ESTABLISHED IN 1786. BUSINESS CARDS. All°,l4lh . Nk c 47 1 1 . 1", end i'wb" De.l " R m .= atm three Foothrthth, s Unica a Co. Philadelphi a Caniistrtteats of Western Leather aoliathel arid Ills. ilia aeee cud •if regained febbfam d'TWOOD, JONES & Co. Comm= and For. orredlng Itiershants, have rentrned w their old voted:Won end From meets, Mahn h. °cal ....... rpasaUN MATER, Whalatale and Retail Map , earner of LWerty and Si. Clair streets, Pitts , Pa a:II.W 491.11E101, IL 1. BROWS. DROWN CULBERTSON, Mantle Grocers, hturchants, No. IA Liberty st, Piusburyh. Ps. deafly. Tly 16- FAHNIMOCK & Co, Wholesale and Rs AP. tail Drulniima, comer Wood and 4th st.s. jyt ACLALEnt & Bhiii i Whole'sla Grocers, 18 aul 10 Wood street Pituburgh. pr . A. 15Ic&NUL TY & Forwardiej and Coto , W. zokeloa Canal Bun, Putsburgh Pa. =tea • • E NVAl i fir. w GEßHAN,J u lsob b stle : f racas, d eiil -• lerefUben efirLd P L i mb ' ll l .. ;47 2m 't ef -- • . IDNOLISH & BENNETT, Otte Entlit4t, Gallagher nEg•ri- Om Wholesale Grocers, COMMA= and For ward( Merchant; and dealers In Produce and Nue. •bgest, Mauuluctares, No. 87 Wood mt., between -(r1 and Od einem orU r. L rimm, 4110. 1:BLT, IaXCI t:BIENES RILEY & Co., Wholesale Grocers and Craniumslon Merchants, and Agents for Brighton a Yarns, Noa 57 Water, and 108 Front sta., Pitts. LAN Pa. febB kid:J.IIOIIER, LONG & 1111Ltret Hell and Brae Pounders und Gas Mums, 109 .13; betareme ood gad Smithfield Iveeu , Piusburgh, P. Q T Higheu peon peen tor old Copper and Bran. del9 &HOWE COCHRAN, Commiuion and Porwarding Ur, Huetun; No. 911 Wood strou. Pittabamb,....myl7 riILARY•BECNoT, white andßed Lead alma facture?, Paint and Oil Merchant, comer of atty and (Mars stn. Pittsburgh. jets _ 8A! 1H DtCI~SY R Co., Wholesale Grocers,Coin mission Merchants, and dealer* fn Prodme, N 05.641 Weer, and 107 prat streets. Fittsburpts • nitre • .1"01iN H. BANKLN, Attorney and Counsellor at Law e./ and Commiasioner for the Stale of Pennsylvania. St. Lonlsailo., (lani of Pinaborgh.) llinonmomm..--Pinabargh: Hon W Forward, Ramp nn & KFCandless & M'Cloro, John ,Parae, 411ssella & Semple, fd'Cord & King. iMIN SCOW & Co., Wholesale Grocers, Forward ing and Commisaitm Merchants., Dealers in Pro ne end Pirtsburgh'Manufuttires., No, 7 Comm:Trial Row, liberty lineal, near the C1L1621, Pittsburgh, Pa. my&ly TAMES S WOMEN, hale Mike armor Algeonnd MeGoire,) Merchant Tailor, St. Charles Butldings, Third meet, near Woad, Pittabtigh. TAMES A. HUTCHISON, & Co.—Sneeessors to MP Leerily Hutchison & Co-, Commissinct Merchants, and Agents of the St. Lotus Steam Sugar Refinery: M. 4E orator and On front streets ; Pittsburgh. R. BLACK, Merchant Tailor, Exchange Boil. • dings, 81. Clair FL, Pinsbargh. juiQu y • OHN 8. DlLWORTH—Wholesale Grocer, Pro , dove and Cosissalssion Marehent, Na SJ, Wood st., .Pittsba h. Jowl j cr i l 4 5 /1108.13 , 14 : olesal4s Durist i rd demi lyd& went; one door South of Diarnoud e lllei, N E : 6 9 1. Oil, Jr, to & (successor Joseph a jlla,lSJ:fp,Chaidlers,36l Water meet. oe3l 9 ln g glas oni ME ßtulLJ Wiwi" R `i l ßoo" d e' d " Palter, ha; Steel Pons, Quills, Prim '.Ca b. and Stationary ganerally,No. Wood Plualnamb. 2 "IFT Sago bought or token in trade. aeon IiIqiOONNAKER Co.,&Wholesale Smyrna, 0, ; No. $ Wood moot, Piorgh. 1 MN D..IIKVLS, Amioseer, comer tub and Wcod Ht.stlroets, Klutinrgh. oetB TOHNSTON - le STOCKTON, Booksellers, Printers IJl , aud Paper biaantaztaren, No. 44 alarketst., id; 'ONO OBlEll, Wholn** Grocer dealer in PIO. AL dada, ktittaburgh Manufactures, Tin Pluma te. de. No. tinl Lib° s Pivab h. Jana IWO W TIMID, ItscsiAXD ARD. R. FLOYD, ( lace J. Floyd*. C.a.,) Whalssole d:0 • - No. BM Liberty street. mid JTAMMI DALZELL, Who Laura Grocer, Cap:linden Merchant, and dealer in Produce and Pi Manufactures. Na %Yaw at-, Pittsburgh. ratu'intr VIER& JONES, Forwarding gad Common Eder glai„ chants, Dealers In Frodnu and Pittsburgh rnano- L.cuired anislca Canal Basin, near 71h at Vesuvius Iron Works. T EMS, Co., manufacturers of all .1 Ls us Ear, Sheet, Boiler Iron and Nails of the beg quality. Warehouse, olst arum and 105 trout st. jardSl 41.5zrEmai.01, 0, 1v , h d olesale Grt,ee heate r ; }7 . = l d rilavaniettares and Pralr e TZ ' oe. 31 Weser sc., 11141 1 / 2 Fient s.. 122 ...411IPTO rem =mot k&bLELT & N . , Wholesale Groom, Conanuatuan Merchants, dealers in Patlataligh Manafactores, Nos. 13 & and 125 Wiriest, Pinehursh. kW E2CER, BROTIIEES & Commission ?der .' . Oomph Ploltuicipbia, for dm sale of imainee get _ y. Liberal advances =densigu on coments. feb.Sqn P. WOO. WALTIti C. MC eGILL h ROE, Wholesale Groats and Cosorros. .elea Merchants, No. 11A liberty st., Kush4lo - - • M. num. masa, ww.. a. =act. & Co., Coausloriona and Forwarding *,.4lorchanta, Waler and Froot between Mattel Ws. jug'. „ . 441.6 k nAl“. RICKETSON Who c- lelL ' erflind V asa.= rehasus e tio.l7o, Libextrat=o- ROLAIES & SON, Nb. 55 Market to, second . oor from comer of Fourth, dealers to Foreign •Derttesdc Bills of k..Ychange, Certifiessesof Depos lf,Maidr Nate. endSred. Colleedons rond on all e ,ties thro • boot the United States. deep ROBERT MOORE, Wholesale Grocer, ,Factifying Distiller, dealer in Produce, Piusburgh Manatee gauss, arid all kinds of Foreign and Domestic Wines ,aalLlcioors, Na II Liberty street. On hand a very Aims impels of superior o/d Monongahela whiskey, will be acid lass fin cash. IMARD T. LEECH, Jr, orter ... op . d Diner In d it '' ff nuou ' iago Tn t is iga nnuome,: d Dc4sw of ar c riTuo-15,. 131CRARD llARD,Wholessla end Retail Dealer in . Xlll, Leather, Monneen, Shoemaker.' Toots and Rind. • - aegaupers , and ender.' y o ols, and Mennen. ; OR, Uncle! se..inuanurgb. sepli WU= Z. lIMESON. r .....N.5.,.. Co., Wholesale Greeera, Produce is.nd.Conunisslonlaerebante,runthrelersln Ms . blestateenues, No.lBo Mar/ it, Pinebangh. Janie 110 BER T DALZELL h. Co., Wholesale , Grocer., Consndscion and Forward°ag !Merchants dealers Plaines end' linsbargh hlannfaenues, Merry et Pktsbargh, tedahl - °BT.lVholesale Grocer, Dealer A " eijilrithiGi Visborgit Menufacterns, . 11, in Produce .4 inH4Liberry a. E,Fo.l%,4ll,Nrsnivo" • ars in.Graueries, Produce, riansurgh Iduzurfacume endClaeridn, Liam , The be e prides, In mak-pad ad admen for coan •-117 nett Corner of Perm end Irwin En. Ja JI H Ae . I.7llll:lELD—Whol=dcal h er=j= Jar s, lee, Na SSI, liberty slreSSlUsinir 6. eya 111001 TH a JOHNSON, Wholesale sod Retail Dealers ,VY IA 1/11linery bead*, Laces, Hosiery sad Fancy Na 40 Market area, 3d door above Third s *042 FELMILETT WHITE, Wholesale Deal= Ford and Domestic Dm Good. N 0.99 Woods. MblTtf /a 0.. W. IteIt.DAVGII, Wool Merchants,V., in Zorn Prednee generally, and feheareljg • .Conuniation Merchants, No. 13 Waler st., fat,. • ?AVIV'', BLOALNY & Co, Wholeeale Chteent . iad Produce deafen, No.Sed3 Market street, bete.= 6th N. aid 618 , orth side, Philadelphia. nose irsrv , ,eee - mamma ions mum" sturnium. 12/124X/E8 & NIOOLS, Produce and General Coe. e lialssissiutt Merchants, N. 17 Liberty et, Pittsburgh. VON BONNHORST, _& CO., Wholesals Forty and Commission Iderehaum to Pinsbargh =Macon= and Western Fro lelhaveremoved to eft mew warehoeseAold wand) No. comer of From at end Chancery Lend. • .4411, 101 1 41911 " 111. ‘ kl. " • 'odd n, rituburgh. WK. E • Agent for Mexican whiten and grooming at the awe at Wm. E. haw %la, EN., Bark'. uildings, 4th at, rawbargk. My son in tr ii =nl land office at Washington, win &twat W eg awe free of erpence to apylicanta rasa-dly M ECI:% I IOCAND lott "'np to &J. D. ~ : W keka Wholoult Omer", Forwardin g and Mentrams, doolors to Iron, Na gle also, 'team Vants,u4 Pittstough Monufacturea fria o Of Wad ilufWa... oreetLlPitttboritla. , . ET . 130 Wtri—commteaken and FO , . kletsiont,N. eu Front w. between Ir ,7 = re b 94 WTV. PaLLACI", MITI stone and Milt Frinatab ,, renia, -. In establisloneht, No. 944 Liberty st.,qwer the maro _ virll. GIAJULaiID, Dealer la Panel aerlizeple . . , 111 Geode, Na 19 Market meet, Pinabargh. W WILSON, Dealer in Wain Silvan Ware, Manua tk.d, Mar :_1111111 40V7 ur hilintPll l , Wholesale and Baum to V a Foreign and Demesne Dry D os a s Ta„._, -... • t emir of Kaska and Foureh us; MIL • lardTtri) G & co.—Deafen IT IC Liberty 6 rebbry E: M. arrcHELTßEE—wbohmae arxerti , Realying Diallets, aria Wtet ezel in. h .gum KM.% Importers °Nola Ash &I Wieder NO. lee Liberty et. flttabolgh, jaoSety amain L neaan MOAN & Co., Wholesale aroma and (,),i deals» in Oils, Boat More, and Pholweigh Man .'lleieland ankles, have an hand, az all times,a 11,11 sad ...mew of hoods in their LLm,Walar strata mar Cherry Alloy, Pensbargh. aell3 === : . i 1. „... . . . . . - ...... - - -.-- . -......... . . , - ' •.. A 1 1 . aL • . , . V'. ' • .. '''. , 11 I. . ! a .. . . . . .1 ~. iVrf ~, 1 ...,...,_... t'• ir . .. . ..,.. ~ • . . ____________ ~•. . .„ JJOHN M. TOWNSF2aD, - Drage st aird Apotheeury, No. 45 Market st, three doors above Third et Pitts burgh, will have constantly on hand a well Seif Ned as sortment of the beat and freshest Medicines, which he will sell on the mast reasonable terms. sending orders, will be prompt/yat ended to, and sap plied with anieles they may rely npon as genuine. S* Physicians Preacripuons arlYI be at and , y prepared from the hut materiels, at soy bed.° the day or night. Alsofor nolo, a largo meek of hoed and good Perna - janl Illoatormahela Livery Stable. ROBERT H. PATTERSON has opened jwg the large stable on First rt, •pa to Second it, between Wood and manthfie d eta, in the rear of the Monongahela . House, with en entirely new stock of Horses and Carriages of the hem quality and latest styles. Hones kept et Iwo. Ty in the best mauler. 110010 kiletirg - Wellatld ON WOOD ST, PIITSBURitiI. S, CONTINUES to manufILKIN acture Monuments, Burial Vaults, Tombs, Head Stones, Mantel Pieces, Cen tre and Pier Tops of foreign and domestic marble, at • ryptlar and fur price. N. Drawings for monuments, vaults, tee. famish ed, of any desenption. He solicits a share of public patronage WILLIAM SMITH, hlsonfactorer of Conn and colored 'Linen, Fringes for Dresses,tce4 Sesnog Silk sod colored Cotton !noses for silk mid gingham Parasols. Gimp, Mohau, and Silk BallionPria made to order on the shertest notice. M== Brox& comer of Malden Lane and Williarn entrane. No 83 William street, third floor, over Abner & Ely. store, No G 5 Maiden Lan• NON, Vora j 10 xATT.ip .4eajtyra, JO, C. POCI., =OIL 87.4110G8,jr 4ecoa boon, flux EON /aYTe Y. I.IIIAAS., iIIYPSON. • • -• MECHANICS' GLASS WORMS. S CSIPSON, LEAKS, STANGER kCo., mann/hem ran of V A Bottles, and Window Glass, keep constantly on hand • genera/ assortment of the above articles. Also, make to order a superior article of Mineral or Soda-Water Bottles, of colored glass. No. 16 Wood et, Pittsburgh, P. n 431 ent RICHARD T. LEECH, JR • J IXTWITICIL.a. Ma.. LI Saddlers' Ironmongery, Harness and Coach Trimmings, Mass, Deer Hair, Varnish. &c. &a., jyll No. L.TJ WOOO ST. Prrnscsos. FaH. EATON, Dealer in Trimmings and Variety Goods, Torads Shell, Ivory end Hom Combs, Woolen -- Yarns and Worsteds, &mow Noodles, Pine, Tapes, Brads; am, No. pMarkin street, betwen Dia mond and 4th a, Pittsbugh. PEKIN TEA EITOREo—No. 72 Fourth IV; t, near Wood—All 11111111.111 e. of Green and Black Teas, dom op in quarter, halt, and Ise pound, packages, ranging from GO cu.per pound W.G. .124 A. JAYNES, Agt. (or Pekin Tea Co. INSURANCE - --- DE ARE MUTUAL INSURANC E CO. i) OILY FINNEY, Jr Agent at Pittsburgh for the Del amaze Mutual gaiety lost:mune Company of Phila. adelphim Fire Risks upon buildings and merchandbm or every description, and Mamie Risks upon hulls or cargoes .of vessels, taken upon the ZOOM favorable terms. LE r Oface in the Warehouse of W. B. Holm. & N 0.17 Water, near Market street, Pittsburgh. N. 11.-The a.c.s of this Company since the nub lishmeoi of the Agency In this city, with the prompt nau an&liberality with which every claim upon UMW for lots has been aditisind, fully warrant the agent In inviting the eotifideueittad patronage of his friends and the community at tinge to the Delaware M. S. Mtn ranee Company, while it has the additional advantages es so instimtion =peg the most flounslung in Philudel phitt--as having au ample paid-its capital, watch by the operalion of its charter u constantly Weft/Ming, WS yielding to mich person insured Ills due share of the profits of the company, without involving him in atq respimmbility whatever, and therefore as possessing the Maoist prinmple divested of every Mumma. fea ture, and in its most attractive form FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. rilitS insurance Company of North Amenca, through tta duly authorixed Agent, the anbseriber, oden to makhpermanem and limited insurance on property, in thin city and Its vicinity, and on etipmerus by the Ca nal and River. DIRECTORS. Arthur O Eofto, Charles Taylor, Sam 'l W. Jones, Ambrose Mute, E4orard Smith Jacob NI Thomas, John A. Brow - John R- Neff, John White, Richard D. Wood, Thomas P. Cope, Wm. Welsh, Samuel F. Saudi, France Ho ens, Samuelßrooks, S. Anima At'Mono, ARTHUR G. COFFIN, Prest HMI= a a......, See'y. This is the oldest Insurance Company in the United States, having beep chartered in 1791. Its charter le perpetual, and - from its high standing, long expenence, ample means, and avoiding at. is of an extra haz ardous character, it may tie considered as edema aid pie security to the pubhc. W. P. JONk.. At the Counting Room of Atwood, Jones & Co„ Wa ter and Front streets Yamburgh . =rya PILMIKLIM FLUE ESSUILAIICE CO. /(SHE Franklin Fire Insurance Company, of Philadel x pho, will make Insurance, permanent and limited ou every . descripuon of property, In Putaburfh and the surrounding country, on favorable terms. This com pany has a perpetuul charter. Capital, 1400,000 paid in. Coutigent, Fund 8.1041,000 Mime comer ol*Tbitd and Market meets, Pinantaga apt tsar WARRICK MARTIN. Agent. TE undersigned, duly au Maimed Agew. ofthe Amer lean Fire insurance Comp.) , of Philadelphia, continual{ to effect urunce against loss Or dam age against Eire, on buildings, merebandue, furniture and propeny, not aura hasardous, to this city and amnia). apie GOCI.I AAA. tai wood THE SUBSCRIBER has been eppotntedAse . pro tern. of the hisaranee Company of North Antenna., and will issise Policies and attend to the other business • .• . of the Ageuey, u rtur warehouse of Atwood. Jones & Co. apl.2 P JONEIs, wanes .4 FORWARDING &COMIOSSION. .211.1611. V., J. WALDO UAL CILAILLEB DMIENHOWEIL & co. TOBACCO Culliilo4o,ll LEKCILLIIB, No. 50 South Wtutrves, DE= to inform the ireoc. antlilnalen generally, of Pinsbargh, that they a made such arrangements with the Virginia [autumn:ems and the Orowers of the West, West Indies, eau other planes, as will insure • large and constant omproy of the following &strip nom of Tobacco, which art. be sold upon as accom modating term, 1111 any other boom in thin city or else where, sad all pods ordered Irmo them will be war rented equal to representation: Havana; St. Domingo; Corm; Vara; Porto Rico; Penh;}Seed Loaf to. Cobs; iguini; Florida; linnets; ALSO—Braneh's celebrited Aromatic Stag Caven dish, with a large essorusesit of ether popular brands, and gadflies of pounds, 6s,her, 'Ws, 16s mid TM, Lamp; On, 6, Ils and to. Plug, Ladles , Twist; Vlrgtoia Twist, Ass, sweet and plant, in whole and half. boies, hood and tin, together with every varie.ty of article belong ing to the trade.. 1. BAfln. A -mare toreceasom BARBET, NESBIT & GABILICTSOB, FLOUR FACTORS, Produce, Corozal.lon and Forwardhag Biztrini/TS, No CY Norm Waezvea eas iW Werea Sr, PKIL4DELPHIA. Rem to—John H. Brown & Co. Robert Steen & Co. 13 Peord, Bearer & Co. Ph"ielPitie. O,,.dageley & Co. n & Paxton, Neer York. Walters & Harvey, Ralurnore: Byplay & South, liarbudge,Wiliort& Col . Bailey, Croon & Co. P ,,,, httrib. Kier & Jones, a& Liberal ease advances on etuoirrome&O to oar coargfully 1.116.16/i T. 11.0xT. WATS., ELLMAKER, ECKY & CO., FLOM( FACTORS, And General Commalesion lierehants, No. 13 Sorra Werem Snorer PHILAbEL.PIII/.. REFEHENCII3—Heary Gni& Co, Yousburgh. Rodgers & Sherlock, S. Schooley & Son, m e - .A-11. January, hinymlle. Chutes Boehm, Jr., Univac Humphrey. & Co. Mercer, Bro. & Co. IPhitad'a Reed & limber, aDl:dlyDoti& & Consinery, Non ork WEIS D.. . W MOM= . MMES.. LEHMER 4 ANDERSON, FORWARDING & COMMISSION mEitctinfas, tX,ITION FACTORS, AND AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF NAILS AND W. GLASS, ens. 7 & S nom Zr, &xovz SZOADWAT, cmomun, omo. - - egOILGE COGHBABe • Commission wad Forwarding Iterahant.. ma. Id wean et, err nation, fIOISTINITES to transact • general Commimion tan k/ nest' especially in the parchwe end sale ofAtnen cue hierndecinre. and Produce, and in receiving and forwarding Good. consigned to his care. as Agent for the Alminfacturra he will be consainly supplied with the principal article. of Pinaborgh Manufacinre at the lowest wholesale prima. Orders and consignment. ale respeetfull • solicited, i 97 GEORGE A BERRY, witoLicssmi asookaas; tioawenap anu tiOalitlll4loll AND DEALEN , Iron, Nails, Cotton Yarns 4 Pittallmargh 12140,011factures senera.ll3v, No. 10 limn, immri• rerriscri _ wn. - 17'OrWardIllag Uro gDf7 pa. Alleluia particularly to itui Vorayar °duce, ire. &a. Ye, any intorgoroor. apply w vonrrire Curd- CAN. Water at. oath ISAAC CR USE GENERAL COMBLIBBIuN MERCHANT, FORTkiE SALE OF PRODUCE& PROVISIONS, Nos LOS end IU7 Sanitell %VOUS, BALTIMORE, MD. Itskraisma—Merchants of Pkusbusgb Mos Sim , Vs—R. Clangla & Co. NOTIOZ Teil/lIPPEBs. rhave taken an aloe immediately opposite ,„ ow burnt warehouse, fortbepresent, wham we transact busineas as natal, until a new house can be erected, alTl.l4.lleitta haring already tame made for that purpose. Bolus will always ho to readiness al our wharf to receive freight_ 0 A AI'ANUL,TY & Co, .Canal Baum. LAbenr at • LYMAN, REED CO., sm, to geed' HorAtoo..) OEfl&&Lcommission MEACHAM, Puniestlas attention paid to the sale of Wool, and libe l al advances made on consignments. oryle:dkarls • •• • 2nEU ds, prison article n do Ift, do; 12 do 6. NJ mall pegs; 10 co 14 lump, unique ; 6 do 11 do, do ;:20.1q viper, in store and for sale by mad 0 BLACKBURN & Co Ges. Yl2 bial3-10, , 10411 . and 10.14 Wtlldow stass L gure t. 9 — ed per MM. AfIVIRMII and rot We by lapil FORIVIT a DUNCAN CARDS. E=:== =!=6',fftMl iztaffnnn Lit 1113321 LAW OFFICER WM. TIMBLIN ATTORNEY AT L AW, Ruder, Pa WriL also attend to collections and all other bast. t ' leas entrusted to him In Waller and dm:strong noontles, Pa. Refer to • J.& R. Floyd, Liberty sr. W. W. Wallace, do James Marshall, do Pittsburgh. dip Kay & Co., Wood sr J tan? JB. BWEITZER, Attorneyat Law, dike 2d ox., • opposite St. Charles Root, Pittsburgh, will also attend promptly to Collections., its Wubiogton, Payette and Green goanues, Pa. REFER TO Blaekstoek, Dell & Co., Church & Carothers, 1• Carothers,Totsborgh. DT. Morgan. EJ. WENDY, Attorney and Councilor at Law, . Cincinnati, Ohio. Collections in Southern Ohio, and in llndiana, and in Kentucky, promptly and care• fully attended to. Commissioner for the State of Pomo sylviuda, for taking Depositions, anknovriodiroients, &c. &e. Barn 143—Hon. Wm. Bell & Son, Canis, Church & Carothers. Wm. Hays, Fin., Wlllock & foois. E2B EL W. WiLL.I•I.I 7 7 WY. U ILLIAVIS r. SHINN, (successor. to Lon andni Attomes• and Counsellors at Lass. Office Ndrth aide of Fourth street, above Smithfield. febtidtcwly TAMES F. KERR, Attorney a Law, Bakewell's 0 Build:my, Grant sweet, nearly opposite the Court House. attBl4-131 WEBS DUNLOP, J. HAM MON RIMEL, TVA/AP & SEWELL, attorney at Law, Offices on .IJ Scrithfield, between Id and 4th sta. FORWARD k SWARTZWELDER, Attorneys Law, have removed their office to the South ludo o' Fourth at., between Cherry Alley and Grant street. WV. vir O. H. ROBINSON, Attorney at Law, has re 'l - moved his of f ice to the Exchange Building s, BL Clair .t . nert door to A Itlerrnsm John. nnl7lv BOOK TRADE To Country Mereh►nta. A LARGSTOCK of School Books, Paper, BtRIIOII - try, he., suitable for country sales; among wbtels Writing Paper's of fine, medium and common audits Letter Paper de do do do. Note Paper do do do do Note and Letter Envelope.; Slates, Pencils, stafers, goal. and Steal Perm; Window Paper (yard wide) plain and printed; Bonnet Boards, of different quttlines; Blank Books, m great vanety; Family, School and Pocket Bibles; Crown, medium, and double crown wrapping paper; hlcOuffie's Eclectic Spellers and Readers; Ray's Eclectic Aruhmencs; Cobb's Primers, Spellers and Readers; Sanders' do do do Arithrneties. by Adams, Davis.Colhorn, Smith. Stock ton Paterson. and others. rietThpates, by Mitchell, Olney. Smith, Moree,Good 7, ley, end others. Grifiemars, by Smith, Kirkham, Bullion, Weld, and othera. For sale at low poems by J li MELLOR, BI wood as, 5 doom above 4th. io n e z k lughem market prier paid Mr good ituaed raga. aisle pLANt - rAtr& serrs.A.Artworu.ns.—A-popi lar exposition of the great discoveries and theo nes of modern astronomy - ;by M bluebell, • it, Lh rector of the Cincinnati Obeervatory. Headley's Italy, Alps and Rhine.—Letters from Italy. the Alps and the Rhine; by J T Headley, author of Na poleon and hi. blaaahalls, Washington and hi. Gener als, etc. New and revised edutori. • • • .. Stansiics of Coal.—The Geographical and Geologi cal distinction of Mineral Combustibles or fossil fuel; including also, notices and localities of the rant.° mineral bitununtoua substances employed in aria end manufactures; illustrated by Maps and Diagramx; ac companted by nearly 401.1 staktuctil table., and I lOU an alyses cf mineralcombustibles, /cc; prepared by Rich ard Crawling Taylor. Just received a kw copies of eaeh of the above works for sale by .1011NliTON tr. IiTOCKTON, /Yl 3 Booknllers, car market A 3d as. READY POI/ POHL/CATION 11 by J. A. A U. P. iwetite• Clateuman, the following new and valuable Works—' Doniphan's Ernsliuon—Containlng a .ketch of the life of Col. A. W. Domptiain the Conquest of Now hiczleo, Geo. Kenney's Overlaud &madmen to Cab font.; Domphan's Campaign against the ISaynos, and his unparalleled March upon Chihuahua and Durango, and the °pennons of Gen knee at Santa Fe, wart . a lMap and Ettgravings. by ;obi. T Hughes. A 11 i .. the lat Regiment of bitrroun Cavalry Winery of Kentucky—lts Amtigruuee and Named Copulative; Geograptueal ekaummal and tie ologmal deseemuorm; with nuegdoves of Pioneer* Lo 4 od more Mau one hundeed Lizograplueal Sketenevol uulnueb cod Ploneers, Soldler., Lkamanan, Lore yen., U. iee.; diusurdvd with forty engraemgv; 'uy Lomb. Colima, I voL octavo. The Twelve Moths' Volunteer, or Journal of a Pet. vete in the Tenn... Regiment or 4 acuity, in the Carona/4p of Mexico, du Itrid-47, rot emu g an ao count or the March of the g Regalia.. to Vere Cruz, a desenption of the Country passed o mane era, cus toms, he. of the people: Sketches of ver; Car. LIB; at counts of all the actions or other Volunteer RI •gt cents. Lastsand the Alsatian. e ill led and Wounded, tr..til.tnued by a large a umber ol coereet mews mid plans, by Deo. C Rumor , I color. octavo. deel Aliev - ingraimd Doak EatiiiillaWaiieat, 70 WOOD 51, acetic Ammo •ND Dtsi wan ALLY, THE tabs. - Men have Jun opened, at toe above x wand, a liege stock of different quaht leaM in imi and poem white and blue Writing and Letter Paper, cow normal and packet ;wear Plat Cap, decoy aod ednint croi.g papers, for blank hooka medium and royal co lored Priming Papers; medium, demy and cap Day Books and Ledgers, superior paper and best Eastern binding; thcbool Books of all kindey sta. Mord e orke I. Theology and Selene.; Quills, gold a oil nee I Pens. Wafers, W., Bill Riles, fee. he. Blank Books of all um ruled to pane.rn, and hound In the most aab.lajWal manlier. Country Merchants mpplittil at lower. wholczale pit. ecs for ease, or rags at cashpeaces JOB PRINTINCL—Having aJob °Mew in connection with our OVIIbIIDOMDDI, we are prepared to erveute 8,1 orders for plain and fancy Petottng--boe.ka, pamphieiN circular., bean., cards, bills o( lading. he , v OD dm. patch and at low pnces. ELLIOTT& ENGLISH, toy/ tb wood n, between 4th and doamond m ley. NEW HOWLS -Vanity Fati; a re .vel without a Hero by H'illtain Alakepeace I.lackery won unistranons by the author The Tenant of Wililtell Hall. by Ac ten Bell, anb"tor of . Wathering Height" The liming Schnolaustresin by Jose ph Alden, D. D. Part 6, of Harpers' Illustrated edam., of inc Arahishi Nights' Hamann:met.. New trans! anon, arranged tor :stogy reading, with explanatory notes. by ` K St' Lane, Kim. Loomis Logarithuss—Tablea of Log:Arnhem of num ber and aqua and Tangents torever) totae n secoods of kuadram., with oilier usefultables. Ly Elms Loomis. A. AL, ProL BIDIDDIDULD• and Nammal Philosophy m the University of New 1 ork, author of • wTreause on Algebra,' he. he The above works resolved dna day sod for male by /Of INMPUN it TtiCKTON, Booksellers, roe all Act and 3d is. wagld . New Petbl Lj ISTORY OF CONGRESS, 1 / 4 06 raphical sad Poll -1.1 ucal, comprising memoirs at th e members of the Congress of the U. 3. By Wb.eeler. Illustrated by numerous steel ponied., ke he Vol I, octavo. The Writings of C. NI Clny, including speeches •orl addresses, with steel portraits. Moroi by /I tireely. I soh n vo What I Saw to Conforms, By Ed ma Bryant. Berries' sio,es, Vol id, on aroma, Peter, John add Luke. Charms and Counter-Charms: By Man Winn:nth, au thor of "To meta and to be," - Conquest," as as Mut" Grover, • Domesuc Temperance Tale: By C. Burdett. Kings and Queens. or Life in the Palace; consisung of bistoncal *ketches of tote and nilgning sovereigns: By J. S. il. A Rion. A Vint Book tu Spanish, or a practlcril Introduction to the randy of the Spanish Language: By d Salkeid. The Dying Robin and other tale. By Be, Dr. Akirn Just reed by 1. HOPtil\li, Apollo Buildings, 4th so to J. L. Bead.? N - EW BOOKS—Life or Cromwell, by J T Headley PONWer of the Pulpit, by Gardner Spring, D D. Bethel Flag, do 'do Jacobus ott Gospels, Matthew, with Harmony; Lectures on kihnkspeare, 2 Cola; Path of Lire, or Sketches of the Way to Glory anti butoortalltyi Footsteps of Messiah/ The Couven4 by author of School Girl to Frames; Now and Then, by Warren; Sketches of Lemons, on Parables sod Abrader, Ireland's Weloome to the Stranger; Hearer/ upon Earth, Itawkston, tale or and for England:rola. For sale by 41.Liorr a ENGLISH, jelo 76 wood Rad 66 Mantel.. „.. IVEW EIOOKS--Just received from the publisher, and for tale at the kielhodtst Book Store, . y near Wood. Tupper's Proverbial Philosophy, m three styles of bindingi a beautiful batik for o pi esent Preparation for the Pulpit. Sketches of Sermons on the Parables end Miracles of Gimlet, by the author of the Pulpit Cyclopedia-41M sketches, &e. The English Pulpit, collection of ser mons by the most eminent !remit, &rums of Eugland. hittnurrito VOL.—Doing - Good, Chrsuan bole, lA, est thou ma. Sacred Meditations. terS4 1 'HE PATRIARCH AI. or the thstory and 1 Religion of Manktnd from the Creation to the death of Isaac: Deduced flora tho reriwt of Mosul, uld other inspired authors; and illustrated by copious references to the a• theta recants, tramious, and Oty tholorf of the Heathen World—by (tho thauth, R. S. A. vol., octavo. - . Charms and Counter-Charms, by Alms M'lntosh. A fresh supply or this very pogul•r hale 'work. Orators of the Amerienn Revolutipn, by RI. Ma goon, with Portraits. I vol, PI mu. Parley's Cabinet Library, for families or schools., a/- volumes, tg run, with engraving. This IA a new work.. For sale by It HOPKINB, or atl Apollo klaaldints, Ith no LI:ECK'S 130TANY— Botany of the Unired Sures earth of Virginia; compoog deecriptione of the ering st and ru-like plants hitherto found in those Slates; arrangedaccording to the uatut system. With a synopam o the Clearers according to the Lin neon system; a sketch of the rudiments of bout y and a glossary of terms; by Lewis C. Beek, M. D. Prof. Chemistry and Neutral History in Ruiger'm College, New Jersey, &e. he. Second ethuon, revised and en larged. For sale by rept. JOHNSTON & STOCKTON I ANIARTINE'S GIRONDISTS--Htstory of the Dr -1.4 roadies; or, Personal Memoir. of the Patriots of the French Revolution—from unpublished sources: by Alphonse de lournartrue. Complete its three volumes: Ryde's immolation A fresh supply of this popular work received thth day and (or sale by JOHNS'IUN Is STOCKTON, septh Booksellers, cot marker and 3d sth - f °ITER-INDS IN EUROPE; or sketcher of travel in France, Bel toot, Austria, Switzerland. nary,. Prussia, inbuid sod Great Ilritain; with an apheriOt: contahung observation. on European charities an d medical instructions: by John W. Carson, M. D. A rev copies for:sale by sepl4 JOHNSTON & STOCKTON A T OUR STORE on Market street, No 615, between AM Id and 4th, may at all times be found a !ergs stork of Theologthal and Allscellancous Books. New books received so soon as published, and sold at low est prices. The publication. of the American Sunday School Union andllassachusetts Sabbath School So cietyt. always on hand. emelt:roes furnished oar ap plication. ELLiarr our/ Gar market et, between 3d and nth GUMPOPIUM aorkeY).-1 ease ree'd and for male by sepl3 BRAUN Is REITER PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY MORNING, lEPTEMBER 29, 1848. lill'illiVlDlftlf 11'41 OGAN & KENNEDY have this day meocinted with tbem in the Hardware business, Philip WO son and Edward Gregg. The style of firm will here after be Locum Wilson & CO. Thil arrangement ren ders it desirable to close the old business .. soon as possible. All persons whose liabilities have matured, are especially requested to make immediate payment. Pittsburgh, Jan 1, 4e4k. T OGIAN, WILSON & 00.—Imponers and Wholesale Dealers to Foreign and Domestic Hard- Cutlery. Saddlery, he.. 129, Wood strum, Pitts hargkare now fully prepared with a recently impor ted stock of Hardware, Cutlery, he., to oiler very great inducements to western buyers, being determined to compete in prices w.di any of the Atlantic Cities. Al so on hand au extensive assortment of Pittsburgh Hard ware, nit: Shovels, Spades. Forks. Hoe+, Vices, he, all of which ordl be sold at the lowest manufartureis once.. janl irww,..y.ll37l:Mas4 ATHE subset. ben hosing recently entered into partnership under the name of Gal agher, long, A. Miller. for the purpose of carrying on the Bell and Brass Foonang and Gas Fitting business in all Its hrtuiche% have taken the stand formerly ixer. pied by H. Callagher. No. 109 Front street, between Wood and Smithfield sm., where they are prepared to execute all orders tor Bells, Brass Cmungs, of every descuption, end Ga. F.nings with neatness and de. patch. Steamboat robbing promptly attended to. IL GALLAGHER. S. A. LONG, P. H. `MILLER. . _. . , N. B —The attention of hlachinism and Engtneers is invited to our W1L4.0111.U011 metal, for a reduced puce, which hos been pronounced superior to Rabbit's by !northern who have used both. Steamboat builders and the panic, generally, are al .o requested to call and ea. amine our superior double betion Force Pumps for steamboat and domesue u-e. GALLAGHER, LONG, tc MILLER. Dlssolutlon. ,LfisTyl on the 1K inst. The business will be closed at the nil stand 4 either of no, using the nmne of the hem le• that purpose. Being destrous to have our business bleed with an lode delay ns possible. we would re spectfully request those indebted to call and the their accounts. JOHN D. lITCORD. Jouth H. D. KIND Co-Partnership. JOIIN D. NI'CORD havlng assoetated with htm his brother James bl'Cord, under the style of hPeord /I. Co., will cononse the Hitt, Cop and Fur Lankness in all Us various bninchex, wholesale and retail, at the old maw!, corner of Wood and fith streets, where they solicit o continuation of the patronage so liberally be stowed on the old firm. JOIIN D IWCORD. takii JAMES 8. M'CORD. IN retiring from the old and well known firm of ?d`Cord 8. King, I most respeedlly recommend the patronage of the public my successors, Messrs. firconi k co. l otH. D. KINO. EMIMM - • • • ritHE copartnership here:cum< existing between the subscribers , ender the style ef Bushaeld Roe, expired this day by limtlatton. The business of the arm will be settled by AI & Roe. JAMES D. M`GILL, IA B. BUSHFIELD, WALTER C. ROE. Pittsburgh, July lit 1949. The undersignedl will continue the NVbolesale Ciro cery 11.01.1 Corniutaaino business, under the firm of and Roc, at their old stand, No. 194 Liberty street. /AMEN 14.1d1rILL, WALTER C. ROE. Having sold my Internet male firm of Bsoh• Geld & Roe to my fanner partners, Minn& Roo, I mket pleasure in reeornmendmg them to my fnends and the JrZO 3 BUSIIFIELD. Go- • artne nfiritiotlee. - V kV. STEPHENS of Wheeintg, E. F. Shmaberger of J ltulatn, /11114 Stockton of Pttonturgh. hare this day entered Into. co-partnership under aryle and firm of Stephen*, Snocithertter a en., at the Anchor Iron work*. Wheelnt,, Va., tor the purpose of mato factoring iron and nada of every damnption. W IL I. SNOIMILOW. I ♦. ITOCKIVII ISTRPHICNI3, 11110101BEB.GIAIL & CO. Waseisrtg, Alnunfacture all kind of boner, shy., bar non and nails, A B steel chink springs and sales. Being eon nected with Shoentierger . • old Juniata works, tea can oder an oil of Juanita iron thrandril Shoenbergcr) equal to say made Mr country. All of which will be sold at the Pil burgh prices 1% sreltouso of this works coaster of MI. roe and Wan:, sta. my I l rssoLETTION—Tbe partnership hitherhi ing under the style and 11/111 of Brtghtsnan & Dal ton, Is this day dtssiiived by manta: cousent, John Doi tell haTtng disposed of tits enure interest to H. Wight man The bonne., of the Ist, firm will ho settled by Wightmitit. who v authoracd to use the name of the :ate firm Inc then purpose It w tArni opt2latlw (July I fl) 1 D ALZELL THE Subscriber la now prepared manufacture all kinds of Cotton .114 Nlachiner7, at Me Morita ilOllfC Orders :eft at R. WiehtmanNEngine Shop, cor ner Liberty .d 1% amr streets, will meet with prompt attention. IL WIIiHThL&Pi, Leaeok at. between Federal and Sandusky sta., Allegheny city. 110. P AJATN Noting uarl .g dim %../ day ...omitted with nwt. Jtihn IL AlViine, We Mai r bueineaa alb ncreaner be cunducted under the brui of Wm. Young & Co WILLIAM YOUNG, ism/ JNO AECENE. Noitee. HEAU). BCC& OR & CII base aiwociated with them in Met: Tobacco and Communion biennia, Ftlward Heald. I late of Jacob !lewd & Co, lialtimored Da•id C N L.nmm. tied MEDICAL. Jaynes' kapectorant. SA... Culotta...ll co ..0. Apr. 24, fedi. Dll JAI Duaxt 11,6 irOLL/111 to yo• and the altlicted public, to avail myself of this op portuniy of !riving publicity to the eXtmordittary sfa. ot you Expectorant au my soli He ban afflicted lor several yea. with • severe coca hectic lever and sta coocomn.ant diseases, will se only doomed 41 auger out ..hurt but miserable cluiti.uee u•Lti• the of t<ri, when. Ireing more severe,' , •..4 having re rted to .II toy former em., sod tae pea • crip... so of two of mho most resp,tano pi:lantana t o toe ticighbortiood .thout derivaug Soy benefit, or the eon...lotion of somata,' but. few days or weeks at tartratat—when the 141 gleam of hope was about to vantati. I had recommended to me your Expectorant nod oiessed that ileto4 who all Mingo to the ow of the incan.—ltd.r y ti; the vr.peetationa of sty physicians and (nen., Ia .• oi few days remod i‘out my bed, and was by the use or a bout*. to ~lend to my buxuess, army tag since better health M. I had lot teas Tea. previous specumly I our., , .111. W Fartm. Fe , +eh , Pitlf`hergh., lit the Pekin Tea Store, 71 Fourth Uteri. marz. D A. s lj. This ':istratrue compound aerobium smannew of bath with en ...ley and comparative mildness of pur gaiter acoon...d bal/ang peronar tendency Lo The urnary or,,mo s , : eatreonely Vainable In thus country. wwhich 6.110 u. ,• leers and other complam. attended ith congestion of the Llver, so Much AX01.14. They have now stood the lea of Xn yenta. and ei , ,.Crience has proved th ew no he a tote and valuable remedy in intern...ix, Hemmen.' and fklmes rever, JeoediCe• Balton. colic, ludicesoon. Dropsy, lb .emery, Whops Yearnings, colds, and all a mplaint. oleo in dannlialo - eharacter.• rue console. and uut•ersa/ bon which has been given bywere pi.. to all who bare Lord them, renders the uule.hilig the nitrite , nue eertigeates in their fav or answer... 7 To pre. rent counterfeiting they are 110 P. pnt [IX in a red nyl.i graphic wrapper Price Ricciu for a box cuutainirg 30 pill. Prepared and sold by ❑ A FAIINFIIPPDCK k Co, corner Ist and wood, and also corner MA and wood n([0111. sepal B. A. F•11311:60tA, A. B. Ht.., N Y Cuy. 1... Fsesorroca,lPutabargh. ti. W. EILLIACROG Wholesale pro= to lb. Clly of Now York. E undersigned are kiensthely engaged in the Wholesale Drug bustness et Nu. 46 John strew, to e coy of an New 1 ork, and are prepared to Supply Druggisis d country Merchants with Drugs, Yana*, Dyr-.toffs, Fore.gli and American Yedumery, blander, Weaver & ?dander's Chemicals, (of their own linponation) and ail other emotes in their WIC of busi ness, of a styesme quality az low as they ran bepur chased iu di& or any eutern city. New York, Pebt6 H. A. FAHNESTOCN & 211Larebees Chrome Green. rip° PAINTERS, BUNG ALA-KERS, Ite—we, the imdersigiseid, Palmer, and Blind Maker, of the city in New York, have used and tested, and are now aging • new uncle of Chrome Green, manufactured by tleo. K. Marcher, of the city, and find it to work well, pro ducing a hoe brilliant Paris Green appearance, with • very superior body, arid recommend it to our brethren in the as in every parucular the bed Chrome Green we have ever used. New Votk, lane 1, '47. Signed by 24 braised practical patiners or the city of New York, This unequalled Chrome Green may be bud of R. R. SELL.FILS, No 57 Wood street, who has the e-zolustre agency for its sale in Piusburgh. marl 3 : y , EILIIIPUOE--" No finally •bould Lodo,a, C. H., V. Aug. 24, '49. NI. FLl.l.tas: I cheerfully certify chat I have for some years past used your Vero,'legato my family, and universally with success I decidedly prefer it to any other preparelmo I have used—amongst Um. may be award the celebrated mcdimite called Deadshol s Fahnestock's Vl:Trillium:, and a preparation celled Worm' e. In recent case a siugle dow proo g ht Irani my bide boy one hundred arid all later wow. No leanly certainly ought to be without It fours ae JA.I. LewsuN Prepared and sold by R. K Sellers, No 57 WOOl.l s t. Mid suet by LlyuggiAls yenaryilly to both ernes. 8,01 A Fine Het of Teeth for 1110 Comte. WIi!TE TEETH, FOUL BRFIATIi, HEALTHY Gl/hlB.—Yellow and unhealthy teeth, utter be ing once or twice cleetterl with Jones , Amber Tooth 1 . 4/11e, have the eppemance of the most Delitlllttli Ivory, and at the same time n Is so perfeeMy Innocent and ea nuoMely hue, that its constant dully use is iughly tul muttageous, even to those teeth that are In It good.eon dition, glom& them a beaut i ful polish, and prerentmg a pre rare decay. those already decayed it prevents Irom becoming - worse—tt also fastens melt as are be coming loose, and by perseverance it will render the foulest meth delmatelywhile, and make the breath de- Itctously sweet, told by M. JACKSON, 09 Liberty Street atarbb H. A. FAIINESTO,CK'S VER M IPUOE. A yearn, weeks since, one of my children, aged about five year was unwell (or uvethl day., and the illness increteed th alarsolly that I feared death would b H e the result. aving rani of the good effects of Fahnestock's Verrnifuge when odmialstered to the chbdren at my tie ghbors, and thinking my chtkl might have worn.. fn. thine alibi, symptoms. I gave it one bud o teaspoontuis of the Vermntlge. and to my great astonishment It alma. ttomedimaly discharged between 231/ and 4W large worms. Its health was soon tutored, and it ta now remarkably well. Previous , to taking the Vensuftige, the worms would occasionally rtse to its throat, mid I often feared it would die from strangulation. JAS. G. newsoN. Tionesta, Venango co, Pa., Apftl J, '44. LILY'S CELEBRATED ITCH AND Tbrnta I.IIN'FIDENT is the mom egcctual remedy beftwa ft te public for the cure of truer, nett, dry and watery pl mple• of the lace, neck and body, scaly eruption., as 4 all other dueues of the skin. 'Du Ointmesit is on unlined fret, (tom mercury, Is perfectly sale, and m .7 be used at all bates mid under nit circumstances. A'. (rub supply of nbt. valuable remedy r.caved and . for sale by 11 A FA UNE:STOCK & Cd, a neater at let and wood; al., corner of 6fti and wood ran eta. • Jet__ G UM CUIAL.--4 eases recalveal md far male by .apt. BRAUN & I}BITER HOTELS POIINTAI3IIIOTBL. LIGHT STREET 43ALTITIORE. VOW. Lan 12131111102, imorluarcias 3 etasblitignent long and widely known 11 . Z. hash comauxlions in the city of More,eently undergone very exten sive alterations and improvements. An entire new wing has been added, eontaining numerous and atry sleeping T apt mamma, and eatensore bathing rooms. Ladies. deparonent has aim been completely reorganized. nd fined up in a most unique and beano fel style. In fact the whole arrangement of the House hat been remodeled, with • single eye on the port of the proprietors: towards the comfort and pleasure of their Guests, and which they confidently assert will chtritenge c omPtrwon with any Hotel in the I.liiion. Their table will alwaye be supplied with every sub. Mania] and Inrory which the market affords, served tp in a stmesior style. white in the troy of Wines be, hey will not be surpassed. la conclution the proprietors beg to sty, that nothing will be led in Wow on their rut and on the part of their assisnont, to render this Hotel worthy the continued patronage oft heir friends and the public generally. The pnees fur board have also been reduced to the following rate p Lathes. Or lineal, 111,73 per day. Gentlemen 'a 1,50 N. EL—The teenage Wagon of the House will &l amp be found at the Car and Steamboat Landings which will convoy b,aggage to and from the lintel. tree of charge. EXCHANGE HOTEL. Nan® or Mitre AND S., CLAM BM, 1 , 1111.8.0., PL. The subscriber banes assumed the manage ment of dna long and popular Hotel, respectfully announces to Travellers and the Public generally. that he will be et ell times prepared UP accommodate them in all !Mugs desirable ins well regunned Hotel. The House is Dow twang thoroughly repaired throughout, and new Yucinture added, and no pains will be spared to mks. the Exchange one of the vent best Howls or the country. 'Me undersigned respectfully sobers a continuance of the very libernlpeUronsige Ille House has heretofore received. TIDDISIAB OWSTON, Propretar. THRACKMORTONPIS GALT HOUSE, • tot tayuLtc, ARTS THROCKAIORTON le ;us to acquaint his frtenda that he is accun lee.. of the GALT HOCK , , Lenin - 111e, Ky., where he hopes to meet all his old friends, atuerwrg themand the public, that no effort shall be tpared to make all comfortable who favor him with their patronace. Anudix_ Mac, CHISTIOT GT, 11¢TWEILI FOURTH SOD VITT6 OIL OPPOSITE late Bank of the United Stater, Phila. m. d r c4hia_ M. POPE MITCHELL, Proprietor. MISCELLA N EO US. Chocolate, Cocoa, Jae. W. Baker's American mad French Chocolate, Prrpar ed Corns, Cocoa Paste, Aroma, Cocoa Shells, Ac. so rnerehnnt. and consumers, who would purchase 1 the b., praluete of Cocoa, free from adulteration, mo nutrinous than [mot-coffee. end in quality tunic r pulsere d, the stritroriberostenorinenda the oho, articles, manufactured by himself and stamped with hut name. His Aroma and Cocoa Paste, as delicate, palatable, and salutary drinks for invalids. COIII6IE.COIt, and others, are pronounced by the most eminent physicians superior td an; other preparations. lit, manufaetufts are always on sale, an any quantity, by the most re spectable grocers in the eauern clues, and by then agents, Hawes, Gray her , of Poston; James 11l dunce tr. co, Hartford, Calm; Hussey & Murray, New York; Grunt & Stone, Philadelphia.; TllOOllll V Brundige,l3,ll - and Kellogg & Bennett, Cincinnati, Ohio. wALTka BAKER, Dorchester Mass. For sale by atig3l lIAUALEY & SMITH. Agri NEW coscu /FACTORY, ALLSOLLISI. WHITE, BROOKS & CO., would respectfully in form the public that they hare erected a shop. on Lancet., between Federal on , lSondusky /treeta They are now making and are prepared to receive orders for event deacnpuon in vehicle., Conches, Chariot's. Bt he:, Buggies, Phonons. &c., &c., which from their In experience in the manufacture of the above work, and the foctlmes they hare. they feel confident they are enabled in do work on the most teasenable terms with Mose wantitigasuclea in their line. Paying particular attention to the .eleeuon of mate rials, and having mono but competent workmen, they have no hesitation in warranting their work. NVe therefore at the attention of the public to this molter. Repairing done in the best manner, and'on the moat remionahle terms. imitf _ To Flour Dealers. . . TAKE NOTICE That Witham Hemmlngray. of the cary of Pittsburgh, haring been appointed Inspector at Flour by the Governor Of the Commonwealth, under the Art of Assembly of the ISth day of April. 184.5. in and for the city orPirtsbucgh. and the connurs of Alle gheny, Westn=tud. %Vultingto Payette, Green, Indiana. Jerre Armstrong, ]sut ler. er. Beaver, hler- CM. Crawford. Bre t Warren and Venento will tit,* menter arma the drat.% o(, as othce snider his com u 7 mon. He fray be found at Mr WeitkirGreen'e ah more, or ner or Wet, and Stnfield loreete sep74llrn - - _ -- - - Administrator's ?Jotted, THE subscrther having taken out letters of Adminis tration upon the estate and effects of Cherie* Bru ton. guider is hereby teen to all those persons having possession of his property effect, or otherwise, to de. hear theta to the Admssustiator. and those owing to. or /myths claims upon said estate. to present them du. I y authenticated. JOSHUA ROBIN!e0N, Aden', eeP 2 claire Fifth at near Wood. Wironght and Gnat Iron Rolling. THE.bscritrers beg lasso to inform the public that they have obtained from the East all the lath and fashionable &e.g.* for Iron Rennie. both for houses and cametepes }croons wishing to hand )lsomepatterns will please call and egarthne. and lodge or dummy. Itaig wul furnished at the abort- Cest nonce, and in the best manner. at the corner of raig and Rebecca save,. Allegheny el analgaultf A. LA:111)N & KNOX litnpratt & Sane' Patent Sada A•h. 11111 t subaenher• in wren iWir evatororra and dna,. ,a„ general.. that their Win shlornen: for we fall nu. innesaof the above smelt., has arrived et Philadelphia per ship Jame., direct front the malcifaciorers in Liverpool. and swill he here in a few days They have te•erie other stiltn,. on the way—two of which, •.• ger ships hledailion and Lydia, ere nearly due— ‘beire Jeaideit re e f o u r ; " ll7,Lut a le ' : ::e7 ' l r t• e v ' e d e . ::::ent to the taiiiern roe. Ito Le forwarded hero by ranc) Oct will reenter donne the winter nod spring. regular autil,ica via New Orleans W tAfrrctiELTltEr: Kw _ _ Fancy Furs f r.. h from Europe. valiscribers have now in store a very egiensive monotone of Fun for lathes wear, winch have hero parchment in Europe by one of the firm, at eery low prices Ourng the monetary crises succeeding the French Rlution' This advantage. which they possess over any other hose to the trade.;will °usable them di sell a eery rz• reliant article much below the market price . Ea - hlerchauts and others will advance their own interests by examining ems estrous. assortment. SOI,IN, BROTHERS, Imposers, ES Ars (Mulberry) between 2d and 3d streou, 5t66741t0 Philadelphia. Dr. DeLaste In Tennessee. • 1115 to to cevtdy that I purchased one vial of Dr. L Worm Specific, some tom months ago MI gent to a son of reins some seven years old. two emminona and although the . mo ons m ay appear stOfai Ir at I have no doubt but there was upwards of two tedanne won passed from tuna, measuring ions lime Ql3ll/4C, of an LOCO to two Olt hes long. O W HOLLIDAY. Horn. (leek. Carrot en Tenn, Dee 07, 1e47 012.1 Ltmeohling Clipping end Bleeding. EB. NORRIS, (Successor to M. FL Del.,. • No 53 Filth street between Wood and Smith . Fresh leimhes received morith•y.—attendone• 011 boors. Reference, the physicians of Pittsburgh, Ans. gbenry and Htiminghem coos cheerfully recommend to the physicians, fam ine. and all my former friends and patrons, !Hr k. II Morns no befog thoroughly aconainted with the boas nese and worthy of patronage mina I y Man stfatotured Tobacco. axs lianstry a Royster's *opener! sweet 5 los; 23 do hi A Butler's 19 hf do Price & Harvrood's " 5 " 21 do do do 55 do do Pearl & Ham-oat Id do .1 Robinaott 57 hf do do 21 do do Wm Dawson 21 do 2 . Wright. A do 0 Anderson 9 do LT Dade's 5 do R Macon'. I do RatcluT " 1p . last landing from steamer and packeta, and for sale by HEALD, DUCKNOR la Co, tl north weer st and 10 north wharves, tell Philadelphia - - ANLIFACTURKD TOIIACCO-20 be hf 8 clones AL &eon's •upenor sweet lb lumps. 75 half bre Webster Old ntperior sweet 5s lumps 24 " Lawrence Lamer " 5s 26 " ((entry & Ito, wet "31& bs 20 " -.Jh_n po (de In }lntel " fis RI " McLeod " Lawrence Lottier " .54 &ID plug Just landing from steamer and for ((ale by HEALD, HUCKNOR & Co, 41 N ureter sl and Id N wharves. nay2l Phdadelelis. TjAPER—'NW belle Straw , Wrapping Paper, all irlacs; 490 ream. ruled Cap Writing Paper, 300 " ruled and pleas Hoer do; all genial.; 100 " Flat Cap; 936 medium Tea Paper; 131/ gra. white and blue & white Bonnet Boards; 11X1 mama M.lll. Envelope Paper; SD " alfthVaft Paper; Net reed and Inc sale low by REYNOLDS & SHER, otyleHat come r perm and levrlAsts ANUPACITURED TOBACCO—In store and 'to al- LEL rare, the following brands of Tobacco, consrge, manta from Itiauufactureni of Richmond and Lynch burg, which will be sold to the trade at reduced rote.: 73 b.c Laniartine 119 do John Rocker fis; )10 do Henry to James Is, bs end os, 31 do L. Jame. the; le do /1. 11. Warwick 8s; 19 do J. hi. Steward tie .d 9s. 97 do James Madison G.. L S NVATERMAN augl 31 water and 09 front ets Dn.. W. J. 11ADIGIIIA, Dentist. OPPICE on enntrifield street, Id door ▪ north of Third sweet. Dr Matletra e ▪ spectrally tenders his professional se vices to We etttuns of Prttrbursh i A11e1=2....„1.1ir le1 =2 .... „ 1 .1ir A . N. McDowell, Dr. P. E ahnearocki Le. Boben Simpaoni James S. Craft, Beg Mr. William Thorn, Mr. Bern Weaver. slurs , PATENT BLOCKS. THE subscriber oak. for Melee MI anartrarat of his Ships' Patent Ell.ka. Shire, de., adapted to the trade. Also, complete .em of Block., adapted to retails of auy eapaety, pot up and forwarded to any port of the Cram, without delay mast tba lowest pn car. LIONUM VILE for gale in quanddea to mit purchasers. UEO W STAPUN, 38 Hurling Sltp, New York =l=23 —•-- fgIONSEND'S SARSAPARILLA— bra of bof Ons awl 1. g female W who lesale and and summ mull, er medic by ine, this day meld RE SELLERS N. 11—M R. E. S. is Dr. Toorneend's only agent for Piusburgh, the genuine article may always be had et No Wood street. my Id • offee 400 eh D ' e _n ) C r Al I r god o 7 42f * b.s l a r . ila C ss ; 12.5 10-14 do; 2Sdo 7.9 d 0; oo ltal4 da ; blots N.U. Boger; taMbla N 0.4 mackerel; IVO bee roam eoep No. I; WO do dipped candLea •' M.s do Cll.lll.ti mold do, [teemed on consignment and for sale by septa 5 k W HABBIJUGIi MISCELLANEOUS. • TOMS der. one c Lain UPPIINCIOTT & BARR, (Late .1 8 Strickler A Co.) AirANITFACTURE[S of 'Phenix fire proof LY.II. south side meond street. between Wood tend Smithfield Pittsburgh. J 5 Strickler having Seemed and the surviving partner Mr. 100 Lippaccoth having associated tumuli . with Me. Wm C Bast, the will hereafter be conducted under the style= eon& Harz Trial of a safe in Cincinnati, the ttlatitairll ed were present at the tesung of one o[7 8 &dater & Co's Improved Pheetuz fire-proof tares, The safe 1.11.1 placedfamine on the public Istedirgt, end mabjected to the intense heat of a stone eoal air mom than three hours_ In one hour and half the safe came to • bright red heat the door of the &mace was then closed, which canned an Increased end steady heat for the balance of the time, until the east iron wheels were partially melted off; the furnace was than thrown down and the safe cooled and opened_ The money, papers and books which it contained were as perfect as when placed there, the binding onlyof the books being in jured by the water in cooling the safe. We have on hesitation in mac:emending il to the Wale as • safe supetior to any we have ever seen meted, and believe that It will stand any heat aritich might be produced, zeept a beat whteh would melt it to a solid mom. Springer A Whitman, L Worthington, Kellogg A Kennett, Benj. Una.. W P Breese, Mums Smith, T 1 8 ,k 5 a u n rialt ,v & inA C w o. r Stetiman, Bayard & Co, Wm Moose, We, the ands signed, ae F lected the safe spoken of above, from a lot in the store of Traber & ittuberi,Hie Agents CO SPRINGER, 8 KELLOG. Refer to Cook k Harris, Brokers, Pittsburgh* Hussey Nunn & Co, do do (fe7dlterlyB 3. LIPPIM(I3,. tons D. WW2 202222. LIPPRINCOTT & CO. mANUFAC f LINERS of Hammered and Cast Steel Shovels and Spades, Axes Hatchets, Cut, Circular and Gin Saws, Hay and Manure Forks, Boca Mattocks., Picks, ho., having completed all their arrangements in the. construction of new machinery, and in securing the ben workmen from the most rale brated establuhments of the East are now otanufactar ing and will keep comnantly on band and for We all the above erodes, having availed themselves of the latest Improvements, and are determined that in work manship and material they will not be crooned: They Promise to produce artic'es equal, if not /11p06.0r, any that Call be had n it the East, They invite the atten tion of dealers to sumnallou of their stock before pureinuing elsewhere, no they are convinced that they will be able to fill all orders io their line to the entire satiefution of purchasers. Warehouse, Water street, doors West Monongahela House, Pittsburgh, Pa. N. B.—Persons having busineu with Wm. Lippen coo in Son wit please call ou Llppencott in Co. oct9dly JAMES W. WOODWELL Pittsburgh Purr.liars Wars ItoOms,l , 85, TURD nun. A large and splendid neon:el:tent of Frirlli tore, mutable for SIG='NAM, HOLBIII and prit trate dwellings, constantly on hand and made to order . The present stock on hand cannot be exceeded by any manufactory in the western country. Persons winking to purchase would do well to give me • call, es lam determined my prices shall please. Part of the stock consists in— titt sofas with Plush and Hair-cloth coverts 2 doe Mahogany Norio Chairs., 11 pate Diem.; IX dos fine ntehogeny Chale t, IS mahogany Work Stand% 3 dor mahogany Rocking Chaim 15 marble top Dressing Bureaus; 8 mar Ottomans; 8 ble top Work Steads; 18 cherry Wort Stands: / I . so llxoys S 1 plc Cherry; end Poplar Bedsteads of all de .enpuons. and a large iw.ortment of common furniture and chairs, too numerous to mention. merttf LADIES ARE CAUTIONED AGAINST USING COMMON PREPARED CHALK. THEY are not aware hose frightfully injurious it is to the skin—how coarse, how rough, bow sallow, ye/. - • and unhealthy the akin impure aflex ming peeper vichalk! lea o. it Is imp:trio., containing &large nity al lead!. In ha .prepared • beautiful vegetable ardete, .hieh gra call "JONES' SPANISH LILYWHYTE. It it perfeetlyintincent„,ibeing Quailed of all deleterious qualities; and it imparts. to the skin a natural, healthy alabaster, clear, living white; at the tame time acting as a cosmetic on the Ain, making it soft and smooth. Dr liunea Andersen, PracucH Chemist of Magee ebussinis says: "Alter analyzing Jones' Spanish Lily Mute, I find it pommies the most beautiful and natu ral, and at the same ume tnnocent whim I ever saw. I certainly can conactenhously recommend its use to all whose skin requires beautifying!' Price, 25 cents a box. Sold by WM. I CILSON, e 9 Liberty st may 29 - Pitt Machine Work, and ITsausaary. 1,1,631... It, PA. TORN waio & Co., are prepared to build Cotton and Mois ten Machinery of ever. descripuon, such as Carding Machines, Spinning Frames, Speeder. Drawing Frames, Railway Heads, 'Worriers, Spoolers. Dressing Frames. Lcioins. Card Grinders, tr..e. 'Wrested Hon Shafting turned, nit sixes of Cut Iron. Follies and Hangers of the latest patterns, slide and hand Lathes, and tools of all kind. Castings of every description furnished on short notice. patterns made to order for Mill Gearing, Iron Railing. he Steam Pipe for treat ing 'Parlor - les, Cast Invo Window Sash and fancy Cas tings goner-illy. Orders left at the Warehouse of). Palmer h Co.. Lawn) street, will have prompt atten tion. Refer to Blacks., k, Re;! Vt.. I K. Moorehead dr. Co. G K Warner. John Irwin fr. Sons. Pusborgh ; 0. C I II Warner. Steubenville. Ant 9 New Hardware Ju:SEP!! %Vof/DW corner of 9 9 9i1eiti;;14.,..," . . Vocal nod sts., Pittsburgh. ling withdrawn from the firm of I% siker and Voodwell, on the Ist of January. 1947, take pleasure tit announcing to my friend. in the city and country, that I have opeive4 my new store at the above named place tiering purcheaed my goods for rash. awl made arrangements with manulacturers an tha. ru , ntry and 111 lumpy to be constantly supplied, I am fully prepared to furnish Hardware of all lunda, ne as good terrns and as low an any house East or %Vest Merrhanw and others nre respertiu/ly Invited to cell and examine. nay stock, before purrhasing else ,. here. The Follow-ant ronipriaes a part of his Mx kt and saddlery hardware, gun Mau:rungs, file., e Naylor'. steel. ruflety, edge toots, %netts, vice., l ocks. latches. scythes. butt hi tiges. act ear, Union Fac or, planes, saws. nwhortsay boards and veneers, and all other arne,co, connected with the hardware tnasi ra mess chlld Clay Daguerelail T 111.111.... rata . !rvICI rl-outa. 110(4: begs lease to intone the citizens of Pats- CI. burgh and vicooty. that he has taken the Darnero Rooms lately °counted by Mr. Porter. The pub lic are assured that all the law insprovemente ere secu red. and will be brought into operatton by Mr. Hoge, who has been a constant operator since the art was first discovered Enure sausracuon is guaranteed to .11 who nay become his patrons. Me FI. will refer with to Mr Pone, to whose establishment he has operated lot W. la. twelve mouths. Pommy Pol l:a., F.ugra•ings, Daguerreotypes, de.. accurately coped hikenesses taken in any weather, and set in lockets, breast lona rases and frames effil===l • can Mac i toe Shop. H. WIG lam N—k Alanotae turer of all kindsof eat• ton and woiiiirn machinery, Allegheny city, Pa The above work. tieing now in lull and successful op endre, 1 1111 prepared to execute onlers with dispatch or all kinds ot machinery in my line, such as willows, pokers, spreaders, cards, emoting madam., natiways, drawing triunes, speeders, throsule, looms, woolen ends_ double or angle, for merchant or country work, mules,rue k • hc., slide and hand lathes and tools in gen eral All kinds or shading made to order, or plans r y. en for Rearms factories or troll* atreasonable chary., Auld re--Kennett), Child. A Co-, lilackstock, lieu & Co„ King, Pennock k Co,aa A. Gray. BELL AND BRASS FOUNDRY. -- A FULTON, Belt and Brew Founder, has u re, bn and commenced business at 11. old sited, where he win be pleased to see his old custom. en; and (naiads. Church, Steamboat. and Bells of every sine, hem 10 to Baum pounds, cast trona patterns of the most neer°, ed models, and warranted to be of the best material. Mineral Water rumps, Counters, Ratting, he • toge ther with every ear cry of Bra. Cuungs, if required, turned and funibed in the n eatest manner. A. F. the aole proprietor of Bastar's Awn-Arrin ma bin., a. Justly celebrated for the reduction of Buxton t cuschtnery. The Boxes and Comp.:Wuoo can he had of huu at all bores al:11 Plough•, - PlonfECCasitings, Wages Dozes, ate. f, RO B ort turina larva quan tie. of Ploughs, Hough Cutinga, Wag on bole., de.. with the unprovotneitut of the Leaver. Peacock. Illuntoi. and whet Ploughs, of the latest and beat pLIUMIS now use. Warehou,e, WC, I..ihefty at Potsborgh, oppoatte the flay Scale; Factory, 111 Allegheny city neat the Coo . aciory of Alessra Blackstock, Bel ft Co. ilelAly DVOTTVILLE 01. - A - aecwoßta - ; Philadelphia. THE substribers niamitacture and have on hand, Carbo)s for Acids. lierturiohna, covered in • lopes hor manner. and oi omorled not., W ine, Pont, mud iineal Water Buries, mind all k itids of thuggistii . lioule• and Vial., &c w loch they will sell at the low eat pikes Orders will meet with prompt atteoWmt, if addressed in BENNERS, SMITH h CANIPLIELL, :both From street, Platinde!phis GLENN, hook 111asai - a. V4E are soil ,Iptg,-.1 In the shove Ovalness, comer 11 of Wood 11111 i 1 . 11 rd streets, Pittsburgh, where pare prepared to do any work in our line with des h. We attend 10 011( work personally, and satis faction v. ill he gtv in regard to its ally, and du ratallty. Blank Books ruled to any pattern and bound sub manually. Books ni nunthera orold hooka bound care tally or repaired. Names put on books to gilt letuirs. Those that have wink or our line ore invited to call. Prat,. low. rorllttf GREEN 001) GARDENS. vlsrrEas TO This RETREAT c. be furnished with a Lunch at all hours of the day; also, Ice Creams, Fruit Corifsehoitary, he. The steamer Green wood makes her regular tnps as usual, leas.; her Pitt .caret landing at e 4 A. N.. and at hall ptutt each hour ',recto lit 0 0 01 101 P. 31.--leaving the Garden allO P. al. for her lust trip hrt the city. A moonlight ',tea of the Garden It Indescribable in its beauty. o'ls_ cram AVING eold our snare sunk to C H. GRANT, with n view to eto :tog our old busmen, we hereby no n. it for him the pattoonge of all our friends and cue tooier. HO. W. POINDEXTER, TIIE. POINDEXTER- I'ItudAtrgh. Aug Jth, 1945. I IL GRANT. Wholessle Grocer, Commission and J. Forinerillinc hleKh.nm, No. II Wat, st. isst!Si . _ liCoginer for Hale. colour of the izte meamboat Plymouth" will be JL aold at a bargnio Apply to J. K. Liten or oil;. F. (:earl on I.oartl at , ambona • Reavrr dim LOT It/vet-AV Ell—A tore. alto aplandlo WO - natant of Cloths, Caaaltherea, 1 eatings, (or role by L WILLIAMS , MerranI myv and, Monongahela linuae . amithliebi at Ita I HON—luu 1011.. onto ' , unlace trot than, arrn v'ng per Ringgold; b 0 tons Brooklyn Parente& tannin Co. P.) Rot than, for sale by BURBAIDGE, WILSON & Co, Yl9 VIM. a THREE. FINE DEALI(iIfT 110R8111... Three fine Draught Hones (or sale, sail. ble (or &hying, he. Enquire of IVALLINfiFORD tr. Co, canal bate, hbeny . _ fiALP SKINS—JO dos genuine French Calf Skin.,'s kj very fine article. A hew dozen• PhiisidoVihis ns Ski, nom the tosoufsciory of II Crave(ord, to which the attention of hoot makers is invited. nal received and for Wu by W YOUNG is Co, Per 143 !litany at I; it:::tilt Y`;' 'Ms Bealte uts...Naigulipee PUBBANKREIS'ItrAGAZINE, and Rum Financial Register, deveted , lo the'ditalatiatekti of, Beet 81 . 1 i.teh.stetitdreeeflEkelEJeg, QUM and prin ciple, of Ufa ,Insatenco and. Savings Rieke, English arcd'Ameiiesut Law Deeleicnie ieteihieneit to the beld ame of Baas and Hattkers, to. Edited by J. Smith Ikeetwa. Putteelar ettention will be given es heretofore 'oche compilation ot recent detisions respeetini Hanks, Bro k'BOZI.BII e l* ta . ;i f ea r' h*'" ' = Coed ts 'bft' of i lt7 77' sachnsetts, Connectient, N Now York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, South Carolina, ChM, Louhdana, Tennessee, and other Stites. TtdsJet one of tke most impottant features of the work, will in itself clam, the attention of President., Cashiers, Tellers., Notaries and others. Among other detalls of import ance to bankers and others, the work will contain sta tistics of the Banks in every State of tho. Linton: bin-. graphical sketches or prominent Bankers Europe : of Eupe: and Anetricai Official nthles showing the deba hind-! tgmlxpend r uans u it, and linancialtrooditiori of theatre., Published coo Unio n. pages octavo, at Three IMO I Mrs per no Euacrrr& ENousn, 7 8 Wood et. engl Agents for Bankenehlegazine. T HE su .a. bsen a 'be a rs:ha ri p ving b . :boen: lo % Pa ' aglkarried o b i l th . "11 :17:184. ,,na f0r known publishing house, have a (o at supply of theif books on hand, which they can sell at theeastern qtly ear, wholesale and rata Among the Works urluch have been recently issued by them , which have bee n hgl recommended as esceedint interesting and. ...ble• . 84 Y be found—The Czar, Conn and Pero plc; Ireland's Welcome to the Stranger; Bethel Flag by Dr. Seeing; Napoleon-sod his hisestuati Welhing ton and his Generals, TM Sacred MetantainA Orato of Prance; Teaching • Science, the teacher an Artls CharlortelMizabeih's Uniform Works; Arlhar Making Haste to be Rich, Riches have Wings, Hee up Appearances, Debtor and Creditor, &e. am. Also, the works Man the prose of RoberkCartm, the character of whose publications is well known. Tot, retina's Theology, in 4 vol.: Haldane on Rsinuma ?dm Cheyne's works; The Corivreat, by unbar ofSchool Girl in Prance, &c. dm. New books received as soon aa a. published. ELLIOTT lk &NOUS% Z. 4 4.71 78 wood and a$ market 44. NEW BOOKS—History of Cor,gress—Ellesgrap and Political, comproting Memoirs of Members o f the Congress of the Unned States, drawn (root anther,. tic sources; embracing the prominent events or owl lives, and them connecuon with the political history of the times: by Henry O. Wheeler. Illustrated by na. morons sieelltuaus and fac-simile antogrkphs. , Kings and neenr, or, Life in the Palace -..cmulsting of Historical etches of Josephine old Matia Lends% Louis Philippe, FeLdinand of Amanda, Nieto:elm, Isabel; la 11, Leopold, an^ictarlm by John 8 C AbboU. I Barnes Notes on James, Peter, John aid Jude.— Notes, explanatory and practical, en the gfteral mbar des of Junes., Peter, John and Jude: by Abort Barnes Mary Grover, or, the Trusting Wif a —li Demesne Temperance Tale: by Charles Burdett, mitt= of the 'Convict's Child,' &e. • Harold, the Last of the Saxon Hinge: by Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton, Bart. Complete to two parts. Part V. Harper's llltimmurel Edition of the Arabian Nights' Enterumunenti. The stove works received this day, and fro JOHNSTON k STOCKTON, • }yin Booksellers, one Market and 3deta STEW BOOKS—The Wilting. of Cassius ildarcelina .11 Clay, including Speeches and Addresses. Edited, snth a preface and memoir, by Horace ,Greely. The First Book in Spanish; or, a practical intiodu Lion to the study of the Spanish Languavu Co full tiIaRICUCIaI in pronunciation, a grammar, es on the 011endorff method of constant imitation repetition, reading lemons, and, a vocahnitt.u. The whole adapted for the nut of pastes learners, or far classesander an inscroetor. By Joseph Elltkeld, 4. M., author of "A Contpenduans of Classical Asaiqat- Des," etc. Brothersand Sisters, a tale of domestic lirm try Frederik& Bremer. Tiarmiared *am Me otlgiaal wi pe bliabed manuscript, by Mary Hewitt. • The Dying Robb& and other tale. By Joseph Alden, D. a Just received and for We by /Fit JOHNSTON A STODILTON MEW HOOKS—Lecterns oo Shakspeare, by H N Hudson, In two volumes* The Power oldie Pulpit, or plain Mughts addressed to Christian ministers, and those w hear diem, on the UAW.. Of a preached Gospel, by 'lie Bee. .Garding. Spring, D. D. The Peasant and hi.* Landlorl. by the Baroness Kuorring. Translated by Mary Hamm Lamartine's Dimming', Vol. lE. Ifistary of the (E -din, or personal memoir oldie patriots of the French Revolution; from monkish.' sources—by A. de L./i -magine A few copies of each of the More work received this day and for axle by JOHNSTON Ss SW:WM . ON, Bookseller., myp corner market and nd eta NEW 1100*.S. DIONEER HISTORY : Being an accouqt of the first examination of the Ohfo V alley, and the early, settlement of the Northwest Territory, dually from °name' manusencit; containing th e papers of Mr. George Morgan, those of Judge Hark, the diaries of Jo, nab Buell and John Matthevic the reeords of the Ono Company, ice_ ke., with numerous plates and maps. By S. P. Hikirena Oratory of The American. Revolution, by Si. L.. Ma goon. With portraits of Sand. Adams Jag Warren, Patrick Henry. Alex.. Hamilton Fisher Ames and John Randolph. I vol. cloth. Rettnitg from Business, or The Rich Man'i Error, by T S Arthur. A few ropier of each of the shore works received hts day and for sate by /WNSTON & STOCKTON: rept boolfaallera, dor Marker ant/Third SEW BOOKS. . RATORS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, kJ by Maroon, plates of SretL Adarna„ Joseph Warren, Patrick Henry, Alex. Hamlin, Reber eHnea and John Randolph; dedicated to students who are not drones, Chris:tans who are mt bigots. and citizens who are not demagorrues Reurtug from Liminess, or The Fitch Man's Error, by T Arthur. For sale by ELLIOTT & ENGLISH, S weed, and 56 market ma Sook.. I Books I J AMARTINE'S t iBONDIBTR complete, Wendell'a Blackstone. Commentaries, What I saw in Callforam, 47 RM.; The Crtar his coon anti people, including a tour in Norway and Sweden. By Magoon. Pouring tram Busmen, or the Rich Man's Error. By T. S. Arthur. The Banta of Buena runt By Capt. Carleton. Spencers Cres.r. Tyler's Tao um Sehruits'a Rome A general assortment of School and College tent books for sale by B. HOPKINS; sepr Apollo Buildings, Fourth on near hi cod. DOORS! BOOKS::—LectoMs on Theology: 'by the 13 Ins Ft,. John Dick, D. D. published under the supenntendenee, talus son, with • blographitil intro duction by an Amer.. editor—complete tn one vol- Unnght`sTbe,ology, 4 cola. Eihrud's Warta 4 vols. Chalmers' Works, 4 rota. Neander'a Chorea History. lit and 2d vol.. NlToren on the Type. of Chain, (lost pohltahtaL) AI., a large and well selected wank of Thocelogloal, nhacallancous, and School Wok., too solo low loy ELLiarr 3 mvousti, oogOl wood and Se market go IVES, MUSIC—Oh Susannah; Rosa Loot Uncle 11 Ned; What must • Tatryltream be; The Watch. er, doeu; Boatmen Dante; Blhe Juniata; Hatmoine. on's Carolina Melodies, 0 Nos; Lire is but • suife,• The Dream ts Pun The Mout:ltem Mud , . Invitautur, Sleep. mg I dreamed, Love; Avenida Qmekscep; Sayekux Qulckstep; May . (game, complete; Quaker Hill Spring IS star, !twiny Lintrs Swigs, Alvarado Quickstep; I've Reason to be Sad; Ethiobbetn Aire, rartationi , Htpz of Leisure; Sylph Quadrilles, by !footer. O' on Saw Sh Be Kind to Each other, I MELLOR. I'll be no dubmissive Wile re. calvegdt4 by Express and for aale au g at PLANO& fifffillON hand and for tale, the foilowies Piano Fortes, direct from the menotlaw mews, and at Eastern prices; .' No. I. An elegant rosewood:SW ce teves iron. Wanted Keno Forte, made by Chicks woven, 07J No. tt. Some as the above, vs " 3 Rosewood, Chie!cring ; 330 33 „a ~0 ' 400 " 7. 1 . Gala & Co. 280 8 " Chickering,dth " 9 " Manhattan Compny, .310 1. lu Grand (Hem) " 11. Second Plano, Hers, • eu Old Poulos taken tr, part payment for an, of the above, by JOHN It MELLOR, 81 Wood Sole Agent for Chlekeribra Rano Pone., for We.- ern Pennsylvania Splendid New PIS 0.. ~ 114FMTttE submnber, previous t.lenviniti for the East to replenish his stneki wl O (o of the balance o( his Mends 00 hand at manned pm., and on (stow , . hie terms It con ttttt of 0: eholee sanction of Moos nude by Naa s s, Clark, N. V., and Jonas Ctuetknrimr, of ktossoo, Mass., of Worn 0 to 7 owe of rosewood an mahosany, of different styles and prices - if I,RnWrI WM At WoodwolPs, 83 Third ES GFN. ZACHARY TAYLOR.—Portrait of Gen. Z. Taylor, by N Coffey: under the tromethate super intendence and din-coon. of the. undersigned officers, from an original Watch taken from lire, at Cpuums, by Captain knton ADC. Et Connor, 13 B Navy; George A hr Call,A 04-o<orgs Mead, Lien, Topogsvphisil Engineer; Harry Inger soll, II 5 Navy. JOHNSTON ft STOCKTON, ;err Booksellers, nor ad And marker an LOVER'S SONGS—ViT'ilatt you will by Daylight; tYWow hlactuse; Rory O'hlore; Indian Summer ; slaying the Deer, Condoher Row; The Taw: Birds; Fairy Boy; Ask me not what 1 am Thinking 'Low Banked Car, My Mother Dear; odo not wy I love thee not; Forgive, but don' Forget; The Cealtrelion; Angels Whisper; /Homing .Dream; Sweet Jesai4 was Young and Simple; The Northland for Me , Molfy Hawn. For sale by JOHN- H MELLDR., —IC24 81 woods UST PUBLISHED—Art illostrution of the-Types, Allegoric. and Propheeiss of the Old Testament: By William hPEwen, °Knitter of We (iospel .t Dundee. The above popular worit,,ertiir la meteor the Typical Nmoo.. Things and PlaKes of the Old TesMinent, which has Innenut of print Or some time, ,and for winch there has .en a great demand, we have just repulibstied to mat style-209 pages, El mu: Price en ceuts. E4LIOT7' & ENGLISH, augl I 7S wood and 60 martin st NEW WORK BY REAOLSY—The Lilb of Oliver Cromwell, by .1 7' Headley, author of "Napoleon and his Marshals," "The Sacred Mormtaine," •Wasb moon and his (Weans*" etc. ute. Received this day and for sale by JOHXBTON A STOCKTON, Jet Bookmllers, cos market cod DO etc LARANtiEll—Outlines of the Hiatory of Feapoi. from _l2 the ontliou times to *a Revolution of 1815—for rehool. and familie•—wah'ilameron. ..gra.nit., nod huoations for Um examinatitan ilof pupil. /.24 JotinftrtuN & MIXT:FON COUNTINO HOUSE SAND--,TO dos in stare and for sale by utgul • REYNOLDS & GHEE 'PULVERIZED SALREATITS-14 Lae, a ery ear I petior wide, peeked. in pound and belti pouted mars, for retelling; for rale by .4r 2 3 WICK & M'CAN J4l 3?33' DULVEEPSING SA LeIRATUB,-6 casks, a Try an /o .E peaor aroe _ , Just reedaerd for sale by , augla WICK &. brcANb ..s O ATS—aea ease, Joe reed and for saleLty 1 - '' 'L 9 WATERMAN, -- Cl water and 02 fraut st D0TA.914-30 casks purr potash on coasts-a ao!f. solo by styli J & R MOID = NO. 46 HATS, CABS AND BONNETS: PAIMIONAHIsIit HATS. • st ArkirsttutrinaOrtirue p nlIT - itialOSM Ms owoat mousafms mule manta with Saslow Ba 8. Co ( thei most faahionable lumen oftbe eittaf New York.) fista Teg alas supply antis extra IltosSilt Rats, mid barns; pm received a • few eases i xentlemen can be suited with • very rich and beam:llll4W bye antas his'neer Has and Cap Store, tantithLeldetreet,,seeond4inor math of Fourth, where May noted syttat-yariety of Hats and•Capa of his own Manufacture, wholesale wed re tail: Hats made moiler' on shoo notice. man • JAhLES WILSON. COi wg A L Otte :ma I O ts to DlXlard it. ) 0 1111 Farrhboambie Eiptteris,l , - (blur le . Mud and Pifth - DAR7ICULAIL amnia= paid m oar Retail Trade. P Gentlemen can rely upon getting their Hats and Caps from our ratabluan.otof the urr NuSItILLo and won:karma, of the Lot= SW" and at the:hamar rues Merchants, purchasing by .yrbolesale, are n:ac m gly invited mull and exandue our Steck. as we can my with confidence that as rTgard3 ccaltrr and rims, it will not surer in a comparison with any hearse in PhilWelphia. • •tell7l I 4 Pall Fashions for 1848. . 4 3100'ORD & Cos s inaram`man & una,) WML introduce on Saturday, Anima Cdth, the Pall acYle of Hats Jost received from Naar York. Those in want nest neat and beautiful4at. are waited to call at their store' corner of Fiflh and Wood WWI., attg9l .. . . STRAW GOODS. "DEALERS are Binned to examine R. H. PALM:NIPS stock m of a - Straw Good; of the .13 "6 1ilarg in r h , orerme - itible de; doterical do dos Obina Pout do; Coburg do; Rutland dtr French Imer - r; Fro C 7 Omni an. fi 4 - HATrern, Palm tsar Pomona, Hanoi Straw, do Braid, Bar and Braid, do. Also, Artificial Flowers, Ribbons, fix. Straw Bon net Wasehouse,93 market at. maz49 r v a ALFRED 131. KASEIVIIee CHEAPEST Fashionable Hatter in 1 6 1 1Pinsburet. Principal Stars, ?a Fonnb evens. Alanafactaring and accommodation Store, cor ner of Wood areal and Virgin alley.. Highest prices always paid for shipping Fars. Darkly DRY & VARIETY GOODS. OSREMTING • OIL CLOTHS, STOlbs. W. M'CLINTOCK'S CARPET RE, ...•.- • • • . (Yrof the target and.the must choice monk of itRPETING- in the rearket, embracing all th e naval knalitiestiacei Moamar abgrooid manniargoriea that Ernie bear crated rot ditrabilby in &brio end co lors. Tyvy :17elvetillartin Brunel, carpetbir, ": -.. . Els Cheadle a d r Extra loop 3 ply do" ~, Tatted Fine Pop Ingrain do •-" "Wilton do - do do ,Brcooola do COMOU do do Mauuthetured to order In new pawn., adapted to orators, basements and ehamben, Painted Oil Cloths, for dining rooms, entriesormui boles, Iriteheus, &a. Straw Martina, Stair RO,ll, Window Shades and Fixtures, Cotton and Woollen Booking, from one third to three ed.l wide. Draw Mara &o. &e., to 'Which the alum. don of pareltatere at wholesale and retail Is mama, fxdly invited. %tearoom, one door from Wood it. aura W hrOLINTOCH Fa Dry Good. IlliactWatt & White. No. Vi WOOO firesxr, INVITES theimeetten of Western Illerchenia dew I. Lem and freeh mock of _ . FALL AND IVINTEE Day GOODS, which they 70 MAW 76C011ting direct from the Eastern Manufacturers I i IfrOxistera, Ind which they will sell at Eastern jobbing priOes. Hiving every realty for the purchase of goods to the bee advantage and the lower possiblepriees, they conddeotlyinviw 3defehants to examine the modifies and prices of their goods,feeling satiated they can oom pine favorably with any mantel either East or West. Theis stock will eoumnse a full assortment of .21 goods usually kept tu pry Grads House; and will be constantly lecetving ofde of all the new and desi rable styles of goods omestic or foreign manufsej tare, and will only require an examination to be ap remitted. .epl4 E:!=1 NEW and splendid variety, at ZEBULON KINSEY'S, Of Market stroeL SI gold lever Watcher, tßsilver lever asteher Engloth; silverdetsched lever watch er- VD silver L'Eposs wtches; SS tdlyez gnarlier watcher Wine gold eltainr dos new style ear wigs; 5 do: plant gold hoop rings; dos &monad rings; ant sical Wiest playing at variety al popular airy, 15 gross steel slides, all sire. ! ' FANCY GOODS. 5 doz fine Fans, silk and paper; 50dozcommen Fans; 0 dos fine velvet bead h ags, ne new styles: 10 dm fine crotchet bead bags, styles; 5 doz fine crotchet purses, new7Glesl2.s doz fine parasols, .sorted; Stars, tassels, fringes, gilt and silver, for regalias; 10 des fine flower vases assorted; 1 doe fine steel .res pin ensh loins 1 doe fine ivory screw pin cushions; 1 doe fine wood screw pin cushions. A fine assortmenvof new Toys, &e. &e. marl 8 ICW FALL GOODS. UM . YOU NG & CO, 143 Liberty street, invite at yy tennna to their very extensive stock - of Sore Lea ther, Morocco, Tanner , . Oil, Shoe Thread, con.- tmlnif • •erY 'general 31.1410ittlIeUt of goods in their line of basins.; all of which has been selected with great ewe in the &worm eines, and is now °Scrod to pnr /Masers. St reduced prices. An examination of their stock to res. • tinily .11e-he& supra Dry Goods at Wholesale. W. R. MURPHY informs him regular customers . sod buyers generally; that ha has now open his first Fall supply, andinvites Mew examination of his Hock. He is determined to offer his goods I.OW, and to present every ladneement to buyers In the way of one.* end a choice of prods. Wholesale rooms coy stn and Market sts, WI story, entrance from fourth sep6 R. MURPHY has opened this rooming , ,one W. eau Unerrellas, intim:hi American and Seete h gingham, eotton and steel Mane ghtrhasn. One case Pantarda, including gm...du Turk, bib silk and brownalk, damn. sires. Also, are ease bleached Drilla, slot Raman bons, black and colored; white Sane der Linen Gin ham, and notions styles of Bummer GoOds, sel li ng st =rims. ahn l ate A of wjp y er klisimbester Gingham., CHDAP .' BONNI3I4 I. - e A lot of braid and other Bon nets (of last winter's shapes) selling off ai from 37te to $l, as the comer of Ith and Markel sta. 'Wholeeale rooms on MI moray—entrance from 4th We ("FRAGE-St, d.C. 7 -A lee a.t e & Dr bona tow , IJ a beiwtifill satin striped and plaid&nava, or the finest pralines and herein larks, imported; Mao, splen did plain and broeha black Berea. and Palaces, splendid French Lawns, Linen Lustres and Gingham, • fun essonment WA, plain and satin etipe de Lanes and he Alpacees. All these good* have bean purchased at the late per emptory auction Wes in New York sod Philadelphia, setll be snide; a great calamine from regale pnces. ALEXANDER A DAY, rnp4 corner diamond and market st WATCHES ic . I EIVELFLY—Iast recatvalt at no d 7 Market Mem, ad Gold Lover Watches; a, do detached des odo Leplit It Silver Pateat Lever do; a do detached da; ddo Lox. do; Id Gold Guard Chabot, bast quality. Also, a good usertatent of Breast Pins, Ear Riap Finger Rings, Gold Pen , aud Pencils. lrhe ' , above goods. hair been , 'de...lived with. tha last Elea tweaks, and .rill 0016 Id at reduced price.. Per. sous ouslung to purchase a good and cheap Waren, would do well to call previous to pnrchasing. /YID ZEBULON MOISES'. PALL OP 1848. 'oYirß. nonteast corner of Fourth and • Market •u.,i. now opening his early fall stock arretlean sad Imported thy weds. Sayers snit please look before :oohing their parehases. Open . his moroing,a beautiful assortment of Phan t azl:4s . .lreas, suph d . .l.lri:de o Or a %do asolo t sV . do . , style prints ginghams,se,ostlas, linel ' lts, o /te., very low. Lll7 - Wholesale roams on second story.' Gkoda to buyers at about Eastern prism Zderehaoh will do wallas call Ka • AC 1 : 1, Tom BELLY tr. Co. tatteeesssr• Robb, Wt..- ya brener Ye Co.) hlit.B.cuANT T,11.1.4 0.13, WY Chest nut street, Philact4pbia, beg leave to .nform the. Alma and patrons of the Lite Am, and stiantera vistddx; ttus nitit that they are now In nseeiptar the Bp..g and mummer Fastuons Also a choice uld select assort ment of West of Ittnland and French Cloths, Cgs& mem and Vesting', to which they respect:telly in•itti We ..Mention,, . E 0 l/ • lara de.— • Mitrpn; ha* .14- Lo • fear days received an additional simply of Lonallani Nankin:a, (old style,) floe bleasnod common do, oubleactied do, fine Long Ciotti Shirting Irian Cinema, (very low,) white Conan How, lead coi'd do, Paper Camtrnsa, in, at the Dry Goods Denwa N k; comer ttit and Market meets. _ 1:1;lv Wholeatle Rama op hairs. M/SELLDIULL—Maress fe Jonsson, No, se Martel sen:el, have this day opened ease of French Merinos of it colors, also Lyouesa doles. .1- paces, oriental do, <Rahmanp, moos& less, aiLt plaids end woollen do, width will be sold eztreenely Low. "0_ Panay r tome IDECM VED des mamas at lc. A. Mason k Do's, ee Market street, 20 ps sapenor pai-ded cashmeres and morn de lames, iD ps slat mohair I.trea, ,and One des embroidered dresses amps e 4. t uyle. REUNANTribrCA • az A awe Market se, .re ekwleg =I • large lot oritilusAu ot Calicoes, to rally half zhe asaal Pate—to p est co lored Penns at B}c. DLUE AND ORANWEPITIPera, and Mee hirmi- Lo.atick dq eaestaotly 0 hood at lowest. prices, at wholesale room a W R IYIURP as cm 4th sad market anvil etory ket have au opened Amore eases of those very cheap Meal/led DUMB= LI Ele. 'Also, - 4 same 60101 01 theLhhe do. Ah.c., "CO" 1 111 1 01 thaessoutants a, Gahm al Ste. eagli WII.ITE PORCJE:LAIN READS--7rhe aubscritTer having received the sole..ftleforitaleol*Jonea, Whim a 001 Pinta, Gttraplitivot, tar and niaenapi datnes Tttta, tante* benusts , vadat attennon. JOEL MOINLES., Drawn and Apothecary, apt? . tor wood and 6W QEL GOODS—Steell3acCluspii, the be ,uoort a meat in the citiael Dead*, do Ilsit *Nosy* do forte For do; do Purse do dd Clasps{ dcriNkleN do Key Rio; ., . do Top • pzut roo'd id thoupyr Fancy store Wi Olarkei Street. my 16 KII4SEY*. MOM WHMI GCKM:3-1. fa ll anonosost °fidle, eisk , rd and striped Combs Lei, plain and ebt.rdJaeoness, Foos. acid Search &toll, Book nubs, lib." Law., Nadsooks,spoped. dial* Victoria Lawns, Tarieson togethbr wide a WI osioiniswar op ilobtasoa, pinieszd Camp fiettarbaerOS Rditnltoe lar"C 1°- 4,001. of setueb bare jun arrived trek mai im pOrtart, and fat' sale tow' table triffeAr • my,ll , SI:ZAMA= 1 MIME FI eACHINEBANDINO—AVOART6IIAM 011, band • fulLusortosec of Voleapired.lcka Robber Ma oeltandine, CI V.lllllAltoits leinebsia to td Inches .tet orhsots st./LI savedtelladtataogrartsrisisriaos, and tentage to the outeltaoss, o Waal It. aup9 Itt PHILLIPS `ILK GIMPS AND FRINUE2I—.Jost reed u zebu ; lon Massy's, NIL 137 Madre& suect. des yards black ent SBA FT 45 of varicarwidtbs, palierd and Seises; suitable for to. is dos yards Wag., ill 'Odds...nil sty (areas 44 pcs 11e4 silk coat Binding. EMEIZZRO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers