. • ,-. - ..E.„..::i.,..::...,:i...t,:.;......... . . . . . .. . . _. . . 1P , 4 •••' • - , . . • . . .• • ' _ . •• ; • •• . , ?! , 7..._ --.41...t.•••••!.;.1 .-..'4-........- - ••••••.- - -;.............. , ~ ~---- ,----••-- • • ~.., • •••-•-•- • -, - , - - -- - - •, - -, - "+•, -- - - r - - --••---- •, - -------o , •* -••, --•-•..--•• - --, - - - - b - • 0 O. - - , ..i:i t *l' If..l.'''- ' :- * , - ' ---_--,.. , 1,.:1-,; ~ , ,,,1•::,---, ' •, - , ' - '' - . ....____l• - ~ 6 1 * 9 1 4''' - 1 . , , *. ~ , ..r, , , • .. , - e . {.' . I la • • - . .....1 • -,y,,, ,. 1 ..... i . ~...• ... ~,. ~,,, 1.. s , ~ %.., . , !,..' MI 11 f . ' ' . f I' , 7. - , I '''' ' i . ',... ' . .. ' 4. '' . 1 •t r . .. .. , 11 . . . ' . ' ' ".. - ' , t, : : -': tli ' - •• ' -•••••• • • ...“ ;...,..:', ..' - . - lll , . PT 4 • . U 3 .11;:4-cari.3'd. 'ESTABLISHED BUSINESS " CAM 'lwardbiir .7derelead, IMO returned to 1" old - ; 7sidA - Witor sod Floatrusobv,Timborgh. • , : .AAA :IRSIKEISCE-11r u a atevii . ', Lad it em uji m e. & ei&L att4lll 3 MS' -00111CrigUbatIMI 7.-- . . • • : . l aawrr Wholesale Grocess, AndOolandaslon telzrehanthlta, 144 Libaygs, .A.-IithiGNESTXX.t Co,i, Whole a 1 sad. R. -tall-Diaggiusieornm..Wood and 4lh su.' jpt :JDACiALEY3 MPH, a Groarts,ilfl and juk PRxml End Pine:atilt./ •'Afi z!.6,IIkANUM 4:04, t{iniarams ceir: C . 1111161IINZWAS21240192)/'Fittib,11406r _tissasler, °Tows, dui mitt Troancei sad flaaafaaucras, cor• anAhersty.aad Mad KU, Pinsbargh, .. tabi7 11111012/A. - - 7i1611 I. mama% ' Aer ,=IIONGLISII Wzancirrr ol i c m .L,, w n y gqctinuslesile G and ' Dlclehaalaigind ' ill . Prodaes tr• bier& 1.110rp,8a.1 7 ' W au, be v.. LEM" - mama Inm. IE RIMY .C 0.,„ •• • hula Grocer. sad x,,Callphissioa Marchaata; • MOMS tar ...M3 O * 4OB Y•insinr. wash . inanity, Pin: • 7•V r ALtAtiialial; Lana &. • . nausea Ifthest , rita - Tittditar l ed copper Ursa, BOW 00C11tiat 'and Fireardwit " m r WART Burs tyr,wine Red Lead flairei,ffidna and cd_ Metell?aet,,,earter: ib: azuSAYHara ate., PM/Ulan' iells -mot man . DUNCAN. 'FOBBwarThzgfitii6l.4ixriviiant and Comic. amlderoujuns, N 0.37 Ftrit suety Pittatollab. • ' 'via= DTCL¢V . '' i! sow non" an, 1 Dicigir* - 064 mile Groceni,Cnnt• 6. - .. : =Ketettttsiva " l a' Pro ll ol. s6 ' . watet,latt mynas nnon anreu ' - ''neve • 7 TOllltilatiitaKAitornery 0ann0n.....L., , •', itp and Commissioner for te of Pennsylvania ;1:n.L001 2,1, Ns illoaCil", : MPAiii n •" t ie j r z di rr=ii , - tamtle, -.I 011 l am tt"i4wEa" 4 ` - 4 4 5 1 . 1 4, 4 s 6 le , POO. 4 E.* , Ilitty ...-i.. UN SCOTT & Ca, WOlessle Grams, Ftiniani , Jocund. Coannisannu§Depers in . Pro- Er to -;•'• ; sad latmli gasbuntit rti, . -4,41x4ANE5.11 ea rileOVEßßdlntnekthet krmch uteorAlposnd ~, illoGiutllirnbant Tail., tt. s Baildints, s&t • ~ '' winvir• , Pittstqgh• • •. . - Bum merrabszd Matra =.4a• 77 . : D4flXßCiAlfaTholoolloideol . . a , bx Daattarheauth. o 4 11 N O •93 ood Meet, cowdoor Soak of IXattood T49A33./1111,t0--!3e-40fteoteof et Aim& o. ; la Kola )31alas, litallostg I •.jej.,:_j • JOHN Grza,Casomalan .11 " . etl 7th a. • • at . Ma ANEaII&LZEU‘ WWI - .33.erokans,iszta desks in N 0.3111 Water rIER4 JONElS.Forwartag • dlt:s in'Produes lirtuntyllislirate • • eoritte. 7-T•ZW111-1111,17lux-a"Ce.; of ana • t tietuer;Wiste4l3bilarlran Mule of the beet texOteigettihottee,tticetzter . IX6 totem. _ . IrsmaceeMANONls:44l. Grow, 'extra- . : ' - 34'l Llm: C" , skm an 4 Me - • . I Diner um. 2LlVevii At, CrEnastiM , .. ---1-,402 .. Mni . =, riiiiteGligstmoral , ma Coasintasum" - dealerr to ata riaannt , , Nos. Capella -, liirsall 10.; MAMA. ,- ' • —— - . **MD , 4. Caoixidssion.Jkter . e24 teryl Pla irval Phis' lCestroni= g 4 .. , . 4GILL ' I ' arc h * Ito. WM • sad Pomading 4,'" . 1 1 Fr"1-111" -I*l=lsl=3" BlatrßilN, Greeers and Ceteccesikm AlezebiaWriearki. Piths. ILL 1101,111103 ISON, No; NI Mongol .L, owed door from elenlee ;of •Foorga, denim An Foreign ; , • •DoamUO 811lsistEleban6e,ipenOseieoacDepos7 • it, Blink Noon and Bpoino. •i • • - Coneetions• curd on all nue genii*. ening' •;•••:, nor Visited States.- . deel7 0 °ORE,' ,Wholesel Grocer; g. • • aniner,:iforibertirProdoe • Pi:mbar& _•;_; mo, , arni- - of Foreign • Daman: Wines •• And g•lgnoeN ?he ilt•Litienr_ • - . ego bud 11 Vert SlDer of , soperioring' • •• • • • whiskay, Übleb will be sally. , for Oath: •. • • rifilkag • . - FOreg f wd Armenia:.. :, z .v4 - giorriernes'and of nil iiiiisenttionor No. MWood a.; plwbarib, app . .tCILAUD Noo n BAHDI Desna in • Jar Umber, Bkmmtak , a Find. ;TaanmY and Conroe and Trusansr, (I mestadC 1 , 1: rl° 3 t `i"Oas"" , NaNO r .ctsiozEu.ir. ao., •• . • AnStars, • and:Forwardlait Mmr.- des/an Mdsiesiusit-Iliabartti ainvfactAxes, Wati irsnon"*, • - iia tt ii = l 117 13"& f= zsd4 de* natal, MAILIMICAM:II gad Wands of \ . - i. t i a ; task • • 'SISAL as. ri' & ZWlTZ ... 2sle■end iterrilDealai . Artlelax, • 411111attin 4oar dove WWI at,at , nith• D: ';''''-'! ,,,,,, :•r , 1 WEI • ' s; c. lIACILIIISCrAk_.! ! , 121:Pki,W112131.. .. ILIMIZETr 4. 7 :* . !'Muda , , Vedas In simpnateirno Dry ononnNzliOpiroodst. • k .W.. filtia/M7611,(W001i gessbungi Dealers s in Matz andProdaeo pantialy,tnaperwiudlng . mi CoanglB4an Minvilausa. , N, 63 Widest, fin& • '-i :qq rann.' v. ,• NICOLO, frxtuce :04maral Cow MOVehantil No. / 7 /1,14717 q, /4111b174116 VON: NNHORITT Wbo trm Fanni ad lktLte Jl'l4lloolo sad Warta= - • Iskolltavo moavad to thou' tieror old goad) usimelerrinciti.vidauummund. f'i'! `~• —ra MOM WitoWale Woceas attclCoau ram Menke:a% - dr4len, Prooltpa. ,110.35 Atg" aiet. of —ASur / wut tz„,..,..d., • • • WIC% & (=desOW an d •• VI OigiukA,Whaleallu gisnesss, - F ,:ensihwunilunharns,.dealers $n butts i Ziae ur .. , :taus& Yarns, and Pittsburgh lisirnfacurres r•nr7 grommisCirroad sud Warps , rutass,•Piusbunt • • Iderthant, da . Fond betweei Wood ami WWilatltANDMealar,la Fancy Stu* Dry 907e . h01ct,791,411kg street, Iriniftirb• T f .W.VnU 3 ON Dealer to Watche. Jereby, 811 ToVilutriraituy Goods, ac, No. 7 Mtt- , •• ' 'HY Wbolesala entlietall deltas • sad INT Good', north vac- WM, tyOugaico;.l,4ll,o. 71= ,1 1 0. /AIMS. • • pon.s:ly .. • , BF i LIs ~ REVrat i lnelsialgr . Graests; -• • • also • ••• run • tßada Askand B 1 1110ISS S. Ml= Weems and Asmar 111 .‘ ,02 "1 4 , 4 4 cm, Nybeaur ~ ~. 2 MACON au , Mit,tith Mae -;-' ' •' dasters la Oils, lictaators, a, • 434 . 4 - , turaard•*„. Woman halVe. it."7,Taser nu: Mini moment °Ciro& in , c _., out , eat Ciliary ±,allalaittsbunlth -: - is2mrr.e.gistmaze., wtioupae oloceis, -.'Seettrying DloOl.Wro, sod Who , and •—* alma". . Also, Importers of Sala tah sod Ms_ oc,. Pio:lOOLOltlyottoot, PA. T. 4 .1 • i 786: . n d Apottmearh 4°N-T. 14 - 71 - 181211 ";unavot Third st. Firm 45 Mete! ale 1/4'14 dwr”bb leit ..I.mml at mill have emistlin=p__,„, tdch h. solfutirin ellkm. Om oad..l*.th t Ble.c W - T.,,ete t ze wilt MU' on" 0.... most. " le term, ita.s ,FL.n.diug w i th oe uuperNitiatt. ... e ,,, a po z y avende bt.r. d e.i....... to n , u su i:, l i d y. .: 4 07PliPicrimasPr.0 i . i,, ,a 0 . 1., at any hem of tirmumrepared [rem the , "Alee fo a git t 'it targe — Mcmief ttrah and goodiProld- . 11 Finmlo"lVlN E VlV b h i aT dpened the 1.., e mbh, t et, remning through ■ P to seemed at, hemmed Wood and Smithfield eta, in the rev of Ms Blehongabela limme, with On eutTaj dowisteek of Hotsei and Carriages of the boot quality and latest styles. Horses kept at live n' in the best •' wo, ON POW/T. • WILK= . C ° Vaultsi•Tecelt,..i n icad Burnes, Mantel Pieces, Ccr tre end tcps of Pireigpi 'and domestic mubto, • molar and her price. - • . ~.. 13.—Disering• formonnements, tee. tranieh pd, or any 4•l2riptimt.. He toile-its a Wilma of public piirronaga TIMM Manniketurer of Cotton and colored Linenirringes dir Drewes,de • Sewing mint colored Conon Pnttgeti for silk .od "ginshom Pineal. Gimp, Mohair and Silk Bullion Fnages, dirednto order on the sheviestitice. _Osoweornet of Malden Lan vadWilUern,entranbe No GS Williant.street, third r, aver Abner d Flys , stose,No.Gd Maiden Lam New York' -to 110211111 - 191P/IXIX, JOICC.FOCEII, TWA. EUNOILI4J. .11606 rocitah iIIUXIIOI4 JaXl3l I. 11A/CL . . NIP EGRASOC GLASS WORKS. QUIPSONLLP.AKE, MANORS ft Co., maetufnette 0 :rem of. VislA•Goixtes, and Wthdnes Glass, keep monstantty an Smut le general assortment of the tdmive Ardtdeth. ASIA- coake , to.terdee • strparior med:l)of Mam saseoda a-Watertlettlesi of colored glue. 0. .10Koodat, Pittsbe a, 1 • - RICIWARCY T.7LpEcH, JR., ZIPCPOZI2I.4IIO DLLII Saddlers' Ironmongery,latass and . Coad Mou, Hear Hair, Varnish, &a. Um" WI. N 02133 WOOD ST. PTTDOIDDOII. • P.ZILES. TEA" STOVE.—No. 72 Fourth at, near Wood—All quantities of Green and 'Black. Teas; done up in quarter, half, and ;417°' 3"a1.1-gA:t.lr 4 i 1 P:lltu Wa 9' e::tr d SY A. 4 lEhtigneaue glpthtf t etzte, Steel, and Iron • riOLENIAPI,P • I & Crs,,snanufaentrars •of IL! Coach and : Eliplia • Springs, .ilarnmentd nxlea, "ZEZ,Lndaarh'Sr4e,,,,lt:htblithat Warehouse an .-niGso,+ • detearearCoinieh flood LSafeahle • ANSUROCE. -OEXAWAIIEMMI:IIOI.I!revoancEs co. , 40141)1,V_INAElk/ryee t Ihrtiburgh for the Del- Atv,_ 4l twllltt t iv xMl4 WOW intscrt Coxoy of Phila .. ..'"t,tmy..,,..thesoripthio, l ".i.V4 l lke, u taks %Ton ht 'Mlu''' N!Mo cargoes of inseels, taken apes the most fasorshle =ICMI QQ ;Ohm b the Warehouse of W. B. Halm' & Ma, tiamMlWaterowter NAAR muset, Nasharstr. N. B.—The =CCM of thi. Company vines the estah• Delatientot the Arley An this coy, with the prompt. hew and liberality with which every chum np. them haloes has been rdlituted, fmiiy .vrrant the amain coisfidemeeindpattronav aka; friends and the CO=bibila WV to the Delaware M. S. a n= Company; Whileit loathe additional advaritesm as ea institution Spandau. mom flostrishicis inPhllatiel latimas Wing an memlePaiddeendtal, which hilt e operation of its charter le eoasuouly mcreamleg, s. lieldrlng to such person uutart4 hie doe share of the 'Faucet clits erenpanyorithoei isteiving him in . .zty reeptaudehby winusmer, and therefcms as pommies this Illettial pipet* divested 'Of ...err obnoxious few 1 • 'Mr tails met attractive for= aort efa=ll7=7 Of North nommen, tome& eta itelystenAgent. i lt=nlter, oilers In nutlitpernanest!nui limited on property, is this =end Int minim and shlpmetne by the Co aal Amhara , Gaut;. Falwani Ettaitth • 4.44 d ifto.gt Jobs 81~e4 D. Ur, iota Whitt, Thaw P. Cop% Sanaa F.Stonit,- SeuxmalßslXLlEs, MACS D. Strociazoo s&y. - This is the Wen losteranco Cowliariy Inthe United State; haring ewes assured to CAtt. Ls chimer is PaiwtsuUrand (*dm WO =Pik& long a.lweadedi awes isescos, awl risks of an extra bia ozdoisisbareeter, Away be anuadsted as oforturns ple seesuity , to tiwoutilia. W. P. lON "4. AWN, Coteuior Boom of Atwood, Janes & Co., We teased Pnais strews Piestionsk. sileya , • :14. :• S. • a:i•• S. S 111. • O. MEE FlVlklitt iltnlllitels ••••• • y t * Mad& phip, will make late ratted, pemmaera and Matted prppgrtrip m YSabala writhe S camberea amoraela terms. Itua cam rtPerlat.tit'aragra ' 6lW,ooopd,d la riVallThaersignal, 'duly aluholised 4= of the Amer . lean:rod Unawake. Ceannkw of Philadalp4a, ant:lour ., or damage- API= rue-, 041 er r farnitare arid gloPestifpfof a, tido nip and vicinity. .'apt{ (lEO COCHILAA. 26 wood st 7 , /4•Tair C. Mgr' Mit= atla 0C16=11.• •-• 14, Plead 611153CJiltitat nu been *proton& ¢ pro teat gate Insurance Cosoisny of North America, and will ispePoliciss ad =en& Pa the other business of theaLgorop, *ills trombone of' Atwood, Jones & Co. spLtt P. JONM ostler in 43011 MISSION. O L INZR SG CO. , NUMMI YAISMILSQN; ERCILLIITS, pro. fa No: 111 South Waters,. BEGS to Jake= tins credo and detdere gluteratly, of • Mialangit,dattbsurbasotaide suet arrangernents oinkSW Virginia- roonatectoters end he Growers of .tbs , ViitirstplVesandies, anti cubes plates, es we insure wissiteand eornosoix supply of •thfollostiug deserts.- clnosof Tobacco, whirls wilt-be sold upon us sterstro. roodattng term as -any other c. hone t.ity or else. dater-some all goods ordered tram thosse will be war -x=l intuit to repreatt • lievansq - Domingo; CMG; Yam -• • Porto Sion Peroda4 }Seed Leaf to -COI? • • lgoin4 , • . &Florida; bseeo; ALSCS•43raaelt's celebraund dionpatio Stag Caven dish, and A w tta it l h i lu bouf geasdsan tSse,n t & .of other popular ,b L r s a t n ru d p s, '64 - G q ,iz rnngs, i,.land3 ; ta. as* iudolaba, to' whole hrid half boxes, wood 11 Welber with overt' Tarletiof extlele belong ing to Ufa trade. — • Jettdlf !: liffiiirr, sictlarir. os.• 11,14TTs'uli`m)117 • , FLOUR FACTORS, Produce, Cosomission ond, Porwarding • •141110.11111T11, . Nom Norm WIIAMI3, .116. p 129 Warn Si, al:11 : 110L , Tal IL sr ik . Co. ' E4P - Hobart Elwin &Co.: 1 p h a thet oi,„ . Bareroft, Bemer & Co. ears & ti, ' : New Voit. lierrel 1111tillICITO. I ' ' '' ' i= t ifilinth, . - • • -: : : : 'Mises le Co flm b um b . Miler woo* Co Hier & iceies,- Jr Mina as& &dilates on cossigeneuts is 06l P.C. 123.11A13:1. CIWILISSITIT.' ! WIZ Wants. '''EL' .f.ItAKER,.,ECK & CO., FLOMPACTons,_ .711.xid . Senora . Coalsllsopoit iierabants, filt.ja Bons %mot enzixt ELPJ3LL BEFERENC) Graff & co Pmburgh. •; , 2 S. =i i tn i :OlCioctonsth • r Jimmy . Als ' • chariet t Losdreale. • t. Co. Mora ,r Bro. - 4 Co, • , Rood Ettcabok, 611 y MIMIC Ccnninert, No , o •F.ai w a • Qum= 11. -- "HMEti, 4 4140ERSON rouveittew COMMISNON, MEAD C rldtEOP &Et ND OLAI3 i r non 7 &Orton/ yr esantntonverev"nw. oatcpmfesfo• •ge d MM Vie. xo:adawoct CIONII:NOES transect egeresndConsconsion blot: 'fteas , ingeirdif in the inachdeo end &aloof Amert , ens Mernibsetaree end Prodne, ustrin receiving la fenrib l iGooda consigned te ha moo. Al Agent fox l k° We; he nth be to nuttily sogpLnd with the pine W e; of grateberin Mennfacturs et tho lowest 'Vr lesalngtiern Otdere dud consignment. ' ete iWertibilY .heitett. GEOfiGE , A '8 ERRY wag inssizitvolozas' PORWEDINU 11111 . ,C011011410141ELCCIlifil, AND MALL% IN limy Mins, CatolV,Vairas dr, Plttstnargh Dlaaufmotairel.lirenrltally, as 10 Wow Onser macula, 2.a. rinrwiiviing **rowing, DrOwnevllle, Ps. Auesds ,pl, ill rtiCetly to 040 Forridding of Produce, For art t'dpn *aii°n l 1 1 , Pfit.Fait&Yrll & CUN. CA Water et. , octli • SAAC CRUISE ossußazi. COID=ISSIOas 'ILEHOUANT FORTUKBALP.. OF PRODUCE. kr. PROVISIONS 5 1519.1.100 &IA 21/ADirmi'il NVID.ar D<IMODE, ND. oi Wheel* Cnulgle & mar 22.4160 3 ' yrs' av,aw..• a • • P , • T hinril'takett 'defile° nktontalandY oPpr.sno to our burnt srarenoluti,lor thepresont, Vila* pm . transact bairns* sansas.tortti ;noon , boom can be meted, arrangements hada alrosdr boon moos -o for that propose. Boats ill always bo An readiness st ur *vendor theelre freigh m t: „,•• '•" •", •- C A bPANCLIX & Co, • ..ill Both; Dula. I.lbehr I,lllooli. i. 'LY; Pik AIiGAVE" C C ~ (gaeeeuon to Feed fluid k Go !. . ENE AL CO!<Al881 ii mE&Ofd818, Paitlealar attendoapaid. to wee sa t la otWoor; tad . per , oyiatil.ll4Tur egrudgFrapts; WIT • z 0 • ace°, - 13x86Cl y prima article ; 8 [do I*, 4002 do 44 'mill pugs; 10 doll; taxp,nriltrao; 6,110 ii d?i • 40 4 20110 Viper; ul sune and rot gale by. • ae • 0 BLAC K ic 'Co I. (21jass-na 5w8 , 114111.111 - ad 4044 window — ken IJlAmrt =NI pariteanta Atto*UW awl [wiles by NM • -, MitYTki *WM • WriL also ptterld tolialection.ll/14 other.burs nesi entrusted to lard in Ruder and Aranaronk nountio, Pa." Refer to"' J. t. Liberty st, W, W. Wallace, do • James Marsimil do, . PiusburKh. Ray & Cot, Woo.) et J, inn 7 41 7 svOsTpA., •ittcgree r atrLaW, office 31 rt, L P :w 7P P P r7ePt lS y L io C tell l gn i ots,ln and Green counties, Pa. I:LEPER TO Blneketoek, Bella. Co, t Clndelta Crtrothers,Pntsburgh. D Morn, • - • Pg-tadly _ EJ. IIigNRY, Attorney and Con/no:111m at bow, . Cineimrati, Ohio. Collections in Southern Ohio, imd m Indiana, and in 'Kentucky, eiriMmtly and care roily stWa4e4 to" Commissioner for the State of Palma sylvania, kir taking Deposinins, acknowledgments, &c. &c... Musa ro—tion. Wm. 801 l & Son, Dail% Church & Carothers, Wm. 11a7s, Fao., & af..5 _ 1101TILLIAMS k SHINN, (successor, tp Lop and V V William.) Anorneve and Conn. Rom at Lave. Office North aide of FounhAtreet, above SmiffifteleL feht - dAveiy TANIffiS F. KERR, Attorney at Low, Baketvell's tl Building, Grant area, nearly oppos ite the Court House. an69-am Lai. DUNLOP, I I. %LUMMOX 1E,WW21.1.. retiNLOP & SEWFJ. , •nomey at Law, Offices on AmithhehLhetween ad end 4th it.. FORWARD & SWARTZWELDER, Attorney. e t i . Law, have removed their °thee to the South aide o Fourth at, between Cherry Allay and Grant street mead. TliT O. 11, ROBINSON, AUorney at Low, hes re -5 V moved hia oike to the Erelong* Building*, S Clair et., next door to Alderman ..Inhno. antsls To Country Merchants. k LARGESTOCK of School Books, Pupet, Station /1, ary, ke., suitable for country sales, among which aro :alti r kkZgors, of 6 .1 7, mcdp o m and common qu d ` o lt's Note Paper do do do do Note sod Letter Envelopes,. Elates, Pencils, Wafers, Qotiki and Steel Pro;; Window Paper (yard wide) plant and printed; Bonoet Boads, of diderunt qualities; Blank Books, to great variety, Fumtly, School and Pocket Bibles; - - • • Croven,modunn, and double orcrwn wrapping paper; Eilcauffte's Eclectic Speller and Readers; Rare Eclectic Anthineties, Cobb's Primers, Spellers and Reader"; Sander' do do do Arithmetic', by Adams, Davia,Colburn, Smith. Stock :Geosrah,7:6l:yp ' :es:byLrit ' c ' h ' ell, Olney, Smith, Morse,Good- Grammars, by Smith, rtrkham, Bullion", Weld, and °them For ode at low priers, by I El MELLOR., SI wood en, 6 door. above Ith. The highest market price paid for good meted rags, In cash. apt' ritaNETTAIIT - sl'Sl.ill - WCiRLDA--i pope. rlar exposition of the gnat discoveries and theo ries of modern astronomy - , by 0 M Mitchell, • et, Di rector of the Cincinnati Obaerratory. Headlefeltaly, Alp. and Rhine.—Letters from Italy, the Alps mad the Rhine; by J T Headley, author of Na poleon and his Marshall., Waskungton and his Gener a/1, de. New and revised edinen. Statistics of Coal.—The Croroggrßpphical and Geologi cal dialectic. of Mineral Cousables or fossil feel; including also, entices and localities of the •aricas mineral bituminous matrosan“s employed to on and manufacture.; illustrated by Maps end Diagrams; ac cOmpanled by nearly IW statistical tables, and I ItlOau alyses of mineral combustibles, ac; prepared by Rich. and Crawling Taylor. Jost received a few copierof each of the above works —for este by JOHNSTON k STOCKTON. iyn Heakeellera ear market ts 3d sts. IUZAILLY BEADY PO. PUBLICATION „Lll by J. A. fr. U. P. 1111.1E3, Clinooo. , i, the fblloanng aew and Trainable Nano—: 1. Derniphares Elvedifion—Contkining alma of the Lie of Col. A. W. Ikernpho.on tho CODLOCIR of New Mexico: Gni. Keannro Overned Belpedition to Cali- Gam* bonipharPs Campaign again.. the Phone., atel hisimpatalleled Aloreh upon clubualus and Durango, sod the °pennon. of Gen. duet ea Santo Fe; with Mop and Engraving., by T Minn. A 11.. the lst Rev.=ot of Minoan Gal ant . I. Onsin Ta ear, AmbrareLNate.' J•sob PCltotruka, • iffa2 . l7l naun lvul te v Mmu, S. Anstin Allibone, ARTI!OR G. COFFIN, Pres% .113siory of lienturty-11. ;lateral Curiosities; Geographical Statmocal tad licolopral description; with anecdotes of Pioneers Life, and mole than o® hundred 6iograpbtcil stesches of distulpagt- Ed Pioneers, "Sofas., Statesmen, Jun.., Lawyers, Ms sham, kO4 dinstrated with forty angrarmaw s by Lenny Colima,' not. octavo. Tim Twelve Months' Vol.tem, or Joarnal pf • Prt - rata in the Tennessee Regiment or inanity, us the Campaign of /Init.', daring 154. C-47, eon. noting an ac count of the Month of the Regiment to Vera Crux, • description of the Country passed over; manneri. ens tnmy ko- the people tiketehe• of ift.mp Late; a, coanta of all the 11410. of inker;Voluntser Regi.nents, and a fall Hasory of the natal War; Lao atKit- Jed and Wounded, &c; illustrate by a Msg. number or Moms and plant, by G .C. Fu,rr, 1 volume Casio, deal Patanaltataa&Vie • ' • azra , aeau ann Ram= M rfIRE subscribers hare jsun *pealed, at the abuse nand., abuse stook of dltretket qualities ruled and pain .kite and - Wan Writing o 4 Letter Paper, coma =Fatal and packet pa. Slat Cap, ',lona) , and toodorm arrung papers, for blank books; . medium and royal ea bored ?mann. Papers; medleys, decoy and cap Day Banks .4 Lodgers, superior paper and Gest Eastern bidden;; School Books of all ktratr, standar d works in 7beoltgyand Sciences; Quills, gold and steel Pens, Wafers, War, BRI File*, ate. 6,e. /Dank Books of all sires ruled to panorn, and Lonna In tko moat sabananrial manners. WARRICK ALIRTLY, Agnii Country Merchants supplied at lowest wholesale pit. ces Gat elm& or Ills at cash prices. JOB PRllVTlNks—Having s lob case in connection with Our establishment, we are prepared to execute en Elden • plsin and fancy Pmiutig--books, panaphleis. e • binurums cards, bills oflading,.ke , with • • at low pmts. Eworr yA, 7, wood at, between Orb and dismoud alley. 'MEW Iif ORES.—Vanity Fair. • novel idiom a Herr by William klakepease Thaeltery Illustrations by the author. The Tenant of Wxldfell Halt by Acton Dell, nob., of “liVnthering Height. The Young dehoolmistresc by Joseph Alden, D. D Pa g, of Harpers , 111astraled edition at the Arabi., Nights' Ettertammenti. New translation, aged for family reading, wok elplanatory note& by E rran . 'W. Lane, ' Eq. Loomis' Logarithms—Tobin. of Logarithms of num bers and signs and Tangents for every ten seconds of the Quesirant, with other useful tables. by Elton Loomis, A. IL, ProL Mathematics and Natant! Philosophy no the University of New York, Author of a .Treatise on Ai reili " mv a' e . wo;ks received this day and for sale hy JOHNSTON & sTocx-ruN, aeglo Booksellers, car market and Al ate Area MORI' OF CONGRESS, Biographical and Poll , H nerd, comprising memoirs or the members of the Congress oldie U. Ult By 11 U Wheeler. Illustrated by macrons steel portends, the. the. Vol.], octavo. The Wriungs of C. M. Clay; including speeches an d addresses, with steel portraits: Ehted by H Ureely. 1 rel it '? 'co. hat! Saw to California, By Edwin Bryant. Barnes' Notes, VoL 10, 00 looms, Peter, John and Lake. Chums and Connter-Ckerms: By P.Bay Br!Montt, ari d= of 'To seem and to be,. "Ss' motet.," &o. ke. Mary Grover, • Demesne Temperance Tale: By C Burdett - - Kin,gs and Queens, or Life to the Palace; consisting of bbtorical sketches of fete and reigoing By .1.8. C. Abbott. A First Book in Spanish, or a practical introduction to the study of the Spanish Language: By J. Salkeld. The Dreg Robin and other taloa By Bev. Dr. Alden Just ree'd ky R. HOPKINS, Apollo Braidings, 4th st, augl )Successor to J. L. Rend.) AMY BOORS—Life of Cromwell, by J T Headley Power of tho Pulpit, by Gardiner Spneg, D. D. Bethel Flag, do do jonehos on Gospels, blatthevr, with Hvolony; Lemma on Shakspeart, 9 rola, Path of life, or Sketches of the Way to Glory and Immortality; • Footsteps of Messiah; The Convent; by 6111bDil of School Girl In France; Now and Then, by Weave; Sketches of Lemons, on Parable. and Miracles; Ireland's Welcome to the Swinger, Heaven upon Earthi Ilayskston, • tate of and for England: 9 vole. For 'ale by ELl4o'n & ENGLISH., Joni 78 vrood.and AS =ram atm NandBOOKS -last received from the, publisher, as d kir sale at the Methodist Book Store, 4th st, near Wood. Tepperts Proverbial Philosophy, in three styles of binding, a beautiful book for a present. Preparation for the Pulpit. Sketches of Bermtms on the Rubles and Miracles of Christ, by the author of the Pulpit Cyclopedia-240 Amnia', Lo. The Maths& Pulpit; ealleetWn of set. mons by the most eminent living [brines of England. Mattatcrei Voia,—Doing Good, Clantian Love, Lao eat thou me, Sacred Meditations. In 44 AIE PATRIARCHAL AGE; or the History and Religion of Mankind from the Crentlrm to the emit of Isaac: Deduced fronYthe writings of Moses, and other Inspired authors; and illustrated by eopioor references to the aecietd records, traditions, and my - thologyOf the Heading World—by Heo Smith, F. 8. A. I vol., octavo. Chart. and Counter-Charms, by Miss Wlnnisli. A fresh sdpply of this very powder little work. Orators of the Atomic. Revolunons by E. L. Ma goon, with Portraits. I vol, ti ma. Parley's Cabinet Library, for families or schools, 20 volumes, 19 mo, with eugruvuls. Tlos is a new work. For sale by It oop2o Apollo Buildings, Otli HOTANY—Dotany ot We Lotted Slot; J north of Virginia; comprising dew...lto:ow of the Dowering and fem-like plants hitherto foyd to those States; arranged according to the natural system. With a synopsis of the Ocnern secortfing to the Un man system', a sketch of the rudimental of botany, and glossary of terms: by Lewis O. Deck, D., Prof. Chemistry and Neutral History it Rutgers College, New Jersey, he. ho. Second edition, revised and cis longed. For sale by _.~lo JOHNSTON & STOCKTON LAMARTINE'S DlRONDlM—lllstory of the Lie rondists,• or, Personal Memoirs of the Patriots of (ho French linvolouots—from unpublished by Alphonse de Lataartinc. Complete in Once volumes: Hydo's trarisletrou. A freshsupply of this popular work moneyed Oita day and for sale by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, _wpl6 DmAsellers cur market and h 1 ate LLOITERINOS IN EUROPE or sketches of U. , " in Emile's, Belgium, AOPII,III, Sistmerhind, Italy, Proasia, Ireland and Great Drawn, with an appendix. coot:mama otmemtattoms on European charities and medical instructions: by John W, Carson, hL D. A few copies for:auto by septa JOHNSTON & STOCKTON PITTSBURGH, 3fONDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 23 1848. 11W ...OFFICER TIBIBTAN r ATTORNEY AT LAW,' • Baitler,•Pa BOOK TRADE. kr OUR WIHRE on Market meet, No A 6, between Wad and 4th, may at times be found a largo Moc of Theological and lillseellancous Hooks. New hooka received as soon as published, and sold at low. 'est prices. The publications of the American Sunday Sehbal Edon and hlassimbasetts Sabbath Setual So. dew, always on hand. Cataloguea famished on ap pliention. ELLIOTT & ENGLISH, PO muskets t, between ad and Ith GUM—OPIUM (Turk ey)-1 ease teed and tor u. by IdP l3 IMAUN & REITER COTMITNERSHIPS. co-paterarmasinp. OGANTT . & have this day eastmlited smthlhem m the Hardware hualneat, PIOT Wl wad Edward Gregg, The style of that will here after be Logan, Wiliam k Co. This ermagemenrgeo ders it desirable to chaie the old business es wash as possthle. All persons whpse liabilities have metated, am especially reqiested to make immediate payment Pittsburgh, Jan 1, LW?. L°GAN, WILSON & CM—lmporters l and Wholesale Denlereln Foreign and Dornetate Hard. scare, Cutiery,'SoAdlery; tee.,l2o,lVccal greet, Pius burghlare now bapy wreperwl wit u recently traitor. trai stock of Ilardieure Cutlery, &e., to offer Very gfera Inducements ikente'rg hurls, being detect:tuned to eatopeto in price/ oath gay of the Atlantic sines. Alc no on band nu extensive asamluscatof Piratburoh ware nix Shotrerar Etpaden,'lktrks, Hoer, .11 of wbieh will -be sold at this lowrat manufacture. prices. , Jul CO-P ' TS `•RI/Me TUB subscribers - having recently entered into partnership under the natrinot. Gallagher, long, • & ht the purposenfearryitrion the Sell and times Formthng and GagEining basinessin all its branches, have token the stud finmerly nein, pied by 11. Gallagher, No. 109 Front greet, between Wood and Smithfield sts., Where they ar prepared , to execute all orders tor RHIN Ortter•Mogs, ert . every description, and Gas Fittings arithiAnatniss and des. patch. Steamboat jobbing proratalraitendedlo. 11. GALLAGHER, S. LONG, • N. H.—The attention ofiduhinics ann Sogineen is invited to our yin -attraction menghfor &reduced price, which has been pronounced superior to Rabbit's by numbers wherhave aged both Steumboatbuilders and the public, generally, are elmo reouested bi call end ex amine oar superior double lichen Force Pumps kir steamboat and domestic use. 1361...LAGIGNEL LONG, & KILLER. derl7dly DI rpHE parmershlp ou long utisting under the arm of Id`Cord k King, arusky taktnaJ consent dissolved on the tst Inst. The business will be elosed at the old stand * either of Ira using the name of the arm for that purpose. Being desirous to have oar haziness closed siitit as little delay, es possihln we would re spectfully request those indebtrui to coil tad setae their 6CCOCIII4. JOHN D hi'COHJI, ja-IS H. D. MIND. Co Partnership. TOEIN A ItPCOAD !tavola associated with blot his J brother James fil`Cord, under the style of M'Cord & Co, will continue the Hat, Cap and Par business in nll its Tn.os branches. wholesale aid retail, at Abe old stand, corner of Wood and auk sireets,wtheris they solicit a continuation of the patronage so:llborally he stowed on the old firm. JOHN D N'CORA ja27 3A MP; B. BPCORD. IN reusing from the , old sua won know Goa of 711 , Cord t King, I most roweedlly tescrousend y? the palsourtge of theoulslic ray successors, Mesas.M'ened & Co. 3429 FS. D: KING. THE copartuerstup heretofore existing between the subscribers, under the style of AVOIR, Restifield R. ibie, enured this day by linitutuon. The business of the him utull be settled by Allittl Zs Roe. JAMES D. wow., It. IL RESUFIELD, WALTER 0. ROE. Pauli:llTh, July 10, 18U. COPARTNERSHIP. The detogno Ul tooluk. the Wholesale Oro- ry J Commusion buskness, ander the tins of WOW d Rem, at their old stand, No. AMILib EA Liberty street. ' WALTER C. ROE. llsvtng mld my intetat m the firm of hVGill, nosh. held & /Los to my Connor partners, qdo 800, I take pleasure in recommendms them to my Mends and the pehtle. /TAI S. R. BUSIIFLVIL.D. EN W. STRPRENS of Wheeling, E. F. ethrenherger . of Juniata, and J. 011%U.b.Thl bass this day emceed woe cespannership under style and firm of Stephens, Soocuberger A Co, at the Anchor iron worts, Meant:s, Va., for the purpose of mann far mringirort and palls of every de-seriph= W. Y. 116.31MMOILL •T0C11931. STEPHEN% §HOENHERGEN. & CO. ANClin IRON %YORKS. Wterfiar, Va. Manuketterc dl kind of boiltr, sheet, bar iron and ..sist A. B Wert eliptie springsd .te a . Being ease wa netted with S hoe nbetger's old W.W.I works, we Cu oder ankle of !amnia iron Ibrarahal Sitegmborgeyi equal to say made or the events,. All of which Will be sold at the I.ttishorgh prows. Warehouse of the vrork• coiner of Bourne mid Water ma. myll Dpannership lighesto attn tag wader the stile and Ann of %V ightman ♦ Dal .ed. Is dos day dissolved by 19.61t111d 0061.17.1, Jotui 11 tumuli; doposed of tar enure interest hi H. 13f4dit. ' The husiste. of [to Gnu viLl be settled bY Wight:rum, oho t. atimonted to *se the stars of tine firm for Wu purpose. H WIGHTMAN. rpr.lod3sl Uuly 1 I7] J. DALZELL. TITF: Sarbarriber 1. now prgoamd to rannalaotaro all kind" of Canon and %Voelen Mae Minn, at the alaoriest nonce. Orden. Mil at R.,Figlarnan'a Shop, cor er Liberty and Warm' areemoril/ meet with prompt attention. Leanolt - IMiaream FoMmal and tiswizalry apMMIly Alicearatpaairy. iO-PAILTHEILIDILP—Wm. Youngimators Jay nAsouuted Ws bum John H.111 , Cane,14.10. will hemettler onduetektl &NU/ din Lma of Wm. Young & Co, WILLIAM fiMINO, iNO. IL, Pill an.l IrALD, DUCENOR as. adiaaeuned with tbauf in theirTabanen Panzalasana baldness, Edward IFlrald (lace of Joleab Wald lc Co, Baltimore,' David McCatemnn. and Jolla Warner. lava MEDICAL. istspertorant. Ssuat. Culumlibura co., 0, Apt. fli t Mt TIR. 11 JAYNES: Du. trhat—l (Cot flound to you JJ and the altucted pubtre, to avail myself of Ors op. ponuria) at pew pabhclty W the eatraatstirtary effects of your lapecurraut 00 aqui( lisexel ti bereci alThetest for several years 'with a &ovate corm, hecc levet and its Concomitant discurs, and seem only rlitarared to pager out a short but adserattle tIASILISCID. until the fall of Ml 9, when, bah% more Severely turthekesL and hn ring resorted to all my ronnerremethes. and the pre scriptions of two of the most respectable ph) stesaus the netghhoth an ood without derieiog y heneht, or the eonsolatlon of surrirmx but a few days or weeks at farthest—when the last gleam of hope was about at rntsh, I had recommendedto fir year.. Expectorant— and bimmeslNey that Being who does all dunes to the ase of the -- contrary to the expectancy of my physician* and friends. I was In a few days rented from my bed, and we. enahlyrd by the tumbottle, or a to attend to my business. enjoyingaince Gamer health than I had for ten years provunt. Respectfully yours. ke., Jas. W. Fonts. For sale iu Patsburgh, at the Pekin Tea Store, 72 Fourth strew. mare? 13A. FA UN E.STOCKR ANY,- Blijin;t . Tins Cathuuc compound combines senellness of bait with eacieney and comparative mildness of pur gative acuon, and havtog a pers.ue teculettey to the binary organ., la extremely vide.le in this country, in which bilious fever. and °Mei complaints attended with cougestion of the Liver, to much abound. They here now stood the test of in/ years, and experience hes proved them to be a safe and valuable remedy In Internment, Remittent and Illlietts Fever, Jaunt., Wiens colic, Inthgeotion. lltopily, Dysentery, litho. 'innuendo., c old., and all complaulu of an indanatnato. 17 The complete end untversal sausfac• non which has been given by these pills to all who here used them, renders the publiehtmg of the numer ous ccreficates in their favor unnecessary. To pm. • • • • vein nounterienisig they are now pia up in a red xylo. graphic wrapper. Prim 3 mina for a box cementing 30 pills. Prepared and sold by B A PASI O:91 , 0CW: & Co, corner let and wood, and also earner 6th and wood meats. aep9 a A. Fammerrocz,A- B. Hl7/1., N. Y. Cm , . a L. Passrseroc.,}Pu h. tsburg O. W. FAvAnto Wholesale Drug Store In the City of New York. tTIiE undereigned are ex.rnavely engaged In the Whales&le Drug business at No. la John street, m , city of New Park, and are prepared to supply Druggists and ernintry Merchnnt. with Doug., Punts, Oils, Dye-stuffs, Poteogn and American Perfumery, Mender, Weaver A ?dander% Chemicals, tot their own Importation) nod all other articles in their lbw of boat new, of a swede, quality as low agthey can bwptur. chased In this or any eastern city. New York, Yeble D. A. FisfOi& Co. Marcher's Chrome Green. IVO PAINTERS, BLIND PLANERS, &o—Wr, the I,uodersmoid, Pointers and Blind Matters, of the city of New York, have used and tested, and are now using a new muclo of Chrome Green, manufactured by lino. K. Moocher, of thiscoy, and find it to work well, pro ducing a flue bnlhant Parts Green appearance, with a very superior body, and recommend it to our brethren to the trade no in every particular the beat Chrome Green we have ever used. DiesvYark, June 1, 417. Signed by of firms of practical pointers of the any of New York. This unequalled Chrome Green may he had of IL Eslll.ll.l.FaS, No LI Wood army who Inte the exclustve agency for ita sale it Poutburgh. marlfi QELLMRS' VERMVUGE—"No family should b. k 3 without tr! 7 Loam, C. R., Va., Aug. VA, 'V. Mo. R. E. Sim.... I ebeerftilly oertify hkai I buys for some years past used your Veruilfuge in my family, and universally withsneers, Ideekledly prefer it 16 any other preparauon I have used—amongst these may be named thecelebrated methane called Desilsbot, P almestock's Vermiflige, and • preparation called Worm Tea. In a recent case a lungla dose brought from my little boy One hundred Sod tic large worms No family certainly ought to be without it. Your. tce JAS. LAWSON Prepared and told by IL E. Sellers, No. 57 Wood s l. and told by Druggists generally in both cities. sent I_ A Flue Rot of Teeth for 26 Comic. HITE TP.1,111, 1 , 001. lIDALTLEY y trUAIS.— Yellow sad unhealthy tend, atter be ing ones or twice cleaned with dooms' Maher 'booth Parte, hare the tim appearance of the most erniuniul Ivory, and at the same e ills to perfectly innocent and es, quirilely 11110, that it* constant daily use is highly ad antageous, even to lingo that are to a go od dcon on, giving them a beautiful polish, and preventing Rea decay Th ose already decayed it 'hermits teem bCC01111,111; stirrer —it also Matra , such as are De ng loose, and by perseverance it will render the foulest teeth delicately white, and make the breath tweet. do liciously Sold by JAPILSUN, hI Ittlie rtY street. ma rat B. A. FAHNESTOCIVII VICILJIIPUGE• AFEW weeks since, one of my anddren, aged about 6•e yours, was unwell for several days, and the Mire. increesed so alarmingly that I feared death would hr the result. (laving ;heard of the good effects of Pahnestock'a Vermifuge whet administered to the children of my ne,ghbors, and thinking my child ought stave worms from some of the my mploms, I gave it one and a hall teaspoonfuls of the Vermitbge, and to my great .Itonialinient it olma.t inanediniely discharged berme, and natal Mtu lanro worm& It. health wus soon et rimed, and it la /104, remarkably well. Prevron• taxing the Vermiluge, the worms would occasionally ra.CMitsthrow, and I often fedrc& It would die from oramerilturon. r JAS. U. DAWSON.. Tionesta, Venting° co, P., Aprll 'O. ¢pl3 - LElDrrt CP:LED/LA.IIM ITOII AND TETTLII OINTMENT is the most elfretual remedy before the pubhe fur the cure of tester, itch, dry and watery pimples or Me lace, neck and body, scaly crummus, and all other &wows of the skin. Ti.• Ointment warranted free Wore mercery, is perfectly safe, and may be used at all time. and ender all circumstances. A Mob suppl) Cl the valuable remedy received and for ',ale by D A FAIIiNII*4TOOK kr Co, comer of let and wood; also, corner of uth sad wood . GUM COPAL-9 recelved'and for .2.1. by nepll BRAUN & ELICITER HOTELS FOVISTAIBI. MOTZL. efTORT STREET BALTIMORE ,11THIS umblithment fang and widely. known es bonus one of the most commodions In the city of Baltimore, ben. recently undergone very exten sive ,alterationa And improvements. An enure new wing has 'been added, containing numerous end airy slnting apartments, and extensive bathing rooms. The LAM.' department has also been completely reorganised anti fitted 'Oll moet unique and beauti ful style. In feet Met whole arrangement of the Elmore hns.been remodeled,Wida ri single eye on the part of the proprietor., towards the -comfort and p1e.12111 of their Guests, and. which they Confidently assort will challenge comparison with any Hotel in the Union. Their table will always be supplied with every rah. meniel and luxury which the market affords, nerved up M e superior style; while in the way of Wines, A.., they - will not be rammed. In conclusion the proprietors beg to say, that nothing, will be left undone on their Part, and on the part of their miabants, to render this tel 'worthy' the continued patronage of their friend* and the public gene c rally. (0 1114 i p n ne m es . f . or board hare also ed to tit , lades' Ordi . nary, 81,70 per day.. Gentlemen's' 1„.U1 N.,ll.—The Baggage Wag= of the House Will al way, be fortnd at the Car and Steamboat Landings, winch will convey baggage to and ban the Hotel, free of char .. mayaf faxone.moz noTEL, C04211:1 of tics AND fr r. CLAIR •111, ITITHIVILOTI, TA. The abariber hating assumed .the manage. mem of this long eetabllalted and pointer Hotel, respectfully 11/MOVIIICES to Travellers ad the Public generally, that he will be at all times prepiued to aeommodati them in all things desirable in a well regulated Hotel. The Ilona is now being thorough repaired throughout. and new Furniture added, ad no * pains will be spared to nuke the Exchange one of the 'rem beat lders - 4:in the country. The undersigned respectfully solicits • eontinnaee of the veil , liberal patronage the House has heretofore rectified : THOMAS °WESTON L . I. t TINE ROUSE, MUM ov arm own .mesas, errrsantrorL THE subscriber respectfally annomens that be lum now opened tus new and excellent Hotel for the accommodation of travelers, boarders, and the public generally. The house and furniture are entirely new, and no pains al expense hive been spared to render it one of the most comfortable and pleasant Hotels in the city. The subscriber is determined to deserve, md' there fore solicits. a share of public patronage. octl4-dly JACOB HOUGH. Proprietor. TECHA)O/EICORT - 0 - 111 , e HALM HOUSE, 1... • IC. II!ALB THROCKE a*l beim to acquaint his . (wends that Em is again lessee of the GALT HOUSE, Louisville, By, where he hopes to meet all his old friends, usa them and the public, that no effort shall be spared touts all comfortable who fame him emit their parronam. jarAdll fitrffirLD sorAtIEVWFTIEL, casestrusr 4 70111:171 axe more its. niVNTE. late thmk n of pi titie rE tT r lllted State*, Phila. hin.ma f Pro • netor. IIifaMOIRIZID9IIII Chocolat*, Cocoazdto. W. Bakers Ameris. and French chocolate, Prepar ed Cocoa, Coca. Paste, Broma, Cocoa Shells, fr.e. rg'so merchants and amsumers, who would perchaen the best products Of Cocoa free from edulteration, more nutrltieus than tea or Call% and in ordain' enser pemied, the subscriber recommends the above articles, manufactured by himself, and stamped with bas [MOO. His Broom and Cocoa Paste, as delicate, palatable, and salutary Minis for Invalids, convalescents, and others, are prortouneed by the mom eminent phydelans superior to any other preparations. lit. manufactures sre lots no Mae" any quantity, by the mast en spectable grocers to the eastern nines, and by their agents, !levies, Gray A..., of Boston; James 51 Dunce h. ea Hertford, Coon; Iluaseyd Kerrey, New York Clreni Stone, Philadelphia Tams V ErnMige, Bob. game, and Kellogg a Bennett, Clatintlati. Ohio . WALTER lid IMR Dorchester Km. ' au/tal BAGALEY A SMITH, Ages ~ 1 NICW COACiIPACtOttY. ...... Tr/MITE, BROOIO3 is CO, would tggpeetfally Tv form the public that they have erfited a shop Istectek. between Federal nnd heffituthy esteem They on era now making and are plepsted to receive orders tar every desenption of 'winch's, Coaches, Chariot's, Ila macheo, thigmes, Phectons, kw, he., which from they 1:17 SIM " rt feS ' ThethyebTreltcyt'lrel'efotien Mm e work, mewled to do work on the moot masouslac to with theee wanting .Vela hr their lire. Paying particular attention in the selection of motet net., and havitig none but competent workmen, they Dare no beritionon Io watrenting their wort. We therefore ask the attention of the pabbe to this matter N Reputing done in the beat manner, and on the tenant remonoble tennis inltf Wrought and Ciis* Iron Itaillag. THE sabserther. beg leave to taunts the pubhe that the, hare obtained (tom the Fast all the late and hoanotto acsvis for Iron Reling, both for honor. end centric rtes Persons instant, to permute !mode some pattemo will please rail and examine, and maga for themselves. Barium will he (unshed at the short est nonce, and to the tact manner, at Me comer of Cralg and Rebecca sterna, Allegheny city. augAßsilif A. L.AIIIO:TT k KNOX !has Ash. aliaeriben Inform their castemem and dealers shore a rtic le , tm shipment for his fall but 0.1 el Me hut arrived at Fhllmielptua pee .lily d ri vel frogs the manuffietaren I,tverpool, and will be heytin,afesednla. Minkkeire, irtoressoess. pog.rta oririts.may—tven at which; vls r p4e ships Medallion sad Lyrits, are nearly a... they am therefore meowed to ecreire Besides the 17 quantities they ha=ng to the cadets utirs (to (orwarded here y r.ctlie during winter aml springby canal) the. regal. mop will es ma New °lleum AV k MITCRELTREF mpIi Panty Pinny trynet — bmze ICurops. TllEantiseriners have now in stove v very eutensfve riveannarat of Furs for ladles wear which have been purchased i Europe by one of th e nn, et very low pncev daring the monetary cruel rneeeedrag the Frenth Revolution' Thin advantage, which they poetess over any oilmr house m the tradulerill enable them to .ell a very cm sullen/article numb bele. the market price. rjrr Mercharus and others will advance them own internam by Imartuntrtg this exteasive users:meta. ROLM, BROTHER* Importer., RI Amu (71Intberry) between MI and 3d to so, angtsdanPhtladelphts. „ lomotaing, Clopping and Bleeding. (Successor to M. R. Delany.)— ../in 55 Filth street, between Wood and Smith- Fresh leeches racemed monthly--attendanee all Iroar., Reference, the physicians of Pittsburgh, Rile , gbeng and Birtsunghans. most encodedy recommend to the phyuciann, Ilea and all my former &tondo and palm., Mr. K H. Norris as beta( thoroughly acquainted wlth the Logi neva and worthy of patronage. nrar2.l. y M. A DFLANY. - Staloutactured Tobacco. A Q EMI Gentry I Roysterhi supenor sword S Ip.; "AtO 23 do MA thader's " " lb 19 hf do PTIC, 1 IlaroromPs " " 5 " 21 do do do " "16 " 23 do do Pearl k Harwood " 51 lb " 11 dal Robtruon " 16t " 57 hf do do" " 23 do do Wm Dawson 53 do T Wnahes " "N • 67 dn 0 Amlerson " N " 9 do I.T Dade's o " S do It Alacon's " " 9 " 9 du Rateliff" lb .• Rod landing from steamer and packets, sod for solo hT UEALD, /3DCKNOR 1 Co, 41 north water st sad 16 north wharves, ir.24 Philadelphia SiiiaricACtUffift . 2‘6ll;l t t-20 be b alones 7e half Les geb ° ster Old .upon weer 'sweet 5. lumps 54 " Lawrence Lotuer 25 " Gentry & Rower " & " Dupont tde la Enrol " as " to " McLeod " Bs 25 " Lew.. Larder "ss& es plug Just landing from steamer, seul for smile by HEALD, BOCKNOR & Co, 41 N water st and to N wharves, my% Philadelphia, pn b :illl.-20DOIls Straw Wrapping Paper, all 400 ream. titled Cap W. OO II Papori po mod and pion letter no; all.qualtties; 100 Plat Cap. 150 medium Tea Paper; 160 gras white and Noe & white Donna Boards; 100 rearm Mandl& Entelope Paper; .60 Hardware Paper, jut troe'd and for Mk) low by REYNOLDS & 8/ME, say6al4ln comer peon and Irwin .to IiTANUt'TCTVIITRYIS2PBA - 6.5:)=1n - itorei Kral iciTd. ANA rive, the following bninde of Tobacco, comdlro meow from marafactoren of Nohmond and Lynch hurrii3attel,Ll:mill be .old the trade at reduced rates SO do John Rocker k Ile do fleecy tr. James la, be and to 31 do L. Jamas 6a; 10 do R. 11. Warwick Is; ID do J. M. Steward 5. and Etta . do Jamas Landman 10. L I WATERMAN L; 31 water and 53 hoot sts W. J. MADEIRA. Dentist. OFFICE on Sandaled itroot,ld door north of Third =COL Dr. Madam re. "14 " • .472 f r Y tlarcirent h tifTt r irelu i Tt i , " rl: 1 1137=n1L 6 r. N. McDowelli Dr. P. Fehnottock; Dr. Mahon Simpoo; hunt. S. Crob, EQ. Mr, William Thdrrn - • biz. Bent. Weaver. ap77:40.m. W.&.1. GLENN. Ilook - 111ilders. - WE ore still attgad in the above baroness, corny Ty Ell Wood and Thant streets, Pittsburgh, o here we are prepared to do any wort In our hue wall deo patch.. We attend to our work personally, and wins raelicni alit be given in regard to 114 neatness and du rabidly. Monk Rooks ruled to any pattern and bound sal strottddly. Books in nurnhers or old books bound care tally on repalred Nairn, put on Lau), to gall leuen Thu.. but have work in our tine are invited to call l'riees low rny2Ottf V. hCAII4: and Cups JAMES ATKINSON . hay., entered Into partricrebip, under the Etna of beAllq: & ATKOSON, and onll carry on the Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware manufactory. Also, lilackarnithing in all no branch.. at the old viand at Win If. Senile, Fleet atreet, near Wood. ME= ors 400 .1da0".t.t.,',i7„'r,":,,, • " 1 , [l .° o 1042' do ;25 do 1-9 do, 25 do 10-14 do , Wide N. a Bogie , 20 bids No. 3 mackarel ; 000 bui rosin .oup No. 1; 100 do dipped candles ; 000 do Ctneinnau mould do, received on consigrunent and for pale by 1414 Ss W HARICIUGIi kr.FASLiilig.D.- - -AlaTsge and ople — tuidassatlis — mt 10 Cloths, Cassiineree, Vestitopt, Cravats, ho., and for Sate by L Wll2.lAMS,_itlerrant Taut Y 8 mks Monona; , ;1• wrlthfield st DIU IRON-100 tons, Ohio Furnace Hot U not, arri- K vmg per ItligTold; 6U too, Itrooklyn Funiase, (Mifflin Co. Pa.) Hot Stun, for “Ja by HIIHBRIDOE, WILSON & Co, . lin wale, st 'ffigEE FINE DRAWillerWeiarES. 7 Three Bee Dranght Horses for sale, sults. g ,c,.._. hie for straying, &e. Enquire of ." ... WALLINGFORD& Co, LMA) canal bolo, liberty st (r.' irtHINS.-40 dos gettainelrench Calf /Duns, • very fine article. A few de . rhiladlhia 9 ver y from the manufactory of fl 81 Craorlb to which the attention of ,boot maker. is Invited. est reerived and for mile by W YOUNG &Co, • WV 143 liberty et IMCELUVEOUS. radert 141PPE trismarearlr. 0, wx 3W NCOTT BAE R . (Late Y 9 Strialer & m _ANUFacruatas , of Vicerdx ire Treat may ath Alde, second. creek, bretOreen Wm, Ana Sint& Pittsburgh. J 9 susaklethawd deceased and We areebring partner Mr. Toe laPperte 4 q= sasoeimed himself with Mr. \Vm C Barr; the I, will hereafter be conducted under tin! style ofLIPPan" COttif, Barr. : Trial of stlSofe in O.—We j the ttette.,rilln; 'ed were present at the testing of mos oi/ 8 SLAP.'" • Coy blicterved . Ptimniz fire-proof safes. The safe ' , IM Placed to et furnace on the poblie landing, end ._ to the Intetwe hem of a norm! coal file ler Mere Chad three boor.. In one boor and a luilf the safe enottlt_l9 a bright red heat; the door of the funumet lewed, which caused am-Increased end steady beat for the balance of the time, Mail the cut iron wheels were conical', melted of the femme woe then throwndown and the ufe cooled and opened. The-money, vacant and books which it comained were as perketwhgra laced there, the binding only of the books being tu ored by the water in cooling the safe. We have no hesitation in recommending it to the ',chile to n safe moonier to soy we have ever seen tested, and believe Mot it will stand any heat which might be produced, react a hut winch would melt it te•asolid. mesa Springer & ,Whitmait, L_Worthirtmcm, Kellogg & Kennett, Benj. Timer WO p Breese, Monts Smith, T 8 /1.4.-.* Co, 8,4,16 ., Mallard & Co, Wm Monk; Mead tr. Winstor. We, the andersipted, acted the safe spoken of above, from a lot in the .ton of Trotter & Aubery,the Agents . C SPRING t , M., . . : B J ICELLOO: Refer to Cook & Harris, Brokklk, Pitt,bmlN ktossay Homo & Co, do do Ifead&wlTS . _ _ usrancorr. man A Q. La. Mahal. LIPPRIMOOTT & 00.. M . ANUFACTIIRERS Hammered nod Cori Steel Slioveleand Spades, Axesmd Ratchets, Mill 1 Cut, Cir.las and Elm Saors, - Hey and Matrare Parks, Hoes, Mattocks, Pick., tko., having 'eompleted all their arrangemeute in the corortroc*of new machinery', and in seeming the be.u,_wor from the most tele. Mated establishments of the Fax are now manufactur ing and mill keep constantly on h and and for rile all the above articles, having evaded themselves of the latest iIIIMOVCMCIaII, end are determined this work manship and material they will ooh be excelled. They ppromise to produce creates emiai, if not mmerior, y that can be bed In the Enit.'They invite UM atten dee of dealers to a t examination °fiber Mock before purchasing elsewhere, as they toe eonvineed that they will be able to fill all orders Li their lime to the emirs satisfaction of purchnsem Warehouse, Water wee; 4 doors West Monongahela How, Pittsburgh, P. N. EL—Persons having busineu with Wm. Lippen cent & Sea wit pleue call on Lippencott & Co. madly Pittsindg A h IZill= l3Vna' ari l ;l7ll7 Roams, 83, TIMM RIIETT. A Italie =I 1191er:did sasomanut of Fami• tare, swab 1 . 9 for Steuptboata, Howls axid pri vate dwe llings, conktautly on hand and mAin to enter. The present rock on hand COMA be egoeededh7 arty manufactory in the western pommy. Persona wishing to purchaso would do well us giro re a call, as I am deteri consuls pineri my prime Mall pleas. Part of the rook La 82 gofer with Plush and Hair-cloth creel% 14 2 dpairna Mahogany Nurse Cbairr, Means; - 12 dpi fine manciran 12 mahogany Work Via ,. 3 dos mahogany Rocking 1.. 12 marble top Dressing 8t1i<11.6.; 8 pair Ontatoong 2 marble top Work Bundy, 12 cherry Work &ands, Mahogany, Maple, Cherry, and Poplar Beaman& of all descriptions, an a large alumna.= of common furniture and. chair., too muumuu to mention. marlittf LADIES ARE CAUTIONED AOAINST USING COMMON PILEPAIXEIDCHA.I•II. IitHEY aro not aware bow frisbtfuLtylmarrion• it Ls to J., the skin—how coarse, hoar tough, hoar ulbw r yd. lota and anhealthy the skat appdars .er using preprw pared chalk! BealEss DIA Rdo — dous, containing *large Quantity of lees We have ',moaned It beautifel vegetable artiste, which we call JONtS' SPANISH LILT WHITE. It is perfectly innocent, being purified of all delete/toast qaalities; and it imparts the siv a /natural, _llvalitay, ahltaater, clear,white; a the came menus as a cosmetic on the skin, maklag son and smooth Dr. James Anderson, Pr:manila Claenust of nu.- chwunts, say. "After enalyam* Janes' Spanish Lily Wham, I find a possesses the mad beantithl and WA rat, and at We same time innocont white I ever saw. I conlunly eon conscientiouslymom:nand sae to all whose skin req1111V• beethilytht." Pnee, LH cents a box. bold by WM. JACKSON.I-111..theVI Pitt Inoohlue . Worio.ad Foundry. rn - rnoltall, Pa. JOILY WRIGHT tr. Ca., arm prepared to build Conon and Woolen Machinery . of c+very thaerlonon, such as Cordinr klachiner, St-mining Fransee. Speeders. Dreamt, Fromm Railway llstods. Women, Spoolers, Dreaming Frames, Latour., Card Grade., Ir.. Wrought Iron Shafting maed, all Nees of Coat Dory Ptilltes and Hanger.; of Dar least patterns, dole and bawl Lathes, and toots of all kinds. Castitto of every desenptiat formatted on short notice. Pettern• made is order for Mill Deanna, Iron italltatg, toe. Steam Dt pre (or hes, tag Factonem, Cast Iron Wlntloor Soh and fanny Cast• ongs generally. Orders lett +1 the Warehouse of J. Delmer d. Co, Liberty street, will have prompt linen don. Refer to Rlackstock, Dell 3 7 7. R. Moorehead & Co, G. @ Warner, John Ireton Sons, Pitmbergh ,• O. C. J. Wismar, Stetthensoll lanto Kew adordsseiv, wood E flti tae lt UNELL , epinar of ' sag widdrsizt fro. the dryistaf. lar al er an. uoilveell, on the TO of lannary,l.4l7, I take pleasure in .nocucinit to tny &mods in the city and country, the I have opened my new son at the co sh, named place. Raving pdrchased my so rer. to cosh, and intllde arrungententsiith enantifartotrera In Ibis errantry and in rtiropo to constantly supplied, lam dilly prepared tarnish lardware of alfkinds, on as good terms and se low as soy house East or Weld. gra ter and anima aye respectfully invited to call and examtne /wit, before purchasing else where. The following compd.}, part of his dock: Steamboat and saddlery harddrare gm trimmings, Mos, Maylor's steel, cutlery, edgeate, tails, arum , vices, Fac tory latches, scythes, bun Madura. screws, oFac ry rams, mahognity bords and veneers, and ell other ambles connected flit the headware bad next mchllti City Ifacuts grin& Glialery. TIMED eraser, KM o SIIILDS3O. 0 lIOGE begs leave to Inform the citizens of Pitts . burgh and Tannery, that be has taken the Leaguer nanYlooms lately occupied by Mr. Poster The pub lic are assured that all the late improvements are seen red, and will be brought into operation by Mr. Rage, who has been a constant °petard dime tha an was first discovered. Emirs dwells.on is all who may become his towels. Mr. =Vet: win pleasure to Mr. Porter. in whose establishment he has operated for Ma bot twelve Month. Family Por to ns, Engravings, Daguerreotypes, kn., accurately ied. Likenesses taken in any wesdbar, add set In lockets, breast pins, cases and fmnies — Pena Machias Shop. IfNTlGllTNUN—ilanufacturer ot ankh:lds oleol. ton and woollen machinery, Allegheny city, Pa. ribose works being now in full andeuceem^al op eration, I am prepared • to eremite orders with dispatch for all hands of machinery in my lion, such as waken, pickers, spreaders, cards, grinding machines, raitwaye, drawing (mines ' speeders, throw* loom, woolen cards, double or single, for merchant or country work, males Jacks, he.; slide and hand lathes and tools in gen eral. All kind. of .balling madote order, or plans gre en for gearing facto ri ea or mills M reuonable charge. Raw to—Kennedy, Childs A Co, Blackstock, Hell A Co King, Pennock & Co., la. A. Gray. ---71-111A—AVICIUMWPOTNISITIFT— ALA FULTON, Bell mid Brass Founder, has re built and commenced business at his old eland, where he will be pleased to ems his old custom. en and friends. Chureb,Steamboat. and Bell. of every size, from 10 to ro,tim pounds, casi from patterns ofthe most appro.• sod models, and warranted to be of the boat material. . . Mineral Water Punepe,Clatunera.Rattian, lee.. tag. - titer with every variety of Aran Centaurs, If required, mated Ewa nanshed in the neatest manner. . . A. F. is the sole proprietor of litasres himatos, Justly celebrated for she reduction of friotion in machinery. The Bases .d Composition eau be bad of him at an time. nl:ly Ploughs, Plough Casiings, Wygoas Oozes, dia. ROBERT ILALL, of' the old Inn of R. & 8. Hall, ia =Mete. ruing largo no • nti tt ee of Ploughs, Plough Castings, Wog. on berea, &0., with die improvements of dm Leaser. Pc...k, Illinois, and other Ploughs, of the latest and best patterns now In nee. Warehouse, VS Liberty atm% Pittsburgh, oppadte the Hay Seale; Factory, In Allegheny city, near Om Cotton Factory of Mama klinektuick,l34ll&. Co. dcl liL inimmismbumcor. 'ITIERTERS TO MIS RETREAT cap he furnished y with a Lunch at ell hours of the der also, I. Creams, Fruit Oonf otlouary, hm. The steamer Green wood makes her regular tripsu mud, leaving lies Pin atrom landing at US ttL, and at half past each hour ,except 10 until 10h P. M.—leaving the Garden at 10 P. M. for her loot trip to the city. A moonlight view of the Gorden is indescribable in lie beauty. Cps NterioE. lIAVINO sold our taallo input to O. 11.0asntri with _U. • viow to elOnnir our old linsiness, wo hereby 0 lion for him the patronage of nil our fnends and ens. touters. RO. POIN OMITS; Pinshargh, Aug. Ith, leas. Till: POINDEXTER. CCII. GRANT, %V0W..10 Omer, Commis:4oo Rod . Forws!iiog Nlorotkont, No. 411Voler ”INI JOHN BHERLF P & CO., OS. 93 tad 94 Font xtraet, Bell Founder. and man ofooturers of all kinds of Fiturdp. lot Oat, St • end Wstor. Inter alvorty. on hand \lt rottight Bon Wel I led Pipe for swam. ga., and water, from Jauntier. lira.} Cnotnirs made to indef. Alia, • larr nrotortment 01 8011. mud 4tolhed Brea. Work. •• which Ore attention of Plumbers and Eloguto halide Is particularl) &meted. 0011 }Stung. put up promptly mid on rtuonabl• thrms. .opt&dom .• pinviii liicila Sall Roid - Ciiizipaixii. -- IVOTICE is hereby given that the banal Itures.[E. IA of Fr. Dollen put steno on the Capital Stock of thus Company is required to be pntd on or before the host day of November nest. Instalments not paid punctually will he subject to the penalty of one per cent per month, no required by law. GI nkai V. BACON, Treasurer. N. B.—bllttabbrillS wall be treehml W. B. DENNY, at the Itletehauts' A Manufacturers' Bunk, Pittsburgh octo,lttst NOV. rr — Rx.cl•Sci - _ • A'f W. NrCLIN'TOCK'S., No. 75 Fourth it, and for Actin cheap, air: pm plain erimoon Plush, nth shade; figid " Drab, cloth, Cot coach uinnaingai lichann " crarnaolt and scarlet Damasks, 1 bale , IrthOge lIIIROTIVIL.CIi oat? • ivi.Ecraic Shto ilia Cicala.. .111 'Magnetic hinehinee, from different cumin mance &unman; Marine Clock. for mean boats, canal boats and &atones. Alp, Chemical* Thatta..a. , * for side by &Ltda.', & Co, corner market noddle diamond N. B.—Electrieity of 'either kind adannistamd at the direction of physicians. seFte AT W M. M'CLITETtiCK'S, N 0.76 Fear* meet, can helmet, • splendid variety of um RayalVel vet and Tapestry Carpets, latest styles. Also, Bras sets, 3 ply* and sap and fine ingtain Carpels, of sop styles and qualities; and In connection au atarityste found Table Linens, Crashes, Dispe-rs, Damasks, Mo. runs, al Cl ot h, die. At. td ell of *which se tall t h e attention of the nub DDIR DOlLlSD6lol....liilAtit-:6o — this - d — C. Junes kJ pure Sugar 'louse Mobutu*, in store and for sail by octtf ROM' DALZELL & Do, fiber*, st DRY .., tit.to Go aim. Vititt g.SALL GOOD! • " CHEAT VET! Mbaler( seallp;lland now ope Myr m ALYX AN. IRt& .DAIPB; Ne 70 Market-street, northwest Comer of Literate:lGO, a Very Insge and splendid stock of Wind wicht Thy GaAs, Iq which they would re apecuiilly finite the' attention of the public. It well kneamko Ordeal every one that the present scascals one distinguished for its tow prices of Dry Good., and ad - ordain great ;demise in being able to state that oiling to oar guen,tfacilities lot that purpose, (one of UM firm residua; 110Pluladerptf o r have been eon ' bledio, purchase nits presettt ata considerable 11am:ion-from Met usual Mark attek cheap as they ere,' arid ore are thereforeanabled to sell at corns Span- V I L I ArIO C Ih i ttb43ITOES le the osoal se. 740 r. MINA I would P, e no A "U; ant the money to the best ad vantage. Ths ladies ahoeld call; an examine hoe Prints, Ginghasuis..- don• • Callemstea, AJpaeas, Marines, ••• • P I ds, andyvastops styles of fashionable Theo • • e, of d Etve h i llt • very fine "ustient, Intl. • • , ervery.descriptumof t thoseigneduin the Market. AND CA;_ en: N. To the genileinstr we would recosamend our •of nee F . Lnintelt Cloths, OntgLiah, Fteach and • -•-• .anmsteril, CRSTut.,LOP,BRAWLIII very isae, umbra cingslonet emny variery:of s y e end quauty. BANTINETB.LOf attach we • no en excellent em awtmen4 34.11, 4/ crab I white am( yellow Flannels of alit qualities andpricisa TICHINGB AND IS superior assortment of Itlckinge of ail grades, and Blurting Checks in greatv.4 l3l7,AoßED !AND BROWN allißLlNS—lhnbist- I oyst7 . 47cr u ipti d en ef the abote goods, in al A Ur stock 07 ' 1111117 .dugs, Silk and Cot ton Velvets, bc4, plain and figur:d, Entocky clod Limeys, plaid and fancy (figured CloMng Sind cloak Linings., breathed and utiheaolied Tattle Limper, both linen and etittan, bleached had unbleached Table I cloths, bleaehed and unbleached Canton Flannela, I cd do do, Bonnets and Botmetaibbons, blk and cold crib cravats, Ladies Scarfs and( cravats, Gloves and L awry of all kinds, likumenderit, Irish Linens, Linen Lessem, Lines Eidk6, Silk do, b3r Lace Veils, Love do and Hats, Oil Chintres, Russ* arid Scotch Dmper, mash, Lbtee, plain striped allured Jaconets, Cam bric and Baring Nuslins, Victo Lawns, Green Ham ts tuning the city frit the purpose of laying la their sonpliesa should not fail to me us a all, as they will find oargooda and pneas each as cannot fail to snit their pimps* u.A.L=4ISMIM ft DAY, 73 market N W cor Dlsmomi The Morn Golden , 11441:tive Again. New Fa alai fin Dry Goods. .rEmeshed and now bpe t as tbq dmirt MIS Des WM, on Markate, betweenThitd and Fourth streets, case of the I ches. t and best assorted stocks of Fall and Dry error of. feted in Plusbutztt, to which 111 samba. mu nu merous eusionatis and the petit( seminally, bn respect. fully invited, ash* subsorMes =dawn that be oast whs. such bargains in Drys . cermet be art , passed by any 01/1:1 , house in city. • As then goods have town based so prices al below than of say immer sreaily reduced tans. "' Mit I =='-`4nd . i4Val e will be 447 ,1 prise& . LADD379 Dit62Bladorra. . . . ...... .. . ......_ . . . . _ ?island rues fashion:l dram sang plaid End striM• black sat* striped and lab:l4hr plain black 'erg glow gro de !Mar p black rich lame s Ins rung, illhfor "thanes, magmas cvcs at varying" pricer newest designs and' aty. eardimarce; Plain and aunt dryad =shine we Preach Preach merino all culla* eu, th ings, and nod satin striped, al great reduction on boner cos; = dothirt and casbniere plaids; tooth= and plaids, cu qualifier, alpacraa all qualifies and colors, (mm Leg to 75 centoperryard. ' SHAWLS! SHAWLS!! Pine cashmarci Lc/Acrid and broehe shawls Black embroldeord CaSh1:1101, and do lathe shawls; Ana Tlbbet and de lathe - ! do Ana black en&cluicred cloth ! do Mao quality long, very eka Plain black and plaid silk, ra pl y cheap do A large lot plaid blanket altalels froze 73 cants to VA all wool. DOMITIO ()pops, we* BELOW FORMER PRICIEB, Good dark ealico.fraos 310 6 eta yo,r yard; Best quality deft calico from el to 10 eenno Yard "ride pantie 4121 oak Good yard wide bleached ms din 4 w Bed belongs aud cheeks, all prices; Blankets, rromeonne to beet coality, very cheap; A fall assortment of Rd, white and yellow Ilartncl Setinens, Kentucky Jeans, Kerseys, Linsey., ate, to, etc., all of be will be sal at reduced rate \067 Market st sepitti WM- L. FIUSSFS.L. !VALI. 440613/K -_ . . - vir hPCLINTOCK,ts war constantly receiving his VT . fall stook of CARPETING, ka, compriUng one of the largest aattortaxests ever brought tothe mar which have been purchased direct from the Im porters and Manufaentren of the latest and newest tryitts and lower in price than ever offered in this Ohl, to Witch he lasi*s the intention of those wishittg to formal, steamboat. or houses,. before purchasing else where. The stook, consists to part of the following variety ' Rich A , uoninist Carpets; Otiernal Tapestry Oil Cloth do Velvet . do Plain colored do do Tytesoy do 24 feet wide do Brussels . do 8-4. 74,5-4, 4-4 & f oil cloth REtra super 3 ply do Stair Rods doter , do.n do do I s 2-Ad i a ,i r e d Waggon Wide - do do Etratewoolail Cloth CoaPILIII2 di] • di" crumb sloths 44, 3.4 & 1 Damisk Embossed Piano rovers Veoilian do 'do Table do 4.4,34 b l rorPs“ddo. • Invised Table oa. olotbs 44,3-4 & 4 pleindo do TOtkey Red Toilenett • 4-4,1,1, Ito 2-4 ioo do Michas& !data . . 84 printed wood Carpets; Sheep skin do Extra sap Chenille Rugs; Joie , do do do Tufted' do Oilcans do Pine do 'do Manilla' Hemp Wilton do do Boom drop Napkins Crimson fig'd Plash; Diaper Towelling Plain Crash Drab M Cloth • S 4 and 64 Table Linens Blue do, for coach tm'gs; Trunsp , nt Window Shades Carpet Bindings ExtraTrenett do do Mord cords Bleb Satin de Lathes for do Tassel... window curtains . . • .... Scarlet, blue ,crimson, black and da Damasks fignimi re/M1.4,1)=0.am worsted and linen Table ruin.; blur, criinson, scarlet, green, drab and Mack Moreens; corton:Pleuthes of ill colors, &o. kn. Re. Also, Outwitting. and Drillings for steamboat deck, and all other trunimeganecessary for malts for boats in our line, to whieh the ese-ial attemion of owners is invited. W. ATCLINTOCKS Carpet. Waretoom, one door from Wood, on Fourth it. se WS CRAVIRITING, OIL OLOTHIS, Co. W. IM'CLINTOCK'S CdAUT STORE, Ne. 7 3 Potrero s NE of the largeas and the CUM choice stock of O CASPETINO in the market embracing all the used qualities (Mat the most appeared manufactories, that ham been tested for durability m lobe and co lon. Tapestry Velvet s&trpc do Brussels do Erossels Extra sup 3 esspeting; _ Extra afted tatenills Rossi ply do Sap Ingrain - do do T Wilton do ". Floe do do . Brpsels do Common do - do • ... Mannfactured i order in new panenvg adapted to parlors, basements and ohm:titters. Painted Oil Cloths, In, dining rooms, entries, vesti bules, kitchens, &a. Straw Marring Stair Rods, *lndere, Shades and Arm.. Cotton and Wodlien Booking, ftent one third to three, yards wida Door Mats, &a. &e.:, to which attert uon of porch:mem ht wholesale and retail Is respect feltyWaieroom, one d/or from Wood it anr.lsl • W M'CLINTOCIE Dry Goods . Stage klett Witt to. No to WOOO Stem, INVITES the lateatien of Westent Merchants to their huge and frukatock of FALL A.ND WINTER DRY G which they am now receiving Orcet frottl i Aastem himoilecturera artd Importers , and which they vrll well at Easterujobbing gnees. Having every facility for the purchase of goods to the best sdvamage, and the lowest possible prices, they confidently brriti Numinous to Mambos the outdid.a and prices of their goods,tholing satisfied they coo com pete favorably with any market, MIMI East oil Vest. • plc& atoek wIG compose a doll assort:mat of all goods othally k g l .. . Dry Goods; Homes, and will be conetantly mon additions or* the new and Mei. rattle styles of of domestic pr „th nonanfac tore, aad will only 0.11.:1111 MI be op . reciated. sepl4 7 jr' OP. 41.13., LR. hOlittlif t nowheaaticomer of Fourth and liitrrt ttgo=l%fall math please loot beano • *help ;Witham. Open t his norolng r a antlful aasortmentS of Plain ►lark Al a d e o as :i ar d. Ettwado . d. .aria striped do, W e prints ginghwns,Sonalins, Isiah Mena ite.orery wo Wboleolo, rocuos on orcand awry. Goods to cash Impers at al?ont Eastern edam Merchant. will do well lo call. . sepl VRENGE -.Mum • ow." `o,' • r Mutat Med, Imre this day opened a taw of Preneb Merinos of all colon, ablo,Lyomme cloths, &I plc., oriental daica&bmertm, »s e !num, 111 k plaids and woollen do, which will be sold extremely low. styli • -- t r-' l , ltlCTilltels floods. ECFSVED MIX mond. A. A. Mason Co's, ISO AV !duke street, 2Yps eopenot painted cashmeres and mons de Wee& 10 pm rich Laotian lulu., and Oda dm embroidered . 4terses anion elegant style: REMNANTS Op CALICO ag—A A Mazola ACte, tit Market In, ate clewing oat a large lot of remnants of Calicoes, at Cady half the osaal inieeet-goatfata ea- Jared Pratte at ale. autr7 • LUb AND ORANGE sod blue Merri mack do, constantly on ltandva lowest ;,riees, at wholesale nom of IN It 111111/Plllf, angl • cot ills and market ma, A 4 gory tatistoTEWATONti—r .t, have tst opened Stooreeases of those very cheap bleached uslins at Se. Alao, 4too= cases or the 44e do. Also, soother large lot of the rem:nude et Calico, at 64c. • segi4 Irrrg , PORCELAIN BEADs—irtm subscriber h i aving rechleed the sole Agency fox aale of Jones, White 41c Co. r Plane, Getst, PiTOl., Mot,. and Hiscempl• dates, Teeth, Invitee /kelt/4V epecial aneenon. JOEL hIgAILER, Dream and Apothecary, _apt, cot wood end 6th VW STEEL. cool:ls—stud Clasps. th e Bert ...ort ment in the 2eitrt Steel OrMk. do Bag Tassels; do Pone do, do Parse Mom do do Clasps, do Slides; do Soy lamp, dolly Cootbm sum rect'd at the now Fancy Sun. Pd hlmhei myla KINsEv & biox Sww.sinTE.Gops—A. assort:Meat ehlt•rd and striped Cambriearolain andelit'ol lanoenty and Sooteh Mull, ISook Moans, 'Whop Last., Slittsooks, spotted Molls, Victoria Latens, Tarlatan .Moshns, together with •MS ass:Tumour of flobineits, plun and faser.NethsLases. ll /glngs, insetting., g aa . he., a s of e.t.a hare All armed uresa (toot the Ins. potters, and tot gale low Co the trade, by .4 mph 14111.&=-137 IIirMITE ActuNE Woo now oa pa w l a AL full assorlotens of Valeamsed leldnaltabbt . t e chineatoefieclall widths, (toot ti inches to 16 i th .aaa s 'await In willaellattainalaturemAiticeo, sad "A rne wed tiatbo.gurclutskt, at No IS Wood Ida _ , J & lIPIMJAps LIJi. Oinutt AND FRINGES-41w reed 'at Zabo Ito, ittosay , a, No. Tr Mutat greet . , dos yards =tWM Photo, at(WeOtui pamms 11.11 d pttse; far to doryolds'Ottop, all widths Lad idyl., tot cape ko. 44 pea lea dlt coatßindthir, ATM STEXPEDAEPACAR..w, R u n d,hy tam middy of alma doenhc Edaut and ebtored of aiLinaApd at law prints for adao, Bro- Mn 00, VOL. XVI. NO. 6b. LITERARY. The Bankers , Itaimetue. THE BANKERS' MAGAZINE, end State Financial Register, devoted to the dissemination of Bank Statistics, sound principles of Beakless,utility and prin ciples of Life Insurance and Savums Banks, Emtimit and American Lem Decisions in reference to thebusi ness of Boob and Rankers, &a Edited by J. Smith Menem • Porticolac amnion will be given es hereto Gare to the compilation of neer hotel, decisions respectißustk Bro. ken, BiW of I 2 11' sachnseus, Commoocol, Oi c '" York, P anis, Maryland, Virginia, South Zolins, Ohio, Looilistis, Tennessee, and ocher Stales, This will be on* of tke mossimpsrtent features of the work, and will In itself claim the sueutian - cd,Presidents, Ceshters, Tellers, Notariel and wheal. Anteing other details of import unes, tobankers and.others, the wort mill contain sta tistics •of the Banks in ovary . State of the Uolooi graphical sketches ot R=incat thinkers of &uope Surf America; Official Tables showing the debts, lim n, expenditures, and financial condition of the sere) cal gtates of the Usiop. Published monthly, 68 pages octavo, at Three Dol lars per annum. _ _ , EILICiTt & &NOUSE!, Is Wood 0. Agenta for Rankeas..litaganno. Balker 116. Ektribnorbs Publications. MBE anhscribas having been appointed agents for the sale. of the ~pubileanorte ot the above, swell .enoom publishing house, have a fidl supply of thew books on hand,which they can sell at the eastern mi nes, wholesale Mal retalL Among the works . ..Welt have been recently tuned by limp, which have been highly morn dcd ss exceedingly interesting and namable, may be fottrid-;-The Czar, his Conn and Peo ble, Ireland's Welcome to the Stranger; Bethel Flag, y Dr. Sprinc Napoleon and his Manhale Nast:Min ton and his Generale The Sacred Mountains; Orators of Prance; Teaching a Science, the teacher an Anisr, Charlene Himbeinte Urdthrre Works, T. 9 Arnim' • Making Hans to be Bich, Riches have Wags, geepmg tip Clppezrannes, Debtor and Creditor, he. tr-r- Also, the worts from the press of Bohan Carter, the, character of Ishoser • pithllections is well known. Tar retina% Theoksy,bl4 vole; Haldane en Somme Me cheynots worke The Coeval; by author of &hoot Gni in n=re,*&c. New books received no soon so as published. ELLIOTT t ENGLISH, my 9 79 wood and 66 market am ANEW WORK By DB. MOORE—Man and His Motives, by Geo Moore, author of Body and Mind, `ale and Body, ere. Price Mo. the Dairy of relay Alhu7 i filltVits=l r es ro ll H. A. 37e. Ohaltae. Posthumous Wetts, Vol. 4. Sabbath Seliplare Headings NOW Testament, VOL 1. .ffistotical and Miscellaneous Querdons; by R. Mang -211/L Setbisting the IDededti of Mythology, Astro.- OmyeAtchitecture, Heraldry, ete. eta Prom the 84th London edition. Adapted far schools In the U. States, by Mrs Julia Lawrence: _Engraving.. 81,0). Poems by . Amelia." .PElisedidon, enlarged. Erin gilt edges. Plato Centre Atheres......Plato against the Atheatm or the teath book of the Malogaston laws, aceconpanied with mitical notes, and followed by extensive dimes- Intions, By Taylor Lees* D. Pdabignes alum of Me Reformation. New edi "Ari"d.. above,. 4 Za.=g`07.,°'.1.7,=; eroths, but reed by @ HOPKINS; eepigl Apollo Bundle" 4th at, near Woad nßOOKß—Ellstory Of Congress—Biographical compromg.Memoire of Members of Congress of the Brined Soles, drawn from authen tic sonrceiN embracing the prominent events of their lives t and their cooneetton mull the political history of the tune. by Henry O. Wheeler. Illustrated by nu =nous steelFelor and facmincile autographs. liGrors and ..Life I. the Palace—abosheing of lEstorical ketches of Joatenhhte and Maria Louisa, Lonis i Phillppe,Pegfutartd of be Nicholas, Isabel- MB, ...veld, aninfiebniso by . John S C Abbott Barnes Notes on James, Peter, John and Jude.— Notes, explanatory and preedeat on the mend eon.. des of James, Peter, John and Jade: by Alton Barnes. Mary . Grover; or, the 'honing Wt! Dornetele Temperinee Talc by Charles Burden, author of the 'Convict's &e. Harold, the Lam of the Saxon Engle by Sir Edward ritton, Bart. Complete in two porta Part V. Har ped Illustrated Edition of the Arabian !rights' Entertainments. The above works received this day and for sale by JOHNSTON dr. STOCKTON, 171 0 Booksellers, roe Market and lists ISTEWBOOKS—The Women of the American Rev, •olution: by Elisabeth F. Ellet—in two volumes. with portraits. Robert Sams, as a Peet, and as a Man: by Samuel Tyler, ofthe Maryland Bar. The Gambler, or the Policeman's Story: by Charles ButolioiL Hose to be • Man; • book for boys, containing nse fal hints on the formation of character. by Harvey Newcomb. Hoer to be aLsdy; • book for girl., containing use ful hints on Ma formation of character: by Harvey Newcomb. Anecdotes for Boysr-Enterttuning narratives and anecdote., illustrative of priociples and character. by Harvey Newcomb. Anecdotes (or Girla—Eatertaining narratives and anecdotes, 111 a m -wive of principles and character. Just received and for de by 0m.17 JOHNSTON lc STOCKTON New Sacred Nosh, Nook. - - - • • 9IMIE NATIONAL PSALMIST; an ostensive collee- L non of Psalm and Hymn Them, Anthems, Client., and set pieces, by Lowell MILSOD and Geo. Jas. I n, This new collectiott, upost which moth time and la pot has been bestowed, contains (besides st large pro portion of those old and, otanthard tunes which have met with long continued fors:Bla large variety of new and oriainal weasie.Arrntshol by diotinguislad fang and native COMpOltall, making the work one of the moat complete collection. of Psalmody ever published. It contains Woo many of the mostpopular Howbeit chant., end a rick variety of an d and chorus., adapted both to choiumetice and church service. SOO copies ofthe above music book received and for sale at publishers piths, by JOHN H MELLOR; 00111 81 wood et ‘l7l. V BOOKS—Tbe Writings of Coml. Islarcallos 11 Clay, including Speeches and Addrmses. Edited, with a prefnee and memoir, by borate Grimly. The First Bock in Spanish; or, a pmctiesd =reduc tion to the study oft/to Spanish Languages containing full 11111MUCtiOrill m yromuudation, n grammar, exercis es on the 011endorff method of constant imitation and repetition,reading lessons, and o vocabulary. Thu whole adpted for the the of private learners, or for classee tinder an instmctor. By Joseph Hitachi, A. hi, author of °A Compendium of Classical Aro:qui d...a," etc. Brother. and Sister., a tale of domestic Ilk; by Psederika Bremer. Translated from the original miblishedmonnscript, by Mary Moretti. The Dying Robin, and other tales. By Joseph Alden, D. D. Juts received and few sale b _ir.tt y JOHNSTON tc STOCKTON" 'DRENCH PROTECTED GOLD PENS—We have just received supply of them excellent Pens. TheireuPenonty consists in the Protector, sad import ant tmprovemeat what* pees them the following ad vantages: Ist. t mndvs the nib and prevents the mourns of the pan parts of "duels it is composed, by maintaining • perfect parallelism between them 2d.. It retsina a much larger quenuty of nth then oth urft prerients all dropping or spettertng of the ink. It thus °hymen emery ObJectiOn which can be urged wails% ordinary gold gene Its addition to due the workmanship is superior to that of any pens of domes tic manufaamm. They will make as fine heir mark as the finest steel pen, 'Mile they have all the elastici ty of the quill. They have given satisfaction in every instance trt which they have been tried. A. O. Saybsr . s large, mednun and smell Pane Levi Browns Prentrum Pens, The Congress. Pen: The La dies Pee, The Blebehen Premium Pee; for sale at man rtfacuners, prices, by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, oct2 Market st, comer of &I XTL3V BOOKS—Lactasee on Shuteye:are, by H N .L Hudson, Ls to voltam. The Poorer of the Putpit, or plain theagins addressed to Christian and those um hear them, an the spr influenc D e of a preached Gospel, by the Hey. Glutinter . D. 'The Peasant and Us Landlold, by the Baroness Hnorrim. Translated by Mary Holum Lamanine's Girondists, VoL irtstory of the 01- rondist,orpersonalmmun of the Pnridutof the Frank Revolution; from unpublish ed tources—by A- de La m A few ceirdes of each a( the above warka received this day and for We bry JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, Bookaellers, my3o eon= market and ad eta SEW BOOKS. PIONEER HISTORY: Being au account of the first examination of the Ohio Valley, and the early witilement of the .Northwest Territory, elderly from original manuscript; containing the pa.rs of M. aomlo Mertan. these of ledge Burk, the &min of Jo mph Buell and John Matthews; the records of the Ohm Comp., &e &c., with numerous plates and mop. By e,the t r h f Tire Aateri o rn Revolution, ms j by E. W L KrW - Item;, ' Alax. Handllon, F amL isher end Jolt; Randolph. I voL cloth. Rein. from Rosiness, or The Rich Plan:. Error, by T. S. Arthur. A (ow copies of each of the above wurks received this day and tot tale by JOUNSTON a STOCKTON sepi booksellers:, tor Hark. and Third 8 CIENTIFIC APPARATUS, for Comm. Schools, Seminaries and Private Families, .cons ring of Tellurian, Ormrys,Globee, oumoeci (mom, Gournsui. eel Forms and Solids, Geologies! Specime., Geome trical Blocks, &e. Ike. I sox including box with lock and key, $13.25. For sale by A HOPKINS, 4th st, semlo „ , access. to J L Read - - -• 0 RATOFtS OF THE IatIEFUCAN REVOLUTION, !Lissom plates Of SmL Adam!, Joseph Warren. l'cuslck Henry, Ales. Hamilton,,Fl.er Ames ad John Randolph; dedicated to students who are not *ones, Clvarmns who swam bigots, and casens who are not demagogues nethins fromßutlness, Or The Rich Man's Error, by T. a Arthur. For sale trlc tij n, CrFT IS ENGLISH, ftp.t _1 IV wood, and re market sts Books 1 BoOka t t I {Vend<ll cb .ahIAWEINEIS OLRONDs CommISTS, complete, 's bllnekootteentaries, s at I sass inCanforma,b7hßryant, The eau pia courtuarb people, tnelodmg a War in Norm . ay and Sweden, ss By Reusing Rate Dullne, or jLa limb blnn's Error?' By T. &Arthur. The Battle of Buena Vista. By Capt. Carleton. Foe:mars Chem, •Tyler.sTae ties. Rehnuts's Rome. A. general assortment of School cad College test !molts for vile by R. HOPSUNS; sept • Apollo llulldheml; Fourth at. near Wood. BeOra 130 0E.Slt—Lactares on Theology: by the J late Rev. Jahn Dicl , L. D 4 published coder tke superintendence, orbit son, with blograptund woo ducting by an American editor—complete - in one col ume. • Dwight's Theology, 4 vols.; Edward's Works, 4 egg.- Chalmers' Work., 4 ~ 14. NeandeAransreb IllatorMal and 2.1 vole NI:0m ea the Type s af Christ, (jet published) (Imo, , a ! , / ,. /S0 and well selected meek of Theologreal Marc' rta. and"Schntil Ikarka, for We low by ELLIOW & ENOLL4II, • ' Cawood and no market am CUL:2II4IIt-1 bbl Gin,o,.i rtl-4r&lla CIPMICINS-1 4.n.t.i.Cuabiona, just med'by &was. sad (ur 1tA,,i . .p0 India 'Bubburliu6et 5 Wood - • J& PliaaLlM OULD CANDL '76 biz summer Moat& X2l - 4 bx fate order, for ania by actll 4 SELLERS & NICOL* Soar—cao Si.. No I Italhare ude by • ' oral , NICOLS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers