'_ - 1-,•-•-..."...1.- , ;•-••; ,,,- ; , ":,•.-• . •` , ,-,.: --..- . - • 1; 4'l-- •"" , •" - .: - %'-' , 7 •,::,.;. - " - _',':' .'-' ' i . •.. .: --,,4 44e,4== - ... .. ', ...• ,- . . • _ . • . :..i4; ''-'. "•-•-•.: , - - ---=." - •7-.-•'. , " ;- ' 1P7".. : ' - • _. . . • N . ' -•;":". -.".:.-'..":• ,: ' : •7 . 1. ' 'n ' '• • . .' ' , V. 4 •r , ?••`-"Pt'ke : ' '' ' 7 ' ••••-• ' - --"----.----- ---- ~ --- __,... ' ,- _, . -,--7 , 77:*--. - • -. 7 , - , -" , •-•• ~-7w,..:1•411?ri-..3q7V-77.1 7M -rts -. .., 5'..r. " •'-'',''' ;' ' d TA : Oa-1, 4 ,41.a lel ' • 1'", ' - O . :ad/IPA" V.,iti r i ., . IA . i :`,7 7 7 . 4 . ',..,,',..•:;,..,::;,. - ,!_..,. ,„,. . . ..; ~ --, : , , . ~. , , . . . _ ieLl-7-!:•;isis, iii,..75,ig..4...::, , 47-_(. eo.,:y. . __. ,r.f.T.,--n. ;•1'i. ,. .i',4,v- - 1:e..: , ,'..-,', J 1 - ' i T ,„ ~...;.:.,,_•., ::.:,. ,_... : .... ~i . ,_...,:. 1, ....:••• .: c: ( ~. .i„,,...., : ..i . ..., :: : .. ~.,,..,. .. , .......,•_. .. 1.C:17,' 4.• , ,,-,-.47' 4 'i'' ••• I ' ' ''' 1 ' ,, ,. , :c,'. 1- , 1 74,...L•kr, .. ; t..A,4Y,"•: . , ,"- . _ , • • - - . , •31 /......14: ri...il"" , : , ;"'''''l''''''' , '''''''L , ~,,: _- r ....., -;. ~_ , . . ' , s-r.- : .1 . I.- -I .r...' s' ,' '.i . ~ '0 - , ......., .0.. ~.... r .. .. . — .7 ---, TR lir . rtri. - " . 0 • VABLISHED - • 'VS `•'''' ''BUSINESS CARDS. • ZS -" . N -• & au. Gonandwon and FM. 4.-artudint,Slenthazds,,hate Tadaynad to their old •• • • wirser4l - .4 Fronton:et', Pivabui&& • GEOZni ECM& 41- RAM maxm, whigessie And Retail Drag.. .oflatbarry and Si. Oak! cram, Pia. pROWN CULBERTEADOntsdesabs Grose* atui Commluica Blintfr,Z.tcs: 14; Liberty at e 11) FANO:SIM% it. Oa( Whelesele Ind E. .111:' tell Thuggitts, cornet Woodind au. j I AOALBY . & Slant. 7 181) = 1 . 18, 081 ‘71 1 ) 1 8 . 188 • 9O Woad strain Pindrairlt.' worm= ag. Foramnlnt, and , Coati 4. ;J. saisdon lisnehants, Canal Basin, P it ts bßtlit _ ' ' JOHN Guam. twAur . ffliblesale Oroeersoleal , anti ylrodsce atol Pittsbnlgh. Mannfactures, or. oar Libe fiend Pitisb Pa. tebl7 i - Nritl3,B“ & F. NlaiT i irate DerlieN - Gllaaties 121504 Wbolle Omen, cosidaa talk, moreland dealers irk Produce and Piu. 11,47107411=fimuires'No; 37 Wood st.,betireert Mud • .. r. a. nun, • • - ,• imustity, : •• • ell , totelll ILEI • ''r .caMtratalM Areletll3l3, and Agents (or,Bngtdon (once :triensjiess 67,Wdeer, and Front sus, rius. feb9 ALLAGHER, LONG It MILLER, Bell aad Brats •gr Madera and Chun Fitters, LOD Fronq.betttt. , • *odium! andhaeldatreata, Pinabogb, Pc Er Rlatteat prim given for old Copper ands. . • BOWE GOCHBAN, Com lmisie — Voilwardt . PlusbusgL__2l7±! „Iffir BRUNCfr,Virlaut ant tea tad . Ammer, Paint ono Mirehata,. corner of Lit. ' say tad Oliaoi Piculboxiili. 1. 15 • 10101 W. DCW.II.. IMICI RSYTH I DliiiaAl4, iorsardiag and Comm. -- r Wart Merchants, No: 27 Find Pittabergh. must area*, reorrr, - . 3 a, 113 MAR DIMIBY to' n Wholesale Grocer& Com- Mintitanul, and dealers In Predate; iloeld Water, and 107. Front streets, Pinshwth• TORN- a Warn, kuomny and Coonsall9r arLaw !JP .ad Comodiaioner tartha Stara of Pertnervania. Bt. Lon* Alweitate u 1 ritubussio Rarrimaatma--Pittibtught no, W Forward, Romig Ma"? I.loialom. F. Parka. Biwa; & Semitic, Word& Icing. • joldat TOM SCOIVIS Wbolssale Grocers, Forward -sy-ferg ;lad IM=lsdan. brereheras, Genlen is. ?ro deo. ma Paul:mph himemuats, No, 7 Gcassmtie lyre, litriltyyzael, near the Gana], ri 4 puight Pa ; ti-irAtifie=4l:llc,asthechllfLat AeLand Thud suce nest IN •• • Paubcnih..' th.^;HUTCHLSON, & Co.—Soceessot. re &D•tisthatebison. & lion Morshlumt tossUAstmot of awl& Lotus Steam Itetsss &Axiom 11M&I16 watts =199 final vsects, Pittsburg& iti p a 4 = Wh°l'"l lo.VVOod Ptp sL, Pstts ien4 JJOAND. RIORDAN, Witoloodesod deal er in Vie Reads, Pauus,Oils, V N 0.93 /Wool street, we door Noah of Dial:toad cy,fitto 4.113123•=00., Jr.; & (successor to Joeoph 0. Da' )81O• Mondle Water auxin. 0.11 Tort e . bm.r tailholeetle m and i =tes ,. er Paper, Mama, Steel Peas, Qills, Maseru' Clods, 5.% Seschtmery 6 enerel l7 ,No.l3lWoodst, 1144gsgh. lo . boughl or taco to trade. • • se ro . •. Mn 17,1. TOUR 'II:DAVIS, Auctioneer, comer Sth Woad areeL;Pivant • • - oCte Tots & ffrocwroN, Booirselierii;Prisiten asid-Pwr Manuftemrent, 4 , 1 Mesta st;-Pitts ' le& j o H l itGandt. Wtiolosialo Grocer,ealer' Pro .. frAtbbiilt; zoali , runny • • , • • WeitiluF tr. R. FLOYD, (laze J. Irlard C0.,1 Vitholesnle Y. 'laza... •ric, tag Liberty *mew • sepS TAlill3 DALZELLiWholessfii Grocer, Ccr.." ,, ins blandassi, and' desks. is:Produce and Pinsbsugh Idanufsesires. Wu= at., husliorgh. • • .; • Inn• 9'7717 xams, umamzu ft Caouatuffattheirsoff .7/ ar; zes Har,Sheet4lbsibtr post atat•Nuils a( the best quality: .Wazelasise;al muster =I lei Croat a WATERMAN, WfiCliteill;f ;d1:00 , X, Fartsatd• Altionantitealor Tim. j t 5 int .. 410 , 11? . 05, 21 . ,,, Wants it, . So= =MX SC= • Vatgeiale OTOCe_9,, P larl t alorPino 1 01 ; jimbuis, Nos. =surd 133 • atm woodiforrammugh. " • 'LT, BROTHERS' d Cd, Comm.budia for 111!, sale of ;auk= gea • . /VAL &ROE, Wholesale Grocers antleoreseis. No. 194 Liberty st., Pittabargls. at. Alma, ' arai looms, • . mem: DLAIZEN dt Co, Cotosainta' o and Forwarding dlentitonis, Vices sad' From ttay between add and Market ott. jono In 2 *llitasthot=i , ,; Alerzilszus, 0.17 U. liberrrya . , Ras- N ...HO le SON, No. 5.5 Market $l., wood . 'dime ciaiier of Folionb, dealers in Foreign 'and Bill. of Exchange, CerufiesteserDepos• ill, Bank Nazi am: Spode. areallettlons mad. on all the principal Miles ithrocialsont diallaited &area dad" 1101tarradOttitid, Wholesale Orocer, Lecuritn: Alteldistlllest, dealer /A PrOduce, PitiaLMlLlLLumfac. • qua, and all kinds of Foreign and Domestic Wines Mad Um*, No.ll illserty street. On band a very tLarmstoet- Of oateriin old illanongahela whiskey, sandal will* gold low for cash.' aplicti l a t — (77..ti.0. T. LLE5.34,,1r., Laporte: and Dealer m '7o=Dommuc Saddlery Iltudarsra and , ss,cif all descriptions, h0i..1.13 Wood DICHALID ILABA Wholesale and Renal neater in It. Lauber, llotoceo, elhoinnallers' Tools and Find. N No o. Tanneist and- Cullen. Tools, and Tanbere OH, ILIFWood rilishs.TlL e 111 , ROBINSOI , I & Co, Wholelole Groom* Prod= % 14 and eassoussion PNO. t" A i' . .b -Misoffseurres, No. IEO Liberty 0t,,.. Fiala:no. Pe • 4 1 .." --p-E..7 DALZELL & C 0.., IVholesale Grocers, .. a . Wan asul. Forms:dos& Merchants, dealers I , m i. ...it Tiusburgit Maaufazuses, pillars. et. Pit&t.onsh, rs. _ . . #olfir. A. ..fit, Vilustersde it Grticer, ~ i n p ro doce aad.Piostarreh Mao , scososs, °AULD:war sr: . . • • . GU - - -- {s2L tEmru r " l4, m .. A m g ,r_ . i 'Vrivarttilianll C iade. deb ottaissicia 114 tra th atiTaTTlWalk an la Gmeettea ; proAdee,, 12:"Ter rgh Marratac ,, axes .eatufle, .as all thar., rOF eava try rags. collies — Peas anCiiin:l ll " Y. iIVIAIFIELD—WhahaaIe m~ia d grocenaa.boaucaboas, Plush= articles, he., Nallaa_Llbati areet,lrat. ,l3 .lh. 6 .7 2 Qum] a JouzisoNovaalaiata, WWI Dealers Irr goods, Artielasalo.46ldaskes areal, at door alarra klusbargh, • - a. 2 1? a. a- mamma to t. amrora... Q . RACK:GMT -a- MIMS, !Flalt.W!!. r Faver- sad Domesticl:-) , NidiNAUGIL. 'Wool Morcloccos, Dealers J. ingot and Ptodueagencrally.aadVatwarding mad Commistion,Xayobaato, ha WOW ot,Pitts., tough. LIMITH;•IIIIGALEir no Co, 'WholessinOroccri eel O' Produce desiersi•Nol23llarket went, between Oh .ad - Oth: Nortli'fildn. Yhilatte.lola. . min il • ie ,,, e'g rininnecut-'7 7— Totrfucu Ois,iiiiitii. Ml=9 & NICCf Llk 0 itiviince end. Unarm! Com S . - Mission Mc chant o. idteuty st.; Pittsburgh , Atnetnir Linneerand I :ini Oils. Li: : • . . VON BONIOIORST & Co., Wholesale , Oro 'Forwarding , and anon Merchams, traiasbutgb . Manateinrea and Western Pro. alhawl•M'am :to their neer wartittolae,(old stand) N coma Of Frt . data anti pnuizoi Lor• -. • r ifigint MUM . tune toners and onus- Anon Merchants; ~ sad dealers in Prodoce.' o. ZS nod st.Ohnsbanith . ' Do ' lig M. FehTk ,hgeut .1 Maxie= soldwo • • IT prueuriig pea ..h!,.4% the cfilee - o f Wro. E. Ima m,hq . Barkis buil ding , 4th 44, Piltsbalgh• WA teMlii land IGoo Washiugion,yoll attend to 144 1 . 144Weeu thorn to en of exploloo 40 oPOlcont". . morl4-ahr /MI D. . DAVID ICY 10:11.034,(saceessars-w Lh J. - ,1). : Wick.) 'Win.. tusk Lin:seem FitteWsrtiizB Comailakna atennti saw, &Alen in Iran : : a t ir tnneut iwat.l iipAPlttninughlillaufsentres raft *roan. °Mood anti' Wooer .trentiti Pit yrltireVASrai--CcinnininiOn, ; t a d P*nnad 'a Piont et: WAntena:Wood nrkst otreeti. • ' .. • feting ; Nov W. WA IA Attli anxia and •Mill.Firmish lry lag eau Oliskitent, No. nnittillitnW W near tbe - 1 1 4 1 . 61 _ - Dania Ia Y ab, pi, pp .aaep end Staple W, "set} Pivaburgh. W LSON E Duleo la Watches, Jewelry, Wweer, Good; Ito., No. 57 Mar noo7 UT FL DIX , iSPLIC - 7,YVltolosale sod Resit tester is yy Ford" , stut Domestic 'Dry Uneds, north east comer of Write! eadTounh eta.; tostgt lonato tr _ IrtYOUNG _is Ca —Dealers In . leather hider, &a. e Libettp ¢ Ankly 1 9.taltyT •W ~n~ of Sod W a A 0.6 droeei. r Acwr~ Wl, .nd Bleag '~Yow u 'o. L 1 bmt9.c MWbnrßb, Pi JanShcy VZ= J o Co., Whole•sl Groterrand • • *eaters ill OM .t,soat store, and nuillarok man mule; b Imo on hind, at eattilkS * mod emend airsortmenet !flood. In their line, W_lt*l wen, • eateberzy PitabuTtlh• at= . , r•a !di RELTREEc Wholeiald firitaiegn, Rectifying S.,nitilleda, • and Vilna' 'and 'Liman erehanui. Mao; -manners of Soda /oh and Bleßb ing yt0.1.11, )Übextranneti l'Undnirtn•P,s, CARDS. TORN PI. 'TOWNSEND, DM6giat gad .epoWee. , T, No: 451.torket st, throe doors ahKore Third m rim" burgh, wilt hay, eorietantly an hand a well ',elected as sortment orthA,, pe e and . (modem Nettie-10% which he will ieil on' the MOSI reasonable tams. sending order., will be en:away attended ta, and .op plied with: article: they may rely.mem g"LAIA ad irr MOdeiaaarteiceinnone will be arcane. y A.—,Lptepind'o , ..o,,, hoe , a the tor night Ai" for "IN a hummock or fresh and good Perth . . , Jant •' Xellnonagalu Llvalerktable. Agougy aelar,EMON kW* opened the largo *nada an rim altr‘ddling4ranh 10 Second a 4 bowmen, ood and . ittlfLeld - ath., ihe rear of dm .11onougnhela House, ..with an entlrelyhuar nto= of Hors= earring= of Abe taut quality and Luca atyles. Borns:kept at live n' in Ihn heat manner. griarkMig - Ego ottrwatuOOD STls,, PITII3IIU E.Nirua rtONTINUIS. to auumfacture Monuments, Burial N..),Vaules.Tomba Head dimes, Mantel Pieces, Ceu treind foreign sad domesac marble, at ■ resatar and fur price. N..ll—Dtworimrs for mormments, vaults. &O furnish cll. of myAnsanPticm. He solicita• share of public '• T ougg-thf frLUAU SMITH. Manufacturer of Conon and colored Linen, Fringes for Dresses, de • Seising inti colored Cotton Fringes for silk anegingbans partoolit, Gimp, 'Mohair, and bilk Bullion Frutgeo, made to ostler on'tbd *hottest *Nice. . 'corner of ;Menden Lane' lndiVilliam,entrunce •No ESN lista otreerohLra floor, over Abner & Eirs' ./110 - I‘s, No 6,S Maiden Len r New yorle jylo YAIIICILW RIMALO2I, 2011.0. roam, vim Irrutolco,ii: . I'aColl roess, num non, ' SAY= Y. *O O lO, _.. .. -. , , lIVECILISMCS' GLASS urosas. QUIPSON,_ _LEAVE, fIiTANGLIM Co., monafactu -1.7 rev; of Ifigas, arollVirtdow Glass, keep eorituouly On hando.ge . neral nomortmeat of the . above Als,O,:moko, to order o superior ankle of Mineral Soda-Wider lfottles„ of colored glom No. le Wood st,.Pittobursh,.P. • _nue:ll44n L RICHARDIT: EEcH - , JR., Tccducra Alm but= IN Saddlete Itaninongery, hunts Coach Trimmings, • Mom. Deer - Batt. Varntib, &e. jyll No. IT.I Woos. ST. Prriscruntt. PEALIS TEA Founn at, near Wood—All-tionntifies of Green and ElltiolOTeoaiudone op in quaner f half, nad 14 . 7.r - 1,3".&"51,7M. 1 74,331 . ..V.'and Duquesne Spell:lo 4 th, Steef, uld Isott COLEMAN, HALLMAN tc. toodpratinrirr Of Coact, and tiJiptie Hammered Aiteb Worehonae of =and F ‘ 19 7t h S teel , lB, inaMratt 4 l . desdrrs it:coach Trim:dugs and Malleable Caning.. INSURANCE. DELAWARE nruTtrA t LESSVDABCE CO. JOLIN FINNEY, le., Agent at Pittsburgh Mr th e Ml some DMus' &dory Insurance Company of Phila. adelpliis. Ere Risks upon buildings and mem-Imam of every description, end Marine Risks upon hulls or cargoes of vessels, Liken upon the most favorable term. LES' Mee ha the Warehouse of W. B. Holmes & Bro., N 0.3: Waxer ' near Martel street, Pittsburgh. N. EL—Thesueness of this Company since the estab. lishmerd of the /nether in this city, with the prompt ness and liberality-esith vrhkit every claim upon them for loss has been adjusted, fully warren* the agent in inviting the eonfidence mad patronage-of his friends and the community et large to the Delaware M. B. luso. ranee Company, while it has the additional advanumes as an institution mitioog the met flourishing MPhil:tie'. phi.—as linvingan ample pant-in eapiml, winch by the operation of its-charter I, constandyincreasing, as yteldlag each. poison marred his doe share of the points of the company, without involving him In any responsibility whatever, and' therefore as cosmoses the Mutual pinnetpledivested of every obnoxious lb.. tore, and in Its most oltractive . thrm: .00•4_ VIRE • • D VAXIIHE LIVIUHASCS.. rp.or Nona tarough ns duly tunttmfted Agent. the subscribe', ones to make permanent end limited Insurance odproperty, ta this city and its vicinity, maul on 'shipments by the C nal and Hirers. DIRECTORS. Charles Taylor, Ambrose W but, Jacob 11.Th0m5...., /ohn R. 'Neff, Rietard 'D. Wood, Wm. Welsh, Pranks 'loam., S. Aaiun =boar., ARTHUR G. COFFIN, Presl.. 4.nhur G Goan, Sam , ' W. Jones, /cam A. Brown, John White, 'Masa P. Cope, Samuel P. South, Samuel Brooks, lienaTD- Samaravan, See'v. This is the oldest losartinceVontpluix in the Veiled States, having been chartered' in 1794. [lichens, is perpetual, nate from high - standing,long expaievce, ample moans, and avoiding all risks Of an extra has anima character, it may be:cal:Lie:freed as offering am ple wearily to the public. IV. P.' JUNE'S, At the Counting Ho'crf. Atwood, Junes We ans and From streets ' =burgh. may 4 FrILLNICLIN STELE.IBIAII.U.LNCE CO. THE Franklin Fire lasuransoCknerpany, of Pialade. pnia, will make Ima ranee, norm:neat and Maned on everydenription at property, m Fnuburgh sad the y earrounding eatunry t an favorable coma MU coto pauT hsa aperpanal nkarter. . . Corals:gen; Fuld ISSEU,OLO Office corsozogind andidarket.elrre_ frauburgh. Rope' ; - IVARRICE ISIARTIN, Agent. sodersigmediduly =abaci/led Aguas ottbe /aw l...testa FSfe. lusirtidce. Company of Philadripton, =Moues to drat immune against-lon ar damaye agaitist rtro, on kaildings 2 stanstictdita, (=dm. nod property', not antra hazardous, la at. coy and racinny. .pl 4 • GM COMMA word .1. WHY, SUBLiCUltiat has been appoutted Agent pyo tem. ofthe Insolence Company Of North America, and will issue Policies and attend to the other buslyesta tho Agency, at the *relations. of Atwood, Jones & Co. apla •-• ' NYSVP.-JONESI.. water st FORWARDING 't4 COMMISSION. C, S. DAXILUmt 7. ILECLIDo CHARLES 8. DA.NENEIOVES. * CO. TOBACCO CoIIiARSSOR MERCHANTS, No. 10 South Wharves, K:...lNri. 117 Seta Wineiat. FULA ltrld'lllA., BEGS w inform the trade. ea deltic's generally, of 17 Pittsbargh,that they harems& such arrangements with the ViOginia Manufacturers and the Growers or the West, Weld Indies, and other pieces, es will insure large and cappant 'soppily of the followieg descrip tions of Tobacco, 11fLich MO be sold upon es &erem ite:daring terms as' any rimer house is taw city Of eloo where, and all `code &derail, train them Will be war rent a equal to remierdartrnir Helmet; • Domingo; Conn.; Yang Porto Rico; Penn'alSeed Leaf to- Cabe; & Florida; bacon; A.1.50-43rantles Celebrated Aromatic Stag Caven dish. attar& forge r4sor atm t. of COLO popular. bro,od s, and %Magda* of laann&i_Oei,nr? lee and T;ht, bump s, ; Z s , 6,11. and 11:MJNag; Lae= Twist; Firm= Merv, &a, sweet and plate, in whole and half Lames, wood and no, together with every variety or article belong ing LO ILLO. • • IfESBIT & GIABRESTSON, FLOUFLFACTO RB, Produce, COMM 11021 &Da FOIIPAIrding 18,1111811 14 , 1 8 , No. et Nos= 44eurcs,stlro-12 , Wsrks PHILADELPHIA. 8.1:1113 To—JOIO2 . II..DrOVM & CO. Robert Steen &Co. Homo , Beaver & • Smitts, Baoley &leo. Allen& Paxton, New York. Welters & Harvey, Baltimore. • Bsgaley &Balkh, luttri4e,Wllsort &Co B ro ,. f, Co. Pittsburgh. Kier Jones, d ipaLibrlkl rub . istrit.tr4sori ronsigtonents d p; ou r . • ELLMAKER, ECKY4 - 0 - 0.,.! • • FLOtrit PAO 'V OILS And GI ettiersel Celkcirellsilore Merchants, hle. 13 Smera Wergre Sumer SkILLABBLPIIIta. BEFERENCES—Iienry Groff .Co, Plusher& , • l= &. Sherlock4l, & son, IClnemriall M. Jectscry,lllsgy . • • Cloaks Ilsehasi, er., Loolsoilla • Than, Linmphreye & Co. Merer, Bro. & Co. ...Plillad , a A :Hoed &Mother,' • • . . Datilh &Comelacry, New 'ark. •' , JAlleil D. LEOXIM, MIDGES W. ADDMID,Oh. LEHMert 4 ANDERSO N ____ rORWARDNO & COMMISSION Arseoutorris, COTTON FACTORS, -AND AGENTS FOR TR..% SALO OF NAILS. AND. W. GLASS, inn: 1 ice fraorz rr, mums isoanwAr r eatetsnart, paw. - 77 — GICOICCVErCCSCITILIM -- Commission and Vorantding.Nirehant. NO. 90.46 , 0001 T, 111111=674 normitrcs tam a mars] Calmat:4lon hun k/ nets, especigilyin the purchase and fah" of Moen. can Matiafactarcs and Produce,:nail la receiving and foriviuthag Goods consigned to his care. Ao Agent for tho iicUres., he mull be constantly ropplied with the principal uncles of Pittsburgh Diannfuetnre at the lowest wholesale Orders and conshpanents ' " 1517 GEORGE"'IG BERRY wuoLiasmar. °Hooka's' FOORDOU • AN/Yltn; ; Iron, Na 1.14 Cotto n Ya EAlt wata .paalabnagh itlaultillCtur oo l gartorally4 No. 10 • woos man . , rnmiatritan, Ea. WBC - Ill.craittiCT p ar waraing Mere IMO, UrearstraUle, Anemia partietnarly to ttio r crimpling of riody c c , A N , any infonindon, apply to rOnsirmi & ctIN. CAN, Water to • ortlS ... __.__..lBAAC CRUSE GENNIIM. COMMISSION MERCIIANT, FOR TIIESALE OF peopuct;&PßOVlSloNs, N 05.103 ow l 107 Madtmls Wrtiar, • BALTIMORE, MD Rairrartires—Merebriats of Fidstiarga. : , wheeling., Vii.—R., Crimicle & Co. tharMdmiu -NOTETIVICTO SLMIPORMAis Mira takoi an ca y oppo se immediatelsite to yirzattrlnupt wozettorse, (or die present, tiiese we umlaut busittess as meal, emit o, near, house eon be ereeted;arraagemeate MIMI already . been mule for that purpose. Boats orill always bli '' myiedillitess Si oar arbor( to ive freight. • ' • ' '' rece ' - tudarkniav a. Co, up/ , . Canal Mmini Liberty si _ ------.----,---.„4 LYMAN,:FIEED A. CO., wake:F..oas° Reed, thud d 0.,) GENERAL G 015185103 411ERIMANTA, Partleatar amnion 041 w dok.O. at Wool, and 1 0°,1 al advances nano on onnignninan mybUltorty ; . ; °Niece. • , 2/1 BXB 150, prim* enioleild do lb, do; 12 do 6o . 1011171 01 1 1 1 :el,Tr i Zio”ar seirti r e; pep( 0 OLACKBURN & Co _ _ Itist teem pis moaner Asinsalins, 6nd for rare by in/3 BOHSYT a:DUNCAN; PITTSBURGH, YUESDA 1101{,NING, OCTOR LAW OFFICES. WM. TIMRLIN ATTORNEY AT L AW, Blatt', Pa jTT also attend to collections and all other bust lIC.I entrusted to him in Ruder and Armstrong counties, PA Refer to J. & EL Floyd, Liberty at. W. W. Wallace, do James Marshall do Pittsburgh. dly Kay *& Co., Wood T B. swErrEEB, Attorney at Law, °Mee 3d st., J opposite St. Charles Hotel., Pittsburgh, will also attend promptly to Collections, in Washington, Fayette and Green comities, Pa..... ... .a i~ i ßlarkstook, Bell k Coy • Chttral &Carothers, lEntstiurgh. • T. Morgan, laendly V. I. HENRY, Attorney and Corr/manor of Low, 'Cincinnati, Ohio. Collections in Southern Ohio, and iit Indiana, and in }Cantonal . , prompdy and ears , fully attended tn. Commissioner for the State of Pend. nyttrania, for Inking Depositions, acknowledgments, Roma To --Ron. Wm. Bell & Son, Cosh, Church & Carothers, Wm. Ilayn, Erg, Winne k & Davin. nth% H. W. W 1, WM. la. 1111:111. WILL . IAIIS & (Sneenszom to Lowrie and Y Nittiliams.) Attorneys and Qoansellors at Law. Mee North Fide of Foartb street, above Smithfield. .febt7ditarly • • TANIES F. KERR , Attontry at Lam, Bakemell'a ILP bu ld ng, Grant 'tram, nearly opposite the Court /loam. aag9-3m In= TAUNIAW A. SEWELL. attorney at Lute, Office. on theithfield betereen ad and ern sta. - VORWAED & SWARTZWELDER, Attorney. a l f r Law, have removed their office to the South ode o Fourth at., between Cherry Alloy and Grant Infect. spilt VO. B. ROBINSON, Attorney at Law, hm re a moved hie office to the Exchange Buildinp, St. Clem et. next door to Alderman Johm. nom, BOOK TRADE. To Country Morahusts. /IL A LARGE STOC K of School Books, Paper, Station ory,&e., nimble for country sale.; among which Writing Papers, of fine, medium and common Letter Paper do do do do 'Note Paper do do do do Note and Letter Envelopes; Slates, Pencils, W steer, 4/ulna and Steel Pens; Window. Paper (yard wide) plain and printed; Bonnet Boards, °Nil:recent qualities; Blank Books, in great variety; Family, School and Pocket Bibles; Grown, medium, nod double crown wrapping paper, IdeGulftes Eclectic Spellers and Readers; 3 1 1= c rs, A 4 ‘ 11ers n'L and /Leaden.; Bandon.' do do do Alitbssetics, by Adams, Da vis.Colburn, Smith, Sloe k tort,Ensersog, and others. Gf.°P.PhtotbbY Idtteholl, Olney, Smith ; m om m eo g. rich, rerley, mid others. Grammars, by Smith. Kirkham, Bulhotui, Wold, and • them. For sale at low rine., by J II MELLOR, El wood st, 6 doors above 4th. The highest market price paid for good mixed rug., in cash. spin PLANETARY Pk STECLAki WORLDS:L.& p6ou lar exposition of the peat discoveries and theo ries of modem astronomy; by 0 AI Mitchell, a 21, Ds rector of the ell - warmed Observatory. LUILdi.V. Italy, Alp. and alsine.—Letters fro, Italy, the /tips and the Rhine: by J T Headley, author of No. pokiori and hi. Maphalls„ Wasitinguin and hi. Gener- Jrc. New and revised edition. Siaismies of Coal—The Geographical and Geologi cal dimwit°. of Mineral Combusubl. or fossil wet; including also, nolices and localities of the various mineral bitaminione whviances employed in aria and manufactures; illustrated by Maps and Diagrafas; at. companied by nearly statiatical tables, aud 1100 an al... ambler e combusubl., tce; prepared by Hach. aril Crawling Taylor. Jun received • few copies of each of the above works —for sale by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON. /Ye Booksellers, nor market & 311 at.. NEAILLY READY FORPUBLICATIOS by .1. A.& U. P. LOMA Cit./Mall, the follovrtng MTl=Z= Astaphan's Fsgrdition--Contaitung sketch of the life of CoL A- W. Denuphati; the Conquest of New Atexteo; Uea Keartters Genstar.' Expedition to Calv fornia; Dotuphan's•Casupsugn aganun the hisiotos, and his unparalleled March upon Cluttaahtia and Durango. and the Operations of Gen. IDoce at Santa Fe; ant% a Map and Engraving., by an T Hughes. A n.• the ISt Segiment of hlusoun Cavalry L. Eristory of Kentucky—lu Antique:ie. and Neutral Curiewitme; Geographical Sun/soma and Geological descriptions; arith aimodotes of Pioneers Life, and more Mario. hundred Itiograptlical St cubes of ituriogmsi.. ed Pioneers, Sadie., glunwnen, 'UMW, Lawyer, I). nsim, kt Illustrated semi fony engravingie, by Len, Callus, I vol. octavo. =lt!=!!s=! vale in the Tennessee Kt-velem et Cavalry, ur the Campaign of Mexico. daring 1.4647, enatorining an av• Count of the March of the Rewnent to Vera Crux, a deseuptlau of the Country passed ever, magnet., terns, lea of the people, Mketehrs of Camp Lite; ac counts of all the fluent Mother Volume., Ellaburnla• and a WI o( the blealcan War, 1.12 t of ye gib led and Wounded, ice; illustrated by a large number of Correct viman and plans, by Glut C. Farber, I valuate octavo. drel Ateilikapev sad Wilt Sita4lLD ' mena. — ; noon .11171,XC1 PO.= AID DIAII.I, 61.4.1 q. THE subscribers Mire just opened, at Use above plain artilto " dt e lut o Wolte r di g tre m7ll:e lu' ue l s . U P . ape . "il,74eo."m'di mesons! mid packet post Flat Cap, dewy and medium welting papers, for blank hooks; medium Avg:7lo co lored Prolong Papers; medula. decoy aad cap Alf Books an Ledgers, rupermi paper and 6.1 Limier. binding; School Books of all kiods, sssizilard woo/ s Theology and Sciences; quills, gold aml creel Wafers, Was, 13t1/ Files, ac.. /sr. Blank Baits of all sues ruled to pattern, and bound m the MOM substantial manner. Country Merchants supplied at lowest vrbotenal• rul e. for cash, or rags at cash prices. JOB PHINT/N4L—lisiciug • Job office in commotion Olt Our essabliohserd. ese stre proposed to ooedr aid orders for plain and fancy Pruinna—boot., pamphlets e ra ir w cien b a ust o nz se card., te L i i ,o c f l a ding, i. k ~. :ri ,e 6 , l : oi r , l , t i n c . te ntr4 7a ‘ ta l ocal l3 s " s, between 4th and diamond &tie y. Vhli - W1.114,/iK—Vatury Fair, a novel Sinatra( Nero: by WW= 1 hlatcpeace Thaekery—rahh ttloatratious by the author. The Tenant of Wlldfell 11.11: by Acton Bell, author of ::Wit t heni g Height." . . The Young Sehoolznistreri, by Joseph Alden, D D Part 6, of Harpers' Dlowrated edroot, of We Aratoon Nights' Ihrtertainments. New 1.../Iltiol2, arranged for Willy reading, with expl.twory 1101. GS: by Lane, Foy. Logaraluna—Tables of Logeonanns of num ber. and signs and Tongents for every ten .reonar of the Quadrant, with other awful table. by Elias Loorio. M, Prof. 31131Am:03es and Natural Philosophy in the University of New York, author of a "Twoure on Algebra, no. h.c. The above works received this day and for sole by JOHNSTON ec STOCKTON, _eagle Booksellers, cot market and 3el yea rrISTIAIV OF IXINGBF.B.M, Um graphical and Pull. IA heal, conipruing memoirs or the members of the Congress of the U. S.. By Ii G Wheeler. Illustrated by numerous steel portraits, he. Sc. Vol. I. octavo. The Writings of C. SI. Cho mahatma bpreebes addresses, with steel portraits: Edited by II timely. 1 vol, vo. %nail Bass in Califormen By EtlPlll Bryant Llarneo.Noten, Vol. 10, on JUMC6, Peter, John end Charms and Counter-Charms.: By mi.. drlntosh, au thor of -To seem and in he,. ^Congoen,'• dn. ic. Mary Grover, a Domestic Temperance Tale: By C Burden. Kings and queens, or Llfe. in the Palate; consniung of historical sketches of late and reigning sovereigns: By J. B. C. Abbott. ,A First Book tn Spanish, or n practical introduction to the study of the Spalush Language: By J. Salkeld. The Dying Robin and other tales: Ily Rev. Dr. Alden Just rood by R. HOPKINS, Apollo liallihngs, 4th at, cagy tSuccessor to J. L.. Rood.) NEIV BIJOKS—Life of Cromwell, by a T Headley. Power of the Po lint, by Hardlner Spnog, I). D. Bethel Flag, do do Jacob. on Gospels, Matthew, all Harmony; Lectures on Shaltspesse, 1 vond Path of Life, or Sketches of the Way to Glory and Immortality; Footsteps of Messiah; The Convent; by author of School Gill in France: Now and Then, by Warren; Sketches of Lemons, on Parables awl %melee; 'lreland's 'Welcome to the Stranger; Hansen upon Earth; )(awash:a, a tale of and for England: 1 vols. For sale by Euturr & ENGLISH. lelo 70 wood and 56 :unmet sts NEW BOOKS—Just received Isom the publisher, and for sale at the Methodist Book More, 4th lit, near Wood. Tupper's Proverbial Philosophy, in three styles of binding; a beautiful book for a present. PlePart , 6olllol . the Pulpit. tikeachea of Sermons on the Parables and Miracles of Christ, by the author of the Pulpit Cyclopedia--Mgi sketches, Re. The English Pulpit; collection of ser mons by the moat eminent living diviner of England. Atiniaraux Vo..—Doing Good. Chntion Love, 1.0, COI thou me, Sacred Meditations. my 24 TeaHE PATRIARCHAL AOE; or tinistorFiirTd Religion of hlankind from the Creation to the th of 101121. C.. DtdlleCtl from the writings of Moses, and other inspired author.; and illustrated by copious references to the t,cient records, traditions,and my. thology Eddie Heathen World—by Oeo Smith, F. S. A. 1 voL, imtavo. Charms and Counter-Charms, by Mt.. M'lntosh. A fresh supply of this very pogular little work. Orators of the American Revolution, by E 1. Ma goon, with Portraits. 1 vol, lY too. Parlay's Cabinet Library, for families or schools, gn volumes 12 mo, with engravings. This is a new work. For sole by It HOPKINS, se p2O Apollo Buildings, 4th at tested Si. BEC . K'S BOTANY—Botany of ils. Jolter, dates north of Virgin te; composing descraptians of the flowering and fern-like plants hitherto found in those States; arranged according to the ntual sytem. With a systopra of the or Genera accordi a ng r to the s Lin eman system; a sketch of the rudiment' of botray, and glossary of terms: by Lewis C. Beck, AI. D., rof. Chemistry and Neutral History ill illagee• College, Now Jersey, he. Ar. Second edition, revised mud en larged. For sale by repto JOHNSTON & STOCKTON LAMARTINF2B GIRONDISTS—History of the Gi 'endless; or, Personal Memoirs of the Petriets of the French Revolution—from unpoblished sources: by Alphonse de Lamartine. Complete in doer volumes: [Writes transletion. A fresh supply of this popnler work received this day and for sole by JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, septa Booksellers, cor market and 3d sts l orrtuuNtis IN El:110M of ak. 13 k... 1 tenon ' In France, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Prussia, Ireland and Brent Britons; with an appendix containing observations on European chanties and snediced instnictiousi by John W. Corium, M.D. A few copies for:sale by rPIaJOHNSTON A STOCKTON . . A T OCR STORE ou Market street, No IS, between 1. 3d and Chi any al all times be fonnd a large stock of Thcolegteal and Miscellaneous Rooks. New eoo bks. roceired as won as pblished, and sold at low est pricea. The publication us of the American Sunday School Union and Massachusetts Sabbath School So. elegy,. Moray es en hand. Catalogue. furnished on ap plicatunts ELLIMT A ENCILISH, mr9 %market st, between 3d and 4.2 b CUM OPIUM ( rottxJ)--1 case teed and fur sale by- ' , IMO BRAUN A RUT COTARTNERSIEIPM CO-PARTNERSHIP. OGAN & KENNEDY have this day aasoeiated with them in the Mullaney bedews, Philip Wi lson and Edward Gregg. The style of firm will here after be Logan. Wilson & Co. This amangement ren ders it gleanable to close the old battens as soon as possible. All persons whose liabilities have matured, are especially requested to mete Immediate payment. Pittsburgh, Jars 1, 1848. TOGAN, WILSON & COs-qmporters am! JU Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and Dominic Hard ware, Cutlery, Saddlery, dro., SI% Wood street, Pitts barglilare nnw rutty prepred with recently Impor ted stock of Hardware, Cu,kty, Ike., to afro* .etp great inducements to western buyers, being determined to compete in prices with any of the Atlantic cities, Al so on hand nu ettensive Assortment of Flusburpt Hard ware, sit Shovels, Spades, Fbris, Floes, Vices, all of which will be sold at the lowest manisfaciurer! , prices Sant .. . .... THE subwr.leirs having recently entered into partnership under the nerve of Gallagher, long, & Miller, for the purpose of carrying on the Bell and Brass Founthug and Cies Fisting business Ott all its brunehes, hove taken the stand formerly occu pied by 11. Chillagher, Not . 109 Front street, between Wood nod timitlifiehl sts.ovheire Chet are prepared to execute all orders tor Bells, Boors Lastings, of every deer notion, end Goo Fittings with neatness and deg, patch_ Steumboat robbing prontiptly attended to. IL GALLAGHER, R. A. LObill, P. H. MILL.ER. N B.—The atrention of Machinists and Engineers to melted to our ariu-siaraction metal, fora reduced price, "Mich bus been pronounced superior to }rabbit's by tumbers who have used both. Steamboat builders and he public, generally, are also nrsabsted to call and fr m:rune our supenor double baton Force Pumps for steamboat and domestic use. GALLAGHER; LONG, & MILLER. decl7dl .._ . __. .. _ __ Dls~olaUOa. • - HE partnership • so long existing under Me firm of T NECord & King, was by mutual consent dissolved on the Ist inst. The business will be closed wine old • • . , . amid tip min e r of us using the name of the flan for that purpose. Being de.trous to been our beaten. cloned with to lithe deLay pallid°. one would re spectfully request thew indubtod to cell and •ettle their accouttle. , .1011 N D. iII'CORD, KINK. Co-Partnership. TOIIN D. ACCORD lissom associated 'nth him has el brother James 111`Cord, under the style or 31`Cord & will coatuate the Ilat, Cap and Fur business ID all as vanus branches, wholesale /Led retail, at the old stand, corner of Wood and 3th streets, where they mien a continuation of the patronage .n liberally be .towed on the old firm. JOUN AVCORD. 3A31E8 S. 31'COR.D. IN retiring from Me old and well kanant firm al !Wand it King, 1 100 , 11 reApertilly - re 0171313.114 to the patronage of Me public my sacarmorni I.lYrnr l I.l'ronl tr. Cu. m 2.1 11. 1). KING. copartners top heretofore existing tietsreeo the subseribers. under the style of Boobfeld k Rise, expired Una day by humans. Tha business of Ike Ann seal be settled by RUC k Roe- JAMIa4 D. kr`GILL, S. 11. 6112tIVIELD, WALTER C. ROE. Pitt burgh, July 19, 1948. • The undersign...l mill ronturse the Wholesale Oro• r) sad Comaassion busatear, auder We firm ad Roe, al their old stand, No. DA lawny smear. JAMES. D. ?alilLt., WALTER C. ROE Hutting sold nit 'lnterest in the firm of MX./111, Raab field & Roe to toy former partners. &FIRM& Roe, I take pleAsure w recoramendmg them to mi mends and the S. It RI:MIMI-D. biw-Tiortakis rahlp Siotlea: W. STE-VHF:NS of Whs.-chug, K F. Sherobergar X/. of 11.411.1.4, and J A. Stockton of l'alsborgh. have Rim day entered Intoe eo-partnerstup looter oryte and firm of Stephen& ethoenbompor & tea Anchor iron works, Wheeling. Va., for the purpose of manu facturing iron and natl. at - every deamtpuon. w !mono:ft L r rliornutum. I S. Melton. STIdPII.6.2IIS, BEIOESORVION.U. £ CO. ANCHOR IRON WORKS. InorAing, V.. Manufacture an kind or boiler. shear, uar mut and none, A. 13 ..eel elipue aptuites and sales. litusag cot. tweled with Shatenberyter's old Juniata wort, we eau ode r an unto< of Juniata iron thtandod nuotateetTet equal to any made - in the rosily All of which wtll i Is sold to the hinoutgh price. Watehounn d the work.. not net of ?door. and tVuter nte. toy TA 1860L17710 51—The rattnerrohtp lutherto tug antler Ihr elfin and 6no of Wignizzaa A. Dot ted. is thin day duitotved by mound couvran John Dal ton stony doposed dins entree Interest to H. W4bll - The bueine•• of 02C Iwo firm will ho •entod by 11. Wtghttann.who Is auttionettl lo toe Ito noose edge late firm o,lr that purpown. 11. W tint AN. sputtnnow lInlY I 'V) J. DAL2t.I.L. THE troslorenhrt is now propotod to manufactOrti all torts of Conant and Woolen 1111Lohintry, at the gluten: •leo. Orriora at Wialomala f Kovno Shop, an , rr Lrheriy owl Water woo., vJI meet .nth prompt FL WI(i HT3IAN, 1/MlllO,l. 1...L00k at, botoreal Feder. and 5at01 , 44 Ma, rp45141y Altritone city. 10.-PARTNEMAIIIIP—W. Young Laving tidal da, watt Lim /oho IL 1 , 11.1une.. nna her bucorlus berratter romlnemd ttstact thd of Wm. Yo-am A. Co. WILLIAM rOMO. pant /NIL IL breUNJI TTEALD, IftiCKNUII A. W. have asonorateri arrilt 11. the= la Wets Tobacco and Commenson [melanin., I.:Alward Heald. dare of Jacob Heald A. Co, fladurnore.) Meld C MeCronmon. and John A Warner mein MEDICAL. === SAl.R . 2l.itimbieue co.. O. Apr. 24. I\R D. /A 1 SFS , Dun Sir —I feel bound to you if and the afflicted panne, to avarl myyelf of thi• op portunity of giving publicity to theextreordomry edeete of your Fapeetorant on myeelr. Having been n(nteted nor .even) year. with s sever., eieh. bee. (ever nd tt. cencomdant dvorasett. and seemed only doomed ..;nitlP l arn -!: L 4- ncr.tuflà ot when. twine more severely ellueted. and tm volt; resorted to all my lortarr remeches, sod the pre sr notions of two of the Mont reapremelr .n oesghborhood ornltout dereviug leuefit. or the consolatant of sura,vmg but a few days or weeks Si larthe•l—Whett the 10.4. gleam of hope w oboist to roman, I Mai recommend.' to Me your Kipectorant— SUff==l==== - - . tr. el the ntrunr--i-ortil conirory to the .ipoctauoas of my rhymer.. slut Meads. I was to a few by. rued Irmo my bed, and or. enabled by the use of o bottle, to attend to toy hostile., enjoying Aimee better health thy. I had fur ten years previous. Respectfully yours, hc.. 1... W. Frew- Tor sale 111 Pittsburgh, nt the Peliati Tea More, TJ Fourth surer ouula bulk watt cdtmeney and r • whineu of pur wire oction, and having • pecultar tendency ho the binary pegs., is extremely valuable nut courum. in which lacer, and other complaints anentletl with congestion of the Liver, in roach ate:mud. They havehav now stood the mat of ga }ears. ansl experience pd them to he a safe and rideable remedy in latermiticitt, Remittent and Bilious Fever, Jautbcr, Bilious cone, ll:disclaim, Dropsy. Dysentery, lithou• Vouiltings. colds, unit all complaints of an tudammato ry ehameter. complete and univ,sal unwise non winch has bean gtveu by Mese inn to all who have used them, renders Me publishing oil the oumer• our certificates in their favor unnecosury. To pre vent counterletung they arc new put up in a red sylo graphic wrapper. Price cent* foe. Lea containing 30 pills. Prupated and sold by B A FAIINFISTOCK A Co, corner Dm and wood, and also corner nth and wood streets. sep23 B. A. Fanny:is - rocs, B Iriotsiaroca.}Ptusburgh. u. W.YAlrsorroc, Wholeattle Dreg Store to the City of Sea York. E=M= HE undersigned are extensively engaged an the Wholee Drug business at No. 49 John street, in IT We any of Nate l ork, and am prepared to supply Druggists and county klerchants with Drugs, Paints, Oils, Dye-suds, Foriugn and American Perfumery, %Lander, Weaver & klarider's Chemicals, io( their own unportanon) and all other articles in their line of bun. nose, of a evertor quality as low as they can bevy, chased In the or any eastern cuy. New York, Febld U. A. FA FINE-STOCK & Co. Marcher , . Chrome Green., _ TO PAINTER I, BL I ND MAKERS, 4ce—We, the undersigned, Muter. and Blind Makers, of 11w city at New York, have used and tested, and are now using a new article of Chrome Green, manufatatured by Gee. K. Marcher, of this coy, and find it to work wail, pro ducing a fine brilliant Paris Green appearance, with • very superior body, nod recommend at to our brethren in the trade as an every particular ale best Chrome Green we have ever used. New York, June I, '47. Signed by '.ll firms of practical painters of the city of New York. This unequalied Chrome Green may be had of R. K SELLFRS, No 57 Wood street. who boo the exclusive agency for its sole in husburgh. marl 3 CZ ELLERS' VERMIFUGE-- No (mall y Mould bo hp without it!" I,OOAS, C. IL, VA , Aug. 24, WI Ma. H. K. Ithmuras I cheerfully certify that I have for some years pest used your Vermiform m my family, and universally with success I decidedly prefer it to any other preparation I have used—amongst these may be named the celebrated II:Mallet. called Deadsbot, Falinestock's Vennifuge, and a preparation called Worm Tea. In aent ease a single dose brought from my Wile boy one hundred and air large wanly, No family certainly ought to In without n YOU. he JAS. LAWSON Prepared mid sold by 11. K. Sellers, No. 57 Wood s t. and sold by Druggists generally in both cities. sent] . A Pine get of Teeth for 25 Cents. Win:re TEKril, Foul, BREATH, IDIAL,TIDY OUlUS.—Yellow and unhealthy teeth, after be ing once or twice cleaned with Jones' Amber Tooth Paste, have the appearattee of the most beautiful ivory, and at the mane time it is so perfectly innocent and el, qutotely feta, that Its constant daily laza tot highly art. vumageorm, even to thou, teeth that are in a goal ron. ditton, giving them a beautiful polish, and preventing a premature decay. Thom already decayed it prevents from becomingisrorse—it also fastens such as are be coming loom, anti by perseverance it will render the foulest teeth deltentely white, and make the breath de- Iteionsly sweet. Sold by w JACKSON, CD Liberty Street. mares B. A. FAIINICATOOK , I6 vuunirucia. AFEW weeks sines, one of my e hildren, gen about live years, was unwell for several days, and tee dines. Increased so elartningly that I feared death would be the result. Having tocsin of the good elects of Febnestockla Verrnifege when wizen:stored to the children of toy neighbors, and thiukhig my child nnght Rave worms, from some of the symptoms, l gave it one and a half teaspoonfuls of the Vermilege, and to my great utenisbuient it almost Immedietely discharged between end SW large worms. Its health wus awn restored, and it is now remarkably well. Previous to taking the Vernufuge, the worms would .CUSiI:IIIInY rise in as throat, and I ellen feared It would die from strengulation. JAII. ff. DAWSON. _Tionesta, Venango ea, Pa., April 3, 'IS. apl3 LElDEllg CELEBRATED ITCH AND TETIIHI OINTMENT is the most effectual remedy before the public for the cure of Letter, itelh i titry and watery pimple. of the face, neck and body ,scaly eruptions, and all other diseases of die akin. This Ointment is warranted free from mercury, Is iectly safe, and mayy be used at all ernes end under al circumstances. A neat supply of Ihis valuable remedy received and ter sale by H A PA lINFSTOCK h. Co, corner of tat and wood; else, [Or. , of Silt and wood streets. G UM COPAL-4 eases received and fond. by • sepl/ BRAUN a REITER HOTELS LIGHT FO — lINTAIPi HOTEL. LIGHT STREET BALTIMORE. 1000 A.SID ilirlEfo3, rsonreroes. THIS establoihment long and widely known at being one of the most commddions in the city of Helium:ire. Mu recently undergone very extent st alterations and improvements. An twins' turf . g has been added, ...mug numerous and turf I ' e n ttlifs` ' Teriinmen ''d '' t rias " rlsr !rin g eo mo m n EetelY rgnmsed end fitted up in a most unique and anut f style In fact the whole enangernent of the Hon.! h li nen remodeled, with a single eye on the part or t prnmientra UMW'S!' the comfort and pleasure i ir Guests, and which they confidently assort c allenge Comparison with any Hotel In th e U nion. its table will always be sapplied with every sub. • nd end luxury which the market afford., served up to a superior style; while in the way of Wines, ac., they will not be surpassed In condemn the proprietors beg to any, that nothing will be left undone on thew rntr; end on the part of their &satsuma to render this Hotel worthy the continued patronage of their fnesids agd the public generally The Juices for board have also been reduced to the following rates Ladies' Ordinary, 51,75 per day. Oentlemenie " 1,50 N. o,—The Baggage Wagon of the House will al. we,. be found at the One and Steamboat Landings, which will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free of char e EXCHANGE HOTEL. CORD= OP ID:00 AND ET. CLAIR DM, PTITZWYDOU, PA. Thesubscriber having assumed the manages mint of long established and popular Heneit respectfully.sin be will he t nennees to irrs elle and the th reg ttdd ulated Hotel. The Houle tags now being dimmed,' repaired . throughout, and new Furniture added, and no pains will be spared to make the Exchange one Of the ve,nr best Hotels in the country. . The undenugned respeethilly sol o a continuance 0( the very patronage the Howie has heretofore received. THOMAS OWSTON, reed. Proprietor. HOUSE, Caltl. OP 7000111 4311 CIANT rrinr, , 1 . 1111.517.11. ja. THE anbacrtbor nespectfally announcer. that he bas now opened his new and excellent Hotel , for the accommodation of traveler., boarders. erid the public generally. The boom and furniture = tire's neer, and no pains or experse have been to render it one of the most comfortably and 11111014 in the Pity. Mbe subarobet is determined to deserve, and *hoe r* solicits, a 0116 re of publla patronage. octl4-dly JACOB HOUGH. Prop Tnaoceircitetwtis - GALT - 1301.111 E, 2T ARISTHEOCKAIORTON begs to aequalat hie friends that he IS again lessee of the (SALT HOIPO`,Ky, where he hopes to meet nil hts old friends, .to them and the public, Met no effort shall be spared to make all comfortable who fawn. bun limb their patronage - trartmo ifik..ree HOTEL, ('loan - V St.. oartpiLa VOt 2TH LID vitro rrostrE lute Rank of the Unitod States,Phila. O dolphin. M. POPE MITCHELL, mar HIS Pro • rumor. 13MMI1WM Chocolate, Cocos, &a. N. Beker's Amen°. and Emrich Chocolate, Prepar. ed Cocoa, Cocoa : P.lM, Bream, Cracow /cc frO merchants and consumers, who would punthase 1 the own product. of Cocoa, free from edulteranon, quali more nuUltlona than tea nr toffee, and inusury an:mar . probed, that mhaoriber recommends wetove articles, manufactured by httmetf. turd managed with Ms name. Ir. Brom. and Cocoa Paste,u delicate, palatable, and salutary drtak. for Invalids, Convaleteents, and ate pronounced by the most eminent phystentai allpettor to any other preparations. HU martafactares am always an sale, to any quantity, by the most re. alienable grocer, w are 4staria mans, tad by th.i, agents, bray & co, of Boston; James At Rance 'to ea, Hanford, Conn. W Hussey & Murray. New York; Want & Stone. Phdadelias, Team. V Brundlge, Ital. Mears; twat Kellam( tr. Bennett, Caummialb Ohm. ALTER BAKER, Dorchester Maas. For sale by suiral OADALET & SMITH, Ago COACH FACTORY; Ataxanl=7. TITIUTE. BROORiI & CO.. would respectfully n il rant the pUbIIC tam they bays erected • shop of lloaroch. between Federal and Sandusky streets. They are now reeking ant are pradeseed to • ceeille orders for every description 0( schioles, Coaches, Chanot`s, It.. mooches, Inputs*, Minus he., /U., which trout their low y copertsues in the Manuisotare of the above work, and the facilities they have. they feel mansion,. they an .nailed to do work so themost seasonable terms win Mew sranuttgarticles in their line. Paying pasuerilm: wennt to We selectinn of mate. vials, and hum; none but compeatord workmen, they hare no iscrutatmon to ururrltriltrtir ;ben work. We therefore ask the ettention of the public to this mattes &La Remind: done to the best manner, and ®We most reasonable wren Ira ..._ ... _ 111Vrouwlat act 4 Cast Irma &manna. THE aubserib , rs beg leave to Inform the mild.. eel Owl have obmtited from rho Eitsi all the into end Grahionulde designs 1,. Iron Railum, both tor Louses and rt.ine.erte. Penna. ',making to procure hood. someparnerus will picascrldllAd eitoultic, mrd Indge for themselves. Roiling will be furnished al the short. mg notice, and in the ben emus, at the corner of Cristo and Rebecca streets, Alleoheny in.c eng%..dtf A. LAMONT A XNOi. "lliaspiatil 4s. Seise Pintail* B.C. .... THE 'inscribers Solorm their customers and dealer. amorally, Mat their firit shipment Gar the tun tor %Wens cane shove erode, kn. arrived al Fhltedelphla •4.,, ,,nt r Wisp Juniata, threat &ma the manufacturers in Terpoot, and will be here in akw day. They have eino,hipments ou the Troy—two of which, • : per ships hledaltion and LNUI, are nearly toe— Wry are therefore prepared to rem me orders. _ _ kletidee the large 9weintltwe they have coasting to the etaeteris rims (an bo torwarded hero by tarifa) they antl ;crown during the motet ads pnng, ratar supplies ens Now Orleans k M MITCHELTBF.E. seed Panel. rem., trash from Europa. - rpm subseribem h•ve now in store a very CIIEASIVO L assortment of Fries Mr ladle. wear, which have been purchased is Europe by one of Me firm, al very low pricer during the monetary clues succeeding the French Revelation! rho. advantage, which they palms, over any other house in the trade e Pirill enable them to sell . very tl collellt Melo much below the market prier. ar' Merchants and others wall advance their own intere.ls by etzmining able eilenaire amortmenr ttpLl BROTHF.R£I, Importers, SO At. (Mulberry) between MI and :Id streets, Philadelphia. . Loeching . , copping and Bleed lag. Ka MAWS, (Successor to M. K. Delany.)— . No SS PHIL awe., between Wood and South held. Fresh tem+ea received monthly—attendance all bob. Reference-, the Thyme...of Pitwiergh, Alle gheny and Ilintungham. MOM cheerfully recommend to the physicians. lam lise• and all my former trends and patrons, Mr. K Norco, ew bent; diwroughly acquainted won the boo. newt and worthy of patronage. otter-My • M. R. DELANY. alipazatootorod Tobacco I Q 137t7.4 travvy & &oyster's superior sweet 5 IQ s; '3025 do 111 A Boilers - 7 lb a 1.9 bi do Prior: & Harwood's " 7 5 111 do do do 93 do do Pearl & fiarwoal 7 7 51 lb " 14 do J Robinson 1411 57 hi d° do 23 do do Wm Dawson 7 5 7 21 do T Wright's " T 7 do D Abdomen 9 do 1. T S 5 do It 9 do Itandiff Just lantling from steamer and packets, and for sale by 111..CKNOR .k Co. 41 north water stand 16 north whanfl /r. 1.14 YWladelphno . _ yAN l'FallTilltED TOBACCO-20 ba 1,15 siunes [...C... superior sweet in lumps 75 Ltd( bxs NVebster Old superior sweet 5. lump. 36 " Law-rear, Louie, s. 35 7 Gentry .5 Itoywer " 3s Abs" 32 7 Dupont tde In Burr) 7 5s " 10 " 51eLeod "li. " 757 " Lawrence Letuer 5.A us plug Just landing Burn sieurner. anti for rule by - HEALD, DUCKNOR A Co, 11 N testier st and 16N whnrres, m} dl Philadelphia_ priPER-2000 balls Straw Wrapping Paper, all sizes; WO roams ruled Cap IVrtung Paper; " ruled and plain letter do; 0160.101 es; 100 " Flat Cap; 350 " matt.. Tea Paper 150 gnus white and blue A white Bonnet Boards; 100 reams Manilla 13ivalope Paper; 60 " Hardware Paper, just meld and for sale low by nv'SNOLDs. a PIIEIC, terl-drim corner peen and Irwin sts MANUOAtTURF.D TOBACCO—In .to and to mo, the folloonag boards of Tobacco, colleagu e:mats (rem manutacturers at ILchniotal and Lynch burg, whir+ will be sold to the trade at reduced rater: 73 hL Laraarune as; 60 do John Rucker ss; 110 du Hoary & James 1...5a and 91; 3i do L. James 6s; 10 do IL IL Womack Ss; ' 19 do J. M. AtiWatal 6+ and 1 , 4 q 97 do Jamas Madras. Sc.. L WATEII.SIAN augl 31 water and RI from sts DU. W. J. DiAtikERA; Dentist: • OFFICE on Smohtiold wool, Id door north of Thud street. Dr. Madeira tei sportfully tenders his prole...loom! se, oleos to the citizens of Pittsurgh, Al otr oteiV r ty i. N Ih P I.."a n hnosorsk; P James S. Codl,rog ." ! Mr. William Thorn; =2=t2 W. &J. GLENN, nook Binders. W E er s r till engaged In the above business, carne of Wood and 'Mad streets, Iltleburgb, where Mr are prepared to do any work tii our llre with des patch. We attend to our work personally, and .11s filflillit will be given regard to no neatness and 1111- I.billry. • Mink llook• ruled to say pattern and bound sub 'annually. I.kaiks In number. or old books bound rare fully or repaired. Nantes put on hooks in gilt letter.. Those that have work In our line are invued to call. Prices low • can A lIT *mustily . SC INI. B. SCAIFE laud Capt JAldhS ATKINSON hove entered into partnership, under the firm of FE L..ATKINSON. and will ram on the 'lln, Copper. and Sheet Iron . NVere manufactory. 11IncikAmithing to all It. branches, at lbe old nand of Win ll. Seaufe, Firm tweet, near Wood. Particulnt nuoution given to stimmbont work.. nog 4U/1 - 1141S taf - tiotetci GI hmte — Lyquurit (toffee: SO IJ, do Pit. Domingo do; 41g/ lens n-10 glass ; MS do 111-141dti; 1' dot 1.9 do ; 115 do 10-14 do , Wide N. U Sugar ; l t Ibis No. 1 =whaled; 190 hoe tooth 110111 p No. 1 ; WI do dipped candles ; /29 do Cincinnati mould do. received on consignment and for sale by aepll 8 a W /I,I.BI3HUGH 1 UST 118:CIFIIVNIi:L4A buyrcritieliplendid toworunent 1) of Cloths, Cunninieren, Veittniph Cravats, 0.0., and for sale by L WlLLlAlittf,Metcont MYB 'under Itlononfofttelo house. amithfield oh pit:, IRON—iv!) ton., Ohio Amato. Hot Blew. am (miniiionta. per Ringgold; ttoold; ulna Brooklyn Furnace Brl i glrE r k f t, sl. 7lLSON &Co, jyt2 . WlkLer 11l k - Till FIN.EAUCiIIT lIURIOM.- - Three floe Draught Horses for sole, seta , .. Me for Owing, to, Roman, of_ • WALLINGFORD& Co, alel7' canal boalth . llberry In (ILE ellcliiti—Oo dos pow., Fre:nobGaff Rani, 8 VOTl v re l . b. lll a ll2 B e 11 ;8L .Li r e y W o iLl f i rt r 1 j' n. lahotelki , which Ilia attention of boot maker; I. Mr 117.1. reoefted and for sale by W YOUNG& Co. 1427 14:1 liberty,,kt. 24, 184& Ita[e TBB' eklei&CO.l ELLANEO AgYANDPACTURXRD. of .01,:egror, ve. proof VA south side, second Mosel, bmr=7.,..wa ge SmiddleldPinsburgh, 13trielet and dro liarrorins pannes .11r ± jeer LIP associated lanai with Mr. Wro C Itarr will hereafter be conducted alder the style toot condi Darr. . • Thor aje.re in Cincionin, Of— ' d *e ed were p,deut ac the testing of one XIS Bpuater F Co'. improved Fleeing 6re-proof Woe, Imo "f 4, wtP placed 11l fornace on the`publidlitroling, Wt to the intense hem of a mane coal fire foe nOtne' ittoP ' three hoar.. In one hour Ltd &blades safe .game to a bright red heat; the door of the furniee vies Duro closed, wLich caused an second - steady heM f the balance of the time, mail them= tom wheels snit partially melted. 4 the femme yawl= theowndowtt end the safe cooled sail opened. The money, Parma and books which it contained were es perfect as whelp; ilaced there, the binding duly of the 'Woks being W red by th e orate In cooling the safe. We harems' esituion in recommending it to the putdin 4.-14 to r superior to any we have ever Seen Meted . nod Ilergitile that it will Maud any heal which tight , Proalfe 4 , meta heat winch would melt It to • so man.', Springer It Whitman, L NV keenest, Beni. User, W P 13=res i VI C o, r B . , ‘"dmttiv. Melard & Co, Wm Mood k • We, the undenigned, selected the safe Set above, fr o m • lot to the store of ?rube, ds-Ast tlds • Agents 0 SIMON • . . .. B i liEfth3l. Refer to Cook k. FiMrri.7 13,04 0 , ..PL1Thb0t If tutw.o,l3 tmey Hanna tr. ado do (1 illII. LITPINCOTS loos D. WWI. 1.. 1.. )002004. LIPPENCOTT & CO. . . . . MANUFA RIMS of Hammered std Chit Steel Shovels and Splidem, Ares sad Untahets, Uhl,* Cot, Cltenltt and Um Saws, Hay and hissnats Verbs Hoes Mattocks, Picks, the., having contpbstal all their arrangements in the construction of, new umahlnelty and in seeming the best workmen riot the meet Cele brated establishments of the Saw ate now ntanufwatarr log and will keep comtantly on hand and.for sale !al the above articles, having noshed, thegYa4_, latest improvements, and are deleismagetnet ut wor rennship and material they will not be exteLtbd. The promise to produce articles ellent, I,l*..dittlart any that can be had in the Fain. Tsai basins non °ldeates, to an examinant= of their Stock WY perch:Wog elsewhere, they are conyinced that th anti be able to fill all orders In their lute_V/ the entity satisfaction of purchasers. wvihalise, Water streeli 4 doom West Monongahela Hoene, Phtsbergh, Pa. N. a—Persons baring business with Wne Lippen con & Sou wit please call on Lippeneott it Co. oet9ely JAM'S W. WOOD WELL Pittsburgh Purl:sitars Ware Rocans, BS, rturtv sr= A burs nod splendid ossortment of Furni ture, mumble for Steamboats, Hotels and pri vatn dwelling., constantly m hand and made to order. The present stook on hood cannot be exceeded by Any manufactory in the western country. Persona wishing to purchase would do well to give me a call, as lam detenanted nay price. shall please. Put Of the stock cousists in -50 sofas wall Plash and lianscloth count; 2 dor Mahogany Norse Chairs; 14 pair Drum; 12 do: fine mahogany Chaim 11 mahogany Work Brands 3 dor mahogany Hackles Charm 13 marble top Dressing Boma.; e pair Ottomans; marble top Work Stands cherry Work Slam* Mahogatty, Mmtle, Cherry, and Poplar Bedsteads Of all derenputana, and • large auenuneni of coos furniture and. choirs, too numerous to mention. margrf LADIES ARE CAUTIONED. AGAINST USING COMMON PILZPAMEEVCrIILAWEIL, HEY are not aware how friglitfullylnjarious It le to T the idtu-durer marls how rough, how .allow, yet. low and unhealthy the skin appears Idler lairig prelmr sared chalk: Nuido itia Imusuma,contabung .huge quantity of load! We havo prepared • beautiful vegetable wine, which we eall JONES' SPANISH LILY WHITE It Is p.feetly immoral, being ponfladrif all de qoalitte• end it imparts to theiskin a mans., I=l7 al hater. clear, hr ohne; at the same time .tang •• eosin., Ort.tbo sato,rutikuig it •011 and smooth. Dr. James' Andenion, YrisiScal Chemist of Maus chosen. say., "After aitalyaing Jones' Spanish Lay Whoa I and it powwows the moat beautiful sad .tts roil and at the same Urns moment while I ever saw. I ornately can co.eietnio.ly ireo43lo2tPd as use mall whose ohm rcionna beestifylog. Pang SS cent. bog. Sold by WIL JACKSON, 69Lfficrty w matr29 Pitt Mackin. Works sad li t oositlrys InrISSZIMI, TA. yolmr WRIGuTe. Co., are pp to bond Cohen al and Woolen hlactunery of even dearripthin, aunt as Carding ttlariunesi, Spun Frantea, Spaeden, Drawls; Frames, s.Wavers, Dressing Frame, Looms, Curd Grinders, &c. rtMl Iron Stooling tamed: all alms or e.st Iron , Polite. and Hangers of int..t mineral slide and hand Lathes, and toots of all koala Cason. of 'every deseription furnished ou short mare. Ya. l 6/M117:111111 , 10 order for kin lieatulg, Iron 11.4ing,./... bar arn Pipe for beau. ma Factories, Cost Iron {VI door Sash and fancy Cato hogs generally. Orders I ft in the Warehouse of J. Palmer h Co., Liberty • t, will have prompt cum,. non. Hofer to Illeckstock, h Co, J. Mosehead Co, CI F. Witmer, John I to Sr. 13ons, Pntahurgh C. J. H. Warner Itteubco le" jean • JOSPHI WOODINTJA, corner of ,r 1 Wood and ml as., Pittsburgh. Ha, v. - I ,* tug erlaftilllll7l from the, firm of I ''er int • VOOdi.en, o. the, 14 of January,ll/47, tilikepleasinet to announcing to my friend' In the dity and country. Mai I have opened my new story at the Coma named p.m Having purchased my goods for rash. and made .rangerneuts with manufactarers in rhos coontry and to Europe to he conatantly supplied, I sot fully prepared m surinci Hardware of all kinds, on us good terms and as low a. any hintse Fist or Wesx hieratic. and others are rempectfelly invited to cad and examine my cock, before purciumung where The follimentx comprises a pan of his stock: Steamboat and •sthilery hardware, gun tritaxanags, files. Naylor's steel, cutlery, edge top* anvils, cues, locks,tem.*. scythes, bun hinges, screws, anon Fac tory planes, saws, mahogany boards and .wears, and ell other eruct. connected with the hardware burn mchlltf CityDaguerrian Cialliiy MOLD Vial., 101 fr orrt. ee SIIOOE begs leave to inform the citizens of Tins burgh and Tactility, that he has taken the Piet , burgh Roams lately occuptad by Mr. Porter. The pati ne are assured that all Me late improvemenmare sacra red. and will brought into operation by Mr. Huge, who has been aconstant operator since the an was first discovered. 'Enure sauallietion is guaranteed to all_ptho may hem. his patrons. Mr. H. will refer mob pleasure to Mr. Porter. rn whose ostabitshment be has operated for the last twelvn months. Family P0T ..., E.' Ihkumerreotypes, !re, ...match. copied Lt.... taken In any weather, and set 41 lockets, breast pins, mazes and frames. Instnictions given in every branch of the an, and ap paratus furnished. Penn noel:dna Shop. I%IVILTAI.A.N--Dlanufacturer of kinds of cot- XL. ton and woollen machinery, Allegheny city, Pa The above works being now in full and successfulop erution. I am prepared to execute orders with distch for all kinds of miwhinery in my line, each as wilWars, pickers, spreadcni, cards, grinding machines, railways, s drawing frame speedars, throsuls, looms, woolen cants, double or angle, lor rumba:ll°r country work, Se mules, jacks. e.; slide and hand lathes and molls in gen eral. All kinds of Winning mode to oilier. or plans gw en for gearing ketones or Main at reasonable charge. itturtit re--Kennedy Childs is Ca, lilackstook, k Co , King, Pennock dc Co., Jas. A. Gray. ...-A.,-...rp0ut,......y. AAA Stl-TON. Sell and Bram Fa:Leder, has re built and commenced business al, his old wand, where he will be pleased to see his old custom ors end friends. Church, Steamboat. and Bells of every sire, from 10 to 10.140 pound, east from patterns of the most approv ed nuodelg ' and warranted to be of the best mammals. Alumni! Water Pumps, Counters, Ballow, /a, tog, Bier with every vat,ety of Brass Castings, if required, turned and finished in the neatest manlier. A. F. ts the sole proprietor of Bmtagr's Airw-Avrak non Mersx, so justly celebrated for the reduction of 111.011 11.1 machinery. The Boxes and Composition can be hod of blot at of tunes. __ally_ Plostigliii Piet:LOX Cut raga s Wagon Boxes, to. RORER'T HALL, of the old firm of R. & S. Gall, is manufac turing large qua ntitl e • , ef Plough* Plough Coatings, Wag on boxes, &c., with the improvements of the Leaver. Peacock, Illinois, end other Ploughs, of the latest and best patients now in use. Warehouse, Its Liberty street, Pittsbotigh, opposite the Ray Neale; Factory, in Allegheny city, near the Cotton Factory of Messrs. Illackmock., Bob & Cm _ del - a nicir;NWiurotitilictitb — Eliiii. VISITERS 'IV Tti Is RETREAT east be furnished with a Lunch at aft hours of the day; also, Ice Cie.., Pratt thinfectionary, ken The 51011.190 r 01e011- 0•0011 makes her regent, imps es usual. Icavaug her Pitt street landing at 05 A. M., and at half past each hour (except 111 ti 1115 P. M.—leaving th e Garden at 11:1 P M. for e mimetic he lint trip to the city. i , A t stew of the Gard., is indescriba blem itebeauty. _ ___ , lir 15 IiEMME! HAYING sold our snare stork to C U. GILIOTT, With vothr to rioting our old burrow., we hereby w heat for Lulu the ithorouage of all our &wads aid Caro tamers. RU. W I'OLNIDEXTER, I=l Pittaborgh, 4th, 1544. • H. GRANT, Wholeenle Grocer, Com:mama and Ford Mot chnq. No. 4.1 OL ITii t!. •i '4 I xr os. in and 04 b tont eacct, Bell Founders and mao ne nmeant eh kind. of Fittings for Uw, :beam and Witter. hoer atactiye on hand Wrought Iron Wel 'hi, in, ,norn,.. ga, and Wilane, from 2 in. to tn. to diameter. Drat. Ca... mode to order. Also, a large motortturitt faaatted limak Work. to which the attention to Plumbers and Engine Builders is partleulerly directed tin. Finings put tip prempily and on reasonable acme 86/1206400 Pennsylvania Sall litoad Company. Nun OE et hereby given that We SITIO 111117aLICICIT of Five Dollar. per share on the Capital Stec* of this Company is required Id be paid oti or before the first day of November nee triatalmentv eat paid pun/mildly will be .object to rho penalty elate portent per month, as required by law. larklßtill V. BACON Treastiver. N. B.—lnstalments will be received Vi i . If. BUNNY, at the Merchant: to Manufacturers' Bank Pittsburgh tierd-dilst Nov JITifRECIFIVEII AT kV. hFCLINTOChr . S, No. 75 Fourth at, and for sale theup, vli: b pa rein crormon Pluah, nth sander, h Drab cloth, for quack uoamtags; 2 " &dins " . trig/Mon and starlet Damiska; 1 bale oft°. uneothaSsed Ram 1..17 ELELTHIII fromihlioiSio, Qr.me; Magmatic Alathlona, Bumsrattan' eastern man. lattnrersi erasure Cloe-ka for steam Imam, canal boats and (smuts. Ales, Chemmala, Therroommors, tee., for salo by BLAKE A. Co, corner'aisrket st and the diamond N. 8.--fleetrieity of either kind ndministered at the recuon of physicians. . _ AT \V. M. hPCLINTOCK'S„ No. 75 Fourth street, ean be seen a splendid variety of sup Royai'Vel.; yet and Tapestry Carpe Loom styles. Abo,arle. sell, 3 plys and slip nod finm Ingram Carpeta, of sop styles and qualittem rind In r ounoetfon can sway be found Table Lauens, Crashes, lhapent, Ltemstaks, Mo. teens, Oil Cloth., ho. he., to all of whicb me mill the atteution of the public. ' natra QUGSIit HOUSE ISOLASSFS-54 bbl. St J FUR Soca Sou. Molasses, us 'tort and (10 .0. by • beat ROST DALZELL k liberty at DRY & VARIETY _GOODS. I IT/iLI.VgODS t ri i trbakier t acei MM;rl .23 n i zze t . /Mrs ALEXAI t iendid • =Make .00^'^^ a ,k^rrY imite.end eP M.< arta winter Dry . Gcods, to which they would l er r m e e n t k h i d t ly W ie ardre ti s o In._ of t h h e p pr b e ie n t I wa i xe wil otos dbringaistual thr Below t o lhy Goode, rands itagnurtidessure ri ablebeing owing to onr great facilities for purpose, the tinT residing In Philadelph O. W ), Mat we ;have b ( one een en bled' iambs= enrpresent crock ate considersb trained= fremiltie mart market tatest, Chest' ea the ere, and we are Meted:me enabled to all at correarm dmgly lower then the usual prices. We would.th ,fettm mite all cash buyers by wholesale or knell, glite int eel% add lay art their InenertO theibeit The patties klosikk.Mdl etMuninti ear Mock eralt.' del Lwfese ohnieree; Alpe MOWN; • Fkrethdairt&het oth eryhts of irittlejkites I, of which see hem vent look ItertlFlMMlF , ineiddlngWveri , deberiptlon thoscMds la the market ANDAABEIMEMI.—To the gentleme we *Mild Meolriniettokonrstoekof=Clo end Booll i rti;•!riseednifediArnericen otrell Koriliams is verlilutge, emb cing almort every verietynf style and. quality. SATTINEIB—OfWidebt *shave an. excellent sonsi a Limd queda.• Retk Widened yellerei:FlanneN of mulitiested prima, _ • ' TICKINGBANDCIII.OI,--A. impeder amortme of Tic.kings of all grades, and Muting checkain gee 'n' H i aitiCEDlW AND BROWN BlLlBitiliS—Erab mazy description M. theiebirre goads, etodina Shortings of all '[dabs. • .ton Felvehi s Beth EdainandliguraL.Kerttneky , plaid Unsays, plaid mid fancy fignred 'Cloaking en cloak Linings, bleached mid otibteacited Table Drape both Lawn nal cotton, bleached an untdembediktb clothe, bleached end unbleached Canton Flannel tied dodo, Bormsurtied Boom Ribbona, balk wd col' slit Marate,Dadles Scarfs and cravats, Gloves an Roomy of allkinda,Scorperden, Irish lint`r Line Lawnsk , di Ela do, blk Lace Yeile, - Love d and' II • Oil Chintzes, Boma and Scotch Rape emah, plain striped and barred/Smarts, brtuandlikaiseignalins, Viepria Lawn; Green gas ung the city for the mimosa of !Leyte in their supplies, should not fail to give as a c they WM !Indoor mais and prices such as cannot fad to mat their propose A b e t =NDEPB DAY, setp2a mar a, N W cer Diamond The New Golden See Hive' Again. 'ano Fall acrd Winter Dry Goode. received andYstier opening, at th e riv lb Jryalt u Km, on Mailet tweet, Letween tA.Lrd an CCC Fourth streets, one of the largest, cheapest and he motioned melts of Fall and Wmterr Dry Good. ever o freed M. Pittsburgh, to which the attention of our n memos customers mad the public generally, ES respec drily invited, as the subscriber is confident that he oder each bargains In Dry Goods as comet be on passed by any other house In the city. As Oren pals have been purehmed At prima ( below thaw of say former mama, they Will be mid s i t greatly rodoced Among this large and splendid stock erill be 4weill many choice and d.r-Mle gouda at ekttemely low prima. • LADIEEP Dam wore: irt ; i 7 N gle .,. h k an .l l ,l,7 t fasitio=l p e u ts. silks : : plai lain d very Mossy ere de Shiner, plain WC elks 'TIMM in Meg, silk for metres, mantillas and capes at very lo prime; newest deems and latest stylei cashew Oakland satin surpad carturime, very cheap; Franc merino all colors; da lain., plain and figured and swiped, at green reduction on former prieew Mao l on donna and cashmere plaids; mohair and Monte • laids, ell qualities; alpaccas, all qualities end col rom to 73 enou r.yard: • 9/11LIFL9: SHAVilal Fine cashmere, terkerie and brook° shawls Black embroidered auto:ante mod do lan. alum* . FSna Tibbet and de lams do Fine black and colored cloth . do Fine quality long, do Plato black and plalsilk, Very cbop. do j . tale lot plaid blanket eh:awls from 75 crow to galk DOMESTIC GOODk MOB BELOW FORME! 'PRICES. Gooddark calico from 3 to.o cu yer yard: BemdatMy dark calico Prom 6 to 10 oetvg Yard wide parole do, in ct Good yard bleached muslin 4 to Ob Red ticking. amd cheeks, all pricer, • Blankets, from mullet° beet quality, very cheap; A fan saaornetent of red, white tool yellow daunela Saimaa, Kentucky Jeans, Herbert, etey which be orallvt.nteditalattat FALL GH:1000. Arcurriiica.. mw ricinSitintly receiving his , fall work of CARPETING, compnwn JOe oldie largest •11.011161a11.• OTCs brought lathe mar! het. which have been purchased direct from the Im. porters and Manufacturers, of the latest' and newest styles, and lower in price than ever of in this city, to which he um - iias the &amnion of Muse wishing to furnish steamboats or bouses,i.liefore purchasing else. where. The stock consists Lib post of the following .ery, air tit Astonnut Carpeis; Oriental Tapestry Oil Cloth lo Velvet do Plain colored do do Tapestry do 21 feet wide do Brussels do 8-4 7.4, 4 4 & I oil eat , Extra taper 3 ply do Stair Rods man do 1, StP-4 and Dnagga Sopee in do do 5-4 ale Linea. it Wide do do aosearoodOLl Cloth Co:lu,.:k do MM=tl ==tM==l 4-4, 34 45..1 Damask Venni.dn ... . do Table do 4-4, 3-4 & uarnd do do Fixated Table Oil cloths & 1 plain do do Turkey Red Toileneu 44, 4,4, tk. 94 .1. do Adehuti Many ..44 printed cotton Carpets; Sheep Ain do. Extra sup Chenille Rugs, Jute do • do do Tufted do Ahearn do Fine do do Manilla Ilemo Wilton do do Snow drop Minims Canaan fin'tl Plush; Asper Towelling Plain do Crash Drab M Cloth F 4 and 6-4 Tsble Linens Bine do, for coub oo'ga; Transp , nt Window Medea Carpet Bindings Extra French do do Word cords Rich Sarin de Leine, for do TitorALs window oortains - - Scarlet, blue, crimson blade and drib Dacrowasi figured rainbow Damasks; worsted end linen Table covers; blue, crimson, scarlet, green, drib and black bloreeng carton Plashes of all colorak c, /Lc. • Also, Ointeberga and Drillings for steamboat deck., and all other trimmings neeessary for outfits for bouts in oar hoe, to which the especial attention of owners is invited. W. bIPCLINTOCKI3 Carpet Wareroom, one door from Wood, on Fourth or sman — CAIIPNTINO, OIL OLOTIbe. W. APCLINTOCK'S CARPET STORE, No. 75 Fomcm arse.. NE of the hugest. and theandib Choice stock of O CARPEITSO in die market, embracing all the usual qualities fmm the most approved manufactories, ant have been tested for durability in fabric and co lors. Tapestry Velvet Carpeting; do Brassel• do Brusselsetirpettnc ua txtenille Rugs; Farr* sup 3ly do To Ex fled do ltup Ingrain p do Wilton do Fine do do Brussels do Common do do Idannfastured to order in new patterns: adapted periwig, burrnents and chambers. Planted Oil Cloth., for dining rooms, citifies, vesti bules, kitchens, ke. Straw Malting, Stair Rods, Winders , Shades and Fixtures Conon and woollen Bockmg, from one third to three yards wide. Door Alms; 3c. ke., to which the anen t .. of Poo hawni aanannnala and MAD is respect fully invited. Warr-room, ono door from Wood st. nnr 2 9 NV M`CLINTOCK Fall Dry Goods. Shims!dote & White. No. 00 Woon INvrrFs rho =ammo o f Western Merehants to Wei large and fresh sleek of FALL AND WLNTER DRY worm, winch they areno w receiving direct from the Eastern , 111.11111CMT01.3 and Importers, and which they will cell ! at Eastern jobbing prtees. timing every facility for the porchme of goods to the best pdvantege, and the lowest poseLbleprices, they confidently Inv= Merchants to Immune the qualities and prices of their goods,feeling satisfied - they can com pete favorably with any market enberEam or West. ITheir ._surek will comprise • full msetriment of all goods usually kept in Dry Goods Roasts, avd will be . constantly receiving oddment of all the new sad desi rable styles of goals of domestic or foreign mmufac torn, and will only require an twat:lb:onion to be op remote& sepl4 • oIFV"R MURPHY, northeast cornet of Fourth and • Market rt., is now opening hie early fall mock ionerman and imported Dry Good. Buyers will please look two"e mating their purchaite*. Open t his maming, a betwitful assortment of Plain black Al es, do barred do. &T'ird.' 3 7.".d. , . arge , do o " i m " of Ul Te d .. tt style prima ginghant.imuslins, I rish lidew , km, very • • Wbolesale rooms on second stem Goods to cash buyers at about Eastern prises. Illeichano will do well to call. FIDREN - 011 - 61ERINOS.—Samn & JOittraos, No, 46 Market street. have this day opened a ease of Fre.ch Merinos of all colors, also Lyonese cloths, al pacas, oriental do, cashmeres, mous delsias, silk plaids nd woollen do, which will be sold exhamely low. sopa - - Foy Dress RrzErvii) this morning at A. A. *atm EL Co's, 00 Market street, 20 ps sopenor painted cashmeres and moue de tat nes, 10 ps rich mohair issues, and one dos embroidered dresses of most elegant . . IZ ELdN .k .i.N . T 4 S OF am .TA . L ng fC c Op.-- .0. AC0, 60c lot of t, of elicars, at fully half the usual prtce—good g l ut co lored Pilots at Gk. add? DLUb: AND ORANtaf. PRINTS, nod blue Mem .l._/1 mach do, constantly on hand at lowest prices, at wholesale room of W R MURPIII, shirt Mr 4th abd market sts.thl story thLkfAelftD hili$LINS—A A Maim at - Co, 60 Mar _LP het st„ have Just opened more cases of those very cheap bleached Muslim at Be. Also, - 4 more cases of the 41c do. Also, mother large lot of the remnants of Calk*, at Ote. aohl4 PORCELAIN EEADS—The sub.eriber y 7 Inning received the sole Agency for rate eflanaft, White k Plate, Owe, Pivot, Molar and ,Diseuspi• datums Teeth, invites Denman' ape t• 6,1 Annatne. JOEL, MOH EA Drugret and Apothecary, BE" cot mood end nth sts QTFY.I, WOOS—Steel Rag Clasp& tbo best noses 0 moot in the city; Sled Rena, do.ling Tassels; do Pow do dd Purse Eltnes; do do Oto.Fst Oo Slide.; do Key Ring.; do Toy Conib.; sust reed at the uew Fuicy Store, 91 Marker street myl6 KINSEY & KNOX wifITIiGOODSZUt Adlassortmeht ofylain, cki'rd and acripedeambrum, plain and ehlOrd Jaconets, Nan* awl Scotch Mull, Rook Muslim, [Mho? Lawns, argated Mnl YICIPTI• /ARUN Turicton hicaltm, together wall full sesorunent of Bohinens, plain and fancy Netts, lawn, Edgme, loaerunas, ae. what leave plat armed treat trona pones and for talc low to the trade, by myl7 . satacaturrr e tVDITE aACLUINIE ILLCISIIT6----Viii,i76., on hand a h 1I woruktot of Valcardaerl Ilidiaßobber Ma. In BSILFIIIIK, all wldths,_tro_m le i I . ne , h ti es:o i l L : es ehea , artd•h, •irkzeb we will well at istanataernrera pima lad earaLags saved to aka parshaaer i atNo a woed,t •411* MX CLAM AND FRINGES—Ian reoM at Zebu 0 lon Elowyl/4, No. a Market street. black out Silkfrime,of vari0a 444 .4,144, 4 , patient" and Picea, suitab le idt amines, le de. WA. 9lnlp, wi the and atylell, 53r cape ere. 4 , 4 „,, ked wit emit Binding. aaghtt ATIN STRIPED ALPACAS—W AlaMbr b. • 0 largo .pply °labor., goods, black and colored of osaws? wrias,aad at krw prica (or qualdlr; also, Bro cade Lod Ban - do. ocllB NO. 4 , OL. i LITERARY The Bankers' Illagallne. THE ILLNICERS , MAGAZINE, and Stain pSnanNil Reginer, devoted to the dissemination of Bank Statistics, sound modeles of Banking, end prin ciples °Mil Inentran and Savings Banks, nialtaa nod Amencan Law DeCisions in refinance to the basi -Bs,. of Book. and Banton, Ice. Edited by J. Smith osearte. ectP''kto p ilat io ul7 torrecent ' d 'i net i s k io b ls gi reariee v'"2 tin i t4 4' ll.` th' kers. 411Ils Exehange, Prontonarr mOrt Bands, Notaries, Damages. rm., in the Com= Math manse= Connectunt, Neve York, Pens) Maryland, 'Amin* BankCandi= Ohio, Louisiana,. Tenotassee,o=orher Suitera , Thls In ens of the most =portant fature. °flan work, _and will in itself claim the attention of Preaidnts, Gastthers, Notaries and others. Among other details of import an= to bard:ern and others, the work trill contain sta dating of the-Band in every State o 0h,, 0 ,Upion; graphiezd gauche. ot prominent Bas of rthrope end ArtielriCal (Pedal 'rubles showing the deto. Lust runs, expand:mores, and financial condition of the sere; cal Stares of the Union_ Published nionthly,64 paps octavo, at The. Dol lars per annum: ELLIOTT & SNGIA.9II, 7S Wood itt. aa{J AgaMs for Bankers' Maga:me. Baker Q. Bertbineen Publicatioins. TIRE subsonbars kurring been „appointed agents for g. the We of the publicauone of the nbovei- well I known publishing house, have I. full supply of their book. on hood, which they can sell at the amen] cc., wholesale and „retail. Among the works which have been mainly issued by thou; which have been STa T hlr, may trf a oTut i d ." -4h l : gi i tM b 4 `..7r.:4 4 p'rod pie; Irehours Welcome Attie Strange.; Itethel Flag, Ity,Dr.ttpn.w, Nalpolson and ha Marshals; Washing ton end' hit Gentrahn'The Sabred Mountains; - Craton. of France; Teaching a Serenee, the teacher an Artist, Charlotte Elisabeth% COI= Warts; T. S. Arthur's Making Haste in be Rieli,Rienes havotlrunsh Seepuks up Appearances, Debtor and Creditor &e: Alm, the works from the press of ibobert.Carter.thr. character of whose pablicatione is well known. retina's Theology, Theology. in tvols. i Haldane 6ODooraktiVli k- CheyraPswerkg The Cormsts, by arnhorefSchoolqirl .France, &e. New books received no soon sae as published. ELLIOTT& ENGLISH, - mys 7EI wood and SO cryirkeinin - „ NEW WORE BY DR. MOORE—Man and fh o A Motives, by Gm Moore, author of Body naxiddrad, Soul and Body, ate. Price 50e. Thankfalneu, a narrative; compriatng passages from the Dv ry of the Res Allan Temple: by Rev Charles B Tayler, M. A. 37e. Chalmers' Posttuamorti Worts, VoL 4.Sabbath Scripture Readlne< • Nee/ Temamehr, Vol. li Sue lbsuatical oridffmnalbtecons4joesnoror, by likitbang nail. Eal , bmciag the nemenu Mythology,Astrom ooL.Arc ite.ent.eroldlnetc. ete hools i..F7rtaLthe by Mrs Jeli edi n Lawrence: Engravings. 131„04. INterns by “Amelia. Fifth edltlon,ualargeth Ram edges. Plato Contra Alheos.—Plato against the Athetstic or the tenth book of the chaloguson loom , aeottrapartird with critical notes, and folLovred by extensive dismr tallow, By Taylor Lewis, L.L. ISAnbigne's History of the Reformation.. New edi dog nresed; 4 Vols. Complete in one eloctavo. '[he above, with n variety' of new Ittoable Niers, toot reel by B ONN; Apollo Badmg., 4th n, near lV ucl XTEIV BOOKS—lllooryof Costar, ess—Blographieal 111 and Political, comprising aremoini of 3lembers of the Congress of du, United States drawn from as en tic sources; erahmeing - the prominent events of their bees,. and their cOmumuon moth the political hismry of the timem by Henry G. Wheeler. Illustrated by or:- morons steal portraits and faciaimile autographs. Mop and Queens; or,Life intba Prdnee—cossisting of Historical Sketches of Josephine and Maria Louisa, Louis Fdinand of Austria, Nichol., Isabel la 11, Leopold, anietoriat by John 8 C Abbots Barnes Notes an James, Peter, John end J Notes, explanatory and practical, on the genenil epis tles of James, Peter, John an Judo. by Alpert Baines. ?dory Grover, or, the Trusting 'Wife—a DOM.. Temperance Tale: try Charles gimlet; anther of the Convict , . Child,' dia. Harold, the Lem of the Salon Kintp,s: by Sir Edward &dorm Lytton, BM, Complete in two pmts. Pan V. Harper's Allastratai Edition of the Arabian Nights' Entertshaments. The above works received this day, and An snletiy JOHNSTON & STOCIsZON, Booksellers, rot Market n. • N 9. Lißr: wriP,3l.,"vtTv".l::: with ponrwa Ttobert Barrie, as a Poet, and as a Mani by Samnet Tyler, of the Maryland Bar. ERSMIMEI to be a Moo; a book for bop, containing use ful Aunts on the formation of character. "by Hervey Newcomb. Now to be a Lady; a book for girls, containtn.a use , (al hints on the formation of eharneter. by Haney Newcomb- .1 Anecdotes for Boys—Entertatning norm tics mud anecdotes. illustrative of principles and rho etas: by Harvey Newcomb. Anecdote. for ilTlC—Elit,llo.llllng no ecdotes, illustrative of principles and chu Just recurred uud for sole by octl7 JOIINSTON k STOI New Sacred Music Book. _ rl. rillE NATIONAL. PSALMIST; an extensive colic:e- Una of Patera and Hymn Tunes, Anthems, Chants, and net pi.. by Lowell Mason and (Ira, J.. Hatton. This new collnetion„npon which much time and In: bor has been bestOwed r eontains (beanies a large pro portion of those old and standard tunes which have tart with long continued furor,) a large vancty of new add original mane, furnished by dlstinguisbed foreign and mauve composers, making the work one of the moat complete oollectinua of Psalmody eget publistictL It contains al.iittnny of mostpopulds Engliah thaws, and a rich variety of anthems and choruses, adapted both to choir practice and cherub service. 30Q.popiesoftho above music book received nod for sale at publishers prices, by JOHN H SIFT 1,013 4 octll Si wood at ICEW BOOKS--The Writings of Camino Alameda* 111 Clay, including Speeches and Addresses. Edited, with a preface and memoir ; by Horace Cireeiy. The First Book In Spanis h; or, a practical tutrodue don to the study ofillie Spanish Language: containing fall t:ructions m cation, a promoter. excrete es on the 011endord method of constant imitation soil repetition, reading lesson., end a vocabidary. The whole adapted for the use of pnvote learners, or for elmes under on instructor. By Joseph Salkeld, to, anther of "A Compendium of Classical Antimii ties," etc. Brothers and Sisters, a tale of domestic life; -by Prederika Bremer. Translated from the original un published manuscript, by Mary Howiti The Dyhtg Robin. and other tales. By Joseph Alden, D. D. Just received and for sale by lySi JOHNSTON h. STOCKTON RMICII PROTECTED GOLD PENS—We have F past received a supply of mese excellent Pet.. Their supenority consists/a the Protector. and import ant improvement which gives them the in ad- vantags: Ist. It sustains the nib and prevents the crossing of the two parts of which it is composed, by maintaining a perfect puallelisin between them. It retains it much larger quantity of ink than mt. er gold ports. Sol. It prevents all dropping or spattering of dm ink. It thus obviates every objection which can be urged against ordinmy gold gene In addition To this, the workmanship is auperior to that of any pens of domes. tie manafacc.n. They will make as fine n hair mark as the Seem steel pen, while they have the clastiec ty of the quill. They have given satisfaction in every uunauce to which they have been toted. A. O. Baylers large, medium and small Pens . , - Levi Brown's Premium Pens; The Congrese Pen; Tim La dies Pen; The Richelieu Premium Pen; for sale at man animaters' prices, by JOILNSTON to STOCK - TON. Market st, corner of:al XTEW BOOKS—Luetures on bhakspisare, by ILN 1,1 Hudson, in two volinnes. The Power of the Pulpit, or plain thoughts addressed to Christian ministers, and those whe hear them,. the 'influence of a preached Gospel, by the Rey. Gardiner Spring, D. D. Th.; Peasant and his Landlord, by Me Itaronses Snorring. Translated by Mary llooritt. Leman:Ma's Girondist,, Vol. 111. History of the Gi rondist, or personal memoir of the patriots of the - French Rvolation; from artmablished soarees—by A. is La wman. A few copies of each of the above works received this day and for sale by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, 'Bootee Ilen, my3o earner market and 3.1 srs NEW BOOKS. PIONEER HISTORY Beane nu account of the first examination of the Ohio Valley, and the early settlement of the Northwest Territory, chiefly from original thannthript; ecnneining the paper. of Mr. George Morgan, thoseof Judge Burk, the diaries of Jo seph Buell and John Matthews; the rewards of the Ohm Conithwy, th.e, &o, veldt 1:111111.¢11.11 plates surd maps. By S. I'. Hildroth. Orator. of The Arnencan Revolution, by Itt goon. With port - mils of Sand. Adams Jas. Warren, Patnek Henry, Alex. Hamilton, Ftsbor Ames and John Ithindolph. I voL cloth. Retiring from Buththas, or The Bich Man's Error, by T. S. Arthur. A few copies of each of the above works received this dry and for sale by JOHNSTON S STOCKTON. sep4 booksellers. car Market and Tbird tCIENTIFIC APPARATUS, (or Common • t'uhraols. korannaries and Pilaw° Families, consininx of urran, Orrorys, mineral frame, Boorman, cal Forums and Solids, ficoloracal Specimen., GeOlG4 tetrad Blocks, At. /re. I set, including box with lock nod k0Y,1513.=. For rata by R HOPKINS, 4th at, sneer.ear io 3 1. Road NEW 130088 CNRATOILS OF THE AMERICAN BEVOLOnov, 1,/ by E. L hlogoon, plates of Sta. Adams, Joseph Witnen. Patrick Henry. Alex. /Bouillon, Fisher dines drand John Flauldolph; dedicated to sans:lents who air 14. Chriontint who am not bigots, and egu,,o,, w ho ore dowgogues K, or ow from - Business. or The }Bch F'rtor '.Lq T. N Arthur. For wale by t ELLIOTT & ENGLISH, _r_PA - - wood, rind 5G niorket st• Booker Books 11 T AMARTIEWS tiIIiHNDISTri, complete, Wendella Blockstoue's Common toxic., What I low in Cialfronno, by Bryant, The Caw his caul and people, including a .ar In Norway and Sweden, By Magoon. Redring from Business, or we Rich Id on's Error. By T. 114 Arthur. The Bottle of Buono Vista By Copt Carleton, Spencer's Censor. Tyler's Tonnes. Schmaxs Rom, A Funeral assortwent of School and Coilnqe tort books for sale by lt. HOPKlhdoi HO Apollo Buildings, Fourth at. near Wood. 1300k9! BC OK on Theology: hy Old : 11 am Boa. John Dick, D. Lk; published a-odor iba Noperintendenco, of his ton, with a bioscaplocal &mann, by an American mlitor--compiete in one vo• Dwight's Th.logy, 4 vols. Falsranis Works, 4 vote. =3=l Nemaders Chu reh ktwtory, In and al w4a 2,l•Fwen on the Types of Christ, Own publukett Aiso,....tswrossetd welt selected stock orTheoingtent Ithseqs,pentts,. osttl School Books, Ins taut low by .nool pleldPllo6-I.bbl Gmn Campbor, jn.l fted .ale by sep= WICK & 1.11.1AKDA44,,, . . A mppoliONS—idoz C uittottE.K.H.rettid Ly eirreltr and rat tale at the hutla Alta., Dr 4 1 , °oda. No 4 W ser6 jr 01JLDCA.N01..F3•44 brceatemhet:lircOiTaf di c p, in lino order, tot irdorY • • /fedi g•tllLaitS Wed& Li ClAP—a* bu No 1 RosinattArk, • • Aid& •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers