • Diciute co• a """I sI C "'" Pin inion Merchants, mad dealers Product, ar.4lS Ater, and- KC Front arnalL Fitharugb. nova earutzoKlN',.,whio anttCotme/lor at Law Wu Commlsaiouer for the Moil"' of j'coaryloanin ho:Linun,hlh, (Wool Otani:ugh' • Fori ..-Annnzans-Pitutinsgh: Hon Krard, HELIAN ZdVauldleta ti ILLVJurei John k, Porte; giq inSomSdiArCord a KW& • - jahly JTOTAPEZOiTAk r.Pirhatesido ['rode* Forward. Isdrand 11:1=1Wort Wareham, Dozier* la Pro. duce rwd MAW/A Maardaolures, NO, 7Parrmereial Raw, uremia:met, near thOvaaaVPitisbumb, P. TAMEM• e. AteGUlltEdlate *Ma Ann of Alpo and e, ldcGaire,) Merchant TWvr Si Parka Bathiingt, Mani one rim W• • • Pinata J.auEs 'l4 l ffirroarsoN .i:lb-Buecueora to lotsni Hutchison 6_00; Commission Ideselturas, int Akants_ of the 81. - Laois &awn Sugar Refinery. ft... 41 Omar and pi front meats, Pinsborgh. BLAC_Eldatcheit Rrilza.r . sge Baal tr. dinil;i3t. JulOu Omer, Pro. 24.1E4V41 irohant,No.22,Wood et., BIORGAN, Witolesaload deal- Dye Stairs; Panits,ollB, V • &e.i No. 03 ood^stftetisme door South of Diamond y Situ äri, a. (sseeessar!to Joseph O. Ship Chandlert, Witted are 6i. oat JIM& ...,14.,w11 1 - 4 ° Sayer, Slates, Steel ,Peas, Quills, Pruners' Cards, and Stationary genesallr,lSloin Waal .t., ritilliaren T KuciorawrEle a'co, Wboliv - Dmgriii, N 044 Wood auee, 1011 K dump:war, cam. sad•Wixod ts;Pittsbutigh. ' •• • • • • • •=1:€1 10a. Annafut rs, }Jo. 44 Usti' st:P mte iut ' • jefi O . Wiletaiale Grocer, dealar•iu •Pro .',. da ft ,' rgh Blaartgaetarea, la. Pes, , 41=4 Nta 125124.1barr) I=3 • sacaa.an nom. :r r 1 .01(D, (late I. :Maya C 0.,) Wholesale! Groalsia,Ne:l92Libemty =Mt. : _ago I . . .L6AIES:DALZE.4I., Nlthtilesalit lazoqpr,Cemmlialcati ABlercbstu,And dealer ixt .Prodnee and Piuslorglt' *lanai Nct. SI Walrs.a., rutaittirgti. jahl6 WAONE.I3, Fonrarding sad Commission Mer chams, Dealer: to Prodtieet and Pitubsuth =um 4cuued )1101140.11; Canal llaala, near 7th a- .121 VOrwrisut Iron Works. EimtaLzELL S c6,....amtari.ri a 11 1 . 1, :does itar,.l3len, Bo il er Inn antlhrollsof the ben Wanloam% 04 man and 106 Ono n • nolo. • Whb GmeeriForwardi C =7 N Te h'''' eyleos. lk fl ' AV !' Purl ARM . . 1 . 414 41 12 8ar0VN "..V..skolesala isin?.a., Far; Au, lirs.Lmes.a . taidelases, deal= xi -Prodw" - - —l l -7-- e an ,Ewablugh hl!u , No. -,', nl t ri sirpod wi, ilitomrgh• • — t r sa.tay,nutiTifiaib - 5..pa.,—....W........ - art.., 0.11. c4ants 2 .rtulo.de..lphis, *T. the sSe of produce grf, 0114 . . Libtrik.1411141031A1•11110tI einungupenta. Arad. 1164 tilddedide Graders and Comma. gum Alen/duds, No. Libeaty It, Piuslnullt a. Maas, tia/Cll, • WIL z muci d Vti 1 / 4 Co., Camaninsion and Forwatding g :Wareham; Water- and • Flont. djay between ocw-and. Market us. 4 i Jana BICKETSON,AThoIesGe Grocers and tCommission Merchants, Na. 171.1, Liberty.m., Pius burgh" -110LISDail .Ic. SON, No. 21.5 Mullet tecoml -wthe. 11,1:lank Nol - and Node. Err caeelimm mod an . all the Pfi4e4. l • • joutlhr. UngediMates: 11- 11kt13112•24.00itr., Wholesale Grocer, Seculying Hionilicr, dales in Predate, Pittsburgh Idscrofae. trusta,ead kinds of Foreignandlicansalle..Winde and Liquors, No. 11 Liberty. street. On baud -a very dame met of superior old ./Henangabelaerhiskey, whirl will be wild Law for rub. aplxlyy Jr.,,lmrierr. and Dealer In Porelyn and Gemestie Sa d dity Hardware win ~artAte Triouniap, anui thiscriptiorts, N 0.121 %yoga tL r rhuldistk• . era 7.3 CHAILD•BARD, Wholaiale sad Retail Dealer ii, Leather; Morocco, &wen:Laken , Toed. and Find otp,-Tasters'; sod Cutlers , ?Sods, and Tamers' Oil, Naiad Woodsi.,Fittaborgh.• • wort 1011L112 201111100.1 k allllll6, ROBINSON & Co., Wboletale Grocers= Ipd Conserimion Dlerclunts, rebdDealkiii& Ahumfactures, No. ISO Liberty /Li Pub=b.. •'• • MIZELL & Co, Who!mak Groceo, CommisCan and • Forwarthng Blercluults &aim Saddam. and , PirutmiSta OPT. P., CUNKINON6M, TVlrderate Proem, Dealer to Protract red Prurborgh Pdrumfactartic • 0.144 Liberty rt.' iflll e•lorniomm, • I. L.romer; IyEIfr4OLDS&HICEE, Fonmodingemt Comadmier. Menhanta for tier Oboo y Airentirde, drill 'roceries, Produce, Pluabeteultarbrfaeorma and Chloride of Lime. • The highertpriers, la cub, yeti at all times for mein try rap. . Corner of Perm sad Inds Pa Pr.. 73 S. ILISIMPILELLetP7boIesaIe dealer Ls d Pltuhvxtt art =Waif rirttaburgb. 841 mieteleCilfiVinsalaroulltels,, Hodes earDZejs Articles, No. 40 UMW. streeri door abate Third*r, P.C.._ _ _____• • t __, =MIL Warm 1 . RACIELE7T" A, wrimr, Wholesale Beam ;In ' Prici and Dodgesde 147 ClOodt,'No,99 Brood et ''W" . . • .feblUY - i_ d. :Mr; BAEBAUGH, Wool hlesehset‘ Dewier, . 111 Fleur end Produce pnerally„ and Forwarding 11141 - C01111:111.60.9 iderr.harns, Pia od Water et., POL. 10 010.; . ' • . . Frit, itAo e, ALzY N : 22t owvh ousw•4oufsoi., iL ~, • irna Oth. Nonb aide, odolPbto. turo3 rmonmou. sow' Remota, . A & BUlll l ol46Ptednee ill 4 Cbmeral Com. adoskat Northam", No. 17 Liberty in., l'aysbotsh. - nstiLiimed oufLcrdt)llr.- ' Nr SONNISOFIST; is C 9, WhoLesass . ears, Forwardlot sad' CaMmlirr . lc ors trrittsburlds IL.datilcuares Westoro Ebro derenimoved So their PIM rue (old rurod) As. earner of Pod% sr- and .4::banes • " 6 31 grit e tinanani Geounis. litenilanta; 'nut dealenr in Produce; Na - 35 001 st.; Pitiabititr. paan VIP*. * ( Ari tVal' Netteeniddieno irnd Eirtglaild " 1 4,A=1hr":.. 4 7261,1171 , 1 1 . 7 4 , w marl«.o, =Jur 1011A1PCANDLEP; (Meaner. ext.. D. J. D.. r-Wtek,))•Wholesale' (Often, FOMlltding , aad Coaaslados *sehasur, dealers 'in Iron, rhille,Diaser " Th "A r id , alr'eed Pittsburg* liaaufsetares generadh ot Weed end Wafin trent,. !imbrue'. ' 1 tc - • ..-Comauszton mai ' ....1 1 .1 4144612 14 , , i ,V0 K1 . Ceb2l W.' . WALLIF.:, Mill mono and Furanh: ifif $ 111 41.2131Ama, Ice. 944 Libeny se, neat ßd the sea DIL GARDAHAtksja Fiinty . aid+9l.loo Dry Gears, No.sl . 24Arrket street, Ditilbrall6 AZT TV - WCUION,Oir Is Weepy., jewery, Ittvain AVM, Ataitg27 Goel!ds, fr,e4 No. 67 CM Disi- Et. ? 'lll7 AIVRViDVIMesaIe Ind - Retail dealerin .Parefert and vamertle Dry Goorls, north elst !tomer ot Mader sad Your& rd.: Racal -:wrTDONO6 N 111.: lea . = 131TBL YO 0 & in 'elan, &n VT 11 3 Mimi •lir Se, M. IRe AIITCHRIZ -W l l i n riweua G ro u c q e u r x s 11—V=ts1 a lan I Pnntst4:UNlLibarstais. b, juVIV.; a "fiIaiCXBDRN:k Co. VTholernale Grocers Rad I• w Milers in Oils, Boat Mgre, and Plustnugb Man • - Ardelasitare on bagd, an dart AO Lod 4tAistir• • ntipode in acts. lino,Ww."Tdreet, gk?FY. Ail.Y.Puuburtik• • "17 A e., Ii Kt . : I . .I6.IITCAU. TREE,- Wholasals. Grocery Naddlnig "Dladdara, and Winn anCLkittor Also, impOttra or Soda Jab and 13.1eact roddditidllJOUbdaVauvay Paddlaprh, Pa. •alrfr, " • . . ... „ ... ,,,,,,,„„ . -,,,,,, •_.; , :, ,,,,,,,,,, p , •rz....3: - .1 , .. - 3 . : L i.1.. , ..::: . ...:::.'-'2:i:4 411 0: 10 :7'6-.7A3T. I. , • Z. 7 :' , :1 . f . "-- , -.:•--... - . . • ; • :, ~., , I:• . • 1 , • • .4. . .. . .a, i.,. a : . a 7 TT 'N -, i I , w,. • • ..... , ~... , 1 .r. - 1 2 ' 5.•; 4.. ,•..•; • .. .... • 1 . . TWIN TOWSI3WD, bitten attf Apotheeacti N 0.45 Mirka . ; it, th ree doota aboyeltdrit rt. pint . burgh, will bate 'Constantly odhand a selected to. sorb:tent of the. best and freshet' hiedielges:whi. , a[II sell on the :mast temonable term4PtgliciAn s sending eiders, will lin .promptly at enduaio; and'sVP' plied with articled they may rely upon pop- p PhysicianaPreselipuoat will be accurately' and L'l ,y re o r n ml ,i sront the best materitls, m any hoofer Also for sa le, largo mock hf freak and teed Feria- , Meltailftaba/a LiverVi4ahle. ROBERT It PATTER-X. , 14U opened the large cable oticirat 81, runnlng Uroogb to Secondia,licsocen Wood and Smithfield it.. rear of the • Monongahela Moose. 0, 44 to enneely_nue stock id lloneeinndCuriare I the belt quality end Weal ogin. /I"." , kept o In" TY- in Me boot manner. MARBLE WORKS (X E. WILKINS, • CONTINUE'S to 19.alCILIIIS Monuments, Duna Vaults, Tombs, Bead Stones, Mantel Pieces, Ceo tee and Pier Tops of foreign and don:made Marble, a regular and fair price. N. IL— Drawings for monuments, vaults, &g. furnish rd, of any deunption. He solicits a share of pohli. patronage augn.dif TX/ILLIABI MOTH,- Manufacturer of Cotton trod colored Linen, Printer for Drernea &a.; Elermag 81k Lod coloyed Cotton Fronrca for .ilk and gitugbarn Parasols. ?doltair. and Silk Botlioii Frlngrea . nuntnuaarder mite ahartest mina. - Scrum, corner of/Heiden Lam: and illiam; entrance No 85 William mad, third door, Ovar"&bnar & tJpJ store, No 65,Maiden Lan_New York link! ara, IDWatTn,.. 7011..C.10C11,, !SUNG., IA.Coa riXTX Nl= ItaXnanw /11121 X. ULU; ilvia • .111ECtiA.NIOS! G LASS WORMS. 0 roro oi 4 V l l.; AKS, ~ 11 040 1 , '" 11.11 ' NV ind P o 4 w ' " gras u s, n re bl eo . co:mut:tiro. hand a.general assortmeut of the above artieles. Also, make to order a superior article of Elitieral or Soda-Wator [Soule., of oolored glow No. 10 Wood et, Pittsburgh, P. • au RICHARD T. LEECH, Saddlerr 1101 ATirry t %rims ' pui.,Conch Trimmings, Dose, Deer Heir , Vat - Witt, Go. iYtl• N 0.133 Woon Sr. Ptrrsamm. ' .PEKILN TEA STOREL.--N0..71 Fourth MR;at, near Wood—Ali quantities or Green and Black Teas, done np in quarterl . half, and o..epound packages, ranging Front fin eta. F.er pound ,M" SI jy4 A JAYNL3 , Agt. for Pekin. Pea Co. Doquerne.ffr. Azle. Stool and Iron Works. CIOLEMAS, 3141.1.111eZ5i & CO, mann/lion:intro of ts Conch and Eliptic rpringti Ilortuncied . Axle*, Spring and Plough Sled, Iron, do. Worchouse on Water an From Woos, Pittstn*. deniers in. Coach Tnnamings And ,Itlnlicable oetl2 INSUIUNCE. DECI.AWARE RitiTLAL VRISLTILA.I% #B.lOO. TORN FINNEV, Je.,..ant at Pittsburgh for the Dal t) mon. Mutual-Baletylimurance Company of Phila. dephia. , Fon Risks upon buildingsimd meieb•odivn en every .deseription, and Marine Rusks upon hulls or cuirass of. vassals, Yakima upon the 111.1 favorable terms. • KJ' Mee in the Warehouse of W. B. Elolmes to. pW. hear Market street, Pitithurgd. N. fl--TheIIIICCUM of this Company some the moth- Wilma= of the AgenCY itt this crtY,:vmh the prompt. helmeted liberality with which every claim Um:lantern for loss has been. adjusted, folly warrant the neat in limiting the coaftdenee and patmuege of his Mends and the community at large to the Delaware Mt & Inset. ranee Company, - while It hie the additional adven ttaaggee ex eitinithetion among dm most-dourtshingini.hual phla—es having In emplepaid-in capital, whmhby the operation of Its charter to constondt roereag a c sor reeling to each person ttistirmi tilaattie - altire:oklite profits of the company, without invorving gelid La any responsibility whatever, and therefore as the Mental prinerple divested of every obt=el tore, and in its molt attractive form oast . • Puts. A.ND ni.exuaric larstraxia: - . T i !!atur==°,47..49l°:l 4 .rr. i > Dean u nuke permanent =I Inanience on piopeny in thin cuy •intnity, and on shipments by the ea tatand Rivera 4nh ,6 Co,a • • 'B. ding N. Jones, 'Edward Smith 'John A. Brawn, 'John Wade, Thomas P. Cope, S a mu el'Sm F. &nab, uet Brooks, Charles Taylor, Ambrose White, Jacob fiLThomas, John R. Ned, Richard it Wood, Wm. Webdt, Frimies Harkens, S. Armin Add..., - ARTIIUR . Haan! D. Smoutems, Seal. 0. COFFIN, Pros 4. This Is the *Wm. Laflamme Comparry in the United Stales, hosing been ottartered In 1794. Rs charter is .dyypemal ‘ and Dom ,its Wyk. mode:p toim eapc.nence, sunpidateadi,lthd assibilny al, rider of an extte . anions ehayseter, st may be considered as gaming am- Ple - s•-eardY.RiUtelstblie, W. P. JONES. At the Gotudit.g olis of 'Atwood, Jones it ?Co, Wa- MidaddiontstmetcPutsinagh. raium.t.r- Ia PULE XXI Co. ~,Fraakiin Fire lax... Conapanyoffhtlidej pot., . 11 / mate Insaranee,esrnoment ti d t,rasted on every neaets[Ptiatt bfproppeeny, ut Pittsourfb and Ue sarronadng country, on le tl.f. CO6l. patty h. perpetuateharter. Capita!, Conuagent, fund d it6Sal(.otu,oooU ;mud in a ,PiOn/comm.oftmia and hlCestreelnshrrah- WASEY MART/No4,ertt• . . continues to effect irmarane agamat los s or damage a.antriat Fire, on traiWings, merrnandixe, formitare mid property,zot extra tui.rdoas, to Tait city .d - virinny npl4 - I.lP)rr ci wit it lorror.s4 tll: efliCiCtUlsk It has tna Comp 7':;MtA 4 '"e n 'Pne, and will Isom Polities awl Muni] to the other hotline. of the Age.), at the trarthotoe of Atwood, Jones t WM. JONI:S. WM!. St FORWARDING &COMMISSION C..noml. • IL. CLIARLI ' Mf DANEIIIIONITEIi & CO. TOBACCO Cuffilll6Sol , l 1181ie11A91ft, Na 59 South Wharves, , 117 South Water et. PHIL/. or:LPL:II& B EG ' S th Warm th0..;0:...ei and dealers generally, of ?Inaba:MN:pat they:care made mob arrangements with the Virginia tozar.mentrers and the Growers of the West, West Indies, .114.1 other places, as will Mauro a fargoand constant supple of the following desmip- I tiara of Tobacco, which vita be sold opera as Rococo- Modming terms as any caner honor in Leis city or else where, and all goodi:ordered from them will be war timed equal to representathur 13avarim St Domingo; Conn.; Astai' Porto Rico:- Prone.; }Seed Leaf to -Cul* a Fklran.; ALSO—Buteich celebrated Aromatic Stag Caven dish, with a largo.assortment of ether popular brands, arid qualitiesof wands, ss, 0 lilt, Ito and =a Lamp; sa, Noosed Ws Plum . Laches"fortsg Virginia Twist, seers and plain, in whole and half boxes, wood and tin, togetherwith :every tautly of article belong ing to the aide. " jelddly 1. LUISE. SIAM. E. ealrlittwe. NTABIT & GAIIMET SON, FLOUR FACTORS,. Produee, Commission and Forwarding r.,il A T , -! No.6lNona ilfwavn, sum 106 Wow Sr., PILLLADELPHIA. 'Remo--John H. Brown & Co. &Most Stool &Co. PhlLtdelph • e. Barcroft,Betascr & Co. Beath, Bagaley & Co. • Allan & Paxton, New York. • Walwrs it Harvey, Baltimore. Bagaley Bata, Barbridge,Wilson & Co Batley Brown & Co. • Kier ii.rones,JJ 11P27Liberal cash advances on consignments to oat 13. MILCPP.Cip P. C. CL mums OCI7. NCR. IPA... ELLIVIAKER, ECKY & CO., FLOUR FACTORS, And Osneral Conunt.sion Revenants, - No. 13 8010211' WArma Stun • run A bELPIELk. BEFIMENCEB—Ltenry Grad Ir. Co, Pinseurich. 8 1,Z7 k ' A.M. January, Maysville. Charier Llasharu, Jr., Louisville. Mouth, Humphreys & Co. Mercer, Bro. & Co. Killad'a geed & Brasher, • Duillti & Couninery, New mt. mums W. sarthesioa. tilos n. Lamm, LEHMER & ANDERSON, FORWARDING. a COMMISSION MERCHANTS, COTTON FACTORS, AND AGENTS FOR 'THE SALEM , ' NAILS AND W.M.Alis, - son. & B now ST, •60. ISZOADSVAT, ontunon, Ala •,•USOMUE - COCHRAN. Oen=lastest and Forwarding Merchant. CI WOOD It, rrrtaaVpaat,, COONTINUES to transact • general Cominissiou bust. ness, especially in the purchaae and of Maori. inuuslanufacuareo net Produce, and id , m ewiviug and 61,r:warding Goods consigned to his ease. As Agem for the hlanafactures, he will be constantly supplied with the principa articles of Pittsburgh Manufactara at the lowest wholesale 'prices "Orders nod cohajgaroente plc respectfully malted. 07 GEORGE K. iiRKY' r • WHOLESALE OMOCIEHISI 'FORWEDIat; aru 1 031IltiblUri RhicCIIANT, AND PSALM 7N ;Iron, Hails, Vottott awns lit Plttsbarsh • Itlansuraettnea generally, ' an. IU woos tram, trate:son, es. Poiraracdtag Merchant, Heenan re Ille, Pa. iAtuautt praiitulastrto the Porwarding of Produce, . _ • . • . For any Information, apply to FOITSVTII CUN .CAN, water rt., brio. IBAAC CRUSE 4utzarbaciii COMMISSION Et.LERCuANT FOSTIIESSLEOF , PRODUCE& PROVlsitms, N0.5.105'0nd 11.1 Marie, WoAns, HALT/N.IOSE, MD. ' lborslC=3—Merchnou of Iltuborgh. Wkeeling, At Co. zid - t" P - I — .sTiLii;" ytb - hate taken an office immediately Inrush. w . cart burnt warehouse, Got rue present, where "re tansact business- as basal, until anew. bialse ear be erected, arrangements .having Already been mule for that purpose. Boats will :away. be tn ,stills.. al Our wharf to recall. freight...,-• - • • •. CA‘P.ftfiVfalf .Cdt sot , , . Cone iliasin. 1.41 , 40, . • - i-YMAN, REI - D - 11. CO., ) ssaireiruagseitraitatikfils, 803 Paistealat 'attention imitl to the Mile Of - Woot, mod ltber• it advance. made ott eormlsnments. erflealktety L. Wobacce. 'B rStl l ' IA do - - 2Giat ;ip - 111 a p aniquel-tla II do; 20.4Mp0r,m ftql. 4.9 fr i r e a r g x c o SABZ--W.114.13:10,10-1.7 Harroa—rara WiguitilleCum*ga4; Atipyr :1149,0 FORS .;..~is.stm'.f. AKDS. 5 OOD 9T ;791i1M117`04r H AIELLOR, 81 wood 0, 5 doors above 4th. The highest market price paid for. good mixed rag; in cash. np,B pLANRTART & gTT , LLAR - WORLDS.—A lar exposition of the great discoveries .4 there nos of modern astronomy, by 0 M Mitchell, c ht, Di rector of the Cincinnati Ober rvatory. B olol oTs /MIL Alps and Rhin e.....—Lette rs from Daly, the Alps and the Rhine; by J T Headley, unbar of Na poleon and his Marshall. IV.hington ead Ids Gener al; he. Neer and revised edition. Statistics of Cord.—The Geographical and Geologi cal distinct.] of Mineral Combu•ubles or fossil fuel; including also, notices and localities of the Vatiol3, mineral biturninious substances employed to ens and mumfacturee; illuscranal by Maps and Diagram; se c...awed by nearly 4EO esamucal tables, and 1103 e n of mineral consbmtibles, hc; prepared by Rich. and Crovelam Taylor. Jun meet, ed n few copies of each of the above woks —for tale by JOHNSTON.e. STOCKTON, lye Booksellers, me market & 3d am NyEILAJELLT BEADY FOR PUBLICATION Cmcimau, the following new and valuable Work•—.; DIRECTORS. Doniphon's Expdtuon--Coutaitting • sketch of tbe I.de OA A. W. Dotupbani tha Conquest of Nut. Aleracoi Gett. Rectstry• Overland Expevituou to t}li (ormo.; Doutphan's Catopautu the Narutta, and hi* llllPLlguleied Match upon Ctuttunita• and Dursulgu twd the °permit:Awe( Cleo Price at yenta Fm watt a Man and IrriAn .. !:y c. .l:lln u T 'Woo & Alt a. History of ilentiteley—lta lantawinica well Natural Conositica; Geographical Stawnicol wad leculogiral desenptionic with anecdotes ot Pioneer. Lite, anti inerc than ono hundred Biographical Sketcher of die/regalia. 1:11 PlOll - efil, Soldiers, SilltellAttl, LitAryGnil Ds vines, fee;illouraned with forty cogravinga fry Colhae,l voL octavo. 1 The Twelve Months' V olunteer, or Jour.] of a Ps. Sate in the Tennessee Regiment or I ayslr y, in the Campaign of Mexico, derma IstO-17, roe eimteg M a. - Mum or the klarch of the Regiment to Vera Cr.., a denenpuou of the Country passed over, mensal, Cu.. toms, In. et the people, Sketches of Comp Life; ac comas of all the actions or other Volunteer Reg , items and a Cull history of the Slealcuri War, Lis t , gil led and Woonded, Ito; illustrated by a large numlsert of concoct views and plans by Geo. C. Farber, voluine "PaZw-Pirrn - • • • sett rs here rust Opeawd, at the Move Mind, • large stock olf different qualities, ruled 44 Plain whne and blue Wilting and Letter Pater, c mettle' md packet post Plat Cap, decoy and meta ut venting papers, for break books, medtuut and royal eps toted Pruning Papers, medians decoy stud cap tiny Books and Ledgers, superior paper and best Eastern beading; School Rooks of all hunts standard Aorta an Theology and &knees; Quills, gold and steel Peas, Wafers, Wm, MU Fuca, itc. ke thong Books Mall mms ruled to palters and bound in the most sultstmuel manner. Country Merchants =palled at lowest whoSesula pri ceJ for cask, of rue at cash once. JOB PROITIPIti.-- If wing a Job offiee in eonner dm ism!, our establlshment, we ere proposed to egeettv u. orders for plain and fancy Prolung—books, parttpmni. circulars, Mumma cards, bill. of lading, Re., ' , snit dor patch and et low prices. ELLIOTT k ENtiLltill, myk 7e wood between gut mut &mopeds/ley 'MEW WWlla=rant_ty a novel I . ‘otut 4.1 Hero: by %Valiant klakepeace Thaekery—mth Ulustrationa by the author. The Tenant of Wltdlell Hall: by Acton Bel, author of nWuthertng Height. The Young Sehooladstreen: by Joseph Alden IX Ix Vary G, of Harpers' Illustrated echnon of itte ;raw. n Nights' Enterounments. New tratulation, arrangt d for farruly reading, with explanatory notes: by E... Y.. Lane, P.n. Loomis' s Loraritincts—Tablas of Logarithms of oat 1. ben and awns and Tangents (or every ten seconds of Inv Qtotdrank_ivith other armful tables, by bliss Loan.. Ai. (IL, P ro f. Mathematics nod Natural Ebnaaisp.ty in the University of New Veda, author of n ' , Crests, on Ali De b %sve works Jere!, ed tins day nod for sale by JOIMISTON & atticld Books:tiara, cot market and 34 sad NOW Pesblientlossiii HISTOBE OP CONtiltENti, thograpblen: sod ('C 3- deal, comprising memoirs of the member. o/ . the Congress of the U. B.: By II U Wheeler. Moan sled by llareerOtla steel ponrans, So. the. Vol. I, Gelds 0., The Wntings of C. bl. Clay; uslading &poaches and addresses, &th mei portraits Edited by it tiredly. vo Vilma Saw in CsWon't., By Edwin Bryant. Barnes' times, Vol. lu, on dames, Pew, John cod Luba Charms and Comer-Chasmic By Min hrintash., au thor of '"To seem mai m lay , - Conquess, , MeT Graver, • Domestic Temperance Tale: Br C. Burdett. Haws and Queens, or Life tonal a Palace; commie; of historical sketches of lam Palace, eovereignon By J. S. C. Abbott. A First Book In Spiottlsh, or a practical inunducties to the study of the Slims!, Lem/Ima By J Salkeld The Dying Robin and other tales: f lyßev. Dr. Aldan Just rec'd by R. HOPKINS, ' Apollo Building., 4th st, mart ltlaceessor to J. L.ltead.) NPAV ISOOKS—Lais of Cromwell, by J T Headley Power of tho Pulpit, by Dardlner Spring, D. D. Dothel Plan do do Jacobus on Gospels, Matthew with Harmony; Lectures on Sbakspeare, 2 rati ri, Path of Life, or Sketches of the Vay to Glory arid Inartortality; Footstep. of Messiah; The Convent; by author of School Girl in France; Now and Then, by Warren; Sketches of Leirtmaa, on Parables and Miracles; Ireland s %Velem:foto the Stranger, Hes. en upon EISCItp klawkston, a tale o and for Foglmid: 2 rol's. For saM by F.Luorr & RHO, 'ASH, jelo 78 wood and 30 tas rem sot NEW BOOKE—Just received from the ,publisher. and for sale at the svethodtst Hook dtrY•re v 4th In, near Wood. Tupper's Proverbial Philosopky, tit three I y lc, of binding' , a beautiful book for a preisenk Preparation for the PutpiL Sketches of Sermons on the Parables and Miracles of Christ, by the author oldie Pulpit Cycl opcdta—GOU sketches, &o. The English Pulpit; cahoot.. of .or mons by the most eminent living divine. tn . hlciasreax Vota—lloing Good, Chrstfan. Love, Loy est thou me, Sacred Meditation.. ears 4 'VISE PATRIARCHAL AGE; or the History and .1„ Religion of Mantind hem the Croatian to the death of Hum Deduced from the writings of Moses, and other inspired authors, and illustrated by coplous roGrronces to the a dent records, traditions, and my thology of t h e Heathen Wood—by Sieo tintith, P. S. A. I vol., octavo. ChAMIS nod Counter-Charon, by Mice hrilistosh. A fresh supply of this verppogular ludo •work: Orators of the Amerman Rovolutitm, by I:: L. Mi gnon, with Portraits. I vol, 12 too. Parleyls iabinet Library, for Rota es or sehpols, 20 volumes, 12 me, with engravings. This is a noir work - . pot sale by R HOPKIHR, sepsZ Apollo Buildings, 4th st oath:hug& .. 12131.100 BOTANY—Botany of the IJoited States north of Viryinlo, comprising dew riptions of the howenug and fain-like plants hitherto found In that,' States, annuged accenting be &a natural l system. With s synopas of the Genera ace. $1.114 to the Lin. 11.T_Aag swans, a sketch of the rudiments of boten.y, sod. a glossary of tennis by. Lewis C. Herds, M. H., Prof. Chemistry nod Nattiral History In Ru igees 'College, New Jersey, he. he. Second edition, - revised and Co, lamed. For sale by se Si JOHNSTON & STOCKTON AMARTINWie GIRONDISTS-4M Wry rat . the GI , Ls finalists; or, Per.onal Memoirs or the Paniots of I-the French Re:volution—front unpublish ed worces; by I Alphonse de Lann, rtine. complete in duce volumes: ' Ryde's translation. A ftesh supply of 'this popular work received this day mid for sale by JOHNSTON • iTOCKTON, Booksellers, coy racricet anitad no OITERINOS EintliPE4ro .hoe u hea of leard;~, in Peones, Belgtom, Austria, fit vitaerland. num, Ireland and Great Britain . alth art niPee ol l. colitalrung ohaervitiotts Eur ope m dIIII7OIGII an d =Steal untructions: by John W. t ;11/6014 hL D. A &wet:pies for:sole by . .° O / ° JOKNSTON As — STOCKTON ------ . A T OUR STORE on tdArket street, Noild, hielvvntre" 11 24 ;,...50d mop at all dines be found: a large , stock of sneologleal and tdiseellaneous Books. New zbooke reedited - weapon si putilishi*andAld et low , - esrpileek'The publicatio. of the America& Sunday &hag Union, ind Eno nehasetts Sabbath, W.O Ol Om, always always on hand, twafoaoee "fitMs&sa*O.9.7. ti M • ELLIOTThin wsliriail kENOEIKIri lara enarksit at, 1!11=1/111Mili!I PITTSBURGH. ORNING, NOVEMBER 'l5, 1848. - LAW OFFICES. WM. TIM BLIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Buder, Po UTILL olso attend to collection. and all other boot yy ne.a entrusted to him in Butler and Ammiteeng counties, Pa. Refer to J. & R. Floyd, Liberty at W. W. Wallace, do Ron,. Marshall do Pittsburgh. dly Kay & Co., Wood at. i . jan7 Jveß. SWEITZFIL Attorney at La, office ad st., a opialititef3l. Mario. Hovel, Pittsburgh, will also attend prompt!, to Collections., in Washington, Payout and Green etrouties, Pa. R Blaekstotk., Ball R. tr. KFE Po, Church:di. Carothers, }TO Pittaborgh. D T. Moms., fact3dly EJ. HENRY, Auarney .and Counsellor at Lair . Cincinnati Ohio. Collections in Southern Ohio, and in Indiana and in KentachT, promptly rad.narn rally attended to. Coramiaiioner foe the State of Penn ylvania, for taking Depositions, acknowledgments,- Rum 10-. Flan, Wm. Ikll & Soo Curtis, Church & Carothers, Wm. Hays, Esq., Killoct & Dave. a. 23 IREM=I virILLIAms & SHINN, (=remora to Lowne e awl YY William.) Attomers and Conasellors at Law. Office North side of Fourth street, above Sinithfirld. febt7d.tart7 • TAAIES V. KERR, Attorney nt Law, Itakertvell'a tl Building, Grant street, nearly opposite the Court House. aug!...len • UNLOP SENVEI.I., attorney at Law, Offices on 1.7 Smithfield, between td and 40 at.. FORWARD k SWARTZWELDEEt, Attorneys Law, have removed their °ISM to the South tide o Fourth et., between Cherry Alley and Grout meet. ap3tf. VO. H. ROBINSON, Attorney at Lana has re . moved his office to the Exehange Buildings, St. Villein., nen door to Alderman Johns- stropy_ . • S _ SAMUELIV. BLACK, Attorney at Law. — Office on Fourth street, near Grant, Pittsburgh octl(kllm BOA TRAM, TO Country Plerdbonts. t ALARGESTOCK of School Baits, Paper, Station ary, =liable for country sobs; among which nee Writing Paean, of fine, medium and common qn'it's Letter Paper do do do do Note Paper do do do So Note and Letter Envelopes; Slates, Pencils, afers, Quills and Steel Pens; Window Paper (yen) wide) plain and primed; Bonner Boards, of different qualities; Blank Boobs, in great vitrietr, Family, School and Pocket Bibles; Crown, medium, and double cream arrapping pe,peg PleGurlie`e Eclectic Spellers and Reader.; Ray's Eclectic Arian:settee; Cobb's Primers, Spellers and Readers; Sanders' do do do Arithmetic; by Adams, Davis,Colburn, Smith, Stock. ton, Emerson, and where. Geographies, by hlttehell,Othey, Smith, idorse.,Good• eh, Parley, sad others. Grammara, by Smith, Kirkham, Balboni., Weld, and • there. For vale at lour prices, by , COPARPOSHIPS. I tOLOSIIttrIERBIIIP. i here' T OGAN & - S.ENNEDP , lcare_qz .day 11.10.111 Li with Meal in the, Nerds...awl , neu, Philip Vt.ll' son and Edward Gregg. 'Pgb •stl e of iirre will here' atter he Logan; Wilson &Obi This arrangement rea den it destrahle to close the old bonnets es soon • possible. all periorts whose liabilitiesLhave mature are especially rows:Mod la snake isantedkain PaP , ...k, Pittsburgh, ! Tan I; IS4g. , L --- OGANs WILSON & CO...—lmportea anti Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and Dottiest& Mad , ware, Catlery,liaddlery, an., 199, Woodatteet, PIA. bank/aro now fully prepared ,with a recently MM., UM stook of Hardware, Cdtlerkr, tees, to °Ter very great indneemema to western buyera,being dotormloW to sOmPete.in prices w!tii any. ocibe Athunic skim Al so on hand an extensive astortmenrof Pittsbnrgh Hard , ware, gist Shore* Spades,, Forks, floes Vice% ho,. all of which will be sold at : the . lowest mmalacturer's ,prices. lust , aTHE prima b bent hatiog, roneutlf enteredilia partnership under the name of G usher, Icing, Nilleribar the purpose ca rrying on the Bell apt& dross Youndlogaud Owl Fining bushiest; in all Its brunche's,itave taken'the stand formerly ocbu elhy IL• Gallagher, No. 109 froot street, beriw Wood .td Smithfield ,ta Where they are prepared to iten execute all orders tor Bella Brass Castings, °Vagary ' description, sod Gas FttlinaS wild imantess and des patch. Bteamhost jobbing promptly encoded to. H. GALLAGHER, ' 8. A. LONG, P. 11. htll.LF3t. N. B.—The attention of bluithinisia and Engineers is hailed to our anti-attraction metal, for • reduced price, which' has been pronounced superior to Babhids by nomben who hove used both. Steamboat builders and thapublic, generalty;tre aim requested to call and ex ultant., our superior double bution Force Pumps for steambotuaud.domestic um. decOdly GALLAGHER, LONG, &MILLER. Dissolutlora; - THE partn entity so long existing under the &rm of M'Ceed & King, woo by mains] consent dissolved on the Ist Met, The business will be cloud at the old stand kw either of us, using the name of the firm for that purpose. Being disairoom to have nor business closed with on liule delay so possible. we would re spectfully recpiest those Indebted to call and settle their accounts. • JOHN 'S AllOOllll4 Jul 11. D. 111kG. Clo.Pakrtnerslalp. JOILY D. AFCORD having associated with him his brother James ArCord, ander the style of ?Mint tr. Co, will cantina: the Hat, Cap and For latismess in: all to vorions branches, wholesale and retail, et the. old stand, ecitner of Wood end Mb streets, whet. LW/ =lids n eontionation of the puronsige. no liberally bit stowed on die old firm. JOHN I) M'CORD. 1.14 ' • ' ' JAM S. APCORA from the old and well known Arm of AVgord King, I most respectflly recommend to ile N patro mfri na l lye of the publlemy successors, ?deism &Peon! tr. Co. dart H. D. KING.. Dimasbaron. rrHE cop:m.l+W heretofore tannin( between the I na bb oa b.b bll.2lr*r the ety . le Busblialdtt Roe grat P Zl be LiNd b g li kTG u ll ' lrß;e bb . b"1"" of . WDILL, S. B. EUSIIFIRLD, WALTER O. ItOE. Pittsburgh, July 18, 184.8. . . th The ondersigried rail continue e Wholesale Ora eery an 4 C 00110.1•111011 biisiness, under the fain of WOW and Roe, at their old stand, No. 194 beextysums . JAAI&•4 D. ADG/LL, WAL'rER C. ROB. Having en Id my imerintt7the firm ofStisb. field & Roc to toy former partners, Pd'Gill/ Roe, I take pietteure in recommending them to my friends and the /TR , S. IL BUtiIiFIEL.D. STEPHENS of - Whecg, F. F. Sheenbertar of Juniata,' and A A. Stocktort of Pittsburgh, knee this day entered intoe em.partnerehm tinder style sod hem of tßepheni, , Shoenberger & Co., at the Anchor vote necU, Wlteelitm, V.-, For the pliane of man* • fecwring iron and nails of every desenption. aW. inanrace. t r.attoletratrattea, J. a. erOCIToe. STEPHENS, 8110ENIIITILGER 6 00. &NCI - MR IRON WORKS. Wiseeting i Va. ,o( botler, aktet, bar on and nails, A. IL eteel .pr togs and axles. Being con nected will litheeetbergerio aid Juniata vorta, aro can offer an agaela of Jannua iron brooded Shaeatte , garl equal to noy !Jamie in the eettil!fT All of erhleh will be eohli - al the Pmtbareh priatte. Warehouse of the work. corner of itlonette tater Ito. myll - y OTr teN—The Iterthertiorttillieflo cots, Jitog under the ItTto Ltd arm of Wight.. t Ml tell. is Um day din olven by mutual nominal, Jobb Lau. nen basing diskoiiiid of his enure otterest to It Wight man. The butt/feet of the lore fine trill be eeUled by H. Menken, arho u .Y.Wartui to use We vane of the lwe bent lot mat porpoise. It IV lii I ITMAN. spy-Vithir ;jab. I '4ll J DALZELL. TH} Subscrther la now prepared la manufacture all muds or Cotton and Woolen Mariana... 7, at Pm aluartrut nonce. Orders MA at B. %I'n/finnan'. ',war, Sloop, tor oar La.ur.y and Water .van ..rill alma‘ with prompt ItLeintlO. H Learnt n, bet meta Fedetat end Headeeky ate., ertilktly Allegheny WI. CI O.P A1LTX3i11.1113.14- • Wm. Young harteg kj Jay ex,•eroeted wall hue. JOLIn R. hiThee, the He .her buthoete .11 hereafter be roue. ;e4 wades no n e.th Ce• WILLIAM rOUNO, Mans .Ihlo. _ , LTEALD, aL cu tin ve asproaved JUL Elam ui theu'robncro and Caw ratslott • •• • MEDICAL, M!=1:1 ====l=l SAL/cm, Cm araniana co. t), Apr. LL 1.41. DR U. JAI Yie.t. ii —1 feel booed to you and the aletteled pnb.fe. to avail 01y..-1( of Unto op porectruti of givtaipatroelly to the exYaordenaty edects ol your kapeeloraut on.) .elf lialleg Veen attheted for several year, ar,h a 'every rea,tt, twee.. levee and aco/trauma/1i utsea-aea, and aremed only doomed o nnyter out • abort bat nn.erat..e citato.lee., anti/ the !all of 1K..19 vehnn. eelm: more aerarely•ntacieel. and- Martng resorted to all tn, tom,' rem,el,,-., and d n . pr, •. npou.t• of two Of 111, most te•rt,da , Oystrtasts ID the octshhornood wltttost dertvtos any t.otteht. or the ronsolatuto o! .n vont oat a tew da v• or week. al ile farthest—orben the lost gleamof . watt alms. to Sottish, I bed recommettoed ot me yo Lapectormn— and blessed by tad& Iletn, who doe- doors In dm use of the ralts—ow contrary to 111 tapeel4l.ll. of my phyceosto and lomots.. I W4/1 lit A few do)* rat wed from my loot 3{llllWag eotatted by tue vac el a bottle, to s ttend to my isfll.lll[l4, @trot', tag Luce better beratth than I had for On yearn prertou t. Resipectfully yostra,ke, J. W. Earn, For sale to Pittsburgh, at the Pettin Tea Sum, 71 Fourth arrest. mar.* Ur. . A. FAHEitlitH.:6`B A.N7I-lITIL lOUS PILLO.. Tuts Catharoc compound combo:so smallness of lett with ethetency and romper...vs validness of par. gam , . ann.., mid having a peculiar tendency m the 1.111.7 organ., Jr extremely caritable in Mit country, In which bilious fevers and other comptamts ananded web congcsnon of the Liver, so much abound. They hue now stood Use teat of VD years, and expettertee has proved them to be • oafs and valuable remedy to li...raiment, Remittent and Mimes Fever, Jaundice, Bilious colic, Indernmon, Dropsy, Dysentery, Elitism. Vomitings, colds , and all complatnta of so tonal:amino. ry character. 'Pb. camp/et...be uraversel musts. lion which has been (Mop by Maas p a ls to ail who have used them, renders the publubmg of the summer. was csrulicates m Mimi favor unnecessary. To pre vent counterfeiting they are now put up In a red split. graph. wrapper Pnce cents fora box comatning 30 palls. Prepared and sold by II A FAHNkIiTOCK A Co, comer hi and wood, and also comer 6th and wood Infects.sofa D.A. Feesernef, -- D. lieu, N. Y. City. /I L. Feiasenort,l. 41. Pi tunnel. G. W. Seeining Wholesale Drug Store In the City of New York. andentigned are extensively engaged in the Wholesale Drug bonne.* at No. tO Jahn street, an oily of New 1 ork,and are ;mewed to supply Drugi Esta and country Mariam:du with Drugs, Pato., (AM, Dye-stud., Vont gn and &menean forneny, Mender, Weaver A jaander'e Chemleals, tof their own unportation) and all crawr Mlle!as an their i/11. of Limi tless, of a stipend: quality as low as they eau beinus chased in thus or any eutom ehy. New York, Pettit B. A. FARNESTOCK & Co. Mmm6eosoWmme9r - i.ZW. . . . TO PAINTERS, BLIND MAKERS, tee—We, the ondermgned, Planters and Blind !tinkers, of the city of New York, have used and tested, and ere wow lain; a new article of Chrome Green, manufactured by Geo. K. Marcher, Mails city, and find it to work wel l , dueing a line brilliant Patio Green appearance, with • very mperior body, and recommend' it Moor brethren in the trade we Id every partmular the best Chrome Wren we have ever used. New York, Jtlhe I, '47. Signed by a 4 firm• of preencal painter• of the city of New York. This unetinalied Chrome Green May be bad of R. E. SELLFM, No 57 Wood 'trees, who boa the each:mot, agency for tweale In Pittsburgh. Marl , . . . _ I.Z.E.I.LERS' V E.II3IIFUO kl—.. No family should b. withow a!" Louse, C. 11., Vs., Aug. 21, la Ida. A It. Sau.eas : I cheerfully certify that I have for some years put used your Vert:ollone to my limit,, sod umvmsally grill: meccas I decidedly profer it to say other preparitlon I have anted - amotaist these May he named the celebrated medicine called Deadahot, FattnestoeY's VerrallOge, tad• prepa:unou called Worm lea. In recent ease a single dose brought from my little boy one nundred and six lame worm. No Wetly tenably ought to be without .V ours ac JAS. LAWSON Prepared and sold by It K. Sellers, No ST Wood It. Rod sold by Ltrug_tßencrally h, no,b clues. •Reol A Fine Set of Teeth for 96 Can ts. W HITE log 011“1 or IW - inn cleaned with Junco' Amber loofa Paste, have the appearance of the most nee:mini ivory, and at the saran time it le so perfectly innocent and et quint-01y fate; that he constant daily sac is highly ad. vantageona oven to those teeth that are in a good con dlttort, giving them a beautiful polish, and peeve teiag a premature decay. Those already decayed It presents from becoming worse—it also already such so are be coming looae.aniby pornverance will render the st foule teeth del ls tely white, and :meth th e breath de liciously sweet_ field by WM. JACKSUN, on Liberty Street. staff) -- B. A. PAIIIIIESTOOWII A _FM weeks stnee.one of my children, eged about Alava years, was Inman for wveral days, and the illness increased so alarmingly that r feared death would be the result 'laving heard of the good edicts of Fahnestock's Vermiluge when administered to the chili:lees of Dry neighbors, and thinking my child might 'have wurms.litun some'ofthe symptom., l gave it one and .a half teaspotifuls of the Vanniftige.iind to my mai innualahtnent it almost Inuriediatety disehumed hatlieen WO and %%Wargo worms. ha heallp,wo• 4o,o rallored, and it is now remarksbly fettns to taking the Varnuhrge the worms would occaidoodly rlsein its Shrocuu and laden feared it would anizigalation. JAS. G. DAWSON, • • lionerce,Vemestiro 410, Pa., AP 3, 48. apl3 • EIDY'S /CELEBRATED ITCH AND TET7 ER, thei= (of c f NT u tie ura of let t le er r, IT:dry an e g l jtrp re fiallddn , of the We, . end body, eaely .sruptom4 and all Islet dittemeee of the skin. This Oinnnat.i.• seananted free Jr= narsouly, petract# main and MAY Mused. al l limns and under oil ciraurnsames. Afresh actg.!, or dna walualda tamedy ineeivag and fetsaill* ••" 13 A FAIEYESTOCK -; am= phut edd wood: e4ao, Carnet of 01,4 add wood mama. .1d crap waived and &ala s DoP I I ' BRAUN & P5.:4,41 c,l • HOTELS . hm t .r. FOUST IN MOTEL. LIGHT STR EET BALTIMORE. POGO Atm , Florzthrosa 2iT i r . 3 . eaMblis I long•and widely known as being one of the most commodious in the city of Baltimore, hits recently undergone very exten sive alterations and Improvemenm. An -mire new wing bits been sulderLeantaining namenma and airy sleeping apartments, sad extensive bathing rooms. The Ladies' deparunent has also been completely mergtmised and fined op in a moat unique and buntt ful style. IA fact the whole arrangement Mae Bose has been remodeled, with • Nagle eye' on the pert of the proprietors, towards the comfort and pleastne of their Guests, and which they confidently assert will challenge comparison with any Hotel intim Grtio . 1 Their table will always be supplied with every b - menial and luxury which the market affords, se ed up in a superior style; while In the way of Whim, &a, they will not be surnamed. In conclusion the proprietors beg to say, But nothing will be tell undoua on thou, plel, and on the partof their assistant*, to, render this Hotel worthy the continued ,parip , r , terte of 'their friends and the pull: gen u eZ/1 . •. the fell pig board have also be red Louie.' Ordinary, 51,7 f• per day. . Gentlemen's " 1,50 • N. a—The Baggage Wagon of the House svSl id. vril be found at the Ger and Steamboat Landings, which will eonvey baggage to and from the Hotel, free tote.. • ~. EXCHANGE HOTEL. . COMM. 071 , 10111 AND EL cunt ars, ITITZE76OB, PA. 2 The subscriber having assumed the manage. mint of this long established and popalar Hotel, reipeetfully emmances to Travellers and the Public generally, that he , will be at all times prepared to aecommodate them In all things desirable in a well regulated-HoteL The 'louse is now being thoroughly repaired throughout, and now Hummer. added, and no pants will be spared to make , the Exchange one of the very best Hotels in the eel/atty. The undersigned romeetfally solicits 11l eontlntomce Of the very abaral patronage the House has heretofore roceiveri. THOMAS OWSTON, &Medd Propuctor. _ . -- L - AiskliTlßlE HOUSE. •- - - 'Mersa or room L %resep plan 1.111.11, nrrss.int. ATHE bmribet pectfully announces that he has now opened hi new and excellent Hotel for the accommodation of travelers. boarders, 'and the public generally. The house and fnmiture Ate entirely new, and no pains or expense have been :tt u. d ie re t n e ter in it t g e ne ek o , f y. the most comfortable and The subscriber I, determined to deserve, and there 'fora solicits, a thereof public patrona,se. tietl4-dly JACHIEI HOUGH, Proprietor. TEIROCKEItiILTOIII , 6 GAILT HOUSE, to. AR.I9 THHOCKMOON begs to acquaint his friends that he is agabt lessee of the OALT HOUS", Louisville, Hy, hero he hopes to meat all his old friends, uniting them and the public, that mo edam shall he spared to make ail comfortable who favor him with their patronage. japlldl . • iffirri v gD STATES HOTE L, . . . carvrt - r n, AZTWXVI YOCUM MO 17.1171 m. •APPOSITE late Hank of the United States, Phila . delphia. M: POPE MITCHELL, mart, • Propriew. MISCEIAA NEOIIB. Chinolate, Cocoas &es W. Baker's Anserrean and French Chocolate, Prepar ed Cocos, Cocoa Paste, Brows, Cocas She 1.. &a. rro oterebanm and consumers, n who would purchase I the best products of Cocoa, free from adulteration, more nutritious than ma or coffee, and inquality mum, passed, the subscriber recommends the above articles, manufactured by himself and atompedwith his name. Fits Brame nod Cocoa Paste, as delicate, palatable, and salutary drinks for Invalids, convalescents, and others. are pronounced by the moat eminent physicians superior many other preparations. Ills mannlactures are always on sale, in any quantity, by the most re. spectable grocers in the eastern clues, and by then agents. Hawes. ri ray & co., of Boston; James B Boner & eo, Hanford. Conn; Hussey & Murray, New York; Grant & Same, Philadelphia; Tuomas V Brundise, Bal iimore; land Kelly= 8, Bennett, Cincinnati, Ohio. WAITER BAKER Dorchester Mass. For sale by au;s3l BAOiiLEV fr. SMITH, Ants NICWbCTACH - PACTORV, aLbsoaaT. VIIIITTF, BROOKS & CO, would respectfully to ll' form the pubho that they hoe erected a snip on L.acock, between Federal and Sandasky streets. They any now making and are prepared to receive orders for every deseripnon of vetueles. Coaches, Chari Bs, , touches, Boggier, Phaetons. a n, ks, which from their long elperience in the manufacture of the above work, rntd the faadines they hava,they (eel confident they am tumbled to do work on the most reasonable terms tenth those rtanting article. in their hne. rayintpartieular Atenann to the selection of mate-. dais, 111•4 bonus none but competent workmen. they have no hesitan IR warrantee th eir work. We Rename ask the altentma of the public to tins matter N Repairing done my the best memo, and on the soon reasonable term st' jen! • that theytkawe abuoned (root th e Rot all the lam nod fughitinable deintros for Iron Rather, both for houses Vdttetari. Persons artshin to e xa mine u ...Platen. pleoe colt and and lodge kr Chem.:Mee Railing will De tamtshed at the short en ronicw, and in dm heat man., at the corner of Craig and Rebecca sweets, Allegheny my. • *MOW/ A. LAMONT h KNOX ROOM 'Ash. - iintscnbers inform their rummers and dealers penalty. that their bent shipment for the fall tm 'undas of the above miracle, has arrived at Philadelphia ! POT thip•Jansan, diem from the inanufachuera 1.11 ikkrerpcied, and will be hem to a few days. They ti re , rat other shipments on the way—two of wh nat per naps Medallion and Lydia, are nearly d and Mereforapared m rosette orders. re• arts Now Orman.. Vi tr. — ifithey Fein, fresh from Europe. T " st : srn b m . Vot h. t r i; h 4 t e r: 7o o r ". l ito s er n . ' 7 :kr el been pure/rased to Eb/rope by one of th e r o, ' at ry low pm.• durum the monetary crises me:me:din enautil /devolution! This sdsiththa , sellieh they penes. over any other Mare in the ithale..:ertli enable theta to sell a very as set lent snide tench Inlets the market price. . M ' , rebuts and others will advance their own Interests by exasurung this extensive assortment. SOLIg, MOTHERS, Importer., 86 Alta (Ifiullurry) between L l / 4 1 and M streets, a047-iLlen Philadelphia. . L•eattlng, CuPPlng o .d / 11 . 0 d 1 .4 7 _ V IL NO S, thucceseor to M. IL Delany I— . 101•-• No 13 Filth .:.set t between Wood and Smith, held. Flesh Leeches re caved monthly7attendance slt hours. Rrter.... the p.SFlloluts of DIIMOuvrO, Alle gheny aod Birmingham. I most cheerfully recommend to the physiciee. thes and all toy former fnenda and purees, 31r. K. B. Norris no bung thoroughly ueptainted with the busi ness and worthy of patronage. V. B. DRLLNY. - Wa - autiaotsurad Tob!sceo. A Q BIS k Royster's superior swee L s Ip., .2t.) 23 do 21 A Baller's 10 hf do Pries/ & Hansood's " " 6 " 21 do do do " "10 !Ado do Pearl lit llartsood "6A lb" 14 do J Robinson .t " " 57 hf do do 23 do do Wm Dawson " RI do T Wright's " 27 do 0 Anderson I do It Tllitde's " A .do a klacon's " " I do Raicliff " I " Just tainting from steamer and packets, and for sale by HEALD, uucia.Nua • 4.1 north water at sad 16 north 'shames, je24 - Ppnallelphla t . 11 — .itilrfattraktililllattill :-. Selii 'kit alarms 13 &Sono senerior sweet lb lumps. 73 half hes Webster Old superior avreerfat lump. 20 Lawrence Leaner " de (mussy is Rosso, "3s " Dupont (de le Easel " ZV " " Sietsd es aft Lawrence Larder , " by plug Just lending from ascarner and for sale by BUCKNOR / Co, 41 N vow et and lON wharves, royal W. dz J. GLlSEirfi. /took Hinders. WE are still surged la the above business, comer of Wuod Mull% rd /reels, Pinaborh, where we are prepared to do soy work In one Una_ with des patch. - We attend to our work personally, end sans. faction will be given in regardso sto emulate and do. Blank Books ruled to any pattern and bound sob- Wanually. Books us numbers mold books bound care fully or repaired. Names put on books la gilt letters. Thos.- that have work in OIL line are in midall. Prices low. -- - - - co7a. = . • m B. BCAIPK and Capt. JANItZ ATKINSON 1V !monomer. into partnership, under the firm of WAIVE h. ATKINSON. and wlll earry on the Tie. Copper, and Sheet Iron Were manafeatery. Also, Bl.ksmithing m all Its branches, at the old stand of Wm B. deatfe, Flnst mac!, neat Wt.. . Particular atteatidm given to itounbeat work. oczl 4Ai I DD.. •to Craree d4s — app - TryiTiiiii'CoreclTlO 4 .-/L , do ht. Donougo do; lard ha. 8-10 glass DM do 104.2 do; 25 do 7-0 do; 33 do 10.14 do; llibd. N. O. ztogar ; .201 bl. No. 3 mackare/ ; lOU bza rosin soap No. 1 ; WO do dipped Dandle.; 123 do Cincinnati mould do, received on conrignineni and for tale by oNpl4 U a MI 11ARDHVGli -- 4118 f HECEIVED—A large andsWadzil rwearttnent of Cloths, Cumin:lens, VO44AP, C 11411414, 444., and toe lisle by L WILLIAMS, 3/maw Tallor, rayEl under Monongahela MU.. roorithkeli sr TRATIZWiTiE — FRAUtitif — IrtiaiEV Three Our Draught Hums for sale ; intim hie for denying E n q u ire iVALI:111111FORD k atop 7 canal basin, Ithenf at TALI' doe genuine Yreneh Calf 03wa, 4 VJ very doe article. A few dozens Philade , :chos blans, from the manufactory of 21 AI Clitoral in which the attention of boot makers la Wafted. oat rvccived and for wile by W YOUNOIe Co, Jan_ I.43.libarty at A.'W. III'CLIN — TOCIPrit, No. IS Fourth weal, tun be sec n • splendid variety of sup Royal Poi ret and Tapestry Carpets, latest styles. Also, Dins. sels, a plys and sap and fine Ingrain Carpets, of asp style. and qualits vs: and in cioseeettou coo always be douod Table lane,ts, Crashes, lAsixrii, Damasks, fdo teens. Oil Cloths, A c. is., to el of which wo call the artesionn of tbe publ Rota/ _ WO Titre: AVINO sold our - cosire stock to e H.Olurrr, with a view to cloinnisers old busloesa, eta hereby so f., him the patronage of all Out Meads bud ous t...M. HO. W. POINDEXTER, TDE POINDFDLTEIL Pittsburgh, Aug. lth, C V 11. GRANT, Mtnlambs Woman Commission .tom . Po"'wanting Merennut,No. 41 Winos st. aunt JOf ofLt r illki , it. cal., frJ and 94:FrOnt street, lien Founder. and man &titterer. need/ kind. of Medals for ties, Stearn ainl Water, Mora always on hand Wrought Jeon• Wed .:lee Pipe for steam, gas, and wafer, host Win, CO f to. m diameter. Efraeralestings made to order. Alllo, a largo aserinmat.,(4. Bolls and Eudsbed Beam ia Work t .. labia ibe attentlev% of - Plumbers gild Engine 3141 . 4ete is *dente/lir di-reeted." • Filtdnge Tat 'Fp. prompdp. and on : emi+KittniSle - sanlOglitt. 0. IS S. as TO THIS lI.STREAT elm bo' ihndalvid with Lattott at all, heiaticor die dikli WOO; Ice' Crvams, Prulfehnivetiatiery, ftd.' , llle siventerfrven= wood make. her reveal. trip. se amid, leaving her Pin atevEliendintia and A.M.? e 4 hoot V 1144. P t i otier w et i t ( 44, tre l tr . rTT mo6,3ti view 01 imsdabassole b( , It „ ,„ •-• " NISCELLMOUS. /ceEPLI htilTdrram. 1M 'i s i ..o , , , ' WIC C tuna Al LIPIS 111 P.IERBI (Late J Strickler & Co) MAIIiVFACrII/LE4S of Phtenia„ . fire proof safes, send. aide, se d street, between Wood d Smithfield Patiburgh. I 9 Stickler having deceased ea the in fiii/frar pa er Mr. Josn eo appentt, lte•ittlf c 4, annotated: himself wi hie. Wine-Myr, the b u.th "' will hereafter be candneted ender tins atyle of LiPl.fi" eau& Barr. Trial of I safe inlnnen, a—We, the undersign. ed went pr e sent lathe sting of see of J S Strickler d: Co'intrrroved Threat fire-prced'afea The safe was placenta a furnace settle public Landing, and oubieetrd to the intone heat of a stone coal fire for more thee three tan^ is one hour ands Iva the See Male tO • brit , red heat; the door of the furnace sr...ashen etose which caused an Increased sad Malty haat for the b ea of the time, antil the east iron wheels Isere partially melted olfi the furnace was then thrown down and the safe cranial and opened. The money, papers and books which it contained were as perfect air when laced there, the binding only of the books being m inted- placed ted by the water In cooling the safe. We have no hesitation in recommending in to the public se a safe auperior to any we have ever Van testa, and believe that it will stand any heat which might bepraduced, inept a heat winch would melt It to a Sad Maim Springer & Whitman, L Wonhmgtan, Kellogg & Kennett, Benj. Ilene , W 0 P Breese, hares Smith T L Etr w ec in ?o ,r4 stw r iman . , lanyard & Co, Wm Manse, We, the undersigned, selected the safe spoken of above, from a lot in the store of Truber & Anbery,_the Agents C G SPRINGER, - - - keLLoo. Refer to Cook & Harris, Brokers, Nusborah; Hassey Hums t Co, do do (fe3ditoly9 LILL LLITLDCODS. 1011.11 n. WICI. L. X WOIWAIL . - LIPPICNOOTT• & CO. ANUFAC I IHIERS of Hammered and Cast Steel Shovels and Spade. Axes-and Hatchets, Mill, % Co; Cinralas and Gm Saw. Hay and blames Forks, Heal, Mattock. Picks, &0., having completed all their arrangements in the construction of new machinery, and In securing the ban workmen from the monocle, bested establishments of the FAA are WWI marmfactur ing and will keep constantly on hand and (or sale all the above *nines, having availed therruselvea of the Mint Improvements, and an determined Smith work manship and material they will not be egcelled. They promise to produce Role,* multi. if not•cupen.... any that nn be bad in the En . They invite the. atter, non of dealers to an examination of their stock before purehning elsewhere, so Wiry are convinced that they will he able to All all orders in their line to the entire. satisfaction of purchasers. Warehouse, Water street, 4 doors West Monongahela House, Pittsburgh, P. N. a—Persons having brimless with Wm. Lippcn eon & Bon sell please call on Lippmcott in Co. JAMES W. WOODS LL Pitteburgh Furniture Ware Booms, Els, vman annum i2EA large emd splendid stisortment Of Furni ture, wadable for Steamboats, Hotels and pri vate dwellings, constantly on band and made to order. The. present stock on hand cannot be exceeded by any manufactory in the western country. Pc mons welling to purchase would do well to give me a call, as lan determined my prices shall please. Part of the stock *ancient In— MI sofas with Plush and Hair-cloth corers; 2 dos Mahogany None Chain; 18 pus fine v'mmaloptry Chairs; 12 litabogan y Work Stands; 3 do ma Bucking Chun; 15 atarlde top Dresiong Bureaus; 8 pair Ottomans; marble itip Work Stands; IS cherry Work Stands; Mahogany, Maple. Cherry. and Poplar Bedsteads of de.eripuons. and a large arororunmat of common furniture alld chains too summons to mention. marlat THEY are not aware how frightfully injurious It is lc the skin—hoer roadie, hose rough. how anllow. yet low and anhra. ay *Km smears after using prep.. pared chalk'ie macs . k/ imurious, continuing ri Mtge gement, oi We cey tied ...dr! vegetable aeon., a which we rJONI', ,I• s 101 l LILY WHITE. It Is perfectly itt"ocenti twine scribed of all deleterious quatitlea and it impure, to Mu skiii • natural, healthy alabaster, dear, Goma wham, so the same LIMO acung iss a connote on the situ, making It soft and moods. Di. James Andermon, ette..l of Alms. chamtts. save "After analyzing Jon.,' Spanish Lily White, I Grid it possesses the most beautiful and natu ral, and at the snide LIMP innocent whoa I ever saw. I certainly can conscientiously reconsumod Its US< di all whose kin requires beautifying. - Price, cells box. Sold by WM. JACK:MiI'i..P Liberty et. tnar29 Pitt Machine Works wad p~ unary. PlTlltainidli, Pk. TOPIN WR10111 . .1. Co., are prepared to bath! Cotten s/ and Woolen )I.lunery player: de.nprron, sueh Carding Machines, Swain; Frame,, Speedcrs Drawing FriaPncs, Ilsaaray Heads, Warp., Spoolers, Dressing Frames, Loons, Card Grinderk, de. vtr,,,o t Iron Planing turned: all sizes of Cast Iron, Fulltek and Hangers of the latest patterns, ands and hand Lathe, anJ tools of OA Gads of every dear nptlm t furnished on short nutlet. Patterns made to order for Mill Gearing, Iron Railinc, Atc Stearn Moe for heat. log Factories. Cast Iron Window . Sash and fancy Cas tivi generally Orders left at the Warehouse ofd. Partner lc Co, Liberty Wept, will have prompt attert. tun. Refer to Blsekstock. Bell 44 Co, IL Moorehead Co, la E, Warner, John from & Sons, Pouburgh ; G. C. kJ. II Warner. Frleallonvihn. Sew _ Illirdware House. JOSEPH WOODW ELI., canter of ' Wood and td sts„ Fataltargh. thg wtthdrawn from the firth of 1% t I .r alp W00d...A1, on the Ist of January, lOC. I take pleasure itt announcing to y friends to th e city and ...ref, that I hart opene d mynew star, at the above nantalaltre ,Haviaunarchaaed my fowls for a.. good s and as low a. any house East or West. filarnhanto and others are respectfully Invited to call and extuntan my attack, before purchasing else where. The follow.. compn.ce a part of hi. stuck: Steamboat and saddlery hardware, gust trlmmags. files, Naylor'. steel, cutlery, edge tools, anvils, cwt., locks, latches, scythes, butt !mares, screws, Hama Fac tory planes, saws, mahogany boards and veneer. and all other article d connected watt the hardware bust- metalti Olaf Dagia•rrlaa Gallery. _ _ .. . ... ~ LI lIOGE begs leave to inform the citizens of Pitts- U. borgh and vicinity, that he to• taken the Duerr. elan Boerne lately occupied by Mr. Porter. The pub lie are snored that all the late Improvements are secu red, and will be brought Into operation by Mr. Hoge, who has been a constant operator since the an was first dimovereil Entire satisfaction is guaranteed to all who may become h. potions Mr 11. swill Wes with pleasore to Mr. Porter, to whose establishment he ha* operated for the last twelve months. Family Pus- ITILIIS, &waing, Daguerreotyp, A.c., accurately opied. Likenessee taken in any *weather, ad et ut lockets, breast pins, eases and frames. losomoons given in every branch of the art. and ap paratus famished. mind Penn Iliao - 61114. Shop. Ur AVIGHT.ILLN--Manafacturer IM all kinds of cot. The aton and woollen machinery, Allegheny city , Pa bovee works being now In full and successful op. eretion, I ant prepared to execute onlers with dispatch for all kinds of machinery in my line, such as willow, pickers, spreaders, cards, grunting machmea, nut sway, drawing frame, speeders, throsola, looms, woolen mud, doable or angle., for merchant or country work, males,iacks, Le., slide and hand Gabes and tools ingen ue]. All kinds of shelling made to order, or plus gut en for gearing factories or mills at reasonable charge. Rivas vo—Kennedy, Childs A Co., Illackatest, Bell & Co., King, Pennock & Co., Jest A, Gray. BULL AND 111tAtIfil'Otairanr a. A FULTON, Bell and Brass Founder, hot built and commenced bu u inc at his old stu nt, where he will be pleased to see his old custom ers and friends_ Church, Steamboat, and Bells °revery size. front IC to B;),000 pounds, cast from patterns of Um most approv odsnodets, and warranted to be oldie best matenals. !Curti Water Pumps, Counters, n.e.. toge ther with every var my of Brass Casungs, reqpired, canted Rad timshed In the neatest mnner. A. F. Is the .one pmpnetot of Busert's Arn•Arrsu• taw him.. eo tautly eelebrated for the radocnoe of (Hanna to ntachiaery. The Boxes runt C,ontpasiuott can be had of hint ol nll umer al iv • ROBERT HALL, of the old Ina of EL ronaufac , tunng huge ga•nti ti es of Ploags, Plough Castings, Wsg. ent boa" ac-, wish she Improvernenss or the Leaver. Peacock, Illinois, and other Ploughs, of the latest and pawns novr inane. Warchortae, 100 Liberty meet, Pittehucgh, opposite the Hay Seale; Fact o ry , tp . .6.ll.egheity etty, nee the Cotton Factory of Mem. biliimiceumk, Bel. IC Co. r d t a rg Y enipartnershlp heretofore emoting heaweaili John Ferree and Samuel Wighteasn,under the name of John Farrar. b. Co., is his clay dnsolired by mu tual consent. The Ooziness of the both firm will be se ti tlettby,lohn Farren at the warehouse of tho Boatmen's Line. JOHN VARREN SAMUEL WIOHTMAN The basiness alba Boatmen's Line will bereaffter he eondueded by Farms & Lowry, at the same place.— Thmkfut for past brows, we solicits continuance of the same. JUUN PARREN itepLO V 1.116 PROOF 3113iRltA PAlNT—Received, per JC steamer filich/an, 31.1.• • Mtuerni Paint. the ar ticle is worthy or the conAderallon of all painlers lor it is of //Mona color, and •an he added with any other color without !banging the shade matenally. It is a gloat aavutg. and or , to appl.ed to word it will turn the palates, &perfect genie surface ju {he coarse Of come 4of 5 weels Afim, it is a complete fire prgef—the ar ticle has been fully tested for al) Years by the proplie. tork before they world offer it for tale. Any P.m. porchadagwill not lie decetved in the article. A large gdOntaty will be ,kept on hand at all limes, al the lusts Rubber and Od cloth Depot. Ja II PHILLIPS, omit /qui for the company, No 5 wood et ROL/Sat.:Lt.'s FINE PIiIiFLIALE.RIf—.I tut received and 10 sale, arbulemile or retail : Amandute Soap; Hazel cut Oil Soapa plllicopm; A lelbiade Oil. a sixes; Comp`d Oa Narrow; Wash Balla, (trenroll,mll) Almond Ithaving Cream; Bests CM: Heim Grease; Palm Oninnitta Soap; Taylor's Perfume; Cologne, 3 rizer; /army Lind Pomade; Amandlite. Pena _R F. SELLERS, No 57 wood n.. • U. T.jMober•U., U. -- OPTIIALNIC SULGELN, will lattend to the treat meet of Ditmues of tho Eye. Dr. Et. has been engaged in thus lirsunt, of the medi cal profession for usinan years, and has conducted an esesblishmerit for the treatment of diseases of the eye alone tor several years. Octets and reatdencs, corner of Sandusky st and ffesaarbetray alley, Allegheny city. Gala --- • - • - - • PTA gigam. In TPUU rifit a A r e ,cArt4 anu Lpurchased one cud of Dr. 4 gatises wale Sp.aloa, .4ant. two months ago tad pv. to h son of mrfe MUD ieron Via,. Old. two towqrago,4l4. ,1 1 liwnh to 4.l , Pcaz p,ILVO . . douLl hut there Wits upwards of SW4 Adttglde.o AW O O I Pissed from tum fr h.sloounr4u4 ,y0R1:56q4477 . 0r illeb tr i o ,4, mlbes , . 4 1 . • haedessi Creek Clam:/ nO• TP.W.LPPAR...I 647 • TIF - .OVONSENDII •OARSAPABIII WS of this j. kreat'tpring andzundictrusAtds day reed a z d wkolesale a = 94 44l, by ESEW.I' N. TX-rAs B. E. 8.1. Dr. 'Townsend . / only jigazh to, 'Prhotir;thhiceonhno meth OW. 4bIEY• lead at ()LOWS AND VkSSlfdrfto.—Stoittk4O 4O"Statkotatrool, Noold 1 . 1 '4 Intyczoloottnik Nook of goonehglola e'l AilogeforoNo'k fancy Cossinuirok SOOlati, Althrj44,4, - VNirrh,T4 tin rr i , ll 9 ,g , vl P , r DRY & VARIETY; GOODS. SWIM 43100_ _„_DR, AT ZEBULON RlNStra, 417 61.61tabiT STREET. HAVING just received his Pall • supply of Pinney Trimmings find Variety Cioddst; he invins the attention of custodianto his very eitensive,',stoek , consisting in pert of the following Goads,' 12 doz fine steel bead bags; z • a do do velvet do do 5 do do steel and gilt bead inttimog I do' finestembroidand do 4 do assorted rosewood work bole., 1 do do finest do furnished; I do do writing desks, Wahl, ike; 1 do do dimming cases, gents; do fine inlaid dolma accordions; I do plain dp do „ 6 do common do 1000' bunches steel beady, 40 do assorted steel tassels; 12 do steel posse rings; 1011 do gilt beads; 120 do "Aver do 12 Sol Jean ItTarie Farina, Coleigne; 10 nets book gammon boards, 'assorted; 40 setts assorted dominos, 3 doz fine card cosi. assorted;' 12 do glass fancy boles I:ra:"seygarbitiengcs,"4. assorted [ 30 do plan sad shaded spool trgist; . 5 do assorted chins mmtel ormtments, I do Ivory screw pin mast:dons; 1 do steel, do do do 1 do wood do do do 6 doplain silk ponies, msortedi do ladies coomanions, furnished; It do united wonted costa, I do extra-fine to do 10 do snorted worsted cap% 12 do do comforts; 1 do ladies finis zephyr ens; DX do assorted worsted mins; 7 do boys do. goiters; ' 9 do ass'd bays dd caps GLOVES AND HOSIERY. 10 dot ladies fleecy lined Mk gloves; ti do pats do. do do 50 do fancy top cashmere do 15 do plain do • do • 12 do gents do do do; 13 do do Heflin hoed do • 10 do do bock - do do Jo chddrens mocking. assorted; 30 do do mittens, moaned; 24 do ladle* blkcas hmer ehhow, do 20 do do magenta kid gloves do, cheap; 19 do moos coarse yarn do 19 do do do Means ' do 10 do boyi do s do do , 24 do children. Qrlean and 'Albert boots; 3 do finenphyslopeo worked, do rgi • M pieces till embroidery NIMINGS. glaim 13 1 ' do * toad io e P tgro U embroidery doo 20 do lain '!-do do - Id do Il k mohair fringe; 15 do col'd do . do 50 do Mk cot silk do, all prices; A. very extensive assortment of colors of ill widths and prices. 0 Sena endonted fancy buttonafor dresses; 100 do plain do do do 500 gross ass'd colt' silk do do 10 dos ladies cloak tassels, ass'd cops and blk 12 do gents dO do do . , 40 gross comdbogilt bosom. 1 50 do fine 'do do, nsorted; 12 pieces heavy Cloth fringes. do VARIETY GOODS. 11 300 lbs col'd and worsted skein cotton; lull do Tinley's patent thread; . 55 do common do do LIMO use percussion caps, at all prises 150 parks American pm. ass'd NO ik 100 dos 'Tally Hoe razors, warranted; 04 gross nsortallather brtishe 50 dos hair do 31 do tooth do, assorted; 30 do razor ettOpla 30 do cotton garter. 5 do fine elastic silk; 10 do do do Mt With a fine assortment of even slung In the variety JEWF:LRY. • Ear ringa, finger ring., bream pina miniature taunt, gold chains and gold,watche• in every relict), octl9 PRESEVFALL GOODS GHE:A PEST 'INT. Jug,R°l - Dr.;',TdN'ot'varTl'lntga""„L.M..‘ wirier of the Diamond. n very large and splendid sink of fell and wooer Dry . Gads, to which they email re- Tpectfully invite the it. 111.1011 the public. It is well Italian to almost every one that the. present season is one disonguohed for Its low prices of Dry Goode, no d it affords an great pinnate in being able to state the t rata to our great flannel for thy; purpose. (one the firm raiding in Philadelphia,) eve have linen ena bled Iv purchase 01.1. i present oak at a considerable reneetion men the TIP;111 market rides, cheap as they are. and we are therefore enabled to veil at correspon dingly lower than the usual prices. We would there fore tootle all rash buyers Ly wholesale or roan to give a a call. awl lay ant their money to the heal ail vantage. The AOUla and etaitnne' ornatock of Punta. Diabetes. de Lames, L'aehutema..Alpecas. blenna. Snis, Ilembannes, Plaidsrand venous other litylev of fashionable brew Goods, of which ws have a very tine wisonmanl. incluiling 04.7 description of than gado in tile market. CLOTHS AND CASSITIEHaI—To the gentlemen we would recommend our stock asap.' French Cloths and English. French awl American Casaimerts. OL'R :MOCK OF SHAWLS is 'et"' hula. embra cing almost every whichf vale end quelity SATTINETS—O we have an excellent as sorment. nail of ell q 'antics. FLANNELS— Red, white and yellow Flannels of all qualities ad priees. TICKIV,S AND CHECKS—A napertor assortment of Tiekints of all gentles, end Sbuting Checks in great v y0g.44;6444 WES hßlSLYNß—Embro arety lon Velvets, both plain and bgared , I\eAnleit Jeans, plaid Wilsey., plaid and (awl figured Clots tug and, cloak L,ntug bleached and nnble.hed Table Duper, both linen end notion, bleacbted and Imbbmcbsd Table, cloths, blenched and unbleached Canton Flannels' cold do do, Bonnets and Bonnet Ribbons, bit and eorir silk cravats, Ladles Scar& and mama, Gloves and Hosiery of all kinds, Stspenders, Irish Lamm, Linen Lawns, Lmen lidkfLßllk do, bib Late Veils, Love do Mid Hdkia. Oil Chinese', Rama and Scotch Draper, crash, Linen, plain stewed and barred Jaeottets, Cant hew and Swim Minima Victoria Lawns, Green ILare gas. dc. Merchants visiting the city for the pary&se of laying in their sapplms, should not fail to give us a call, as they will bird our goods sod pp rmes such BS 011.116. Mil in so t their purpose ALEXANDER & DAY, .err.) 71 market at, N W. nor Dimond The Neer Golden Bee Mee .dew Fall ma Wittier Dry Goods. TUST received and now opetung, at the aign of the re.) Dio tee Dimon Market limo, between Third and Pounh streets, one of, the largest, cheapest and best assorted stocks of Fail and Winter Dry Goods ever of fered to Pittsburgh, to which the mention of our nu merous customers and the public generally, is respect fully turned, a. the rubseriber i. confident thaLhe con offer such bargain. in Dry Goods as 'cannot be sue. passed by any other haunt:l the city. below these goods have been parebased at price, far below those of 'ay former reason, they will be sold at greatly reamed rateri. • Among Mi. lams and splendid mock :will be found many amine and destroble good. at extremely low prices LADLES' DRESS GOODS. Very rich and most fashionable dtesatHirL plaid and striped black satin; striped and plaid silks; plain black vary Klassy gro de Shine; plain black rich lustre; law tniig, silk for mesons, 515311.1 p. and capes at very low pnces; newest designs and latest atylns cashmeres; Pl. , and mon striped cashmere, very the French merino all colons- de Mutes. plain and figared and mini sznped. at great mduction on 'Owner maw; via, Cal- Ifornia and cashmere plaids; mohair and Monterey plaids. all qualities; alpaneas, all,s4alidps and anion, from lye to 75 cent• pP7 yard. SHAWLS! SHAWL.T! • ==ll=l Sleek embroidered cashmere ind de lair. sham* Fine libber and do !die . do Fula black and calored'cloll Ftne quality tong, very chesp do Plain black and plsid silk, very cheap: do A law lot plaid blanket shawls front 75 cents to an wool. DOMESTIC GOODS, INCH BELOW FORMER PRICEY Good dark calico from 3 to 6 us yet yard; Best quality dark calico from 6 lo ID clang Yard wide purple do, bli err, Goal yard mar bleached musilln 4 to 61; Bed belch - tart and check., ell prices; Bludtets, from coarse to hest qualiry, very cheap; A full assortment at red, white and yellow flannel; liaunens, Kentucky Jeans, Kerseys, em, etc. etc, all of which will be sold at reduced rates, at No 61Ilierkst sept.l3 WM L.RUSSELL FALL QOOlM —. 7-- -7-- W6I'CLINTOCK, is now constantly recejvie g. hi s fall stock of CARPETING, comprising o n e of the largest imsortroents ever brought to the mar ket which have been purchased direct. from the Im porters end hlanufacturers. of the Latest and. newest styles, end lower to price than Otte/Offered in this city, to Willett he leVitee the attention Or OOHS Wishing to innush amanita:rats or henna, before purchasing else where. The stock consists in part of 'the following variety, Stich Aismintst Carpets; Oriental Tapestry Oil Cloth do Velvet do Plate related. do TaPckrlT de 44 feet wie do Bross.. do 6-1, :4, 6.4, 4.4 d oil cloth Ems super 3 ply dir Sum Rods Outer do do ILI-4, P-6 and 7-4 Drugprr do Ingrate do Stair Linens. %Vide do do Rosewood Oil Cloth Common do do crumb cloths MN= 4-4,3-4 & # Damask Pantquised Piano covers Vonnisp do Tqb del 4-1, 3-1 & Ivrrd do do Ponired Titbit Oil cloths 4-4,3-4 & platq do do Turkey Red Toileuett 1,1, 11a 9-4 rot. do Adelald Mats 5.4 printed cotton Cuipetsi Sheep.skin do Extra 0149 Chenille Ronal Joie do do do Tufted do Alinani db Fine do do -.Manilla Hemp Wilton du do Onny( drop NaOtefla ennuon Hush, Diaper Tearer hag Ptnin do Crasle • Drab NI Cloth P 4 and 64 Table Linens Blue do, for coach tmli; Trausishn Window Shad. Carpet Bindnign ExtrAFreueh do do Wasl'd minis Rich Satin de I;nints for do Tassels window dune/. Scarlet, blue, enroson, black sod drab Damasks: figured rainbow on eek. worsted and linen Table rovers; blue, crimson, smrlen, green, drab .d black Martens; cotton Plushesof all milors,&e..l., Mao, Ommbutlis and Drilltngs for stearoldirat deco, and all other trimmlnt• necessary for codha for boats in our boo, to which theotspertint attention of owners is inv.& W. 3LI`CLIN7OL - Kll Carpet Wareroom, one door from Wood, on Fourth u. seprni CAILPETI/VG, OIL CLOTIFIS, La. W. fiI'CLINTOCK'S CARPET STORE, - - No. 7s Focara tea. ONE of the largest sad the most choice stock of OARPETING in the market. mut:imams all the usual qualities tram the roost approved manufactories, Met Imre been tested for durability in fabric siitd ets , lora. Topeouy Wool Corpodur. do BroAseo, do Brussels carpeting, Extra ,ndrullo Row , Extra any 3 ply do Taitcd do PlO 4" tro 'as Itranals ..r do Common do do m . ..fi nc t.red, to order m new potten*lidapted to pailors, baaemell l l. ll et...bent. j Pointed Oil Cloths, for 4114lokisteoprronfA4toosit boloo, Oita... , 4 . 3 • • 1 •' Sow gol l ullg, Sum todS i Ivimitc l ' Wailes - .4 a u l f: 4 4.awboUan Roe ,trom Oho third t;iiii y.O id*. Door:Wawa*. on r , the - 1, ton , of Oo=dioncoopo *Eason . i. • 1 . n ,.....,_ 111 4.1, toliy.-• ~ IVIPm*Fg - 04 , ... f Tram ocKTZ"' :7,, 1,11" VOL.' XVL - NO. 'B6. MISCELLANEOUS. 4 -1, " COLD'S * . Paten: Graduated Ger&unto Battey and Patent Insulated Polap /*died aradorker purpose. ll try t al :p o'b w i"Sr p os ni e n4 :: l: : l :, o % °W atilif la i th: uaa e traid o me'l Ply:::: :63 ;:eve o .„ !‘ "' kno d red d re . 6 to " th. r ' m a c, Ka man eye, the ear, the brain, or to anY Pena the b, either externally or Internally, in a definite g entle vttllkticks or para—orint perfect aefetY— and adenoma ma happrest effects. This important apparams La now highly approved of iy 7 notny of the most eminent physimans of this coon and Faro" to whom the &Meted and others whom may tot:acme. be referred. Reference will aloe be given harmony highly reapectable ltrtYn been eared by means orthlaMost valuable apparatus Of some of the most inveterate net - roes disorder. which Portia not beremoved by any other known means. Among rations, others, Itnutheen proved to he ad- Mirably adapted for the cure of th e following diseases, it nervous headache andollter diseases of rho brain. It is girls atua Appends's : v.lcm .that the operator can convey the magnetie'fitud mu and safely to the to restore etght. e n to die ear to restore Itearitig;- tbrimivided ether argana to re *tare speech:. sod to vartonaparm of the body, for ;the cure of chronic rheumatism, whom, neuralgia, or .tic dolourenx, Parelvais, <warden gout, camels or St. , Vi t o, dance, opsepsy, weakness from sprains, some .diaesaes peerther to females, contraction of the limbo, leadtjaw, me. Pte Eigq4y for surrounding counties of Western pa, and prmleg with the Instrument, may he purchased, and also far the etfns of diseases. Full tastractioqs will be given for the 4anous chemi cals to he usedlsr various diseases, and the best man ner for apeman for tinteure of those dtseues wilt al so be rally eartlsined to the purchaser, and a pamphlet' Fi ll i t iy into his hands nu - press!). for ee. &hese , pores, cans. octiL e rr i by S%fLITANIS, the, st , Pa/At:ugh sow ErvilicAL irieTavarsivr. manarrgi I:WM.3V= mgcsmitott ' J-oma ME.4l.off s Pfo di Wood street, la the sole agent for Cuban • Patent Melodeon, a newand beam:dig lastratatliti- s ercoodinry well adopted for mail ottaroke,pr.(fomly woralup. For the benefit of - those residlng at a distance, and eentemteritly enable to inspect the Melodeon before parettasing,,the foilowing description is went The cum are made of rtemwood, and Ore as 'hand. some) fialidtedasaitPiantsForm The key-board is reeittely Me sante as the piano an and the tone, which to roil? beantlfaljelosely resembles that el Seta atop of an organ. The inurement can be imme diately made port ab le without detaching any pug, the nelin , geren.Wint9 tilk - Ptgtig, of Me omatimem, and the leg e folding under, leavlng the whole id a compact form. Each mitruniebt hat a parking daze, and the whole when-masked weighs only almonds. .Tlnt.vol anso of tons is equal to thatof a mall organ end by means of the swell mar be increased or dm:141144d at pleasinret it is molicleetly loud for small churches, and la well calcalmed for a parlor inetrometn. Jost resettled, a aopply of the above: price, with case and Instruction Book, SM. oats naireralble 811terIng Cook, FOR PURI Flax° NA FRR, Which renders turbid smelt pure by ~,,, I ^s „ . • rentostur stasstanc not soluble in water. The amen era r N. York ;, 0 although clear and pu to the eye, ; I=o. , throng ILt Lltotittg impure substance worms, an. Was iithe mike More or less with add suer.. Thiitaversibie Falterer Sanwa and table, and is not attended arab the incenontnience Went to other niterers, ar . it is cleansed .withant being detacheafrorn the water pi by merely turning the ker or handle from one aide to the other. try this easy proems, the course of saner is chan-ody end all neetunulations of impure substances aro - driven oil almost lastandy, withata unscrewing the Falter, It also 110330/101 the advantage each* a stopeoek, and or such to Many cases will be very convenient and economicaL Itcaa be attached where - there is any pressure high or low ten each, tank, tab, ae. with ease. To be had slf the ISOIO Agent. . W. W, WILSON oat! corner of Fottrth mad Markel eta _ - Dgrophragart Piling; Vela , lirlnsert water. tiI..THIS la :to certify that thieve un .pointed Livingstn, Ruggeri Zs Co. Solo Agents. Gar Use sale °Chming , . 1 . -41 f• Patent Diaprabgm Filter, fog the ei tilli of Pirunturgh and AileghellY• JOHN GIBSON, Agent, for Walter II Gibson, 340i9roddsvity, N. T. Oct.lo, IBIS. We have been stains one Untie above articles at the olliee of the Novelty Werke for three mouths, On noel, end feet perfectly sausfial that it is a useful invention. and-we take pleasure in recommending them a arose fel article to all who love pore Water. ...tolerate - ill he thankfully received and promptly executed. __o c _ tIO . UTMOST' ON, ROGGEN &Co • PITTSBURGH PICISILLLEI INSTITEVE • THIS [naked.. ander Use cam of Mr. .4 Mrs Gunman, will re-open for the recepuon of papas, in the .me buildings, No. MS Melly areet r on •the la Monday of September. Arnage have b ten made by which they will ti, tatle ti oats oritish young .adies facilities equal to any ta Me We for obtaanng • thorough English, Classi c. '. and Ornamental educatton. A full course of Phi lie, •phleal d Chetnienl LectoCes .ilk be delivered der tag the wi nter, illastratal by a`tp.fettl- , The 'k een tnents. Vomit gaul /mu... et ., Mane. Modern Lout, Bra Wing and Panting, urn: each by th.de , 4 the Cale of competent Professor. fly c,Szole al. .... •le the met* and inealleetnal improvement cif th e. , Pu gin, the Ptincipals hope to merit • VollenellPTO of the oetal patronage they hove hitherto eajoyel. For terms, see circular or apply to the Principal,. angt*-dif . _ TO 1 1 1ANIIPACTURERS. • T HAVE a she which cannot be arpassed, for the et t. Inbilahrocat of snagaf.tort. of Wool, Lorton, Iron, V i l o isa irt , C.4 o 6, r ; an , 4 7.4 oth .o. e n. r the lot a~>~e BntWin; , in which Yan I mrtre peramit wishing to ggo-sl Mat: ElriertrintiCtdi47l e niiranta oad d oder, would be willing . stook- da BOMB Mot concern. - 7 .:ecr,ntyht r 't to o my derkre. dby any one, It may be hat. .4 Vh. Baird, Jr. at Harlem, t. J . th th e large Wood' met; finabargh, or to toys/. -",,'whghing. Duch. wilding called - Me Round Corn. It . BALED. novll.ll4Awlt TH. GREAT WESTEUN • ADDLE,, HA fiNk...*TRUNIC AND WHIP'. 'ILAN. 'hal UFACTURY.—The nahrenber takes thin no.c§ to farming litorrlends turet the pablie general [tit' t c an b. die taggestAtock of the following named arti les Dais own manufacture in thia city—Saddles, Her nesa.'lVortk• and Mdps, all of which he wilt warrus to be made of the bent mound and by the best mech .in Allegheny c.nty. Eking determined to wit kiln mannfactures something lower thon boo beenhore talons sold by any giantar establishment m the coy. he wordd invite per.ns in need of the above named ankle. to hi. watcher.", No. 044 Liberty covet, °lvo r. Seventh.. Also, band. made to order for machine. ry oet.lo-ly O. KERBY. Cooper Dozer- eesper µles and Lever Watches. 03 JUST received and for rata at many reduced prices, five gen Li gie 7. F. Cooper, 6 Calthorpe atm Gmy's Inn, Road London,. Da plot and Patent Lever Watches, eased in le taint gold, and' Cull Jewelled, with Chronometer balances. These are 6011,1 thefinest "retches made, being •upen or to finish and asseracy to the hl. J. Tobias, Joseph Johnson, or any other make. Those in PM= Or Ek eery fineYeatets ore invited to call and examine this aL Also a large essonment of Gold and Silver Watches, Chains, Seals, Rey., kn. ILS Rite Watches repaired in the best manner. oedt W. W. WILSON, corner Ith and Market sts. ANTLION'S XENOPHON'S fdEMORAIIILIA Xenophon's tdernorabdta of Socrates, with Eng. loin nate!, cntleaf arid explanalOry, the prolegomena of Kuheer, Wtgger's Life of Socrates, ete: by Charles Anthon, L L. rt,Profeesor of this (Reek end Latin lan guages to Columbia College, New Tort, and fleeter of the tirammar School. Just reeii sod for eslopy. JOHNSTON & STOCON, 00510 Booksellers, cot 3d amVlßarkel sts ?SIGH 808 DOOR KEEPING, thiNtliebieltille,. PHONOGRA. PHY, Az. -H. Wrouus has opened a Night School In his school moat, corner of Ith and Ferry so., entrance on Fourth. where bawl!, be happy tollmpert instruedon in the eruct/Reading, Penmeriip,' A rah oteurt,Elook Keeping, Phonography, le. oet3slno `STEAM BOAT CLOCKS—Ranee concluded to sell V off on entire stock of Kirke'. %Urine Timepieces, we now offer to sell them a/ lower prices/hen they can be bought at any house Lo Pit/shame or elsewhere, east or wen. Being the only established agents here for these clocks, we have the largest and finest unison moot in the city. Call and see. Remember, we am not to be undersold. BLAKE A CO., Market street, oce3o entrance north aide of the DuLmand a. TENT SOLAR- LARD LAMPS—An extennre assortment of C 0113041.1 A COL celebrated mam facture, and enperior to all Others in use; adepted a churches steamboat./ factories, dwellings, pub/lc and prorsto halls and to ell On= 11.11 where a cheap, sale end brilltant light is desuroble. Alsrttilrondoles, Hall Lauterne,Caralelabnes,Globes, Shades Wicks, Cturnnies, Guns, Truett/am/se. Also, Una Chandeliers, from 4160 to four lights ocuto %V %V WILSON, gemarket er Soalee,Cooldng Stoves, &irate., AA AILsHALL, WALLACE A CO, Round church, in corner Liberty and Wood streets; manufacture and offer (or sale Platform. Floor and COonter - Scalex. of the most impotwedgoalitr, Cooking 9t es, for wood and ettall Egg Ntores of amnions sire, ov Parlor and common titian,. klo ll ow Want, Rs. tac.: They manufacture the Kitchen Range, winch has sitren such gemitral satisfaction to those having 11 In owe, to all of which they would raspectfuliy berm the ancation or the citisens and the public generally. out:Xi-tiff Wattles, Jawdlry, Corms or Maass" a. Foram Razz., Perprecreon frt sabsenbechaa resumed from the Fast, and is A . sow wearer( II large and aaferally /elected mock of Goode In hie fine Gramm) tor pall /Waal N 011... age, be bozos to merit a ernoloaaztee %heretic' by dili gence In business, and keeping the leg gasOrtment, and at the roost roaaonable plleee. Feleada, Gnstost cis, and der Rubio: geserillly—partisularly sojourner. v Cty from a disc./err, KIP it td to call and examine mY largo stork of goods. ood W. N. WitytON I ONDISRFUL ARRIVAL.—Da. Towassvac a:a ..0. 4 .,--4,500 bottle. or thmgreat tall and winter medulla; lost received and for wile by R. F. SELLERS, Sole Agent for rattabargh, of who oc m 11, genuine article call be had. ea, USY 'ELASTIC MATT/ENG-1S dos Gum Esaue G Overcoats; hdo JaeketA 6do pairs Pants; ado do Legainas t ot &different lands, ID do storm Het, 2 do Capes, with and without sleeves; lust received by Express and for ilea wholesale and retail, at the past ern prices. .We mishit to be undersmod that parchu.-: ors are buying from first hand% that buy asthe India 11 .. b6 1 23 0 eP0t, S Wood street oc d kASSILLI PS . - - AOk FOR PARENTS, YOUNG. PERSoNev bilk. AND INVALIDS, : -1. ateathes.-oCotheme Phyeleal Eike_ aitA Hunan Voice, as" based lap?' the teeeemeekel — .• , vh.lk.opey of mantriphyeinal noneunnion, being theAulat.enee of ht. lectures on the above eullneent recently delivered in thirett7. - Faith:Qt.. •• • • ,IfiLIOPICINS, WAISTED') 01:, PERSON a4zh a small *lai, aid Impainted taa.bquaaaapoo "aka aa falaract t a rn lima .and2n . kole betted on UM POlttee its/I AP, vly theadliesalPitexaißka9 Co. ' • s d.E4): RIMY. _ . YARN, ke.,iy,we t zpizYszs, as• caned numbers; I,6Dlnites • WidliSToritals 4 keirimi smeridtrils k a ky co , r, • •••.• • , 4.•;‘,.• .t.SIP,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers