. . ' . • , . . .. ._.. . ..___ .'- .!. , Olt . . • - 14 1 . * . a te „ , , A .,, - . 75 , 777 , :p• - • ,, ":1 531 -TW:if• 4 •gY••••• 115, "''v.---- ? ..m-r4titzu", t -aili - Ai,-,—.,..„.. % —,.*: 11--F , M1VFF..5:•;4•J,..-.. ,, ?-:n...::_k;• , .;•.• , ...-:. , ,,../..;: zii-.51.-7:i-,.!.'Kf.A,V.:•.:. , M7:nt , 77.7.7_:q7;-•.7-7,57-t••-• - ••".rlqf-r 7, ••?tr-7 , "• 4 ;n: -.-- ITz:r 1, ••••. , 1 ,- :- , • • e • . . . .. , .... _ • - , ','-';'' ,/,'.O 11.1 A t' . .. AT ', i , ..;,,, l.f,i'j . , ...--- I --,, i. ”- -!' S.! -f " •it -,a. :: Z 4 .4. ~ i ~ . .: 5 ~ i .:: ~:: ..! .." ~ ,,= =F- -,-. ..t-'?., ” , . - ..•'?_'t_t?...,*7 tt.t..**vittag*L T,l ,.._ ll: 7 t ) . • IS Zit i a , -t" t.". 14 i ...1 •F . 0 . , s i . Is A : ~..: .-., - - ii, . . . i .. •,: :..: •.. ..•••i t ..• .. . • ..: I ...':: ..;:r i . ...: _ . , • • . . . .....• .• • ez, .• ',1: .. „ , .i ; .... : _ , . ~ -,.,-• . ..... I . " , ;. , f - ,.....,, „.,,, .i., , , ., ~ ~. ~• . r . , ..- ":., ' 's ,A , -- .-.-1. :•;;, .... -.-,::,,, , ",:-:." _, ;'-• *? , ir, , .i.g.' , ..• . ,!,;.. I. -3 - i • -!--:- ' ,- ,21 , , “ ' - - 01 •41 , ~.. ~- ~ •,,., ~, :, „, Pee ,- . .14, I lOf - ' *. - ,ZSTABLISHED IN; 1786. r 21 12261 112 Cl rrs or Ni burl c Cc Ca LT, Las 6TII • Gra • 2 de • 2.27 0. 1112 CO. fa 22.11' • %1221 10 1 11 u r 0.221 b lirrr N, Wc CT c 0 CA2 n 110. 7 H e • ti W. ir era „ea • i Pi! • bury I i caeca 21. 1102 a. Her lell E. RE, ad, eat ft. :111 'at , IL 1 la from Mere -LAT" et in Rood P 2 cerme t . Wort ours does 11261 fort & IL Fl Woe. er AIMS Ole robe. mason° L chew :eared a IL L I Vi es warty. ;lgo ' '5 JRS id to .faioNl %s' .WM . • — t V m-rWVv i a g Ms 4 ‘ haT Qun sedo.n uW Or jVtStehtgetas,Piahbumh bald sag4nild GEOZOI riIZHAtTr&-lia3R,. sale and, Mfail Drag ennoefier._ Swelairstrceul, Paz. mayl.4 0 EC: a. lULCMII. N, W h oles a le -Owner., and Cennudiaion Nlefi4yr4 , , N . ° ;: l43, /AIM", iII , PAHNESTOCK: & Coy Wholesale awl Re. JP. tail DrilltOAL earner Wood and OW sta. jy CSAGA LEY Viludemde (roam, Ig and JULIP Wood luta' - C 1142 intrattuury a Co, Forwarding and 'Coro. a ' mission Blareluinu, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh Pa. marl W /ors ' aitiavrr. tWALTA,GE.BRAILT, Kbanale Grotty.; deal .Eir. are la Produesmi Pillsbo.nex 24..nfaCtures; COT atr of Liberty mitt Mud us., Pausbzrgy, Pa. ltbl7 Was.A-16ra ' taxa, 3: worm. .Il;i01411'44. (late Engish, Gallagher Co_j_lngdes, ale Grocers, Commission and For. Merchants, and dealers In Prqdelle and Pius trl7gti Lagar-toms, fin. ST Woo st,iretween and adAtIESII., , OVA ago. car .111.11LIS WOOD. .U I IIIE.N.I I , RUE? & Co., Wi:dead. Grocatu and Commfulon Manhunts, and Agoras for Brtunton Callon Vans, Mts. 67 Water, and IN. Frontsta, Hu, uret:PC ' faitO 01:A.I.LifitlitER, LOBO & DULLER, Bell and Brew Foanders and Gu Mere, IGO Front, between PAW and Pislldtlield streets, Plusbnegb, P. liiirber.priea (Leen for old Copper and Draw. deo, n d diei litG litßii i"°6 ll lßAlq n:4o Ni'ood63'n'istre"j'et.°;itnitaFrris. Forwarding vorgAity llRRliioT,White arid . Red Lead Mane- NI; &darer, Paint awl Oil Merchant, camel . of La. etat ind Intim Pidaburali. lets !aw TZB ruetiUNCAN, k ion Blerchinta, No. 37 First street, Pimbstigh . sicitt seem mom, nt, 19AM14 DICIM , a. co., snalaaab, orace”. com a mission Merchants, sod dealers in Produce, N 05.50 Whit, and Ur From streets, Pittsburgh. novg VOHN ahliKll%.&Ontney cruiCounsellov at Law Cceamiseiouer for the State of Pennsylvania Mo., (late ot Pittsburgh.), ainannoss.-+Pinsbargin lion IV Forward, Elam. tearii Miner, ttPCsuldless & Welure, John E Porto, Bisaella &Semple, AVCord & King. jettly a Co, Wholexule Grocers, Forward• Ins and. Cannalaslon Merchants, Dealers irk pro ne,' and Pittabartgh ittansfactures, No, 7 COMInCTVIeI Hoar, Liberty sued, near the Pillaburgh, po. ayrely J A.ItiRS 8 MoGUIRE,pate of Melt= of AlKso and Illurst mc street, Suirej se. Wood, Pins ?asthma-Tailobarkh. Charles limltling, IfUTCHISON, Mr. 05.—.Etaeuu , ,,,,,, u , U' Letetia Ilatehisoc Ec_Cal., Cotenant. Merchants, - Ittertes a the Bt. Louis Statue Sugar Refinery. NO3Pulier Nadia QOM arm., Po:mbar& !nal FL BLACK, Merchant Thant, Exchange Mul e ding, £L Claret Pinehargh. • Intim grj. oiN o a D G l r L u W d O ee ß lo TH— ble Wh an a o.Vo , cer, Pro- Wood et Pittakortgl, . 1.4 4.MENOIIA 1X MORGAN, UTholesalo Demist, and deal er In Dye A Paints,.OilA Vanirshea fr.e.„ No. all 004=eat, one door South of Diamond Alley, Pins )ant AMS SERB, Jr., & Co, (successorus Joseph G. T Davisd Stop Chandlers, 06 Water street. °eol TORN H, MELLOR, Wholesale and Retail dealer tI in Music end glasieal Instruments, School Boos, Paper, Slates, Steel Pens, Quin., Printers' Cards, sod Stsuonairzgerteralhi,No. S 3 Wood at., Pittsburgh Rags botighr or taken in trade. aeon T SCHOONUA.KER & Co., Wholesale Druggists, itp . . No. at Wood meet. Pittsburgh. WM D—DAVIS, Auctioneer, corner Set and Wood ,7 greets 1,._15h. Gott. TOSNSTON e. STOCKTON, Bookseller., l'Sisers SI 'sal Paper AtioinflasOur44, No. 44 Mark e al., l'ats. R~d• Jes - JOHN°IM iithoinule Grocer, denier in Pro dues Pittsburgh Manufactures, Tiu ja.s /coil num, 1.1[11•1411 RD.. a FL FLOYD, (hue J. Floyd kC0.,( 0l Wholesale J ter.C.r4 rio.llnliilicriy meet_ seps .. JAMES Der 7F I I Wholaule GiOCET, eC1110.i.1.14. Merchant, and dealer in Produce Lad Plusburgh bianatactirres.' Ncoii Wuer et— Putsborgh. Jan) i X.IER it JONES, Forerarding and Commission Mu chants, Dealers in Produce and Pittsburgh mene t...4 WOllOl, Cana) Bann, non, 7th '__mil Vennvirus Iron Works. DALZELL & Co., manufacturers of all at 'Yea Dar, Sheet, Boller Iron and Naila of the nest quality. Workhouse, f.'t water and lOU front at ;nsollr 1 , ' 5 'WATERMAN, Wholesale (:voter, Forward. 4 , 44 . tu f l Commission Merchant, peat, m ,Puu aeterrea and Produce, N0a.:21 Water se. • afid fl Front C. Jr: k•ASIII3Wr. A. 131/Ifiblip WhottnigenGroceS, For ardar.; and Cconcoserrou Iderettauts, — dealera In A and Pinobnagh fannotnernroo,tion.l3 kW 135 WWI' L. Piushargh. fetal MtACEII, BucrniEtts k co., Communion Mer e/Mail, Philadelphia, for the tole of produto go: orrodly. Liberal advance. mono on nonslgnmenta. :eO5-rn Sark U. Jesuit. W 1.1. 1 .7-11 C. LOS. eGILL & ROE, Wboterile Wore." and Commis. AY.,[-sion Metebants, Nu. lu. Liberty •a, Pittsburgh. iyri j=i "' sioon blernlinno, Weiler and Front sm., between igon and Martel cis. piinG I . RICICEISON. Z ' iroeeo . i:cird X C y h, T:roan Memnon . . T, 10014 SON, No. 65 - Stiuket 0., second door hem corner of Fourth, deniers in Foreign and Domeruelbli. of Eichenge, LArunc sus of Depos ri:Serni Noise and Specie. Mr Collections road on all the principal eines arm. bout the United efts,..dee • jOlipal• ai boinse •Grocer, Itectifying Alb IXtliller dealer in Produce, Pittsburgh Alumnae tureso tad of Foreign and , Domestic Wine. and Lignora, Pio. 11 Liberty street. On band a very Lott, stock of superior old Mnitsingsbela whisks), whin, will be sold loss for cash. apt.kly 11_,Lerair !L. Lt.Er..ll, Jr, lraporrer and Dr.l•lcf 121 FOILIgiI laud Domesuc Soddi.xy Hardware add Carrrao Trimmings, of all deserspuona, No. VSJ Wood as, faubstsgb.. IJICRARD NAAR, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in XL Leather, Morocco, Shoemakers` Toots and Find ings, Tanners' .12 Curlers Tools, and Tanners' O. No. ICU Wood s., Piiniburgh. - scpla 1103rXr SOELVSI/1 WEL,. a. &0&M... itOBENISON & Co.. Wholesale Orocers, Produce Lad Commissiou 51erchauts. end Dealers fit Pith,- t n tb Als..Csctutes,!\o. tuu LiUdriy st., Pittsburgh. juutu NCEWArr ZELL ts Co, Wholesale Groceri, „onoldation and Forwarding Merchants, dealers Wiles and Pitutough ManuticLurea, hibenl at. Pitlittlf:b„ Pa. (.624 • FLIT. A. CUNNLNGHAIki, Wholesale Grocer. Deer in Produce and Pinzbergb blanufacturea 4 Liberty .L JYI2 EVILEF., Forward.* arid Corturdsinon 1A; Ilarehauts for the Allegheny Hirer Trade, deal en In Crecerlea, Produce, Pittsburgh MAritifiletnres rod Chloride of Lime. The highest yrkea, in cub, paid at all Unica (Sr coon try rags. Corner of Peas and train sts. ierrZ LL 111.78HPIELD—Whedeeale deaLeiirTdry good. S. , , grocenea, boat, shoes., Pmaburah manufactured crtfretew,lte., No. Mai, LA • mere rutabu h. se SMITI! it JOHNSON, Wholesale and Retail Dealer II in Millinery soda, Laces, Hosiery amid Fancy Aztieles, No. 40 Made meet, 3d doe, above Third at, Milan ap2J witrrE, wt., 1 , 3 Deaten to E...otat mild Dammam Dry Goods. No. V 9 Wood et. dsborgi: - feidNl XV. MARRAUGH, Wool Merchants, 17a.i.r4 In Floor and Produce generally, and Forwarding and ,Cconendasion Mambaau, No. 43 Water ac, Pm* lesrgh. ItIPPH, 13160.A.LET 6 Co., Wbolccalo 4,, Produce dosiors, No. 29 Market stract, barren Stl cud sib. North side, Philudalphia. mrtl r,---,..- ~.....,..,, ...:., :,..„ NICOL% Prodttee and General * gpiuion Marcbmus, No. 17 Libany et, Pluilmus • • .tig'lleweiet and Laid' CHIL —... -- t.•. VON BONNHORST, Co, Wholetale d . . nen, Forwarding and Conuxuaalon hterctranta, n inTittaburgh Manufactures and Weetern Yes dielturre weaved to their new arstrehonaeAold wand) No. center of Front at arefehaneery Lane. valoOMeer NEVI!, Whoicsalo °racers axateommi , iro n eboots, and dealers irk Products No. aS food sa, raolbarah. pleat •w *AL FICIE/Wh i -Avrent far Idexteati aoldsap and v • proeming partway st theothea - of Wm. E. das h.. Eiq., Utak% dth st,Tiusbrugh- M y to the wood land nage ay.Washinffiefet?arill attend to my business theft+ tract VilthrieVlb - 00 1 .. a .• • ' mans-dly /MN D. WICZ4 DAVID Wed. - L.4M' Ur ICE a PCANDLEEM. (successors to L. is J. D. 'l"r 'Maly) Wholesale Cfrocarat F0.... 6 .11" Cowl/sem Motelants, dealers intro:4 Nail, Caw, ...oktoriers4and.Plusbargh Manufactures gewallY, ......:Mood end Maw . :wets. Pinsborsb. lel bOWEN—Cosmansion and Fonsardnag ~,,. bilFsb.lso. MI Front st. lansfeen Wood see *" rabbi .' '. • ALLACE, MIL stone and Mal .Farrusb.: atad anabliduncat, No. 254 Llbany at, near the =WM au%Dcder In Fancy arid 14tapl. WTT • Dr 7 oods;No. 7co Market meet, Patstaugh. novlUty igEr W vinSON, Dealer In Waukee, Jewelry, kel neer , Silver Wee, talker noceia, ac, NO. Sr Mar- Itur H."MURPHY;iIh - Zesale add Rood dealer in TT 4.FordAto add Domestic 1)17 Goo* nos* d" donsof of Ildszkr.t dad Pounh six; torn .dfaiittrio a C0..-Dealets Ia leader aar T 113 LilmlT EL. ht DLITCLIELIIIIPX,WhoIeate Limas, . Rectifylag DOOM, LA Wine rod Liquor Eh • also, Lopata.; a Sods Loh awl Illeschia Pardo' a. xou Liberty pa. ji.Ldly an= /0211 t BOSCRBVBN k' ISlOtti nut= lit. olden haws on hand, z!, n Poll and Ignuniktnnannent goons in Lae, won" sucev, , •-•Vd:aknarllay t Pinabargia • sal: .7..-4,!)=FlELTREF,Wliolasala -Wocen. aAaetifyin; Distithus, and Wine .nd Liquo :dram= I.itlsoatters of Soda AO and h *litftwitr,rme . b4gvis mat, ptwent~b, Pa. • CARDS. TM - EVIL TOWNSENDiDraggist Awetheeary No.4sbfarlfet . trt,; thtee detfre above Third*. Pine -bmgh, have constantly - on head 'a welt *elected as. sortment of the best lad Freshest dieullelnes, which he will sell' the most *nos:able tenths. Ph-raciest* sending' orders, will berpremptte atemded to, and imp:. plied with articles they may ship arsenal genuine' • Dr - Phylielatts Preseriptsodsarill itecuraielyWnd neatly prepared from the best materieds, et any hour of the day or night ' Also for sate, a large met of fresh sad good Nth- Mal , •:T • - - Ltreff t eteble. ROH JA: the large stab i l o P n A Ftrst i n 7 1%41 6: 1 c vr t eg Icworand Smithfield with 111 1 Ca.reli ne.r.rock ontorsetiVaM'age ll° l7i' the best quality and ltdett styles. Horses kept at hve rp the best manner. iT2dlv biIIt:M.:FAVORkSbN WOOL) ST, Pirrsiwitun. . E. AVILICANS. CONTINUES tomanufacture leoonmerus, Burial Vaults, Tombs, Head Sume.,Slautel Pieces, Cen tre and Pier Top. of foreign and domestic Marble, at a regular and fair price. N. H,— Drawings for monuments, rattle, &c. furneb ed, of Vol description. lie llaiiCiLl a snare of public patrons; a rmglt-dif e for SiJkittia colored Cottoo Fringes for silk and gins - hum ektilSols. Girlip, Mohair, 6114.1 Silk Bullion Prlngles, mode to ordor on the shortest notice. Sze., corner of 'Maiden Lane and William. entrance No en William street, third door, over Abner I. Elvs' store,lNn6:tidlostlcit Lan Nose s °rig . Ge to C. TX.. nano an. ir. laeaa cum, CRUZ BUR. 3,13034 34 LIANIt, 1710%. elarioe. ACKCLIANICS , GLASS WORKS. IMPSON, LAIAIiE, STANGER & rra, tmutureete rere 0( Via* Bottles, irnd Wurdow Glass, keep cowardly 00 hand a gouerul aeleartMeel of the above Nelea Alarb make to order a supenor article of Mineral or coda-W mar Houle., of colored glans. No. 16 Ward st. Plttabarah, re. nuddlam RI-CHARD T. LEECH, JR •J - eNtreCaLlit Saddlers' Ironmongery, Bantu and Coach Trimmings, Moss, Deer 11.1 r, Varnish, Co. Cc., 1) - tt No_ I. WOOD ST. Prrrs/... PEK.Ea TEA STOILEs—No. 7`.1 Fourth N . „at., bear Wood—All qututtities of Green and Blank' Teas, done up In eniarter, - balcratbd o e pound packages, ranging front W e o. per pound 6140. a I A. JAYEF,S, Apt for Priam Tr. Co Estqueuse Sprang. Axle, Steal wad Iroza. Works. ( - tOLMIAN, 11A11 .MAN & Co, manufncturers of Catch and • Eiptte Sprigs, Hammered Axles, Spring and Plough Men!, Iron, &c. Warehouse on Water and ad streets, Pittsburgh Also, dealer, In , Coach Trituntings and Malleable Cutings. oetttl 111SUNANCE. DELAWARE MUTUAL. INSURANCE CO. I URN FINNEY. Jr., Agent at Ibunburgh forme 0 Del e Jfumd :booty lnsury nee Company of Plla adelpldla Fire Rinks upon bulldtngs and merchandise o , every deacrlption. and Nlursne Rinks upon hulls or cargoes of veekent, taken upon the most favorable le MIS. {D' Office ui the Warehouse of W. B. Holmes & Bro.. N, 1C Water. near /Market insect, Pittsbarsh. N. I.3.—The seeress of Uns Company since the estab lishment of the Agency in this city. with the prompt ness and liberality sc. •which every claim up. Mena tor loss b. been adjusted. lolly warrunt the agent in inning the conhdenee and patronage ofhis friends and the community at large to Me Delaware M. S. insu rance Company. while u ha. the additional luivtunage. as •n umuutoon ulna. the most dunrishtng Philadel phia—so basing ample paithist capital. which by the operation 01 charier -is constantly increawag, a. }tending to rocb person insured h.s fur snore of the push... the company, without involving him in any responstbility whatever, and Merriam nopossessing the Mutual principle &vested Si every obnoxious leas tare, and in its most arMachre form nor FIELE AND MADAMS INSUILA?iCE. 1t HE Insurance Company of Sorts Alnertea, °trough its duly mutiocited Agent. the sutmonber. odsr• io make permanent and limited Insurance on progeny. this city and lta eictnity, and on shipment. b, the Ca nal and Rivera. DIRECTORS. Arthur I, Coif., l'harles Taylor, sortel W Jones, Ambrose White, Eros.. Smith Jacou Danbas. Jobe A Brown, John it Nod. Jobs Mute. lbchant I) Wood, "'Lora. P. Cope, Wm. Welsh. Samuel F. Small, Frames litsaken., Samuel Brook,, S Aosta, .I,ltbone, ARTHUR ki CDFFIN. !tree': lianas D Stamm., :see') l'kat is the oldest Insurance Company sa the Ilmed State. Loving been ewtnered Mel Its charter is perpetual, and from its tugh camtmg, long expenenre, •ampld meat., nod avotdmg al. talks of an e.t.a, har. h , uremia character, a ma) be considered to ple ..:cosythr publtc. W. P P.\ At ate Conrad. g lissom of Artroed. JOO O . I. t 0.. Wri ter tad Fro ,, : .tree.. Patabureb mays FRANKLIN FIRE I.IIIIIUILANCE Co. I , ;h i t , i m oLe ff. e ned very de.erf pct. of proper') go PoLsour:o and toe ourrooufltog rouotry. toty.L , .! flud cum puny 'hug o ro-frefaa.. clan, oioto, e-r 100.0.0 prod in_ Coolrogeot Fond 5310.11J0 Coluef d mud hiarket Ploolough. 110t9a . WARIDCK bIARTIN. Agrmt. - rpm: Ondersugned, nosy sullbonved Agent of the Annex t'sr, InAurancr Company of Ph/144,Na, cnlrc e nges di.2lo,conuaHrr. on non a orroba n d . z, rt,nsture so.n n,./ 4 _ _ hlehlem - Latterat Itat , t.cru .pk.n., - .1 Agent pro I lent. the lasoraner Company of North Amertt and w e Pohcle, ittd atten:! It; .c On..nevr. o: the Aggno. a: theware:to:he - uf itc—e nolt: ii at FORWARDLNC&T;OaiISSION. OHkU.LESfi. D /IF IFLN 110 WiLit S GO 'ftIISACCO UoilitalitsSOPl AJEKLUAIIIN, No. 2.) South Wharves. . 117 ~..ottlA Water at. PHIL D FAiS to tuform Sr • . and de Mem generally, of Ptttsburgn, last the), • a made am, arrang• runts -kith the Voginot marm:srrers mat the Growers ol to West. %%es: Indic. u S her p;arro. at tr• tnnurt a large and ctant mpt. , of m- fol ,,, wtor bona of Tobacco which vt.”. tom upon astwee.- mostatmg terms as any or roast. in into en) or els., veneer, and all goods ordered trot= maul and 1.. e oar rented eqaal to representamon. Ilarana St. Domingo, Conn.; fare; ParO. Kieo; Penn ad ISeed Leaf to Igurnr, & Florida,tioneo, ALSO--Brairelihs celebrated Arent:aim Stag Care, disti,,mula a dirge assorunem of ether popular aliKrittolities of you sa. ear lA.. lye and ?:a, Lagoa 5,, 0, 'is and In. Ladies' wish Virginia Twist, . .weer and plain, mwhole and halt boars, wood and um together with every variety of article belong big to the .rade reined, 1 13/1 , 161. . OWPAIIII - St... arEsurr ar,cananzTkioN, FLOUR FACTORS, Produce, Commission and Porwarding XISELLIIANTB, N. G 1.2 Nowa W1166V66. .an Pd Wsrss 1•1111, t DELP Noose on—Joint 11. Brown b Car. Kober Steen & Co. Barcroci, nearer kCo Philadelphia South, Bagoley Zr. Co. Mien & Paxton. New York. %Volterra & Ilari • y, Baltimore Ilagatey 2r. Smith, nemortda,"ll.ln hCo I Pittsburgh Barley, Brown & Kier C Jones, fly - Liberal rash advance. on conslgnmento to our mu:IMO y c. cruaLse wit won wt nu ECKY & CO., FLOUR FACTORS, And General Commission Merchants, No. L 3 Sacra Wargo Sralor, PHILA REFERENCEZ—Henry Omsk Co, Plasburg4. Rodgers & Sherlock, a. Schooley k Son, A. :11. January, Maysville. Ch.'. Bastion, Jr., LOMISVIiie. Dula, Humphreys & Co. Mercer, Bro. & Co. ~FhSad'a Reed & Brother, & Coullnery, New York. ILIA/ D. [...FILM, w9LT W..0101[0.100. LEk men & ANDERSON, FORWARDING E CUSIALISSION AI 6C RANTS CUITON FACTGIG. , AND AGENTS FOR THE SA LE GY NAILS AND W. GLASI, Mot 7 A b nun YT S aI.VZ SIOADWAT, CLICIAXATI, OHIO. timrroxf goonass. _ Commission and /forwarding Merchant. no. al Kam rt., rrrrasemn, iCiPiTioNlaZ to trailitaci a gmieralCommimion Liam. mlmcially in the purcbase and sale of Agnew can Manufactures and Produce nod in receiving and forwarding (kiwis cunt to Ls corr. As Agent for the rdenulactures, he will be consnintly supplied with the prutelpal aruele. of Pittsburgh Manufaciara at the lovatm wholesale prices. Orders and consignments arc !ta_pTctitilly . ,solicited. ._ . . . . GEORGE A. BERRY, AVELOVERAVE DEtOCURS, FORWlNfifiti Mill 10101M11.11i IlltiallAtiT, AND DEALER IN , .., trots, NuLLs, Cotton' Tarns & Pittsburgh 11Isaan1atal Imre. gesseraily , an 10 WOOD cream. rrensato-n- WM. Il• Ct. A - IM * ' liForwardisag glerehans, Lrirevessawsirs.,p., Attends parlsculaity to tut lops attimg of Produce. S.c. For soy information, apply to FORSYTH a. (1:N -CO, Water sr. CRUSE_ a g NE RA,x, uonalllSSllllN gIiCIFIAIa T, FON THESALN OF PRODU PRO VISIUNS, Nne.los and .11.1 Sno re.ll \Vita, BALTIAIORE, MD. ahrsaat=o--hlershwats of Pittsburgh Wheeling. Va.—N. Crotttt_kco. rust 3 2P-lIGIn - TICIIC 13111P - Panlist. 1 • PO E have ,taken an office immediately apposite to our.borni warehouse, for tee present, where w• ail transact Inmiitess haus!, until a new house eon be erected, arrangements having already been made 'for ihat purpose Beats will always be ta resthuts. a I oar wharf to receive freight. c CeA M'ANULTY & Co, • 1.1 Coot tla ant. Liberia sl vAgu" LYMAN, REED & CO., (Suceemors to Reed, Hard & C 0.,) GENERAL OMMAGION MEECHASTE, BOSTO. Particular alumtion FILM to the N este of Wool, and libel.- - al *draftees made on atutsigiallents. mmylltddrarl y • • • • • - Tobacco. • 2 , IN 818 6., prime fowl° ; 8 do Lb, do; hi do 6s AI small pckgs 10 co II; lump, unique; do do, do OM do viper, in rime and for sale br 1 iII.ACMU 460 RN Ca • (IV 1014 , 4 n las 840, 104ilt and 16-10 armdoar slurs .1.)1 , jail PAN oar measaar Armarline, and D for . fiep ale by aopl3 FORSYTH, i. PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY itIORNItIG, NOVEMBER, 14, 184 LAW 'offlaS. WM. TIMMIAN, ATTOIINET UAW, Butkr, Po WIL also attend to Collections told all other Mon :era entrusted to hIM in Butler and Armstrong countles,'Pa. Reler to • I. & R. Floyd, Liberty at. W. W. Wallace, do James M.+4.)11 do Pittsburgh. dly Ray St. Co., Wood at. ) levy T D. SWEITZEFL, Attorney at Law, office 3d at., opposite to. Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh, will also attend promptly to Collection., no Washington, Fayette and Green counties, Pa. - Ll= Blselestoek, Bell & Co., Church & Carothers, }Patsburgh. D T Montan racladly J. HENRY. Attorney and Cornicenor at Law. E Cincinnati Ohio. Collections in Southern Ohio, and in Indiana, and in Kentucky. promptly and care fully attended to. Commissioner for the State of Penn sylvania, for taking Depailtiona, nelmowledrimman, An. tr. • • . •- . Rasa ro—Hon. Wm. Bell & Pots, Curtis, Church & Carothers, Wm. Ihys, Bro., WlHoek & Basis. it. 25 ME== WILLIAMS k SHINN, isneeesson to Lowrie and Witham.) Attorneys awl Counsellors at Lam. Office , orth side of Fourth street, above SotithiAd• &Warmly TAMES F. EF.IIII. /Mono y at Law. BakewelYs Building. Gretna street, nearly opposite the Court House. aug9-3m. D1.7.L0P srwrad... anor•ey at Law, Mee* on Smithfield, between 54I•nd 401 sta • - 12011 WARD h PA'ARTZWELDER, Attorneys •, U Law, hare removed their edited to the South ludo o 'Fourth it, between Cherry Alley and Grant street apdtf. -u f r 0. H ROBINSON. Attorney at Law, hu re- V Y . moved hts otter to the Erchange Buildings, St. Clair st., urn door to Alderman lobos spnly AMUEL W. BLACK,. Attorney at Law. Office on 0 Pourtb street, near Grant, Pittsburgh. octlB-dim BOOK TRADE. To Cowstry alorchwat. A . LARGE STOCK of School Books, Paper, Station ary, he., suitable for country Wen among which are 'Wilting Papers, of fine. medium and common vo'lt's Letter Pep.. de do do do Note Paper do do do do Note and Letter Envelopes, Slates. Pencil, %% Q 11.1.1111 and Steel Pero; nulow Paper I yard wide, plant and printed: Rommel Brawls, of different qualities; Blank Books, in great variety Family, School and Pocket Bibles; Crown. medium, and double crown erruppinst paper; MeGuffle's Eclectic Spellers and Readers; Ray's Ecleeuc Aruhmettcat Cobb's Primers, Spellers and Readers; Sanders' do do do Arittuneues, by Adams, Davts,Colbum, Smith, Stoc k. tut., Emerson, and others. • , . Ceographles, by Miicholl.Olney.Bnuth. Morse,Good• nci.. '.r T, and others. O rammars, by Runk, Kirkham, Millions, Weld, and others. For sale at low pnces. by .1 11 MELLOR. 81 wood at, b door* above 4th. The higher t market price Fold for good mixed raga, en cash apt PANF:TA RN* a,. ATT.t.t.ARAVORLIrs — A 1,01;U - L lar exposition of the great disicovertea and thews of modern •atrononly, by 0 s 1 Mitchell. A a, o r iif the Cincumatt Übae primary Heatley's Italy. Alpo and Rhine —Letters from the A: p. nod :he Rhine. I.) r Handle). author or N•- prileon r.nd his Morahan, %Vitaliignin and his Gene,. At, &e New nod revised edition • SMitsi ins 01 Coat —Tire lfoograpitiest and G;eologe• eat distluscuons or Mineral Combustibles or fossil tur,; Including also, ponces and localtlies of the Ynous mineral iittinnitiou• •LLII.IIIC.C. employed in nuns and manufset ore, Illustrated by Zips and Diagram. ar• eortmanied by nearly 4(11 statisnea/ tables, and (LW an. ayses of mineral combustible*, de; prepared by 'Lek art/ crow, me Taylor. Just tenets ed Iris. copies of each tbe abort , works .or sale by JOH:StkTON & :STOCKTON. iY. Bookseller., nor market & 3d ats, ‘7.KAILLY MILADY FOR PCBLICATIOX .0 by J. A. A U P. J A.:llit'.l, Cincinnati. the followin,i noir and raluab ,e Donaphan's F.s.seiltnon--eriitaiinng iiketrii of the lift at Col A NS Pomphan, tn. CoiNneat Mexico, &ea Kra.. - nerii Overland Rapeilition w Qa.,• tonna; Domphuit'. Campaign miemin. the NOV4o , to 4 tu. unparalinieil M,arch upon Crumuahua maid llormari. tad the Operation. at lieu Price LI Santa Fe, with I Map and Ettiraytni,.... by John T llupoea A d 0.. ., la Kegunent ul Niti • gu n ray ll..tory Kentura iniqutue• ea! NW:I,, Clanoall2est lirtNrapti ra. mad deecriptloll, Mural dol., ae..l :lout otte hundred Bog nptklett. Sketches ot dlst.nrut, ed Ploneert. n Jun•ta. Lan \ er, In vkne.. to . ,flustra,e.t •et..ll:orty eucravmg., t• 0.11.1,1 vol. oc.vo The Tore!ve Ntcrntits' Volunteer or Journal of • Pr:, •ate th the Teo,. ••ee Regiment or avai ry in, Curnputiro of Aleuco. aorta:l3 1,46-I:.e+o etniug •., ,ount ot Ilarc• of the liertment to \l.e.. CroJ deeertpuon or pa...ea nice. mane r.L• tom, ..4.e 01 tn.. tlle people, SitotrAte. Csui, Lilt. A, ...aunts of Si. the swoon* of over VOltriztUrr Rev., ano • ful; fi.tory of the Meatean War 4t. and Wouaulcd, 1:r, tthratt•tett bt o I•rie nomeer eorreAt gm ti .. by .b. C. lurtmer, oefa ,ree l Iles Paper asad Book 6.tabllehment, Woou Sr. err. Ar..‘ Fotrrn NO L , 1,...VE, .11.2“.7 •übscnimr, b are Ja. opcurti. at tne atm.v. otatld. a large tux t ot <Lll , r,it .4 LI •IU ..t.: a/A LIST V. nting L1,.1 ,r =MUSE Ar,zing paper, for b.a.L k ~00k., mr4,urn a).4 ro)a cared PrtAttng Paper,.‘! e. (looks and 1.-JFera...4.4 paps Dr, r ..,/1001 book• 01 a.. aJ..da, orL • . Thro,rgy .4 Scl.era. Rt., 014 1.4,4 ..e. P. • kt Wai. Ft.•., filYult !loots 11,..1 ./tr. rump lo pau.rn. at. 4 ,e 1 ate Errott tuko.tp.ual rnaL Country Merrnant. •uppl , e4l•l ee• caul, or re.,p, caal mus-rtm, nHarut r a Jrzh other .. IA ...yr rik.l.ll4.fitrnt ',we a r pupa r.l to r Sr, _ e A ordrtr. tor ihalit anti 1.. c) I . •utting—kflOiLk, pam•...• el Mid r•rar. 0114 • ..11 lading patch mod a 1 low prw V.l.f jiff% no 2 7 , wood ft, .elworn lib and dowooo.l, • %and, ro.or. .111•••• I• firro L.); Wd.irrro Niue ocar- l'lnd. Ler, • t.lu•zr ie Irr {Le la• "nor The I , nunt of W,,d t.n 11n+. :411. Ito 1, su,r. , r Th. Young 5eb00...1,..tyr•• , Aide 11 Par; tinri,cr• I ,lustratea ctituet, otut A r 41,1 v. Nights Enteriziann - tv. , New :or ram/ly renctlng, wan expinnainry note. - to . .• Lan, Es.q Loam.' Loganthmo—Tohle• of Logkrab.,•• or. klid .rtg slidn ngent. evrty Ito onconun Wslh . other Ill , [llll table, by a. Loom., A M., Vrol. Isteent,.. tics cool NakturAl PL•Jo.ophy 'lt A: Al frt..) .'beltlora, autnor ..l A -- I . re.,se af &C. . . the t.,nor,e worksreceovtwi this day and Sur se by JOHNSTON .1 STOL.7K rO.N al . 800 kw•llers, rot giant, urn 3[l•. New Publications. r•STORY I /I' tico,raphseat and Yo-a- L 1 heal. e.miprlctilg memoirs at the 01,010t111 01 tat of the U • ByN It W heeler y attenerous Ateel vortrait4, he 04 co. octavo. Tn., 1% rm., ot C Al lua), I.lcludtag spercaos.e.ad addrr.er, wtth .reel portra... by If Cireeo I vo \Vhat I govov to C....forma t)y i•Avrin Bryant EMilE=M=I Charms and •L:ountrt-CO.arodt By .'dtaa bl'lldette.•tt Bier at "To seem tattl to or." - Contiu.est," tie /or. Mary Urore,r, a Boniest. Terropert tor, Tale By t 7 Burdett. Kings And Queen. or Life in the Pataen; consisting of historical • taloa. of .11, and reigning soveraogns: By J. N, C. Altboir. A First Book in hamuh. or a priatioal introduction e the study 0.1 the r4mi...11 Lung . ..gni By I Balksid. The Dying and other tp,es: Yy Rev Dr Alden Just reed by K. 110PKINtl, Apollo lipaidAngs, 4th t, augl !Mucci's.) it to J L Read.) XI P.M iktORS--r.die o( Cromare 11. by Jr Ifradiry ..1.1 Poorer of the Pulpit., Sy Uszcitil er oprlng, D D Bethel Flag, do do Jacobus on Gogpels, !state a, of th Harmony) Lecture. on Shakspeure, 2 cola; Footstepa of Itlesetah; The Convent; by author of School G irl in Franey Now and 1 hen, by Warren, Sketches 01 Lemons, ou Perables am , Nigeria.; Ireland • Welcome to the Stranger, lien , en o port karth, liswitston, a tale of and for Fuelend: 2 col, ELLIOTT & F. &WASH, 7 wood and L .6rnet For .ola by je 10 XTEW 1.10431,15—Ju5t rece.•ed from the publisher, IN and for sale at Ute ieothaltst Hook Store, 4th st, near Proverbial phy,.three styles of binding, a beautiful book a pc cent. Preparation tor the Pulpit. Sketches of Senn°. on the Parables and Miracle of Christ, by the author of the Putini Cyclo riedia—OW sketches, he. The Esiglish Pals.; collection of ser mons by the most emmeut hem% thyme* of h ntiland. tiluitivrhaa Vous—Cluing (rood. Chrstmn Love, Lov. est thou me, N0V,41 Mednaunn, tur.S4 •'" ' • • We I{,story and TH R E ,b r g Alll . l.t f . LL: 4 :2 , / ,;,, it mr r e Crea ion to the death of Isaac' Deduced from the wriuna • of blest., and other lespired authors. and illustrated by copious references to the a• cunt trochee! la and my. thology of the Heathen World— -by lien elm ti lt, F. S. A. 1 vol., octave. Unarm. anal Counter-Charms, by bliss bl'lntesh fresh supply of this very pupil of little wort . Orator. of the ARICrII , IIII II evolution, by KL. lila goon, with Fortran.. 1 eel, 1.2 !no. Parley. t abet. Library, fe r lamiliaa or achools, volume., IA mu. with engravir ,gs. Thu. to n nets work. For sale by It tIO ['KINK bh p Apollo Buildups, 4th st . — UP'-KI4 trifl'AN Hote.ny of the Unread Mates JJ north of Virginia; comprising dose optic no of the inevertng and Peru-lig e plants habeno mead m them states; errangedat cording to the natural system. With a synopsis of lee Genera ace. ding , the Un man system; a IBIc etch of the rudiments of tu 4aiy, and a glossary of term si by Leans C. Beek, SL. D., Prof. Chemistry and N antral History in Hulgrer4 College, New Jersey, &o. he. Second edition, remse d and en larged. For ea'. by _ JOHNSTON & STIN!ICTON LAMARTU it'S GIRONDISTS—History c.f the I/1- rundistai or, Personal Memoirs of the I smote of the Prenets V evolunun—from tutpublisbed sources: by Athhonse. di Lainarune. tomplete In three volume.: Hyde's trIV omballon. A fresh supply of Chu pop•Ior work Re ored Oh,. day owl for solo by JOHNSTON trisrocETON , Booksellers, eor nu irket anAnd Os -.- - L°MERINOS IN EHHOP4 or sketches of travel in Prance, Belgium, Austria PI ...lodised, Dail, Pt tthela, bathed and Great 11111.4 h • "in an .".Itt°6."..".troan u ".'b'y o l n oh r' n O r P. an ehatiu4s .sod fete eoplea foraele by JOIINSTO X tr sTOCKTON AT STORE Market se reef, No 66, between 2 •I tied 4th, may no all maths be found • Dale slook‘of Theologreal and ellseeHaneotte Hooks. Nov hooka received as soon as poli'dahed, and BOW at lire ! ear - prices. The publications o f the Aro"/" ASM ' a " ' Se t,lesti"lma! Union wad hfitentehermt.tjehbeth 13 02 0. 1 0.. "...Y. On bas.Etr , gl ',Jock &oaittrnishedba m EL ENGLISH, ino SG Ma* , .1, korona 3il satt stir copammaps. - CO.PAirilliritHB MP. T OGAN A FENN - MY hoer, this dnr sosocieurd with them In' tho ,liardorare business, Philip Wil son and Edward Cis*. — The style of firm still here. allet be Login, Wilsoma Co. This arrangement rea ders it desirable to elm rho old business soon as possible. • All persons whose liabilities hove matured, are esposinny requested to ondlorimmedinte payment. Pittsburet, i.e 1, 1419. T°Gear. wiLisqN 6 CO.—importer and 14 Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Dam/- ware, Cralery, Eladdlery,'&e., 179, Wood atheist, Pine. hergh,fare nenr,fully prepared with a recently itspom led stock of Hardware, Cutlery, kc., to otrer vety'grest indocements - to western buyers, being determtned to compete in prices with soy of the Atlantic titles. Al so on hand an extensive assortment of Pittsburgh Hard ware, vim. Phenols, •adcs, Farts, Hoe, Vice., be, all of which will be so ld at the lowest manufacturer's priers. GOl a P — A 1 aFII 1E - - A 11l di P - • ATILE 'Miser ben having recently entered into parmenihtp under the name of Gal egher, long. & hillier. fog the porpoise of carrying on the Bell and Brow Founding and Gas Fitting Muskies* in all it. branches. have taken the stand formerly occu pied by H. Gallagher, No: 109 Front street, between Wood and Smithfield ins...where they ara prepared to execute all orders toe Hells, Brass C wino, of every description, and Ga• Fdtings with neatness and des patch. Steamboat jobbing promptly attended to. FL GALLAGHER, S. A. LONG, I'. H. Ml' LER. N 6 —The attention of lilachitaus and Engineers is ted to our anti-attraction metal, for a reduced price, which has been pronounced superior to Bubbit's by numbers who have used both. Steamboat builders and the public, generally, are al o requested to call and et amine our superior double betion Force Pumps for steamboat nod domestic n•e. ' • Mln=l I:l=== TIME eartnerstop so long rmsung under the firm of Milord k Xing, was by mutuul consent sitssolved on the Ist inst. The business will be rioted at the old stand I* either of us. using the name of the firm to. that purpose. Being deorous to have nut business closed with as hair delay as possiblewe would re• pectiully request those indebted to vil and settle their flecousitA. ..101IN i t ill'COltn, juM l H D KIM/ Co.Parllstershtp. JOILY D NFCOIID 13•VIng asAoctated with hini Na brolher Jutu ender the style of ltreord S Co, will coon. the Ilan, Cap and For bennesa in all no •nniona branches, wholesale and maul, of the old stand, cOrner of Wood and fah streets, weer* be solicit • couunuation of the patronage so liberally' be stowed on the old Earn. /OLIN A'COILD pinta JA-M.a43. WOOFED. IN reunng from the old and wall known firm 01 fir Cord golg, I moat respeeblly recommend to the patronage of the public my as Messrs. firronl Co. plti 11. 11 ILINti — b~ioluUon— PRE eopermershap heretofore extouttg between the subthrthers, under the style 01 fdV,rll. Itushfield Roe, exptred trua clay by Itreithuon. buhtnehr of the heat wth be healed by Mont 9. Roe. JAOIES D NCGILL, O.H ISCSHFIELD, NV.A.I.TER C ROE. Etterburgh, July 19, 19th - • co . The und,supied wtll conunue the Wholesale Om. eel, and e•ISIMISSIOSIL bla*tile•A. Yladet the firm of !irlicl and Rare, at their old stand, No. 194 Liberty "areal. AMES D WAL rta c RuE. Ils,lng soul my intetrom In the 6rtn of 1I'(;111, 13.1, Grd a: Rue to toy lorsuet paarWers, 4k. Roe. I take to tecontmontUng them to Inerrds and the I ru Cllr jyvo 9 , LL DI. SHFIELU. rit‘ip 1 . 7. NV S FF.I•IIF.NN of NVtarel,st. F Shoenberfor lI of Jut a.] J A. Suxt:on of Pia•iturgh.lkare tit" entered Lo.:. co-paruomnly under .9. mud qrmoiStepOr,.. Shoonb.rger d Co .toe Author Ton wo rk.. NlThr,-1114g Va. (or the , purp.a.c of ata ,actur,r,g matt matt nun of eery d0...n0.0tt •TXI,I L 11.14 11114.•••••• , ..3. : • ITlrr•ON STEPHENS, tiHOIGN HELMER & CO. \ Ciffkli IHAJN tVtlitK2s Wheehng, anutarni kind of node, gnvret b lhat Iron and ai, A hisleet oecied withnnoennergri • Work, r•li n6eran nrue.... Of .11an.atu atm ...nutatad Slutamberaerl equal to mar InaAe ul cuuni r) al wh:th at:l 1.. c ....I at tne tVdrelinuse in the enrn-r. nf mt. and NN oidr. n3lll n ISSOLUT It 41—The partnel.,lllAttherto r L5l. iug unUer Ine • fit. .olutsw re!. • dill . uy co3sent.. loom 13,- tell tonvime doToro, ot ela:1( a 1‘1 . 1,•1 :0 15.- tor. 1,1••410.• 111 , late V,: :AI «ruled by II , Vlebt•n•• .• authorl...llo LI.. the name ot latm t..at p•tpuse , I,.ttntAN . .a.y 1'1'; 1 DA I.Z ILI. ot: sutit, rttter Ix now pr , par-s o...l„tufactuti ~.a. of t tows am! ,‘ .1,11 tsts otOrtitst .t.turts ttrasr• ter at fit iststams • Eng.^ Shop. w 1-ttrt) %% stet •tterts.nwst vrtitt prompt WiI:FITMAIS. st. t-etn.., FrGerai an, Stetadtislty its, optt-Sst A...sstt - ny rttr . . - . _ 10-1. AltTNlfitkill IP elm 1 ota.g h3fcglhts Ja% ate H 1 ‘ae ler • lc 11.11.01 Yot J , ;(1 It )l'l'l 41. LoClealf /11 &tO r- At LK \OIL x CO. A associated wlth ...ug latrcao sad trwanea, I,alorartl Nea.A. r Jar. 11ra,4: i C.. ltaatimor, MEDI( AL Jamlk•.. kapeclo(aSal. o tn. •• 113V,k, n-c.l Lhil t, too.) I. 4 .`""••• ' • . , , hul •Aatr .n Ft . ".• .; 4n a ~ 0410 •,r, JAA. N% rt• ' 7 2 snara I) A rmi NE, 14 .CK i). Aatnari ,•vistg • , vrh ' ice 1•••. argil coonpi•vala anroned wan congrauon et use 1.• mac., 1 . r 1, erica,- ha. pr1ve , ...1 in.. he r d .ale aati va,aahle tented. Her .11,11 and at h • er. auotl.c , . ll.row', Inci,¢e.llor, 1 , , •• ,, ,Irr, cold., and .11 carat...tn. 014.. I,,aamm•h , rt Char. CI TCC ntairh ha• Irren g, e , • 1,7 0 , e••• r..re 11., , 11,,ta. mailers i. col routatelleilmry Ott) I.u , ui. , n a r< 4 raptuc rupr r Yrtce ..,:irrrtio for n box Y,Oparrd and wod b) II A l'All.%llSTirt - p; c o . sorner and moat. and also roume Oto sno wood . a A. FA./..011 , 111, 1.1 N CM' U. I. FA.113.10 ( A. W 4/Vholearel; .6rog Store lo the City of Pow 1 ork. './"Wtitled.7,lleVOirtlo"le'ra'..•"l";O)l;72l'.d in die die coy of New lora, and etc prepared to sum,. Drugg.ts and country Merchants with Drop, Paints, this, Lty.stuffa, Pore 111 and An:omen:l Fe (ornery, Mandor, Werner at Mulder'. Chanutala tot at., own ttnpktriationt and rill other afield, in their One of I.e. :ler, a a swenor quality as low as they can ...pur chased or tins or any eruct], city. New ark, Fabl6 If A rAfINENTtailf Ca. Marcher , . Chrome Career, ood Rlmd et New Vora, bane used and tested, and ate . now wing a .w artwle of Chrome Green. manufactured hy (See. K Marcher, of this city, and find it to work welt, pro. ducing a tine brilliant Paris Green •ppearnatee. with • very superior body, and recommend it to uur brethren n the trade as in every parameter the best Chrome Urea. we have aver tuted. New York, Jane 1,'47. Signed by N Item. of practical painters of the city of New York This unegualied Chrome Green may be had of FL K SKI.LFIL . 4, No 54 Wood street. who ham the excl.:ye agency far its sale in Pittsburgh marl 3 (~,!ELLERS' VERAIIPLIGE— .. No family obould he wohout It ''' C 11., V., Aug 24, 'PI Mk. R. F: vi a., I eheerfully certify that I have for some years past reed your eranduar in my and miversally with .tweets. I decidedly prefer it to any other iireparatiOn I have used —aniongra theme may be named the edebrated medicine called larattimbot, Fahnostock's Vermituge, and a preparaUlan celled Aorta 'l' ea. In a (*coot owe single done brought t°. 4,4 9 bole boy on , bondred and large Worms tio Wady certainly aught to be venhout Illors AC JAS. LAWSON Perra_rrd and .old by IL erellera, Zia 37 IVood .t. rad anid by Ltrugaiada acne rally 1.0 hush 1.113 e• .r IA A Pine Elel of Teeth for l 4 Cents. wNM: TERIII, FOUL. 1111. LATS, IIiaLTHV la:MS.—Yellow and unhealthy teeth. after be ing once or twice cleaned with Jones' Amber Tooth Paste, bare the appearance of the moot mammal ivory, and at the wane am MA go perfect: y innocent and c/ quainely him, that its comsant dui) ace is highly ad vantageous. even tO Now teeth Mat are in a good con dition, giving them it beautiful polish, and preventing a premature decay. Those already decayed n prevents :ram bacon:taw worse,--rt also Maim. such as are be coming loose, and by perseverance it will render the foulest teeth delicately while, end make the breath de liciously meet. Sold by Whl. JACKSON, ea 1-Meml marla B. A. P•IINESTOCALtB d shout FrAV week. slime, one of my children, age Lout years, was unwell for several days, and the tang.. Increased so alarmingly that I (eared death welted be the reaall ilarmg heard of be good effect. of Falmeslock's Vermlfuge when administered to the children of my ne.ghbora. end thtoking my child aught have worms, from 11000 oithe ty mpana.. gale. and a hall lewrpthittfuls of the Venoriuge, and to to great astoncrkment it almost strimsdnoily discharged belsown 2.7 , 0 and ght.l large worms. Its health wa. soon restored, and it i. now remarkably well. Previous to naking,abe yenalluge, the Worms would occasionally use w its Itirriat, and I often fared It would the from ..trunglaattotr. JAS. G. DAWSON. Things la, Vol ango co; Pa., April 3, .4t , apl3 "AMY'S CELEBRATED Fruit AND TRITER OINTMENT to the most effectual remedy before the public for the cure of Muer itch, dry and watery pimples of the Moe, neck andledy, scaly mimic., atia.all other ;Lacoste of the skin. Tins Ointment is wafpinted free from mercury, perkcily safe, and may be used at all times and wider allcircumstances. A (malt supply of this valuable remedy received imd finaalo by It A FAIINtMTOCK 44 Co, nature of let end moodi also, comet of eth and wood streets. jet - - - - (11/4 pOVAIe--4 eases received and tor sale by 01.01. BRAUN k REITER HOTELS FOUN'TA.IN HOTEL. • L.IGIIT STREET BALTIMORE. roan t en Tlltritebbab'etreittarol3. 818 esblishment tongtand widely know:tea' EtT ta beill ; one of the Most coraMo4l.ollll, io the dill of Ithltimore, has recently andelmThla'attexten. live alterations and improvementa. An en now wing' has been added, containing uncharptia and airy sing apartments, and extensive bathing rooms. . 'Lathe& deparunant au also been , COrrir reorganised and fitted n o in n mos 4 Magee and Wi le al*. In lam the whole wrangstnewt of the Rouse •has been remodeled, with a atingle - eye on the parted 3 ' t:i ' Mea n' ts, wr end . 74l "l e: rei ,'"' con fa a= d y P = O II C chetah:a compubson with any Hotel in the Union. Their-table will always be supplied with every sob suude and Luxury which , thus snarget affords, served , op in a superior style; while in the way at Wares, &0., they will not be surpmsed. In eatielustOn the proprietors beg to any, that nothing will berledundo. on their peal, and entire penal:ter ...Wt.. to render this Hotel worthy the continued I petronitga of their friends and the public generally. Th i a . 4nces for board have else, been reduced to the Collo , g rates. lea' Ordinary, 51.73 per day. Gettlensan's • 1,30 N. B.—The Baggage Wagon of the /Immo will e wer. be found to the Car and Steamboat landings, which will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free of char • c. mnyttf EXCHANGE HOTEL, OF MIN 11 . ,11, ST, CLAIR FM, PrrnlSololl, P•. l.The subscnber having asaumed manage 'mein of this to eetablished and popular Holed, respectfully announces to 'Mennen and the Pobllo generally. that he will be at all times peeper.] to aecqinmodate them in all things desirable in a vrell regulated Hotel. The House is unit befog thoroughly repaired throughout, end new Furniture added, and no pouts will be spared to mate the Exchange one of the yen' best Hotels to the country. The undersigned respectfully' softens a contlnertnee of the very liberal patronage the House has heretofore tscemed. THOMAS OWSTON, febOdtf ProPrtetor. _ _ LAMIARTIBrE — ROUSE, COISCI or rousrs AND outer erasers, rer-rssesort. 11. THE subscriber respectfully annonnees'that he hasnow opened his new and excellent Hotel fOr the arcommodauon of travelers, boarders, and the public generally. The house and furniture are entirely nr. and no pains or expense have bees pared to rende r a one 01 the moat comfortable and pleasant HOD` I. in t he city Tits solnetWer a determined to dewree, and there fore solicits. a Ware of public patronage. oattanfly JACttki HOUGH. Praetor.. TITROCIEMORTIJN , I4 131ALY . 11101158, A MS TIIR(;( 5Y K11OIIbega to acquaint his Moots that he le again leasee of the GALT BOLTS., Loutsmlle, ity., where he hopes to meet all We old friends, aszonng them and the public, that fo effort shall be spared to make an comfortable aim avor him with their patronage CFE — ITED — B - TATES HOTEL, CUPNCT •11,[7,4.010 /11111 ITS late Bank id( the United Butes, Mids• dpitin mut(el AL POPE MITCHELL., Yropnetor MISCELLANEOUS MEOME!IMI ed Cocoa. Cocoa Pula Bruen. Cocoa Sheila &c lio 11w - chants Led coneutnen, who mold purchase the heat products of Cocoa, free trom adulterenon, more aihrtuous tuna tea or coffee, and In quality onant• yuaad, the subscriber recommends the above artiolos, mancifaciured by himself and stamped with his name H. Um end Coco. es delicaie. palatable, and salutary drinks fur invalid*. convalescents. and ethel.. are pronounced by the most eminent phyieicieu •upaonr to any omen preparations. Ilia manutacturce are .!way on sale. in any guarani). by the most re syeetable rroeers the eastern chime and by then Bacot, Ideares.lieeN U en , Boston, Jame. 51 !dunce & co, Hart/eel Conn, It unsay A Murray. New Viotti. OrantU Sion.. Phdadelphia. 'ritcnius V Bruildice. Bal timore, and EeLoge l'ineuinall, Ohio. W A LTER BAKER. Dorchester Mass POT ..o by aug2l BAO ALEN' U NMITII. ace Atw COAICU FACTORY •113.1.1., 11711 . 1 TR. FIRIYIKS CO., would respertfulle torst the putic tai they h•• r erected a *r.op tin 1...1c-ern Federal audlkenducky stryvt. arr pour tualuse •nd arr prepared to tee..., order. fu'r ro v e ' grer7l, a r' a, P g ' l7. ' . ' „ ' ,„ ‘ a ' ; ' ‘. " ;. ' ; ' . '". ; ony elope/letter the menu... Ante o( nue,. o rt. r and the fertinm. thrl nave ,ney feel confident the.' arr enabled to clo wo7l era , rte tune. ressonshle terour..Ltn atom erautoag erucle• t...rr tine PWT:ng parnrmar a t the n•lertkon or male nal. .m 1 havorg none .uleornproth, vevrannen, they h•rit no ~...011011 vr•rTenttht ttoor *tot We therefore •61{ the ...noon .1 the plthne no tth. math, tB. kepuron, done the beet [wanner. alt.) Oil t• most term.. jc3 ralleht mad (..t Iran R•lling. shah nea leave n.n...0ral the he, !tan • nntaine.l ,roct, .ne l.ast :naSoonunle .asss 'or Iran .ng. Innn hna•e• •11.1 ren.eLerses reran,. w.• nrtseure ..anS tm , ineas. es.: rzatn., •nel ,ursbegnse'ves Hatl.na rill atotr.ns.e.l at the suut• est orrerr, nnrl r.r Ine trent Inn:l4,er n: lne rrr l'rng n:nl • Renee,. str•ets A l' ea,en. ...) LAMLIN t Y KNUI Iloapratt & Sena' Pal.. Soda Agit, THY • tll a I n•tntne rt. end nealers War the, first •hipanstr 'n a.nasso: tar snner per atup .It, • a:a .1.... i front Ate rna...nie•t.r. I...terie.. uare •• :en day it • I'ue, na•r several n•hef an.inn•nn, n•• .tie - TWO tp. llldl, per •rup• lirctaloa. a,. aa. ar• near N 4 . 11 , Karr Para...l a aatr'• NV .1 Ni/TOIIEI.I em,.• P•ne Vars. fresh from Envoy*. h••• 3 ver, rz.erAive 1 Yu %ear wasp I.een piarcba.r.t of the firm, pnce, ttir moo rrrr rrme. fith,eed.uagth I rw , 'Me, poet,. prey •r.) othe, • e ,, , altsi r (Our we, Me market pr.,. r M•rr 'laws ottaer• erw, etv•nee the, over 1•11Cle. by PlOlll g tails r t r nal yr salon:non( Il Itttilli.itst Importer., trzorrr, azzg tztreza. aug: 4-Zza I•Zz.:atir,plzzaz Leeching, Clapping and Bleeding. Nttitl . l, to al It Oria,,y, . h7th 11, +rev,. %% and and Stn.!, r, .rera , .• racevend usuzzaz.)—azzrzthante a. hour• Itrzrzrarr l'llliztroarga z .1 SM. Ittruz.z.gizazu 11l ri. neg• leave to onstrut the ettlirtia 01 Pint s, Itunin •///1 toto:// . , Wet n•• taken the Reduce ktooms ./s/..1 to ,:,,,f,e/i ot Porter l'ae polo tettree.tne onprotententt am setts, reti and t.rodeni .oto hy Mr Bode, nu I.eet. cestona/.t operator since the art Wile /•I shatoverrn katire tot/cart/on f• guaranteed lo •/1 Islot nu" to , ono. lon tfaitoot II reter ...Ft, Pori, whose e.nan'ishmedt us, ~per eted in0.,15• Por- Fnt(ra. nos 1..,ruerr...., pea .4 . se , •ure,ly cop,d tat, at., weather and ,et .n ot eon to.o , rase. and oune• NI It DELA !. itt•truct.olf• ,iNtrat et ris branch of the •11. and ap. ,e 9 Ilanutrat lured Tobacco. ''"‘" P " e ' itts Mai bin< $h op. — --- Is t:, Ty. r • ti,i4 ni AN— \la,,tarsetts,r Irtnds of cot. In hl l e toy sod woollen Inacumer) A.teglway coy. Pa .1 , I, • e 11..r0....1 , • .. 3 rho stave ~e mig now ltn: Old sucertscul up• do de do 1 . r., A Ilaraliod ton. 1 ant nmparrot to • leen.: order. with dispel., f au ktnd• o: toacinner) to lot non tot, •t 11 Jai 'son • los b: n(,1o do ;netters sp,aders. /tarsi, 01,/100., otactonc•. rat/ Area, !ram.... speeder, throes.... henna. seoo,oll tit Duty sort r•rds, /iota. , or et ta tn. lon tilt/reliant or rout/U., urk, X 1 T mutes,Fack ••.1 eade an, Pao, nsinet no, tools In gen -37 do 1, o n/ o f o 4 Ao L l Dane • era. All Imo. 01 mode to onlen or pans 410. ' 3 4.. H Ntacon eh foe.oarin tot/caw/or mt at rea.onerde charge 11., - ,..(1 Rll stet Inenoetiy Ch.,,1• Co , Mae kstock. 9 0.1 o . Klng Penttoel Co la. A grayland., :mid ...artier and P ert et, and tor safe by LI/. IILCKNOR & Co, BELL A ND BRASS FOUNDRY. 41 north „ etc? et snit Id north whereat.. A FF1.1% IN. 10, .0111 rose Founder, has re. 441.1 0,1 colonies/Cc, tols•tie.“ at ilia on! •L end. were. fie 0,1 he p.enfseti to set ins ofol A' i N .... 11:At: t, r , L , 1t r., 1. , 1.1 . " 0r t1 , / 0 H n A1.. ,. .1:::— .p . :50 he hi ajour. , •nd friend. 75 ha., • .ape.wr<tuml Church.Stesamodtanil Helot of //eery •sse. from 10 to 111.000 pound• rem from patterns of Me modt•ripcon• 30 • I.•wrenr o e Lower •• 5. .. 20 de 1.1 Euro" '• be rd model'l. and wart/Ante, le hr on 101 best Inalerlal• : M to esal ater lit t iopst I'ml/tiers. Halm,. Ay. 10,- t 10 McLeod then with 010 r) vlsr nit at Bra. an tut- if re/stored, tdr.,.ed and hnished It then eetest I ' o " nOO l ' " ' " " 0. PI " , AF Is the sole proprletor of Ann-Arm manner /a. landing from s y marner. and for sale b 4.1 A I.D. 111,10,1 R & Co, TIO• :OCTAL. len ,titt., re/el/rated for Ilte re/In/Own of It water . and DIN wharves, (notion In machinery The 11010• nod 'omoolllll/01 otYll rau be had of Soil at ell Into, al IS -1v.... .1. OLigRN, , Ploug hit, Plough C•aiing•, Alragovi canter Bose•, atc. W E or Inc h rd . 10., .. , h , r e 113F:12 I' 14 A Lt.. of Ike o:d are prepared to do any w firsts 01 It A S ruanufac•ork In our hue with des- j • istruty latar Vl+lllllllBll 01 patch. We attend to our work personally, and woo, Noel.= he grven to regard to ins neatness and du. rabstay. Blank Rooks ruled to any pattern and bound sub- P•v 1 . 1 vIl• ll..n.'tt. and 010.1 1 . /is/0 0 , of the latest and Books In numbers ono ld book• bound care- street. Plttahurgh, pp M" ,° " mr " N e m' . P . ' °. boo" to O h letter. the Ha Set.l . e. Feeler,. 111 Anegiter y oily Rear Thor that here work In our line are tovited to call Colton 1. 00,01, co. the Prices loon m 72" detAly • K N THE roTartner.ttio - 4 herr tonn r . er t.tolg between Wt H se ele A re ll tl E t ' oto " parti e l i e L rati A p M uTde A r The i hrtn B of , 01v ar n , i • " under the SCA/FE & ATKINSON. and will ' earry on the Ttst, Copper, and Sheet Iron M'are Manufactory. Alto. Bluckstottlong in all its branches at the old I Johu 0110° m th e w. .b.um • 0, we Boatmen'. Lute itIIIN FA KREN stand of Wln H. S.ealfe, First street, near Wood SA3III-.1. WItiIITNIAN Partleular attention given to steamboat work. I The business of the Boatmen's Line wag hereafter be ocCI at W Rio Caen c.&., 30 t.°"°,sl', for past ' by r. '"" 'h. same 'IOU do sL Domingo 4101 beg 8.1.11 glass 1 havoc.'" .n ten r auna.nna 01 ry e FAHREN 10.111 do . 4 do 7.0 do ; 115 do 10.14 do; 33 WI. N. U. .1,0 I. I. LOWRY Sugar , 20 bbla No.3WWokatel l 100 has rosin ...ip No. 1 100 do dipped candles 143 do Cinotonau mould do, received on constgument and for itchy sepl4 /3 A W HARCHLIGH 1 UST ittl:l4ll , lhlD—A . Yri - rge and videddidassorUneut I kJ .1 121011,., Caestertercs, Vntings, Cravat*, kre., and for sale by L Wu.taxes,MemunTs , lor, myth . under Monongahela Houw, withhfield et / i l; . Th 'ili tratt 6 ll l) tr UlVFlMlrs.a-: g for sale, tuba ble for &Imola, &e. Enottnaof 1 r...eounnentl to the fan.. , rtur •:111 p.m!, Mt A It •rquatntetl aUh Ne bliA • . . I m rtr,r. I.le. •ml an; •• ne.. and wart. ma/Y.l-1y --•-• "owl 7 canal eufn. Ilbortut_ lALF $161 . 4-.IU dox itenusuiTiOnelCalf tdona, a very fine article. A few dosing Philadelphia Sktns, trout the manufactory of II M Crevrford, to winch du attenuon of boot makers bleed. Just rreetved and for sale by W YOU A. Co, eV 14.1 liberty et AT W. M. hI'CLINTOCK'S , No 73 Fourth street, can be seen • splendid variety of sup Royal Vel. vet and Tapestry Carpets, latest styles. Also, Brus sels, 3 pi), and sup and fine Insrion Carpets, of sup styles and qualities, and in connection can always be found 'rabic Linens, Crashes, Diapers. Laasosalts, lido• rears., Oil Clutha, he. de., to all of which we call the aitenuon of the public ?COT 10 Hi HAVING sold our endre stock to C 11. ligAter, with LI •view to doting our old business, we hereby so licit for him the p•iron•ge of •ll our friends ,•nd coo. tomer. MI W. 1'1)1N DEXTER. Tlll-1. POINDEXTER. l'itwborgh, Aug. 4th. PAS. Nypole h sel l (!z o oceN.o.. Vat.,, ,selo s a L, l l s o nd 1t t :: , ../I. , t n atre . tre tt i n l n r i n . tle t, ra . a . nd s ru ,t aL , end Wittr, have always oil band ft rought Iron el - of Pipe ` for steam, 2., and Waltr, Irma 2 in. to I tn. et diameter. Brats Castings Lnade to order. Also , a large assortment of and finiahed Brass Work to winch the attenuon of Plumbers and Env. Builders Is penreularly directed. (Las Fiturip put up promptly and on reasonable term, 'Beee-dem GREENWOOD GAiii:u --. MI - N : VISITE:KS TO THIS RETREAT ean be furnished with a Laneh at ell hoar* of the day; also, lee Grasso, Fran Confeetierury, An. The *MM. , woo' wood lodes her regular tripssta usual, leaving her Pitt street Linthng et 5 1 A. M., and at half past hrou leneept lit oath WI P. AL—leaving the (Arden at to P U. for her leintAp to the vary. 1111andiiibt vice of the (Auden le indesndifiobk.t. .t6Pe,rinc • 111 15 ' • 1118611tAMOIJ8. rtsZh 411 EPPENOOTT & II&TM. lltees.lricidetri reel . P4":IZAC?ufwH.S or theenti'fire proof tafes, _,,.._ * . ,0 dde, eeeond stisethtnewrcen.Wood uttd ""`."'. /4 . .i.u!Strrith • 5 8 Btrieticrharing deceased t i ".... 5 7Putii, partner Mr. Joe 5 I p,pon&U, gaving s outh =self with Mr. Wm C Barr, the Intainess will)tereager be conducted under the WYIO of TAPP'' con& Bert Tried ors alb In lainelmarha—We e nto un d.ai g n. ed %pm " Pu'attlrmrc of ono of .1 3 Strickler a cw " 1 ' ----9 ~ - C ifeets wins. The sale Wert N e e n alurnyme,tinllm pantie laning, hod subjected l[the intense hdtrdre wom reit] bre for more tgalli t ree Kenn. in one hour and a half the , safe tame_ to Might red , heat; the door of the , furnace vivi then kited, which ceuefd m Increased and weedy bbal rut' t a Minuet o the moo, until the can iron wbeela,...mr. .nran y ,n 3 a 1 t4d oil Me furnace was then thrown down d the safe cooled and opened. The money, nalima nil books which it contained were. perfect ne when 'semi there, the binding only of the hooks being in jured by the water in tooling the , safe. We have on .itation in recomMendingit to the public as • see • naperriorterany'we have aver men totted. and believe that it will stand any heat which might be produced, inept a heat which would melvit to avieltd mats. Springer & Whlrman_, lt Worthington, Kellogg & tonttei 6 l4ent. Krner, xy G l' Breese, Mums Smith , T Dan 'le Clo.lkedmen, Flay and & CZ,' Wet Mum, cad Winston We, the undersigned, selected the safe gpo ken of above, flum'a let to the COTO of Tuber k Anbery. the CU SPRINGER, RELLOGI. Refer to Cook Harris, Brekets,Pittliburchi _ Hussey Hmilta k_Wdo _de ileldkvelyS urrancorr. JOHN D. MCC L 1 111011.1.3. LIPPENCO'rT 6 CO. ATANUFAC URERS of Hammered and Cast Steel Shovels and Spades, Heyd Hatchets, kWh 54 Cut, Circular and the Sawaand Manure Parka, Hoe, Mattock, Picks rte., having completed all their arrangements in the ebnstroctien of new machinery, and in seconng the beat workmen frorn.ae most cele brated establishments of thoEas, are now manufactur ing and will keep co.tantly on hand and for sale .11 the above articles. having availed themselves of the latest onprovemen.. and are determined that In work manship and mcrtal they will not be excelled They promise 10 prod uce art ides equal. II not saperior, to an dist can be had in the Fos . They invite the alien. tit, of dealers to nn erne/coition °libel,' stock bee. purchasing elsewhere, as they are convinced that they will be able to 611 all orders in their line to the end. satisfaction of purelinsers Warehouse, Wales street, 4 doors West Monongahela House, Pittsburgh, Pa. N —Pen. having business with What . LIPP° n coo es son wli ro piens,- cell on Idppeneott h. Cu. osOkily M=2=MMI Pttt.tiurgh Furnita;ia Ware Rooms, IMS=I XA large and splendid aosortmenl of Firror tore. unable for Steambooss,Hor.els and pri ve doer:lrmo, constantly on hand and made to order. • - - . The prow., stock on hand cannot be exceeded by auy menufnctory i the western country. Persona wmhour to purcutur would do well to give me a call, LS I am deterunned my pnce• Purl 04 the stock cons.. at— 511.01 n. with Plush and Hair-clot covers; dor Mahogany :Yorke Chart , : 14 pa, Lavals, 12 dor hot, rhahogrkny rharra Ilmuhogany Work Stanes, 1 dor mahogany Rocklog Chant; IS tnarb.r ton Ilreasing Sumatra; parr tlomana; nuar,os top Work Stam.l., 1. chrrr) Work mtand, hiallor,my. - Map , Cherry and Poplar Bedsteads of Flf itr,rrtptlona and l•gr ,as•or.ein: ci.1.E103 tumour.. and rt.., too nuniOratifi SO Mentl.. mar9tl KM!ZWIMM2=== ~. I i I IMMMMIEM • after pr•pnr r•t•u, cumin ..c • inrgr •getzvoie arueie, 1.10 ‘;1111T. MM=M C.ll•Cer.eie,le awl, nova actin! a. a CO•llletre on •aln mat mg .ort nod •rnnoth Ilr James Andrrsoa, Yrne,, Chen]. o( Massa. ettusrus. says - MI, SDK. )1., /one,. Spmnish I.si Whit. liJd .•rwrxses..-• an- most I...nut:fit and natu• rn.J. and at wr 0100 unte.annweitt %lute I .-ver saw 1 •ertairaT ean yr<rutnsur to u.l •unauttf).t.g " 25 cent. a not So:d ) I . NI JA , KSUIS. -91.At•erty Rt. marl,' • Pitt Machine Work• •nd Foundry. rrreset.r..... r• JoliN ICRII.Irr Co, are prepared to hu.,d and W00.e.. Itrimry oi ever deversption. Imeti • Card..Li Mar, Sptutuag Frames Speeder. Fr..r. -.cal, Heads. arper,Spoo,er.. Dr.,ung F' •. Card “ritwen. hr \ rouri,t In n Shalt.:,tdr.. , cxe..l and ~t agn.• patiern....oe wt.! tw.W Lain, •• t, • • : LO• 1 . 4_•111:, Of every dexenpu,.. I,anng. Na-Inq +te next. FueLorl.. ian , y Cat ..g• . r Warehoute oil :um Km:, I1:4 , ••tor •Co. K Moon-howl & y• NN nro• • I.oln Ir .• • ,!s Son. P nniortglr, t ' k L:tt' ,311 D New Ilardwaire tsi•i• Pm•rotroO Itur ,. •L, T ., an• no4va, a n Ars 1J' „ 1 iotanurr. ot ,al 10 my tro,ola r.••• old coutom to• 1 I a.••. oorro.l Jo) new •wr 14c , oorrnaxed my co y oaf. for a•n an.l to•Or a r• .•• we •41 1.•• ,on•zaro., •upolool r•I 6. HarYt• nre u• a , now., ot 1.• \I u.d au, :.en ek 1.,110 . •... thzo(r• •• f•••••• 1.1..011 •••••• 00.1‘0,11) 1•04,0• ot.0: 1 , 0•••• rt, 111.0 'o[o, ••••••r. 00. hard...Km hu.t. City Ditsverriati tiallery F . PROOF SLINER A I. PAINT— }teem , rd. per steamer Michigan, 6 bbl. Mineral Pat.. The ar ticle t• worthy of the cOloNitlerat os of ail painter. tor it is of a.me color, ar.d ran be added with any other color without changing the .bade Max.:rte.. II .6 n great saving. ludwo uppl ed lo wPoal It wt , l turn the to to a perfect stone surface in the course of 0-0111 c 4 or weeka Also, it a complete fire proof—the nr• stabbar been fully tested fur •Is . enr• by the propne toes before they wo , MI mar It tor Any p,ITOn rells.6l/Ig not Ire dreeivr,l ill the .a4. nrt we A large q quantity will he kept I. band al MI Mlle, at e Irwin übtoer and Ott cloth Depot .1 & II lAA ctl4 Agts for tile coinpunt . No 5 wood .at ji (JUSSELL'S FINE PP:RFUAIERI --Just received It and her sale, wholesale or retail . Autandtne Soap. Iludl out till Soap; A lelloind.. 0.1.1/ Corup'll Us Al Arrow, I W ,transpurmit) Almond Shaving Cream. Rears thl. Bears (Areas, Palm rhututtan Soap; Taylor's Perfume, Cologne, wets, Jenny Llltd Pomade: Arnmplute ark; R SELLERS. NO 57 wood st. MI=VMMI OrrHA,ol;Nit;:..!e:4L.ltot.,EN me I:: w , t11 attend to the treat- Dr It hes Deer engaged to brunch of the mad,- eel profesalon for W., year, and has Carld.lcd eatatatahtnent lor the treatment ol daseeses of the eyr a:one tor sev•ra. an ears. •nd reienca, corner or 9andnalry et and etravrber, airy. Allegheny faty. eetl3 =l=! • 'lll5 la a egrufy that I purr hauul nue vin! of Dr. iloLana'a Worm Spect6g, vone rommaths ago sod so , . to • son ot mine. wale. maven !Al...rook]. two apou..• tun. oho althoughm the amount may appear wig., 0.1 I have nu doubt but there wart upward. or 14 . 0 11, .4ND WOlOO ',mood 11010 h.llOl, Erle*.ttrtitir *Om art• quartet of gm thett to two Inches long. Cs IV 101,1-WAY. Rona* Crook, Carrot co Tenn , Dec V 7, Lest, ishl . eraWRISENDIS SARetikribßlLLA--3n boo of tins J.great soon .d summer medicine, this day ire it sod for sale wholesale and email, by R EfIELLEMS N. ti —As R. It. er a Dr. Townsend s only twin for Pittsburgh. the velum< meth soap always S.M. at No 87 Wood sum.. my' 13 Lirrlla AiND CASSINIRTM 4 -stnith & Johnstes, kd SO Market street, would istloo )ho Maar*, of buyers to their stock or Vrebeh Cloths and Cuicaurresi also, alizarun's fkiney.C.asorwres, Samuel :a Tweeds, .111asta , .191154,Nettgip, a,c. . • • . DRY & VARIETY GOODR. NEW GOODS AT ZERULON iCINSErS, 67 MA-242171.. STREET." A VLNO hut recittied sapplg.of ,Vautty H Trimming. sad Variety Goods, be invites the •aetition of customers to his VerT ertensivu,s lool 4 con isti sng .01 pan of the ColloWing Goods: doz fine steel bend bags; 9 do do velvet do do 5 do do Wetland gilt bead panes: I do finest embroidered tdo 4 do assorted rosewood wort bores; Ido do finest do furnished; Ido do writing desks; Inlaid. Rot Ido do dreatlng ems, I do fine talent Donna wecordeons; do plain do do do common do 1000 bunches steel beads; 40 do assorted steel tassels/ 11 do steel purse tangs; 100 do gilt bends; • 1110 do silver do 12 doz Jean Mane Vannes Cologne; 10 nests back gammon boards, asserted; 40 sena assorted dominos: 3 dos fine card eases, assorted; 12 do glass fancy bop.; 10 gross visiting card*, assorted; IY doz segnr cases, do :6/ do plain and shaded spool twist; 5 do assorted china 'motel ornaments, • t do ivory screw pizi cushions, • do suet do do do Ido wood do do da 9 do plain silk paraea, assorted; do ladies eostlpanlnne. furnished; It do assorted worsted coots: 1 do extra km do do 10 do assorted worsted caps, It do do comforts; do ladies fine zealot ceps; 10(1 do mooned worsted rants; 7do boys do gauers, 3do &o/d bays do cap.; GLoPres AND HOMEY 10 doz ladles fleecy lined silk gloves; ti do gents do do do 55 do fancy top cashmere do 15 do plain do do do 151 do do do 15 do gouts do Herrin lined do • 1.0 do do buck do do • chlldrens stockings, as.rted, 39 do do gloves end 02010111. assorted; 21 do ladies blk mohniere hose, do tkt do do and gents kid gloves do, cheap; 25 do mew coarse yarn do do 1.1 do do do mum. do it do boy. do do do 04 do cluldrens Oilcan and Albert boots; do fine zephyr open worked do TRINI3CINGS N pieces ilk embroidery gimp 15 do do plain do In do cold embrotdery do Yes do plain do do Ii do blk mohair fringe, 15 do cord do do 50 do Id k cut stle do. all tutees, A very exteincre assortment o( colors of all widths and prices. 40 401.15 graduated fanny bun°ns for dresses; 100 do plain do do do 500 gross no'd col'. silk do do RP dot Indies cloak tassels, ased eol's and blk IY do cents do do 40 gross common gilt buttons; 30 do fine do do, assorted; 12 oleors heavy cloth &mg., do VA 111 KTY GOODS. 700 lbs cola end worsted Asia cotton; 1191 do 'Finley'. patrol thread; 65 do common do do 1,0011100 percussion caps, at all prices, lid parks American pins, need No 4. Itki don "Tally fin" razors. warranted. II ff., assorted lather brush.. 50 dos hut do do tooth do, ...toned, .30 do razor strop., 30 do cotton garters: 5 do fine elastic silk; 10 do do do kid; With a Lite ..runeatot eve." thong to the variety line IF.WELRY Heir ring, hng•r nng, breast pins. nniniaiora eases, gold chains and gold watches in every variety. erila FRESH FALL GOODS YEP . nettle reerl red and n ow opening at ALIEXAN- P,l DKR A. DA% 'S. No 75 Varket street. northwest I. 1( the Diamond, a vrry large nod splendid stock of rah illd Dr) 1;ood•. In rvtorh they would re speetfol, Invite !he attention orthe public It 'morel! Snown m •Itnort every one Hutt the present si•ason t• • aa• .:taaagu.•l"..: ior a• ;ow prlees of Dry Goods., and a affordt a* great Neusure ,etog able to stile that mg.?, to , a.tr erra: far.hae• for that purpose. tone or the ii , ol resoling we hove been 0n0,1,1 ,1,1 to parch... our pre arlo 'OK kat considerable reunr,on trout u•uni market ran, cheap is they are and, we are olerc:ore runi.ied to .cli xi coetexpon• wen Once§ We would !here 'Ore e eash I,uver• by whole•we or relon. lo elve n• • ewl Ann out lhelr meow: to Lein heal ad v....ate Toe I.ndle. •hould en'i soot r.rrono, our rtoec of Pr on.. iii11,1:1111• oe (nders, Contoneres, Alpaca., Nlenons : Itorrort,ne, raid, and yarn... other •:. a.nlonn'or Dres.lioodh of rrtneh erethare • or, hoo nontorttnern. incdudlng ever/ dosertptrou thou. gouda 411 the rn•rket t•Ltfr lIS AM) CAC , SINIERKS—To Om gentlemen we would recommend our cock of aqrer French C;oths tc.l Enctal, Frelit6 and American Curimerek OUR t•croc . K t rF SF{ AN I+ i• very large, embra ong etinoc ever , amel,' 01 4tylr end quatt ry s.k rrl c which we have an excellent at, .orncellt, and c cul:tue• . • • • . FLA \ Red. white mild Funnel. of an quaint.. and once, TicKiN,:s AND Cillt":irh—A superior assortment 0! The:kings 01 0.! erailm. sod Shining Checkain great 11141ACIIED NICS , LINS—Ertibes •nmst evrt) ed...• n roort o: the above good.. in. , udmp Shre,.., of a.l ve1.10.4 A fine anek of ' , MITI Ve.itnek. Silk nod Cot- VrA.e... no:. ligurrd, Kentucky Jeans. • xl.l p ant and iane, figurod GLanking and nO L;And Qnbirnc3ed fst,,a wafer. . . _ , utn .ncen and unbleached Table ,nltic Wear,. and on. eached Canton llannela, eo: d tionne, and Bonttnt Rttson, •rld Cord •it, raN ,eart• and cravat, Gio‘ea and Hasler) Li: ' z.nd, Irlsh L‘nen, Linen Lawn. I 11.1 c. St'k Irk Late Vrils, Love do ard flura,x and Sento!, MAN, r•• 11. I.4nen. t ptalq.triped and ,arrrd Jaronein, Cam t.ne and ,rei•• Vwtortn LavenA, tirado Barc kr, &c. Me, nen, el's fin thepurpone o( laying ssoa ,pry 111,1 In 411 • en::. 04 on r ,nod. and t...• sit , n• enogot their pix-r.o, Al.k..X AN DEN & DAY. v.r. 75 rna,..; N 'Almond The Yew Golden Bee Hive Ain .Vror Pall a n.d IPum• Dry Goo*. usT r•c•ived •nd now nonning. Me Mtn 0: OA 1110 Bk.. on Mar let •rvet, ...v., Third and L. thc , hrapedi and he, •••."ned •hn,,, di ra': and W.,' Dr, t•oori1 ever nt- . . !seed tn rtttslturst.oottch the atteotton of our hu• merou• customers stott the rothbe o , ' , Votet• I..tts invtlett as the st.bserltter to I'olltid,. 1.1 he cart flier sues, hasKattts I t; Dr) Lsooalt a cana. be sur• passed booto totter tool•e the t'S, As the guruis hsve Itt,th putehased at Okra fat ttetoot those of lormer they ottll be sold st ere st.y red...sot rates. Among Mu , large and splendid Mock will be Coutod many choice and timoratoo plods at ratrerbely low . - Veer rich and muei fashiononle dress silts: pled end +trines' War k satin, striped plaid silks. piiin black very Kione, e..ro treed p 1111 black 11011 las tridg, sill( for vitctirt,lnanti. , as and capes al very low price, newest dergits d Hirst slyics cuillincrts; and s.,in •:r;peol en•tinirre. very cheap; Preach merino coinr• ole pia. and figuredand satin striped. at creat reduelimi en ram, prices; Oils. Ca,. ifortota and cashmere poside, mo.lair end MotiiereY pdods. ad quadues. mpisecas. at yaaltiles road colors. twin 121 to 75 celipi per yard 111 A W Sly!, W Fine raahmrro, terkerl. , and broche shawia Mack rtnbroldarcd clahrtirro amide :a•nr shawls. Fly r. ' llbbri a id de lame do Fon, I,,ac 1, J.: cworrd cloth do iong, very cheap do Hain and plod hilt. c•hrop do A low lot plaid Iplonkrt nhowl• :rpm 75 00051 to CI PRICES Good dark cal.. from .I to d em yer yard; 13,41 quality dark calico Iron, a to to can ♦, Yard nada purple do. 12i Ma; Good yard wale bleached muslin 4 to di, Red nektop and check, rdl prices, ankets, trout roarse to best quality, very ("heap. A Inn assortment of red, white and y ellow 'emote's; Sanetts. Kentucky Jeans, keneyet, Unsay, etc. etc. etc. all of wh,rh lv be sold at roducaLrates, at :No 0:4 Market st. sep•4o WM. L EILLSIELL FALL GOODS L s i t .' n ' 7l t s 'C o Ftll.4 n lW(T. o t y • " c e d e m iv p i n g ePo7 one s fah: of the large assortments ever hrtiogid 10110 mar. I het which have been pore hawed direct from the len. porters end NlAndincturers of the latest and newest st ) :ea and iower plea man ever oared Dais eat), io which he Invites the tattention of those wish* to turoish ~,mbont. Or houses, hefure purchiMidg else . whrry• The stocii C0.1.1Al• part of the ibllowing varzely, v‘s. ISn , . 1 / 4. tryntnist Carpels, Oriental Tapestry Oil Cloth 1111=26121 do Tapestry do 23 feet wale du Itrus.el• 7.1 6-1. 3-4 1 eloth super 1 ply do Statr Rods and 2-1 Druggeit du Stair Liar Ittioewatal Otl cloy s ul 1 do lingrult V. de du MIME= MOM 4.4, 3.4 h I Datna , 4 flret•o..ed Pionn coven V... 1,11,40 Jo Teb.e do 4-4, 3-4 h I twt'd do do Ft./11,d Table Oil Cloths 1-I :1-4 A: 1 p.m do do Turkey Red Tutlettett 1.4. i. I, cut. du Addhud Istos • 4 prl,,t , ,lrottosa Carpet.. Sheri, sklit do Extra *op Cherolle hoe do do do Tohed lit/ A lit". do Flue do do Manilla Donut 11'lltort du do 9nOW drop Napkins Coluson l)iuper Towelling Plato dorash Drab t• Cloth -.4 and 04 Table Lanens. Blue do. for coach un'as. Truant'. 51 IllalOW :Unties Cup., Htudings Lra French du do D,"ost'd cools Rich Sa•trt do [Alines for do Tasselsusiollow carat/Ina Scarlet. blue, cruuson. black rod. drab Damasks, figured rainbow Damask u worsted and linen Table colil . floi blue, crimson, scarlet- groan, drab and block Ilureenst cotton 'lushes of all colors, h.c. he. tic. Also. Ositelturgs mlll Drtllittgs far meambow deco. and a.. 1 other tom/macs tlecttssaty for outfit. for boats our tote, to whirls the espacial stsnottott ot owners Is 'unto& W SI'CLINTUCK'S Carpet Wareroona, one door from Wood, on Fourth .p• 23 CARPETING, i 311.7 M'CLINT()cii:S CARPET STORE, M=== () orual mrahues from Oro wort approved mandlactorios, Mal hove Leto reeled Cox aerated.) el (shoe and tn. Tapestry Velvet Carvetug; do Bstticl. do Bros.& carpeunT, Flatra takmulle.aagg Extra sop 3 ply do Toiled Sup Ingram ,do Wilton do !rune do . do Onuses d o Coltman do do Manufactured to order In nee paluemn adapted:parlors, basement. and. chambers. - Painted Oil Cloths, for dialog =MM., rft o pr VM‘ti - Coley anclusals,dtc. strew mdt Stair Ruda,' Witialls• Shades Inds ogle,' and:Woollen Seekink, fccrAwitidyd yOds wide. Doer S..C.:b.k.'W . '*hlyWll4,44;;;„ ttd bf purehasin 1010111illidUCIVig. TetPlet• Ildlt Melted. Mi t aterumionidoartatut ' suet* • • MPITIANTQCS 4ffigglitiMl)l3% A (W. 4)AVAINIVP 31:4171'101 ,Grad 41.304 G.'os4llPale•i/BigIarILMINIUREMINO e... lo 4 ,Pol4, i_Q e 4te.#44landottkar,px kits is the onlY insfiehtent - iirthe kind thitt lN TP " twatsprolcateddriddrethomg autzpe GtraWant .4 , P. r i.” .. 5iV . , 1 :44.041Y ever known's', maxi, by,wbich the e eiLabe edbreyelhe mat eye, she earalle twalsami Ilian'italtanblaheal either extemailk. eaketegehlJyt POL,Ift!:B stream, seilstakillitoett 'or wo—irith perfect seamy— .."LPftf""l,ehlgllnalls laPglalr de..o . f, aut . imparted! appentas rinv Idie; toted trymenrdf the- entmfatt Mitre try and tMarmes tOmblen tbesdflictedeadalbelfel4loollwf d hay concert haft he referred Reference WM &PO , I,,,!gtestete may blthlytwitteutablecidtfiniatitifiabu,- been cored by means of this mom valuable apparamw e me of the most invetera dittortzawlW thot be nanared (OM intran ratiogusetherylt • Ilebberashalh ably *4lOO f. the outs Ithr=dlistaißmiu it riervotiiteesledhe E/ other ClinaxeSoNs'en#l44 It s with thor.appMettneafehe VIM; the bbera r eeaehhvpy the enreetic fluid with ease arid anttetike".. eye, m restore mplitieregresotturosam talhafearibi minors hearld,UW,lde nape andourne orinnekt4 in mu atan 014,Tne4WPM,Wer e t a hadri i i 4 eve (Oh sure of !Wreak rheumetlus, made; nearalinp.Ar t io dpipareur, paralysis, or palsy, pat, chorea-of-RC" Itdance, epileeet,,wvfnalMtm.fibm finalmslehetted dater.. peculiar t9•reales,.haritnetion tbe Ipnhy loeinavv, ett, • ' • • • . B ad ia gi to for alrrlaiudi ,,, mcourre es[ t Ype u tagn , Me • =l:4levoint e caZalLet m !' Fall instnictione will be men for *evades's. ebetalu, eels to he end Tor rations diseases, and the best man nor for operating for assents or tbosediseame so be fully explsined b the sad apsnoptdot pot Into his bands expressly for these porpoae., eefg billy prepared by the 'oakum. ' Enquire - 0r octl3dLY WILlelllll9, Vineut, Plosimigh. NEW altrivicti estimates latesevab stabowerh. ' • • ' TORN H. MELLOR, No 61• Weed street, is rbeLir. , tp wrens tor Cerkian's Patent Melodeon, a mewl , . , s pell Instrument, execcdmilly, svell .adepreql,a, , sfpall cenrebes or family worstop. Per the benefit of Mem seiddimwar irdhrtance, and elansequently unable, ta tutwt..tge ratql9des bearer , phrchaslnt, the follow* description I. given: • Th e cp.. are nuadea mosemsee,• and are ar hised.'• openly Brushed av Pi.° FRIED. ,Tho..kpvlvas4. precisely the same as the plant ororgitui, add the rpm ebta ran beeurtalb) efeenny rementbies t au , the e slope ism own. The inmsamens cms he lies...chately unade portable withotp deplichinwany,pub receal4 tato dm blody of thW in.tralV the log, folding ander, leasiiir the - whole frt . aho dine. Fretp•Mnrument - hiss I paetlew:emei *hole when packed weighs only 46 pounds. newel- - tone atone is efical to On t t,- 0 /7 As_ „rs4ad'aq means oral,' swell may be oaciissect or uumonmea. sr. slteuure; 'it ls sufficiently loud - orsquill churches, extd. well calertilared tors parlor leentimemb" hen received, a spy of Me above: pride, with ea. and lesno.“.. Rtml4l4o. mid item - ers/ble liflterrlng Crooki POR PUSLIFYWO Whiehr modem turbid warm patbr removremoving enlists/teapot/I winkle Pa. ing _Tehe CZOta_ILPIItW Pi.,Yorkv. - g'ftz• tett,°,3ll:EVl • filutringeock. sheers Plarge Now • impute mthatanisea worms, iso.• -This is the ease more or lass with all blare= water, The Reversible illterer is neat sad dpmble, apti ta not attended with the Inconvenience Itteidenito Othai - Filterers, as it is clewed Without being detached Roil the water pipe, by merely torning the key or handle (r®a sWe to the other $p Una easy proem s -Am , w o of wale, 5.1211.11.ged t .4 ail IleCtlallayt6.l./g impure substances ore driven of almost ingtanlly, without unscrewing the Ritter, It Also poWeasiter Che advantage of being a stop cock, sad.. such in many, eases will be very eonvenlerif and economical. It can be ausehed where there la any pressure hlgh• or low to aeask, tank, tab, he. with ease. To be but of the sole Agent, AV: trON, 00117 comer of Fourth and Marken sta -- - - - Diaphragm:. Filter, for Hydra:at Waitai. *II" THIS D. to cently. that I heresy pointed Ltvlgston, Roggen Sole Siena (be Me sale of Jening't Patent Diapraligm Filter. Insthire. ues of Piltaburgnand M/r...gtteng. JOHN GIBSON, magi, for Walter 31Gibuyn, 319 BrOadvray,. N. Y. .. treL 10. lEthe We have been alma one arise above articles at Abe °Mee of the Novelty Worka fisr three mouth; on trial s end feet perfectly mooned that it is a awful /11IPOIltinat u 1111 are take pleasure In recommending them as 4 use, fel artiele to nil .. I. lore pine venter Orders will be thankfully received and pmorntly executed. .119 LIVINGS TON. ROGGEN & Co PITTSEIITR(aII PENALK rNsTrrvviei. tlitllS Institution, under the care et 91r. and Kra. 1 Utetuottn. veld "-open for the treepturn of prods, ot the same Loath/to, No. Ix:Liberty street, on the Lai Nlonday of September. . .. Arrangements have . been made tii- whieh they wilt he ;able to Cornish young Istlies fact itie. equal to thy in me tt emt, lot unison/tor a thorough ' , hagfish. Cassel• eat. and Ornamental ethiewbon. A full/ comae of Phi. Itsopiocat and Chernacal Lector-ea 0111 be del lictityll ddring the winter. b.ustrated by apparatus. d' - ca of Vocal and Instrumental tootle. rn Laitguages. Drawing and Punting, wide each ho c the care of a competent Professor Hy lose att noon or the moral and intellee trust improvement of ilt tr caw ply., the Principe.* hope to merit a continuation ca( rim tecal patronage they have hitherto en:eyed. 'Poi ..1:,..1. terms. see etreular r aappiy to the Prtneipals. an,..-dtf , T D 3101:15-TTPACTtifilfaill. IHAVE nano which mono, basalt/lunged, for the as. tablleemeilt of ntanufactortes Of Wool, tdatton, lowa. ,:asv or Inv colter hu.bteas requiring row! h is ad iotalog nay team - Harlem," on the-Mobooralaslacavevi three is erected ou the lot a large Enabling, iu which Is erected a steam engine 01'15 inch cylinder, three hooters. .4e, a saw hull. and a small mare! Mili Mabel. th elan'ay from my n a: al mute passe. within a few invoe pers wishing to engage in mann fueturing, to viwt the place and eutanstrin As advanta ge. I wilt se.: oat a , ow rate, or ifsuilablz partners would offer. would be willing to put the property in is stock to some aoint concern. If further inforxentionia des.red by any one. it may be had byapplylng to All non. Ti. it listed. Jr at Harlem. tot IV Patterion, Woodstreet, Pt.tehurch, or to psoil, in the largo brica budding called - The Roun d Corner." Washing ! ton. Pn. uovV-dla 11 wit Tl{ BAIRD. _ ... GREAT WESTERN AIMLE,HAILNhAS, TRUNK AND WHIP MAR- C, CTORY —The subscrther takes dos mental of Informing his friends and the public in general that ne hat the largest .to-k of the following named aril es of his ON, manufacture in Chi. cite—Saddles, Hal neut. Trunks and Wrong all or wnieh he will warrant he made of the best material aas by the boat mach in Allegheny county Bseing determined heel= ais manufacture* somethmg lower then has been :more sold by any similar eittaldishment to the toy. wouid invite. 'tenons id need or the toiove named ntneten to hu evatenOn•e, No 0.14 Lilian,. eaten. <ION , site aevent.p. Also. nu nd• tutu!, to otaler,lol . machine oetihsty 0 KERBY. Cooper Duplex end Le ver at,e,ll.o% lt ar re d f itaatii ' a r e 7' t7. ' C ' tpe 'a r r :tl ' Mal t 'v rpe ' g a ' i n r ? t. Uray's init. Road London,' plea and Patent Leen, Watches, eased In la karat cold. and tall Jeweled, retch Chronomenr These are no,. the finest watches made, being lumen or in fount sod accuracy to the hi...1-Tutees. lamp:, Johinson, or any other make. Th.< in want of. rosy fine watch are invited to cell end examine this lilt Also, • taiga assortment of Gold and Silver Watches. Chains. seeds. Keys, Ac Ftne IVatchee repaired in the best manner W. W. WLLIION, ortist corned It and Market au. iA NTEION'S X ENCYPHUN'S MEXIORAtIIiaI&- Xenophon'. Memorabilia of 'Mentzer., iamb Eng• note, critical arid explamln&Y. the pf.D`gc.cda or Kuhrier, Wigger'il Life of bncrybbb aib r by cbcirice &whoa. L L D Prolnewr of We Greek and Latin lan , ...ID , . C01t... C.P.A., New York. and Re or Of trtc urammar School. Jura teed rbbil for able. by .101•OrrO:g & STOCKTIOg, • ocr&I Boot taller, cocad and Marla& rita . • •• • - 1300 K KEEPING, PENMANSHIP, PHONOGRA PHY, ac.—H. Wu.saams has opened a , Night School in his school room, corner of 4th =1 Perry., entrance ou Fourth. where he Mil ha happy to MUMn instruction in the kris of Reading, Penamustup, Ana met., Book Keeping, Phonography, &c. octs-drm TEAM BOAT CLOCKS--linvutg coueluded to sell our enure stock of Kirke 's Maritsa Timepieces, we how offer to sell them Is lower prices than they rho be bought at any house to Pittateargnor elsewhere. east or west Being the only established agents bore (or these clocks, we have the forges and firms mason ment m the city. Coil sod me. Remember, we arc not to be undersold. ITLAKE A CO." Market street, 0et..10 eliWltnet, cel. north side of the Diamond DATENT SOLAR LARD LAMPS—An extenalee asvortraent of Corned. & Op 4 celebrated mana• facture, andsuperior to all others in tuica adapted to church.. steamboats: factories, dwellings, public. and private halls, and to ail other 0.0. where a cheap, We and brallautt fight 111 deadolde. Abro,4orondolea.ll•L Leanterna,Candelnlow,Globea, Shades, Wieks, Cain..., Cana, Till - amen, Le Al.. Gal Chandeliers, trona one to four Habra. °obi , . W W WIL.sON, 46 market at Sea/es, Cowl/Ina iitovei, Crater, Itet MAIinIHALL, WAL:AGE &CO., Bound Worth. mot Liberty and Wondstreet., manufacture, and oder for sale Platform, Floor and tlcruntoznePles of the most improved quality . , Cooking Slave!, fin wood and coal; F.gg Stoves of various sues, Porker - 9n/ co Ont.., /follow Ware, oto. Titeieilso manufacture the Kitchen Range. which ham gtransach gr. tleral satisfaction to Wow: havingn no tow, w r ail u which they would respectfully invite the &Lannon of the ritILLIVI and the public generally. oval-4f Watahaum, Jewelry, to. ~ , ORNSII or Al slaw /an For gra statis t PlTina:4on TUE nisi:cc:we has returned f rom the Finn; and i • now opettioti a large and earafolly aolketwrikliack ot (roods in his line Grateful (or past titsenaL Oboe. age, he hopes to morn a cOnlottanna - thereat, tir. dth. gencetn business, and keeping the ,4e.; masonwget, and In the mo.t reasonable priena riend - a, Owlipm era, told We pub.:. generally — porncolorly Winufners e tet ung the city mom a 41 4.411.5, are minted to cab •nd examine my large Mock of goods. 04:02.9 W. W. WILSON Ai oNDERFLIL Allll,l VAL.—Da. Totscassasi. Os • • Y V sarsatu.s.---4,500 bottles of llos freest Talf and won. ISITO21611115: jess•reeervad and for We [tisk F.- StILL.ERS, Soie Agent .rot ,P,ittsbutgh, co( hor e nsh 7saint artiste eat, be had: ''• - 1 h t f ..Lb'r 1; g " Ov f ELA ofrPaAWO do do Leggings, of 4, dderont kinds, 10 do store y 9 do Capes, With and arithdot sleeves; Jost steered Excleu =afar salerveholesate and ratail 4 n ONO.. st- We wish it to be understood 0144 pßeitas• ees ore baling from 8m hinds, that bat St the lads. HuGhor .Desest, No S 'Wood west. • oectS gUP,4'.g.B . , A I t9'. 121"18,.1,u4=8„V ath, l._2M. HPayslestlEftarlaiN Mamma Voica,, as tarrd, 41,9uPati 115Mia5a04411440.947 °( rnan's Optical Cadmic:awn, sae substance of hi: lectures or, rim ancrsesenbreets recently delivered 111 this city. Fot.iibis by _ =ea • • • • - IN, AN ED; PERWItt MW totintll lobiltioalifoted tha bo,sloom, to, mks w,tatttr u l u t b ittyr p. tt 'mot ,to be loc wood as Ilta - Paiat4t6 ;4 at . blitetiatrPfteutithay Italsta' Tt , tt.'tt" • 'OW-YARN, it-, , PAC , lb* CPPL.Y.Any as nuidbani Wei Math* eki Caudle Wielsibnialcarlowst iscan.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers