~: 5 ', , t..- i iiiif:.i),:7 : ki. .. - f 4. . _ . .1 1,11.n.i! , {-1 4 . .s? # L. . . frt4Aloltrla 3,... o , 3o7lo',JiLimj z 4,4; • . , ~„" 'AT==it - ju ' i lk, m t ! ‘4m""'* _nMEO ~i Viatruid, F lragaue•ul, PUtilisnar. ' aet2l'4 :414,44* g crocem ,a4d.c66,l,nis-iyi:7l47,osd?oo. it . , ACA' " • • - 6 • n'clk i JkaA 91 Vieed,stces. • 14L, ' • - • ihwannxir a c0.. - vbmiaill . 4.madeataaersaa,Congi o.oo,..Piatsbutiblh. arTwth• E mma witotanis le r ° Pittakiltti • • 411331 e .0.1 • - _ , , - -a: inowash— , - 11e41101 0D3 .18111 1 a ENRlgirAsm ,l liThoiessle.erocemOuarau ' 1 liardthst Merebantsi azat dealers ItCP;oell tenth ibututtasi,lsl.?.:f Maid Itt4e Vi i! aFisaaA " . 410, Kite, T- • ,ElbliCk , ,StnaVA : CO, Widen.lo ,-..ftsidaa../Setettllt4lo 24-- Agernt I 0.21,11, Vabfr i pa* toe inro , - " VeLLAOLtiti, WM) .It • . iNvaileit* lad thuraittels, log • % foritadttglildiel&kt Pittabotb, ,S-riug h4 l !dee'iok,ist . taco*. 2:: =WA= .1 • Vatiailsai Ida mrifimit 'author White • ' • t riadtita oirmet cll Is4 6lLara m" Vinibthldw thd • .„ 101131"nme41' v,..s.....acoslourratitiViktrus..l477,...„ liintharus, No-7f AMS. *a.? . otte••• ,• - 1:1 rojasal mart, r tij TBAIMI &Ma= 111, Coy ,1 1 Illereluutts;arianaetril ". ,4 Waystousdl o7 Wald Al U a l i 7, ul . 0 m , ,, r -- - - - r.: - -'' aorznigy,- • armemt. -Of ansykraus - , 1 1 , : d • it an ( . '''' „—jiacriPilki alits4 Hew , V arch 'o , Bun. I w/ Miller, W oman. a, '" Jesq. ISRUltes ' IOW eon . a co, wboletaki naTeporfrl'oni4d-,1 lagCOMlSiladial n i IIeINTI,A# r...., dace Litikallo64loollpaitelares, or 7 acKallblurlig iir elitellar MVO, pear ibt Canal, Tsar tgbas. _ „A - oov $ areGunzir,,,,Awribeirm a; , 016136 cit IRUTC/USTfi • & ceska. to; 0 idritiabitailognACe, &mutilation Menitalug, a11.1m.131. Loma Steam ./lolinery .., "Aug sada Boat fir,ritt" TWIN '.I3.`ZILIVORIII.-Wltolesale Groass,, , Plo• ft wieligailsk41 th z!!!!'ic''7llAt , . • lowa DadoßaANowisies car •er Dyealdri, nautogglik•v-- PinNaga t corgirCinilmq "Pr: 8 / 6 0#, Pi'F' m " .. I, I4iIESMR, Jr, & ("cacti.= 40 308.0. o. IF .ThiTtamplill WatdstreaL ee3l its•7•4l l l l , l l ETE. 7 2i..7t 4 l egal i , V --Papsylllates,l3tara;CtitrPrisimrcini. , StatitanurgencollY,No. el V 11 .1 Pi WO. • . t. , • Walther tuna in trade. . .LI . .Ig.ctioormuceir ^ u rNo` 4 , 1•W00d - stretk. ^ . . - °UN D. DA AUtt"eer, Camer,4 ll l and Wood I - 411311111511A O STOCEXlM.,,likaika adfteralP}ltattaral, 19.41 za.: law., ;1.17 12 , 60.1) . " b i Ot "iernrNiNlSlll#4lo4l479Vlr* 0115 rtni . st. z .. • • r :rolga.LoYD,Ausa co,)%tWesalli A‘ Ng 41101.=.00110:432tUberrrlaegtZT.3 :UP3 AItn.DALLZEIAN - WhblenhiCemilou and . dealer tcProdstea sod Maar& _ , _ -"Xcill4"Witeria47 - - laa6 • WinittiODU3S,Terwarding sad ri...oo:atit". . emalis,Deatenrin Produce sadlW*l2` , bauured oracles, I:::p.wd Saga, near Ma sc. I • :It:oft:Osman* • 5,1 3 ,!tr.., Ca, 1311.011fielfrats of all W 41W1 ga 9 al Kin t il it. th"r" ,f94.111',: .• 7, D.,Ch ..ftikelaie proem, Flyraria:' 4 pm Pius ,SfiriUti i T :' t'^ %Nuer . . 1.14.r.s .11W L .fr • Hir t6=ANAMEI a 2 e . r l . i , r 1" Nl2 LZn it e. .. -4, - ' EttOCA-kIittYMENIS IC 074 o=Minh= Met . '..- .trtaZisde w =feT ibe "Ida eqprodwre g 4 as* ininimir..U. 'I ..I.ILISLt: ''? J , •ei P.,, :,:, 3.-.11 ....; t, . I • üboty tli .f..vras. 11. amer. u :::..., . ~.11448;li. k,, Ca.,-Catosaiula aid Forwarding ~. ~ t , ii.lges.llBlool.3uer',artd. 0044.0, beWeell .., , j , cl fod and Nukes as, ~ ,i..,,,,'[ .. m ~.., ; lane ..........m.= SONa l io:Atr .6S• ke second D e P °. /V04.1-11uxifitoroh, , unoniColkotiozw. otil in- the ,pmbielpok gliout U10,71.11;16 Maim - - deft?' , 'it/Irk/tar MUOitit i rtu#l* i tis t = minim ; a t =of .V'm orld-DtootoieVyines tat"' "d oKr, 4rerf •,-,exillepicesilia, „tato,. laro-stoelt Visterias , rim* /old tow fox 'Mt. • IF/Xl7. Tame - Vid- rrarritarare' •°(lllolctii..6!":4l.Wb° ~ A fV. aDJULELD,..W • • p • ,_44ipilDealertn. - • „biome% 6A m+ ' ' 'liKu rco l t= got in vir4l4o lailkxattein rms. .jktmactufes, N0. , 1101 Lagar 0 4, . • rArrumay.w. /hCel, - Wholesale Givens, ' " Consolidolvand Fbrisenhorhlesehenk &also Fred". ath'rit." l .o 4 / 1 1, " - - -- Mai CUM& lle n e t mt dE Ekf_d " °ZD o irg r de. awthseeUP&daA,` _ ,lagratiaeg •' - Tbeldsbertprkes;in ea* piddrtalt,des foicona• ler MM.. Comet of Peas eaftliwizidte. iaz4a, 7 T311. y r" , - • • .• • goad $.l-bemiliii.assai4 l 4 l / a b , ria.Z4Liberti.tudnerablburrk.rr: -411arrE /AMMON, Whohisaki sad la ,ligil/inerf lloadds,: Lima; Mosier/ aza, E LV Ariteles,Nc!„ 4:llWiet 51 , qttl y _ 2 . 4_400f aberif I , C• igialliarrn Cuicalg" At;,,Wrrivii.g,id Dv:J.lo;4s . r , rentmw.a.t. ..vv: sagesuotiv vroormei4i., Awe. Vo rtod Produ4 pactl3lVsted Fenn:ding and''Comma jdo!Fkliz4.4 .r!p Wan a, hum ileoeum s Ok.LVThelesals Orocerkaad produeviedera,Nn..ZONATW ora t boween 156 I . • Ct• IV MM.% Pindnee lend GeneeelOoss., - la sdnion Merrehantt, No. 47 Lit ' ,g4n et, Pituhnesh., pans; Linseed and Lad OThi. , „ - •,,,,, L .C . VON 'Bouguossr, k Co, ..Wiplesakrtho. - - ~,gers, korwarinn_ and...Co=un i Itterchinu, in Pinebenh hienntscuree and %Venue ha - damn, unwed tonne new watebonn,(ohistandi ~. Ne; =net green-a. snd Chastain" l o an. :., . 1 • . - , •16M1* as, se.zrr, loiliareaess end Onnts, xi , , . tan Ideninisinind design in Prednea, aNa...26 eceinainniunh... , - -, .' ' - ' Da" ~' .11 il+.llotWit for Itteileim soldier* sair 14#20 moving al the gees or WP. E Ale . line Ens. Webb In Pinsbunh. My . —l-44, 1 katallsrld land aims it W iwilf aUtnAlii -ist Proioess them free of qpepeo to qp • . - - ~. ~ ~ . , 4 •-•'• • •"VV•igu- h. inoANDOI3S,. Oneeeisopito 1. 1r.4.1). - 1 V—Wielt,) Wholesale' Gl:Deers, 'Forwarding ,axid. • •• •• L •Cusudakia:-EitrAdottrdbildrir barqq, Nails, 0 22 4 claw Yams, and Pittsburgh iLudife etdrqs didlii. t^, .. - 1PP1....at Wed abd Watm• *Ueda; P*.barirL . • -' --..‘ y ht at •• - Bo Eti—Coldanaldos and 1P . arsinutrog . , .i u, ..... ~ , ~,., r.l. , idaelstud, No.loo RT,•,9,35a. betweenyood Infl, .' . W .7.W. WAIJACA OA 510110 1124 IµIL Forzutg. ••• : • ,••,-• • Vidg timiblithmedcliP4R, Taberrawzgaribt it; GARILAID, Dealer - in Farley — it:I4II3MS? M ,;::.1111 • DP, Goo.* N 0.19 Motet meet, ft 20274411. 113 T Vir .4i/LESON, Dula in- Watahos, Jewelry, ethivi.VV Il3oodiyisa4No.67 u. . R. itliLVlLVlVlnilesalostaliteati dealo , Fillip . find D 8110.411 Dry tiabdsolortb am of Matta Intl Vdoth ttq 4cag2l. WY. TOlnt__ • rm. it. x`carra. - TIVIL , NOUNBAW-Dealais • r Vries,* 41, '3 VT r 10 r • 1 1 ‘- Arrißy . . . L ......,„.. .„,.,. JETCHELTRES—WbaesaIs ' GROCCri, 're 8 4041 t0f lbOank . sod 'Mae 'and Limn ; 4 , “ rekagli ilLaNarMO otfloga Aali la Blog .. "1.: ....,, . ro.: iIID Libmir stßinaberglk, Pa. jaadly ra t , a , I_F.de alers in OthliSmrligre, " Plua n u b ib il t *Oda; him.= Mtni,..l all tim:4 ' anortme nto Piumbialgo‘ds fis *sir Wm; qua Olsont W t wi t ti.ir IitTcHELTAES, whoiewkle , 9ro.ern, DlstillannOsail Wind. ~ - . /.040€0, 1., 11 ' 666lau - 661, Also, Ingartirrier 11e0e41611 Meech -166-7016466. • No. 160 Librrey atm% 1.0-6144,161pt,' 16. ,ti . ftign ,40 L. 1. 2 - -.4k F.l .1, . - . . . . . . .. , . . ... . , . . . . , . . • . • • • ~ , , . . f t . . . . - . .. . .------- ---- ---•--• ....—_-____. _ _ . -- --_. . • . 1 . • , . , . . . . : .... • k! i „.. ri )I A 1 et I I, 1„1 L. \ .--. 1 -,-. ~g 1 .. .„ ~' % . .. Vb.‘ .tttt....toto ~•,,„.. . ol Si tllk if ;i •,,' H i ..e. , ~..i ,i , • • . . ,:- 1 d • ' ' . . :tel, .t . 7.1 .• ,!, ~ , ,!, t „A„, . Ti lir r —i-- A f 6 ' ill' . • wall ;a 17 It „le • S. 0- • , _ t. , . , • ~ /... ' II 3 , ' ',. , . ' .. ' ..t. ' ' U., ' l i t ° , ... i A '' . --Et ~,, to. , I V • ~...,.. :: .7...• '"•.° 7 •• , ‘? -‘--. • '' --;_.•""o! : T-ri5ii, , :". , ;:;•in.wr,..1 ,,. .1.1 !a A illtit . ..l fit ..ft • ' ..5 . . u• , - - --. ~, ~--,- -- ' • '-' • ',, , ,,1T ' ' 1 - , .-- • - t. 2l s ..'. ,`" ' -''''''' -- 3' - . '.. ' ;1756: u;> :•. - .•% - “0111)18: TORN li....:TOMISEND,,Draggin arse : , ,npotaaeOir AP. -Nantb Marko' at.ohrea donor...Lbw.* Thinfls. Piny- Laugh, imarconasantly to hnaurs wad aelestaa as- , - sonmensof the.bea and .frothatt atadielabh whlO' hb w II aall +an Wantons . rammlnable teem>Vl rbraci.. pulawnynnandedas. Jr Viet schilutieksahttyraulT • 01 ." ir""' " e * w 2 " Pityalelana pies ..dwnsanennately.stal palmated Own the bon ausesiab, ak any isms of the gay= ends. . • Alan kw aata, , Maws cask °tend' nal good Pada.' Sae ". • I o . l7,Edi„llAFWgilt„'"d= psecand, , ,ticp.tly_pod SkakLkld *Or r i t grtg4V4 - ,itrat °'`.'44l1 :1 Attie.kt ty tredbytett *tyl,ek. INT4ki: kept at kre. krulikke. ' , r 'Welty WORKS ON AgooD Wig i inkatsoure ,ltio;lomekik, ...144*-Tokaktdikaktmek, AI mud kne,,e k op kW :riollopo k4Oxvzo, . domesk mita eon .RttOoluyt Wt np A Co n v O u bn 69-dtr midden/. e itutdlPitts• ed and I -tetl wujj,AN ItanufttetineP be Cottgin and 'T • c43l6lreld Linen, Fringes fentiewato.o aetine te r Bak add;ciddied - Celtdd Puna. for rift and pt.. 'Pamela: 13Imp, Bullion Os) wade to eider ea the:alumna amine. , • Oran: eornero(Slaiden Lone arotWilliam; antral* Noil Willie= Meet, Utint floor, aver Abaci& Eno , 'teoreiNo 83'.11 - -liane New 'fork ••. . intilwat/ittiWincTetiess,' - 121*.navolatip: lrycilpvcrq 'll9kills au mum, ltßQualtlosr mass grOitto:' ' S t •itglin t i t at.' geas, ifi lfeep t4: constantly all haoda general Initorttnent ef the anew • wtleles. — Alao; to order a auponor article of Ntantaf otSodt;Wifit Bottler, of colored glaze • No. IS Wood N. Irma°• • Pa, > no 1-tho • REI • .1 AIM [6B 1 lid I)reis Le' t.l,Mmg , lid Beam i U wardlni h. OY ia; ot-Lito, LEECH' JR .Baddlme Iro,nmougm, Harness ind - Conth . Ilictong , Depr,Hatr, V• 1111111%, 40. &Co; Nowl.laWoortar.:Prrcsamt4u. '. 9 .._,_ A:1111 . 04W--141. 72 Fonnb Et it., n WoodALT - yjdomPies * , Steen and . Matt -TVII,P, don,* 9p in qwmir 9914' WM fillkoltekßal9ll 3 6 .. w ,`..per P......Pd } 1047.t.,.•••441JA X.P.C.1., AO kr PP n a (..., . . 011 qUaninae SpittithAls. steel ud Irma rikiLEitaii, iiitiami is. co,snian" raeti... et A, Comb. saa.l2l:92o%Sprtogo,..lismMend, AIM., sprims omd,-Plosid.Stoolo Imo, kik...Warehouse on Wawa. and Pcom alreetr.Pittsburgb....+l 4 .delat,Coach Trimming 71 MaLleable DELAWAnissantnALIN,STISWKIEvo• oariaNKEY,A , ,ApAp t italbtug I for the D.l - AwArcli ll o43 , zi...e4Porvx.y of Pk.* isdalphra—Jricaktuksopqn imiklingsiond merynawitze at rfverS deacrigtiaa, and ..rins Risk* spota hulls at, cargoes of wares, taken apin the mut favorable 17011 1' Ow tapi , es oue o Itnes hay WatOrstatakklarkey strut, fituhugh. .N-a-rake socoessof thisDowparty,oUi the math lisluswat of tha Amoy in this etty, wilt; the prat:lu au:aka liberality wait which awry chain upon thou •Pstiosa has been adirodol, falls warrant the utennn inviting the conSdence arcipanonace Obis tireads and the ccumunity at huge to the,. Delaware hack luso. reacc. DemPlinr, wnifalthas the additional advama aee as antostitaUon &mug the aloitfloarishing in Plicate b phis—es having an araphsto capital,:crtuatt Utile operation of its thanes ts constaatly inemenoeg, as parting to each pawn wowed bin don Ware of atm ,Protail of .tie mummy, without involving him in any responsttalitY . arkintevor and thereon no , ahe Usual pnituple.dal:uted of every obnozious few ture,and La its anal attractive farts. ruck ASO , MAII.IIIIIII . INSIMAXCE, duly oTent make . pennsnem mut uuntranneaq pm this cur ilubd itn - renntr, sat on alninnent. by nan tU:' aal and •' • •' DMECrORS. Arthur 13 GM; , • - Chutes Tlaylor , :94nAW jam; Antbroma White, Edoh il ward Smith ' • • 'ia ohn R. ScoirTl.ounts, J /LitmHY, JohirWititor,‘' an, J Richard U. Wood, Tbsenan P. Cope, Wm. Welt .", enamel F. Sauey • Prance. 11 des &mei Brooks • . ARTERTR G. COFFIN,PreaI. Moen D anconao,tiee'r t- Ttdr In the oldest lawmen Coupeng in tho United 'Bates- , -beving bean ehanered Ili Md. - - ho charter ta penguin; tiMfrean ho high standing, long experience, ample Mesh; and intaling all tins of -se extra tar ft.• character:lt may be enneidered nw odenug security to the yyoap6bo. WJ P. JONE. 3. AttkeCogntiugßdom of Arwood, 101151 I ciik, 314- Aar and Frontatreets Pit:what& • ' • nosyS PakNIEL= r/lital LElSOlLtilliiiCo - . 7 !Tlliriirisi!ltllaklre Lusatian. ItiCIMPLIT, of Pldtinkl y Ow, will mate burn rano; permanent and linuiril on livery description ofpropem, in l'inallaigli, and din .lititotitidfireebentsT, en' favorable: ner ds Thin come ~ trr hi• • P•nwlulli! cluT9. '-' • ~ • " ..04• 1 1 - • 8431,coctrid in. , Conxingent c runit“ '•—, swami Otrice.comer ernaid rand Market street*, Milbargb, - ajilltiff , ' — ''' .. "" • WilltaliliK 7211tRUMAls•cps. . . .•.a dajy welsorknediesentoftbe Annan , Wan tSte !Lowrance Chompany. of • Pluladelploa micelles to effect lournenno acNiost lain or damage against riM,webuleleell4-racrri''''aiv", Nn.t°' vod properly, not extra insweestaw lLu city aeol rititE MUBSCKIIMMI hut- been appointed Agent p,O I. tem. Mate toomeimoraompany of North Amen., ,anst Mum "Meier sad hound to the other buelneee Iftgekti lavatory) , al the werehemeof Altered, Jones & Co:' • • 1.11 - • • w& p:JONE.water it FORWARDING & COM 611SSION•1 C. M. laln2Cllo 1. WILCO usa. CHAELLEff DAMMUMIGH At CO. TOBACCO 'COILIIIBBOB •lIBICIABIS, No.ssotawhirno,:araNa.'ll7 S.a Winer st. PLUINAL.I2.PIIIAV IDEAS w tofbmtiate manned dealers •gerterally, a 41 7 th , 1 4) lattathey tome mode =tett 4trranigements I arab the.: inte.lnitsecouers and shit Grower. of es will iusare r w 1 g3ttriFrerloirierdesezip ,laAl4M.l44tvie ati= 2. 4lol n ei ll4 o te= Wre a, WirrirOd, . WW4Wid ftWOVOOPi WW be 'nth 'ten . Alia to repteient Hair •: - St Domingo; ' dunk 4 } • • 'Y_Onsi: :, ',. row iiieq ' Draw.; Soon Lon! to. 'GAN' . ' ' Alliiii tele 'le Vorida; , hazy L;dittiti.liugoi; 40=1 flite ll' i " 'poptlefr brZls, '" [lto ovoittaaponau, lA !ink ifi,t - aad ap, laap; • WCati 4 ,2 iite in ' , owe Ira, t atra, Woa d . '1° ,4 0 , h , P4" 1,0 4 11 ! •srm`rVietr.or etnele , belong- , : 4./0.1 •'-FLOOR 'FACTORS, _." , rioragillei!,l:lomsousstou mad 67proaraing ILES tll Al I 1 t e ' Naet Nam' Witoroasposa /.20-WorraBr • PIIILAVELPHI4. liiirfr= i i-miii Fib ir. .• Itaretoft, Beaver* co, rPaadolPhia. I' • c.. e. " York. iliattonrati; ' ' timare. Bagglrlth;• r • -Baritti Wthon o . too &Co: nth , wg h. - sktdronits; oath tdraaeea coaoiratontx to oaO ‘II .VIPROXIk , CUM= *C141.„ wAmg. -ELLIVIAKEII4-#.CKY .4 CO., 11!1" .I.:.,ll,9lllltipAcirojEol j'!!!!1-,'..,4!_Ok.i;t:14$0igiCI. 'Wan IllinshasatA, AF . TER:T77, , =•N xa titor&Bcr, PutsborAtt... is lk Bherloek; 11:Be ery it Bon, - ! ~A 24. Jonalmnsni It s6ll r wk. ies Baeui* a ) ; ! l ir:. rat Beiod 4 Brother,— • iputr , Datiliac,cmiemy tem faACM tie ILZIMIXI, CZAM-0 W. A 20119305. ..::LEffmett 4 ANDERSON, FQSWAEGING & COMESSION IdSRGII&XT/dr GOTPON P./LOTUS:B,4ND AG POE • E S&LI3,I: I E7SAND ENTS .W.,GLASS. .7We., &Siam rt AIWA SIOADIArIthaMMIBMALTIJA. .1.--.1t,t1 °Boson - ootnnAta • vimsethaa. and Jdorwszdanig Merchant.. 30.70 'WDAsc., kt 27391511411, COMMIES 10 . trehuset'eleueralC l pmmisalou teud- T.ur v l PuelidlT WS& purchase &Ivrea& of dined cat IbrouGactuffir and Produce, Ind In cocelvine. and Pernstrurdlleodu'eonsigned idc cite, Al Agent for Ahdldimuriethrevrie Gill malantly supped with , tho prificipar•onlelerfef Proiburet Alinufacture tree 'lowest 1 . 1161 . 1 nie ? dem - Grimy .und, emaismarme Inn 197 • GEORGE A..SERRY,` wit:mamma; au sus, itIittiBMIC3IDIOVEIBBIIIII,IIIIIIICIUST, , , - _ Atka DEALka LN Iran, Nana, teretev , Tasns .Pattsborgh . urea gemirlday, I soshi ID ,WOOl.. iruar , prrn.3.4, ta. _ pariwatathinaTebant, Brownownio, Pa. Agerictir parliCodlifir to am Foriblerellnir ,of Praltose, ,bpi 1 infogamicw apply to FORBVIIII a cuN. CAN. Mier it. . ocus a ssi. coma 811 0 C PAO_ I& m war RANT ylMtlllll SALE OP PRODUCE 4 1 PRAVISIONII, r7e0,205 tollimmswu.s,, Itznizialti-Moichonti of Fittsberrkb.. Wheeling, Va—R. Craoole to Co. 7 ina.wears FEltinee taken maraca r itemediritely orpogha , oar hapt .. wou'ebonee, for to 44 iritee., , - teensict bulances is gene, emir k pep hou. c,” ' bil eautod, luTas ltaiteg already been mete lor d impmeig , , sgoe will etwere,bo.o reeriteees ea ,ear_erkerf to receive freight. , . . r . 0 .A. fiVANULTY ft C.O, ..,,....:..eve, :, .. , . ' , 4 Ceneillisin. liberty at, . . Wow,.. LYIVE)4I , I,`• REE..O ,itb co. • ok.m.kantsamo ,COIIIIIIIBI6IIIISIIOOAATS, BOSTODL ,4110 ai oala • rethitelottpaid to the tee hairdo!, end libel ~,-geeihdfrAgilA""BrPTlgeleam'"' Tobacco., ...20."‘' 7,1,544" ‘fik"l° 1100 do; ta • in do vi,„xstin clg ewfe f tawqmpe ; At do II do, - () NIA rero VAN 4.: bro and &Aloha rimed per soloaror Arrowliao, fier rale tor' ',104,18 9X1071 1 1* DUPICAN ¢`J'r "--~:.a.2,.. #a .. _ ..a .rte>:~~ _.,... _~.~a... ~.. .~vt~..,. PITTSBURGH: 'SATURDAY MO -- LAW OFFICES, TIMBLIN • Y LAW, 'ATTORNE AT • ,Bta . len Pa 11V"ilt alidattend lb Collections and all other bust , .. ammesurnme4 Butler and Armstrong Cmultk.i Pa. aster to J. & R. Floyd, Liberty st ' Wilc. Wallace, do James bland/all do Pittsburgh. #PP'LI V°C4 _ tool U. SWFIFER., Attorney at Luse, ogler,. adss, tf • opposite Char&. I hotel , Piustrprgh, will also attend promptly to Collections, in Wimbingtott, Fayette and Green counties, Pa. REFER TO Blaekstoek. De* k Churetrft Carothers, }Pot.burgh. D. T. Morgan, EHENRY Attorney and CoenEollor at Lave, . Cincinnati, Ohio. Collections hi Sgutheni Ohio, and in kdiedt, and iiißentocky, protnntly and core. fully attended to. Commissioner for the State of Penn sylvimin, nor inking Deposnions, acknenaledginente, Ram so—Hon. Wm. Bell & Son. Curtis. Church & Carothers, Wm. Bays, Faso., Villlorkurc; Dacia. OS H. W. WILLIAM), WM. IL 11113 M. WILLIAMS SIIINN, ( zuseessors to Lowrie and Williams.) Mimeses ood Counsellors at Law: Office North side of Fourth street, above, smithlield. feblidtool TAII.IINi V. KURR, Attorney at Law, &there.lt's ilhalbling, (Aram .tract, nearly oppoeite the Won . . _ angtl.4lln - . • r lune:term erwraa.. UNLOP RBRWEU j..713.1.i,11fie1d, between 3: and nth at.: p3ORW RD ec. SWARTZWELDER, i.ttomeys .t, removed Otelrollice to4looth aule a' onnh ez, between Cherry Alley and t Intent . ' ; *lntr. 0. it. nomitsoN, mummy h.. re. moved his stfice lo the Exchange flaildice, St. C alr at . nPrt deny TO Able:mum Johns. Rayne • BOOK TRADE. To Conosatgy Rharehanito. A LARGESTOCK of School limilts,Poper, Station ary, de., suitable die country salts; among obkh arc Writing Papers, of fine., meditun and croon qu'lt's Letter Paper do do 0 do Notre t end do do , o do Note and loner Frivelopes; Slates. Wnoils, Wafresittaills and Sleet Pena, Windom. Paper (yanl wide). plain oadpliniec, Bonnet Boards, of different qualities; Blank Books, in great varietai, School and Pocket . CrOWII. medienn, and doable croon arnipping paper, ildcGuiriela Eclectic Spellers and Rearlepn Bars Eclectic Anther:mum; Cobb's Pruners, Spellers and Readers; . Sanders , do do do - Malmo:nos, by Adams, Dinis,Colbbrn saudi Stock , , ton, E]nerson, and others. _Wogra o e c ad i r i x o tt e ti .. chell,Olney, Satith,ittlortic,Ctrod ri, h, Pa nsy, Grammars, be Smith; Kirk - ham, Barons, Weld, tad inhere Par sole at low prices, by n AXIILLOR. Ellwood at, easel ril above aiit. Thrf highest market pace paid for gotta mixed ritus, au eash.. . ; apt/. PLANMTA RN' & STELLAIXWOR.tLft.—it pope- Ire exposition of the great discoveri • and theo ries of modest mitronomr, by 0 M Mhe ell, • a, Di rector of the Cincinnati Observatory. Wadley's Italy. Alps rod Rhine.—lseueirs from Italy, thetalpanrul the Rhine; by J T Headbil, author of Na poleon and his Marshalls, Washinguan 9d his Gener al., &c. New and revised edition. - Statistics of Coal.—Tire Geographical itnd Geologi ealsbronctious of Mineral Combustibleit oil r. fossil fue& • ineluding also, notices and Ismulides the various udnend biturolnions sabstanues employed in arts and manufaetitres; illustrated by Map. and tbacrams; or compeutisd by nearly Ca ittatisneul tables, and lien an alyses cot auroral combustible., as; prepared try Rich. cod Growling Taylor. Just received a few copies of eaeh 4,l'o.'oos:we arorks —for wale by JOWNSTGIN A STOCKTON. 1)8 . Hook=Vera, ear markt-I &If sm._ 170111. P.11131C ATION • INtty J. A. a U. Y. JAME. 9„, saw and valuable Worka—: Donlphan'a Expeditloontalnieg • eketeh of the life or Coi. A. W. Donlphan; the (Mingled of No or htexlMr, ilea. Kearney', Civerlend Rodniilion to Cali fon:LONDaniptises Campaign against the N a ys j ., ..d hit tiaparalle.Jed March upon Chihrinhou mid lierang 0, aud Operations of Geu. knee at &gold re e Kap And Elorgraminga, by o T Hugh.. the let Regiment of Minoan Cavalry Watery of — Kenmel - y—lts Aro/quirk:2 and Natural Coliesidet; Geographical Pinwale.' and Geological desenpuons, with aneudoses of Pioneers late, lout move than out hundred Biograptural Sketches M . thstutgish el Acumen, Soldiers, Statesmen, Jonas. Lawyers, N ether, go.; Illuarnsted with forty eugratingc by Lewis Colin, voL atom°. Tha Twelve Mouths' Yoh:more; or Journal of a Pn elle in the TC1010.4111011 11111/11111111/ 01 Cavalry, In the Coonpaign &Mexico, donng 1e45-47, min amine an ac count of the March of the Regiment to Vera Criss, deteription of the Country passed aver; Manners, m tions, rm. of the peepte; :sketches of - Camp Lifts at con um of all the actions of other Yoto,iiteh giagneni a , nod a bsil Ittmary of the Mexican War;t4t or ..e Ril iedend Wounded, /cc; illustrated by a number of correct views and rilmsa, by Geo. C. FUr r,l volume octavo. decl - yVeispire nd' Book 12 irt &Wiliam sat, TJ Wooa "mere= FonZru aim theipireo,6l4.iry. riSAutbonaltegg hare limit opentd..T the above stand, aiarge Mock of different gusat es ruled and plain white nllllOllll. Wetting and Letter 'apex, erea mercial and packet mat Flat Cap, decoy pod medium writing papers, for blank books; medoon and royal sli mmed Priming Popery; medium, dewy y d cap Lay Books and Ledgers, supertor pap, end beet Castern bolding, Metwol Book a of all atm* mail d work. nt 'rktolary and iteicnceit Quills, gold and meei Wafers, Wax, Bill files, &v. ac. • Blank Beaks of &liaise ruled to patient, and Wand in the mesa eukammtal manner. Comm" hicrehhum .applied at lowest wholesale pn• `7,(17, 7.111 —0 r 21111,,,b,,P217; in in cOnnertiOn with Our eltelbliehleleht, we are prepared to citrate all orders for plain and homy Printinc—booka, circulars, bun new card*, hills of lading, Sc,. sei dee. patch and at low price. ELLtorr k:NULISII. myil wood imbed's-sea elit anticline:nine "JEW ‘YOR:ki3 —Vanity Fair, a novel without a 4.1 Berm by Willtam Makepriire 'Macke ry —with 1111:13131111011a by the author. The Tenant of Wildfell Ilan: by Aston 8011, author of "Winherhyg Iletkits The locmg Se/mole:Ostrom by Joseph Aldan, D D. Pan B , of limper's' Illustrated edam:mot' the Arabian Nrghm Entertamments. Now translation. •rraareil for family medley, with explanatory notes: bye. FL A. Lane, Bog. LoontiP Loganducia—Tables of Irogirithins of num bers sad alga. mod Tangents for every. ten eeeends of toorattridrent, with other aural by Elms &moults, M. M.., Prof. Mathematics and Natural Philos:4,4 y in the Linmersity of New York, author of a 'Preen. on Algebra,. he. Sc. he above works received thts day and for tale by JOHNSTON S SToeIiTON, Booksellers, rot market and Id rts Mew Publication. 131STORTOF CON4UBJOt, Biographical and Pol. 11 neat, compruung manners at the members of the Uatigreas cithe U. S.: By H H Wheeler. Malarialed by numeroas steel portrana, to. de. Val. L octavo. The NVrittngs etC Pt. Clay:, including speeches and 'addresses, With steel portraits: kilned by H (Healy 1 sot, Bea What P Paw in Califon:dm By Edwin Bryant. Hamm' Notes, Vol. Ilt, on James, Peter, Jobs and Luke- . charm. and Counter-Charms: By Alias Pl'lntosh. au. thor of -To scent and to be." - Conquest," ac. 6c. &tarp Grover, a ilatnerne Tesuporanse Talc, By C. Burdett Kiogs and Queens, or Lan to the Palace, coniustiog of historical sketches of lan and reigning sorereigns: IJy J. B. C: Abbott. A Fast Book m Spartan, or a practical introduction toil. study iri* the Sparnsh Lsoguag4 ity J. tialkeld. The Dying Robin and other Weal Ily lier.l)r.Aldau Just res'idiry IL 110..PKINe, Apollo Itolidiiqs, 4th .y augs (buccemosr lo 1 L Read.) VEWDOOKE..—Life or Cromwell, by J Headley power of tho Pulpit, by Gardiner synng, D. U Bethel Flag, do' d. .lacobturbn Gospels,,Marrtheat, with harmony, 1441.+Dea'arifthakepeare, vela; Path a ure, or Sketches of the Way to Glory mad Immunelityi Ft.W.Pasdhleseash,• The Comrent; by author of_Rchool OW In France; Now and Then, by Warren; Sketchee of Lemons, on Parables an 4 Miracles; Ireland's Welcome to the litrangeri • noevep upon Earth, Mawkaton, a bee of and for Digland: 1 vols. .Por sale by ELLIOTT & ENGLISH, jelo 78 wood and 56 ma'am we NEW B O OKS—Just recruvell front:the publisher, and for sale at the Methodist !kook Store, Ith near Wood. Tupper'. Proverbial Philosophy. in thief, stylee of binding; a beintilabbook for *present. Preparation for the Pulpit. Sketches of Salmons on the parables and Miracles of Chrun, by the author of the Palpit Cyclopedia—sou tkctebes, &c. The English Pulpit; collection of se,. mons by the roost eminent living divines of England. hlnetareaa Voub—lksing tiood, Chraimu Love, Lov ett thou one, Sacred hleihnuiona. atria /IDE PAT/MAUL:HAL AGE; or the History and Beltgiou of Mankind from the. areation to the ath of Isaac: Deduced from the wriltrigs of blows, mud other Inspired asnborst mul illustrated by copious reference• to the terieet records, iradbluns, and my thology °title Heathen World—by Geo Book , F .5. A. / soh, 001000 . Charm. rod Counter-Charms, by Mise Minima, A fresh supply of this very poplin.' !tele work. Ih - ettora of the Ateenrau Revolution, Ity K 1.. Ma goon, with Portreits. I vol,'lt Purley's Cabinet Library, for families or schools, RO volumes, IR 1110. with engravings. Thil ie a new work. For sale by It IMPKINS, sep•N Apollo Buildings, 4th st DEI:KM IftfrANl —Botany of the United JICIS north of Virginia; composingnit States descriptions of the tlowuring and fern-like pl.s hitherto bound In those States; arranged according to the natural system. With a synopsis of the Genera according to the Liu ..o systerm a sketch of the rodimen is of botazy, and a glossary of tens: by Lew. C. Lkick, NI. U., Prof. Chemistry and Natural history In Bather's College, Now Jersey, Si. Sr. Second edition, revised and en ged. Poe sale by &TO JOHNSTON & STOCKTON 11:4AIKARTINFIVI GIKONDISTS—IIistory of the Gi rondtsou or, Personal Memoirs of the Patriotsof o French Revolution—from unpublisked sources: by Alphonse de ransom.. Complete in-Knee volumes: - Hy de's traesladou A ;real;supply of this popular work received itis day and (or sale b JOHNSTON A. Depth Ilooksetters, cor ma et and 3d sts LLOITEHINGS IN EUROPE; or sketches of travel in Prance, Itelgium, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Plllllll4 Ireland sod Great Britain; with an appendix. cronMulug Oluervations un European charities and medical nistructbcara by John W Carson, AL U. A few copies for;som by . It*P lo • JOHNSTON k• SIN K.KTON A T GU It STORE on Alarket street, No M., between :.t.a. &X end 4th, may at all times be found a large stock of Theoloycal and Miscoll.cous Books. New jbookareecived as soon as published, and sold at low , ..0.11 prices. The publican°os of the American Sunday School Union and Massachusetts Sabbath School So vier, always on band. Catalopves famished on ap plieithm. BLLiorr & F.NOLII3II amrket 3d and 4th +Ol UM OPIUM fru t rer)-1 c s u i e lA re u i d :nd for tale G REITEII C4PARMMWS. CO.PARTIVILIMALP. OGAN & KENNEDY have Duo day associ ated Larid, them In the Haidware badness, Philip Wit- AOll and Edward Gregg. Tbn sflogif firm will here after be Logan, Wilson &. Co. This arrangement ren ders it desirable to close the old' bbstness as mon as possible. All persona whose liabilities have matured, are especially requested to make 'immediate poymedtt. Pittsburgh, Jul I, 1840. LdiSiAN, 'WILSON & COL—lmporters and Wholesale Deslersin Foreign and Domestic Hard ware, Cutlery, Saddlery, /e.,129, Wood creel, Pil& - tiarghlare now fully prepared with a recently impor ted stock of Maoism., Cutlery, he., to offer very groat inducements to western buyers, being determined to compete hawk,. with any of the Atlantic cities. Al m on hand an extensive msortroentof Pittaborgh Mir& wan, viz: Shovels„ Spades, Forget, Hoe, Vices, aft of which will be sold et the liktrost monufActunws prices. COaPJLILTNURSIIII.P. . ATHE sabscrbers having recently entered hitto partnership under the mane of Gafurther, long, &.Miller, for the purpose of carrying on the Belt and Bram Founding end Gas Vining burins:min ell its breeches. have taken the stand formetly nem- Wd by H. Gallagher, No. lOU Front street, between Wood and Smithfield sts., where they are prepared ,to excents oil ardent tor Bells, Ware GfitsittPi Of ". 41 ' description, and Gm Finings with neatness and des patch. Steamboat jobbing promittly *deluded to • v I. GALLAGHER, S. A. LONG P. H. ant.tla. :• i y N. 13.—The attention of filmhtniats and Engin i s matted to our anti-attraction metal, for a reduced e, which hos been pronouneed superior to Rabbit's numbers who have used both. Sdeamtioatbnildent d the public, generally, are alto requested In call rind ep amine oar superior double ben= Force Pampa On steamboat and domestic are. GALLAGHER, LONG, & =LBW deel7dly Dlssaisitlons drocct m under j te. on the lit inst. The business will be closed *I the ;Ad sisiid Isy either of us, using thinUasse of the fur* fir that porpose. desirous 10 bare nor Inuit*. closet) wail as lode delay ss powible. sr• would*. stseetfully request those Indebidd to 0111 and settle their accounts. JUILI 1). Ill'COßris IL 1) XING. Co-Paartnerstdp. TURN D. M'CORD haring msomated goth kko Wa v./ brother James Ill'Cord, ander rho arYla Of AI '4od tc Co., will continuo Me Hat, Cap add For bud rtei ' sVl all it. vanints branches, wholesale and retail, at die old nand, oOrrler of wood and 6th orrecor when day salmi a comuutation of the patrottalP so Lib".Z da .moved on the old firm. JOHN b MVO MSS bi:COHD• TN mitring from the old and well known finn of 111• Cord R Ifing,l 61001 respect/11y mooramendta he patronage; of tho pubbo my successor., lamed , 111'conl ;4 Co tra , H. D. KINCL rpHE col , T h r . tnet i p lle h re . to , tre g r t9E: d ttr i t i f Hoc, exptre4 tZis day lo. lty o tirinutt o oo ' . The: b etr. ldt of the hrho ortli he settled by Mthii et Roe. JAILIEZ D WTOILL, R. 911,18HFIELD, WALTER C. ROE. Ploshargh, July 19, 1840. lEZEEMIMGI The undersigned grit/ contltule tho Wholesale O. ry and Comtuasston huSllloll6,lllllief the firm or 911.1t1/ eau Rue, al their old wind, No. 194 Liberty street. JAllllr9 U. 91941LJ.., WALTER C ROM limiting. sold my interest in We firm of 11'Gt11, /kW. held d to my former partners. at Moe, I take ?epos.< ni recommending them to my friends and the M. It. Coasa....k• rshiplirogoo. K `.l",:7—'":.:7l.l:"sm"lll7,..7p l :lllrbhu'rgl',ZUre nue day entered tome eo-portnerstup under style and firm of Stephen, rilomnbcrirer 8. Co., m Anchor rion works, Whcol..K, V.., for iho Poste , " of moos. fammtng Iron mid n orofT tiosortioio. " •130.0.11“110{, I. ITUCLIVIII. SITEPLIONS, 81.,CINENUMFLGEB. Itt CO. Nopilma IRON WURS.S. Wherhog, Va. Illanufacton, all kind tst boner *hoot, bar true and nada A. D. stool eltp. sort 7g • un ata Bemg on ted with Shosol.rogr Ji tooth., ac cad oder an article of Juntatae • nod tbrandant Ltboraboogor) oqual to any nut. In tits oonoory. All of winch and I, sold at the Pll, , orgch pnees. Watchman of the worts comer of Moo soe and Wale, su. tnyll DISSOLUTION—Tbe rtneratop hitherto eitaa. J./ing under the mile nod Ern' of Wtgatnaan Sr. Dal rod. is thin day diasolord by mutval consent, Johu Dab all baying disposed olio* 'AMR " e rl . Mao. Tao boolooa. of the late fa..o anti seal 67 11. Withho an. who is canhortatni to vasohe 302031 df the la/e firm fur that purpose. IL WROIThIA.N. spnatd:Jor [jot y 1111 3 VOL:LEL/. THE Sob. mbar to now prepared to aslaatfactora all koldo of Con.. and Woolen Moamar". la We *hones% Inaleo. link:. leant FL WiatteuanialboialaoPloN , ". , - oer Laberty and Water burets, will most anla.l.l=Pt .ntennon IL NVIGHTMAU, IS!ZSIM=IENiI I `II3P A N P-- Wm. YoaaghaMod Aria .j day amocimed Mar, /ohs, 13. M'Calld, busmes. wdt hermulyr be conducted under .0. firm 01 Wnl. Von:, gB. Co. WILLIAM 'MUNI; anus I NO. IL PPCILINE.`, co—Piii.im - VCribTp — Niliffte.:• BUCIGNOR a CO. Yae. eloos tea AA. Mc= In therradmems. Edward Heald, (late cat Jared" Heald & Co, Naltituol.). Deed C. bleCammon,and John A. NV AO. , ~-14 MEDICAL. .1 •Fnes , • Xpectore.st. S.E. 10. CO/1.11112 1 1/0 1 / 1 Cal.. 0, Ape. 1.41 ) n is„ D d t j ah " tn ' tl ' it ' 7;tl L' prlic, S. tu '— av l a r s; 'l y b eelTlLL ' ia y o o ; portunity of grri. ag publicity to the extraordinary effects or tune Krpectot . lllll on myself ilavibeen &tanned tor several yea with a severe hwua A'oei 0.0 l its euncomiu rat diseases, and set . only ...med to linger out a 1.11. an lint mtsemble el Intrista, Wall the .11 of leat, whet a, being more severer ,- muscled, 11.,i‘F resorted to oil my fneta, !Taiwan., awl IL< !yr, ar ripliana of two o f the lama respeetablts physicians to the oteighbodloott von:tout knelt tg any benefit, or the cuitsolouna ofsurviv um but a In w days or week. at farthe.t—whin the last gleam 'of hot. , wh. • 11 . 1 . 1,110 .11111•11, I bad tecommentled to too pm: Expectorant— and blessed by data Be lug who dues an ihtuf. t. the. use of the means—and contrary to the v5•Pre11...... 1 my physicians anal lamtsds I nun JO • its "/ ._Er n" tram my bed, and was nalthed it) me moot attend to ray butanes, et tuoying eite, better 1 had for ten years previous. Ile-spectrally yours, h.e J... W. Fs For sale In Pit.burgli, at the Pekin Tea [no lb Fourth Street. ntarS _ IJo A. FAII: I IkISTOCK I S PILLS _D s This Cathartic compound combine. smallness o. bulk with eificteucy.and comparanvo mildnes. M par goner amnia, anal buying a peculiar tendency to the binary organs, 14 estremedy valuable in this coutstry, In which bilious fevers and other complatn. encoded wrth congestion of the Liver, so roach abound. They by now stood thee of Illy ears. andrapenence ban proved them LO be of sod vale/tolerettie2 111 Inierntittent Remittent and - natiews lever, Jaw ce, Bilious eotic, Iniligesthm, Dropsy, Dysentery, 131110114 Voroluags, colds, and all complamt. or on 1/1111.101111111, Ty character. The complete end universal sott•the• don which has been given lay these pads an on who have coed these, readers the pulinshing of the numer utis centhcate. at their Inver unnoccwary. To pre vent counierrerang they are now ;tat up Ili o red Silo graphic wrapper Prate 25 cent* for bog containlng 30 Inds. Prepared and sold by A FAHNF—TIOCK A Co. corner Ist and wood, and also corner atit and wood treats. Racal It A. FAANCATOCK,f N. Y. B. L. Faux - wren, Pittabargb, G. W. PALMS:MC, Wholesale Drug Store Irk the City of New York. :Elll4 tandersiped ern citteeslas ly engaged in the Wholesale Drug business at o. 49 Joint *tee., in . city of Nes.. N ork, nod are prepared to supply Maggots and country ?tlerehantv with flute, t'ototai Ws, Ityr-stutrs, Foreign and 4.mencso Pulumery, Maude, Weaver Zs Murder's Chemicals (of their own tanntroittoot sod a ll other atlichrs in their Inc of busi ness, of a 11WerLor quality as vow as they can bolus chased lit this or any eastern tray. New York, Fehltt U. A. FAIINWerCsCK & Ca. Marcher.. Chrome Green. . PALNTERS, BLIND MAKERS, am—We, the , underagned, Painters and Blind Makers, of the city of 'ear York, have used and tested, and ore now slung a new article of Chrome Green, manufactured by Geo. K. Marcher, of this city and find it to work well, pro ducing a fora brilliant VOliAl Green appearance, woli a very superior body, and recommend it to our brethren in the trade as in every particular the Lem Chrome - Green we have ever used. New York, June 1, 47. Signed by 2.1 firms of praettcal painters of the city of New York. This unequalled Chrome Green may be had of R. E. SELLFRS, No 57 Wood tercet, who has the cachou. agency Mr its sale in Pittsburgh. ma rl3 - - - ELLERS' VERSIIFUGE- 0 No family shoe • Id be la without it :" Loos', C. it, Va.. Aug. 91, '49. Na R. E. I Cheerfully cern?. t balre 10, some years past used your Vernon/pc ot or, famil)., and universally with ollece. I decidedly pr rim it to any other preparation I have used—amongst thew may Ins named the celebrated medicine called Iloadshet. Vannestmk's Vernufuge, and a preparation railed Worm Tea. In a recent case a mngle do m brought from to little twy non hundred and six h age worms No family certainly ought to be without II Yams tic ELEILEMEI Prepared and .old by R Sellers, No 57 Wood at. and gold by Ittroggrona generally in both a Net. orpll _ A Fine Set of Teeth tor ICJ TDenti. - , (1711FIT. TEETH, FOUL URIATir, HEALTHY t.UklB.—Yellow and unhealthy meth, alter toe ing once or twice cleaned with Jorsame Amber 'footh Paste, have the appearance of the mom beautiful ivorY, and et the same tune It is so perfectly Innocent and c.a s qulotely line, that its COMIII3I, daily use is highly ad vantageous, even to thole teeth that are ill a good eon. Melton, giving them a beautilld polish, and p venting a premature decay. Those already decayed I ret provable from beeormag worse—it also 1040,111/ snob /111 are be• coming loose, and by perseverance itwill render the foulest teeth delicately white ) and make the breath de liciously sweet bold by lk hl. JACKSON, el/ Liberty 1.1(1,1. mars D. A. FAIINESTOCK , S V2II.BIIFUGE. AFEW weeks once , one of lay children, aged about hre 'ears, was unwell for several days, and the illness increased so alarming that I feared death would be the result. Having beard of the good effecia of Fahn.trick's Vernsifuge when udaliumaered to the children of any neighbors, and thinking my child aught have worms, from some of the symptoms, I gave at one and a half teaspoonful. or the Venolfuge, anal m my great imuntisktrient it almost unntediately discharged between 2.31 , nod gAil/ large worms. Its health was soon restored, and it ts now rem atkoblywell. Previous to inhibit the Vermtfuge, the weems would oceasionally risu ld. to throat, and I often feared it would Alain= strangulation. JAA.V. DAWSON. Tionesta, Veutango April :3, apl3 tb:11)VB CELEBtidtit MD 11'01 AN It Tb:I7EB 01bITNIENT Is the must e venial remedy before We public tor 1 / 4 42 CY. ul' MA; 4 , ) ‘vni.7 pimples in the lace, neck and body, peaty eruptions, and oil other olisca•es sal the slot. This Ointment no arrarated (roe from mercury, 10 perfectly safe, and maybe used al all Meese., tablet all rileyinsinktECO. A fresh supply tai Una valuable rombOy teeeteed and icor sale by U A FAILAIWIVCII, a. Co, corner of Ist and wood; also, earner of 6th slut womb G UM CO . P p Ar4 eases recolgl A 'a v a N d Rusalerbray G, ocToBKR, al, 1848. HOTEL - Ig , POIIBTAIH .HOTEL. LIOKT.STEE-ET BALTIMORE boon am TlMM*.l . 2oaltrant. TILIS establlstunent long and widely known as being eels of the Mimi einnirusihnta in thweitytor Ilalbmore, kw recently undergone very , side alterations gad isogrrovendenta • An !nut= env sl wing . headmen. added. Containing narnertenra a4ry, eeping apartments, and eiteßatire bathin Motif. The Ladies' department has . gm? been earl reorganized sedge:et] Up Id a mead unique and au tal style. In (net the rellololuvangenrent of the MOMS bas been remodeled, with a single eye on the part of. the proprietors, towards the comfort end ipleasure of their Guests, and which they confidently: itseri will ehallenge.boraparison with any He of le tat" Their table will alwarshe supplied with every sub• cranial and luxury arinetr the whet effbrds, served up Masuperior style;.erbile in the orgy of Wine!, tee., they w ill not be surpassed. In coneinsion the proprietors begto say, Met ernbint will be left undone on their part, and on the part of their assiatantato render this Hotel Worthy the continued putronsmnot their friends and the public generally. ' The puma for board fume elm been reduced to the followmg ratan Otdinary, $1,70 per -1 Gentlemen'. " N. le—The Baggage Wagon of the Mew will al. drays be found at the Oar and Steamboat Isandinga, which will roomy baggage to and from the Hotel, free . EXCILALHOE HOTEL. iraiNtll or era 4.11 , a. CLOS In, PISOSITII.OII, Pk. The subscriber having assumed the manage ment of this long established and popalar Hotel, rosPeetnilly mninmees to Travellers and the Public generally, that he will be in WI times prepared to Deemer:instate them in all things desirable in a well regulated Hotel. The Ileum is now being thoroughly repaired throughout, nail new Ammo added, and no puns will lee spared to make the Exchange one of the lery best Hotek be the eountry. The undervighed respeettblly solicits • tontine:thee of the very liberal patronage the House huh heretofore received. . 'MMUS OWEITON, feb9dif Proprietor. IsiarriiiiTlPM HOUSE. mien or rooltru ANN GIANT Minns, rtsisatilon. THE subscriber respeetfalty announces that he has now opened his new and excellent Hotel for the sccornmodaion of Mechlin., boarders, and the public generally. The ex penses a furniture are entirely new, and no paktum . have beau smell to”.render it one of the most comfortable and pleasant Hotels in Om city. The .h.riber la determined to dewirre, and there fore solicits, • share ofpubliopatronaga oetld-dly JAMB HOUGH. Proprietor. TIMOGRACGAVONOTI GALT HOVITHig. inursvux; ARIS THROCIEMOON begs to acquaint his *Mode that be twain lessee of the GALT iiiiii HOUIV, Lortirrille, ky, where be hopes to meet all his old ) friends, assuring Meru and the public, that no effort alma be spared to make all comfortable who favor him with then, — 111111 . 70 ID aWL .. ; • carairr . • norm 70CIMIT AND rime mi PPOStTE late.' Dunk of the Wilted tizetes, Phila O M. POPS MITCIIPLL, Proprietor. MISCELLANEOUS 'Chocolate, Cocoa, &as W. Maker% American and French Chocolate, Freya, rilkhcdSkute, Rrproa, Comka Alias &c. rro inerhints end consumers, oho svosild purchase 1 the best products of Cocoa, free from adulteration, mare nutritious than tea or co&e, and lugaality unsur passed, the subscriber recommends Me shove articles, manufamtired by himself. and stooped with his 3111111 e. Hir RiOntil and Cocos NSW, as delicate, palatable, and salutary drinks for convaieseents, and others, are prolamin/est by the most Mint= physicians superior th any other preparations. kits mmufactore* are MINFIIp on i risk In any quantity, by die most re rpeetable• poems n the eastern ernes, and by theit agents, Ilhwe..Uny a. en., of Holum; James fit nonce &ea Itairfool. Comm llama & Murray, New York tirant A 011141 e, Pluladelpllla. Thom. V litundlge, timore; and KeLlosa A tleanett,Cincionnti, Ohio. WALTER - BARER; Dorchester Mass. Far sale by aural DAGALEY & Ago vittogir, WTR., BROOKS & CO., would respect/idly in faun the pettily dial they_ have erected s shoji on Lacock, between Federal and Kaminsky creme They are now Making and are prepared to receive orders for every desorption of .cluck., Coaches, Ch tot's, Use roaches. (toggles. Means, &e., lee. , 'which from their and the fit r eTtat 7 s t t o be th y ' liairey they ft7el sf cc=ai e. they n t h; enabled tp do work on the roost reasonable terms with these wanting articles In their line. Paying a Irtl y, c o n ,r lar no. ltte , Liti . no to tater . I:c o ti r tn of n, :n4t e rs ; hoer an heaushon oiarranung their work. We therefore ask the attention of the public to dos nutter N. 11 Repairing dene in the hart manner, and on the most reasonable terms. pelt( Wionitit and Cut Lllllstihsenbere beg leave to inform the public shot they hare obtained from the East all the late and otiable designs for Iron Ratting. both fur !muses and ccractenes. Persons heading to procure hand some patterns will please call and examine. and radio for theme lees Ralluiff until he famished at she short est nothife, and in the best manner at the corner or Craig arid Rebecca sheets, Allegheny city. ainetrytf A. LAbIONT & KNOX. — Mcuiprait eit; Nonso . Paull“ 11 , 11 E subscrdsers storm their customers and dealers generally, that their first shipment for the fall bo unces ofella above article, has arrived at. Philadelphia per ship Juniata, direct from the mansfacturees In LO'bOuiol, and veld be bore m • few days. nay bays central other shipments on the way—two of eritich, vim pet , shtps Medallmn and Lydia, ara ready doe— .lke_iiktryltlterefern prepared to recciee older. /Se:sides Isreo worth!. user lease etreuve ast4te% eastern hides po be forwarded here by eanad they usll receive during the winter and spring'. !eyelet sn a kes via Nell Orleans. W tr. 11 MITCIIELX ' .14 Vine, Pure, rire.h Cram Europe. Vubsenbers hare non instates very extensive 1 ...serape,. of Fors for Indies view which have been purchased 10 lin Man by 0110 or the hem et very tow pante during the seteeetlay ensaa....edlng the Freitch Revolouon! 'IIIIs advantage, 'Ouch they possess over any other house tut the {lade (will enable them to 'ell a very ex cellent article much below die market price. irr klerchams and others will advance knelt OCT intentate by cleansing this o.lttensllre assortment. SOLI. , BROTHERS, Bripcißuta, tab Anna (Mulberry) between RI and Id streets, _ang7-41.1m Philadelphia. Latching, Clapping sad Bleedings Klt NORMS, trtoreetwor to Id. FL Delany./.-- . No ea SUM street, between Wood glad Smith field! Fresh leeches received ntonthly--lovendance all hours Reference, the phyla...us of rntstitirgh, Alle gheny yid Birmingham I nroal cheerfaily recommend to the physicians, fam ilies and all my Rinser friends and patrons, Mr. IL B. Norris as &nag therrocighly I.v:instated with the brtsii new and worthy of patronage. earl l 7 hf. R. DELANY. Manufactured Tobacco. 48 1191[160eorry & Roy - eines superrur 6rweor 6 liers 156.d0 11l A Iluder's .` - lb u IS br do Ellen k Harwood's " " 5 " 21 do do do "IS " 23 du do Pearl lb Harwood - 5 & m" f a r dO J Rol/trona ~ 1 1 do do 24 rdo Wen Dawson 21 do T WrightS " ~ 3 9. .2, Anderson 9 d o I. T Dade . • 3 do A' Alscou • 0 do 14.switIf '• lb " Jut t landing from steamer and 03eknart, • and for sale by EWALD. 84141RN081, ACo, 41 north amber at and (0 north " PhiLadalphta NE;FACIT ILEI: TOBACCO-20 be hf 5 Oonsa .0 (don's allpertur sweet lb lumps. 75 half ba• IVeltster Old superior sweet Iht lumps 95 " Lawrence Lotter 5. " (tautly tr. kboys'er 3s tr. Is " art Dupont Ide In &wet a to " McLeod 27. " Lawrence Lower " M Ada plag Jest liar], ng front rwanter, and for sale by WEALD. UO fc CKNOR Co, 41 Y water al and AN wharvea any3l. Philadelphia: VgiffLial7,,,ta Jails Straw Wrapping raper, all saes; 40b romma ra led Cop Writing Paper; ado - sa l a d and plant letter dos; all gnalitlec 053 a Flat CaPl 150 a mothato Tea Paper( 150 gross white arbt blueA white Bonnet noltayda; 100 re am Manllh Eucelogo Ad ' Hardware Yager; just roc'd and for *ale , low by REN N & OLDS SUM ylnl4m earner perm imd main au N 4 A NIWA . c, fUILF:D Clare and In ir rite, the fr '(lowing brand. of Tobareo, conallyn man la from ma , luraeturers d Richmond and Lynch burg-. which Will maid to that trade at reduced rate. r''3 Ilea Iranian Ina Sat 110 do John Du titer 5 .4 11.0 do Henry A /antes (a, da and B.; a do 1- James 10 au R U. War wick Bs; 10 do J. M. Slew, trd 59 and as; If 7 00 James Mel! stn ba L S WATERBIAN au I 31 water and &I front 'to 14 W. J. ItirciiiChisc;Diost.fai.... OFFIt :goo Smithfield street, 'ld door north of '!"ltled eircec. Dr. Madeira re. Il~an" • a Ms ti ntrjtlarr " ntrig ‘ i ' t.TuTti l ,l ll limn., and 01 •huily. • ilaapidocaa- -Dr. A. N. McDowell; 67: P. F.h nesiock; th. Ruben !Simpson; June. rai . Esq. Mr. Willie: Thorn; grm. leaver. : IV. Ai ..,..oLiiiii, Book Binder!. -': A An, no. st, a . niriWd in the above bitsluess, cornet I'l Of Wo. A inerhlrd streets. Pittsburgh,. where we urn props, ral iu do any work in our line with deo, pal ch. Wo o twin,' to our work personally, vol sat.- (On inli,Will lot glean in regard to its rteatitcro and do rain 'My,. • IL out 1300. Its ruled to any pattern and bound nib. slain Inny, 9 m o o t o numbers amok' books bound care. fully ofirepair ed. Na toes put on books in gilt Warta. now , Owl h; tvo wort in our line toe InVilo4 to call. d roy2thtf # -IC ciagAnA,Sitifummv:-- . Ell. B. Err,, AWE and iIOPI JAKIE 23 ATKINSON SSSSSare entered into part ftftikl . ' uftt " th° firm °I. T &A' f lONSON as 0 .. 2. ‘" " the M'' Copper,, sod Ph onl troy Wale i. ilootlo:PO• ~. ~. Ao,lllackin milting lu 01l it. tlittft .2 . ' . 1,,,.,, 1 ' ..n '- stand or. Win. II . iiicaife, Firm am 0, n ear , s : PartiC ular ant salon given hi. ate. ‘ln L .. .. Wt. rk. Clketil 4I ii filch/ TIS Oirotl74 - ; - 6 - 0 - 1,1/1/7 C, id& -- IVC&M , ' t ;10 :' &Fl.l tiollt-e °Ming° clop Oat bus C. .k 0 . 1 10 ' ,: _,W42 do,; 24 do 7.0 do; 110 do 1044 do; ' 32 rootari N. -,". 2 2, 0 r;f4tbbloN o. 1 inackarel ; .190 bin /Min soap No. ' ; 8 . 6 to nipped candles; ISO de , Catteinitau .could du, .. 2 ..... 2 tin EOM tituotant and ibr;sate by .44,, , ~. 8h W tiAltiritl. , (ttl - ugr H.T.C1.5 it/ '.l)&laixein gilnilnant int. trirt;el// 13 &fc'lloths, 41/1•Nmoils? t Via Aga.ts Crima, & v., and: or nab /by I. WiLLJAALI , se (dement 'hilt , r, 14 m , and et Id out:manhole louse . stir:dd:a . dat psiparv — h littotts, Ohlo Mari ,seeILTU7-21; 7A7 tali! . 2LP . ' r I)tiltif.foliit 20 loss' Brooklyn pan no t, BURB=iB, ' ill? ' ILBON & Co, _ 171 2 . water Si .1 Tel 4E—lTPiNEALK,4l,lfirriliSHrifi 4:: 4 t. 7 Three flue Drangltl Hone , 0 (or *ale, ...Be. bhp for *drayiug, lat. Mat °l° or WALLI) POEIR keot • -• • ~,,bit b min, trlierty st IALP SINS- .irti - dol gettable Iri ia 1,- C.lf 4k ' i a, a l i tin ' .7rosn a' The n' • li n tle. tatio f r ow ' ll'.'oi 4 , Rd' l sVe'77,, 1 which the Wenn on of 111. is L C s i vtkor. V 0 "• . rr.cci veil and fork ale by 'NV rovbi da °::' 1527 _ IQ . likaity so ,MISCELLANEOUS. - - , Ain 4" cum rrespe Lreptarecrinva .. Mato J 8 Strickler lb Coi. It irdNUFACTyIi.ERS of Ploridn, kre Prep ( . 131 K 'side, 'getout! Street; reet, between.; Wood tgmithfieldretehuvo. J. 8 littricklet=4itawng. • L ed andthe trarvi. sing wwww. Mr. Jet asiociated himself wide kik . 0 Barr,the tomb:orris will hereafter he conducted order Ike stud Of Li K ATh. eon& turr. ' Thal of a wife In Cincinnati, a—imrt edwere present at the biding of eeanfJ Sttieklisu& Co's Unformed Phoenix firevproof safes, olfOr/ AA ploted In a faroace on the public landsudtbecOot to the intense heat of a stone coal are Tot mare tbliP 'throe home. In one hoar knd a Ulf the sale came 10 a bright red heap the door of the Climate woo the& closed i _whieheacasol becteased and Wend' , haeSf° l ' bA-='" of the time. total tbo east Iron wheelawere partially melted et the (maws was Wen dimwit do and the sate cabled Sod opened.' The end book. which it contained werens=s P 4C' raced there, therbbodinor wily , of the. books being , in. ued by the water lb echoling deo ,We have oo recitation in rectoonseading itte the public to • safe superior to any we have OM Wei tested, and believe that It will stand any heat which might be produced, • swept a heat winds weed welt true **did Moss, Aprbnorr Se Whitman, L Worthinghat, ROW k ILmnett, Bent. Unavr, W P Weems, Alarm Smith, 7 , MA Wi Dungan* nor. Stedman. Alnyard & Co, Wu Manse, ead We, the andendgmed, Lewd the zatbat:tof above, (rota a lot to the more of Trailer the Age.* C G tl 8 J • Refer to Cook Harris, Ilrokent, PI Ramer Hanna & Ceido de y ( . _ R. atosoei. . ... . . " LiPPION4HPT di-00., 111ANUFACTUSERS of Hammered add Cans Steel Hire .. Morro'send Spades, Axes sad Hue Kill, 14 Cal, Cirenthr and Gm Sawa Hay and M use Forte, Floes, Mattocks, Mks, &a, hating comp! tad all them arrangements in th e constmetimr of new machinery, and to immuring the best workman from •* most cele brated establishmeuts of the East me now Wiseacre r. to; sod will keep constantly oo hand and! for sale an the above articles, harts's. availed themselves of the latest Improvementa and are determined card in work manship and material they *ill not be excelled. They promise to produce erne!.equal, if not , superior. to any that Can be had in the Ettat. They invite the snan eon of dealers to an essenuation afthetestock before purchasing elsewhere, as they are convinerA that they will be able to fill all orders Rather Ilne,to the entire satisfaction of purchaser,. Watehonscr . Wider meet, .4 doors West Monongahela Home, Pinsbr Pe N. B.—Persons lumina bluntest! with co. Lippert con fr. Son wit please cull or, Lippencou Co. Ixt9dl JAM W. WOODW Pitt bore' Fruziniture ' Rosins. bS, Tman mar, A lola and .plendid olsottnanot of Pond tam ramble for Scoamboala, ILotels and pri- VM ar S dollants, ,con.to.ody on hand and made to order. • • • •• . The present stock on band cannot be exceeded by any manufactory m the VIRAL. 0011147. Poison. malting to purchase would do well to give me a mill ; Is 1 urn determined my price, shall please. Part ol the mock consists to— SO mists with Plash and HIM-cloth C...nre 2 doe Mahogueny Nurse Choirs; 14 pew Memo 12 doe fine mahogany Chairs; 13 mahogany Work Stand 3 doe umbel/soy Racking Chung 13 marble top Dressing Harems; pair Ottomans; 8 marble top Work kancla; 18 cherry Work ;elands; Mahogerty, Maple, Cherry, arid Poplar Bedsteads of all deurripoons. sod a large assortment of =mum fumOurc and. chum, voo numerous to meation. mark( 1. 4 5.131524 ARE. CAUTIONED AGAINYST_ MIMI/ COMMON PREPAILED CHALK. PREY are not `aware how bightfallyinfatioa• it Is to I I.o2lrs—hew coarse, how rconttalktw, yet- low and healthy the olds apper&aanter Ptelm• - Dalai elnt/A!. _Realties lt in in:mien* . • Wife Tannin,' of lead; We have prepared a lestetifal amebble article, which we eau - JONES' SPANISH L.MIWHICITs. li is perfectly innocent, be* pied of a ll delaterioca ettalitier, and u lempsna to the akin • nodal, healthy, alattuter, clear, hat whin:4 at the same thaw =Um as • coansetie on the skirg , %aking it eon and antooth 14rath Dr James •nderaon, tied of 'Mama chewer, warn t•After unnytting Joon , Ltly White, I foul it pease.. the aunt ' and nate. rat, and at the some time innocent white ever saw. I oestantly can eo.tierstiodely reooo.lMiltS .0 la 011 whose skin requires beautifying." Price, 25 ceuti a 11.. Sold by WNI. JACKSON:2D Littcrttst_ notrZt — Pitt 112itiliree Werke and Pf andry. rivitucton, PA. JTOITN WRIGHT & Co., are prepared to build Cotton Woolen Mutiinery of every deseripuon, such as Cooling hlaelunes, Spinning Framers, Scots, Drawing Prunes . Rulers) , Fiends, Warpers,. lent, Dressing Frames, Looms, Cud Grinders. to. Iron Shafting turned, all sixes of Cost Do*, Pulhes and Dangers of the late., patterns, slide and hand Lathes, and *rola of oh kinds Castings of every description furnished on shun notice. ibrucrns made to order for Mill Gt•ritigi Iron &e. Steam Pipe (or beat ing Factories, Cut lron %V/idols Sash all line) Cas tings generally. Orders left at the Witrehonse of J. Palmer d Co., When street. will have prompt sumo boo Refer to Illseksurek, Belt & Co., J.. &bnoreaterua k co.,p. F. Warner. John Irvin &- Sons, Pittsburgh; G. C. tr. J. H. Warner, Runittettvale. ; just& New Hardware Hon .. , 4 . ~.... IHNEFiI WOOD‘VI2-1.,. corner of , • , ,, , i, ~,,,,, ,i Wood and lei as., Pitufbants lia, , , ' , I - t! . 'tr , !'-' . tog withdrawn from the dam of ' 1, , ex • Vooderr.ll, on the La of January, ifw . , I I take pleasant In announcing to my friends in the city .and equal ,r 7 am 1 /lave opened my awe 40Ca at the. f above swum,' iwiain. tracing iclicri4aikia mow. Co. cash, and made arrangements with m wren in this eastury and In Europe to be con dy supplied, I am folly prepared to tarnish Hard of ell kinds, Wat good taws tad as Four as any nut or ert. hleteltants and taints s are rerpc tinily invited to call and examine my stock, before polo air, later.. The following comprises a part of hI, stack: Steamboat and saddlery hardware, guilt uumorroga, 6lcs, Naylor's steel, cutlery, edge tools,anylls, races, locks, latches, wy that, butt lunges, wreath, 'Union Fac tory planes wawa mahogany boards midi rencen, and all other exudes conuerted with the hardware bust _ b I meant( . C I, t y D ** tan Gallery. rune suer.. MIT OVTICZ aultinao. §BOOR begs kayo to Worm the yillieee of pie.. • burgb and Tommy, thel by has take . t r the Daguer on Moon.. lately .euptal by Mr. Pon sr. The pub ' all t&. .4 a at . It us ensued ttliM all air tau; improv ne are ieeu • red, and will be brought tato operation y Mr. /loge, who has been a reactant operator Matto dm an was Arm thsewetered. h t eaustaction is guaranteed to all who may become Ms patrons. Mr. N. will refer with pleasure to Mr. Poner, in whose estltdishment be has operated for the last twelve months. I Pamtty Por traits, Engravings, Daguerreotypes, del., ammemely coine. Likenesses taken in any ' , nubile, and aet an locket, breast puts, eases and inns.. 1 lutructions peen it, every branch attic art, and ap paean. Ibmiehed. mail v Pesus itlaohlue She TIL N IGti TNlAN—Mankeicturer ofall Minds of cot. JIM. Inn and woollen machinery % Allegheny et 7, P. This above works being now lo toii sodIIIICOCILIAIi op eratio. I em prepared to execute onlersrwith dispatch Inc kind. of machinery in my line. smah es willows, picker., lipteltdera cools, grinding machines, railways., drawmg frames, speeders, thromils, lams, woolen cards, double or single, for merchant or Xountry work, moles, lack', he.. slide and hand lathes and tools m gen emit All kinds of shadow matte en orclei, or plans giv en for gearing Incomes or mills at reasonable charge. lima ro—Kennedy. Child. & Co., Blackstock, Bell & tfit.,•King, Perutook & Co., Jos. A. GraV. BELE. AND sass's - rovignaTT --- AL A FULTON, Bell and Grass Forinder, has re built and commenced business ail has old stand, where he will be pleased to see Its old custom and friends Chareh,rataainhoob and Bell% carmen , sire, from 10 to 10,0 k pounds, cast learn patterns of the moot approv ed models, end warranted to be of the beat mammas. Mineral Water Pumps, Counters, Raildng, kr..., toge ther with every variety of Bras C 11.1111.01., if rerkired, , turned and fintshed in the neatest mann/. to A. E. is the sole propner of Basal t A.vrt-Arrai- M 3 Alarm., so Justly celebrated for tit reduction of Motion In =tannery. The Boxes and tloutpoinuon can to bad of bun et all met , ally Ploughs, Plough Castrings,i Wagon Domes, &a. ROLD:RT HALL, of the old form of R. & N. Hall, is manatee- taring large quanti ilea of Plough* Plougliaastlngs, Wag od tiOret, he, whit the improvements af the Leaver. Pcrieock, Illinois, and other Ploughs, or the latest and best patterns nose in use. I.Varehouu, 106 Liberty, street, Fittah n tgit, opposite the Hsi , Scale; Factory, to Allegheny city, near the Cotton actory of Messrs. lllaakstoek, Bell k Co. delSly - a~~i3edW7l - oIS obit~iii2~e • • • • _ 171SITERO TO THIS ROIIIIIKAT rum be furufshod %limb • Lunch at all home M the day; Mao, lee Creams, Fruit Confectionary, ie. Thesteamer Green. wood makes her regular trips as usual, leaving her Pin street landing at Pi A. AI" and at half Past sash hour (fsleep 111 anti) Etl P. M.—denying thei Garden at ID P. 11. fur her last tap to thorny. A moonlight 'new 51 the (Auden is indescribable in its —r/Yl5 R. H A VING sold our entire stock to C It. Garda, with a view to Mauna our old boninesa A we hereby so. hen for him the paironage of all our friends and sus- Waters.Nl' POINDF.XTER., T UR POINDEXTER. Ptusburgh, Aug. Ith, Died. 4 1 11. GRANT, Wholesale Grocer, Commisaion and 1111„ Forwarding Merchant. No. 41 Water at. Bolt JOlll5l slizairy & 7- OS. 011 and 94 Front areal. RNt Faunden and am p( ufacturers of all loud. of Fddiffs lor Gas, Steam and Water, have always oP hand 1% rough% Iron w e d. dad Pipe lot sword on, and water, from 11M. to In thinner , Brun Comings made to order. Also, a large assortment or Bells and finuthed Brass Work. to which tiro adoption of Plumbers and Miglne Builders is parUculady dureted. Una Filllnffn put up promptly and on reasonable WM, upgAtillut paasaytw.uli Rail Road Company. - NOTIOIIis hereby given that the Brim iturrausiorr o f live Wilms par aharo on the Onpital Stock of this Company is roqutred to be paid 00 or before. the fiat d a y o 4 November next. Instalment.' nor paid punctually wilt be suliect to the penalty of one per cent per month,. required by Ima. • GFABOE V. BACON, Treamrer. N. II —lnstalinents will be meowed W.ll. DF.NNY, die Plereimpui & Alanufamosera' Bank, Pittsburgh ceni.dttat Nor I UtrillEckiv fa) AT W. STCLIN' LI Fourth si,and for ale cheap, air 6 pa e i r .11 7 011 Plush, nth shade; 4 ii lob cloth, for coach tritneale it . Eoliana '..; 6 -cranium and amulet Damasks; I hale of Mow inisurposand limns Deg f4i Cp ; dALI I N F-W,at tram lo_r i Chiscu msi rrem,i,„n,.. fi,e n ,,,„; al arise Clocks for stenos bears, moat boats .and N o n w i n , Also, Chemicals, Thermometers, d.e., for info h.y BLAKE ft Co, ' corner market id and tho diamond N. ry.__p,h, e r t i6iy n !' either kind adolittraseredas tho 'dttectlon of plrywelares. • • imp*/ ... .._ ..._ A 'r W. M. ISTCLINTOCICS, No. hlkibunls.strech .ri_ and be arena eplenitin iniciely of IntligelVel , tot and Tapestry , Corsica, .latent styles,,Al6o6, Fp% so:a, 3 ply. and aim and foie Ingrain Carpet or 0 sop sty ion and qualittea; and in contiectiOn Carr eviayir tie Conc.) T s ble h.inens, Crashes, Diapers, Pontasklo• teens, Orl Cloths, de. tn., to all of which we c u m, atteution of this. pablie- • a .e.llifilii.a HOUSE littaiA= airs-li irieres poop tlugur House Maltase In "Soso .and for aaJa by' entry RaI3TD k On, liberty id , DRY '& MUM GOODS, 1 PII,BIISII4AZIN E VO Dile Mbeing And nose pa vs Cl ALE:CA.I,I - lio 75 Mintel street, northwest corner of the • n.yeryllige and splendid stork of fall and winter ma} terwhich they would re .lnOnotAdly Write dm ittention of the patine. Tt i# t o r Ynow.to sham/ emu DUO thattha . preseet *meani ono thstingniskued foriita low rites of 'Dry Goode, and it Wands us Frau pl e a in tieing able to state that owing to our great fliellities farther purpose, (in of the lirm opal in Philaithstphia,l Ira have beep ena bled to putchaim oaf present Mock at a Considerable ar e , ,reection from the mud market relm, at RS they e and we are therefore enabled to sell el comarpon , 'dicey lower than the Mull paten ' Wejronld thdrwil fore ' , incite ell cult buyems by wholesale r retail,. to give us a call, and thy ongtheit meney the best L./.. tants/v., 5 : . The Ladles Should' tap and:nuinme Or stack of Mll, Gingham. de, Laines,T Cailattents, Alpacas, ent,l3lUut, 13outhitidAnnd *nous other stylist of fesideutable !Limn Goods; °feeble_ it we have a very • fine dmintutate, Mend* every dh.rigt len of th rara il aD d f✓a m*f ltilhitn--To the gentlemen we would seerinobend thstalocifirfatther Fetch Cloths and English, Fremblissd'Ameriesn Custmerea. DIIEDDstAti OF SHAWLS la vary Urge, timbre ei4 shoommery .ties, Ofiltf le and Vidal:, BATENED3—Of *deb We glTe .a d .1"..C. 0 .. " C SIIII4IOIIBII/ Fiarmels of all P= qualltiemand prieet, , , ' , ::-. TICKIN(S - ANDOECEEI-41. impe4assmunent V" Peklitkis of au crsdos,Ausa pumas luta great BLZACTIED AND BROWN WS iliLl S—Embra eing almost entry dththtiption of the abet fonds, in cluding itheettngsoll all widtha.: , , . • ' ' AA. Am stockaiglatin V Silk and CO. WO Velvets, both Plata as* 601 4 4 il= ` Jr = plaid Hoses,., plaid Md. tulftrod b 3 4' c. t .i. cloak Linings, bleactied and 'en hod • Bumf,. both Wm... 4 cotton, bleached add until ed Table ' cloths, blanched and i unbleached Plinseells, mini do do, Damns and Donna; Ribbons, IA andadvii silk crummy Ladled Beads and, crmats, Gloms and' Hosiery of all.kfrub4Buspenders, Irish Limn Lawns, !Amu 'fiats; Silk do, blir Lard V 'ls, do aid' Ift, Oil ChM - ImA Russia and Be teh Dja e per , crash, linen, plain singed and barred .1 nets, .Care: Mir and Swiss Mashes, Victoria Lawns, teen Ban. gea: ~. &a. mereinutts eisitinthe city for the initpOseof laying in their supplies, should not fail to dim ps • ea/C , all they will find our goods and rims sorb ad c.not fail to snit their purpose i ALE7CANDERds DAY, ' • wink) 141 market N W cot Diamond The New Belden Dee Hive Nem Par cild 'roue!. Dry tJ U D ST m= "d on= 4 rnite7,l: l ' . 0 . 4 4T4 l ell Fourth struts, one of the largest, eh and best usorted sleeks o(pa ) l and Winter Dry Good, over of. 1 feted In tinsbergh, o which thi at of oar =- morons ...omen ruid thepnbile general ,is respect fully invited, as the subscriber It coefide that he ems offer such bargains in Thy Ganda as c t be ear passed by any other house in ate city. 'Az these goods hair, been purchased 0 prices for bolos, thou of any firmer season, they rtili be told at greatly minced rue*. Amelia this large sind splendid stock Will be dotted many choice and desirable geode at eitramely tom prices. LAMB' DRIM GOODS. O'm ebb and most fashionabbe drew tarsi Plaid sad mip bleak satin; =iced and plaid ailkm plain black ta my glossy XIV de Shine; plain black ri bias leer tring, silk for Ounce, mantaluend el al , yeti low prices; newest deeigne and West sty e cashmeres; plat, and satin striped castrate* very c eam French merino all coking detainee, plain a n d n redand utin striped, at great redaction on p • = l ab donna s and caldron= plait* =bear plaids, all qualities; tavaccas, all qualities and colon, from lit to 75 cents Per rad. '. ' 911wWL81 SHAWLS!! Fine cashmere, bake= and broebe shawls Week embroidered cashmere amide labia sham* Fine Tibbet and di lain, do Fine black and catered cloth do Vine quality long, fiery cheap do Fleth black arid pliant silk, very cheap do A large lot plaid blanket .bawls from 75 eents uo 13, all wool . . DOMESTIC GOODS, MUCH BELOW FORMER PRICES Good dark calk, from 3 to 6 eta Ter yard: Best quality dark calico from 6 to 10 cent; Yard wide parplo do, 124 em , Good Tani wide breached moan 4 to 64; Bed tiekinp and check's, all pried; Blankets, from coarse to best qualify , T ry cheap; A full mean/nem of red, white nod y w thumols; Sannem, ICentarelty Jeans, Kemp, nseys, TLC, .allot T, ..T4 whleliwill be sold at rr,d Moe, at t a No di Market st. aop2o ,Whl. I. RUSSELL. sA.LL aoo . IN. , iykr hI`CIATUOCK,is now eonstanily receiving his , fall stoek Of CARPETING, &el, oomputug one of the largest assomnente deer bract& to the Olaf bet. which have been porehmed direct from the Im porters end Manufsentrers, of the latest andnywest styles, and lower =Trice Man error oferstd in thia city, to which he invites the attention of Soue rsishileg - to furnish steamboats be houses, before putelustag else where_ The stook 'consists in part of the following vanety, vim &eh Sr:minim Ca* . to Onental Tapestry Oil Cloth do Velvet do Plain colored do do Tapestry do 34 feet erode do Brussels •do 64, 74,64 k 4-4 1611 cloth Rated super 3 ply do Suitßods Samar do :do 124,64 and 2-4 Draggers. , do blown do Mau Linens Wide do .do Rosewood OD Cloth Common do •do crumb cloths Damask I.habossed Piano core. Vemdan -do do Table do 4-4,14 le. i I I'd de de refittod, Table Oil cloths 4-4, 3-4 .k. 4 pima de dq Turkey Red Toilenett 4-4, 14,1 k 2 4 COL . . do Adelial Mats 64 mimed Call= garnets; Sheep gklaslo P r: 7:= 16 ? ir' i • Ito Fine do •do Manilla Hemp Wilton do .do Snow drop Is4pkrns Crimson figt-Plash; Diaper Towelling Plain do Crash Drab M Cloth . e-11 and 64 Table Linens Blue do, Gar eosel. tea , g,c Trattsp'et Wtadoor Shade. Carpet Rindings . Extra French do . do NV wt'd cords Rich Satin de mines for do Tusets window curtain* *Scarlet, blue crimson, Watt and drab Damaskr, figured rainbai crimson, dbunstakm minted and linen Table cover; blue, com Mon, searict,green. drab and black Morten COMM Mashes o f alicolors, tc.tn. U. • Also. Osneburge.Und Drdlings for steamboat deck, and all other triranung•accent:o7 for outfits tbr boom in our line, to erlaiett th e especial artenuori of owners ts invited. W. /WCLIN7'OCEII Carpet Wmemom, one door from Wopd, on Fourths& %WS CAII.PETIGG s OIL :CLOTHS, Le. W. II'CLINTOCK'S CARPET STGRE, Nool Potiasn'allma. ONE of the largest and the most etwieti stock of CARPETING - in the market, embracing all the usual qualities from the mosCabpfeived tatutufactorles, that have been reeled for duiabdity in fabric and eo. Tapestry Velvet r earsienor, ' do Branch do Brossal• carpeting; Faara imenille Hairs; Parra sop 3 ply :do Tartan do ilup Ingrain do Wilton do Floe do .. do Boolads do Common do :do .... Manufactured tn.:order in nave patterns; adapted to puler, basernenteand chamber,. Painted Od ClolLti for dining rooms, aalhae, bides., kitchens, 8.4 Straw Matting, Stair Hods,. Windrow Shades and Fixture*. Conon and Wontlen Boakint, from ono duritM three yards wide. Door Mats, tn. tam, to which an amen doe of purchasers:it wholesale and muill is respect folly invited. Wmetoom, middy. from Wood at .edaW M`CLINTOCK ;F. Dry Goods. Shatklett dlb Whit.; No. IN WOW S?mr. NVITES. the attention of Weston, Merchants to their lame and fres!, stook of ` • PALL AND WINTER. DRY GOODS,. which they are nqw receiving direct from the Eaters Manufacturers and Importers,and which they will sell at Ea. 0.111 jobb In rp nee . Fleeing every facility Cdr the purchase of goods to the best advantage, and the lodrest powuble prices, they emblem!, invite Merchants to examine the qualities and prices of their goods,fecling 'ensiled they ems com pete favorably with any market . either East or West. ' Their stock atilt reimpose a full assortment of all goods usually kept in Dry . Gloods Homes, and wlll be constantly remelts radiuses of all the new and desi rable styles of good. of do:nestle or foreign mannfacl :lure, and will only require aherammanon to be op- I reelated. septa pAxim37,mmq . - UTa MV RI Lambe= corner of Folutti sad s Market sts., is now opennis muly 411 stock of American and imported Dry Byers will please look befoul making their purchases. , Open t his morning, a beardtral assortment lila/a Flack Alpacas, cdp'y •Broesultr . do, do wain sui do, do barred do. Diadem • large, assortomot of scJal swle prints girtstiams4mnalins, Irish linens, &c., very loss. u:r Wholesalei rooms on second story. ash buyers at tuner Eastern prices. Mercl=wrl do well to call. „ sepd "EtRENCH hiERINOS.—Stamt A Jonsson, No, 48 r Market street, have this day epened 'case of French Merinos of all colons s also Lyonese clothe, el paces, oriental do, cashmerts,mous'de lain, silk-Plaid and woollen do, Which will be sold extremely low. _ . se - sriCe Dress Goods. Jn, FZEIVED this morning it A. A. Mason* Do's, SO, Nylon street, 20 ps euperuar painted euhrueres and moss de laukrs, 1.0 pa rich mohair Ingres, nod one dos crabroldered„dreisses of most elegant style. lop =NAM'S OP CALICOPII—A A Mason &C 0,60 Marked al, are dosing out a lance lot of remnants of Calicoes, at, folly half the canal prtee—good fast co. lored Prints at GM. ans 7 11JLIJE AND ORANGE PRINTS, and blue bison; „UPI snack do, constantly on Mind at lowest prices, at wholesale nom of W It MURPHY, Di n & CIFF,D4f tliENtt l is i t:= & ns, 2d Icier- Ly kat st, kinveusi opened Amore cases of those very cheap bleached .Aluslms at SO. Also, 4 awe eases of the 4eo do. Also, another large lot of the remnants of angl4 WMITE PORCELAIN DRAMA—The subscriber having redelyed the sole Agency for salaof.lones, e Co. Plate, Gum, Pivot, Molar and lliscuspi datoes Teeth, Mines Dentists , special anaemia. • JOEL MOHLER, Tromps% itud Apollmcary, mil 7 cor wood lad nth ets TEF.L GOODS—Steel Bag Clops, the bast own 0 mem the' city; Steel Reads, do Bag Tesmie! Pone dm do Nine i . , Rsar tics . do C ,, lrpsi. Rinhla,... cy Key Rings, do Top Ikon. 1/2 Markel street: KINSEY 6 . KNOi myl6 'NJCW7I, No. 75 WILIT/c GOCILte—A foil amonicut of gun, <herd and striped Cunbrica plain and chrllU Jimenez* Vous and Seinen Moll, Book :Molina Digo, Lawn" Nanacoka spoiled Bulls, Victoria Laarna, l =u4s Muslim., together Neon a fell auotunant plain and fanarlNeus,Lacea. ;MOW. I ..enialC a n , Am, all et svaio have just arrived rreeli rnmfk,; P.a.. , and f u n s ale l"' ' atearA b ir myl7 d: IVIIIT6, MACHIM: IiANDING—We hams now cm Imild • full aim:imao,,m of Vulcanized India Rubber Ma. ohin . ~..1 - . l . u riutba, Iran Indies lerld Imam ,ulu4u we vlit sellamanutaetureez_pricea wed to th e purehasar at Not Wood at. and ea naFo J & H PHILUPEI ILJi. CUMPEV . DAMINGM - -Jaat red , d at Saba ♦ pio,a7 Market meat, d ‘ a raids black Etit Silk Prase, of 'irk/0 widths, i . *, atalabla far Idandllaa;dx, . • 19 ass yararOstapoill avablia and alylos.;tbrzz 44, 44 , 1.. a alit coat Iliadbak. S l cu rl vo N L'atuPt.hlt sorests=adit low pleas for v10411:1.5 ' o, Bro. quids itao diek, =NEM VOL': XVI. NO: 65. .LlTta'Art: T m Euxuals, ". Ban dklmm.2lN l""" Z g an a d zi S a tat Financial Register, denoted to the dimeminazon of Bank Statistics, sound Kiwis/lea of Baokin¢ minty and prin ciples aide Insurance and Savings Bank., Dudish and American Law Decisions in mimetic. to the busi ness of Banks and guitars, kt. Edited by J. Smith Romans. Panicularanontion will be given 'whiten:trine to the compilation of meat decieions respecting Banta 80, lrti:Bills of Exchange, Protalsahry Notice Unary, ilriiriaS, /Waage; ice., in the Coans of Mu. ,hood s. etre, Connecticut; New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, South Casolins, f litn Louisiana 'eat and other States. This wbe ono of tie (Outlines' of the with, imd will in itself claim. the attention of Presidents, Cashiers, Toners, No and others. ' Among other details of impon- Kneel to bankers and others, the work will contsin ma tieri4s of the Banks in every• Susie elate Uniq,n; hie gmbinal sketches er_ prianinent Bankers of Europe and'Aliericai Offieial TWA ehowing the debts, busi rnn thoLTicial condition of the ,eve; Published monthly, el men cetera, Kt Three Del lars per annum. 'ELLIOTT & ENGLISH, IN Waal err Agents for Bunkers , hlssaurt, .t==== Trsubscribers having been appointed awns for e rale of the publicans= , o 1 .the above .it •knonna publishing holm, hams full supply of then boob on band which they can sell the easten: pri ces, wbotesild and retail. Among the worke which fiord Men tiredly hued by thera, , arh . ieh have been hig ed ereceed7ll,l. Court cod pro ple; Irelan Ihlq d's Welcome come to the Stranger; Bethel Flag, by c o Spring; Nolearr and him blenihals tyn s si ng . mond his Gums* 7118 Elected Maarosin— Orators of Teaching a Science, the taidber Arturo Chistioue Hdltabeihtstinikom 'Work; M. 8. Arthur'. Making, flaaso to be Rwprßk'kt"/uL 7 VWII , " Keeping ay. AppearanceaPebto and Creditoi, WO, tie work•frora the press of Robert Carter, the charlottes of whose publics:lotus to known. Tar. retina's Theology, in 4 volt; fLiddanothitontans; Mc ,sworkm The Convent, by solbsTof School Girl in France, Sc. fr.c. Plow books received as soon a. u publialed. ELLIOTT*. ENGLISH, ptya 78 woad and.lB3 market sad AtNEW wpm( BY' DEL MOOR/3--411an ritfotienkty Cleo &are, author of Body and Hind, wed AN t Ando 600 t.! T••••••••p MI , • narrative; atatopnalagloatm4rn from the Any of the Rev Allan Temple: by Her Charles B Tag=A. No. Postluatona Worn, Vol. 4. Sabbath Scripture Readlnga Now Teitanterti, Vol. I. 61.00. HUtnleal and ilmeelloneont Qvastinna: by R Mang- P.mbraning the Elemenu of Mythology, Aaron nary, Architectutn. heraldry,' etc. ete: From the 04th London edition. Adapted Mr *chord. In the U. States, lip Mrs Julia Law - gonna. Engraving*. Poems by "Amelia" Pit]. edition, enlarged. Enra Plato Contra Adteos.—Plato *anal din Rthetsoc Of the tenth book of the dialogue on lass, accompanied min ethical notes, and followed by extcnalve disser tations, By Taylor Laois, L. L. h IPAnbi,mte'a history of the Reformation. New nth tionoansed; 4 Vnis, Complete in ono elegant octavo. Th. above., *nth a nanoty of now and valuable works, loot r&d by • RHOPKINS; ampld Apollo hnildtago, 4th near Wood ;' °.~„ 'WSW BOOBS—Blatory of Congnum—Elographlcal 11 and Political, comprising Memoirs, bf Members of the Ornorress girths Hinted States, drawn from Katheri ne winner, embracing the prounnent events of their live., and their tomcatm with the political history of the time. by Henry U. Wheeler. illustrated by no memos steelEtraits and fac-simile autographs. Kings and run or, Life in the Palace—consisting of Historical Whelp( Josephine am, Maria Louisa, Louis Philippe, Finand of Austria, Nicholas, Isabel la 114'LeoPmbi, stnictofia: by John S C Abbott Bum. Noma on James, Peter, John and Jade.— NOM, explimelory and practical, on the general epic. des of James, Peter, John andE T Aloes Barnes. Mary ,er or, the Ttosung Wifo—a Domestic Temperance Tale: by Charles Burdett, author of the ConvicPs 3c. Harold, the Last of the Saxon Shwa: by Sir Edward &darer Lytton, Bart. Complete in two part.. Part V. Harm.. ilhistrated Edition a the Arabian Nights' Entertainments. The above works reerinsd this day knd for sedieby JOHNSTON afrkocirroN, bto Booksellers, cor Market and lists Isl%, l rf.A T LItM Y.°Elioeft.'','"": R::: - - •• • • •. • • - grab Re ram, usn i'oet, and as a Nam by Samuel l'Ver, of the Maryland Btu. •The Gambler, or the Policeman'. Burry: by Charles Burdett HI", to ben Men; e book for .boys, containing ow fat !Mate on tho formationoL character. by Hervey Newcomb. Ladr et book for Olt, &Into" uts on the foimation of ter. b771,,, 0 Newcomb. Anecdotes for lloys—Flnertaining narratives and atmcdotethillastnuive of principles and character: by Haney Newcomb. Aheerlotes for Gisht.—kbiturtatnirSt narratives and anecdotes, ittroaratire of principles Just received and for sale by .tI7 JOHNSTON th STOCKTON. New Sterid Husk Rook Tfd•: PSALMIST; MU ostensive Lion pf Psalm and Hymn Tunes, Anthem., Chimto, shd .at pledea, by Lowell Mason and Geo. las. Mumo. This.surs• colleen...a, upon syhichanach time and le boFj hp. been pofuan se b' Clldt 4 Vt=g= k L EL P i t 7„ ...ills long ocmthacted Cavor t ) a htmgovamory uf met and originat music, fundshed distiumushed foreign twit native eoraposass, manor tha workehe of the moot cupola° callections of Psaltatody ems published. It conuuns also many of the mostpopul English ehents, qui wrlerbmasietysof•suslhatusaisd adapted ay.e...ehadver-Itt -300 copies ditto above music book rsceived and for sale at publisher. pd.', by JOHN}, MELLOR; st won.' .t )0 - FIVIr BOOMS—TM WAIIIICS of Caul. Marcell. Clay,incinding Speeches and Addresses. Edited, with a preface nod memoir, by Borneo Grosly. The Firm Book in Spada; OT, altractient introduc tion to the study °flits Spanish Language: 00m:ening mll outmode. oprooaaciatien, a grammar, ern.... as on the 011endertf method of ettostion imitation and repetition, reading lessons, and • ropahulazy. The whole adapted for the nee of private learners, or for classes nodes en instructor. By leleph Stahel& A. 8., author of Compendium oCciesaical ties,* etc. Brother. and Blasere, a tale of domestic life; by Frederilm Bram „or Translated from ,the original on 'POblisbOd ioSiloienpt. by Mary Horrid: The Dying Robin, madotherlahm By Joseph Alden, D. D. Jost received and for sale tiy , /Yin JOHNSTON' re'STOCKTOP/ FFRENCHPRCOTECI — ED GOLD P S—We have just ravened • ...PAY of. tuem.ucellent Pen,. Their superiority concise, in the Protector, mid import ant improvemeut which gives them - the following nil ' Ist V;utains the nib and prevents the crosoing of the two parts of which it is competed, by maintaining perfect roosail&lism between the= . id. li retains a much larger quantity of ink then orb. er gou t enta all dropping or apatroring of the tek. It thusobviates every objection which can be urged against ordinary gold gene. In addition to this, the workmauhip is superior to Was of any pens of domes tic They will make el hue a hair mark as the finest steel pen, while they have; all the eleetiei ty of the quill They have given utisfaction in every instance m Which they have been tried. .A. 0. Bayley's large, mcdnent and small Pens - Levi Browiroi Premium Pena; The Congress Pen; The La dies rem The Richelieu Premiss Pea for sale at man ufacturers pricu, by. lOILNSTON & STOCKTON, Dent u Muter st, corner of 3d NBOOKS—Lacunee an Shakepeaca, by U N VII Hudson, in two valiFoisa. The Power of the Pulpit, or plain though% addressed to Christi= ministers, and theses.= hear them, on the Indnenee of a preached Gospalsby to Rev. Gardiner pring, The Pewtent and his • Landlort; by the Baroness Hnorring.. Translated by Mary Routh} Lamartme's Girondists, Vol. 111 Misery of the Gi rondist, or personal memoir of the patrisita of the French Revolution; from nispubliatted sources—by A. de La marline A fens moles of each of the abase works received ibis day and for sole by JOHNSTON & STOCIITON, Booksellers, MiSe comer market and 3d sts NBA/ nooks. - 101tIONBER HISTORY Being an account of the first examination of du. Ohio Valley, and the early seulemeol' of the Northwest Totritor, chiefly from original meauscripti contalubig .the; papers of Mn. Boom% Morgan, tithes of Judge Bark, the diaries of Jo mph Buell and John Matthew.; 'the records of the Ohio Company, de do., with tumorous plates and maps. By S. P. lb. themes of The American Revolution, by R. L Ma -I=With portraits of Sarni Mama Jas. Warren, ck Henry, Alex. Hamllem, fisher Antes and John Randolph. 1-aoL cloth. t.irrin= Rosiness, en The Rich Mans &ear, a A few copies of each of the above works recemed thin day sailor sale by itrisrop srock - roN, boo sellers. tellers, cor Market and Third SQCHINTIPIC APPARATUS, for Common Schools, Seminaries and Plisses Families, consisting of Tellurian, Orrerys, Globes, numeral frame, Geornetn cal Farm and Speilmens, ileum Decal Blocks, de. de. I set. tacluding box with loch end k ' y, 81341 For solo by WHOPIONS, lith et, successor. to Read NEW BOOKS, ---- ORATORS OF THE A.BIERICAN REVOLUTION, by K plates of SOW' Aamp, Ames 4 Patriot lien, lex- liamilum, Maher Ames and John Randolph , de who are not drones, Christiana arlio ard not bEgote,end citizens who are oat durnigorsea it.tiriair from Idswinesa, or Thellkh Man's Error, try T. 8. Arthur. For sale by P 4.1.1017.. a. ENGLISH, peril 78 wood, mud 3I market it. E:=7ll7.=M 14 : 1 7ARTIHP2S GIRONDISTS; emnplete, Wendell's /Iles tat One's Comm= tart* nt I saw In Califon* by 13ry.a. The Csar his emus and..ptople, including a tour ut yloromy mud Sweden"By Magoon Fletiong from 13innesa or' the lash Aire. Error. ~Ry T. S. Anhar. The 'tattle of Baena Vista. By Copt. Carleton. pencer'. Caesar. Tyler's Tar Behtrum'. Rome. A general assortment of fkittoot and College text {volt. for Bede by A, HOPKINS.; sep2 Apollo Balldinga, Pewits M. near Wood. ' DCXIICS! 13 0(MS!!—Leeturelg dieTbealogy; by die lEp Is:elks. John Diok. 4114 published under the superintendence, of his SOU, with a hiagraphmal intro duEidin by lan Atnesleon editor—ea - 41m in one vol. Dwight's Theology, 4 vols.: IldtranntWorka, rota. • , G.W.lnnual Works, 4 voles , . Molder* Church Hianny;tat and VOL.. WEren on the Typet ofChrhetNekt pahlitned.) - Alec, • huge and well selecta.ds k of Theoiogleld ' ldiseellancona, and Scholl Non for sale low by & ENGLISH, aura Mwo4d.and SO market eta &hIPHOH.--1 bbk(inin 01101111rki ll yeed aldl.ol. male by .407 cesDLEss lig ion t 77 - 1 br trr Hobrt'NOo woo at.. m= . JA H PHILLII llifi jso,o oo74 2oo:,,il tr: r.a4 7ll,b : cora- In Wes, 101 . qm order s for rale by . SELLERS NICOLS 0401. ale bacou3 • 4 . • , •.4. • ^ • 11.6.,:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers